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Name: Muh.

Avif Arya Manggona

NIM : F52123073
Prodi : Sistem informasi

I was really nervous as the first day of college was fast approaching.
After graduating high school, I really wanted to go to college but also
worried intensely if I was truly ready for this transition. I have
dreamed of pursuing my passion in the field of technology for as long
as I can remember, but suddenly the long-awaited moment is now
truly here. Will I be able to blend in socially? Am I able to handle the
academic load well? I tried to calm myself that everything would go
smoothly, but in my heart doubts were churning fiercely which
always made my stomach hurt.

On the first morning, I hurriedly stuffed my things into my backpack

and rushed out of the house with only a few minutes to spare. I sat
tensely in traffic as my mind swirled with confusion and doubt. What
if I decide wrong? When i arrived at the morning lecture, i took a
panicked breath and headed to class, it turned out that all the chairs
were full but fortunately there was one empty place near the lab
operator’s desk. As the lecturer enthusiastically introduced himself, I
glanced nervously at the other new students and prayed fervently
that this chapter of my life would be successful.
The weeks went by busy with lots of non-stop tasks. I studied hard
for my major subjects, often working late into the night while many
others slept soundly in the boarding house. I will prove that I have
the skills and dedication required for this level. Gradually, forming
deep friendships filled my free time well, helping me adapt socially as
I had previously worried. Gradually, the campus environment feels
more natural rather than scary and foreign

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