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Diajukan untuk memenuhi sebagian persyaratan memperoleh gelar Doktor

Manajemen Pendidikan

NPM 073122015





Nama : Halimatusha’diah
Nomor Pokok Mahasiswa : 073122015
Usulan Judul Disertasi : Penguatan Pengembangan Karir, Kompensasi,
Motivasi Kerja, dan Komitmen terhadap
Organisasi dalam Upaya Meningkatkan
Kepuasan Kerja (Analisis Jalur dan
SITOREM pada Guru PPPK Sekolah
Menengah Atas di Kabupaten Karawang)
Pembimbing Akademik : Prof. Dr. Bibin Rubini, M.Pd.

No. Nama Tanda Tangan Tanggal

Pembimbing Akademik
Prof. Dr. Bibin Rubini, M.Pd.

Kaprodi Manajemen Pendidikan

Prof. Dr. Sri Setyaningsih, M.Si.



Berisi uraian tentang Tema Penelitian. Secara umum Tema Penelitian adalah sesuatu

yang penting untuk diteliti dalam manajemen pendidikan di Indonesia, khususnya

sesuatu yang penting terkait dengan pencapaian tujuan pendidikan.


1. Tema : Kepuasan Kerja

2. Sintesis : Kepuasan kerja adalah persepsi seseorang, baik positif maupun negatif,

tentang apa yang dirasakan terhadap pekerjaannya.

3. Indikator :

a. Perasaan terhadap pekerjaan itu sendiri

b. Kondisi lingkungan kerja

c. Sikap pemimpin terhadap anggota

d. Hubungan dengan rekan kerja

e. Kesempatan untuk maju

f. Imbalan yang layak/sesuai

g. Penghargaan

4. Definisi Konseptual:

Kepuasan kerja adalah persepsi seseorang, baik positif maupun negatif, tentang apa

yang dirasakan terhadap pekerjaannya, yang terukur melalui perasaan terhadap

pekerjaan itu sendiri, kondisi lingkungan kerja, sikap pemimpin terhadap anggota,

hubungan dengan rekan kerja, kesempatan unntuk maju, imbalan yang

layak/sesuai, dan penghargaan.


5. Definisi Operasional:

Kepuasan kerja adalah persepsi guru, baik positif maupun negatif, tentang apa yang

dirasakan terhadap pekerjaannya di sekolah, yang terukur melalui perasaan terhadap

pekerjaan itu sendiri, kondisi lingkungan kerja, sikap pemimpin terhadap anggota,

hubungan dengan rekan kerja, kesempatan unntuk maju, imbalan yang layak/sesuai,

dan penghargaan.



Berisi uraian tentang pentingnya tema terkait dengan pendidikan/manajemen

pendidikan/ pencapaian tujuan pendidikan dan tentang keadaan saat akan diteliti,

dilengkapi paparan ringkas hasil penelitian dari jurnal terbaru yang relevan sebagai

pendukung bahwa penelitian mengungkapkan hal terkini berkaitan dengan tema (state

of the art), dan paparan ringkas data hasil penelitian pendahuluan.


Pegawai Pemerintah dengan Perjanjian Kerja atau disebut PPPK adalah

Warga Negara Indonesia yang memenuhi syarat tertentu, yang diangkat berdasarkan

perjanjian kerja untuk jangka waktu tertentu dalam rangka melaksanakan tugas


PPPK merupakan jalan keluar yang diambil oleh pemerintah untuk

memecahkan berbagai permasalahan kepegawaian pada instansi pemerintahan di

Indonesia yang tidak kunjung selesai dimana pemerintah sebenarnya kekurangan

pegawai untuk mengelola pemerintahan. Pengangkatan PPPK terbesar terjadi pada

sektor pendidikan yaitu sebagai guru, hal ini menjadi jalan keluar dari polemik

pengangkatan guru honor menjadi PNS yang sebelumnya sudah mengabdi dalam

jangka waktu yang lama namun statusnya masih sebagai guru honorer yang belum

diakui negara.

Pembukaan formasi PPPK dianggap menjadi solusi dua arah antara

pemerintah dan pegawai honorer yang mengabdi pada negara. Di satu sisi negara butuh

pegawai untuk menjalankan pemerintahan dan di sisi lain para pegawai honor juga

membutuhkan pengakuan negara serta mendapatkan gaji yang lebih layak dan berstatus

menjadi Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN).

Pemerintah sebelumnya sudah memiliki Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN)

sebagai pelayan masyarakat yang menyelenggarakan pemerintahan, dalam prakteknya

sekarang pemerintah juga memiliki pegawai yang disebut PPPK yang mana keduanya

memiliki tugas yang sama dalam pemerintahan. Pada prakteknya di lapangan, PPPK

guru tidak memiliki perbedaan tugas utama dengan ASN guru, keduanya memiliki

tanggung jawab dan beban kerja yang sama sebagai kewajiban mengajar kepada peserta


Petunjuk Teknis Pengadaan Pegawai Pemerintah Dengan Perjanjian Kerja

(2020) yang tercantum dalam Peraturan BKN Nomor 18 Tahun 2020 menunjukan

adanya beberapa perbedaan antara PPPK dengan ASN antara lain tidak adanya jaminan

pensiun, tidak adanya jenjang karir atau kenaikan pangkat dan golongan, perbedaan

tunjangan antara ASN dengan PPPK, perbedaan seragam yang digunakan dalam

bekerja serta berlakunya sistem perjanjian kontrak kerja antar waktu.

Sejatinya, PPPK merupakan ASN atau pegawai pemerintah dan memiliki

NIP kepegawaian yang diakui oleh negara. Namun di lapangan bisa ditemukan

beberapa kontroversi terkait perbedaan ASN dengan PPPK sehingga ada beberapa

gerakan dari tim yang mengatasamakan perwakilan PPPK untuk mengajukan


penyamaan hak dan kewajiban antara ASN dengan PPPK atau mengajukan perubahan

status dari PPPK untuk menjadi ASN. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa PPPK berbeda

dengan ASN pada umumnya, di mana pada PPPK tidak ada jenjang karir seperti

kenaikan pangkat atau golongan serta berlakunya sistem kontrak yang diperpanjang

pada jangka waktu tertentu.

Berdasarkan data Badan Kepegawaian Negara tahun 2022 banyak dari guru

yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi PPPK mengundurkan diri. Pada seleksi tahap 1, terdapat

104 orang mengundurkan diri. Tahap 2 sebanyak 280 mengundurkan diri. Dari jumlah

tersebut, paling banyak guru PPPK yang mengundurkan diri berasal dari Provinsi Jawa

Barat, yaitu 39 orang. Berbagai alasan yang disampaikan oleh peserta yang

mengundurkan diri, salah satunya karena ketidakpuasan mereka terhadap gaji dan

tunjangan yang tidak sesuai harapan (Sutardi, 2022).

Peneliti melihat pentingnya pelayanan PPPK terutama guru dalam

melakukan tugasnya dalam pendidikan. Sehingga kepuasan kerja guru PPPK serta hal-

hal yang mempengaruhi kepuasan kerjanya perlu untuk diperhatikan bersama agar

proses pelayanan pendidikan dapat berjalan dengan baik. Banyak hal yang dapat

menjadi faktor penyebab kurangnya kepuasan kerja guru PPPK, diantaranya yaitu

kompensasi yang tidak sesuai harapan sebagaimana yang telah disebutkan pada kasus

di atas, serta jenjang karir yang terbatas. Hal tersebut tentunya dapat mempengaruhi

motivasi guru-guru PPPK dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya di sekolah, sehingga

dikhawatirkan dapat berdampak pula pada komitmen mereka terhadap sekolah.

Kondisi mengenai kurangnya kepuasan kerja guru PPPK juga diperkuat

dengan data hasil survey pendahuluan mengenai kepuasan kerja yang dilakukan kepada

guru-guru PPPK SMAN di Kabupaten Karawang sebanyak 26 orang yang berasal dari

8 sekolah. Hasil survey menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 18% kepuasan guru PPPK yang

masih perlu ditingkatkan dalam hal perasaan mereka terhadap pekerjaan mereka saat

ini; 24% kepuasan guru PPPK yang masih perlu ditingkatkan melalui kondisi

lingkungan kerjanya; 31% kepuasan guru PPPK yang masih perlu ditingkatkan melalui

sikap pimpinan terhadapnya; 17% kepuasan guru PPPK yang masih perlu ditingkatkan

melalui hubungan kerja dengan sesama rekan kerja; 22% kepuasan guru PPPK yang

masih perlu ditingkatkan dalam hal kesempatan yang diberikan kepada mereka sebagai

PPPK untuk maju; 51% kepuasan guru PPPK yang masih perlu ditingkatkan dalam hal

imbalan yang layak bagi mereka sebagai PPPK; dan 50% kepuasan guru PPPK yang

masih perlu ditingkatkan melalui penghargaan terhadap mereka sebagai PPPK.

Berdasarkan kondisi di atas, penulis merasa perlu untuk meneliti lebih jauh

tentang kepuasan kerja yang dirasakan oleh guru-guru PPPK beserta variabel-variabel

yang teridentifikasi dari pembahasan di atas, yang diduga dapat mempengaruhi tingkat

kepuasan kerja guru PPPK, yaitu pengembangan karir, kompensasi, motivasi kerja, dan

komitmen terhadap organisasi. Dengan demikian, tema yang diangkat dalam penelitian

ini adalah Kepuasan Kerja Guru PPPK SMAN di Kabupaten Karawang.



Berisi uraian tentang maksud dilakukan penelitian terkait dengan latar belakang

pemilihan tema.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah upaya peningkatan kepuasan kerja

dapat dilakukan melalui pengembangan karir, kompensasi, motivasi, dan komitmen




Berisi uraian tentang manfaat penelitian, ditinjau dari aspek teoretis maupun praktis.


1. Manfaat teoritis; penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan sumbangan

pengetahuan dalam bidang manajemen pendidikan khususnya terkait dengan

kepuasan kerja.

2. Manfaat praktis; hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi

pemikiran kepada beberapa pihak, yaitu:

a. Pemerintah Pusat maupun Daerah; penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi

masukan bagi pemerintah sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam menentukan

kebijakan selanjutnya untuk meningkatkan kepuasan kerja guru PPPK.

b. Mahasiswa dan masyarakat umum; penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi

referensi bagi mahasiswa, khususnya jurusan Manajemen Pendidikan, serta

masyarakat lainnya yang tertarik untuk meneliti tentang kepuasan kerja

kaitannya dengan pengembangan karir, kompensasi, motviasi, dan komitmen




Berisi uraian tentang temuan dan kebaruan hasil penelitian yang secara signifikan

dapat dikontribusikan bagi kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan khususnya terkait tema, upaya

peningkatan capaian tujuan pendidikan. Kebaharuan dapat berupa temuan-temuan

penelitian, intervening variabel, deskripsi komprehensif mengenai suatu fenomena

baru, rekomendasi-rekomendasi, model dan/atau produk.



1. Belum ada penelitian yang membahas tentang kepuasan kerja terkait dengan

pengembangan karir, kompensasi, motivasi, dan komitmen organsiasi pada unit

analisis Guru PPPK Sekolah Menengah Atas, khususnya di Kabupaten Karawang.

2. Ditemukan sistesis baru untuk variabel kepuasan kerja dan variabel terkait lainnya

yang berpengaruh langsung terhadap kepuasan kerja Guru PPPK.

3. Ditemukan alternatif solusi untuk meningkatkan kepuasan kerja Guru PPPK

melalui peningkatan pengembangan karir, kompensasi, motivasi kerja, dan

komitmen terhadap organisasi.



Berisi uraian tentang cara dan metode penelitian yang dipilih untuk melakukan

penelitian. Metode tersebut dapat berupa penelitian kualitatif, kuantitatif, mix methods,

evaluasi program, atau pengembangan model. Deskripsikan langkah-langkah

penelitian yang dilakukan dan jadwal penelitian yang direncanakan.


1. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei dan

dianalisis menggunakan analisis jalur (path analysis). Sebagaimana dikutip dari

Setyaningsih (2021) analisis jalur adalah teknik untuk menganalisis hubungan

sebab akibat yang terjadi pada regresi berganda jika variabel bebasnya

mempengaruhi variabel tergantung tidak hanya secara langsung tetapi juga tidak

langsung. Teknik ini digambarkan dengan model diagram jalur untuk

menggambarkan adanya hubungan antar variabel bebas dengan terikat.

2. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan Analisis SITOREM (Scientific Identification

Theory to Conduct Operation Research in Education Management). Analisis


SITOREM merupakan metode ilmiah untuk mengidentifikasi variabel-variabel

untuk melaksanakan operation research dalam bidang manajemen pendidikan.

Analisis ini digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kekuatan pengaruh antara variabel

bebas dengan variabel terikat, analisis nilai indikator vaiabel penelit.ian, dan

analisis terhadap bobot masing-masing indikator dari tiap variabel penelitian

berdasarkan cost, benefit, urgency, dan importance. (Setyaningsih, 2021)

3. Terdapat 3 kriteria dalam SITOREM untuk menetapkan urutan prioritas

penanganan indikator, yaitu:

a. Kekuatan pengaruh antar variabel yang diperoleh dari uji hipotesis.

b. Urutan prioritas penanganan indikator hasil penelitian dari ekspert.

c. Nilai indikator yang diperoleh dari perhitungan data yang diperoleh dari

jawaban responden penelitian.

4. Populasi dan Sampel

Populasi penelitian ini adalah Guru PPPK SMA se-Kabupaten Karawang.

Tabel 1

Daftar Jumlah Guru PPPK SMA Negeri di Kab. Karawang

No. Nama Sekolah Jumlah Guru PPPK
1 SMAN 1 Majalaya 16
2 SMAN 1 Pangkalan 15
3 SMAN 1 Ciampel 7
4 SMAN 1 Klari 27
5 SMAN 2 Cikampek 23
6 SMAN 3 Cikampek 23
7 SMAN 1 Jatisari 27
8 SMAN 1 Lemahabang 19
9 SMAN 1 Telagasari 21
10 SMAN 1 Rawamerta 16
11 SMAN 1 Rengasdengklok 36

12 SMAN 1 Pedes 24
13 SMAN 1 Cibuaya 9
14 SMAN 1 Tirtajaya 13
15 SMAN 1 Batujaya 32
16 SMAN 1 Banyusari 11
17 SMAN 1 Cikampek 27
18 SMAN 1 Cilamaya 33
19 SMAN 1 Tanjung Barat 9
20 SMAN 1 Tanjung Timur 26
21 SMAN 2 Tanjung Timur 14
22 SMAN 2 Karawang 23
23 SMAN 5 Karawang 13
24 SMAN 1 Karawang 11
25 SMAN 3 Karawang 13
26 SMAN 4 Karawang 19
27 SMAN 1 Tempuran 20
28 SMAN 6 Karawang 22
29 SMAN 1 Tegalwaru 8
30 SMAN 2 Klari 9
Total 496
Sumber: Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat, 2022

Teknik pengambilan sampel yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini

adalah simple random sampling.

5. Rencana jadwal penelitian sebagaimana pada tabel berikut.

2023 2024 2025

No. Kegiatan Agt Sept Okt-Des Jan-Agt Sept-Des Jan-Agt

3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 usulan


3 proposal

4 proposal dan

Uji coba

6 dan

Analisis data

8 hasil





Berisi uraian tentang referensi yang digunakan berkaitan dengan tema penelitian yang

dipilih. Deskripsi sesuai ketentuan dari panduan penulisan disertasi, dipersyaratkan

minimal 10 referensi dengan prioritas sumber dari jurnal internasional (terbitan jurnal 5

tahun terakhir). Tidak diperkenankan menggunakan referensi sekunder.



a. Deskripsi teoretik variabel Pengembangan Karir terhadap Kompensasi, Motivasi

Kerja, Komitmen Organisasi, dan Kepuasan Kerja

Katharina & Dewi (2020) dalam hasil penelitiannya menunjukkan bahwa

pengembangan karir yang jelas memiliki dampak positif pada kepuasan kerja

karyawan. Tingkat kepuasan kerja karyawan dipengaruhi oleh kesempatan

pengembangan karir di dalam organisasi, dengan mengimplementasikan semua upaya

pengembangan karir untuk meningkatkan tingkat kepuasan kerja karyawan, yang pada

akhirnya akan menghasilkan peningkatan efisiensi kerja dan produktivitas. Salah satu

cara yang sangat ditekankan oleh manajemen untuk mencapai kepuasan dan

mempertahankan karyawan saat ini adalah melalui pengembangan karir. Semakin baik

proses pengembangan karir karyawan, semakin besar kemungkinan meningkatkan

kepuasan karyawan.

Pendapat di atas diperkuat dengan pendapat dari Widodo (2018) bahwa bagi

karyawan atau anggota organisasi program pengembangan karir akan dapat

memberikan manfaat, salah satunya adalah meningkatkan pekerjaan saat ini dan

menambah kepuasan bekerja. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa

pengembangan karir dapat meningkatkan kepuasan kerja seseorang dalam organisasi.

Selanjutnya, teori Herzberg dalam Rice University (2019) menjelaskan

bahwa tingginya kepuasan kerja dapat dipengaruhi faktor-faktor pendorong/motivator,

yaitu (a) berprestasi, (b) pekerjaan yang berarti, (c) kesempatan untuk maju, (d)

peningkatan tanggung jawab, (e) pengakuan, dan (f) kesempatan untuk berkembang.

Pendapat ini menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan karir dapat menjadi faktor

pendorong untuk tercapainya kepuasan kerja seseorang, yaitu melalui kesempatan

untuk maju dan berkembang yang diberikan organisasi kepada karyawan, serta

peningkatan tanggung jawab, seperti mendapatkan jabatan yang lebih tinggi. Teori

Herzberg ini diilustrasikan sebagaimana pada gambar berikut.

Gambar 1

Teori Herzberg tentang Kepuasan Kerja

(Rice University, 2019)

b. Deskripsi teoretik variabel Kompensasi terhadap Motivasi Kerja, Komitmen

Organisasi, dan Kepuasan Kerja

Robbins & Coulter (2016) menjelaskan bahwa seorang manajer harus dapat

mengembangkan sistem kompensasi yang mencerminkan perubahan sifat pekerjaan

dan tempat kerja agar karyawan tetap termotivasi untuk bekerja.


Selanjutnya, Teori Herzberg dalam Rice University juga menjelaskan bahwa

ada dua tahap untuk mengelola motivasi dan kepuasan karyawan. Pertama, manajer

harus mengatasi faktor-faktor higienis (hygiene factors) yang dapat mengganggu

karyawan dalam pekerjaannya dan cenderung membuat mereka tidak termotivasi.

Faktor-faktor tersebut adalah yang terkait dengan kebutuhan dasar, seperti bayaran

yang cukup, kondisi kerja yang aman dan bersih, dan kesempatan untuk interaksi sosial

terpenuhi. Kedua, manajer juga harus mengatasi kebutuhan pendorong yang jauh lebih

kuat dan bersifat jangka panjang, seperti pengakuan, tanggung jawab, prestasi, dan

aktualisasi diri. Jika kebutuhan pendorong diabaikan, kepuasan jangka panjang dan

motivasi tinggi tidak mungkin terjadi. Namun, ketika kebutuhan pendorong terpenuhi,

karyawan merasa puas dan termotivasi untuk bekerja dengan baik. (Rice University,


Pendapat lain dari Edison et al. (2018) juga menjelaskan hal senada bahwa

kompensasi memiliki hubungan dengan motivasi dan kepuasan kerja. Sebab,

pegawai/karyawan yang terpenuhi kompensasinya, maka motivasinya jauh lebih baik

dibandingkan dengan pegawai/karyawan yang bekerja pada perusahaan/organisasi

yang tidak memberikan kompensasi yang layak. Jika motivasi meningkat, pada

akhirnya timbul kepuasan kerja yang berimplikasi dalam peningkatan kinerja.

Selanjutnya, menurut Hasibuan dalam Widodo (2018) tujuan pemberian

kompensasi, antara lain adalah (a) membuat ikatan kerjasama, (b) meningkatkan

kepuasan kerja, (c) pengadaan efektif, (d) meningkatkan motivasi, (e) menjaga

stabilitas karyawan, (f) menerapkan kedisiplinan, (g) menghindari pengaruh serikat

buruh, (h) menghindari intervensi pemerintah. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa

pemberian kompensasi dapat memberikan pengaruh terhadap motivasi dan kepuasan


Selanjutnya pendapat dari McShane & Von Glinow (2018) menjelaskan

tentang persepsi atas keadilan hasil atau yang dianggap sebagai imbalan yang adil bagi

pekerja. Jika hasil seperti gaji dan promosi dianggap tidak adil dibandingkan dengan

orang lain dalam pekerjaan serupa yang membutuhkan usaha serupa, pekerja akan

merasakan ketidakpuasan dan mencari cara untuk mengembalikan keseimbangan, baik

dengan mencari imbalan yang lebih besar (terutama ekstrinsik) atau dengan

mengurangi usaha. Kepuasan kerja memiliki arti penting utama bagi individu.

Vance (2006) menjelaskan dikarenakan komitmen membutuhkan investasi

waktu serta energi mental dan emosional, kebanyakan orang membuat komitmen

dengan harapan adanya reciprocation atau pertukaran yang setara. Artinya, orang

menganggap bahwa sebagai imbalan atas komitmen mereka, mereka akan

mendapatkan sesuatu yang berharga sebagai balasan, seperti bantuan, kasih sayang,

hadiah, perhatian, barang, uang, dan properti. Di dunia kerja, karyawan dan pengusaha

tradisionalnya telah membuat perjanjian yang tersirat: sebagai imbalan atas komitmen

para pekerja, organisasi akan memberikan bentuk-bentuk nilai kepada karyawan,

seperti pekerjaan yang aman dan kompensasi yang adil. Reciprocity memengaruhi

intensitas dari suatu komitmen. Ketika entitas atau individu yang telah diberi

komitmen oleh seseorang gagal memberikan pertukaran yang diharapkan, maka

komitmen tersebut akan melemah.

c. Deskripsi teoretik variabel Motivasi Kerja terhadap Komitmen Organisasi dan

Kepuasan Kerja

Kreitner & Kinicki (2010) mengungkapkan hasil analisis meta dari sembilan

studi dan 1.739 pekerja mengungkapkan hubungan positif yang signifikan antara

motivasi dan kepuasan kerja. Karena kepuasan terhadap pengawasan juga berkorelasi

signifikan dengan motivasi, para manajer disarankan untuk mempertimbangkan


bagaimana perilaku mereka memengaruhi kepuasan karyawan. Para manajer memiliki

potensi untuk meningkatkan motivasi karyawan melalui berbagai upaya untuk

meningkatkan kepuasan kerja. Motivasi dan variable-variabel lainnya yang berkorelasi

dengan kepuasan kerja juga dideskripsikan dalam gambar berikut.

Gambar 2

Korelasi tentang Kepuasan Kerja

(Kreitner & Kinicki, 2010)

Selanjutnya, pendapat dari Colquitt et al. (2019) menjelaskan bahwa

hubungan antara motivasi dan komitmen organisasi tampak mudah dipahami. Pada

dasarnya, bentuk-bentuk penarikan diri secara psikologis dan fisik yang mencirikan

karyawan yang kurang berkomitmen adalah bukti dari tingkat motivasi yang rendah.

Penelitian tentang kesetaraan dan komitmen organisasi memberikan wawasan paling

jelas tentang hubungan motivasi dan komitmen. Secara khusus, karyawan yang merasa

adil cenderung lebih terikat emosional dengan perusahaan mereka dan merasa

memiliki kewajiban yang lebih kuat untuk tetap bertahan. Penjelasan tersebut disajikan

pula dalam bagan berikut ini.

Gambar 3

Pengaruh Motivasi terhadap Kinerja dan Komitmen Organisasional

(Colquitt et al., 2019)

d. Deskripsi teoretik variabel Komitmen Organisasi terhadap Kepuasan Kerja

McShane & Von Glinow (2018) menjelaskan perbedaan individu yang

penting salah satunya yaitu keterlibatan dalam pekerjaan dan komitmen terhadap

organisasi. Masing-masing orang akan berbeda tentang sejauh mana (1) pekerjaan

merupakan minat utama dalam hidup, (2) mereka secara aktif berpartisipasi dalam

pekerjaan, (3) mereka memandang pekerjaan sebagai hal yang sentral bagi harga diri,

dan (4) mereka memandang pekerjaan sebagai sesuatu yang konsisten dengan konsep

diri. Orang yang tidak terlibat dalam pekerjaan mereka atau dalam organisasi tempat

mereka bekerja tidak dapat diharapkan mencapai kepuasan yang sama seperti mereka

yang terlibat. Variabel ini menjelaskan mengapa dua pekerja dapat melaporkan

tingkat kepuasan yang berbeda untuk tingkat kinerja yang sama. Ini berarti bahwa

tingkat kepuasan seseorang juga dipengaruhi oleh komitmennya terhadap organisasi




Formulasi judul penelitian disertasi yang akan dilakukan.


Penguatan Pengembangan Karir, Kompensasi, Motivasi Kerja, dan Komitmen terhadap

Organisasi dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kepuasan Kerja (Analisis Jalur dan SITOREM

pada Guru PPPK Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kabupaten Karawang)



Berisi daftar referensi yang digunakan dalam penyusunan dokumen seminar judul.


Badan Kepegawaian Negara. (2020). Petunjuk Teknis Pengadaan Pegawai Pemerintah

dengan Perjanjian Kerja. Peraturan BKN No. 18.
Colquitt, J. A., Lepine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019). Organizational Behavior:
Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace. McGraw-Hill Education.
Edison, E., Anwar, Y., & Komariyah, I. (2018). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia.
Katharina, L. P. P., & Dewi, A. A. S. K. (2020). The Effect of Career Development on
Employee Performance Through Work Satisfaction as A Variable of Mediation.
International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 22(1), 1–7.
Kreitner, R., & Kinicki, A. (2010). Organizational Behavior. McGraw-Hill.

McShane, S. L., & Von Glinow, M. A. (2018). Organizational Behavior: Emerging

Knowledge, Global, Reality. McGraw-Hill Education.
Rice University. (2019). Organizational Behavior. OpenStax.
Robbins, S. P., & Coulter, M. (2016). Management. Pearson.
Setyaningsih, S. (2021). Penguatan Sumber Daya Manajemen Pendidikan Melalui
Analisis Jalur (Path Analysis) & Metode SITOREM. Alfabeta.
Sutardi, D. (2022, May 31). 400 CPNS PPPK Mengundurkan Diri, Paling Banyak Jawa
Barat. Disway.Id.
Vance, R. J. (2006). Employee Engagement and Commitment. SHRM Foundation.
Widodo, S. E. (2018). Manajemen Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia. Pustaka



Berisi data hasil penelitian pendahuuan. Untuk lampiran referensi terdiri atas salinan dari

cover, daftar isi dan bagian referensi yang disitasi.


(Penelitian Menggunakan Analisis Jalur dan Metode SITOREM pada Guru PPPK Kabupaten

NPM: 073122015


A. Pengantar

Sebagai langkah awal membuat penelitian, diperlukan data-data dari lapangan untuk

mengetahui tentang kondisi yang sebenarnya. Data-data tersebut dibutuhkan untuk

menguatkan dugaan awal tentang suatu permasalahan yang akan diteliti. Oleh karenanya

dibutuhkan survey pendahuluan untuk memperoleh data-data tersebut.

B. Tujuan

Tujuan penelitian pendahuluan ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi aktual tentang

kepuasan kerja pada guru PPPK SMA di Kabupaten Karawang.

C. Waktu dan Tempat Penelitian

Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 18 - 20 September 2023. Survey dilakukan pada 8 SMAN di

Kab. Karawang, yaitu:

1. SMAN 1 Batujaya

2. SMAN 1 Ciampel

3. SMAN 1 Cikampek

4. SMAN 1 Klari

5. SMAN 1 Majalaya

6. SMAN 1 Telukjambe Barat

7. SMAN 2 Klari

8. SMAN 2 Telukjambe Timur

D. Metode dan Respoden

Metode yang dilakukan pada penelitian pendahuluan ini adalah metode survey dengan

menyebarkan kuesioner kepada responden. Responden pada survey ini adalah guru-guru
PPPK SMAN di Kab. Karawang. Adapun jumlah respoden yang mengisi kuesioner ini

sebanyak 26 orang.

E. Hasil Penelitian Pendahuluan

Berdasarkan data yang telah diperoleh dari lapangan, didapat hasil survey sebagai berikut:

1. Perasaan terhadap pekerjaan itu sendiri

Terdapat 18% kepuasan guru PPPK yang masih perlu ditingkatkan dalam hal

perasaan mereka terhadap pekerjaan mereka saat ini.

2. Kondisi lingkungan kerja

Terdapat 24% kepuasan guru PPPK yang masih perlu ditingkatkan melalui kondisi

lingkungan kerjanya.

3. Sikap pemimpin terhadap anggota

Terdapat 31% kepuasan guru PPPK yang masih perlu ditingkatkan melalui sikap

pimpinan terhadapnya.

4. Hubungan dengan rekan kerja

Terdapat 17% kepuasan guru PPPK yang masih perlu ditingkatkan melalui hubungan

kerja dengan sesama rekan kerja.

5. Kesempatan untuk maju

Terdapat 22% kepuasan guru PPPK yang masih perlu ditingkatkan dalam hal

kesempatan yang diberikan kepada mereka sebagai PPPK untuk maju.

6. Imbalan yang layak/sesuai

Terdapat 51% kepuasan guru PPPK yang masih perlu ditingkatkan dalam hal imbalan

yang layak bagi mereka sebagai PPPK.

7. Penghargaan

Terdapat 50% kepuasan guru PPPK yang masih perlu ditingkatkan melalui

penghargaan terhadap mereka sebagai PPPK.

F. Kesimpulan

Berdasarkan hasil survey yang telah diperoleh, dapat disimpulkan bahwa guru PPPK

SMA di Kabupaten Karawang masih belum merasakan kepuasan kerja yang tinggi.

Dengan demikian diperlukan adanya penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui faktor-

faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja guru PPPK SMA di Kab. Karawang, sehingga

hasil penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam memperbaiki

dan meningkatkan kepuasan kerja guru-guru PPPK SMA di Kab. Karawang.

Lampiran 1

Analisis Data Jawaban Angket Survey Penelitian Pendahuluan

Jumlah Respon
No. Indikator Kesimpulan

1 Perasaan Menjadi guru 8 6 4 0 0 18% guru

terhadap PPPK adalah PPPK belum
pekerjaan pekerjaan yang merasa puas
itu sendiri saya harapkan terhadap
selama ini pekerjaannya
saat ini
Menjadi guru 6 14 6 0 0
PPPK membuat
saya merasa
nyaman dalam

Menjadi guru 10 12 4 0 0
merupakan hal
yang sangat
berharga bagi
kehidupan saya

Salah satu 6 15 3 2 0
terbesar dalam
bekerja adalah
menjadi guru
PPPK di tempat
saya bekerja

Jumlah 30 55 17 2 0 104

Persentase 29% 53% 16% 2% 0% 100%

2 Kondisi Lingkungan 5 13 7 1 0 24% guru

lingkungan tempat saya PPPK belum
kerja bertugas merasa puas
sekarang dengan
merupakan kondisi
tempat paling lingkungan
nyaman yang kerjanya saat
saya rasakan ini
selama saya
bekerja sebagai

Saya merasa 6 17 3 0 0
dukungan penuh
untuk berkarya
sebagai guru
PPPK dari
lingkungan kerja
yang sekarang

Kondisi 6 11 8 1 0
lingkungan kerja
saya sekarang
adalah kondisi
kerja yang
paling saya
dambakan dalam
tugas sebagai
guru PPPK

Saya mencapai 6 15 5 0 0
yang tinggi
sebagai guru
PPPK karena
dukungan rekan

Jumlah 23 56 23 2 0 104

Persentase 22% 54% 22% 2% 0% 100%

3 Sikap Pimpinan saya 4 13 8 1 0 32% guru

pemimpin berhasil PPPK belum
terhadap membuat saya puas dengan
anggota memperoleh sikap
prestasi yang pimpinan
baik sebagai terhadapnya
guru PPPK saat ini
Pimpinan saya 4 14 8 0 0
membuat saya
merasa bahagia
terhadap saya
sebagai guru

Saya ingin selalu 3 10 12 1 0

bekerja dengan
pimpinan saya
dalam jangka
waktu yang lama

Perlakuan 4 13 8 1 0
pimpinan saya
membuat saya
merasa puas
dalam bekerja
sebagai guru

Setiap arahan 6 17 3 0 0
yang diberikan
oleh pimpinan
membantu saya
kinerja sebagai
guru PPPK

Jumlah 21 67 39 2 0 130

Persentase 16% 52% 30% 2% 0% 100%

4 Hubungan Membantu rekan 7 14 4 0 0 17% guru

dengan kerja membuat PPPK belum
rekan kerja saya merasa cukup puas
bahagia sebagi dengan
guru PPPK di hubungan
tempat saya yang
mengajar terbangun
rekan kerja

Bekerjasama 7 13 6 0 0
dalam waktu
yang lama
dengan rekan
kerja di sekolah
ini merupakan
hal yang saya

Rekan kerja saya 8 14 2 1 0

selalu memberi
kepada saya
sebagai guru

Jumlah 22 42 12 1 0 77

Persentase 29% 55% 16% 1% 0% 100%

5 Kesempatan Saya merasa 7 15 4 0 0 22% guru

untuk maju mempunyai PPPK belum
kesempatan puas dengan
mengembangkan kesempatan
karir dengan yang ada
leluasa di tempat untuk maju
saya bekerja
sebagai guru
PPPK saat ini

Saya ingin terus 6 15 5 0 0

karir saya
sebagai guru
PPPK di sekolah
tempat saya

Saya 7 15 4 0 0
yang besar
karir saya
sebagai guru

Pimpinan 6 11 7 2 0
peluang kepada
saya sebagai
guru PPPK
untuk dapat
jabatan tertentu
di sekolah

Saya merasa 8 12 6 0 0
memiliki masa
depan karir yang
sangat baik
sebagai guru
PPPK di sekolah
tempat saya

Jumlah 34 68 26 2 0 130

Persentase 26% 52% 20% 2% 0% 100%

6 Imbalan Saya merasa 3 10 9 3 1 51% guru

yang puas dengan PPPK belum
layak/sesuai imbalan yang puas dengan
diberikan oleh imbalan
sekolah terhadap yang
kinerja saya di diterima
sekolah ini sebagai
sebagai guru PPPK

Saya merasa 4 9 7 6 0
puas dengan
imbalan yang
diberikan oleh
terhadap kinerja
saya di sekolah
ini sebagai guru

Saya 3 11 11 1 0
yang tinggi
sebagai guru
PPPK di sekolah

Saya 3 11 7 4 1
tambahan dari
kinerja saya
yang baik
sebagai guru

Penghasilan 2 8 13 1 2
sebagai guru
PPPK di tempat
saya bekerja
kebutuhan hidup
saya dengan
Saya merasa gaji 2 10 8 6 0
yang saya terima
sebagai guru
PPPK sudah
sesuai dengan
beban kerja yang
saya terima di
sekolah ini
Jumlah 17 59 55 21 4

Persentase 11% 38% 35% 13% 3%

Penghargaan Saya sebagai 2 13 11 0 0 50% guru

guru PPPK PPPK belum
sudah puas dengan
memperoleh penghargaan
kesempatan terhadap
yang sama mereka
dengan guru sebagai
PNS dari rekan PPPK
kerja dan
pimpinan saya

Saya 1 15 9 1 0
berupa pujian
atas kinerja saya
sebagai guru

Saya 1 8 11 5 1
penghasilan atas
kinerja saya
sebagai guru

Saya 1 11 12 2 0
jabatan tertentu
atas kinerja saya
sebagai guru

Jumlah 5 47 43 8 1

Persentase 5% 45% 41% 8% 1%


1. Jumlah responden sebanyak 20 orang dapat dihitung dengan menjumlahkan skor ke

samping dari kolom jawaban Sangat Setuju (SS) sampai dengan Sangat Tidak Setuju

(STS). Contoh: Pada butir 1 diketahui responden yang menjawab SS= 8, S=14, N=4,

TS=0, STS=0. Sehingga dapat diketahui jumah responden dalam survey ini adalah

8+14+4+0+0 = 26 responden.

2. Persentase jawaban diperoleh dengan langkah-langkah berikut:

a. Menjumlahkan ke bawah seluruh skor butir-butir pernyataan per-indikator pada

setiap kolom alternatif jawaban. Contoh: Pada indikator Perasaan terhadap

pekerjaan itu sendiri terdapat 4 butir pernyataan. Diketahui jawaban Sangat

Setuju pada butir 1 sebanyak 8 orang, butir 2 sebanyak 6 orang, butir ketiga

sebanyak 10 orang, dan butir keempat sebanyak 6 orang. Sehingga diketahui

rekapitulasi jumlah dari jawaban Sangat Setuju pada indikator ini adalah

8+6+10+6 = 30.
b. Menghitung persentase untuk alternatif jawaban Sangat Setuju pada indikator

Perasaan terhadap pekerjaan itu sendiri dengan cara (30/26 x 100%) : 4

(jumlah butir pernyataan) = 29%.

c. Perhitungan persentase untuk alternatif jawabannya lainnya pada setiap indikator

menggunakan langkah yang sama seperti di atas.

3. Indikator yang perlu ditingkatkan dihitung dengan cara menambahkan hasil

persentase dari jawaban Netral (N), Tidak Setuju (TS), dan Sangat Tidak Setuju (STS)

pada masing-masing indikator sebagai berikut.

a. Indikator 1: 16% + 2% + 0% = 18%

b. Indikator 2: 22% + 2% + 0% = 24%

c. Indikator 3: 30% + 2% + 0% = 32%

d. Indikator 4: 16% + 1% + 0% = 17%

e. Indikator 5: 20% + 2% + 0% = 22%

f. Indikator 6: 35% + 13% + 3% = 51%

g. Indikator 7: 41% + 8% + 1% = 50%


1. Terdapat 18% kepuasan guru PPPK yang masih perlu ditingkatkan dalam hal

perasaan mereka terhadap pekerjaan mereka saat ini.

2. Terdapat 24% kepuasan guru PPPK yang masih perlu ditingkatkan melalui kondisi

lingkungan kerjanya.

3. Terdapat 31% kepuasan guru PPPK yang masih perlu ditingkatkan melalui sikap

pimpinan terhadapnya.

4. Terdapat 17% kepuasan guru PPPK yang masih perlu ditingkatkan melalui

hubungan kerja dengan sesama rekan kerja.

5. Terdapat 22% kepuasan guru PPPK yang masih perlu ditingkatkan dalam hal
kesempatan yang diberikan kepada mereka sebagai PPPK untuk maju.

6. Terdapat 51% kepuasan guru PPPK yang masih perlu ditingkatkan dalam hal

imbalan yang layak bagi mereka sebagai PPPK.

7. Terdapat 50% kepuasan guru PPPK yang masih perlu ditingkatkan melalui

penghargaan terhadap mereka sebagai PPPK.

Lampiran 2

Angket Survey Pendahuluan


Yth. Bapak/Ibu Guru PPPK SMAN di Kabupaten Karawang

Dalam rangka membangun tema penelitian yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi tugas akhir
(disertasi) di Pascasarjana Universitas Pakuan Bogor, dimohon kesediaan Bapak/Ibu
dapat meluangkan waktu untuk mengisi kuesioner berikut ini mengenai kepuasan kerja
Guru PPPK SMAN di Kabupaten Karawang. Kuesioner ini dibuat sebagai data
pendukung awal untuk penelitian yang akan saya lakukan dan hasilnya tidak akan
berpengaruh terhadap penilaian kinerja Bapak/Ibu sebagai Guru PPPK di Kab.
Karawang. Oleh karenanya, dimohon kiranya Bapak/Ibu dapat mengisi kuesioner ini
sesuai dengan kondisi yang Bapak/Ibu alami.
Terima kasih atas perhatian dan kesediaan Bapak/Ibu.

Hormat saya,

No. Alternatif Jawaban

Indikator Butir Pernyataan

Perasaan 1 Menjadi guru PPPK adalah

terhadap pekerjaan yang saya harapkan
pekerjaan itu selama ini
2 Menjadi guru PPPK membuat
saya merasa nyaman dalam

3 Menjadi guru PPPK

merupakan hal yang sangat
berharga bagi kehidupan saya
4 Salah satu kebahagiaan
terbesar dalam bekerja adalah
menjadi guru PPPK di tempat
saya bekerja sekarang

Kondisi 5 Lingkungan tempat saya

lingkungan kerja bertugas sekarang merupakan
tempat paling nyaman yang
saya rasakan selama saya
bekerja sebagai guru

6 Saya merasa mendapatkan

dukungan penuh untuk
berkarya sebagai guru PPPK
dari lingkungan kerja yang

7 Kondisi lingkungan kerja saya

sekarang adalah kondisi kerja
yang paling saya dambakan
dalam menjalankan tugas
sebagai guru PPPK

8 Saya mencapai produktifitas

yang tinggi sebagai guru
PPPK karena mendapat
dukungan rekan kerja

Sikap pemimpin 9 Pimpinan saya berhasil

terhadap membuat saya memperoleh
anggota prestasi yang baik sebagai
guru PPPK

10 Pimpinan saya membuat saya

merasa bahagia dengan
perlakuannya terhadap saya
sebagai guru PPPK

11 Saya ingin selalu bekerja

dengan pimpinan saya dalam
jangka waktu yang lama

12 Perlakuan pimpinan saya

membuat saya merasa puas
dalam bekerja sebagai guru

13 Setiap arahan yang diberikan

oleh pimpinan sangat
membantu saya dalam
meningkatkan kinerja sebagai
guru PPPK

Hubungan 14 Membantu rekan kerja

dengan rekan membuat saya merasa bahagia
kerja sebagi guru PPPK di tempat
saya mengajar

15 Bekerjasama dalam waktu

yang lama dengan rekan kerja
di sekolah ini merupakan hal
yang saya inginkan

16 Rekan kerja saya selalu

memberi semangat kepada
saya dalam melaksanakan
pekerjaan sebagai guru PPPK

Kesempatan 17 Saya merasa mempunyai

untuk maju kesempatan mengembangkan
karir dengan leluasa di tempat
saya bekerja sebagai guru
PPPK saat ini

18 Saya ingin terus

mengembangkan karir saya
sebagai guru PPPK di sekolah
tempat saya bekerja

19 Saya memperoleh kesempatan

yang besar dalam
mengembangkan karir saya
sebagai guru PPPK di

20 Pimpinan memberikan
peluang kepada saya sebagai
guru PPPK untuk dapat
menduduki jabatan tertentu di

21 Saya merasa memiliki masa

depan karir yang sangat baik
sebagai guru PPPK di sekolah
tempat saya bekerja

Imbalan yang 22 Saya merasa puas dengan

layak/sesuai imbalan yang diberikan oleh
sekolah terhadap kinerja saya
di sekolah ini sebagai guru

23 Saya merasa puas dengan

imbalan yang diberikan oleh
pemerintah terhadap kinerja
saya di sekolah ini sebagai
guru PPPK

24 Saya memperoleh
penghargaan yang tinggi
sebagai guru PPPK di sekolah

25 Saya memeproleh
pengahsilan tambahan dari
kinerja saya yang baik
sebagai guru PPPK

26 Penghasilan sebagai guru

PPPK di tempat saya bekerja
sudah mencukupi kebutuhan
hidup saya dengan baik
27 Saya merasa gaji yang saya
terima sebagai guru PPPK
sudah sesuai dengan beban
kerja yang saya terima di
sekolah ini
Penghargaan 28 Saya sebagai guru PPPK
sudah memperoleh
kesempatan yang sama
dengan guru PNS dari rekan
kerja dan pimpinan saya

29 Saya memperoleh
penghargaan berupa pujian
atas kinerja saya sebagai guru

30 Saya memperoleh
penghargaan berupa tambahan
penghasilan atas kinerja saya
sebagai guru PPPK

31 Saya memperoleh
penghargaan berupa
kesempatan memperoleh
jabatan tertentu atas kinerja
saya sebagai guru PPPK

SS = Sangat Setuju S = Setuju N = Netral TS = Tidak Setuju STS = Sangat Tidak Setuju

Lampiran 3

Data Responden Survey Pendahuluan

No. Nama Responden Asal Sekolah

1 Dudung Sulimar SMAN 1 Batujaya
2 Didin Sobirin SMAN 1 Batujaya
3 Yogi Meisya Nugraha SMAN 1 Batujaya
4 Bibit Dwi Ningrum SMAN 1 Batujaya
5 Narim SMAN 1 Batujaya
6 Intan Annisaa Tanjung SMAN 1 Batujaya
7 Sovia Nawati SMAN 1 Batujaya
8 Herman Supriatna SMAN 1 Ciampel
9 Enjang Sadam SMAN 1 Cikampek
10 Mia Purnamasari SMAN 1 Cikampek
11 Hanim Maghfiroh SMAN 1 Cikampek
12 Mirah Sumirah Wahid Subrata SMAN 1 Cikampek
13 Dinda Jihan Nabila SMAN 1 Klari
14 Dini Triyanty SMAN 1 Klari
15 Shintya Gustiany Mulyono SMAN 1 Klari
16 Mariana Permanasari SMAN 1 Klari
17 Imron Rosyadi, S.Pd SMAN 1 Majalaya
18 Aditya SMAN 1 Telukjambe Barat
19 Putri Adinda SMAN 1 Telukjambe Barat
20 Ike Sulistianti, S.Pd., Gr. SMAN 2 Klari
21 Opi Ropina SMAN 2 Klari
22 Sophia Jasmine Natasha Sumardi SMAN 2 Klari
23 Teddy Gustira Pamungkas SMAN 2 Klari
24 Tiara Apriliani Utami SMAN 2 Klari
25 Rifal Rinaldi SMAN 2 Telukjambe Timur
26 Rosadi Firdaos SMAN 2 Telukjambe Timur

No. Sumber Teori Deskripsi Teori Dimensi/ Indikator

1. Stephen P. Robbins Our definition of job satisfaction—a 1. Jenis pekerjaan
& Timothy A. Judge. positive feeling about a job resulting 2. Keterampilan yang
(2022). from an evaluation of its dibutuhkan
Organizational characteristics—is broad. Yet that 3. Pengawasan
Behavior. UK: breadth is appropriate. Jobs require 4. Gaji saat ini
Pearson, p. 115-117. interacting with coworkers and bosses, 5. Peluang promosi
following organizational rules and 6. Budaya organisasi
policies, determining the power 7. Hubungan dengan rekan
structure, meeting performance kerja
standards, living with less-than-ideal
working conditions, adapting to new
technology, and so forth. An employee’s
assessment of satisfaction with the job is
thus a complex summation of many
discrete elements.

Definisi tentang kepuasan kerja menurut

Robbins dan Judge adalah perasaan
positif tentang pekerjaan yang dihasilkan
dari evaluasi karakteristiknya, yang
bermakna luas. Namun luasnya itu
sesuai. Pekerjaan membutuhkan
interaksi dengan rekan kerja dan atasan,
mengikuti aturan dan kebijakan
organisasi, menentukan struktur
kekuasaan, memenuhi standar kinerja,
hidup dengan kondisi kerja yang kurang
ideal, beradaptasi dengan teknologi baru,
dan sebagainya. Oleh karena itu,
penilaian kepuasan karyawan terhadap
pekerjaannya merupakan gabungan dari
berbagai elemen yang sangat kompleks.

2. Jason A. Colquitt, Job satisfaction is a pleasurable 1. Pekerjaan itu sendiri

Jeffery A. Lepine, & emotional state resulting from the 2. Hubungan dengan rekan
Michael J. Wesson. appraisal of one’s job or job experiences. kerja
(2019). In other words, it represents how you feel 3. Penghargaan
Organizational about your job and what you think about 4. Gaji
Behavior: Improving your job. Employees with high job 5. Promosi
Performance and satisfaction experience positive feelings 6. Pengawasan
Commitment in the when they think about their duties or take
Workplace. New part in task activities. Employees with
York: McGraw-Hill low job satisfaction experience negative
Education, p. 94-97. feelings when they think about their
duties or take part in their task activities.

Kepuasan kerja menurut Colquitt,

Lepine, & Wesson adalah keadaan
emosional yang menyenangkan yang
dihasilkan dari penilaian pekerjaan
seseorang atau pengalaman kerja.
Dengan kata lain, ini mewakili
bagaimana perasaan seseorang tentang
pekerjaannya dan apa yang dipikirkan
tentang pekerjaannya. Karyawan dengan
kepuasan kerja yang tinggi mengalami
perasaan positif ketika mereka berpikir
tentang tugas mereka atau mengambil
bagian dalam kegiatan tugas. Karyawan
dengan pengalaman kepuasan kerja yang
rendah perasaan negatif ketika mereka
berpikir tentang tugas mereka atau
mengambil bagian dalam aktivitas tugas
3. Steven L. McShane Job satisfaction, a person’s evaluation 1. Karakteristik pekerjaan
& Mary Ann Von of his or her job and work context. yang dirasakan
Glinow. (2018). 2. Lingkungan kerja
Organizational McShane dan Von Glinow menjelaskan 3. Pengalaman emosional di
Behavior: Emerging kepuasan kerja sebagai evaluasi tempat kerja
Knowledge, Global, seseorang terhadap pekerjaannya.
Reality. New York:
Education, p. 102-
4. John M. Ivancevich, Satisfaction: the idea of the organization 1. Sikap karyawan
Robert Konopaske, & as a social system requires that some 2. Perputaran karyawan
Michael T. Matteson. consideration be given to the benefits 3. Absensi
(2014). received by its participants as well as by 4. Keterlambatan
Organizational its customers and clients. Satisfaction 5. Pengaduan
Behavior and and morale are similar terms referring to
Management. New the extent to which the organization
York: McGraw-Hill, meets the needs of employees.
p. 13 & 145-147.
Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Matteson
menjelaskan bahwa kepuasan
merupakan konsep organisasi sebagai
sistem sosial yang mensyaratkan adanya
pertimbangan terhadap manfaat yang
diterima oleh partisipan/karyawan
organisasi serta oleh pelanggan dan
klien. Kepuasan dan moral merupakan
istilah-istilah serupa yang merujuk pada
sejauh mana organisasi memenuhi
kebutuhan karyawan.

Job satisfaction
The feelings, beliefs, and attitudes that
employees have regarding their jobs.

Kepuasan kerja diartikan sebagai

perasaan, keyakinan, dan sikap yang
dimiliki oleh karyawan mengenai
pekerjaan mereka.

5. Robert Kreitner & Job satisfaction is an affective or Lima model utama kepuasan
Angelo Kinicki. emotional response toward various kerja berfokus pada penyebab
(2010). facets of one’s job. This definition yang berbeda, yaitu
Organizational implies job satisfaction is not 1. Pemenuhan kebutuhan
Behavior. New York: a unitary concept. Rather, a person can 2. Ketidaksesuaian
McGraw-Hill, p. be relatively satisfied with one aspect of 3. Pencapaian nilai
170-173 his or her job and dissatisfied with one or 4. Keseimbangan
more other aspects. 5. Komponen
Kepuasan kerja menurut Kreitner &
Kinicki adalah tanggapan afektif atau
emosional terhadap berbagai aspek
pekerjaan seseorang. Definisi ini
mengimplikasikan bahwa kepuasan
kerja bukanlah konsep tunggal.
Sebaliknya, seseorang bisa merasa
cukup puas dengan satu aspek
pekerjaannya dan tidak puas dengan satu
atau lebih aspek lainnya.

6. Rice University. Job satisfaction may be defined as “a 1. Pekerjaan itu sendiri

(2019). pleasurable or positive emotional state 2. Gaji
Organizational resulting from the appraisal of one’s job 3. Peluang promosi
Behavior. Houston: or job experience.” It results from the 4. Pengawasan
OpenStax, p. 85. perception that an employee’s job 5. Rekan kerja
actually provides what he values in the
work situation.

Kepuasan kerja dapat didefinisikan

sebagai "keadaan emosional yang
menyenangkan atau positif yang muncul
dari penilaian terhadap pekerjaan
seseorang atau pengalaman kerja
seseorang." Ini muncul dari persepsi
bahwa pekerjaan seorang karyawan
benar-benar memberikan apa yang
dihargai olehnya dalam situasi kerja.

7. Fred Luthans, Brett Job satisfaction is a result of employees’ Tiga dimensi umum yang
C. Luthans, & Kyle perception of how well their job provides diterima terkait kepuasan kerja:
W. Luthans. (2021). those things that are viewed as 1. Kepuasan kerja adalah
Organizational important. It is generally recognized in respons emosional terhadap
Behavior: An the organizational behavior field that job situasi pekerjaan.
Evidence-Based satisfaction is the most important and 2. Kepuasan kerja sering
Approach. USA: frequently studied employee attitude. ditentukan oleh sejauh
IAP, p. 118, 123 mana hasil memenuhi atau
Luthans menjelaskan bahwa kepuasan melebihi harapan.
kerja adalah hasil dari persepsi karyawan 3. Kepuasan kerja mewakili
tentang sejauh mana pekerjaan mereka beberapa sikap yang saling
memberikan hal-hal yang dianggap berkaitan.
penting. Dalam perilaku organisasi,
diakui secara umum bahwa kepuasan Lima dimensi pekerjaan yang
kerja adalah sikap karyawan yang paling mewakili karakteristik paling
penting dan seringkali menjadi subjek penting dari suatu pekerjaan
penelitian. yang menghasilkan respons
afektif dari karyawan, yaitu:
1. Pekerjaan itu sendiri.
Sejauh mana pekerjaan
memberikan individu
tugas-tugas yang
menarik, peluang belajar,
dan kesempatan untuk
mengemban tanggung
2. Gaji. Jumlah imbalan
finansial yang diterima
dan sejauh mana hal ini
dianggap adil
dibandingkan dengan
orang lain di dalam
3. Peluang promosi.
Kesempatan untuk
kemajuan dalam
4. Pengawasan.
Kemampuan atasan untuk
memberikan bantuan
teknis dan dukungan
5. Rekan kerja. Sejauh
mana rekan kerja
memiliki keahlian teknis
dan mendukung secara
8. Emron Edison, Kepuasan kerja adalah seperangkat Dimensi dominan dari
Yohny Anwar, & perasaan karyawan tentang hal-hal yang kepuasan kerja, di antaranya:
Imas Komariyah. menyenangkan atau tidak terhadap suatu 1. Kepemimpinan yang baik,
(2018). Manajemen pekerjaan yang mereka hadapi. memotivasi dan terbuka.
Sumber Daya 2. Kompetensi atas pekerjaan
Manusia. Bandung: yang dihadapi
Alfabeta. p. 210 & 3. Kebijakan manajemen
212 4. Kompensasi
5. Penghargaan
6. Suasana lingkungan yang

9. Suparno Eko Mengutip dari Siagian (2006: 295) Kepuasan kerja seorang
Widodo. (2018). bahwa kepuasan kerja merupakan cara karyawan dapat diukur melalui
Manajemen pandang seseorang, baik secara positif hal-hal berikut:
Pengembangan maupun negatif, tentang pekerjaannya. 1. Isi pekerjaan
Sumber Daya 2. Supervisi
Manusia. Yogyakrta: 3. Organisasi dan manajemen
Pustaka Pelajar. 4. Kesempatan untuk maju
p.170 & 181 5. Gaji dan keuntungan dalam
bidang finansial lainnya
(contoh: insentif)
6. Rekan kerja
7. Kondisi pekerjaan
10. Schermerhorn, et al. There is no doubt that job satisfaction is Terkait penilaian kepuasan
(2012). one of the most talked about of all job kerja, Schermerhorn et al.
Organizational attitudes. It was defined earlier as an menyajikan 2 (dua) kuesioner
Behavior, 12th attitude reflecting a person’s feelings kepuasan kerja yang populer
Edition. USA: John toward his or her job or job setting at a dan paling sering digunakan
Wiley & Sons. p. particular point in time. oleh organisasi, yaitu:
63-64. 1) Kuesioner Kepuasan
Schermerhorn et al. menjelaskan Minnesota (MSQ);
kepuasan kerja sebagai sikap yang komponen-komponen yang
mencerminkan perasaan seseorang diukur antara lain:
terhadap pekerjaannya atau lingkungan a) Kepuasan terhadap
pekerjaannya pada titik waktu tertentu. kondisi kerja,
b) Kesempatan untuk maju,
c) Kebebasan dalam
menggunakan penilaian
d) Pujian atas pekerjaan
yang baik, dan
e) Perasaan pencapaian.
2) Indeks Deskriptif Pekerjaan
(JDI); aspek-aspek yang
diukur antara lain:
a) Pekerjaan itu sendiri,
meliputi tanggung
jawab, minat, dan
b) Kualitas pengawasan,
meliputi bantuan teknis
dan dukungan sosial
c) Hubungan dengan rekan
kerja, meliputi
keselarasan sosial dan
saling menghormati
d) Peluang promosi,
meliputi kesempatan
untuk kemajuan lebih
e) Gaji, meliputi
kecukupan gaji dan
persepsi kesetaraan
dibandingkan dengan
orang lain.

Kepuasan kerja adalah persepsi seseorang, baik positif maupun negatif, tentang apa yang dirasakan
terhadap pekerjaannya.

1. Perasaan terhadap pekerjaan itu sendiri
2. Kondisi lingkungan kerja
3. Sikap pemimpin terhadap anggota
4. Hubungan dengan rekan kerja
5. Kesempatan untuk maju
6. Imbalan yang layak/sesuai
7. Penghargaan

Deskripsi Konseptual:
Kepuasan kerja adalah persepsi seseorang, baik positif maupun negatif, tentang apa yang dirasakan
terhadap pekerjaannya, yang terukur melalui perasaan terhadap pekerjaan itu sendiri, kondisi lingkungan
kerja, sikap pemimpin terhadap anggota, hubungan dengan rekan kerja, kesempatan unntuk maju, imbalan
yang layak/sesuai, dan penghargaan.

Definisi Operasional:
Kepuasan kerja adalah persepsi guru, baik positif maupun negatif, tentang apa yang dirasakan terhadap
pekerjaannya di sekolah, yang terukur melalui perasaan terhadap pekerjaan itu sendiri, kondisi lingkungan
kerja, sikap pemimpin terhadap anggota, hubungan dengan rekan kerja, kesempatan unntuk maju, imbalan
yang layak/sesuai, dan penghargaan.

Daftar Pustaka:
Colquitt, Jason A., et al. (2019). Organizational Behavior: Improving Performance and Commitment in
the Workplace. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
Edison, E., et al. (2018). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Ivancevich, John M., et al. (2014). Organizational Behavior and Management. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Kreitner, Robert & Angelo Kinicki. (2010). Organizational Behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Luthans, Fred, et al. (2021). Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach. USA: IAP.
McShane, Steven L. & Mary Ann Von Glinow. (2018). Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge,
Global, Reality. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
Rice University. (2019). Organizational Behavior. Houston: OpenStax.
Robbins, Stephen P. & Timothy A. Judge. (2022). Organizational Behavior. UK: Pearson.
Schermerhorn, et al. (2012). Organizational Behavior, 12th Edition. USA: John Wiley & Sons.
Widodo, Suparno Eko. (2018). Manajemen Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia. Yogyakrta: Pustaka

No. Sumber Teori Deskripsi Teori Dimensi/ Indikator

1. Gary Dessler. (2020). We may define career as the 1. Aktivitas untuk
Human Resource occupational positions a person holds bereksplorasi
Management. Harlow: over the years. 2. Aktivitas yang
Pearson Education, p. berkontribusi pada
349. Career development is the lifelong pendirian
series of activities that contribute to a 3. Akivitas yang
person s career exploration, berkontribusi pada
establishment, success, and fulfillment. kesuksesan
4. Aktivitas yang
Karir didefinisikan sebagai posisi berkontribusi pada
pekerjaan yang seseorang pegang pemenuhan karir
selama bertahun-tahun.

Pengembangan karier adalah

serangkaian aktivitas seumur hidup yang
berkontribusi pada eksplorasi, pendirian,
kesuksesan, dan pemenuhan karier
2. Sri Rahayu, Pompong Career development is the process and 1. Peran individu
Budi Setiadi, & Riska activities to prepare workers for 2. Peran atasan
Agustina. (2022). The positions in the organization, which will 3. Peran dalam organisasi
Role of Training and be carried out in the future.
Career Development on
the Quality of Work. Pengembangan karier adalah proses dan
BIRCI-Journal, 5(2), aktivitas untuk mempersiapkan pekerja
p.16252-16253. untuk posisi di dalam organisasi yang akan dijalankan di masa depan.

3. Fadel Shaito. (2019). Career Development Association of 1. Pengembangan diri

Career Development an Alberta defined career development as 2. Kesempatan untuk
Overview. Research “the lifelong process of managing maju
Gate. DOI: learning, work, leisure, and transitions
10.13140/RG.2.2.14081. in order to move toward a personally
81760 determined and evolving preferred
future” (2012).
Workers want the chance to progress in
their careers, “opportunity is the top
reason why 39 percent of employees are
engaged.” (Dixon, 2017).
Asosiasi Pengembangan Karier Alberta
mendefinisikan pengembangan karier
sebagai "proses seumur hidup dalam
mengelola pembelajaran, pekerjaan,
waktu luang, dan transisi untuk bergerak
menuju masa depan yang dipilih secara
pribadi dan berkembang" (2012).
Pekerja menginginkan kesempatan
untuk kemajuan dalam karier mereka,
"kesempatan adalah alasan utama
mengapa 39 persen karyawan terlibat"
(Dixon, 2017).
4. Luis R. Gómez-Mejía, Career development: An ongoing and 1. Pengembangan
David B. Balkin, & formalized effort that focuses on keterampilan
Robert L. Cardy. (2016). developing enriched and more capable 2. Pengembangan
Managing Human workers. kemampuan kerja
Resources, Eight
Edition. England: Pengembangan karier: Upaya
Pearson Education, p. berkelanjutan dan terformalisasi yang
290. berfokus pada pengembangan pekerja
yang lebih terampil dan mampu.
5. Muhammad Busro. Pengembangan karir adalah suatu yang 1. Kejelasan karir
(2018). Teori-Teori menunjukkan adanya peningkatan status 2. Pengembangan diri
Manajemen Sumber seseorang dalam suatu organisasi dalam 3. Perbaikan mutu kinerja
Daya Manusia. Jakarta: jalur karir yang telah ditetapkan dalam
Prenadamedia Group. p. organisasi yang bersangkutan (Robbins,
275 & 281 2022).
6. Suparno Eko Widodo. Pengembangan karir (career 1. Keadilan dalam karir
(2018). Manajemen development) adalah suatu kondisi yang 2. Perhatian dengan
Pengembangan Sumber menunjukkan adanya peningkatan penyeliaan
Daya Manusia. jenjang atau status seseorang dalam 3. Kesadaran tentang
Yogyakarta: Pustaka pekerjaannya sehingga dapat memenuhi kesempatan
Pelajar. p. 114 kebutuhan, hal ini didorong melalui 4. Minat pekerja
penilaian kepribadian khususnya 5. Kepuasan karir
pengalaman dan latar belakang

7. Lijan Poltak Sinambela. Pengembangan karir adalah upaya yang 1. Pekerjaan mempunyai
(2019). Manajemen dilakukan organisasi dalam pengaruh yang sangat
Sumber Daya Manusia: merencanakan karir pegawainya. besar terhadap
Membangun Tim Kerja pengembangan karir.
yang Solid untuk Mondy (1993) berpendapat 2. Bentuk pengembangan
Meningkatkan Kinerja. pengembangan karir adalah serangkaian keahlian yang dibutuhkan,
Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. p. aktivitas untuk mempersiapkan ditentukan oleh
260-262 seseorang individu pada kemajuan karir permintaan pekerjaan
yang direncanakan. yang spesifik.
3. Pengembangan terjadi jika
seseorang belum
memperoleh keahlian
yang dibutuhkan untuk
melakukan pekerjaan.
4. Waktu yang digunakan
untuk pengembangan
dapat dikurangi dengan
rangkaian penempatan
pekerjaan individu yang

8. Julie Beardwell & Career development is a unique lifelong 1. Proses pembelajaran

Amanda Thompson. process of learning, work and leisure 2. Pengalaman keterampilan
(2017). Human that takes place through a series of baru
Resource Management: planned and unplanned stages, 3. Kepuasan dalam karir
A Contemporary transitions, influences and decisions.
Approach. Harlow: The individual’s career management, or
Pearson. p. 172 self-management, is an active process
that aims to achieve a fulfilling career.
It includes strategies such as learning a
new skill or gaining a mentor, and other
behaviors, such as becoming more self-
aware, choosing realistic goals making
decisions effectively and negotiating
transitions (McIlveen, 2009).

Pengembangan karier adalah proses

unik seumur hidup dalam pembelajaran,
pekerjaan, dan waktu luang yang terjadi
melalui serangkaian tahapan yang
direncanakan dan tidak direncanakan,
transisi, pengaruh, dan keputusan.
Manajemen karier individu, atau
manajemen diri, adalah proses aktif
yang bertujuan mencapai karier yang
memuaskan. Ini melibatkan strategi
seperti mempelajari keterampilan baru
atau mendapatkan seorang mentor, serta
perilaku lain, seperti meningkatkan
kesadaran diri, memilih tujuan yang
realistis, membuat keputusan dengan
efektif, dan menegosiasikan transisi
(McIlveen, 2009).

9. Rusdiana & Tatang Pengembangan karir merupakan proses 1. Pendidikan dan Latihan
Ibrahim. (2020). seumur hidup dalam mengelola aktivitas 2. Promosi
Manajemen yang bergerak maju serta ditentukan 3. Mutasi
Pengembangan Human secara pribadi dan berkembang. Dalam
Capital. Bandung: pengembangan Pendidikan di 1. Prestasi kerja
Yrama Widya. p. 119- organisasi, pengembangan karir 2. Kesempatan untuk
121, 128 biasanya menyiapkan para pegawai tumbuh
untuk memilih dan fokus melakukan 3. Kesetiaan pada organisasi
perbaikan yang dampaknya dapat 4. Mentor dan sponsor
diberikan pada kebutuhan organisasi. 5. Dukungan dari para

10. Febriko Robianto, Erni Noe (2009) revealed that career 1. Peningkatan kualifikasi
Masdupi, & Syahrizal. development is a process in which 2. Peningkatan pengalaman
(2019). The Effect of employees progress through a series of
Career Development, stages, each marked by a different set of
Compensation, Work developmental tasks, activities and
Environment and Job relationships. According to Mondy &
Satisfaction on Work Martocchio (2016) career development
Engagement. is a formal approach used by
International Conference organizations to ensure that people with
of Education, the right qualifications and experience
Economics, Business, are available when needed.
and Accounting
(PICEEBA-2), vol. 124. Menurut Noe (2009), pengembangan
Atlantis Press. p. 738. karier adalah suatu proses di mana
karyawan melalui serangkaian tahapan,
masing-masing ditandai oleh
serangkaian tugas pengembangan yang
berbeda, aktivitas, dan hubungan.
Menurut Mondy & Martocchio (2016),
pengembangan karier adalah pendekatan
formal yang digunakan oleh organisasi
untuk memastikan bahwa orang dengan
kualifikasi dan pengalaman yang tepat
tersedia saat dibutuhkan.

Pengembangan karir adalah proses peningkatan jenjang dan status seorang pekerja pada sebuah organisasi
melalui berbagai aktivitas yang terukur dengan adanya kejelasan karir, pengembangan diri, perbaikan
mutu kinerja, keadilan dalam karir, dan perhatian dari penyelia.

1. Kejelasan karir
2. Pengembangan diri
3. Perbaikan mutu kinerja
4. Keadilan dalam karir
5. Perhatian dari penyelia

Definisi Konseptual:
Pengembangan karir adalah proses peningkatan jenjang dan status seorang pekerja pada sebuah organisasi
melalui berbagai aktivitas yang terukur dengan adanya kejelasan karir, pengembangan diri, perbaikan
mutu kinerja, keadilan dalam karir, dan perhatian dari penyelia.
Definisi Operasional:
Pengembangan karir adalah proses peningkatan jenjang dan status guru PPPK di sekolah melalui berbagai
aktivitas yang terukur dengan adanya kejelasan karir, pengembangan diri, perbaikan mutu kinerja,
keadilan dalam karir, dan perhatian dari penyelia.

Daftar Pustaka:

Beardwell, Julie & Amanda Thompson. (2017). Human Resource Management: A Contemporary
Approach. Harlow: Pearson.
Busro, Muhammad. (2018). Teori-Teori Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Jakarta: Prenadamedia Group.
Dessler, Gary. (2020). Human Resource Management. Harlow: Pearson Education.
Gómez-Mejía, Luis R., et al. (2016). Managing Human Resources, Eight Edition. England: Pearson
Rahayu, Sri, et al. (2022). The Role of Training and Career Development on the Quality of Work. BIRCI-
Journal, 5(2).

Rusdiana & Tatang Ibrahim. (2020). Manajemen Pengembangan Human Capital. Bandung: Yrama Widya.
Shaito, Fadel. (2019). Career Development an Overview. Research Gate. DOI:
Sinambela, Lijan Poltak. (2019). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia: Membangun Tim Kerja yang Solid
untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Widodo, Suparno Eko. (2018). Manajemen Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia. Yogyakarta: Pustaka

No. Sumber Teori Deskripsi Teori Dimensi/ Indikator

1. Marbawi Adamy. (2016). Kompensasi adalah pemberian balas jasa 1. Kompensasi langsung
Manajemen Sumber Daya langsung (direct) dan tidak langsung 2. Kompensasi tidak
Manusia. Unimal Press, (indirect), uang atau barang, kepada langsung
p.5. karyawan sebagai imbalan jasa yang
diberikan kepada perusahaan.
2. Robert N. Lussier & John Compensation is the total of an Ada empat bagian dasar
R. Hendon. (2019). employee’s pay and benefits. The dalam sistem kompensasi:
Human Resource compensation system of an organization 1. Gaji pokok
Management: Functions, includes anything that an employee may 2. Tambahan upah dan
Applications, and Skill value and desire and that the employer is gaji
Development. California: willing and able to offer in exchange. 3. Upah insentif
Sage Publications, Inc., p. 4. Manfaat
1102-1104 Kompensasi adalah jumlah dari gaji dan
manfaat yang diterima oleh seorang
karyawan. Sistem kompensasi dalam
sebuah organisasi mencakup segala hal
yang mungkin dihargai dan diinginkan
oleh seorang karyawan serta yang dapat
ditawarkan oleh pemberi kerja sebagai

3. Gary Dessler. (2020). Employee compensation: all forms of pay Kompensasi memiliki dua
Human Resource going to employees and arising from komponen utama, yaitu:
Management. Harlow: their employment. 1. Pembayaran finansial
Pearson Education, p. langsung (upah, gaji,
386. Kompensasi karyawan mencakup segala insentif, komisi, dan
bentuk pembayaran yang diberikan bonus)
kepada karyawan sebagai imbalan atas 2. Pembayaran finansial
pekerjaan mereka. tidak langsung
(manfaat finansial
seperti asuransi yang
dibayarkan oleh
perusahaan dan
4 Emron Edison, Yohny UU Nomor 24 Tahun 2011 Tentang Kompensasi dibagi
. Anwar, & Imas Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial, menjadi kompensasi
Komariyah. (2018). definisi gaji disandingkan dengan upah normatif dan kebijakan.
Manajemen Sumber Daya yang isinya menyatakan bahwa, “gaji
1. Kompensasi normatif
Manusia. Bandung: atau upah adalah hak pekerja yang
adalah kompensasi
Alfabeta. p. 151-153. diterima dan dinyatakan dalam bentuk
minimum yang harus
uang sebagai imbalan dari pemberi kerja diterima, yang terdiri
kepada pekerja yang ditetapkan dan atas gaji atau upah
dibayar menurut suatu perjanjian kerja, (termasuk di dalamnya
kesepakatan, atau peraturan perundang- gaji/upah pokok,
undangan, termasuk tunjangan bagi tunjangan tetap), dan
pekerja dan keluarganya atas suatu komponen tetap
pekerjaan dan/atau jasa yang telah atau lainnya, seperti
akan dilakukan. tunjangan kesehatan
dan tunjangan hari
Kompensasi adalah sesuatu yang raya/keagamaan.
diterima karyawan atas jasa yag mereka 2. Kompensasi bersifat
sumbangkan pada pekerjaannya. kebijakan adalah
Kompensasi merupakan bentuk imbalan kompensasi yang
(baik berbentuk uang maupun natura) didasari kebijakan
yang diterima pegawai/karyawan atas dan/atau karena
usaha-usaha yang dihasilkannya. pertimbangan khusus,
seperti tunjangan
professional, tunjangan
makan dan transport,
bonus, uang cuti, jasa
produksi, dan liburan.
5. Suparno Eko Widodo. Kompensasi adalah bentuk pembayaran Bentuk-bentuk kompensasi
(2018). Manajemen dalam bentuk manfaat dan insentif untuk yaitu finansial dan bukan
Pengembangan Sumber memotivasi karyawan agar produktivitas finansial.
Daya Manusia. kerja semakin meningkat (Yani, 1. Kompensasi finansial
Yogyakarta: Pustaka 2012:139) ada yang bersifat
Pelajar. p. 153 & 158 langsung seperti upah,
Menurut Willian B. Werther dan Keith gaji, komisi, dan
Davis dalam Hasibuan (2003:119) bonus, sedangkan yang
compensation is what employee receive bersifat tidak langsung,
in exchange of their work. Whether seperti asuransi
hourly wages or periodic salaries, the kesehatan hidup,
personnel department usually designs kecelakaan, tunjangan
pensiun, tunjangan
and administers employee compensation.
keselamantan kerja,
Kompensasi adalah apa yang diterima tunjangan liburan, cuti,
oleh karyawan sebagai imbalan atas sakit, dll.
pekerjaan mereka. Baik itu upah per jam 2. Kompensasi bukan
atau gaji berkala, biasanya departemen finansial, dalam bentuk
personalia yang merancang dan pekerjaan misalnya,
pemberian tugas-tugas
mengelola kompensasi karyawan.
menarik, menantang,
peluang untuk dikenal,
dan peluang untuk
berkembang. Dalam
bentuk lingkungan
kerja, misalnya
kebijakan perusahaan
yang jelas dan adil,
atasan yang kompeten,
teman kerja yang
bersahabat, kondisi
lingkungan kerja yang
peraturan kerja yang
luwes, pembagian kerja
yang baik, dll.

6. Al Fadjar Ansory & Pengertian kompensasi lebih luas dari Kompensasi dibagi
Meithiana Indrasari. sekedar pengertian gaji dan upah, karena menjadi 2, yaitu:
(2018). Manajemen terdapat pula unsur penghargaan tidak 1. Kompensasi fisik
Sumber Daya Manusia. langsung dan non-finansial ke dalam 2. Kompesasi non fisik
Sidoarjo: Indomedia konsep balas jasa (remuneration) secara
Pustaka. p. 231-232 keseluruhan.

7. Jonathan R. Crawshaw, Compensations: All forms of financial Jenis-jenis kompensasi

Pawan Budhwar, & Ann returns and tangible services and yaitu berupa:
Davis. (2017). Human benefits employees receive as part of an 1. Imbalan dalam bentuk
Resource Management: employment relationship (Milkovich et finansial
Strategic and nternational al., 2011:10). 2. Imbalan dalam bentuk
Perspectives, 2nd Edition. Kompensasi: Semua bentuk imbalan layanan
London: Sage finansial dan layanan serta manfaat nyata 3. Imbalan dalam bentuk
Publications. p. 245. yang diterima oleh karyawan sebagai manfaat
bagian dari hubungan kerja (Milkovich et
al., 2011:10).

Kompensasi adalah imbalan yang diterima oleh seorang pekerja/karyawan, baik berupa finansial maupun
non-finansial, sebagai bentuk balas jasa yang telah dilakukan.

1. Gaji pokok
2. Tunjangan
3. Asuransi/Jaminan sosial
4. Upah tambahan
5. Layanan/fasilitas
6. Manfaat nyata

Deskripsi Konseptual:
Kompensasi adalah imbalan yang diterima oleh seorang pekerja/karyawan, baik berupa finansial maupun
non-finansial, sebagai bentuk balas jasa yang telah dilakukan dalam sebuah perusahaan/organisasi, yang
terukur melalui gaji pokok, tunjangan, asuransi/jaminan sosial, upah tambahan, layanan/fasilitas, dan
manfaat nyata.

Definisi Operasional:
Kompensasi adalah imbalan yang diterima oleh guru, baik berupa finansial maupun non-finansial, sebagai
bentuk balas jasa yang telah dilakukan dalam satuan pendidikan, yang terukur melalui gaji pokok,
tunjangan, asuransi/jaminan sosial, upah tambahan, layanan/fasilitas, dan manfaat nyata.
Daftar Pustaka:
Adamy, Marbawi. (2016). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Unimal Press.
Ansory, Al Fadjar & Meithiana Indrasari. (2018). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Sidoarjo:
Indomedia Pustaka.
Crawshaw, Jonathan R., et al. (2017). Human Resource Management: Strategic and nternational
Perspectives, 2nd Edition. London: Sage Publications.
Dessler, Gary. (2020). Human Resource Management. Harlow: Pearson Education.
Edison, Emron, et al. (2018). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Lussier, Robert N. & John R. Hendon. (2019). Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications,
and Skill Development. California: Sage Publications, Inc.
Widodo, Suparno Eko. (2018). Manajemen Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia. Yogyakarta: Pustaka

No. Sumber Teori Deskripsi Teori Dimensi/ Indikator

1. John M. Ivancevich, Willingness to perform, relates to the Motivasi memiliki tiga
Robert Konopaske, & degree to which an individual both komponen yang berbeda:
Michael T. Matteson. desires and is willing to exert effort 1. Arah, berkaitan dengan
(2014). Organizational toward attaining job performance. It is, apa yang dipilih individu
Behavior and in other words, motivation, and it is untuk dilakukan ketika
Management. New what this chapter is about. No dihadapkan pada beberapa
York: McGraw-Hill, p. combination of capacity and alternatif yang mungkin.
21 opportunity will result in high 2. Intensitas, motivasi
performance in the absence of some merujuk pada kekuatan
level of motivation or willingness to respons setelah pilihan
perform. (arah) telah dibuat.
3. Ketekunan, mengacu
Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Matteson pada daya tahan perilaku
menjelaskan bahwa kemauan untuk atau seberapa lama
melakukan, berkaitan dengan sejauh seseorang akan terus
mana seseorang menginginkan dan mencurahkan usaha.
bersedia untuk melakukan upaya untuk
mencapai kinerja pekerjaan disebut
sebagai motivasi, Tidak ada kombinasi
kapasitas dan peluang yang akan
menghasilkan kinerja tinggi tanpa
adanya tingkat motivasi atau kemauan
untuk melakukan.

2. Steve M. Jex & According to Kanfer, Chen, and Teori-teori motivasi dapat
Thomas W. Britt. Pritchard (2009) motivation is a dikelompokkan ke dalam lima
(2014). Organizational hypothetical construct—we cannot see kategori umum:
Psychology. New it or feel it. However, we can observe 1. Teori berbasis kebutuhan
Jersey: John Wiley & the effects or byproducts that are menjelaskan motivasi
Sons, Inc., p. 376-378. indicative of differing levels of kerja dalam hal sejauh
motivation. To use an analogy, mana karyawan
motivation is a bit like gravity. We memenuhi kebutuhan
cannot see or feel gravity, but its effects penting di tempat kerja.
would become very clear if one were to 2. Teori proses kognitif
jump out of a window of a five-story menekankan pada
building. keputusan dan pilihan
yang dibuat oleh
Menurut Kanfer, Chen, dan Pritchard karyawan ketika
(2009) sebagaimana dikutip oleh Jex & mereka
Britt, motivasi adalah konstruk mengalokasikan usaha
hipotetis — kita tidak dapat melihatnya mereka.
atau merasakannya. Namun, kita dapat 3. Pendekatan perilaku
mengamati efek atau produk-produk menekankan pada
sampingan yang menunjukkan tingkat penerapan prinsip-
motivasi yang berbeda. Untuk prinsip pembelajaran
menggunakan analogi, motivasi serupa dalam lingkungan
dengan gravitasi. Kita tidak dapat kerja.
melihat atau merasakan gravitasi, tetapi 4. Teori penentuan diri
efeknya akan menjadi sangat jelas jika menekankan pentingnya
seseorang melompat keluar dari jendela perbedaan antara
gedung lima lantai. motivasi yang didorong
oleh faktor ekstrinsik
(misalnya, kebutuhan
akan persetujuan, uang)
versus faktor intrinsik
(misalnya, minat dalam
pekerjaan itu sendiri).
5. Teori berbasis pekerjaan
menempatkan sumber
motivasi utamanya
dalam konteks
pekerjaan yang
dilakukan karyawan.

3. Robert Kreitner & Motivation represents “those Dua kategori umum teori
Angelo Kinicki. psychological processes that cause the motivasi untuk menjelaskan
(2010). Organizational arousal, direction, and persistence of proses psikologis yang
Behavior. New York: voluntary actions that are goal mendasari motivasi karyawan:
McGraw-Hill, p. 212 directed.” 1. Teori konten motivasi
berfokus pada identifikasi
Mitchell dalam Kreitner dan Kinicki faktor-faktor internal
berpendapat bahwa motivasi seperti insting, kebutuhan,
menggambarkan "proses psikologis kepuasan, dan
yang menyebabkan timbulnya, arah, karakteristik pekerjaan
dan ketekunan dari tindakan sukarela yang memacu motivasi
yang diarahkan pada tujuan." karyawan. Teori-teori ini
tidak menjelaskan
bagaimana motivasi
dipengaruhi oleh interaksi
dinamis antara individu
dan lingkungan di tempat
dia bekerja. Keterbatasan
ini menyebabkan
munculnya teori-teori
proses motivasi.
2. Teori-teori proses
motivasi berfokus
menjelaskan proses di
mana faktor-faktor
internal dan kognisi
memengaruhi motivasi
karyawan. Teori-teori
proses lebih dinamis
daripada teori-teori

4. Stephen P. Robbins & We define motivation as the processes 1. Intensitas

Timothy A. Judge. that account for an individual’s menggambarkan seberapa
(2022). Organizational intensity, direction, and persistence of keras seseorang berusaha.
Behavior. UK: effort toward attaining a goal. 2. Arah, mengukur upaya
Pearson, p. 249-250, yang dilakukan diarahkan
255. Motivasi didefinisikan sebagai proses- pada tujuan-tujuan
proses yang menjelaskan intensitas, organisasi, dan konsisten
arah, dan ketekunan upaya individu dengan tujuan tersebut.
dalam mencapai suatu tujuan. 3. Ketekunan, mengukur
seberapa lama seseorang
dapat mempertahankan
upaya. Individu yang
termotivasi tetap
melanjutkan tugas cukup
lama untuk mencapai
tujuan mereka.

5. Fred Luthans, Brett C. Today, virtually all people— 1. Kebutuhan

Luthans, & Kyle W. practitioners and scholars—have their 2. Dorongan
Luthans. (2021). own definitions of motivation. Usually 3. Insentif
Organizational one or more of the following words are
Behavior: An included: desires, wants, wishes, aims,
Evidence-Based goals, needs, drives, motives, and
Approach. USA: IAP, incentives. Technically, the term
pp. 131-132. motivation can be traced to the Latin
word movere, which means “to move.”
This meaning is evident in the following
comprehensive definition: motivation
is a process that starts with a
physiological or psychological
deficiency or need that activates a
behavior or a drive that is aimed at a
goal or incentive.

Luthans berpendapat bahwa saat ini

hampir semua orang - praktisi dan
sarjana - memiliki definisi motivasi
mereka sendiri. Biasanya satu atau
lebih dari kata-kata berikut
dimasukkan: keinginan, ingin, harapan,
tujuan, hasrat, kebutuhan, dorongan,
motif, dan insentif. Secara teknis,
istilah motivasi dapat ditelusuri ke kata
Latin "movere," yang berarti
"bergerak." Makna ini terlihat dalam
definisi komprehensif berikut: motivasi
adalah suatu proses yang dimulai
dengan kekurangan atau kebutuhan
fisik atau psikologis yang
mengaktifkan perilaku atau dorongan
yang ditujukan pada tujuan atau

6. Nancy Langton, We define motivation as the internal 1. Pendorong ekstrinsik

Stephen P. Robbins, & and external factors that lead an berasal dari luar individu
Timothy A. Judge. individual to engage in goal-related dan mencakup hal-hal
(2006). Fundamental behaviour. Motivation can affect the seperti gaji, bonus, dan
of Organizational intensity, direction, and persistence a hadiah-hadiah berwujud
Behavior, Third person shows in working toward a lainnya.
Edition. Canada: goal. Intensity is concerned with how 2. Pendorong intrinsik
Pearson, p. 107-108, hard a person tries. This is what most berasal dari keinginan
114 of us focus on when we talk about internal seseorang untuk
motivation. However, high intensity is melakukan sesuatu,
unlikely to positively affect job dimotivasi oleh hal-hal
performance unless the effort is seperti minat, tantangan,
channelled in a direction that is useful. dan kepuasan pribadi.
Finally, the effort requires persistence.
This is a measure of how long a person
can maintain his or her effort.
Motivated individuals stay with a task
long enough to achieve their goal.

Motivasi didefinisikan sebagai faktor-

faktor internal dan eksternal yang
mendorong seseorang untuk terlibat
dalam perilaku yang terkait dengan
tujuan. Motivasi dapat mempengaruhi
intensitas, arah, dan ketekunan yang
ditunjukkan seseorang dalam bekerja
menuju suatu tujuan. Intensitas
berkaitan dengan seberapa keras
seseorang berusaha. Namun, intensitas
yang tinggi tidak mungkin berdampak
positif pada kinerja kerja kecuali upaya
tersebut diarahkan pada hal yang
bermanfaat. Akhirnya, upaya
memerlukan ketekunan. Ini adalah
ukuran seberapa lama seseorang dapat
mempertahankan upayanya. Individu
yang termotivasi tetap berkomitmen
dengan tugas yang cukup lama untuk
mencapai tujuan mereka.
7. John R. Schermerhorn, Motivation is defined as forces within 1. Arah, merujuk pada
Jr., Richard N. the individual that account for the pilihan individu ketika
Osborn, Mary Uhl- direction, level, and persistence of a dihadapkan dengan
Bien, & James G. person’s effort expended at work. beberapa alternatif yang
Hunt. (2012). mungkin (misalnya,
Organizational Motivasi didefinisikan sebagai apakah akan mengejar
Behavior: Experience, kekuatan-kekuatan dalam diri individu kualitas, kuantitas, atau
Grow, Contribute. yang mempengaruhi arah, tingkat, dan keduanya dalam pekerjaan
USA: John Wiley & ketekunan usaha seseorang yang seseorang).
Sons, Inc., p. 102. dihabiskan dalam pekerjaan. 2. Tingkat, merujuk pada
seberapa besar usaha yang
diberikan oleh seseorang
(misalnya, apakah akan
berusaha keras atau sangat
3. Ketekunan, merujuk pada
lamanya seseorang
bertahan dalam
melakukan suatu tindakan
tertentu (misalnya, terus
berusaha atau menyerah
ketika sesuatu sulit

8. Rice University. Motivation is a force within or outside Motivasi memiliki dua

(2019). Organizational of the body that energizes, directs, and komponen utama:
Behavior. Houston: sustains human behavior. Within the 1. Arah, apa yang ingin
OpenStax, p. 201-203. body, examples might be needs, seseorang capai, apa
personal values, and goals, while an yang mereka niatkan
incentive might be seen as a force untuk lakukan. Ini
outside of the body. The word stems mengimplikasikan
from its Latin root movere, which sebuah tujuan yang
means “to move.” ingin dicapai oleh
Generally speaking, motivation arises orang-orang yang
as a consequence of a person’s desire termotivasi.
to (1) fulfill unmet needs or (2) resolve 2. Intensitas, seberapa
conflicting thoughts that produce keras orang-orang
anxiety (an unpleasant experience). berusaha mencapai
tujuan mereka.
Motivasi adalah faktor utama keempat Intensitas adalah apa
yang menentukan apakah seseorang yang kita sebut sebagai
akan menjalankan tugas dengan baik. usaha. Ini mewakili
Motivasi adalah kekuatan di dalam atau energi yang kita
di luar tubuh yang memberikan energi, keluarkan untuk
arahan, dan mempertahankan perilaku mencapai sesuatu. Jika
manusia. Di dalam tubuh, contoh- usaha kita tidak
contohnya mungkin adalah kebutuhan, menghasilkan hasil,
nilai-nilai pribadi, dan tujuan, akankah kita mencoba
sementara insentif dapat dilihat sebagai strategi yang berbeda
kekuatan di luar tubuh. Kata ini berasal untuk berhasil? (Orang-
dari akar Latinnya, movere, yang orang yang termotivasi
berarti "bergerak." dengan intensitas tinggi
adalah orang yang

9. Stephen P. Robbins & We define motivation as the processes 1. Intensitas,

Timothy A. Judge. that account for an individual’s menggambarkan seberapa
(2022). Organizational intensity, direction, and persistence of keras seseorang mencoba.
Behavior. Harlow: effort toward attaining a goal. While
Pearson Education. p. general motivation is concerned with 2. Arah, menggambarkan
249-250. effort toward any goal, we’ll narrow usaha yang diarahkan ke
the focus to organizational goals. arah dan sesuai dengan
tujuan organisasi adalah
Pinder dalam Robbins & Judge (2022) jenis usaha yang
menjelaskan motivasi sebagai proses- seharusnya.
proses yang menjelaskan intensitas,
arah, dan ketekunan usaha seseorang 3. Ketekunan, ini mengukur
dalam mencapai suatu tujuan. seberapa lama seseorang
Sementara motivasi umum berkaitan dapat mempertahankan
dengan usaha untuk mencapai tujuan usahanya. Individu yang
apapun, kami akan mempersempit termotivasi tetap
fokus pada tujuan organisasi. berkomitmen pada tugas
tersebut dalam waktu yang
cukup lama untuk
mencapai tujuan mereka.

10. Muhammad Busro. Motivasi adalah penggerak dari dalam Motivasi diukur dengan
(2018). Teori-Teori individu untuk melakukan aktivitas dimensi dan indikator berikut:
Manajemen Sumber tertentu dalam mencapai tujuan. Kebutuhan untuk
Daya Manusia. berprestasi mencakup
Jakarta: Prenadamedia indikator:
Group. pp. 51 & 65. 1) upaya untuk berprestasi
2) upaya untuk tidak
ketinggalan dengan
pegawai lain, dan
3) upaya untuk
pengakuan dari hasil

Kebutuhan untuk berafiliasi

mencakup indikator:
1) semangat untuk
berafiliasi dengan
2) semangat untuk dapat
3) semangat mematuhi
segala aturan yang ada;
4) selalu menghormati

Kebutuhan untuk
kekuasaan mencakup
1) berusaha agar dirinya
2) upaya untuk tidak
diremehkan; dan
3) kehadiran sangat
diperlukan orang lain.

11. Emron Edison, Yohny Motivasi yang tinggi dipengaruhi oleh Motivasi terdiri atas tiga
Anwar, & Imas beberapa alasan sehingga elemen yang berinteraksi
Komariyah. (2018). menimbulkan kekuatan mengarahkan saling bergantung, yaitu:
Manajemen Sumber perilaku seseorang agar berbuat sesuatu 1. Kebutuhan (needs)
Daya Manusia. untuk tujuan-tujuan tertentu. 2. Dorongan (drives)
Bandung: Alfabeta. 3. Tujuan (goals)
pp. 170-171.

Motivasi kerja adalah keinginan kuat yang muncul dari dalam diri seseorang dalam melakukan suatu
pekerjaan, baik disebabkan oleh faktor internal maupun eksternal, yang terukur melalui adanya
arah/tujuan yang ingin dicapai, intensitas usaha yang dilakukan, dan ketekunan dalam mencapai tujuan.

1. Adanya arah/tujuan yang ingin dicapai
2. Intensitas usaha yang dilakukan
3. Ketekunan dalam mencapai tujuan

Deskripsi Konseptual:
Motivasi kerja adalah keinginan kuat yang muncul dari dalam diri seseorang dalam melakukan suatu
pekerjaan, baik disebabkan oleh faktor internal maupun eksternal, yang terukur melalui adanya
arah/tujuan yang ingin dicapai, intensitas usaha yang dilakukan, dan ketekunan dalam mencapai tujuan.

Deskripsi Operasional:
Motivasi kerja adalah keinginan kuat yang muncul dari dalam diri guru dalam melakukan pekerjaannya
di sekolah, baik disebabkan oleh faktor internal maupun eksternal, yang terukur melalui adanya
arah/tujuan yang ingin dicapai, intensitas usaha yang dilakukan, dan ketekunan dalam mencapai tujuan.

Daftar Pustaka:
Busro, Muhammad. (2018). Teori-Teori Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Jakarta: Prenadamedia
Edison, Emron, et al. (2018). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Ivancevich, John M., et al. (2014). Organizational Behavior and Management. New York: McGraw-
Jex, Steve M. & Thomas W. Britt. (2014). Organizational Psychology. New Jersey: John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
Kreitner, Robert & Angelo Kinicki. (2010). Organizational Behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Langton, Nancy, et al. (2006). Fundamental of Organizational Behavior, Third Edition. Canada:
Luthans, Fred, et al. (2021). Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach. USA: IAP.
Rice University. (2019). Organizational Behavior. Houston: OpenStax.
Robbins, Stephen P. & Timothy A. Judge. (2022). Organizational Behavior. Harlow: Pearson
Schermerhorn, John R., et al. (2012). Organizational Behavior: Experience, Grow, Contribute. USA:
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

No. Sumber Teori Deskripsi Teori Dimensi/ Indikator

1. Jason A. Colquitt, Organizational commitment is defined 1. Keinginan untuk tetap
Jeffery A. Lepine, & as the desire on the part of an employee menjadi anggota karena
Michael J. Wesson. to remain a member of the adanya ikatan emosional dan
(2019). Organizational organization.3 Organizational keterlibatan.
Behavior: Improving commitment influences whether an 2. Keinginan untuk tetap
Performance and employee stays a member of the menjadi anggota karena
Commitment in the organization (is retained) or leaves to alasan berbasis biaya.
Workplace. New pursue another job (turns over). 3. Keinginan untuk tetap
York: McGraw-Hill menjadi anggota karena
Education, p. 62-63. Komitmen organisasi didefinisikan adanya rasa kewajiban.
sebagai keinginan dari seorang
karyawan untuk tetap menjadi anggota
dari organisasi. Komitmen organisasi
memengaruhi apakah seorang
karyawan tetap menjadi anggota
organisasi (dipertahankan) atau pergi
untuk mengejar pekerjaan lain
2. Steven L. McShane & Organizational commitment represents 1. Ikatan emosional karyawan
Mary Ann Von the other half (with job satisfaction) of dengan organisasi (terkait
Glinow. (2018). what keterlibatan dan identifikasi)
Organizational some experts call “overall job 2. Ikatan kalkulatif (terkait
Behavior: Emerging attitude.” peluang kerja dan finansial)
Knowledge, Global,
Reality. New York: Komitmen organisasi merupakan
McGraw-Hill bagian (bersama dengan kepuasan
Education, p. 106-107. kerja) dari apa yang beberapa ahli sebut
sebagai "sikap kerja keseluruhan."
3. Fred Luthans, Brett C. This is an attitude reflecting 1. Kepedulian
Luthans, & Kyle W. employees’ loyalty to their 2. Kesinambungan
Luthans. (2021). organization and is an ongoing process
Organizational through which organizational
Behavior: An participants express their concern for
Evidence-Based the organization and its continued
Approach. USA: IAP, success and well-being.
p. 124-126
Komitmen organisasi didefinisikan
sebagai sikap yang mencerminkan
loyalitas karyawan terhadap organisasi
mereka dan merupakan proses
berkelanjutan di mana peserta organisasi
mengungkapkan kepedulian mereka
terhadap organisasi dan kesinambungan
keberhasilan serta kesejahteraannya.
4. John M. Ivancevich, A sense of identification, involvement, 1. Rasa identifikasi dengan
Robert Konopaske, & and loyalty expressed by an employee tujuan organisasi,
Michael T. Matteson. toward the company. 2. Perasaan keterlibatan dalam
(2014). Organizational tugas-tugas organisasi
Behavior and Komitmen didefinisikan sebagai suatu 3. Perasaan loyalitas terhadap
Management. New perasaan identifikasi, keterlibatan, dan organisasi.
York: McGraw-Hill, p. loyalitas yang dinyatakan oleh seorang
188 karyawan terhadap perusahaan.
5. John R. Schermerhorn, Organizational commitment, or the 1. Rasa loyalitas terhadap
Jr., Richard N. degree of loyalty an individual feels organisasi
Osborn, Mary Uhl- toward the organization. Individuals 2. Rasa teridentifikasi dengan
Bien, & James G. with a high organizational commitment organisasi
Hunt. (2012). identify strongly with the organization 3. Rasa bangga menjadi anggota
Organizational and take pride in considering organisasi
Behavior: Experience, themselves members.
Grow, Contribute.
USA: John Wiley & Komitmen organisasi, atau tingkat
Sons, Inc., p. 63 loyalitas yang dirasakan seseorang
terhadap organisasi. Individu dengan
komitmen organisasi yang tinggi
merasa sangat teridentifikasi dengan
organisasi dan bangga memandang diri
mereka sebagai anggota.
6. Suarni Norawati & Komitmen merupakan suatu kondisi 1. Sikap penerimaan
Fahraini. (2022). yang dirasakan oleh karyawan dan 2. Keyakinan yang kuat
Determinan dapat menimbulkan perilaku positif terhadap nilai-nilai dan
Komitmen dan yang kuat terhadap organisasi kerja tujuan organisasi
Kinerja Karyawan yang dimiliki dan berkaitan dengan 3. Adanya dorongan yang kuat
Pada Badan Usaha identifikasi dan loyalitas pada untuk mempertahankan dan
Milik Daerah organisasi dan tujuan-tujuannya. menjadi bagian penting dari
(BUMD). anggota organisasi
Indramayu: Penerbit
Adab, p. 52-53, 56.
7. Joharis Lubis & Indra Komitmen organisasional adalah suatu 1. Sikap loyal terhadap
Jaya. (2019). keadaan di mana seorang karyawan organisasi
Komitmen memihak pada suatu organisasi tertentu 2. Berusaha bekerja sebaik
Membangun dan tujuan-tujuannya, serta berniat mungkin untuk tujuan
Pendidikan (Tinjauan memelihara keanggotaan dalam organisasi
Kritis Hingga organisasi itu. Komitmen organisasi
Perbaikan Menurut merupakan sikap yang dimiliki
Teori). Medan: CV. karyawan untuk tetap loyal terhadap
Widya Puspita, p. 9 & Perusahaan dan bersedia untuk tetap
13. bekerja dengan sebaik mungkin demi
tercapainya tujuan organisasi.
8. Stephen P. Robbins & Organizational Commitment: The 1. Rasa kesetiaan terhadap
Timothy A. Judge. degree to which an employee identifies organisasi
(2022). Organizational with a particular organization and its 2. Rasa keterikatan terhadap
Behavior. UK: goals and wishes to maintain organisasi
Pearson Education, p. membership in the organization.
Komitmen organisasi didefinisikan
sebagai tingkat di mana seorang
karyawan mengidentifikasi diri dengan
suatu organisasi tertentu dan tujuannya,
serta ingin tetap menjadi anggota dalam
organisasi tersebut.
9. Emron Edison, Yohny Komitmen adalah suatu bentuk di mana 1. Adanya keterlibatan
Anwar, & Imas pegawai/karyawan memiliki 2. Menerima kondisi
Komariyah. (2018). keterlibatan, menerima kondisi lingkungan yang ada
Manajemen Sumber lingkungan yang ada, serta berusaha 3. Berusaha untuk berprestasi
Daya Manusia. untuk berprestasi dan mengabdi. 4. Mengabdi
Bandung: Alfabeta. p.
220 & 222.

10. Muhammad Busro. Komitmen organisasi merupakan 1. Besarnya usaha

(2018). Teori-Teori perwujudan dari kerelaan, kesadaran, 2. Adanya tekad
Manajemen Sumber dan keikhlasan seseorang untuk terikat 3. Adanya keyakinan
Daya Manusia. dan selalu berada di dalam organisasi
Jakarta: Prenadamedia yang digambarkan oleh besarnya
Group. p. 75. usaha, tekad, dan keyakinan dapat
mencapai visi, misi, dan tujuan

Komitmen organisasi adalah sikap seseorang yang secara sukarela ingin tetap berada dan menjadi anggota
organisasi yang terukur dengan adanya keterlibatan dalam tugas-tugas organisasi, usaha keras, penerimaan
terhadap kondisi lingkungan organisasi, dorongan kuat, keyakinan terhadap nilai dan tujuan organisasi, rasa
teridentifikasi dengan organisasi, rasa bangga menjadi bagian dari organisasi.

1. Keterlibatan dalam tugas-tugas organisasi
2. Usaha keras
3. Penerimaan terhadap kondisi lingkungan organisasi,
4. Adanya dorongan kuat
5. keyakinan terhadap nilai dan tujuan organisasi,
6. Rasa teridentifikasi dengan organisasi,
7. Rasa bangga menjadi bagian dari organisasi
Definisi Konseptual:
Komitmen organisasi adalah sikap seseorang yang secara sukarela ingin tetap berada dan menjadi anggota
organisasi yang terukur dengan adanya keterlibatan dalam tugas-tugas organisasi, usaha keras, penerimaan
terhadap kondisi lingkungan organisasi, dorongan kuat, keyakinan terhadap nilai dan tujuan organisasi, rasa
teridentifikasi dengan organisasi, rasa bangga menjadi bagian dari organisasi.

Definisi Operasional:
Komitmen organisasi adalah sikap guru yang secara sukarela ingin tetap berada dan menjadi pendidik di
sekolah yang terukur dengan adanya keterlibatan dalam tugas-tugas organisasi, usaha keras, penerimaan
terhadap kondisi lingkungan organisasi, dorongan kuat, keyakinan terhadap nilai dan tujuan organisasi, rasa
teridentifikasi dengan organisasi, rasa bangga menjadi bagian dari organisasi.

Daftar Pustaka:
Busro, Muhammad. (2018). Teori-Teori Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Jakarta: Prenadamedia Group.
Colquitt, Jason A., et al. (2019). Organizational Behavior: Improving Performance and Commitment in the
Workplace. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
Edison, Emron, et al. (2018). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Ivancevich, John M., et al. (2014). Organizational Behavior and Management. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Lubis, Joharis & Indra Jaya. (2019). Komitmen Membangun Pendidikan (Tinjauan Kritis Hingga Perbaikan
Menurut Teori). Medan: CV. Widya Puspita.
Luthans, Fred, et al. (2021). Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach. USA: IAP.
McShane, Steven L. & Mary Ann Von Glinow. (2018). Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge,
Global, Reality. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
Norawati, Suarni & Fahraini. (2022). Determinan Komitmen dan Kinerja Karyawan Pada Badan Usaha
Milik Daerah (BUMD). Indramayu: Penerbit Adab.
Robbins, Stephen P. & Timothy A. Judge. (2022). Organizational Behavior. UK: Pearson Education.
Schermerhorn, John R., et al. (2012). Organizational Behavior: Experience, Grow, Contribute. USA: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.


What Is
An organization decides it will hire people
with few skills and job experience. What
challenges might its managers face?

1 What is organizational behaviour?

Isn’t organizational behaviour common sense?

2 Or just like psychology?

How does knowing about organizational

3 behaviour make work and life more

4 What challenges do managers and employees

face in the workplace of the twenty-first century?
88 Part 1 Understanding the Workplace

Exit and neglect behaviours encompass our performance variables—productivity,

absenteeism, and turnover. But this list expands employee response to include voice
and loyalty—constructive behaviours that allow individuals to tolerate unpleasant
situations or to revive satisfactory working conditions. It helps us to understand sit-
uations, such as those sometimes found among unionized employees, where low job
satisfaction is coupled with low turnover.83 Union members often express dissatis-
faction through the grievance procedure or through formal contract negotiations.
These voice mechanisms allow the union members to continue in their jobs while
convincing themselves that they are acting to improve the situation.

Organizational Commitment
organizational commitment Organizational commitment is defined as a state in which an employee identifies
A state in which an employee identi- with a particular organization and its goals, and wishes to maintain membership in
fies with a particular organization the organization.84
and its goals, and wishes to main-
Professor John Meyer at the University of Western Ontario and his colleagues have
tain membership in the
organization. identified and developed measures for three types of commitment:85
• Affective commitment. An individual’s relationship to the organization: his or
her emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in the
• Normative commitment. The obligation an individual feels to staying with the
• Continuance commitment. An individual’s calculation that it is in his or her
best interest to stay with the organization based on the perceived costs of
leaving the organization.
Affective commitment is strongly associated with positive work behaviours such as
performance, attendance, and citizenship. Normative commitment is less strongly
associated with positive work behaviours. However, when affective and normative
commitment decline, individuals are much more likely to quit their jobs.86
Because continuance commitment reflects an individual’s calculation that it is in
his or her best interest to stay with the organization (perhaps because it would be dif-
ficult to find a job elsewhere), it is often associated with negative work behaviours.

EXHIBIT 3-5 Responses to Job Dissatisfaction



Destructive Constructive



Source: Reprinted with permission from Journal of Applied Social Psychology 15, no. 1, p. 83. V. H.
Winston and Sons, 360 South Beach Boulevard, Palm Beach, FL 33480. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3 Values, Attitudes, and Their Effects in the Workplace 89

Arnold Carbone (centre) receives

a high level of job satisfaction and
has a positive attitude about his
job. Carbone, as “Conductor of
Bizarre and D” at Ben & Jerry’s,
travels the world and eats as
many desserts as he can in his job
as developer of new ice-cream
flavours for Ben & Jerry’s.
Carbone created flavours such as
Phish Food and Wavy Gravy.

People in highly paid jobs and union members with good benefits may exhibit con-
tinuance commitment because of the rewards received from the job, rather than their
preference for the job itself.87
The notion of organizational commitment has changed in recent years. Twenty
years ago, employees and employers had an unwritten loyalty contract, with employ-
ees typically remaining with a single organization for most of their careers. This notion
has become increasingly obsolete. As such, “measures of employee-firm attachment, such
as commitment, are problematic for new employment relations.”88 Canadian busi-
ness consultant Barbara Moses notes that “40-somethings still value loyalty: they think
people should be prepared to make sacrifices, to earn their way. The 20-somethings
are saying, ‘No, I want to be paid for my work; I have no belief in the goodness of
organizations, so I’m going to be here as long as my work is meaningful.’”89
How can companies increase organizational commitment? Research on a number
of companies known for employees with high organizational commitment identified
five reasons why employees commit themselves:90

• They are proud of [the company’s] aspirations, accomplishments, and legacy;

they share its values.

• They know what each person is expected to do, how performance is meas-
ured, and why it matters.

• They are in control of their own destinies; they savour the high-risk, high-
reward work environment.

• They are recognized mostly for the quality of their individual performance.

• They have fun and enjoy the supportive and highly interactive environment.

These findings suggest a variety of ways for organizations to increase the commitment
of employees. Additionally, a recent study conducted in five countries suggests that an
individual’s organizational commitment is strongly associated with whether the employee
finds the work interesting.91 Earlier in the chapter we discussed the role of satisfaction
on organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB). We should also note that when individ-
uals have high organizational commitment, they are likely to engage in more OCB.
The Role of Training and Career Development on the Quality of
Sri Rahayu1, Pompong Budi Setiadi2, Riska Agustina3
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mahardhika, Indonesia,,

Abstract Keywords
training; career
Training is a systematic process of an organization aimed at
developing individual skills, abilities, knowledge or attitudes that can development;
change employee behavior in achieving company goals that have been quality of work
set. Career development is a continuous process in which individuals
go through personal efforts to realize career planning goals that are
adapted to organizational conditions. Employee performance is the
result of an assigned job in an organization. This study aimed to
determine the role of training and career development on the quality
of work through its competence as an intervention. The research
method used is qualitative. The study results can be concluded that
training and career development have a role in the quality of work. It
can be seen that training and career development indirectly influence
the quality of work.

I. Introduction

Indonesia is developing to reach a developed country in the next decade. The country
still faces many problems in achieving the desired goals. Companies and governments
have invested significant amounts of time and effort in recent years in policies and
initiatives to improve work-life balance. In efforts to improve work-life balance, the
government and the private sector have made various efforts. These efforts include
providing salary increases, annual bonus payments, gifts to brilliant workers at work and
providing various facilities for workers. However, these efforts have not been able to fulfill
the wishes of some workers because each worker has an assessment in assessing their
respective interests (Luthfiani, 2020).
As a developing country, Indonesia needs some productive workers. The problem at
the good level of organizations in non-business or business is that they have people who
are intellectually capable of doing good. However, good intellectual abilities are often not
manifested in the achievement of work for the organizations where they work less
supportive of realizing their potential. The fulfillment of individual and organizational
goals are independent, but they are linked by motivation.
The ASEAN economic community has come to Indonesia since 2015. This is shown
by a change in attitude that must be better and be able to compete well in companies both
domestically and companies that are abroad or foreign. The pillar of the existence of a
company is human resources to become even better and highly competitive, even though
the company is aware of the importance of natural resources, which are considered the
most valuable and empowering assets so that they can make human resources more
comfortable and productive so that they can obtain the better goal.
For example, in the world of education in the millennial era, which is growing in
Indonesia, companies in the banking sector have undergone major changes in recent years.
The development of banking is now taking place to be more advanced, faster and more

DOI: 16252
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal)
Volume 5, No 2, May 2022, Page: 16252-16257
e-ISSN: 2615-3076 (Online), p-ISSN: 2615-1715 (Print)

efficient in the increasingly fierce competition, can improve quality and excellence so that
banking can develop can become a financial solution for the community.
It can be seen in the banking competition in Indonesia, which is currently getting tight
and strong. In order to be able to maintain competition, companies are required to have a
competitive advantage. To improve the quality of employees' work so that they become
more productive, training is needed to help employees find and reach the level of expertise
and ability to be successful in carrying out their work. Thus the vision is carried out so that
the learning process can enable an employee to carry out work according to standards and
improve the competencies possessed by an employee. Efforts in training are carried out then
an employee can improve his abilities and skills so that he can continue to develop his
potential and skills by developing a career.
Career development has a relationship with the process carried out by the organization
to select, define and develop all employees to gather competitive people and meet future
needs (Mukhsin 2019).
Career Development and Quality of Work. The quality of work affects job satisfaction
and life satisfaction, such as family life, social life, finances and worker welfare. Quality of
work-life is a concept in which life satisfaction is at the highest level, and job satisfaction is
in the middle. Job satisfaction can be obtained from job satisfaction with salary, coworkers,
and supervisors. Quality of work life is important. Several studies point to the fact that
happy workers are productive workers; Happy workers are employees who are devoted and
committed to the organization.
Quality of work also aims to make work more interesting and benefit workers. There
are three distinct elements of quality of work-life: related interventions: (1) concerns about
the effects of work on people as well as organizational effectiveness, (2) the idea of worker
participation in organizational problem solving and decision making and (3) creation of a
reward structure in the workplace that takes into account Innovative ways to value employee
input into work processes such as profit sharing. The role of human resources is now
something that companies must consider. Human resources
Workers will stay in the organization depending on how they see their future in the
organization. The worker will stay in the organization when he feels that the job design
provided by the organization is useful for his job and career. Clear career advancement in
their work-life also greatly influenced workers to survive in the organization. Initially, career
activities are carried out by the organization, but career development will be effective if it is
carried out jointly between workers and organizations. The workers' needs strongly
influence employee satisfaction in career development. Organizations should offer career
development patterns to meet these worker goals. The career development pattern offered by
the organization to meet the needs of employees is not necessarily considered so by workers
(Maulyan, 2019). In other words, accepting career development workers will depend on how
they respond to and perceive this career development. Workers' Perceptions of career
development are influenced by the interaction between values, expectations, and goals of
workers carried out through work experience.
Covers career development practices used in organizations, such as placing clear
expectations of employees on their expectations and succession plans. Quality of work life is
related to career development, and a career develops from the interaction of individuals
within the organization. Careers emerge from the interaction of individuals with
organizations and society. A career is not primarily a theoretical construction but is used in a
sense that means way, gives meaning and creates meaning and experience. A career is
usually defined as a 'sequence' of work roles or the sequence of work experience a person
has over time.

Career development is the process and activities to prepare workers for positions in the
organization, which will be carried out in the future. Career development needs to be done
because a worker not only wants to get what is his or her but expects change, progress, and
opportunities to advance to a higher level. Several things that encourage career development
in a worker are: first, the desire to develop themselves according to their intellectual
abilities; second, to obtain the compensation that is greater than usual; third, to gain freedom
in work; fourth, to ensure work safety and the last to pursue achievement in work.
Personal Factors and Quality of Work Life are also related to personal factors.
Personal factors such as age, income, and education level are related to the quality of
working life. In addition, several studies have shown that marital status, education level and
age are correlated with employment. Another study reported that length of service was
associated with quality of work. Gender, length of service and education correlate with the
quality of components of work-life such as job satisfaction, supervisors, support and work
environment. Meanwhile, gender, age, education and marital status correlate with the quality
of working life.

II. Review of Literature

2.1 The Quality of Work

The instrument is a quality of work-life scale designed for several aspects of quality of
work-life (Suwarto, 2015). There are several aspects of the quality of work-life, namely;
adequate and fair compensation, safe and healthy working conditions, direct opportunities to
use and develop human capacities, opportunities for continued growth and security, social
integration in work organizations, constitutionalism in work organizations, work and total
living space and social relevance of working life. The subjects of this study were asked to
respond using a four-point scale response option ranging from strongly disagree (1) to agree
(4) strongly. A higher score would indicate a higher level of quality Work-life.

2.2 Career Development

The instrument design is a career development scale using several aspects of career
development. There are several aspects of career development, namely, belonging to
individual roles, supervisory roles, and organizational roles. The research subjects were
asked to respond using a four-point response option on a scale ranging from strongly
disagree (1) to agree (4) strongly. A higher score would indicate a higher degree of career

III. Research Method

This study uses qualitative data sourced from scientific articles and books. The
secondary data was taken from previous studies to examine the concept and form a new
research model related to the relationship of remuneration to the quality of public services.

IV. Results and Discussion

Based on statistical analysis, there is a significant correlation between career

development and quality of work life. Thus, it can be concluded that the quality of work-life
of job employees depends on how these workers perceive career development in the
organization. If employees feel that they can develop themselves in the organization, they
feel that the organization can meet their personal needs. On the other hand, if workers

cannot develop themselves, the organization cannot fulfill their personal needs. The results
are consistent with what was proposed (Asmawiyah, 2020), that nowadays, people no longer
fulfill physiological needs only but also need non-material improvements as a manifestation
of self-actualization in the form of career development. Career
Development is all kinds of activities carried out in organizations to implement career
plans to achieve career goals. How workers view their career development can influence
work attitudes and behavior in organizations because individual perceptions of neediness are
one of the factors that indicate the formation of attitudes and behavior.
Three reasons explain the relationship between career development and quality of
work life. First, the effectiveness of career development will be obtained if career
development activities are carried out jointly between workers, employers and organizations.
Workers, who have a positive perception of career development and are supported by the
organization, tend to have high motivation to achieve goals (Wati, 2020). Thus, workers
who are satisfied with their work and career will be loyal to the organization and work to
increase profitability and productivity.
Second, the relationship between career development and quality of work-life can be
explained. Career development is an attempt to match the goals and objectives of workers
with the career opportunities available today and in the future in the organization.
Individuals will have career opportunities in line with the offers provided by the
organization (Ruhiyat et al., 2022). Workers will accept the career development pattern
offered by the organization as a supporter to move forward. Both working conditions,
support and opportunities for development are the main considerations in the working life of
workers. Acceptance of career development will depend on how they respond to and
perceive this career development. Workers' Perceptions of career development are
influenced by the interaction between workers' values, expectations, and goals through
positive experiences gained during work (Man, 2020).
Third, a positive relationship between career development and quality of work-life can
be explained. Organizations that manage and develop human resources effectively will have
a high level of productivity, high market value and higher profit growth. In other words,
these organizations can meet the needs of organizations, shareholders and investors. In
addition, effective human resource management can meet the needs of workers in various
ways that are consistent with the organization's capacity. So human resources in the
organization will be able to develop themselves optimally. Studies show that workers are
willing to sacrifice for the organization, so workers will be willing to work and make some
efforts for the organization's success. Willingness will only grow and develop if employees
believe that the organization's success is also a success in achieving the desired career
(Farida & Hendarsiah 2022).
The results of this study report a significant relationship between personal factors and
quality of work life. The results of this study indicate that male workers have a higher level
of work quality than female workers. The female employees had to overcome more
obstacles than their male counterparts. Consequently, it seems reasonable to expect that
perceptions of inequality may affect female employee opportunities (Putri & Rambe, 2022).
In addition, workers who are older and have higher education also have a high quality
of work life. Older employees can better balance personal and work/organizational needs
than younger employees. They are more likely to cognitively justify staying with the
organization because they may have limited alternative job opportunities and greater costs
than younger employees. As a result, older employees tend to develop more positive
attitudes towards their jobs (Halisa, 2020). Employees with a greater level of education

experience more growth opportunities, concern with the quality of their work performance
than those with a lower level of education (Hakim et al., 2019).
The results also show that the length of service significantly correlates with the quality
of work life. These results are consistent with previous research, which showed that work
experience is closely related to the quality of work life. Other studies also support the results
of this study. The tenure of service has a significant relationship with the quality of working
life. Workers with a higher length of service have a higher quality of work-life than new
workers. Employees with more work experience have more respect for their work and can
apply their experience to it; they are also more likely to enjoy the physical work
environment. Service duration appears to affect current employment, pay, supervision and
coworkers. It could be concluded that those with more experience tend to be more satisfied,
become higher performers and are more productive than those new to the organization
(Annalia, 2020).
Several studies have also shown that married workers are better able to survive in the
work environment than unmarried workers (Dewi et al., 2019). Those who are married and
have children have a higher quality of work-life than those who are single. Previous
researchers have observed that in the early stages of their careers, individuals are often
willing to sacrifice their personal lives to benefit their career advancement. However, as
individuals age into the maturity stage of their careers, they have been found to place a
greater emphasis on the balance between their work and family life that individuals place on
their family roles as they age.
Previous research has found that getting married leads individuals to prioritize their
personal life over work (Tiara et al., 2020). Similarly, parenthood increases the importance
individuals place on their family's role. Several studies have shown that happy family life
correlates with high job satisfaction and objective career achievement.

V. Conclusion

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that training and career development
have an important role in improving the quality of work. This further shows that successful
employees carry over into one's career and make one more satisfied with personal
achievements. The fact that deserves to be concluded is the importance of career
achievement of quality work. In the current context, the emphasis is on income, position,
personal growth and opportunities for career mobility as a potential success.


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Career Development: An Overview

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Career Development:

An Overview

Fadel Shaito


The purpose of this research is to give a brief overview about career development because
many organizations and employees find it challenging to develop an effective career development
strategy. This research addresses career and career development definitions, career development
components, process and strategies. It also addresses the career management model, finalizing
with recommendations for organizations and employees and a conclusion.


Table of contents
1. Definitions ...........................................................................................................................6
2. Career Management Components .........................................................................................6
2.1 Education ......................................................................................................................6
2.2 Capability .....................................................................................................................7
2.2.1 Strategic Skills .......................................................................................................7
2.2.2 Tactical Skills ........................................................................................................8
2.3 Network ........................................................................................................................9
2.4 Experience ....................................................................................................................9
3 Career Development Process ................................................................................................9
3.1 Identifying Career Needs...............................................................................................9
3.2 Developing Career Opportunities ................................................................................ 10
3.2.1 Career Path .......................................................................................................... 10
3.2.2 Job Analysis......................................................................................................... 10
3.2.3 Succession Planning ............................................................................................. 10
3.3 Integration of Employee Needs with Career Opportunities .......................................... 12
3.3.1 Management by Objectives (MBO) ...................................................................... 12
3.3.2 Career Counselling............................................................................................... 12
3.4 Regular Monitoring ..................................................................................................... 12
4 Career Development Strategies .......................................................................................... 13
4.1 Individual Strategies ................................................................................................... 13
4.1.1. Do it Now ............................................................................................................ 13
4.1.2. Know Yourself .................................................................................................... 14
4.1.3. Analyze Career Opportunities .............................................................................. 14
4.1.4. Establish Career Goals ......................................................................................... 14
4.1.5. Obtain Feedback .................................................................................................. 15
4.1.6. Manage Your Career ............................................................................................ 15
4.1.7. Self-Management ................................................................................................. 15
4.2. Organizational Strategies ............................................................................................ 15
4.2.1. Human Resources Planning and Forecasting System ............................................ 16
4.2.2. Improving Dissemination of Career Option Information....................................... 16
4.2.3. Initial Career Counselling .................................................................................... 17
4.2.4. Support of Education and Training ....................................................................... 17

4.2.5. Job Posting .......................................................................................................... 17

4.2.6. Special Assignments and Job Rotating ................................................................. 17
4.2.7. Career Development Workshops .......................................................................... 17
4.2.8. Flexible Rewards and Promotional System........................................................... 17
4.2.9. Development and Use of Assessment System....................................................... 18
5. Career Management Model ................................................................................................ 18
5.1. Career Exploration ...................................................................................................... 19
5.1.1. Self-exploration ................................................................................................... 19
5.1.2. Environmental Exploration .................................................................................. 19
5.2. Awareness................................................................................................................... 19
5.3. Goal Setting ................................................................................................................ 19
5.4. Strategy Development ................................................................................................. 20
5.5. Strategy Implementation ............................................................................................. 20
5.6. Feedback ..................................................................................................................... 20
5.7. Career Appraisal ......................................................................................................... 20
6. Indicators of Effective Career Management........................................................................ 20
7. Benefits of Career Development......................................................................................... 20
8. Recommendations .............................................................................................................. 21
8.1. For Organizations........................................................................................................ 21
8.2. For Employees ............................................................................................................ 21
9. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 21
References ................................................................................................................................ 22


Table of tables

Table 1: Succession Planning Process ....................................................................................... 11

Table of figures
Figure 1: Career Development Process ........................................................................................9
Figure 2: SMART Goals ........................................................................................................... 15


1. Definitions
Sullivan and Baruch defined “career” as “an individual’s work-related and other relevant
experiences, both inside and outside of organizations that form a unique pattern over the
individual’s life span” (2009), this definition distinguishes both physical movement as well as the
interpretation of individual’s perceptions of the career.

One definition of career management is that it is the planning of one’s activities and
engagements in the job one assumes in the path of his life for better completion, growth and
financial stability (Juneja, n.d.). Moreover, Career Development Association of Alberta defined
career development as “the lifelong process of managing learning, work, leisure, and transitions
in order to move toward a personally determined and evolving preferred future” (2012).

Workers want the chance to progress in their careers, “opportunity is the top reason why
39 percent of employees are engaged.” (Dixon, 2017). Along with that increased engagement,
career development programs lead to holding more people who are productive and grow their
skills, thus advancing the organization.

2. Career Management Components

If an organization lacks career development programs, it may lose talented employees. By
implementing a career development program you will not retain all your valuable talented
employees, but you will decrease the risk of losing them, so this program is essential for all
organizations, and the components of career development are:

1. Education
2. Capability
3. Network
4. Experience

2.1 Education
The first component/element of career development is education. This includes
both training (degree, certificates and classes) as well as self-training like reading,
ongoing classes, books and reading blogs and being always up-to-date for new


researches in the relevant field. Successful careers starts with education, getting
education to understand the broad concepts and overview of the relative industry is
crucial. However, you should not over invest in education without having experience.
While education is crucial, it’s a form of power, and how you invest this education is
more important than the paper itself. A bachelor degree is the most essential need in
any business now a days, however, in resumes education part is usually listed in the
bottom (Owyang, 2012).

2.2 Capability
The next component of career development, is the capability. Capabilities are the
raw skills needed to complete your jobs. These can include data, developing strategies,
project management, software management, programming, or a wide range of
knowledge working. Most employers agree that having both strategic and tactical skills
are needed (Owyang, 2012).

2.2.1 Strategic Skills

6 key strategic skills are: (Brearley, n.d.)

 Knowing how to prioritize: Arranging your workload is a key strategic skill. Don’t use a
complicated process, start with “Must Do” tasks and “Won’t Do” tasks. That’s it. No more
 Knowing when you need to be involved: Another vital strategic skill is understanding
where you add the most value. Leaders don’t need to engross themselves in everything
their team does. You need to know when to get out of the detail and let your team run
 Knowing how to manage up: One of the most important strategic skills is know how to
manage up. Strategic leaders don’t say “Yes” all the time. They push back on people when
they need to and say “No”. If you say “Yes” all the time, you’re going to be overwhelmed
in the long run.
 Knowing when to delegate responsibility, not just tasks: Handing over isn’t just about
tasks. Sometimes, you can delegate responsibility in your team to others. Not only does
this provide growth chances for your team, it frees up some of your time.


 Knowing how to resource your team properly: Having the right people in your team is
a strategic skill in itself. If you don’t have the right skills in your team, you’ll never be able
to take advantage of opportunities. You’ll be playing catch-up, because you don’t have the
right skills, or enough people.
 Being aware of the outside world: Leaders with good strategic skills understand what’s
going on around them. Keep an eye out for industry trends or technologies that may help
you and your team perform better. The world outside is changing and if you don’t keep an
eye on it, it might leave you behind.

2.2.2 Tactical Skills

5 key tactical skills: (Berkus, 2014)

 Delegate: Nothing is more of a turn off to a minion than having the boss do the
work for that person. Worse yet, breakdown to delegate make the leader the key
blockage in the flow of work through an organization. A great leader learns to
delegate, first.
 Measure the results of delegation: If there is no attempt to measure, no-one will
know if the work is up to standards for timeliness, quality, or the vision of the
leader. There are many types of metrics, some very easy to accomplish. But failure
to find and use them regularly is a failure at the top.
 Support: A leader’s obligation is to make sure that anything he delegates and
measures is given a chance of success by providing the tools required to perform
the job. Those include funding, people, training and facilities.
 Reward: “A great leader is a great cheerleader”, knowing when and how to reward
effective achievement through all levels of the organization. People naturally work
for rewards, from simple recognition to financial incentives.
 Celebrate: There is no greater feeling than to achieve a goal and to celebrate that
with some form of out-of-the-ordinary event. It can be a simple handshake and
comment in front of others who count, or an all-company celebration after
achievement of a major goal. A leader who fails to follow through and celebrate
misses a major opportunity to enhance the culture of the organization and motivate
the troops to further achievements.


2.3 Network
Network is the third component of career development. These are the individuals in
your career that you can depend on that will assist you when you ask, or will voluntarily
help you without asking. Like all relationships, your business network involves constant
attention and coaching. Don’t be that person who just comes around when you need
something, but be there to help others, and uphold an ongoing relationship (Owyang, 2012).

2.4 Experience
The fourth and last component of career development is experience. Solid careers may
have a chain of job positions that affiliate around a common career theme (marketing,
management, software, etc.) and having a solid track record is key. For those getting
ongoing in their career this is a challenge, as most entry level positions are seeking the
experienced. Focus on volunteering, interning, and attending local events to get networked.
In the end, this row becomes crucial as it’s the majority of one’s resume (Owyang, 2012).

3 Career Development Process

Integration of
employees needs Regular
Identifying career needs career
with career monitoring

Figure 1: Career Development Process

3.1 Identifying Career Needs

Some large organizations have assessment centers or apply career development
workshops wherein a group of employees are brought together to undertake psychological
testing, simulation exercises, and depth interviews. This process helps the employee to
make a decision concerning career goals and the steps to be taken to put efforts to
accomplish these goals. The HR manager also plays an important role of providing


information and assistance in making decisions about the career needs of the employee
(Risha, n.d.).

3.2 Developing Career Opportunities

Career opportunities are identified through job analysis. The manager should
identify career path for employees in the organization. He should discuss with the employees what
jobs are available in the organizational hierarchy and at the same time find where the employee
would want to go up in the organization in future. The employees should be provided information
regarding job postings that are available in the organization and, for future reference, what
requirements they will have to fulfill to achieve the promotion which they aspire (Risha, n.d.).

3.2.1 Career Path

Career paths are means that individuals take from their first foray into the job
market through to their final position before retirement. Commonly, speaking career paths start
with the most junior position and end with the most senior position, this isn’t always the case but
is likely the intent of the individual. It’s important to start thinking of career paths early as the
alternatives made early on in a career can influence the opportunities available in the future (HR
Zone, n.d.).

3.2.2 Job Analysis

Job analysis is a process to identify and determine in detail the certain job duties
and requirements and the comparative importance of these duties for a given job. Job analysis is a
process where results are made about data collected on a job.

“The Job; not the person”. An imperative notion of job analysis is that the analysis
is conducted of the job, not the person. While job analysis data may be collected from executives
through interviews or questionnaires, the result of the analysis is a description or specifications of
the job, not a description of the person (HR Guide, 2015).

3.2.3 Succession Planning

Business Jargons defined succession planning as “the systematic process of recognizing and
creating future leaders who are able to take the position of the old ones when they leave the
organization due to retirement, resignation, termination, transfer, promotion or death.” (Business
Jargons, n.d.).

CAREER DEVELOPMENT Succession Planning Process

Succession planning process consists of 5 steps: (Business Jargons, n.d.)
Step Explanation
First, the key business areas are identified, i.e.
the areas which are significant with respect to
the operational activities and strategic
Identifying Key Business Areas and Positions
objectives. After that, those positions are
identified which if vacant can cause difficulty
in achieving business objectives.
You need to determine the required
competencies for key business areas and
position, in order to create the selection
criteria, establish performance standards and
Ascertaining Competencies for Key areas and
fill the difference between what the viable
successors know and what they need to know,
through the training and development process.
It determines the knowledge, skills, ability and
experience required to achieve business goals.
After competency is analyzed, the next step is
to identify among various employees working
in the organization, who are interested as well
as they have the capability to fill key business
Find out the interested and potential candidates areas and positions. The Human Resource
and assess them as per the competencies Manager discusses future career plans and
interests with the candidates and identifies the
potential successors who are ready to replace
the old ones and can be trained and developed
for future contingencies.
Strategies for learning, training, development,
knowledge transfer, experience sharing is
Develop and Implement Succession Strategies
developed and implemented for potential
The last step to the succession planning
process is to evaluate the succession planning
and management, to ensure that all the key
business areas and positions are covered under
Evaluate Effectiveness the succession planning. Further, it also
ensures that in case of any sudden vacancies in
future, key positions can be filled as soon as
possible and the successors perform
effectively when they hold the position.
Table 1: Succession Planning Process


Therefore, Succession Planning is all about developing a leadership substitute, for

a perpetual succession of the organization without any kind of disturbance, when there are changes
in the top management.

3.3 Integration of Employee Needs with Career Opportunities

It is required to align the needs and ambitions of the employees with career
opportunities in order to ensure right people will be available to meet the organizational manpower
requirements. Therefore, emphasis is placed on the training, on- and off-the-job, counselling and
coaching by supervisor, and planned rotation in positions of fluctuating functions and in different
locations. The process is pursued further with the help of periodic performance appraisals. Training
and counselling will be a wasteful exercise if the employee does not make progress along his career
path (Risha, n.d.)

Two important techniques in this stage are:.

a) Management by objectives (MBO)

b) Career counselling

3.3.1 Management by Objectives (MBO)

Under ‘management by objectives’, the employee sets his development goals and
also an action plan to achieve those goals. Steps are taken by the line managers to integrate personal
goals with the organizational goals (Risha, n.d.).

3.3.2 Career Counselling

In the case of counselling, the manager discusses the strengths and weaknesses of
the employee. This helps the employee to identify areas of development so that he/she can meet
future chal-lenges of his job (Risha, n.d.)

3.4 Regular Monitoring

It is required to regularly monitor the progress of the employee towards his career
development plans and see that the provision is being provided to develop those career plans. If
there is an incongruity, steps should be taken to recast work as necessary to confirm that career
development plans are met. In situations where career opportunities are not available due to
influence of technology and economic factors, the organization should redesign jobs or make
career shifts (Risha, n.d.).


4 Career Development Strategies

There is two critical strategies for career development which are:

a) Individual strategies
b) Organizational strategies

4.1 Individual Strategies

Usually, organizations put efforts to develop their employees. However, employees
should also take initiatives to develop their own careers. Career is the result of matching
individual’s goals with the organizational goals. Career development is a joint responsibility of an
employee and the organization. If an employee wants only the organization to develop his career,
the organization is likely to impose too much organizational control restricting the autonomy of
that employee. Therefore, it advised that you should be instrumental to manage your own career
(Risha, n.d.).

The self-management of your career will help you control your own vocation and
boost your independence. In career decisions, the individual is the only one having appropriate
information. He must be assertive to express his feelings so that he does not get deceived with
regard to his career. The steps involved in successful self-management of career are:

a) Do it now
b) Know yourself
c) Analyze career opportunities
d) Establish career goal
e) Obtain feedback
f) Manage your career

4.1.1. Do it Now
Do not delay in taking the decisions that have an impact on your career. Do not wait
for an auspicious day to come; for completing an academic activity, for settling down, and for any
other reasons. Pursuing a career will always have uncertainties. Self-management helps to reduce
the uncertainties (Risha, n.d.).


4.1.2. Know Yourself

First thing you have to know is your strengths and weaknesses. You must know how others see
you; view your behavioral pattern, and opinions they possess. You must have the ear to hear what
others are telling about you (Risha, n.d.).

4.1.3. Analyze Career Opportunities

Try and examine the sources of career opportunities. There are many sources of
information concerning occupations and career opportunities. You may also collect information
from some of your friends or relatives who keep themselves informed. Spend few hours browsing
the internet to determine what potential employers are seeking (Risha, n.d.).

4.1.4. Establish Career Goals

In the previous steps, we discussed that you should not delay decisions related to your career, you
need to know yourself, and you must analyze career opportunities. Putting it all together, now you
should develop your specific career goals. These goals must be SMART, and may be for short or
long term (Risha, n.d.). SMART Goals

Goals are part of every attribute of business/life and afford a sense of direction,
motivation, a clear focus, and clarify importance. By setting goals for yourself, you are providing
yourself with a target to aim for. A SMART goal is used to help guide goal setting. SMART is an

Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely

•Who is involved •How •Do I have the •Is the goal •Does my goal
in this goal? many/much? resources and realistic and have a deadline?
•What do I want to •How do I know if capabilities to within reach? •By when do you
accomplish? I have reached achieve the goal? •Is the goal want to achieve
•Where is this goal my goal? If not, what am I reachable given your goal?
to be achieved? •What is my missing? the time and
•When do I want indicator of •Have others done resources?
to achieve this progress? it successfully •Are you able to
goal? before? commit to
•Why do I want to achieving the
achieve this goal? goal?

acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Therefore, a


SMART goal incorporates all of these criteria to help focus your efforts and increase the chances
of achieving that goal (Corporate Finance Institute, n.d.).

4.1.5. Obtain Feedback

Feedback from relevant people help one correct his errors. You are required to think
and plan how you will gather feedbacks from others with regard to your self-analysis and current
career planning (Risha, n.d.).

4.1.6. Manage Your Career

This is not just implementing your plan, it is an ongoing process. Evaluating and
modifying career goals and plans should be a continual process. You must be flexible while taking
decisions. You should not be tied up completely with a particularly job, department, or
organization (Risha, n.d.).
Figure 2: SMART Goals

4.1.7. Self-Management
Self-assessment is the essential tool for self-management, self-assessment is
researching within you. Self-assessment aspects include: (Risha, n.d.)

a) Achievements
b) Skills and abilities
c) Personal values
d) Interests
e) Disabilities
f) Personal and family circumstances

4.2. Organizational Strategies

For the aim of developing human resources management, and career issues such as
reducing employees attritions, developing high-potential employees, preparing for managerial
positions, enhancing problem solving skills…, organizations spend efforts on designing programs
for their employees’ career development. Literatures suggest a number of specific drives that
organizations can take to make the career programs effective.


4.2.1. Human Resources Planning and Forecasting System

Considering and analyzing the targets of the organization, it should develop the job
specifications and recruit personnel of the required quantity and requisite quality. Companies need
to develop procedures to meet the target in fluctuating situations. They need to select the
appropriate forecasting technique to assess manpower needs. Human Resources Planning

Organizational Strategy

Human Resources Department Strategy

Forecast Human Resources Needs

Surplus Equillibrium Shortage

Supply > Supply = Supply <
Demand Demand Demand

Termination No Action
Lay Offs

Figure 3: Human Resources Planning Process

Management Study Guide defined human resources planning as “Human Resource Planning
(HRP) is the process of forecasting the future human resource requirements of the organization
and determining as to how the existing human resource capacity of the organization can be utilized
to fulfill these requirements” (Juneja, n.d.).

4.2.2. Improving Dissemination of Career Option Information

Organizations that have career development systems should share the information
with the employees because they always remain impatient to know more about their career and the
various available options. Organizations can share information through administrative manuals,


circulars, or other documents. By sharing information with employees, they can concentrate more
on their assigned work (Risha, n.d.).

4.2.3. Initial Career Counselling

Career counselling is a way of periodic performance appraisal, in addition to that,
counselling provides the opportunity to discuss career issues of employees, their goals and
opportunities available for developing in career (Risha, n.d.).

4.2.4. Support of Education and Training

Education and training systems support all the levels of employees to improve their
careers. First, prerequisites for further career growth are identified, and a training needs analysis
is conducted accordingly. Education is imparted for further employees’ growth (Risha, n.d.).

4.2.5. Job Posting

Employees seek to advance their careers. Employees need to be informed about
advancements in their careers, and organizations must provide all information regarding job
openings. Moreover, a job posting system helps organizations to attract talents, and this system
simulates employees of all levels in career planning and development (Risha, n.d.).

4.2.6. Special Assignments and Job Rotating

Doing the same job over a long period of time generates boredom. Employees should get
the opportunity of gaining new experience by way of performing special assignments and through
job rotation. These actions enable employees to learn new things first-hand and performing them
in different settings. Simultaneously, management can also ascertain the capacity and potential of
an employee to accept challenges, working in new settings, and with new people (Risha, n.d.).
4.2.7. Career Development Workshops
Considering the importance of employees’ career development, organizations are
arranging workshops and seminars as essential career development activities. These workshops
clearly indicate organizations’ concern for career development. However, the central assumption
of these workshops is the joint responsibility of individual and the organization for career
development (Risha, n.d.).
4.2.8. Flexible Rewards and Promotional System
Financial and non-financial rewards are used by ost of the organizations. The scope of
rewards and determining success criteria are limited due to limited thinking about them.
Nowadays, in the financial area, there is a growing trend toward giving employees a choice among
several forms of financial rewards.

In fact, organizations need to develop multiple ladders to consider promotion and rewards.
The promotional system should reflect the desires for spiral as well as linear careers. The
employees will definitely contribute their best to the organizations if flexible rewards and
promotional system are installed.

4.2.9. Development and Use of Assessment System

Many organizations use formal assessment and development system in order to evaluate potential
of employees to help them advance in their careers. Use of assessment systems have emerged as a
practice while selecting people. Later, organizations use assessment systems for career planning
as well.

5. Career Management Model

The career management model describes how people should manage their careers.
It consists of a few important components: (iEdu Note, n.d.)




Strategy Strategy
Implementation Development

Figure 4: Career Management Model


5.1. Career Exploration

Career exploration is the collection and analysis of career related information. The
employee should be aware of his own talent, interest, values, the importance of work in his life,
and about alternative jobs inside ad outside the organization. Career exploration advances
There are two types of career exploration: self-exploration and environmental exploration.
Career exploration should enable an individual to become more fully aware of himself and his
environment (iEdu Note, n.d.).
5.1.1. Self-exploration
Self-exploration can provide a greater awareness of personal qualities. A person ought to
gain insight, for example, into his values, interests, and talents in both his work and non-work
Self-exploration provides information about strengths, weaknesses, talents and limitations
in order to let employees possess a deep understanding of their activities, whether they like it or
not. Self-awareness or self-assessment involves identifying and understanding one’s interests,
skills, and values as a foundation for career decision making, planning, and action.
Assessing and understanding your interests, skills, and values is the first step in identifying
the career path that is right for you.
There is a big difference between getting a job and pursuing a career you love. Research
has shown that individuals who choose careers that are closely aligned with their interests, skills,
and values tend to be more satisfied in their jobs and enjoy greater career success.
The self-assessment process is important, not only in pursuing your first internship or job
after college but also throughout your life as you move forward in your career (iEdu Note, n.d.).
5.1.2. Environmental Exploration
Environmental exploration includes types of occupation, types of industries, necessary
skills, and job alternatives within a given organization or alternative future jobs, experience needed
to move from current line position to a staff position, company alternatives and impact of family
on career decisions (iEdu Note, n.d.).
5.2. Awareness
As discussed before, exploration advances awareness. Awareness is an accurate perception
of person’s own qualities and characteristics of his relevant environment. Furthermore, awareness
is a central concept in career development. An exhaustive awareness of the self and the
environment allows a person to set his career goals and strategies of development (iEdu Note,
5.3. Goal Setting
People set career goals to maintain motivation, have something to look forward to and achieve
success. Effective career goals follow the SMART model that is explored previously (iEdu Note,


5.4. Strategy Development

A career strategy is a structured approach to developing capabilities, tools, and resources
in an organization, which will enable people to navigate their career ‘journey’ successfully. The
main strategies are, for example, competence in the present job, extended work involvement,
development of skills through training, opportunity development, development of supportive
relationships (mentors, sponsors, and peers), image building, and organizational politics (iEdu
Note, n.d.).
5.5. Strategy Implementation
“Strategy implementation put simply is the process that puts plans and strategies into action
to reach goals. The implementation of a reasonable strategy can produce progress toward the stated
career goal” (iEdu Note, n.d.).
5.6. Feedback
The implementation of a career strategy can provide useful feedback to the person. This
feedback can enable the person to appraise his career (iEdu Note, n.d.).
5.7. Career Appraisal
Whether the employee is progressing in his career toward his goal or not, the career strategy
implementation provides a useful feedback. This feedback, in conjunction with feedback from
other work and non-work sources, can allow a person to appraise his career. “Career appraisal is
the process by which people acquire and use career related feedback to determine whether their
goals and strategies are appropriate” (iEdu Note, n.d.).

6. Indicators of Effective Career Management

Greenhaus and Callanan have identified four indicators of effective career management.
They suggest that effective career management requires: (iEdu Note, n.d.)
a) Deep knowledge of the employee himself/herself and an accurate picture of the
b) The development of realistic goals that are compatible with one’s values, interest, abilities
and desired lifestyle,
c) The development and implementation of appropriate career strategies and
d) Continual feedback process that permits adaptation in the face of the changing situation.

7. Benefits of Career Development

Career development fosters open communication within the organization. This indorses the
open communication upon all organizational levels, the top managers and managers, and the
employees and managers. It is important to know that open communication is the root of any


Career development also encourages better use of employee skills. It aids the organization
by means of allowing managers to be aware of their skills and competencies do that they can apply
them at a position or occupation where they’ll be able to have better results.
Career development offer employees and the managers with beneficial assistance with
regards to career decisions. Moreover, they acquire an opportunity to evaluate their skills and
competencies and discover their objectives and future plans.
Due to the fact that organizations need to retain their indispensable assets and prepare them
for top-level positions in the future, they have to understand their career expectations and
requirements from their organization, and this is accomplished by the aid of career development
Career development plans provides feedback. This is necessary to evaluate the success rate
of a particular policy employed and the initiatives taken by the organization. Correspondingly, this
also helps managers to provide feedback for employees’ performance (Management - Training
Guru, 2015).

8. Recommendations
According to what has been discussed above, here are some recommendations for organizations
and for employees.
8.1. For Organizations
It is recommended for organizations to:
a) Plan and implement for an effective career development strategy
b) Increase budgets for training programs and workshops related to career development
c) Develop a succession plan
d) Implement for job posting systems
e) Communicate all the above recommendations with employees
8.2. For Employees
It is also recommended for employees to:
a) Don’t wait organizations to develop your career path
b) Take the initiative to develop you skills and competencies
c) Stay up-to-date for any new features related to your field
d) Set SMART goals for you career path
9. Conclusion
As a conclusion, a career development strategy is essential for both organizations and employees,
it has several benefits for both as we discussed. It is challenging to do that effectively, but it can
be effective if all career management components are took into consideration when planning and
implementing the career development plan.



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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 124
4th Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting (PICEEBA-2 2019)

The Effect of Career Development, Compensation, Work Environment and Job

Satisfaction on Work Engagement

Febriko Robianto1, Erni Masdupi2, Syahrizal3

1Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia. 
2Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia. 
3Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia. syahrizal

The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of career development, compensation,
work environment and satisfaction on work engagement in the Employees of the City
Government of Bukittinggi. This type of research is explanatory. The population of this study is
the employees of the City Government of Bukittinggi. The sample in this study were 200
respondents. The research instrument was a questionnaire distributed to respondents. Data
analysis using SEM AMOS. The results of this study career development, compensation, work
environment and satisfaction has a positive and signicant effect on work engagement in the
Employees of the City Government of Bukittinggi.
Keywords: career development, compensation, work environment, job satisfaction, work

The high work capacity of employees, it will bring changes in employee attitudes in increasing
attachment, both to the work and HR organizations that exist in the Bukittinggi City Government assume the
dual role that must be played, namely as a state servant and public servant. Engagement is a positive feeling
associated with a situation that is characterized by sincerity, dedication, and appreciation Schaufeli & Bakker
(2004). Based on interviews with the Head of the Competency Development and Guidance Apparatus
Development Agency BKPSDM Bukittinggi City Government, employees lack more enthusiasm in
completing work. Employees lack the initiative to provide the best in their work.The problem of lack of
employee work attachment to work in the Bukittinggi City Government there are several aspects that can
affect including career development opportunities (Bai & Liu, 2018), compensation (Venz, Pundt, &
Sonnentag, 2018), work environment (Yener, Yaldıran, & Ergun, 2012) and job satisfaction (De Simone,
Planta, & Cicotto, 2018).According to Hedger (2011) one effective way to maintain employee engagement is to
show them that they are appreciated. A good organization must have a good compensation management
system and be able to increase employee engagement in the organization (Sundaray, 2011). Compensation
can also be given in the form of recognition or appreciation for the work of employees and can increase work
attachment to the company (Ologbo & Sofian, 2013). Furthermore, a work environment full of fair
competition and mutual respect will increase work engagement at the company (Naidoo & Martins, 2014).
Research conducted by Chao, Schwartz, Milton, & Burge (2013) explains that an unhealthy and comfortable
environment will reduce the level of productivity and morale of employees so that it will affect
organizational goals. According to Abu-Shamaa, Al-Rabayah, & Khasawneh (2015) employee work
engagement reflects individual involvement and satisfaction, as well as enthusiasm in working. Employees
who have a high level of engagement will have a high emotional attachment to the organization, so that it
will have an effect in completing work and tend to have satisfying work quality (Bakker, Schaufeli, Leiter, &
Taris, 2008). So it can be said that work engagement can provide change for individuals, teams and
organizations (Margaretha & Saragih, 2013). This study aims to determine the effect of career development,
compensation, work environment, and satisfaction with work engagement

Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 737
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 124

Work Engagement
Work engagement enables individuals to fully invest themselves in work by increasing self-efficacy and
positively impacting employee health which will increase employee support for the organization (Robertson-
smith & Markwick, 2009). Bakker, Albrecht, & Leiter (2011) state that the characteristics of employees have a
work attachment that is those who feel compelled to strive forward towards challenging goals, and always
want success.Empirical research by Weng (2013) & Zhou (2015), it can be concluded that in different work
environments, the positive impact between career growth and organizational commitment is supported by
empirical data. Research Li (2012); Son & Kim (2019); Bai & Liu (2018) and Liu, He, & Yu (2017) revealed that
career development has a significant effect on employee work engagement.Furthermore according to Hoole
& Hotz, 2016); Zacher, Chan, Bakker, & Demerouti (2015) revealed that compensation had a significant
positive effect on employees' attractiveness to their work. Further research conducted by Venz, Pundt, &
Sonnentag (2018) shows that by using compensation given to employees in the workplace, employees can
actively improve their own job attitudes. According to Tsaur, Hsu, & Lin (2019); Li, Li, & Wan (2019); Timms
et al. (2015) revealed that a good work environment will significantly positive effect on employee work
engagement, in this case employees will work to be enthusiastic, enterprising and feel proud of their work.
The results of research conducted by De Simone, Planta, & Cicotto, (2018); Penger & Èerne (2014); Memon,
Salleh, & Baharom (2016) and Yalabik, Rayton, & Rapti (2017) revealed that job satisfaction has a significant
positive relationship with work engagement.In this study, researchers used the dimensions of vigor,
dedication, and absorpsion used by Schaufeli & Bakker (2010).
Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction is an important thing that can build organizational psychology so that it will affect
organizational behavior (Miao, Humphrey, & Qian, 2017). Schermerhorn, et al., (2011) states that job
satisfaction is the extent to which an individual feels positive or negative about work. Research conducted by
Shujaat, Sana, Aftab, & Ahmed (2013); and Ashraf (2019) which states that career development influences job
satisfaction. Furthermore, research conducted by Kong, Cheung, & Song (2012); Kong, Wang, & Fu (2015)
show that the dimensions of hotel career management (career assessment, career development, and career
training) influence career satisfaction. Research conducted by Judge, Piccolo, Podsakoff, Shaw, & Rich, (2010)
revealed that compensation has a positive influence on job satisfaction. Likewise, salary does not have a
significant effect on job satisfaction. While Che Ahmat, Arendt, & Russell (2019) conducted a study which
revealed that compensation had a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction.The results of this study
are in line with studies conducted by (Ashraf, 2019) and (Elechi, Lambert, & Otu, 2018) which state that the
work environment provides a porsive influence on job satisfaction. Further research conducted by
Pawirosumarto, Bachelor, & Gunawan (2017) shows that the work environment, leadership style and
organizational culture have a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction.
Career Development
Noe (2009) revealed that career development is a process in which employees progress through a series of
stages, each marked by a different set of developmental tasks, activities and relationships. According to
Mondy & Martocchio (2016) career development is a formal approach used by organizations to ensure that
people with the right qualifications and experience are available when needed.
Rivai (2011) revealed that compensation is something that employees receive as a substitute for their
contribution to the company. Furthermore according to Dessler (2013) employee compensation includes all
forms of payment to employees and arising from their work. Compensation has two main components, direct
financial payments (wages, salaries, incentives, commissions, and bonuses) and indirect financial payments
(financial benefits such as insurance paid by employers and holidays). Further Lebuh according to Mondy &
Martocchio (2016) Compensation is the total of all rewards given to employees in return for their work. The
overall purpose of compensation is to attract, retain and motivate employees.

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 124

Work Environment
According to Edi Sutrisno (2009: 118) the work environment is the overall work facilities and
infrastructure that are around employees who are doing work that can affect the implementation of work
including the workplace, facilities, cleanliness, lighting, tranquility including work relationships between
people who are in place These people will be able to carry out their activities well, so that optimal results are
achieved, if one of them is supported by appropriate work environment conditions (Sedarmayanti 2011:
27).According to Razak, Ma'amor, & Hassan (2016) work environment refers to: (1) Helping employees
become the best, (2) Encouraging to express their creativity, (3) Work culture expresses creativity, (4) Helping
employees realize their potential, ( 5). Helping employees add skills, (6) Experts recognized in their fields. (7)
No salary complaints, (8) Caring for employees and their families, (9) Appreciated based on performance, (10)
Talking about fitness, health, and proper eating patterns, (11) A pleasant workplace, and (12) Safe and clean
Framework and Hypotheses
Shujaat, Sana, Aftab, & Ahmed (2013); and Ashraf (2019) which states that career development influences
job satisfaction. Furthermore, research conducted by Kong, Cheung, & Song (2012) shows that the dimensions
of hotel career management (career assessment, career development, and career training) affect career
satisfaction. Furthermore the results of research conducted by Kong, Wang, & Fu (2015) states that it must
provide challenging career and job growth opportunities for their employees, because this is an important
motivating factor. Research conducted by Judge, Piccolo, Podsakoff, Shaw, & Rich, (2010) revealed that
compensation has a positive influence on job satisfaction. However, this study contradicts this research
conducted by Ezekiel Chinyio, Suresh, & Salis (2018) stating that benefits do not have a significant impact on
job satisfaction because they are not paid on a regular basis but relative to certain circumstances. Likewise,
salary does not have a significant effect on job satisfaction. While Che Ahmat, Arendt, & Russell (2019)
conducted a study which revealed that compensation had a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction.
The results of a study conducted by (Ashraf, 2019) which states that the work environment provides a
significant influence on job satisfaction. Furthermore, research conducted by (Elechi et al., 2018) is identifying
variables that predict job satisfaction for Nigerian correctional staff.
H1: Career development has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction
H2: Compensation has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction
H3:The work environment has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction.

Weng's empirical research (2013); Zhou (2015); Li (2012) and Son & Kim (2019) who revealed that the
intrinsic function of the organization towards career growth is positively related to work engagement.
Further research conducted by Bai & Liu (2018) and Liu, He, & Yu (2017) revealed that career development
had a significant effect on employee engagement. Research conducted by Hoole & Hotz, (2016) concluded
that employee compensation benefits are positively related to employee work engagement (Hoole & Hotz,
2016). Furthermore, research conducted by Zacher, Chan, Bakker, & Demerouti (2015) revealed that
compensation had a significant positive effect on employees' attractiveness to their work. Further research
conducted by Venz, Pundt, & Sonnentag (2018) shows that by using compensation given to employees in the
workplace, employees can actively improve their own job attitudes. Tsaur, Hsu, & Lin (2019); Li, Li, & Wan
(2019) and Timms et al. (2015) revealed that a good work environment will significantly positive effect on
employee work engagement, in this case employees will work to be enthusiastic, enterprising and feel proud
of their work. Research conducted by De Simone, Planta, & Cicotto, (2018) shows that self efficacy, job
satisfaction, and job involvement have direct or indirect effects on nurses turnover intentions, and that job
satisfaction gives a stronger effect on intention to move. Furthermore Penger & Èerne (2014); Memon, Salleh,
& Baharom (2016) and Yalabik, Rayton, & Rapti (2017) revealed that job satisfaction has a significant positive
relationship with work engagement.

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 124

H4: Career development significantly influences employee engagement.

H5: Compensation has a significant effect on employee work engagement.
H6: The work environment significantly influences employee work engagement.
H7: Job satisfaction significantly influences employee work engagement.

With career development carried out regularly in the Bukittinggi City Government, employees are proud
of the work that I do. Especially employees who get promotions in other fields, they make the job
challenging. Research by Weng (2013) & Zhou (2015) can be concluded that in different work environments, a
positive impact between career growth. Research conducted by Zacher, Chan, Bakker, & Demerouti (2015)
revealed that compensation had a significant positive effect on employees' attachment to their work.
Furthermore, research conducted by Li, Li, & Wan (2019) revealed that the work practice environment is
positively associated with higher work engagement and lower turnover intentions. Further research
conducted by Memon, Salleh, & Baharom (2016) and Yalabik, Rayton, & Rapti (2017) revealed that job
satisfaction has a significant positive relationship with work engagement.
H8: Career development significantly influences employee engagement through job satisfaction
H9: Compensation has a significant effect on employee work engagement through job satisfaction
H10: The work environment significantly influences employee work engagement through job

Based on the description above, schematically, the conceptual framework can be described as follows:

development H4
H8 H9
H1 H10
H2 JOb



Figure 1. Conceptual framework

This type of research is quantitative research with an empirical paradigm (Burrell & Morgan, 1992). Thus,
this study uses a deductive method based on previous studies. This study seeks to confirm previous findings
related to the relationship between variables.
Data collection and sample profiles
Field surveys use non-probability convenience sampling. This method is used in this study. Data was
collected in the City Government of Bukittinggi. A survey questionnaire was given to each employee. A total
of 200 questionnaires were distributed to employees. Measurements were taken to engrave the responses of
respondents using a Likert scale. Likert scale is a scale based on the sum of response attitudes in responding
to questions in response to questions relating to indicators of a concept or variable being measured, in this
case respondents are asked to agree or disagree with all statements (Sugiyono, 2010). Furthermore, the
answer to each item of the instrument is given a range of scores of 1 (one) which shows strongly disagree
(STS) to 5 (five) which shows strongly agree (SS). Among these, five extreme outliers were removed
(Mahalanobis' D (28)>63,892, p <.001), leaving 195 respondents for data analysis. Table 1 reports the

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 124

demographic profile details. The sample consisted of 62.5% men and 37.5% women. The majority of ages
between the ages of 48-57 years were 38.5% of all 68%.

Table 1. demographic profile

Variabel Frequency Percent
Male 75 62,5
woman 125 37,5
Age (years)
18-27 0 0
28-37 60 30
38-47 63 31,5
48-57 77 38,5
>57 0 0
Junior 1 0,5
High Scholl
Senior 29 14,5
High Scholl
Diploma 29 14,5
Scholar 109 54,5
Magister 32 16
Data analysis
Before testing the proposed relationship, a CFA analysis is carried out to assess the measurement model
and to evaluate the reliability and build validity using AMOS 24. The next step, structural equation modeling
(SEM) is carried out to test the proposed model. Conceptual models are changed through a series of structural
model comparisons.

Results and Discussion

Measurement model results
Table 2 shows the details of the measurement model. The composite reliability values for all constructions
ranging from 0.814 to 0.982 exceed the minimum requirements of 0.600, suggested by Bagozzi and Yi (1988).
These results provide evidence of internal consistency between multi-measurement items for each construct.
Values for extracted average variants (AVE) are all greater than the recommended minimum standard, 50,
ensuring convergent validity. The AVE value is greater than the square of the correlation between the two
constructs, thus supporting discriminant validity (Fornell and Larcker, 1981).

Table 2. Summary of the measurement model.

Me Load α AV
Scale Items
an ing E
Work Engagement 5,66 0,77 0,868 0,877
Job Satisfaction 3,99 0.81 0,896 0,788
Creer Development 3,77 0.78 0,888 0,636
Compensation 3,56 0,79 0,758 0,628
Work Environment 3,56 0,60 0,787 0,558

Structural model results

The proposed model is tested through SEM. The initial SEM results show that the overall suitability of the
model is not entirely satisfactory (p <.001, RMSEA = 0.095, CFI = 0.797, NFI = 0.933). To improve

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 124

compatibility, the model was revised following the suggestions of the modification index. Re-estimating the
model with this added path has a good match with the data (p <.050, RMSEA = 0.044, CFI = 0.946, GFI = 0.906,
TLI=0.944, CMIN/df=1,364).
Table 3. Goodness of Fit Indices

Criteria Result* Reference

Chi Square 215,265 Marginal fit
Probability 0,50 ≥ 0,05 Good fit
CMIN/df 1,364 ≤ 2 atau ≤ 3 Good Fit
GFI 0,906 ≥ 0,90 Good fit
TLI 0,944 ≥ 0,90 Good Fit
CFI 0,946 ≥ 0,90 Good Fit
RMSEA 0,044 0,05 – 0,08 Reasonable Fit

Based on the Tabel 4. shows that the hypothesis test results can be concluded that: The results of the first
hypothesis test show that career development has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. This
means that the better the career development of employees the more job satisfaction increases. So the
Hypothesis is accepted. The results of the second hypothesis test show that compensation has a positive and
significant effect on job satisfaction. This means that the better the compensation of employees the more job
satisfaction increases. So the Hypothesis is accepted. The results of the third hypothesis test show that the
work environment has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. This means that the better the work
environment the more job satisfaction increases. So the Hypothesis is accepted. The fourth hypothesis test
results show that compensation has a positive and significant effect on work engagement. This means that the
better the compensation of employees the more work engagement is increased. So the Hypothesis is accepted.
The results of the fifth hypothesis test show that career development has a positive and significant effect on
work engagement. This means that the better the career development of employees the more work
engagement is increased. So the Hypothesis is accepted. The sixth hypothesis test results show that the work
environment has a positive and significant effect on work engagement. This means that the better the work
environment, the more work engagement of employees increases. So the Hypothesis is accepted. The results
of the seventh hypothesis test indicate that employee job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on
work engagement. This means that the better the job satisfaction of employees the more work engagement is
increased. So the Hypothesis is accepted.
Table 4. Structural parameter estimates of the final model (Direct Effect)
Hypothesized Relationship Estimate S.E. C.R. P Result
Job Satisfaction Career development 3,986 1,016 3,921 *** Supported
Job Satisfaction <- Supported
Compensation 3,733 ,961 3,881 ***
Job Satisfaction <- Supported
Work environment 1,603 ,485 3,303 ***
<- Supported
Work Engagement Compensation 1,477 ,472 3,127 ,002
Work Engagement <- Supported
Career development ,958 ,080 11,873 ***
Work Engagement <- Supported
Job satisfaction ,823 ,103 7,925 ***
Work Engagement <- 10,20 Supported
Work enviroment ,870 ,085 ***
-- 8

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 124

Indirect Effect
Work Environment Compensation Career Development
Job Satisfaction ,000 ,000 ,000
Work Engagement ,047 ,025 ,040

Results and Discussion

The first hypothesis test results show that career development has a positive and significant effect on job
satisfaction. This means that the better the career development of employees the more job satisfaction
increases. So the Hypothesis is accepted. This can be seen from the career development that occurred in the
Bukittinggi Regional Government, as there is no ongoing career development. Career development for civil
servants is clearly regulated in staffing regulations. The pattern of civil servant career development is in the
form of education and training; promotion; and promotion of position.This research is in line with research
conducted by Shujaat, Sana, Aftab, & Ahmed (2013); and Ashraf (2019) which states that career development
influences job satisfaction. Furthermore, research conducted by Kong, Cheung, & Song (2012) shows that the
dimensions of hotel career management (career assessment, career development, and career training) affect
career satisfaction. Furthermore the results of research conducted by Kong, Wang, & Fu (2015) states that it
must provide challenging career and job growth opportunities for their employees, because this is an
important motivating factor. By providing career activities that are tailor made, so that they can meet career
expectations and increase employee job satisfaction.
The second hypothesis test results show that compensation has a positive and significant effect on job
satisfaction. This means that the better the compensation of employees the more job satisfaction increases.
When salaries and compensation are considered fair, based on work demands, individual skill levels, they
will work their best and ultimately satisfaction tends to occur. He further observed that employee
compensation could be a sensitive subject, and people became very passionate about compensation problems
in an organization. According to a survey report conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management
(2012), it was found that compensation and benefits are regularly among the three major factors that affect
employee job satisfaction. Although money is not a motivator, employees crave it because financial
independence is equated with personal freedom. Because that's what someone does with money that
motivates someone to work better. From this, it will be seen compensation and job satisfaction have a positive
relationship. This research is in line with research conducted by Judge, Piccolo, Podsakoff, Shaw, & Rich,
(2010) which revealed that compensation has a positive influence on job satisfaction. However, this study
contradicts this research conducted by Ezekiel Chinyio, Suresh, & Salis (2018) stating that benefits do not
have a significant impact on job satisfaction because they are not paid on a regular basis but relative to certain
circumstances. Likewise, salary does not have a significant effect on job satisfaction. While Che Ahmat,
Arendt, & Russell (2019) conducted a study which revealed that compensation had a positive and significant
effect on job satisfaction.
The results of the third hypothesis test show that the work environment has a positive and significant
effect on job satisfaction. This means that the better the work environment the more job satisfaction increases.
With these conditions encourage employees to work better and satisfied with what they receive, when
employees work in a good environment, they will be enthusiastic and in the end the tasks given will also give
satisfying results. More than that the work environment within the employee greatly influences his work
motivation, such as a comfortable work environment, the availability of work facilities, good relations
between employees in the form of being able to work well together and also a good relationship with the
leadership. If there is no harmony in the work environment and the lack of facilities will make employees
lazy and not motivated to do their jobs so the results will be disappointing.The results of this study are in line
with a study conducted by Ashraf (2019) which states that the work environment has a significant influence
on job satisfaction.

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 124

The fourth hypothesis test results show that compensation has a positive and significant effect on work
engagement. This means that the better the compensation of employees the more work engagement is
increased. Li's (2012) study found that good psychosocial safety perceptions had a positive impact on work
engagement. So employee career growth can increase employee awareness and self-development, thereby
increasing their work input. This research is also in line with research conducted by (Son & Kim, 2019) which
reveals that the intrinsic function of organizations towards career growth is positively related to work
engagement. In addition, employee perceptions of leaders as role models moderate the relationship between
work engagement and career commitment. Specifically, the mediating role of work involvement in the
relationship between the intrinsic function of organizational career growth and career commitment is
stronger when employees perceive their leaders as role models. Further research conducted by (Bai & Liu,
2018) and Liu, He, & Yu (2017) revealed that career development significantly affected employee engagement.
The fifth hypothesis test results show that career development has a positive and significant effect on
work engagement. This means that the better the career development of employees the more work
engagement is increased. Employees of the City Government of Bukittinggi consider that adequate
compensation is given when using good skills at work. According to Marjan J. Gorgievski (2013), it is also
important that when benefits can have positive and negative effects on employees. Like that, when the
benefits are right for them, it will be a good indicator of work engagement. When employees receive rewards
from their organization, they will feel obliged to respond with a higher level of involvement.This study is in
line with research conducted by Hoole & Hotz, (2016) concluded that employee compensation benefits are
positively related to employee work involvement (Hoole & Hotz, 2016). Furthermore, research conducted by
Zacher, Chan, Bakker, & Demerouti (2015); Venz, Pundt, & Sonnentag (2018) show that by using
compensation given to employees at work, employees can actively increase their own work engagement.
The sixth hypothesis test results show that the work environment has a positive and significant effect on
work engagement. This means that the better the work environment, the more work engagement of
employees increases. Through good working conditions, employees will work optimally, work diligently and
enthusiastically and become attached to the job. This research is in line with research conducted by Tsaur,
Hsu, & Lin (2019); Li, Li, & Wan (2019) and Timms et al. (2015) revealed that a good work environment will
significantly positive effect on employee work engagement, in this case employees will work to be
enthusiastic, enterprising and feel proud of their work.
The seventh hypothesis test results indicate that employee job satisfaction has a positive and significant
effect on work engagement. This means that the better the job satisfaction of employees the more work
engagement is increased. When employees get what they expect such as salaries, promotion opportunities,
benefits, working conditions, how organizational policies are implemented and good partners, employees
will work with enthusiasm, energy and enthusiasm. Work engagement such as excitement is considered
mental endurance and high energy levels at work, mental flexibility, making extra effort, and continuing even
when the task becomes difficult. This is also referred to as the physical component. Dedication, the emotional
component, is characterized by a sense of significance, enthusiasm, challenge and pride. Absorption, the
cognitive component, is characterized by being fully concentrated, happy, and accepted by work without
regard to time passing by (Schaufeli, 2014).The results of this study are in line with research conducted by De
Simone, Planta, & Cicotto, (2018); Penger & Èerne (2014); Memon, Salleh, & Baharom (2016) and Yalabik,
Rayton, & Rapti (2017) revealed that job satisfaction has a significant positive relationship with work
The eighth hypothesis test results show that the work environment of employees has a positive and
significant effect on work engagement through job satisfaction. With career development carried out
regularly in the Bukittinggi City Government environment, employees are proud of the work they do.
Further research conducted by Bai & Liu (2018) and Liu, He, & Yu (2017) revealed that career development
had a significant effect on employee engagement.

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 124

The ninth hypothesis test results indicate that employee compensation has a positive and significant effect
on work engagement through employee job satisfaction.Employees realize that compensation has been
arranged in such a way by the government both direct compensation such as salary and performance
allowances as well as indirect compensation such as BPJS, pensioners, and official travel. Likewise the
government has provided non-financial compensation to employees such as promotion opportunities, and
other awards. But to get the compensation the employee must try to work better, and reach the target. To
achieve these targets employees always work full of energy and enthusiasm. Sometimes employees are
willing to work overtime without feeling the time has passed. research conducted by Venz, Pundt, &
Sonnentag (2018) shows that by using compensation given to employees in the workplace, employees can
actively improve their own job attitudes.
The tenth hypothesis test results indicate that employee career development has a positive and significant
effect on work engagement through job satisfaction. The comfort of working environment conditions can be a
factor in the creation of work engagement.This study is in line with research conducted by Tsaur, Hsu, & Lin
(2019) revealed that pleasure at work has a significant positive effect on psychological capital. Further
research conducted by Timms et al. (2015) revealed that a good work environment will significantly positive
effect on employee work engagement, in this case employees will work to be enthusiastic, enterprising and
feel proud of their work.

Based on the results of the hypothesis test it can be concluded that: Career development, compensation
and work environment have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. This means that the better
career development, compensation, work environment, the more job satisfaction increases. Career
development, compensation, satisfaction, and work environment have a positive and significant effect on
work engagement. This means that the better career development, compensation, work environment and
employee satisfaction increases work engagement.

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International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, Vol. 22, Issue 1 (AUGUST)
ISSN 2289-1552



Luh Putu Putri Katharina

A.A Sagung Kartika Dewi


Employee performance is the result achieved by an employee both in quality and quantity that can be seen from the skills and
abilities of employees in completing their work by standards set by the company by the responsibilities given. This study aims to
explain the effect of career development on employee performance through job satisfaction as a mediating variable. The study was
conducted at Inna Sindhu Beach Hotel & Resort with a total sample of 61 employees and all taken for the census. The data
collection method is to use a questionnaire as a research instrument. Data analysis techniques used are path analysis (path
analysis) and multiple tests. The results showed that all hypotheses were accepted. Career development has a positive and
significant effect on job satisfaction, career development has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, job
satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance and job satisfaction mediates the effect of career
development on employee performance at Inna Sindhu Beach Hotel & Resort. The management of Inna Sindhu Beach Hotel &
Resort is expected to better manage the career development system in the company so that employees are satisfied with their
careers, also, the company is required to provide salaries by workload and employee responsibilities as well as increase the
provision of training and employee development to increase employee performance.

Keywords: career development, employee performance, job satisfaction.


Bali is one of the tourist destinations in the world, so many domestic and foreign visitors are on vacation in Bali. To provide the
best service, several factors are affecting one of them is the human resources who work in the hotel. Employees are one of the
resources owned by a company to achieve its goals. One such hotel is the Inna Sindhu Beach Hotel & Resort which is part of the
Inna Group Hotel. Inna Sindhu Beach Hotel & Resort has 61 rooms. The hotel is located near the beach, so one of its attractions
is the view that is closer to the beach. One of the services can be seen from the side of its employees. Employee performance plays
an important role in achieving the objectives of an organization, including the hospitality sector, to support these activities, it is
necessary to support employees who are competent in their fields. Based on interviews with Human Capital Manager at Inna
Sindhu Beach Hotel & Resort, said that there were indeed some problems in the performance of employees at the hotel, namely
the delay in guest services, where employees are less alert and quick in providing services for guests. This sometimes happens
during high season with a large number of guests, employees do not provide services swiftly. Also, there is one complaint from
guests regarding room cleanliness, where there are employees who are lacking in the procedure in cleaning the room. These things
affect the performance of employees at the hotel.

As for the results of interviews with three employees, said that during high season with more than a usual number of visitors
resulting in delays in serving guests, because of this the guests complained. The employees sometimes feel bored, tired, and lack
of rest when doing more tasks than usual, sometimes employees in the restaurant must work full time. So employees are less
focused on working and result in a decrease in the performance of these employees.

Performance is a result achieved by someone in carrying out tasks assigned to him based on skill, experience, and sincerity, and
time (Hasibuan, 2001: 34). The employees usually have a good performance, if the company makes efforts to meet the needs of
its employees through career development and employee job satisfaction. Employee career development in research Cedaryana et
al., (2018) is a formal and continuous effort with a focus on increasing and adding the abilities, skills, and expertise of an employee
so that changes in values, attitudes and motivation. Research by Nasution et al. (2018) revealed that career development affects
the performance of employees who work in companies, the better the career development system that can be implemented it is
expected that employee performance will also be greater. Higher performance is likely to emerge when the talents or competencies
of employees are consistent with their personal needs and organizational environment (Trivellasa et al., 2015). In a study by
Suyanto et al. (2018) shows that the higher the career development, the higher the employee's performance or the lower the career
development, the lower the employee's performance.

Career development influences efforts to improve better performance (Alfa, 2018). So career development does not merely mean
promotion to a higher position or position, but it is an encouragement or motivation to advance in working within an organization
if a person's career goes well-meaning an increase will affect employee performance. According to Khan et al. (2016) by giving
employees appropriate development and training programs can encourage employees to improve their skills and this will have an
impact on their work results. The right career development program can help employees improve their performance.

Clear career development will also affect employee job satisfaction. According to Sujaat et al. (2013) employee job satisfaction
depends on career development opportunities in the organization, by practicing all career development activities to increase
employee job satisfaction which ultimately leads to higher work efficiency and productivity. This study found high efforts by

International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, Vol. 22, Issue 1 (AUGUST)
ISSN 2289-1552

management to achieve satisfaction and attract existing employees. The better the career development of employees, it tends to
increase employee satisfaction (Umar, 2015).

According to Jusuf, et al. (2016) the higher the employee is allowed to develop their career, the higher the employee satisfaction,
which in turn will have a better job impact. Employees will work well and have high job satisfaction when employees are placed
in positions that match their interests and abilities. According to Trivellasa, et al. (2015) an employee who has talent will reflect
his values, vision, knowledge, competencies, interests, and style while career success and job demands are shaped by the roles of
responsibilities and assigned tasks. So that a career development program can help employees to hone their talents and can improve
employee competence at work and can achieve career success in the company. Research by Sudiarditha et al. (2019) and Sofyan
et al., (2016) show that career development has a positive and significant influence on performance through job satisfaction. The
results of research by Kriswanti (2017) also found job satisfaction can mediate the effect of career development on employee
performance. However, a study by Diariani and Budiartha (2018) found that job satisfaction has not been able to mediate the
relationship between career development and employee performance in LPD of Tegal Adat Village.

Research that discusses the influence of career development on job satisfaction and employee performance has been done a lot but
there are still differences or research gaps from the results of previous research. Therefore this research is motivated by performance
problems at Inna Sindhu Beach Hotel & Resort and several previous studies so the research on the effect of career development
on employee performance through job satisfaction as a mediating variable..


Two-Factor Theory
Two-Factor Theory by Frederick Hertzberg namely a theory that links intrinsic factors with job satisfaction and connects extrinsic
factors with job dissatisfaction also called a theory of pure motivation (motivation-hygiene theory). According to Herzberg, the
factors that lead to job satisfaction are separate and different from the factors that lead to job dissatisfaction. Herzberg in Robbins
& Judge (2015: 130), categorizes conditions such as quality of supervision, salary, company policy, physical working conditions,
relationships with others, and job security as a pure factor (hygiene factor). When those factors are adequate, employees will not
be dissatisfied but also they will not be satisfied (or motivated). If you want to motivate employees for their work, Hertzberg
suggests an emphasis on factors related to the job itself or with results that can be directly obtained from the job, such as career
opportunities, personal growth opportunities, recognition, responsibilities, and achievements.

Employee performance
Performance (work performance) is the quality and quantity of work achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties by the
responsibilities given to him (Mangkunegara, 2013: 67).

Job satisfaction
According to Handoko (2014: 193) job satisfaction is a pleasant or unpleasant emotional state with which employees view their
work. Job satisfaction reflects one's feelings for their work. Hasibuan (2001: 202) states that job satisfaction is an emotional attitude
that is fun and loves work. This attitude is reflected by work morals, discipline, and work performance.

Career development
Careers are all jobs or positions that are handled or held during one's work-life (Handoko, 2014: 123). Career development is the
personal improvements made by someone to achieve a career plan. Career development according to Dessler (2014: 379) is defined
as a series of lifelong activities (such as workshops) that contribute to the exploration, formation, success, and fulfillment of one's


H1: Career development has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction
H2: Career development has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.
H3: Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.
H4: Job satisfaction can mediate the influence of career development on employee performance positively and significantly.


This research uses a quantitative approach in the form of associative. This study discusses how the influence of career development
on employee performance through job satisfaction variables. The population in this study were all employees of Inna Sindhu Beach
Hotel & Resort in 2020, amounting to 61 people and taken all for the census. So the sample used in this study is saturated because
it uses all employees in the company. Data collection methods used in this study were interviews and questionnaires. There are
two analytical techniques used in this study, namely descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The Sobel test is used to test the
mediating role of job satisfaction (M) on the effect of career development (X) on employee performance (Y).


Analysis to be able to compile the structural equation used, the data obtained are first processed and calculated using the SPSS
program so that the analysis results obtained as in Tables 1 and 2

International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, Vol. 22, Issue 1 (AUGUST)
ISSN 2289-1552

Table 1 Results of Regression Equation Path Analysis 1

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients t
Model B Std. Error Beta Sig.
1 (Constant) 0,327 0,192 1,699 0,095
Career Development 0,922 0,047 0,931 19,522 0,000
R12 : 0,866 F statistik: 381,117 Sig. F: 0,000
Source: Data processed, 2020

Based on the results of the substructure 1 path analysis as presented in Table 1, the structural equation is as follows:
M = β1X + e1
M = 0,931X + e1

Table 2 Results of Regression Equation Path Analysis 2

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 0,120 0,188 0,637 0,527
Career development 0,352 0,123 0,344 2,861 0,006
Job Satisfaction 0,633 0,124 0,613 5,093 0,000
R22 : 0,887 F statistik: 228,431 Sig. F: 0,000
Source: Data proccesed, 2020

Based on the results of sub-structure 2 path analysis as presented in Table 4.13, the structural equation is as follows:
Y = β2X + β3M + e2
Y = 0,344X + 0,613M + e2

Figure 1 Final Path Diagram Model

Based on the path diagram in Figure 1, we can calculate the amount of direct influence, indirect effect, and the total effect between
variables. The calculation of influence between variables is summarized in Table 3

Table 3 Direct Effects, Indirect Effects and Total Effects of Career Development (X), Job Satisfaction (M) and Employee
Performance (Y)

Indirect Effect On Job Satisfaction

Effects of Variables Direct Effects Total Effect
(M) = (β1 x β3)

X Y 0,344 0,571 0,915

X M 0,931 - 0,931
M Y 0,613 - 0,613
Source: Data processed, 2020

The Sobel test is used by testing the strength of the indirect effect of career development variables (X) on employee performance
variables (Y) through job satisfaction variables (M). The Sobel test is formulated with the following equation and can be calculated
using the Microsoft Excel 2010 application. If the Z calculation value is greater than 1.96 (with a 95 percent confidence level), the
mediator variable is assessed to significantly mediate the relationship between endogenous variables and exogenous variables.
Sa2b =√(a^2 Sb^2+b^2 Sa^2+Sa^2 Sb^2 )

International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, Vol. 22, Issue 1 (AUGUST)
ISSN 2289-1552

a = 0,931
Sa = 0,047
b = 0,613

Sb = 0,124
Sa2b =√(〖0,931〗^2 〖0,124〗^2+〖0,613〗^2 〖0,047〗^2+〖0,047〗^2 〖0,124〗^2 )
= √(0,0133+0,0008+0,0000)
= √0,0142
= 0,119127
Z =
= 4,7907

Based on the Sobel Test results in this study showed that the tabulation results Z = 4.7907> 1.96 with a significance level of 0,000
<0.05 which means that mediating variables namely job satisfaction are considered to be able to mediate the effect of career
development on employee performance at Inna Sindhu Beach Hotels & Resorts.

Effect of Career Development on Job Satisfaction

Based on the analysis of the effect of career development on job satisfaction shows that career development variables have a
positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. This means that the better the company manages employee career development,
it will increase job satisfaction felt by employees in the company. Career development that is managed by the company fairly will
make employees feel valued and satisfied with their work.

The results of this study are in line with the results of previous studies conducted by Oseanita et al. (2017) at PT. PLN (Persero)
Malang shows that career development has a significant effect on job satisfaction, which means that the better career development
provided by the company will result in better and higher job satisfaction. Cedaryana et al. (2018) in his research found that career
development had a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. Research by Sudiardhita, et al. (2019) also found that career
development has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, where good career development can increase employee job
satisfaction. The results of the study by Umar (2015) showed that better career development felt by employees, it would increase
employee satisfaction as well. Work done because there is a feeling of satisfaction will make employees feel responsible,
disciplined, and proud as employees and feel proud and respectful to superiors.

Effect of Career Development on Employee Performance

Based on the analysis of the effect of career development on employee performance shows that career development variables have
a positive and significant effect on employee performance. These results indicate that better career development managed by the
company will improve employee performance. Career development plays a role in providing development in the ability of
employees to carry out work so that if employees can develop properly, it will always improve the performance of these employees.
The results of this study are consistent with the results of previous studies conducted by Cedaryana et al. (2018) shows that career
development has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Dewi and Mudiartha (2016) support the statement
which states that career development has a positive and significant influence on performance. Good career development will affect
the performance of employees in carrying out their duties and responsibilities. This research is in line with research by Alfa (2018),
stating that career development influences efforts to improve better performance. Employees who have high opportunities to
improve their careers will stimulate motivation to work better to attain organizational goals.

Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance

Based on the analysis of the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance shows that job satisfaction variables have a positive
and significant effect on employee performance. This means that the higher job satisfaction felt by employees, the employee's
performance increases. Employees who are satisfied with their work will always do their jobs well, resulting in high employee

The results of this study are in line with research conducted by Fadhil (2018) showing that finding that job satisfaction has a
positive and significant effect on employee performance. According to Laan, et al (2016) shows that job satisfaction is one of the
factors that play an important role in determining the level of performance of an employee, where the higher employee job
satisfaction, the higher the performance. Research conducted by Nurcahyani and Adnyani (2016) at PT. Sinar Sosro Bali Factory
also found that job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Research by Shmailan (2016) also
revealed that satisfied employees had better performance and contributed to the overall success of an organization. The same results
also found in research by Pranita (2017) also show that job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee
performance, where employees who have high job satisfaction tend to give better work results compared to employees with low
job satisfaction levels.

Effect of Career Development on Employee Performance Through Job Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable
Based on the Sobel test results showed that job satisfaction mediates the influence of career development positively and
significantly on employee performance at Inna Sindhu Beach Hotel & Resort thus in the fourth hypothesis this study was accepted.
This means that job satisfaction can partially mediate the effect of career development on job satisfaction. So the job satisfaction
variable as a job satisfaction variable contributes to several relationships between career development and employee performance.

International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, Vol. 22, Issue 1 (AUGUST)
ISSN 2289-1552

This means that good career development can increase employee job satisfaction which can further improve employee
performance. So with a high level of job satisfaction, it will be able to increase the influence of career development on employee

The results of this study are in line with research by Kriswanti (2017) who found job satisfaction can mediate the effect of career
development on employee performance. Similar results were also found in the study of Meitisari et al. (2018) shows that job
satisfaction as a partial mediation influences career development on employee performance. Research by Sofyan et al. (2016) found
theoretical findings that show that there is a direct and significant positive effect of career development on performance through
job satisfaction. So that it can be said that their employees are satisfied with what they get from the company, if employees are
satisfied it can always foster morale in themselves so that employee performance will be by what the company wants.


Based on the results of the discussion of research that has been done, the following conclusions can be drawn: Career development
has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction at Inna Sindhu Beach Hotel & Resort. This means the better the
career development of employees, it will increase job satisfaction. Career development has a positive and significant effect on
employee performance at Inna Sindhu Beach Hotel & Resort. This means that the better management of employee career
development, it will improve employee performance. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance
at Inna Sindhu Beach Hotel & Resort. This means that the higher job satisfaction, it will improve employee performance. Job
satisfaction can mediate the influence of career development on employee performance. This means that with high job satisfaction
can strengthen the influence of career development on employee performance at Inna Sindhu Beach Hotel & Resort.

Suggestions that can be given based on the conclusions obtained from the results of the study are as follows:For the management
of Inna Sindhu Beach Hotel & Resort, it is expected that the career development system in the company needs to be managed
better because there are still employees who are less satisfied with career development in the company. This can be done by
providing transparent information in terms of promotional opportunities in the company to all employees. It is recommended that
the company can review it for the provision of salary received by the employee so that it can be balanced with the workload that
the employee bears. In addition to a career, employees also need compensation by their workload at the company. The company
management is expected to be able to further enhance the provision of training and competency development to employees because
there are still some employees who are lacking in receiving work instructions quickly and still lacking in completing work on time.
So with the right training and development program in the future, it will always be able to improve the performance of employees.


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Luh Putu Putri Katharina

Economics and Business Faculty
Udayana University, Bali - Indonesia

A.A Sagung Kartika Dewi

Economics and Business Faculty
Udayana University, Bali - Indonesia

Muhammad Syafii A. Basalamah, Ajmal As’ad., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.1, Issue. 2 (2021)

Website: ISSN [Online] 2776-6365


The Role of Work Motivation and Work

Environment in Improving Job Satisfaction
Muhammad Syafii A. Basalamah 1*, Ajmal As’ad2
Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muslim Indonesia,
Makassar, Indonesia. Email:

Abstract: This study aims is to analyze the effect of work motivation on the satisfaction of
management lecturers and analyze the effect of the work environment on the satisfaction of
management lecturers at a private university in the city of Makassar. This type of research is
explanatory research. The sample of this research is management lecturers at private universities
in Makassar city, Data use purposive random sampling total 105 respondent. The research
Received: June 18, 2021
period was carried out in February 2020-May 2020. The method of analysis in this study was
Revised: June 30, 2021
Accepted: July 13, 2021 multiple regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that motivation has a significant
effect on job satisfaction. This study proves that both theoretically and previous empirical
*Corresponding author: Muhammad studies explain that increasing work motivation will increase the job satisfaction of lecturers at
Syafii A. Basalamah, Department of private universities in the city of Makassar. According to empirical studies, motivation from a
Management, Faculty of Economics financial perspective can encourage someone to do work. This factor has a more significant
and Business, Universitas Muslim influence than the influence of motivation on lecturer job satisfaction. The universities and
Indonesia, Makassar, Indonesia
study programs must improve indicators in the work environment to create comfortable
working conditions so that it will increase the job satisfaction of private university lecturers in
the city of Makassar.

Keywords: Work Motivation, Work Environment, Job Satisfaction

JEL Classification Code: 015, L20, L30


An organization requires good management in accommodating its needs to live and develop. The
university is an educational service provider institution. Faculty and faculty and several study
programs do not escape the obligation to manage their human resources properly, precisely, and
optimally. Even as an institution engaged in the service sector, the central role of human resources
plays an important role. Job satisfaction achieved by individuals affects all aspects of the institution,
from customer satisfaction to productivity. Individual motivation to excel at work is related to
perceived job satisfaction. Motivation will affect work behavior and performance. Motivated
individuals will achieve job satisfaction. In turn, this job satisfaction will affect performance so that it
will be able to provide an optimal contribution to the institution (Susanti et al., 2019). According to
the Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 14 of 2005 concerning teachers and lecturers, lecturers
are professional educators of scientists with the main task of transforming, developing, and
disseminating science, technology, and art through education, research, and research and community
service (Kusuma et al., 2018). The role of lecturers has a significant position, namely to transfer
knowledge and transfer values for educational institutions. Therefore, the achievements achieved by
lecturers will provide added value for the institution. But this needs to be supported by the lecturers'
satisfaction, such as providing services and rewards that can motivate lecturers, and maximum
working environment conditions will provide smoothness in the work process. Job satisfaction, in
general, is an assessment or reflection of workers' feelings towards work which will be seen in the
positive attitude of workers towards their work environment. The impact of job satisfaction needs to
be monitored by linking it to the output it produces, such as productivity, turnover, work
performance, and absenteeism (Rina et al., 2017). Based on published data from the ministry of

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Muhammad Syafii A. Basalamah, Ajmal As’ad., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.1, Issue. 2 (2021)

Website: ISSN [Online] 2776-6365

research, technology, and higher education (2018), the number of universities in Indonesia in 2019
reached 4,621, both public and private. The total number of higher education institutions in South
Sulawesi province is 261 and is divided by form, 29 universities, nine institutes, 134 high schools, 15
polytechnics, 72 academies, and two community academies. The total number of private universities
in South Sulawesi is 206 universities.
The increasing demands of students and the community regarding higher education services must
be followed by increasing the capacity of human resources in carrying out their functions and
responsibilities. However, a general phenomenon shows that private universities cannot be responsive
and proactive to these developments. In providing services to customers, it seems that they are not
severe. Motivational factors and the work environment play a significant role in creating job
satisfaction for lecturers. The motivation in question is internal motivation, namely feedback from
superiors and what achievements are made will get appreciation. External motivation is by giving
rewards every year to lecturers, such as providing salary increases for each group adjusted to applicable
regulations and attention from friends and superiors. According to Ardito et al (2019), motives are
factors that cause individuals to behave or behave in a certain way. Sahinidis & Bouris (2008); Santos-
Vijande et al (2021) stated that motivating factors (job, achievement, recognition, responsibility, and
career advancement) can increase lecturer job satisfaction.
Along with the high needs of life, there is a need for adjustments to the provision of remuneration.
The income of private lecturers in Makassar is very dependent on the policies or regulations of the
university. In addition, Aryee et al (2016); Santos-Vijande et al (2021) suggests that work motivation
is a condition that encourages the individual's desire to carry out certain activities to achieve his
desires. The motivation in a person is a force that will manifest a behavior in achieving self-satisfaction
in a specific type of activity, and the direction is positive by leading to the object being the goal. The
phenomenon that occurs is that several private universities in Makassar provide a higher basic salary
than the basic salary of lecturers of the state civil apparatus. However, some private universities still
offer lower wages than the basic salary of lecturers of the state civil apparatus. This is following the
opinion of Kusuma et al (2018); Mappamiring & Putra (2021), referring to Dubin's theory (1988)
which states that basically, the provision of salaries and bonuses (incentives) is a stimulus that causes
activities to take place, maintaining activities so that they lead directly to one goal that is better than
another. A salary or bonus is an incentive or attraction deliberately given to employees to aim to build,
maintain, and strengthen and direct their attitudes or behavior to a goal to be achieved. Private
lecturers and state civil servants have the opportunity to get available allowances. Lecturers also get
additional salaries through allowances for lecturers who have academic positions. According to
Presidential Decree No. 65 of 2007 regarding lecturer allowances, lecturers will get a different Rp
375,000 for expert assistants, Rp 700,000 for lectors, Rp 900,000 for head lectors, and Rp 1,350,000
for professors. Lecturers at private universities will receive a certification allowance if they have an
educator certificate. This allowance will be adjusted to lecturers' income in the state civil apparatus
even though the payment of private lecturers on campus is lower. The certification allowance will be
paid one time of basic salary following the class system. The budgets usually range from IDR
2,700,000 to IDR 3,000,000.
The work environment can be achieved by other factors supporting lecturer satisfaction, namely a
conducive work environment with adequate facilities and infrastructure. In general, the Management
study program has decent standards. However, some problems are still related to the main facilities,
namely proper building capacity such as a 4-story building but still not having an elevator so that
lecturers sometimes feel tired, especially lecturers who are over 50 years old. Improvement because the
size is not following the capacity of the existing lecturers and other facilities such as air conditioning in
the room which sometimes does not function properly because it does not match the room's capacity.
Following the research conducted by Arianto (2013); Scaduto et al (2008), the work environment
dramatically influences personal pride and their work. Good work facilities and layout will increase
employee productivity. The work environment or conditions are all physical aspects of work, work
psychology, and work regulations that can affect job satisfaction and work productivity (Demirkaya
et al., 2011; Yu, 2014). Empirical facts in the field show that in L2Dikti Region IX, some certified
lecturers have not demonstrated an increase in teaching performance. For example, they do not have

2021 The Author(s). This open-access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution Page 95 of 103
(CC-BY-SA) 4.0 license.
Muhammad Syafii A. Basalamah, Ajmal As’ad., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.1, Issue. 2 (2021)

Website: ISSN [Online] 2776-6365

teaching preparation, are indisciplined in teaching, and are less productive in making teaching
materials and textbooks. Several lecturers have been certified through observation but do not have
teaching preparations such as syllabus, lecture program units, teaching scenarios. Data from L2Dikti
in 2017 shows that almost 50 percent of certified lecturers still have not completed textbooks
according to learning needs. Martoyo (2000) states that managing human resources in an organization
creates job satisfaction of members of the organization concerned, which will further improve
Sikora & Ferris (2014); Suong et al (2019) state that job satisfaction is a positive feeling in a job,
which is the impact or result of evaluating various aspects of the job. Job satisfaction is an assessment
and attitude of a person or employee towards his work. It relates to the work environment, type of
work, relationships between co-workers, and social relations at work. Cook & Wall (1980); Haerani et
al (2020) states that the more aspects of the position following the individual's wishes and value
system adopted, the higher the level of satisfaction obtained. Vice versa, the more elements of the
work that are not following the desires and value system adopted by the individual, the lower the level
of satisfaction obtained. In addition, Bell & Sheridan (2020) states that job satisfaction can be a
driving factor for increasing employee performance, which will improve organizational performance.
According to Scaduto et al (2008), the work environment and work motivation positively and
significantly affected job satisfaction. Employees who do not get job satisfaction will never reach
psychological maturity, resulting in frustration, low morale, fatigue and boredom, unstable emotions,
doing activities that have nothing to do with the work to be done, etc. Rodrigo & Palacios (2021)
explained that high motivation and a supportive work environment would increase teacher job
satisfaction. In addition, employees who get job satisfaction perform better than employees who do
not contact job satisfaction. Based on that, the research hypothesis is 1) work motivation has a
significant effect on lecturer job satisfaction and 2) work environment has a significant effect on
lecturer job satisfaction. The aims of this study are 1) to analyze the effect of work motivation in
increasing the job satisfaction of lecturers in management study programs at private universities in
Makassar. 2) to analyze the effects of the work environment in increasing job satisfaction of lecturers
in management study programs at private universities in Makassar.

2. Literature Review

The work environment in a company is essential for management to pays attention to. Although
the work environment does not carry out the production process in a company, the work
environment directly influences the employees who carry out the process production. The work
environment is an atmosphere where employees carry out activities every day. A conducive work
environment provides a sense of security and allows employees to work optimally. If the employee
likes the work environment where he works, the employee will feel at home at work, carrying out his
activities to effectively work time. On the other hand, an inadequate work environment will reduce
employee performance. Some experts define the work environment as follows: According to Akob et
al (2020); Mohsen Farmahini Faharani (2014), the work environment is everything around employees
and can affect the performance of the tasks assigned to them, for example, with air conditioner (AC),
adequate lighting, etc. The work environment exists in the workers' setting that can affect themselves
in carrying out tasks such as temperature, humidity, ventilation, lighting, noise, cleanliness of the
workplace, and whether or not work equipment is adequate (Arianto, 2013). According to Akob et al
(2020) the work environment can be interpreted as the entire tooling faced, the surrounding
environment in which a person works, the work method, and the influence of his work both as
individuals as groups. Meanwhile, according to Lambert et al (2007), the work environment is an
environment where employees do their daily work. From some of the definitions above, it can be
concluded that environmental work is everything around the workers/employees that can affect
employee job satisfaction in carrying out their work so that maximum work results will be obtained.
Where in the work environment, there are work facilities that support employees in completing tasks.
Which is imposed on employees to order improve the work of employees in a company.

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Muhammad Syafii A. Basalamah, Ajmal As’ad., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.1, Issue. 2 (2021)

Website: ISSN [Online] 2776-6365

Theorists such as Maslow (1954), Herzberg et al. (1959), and Alderfer (1972) have sought to
explain employee motivation by holding on to the assumption that all individuals possess the same set
of needs and therefore prescribe the characteristics that ought to be present in the jobs. These
theorists have afforded opportunities to managers to design motivational schemes to influence
performance. What needs to be answered are the factors of motivation that drive the performance of
employees in the mining sectors in Indonesia. Various theorists explain motivation as a process
governing choices (Bhattacharyya, 2009; Chen et al., 2012; Deegan, 2002; Rodrigo & Palacios, 2021).
The motivation process may be internal or external to the individual that arouses enthusiasm and
persistence to pursue a particular course of action. The motivation process starts with a physiological
or psychological deficiency or needs that activates a behavior or a drive aimed at a goal (Bhattacharyya,
2009). According to Arnold et al. (1991), a needs-related model of motivation is initiated by the
conscious or unconscious recognition of unsatisfied needs. The needs create wants, which are desires
to achieve or obtain something. Goals are established, which is believed will satisfy the needs and
wants, and a behavior pathway is selected which is expected to achieve the goal (Amstrong, 2007;
Rodrigo & Palacios, 2021; Santos-Vijande et al., 2021). According to Harlie (2012), motivation is one
of the efforts made by a person to produce good performance and quality. Motivation is part of the
function of human resource management, namely integration, the most basic stimulant in the
embodiment, complex and continuous effort to increase the potential inherent in him.
Work motivation is the process that directs and sustains performance. Motivation encourages
employees internally to help them achieve specific goals or tasks assigned to them (Sohail et al., 2014).
Employees' work effectiveness can inspire them to work and bring more work motivation and
commitment to their work. This result can be interpreted as motivation to do an activity for it, to
experience pleasure and satisfaction in the action (Malik et al., 2011; Creasy & Carnes, 2017;
Şendoğdu et al., 2013; Stone & Dulebohn, 2013). Work motivation can be created by incentivizing
employees in the form of money that can be felt as supported people and have their place in
organizing. (Moynihan & Pandey, 2014) explained that emotional attachment and employee loyalty
are the most critical factors in work motivation. It can bind people to stay organized. According to
Latief et al. (2018), if a person has the high motivation, he will do the job to the maximum and vice
versa. If a person does not have motivation in working, then there will be no new things that he can
do to achieve the company's target. This motivation is essential because, with motivation, it is
expected that every individual employee will work hard and enthusiastically to achieve high work
productivity. Based on the explanation of the above theories, work motivation is an effort to
encourage oneself to do the work and channel all the expertise that is owned so that the company's
objectives can be achieved. According to Latief et al. (2018), if a person has the high motivation, he
will do the job to the maximum and vice versa. If a person does not have motivation in working, then
there will be no new things that he can do to achieve the company's target. This motivation is essential
because, with motivation, it is expected that every individual employee will work hard and
enthusiastically to achieve high work productivity. Based on the explanation of the above theories, it
can be drawn conclusions that work motivation is an effort to encourage oneself to do the work and
channel all the expertise owned so that the company's objectives can be achieved.

3. Research Method and Materials

3.1. Data Samples

The research technique uses explanatory research, namely, to examine and analyze the effect of
work motivation and work environment on lecturers' job satisfaction at private universities in the
management study program in Makassar. The research was conducted at eight universities from 15
universities with management study programs in Makassar. The study was carried out for 4 (four)
months, from February 2020 to May 2020. This study used primary data sources and secondary data.
The preliminary data in this study were obtained from respondents' answers through filling out a
questionnaire. The respondents of this study were management lecturers at a private university in
Makassar related to motivation, work environment, and job satisfaction. At the same time, secondary

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Muhammad Syafii A. Basalamah, Ajmal As’ad., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.1, Issue. 2 (2021)

Website: ISSN [Online] 2776-6365

data is in the form of information collected from internal or external organizations accessed via the
internet, document searches, and information publication. Secondary data sources in this study are
data from internet sources regarding private universities in Makassar and the currently happening
phenomena. The population in this study were management lecturers at a private university in
Makassar. This study takes a saturated sample that is taking all the existing population (Sugiyono,
2011). For details, see the following table 1.

Table1: Samples
Number of
No University Total Lecturer of Management
1 Bosowa 7 7
2 Atma Jaya 8 8
3 Cokroaminoto 8 8
4 Universitas Fajar 9 9
5 Muhammadiyah Makassar 19 19
6 Universitas Muslim Indonesia 38 38
7 Kristen Indonesia Paulus 9 9
8 Patria Atrha 7 7
Total 105 105

3.2. Measurement

To test the hypothesis of this study, the method of multiple regression analysis was used to analyze
work motivation, work environment, and job satisfaction of lecturers at a private university in
Makassar. With the following formulation:

Y = a1+b1X1+b2X2+e

Y = Dependent variable (Lcturer job satisfaction)
a = coefficient constant
b = Regression coefficient
X1 = Independent variable (work motivation)
X2 = Independent variable (work environment)
e = Error

Work motivation (X1), which is defined as an impulse in human nature to act or move directly
through behavioral channels, leads to an agreed goal in the organization or company. The indicators
used to measure work motivation are, e.g., internal motivation (There is feedback on the results of his
work; Priority is the achievement of what he does). Second External motivation (Happy to get praise
for what he does. Work with wanting to get incentives; Work with the hope of getting attention from
friends and superiors). Third, the Work Environment (X2) can be interpreted as everything around
the lecturer that can affect job satisfaction in carrying out his work, both physical and non-physical.
So that maximum work results will be obtained, wherein there are work facilities that support
completing tasks assigned to lecturers to improve their performance. The indicators used to measure
the work environment are, for example, the physical work environment (Layout; Lecturer Room;
Facilities and Infrastructure). Fourth, non-physical work environment (smooth communication and
responsibility, and cooperation). Fifth, Job Satisfaction. Job Satisfaction (X3) is an emotional feeling
that is pleasant or unpleasant to see the results of their work. Where lecturers will show positive
behavior if they are satisfied and show negative behavior when they are dissatisfied with what they
expect is not following the reality. Indicators of job satisfaction are as follows, e.g., Characteristics of
Own Work (Work Itself), Superior Relations (Supervisor), Support of Colleagues (Co-Workers),
Promotion of Position (Promotion). Salary / Wages (Pay). All variables used in this study will be
measured using a Likert scale. According to Sugiyono (2011), the Likert scale is used to measure

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Muhammad Syafii A. Basalamah, Ajmal As’ad., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.1, Issue. 2 (2021)

Website: ISSN [Online] 2776-6365

attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of people about social phenomena. The measurement scale uses a
Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree).

4. Results and Discussion

4.1. Statistical Result

The validity test was conducted to determine the validity and/or suitability of the
questionnaire/questionnaire that the researcher used to obtain data and respondents. Test the validity
of the Pearson Product Moment Correlation using the principle of correlating or connecting each
item score with the total score obtained in the study eg, if the value of r count > r table, then the
questionnaire is declared valid. If the value of r count < r table, then the questionnaire is declared

Table 2: Validity Test Results

Variables Item t-calculated α t-calculated r-value Info
X1.1 0.669
X1.2 0.659
X1 X1.3 0.662
X1.4 0.617
X1.5 0.607
X2.1 0.647
X2.2 0.607
X2 X2.3 0.632 0.000 0.191 0.30 Valid
X2.4 0.540
X2.5 0.571
Y1 0.655
Y2 0.638
Y Y3 0.624
Y4 0.650
Y5 0.663

Table 2 shows that all statement items for the motivation variable (X1), work environment (X2),
and job satisfaction (Y) have a value of r-calculated > r-estimated (0.191) or are above the critical r of
0.30 so that it can be said that all statement items have valid. The greater the value of r arithmetic
indicates the greater the validity of a research instrument. To find out that the questionnaire used is
genuinely reliable as a data collection tool, it is necessary to test its reliability or level of trust. The
questionnaire is reliable if it can give relatively the same results at different times or give the right
results. In SPSS statistics, the reliability test is used to determine the consistency of the questionnaire
used by the researcher so that the questionnaire can be relied upon even though the research was
carried out repeatedly with the same questionnaire, through Cronbach's Alpha reliability test. The
basis for decision making in the reliability test is: If the value of > r-estimated, then the questionnaire
items used are declared reliable or consistent. Suppose the value of < r-estimated, then the
questionnaire items used are declared unreliable or inconsistent.

Table 3: Reliability Test Results

Variables Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient Info
X1 0.636 Reliable
X2 0.618 Reliable
Y 0.648 Reliable

Table 3 shows that all of these variables have coefficient values Cronbach's Alpha more significant
than 0.6, so it can be said that the statement instrument used in this study is reliable or reliable. The F
test is used to show whether all the independent variables used in the study have a joint influence on

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Muhammad Syafii A. Basalamah, Ajmal As’ad., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.1, Issue. 2 (2021)

Website: ISSN [Online] 2776-6365

the dependent variable (Ghozali, 2011). The larger the value of R2, the greater the value F. However, if
the value of R2 = 1, then F becomes infinite. In addition, the statistical F test was used to test the
significance of R2.
Table 4: R2 Regression Results
Model R R Square Adj. R Square Sig. F
1 0.860 0.739 0.734 0.000

Table 4 shows that the adjusted R-squared value of 0.734 means that simultaneously the
motivation variable (X1) and the work environment (X2) have an effect of 73.4 percent on the job
satisfaction variable (Y) while the remaining 26.6 percent is influenced by other variables outside the
variable. independent. sig value. F of 0.000 indicates that the motivation variable (X1) and work
environment (X2) . The t-test serves to determine the effect of the independent variable partially on
the dependent variable. According to Ghozali (2013), this test was carried out by comparing the t-
calculated and t-estimated with an error rate of 5% (two-party test) or 1%. If t-calculated > t-estimated,
then the partial correlation coefficient found is significant (absolute) or can be generalized.

Table 5. Hypothesis Testing Results

Dependent Score t-
Hip Independent Variable p-value Info
Variable Coefficient statistics
H1 Motivation (X1) Job satisfaction 0.160 3.117 0.002 Support
H2 Work environment (X2) Job satisfaction 0.576 12.108 0.000 Support

Table 5 shows that partially the motivation and work environment variables have a significant
effect on job satisfaction. In addition, table 4 also shows the coefficient value of each variable, so the
regression model equation is as follows.
Y = 4.693 + 0.160 X1 + 0.576X2.

From the equation it can be interpreted as follows:

1. The constant value (a) = 4.693, meaning that job satisfaction (Y) will increase by 4.693
percent if there is no motivation and work environment (Y).
2. The value of the coefficient X1 (motivation) = 0.160, meaning that if there is an increase of 1
unit in the motivation variable and other variables are considered constant, there will be an
increase in the job satisfaction variable (Y) of 0.160 percent.
3. The value of the X2 coefficient (work environment) = 0.576, meaning that if there is an
increase of 1 unit in the work environment variable and other variables are considered
constant, there will be an increase in the job satisfaction variable (Y) of 0.576 percent.

4.2. Discussion

Work motivation has a significant effect on lecturer job satisfaction. This is indicated by the
significance t-value of 0.000, which is smaller than = 0.05, so it can be said that Ho is rejected. Work
motivation consists of appropriate feedback, the prestige of the work, support for what is being done,
the incentives given are relevant, and working with the hope of getting attention from friends and
superiors. This study indicates that motivation (X1) has a significant effect on job satisfaction (Y).
This is following the previous hypothesis where motivation has a substantial impact on job
satisfaction. This study supports the opinion of Cong & Van (2013), which states that motivation is a
set of factors that cause a person or employee to perform their duties mainly. Motivation can be one
of the most critical means in shaping job satisfaction and influencing employee performance. In
addition, this study supports Cong & Van (2013) opinion, which states that a person tends to work
with enthusiasm if satisfaction can be obtained from his work. Employee job satisfaction is the key to
driving morale, discipline, and employee performance in supporting company goals. In addition, in
Haerani et al (2020) explains that motivation is a mental condition that encourages a person to
achieve maximum performance. The first indicator of motivation is appropriate feedback. In this

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(CC-BY-SA) 4.0 license.
Muhammad Syafii A. Basalamah, Ajmal As’ad., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.1, Issue. 2 (2021)

Website: ISSN [Online] 2776-6365

study, the item for the proper feedback indicator puts forward how to build motivation with input
given by superiors in the organization. Relevant feedback from supervisors will increase the
motivation of lecturers in carrying out their duties and will provide satisfaction for lecturers because
of the appropriate feedback. The second indicator is the prestige of the work. Motivation can be built
from awards given to superiors and colleagues by providing an appreciation for the results of the job
done. The third indicator is the support of what is being done. In general, employees want to support
in everything that is done by superiors and fellow lecturers. Although not in the form of financial, the
support provided can encourage motivation for lecturers. The fourth indicator is the incentives
provided accordingly. Motivation from a financial perspective, according to empirical facts, can
inspire someone to do work. The fifth indicator is working with the hope of getting attention from
friends and superiors. The sense of pride in getting awards from supervisors and co-workers can
encourage someone to further improve their efforts at work due to praise or appreciation; this gives
satisfaction after carrying out their work.
The work environment has a significant influence on job satisfaction. This is indicated by the
significance t value of 0.000, which is smaller than = 0.05, so it can be said that Ho is rejected. The
work environment consists of a good layout, appropriate lecturer rooms, adequate facilities and
infrastructure, smooth communication, responsibility, and cooperation. This study indicates that the
work environment (X2) has a significant effect on job satisfaction (Y). This is following the previous
hypothesis where the work environment significantly affects job satisfaction. This study supports the
opinion of Schultz and Schultz (2010:405), stating that the work environment or conditions are all
aspects of physical work, work psychology, and work regulations that can affect job satisfaction and
work productivity. In addition, this study supports Sukanti et al. (2008) 's opinion that the work
environment has a significant influence on the level of personal pride and the work they do. The first
indicator in the work environment is good spatial planning. In this study, the item for this good
spatial indicator is that a suitable room arrangement will provide more benefits for lecturers in
carrying out activities to create an environment that can give enthusiasm to the work of lecturers. The
second indicator is the appropriate lecturer room. The lecturers' workspace greatly determines the
lecturer's confidence in working; sometimes, the lecturer is on campus for a long time. So that with a
particular room for individual lecturers, with the lecturer's room, it will create a comfortable and
pleasant environment for lecturers and spur enthusiasm for work. The third indicator is adequate
facilities and infrastructure. With proper facilities and infrastructure provided for lecturers by the
university, it will provide convenience in doing work. Lecturers need, e.g., printers, computers,
worship rooms, restrooms, parking lots, other facilities from campus that support the smooth
running of lecturers in carrying out teaching activities such as classrooms, LCD projectors, relatively
comfortable classroom desks, internet facilities, libraries, etc. The fourth indicator is fluency of
communication. Good and smooth communication between leaders and subordinates, between
fellow lecturers, and between administrative staff or campus staff. Communication supports the
creation of comfort in the work environment. The fifth indicator is responsibility and cooperation.
The duties carried out by lecturers should be of value to the lecturers concerned in carrying out their
duties; in addition, cooperation in carrying out work or teamwork between all academic elements on
campus will create a comfortable working environment and will provide opportunities for lecturers to
be more creative with comfortable working conditions and cooperation that is built together in
achieving organizational goals.

5. Conclusion

The results of this study indicate that motivation has a significant effect on job satisfaction. This
study proves that both theoretically and previous empirical studies explain that increasing work
motivation will increase the job satisfaction of lecturers at private universities in the city of Makassar.
According to empirical studies, motivation from a financial perspective can encourage someone to do
work. This can be a concern for universities and management study programs in the city of Makassar
to manage their human resource arrangements as well as possible to create job satisfaction. The results
of this study indicate that the work environment has a significant effect on job satisfaction. This study

2021 The Author(s). This open-access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution Page 101 of 103
(CC-BY-SA) 4.0 license.
Muhammad Syafii A. Basalamah, Ajmal As’ad., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.1, Issue. 2 (2021)

Website: ISSN [Online] 2776-6365

proves that both theoretically and previous empirical studies explain that improving work
environment conditions will increase the job satisfaction of private university lecturers in the city of
Makassar. The most dominant variable in this study is the work environment. This factor has a more
significant influence than the influence of motivation on lecturer job satisfaction. The universities
and study programs must improve indicators in the work environment to create comfortable working
conditions so that it will increase the job satisfaction of private university lecturers in the city of


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Vol.9, No.1 Januari 2023
e-ISSN: 2528-2212; p-ISSN: 2303-3339, Hal 100-112



Ahmad Prayudi
Universitas Medan Area

Imas Komariyah
STIE Miftahul Huda Subang


Human resources are very important in a company. therefore every company always tries to
have quality human resources and companies must pay attention to aspects of work related to
human resources, because without quality human resources a company will not run well
between HR and companies must have a mutually beneficial relationship requires, companies
need quality employees, employees also need a work environment that can provide satisfaction
such as having a clean and comfortable work environment, one of the company's activities to
advance the abilities of its employees is employee career development and providing
motivation to employees from research is to determine the effect of motivation , work
environment and career development on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Kalibaru
Indonesia This research is included in the category of quantitative research. The total
population is 302 employees, so the sample used is 77 employees because it uses the Slovin
formula. From these results work motivation, work environment and career development affect
job satisfaction.

Keywords : Work Motivation, Work Environment, Career Development, Job Satisfaction

Human resources (HR) is very important in a company, therefore every company
always strives to have quality HR, because without quality HR a company will not run
well between HR and the company must have a relationship that requires each other,
companies need employees quality and the company should pay attention to work aspects
related to human resources.
Basically, companies want to have employees who are smart, clever, and skilled,
able to work hard, have high enthusiasm. Companies need to pay attention to the problem
of employee motivation by observing, supervising, changing and directing employee
behavior in accordance with the stated goals company wants.
A person's various attitudes toward his work reflect his favorable and unfavorable
Received November 30, 2022; Revised Desember 2, 2022; Accepted Januari 26, 2023
* Ahmad Prayudi,
Jurnal Visi Manajemen
Vol.9, No.1 Januari 2023
e-ISSN: 2528-2212; p-ISSN: 2303-3339, Hal 100-112

experiences at work and his hopes for future experiences. Fun work to do can be said that
the job gives satisfaction to the owner. The opposite event, dissatisfaction will be obtained
if a job is not fun to do.
Employee job satisfaction is influenced by the work environment, because a
conducive work environment will make employees feel comfortable and happy while at
work. Employees will feel more motivated to complete their tasks. A conducive work
environment can reduce employee fatigue after work and create employee job satisfaction.
Employees who have high work motivation will be more enthusiastic at work and
tend to be more satisfied with their work, so they will work better and achieve better results.
Conversely, people who are less interested in their work or lack high work motivation will
be dissatisfied with their work and the results produced will also be less than optimal. In
general, work motivation and job satisfaction have a reciprocal relationship. High work
motivation can increase job satisfaction, while high job satisfaction can increase work
motivation. High job satisfaction can improve a person's performance and increase work
productivity, and can reduce the turnover rate (employee resignation rate) in the company.
The work environment is one of the factors that can affect one's job satisfaction. A
good and comfortable work environment will make a person more comfortable and
comfortable at work, thereby increasing motivation and job satisfaction. Conversely, a
work environment that is not good or bad can reduce one's motivation and job satisfaction.
An uncomfortable work environment can cause stress and fatigue, which can reduce work
performance and productivity.
The work environment is everything that is around the workers that can influence
him. The existence of a comfortable work environment can provide encouragement to
work in earnest, so that it can provide work performance for achieving goals so that the
company will continue to progress in developing its business. Career development is
personal changes that a person makes to achieve a career plan (Baroroh, 2016)
Career development is needed to manage HR effectively and efficiently. From the
start when employees enter the company, it is better if an employee is able to plan his
career path while in the company, while the company's job is only to facilitate employees
and provide information on how an employee achieves his career goals, such as
determining certain requirements in taking a certain position.
Career development available to someone can affect the level of job satisfaction

that is felt. People who have the opportunity to develop and develop themselves in their
work will be more motivated and more satisfied at work, so they can improve their
performance and results. Rather, people those who do not have the opportunity to develop
in their work will be less motivated and less satisfied with their work, so that the
performance and results produced will also be less than optimal. Therefore, companies need
to provide fair and equitable career development opportunities for all employees in order
to increase employee job satisfaction.

2.1. Job satisfaction
Everyone who works expects to get satisfaction from his place of work. Basically job
satisfaction is an individual thing because each individual will have different levels of
satisfaction according to the values that apply to each individual. The more aspects of
work that are in accordance with individual wishes, the higher the level of satisfaction felt.
Wibowo (2010) job satisfaction is a general attitude towards a person's work, which shows
the difference between the amount of rewards they receive workers and the amount they
should receive. Job values are the goals that employees want to achieve in doing their jobs.
The expectations to be achieved are work values that are considered important by
individuals in meeting their basic needs. Basic needs are everything that workers expect
in return for the work they have done. So that the more aspects of needs that are fulfilled,
the higher the level of worker satisfaction. Arifin (2012) job satisfaction is how people
carry out work and its aspects.

2.2. Work motivation

Tirtayasa (2010) motivation is a process that encourages a person or work group from the
outside so that they want to carry out something that has been determined. Work
motivation itself is one of the factors that determine the high and low performance of an
employee. Motivation is also related to a person's psychological factors as a manifestation
of the relationship between attitudes, needs and satisfaction that occurs in humans.
Encouragement or motivation is important because with motivation it is expected that
every employee wants to work hard and enthusiastically to achieve high work
productivity. It can be concluded that motivation is the encouragement that makes a person
do the work he wants voluntarily without feeling forced.

102 Jurnal Visi Manajemen - VOLUME 9, NO. 1, JANUARI 2023

Jurnal Visi Manajemen
Vol.9, No.1 Januari 2023
e-ISSN: 2528-2212; p-ISSN: 2303-3339, Hal 100-112

2.3. Work environment

The work environment in a company is one of the things to pay attention to, even though
the work environment does not go through a production process within a company, the
work environment has a direct influence on the employees who carry out the production
process. A work environment that focuses on employees can improve performance.
Conversely, a bad work environment will reduce the work motivation of its employees.
Wuwungan (2017) work environment is everything that can influence him in carrying out
his duties. Aruan (2017) work environment is everything that is around employees and
can affect them in carrying out their duties, for example by having an air conditioner (AC)
with adequate lighting and so on. Astuti (2019) all the tools and materials encountered,
the environment the environment in which a person works, his work methods and work
arrangements both as individuals and as a group. It can be concluded that the work
environment can be expected to create a conducive work environment so that employees
can work comfortably and enthusiastically carry out their duties.

2.4. Career Development

The new paradigm of the career system in the organization places idealism and fighting
spirit to realize the idea, competence, mastery of information, technology and mastery of
foreign languages as the main keys for individuals to success (Alwi, 2001). According to
Simamora (2006) Career is a sequence of activities related to work. The aim of all career
development programs is to match the needs and goals of employees with career
opportunities available in the company today and in the future.

2.5. Hypothesis Development

2.5.1. The relationship between work motivation and job satisfaction
It is important for employees to have motivation at work. Employees who have high
motivation, will get satisfaction at work. Ahmed et al (2010) conducted research at four
universities in Punjab related to how motivation influences job satisfaction there. As a
result, motivation shows a significant influence on job satisfaction. Kaihatu (2010)
conducted research on the same variables at the Pakuwon Food Festival Surabaya. The
results show that motivation has a significant effect on job satisfaction. Chatterjee (2015)
also obtained similar results between motivation variables on job satisfaction. Based on
this explanation, the following hypothesis is proposed:

H1: Work motivation has an effect on job satisfaction

2.2.2. The relationship between work environment and job satisfaction
The results of the study from Simbolon (2017) on work environment variables and
employee performance show that the work environment has a significant positive effect
on employee performance. Kusmaningtyas' research (2014) also shows that the work
environment is proven to have a significant influence on employee performance. Referring
to the description above, the hypothesis developed in this study is as follows:
H2: The work environment influences job satisfaction

2.2.3. Relationship between career development and job satisfaction

The results of Oduma's research (2014) stated that career development affects employee
performance. employee researcher. From the start when an employee enters the company,
it is better for an employee to be able to plan his career path while in the company, while
the company's job is only to facilitate employees and provide information on how an
employee achieves his career goals, such as determining certain requirements in taking a
particular position. Based on this explanation, the following hypothesis is proposed:
H3: Career development has an effect on job satisfaction

This type of research is quantitative. The population in this study are employees who work
at PT. Kalibaru totaled 302, with a sample of 77 respondents who were obtained from the
slovin formula. This study took primary data sources because researchers visited the object
of research directly and distributed questionnaires to respondents. To obtain the data
needed to support this research. As for the primary data source in this study, all 77
respondent data were used. The secondary data for this study were in the form of journals
and data received from companies. The data collection method is by distributing
questionnaires through the Google form. In measuring respondents' answers, filling out
the questionnaire was measured using a Likert scale, namely a scale that contains five
levels of preference for answers with alternative answers. Methods Data analysis with
multiple linear regression analysis using the SPSS program.


4.1. Characteristics of Respondents

104 Jurnal Visi Manajemen - VOLUME 9, NO. 1, JANUARI 2023

Jurnal Visi Manajemen
Vol.9, No.1 Januari 2023
e-ISSN: 2528-2212; p-ISSN: 2303-3339, Hal 100-112

This section will explain the descriptive data obtained from the respondents. This data is
used as additional information to understand research results. Respondents in this study
were employees who participated in this study. The data is presented in tabular form based
on gender, age and education and years of service.

4.2. Characteristics of Respondents

The results of the frequency distribution of respondents based on gender can be seen in the
following table:
Table 1. Characteristics of Respondents by Gender
frequency percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid man 23 28.0 28.0 28.0
woman 54 72.0 72.0 100.0
Total 77 100.0 100.0
Source: Processed research data, 2022
Based on table 1. data obtained that out of 77 respondents, the majority of respondents were
male with 23 employees (28%) and women with 54 employees (72%). From the total of all
respondents used.
The results of the frequency distribution of respondents based on recent education can be
seen in the following table:

Table 2. Characteristics of Respondents Based on Last Education

Valid cumulative
frequency percent percent percent
Valid SENI 77 100.0 100.0 100.0
Source: Processed research data, 2022

Based on table 2. obtained the data shows that of the 77 respondents, most of the
respondents were high school employees with 77 employees (100%).
The results of the frequency distribution of respondents based on age can be seen in the
following table:

Table 3. Characteristics of Respondents by Age

frequency percent Valid Percent percent
Valid 18 to 25 YEARS 30 40.0 40.0 40.0
26 to 35 YEARS 22 29.3 29.3 69.3
36 to 45 YEARS 20 26.7 26.7 96.0
≥ 46 YEARS OLD 3 4.0 4.0 100.0
Total 77 100.0 100.0
Source: Processed research data, 2022

Based on table 3. obtained data that 77 respondents, most of the respondents are
in the age range of 18 to 25 years as many as 30 employees (40%), ages 26 to 35 years as
many as 22 employees (29.3%), aged 36 to 45 years as many as 20 employees (26.7%),
and age ≥
46 years as many as 3 employees (4%).
The results of the frequency distribution of respondents based on length of service can be
seen in the following table:
Table 4. Characteristics of Respondents Based on Length of Service
Frequenc Valid cumulative
y percent percent percent
Valid < 1 YEAR 9 12.0 12.0 12.0
1-2 YEARS 26 34.7 34.7 46.7
3-5 YEARS 32 42.7 42.7 89.3
≥ 5 YEARS 8 10.7 10.7 100.0
Total 77 100.0 100.0
Source: Processed research data, 2022

Based on table 4, data was obtained that out of 65 respondents, 9 employees (12%) had a
long working period of < 1 year, 26 employees (34.7%) had a long working period of 1-2
years, 32 employees (42.7%) had a long working period of length of service for 3-5 years,
and 8 employees (10.7%) have length of service ≥ 5 years.

4.3. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Test

Statistical calculations in the multiple linear regression analysis used in this study
were SPSS Version 22 software. Multiple linear regression analysis was used in this study
with the aim of determining whether there was

106 Jurnal Visi Manajemen - VOLUME 9, NO. 1, JANUARI 2023

Jurnal Visi Manajemen
Vol.9, No.1 Januari 2023
e-ISSN: 2528-2212; p-ISSN: 2303-3339, Hal 100-112

the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. The results of multiple
linear regression are as follows:
Table 5. Multiple Linear Regression
Test Results
Unstandardized standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B std. Error Betas t Sig.
1 (Constant) -5,323 6,852 -,777 ,440
Work motivation ,728 , 197 ,320 3,688 ,000
Work environment ,464 , 174 ,255 2,666 ,009
Career Development ,459 , 103 ,407 4,477 ,000

Source: Processed research data, 2022

Based on the SPSS output above, the regression equation is obtained as follows:

Y = -5.323 + 0.728 X1+ 0.464X2+ 0.459X3

The model shows the meaning that Constant = -5.323 If the variables of Work Motivation,
Work Environment, Career Development and Job Satisfaction are assumed to be constant,
then Job Satisfaction will increase -5.323. The coefficient value of Work Motivation is
0.728 stating that every time there is an increase of 1 score for Work Motivation it will be
followed by an increase in Job Satisfaction of 0.728. The coefficient value of the Work
Environment shows a number of 0.464, stating that if there is an increase of 1 score for the
Work Environment will be followed by an increase in Job Satisfaction of 0.464. The
coefficient value of Career Development shows a number of 0.459, stating that if there is
an increase of 1 score for Career Development it will be followed by an increase in Job
Satisfaction of 0.459.

4.4. The coefficient of determination

The coefficient of determination (R2) essentially measures how far the model's ability to
explain the variation in the dependent variable. The value of the coefficient of determination
can be seen in table 6.

Based on the output in table 6, the adjusted R square is 0.515 or (51.5%). This shows that
the percentage contribution to the influence of the variables Work Motivation, Work
Environment and Career Development on the Job Satisfaction variable is equal to51.5%.
While the remaining 48.5% is influenced by other variables not included in this research
4.5. Discussion
4.5.1. The Effect of Work Motivation on Employee Job Satisfaction
Based on the results of testing the first hypothesis that research shows work motivation has
a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction. The results of this study are
in line with previous research, which explains that work motivation influences employee
performance, through compensation, so that employees feel satisfied at work (Ekhsan,
2019). Work motivation is a very important factor in determining one's level of job
satisfaction. High work motivation can increase job satisfaction because someone will be
more enthusiastic at work and tend to be more satisfied with their work. Conversely, people
who are less interested in their work or lack high work motivation will be dissatisfied with
their work and the results produced will also be less than optimal. Increasing work
motivation can be done in various ways, including giving awards or rewards to employees
who excel, increasing career opportunities and self-development for employees, and
creating a comfortable and conducive work environment to work. Thus, employee job
satisfaction will increase along with increased employee motivation.

4.5.2. The Influence of the Work Environment on Employee Job Satisfaction

Based on the results of testing the second hypothesis, research shows that the work
environment has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction. This is in

108 Jurnal Visi Manajemen - VOLUME 9, NO. 1, JANUARI 2023

Jurnal Visi Manajemen
Vol.9, No.1 Januari 2023
e-ISSN: 2528-2212; p-ISSN: 2303-3339, Hal 100-112

line with the research conducted by Badrianto (2019), that the impact of the work
environment is able to provide comfort at work. Work environment is an important factor
that can affect one's job satisfaction. A good and comfortable work environment will make
a person more comfortable and comfortable at work, thereby increasing motivation and job
satisfaction. Conversely, a work environment that is not good or bad can reduce one's
motivation and job satisfaction. An uncomfortable work environment can cause stress and
fatigue, which can reduce work performance and productivity. To increase employee job
satisfaction, Companies need to pay attention to the work environment provided to
employees. The physical conditions of the work environment such as cleanliness, room
temperature, and ease of access must be considered so that employees can work
comfortably. Good co-workers who respect each other also need attention so that
employees can work in a harmonious atmosphere. A good work culture in the company
also needs attention, such as effective and open communication, as well as opportunities to
contribute and develop at work Good co-workers who respect each other also need attention
so that employees can work in a harmonious atmosphere. A good work culture in the
company also needs attention, such as effective and open communication, as well as
opportunities to contribute and develop at work Good co-workers who respect each other
also need attention so that employees can work in a harmonious atmosphere. A good work
culture in the company also needs attention, such as effective and open communication, as
well as opportunities to contribute and develop at work.

4.5.3. The Effect of Career Development on Job Satisfaction

Based on the results of testing the third hypothesis that research shows that career
development has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction. The results of
this study are in line with research conducted by Akhmal (2018) that career development can
contribute to job satisfaction. Career development is a factor that can affect one's job
satisfaction. People who have opportunities to develop and develop themselves in their work
will be more motivated and more satisfied at work. Conversely, people who do not have the
opportunity to develop in their work will be less motivated and less satisfied with their jobs.
Increasing opportunities for career development can be done in various ways, including by
providing training and courses to improve employee competency, providing apprenticeship
and internship programs for employees who wish to develop themselves, and providing
opportunities to try different jobs so that employees can discover their interests and talents.

Thus, employee job satisfaction will increase along with the increase in career development
opportunities provided to employees.

It can be concluded that motivation, work environment, and career development are
very important and interrelated factors in determining employee satisfaction. High work
motivation can increase employee satisfaction because someone will be more enthusiastic
at work and tend to be more satisfied with their work. A good and comfortable work
environment can also affect employee satisfaction because employees will feel more at
home and comfortable at work, thereby increasing motivation and job satisfaction. Career
development available to employees can also affect employee satisfaction because
employees will be more motivated and more satisfied at work if they have the opportunity
to develop and develop themselves in their work. Therefore, companies need to pay
attention to these factors in order to increase employee satisfaction optimally. Companies
can take various ways to increase employee motivation, work environment, and career
development, including giving awards or rewards to employees who excel, increasing
career opportunities and self-development for employees, and creating a comfortable and
conducive work environment. Thus, employee satisfaction will increase and employee
performance will also increase optimally. increasing career opportunities and self-
development for employees, as well as creating a work environment that is comfortable and
conducive to work. Thus, employee satisfaction will increase and employee performance
will also increase optimally. increasing career opportunities and self-development for
employees, as well as creating a work environment that is comfortable and conducive to
work. Thus, employee satisfaction will increase and employee performance will also
increase optimally.

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The Effect of Organizational Commitment, Organizational Culture, Work

Environment, and Leadership Style on Job Satisfaction
Sri Langgeng Ratnasari1, Endiet Jaloe Prasetyo2, and Lukmanul Hakim3
1,2,3Magister Management Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Riau Kepulauan, Jl. Pahlawan No. 99 Batu Aji, Batam, 29432,


The purpose of this studies to analyze organizational commitment, organizational
culture, work environment to job satisfaction of employee of PT. BintanBersatu
Apparel Batam partially and simultaneously. This research is quantitative from
primary sources collected through questionnaires. The data technique of collection
Keywords: is Cluster Sampling. The data analysis used is the testing instrument carried out
Employee Performance through testing validity and reliability, while the analysis of data technique used is
Organizational Commitment descriptive analysis method and quantitative analysis using multiple linear
Organizational Culture regression analysis techniques. The results showed that the partial variable
Work Environment organizational commitment was not significant for employee job satisfaction.
Leadership Style Organizational culture variables are significant effect to job satisfaction. Work
Job Satisfaction environment variables significant influence to job satisfaction. The variable
leadership style is not significant effect to job satisfaction. Simultaneous test results
of organizational commitment, organizational culture, work environment and
leadership style variables are significantly effect to job satisfaction of PT.
BintanBersatu Apparel Batam.
E-mail: Copyright © 2020 Enrichment : Journal of Management. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Today's business development is growing rapidly and very dynamically, every organization strives to compete as well
as possible to be at the forefront by implementing various business strategies that are supported by an effective
management system.
Organizations are no longer seen as closed systems but organizations are open systems that must be able to respond
and accommodate various external changes quickly and efficiently. Every organization tries to achieve its goals by using all
of its human resources, so the goal of every human resource in the organization must be well maintained. In addition, human
resources in the organization are expected to possess the competencies, abilities and skills needed to carry out their duties.
This organization also requires human resources who have achievement motivation and a hard work ethic and no less
important is having a strong commitment to the organization. Thus, it is expected that organizational human resources can
make their best contribution to the organization (Wibowo, 2016).
It is understood together that the success of managing an organization is largely determined by the succeed in
managing the commitment of human resources. So that not infrequently, people appointed to occupy certain positions must
be those who have high commitment or loyalty to the organization (Busro, 2018). However, the above does not seem to be
seen as a whole because, the employee turnover rate that occurs is still quite high.
Every organization must have a culture that between one organization and another has its own unique side. Culture
represents agreed moral values and is made a guideline by each member of the organization to behave. Culture determines a
company's personality as a whole and has a strong influence on the behavior of its members (Sari and Witjaksono, 2013).
Organizational culture is the identity of an organization and at the same time is a deterrent against inappropriate
external cultural influences (Mulyadi, 2015). The implementation of the organizational culture is not fully effective, because
violations of company regulations still occur frequently. The formation and application of culture as expected by the
organization will be difficult to create if there are frequent changes of leaders, not to mention new leaders who have their
own views on culture in the previous organization and come from different cultural backgrounds from the location where
the organization operates.
Human resource management is very important for companies in managingand utilizing employees so that they can
function productively to achieve company goals (Mangkunegara, 2016).
Every company generally has all kinds of ways to improve their employees' job satisfaction even though the method
varies depending on the actual function of each company. This is done in an effort to improve employee satisfaction which is
expected to have an impact on company productivity (Ardana and Putra, 2016).
When a person feels satisfaction in working, of course he will try as much as possible with all the abilities he has to
complete his work assignments. Thus, productivity and work results of employees will increase optimally. Companies need
employees who are able to work better and faster, to get this job satisfaction of employees must be maintained and cared for
(Ardana and Putra, 2016).
The overall pattern of leader actions is defined as leadership style. The leadership style represents the skills and
attitudes of a leader.
Work environment is a place where an employee does the work that has been given. The work environment is
expected of course that can provide comfort for employees when carrying out work activities (Fitri&Nasution, 2016).
But this is still not fully felt by employees of PT. BintanBersatu Apparel because the work environment is still quite
hot, the tight supervision carried out by superiors (leaders and supervisors) makes workers feel uncomfortable, the
workload is quite high due to urgent work time to meet customer demand also creates inconvenience for employees in
carrying out work.

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Enrichment: Journal of Management Volume 11, Issue 1, Nov (2020) e-ISSN 2087-6327 p-ISSN 2721-7787

Enrichment: Journal of Management

journal homepage:

Organizational commitment, organizational culture, work environment and leadership style are also found at PT.
BintanBersatu Apparel Batam, these four things are an inseparable component in an organization which can ultimately
affect employee job satisfaction which will have an effect on the company's performance such as frequent changes in
employees and leaders in the organization.
The researcher identified the existence of problems related to job satisfaction for employees working at PT
BintanBersatu Apparel. With a total of 556 workers and production capacity that must reach the target of 350,000 pieces of
apparel each month, job satisfaction is an inseparable part for the realization of organizational goals.
As researchers know, PT. BintanBersatuBatam is one of the companies engaged in the garment sector, especially the
production of apparel in the city of Batam. At present, PT. BintanBersatu Apparel Batam is a strategic partner company for
well-known brands such as Adidas and Puma. High quality standards are highly expected by customers because the products
produced are export commodities for foreign markets, so the demand for competent human resources, high commitment to
achieving organizational goals is an absolute requirement for the survival of the organization and customer trust.
Based on the background above, it is realized that there are gaps and need to be examined. Therefore, researchers are
conducting research with the title "The Effect of Organizational Commitment, Organizational Culture, Work Environment,
and Leadership Style on Employee Satisfaction at PT. Bintan Bersatu Apparel Batam”.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Job Satisfactions

According to Sutrisno (2017), there are various meanings or limits about job satisfaction. First, an understanding that
views job satisfaction as a complex emotional reaction. Second is an employee's attitude towards work related to work
situations, cooperation between employees, rewards received in work, and matters relating to physical and psychological
factors.Job satisfaction turned out to be a very popular topic among industrial and management psychologists. This is
evident in the last 30 years that these experts conducted researches on job satisfaction of employees working in large
There are 5 indicators that are used to measure job satisfaction of employees of PT. BintanBersatu Apparel Batam;
salary, the job itself, work colleagues, job promotion and supervision.
2.2 Organizational Commitment
According to Wibowo (2016) stated that commitment is a feeling of identification, involvement and loyalty expressed
by workers towards the company. Organizational commitment is a measure of the desire of workers to remain in the
company in the future. Commitment relates strongly and is tied to the organization at the emotional level. It often reflects
workers' beliefs in the company's mission and objectives, wishes to develop business in settlement and intention to continue
working there. Commitments are usually stronger among long-term workers, those who have personal success experiences
in organizations and those who work with work groups that have commitments.
There are 3 indicators of organizational commitment of employees of PT. BintanBersatu Apparel Batam; affective
commitment, continuance commitment, normative commitment.
2.3 Organizational Culture
Culture is one of the terminologies that are used in anthropology. Etymologically (origin of words), organizational
culture consists of two words, culture and organization. Complete culture can be valued, concepts, habits, and feelings taken
from the basic assumptions of an organization which are then internalized by leaders to its members (Busro, 2018).
According to Mulyadi (2015) Organizational culture is also theories that explain goals and procedures to achieve
goals. There are 7 indicators of organizational culture at PT. BintanBersatu Apparel Batam; Innovation and risk taking,
Attention to detail, Outcome orientation, People orientation, Team orientation, Aggressiveness, Stability.
2.3 Work Environment
According to (Sunyoto, 2015), the work environment is an important component when employee carry out work
activities, by paying attention to a good work environment, it will have an influence on the passion or enthusiasm of
employees in working, whereas (Anoraga, 2014) said that work environment is a situation that is very influential on all
parties both to workers, leaders or to the results of their work. Zainal et al. (2015) say that the work environment is the whole
facilities and infrastructure around the employees who are doing the work themselves, this work environment includes:
workplace, work facilities, cleanliness, lighting, calmness and relationships between people at that place. There are 7
indicators used to measure the work environment at PT. BintanBersatu Apparel Batam: Spatial planning, lighting facilities,
temperature, air exchange, cleanliness, security, noise.
2.4 Leadership Styles
Leadership is a very important factor and how one leads so that it can bring work groups to maximum success.
Leadership style is a way of leaders to influence subordinates (Mulyadi, 2015). Leadership is defined as implementing
authorities and decision makers, there also interpreted as a shared problem (Sunyoto, 2013). According to (Kartono, 2015)
states that the main characteristics of the leader and his leadership must be appropriate and can be accepted by the group
also concerned, and suitable or in accordance with the situation and era.
According to Mulyadi (2015) states that without leadership, an organization is a collection of people and irregular
machines. There are 5 indicators used to measure leadership style at PT. BintanBersatu Apparel Batam: Nature, Habits,
Temperament, Character, Personality

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Enrichment: Journal of Management Volume 11, Issue 1, Nov (2020) e-ISSN 2087-6327 p-ISSN 2721-7787

Enrichment: Journal of Management

journal homepage:

Fig. 1. Conceptual Framework

H1:There is an influence of organizational commitment to job satifaction.

H2:There is an influence of organizational culture to job satifaction.
H3:There is an influence of work environment to job satifaction.
H4:There is an influence of leadership styles to job satisfaction.
H5:There are influences of organizational commitment, organizational culture,work environment, and leadership styles to job

3. Methodology

Population and Samples. The population in this study were 566 permanent non-management employees at PT
BintanBersatu Apparel who served in office, pre-production, sewing, packing parts. Sample research for a population of 566
people and a trust level of 10% is 121 people. Data collection in this study conduct through a questionnaire, namely data
collection techniques carried out by providing a set of questions or written statements to the respondent to answer
(Sugiyono, 2017). The interval scale used to measure data is a summated rating from Likert, where Likert uses five
alternative answers with the following criteria: 1 = Strongly Disagree; 2 = Disagree; 3 = Doubtful; 4 = Agree; 5 = Strongly
Data analysis technique. Descriptive Statistical Analysis Test. Descriptiv statistical is used to provide an overview or
description of the variables in this study, namely organizational commitment, organizational culture, work environment,
leadership style and employee job satisfaction.
Validity tests are often used to measure the accuracy of an item in a questionnaire or scale, whether the items in the
questionnaire are right in measuring what you want to measureright of use or not.
In determining whether or not an item is to be use, a significance test of the correlation coefficient is usually at a
significance level of 0.05. This means that an item is considered valid if it has a significant correlation to the total score of the
item. If an item has a value of achieving a correlation coefficient of at least 0.30 it is considered to have a sufficiently
distinctive power or is considered valid (Priyatno, 2013).
Data Reliability Test. Reliability means reliable or reliable, based on this opinion it can be concluded that it is said to
be reliable if it gives a fixed or steady result even though it is done by anyone and at any time (Priyatno, 2013).
Measurement of reliability is done by one shot or measurement once with the SPSS Cronbach Alpha (α) statistical test,
variable is said to be reliable if it gives the value of Cronbach Alpha ≥ 0.6 or r count> r table (Supriyanto and Maharani,
3.1 Results
Simultaneously. The results of the F test show that significant values of four (4) independent variables are
organizational commitment variable (X1), organizational culture (X2), work environment (X3) and leadership style (X4) of
0,000 <α 0,05 and F count 36,763. These results show that organizational commitment (X1), organizational culture (X2),
work environment (X3) and leadership style (X4) simultaneously have a significant effect on job satisfaction. It can be
concluded there is a significant influence between the independent variables on job satisfaction of employees at PT.
BintanBersatu Apparel Batam.
Partially. Results of the above reseach, the hypothesis proposed in this study can be given the following conclusions.
H1: Organizational commitment has influence on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Bintan Bersatu Apparel Batam, was
declared rejected. This is evidenced by the significance value of -0.138 <0.05 (alpha value).
H2: Organizational culture has influence on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Bintan Bersatu Apparel Batam, declared
acceptable. This is evidenced by the significance value of 0.220> 0.05 (alpha value).
H3: Work Environment has influence on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Bintan Bersatu Apparel Batam, declared
acceptable. This is evidenced by the significance value of 0.412> 0.05 (alpha value).
H4: Leadership Style has influence on job satisfaction of employees of PT. BintanBersatu Apparel Batam, was declared
rejected. This is evidenced by the significance value of -0.41 <0.05 (alpha value).

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Enrichment: Journal of Management Volume 11, Issue 1, Nov (2020) e-ISSN 2087-6327 p-ISSN 2721-7787

Enrichment: Journal of Management

journal homepage:

Table 1.
t Test Result
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
Model Cofficients t Sig
B Std. error Beta
Constant) .837 1.900 .441 .660
Komitmen -.138 0.37 -.382 -3.746 .000
.220 0.37 -.569 59.13 .000
Budaya Organisasi
.412 0.60 .507 6.844 .000
Gaya -.041 0.59 -.046 -.703 .483
a. Dependent Variable: Kepuasan kerja karyawan

Table 2
F Test Result
Model Sum of Squared df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 131.348 4 32.837 36.763 .000b
1 Residual 105.399 118 .893
Total 236.748 122
a. Dependent Variable: Kepuasan kerja
b. Predictors: (Contasnt), Komitment organisasional, Budaya Organisasi, Lingkungan kerja, Gaya Kepemimpinan

Table 3
Adjusted R2 Result
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .745a .555 .540 .945
a. Predictors (Constant), Komitment organisasional, Budaya organisasi, Lingkungan kerja, Gaya Kepemimpinan
b. Dependent Variable: Kepuasan kerja

3.2 Discussion
A. Effect of Organizational Commitment towards Employee Job Satisfaction
Based on the calculation, it can be proved that through the results of SPSS data processing, the t value calculated for
the Organizational Commitment variable (X1) is -3,746 with a significance level of 0,000. The significance level is smaller
than the predetermined level of significance, which is equal to 0.05. Thus, Organizational Commitment has no influence on
Employee Satisfaction at PT. BintanBersatu Apparel Batam. The results are not in line with the research of Ardana and Putra
B. Effect of Organizational Culture towards on Employee Job Satisfaction
Based on calculation it can be proven that through the results of SPSS data processing the t value is calculated for the
Organizational Culture variable (X2) of 5,913 with a significance level of 0,000. The significance level is smaller than the
predetermined level of significance, which is equal to 0.05. Thus Organizational Culture has a influence on Employee
Satisfaction at PT. Bintan Bersatu Apparel Batam. The results are in line with Wahyuni's research, et al. (2016),Harlen and
Louisiana (2015), Nirmalasari (2014), Sari and Witjaksono's (2013),Rahma and Suhandana (2013),Ritawati (2013).
C. Effect of Work Environment on Employee Job Satisfaction
Based on the calculation, it can be proven that through the results of SPSS data processing, the calculated t value for
the Work Environment variable (X3) is 6,844 with a significance level of 0,000. The significance level is smaller than the
predetermined level of significance, which is equal to 0.05. Thus the Work Environment has influence on Employee
Satisfaction at PT. Bintan Bersatu Apparel Batam. The results of this study are in line with the research of Fitri and Nasution
D. Effect of Leadership Styles on Employee Job Satisfaction
Based on calculation it can be proven that through the results of SPSS data processing, the calculated t value for the
Leadership Style (X4) variable is -0.703 with a significance level of 0.483. The level of significance is greater than the
predetermined level of significance, which is equal to 0.05. Thus the Leadership Style has no influence on Employee
Satisfaction at PT. Bintan Bersatu Apparel Batam.
The results are in line with the research of Fitri and Nasution (2016) but not in line with Suprapta's research, et al
(2015),Harlen and Louisiana (2015), Muttaqien's (2014), Satyawati and Suartana (2014), Ismail and Rahmawati (2014),
Ekawati and Wardono (2014).
E. Effect of Organizational Commitment, Organization Culture, Work Environment and Leadership Style towards
Employee Job Satisfaction.
The results of the F test show that significant values of four (4) independent variables are organizational commitment
variable (X1), organizational culture (X2), work environment (X3) and leadership style (X4) of 0,000 <α 0,05 and F count
36,763 . These results show that organizational commitment (X1), organizational culture (X2), work environment (X3) and
leadership style (X4) simultaneously have a significant effect on job satisfaction.

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4. Conclusion and Suggestion

A. Conclusion
Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that: (1) Variable Organizational Commitment does not have
aninfluence on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Bintan Bersatu Apparel Batam. (2) Organizational Culture Variables have
an influence on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Bintan Bersatu Apparel Batam. (3) Work Environment have a influence
on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Bintan Bersatu Apparel Batam. (4) Variable Leadership Style has no influence on job
satisfaction of employees of PT. Bintan Bersatu Apparel Batam. (5) Variables of Organizational Commitment, Organizational
Culture, Work Environment and Leadership Style simultaneously have a significant effect on job satisfaction of employees of
PT. Bintan Bersatu Apparel Batam.
B. Suggestion
Base on the results of the analysis above, some suggestions or recommendations that can be given to the company or
for future research are as follows; (1) Organizational commitment must still be owned by each employee even though it is
proven that it has no influence on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Bintan Bersatu Apparel Batam. This helps the
company in maintaining the stability of the company's operations. (2) The implementation of an effective and sustainable
organizational culture is proven by it and this needs to be maintained and improved. (3) A conducive work environment at
PT. Bintan Bersatu Apparel needs to be maintained and improved so as to create a comfortable atmosphere in working for
all employees and a high sense of belonging to the company. (4) The application of the best leadership style is one that can
adjust to the needs and company. Professional management system support should the leadership be directed to democratic
leadership so that employees feel valued because they are involved in joint decision making but also continue to pay
attention to the authority limits of each party leader and subordinates. The leader must also continue to learn and practice
to improve his ability to become a role model that will later have a positive impact on increasing better productivity so that
employees can be accepted and followed without feeling forced. (5) To improve employee job satisfaction the company
should continue to routinely monitor the factors that might reduce employee job satisfaction and immediately improve so
that employee job satisfaction remains stable. (6) Add other independent variables besides organizational commitment,
organizational culture, work environment and leadership style. Further research is needed to find out other factors that can
affect employee job satisfaction. (7) Use more variables and wider population scope of the population in this study. The
sample used should also be more than this study, thus further research can further provide a more specific picture of the
influence of organizational commitment, organizational culture, work environment and leadership style on employee job

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Enrichment: Journal of Management

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Article in Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora · October 2019

DOI: 10.23887/jish-undiksha.v8i2.21400


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2 authors, including:

Caecilia Tri Wahyanti

Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana


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p-ISSN: 2303-2898 e-ISSN: 2549-6662 Vol 8 No 2, Tahun 2019


1 2
Hanum Hotma Uli Sinaga , Caecilia Tri Wahyanti
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
1 2
e-mail: ,

Pengembangan karir dan kompensasi merupakan faktor penting dalam
meningkatkan kepuasan kerja karyawan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah meneliti
pengaruh kepuasan kerja karyawan pada PT PLN (Persero) UID Jateng & DIY
dengan data primer yang didapat dari kuesioner. Jumlah sampel yang terpilih pada
penelitian ini yaitu 119 karyawan PT PLN (Persero) UID & DIY. Teknik analisis data
pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis regresi berganda dan memperoleh
hasil bahwa pengembangan karir dan kompensasi berpengaruh positif terhadap
kepuasan kerja karyawan. Ketika karir karyawan didalam perusahaan meningkat
maka kepuasan kerja dalam dirinya akan tinggi dan hal yang sama ketika karyawan
mendapatkan kompensasi yang baik dari perusahaan maka kepuasan kerja
karyawan akan tinggi pula.

Kata kunci : Pengembangan Karir, Kompensasi Dan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan

Career development and compensation are important factors in increasing employee
job satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of employee job
satisfaction on PT PLN (Persero) UID Central Java & DIY with primary data obtained
from the questionnaire. The number of samples selected in this study was 119
employees of PT PLN (Persero) UID & DIY. Data analysis techniques in this study
used multiple regression analysis techniques and obtained results that career
development and compensation had a positive effect on employee job satisfaction.
When the career of an employee in a company increases, the job satisfaction will be
high and the same thing when employees get good compensations from the
company, employee job satisfaction will be in height as well.

Keywords : Career Development, Compensation And Employees Job Satisfaction.

persaingan bisnis, menjadikan perusahaan

PENDAHULUAN menghadapi tantangan untuk mampu
Semakin ketatnya persaingan dalam
dunia bisnis, menuntut setiap perusahaan mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup.
dapat memiliki keunggulan, efisiensi, teknologi, Perusahaan dituntut untuk memiliki kekuatan
kualitas SDM, tingkat upah, dan peluang yang dapat bersaing dalam lingkungan yang
ekspansi usaha, serta pangsa pasar komoditi penuh ketidakpastian (Marfokah, 2015).
yang kompetitif dan berkesinambungan, Organisasi yang sukses adalah
khususnya dalam perusahaan yang bergerak organisasi yang mampu melahirkan pemimpin-
di bidang barang dan/atau jasa (Mulayani, pemimpin dengan komitmen kuat, memiliki visi
2002). Persaingan bisnis ini menuntut masa depan, dan mampu menyejahterakan
perusahaan untuk menyusun kembali strategi seluruh anggotanya (Nugroho & Kunartinah,
dan taktik bisnisnya. Kondisi inilah yang 2012). Keberhasilan organisasi untuk
mendorong perusahaan-perusahaan untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi demi mewujudkan
mempersiapkan diri dalam memasuki pasar visi dan misinya sangat tergantung dari peran
global. Dengan semakin ketatnya intensitas dan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang ada
didalam organisasi tersebut. Pengembangan

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora | 184

p-ISSN: 2303-2898 e-ISSN: 2549-6662 Vol 8 No 2, Tahun 2019

sumber daya manusia diperlukan secara terus simultan kompensasi dan pengembangan karir
menerus agar diperoleh sumber daya manusia berpengaruh pada kinerja karyawan.
yang berkualitas dan dapat mempunyai peran Pengembangan karir mempunyai pengaruh
yang lebih, sehingga dalam bekerja dapat paling besar terhadap kepuasan kerja
memberikan hasil yang optimal. Dengan karyawan. Perusahaan diharapkan dapat
sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas tentu menyesuaikan besaran bonus dan insentif
saja akan meningkatkan produktivitas kerja dengan kinerja dari masing-masing karyawan,
dari suatu organisasi atau perusahaan. dapat menginformasikan serta melakukan
Akhyadi dan Sadikin (2015) menyatakan pengembangan karir kepada para karyawan
bahwa pengembangan sumber daya manusia dengan baik dan lebih memperhatikan tingkat
merupakan suatu pembelajaran dengan tujuan pendidikan.
untuk meningkatkan kinerja karyawan dalam Kepuasaan kerja merupakan keadaan
menghadapi persaingan di era globalisasi. Hal emosional dimana para pekerja memandang
ini menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan pekerjaannya yang menyenangkan ataupun
karyawan merupakan unsur penting dari tidak menyenangkan. Sari & Susilo (2018)
berbagai upaya perusahaan untuk bersaing berpendapat bahwa kepuasan kerja adalah
pada perekonomian yang baru, memenuhi suatu respon emosional terhadap berbagai
tantangan persaingan global dan perubahan aspek pekerjaan. Hasibuan (2006) juga
sosial. menyatakan bahwa kepuasan kerja adalah
Keberhasilan karyawan dalam sikap emosional yang menyenangkan dan
pengembangan karir diikuti dengan mencintai pekerjaannya. Sikap tersebut
kompensasi yang merupakan salah satu faktor dicerminkan dari moral kerja, tingkat
yang mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja seorang kedisiplinan, dan prestasi dalam bekerja.
karyawan. Setiap organisasi sebaiknya Kepuasan kerja sangat penting dan bersifat
berupaya untuk meningkatkan kepuasan kerja relatif bagi setiap karyawan, dimana tingkat
karyawannya dengan memberikan kepuasan pekerjaan berbeda-beda antara satu
kompensasi secara adil dan layak. karyawan dengan karyawan lain. Faktor yang
Kompensasi memegang peranan penting berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja adalah
dalam meningkatkan kepuasan kerja pengembangan karir. Damayanti, Hanafi,&
karyawan, karena salah satu alasan utama Cahyadi (2018) menyatakan bahwa seorang
seseorang bekerja adalah untuk memenuhi pimpinan yang mengharapkan adanya
kebutuhan hidupnya (Utama & Edy,2013). kepuasan kerja yang maksimal pada
Mengacu pada penelitian sebelumnya organisasinya harus mengacu faktor-faktor
yang dilakukan oleh Nugroho dan Kunartinah yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan
(2012) dengan membahas mengenai analisis itu sendiri, salah satunya adalah
pengaruh kompensasi dan pengembangan pengembangan karir (career development).
karier terhadap kepuasan kerja dengan Pengembangan karir adalah Aktivitas yang
mediasi motivasi kerja pada Sekretariat daerah membantu karyawan untuk merencanakan
Kabupaten Pekalongan menunjukkan bahwa jenjang karir masa depan mereka di
Kompensasi, pengembangan karier dan perusahaan supaya perusahaan dan karyawan
motivasi kerja memiliki pengaruh positif dan dapat mengembangkan diri secara maksimum.
siginifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja di Massie, Tewal, & Sendow (2015) menyatakan
Sekretariat daerah Kabupaten Pekalongan. bahwa pengembangan karir merupakan
Hal ini sejalan dengan penelitian yang pendekatan formal yang dilakukan organisasi
dilakukan Kurniawan (2015) bahwa adanya untuk menjamin orang dalam organisasi
pengaruh pengembangan karir dan mempunyai kualifikasi, kemampuan, dan
kompensasi terhadap kepuasan kerja pengalaman yang cocok ketika dibutuhkan.
karyawan. Hasil analisis ini menunjukkan Pengembangan karir bertujuan untuk
bahwa pengembangan karir berpengaruh membantu pencapaian perusahaan,
terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan dan membantu menyadari kemampuan potensi
kompensasi berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan karyawan, dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan
kerja karyawan serta pengembangan karir dan karyawan. Pengembangan karir apabila diikuti
kompensasi berpengaruh simultan terhadap dengan timbal balik perusahaan secara jelas
kepuasan kerja karyawan. Penelitian ini juga maka dapat menimbulkan kepuasan kerja
didukung penelitian yang dilakukan oleh karyawan. Program pengembangan karir
Siswadhi (2017) bahwa dari hasil penelitian dijalankan dengan baik maka tingkat kepuasan
menunjukan kompensasi dan pengembangan kerja akan semakin tinggi. Pengembangan
karir berpengaruh secara parsial dan simultan karir dapat menjadi faktor dominan yang
terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan. Secara mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja karyawan.

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora | 185

p-ISSN: 2303-2898 e-ISSN: 2549-6662 Vol 8 No 2, Tahun 2019

Muchlis (2017) dalam penelitiannya sangat penting karena dapat mempengaruhi

menyatakan bahwa pengembangan karir semangat kerja, kegairahan kerja dan
merupakan suatu faktor perencanaan menjadikan dorongan utama bagi seseorang
terorganisir yang digunakan untuk yang menjadi karyawan. Dengan begitu setiap
menyesuaikan tujuan karyawan dengan perusahaan harus mempunyai strategi
kebutuhan bisnis dari suatu organisasi. kompensasi yang tepat agar mencapai
Program pengembangan karir tentunya keberhasilan tujuan perusahaan.
diikuti dengan faktor lain yaitu kompensasi. Peralatan canggih dan andal yang dimiliki
Firmandari (2014) mengemukakan bahwa oleh perusahaan tidak dapat bekerja dengan
kompensasi adalah suatu bentuk balas jasa baik tanpa adanya peran aktif SDM (Suwanto
perusahaan terhadap pengorbanan waktu, & Priansa, 2011). Kinerja karyawan PLN
tenaga, dan pikiran yang telah karyawan (Perusahaan Listrik Milik Negara) sebagai
berikan pada perusahaan. Kompensasi dapat BUMN (Badan Usaha Milik Negara) tentu juga
dikatakan sebagai suatu timbal balik yang dipengaruhi oleh kebutuhan tersebut. Sebagai
diterima oleh karyawan sebagai pengganti salah satu perusahaan yang bekerja dalam
kontribusi jasa yang telah diberikan pada menyediakan listrik dalam bentuk pembangkit
perusahaan. Pemberian kompensasi dari listrik, PT PLN (Persero) diharuskan memiliki
perusahaan merupakan salah satu faktor kinerja yang baik untuk mampu menghasilkan
penting dan berpengaruh di dalam pemilihan ketersediaan energi listrik yang cukup bagi
untuk bekerja di sebuah organisasi (Fauzi, kebutuhan masyarakat. Data yang diperoleh
2014). Kompensasi beperan penting dalam pada PT PLN (Persero) UID Jateng & DIY
meningkatkan kepuasan kerja, karena alasan pada Tahun 2014-2018 yang dapat dilihat
utama seorang bekerja yaitu untuk memenuhi pada Tabel 1 berikut ini:
kebutuhan hidupnya. Masalah kompensasi

Tabel 1. Pencapaian Nilai Kinerja Organisasi PT PLN (Persero) UID Jateng & DIY Tahun 2014-2018

No Periode Pencapaian Kinerja Organisasi (NKO)

1 2014 74,64
2 2015 90,9
3 2016 39,6
4 2017 90,2
5 2018 95,7
yang memiliki program dalam menunjang karir
Sumber: PT PLN (Persero) UID Jateng & DIY para karyawan, tetapi terdapat beberapa
Pada Tabel 1 terlihat bahwa kinerja
karyawan PT PLN (Persero) UID Jateng & DIY
masih perlu dioptimalkan karena pencapaian permasalahan yang muncul mengenai
kinerja organisasi (NKO) mengalami fluktuasi pengembangan karir dan kompensasi yang
yaitu dari 74,64 pada tahun 2014 mengalami dirasa masih belum optimal. Terdapat
kenaikan menjadi 90,9 pada tahun 2016. perbedaan gaji yang diterima oleh masing-
Namun pada tahun 2017 mengalami masing karyawan di PT PLN (Persero) UID
penurunan yang sangat signifikan yaitu Jateng & DIY membuat munculnya masalah
menjadi sebesar 39,6. Pada tahun 2017 dan kepuasan terhadap kinerja karyawan tersebut.
2018 mengalami kenaikan dengan sangat Karyawan tidak tetap di PT PLN (Persero) UID
pesat menjadi 90,2 dan 95,7. Data yang Jateng & DIY hanya menerima 1/3 dari gaji
diperoleh dari PT PLN (Persero) UID Jateng & yang diterima oleh karyawan tetap disana,
DIY mengenai kinerja karyawan PT PLN mereka menganggap ini sebagai ketidakadilan
(Persero) UID Jateng & DIY yang masih harus karena jika dilihat dari segi kinerja dan
dioptimalkan menarik minat peneliti untuk pekerjaan mereka tidak kalah dengan
melakukan penelitian dengan obyek penelitian karyawan tetap dan justru ada karyawan tidak
pada BUMN yaitu PT PLN (Persero) UID tetap yang masa kerjanya 10-20 tahun yang
Jateng & DIY yang berlokasi di Semarang. dapat menjadikan mereka kunci ketika berada
Berdasarkan hasil pra penelitian yang dilapangan dan adanya penyebaran informasi
dilakukan pada Kantor PT PLN (Persero) UID mengenai ketersediaan posisi dan data yang
Jateng & DIY mengenai pengembangan karir lengkap mengenai syarat untuk menempati
pada PT PLN (Persero) UID Jateng & DIY suatu jabatan tertentu belum dilakukan secara
transparan dan masih terdapat pengaruh

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koneksi untuk meningkatkan karir dan tidak paling atas. Permatasari (2006). karier adalah
mensyaratakan jenjang pendidikan untuk persepsi sikap pribadi dan perilaku seseorang
dipromosikan pada jabatan tertentu. Kegiatan yang terkait dengan aktivitas-aktivitas dan
promosi pada pengembangan karir pada PT pengalaman-pengalaman dalam rentang
PLN (Persero) UID Jateng & DIY tidak perjalanan pekerjaan seseorang.
dilakukan dengan berkala melainkan Alif (2015) menyatakan bahwa
tergantung dari nilai perolehan kerja karyawan. pengembangan karir dapat diartikan sebagai
Jika terdapat 10 kandidat yang memiliki proses peningkatan kemampuan kerja individu
potensi namun hanya 5 yang diajukan yang dicapai dalam rangka mencapai karir
berdasarkan riwayat kinerja masing-masing yang diinginkan. Hal ini didukung oleh Putra,
karyawan. Maka dari itu penelitian ini akan Musnadi, dan Majid (2014) bahwa
menganalisa seberapa besar pengembangan pengembangan karir yaitu perkembangan
karir berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan secara individu dalam kepangkatan
karyawan dan seberapa besar kompensasi atau jenjang jabatan yang ingin dicapai selama
berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja bekerja dalam perusahaan yang
karyawan. bersangkutan.
Adapun persoalan penelitian yang akan Berdasarkan beberapa definisi yang
dibahas dalam dua pertanyaan yaitu pertama, telah diungkapkan diatas dapat disimpulkan
apakah pengembangan karir berpengaruh bahwa pengembangan karir merupakan suatu
terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan dengan proses yang dilakukan pada suatu organisasi
kompensasi? Kedua, apakah variabel dalam rangka melakukan perubahan status,
kompensasi berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan posisi, atau kepangkatan dan peningkatan
kerja karyawan? kemampuan seseorang sebagai pelaku yang
Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam terlibat dalam kegiatan organisasi tersebut
penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis Kompensasi adalah bentuk pembayaran
seberapa besarnya pengaruh dari yang diberikan organisasi kepada karyawan
pengembangan karir terhadap kepuasan kerja sebagai pertukaran pekerja yang telah mereka
para karyawan dari PT PLN (Persero) UID berikan kepada organisasi. (Suwanto &
Jateng & DIY. Penelitian ini juga memiliki Priansa, 2011). Kompensasi merupakan
tujuan untuk menganalisis seberapa besar imbalan balas jasa yang berbentuk barang
pengaruh kompensasi terhadap kepuasan tidak langsung, barang langsung ataupun uang
kerja karyawan pada PT PLN (Persero) UID dari perusahaan yang diterima kepada
Jateng & DIY dan menganalisis mengenai karyawan (Hasibuan, 2012). Kompensasi
pengaruh hubungan antara pengembangan adalah komponen penting pada karyawan
karir dan kompensasi. Penelitian ini sebagai balas jasa berupa pembayaran tunai ,
diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi karyawan pembayaran tidak langsung untuk memotivati
dalam menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan karyawan supaya bekerja keras (Sunyoto,
mengenai Sumber Daya Manusia khusunya 2012). Berdasarkan penjelasan definisi diatas
mengacu pada kepuasan dari kinerja dapat disimpulkan bahwa kompensasi adalah
karyawan, pengembangan karir dan imbalan jasa dari perusahaan yang diberikan
kompensasi. Terdapat pula manfaat bagi kepada karyawan atas hasil kinerja sebagai
pembaca dan penulis yakni diharapkan dapat pertukaran pekerja yang dapat berbentuk
diguakan sebagai literature refrensi pada barang tidak langsung dan barang langsung.
penelitian selanjutnya. Penelitian ini juga dapat Noe dan Mondy (2005) menyatakan
digunakan untuk umpan balik kepada PT PLN bahwa indikator kompensasi finansial terbagi
Semarang sebagai kajian atau bahan dalam menjadi tiga, yaitu:
menentukan kebijaksanaan SDM perusahaan 1. Upah dan gaji
tersebut. Imbalan finansial yang dibayarkan kepada
Paramita, Wahda, & Handaru (2015) karyawan secara teratur seperti tahunan,
berpendapat bahwa pengertian karir adalah caturwulan, bulanan dan mingguan.
rangkaian posisi yang berkaitan dengan kerja 2. Insentif
yang ditempati seseorang sepanjang Insentif merupakan imbalan langsung yang
hidupnya. Alif (2015) karir adalah proses dibayarkan kepada karyawan karena
kemampuan kerja individu yang dicapai baik kinerjanya melebihi standar yang
secara fungsional ataupun struktural sesuai ditentukan. Dengan mengasumsikan
yang diinginkan. Sugiharjo & Rustinah (2017) bahwa uang dapat digunakan untuk
karir adalah sejumlah posisi kerja yang dijabat mendorong karyawan bekerja lebih giat
seseorang selama siklus kehidupan pekerjaan lagi maka mereka yang produktif lebih
sejak dari posisi paling bawah hingga posisi

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menyukai gajinya dibayarkan berdasarkan kebutuhan sehari-hari maupun bersama

hasil kerja. keluarganya. Kompensasi yang diberikan oleh
3. Tunjangan perusahaan kepada karyawan dapat
Imbalan tidak langsung yang diberikan mempengaruhi banyak hal, salah satunya
kepada karyawan, biasanya mencakup yaitu kepuasan kerja. Penelitian terdahulu oleh
asuransi kesehatan, cuti, pensiun, rencana Akmal & Tamini (2015) menyatakan bahwa
pendidikan, dan rabat untuk produk-produk kompensasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan
perusahaan. terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan yang
Kepuasan kerja adalah menggambarkan artinya ketika kompensasi yang diberikan
seseorang atas perasaa sikapnya, puas atau semakin besar maka kepuasan kerja karyawan
tidak puas, senang atau pun tidak senang di menjadi lebih baik. Pernyataan tersebut
dalam bekerja (Paramita, Wahda, & Handaru, diperkuat penelitian dari Humaeroh, Susilo, &
2015). Hal senada juga diungkapkan oleh Prasetya (2015) serta Retnoningsih,
Supatmi, Nimran, & Utami (2011) mengatakan Sunuharjo, & Ruhana (2016) yang
bahwa kepuasan kerja adalah perasaan menyatakan bahwa kompensasi finansial dan
karyawan yang menyenangkan ataupun tidak non finansial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan
menyenangkan terhadap pekerajaan, tingkah terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan.
laku dalam bekerja seperti kinerja karyawan H2 Kompensasi berpengaruh positif
dan secara langsung yang berpengaruh : terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan pada
terhadap emosional. PT PLN (Persero) UID Jateng & DIY
Luthans (2006) menyatakan bahwa
indikator yang dapat digunakan dalam (X1)
mengukur kepuasan kerja adalah sebagai H
berikut: a) kepuasan terhadap pekerjaan itu ngan Karir
sendiri, b) kepuasan terhadap gaji, c) (Y)
kepuasan dengan promosi, d) kepuasan Kepuasan
terhadap atasan, e) kepuasan terhadap rekan Kerja
H Karyawan
Beberapa penjelasan definisi diatas (X2)
dapat disimpulkan bahwa kepuasan kerja yaitu Kompensa 2
penggambaran seseorang terhadap pekerjaan
dari segi perasaan menyenangkan atau tidak
menyenangkan, puas atau tidak puas dalam Gambar 1. Pengaruh Pengembangan Karir
kinerja karyawan tersebut. dan Kompensasai Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja
Dessler (2006) mengemukakan bahwa Karyawan
adanya pengembangan karir dan
perencanaan, keuntungan yang jelas bagi METODE
karyawan yaitu kepuasan, kualitas kerja yang
baik dan pengembangan diri. Dengan adanya Penelitian ini menggunakan
pengembangan karir yang baik maka akan pendekatan kuantitatif, dimana tujuan dan
menciptakan kepuasan dalam melaksanakan objek penelitian ini dilakukan dengan
pekerjaannya. Dalam penelitian Lisdiani (2017) penelitian kausalitas (causality research).
menyatakan bahwa pengembangan karir Penelitian kausalitas bertujuan untuk
berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap menyelidiki adanya hubungan sebab akibat
kepuasan kerja. Sehingga ketika karyawan dari peristiwa fenomena. Jenis penelitian
diberikan kesempatan untuk mengembangkan kausalitas ini mengambil dari penelitian
karir maka kepuasan kerja karyawan akan penjelasan (explanatory research) yakni
terpenuhi. Penelitian tersebut diperkuat kausalitas menjelaskan suatu hubungan
penelitian dari Siswadhi (2017) bahwa kausalitas dengan cara mendasarkan pada
pengembangan karir berpengaruh positif dan pengamatan terhadap akibat yang terjadi, dan
signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja. mencari faktor – faktor yang mungkin menjadi
H1 Pengembangan karir berpengaruh positif penyebabnya melalui data tertentu. Dipilihnya
: terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan PT jenis penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan
PLN (Persero) UID Jateng & DIY hubungan dan pengaruh yang terjadi antar
kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpul data primer
Kompensasi adalah segala sesuatu
Priyatno (2013).
yang diterima para karyawan sebagai balas
Populasi penelitian ini adalah SDM
jasa untuk kerja mereka (Handoko, 2012).
pada perusahaan PT PLN (Persero) UID
Kompensasi merupakan hal yang sangat
Jateng & DIY. Terdapat 169 jumlah karyawan
penting bagi karyawan untuk memenuhi

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p-ISSN: 2303-2898 e-ISSN: 2549-6662 Vol 8 No 2, Tahun 2019

yang ada di PT PLN (Persero) UID Jateng &

DIY. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik
pengambilan sampel dengan metode
purposive sampling dengan kriteria sampelnya
yaitu: a) karyawan tetap PT PLN (Persero) UID 2
1 + (169 x 0.05 )
Jateng & DIY; b) Karyawan memiliki jabatan
N = 119
pada perusahaan. Pradana & Reventiary
(2016) menggunakan perhitungan rumus
Keterangan :
sampel dengan rumus Slovin sebagai berikut:
n : Jumlah sampel
N : Jumlah populasi
e : Tingkat kesalahan pengambilan sampel
yang dapat ditolerir

Tabel 2. Sampel per Bidang

No Bidang Populasi (orang) Proporsi Sampel Jumlah Sampel
1. Pengadaan 8 8/169x119 6
2. Perencanaan 11 11/169x119 8
3. Distribusi 28 28/169x119 20
4. General Affairs 26 26/169x119 20
5. Keuangan 29 29/169x119 21
6. Niaga 30 30/169x119 22
7. SDM 22 22/169x119 16
8. GM (General Manager) 1 1/169x119 1
9. K3L 6 6/169x119 5
Jumlah 169 119

penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yakni

Berdasarkan perhitungan diatas dengan cara memberi seperangkat pertanyaan
didapatkan sampel sebesar 119 responden. atau pernyataan tertulis kepada responden
Sampel sendiri akan dibagi kedalam beberapa untuk dijawabnya. Variabel terikat pada
divisi sesuai tabel diatas. penelitian ini yaitu kepuasan kerja karyawan,
Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian sedangkan variabel bebas kompensasi dan
ini adalah metode survey yang bertujuan untuk pengembangan karir Penelitian ini
mengumpulkan data sederhana dalam rangka menggunakan skala likert untuk menjawab
menguji hubungan antar variabel (Sugiyono pertanyaan yang diajukan ke responden
2013). Metode pengumpulan data pada

Tabel 3. Operasional Variabel Penelitian

Variabel dan Definisi Dimensi Indikator

Pengembangan karir a) Pendidikan  Latar belakang pendidikan
merupakan suatu proses karyawan.
peningkatan/perkembangan  Wawasan pengetahuan yang
karyawan secara individu dimiliki karyawan.
dalam rangka mencapai karir b) Pelatihan
yang diinginkannya.  Frekuesi pelatihan yang
(Handoko, 2008). diberikan perusahaan kepada
c) Pengalaman Kerja  Keahlian tertentu yang dimiliki
(Handoko , 2008) karyawan.

 Masa kerja karyawan dalam

melaksanakan tugasnya.
 Tingkat penguasaan karyawan
atas pengetahuan yang dimiliki.
 Tingkat ketrampilan karyawan
dalam melakukan pekerjaan.

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Variabel dan Definisi Dimensi Indikator

(Handoko , 2008)
Kompensasi adalah bentuk a) Gaji atau upah  Jumlah gaji diterima memenuhi
imbalan jasa yang diberikan kebutuhan hidup.
oleh organisasi kepada  Jumlah gaji yang diterima
karyawan sebagai pertukaran meningkatkan semangat kerja.
pekerjaan yang telah mereka  Jumlah gaji diterima sesuai
berikan kepada organisasi b) Insentif ketetuan yang ditetapkan.
untuk memotivasi karyawan
agar mereka bekerja lebih  Pemberian insentif untuk
keras. (Noe & Mondy, 2005) c) Tunjangan meningkatkan motivasi.

 Pemberian tunjangan profesi

secara rutin.
(Noe & Mondy, 2005)  Pemberian tunjangan sesuai
aturan yang berlaku.
 Pemberian tunjangan dalam
meningkatkan semangat kerja.

(Noe & Mondy, 2005)

Kepuasan kerja merupakan a) Pekerjaan itu sendiri  Tingkat pekerjaan sesuai
perasaan karyawan yang kemampuan.
dapat digambarkan sebagai  Tingkat pekerjaan yang secara
tingkah laku dalam bekerja b) Gaji mental menantang.
seperti kinerja karyawan yang
secara langsung dapat  Tingkat kepuasan terhadap gaji
berpengaruh terhadap c) Lingkungan kerja yang diterima.
emosional karyawan ketika  Tingkat kepuasan terhadap
mereka bekerja. kecepatan pembayaran gaji.
(Robbins, 2013).  Keefektifan pemberian motivasi
dari manajer untuk meningkatkan
semangat kerja.
(Robbins, 2013).  Keberadaan rekan pekerjaan
yang dapat meningkatkan
semangat kerja.
 Keefektifan lingkungan pekerjaan
dalam memberikan kenyamanan
saat bekerja.

Y = α + β1X1 + β2X2 + e
Teknik analisis data menggunakan ).
analisis regresi berganda. Sebelumnya perlu (Robbins, 2013
melakukan analisis statistik deskriptif dan juga Keterangan:
data yang telah diperoleh diuji terlebih dahulu
dengan uji kualitas instrumen yakni dengan uji Y = Kepuasan kerja karyawan α = Konstanta
realibilitas dan validitas, kemudian dilanjutkan β = Koefisien regresi
dengan pengujian asumsi klasik untuk data- X1 = Pengembangan karir X2 =
data variabel yang terhimpun, yaitu pengujian Kompensasi e = Standar eror
normalitas, pengujian multikolinearitas, dan
pengujian heteroskesdatisitas. Penelitian ini HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN
menggunakan analisis regresi berganda
karena analisis ini dapat mengetahui arah Berawal di akhir abad 19, bidang pabrik
hubungan antara variabel independen dengan gula dan pabrik ketenagalistrikan di Indonesia
variabel dependen (Ghozali, 2013). Terdapat mulai ditingkatkan saat beberapa perusahaan
persamaan statistik regresi berganda sebagai asal Belanda yang bergerak di bidang pabrik
berikut : gula dan pabrik teh mendirikan pembangkit
tenaga lisrik untuk keperluan sendiri. Pada

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p-ISSN: 2303-2898 e-ISSN: 2549-6662 Vol 8 No 2, Tahun 2019

tanggal 1 januari 1961, Jawatan Listrik dan tenaga listrik milik negara. Pusat dari PT PLN
Gas diubah menjadi BPU-PLN (Badan berlokasi di Jalan Trunojoyo Blok M – I No 135
Pimimpin Umum Perusahaan Listrik Negara) Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12160, Indonesia. PT
yang bergerak di bidang listrik, gas dan kokas PLN juga memiliki kantor cabang diseluruh
yang dibubarkan pada tanggal 1 Januari 1965. Indonesia dan salah satunya berada di
Pada saat yang sama, 2 (dua) perusahaan Semarang. Kantor PLN Kota Semarang ini
negara yaitu Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) melayani kebutuhan listrik masyarakat seperti
sebagai pengelola tenaga listrik milik negara pengajuan pemasangan listrik, pengajuan naik
dan Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) sebagai tegangan atau tambah daya, cek tagihan listrik
pengelola gas diresmikan. Pada tahun 1972, PLN, pembayaran listrik hingga komplain.
sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 17, Selain dari berkunjung ke PT PLN (Persero)
status Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) Area Semarang, saat ini masyrakat sudah bisa
ditetapkan sebagai Perusahaan Umum Listrik melakukan cek rekening saldo listrik secara
Negara dan sebagai Pemegang Kuasa Usaha online, bayar listrik online dengan token listrik
Ketenagalistrikan (PKUK) dengan tugas PLN, pembayaran online dapat dilakukan
menyediakan tenaga listrik bagi kepentingan melalui ATM atau aplikasi mobile. Untuk info
umum. PLN lebih lanjut dapat diperoleh melalui
Seiring dengan kebijakan Pemerintah website resmi PT PLN (Persero). Anda juga
yang memberikan kesempatan kepada sektor bisa berkunjung ke kantor PLN terdekat ini
swasta untuk bergerak dalam bisnis pada jam buka / kerja untuk mendapat
penyediaan listrik, maka sejak tahun 1994 bantuan langsung atau telepon call center PLN
status PLN beralih dari Perusahaan Umum untuk informasi terkait lainnya.
menjadi Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) dan Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah
juga sebagai PKUK dalam menyediakan listrik para karyawan pada PT PLN (Persero) UID
bagi kepentingan umum hingga sekarang. Jateng & DIY. Jumlah kuesioner yang disebar
PT PLN merupakan badan usaha milik sebanyak 119 kuesioner. Rincian dari identitas
negara yang bergerak dibidang pengelola responden dapat dilihat pada tabel 3.

Tabel 4. Identitas Responden

Kriteria Responden Jumlah Responden Presentase Responden

Jenis Kelamin Laki-laki 60 50,42%
Perempuan 59 49,58%
Usia 21-30 23 19,3%
31-40 52 43,7%
41-50 12 10,1%
>50 32 26,9%
Tingkat Pendidikan SMA 11 9,2%
Strata 1 70 58,8%
Strata 2 12 10,1%
Diploma 1 5 4,2%
Diploma 3 21 17,6%
Sumber: Data primer diolah (2019)

Komposisi dari penyebaran responen SMA. 58,8 persen dari responden yang
pada PT PLN (Persero) UID Jateng & DIY merupakan persentase terbesar adalah
yaitu 50,42 persen dari responden berjenis lulusan dari strata 1. 4,2 persen dan 17,6
kelamin laki-laki dan 49,58 persen berjenis persen dari responden merupakan lulusan
kelamin perempuan. 119 dari responden diploma 1 dan diploma 3.
tersebut seluruhnya merupakan karyawan dari Analisis pengujian instrument pada
PT PLN (Persero) UID Jateng & DIY yang penelitian ini meliputi uji validitas dan
terdiri dari berbagai jabatan antara lain general reliabilitas. Hasil dari pengujian ini dapat
manager, analyst, engineering, junior staff, dijelaskan satu per satu sebagai berikut:
manager, assistant manager. Jumlah Menurut Ghozali (2013) uji validitas
responden terbanyak memiliki umur antara 31- digunakan untuk mengukur sah atau valid
40 tahun dengan persentase sebesar 43,7 tidaknya suatu kuesioner tersebut. Suatu
persen. Untuk tingkat pendidikan dari kuesioner tersebut dikatakan valid jika
responden, 9,2 persen merupakan lulusan pertanyaan yang terdapat pada kuesioner

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p-ISSN: 2303-2898 e-ISSN: 2549-6662 Vol 8 No 2, Tahun 2019

tersebut mampu mengungkapkan sesuatu positif maka indicator tersebutu valid (Ghozali,
yang akan diukur oleh kuesioner tersebut. 2013). Bila harga korelasi dibawah 0,30 maka
Untuk mengetahui validitas dari kuesioner dapat disimpulkan pertanyaan dalam
yang dibuat oleh peneliti, peneliti kuesioner tersebut tidak valid, sehingga harus
menggunakan cara melakukan korelasi antar diperbaiki atau dibuang.
skor butir pertanyaan dengan total variabel jika a. Variabel Pengembangan Karir
r hitung lebih besar dari r tabel dan bernilai

Tabel 5. Uji Validitas Pengembangan Karir

Item R Hitung R Tabel Keterangan

X1.1 0,422 0,361 Valid

X1.2 0,501 0,361 Valid
X1.3 0,649 0,361 Valid
X1.4 0,504 0,361 Valid
X1.5 0,834 0,361 Valid
X1.6 0,622 0,361 Valid
X1.7 0,854 0,361 Valid

Sumber: Data diolah 2019

Tabel 5 menunjukkan variable dengan nilai r hitung yang lebih besar dari r
pengembangan karir dengan keseluruhan dari tabel dan positif maka butir pertanyaan atau
kriteria valid untuk semua item pertanyaan indikator dinyatakan valid.

Tabel 6. Uji Validitas Kompensasi

Item R Hitung R Tabel Keterangan

X1.1 0,655 0,361 Valid
X1.2 0,703 0,361 Valid
X1.3 0,784 0,361 Valid
X1.4 0,493 0,361 Valid
X1.5 0,683 0,361 Valid
X1.6 0,733 0,361 Valid
X1.7 0,742 0,361 Valid
Sumber: Data diolah

Tabel 7. Uji Validitas Kepuasan Kerja

Item R Hitung R Tabel Keterangan
Y1.1 0,662 0,361 Valid
Y.1.2 0,720 0,361 Valid
Y1.3 0,671 0,361 Valid
Y1.4 0,421 0,361 Valid
Y1.5 0,680 0,361 Valid
Y1.6 0,403 0,361 Valid
Y1.7 0,496 0,361 Valid
Sumber: Data diolah 2019
Tabel 10 menunjukkan variabel kepuasan satu responden dengan responden lainnya.
kerja dengan keseluruhan dari kriteria valid Kuesioner dikatakan reliabel atau handal
untuk semua item pertanyaan dengan nilai r ketika jawaban terhadap pernyataan adalah
hitung yang lebih besar dari r tabel dan positif konsisten atau sama dari waktu ke waktu
maka butir pertanyaan atau indikator (Ghozali, 2013). Suatu konstruk atau variabel
dinyatakan valid. dikatakan reliabel jika memberikan nilai
Uji reliabilitas digunakan untuk Cronbach alpha > 0,60. Selain itu, untuk
menguji konsistensi jawaban dari pertanyaan menganalisa inner model dapat dilihat melalui
yang diajukan dalam kuesioner penelitian dari nilai R-Square. Suatu konstruk atau variabel

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p-ISSN: 2303-2898 e-ISSN: 2549-6662 Vol 8 No 2, Tahun 2019

dikatakan reliabel jika memberikan nilai dengan 0,70. Tabel 11 dibawah ini
Cronbach Alpha lebih besar dari 0,6 dan nilai menunjukkan hasil dari pengujian reliabilitas.
Composite Reliability lebih dari atau sama

Tabel 8. Uji Realibilitas

Cronbachs Alpha Pengukuran Reliabilitas

0,822 Cronbachs Alpha > 0,60 Reliabel
Sumber : Data Primer Diolah (2019)
Statistik deskriptif memberikan gambaran atau tentang tanggapan responden tentang
deskripsi suatu data yang dilihat dari nilai pengembangan karir, kompensasi, dan
minimum, maksimum, rata-rata (mean), dan kepuasan kerja berdasarkan rekap jawaban
standar deviasi. Pada sub ini akan dibahas responden penelitian.

Tabel 9. Statistik Deskriptif Konstruk

Konstruk N Min Maks Rata-rata Std. Deviasi

Pengembangan Karir 119 16 35 28,9748 2,8320
Kompensasi 119 25 35 29,7479 2,61099
Kepuasan Kerja 119 19 35 28,5042 2,72115
Tabel diatas menunjukkan bahwa dari

Data diatas menunjukkan jumlah dari 119 responden, nilai dari variabel kompensasi
responden (N) 119, dari 119 responden nila yang didapat dari penjumlahan nilai dari
dari variabel pengembangan karir yang keseluruhan pertanyaan pada variabel
didapat dari penjumlahan nilai dari tersebut menunjukkan bahwa nilai terkecil
keseluruhan pertanyaan pada variabel (minimum) adalah 25 dan nilai tertinggi
tersebut menunjukkan bahwa nilai terkecil (maksimal) pada kompensasi adalah 35. Rata-
(minimum) adalah 16 dan nilai tertinggi rata dari keseluruhan nilai pada variabel
(maksimal) pada pengembangan karir adalah kompensasi adalah 29,7479 dengan standar
35. Rata-rata dari keseluruhan nilai pada deviasinya sebesar 2,61099.
variabel pengembangan karir adalah 28,9748
dengan standar deviasinya sebesar 2,8320.

Tabel 10. Rekap Tanggapan Responden Tentang Pengembangan Karir

No Pertanyaan STS TS RR S SS Mean

1 Latar belakang pendidikan yang saya miliki
dapat untuk mengembangkan karir kerja saya di 0 9 8 70 32 4,05
PT PLN (Persero) UID Jateng & DIY.
2 Saya memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup untuk 4,14
1 1 2 91 24
melaksanakan pekerjaan saya.
3 Perusahaan selalu memberikan pelatihan- 4,05
1 3 0 99 16
pelatiha rutin kepada karyawannya.
4 Pelatihan yang diberikan perusahaan membuat 4,16
saya mendapat keahlian tertentu yang dapat 1 0 1 93 24
membantu dalam bekerja.
5 Saya memiliki pengalaman kerja yang 4,19
2 1 3 79 34
mencukupi untuk menjalankan pekerjaan ini.
6 Saya memiliki penguasaan pengetahuan yang 4,18
luas untuk pengembangan karir dan profesi 0 2 2 87 28
7 Saya memiliki keterampilan yang dapat 4,17
0 2 1 90 26
menunjang karir saya dalam bekerja.
Mesn Total 4,13
Sumber: Data Primer Diolah, 2019

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p-ISSN: 2303-2898 e-ISSN: 2549-6662 Vol 8 No 2, Tahun 2019

Tabel 11. Rekap Tanggapan Responden Tentang Kompensasi

No Pertanyaan STS TS RR S SS Mean

1 Saya menerima gaji yang dapat memenuhi 4.25
0 0 6 77 36
kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari.
2 Jumlah gaji yang saya terima dapat 4.22
0 3 2 80 24
meningkatkan semangat kerja.
3 Jumlah gaji yang saya terima sesuai dengan 4.23
0 1 4 81 33
ketentuan yang sudah ditetapkan.
4 Perusahaan biasanya memberikan insentif 4.30
kepada karyawan untuk meingkatkan kinerja 0 0 4 76 39
5 Saya selalu mendapatkan tunjangan secara 4.26
0 1 1 83 34
rutin dari perusahaan.
6 Perusahaan telah memberikan tunjangan 4.23
0 0 5 82 32
sesuai aturan yang berlaku.
7 Perusahaan memberikan tunjangan guna 4.27
0 1 3 78 37
meingkatkan semangat kerja karyawannya.
Mean Total 4,25
Sumber: Data Primer Di Olah, 2019
1independen berhubungan positif ataukah
Pada penelitian ini pengujian dilakukan negatif terhadap variabel dependen. Tabel 12
dengagn menggunakan teknik analisis linier dibawah ini menunjukkan hasil dari pengujian
berganda. Tujuan dari analisis regresi linear regresi berganda.
berganda untuk mengetahui apakah variabel

Tabel 12. Pengaruh Total

Variabel Coeficient (B) Sig Keterangan

Pengembangan Karir 0.424 0.000 Diterima

Kompensasi 0.490 0.000 Diterima

Sumber: Data Primer Diolah (2019) *Dengan nilai α 5%,

Berdasarkan tabel 15 di atas dapat dilakukan. Jadi kenaikan jabatan menjadi

dijelaskan persamaan 1 regresi linier berganda suatu ukuran para karyawan PT PLN (Persero)
sebagai berikut: Y1= 1,668+ 0,424X1 + UID Jateng & DIY untuk merasakan kepuasan
0,490X2. Berdasarkan persamaan tersebut Data diatas menunjukkan jumlah dari
menjelaskan besarnya nilai koefisien regresi responden (N) 119, dari 119 responden nilai
untuk variabel pengembangan karir(x1) = kerja pada diri mereka. Hasil penelitian ini
+0,424, dan Kompensasi (x2) = +0,490, konsisten dengan penelitian yang dilakukan
sehingga koefisien regresi variabel oleh Nugroho & Kunartinah (2012) dan
kompensasi lebih besar dari pada koefisien Kurniawan (2015) yang menyatakan bahwa
regresi variabel pengembangan karir. Berarti pengembangan karir memiliki pengaruh positif
kompensasi memiliki pengaruh yang lebih dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja pada
besar terhadap kepuasan kerja(Y1). para karyawan di Sekertariat daerah
Hasil pengujian memperoleh bukti Kabupaten Pekalongan.
empiris bahwa hipotesis 1 (H1) diterima Hipotesis 2 (H2) juga diterima dengan
dengan koefisien positif. Hal ini berarti koefisien positif. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa
pengembangan karir memilki pengaruh semakin tinggi, besar, dan sering kompensasi
signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja para yang diberikan untuk para karyawan pada PT
karyawan di PT PLN (Persero) UID Jateng & PLN (Persero) UID Jateng & DIY maka akan
DIY. Dari penelitian ini dapat diketahui pada semain tinggi pula tingkat kepuasan para
implikasinya ketika para karyawan PT PLN karyawan dalam bekerja. Dari penelitian ini
(Persero) UID Jateng & DIY memiliki karir dapat diketahui bahwa kompensasi
yang terus berkembang dalam artian karir merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi
dalam pekerjaan terus meningkat ternyata hal karyawan dalam saran untuk memenuhi
tersebut membuat para karyawan merasa kebutuhan sehari-hari maupun bersama
puas atas pencapaian atau pekerjaan yang keluarganya. Kompensasi yang diberikan oleh

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora | 194

p-ISSN: 2303-2898 e-ISSN: 2549-6662 Vol 8 No 2, Tahun 2019

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menyatakan bahwa kompensasi memiliki Kompensasi Terhadap Kepuasan
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Sekertariat daerah Kabupaten Pekalongan, hal 4(2): 59-68.
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kepuasan kerja. Hal ini juga didukung oleh Kerja Terhadap Organizational
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Hal ini berarti dengan meningkatkan Terapan: 75-86.
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PLN (Persero) UID Jateng & DIY,dibuktikan Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis: 1-14.
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Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen dan Bisnis, Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2021 TERAKREDITASI PERINGKAT 2
Permalink/DOI: Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan,
Tersedia online Kemenrisek DIKTI No. 30/E/KPT/2018

The Effect of Career Development, Work Motivation, and Job

Satisfaction on Employee Performance

Januari Wau*)1 and Purwanto*)

Master of Management Study Program, Universitas Esa Unggul
Jl. Arjuna Utara No.9, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta 11510, Indonesia

Abstract: This research aims to determine the effect of career development, work
motivation, and job satisfaction on employee performance. In principle, human resources
are one of the important factors in companies to achieve their goals. In this case, the
researcher focuses on the job satisfaction variable as a mediating variable, including
linking career development and work motivation to employee performance. Good career
development, good motivation, and good job satisfaction can improve the results of
employee performance in achieving company progress. In this research, the population
was employees at MNC Studios company. The sample consisted of 265 people using a
saturated sample. Data analysis used validity test, reliability test, Kaiser-Msyer-Olkin
measures of sampling (KMO), and Measures of Sampling Adequacy (MSA). Data were
analyzed using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) using Lisrel. Based on the result
of testing the differences of coefficients on the research model, it showed that career
development had a positive effect on employee performance and job satisfaction, job
satisfaction had a positive effect on employee performance, and work motivation had a
positive effect on job satisfaction and employee performance.

Keywords: career development, work motivation, job satisfaction, employee performance

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui pengaruh pengembangan karir, motivasi kerja,
dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai. Dimana sumber daya manusia merupakan
salah satu faktor penting untuk tercapainya tujuan perusahaan. Dalam Hal ini, peneliti
mengangkat variabel kepuasan kerja sebagai variabel mediasi, diantaranya menghubungkan
pengembangan karir dan motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai, dimana pengembangan
karir yang baik, motivasi yang baik dan kepuasan kerja yang baik dapat meningkatkan hasil
kinerja karyawan yang baik untuk memperoleh kemajuan perusahaan. Dalam penelitian
ini populasi yang diteliti adalah karyawan perusahaan di MNC Studios. Sampel dalam
penelitian berjumlah 265 orang dengan sampel jenuh. Analisis data dalam penelitian
ini menggunakan uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, Kaiser-Msyer-Olkin measure of sampling
(KMO) dan measures of sampling adequacy (MSA). Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan
Structural Equation Model (SEM) Lisrel. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian selisih koefisien
terhadap model penelitian. Pengembangan karir berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja
pegawai. Pengembangan karir berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan kerja. kepuasan
kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja pegawai. Motivasi kerja berpengaruh positif
terhadap kepuasan kerja. Motivasi kerja berpengaruh kinerja pegawai. Motivasi kerja
berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan kerja.

Kata kunci: pengembangan karir, motivasi kerja, kepuasan kerja, kinerja pegawai

Alamat Korespondensi:

262 Copyright © 2021, ISSN: 2528-5149/EISSN: 2460-7819

P-ISSN: 2407-5434 E-ISSN: 2407-7321 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM),
Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2021
Accredited by Ministry of RTHE Number 32a/E/KPT/2017

INTRODUCTION can be achieved by a person or group of people in

an organization is appropriate with their respective
According to Haryani (2013), the key to improve authorities and responsibilities as an effort to achieve
performance is about how the organization can develop the organization’s goals legally without violating the
the Human Resources (HR). The task of the development rule and based on morals, and ethics. By increasing
program in the Human Resource department to create employee performance, the company’s goals will
improvement and reliable organizational functions are be more easily achieved. According to Mathis &
difficult. Therefore, every company always strives to Jackson (2012); Dianti et al. (2017); Anthony & Weide
have qualified human resources, because without them (2015), three main factors affect work performance
a company will not run well. Both human resources and which are capability factors, including talent, interest,
the company must have a mutualistic relationship, the personality factors; efforts such as motivation, work
company needs qualified employees, while employees ethic, attendance, task design; and organizational
need the company to fulfill their needs (Parimita et al. support, such as training and development, equipment
2015). Employees at MNC Studios need to improve and technology, performance standards, as well as
their work performance. They must be able to know the management and coworkers.
factors that can affect work performance including job
satisfaction, work motivation, and career development Job satisfaction refers to an individual’s general
which must be possessed by everyone at work. A attitude and each individual has a different level of
high level of job satisfaction will affect someone in satisfaction. Job satisfaction also has consequences
completing his work. Thus, the company’s goals can be for the work performance of employees. The research
achieved properly. Otherwise, the low job satisfaction related to the relationship between employees and
of employees in a company will reduce the effectiveness their organizations has increased rapidly and another
and efficiency of their work so that the company’s goals research is the concept of employee involvement in
can not be achieved properly. Employee involvement is their work (Bakker & Leiter, (2010); Rothbard & Patil,
a concept that is considered as an important element to (2012); (Satisfaction, 2015)). Job satisfaction will be
succeed in the business (Satisfaction, 2015). achieved if the organization can drive strong motivation
to achieve better performance (Evanda, 2017). An
Currently, research on work performance issue is very employee tends to work enthusiastically if they are
crucial to be examined. MNC Studios is a company run satisfied with their work. However, job satisfaction of
in a media industry so that it requires creative workers employees is a key driver of morale, discipline, and
to provide an informative, interesting, and qualified employee work performance in realizing the company
television programs. Those requirements are needed to aims. Sopiah, (2013) describes job satisfaction as
attract public interest and reach a high television rating. an emotional response regarding job situations and
For these reasons, the researcher wants to ensure that conditions. Moreover, Wibowo (2015) and Evanda
employees working at MNC studios have appropriate (2017) state job satisfaction as someone’s level of
performance, high job satisfaction and work motivation, happiness that is associated with a positive assessment
and their respective career development. As stated by of their work and workplace. High job satisfaction will
Sunyoto (2012), job satisfaction can be felt directly by reduce the level of employees’ absence. Mangkunegara
the employees because the company facilitates them (2015) says that career development is an employment
in terms of good workspace, appropriate workload, activity that helps employees plan their future careers in
and flexible work time. This makes a person’s work the company so that both the company and employees
motivation increases because the desired needs are can develop themselves optimally.
achieved. Besides, it can support career development
for every employee as self-readiness in using career It also cannot be separated from motivating so that the
opportunities by increasing employee performance and workers can give the best contribution to the company.
productivity and reducing labor turn over. This is in line with the research findings of Rinto and
Syah (2018), they state that motivation affects employee
Work performance is a very important thing in a performance. Samsudin (2015) states that a sense of
company to achieve its goals. Employee performance motivation as a process of influencing or encouraging
is one of the very dominant factors in improving from outside towards a person or working group to
company performance. The work performance that carry out something that has been set. Concerning

Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 3 No. 2, May 2017 263
P-ISSN: 2407-5434 E-ISSN: 2407-7321 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM),
Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2021
Accredited by Ministry of RTHE Number 32a/E/KPT/2017

human resources, work motivation is a very important METHODS

thing because it will affect the success or failure of an
organization Ali and Syah, (2019); Amalia, (2018). In this research, the population was company’s
As stated by Mangkunegara (2015), motivation is a employees at MNC Studios consisting of several units
condition that encourages people towards a particular (RCTI, MNCTv, GlobalTv, MNC Channel, MNC
goal. Therefore, in an organization, a manager must Picture), located at Jalan Raya Perjuangan, No. 1,
be able to give encouragement and enthusiasm to his West Jakarta. The variables were exogenous variables,
employees so that employees feel motivated, valued, namely career development, and work motivation, and
and more professional. This certainly has a good effect endogenous variables, namely job satisfaction and
on the organization (Alianto and Anindita, 2017). If performance. The time of the research was carried
the employee has been given good motivation, the out from February to April 2020.This research used a
employee will show their totality in the organization. deductive research approach. Data collection was carried
According to Smith et al. (1969) in Luthans (2015), out by distributing questionnaires to the employees of
there are several dimensions of job satisfaction to PT. Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia, West Jakarta.
reveal important characteristics of a job that people can Furthermore, the sampling was appropriate with SEM
respond to. The first dimension is to work itself. Career Lisrell, in which there were at least 5 times the number
development is also one factor that can affect employee of questionnaires (Hair et al. 2014). The number of
performance. Cianni & Wnuck (1997) in Wibowo (2012) questionnaire statements was 53 statements, thus the
state that companies that have a systematic model in the number of samples taken in this research was (53x5)
career development of their employees will have good 265 respondents.
performance. Performance Appraisal (PA) is a major
contributor to the performance and effectiveness of the According to Hair et al. (2014), (SEM) Lisrell
organization (Aguinis, 2013; Ismail & Rishani, 2018). a multivariate statistical analysis technique that
The research finding is supported by Applebaum et combines aspects in multiple regression (which aims
al. (2011); Faraz and Indartono (2018), they state that to test the dependent relationship) and factor analysis
companies that have good career management will (which presents unmeasured concepts factors with
increase the willingness of employees to participate multiple variables) that can be used to estimate a
in development activities and to behave in conducting series of dependent relationships that influence each
development so that it will improve their performance. other simultaneously. Furthermore, this study used
In this case, the researcher focuses on the job factor analysis to test the validity by looking at the
satisfaction variable as a mediating variable, including values of Kaiser-Msyer-Olkin (KMO) and Measures
linking career development and work motivation of Sampling Adequacy (MSA). KMO and MSA value
to employee performance. On the other hand, from that can be accepted is a minimum value of 0.5. While
the previous research, it was found that there was no the reliability test is a value of alpha Cronbach > 0.6,
one has researched four variables with the title the which means reliable (Malhotra, 2014).
influence of career development, work motivation, job
satisfaction on employee performance. Besides, the Measurements in this research used the career
research gap from the previous research is that research development variable adopted from Li et al. (2014)
was conducted on some private television companies consisting of 18 questions and the motivation variable
in Indonesia. From the background knowledge above adopted Sukmasari (2016) consisting of 6 questions,
purpose career development, work motivation, and job the work satisfaction variable adopted Vandenabeele
satisfaction are very important to measure employee (2009) in Inuwa (2016) consisting of 6 questions, and
performance. Thus, the title of the research is, “The the work performance variable adopted from Rosady
Effect of Career Development, Work Motivation, and and Syah (2018) consisting of 13 questions. In this
Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance (Case research, the data obtained by using a questionnaire,
Study on Companies in MNC Studios)”. while the measurement scale obtained by using
the Likert scale method. The Likert scale used five
alternative answers (Sugiyono, 2012). The hypothesis
testing proposed based on testing the research model
(Figure 1) is as follows:

264 Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 3 No. 2, May 2017
P-ISSN: 2407-5434 E-ISSN: 2407-7321 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM),
Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2021
Accredited by Ministry of RTHE Number 32a/E/KPT/2017

H1: Appropriate career development will improve Analysis of the Demographic Differences on
employee performance Respondents
H2: Appropriate career development will increase job
satisfaction Analysis of respondents’ demographic differences in this
H3: High job satisfaction will improve employee research includes gender, age, education level, monthly
performance income, and length of work to find out a difference in
H4: High work motivation will increase job each variable (career development, motivation, job
satisfaction satisfaction, and employee performance). Thus, it is
H5: High job satisfaction will improve employee necessary to conduct a different test with ANOVA.
performance If the value of sig homogeneity is > 0.05 and
ANOVA is < 0.05, it means that there is a difference
in the homogeneity. Meanwhile, if the value of sig
RESULTS homogeneity is > 0.05 and ANOVA is > 0.05, it means
that there is no difference in the homogeneity. Also, if
Analysis of Validity Test and Reliability (Pretest) the value of sig homogeneity is ≤ 0.05, it means that
ANOVA is not tested or the results are not in the test
The validity test in this research used factor analysis by (not homogeneity). The results of this study indicate
looking at the value of Kaiser-Msyer-Olkin measure of that almost all respondents have the same answer. In
sampling (KMO) and Measures of Sampling Adequacy other words, the answer is homogeneous. Regarding
(MSA) that must be > 0.500 with 1 component matrix respondents’ answers, the researcher then conducted
(Malhotra, 2014). The validity test result of the career an ANOVA test based on gender, age, length of work,
development variable consisting of 18 questions monthly income on career development variables,
was valid. The results of the validity test of the work motivation, job satisfaction, and employee performance,
motivation variable consisting of 16 questions showed and respondents’ answers based on the last education on
that not all questions were valid, which is in MK3 career development variables. In response, respondents’
(0.450) and MK4 (0.476). Moreover, the result of the answers based on last education to career development
validity test of the job satisfaction variable consisting variables showed a non tested result (sig homogeneity
of 6 questions was valid as well as the result of the ≤ 0.05). Moreover, respondents’ answers based on the
validity test of the employee performance variable last education on motivation variables, job satisfaction,
consisting of 13 questions was valid. Furthermore, the and employee performance showed a discrepancy
reliability test of all questions regarding the variable that the respondent’s response was homogeneity and
of career development, job satisfaction, and employee ANOVA test can be conducted.
performance showed that the value of alpha Cronbach
> 0,6, which means reliable (Malhotra, 2014).

Figure 1. Research model

Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 3 No. 2, May 2017 265
P-ISSN: 2407-5434 E-ISSN: 2407-7321 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM),
Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2021
Accredited by Ministry of RTHE Number 32a/E/KPT/2017

The Test Validity and Reability of Construction Index, Critical N, the goodness of Fit, Chi-Square,
ECVI, AIC, and CAIC, whereas RMSEA show close
Based on the recommendation of Hair et al. (2014), fit. Based on the Path Diagram T-value above (Figure
the result of the measurement of the construct validity 2) it can be concluded that all the proposed hypotheses
can be accepted, where all indicators on career support previous research with the provisions of
development variables consist of two dimensions T-Value> 1.96. For more details, it can be seen in the
(perception of the value of Career development and discussion of the following hypothesis:
perception of availability of Career Development
Opportunities), work motivation variables covers three Appropriate Career Development Will Improve
dimensions (need for achievement, need for affiliation Employee Performance
and need for power). Then, job satisfaction variables
and performance variables include five dimensions The finding showed that the results of the analysis
(work results quality, speed and accuracy, initiatives, support the hypothesis of H1 that the appropriate career
skills, and good communication). They reached a good development will improve employee performance. This
match for factor loading (> 0.50), and the T-value was can be interpreted that appropriate career development
greater than T-table (1.96) at a level of significance 5%. for employees at MNC Studios can improve employee
Furthermore, the construct reliability test meets the performance and productivity, decrease labor turn
reliability requirements with CR values was above 0.60 over, and will increase opportunities for employees’
and VE values were above 0.50 (Hair et al. 2013). At promotion. For employees, career planning can
CR values all variables meet the reliability requirement encourage their readiness to use the available career
of the value above was 0.60 for career development opportunities. Especially for the human resources
variables (0.91), work motivation (0.94), job satisfaction department, it will facilitate the fulfillment of the
(0.94), and performance (0.96). In the VE value, all organization’s internal personnel development
qualified reliability was the value above 0.50 for career needs. An employee plays a role to create his career
development variables (0.84), work motivation (0.85), planning. The employees are responsible to keep
job satisfaction (0.74), and performance (0.83). improving their skills to keep up their competencies
based on what a company’s needs. Act proactively to
Structural Test Analysis see the opportunities that exist, and the possibility of
problems arise in their current career. This is in line
The first analysis explained that career development (PK) with the research findings of Saluy and Kemalasari
and work motivation (MK) variables simultaneously (2017); Wiyani and Rahardjo (2015); Dewi and Utama
affect job satisfaction (KK) with an R2 value of of0.68. (2016) which concluded that career development has
It can be said that career development (PK) and work an effect on employees’ performance. Based on the
motivation (MK) variables can explain 68% variants results of testing the differences of coefficients in the
of job satisfaction (KK) while the remaining 32% of research model career development has a direct effect
the total amount can be explained by other variables on employees’ performance.
that do not exist in this research. The second analysis
is job satisfaction (KK), career development (PK) and Appropriate Career Development Will Increase Job
work motivation (MK) variable simultaneously affect Satisfaction
employees’ performance (KP) with an R2 value of
0.33. It can be said that job satisfaction (KK), career The finding showed that the results of the analysis support
development (PK), and work motivation (MK) variable the hypothesis of H2 state that the appropriate career
can explain 33% variant of employee performance development will improve employee performance. This
(KP), while the remaining 67% of the total amount can shows that the company at MNC Studios can provide
be explained by other variables that do not exist in this satisfaction to its employees. Job satisfaction is the
research. main point that needs to be considered in the company
because without job satisfaction the employee’s
The Analysis of Model Conformity Test work productivity will decrease. With a good career
development, employees will feel motivated to create
From the analysis of the all conformity model on group a sense of satisfaction in carrying out the work. The
1 to 7, all tests showed good matches, including Fit existence of a career development program can increase

266 Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 3 No. 2, May 2017
P-ISSN: 2407-5434 E-ISSN: 2407-7321 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM),
Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2021
Accredited by Ministry of RTHE Number 32a/E/KPT/2017

employees’ encouragement to be more outstanding and employees’ performance. If employees’ satisfaction in

provide maximum contribution to the company. This the form of desires, hopes, goals, and needs of these
happens because an employee’s job satisfaction will employees is met, it will improve performance in the
arise if the career development existing in a company company. Vice versa, if job satisfaction is not fulfilled
already clearly to be implemented. Career development then the performance will decrease. Employees who
is expected to achieve optimal employee satisfaction. get job satisfaction will work better, so it will have
This is in line with the research findings of Shujaat an effect on the performance of their employees.
et al. (2013); Anwar and Shukur (2015); Lasut et al. Employees’ performance results are expected to
(2018) which state that career development gives effect increase company profits. Efforts to improve employee
on job satisfaction. Based on the results of testing the performance cannot be arranged in detail and directed
differences in coefficients in the research model, it because increased performance can be influenced by
showed that career development had a direct effect on job satisfaction for each individual or group. This is
employees’ performance. consistent with the research findings of Sidabutar,
Syah, and Anindita (2020); Ngarm and Siengthai
High Job Satisfaction Will Improve Employee (2017); Inuwa (2016); Adigun, Oyekunle dan Onifade
Performance (2017) which concluded that job satisfaction affects
employee performance. Based on the results of testing
The finding showed that the analysis result supports the differences in coefficient in the research model, it
the hypothesis of H3, which is high job satisfaction was seen that career development had a direct effect on
will improve employees’ performance. This shows employees’ performance.
that job satisfaction at MNC Studio can improve

Figure 2. T-Value Path Diagram

Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 3 No. 2, May 2017 267
P-ISSN: 2407-5434 E-ISSN: 2407-7321 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM),
Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2021
Accredited by Ministry of RTHE Number 32a/E/KPT/2017

High Work Motivation Will Increase Job Managerial Implications

When viewed from the results of statistical data,
The finding showed that the analysis result supports employee performance is largely determined by
the hypothesis of H4 which says that the high work motivation and job satisfaction. So that the existence
motivation will increase job satisfaction. Concerning the of high motivation and job satisfaction can improve
job satisfaction, the role of motivation is very important employee performance at the MNC Studios company.
to drive and improve employees’ work for obtaining job This research is expected to provide various benefits for
satisfaction because employees’ expectations can be the parties involved, including MNC Studios (RCTI,
achieved through it. As revealed by Sekartini (2016), MNCTv, GlobalTv, MNC Channel, MNC Picture),
motivation arises because of a need, and for this reason, located on the Jalan Raya Perjuanan No. 1 West Jakarta.
it leads to achieving specific goals. If the goal has The identification of various obstacles/problems faced
been achieved, job satisfaction will be received, which by the company can be used as a material reference for
Miner (2008) says that job satisfaction is a factor that further improvement and the development of career,
encourages employees to work harder as well as becomes work motivation, job satisfaction, and employee
motivation in working. Therefore, it is in accordance performance in the company.
with the research findings of Sohail et al. (2014); Ali
et al. (2016); Lasut et al. (2018) which concluded that
work motivation influence job satisfaction. Based on the CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
results of testing the differences in the coefficients in the
research model, career development had a direct effect Conclusions
on employees’ performance.
Career development had a positive effect on employees’
High Job Satisfaction Will Improve Employee performance, career development had a positive effect
Performance on job satisfaction, job satisfaction had a positive effect
on employees’ performance. Work motivation had a
The finding showed that the results of the analysis positive effect on job satisfaction, and work motivation
support the hypothesis of H5 that is high job satisfaction had a positive effect on employees’ performance.
will improve employee performance. Manpower in a Mediation analysis showed that job satisfaction could
company has an important role and function in achieving mediate three variables, namely career development,
company goals. Employees with good performance work motivation, and employee performance.
are those who have high work motivation, complete
the tasks given on time, always contribute, and have a Recommendations
good attitude and behavior according to work standards,
either by the organization or the work values applied in For further research are: Add other variables to
the work environment. Performance can be influenced measure job satisfaction and employee performance for
by two factors, namely internal factors, and external employees at MNC Studios or other research objects.
factors. Internal factors are factors that come from The number of samples is expanded. Another suggestion
employees. While external factors are supporting factors is to use other research methods to get more varied
for employees that come from the work environment, information, and limitations of this study include: This
for example, career development. As revealed by research was only conducted on company employees
Gibson (2008), one that affects employee performance at MNC Studios, which consisted of RCTI, MNCTv,
is employee work motivation. Furthermore, these GlobalTV, MNC Channel, and MNC Pictures, located
results are strengthened by the research findings of on Jalan Raya Perjuangan No. 1. West Jakarta. Then, the
Muogbo (2013); Wiyani & Rahardjo (2015); Ali et research subject only discusses four variables, namely
al. (2016); Amalia and Marpaung (2019); Nastohar career development, work motivation, job satisfaction,
and Anindita (2019) state work motivation influences and employee performance. The survey filled out by
employee performance. Based on the results of testing respondents is likely not based on the real conditions,
the differences in the coefficients in the research model, but based on their ideal conditions expected.
career development had a direct effect on employee

268 Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 3 No. 2, May 2017
P-ISSN: 2407-5434 E-ISSN: 2407-7321 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM),
Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2021
Accredited by Ministry of RTHE Number 32a/E/KPT/2017

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Received: 25 August 2020, Revised: 15 October 2020, Publish: 24 December 2020


Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang, Indonesia,

Corresponding Author: Yunita

Abstract: This study aims to determine how much influence organizational commitment and
organizational commitment and compensation as the independent variable (X) and job
satisfaction as an intervening variable (Z). The analytical method used in this research is the
path analysis model. Based on it can be concluded that organizational commitment has a
negative and significant effect on employee turnover intention at PT Intercom Padang (0.000
<0.05). Based on the results of testing the second hypothesis, it was found that compensation
had a negative effect on turnover intention (0.000 <0.05). Based on the results of testing the
third hypothesis that organizational commitment has a negative and significant effect on
employee job satisfaction at PT Intercom Padang. (0.000 <0.05). In the fourth hypothesis
testing stage, it was found that compensation had a negative effect on job satisfaction.
employees at PT Intercom Padang Branch. (0.001 <0.05). while the results of testing the fifth
hypothesis found that job satisfaction has a negative effect on turnover intention). With the
fulfillment of these requirements, it can be proven that organizational commitment and
compensation have an effect on turnover intention after going through job satisfaction as an
intervening variable for employees of PT Intercom Padang.

Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Compensation, Job Satisfaction and Turnover


In the last few years, competition in the automotive world has continued to increase,
the increasing number of vehicle brands entering the Indonesian market has made people
more selective in choosing various brands of vehicles they want. In the context of
compensation have on turnover intention with job satisfaction as an intervening variable for
employees of PT Intercom Padang. In this study, turnover intention is used as the dependent
variable (Y), creates competitive advantage and increases sales volume, each automotive
manufacturer has distributors spread across all districts and cities in Indonesia. One of the
world's automotive manufacturers that already has a name in Indonesia is Toyota. The
Japanese automotive manufacturer has marketed a wide variety of products to the Indonesian
market and is reaping success because the Indonesian people are very interested in it, PT

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Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

The amount of work pressure due to high targets also resulted in an increase in
employee turnover rates during 2019. Not achieving the targets imposed prompted the
company to be forced to release a number of salespeople as a form of punishment. Based on
data obtained from the personnel department of PT Intercom, Padang Branch, it is known that
the development of employee turnover is shown in Figure 1. below:

Figure 1
Employee Turnover Development PT Intercom Padang
In Figure 1, it can be seen that the increase in employee turnover, especially the sales
department, is relatively high. It can be seen from the data every month that there are at least
2 employees who choose to resign. The graph shows that the highest turnover rate occurred in
December 2019. The high turnover rate certainly affects the psychological side of other
employees, besides the high turnover will create losses for the company, because recruiting
new employees certainly requires a large amount of money. Therefore, efforts to reduce the
turnover rate must be carried out by the management of PT Intercom, Padang Branch.
The high turnover rate starts from the desire to leave the company. This desire is
known as turnover intention. According to (Robbins and Judge, 2016) turnover intention is a
desire or desire that is stored in employees to leave the company they are currently working
for. When an employee has a high turnover intention in him, it will affect the employee's
contribution to the company, even the tendency for turnover intention will decrease employee
performance, so it is very important for the leadership to try to reduce the turnover intention
in the employee. According to (Setiawan and Harahap, 2016) the turnover intention that exists
in each employee is formed because of a number of variables that can influence it. These
variables include organizational commitment and compensation. In addition, according to
(Sentana et al., 2017), it is stated that turnover intention can also be influenced by job
satisfaction felt by employees. Each of the variables mentioned can encourage the increase
and decrease of turnover intention in each employee
According to (Robbins and Judge, 2016) turnover intention is a natural thing that
occurs in every employee, but it is very important for companies to try to reduce turnover
intentions that arise. One of the steps that can be used by company management is to increase
employee job satisfaction. (Mowday and Sutton, 2017) reveal that job satisfaction is a match
between the desires or expectations that employees expect with the reality they receive. The
higher the job satisfaction will create a stronger commitment in employees at work and can
reduce their desire to leave the company.

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Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

A number of previous research results discussing the effect of job satisfaction on turnover
intention have been carried out by (Susilo and Satrya, 2019) who found that job satisfaction
has a negative effect on employee turnover intention. Furthermore, the results of research
(Pawesti and Wikansari, 2017) found that high job satisfaction will reduce turnover intention
in employees. Different research results were obtained by (Waspodo et al., 2013) who found
that job satisfaction did not have a significant effect on employee turnover intention.
Mowday and Sutton, (2017) that organizational commitment has a negative effect on
employee turnover intention. Organizational commitment shows the promise or pledge that
employees have at the company where they work. The stronger the commitment of an
employee, which is seen in an affective, normative, and continuous commitment, the lower
the turnover intention in each employee. A number of previous research results have stated
that organizational commitment has a negative effect on employee turnover intention, some of
these studies were conducted by Natassia, (2017) which revealed that the stronger
organizational commitment that is in an employee will lead to weakening turnover intention
in employees. Similar results are also explained in research conducted by (Lauren, 2017) and
research conducted by (Pratama, 2018) who both found that strong organizational
commitment in each employee will make them more comfortable in the company so that
turnover intention to decline.
Besides organizational commitment, according to Rivai and Sagala, (2016) the
increase in turnover intention can be influenced by the compensation they receive.
Compensation shows remuneration or appreciation given by the company to employees.
When employees feel that the compensation they receive is below the wishes or expectations
they expect, their turnover intention will strengthen. This statement is also reinforced by a
number of research results conducted by a number of previous researchers, including (Sandy,
2019) who found compensation has a negative effect on employee turnover intention.
Furthermore, the results of research conducted by (Royan Zakaria, 2017) found that the
results of research were relatively different from previous researchers, namely that
compensation had no significant effect on employee turnover intention.

Hypothesis Development
The Effect of Organizational Commitment on Turnover Intention
Mowday and Sutton, (2017) that organizational commitment has a negative effect on
employee turnover intention. The results of Natassia's research (2017) which reveal that the
stronger organizational commitment that is in an employee will encourage the weakening of
turnover intention in employees. Similar results are also explained in research conducted by
(Lauren, 2017) and research conducted by (Pratama, 2018). ) who both find that strong
organizational commitment in each employee will make them more comfortable in the
company so that turnover intention is decreased. Based on the theoretical description and a
number of previous research results, the researcher proposes a hypothesis that will be proven
immediately, namely:
H1 Organizational commitment affects the turnover intention of Toyota Intercom
Padang employees.

The Effect of Compensation on Turnover Intention

According to Rivai and Sagala, (2016) increasing turnover intention can be influenced
by the compensation they receive. The results of the study (Sandy, 2019) found that

Available Online: 338

Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

compensation has a negative effect on employee turnover intention. The results obtained can
be interpreted as more according to the amount of compensation received by the employees
expected, the comfort in working will be formed. The existence of high appreciation from the
company encourages a strong commitment in employees to encourage organizational
progress, thereby reducing their desire to leave the organization (turnover intention).
Furthermore, the results of research conducted by (Royan Zakaria, 2017) found that the
results of research were relatively different from previous researchers, namely that
compensation had no significant effect on employee turnover intention. Based on the
theoretical description and a number of previous research results, the researcher proposes a
hypothesis that will be proven immediately, namely:
H2 Compensation affects the turnover intention of Toyota Intercom Padang

Effect of Organizational Commitment on Job Satisfaction

Setiawan and Harahap, (2016) found that organizational commitment has a positive
effect on employee job satisfaction. Furthermore, the results of research conducted by
(Pratama, 2018) found that organizational commitment has a positive effect on employee job
satisfaction. This finding can be eaten that the higher the implementation of commitment
values in employees in the organization will encourage a decrease in turnover intention. Other
consistent research results were obtained by (Supiyanto, 2015) who found that organizational
commitment has a positive effect on employee job satisfaction. In accordance with a number
of descriptions of the results of previous research, the researcher proposes a hypothesis that
will be proven immediately, namely:
H3 Organizational commitment affects job satisfaction of employees of Toyota
Intercom Padang

The Effect of Compensation on Job Satisfaction

The results of the study (Natassia, 2017) found that compensation has a positive effect
on job satisfaction of employees of CV Lakit Padang. Lauren, (2017) found the results of
research that are in line with previous researchers, namely compensation has a positive effect
on employee job satisfaction. Sandy, (2019) found that compensation has a positive effect on
job satisfaction at PT IDX Indonesia. This result indicates that the higher the value of
financial and non-financial compensation received by employees will increase their
satisfaction at work. In line with a number of previous research results that have been
explained above, the researcher proposes a hypothesis that will soon be proven in this study,
H4 Compensation has an effect on job satisfaction of Toyota Intercom Padang

Effect of Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intention

A number of previous research results discussing the effect of job satisfaction on
turnover intention have been carried out by Susilo and Satrya, (2019) who found that job
satisfaction has a negative effect on employee turnover intention. Furthermore, Riana's
research (2014) found that high job satisfaction will reduce employee turnover intention.
Different research results were obtained by (Waspodo et al., 2016) who found that job
satisfaction did not have a significant effect on employee turnover intention. In accordance

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Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

with the brief description of a number of theories, the researcher proposes a hypothesis that
will be proven in this study, namely:
H5 Job satisfaction affects the turnover intention of PT Intercom Padang employees

The Effect of Organizational Commitment and Compensation on Job Satisfaction

The results of research conducted by (Pratama, 2018) found that organizational
commitment has a positive effect on employee job satisfaction. This finding can be eaten that
the higher the implementation of commitment values in employees in the organization will
encourage a decrease in turnover intention. Sandy, (2019) found that compensation has a
positive effect on job satisfaction at PT IDX Indonesia. This result indicates that the higher
the value of financial and non-financial compensation received by employees will increase
their satisfaction at work. Based on the theoretical description and a number of previous
research results, the researcher proposes a hypothesis that will be proven immediately,
H6 Organizational commitment and compensation have an effect on job satisfaction at
Toyota Intercom Padang employees.
The Influence of Organizational Commitment and Compensation on Turnover Intention
through Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable
Natassia's research results, (2017) which reveal that the stronger organizational
commitment that is in an employee will encourage the weakening of turnover intention in
employees. Rivai and Sagala, (2016) that increased turnover intention can be influenced by
the compensation they receive. Compensation shows remuneration or appreciation given by
the company to employees.
H7 Organizational commitment and compensation affect turnover intention through
job satisfaction as an intervening variable for Toyota Intercom Padang
Based on the results of the previous research, a conceptual framework model can be
made which will be guided in the hypothesis testing stages, namely:

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework Model

Available Online: 340

Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

Population and Sample
Population is a unit of attributes that work together to achieve one specific goal
(Sekaran, 2017). In this study, the population is all active employees of the sales section of PT
Intercom Padang, amounting to 58 people. Sanpel is part of the population that is considered
to be representative, in this study the samples are several employees of PT Intercom Padang.
The total number or sample size used is 58 people, or the number of population is the same as
the number of samples given the relatively small population size of sales employees.
Operational Definition and Variable Measurement
Dependent Variable
Turnover Intention
(Robbins and Judge, 2012) defines turnover intention as a desire or desire that arises in
a person to leave the job he is currently doing. In measuring intention turnover, indicators
adopted from (Choi et al., 2018) are used, namely the desire to find a new job, find out a
better new job, the ability to get a new job and the desire to immediately change jobs.
Independent Variable
Organizational Commitment
According to Mowday and Sutton, (2017) organizational commitment is a promise
that all members of the organization have to be loyal, carry out the rules until they are willing
to sacrifice for the progress and development of the organization. In measuring organizational
commitment, indicators are used from (Allen and Meyer, 1993) in Robbins and Judge, (2016)
which consist of three main indicators, namely: Affective commitment, Continuence
Commitment and Normative Commitment ( Normative Commitment)

Compensation is the value of rewards or remuneration received by employees in
carrying out their duties and responsibilities at work. In measuring compensation, indicators
adapted from Arifandi et al (2015) are used, namely direct compensation, indirect
compensation and incentives.

Intervening Variables
It is a variable that mediates the influence of the independent variable on the
dependent variable and its nature can strengthen or weaken the influence of the independent
variable on the dependent variable.

Job satisfaction
According to Celluci, Anthony and David De Vries in Rivai and Sagala, (2016)
defines job satisfaction as all the conformity between the desires they have before carrying
out work with the reality they feel after working. Job satisfaction is measured using indicators
adopted from Celluci, Anthony and David De Vries in (Mas'ud, 2017), namely: satisfaction
with salaries, satisfaction with promotions, satisfaction with colleagues, satisfaction with
supervisors and satisfaction with the work itself.

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Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358


Based on the results of data processing that has been carried out, the demographic
description of the respondents is shown in Table 1 below:
Table 1
Demografis Responden
Demogphic Sum Persentase
Man 41 70.69
Woman 17 29.31
23 – 30 years old 30 51.72
31 – 35 years old 15 25.86
36 – 40 years old 11 18.97
41 – 45 year old 2 3.45
SMA 1 1.72
D3 3 5.17
S1 51 87.93
S2 3 5.17
Years of Carrier
0 – 5 years 47 81.03
6 – 10 years 8 13.79
> 10 years 3 5.17
Total 58 100

In Table 4.2, it can be seen that most of the male gender respondents are 41 people or
70.69% of the total respondents, while the rest are female respondents, namely 17 people or
20.31% of the total respondents. If it is observed from the age level of the respondents, it is
known that most of the respondents have an age between 23 years and 30 years, namely 36
people or 51.72% of the total respondents, while the respondents with the least number are
respondents aged between 41 years to 45 years, namely 2 people or 3.45% of the total
In accordance with the data tabulation process, it can be seen that most of the
respondents have education at the S1 level, amounting to 51 people or 87.93% while the rest
are respondents who have high school level education, namely only 1 person or 1.72% of the
total respondents. Based on the data tabulation process, it can be seen that most respondents
have a working period between zero years and lia years, amounting to 47 people or 81.03% of
the total respondents, while the respondents with the least number are those who have a
service period of more than 10 years, amounting to 3 people. or 3.17% of the total
Hypothesis test
The Effect of Organizational Commitment and Compensation on Job Satisfaction
The t-statistic test aims to prove the effect of the independent variables on the
dependent variable individually. Based on the results of the t-statistic test, a summary of the
results is shown in Table 2 below:

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Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

Table 2
Structure Testing
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 55.94713.342 4.193 .000
Komiitmen Organisasi
.825 .201 .109 4.100 .000
Kompensasi .669 .176 .032 3.801 .001
a.Dependent Variable: Kepuasan Kerja

Based on the results of t-statistical testing, it was found that the sig value was 0.000.
The data processing process is carried out using an error rate of 0.05, the results obtained
show that the sig value of 0.000 is far below the 0.05 level of confidence, so the decision is
Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted so it can be concluded that organizational commitment has a
negative and significant effect on employee job satisfaction at PT Intercom Padang. . These
findings suggest that the stronger organizational commitment that employees have, the more
job satisfaction they feel, especially when working at PT Intercom, Padang Branch.
At the t-statistical test stage, it can be seen that the compensation variable has a sig
value of 0.001. The stages of data processing were carried out using a confidence level of
0.05. Thus the sig value 0.001 is far below the 0.05 level of confidence. Then the decision is
Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, so it can be concluded that compensation has a negative
effect on job satisfaction. Or it can be interpreted that the higher the compensation received
by employees will further increase the job satisfaction felt by employees at PT Intercom,
Padang Branch.

F-statistical test results

The F-statistic test aims to prove the effect of the independent variable simultaneously
on the dependent variable. Based on the results of data processing that has been carried out, a
summary of the results is shown in Table 3 below:
Table 3b
F-statistict Testing Result
Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression
101.128 2 150.564 9.007 .000 a
11913.354 55 16.606
12014.483 57
a.Predictors: (Constant), Kompensasi, Komiitmen Organisasi
b.Dependent Variable: Kepuasan Kerja

Based on the results of the F-statistic test, the sig value is 0.000. The data processing
was carried out using a confidence level of 0.05. The results obtained show that the sig value
of 0.000 is far below the 0.05 level of confidence. So the decision is that Ho is rejected and
Ha is accepted, so it can be concluded that organizational commitment and compensation
together have a significant effect on job satisfaction of employees of PT Intercom, Padang
Sub Structure Framework Model 1

Available Online: 343

Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

In accordance with the test results, a structural framework model can be made as
shown in Picture 1. below:

Picture 1
Model Structure 1

Effect of Organizational Commitment, Compensation and Job Satisfaction on Turnover

In accordance with the results of the t-statistic test, the summary of the results is
shown in Table 3 below:
Table 4
Result of t-statistic test for Sub Structure II

Based on the results of t-statistical testing, it was found that the sig value was 0.000.
The data processing was carried out using an error rate of 0.05, the results obtained showed
that the sig value of 0.000 was far below the 0.05 level of confidence, so the decision was Ho
was rejected and Ha was accepted so that it could be concluded that organizational
commitment had a negative and significant effect on employee turnover intention at PT
Intercom Padang. . These findings suggest that the stronger the organizational commitment of
employees, the more likely it is that employee turnover intention at PT Intercom, Padang
At the t-statistical test stage, it can be seen that the compensation variable has a sig
value of 0.000. The stages of data processing were carried out using a confidence level of
0.05. Thus the sig value of 0.000 is far below the level of confidence 0.05. Then the decision
is that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, so it can be concluded that compensation has a

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Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

negative effect on turnover intention. Or it can be interpreted that the higher the compensation
received by the employee, the lower the employee turnover intention at PT Intercom Padang
At the third t-statistic test stage, it is seen that the job satisfaction variable has a sig
value of 0.002. The stages of data processing were carried out using a confidence level of
0.05. Thus the sig value 0.002 is far below the 0.05 level of confidence. Then the decision is
that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, so it can be concluded that job satisfaction has a
negative effect on turnover intention. Or it can be interpreted that the higher job satisfaction
received by employees will further reduce employee turnover intention at PT Intercom,
Padang Branch.
F-statistical test results
The F-statistic test aims to prove the effect of the independent variable simultaneously
on the dependent variable. Based on the results of data processing that has been carried out, a
summary of the results is shown in Table 4 below:
Table 5
F-statistic Result

Based on the results of the F-statistic test, the sig value is 0.000. The data processing
was carried out using a confidence level of 0.05. The results obtained show that the sig value
of 0.000 is far below the 0.05 level of confidence. Then the decision is that Ho is rejected and
Ha is accepted so that it can be concluded that organizational commitment, compensation and
job satisfaction together have a significant effect on the turnover intention of employees of PT
Intercom Padang Branch.

Sub Structure Framework Model II

In accordance with the test results, a structural framework model can be made as
shown in Figure 3 below:

Picture 2
Model Structure 2

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Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

Path Analysis
Finding the Path Coefficient Value
In order to find the path coefficient value, the following calculations are carried out:

Based on the results of examining the path coefficient value of the regression model
formed, it can be concluded that the total contribution of direct and indirect influence between
organizational commitment and compensation on turnover intention with job satisfaction as
an intervening variable is 0.836 or 83.60%, while the remaining 16.40% is explained by other
variables. which are not used in the current research model.

Seeking Direct Influence

Direct effect shows the influence between the independent variable on the dependent
variable without being controlled by other variables. In general, the calculation of the direct
effect in this study is:
a) Direct Impact Commitment Organizational onTurnover intention
PX1 Py = Pyx1 x Pyx1
= -0.638 x -0638
= 0.407
b) Direc Impact Compensation on Turnover intention
PX2 Py = Pyx2 x Pyx2
= -0.320 x -0.320
= 0.102
c) Direct Impact Job Satisfaction on Turnover intention
PZ Py = Pyxz1 x Pyz1
= -0.429 x -0.429
= 0.184

Indirect Influence
The indirect effect is to test the effect of the independent variable on the dependent
variable occupied by the intermediary or intervening variable. The results of the tests carried
out are as follows:
a) Indirect Effect Commitmen Organizational on Turnover intention Trough Job
Px1 Z Py = - 0.638 x 0.948 x -0.057
= 0.034
b) Indirect Effect Organisasional on Turnover intention Through Job Satisfaction
Px2 Z Py = - 0.320 x 0.737 x -0.057

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Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

= 0.013
Based on the results of testing the direct and indirect effects of each of the research
variables used, it appears that the direct effect is greater than the indirect effect. Based on the
results of the path analysis test that has been carried out, the researcher summarizes the results
of the analysis as shown in Table 5 below:

Table 5
A summary of the Results of the Influence of Direct and indirect
Impact Persentase
No Testing Influence
Persentase Acumulation

1 X1 Y 0.407 40.70 40.70

2 X1 Z Y 0.034 3.40 44.10

3 X2 Y 0.102 10.20 54.30

4 X2 Z Y 0.013 1.30 55.60

5 Z Y 0.184 18.40 74.00

Impact Tota 74%

The Rest Of The Contributions 26%

Based on the results of testing the direct and indirect effects, it can be seen that the
total effect formed is 74% while the remaining 26% contributes to the remaining influence
influenced by other variables not used in the current research model. In accordance with the
results of the direct and indirect effect testing, a composite structural framework model can be
made as shown in Figure 4.4 below:

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Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

Picture 3
Model Sturucutal

The Effect of Organizational Commitment on Turnover Intention '
Based on the results of testing the first hypothesis, it was found that organizational
commitment had a negative effect on employee turnover intention at PT Intercon, Padang
Branch. The results obtained in the first hypothesis testing stage are in line with the results of
research by Natassia, (2017) which revealed that the stronger organizational commitment that
is in an employee will encourage weaker turnover intention in employees. Similar results are
also explained in research conducted by (Lauren, 2017) and research conducted by (Pratama,
2018) who both found that strong organizational commitment in each employee will make
them more comfortable in the company so that turnover intention become decreased in

The Effect of Compensation on Turnover Intention

Based on the results of testing the second hypothesis it was found that compensation
had a negative effect on employee turnover at PT Intercom Padang. These findings indicate
that the higher the compensation received by employees, the lower the turnover intention in
employees. The results obtained are in line with the results of research by Rivai and Sagala,
(2016) that the increase in turnover intention can be influenced by the compensation they
receive. Compensation shows remuneration or appreciation given by the company to

The Effect of Organizational Commitment on Job Satisfaction

Based on the results of testing the first hypothesis it was found that organizational
commitment has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction at PT Intercom,
Padang Branch. These findings show that the stronger the organizational commitment of
employees, the more they feel the job satisfaction they have. The results obtained are in line
with the results of research conducted by Setiawan and Harahap, (2016) which found that
organizational commitment has a positive effect on employee job satisfaction. Furthermore,
the results of research conducted by (Pratama, 2018) found that organizational commitment
has a positive effect on employee job satisfaction. Other consistent research results were
obtained by (Supiyanto, 2015) who found that organizational commitment has a positive
effect on employee job satisfaction.

Effect of Compensation on Job Satisfaction

Based on the results of testing the fourth hypothesis it was found that compensation
had a positive effect on job satisfaction of employees of PT Intercom, Padang Branch. The
findings obtained indicate that the higher the compensation received by employees, the more
job satisfaction is received. The results obtained are in line with the results of research
conducted by (Natassia, 2017) found that compensation has a positive effect on job
satisfaction of employees of CV Lakit Padang. Lauren, (2017) found the results of research
that are in line with previous researchers, namely compensation has a positive effect on
employee job satisfaction. Furthermore, similar research results were obtained by Sandy,
(2019) which found that compensation has a positive effect on job satisfaction of PT IDX

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Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

Indonesia. This result indicates that the higher the value of financial and non-financial
compensation received by employees will increase their satisfaction at work.

The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intention

Based on the results of testing the third hypothesis it was found that job satisfaction
had a negative effect on the turnover intention felt by employees of PT Intercom, Padang
Branch. The findings obtained show that the higher the job satisfaction felt by employees will
reduce turnover intention in each employee. The findings obtained are in line with the results
of research by Susilo and Satrya, (2019) which found that job satisfaction has a negative
effect on employee turnover intention. Furthermore, the results of research that are in line are
obtained by Riana, (2014) who found that high job satisfaction will reduce turnover intention
in employees. The satisfaction that is formed will create feelings of love and strengthen
employee commitment to encourage progress in the organization. Besides that, job
satisfaction will also create a feeling of comfort at work so as to reduce turnover intention that
arises from within employees.

Effect of Organizational Commitment on Turnover Intention with Job Satisfaction as an

Intervening Variable
Based on the results of testing the sixth hypothesis, it was found that organizational
commitment has an effect on turnover intention through satisfaction as an intervening
variable. The results obtained are in line with the results of Mowday and Sutton's (2017)
research, organizational commitment has a negative effect on employee turnover intention.
Organizational commitment shows the promises or pledges that employees have at the
companies they work for. In addition, strong organizational commitment in employees can
also increase job satisfaction felt by employees. Natassia's research results, (2017) reveal that
the stronger organizational commitment is in an employee will encourage a weakening of
turnover intention, as well as the results of research by Lauren, (2017) and research conducted
by Pratama, (2018) which both found that strong organizational commitment in each
employee will make them more comfortable in the company. so that turnover intention is
Effect of Compensation on Turnover Intention with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening
Based on the results of testing the seventh hypothesis, it was found that compensation
has an effect on turnover intention through job satisfaction as an intervening variable. The
findings obtained are in line with the results of research conducted by Sandy, (2019) which
found that compensation has a negative effect on turnover intention after going through job
satisfaction as an intervening variable. The results obtained can be interpreted as more
according to the amount of compensation received by the employees expected, then the
comfort in working will be formed. The existence of high appreciation from the company
encourages a strong commitment in employees to encourage organizational progress, thereby
reducing their desire to leave the organization (turnover intention) because in working every
employee will certainly feel satisfaction at work. Furthermore, the results of research
conducted by (Royan Zakaria, 2017) found that the results of research were relatively
different from previous researchers, namely that compensation did not have a significant
effect on employee turnover intention after going through job satisfaction as an intervening


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Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

In accordance with the analysis and discussion of the results of hypothesis testing that
has been carried out, several important conclusions are proposed which are the answers to the
problems posed, namely:
1. Based on the results of testing the first hypothesis, the sig value is 0.000. The data
processing was carried out using an error rate of 0.05. The results obtained showed
that the sig value of 0.000 was far below the 0.05 level of confidence, so it could be
concluded that organizational commitment had a negative and significant effect on
employee turnover intention at PT Intercom Padang. These findings suggest that the
stronger the organizational commitment of employees, the more likely it is that
employee turnover intention at PT Intercom, Padang branch.
2. Based on the results of testing the second hypothesis the sig value is 0.000. The stages
of data processing were carried out using a confidence level of 0.05. Thus the sig
value of 0.000 is far below the level of confidence 0.05. So it can be concluded that
compensation has a negative effect on turnover intention. Or it can be interpreted that
the higher the compensation received by the employee, the lower the employee
turnover intention at PT Intercom Padang Branch.
3. Based on the results of testing the third hypothesis, the sig value is 0.000. The data
processing was carried out using an error rate of 0.05. The results obtained showed
that the sig value of 0.000 was far below the 0.05 level of confidence, so it could be
concluded that organizational commitment had a negative and significant effect on
employee job satisfaction at PT Intercom Padang. These findings suggest that the
stronger organizational commitment that employees have, the more job satisfaction
they feel, especially when working at PT Intercom, Padang Branch.
4. In the fourth hypothesis testing stage, the sig value is 0.001. The stages of data
processing were carried out using a confidence level of 0.05. Thus the sig value 0.001
is far below the 0.05 level of confidence. So it can be concluded that compensation has
a negative effect on job satisfaction. Or it can be interpreted that the higher the
compensation received by employees will further increase the job satisfaction felt by
employees at PT Intercom, Padang Branch.
5. In the fifth hypothesis testing stage, the sig value is 0.002. The stages of data
processing were carried out using a confidence level of 0.05. Thus the sig value 0.002
is far below the 0.05 level of confidence. So it can be concluded that job satisfaction
has a negative effect on turnover intention. Or it can be interpreted that the higher job
satisfaction received by employees will further reduce employee turnover intention at
PT Intercom, Padang Branch.
6. Organizational commitment has an effect on turnover intention after going through job
satisfaction as an intervening variable for employees of PT Intercom, Padang Branch.
The amount of the indirect effect is 0.034 or 3.40%. These findings show that the
stronger organizational commitment that is in line with high job satisfaction will
create turnover intention in employees of PT Intercom, Padang Branch, only 3.40%.
Thus, through commitment and job satisfaction felt by employees will be able to
reduce turnover intention.
7. Compensation has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention after going
through job satisfaction as an intervening variable for employees of PT Intercom,
Padang Branch. The amount of the indirect effect is 0.031 or 3.40%. These findings
indicate the stronger the appropriate compensation and satisfaction scores


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Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2020 E-ISSN : 2686-6331, P-ISSN : 2686-6358

In accordance with the research conclusions, several suggestions can be put forward that
can be used for:
1. For the leadership of the company it is very important for the leadership to inspire and
motivate every employee in the PT Intercom Padang environment so that their
commitment to the company will be higher so that it can reduce turnover intention in
each employee.
2. For company leaders to continue to evaluate and improve the value of compensation
that will be received by all employees in the form of salaries, allowances, incentives or
allowances, because the greater the value of compensation and the more in accordance
with the wishes or expectations of each employee will encourage increased
satisfaction. work and reduce turnover intention to employees, especially in the Auto
2000 Padang environment.
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