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Program Pascasarjana

Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi

Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
Universitas Indonesia

Tugas Pengganti Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS)

Teori Media Digital

Buatlah sebuah makalah ilmiah dengan menggunakan 1 (satu) kasus atau fenomena dalam konteks
media digital di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan kerangka teori dan konsep yang telah Anda
pelajari setelah UTS sampai minggu 15 mata kuliah ini, buatlah sebuah analisis mengenai kasus
tersebut. Anda dapat menggunakan lebih dari 1 (satu) kerangka konseptual/teoritis untuk kasus
tersebut. Perlu diingat bahwa materi dari perkuliahan (misal: buku, artikel) belum cukup untuk
membuat kerangka berpikir yang komprehensif. Mahasiswa diharapkan untuk menggali lebih
jauh literatur terkait teori/konsep yang dipilih (misal: memahami geneologi dan penggunaan
teori/konsep dalam beragam kasus). Biasakan untuk menyeleksi sumber literatur yang kredibel
dan memiliki peer review baik (misal jurnal Q1 berdasarkan SCIMAGO).

Tulisan dibuat dengan mematuhi kaidah penulisan akademis sesuai standar bidang keilmuan,
misalnya APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago. Konsisten dengan format penulisan dari standar yang
dipilih. Ilmu Komunikasi secara umum menggunakan model APA.

Tugas ini merupakan pengganti Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) dan memuat 30% (tigapuluh
persen) komponen penilaian secara keseluruhan.

Batas waktu pengumpulan: 30 Juni 2021 pukul 23.59 WIB

Buatlah tugas ini dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

• Ukuran kertas A4, spasi Multiple 1.8, jenis huruf Calibri ukuran 11
• panjang tulisan 8-10 halaman; tidak termasuk Daftar Pustaka.
• Tuliskan dengan format sbb.
• Judul
• Nama Penulis dan Nomor Pokok Mahasiswa (NPM)
• Tugas Pengganti UAS Teori Media Digital Semester Gasal 2020/2021
• Latar Belakang: rasionalisasi dari apa yang mau ditulis.
• Rumusan Permasalahan: permasalahan yang muncul dari abstraksi (yang bersumber
dari teori/konsep penting) atas realitas empiris.
• Kerangka Teoritis/Konseptual: teori/konsep utama yang dirajut dengan konsep-konsep
lain yang relevan.
• Analisis: mendiskusikan data/temuan dengan kerangka berpikir serta menyertakan
implikasinya secara konseptual.
• Kesimpulan: merangkum argument utama dalam tulisan.
Contoh penulisan ilmiah dengan menggunakan logika piramid terbalik.

Bisa lihat tautan ini untuk detilnya: The Inverted Pyramid // Purdue Writing Lab

Tugas pengganti UAS ini akan dikumpulkan melalui Classroom.

Selamat bekerja!


Tgl/bln/th: 18 Juni 2021
Rubric for Final Term
Individual Essay

Number Criteria Area Outstanding Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident
Limits (3000-3500;
Many minor, some
1 TNR 12 pt., Dbl No errors (5 points) Some minor errors (3 points) Many major errors (0 points)
major errors (1 point)
All necessary citations
are included correctly (a
couple minor errors ok) There are many errors
Sources are cited, but with All citations and references
APA - Citations and in the body. References in what information is
2 more than a couple format are either largely incorrect or
References are formatted properly. cited and/or how it is
errors. (3 points) missing (0 points)
All sources are cited. (1 points)
accurately cited. (5
Writing is unclear,
Writing is generally clear
Writing Clarity vague or Writing is extremely unclear,
writing is clear/precise, with some problems (e.g.,
(structure) & convoluted. Many vague or convoluted. Many
3 no/very few grammar hidden meaning, repetitive,
Copyediting minor and some major major grammar and/or
errors. (10 points) rambling) and more than a
(grammar, etc.) grammar and/or spelling errors. (2 pts)
few grammar errors. (7 pts)
spelling errors. (4 pts)
On the right track, but not
The case fits a given
exactly a fit with the
topic. (qualifies as as Yes, the case is a good Topic may be relevant, No case is chosen or major
assignment, e.g., the
4 original academic fit for the assignment. but the case is off topic. problem with the topic. (0
connection between the case
research, fits with (10 points) (4 points) points)
and the topic is vague and
unclear (7 points)
There is an
Introduction provides a Introduction provides a introduction, but it does
complete overview of the mostly complete overview of not provide any Essay does not have an
5 Introduction
topics that the essay the topics that the essay overview of the topics introduction (0 pts)
covers. (10 pts) covers. (7 pts) that the essay covers. (4
Essay clearly describes
1) the purpose of the
essay, 2) how the Essay addresses most though
research study not all of the main points
Essay addresses only
contributes to current (purpose, contribution,
some of the main points Essay does not address any of
6 Study details literature; 3) why the worthiness, and strong
and/or argument is the main points. (0 pts)
specific study is theoretical framework) and/or
largely unclear (14 pts)
important and valuable the argument is somewhat
and (4) develop strong unclear. (22 points)
theoretical frameworks.
(30 points)
Essay makes a
convincing argument and Essay makes an argument, but
Essay addresses the
critically analyze the supercially connects with
relationship between
case using theories and theories/concepts. Somewhat
the two articles but but Essay does not address this
7 Analysis/Discussion concepts with respect to: discussion/analyze seems
does not clearly argue question (0 pts)
objectivity, impartiallity, base on common sense and
for a relationship with
and somewhat lack of depth. (14
the three issues. (7 pts)
comprehensiveness. (20 pts)
There is a conclusion,
Conclusion provides a Conclusion provides a mostly
but it does not provide
complete summary of the complete summary of the Essay does not have a
8 Conclusion any summary of the
essay's main arguments. essay's main arguments. (7 conclusion (0 pts)
essay's main arguments.
(10 points) points)
(4 points)

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