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Pemetaan daerah penangkapan ikan Tuna Sirip Kuning diperlukan untuk pengembangan sektor

perikanan di kabupaten Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara. Sumber daya ikan memiliki potensi untuk
dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan hasil tangkapan (Tadjuddah, 2007). Penangkapan ikan cakalang dan
tuna di Kepulauan Wakatobi diperkirakan menghasilkan 3-4 ton per hari yang sedang berlangsung
sepanjang tahun (PPT-COREMAPLIPI,2002). Jika sumber daya ini tidak dikelola dengan baik, maka dapat
menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap keberlangsungan sumber daya ikan di masa depan. Penentuan
daerah penangkapan ikan Tuna Sirip Kuning di perairan Wakatobi telah dilakukan oleh nelayan setempat
dengan menggunakan metode tradisional, seperti pengamatan burung laut yang terbang dan menukik di
dekatnya serta penampakan lumba-lumba ke permukaan. Pengetahuan ini diperoleh dari generasi ke
generasi. Kelemahan dari metode ini dapat mengakibatkan penangkapan ikan berlebihan karena
konsentrasi aktivitas penangkapan ikan hanya di lokasi tertentu. Hingga saat ini, banyak kendala dalam
aktivitas penangkapan ikan. Misalnya, nelayan tidak dapat mengandalkan hasil tangkapan yang
tinggiyangtheywouldbeabletodousingmengidentifikasi daerah penangkapan ikan potensial dan dengan
demikian mata pencaharian mereka menjadi tidak pasti. Konsekuensi selanjutnya adalah hilangnya
bahan bakar, waktu dan tenaga kerja nelayan. Menemukan solusi untuk masalah ini adalah yang
terpenting (Zainuddin et al., 2006)

The images selected were processed by considerations cloud-free image which was weekly data collected
over five years (2004–2008) in 145 images. SST image is grouped by seasonal variation, which is represented by 34
images from west season (December, January, February) westeast season 46 images (March, April, May), 34 images
from east season (June, July, August) and 41 image from east-west (October, November, December).

Citra terpilih diproses dengan pertimbangan cloud-free image yang merupakan data mingguan
yang dikumpulkan selama lima tahun (2004–2008) dalam 145 citra. Citra SST dikelompokkan
berdasarkan variasi musim, yang diwakili oleh 34 citra musim barat (Desember, Januari, Februari), 46
citra musim barat-timur (Maret, April, Mei), 34 citra musim timur (Juni, Juli, Agustus) dan 41 gambar dari
timur-barat (Oktober, November, Desember).

This research was conducted in Wakatobi Marine National Park, Southeast Sulawesi Province from 5 ◦12–
610 S and 123◦ 20–124◦ 39 E, during June until October, 2009

Chl-a data was also received from Aqua-MODIS satellite from NASA that was processed using SeaDAS
4.7 under Linux UBUNTU. MODIS image processing used level 3 courses Seadisp (General image and graphics
display) contained in the SeaDAS menu. Further data processing of chl-a is also equal to the process for receiving
SST Images. Chl-a images selected to be processed was weekly data collected over five years (2004–2008) in 193
images; Chl-a images were grouped then by seasonal variation. In the west, season was represented in 50 images;
east-west represented in 57 images; East season represented in 53 images and the eastwest season represented in 33

here is a relationship between the region around the reef with the phenomenon of the formation of fronts. It
is the convergent and divergent currents that meet and collide with the ridge which has a relatively shallow depth
that causes the formation of fronts in a periodic phenomenon. From the visual analysis performed, this phenomenon
also formed from pockets of cold water masses surrounded by a warmer water mass with relatively stable patterns of
movement around the reef. Indications of upwelling were concentrated around the Kapota reef, because in general
the area around the reef is relatively shallow and when the mass of water arrives around the reefs, the mass of waters
from deeper layer is raised. Thus, the upwelling temperature is colder than the surrounding area. According to Nontji
(1992), the Banda Sea upwelling events occurred only in the east season, where winds pushed out the Banda Sea
surface water at a greater rate than could be offset by the surrounding surface water. According to Wyrtki (1961),
upwelling that occurred in the Banda Sea could be classified as the alternating type upwelling, that is upwelling and
downwelling which occur alternately in one year. Upwelling occurs in one season (east monsoon) and downwelling
occurs in another season (west monsoon)

Mapping of Yellowfin Tuna fishing ground is derived from satellite data (Indirect data), with ground checks
performed to verify the data. The long-term aim of this research was to improve the welfare of fishermen in the
Wakatobi district, Southeast Sulawesi, while the short-term goal was to map the fishing ground of Yellowfin Tuna
(Thunnus albacares) with the application of multi-sensor satellite technology to detect upwellings. The benefits of
this research are cost savings for the fishermen and providing a reference for the arrangement of management
strategies of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) for sustainablity and continuity

Pemetaan DPI diambil dari data satelit (Indirect data), dengan ground check dilakukan untuk
verifikasi data. Tujuan jangka panjang dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan
nelayan di Kabupaten Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara, sedangkan tujuan jangka pendek adalah untuk
memetakan daerah penangkapan Tuna Sirip Kuning (Thunnus albacares) dengan aplikasi satelit multi
sensor. teknologi untuk mendeteksi upwelling. Manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah penghematan biaya
bagi para nelayan dan memberikan acuan untuk penyusunan strategi pengelolaan Ikan Tuna Sirip Kuning
(Thunnus albacares) untuk kelestarian dan kesinambungan.

Based on front incidents, upwelling and SSH data, the prediction of Yellowfin Tuna fishing ground
potential can be mapped. Mapping of fishing ground potential is based on the season, namely west season, west-east
season, east and east-west season

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