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Nama Mahasiswa : Dewi Sartika

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM : 048401187

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : MKWI4201/Bahasa Inggris

Kode/Nama UPBJJ : 18/Palembang

Masa Ujian : 2022/23.1 (2022.2)


Soal :

1. Pertanyaan / Questions
Identifikasi bagian surat yang ditandai oleh nomor 1-3.
Please identify the part of the letter numbered 1-3.

2. Pertanyaan / Questions
Identifikasi 3 (tiga) kesalahan pada surat di atas.
Please identify 3 (three) errors in the letter above.

3. Pertanyaan / Questions
Anda adalah purchasing manager di sebuah perusahaan ponsel terkemuka, dan ingin bekerja
sama dengan sebuah perusahaan pengeras suara. Tulislah sebuah surat singkat yang menyatakan
bahwa Anda tertarik untuk bekerja sama dan Anda meminta perusahaan tersebut untuk
mengirimkan katalog, daftar harga, dan contoh produk mereka.

You are a purchasing manager of a well-known smartphone company and you would like to
collaborate with a speaker company. Please write a body letter that explains your needs and
you ask for their catalogue, price list, and product sample.

4. Pertanyaan / Questions
Anda akan pindah ke kantor baru. Atasan dan rekan-rekan Anda di kantor lama mengadakan
acara perpisahan dan memberi Anda hadiah berupa tablet. Tulislah sebuah email ucapan terima
kasih terkait pemberian hadiah tersebut

You are going to move to a new job. Your boss and colleagues held a farewell party and gave
you a tablet as a goodbye gift. Write a thanking email about the gift.

Jawab :

1. A
1) Address is an optional part of a personal letter. The optional part means, you can
choose to write the address or not. Therefore, you are not required to write down
your address.
Address atau alamat merupakan bagian opsional pada surat pribadi. Bagian opsional
maksudnya, kamu boleh memilih untuk menulis address atau tidak. Oleh karena itu,
kamu tidak wajib menuliskan alamatmu.
2) Salutation is an opening greeting that is usually used at the beginning of an English
letter, especially a formal letter. But that does not mean salutation is only used for
letters with a formal context. Salutation can also be used in letters with an informal
or personal context.
Salutation merupakan salam pembuka yang biasa digunakan di awal surat berbahasa
Inggris, terutama surat yang bersifat formal. Namun bukan berarti salutation hanya
digunakan untuk surat-surat yang berkonteks formal saja. Salutation juga dapat
digunakan pada surat yang berkonteks informal atau pribadi.
3) A
a. The body is the main part of the letter and you can write whatever you want to
Body adalah bagian utama dari surat dan kamu bisa menuliskan apapun yang
ingin disampaikan.
b. The closing of the letter is our last chance to make a good impression on the
recipient of the letter. Putting inappropriate words at the end of the letter can
damage the impression and good intentions we want to convey.
Penutup surat adalah kesempatan terakhir kita untuk memberikan kesan baik
kepada si penerima surat. Mencantumkan kata-kata yang kurang tepat pada
penutup surat bisa merusak kesan dan niat baik yang ingin kita sampaikan.

2. The three errors in the letter were the placement of the address, there was no opening
sentence, and the contents were not well-explained.

3. Amelia

PT. Indah
3 October
Dear Ms. Puspita,
The good thing is, Mrs. Puspita is in place, hopefully you will always be happy and all
your wishes will be achieved

I sincerely want to see your company better than mine, so I respectfully request that you
send us a catalog of the products you have.

without diminishing the respect I convey for his concern.


4. Mariska
Jl. Java Semarang

08 august 2022
my best friend
Jl. Sudarsono Semarang

my best friend
I am writing this letter specifically for all my office coworkers. How are you? I haven't seen
you in weeks.
I want to say thank you very much. For the gifts you sent me. I really like the gift, because I
really want a tablet for my future work. I will always remember you my friends.
May your good deeds be accepted by God. Thank you
miss you
your best friend

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