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Hujan merupakan terjadinya sebuah peristiwa yang disebut dengan Presipitasi yaitu jatuhnya
cairan yang berasal dari atmosfer yang berwujud cair maupun beku ke permukaan bumi dan
berwujud cairan. Hujan juga membutuhkan keberadaan dari lapisan atmosfer yang tebal agar
dapat bersuhu di atas titik leleh es tersebut di dekat dan diatas permukaan bumi. Sedangkan di
bumi ini, hujan merupakan terjadinya sebuah proses dari peristiwa kondensasi yaitu perubahan
wujud benda ke wujud yang lebih padat yang berupa uap air di lapisan atmosfer menjadi berupa
butiran-butiran air yang cukup berat yang akhirnya akan dapat jatuh dan biasanya tiba di
wilayah daratan.

Dua proses yang terjadi dari peristiwa tersebut yang mungkin bisa saja terjadi secara bersamaan
dapat mendorong terjadinya udara yang akan semakin jenuh menjelang terjadinya hujan, yaitu peristiwa
dari pendinginan udara atau penambahan uap air ke udara. Butir-butir hujan itu mempunyai ukuran
yang beragam mulai dari yang mirip penekuk yaitu butiran besar sampai butiran kecilnya.

2. Proses terjadinya hujan itu sendiri tidak bisa dijelaskan secara sederhana. Bumi mempunyai
wilayah daratan dan perairan. Karena adanya panas matahari, aka seluruh permukaan perairan
itu entah sungai, danau, laut akan menguap ke udara. Uap air yang ada di udara tersebut pada
akhirnya akan menyatu dengan udara yang bergerak terus naik terus ke atas dan apabila suhu
udara menjadi semakin dingin, uap air itu melakukan proses kondensasi atau pengembunan.

Maka hasilnya akan terbentuk butiran-butiran kecil. Butiran air itu maka jumlahnya akan
semakin banyak dan kemudian berkumpul membentuk awan. Apabila awan akan semakin berwarna
gelap atau berwarna kelabu berarti butiran airnya sudah terkumpul kembali dalam jumlah yang sangat
banyak. Dan apabila sudah terlalu berat atau suhu udara semain terasa sangat dingin, maka butiran-
butiran air tersebut akan jatuh ke bumi.

3. Jadi, peristiwa dari turunnya hujan tersebut terbentuk karena adanya proses penguapan yang
berasal dari sungai, laut, ataupun danau, yang kemudian menyatu dengan udara, dan semakin
banyak air yang terkumpul maka awan tersebut akan berwarna lebih gelap atau kelabu atau
yang disebut dengan mendung, dan apabila sudah terlalu berat, maka butiran-butiran air
tersebut akan jatuh menjadi hujan.

1. Rain is the occurrence of an event called Precipitation, namely the fall of liquid originating
from the atmosphere in the form of liquid or frozen to the surface of the earth and in the
form of a liquid. Rain also requires the presence of a thick layer of the atmosphere in order
to be at temperatures above the melting point of the ice near and above the earth's surface.
Whereas on this earth, rain is a process of condensation events, namely the change in the
form of objects to a denser form in the form of water vapor in the atmospheric layer into
the form of quite heavy water grains that will eventually fall and usually arrive in the land
Two processes that occur from these events that may occur simultaneously can encourage
the occurrence of air that will be more saturated ahead of the occurrence of rain, namely
events from cooling the air or the addition of water vapor to the air. The rain grains have
various sizes ranging from bending looks, namely large grains to small grains.
2. The process of occurrence of rain itself cannot be explained simply. The earth has land and
water areas. Because of the heat of the sun, whether it is rivers, lakes, seas, or lakes, it will
evaporate into the air. The water vapor in the air will eventually merge with the air that
moves steadily upwards and when the air temperature becomes colder and colder, the
water vapor carries out a condensation or condensation process.
Then as a result will be formed small granules. The water droplets will then increase in
number and then gather to form clouds. If the clouds will get darker or grayer, it means that
the water grains have collected back in very large quantities. And if it is too heavy or the air
temperature feels very cold, then the water grains will fall to the earth.
3. So, the event of rainfall is formed due to the evaporation process that comes from rivers,
seas, or lakes, which then merges with the air, and the more water collected, the clouds will
be darker or gray or what is called cloudy, and if it is too heavy, the grains of water will fall
into rain.
Rain is the occurrence of an event called Precipitation, namely the fall of liquid originating
from the atmosphere in liquid or frozen form to the earth's surface and in the form of liquid.
Rain also requires the presence of a thick layer of the atmosphere to have temperatures
above the melting point of ice near and above the Earth's surface. Whereas on this earth,
rain is the occurrence of a process of condensation events, namely the change in the form of
objects to a denser form in the form of water vapor in the atmosphere layer into the form of
water droplets that are quite heavy which can eventually fall and usually arrive on land.

The two processes that occur from these events which may occur simultaneously can
encourage air to become more saturated before rain occurs, namely the event of cooling
the air or adding water vapor to the air. The raindrops have a variety of sizes ranging from
those that are similar to a bow, namely large grains to small grains.

The process of the occurrence of rain itself cannot be explained simply. Earth has land and
water territories. Because of the sun's heat, the entire surface of the waters, whether rivers,
lakes or seas, will evaporate into the air. The water vapor in the air will eventually merge
with the air which continues to move upward and when the air temperature gets colder, the
water vapor carries out the process of condensation or condensation.

Then the result will be formed small granules. The water droplets will increase in number
and then gather to form clouds. If the clouds are getting darker or gray in color, it means
that the water droplets have collected again in very large quantities. And when it's too
heavy or the air temperature feels very cold, the water droplets will fall to the earth.

So, the event of the rain falling is formed due to an evaporation process originating from
rivers, seas, or lakes, which then merges with the air, and the more water that collects, the
clouds will be darker or grayer in color or what is called cloudy, and if it is too heavy, the
water droplets will fall as rain.

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