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Mastitis dan Kualitas Susu

Batu, Juli 2023

Prima Puji Raharjo, S.Pt. M.Si.

Deskripsi Singkat
• Mata pelatihan ini membekali peserta dengan kemampuan
memahami prinsip dasar mastitis dan keterkaitannya dengan mastitis
pada sapi perah.

Hasil Belajar
• Setelah selesai mengikuti pembelajaran ini, peserta dapat
menjelaskan tentang mastitis dan kualitas susu segar

Indikator Hasil Belajar
• Setelah selesai pembelajaran peserta diharapkan mampu memahami
penyebab mastitis, cara mengatasi mastitis, perhitungan lab untuk
mastitis, antibiotic terhadap kualitas susu

Penyebab Perhitungan
mengatasi Susu antibiotik
Mastitis laboratorium
Prima Puji Raharjo, S.Pt.

IPB : S1 & S2
Animal Science
Ibaraki University. Japan

Work Experience :
Lecture Ast. IPB
Broker Property
Charoen Pokphand
Sari Rasa Nusantara
Abdi Negara (PNS)
Pakan Sapi Perah
Feeding dairy cows
• Pemberian pakan pada sapi beragam • Feeding of cows varies depending on the
tergantung dengan sistemnya, system;
• Sapi organik merumput 200 hari • Organic cows are grazing 200 days a year
setahun dan mendapatkan suplemen and get a TMR supplement,
TMR, when they are in barns
• ketika mereka berada di kandang Sapi
• ”Conventional” cows are in confinement
“Konvensional” dikurung dan diberi
and feed a balanced TMR ration
ransum TMR yang seimbang,
• Sapi dalam pemerahan robot diberi • Cows in robot milking are fed a
ransum TMR di tempat pakan dan TMR ration at the feed bunk and
dilengkapi dengan konsentrat di dalam supplemented with concentrate
robot in the robot
• Peternak akan menanam terutama • The farmer will grow or have a contract
jagung dan silase rumput yang to grow predominantly corn and
dicampur dengan bahan baku lainnya. grass silage which are mixed with
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Danmap 2020

Danmap 2020
Protokol untuk diagnosa mastitis
How does a typical protocol for a herd diagnosis of ‘common mastitis’ look like?

• n=70
Kesesuaian dengan regulasi
How does this correspond to what ‘ought to be done’?

• Perundang-undangan Denmark • Danish legislations favour the use of

mendukung penggunaan penisilin simple penicillins and encourage
sederhana dan mendorong analisis bacteriological analysis
• Some of the apparently common
• Beberapa praktik yang tampaknya umum practice differs from other countries -
berbeda dari negara lain - mis. cara e.g. administration ways
• Recommendations – such as Nordic
• Rekomendasi – seperti pedoman mastitis mastitis guidelines from 2009 and
Nordik dari tahun 2009 dan 'Retningslinjer ‘Retningslinjer for brug af antibiotika til
for brug af antibiotika til kvæg I Danmark' kvæg I Danmark’ 2013 can be partly
2013 dapat dikenali sebagian dalam hasil. recognized in the results.
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Langkah yang harus dilakkukan

Where do we go from here?
• Penelitian terbaru, seperti • Recent research has provided new
pengujian On-farm. insights and new methods, such as
• Perkembangan regulasi untuk On- farm testing.
mengurangi penggunaan • Legislation is evolving and the
antibiotik. aim to reduce antibiotic
• Proyek berikutnya: tinjauan consumption persists.
terhadap pedoman baru yang • Next project: Revisit existing
bekerja sama dengan ENOVAT evidence and provide new
(Jaringan Eropa untuk guidelines in collaboration with
Pengoptimalan Perawatan ENOVAT (European Network for
Antimikroba Hewan) Optimization of Veterinary
Antimicrobial Treatment)
Regulation (EC) No 853/2004: Annex III - Section IX Chapter I:
Raw milk and colostrum - primary production

Chapter I

1. Raw milk and colostrum 3. Raw milk-/colostrum-

2. Dairy farms
production criteria

A: Operating
sites & B: Milking, Pick up, transport

C: Personal
Chapter I: III Criteria for raw milk and colostrum SCC and TBC limits

Somatic cells [1000/ml] Total bacteria count [1000 cfu/ml]

Species Frequency Threshold Frequency* Threshold


Cows 3/1 ≤ 400 2/2 ≤ 100

Non cow
-/- 2/2 ≤ 1 500**
* xg over x months with at least y repetitions/month
** ≤ 500, if processed into raw milk products
Chapter I: III Criteria for raw milk and colostrum
Persyaratan lebih lanjut: Further requirements:
Kandungan residu antibiotik tidak melebihi Content of antibiotic residues not exceeding the
batas maksimum : maximum level in
accordance with Regulation (EC) No 2377/90 now
Peraturan (EC) No 2377/90 sekarang No
No 470/2009
No exceeding of the maximum residue limit of all
Tidak melebihi batas maksimum residu semua antibiotic substances
zat antibiotik
Is made with microbiological inhibitor tests (every
Dibuat dengan uji mikrobiologi inhibitor (setiap tanker and every farm at least 2 times a month)
tanker dan setiap farm minimal 2 kali sebulan)
The processor usually tests every tanker every day
Prosesor biasanya menguji setiap tanker setiap
hari If the milk does not meet the requirements:

Jika susu tidak memenuhi persyaratan: Registration with the authorities

Pendaftaran dengan pihak berwenang

Regulation (EC) No. 854/2004 Free delivery only
after proof of improvement
Annex IV: Raw milk and milk products by dairy farmer

Chapter 2: Control of raw milk at collection

Informs if criteria
Competent are not met
Dairy farmer
authority TBC, SCC

Suspension of delivery

Special treatment/use
of the products according
If not possible to (after official approval)
and for health protection
Jumlah Total Bakteri (TPC)
Total bacteria count

• Median di Eropa: ca. 20.000 cfu/ml (ambang batas: 100.000

• 0,1% pengiriman di atas 100.000 cfu/ml

• Median in Europe: ca. 20.000 cfu/ml (threshold:

100.000 cfu/ml)
• 0.1 % of deliveries above 100.000 cfu/ml
Secretory and post-secretory contamination of milk
Deterioration by
Source of contamination
cfu/ml milk
Passage through teat canal 100 - 4.000

Dirty udder / teat skin 500 - 15.000

Subclinical mastitis (per quarter) - 1.000

Clinical mastitis
Poor air conditions in the barn 100 - 1.500

Airborne bacteria hand milking 100 - 500

Airborne bacteria machine milking - 50

Inadequate cleaning and disinfection of Up to 500.000
milking equipment

Above average bacterial growth during milk storage

Bacteria duplication every 30 minutes to every 48 hours
No more growth of mesophilic mesotrophic bacteria below four degrees Celsius
Kemungkinan Residu dan Kontaminan dalam Susu
Possible Residues and Contaminants in Milk

Residues Contaminants
Antiinfectives Heavy Metals
Antiparasitics Radionuclides
Pesticides Mycotoxins
Hormones Dioxins
Teat disinfectant Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Detergents and disinfectants Technical auxiliary materials
Penyebab ditemukannya inhibitor
positif setelah penggunaan antibiotik
Causes for positive inhibitor findings after antibiotic use
insufficient Milked dry cow
cleaned 7%
19% Error during
Error in the
milking order

Krömker et al. 2006

Alasan Penggunaan Antibiotik
pada Sapi Perah
Reasons for antibiotic treatments in dairy cows

•Mastitis ca. 75 %
•Claw problems ca. 10 %
•Retained placenta/Endometritis ca. 8 %
•Pneumonia ca. 2 %
•Other ca. 5 %

= 95 % infectious factor diseases or „management problems“

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Somatic cell count

• Rata-rata di Eropa: antara • Median in Europe:
200.000 hingga 250.000 between 200.000 to
• > 1 % pengiriman di atas 250.000
400.000 SCC/ml • > 1 % of deliveries above
• Semakin kecil skala
400.000 SCC/ml
peternakan, maka • The smaller the farms the
semakin rendah tingkat lower the cell count on
jumlah sel state level
Definition of subclinical and clinical mastitis
Standardized definition
somatic cell
Subclinical mastitis
• > 100,000 cells/ml in quarter milking
• Alternatively > 100.000 cells/ml in single milking
• Connection with days in milk, individual animals, therapy concepts

Clinical Mastitis
• Mild: Visible changes in the milk of one udder quarter (flakes, discoloration), Visible
• Moderate: + inflammation of the glandular tissue and the udder skin, changes in
the milk
• Severe: + general disorders

High SCC = more mastitic animals = less health = higher risk for antibiotic residues
High prevalence and incidence, Frequent reason for culling, Responsible for the largest use of antibiotics
(27 % of all cows are treated for clinical mastitis in lactation; 35 % Dry cow treatments in DK (October 2019)
Pathogens mostly not eradicable, Advanced monitoring system (clinical and subclinical, automated)
Prevalensi mastitis = Lama infeksi x Tingkat kejadian infeksi baru (Dodd, 1981)
Mastitis prevalence = Duration of infection x Incidence rate of new Infections (Dodd, 1981)
Kesehatan Ambing
• Bebas dari Sc. agalactiae dan Sc. canis
• Tidak ada kasus klinis dari Mycoplasma spp.
• S. aureus pada tingkat prevalensi yang rendah (< 5 % dari hewan yang terinfeksi)
• Mastitis sapi dara pada tingkat rendah (< 20 %)
• Kasus klinis dengan bakteri lingkungan < 20% (tiap tahun)
Kesehatan Ambing
Solusi Masalah Ambing
Udder health as a strategic problem

• Identifikasi masalah • Identification of problems (risk oriented)

(orientasi risiko) • Analysis of relevant risk factors
• Analisis faktor risiko yang • Management changes
relevan • Monitoring of changes
• Perubahan manajemen • Monitoring of key figures
• Pemantauan perubahan
• Pemantauan anak kandang
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Ucapan Terima Kasih

- Terima kasih banyak kepada Prof. Volker Krömker dari Universitas
Copenhagen Denmark yang telah mengizinkan untuk menyebarkan materi
terkait dengan kualitas susu dan mastitis pada kegiatan short course SSC
Denmark pada bahan tayang ini.

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