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Diterbitkan 15 Januari 2009 Pendidikan , Pengetahuan Umum 2 Komentar

MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KONSEPTUAL INTERAKTIF (INTERACTIVE CONCEPTUAL INSTRUCTION) Pembelajaran konseptual interaktif (ICI) merupakan landasan pembelajaran keterampilan berpikir. Model pembelajaran ini adalah salah satu alternative model pembelajaran perubahan konseptual yang berbasis konstruktivistik. ICI yang dikembangkan oleh Savinainen dan Scott (2002) sangat mendukung perkembangan keterampilan berpikir siswa dimulai dari tingkatan pemahaman konsep yang memerlukan suatu proses interaktif yang memberi peluang mengembangkan gagasan melalui proses dialog dan berpikir (Santyasa, dkk. 2004). Model ICI terdiri atas empat tahapan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan, yaitu 1). Conceptual focus, 2). Classroom interaction, 3). Research-based materials, dan 4). Use of texts. Dalam implementasinya, keempat komponen ini membentuk pembelajaran yang utuh. A.Conceptual Focus, yaitu pengembangan ide-ide baru yang berfokus pada pemahaman konseptual dengan sedikit atau bahkan tanpa formulasi matematik. Pada tahap ini, pembelajaran dimulai dengan pendemonstrasian fenomena-fenomena yang berkaitan dengan pokok bahasan yang akan dipelajari. B. Classroom Interaction merupakan tahapan model ICI yang kedua. Pada tahapan ini dilibatka interaksi-interaksi kelas. Siswa dibentuk menjadi kelompok-kelompok yang heterogen. Tahapan ini didasari premis bahwa pembuatan makna merupakan dialog antar komunitas kelas untuk megembangkan gagasan melalui proses berpikir. Dalam interaksi kelas, terjadi pembelajaran yang melibatkan teman sebaya. C. Research-Based Materials. Pertanyaan dan jawaban pada tahap Conceptual focus digunakan dalam pembuatan makana. Ulangan berbasis penelitia berfungsi mengembangkan pemahaman siswa. Ulangan berbasis penelitian juga merupakan alat diagnostic, yaitu asesmen yang dapat mengukur pemahaman siswa. Tahapan ini dapat berfungsi sebagai acuan dalam pembelajaran lebih lanjut. D. Use of texts. Penggunaan buku teks dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa secara lebih mendalam. Belajar dengan menggunakan buku teks dapat melibatkan siswa dalam metakognisi, proses-proses berpikir, keterampilan berpikir kritis dan kreatif, keterampilan berpikir inti, dan menghubungkan pengetahuan yang diperoleh melalui diskusi dengan pengetahuan yang didapat pada buku.

2003 Conference Proceedings Designing and Developing Interactive Instructional Concepts

By: Darla Runyon Track 2 - Innovation and Future Implementation in Instructional Technology Interest: General :: Lecture/Presentation :: Level: All

Online teaching has sparked new teaching strategies for faculty to incorporate whether in campus-based, web-augmented, or online courses. One of the most effective and significant of these new techniques is the integration of instructional concepts. This presentation will provide a detailed discussion of the process, tools and techniques used to design and develop interactive, web-based instructional concepts that illustrate critical course content. Examples of instructional concepts and how they are integrated into a course will be shown as well.

Online teaching has sparked new teaching strategies for faculty to incorporate whether in campus-based courses, web-augmented course sites or in an online delivery mode. One of the most effective and significant of these techniques is the integration of interactive, instructional concepts. This technique provides a way to engage online students in the learning process. When preparing to teach online, many instructors look at the campus-based model and try to design their online course based on this model. In order for online delivery to be a successful learning medium for the student, though, a major redesign must take place. The redesign process fosters the emergence of a teaching strategy, which facilitates students engaging themselves in their individual learning cycle. This strategy is the integration of instructional concepts into the learning cycle for a particular module of content. Instructional concepts are the application components of the critical content of a course or module. These instructional concepts may be: 1) concepts that have been historically difficult for students and/or 2) critical course concepts, which students must know to function in realworld situations. Once developed, these instructional concepts can become a part of an integrated learning experience where critical content is first presented to the student followed by the presentation of the instructional concept. Students are given the opportunity to work with the concept as many times as needed before completing a performance assessment, which may lead the student back into the learning cycle for supplemental relearning and reassessment. These instructional concepts can be incorporated in campus-based, a web-augmented or online course sites. The focus of this presentation will be on providing the necessary background information about the framework upon which such instructional concepts can be built. Participants will be provided with a detailed discussion of the process, tools and techniques used to design and develop an instructional concept. A wide range of examples of instructional concepts and how

they are integrated into a course will be shown as well and should provide the participants with a strong basis upon which to build similar projects. The core of this presentation will be an interactive discussion between the presenters and the session participants. Additionally, access to program web sites containing relevant materials and information will be made available to the participants.

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