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Lock Out Tag Out

Lock Out/Tag Out

• Lock Out :
Pemasangan gembok pada alat
pengisolasi energi, sesuai dengan
prosedur yang sudah ditetapkan, untuk
memastikan bahwa alat pengisolasi
energi dan peralatan yang sedang
dikendalikan tidak dapat dioperasikan
hingga alat pengunci itu dilepas.

• Tag Out :
Memasang suatu label pada suatu alat
pengisolasi energi untuk melarang orang
mengoperasikan atau mengalirkan
energi pada suatu peralatan
Wednesday, 2/9/2017 Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016
Lock Out Tag Out is used
when :
• Seorang pekerja harus melepas atau
melewati penutup atau perangkat
keselamatan yang terpasang
• Seorang pekerja harus menempatkan
bagian tubuhnya yang dapat terkena
bagian mesin yang bergerak
• Membetulkan mekanisme yang
tersangkut atau macet
• Mesin yang dapat menyala tiba-tiba
atau pelepasan energi yang bisa
menyebabkan cedera
• Membersihkan atau meminyaki
terutama bagian yang bergerak
• Perbaikan sirkuit listrik

Wednesday, 2/9/2017 Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016
• Elektrik
• Mekanik
• Kimiawi
• Suhu
• Udara bertekanan
• Gas

Wednesday, 2/9/2017 Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016
Bahaya Listrik
• 1-5 mA masih tidak berbahaya bagi orang
sehat, namun dapat menyebabkan sakit.
• >10 mA, otot2 akan berkontraksi (terasa
sengatan) mendatangkan gangguan pada
sistem pengatur syaraf penggerak; dalam
keadaan ini, orang sukar melepaskan sumber
• ±50 mA, yang melewati jantung sekitar 1
detik akan menyebabkan otot jantung
berkontraksi tidak teratur dan darah tidak
dapat dipompa secara benar.
• >1 A, jantung akan berhenti seketika dan
korban mati ditempat. Tetapi, jika setelah
kena setrum beberapa saat, arus sempat
dimatikan, dipompa jantungnya, nyawa
orang ini dapat tertolong

Wednesday, 2/9/2017 Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016
Bahaya Mekanik
Kinetik (benda bergerak) Potensial (yang tersimpan)
• Energi yang tersisa di
• Beban dan pegas
• Pistons under
• Hydraulic controls

Wednesday, 2/9/2017 Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016
Bahaya Kimia

Before working, release/vent/drain

chemicals safely
Wednesday, 2/9/2017 Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016
Suhu Panas Suhu
Heat Heat Heat Heat
Heat stress
cramps syncope exhaustion strok

Suhu Dingin
Superficial Severe (deep)
frostbite frostbite

Wednesday, 2/9/2017 Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016
Langkah pertama dalam
Pahami jenis alat dan sistem yang
• Dimana sumber energinya
• Dimana titik isolasinya
• Peralatan apa yang diperlukan untuk
•Bagaimana prosedur LOTO yang berlaku
Bekerja dengan peralatan yang tidak kita
ketahui  berbahaya!!

Wednesday, 2/9/2017 Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016
Peralatan yang dibutuhkan untuk

• Gembok dan Tanda LOTO

• Pengait (untuk tempat
menyangkutkan gembok dan
• Breaker clip – untuk LOTO
• Blank flanges (pancake) – untuk
fluid line
• Valve cover – untuk LOTO valve
• Plug bucket – untuk LOTO

Wednesday, 2/9/2017 Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016
Siapa yang bisa melakukan Penguncian dan
Penandaan (Lock Out Tag
• Pekerja yang terlatih dan
berwenang untuk bekerja
dan atau melakukan
maintenance pada peralatan
• Tiap pekerja yang bekerja
dengan suatu peralatan harus
menggembok dan memasang
tanda sendiri-sendiri

#Note : Hanya orang yang melakukan pekerjaanlah yang memegang

kunci dan berwenang untuk melepas gemboknya. Atau supervisor,
‘setelah mendapat ijin dari pekerja yang memasang gembok’
Wednesday, 2/9/2017 Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016
How to Lockout?

• Prepare for shutdown (Pahami potensi bahaya yang ada di

peralatan dan komunikasikan shutdown dengan pekerja
• Shut the machine down properly
• Isolate all energy sources (valves, breaker dll)
• Apply lock(s) and tag(s) to all isolation device
• Release or block residual energy (lepas kapasitor,
blok/release spring, hentikan/tunggu bagian peralatan putar
hingga berhenti, lepaskan sistem pressure, keluarkan fluida
yang tersisa, lepaskan gas yang tersisa, biarkan suhu alat
normal terlebih dahulu)
• Verify energy isolation (cek isolasi, coba nyalakan
peralatan seperti biasa dan matikan lagi peralatannya)

Wednesday, 2/9/2017 Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016
How to Release LOTO?
• Inspeksi kondisi alat dan area sekitarnya
• Pastikan semua pengaman peralatan sudah terpasang
• Pindahkan alat-alat dari peralatan
• Informasikan pekerja yang lain bahwa pekerjaan kita
sudah selesai
• Kembalikan sistem koneksinya seperti semula
• Lepas gembok dan tagging yang terpasang
• Kembalikan peralatan seperti semula (pasang plug ke
stop kontak, pasang kembali kapasitor)
• Nyalakan peralatan seperti semula

Wednesday, 2/9/2017 Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016
Tips for Safety
8 Steps to
Ensure Proper
Lockout /
1. Notify Employees of Needed
All employees are notified of
a machine or system under

They must understand that it

may not be operated or
turned on until it has been
serviced and fully restored.
2. Servicing Employee Identifies
Energy Type

Authorized service
person identifies possible
energy hazard type.

A containment plan is then

developed for that particular
type and possible
magnitude of energy
3. Disable the
Equipment If the equipment is still
running, the service person
must determine the best
possible way to bring it to a
safe and orderly stop.
4. Deactivate and
When the equipment has been
shut-off in LOTO, it must be
isolated and separated from
its energy source, to avoid
accidental restarting before
servicing is finalized.
5. Lockout the Equipment with
The equipment should then
be placed on LOTO using
the proper tags and locks
indicating that the equipment
is not functional and should
not be put into use.
6. Dissipate Stored Residual
Any stored residual energy
must be relieved or dissipated
to ensure that any sort of built
up energy within the equipment
is restrained.
6. Dissipate Energy...
The unintended release of
stored energy could
severely injure employees
and needs to be treated as
a serious step within the
LOTO procedure.
6. Dissipate Energy...
Stored energy may include
energy in springs, capacitors,
hydraulic systems, flywheels
and even be in the form of air,
gas, water pressure, or steam.
6. Dissipate Energy...
Common methods used to
release stored energy
include blocking,
repositioning, bleeding
down, and grounding among
other appropriate methods.
7. Verify Disconnection from
The equipment must be
verified for full

Before verifying
disconnection, the area
should be clear of employees
and the equipment must be
in isolation.
7. Verify Disconnection...
The authorized employee
should verify that the LOTO
equipment has indeed
been disconnected, by
attempting to turn on the
7. Verify Disconnection...
If the equipment does not
power on, it is properly
prepared for service.

Return equipment back to “off”

position after verifying that there
is no power.
8. Lockout
Once all the above steps have
been taken, the equipment in
need of repair is deemed on
full LOTO and is ready to be

Remember to employ good

PPE practices.
Wednesday, 2/9/2017 Created by Lany Aprili from HSE Department of PT. Sertco Quality, 2016

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