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Devanto S. Pratomo, Ph.

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis &
Tim Peningkatan Publikasi International
Karya Ilmiah Dosen (PPIKID)
Universitas Brawijaya
• Name : Devanto S. Pratomo
• nick name : de-de atau Dev
• Occupation : Academic Staff FEB-UB
• Date of Birth : Malang, 3/10/1976
• Specialization : Labour Economics, Applied Econometrics
• email :
• Awards : SEAMEO Jasper Research Award 2013
Dosen Berprestasi II UB 2010
Best Paper Award JIEB UGM 2010
• Background Study : S1 (SE) FEB UB Economics Development,1998
S2 (MSi) UGM, Yogyakarta, 2001
S2 (MA) Georgia State, US, 2003
S3 (Ph.D) Lancaster University, UK, 2009
Key Publications
1 The Effects of Changes in Minimum Wage on Employment in Indonesia:
Regional Panel Data Analysis
International Research Journal of Finance and Economics (62: 2011), SCOPUS
2. Minimum Wage Effects throughout the Wage Distribution: Evidence from
European Journal of Economics, Finance & Economics (44: 2012), SCOPUS
3. Do Migrants Get Stuck in the Informal Sector? Findings of a Household
Survey in Four Indonesian Cities
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies (with Chris Manning), Taylor & Francis
Publ, 49(2) 2013, ISI/SCOPUS
4. The Roles of Network of Migrants: The Case of Returned Migrants in East
Journal of Interdiciplinary Economics,SAGE Publ, 25(1/2) 2013, SCOPUS
5. Does Minimum Wage Affect Hours Worked of Paid Employment in
International Journal of Social Economics, Emerald Publ, 41(5) 2014, SCOPUS
Pentingnya Publikasi
Karya Ilmiah
(Jurnal Ilmiah)
Jurnal Ilmiah:

 Dipublikasikan secara periodik

 Menyebarluaskan penelitian baru, temuan
baru, metode baru
 Melalui peer review process
 Sebuah platform untuk mendistribusikan
pengetahuan (knowledge) (see: Noble Prize
Jurnal International (Dikti, 2014)
Jurnal internasional adalah jurnal yang memenuhi kriteria
sebagai berikut:
a. Karya ilmiah yang diterbitkan ditulis dengan memenuhi
kaidah ilmiah dan etika keilmuan
b. Memiliki ISSN
c. Ditulis dengan menggunakan bahasa resmi PBB (Arab, Inggris,
Perancis, Rusia, Spanyol dan Tiongkok)
d. Memiliki terbitan versi online
e. Dewan Redaksi (Editorial Board) adalah pakar di bidangnya
paling sedikit berasal dari 4 (empat) negara.
Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi:
Jurnal internasional bereputasi adalah jurnal yang
memenuhi kriteria jurnal internasional dengan
kriteria tambahan
(1) terindek pada Web of Science dan/atau Scopus
(2) mempunyai faktor dampak (impact factor) dari ISI
Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) atau Scimago
Journal Rank (SJR)

Tambahan: Tidak tergolong jurnal predator

Scopus – bibliographical database
containing abstracts and citations for
scientific journals maintained by Elsevier.
20,000 of 21,000 titles are peer reviewed

Scopus mengeluarkan Scimago Journal Rank

Impact Factor (by Thompson Reuter)
The impact factor is frequently used as a proxy for
the relative importance of a journal within its field,
with journals with higher impact factors deemed to
be more important than those with lower ones.
The impact factor was devised by Eugene Garfield,
the founder of the Institute for Scientific Information.
Impact factors are calculated yearly starting from
1975 for those journals that are indexed in the 
Journal Citation Reports.
The impact factor is calculated by dividing the number of
current citations to articles published in the two
previous years by the total number of articles published
in the two previous years.

Semakin tinggi impact factornya, maka semakin penting

jurnal tersebut bagi ilmu pengetahuan.
Setiap tahun dunia mempublikasikan
lebih dari 2.5 juta artikel ilmiah (Scopus)

Sumber: Scopus dalam Yusuf (2013)

Tahun 2014, Indonesia mempublikasikan 5,665
artikel, Malaysia 25,883 (400% lebih banyak)
Terindikasikan, publikasi Indonesia
bukan murni “made-in-Indonesia”

Sumber: Scopus dalam Yusuf (2013)

Ada keterkaitan kuat antara produktivitas publikasi dengan kondisi ekonomi suatu negara .
Publikasi pada Jurnal Internasional bereputasi merupakan salah satu tolok ukur daya saing
bangsa .
Mengapa perlu publikasikan
karya kita?
Academic/Researcher Career (Pangkat dan Jabatan)
Establish a name and Reputation (also good for University):
Iklan Diri (dari topik penelitian dan sitasi)
Mengundang collaboration dengan peneliti lain
“Semoga bukan hanya untuk syarat Wisuda/syarat lulus S3”
Pertama dan Terakhir
Anatomi Jurnal Internasional
Filosofi dalam menulis Jurnal:
tulisan harus ringkas, padat, tetapi tetap harus
lengkap dan jelas.

Artinya (1) pembaca mengerti apa yang ditulis tanpa

harus bertanya kepada penulisnya,
dan (2) jika pembaca ingin menguji/melakukan
penelitian yang sama, dengan membaca artikel
tersebut pembaca telah dapat melakukannya (sitasi).

Berbeda dengan menulis tesis/disertasi: detail,

panjang lebar dan selengkap-lengkapnya
Focusing on a Topic
Asking questions while planning the research
- Is the topic of enough interest?
- Will the results be of interest to others? Terkadang kita
merasa topik tersebut menarik tetapi bagi orang lain
belum tentu menarik
- Is the topic likely to be publishable?
- Does the study (1) develop new ideas in the scholarly
literature, (2) fill a gap, (3) extend, (4) replicate ?
Hampir semua jurnal memiliki struktur sama

Title (Cover Page)

Abstract (and Keywords)
Literature Review (tidak harus)
Data and Methodology
Results and Discussion
Judul : menarik, berbeda dengan judul yang sudah banyak kalau perlu
agak bombastis/lebay.

 Korenman, Sanders, and David Neumark. "Does marriage really make men more
productive?." Journal of Human Resources (1991): 282-307.

 Chen, Jonathan. "Indonesia's presidential dilemma: can Jokowi avoid the accountability
trap?." (2014).

 Filmer, Deon, and David L. Lindauer. "Does Indonesia Have a'Low Pay'Civil Service?."
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 37.2 (2001): 189-205.
‘versi’ pendek dari artikel; hendaknya berisi semua
informasi yang diperlukan pembaca untuk mengetahui:
(1) Tujuan penelitian;
(2) Cara melakukan penelitian (methodology)/data
(3) Hasil yang diperoleh
 Hasil kuantitatif perlu disampaikan (kalau ada) tetapi hanya hasil
kunci saja, tidak perlu detail
tanpa paragraf
tanpa referensi
Ditulis terakhir
Usually 150-400 words (according to journal)
 This paper examines the inequality in education in Indonesia
measured by Gini coefficients across different urban-rural, provinces,
districts and gender . The main data used in this study is the 2010
Population Census, comparing with the two previous censuses in 1990
and 2000. Using 2SLS regression, this paper also checks whether
inequality in education across 494 districts in Indonesia are related in
any systematic ways to some indicator of economic development,
such as per capita income and poverty level. The analysis finds that
education inequality in Indonesia has been declining during three
decades. The gender gaps on inequality have become diminished.
Finally, the educational inequality is negatively related with per capita
GDP and positively related with poverty at district levels.
 This study examines the role of social networks in the overseas
migration decisions of workers from East Java, Indonesia. The data for
this study are obtained from a survey of 363 respondents in Sumberejo
village, located in Malang district in East Java. This district is well
known as one of the main contributors of Indonesian labour migrants
to overseas. Using a multinomial logit specification across different
labour market outcomes, this study finds that labour recruiters or
middlemen play the most important role in labour migrants’ decisions
to work overseas, although middlemen are in fact are not allowed by
regulation. The number of friends and relatives respondents feel close
to is also a significant factor, but not as high as middlemen. Relatives
have a positive and significant effect for the respondents who worked
in the formal sector, while friends have a significantly positive effect
for the respondents who worked in the informal sector.
 A green house experiment was conducted to study the effect of water management on
the growth and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plant. The treatments
included the amount of irrigated water and the growth phase at which the watering was
done. The ammount water addition was calculated based on the percentage of crop
factor (kc) to evapotranspiration, and the combination treatments were: (1) the amount
of water addition the same with the evapotranspiration throughout the growth of
tomato crop, 100% kc; (2) 100% kc at vegetative growth and 70% kc at generative
growth; (3) 70% kc at vegetative and 100% kc at generative growth; (4) 70% kc at
vegetative and 70% kc at generative growth: (5)) 100% kc at vegetative and 40% kc at
generative growth; (6) 40% kc at vegetative growth and 100% kc at generative growth;
and (7) 40% kc at vegetative and 40% kc at generative growth. The experimental results
showed that addition of water at the combination level of 70% kc at vegetative and
100% kc t generative growth reduced the number of fruit yield, the number of healthy
fruits and the number of marketable fruits. The addition of water at a combination level
of 40% kc at vegetative growth and 40% kc at generative growth decreased plant
height, leaf number and total fruit yield. The addition of water at a combination level of
eiither 100% kc at vegetative growth and 70% kc generative growth or 40% kc at
vegetative growth and at 100% kc generative growth was enough to produce a high yield
(1307 g/plant and 1320 g/plant) which were not significantly different with that of the
plants had no suffer from water shortage (100 % kc)..

 Key words: Water stress, irrigation, crop factor, evapotranspiration

 create reader interest (background information);
mengantarkan pembaca untuk masuk ke fokus
penelitian; kalau pembaca sudah tertarik pada
bagian depan akan memutuskan untuk melanjutkan
membaca bagian belakangnya (penulis pun

 focus on an issue, a problem or a question relevant

to the study (tidak lari kemana-mana); tips: general
to specific akhirnya mengarah ke objective of this
study (Tujuan penelitian)
Yang ada di Introduction(1):
Selain latar belakang:
review beberapa previous research (dan teori)
penting; (dari sini research GAP itu muncul)
discuss deficiencies in previous research on the topic;
Berani untuk menjelaskan kelemahan previous study
how it differ from previous study
propose a new/different way of investigating the same
topic/aspect of the topic: It’s your contribution
Example: This article’s contribution is its examination
of intergenerational socioeconomic mobility: it
compares the earnings of migrants with those of their
parents, and the earnings and occupations of the
children of migrants with those of their parents.
Example: This study contributes to the literature by
employing the sample selection corrections based on
a multinomial logit for a potential selection bias from
a non-random sample This study also extends the
hours worked specification by analyzing the effects of
minimum wage on hours worked separately across
individuals in different groups of workers, in terms of
gender (male-female workers) and their residences
(urban-rural areas).
Yang ada di Introduction (2)
Sebutkan tujuan penelitian dengan jelas di bagian ini.

This study focuses on two main objectives. The first

objective is to measure the educational inequality in
Indonesia across educational levels in Indonesia based on
2010 Population Census. The second objective is to see
the relationship between educational gini and labour
market performance as measured by the unemployment
rate and average wage across districts in Indonesia.
Yang ada di Introduction (3)
 Explain flow of the rest/outline di bagian paling akhir

Example: The rest of this paper is organized as follows.

Section 2 reviews the previous minimum wage studies
using panel data sets. Section 3 discusses the
methodology used in this study. Section 4 explains the
main data sources for this research. Section 5 analyses the
main findings. Finally, section 6 provides conclusions.
Kelemahan Penulis: Introduction
Tidak secara eksplisit menjelaskan
kontribusinya/research gap nya: biasanya karena
kurang membaca
Penulisan tidak “general to specific”, sehingga jadi lari
Research Method/Data & Method
Esensi: harus jelas sehingga jika orang lain akan melakukan penelitian
serupa bisa melakukannya tanpa harus bertanya pd penulis

Biasanya disajikan secara naratif (running style, kurangi pointers)

Descriptive Statistics mutlak diperlukan (kalau pendekatannya kuantitatif)

Statistical analysis: Clear what the analytical to be

Kalau metode itu sudah seringkali dipakai, dan

sangat-sangat umum maka seringkali cukup hanya
memberikan reference. Namun apabila metode itu
tidak terlalu umum harus dijelaskan

Semua simbol/notasi matematis harus dapat

Results and Discussion/Findings
refer to previous work/comparison with other studies/theory
mengapa berbeda atau sama dengan peneliti sebelumnya 

This is consistent with Hill and Thee (2012) discussion that

many migrants with senior secondary education continue
their post-secondary education in the cities as the
universities are concentrated in urban areas.
Unlike previous studies, the result shows that there is no
significant impact of the minimum wage on total paid
employment because of the non-compliance problem in
Kelemahan Penulis: Findings
Asyik bercerita tentang hasil temuannya tapi lupa
untuk mengkaitkan dengan penelitian
sebelumnya/teori. Karena dari situ sekali lagi
menjelaskan posisi penelitian kita. Sehingga tidak
terlihat referensi sama sekali disitu.
Four basic steps to take in writing an ideal conclusion
(the ‘4S’ model)- running style
1: Summarise your research
2: Spell out your contribution (& also implication)
3: State the limitations of your study
4: Suggest potential areas of further research
This article has focused on the determinants of
occupational change and associated earnings among
different cohorts of migrants moving from rural areas
to cities in Indonesia.
Our findings for Indonesia confirm that rural–urban
migration is an important source of occupational
mobility. In answering the question posed in the title
of this article, our analysis suggests that migrants do
not get stuck in the informal sector.
Our limitation is there is a problem of selection bias –
as with most studies of migration – since data were
collected from only those migrants who remained in
the city, and not from those who returned to their
This subject,too, should be the focus of further
Kelemahan Penulis: Conclusions
Terlalu singkat atau terlalu rinci
Memasukkan saran/implikasi kebijakan tetapi tidak
terkait dengan hasil/temuan
Terlalu banyak angka (kuantitatif)
References: Gunakan prinsip relevansi, keterbaruan, artikel di
Jurnal diutamakan, dapat dilacak secara online, ikuti pedoman
jurnal ybs dan reference yg ada di teks harus sama dgn di
daftar reference (Reference bukan Daftar Bacaan)

Tips: Ada Kecenderungan Jurnal Bereputasi akan melihat

apakah penulis memakai referensi dari publisher jurnal yang
bersangkutan. (Memperbesar Kemungkinan Diterima)
Kelemahan Penulis Indonesia:
a. References didalam teks tidak sama dengan di
daftar references. References di Jurnal berbeda
dengan Daftar Bacaan.
b. Kurang relevan/keterbaruan/tidak mengikuti
c. Tidak dapat dilacak
d. Menggunakan references yang tidak seharusnya
(diktat kuliah, pustaka dalam artikel penulis
lain, wikipedia)
Penggunaan Bahasa Inggris
Menulis Jurnal/Publikasi Ilmiah dalam Bahasa Inggris
adalah sebuah SKILL, yang harus/dapat dilatih
A good paper does not come out perfect first time for
anyone, so do not feel bad, and do not skimp on
 Syarat utama: Sediakan waktu yang cukup (terkadang
harus sediakan waktu ekstra) dan juga kemuan yang
keras untuk berlatih

Ingat: The quality of the writing reflects the quality of the research
Karena keterbatasan kemampuan bahasa/waktu,
banyak yang menggunakan translator/mesin
Karena penulisan jurnal ilmiah international hanya
sebagai tujuan jangka pendek: kelulusan, insentif dsb.
Kelemahan: Tidak semua translator adalah baik,
Bahasa Indonesia “tidak mudah” untuk
diterjemahkan. Need to check and recheck.
More important: PROOFREADER!!!  check your paper to
catch and correct these and other common errors:
Kesalahan Umum
Penggunaan Google Translate
classification of the RPR (-) and RPs (+), indicating
pertumbuhhan buffalo are not prominent in the
reference area (district) but the potential developed in
the study area (district)

There is a decrease in buffalo population in the five years

since the population dropped 1,297 observations tail

The data is collected in unlucky regency

 [ (Table 2-5)

Kesalahan Umum
Text sudah diubah dalam bahasa inggris, tetapi tabel
tidak dirubah
Koma dirubah menjadi titik, dan sebaliknya
Table 1.The Change of Domestic Output Volume

The change of domestic output volume

Baseline (%)
No Sectors (Trillion
Sim 1 Sim 2 Sim 3 Sim 4 
1 Food Crops 446 -6,73 -5,83 1,57 -6,73
2 Sugarcane Plantation 26 0 11,54 7,69 0
3 Other Agricultural Crops 713 -4,42 -1,19 7,46 -4,42
4 Sugar Industry 53 0 3,77 1,89 0
5 Food and Beverage Industry 669 1,20 3,44 3,44 1,20
Fertilizer and Pesticide
Industry 46 0 2,17 2,17 0
7 Other Industries 4.517 0,30 1,7 5,24 0,30
8 Services 16.771 -10,07 3,87 17,39 -10,12
Kesalahan Umum
Kata sambung tidak di awal kalimat. But, And
Hindari Penggunaan kata Author, Writer, Researcher,
I, We
• Plagiat merupakan perbuatan secara sengaja atau
tidak sengaja dalam memperoleh atau mencoba
memperoleh kredit atau nilai untuk suatu karya
ilmiah, dengan mengutip sebagian atau seluruh karya
dan/atau karya ilmiah orang lain, tanpa menyatakan
sumber secara tepat dan memadai (Permendiknas No
17 tahun 2010, Pasal 1 Ayat 1).
Plagiat terjadi apabila seseorang :

(1) salah pengertian mengenai tatacara penulisan

rujukan, misalnya: “yang penting sudah tertulis di
daftar pustaka” atau “yang penting sudah diberi
referensi”. Itu tidak selalu cukup!
(2) Biasanya terlalu bergantung atas suatu sumber
(3) kemampuan menggunakan bahasa yang lemah, dan
(4) kecerobohan dalam melakukan pencatatan.
Secara umum, seseorang
melakukan plagiat karena:
• Tidak tahu bahwa plagiarisme adalah tindak kejahatan
akademik (Don’t know).
• Tahu bahwa plagiarisme adalah tindak ilegal, tapi tidak
tahu bagaimana cara menghindarinya (Don’t know how).
• Tahu bahwa plagiarisme adalah tindak ilegal, tapi tidak
peduli (nikmat, cara gratis mendapat nilai dan menjadi
sarjana) (Don’t care)
• Managemen waktu yang buruk.
• Merasa yakin bahwa orang lain tak akan mendeteksi apa
yang dilakukan.
• Kita akan terhindar dari plagiarisme jika
menyatakan secara jelas dan secara benar setiap
saat kita menggunakan:
– Ide, pendapat dan teori orang lain.
– Mengutip (memberi tanda “....”) pada tulisan atau
perkataan orang lain (kalimat langsung) dengan tetap
menyebutkan sumber.
– Melakukan paraphrase (menuliskan/mengucapkan ide
orang lain dengan kalimat kita sendiri) dan tetap
menyebutkan sumber.
• Paraphrase: menulis ulang intisari dari sumber lain. Tidak
perlu diberi tanda kutip, tapi wajib dibutkan sumbernya

• Teknik melakukan paraphrase menurut Knowles (2007):

1. Baca dan baca lagi bacaan asli hingga anda mengerti.
2. Ganti sebanyak mungkin kata dari bacaan asli dengan
sinonim yang cocok.
3. Ganti bentuk tata bahasa (misal: kalimat pasif menjadi
kalimat aktif).
4. Hindari menggunakan kata-kata yang sama dengan kata-kata
pada bacaan asli, kecuali kata-kata yang tidak ada sinonim-
nya (misal: unsur kimia, nama tempat, nama orang, penyakit,
Self-Plagiarism (Autoplagiarism)
Plagiat yang dilakukan dari tulisan kita sendiri.
Kita seringkali ‘tergoda’ untuk tidak menuliskan
referensi karena berasal dari tulisan kita sendiri

Republishing the same paper published elsewhere

without notifying the reader nor publisher
(conference paper dengan ISSN dan Jurnal)

Potential S-P: Publishing a significant study as
smaller studies to increase the number of publications
misalnya dari 1 disertasi dibagi menjadi 2 atau 3
Pilihan Publikasi Journal
Speed of publication (Kecepatan) vs Kualitas:

Issue predator vs Scopus Indexed

quickly, some fees, not hard vs hard, more time but free
of charge

Tantangan: Balancing need to publish “quickly” vs.

selecting a good journal to publish in
Predator Journal (Questionable Journal):
International Journal by Inul Daratista & Agnes
Important on decide a journal
Top-tier journals usually reject more than 50 percent of
the papers submitted to them some have rejection rates
as high as 70%

Third (low) tier journal rarely reject a paper unless the

entire study is flawed or the data are improperly

Experience gained from previous publishing helps very

Some Tips (1)
Syarat utama: Sediakan waktu yang cukup
(terkadang harus sediakan waktu ekstra) dan
juga kemuan yang keras untuk berlatih:
Writing is Skill
Some Tips (2)
 Start with a conference paper
 Examine and study carefully a sample of journal papers, this
will give you some insights into the expectations and standards
for a refereed journal paper
 Decide on a journal paper which is relevant to your area of
 Draft an outline of your paper and discuss with co-
 Produce the first draft
 Pass paper to your colleagues for comments
 Submit paper – Remember: “Editor is the King”
 Etika Penulisan: Tidak mengirimkan manuscript ke lebih
dari satu jurnal
Review Results
 Accept: "Which almost nobody gets,“ ;-)
 Accept with revision: "Just make some minor
 Revise and resubmit (major revision):
"They're still interested in you!"
 Reject and resubmit: Though not as good as
revise and resubmit, "they still want the paper!"
 Reject

Don't put off the revisions

 If you are invited to revise, "Do it, do it fast and
don't delay".
Example: JDS
 19-Mar-2010

Dear Dr. Pratomo,

I refer to your paper entitled  "The Effects of Changes in Minimum Wage on
Employment in Indonesia: Regional Panel Data Analysis" which you
submitted to the Journal of Development Studies, and regret to inform you
that we are unable to publish the paper in its present form.
The reports of three referees are provided below; although they see merit in
what you are doing all recommend major revisions. The reports are quite
detailed but a number of specific concerns arise more than once. Some of the
concerns are sufficiently serious to merit rejection.  However, as the issue
is of interest and the literature (in general journals) is limited, we will
give you an opportunity to resubmit if you can substantially revise the
paper to address the concerns.
The revisions required are substantial and involve a complete rewrite (you
should get it proofed by an English-language reader before
resubmitting), whilst addressing the data and econometric concerns may
result in a substantially different paper
Where to Publish
 Good to seek advice from authors who have published

 Know the prestige and policy of the journal

 Ensure manuscript to match with journal requirements

 As a strategy try avoid journals that have a very high

rejection rate
 Tips Bahasa: Adakah penulis dari negara yang
English=second language
Example of Good Journals
 Elsevier
 Springer
 Wiley
 Taylor and Francis (*)
 Sage (*)
 Emerald (*)
 Inderscience (*)
 World Scientific
IJSEC 41(5) 2014
 The research paper on ‘Does Minimum Wage Affect Hours Worked of Paid Employment
in Indonesia’ is well written by the author(s). Notwithstanding the merit of the paper, the
scope and relevance of the paper can be further enriched, if the following aspects are
1. The economic literature on minimum wages is longstanding and vast. The paper should
elaborate more rigorously an in-depth review of the field, which continues to be
characterized by (dis)agreement on how a minimum wage affects employment. There is
no clear and no quantitatively relevant relationship between minimum wage development
and employment. As always in a debate between different theoretical approaches, the
empirical results are mixed depending on the theory used as a basis for the research. The
author is advised to provide a section on review of exiting studies in tabular form for the
comparison and develop a conceptual framework.The paper should provide a section
on review of exiting studies in tabular form for the comparison and develop a
conceptual framework.
2. The paper is well written. However, it requires more elaboration of findings and
3. The paper should include a section of policy implications for the research.
Terima Kasih

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