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Artificial Intelligence:
The king of
Put AI in perspective as a societal disruptor

• Beberapa tahun yang lalu, kita mencapai titik di mana data yang tersedia melebihi
kapasitas manusia untuk memproses dan memahaminya. Pemikiran itu dari sudut
pandang sejarah. Pada tahun 1400-an, mesin cetak menurunkan biaya penyebaran
informasi seribu kali lipat. Banjir informasi ini menandai gangguan (disrupsi)
sosial yang besar.
• Kondisi ini mendorong dengan cepat pada abad ke-20 ketika internet
diperkenalkan. Berbagi informasi meningkat dari standar cetak mencetak, dan
dunia kembali terdisrupsi.
• AI mewakili batas berikutnya dalam disrupsi teknologi dan kemasyarakatan.
Meskipun saat ini ada banyak hype seputar AI, penting untuk mempertimbangkan
banyak cara AI dapat mengubah perusahaan Anda sehingga Anda menunggangi
gelombang disrpusi alih-alih tenggelam di dalamnya.
Why AI now? 
Decades ago, we fantasized about making AI part of everyday life, but we
couldn’t afford the technology underpinning it.  
• AI telah ada selama beberapa dekade. Sains bukanlah hal baru. Jadi mengapa semua kehebohan terjadi
saat ini? Jawabannya adalah konvergensi.
• Daya Komputasi sudah habis, sementara biaya komputasi menurun. Pada awal 1960-an, misalnya,
biaya gigaflop sekitar $ 153 miliar setara nilai uang saat ini. Tapi sekarang, gigaflop daya komputasi
harganya sekitar 3 sen. Plus, peningkatan popularitas GPU memberikan kecepatan komputasi yang
terjangkau dan hemat energi jauh tinggi.
• Tambahkan ke penyimpanan data yang terjangkau itu. Menyimpan data gigabyte dalam biaya tahun
1960 lebih dari $ 1 miliar menurut standar saat ini. Sekarang biaya penyimpanan gigabyte sekitar 2
sen. Sebuah kabar baik karena munculnya Internet of Things dan streaming data berarti kita dengan
cepat menuju ke tanah zettabyte. Jumlah data yang sangat banyak itu dapat mengarah pada
pembangunan jaringan saraf dalam untuk melatih dan melatih kembali algoritme, penting untuk AI
yang data-lapar.
• Berpuluh tahun yang lalu, kami berkhayal tentang menjadikan AI bagian dari kehidupan sehari-hari,
tetapi kami tidak dapat menggunakan teknologi yang mendukungnya. Sekarang kita bisa. Biarkan
disrupsi dimulai.
Terapkan AI ke perusahaan Anda
• Jika Anda bagian dari organisasi TI, Anda sudah berada dalam posisi
yang bagus untuk membantu perusahaan Anda berkembang dalam
menghadapi disrupsi - terutama jika Anda sudah memiliki pemodelan
prediksi, perkiraan, dan keterampilan pengoptimalan.
• Sensibilitas Anda adalah hal penting dalam berbagai diskusi yang
dapat menyusun ulang seluruh langkah perusahaan Anda jika Anda
bersedia membuka pintu ke “art of the possible” atau "seni
kemungkinan" yang diwakili AI.
Jadi bagaimana Anda menempatkan AI ke dalam tindakan
untuk mewujudkan apa yang mungkin terjadi?
Yang diperlukan adalah:
1. Pahami bisnis secara mendalam sehingga Anda dapat mengartikulasikan peluang
dalam istilah yang digunakan oleh perusahaan Anda. Kemampuan menghubungkan
nilai AI dalam konteks sudah lebih dari setengah pertempuran. Setengah lainnya
adalah memahami masalah teknis untuk mengoperasionalkan hasil, tetapi
mengotomatisasi operasi, memantau hasil, dan melindungi pelanggan dan perusahaan
juga harus dikelola.
2. Memahami kemajuan teknologi dan bagaimana mereka dapat meningkatkan bisnis
Anda. Berpartisipasi dalam diskusi tentang teknologi yang muncul di berbagai
industri, dan cari tahu apa yang dapat Anda ambil dan terapkan ke organisasi Anda
sendiri. Sama seperti teknologi konvergen yang mempercepat AI, hal yang sama
dapat dikatakan tentang keragaman inovasi yang berasal dari bisnis lain yang dapat
memungkinkan gangguan di Anda sendiri.
Jadi bagaimana Anda menempatkan AI ke dalam tindakan
untuk mewujudkan apa yang mungkin terjadi? (lanjutan)
Yang diperlukan adalah:
3. Periksa portofolio perangkat lunak Anda. Perangkat lunak Analytics telah ada selama empat
dekade. Anda mungkin sudah memiliki beberapa yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam perjalanan
AI Anda, memungkinkan Anda bereksperimen tanpa investasi dolar baru. Penting untuk
memahami bahwa analitik prediktif klasik bertindak sebagai solusi utama bagi banyak
4. Buat hubungan antara apa yang Anda pelajari dan bagaimana itu berlaku untuk perusahaan
Anda sehingga Anda mengajukan pertanyaan yang tepat. Pikirkan tentang gambaran yang
lebih besar tentang bagaimana kemajuan teknologi dapat diterapkan dengan cara-cara baru.
Dengan desain, rekan IT adalah tukang pipa yang dipanggil ketika wastafel tersumbat.
Kabar baiknya adalah Anda tahu bagaimana semua pipa cocok. Dengan pendekatan yang
ditargetkan untuk membangun kemampuan teknologi AI dan menghubungkannya dengan
tantangan bisnis yang ada, Anda dapat menambahkan "arsitek" dan "pembangun" sebagai
lencana karier baru.
Convergence 3.0
• Asal mula: Toko buku daring (online), didirikan tahun 1994. Convergence 3.0: Menjadi perusahaan e-
Commerce terbesar di dunia yang menawarkan hiburan yang digabungkan dengan media (video, text
dan audio), dalam bentuk cetak dan digital; Menawarkan layanan pengiriman (logistika) tersebut yang
superior yang dibantu dengan teknologi (AI); Mulai menawarkan layanan internet (Amazon Web
Service) di 2006; Membeli surat kabar harian The Washington Post di 2013; Membeli jaringan toko
swalayan Whole Foods di 2017; Membuka divisi baru untuk memproduksi film-film garapan sendiri
(Amazon Studios).
• Valuasi awal (1997): US$ 8 Jt (jumlah Series A sebelum IPO, Juni 1996). Valuasi kini (2018): US$ 1 T
— Menjadi perusahaan dengan valuasi 1 triliun dolar AS kedua di dunia setelah Apple Inc., September
2018), atau peningkatan sebesar 134.000 (seratus tiga puluh empat ribu) persen sejak IPO pertama di
Mei 1997.
• Kesimpulan: Kini, Amazon adalah raksasa supercompetitor yang akan terus melahap industri-industri
lainnya (konvergensi horizontal dan vertikal) dan mengkonvergensi semua layanan-layanannya untuk
terus menjadi pemimpin pasar
Convergence 3.0
• Asal mula: Layanan ojek offline (order by phone), dimulai tahun 2010.Convergence 3.0: Konvergensi
antara layanan ojek tradisional, jasa kurir, rumah pijat, salon, layanan antar makanan, biro penyewaan
mobil, bank (jasa pembayaran), studio film (Go-Studio); video streaming; dan inkubator (Go-Academy).
Memiliki divisi kreatif in-house untuk memproduksi konten mereka, yang didistribusikan secara reguler
melalui platform-nya sendiri atau outlet lain.
• Valuasi awal (1997): US$ 8 Jt (jumlah Series A sebelum IPO, Juni 1996). Valuasi kini (2018): US$ 1 T
— Menjadi perusahaan dengan valuasi 1 triliun dolar AS kedua di dunia setelah Apple Inc., September
2018), atau peningkatan sebesar 134.000 (seratus tiga puluh empat ribu) persen sejak IPO pertama di
Mei 1997. Kesimpulan: Kini, Amazon adalah raksasa supercompetitor yang akan terus melahap industri-
industri lainnya (konvergensi horizontal dan vertikal) dan mengkonvergensi semua layanan-layanannya
untuk terus menjadi pemimpin pasar. Valuasi awal (2010): Rp 5 M. Valuasi kini (2018): Rp 69,4 T.
• Kesimpulan: Go-Jek kini sudah termasuk kategori supercompetitor yang telah melakukan berbagai
konvergensi baik secara horizontal maupun vertikal. Kini, ia tak bisa lagi murni disebut sebagai startup
teknologi, dikarenakan telah merambah di sektor media dan perbankan. Bahkan, menurut sebuah survei
PwC Indonesia yang dirilis pada 12 Juli 2018, 72 persen banker di Indonesia melihat Go-Jek sebagai
kompetitor dan ancaman terbaru bagi sektor mereka.
AI powers the next phases of digital transformation

Prediksi Inisiasi
“Unlike most of the predictions and • Bui even has a word for this trend: “smartization,” and predicts that it
discussions about how autonomous will be powered increasingly by AI. Bui, who also chairs the 
vehicles and robots will eventually Hawaii International Conference in System Sciences, points to
affect the job market – this is true everything from airline and hotel booking systems to web applications,
healthcare systems, and more as examples of areas where digital
but will take time due to transformation initiatives to this point have effectively been a dry run
institutional, political, and social for the AI-fueled transformations to come in 2019 and beyond.
reasons – I contend that the biggest
trend in AI will be an acceleration in • “I predict we’ll witness a silent revolution similar to an undersea tidal
wave,” Bui says. “The impact will be a shift of competitiveness among
the digital transformation, making those who effectively adopt AI into their business systems.”
existing business systems smarter,”
says Dr. Tung Bui, professor and • At least one survey suggests some organizations are in need of a
chair of the department of wakeup call here. RELX Group similarly predicts that AI and machine
learning adoption will be crucial for both public and private
information technology at the 
organizations to remain competitive as the age of digital
Shidler College of Business, transformation evolves. Yet in a recent poll, the firm found that only 18
University of Hawaii. percent of executives have tangible plans to increase their investments
in AI and machine learning technologies.
Meet the new talent gap: AI skills
• There’s another teensy little problem: AI skills (as well as related areas such as machine
learning) are in short supply today.
• "Most organizations want to embrace AI as part of their digital transformation but do not
have the developers, AI experts, and linguists to develop their own or to even train the
engines of pre-built solutions to deliver on the promise,” says Pat Calhoun, founder and
CEO at Espressive.
• Vendors like Calhoun’s firm, which makes a virtual support agent (sometimes called a
chatbot) for IT service desks, are betting on developing AI-powered tools that don’t require
copious amounts of technical expertise to deploy and manage.
• But the full potential scope of AI in the enterprise – Bui’s undersea tidal wave – will most
definitely require human talent to achieve, including in the early phases of implementation.
• “With so many ‘AI-powered’ solutions available to address a myriad of business concerns,
it’s time enterprises get smarter about what’s happening within the ‘black box’ of their AI
solutions,” says Rahul Kashyap, CEO of Awake Security. “The way in which AI algorithms
are trained, structured, or informed can lead to significant differences in output. The right
equation for one company won’t be the right equation for another.”
Invest in developing AI skills internally 
Forward-thinking IT leaders aren’t going to wait around for the AI talent
pipeline to fill up
• Jeff Reihl, EVP and CTO at LexisNexis Legal and Professional, says that
forward-thinking IT leaders aren’t going to wait around for the AI talent
pipeline to fill up; in 2019, they’re going to invest in developing the
necessary skills in their existing teams.
• Much like the data scientist hiring wars, the AI hiring landscape is a story of
scarcity – which means those who are on the market can command outsized
compensation packages. Good for them, but not always realistic for you. But
if you wait around for the labor market to adjust, you might be DOA.
• “Companies will get serious about training for advanced technologies – like
AI, ML, etc.,” Reihl says. “Smart companies will look to in-house experts and
partner with universities to teach the tech they value. Companies that train in
advanced technologies will have the edge in talent retention and recruitment.”
AI will change, not replace, existing teams
• One of the prevailing AI boogeymen is the notion that it will put us all out of jobs – bow down to your robot
overlords and all that. That’s not entirely baseless; as Bui notes above, AI and related technologies will
almost certainly have significant impacts on a wide range of jobs in the future. But right now, AI is more
likely to change or augment existing roles and teams than to replace them wholesale.
• “The biggest trend to watch in 2019 is the adoption of AI solutions that enable your existing team,” says
Noah Horton, CEO of Horton points to data engineering and management as an
example; it’s an increasingly unwieldy choice for a team with finite resources, and AI can help (we’ll get
back to that in a minute).
• Indeed, savvy IT leaders aren’t really looking to AI to replace people; they’re looking to AI help solve their
critical goals and challenges, especially when they don’t have enough people in the first place.
• “AI isn’t a silver bullet for closing the skills gap, but it is an important part of the solution to some of our
most complex and resource-intensive challenges,” says Kashyap of Awake Security. “I expect to see
organizations that embrace this balance between human and machine – either internally or as part of their
customer-facing products – achieve the most success with AI in the year ahead.”
• The RELX Group survey mentioned above supports this vision of AI as an enabler rather than a job-
eliminating monster in IT departments or elsewhere in the company.
• According to the poll’s findings, the three most popular uses for AI and machine learning are to increase
efficiencies or worker productivity (51 percent), to inform future business decisions (41 percent), and to
streamline processes (39 percent).
Security will increasingly depend on AI
• According to Tomer Weingarten, CEO of SentinelOne, too many organizations still use yesterday’s tools
and processes to combat the cybersecurity threats of today and tomorrow. That problem is compounded
by a well-known security skills shortage.
• As Kashyap suggests above, AI and machine learning will become an increasing part of the solution to
that problem.
• “AI will continue to reinvent how organizations run cybersecurity programs. Successful cybersecurity is
fundamentally about solving a big data problem at machine speed – the use of AI in this domain is wildly
effective,” Weingarten says. “As cyber-attackers continue to evolve their techniques and as the gap
between the supply of trained cybersecurity professionals and the demand for their skills continues to
widen, AI and automation are paramount to protecting enterprises in 2019.”
• While the detailed view may vary from person to person or organization to organization, it’s become a
widely held perspective: The future of cybersecurity will be automated – again, not eliminating humans,
but enabling them to keep up with an otherwise untenable magnitude of threats.
• “With the number of cybersecurity threats growing each day and increased digitization of assets and
processes that could be vulnerable to those threats, it is mathematically impossible for humans to monitor
for threats and sift through hundreds of thousands of vulnerabilities to determine which to prioritize,”
says Gaurav Banga, CEO and founder of Balbix. “Even the largest security team comprised of highly
skilled IT professionals can’t effectively accomplish this without the assistance of artificial intelligence.”
Open source AI communities will thrive
• Many of the cloud and cloud-native technologies in use today were born out of open source projects:
Consider Kubernetes Exhibit A in that argument. Expect the development of AI, machine learning, and
related technologies to follow a similar path.
• “AI is becoming dominated by open source software that brings together multiple collaborators and
• “Today, more leading-edge software development occurs inside open source communities than ever
before, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for proprietary projects to keep up with the rapid pace of
development that open source offers,” says Ibrahim Haddad, director of research at The Linux Foundation,
which includes the LF Deep Learning Foundation. “AI is no different and is becoming dominated by open
source software that brings together multiple collaborators and organizations.”
• In particular, Haddad expects more cutting-edge technology companies and early adopters to open source
their internal AI work to catalyze the next waves of development, not unlike how Google spun Kubernetes
out from an internal system to an open source project.
• “We foresee more companies open sourcing their internal AI stacks in order to build communities around
those projects,” Haddad says. “This will enable companies and communities to harmonize across a set of
critical projects that together will create a comprehensive open source stack in the AI, machine learning,
and deep learning space. Large companies that were the first to take their AI efforts open source are
already seeing early mover advantages, and we expect this to increase.”
AI will empower you to actually analyze more data
• Remember big data? It’s still big – and perpetually growing. That’s one reason why roles such as data scientists have
been so hard for CIOs to fill. It’s also been one of the lingering problems in big data and analytics: The information is
only as valuable as you make it.
• “Data is doubling every year, but budgets and team sizes aren’t.”
• “No company has been able to hire fast enough to keep pace with how fast their data is growing. Simply put: Data is
doubling every year, but budgets and team sizes aren’t,” says Horton of He expects companies to
increasingly lean on AI solutions to help manage and analyze their data going forward.
• “2019 will see more companies investing in AI engines that enable existing teams in a number of functions to easily
scale with more data," he says.
• Dean Teffer, principal scientist for machine learning at JASK, expects the mature learning field in particular to mature
and, as a result, play a more pivotal role in how companies work with their data.
• “The biggest trend I see in enterprise AI in 2019 is machine learning finally extending beyond the current “off the
shelf” use cases of image labeling and text translation and beginning to help companies exploit the vast amount of
data they’ve been collecting and storing for years,” Teffer says.
• Teffer clarifies that he’s not referring to “point” uses like one-off analyses or even search enablement. Instead, he sees
more organizations “engineering data pipelines that perform tedious data organization and modeling tasks that enable
business users to really engage with these emerging AI systems in a more collaborative way.”
• That will have a cascading effect that will increase the visibility of data management roles.
• “A key part of this trend in 2019 will be elevating the role of enterprise data management in the organization, as it’s
data – not algorithms – that are the repository of value,” Teffer says.
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