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Univeristas Andalas

Fakultas Teknologi Informasi

Sistem Informasi

Analisis Proses Bisnis

Ricky Akbar, M.Kom

Latar Belakang BPMS

Dikarenakan saat ini peran teknologi informasi sudah

semakin penting dalam sebuah organisasi, konsep BPM
banyak dikaitkan dengan penerapannya pada perangkat lunak
yang digunakan oleh organisasi tersebut.

Pada dasarnya konsep BPM tidak menyangkut pada

perangkat lunak saja, namun pada seluruh proses bisnis yang
dilakukan oleh perusahaan. Untuk menunjang pengerjaan
BPM pada perangkat lunak, terdapat sebuah teknologi yang
disebut sebagai Business Process Management System
Komponen-Komponen BPMS
Komponen-Komponen BPMS
1. Process Modeling. Berfungsi memodelkan proses bisnis dalam
bentuk visual. Ini memungkinkan pihak yang tidak mengerti
dalam hal implementasi, tapi terlibat penting dengan proses
tersebut dapat memodelkan proses bisnis untuk dijalankan pada
2. Process Execution. Berfungsi menyediakan mesin untuk
mengimpor model proses yang telah dimodelkan pada process
modeling untuk dapat dijalankan dalam sistem. Selain itu juga
bertanggung jawab menjalankan proses yang diimpor tersebut.
Beberapa contoh tanggung jawab dari Process Execution ini
• Menghubungkan beberapa task dan mengeksekusinya di dalam
keterurutan yang benar
• Memberikan dan mengalamatkan task kepada pengguna yang
• Memantau status dari proses
• Mengakses sistem IT lokal atau remote untuk mengambil
informasi yang dibutuhkan proses, memperbaharui informasi yang
dibuat oleh proses, dan mengeksekusi transaksi yang didefinisikan
oleh proses
• Mengawasi proses eksekusi, memberikan pemberitahuan saat
business rule dilanggar, dan melaporkan permasalahan kepada
supervisor atau manajer jika tidak dibenahi dalam jangka waktu

Dikarenakan proses bisnis dapat berjalan dalam waktu yang lama,

terkadang sebuah Process Engine dibutuhkan untuk mendukung
beberapa versi di dalam sebuah proses.
3. Process Monitoring. BPMS juga memiliki fungsi untuk
mengawasi proses bisnis yang berjalan. Beberapa kemampuan
yang termasuk di sini adalah:
• Melihat laporan dari seluruh eksekusi proses
• Melihat laporan dari seluruh proses yang komplit
• Melihat status dari proses, apakah telah selesai atau masih berjalan
• Menghentikan sementara proses dan menyambungnya lagi
• Mengatur prioritas dari proses

4. Business Activity Monitoring (BAM). Komponen ini berfungsi

untuk menganalisis kejadian dan informasi yang tersimpan
mengenai proses bisnis untuk menyediakan feedback secara
real-time untuk perbaikan proses bisnis.
Contoh BPMS
Saat ini terdapat banyak sekali BPMS. Pada pembahasan ini akan
dibahas tiga diantaranya, yaitu Intalio BPMS, jBoss jBPM, dan

1. Intalio BPMS
• Intalio BPMS Community Edition (CE) merupakan sebuah BPMS yang
dikembangkan oleh Intalio. Pada Desember 2006 BPMS ini dirilis sebagai
sebuah produk open source, sehingga membebaskan pengembang
manapun untuk menggunakan dan mengajukan usulan untuk
pengembangan perangkat lunak ini.
• Intalio BPMS CE terdiri atas dua aplikasi utama, yaitu Intalio BPMS
Designer dan Intalio BPMS Server. Intalio BPMS Designer berfungsi
untuk merancang proses bisnis yang akan dieksekusi oleh Intalio BPMS
Server, sementara BPMS Server berfungsi untuk mengeksekusi proses
bisnis yang telah didefinisikan dan memberikan report terhadap hasil
eksekusi tersebut. Intalio BPMS Server juga menyediakan dukungan untuk
mengintegrasikan web services dalam proses bisnisnya.
• Perancangan yang difasilitasi oleh Intalio BPMS Designer dilakukan dengan
notasi Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN), yang akan dikonversi ke
BPEL untuk dieksekusi. Selain fitur perancangan proses bisnis tersebut,
BPMS ini juga menyediakan fitur untuk merancang form untuk proses bisnis
yang melibatkan manusia.

• Intalio BPMS Designer dibangun di atas Eclipse STP. Eclipse STP (SOA-
Tools Platform) merupakan IDE open source yang dapat dikembangkan sesuai
kebutuhan. Aplikasi ini bersifat desktop based. Sementara Intalio BPMS
Server dibangun dengan menggunakan Apache ODE (Orchestration Director
Engine). Sebuah proyek dari Apache untuk mesin eksekusi BPEL.
2. jBoss jBPM
• Aplikasi jBoss jBPM adalah sebuah BPMS yang dikembangkan oleh jBoss.
Seperti halnya Intalio, aplikasi ini terdiri atas aplikasi server yang
mengeksekusi proses (jBPM Process Engine), dan sebuah aplikasi berbasis
Eclipse untuk mendesain proses (jBPM Process Designer).
• Aplikasi jBPM Process Engine dapat digunakan sebagai pengintegrasi
aplikasi-aplikasi dalam sebuah enterprise, dan dapat juga dijadikan sebagai
mesin eksekusi proses bisnis dalam sebuah aplikasi. jBPM Process Engine
mendukung eksekusi proses yang didefinisikan dengan bahasa jPDL sebagai
bahasa utama. Selain jPDL juga disediakan ekstensi untuk dukungan eksekusi
proses dalam bahasa BPEL. Namun pengembangan dukungan untuk bahasa
ini masih dalam tahap beta.
• Aplikasi jBPM Process Designer yang disediakan oleh jBPM dapat
memvisualisasikan proses bisnis, namun terbatas dalam bahasa jPDL. Untuk
eksekusi dengan BPEL, dibutuhkan pembuatan kode BPEL secara manual.
3. Open ESB (Enterprise Service Bus)
• Pada teknologi Java Enterprise Edition (JEE), terdapat sebuah standar yang
digunakan untuk integrasi aplikasi, yaitu Java Business Integration (JBI).
Standard ini digunakan untuk mengintegrasikan berbagai jenis aplikasi yang
berada dalam platform yang berbeda.
• Teknologi JBI digunakan untuk menerapkan orkestrasi web service.
Terdapat lima komponen JBI utama untuk lapisan ini, yaitu :
1. Process Modeler, berfungsi untuk melakukan perancangan terhadap
proses bisnis yang akan dijalankan oleh perangkat lunak, dalam
lingkungan JBI. Komponen ini akan menerima masukan berupa proses
bisnis yang dituliskan dalam Business Process Modeling Notation
(BPMN) dan mengubahnya menjadi bahasa BPEL, yang menjadi
keluaran. Hasil keluaran ini nantinya akan digunakan oleh komponen
process engine.
2. Process Monitoring, komponen ini berfungsi untuk memantau pekerjaan
yang dilakukan oleh process engine. Dari komponen ini dapat dilihat proses
bisnis apa saja yang bekerja, gagal, waktu eksekusi proses, dan fitur-fitur
lainnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan sistem. Komponen ini akan diimplementasi
menggunakan Java Management Extensions (JMX).
3. Process Engine, komponen ini berfungsi melakukan eksekusi dari proses
bisnis sesuai dengan keluaran dari process modeler.
4. JBI Normalized Message Router, komponen ini berfungsi sebagai jalur
untuk mengalirkan message dari satu komponen maupun service ke lainnya.
5. HTTP/SOAP Binding Component. Untuk menyambung setiap layanan
dengan lingkungan JBI ini, maka digunakan binding component.
Dikarenakan pada SOA telah disepakati untuk menggunakan SOAP sebagai
format pesan, maka untuk memungkinkan seluruh service terintegrasi
digunakan HTTP/SOAP Binding Component
Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) adalah notasi
grafis yang menggambarkan logika dari langkah-langkah dalam
proses bisnis
BPMN adalah standar untuk memodelkan proses bisnis dan proses-
proses web services
BPMN adalah standar proses pemodelan diterima secara
Diusulkan oleh BPMI – Business Process Management Initiative
pada tahun 2004. Url nya
BPMN terdiri atas sebuah diagram, yaitu Business Process
Diagram (BPD). Tujuan dari pembuatan diagram ini adalah agar
proses bisnis dapat mudah dimengerti dan dapat memodelkan
proses bisnis yang sulit.
Business Process Modeling Diagram
1. Flowchart
2. Use Case Diagram
3. Activity Diagram
4. Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)

Business Process Modeling Tools

1. Microsoft Visio
2. Visual Paradigm
3. Enterprise Architect
4. Bizagi Process Modeler
5. ARIS Express
6. Altova
Activity Diagram of ATM System
act Activ ity Diagram (BPM)


Memasukkan Kartu End

Kartu Val id?

Mengeluarkan Kartu
[ti dak]

Memasukkan PIN
[ti dak]

PIN Val i d? Lebi h Dari 3 Kal i ?

[ti dak]

Menampilkan Menu Utama

Jeni s T ransaksi ?

Melihat Saldo Mengirim Uang Mengambil Uang

[ti dak]

T ransaksi Sel esai ?

Mengeluarkan Kuitansi
Activity Diagram of ATM System (Partition)
ty Diagram

Pengguna Sistem ATM

Menampilkan Error: Selesai
Kartu Tidak Valid
Memasukkan Kartu

Kartu Valid?

[ya] Mengeluarkan Kartu

Memasukkan PIN
[tidak] Lebih dari 3x?

PIN Valid?

Menampilkan Error:
Memilih Menu Transaksi Menampilkan Menu Utama Kartu Diblokir

Transaksi Apa?

Mengirim Uang Mengambil Uang

Melihat Saldo


Transaksi Selesai? Mengeluarkan Kuitansi

Business Use Case Diagram
Business Actor
 User atau sistem yang berinteraksi dengan bisnis.
 Merepresentasikan peran pihak eksternal bisnis.
 Contoh :
 Customer

 Employee

 Supplier

 dll.

Business Use Case

 Urutan event yang menunjukkan interaksi actor yang terlibat dengan
elemen bisnis terkait.
 Menunjukkan proses.
 Contoh :
 “Memesan Barang”

 “Membayar Gaji Pegawai”

Detail Business Use Case Diagram

 Use Case ID
 Use Case Title
 Use Case Description
 Use Case Pre-Condition
 Business Actor
 Use Case Post-Condition
Include & Extend

 sebuah use case (Use Case B) lain akan dijalankan
secara otomatis jika suatu use case (Use Case A)
 sebuah use case (Use Case B) lain belum tentu
dijalankan (bersifat opsional) jika suatu use case (Use
Case A) dijalankan.
Contoh Include
Contoh Extends
Use Case Diagram of ATM System
uc Use Case Model

Sistem ATM

Memasukkan Kartu Memasukkan PIN


Melihat Saldo


Melakukan Transaksi
Mengirim Uang


Mengambil Uang

Melakukan Logout
Keuntungan BPMN
 BPMN memiliki beberapa keunggulan dibandingkan dengan
memodelkan proses bisnis dengan Unified Modeling Language

 Pertama, BPMN menyediakan teknik untuk memodelkan aliran

proses sehingga lebih kondusif dengan cara kerja model analis

 Kedua, dasar matematis yang kuat dirancang untuk bisa dipetakan

ke dalam Business Execution Languages, sementara UML tidak.
BPMN dapat dipetakan ke dalam UML, dan menyediakan sebuah
Business Modeling Front End yang kuat untuk perancangan
sistem dengan UML.
Tujuan BPMN
 Untuk menyediakan notasi yang dapat dengan mudah dipahami
oleh semua pengguna bisnis. Termasuk analis bisnis yang
menciptakan draft awal dari proses sampai pengembang teknis
yang bertanggungjawab untuk mengimplementasikan teknologi
yang digunakan untuk menjalankan proses-proses tersebut.

 Untuk memastikan bahwa bahasa XML languages yang

dirancang untuk melaksanakan proses bisnis, seperti BPEL4WS
(Business Process Execution Language for Web Services) dan
BPML (Business Process Modeling Language), dapat
diekspresikan secara visual dengan notasi yang sama.
Aturan dalam memodelkan suatu proses bisnis

 Memodelkan kejadian-kejadian yang memulai proses, proses

yang dilakukan dan hasil akhir dari aliran proses.
 Keputusan bisnis atau percabangan aliran dimodelkan dengan
gateways. Sebuah gateway mirip dengan simbol keputusan
dalam flowchart.
 Sebuah proses dalam aliran dapat mengandung sub-proses, yang
secara grafis dapat ditunjukkan dengan BPD (Business Process
Diagram) lain yang tersambung melalui sebuah hyperlink ke
simbol proses.
 Jika sebuah proses tidak didetilkan ke dalam sub proses, maka
dianggap sebagai sebuah task – yaitu level proses paling rendah.
 Sebuah tanda ‘+’ pada simbol proses menunjukkan bahwa proses
ini didekomposisi, jika tidak ada tanda ‘+’, maka proses ini
disebut sebuah task.
Diagram BPMN terdiri atas elemen. Elemen ini terbagi atas 4
(empat) kategori, yaitu Flow Object, Connecting Object, Swimlanes,
dan Atrifacts. Berikut penjelasan dari masing masing elemen BPMN
1. Flow Object, terdiri atas:
a) Event direpresentasikan dalam bentuk lingkaran dan
menjelaskan apa yang terjadi saat itu. Ada tiga jenis event, yaitu
start, intermediate, dan end. Masing-masing mewakili kejadian
dimulainya proses bisnis, interupsi proses bisnis, dan akhir dari
proses bisnis.

Start Intermediate End Event

Type Of Start Event
Indicates where a particular Process starts. It does not have
Start Event any particular behavior.

Is used when a message arrives from a participant and triggers

Message Start
the start of the Process.
Is used when the start of a Process occurs on a specific date or
Timer Start Event cycle time (e.g., every Friday)

This type of Event triggers the start of a Process when a

Conditional Start
condition becomes true.
The start of the Process is triggered by the arrival of a signal
that has been broadcast from another Process.
Signal Start Event Note that the signal is not a message; messages have specific
targets, signals do not.
Indicates that there are multiple triggers required to start the
Parallel Multiple Process. ALL triggers must be triggered before the Process is
Start Event instantiated.
This means that there are multiple ways of triggering the
Multiple Start
Process. Only one of them is required.
Start Event

 The “Start” shape is drawn at the beginning of this process,

indicating the beginning of the process
Message Start

 An active process sends a message to another specific process

in order to trigger its start
 Message Start is always a catch shape. That is, in order to use a
Message Start, there has to be a Message Event that throws the
 The shape in the process that throws the message should be
configured to identify the target Process and the target Element
 The Intermediate event that throws the message and the
Message Start that catches the message should have the exact
same name
Example of Message Start
 The Credit Request process throws a message to start a Sales
process as soon as an offer is viable
 To convert an event shape into a message, right click and select
Event Type -> Message. Remember that the throw and catch
message events must have the same name
Timer Start
 With the time start, a specific time-date (e.g. every Monday
at 9am) can be set in order to trigger the start of the process
automatically, i.e. the process will be started automatically
in the date and time previously defined
 Example: an inventory process must be started every two
months on the 25th
Signal Start
 An active process sends a signal and triggers the start of another
 Signal start is always a catch shape. That is, in order to use a
Signal Start, there has to be a Signal Event that throws the
 A signal is sent to any process that can receive it, but it does not
have a specific Source and Target. Any catch shape with the
same name will be triggered

Ex: The Credit Request process

throws a signal to start a Sales
process as soon as an offer is
Type Of Intermediate Event
Indicates where something happens somewhere between the start
and end of a Process. It will affect the flow of the Process, but will
not start or (directly) terminate the Process.

Indicates that a message can be sent or received. If a Process is

waiting for a message and it is caught the Process will continue its
flow. A catch Message Event waits for a message to arrive and once
Message Event the message has been received, the Process will continue. The Event
marker in this instance will be filled. A throw Message Event sends
a message to an external participant. The unfilled Event marker is
allocated to the throw message.

Indicates a delay within the Process. This type of Event can be used
Timer Event within the sequential flow indicating a waiting time between
The Event indicates an escalation through the Process.
Escalation Event
Enables the handling of compensations. When used within the
sequential flow of a Process they indicate that compensation is
This Event is triggered when a condition becomes true
This Event is used to connect two sections of the Process. Link Events
can be used to create looping situations or to avoid long Sequence
Flow lines. If there are two link events on a process (one catch and
one throw) the Modeler will understand they are linked together. If
Link Event
there is one catch and two throw, the Modeler will understand both
throws are received by the catch. If there are several catch and throw
events the name of the 'pairs' must match for the Modeler to
understand which throw belongs to which catch.

These Events are used to send or receive signals within or across the
Process. A signal is similar to a signal flare that is shot into the sky for
anyone who might be interested to notice and then react. If the Event
Signal Event
is used to catch the signal, the signal Event marker will be filled.
Alternatively, the unfilled Event marker is allocated to the throw

This means that there are multiple triggers assigned to the Event.
When used to catch the trigger, only one of the assigned triggers is
required and the Event marker will be unfilled.

Parallel This means that there are multiple triggers assigned to the Event.
multiple Unlike the normal Multiple Intermediate Event, ALL of the assigned
Event triggers are required for the Event to be triggered.
Intermediate Events Attached to an Activity Boundary
If a message Event is attached to the boundary of an activity, it will change the normal
flow into an exception flow when a message is received.
If the Event interrupts the activity to which it is attached, the boundary of the Event is
Message Event
solid, if not it is dashed.

If a Timer Event is attached to the boundary of an activity, it will change the normal
flow into an exception flow when a cycle time is completed or a specific time-date is
Timer Event
If the Event interrupts the Activity to which it is attached, the boundary of the Event is
solid, if not it is dashed.

If attached to the boundary of an Activity, the Intermediate Event catches an

Escalation If the Event interrupts the Activity to which it is attached, the boundary of the Event is
solid, if not it is dashed.

A catch Intermediate Error Event can only be attached to the boundary of an Activity. It
reacts to (catches) a named Error, or to any Error if a name is not specified. An Error
Error Event Event always interrupts the Activity to which it is attached, i.e., there is not a non-
interrupting version of this Event. Thus the boundary of the Event is always solid.

This Event is used within a Transaction Sub-Process and must be attached to the
Cancel Event boundary of one. It shall be triggered if a Cancel End Event is reached within the
Transaction Sub-Process. It also shall be triggered if a Transaction Protocol Cancel
Message has been received while the transaction is being performed. A Cancel Event
always interrupts the Activity to which it is attached, i.e., there is not a non-interrupting
version of this Event. Thus the boundary of the Event is always solid.
When attached to the boundary of an Activity, this Event is used to catch
the Compensation Event. When it occurs, the compensation activity will be
Compensation performed. Interrupting a non-interrupting aspect of other Events does not
Event apply in the case of a Compensation Event, thus the boundary of the Event
is always solid.
If a Conditional Event is attached to the boundary of an Activity, it will
change the normal flow into an exception flow when a business condition is
Conditional Event
If the Event interrupts the Activity to which it is attached, the boundary of
the Event is solid, if not it is dashed.
If a Signal Event is attached to the boundary of an Activity, it will change
the normal flow into an exception flow when a signal is received.
Signal Event If the Event interrupts the Activity to which it is attached, the boundary of
the Event is solid, if not it is dashed.

When attached to the boundary of an Activity, it will change the normal

flow into an exception flow when one of the assigned triggers is caught.
Multiple Event If the Event interrupts the Activity to which it is attached, the boundary of
the Event is solid, if not it is dashed.

Unlike the Multiple Event, when attached to the boundary of an Activity, it

will change the normal flow into an exception flow when ALL of the
assigned triggers are caught.
Parallel multiple
Event If the Event interrupts the Activity to which it is attached, the boundary of
the Event is solid, if not it is dashed.
Intermediate Event

 The following example contains the Intermediate Event to wait

for documents before carrying on with the analysis of the loan
 Abandon a request: The following example illustrates a business
situation in which a request can be abandoned at any time after it
has been entereds
Optional launching of sub-processes
Cancelation Intermediate Event

 This type of intermediate event is used in transactional sub-

 It must always be attached (diagramed) to the ends of the sub-
process and should be launched if a cancellation exception is
reached while the sub-process is being carried out
Ex : Travel Agency
The event of completion of
cancellation within the sub-
process of reservation is
triggered when an error in the
hotel or flight reservation
occurs, and the intermediate
event of cancellation attached
to the sub-process is triggered
when leaving the sub-process
Error Intermediate Event

 This type of intermediate event can only be used if it is attached

to the limits of an activity
 It means that the activity is aborted when an error happens. This
event is possible to be used in automatic activities, which means
that a system error
 Example: Purchase Order
The token passes to the activity create manual purchase order
when an error in the system’s activity to generate a purchase
order occurs
Compensation Intermediate Event

 This type of intermediate event is used in transactional sub-

 They are also used to handle compensations. It is used reactively
when drawn at the ends of an activity.

Ex : Travel Agency
An event of termination of
cancellation is launched
when an error occurs in the
hotel or flight reservation,
which leads to the execution
of the compensation
activities: Flight Cancellation
and Hotel Cancellation
Timer Intermediate Event
 This shape represents a delay (period of time) within the process
 The time can be defined at design time or as part of the process
data (Date or length in any unit of time)
 The duration is a Basic Property of the event. It is constant
Ex : Loan Request
The following diagram of a
loan request is timed using
the Timer Intermediate Event
representing a simple wait in
the process (5 days) after the
activity to inform the client of
the result of the request. This
type of timer use is known as
a delay or wait in the process.
Timer Intermediate Event associated with an activity indicates that if the
activity to INFORM THE CLIENT OF THE RESULT has not been
completed at a certain time, the activity following the Timer Intermediate
Event should be carried out; automatic notification to the client and close
process. Notify the client via email
This case shows a “Wait” period of three days. In the
Intermediate Event that the Document Delivery does not occur
before the Wait time (3 day), the client should be contacted
Message Intermediate Event
 This shape has a throw and a catch option, which is to send a
Message or receive a Message
 When used to throw the message, the shape is filled. When used
to catch the message, the shape is unfilled
 If a process is waiting for the message, it will be paused until the
message arrives or it will change the flow for exception handling.
 In order to use a throw Message, there has to be a catch Message
Event that catches the message. It can be a Message Intermediate
Event or a Message Start
 The shape in the process that throws the message should be
configured to identify the target Process and the target Element.
 The catch and throw messages must have the exact same name
and they must be in different Processes
 The Credit Request process throws a message to start a Sales
process as soon as an offer is viable. In the Process Modeler
configure the throw and the catch message so they have the exact
same name
Link Intermediate Event

A Link is a mechanism for connecting two sections of a

Link Events can be used to create looping situations or
to avoid long Sequence Flow lines
This shape has a throw and a catch option, which is to
throw a connecting point to a catch shape
Link Event uses are limited to a single Process level.
That is, they are used only within the same process
First draw the throw Event, then the catch event
The catch and throw links must have the exact same
Example: Imagine the Complaint Handling process is
very large, and the File activity is far right in the
diagram. To link the flow together without using a
very long Sequence Flow, use a Link Event
Signal Intermediate Event

 Signals are used for sending or receiving general

communication within and across Processes
 Signal is similar to a signal flare that shot into the sky for
anyone who might be interested to notice and then react. Thus,
there is a source of the Signal, but no specific intended target
 A signal is sent to any shape that is configured to receive it, that is,
has the same Name. There is no specific target, so any shape that
is available will be triggered
 This shape has a throw and a catch option, which is to send a
Signal or receive a Signal.
 When used to throw the signal, the shape is filled. When used to
catch the signal, the shape is unfilled
 In order to transform an event into a signal, right click the Event
and select Event Type -> Signal as shown in the image below.
 The Credit Request process throws a signal to start a Sales
process as soon as an offer is viable
Type Of End Event
Indicates when the Process ends
End Event
Indicates that a message is sent when the flow has ended
Message End
Indicates that an Escalation is necessary when the flow ends
Escalation End

Indicates that a named Error should be generated. All currently

Error End active threads of the Process are terminated. The Error will be
caught by a Catch Error Intermediate Event.
Is used within a Transaction Sub-Process. It indicates that the
Cancel End Transaction should be canceled and an alternative flow can be

Compensation Handles compensations. If an activity is identified, and it was

End successfully completed, the activity will be compensated.
Indicates that a signal is sent when the flow has ended
Signal End

This means that there are multiple consequences of ending the

Multiple End
flow. All of them will occur

Terminate End Ends the Process and all its activities immediately.
End Event

 This shape indicates a temporary end in the process

 It is used when, after an activity, intermediate event or Exclusive
Gateway (divergence element) nothing else needs to be carried
 Unlike the Terminate End Event, this shape does not close the
process directly unless there are no pending tokens when it is
reached, that is to say, there are no more pending manual
activities or points waiting for something else to be done (for
instance, a Timer Intermediate Event)
Ex : Loan Request
 Suppose that parallel to the disbursement and preparation of the
credit cards, documents that are still at the office are filed
 The filing activity is not required and therefore, it may or may not
be carried out
 Once it is performed, the process should not end until the request
has been closed. In this case, after the Filing activity, an “End
Event” is included, indicating that after this activity, there is
nothing more to be done on this path
Ex : Loan Request
Terminate End Event

 Event that constitutes the end of the process

 There can be more than one in a flow. If a process reaches this
event, it will be closed
 All flows should have a Terminate End event, regardless of
whether they are referring to a process, a sub-process or a
 Note: The Terminate End event is an optional shape in
diagramming the process. However, it is advisable to use it in the
 A sequence flow goes into this shape (nothing ever comes out of
 The “Terminate End Event” shape is drawn at the end of this
process, indicating the end of the process
Message End Event

 This type of End indicates that a Message is sent to a specific

process or active case, at the conclusion of the Process.
 Message End is always a throw shape. That is, in order to use a
Message End, there has to be a Message Event, or Message Start
that catches the message.
 The Message End should be configured to identify the target
Process and the target Element. In order to create a Message end,
right click on the End Event and select Event Type -> Message
 The shape that catches the message and the Message End should
have the exact same name
 Example: The Credit Request process throws a message to start
a Sales process as soon as the process is finished
Signal End Event

 This type of End indicates that a Signal will be broadcasted when

the End has been reached
 Signal End is always a throw shape. That is, in order to use a
Signal End, there has to be a Signal Event that catches the
 A signal is sent to any Process that can receive it, but it does not
have a specific Source and Target. Any catch shape with the
same name will be triggered
b) Activity merepresentasikan pekerjaan (task) yang harus
diselesaikan. Activity ditunjukkan dengan persegi panjang
dengan ujung-ujung bulat dan merupakan bentuk umum untuk
pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan. Sebuah aktivitas
dapat berdiri sendiri atau gabungan

Ada empat macam activity, yaitu task, looping task, sub

process, dan looping subprocess.
c) Gateway merepresentasikan pemecahan alur yang terdapat di
dalam proses bisnis.
Gateway digambarkan dengan bentuk seperti belah ketupat
dan digunakan untuk mengontrol percabangan dan
penggabungan Sequence Flow. Jadi, gateway menentukan
keputusan tradisional, penggabungan, dan penggabungan aliran.
Internal Markers akan menentukan perilaku dari kontrol.
Ada berbagai macam gateway, yaitu exclusive data based,
exclusive event based, inclusive event based, dan parallel
2. Connecting Object, terdiri atas:
1. Sequence flow, merepresentasikan pilihan default untuk
menjalankan proses.
Notasi :

2. Message flow, merepresentasikan aliran pesan antar proses

Notasi :

3. Association, digunakan untuk menghubungkan elemen

dengan artifact
Notasi :
3. Swimlanes
Elemen ini digunakan untuk mengkategorikan secara visual
seluruh elemen dalam diagram.
Swimlanes digambarkan dengan bentuk garis yang memisahkan
dan mengelompokkan aktor (pelaku yang berinteraksi dengan
Banyak metodologi pemodelan menggunakan konsep Swimlanes
sebagai mekanisme untuk membagi kategori visual yang
menggambarkan kemampuan fungsional atau tanggung jawab yang
Ada dua jenis swimlanes, yaitu pool dan lane
Pool : mewakili partisipan dalam sebuah proses
Notasi :

Lane : sub-bagian dalam sebuah pool dan akan menambah

panjang dari pool baik vertikal ataupun horisontal. Lanes digunakan
untuk mengatur dan mengkategorikan aktivitas
Notasi :
4. Artifacts
Elemen yang digunakan untuk memberikan informasi tambahan
dari sebuah proses.
Elemen ini terdiri atas tiga jenis, yaitu:
1. Data object, digunakan untuk menjelaskan data apa yang
dibutuhkan dalam proses.

2. Group, untuk mengelompokkan sejumlah aktivitas di dalam

proses tanpa mempengaruhi proses yang sedang berjalan.

3. Annotation, digunakan untuk memberi catatan agar diagram

menjadi lebih mudah dimengerti.
Thank You !

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