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1. Data Pusat Pembangkit a) Hidrologi Luas daerah tangkapan hujan Curah hujan tahunan rata-rata Aliran tahunan rata-rata Maksimum Minimum Debit tahunan rata-rata b) Bendungan Jenis : rockfill, dengan inti kedap air Elevasi puncak Panjang puncak Lebar puncak Tinggi dari dasar bendungan Lebar kaki (maksimum, membujur) Volume - Waduk Duga muka air : normal 107 Maksimum 111,5 Minimum 75 Volume air waduk pada duga 107 m : 3 milyar Volume air waduk pada duga 75 m : 960 j u t a Luas permukaan air waduk pada duga 107 m: 83 c) M e n a r a Bentuk Konstruksi Lokasi : : : : : : : Silinder, dengan sumbu vertical beton pada lereng bendungan sisi hulu (di dalam air waduk) 110 90 3,5 144,5 m m m m3 m3 Km2 114,5 1200 10 100 600 9.100.000 m m m m m m3 4500 2600 5,5 m i l y a r 7,2 m i l y a r 3,9 m i l y a r 175 m3 / detik Km2 mm m3 m3 m3

Tinggi (dari dasar) Diameter luar Tebal bagian atas Elevasi puncak

m m m m

d) Sarana penyaluran air dari waduk Jendela Pelimpas Lokasi : Sekeliling bangunan menara Elevasi pelimpas : 107 m 3 Kapasitas pelimpas 3000 m / detik 2 Buah Katup Hollow Jet Lokasi : Sisi kiri dan kanan Elevasi sumbu katup : 49 m 3 Kapasitas : 270 m / detik (masing-masing untuk duga muka air 107 m) Diameter : 4000 mm 6 Buah Turbin Kapasitas (tiap turbin) 46,7 m3 / detik Ukuran pintu pengambilan 5 x 2,40 m Duga dasar pintu : Satuan I VI 65 m Satuan II III IV V 62,70 m Air dari jendela pelimpas sisi kanan, katup hollow jet kanan, dan turbin satuan I II III dialirkan melalui saluran buang kanan. Dari jendela pelimpas kiri, katup hollow jet kiri dan turbin satuan IV V VI melalui saluran buang kiri. Air dari turbin Bantu dapat dialirkan melaluio saluran buang kiri atau kanan. Kapasitas total saluran buang kiri dan kanan 3000 m3 / detik. e) Saluran Air Pipa pesat Jumlah Diameter Panjang Tebal Bahan Kapasitas Letak 6 3,25 m 65 m 20 mm : pelat baja AQ UNI 815 (open hearth) 47 m3 /detik : vertical (dalam beton dinding menara)

Pipa Pelepas tekanan

Jumlah Diameter Bahan Letak Saluran Buang

6 1 m : beton : Vertikal (dalam dinding menara sampai elevasi 114,50 m)

Jumlah Diameter Kapasitas (total) Bahan

2 11 m 3000 m3 / detik beton bertulang

f) Gedung Pusat Pembangkit Jenis : bawah tanah (bawah air) Bentuk : cincin, di dasar bangunan Menara Kapasitas alat angkat 110 Ton + 10 Ton & 10 Ton g) Pusat Pembangkit Duga muka air hulu (waduk) : Normal Maksimum Minimum Duga muka air hilir : Satu Unit Operasi Dua Unit Operasi Tiga Unit Operasi Empat Unit Operasi Lima Unit Operasi Enam Unit Operasi Elevasi Turbin Jumlah satuan (unit) Kapasitas terpasang 107 m 111,5 m 75 m 26,5 m 26,75 m 27 m 27,25 m 27,50 m 27,75 m 20,50 m 6 186,5 MW

OPERATING CONDITION Maximum net head Rated net head Minimum net head Maximum net head for 1 % of time Head losses Tail level with : One turbine in operation Two turbine in operation Three turbine in operation Four turbine in operation Five turbine in operation Six turbine in operation 80,20 m 77 m 48 m 55 m 0,50 m 26,50 26,75 27,00 27,25 27,50 27,75 m m m m m m

Manufacturer Type Direction of rotation (viewed from above) Rated output Rated speed Rated head Turbine discharge at full opening And rated head Maximum runway speed Flywheel effect of turbine rotating part Maximum hydraulic thrust Discharge diameter of runner Distributor centerline elevation Weight of runner Weight of rotating parts RUNNER Nama Pabrik Jenis Jumlah terpasang Daya nominal ( tinggi hidrolik 77 m NEYRPIC Francis turbines Clockwise 32,3 MW 272,7 rpm 77 m 46,7 m3 / sec 590 rpm 900 tm2 90 tons 2340 mm 20,50 m 7 tons 15 tons NEYRPIC Francis 5

Putaran 272,2 rpm Daya maksimum Kecepatan putar Ukuran : Diameter bagian bawah Diameter bagian atas Tinggi Jumlah blade Berat : Runner Crown and Cone Runner Band Runner Blades Berat total MATERIAL

272,7 rpm 2420 mm h7 1963 mm h7 1390 mm 13 2155 1560 3235 6950 Kg. Kg Kg Kg.


MECHANICAL STEEL CHARACTERISTICS : Rp 0 . 2 = 550 MPA IMPACT TEST : Test Temperature = 00 C KV Mini ind = 21,3 Efficiencies Net Head (m) 80 77 (*) 66 55 48 Output at full Openings ( kW ) 34.000 32300 (**) 26000 19200 14600 Effciencies under partial loads ( % ) 10/10 9/10 91,9 92,0 91,8 90,2 87,3 94,1 94,2 94,3 91,6 85,9 8/10 93,6 93,8 93,3 89,9 83,7 7/10 6/10 5/10 86,5 86,8 86,4 82,6 75,5 KV Moyene de 3 = 32 Rm = 750 a 930 A 5d = 15 %

92,4 90,8 92,5 90,9 91,6 90,1 88,6 86,8 83,7 80,8

Sistem Injeksi Udara Nama Pabrik Jumlah Katup Balik : Jenis Bahan Diameter

NEYRPIC 6 Bola Alumunium 150 mm

Perapat Poros Nama Pabrik Jumlah Bahan Jumlah segmen per set Debit air pendingin Tekanan air pendingin

NEYRPIC 5 set Karbon 16 1 Liter / detik 2 bar

Bantalan Radial Nama Pabrik NEYRPIC Jumlah 6 Diameter bantalan 600,4 h7 Toleransi minimum 0,4 mm Toleransi maksimum 0,54 mm Bahan Blok bantalan Babit Sistem pelumasan Melumas sendiri (gaya sentrifugal) Tanki Pelumas Berputar ( terpasang pada poros) Jenis Minyak Pelumas shell Turbo 68 Volume minyak Pelumas 150 liter Sistem pendingin air (bersih) sirkulasi tertutup Pemindahan panas Didalam blok bantalan Data batasan operasional Toleransi maksimum Temperatur minyak alarm Temperatur minyak trip

0,54 mm 650 C 750 C

DRAFTUBE Draftube terdiri dari 2 bagian ; Bagian vertical : langsung dibawah rumah keong, berupa pipa konisdari plat baja (conical steel draftube), dengan ujung bawah (diameter yang lebih besar 2700 mm) terk\letak pada elevasi 17.25 Bagian horizontal : sebagai lanjutan dari bagian vertical, berupa dua saluran beton parallel dengan penampang berbentuk segi

empat, mengarah ke titik pusat menara dengan dasarnya pada elevasi 13.00 Pada draftube konis terpasang lubang orang ( man hole) berfungsi sebagai lubang tempat masuk kedalam draftube untuk mencapai runner dari sebelah bawah Pipa didalam draftube berfungsi untuk memasukkan udara luar (melalui katup searah) kedalam draftube (injeksi udara) guna mengurangi gejala kavitasi yang mengakibatkan kerusakan berupa lubangan kavitasi pada permukaan logam. Pada belokan dari bagian vertical menjadi horizontal dipasang pelat pemisah aliran berupa bidang lengkung yang posisinya mula-mula vertical, menjadi 900 dan berakhir mendatar (languette) untuk mengurangi turulensi pada aliran air dalam draftube. Pelat pemisah terdiri dari pelat baja (sebagai dinding luar dengan tebal 8 dan 16 mm) dengan ruang diantaranya diisi beton (tebal total makksimum 450 mm)

Spiral casing (rumah keong) Nama pabrik NEYRPIC Jumlah 6 Ukuran : Diameter maksimum (laluan air masuk) : 2550 mm Radius rumah maksimum (dari titik runner) : 4550 mm Radius rumah maksimum : 3200 mm Tebal pelat baja (berangsur berkurang dari arah hulu ke hilir) 20, 16, 14, dan 12 mm Bahan Baja siemens Martin A37 T25 Data batasan operasional : Tekanan normal Tekanan pengujian Kecepatan air maksimum (tekanan cat) 8 kg / cm2 14,5 kg / cm2

S U D U T E T A P (STAY VANE) Nama pabrik NEYRPIC Jumlah sudu (per Unit) 10 Tebal 70 mm Radius lengjungan 750 mm Bahan Baja Siemens Martin A42

SUDU PENGATUR (WICKET GATE) Nama Pabrik NEYRPIC Jumlah sudu (per Unit) 20 Ukuran sudu : Tebal (maksimum) 85 mm Tinggi 680 mm Lebar 500 mm Bahan Z 5CN12-04M Penampang laluan air antara dua sudu (posisi terbuka penuh) - tinggi 680 mm - lebar 210 mm Luas laluan air maksimum antara dua sudu 1428 cm2 Kecepatan air maksimum (ketahanan cat) 10 m / detik Kebocoran air maksimum 20 l / detik STOPLOG Nama Pabrik Ukuran : Tinggi Lebar Tebal Tebal Pelat Rel Stoplog berbentuk Berat Jumlah Kapasitas alat pengangkat Rel Penggantung Minyak pelumas roda gigi Pelindung Sling GALILEO GALILEI 3395 mm 3220 mm 360 mm 12 mm Profil T (70 x 70 x 8 mm) 3700 Kg 4 5 ton Profil INP 260 Compond BB (SAE 90) Cardium Compond

Number of turbines Type of turbine Net head Output : : : : 6 Francis 48 to 80 32,4

m MW

Normal speed Runway speed Governing system pressure : Nominal pressure Minimal assumed pressure to move the servomotors Servomotors Number Stroke Bore diameter Rod diameter Total volume (2) Air accumulator Height cylindrical part Hs Diameter Ds Volume of elliptical part Ve Section cylindrical part Ss Total volume

: : : : : : : : : : : : : :

272,7 590 27 21,6 2 270 355 110 48,3 1480 1110 184,42 96,7 1800

rpm rpm bars bars

mm mm mm liter mm mm liter dm2 liter

Main distributing valve Closing discharge Main valve Neyrpic Max. pressure loss : : : 12 liter / sec D 50 B DE (12 / 5,4)2 = 4,9 bar

Connection to servomotor is made with 80 mm piping. More generally, all precautions are taken in order to keep the oil flow speed under 2,4 m / s. The level is measured in dm, from the lower part of the cylindrical sleeve. A servomotor volume corresponds to a oil thickness of 0,5 dm. Pressure 29 27.8 27 25.2 23.4 22.7 21.5 Level 3.7 3.2 2.8 2 1.1 0.7 0 Level switch ND DA DB DC ND NC Function Too high Injection Normal Established pressure Start auxiliary pump Unit shutdown Close shutoff valve

Diaphragm calculation Opening discharge Q = 4,831 l/s under 27 bars. Boring D = 13 mm Closing discharge Q = 12 l/s under 27 bars. Boring = 21 mm Pressure operating cycle In steady state operation of the unit, the pressure decreases slowly from 27 to 26 bars, due to normal leakage in the hydraulic valves and particularly the actuator. When 26 bars are reached, the operating pump discharge is directed towards the accumulator in order to recover the 27 bars pressure.During this cycle, the oil level fluctuates between 2,8 dm and 2,3 dm, wich corresponds to an oil volume of 49 liter. The deflation time depens on the valves leakages : Main valve : Actuator : Miscelleanous : Total : The estimated deflacting time is thus : 5 minuts Thermal dissipation In steady state operation of the unit, governing pressure is controlled through the two step cycle : Step Inflation Deflation Mean dissipation Duration (s) 30 s 180 s Pressure 27 2 Power kW 7 1.5 2.3 5 2,5 2,5 10 l / mn l / mn l / mn l /mn

An oil water heat exchanger is required, wich characteristics are summarized below : Fluid Discharge l/s I/O temperature Head loss bar Oil 1,9 45 / 44,3 0,24 Water 1 38 / 38,6 0,17

For the sake of security, a water discharge of 1,5 l / s will be supplied

Number of sets installed Manufacturers name Year of manufacture Designation : : : : 5 Neyrpic 1992 DIGIPID 02


Type : Freq. Shifted power controller static droop Freq. Shifted power controller transient droop Time constant : Speed controller static droop : Main servo dead band Down : Main servo max. Opening time : Tyo Main servo max. Closing time : Tye Max. main servo position Yt max. : Speed power controller amplification gain Vr Speed power controller time constant Tn GENERAL DESCRIPTION

Electronic 5 % 4 % 2 sec 5 % 0 Per unit 10 sec 4,1 sec 270 mm Per unit 10 Per unit 2 sec

The DIGIPID electronic equipment comprises : A card container in two sectors: A digital sector accommodating all boards directly connected to the microprocessor bus : this sector is located on the left-hand side, when looking at the governor front face. It contains : CPU Arithmetic calcul processor Tachometer I / O, D / A, and A / D convers board Logic input / output interface Optional card reserved spaces RS422 serial communic to outside D / A output conversion board

An analog sector on the right hand side containing : One or two positioners One or two power amplifiers Logic I . S board Input galvanic isolations 4 20 mA outputs, if any ELECTRONIC BOARDS SIMPLE EUROBOARD format : The boards of the digital sector are designed wiyh a 96 pint connector to DIN 41612 and those of the analog sector with a 32 point connector to DIN 41512 Bus G64 / G96 PC 394 SBS4 board : It includes : Microprocessor (2 PROM 1 RAM)


(3 PROM 1 RS 232 INTERFACE 1 Wathdog 1 DATA buffer + 1 adress and control buffer CALC board MEMORY BOARD TAC HTR BOARD PC 389 MIADA BOARD PC 342 MIDAC BOARD PC 343 S 10 BOARD POSITIONER BOARD PC POS 380 POWER BOARD PC PUIS ANALOG OUTPUT BOARD PC 376 GALVANIC isolation of anlog inputs PC 377 Logic I / O BOARD PC 402 Monitoring Board PC 406 MPPA CI 460 CARD MAIN CHARATERISTICS AND PERFORMANCES Tachometer inputs. One Unit and grid voltage transformer : Transformer isolated inputs Rated amplitude : Ao = 100 V, 100 V, 127 V, 220 V 380 V rms 3 single-phase Minimum operating level : 1 % Ao Absorbed current : 10 mA rms max. Frequency deadband : 10 4 Crystal frequency reference : precision = 10 6 Parameter setting range operating point : -10% to + 10% of nominal frequency accelerometer : Tn = 0 to 100 s transient reaction time constant : Td = 0 to 100 s programmable by temporary speed droop : bt = 0 to 100 % means of keyboard or proportional gain to 0,1 permanent speed droop : 0 to 10 % Logic inputs : on photocouplers control by dry loop fed in 24 V dc by governor Logic outputs : by dry contacts


External load (or level, or opening) set-point input isolated by solid state galvanic separator standard ratings : 0 10 mA scale indicating unit full opening 4 20 mA load taking slope grading adjustable from 5 sec to 1275 sec step by steps of 5 sec Opening limiter operating time adjustable from 10 sec to 500 sec step by steps of 10 sec. CONTROL OF REGULATING DEVICE Position adjustable from 0 to 100 % opening Opening upon start up : 0 to 100% Opening decrease upon start up : 0 to 100% Opening decrease speed : 0 to 100% Or rated speed Polarizations and pre-positioning : 0 to 100% GOVERNING CHARATERISTICS Speed deadband : I x 2.10-4 Control signal deadband : ic < 2 x 11-3

adjustable by means of keyboard

MAIN CHARATERISTICS AND PERFORMANCES Tachometer inputs. One Unit and network voltage transformer : Transformer isolated inputs Rated amplitude : Ao single pass = 100 V, 100 V, 127 V, 220 V 380 V eff 3 Minimum operating level : 1 % Ao Absorbed current : 10 mA rms max. Frequency deadband : 10 4 Crystal frequency reference : precision = 10 6 Parameter setting range Adjustable operating point Accelerometer Transient reaction time constant Temporary speed droop or proportional gain Permanent speed droop : -10% to + 10% : Tn = 0 to 100 s : Td = 0 to 100 s programmable : bt = 0 to 100 % through dialogue to 0,1 : 0 to 10 %


Logic inputs : on relays control by dry loop fed in 24 V dc by governor control current : 36 mA Logic outputs : through dry contacts Breaking capacity : 0,5 A under 125 Vdc External load (or level, or opening) set-point Galvanic solid state separator insulated input standard ratings : 0 10 mA scale giving the unit full opening 4 20 mA load taking ramp gradient, adjustable from set 5 sec 1275 sec step by steps of 5 sec Opening limiter operating time adjustable from 10 sec to 500 sec step by steps of 10 sec. Speed set values : Adjustable from 10% to 300 % of the rated speed Output on reverse contact : 0,5 A under 100 Vdc Teleindications : 4 20 mA output maximum load impendance : 250 (The indicators are not supplied with the governor) Dielectric rigidity : Between power supply primary and earth Between tachometer inputs on voltage Transformers and earth Between logic input and earth Between analog inputs and earth (external order, level) : 2000 f eff. 50 Hz-1 mm : 2000 f eff. 50 Hz-1 mm : 2000 f eff. 50 Hz-1 mm : 2000 f eff. 50 Hz-1 mm

MONITORING OF ADJUSTING GEARS Position adjustable from 0 to 100 % opening Opening upon start up : 0 to 100% Opening decrease upon start up : 0 to 100%



Opening decrease rate Polarizations and pre-positioning GENERAL USE CONDITIONS

: 0 to 100% or rated speed : 0 to 100%

through dialogue

Storage In a ventilated room, if possible in its original packing in proper condition. Temperature : 0 to 500C Hygrometry : 50 to 65% of relative humidity Prior to any energization, remove dust from the equipment and dry it. Operation : In a well-ventilwted room, in a non-corrosive atmosphere Temperature : 0 to 500C Hygrometry : 50 to 65% of relative humidity over the full the full above stated temperature range


Data teknik : Nama Pabrik Jumlah Jenis pintu Ukuran daun pintu Berat daun pintu Panjang perapat pintu Cat pelindung Sistem by pass ALESSANDRO CALZONI 6 Daun 5 x 2,4 m 8.000 kg 12,4 m BITUSEALAC tebal 500 micron daun pintu diangkat setinggi 5 cm


Sistem penggerak Hidrolik Daya motor 27 kW Kapasitas pompa 3,5 liter / detik Jenis pompa Perpindahan positip dengan sudu datar radial Volume servomotor 550 liter Luas penampang torak 1085 cm2 Jenis minyak hidrolik SHELL TELLUS 37 Volume minyak 1200 liter Data Operasi Normal : Tekanan minyak hidrolik (manometer 13) : Start Mencapai posisi by pass Pintu dalam keadaan seimbang (pipa pesat terisi air) Maksimum (penyetelan katup pengaman 4.3 Kapasitas servo motor (gaya angkat mak Simum dengan tekanan minyak 65 kg/cm2) Waktu Pembukaan : Mulai start sampai posisi by pass Pengisian pipa pesat sampai penuh (TMA 107) Mulai posisi by pass sampai terbuka penuh Waktu Penutupan : TMA 75 meter TMA 114 meter Debit bocoran maksimum

60 kg / cm2 45 kg / cm2 16 kg / cm2 75 kg / cm2 70 Ton 0,5 menit 10 menit 3 menit

16 28 detik 6 - 10 detik 0,5 lt. / m / detik


Type Separate pads supported by spherical bearings Thrust runner plate in one part Exchanger inside the vat single 272,7 rpm 590 rpm

Directory of rotation : Rated speed Runaway speed Rated load Number of pads Internal diameter External diameter Angle : : : : : : :

240 000 daN 8 0,72 1,37 400 0,9484 m2 25 bar m m

Total supporting surface Total specific pressure

Thrust bearing oil film thickness 0,065 mm OIL USED Grade ISO VG 68


Viscosity index Kinematic Total Volume

: : :

100 approx 40 cSt at 500 C 1500 dm3

OPERATION OF THRUST BEARING Inlet oil film temperature : Outlet oil film temperature : Mean oil film temperature : Minimum oil film thickness : Thrust bearing losses : OIL LIFTING SYSTEM Discharge Pressure Pressure with zero discharge Rotation speed Rated power of motor Main injection pump Pump - Manufacturer - Type - Reference - D ischarge - Nominale pressure Motor - Manufacturer - Type - Reference - D ischarge - Rotation speed : : : : :

450 C 650 C 550 C 0,065 mm 75 kW 28 dm3 / min 150 bar 250 bar (upon start up) 1450 rpm 11 kW

: : : : : : : : : :

VOLVO fixed displacement pump F11 19 MBSNK 28 dm3 /s at 1460 rpm 150 bar GEC ALSTHOM Induction motor AFT 160 M04 11 kW 1460 rpm

Pressure relief valves - Manufacturer - Reference - Calibrated value Chek valves

: : :

BOSCH 0532 002 044 250 bar


- Manucfacture - Over pressure - Connection diameter High pressure filter - Manufacturer - Type - Reference - Clog warning indicator - Filtering Element - Absolute filtration rating Low pressure filter - Manufacturer - Type - Reference - Clog warning indicator - Filtering Element - Absolute filtration rating Pressures switch - Manufacturer - Type - Range - Adjustement valve Pressures gauges - Manufacturer - Type - Range - Connector diameter Low pressure valves - Manufacturer - Type - Nominal pressure - Nominal diameter

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

MARRELHYDRO 3,58 bar BSP HYDAC Double DF DK Visual Permanent metal element 40 micron PUROLATOR Single PI2015-68 Visual Permanent metal element 100 micron REGULAUTO ZPN 600 SH 25 175 bar Adjust at site BOURDON MIX 100 0 - 400 bar BSP m>le LEGRIS Spherical valve 10 bar 1 BSP


Manufacturers name : Year of manufacture : Standards : Frequency : Number of phases : Stator phases winding connection (the neutral point is normally grounded through a resistance to limit the generator ground fault current to 15 A during 10 sec) Generator neutral Artificial neutral resistance Ventilation Cooling fluids Direction of rotation vieved from above Travelling crane capacity Clearance under hook above floor at elevation 22,25 Rated characteristics of the generator Rated voltage between phase terminals 3 phase stator rated current GEC ALSTHOM JEUMONT 1992 IEC 50 Hz 3 Star with nine ends of winding brought out and suitable for non effectively grounded operation

: : : : : : :

brought out 8,8 Closed circuit water / air clockwise 110 tons 10,50 meter

: :

6,3 kV 10% 3208 A 10%


Rated power factor, on inductive circuit Continuous maximum rated output Continuous rated active output at rated voltage and rated power factor Continuous rated reactive output at Rated voltage and rated power factor (reactive power supply only) Synchronous speed Temperature riseses a. Insulation classes Insulation standard Stator insulation : Insulation electrothermal class Operation electrothermal class Rotor insulation : Insulation electrthermal class between coil turns Insulation electrothermal class between coils and ground b. Temperature rises Maximum average temperature rise of the stator winding at continuous rated output Maximum average temperature rise of the rotor winding at continuous rated output Maximumaverage temperature Rise of the magnetic parts (iron) In contact with winding

: : :

0,93 lagging 35 MVA 32,55 MW

: :

+ 12,86 Mvar 272,7 rpm

: : :


: :


800 C

900 C

800 C

c. Maximum temperatures Maximum temperature of the stator winding : Above air at 400 C : Above water at 300 C : Maximum temperature of the rotor winding : Above air at 400 C : 0 Above water at 30 C :

1200 C 1200 C 1300 C 1300 C


Maximum temperature at the hottest spot of the stator winding at continuous rated output Maximum temperature at the hottest spot of the rotor winding at continuous rated output Electrical characteristics : Short Circuit data - Short circuit ratio for the rated output (Kc) - Instantaneous short circuit Current (3 phase terminal short circuit ) - Short circuit highest torque

: :

1200 C 1300 C

: : :

1,14 21 kA 13,8 x 106

Reactances - Armature resistance per phase Calculated at 750 C : - Field resistance calculated at 750 C : - direct axis synchronous : - quadrature axis synchronous reactance : - direct axis transient reactance : - direct axis subtransient reactance : - quadrature axis subtransient reactance : - Negative phase sequence reactance : - zero phase sequence reactance : - Short circuit sequence reactance : - Direct axis field time constance, armature in short circuit : - Direct axis field time constance, armature in open circuit :

Ra = 0,004268 Rf = 0,27423 Xd = 0,99 pu Xq = 0,65 pu Xd = 0,28 pu Xd = 0,16 pu Xq = 0,20 pu Xi = 0,18 pu Xo = 0,07 pu Kcc = 1.14 pu Td = 2 s Tdo = 7,28 s

Voltage and load variation Guaranteed maximum deviation factor of the no load voltage wave form from sine wave

1,5 %


Relative variations of voltage in the Rated load at steady speed and excitation at normal power factor : at unity power factor : Unbalanced load Admissible unsymmetrical Permanent load

6,9 % 0 %

12 %

Permissible generator output as a function of cooling water temperature Cooling water temperature of 200 C Cooling water temperature of 250 C Cooling water temperature of 270 C Cooling water temperature of 300 C Cooling water temperature of 350 C Cooling water temperature of 400 C 39,1 38,0 37,6 35,9 35,7 34,2 MVA MVA MVA MVA MVA MVA

E f f i c i e n c i es According to standard IEC No. E 34.2 and UTE NF C 51 - 100 - at nominal power factor and at 100% load 98,40 % - at nominal power factor and at 75% load 98,26 % - at nominal power factor and at 50% load 97,87 % - at unity power factor and at 100% load 98,53 % - at unity power factor and at 75% load 98,39 % - at unity power factor and at 50% load 97,97 % - Guaranteed efficiency at rated values (rated output voltage and power factor) including exciter and voltage regulator losses 98,40 % Losses According to standard IEC No. E 34.2 and UTE NF C 51 100 - exciting circuit losses : 96,6 kW - losses independent of current : 242,5 kW - direct load losses : 121,1 kW - stray load losses : 70,6 kW - total losses : 530,8 kW - additional bearing losses (combined thrust bearing and guide bearing losses)

125 kW


- Maximum guaranteed losses including windage but excluding mechanical losses in guide bearing and thrust bearing - at nominal power factor and at 100% load - at nominal power factor and at 75% load - at nominal power factor and at 50% load - at nominal power factor and at 0% load - at unity power factor and at 100% load - at unity power factor and at 75% load - at unity power factor and at 50% load - at unity power factor and at 0% load Mechanical characteristics Flywheel effect WD2 of rotating parts of the generator Maximum runway speed Runway duration without permanent deformation Maximum temperature of cooling water for oil and air cooling systems Maximum temperature of air leaving the generator air coolers Stator casing manufacture data Stator casing overall outer diameter Diameter of the generator including heat exchanger Elevation of generator winding cover Total height of the stator casing 530,8 % 429,7 % 354,5 % 243,3 % 484,9 % 399,1 % 337,2 % 243,3 %

: : : : : : : : :

900 tm2 590 rpm indefinitely 300 C 400 C 5840 mm mn

6540 mm 26,2 m 1645 mm

Stator magnetic core manufacture data Overall core outer diameter : Stator core bore diameter : Height of the laminated core including air vents : Number of vents : Number of slots : Size of slots (puching) : Number of sectors per turn : Number of joint : Type of overlapping : Specific loss of the stator lamination

4650 mm 4090 mm 1170 mm 27 234 104,5 x 18,3 mm 26 0 1/3


at one Tesia Weight of the action stator iron

: :

1,10 W/kg 25.000 kg ROEBELL BARS 3600 DURITENAX IMBRICATED 2 2 36 / 11 36 / 11 10 ( 1 to 10 ) 473 mm2 0,03

Stator winding manufacture data Type of compensation : Type of insulation : Type of winding : Number of conductors per slot : Number of parallel paths per phase : Number of slots per pole and per phase : Number of slots per pole : Winding step : Cross section of a conductor with Roebell type transposition : Maximum initial value of the dielectric factor tan (measured at 0,2 rated voltage) maximum increase of the dielectric factor per measuring voltage interval D tan d/0,2 Un Weight of cooper in stator Rotor manufacture data Number of poles Dimension of rotor coil : Average turn length Overall length Overall width Height Number of turns per pole Size of turns Section Weight of cooper in rotor Rotor Shaft : Air gap Overall rotor shaft length Generator cooling system : Cooling air discharge Cooling water flow at 300 C for the generator air cooler, without bearings Temperature rise of cooling water Cooling system rated for losses Cooling water flow at 300 C for the Bearing of the generator

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

0,005 5367 kg 22 3340 mm 1493 mm 444 mm 200 mm 46 70 x 3,9 mm 271,8 mm2 8536 kg 17 mm 5770 mm 20 m3 / sec 1717 l / mn (28,6 l/s) 50 C 553 kW 420 l/mn (7 l/s)


Generator air cooler data : Number of coolers per generator Location Manufacture Type Refigerante tipo Height Width Thickness Year Q water Maximum rated pressure Water inlet temperature Water outlet temperature Average speed of water circulating In the tubes Water flow for air coolers Testing pressure of the water circuit

: : : : ; : : : : : : : : : : :

6 Generator chamber BOLDROCHI BIASSONO MILANO air / water Cooler 1415 mm 1430 mm 245 mm 1993 17,2 m3 /h 10 bar 300 C 350 C 1,5 m/s 103 m3 /h 15 bars

Manufacturers Year Type Location Excitation current Excitation voltage Armature current Armature voltage Connection Rated speed Runway speed Excitation rated output Field supperession system Type voltage regulator : SARELEM : 1993 : Rotating rectifier : Above upper bracket : 40 Amp. : 37 Volt : 486 Amp. : 135 Volt : : 272,7 rpm : 590 rpm : 95 kW :by exciter field suppression : Jeumont Type P

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Manufacturers name Year of manufacture Standard Normal protection Service : : : : : MARELLI 1963 ANSI Indoor Continuous


Altitude Type of transformer Number of phase units Number of phase in network system Network system voltage frequency Windings Dielectric Cooling Nominal rating (Sn) Rated voltage Current Connection Number of bushing Rated voltage (Un ) Current Un Connection Number of phase bushings Number of neutral bushing Vector group Transformer impendance Voltage adjustment Winding Tap changer switch operation Type Number of positions Number of steps Tapping range

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Less than 1.000 m Step up 3 phase 150 kV 10 % 50 Hz Cooper Oil OFW 35 MVA 6.300 Volt 3.207 Amp. (Delta) 3 150 kV 7,5 % 134,7 Amp. (Star) 3 ( cable box ) 1 Ynd5 9,5 % Secondary Off load and off voltage Wedge 3 2 7,5 %

INSULATION LEVELS The insulation classes of the windings are those specified in the Standars ANSI C 57 12 00 given in the following table : TEST Applied voltage test 1 mn 50 cycles kV rms Induced overvoltage test During 6000 cycles kV rms Impulse voltage test 1.2/50 microsec : full wave kV peak chopped wave Primary winding Line Neutral 26 22 NA NA Secondary winding Line Neutral 35 325 35



750 865


Test voltage of auxiliary low voltage equipment at 50 Hz during one minute : 2 kV. No load current No load current in % of the nominal current and : - At Un 15 % : 0,4 % - At Un 0 % : 0,8 % - At Un +15 % : 3 % Losses Iron losses ( 5%) in kW and : - At Un - 15 % - At Un - 10 % - At Un - 5 % - At Un - 0 % - At Un + 5 % - At Un + 10 % - At Un + 15 % Copper losses ( 5 %) in kW and - At 750 C and full load SN (guaranteed) Total losses ( 5 %) in kW and - At 750 C and full load SN

: : : : : : : : : : :

30 kW 34 kW 38 kW 44 kW 50 kW 56 kW 63 kW

153 kW 197 kW


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