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Farmakologi & Toksikologi I:

Obat-Obat Gastrointestinal

Ari Y
RUBI Farmakologi
Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Bandung
Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 1
Anatomi dan Fisiologi Saluran Pencernaan
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Ulcer : peptic, duodenal
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Mual dan Muntah

Diare dan Konstipasi

Daftar Pustaka

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 2


Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 3

Gangguan Gastrointestinal

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Ulcer : Peptic, Duodenal
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Mual dan Muntah
Diare dan Konstipasi

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 4

Anatomi dan Fisiologi
(Saluran Pencernaan)

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 5

Anatomi Lambung

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 6

Lapisan Lambung

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 7

Kelenjar pada Lambung

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 8

Gastric Mucosal Barrier

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 9

Parietal Cell: Sekresi HCL

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 10

Chief Cell: Sintesis dan Aktivasi Pepsin



Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 11

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 12
Serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamine)
Sebagai Key neurotransmitter di dalam intestinal

Melimpah di dalam usus.

Sebagian besar ditampung pada granula sel enterochromaffin.

Dilepas dengan adanya stimulus.

Serotonin menstimulasi syaraf di usus untuk inisiasi sekresi dan

motilitas propulsif.

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 13

Serotonin di dalam usus

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 14

Disfungsi Serotonin dalam Usus

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 15

Reflux Disease (GERD)

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 16

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

- Perpindahan balik isi lambung menuju esofagus.

- Gejala khas : rasa panas terbakar.
- Beberapa gejala lain: nyeri dada, susah untuk menelan makanan.
- Reflux yang mencapai tenggorokan batuk.
- Komplikasi meliputi :erosi esofageal, erosi esofageal, dan penyempitan esofagus (esophageal

- Pada beberapa pasien (~10%), lapisan normal esofageal/epithelium digantikan dengan

lapisan epitelium abnormal - (Barrett's) epithelium. Kondisi ini berkaitan dengan munculnya
kanker esofagus.

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 17

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Endoscope of Barretts Esophagus

(can become malignant - needs monitoring)

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 18

Gejala GERD
Heartburn/pirosis (sensasi panas yang menjalar sampai leher)
Odinofagia (sakit waktu menelan)
Rasa asam dalam mulut

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 19

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 20
Contributing Factors
Decrease LES pressure Directly irritate the gastric
Chocolate mucosa
Alcohol Tomato-based products
Fatty meals
Spicy foods
Coffee, cola, tea
Citrus juices
Meds: NSAIDS, aspirin, iron, KCl,
Onions alendronate
Smoking Stimulate acid secretions
Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 21
Contributing Factors
Drugs that decrease LES pressure
Alpha-adrenergic agonists
Anti-cholinergic agents (e.g. TCAs, antihistamines)
Beta-adrenergic agonists
Calcium channel antagonists (nifedipine most reduction)
Nitrates/Other vasodilators
Estrogens/progesterones (including oral contraceptives)

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 22

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 23
Peptic Ulcer

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 24

Peptic Ulcer

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 25

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 26
Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 27
Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 28
Ari Y - Patofisiologi GIT
Terapi Farmakologi GERD dan Peptic Ucer

H2 Receptor Blockers (Antagonis H2)
Mucosal Protective Agents
Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI)
Analog Prostaglandin, dan
Anti-microbial Agents

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 30

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 31
Antasida sistemik: Sodium Bicarbonate
Antasida non-sistemik:
Aluminum Hydroxide + Magnesium Hydroxide Combinations (Maalox and
Dikontraindikasikan pada pasien dengan gangguan fungsi ginjal
Magnesium dapat menyebabkan diare
Mekanisme kerja: Penetralan asam lambung

Calcium Carbonate (Tums)

Calcium dapat menyebabkan konstipasi

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 32

Histamine H2 Receptor Blockers

Mekanisme Kerja: Menghambat sekresi asam lambung melalui inhibisi

kompetitif reseptor H2.
Indikasi: Pencegahan & terapi terhadap peptic ulcer, esophagitis, GI bleeding,
stress ulcers, dan Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome.

Memberikan efek terhadap obat lain melalui interaksi terhadap CYP450

(khususnya cimetidine).
Efek samping yang rendah (kecuali cimetidine menghambat metabolisme
Contoh : Cimetidine, Famotidine, Nizatidine

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 33

Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)
Mekanisme Kerja: Inhibitor kuat sekresi asam lambung melalui inhibisi irreversible
pompa proton, mencegah pumping atau pelepasan asam lambung (aksi 24 jam).
Indikasi: PUD, Gastritis, GERD, & Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
Kerja cepat dibandingkan dengan H2 receptor blockers.
Menurunkan sekresi asam sampai 95% selama 48 jam.
4-8 minggu treatment.

Omeprazole Lansoprazole


Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 34
Analog Prostaglandin

Menurunkan pelepasan asam lambung yang berlebihan.

Dapat digunakan untuk kerusakan lambung yang diseabkan


Efek samping: termasuk diare, nyeri, dan kram (30%)

Do not give to women of childbearing years unless a reliable

method of birth control can be DOCUMENTED
Can cause birth defects, and premature birth

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT Misoprostol 35


Mekanisme kerja: Antagonis reseptor Muscarinic M1-


Blokade sekresi asam lambung.

Efektif seperti halnya H2 bloker.

Jarang digunakan (sebagai adjunct therapy).

Efek samping anticholinergik (anoreksia, pandangan kabur,

konstipasi, mulut kering, sedasi).

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 36

Summary of Acid Reduction therapeutics


H+ Cl-

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 37

Mucosal Protective Agents
Sucralfate (carafate)
Can be used to prevent & treat PUD
It requires an acid Ph to activate
It requires an acid Ph to activate
Forms sticky polymer in acidic environment and adheres to the ulcer site,
forming a barrier
May bind with other drugs and interfere with absorption
Give approximately 2 hours before or after other drugs
Take on an empty stomach before meals

Chelated Bismuth
Protects the ulcer crater and allows healing
Some activity against H. pylori
Should not be used repeatedly or for more than 2 months at a
Can cause black stools, constipation

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 38

Helicobacter pylori

H. pylori are bacteria able to attach to the epithelial cells of the stomach
and duodenum which stops them from being washed out of the stomach.
Once attached, the bacteria start to cause damage to the cells by secreting
degradative enzymes, toxins and initiating a self-destructive immune
Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 39 nobel/2005/images/invasion.jpg
Anti-H.pylori Therapy
>85% PUD caused by H. pylori
Antibiotic Ulcer Therapy - Used in Combinations
Bismuth - Disrupts bacterial cell wall
Clarithromycin - Inhibits protein systhesis
Amoxicillin - Disrupts cell wall
Tetracycline - Inhibits protein synthesis
Metronidazone - Used often due to bacterial resistance to
amoxicillin and tetracycline, or due to intolerance

Triple Therapy - 7 day treatment - Effective 80-85%

Proton pump inhibitor + amoxicillin/tetracycline + metronidazone/clarithomycin

Quadruple Therapy - 3 day treatment, as efficacious as triple therapy

- Add Bismuth to triple therapy
Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 40
Inflammatory Bowel
Disease (IBD)

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 41

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Ulcerative colitis
Diffuse mucosal inflammation limited to the
Bloody diarrhea, colicky pain,

Crohns Disease
Patchy transmural inflammation
May affect any part of GI tract
Abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss,
intestinal obstruction

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 42

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Treatment = Resolve acute episodes and prolong remission

Aminosalicylates - for mild symptoms
Corticosteroids - for moderate symptoms
Thiopurines - for active and chronic symptoms
Methotrexate - for active and chronic symptoms
Cyclosporin - for active and chronic symptoms refractory to
corticorsteroids- (significant side effects)
Infliximab - antibody infusion

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 43

Sulfasalazine (5-aminosalicylic acid and sulfapyridine as carrier substance)
Mesalazine (5-ASA), eg Asacol, Pentasa
Balsalazide (prodrug of 5-ASA)
Olsalazine (5-ASA dimer cleaves in colon)

Oral, rectal preparation

Maintaining remission
Active disease
May reduce risk of colorectal cancer
Adverse effects
Nausea, headache, epigastric pain, diarrhoea, hypersensitivity, pancreatitis,
blood disorders, lung disorders, myo/pericarditis
Caution in renal impairment, pregnancy, breast feeding

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 44

Anti-inflammatory agents for moderate to severe relapses

eg 40mg Prednisolone

Inhibition of inflammatory pathways (IL transcription,

suppression of arachidonic acid metabolism, lymphocyte

Side effects
Acne, moon face

Sleep, mode disturbance

Dyspepsia, glucose intolerance

Cataracts, osteoporosis, myopathy

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 45

Azathioprine, mercaptopurine

Inhibit ribonucleotide synthesis

Inducing T cell apoptosis by modulating cell signalling
Azathioprine metabolised to mercaptopurine and 6-thioguanine nucleotides

Active and chronic disease
Steroid sparing
Side effects
Leucopaenia (myelotoxic)
Monitor for signs of infection, sore throat
Flu like symptoms after 2 to 3 weeks, liver, pancreas toxicity

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 46

Inhibits dihydrofolate reductase
Probably inhibition of cytokine and eicosanoid synthesis

Relapsing or active CD refractory or intolerant to AZA or thiopurine

Side effects
Hepatotoxicity, pneumonitis

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 47

Inhibitor of calcineurin, preventing clonal expansion of T cell subsets

Active and chronic disease
Steroid sparing
Bridging therapy

Side effects
Tremor, paraesthesiae, malaise, headache, abnormal LFT
Gingival hyperplasia, hirsutism
Major: renal impairment, infections, neurotoxicity

Blood pressure, FBC, renal function

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 48

Anti TNF- monoclonal antibody
Potent anti inflammatory effects

Fistulizing CD
Severe active CD refractory/intolerant of steroids or
iv infusion

Side effects
Infusion reactions
Reactivation of Tb, increased risk of Tb

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 49


Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 50

Usually effectively treated with dietary modification.
Only if this fails should laxatives be used.
The #1 cause of constipation in laxative abuse!

1. Bulking agents
2. Osmotic laxatives
3. Stimulant drugs
4. Stool softners

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 51


Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 52

Bulk Laxatives
-Increase in bowel content volume triggers stretch receptors in the intestinal wall
-Causes reflex contraction (peristalsis) that propels the bowel content forward


Insoluble and non-absorbable

Non digestible

Must be taken with lots of water!

(or it will make constipation worse)

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 53

Saline and Osmotic Laxatives
-Effective in 1-3 hours
-Used to purge intestine (e.g. surgery, poisoning)
-Fluid is drawn into the bowel by osmotic force, increasing volume and triggering peristalsis

Nondigestible sugars and alcohols

Lactulose (broken down by bacteria to acetic and lactic acid,
which causes the osmotic effect)

Milk of Magnesia (Mg(OH)2)
Epsom Salt (MgSO4)
Glaubers Salt (Na2SO4)
Sodium Phosphates (used as enema)
Sodium Citrate (used as enema)

Polyethylene glycol

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 54

Stool Softners - Emollients

Docusate sodium (surfactant and stimulant)

Liquid Paraffin (oral solution)
Glycerin suppositories

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 55
Irratant/Stimulant Laxatives-Cathartics
-Increases intestinal motility
-Irritate the GI mucosa and pull water into the lumen
-Indicated for severe constipation where more rapid effect is required (6-8 hours)

Castor Oil - From the Castor Bean

Senna - Plant derivative

Lubiprostone -PGE1 derivative that stimulates chloride channels,

producing chloride rich secretions

Bisacodyl Senna Lubiprostone

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 56
Laxative Abuse
Most common cause of constipation!
Longer interval needed to refill colon is misinterpreted as constipation
=> repeated use

Enteral loss of water and salts causes release of aldosterone

=> stimulates reabsorption in intestine, but increases renal excretion of K+
=> double loss of K+ causes hypokalemia, which in turn reduces peristalsis.
=>This is then often misinterpreted as constipation
=> repeated laxative use

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 57

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 58

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 59

Penyebab :
Mikroorganisme (shigella, salmonella, E.coli, campylobacter, clostridium difficile)
Colitis yang berkaitan dengan antibiotika

Indikasi Pengobatan :
>2-3 hari
Diare pada dewasa dan anak-anak
Penyakit inflamasi kronis
Bilamana penyebab spesifik sudah ditentukan

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 60

Anti-Diarrheal Agents
Anti-motility Agents
Mengurangi peristalsis dengan stimulasi reseptor opioid di usus.
Memberikan waktu agar air dapat diabsorpsi oleh usus.
40-50x lebih poten dari morphine
Penetrasi CNS jelek
Meningkatkan transit time dan sphincter tone.
T 11 jam
Overdose: paralytic ileus, CNS depression
Perhatian pada IBD (toxic megacolon)

Kontraindikasi :
Bahan toksis
Mikroorganisme (salmonella, E.coli) Loperamide
Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 61
Clostridium Difficile
Penyebab sebagian besar diare dan pada pasien yang terpapar antibiotik (~20%).
Tahapan infeksi
Mempengaruhi flora normal
Kolonisasi C. difficile
Pertumbuhan dan produksi toksin
Infeksi dapat membentuk colitis & toxic megacolon

Terapi Farmakologi
Tidak melanjutkan penggunaan antibotik.
Metronidazole (dikontraindikasikan pada pasien dengan gangguan liver dan ginjal).
Vancomycin (dikontraindikasikan pada pasien dengan gangguan ginjal).

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 62

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 63

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 64


Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 65

(seeing something repulsive)
(motion sickness)

(Ingesting a toxin) Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 66

Sirup Ipecac
Dibuat dari akar tanaman ipecac.
Menginduksi emesis.
Efek samping : diare, nyeri lambung
Sesuai digunakan bilamana :
Tidak ada kontraindikasi pada penggunaan ipecac
Ada resiko substansial dari toksisitas pada korban.
Tidak ada alternatif terapi yang tersedia/aktif untuk absorpsi GIT (e.g.,
activated charcoal)

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 67

Antagonis Reseptor
Contoh obat : Scopolamine
Efek Samping :
Penyakit ginjal dan liver
Mulut kering
Pembesaran prostat
Kesulitan urinasi/permasalahan
Resah/gelisah kandung kemih

Midriasis Penyakit jantung

Delirium (pada dosis tinggi) Glaukoma
Reaksi alergi

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 68

Antagonis Reseptor Histamine H1/Dopamine D2
Contoh Obat : Golongan Phenothiazines
Promethazine (Phenergan)
Prochlorperazine (Compazine)
Efek Samping :
Kontraindikasi :
Pandangan kabur
Alergi terhadap fenotiazin
Mulut kering
Penyakit liver
Permasalahan prostat/kandung kemih
Efek Extrapyramidal - Tardive dyskinesia
(pemberian jangka panjang)

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 69

Antagonis Reseptor Serotonin 5-HT3
Contoh Obat : Ondansetron, Granisetron
Sangat baik diberikan untuk mual/muntah yang diinduksi kemoterapi.

Efek samping :
Sakit kepala

Efek samping (yang jarang) :

Rasa gatal
Kebutaan sementara

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 70

Cancer Chemotherapy Drugs

Dopamine agonists

Trigger Zone

Ondansetron Scopolamine
H1 Antihistamines


Target Terapi Antiemetik


Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 71

Any Questions ???

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 72

Daftar Pustaka
Lullman et al. Color Atlas of Pharmacology. Thieme. 2000
Stefan Silbernagl & Florian Lang. Color Atlas of Pathophysiology. Thieme.
Stephen J. Mc Phee & William F. Ganong. Pathophysiology of Diseases.
McGraw- Hills Access Medicine. 2006.

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 73

Terima Kasih

Ari Y Farmakologi GIT 74

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