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Satuan Pendidikan : SMA PGRI 1 PONOROGO

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Topik Pembelajaran : Listening Narrative Text)
Kelas / Semester : XII IPS / Ganjil
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

A. Standar Kompetensi :
2. Mendengarkan (Listening) :Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan monolog
berbentuk narrative, explanation dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

B. Kompetensi Dasar :
2.2 Mendengarkan (listening) : Merespon makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan
ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-
hari dalam teks berbentuk Narrative.

C. Indikator :

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dari teks lisan yang

berbentuk narrative.

2.Mengidentifikasi tujuan teks lisan berbentuk narrative.

3. Mengidentifikasi moral value dari teks lisan yang

berbentuk narrative.

4. Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan dalam teks lisan yang

berbentuk narrative.
5. Memberi tanda pada kata/frase yang di dengar.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Setelah pembelajaran, peserta didik di harapkan mampu:
1. Mengidentifikasi pronunciation dan phrase dari teks lisan berbentuk narrative.
2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan teks lisan berbentuk narrative.
3. Mengidentifikasi morel value dari teks lisan berbentuk narrative.
4. Mengidentifikasi language features dari teks lisan berbentuk narrative.
E. Materi Pembelajaran :

Generic structure of narrative text:

Orientation : It tells the audience about who is in the story, when the story is taking
place and where the action is happening.
Complication : It sets off a chain of events that influence what will happen in the story.
Resolution : The characters finally sort out the complication.

Language features of narrative text:

Using Past Tense(simple past, past continuous, or past perfect).

Using Adverb of time Once upon time, Long ago, One day ).
Using Time conjunction When, then, suddenly, etc.).
Using action verbs A verb that shows an action ).
Using Direct speech it is to make the story lively ).

Contoh Teks narrative Pinocchio di ambil dari internet


Long ago there lived a poor old craftsman named Geppetto who lived
all alone. Geppetto was a very nice man and he spent his life making toys for
children. How I wish I had a child of my own ! So, he made a doll from a piece
of fresh soft pine. A blue winged fairy wanted to reward Geppetto for his
good heart. She waved her magic wand and the little puppet came alive.
Wow ! you are the finest puppet I have ever made I will call you Pinocchio.

After a few days, Geppetto felt that Pinocchio should go to school, so

he sold his only coat and bought Pinocchio a schoolbook. To be like a real boy
you must go to school. Now be on your way. Good bye ! father, said
Pinocchio. On his way Pinocchio met a sly fox. My friend ! real boys dont
want to school, they want to sail across to runaway island where they can
have fun and play all day. May be I could sell a ticket for you ? said the fox.
But, I do not have money with me said Pinocchio. The fox say you can
give me your schoolbook . Pinocchio sold his book happily, he was going to
be a real boy and have fun.

Suddenly the blue winged fairy appeared. The fairy say Pinocchio
why arent you going to school ? . Pinocchio say I am on my way to
school. And with that big lie Pinocchios nose began to grow longer and
longer. Pinocchio began to cry. The Fairy say You said a lie Pinocchio
whenever you tell a lie your nose will become big. Pinocchio say I am sorry
I promise to be a good boy and go straight to school. The fairy forgave him,
with a sweep of her wand she got back the old nose and before leaving she
warned him. The fairy say Remember one thing my boy runaway island is
not a safe place for children. If you go there you would become a donkey.
But Pinocchio was not ready to listen to her words,without thinking about his
father or the fairy, he went to the runaway island. At first it was a wonderful
place to live in. There were games everywhere, sweets and no one to stop
Pinocchio from what he was doing.

After a day of fun he was too tired and he stopped by a lake rest. He
dipped his hand into the water for a drink he saw his reflection. Pinocchio say
Oh ! Thats not me ! what has happened to my ears and nose ? How did I
get this tail ? . He had grown long ears, long nose and a tail like a donkey.
Help ! somebody help me ! said Pinocchio. Once again the blue winged fairy
appeared. The Fairy say Foolish puppet, did I not tell you that Runaway
Island is not a safe place. Now go find your poor father who weeps for you.
With a wave of her wand, the fairy made the donkey ears, long nose and tail
to disappear. She sent him down to the seashore where Pinocchio saw
Gepetto drowning. Father! I am here. Thinking only of his father, Pinocchio
jumped into the water and saved his father. The fairy came and say
Pinocchio now do you realize that being a real person means loving and
caring for others. You true love for your father has rewarded you. Yes,
Pinocchio was not anymore a puppet made of soft pine but of flesh, blood
and bone. His father sayAt last ! my wish has come true. Pinocchio lived
with his father happily there after.

F. Model Pembelajaran/Teknik : Three Phase Technique

Teknik pembelajaran : Think, Pair, and Share.

G. Langkah-Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

a) Kegiatan Awal 15 Menit )
1. Guru memberi salam.
2. Guru menge-ceck daftar hadir siswa.
3. Guru memperkenalkan diri.
4. Guru menyampaikan topik yang akan di bahas

b) Kegiatan Inti 55 Menit

Eksplorasi, Elaborasi, Konfirmasi)

Pre Listening
Guru menunjukkan sebuah gambar dan memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan sederhana yang
menyangkut dengan topik yang akan di bahas.
What is the picture ?
Have you ever heard that story ?
Is the picture included folklore ?
Do you like it ?
Do you know what folklore is ?
What kind of genre is it ?
It is today we have narrative text to study. Lets listen to a Pinocchio in order to know
how the story of it !

Whilst Listening

Siswa mempelajari pertanyaan yang diberikan

Siswa mendengarkan teks lisan berbentuk narrative tentang Pinocchio cermat)

Siswa menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks yang telah di dengar (mengembangkan

rasa ingin tahu, bertindak mandiri dan kreatif) .

Membahas hasil pekerjaan siswa

Diperdengarkan teks kembali untuk mengecek jawaban yang ada.

Mendiskusikan jawaban secara bersama-sama (menghargai pendapat orang lain dan

santun dalam berinteraksi)

Post Listening

Membuat kesimpulan atas pelajaran yang telah di berikan cinta ilmu

Menanyakan kesulitan yang di temui siswa selama proses pembelajaran jujur
c) Kegiatan Akhir 10 Menit )
Menyanyikan lagu wajib nasional
Berdoa salam penutup)

H. Sumber Belajar dan alat pembelajaran

Hasan Sadly Dictionary
Gambar Pinocchio


Task I. Fill in the blank based on what your listen to !

Long ago there lived a poor old craftsman named Geppetto who lived all alone. Geppetto
was a very nice man and he spent his life making toys for children. How I wish I had a child of
my own ! So, he made a doll from a piece of fresh soft pine. A blue winged fairy
wanted to reward Geppetto for his good heart. She waved her magic wand and the little puppet
came alive. Wow ! you are the finest 1)I have ever made I will call you Pinocchio.
After a few days, Geppetto felt that Pinocchio should go to school, so he sold his only
coat and bought Pinocchio a schoolbook. To be like a real boy you must go to school. Now be on
your way. Good bye ! father, said Pinocchio. On his way Pinocchio 2) a sly fox. My
friend ! real boys dont want to school, they want to 3) across to runaway island where
they can have fun and play all day. May be I could sell a ticket for you ? said the fox. But, I
do not have money with me said Pinocchio. The fox say you can give me your schoolbook .
Pinocchio sold his book 4), he was going to be a real boy and have fun.
Suddenly the blue winged fairy appeared. The fairy say Pinocchio why arent you going
to school ? . Pinocchio say I am on my way to school. And with that big 5)Pinocchios
nose began to grow longer and longer. Pinocchio began to cry. The Fairy say You said a lie
Pinocchio whenever you tell a lie your nose will become big. Pinocchio say I am sorry I
promise to be a good boy and go straight to school. The fairy forgave him, with a sweep of her
wand she got back the old nose and before leaving she warned him. The fairy say Remember
one thing my boy runaway island is not a 6)place for children. If you go there you
would become a donkey. But Pinocchio was not ready to listen to her words,without thinking
about his father or the fairy, he went to the runaway island. At first it was a wonderful place to
live in. There were games everywhere, sweets and no one to stop Pinocchio from what he was
After a day of fun he was too 7) and he stopped by a lake rest. He dipped his
hand into the water for a drink he saw his reflection. Pinocchio say Oh ! Thats not me ! what
has 8)to my ears and nose ? How did I get this tail ? . He had grown long ears,
long nose and a tail like a donkey. Help ! somebody help me ! said Pinocchio. Once again the
blue winged fairy appeared. The Fairy say Foolish puppet, did I not tell you that Runaway
Island is not a safe place. Now go find your poor father who weeps for you. With a wave of her
wand, the fairy made the donkey ears, long nose and tail to disappear. She )him down
to the seashore where Pinocchio saw Gepetto drowning. Father! I am here. Thinking only of his
father, Pinocchio 10)into the water and saved his father. The fairy came and say
Pinocchio now do you realize that being a real person means loving and caring for others. You
true love for your father has rewarded you. Yes, Pinocchio was not anymore a puppet made of
soft pine but of flesh, blood and bone. His father sayAt last ! my wish has come true.
Pinocchio lived with his father happily there after.

Task II . Answer the questions based on the story above !

1. What does the story tell us about ?
2. What is the purpose of the text ?
3. Why doesnt Pinocchio go to school ?
4. What moral value can you get from the story ?
5. Write 2 sentences in the story that uses simple past tense!

Task III. Answer the questions state whether the statements are true or false
1. Pinocchio was made of the puppet T/F
2. Pinocchio lived with his mother T/F
3. Geppeto was a nice man T/F
4. His father loved Pinocchio so much T /F
5. Geppeto was very happy after his wish has come true T/F

Kunci Jawaban

Task 1

1. Puppet
2. Met
3. Sail
4. Happily
5. Lie
6. Safe
7. Tired
8. Happened
9. Sent
10. Jumped

Task 2

1. The story tells about Pinocchio who always lies if giving ask a question
2. The purpose is to entertain the readers
3. Because Pinocchio interest in runaway island and wanted play in there
4. We have to honest if the people asking with us, and we have to obey our parents
5. - Geppetto was a very nice man

He was too tired and he stopped by a lake rest

Task III
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True

J. Penilaian

a. Teknik : Tes tulis

b. Bentuk : essay

Pedoman Penilaian :

a. Kognitif (listening) :

No Aspek yang dinilai Skor maximum

1 Jawaban siswa lengkap dan benar 10
2 Jawaban siswa tidak lengkap tetapi benar 5
3 Jawaban siswa kurang tepat 2

Kognitif (Vocabulary) :

No Aspek yang dinilai Skor maximum

1 Jawaban siswa benar 20
2 Jawaban siswa salah 0
Total Nilai : (Score Listening + score vocabulary) : 2 =100
b. Affektif Rublik dengan Penilaian sbb :

Ranah Nilai Deskripsi

Afektif A Kehadiran, minat, sikap dan tanggung jawab dalam melakukan
kegiatan sangat baik
B Kehadiran, minat, sikap dan tanggung jawab dalam melakukan
kegiatan baik
C Kehadiran, minat, sikap dan tanggung jawab dalam melakukan
kegiatan sangat cukup baik
D Kehadiran, minat, sikap dan tanggung jawab dalam melakukan
kegiatan kurang baik

Ponorogo, 21 Agustus 2015

Guru Mata Pelajaran, Mahasiswa PPL,

Ria Dhewi Pratiktasari, S.Pd. Diah Purweni



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