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Menunjang pelaksanaan tridarma perguruan Tinggi dan untuk meningkatkan
kompetensi Dosen STIKes Bina sehat PPNI Mojokerto dalam penelitian dan
pengabdian masyarakat tahun 2017. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada
Masyarakat (LPPM) melakukan kerjasama baik dengan universitas/STIKES dalam
negeri maupun luar negeri. Dengan kerjasama ini diharapkan akan dapat membuka
wawasan dosen dan untuk meningkatan kualitas kinerja penelitian dosen sesuai
dengan disiplin ilmu masing-masing.
Kegiatan Ultrasound Project and Education dilakukan sebagai salah satu upaya
STIKes Bina Sehat PPNI Mojokerto peningkatan kualitas dan pengembangan ilmu
kesehatan, khususnya dalam kedokteran, keperawat dan kebidanan. Kegiatan joint
research dan Ultrasound Education, ini merupakan kerjasama antara STIKes Bina
Sehat PPNI Mojokerto bersama dengan University of California, Irvine School of


Kegiatan Ultrasound Project and Education ini terdiri dari dua kegiatan, yaitu:
1. Penelitian efektifitas Pelatihan ultrasound bagi dokter, perawat dan bidan di
Wilayah Dinas Kesehatan Mojokerto.
2. Penelitian Efek Tembakau pada artery carotid dan ginjal menggunakan
Ultrasound POCUS

1. Kerjasama bidang penelitian kesehatan antara STIKes Bina Sehat PPNI
Mojokerto dengan University of California, Irvine School of Medicine
2. Melakukan penelitian Relationship between tobacco smoke exposure and
Characteristic of the Common Carotid Artery (CCA) and kidney using Ultrasound
3. Educational Study efficacy teaching curriculum of Ultrasound

1. Penelitian efektifitas Pelatihan ultrasound bagi dokter, perawat dan bidan di
Wilayah Dinas Kesehatan Mojokerto.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan cara pemberian pelatihan ultrasound bagi
dokter, perawat dan bidan di wilayah Dinas Kesehatan Mojokerto. Kegiatan ini
dimulai pada 29 Mei 2017 sampai dengan 15 Juni 2017 (jadwal terlampir).
Kegiatan pelatihan ultrasound ini pada awalnya diikuti sebanyak 75 partisipan,
tetapi partisipan yang dapat mengikuti pelatihan hingga selesai sebanyak 45
partisipan (daftar terlampir)
Dalam pelatihan ultrasound ini partisipan dibagi menjadi 2 kelas, kelas A dan
kelas B. Masing-masing kelas mendapatkan materi dan pengajaran yang sama.
Sebelum melakukan pelatihan partisipan dimohon kesediaannya untuk mengisi
pernyataan suka rela mengikuti pelatihan.

2. Penelitian Efek Tembakau pada artery carotid dan ginjal menggunakan

Ultrasound POCUS
Kegiatan ini berlangsung mulai tanggal 30 Mei 2017 sampai dengan 13 Juni 2017,
bertempat di UPT Puskesmas Ngoro, UPT Puskesmas Dawarblandong, dan Klinik
Bina Sehat (jadwal terlampir).
Kegiatan ini bertujuan mengetahui efek paparan rokok terhadap carotid artery dan
ginjal partisipan. Partisipan yang bersedia mengikuti kegiatan terlebih dahulu
melekukan penandatanganan lembar kebersediaan, selanjutnya partisipan akan
dilakukan pemeriksaan terhadap carotid artery dan ginjalnya. Partisipan yang
mengikuti kegiatan ini sejumlah 428.

Adapun peserta kegiatan pelatihan dan penelitihan sebagaimana daftar terlampir

Kepanitiaan kegiatan Ultrasound project and education berasal dari LPPM dan
Jajaran STIKes Bina Sehat PPNI sesuai dengan SK Ketua STIKes Bina Sehat PPNI
No. IV.a/164/SK.KS/III/2017 (Terlampir)
Adapun semua pengeluaran dalam kegiatan Ultrasound Project and Education ini
ditanggung oleh peneliti dari Univercuty of Calivornia Irvine Medical Scool. (paspor
Rencana anggaran pada kegiata ini sebagaimanan terlampir


1. Data tabulasi carotid artery dan ginjal partisipan (terlampir)
2. Sertfikat pelatihan bagi partisipan (terlampir)
3. Satu set ultrasound (berita acara penyerahan terlampir dan unit ultrasound
terinfentaris STIKes)

Akhirnya dengan senantiasa mengucap syukur kehadirat Allah SWT, kami menutup
laporan pertanggungjawaban Ultrasound Project and Education ini.
Tidak lupa kami sampaikan terima kasih kepada seluruh pihak yang terlibat dalam
rangka menyukseskan kegiatan ini. Semoga kegiatan ini memberikan manfaat
perkembangan dan kemajuan penelitian kesehatan di masa mendatang.

Mojokerto, 16 Juni 2017

Mengetahui, Ketua LPPM
Ketua STIKes Bina Sehat PPNI Mojokerto

Dr. M. Sajidin, S.Kp., M.Kes Amar Akbar, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes

NIK. 162 601 011 NIK. 162 601 100
Supported by : Public Health Goverment Of Mojokerto Primary Health Care Clinic Ngoro Regency- Primary Health Care Clinic
Dawar Blandong Regency- Nursing Asociation Of Mojokerto, BINA SEHAT Primary Health Care Clinic
DATE TIME Agenda Cordinators Notes Places
Monday 29th 10 : 00 AM Arrival at Juanda International Airport (Picked Up Amar Akbar 6 Person Com
May By STIKES PPNI) Asef Wildan fromUCI Team : Kyle,
Heni Frilasari Jenny,Kevin, Erica,
Arizal Lifarid Ahmed, Cristina
01: 00 PM Arived at STIKES PPNI
03:00 PM Chek-In at, Take a rest Amar akbar De Resort
Tuesday 08:00 AM- Opening Ceremony Lasiyati Yani Event List in STIKES PPNI
30th May 10:00 Tria Wahyu Attachment Page
10:00-12 AM Cordination Agenda : UCI Team, Team Of Research Amar Akbar STIKES PPNI
STIKES PPNI, Public Health Care Ngoro, Public Lasiyati Yani
Health Care Dawar Blandong, Bina Sehat Clinic, Tria Wahyu
Nursing Asociation Of Mojokerto, Midwifery UCI Team
Asociation, All of Course member
12:00-01:00 Break STIKES PPNI
01:00-05.00 Pre Test , Knobology, Lung : grup A and Group B UCI TEAM Group A in B1 Class STIKES PPNI
PM Group B in B2 Class/
Aula/Meeting Rooms
Take a rest/Dinner Amar Akbar D Resort
Wednesday 06.30 09.00 Pick up Thalia and Daniel from Juanda Airport Tria & Lasiyati, Mr.
31th May AM Asef Wildan

08.00-12 AM Conduct the research Screening Patient at BINA Amar Akbar Translator : Mr. Asef/ Bina Sehat
SEHAT Primary Health Care Clinic Supriyadi Deni Mustopa PHCC
UCI Team Research Team
STIKES PPNI 2 person

12:00-01:00 Break STIKES PPNI

PM B2 Rooms
01.00-05:00 Ultrasound Course : Cardiac- Group A UCI TEAM STIKES PPNI
PM B1 Rooms
Take a rest/Dinner Amar Akbar D Resort
Thursday 1st 10:00 AM- Andrologist Time Amar Akbar STIKES PPNI
June 05.00 PM Dr. Maitra

Friday 2nd 08.00 AM- Conduct the research Screening Patient at BINA Supriyadi Translator : Mr. Asef/ Bina Sehat
June 11.00 AM SEHAT Primary Health Care Clinic Lasiyati Yani Deni Mustopa PHCC
UCI Team Research Team
STIKES PPNI 2 person

12:00-01:00 Break STIKES PPNI

PM B2 Rooms
01.00-05:00 Ultrasound Course : Cardiac- Group B UCI TEAM STIKES PPNI
PM B1 Rooms
Take a rest Amar Akbar
Saturday 3th 08.00 -11.00 Conduct the research Screening Patient at BINA Tria Wahyu Translator : Mr. Asef/
June AM SEHAT Primary Health Care Clinic Supriyadi Deni Mustopa
UCI Team Research Team
STIKES PPNI 2 person

12:00-01:00 Break STIKES PPNI

PM B2 Rooms
01.00-05:00 Discuss/Office Hour
Take a rest/Dinner Amar Akbar D Resort
Sunday 4th Visiting several Places Lokal Tourism In Mojokerto
June or (can be discuss )

Second Weeks
DATE TIME Agenda Cordinators Notes Places
Monday 5th 07:00-08:00 Go to Ngoro Primary Health Care Clinic
08:00-11.00 Conduct the research Screening Patient at Primary Amar Akbar Translator : Mr. Asef/ Ngoro PHCC/
AM Health Care Clinic Ngoro Regency (Rural Clinic) Sunyoto Deni Mustopa Puskesmas
UCI Team Research Team Ngoro
STIKES PPNI 2 person

11:00-12.00 Back to STIKES PPNI

12: 00-01:00 Break STIKES PPNI
PM B2 Rooms
01:00 05:00 Ultrasound Course : Abdomen Group B UCI Team STIKES PPNI
PM B1 Rooms
Take a Rest Amar Akbar De Resort
Tuesday 6th 07:00-08:00 Go to Ngoro Primary Health Care Clinic
08:00-11.00 Conduct the research Screening Patient at Primary Amar Akbar Translator : Mr. Asef/ Ngoro PHCC/
AM Health Care Clinic Ngoro Regency (Rural Clinic) Sunyoto Deni Mustopa Puskesmas
UCI Team Research Team Ngoro
STIKES PPNI 2 person

11:00-12.00 Back to STIKES PPNI

12: 00-01:00 Break STIKES PPNI
PM B2 Rooms
01:00 05:00 Ultrasound Course :Abdomen Group A UCI Team STIKES PPNI
PM B1 Rooms
Take a Rest Amar Akbar De Resort
Wednesday 07:00-08:00 Go to Ngoro Primary Health Care Clinic
7th June
08:00-11.00 Conduct the research Screening Patient at Primary Lasiyati Yani Translator : Mr. Asef/ Ngoro PHCC/
AM Health Care Clinic Ngoro Regency (Rural Clinic) Sunyoto Deni Mustopa Puskesmas
UCI Team Research Team Ngoro
STIKES PPNI 2 person

11:00-12.00 Back to STIKES PPNI

12: 00-01:00 Break STIKES PPNI
PM B2 Rooms
01:00 05:00 Ultrasound Course : OB/Obgyn Group B UCI Team STIKES PPNI
PM B1 Rooms
Take a Rest Amar Akbar De Resort
Thursday 8th 07:00-08:00 Go to Ngoro Primary Health Care Clinic
08:00-11.00 Conduct the research Screening Patient at Primary Tria Wahyu Translator : Mr. Asef/ Ngoro PHCC/
AM Health Care Clinic Ngoro Regency (Rural Clinic) Sunyoto Deni Mustopa Puskesmas
UCI Team Research Team Ngoro
STIKES PPNI 2 person
11:00-12.00 Back to STIKES PPNI
12: 00-01:00 Break STIKES PPNI
PM B2 Rooms
01:00 05:00 Ultrasound Course : OB/Obgyn Group A UCI Team STIKES PPNI
PM B1 Rooms
Take a Rest Amar Akbar De Resort
Friday 9th 08.00 AM- OFFICE HOUR Amar Akbar Translator : Mr. Asef/ STIKES PPNI
June 11.00 AM The Course participant can discuss Lasiyati Yani Deni Mustopa Meeting
Discuss/Evaluation/ Tria Wahyu Research Team Rooms
Discuss Research Publication Dr.Noer Saudah STIKES PPNI 2 person
13.00-15.00 OFFICE HOUR
PM The Course participant can discuss
Take a Rest Amar Akbar De Resort
Saturday Visiting Malang City If you want (can be discuss) Amar Akbar
10th June Buy some souvenirs

Sunday 11th Visiting Bromo Mountain if you want (can be Amar Akbar
June discuss)
Buy some sovenirs
Third Weeks
DATE TIME Agenda Cordinators Notes Places
Monday 12th 06:30-08:00 Go to Dawar Blandong Primary Health Care Clinic
June AM
08:00-11.00 Conduct the research Screening Patient at Primary Amar Akbar Translator : Mr. Asef/ Dawarblandong
AM Health Care Clinic Dawarblandong Regency (Rural Nunik Deni Mustopa PHCC/
Clinic) UCI Team Research Team Puskesmas

11:00-12.00 Back to STIKES PPNI

12: 00-01:00 Break STIKES PPNI
PM B2 Rooms
01:00 Ultrasound Course :FAST Group B UCI Team STIKES PPNI
05:00 PM B1 Rooms
Take a Rest Amar Akbar De Resort

Tuesday 06:30-08:00 Go to Dawar Blandong Primary Health Care Clinic

13th June AM
08:00-11.00 Conduct the research Screening Patient at Primary Lasiyati Yani Translator : Mr. Asef/ Dawarblandong
AM Health Care Clinic Dawarblandong Regency (Rural Nunik Deni Mustopa PHCC/
Clinic) UCI Team Research Team Puskesmas

11:00-12.00 Back to STIKES PPNI

12: 00-01:00 Break STIKES PPNI
PM B2 Rooms
01:00 Ultrasound Course : FAST Group A UCI Team STIKES PPNI
05:00 PM B1 Rooms
Take a Rest Amar Akbar De Resort
Wednesday 06:30-08:00 Go to Dawar Blandong Primary Health Care Clinic
14th June AM
08:00-11.00 Conduct the research Screening Patient at Primary Tria Wahyu Translator : Mr. Asef/ Dawarblandong
AM Health Care Clinic Dawarblandong Regency (Rural Nunik Deni Mustopa PHCC/
Clinic) UCI Team Research Team Puskesmas

11:00-12.00 Back to STIKES PPNI

12: 00-01:00 Break STIKES PPNI
PM B2 Rooms
01:00 Ultrasound Course :FASH Group B UCI Team STIKES PPNI
05:00 PM B1 Rooms
Take a Rest Amar Akbar De Resort
Thursday 06:30-08:00 Go to Dawar Blandong Primary Health Care Clinic
15th June AM
08:00-11.00 Conduct the research Screening Patient at Primary Amar Akbar Translator : Mr. Asef/ Dawarblandong
AM Health Care Clinic Dawarblandong Regency (Rural Nunik Deni Mustopa PHCC/
Clinic) UCI Team Research Team Puskesmas

11:00-12.00 Back to STIKES PPNI

12: 00-01:00 Break STIKES PPNI
PM B2 Rooms
01:00 Ultrasound Course :FASH Group A UCI Team STIKES PPNI
05:00 PM B1 Rooms
Take a Rest Amar Akbar De Resort
Friday 16th 07.00 AM- FINAL EXAM Amar Akbar STIKES PPNI
June 08.00 AM UCI TEAM
09.00 AM- CLOSING CEREMONY Lasiyati Yani Event List in STIKES PPNI
(Can be discuss)
Saturday 07.00 AM- GO TO JUANDA AIRPORT Amar Akbar
17th June 09.00 AM

University of California, Irvine School of Medicine- Ultrasound Education
and Research Project in Indonesia 2017

5-22 June 2017

Doctorate of Medicine Candidates, University of California, Irvine School of Medicine 2017

Department of Medical Education, University of California, Irvine
Activity summary:

Event Name:
University of California, Irvine School of Medicine- Ultrasound Education and Research Project
in Indonesia 2017
The implementation date of 5-22 June 2017
Location: Indonesia

Clinical Foundations of Ultrasound Curriculum, University of California, Irvine
Department Faculty of Medicine, University of California, Irvine
Institutional Review Board, University of California, Irvine
-We will abide by any regulatory boards of university

Target Activity:
Indonesian medical students, general practitioner, specialist physician education program
participants (PPDS), and nurses practicing in Indonesia. Target number of participants in
education is 40. Target number of research participants is 100.

Objectives General Objectives:

Sharing our ultrasound curriculum with interested Indonesian physicians and medical students,
learning about Indonesias healthcare system, and conducting clinical research for the benefit of
the Indonesian people.

Special purpose:
a. Create a partnership with a medical institution in Indonesia
b. Share ultrasound curriculums and learn from Indonesian medical personnel
c. Increased knowledge and skills of medical personnel in ultrasound usage
d. Conduct research in international ultrasound education for medical personnel and in liver
sonographic screenings
e. Be competent in regards to Indonesian culture, history, and healthcare systems

Contact Person
Kevin Guan, Doctorate of Medicine Candidate, UC Irvine
Phone: (+1925-405-6669)

Jennifer Mogi, Doctorate of Medicine Candidate, UC Irvine

Phone: (+1909-816-9686)
1. Background Event

A group of 12 medical students from University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine

(UCISOM) hope to share their knowledge and skills from their ultrasound curriculum to the
Indonesian community. UCISOM is amongst the first and few medical schools in the United
States that have implemented an ultrasound curriculum in its medical education. As an
ultrasound focused medical school, we want to learn how to be globally inclusive of ultrasound
knowledge and resources to health care workers around the world. Ultrasound has been a
pivotal and transformative technology in medicine as it is non-invasive and potentially lifesaving
in diagnosing disease. We believe every health facility should have access to this technology in
despite of location or economy. UCISOM has a history of sending its medical students to
countries such as Tanzania, Panama, and Switzerland where medical students would teach
their ultrasound curriculum and conduct research using ultrasound. We have an interest in
working in Indonesia because Indonesia is one of the fastest-growing countries in the world in
terms of population, and has recently implemented the largest universal healthcare system in
the world. Furthermore, one of our medical student team members is strongly connected to
Indonesia as her family is from there. We want to be able to give back to the community and
share what we learned in our curriculum. In addition, we want to learn more about Indonesian
culture, healthcare systems, and practices from medical students and physicians.

Although we are aware that current medical students in Indonesia are likely to receive
ultrasound training, we would like to reach out or work with medical students on teaching local
physicians on the use in ultrasound. According to the Indonesian Society Ultrasound in
Medicine, Provincial and national hospitals admittedly already have an adequate number of
experts, but the majority of local hospitals dont, although perhaps they already own the
instruments. We would like to alleviate or aid in any way to provide ultrasound to communities
in Indonesia. Furthermore, we would like to conduct research using ultrasound methods to
determine whether or not ultrasound use is important for diagnosing prevalent diseases in
Indonesian populations. We are adaptable to any health needs of the Indonesian community in
regards to ultrasound as well as the scheduling of our programs.

2. Activity Executed

Description of activities

The following is an example of a schedule and can be adapted to the needs and schedules of
our participants and partners in university.

Educational Curriculum

Our primary goal and main focus of our service trip is to conduct a 4-week ultrasound teaching
curriculum with interested physicians and students. This curriculum will allow students to
volunteer as ultrasound models. At the conclusion of this curriculum, an exam will be
administered to test the effectiveness of the curriculum and the amount that students have
learned. We propose to have a proportion of enrollees of our curriculum to serve as ultrasound
models to enhance teamwork and learning.

Our course is roughly three weeks long, and we wish to conduct the course during the month of
June 2017. The class will be broken up into Groups A and B for lectures. There will be two
modules each week, each of which will be presented once for Group A (Mon/Wed) and once for
Group B (Tues/Thurs) for about three hours per day, with roughly a quarter of the time for
lecture and three quarters of the time for hands-on scanning time in small groups with instructor
guidance. Quizzes will be given after each lesson.

Each student will be given a weekly practical skills checklist guiding their hands-on scanning
sessions in preparation for the practical portion of the final exam. Quizzes will contain written
questions, including some image identifications, based on the content presented that week. The
final exam will be comprehensive, covering content from the entire course and will contain
written questions and a practical portion in which students will need to demonstrate skills to our
instructors that they learned during scanning sessions. Extra office hours will be offered on
demand, and likely scheduled the weekend before the final exam. A cumulative score of 65% or
greater will be considered passing and will earn a certificate of completion.

Proposed research activities

In the meantime, team members will be volunteering in clinics affiliated with the University to
conduct ultrasound screening of the liver in patients as part of our clinical research for the
benefit of Indonesian patients. The Institutional Review Board of the University of California,
Irvine (the research oversite committee) will approve and review each study to ensure abidance
to research ethics and protocol in human research. With permission of the University and
government protocols on research, we hope to conduct the following studies:

Carotid Stiffness Study:

Objectives: The purpose of this study is to use point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) to

investigate the relationship between tobacco smoke exposure and the characteristics of
the Common Carotid Artery (CCA). The effect of both primary and secondary smoking
on CCA properties was evaluated.
Methods: We will perform a prospective cross-sectional study across multiple primary
care clinics in Indonesia in June 2016. Point of care ultrasound will be performed on a
convenience sample of Indonesian patients presenting to clinic. The CCA wall stiffness
and carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) will be measured during diastole and systole.
These measurements will correlated with smoke exposure, cardiovascular disease, and
blood lab values including cholesterol.
Liver Size and Pathology Screening Study

Indonesia has a prevalence of liver diseases due to parasites such as hydatid,

meliodosis, and clonorchiasis. We seek to measure liver size in a series of patients and
to look for liver pathology. The purpose is to develop a baseline for liver size in
Indonesia. Furthermore, we hope to demonstrate that ultrasound is a viable instrument in
the detection of liver pathologies.

We will also administer surveys to Indonesian physicians to assess their experience and opinion
on the following subjects:

Educational Study assessing efficacy of our teaching curriculum:

This study will quantify the success of an introductory curriculum designed by UCI
medical students for medical students in Indonesia. The primary objective of this
research study is to assess the short term efficacy of a 4-week ultrasound curriculum:
Ultrasound Basics taught to medical students in Indonesia. The secondary objective is
the long-term efficacy of the Ultrasound Basics course based on knowledge retention,
which will be obtained the following year, after the course is initially given. To assess the
short term efficacy of the Ultrasound Basics curriculum, the participating medical
students will be given a pre-test assessing their previous knowledge of the subject
matter covered in the courses and an identical post-test to quantify how much
information they retained from the course. They will also be given a practical
assessment. To assess the long term efficacy of the Ultrasound Basics curriculum, the
medical students from the course will be tested with the identical final from the previous
year and comparison of performances will be done to assess information retention.

Indonesian National Healthcare Survey Study:

In 2014, Indonesia introduced a national healthcare plan named Jaminan Kesehatan

Nasional (JKN), which is the largest universal healthcare plan in the world. Today, the
landscape of healthcare and healthcare policy in the world is rapidly changing. We wish
to survey Indonesian patients and physicians on their perceptions of the effectiveness of
the new Indonesian national healthcare plan (JKN) and whether they believe that this
has increased or decreased healthcare costs for patients, physicians, and hospitals.

Central Line Ultrasound Survey Study:

Currently, in the United States, it is the standard of care to use ultrasound visualization
when placing a catheter in the external jugular vein. Usage of ultrasound visualization
when placing a catheter into the EJV helps increase accuracy and decrease patient
discomfort and complications due to errors during placement. We wish to survey
Indonesian physicians to find out the prevalence of ultrasound used in Indonesia for
placement of EJV catheters, their attitudes toward this application, and further
information such as perceived barriers to more widespread adoption.

3. Purpose and Objectives

Purpose Activity
The implementation of ultrasound knowledge in an effort to improve the ability of medical
personnel, ie doctors and nurses in the ultrasound diagnosis of patients in the field of medicine
(health centers) in Indonesia.

Purpose Activity
General purpose:
Improving ultrasound usage of medical personnel in Indonesia as well as research described in
the previous section

Special purpose:
a. Increased knowledge and skills of medical personnel in the ultrasound usage
b. Conduct research to the benefit of Indonesian community such as efficacy of ultrasound
education, measuring carotid stiffness and liver pathology using ultrasound

4. Impact and Output Indicators

Impact indicators
Achieving understanding and improvement of health services of all fields especially in field of
emergency management.

Output or outcome of events in University of California, Irvine School of Medicine-
Ultrasound Education and Research Project in Indonesia i s to increase the number of
physicians and medical personnel who have training and understanding of ultrasound in
Indonesia and are able to apply this knowledge for the benefit of Indonesian patients. A further
outcome of events is the publication of research that will benefit Indonesian patients.

5. Training Material
A. Use of ultrasound transducers
B. Lung scan
C. Cardiac scan
D. Abdomen scan
E. Obstetrics ultrasound
F. FAST (Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma) Scan
G. Musculoskeletal scan
H. Ocular scan

6. Implementation Activities
Activity in University of California, Irvine School of Medicine- Ultrasound Education and
Research Project in Indonesia 2017 carried out through a system of lectures and interactive
discussions, role playing, and guided direct handling of patients using ultrasound.

7. Implementing and Responsible Activity

Event Organiser
Planning of activities organized by the Department of Medical Education at University of
California Irvine, School of Medicine.

Responsible Activity
Responsible activity in University of California, Irvine School of Medicine- Ultrasound Education
and Research Project in Indonesia is Dr. John Christian Fox, MD and the approved faculty
working with us.

8. Target Participants
Target participants are medical students (co-assistant), a general practitioner, specialist
physician education program participants (PPDS). Target number of participants is 100 people.

9. Implementation
Activity in will be conducted in the buildings of the Faculty of Medicine in the University, clinics
or hospitals which we will be partnering with. The dates of the activity are a three-to-four week
period ideally in the month of June 2017.

10. Training Costs

Activity in University of California, Irvine School of Medicine- Ultrasound Education and
Research Project in Indonesia would not b e of any cost to participants or partnerships. All
funding is covered by the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine.

11. Budget Plan

All costs for our team members will be covered through funding originating from the University of
California and other institutions in the United States. Following tradition, our partnering
institution in Indonesia will not be required to pay for any of our teams expenses.

Our team will bring with us 4 ultrasound machines for teaching use and patient care use in
clinics. If we are able to procure funding from our grants in the United States, we will also bring
with us an additional ultrasound machine for teaching purposes and to donate to a clinic of our
partnering institutions choice.

From our partnering institution, we will need to ask for access to one or two rooms and beds in
order to be able to teach ultrasound with a model.

12. Agenda

Our course is roughly three weeks long, and we wish to conduct the course during the month of
June 2017. The needs of the university and enrollees in the course will be taken into
consideration, and the final schedule will be one that will be suitable for the University. The
class will be broken up into Groups A and B for lectures. There will be two modules each week,
each of which will be presented once for Group A (Mon/Wed) and once for Group B
(Tues/Thurs) for about three hours per day, with roughly a quarter of the time for lecture and
three quarters of the time for hands-on scanning time in small groups with instructor guidance.
Quizzes will be given after each lesson.

The following is an example schedule from last year:

13. Training Evaluation

Each student will be given a weekly practical skills checklist guiding their hands-on scanning
sessions in preparation for the practical portion of the final exam. Quizzes will contain written
questions, including some image identifications, based on the content presented that week. The
final exam will be comprehensive, covering content from the entire course and will contain
written questions and a practical portion in which students will need to demonstrate skills to our
instructors that they learned during scanning sessions. Extra office hours will be offered on
demand, and likely scheduled the weekend before the final exam. A cumulative score of 65% or
greater will be considered passing and will earn a certificate of completion.

The rough breakdown is:

10% - Attendance at all sessions
60% - Weekly quizzes (20% x 3)
30% - Final exam (about 50% written, 50% practical)
100% - Passing grade is 65% or greater

14. Certification

Participants will receive a certificate of course completion signed by our Director of Ultrasound
Instruction, John Christian Fox, M.D.

15. Team Members

All team members are current first year medical students in UC Irvine School of Medicine who
have been proficient in ultrasound education and performance under the supervision of School
of medicine faculty. All team members have also been informed, trained, and certified in human
research consent process.

Kevin Guan, B.A., Pomona College, MS1

Jenny Mogi, B.S., University of California, Irvine, MS1
Kyle Dornhofer, B.S., University of California, Santa Barbara, MS1
Daniel Kim, B.S., University of California, Berkeley, MS1
Thalia Nguyen, B.S., University of California, Los Angeles, MS1
Erica Parker, B.S., University of California, Los Angeles, MS1
Ahmed Farhat, B.S., University of California, Irvine, MS1
Christina Kong, B.S., University of California, Berkeley, MS1
Nathanael Morales, B.S., University of La Verne, MS1
Steph Noh, B.S., Vassar College, MS1
Justin Devera, B.S., University of California, Berkeley, MS1
Ajay Sharma, B.S., University of California Davis, MS1

16. Other information

For more information regarding University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, and its
ultrasound curriculum please visit the following sites:

Please see our website which has details from last years team and trip:

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