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Semua perawat sedang berkumpul yaitu perawat primer dan perawat associate shift malam
dan shift pagi berkumpul di nurse station melakukan operan kepala ruangan pun datang

Kepala ruangan : Ass, selamat pagi

Semuanya : was

Kepala Ruangan : Sekarang sudah pukul 07.00 dan mau melakukan operan shift dari shift
malam ke shift pagi dan sebelumnya untuk menjalankan tugas sebaiknya kita berdoa dulu
menurut agama masing-masing, berdoa dimulai selesai.

Baiklah, sekarang kita mulai ke ruangan saja untuk bertugas

Narator : kamar 1 pasien dira dengan diagnose DHF

Kepala Ruangan : Ass

Keluarga pasien : Wass

Kepala Ruangan : Permisi Bapak,Ibu disini saya akan melakukan operan shift dari shift
malam ke shift pagi

Keluarga Pasien : Iya Sus

Perawat Associate : Bu, ini pasien .. dengan diagnose DHF dengan kondisi lemah, baru
dikompres dingin dan askep baru diberikan paracetamol oral

Perawat shift pagi : Jadi pak, bu kalau nanti perlu sesuatu bisa panggil kami di ruangan

Kepala Ruangan : Baiklah, sebelumnya terima kasih ya pak bu, kami pamit dulu, Ass

Keluarga Pasien : Wass

Narator : Kamar 2 anak atas nama dengan diagnose diare

Kepala Ruangan : Ass pak bu

Keluarga Pasien : Wass

Kepala Ruangan : Permisi Bapak,Ibu disini saya akan melakukan operan shift dari shift
malam ke shift pagi
Terjemahan :

All nurses are gathering the primary nurse and nurse associate shift night and morning shift
gathered at the nurse station doing the operant head of the room came

Head of room: Ass, good morning

All : wass

Chief of the Room: It's 7:00 and is about to shift from the night shift to the morning shift
and beforehand to perform the duty we should pray first according to their respective
religions, the praying starts ... is over. All right, now we start to go to the room for duty

Narrator: room 1 patient dira with DHF diagnosis Head of Room: Ass Family of patients:

Head of Room: Excuse me, mother here I will do the shift operan from night shift to
morning shift

Family Patient: Yes Sus Nurse Associate: Mom, this patient .. with DHF diagnose with
weak condition, freshly compressed cold and new askep given oral paracetamol

Nurse morning shift: So sir, bu when we need something later can call us in the nurse's

Head of Room: Okay, before thank you sir, we say goodbye, Ass

Family Patient: Wass

Narrator: Room 2 child on behalf ... with diagnose diarrhea

Head of Room: Ass pak bu

Family Patient: Wass

Head of Room: Excuse me, mother here I will do the shift operan from night shift to
morning shift

Keluarga Pasien : Iya Sus

Perawat Associate : Bu, ini pasien atas nama .. dari anak dengan diagnose diare TD
yaitu 190/70 RR : 18 T : 36,6 derajat C, keluhannya yaitu masih lemah, bibir terasa tambah
kering seperti itu..
Perawat shift pagi: Jadi pak, bu kalau nanti perlu sesuatu bisa panggil kami di ruangan

Kepala Ruangan : Baiklah, Jadi dek, banyak istirahat dan banyak minum air putih oke bu
sebelumnya terima kasih ya pak bu, kami pamit dulu, Ass

Keluarga Pasien : Wass

Narator : setelah melakukan operan seluruh perawat berkumpul ke ruang perawat untuk
mendiskusikan dan mengidentifikasi masalah-masalah pasien, melaporkan tentang
penerimaan pasien baru dan serta merencanakan askep

Kepala ruangan : operan sudah selesai

Berdasarkan laporan dari dinas malam ada pasien baru yang bernama Tari, umurnya 19
tahun TD : 90/70 RR: 18 keluhan pasien kondisi masih lemah, bibirnya sangat kering. Oleh
karena itu saya ingin minta pendapat bagaimana cara intervensi yang baik umtuk mengatasi
pasien tersebut.

Kepala Ruangan : Jadi menurut saya intervensinya kita berikan cairan melalui oral untuk
memenuhi output dan intake nya

Perawat Associate : terima kasih atas waktunya, saya akan segera melaksanakan intervensi

Kepala ruangan : terima kasih juga untuk perawat-perawat semoga tugas nya berjalan
dengan baik. Saya pamit dulu.

Perawat associate : Berdasarkan kesepakatan saya dengan kepala ruangan untuk itu
membuat perencanaan terhadap anak yang bernama.. dengan diagnose diare yang meliputi :
berikan cairan dengan oraldan parental sesuai dengan program dehidrasi, pantau intake dan
output karena dengan pemberian oral dan parental akan menggantikan cairan yang keluar
bersama feses yang kedua pertahankan baring dan ciptakan lingkungan yang aman dan

Terjemahan :

Family Patient: Yes Sus

Associate nurse: Mom, this patient on behalf of the child ... with a diagnosis of TD diarrhea
that is 190/70 RR: 18 T: 36.6 degrees C, the complaint is still weak, the lips feel dry like
that ..
Nurse morning shift: So sir, bu when we need something later can call us in the nurse's
Head of Room: All right, So deck, lots of rest and drink plenty of water ok bu bu before
thank ya sir bu, we say goodbye, Ass

Family Patient: Wass

Narrator: after performing the operands all nurses gather to the nurses' room to discuss and
identify patient problems, report on new patient admissions and as well as to plan for askep
Head of room: operand is done
Based on the report from the evening service there is a new patient named Dance, age 19
years TD: 90/70 RR: 18 complaints of the patient the condition is still weak, his lips very
dry. Therefore I would like to ask the opinion of how to intervene well to overcome the
Head of Room: So I think the intervention we give fluids through oral to meet its output
and intake
Associate nurse: thanks for the time, I will soon implement the intervention.
Head of the room: thank you also for the nurses hopefully his task goes well. I say goodbye
Nurse associate: Based on my agreement with the head of the room ... for it makes a plan
for a child named .. with diarrhea diagnosis which includes: administer fluids with oraldan
parental in accordance with the dehydration program, monitor intake and output because
with oral and parental administration will replace the fluid that come out with the second
feces keep lying and create a safe and clean environment

Role play
1. Pre conferences
Aims to discuss and identify problematic issues
patients, planning for ASKEP and evacuation
and prepare the things
which will be found in the field.
Head of the room: ass .... / good morning, this morning before we do the activity, well we
pre conference more than 10 minutes. Based on the evening night service report, there is a
client who
requires special attention from us as a nurse. Namely named. Hendra, age: 12 years,
with a diarrhea medical diagnosis, day 3 care, with a signature
vital: TD: 110/70, N: 70 / mnt, S: 36.5 C, P: 18x / mnt,
with a complaint: the client seems weak, the lips look dry, the bowel mixed with blood.
Therefore on this morning I want to
ask the opinion of the nurse on what interventions are appropriate for the patient.
Does anyone want to express his opinion?
Nurse 1: well .. thank you, I think there are some interventions that would be applied to
clients include:
Give it away
oral and parentral fluids in accordance with the rehydration program, monitor the integr and
output. Because
with oral and parentral administration will replace the fluid that comes out with the feces.
Keep it up
bed rest and activity restriction during acute vase, in order to avoid
the occurrence of physical immobilization.
Maybe that's all I can say today, thank you.
Head of room: yah..thank you..may maybe there are others that want to be delivered?
Nurse II: thank you..munkin only a little that I will add about the intervention that is created
a quiet, clean environment and do not forget to give the food a little fibrous but often.
Because with
keeping the environment calm, clean, the patient will feel comfortable and free from the
bacteria that cause
diarrhea itself. Munkin that's all thanks ..
Head of the room: is there anything to say, .. if it is no longer there. Maybe
preconference in the morning is enough until here, I ask that the intervention can be
submitted in action
go well. That is all and thank you. Happy work ... ass

Giving an askep
Physical examination
Post conference
Discussion of clinical aspects after implementing ASKEP in patients.
Head of room: ass ... / good day ..
After doing the activity, we will carry out post conference for about 10 minutes. There may
be things
to be conveyed in relation to the presence or condition of each patient.
Nurse: yah ..terimah love..for patient hendra child already seems to do aaktivitas although
still in bed.
But may still have to continue the intervention, for the healing process. Thank you
Head of the room: for another nurse how, is there anything to convey?
Nurse III: oh..yah .. if for patient Ny. Tb, by chance the client has shortness of breath, and
after giving O2, the client
still looks claustrophobic. Maybe there is a tepet intervention to apply to the client ...?

Nurse IV: well I add a bit ... maybe it should be noted also the client's sleep position. For
example, help client in
semi fowler position. Munkin cumin that I can add.
Head of the room: is there anything that wants to be conveyed about the patient's condition?
if it is not
there is more to be added, then I end the post conference this afternoon, please follow up
again. Thank you
ass ...
Round of nursing
Discusses the client's health problems in care in patients with relatively more complex
Nurse II: good morning to be de ..?
Patient: still weak nurse ...
Nurse II: okay .. today we will see how the development of ade ...
Previously I first introduced my friend ns. Muhriz, ns. Ibrahim, ns. Irham, ns maskur. Ns
muhriz..ade this is diarrhea patient, where the condition is still weak, and the CHAPTER is
still mixed with blood ... maybe there is
the right intervention to apply?
Nurse I: okay ... in a patient with a diarrhea medic diagnosis usually symptoms that appear
weak, chapter mixed with blood,
and his lips look dry. Because it requires more intensive care again. There are several
may be appropriate to apply ie .. may be able to encourage parents of clients to talk about
anxiety and give
feedback on appropriate coping mechanisms and explain about the child's disease process,
its causes and consequences
against the disruption of daily needs fulfillment
and daily activities
Nurse II: how else do you want to add about the interventions that apply to the client?
Nurse IV: O..yah .. maybe that needs to be emphasized is to keep the client's food hygiene
and examine intek and output
in order to know the progress of the client's illness and to determine the next intervention.
Thank you..
Nurse II: okay ... if it's not anybody who wants to be in samapaikan, maybe for now
enough. And thank you
all..tabe ki de ...
Weigh receipt / operand
Dischaner planning
Routines on each client prior to return, including information on diet, client activities when
at home.
Nurse: good morning bu..this day mommy can go home, but before ki come home there are
some that i want to convey
1. Do not forget to take the medicine
2. Keep anakta clean, because eat food
which is not clean can cause diarrhea

So, this primary method of nursing care method is characterized by a strong and continuous
interconnection between patients and nurses assigned in planning and implementing
nursing care including collaborating with other health care teams assigned to primary nurse
or treated patients starting from the incoming patient to hospitals based on patient needs or
nursing issues tailored to the ability of primary nurse.


Primary Nursing Method have advantage and disadvantage, there are ;

High-quality, holistic patient care Establish rapport with patient
RN feels challenged and rewarded.

Primary nurse must be able to practice with a high degree of responsibility and
RN must accept 24-hour responsibility
More RNs needed; not cost-effective

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