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By. Ir. Teguh Pudji Hertanto, M.Sc MARET 2009

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PRAKATA secara komprehensif dan tepat guna sebagaimana kebutuhan aktual di

Buku ini di luncurkan sebagai buku pegangan bagi peserta pelatihan sistem
Pak Prawoto, yang telah memberikan banyak latihan soal (bongkar bahan/
pemipaan atau yang tertarik dan berminat belajar sistem pemipaan sebagai
materi training referensi ketika masih muda dahulu… yang sudah lebih 30
dasar keahlian yang dibutuhkan sehingga dapat membaca, mengetahui dan
tahun terpendam) sehingga akan banyak membantu dalam meng-eksplore
membuat gambar suatu sistem pemipaan.
para peserta dalam melakukan pen-design-an sustu sistem pemipaan.
Penyajian tulisan ini dicoba dalam bentuk step-by-step dengan bahasa yang
lebih populer disertai dengan berbagai gambar, ilustrasi, tabel dan latihan Para senior dan team pengajar lainnya yang memberikan bahan kontribusi
mandiri sehingga dapat lebih menarik dan memudahkan untuk dapat di dan masukan baik lisan maupun tulisan dan juga ide-idenya yang cemerlang
pelajari lebih mendalam. sehingga memperkaya isi tulisan.
Sajian buku ini hanya sebatas over view dan pengenalan tentang sistem
Pak Bambang Prasetyo dan seluruh jajaran manajemen di Koperasi Karyawan
pemipaan, sedangkan bila ingin lebih sukses dan mudah mempelajarinya,
(Kopkar) PT. IKPT dan manajemen PT Karinda Sumber Daya (KSD) pun juga
maka diharapkan untuk dapat membahas, latihan dan diskusi di dalam kelas.
Buku ini terbagi dalam 2 Buku, dimana BUKU ke-1 akan memaparkan dan memberikan dukungan, kesempatan dan dorongan yang begitu besar untuk
menyajikan suatu sistem pemipaan dalam lingkup penggambaran (drafting) kemajuan dan kemaslahatan yang lebih luas sehingga program pelatihan
dan desain (design). Sehingga peserta pelatihan mengerti dan mampu sistem pemipaan dalam wadah Pusat Pendidikan dan Latihan (PUSDIKLAT)
melakukan penggambaran baik 2 Dimensi ataupun 3 Dimensi termasuk juga KSD ini bisa terwujud dan berjalan sebagaimana yang direncanakan sehingga
bagaimana melakukan desain pemipaan sebagaimana kaidah-kaidah yang dapat di luncurkannya buku pegangan ini.
Semoga buku ini bermanfaat bagi para pembaca sekalian.
BUKU ke-2 akan membahas sistem pemipaan dalam lingkup analisa
kekakuan (flexibility analysis) dan material pemipaan (piping material).
Dalam buku ini Peserta pelatihan di ajak untuk menghitung dan menganalisa
suatu sistem pemipaan sehingga tidak terjadi beban berlebih akibat internal Penulis,
atau eksternal, juga mengerti dan memahami pemilihan dan penggunaan
material yang aman dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
Software yang dipergunakan dan akan di pelajari oleh peserta pelatihan
meliputi penggambaran baik 2 D dengan autocad ataupun 3D menggunakan
software 3D modelling (PDMS atau Autoplan atau PDS), serta penghitungan
analisa tegangan pipa menggunakan manual maupun software (caesar II atau
Peran aktif peserta pelatihan kursus diharapkan demi suksenya kegiatan
belajar mengajar ini. Latihan dan diskusi kelas memberikan kontribusi
keberhasilan 80%, sedangkan bahan bacaan maksimum 20% mempengaruhi
tingkat keberhasilan.

Terima kasih kepada team pengajar Program studi profesional Keahlian

Sistem Pemipaan, dimana ini adalah pertama kalinya dilakukan pelatihan

By. Ir. Teguh Pudji Hertanto, M.Sc MARET 2009 By. Ir. Teguh Pudji Hertanto, M.Sc MARET 2009
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TENTANG TIM PENGAJAR. Ir. Prawoto Martokusumo; Soeronto; Supriyanto; Sukirno; Ir.Novizon
Said; Djoko Warsono. adalah sebagian dari potensial team pengajar piping design yang
Tim Pengajar di program ini adalah meraka yang telah bekerja di bidang masih aktif di PT IKPT dan memiliki pengalaman yang banyak lebih dari 25 tahun dengan
Piping Engineering, Procurement dan Construction lebih dari 10 tahun. berbagai posisi baik lingkup piping maupun manajerial.
Banyak proyek khususnya di dalam negeri dari berbagai sektor petrokimia
dan Minyak & Gas pernah dikerjakan. Beberapa team pengajar di
tunjukkan pada list-up dibawah, diantaranya adalah :

Koko Dwi Sulistiyono,S.Pd; M.Fechrizal; Suyanto; Gandi Tekad adalah sebagian team
pengajar 2D Piping drawing yang masih aktif di PT IKPT.

Ir. Teguh Pudji Hertanto, M.Sc; Ir.Nur Imanullah adalah sebagian team
pengajar piping material yang masih aktif di PT.

Ir. Musofan adalah sebagian team pengajar 3D drawing yang masih aktif di PT Singgar-
Doris Engineering untuk software PDMS.
M.Fechrizal; Suyanto adalah sebagian team pengajar 3D drawing yang masih aktif di PT
IKPT untuk software PDS.
Ir.Teguh Pudji H M.Sc adalah sebagian team pengajar 3D drawing yang masih aktif di PT
IKPT untuk software Autoplan.

Ir. Anwar Effendi; Ir.Ibnu F. adalah sebagian team pengajar lingkup mekanikal pemipaan
yang masih aktif di PT IKPT sebagai Piping Stress Engineer.

By. Ir. Teguh Pudji Hertanto, M.Sc MARET 2009 By. Ir. Teguh Pudji Hertanto, M.Sc MARET 2009



1. SISTEM PEMIPAAN ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2. PIPA ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
PIPING DESIGNING 3. FITTING ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
¾ LONG RADIUS ELBOW (WELD) ........................................................................................................................ 8
¾ SHORT RADIUS ELBOW (WELD)....................................................................................................................... 9
¾ MITER ELBOW (WELD) .................................................................................................................................... 9
¾ 45O ELBOW (WELD) ....................................................................................................................................... 10
¾ TEE (WELD) ................................................................................................................................................... 10
¾ STUB-IN ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
¾ COUPLING ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
¾ REDUCERS ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
¾ CAP ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
¾ FITTING MAKE-UP .......................................................................................................................................... 13
¾ ULIR FITTING & LAS-SOKET (THREADED & SOCKET WELD)........................................................................... 13
¾ PIPE NIPLES ................................................................................................................................................... 15
¾ SWAGE .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
4. FLANGE .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
¾ PERMUKAAN FLANGE.................................................................................................................................... 16
¾ JENIS-JENIS FLANGE ...................................................................................................................................... 17
5. MUR BAUT (BOLTS & NUTS) .................................................................................................................... 18
6. GASKETS ........................................................................................................................................................ 19
7. VALVES........................................................................................................................................................... 20
¾ GATE VALVES ............................................................................................................................................... 21
¾ GLOBE VALVES ............................................................................................................................................. 21
¾ ANGLE VALVES ............................................................................................................................................. 22
¾ CHECK VALVES ............................................................................................................................................. 22
¾ BALL VALVES ............................................................................................................................................... 23
¾ PLUG VALVE ................................................................................................................................................. 23
¾ BUTTERFLY VALVES ..................................................................................................................................... 23
¾ RELIEF VALVES ............................................................................................................................................. 24
By team ¾ CONTROL VALVES......................................................................................................................................... 25
¾ DIAPRAGM VALVE ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Program Pelatihan Sistem Pemipaan ¾ VALVE OPERATORS ....................................................................................................................................... 26
8. DIAGRAM ALIRAN DAN INSTRUMENTASI .......................................................................................... 27
¾ FUNGSI DIAGRAM ALIRAN (FLOW DIAGRAM) ............................................................................................... 27
Jakarta, Maret 2009 ¾
MACAM DARI DIAGRAM ALIRAN.................................................................................................................... 27
DIAGRAM ALIR INSTRUMENTASI ................................................................................................................... 30
¾ SYMBOLOGY DAN SINGKATAN PEMIPAAN ..................................................................................................... 38
9. SPESIFIKASI PEMIPAAN............................................................................................................................ 40
¾ CONTOH PIPING CLASS .................................................................................................................................. 42
10. GAMBAR ISOMETRIC............................................................................................................................ 44

BUKU-1 BUKU-1 Halaman : 2 dari 128

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¾ DIMENSI DAN NOTASI GAMBAR ISOMETRIC .................................................................................................. 47 ¾ FITTINGS-FLANGE (WELD) 600# RF........................................................................................................... 112
¾ ISOMETRIC OFFSETS (GENERAL) ................................................................................................................... 47 ¾ VALVES (600#) ........................................................................................................................................... 112
¾ MULTIPLE OFFSITE ........................................................................................................................................ 48 ¾ SCREWED FITTINGS ..................................................................................................................................... 112
¾ OFFSET PUTAR ............................................................................................................................................... 49 ¾ SOCKET-WELD FITTINGS ............................................................................................................................. 112
11. EQIPMENT LAYOUT .............................................................................................................................. 50
¾ SISTEM KOORDINAT....................................................................................................................................... 50
¾ SITE PLANS.................................................................................................................................................... 51
¾ UNIT PLOTPLAN ............................................................................................................................................ 52
¾ GAMBAR LOKASI EQUIPMENT ....................................................................................................................... 53
¾ GAMBAR LOKASI PONDASI............................................................................................................................ 53
¾ INDEKS GAMBAR PEMIPAAN ......................................................................................................................... 53
12. PLOTPLAN ................................................................................................................................................ 55
¾ PENGEMBANGAN PLOTPLAN ......................................................................................................................... 55
¾ MACAM-MACAM PLOTPLAN .......................................................................................................................... 58
¾ TATA LETAK EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................................................. 59
¾ PERTIMBANGAN PIPE RACKS ......................................................................................................................... 64
¾ JALAN, JALUR AKSES DAN PAVING ................................................................................................................ 64
¾ CONTOH MERANCANG PLOTPLAN ................................................................................................................. 67
13. PIPE RACKS .............................................................................................................................................. 70
¾ PENENTUAN LEBAR, JARAK BENTANGAN DAN ELEVASI ................................................................................ 70
¾ SETTING LINE, VALVE DAN LOKASI PERALTAN INSTRUMENTASI ................................................................... 76
¾ KEKAKUAN PIPA DAN TUMPUAN ................................................................................................................... 77
14. RANGKAIAN STRUKTUR ...................................................................................................................... 79
¾ PERTIMBANGAN DESAIN STRUKTUR .............................................................................................................. 79
¾ STRUKTUR SEDERHANA ................................................................................................................................ 81
¾ STRUKTUR UKURAN BESAR ........................................................................................................................... 81
15. PIPA BAWAH TANAH (UNDERGROUND PIPING)............................................................................ 84
¾ MACAM SISTEM ............................................................................................................................................. 84
¾ MATERIAL YANG BANYAK DI PERGUNAKAN ................................................................................................. 85
¾ BUANGAN LIMBAH KIMIAWI DAN PROSES (TERTUTUP) .................................................................................. 85
¾ PROSES DAN POTABLE WATER ...................................................................................................................... 87
¾ SISTEM AIR UNTUK PEMADAM KEBAKARAN .................................................................................................. 89
¾ DUCT UNTUK KABEL LISTRIK DAN INSTRUMENTASI ...................................................................................... 92
¾ DETAIL LAINNYA .......................................................................................................................................... 93
16. PERALATAN INSTRUMENTASI........................................................................................................... 96
¾ JENIS PERALATAN INSTRUMENTASI ............................................................................................................... 96
¾ PERLETAKAN PERALATAN INSTRUMENTASI ................................................................................................... 97
17. PIPING ARRANGEMENT ....................................................................................................................... 99
¾ PENGATURAN GAMBAR ................................................................................................................................. 99
¾ TENTANG PIPING DESIGNER .......................................................................................................................... 99
¾ SUMBER INFORMASI (UPSTREAM DATA) ....................................................................................................... 99
¾ PROSEDUR TATA LETAK................................................................................................................................ 99
¾ PENGATURAN GAMBAR TATA LETAK PEMIPAAN ........................................................................................ 100
18. TABEL DAN DIMENSI .......................................................................................................................... 112
¾ FITTING (WELD)........................................................................................................................................... 112
¾ WELDED FITTING-FLANGES (150# RF WN)................................................................................................ 112
¾ VALVE (150#) ............................................................................................................................................. 112
¾ FITTING-FLANGE (WELD) 300#RF ............................................................................................................. 112
¾ VALVES (300#) ........................................................................................................................................... 112

BUKU-1 Halaman : 3 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 4 dari 128

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1. Sistem Pemipaan 2. Pipa

Dalam dunia industri, khususnya di bidang petrokimia, oil and Gas baik Sudah sejak lama manusia mengenal adanya sistem pemipaan, dimana
skala kecil hingga besar, sistem pemipaan merupakan bagian yang cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan pengairan (distribusi air) melalui saluran
berperan dan memiliki nilai yang berarti. batang bambu (bahan alam). Pertama kali sistem pemipaan
mengguanakan logam adalah di Greek dan Romawi yang terbuat dari lead
Piping Designer / Engineer adalah individu yang memiliki latar belakang ke- dan bronze, dimana saat itu tehnologi pengecoran logam mulai dikenal.
ilmuan yang tidak serta merta match & link dengan lulusan perguruan
tinggi. Untuk itu maka pelatihan sistem pemipaan ini di berikan untuk Selanjutnya sistem pemipaan berkembang dengan material logam yang
dapat memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat akademisi khususnya bervariasi seiring dengan tingkat perkembangan dan kebutuhan
yang berminat berkiprah di sektor industri petrokimia, minyak dan gas . masyarakat, yang akhirnnya saat ini berbagai logam hingga non logam
berkembang pesat dalam dunia industri termasuk juga sistem pemipaannya.
Sistem pemipaan bisa diibaratkan laksana saluran darah baik besar maupun
kecil juga arteri dan vena. Pemipaan menyalurkan dan mendistribusikan Ukuran pipa di identifikasi dengan kategori
darah kehidupan masyarakat moderen dewasa ini. ukuran, yaitu : nominal pipe size (NPS),
outside diameter (OD), dan inside
Dalam masyarakat perkotaan saat ini sistim distribusi arir minum contoh diameter (ID), sebagaimana yang di
sederhana dari sebuah sistem pemipaan yang sederhana, termasuk juga tunjukkan pada gambar di sebelah.
sistem distribusi lainnya seperti crude oil pipeline, LNG pipeline dsb.
Begitupun dalam plant petrochemical, kita akan menemui sistem pemipaan NPS digunakan hanya untuk menyebutkan
yang lebih kompleks sebagai media hantar antar equipment (point to point) ukuran pipa komersial saja.
dengan fluida pada setting service baervariasi.
Tebal pipa (Wall Thickness) adalah
Piping termasuk pipe, flanges, fittings, bolting, gaskets, valves, dan special istilah untuk tebal dinding pipa,
items adalah komponen / assesoris dari sistem pemipaan, termasuk juga pipe yang mengacu pada pipe’s weight
hangers dan juga pipe support nya. yaitu standard, extra strong dan
double extra strtong. Saat ini
Penulisan buku pegangan sistem pemipaan ini diambil dari berbagai sumber juga dikenal sebagai schedule,
baik berupa handbook, bahan-bahan pelatihan (training) di dalam dan luar yaitu S10, S20, S30, dst.
negeri, publikasi ilmiah maupun internet.

Jika ingin memperdalam dan memahami sistem pemipaan, diharapkan

kepada mahasiswa untuk dapat menggali lebih dalam sebagaimana bahan-
bahan referensi pada mata kuliah ini maupun sumber-sumber lain yang di
publikasikan maupun sebagai referensi di dalam industri petrokima / oil &

BUKU-1 Halaman : 5 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 6 dari 128

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Selain NPS dikenal juga DN (Diameter Nominal) berdasarkan metric unit, 3. Fitting
yang di kembangkan dari International Standard Organization (ISO).

Ukuran pipa dalam NPS dan DN

Dimensi pipa ini mengacu pada code :

● ASME B36.10M Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe Fitting di buat sebagai bagian suatu sistem pemipaan yang berfungsi untuk
● ASME B36.19M Stainless Steel Pipe merubah arah aliran (seperti elbow), membuat percabangan (seperti Tee)
atau untuk mengecilkan ukuran pipa (seperti reducer), sebagaimana
ditunjukkan di gambar atas.

¾ Long Radius Elbow (weld)

Elbow jenis ini banyak dipergunakan.
Besar radius nya adalah 1½ Nominal Size

Penggambaran Pipa

Pipa menjadi acuan dalam perhitungan termasuk juga koneksi dengan

aksesoris nya seperti fitting, flange dsb.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 7 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 8 dari 128

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¾ Short Radius Elbow (weld) ¾ 45o Elbow (weld)
Jenis elbow yang lain adalah yang short yang
penggunaanya sesuai kebutuhan, karenanya
khusus dan jarang di pergunakan.

Kekhususan penggunaanya dikarena jenis elbow

ini memiliki nilai penurunan tekanan (pressure
drop) yang lebih besar dari pada yang long
radius. Jenis elbow ini adalah setengan dari Elbow 90 derajat, sebagaimana pada
gambar diatas. Pemilihannya selain untuk space yang lebih irit juga irit
material cost.

¾ Tee (weld)
Komponen pemipaan yang membuat percabangan dimana size cabang nya
sama dengan size utamanya adalah Tee, sedangkan bila ukuran
¾ Miter Elbow (weld) percabangannya lebih kecil disebut dengan Reducer Tee.

Jenis elbow yang

terbuat dari potongan
potongan pipa adalah
Penggunaanya juga
tertentu di karenakan
tidak sehalus aliaran
elbow diatas.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 9 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 10 dari 128

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¾ Stub-in
Jenis percabangan lainnya adalah stub-in, dimana percabangan langsung
pada pipa utamanya. Jenis ini banyak dipergunakan sebagai alternativ dari
pengguanaan Reducing tee, tetapi penggunaannya disesuaikan dengan
kalkulasi dan dinyatakan pada class piping di piping specification.

Berikut adalah lasan minimum pada pemakaian stub-in

Bila service dan temperaturnya cukup tinggi dan dari hasil perhitungan
stub-in tidak mencukupi maka harus di beri penguatan (reinforcment), bisa
berupa pad, saddle ataupun o-let..

¾ Coupling
Coupling ini adalah jenis komponen
pemipaan yangdipergunakan pada
sambungan ukuran kecil seperti las-
soket (socket weld) dan ulir (threaded).
Umumnya diperlukan untuk koneksi
ke peralatan instrumentasi.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 11 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 12 dari 128

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¾ Reducers
Bila dalam sistem pemipaan dibutuhkan adanya perubahan ukuran, maka
dibutuhkanlah reducer fitting ini. Ada 2 jenis reducer yang dipergunakan,
yaitu concentric dan eccentric.

¾ Cap
Untuk mengakhiri suatu line pemipaan (titik buntu), maka dipergunakanlah
cap ini. Penggambaran cap ini harus selalu dalam double line.

¾ Fitting make-up
Pada situasi tertentu dalam desain
pemipaan, bisa karena space yang
sempit maka dilakukan penyambungan
antar fiting tanpa ada spool pipa, hal
ini di kenal dengan fitting make-up.

¾ Ulir Fitting & las-soket (threaded & socket weld)

Untuk pipa ukran kecil atau koneksi ke instrumentasi biasanya
dipergunakan sambungan ini.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 13 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 14 dari 128

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4. Flange
Untuk melakukan sambungan
secara mekanis menggunakan
mur-baut dengan perapatnya
(gasket) untuk menghindari
kebocoran karena tidak
dengan pengelasan, maka
dipergunakanlah sambungan

Flange adalah komponen pemipaan yang banyak dipergunakan pada

sambungan ke nozzle, valve, dsb yang mudah untuk dilakukan maintanance.

Pada peng-aplikasiannya flange juga mengacu kepada pipa untuk ketebalan

nya disamping besaran pressurenya yang dinyatakan dalam rating class.
Besaran nilai rating class pada ANSI B 16.5 menunjukkan nilai korelasi
pressure dan temperaturnya pada nilai MAWP (Maximum Allowable
Working Pressure).

Satuan rating ini biasa dalam pond ratings, yaitu 150#, 300#, 400#, 600#,
¾ Pipe Niples
900#, 1500#, dan 2500#. Nah, kalau untuk Cast Iron ratingnya 25#, 125#,
Nah, untuk penyambunga dengan ulir dan las-soket ini tidak bisa dilakukan 250# dan 800#.
secara fitting make-up, karena dibutuhkan spool…. Spool pipa ini dikenal
dengan pipe nipple. Panjang nya pipe nipple bervariasi tergantung dari ¾ Permukaan Flange
Permukaan flange ini harus diperhatikan, karena tingkat kemungkinan
kebocorannya yang tinggi, meskipun telah diberi perapat (gasket).
¾ Swage
Karenanya ada tingkat kekasaran permukaan pada flange ini.
Untuk merubah ukuran pipa pada
diamater pipa yang kecil dikenal Jenis permukaan flange ini ada yang Flat Face, Raised face dan Ring-type
dengan swage, yang koneksinya adalah Joint.
ulir atau las-soket. Jadi fungsinya
seperti reducer, karenanya ada yang Flat face seperti gambar disamping
concentric dan juga eccentric. dimana permukaannya datar (flat)
dan umumnya dipergunakan untuk
rating rendah. Begitupun cast iron.

Raised face adalah jenis flange yang

banyak di pakai dalam ketahanan
rating yang medium.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 15 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 16 dari 128

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Untuk temperatur dan
pressure yang sangat tinggi,
maka dipergunakan jenis
flange yang ring-type,
dimana dibuat groove pada
permukaan flange untuk
perletakan ring nya.
Seperti gambar di samping.

¾ Jenis-jenis Flange
Flange ini di kembangkan untuk berbagai keperluan dan aplikasi, sehingga
muncullah ber-variasi jenis flange, seperti : weld neck flange, threaded
flange, socket-welded flange, slip-on flange, lap-joint flange, reducing
flange, blind flange dan orifice flange.

5. Mur Baut (Bolts & Nuts)

Untuk penyambungan antar-Flange atau
Flange dengan komponen lainnya maka
diikat secara mekanis dengan mur-baut
(Bolts & Nuts).

BUKU-1 Halaman : 17 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 18 dari 128

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6. Gaskets 7. Valves
Sebagai perapat ikatan Flange Valve adalah bagian yang sangat esensial pada sistem pemipaan. Kegunaan
adalah gasket untuk pencegah dari valve pada sitem pemipaan selain untuk block / stop aliran juga untuk
kebocoran. Bahan gasket ini bisa pencegah aliran balik, pengaturan aliran dan sebagainya, sehingga jenis dan
dari rubber, neoprene, teflon, dan konstruksi dan material dari valve pun menyesuaikannya.
juga kombinasi nya dengan metal.
Valve pula yang membantu pada sisi maintaining maupun breaking
Jenis gasket ini mengikuti
vacuum, karena valve mampu untuk memaintain tekanan atau temperatur
permukaan dari flange, yaitu :
dari aliran.
Full face, Flat ring dan metal
ring. Umumnya ketebalan gasket Pengoperasian dari valve ada yang manual maupun menggunakan aktuator
ini adalah 7/8” (3.175 mm). yang menggunakan motor, pneumatic, hydraulik, atau kombinasinya.

Klasifikasi berdasarkan pengaturan aliran

1. Closing Down
2. Sliding
3. Rotating
4. Flexing of Valve body

Klasifikasi berdasarkan Ukuran Valve (Sizing)

1. Small Size. Ukuran valve sampai dengan 2” (DN 50)
2. Large Size. Mulai NPS 2 ½” (DN 65) ke atas

Klasifikasi berdasarkan Pressure vs Temperature

Flat ring gasket Presure-Temperature ratting dari valve di disain berdasarkan class number.
Berdasarkan material construction nya, maka pressure-temperature setiap
class di tabelkan pada MAWP.
Jenis valve berdasarkan Pengaturan aliran.

Globe, Piston (Valve) Gate (Valve) Plug, Ball, Butterfly Pinch, Diaphragm

BUKU-1 Halaman : 19 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 20 dari 128

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¾ Gate Valves ¾ Angle Valves
Gate valve ini adalah jenis valve yang banyak
dipergunakan sebagai isolation valves.
Penggunaanya umumnya adalah untuk bukaan
penuh atau tutupan penuh.
Gate valve tidak digunakan untuk regulation atau
throtling dari aliran dikarenakan akurasi
pengendaliannya terhadap aliran yang rendah.

Angle valve banyak juga dipergunakan seperti halnya globe valve, yaitu
untuk throtling.

¾ Check Valves

¾ Globe Valves

Check valve didesain untuk membuat arah aliran hanya satu arah saja
Globe valve banyak di pergunakan sebagai throtling. dengan minimum resistance dan mencegah terjadinya aliran balik dengan
minimum kebocoran.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 21 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 22 dari 128

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¾ Ball Valves

Butterfly valve digunakan untuk mengendalikan dan mengatur atau

Ball valve adalah uarter-turn valve yang banyak dipergunakan untuk throtle dari aliran pada suatu sistem pemipaan.
service gas, compressed air dan liquid. Karakteristiknya adalah beroperasi dengan cepat dan memiliki pressure
Penggunaannya juga kadangkala pada lurry service dengan drop yang rendah. Kebutuhan putaran bukaan/tutup hanya seperempat
pertimbangan khusus. putaran saja.
Butterfly di produksi untuk size mulai 1 ½” hingga 200”.
¾ Plug Valve Produksinya juga bisa flanged, wafer dan lug, atu single-flange type
Butterfly valve di buat dengan metal-to-metal seats, soft seats dan
dengan fully lind body and disk.

¾ Relief Valves
Relief Valve ini sedikit berbeda
fungsinya dengan valve lain
diatas, yakni untuk menjaga
tekanan dalam line pipa, bila
berlebih maka secara otomatis
Plug valves juga dikenal sebagai COCKS umumnya dipergunakan sama
(berdasarkan setting an) akan di
sebagaimana gate valve tetapi dengan kecepatan operasi shut-off yang lebih
lepaskan dari dalam line pipa
cepat. Penggunaannya pada service steam, water, oil, gas dan cairan kimia
Plug valve tidak di disain untuk regulation of flow.

¾ Butterfly Valves

BUKU-1 Halaman : 23 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 24 dari 128

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¾ Control Valves ¾ Valve Operators
Control valve adalah valve yg digunakan untuk mengontrol kondisi operasi Valve operator merupakan suatu mekanisme pada valve (baik untuk buka
seperti temperature, pressure, flow dan liquid level dengan cara membuka atau tutup) sehingga valve befungsi sebagaimana mestinya. Operasinya
atau menutup atau membuka sebagian flow sebagai respond sinyal yg bisa berupa secara manual ataupun otomatis.
diterima dr controller yg membandingkan satu setpoint(nilainya diukur oleh
sensor yg memonitor perubahan kondisi) ke variable process yg diinginkan
(nilainya ditentukan oleh operator).

Fungsi control valve :

- merupakan final control element
- untuk throttling (memberikan bukaan yg presisi dg sinyal manipulated

¾ Diapragm Valve
Semua diaphragm valve adalah bidirectional.
Penggunaannya sebagai on-off dan throlting valves. Diaphragm valve
memiliki keuntungan digunakan pada aliran dengan tekanan yang
rendah dibandingkan dengan jenis valve yang lain karena aliran fluida
akan smooth dan streamlined dengan pressure drop yang sangat rendah.
Cocok untuk dipergunakan sebagai moderate throtling.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 25 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 26 dari 128

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8. Diagram Aliran dan Instrumentasi

Diagram aliran menjelaskan dan menceritakan secara skematik suatu
proses aliran fluida atau gas dalam suatu unit dan atau plant.
Karena merupakan skematik sehingga terdiri dari banyak symbol-symbol
yang dipergunakan seperti symbol equipment, symbol piping, symbol
instrument, dan sebagainya.... Nah, anda harus mencoba supaya familier
dengan per-symbol-an ini ya.
Selain symbol juga banyak singktan-singkatan yang musti juga di ingat.
Pada contoh di bawah di berikan symbol dan singkatan yang umum dan
banyak di pergunakan di berbagai project.

¾ Fungsi Diagram aliran (Flow Diagram)

Flow diagram ini oleh piping gruop di perlukan untuk mngembangkan
Equipment Layout hingga Plot Plan. Nah, saat melakukan pengaturan
tata letak equipment tersebut, Flow diagram menjadi acuan sehingga
secara urutan yang logis dari aliran proseslah secara berkelompok
equipment itu di letakkan.
Nah, pada perkembangan selanjutnya flow diagram yang secara detail
menjadi Piping & Instrument (P&ID) ini menjadi referensi khususnya
piping designer untuk melakukan routing pipa dengan juga
memperhatikan kaidah-kaidah design practice.
Mechanical Flow Diagram.
¾ Macam dari diagram aliran Biasanya disebut juga dengan P&ID (Piping and Instrument Diagram).
Seorang process engineer bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan Sering kali juga disebut sebagai kitab sucinya dari proses disain, dimana
pengembangan dari diagaram alir (flow diagram) ini. Dengan berbagai menjadi rujukan piping designer dalam bekerja (melakukan routing pipa).
perangkat software dari mulai menghitung dan menggambar di
pergunakan untuk pengembangan diagram alir ini. Didalamnya termasuk indikasi :
• Pipe line number dan arah aliran
Process Flow diagram
• Pipe class dan ukuran line
Biasa dikenal dengan Aliran diagram proses (process flow diagram–PFD).
• Semua equipment
Didalamnya termasuk indikasi :
• Semua valves dan Spesial items
• Equipment Utama (major Equipment)
• Semua peralatan instrumentasi dengancontrolling device.
• Piping Utama (main piping)
• Temperatur dan Tekanan Operasi
Pendefinisian di P&ID ini harus berurutan secara tepat dan detail,
• Peralatan utama instrumentasi (major instrumentation) dimana seluruh peralatan pabrik (Equipment), valves, piping special
Kondisi disain adalah nilai dimana batas tertinggi (limit) dari peralatan items, peralatan instrumentasi, seluruh koneksi antar peralatan sehingga
dapat dipergunakan, dan biasanya nilai ini hampir tidak pernah tercapai.
piping line secara mudah untuk dibaca dan dilakukan routingnya.
Dibawah di tunjukkan contoh diagram aliran proses. Di bawah dilampirkan contoh P&ID.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 27 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 28 dari 128

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Utility Flow Diagram
Pada diagram jenis ini di tunjukkan piping, valves, special items dan
peralatan instrumentasi untuk basis plant utiliti, ndak ada proses disini
Service utiliti ini menjadi plant pendukung dari process plant, sehingga
cukup penting juga. Kebutuhan utiliti ini melayani Steam, Water, Air,
Gas dan sewer drain.
Beberapa sistem dari utility ini diantaranya adalah :
• Steam • Condensate
• Fuel oil • Utility air
• Instrument air • Cooling water
• Drainage system • Flare system

Diagram aliran ini adalah dokumen yang dinamis, dimana selalu ada
kemungkinan dilakukan revisi dan update sesuai dengan perubahan
akibat kebutuhan dari client ataupun modifikasi regulasi dari
Gambar dibawah contoh dari utility flow diagram

¾ Diagram alir Instrumentasi

Fungsi peralatan instrumentasi dalam suatu line pemipaan adalah
memonitor veriabel perubahan / kondisi line tsb. Ada 4 (empat
kelompok utama instrumentasi yang di pasang, yaitu Aliran/flow (F),
Level (L), Tekanan/Pressure (P), dan Suhu/Temperature (T).
Jenis peralatan yang digunakan untuk kendali dan monitor yaitu :

BUKU-1 Halaman : 29 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 30 dari 128

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Controler (C), Indicator (I), Gauge (G), Alarm (A) dan Recorder
ANSI ISA-S5.1 adalah standard referensi dari simbologi instrumentasi.

Control valve body symbols, damper symbols

General instrumentation atau Fungsi simbol

PRIAMARY LOCATION – Symbols for self-actuated regulators, valves, and other devices

BUKU-1 Halaman : 31 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 32 dari 128

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Primary element symbols

BUKU-1 Halaman : 33 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 34 dari 128

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BUKU-1 Halaman : 35 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 36 dari 128

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Di bawah adalah contoh symbol peralatan instrumentasi.

¾ Symbology dan singkatan pemipaan

Pada gambar di bawah ditunjukkan contoh piping symbol yang sering
di pergunakan.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 37 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 38 dari 128

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9. Spesifikasi Pemipaan
Setiap orang dalam suatu kelompok yang bekerja atau bermain bersama
tentunya punya aturan main yang disepakati bersama agar pekerjaab atau
permainan itu berjalan dengan benar sesuai aturan.
Nah, hal itupun diperlukan dalam melakukan kegiatan pembangunan
fasilitas sistem pemipaan. Sebagaimana ilustrasi diatas pada pengerjaan
proyek fasilitas pemipaan pun dibutuhkan basic guidelines, code dan
spesifikasi termasuk juga standard dan prosedure nya.
Spesifikasi ini pada tingkat lanjutnya dikembangkan hingga tingkat khusus
sebagai guidlines untuk desain, fabrikasi dan konstruksi.
Penulisan/pendokumentasian spesifikasi demi untuk konsistensi dan
keseragaman harus dibuat secara detail.
Umumnya pada spesifikasi sistem pemipaann berisikan : (contoh...) Lihat
di Daftar Spesifikasi, Standard dan Prosedure di Volume-2.
Untuk melakukan aplikasi desain pemipaan pun juga penggambarannya,
biasanya dibatasi dan diatur dalam suatu spesifikasi, yaitu Specification of
Piping Design dan Standard Drawing procedure.
Contoh Sebagaimana gambar dibawah untuk clearence dan accessibility.
7.1.1 Minimum headroom clearance over secondary roadways is l0’'-0".
7.1.2 Minimum width of secondary roadways is l0'-0" excluding 3'-0"shoulders.
7.2 Walkways
7.2.1 Maintain a minimum headroom clearance of 7'-0".
7.2.2 Maintain a minimum horizontal clearance of 2'-6".
7.3 Platform
7.3.1 Minimum platform width is 2’-6” .
7.3.2 Minimum headroom clearance above platforms is 7'-0"
7.3.3 Platforms shall be placed 2'-6" below the centerline of manways.
7.3.4 Maximum vertical distance between platforms (laders,der length) is 30'-0".
7.3.5 Minimum clearance around any platform obstruction 1’-3”
7.3.6 Cages are not required for ladders 8-0 long or less or ladders that end 20-0 or
less above the high point of paving.
7.3.7 Platforms shall be provided for manways which have a centerline 15'-0" or
higher above high point of paving.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 39 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 40 dari 128

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Salah satu spesifikasi adalah
Spesifikasi of piping material
class. Di line number diatas
dicontohkan sebagai A15.
Pembagian atas class ini
didasari atas pengelompokkan
atas service nya (termasuk juga
fluida, temperatur dan
pressurenya), kelompok
material pipanya, dan besaran
dari corrosion allowance.

¾ Contoh piping class

Dibawah ditunjukkan penomoran dari line number :

BUKU-1 Halaman : 41 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 42 dari 128

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10. Gambar Isometric

Gambar isometric adalah salah satu produk gambar suatu sistem pemipaan
laksana bentukan 3 dimensi (pictorial). Jadi penggambaran isometric atau
biasa kita panggil iso menunjukkan dimensi panjang, lebar dan tinggi
laksana 3 dimensi.
Perbedaan gambar orthographic dengan gambar isometric.

Pada penggambaran orthographic untuk penunjukannya membutuhkan

pandangan samping, sedangkan isometric tidak perlu ada tambahan
pandangan samping.
Nah, supaya penggambaran tampak 3 dimensi bisa terlihat dan terproyeksi
kan dalam ta,pak 2 dimensi, maka harus di buat dalam ukuran garis axes
30o terhadap bidanghorizontalnya.

Penggambaran piping isometric ini sangat penting untuk berbagai

keperluan, mulai dari MTO (material take-off), hingga konstruksi.
Pada MTO ini, setiap material per- individual line number, komponen piping
nya di hitung (pipes, fittings, flanges, valves, gaskets, bolts&nuts, dsb) dalam
suatu tabulasi sehingga didapat jumlah nya untuk selanjutnya akan di order
untuk pembeliannya oleh procurement.
Pada fase konstruksi gambar isometrik ini juga diperlukan untuk fabrikasi,
spool drawing dan pemasangannya.
Nah jelasnya di gambar di bawah terlihat untuk kondisi dan routing yang
sama antara orthograpic dan isometric. Perhatikan referensi
penggambarannya, yaitu penunjukkan arah gambar (Utara / North) dan
turning point (TP). Pasti bisa lah.....

BUKU-1 Halaman : 43 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 44 dari 128

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(VALVE) Konfigurasi Isometric.

Dibawah ditunjukkan penggambaran piping component dalam isometric.

Untuk latihan, cobalah membuat dengan tarikan tangan, selanjutnya
dengan AutoCad.



Pada gambar diatas dimana sebuah individual line number 01-2-C30-10”

menghubungkan Vessel V-101 pada Nozzle N1 dan Vessel E-101 pada
GATE, GLOBE (VALVE) Perhatikan routing nya secara PLAN dan tampak Samping (East & North)
dan Gambar Isometric nya.
Cobalah Gambarkan dan Diskusikan di kelas !

BUKU-1 Halaman : 45 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 46 dari 128

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¾ Dimensi dan Notasi Gambar Isometric ¾ Multiple Offsite
Sekarang bagaimana bila offsetnya tidak cuman satu. Seperti contoh
gambar di bawah, dimana posisi nozzle yang tidak 90o, memungkinkan
terjadinya multiple offset....

Standard Alternative-1 Alternative-2

Pada umunya pemberian dimensi dan notasi gambar isometrik sebagaimana

standard diatas, tetapi juga bisa di tolerir untuk penulisan sebagaimana
alternative 1 atau 2.

¾ Isometric Offsets (General)

Hitunglah berapa panjang pipa ? bila

di ketahui koordinat nozzle W 125’-0”
posisi pipa arah selatan W 122’-6”
besar sudut nozle 20o, dsb
sebagaimana gambar kiri atas,
sehingga diketahui nilai panjang
seperti gambar segitiga sebelah kiri.
Jawabannya adalah

Perhatikan gambar isometrik diatas, dimana ke

tiganya terdapat offset pada lintasan sudut 45o.
Nah...ingat dong dengan hukum phytagoras...
dimana panjang titik panjang pada sudut 45o
adalah akar pangkat 2 dari penjumlahan 2 kali
pangkat 2 sisi pendeknya.... lihat formulasi
disebelah ya..

BUKU-1 Halaman : 47 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 48 dari 128

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¾ Offset putar 11. Eqipment Layout
Bagaimana sekarang bila offsetnya Tata letak Peralatan (Equipment) dalam suatu plan merupakan bagian
menurun sehingga laksna berputar, yang sangat penting dalam perencanaan pembangunan pabrik (plan),
seperti tampak pada gambar di samping. karena menyangkut berbagai hal mulai dari keselamatan, keamanan,
akses keluar masuk, estetika hingga efisiensi pembiayaan.
Diskusikan dan coba membuat
isometriknya. Lalu coba hitung ¾ Sistem koordinat
dimensinya dengan nilai asumsi yang Plot plan, gambar lokasi fondasi, dan gambar lokasi peralatan di
diberikan oleh instruktur di kelas.... kembang kan menggunakan sistem koordinat dari plant.

Titik koordinat seperti halnya sistem koordiant Cartesian, seperti

gambar diatas, suatu titik koordinat dari persilangan garis utara-
selatan dengan timur barat.
Beberapa hal yang berkaitan dengan koordinat sistem ini adalah
elevasi. Beberapa terimonologi penting lainnya adalah sbb :
Piping Terminology Piping Callout
grade elevation GRADE EL.100'-0"
high point of paving H.P. PAVING l00'-0"
center line elevation CL. 102'-0"
top of concrete T.O.C. EL. 101 '-0"

BUKU-1 Halaman : 49 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 50 dari 128

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top of steel T.O.S. EL. 112'-0" ¾ Unit Plotplan
bottom of pipe B.O.P.EL. 112'-0"
Unit plot plans adalah bagian atau unit dari suatu plot plan yang
face of flange F.O.F. EL. 105 '-0"
dimana di beri batasan area yang disebut dengan battery limit.
top of platform TO. PLAT. EL. 137'-6"
Battery limit umumnya di gambar dengan skala 1:20, atau 1:30 atau
Di dalam unit plot plan di tunjukkan lokasi dari bangunan, peralatan
pabrik (equipment), pipe racks, dan item-item lainnya yang dianggap
penting dalam suatu plot plans. Penunjukan arah utara sebenarnya
(true north) dan utara gambar (plan north) wajib di tunjukkan.
Piping Engineering yang biasanya bertanggung jawab untuk
melakukan pengembangan dari suatu unit plot plan. Pengembangan
dari plot plan ini berdasarkan dari data / dokumen P&ID (Piping &
Instrument Diagram), spesifikasi dari Client, Codes & Standrds.
Contoh gambar suatu unit plot plan.

Gambar diatan menunjukan sistem elevasi plant.

Jadi untuk menghitung dimensi horizontal mempergunakan koordinat
sedangkan dimensi vertikal menggunakan elevasi.

¾ Site Plans
Departemen civil akan menyiapkan topografik yang akan diperguna
kan sebagai site plans untuk fasilitas pemipaan
Site plans merupakan tampak menyeluruh yang menunjukan lokasi
project dan segala fasilitas lingkungan sekitanya, sepertinjalan raya,
jalur kereta api, pelabuhan laut, jalur-jalur kapal laut, pelabuhan
udara, dan sekitarnya.
Gambar-gambar itu tidak ditunjukkan sedemikian ditailnya, dan bila
ada yang ingin di tunjukkan beberapa are yang detil, dibuatlah kotak
doted dan ditunjukkan area detail yang dimaksud.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 51 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 52 dari 128

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¾ Gambar Lokasi Equipment Gambar di bawah menunjukkan contoh suatu drawing index
Didalam perencanaan pengembangan suatu plot plan, berdasarkan
permintaan dan kebutuhan akan ruang untuk peralatan (equipment),
selanjutnya di tentukanlah lokasi dan koordinat dari equipment tsb.
Contoh gambar suatu lokasi peralatan (equipment).

¾ Gambar Lokasi Pondasi

Departemen civil membutuhkan informasi lokasi pondasi ini yang
harus di tunjukkan baik untuk pondasi euipment, tumpuan struktur
juga gedung.

¾ Indeks Gambar Pemipaan

Drawing Indeks di kembangkan dari plot plan. Gambar indeks ini
membagi plot plan dalam area-area gambar yang lebih kecil, dimana
batas gambarnya kita sebut match lines. Bagian-bagian kecil ini di
beri label, yang bila disusun menjadi bagian utuh suatu plot plan…
ya, seperti bermain puzzle deh ya…

BUKU-1 Halaman : 53 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 54 dari 128

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12. Plotplan
Plot plan adalah salah satu dokumen kunci yang di hasilkan selama
fase engineering yang merupakan plot dari berbagai fasilitas proses.
Didalamnya juga ditunjukkan lokasi dari equipment (lihat pada Sub
Bab 11 diatas), tumpuan berbagai infrastruktur dan tata urutan
berbagai aktifitas besar engineering dan konstruksi.
Plot plan ini diperlukan oleh hampir seluruh engineering group mulai
dari estimasi, scheduling hingga konstruksi.

¾ Pengembangan Plotplan
Pengembangan plot plan bukan layaknya suatu ilmu pasti, tetapi
bagaimana mengatur plant yang harus di mulai sebelum seluruh
kebutuhan peralatan di tuangkan dan finalisasi konfigurasi diperoleh
juga sebelum semua permasalahan mekanik di kolaborasi jawabannya.
Nah, jadi pengaturan plot plan ini merupakan refleksi kemampuan
seorang designer untuk mengantisipasi permasalahan mekanis,
memperhitungkan akses untuk operasional dan juga maintenance nya.
Plot plan ini umumnya di kembangkan dalam suatu tahapan, dimulai
dari tahap konsep dasar hingga tahap konstruksi. Kira-kira
tahapannya sbb:
• Proposal Plot plan. Pengembangan plot plan pada tahap
ini adalah dalam masa estimasi suatu proyek sehingga
didapatkan perkiraan akan kebutuhan bulk material nya.
Pada tahap ini juga termasuk presentasi pengaturan unit
sebagai gambaran ke Client.
Karena masih dalam keterbatasan informasi, maka yang di
indikasikan hanya equipment utama beserta fasilitas
pendukungnya dan dimensi secara menyeluruh.
• Planning Plot plan. Setelah di tanda tanganinya suatu
kontrak, selanjutnya plot plan ini di perbarui untuk
menyesuaikan informasi terakhir dan mendapatkan review dan
approval dari client.
Nah.. dokumen ini selanjutnya akan menjadi basis untuk fase
layout suatu plan pada proyek itu.
• Construction Plot plan. Pada tahap ini dikenal juga
tahap lengkap sempurna, dimana semua equipment telah pasti
ukuran dan besarnya dalamperletakkan yang terbaiknya sesuai
kebutuhan proyek termasuk juga akses jalan, gedung-gedung,
dan juga pipe rack.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 55 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 56 dari 128

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• Material of Construction. Disini material specialist
mengidentifi - kasikan pada diagram alir material yang
eksotis/kritis, seperti alloy, tebel banget, dan mahal…. Ini akan
membantu plot plan engineer saat penentuan lokasi equipment
supaya optimim.

¾ Macam-macam Plotplan
Dalam proyek petrokimia seperti LDAN (Low Density Ammonium
Nitrat) plan ataupun Ammonia plan tata letak equipment menjadi
konfigurasi yang penting. Sehingga dalam suatu unit proses plot plan
konfigurasinya dibagi 2, yaitu :
X Grade-Mounted Horizontal Arrangement, yang banyak di
fasilitas pengilangan (refinery) dan
Y structure-mounted vertical arrangement, yang banyak di plant

Untuk mengembangkan plot plan, seorang plot plan engineer harus

mendapatkan dan juga meng akomodir semua informasi dan
mendiskusikannya. Beberapa hal yang diperhatikan antara lain :
• Daftar Equipment (Equipment List).
• Diagram Aliran Proses (Process Flow Diagram). Diagram
ini memperlihatkan semua interkonekting utama antar-unit,
seperti proses unit, utility plants dan juga fasilitas
• Block Flow Diagram
• Spesifikasi
• Process Design data. Ini akan memberikan site information
atau suatu pemetaan atau juga overall existing plot plan. Di
sana didapatkan gambaran seperti letak geografis, jalan, rel
kereta api, sungai, dan sebagai nya. Selain itu pada Proses
design data ini juga mengindikasikan kondisi cuaca tahunan,
seperti suhu udara, kelembaban udara, kecepatan angin, curah Pada gambar diatas di tunjukkan contoh dari Horizontal Arrangement,
hujan, dsb. Juga referensi elevasi plan dan koordinatnya. dimana hampir seluruh perletakan equipmen di ground (di atas
• Dimensi dan ukuran Equipment tanah), dan umumnya di pusat plot plant tersebut terdapat pipe racks.
Kekurangan jenis ini adalah dibutuhkannya tanah yang lebih luas dan
juga panjang kabel yang lebih panjang.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 57 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 58 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hubungan antara PFD, Tata letak Equipment dan Plot plan.
Perhatikan gambar di bawah.... diskusikan ¡

Pada gambar diatas di tunjukkan contoh dari Vertikal Arrangement,

dimana lokasi equipment sebagian besar di struktur baja bertingkat.
Karena lokasinya yang ke atas, maka akses operator menggunakan
tangga atau elevator.
Untuk pemeliharaan, maka dibutuhkan kelengkapan seperti trolley
beams atau travelling cranes. Karena itu perlu di persiapkan area
drop yang kosong di permukaan tanah.

¾ Tata letak Equipment

Lihat di sub bab 11
diatas ya….

Contoh pertimbangan
jarak antar quipment
berkaitan dengan
ruang keselamatan,
sebagaimana tampak
pada gambar di

BUKU-1 Halaman : 59 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 60 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kebutuhan proses. Kadangkala untuk memenuhi kebutuhan proses lakukan secara rutin. Untuk itu di butuhkan clear area yang juga
dibutuhkan posisi equipment pada level tertentu, seperti untuk mudah terhubung ke jalan. Di bawah di tunjukkan contoh akses tsb.
pressure drop, line yang tidak mengantung (pocket) dan gravity flow.
Contohnya pada gambar dibawah untuk memenuhi gravity flow.

Equipmen yang membutuhkan perhatian operator yang terus menerus

atau memerlukan fasiitas utility dan perawatan bersama, umumnya
diletakkan dalam area yang sama. Contohnya kompreor yang 24 jam
diawasi oleh operator dengan drivernya diletakkan dalam rumah
kompresor seperti gambar di bawah.

Akses Pemeliharaan.

Equipmen membutuhkan perawatan rutin (shutdown periodic), yang di

BUKU-1 Halaman : 61 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 62 dari 128

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Fasilitas Bawah Tanah ¾ Pertimbangan Pipe Racks
Kondisi dan berbagai penggunaan fasilitas di bawah tanah memiliki Untuk jalur interkoneksi baik pemipaan maupun kabel-kabel dalam
pengaruh yang cukup besar juga terhadap perletakan suatu plan, di butuhkan adanya sistem pipe racks ini, yang umumnya di
equipment. letakkan di pusat plan, untuk melayani semua area plan tsb.
Lebar pipe rack dan juga banyaknya level tergantung dari besarnya
jalur pipa dan kabel dan equipment yang perlu di layani. Lebar pipe
ravk biasanya sih 6 meter (20 feet), tapi bisa juga lebih besar.
Levelnya umunya 2 layer…. Tapi inget waktu meng-estimasi harus
sudah mempertimbangkan 20% untuk allowance.
Contoh pipe rack (selain yang ada di specifikasi….), Diskusikan !

Pertimbangan kondisi cuaca.

Cuaca yang cukup ekstrim atau yang memiliki pengaruh pada
peralatan, menjadi pertimbangan suatu equipment di tempatkan
dalam bangunan, seperti contoh di bawah.

¾ Jalan, Jalur akses dan Paving

Sebagai pertimbangan untuk kebutuhan perawatan dan juga
keselamatan, secara prinsip harus diperhatikan akses dari ataupun ke
unit proses melalui jalan raya.
Idealnya sih... jarak battery limit plan ke center line jalan raya
minimum 15 m (40 ft), karena sudah cukup ruang untuk drainase dan
jalur fasilitas pemadam kebakaran.
Lihat di specifikasi untuk items ini ya… Diskusikan !

BUKU-1 Halaman : 63 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 64 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Headroom for primary access roads (where major
1 4900 mm
maintanance vehicles are expected to pass)
Headroom for electrical transmission and distribution
2 6700 mm
Paving, 3 Freeboard height of curbs and dike wall 150 mm
Grading Maximum average height of dikes above the interior
4 grade of diked area. 1800 mm
5 Headroom over through railroads (from top of rail) 6700 mm
Railroads 6 Headroom dead-ends and sidings (from top of rail) 4900 mm
7 Clearance from track centerline to obstructions 2450 mm

Plot plan engineer harus familier dengan kebutuhan spesifikasi proyek

untuk akses keselamatan, perawatan dan operator.
Contohnya untuk area tower, sebagaimana gambar di bawah, dimana
terdapat equipment lain yang terkait seperti drums dan heat
exchanger yang di letakkan tidak jauh dari pipe rack utama dimana
terdapat akses perawatan melalui jalan.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 65 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 66 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
¾ Contoh merancang Plotplan
Nah… sekarang coba kita mengembangkan Plot plan. Dari PFD
diketahui flow process sebagai berikut :

Terlihat bahwa sebagaimana PFD kita diatas kita lakukan grouping

pada unit naphtha hydrotreater yang selanjutnya kita kelompokkan
(dengan kotak-kotak) sebagai sub system sebagaimana gambar
Diagram Alir Proses telah di Grouping.
Selanjutnya pada unit plot plan di lakukan sketches, dimana dengan
area yang di berikkan letakkan equipment yang di kelompokkan
tersebut, sebagaimana gambar Sketsa dari PFD yang telah di
Periksa kembali keefisienan perletakan equipment tsb dengan cara
cobalah tarik routing pipa utamanya, sebagaimana gambar Dari
PlanPeriksa Pipe Route Utama.
Akhirnya setelah dikembangkan dan dilengkapi jadilah final plotplan.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 67 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 68 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13. Pipe Racks

Sebagai media penghubung pemipaan dan peng-kabelan, khususnya
antar unit plot plan maka peran dan perletakan pipe rack ini sangat
penting. Oleh karena itulah umumnya letak dari pipe rack ini di posisi
tengah suatu plant, juga di bangun lebih awal sebelum equuipment.
Data-data yang dibutuhkan untuk mengembangkan pipe rack adalah :
• Plot plan
• Piping & Instrument Diagram (P&ID)
• Spesifikasi dari Plan Layout
• Client Specification
• Construction Materials
• Fireproofing requirements

¾ Penentuan Lebar, jarak bentangan dan Elevasi

Pertama-tama yang dilakukan untuk mengembangkan pipe rack
adalah tarik garis ruting yang menunjukkan perletakannya di pipe
rack. Meski belum pada penempatan yang tepat baik posisi, elevasi
ataupun interferensi nya, tetapi sudah dapat diperkirakan belokan
yang ada pada pipe rack. Nah, setelah itu selesai selanjutnya
mulai dikembangkan lebar, bentangan dan elevasi dari pipe rack.
Pada P&ID sudah terlihat line number termasuk di dalamnya apakah
perlu ada insulasi, dsb.
Untuk besar bentangan
perlu di perhatikan
tinggi kolom dan
banyaknya struktur
horizontal tempat
perletakan pipanya,
yang umunya diatas
kepala kita ya... (lihat
bahasan tentang akses
di sub bab diatas

Bila bentangan pipa

tidak mencukupi, maka
perlu ditambahkan tumpuan antara (intermediate).

BUKU-1 Halaman : 69 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 70 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Karena piperack adalah

media tumpuan perletak
kan pipa, kabel, dsb, maka
komposisi penempatannya
pun umumnya untuk
proses line di letakkan
pada tingkat dibawah
sedang kan utility di
letakkan pada level
diatasnya... begitupun
dengan peralat an per-
kabelan, dan juga harus
diingat, untuk
menyediakan allowance
20% ya... lihat seperti
gambar disebelah
”Komposisi Piperack”.
Untuk menghitung besar
lebar bentangan terhadap
banyaknya line, maka
jarak antar pipa sbb :

BUKU-1 Halaman : 71 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 72 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dibawah di tunjukkan konfigurasi yang umum pada Pipe rack.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 73 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 74 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
¾ Setting line, Valve dan lokasi peraltan instrumentasi
Banyak faktor yang mesti dipertimbangkan ketika ingin melatakkan
jalur pipa, valve dan juga instrumentasi di pipe rack. Pada gambar di
bawah di contohkan perencanaan pada pipe rack.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 75 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 76 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

¾ Kekakuan pipa dan Tumpuan

Meskipun nanti pada
akhirnya setiap perhitungan
aanalisa tegangan pada pipa
dilakukan oleh pipe stress
engineer, tetapi designer
harus memahami prinsip
dasar tegangan ini
khususnya di sekitar pipe
Perhatikan sebagaimana
gambar di bawah, perlunya
loop pada perletakan pipa
yang panjang, besar dan
temperaturnya cukup tinggi.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 77 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 78 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

14. Rangkaian Struktur Ladder sebagaimana gambar

Dalam suatu perencanaan plant, sesuai kondisi, kebutuhan proses dan diatas diatas 20 ft (6100 mm)
keinginan/pertimbangan client banyak di pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan kurungan
membuat struktur baja atau concreate sebagai perletakan equipment. (cage) untuk pengamanan.
Untuk stairways dibuat
Biasanya pertimbangan untuk memilih memakai rangkaian struktur sudut yang lebih landai
ini adalah untuk meng-optimasikan penggunaan ruang (space), dengan dibandingkan ladder, dimana
juga mempertimbangkan kebutuhan keselamatan, perawatan, untuk ladder sudutnya 15o ,
operasional, biaya dan juga mampu konstruksinya. sedangkan stairways 35o.
Hal-hal yang perlu di pertimbangkan dalam mendesign rangkaian
struktur ini adalah :
• Desain Baja atau concreate Gambar disamping menunjuk
• Rangkaian struktur yang terbuka atau agak tertutup kan platform pada ketinggian
• Siding requirements tertentu.
• Jenis Lantai/platform
• Akses
• Rangkaian kaku atau lentur
• Fireproofing requirements
• Perawatan Equipment
• Jenis atap

¾ Pertimbangan desain struktur

Lantai tahan asam,
Tentunya di butuhkan dipergunakan sesuai
tangga untuk akses kebutuhan yg spesifik,
operator, handril dan diperlihatkan pada gambar di
platform. Equipment samping.
yang setiap hari tidak di
inspeksi oleh operator Untuk aktifitas perawatan,
cukup menggunakan dimana dibutuhkan alat
Ladder, sedangkan yang angkat untuk equipment yang
secara harian didatangi besar, maka dibutuhkanlah
oleh operator monorail seperti tampak pada
menggunakan stairways. gambar di samping.
Nah, kalau strukturnya
buesar dan operator Pada saat perencanaan untuk
kadangkala harus menggunakan monorail ini,
membawa peralatan harus di perhitungkan beban
yang cukup besar, maka maksimum yang mampu
sebaiknya menggunakan diangkat.
elevator atau trevelling
belt lift.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 79 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 80 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
¾ Struktur Sederhana
Jenis struktur ini relatif kecil dan tidak benyak berisi equipment yang
besar. Contoh struktur sederhana sebagaimana gambar di bawah.

¾ Struktur Ukuran besar

Bila banyak equipment besar di letakkan dalam struktur, maka
dibutuhkanlah struktur yang besar yang bisa mengakomodir
kebutuhan plant tersebut.
Di bawah di gambarkan contoh untuk Struktur besar ini.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 81 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 82 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

15. Pipa Bawah Tanah (Underground Piping)

Untuk jalur pipa yang di letakkan
di bawah tanah, yang biasa kita
kenal dengan underground piping
bisa berisikan buangan air
ataupun bersisi bahan yang
berbahaya, sehingga bisa
merupakan proses terbuka
ataupun tertutup.

¾ Macam sistem
Jenis system yang dilayani oleh underground piping antara lain :
Air buangan tak terkontaminasi
Jenis air buangan ini dari mengumpulkan air buangan dari wilayah
peralatan proses, jalan, dsb. Selanjutnya di alirkan dalam saluran
buangan termasuk juga akibat curah hujan.
Sanitary Water
Ini sistem pembuangan air bersih biasa ya…
Blowdoen system
Sistem ini merupakan buangan dari sekitar boiler dan steam drum dan
dialirkan ke sistem pemisahan.
Pump-out system
Di P&ID sistem ini di tunjukkan lho.... Meskipun tidak memerlukan
slope tetapi tidak boleh ada poket. Sistem ini digunakan sebagai
buangan minyak oli dari pompa yang panas.
Solvent collection system
Biasanya untuk mmbuang CO2 dari system gas banyak di pergunakan
Solvent. Solvent hasil penggunaan ini di buang dalam saluran limbah
yang juga di tunjukkan di P&ID.
Cooling Water
Ini merupakan sistem suplai dan buang air yang berfungsi sebagai
pendingin equipment.
Fire Water
Sistem ini merupakan sistem pemipaan untuk pemadaman kebakaran.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 83 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 84 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Potable Water
Sistem ini merupakan sistem untuk air minum, emergency eyewash
dan juga untuk mandiiiiii.

Nah, untuk mengembang

kan sistem pipa pendam ini,
kita harus memperhatikan
di plot plant apa sajakah
yang ada di bawah tanah
itu, seperti equipment,
fondasi dan juga jalur-jalur
kabel, seperti yang di
tunjukkan samping ini.

¾ Material Yang banyak di pergunakan

Materal yang umumnya dipergunakan pada sistem underground ini
antara lain :
• Baja karbon (CS); Umum dipergunakan pada sistem pembuang
an ter tutup, cooling dan fire water.
• Baja Stainless (SS); Untuk pembuangan tertutup bahan kimia.
• Cast Iron. Untuk macam-macam water service termasuk fire
• Ductile Iron. Sama spt Cast iron penggunaannya.
• Concreate pipe. Untuk pembuanganlimbah.
• Fiberglass Reinforced Pipe. Untuk macem service dan anti
corrosion, spt air laut, dsb.
• PVC pipe

¾ Buangan limbah kimiawi dan proses (tertutup)

Drainase yang tertutup ini dipergunakan karena fluidanya karosif dan
atau beracun yang nantinya di tampung pada drum. Pada P&ID
untuk sistem ini di tunjukkan, contohnya di gambar bawah, “P&ID
untuk close drain system” dan “Plan Drawing untuk close drain
Banyaknya jumlah aktual titik buangan tergantung kepada titik
terendah yang ada dalam konfigurasi sistem pemipaan itu

BUKU-1 Halaman : 85 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 86 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

¾ Proses dan Potable Water

Di dalam plant, proses dan potable water adalah komoditas yang selalu
ada. Pada gambar di bawah,

BUKU-1 Halaman : 87 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 88 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
¾ Sistem Air untuk pemadam kebakaran
Sistem pemadam kebakaran ini selain sistem pemipaannya juga
terdapat berbagai aksesoris peralatan seperti hydrant, monitor dan
deluge spray system.
Biasanya Fire hydrant sebagaimana
gambar di samping yang diatas
tanah dimensinya standard, tetapi
untuk yang dibawah tanah
bervariasi tergantung dari jalur dan
potensial terjadinya pembekuan (ini
untuk daerah dingin ya…).
Gambar di bawah ditunjukkan
instalasi fire hydrant.

Fire monitor digunakan untuk langsung memadamkan api di titik

kebakaran dimana air di arahkan.
Sebelum memilih fire monitor dan di tempatkan pada posisinya, di
butuhkan pertimbangan, dikarenakan bahwa fire monitor itu lever
operated, bisa diputar 360 derajat, dan bisa di kunci untuk diarahkan
pada arah yang diinginkan.
Fire monitor di letakkan diatas tanah, kira-kira 4 ft (1200 mm) diatas
Di bawah di tunjukkan instalasi fire monitor dan fire hydrant.
Fire hydrant dan fire minitor umumnya merupakan komponen
pemadam kebakaran yang individual, tetapi sesuai permintaan client
bisa dilakukan kombinasi seperti gambar yang telah di tunjukkan

BUKU-1 Halaman : 89 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 90 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

¾ Duct untuk kabel Listrik dan Instrumentasi

BUKU-1 Halaman : 91 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 92 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
¾ Detail Lainnya

BUKU-1 Halaman : 93 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 94 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

16. Peralatan Instrumentasi

Dalam memonitor, mengoperasikan dan mengontrol suatu sistem
dalam plant dibuthkan suatu peralatan instrumentasi. Oeralatan itu
mengindikasikan, mencatat dan mengendalikan sebagaimana proses
dan aliran utility seperti volume, suhu dan kondisi tekanan suatu
sistem pemipaan.

¾ Jenis peralatan instrumentasi

Hampir semua plant proses memiliki banyak komponen instrumentasi
yang harus di masukkan dalam perencanaan. Umumnya sperti vessel
level instrument, indikator suhu dan tekanan dan pengukur aliran.

Control valve di pasang pada suatu sistem pemipaan yang bekerja

secara otomatis untuk mengendalikan aliran gas atau cairan dari
proses atau utility. Gambar diatas ditunjukan control valve beserta

BUKU-1 Halaman : 95 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 96 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

¾ Perletakan peralatan instrumentasi

Penempatan peralatan instrumentasi diatas menjadi tanggung jawab
piping designer.

Dibawah di contohkan perletakan control valve.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 97 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 98 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

17. Piping Arrangement Berikut tahapan sederhana yang di perlukan dalam mengembangkan
Untuk melengkapi dalam memahami pengembangan piping piping arrangement (referensi untuk 2D), yaitu :
arrangement, lihat contoh
¾ Pengaturan Gambar • (01). Buat area gambar atau drawing match lines
• (02). Beri nomor gambar dan informasi nya
Pengaturan gambar ini adalah hal yang sangat penting dari seorang • (03). Taruhlah penunjukkan arah UTARA gambar di sudut
piping designer, dimana semua informasi dan tata letak pemipaan di kanan atas
tuangkan disana. Plan drawing yang paling banyak digunakan • (04). Tentukan pondasi dari gedung, kolom piperack, equipment
sebagai informasi baik saat fabrikasi maupun ereksi. sebagaimana koordinatnya.
Saat ini penyampaian infortmasi gambar sudah dalam bentuk 3 (tiga)
• (05). Gambar pondasi equipment
dimensi dengan berbagai software yang ada.
• (06). Layout Equipment
¾ Tentang Piping Designer • (07). Coba mulai tarik konfigurasi pemipaan per line number
Piping designer adalah orang yang memiliki keahlian untuk mampu (individual). Disini akan membutuhkan kreatifitas kita untuk
mendesign tata letak pemipaan yang memenuhi standard requirement, memenuhi kebutuhan desain, operasi dan juga maintenance.
effisien dan memiliki nilai keekonomisan. • (08). Berdasarkan nomor tujuh diatas, selanjutnya coba di
Untuk menjadi seorang piping designer dahulu harus melalui tahapan gambarkan layout pipingnya termasuk juga koneksi ke
lebih dari 5 tahun menjadi seorang piping drafter dahulu. Tetapi saat instrumentasinya.
ini dengan bantuan berbagai tekhnologi komputer dan metode • (09). Tambahin deh Ladders, cages, pipe guides, anchor, support
pelatihan, seorang piping designer dapat di percepat tidak harus 5 juga hanger sesuai kebutuhannya.
tahun menjadi piping drafter dahulu. • (10). Lengkapi dengan line numbers, special items codes, specs,
jga callouts.
¾ Sumber Informasi (Upstream data) • (11). Lengkapi dengan dimensi
Untuk mengembangkan Piping Arrangement ini, dibutuhkan sumber • (12). Tandai koordinat equipment, pipe supports dsb sesuai
data, seperti : kebutuhan.
• Piping & Instrument Diagram (P&ID) • (13). Lengkapi dengan bulatan tag equipment dan callouts.
• Plot plan • (14). Termasuk schedule dari nozzle dan beberapa catatan
• Perencanaan lokasi fondasi atau lokasi equipment khususnya.
• Piping index drawing • (15). Jadilah gambar yang lengkap, yang sudah jelas batas
• Equipment (vendor) drawings dan gambar fondasinya gambar, reference detail juga tampak section atau elevasi sesuai
• Spesifikasi Piping kebutuha.
• Pipe line list • (16). Kalau sudah yakin... di print deh.... teruk periksa kembali
¾ Prosedur Tata Letak
• (17). Laporkan ke supervisor atau checker. Tunggu hasil
Pertama-tama kita harus familier dengan plan yang akan kita buat periksaanya... Kalau gak ada revisi, di tandatangani dan di
dan juga client job specification nya. Mengapa ? Karena setiap release resmi.
project yang berbeda ataupun jenis project nya sama tapi clientnya Nah... nanti bisa diikuti tahapannya di bawah ini ya....
berbeda, pasti akan memiliki tuntutan dan keinginan client yang
berbeda (tidak akan sama persis), bisa karena keinginan keselamatan / ¾ Pengaturan Gambar Tata Letak Pemipaan
kenyamanan yang lebih tinggi, manpower, keterbatasan anggaran dan Dengan memperhatikan prosedur diatas dalam mengembangkan
sebagainya sehingga berbedalah kebijakannya. piping arrangement, perhatikan lah gambar di bawah, bagaimanakah
kita mulai melakukannya. Dibawah contoh piping Arrangementnya.

BUKU-1 Halaman : 99 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 100 dari 128

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Piping Arrangement Single line.

Cobalah lakukan tahapan pembuatan piping Arrangement.

• Tahap-1~3. adalah Drawing set-up. Tempatkan area dan unit area,
title block dan penunjukkan arah utara gambar.
Piping Arrangement Double line. • Tahap 4. Layout center line dari pipe rack dan pondasi equipment
• Tahap 5. Gambarkan pipe rack dan equipment foundation
• Tahap 6. Equipment Layout
• Tahap 7 dan 8. Konfigurasi sistem pemipaan.
• Tahap 9. Platform, ladder dan cage layout.
• Tahap 10~15. Letakkan line number, callots, coordinate dan dimensi

BUKU-1 Halaman : 101 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 102 dari 128
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BUKU-1 Halaman : 103 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 104 dari 128
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

BUKU-1 Halaman : 105 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 106 dari 128
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BUKU-1 Halaman : 107 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 108 dari 128
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BUKU-1 Halaman : 109 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 110 dari 128
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BUKU-1 Halaman : 111 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 112 dari 128
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BUKU-1 Halaman : 113 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 114 dari 128
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BUKU-1 Halaman : 115 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 116 dari 128
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BUKU-1 Halaman : 117 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 118 dari 128
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18. Tabel dan dimensi

¾ Fitting (weld)

BUKU-1 Halaman : 119 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 120 dari 128
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
¾ Welded Fitting-Flanges (150# RF WN) ¾ Valve (150#)

BUKU-1 Halaman : 121 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 122 dari 128
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
¾ Fitting-Flange (weld) 300#RF ¾ Valves (300#)

BUKU-1 Halaman : 123 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 124 dari 128
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
¾ Fittings-Flange (Weld) 600# RF ¾ Valves (600#)

BUKU-1 Halaman : 125 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 126 dari 128
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
¾ Screwed Fittings ¾ Socket-weld Fittings

BUKU-1 Halaman : 127 dari 128 BUKU-1 Halaman : 128 dari 128

1. LINGKUP KERJA PIPING............................................................................................................................. 4
AND 2. PIPING MATERIAL SELECTION................................................................................................................ 5
PIPING MATERIAL ¾ PIPING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION (SECTION 01) - ASTM .............................................................. 10
¾ PIPING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION (SECTION 02) - ASTM............................................................... 13
¾ PIPING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION (SECTION 03) - ASTM............................................................... 17
¾ PLASTIC LINED (KETAHANAN KOROSI) ............................................................................................. 18
¾ CEMENT LINED (KETAHANAN KOROSI) ............................................................................................ 21
¾ CRYOGENIC MATERIALS ....................................................................................................................... 22
¾ SISTEM PEMIPAAN FIBER GLASS......................................................................................................... 25
¾ TEKANAN DAN UJI KEBOCORAN ......................................................................................................... 28
¾ HAZARDOUS PIPING SYSTEM ............................................................................................................... 29
3. PIPING COMPONENT.................................................................................................................................. 33
¾ PEMILIHAN MATERIAL........................................................................................................................... 33
¾ PIPE.............................................................................................................................................................. 34
¾ FITTINGS .................................................................................................................................................... 37
¾ FLANGES .................................................................................................................................................... 42
¾ BOLTING..................................................................................................................................................... 50
¾ GASKET ...................................................................................................................................................... 51
¾ TRAPS.......................................................................................................................................................... 55
¾ STRAINERS ................................................................................................................................................ 56
4. PIPING CLASS ............................................................................................................................................... 57
5. PERALATAN MEKANIS .............................................................................................................................. 58
¾ VESSEL.......................................................................................................................................................... 58
¾ PUMPS ........................................................................................................................................................... 60
¾ COMPRESSORS ............................................................................................................................................... 62
¾ EXCHANGER .................................................................................................................................................. 62
¾ REBOILER ...................................................................................................................................................... 63
¾ AIR FAN ........................................................................................................................................................ 64
¾ COOLING TOWERS ......................................................................................................................................... 64
¾ HEATER/BOILERS .......................................................................................................................................... 65
¾ STORAGE TANKS ........................................................................................................................................... 65
By team ¾ DRAWING EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................................. 66
6. PIPE FLEXIBILITY ANALYSIS.................................................................................................................. 68
Program Pelatihan Sistem Pemipaan
¾ TUJUAN ANALISA FLEKSIBILITAS DAN TEGANGAN PIPA ............................................................. 68
¾ KODE STANDAR DESAIN PIPA ....................................................................................................................... 68
¾ PROSES KERJA PIPE STRESS ANALYSIS .............................................................................................. 69
¾ DEFINISI TEGANGAN DAN BEBAN ....................................................................................................... 71
jakarta, Maret 2009 ¾ KATEGORI TEGANGAN........................................................................................................................... 72
¾ KEGAGALAN BEBAN PRIMER VS SEKUNDER ................................................................................... 74
¾ LOADING DATA ........................................................................................................................................ 74
7. PIPE SUPPORT ............................................................................................................................................. 79

BUKU-2 BUKU-2 Halaman : 2 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REFFERENCE DAN STANDARD ............................................................................................................. 79
FILOSOPHY PIPE SUPPORT .................................................................................................................... 79 1. Lingkup Kerja Piping
¾ PERTIMBANGA DISAIN SECARA UMUM ............................................................................................. 80 Sistem pemipaan bisa diibaratkan laksana saluran darah baik besar maupun kecil
¾ PENENTUAN DARI PENAMPATAN TUMPUAN ................................................................................... 81 juga arteri dan vena. Pemipaan menyalurkan dan mendistribusikan darah
¾ JENIS-JENIS PIPE SUPPORT..................................................................................................................... 83
¾ PEMAKAIAN DAN PENGGUNAAN STANDARD SUPPORT................................................................ 85 kehidupan masyarakat moderen dewasa ini.
8. DAFTAR SPECIFIKASI, STANDARD DAN PROCEDURE .................................................................... 94 Suatu sistem pemipaan yang sederhana, termasuk juga sistem distribusi lainnya
¾ SPESIFIKASI DARI DISAIN PEMIPAAN, YANG BERISIKAN : (CONTOH) ............................................................. 94 seperti crude oil pipeline, LNG pipeline dsb. Begitupun dalam plant petrochemical,
¾ SPESIFIKASI DARI LAYOUT SUATU PLAN, YANG BERISIKAN (CONTOH).......................................................... 94 kita akan menemui sistem pemipaan yang lebih kompleks sebagai media hantar
¾ SPESIFIKASI DARI LAYOUT SUATU SISTEM PEMIPAAN, YANG BERISIKAN (CONTOH)...................................... 94 antar equipment (point to point) dengan fluida pada setting service baervariasi.
¾ SPESIFIKASI DARI ANALISA KEKAKUAN, YANG BERISIKAN : (CONTOH) ....................................................... 94
¾ PROSEDUR DARI PENGGAMBARAN 2D, YANG BERISIKAN : (CONTOH) .......................................................... 94 Piping termasuk pipe, flanges, fittings, bolting, gaskets, valves, dan special items
¾ STANDARD PENGGAMBARAN UNTUK PIPING ARRANGEMENT, YANG BERISIKAN : (CONTOH) ...................... 94 adalah komponen / assesoris dari sistem pemipaan, termasuk juga pipe hangers
dan juga pipe support nya.
Pada pembangunan pabrik atau pengilagan minyak atau industri petro kimia dan
MIGAS, perencanaan pemipaan di perlukan, dimana para insinyur mulai
mengembangkan proses flow sheet hingga men set-up spesifikasi proyeknya higga
pemilihan peralatan yang dipergunakan, sedangkan para designer dan juga drafter
dengan informasi yang diperoleh dari para insinyur tersebut dan juga informasi
gambar dari vendor selanjutnya melakukan design dan layout nya.
Didalam melakukan pen disaian-an pada plant yang kompleks dibutuhkan dan
dihasilkan ratusan gambar pemipaan hingga tahap konstruksinya. Semuanya itu
harus sesuai dengan keinginan customer sejauh memadai dari segi keselamatan
yang diatur dalam code, standard keselamatan pemerintah, angagran dan
Didalam kerjanya piping group, baik itu designer ataupun drafternya harus selalu
berkoordinasi dengan disiplin lain seperti civil, structural, electrical, mechanical
dan control system group. Hal ini di karenakan dalam melakukan pengembangan
design dan layout, kita harus juga memperhatikan akan kebutuhan dari disiplin
lain tersebut baik space maupun kebutuhan prosesnya.
Para peserta harus memiliki latar belakang dan dasar-dasar yang baik tentang
menggambar tehnik sebagai pondasi untuk memulai menjadi sorang piping drafter
atau piping designer. Latihan dengan tangan dan juga komputer yang sering dan
kontinyu akan membuat siswa terbiasa dalam penggambaran dan informasi sistem
Dibutuhkan banyak kesempatan dan waktu untuk menjadi ahli dalam bidang
drafting dan design pemipaan ini, semuanya terpulang kepada ketekunan dan
kerajinan masing-masing peserta.
Kejujuran, kepercayaan dan dedikasi akan meningkatkan kemampuan keahlian
sistem pemipaan dan berfikir dan bertingkah laku positif akan memberikan
kontribusi akan kesuksesan dalam karir di bidang ini.
Dalam bekerja nantinya mungkin akan berhubungan dengan orang-orang asing,
maka bekerjalah secara profesional dengan menunjukkan kemampuan dan terus
belajar dari pergaulan sehari-hari.

BUKU-2 Halaman : 3 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 4 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
G97XX0 97XX Nickel-chromium-molybdenum steels
2. PIPING MATERIAL SELECTION G98XX0 98XX Nickel-chromium-molybdenum steels
AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute) dan SAE (Society of Automotive
Carbon and alloy steels
Engineers) telah mengelompokkan dan menstandarisasi sistem penomoran untuk
GXXXX1 XXBXX B denotes boron steels
berbagai klass baja karbon dan alloy yang dipakai menjadi acuan hingga kini.
GXXXX4 XXLXX L denotes leaded steels
Untuk baja karbon dan alloy ada 4 (empat) digit, sedangkan stainless steel ada 3
(tiga) digit sebagaimana tabel dibawah.
Stainless steels
S2XXXX 302XX Chromium-nickel steels
Table Karbon dan alloy grade (AISI, SAE, UNS) S3XXXX 303XX Chromium-nickel steels
S4XXXX 514XX Chromium steels
______________________________________________________________________ S5XXXX 515XX Chromium steels
Numerals and digits Experimental steels
UNS SAE/AISI Types of identifying elements None Ex. . . SAE Experimental steels
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________
Carbon steels
G10XX0 10XX Nonresulfurized, manganese 1.00% maximum
G11XX0 11XX Resulfurized Table ASME spec. untuk pemilihan material sistem pemipaan
G12XX0 12XX Rephosphorized and resulfurized
Alloy steels ASME Specification
G13XX0 13XX Manganese steels Metal or Alloy Number Grade Other comments MPa
G23XX0 23XX Nickel steels Pipe ksi*
G25XX0 25XX Nickel steels ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
G31XX0 31XX Nickel-chromium steels Carbon steel SA-53 A 48,000 UTS/30,000YS (330/205)
G32XX0 32XX Nickel-chromium steels Carbon steel SA-106 B 60,000 UTS/35,000YS (415/240)
G33XX0 33XX Nickel-chromium steels Carbon steel SA-106 C 70,000 UTS/40,000YS (485/275)
G34XX0 34XX Nickel-chromium steels ⁄ Cr–1⁄ Moly SA-335 P2 55,000 UTS/30,000YS (380/205)
G40XX0 40XX Molybdenum steels 1 Cr–1⁄ Moly SA-335 P12 60,000 UTS/32,000YS (415/220)
G41XX0 41XX Chromium-molybdenum steels 11⁄ Cr–1⁄ Mo-Si SA-335 P11 60,000 UTS/30,000YS (415/205)
G43XX0 43XX Nickel-chromium-molybdenum steels 21⁄ Cr–1 Mo SA-335 P22 60,000 UTS/30,000YS (415/205)
G44XX0 44XX Molybdenum steels 5 Cr–1 Mo SA-335 P5 60,000 UTS/30,000YS (415/205)
G46XX0 46XX Nickel-molybdenum steels 9 Cr–1 Mo SA-335 P9 60,000 UTS/30,000YS (415/205)
G47XX0 47XX Nickel-chromium-molybdenum steels 9 Cr–1 Mo-V SA-335 P9 85,000 UTS/60,000YS (585/415)
G48XX0 48XX Nickel-molybdenum steels 304H SA-376 TP304H 0.04% Min carbon
G50XX0 50XX Chromium steels 304H SA-430 FP304H Forged and bored pipe
G51XX0 51XX Chromium steels 316H SA-376 TP316H 75,000 UTS/30,000YS (515/205)
G50XX6 50XXX Chromium steels
G51XX6 51XXX Chromium steels
Carbon steel SA-105 — Rolled or forged bar
G52XX6 52XXX Chromium steels
Carbon steel SA-181 C170 70,000 UTS/36,000YS (485/250)
G61XX0 61XX Chromium-vanadium steels
Carbon steel SA-266 C12 70,000 UTS/30,000YS (485/205)
G71XX0 71XXX Tungsten-chromium steels
Carbon-Moly SA-182 F1 0.5% Mo
G72XX0 72XX Tungsten-chromium steels
⁄ Cr–1⁄ Moly SA-182 F2 —
G81XX0 81XX Nickel-chromium-molybdenum steels
1 Cr–1⁄ Moly SA-182 F12 70,000 UTS/40,000YS (485/275)
G86XX0 86XX Nickel-chromium-molybdenum steels
11⁄ Cr–1⁄ Mo-Si SA-182 F11a 75,000 UTS/45,000YS (515/310)
G87XX0 87XX Nickel-chromium-molybdenum steels
11⁄ Cr–1⁄ Mo-Si SA-182 F11b 60,000 UTS/30,000YS (415/205)
G88XX0 88XX Nickel-chromium-molybdenum steels
21⁄ Cr–1 Mo SA-234 WP12 Fittings
G92XX0 92XX Silicon-manganese steels
5 Cr–1 Mo SA-336 F5A 80,000 UTS/50,000YS (550/345)
G93XX0 93XX Nickel-chromium-molybdenum steels
9 Cr–1 Mo-V SA-234 WP9 Fittings
G94XX0 94XX Nickel-chromium-molybdenum steels

BUKU-2 Halaman : 5 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 6 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
304H SA-336 F304H 1900_F Min anneal SA-213/SA-312 (321H) S31209
Tubing SA-213/SA-312 (347) S34700
Carbon steel SA-178 A Electric resistance welded SA-213/SA-312 (347H) S34709
Carbon steel SA-210 A1 60,000 UTS/37,000YS (415/255) SA-213/SA-312 (348) S34800
Carbon-Moly SA-209 T1a Seamless SA-213/SA-312 (348H) S34809
⁄ Cr–1⁄ Moly SA-213 T2 60,000 UTS/30,000YS (415/205) SA-335 (P1) K11522
21⁄ Cr–1 Moly SA-213 T22 60,000 UTS/30,000YS (415/205) SA-335 (P2) K11547
9 Cr–1 Mo-V SA-213 T91 Normalized and tempered SA-335 (P5) K41545
304H SA-213 TP304H 75,000 UTS/30,000YS (515/205) SA-335 (P7) S50300
*UTS and YS in psi. SA-335 (P9) S50400
SA-335 (P11) K11597
SA-335 (P12) K11562
SA-335 (P21) K31545
Table Referensi ASME vs UNS SA-335 (P22) K21590
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASME specification (and grade) UNS number
SA-53 (E-A)(S-A) K02504 Table Nominal composition dari Wrought cooper materials
SA-53 (E-B)(S-B) K03005
SA-106 (A) K02501 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SA-106 (B) K03006 Alloy Composition
SA-106 (C) K03501 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SA-178 (A) K01200 Coppers
SA-178 (C) K03503 Electrolytic tough pitch (ETP) 99.90 Cu–0.04 O
SA-209 (T1) K11522 Phosphorized, high residual phosphorus (DHP) 99.90 Cu–0.02 P
SA-209 (T1a) K12023 Phosphorized, low residual phosphorus (DLP) 99.90 Cu–0.005 P
SA-209 (T1b) K11422 Lake Cu–8 oz/ton Ag
SA-210 (A1) K02707 Silver bearing (10–15) Cu–10 to 15 oz/ton Ag
SA-210 (C) K03501 Silver bearing (25–30) Cu–25 to 30 oz/ton Ag
SA-213 (T2) K11547 Oxygenfree (OF) (no residual deoxidants) 99.92 Cu (min)
SA-213 (T3b) K21509 Free cutting 99 Cu–1 Pb
SA-213 (T5) K41545 Free cutting 99.5 Cu–0.5 Te
SA-213 (T7) S50300 Free cutting 99.4 Cu–0.6 Se
SA-213 (T9) S50400 Chromium copper (heat treatable) (b) Cu _ Cr and Ag or Zn
SA-213 (T11) K11597 Cadmium copper (b) 99 Cu–1 Cd
SA-213 (T12) K11562 Tellurium nickel copper (heat treatable) (b) 98.4 Cu–1.1 Ni–0.5 Te
SA-213 (T21) K31545 Beryllium copper (heat treatable) Cu–2 Be–0.25 Co or 0.35 Ni
SA-213 (T22) K21590 Plain brasses
SA-213/SA-312 (304) S30400 Gilding, 95% 95 Cu–5 Zn
SA-213/SA-312 (304H) S30409 Commercial bronze, 90% 90 Cu–10 Zn
SA-213/SA-312 (304L) S30403 Red brass, 85% 85 Cu–15 Zn
SA-213/SA-312 (304N) S30451 Low brass, 80% 80 Cu–20 Zn
SA-213/SA-312 (310) S31000 Cartridge brass, 70% 70 Cu–30 Zn
SA-213/SA-312 (316) S31600 Yellow brass, 65% 65 Cu–35 Zn
SA-213/SA-312 (316H) S31609 Muntz metal 60 Cu–40 Zn
SA-213/SA-312 (316L) S31603
Free-cutting brasses
SA-213/SA-312 (316N) S31651
Leaded commercial bronze (rod) 89 Cu–9.25 Zn–1.75 Pb
SA-213/SA-312 (321) S32100

BUKU-2 Halaman : 7 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 8 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Leaded brass strip (B121-3) 65 Cu–34 Zn–1 Pb SB-467 C70600 Welded 90-10
Leaded brass strip (B121-5) 65 Cu–33 Zn–2 Pb SB-467 C71500 Welded 70-30
Leaded brass tube (B135-3) 66 Cu–33.5 Zn–0.5 Pb SB-161 N02200 Nickel 200; 99% Ni
Leaded brass tube (B135-4) 66 Cu–32.4 Zn–1.6 Pb SB-161 N02201 Low Carbon
Medium-leaded brass rod 64.5 Cu–34.5 Zn–1 Pb SB-163/SB-407 N08800 Alloy 800 Tubing (Ni-Fe-
High-leaded brass rod 62.5 Cu–35.75 Zn–1.75 Pb SB-163/SB-165 N04400 70-30 Ni-Cu Monel
Free-cutting brass rod (B16) 61.5 Cu–35.5 Zn–3 Pb SB-163/SB-167 N06600 Alloy 600 (Ni-Cr-Fe)
Forging brass 60 Cu–38 Zn–2 Pb SB-163/SB-167 N06690 Alloy 690 (60-30-10)
Architectural bronze 57 Cu–40 Zn–3 Pb SB-163/SB-423 N08825 Alloy 825
Miscellaneous brasses
Admiralty (inhibited) 71 Cu–28 Zn–1 Sn ¾ PIPING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION (SECTION 01) - ASTM
Naval brass 60 Cu–39.25 Zn–0.75 Sn
Leaded naval brass 60 Cu–37.5 Zn–1.75 Pb–0.75 Sn
Section 01. Iron and Steel Products
Aluminum brass (inhibited) 76 Cu–22 Zn–2 Al
Manganese brass 70 Cu–28.7 Zn–1.3 Mn 01.01. Steel—Piping, Tubing, Fittings
Manganese bronze rod A (B138) 58.5 Cu–39 Zn–1.4 Fe–1 Sn–0.1 Mn
Manganese bronze rod B (B138) 65.5 Cu–23.3 Zn–4.5 Al–3.7 Mn–3 Fe A53/A53M-02. Standard specification for pipe—steel, black and hotdipped, zinc-coated,
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- welded, and seamless.
A105/A105M-02. Standard specification for carbon steel forgings for piping applications.
A106-02a. Standard specification for seamless carbon steel pipe for hightemperature
Table Spesifikasi Cooper dan cooper-based pipe A134-96(2001). Standard specification for pipe—steel, electric-fusion (arc)-welded
(sizes NPS 16 and over).
ASME UNS grade A135-01. Standard specification for electric-resistance-welded steel pipe.
specification number Characteristics A139-00. Standard specification for electric-fusion (arc)-welded steel pipe (NPS 4 and
SB-42/SB-68 C10200 99.95 Cu over).
SB-42/SB-68 C12000 99.90 plus low Phos A179/A179M-90a(2001). Standard specification for seamless cold-drawn low-carbon
SB-42/SB-68 C12200 99.9 plus high Phos steel heat-exchanger and condenser tubes.
SB-43 C23000 Red Brass A181/A181M-01. Standard specification for carbon steel forgings, for general-purpose
SB-75/SB-111 C10200 Oxygen Free piping.
SB-75/SB-111 C12000 — A182/A182M-02. Standard specification for forged or rolled alloy-steel pipe flanges,
SB-75/SB-111 C12200 — forged fittings, and valves and parts for high-temperature service.
SB-75/SB-111 C14200 Phosphorized, Arsenical A193/A193M-03. Standard specification for alloy-steel and stainless steel bolting
SB-111 C23000 Red Brass materials for high-temperature service.
SB-111 C28000 Muntz Metal A194/A194M-03b. Standard specification for carbon and alloy steel nuts for bolts for
SB-111 C44300 Admiralty Metal high-pressure or high-temperature service or both.
SB-111 C44400 Cu-Zn A210/A210M-02. Standard specification for seamless medium-carbon steel boiler and
SB-111 C44500 Cu-Zn superheater tubes.
SB-111 C60800 Aluminum Bronze A234/A234M-03. Standard specification for piping fittings of wrought carbon steel and
SB-111 C68700 Aluminum Brass alloy steel for moderate- and high-temperature service.
SB-111 C70400 95-5 Cu-Ni A268/A268M-03. Standard specification for seamless and welded ferritic and
SB-111 C70600 90-10 Cu-Ni martensitic stainless steel tubing for general service.
SB-111 C71000 80-20 Cu-Ni A269-02a. Standard specification for seamless and welded austenitic stainless steel
SB-111 C71500 70-30 Cu-Ni tubing for general service.
SB-315 C65500 High-Si Bronze A312/A312M-03. Standard specification for seamless and welded austenitic stainless
SB-466 C70600 90-10 Cu-Ni steel pipes.
SB-466 C71500 70-30 Cu-Ni

BUKU-2 Halaman : 9 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 10 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A320/A320M-03. Standard specification for alloy-steel bolting materials for low- A47/A47M-99. Standard specification for ferritic malleable iron castings.
temperature service. A48/A48M-00. Standard specification for gray iron castings.
A333/A333M-99. Standard specification for seamless and welded steel pipe for low- A126-95(2001). Standard specification for gray iron castings for valves, flanges, and
temperature service. pipe fittings.
A334/A334M-99. Standard specification for seamless and welded carbon and alloy- A216/A216M-93(2003). Standard specification for steel castings, carbon, suitable for
steel tubes for low-temperature service. fusion welding, for high-temperature service.
A335/A335M-03. Standard specification for seamless ferritic alloy-steel pipe for high- A217/A217M-02. Standard specification for steel castings, martensitic stainless and
temperature service. alloy, for pressure-containing parts, suitable for hightemperature service.
A350/A350M-02b. Standard specification for carbon and low-alloy steel forgings, A278/A278M-01. Standard specification for gray iron castings for pressurecontaining
requiring notch toughness testing for piping components. parts for temperatures up to 6508F (3508C).
A358/A358M-01. Standard specification for electric-fusion-welded austenitic chromium- A351/A351M-03. Standard specification for castings, austenitic, austeniticferritic
nickel alloy steel pipe for high-temperature service. (duplex), for pressure-containing parts.
A369/A369M-02. Standard specification for carbon and ferritic alloy steel forged and A352/A352M-03. Standard specification for steel castings, ferritic and martensitic, for
bored pipe for high-temperature service. pressure-containing parts, suitable for low-temperature service.
A376/A376M-02a. Standard specification for seamless austenitic steel pipe for high- A395/A395M-99. Standard specification for ferritic ductile iron pressureretaining
temperature central-station service. castings for use at elevated temperatures.
A381-96(2001). Standard specification for metal-arc-welded steel pipe for use with high- A426/A426M-02. Standard specification for centrifugally cast ferritic alloy steel pipe for
pressure transmission systems. high-temperature service.
A403/A403M-03a. Standard specification for wrought austenitic stainless steel piping A451/A451M-02. Standard specification for centrifugally cast austenitic steel pipe for
fittings. high-temperature service.
A409/A409M-01. Standard specification for welded large-diameter austenitic steel pipe A487/A487M-93(2003). Standard specification for steel castings suitable for pressure
for corrosive or high-temperature service. service.
A420/A420M-02. Standard specification for piping fittings of wrought carbon steel and A494/A494M-03a. Standard specification for castings, nickel and nickel alloy.
alloy steel for low-temperature service. A571/A571M-01. Standard specification for austenitic ductile iron castings for pressure-
A437/A437M-01a. Standard specification for alloy-steel turbine-type bolting material containing parts suitable for low-temperature service.
specially heat treated for high-temperature service. 01.03 Steel—Plate, Sheet, Strip, Wire; Stainless Steel Bar
A453/A453M-02. Standard specification for high-temperature bolting materials, with A167-99. Standard specification for stainless and heat-resisting chromiumnickel steel
expansion coefficients comparable to austenitic stainless steels. plate, sheet, and strip.
A524-96(2001). Standard specification for seamless carbon steel pipe for atmospheric A240/A240M-03c. Standard specification for chromium and chromiumnickel stainless
and lower temperatures. steel plate, sheet, and strip for pressure vessels and for general applications.
A530/A530M-03. Standard specification for general requirements for specialized carbon A263-03. Standard specification for stainless chromium steel-clad plate.
and alloy steel pipe. A264-03. Standard specification for stainless chromium-nickel steel-clad plate, sheet,
A587-96(2001). Standard specification for electric-resistance-welded lowcarbon steel and strip.
pipe for the chemical industry. A265-03. Standard specification for nickel and nickel-base alloy-clad steel plate.
A671-96(2001). Standard specification for electric-fusion-welded steel pipe for A479/A479M-03. Standard specification for stainless steel bars and shapes for use in
atmospheric and lower temperatures. boilers and other high-pressure vessels.
A672-96(2001). Standard specification for electric-fusion-welded steel pipe for high-
01.04 Steel—Structural, Reinforcing, Pressure Vessel, Railway
pressure service at moderate temperatures.
A20/A20M-02. Standard specification for general requirements for steel plates for
A691-98(2002). Standard specification for carbon and alloy steel pipe, electric-fusion-
pressure vessels.
welded for high-pressure service at high temperatures.
A36/A36M-03a. Standard specification for carbon structural steel.
A789/A789M-02a. Standard specification for seamless and welded ferritic/austenitic
A202/A202M-03. Standard specification for pressure vessel plates, alloy steel,
stainless steel tubing for general service.
A790/A790M-03. Standard specification for seamless and welded ferritic/ austenitic
A203/A203M-97(2003). Standard specification for pressure vessel plates, alloy steel,
stainless steel pipe.
A815/A815M-01a. Standard specification for wrought ferritic, ferritic/austenitic, and
A204/A204M-03. Standard specification for pressure vessel plates, alloy steel,
martensitic stainless steel piping fittings.
01.02 Ferrous Castings, Ferroalloys

BUKU-2 Halaman : 11 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 12 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A285/A285M-03. Standard specification for pressure vessel plates, carbon steel, low- Section 02. Non-Ferrous Metal Products
and intermediate-tensile strength.
A299/A299M-03e1. Standard specification for pressure vessel plates, carbon steel, 02.01 Copper and Copper Alloys
manganese-silicon. B21/B21M-01e1. Standard specification for naval brass rod, bar, and shapes.
A302/A302M-03. Standard specification for pressure vessel plates, alloysteel, B42-02. Standard specification for seamless copper pipe, standard sizes.
manganese-molybdenum and manganese-molybdenum-nickel. B43-98. Standard specification for seamless red brass pipe, standard sizes.
A353/A353M-93(1999). Standard specification for pressure vessel plates, alloy steel, B61-02. Standard specification for steam or valve bronze castings.
9% nickel, double-normalized and tempered. B62-02.Standardspecification forcompositionbronzeorouncemetalcastings.
A387/A387M-03. Standard specification for pressure vessel plates, alloy steel, B68-02. Standard specification for seamless copper tube, bright annealed.
chromium-molybdenum. B68M-99. Standard specification for seamless copper tube, bright annealed (metric).
A515/A515M-03. Standard specification for pressure vessel plates, carbon steel, for B75M-99. Standard specification for seamless copper tube (metric).
intermediate- and higher-temperature service. B75-02. Standard specification for seamless copper tube.
A516/A516M-03. Standard specification for pressure vessel plates, carbon steel, for B88-02. Standard specification for seamless copper water tube.
moderate- and lower-temperature service. B88M-99. Standard specification for seamless copper water tube (metric).
A537/A537M-95(2000). Standard specification for pressure vessel plates, heat-treated, B96/B96M-01. Standard specification for copper-silicon alloy plate, sheet, strip, and
carbon-manganese-silicon steel. rolled bar for general purposes and pressure vessels.
A553/A553M-95(2000). Standard specification for pressure vessel plates, alloy steel, B98/B98M-03. Standard specification for copper-silicon alloy rod, bar, and shapes.
quenched and tempered 8% and 9% nickel. B148-97(2003). Standard specification for aluminum-bronze sand castings.
A645/A645M-99a. Standard specification for pressure vessel plates, 5% nickel alloy B150/B150M-03. Standard specification for aluminum bronze rod, bar, and shapes.
steel, specially heat treated. B152/B152M-00. Standard specification for copper sheet, strip, plate, and rolled bar.
B169/B169M-01. Standard specification for aluminum bronze sheet, strip, and rolled
01.05 Steel—Bars, Forgings, Bearings, Chains, Springs bar.
A508/A508M-03. Standard specification for quenched and tempered vacuum-treated B171/B171M-99e2. Standard specification for copper-alloy plate and sheet for pressure
carbon and alloy steel forgings for pressure vessels. vessels, condensers, and heat exchangers.
A675/A675M-90a(2000). Standard specification for steel bars, carbon, hotwrought, B187/B187M-03. Standard specification for copper, bus bar, rod, and shapes and
special quality, mechanical properties. general-purpose rod, bar, and shapes.
B280-02. Standard specification for seamless copper tube for air conditioning and
01.06 Coated Steel Products refrigeration field service.
A123/A123M-02. Standard specification for zinc (hot-dip galvanized) coatings on iron B283-99a. Standard specification for copper and copper-alloy die forgings (hot
and steel products. pressed).
A153/A153M-03. Standard specification for zinc coating (hot-dip) on iron and steel B466/B466M-98 Standard specification for seamless copper-nickel pipe and tube.
hardware. B467-88(2003) Standard specification for welded copper-nickel pipe.
01.07 Ships and Marine Technology. This material is not referenced in ASME B584-00 Standard specification for copper alloy sand castings for general applications.
B31.3. 02.02 Aluminum and Magnesium Alloys
01.08 Fasteners; Rolling Element Bearings. B26/B26M-03. Standard specification for aluminum-alloy sand castings.
A307-03. Standard specification for carbon steel bolts and studs, 60,000 psi tensile B209-02a. Standard specification for aluminum and aluminum-alloy sheet and plate.
strength. B209M-03. Standard specification for aluminum and aluminum-alloy sheet and plate
A325-02. Standard specification for structural bolts, steel, heat-treated, 120/105 ksi (metric).
minimum tensile strength. B210-02. Standard specification for aluminum and aluminum-alloy drawn seamless
A325M-03. Standard specification for structural bolts, steel heat-treated 830 MPa tubes.
minimum tensile strength (metric). B210M-02. Standard specification for aluminum and aluminum-alloy drawn seamless
A354-03a. Standard specification for quenched and tempered alloy steel bolts, studs, tubes (metric).
and other externally threaded fasteners. B211-02. Standard specification for aluminum and aluminum-alloy bar, rod, and wire.
A563-00. Standard specification for carbon and alloy steel nuts. B211M-02. Standard specification for aluminum and aluminum-alloy bar, rod, and wire
¾ PIPING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION (SECTION 02) - ASTM B221M-02. Standard specification for aluminum and aluminum-alloy extruded bars,
rods, wire, profiles, and tubes (metric).

BUKU-2 Halaman : 13 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 14 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
B221-02. Standard specification for aluminum and aluminum-alloy extruded bars, rods, B409-01. Standard Specification for nickel-iron-chromium alloy plate, sheet, and strip.
wire, profiles, and tubes. B435-03. Standard specification for UNS N06002, UNS N06230, UNS N12160, and
B241/B241M-02. Standard specification for aluminum and aluminum-alloy seamless UNS R30556 plate, sheet, and strip.
pipe and seamless extruded tube. B443-00e1. Standard specification for nickel-chromium-molybdenumcolumbium alloy
B247-02a. Standard specification for aluminum and aluminum-alloy die forgings, hand (UNS N06625) and nickel-chromium-molybdenumsilicon alloy (UNS N06219)
forgings, and rolled ring forgings. plate, sheet, and strip.
B247M-02a. Standard specification for aluminum and aluminum-alloy die forgings, hand B444-03. Standard specification for nickel-chromium-molybdenum-columbium alloys
forgings, and rolled ring forgings (metric). (UNS N06625) and nickel-chromium-molybdenum-silicon alloy (UNS N06219)
B345/B345M-02. Standard specification for aluminum and aluminum-alloyseamless pipe and tube.
pipe and seamless extruded tube for gas and oil transmission and distribution B446-03. Standard specification for nickel-chromium-molybdenum-columbium alloy
piping systems. (UNS N06625), nickel-chromium-molybdenum-silicon alloy (UNS N06219),
B361-02. Standard specification for factory-made wrought aluminum and aluminum- and nickel-chromium-molybdenum-tungsten alloy (UNS N06650) rod and bar.
alloy welding fittings. B462-02. Specification for forged or rolled UNS N06030, UNS N06022, UNS N06200,
B491/B491M-00. Standard specification for aluminum and aluminum-alloy extruded UNS N08020, UNS N08024, UNS N08026, UNS N08367, UNS N10276, UNS
round tubes for general-purpose applications. N10665, UNS N10675, and UNS R20033 alloy pipe flanges, forged fittings
and valves and parts for corrosive hightemperature service.
02.03 Electrical Conductors. This material is not referenced in ASMEB31.3.
B463-99. Standard specification for UNS N08020, UNS N08026, and UNS N08024 alloy
plate, sheet, and strip.
02.04 Nonferrous Metals—Nickel, Cobalt, Lead, Tin, Zinc, Cadmium,Precious,
B464-99. Standard specification for welded UNS N08020, UNS N08024, and UNS
Reactive, Refractory Metals and Alloys; Materials forThermostats,
N08026 alloy pipe.
Electrical Heating and Resistance Contacts, and Connectors
B493-01(2003). Standard specification for zirconium and zirconium alloy forgings.
B514-95(2002)e1. Standard specification for welded nickel-iron-chromium alloy pipe.
B127-98. Standard specification for nickel-copper alloy (UNS N04400) plate, sheet, and
B517-03. Standard specification for welded nickel-chromium-ironalloy (UNS N06600,
UNS N06603, UNS N06025, and UNS N06045) pipe.
B160-99. Standard specification for nickel rod and bar.
B523/B523M-02. Standard specification for seamless and welded zirconium and
B161-03. Standard specification for nickel seamless pipe and tube.
zirconium alloy tubes.
B162-99. Standard specification for nickel plate, sheet, and strip.
B550/B550M-02. Standard specification for zirconium and zirconium alloy bar and wire.
B164-03. Standard specification for nickel-copper alloy rod, bar, and wire.
B551/B551M-02. Standard specification for zirconium and zirconium alloy strip, sheet,
B165-93. Standard specification for nickel-copper alloy (UNS N04400)* seamless pipe
and plate.
and tube.
B564-00a. Standard specification for nickel alloy forgings.
B166-01. Standard specification nickel-chromium-iron alloys (UNS N06600,
B574-99a. Specification for low-carbon nickel-molybdenum-chromium, low-carbon
N06601, N06603, N06690, N06693, N06025, and N06045) and nickelchromium-cobalt-
nickel-chromium-molybdenum, low-carbon nickel-molybdenum-chromium-
molybdenum alloy (UNS N06617) rod, bar, and wire.
tantalum, low-carbon nickel-chromium-molybdenumcopper,low-carbon nickel-
B167-01. Standard specification for nickel-chromium-iron alloys (UNSN06600, N06601,
chromium-molybdenum-tungsten alloy rod.
N06603, N06690, N06693, N06025, and N06045) andnickel-chromium-
B575-99a. Specification for low-carbon nickel-molydbdenum-chromium, low-carbon
cobalt-molybdenum alloy (UNS N06617) seamless pipe and tube.
nickel-chromium-molybdenum, low-carbon nickel-chromium- molybdenum-
B168-01. Standard specification for nickel-chromium-iron alloys (UNS N06600, N06601,
copper, low-carbon nickel-chromium-molybdenumtantalum, low-carbon
N06603, N06690, N06693, N06025, and N06045) and nickel-chromium-
nickel-chromium-molybdenum-tungsten alloy plate, sheet and strip.
cobalt-molybdenum alloy (UNS N06617) plate, sheet,and strip.
B619-00. Standard specification for welded nickel and nickel-cobalt alloy pipe.
B265-02. Standard specification for titanium and titanium-alloy strip, sheet, and plate.
B620-03. Standard specification for nickel-iron-chromium-molybdenum alloy (UNS
B333-03. Standard specification for nickel-molybdenum alloy plate, sheet, and strip.
N08320) plate, sheet, and strip.
B335-03. Standard specification for nickel-molybdenum alloy rod.
B621-02. Standard specification for nickel-iron-chromium-molybdenum alloy (UNS
B338-02. Standard specification for seamless and welded titanium and titanium-alloy
N08320) rod.
tubes for condensers and heat exchangers.
B622-00. Standard specification for seamless nickel and nickel-cobalt alloy pipe and
B363-03. Standard specification for seamless and welded unalloyed titanium and
titanium-alloy welding fittings.
B625-99. Standard specification for UNS N08904, UNS N08925, UNS N08031, UNS
B381-02. Standard specification for titanium and titanium-alloy forgings.
N08932, UNS N08926, and UNS R20033 plate, sheet, and strip.
B407-01. Standard specification for nickel-iron-chromium alloy seamless pipe and tube.

BUKU-2 Halaman : 15 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 16 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
B658/B658M-02. Standard specification for seamless and welded zirconium and ¾ PLASTIC LINED (KETAHANAN KOROSI)
zirconium-alloy pipe.
B675-02. Standard specification for UNS N08367 welded pipe.
Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, untuk mendapatkan kemampuan kombinasi
B688-96. Standard specification for chromium-nickel-molybdenum-iron (UNS N08366
antara kekuatan yang tinggi dengan ketahanan yang tinggi pula tetapi berharga
and UNS N08367) plate, sheet, and strip.
lebih murah, maka muncullah kombinasi antara baja karbon dengan lining plastik
B690-02. Standard specification for iron-nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloys (UNS
N08366 and UNS N08367) seamless pipe and tube.
Berikut sedikit di paparkan permasalahan dari plastic lining pada sistem pemipaan.
B705-00. Standard specification for nickel-alloy (UNS N06625, UNS N06219 and UNS
Plastik lining material dibagi dalam 2 (dua) kategori, yaitu : (1) Fluorinated Plastic
N08825) welded pipe.
dan (2) non-fluorinated plastics.
B725-93. Standard specification for welded nickel (UNS N02200/UNS N02201) and
nickel-copper alloy (UNS N04400) pipe. Fluorinated plastic adalah fully fluorinated, seperti polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE),
B729-00. Standard specification for seamless UNS N08020, UNS N08026, and UNS perfluoroalkoxy, dan perfluoroethylenepropylene dalam kasus
N08024 nickel-alloy pipe and tube. ethyleneetetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) dan polyvinylidenefluoride.

¾ PIPING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION (SECTION 03) - ASTM Non-fluorinated plastic seperti polypropylene (PP) dan polyvinylidene chloride
(PVDC) yang banyak dipakai dengan ketahanan kimiawi yang tinggi.
Section 03. Metals, Test Methods, and Analytical Procedures
03.01 Metals Mechanical Testing, Elevated and Low-Temperature Tests, • PTFE (POLYTETRAFLUOROETHYLENE). Ini jenis lapisan dikembangkan
Metallography. E112-96e2. Standard test methods for determining oleh DuPont tahun 1938, dan mulai dikembangkan untuk pelapis pada sistem
average grain size. pemipaan tahun 1950an. DuPont dikenal pada market sebagai Teflon untuk
produk ini, tapi manufacture lain menggunakan nama seperti Fluon, Hustaflon,
03.02 Wear and Erosion, Metal Corrosion. This situation is not referenced in
Algoflon dal Polyflon.
ASME B31.3.
03.03 Nondestructive Testing. E114-95. (2001) Standard practice for ultrasonic pasaran tahun 1960an dalam bentuk cairan resin yang memiliki ketahanan
pulse-echo straight-beam examination by the contact method. kimiawi. Produk ini juga dikembangkan oleh DuPont dan dikenal dengan
E125-63(2003). Standard reference photographs for magnetic particle indications on Teflon FEP. Kemampuan pemakaiannya dibawah temperatur PTFE, cakupan
ferrous castings. pemakaiannya berkisar antara -20oF (-29 oC) ~ 300oF (149 oC).
E155-00. Standard reference radiographs for inspection of aluminum and magnesium • PVDF (POLYVINYLIDINE FLUORIDE). Diperkenalkan di pasaran oleh Elf
castings. Atochem North America dan Ausimont dibawah bendera KYNAR. Pelapis
E165-02. Standard test method for liquid penetrant examination. jenis ini memiliki ketahanan kimiawi yang sangat baik dengan cakupan kerja
E186-98. Standard reference radiographs for heavy-walled (2–41⁄2–12 in.; 51–114 mm) temperatur -20oF (-29 oC) ~ 275oF (135 oC).
steel castings. • PP (POLYPROPYLENE). Secara umum dikenal juga memiliki ketahanan
E213-02. Standard practice for ultrasonic examination of metal pipe and tubing. kimiawai yang bagus dengan cakupan temperatur kerja 0oF (-18C) ~ 225oF
E272-99. Standard reference radiographs for high-strength copper-base and nickel- (107 oC). PP banyak dan umum dipakain sebagai media hantar inorganic
copper alloy castings. acid seperti hydrochloric dan sulfuric sebaik caustic seperti halnya sodium
E280-98. Standard reference radiographs for heavy-walled (41⁄2 –12 in.; 114–305 mm) hydroxide.
steel castings. • PVDC (POLYVINYLIDENE CHLORIDE). PVDC ini memiliki ketahanan
E310-99. Standard reference radiographs for tin bronze castings. terendah dalam temperetur kerja berkisar 0oF (-18 oC) ~ 175oF (79 oC), di
E446-98. Standard reference radiographs for steel castings up to 2 in. (51 mm) pasaran dikenal dengan nama SARAN.
thickness. • PE (POLYETHYLENE). PE memiliki ketahanan kimiawi yang cukup baik dan
E709-01. Standard guide for magnetic particle examination. temperatur kerjanya dibawah 180oF (82 oC).
03.04 Magnetic Properties. Such properties are not referenced in ASME Dibawah di sajikan list dari pelapis terhadap service yang ditanganinya.

BUKU-2 Halaman : 17 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 18 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table Bahan pelapis pada temperatur maksimumnya (oF) Table Standar Spesifikasi dari Polymer
Acetic acid (glacial) 230 NR 70 125
Acetone (10%) 150 75 120 75
Ammonia (dry gas) 300 NR 140 —
Ammonia aqua (30%) 230 175 150 —
Amyl acetate 250 125 NR 125
Benzene 212 170 NR 75
Bromine liquid 150 150 NR NR
Chlorine liquid 212 200 NR NR
Chlorine gas 212 175 NR 75
Chlorine dioxide (15%) 250 150 NR 125
Chlorosulfonic acid 75 NR NR NR
Cyclohexane 300 275 NR 125
Diethylamine 230 70 120 NR
Ethyl acrylate 212 70 NR —
Formaldehyde (37%) 230 120 140 125 Table Biaya rasio pemasangan (ref baja karbon = 1.0)
Formic acid 275 250 140 150
Hydrochloric acid (10%) 300 275 185 175 PIPING MATERIAL COST RATIO
Hydrochloric acid (20%) 300 275 175 175 PVC (sch 80) 0.56 PTFE-lined FRP 3.20
Hydrochloric acid (36%) 300 275 150 — CPVC (sch 80) 0.63 Monel (Sch 40) 3.24
Hydrofluoric acid (35%) 275 250 200 175 Alloy 20 (Sch 40) 3.32
Hydrofluoric acid (100%) 230 212 70 NR Carbon steel (Sch. 40) 1.00 Nickel (Sch 10) 3.34
Hydrogen peroxide (30%) 250 212 70 125 304L S.S. (Sch. 10) 1.13 Hastelloy C-276 (Sch 10) 3.52
Hydrogen peroxide (90%) 150 75 70 125 Rubber-lined steel (Sch 40) 1.16
Methyl ethyl ketone 230 NR 70 NR 316L S.S. (Sch. 10) 1.20 PTFE-lined 304L SS (Sch 10) 4.12
Methylene chloride 212 70 70 NR 304L S.S. (Sch. 40) 1.31 Nickel (Sch 40) 4.27
Nitric acid (10%) 212 225 150 150 316L S.S. (Sch. 40) 1.45 Titanium (Sch 10) 4.46
Nitric acid (50%) 150 120 70 125 Hastelloy C-276 (Sch 40) 4.46
Nitric acid (90%) NR NR NR NR FRP/vinyl ester 1.78
Phenol 212 120 140 75 FRP/epoxy 1.86 Hastelloy B (Sch 40) 5.71
Phosgene (gas or liquid) 212 120 NR — FRP/polyester 1.86 Zirconium (Sch 10) 5.95
Phosphoric acid 275 250 225 125 Polypropylene lined steel (Sch 40) 1.90
Propyl alcohol 212 120 140 150 Saran lined steel (Sch 40) 1.91 Zirconium (Sch 40) 7.04
Sodium hydroxide (10%) 230 NR 225 150 PVDF-lined steel (Sch 40) 2.47
Sodium hydroxide (50%) 230 NR 225 75 Alloy 20 (Sch. 10) 2.60
Sodium hypochlorite 300 125 150 125 Monel (Sch 10) 2.61
Sulfuric acid (30%) 300 230 200 75 Glass-lined steel (Sch 40) 2.69
Sulfuric acid (50%) 300 230 125 NR PVDF (Sch 80) 2.71
Sulfuric acid (93%) 300 200 NR NR PTFE-lined steel (Sch 40) 2.94
Sulfuric acid (98%) 200 120 NR NR Titanium (Sch 10) 2.99
Sulfuric acid—fuming 120 NR NR NR FEP-lined steel (Sch 40) 2.99
Toluene 250 170 NR 75
Trisodium phosphate 275 275 150 150
yang di liner

BUKU-2 Halaman : 19 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 20 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Type For concrete and mortar
ANSI/AWWA C3036 linings in concrete
Standard for Reinforced Concrete pressure pipe
Pressure Pipe,Non-Cylinder
ANSI/AWWA C6027 Type For mortar linings in con-
crete pressure pipe For
Standard for Concrete Pressure field-applied mortar
Pipe, Bar Wrapped, Steel- linings in steel pipe, cast
CylinderType iron pipe, and ductile
iron pipe
Standard for Cement-Mortar Lining
of Water Pipe lines in Place-NPS
4 (DN 100) and Larger

Fluida yang bisa menggunakan cement mortar lining ini adalah :

• Raw fresh water
• Potable water
• Raw sewage
• Treated sewage
• Seawater
Gambar Working pressure ASME class 150, 300 yang di lapis plastik • Power plant cooling water (both seawater and fresh water)

Sudah lebuh dari 100 tahun, semen mortar ini digunakan sebagai bahan anti Pada gambar dibawah , ada
koorosi pada logam besi untuk service air, juga pada kondisi di pendam dalam sedikit celah/gap antara
tanah. lining dan joinan pipanya
dari hasil penggabungan
Refference AWWA standard untuk cement mortar lining di berikan pada tabel menggunakan concrete
dibawajh ini. nyang pake spigot joint
Table AWWA Standard untuk cement mortar lined dilapangan.
American National Standards Standard for Cement-Mortar Lining For factory-applied mortar
Institute (ANSI)/American for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings linings in ductile iron Gambar Joining dengan mortar
Water Works Association for Water pipe lining di inside
(AWWA) C104/A21.41

ANSI/AWWA C2052 Standard for Cement-Mortar For factory-applied mortar

Protective Lining linings in steel pipe ¾ CRYOGENIC MATERIALS
and Coating for Steel Water Pipe-
NPS 4 (DN Pertimbangan yang cukup penting dalam pemilihan material untuk sistem
ANSI/AWWA C3003 100) and Larger-Shop Applied For concrete and mortar pemipaan kriogenik meliputi kecocokan propertis baik mekanis maupun fisik,
linings in concrete sehingga kompatibel dengan serficenya, mudah difabrikasi, murah dan cocok
Standard for Reinforced Concrete pressure pipe
dengan regulasi standardnya.
ANSI/AWWA C3014 Pressure Pipe,Steel-Cylinder
Type For concrete and mortar Stainless steel (Ferritic maupun austenitic), adalah material Ferrous yang bisa
linings in concrete dipergunakan pada service cryogenik ini, lihat pada tabel di bawah ya….
ANSI/AWWA C3025 Standard for Prestressed Concrete pressure pipe
Pressure Pipe, Steel-Cylinder

BUKU-2 Halaman : 21 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 22 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table Jenis Paduan Besi nyang dipake pada Cryogenic Piping Material non besi yang bisa digunakan untuk service nyang dingin banget
PADUAN MIN. TEMP * ASME Spec. KOMEN ini adalah Alumunium, Cooper ataupun kelompok nickel.
C-Mn steel1 -46oC (-50oF) SA-3333 Grade 1 Aluminum killed, fine grain practice Nah, tabel dibawah adalah material besi nyang diperguanakan untuk
21⁄ % Ni steel1 -73oC (-100oF) SA-3333 Grade 7 Aluminum killed, fine grain practice service kriogenik…
31⁄ % Ni steel1 -101oC (-150oF) SA-3333 Grade 3 Aluminum killed, fine grain practice
9% Ni steel1 -196oC (-320oF) SA-3333 Grade 8 Aluminum killed, fine grain practice
Table Jenis Paduan NON-Besi nyang dipake pada Cryogenic Piping
304 Stainless steel2 -254oC (-425oF) SA-3123
304L Stainless steel2 -254oC (-425oF) SA-3123 Alloy Tempers Minimum temperature ASME1 spec.
316 Stainless steel2 -196oC (-320oF) SA-3123 1100 Aluminum O, H11 _254_C (_452_F) SB 210
316L Stainless steel2 -196oC (-320oF) SA-3123 3003 Aluminum O, H112 _254_C (_452_F) SB 210
347 Stainless steel2 -254oC (-425oF) SA-3123 5052 Aluminum O, H32 _254_C (_452_F) SB 210
Catatan : * Design minimum temperature for which material is normally 5083 Aluminum O, H112 _254_C (_452_F) SB 210
suited without impact testing other than that required by 5086 Aluminum O, H112 _254_C (_452_F) SB 210
material specification. 6061 Aluminum T6 _254_C (_452_F) SB 210
Copper (C10200, C12200) Annealed _198_C (_325_F) SB 75
1 Ferritic steels.
Copper-nickel (70600) Annealed _198_C (_325_F) SB 467
2 Austenitic steel. Copper-nickel (C71500) Annealed _198_C (_325_F) SB 467
3 Corresponding ASTM specifications are A333 and A312. Monel 400, Al-Cu alloy Annealed _198_C (_325_F) SB 165

Table Jenis Paduan Besi nyang dipake pada Cryogenic Piping (Mekanik & Physical propertis nya) * Design minimum temperature for which material is normally suitable without impact testing
other than that required by material specification.
Temper 0.2% 1 Corresponding ASTM specifications are B75, B165, B210 and B467.
Ultimate Charpy Thermal Thermal
ASME3 ature4 Offset Elongation
Alloy tensile impact expansion conductivity
spec. (oF) Yield in 2 in. Table Jenis Paduan non-Besi nyang dipake pada Cryogenic Piping (Mekanik & Physical propertis nya)
strength strength (in/in oF x (BTU(hr ·
strength (%)
(ksi) (ft-lb.) 10-6) ft.oF) Temper 0.2%
(ksi) Ultimate Charpy Thermal Thermal
ASME1 ature Offset Elongation
C-Mn steel1 SA 333 RT 55 30 21(1) 70 6.5 30 Alloy tensile impact expansion conductivity
Grade 1 -50 3.0 —
spec. (oF) Yield in 2 in.
50 strength strength (in/in oF x (BTU(hr ·
21⁄ % Ni steel2 SA 333 RT 65 35 18(1) 58 — — strength (%)
(ksi) (ft-lb.) 10-6) ft.oF)
Grade 7 -100 75 40 20 — — (ksi)
31⁄ % Ni steel2 SA 333 RT 100 75 18(1) 96 5.8 21 1100 Aluminum SB-210 RT 13S 24H 5S 152H 40S 10H 16S 70H 13 125
Grade 3 -150 120 87 22 4.8 — 0, H112 -452 24S 8S 56S 16S 70H 5 160
9% Ni steel2 SA 333 RT 115 90 25 47 5.8 15.7 3003 Aluminum SB-210 RT 16S 29H 6S 186H 35S 7H 12 92
Grade 8 -320 170 135 27 25 4.8 7.6 0, H112 -452 32S 9S 48S 5 85
304 stainless SA 312 RT 85 38 45 115 9.0 9 5052 Aluminum SB-210 RT 43S 46H 37S 290H 12S 8H 13.2 75
steel TP 304 -425 250 70 3 75 1.2 0 O, H32 -452 76S 86H 47S 379H 42S 30H 7
304L stainless SA 312 RT 80 37 45 60 EQ. 304 EQ. 304 5083 Aluminum SB-210 RT 42S 44H 21S 193H 22S 16H 13 68
steel TP 304L -425 225 65 31 60 EQ. 304 EQ. 304 0, H1112 -452 63S 23S 32S 5 4
316 stainless SA 312 RT 87 38 45 — 9.0 9 5086 Aluminum SB-210 RT 38S 42H 17S 117H 22S 12H 13.2 73
steel TP 316 -325 197 65 56 — 7.8 0 0, H112 -452 78S 96H 20S 179H 38S 30H
316L stainless SA 312 RT 85 38 45 — EQ. 316 EQ. 316 6061 Aluminum SB-210 RT 45 40 12 10 10 99
steel TP 316L -325 EQ. 316 EQ. 316 T6 -452 70 58 25 12 2
347 stainless SA 312 RT 90 65 50 60 8.7 8.5 Copper (C10200, SB-75 RT 33 10 45 56 9.5 150
steel TP 347 -425 230 70 38 45 7.2 0 C1200) -452 52 14 69 75 5.0 75
90/10 Cu-Ni SB-467 RT 44 16 42 9.5 26
* Minimum value as stated in ASME Specification SA-333. CDA 706 -325
70/30 Cu-Ni SB-467 RT 44 20 40 79 9 17
1 Normalized, aluminum killed, fine grain practice. CDA 715 -325 85 31 60 87
2 Quenched and tempered. Monel 400 SB-165 RT 80 25 42 56 7.5 15
3 Corresponding ASTM specifications are A333 and A312. -325 115 50 64 50 2.5 5
4 RT is room temperature. * The letters S and H designate soft and hardened conditions respectively.
1 Corresponding ASTM specifications are B75, B165, B210 and B467.

BUKU-2 Halaman : 23 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 24 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
¾ SISTEM PEMIPAAN FIBER GLASS Circumferential flexural modulus
Short-term D 2412 Yes No 53 769-3 Yes No 10466 Yes No
Long-term creep EN 761 Yes No 7684 Yes No
Fiberglass Reinfoced Plastic (FRP) telah banyak dan sukses di pakai lebih dari Circumferential tensile strength D 2290 Yes No EN 1393 Yes No
lima puluh tahunan sebagai material pemipaan, karena menjadi kombinasi Compressive stress & modulus D 695 Yes No
antara plastik material yang resistant corrosion dengan kekuatan (karena ada Constituents; % resin, glass, aggregate, filler D 2584 Yes No EN 637 Yes Yes 7510 Yes Yes
reinforced-nya…). Dimensions D 3567 Yes Yes
Density D 792 Yes Yes 53 479 Yes Yes
Penggunaan FRP ini pada temperatur -40o s/d 300 o F (-40o s/d 149 o C) Dielectric strength D 149 Yes Yes
D 257 Yes Yes
Resin pada FRP di memiliki ketahanan korosi untuk acid, caustic ataupun Electrical resistance, DC
D 2583 Yes Yes EN 59
solvent. Nah, kalau medianya abrasif misalnye aja slurry… maka bisa Indentation hardness, barchol impressor
D 2444 Yes Yes
Impact resistance
ditambahkan abrasion resistat material pada inside pipenye.
Joints, pressure & bending as applicable
EN 1449 Yes Yes
Nah berikut aplikasi FRP di dindustri secara umum… Cemented socket & spigot
EN 1450 Yes Yes
Bolted flanges
EN 1448 Yes Yes
Socket & spigot with elastomeric seals
INDUSTRY Pipe stiffness
Marine Petroc D 2412 Yes No 53 769- Yes No 10466 Yes No
Food Pharm Pulps Short-term
Chemical & hem & Power WW EN 761 Yes No 7684 Yes No
proces Mining aceutic & Long-term creep
process Offshor Petrole Plants TP D 2924 Yes No
sing al paper Pressure, external
e um
Pressure, internal
Aeration lines X D 2143 Yes No
Brine slurry lines D 2992 Yes Yes 53 769-3 10928 Yes Yes
X Hydrostatic design basis
Chemical feed lines X X X X X X D 1599 Yes Yes 53 758
X Short-time hydraulic failure
Column piping X D 1598 Yes No EN 1447 Yes No
Time to failure, constant pressure
53 768 Yes Yes
Condensate return X X X X X X Regression analysis
X D 2992 Yes Yes EN 705 Yes Yes
Conduit X X X D 5365 Yes No
Cooling water lines X X X X Ring-bending strain
Disposal well systems X X X X Shear strength 53 769-1 No Yes
Downhole tubing and casing X X Specific gravity D 792 Yes Yes
Effluent drain lines X X X X X X X X Stiffness factor
Fire mains X X X X X Short-term D 2412 Yes No 53 769-3 Yes No 10466 Yes No
Guttering and downspouts X X X Long-term creep EN 761 Yes No 7684 Yes No
X Tensile elongation ultimate D 2105 Yes No EN 1393 Yes No
Oily water X X X
Scrubber headers X X Tensile stress & modulus
X Hoop D 1599 Yes Yes
Seawater lines X X X
Laminate D 638 Yes Yes 527-4 Yes Yes
Slurry lines X Longitudinal D 2105 Yes No
Vent lines X X X X X X X Thermal conductivity C 177 Yes Yes
Water lines X X X X X Thermal expansion, linear coefficient
Waste treatment X X X X X X X Between _30_ and 30_C D 696 Yes No
Buried gasoline piping1 X Other temperatures E 228 Yes No
1. At gasoline service stations.
Table Standard Produk FRP pipe & Fitting
Table Metode Test nya FRP for P (Pipes) and F (Fittings)
Pressure psig
Product Description Standard Pipe Fittings Size nps (DN)
ASTM Standard DIN Standard ISO Standard (bar)
# P F # P F # P F Fittings
Beam bending stress & modulus D 790 Yes No ISO 178 Yes No Contact molded ASTM D 6041 No Yes All 0–150 (0–10)
modified Dimensions, nominal ISO 7370 Yes Yes 1–144 (25–3600) NA
Beam deflection, full bore flow D 2925 Yes No Flanges, contact molded ASTM D 5421 No Yes 1–96 (25–2400) 25–150 (2–10)
Chemical resistance Flanges other than contact molded ASTM D 4024 No Yes All 50–500 (3–34)
Laminates C 581 Yes Yes 53 393 Yes Yes Gravity flow ASTM D 3840 No Yes 8–144 (200–3600) Gravity
Molding compounds D 3615 No Yes Line pipe, low pressure API 15LR Yes Yes 1–16 (25–400) up to 1000 (68)
Pipe, deflected D 3681 Yes No Pressure ASTM D 5685 No Yes 1–16 (25–400) 25–1000 (2–68)

BUKU-2 Halaman : 25 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 26 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jet fuel lines, belowground ASTM D 5677 Yes Yes All up to 150 (10)
Bell & spigot gasket joints ASTM D 4161 Yes Yes 8–144 (200–3600) up to 250 (17)
Marine pipe & fittings ASTM F 1173 Yes Yes 1–48 (25–1200) All
Laminates, contact molded ASTM C 582 Yes Yes All All

Casing and tubing API 15AR Yes No 1–10 (25–250)
Centrifugally cast ASTM D 2997 Yes No All All
Contact molded ASTM C 582 Yes Yes All All
Dimensions, nominal ISO 7370 Yes Yes 1–144 (10–3600) NA
Filament wound ASTM D 2996 Yes No 1–16 (25–400) All
Line pipe, high pressure API 15HR Yes No 1–8 (25–200) 500–1000 (34–68)
Line pipe, low pressure API 15LR Yes Yes 1–16 (25–400) up to 1000 (68)
Machine made classification ASTM D 2310 Yes No NA NA
Sewer ASTM D 3262 Yes No 8–144 (200–3600) Gravity
Water ASTM D 3517 Yes No 8–144 (200–3600) up to 250 (17)
Industrial wastes & corrosive fluids ASTM D 3754 Yes No 8–144 (200–3600) up to 250 (17)
Process plant piping BS 6464 Yes Yes up to 940 (64)
Water supply or sewerage piping BS 5480 Yes Yes 1–36 (25–1000)
Water systems AWWA C-950 Yes Yes 1–144 (25–3600) 50–250 (3–17)
M45 design

RESIN yang banyak digunakan adalah : ¾ TEKANAN DAN UJI KEBOCORAN

Epoxy Resins Î limit temp 250oF (121oC) Table Uji dan pengujian tekanan
Polyester Resins
Vinyl Ester Resins. Î limit temp 225oF (107oC); special aplication Î limit TEKANAN UJI TEKANAN UJI TEKANAN UJI TEKANAN
Bisphenol-A Fumarate Polyester Resins. Î limit temp 250oF (121oC) ASME B31.1 Hydrostatic1 1.5 times design Max allowable test 10 minutes Design Pressure
pressure any component
Chlorendic Polyester Resins. Î limit temp 350oF (177oC) or 90 percent of yield
Isophthalic Polyester Resins. . Î limit temp 180oF (82oC) ASME B31.1 Pneumatic 1.2 times design 10 minutes Lower of 100 psig
Phenolic Resins Î limit temp 300oF (149oC) 1.5 times design or max or design pressure
allowable test
ASME B31.1 Initial service Normal operating pressure any component 10 minutes or time Normal operating
SISTEM JOIN pressure to com- pressure
Dalam sistem join di FRP ini dikenal dengan berbagai cara, yaitu : Normal operating plete leak
ASME B31.3 Hydrostatic pressure examination
1.5 times design2 1.5 times design
Time to complete
Not to exceed yield leak ex-
ASME B31.3 Pneumatic stress Amination but at
1.1 times design least 10 minutes Design pressure

ASME B31.3 Initial service3 1.1 times design plus the 10 minutes
Design pressure lesser of 50 psi or 10 Design pressure
percent of test Pressure
ASME I Hydrostatic Time to complete
1.5 times max Design pressure leak examination Max allowable
allowallowable working pressure4
ASME III Hydrostatic Workworking Not specified,
Division 1 pressure4 Not to exceed 90 percent typically 1 hr Greater of design
Subsection yield stress pres-
NB 1.25 times system sure or .75 times

BUKU-2 Halaman : 27 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 28 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pneumatic design 10 minutes test serious irreversible harm to persons on breathing or bodily contact, even when prompt
pressure5 Not to exceed stress pressure restorative measures are taken [emphases added].’’
ASME III limits of design sec-
Division 1 tion NB-3226 or Greater of design
Subsection 1.2 times system maximum test pressure 10 minutes pres- Code dan standard yang dipergunakan untuk membantu dalam identifikasi proses
NB design of any system sure or .75times terutama uang berkaitan dengan hal ini khususnya bagi owner maupun designer
pressure6 component5 test adalah :
Not to exceed stress • API 570, ‘‘Piping Inspection Code: Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Rerating of In-
limits of design sec- service Piping Systems’’
tion NB-3226 or • API RP 574, ‘‘Inspection of Piping, Tubing, Valves, and Fittings’’
maximum test pressure • API RP 750, ‘‘Management of Process Hazards’’
of any system
component • ASME B31 ‘‘Code for Pressure Piping.’’ The ASME B31 Code for Pressure Piping consists
ASME III Hydrostatic 1.5 times system If minimum test pressure 10 minutes or 15 Greater of design of several sections: B31.1 Power Piping, B31.3 Process Piping,etc. (see Chap. A4). All the
Division 1 design exceeded by 6 minutes pressure or .75 sections, published as separate books, may have useful information relevant to the design
Subsec tion pressure percent establish limit by per inch of design times test and construction of hazardous piping systems for their particular application. B31.3,
NC the lower of analysis of minimum wall pressure however, is the only section that includes a chapter on hazardous piping systems.
all test loadings or thickness for
Pneumatic maximum test pressure pumps and • ASME B31G, ‘‘Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipe’’
1.25 times system of any component valves Greater of design • ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2, ‘‘Rules for
ASME III design pres- Construction of Pressure Vessels’’
Division 1 pressure If minimum test pressure 10 minutes sure or .75 times • NBBPVI, ‘‘National Board Inspection Code’’
Subsection exceeded by 6 test
NC Hydrostatic percent establish limit by pressure • NIOSH, ‘‘Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances’’
the lower of analysis of • NFPA 30, ‘‘Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code’’
1.5 times system all test loadings or • NFPA 49, ‘‘Hazardous Chemical Data’’
design pressure for maximum 10 minutes Greater of design
• NFPA 325M, ‘‘Fire Hazard Properties of Flammable Liquids, Gases, and Volatile Solids’’
ASME III completed com- test pressure of any pres-
Division 1 ponents, 1.25 times component sure or .75 times • NFPA 491M, ‘‘Manual of Hazardous Chemical Reactions’’
Subsection Pneumatic system maxidesign test
ND pressure for pip- If minimum test pressure pressure
ing systems exceeded by 6 Table Material yang sangat beracun dan reaktif
percent establish limit by 10 minutes
1.25 times sys- the lower of Acetaldehyde Dimethylhydrazine, 1,1- Nitromethane
Acrolein (2-Propenal) Dimethylamine, anhydrous Nitrogen dioxide
tem design analysis of all test Greater of design
ASME III pressure loadings or maxidesign pres- Acrytyl chloride 2, 4-Dinitroaniline Nitrogen oxides (NO; NO2; N2O4;
Division 1 mum test pressure of sure or .75 times Allyl chloride N2O3)
Subsection any component test Allytamine Ethyl methyl ketone peroxide (also Nitrogen peroxide (also called Nitrogen
Alkylaluminums called Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide) tetroxide)
ND pressure
Ammonia, Anhydrous Ethyl nitrite Nitrogen tetroxide (also called Nitrogen
If minimum test pressure Ammonia solutions Ethylamine peroxide)
exceeded by 6 Ammonium perchlorate Ethylene fluorohydrin Nitrogen trifluoride
percent establish limit by Ammonium permanganate Ethylene oxide Nitrogen trioxide
the lower of Arsenic hydride (also called Arsine) Ethyleneimine
analysis of all test Arsine (also called Arsenic hydride) Oleum (also called Fuming sulfuric
Fluorine acid)
loadings or maximum
Bis(chloromethyl) ether Formaldehyde (Formalin) Osmium tetroxide
test pressure of any
component Boron trichloride Fuming sulfuric acid (also called Oxygen difluoride (Fluorine monoxide)
Boron trifluoride Oleum) Ozone
Bromine Furan
Bromine chloride Pentaborane
¾ HAZARDOUS PIPING SYSTEM Bromine pentafluoride Hexafluoroacetone Peracetic acid (also called
Bromine trifluoride Hydrochloric acid, anhydrous Peroxyacetic acid)
ASME CODE B31.3 “PROCESS PIPING” mendefinisikan hazardous fluid service sbb : 3-Bromopropyne (also called Hydrofluoric acid, anhydrous Perchloric acid
‘‘a fluid service in which the potential for personnel exposure is judged to be significant and in Propargylbromide) Hydrogen bromide Perchloromethyl mercaptan
which a single exposure to a very small quantity of a toxic fluid, caused by leakage, can produce Butyl hydroperoxide (tertiary) Hydrogen chloride Perchloryl fluoride

BUKU-2 Halaman : 29 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 30 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Butyl perbenzoate (tertiary) Hydrogen cyanide, anhydrous Peroxyacetic acid (also called vibrations, earthquake.
Hydrogen fluoride Peracetic acid) Perform stress analysis incorporating all the loadings Disregard short-term loadings combined with sustained
Carbonyl chloride (also called Hydrogen peroxide Phophoryl chloride (also called expected. loads or the fatigue effects of short-term
Phosgene) Hydrogen selenide Phosphorusoxychloride) loadings.
Carbonyl nitrate Hydrogen sulfide Phosgene (also called Carbonyl Select materials that will not deteriorate in service. Choose materials sensitive to corrosion or erosion.
Chlorine Hydroxylamine chloride) Use ductile materials. Use low-ductility materials, such as castiron or glass.
Chlorine dioxide Phosphine (Hydrogen phosphide) Eliminate or minimize the use of mechanical joints. Use mechanical joints without considering means to
Chlorine pentrafluoride Iron, pentacarbonyl Phosphorus oxychloride (also called safeguard them.
Chlorine trifluoride Isopropylamine Phosphoryl chloride) Provide smooth transitions at welded joints. Have abrupt changes in joint geometry.
Chlorodiethylaluminum (also called Phosphorus trichloride Choose valves to be consistent with hazardous service. Use stem packing designs that can leak.
Dieth- Bromoylaluminum chloride) Ketene Propargyl bromide (also called 3- Provide designs to minimize fugitive emissions. Forget to perform a sensitive leak test with an
1-chloro-2, 4-dinitrobenzene Bromoylaluminumpropyne) appropriate sensitivity.
Chloromethyl methyl ether Methacrylaldehyde Propyl nitrate Use appropriate NDE methods to assure quality Limit NDE methods to those in codes and standards if
Chloropicrin Methacryloyl chloride fabrication and erection. newer methods will give reliable results.
Chloropicrin and Methyl bromide Methacryloyloxyethel isocyanate Sarin Try to provide advice to plant designers regarding piping Believe that plant designers will understand hazardous
mixture Methyl acrylonitrile Selenium hexafluoride layout needs. piping layout needs.
Chloropicrin and Methyl chloride Methylamine, anhydrous Stibine (Antimony hydride) Use piping geometry to compensate for thermal Use expansion joints.
mixture Methyl bromide Sulfur dioxide (liquid) expansion and contraction.
Cumene hydroperoxide Methyl chloride Sulfur pentafluoride Provide a collection and disposal system for pressure Vent directly to atmosphere without proper treatment.
Cyanogen Methyl chloroformate Sulfur tetrafluoride relief of hazardous systems.
Cyanogen chloride Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (also Sulfur trioxide (also called Sulfuric Segregate hazardous piping systems during fabrication, Treat hazardous piping like other systems.
Cyanuric fluoride called Ethyl methyl ketone peroxide) anhydride) erection, and testing to facilitate all requirements
Methyl fluoroacetate Sulfuric anhydride (also called Sulfur being met.
Diacetyl peroxide Methyl fluorosulfate trioxide) Design and maintain supports as part of the piping Treat piping supports as independent components.
Diazomethane Methyl hydrazine system.
Dibenzoyl peroxide Methyl iodide Tellurium hexafluoride Provide design details of critical elements to Leave critical fabrication and assembly details to be
Diborane Methyl isocyanate Tetrafluoroethylene construction. provided by field.
Dibutyl peroxide (tertiary) Methyl mercaptan Tetrafluorohydrazine Provide mechanism for positive identification of piping Rely on specifying materials with no follow-up.
Dicloro acetylene Methyl vinyl ketone Tetramethyl lead materials of construction.
Diclorosilane Methyltrichlorosilane Thionyl chloride Provide an in-service monitoring program for early Wait for a catastrophic event.
Diethylaluminum chloride (also called Trichloro (Chloromethyl) silane detection of problems.
Chlorodiethylaluminum) Nickel carbonyl (Nickel tetracarbonyl) Trichloro (Dichlorophenyl) silane Maintain service records throughout life of system. Repair piping without documenting it.
Diethylzinc Nitric acid Trichlorosilane Periodically examine critical elements. Install system and forget about it.
Diisopropyl peroxydicarbonate Nitric oxide Trifluorochloroethylene
Dilaluroyl peroxide Nitroaniline Trimethyloxysilane


Umumnya pada piping kode dibedakan antara examination dan testing; dimana
examination adalah tanggung jawab manufacturer, fabricator atau erector sedangkan
inspection adalah tanggung jawabnya owner.

Table Rekomendasi design dan opration untuk Hazardous Piping

“DO” “DON’T”
Identify and give hazardous piping systems special View hazardous piping systems as conventional
consideration. systems.
Evaluate consequence of piping failure (forexample, Assume piping system cannot fail.
quantities released, personnelexposure, harm to
the environment).
Understand operating modes of the system,including Expect operating conditions to be without
variations in normal and abnormal operating variation.
Consider dynamic effects, such as fluid hammering, Overlook potential dynamic effects.

BUKU-2 Halaman : 31 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 32 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Carbon steel (CS). Digunakan sampai dengan temperature 800oF (425oC)
3. PIPING COMPONENT • Low temperature steel. Digunakan dibawah temperature -20oF (-29oC)
• Alloy Carbon steel (CS). Digunakan diatas temperature 800oF (425oC)
Sistem pemipaan merupakan koneksi poin to poin pada setting kondisi design yang
• Untuk korosif fluide, sebagaimana rekomendasi dari licenser.
sama. Sistem pemipaan tidak hanya membutuhkan pipa tetapi juga fitting,
Flange, valves, dsb yang dikenal dengan piping component. Piping komponen ini
meliputi design spec., materials, parts, supports, fabrikasi, inspeksi dan testing. ¾ PIPE


• Ukuran dari pipa di identify dari NOMINAL
Pertama kali pemilihan material tergantung dari service yang akan dilayani. BORE or NOMINAL PIPE SIZE. Dalam
Pemilihan material membutuhkan pengetahuan corrosion properties, strength American Code hal ini diatur dalam ASME
and engineering characteristics, cost dan availability. B36.10M dan B36.19M
Pertimbangan utama pemilihan material yaitu properties korosi dari fluida, • NPS 12” & smaller memiliki OD yang lebih besar
kondisi tekanan dan temperatur dari service dan sifat alamiah dari service. dari nilai pipe size.

Mechanical properties dari material seperti :

• Yield strength
• Ultimate strength
• elongation
• Impact strength KETEBALAN PIPA
• creep-rupture strength • IPS (Iron Pipe Standard) Î STD
• fatigue endurance strength (Standard), XS (Extra Strong), XXS
Berdasarkan material dari piping komponen dapat di klasifikasi dalam : (Double Extra Strong).
• Untuk SS schedule number Î 5S, 10S, 40S,
dan 80S
• Untuk CS schedule number Î S10, S20,
S30, S40, S60, S80, S100, S120, S140,
• Ketebalan pipa Standard (STD) sama
dengan S40 untuk NPS s/d 10”
• Ketebalan pipa XS sama dng S80 untuk
NPS s/d 8”
• Ketebalan pipa XXS lebih dari S160 untuk
NPS s/d 6”
• Untuk NPS 12” ketebalan match untuk S120
dan 10” match S140
Basic material/generik material mengikuti specifikasi dari Process Licenser
untuk process fluida nya. Piping engineering menterjemahkannya secara
detail berlandaskan code & standard yang di pergunakan.
Piping Engineer juga mempertimbangkan kekuatan (strength) sbb :
• Design pressure 10% lebih tinggi dari max. anticipated operting
• Design temperature 25% diatas max. anticipated operting temperatur 1. Bevel End. Î Las (Welding)
• Ketika operating temperature 15oC kebawah, maka design temperatur • Keuntungan : Paling praktis untuk penyambungan pipa yang besar, tidak
adalah anticipated minimum operating temperature. mudah bocor dan mudah di radiography (untuk test)
Penggunaan steel berdasarkan temperatur secara umum adalah

BUKU-2 Halaman : 33 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 34 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Kerugian : Weld intrusion akan berpengaruh pada lairan, dan
membutuhkan preparasi pada end of pipe
5. Spigot/Socket End Î specified joint (resin)
• Keuntungan : Mudah di kerjakan di site, misalignment diterima sampai
susut 10o
• Kerugian : hanya cocok untuk tekanan rendah, dibutuhkan special

2. Plain End Î fillet welding

• Keuntungan : Mudah alignment dari butt welding, Nggak ada intrusi
metal ke dalam pipa
• Kerugian : 1.5 mm celah ada liquid yg terjebak, untuk service yang
korosif kagak boleh di pakai.

6. Buttress End Î for glass piping using bolting

Hanya untuk glass pipe dan tidak di pakai untuk pressure tinggi

3. Screwed End Î threaded connection

• Keuntungan : Mudah di buat di site, Bisa di kombinasi dengan lasan
• Kerugian : sambungan mudah bocor, tdk di rekomdasikan untuk service
yg korosif, kekuatan pipa turun, sealing (perapat) sebaiknya di pasang.

1. Welded Pipe
• Electric Resistance Welded (ERW). “Longitudinal joint”
• Furnace Butt Welded, Continuous Welded. “Longitudinal Joint”
• Electric Fusion Welded (EFW). “Longitudinal joint” single/double
• Double Submerged-Arc Welded. “Longitudinal joint”
• Spiral Welded. “Helical seam”
2. Seamless

4. Flanged End Î bolted connection DESIGN PRESSURE

• Keuntungan : Mudah di kerjakan di site, pengganti welding dan mudan di Salah satu faktor pertimbangan untuk kalkulasi ketebalan pipa adalah design
copot pressure. Selain itu juga corrosion Allowance & mill tolerance ikut di
• Kerugian : sambungan mudah bocor, tdk di rekomdasikan untuk lokasi pertimbangkan.
dengan bending momen yang besar.
ASME B31.3 mensyaratkan tebal pipa minimum adalah Tm = T + C

Dimana :
P=Internal Pressure

BUKU-2 Halaman : 35 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 36 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
D=Outside diameter copper, cast steel, forged steel, and wrought steel. Material non ferrous
σ= Allowable stress lainnya dalam bentuk cast dan wrought fittings.
Ej= Joint Quality factor
Y= Coefficient Dimensional Standard:
C= Corrosion allowance + Depth of thread 1.ANSI B16.1 Cast Iron Pipe Flanges & Flanged Fittings
2.ANSI B16.3 Melleable Iron Threaded Fittings
3.ANSI B16.4 Grey Iron Threaded Fittings
4.ANSI B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
Total Thickness required is the sum of 5.ANSI B16.9 Factory made Wrought Steel Butt weling
6.ANSI B16.11 Forged fittings, socket welding and thread
1. Pressure design thickness
7.ANSI B16.28 Wrought steel Buttwelding short radius Elbow
2. Manufacturing tolerance (usual 12½% of nominal WT)
8.ANSI B16.42 Ductile iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged
3. Corrosion (or erosion) allowance
4. Threading allowance 9.ANSI B16.49 Buttwelding induction bends for
transportationand Distribution system
LENGTH 10. BS 1640 Buttweld Fittings
Dalam pemesanan dan pembuatan yang ada di pasaran dikenal dengan (a) 11. BS 3799 Socketweld and Screwed fittings
Single random lengths adalah panjang pipa sekitar 6 meteran (20 feet) per 12. BS 2598 Glass Pipelines and Fittings
batang dan Double random sekitar 12 meteran. Untuk pemesanan yang 13. IS 1538 Cast Iron fittings
lebih spesific bisa di lakukan pemesanan tetapi dengan harga yang lebih 14. MSS-SP-43 Stainless Steel Fittings
Klasifikasi berdasarkan end Connection
Specification Product form Size range (NPS) Application 1. Untuk SW & Thd (ANSI B16.11) : (Up to 4” saja)
======================================================================= • 2000# class Î just screwed. Thk S80 & XS.
ASTM A53 Seamless/welded 1/8 to 26 Ordinary use in gas, air, oil, • 3000# class Î SW & screwed. Thk S80, XS (scr’d) & S160
water, steam • 6000# class Î SW & screwed. Thk S160 (SW), XXS (scr’d)
ASTM A106 Seamless 1/8 to 48 High-temperature service • 9000# class Î just SW. Thk XXS.
(steam, water, gas, etc.) NPT Î American Std and BSPT Î British std
ASTM A369 Forged and bored Custom High-temperature service SW & Screwed manufactured di forging
ASTM A335 Seamless Custom High-temperature service Materials :
ASTM A333 Seamless/welded 1/8 and larger Service requiring excellent 1. A105 Forged CS
fracture toughness at low 2. A181 Forgrd CS for General Purpose
temperatures 3. A182 Forged Alloy Steel & Stainless Steel
ASTM A671 Electric fusion-welded 16 and larger Low-temperature service
4. A234 Wrought CS and AS pipe fittings for moderate & elevated temperatures
ASTM A672 Electric fusion-welded 16 and larger Moderate-temperature 5. A350 Forged AS for Low temperture service
ASTM A691 Electric fusion-welded 16 and larger High-temperature service
FITTINGS Socket Weld
ASTM A312 Seamless/welded 1/8 and larger Low- to high-temperature
and corrosive service
1. Steel (ASME B16.11)
API 5L Seamless/welded Line pipe, refinery, and
• Carbon Steel
transmission service
• Stainless steel
2. Size frequently limited to ~NPS 1-1/2
¾ FITTINGS 3. Not used in “severe cyclic condition”
4. Not use in services where corrosion is accelerated in crevices
Piping material paling banyak diproduksi dalam bentuk standard fitting.
Material fitting tsb terbuat dari ductile or cast iron, malleable iron, brass,

BUKU-2 Halaman : 37 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 38 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FITTINGS Threaded Gray iron (ASME B16.9)

1. Materials o Carbon Steel
• Gray iron (ASME B16.4) o Stainless steel
• Malleable iron (ASME B16.3) o Nickel Alloy
• Steel (ASME B16.11) • Size frequently for 2” and above
2. Size frequently limited to ~NPS 2 • Use generally not restricted
Potential injury for installers • Difficult in small size, especialy for thin wall
• Ability to get a good seal
3. Generally not used where leaks cannot BRANCHES
be tolerated
Percabangan dalam sistem pemipaan terdiri dari :
• Tee
Tabel Pressure-Temperature Rating of • Unreinforced Fabricated Tee
ANSI/ASME B16.4 Cast-Iron Fittings • Reinforced Fabricated Tee
• Branch Connection Fitting (olet):

• Sockolet(SOL)
• Weldolet (WOL)
• Thredolet (TOL)
• Latrolet (LOL)
• Elbolet (EOL)

Gambar Pressure-Temperature Rating

of ASME B16.3 Malleable-Iron Gambar Dimensions Typical welding outlet
Threaded Fittings fittings.

Gambar Pressure-Temperature Rating 3. Flanged Fittings (ANSI B16.5, B16.1 and BS1650)
of ASME B16.3 Malleable-Iron Digunakan bila welding, sw & thd tdk bisa diganakan. “Casting” Material.
Threaded Fittings 1. A216 CS Casting
2. A351 SS Casting
3. A352 AS Casting
4. F1545 Plastic Lined Fittings
5. IS 1538 CI Fittings

2. Butt weld Fittings (ANSI B16.9, B16.28 & BS1640) sama dng tebal pipa.
Disambung dengan di welding.
Material :
1. A234 CS fittings for moderate & High temerture service
2. A403 Austenitic SS pipe fittings
3. A420 CS & AS Pipe Fitings for Low temperature service
4. A815 Ferritic, Ferritic/Austenitic and martensitic SS Pipe fitting

BUKU-2 Halaman : 39 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 40 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gambar Pohon fitting berdasarkan end connection nya

Gambar Dim Cast-Steel Flanged Fittings (from ASME B16.5-1996)
Flange salah satu jenis koneksi yang diikat menggunakan mur-baut. Banyak
di pergunakan pada koneksi ke Equipment, Valves dan specialties.
Komponen penting dari koneksi Flange ini adalah Flange, Gasket dan Bolting
yang bekerja dalam satu kesatuan ikatan koneksi.

Klasifikai Flange adalah :

1. Slip on Flange
2. SW Flanges
3. Thd Flanges
4. Lap Joint Flanges
5. Blind Flange
6. Weld Neck Flange
7. Reducing Flange
8. Integral

Gambar Flange Joint yang

umum dipakai

Gambar Op. temp vs allowable work. Press for ASME B16.5 Group 1.1 materials.

4. Spigot socket Fittings (BS2598) digunakan pada Cast Iron piping

BUKU-2 Halaman : 41 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 42 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Gambar Typical flange facings (for

dimensions, see ASME B16.5).

Gambar Pressure-Temperature
rating untuk carbon steel

Figure 1 Material requirement

BUKU-2 Halaman : 43 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 44 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Berdasarkan Face Finish
1. Smooth Finish
Umum digunakan untuk metallic gaskets
2. Serrated Finish
Umum digunakan pada non-metallic gaskets
Kekasaran permukaan di tandai dengan besaran AARH (Arithmatic Average
Roughness Heugh).

Figure 3 Flange Facing finish

Kontak permukaan Flange harus di ukur kehalusannya dengan Ra standard

(lihat ASME B46.1). Ketentuan tsb di berikan sebagaimana gambar diatas.
o Tongue and groove and small, male and female
Permukaan kantak pada gasket tidak lebih dari 125 microinch (3.2 m)
o Ring joint
Permukaan dinding sisi dari celah gasket tidak lebih dari 63 microinch (1.6
m) roughness
o Others (RF & large-male or female faces)
Resultant permukaan antara 125 .in s/d 250 .in rata-rata roughness.

Gambar Flange Facing finish

Figure 2 Material Requirement (bersambung..)

BUKU-2 Halaman : 45 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 46 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Gambar Flange dimension untuk class 150 (s/d nps 24”) ANSI B16.5
Gambar Flange dim class 150 (26” keatas), ASME B16.47 seri-A, MSS SP 44 –
1960, BS 3293

BUKU-2 Halaman : 47 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 48 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
o Stud bolts in Alloy steel according to ASTM A193 grades B7, B16, etc
o Nuts di machine untuk diameter < 7/8” in carbon steel accoring ASTM A194
grades 2H, $, etc
o Cara menghitung panjang Bolts.

L = 2 (S+he+eb+i) + J

Dengan S adalah free threaded (1 atau 2 pitch).

Ada 2 jenis bolting yaitu yang menggunakan 2 nuts disebut dengan STUD
BOLT dan yang menggunakan 1 nut di sebut MACHINE BOLTS.

Figure 4 Perbandingan antara machine bolts dan Stud Bolts

UNIFIED SCREW THREADS. Standard Unified untuk boltsdan nuts di

pergunakan di negara USA, Canada dan UK. Standardnya adalah ANSI
UNC (Unified Coarse) dipergunakan pada sistem pemipaan.
Pengkodeannya sbb :
o Outside Diameter inch
o Thread UNC
Gambar Flange dimension untuk class 150 (26” keatas), ASME B16.47 seri-B o Thread Density Thread per inch
o Class of fit 2
o Bolt A
o Nut B

BUKU-2 Halaman : 49 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 50 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Contoh.: Bolt : ½ UNC 13-2A
Mating Nut : ½ UNC 13-2-B

Gambar Pemilihan material gasket untuk berbagai service

Gambar Bolts Materials untuk service temperatur tinggi/rendah

Pemilihan gasket bergantung kepada :
1. ketahanan terhadap fluida yang mengalir,
2. Kemampuan menerima beban tekanan dan temperatur.
Jenis Gasket:
¾ GASKET 1. Full Face
2. Inside bolt circle
3. Spiral eound mettalic
Gasket sebagai perapat antar dua permukaan flange yang diikat dengan mur- 4. Ring type
5. Metal Jacketed

BUKU-2 Halaman : 51 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 52 dari 95

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Karakteristik gasket :
• Resists deterioration in normal service GASKETS – RUBBER
• Chemical resistance
• Temperature resistance
• Low enough leak rate
• Blowout resistance
• Fire resistance


Natural Grafite Flake

decompossed (worms)

Worm compossed
into foils

Corrugated Insert
o Insert is usually
0.018”(0.46 mm) type 316
stainless steel
o Adhesive bonded
o Blowout resistant
o Lower hand
o Lower sealing stress
o Cannot be cut from sheet

BUKU-2 Halaman : 53 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 54 dari 95

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Jenis-jenis steam trap yaitu :
1. Float
2. Thermostatic
3. Thermodynamic
4. Inverted bucket


Gambar Float
Gambar inverted bucket

Gambar Thermostatic

Strainers dipergunakan dalam sistem pemipaan untuk mlindungi equipment
yang sensitif dari kotoran dan partekil-partikel lainnya seperti butiran pasir
dan sebaginya yang terbawa atau terlarut dalam aliran fluida. Selama pada
kondisi start-up dan flushing, seharusnya strainer di pasang dan ditempatkan
pada upstream line dari pompa.

Gambar Conical Start-up strainer

Gambar Wye strainer

Gambar Basket strainer

Fungsi utama sebuah stem trap adalah melepaskan condensate dari sistem
pemipaan stem line atau steam heating equipment secara otomatis tanpa
harus di lakukan manual untuk me release kondensat tsb.

BUKU-2 Halaman : 55 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 56 dari 95

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Equipment merupakan bagian yang penting dalam suatu plant dimana fasilitas
Process plants memiliki 2 jenis prinsip sistem pemipaan :
pemipaan sebagai penghubungnya.
• Process
Kegunaan equipment ini mulai untuk start, stop, heat, cool, liquefy, vaporize,
• Primary Î main process flow
transfer, store, mix atau pemisah suatu komoditi yang mengalir melalui suatu
• secondary Î recycling systems
sistem pemipaan.
• Utility piping system Îsupport to primary process
• Support : instrument air, cooling water, steam
¾ Vessel.
• Maintanance : plant air, nitrogen
• Protection : foam and firewater Horizontal Vessel (Accumulators)
• Drinking water Gambar di bawah menunjukkan equipment Horizontal vessel.
Bentuknya silender panjang dan
Setiap piping system di tempatkan dalam satu piping class yang terdiri dari
mendatar, dan umumnya di
semua komponen pipa yang diperlukan dalam satu setting pressure,
gunakan sebagai pengumpul dan
temperature dan service yang sama.
penerima liquid atau pun gas dan
Piping class mencakup dalam hal : tidak memiliki bagian yang
• Process design condition bergerak di bagian internalnya.
• Corrosion Allowance
Nozzle ditas untuk liquid masuk
• List of Piping Component
sedangkan yang bawah untuk
• Brance Table
keluar. Nozzle yang besar (18”)
• Special Assemblie biasanya kita sebut manway untuk
• Support notes inspeksi / maintanance.
Antara proces dan utility pada operasi piping system di berbagai temperature
dan tekanan, harus di analisa sbb :
• Fluid type Î corrosivity, toxicity, viscosity
• Temperature range
• Pressure rge
• Size range
• Method of joining
• Corosion allowance
Setelah dianalisa hal diatas, maka kita masukkan dalam group yang setara
(satu class pada piping class group)
Disinilah peran PME membuat suatu specifikasi piping material yang
minimum requirement dan match thd service dan proses requirement.
Untuk memudahkan pengindikasian suatu piping class, kita dapat
membuatnya dalam code class yang mempunyai makna, misalnya class
tersebut terdiri dari 4 digit yang mempunyai arti, sebagaimana contoh di
Volume-1. Demikian juga contoh Spesifikasi untuk Piping material classnya.

Vertical Vessel (Fractionation Column)

Gambar di bawah menunjukkan equipment Vertikal vessel

BUKU-2 Halaman : 57 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 58 dari 95

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Bentuknya silender panjang dan tegak keatas (bisa lebih dari 200 feet sehingga operator akan merasa aman dan nyaman saat bekerja di platform
tingginya), dan umumnya di gunakan sebagai fraksionisasi. tersebut.

¾ Pumps
Pompa sebagaimana gambar di bawah merupakan equipment yang mendorong
dengan tekanan liquid dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya.
Pompa adalah peralatan yang digunakan untuk memindahkan cairan dengan
cara menaikkan tingkat energi cairan.
Cara menaikkantingkatenergi:
• Menaikkan tekanan dengan mengoperasikan sejumlah tetap volume
cairan di dalam suatu ruang terbatas–pompapositive displacement.
• Menaikkan tekanan dengan menggunakan sudu putar untuk menaikkan
kecepatan fluida–pompadinamik.

Dari gambar di samping

terlihat ada plat di
internal equipment yang
di sebut trays, yang
membuat terjadinya
fraksionisasi molekuler.
Prosesnya disebut
fractional distillation.

Centrifugal Pumps
Disebut juga pompa dinamik. Aksi pompa
akan mengubah energi kinetik putaran poros dan
impeler menjadi tekanan fluida.
Ladders, Cages & Platform
Karena tingkat operasional yang efisien dari jenis
Kebanyakan vessel baik yang horizontal maupun yang vertikal, dikarenakan pompa ini yang baik, maka pompa centrifugal
posisinya yang tinggi dan memerlukan akses bagi operator, maka di sering di pilih dan kadangkala dijadikan
perlukanlah ladders. Leawt ladders inilah si operator naik turun untuk standard umum dalam pemilihan pompa pada
melakukan inspeksi maupun maintanance. suatu fasilitas sistem pemipaan.
Sebagai pengaman dan antisipasi keselamatan pada ladder, maka diperlukan
Cage (cungkup). Reciprocating Pumps
Untuk tempat berdiri dan beristirahat operator di atas ketinggian, maka perlu Pompa reciprocating menggunakan bagian dalam similar dengan piston atau
adanya platform yang di buat beberapa derajat sesuai kebutuhan operator di plunger yang bergerak maju mundur sehingga meningkatkan tekanan pada
sekitar luar dinding vessel yang lebarnya3’-0” yang berfungsi laksana lantai pompa. Pemilihan jenis pompa ini biasanya untuk kebutuhan tekanan yang
pijakan yang terbuat dari grating atau pelat dilengkapi handrail setinggi 3’ sangat tinggi dan ekstrim.

BUKU-2 Halaman : 59 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 60 dari 95

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Pump Drivers
Semua pompa membutuhkan starting device untuk memfungsikannya, yang
kita kenal dengan drivers.
Koneksi drifer ke pompa melalui rotating shaft, dimana shaft ini akan memutar
impeler, gear, screws atau piston sebagai bukti pompa sudah bekerja, gitu lho…
Drivers yang banyak di pakai adalah motor listrik, dan biasanya juga ada
digunakan steam turbine sebagai back-up nya.
Lain dari itu juga digunakan diesel engine yang banyak di pergunakan pada
kondisi darurat.

¾ Compressors
Rotary Pumps
Kompresor sebagaimana
• Aksi pompa rotari disebabkan oleh gerakan relatif antara komponen halnya dengan pompa,
rotari dengan komponen stationernya. tetapi penggunaannya
• Gerakan berputar komponen rotari dalam memberikan aksi pada cairan untuk memindahkan udara,
membedakan jenis pompa ini dengan pompa torak (reciprocating). gas atau uap air bukan
• Cocok untuk menangani cairan.
kebutuhan dengan laju Seperti halnya pompa,
aliran rendah dengan kompresor ini juga di buat
tekanan atau head rendah ada yang sentrifugal,
hingga menengah. reciprocating dan juga
konfigurasi rotary.

¾ Exchanger

Nozzle Arrangements
Exchanger atau penukar
Untuk penentuan lokasi pompa yang
kalor ini dalam fasilitas
efektif, kiranya kita perlu
pemipaan berfungsi sebagai
memperhatikan nozle dari suction
transfer panas suatu
(hisap) dan discharge (dorong).
komoditi ke lainnya.
Pemosisian ini kita katakan pump
nozzle arrangement, tergantung juga
Komoditi yang di pindahkan
pada jenis pompanya.
panasnya itu tidak bisa di
Disamping ini di sajikan tabel dari item
campur tapi melalui media
permukaan logam yang beda
Untuk mendapatkan efisiensi pompa
yang maksimum, umumnya pompa di
Disamping dan bawah
pasang (di instal) pada jalur hisap se
ditunjukkan Exchangernya.
pendek mungkin.

BUKU-2 Halaman : 61 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 62 dari 95

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Gambar di atas menunjukkan reboiler yang dimaksud.

¾ Air Fan
Shell and tube Exchanger Air fan adalah jenis pendingin udara berukuran besar, yang umumnya di
Bagian dari Echanger yang berperan terjadinya perpindahan panas ini adalah letakkan di piperack dimana udara mengalir melaluinya sehingga dapat
di Shell dan tube, dimana liquid panas masuk ke dalam shell dan bersirkulasi menurunkan temperatur pada media yang di tentukan. Contohnya seperti
dalam exchanger sedangkan cairan dingin yang ada di tube akan menangkap di radiator mobil kita lah…
panas dari shell, sehingga outlt dari Shell akan turun temperaturnya.
Kontak antara kedua media itu secara alamiah laksana perubahan suhu yang
panas ke suhu yang dingin.

¾ Reboiler
Reboiler dibagi dalam
kettle-type dan
Kalau kettle-type itu
hampir mirip dengan
exchanger shell-tube,
sementara itu untuk
thermosyphon reboiler
delengkapi secara ¾ Cooling Towers
langsung ke
Setelah ber sirkulasi melalui
fractionating tower.
equipment seperti exchanger,
selanjutnya untuk dapat
mengumpulkan substantial heat gain
ini maka di perlukan cooling water,
sehingga tingkat efektifitas
pendinginan lebih baik lagi.
Cooling tower ini akan menurunkan
lagi tempeartur dari air pendingin.
Dulunya media untuk water
tumpahan menggunakan kayu

BUKU-2 Halaman : 63 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 64 dari 95

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¾ Heater/Boilers Storage tank ini memiliki banyak
Heaters atau furnaces adalah pembangkit suhu dari sebuah feed stock bentuk dan ukuran, dimana ada yang
sehingga dapat di gunakan pada suatu fasilitas proses tertentu. Beberapa seperti vessel dan ada yang seperti bola,
feed seperti minyak mentah memerlukan pemanasan hingga suhu 700oF juga ukurannya 200 ft diameter dan
sebelum di pompakan ke kolom fraksionisasi. tingginya 60 ft bahkan bisa lebih.
Bentuk spherical tank umumnya
Untuk boiler penggunaannya pada prinsipnya sama seperti heater dimana digunakan untuk penyimpanan LPG
akan menghasilkan super heated steam atau stripping steam, hanya saja seperti butane, methane atau
temperatur yang di hasilkan 1000oF bahkan lebih. propane.
Untuk keselamatan, umumnya perlu
di pasang tanggul (dike) sekitar
tangki ini. Gambar diatas adalah
tangi dan tanggulnya.
Tangki-tangki besar sebagai
penimbun cairan hasil produksi
memiliki jenis atap seperti conical,
elliptical, open atau floating roof.
Floating roof dapat naik dan turun
sesuai dengan ketinggian cairan yang
ada di dalam tangki tersebut yang
berguna untuk mereduksi penguapan
cairan dan mencegah terbentuknya
gas-gas berbahaya yang akan memicu

¾ Drawing Equipment
Untuk mendapatkan informasi yang akurat sesuai design engineering, maka
diperlukan adanya gambar peralatan ini yang biasanya disiapkan oleh
vendor untuk selanjutnya di approve oleh engineering.
Meskipun kita tidak membutuhkan atau menggambarkan seluruh gambar
equipment tersebut, tetapi kita membutuhkan informasi overall tinggi dan
¾ Storage Tanks panjang equipment, ukuran nozle nya, lokasinya, orientasinya dan juga
besaran ratingnya.
Sesuai namanya saja kita sudah pasti Contoh pada gambar di bawah adalah informasi gambar vendor.
tahu ini sebagai tangki penyipmanan.
Fasilitas penyimpanan dimana
diletakkan susunan tangki-tangi kita
kenal sebagai tank farm.

BUKU-2 Halaman : 65 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 66 dari 95

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Pengaruh dan akibat dari terjadinya tegangan (stress) yang tinggi pada suatu
sistem pemipaan akan dapat menimbulkan petaka dan juga menghambur-
hamburkan uang pada akhirnya. Untuk itulah seorang piping designer harus
pula memahami tentang kebutuhan akan terjadinya tegangan dalam suatu
sistem pemipaan dan harus bekerja secara bersama-sama dan erat dengan
seorang stress engineer.
Kita mendefinisikan stress pipa (pipe steress) adalah besarnya gaya (force) yang
dialami pada satuan luas permukaan komponen pipa, satuannya adalah pound
per sqaure inch (psi).
Kegiatan enjiniring dimana dilakukan analisa perilaku sistem pipa yang
digambarkan oleh parameter-parameter fisis berikut:
perpindahan/deformasi, percepatan, tegangan, regangan, gaya dan
momen dan besaran mekanik lainnya


• menghitung tegangan pada pipa (Pipe Stress) agar tetap masuk dalam
harga tegangan yang diperbolehkan berdasarkan kode desain pipa yang
dipakai (Code Stress);
• mengevaluasi gaya yang bekerja pada nozzle dari peralatan berputar
(rotating equipment) seperti pompa, compressor, air-fin fan cooler agar
tidak melebihi kekuatannya.
• mengevaluasi gaya yang bekerja pada nozzle dari peralatan statik, seperti
bejana tekan, Shell and Tube HE, tangki agar tidak melebihi
• menghitung beban perancangan pada tumpuan pipa seperti, pipe hanger
and support, structural anchor,
• menghitung perpindahan pipa terbesar untuk mengantisipasi
kemungkinan interferensi antar pipa atau pipa dengan struktur
• mengevaluasi efek beban dinamis random seperti beban angin, gempa,
gelombang laut pada sistem pipa maupun nozzle peralatan.
• mengevaluasi efek resistansi tanah dari buried/underground pada sistem
pipa maupun nozzle peralatan;
• mengevaluasi kemungkinan terjadinya flange leakage
• mencari solusi untuk masalah dinamis seperti getaran mekanis dari
peralatan, fluid hammer, transient flow dan sebagainya;

¾ Kode Standar Desain Pipa

• 27 April 1865 : Pipa pemanas meledak di kapal uap Sultana ketika
sedang berlayar di sungai Mississippi. (1500 tentara meninggal)
• 1905: Ledakan pipa pemanas di pabrik sepatu di Brockton, Massachusetts

BUKU-2 Halaman : 67 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 68 dari 95

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• (58 orang meninggal, luka-luka 117) bawah dijelaskan proses kerja pipe stress anlysis untuk meng identifikasi lines /
jalur pipa pada sebuah critical line list.
• 1906: Ledakan lainnya terjadi di pabrik sepatu di Lynn, Massachusetts,
(korban jiwa dan luka-luka)
For the sake of SAFETY
• 1907: Massachusetts membentuk Board of Boiler Rules. Undang-undang
pertama untuk rancangan dan konstruksi pipa (bejana tekan) (3
• 1911, komite untuk membuat rancangan perundangan untuk rancangan
dan konstruksi pipa dan bejana tekanan ASME
• 1915, ASME “Boiler Construction Code, 1914 Ed.”
• 1926, ASA (American Standards Association) memulai project B31, atas
permintaan ASME
• 1978, American Standard Comitte B31 resmi diperkenalkan sebagai
ASME Code yang terakreditasi oleh ANSI:
o ASME/ANSI B31.1 pembangkit listrik;
o ASME/ANSI B31.3 industri proses; Figure 6. proses kerja pipe stress anlysis
o ASME/ANSI B31.4 pipa transport cair;
o ASME/ANSI B31.5 perpipaan pendingin; Stress engineer akan membuat list dari jalur yang kritis, dan seorang designer
o ASME/ANSI B31.8 pipa transport gas; akan memperhatikan list tersebut sebagai guideline dalam melakukan desai.
Tabel yang dibuat tersebut terbagi dalam 2 macam, yaitu:
1. Tabel yang berisikan lampiran untuk rotating equipment seperti pompa-
Perancangan tata letak diagram proses sistem spesifikasi pompa dan
pipa dan instrumentasi pipa

Analisa flexibilitas dan

tegangan pipa

perancangan Laporan analisa Gambar akhir tata

tumpuan pipa tegangan letak pipa

Figure 5. Keterkaitan Analisa tegangan pada proses disain


Cukup banyak tahapan dalam memahami bagaimana untuk membuat lay-out

sebuah plan dengan sedikit revisi akibat pipe stress. Utamanya adalah
bagaimana memahami proses kerjanya pada sebuah proyek. Pada gambar di Figure 7. Pipe stress review Criteria Rotating Equipment Piping

BUKU-2 Halaman : 69 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 70 dari 95

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Beban statis:
2. Tabel untuk semua line yang ter indikasikan. z konstan/tidak tergantung pada waktu
z analisa statis
z termasuk kategori beban ini :
z dead weight (weight of pipe, insulation, valve, flange etc.) : W
z live load (fluid weight, snow, ice) : W
z internal or external pressure : P
z thermal expansion : T
z thermal anchor movement : T

Beban dinamis:
z besar dan arah bervariasi tergantung pada waktu
z analisa dinamis (harmonic, spcetrum, timehistory)
z analisa quasi statis
z termasuk kategori beban ini :
z wind load --> quasi static: Gust Factor
z seismic load (earthquake) ---> quasi statis: g-factor
z mechanical vibration (rotating equipment)
z sonic vibration (fluid flow induced vibration)
z discharge load (eg. PSV)

Figure 8. Pipe stress review Criteria All Piping except Rotating Equipment Piping
Tegangan Primer:
• beban primer: bobot mati (DW), internal pressure
¾ DEFINISI TEGANGAN DAN BEBAN • Tidak self-limiting
• kegagalannya bersifat katastropis
Tegangan adalah Beban dibagi luas penampang nya. Tegangan Sekunder:
Beban Pipa seperti perubahan temperatur, berat, tekanan, dll mengakibatkan • beban sekunder: perpindahan akibat termal/mekanis
perubahan bentuk (deformasi) yang pada gilirannya dapat menyebabkan • Self-limiting
• kegagalannya tidak katastropis melainkan proses yang perlahan seperti
tegangan pada pipa yang harus diterima oleh penampang pipa.
pertumbuhan retakan
• Tegangan pipa aktual, hasil pengukuran dengan strain gauge atau
perhitungan dengan FEM • Tegangan normal pipa
• Tegangan pipa kode, hasil perhitungan dengan menggunakan kode tertentu longitudinal/aksial = SL
• Tegangan yang diijinkan material, kekuatan material menahan • Tegangan normal pipa
tegangan tangensial/circumferential (hoop
stress) = SH
Klasifikasi Beban • Tegangan normal pipa radial = SR
Load atau beban yang bekerja pada material pipa tersebut dapat dibedakan • Tegangan geser = τ
sebagai berikut:
• beban tetap (sustained load) dan beban okasional (occasional loads);
Figure 9. Tegangan pada pipa
• beban statis dan beban dinamis;
• beban primer dan sekunder 1. Tegangan Longitudinal
Beban Aksial Beban Pressure

BUKU-2 Halaman : 71 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 72 dari 95

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Figure 11. Tegangan Tangensial pada pipa

Bending Moment Beban total

3. Tegangan Geser

Figure 10. Tegangan Longitudinal pada pipa

Figure 12. Tegangan Geser pada pipa
2. Tegangan Tangensial (Hoop)
Kegagalan beban Primer: bersifat katastropis
Kegagalan beban Sekunder:proses yang perlahan seperti pertumbuhan retakan (Metal
Fatigue - kelelahan metal)
Kelelahan Metal: kegagalan material karena beban yang berulang, walaupun tegangan yang
terjadi lebih kecil dari tegangan yield SY.
Kekuatan material terhadap metal lelah: jumlah siklus beban berulang yang diperlukan untuk
menimbulkan kerusakan; digambarkan oleh kurva kelelahan metal (Fatigue Curve).

1. Definisi:

BUKU-2 Halaman : 73 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 74 dari 95

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Loading data (L/D) adalah suatu perhitungan yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui besarnya Q = Berat pipa persatuan panjang, Kg/m
beban yang diberikan oleh sistem perpipaan terhadap suatu titik tumpuan. T = Lebar beam

2. Tujuan:
Sebagai data beban bagi Civil Departemen dalam perencanaan: Foundation, Sleeper,
Structure, Pipe Rack, dll.
Sebagai data beban bagi Static Departemen dalam perencanaan: Vessel “Clip Support &

3. Jenis Loading Data

1. Concentrated Load, (Kg)
Figure 13. Formula untuk beban terkonsentari (Concentrated Load)
- untuk tumpuan yang hanya menumpu sebuah pipa.
- untuk sekumpulan pipa yang OD > 12”.
- tingkat keakuratan paling tinggi.
z Contoh 1:
Diketahui : Pipa Ф 20”, Sch STD, Water flow
2. Unit Load, (Kg/m) L1= 10m, L2= 8m
Pemakaian: Ditanya: Loading data di point A
- untuk sekumpulan pipa yang OD < 12”.
- tingkat keakuratan menengah. 9 Penyelesaian:
- lokasi tumpuan: structure, sleeper, beam (P/R, pipe bridge). Berat pipa, QP= 117.45 kg/m
3. Uniform Load, (Kg/m2) Berat air, QA= 187.76 kg/m
Pemakaian: Berat total, QT= 305.21 kg/m
- untuk sekumpulan pipa yang OD < 12”.
- lokasi tumpuan: Pipe Rack, pipe bridge. Load di point A, W = 305.21 x (10+8)/2 = 2746.89 kg
- tingkat keakuratan rendah. SF (Safety Factor) = 1.25
maka W = 2746.89 x 1.25 = 3434 kg ~ (3.5 ton)
Berdasarkan tingkat keakuratan, loading data dalam uniform load sangat tidak dianjurkan.
Loading data jenis ini dipakai bila: 9 Catatan: umumnya loading data dibulatkan ke kelipatan 0.1 ton.
1. Schedule waktu sangat sempit.
2. Lokasi di Pipe Rack atau Pipe Bridge.

Pada beberapa project, term yang digunakan untuk unit load dan uniform load sering kali
bertukar, sebagai berikut:
9 Unit load, dengan unit satuan Kg/m2.
9 Uniform load dengan unit satuan Kg/m.
(yang terpenting unit satuan harus benar pemakaiannya)

Legend of Loading Data

W = Load kombinasi dari Dead Load (Wd) dan Live Load (WL)
Wd = Berat pipa + Berat insulasi + Berat Flange + Berat Valve
WL = Berat isi pipa + berat es/ salju

L = Jarak (meter)
SF = Safety Factor (Faktor keamanan dalam desain, untuk
Pip-Mech adalah SF terhadap kemungkinan revisi)

BUKU-2 Halaman : 75 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 76 dari 95

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Figure 15. Formula untuk Uniform Load

Figure 14. Formula untuk Unit Load Perhitungan untuk uniform load :
¾ Pipe Ø 8”, Sch. Std, Q1 = Qp + Qa = 74.94 Kg/m
Perhitungan unit luad sbb : ¾ Pipe Ø 4”, Sch. Std, Q2 = Qp + Qa = 24.33 Kg/m
¾ Pipe Ø 8”, Sch. Std, Q1 = Qp + Qa = 74.94 Kg/m ¾ Pipe Ø 3”, Sch. Std, Q3 = Qp + Qa = 16.09 Kg/m
¾ Pipe Ø 4”, Sch. Std, Q2 = Qp + Qa = 24.33 Kg/m z Maka, beban di titik B:
¾ Pipe Ø 3”, Sch. Std, Q3 = Qp + Qa = 16.09 Kg/m Wt(total) = { (Q1+Q2+Q3) } / T
= { (74.94+24.33+16.09) } / 8
z Maka, beban di titik B: = { (115.36) } / 8 = 14.42 Kg/m2
Wt(total) = { (Q1+Q2+Q3) x (L1+L2)/2 } / T
= { (74.94+24.33+16.09) x (10+10)/2 } / 8 Dengan SF = 1.25, maka:
= { (115.36) x 10 } / 8 = 144.2 Kg/m Wt(total) = 14.42 x 1.25 = 18.025 Kg/m2 ~ (0.02 ton/m2)
(dibulatkan ke 0.01 ton ketas)
Dengan SF = 1.25, maka:
Wt(total) = 144.2 x 1.25 = 180.25 Kg/m ~ (0.19 ton/m)
(dibulatkan ke 0.01 ton ketas)

BUKU-2 Halaman : 77 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 78 dari 95

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7. PIPE SUPPORT z Karena tujuan pipe support adalah mampu menahan beban dalam jangka waktu yang
lama, maka masing-masing bagian yang saling bersentuhan haruslah kuat dan mampu
menerima beban tersebut.
Pemilihan yang tepat, benar dan ekonomis pipe support pada suatu sistem
pemipaan biasanya tidaklah begitu mudah untuk berbagai tingkatan variasi, z Dengan demikian dalam merencana ataupun menentukan sebuah pipe support haruslah
beberapa relatif minor tetapi yang lainnya lebih alamiah. diperhatikan hal-hal berikut:
Seorang piping designer harus lah familiar dengan permasalahan pipe support. z Material pipa harus mampu menahan beban dirinya sendiri, beban isinya, dan
gaya-gaya lain yang terjadi di pipa tersebut.
Pipe support adalah salah satu bagian yang penting dalam sistem perpipaan di z Support berupa Steel (Structure), Foundation, Concrete dan Sleeper
suatu plant (pabrik). Pipe support berfungsi untuk menahan dan mengkondisikan haruslah kuat menahan gaya-gaya tersebut diatas.
suatu sistem perpipaan sehingga aman sampai waktu yang telah ditentukan,
z Disamping itu seorang Piping Designer, harus mempertimbangkan bahwa Pipe Support
bahkan diharapkan berfungsi selama pabrik beroperasi.
yang nanti terpasang tidak mengganggu access, pengoperasian, dan maintenance.
Untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut, dan untuk lebih meningkatkan dan
mengoptimalkan kemampuan dan pengetahuan, personel Piping perlu diberikan ¾ PERTIMBANGA DISAIN SECARA UMUM
pemahaman dan pengertian tentang philosophy dan design pipe support.
secara menyeluruh mengenai philosophy pipe support. Sehingga tak jarang sebuah
Sebuah pipa yang menumpu pada suatu support akan memberikan gaya berupa keteledoran dan kurangnya pemahaman terhadap suatu sistem pipe support dapat
berat pipa beserta isinya ataupun gaya-gaya lain yang terjadi kepada support menyebabkan keterlambatan penyelesaian suatu proyek, bahkan lebih jauh lagi dapat
tersebut. Kemudian gaya tersebut akan di distribusikan pada seluruh sistem menyebabkan kehancuran suatu bagian pabrik.
support, sebelum kemudian diteruskan ke pondasi.
Hanger dan support harus di disain untuk sesuai secara statik dan se baik kondisi
Tapi sampai saat ini masih belum banyak perhatian yang diberikan terhadap operasional dinamiknya sebagai tumpuan pada piping dan equipment.
pemahaman dan pengertian Sistem tumpuan (support) harus mampu mengendalikan kebutuhan akan pergerakan dari
suatu sistem pemipaan baik akibat ekspansi panas maupun kontraksi koneksi nya ke

Di Amerika Serikat, pipe support standard dipublikasikan sbb : Lokasi dari Support.
● MSS SP-58, Materials and Design of Pipe Supports Pertimbangan utama pada design adalah penentuan dari dimana support itu akan
● MSS SP-69, Selection and Application of Pipe Supports diletakkan.
● MSS SP-89, Fabrication and Installation of Pipe Supports Meskipun support diletakkan pada tempat yang ideal / pas sesuai kebutuhan pada suatu
● PFI ES-26, Welded Load Bearing Attachments to Pressure Retaining Boundaries konfigurasi pemipaan, beberapa tingkat kompromi mungkin dibutuhkan untuk
● WRC Bulletin 198 mendapatkan keuntungan terbaik. Keberadaan struktur sistem pemipaan.
● National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
● American Welding Society (AWS) Pertimbangn beban
● American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Salah satu pertimbangan lainnya selain lokasi dari tumpuan adalah penentuan beban dan
Selain di Amerika Serikat juga ada publikasi untuk pipe support ini, yaitu : movement condition existing pada setiap titik tumpuan. Disinilah cakupan akan batasan
pada pertimbangan umum tergantung hanya kepada beban (load) dan pergerakan
● BS 3974, Specification for Pipe Supports, Parts 1, 2, and 3 (movement).
● BS 5135, Process of Arc Welding of Carbon and Carbon Manganese Steels
● VGB-R510L Seismic, Dynamic dal beban-beban lainnya.
● DIN EN 288, Specification and Approval of Procedures for Welding Metallic
Materials Desain dari komponen pipe support dan structural stel harus telah mempertimbangkan
berbagai hal seperti gempa bumi, beban dinamis dan juga beban-beban lainnya di mana
Code yang aplicable pada umumnya mengijinkan beberapa penambahan akan allowable
stress untuk seismic dasn kondisi dinamik.

BUKU-2 Halaman : 79 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 80 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Penempatan tumpuan suatu sistem pemipaan tergantung kepada banyak prtimbangan,
seperti ukuran pipa, konfigurasi pipa, lokasi dari valve dan vitting juga struktur dimana
support itu akan diletakkan.

Pipe Support Spacing

Pada gambar tabel dibawah diberikan jarak maksimum antara support (span) sebagai
pertimbangan praktis untuk pipa lurus untuk pipa standard wall thickness.

Figure 17. Gravity Steel Pipe Support Spacing (Pipe empty, Air, Steam)
Figure 16. Suggested Piping Support Spacing
Span support adalah jarak minimal antara support pertama dengan support kedua (jarak
Span diatas didasari pada kombinasi bending dan shear stress sebesar 1500 psi (10.35 Mpa) antara dua support), dimana system Pipa masih dalam kondisi aman (stress & defleksi).
saat pipa diisi air dan 1/10 in (2.54 mm) maksimum lendutan diijinkan. Tabel span diatas Span support didapat dari perhitungan dengan menggunakan formula khusus dan kemudian
sebiknya tidak untuk di aplikasikan dimana terdapat konsentrasi beban seperti valve berada disajikan dalam bentuk tabel, disebut pipe span support table.
di dalamnya atau dimana perubahan arah dari piping sistem diantara titik tumpuan.
Span support table berisi span support untuk tiap NPS pipa yang ditumpu, baik single line
Bila terpaksa, maka support seharusnya diletakkan lebih dekat dimana mungkin adanya maupun continuous line. Untuk kondisi lapangan (site) yang tidak memungkinkan
beban terkonsentrasi untuk mengatasi se minim mungkin pipe stress. Bila terdapat menerapkan jarak yang tersedia di tabel span, maka seorang engineer mempunyai
perubahan arah pada suatu sistem pemipaan dintara tumpuan, dengan good practice dipakai authorization untuk melakukan perhitungan yang nantinya dapat dipertanggung jawabkan.
span dalah 0.75 kali dari total panjang pipa span di tabel atas. Hal ini disebut Engineer Responsible

Untuk fluida selain air (water), maka span di berikan sebagaimana gambar tabel di bawah.

BUKU-2 Halaman : 81 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 82 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Perbedaan dari kedua support ini karena perjanjian saja, sebagai contoh untuk “Pipe
Stanchion T-Post” merupakan Special Support by Civil bila salah satu kriteria berikut
* Tinggi lebih dari 2500 mm
* Lebar lebih dari 1000 mm
* Berat lebih dari 750 Kg

Tetapi bisa saja ada suatu case, walaupun kriteria tersebut diatas terpenuhi, tetapi
sepanjang tidak di-infokan oleh Piping ke Civil, maka yang tidak di-infokan itu
menjadi scope Piping.

Berdasarkan pemakaiannya pipe support dapat dibagi sbb:

1). Y-Stop : Support yang berfungsi untuk menahan gerakan pipa

kearah bawah. (weight support)

2). Guide : Support yang berfungsi untuk menahan gerakan pipa

pada arah lateral.

3). Line Stop : Support yang berfungsi untuk menahan gerakan pipa
searah longitudinal (axial) dari pipa.
4). Anchor : Support yang berfungsi untuk menahan pipa agar tidak
bergerak kemana-mana. Anchor ada 2(dua) macam:
• Fixed Anchor, dimana ada transfer moment ke sistem support
(contoh: di Las)
• Guide–Line Stop, tidak ada transfer moment ke sistem support
Figure 18. Gravity Steel Pipe Support Spacing (Content = water) 5). Spring : Support khusus yang penggunaanya berdasarkan hasil stress
analysis group.
¾ JENIS-JENIS PIPE SUPPORT Penunjukan pipe support biasanya dilakukan di GA Drawing dan Isometric Drawing,
dengan menggunakan penomoran yang tercantum dalam standard support, atau/dan
Berdasarkan penggunaanya di bidang engineering, pipe support dapat dibedakan atas: nomor khusus untuk special support.
1. STANDARD PIPE SUPPORT Pipe support, sebagaimana telah didefinisikan dimuka, adalah suatu tumpuan yang akan
Adalah pipe support yang telah dibakukan dalam bentuk dan penggunaan tertentu. menahan beban pipa beserta isinya serta beban lainnya agar dapat beroperasi dengan
Dapat langsung digunakan tanpa harus melakukan perhitungan kekuatan, selama aman.
masih dalam batas yang tercantum dalam standard support tersebut.
Untuk itu haruslah diketahui kemampuan dari pipe support tersebut untuk menahan
2. SPECIAL PIPE SUPPORT beban yang akan diterimanya dengan melakukan perhitungan kekuatan. (Feeling akan
terasah jika menguasai Mekanika Teknik dan pernah ke Site).
Adalah pipe support yang dibuat khusus karena tidak bisa menggunakan standard
support yang ada, dengan alasan tertentu spt: load terlalu besar, ketinggian pipa yang Standard pipe support dibuat untuk memberikan kemudahan dengan mengelompokkan
di support melewati batas yang ada dalam standard support, dan moment yang bentuk pipe support berdasarkan kemampuan dan kekuatannya, sehingga dalam
ditimbulkan dikhawatir- kan terlalu besar. Untuk itu di-design sebuah pipe support penggunaanya lebih memudahkan pekerjaan Piping Engineer.
dengan memperhatikan kekuatan material dan nilai ekonomis.
Special Pipe Support ada yang by Piping dan ada yang oleh Civil departemen.

BUKU-2 Halaman : 83 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 84 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Secara umum pemakaian support pada pipa tergantung pada kondisi pipa tersebut, yaitu:


ξ Y-Stop / Down-stop (Pipe support untuk menahan gaya ke bawah)

Pipa jenis ini langsung menumpu pada support tanpa adanya penghalang diantaranya
(pipe to steel) dengan koefisien gesek μ = 0.3, kecuali: (note: untuk mencegah local
Pipa dengan diameter > 16” (SS), dan > 26” (CS or LTCS) , diperlukan Reinforcing
Pad (Lihat PAD).
Pipa dengan diameter > 36”, diperlukan Spc. Shoe Sup’t (Lihat SD).

Untuk mengetahui apakah sebuah pipa memerlukan reinforcing pad atau tidak,
khususnya pipa besar, dan untuk perencanaan special shoe support akan dijelaskan
lebih terinci pada pembahasan mengenai special pipe support.

Figure 20. Reinforcing Pad with SADDLE

ξ Guide Support

Guide support berfungsi untuk menjaga pipa agar tetap pada jalur yang telah
ditentukan, tidak menyentuh pipa sebelahnya dan tidak melewati batas support.

Penentuan posisi guide bergantung pada 2 hal, yaitu:

• Untuk pipa yang tidak termasuk katagori dihitung stress analysis dengan
komputer, posisi guide dapat langsung ditentukan dengan menggu-nakan
guide span table, tetapi tetap harus memperhatikan aspek stress analysis.
• Untuk pipa yang termasuk kategori harus dihitung stress analysis dengan
komputer, posisi guide mengikuti hasil stress analysis group.

Figure 19. Reinforcing Pad

BUKU-2 Halaman : 85 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 86 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jenis support ini berfungsi untuk menghalangi gerakan pipa searah longitudinal
(axial) pipa. Penggunaan line stop ini juga merupakan hasil keputusan dan tanggung-
jawab stress analysis group.

Figure 21. Guide Support (G1)

Figure 23. Line Stop (ST1)

Figure 22. Guide Support (G2)

ξ Line Stop

BUKU-2 Halaman : 87 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 88 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sedangkan cara kerja spring adalah seperti spring yang ada pada mobil.

Figure 24. Line Stop (ST2)

Figure 25. Spring Support
ξ Anchor Support
Jenis support ini berfungsi untuk mencegah pergerakan pipa kesemua arah. Penentuan
lokasi anchor support biasanya dilakukan dengan koordinasi stress analysis group. HOT INSULATION
Sedangkan untuk pipa yang memerlukan perhitungan stress analysis dengan
komputer, posisi anchor point (anchor support) sepenuhnya merupakan hasil Dengan temperatur fluida diatas 100oC, pipe support yang digunakan dibagi
keputusan dan tanggung-jawab stress analysis group. atas:
Anchor support mempunyai 2(dua) jenis pemakaian: ξ Y-Stop (SH1/ SH2)
• Untuk pipa diameter < 2”, menggunakan fix support.
•Untuk pipa diameter > 2”, menggunakan kombinasi antara Y-Stop, Guide dan Jenis ini menggunakan shoe yang dilas ke pipa dan akan bersentuhan
Line Stop. dengan steel, tinggi shoe tergantung pada tebal insulation.

ξ Guide Support (Gabungan SH1/ SH2 dengan G1)

ξ Spring Support Jenis ini akan menjaga pipa tetap pada jalurnya, sama halnya dengan guide
support untuk bare pipe, namun bagian guide support tidak menyentuh
Spring support adalah jenis khusus. Pemakaiannya adalah atas rekomendasi dan pipa, melainkan dengan shoe.
keputusan stress analysis group. Biasanya digunakan untuk mengurangi load terhadap
nozzle equipment (misal: Pump, Turbine, Compressor, Vessel, dan Heat Exchanger).
ξ Line Stop (Gabungan SH1/ SH2 dengan ST1)
Prinsip penggunaan spring, apabila suatu pipa terangkat naik atau turun, diinginkan
Fungsi dan pemasangannya sama dengan line stop bare pipe, namun line-
system support masih menopang pipa sesuai dengan konsep span supportnya (stress
stopnya tidak bersentuhan dengan pipa, melainkan dengan shoe.
& defleksi aman).

BUKU-2 Halaman : 89 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 90 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ξ Anchor Support (SGT1/ SGT2)

Fungsi dan pemasangannya sama dengan anchor untuk bare pipe, tapi
pada prinsipnya tidak bersentuhan dengan pipa.

ξ Spring Support

Fungsi dan pemasangannya sama dengan spring support untuk bare pipe.

Figure 26. Anchor Support (SGT1)

Figure 27. Anchor Support (SGT2)


Dengan temperatur fluida dibawah 4oC, atau tergantung dari Process Group:

BUKU-2 Halaman : 91 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 92 dari 95

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ξ Kelompok pipa dengan kategori cold insulation memerlukan perhatian baik

8. Daftar Specifikasi, Standard dan Procedure
dalam penentuan lokasi dan posisi, juga dalam instalasi (pemasangan) pipe
support. ¾ Spesifikasi dari disain pemipaan, yang berisikan : (Contoh)
(Lihat Attachment-1 Spec.Umum Piping Design)
ξ Aplikasinya juga sama dengan bare pipe dan hot insulation pipe, yaitu Y-Stop
(SCO), Guide Support (SCO + G1), Line Stop (SCO + ST3), dan Anchor (SCO ¾ Spesifikasi dari Layout suatu plan, yang berisikan (Contoh)
+ ST3 + G1). (Lihat Attachment-2 Spec.Umum Plan Layout)
¾ Spesifikasi dari Layout suatu sistem pemipaan, yang berisikan (Contoh)
(Lihat Attachment-3 Spec. Umum Piping Layout)
¾ Spesifikasi dari Analisa Kekakuan, yang berisikan : (Contoh)
(Lihat Attachment-4 Spec. Umum Flexibility Analysis)
¾ Prosedur dari Penggambaran 2D, yang berisikan : (Contoh)
(Lihat Attachment-5 Procedur Penggambaran.2D)
¾ Standard Penggambaran Untuk Piping Arrangement, yang berisikan :
(Lihat Attachment-6 Standard Penggambaran. Untuk Piping Arrg)

Figure 28. Y-Stop (SCO)

BUKU-2 Halaman : 93 dari 95 BUKU-2 Halaman : 94 dari 95


BUKU-2 Halaman : 95 dari 95




By. Ir. Teguh Pudji Hertanto, M.Sc MARET 2009


Spesifikasi dari disain pemipaan, yang berisikan : (Contoh) GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PIPING
(S A M P L E)
1.0 SCOPE........................................................................................................................................................... 2
¾ 1.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.0 CODES, STANDARDS AND PROJECT SPECIFICATION .................................................................. 2 AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
¾ 2.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................... 2
ANSI American National Standards Institute
API American Petroleum Institute
3.0 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS ........................................................ 4
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
4.0 PIPING DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................ 5 ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
¾ 4.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................... 5 BS British Standard
¾ 4.2 PIPE CLASS CATALOG................................................................................................................................ 5 CA Contracting Authority (SH / AAC Association)
¾ 4.3 VALVE CATALOG ...................................................................................................................................... 5
¾ 4.4 PIPE SIZING ................................................................................................................................................ 6
CPF Central Processing Facility
¾ 4.5 PIPING BASIC ............................................................................................................................................. 6 CTC Technical Control of Construction
¾ 4.6 DESIGN CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................................. 6 DIN Deutches Institut fur nurmung
¾ 4.7 PIPING ABOVE GROUND LEVEL................................................................................................................... 7 EN Euro Norm
¾ 4.8 PIPING BELOW GROUND LEVEL .................................................................................................................. 8
¾ 4.9 EXPANSION, CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPORTING ........................................................................................ 8
EPC Engineering, Procurement & Construction
¾ 4.10 PIPING THROUGH WALLS AND CONCRETE FLOORS OF BUILDINGS .......................................................... 8 HSE Health, Safety and Environmental
¾ 4.11 DISTANCES BETWEEN PIPES ..................................................................................................................... 9 ISO International Standards Organization
¾ 4.12 SMALL BORE PIPING ................................................................................................................................ 9 MSS Manufacturers Standardization Society
¾ 4.13 INSTALLATION OF FLANGE .................................................................................................................... 10
¾ 4.14 INSTALLATION OF VALVES .................................................................................................................... 10
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
¾ 4.15 DRAIN AND VENT CONNECTIONS .......................................................................................................... 12 NFPA National Fire Protection Association
¾ 4.16 CONNECTION FOR MANUAL SAMPLING ................................................................................................. 12 PFI Pipe Fabrication Institute
¾ 4.17 TEST CONNECTION ................................................................................................................................ 13
¾ 4.18 INSTRUMENT PROCESS CONNECTION..................................................................................................... 13
¾ 4.19 PIPING ADJACENT TO EQUIPMENT ......................................................................................................... 13
¾ 4.20 PIPING LOCAL TO EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................... 13 1.0 SCOPE
¾ 4.21 PUMPS AND COMPRESSOR ..................................................................................................................... 14
¾ 4.23 HEAT EXCHANGER PIPING ..................................................................................................................... 16
¾ 1.1 General
¾ 4.24 PRESSURE VESSEL PIPING ...................................................................................................................... 16 This Specification defines the technical requirements for piping systems for
¾ 4.25 INSTRUMENTATION ................................................................................................................................ 16 “SPECIAL COURSE TRAINING ON KEAHLIAN SISTEM PEMIPAAN
¾ 4.26 PIG LAUNCHER AND RECEIVER PIPING .................................................................................................. 17
¾ 4.27 SLUG-CATCHER PIPING ......................................................................................................................... 17 AT PUSDIKLAT KSD, JAKARTA-INDONESIA” FOR SAMPLING .
¾ 4.28 UTILITY WATER .................................................................................................................................... 17 CA review or approval of documentation procedures and equipment that form
¾ 4.29 STORAGE TANK PIPING.......................................................................................................................... 17 any part of the scope of supply shall be in accordance with the contract.
¾ 4.30 PIPING COMPONENTS ............................................................................................................................. 17 Included are all piping systems within the CPF, offsite manifolds, gathering
¾ 4.31 PIPE JOINTS............................................................................................................................................ 19
¾ 4.32 THREADED JOINTS ................................................................................................................................. 20 stations well sites and Pipeline.
¾ 4.34 VALVE ................................................................................................................................................... 20
¾ 4.35 INSULATION ........................................................................................................................................... 20 2.0 CODES, STANDARDS and Project specification
¾ 4.36 PIPE SUPPORT ........................................................................................................................................ 20
¾ 4.37 FLANGE FACE ALIGNMENT AND TOLERANCES ...................................................................................... 20 ¾ 2.1 General
5.0 INSPECTION AND TESTING REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................... 25 The piping shall be designed, manufactured, inspected and tested in
¾ 5.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................. 25 accordance with the requirements of this specification, the referenced project
¾ 5.2 REPORTS AND ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATES............................................................................................. 25 documents, the data sheets and other documents referenced therein.
6.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE .......................................................................................................................... 26

ATTACHMENT Halaman : 1 of 26 ATTACHMENT-1 Halaman : A1- 2 dari 26

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Codes, Standards and Regulations which follow are the industry codes API RP 1110 : Specification for fire test for valves
and standards normally referenced for this type of equipment. All equipment API 15LE : Recommended Practice for the Pressure Testing of
supplied shall conform to all relevant national regulations and local codes Liquid Petroleum Pipeline
and regulations. API STD 1104 : Standard for Welding Pipelines and Related Facilities
API RP 521 : Guide for pressure and depressurizing systems
Project Specifications and Documents
API 607 : Fire test for soft-seated quarter turn valves
Project Spec…. : Field Test for Underground Piping ASTM A 106 : Standard specification for seamless carbon steel pipe
Project Spec…. : Specification for Installation–U/G Piping for high temperature service
Project Spec…. : Specification for Manual valves ASTM A 193 : Standard specification for alloy-steel and stainless
Project Spec…. : Specification fro pipe Field Fabrication for Fabrication steel bolting materials for high-temperature service
end Erection. ASTM A 194 : Standard specification for carbon and alloy steel nuts
Project Spec…. : Specification for Piping Fabrication for bolts for high pressure and high temperature
Project Spec…. : Specification for Piping Pressure Test.
ASTM A 105 : Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forging for
Project Spec…. : Specification Pipe-Stress Analysis Piping Application
Project Spec…. : Specification for Design and Fabrication of Pipe ASTM A 182 : Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled Alloy –
Support Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and
Project Spec…. : Piping Material Specification including line pipe Parts for High Temperature Service.
Project Spec…. General Specification for Pipeline Check Valves ASTM A 320 : Standard specification for alloy steel bolting materials
for low temperature service
International Codes and Standards ASTM A 350 : Standard specification for Forgings, Carbon and Low-
ASME B1.20.1 : Pipe threads Alloy Steel, Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for
ASME B16.5 : Pipe flanges and flanged fittings, steel nickel alloy and Piping Components
other special alloy ASTM A 453 : Standard specification for high temperature bolting
ASME B16.9 : Factory-made wrought steel buttwelding fittings materials, with expansion coefficients comparable to
ASME B16.20 : Metallic gaskets for pipe flanges - ring-joint, spiral- austenitic stainless steels
wound and jacketed ASTM A 333 : Standard specification for Seamless and Welded Steel
ASME B16.11 : Forged Steel Fittings, Socket Welding and Threaded Pipe for Low Temperature Service
ASME B16.21 : Nonmetallic flat gaskets for pipe flanges ASTM A 350 : Standard specification for Forging, Carbon and Low-
ASME B16.24 : Cast copper alloy pipe flanges and flanged fittings Allow Steel, Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for
ASME B16.25 : Buttwelding Ends Piping Components
ASME B16.34 : Steel Valves (Flanged, Threaded and Welding Ends) ASTM A312 : Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe.
ASME B16.47 : Large Diameter Steel Flanges ASTM A358 : Electric – Fusion – Welded Austenitic Chromium-
ASME B31.1 : Power Piping Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service.
ASME B31.3 : Process Piping ASTM A671 : Electrical-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for Atmospheric
ASME B31.5 : Refrigeration piping and Lower Temperatures.
ASME B36.10 : Welded and seamless wrought steel pipe ASTM A694 : Carbon and Alloy Steel Forging for Pipe Flanges,
ASME B36.19 : Stainless steel pipe Valves and Parts for High Pressure Transmission
ASME VIII : ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Division 1 Service
API Spec 5L : Specification for Line Pipe
API Spec 6A : Specification for Well Head and Christmas Tree
API Spec 6D : Specification for Pipeline Valves (Gate, Plug, Ball and REGULATIONS
Check Valves) The goods and services supplied shall meet all applicable regulations on
API 6FA : Specification for fire test for valves health, safety and environmental issues.

ATTACHMENT-1 Halaman : A1- 3 dari 26 ATTACHMENT-1 Halaman : A1- 4 dari 26

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Asbestos based gaskets are not permitted. The Contractor shall provide the following information within the valve
Materials emitting toxic vapors are not permitted. catalog:
• Diameter range
4.0 piping DESIGN REQUIREMENTS • ANSI Class Rating
• Valve Type
¾ 4.1 General • Temperature limits
Piping systems shall be designed, fabricated, erected, inspected and tested in • Flange details
accordance with ASME B31.3 and ASME B31.8 as supplemented by this spec, • Port details
but this spec does not relieve Contractor of full compliance with ASME B31.3 • Materials (Body, bonnet, ball, trim, stem, seats ...)
and B31.8 • Operator (lever, gear …)
• Ball mounting
¾ 4.2 Pipe Class Catalog • Fire testing

Contractor shall provide their proposed pipe class catalog for the 00 project as
¾ 4.4 Pipe Sizing
a deliverable. The Contractor shall provide the following information within
the pipe class catalog. The following NB pipe sizes shall be used:
• 1/2”, 3/4”, 1”, 1 1/2”, 2”, 3”, 4”, 6”, 8”, 10”, 12”, 14”, 16”, 18”, 20”, and 24”, in
4.2.1 Index of Piping Classes which shall include as a minimum: accordance with the following limitations.
• Material Group (e.g. Carbon steel) • Nominal pipe size in sleeper ways shall not be less than 2”;
• Piping classes within each material group • Nominal pipe size in pipe racks shall not be less than 2”;
• Class Rating for each pipe class Nominal pipe sizes 1¼”, 2½”, 3½”, 5” and any other nominal pipe size not
• Corrosion allowance for each pipe class shown in ASME B36.10M and ASME B36.19M, shall not be used except to
• Suitability service for each pipe class match manufacturer's equipment connections.
• Design temperature range (min & max) for each pipe class
• Applicable ASME pressure ratings. ¾ 4.5 Piping Basic

Piping shall be routed such that the optimum piping layout is achieved in
4.2.2 Piping Class Detail Sheets which shall show as a minimum for each
Pipe Class: terms of process requirements, ergonomics, operation, inspection and
• Design Pressure and Temperature Limits and pressure /temperature maintenance. Having considered these factors, the number of flanges,
rating table. fittings, valves and welds shall be minimized. The selection of piping
• Material Group construction materials shall be in accordance with the Contractor’s piping
• Services the class can be used for classes and material selection.
• Design Code Pipe supports and spans of straight steel pipes shall be determined by
• Corrosion allowance CONTRACTOR but as a minimum shall be in accordance with “Project Spec.
• Flange rating ya….” and “Project Spec. ya….”, respectively Design and Fabrication of Pipe
• Branch connection table Support and Pipe Stress Analysis.
• Component Material Types including wall thickness for pipe, flange &
fittings ¾ 4.6 Design Conditions
• Valve Types (with valve code numbers according to Contractor’s Project
Valve Catalog) including summary of body, trim and seat materials plus A piping system shall be designed for the most severe conditions to which it
diameter for each valve. may be subjected during the 25 year design life.
• Miscellaneous data tables (e.g. fittings, gaskets ….) In situations where different design conditions exist in one piping system,
• Notes (e.g. valve or selection mounting restrictions …..) different piping classes may be used. These "spec. breaks" shall be located
• Gasket types such that the more severe design condition can never occur in the part of the
• Bolt material system with the lower piping class.
• In situations where in-line equipment (e.g. control valves) with a higher
¾ 4.3 Valve Catalog ASME rating class than the run pipe is fitted, the connecting flanges shall
Contractor shall provide their proposed valve catalog for the 00 project.

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have the same rating as the in-line equipment and the same wall thickness
as the pipe. ¾ 4.8 Piping below ground level
ASME B31.3 provides allowances for pressure and temperature variations. 4.8.1 Buried piping
Allocating a design pressure below the maximum surge pressure according to All road crossings shall be subjected to heavy equipment loadings, both
these allowances shall not be considered. during construction and operation. The load on pipes crossing roads shall
be equalized, e.g. by means of pipe sleeves or a culvert. The pipes shall be
¾ 4.7 Piping above ground level supported centrally in the sleeves. Insulated pipes shall not be buried.
Where practical, piping entering and leaving a plot area or a processing unit
4.8.2 Pipe trenches
shall be grouped together.
Flanged connections shall not be installed in trenches, in order to prevent
Where practical, inside-plot piping shall be routed on overhead pipe racks.
the accumulation of gas and liquid vapours in the trenches.
The smallest allowable pipe size on pipe racks is 2” NB.
Concrete trenches in process units shall be adequately drained into a
If the span between the supports is too long for a pipe, rather than providing
liquid-sealed drainage system and shall be covered with grating.
additional supports, the size of that pipe may be increased provided it is
justified technically (the technical evaluation shall include the possibility of
¾ 4.9 Expansion, Construction and Supporting
internal corrosion due to the slower flow causing separation of corrosive
liquid from the mixture). Piping systems shall be routed, supported, anchored or guided so that
If a pipe rack forms a part of a structure, or is located next to a structure, the thermal expansion/contraction, vibration or movements will not result in
stanchions of the pipe rack should be in line with the columns of the stresses in the piping or in the connected equipment in excess of those
structure, to make optimal use of space for incoming and outgoing pipes. permitted by ASME B31.3 and the equipment design code, in order to
Equipment which is a potential source of fire shall not be located under pipe • Failure of piping components due to overstress;
racks. • Leakage at joints;
Piping with instrument connections shall be routed such that safe access to • Excessive loads and moments on connected equipment, anchor points,
these connections is ensured; if necessary, platforms or walkways shall be flanged connections, etc.
provided. The upper and lower design temperatures and differences in temperature
Spectacle blinds and spades shall be located such that they can be installed between piping and equipment shall be taken into account for all design
or removed from the ground level or from platforms or walkways. For easier cases, including start-up, shut-down and upset conditions as well as
handling, spectacle blinds should not be installed in vertical pipes. If construction and maintenance cases.
spectacle blinds in horizontal pipes are insulated, the spectacle blind should Loops and/or offsets shall be provided in piping systems where required.
point downwards at an angle of 45° to avoid water leaking into the Expansion joints shall be avoided.
insulation. Pipes should be supported in groups at a common support elevation.
Piping shall be designed and supported so that no excessive loads on Supports and supporting structures shall be able to sustain the hydrostatic
equipment may occur when one branch of the pipe is disconnected (e.g. test load. Spring supports shall be locked if required to support hydro test
during maintenance operations). loads.
Safety relief valve discharge piping shall be designed to withstand the dead The use of snubbers and sway braces should be avoided. If they are
loads and the blow-off loads. Blow-off design loads shall take into account the unavoidable they shall be permanently accessible.
most severe case, such as possible flashing conditions and liquid entrainment If very low variable loads are essential, such as pipes connected to strain
in vapour flows. sensitive equipment or for critical systems with large movements, "constant
load" type units shall be used instead of variable load units.
In a pipe rack the heaviest and/or the hottest pipes should be located at the
¾ 4.10 Piping Through Walls and Concrete Floors of Buildings
sides of the pipe rack to provide space for expansion loops and to reduce the
moments in the beams caused by the weight and thermal expansion of the Sleeves or holes through walls and floors of buildings shall have a size
pipes. permitting the passage of a flange of the relevant pipe size, or the size of the
Pipe routings and crossings shall be on different, predetermined elevations. required insulation, whichever is the larger, to allow the installation of
Complicated crossings shall be avoided by not installing pipe rack spurs prefabricated piping.
opposite each other. .

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Penetrations through walls and floors shall be sealed with a hydrocarbon- Small bore branch connections shall be supported / braced to header, to
resistant filler after piping installation (e.g. a collar shall be fitted around the prevent fatigue failure, even in cases where vibration is not predicted for the
pipe) to avoid chimney draught in the case of fire. To prevent liquid dripping, piping.
holes shall be provided with concrete curbs, cast-in extended pipes or other
means. Where applicable the fire rating of the wall or floor shall be ¾ 4.13 Installation of Flange
maintained. All flanges Class 600# and below shall be Raised Face, RTJ type is applied for
class 900# and above.
¾ 4.11 Distances between Pipes Flanges in piping systems shall be installed only to facilitate maintenance
In all cases the minimum distance between pipes shall enable flanges to be and inspection and where construction or process conditions dictate.
tightened using hydraulic stud bolt tensioning equipment. The minimum Flanges shall not be located above roads.
distances identified below shall be increased if necessary to meet these
Bolts up to and including 1 inch shall comply with UNC standards.
Bolts of 1 1/8 inch and larger shall have UN threading (8-thread series).
Special consideration shall be given at all flange location that adequate Nuts shall have a height equal to the bolt diameter.
access is provided including access for tools Stud bolts 1 ½” and larger shall be long enough to facilitate use of hydraulic
The minimum distance between pipes or the insulation of pipes in tensioning equipment.
sleeperways and trenches and on pipe racks shall be 75 mm.
The minimum distance between a flange and a pipe or the insulation of a ¾ 4.14 Installation of Valves
pipe in sleeperways and trenches and on pipe racks shall be 30 mm. Valves shall be in accordance with “Project Spec. ya….” Specification for
Where required, the distance between pipes shall be increased to allow for Manual Valves.
movements caused by thermal expansion. The number of different types of valves shall be minimized.
The distance between the insulation of a low-temperature pipe and any other
All pipes entering and leaving the process unit shall have a block valve and
object shall be at least 100 mm.
flanges provided to allow for spading (spades or spectacle blinds) at the
The distance between pipes shall allow for the turning of a spectacle blind, if
boundary of the process unit ("battery limit"). Where practical the block
valves shall be located near each other. A drain/vent connection shall be
installed as close as possible to the block valves and spades, for draining,
¾ 4.12 Small Bore Piping
venting and testing purposes.
Since small bore branches (less than or equal to 1 ½” NB) to large bore piping Valves in horizontal pipes shall be positioned with their stem on or above the
are relatively susceptible to failure, the following points shall be incorporated vertical, except as follows:
in the piping design: • butterfly valves shall be positioned with the stem horizontal in services
Minimize the number of small bore branches to piping. where fouling substances could collect in the lower shaft bearing ;
All small bore nozzles welding shall be performed by Gas Tungsten Arc • gate valves should be positioned with the stem horizontal in services
Welding (GTAW) in the prefabrication yard or shop. where fouling substances could collect in the bottom cavity;
• valves shall be positioned with the stem horizontal in systems where a
Small bore piping shall be shown in full detail on the isometric drawings. component failure (e.g. wedge pin) could cause closure of the valve and
Branches shall not be located in removable spools. lead to unsafe situations
Branches shall not be located in high stress areas. •
4.14.1 Layout of valves
Branches shall be avoided downstream of high capacity gas pressure
The minimum distance between handwheels and any obstruction
reducing systems such as compressor recycle systems, high-rate depressuring
shall be 100 mm.
valves and safety relief valves (acoustic fatigue). If this is not possible,
The location of valve handwheels and/or stems shall not obstruct
branches shall be located well away from these sources of vibration. Special
walkways or platforms.
attention shall be paid to the bracing of these branches to the run-pipe.
Valves shall not be installed above roads.
In branches with flanged valves, branch fittings with flanged outlets shall be Valves in overhead piperacks shall be avoided.
used wherever possible, in order to reduce the number of welds. Large or heavy valves shall be supported under the valve and not
under adjacent piping.

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Chain-operated valves shall be avoided as these valves can be
difficult to operate and the chain may cause hazardous situations. ¾ 4.15 Drain and Vent Connections
All operational and maintenance valves shall be permanently Drain and vent connections shall be installed at all low and high points in
accessible for operation. piping. Drains and vents shall be equipped with a valve if required for
4.14.2 Valves in service below minus 50 °C operation or maintenance.
Gate, globe, ball and butterfly valves in this service shall have a Vents and drains shall be as short as possible. If long connections are
vapour space sufficient to maintain the stem packing at a required supports/bracings shall be applied.
temperature high enough to permit actuation of the valve. Depending All hydrotest, process vent and drains will be plugged.
on the valve design, this may require extended valve bonnets.
¾ 4.16 Connection for Manual Sampling
In order to maintain a gas cap under the stuffing box, the valve stem
shall be positioned with an inclination no more than 30 degrees from Dedicated connections shall be provided for sample collection.
vertical. The sampling point shall be positioned such that the valves are easy to
Valves in no-flow connections (such as vents and pressure gauges), operate and taking the sample will not impair the safety of personnel or plant
where the trapped gas bubble protects the valve packing from too low or cause environmental impact.
temperatures, may be installed at an angle up to 90 degrees from the Samples should be taken from a vertical pipe where possible; where this is
vertical (and so may be installed in vertical pipes). not possible:
Drain valves shall be installed with the stem inclined no more than • For gaseous products in horizontal pipes, sample take-off connections
30 degrees from vertical. The drain connections shall be provided shall be installed at the top of the pipe.
with support/bracing, preferably to the header. • For liquid products in horizontal pipes, sample take-off connections shall
be installed at the side of the pipe.
4.14.3 Selection of gear drives for valves
Shall comply with Piping Valves Specification Sample take-off connections shall not be located at dead ends of piping.
Sample take-off connections shall be easily accessible and should be at
4.14.4 Manifolds for control valves ground level. However, sample pipes shall be as short as possible.
Control valves shall be provided with block valves and a bypass As far as practicable, sample connections shall be grouped together and
valve. The provision of block valves, bypass valves, handwheels, etc. provided with a sample cabinet and one common drain facility.
is governed by operational considerations and therefore the PFDs Drain facilities shall be connected to a sample recovery system.
and P&IDs shall indicate the arrangement required for each
application. Sample points shall have two valves: one at the take-off point from the
process pipe and another at the sampling point. The block valve at the take-
The block valves at each side of the control valve shall be of the off point shall have the same size as a standard drain valve. The sampling
straight-through type and shall be the same size as the piping. valve size shall be maximum ½” NB and shall have good throttling
The bypass valve shall have a nominal capacity factor at least equal properties. If a short sample take-off pipe cannot be fitted, a closed loop shall
to, but not more than twice, the capacity factor of the control valve. be provided. The closed loop shall be a connection to the same process stream,
The bypass valve shall be capable of proper throttling. For critical at different pressures. The loop shall be provided with block valves at the
applications, the bypass valve shall be of the same type as the control connections with the process pipe.
valve and the same Cv as the control valve, but with handwheel
operation only. Precautions shall be taken to avoid freezing or plugging of the sample pipe.
The outlet of a single sample connection, if not connected to a sample cabinet,
Provisions shall be made for draining and/or depressurizing the shall have a quick-fit coupling which seals when not connected to a sample
control valve manifold. At least one drain valve shall be provided just receiver.
upstream or downstream of the control valve, depending of the Sample outlets for self-igniting or very toxic products shall have a self-closing
physical lay-out. Shut-off valves shall have a drain valve on the downstream valve.
downstream side so that the shut-off valve can be leak-tested. More
extensive provisions may be required in corrosive service.
Start-up strainers shall be provided upstream of control valves with
labyrinth-type low-noise trims.

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¾ 4.17 Test Connection Piping at equipment shall be sufficiently flexible and adequately supported to
Connections for pressure testing a piping system shall be provided where prevent the equipment nozzles from being subjected to any stress that could
required. Drains and vents should be used for this purpose. The location of disturb their alignment or internal clearances or otherwise affect the
the connections shall permit the complete removal of the test medium after equipment and jeopardize its operation.
the test. Auxiliary piping shall be neatly routed within the package and shall not
The supply connection shall be of a size which will allow the system to be extend beyond the package boundary. This piping shall not obstruct
filled within a reasonable time and it shall have a temporary, flanged globe inspection covers, bearing caps, upper halves of casings or any other items
valve which shall also be used for depressurizing. which require access for operation or maintenance.
Test connections shall be closed with a blind flange after completion of the In order to avoid a fire hazard, lubricating oil, control oil and seal oil pipes
test. shall not be routed in the vicinity of hot process or hot utility pipes.

¾ 4.18 Instrument Process Connection ¾ 4.21 Pumps and Compressor

Connections to piping for pressure instruments shall be in accordance with A block valve shall be installed upstream of the strainer in the suction pipe of
the Contractor’s piping classes. each pump. This position enables the strainer to be cleaned without draining
Pressure points shall be as short as possible and shall be properly braced to the suction pipe. This valve and the piping to the suction nozzle shall have
avoid fatigue failure. Pressure gauge block and pressure gauge shall be the same rating as the discharge piping in order to accommodate
supported separately. overpressure due to backflow from the discharge side. This also applies to
Thermal expansion relief valves shall be installed in liquid-full equipment or multi-stage pumps. The discharge pipe shall also have a block valve. A check
piping systems if the system can be blocked in and it is subject to heat from valve shall be installed unless there is no possibility of backflow or pressure
the atmosphere or process. surge under any conditions. This check valve shall be installed upstream of
the block valve to enable maintenance of the check valve without draining
¾ 4.19 Piping Adjacent to Equipment the discharge pipe.
Piping and pipe supporting structures shall be designed so that access is Permanent strainers shall be installed in all pump suction pipes and meter
provided for maintenance or removal of valves, in-line instruments, tube runs.
bundles and shell/channel covers and for operational reasons. Removal or Y-type and T-type strainers shall be used for permanent installation in
replacement of equipment shall be possible with a minimum dismantling of vertical suction pipes.
piping. Removable pipe spools may be required. The design and material for strainers shall be suitable for the process and
4.19.1 Drain and vent provisions: pump requirements.
• All equipment shall have a valve drain and vent provided. Pumps shall be protected at initial start-up by inserting a temporary fine
• Equipment and piping containing slurries shall have minimum size 1” NB mesh (40 mesh) screen on the upstream side of the permanent strainer.
drain connections, unless the type of drain valve dictates a larger size.
• Operational drains for equipment and piping containing liquefied Pump vent and drain nozzles shall be fitted with valves and, if not connected
petroleum gases shall be designed to avoid failure of isolation by freezing to a drain system, the valves shall be fitted with blind flanges.
during draining.
• 4.21.1 Suction piping for centrifugal pumps
¾ 4.20 Piping Local to Equipment Suction piping shall be as short and as direct as possible, avoiding high
At an early stage of detailed engineering, the Contractor shall specify the spots where pockets of gas or air could accumulate. Only eccentric reducers
design nozzle loads for stationary equipment and the equipment shall be (top flat) shall be used for pipe diameter changes.
ordered accordingly. In specifying the nozzle loads, the Contractor shall
The length of the straight pipe from the last elbow to the suction nozzle
ensure that they are sufficient for all expected piping loads. Piping shall be
shall be sufficient to ensure minimum turbulence at the pump suction. The
designed such that the specified nozzle loads are not exceeded. Where
minimum length, which shall not include any reducer, strainer or stop-flow
possible, the Contractor shall provide more flexibility in the piping rather
valve, shall be as stated below unless Contractor determines a larger
than require additional nozzle reinforcement. Refer to the Specification for
straight length during design.
Pipe Stress Analysis “Project Spec. ya….”.

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REQUIRED Sampling points shall be provided on the lube oil system and seal oil system,
TYPE OF PUMP POSITION OF SUCTION PIPING STRAIGHT mainly from the oil containers and the bearing outlet.
LENGTH Compressors on separator duty shall be fitted with on line water wash spray
Vertical close-Coupled in same plane as pump shaft 1.5 D * nozzles on the suction to eliminate build up of salt on the impellers.
perpendicular to pump shaft 4D
Single suction, end
not applicable 4D
¾ 4.23 Heat Exchanger Piping
suction type Sufficient space shall be kept between adjacent heat exchanger inlet and
Single suction, top-top outlet valve manifolds.
at top of pump 4D
connection Shell and channel box piping shall be provided with vent and drain
in same plane as pump shaft 1.5 D connections unless venting and draining can be done via other equipment.
perpendicular to pump shaft (preferred Drain and vent nozzles on heat exchangers shall have a valve and a blind
Double suction 3D
flange. The drain and vent connections may also be used for chemical
any position other than perpendicular
5 D to 10 D cleaning, if required.
Specific nozzles shall be included for washing and chemical treatment.
* For vertical close coupled pumps with 1.5 D straight length, eccentric Collecting and processing facilities shall be used in order to avoid product
reducers (bottom flat) are preferred. spillage during maintenance.
** It shall be studied how unequal flow to the impeller eye can best be
avoided. The advice of the pump Manufacturer should be sought in this ¾ 4.24 Pressure Vessel Piping
Vertical pipes branching from columns and other vertical vessels shall have a
4.21.2 Compressors resting support near the nozzle and shall be guided at regular intervals to
To prevent fatigue failure of compressor piping, the effect of vibrations and protect the pipe against vibrations, wind load and/or buckling. If the loads on
pressure surge shall be considered. this resting support are too high a spring support should be positioned at a
Butt-welding components shall be lined up accurately and weld roots shall be lower elevation in order to reduce these loads. For the required flexibility of
ground smooth wherever possible. Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) should the piping, attention shall be paid to the location of the lowest guiding
be used for the root pass of welds. GTAW shall be used for the root pass of support.
welds if it is not possible to grind the root smooth.
Pipe supports on pressure vessels shall be bolted to clips welded to the vessel.
Inter-stage and discharge piping shall be sufficiently flexible to allow
Clips shall be designed by the Contractor and form an integral part of the
expansion due to the heat of compression.
pressure vessel. Where practical, clips shall be standardized. Clips and the
Block valves shall be installed in the suction and discharge pipes, except for connected pipe supports and/or supporting steel shall be designed such that
air compressors, which shall have block valves in the discharge pipes only. there will be no ingress of water under the insulation.
The block valve in the suction pipe, if present and the piping to the suction
nozzle shall have the same rating as the discharge piping. Where practical, pressure vessels which are grouped together shall have
The ASME rating class of the suction piping, valves shall have the same platforms and interconnecting walkways at the same elevation. The number
rating as the discharge of that stage. of stairways and ladders to the platforms shall be sufficient to meet safety
Discharge pipes shall have a check valve between the block valve and the requirements. Where practical, pressure vessels grouped together shall have
discharge nozzle. their level gauges at a common level. All instrument bridles shall be oriented
such that the instruments on the bridle can be easily read by the operators
In each compressor suction pipe, a temporary start-up suction strainer shall from a walkway / platform adjacent to the vessel
be installed downstream of the block valve of the compressor and as close as
possible to the compressor suction nozzle. Screens and filters shall be ¾ 4.25 Instrumentation
reinforced to prevent their collapse or failure and subsequent entry of debris
The design and material selection of in-line instruments and control valves
into the compressor.
shall be such that the pressure and temperature rating of the relevant piping
Compressors in hydrocarbon service shall have purge facilities. Facility for class is met.
spading shall be provided by spectacle blinds, removable spool pieces or

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¾ 4.26 Pig Launcher and Receiver Piping 4.30.2 Non-metallic Pipe
The break-line of specifications shall be shown on the P&IDs Polyethylene (PE). If PE pipe is required for underground service it
shall comply with API 5LE.
¾ 4.27 Slug-Catcher Piping If the use of GRP, GRE, FRP, RTR, or similar is proposed by the
Contractor then the applicable codes shall be agreed with the CA
The break-line of specifications shall be shown on the P&IDs.
4.30.3 Lined pipe
¾ 4.28 Utility Water Prefabricated lined pipe and fittings shall be used only with the
Where utility hose stations are specified they should be located such that all Manufacturer's confirmation of suitability and limitations.
points of use in the area can be reached by using 15 m long hoses. Each type Nominal sizes of lined pipe shall be in accordance with ASME B36.10M
of utility medium shall be provided with a dedicated type of hose connection and ASME B36.19M. Flanges shall be in accordance with ASME B16.5
to prevent contamination and inadvertent connection to the wrong utility (except for glass lined piping, which may use DIN flanges).
medium. 4.30.4 Gaskets
For the selection of gaskets the following shall apply:
¾ 4.29 Storage Tank Piping • The selection shall be based on piping class requirements. Gaskets
Within the dike area the number of pipes shall be minimized and they shall containing Asbestos are not acceptable and shall not be specified.
be routed in the shortest practicable way from the tank to the dike. Where • PTFE-based materials may be applied up to a maximum temperature of
200 °C.
practical, the pipes shall be grouped together.
• Spiral-wound/Monel 400 gaskets may be used up to a design
temperature of 400 °C.
Pipes connected to tanks shall be sufficiently flexible to cope with thermal • Spiral-wound/Inconel 600/graphite gaskets may be used up to a design
expansion/contraction, tank settlement, the outward movement of the shell temperature of 650°C.
and the inclination of nozzles under hydrostatic load. The first pipe support • Spiral-wound gaskets shall be tightened until guide ring contact is
shall be located sufficiently far away from the tank to allow for tank reached.
settlement and for the thermal expansion of the vertical pipe leg • Gaskets shall never be re-used.

Manifolds and isolation valves shall be located outside the dike in a concrete 4.30.5 Selection and installation of bolting materials
paved curbed area which shall slope and shall be provided with a drain sump The thread shall be clean and in good condition
at the low side connected to the drain system. The outlet shall be provided The design temperature range for the bolting material combinations
with a valve for maintenance purposes. listed below shall be as follows:
Piping shall be connected after hydrostatic testing of the tank. Tank
settlement, outward movement of the shell and nozzle inclination under full
liquid load conditions shall be taken into account when calculating bending Bolt / nut combination (ASTM designations) Metal temperature
moments and loads on tank nozzles. range (°C)
Bolt Nut
¾ 4.30 Piping Components A 193-B7 A 194-2H -20 to +538
A 193-B7M A 194-2HM -20 to +370
Piping systems connected to other systems or equipment with a higher design A 320-L7 A 194-4 -100 to +370
rating shall have the higher rating for all components up to and including the A 320-L7M A 194-7M -50 to +538
first block valve in the system of lower rating. A 193-B8 class 2 A 194-8 -200 to +538
4.30.1 Metallic Pipe A 193-B16
A 194-4
0 to +593
For metallic pipe, reference is made to ASME B 31.3 A194-8C (maximum size 50
Metallic pipe shall be in accordance with ASME B36.10M or ASME mm)
B36.19M. A 453-grade 660-class A 0 to +538
The corrosion allowance for carbon steel and ferritic alloy steel pipes NOTES:
shall be at least 1.6mm.

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According to ASME B 31.3, for externally-insulated flange connections, the Preparation shall be in accordance with ASME B16.25. Permanent backing
maximum design temperature may be equal to the above maximum bolting rings shall not be used.
temperatures. Welds requiring post weld heat treatment (PWHT) shall be prefabricated as
According to ASME B 31.3, for non-insulated components with fluid temperatures 65 far as possible, thereby minimizing the number of field welds.
°C and above, the bolting temperature shall be taken to be not less than 80% of the
fluid temperature.
¾ 4.32 Threaded joints
4.30.6 Fittings Threaded joints shall be avoided and shall not be used on any hydrocarbon
Fittings shall be in accordance with ASME B16.5, ASME B16.9 or systems or critical non-hydrocarbon services, and they should be avoided on
ASME B16.24, as applicable for the type of fitting. others, except instrument connections and water services.
Reducing elbows, straight crosses and reducing outlet crosses are Threaded joints (where permitted above) shall be NPT pipe threads in
regarded as special fittings and shall be avoided. accordance with ASME B1.20.1.
4.30.7 Miter Bends ¾ 4.34 Valve
Mitre bends are not permitted.
Valves shall be in accordance with Doc no. “Project Spec. ya….” Specification
4.30.8 Branch Fittings for Manual Valves
Branches should be connected at 90 degrees to the run pipe.
Stub-in connections shall generally not be used.
¾ 4.35 Insulation
Butt-welding tees should be used for branches equal in diameter to the Thermal Insulation
run pipe. A General Specification for Thermal Insulation of Piping (including that for
Butt-welding tees with equal or reducing outlets should be used for personnel protection), shall be produced by Contractor and shall include hot
services where flow disturbance is to be minimized. and cold systems and corrosion prevention on top of insulated columns, tanks
Where available, butt-welding tee fittings shall be used in severe cyclic and over piping, where applicable, grating should be provided to avoid
service (as defined in ASME B31.3). damage to insulation.
4.30.9 Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Spade-Type Blinds, Etc. ¾ 4.36 Pipe Support
Flanges size 24” and smaller shall be in accordance with ASME B16.5.
Flanges over 24” NB shall be in accordance with ASME B16.47 series The Contractor shall be responsible for design of pipe supports. The
B. The use of other types of flanges is subject to the approval of CA. minimum requirements are defined in specifications “Project Spec. ya….”.
Flange bolt holes shall straddle the center lines. The flange facing
finish shall be in accordance with ASME B16.5.
¾ 4.37 Flange Face Alignment and Tolerances
In all cases the Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the CA’s “NO
If a flat face flange is required (e.g. GRE piping in ASME rating class LEAK” policy is achieved, in addition to ensuring that pipe and nozzle
150) the counter flange shall also have a flat face in accordance with loadings are maintained within specified allowances the following section
ASME B16.5. Flat face flanges shall be provided with full-face gaskets. provides guidance on the minimum criteria for alignment accuracy. The
overall requirement is to achieve stress-free and leak-free flanged
The outside diameter of spacers and spades shall be equal to the connections.
diameter of the raised face of the mating flange. The spacers and
spades shall have two centring pieces welded to their circumference. 4.37.1 Types of alignment
These centring pieces shall have bolt holes of the same diameter, and Two types of alignment shall be considered:
the same bolt circle diameter, as the mating flange. Lateral alignment of the off-set of the aligned flange centerlines,
applicable for the complete flange set as well as the relevant position of
¾ 4.31 Pipe Joints bolt holes.
Butt-welds shall be used for all sizes, except where socket-welded joints are Parallelism (angular alignment) of the flange faces.
prescribed in the relevant piping class. 4.37.2 Set Up Prior To Measurement

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The flanges shall be lined up so that the bolts can be inserted without design plane. For the terminal flange of a pipe spool the
force. deviation from the design plane shall not exceed 0.7 M,
A gasket and 25 percent of the bolts (with at least four) shall be where M is the allowable misalignment for the pre-assembled
inserted. The bolts shall be uniformly fastened to take out the free flanges as given in (a) and (b) above.
slack, to ensure the real misalignment will be measured d) Flanged accessories
Accessories are flanged items which are rigid in themselves (e.g.
4.37.3 Acceptance Criteria for Misalignment
valves, strainers etc). The individual flange face
1). Lateral alignment
misalignment from the design plane shall not exceed 2.5
For standard flanges, the free insertion of the bolts may be
mm/m. Also, the misalignment of the two flange faces shall
sufficient to demonstrate acceptable alignment. Lateral alignment
not exceed 2.5mm/m.
should also be checked by laying a straight edge along the outside
e) Face alignment for flange-less components (e.g. wafer type
diameter of the flange. Measurements should be taken at locations
control valves, sandwiched between flanges): Misalignment as
90 degrees apart around the flange circumference.
per (a) and (b) above.
The measured lateral misalignment shall not exceed the following
f) Nozzle faces on static equipment.
Alignment of nozzle flange face with the indicated plane shall be
NB Maximum misalignment within 0.5 degrees in any direction.
g) Flanges connecting to rotating equipment (pumps, compressors
<4” 2 mm etc)

> 4” 3 mm The flange face alignment check shall be performed with bolting
inserted loosely, and the acceptance criteria shall be as given
Bolt holes shall straddle the natural centerline unless specified
otherwise. The maximum deviation from the required theoretical Flange diameter (NB) Maximum misalignment at OD of flange
bolt hole position, as measured along the bolt circle shall be 1.5 mm
< 12” 0.2 mm
2). Parallelism
Flange face alignment shall be checked by measuring the distance 12” to 24” 0.3 mm
between the mating flanges of the pre-assembled joint.
Measurements shall be taken around the circumference at equal >24” 0.5 mm
distances from the center line (the outside rim of the flange will
normally be the most convenient position). NOTE: The above figures are the practical implementation of the
tolerances to achieve 0.05 degrees in all directions
The difference between the measurements shall not exceed the
following values:
a) ASME B 16.5 flanges, all sizes all, all ratings: Table 1 ASME B16.5 flanges, all sizes, all ratings
• 2.5 mm/m
Maximum flange face misalignment:
• Table 1 gives these values computed for the flange rim
For a pre-assembled joint, maximum difference in measured values = 2.5
outside diameter.
b) ASME B 16.47 flanges, all sizes, all ratings:
For an individual flange, maximum difference to design plane = 1.7 mm/m
• 1.75mm absolute (regardless of the diameter) measured
This results in the following figures for measurements taken at the outer rim
along the outside diameter of the raised face.
of the flange:
• Tables 2 and 3 give these values computed for measurements
along the flange rim outside diameter.
Pre-assembled joint Individual flange compared to design
c) Flanged pipe spools
The misalignment tolerances given in (a) and (b) above apply to
pairs of pre-only be measured as the deviation from the M

ATTACHMENT-1 Halaman : A1- 21 dari 26 ATTACHMENT-1 Halaman : A1- 22 dari 26

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(mm) (mm) 30” 1.91 2.05 2.13 2.36 30” 1.35 1.45 1.50 1.67
size Rating size Rating 32” 1.91 2.05 2.12 2.34 32” 1.35 1.45 1.50 1.65
NB 150 300 600 900 1500 2500 NB 150 300 600 900 1500 2500 34” 1.91 2.04 2.14 2.32 34” 1.35 1.44 1.51 1.64
½” 0.22 0.24 0.24 0.30 0.30 0.33 ½” 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.21 0.21 0.24 36” 1.90 2.03 2.10 2.29 36” 1.35 1.44 1.49 1.62
¾” 0.25 0.29 0.29 0.33 0.33 0.35 ¾” 0.17 0.21 0.21 0.23 0.23 0.25 38” 1.92 2.02 38” 1.36 1.43
1” 0.27 0.31 0.31 0.37 0.37 0.40 1” 0.19 0.22 0.22 0.26 0.26 0.28 40” 1.90 2.00 40” 1.35 1.41
1 0.32 0.39 0.39 0.44 0.44 0.51 1 0.22 0.27 0.27 0.31 0.31 0.36 42” 1.90 2.00 42” 1.34 1.41
½” ½”
44” 1.89 1.99 44” 1.34 1.41
2” 0.38 0.41 0.41 0.54 0.54 0.59 2” 0.27 0.29 0.29 0.38 0.38 0.42
46” 1.90 2.01 46” 1.34 1.42
3” 0.48 0.52 0.52 0.60 0.67 0.76 3” 0.34 0.37 0.37 0.43 0.47 0.54
48” 1.89 1.99 48” 1.34 1.41
4” 0.57 0.64 0.68 0.73 0.78 0.89 4” 0.40 0.45 0.48 0.52 0.55 0.63
50” 1.88 1.98 50” 1.33 1.40
6” 0.70 0.79 0.89 0.95 0.98 1.21 6” 0.49 0.56 0.63 0.67 0.70 0.85
52” 1.88 1.98 52” 1.33 1.40
8” 0.86 0.95 1.05 1.17 1.21 1.38 8” 0.61 0.67 0.74 0.83 0.85 0.98
54” 1.88 1.98 54” 1.33 1.40
10” 1.02 1.11 1.27 1.37 1.46 1.68 10” 0.72 0.79 0.90 0.97 1.03 1.19
56” 1.88 2.01 56” 1.33 1.42
12” 1.21 1.30 1.40 1.52 1.68 1.91 12” 0.85 0.92 0.99 1.08 1.19 1.35
58” 1.90 2.01 58” 1.34 1.42
14” 1.33 1.46 1.51 1.60 1.87 14” 0.94 1.03 1.07 1.13 1.32
60” 1.89 1.99 60” 1.33 1.41
16” 1.49 1.62 1.71 1.76 2.06 16” 1.06 1.14 1.21 1.25 1.46 NOTE: Blank cells indicate size rating values not standardised in ASME B 16.47

18” 1.59 1.78 1.86 1.97 2.29 18” 1.12 1.26 1.31 1.39 1.62
20” 1.75 1.94 2.03 2.14 2.46 20” 1.23 1.37 1.44 1.52 1.74
24” 2.03 2.29 2.35 2.60 2.92 24” 1.44 1.62 1.66 1.84 2.07 Table 3 ASME B 16.47 flanges, series B, all sizes, all ratings
NOTE: Blank cells indicate size rating values not standardised in ASME B 16.5 Maximum flange face misalignment at raised face OD:
For a pre-assembled joint, 1.75 mm
For individual flange, maximum difference to design plane, 1.2 mm
Table 2 ASME B16.47, Series A, All Sizes, All Ratings This results in the following figures for measurements taken at the outer rim
Maximum flange face misalignment at raised face OD: of the flange:
For a pre-assembled joint, 1.75 mm
For individual flange, maximum difference to design plane, 1.2 mm
This results in the following figures for measurements taken at the outer rim
of the flange: Pre-assembled joint Individual flange compared to design
Pre-assembled joint Individual flange compared to plane
design plane size ASME B16.47, series B size ASME B16.47, series B
size ASME B16.47, series A size ASME B16.47, series A NB 150 300 600 900 NB 150 300 600 900
NB 150 300 600 900 NB 150 300 600 900 26” 2.03 2.27 2.37 2.54 26” 1.44 1.60 1.68 1.79
26” 1.93 2.06 2.14 2.35 26” 1.37 1.46 1.51 1.66 28” 2.03 2.26 2.35 2.56 28” 1.43 1.60 1.66 1.81
28” 1.92 2.05 2.13 2.36 28” 1.36 1.45 1.50 1.67 30” 2.01 2.23 2.31 2.51 30” 1.42 1.58 1.63 1.78

ATTACHMENT-1 Halaman : A1- 23 dari 26 ATTACHMENT-1 Halaman : A1- 24 dari 26

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

32” 2.03 2.20 2.28 2.52 32” 1.44 1.56 1.62 1.78 • Material certificates including consumables
• WPQs
34” 2.01 2.19 2.26 2.53 34” 1.42 1.55 1.60 1.79
• PQRs
36” 2.00 2.17 2.25 2.50 36” 1.41 1.54 1.59 1.77 • Pre-heat PWHT records
38” 2.02 1.99 38” 1.43 1.41 • Drawing as builts

40” 2.01 2.00 40” 1.42 1.41 6.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE

42” 1.97 1.98 42” 1.40 1.40 The Supplier shall operate a quality system satisfying the applicable
provision(s) of ISO 9000 (series), or agreed equivalent standard,
44” 1.97 1.98 44” 1.40 1.40
commensurate with the goods and services provided.
46” 1.96 1.99 46” 1.39 1.41 The Contractor is not required to hydrostatically test pipe spool pieces;
48” 1.95 1.97 48” 1.38 1.39 however, after field installation, piping systems will be hydrostatically tested
in accordance with the applicable Piping Code.
50” 1.95 1.97 50” 1.38 1.39
52” 1.95 1.96 52” 1.38 1.39
54” 1.95 1.98 54” 1.38 1.40
56” 1.94 1.97 56” 1.37 1.39
58” 1.94 1.95 58” 1.37 1.38
60” 1.94 1.95 60” 1.37 1.38
NOTE: Blank cells indicate size rating values not standardised in ASME B 16.47


¾ 5.1 General
Inspection and testing shall be carried out in accordance with the approved
Project Quality Plan & ITP.

¾ 5.2 Reports and Acceptance Certificates

5.2.1 General
The Contractor shall prepare a report on the tests carried out and their
results, for inclusion in the Quality Records. Other relevant certificates
shall also be included.
5.2.2 Material Certification
As a minimum, material certification to BS EN 10204 type 3.1 shall be
supplied for all pressure containing components.
5.2.3 Documentation
• Radiography films
• UT reports
• Hydrotest reports
• Calibration certificates

ATTACHMENT-1 Halaman : A1- 25 dari 26 ATTACHMENT-1 Halaman : A1- 26 dari 26


Spesifikasi dari Layout suatu plan, yang berisikan (Contoh)

1. SCOPE................................................................................................................................................................ 2
2. REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................. 2
2.1 PROJECT SPECIFICATION ............................................................................................................................. 2 1. SCOPE
2.2 LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS ............................................................................................................... 2 This specification provides the specific requirements for onshore plant
3. INDICATION OF DIMENSIONS ON PLOT PLAN .................................................................................... 2 layouts for “SPECIAL COURSE TRAINING ON KEAHLIAN SISTEM
4. CIVIL FACILITY LAYOUTS .............................................................................................................................. 4 PEMIPAAN AT PUSDIKLAT KSD, JAKARTA-INDONESIA” FOR
4.1 PLANT ELEVATION ..................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 PAVING ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.3 CLASSIFICATION OF ROADS AND ACCESSES ............................................................................................... 5 2. REFERENCES
4.4 ROAD .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.5 DEFINITION OF UNDERGROUND .................................................................................................................. 6 The following applicable section of the latest edition of the code and
4.6 TOP ELEVATION OF FOUNDATION............................................................................................................... 7 standards, including addenda and referenced documents, project’s
4.7 MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN EQUIPMENT AND ROAD ............................................................................ 8
specification shall form an integral part of this specification.
5 STRUCTURE LAYOUTS ................................................................................................................................ 9 Where the requirement of the subject is defined by two or more references,
5.1 CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURES ................................................................................................................ 9 the more stringent reference shall govern.
5.2 PIPE RACKS .............................................................................................................................................. 11
5.3 EQUIPMENT STRUCTURES ......................................................................................................................... 14 2.1 Project Specification
5.4 SHELTERS ................................................................................................................................................. 15
5.5 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE FLOOR................................................................................................... 16
5.6 WALKWAYS .............................................................................................................................................. 17 1. Project Spec Plant Layout Guide
2. Project Spec Plant Spacing Guide
6 EQUIPMENT LAYOUT ................................................................................................................................ 18
3. Project Spec Plant Layout to Facilitate Maintenance
6.1 EQUIPMENT ARRANGEMENT WITHIN PROCESS UNIT ................................................................................ 18 4. Project Spec Civil and Structure Design
6.2 STACKED HORIZONTAL HEAT EXCHANGERS ............................................................................................ 18
6.3 EQUIPMENT SUPPORTS ............................................................................................................................. 18 2.2 Local Laws and Regulations
6.4 ACCESS FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................... 19
7 HEADROOM CLEARANCE AND ACCESS SPACE ................................................................................ 20 Local laws and/or regulations that contain plant layout requirements
7.1 HEAD CLEARANCE ................................................................................................................................... 20 will be more stringent than the requirements in this Specification and
7.2 HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FOR OPERATING ACCESS ................................................................................ 21 shall therefore take precedence over the provisions of this
7.3 MANWAY ACCESS TO EQUIPMENT............................................................................................................ 21
7.4 INSTRUMENT ACCESS ............................................................................................................................... 21
7.5 SPECTACLE BLINDS .................................................................................................................................. 21
Dimensions to be shown on plot plan are marked with asterisk.

ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 2 dari 21

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Civil facility layouts
4.1 Plant Elevation
1) EL. + 0 = MSL+ (Note-1) is the high point of paving and gravel
of the plant area.
Note-1 : Individual MSL elevation shall be in accordance with plot
plan drawings.

2) EL. (-) 200 mm max. is the lowest point (top of the open ditch
etc.) of the process and utility area

4.2 Paving
1) Part of process, utility and buildings area will be paved with
concrete as required area by Company (based on contract).
2) A maximum one catchment area for surface drainage of concrete
Kerbed area should be 300 m2 and smaller.
3) The surface slope in the Kerbed area shall be not less than 1.0
For other grading area should be 1/200 to 1/500 minimum slope.

ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 3 dari 21 ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 4 dari 21

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.3 Classification of Roads and Accesses
Roads and accesses are classified as follows:
(1) Primary roads
accesses between the plant site main gate and main plant area
accesses between the fire station and process area
accesses between the truck gate and truck loading station
(2) Secondary roads
accesses around units and facilities
accesses around the pump station for storage tanks (4) Lighting electrical cables and fire fighting pipe lines shall be
accesses around waste water treating facilities
installed underground of the shoulder area.
(3) Maintenance roads (access way)
accesses to flare stacks, other auxiliary facilities in offsite area
access between the entrance gate for large, heavy and lengthy
equipment to strategic areas within the plant site, such as
the process area and utility area
access for future expansion area(s)
access for AFC and compressor in process and utility area.
access to electrical transformers
access to switchgear building equipment door.
access to instrument and telecom room equipment doors

4.4 Road
(1) Width of road shall be as follows :
Primary roads : 6 m + 1.0 m shoulders
Secondary roads : 4 m + 1.0 m shoulders
Maintenance roads : 3 m without shoulders
(access way) (based on 50 ton crane)
(2) Headroom clearance of road shall be as follow :

Primary roads : 6.1 m

Secondary roads : 4.2 m
Maintenance roads : 4.2 m (as minimum)
(access way) 4.5 Definition of Underground
(3) Radius of road corner to be shown as follow :
6 m road : R = 12 m The following lines and systems shall be underground.
4 m road : R=8m (1) Electrical Cable
3 m road : R=6m

ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 5 dari 21 ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 6 dari 21

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Feeder cable from main substation to process substation
From emergency generator to main substation
(2) Drain Open Oily Water (DO) and Drain Closed (DC) lines for
process and utility area
(3) Fire Water ring main
(4) Amine drain header
(5) Drain Sanitary (DS) lines
(6) Telecom’s cable as specify on overall underground telecom cable

4.6 Top Elevation of Foundation

Elevation shall be adjusted if the relevant elevation above is
inadequate for process and mechanical reasons such as draining,
flange bolting, spectacle blind handling, etc.
Item Elevation

Column : HPP +300 mm

Drum Vertical : HPP +300 mm
Drum Horizontal : min. HPP +300 mm
4.7 Minimum Distance Between Equipment and Road
S/T Heat Exchanger : min. HPP +300 mm A minimum distance of 5m shall be maintained between the edge of
Pump : min. HPP +300 primary and secondary roads (included shoulder) and hydrocarbon
containing equipments.
Compressor : by vendor
Tank : min. HPP +500 mm
Pipe Stanchion : HPP +300 mm
Operating Platform : HPP +150 mm
Package Equipment : min. HPP +150 mm
Pipe Sleeper : min. HPP +300 mm
Pipe Support (on paved area) : min. 25 mm
Pipe Support (not paved area) : HPP +150 mm
Steel Pipe rack & Structure : HPP +300 mm
Ladder Stairway : max. 200 mm
Notes :
(1) EL + 0 equal high point of paving of process and utility area
(2) The height of the top surface of foundations for equipment and
structures above the high point of the paving shall be as follows

ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 7 dari 21 ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 8 dari 21

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 STRUCTURE LAYOUTS Rain water and small steam trap drain such as for line tracing.
• Grating floor: no provision is required.
5.1 Construction of structures • Checkered plate floor: small opening holes on floor
5.1.1 Type of floor materials • Concrete floor: curb and slope to down spout or
Checkered plate floor: General purpose slope to edge depending upon the service
Grating floor: minimum use for the following areas:
• Maintenance floor for AFC’s 5.1.4 Stairs and ladders provisions
• Compressor maintenance floor Elevated floors from the ground shall have stairs and, or ladders
• Areas requiring ventilation for safety based on the following application criteria:
• Grating shall not be used in areas of heavier than (a) Stairs
air hydrocarbon where pooling can occur. Stairs shall be provided for those floor(s) requiring
Concrete floor: Specific use for the following areas: frequent access for operation and maintenance using
hand tools, etc., such as for the following:
• Toxic fluid spill is expected and required to collect at the • Floors for compressors or turbines
floor. • Floors for vacuum filters
• Fire isolation from lower level is required. • Floors for filling/removing of packing materials
• Frequent maintenance by mobile equipment is during operation
required. • Floor for AFC
• Clean and silent conditions are required for • Need to carry chemicals, additives, catalyst &
operation. supplies as part of routine duties.
5.1.2 Base level of floor elevation (b) Ladders

The base level of floor elevation shall be as follows: Ladders shall be provided for the floor(s) used for
(a) Checkered plate floor: Top of support beam operation and routine maintenance check and patrol that
(b) Grating floor: Top of grating normally does not involve using hand tools.
Note: The minimum headroom for personnel (2.1 m) can be
5.1.5 Maximum height of ladder and stairway
calculated from the top of floor elevation even though
For Stairway
this reduces actual headroom a little.
5.1.3 Floor drains
Drainage to the floors in the plant areas and buildings shall be
collected in accordance with following concept:
Oily and chemicals are frequently drained.

Need ability to collect any draining and pipe to
ground level for emptying. (Refer to BCD3-000-42-
SPC-4-001-00 “Specification for Sewer Segregation
and Collection”)
Limited amount of oily and chemicals not harmful to personnel.
• provide a portable can or use of drain hose.

ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 9 dari 21 ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 10 dari 21

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For Ladder
(3) Typical Layout for process and utility area main piperack.

Ladder will be designed SIDE STEP.

5.2 Pipe Racks Note :

Removable bug screen are provided.
(1) Headroom clearance Handrail around work area is provided.
The headroom clearance for a pipe rack (from the grade to the lowest Power outlet for hand tools is provided.
part of pipe rack including piping) shall be as follows: No electrical equipment installed under flare header
Fire truck access: 4.5 m No equipment installed under piperack.
Maintenance equipment access: 3.6 m (as minimum)
Personal access: 2.1 m
(2) Future piping space
(4) Typical Layout for process and utility area sub piperack
Sufficient space shall be provided in the pipe rack design for
piping, instrument and electrical cables, if there are
requirements to provide future facilities spaces.

ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 11 dari 21 ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 12 dari 21

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


5.3 Equipment Structures

(1) Design of equipment structures

Equipment structures need up and down access for operation
and maintenance. Therefore, the equipment structures shall be
designed to ease operation and maintenance wherever required
considering the following:
• Minimize number of structures by combining other
structures in one structure
• Lower floor elevation
• Minimize floor surface area
• Joining two or more close structures to provide access
from one to the other.

(2) Layout of equipment structures

Equipment structures shall be laid out as economically as
possible without compromising operation, safety and
(5) Configuration of AFC on the piperack maintenance requirements. The following are typical structure
If the machinery mount is installed under the AFC, AFC • Independent structures
structures shall be provided with maintenance platforms under • Common structures with neighboring pipe racks
the machinery mount such as the motor, gears, fan, etc. The • Pipe racks used for equipment structures
maintenance platform shall have a walkway at the center of the
AFC so that mechanical components can be removed. If AFCs (3) Configuration of structure
are installed on the ground and machinery mount is low enough
for maintenance from the ground, a permanent maintenance One stairway shall be installed for one structure.
platform is not required. Obstruction to Air cooler’s air outlet Escape ladder shall be considered from the safety protection
shall not be allowed. point of view. Such is case of gas leaks from valve
manifold(s), pump located underneath the structure and
any other possibility of fire cases .
An actual requirement of escape ladder for individual
structure will be confirmed during model review by

ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 13 dari 21 ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 14 dari 21

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(4) Hosting beam S/T heat exchangers in structure shall be Compressor and driver may be installed on the concrete table
installed as follow : top foundation. Also, platform may be installed for reason of
operating and maintenance.
Compressor and driver shall be located in the shelter structure
with overhead or hoist, capable of lifting heaviest component.
S/O and L/O consoles may be located out of shelter structure,
However lube oil console shall be equipped with a roof.

5.4 Shelters
(1) Shelters for weather protection
Basically, almost all equipment and machinery for industrial
service are designed for weather-proof construction. Therefore
those equipment and machinery should be placed outdoor unless
otherwise specified.
If there are equipment and machinery specifically designed for
indoor use shall be placed in the shelter.

(2) Shelter for acoustic abatement

In principle, the machinery manufacturer’s acoustic abatement
devices shall be applied. However, if the allowable noise level • The overhead traveling crane shall be capable of moving to a point over top of
cannot be maintained by the acoustic abatement devices, the the drop area to lower parts down to grade or waiting truck.
machine shall be placed in a shelter having sidewalls. In this
(4) Shelters shall be designed such that rain water shall be
case, the noise level shall be measured from the outside of the
minimized to closed/amine/or H/C drain.
shelter wall.

(3) Compressor Shelter 5.5 Operation and Maintenance Floor

(1) Centrifugal compressor maintenance floor

ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 15 dari 21 ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 16 dari 21

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Centrifugal compressors installed on high elevation shall be • at no more than 100 m intervals across a road in the
provided with a maintenance floor. The maximum live load 150 offsite area if there is a long sleeper pipeway running
psf (732 kg/m2) as per civil & structure design criteria on the parallel to the road
maintenance floor with condition that all parts of compressor • at no more than 100 m intervals across an open ditch if
not to be let down on the compressor deck. the open ditch is wider than 750 mm
• across an intermediate dike
(2) Unit battery limit valve platform • across sleeper pipeways
• at no more than 40 m intervals across a dike if there are
A valve platform shall be provided for the unit (battery) limit
intermediate dikes crossing and pipeways crossing inside
valve manifolds on the pipe rack. The platform shall have a
the dike
stairs accessible from grade. If unit battery limit valves can be
placed at the ground, the platform is not required.
5.6 Walkways 6.1 Equipment Arrangement within Process Unit
• Connecting walkways
Basically, equipment in process units is arranged in order of process
Connecting walkways shall be provided at the following flow. However, when equipment for two or more units is arranged
locations if the floor at both ends is elevated by less than 2 m: within an area as an integrated plant, identical equipment such as
furnaces, towers, exchangers, etc. shall be grouped together. If there
• between equipment structure floor and 1st level of a tower are some items of equipment to be located at high elevation, such
platform that has a level gage, etc. requiring frequent equipment shall be placed on a common equipment structure wherever
monitoring during operations practicable.
• between the 1st levels of tower platforms for the same reason
mentioned above
• between an equipment structure floor and AFC maintenance 6.2 Stacked Horizontal Heat Exchangers
platform to permit common usage of the equipment structure
stairs for access to the AFC Two heat exchangers is the maximum that can be stacked together.
• between an AFC maintenance platform and valve platform if
both platforms are on the same pipe rack and they are closer
than 5 m apart 6.3 Equipment Supports
• between an equipment structure and valve platform at the
process unit battery limit if they are closer than 3 m apart (1) Types of vertical equipment support
• Crossing walkways A skirt, legs or lugs shall be used to support vertical equipment, such as
Crossing walkways shall be a combination of stair, ladder, vessels, depending on the size, weight and shape of the
equipment being supported.
platform, concrete cover etc. depending upon the needs. Crossing
walkways shall be provided at the following locations if there is A vertical drum serving as a knockout drum for reciprocating compressors
no alternative access: shall have a skirt support to absorb vibration.

For towers and reactors, skirt type supports shall be applied.

(2) Saddle height for horizontal equipment

ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 17 dari 21 ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 18 dari 21

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The standard saddle height shall be applied for horizontal equipment at • Provided as an independent structure if the equipment
grade, and the foundation height shall be adjusted to meet the required has shell flanges and needs frequent disassembly, if
equipment elevation. platform attached to the equipment is unfeasible.
The saddle height of the horizontal equipment shall be increased if it is
necessary to elevate from the floor for operation and maintenance. (3) Headroom clearance for vessels in structures
6.4 Access for Operation and Maintenance Multiple level floors for equipment shall be as low as possible
not only for economical reason, but also for operation and
(1) Requirements of access maintenance reasons. Do not layout simply to keep headroom
clearance above the platform, small step placed at the side of the
Access for operation and maintenance shall be provided for the
vessel shall be applied if practicable.
following locations. If the location is elevated from the grade, a
platform shall be provided.
If a top platform attached to vessel is mainly used only for light
• Location where periodic checks and adjustments and or duty maintenance such as replacing of pressure gage etc., the
maintenance is required, such as for instruments, valves, headroom can be reduced to the minimum required for the
etc. limited maintenance work. (Min. 1m)
• Location where access is required for periodic
maintenance and operation, such as for manholes for 7 HEADROOM CLEARANCE AND ACCESS SPACE
trays and packing materials, etc.
• Location where periodical rotation is required for
7.1 Head Clearance
spectacle blind or flanged elbows to change batch
operation mode. • 6.1 m : Over Main Road
• 6.1 m : For Crane Access
• Location where a manhole is provided for maintenance
• 4.2 m : For Truck Access for Secondary Road
purposes and higher than 4 m above the floor or grade.
• 2.7 ~3.0 m : For Fork Lift Truck Access
For manholes lower than 4 m above the floor or grade, it
• 2.1 m : Over Walk Ways Inside Building and Platform
is unnecessary to provide a platform.
• 2.1 m : Air Cooler motor to grade or deck
• Junction boxes and electrical equipment . (Lighting
fixture may be accessed by portable access platform)

(2) Platforms
Platforms for equipment, such as towers, reactors, vertical
drums, etc. shall be designed in accordance with the following
concept. The platform shall be:
• attached to the equipment shell plate using a welded steel
lug if the equipment is strong enough to support the
intended platform.
• provided as an independent structure if the equipment is
unable to support the installed platform because, for
example, the equipment has a very small diameter.

ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 19 dari 21 ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 20 dari 21

7.2 Horizontal Clearance for Operating Access

7.3 Manway Access to Equipment

o Preferred height from platform to centerline of manway : 1000 mm

o Maximum height from platform to bottom of manway : 1100 mm opening
o Minimum height from platform to underside of manway : 230 mm flange

7.4 Instrument Access

• Temperature and pressure instruments shall be accessible from

platform or permanent ladder, except:
- by portable ladder if below; 3700 mm
- by portable ladder if in piperack
• All locally read gauges shall be visible from grade or platform
• All level and flow instruments shall be accessible from grade or
• Sample sets including the primary block valves shall be
accessible from Grade or Platform with access via stairs and
located above operating level
• Any other instrument requiring regular maintenance or
operation viewing from grade or platform.

7.5 Spectacle Blinds

Permanent access shall be provided to all spectacle blinds, and where
elevated shall be located over a platform.

ATTACHMENT-2 Halaman : A2- 21 dari 21

INSTRUMENT PIPING ............................................................................................................................................... 17
Spesifikasi dari disain pemipaan, yang berisikan : (Contoh) 11. EQUIPMENT PIPING............................................................................................................................... 19
VESSEL AND COLUMN PIPING ................................................................................................................................. 19
EXCHANGER PIPING ................................................................................................................................................ 20
DAFTAR ISI AIR COOLED EXCHANGER PIPING ........................................................................................................................... 20
PUMP AND TURBINE PIPING .................................................................................................................................... 20
1. SCOPE................................................................................................................................................................ 3 COMPRESSOR PIPING............................................................................................................................................... 22
DIRECT FIRED HEATER PIPING ................................................................................................................................ 22
2. REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................. 3 STORAGE TANK PIPING ........................................................................................................................................... 23
PROJECT SPECIFICATION ........................................................................................................................................... 3 12. PLANT LAYOUT....................................................................................................................................... 23
CODE AND STANDARD .............................................................................................................................................. 3
LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 4 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................ 23
OTHER REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................................................. 4 SPACING BETWEEN FACILITIES ............................................................................................................................... 25
COMPRESSORS ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
3. DESIGN CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................................... 4 VESSELS.................................................................................................................................................................. 26
OPERATING CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 4 EXCHANGERS .......................................................................................................................................................... 28
DESIGN TEMPERATURE ............................................................................................................................................. 5 AIR COOLERS .......................................................................................................................................................... 30
DESIGN PRESSURE .................................................................................................................................................... 5 FIRED HEATERS AND BOILERS ................................................................................................................................ 31
LOADS AFFECTING PIPING STRESSES ........................................................................................................................ 6 PIPERACKS .............................................................................................................................................................. 36

4. MATERIALS..................................................................................................................................................... 6 13. CLEARANCE AND ACCESSIBILITY ................................................................................................... 36

PIPING MATERIALS SPECIFICATION .......................................................................................................................... 6 OVERHEAD CLEARANCES ....................................................................................................................................... 36

CORROSION ALLOWANCES ....................................................................................................................................... 6 HORIZONTAL CLEARANCES .................................................................................................................................... 36
WALL THICKNESS ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 14. PLATFORMS, STAIRS AND LADDERS (ACCESS AND LAYOUT REQUIREMENTS)............... 37
5. PIPE SIZING..................................................................................................................................................... 7 GENERAL. ............................................................................................................................................................... 37
6. PIPING DESIGN AND LAYOUT ................................................................................................................... 7 PLATFORMS WITH LADDERS ACCESS ...................................................................................................................... 38
DUAL ACCESS REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................... 38
PIPING ROUTING ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 LADDER REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 39
PIPING FLEXIBILITY .................................................................................................................................................. 8
CRITICAL PIPING ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 15. MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................................. 39
PIPE SPACING ............................................................................................................................................................ 9 ROADS .................................................................................................................................................................... 39
PIPE SUPPORTS, ANCHORS AND GUIDES .................................................................................................................... 9 FIRE PROTECTION .................................................................................................................................................... 39
UNDERGROUND PIPE ............................................................................................................................................... 10
16. PIPING DRAWING ................................................................................................................................... 39
7. VALVING ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
PROCESS AND UTILITY UNIT ................................................................................................................................... 39
VALVES .................................................................................................................................................................. 10 SCALE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 39
HEADER BLOCK VALVES ........................................................................................................................................ 11 LETTERS ................................................................................................................................................................. 40
UNIT BLOCK VALVES .............................................................................................................................................. 12 SIZE OF DRAWINGS .................................................................................................................................................. 40
DOUBLE BLOCK AND BLEED VALVES ..................................................................................................................... 12
LINE VENTS AND DRAINS ....................................................................................................................................... 12
SAMPLE CONNECTIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 13
VALVE ACCESS ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
MINIMUM CLEARANCE BETWEEN PIPES AND VALVES ............................................................................................ 13
CHAIN OPERATED VALVES ..................................................................................................................................... 14
8. LINE BLINDS ................................................................................................................................................. 14
9. RELIEF AND BLOWDOWN PIPING ......................................................................................................... 14
10. SERVICE PIPING ..................................................................................................................................... 15
STEAM PIPING ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
STEAM TRAPS ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
STEAM-OUT CONNECTIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 16
UTILITY STATIONS .................................................................................................................................................. 16
WATER SYSTEM PIPING .......................................................................................................................................... 16
PLANT AIR SYSTEM PIPING ..................................................................................................................................... 16

ATTACHMENT Halaman : 1 of 40 ATTACHMENT-3 Halaman : A3- 2 dari 40

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(S A M P L E) Local laws and/or regulations that contain plant layout requirements
will be more stringent than the requirements in this Specification and
shall therefore take precedence over the provisions of this
Other Requirements
This specification provides the specific requirements for onshore piping layouts
for “SPECIAL COURSE TRAINING ON KEAHLIAN SISTEM PEMIPAAN Separate specifications will cover the special requirements for sewer and
AT PUSDIKLAT KSD, JAKARTA-INDONESIA” FOR SAMPLING . drainage systems. Special requirements will apply to fire protection
systems, heating ventilating, air and water systems serving buildings
This specification describes the spacing and layout of equipment, piping rather than plant or process area and will conform to applicable
arrangement, and pressure piping design which will produce a safe, economical plumbing, heating, and ventilating, or refrigeration codes.
and easy to operate installation.
The spacing and layout of equipment will comply with fire insurance Designation on Piping and Instrument Diagrams
standards, safety, adequate allowance for hazard separation, and maintenance The P & I Diagrams will show limits of the piping governed by the Boiler
accessibility. Code. They will indicate which codes or requirements, other than
Pressure piping designs will be based on codes and accepted practices currently Refinery Piping Code, will apply to various parts of the piping systems.
applicable to piping systems. All package units will be shown in full on P & ID’s.

2. REFERENCES Any specific codes and standards relating to this project are shown in
the addendum to this specification.
The following applicable section of the latest edition of the code and standards,
including addenda and referenced documents, project’s specification shall form 3. DESIGN CONDITIONS
an integral part of this specification.
Where the requirement of the subject is defined by two or more references, the Operating conditions
more stringent reference shall govern.
3.1.1 Normal Conditions
Project Specification
Normal design conditions of pressure and temperature will be the
Project Spec Plant Layout Guide most severe conditions expected to coexist under usual long - time
Project Spec Plant Spacing Guide operating conditions. These usual as throttling, condition include
Project Spec Plant Layout to Facilitate Maintenance actions such blocking and by - passing likely to be used for operation
Project Spec Civil and Structure Design and control.
Code and Standard
3.1.2 Temporary Conditions
• ASME : American Society for Mechanical Engineer Usual operating conditions will not include more severe temporary
• API : American Petroleum Institute conditions, such as those incidental to start - up, shutdown, steam
• AGA : American Gas Association out or abnormal operation. Temporary conditions will govern as
• MSS : Manufacture Standardization Society of Value design conditions only when there is clear evidence they definitely
and Fitting Industry exceed time and severity limits listed in Paragraph 302.2.3 of the
• ANSI B31.3 : American National Standard (Process piping) Refinery Piping Code.
• ANSI B31.1 : American National Standard (Power Piping)
• ASTM OR JIS : American Society for Testing Material Equivalent
(Material Specification)

ATTACHMENT-3 Halaman : A3- 3 dari 40 ATTACHMENT-3 Halaman : A3- 4 dari 40

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Design Temperature d) Discharge piping of a direct acting steam pump, not protected by a
pressure relief valve, shall be designed for the stalling pressure of
the pump.
The fluid temperature for determining pipe rating shall be the design e) Piping leaving the process battery limit area shall be designed for
temperature of connected equipment, except that where one piece of a closed valve outside the area.
equipment is obviously overrated, it shall not govern.
Lines with two ratings.
Steam Traced Piping
Where a line with a lower rating connects to piping or equipment
Design temperature for steam traced piping will be the fluid with a higher rating, such line shall be rated at the higher rating
temperature steam tracing shall be provided on all lines, Equipment, (and shall be the same material as the line of the higher rating) to
Instrumentation etc., where under expected ambient temperature, and including the first block valve or, when double block valves are
freezing, solidification, rise in viscosity or separation of fluid or used, to and including the second block valve. Block valves on both
condensation of water in corrosive gas will occur. sides of a control valve and the by - pass valve shall all be rated at
the same specification as the line with the higher rating.
Low Temperature Piping
Design temperature for piping with a fluid operating temperature Vacuum Systems
below − 29°C is the normal fluid operating temperature. In addition, Design pressure for piping systems operating under vacuum shall be
design will be suitable for the design pressure at 38°C. The piping full vacuum. Exception maybe taken where suitable protection
materials selected for design temperature below − 29°C could be used against full vacuum is provided.
for upset temperatures, providing that the maximum permissible
stress is limited to 10% of the allowable stress at 38°C and that the Loads Affecting Piping Stresses
line is located such that it would not be susceptible to brittle fracture Allowable stress values will apply to total loads imposed on piping
due to impacts or other exterior forces. materials. Design will provide for all loading significantly affecting pipe
Design Pressure materials stresses. See sections 310.4 through 301.7 of Refinery Piping
Code for loading, in addition to fluid pressure which may affect piping
Definition stresses.
Except for boiler Code Piping (ASME Section 1) the design pressure
is the most severe condition of internal or external fluid pressure, 4. MATERIALS
subject to conditions of section 3.1 above. The design pressure for
Boiler Code Piping will be established in strict accordance with the
Piping Materials Specification
Code for Power Piping ANSI B3.1.1. The Piping Materials Specification will include individual Line Service
Material Classes. The specification will show in detail pipe, valve,
Minimum Design Pressure flange, fitting, bolting, gasket, branch connection and other specific
Design pressure for determining pipe rating shall be the maximum material requirements for various classes of fluid, vapour, and
pressure based on the following: temperature and pressure services.
a) Design pressure of the equipment to which it is connected.
b) Set pressure of the pressure relief valve which protects the Corrosion Allowances
system. A reduction of no greater than 10% of the specified corrosion allowance
c) Discharge piping of a centrifugal pump, for cases where the is permitted in the case where a pipe of the next higher schedule or
discharge can be blocked in and is mot protected by a pressure standard thickness can be avoided to satisfy the specified corrosion
relief valve, shall be designed for the largest of the following: allowance. If the corrosion allowance on the pipe class is referred to as a
1. 1.25 times the rated pump differential plus the pressure at the minimum, then this 10% reduction is not permitted.
pump suction (When equipment upstream of the suction is at
its design or relieving pressure). Wall Thickness
2. 1.10 times rated pump discharge pressure (gage)

ATTACHMENT-3 Halaman : A3- 5 dari 40 ATTACHMENT-3 Halaman : A3- 6 dari 40

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.3.1 Wall thickness shown in the Piping Material Specification 6.1.5 Relative elevations of pipe racks will be set to provide
will be satisfactory for the most severe pressure - sufficient clearance between lines at intersections.
temperature conditions within limits indicated. Where
6.1.6 Flat turns at changes in direction will be avoided on elevated
mechanical loads increase stresses above those due to pipe racks.
internal or external pressure, appropriate reinforcement will
be added. 6.1.7 Dead ends and pockets in pipe run will be avoided.
4.3.2 The following minimum thickness, excluding corrosion 6.1.8 All process piping within plot limits will be carried overhead
allowance, shall be used: where practicable.
Pipe Size Minimum Thickness 6.1.9 No process lines should be under ground or in trenches.
1/2” thru 4” 0.065” (1.7 mm) 6.1.10 Offplot piping between units will be run on overhead pipe
6” thru 12” 0.09” (2.3 mm) racks, where practicable cooling water lines will be run under
14” thru 24” 0.12” (3.0 mm) ground.
6.1.11 Overhead lines in acid, caustic or other corrosive services will
5. PIPE SIZING not have flanged joints located above access ways or platforms.
Overhead flanged joints in these services will be fitted with a
5.1 Piping will be sized for normal operating conditions. Provision for plastic shield.
future increased capacity will be made, only when specifically required.
5.2 Piping smaller than 3/4 inch will not be used except in instrument and Piping Flexibility
steam tracing services, auxiliary services such as pump cooling, or any 6.2.1 Piping will be designed with sufficient flexibility to absorb
other special requirements as specified by process. any excessive stresses. Anchors, stops or guides will be used
5.2. Pipe sizes 1 − 1/4”, 2 − 1/2”, 3 1/2” − 5”, 7” and 9” will not be used except to direct considered between flange and outside of insulated
where equipment connections are these sizes. In such cases, surface.
transitions to other commercial pipe sizes will be made as close as 6.2.2 Expansion loops will be used to absorb excess stresses where
possible to the equipment connection. the normal pipe routing is too stiff.

6. PIPING DESIGN AND LAYOUT 6.2.3 Expansion bellows might be used in special cases but with
prior approval by the owner. All lines will be designed in
Piping Routing compliance with ANSI B31.3.
Piping will be arranged in an orderly manner and routed as directly as Critical Piping
practical, preferably in established banks or pipe racks, as follows:

6.1.1 Piping on elevated racks will run at different elevations 6.3.1 Where dynamic loading, minimal flow conditions, or other
designated for north - south and east - west banks, and will severe service conditions apply, piping will be carefully
change elevation when changing direction. designed and checked to ensure that its size, configuration,
6.1.2 Access side and piping side shall be considered separately, mechanical strength, supports and restraints will prevent
ladders, manholes, instruments etc., shall be installed at the excessive stress, pressure drop, vibration or noise.
access side. a) Dynamic loading might be expected when pulsating flow
6.1.3 In the platform design, care shall be given to the location of (such as reciprocating compressors), high velocity flow,
manholes. Intervals of the platforms shall be 9,000 mm (max.) flashing fluid, fluctuating temperature or pressure, or
to 2,500 mm (min.). mechanical vibration (including wind) conditions exist.
6.1.4 Piping outside of main pipe racks will run parallel to main b) Limited pressure drop conditions might be expected in
pipe racks wherever possible. large vapour lines, heater transfer lines, reboiler circuits,

ATTACHMENT-3 Halaman : A3- 7 dari 40 ATTACHMENT-3 Halaman : A3- 8 dari 40

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pump suctions, and gravity plow lines. Such piping runs insulation. All bare piping will be laid directly on pipe rack or
will be routed as directly as practical. sleeper.
c) Other severe service include erosive corrosive, high or low
temperature or pressure conditions, or any fluids Underground Pipe
containing solids. Many such services will require special
6.6.1 Carbon steel pipe laid below ground will be adequately
materials and precautions.
protected, by wrapping with a suitable material in
accordance with specification.
Pipe spacing 6.6.2 The use of pipe trenches will be avoided in areas where
flammable gases heavier than air can collect.
Minimum spacing between pipes will be based on staggered flanges with at least 25 mm clearance
between outside of flange insulation on adjacent line. Piping without flanges will have 75 mm 6.6.3 Corrosion protection shall be applied to all piping to be
clearance between bare pipes or between insulation. (hot lines). (old lines & 100 mm between installed underground. (Approval by the owner).
insulation & other lines)
6.6.4 Corrosion protection shall comply with construction
Pipe supports, Anchors and Guides
6.6.5 Minimum earth cover for the underground process pipes,
6.5.1 All piping will be adequately supported and restrained so as such as closed drains for process liquid shall be as follows:
to prevent undue vibration, deflection, stresses or loads on
equipment. Piping will be supported from below in preference 600 mm − in process area
to hanging from above. 900 mm − under road crossing with protective sleeve
Consideration will not be given to the intermediate
supporting of smaller lines from larger. 7. VALVING
All pipe supports, guides etc. will be located on the Piping Valves
Arrangement drawing or the isometrics.
7.1.1 Operating and block valves will be provided in minimum
6.5.2 The support spans of horizontal piping and of vertical piping quantity consistent with good design and operating practice.
shall be as shown below:
7.1.2 Unless specifically required for operation, block valves will
1/2 in Maximum 3.5 m not be provided at vessel nozzles when both following
3/4 in Maximum 4.0 m conditions exist:
1 in Maximum 4.5 m
1 1/2 in Maximum 5.5 m a) Line to or from vessel could be blocked by valve located
2 in Maximum 6.0 m within 12 meters horizontal radius from vessel surface.
3 in Maximum 7.0 m b) No undrainable liquid pocket in line between vessel and
4 in Maximum 8.0 m valve.
6 in Maximum 9.0 m 7.1.3 No block valve will normally be provided in lines or at vessel
8 in Maximum 10.0 m nozzles for services as follows:
10 in Maximum 11.0 m a) Vapour lines to condenser
12 in and over Maximum 11.0 m b) Liquid and vapour lines to and from thermal syphon
6.5.3 Pipe shoes c) Lines from condensers to accumulators
All insulated lines 2” and above will be run on 100 mm high shoes 7.1.4 Block valves will be provided at all 1½” and smaller
(min.). Cold insulation shoes will be strap - on type outside of connections at equipment.

ATTACHMENT-3 Halaman : A3- 9 dari 40 ATTACHMENT-3 Halaman : A3- 10 dari 40

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.1.5 Valves in suction and discharge lines at pumps shall be sized drain both ways, and shall be located at edge of pipe way for
as follows: access by ladder and platform.
a) Suction valve size and strainer size are same as Globe valves shall be installed so as to close against the
line size where pump nozzle is same or one size pressure.
smaller than the line.
7.2.3 For steam and utilities to each process unit block valves shall
b) One size smaller than the line for the suction line
be installed near header line.
valve where the suction connection on the pump is
two or three sizes smaller than the line.
c) Where the pump discharge connection line is larger Unit block valves
than the pump discharge its check valve, if
Block valves will be fitted on unit side of plot limit to all overhead and
required, and shutoff valve shall be one size larger
underground lines entering or leaving unit. Drain valve will be fitted on
than the discharge connection on the pump.
unit side of block valve.
7.1.6 Valves shall be installed so that the stems are not below
horizontal positions. Locked open or car seal open valves Double Block and Bleed Valves
shall have their stems in the horizontal position. Double block and bleed valves will not be used except as follows:
7.1.7 In the case of horizontal stems, the elevation of the valve a. Where necessary to prevent contamination of product.
center shall not exceed 1,800 mm from grade or the operating b. To prevent freezing of valve on vent or drain due to vaporization of
floor. light hydrocarbon.
c. At pump vents where vent is to closed system.
7.1.8 In cases where the center of valves 3 inch and larger are
elevated 1,800 mm or above from grade or the operating Line Vents and Drains
floor, operating steps shall be provided or chain wheels shall Line vents and drains fall into two categories, operating and non-
not be used for valves 2½ in. and smaller. operating.
7.1.9 In the case of the vertical stems, the handle elevations shall a) Operating vents and drains for equipment and piping will be valved
be 1,400 mm maximum from the operating floor as a rule. If and plugged and shown on the piping and instrument diagrams. ( P
this is exceeded, operating steps shall be provided. & ID).
b) Non - operating vents and drains will conform to the following:
7.1.10 In the case of valves located below platforms, if their hand
∗ In hazardous services, such as hydrogen, chlorine gas, etc., vent
wheels do not extend beyond the platform floors, extension
and drain connections will be provided only when it is not possible
stems shall be used.
to vent or drain through operating pipe runs.
7.1.11 For case of valve operation, optimum elevations shall be ∗ Systems for air and inert gas, will not require high point vent
selected by referring to Appendix 1 “Valve Installation connections on piping.
Guide” attached hereto and all valves and their hand wheels ∗ All other services will have vent and drain connections provided
shall be located at the specified elevation. at the high and low points of the piping system to facilitate
maintenance and hydrostatic testing. (The vents and drains will
not be shown on piping and instrument diagrams). Generally
Header Block Valves vents and drains are to be 3/4” vents plugged, drains valved and
7.2.1 Branch line block valves from pipe rack headers will be plugged.
provided in primary branch lines serving groups of lines to
equipment, except where the main header may be shut off
without affecting unit operation in the event of failure in
branch line.
7.2.2 All block valves uses in branch lines at headers, shall be
located in horizontal runs, at high points, so that lines will

ATTACHMENT-3 Halaman : A3- 11 dari 40 ATTACHMENT-3 Halaman : A3- 12 dari 40

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For operating For hydrostatic test b) The minimum clearance between pipes which have expansion and
construction shall be determined on a case by case basis.
Carbon and Alloy steel
Alloy steel
c) The minimum clearance between valve hand wheels shall be 75 mm.
Carbon steel

Chain Operated Valves

By P and I Diagram
Operating valves with bottom of handwheel over 2000 mm above actual
3/4” Gate valve
Blind Flange grade or platform will be chain operated. Chain should not hang in
Screwed plug walkway or access area and will terminate approx. 1000 mm above
grade or platform. Chain operators will not be used for screwed valves or
Carbon steel Alloy steel Carbon steel Alloy steel any valve 1 − 1/2” and smaller.
Screwed plug Blind flange Screwed plug Blind flange
3/4 in
coupling 8.1 Operational blinds will be provided where process requirements indicate
that part of the unit may logically be idle during operation of rest of
By P and I diagram
8.2 All lines entering or leaving process unit limits will be provided with
operational blinds as follows:
Sample Connections
8.2.1 No blinds will be required on Air, LP steam, (3 Kg/cm2) water
Sample connections will be located for easy access from grade (grade
and lines containing non-toxic materials.
preferred) or fixed platform.
8.2.2 Blinds will be provided on unit side of block valve on all
Valve Access overhead and underground process lines MP and HP steam
Type of Access Required lines and all lines containing toxic material. All blinds will be
complete with jack screws.
Gra Fixed Portable fixed Potable
de platforms platform or ladder ladder 9. RELIEF AND BLOWDOWN PIPING
scaffold 9.1 The relief header shall not be pocketed. Where this requirement cannot
Operating valves Yes Yes No No No be met, a drain line discharging to a knockout pot shall be provided.
Operating valves 9.2 Pressure relief valve tail pipes shall be self-draining to the relief header
(1 1/2) smaller Yes Yes No No No or other designation. When this is not possible, a check valve and
Non - operating continuous self drain to an accumulator shall be provided. The
valves * * No Yes No accumulator shall be vented to the flare system or to a safe location.
Non - operating
valves (1 1/2” and 9.3 Relief valves shall be placed at locations nearest to the vessels and lines
* * No Yes No which they are intended to protect.
In cases where gas discharged from relief valves is to be passed to the
Minimum Clearance between Pipes and Valves atmosphere, and if the open end of its discharge piping is elevated above
the relief valves, a 10 mm dia. weep hole shall be provided at the lowest
a) For non - insulated piping, minimum clearance between pipes shall point of the discharge piping for draining purposes.
be min. 25 mm between flange and outside diameter of pipe and Connections to flare headers shall be made as shown below:
outside diameter of adjacent pipe. For insulated piping, the clearance
shall be considered between flange and outside of insulated surface.

ATTACHMENT-3 Halaman : A3- 13 dari 40 ATTACHMENT-3 Halaman : A3- 14 dari 40

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Steam Traps
10.2.1 Steam traps will be provided at low points and drip legs of
steam lines.
10.2.2 Steam traps will be discharged to a lower pressure steam or
condensate system (all steam traps will be accessible from
1 ½ in. and smaller 2 in. and larger grade or platform).
10.2.3 Valves will be provided on each side of trap for trap removal
The discharge line of relief valve shall be adequately supported against
on closed systems. By pass around steam trap will be
reaction forces.
9.4 When pressure relief valves discharge vapors to the atmosphere, the
10.2.4 A strainer will be installed up-stream of each trap, if trap
vent line shall terminate at least 3 meters above equipment or any
does not have a built-in strainer.
service platform located within a radius of 12 meters of the valve. Such
valves shall be located at the highest practical elevation on vertical Steam-out Connections
10.3.1 Steam out connections will be required for purging vessels
9.5 When pressure relief valves discharge steam to the atmosphere, the vent and pipelines containing hydrocarbon and hazardous fluid.
line shall terminate at least 3 meters above any service platform located
within approximately 7.6 meters of the valve. A 10 mm diameter weep 10.3.2 Steam-out connections will be not less than 1 inch. dia.
hole for drainage at low point of discharge line shall be provided. 10.3.3 Where temporary type connections are used, the hose length
9.6 A block valve located between the equipment protected and the relief for servicing connection will not exceed 15 meters.
valve will conform to applicable codes and the block valve noted as
“Locked open” on the piping and instrument diagram.
Utility stations
10.4.1 Utility stations at grade, consisting of air, steam and water
9.7 Small relieves, protecting blocked- in process piping or equipment
(Nitrogen, if necessary), will be located throughout the
against fluid thermal expansion will discharge to a suitable drain or
operating area of each process unit, so that a 15 meters
closed blowdown system.
length of hose will service any point in the area.
9.8 Flare or blow down headers shall have a slope of min. 1/1000 towards a
10.4.2 Additional utility hose connections will be supplied at tower
knock out vessel.
platforms for manholes and elevated structures, as required.
10. SERVICE PIPING These utility stations will be shown on Piping and
Instrument Diagrams.
Steam Piping 10.4.3 Utility stations will be installed in such a manner, so that
10.1.1 Piping to be designed for complete condensate removal. Drip they remain in operation during a unit shutdown.
legs shall be provided at all low points and dead ends. 10.4.4 Header block valves to be located in vertical section will be
10.1.2 Branch connections will be made from the top of the headers. installed at minimum distance from header.
10.1.3 Block valves will be installed in the horizontal run of each
sub-header to group of common users. (Also see para. 7.2.2). Water System Piping
10.1.4 Steam condensate header shall be horizontal or have a slope Cooling water branches 2” and below will be taken from top of header.
to condensate drum to avoid steam hammer. Block valves will be installed in the horizontal run of each branch line to
group of common users. (Also see para. 7.2.2)

ATTACHMENT-3 Halaman : A3- 15 dari 40 ATTACHMENT-3 Halaman : A3- 16 dari 40

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Plant air System Piping
Location of Control Valves
Air piping system will be designed for good drainage. Drain valves will
be provided at the low points of systems. Branch connection will be a) Control valves will be located at grade or an conveniently
taken from top of header. accessible platforms. Their locations will be consistent with their
function and with convenience of plant operation. In general, they
Instrument Piping will be located in sight of instruments or indicators showing
variables they control.
Control Valve Manifolds
b) Control valves in flashing service will be located as far
a) Where required control valves will be supplied with block valves downstream in the line as possible whilst complying with the
located up and down stream of control valve and a valved by-pass requirements.
installed to ensure continuous operation.
b) Bleed valves will be located between upstream block valve and
High Pressure Drop at Control Valves
control valve unless job requirements dictate otherwise. Where high pressure drop conditions exist across control valves, high
c) Valves at control valve manifold shall be sized in accordance with fluid velocities with extreme noise levels could be expected. Piping
the following table, unless otherwise shown on the P & I Diagram subjected to these conditions will be carefully analyzed and designed
(all dimension are in inches): to ensure that its size and configuration downstream of the valve
prevents excessive vibration and noise.
Control Valve line size Block By-pass valve
size valve size size Level Instruments
3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
a) Location
3/4, 1 1 1 1
All level instruments will be accessible from grade, platform or
3/4, 1, 1 − 1/2 1 − 1/2 1 − 1/2 1
ladder. Their location will be consistent with function and with
3/4 2, 3, 4 2 1
convenience of plant operation.
1 1 1 1
Drain piping to sewer for level float gages shall be provided.
1 1½ 1½ 1½
b) Strong Backs (Bridle)
1½ 1½ 1½ 1½
Where the BRIDLE are provided for external level instruments,
1½ 2, 3, 4 2 2
their minimum pipe size will be flanged connections 2” x 300 Lb.
2 2 2 2
(min.) to equipment. The bridle size shall be 3 inch. Diameter
2 3, 4, 6 3 3
2½ 3, 4, 6 3 3
3 3 3 3 Orifice Runs
3 4, 6, 8 4 4
4 4 4 4 a) The instruments shall be located at such a place that operation,
4 6, 8, 10 6 6 inspection or maintenance of equipment shall not cause damage
5 (6” flanges) 6, 8, 10, 12 6 6 to instrument.
6 6 6 6 b) Orifice shall be installed in a horizontal pipe run as a rule. When
6 6 6 6 it is difficult to find sufficient straight length on horizontal
6 8, 10, 12 8 8 piperun. Orifice maybe installed in a vertical pipe run with flow
8 8 8 8 downwards for liquid, gas and steam.
8 10, 12 10 10
10 10 10 10 Note:
10 12, 14 12 12 Vertically installed orifice meters should be avoided as much as
possible. Need owner’s approval for vertical orifice runs.
When reducers are used, the maximum reduction shall not be greater
than two nominal line sizes per reducer.

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c) The minimum straight pipe length required for orifice location larger may have a welded connection to the vessel, except
both upstream and downstream shall be determined according to where flanges are required for maintenance or blinding.
instrument design specification. Vertical lines down column or vessels will have a minimum
d) Orifice tap location shall be horizontal for all services. For dry gas of 300 mm clearance from outside of shell to back of pipe.
the taps shall be vertical. Orifices for two way flow shall be When vessel is insulated a minimum clearance of 150 mm
counter bored. will allowed between back of pipe and insulation except
where flanges are requested for maintenance blinding or
Instrument Access Table hydrostatic test.
Instrument Access requirements will be provided in accordance with 11.1.2 Draw − off Boots
the following table.
Draw − off boots on elevated horizontal vessels will be
Portable extended a reasonable amount to place the centers of gauge
ladder Fixed Fixed glass and level controller not over 1500 mm from grade,
Type of instrument required for
from ladder platform platform, or ladder access.
& resistance No Yes Yes Yes Exchanger Piping
bulbs Process and water piping to shell and tube exchangers will be arranged
Test thermowells Yes No Yes Yes to permit easy removal of shell covers, channel covers, channels and
Dial thermo - Yes No Yes Yes bundles. Adequate clearance will be allowed for mobile handling
meters equipment. Piping must be adequately supported such that bundles can
Pressure gauges Yes No Yes Yes be removed without use of additional supports.
Level gauges / Yes No Yes Yes
level transmitter Water Lines
Piping will be arranged where practical, and check valves properly
Portable located, so that water remains in all units on loss of cooling water
Type of instrument ladder Fixed Fixed supply.
required for
from ladder platform
grade Thermowells
Transmitters (blind or When thermowell connections cannot be provided on exchanger inlet
indicating incl. sensing Yes No Yes Yes and outlet nozzles, they will be installed on adjacent piping.
Field switches (alarm No Yes Yes Yes
and control) Air Cooled exchanger Piping
Control valves and Yes No No Yes 11.3.1 Provision will be made for balanced flow and pressure drop
other final control for inlet piping to a heat exchanger made up of multiple bays.
Analytical and other Yes No No Yes Possible two phase flow will be considered.
special instruments
11.3.2 Split Header Bundles
Piping connections to split header bundles will incorporate
11. EQUIPMENT PIPING necessary flexibility to accommodate the anticipated
movement produced by differential temperature within the
Vessel and Column Piping bundle. (Forces and movements at nozzles will not exceed
11.1.1 Piping at columns will be located radically about the column those allowed by the equipment manufacturer).
on the pipeway side, manways and platforms on the access
side. Overhead vapour lines and similar connections 18” and

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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pump and Turbine Piping suction and discharge of all pumps, the discharge valve being
located downstream of the check.
Pump Suction Piping
b) When a positive displacement pump is not equipped with a built -
Pump suction piping will be arranged with particular care to avoid in relief valve, a relief valve will be installed in the discharge
unnecessary pressure drop and vapour pockets. Concentric reducers piping between the pump nozzle and the first block valve and will
will be used where size changes are necessary in pump suction lines. normally discharge into the pump suction line.
Eccentric reducers will be used only where inverted pockets cannot
otherwise be avoided. Compressor Piping
Pumps with side suction or double suction impellers and discharge
nozzle shall have 3 diameters length of straight pipe upstream of Suction Piping
suction nozzle.
a) Centrifugal compressor suction piping will be designed to ensure that the configuration of
Access to Pumps and Turbines the piping and the length of straight pipe at inlet nozzle is adequate and does not adversely
affect the compressor performance.
Piping at pumps and turbines will be arranged to avoid interference
with operation or maintenance access. Removable spool piece will be b) Piping will be run to avoid the possibility of trapping or collecting liquid. If this is not
provided as appropriate, such as at end suction pump inlets, to practical then knock - out equipment will be installed subject to owners approval.
permit maintenance without major piping disassembly.
Vibration (reciprocating Compressor)
Weight and thermal Stress
a) Particular consideration will be given to design of piping subject to vibration from dynamic
Suitable supports or anchors will be provided so that excessive loading associated with reciprocating compressors. Volume bottles maybe provided as
weight and thermal stresses are not applied to the casings. Careful required.
design consideration will be given to piping configuration to minimize
b) Suction and discharge piping will be run on sleepers at grade, if at all possible. This
these stresses. (Forces and moments are not to exceed those allowed
arrangement will permit simple and effective supports of the lines to reduce vibration.
by the equipment manufacturers).
c) Suction and discharge lines will be supported independently of the compressor shelter.
If grade level supports are required at pumps, compressors or
turbines they will be installed on an integral extension of the Removable Piping for Maintenance
equipment foundation, to avoid differential settlement.
Removable spool pieces will be provided at compressors where needed to permit maintenance
Suction and inlet strainers for pumps and compressors without major piping disassembly.
Strainers shall be installed on the suction side of all pump and
compressors before start - up. They shall be located between the Direct Fired Heater Piping
suction flange of the equipment and the block valved.
Strainers shall be the following type: Inlet and Outlet Process Piping
a) Permanent (T - type) strainers shall be provided for all cases
where suction valve is 4 inches or larger, and in all cases where a) Preference will be given to the inlet piping to heater, being symmetrical, and of the same
length, with similar fittings, from the point where the flow splits at the heater inlets.
ram connections or steam tracing are required at the suction spool
b) Symmetry of outlet piping from heaters is not so critical, however non symmetrical piping
pieces. may contribute to the uneven heating and possible cooking up and overheating of tubes.
b) Temporary (cone - type) strainers shall be provided for all cases Consideration shall be given to the symmetry of heater outlet piping.
where the suction valve is 6 inches or smaller.
Burner and Snuffing Steam Piping at Fired Heaters
Pump Valves
Burner piping will be kept clear of all access and observation openings. Space required for tube
a) Check valves will be installed in the discharge line of each maintenance will be kept free of all piping. Piping to the burners will be made using break
centrifugal and rotary pump. Block valves will be installed in the flanges or other specified means to provide for easy and convenient removal of burners for

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maintenance. Piping will be located to maintain a minimum 1.9 meters clear under the heater. In 12.1.3 Pumps
general, burner piping will conform to the following requirements:
To minimize damage to overhead electrical, instrument and
a) Take - off connections will be made from the top of the steam and gas headers and piping piping runs in the event of fire, pumps handling auto ignition
arranged for equal flow distribution. Condensate legs, knockout pots or other approved flammable materials will be located outboard of overhead
methods for the collection and elimination of condensate will be provided. Burner pipe pipe racks. Pumps not handling flammable materials can
valving will be accessible when viewing through peephole.
also be located in the same manner to maintain a uniformity
b) Snuffing steam manifold will be located 15 meters min. from furnace. of location.
12.1.4 In pump locations when continuous outriggers are used in an
Storage Tank Piping overhead pipe rack, the pump discharge nozzle will be
located 1000 mm (min.) from the outside edge of the
a) Pipelines inside the dike of tanks shall take the shortest possible outrigger.
route to the main pipe rack or pipe sleeper, with appropriate
allowances for expansion and contraction. 12.1.5 In pump locations when no outriggers are used in an
b) Piping shall be arranged so as to be able to absorb nozzle overhead pipe rack the pump discharge nozzle be located
displacement by tank settlement, or piping displacement by tank 1500 mm (min.) from the center line of the pipe rack column.
settlement or piping displacement caused by nozzle rotation due to 12.1.6 Piping layout around Pumps
tank side enlargement. a) Strainers shall be provided for suction lines.
c) Pipelines penetrating through dikes shall have adequate protection 4 in. and over − “T” type strainers.
for external corrosion. (Same diameter, butt weld end or flange end).
d) Pipelines passing through dike shall be considered for expansion and 3 in. and less − “Y” type strainers (Flanged end)
possible movement of the lines. Pipe stopper or anchor shall be b) Maximum efforts shall be made to locate the piping at the
provided. pump side for ease of maintenance work.


The primary consideration in arrangement of units and equipment will Suction if the valve size is
be to provide on economical facility, safe and easy to operate and large and handling
location is high
maintain. The arrangement shall favour compactness and integrated
disposition of units and equipment. Additional space for future needs
will be provided only where specifically requested by job specification.
All applicable national, state or local codes will be observed when
laying out the plant.
12.1.1 Equipment layout (General) Routing
Access requirements, clearances, etc., listed under
paragraphs 13.0 and 14.0 are minimum standards which will
be considered to be good practice.
12.1.2 Buildings
Buildings comprising of more than one floor, will be provided
with adequate access openings in floors, or walls, to enable c) Supports
equipment from the upper floors to be lowered, by means of All supports shall be of the adjustable type.
overhead lifting gear, down to grade level for removal by
truck for maintaining.

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d) Strainers to be used for reducers in cases where the size of
the pump nozzles and line are different, small not be of
unequal diameter but of the same diameter.

Adjustable supports shall be used.

Ecc Red Single or double shall be in
To F accordance with stress calculation.

Strainer in

Spacing between Facilities

12.2.1 In process areas the process units will be located a minimum
of 15 meters apart, (battery limit to battery limit).
12.2.2 In Off - plot Tankage Areas storage tank clearances will
conform with IFPA, the NFPA and “Institute of Petroleum
Model Code of Safe Practical” Part 3 REFINING SAFETY
CODE and part 9 liquefied petroleum gas safety code.
12.2.3 In Tank Dike enclosures the walls of a dike area will be of 12.3.1 A bridge or gantry will be provided for unobstructed access
earth, steel, concrete or solid masonry and be liquid tight to for a mobile crane to permit easy removal of compressor
withstand a full hydrostatic head. components.

12.2.4 Size, height and access of dikes will conform to the codes in 12.3.2 Shelters will be provided for protection of equipment and
12.2.2 and it is preferred that tanks have at least one side personnel. If a mobile crane is to be used for removal of
adjacent to an access road. compressor components, shelter roofing and sheeting will be
designed in removable sections.
12.2.5 Maximum height of dike (Bund wall) on outside is to be 1,5
12.4.1 Vertical vessels will be placed on a common centerline
Large compressors will be elevated sufficiently to permit piping and parallel to the main pipe rack, unless design conditions
auxiliaries to be located below operating platform. Small compressors dictate otherwise.
will be grade mounted with piping and auxiliaries arranged for
convenient access and maintenance.

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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Maximum Available Dimension





Vapor Outlet Inlet


This Nozzle Shall
Liquit Outlet

Process Requirement
Per Flow Sheet
"D" LC "A"

Water Draw

12.4.2 Horizontal vessels will be located to minimize piping runs and where Normal "D" = B/2 + 9" ; Min. " = R/2, Max. "a" = L/5

practical, be lined up their tangent on a common locating line on the

pipe rack side of the unit. Under no condition will the vessel and its 12.4.3 Platforms shall be provided for access to all pressure relief
piping encroach into established operating of access aisles. valves. Lifting shall be provided for valves weighing more
Adequate room will be allowed for erection, access to drop areas, and than 100 pounds.
12.5.1 Shell and tube exchangers will be located with channel
nozzle center line away from pipe rack to facilitate tube
bundle removal. Under no condition will the vessel and its
piping encroach into established operating or access aisles.

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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12.5.2 For exchangers under drums or unit structure, the channel
end will be clear of overhead structures for handling of
channel end by mobile equipment.
12.5.3 Layout around Heat Exchanger
a) Spaces necessary and sufficient shall be considered for the
pull - out of tube bundles, removal of shell covers, etc., in
maintenance work.
b) Installing elevation are as below
Note: Foundation surfaces shall leveled where the heat
exchangers are to be placed in low point.

Bottom of pipe
Adequate supports shall be provided to lines around heat
Operating level
Min 400 mm
exchangers and drums. Data for these support are to be conveyed
to the civil engineers for their design work.

Air Coolers
c) Location of valves and orientation of thermometers Air coolers will be located so as to provide for safe and practical access
around heat exchangers. for operation and maintenance. They will be located in the equipment
areas or over pipeways. Air coolers will not be located over a potential
source of fire such as light ends pump or hot oil pump with stock at or
over its auto ignition point. Care will be taken to keep bare hot lines or
other hot equipment out from under the air intake to coolers and also to
prevent recirculation of heated air.

d) Piping Supports

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hydrocarbons will be located downwind of fired heaters
where practical to minimize the possibility of vapours being
carried toward open fire. Heater orientation and use of wind

boxes will be considered if operation is likely to be affected by
the maximum winds anticipated in the areas.






Fired Heaters and Boilers

12.7.1 Furnaces and boiler will be located near plot boundary for
easy access. Tube pulling will generally be by mobile crane.
Adequate dropout and swinging space will be provided.
External piping will be minimized at the tube pulling end of
equipment. Road access will also be provided at tube pulling
12.7.2 Where practical and economical, fired equipment will be
grouped together. Common stack (s) will be permitted when
they are more economical - however, dampers or suitable
barriers will be provided in individual ducting to the stack.
12.7.3 Prevailing winds will be considered, and vessels, pumps,
compressors and other equipment handling light

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12.8.1 Piperacks will be sized for present needs. This practice
assumes a contingency of 10 % at the outset of the job but
anticipates this may have been used up upon completion of
12.8.2 Piperacks will be generally overhead in units and at grade
between main plant subdivisions. Overhead pipe racks will
generally not be more than two levels high.


Overhead Clearances
Equipment, structures, platforms, piping, and its supports will be
arranged to provide the following minimum clearances.
∗ Over railroads, top of rail to bottom of any 6.7 meter
obstruction. (off site)
∗ Over plant roads for major mobile 6.7 meter
equipment. (main road)
∗ At pump row accessway, (under pipe rack) 3.5 meter
to nearest obstruction
∗ Over pumps and turbines, from high point 3.5 meter
of grade
∗ Pipe rack (with truck access). (Secondary 6.7 meter
∗ Overhead walkways, passageways and 2.1 meter
platforms, to nearest obstruction (Except
at dead ends), generally.
∗ At grade (seepers) 0. 3 meter
∗ Air cooler located over a process unit pipe 2.4 meter
rack minimum

Horizontal Clearances
Equipment, structures, platforms, piping and its supports will arranged
to provide the following minimum horizontal clearances.
∗ Fired heaters to pumps and other
flammable - containing equipment 15.0 meter
(exclusive of compressors).
∗ Fired heaters to equipment handling non - 8.0 meter
flammable liquids
∗ Fired heaters to compressor handling 30.5 meter
flammable vapours
∗ Minimum spacing between large 2.5 meter

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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
∗ Pumps to pump apart 3.0 meter 14.1.1 Platforms with Stair Access
∗ Pump to unit substation 15.0 meter
Platforms with stair access will be provided at provided at:
∗ Pump to main substation 30.0 meter
Points which will be serviced once or more per 8 hours shift
∗ Compressors handling flammable vapours 8.0 meter
(furnace firing platforms, boilers, etc.). Location serving
to non - associated process pumps, vessels,
mechanical equipment.
∗ Back of control panels 1.2 meter
∗ Operating Aisles 1.5 meter Platforms with Ladders Access
∗ At driver end pumps, where truck access is 1.5 meter Platforms with ladder access will be provided at:
not required.
∗ At driver end pumps, where truck access is 3.1 meter 14.2.1 Exchangers elevated in structures with centerline located 3.5
required. meters or more above grade.
∗ Under piperacks, between driver end of 4.5 meter 14.2.2 Points which require operating access less frequently than
pumps, where truck access is required once per 8 hours shift, including valves and motors etc.
∗ At shell cover end of exchangers at grade, 1.2 meter 14.2.3 Points requiring access for maintenance, including column
for access way nozzles or vessel manways, relief valves, removable heads or
∗ Maintenance platform at channel end of 1.2 meter covers, top flange or vertical reboilers, etc.
elevated exchanger Platforms will not be required for manways, when manway
∗ Maintenance platform at shell cover ends of 1.2 meter centerline elevation is under 3.5 meters from grade.
elevated exchanger 14.2.4 Air coolers, with interconnecting walkways provided to
∗ In front of manways 1.0 meter service valving fan motors and instrument.
∗ Minimum passageways at grade and on 1.0 meter 14.2.5 Platforms or chain operators need not be provided for valves
elevated platforms as follows:
∗ Between extremities, including piping of 1.0 meter a) Block valves on branch lines
adjacent pumps b) Bypass and block valves for control valves
∗ Oxygen manufacturing unit (if any) to 10.0 meter c) Level control valves and other automatically operated
equipment handling flammable materials valves
∗ Between extremities, including insulating 1.0 meter d) Block valves on utility main headers
of paired exchangers of vessels e) Block valves for heat exchangers
∗ Between piping and handrails, or between 1.0 meter f) Valves which installed only for construction purpose
other obstructions, where occasional access
is required for maintenance only
Dual Access Requirements
∗ Main substation to process battery limit 60.0 meter
Two means of access will be provided at:
a) Elevated platforms 3.0 meter or more above lack of such means
might prevent escape of personnel
14. PLATFORMS, STAIRS AND LADDERS (ACCESS AND b) Any platform serving fired process equipment
LAYOUT REQUIREMENTS) c) Any platform serving two or more pieces of maintained or operated
d) Large elevated structures, if any part of platforming has more than
23 meters of travel from a single access
General. e) Two means of escape access from air fans. Platforms are to be
Platforms, ladders and stairways will be designed and installed provided, maximum distance from any location to escape ladder will
consistent with access and safety requirements. Where feasible be 30 meters. there will be no dead ends of platform.
common supporting structures, ladders, walkways and foundations
will be utilitised.

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Ladder Requirements a) Plan drawing 1/30, 1/25
b) Each isometric drawing Non scale
14.4.1 Side access ladders are preferred to front access ladders
(b) Off - site Piping
14.4.2 The maximum straight run of ladder between landings
a) Plan drawing 1, 25, 1/30, 1/100, 1/250, 1/500
without offset is 9.0 meters
b) Partially detailed drawing Non scale
14.4.3 The maximum allowable slope of ladders from vertical 15
15. MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS English shall be used for the drawing

Size of drawings
15.1.1 Roads in the plant area shall be planned to realize pass
through of truck, truck crane, emergency vehicles, etc.
effectively. A: 842 mm x 1,189 mm : For plan drawing in principle
15.1.2 Plant road width shall generally be as follows unless B: 594 mm x 841 mm : For plan drawing supplementary
otherwise requested: C: 420 mm x 594 mm : Others
a) Plant main road connecting to plant boundary = 7.3 D: 297 mm x 420 mm : Each isometric drawing
meter (min.) E: 210 mm x 290 mm : support drawing specification and
b) Plant road between the plant unit = 6.0 meter others
15.1.3 For both sides of plant roads, free space of 1.0 meter. From
road edges shall be provided. But fire fighting Equipment
may be set in this area.
15.1.4 Concrete ditches shall be provided for rain water run off at
both sides of the road.

Fire protection
The layout and design of the plant should incorporate an overall fire
protection plan. NFPA - National Fire Protection Association will be
used as a guide to the general principals of good practice for fire


Process and Utility Unit

a) Plan and complete isometric drafting method shall be applied.
b) For pipe rack and sleeper, plan and partially detailed drafting
method shall be applied.
c) In each isometric drawing, the bill of materials shall be listed.

Scale shall be as follows:
(a) Process and utility unit

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Spesifikasi dari Analisa Kekakuan, yang berisikan : (Contoh)
1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
2 CODES, STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS REFERENCES ............................................................................ 2 1 INTRODUCTION
2.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS AND DOCUMENTS ......................................................................................................... 3 1.1 General
2.3 INTERNATIONAL CODES, STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS .................................................................................... 3 This Specification defines the minimum requirements for piping stress analysis to
3 DESIGN BASIS ............................................................................................................................................................ 3 be performed during design work for processing facilities plant to ASME B31.3 for
4 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................................................... 3 “SPECIAL COURSE TRAINING ON KEAHLIAN SISTEM PEMIPAAN AT
4.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
4.2 STRESS ANALYSIS METHODS ................................................................................................................................ 4
4.3 SELECTION CRITERIA ............................................................................................................................................ 4 1.2 Definitions
4.4 GRADE-A .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
4.5 GRADE-B............................................................................................................................................................... 5 Where "Code" is referred to in this specification, it is defined as the ASME B31
Code for Pressure Piping B31.3-Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping.
5 CALCULATION CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................................... 6
The following are the definitions of various terms used throughout the text of this
5.1 TEMPERATURE ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 document:
5.2 INSTALLATION TEMPERATURE .............................................................................................................................. 6
5.3 CALCULATION TEMPERATURE............................................................................................................................... 7 "Supports" - comprises the entire range of devices used to suspend, support, guide,
5.4 PRESSURE .............................................................................................................................................................. 7 anchor and restrain the movement of the various plant piping systems. Examples
5.5 OTHER CONDITIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 7
include hangers, restraints, guides, anchors, sway struts, shock and sway
6 CODE COMPLIANCE................................................................................................................................................ 8 suppressors, etc.
6.1 STRESS AND ALLOWABLE STRESS LIMITS ............................................................................................................. 8
6.2 ALLOWABLE LOADS ON EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................................... 8 "Hangers" - comprises all devices used to suspend a piping system and also
support the weight of the same. Examples include suspended rods, base type
7 STRESS ANALYSIS ISOMETRICS ......................................................................................................................... 9
support units, anchors, etc. Hangers are included in the more general term "pipe
8 STRESS ANALYSIS PROCEDURE & GUIDELINES ........................................................................................... 9 supports".
9 COMPUTER PROGRAMS ........................................................................................................................................ 9
"Restraints" - comprises all devices used to restrict or limit the free expansion of a
10 VIBRATION ANALYSIS.......................................................................................................................................... 10 piping system and yet support none of the weight. Examples include guides, sway
10.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 braces, sway struts and snubbers. Restraints are included in the more general
10.2 RECIPROCATING COMPRESSOR ............................................................................................................................ 10 term "pipe supports".
11 HAND CALCULATIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 10
12 DESIGN REPORT..................................................................................................................................................... 11
13. STRESS ANALYSIS CHECKING GRADE ............................................................................................................... 11 2.1 General
13.1 GENERAL PIPING FOR CARBON STEEL AND STAINLESS STEEL............................................................................. 11
13.2 PIPING IS CONNECTED TO ROTATING EQUIPMENT, AIR FIN COOLER, FIRE HEATER ................................................ 12
The following applicable sections of the latest edition of the code and standards,
13.3 PIPING IS CONNECTED TO OTHER STATIC EQUIPMENT .......................................................................................... 12 including addenda and referenced documents, project’s specification shall form an
integral part of this specification. Where the requirement of the subject is defined
by two or more references, the more stringent reference shall govern.

ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT-4 Halaman: A4- 2 dari 12

The materials shall be designed, manufactured, inspected and tested in structural integrity of each piping system under the load conditions
accordance with the requirements of this specification, the referenced project they will be subjected to during the lifetime of the piping.
documents, the data sheets and other documents referenced therein.
(2) The piping shall be analyzed for effects due to pressure, weight and
The Codes, Standards and Regulations which follow are the industry codes and
other sustained loads, and displacement loads in accordance with
standards normally referenced for this type of supply. All supplied deliverables
ASME B31.3.
shall conform with all relevant national regulations and local codes and
regulations. (3) Piping flexibility shall be provided by changes of direction in the
piping using bends, loops or offsets. Expansion joints may be used
2.2 Project Specifications and Documents when space or pressure drop limitations do not permit pipe bends,
Project Spec. General Specification for Piping including Pipeline but the use shall be limited.
Project Spec. Piping Material Specification including Line Pipe (4) Directional line stops and guides shall be used to protect terminal
equipment or to direct expansion into bends, expansion loops and
2.3 International Codes, Standards and Regulations
expansion joints. Pipe guides shall be used to limit excessive
The following code and standard shall be applied unless otherwise specified. displacement due to wind that may cause excessive stresses in the
ASME Code: piping system, and to prevent buckling of long piping runs.
B31.3 Process Piping (5) The piping stress analysis shall include the movements of connected
ASME VIII Div 1/2 ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) equipment calculated at operating condition.

Other Code : (6) A formal computer analysis need not be performed on some of the
API 560 Fired Heaters for General Refinery Service piping systems, provided they meet one of the following requirements
API 610 Centrifugal Pumps for General Refinery Services :
API 611 or 612 General or Special Purpose Steam Turbine • Piping systems which are duplicates, or are revised without
API 616 Combustion Gas Turbines for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas significant changes of successfully operating operations (ASME
Industry Service B31.3, Paragraph 319.4.1(a))
API 617 Centrifugal Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas • Piping systems which can be readily judged adequate by
Service comparison with previously analyzed systems (ASME B31.3,
API 618 Reciprocating Compressors for General Refinery Services
Para, 319.4.1(b))
API 619 Rotary Positive Displacement Compressor
API Std-650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage
4.2 Stress Analysis Methods
API 661 Air Cooled Heat Exchanger for General Services
API Std-676 Positive Displacement Pumps—Rotary All piping on the project will be checked for sustained, occasional, thermal and
NEMA SM-23 Steam Turbine for Mechanical Drive Services Construction loads, using one of the following three methods:
ASCE-7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings & Other Structures (Wind
Loads) - Computer formal analysis (with Caesar II software) method
- Hand calculations or
3 Design basis - Visual inspection
For design basis requirements and for site conditions requirements refer to 4.3 Selection Criteria
Specification for Environmental and Site Data
A mandatory investigation of piping systems shall be conducted which meet the
4 Design requirements following selection criteria for formal computer analysis, other lines will be
qualified by hand calculations/visual inspection. The Contractor is allowed to
4.1 General utilize his judgment in regards to not formally analyzing lines that meet this
1) All piping systems shall be evaluated and analyzed in order to ensure criterion or by analyzing lines that do not meet this criterion after reviewing the
the safe operation of the piping and interfacing equipment and actual piping layouts. The piping systems, regardless of operating temperature or
structures by verifying the functional, pressure-retaining, and pressure, will be visually inspected using piping drawings/isometrics to determine
that adequate flexibility exists so as to prevent over-stress or fatigue. The

ATTACHMENT-4 Halaman: A4- 3 dari 12 ATTACHMENT-4 Halaman: A4- 4 dari 12

Contractor will locate supports and restraints to provide stability and prevent (m) Gas or vapour lines in which liquid slugs may form and cause high
excessive pipe movement during any applicable load condition. The specific piping impact loads at valves, bends, tees and vessels.
systems shall be tracked via the stress analysis line status. (n) All Process Piping connected to pressure vessels designed to ASME
Piping systems shall be evaluated to determine which line requires stress Section VIII, Division 2, with operating temperature of 66°C
analysis. The criteria used to determine this are specified as below. (150°F) and over

4.4 Grade-A (o) Unbalanced piping configurations such as long runs of piping with a
short branch connected to an anchor
No formal analysis is required for the following piping system which:
(p) All underground process lines at design temperatures exceeding 38°C
(a) Those meet the requirements in Paragraph 319.4.1, ASME B31.3. (100°F) or design temperatures below 4°C (40°F).
(b) Those are reviewed and judged to have adequate flexibility according (q) All piping 3” and larger with ASME Class 900 flange rating and
to visual inspection or simplified methods by a senior piping or stress higher.
(r) Piping connected to equipment subject to significant thermal growth
4.5 Grade-B (due to differential temperature between operating and ambient
temperature x length or distance) such as pressure vessels.
Formal computerized comprehensive stress analysis done using Caesar II
software and nozzle load evaluation shall be performed for the following piping (s) Other lines which could operate under particularly severe conditions:
systems: - Piping subject to highly cyclic temperature conditions (e.g. greater
(a) Pipe 4” and smaller with temperature over 260 °C than 7000 cycles during the operational life of the plant).
- Piping subject to short term variation such as steam out or purge
(b) Pipe 6” and larger with temperature over 204 °C and less than -73 piping.
°C - Piping subject to hot and cold conditions such as flare lines, stress
(c) Piping 16 in. diameter and larger calculation shall be conducted taking into consideration of both
hot and cold conditions.
(d) Lines having substantial concentrated loads such as valves fittings, - Pipe subject to hydraulic, hammer or high impact as a result of
unsupported vertical risers and branches valves closing quickly.
(e) Closed pressure relief system where the design temperature either - The piping effects of other conditions such as temperature
exceeds 200ºF (93 oC) or less than –73º F (-100 oC). It should be noted gradients that could cause thermal bowing or where piping is
that some piping, such as closed relief valve discharges to flare lines connected to equipment with significant thermal growth may
may not require analysis, if a standardized supporting scheme can be require analysis of a line
agreed upon
(f) Lines having local reduction in strength due to installation of special
fittings (If reducers, greater than one size change) 5.1 Temperature
(g) Piping 3" and larger connected to rotating equipment such as pumps, The temperature used in the piping stress analysis shall be the maximum
blowers, and compressors differential temperature between installation temperature and the calculation
(h) 3” and larger gas and/or steam turbine piping temperature.

(i) 3” and larger air fin cooler piping 5.2 Installation Temperature
(j) Piping to reciprocating pumps and compressors (3" and larger) The maximum or minimum ambient temperature shall be taken as installation
(k) Piping 3” NPS and larger connected to critical equipment such as fire temperature. This temperature is used as the datum for stress calculations,
heaters, air cooled heat exchangers thermal expansion, and pipe installation.

(l) Blowdown and flare header piping

ATTACHMENT-4 Halaman: A4- 5 dari 12 ATTACHMENT-4 Halaman: A4- 6 dari 12

5.3 Calculation Temperature
Differential settlement
(1) For general process and utility lines: The effect of foundation differential settlement on equipment and structures shall
Design temperature shall be taken to analyze the piping be considered.
displacement and stress range, and operating temperature shall be
taken to analyze the piping load. This temperature shall be as shown 5.5.3 Wind Load
in the Piping Line Designation Tables. Wind load shall be combined in accordance with ANSI A58.1. However, computed
load shall not be less than those specified by local Statutory Regulations. Wind
(2) For jacketed lines:
load analysis based on above shall be carried out on lines whose outside diameter
Operating temperature of heated line or heating medium
(including insulation) 14” and above connected to towers and columns. The
temperature, whichever is greater, shall be taken.
analysis shall include wind pressure or velocity profile of the piping at elevation
(3) For those lines with no flow, such as piping connected to a spare 10 m and above from the datum level. Effect of wind shielding from other pipe-
pump, the following temperature shall be taken. However, when the work and structure can be considered as appropriate.
differential temperature is 100ºC (2120F) and lower, the "Hot-Cold"
case may not be analyzed. 5.5.4 Earthquake Effect
(a) For un-insulated lines: Installation temperature Earthquake Loads shall not be considered.
(b) For insulated lines: 50% of operating temperature
(c) For jacketed line: Heating medium temperature 6 CODE COMPLIANCE
(4) If a spare pump has a warm-up bypass, the operating temperature of 6.1 Stress and Allowable Stress Limits
the line shall be taken.
6.1.1 Basic Allowable Stress
(5) Steam out temperature or purge temperature.
Basic allowable stress values at predetermined temperatures shall be in
(6) Fire case temperature shall be considered as specified in the Line accordance with Appendix A in ASME B31.3.
Designation Table.
Longitudinal Stress
5.4 Pressure
The sum of longitudinal stresses (SL) in any component in a piping system due to
Design pressure shown in the Piping Line Designation Tables shall be taken as pressure, weight and other sustained loadings shall not exceed the basic allowable stress
the pressure for the calculation, unless otherwise specified. at maximum temperature (Sh)

5.5 Other Conditions 6.1.3 Displacement Stress Range

5.5.1 Friction Effects The calculated displacement stress range (SE) in a piping system for thermal
Friction effects shall be included in the thermal expansion and contraction expansion, contraction and anchor movements shall not exceed the allowable
analysis for lines 12” and above and all sizes lines connected to strain sensitive displacement stress range (SA) calculated by Equation 1a or 1b in Paragraph
equipment. Friction force shall be calculated based on the properties of the sliding 302.3.5, ASME B31.3 as the liberal stress allowable range.
surface and contact material.
The following static friction coefficient shall be used : 6.1.4 Stress Due To Earth Settlement
Stress due to settlement shall be limited so that harmful displacement of the
Contact Surface Friction Coefficient
piping system does not occur. The maximum displacement stress range due to
PTFE on PTFE 0.1 settlement in tank piping systems shall not exceed 3Sc where Sc is as defined in
Stainless Steel on PTFE 0.1 Paragraph 302.3.5, ASME B31.3. However, no special allowance shall be given for
Steel on Steel 0.3 any loads on nozzle and bolted flange connections.
Steel on Concrete 0.4
6.2 Allowable Loads on Equipment
Allowable nozzle loads for equipment and pressure vessels shall be in accordance
with the following Codes and Specification (otherwise specified by manufacturer):

ATTACHMENT-4 Halaman: A4- 7 dari 12 ATTACHMENT-4 Halaman: A4- 8 dari 12

a. Pressure Vessels : As Project Specification NAME OF PROGRAM ANALYSIS TYPE:
b. Centrifugal Pumps : API 610
Caesar II Static and Dynamic Pipe Stress Analysis
c. Centrifugal Compressors : API 617 Caesar II Nozzle loads on vessels in accordance with WRC-107
d. Steam Turbines : NEMA SM 23
Caesar II Nozzle loads on rotating equipment in accordance with NEMA and
e. Air Cooled Heat Exchangers : API 661 Applicable API Standards
Based on the stress analysis selection criteria, the Contractor shall prepare a
stress analysis line list. Preliminary analysis will be performed utilizing hand 10.1 General
drawn stress sketches. Stress isometrics will be prepared as system isometrics. The effect of vibration in piping systems shall be investigated where appropriate.
For analyzed lines,the acceptability of final fabrication isometrics will be made in Consideration shall be given to vibration directly or indirectly imposed upon
comparison to the final formal analysis piping by mechanical equipment.
The possibility of vibration from the flowing fluid shall be assessed with particular
8 STRESS ANALYSIS PROCEDURE & GUIDELINES emphasis applied to valves in continuous flow gas service where a large pressure
• Each isometric will be documented in a stress analysis line list and assigned a drop occurs, such as blow-down valves, anti-surge valves and Joule-Thompson
unique isometric number. process valves. Large pressure drop lines and pulsating flow lines shall be
• The locations and lengths of all valves must be accurately specified on the similarly investigated.
stress isometrics. If significant vibration is probable, the possibility of fatigue in the main piping
• All major structural columns and supports must be referenced dimensionally and components and in particular small-bore connections such as instruments,
on the stress isometrics. vents and drains shall be assessed. The design shall be modified as necessary to
• Each analysis will document piping, properties, valves, material, and others prevent the possibility of damage.
stress analysis input data pertaining to each problem. Additional restraints, hold-down supports or shock arrestors shall be considered in
• Valve dimensional data and weights must be obtained from the valve order to moderate vibration. Small bore branch connections such as instruments,
catalogues. It is necessary that the correct valve weights for each valve are vents and drains may require bracing to the header or re-routing in order to
obtained from the selected valve suppliers for input to the analysis of critical restrain the mass.
piping systems, such as lines to/from gas compressors and pumps, and any
piping system that requires spring hangers. 10.2 Reciprocating Compressor
• Rod hangers should be avoided in fireproofed areas or within 15 feet of grade. Frequently, an unbalanced mass in a
• Use of expansion joints shall be limited. reciprocating pump/compressor will
• Piping to be designed for differential settlement as defined by the civil design. induce harmful vibrations, especially if
Differential settlement assumptions shall be shown on the stress analysis the natural frequency (fn) of the piping
isometrics. to/from the compressor is very close to
• Lines, going to Battery Limits will be restrained to have negligible movements the compression strokes of equipment or
at an interface. unbalanced mass.
• Use teflon slide plates up to 350 deg F when the distance from the slide plates For all reciprocating gas compressors and pumps on the project, a natural
to the pipe is equal to or less than the thickness of the insulation. frequency of the piping system will be computed and the following criteria will be
• It is the Contractor's responsibility to assure proper support and analysis of required to be satisfied in order to avoid resonance in the system.
piping, where analysis shows support liftoff.
• Upset conditions will be utilized for analysis of piping systems, including If the criteria is not satisfied, relocation of pipe supports or redesign of piping
nozzle load qualification. The key is meeting the Code's requirement for configuration will be made to avoid resonance. Small diameter pipes should be
utilizing maximum/minimum pipe metal temperatures gusseted or braced back to main pipe to avoid fatigue


The computer programs listed below will be employed to perform the types of All original hand calculations related to flexibility analysis, branch reinforcement,
analysis shown : wall thickness and pipe support design will be properly documented.

ATTACHMENT-4 Halaman: A4- 9 dari 12 ATTACHMENT-4 Halaman: A4- 10 dari 12

12 DESIGN REPORT 13.2 Piping is connected to rotating equipment, air fin cooler, fire heater
After completion of pipe stress analysis and piping design related activities, a 316oC (600oF)
piping stress analysis report containing the following will be prepared and shall 260oC (500oF)
include, but not be limited to: 232oC (450oF)

204oC (400oF)

Cover Sheet o o
178 C (350 F)

Piping Data input (on stress isometric) 149 C (300oF)

Valve Data input (on stress isometric) 121oC (250oF) A

All Hand Calculations needed for Input 93oC (200oF)

Assumption and Judgment, if necessary 66oC (150oF)

Computer Sketch
o o
38 C (100 F)

Stress summary for code compliance (on stress isometric) SIZE < 1-1/2” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12 14” >16”

Nozzle load summary including equipment supplier defined limits -30oC (-20oF)
-46oC (-50oF)

Input Data from CAESAR II A B
-73oC (-100oF)

Computer Output from CAESAR II

Stress Isometric with Stress Comments o o
-129 C(-200 F)

Other correspondence (Supplier approval of nozzle loading, soil analysis for
tank settlement criteria, etc )
• Compact disc containing stress analysis program input files
The report will be available for review and, subsequently, included in project
documentation files. 13.3 Piping is connected to other static equipment
316oC (600oF)
13.1 General Piping for Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel
o o
260 C (500 F)
232oC (450oF)
316oC (600oF) 204oC (400oF)

260oC (500oF) 178oC (350oF)
232oC (450oF) 149oC (300oF) B
204oC (400oF) A

121oC (250oF)
178oC (350oF)
93oC (200oF)
149oC (300oF) 66oC (150oF)
A 38oC (100oF)
121oC (250oF)
93oC (200oF) SIZE < 1-1/2” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12 14” >16”
o o
66oC (150oF) -30 C (-20 F)
o o
38 C (100 F) -46oC (-50oF) A
o o
SIZE < 1-1/2” 2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” >16” -73 C (-100 F)
o o
-30 C (-20 F) -101oC(-150oF)
o o
-46 C (-50 F)
A -129oC(-200oF)
-73oC (-100oF)

ATTACHMENT-4 Halaman: A4- 11 dari 12 ATTACHMENT-4 Halaman: A4- 12 dari 12


Prosedur dari Penggambaran 2D, yang berisikan : (Contoh) ENGINEERING PROCEDURE FOR 2D DRAWING
(S A M P L E)
1.0 SCOPE........................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................. 2
2.1. DESIGN SPECIFICATION .............................................................................................................................. 2 The purpose of this procedure is to define the general concept, work processes
and scope of work to perform 2D-CAD drawing for “SPECIAL COURSE
3.0 PIPING ROUTING STUDY........................................................................................................................ 3
3.1. COMPOSITION ............................................................................................................................................. 3 KSD, JAKARTA-INDONESIA” FOR SAMPLING .
3.2. SCALING AND DRAWING SHEETS ................................................................................................................ 4
3.3. SYMBOL AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................... 4 This procedure contents major activity to prepared drawing for Piping
3.4. UNIT ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Routing Study drawing and Pipe Support.
3.5. LETTERING ................................................................................................................................................. 5
3.6. DRAWING ARRANGEMENT .......................................................................................................................... 7 This procedure is only use to planning 2D-CAD drawings for:
3.7. DESIGNATION OF PIPING COMPONENT ........................................................................................................ 9 • Study Drawing (Sketch Study)
3.8. DESIGNATION OF NON PIPING COMPONENT.............................................................................................. 11 • Plot Plan
3.9. DIMENSIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 13
3.10. PIPING ASSEMBLY (BLOCK SET)............................................................................................................... 15
• Drawing Index
3.11. PIPE SUPPORT LOCATION.......................................................................................................................... 16 • Information Drawing
3.12. FIRE FIGHTING SPRAY SYSTEM ................................................................................................................ 16 • Piping Plan U/G Piping
4.0 ISOMETRIC DRAWING FOR 2D-CAD................................................................................................. 17 • Isometric U/G Drawing
4.1. COMPOSITION ........................................................................................................................................... 17 • Pipe Support Drawing
DRAWING SHEET AND SCALE ................................................................................................................... 17
DIVISION OF DRAWINGS ........................................................................................................................... 18
4.4. DESIGN METHOD FOR ISOMETRIC DRAWING ............................................................................................ 19 The following codes, standards and specifications shall form a part of the
4.5. DIMENSIONING ......................................................................................................................................... 25
4.6. DRAWING NUMBERING SYSTEM ............................................................................................................... 27 requirements of this drafting procedure.
4.7. DRAWING TITLE BLOCK ........................................................................................................................... 28
4.8. MATERIAL LIST FOR U/G ISOMETRIC DRAWINGS ..................................................................................... 28 2.1. Design Specification
4.9. COMPILATION ........................................................................................................................................... 29
• Project Spec…. Specification for Painting & Surface Preparation
5.0 PIPE SUPPORT DRAWING .................................................................................................................... 30 • Project Spec…. General Specification for Rush Prevention
5.1. COMPOSITION ........................................................................................................................................... 30 • Project Spec…. General Specification for Heat Insulation
5.2. SCALING AND DRAWING SHEETS .............................................................................................................. 30 • Project Spec…. General Specification for Cold Insulation
5.3. SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................... 30
5.4. UNIT ......................................................................................................................................................... 30 • Project Spec…. Field Test for Underground Piping
5.5. LETTERING ............................................................................................................................................... 30 • Project Spec…. Specification for Welding Piping Component
5.6. DIMENSIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 30 • Project Spec…. Specification for Installation-Underground Piping
5.7. PIPE SUPPORT MATERIAL DESIGNATIONS................................................................................................. 30
5.8. PIPE SUPPORT NUMBERING....................................................................................................................... 31
• Project Spec…. Specification for Manual Valves
5.9. COMPILATIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 31 • Project Spec…. Specification for Pipe Field Fabrication and
• Project Spec…. Specification for Piping Fabrication
• Project Spec…. Specification for Piping Pressure Test
• Project Spec…. Specification for Pipe Stress Analysis
• Project Spec…. General Specification for Piping Design
• Project Spec…. Piping Material Specification including line pipe
• Project Spec…. Specification for Piping Arrangement.

ATTACHMENT Halaman : 1 of 31 ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 2 of 31

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.1. Composition
3.5 3.5
The composition of the piping plan drawings shall be as follows:
1. The scope of each drawing shall be in accordance with the designations 7
given in the drawing index. The piping layout drawings shall be drawn as
orthographic plan views of a third angle projection.
2. The piping layout drawing designates the piping system in accordance
with the requirements of the P&ID, utility header diagram, plot plan,
vendor drawing etc. and shows the connections between the equipment’s 9. Background of drawing shall include all necessary information as follows:
3. In general, Piping study drawing shall be drafted by using 2D-Cad, and • Equipment outline, platform, ladder and nozzle.
piping study drawing will be prepared f • Foundation of equipment stanchion and columns etc.
• Structure columns, beams ladders and platforms.
4. The piping layout drawing shall be drawn for all lines, such as process • Oily sewer funnel, manhole, valve pit and cable duct etc., as
lines, utility lines, auxiliary lines, equipment vents and drains etc.
necessary to show/clarify minimum clearance or distance is
5. Piping layout drawings shall designate only the min. details and sections considered.
needed to indicate the requirements and shall avoid excessive details. • Match line and/or battery limit line.
6. When piping overlaps or becomes complicated in the plan view, the 10. Background of drawing shall be drawn in front of the drawing sheet.
drawing may be divided into plans showing arbitrary levels or
supplemented with partial details prepared in elevation or in isometric 11. Support location and number shall be indicated in the layout drawing.
view, to ensure clarity.
3.2. Scaling and Drawing Sheets
7. Layout drawings for columns, fired heaters and structure may be divided
into plans at the proper levels, to avoid overlap and complication. In this In principal, piping layout drawing scale and sheet size shall be as follows:
case, divided elevation shall be indicated on the layout drawings.
Overall Field Layout 1/10000 A0
( SHT 3 OF 3 )
General Plot Plan 1/1500 A1
Unit Plot Plan 1/50 A1
General Arrangement 1/50 A1
Drawing Index 1/1500 A1
( SHT 2 OF 3 ) Drawing Index for Sales Gas Pipeline 1/10000 A0
EL. BB U/G 1/1500 A1

3.3. Symbol and Abbreviations

EL. AA TO EL. BB 3.3.1 Layout drawings for columns, fired heaters and structure may be
( SHT 1 OF 3 ) divided into plans at the proper levels, to avoid overlap and
EL. AA complication. In this case, divided elevation shall be indicated on the
layout drawings.
8. Connecting drawing numbers shall be indicated at all match lines as
shown below. 3.3.2 In general, 2D-Cad shall draft piping layout drawing.
3.3.3 Piping symbols and abbreviations shall be in accordance with
Standard Drawing for Piping Arrangement “Project Spec. ya….”
3.3.4 Instrument symbols and abbreviations shall be in accordance with
P&ID and utility headers diagrams.

ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 3 of 31 ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 4 of 31

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.4. Unit
4) Title of Elevation
3.4.1 Units of dimensions shall be given in millimeter (mm).
3.4.2 Units of angle shall be given in degree.
6 EL. 0 TO EL. 7500
3.4.3 Nominal pipe size shall be shown in inch (for example 6”).

3.5. Lettering
3.5.1 Layout drawings for columns, fired heaters and structure may be 5) Section
divided into plans at the proper levels, to avoid overlap and complication. In 15
this case, divided elevation shall be indicated on the layout drawings.
Letter shall be taken from “A” to “Z” for area wise.
3.5.2 Characters used in the piping layout drawings shall be written in the
English alphabet and Arabic numbers. Z SECTION “Z” - “Z” 5
7 (SCALE : )
3.5.3 In general, lettering shall be New Times Romans style either for CAD
or hand writing and its height shall be as follows: Z 5 Scale to be shown
• Dimensions 1,2,3 Height 2.5 mm
• Line Number A,B,C,1,2,3 Height 2.5 mm
• Note / Remarks A, B, C Height 2.5 mm
3.5.4 Layout drawings for columns, fired heaters and structure may be
divided into plans at the proper levels, to avoid overlap and complication. In
this case, divided elevation shall be indicated on the layout drawings. 6) Detail
3.5.5 For the following indications, lettering height shall be in accordance
with this procedure as shown below, and for hand writing the lettering 5 A OR
template shall be used instead of free hand:

1) Battery limit and coordinates of Battery limit

4 BATTERY LIMIT: E – 15360 Letter shall be taken from “A” - “Z” for area wise.

2) Match Line


7) Title Block
3) Equipment and structure number
Lettering and uniformity of title block shall be as follow:

ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 5 of 31 ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 6 of 31

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.6.5 Fireproofing shall be shown on the members of fireproofed structures.
3.6.6 Insulation of equipment and piping greater 75 mm thk. shall not be
3.6.7 Shell, nozzles, platforms, ladders and foundations for equipment’s
shall be shown in accordance with the following;

3.6. Drawing Arrangement

Equipment number may be shown at the outside of match line.
3.6.1 A Key Plan shall be shown on the right of the drawing above the title
3.6.8 Layout drawings for columns, fired heaters and structure may be
block to indicate the relative position of the drawing in the overall unit
divided into plans at the proper levels, to avoid overlap and complication. In
this case, divided elevation shall be indicated on the layout drawings.
3.6.2 In general, drawing north is upward or to the right. The north arrow
3.6.9 Numbering for pipe racks and structure etc., shall be shown in the
shall be indicated at the top of left corner of the drawing with as shown.
balloon on the drawings as follows:


3.6.3 Battery limit and match line shall be drawn to scale, using a two-doted
chain line about 1.2 mm widths on the front side of the drawings.
3.6.4 Items relevant to the piping design, such as equipment and structure 3.6.10 Cable ducts, cable trenches, sewer manholes, catch basin etc. shall be
shall also be drawn to scale on the front side of the drawings, using 0.5mm indicated to scale without dimension, only when necessary for clarification of
solid line and/or dot line. the operability, accessibility, and Interference to the piping system.

ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 7 of 31 ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 8 of 31

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.7. Designation of Piping Component
3.7.1 General
In general, the designation of piping components shall be in accordance with
Standard Drawing for Piping Arrangement Doc. No. “Project Spec. ya….”
3.7.2 Pipe lines
1) All pipe lines in the plan drawing shall be designated with a line mark
(including the nominal pipe size, line number, piping spec., insulation
thickness etc.), flow direction and elevation, as follows:

3.7.3 Valves
1) Face to face dimensions, hand wheel diameter, and fully open position
of the handle or steam shall show to scale. The handle orientation
shall also be shown. Particular attention shall paid to control valve
actuators or other automatically actuated valve, where their actuators are
usually than anticipated. Therefore, it actual outline configuration shall
be drawn to scale to clear any interference.
2) For fabrication or installation, the flow direction of valves shall be
indicated for valves which the flow direction is specified due to valve type
or sealing of disc.
3) When line class is changed at a valve, the classes shall be indicated as
shown bellow.

2) Sloped lines shall be indicated as follows:

Note: When line class is changed from stainless steel to carbon steel, the
classes shall break with flange.
When classes are different, flange reefing, higher rating shall be
applied at mating flange.

ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 9 of 31 ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 10 of 31

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4) When the specification of a Valve differs from the line specification in Control valve manifold detail shall be shown in isometric drawing.
which it is installed, its material stock code number shall be indicated.

5) The location and elevation of the valves shall be indicated as shown

below. 3 - FV - 006
CV st’d set no.

Std. Block Set No.

DIM Support No.

3.8.3 Orifice type flow instruments shall be shown with tag number as
follows: detail shall be shown in Isometric drawing.

3.7.4 Flanges, Fittings and Special Components

1) Symbols for flange, fitting and special components such as strainers
and expansion joints etc. shall be in accordance with Standard Drawing
for Piping Arrangement Doc. No. “Project Spec. ya….” .
2) When the specification of flange, fitting etc. differ from the line
specification in which it is installed to meet the type of equipment nozzle’s 3.8.4 Piping connecting to
flange, it’s material stock code number shall be indicated. level controllers (LC) and level
STOCK CODE NO. gages (LG) shall be shown by
LINE SPEC.: MSS FLANGE. indicating the piping
configuration, tag number and
simple outline of the
instrument body as shown
• All indication
shall be drawn to scale to
clear any interference.
• Details shall be
3.8. Designation of Non Piping Component shown in isometric
3.8.1 All Instrument tag numbers in the specified circles on the plan drawings.
drawings shall indicate the number of the extraction point from the pipe lines • Where the
shown on the P&ID and utility diagram. instruments required
maintenance space or
3.8.2 In case of complicated control valve, manifolds shall be shown on the operational space, such shall be
drawings as follows: shown as below.

ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 11 of 31 ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 12 of 31

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.8.5 Miscellaneous equipment such as filters, flame arresters, silencers and

exhaust heads etc. shall be shown by indicating the equipment number or
name and a simple outline to scale.

3.9. Dimensions
3.9.1 Miscellaneous equipment such as filters, flame arresters, silencers and
exhaust heads etc. shall be shown by indicating the equipment number or
name and a simple outline to scale.
3.9.2 Elevation
• All Elevations should be given in millimeter (mm).
• Height of the nozzles, platforms, floors, foundations, support beams, 3.9.4 Piping System Dimensions
structures relevant to the piping, and the height of piping etc. shall be • Dimensions of piping in a plan view shall be based on the center or
indicated in MSL (mean sea level). datum line of the related equipment or facilities and shall be indicated
3.9.3 Location of Relevant Equipment sequentially.
• Distance between centerline of each piece of equipment, or datum line • Elevation of piping in a plan view shall be indicated along the pipelines
of structures, shall be indicated. Dimensions from match lines to or on extensions lines. When the pipe lines are laid on the same level, the
centerline of the equipment and datum line of structure shall be elevation may be indicated on a common extension line.
indicated. • Face to face or center to center dimensions of standardized valves,
• pment, cable ducts, cable trenches, sewer manholes, catch basin etc. flanges, fittings etc shall not be indicated.
that have little influence on the piping systems shall not be required to • Face location of flanges and spectacle blinds shall be indicated.
indicated. • Thickness of the gaskets and plates for orifice flanges shall not be
indicated. However, the location of the orifice flange (Middle Point) shall
be indicated.
• The indication of the location dimensions for valves, instruments and
special components shall be based on their center lines or on either side
of the connections, such as the flange face.
• Typical dimensioning shall be shown as bellow:




ATTACHMENT-5 5 4 3 Halaman:
2 A5-
1 13 of 31 ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 14 of 31
* * * * * * *
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.11. Pipe Support Location
1. Type and number of pipe support shall be indicated in the label, as shown
* below:
* * 45 3mm
* XX
* *

* 5 mm XX

* * * * **
* * * *

3.10. Piping Assembly (Block Set)

Piping Assembly is applied for drain, vents and instrument connections.


DRAIN CONN. VENT CONN. 2. The symbol of support shall be in accordance with Standard Drawing for
Piping Arrangement Doc. No. “Project Spec. ya….” .

3.12. Fire Fighting Spray System

5 BLOCK SET NO. 1. The piping system
F between fire water
main and supply and
5 BLOCK SET NO. sub header shall be
F shown in the same
way as for the
general piping
system on piping
ORIFICE study drawing.
2. The piping system for
spray nozzles shall be
shown on separate
piping layout

ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 15 of 31 ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 16 of 31

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.0 ISOMETRIC DRAWING FOR 2D-CAD 4.2.3 The drawings need not be drawn to scale, but shall be drawn in
proportion to the actual piping configuration, avoiding any overlapping of the
4.1. Composition drawn lines.
4.1.1 The composition of the isometric drawings for U/G shall be as follows: 4.2.4 In general, U/G isometric drawings shall be drawn on Single Line.
1. The piping system between fire water main and supply and sub
header shall be shown in the same way as for the general piping 4.3. Division of Drawings
system on piping study drawing. 4.3.1 In general, U/G isometric drawings shall be drawn on Single Line.
2. 2D-Cad isometric drawings shall be drawn for U/G lines.
3. 2D-Cad isometric drawings for U/G shall basically be drafted 4.3.2 In general, a piping system with only one line number shall be drawn
manually. on one drawing sheet.
4. 2D-Cad isometric drawings for U/G shall indicate the Line Mark 4.3.3 If this line will complicate or cause overlapping, it may be divided into
(including nominal pipe size, line number, piping class etc.), two or more sheets. In this case, sheet number shall be shown with drawing
configuration of piping system, dimensions, elevation, flow direction number. (EXAMPLE).
and test/inspection items, pipe support no, reference coordinate etc.
5. 2D-Cad isometric drawings for U/G are utilized for controlling of
line fabrication, material, construction schedule and inspection
reports such as
6. Radiographic test, heat treatment and pressure test etc., therefore
isometric drawings must allow space for these utilization's.
7. The symbols of isometric drawings shall be in accordance with
Standard Drawing for Piping Arrangement Doc. No. “Project Spec.
8. All dimensions shall be in millimeters.
9. The language used in the isometric drawings shall be English.
10. Special attention shall be given to filling in the engineering data,
especially for radiographic and painting code.
• Radiographic
Piping systems in which subject to be pneumatically tested, all
welding shall be 100% Non Destructive Examination (X-ray,
Penetrant Test etc.). And piping system in which subject to be
hydrostatically tested, 5% of examination of buttweld joints
radiographic shall be given as a minimum requirement or in
accordance with applicable specification whichever is governs.
4.3.4 When piping system
• Painting Code
having different materials in
For piping system in which personal protection insulation is
one line number, such as
carbon, low alloy, stainless steel
it shall be categorized as a fully painted and painting code shall
and FRP etc., it shall not be
be assigned.
drawn in the same drawing
4.2. Drawing Sheet and Scale sheet, but shall be drawn in
separate sheets. (EXAMPLE)
4.2.1 All dimensions shall be in millimeters.
4.2.2 A3 size of form sheets shall be used for U/G isometric drawings.

Division of material group shall be as follows :

ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 17 of 31 ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 18 of 31

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Low Temperature Carbon Steel • CPVC
• Carbon Steel • Galvanized Steel
• Low Alloy Steel • FRP
• Stainless Steel • HDPE

4.3.5 The following case shall be drawn in the same drawing sheet.
Preference North arrow
direction to be decided sheet by

4.4.2 The pipe line designation shall be as follows:

• The flow direction shall be indicated for each branch line in the
• A sloped line shall be designated as shown below.

4.3.6 S
hall there be a branch line
having spec. break adjacent
to its header, it shall be
partially drawn in the same
drawing sheet to simplify
its material list.

• All pipe lines shall be drawn by a single medium width line,

regardless of the nominal pipe size.

4.3.7 When the Battery 4.4.3 The valve designations shall be as follows:
Limit or match line is shown
• All valve hand wheel orientation including block set shall be
in the drawing, the locations
indicated. This indication is intended to minimize construction
dimension shall be indicated.
mistake due to less engineering knowledge.

4.4. Design Method for Isometric Drawing

4.4.1 The north mark shall be indicated at the top left corner of the drawing.

ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 19 of 31 ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 20 of 31

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. This dimension shall be calculated based on 100 mm clearance

between outer surface of insulation to outer of valve hand wheel as a
• For valves such as check and angle etc. in which flow direction is
specified, the flow direction shall be indicated for installation.
• When the specification of a special valve or other valve differs from the
line specification in which it is installed, the commodity codes number of
the special valves or other valves shall be indicated.

• When the bolt holes for a

valve flange do not
straddle the Horizontal,
Vertical, North-South or 0

East-West Lines, the bolt • When supplemental accessory designations such as actuators, motors,
hole orientation shall be
270 90 extension handles and chain wheels etc. are used for valves, they shall
shown as below: be shown in accordance with Standard Drawing for Piping Arrangement
180 Doc. No. “Project Spec. ya….” and vendor drawings.

4.4.4 The designation of the flanges, fittings and special components




shall be as follows:
• Lines shall designate the curve for standard 90° or 45° elbows, except for pipe
• In case of low
temperature service
or cryogenic service,
block set indication
shall be as beside:

1. This dimension shall be calculated based on 4 x insulation thickness
plus half of main pipe diameter as a minimum.

ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 21 of 31 ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 22 of 31

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• When the specification of a flange or fitting differs from the line NOTE:
specification in which it is installed, its material stock codes no. shall be
1) Standard pipe length of each materials and sizes shall be in
indicated as below:
accordance with Specification for Piping Material Class Doc. No.
“Project Spec. ya….” .
2) Single random length = Apr. 5.5 m.
3) Double random length = Apr. 11.5 m.

4.4.6 The designation of all instruments shall be as follows:

• The location of all instruments shall be indicated. The
instruments TAG No. shall be indicated in the circles or boxes
• Indicating the TAG No shall show orifice type flow instruments
and details of tap orientation as shown below.
4.4.5 Welding points shall be designated as follows:
• All piping welds, except for slip-on and socket welding flanges
and bosses etc., shall be indicated in accordance with Standard
Drawing for Piping Arrangement (“Project Spec. ya….” ).
• Welding point for straight run lines (more than two pieces
welding) shall be as follows:

• Stand pipes, pieces

or valves connecting
FOR B.W LINES level gages and
controllers to
equipment nozzles
shall be indicated as EQUIP. NO.
shown bellow.



ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 23 of 31 ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 24 of 31

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.5.1 Dimensions shall be indicated as shown below:




The location dimensions from adjacent components shall be indicated to

4.5.2 All face-to face-dimensions of control valves, safety valves, special datum in accordance with the following table.
valves, butt-welded or flanged ordinary valves, special components and
instruments etc. shall be indicated together with the relative dimensions 4.5.4 Gasket thickness shall be as follows:
between the ends and the adjacent components. • Gasket thickness 1.6 mm shall be indicated by calculation thickness 1.0
4.5.3 The end-to-end or center-to-end dimensions for flanges, fittings and
socket-weld/screwed ordinary valves, which are specified in codes and

ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 25 of 31 ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 26 of 31

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.6.2 In case of more than two (2) line number in one drawing, major line
number shall be taken as the U/G isometric drawing number.

4.6.3 For U/G isometric numbers for equipment trim such as vent, drain,
pressure indicator and temperature indicator etc. shall be given based on
NOTE-1 : For Blind & Spacer size 24" and larger, jack screw shall be equipment number.
provided in accordance with Standard Dimension Table for
Piping Component.
• Gasket thickness 3.2 mm shall be indicated by calculation thickness 3.0
mm as shown below.

4.7. Drawing Title Block

Drawing title block shall be in accordance with project format.

4.8. Material List for U/G Isometric Drawings

4.8.1 Piping material list for U/G isometric drawings shall be provided for
each individual drawing.
4.8.2 The system for Bill of materials shall be used PMMS.
4.6. Drawing Numbering System
4.8.3 All piping materials required for the fabrication and installation of the
4.6.1 For U/G isometric drawing number shall be given based on main line piping system shall be listed in the material list.
4.8.4 When drawings are turned-over to PCI, they shall be compiled on
drawing as follows:

ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 27 of 31 ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 28 of 31

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5.1. Composition
Pipe Support Drawing composition should follow:
• These are two types of pipe support; Standard Pipe Support and Special
Pipe Support.
• Type and location of Pipe Support including shoe, anchors, spring
hangers and guides usually to be indicated on Piping Plan drawings.
• The pipe support detail drawings are provided for the special pipe
supports, where the dimensions and size of the number and structure
are indicated.
To be sticked
5.2. Scaling and Drawing Sheets
4.8.5 Each drawing number shall be used for identification number of • A3 size drawing sheet shall be used for all pipe support detail drawings.
drawing and material list. Also, identification number and revision status • Drawing basically to be scale (non scale my be accepted).
(REV. No) for isometric drawing and material list shall be equal. (REF To
explanation of next page). 5.3. Symbols and Abbreviations
4.9. Compilation • Pipe support symbol and abbreviations shall be in accordance with
Standard Drawing for Piping Arrangement Doc. No. “Project Spec. ya….”
U/G isometric drawing shall be compiled by plant wise as follows : • Welding symbol of pipe fabrication shall be indicated.

5.4. Unit
• Unit of Dimensions shall be in millimeter (mm).
U/G ISOMETRIC • Unit of Angle shall be in degree.
• Nominal pipe size shall be shown by inch (example: 6”).

5.5. Lettering
(COVER In general, lettering shall be in English alphabet and Arabic numbers.

5.6. Dimensions
SEE ATT. 3-3 INDEX 5.6.1 All necessary dimensions for fabrication and installation, shall be
indicated to avoid rework on site by consideration:
• Interrelated dimensions between a pipe support and supported piping,
equipment or structure required for installation.
• Interrelated dimensions between support numbers for assembly.
• Detail dimensions for each support number for fabrication.
5.6.2 Dimension for standard pipe support; such as base plates, pipe shoes
and sliding plates etc, can be omitted, when related standard drawing is

5.7. Pipe Support Material Designations

5.7.1 In general, pipe support materials shall be in accordance with
Standard Pipe Support Drawing Doc. No. “Project Spec. ya….” .

ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 29 of 31 ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 30 of 31


5.7.2 Shape steel shall be indicated as below:

The close section of shape steel can illustrate by a single line when drawing
scale is too small to allow a double line designation.

5.8. Pipe Support Numbering

5.8.1 Standard pipe support numbering system should follow Standard Pipe
Support Drawing Doc. No. “Project Spec. ya….” . Number/Name of Pipe
Support has to shown on Piping Routing Study.
5.8.2 For Special Pipe Support, numbering system should be follows:

Letter ‘PX’ denoting

special pipe support

Piping GA reference No.

Sequential Number

5.9. Compilations
Special Pipe Support drawings shall be compiled by area wise as below:






ATTACHMENT-5 Halaman: A5- 31 of 31





By. Ir. Teguh Pudji Hertanto, M.Sc MARET 2009


1. Petunjuk Pelaksanaan
Di bawah diberikan berbagai soal latihan yang berkaitan dengan materi
DAFTAR LATIHAN yang telah disampaikan dan di bahas di buku ini.
1. PETUNJUK PELAKSANAAN ............................................................................................................................... 2
Soal-soal tersebut diberikan dan wajib di kerjakan dan di serahkan pada hari
/ minggu yang akan di tetapkan oleh pengajar.
2. GAMBAR PIPE – FITTING ................................................................................................................................... 3
¾ FITTING (PROYEKSI) REDRAW ................................................................................................................................. 3 Tugas latihan ini di rancang secara step-by-step dan sederhana, sehingga
¾ FITTING (PROYEKSI) ............................................................................................................................................... 4 peserta lebih mudah dalam penyelesaiannya. Bila mendapat kesulitan…
ISILAH DIMENSI YANG HILANG YA… ..................................................................................................................... 5
GAMBARLAH FREE-HAND ! DILANJUTKAN DENGAN KOMPUTER. ........................................................................... 7
segera lihat buku / materi pelatihannya…. Bila masih bingung juga…
tanyakan ke pengajarnya...
3. DASAR-DASAR FLANGE...................................................................................................................................... 9
¾ PROYEKSI FLANGE (RE-DRAW) .............................................................................................................................. 9 Seluruh siswa menyerahkan tugas dimaksud dalam bentuk soft-file, dan
¾ FITTING MAKE-UP .................................................................................................................................................. 9 DILARANG KERAS UNTUK MENG-COPY DARI REKAN SE-KELAS.
¾ ISILAH DIMENSI YANG HILANG YA… ................................................................................................................... 10
4. VALVES.................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Soal-soal dikerjakan MANDIRI, jadi peserta wajib mengerjakan
¾ PROYEKSI VALVES (RE-DRAW) ............................................................................................................................ 13
SENDIRI, dan setiap kesulitan di sampaikan kepada pengajar pada saat
¾ ISILAH DIMENSI YANG KOSONG, DSAN GAMBARKAN ! .......................................................................................... 13 pengumpulan tugas untuk di bahas di dalam kelas.
¾ GAMBARKAN KEMBALI. PERHATIKAN DAN BERI DIMENSINYA ............................................................................ 15
Hasil Pekerjaan berupa Gambar, wajib di berikan border sebagaimana
5. DIAGRAM ALIRAN DAN INSTRUMENTASI ................................................................................................. 15
attacment soal. Tanyakan ke pengajar di kelas untuk pembuatan dan
6. GAMBAR ISOMETRIC........................................................................................................................................ 20
¾ BUAT ISOMETRICNYA YA… !................................................................................................................................ 20
¾ ISILAH DIMENSI YANG KOSONG ! .......................................................................................................................... 23 Demi keberhasilan sistem belajar mengajar ini, diharapkan kerja sama yang
¾ GAMBARLAH ISOMETRIC-NYA SECARA LENGKAP DIMENSINYA !.......................................................................... 24 aktif antara peserta dan pengajar. Diskusi dan latihan di kelas merupakan
7. EQUIPMENT LAY-OUT ...................................................................................................................................... 28 kegiatan untuk mengukur dan mengevaluasi daya serap materi yang di
¾ ISI DAN JAWABLAH DENGAN SINGKAT, PADAT DAN JELAS !.................................................................................. 28 berikan. Latihan wajib di luar kelas yang dilakukan oleh peserta secara
¾ GAMBARLAH!....................................................................................................................................................... 30 mandiri akan mendorong dan memacu pemahaman dan daya serap materi
¾ TENTUKANLAH SESUAI INFORMASI GAMBAR........................................................................................................ 31

LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 1 of 34 LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 2 of 34

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Gambar Pipe – Fitting ¾ Fitting (proyeksi)

¾ Fitting (proyeksi) redraw Gambarlah proyeksi gambar tampak atas & samping
Gambarlah kembali dengan free-hand dan juga AutoCad.

LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 3 of 34 LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 4 of 34

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
¾ Isilah Dimensi yang hilang ya…

Nah, sekarang isi dimensi yang hilang untuk screw Fitting

LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 5 of 34 LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 6 of 34

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
¾ Gambarlah free-hand ! Dilanjutkan dengan komputer.

LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 7 of 34 LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 8 of 34

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Dasar-dasar Flange
¾ Proyeksi Flange (Re-draw)
Gambarlah kembali Flange 300# RFWN dibawah

¾ Isilah Dimensi yang hilang ya…

Catatan : tebal gasket-nya 1/8” saja ya….
¾ Fitting Make-up
Gambarlah kembali Fittng Make-up dibawah

LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 9 of 34 LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 10 of 34

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cobalah Gambar kembali denga Free-Hand dan juga Autocad.
Perhatikan dimensinya ya…

LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 11 of 34 LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 12 of 34

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. Valves
¾ Proyeksi Valves (Re-draw)
Cobalah Gambar kembali denga Free-Hand dan juga Autocad.
Perhatikan dimensinya ya…

¾ Isilah dimensi yang kosong, dsan gambarkan !

LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 13 of 34 LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 14 of 34

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
¾ Gambarkan kembali. Perhatikan dan beri dimensinya _____________________________________________________________________
2. Sebutkan 5 item yang di tunjukkan di Process P&ID.
3. Sebutkan 4 dasar dari grup instrumentasi.
4. Sebutkan 5 fungsi utama pada peralatan instrumentasi
5. Identifikasi dan sebutkan fungsi singkatan instrumentasi di bawah ini.
a. LG _________________________________________________________
b. FA _________________________________________________________
c. TI __________________________________________________________
d. PC _________________________________________________________
e. TRC ________________________________________________________
f. LC _________________________________________________________
g. PSV ________________________________________________________
h. HCV _______________________________________________________
i. LAH _______________________________________________________
j. LAL _______________________________________________________
6. Identifikasi dan sebutkan fungsi singkatan Flow diagram di bawah ini.
a. DF _________________________________________________________
b. SC _________________________________________________________
c. CSO________________________________________________________
d. LC _________________________________________________________
e. NO _________________________________________________________
7. Tentukanlah mana yang Upstream dan mana yang down stream !

8. Cobalah buat sketsa isometrik (pakai tagan saja…), untuk P&ID

5. Diagram aliran dan instrumentasi sebagaimana gambar di bawah. Gak usah pakai dimensi juga deh…
1. Sebutkan 5 item yang di tunjukkan di Process Flow Diagram (PFD).
LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 15 of 34 LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 16 of 34
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Koneksi Vessel :
LC2. elevasi ________________
LC1. elevasi ________________
LG2. elevasi ________________
LG1. elevasi ________________
LSH2. elevasi ________________
LSH1. elevasi ________________
LSL2. elevasi ________________
LSL1. elevasi ________________

Koneksi Briddle :
LC2. elevasi ________________
LC1. elevasi ________________
9. Berapa sih ukuran semua drain atau bleed pada Control Manifolds itu ? LG2. elevasi ________________
LG1. elevasi ________________
10. Dimanakah yang terbaik lokasi TAP di orifice Flange sebaiknya bila LSH2. elevasi ________________
servicenya adalah: LSH1. elevasi ________________
Gas _____________________ LSL2. elevasi ________________
Cairan ___________________ LSL1. elevasi ________________

11. Tahu dong 3 (tiga) jenis Flow diagram. Sebutkan dan Jelaskan
_____________________________________________________________________ Koneksi Vessel :
_____________________________________________________________________ LC2. elevasi ________________
_____________________________________________________________________ LC1. elevasi ________________
LG2. elevasi ________________
12. Berdasarkan instruksi pengajar, diminta mahasiswa untuk menentukan LG1. elevasi ________________
elevasi masing-masing koneksi gambar di bawah LSH2. elevasi ________________
LSH1. elevasi ________________
LSL2. elevasi ________________
LSL1. elevasi ________________

LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 17 of 34 LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 18 of 34

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. Gambar Isometric
Koneksi Briddle : ¾ Buat isometricnya ya… !
LC2. elevasi ________________
LC1. elevasi ________________
LG2. elevasi ________________
LG1. elevasi ________________
LSH2. elevasi ________________
LSH1. elevasi ________________
LSL2. elevasi ________________
LSL1. elevasi ________________

LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 19 of 34 LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 20 of 34

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 21 of 34 LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 22 of 34

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

¾ Gambarlah Isometric-nya secara lengkap dimensinya !

Perhatikan, (1) jarak antar-lasan 75 mm (3”) dan (2) untuk size di bawah
2” sambungannya socketwelded rating 300#.

¾ Isilah dimensi yang kosong !

LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 23 of 34 LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 24 of 34

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 25 of 34 LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 26 of 34

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7. Equipment Lay-out
¾ Isi dan jawablah dengan singkat, padat dan jelas !
1. Jelaskan menurut pemahaman sudara, apakah itu ”plant coordinate
system” ?

2. Ada 3 unit pengukuran dalam penulisan koordinat, Apa sajakah itu

3. Apakah itu “Match Line” dan Battery limit” ?
4. Sebutkan 3 faktor yang mempengaruhi pengaturan dan spacing dari
equipment, Jelaskanlah…
5. Bagaimanakah fondasi diatas tanah di representasikan pada
gambar lokasi pondasi ? Jelaskan !
6. Sebutkan 4 jenis Exchanger yang saudara ketahui !
7. Sebutkan jenis driver dari pompa yang saudara ketahui Jelaskan !
8. Coba buatlah sketsa dengan tangan reboiler jenis kettle (tampak
samping saja), dan beri tanda mana yang sheel dan channel nya !.
9. Hitunglah koordinat Nozzle ”A” untuk Eqp 15-V-01.

LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 27 of 34 LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 28 of 34

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Diketahui : ¾ Gambarlah!
Nozzle Projection 3’-10”
Class A15, Size Nozzle 6”

Ditanya koordinat Nozzle!

North _______________
East ________________

10. Gambarlah secara lengkap Isometric dari line pipa di bawah ini,
selanjutnya tentukanlah masing-masing Nozle kedua Equipment
nya ! Gate valve di inlet exchanger ukurannya 8” 150 # RF.



LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 29 of 34 LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 30 of 34

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
¾ Tentukanlah sesuai Informasi gambar 2. Isilah koordinat dan elevasi equipment di bawah ini !
Perhatikan Piping Classnya Ya... (Lihat di Volume-1) KETERANGAN ELEVASI
1. Isilah koordinat dan elevasi equipment di bawah ini !

21-P-102 14-E-9

LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 31 of 34 LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 32 of 34

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Isilah koordinat dan elevasi equipment di bawah ini !


4. Isilah koordinat dan elevasi equipment di bawah ini !



LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 33 of 34 LATIHAN & SOAL Halaman : 34 of 34

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