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Sesuai standar kompetensi lulusan untuk mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris bagi siswa
Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) bahwa siswa lulusan SMP harus mampu menguasai
empat aspek yaitu listening, speaking, reading dan writing.
Hal itu berkaitan pula dengan fungsi bahasa inggris sebagai bahasa internasional,
sehingga diharapkan semua lulusan SMP mampu memiliki kompetensi dalam penguasaan
bahasa inggris baik secara lisan maupun tertulis, yang tercermin dalam penguasaan empat
aspek yaitu listening, speaking, reading dan writing.
Berdasarkan pada beberapa pertimbangan diatas, maka dirasa perlu untuk
diadakannya ujian praktik pada aspek listening dan speaking, karena untuk aspek reading
dan writing akan diujikan sebagai materi dalam UAN 2008.
Untuk kepentingan tersebut, perlu adanya pembuatan program yang matang agar
pelaksanaan di lapangan dapat memenuhi sasaran yang diharapkan.


A. Listening
Anak diminta mendengarkan teks dari guru dan menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan
pada teks yang diberikan.
B. Speaking
Anak diminta mengungkapkan salah satu dari lima jenis teks yang sudah diajarkan
yaitu descriptive, report, recount, narrative atau procedure secara lisan.


Hari : Rabu, Kamis dan Jum’at
Tanggal : 9,10 dan 11 April 2008
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 60 menit (2 jam)

A. Listening
A.1. Kisi-kisi

Standar Penilaian
Kompetensi Indikator Materi pokok
Jenis Bentuk Contoh Instrumen
Tagihan Instrumen
Siswa mampu Mengidentifikasi - Hi Friends. I 1.What kind of text is
memahami wa- makna idea- will tell you it? a.Recount
cana transak- sional dalam about my b.Descriptive
sional dan wacana atau house. It is not c. Report
inter-personal monolog so big but cool, d. Procedure
serta monolog berikut: because there
lisan pendek - Descriptive are a lot of Ujian Pilihan 2.What is the
terutama yang plants in the praktek ganda purpose of the
berbentuk front yard. And text?
naratif, my living room a.To tell the past
deskriptif, is neat and event
recount, comfortable. b.To tell how to
laporan dan There are make a house
prosedur. some yellow c.To entertain the
flowers near reader
the front door. d.To describe
They are about the writer’s
matching house
enough with
the painting
color of the
- Recount - Last month, I Ujian Pilihan 1.What is the type of
went to Jakarta Praktek ganda the text?
to visit my a.Recount
brother, b. Report
Herman. He c. Narrative
was my only d. Procedure
brother. He 2.What does the text
worked in tell about?
Jakarta since a.It tells about how
he graduated to visit Jakarta
from university. b. It tells about my
One day, we brother
went out to a c. It tells about the
plaza in writer’s
Jakarta. Do experience
you know what d. It tells about
happened? We Herman
met our favorite
diva. Yes, we
met Krisdayanti
there. Without
wasting time, I
needed her to
give a
signature on
my book. And
my brother took
us a picture.
She signed
beautifully. And
we said thanks
and good bye.

A.2. Soal :
Listen to the text 1 carefully and answer the questions no. 1-5 according to the text!
Text 1
Hi, friends. I will tell you about my house. It is not so big but cool, because there are a lot of
plants in the front yard. And my living room is neat and comfortable. There are some yellow
flowers near the front door. They are matching enough with the painting color of the door.
1. What kind of text is it?
a. Recount c. Report
b. Descriptive d. Procedure
2. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To tell the past event c. To entertain the reader
b. To tell how to make a house d. To describe about the writer’s house
3. What are there in the front yard?
a. A lot of plants c. Some plants
b. A lot of fruits d. Some vegetables
4. What kind of plants does the speaker have near the door?
a. Beautiful plants c. Comfortable plants
b. Neat plants d. Yellow plants
5. What is the living room like?
a. Neat and Comfortable c. Big and cool
b. Small but fresh d. Wide and good
Listen to the text 2 carefully and answer the questions no 6-10!
Text 2
Last month, I went to Jakarta to visit my brother, Herman. He was my only brother. He
worked in Jakarta since he graduated from university.
One day, we went out to a plaza in Jakarta. Do you know what happened? We met
our favorite diva. Yes, we met Krisdayanti there. Without wasting time, I needed her to give a
signature on my book. And my brother took us a picture. She signed beautifully. And we said
thanks and goodbye.
6. What is the type of the text?
a. Recount c. Narrative
b. Report d. Procedure
7. What does the text tell about?
a. It tells about how to visit Jakarta c. It tells about the writer’s experience
b. It tells about my brother d. It tells about Herman
8. When did the writer go to Jakarta?
a. Last year c. Last week
b. Last month d. Yesterday

9. What did the boy do when he met Krisdayanti?
a. He asked for her signature c. He went to shoe stand
b. He bought her T-shirt d. He arrived at the mall
10. How did Krisdayanti sign the boy’s book?
a. Slowly b. Quickly c. Beautifully d. Interestingly

B. Speaking
B.1. Kisi-kisi

Standar Penilaian
Kompetensi Indikator Materi pokok
Jenis Bentuk Contoh Instrumen
Tagihan Instrumen
Siswa mampu Melakukan Teks monolog Ujian Performan Tell a simple
mengungkapkan monolog dalam berbentuk praktek paragraph about
berbagai makna teks berbentuk procedure procedure text.
dalam wacana procedure Choose one of the
transaksional titles below:
dan atau -How to use a
monolog lisan telephone.
terutama dalam -How to boil water.
wacana -How to make a cup
berbentuk of tea.
naratif, deskriptif,
recount, laporan
dan procedure

B.2. Soal :
Tell a simple paragraph about procedure text. Choose one of the titles below :
- How to use a telephone.
- How to boil water.
- How to make a cup of tea.

A. Listening
Untuk setiap nomer apabila dijawab benar diberi nilai 1.
Bila salah diberi nilai 0.
Total nilai adalah jumlah nilai dari nomer 1-10.

B. Speaking






Nama Siswa


Nilai akhir

Penskoran praktik berbicara di atas diisi dengan rentang angka 1 s/d 5. Skor-skor itu
kemudian dijumlahkan dan dikalikan 4.
Mojolaban, 2 April 2008
Penguji I Penguji II

Indri Wuryaningsih, SPd Sarworini, SPd

NIP. 500118547 NIP.132259154

Kepala Sekolah

Drs. Bambang Sugiri, M Pd.

NIP. 132139973

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