Anda di halaman 1dari 49

1. PT.

Pelabuhan Indonesia III

a. Kontak
 Alamat : Jl. Perak Timur No. 610, Surabaya 60165 – Indonesia
 Telepon : +62 31 3298631-37
 Fax : +62 31 3295204
 Layanan Pelanggan :
 Website :

b. Visi Misi
 Visi
To be the leader business in port
 Misi
 Menciptakan nilai tambah yang berkelanjutan untuk peningkatan
kepuasan stakeholder.
 Memberikan kenyamanan dan kemudahan bagi pelanggan
 Menciptakan solusi bisnis yang cerdas melalui integrasi dan kerjasama
dengan mitra strategis
c. Deskripsi
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) atau lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Pelindo 3
merupakan salah satu Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang bergerak dalam jasa
layanan operator terminal pelabuhan. Perusahaan dibentuk berdasarkan Peraturan
Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 58 Tahun 1991 tentang Pengalihan Bentuk
Perusahaan Umum (Perum) Pelabuhan III Menjadi Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero).
Peraturan tersebut ditandatangani oleh Presiden Ke-2 Republik Indonesia Soeharto pada
tanggal 19 Oktober 1991. Selanjutnya, pembentukan Pelindo 3 dituangkan dalam Akta
Notaris Imas Fatimah, S.H., Nomor : 5, tanggal 1 Desember 1992 sebagaimana telah
mengalami beberapa kali perubahan hingga perubahan terakhir dalam Akta Notaris
Yatiningsih, S.H, M.H., Nomor: 72, tanggal 10 Juli 2015.
Sebagai operator terminal pelabuhan, Pelindo 3 mengelola 43 pelabuhan dengan 16
kantor cabang yang tersebar di tujuh propinsi di Indonesia meliputi Jawa Tengah, Jawa
Timur, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Kalimantan Tengah, dan
Kalimantan Selatan.
Keberadaan Pelindo 3 tak lepas dari wilayah Indonesia yang terbentuk atas jajaran
pulau-pulau dari Sabang sampai Merauke. Sebagai jembatan penghubung antar pulau
maupun antar negara, peranan pelabuhan sangat penting dalam keberlangsungan dan
kelancaran arus distibusi logistik. Pelayanan terbaik dan maksimal merupakan komitmen
Pelindo 3 untuk mejaga kelancaran arus logistik nasional. Komitmen itu tertuang dalam
visi perusahaan Berkomitmen Memacu Integrasi Logistik dengan Layanan Jasa Pelabuhan
yang Prima. Mendukung visi tersebut, Pelindo 3 menetapkan strategi-strategi yang
dituangkan dalam Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP) yang dievaluasi setiap 4
(empat) tahun sekali.
Pelindo 3 memiliki komitmen yang kuat dalam mewujudkan visi dan misi
perusahaan. Oleh karenanya, setiap tindakan yang diambil oleh perusahaan selalu
mengacu pada tata kelola perusahaan yang baik (Good Corporate Governance).
Perusahaan juga menerbitkan pedoman etika dan perilaku (Code of Conduct) sebagai
acuan bagi seluruh insan Pelindo 3 mulai dari Komisaris, Direksi, hingga Pegawai untuk
beretika dan berperilaku dalam proses bisnis serta berperilaku dengan pihak eksternal.
Perangkat lain yang mendukung Pelindo 3 dalam meraih visi dan misi perusahaan
adalah penghayatan nilai-nilai Budaya Perusahaan. Sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak
dalam bidang jasa, mengutamakan kepuasan pelanggan adalah menjadi prioritas.
Customer Focus menjadi budaya perusahaan yang pertama harus tertanam dalam diri
setiap insan Pelindo 3, dilanjutkan oleh Care dan budaya perusahaan yang ketiga adalah
Kini, Pelindo 3 menjadi salah satu BUMN besar di Indonesia dengan tingkat jumlah
aset yang meningkat setiap tahunnya. Pelindo 3 juga menjadi segelintir BUMN yang
memasuki pasar global. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa Pelindo 3 memiliki daya saing yang
tinggi dan menjadi perusahaan berkelas internasional.

d. Struktur Organisasi
e. Layanan
 Layanan Kapal
 Layanan Barang
 Layanan Peti Kemas
 Layanan Bongkar Muat
 Layanan Penumpang

2. PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II

a. Kontak
 Alamat : Jl. Pasoso No.1, Tanjung Priuk, Jakarta Utara, 14310,
 Indonesia
 Telepon : +62-21 4301080
: +62-21 4367505
 Fax : +62-21 43911704
 Email :
 Website :

b. Visi Misi

Menjadi Pengelola Pelabuhan Kelas Dunia yang Unggul dalam Operasional dan

1. Pelanggan & Mitra
Menyediakan, membangun dan mengoperasikan pelayanan kepelabuhanan dan logistik
secara terintegrasi, berkualitas dan handal untuk memenuhi kepuasan pelanggan dan
2. Karyawan
Menciptakan lingkungan yang nyaman bagi karyawan, mewujudkan Insan perusahaan
yang fokus pada pelanggan, berintegrasi, bangga kepada perusahaan dan budayanya,
serta memberikan kesejahteraan dan kepuasan kepada karyawan.
3. Pemegang Saham
Memaksimalkan nilai perusahaan bagi pemegang saham dan meningkatkan kesehatan
perusahaan secara professional dengan memenuhi aspek-aspek tata kelola perusahaan
yang baik.
4. Masyarakat & Negara
Menjamin kelancaran dan keamanan arus kapal dan barang untuk mewujudkan efisiensi
biaya logistik dalam rangka memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional yang berdampak
pada peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat

Customer Centric "Meet Customer Expectation"
1. Secara proaktif mencari tahu serta memahami kebutuhan pelanggan untuk
memberikan solusi-solusi yang inovatif
2. Membangun hubungan jangka panjang yang baik dengan para pelanggan
3. Secara konsisten memberikan pelayanan terbaik dan berkualitas untuk membantu
para pelanggan tumbuh dan berkembang

Integrity "Walk The Talk"

1. Menumbuhkan rasa percaya dengan mengatakan apa yang kita rasakan serta
melakukan apa yang kita ucapkan.
2. Menunjukan sikap profesional dan jujur dalam berinteraksi dengan pihak internal
maupun eksternal.
3. Berperilaku disiplin dan patuh terhadap kode etik bisnis di dalam melakukan
pekerjaan kita sehari-hari

Nationalism "National Pride"

1. Menumbuhkan semangat dan ikut berperan mensukseskan program pemerintah
dalam pembangunan nasional
2. Menumbuhkan rasa bangga dan semangat nasionalisme dalam berkarya
3. Terus berkembang dan mampu bersaing dengan perusahaan pengelola pelabuhan
kelas dunia

Team Work "Together We Can"

1. Berkolaborasi dalam tim untuk mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik
2. Bekerja bersama-sama menghasilkan ide-ide implementatif untuk solusi kebutuhan
pengguna jasa pelabuhan
3. Semangat kebersamaan dan menhargai orang lain

Action "Make It Happen"

1. Berani bermimpi dan berusaha mewujudkannya
2. Proaktif untuk mencari cara dalam mewujudkan visi perusahaan
3. Melakukan terobosan-terobosan dan langkah nyata dalam mendorong
perkembangan perusahaan

c. Deskripsi

Merujuk pada UU No 7 Tahun 2008, pelabuhan memiliki tiga fungsi dalam

perdagangan, yaitu sebagai mata rantai transportasi, sebagai entitas industri, dan pintu
gerbang negara.
Sebagai mata rantai transportasi, pelabuhan laut merupakan salah satu titik dari
pertemuan dan perpindahan barang atau orang dari moda transportasi darat kemoda
transportasi laut, atau sebaliknya. Barang yang diangkut dengan kapal laut akan
dibongkar dan dipindahkan keangkutan darat seperti truk atau keretaapi. Oleh karena itu,
akses jalan mobil, rel kereta api, jalur dari dan ke bandar udara sangat penting bagi
pelabuhan. Selain itu, sarana pendukung seperti perahu kecil dan tongkang akan sangat
membantu kelancaran aktivitas pelabuhan.
Sebagai entitas industri, pelabuhan merupakan jenis industri tersendiri. Aktivitas
ekspor-impor di pelabuhan, menjadikanpelabuhan sebagai tempat berbisnis berbagai
jenis usaha seperti perbankan, transportasi, perusahaan leasing peralatan bongkar muat,
termasuk bea-cukai.
Sebagai pintu gerbang atau gapura, pelabuhan berfungsi sebagai pintu masuk
kesuatu negara. Warga dan barang dari negara lain yang memiliki pertalian ekonomi
masuk ke suatu negara melalui pelabuhan. Oleh karena itu, citra suatu negara juga
ditentukan oleh kondisi pelabuhan lautnya. Kebersihan dan pelayanan di pelabuhan
mencerminkan kondisi negara bersangkutan. Terutama sebagai mata rantai
transportasi,pelabuhan berkaitan langsung dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Pelabuhan-
pelabuhan yang beroperasi secara efisien akan menurunkan biaya logistik. Pada gilirannya
penurunan biaya logistik akan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi karena biaya
transportasi mengalami penurunan dan produk bisa dijual lebih murah.
Pelabuhan-pelabuhan di Indonesia sebenarnya memiliki posisi yang
menguntungkan. Kapal-kapal yang datang dari Samudera Hindia dengan tujuan AsiaTimur
Jauh akan melintasi wilayah perairan Indonesia melalui Selat Malaka, Selat Sunda, Selat
Lombok, dan Selat Timor. Sebagian besar kapal tersebut akan melalui Selat Malaka dan
Selat Sunda karena jaraknya yang paling dekat. Sedangkan yang melalui tidak terlalu
banyak dan umumnya adalah kapal-kapal berukuran besar seperti super tanker. Kondisi
tersebut jelas akan sangat menguntungkan Tanjung Priok dan Belawan, sedangkan
Tanjung Perak lebih berfungsi sebagai pelabuhan distribusi untuk kawasan timur
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (IPC) lahir sebagai tindak lanjut UU No 21 tahun 1992
mengenai badan usaha pelabuhan. PT Pelindo II merupakan salah satu BUMN di sektor
perhubungan yang bergerak dalam bidang pengelolaan dan pengusahaan pelabuhan
umum. Wilayah operasi perusahaan mencakup 10 provinsi untuk mengelola 12
Pada tahun 2008 pemerintah mengeluarkan UU No.17/2008 tentang Pelayaran yang
mengamanatkan agar PT Pelindo (I-IV) fokus sebagai operator pelabuhan. Sebelumnya,
PT Pelindo berperan ganda sebagai operator sekaligus regulator. Peran operator adalah
menjalankan jasa kepelabuhanan, seperti menyediakan sarana dan prasarana serta
peralatan mekanik pelabuhan, dan melaksanakan seluruh kegiatan bisnis kepelabuhan
berkaitan dengan layanan kapal, layanan barang, dan layanan penumpang.
Pelabuhan memiliki peranan penting dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara.
Salah satu contohnya yaitu dengan adanya proyek pendulum nusantara yang dilakukan
oleh PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) sebagai wujud dukungan program pemerintah
yang tercantum dalam Masterplan Percepatan dan Perluasan Pembangunan Ekonomi
Indonesia (MP3EI) untuk dapat mempercepat realisasi perluasan pembangunan ekonomi
dan pemerataan kemakmuran di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia. Proyek pendulum
nusantara merupakan jalur yang menghubungkan pelabuhan-pelabuhan strategis di
Indonesia dari timur ke barat. Pelabuhan-pelabuhan tersebut akan ditingkatkan baik
fasilitas maupun infrastrukturnya untuk dapat melayani kapal dengan ukuran relatif besar
sehingga dapat menurunkan biaya logistik nasional dan mendorong pemerataan
pertumbuhan ekonomi di seluruh Indonesia.]

d. Struktur Organisasi

e. Jasa
o Ship Service
o Cargo Service
o Container Service
o Other Service
o Electricty Installation
o Port Facilities rental
o Etc.

3. PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I

a. Kontak
 Alamat : Jalan Krakatau Ujung No. 100 Medan - 20241
Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
 Telepon : (+62-61) 6610220
 Fax : (+62-61) 6610906
 Email :
 Website :

b. Visi Misi

 Visi
Menjadi Nomor Satu di Bisnis Kepelabuhan di Indonesia
 Misi
Menyediakan jasa kepelabuhan yang terintegrasi, berkualitas, dan bernilai
tambah untuk memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi wilayah
 Nilai Perusahaan
 Proaktif dan Cepat Tanggap
 Mengutamakan Pelayanan Prima dan Kepuasan Pelanggan
 Jujur dan Taat
 Berani dan Bertanggung Jawab
 Kompeten dan Disiplin
 Berkualitas
 Berkolaborasi dan Bersinergi
 Tulus dan Saling Menghargai

c. Deskripsi

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero) pada awalnya masa penjajahan Belanda adalah

perusahaan dengan nama “Haven Bedrijf". Setelah kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia,
pada periode 1945-1950, Perusahaan berubah status menjadi Jawatan Pelabuhan. Pada
1969, Jawatan Pelabuhan berubah menjadi Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dengan
status Perusahaan Negara Pelabuhan disingkat dengan nama PNP.
Periode 1969-1983, PN Pelabuhan berubah menjadi Lembaga Pengusaha Pelabuhan
dengan nama Badan Pengusahaan Pelabuhan disingkat BPP. Pada 1983, berdasarkan
Peraturan Pemerintah No. 11 tahun 1983 Badan Pengusahaan Pelabuhan (BPP) dirubah
menjadi Perusahaan Umum Pelabuhan I disingkat Perumpel I. Berdasarkan Peraturan
Pemerintah No. 56 tahun 1991 Perumpel I berubah status menjadi PT Pelabuhan
Indonesia I (Persero).
Perubahan nama Perusahaan menjadi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero)
berdasarkan Akta No. 1 tanggal 1 Desember 1992 dari Imas Fatimah, S.H., Notaris di
Jakarta dan telah mendapatkan persetujuan dari Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia
berdasarkan Surat Keputusan No. C2-8519.HT.01.01 tahun 1992 tertanggal 1 Juni 1992
serta telah diumumkan dalam Berita Negara Republik Indonesia No. 8612 tanggal 1
Nopember 1994, tambahan No. 87.
Berdasarkan Akta No. 207 tanggal 30 Juni 2014 yang dikeluarkan oleh Notaris Risna
Rahmi Arifa, S.H., anggaran dasar Perusahaan mengalami perubahan dengan
peningkatan modal dasar Perusahaan dari Rp1.800.000.000.000 (Rp1,8T) yang terbagi
atas 1.800.000 saham dengan nilai nominal Rp.1.000.000 per saham menjadi
Rp6.800.000.000.000 (Rp 6,8 triliun) yang terbagi atas 6.800.000 saham dengan nilai
nominal Rp1.000.000 per saham. Berdasarkan akta tersebut juga telah terjadi
peningkatan modal disetor Perusahaan dari Rp511.960.000.000 yang terbagi atas
511.960 saham dengan nilai nominal Rp1.000.000 per saham menjadi
Rp1.700.000.000.000 yang terbagi atas 1.700.000 saham dengan nilai nominal
Rp1.000.000 per saham. Perubahan anggaran dasar tersebut telah mendapat
persetujuan dari Menteri Kehakiman dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia No.
AHU.05403.40.20.2014 tanggal 11 Juli 2014.
Perusahaan berkedudukan dan berkantor pusat di Jalan Krakatau Ujung No. 100
Medan 20241, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 64
Tahun 2001, kedudukan, tugas dan kewenangan Menteri Keuangan selaku Pemegang
Saham pada Persero/ Perusahaan Terbatas dialihkan kepada Menteri BUMN Republik
Indonesia, sedangkan pembinaan Teknis Operasional berada ditangan Departemen
Perhubungan Republik Indonesia dan dilaksanakan oleh Direktorat Jenderal
Perhubungan Laut.
Sebelum tahun 2008, Perusahaan bergerak dalam bidang jasa kepelabuhan,
pelayanan peti kemas, terminal dan depo peti kemas, usaha galangan kapal, pelayanan
tanah, listrik dan air, pengisian BBM, konsolidasi dan distribusi termasuk hewan, jasa
konsultasi kepelabuhan dan pengusahaan kawasan pabean. Sejak tahun 2008, dalam
rangka optimalisasi sumber daya maka Perusahaan dapat melakukan kegiatan usaha lain
meliputi jasa angkutan, sewa dan perbaikan fasilitas, perawatan kapal dan peralatan, alih
muat kapal, properti diluar kegiatan utama kepelabuhan, kawasan industri, fasilitas
pariwisata dan perhotelan, jasa konsultan dan surveyor, komunikasi dan informasi,
konstruksi kepelabuhan, ekspedisi, kesehatan, perbekalan, shuttle bus, penyelaman,
tally, pas pelabuhan dan timbangan.

d. Struktur Organisasi
e. Jasa
o Storage & Warehousing
o Marine Service
o Waste Treatment
o Shipyard
o Electricity Installation

4. PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia IV

a. Kontak
 Alamat : Jl Soekarno No. 1, Makassar-Sulawesi Selatan,
90173 Indonesia
 Telepon : +62-411-3616-549 ext. 6204
 Email :
 Website :

b. Visi & Misi

o Visi
Menjadi perusahaan yang bernilai dan berdaya tarik tinggi melalui proses dan
pelayanan unggul dengan orang-orang yang bahagia
o Misi
 Menjadi penggerak dan pendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia
Tengah dan Timur
 Memberikan tingkat kepuasan pelanggan yang tinggi
 Tingkat kepuasan pelanggan dan keterikatan pegawai terus meningkat
 Menjadi mitra usaha yang terpercaya dan menguntungkan
 Pertumbuhan pendapatan dan laba usaha 20% setiap tahun
 Menjadi public company tahun 2018
o Nilai
 Integritas (jujur, komitmen, loyalitas dan kredibiltas)
 Antusias (kerjasama, kinerja tinggi, empati, partisipatif dan
 Kolaborasi (passion, gairah, semangat dan energi)
 Kompeten (pengambangan diri, penguasaan bidang, kreativitas dan
 Fokus Pelanggan (Wow Servis, adaptif, mendengarkan dan solutif)

c. Deskripsi
Secara efektif keberadaan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) mulai sejak
penandatanganan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan oleh Sekjen Dephub berdasarkan Akta
Notaris Imas Fatimah, SH No 7 tanggal 1 Desember 1992. Menilik perkembangan
kebelakang di masa awal pengelolaannya, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) telah
mengalami perkembangan yang cukup pesat dan mampu menyesuaikan diri dengan
perkembangan lingkungan yang semakin maju.

Tahun 1957-1960
Pada masa awal kemerdekaan, pengelolaan pelabuhan berada dibawah koordinasi
Djawatan Pelabuhan. seiring dengan adanya nasionalisasi terhadap perusahaan-
perusahaan milik Belanda dan dengan dikeluarkannya PP No. 19/1960, maka status
pengelolaan pelabuhan dialihkan dari Djawatan Pelabuhan berbentuk badan hukum yang
disebut Perusahaan Negara. (PN)

Tahun 1960-1963
Berdasarkan PP No. 19 tahun 1960 tersebut pengelolaan pelabuhan umum
diselenggarakan oleh PN pelabuhan I-VIII. Di kawasan Timur Indonesia sendiri terdapat 4
(empat)PN Pelabuhan yaitu : PN Pelabuhan Banjarmasin, PN Pelabuhan Makassar, PN
Pelabuhan Bitung dan PN Pelabuhan Ambon.

Tahun 1964-1969
Pada masa order baru, pemerintah mengeluarkan PP 1/1969 dan PP 19/1969 yang
melikuidasi PN Pelabuhan menjadi Badan Pengusahaan Pelabuhan (BPP) yang di pimpin
oleh Administrator Pelabuhan sebagai penanggung jawab tunggal dan umum di
pelabuhan. Dengan kata lain aspek komersial tetap dilakukan oleh PN Pelabuhan, tetapi
kegiatan operasional pelabuhan dikoordinasikan oleh Lemabaga Pemerintah yang disebut
Port Authority.

Tahun 1969- 1983

Pengelolaan Pelabuhan dalam likuiditas dilakukan oleh Badan Pengusahaan
Pelabuhan (BPP) berdasarkan PP 1/1969 dan PP 18/1969. Dengan adanya penetapan itu,
pelabuhan dibubarkan dan Port Authority digantikan oleh BPP.

Tahun 1983-1992
Status pelabuhan dalam likuidasi yang di kenal dengan BPP berakhir dengan
keluarnya PP 11/1983 dan PP 17/1983 yang menetapka bahwa pengelolaan pelabuhan
dilakukan oleh Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang berbentuk Perusahaan Umum (Perum).

Tahun 1992 – sekarang

Dilandasi oleh pertimbangan peningkatan efisiensi dan efektifitas perusahaan serta
dengan melihat perkembangan yang dicapai oleh perum pelabuhan IV, pemerintah
menetapkan melalui PP 59/1991 bahwa pengelolaan pelabuhan di wilayah Perum
Pelabuhan IV dialihkan bentuknya dari Perum menjadi (Persero). selanjutnya Perum
Pelabuhan Indonesia Iv beralih menjadi PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV. Sebagai
Persero, pemilikan saham PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV yang berkantor pusat di jalan
Soekarno No. 1 Makassar sepenuhnya dikuasai oleh Pemerintah, dalam hal ini Menteri
Keuangan Republik Indonesia dan pada saat ini telah di alihkan ke Menteri Negara Badan
Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN).

d. Struktur Organisasi

e. Pelayanan
 Pelayanan Kapal
 Pelayanan Barang
 Pelayanan Terminal Peti Kemas
 Pelayanan Penumpang
 Pelayanan Lainnya
5. Port of Singapore Authority

a. Contact
 Address : 38th Floor, PSA Building, 460 Alexandra Road,
Singapore 119963
 Phone : +65 62747111
 Fax : (65) 6274 7111
 E-mail :
 Website :

b. Mission & Values

To be the port operator of choice in the world's gateway hubs, renowned for best-
in-class services and successful partnerships.

o Committed to Excellence
We set new standards by continuously improving results and innovating
in every aspect of our business.
o Dedicated to Customers
We help our external and internal customers succeed by anticipating and
meeting their needs.
o Focused on People
We win as a team by respecting, nurturing and supporting one another.
o Integrated Globally
We build our strength globally by embracing diversity and optimizing
operations locally.

c. History
Under the 1912 Straits Settlements Port Ordinance, the Singapore Harbour Board was
formed on 1 July 1913. On 1 April 1964, the Port of Singapore Authority came into being
under the 1963 Port of Singapore Authority Ordinance to replace the Singapore Harbour
Board and several organisations that have been operating in the port.
A parliamentary bill was passed on 25 August 1997 to turn the Port of Singapore
Authority, a state organisation into an independent commercial company. PSA
Corporation Limited (simplified Chinese: 新加坡港务集团) was thus corporatised on 1
October 1997. The company kept the initials “PSA” as its brand name but it is no longer
an acronym. The regulatory functions of the former authority were transferred to
Singapore's new maritime regulator, the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA).
Following a restructuring exercise in December 2003, PSA International Pte Ltd
(simplified Chinese: PSA国际港务集团) became the holding company for the PSA Group
of companies with PSA Singapore as one of its flagship terminals.

d. Board of Director
DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : Peter Robert Voser
GROUP CEO : Tan Chong Meng

e. Service
 Terminals
o Joint-Venture Terminal
o Multipurpose Terminal
o Future Terminal
 Container Service
o ReeferCare
o ChemCare
o Boxcare
 Shipper Service
o Keppel Distripark

6. Hongkong International Terminals Limited (HIT)

a. Contact
 Address : Terminal 4, Container Port Road South Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
 Telephone : +852 2619 7888
 Fax : (852) 2480 4765
 E-mail :
 Website :
b. Mission & Principles
 Service to our customers is everyone’s responsibility
 We have drive and are creative
 We have the courage to speak up
 We avoid mistakes, but when the mistakes happens then we sort it out
 We are an open, friendly organization
 We work as a team
 We take action
c. Description
Hongkong International Terminals Limited (HIT) is a member of HPH Trust, the
world's first container port business trust listed in Singapore. HIT is also a part of
Hutchison Ports' global network of port and logistics operations, and continues to have
access to services and resources enjoyed by companies within the Hutchison Ports Group.
Situated in the Kwai Tsing container port area of Hong Kong - one of the busiest
container ports in the world.
HIT operates twelve berths at Terminals 4, 6, 7 and 9 North. Established in 1969,
HIT has continuously set industry benchmarks for productivity, efficiency and value-added
services. Using modern management techniques, state-of-the-art computer systems and
award winning IT applications, HIT has become a pinnacle of industry excellence.
HIT plays a key role in the continuing development of the port of Hong Kong,
ensuring the port has the resources, facilities and people required to achieve smooth and
efficient handling of container cargoes.
As global trade and the needs for logistics chain management increases, HIT has
diversified its operations beyond the traditional role of a container port operator. HIT has
leveraged the strength of Hutchison Ports and developed a logistics network covering the
Pearl River Delta and the rest of South China, based on the principles of efficiency,
productivity and cost-effectiveness. The ultimate goal is the creation of an integrated
supply chain network, with total logistics management services.

d. Leadership
 Managing Director : Gerry Yim
e. Services
 Delivery Service
 Planning
 Gate Operations
 Container Yard Operations
 Quayside Operations
 Barge Operations
 Customer Service
7. Port of Rotterdam

a. Contact
 Address : World Port Center (WPC), Wilhelminakade 909,
3072 AP Rotterdam, The Netherlands
 Phone : 31 (0) 10 252 10 10
 Fax : 31 (0) 10 252 10 20
 E-mail :
 Website :
b. Mission, Vision & Strategies
 Mission
The Port of Rotterdam Authority creates economic and social value by working
with customers and stakeholders to achieve sustainable growth in the world-class
 Vision
"We continually improve the port of Rotterdam to make it the safest, most
efficient and most sustainable port in the world. We create value for our
customers by developing logistics chains, networks and clusters, in both Europe
and growth markets worldwide. As an enterprising port developer, the Port
Authority is the partner for world-class clients. In this way, we are also
strengthening the competitive position of the Netherlands."
 Strategy
In order to be competitive and remain the best port in Europe, in the period
ahead we will be investing actively, together with our customers and
stakeholders, in the sustainable growth of the port and industrial complex, so that
this will continue to create social and economic value in the future.
In the period ahead, we will put every effort into new growth markets and, at
the same time, invest in existing growth markets and mature markets in which
the port is market leader. The Port of Rotterdam Authority will create a vital area
offering excellent business conditions for both existing and new customers,
extend the international port network, and focus on the development of
sustainable and efficient logistics chains, clusters and modes of transport.
Naturally, we will guarantee sufficient investment capital for the long term.
c. Profile
Our core tasks under the articles of association are:
• The development, construction, management and operation of the port and industrial
area in Rotterdam.

• The promotion of the safe, effective and efficient handling of shipping in the port of
Rotterdam and the offshore approaches to the port.

Our key revenue streams consist of rental income and port dues. The Port of
Rotterdam Authority lets port sites to companies, primarily to storage and transhipment
companies and to the chemical and petrochemical industries, including energy producers.
We impose port dues on ships that make use of our port. We invest in public
infrastructure, such as roads in the port area, in customer-specific infrastructure, such as
quay walls and jetties, and in the development of new port sites. In order to handle
shipping as effectively as possible, we invest in a traffic management system, patrol
vessels and emergency control.

d. Organization Structure

e. Services
 Maritime Services
 Nautical Services
 Port Community System
 Port Customs
8. Port of Vancouver

a. Contact
 Address : 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place, Vancouver, British Columbia
V6C 3T4
 Phone : 604.665.9000
 Fax : 1.866.284.4271
 E-mail :
 Website :
b. Mission, Vision and Values
 Our mission
To enable Canada’s trade objectives, ensuring safety, environmental protection
and consideration for local communities.
 Our vision
To be the world’s most sustainable port.Port redevelopment and construction of
marina port facilities
 Our definition of a sustainable port
A sustainable port delivers economic prosperity through trade, maintains a
healthy environment, and enables thriving communities through collective
accountability, meaningful dialogue and shared aspirations.
 Our values
o Accountability
o Continuous improvement
o Collaboration
o Customer responsiveness
c. Overview

Located in a naturally beautiful setting on Canada’s west coast, the Port of Vancouver
is Canada’s largest port. The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority’s role is to responsibly
facilitate Canada’s trade through the port. We work together with port terminals and
tenants to ensure the efficient and reliable movement of goods and passengers,
integrating environmental, social and economic sustainability initiatives into all areas of
port operations.

Located on the southwest coast of British Columbia in Canada, the Port of Vancouver
extends from Roberts Bank and the Fraser River up to and including Burrard Inlet. The
port is Canada’s largest, supporting trade with more than 170 economies around the
With the most diversified range of cargo of any port in North America, the port
operates across five business sectors: automobiles, breakbulk, bulk, container and cruise.
In 2017, 142 million tonnes of cargo moved through the port, valued at $200 billion.
Almost 95 per cent of the port’s total volume serves Canadian import and export markets.

Many different enterprises operate in the port including cargo and cruise terminals,
industries requiring tidewater access, shipyards, tugboats, railways, trucks, shipping
agents, freight forwarders, suppliers, builders, and administrative agencies.

The port is home to 27 major marine cargo terminals, three Class 1 railroads, and a
full range of facilities and services to the international shipping community. Deep-sea
terminals provide Super Post-Panamax capacity and extensive on-dock rail facilities with
virtually no draft restrictions. Freshwater facilities offer integrated services for the
automobile and coastal forest industries, and for short-sea shipping. The Canada Place
cruise terminal at the Port of Vancouver serves as homeport for the Vancouver-Alaska
cruise industry.

d. Board of Committee
 Audit Committee
 Governance and stakeholder relations committee
 Human resources and compensation committee
 Major capital projects committee
e. Services
 Marine Operations
 Cargo and Terminal
 Cruise
 Trucks and Rails

9. PT. Wahana Jaya Samudera

a. Contact
 Address : Jl. Deli 17, Pelabuhan Tanjung Emas, Semarang 50129
Central Java, Indonesia
 Phone : (62-24) 3549467; 3548434; 3548435
 Fax : (62-24) 3517371
 E-mail :
 Website :
b. Mission, Vision & Values
To Uphold High Level of Integrity and Professionalism
Connecting Indonesia
o Providing transportation services, to meet the demand of distribution
activities all over Indonesia
o Positively contributed to the economic growth in Indonesia, by providing
efficient logistics solutions
o To ensure sustainable business growth, and deliver additional value to
the shareholders
o Actively participating in creating job employment, and developing the
competence of human resource skills
Patience, Resilience, Persistence and Faith
c. Founder
In October 1952, Soedarpo Sastrosatomo established NVPD Soedarpo Corporation,
his first business line that works in trading, import and distribution.
On 1 March 1953, Soedarpo took over NV ISTA (Internationale Scheepvaart
Transport Agenturen) and became the Managing Director. In November later that year,
Soedarpo created Indonesia Stevedoring Ltd (INSTEL). In 1956, INSTEL acquired
Stroohoeden Veem (which then became PT Sinar Harapan Veem Indonesia - SHVI), the
biggest stevedoring and warehousing company in Surabaya at that time.
On 13 November 1964, through ISTA, INSTEL, Soedarpo started PT Perusahaan
Pelayaran Samudera "Samudera Indonesia", which he held as President Director until the
year 2000 and as President Commissioner until his passing in 22 October 2007.
Throughout his career, Soedarpo was active in various professional and social
organizations, among others as the General CHairman of INSA (Indonesian National
Shipowners' Association). Soedarpo was also known as one of the District Governors
Rotary International in Indonesia, and founder as well as the Chairman of the Rotary
Indonesian Foundation.
In 1985, Soedarpo received the "Orde Van Oranje-Nassau" award from the Kingdom
of Holland for his services for the community. In 1995, he received "Bintang Mahaputra
Pratama" from the President of Indonesia. In 28 September 2000, Soedarpo was honored
to be in the "Asia Maritime Hall of Fame" as an award for his career in building Samudera
Indonesia as one of the well respected players in the Asian maritime industry.
d. Board of Directors
 President Director : SHANTI L. POESPOSOETJIPTO
e. Services
 New Vessel Contruction
 Vessel Repair
 Vessel Maintenance

10. Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering

a. Contact
 Address : 3370, Geoje-daero, Geoje-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea
 Phone : 055-735-2114
 Fax : 02-756-4390
 Website :
b. Mission & Values

c. Overview
DSME's vessels are highly appreciated for their finest quality in the world's
shipbuilding market where established major players in the world economy such as
Europe and America compete.
Satisfied with superior technology, on-time delivery and dedicated people who spare
no effort to meet customer's needs, major oil producers come back with follow-up orders
once having ordered large-scale offshore platforms from DSME.
3 employees and the side view of a large vessel on the sea
Started in 1973 at Okpo Bay, Geoje Island, located on the southeastern tip of the
Korean Peninsula, the shipyard of DSME was completed in 1981. DSME has since grown
into the world's premium shipbuilding and offshore contractor who is specialized in
building various vessels, offshore platforms, drilling rigs, FPSO/FPUs, submarines, and
The shipyard which spans an area of 4.9 million meters squared encompasses the
world's largest dock with a million-ton capacity and is optimized for building high-tech
motor vessels using cutting-edge equipment, including a 900-ton goliath crane.
DSME manufactures high-quality products based on its vast IT expertise, well-
managed shipbuilding technologies, superb fixed-platform construction capacities, large-
scale project management know-how, and submarine/destroyer construction
Since reborn as an independent company in October 2000, DSME has been creating
a corporate culture on the core values of Trust and Passion.
DSME defines "trust" as building partnerships and confidence with colleagues and
within the organization through mutual respect and consideration, winning customer
loyalty by honesty and promise-keeping, and strengthening trust between the employees
and the company through transparent management.
DSME defines "passion" as completing each task with determination and
persistence, being responsible for one's actions with a sense of ownership, seeking
continuous improvement for higher values instead of being complacent, and spreading
the wings of self-actualization.
Also, DSME became the first shipbuilder to deploy the Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) system to secure transparent management, and it has established a process
innovation system that increases management efficiency while eliminating waste through
faster decision making.
d. Organization Chart

e. Service
 Merchant Ship Building & Repair
 Naval & Special Ship Building & Repair
 Offshore Plant Building & Repair

11. Hyundai Heavy Industries

a. Contact
 Address : 1000 Bangeojinsunhwan-doro, Dong-gu, Ulsan 44032, Korea
 Phone : +82-(0)52-202-2114
 Fax : +82-(0)52-202-3487
 E-mail :
 Website :
b. Vision
 Vision
o In 1972 Chung Ju-yung won his first ship order with little more than some
seaside property and a vision to become a world-class shipbuilder. Today,
our founder's determination to "create something out of nothing"
exemplifies the indomitable spirit that continues to drive us in our quest
for excellence.
o We aspire to be a 'Global Leader', sailing into a brilliant future. The first
part of our vision emphasizes our determination to consistently deliver
unrivalled products and services.
o We are also committed to delivering superior satisfaction to our
customers, more rewarding careers for our employees, and greater value
to our clients.
 Values

c. Overview
Our vision is to become a "Global Leader" in the heavy industries sector. Four decades
ago that vision was only a dream, but after transforming an empty stretch of beach into
the world's largest shipyard, that dream has become a reality. Our vision is a vast bridge
connecting "reality" and "future" and has ultimately allowed us to lead in our field. This
vision is a part of the "Hyundai Spirit": Creative Wisdom, Positive Thinking, and
Unwavering Drive.
Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), founded by the late Chung Ju-yung on March 23, 1972
wrote the first chapter of its shipbuilding history in June, 1974 by completing construction
of the world's largest shipyard and two 260,000-DWT VLCCs all at the same time. A decade
after its first delivery, the Hyundai Shipyard topped 10 million deadweight tons in
aggregate ship production, and has maintained the leading position in the world
shipbuilding market ever since. Hyundai Shipyard's drive has mirrored the growth of
modern Korean heavy industry, and our success has allowed us to expand into other
heavy industry areas, ultimately leading to the formation of Hyundai Heavy Industries, an
integrated heavy industry company.
The latest chapter of HHI's history began with the separation from the Hyundai Group
in February, 2002. The independent establishment of the Hyundai Heavy Industries Group
included mergers with Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries and Hyundai Mipo Dockyard.
d. Organization Chart

e. Services
 Merchant Shipbuilding
 Naval & Special Ship
 Offshore & Engineering
 Engine & Machinery

12. Samsung Heavy Industries

a. Contact
 Address : 23, Pangyo-ro 227 beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si,
Seognam-si, Gyeonggi-do (13486)
 Phone : 82 31 5171 7000
 E-mail :
 Website :
b. Mission
By providing ships and facilities that are safe, environment-friendly, economical and
convenient, the company is able to satisfy any and all customer demands for quality.
 Values
 People
We value our people with a strong belief in "A company is its people"
philosophy & provide opportunities to perform their full potential.
 Excellence
We give our best efforts with endless passion & challenge spirit to
become world best in every ways.
 Change
We rapidly take the initiative in executing change & innovation with a
sense of crisis: we can not survive if we do not constantly strive to
 Integrity
We act in a right and ethical way in all manners, ensuring fairness with
honor and grace.
 Co-Prosperity
We take full responsibilities as a good corporate citizen in pursuit of
mutual prosperity ofour community, nation and human society.
b. Overview
Samsung Heavy Industries has successfully completed many of the world's first and
largest shipbuilding and offshore EPC projects, with sole aim to establish global leadership
in each of the participating market segments.
Most notably, it has achieved unbeatable leadership in the high-tech high-value
shipbuilding sector by maintaining the world’s No. 1 share in the drill ship, LNG carrier
and FPSO markets
The company has developed and built the first Arctic Shuttle-Tanker and LNG-FPSOs
in the world, and has pioneered new market developments by developing innovative
products such as LNG-FSRU, and various ships for polar applications, Arctic Ice-Breaker
Container Ships.
In the offshore facilities sector, the company has fortified its reputation through its
excellent technology and rich experience, by successfully delivering the world’s largest
semi-submerged offshore drilling platform.
In addition, the company has operated the electricity and electronics business by
converging its shipbuilding & offshore business with digital technology. It provides ship
network systems, FuGas(fuel gas supply & storage system) and PURIMAR(ballast water
management system). Its technological excellence has been highly recognized in the
global markets.
c. Organization Structure

d. Service
 Shipbuilding
 Tanker
 Container Ship
 LNG Carrier, LNG FSRU
 Passenger Ship
 Offshore building
 Drill Ship
 Fixed Platform
 Floating Offshore Platform
 Jack-up Rig
 Machinery & Systems
 Automation SYStem
 Power System
 Technology Development
 Floating Power Plant
 Semi-rig independent Model
13. Fincantieri

a. Contact
 Address : Fincantieri – Cantieri Navali Italiani S.p.A., Casella Postale n. 307
34074 Monfalcone
 Phone : +39 040 3193111
 Fax : +39 040 3192305
 Website :
b. Mission & Vision
We aspire to become world leaders in all sectors that require highly advanced
solutions, setting ourselves still further apart by our diversification and
innovation work. The Sea Ahead: all those who work at Fincantieri steer for this
course: talented men and women working responsibly to help develop our idea
of a future increasingly characterized by innovation, performance and
Technological development and continous improvement are the goals that we
have set for ourselves, and we are strongly determined to pursue them. Our every
action, project, initiative or decision is based on principles and guidelines that are
implemented across the Group: strict observance of the law, labor protection and
protection of the enviroment, safeguarding the interests of our shareholders,
employees, clients, trade and financial partners, local communities and group,
creating value for every stakeholder.
c. Overview
Twenty shipyards across Europe, Americas and Asia. A workforce of twenty thousand
people, 60% outside Italy. Revenues of four billion euros. These figures underscore our
supreme competitiveness in the market. We are a global multinational. And we are
Because we are the only company that can build all types of vessel, whatever their
complexity. From cruise liners to mega yachts, military ships to high-tech offshore vessels.
We are Fincantieri. Rooted in Italy, we operate worldwide. We are an ecosystem that
welcomes the shipowners and assists them at every stage, from construction and on
through their unit’s entire life-cycle. We have a design in mind; every day, a new piece
falls into place, as we grow and continually improve.
Our mission is to be world leaders in all segments that demand the very best in marine
solutions, building on our Italian style and culture and our distinctive assets of
diversification, integration and pioneering spirit.
With people of substance, recognizing their value. That is our vision of the future. Ever-
improving performance and technology, through unstinting innovation. Responsible,
transparent and sustainable, for people and the environment. That is the sea ahead.
d. Organization Structure
e. Service
 Cruise Ships
 Ferry
 Naval Vessels
 Mega Yacht
 Ship repair and conversion
 Offshore Systems and Components
 After Sales Services
14. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

a. Contact
 Address : 16-5 Konan 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo
 Phone : 81-3-6716-3111
 Fax : 81-3-6716-5800
 Website :
b. Principles

c. Vision
To solve society’s issues through global integrated engineering,
ensuring long-term wellbeing and security for humanity.

d. Overview
At Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Group, we channel big thinking into solutions that
move the world forward - advancing the lives of everyone who shares our planet.
By bringing people and ideas together as one, we continue to pave the way to a future
of shared success.
Passionately finding new, simpler and sustainable ways to power our cities, improve
infrastructure, innovate manufacturing and connect people and businesses around the
globe with ever-increasing speed and efficiency.
This is the power of true harmony.
This is what moving the world forward is all about.
This is today's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Group.
e. Organization Chart
f. Product
 Passenger Ships
 LNG Carrier
 Commercial Ships
 Special Purpose Ships

15. Keppel Corporation

a. Contact
 Address : 1 HarbourFront Avenue #18-01 Keppel Bay Tower
Singapore 098632
 Phone : (65) 6270 6666
 Fax : (65) 6413 6391
 E-mail :
 Website :
b. Mission & Vision
 Vision
A global company at the forefront of our chosen industries, shaping the future for
the benefit of all our stakeholders - Sustaining Growth, Empowering Lives and
Nurturing Communities.
 Mission
Guided by our operating principles and core values, we will deliver solutions for
sustainable urbanisation profitably, safely and responsibly.

c. Overview
With a global footprint in more than 20 countries, Keppel is a multi-business
company providing robust solutions for sustainable urbanisation, to meet the growing
need for energy, infrastructure, clean environments, high quality homes and offices, and
It aims to be a global company at the forefront of its chosen industries, shaping the
future for the benefit of all its stakeholders – Sustaining Growth, Empowering Lives and
Nurturing Communities.
The Keppel Group of Companies includes Keppel Offshore & Marine, Keppel Land,
Keppel Infrastructure, Keppel Telecommunications & Transportation (Keppel T&T) and
Keppel Capital Holdings among others.
Keppel Offshore & Marine is a global leader in offshore rig design, construction and
repair, ship repair and conversion and specialised shipbuilding. Its Near Market, Near
Customer strategy is bolstered by a network of yards and offices worldwide.
Keppel Land contributes to changing cityscapes across Asia as a choice developer
with a sterling portfolio of award-winning residential developments, integrated
townships and investment-grade commercial properties. Reputed for its quality and
innovation hallmark, Keppel Land is committed to develop properties that harmonise with
the urban and natural landscape for desirable live-work-play environments and with
enduring value for the community.
Keppel Infrastructure drives the Group's strategy to invest in, own and operate
competitive energy and environmental infrastructure solutions and services.
Keppel T&T is a leading service provider in the Asia-Pacific and Europe with
businesses in logistics and data centres. Its logistics division offers one-stop, integrated
logistics solutions to help clients manage their entire supply chain, while the data centre
division owns, acquires, develops and manages high-availability data centre facilities.
Keppel Capital is the Group's asset management arm. With assets under
management of S$29 billion as at end-December 2017, Keppel Capital has a diversified
portfolio that includes real estate, infrastructure and data centre assets in key global
Keppel Urban Solutions is an end-to-end master developer of urban developments,
leveraging the Group's more than two decades of experience and strong track record in
the planning and development of large-scale projects in the Asia-Pacific. Keppel Urban
Solutions brings together the Group's diverse capabilities in energy, property,
infrastructure and connectivity to create highly liveable, smart and sustainable

d. Organization Chart

e. Services
 Shipbuilding
 Offshore building
 Specialized Buildings

16. Sembcorp Marine

a. Contact
 Address : 29 Tanjong Kling Road, Singapore 628054
 Phone : +65 6265 1766
 Fax : +65 6261 0738
 Website :
b. Mission, Vision & Values
 Mission
We are a global company providing innovative engineering solutions, products
and services to the offshore, marine and energy industries.
 Vision
To be the partner of choice for the offshore, marine and energy industries.
 Values

c. Overview
Sembcorp Marine provides innovative engineering solutions to the global offshore,
marine and energy industries. Drawing upon more than 50 years of track record and an
extensive network of facilities and expertise, the Group focuses on four key capabilities,
namely, Rigs & Floaters; Repairs & Upgrades; Offshore Platforms and Specialised
Sembcorp Marine operates shipyards strategically located in Singapore, Indonesia, the
United Kingdom and Brazil. Its customers include major oil companies, drilling
contractors, shipping companies as well as owners and operators of floating production
By delivering innovative solutions that often redefine the possibilities of offshore,
marine and energy technologies, Sembcorp Marine achieves successful and sustainable
outcomes for its customers – regardless of the scale, complexity and location of the
d. Organization Chart

e. Services
 Rigs & Floaters
 Ship Repairs & Upgrades
 Offshore Platform
 Specialized Buildings
17. PT. Pelayaran Tempuran Emas TbK.

a. Contact
 Address : Jl. Yos Sudarso Kav. 33, Sunter Jaya, Jakarta Utara 14350
 Phone : +62 21 4302388
 Fax : +62 21 43938658
 E-mail :
 Website :
b. Mission & Vision
Become Shipping Company No. 1 in Indonesia in 2017.
Providing shipping services in Indonesia innovative, competitive and reliable, and
always provide a professional service to customers, thus providing maximum
benefit to stakeholders.
c. Overview
PT Tempuran Emas was established on September 17, 1987, and is the first
company in Indonesia that pioneered in marine shipping service for goods in container.
The Company demonstrates its excellence and qualification in container transportation
and stevedoring service and management on national scale. This is supported by its
subsidiaries and solid affiliation. The Company further solidifies its business engagement
and new milestone through the declaration of TEMAS Line as listed company in 2003. By
listing shares with ticker code TMAS in the stock exchange, the Company issued
451,000,000 shares on June 25, 2003. On July 9, 2003, TEMAS Line officially operated as
the first national container shipping company listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange and
changed its name to PT Pelayaran Tempuran Emas Tbk.
A pioneer in national shipping industry, the Company started its containers shipping
operation with rented vessel. As the business continues to expand, the Company strives
to improve its performance, enhance its competency, augment its vessel units and
expand its service coverage to become a leading company in Indonesia shipping industry
with modern vessels and port owned and operated by the Company. The other
advantages of TEMAS Line include the facility of heavy equipment to support container
stevedoring activities, such as HMK 260E Harbour Mobile Crane (HMC), Empty Container
Handler and Container Forklift to ensure efficiency and timeliness of shipping.
Always keeping up with the dynamic development of national shipping industry,
the Company continues to develop its service types and coverage toward shipping
management, agency, stevedoring and warehousing. As a form of integrated service, four
Subsidiaries now supports the Company, namely: PT Perusahaan Bongkar Muat Olah Jasa
Trisari Andal which engages in stevedoring and related services; PT Pelayaran Tirtamas
Express which engages in shipping service; Anemi Maritime Co. Ltd (Anemi) which
engages in container management; and PT Escorindo which engages in stevedoring
service. The Company strives to expand its coverage throughout all areas in Indonesia.
Until the end of 2014, the Company has 11 (eleven) branch offices in Jakarta, Ambon,
Banjarmasin, Belawan, Bitung, Jayapura, Makassar, Pekanbaru, Pontianak, Surabaya and
Sorong, as well as 7 (seven) agency units in Batam, Kupang, Biak, Palembang, Samarinda,
Manokwari and Dumai.
In 2013, the Company purchased another 2,500 units of food grade container to
transport food, drinks and pharmaceutical products to improve and increase the service
quality to the customers. In 2014, 1 vessel unit with the capacity of 1,560 TEUs was added,
as well as 4,000 container units. Therefore, at the end of the year, the Company had
improved its shipping sector with a total of 22 vessel units and the capacity of 12,838
TEUs, as well as a total of 24.854 units of container.
d. Ownership

e. Services
 Logistic
 Depot Management
 Stevedoring
 Agency
 Shipping Management
 Shipping

18. PT. Pelayaran Tamarin Samudera TbK.

a. Contact
 Address : Jalan Alaydrus No.78 C, Petojo Utara – Gambir,
Jakarta Pusat 10130, Indonesia
 Phone : +(62) (021) 6342275, +(62) (021) 6334489
 Fax : +(62) (021) 6335557
 E-mail :
 Website :
b. Vision & Mision
 Our vision is to become the best offshore shipping provider in the oil & gas
 Our mission is consistently keeping best services to our clients, competitive price
and put the priority responsible of the highest safety standard for community
and environment.
c. Overview
PT Pelayaran Tamarin Samudra Tbk is a fast growing integrated offshore shipping
company. Since we were established, we’ve been proved and will always improve our
professional performances in all our services to our clients, particularly in HSE which is
become our main priority. Our services are include offshore marine support such as
chartering, re-chartering and transshipment services of Accommodation Work Barge
(AWB), Anchor Handling Towing Supply (AHTS).
We provide a wide-range of marine support services, especially in Accommodation
Work Barge (AWB), Anchor Handling Towing Supply (AHTS), that all have superb track
records in the offshore oil & gas industry.
We have been supporting offshore activities all around Indonesia. We always try to
deliver best quality operations and professionalism without compromising safety
d. Ownership
Shareholders who own 5% or more of the shares of Tamarin Samudra Tbk Shipping,
namely: PT Andalan Lepas Pantai, with an ownership percentage of 80%. (
e. Services
 Chartering
 Re-chartering
 Transshipment Service

19. PT. Pelayaran Nasional Bina Buana Raya TbK.

a. Contact
 Address : TCC Batavia Tower one 8th Floor, Suite 08-09
Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur Kav 126 Jakarta Pusat – Indonesia, 10220
 Phone : +6221-2952 9461 / 63
 Fax : +6221-2952 9462
 Website :
b. Core
 Tugs & Barges Division
Owning and managing a sizeable and well-equipped fleet of tugboat and barges,
BBR provides voyage and time charters of vessels for bulk handling,
transportation and transshipment (coal, steel scrap, iron ores, sand, aggregates
and other commodities) solutions.
 Offshore Marine Division
As part of its plans to meet the needs of the buoyant offshore oil and gas sector,
BBR ventured into the dynamic and challenging offshore marine sector. Today,
BBR owns fleets of offshore support vessels, mainly AHTS start from 5400 BHPs.
c. Overview
PT. Pelayaran Nasional Bina Buana Raya Tbk, or BBR in short, is a reputable shipping
company which aspires to be the leading provider of marine, logistic and offshore services
in rapidly growing Indonesia.
Established in 1998 and listed on IDX since January 2013, BBR is today principally
engaged in the provision of chartering services via the deployment of its fleet of offshore
support vessels as well as tugboats and barges.
Riding on the booming offshore oil and gas exploration, development and
production activities in Indonesia, BBR expanded into the offshore marine business since
December 2010. Its fleet of offshore support vessels currently consists of Anchor Handling
Tug and Supply vessels (AHTSs) and Platform Supply Vessels (PSVs).
Being versatile and powerful vessels equipped with enhanced bollard pull, AHTSs are
mainly deployed to tow oil rigs and other less mobile largee vessels and anchor them to
precise locations and occasionally also serve as Emergency Rescue and Recovery Vessels.

d. Shareholding Structure

e. Service
 Tug Boat and Barges
 Offshore Support Vessels
20. PT. Buana Lintas Lautan TbK.

a. Contact
 Address : Jl. Mega Kuningan Timur Blok C6 Kav. 12A, Mega Kuningan
South Jakarta 12950
 Phone : (+62-21) 3048 5700
 Fax : (+62-21) 3048 5701
 E-mail :
 Website :
b. Vision & Mission
To be the industry’s leading marine transporter of energy, offshore energy
production and storage provider, as well as agency services in Indonesia
To optimize our stakeholders’ interests by fulfilling our customers’ requirements
well, efficiently and competitively through the provision of quality vessels, units,
and professional services with strong commitment to safety, security, and
environmental protection.
Continuously improving health, safety, environmental responsibility, quality
service, discipline, cooperation, cost consciousness and a learning spirit.
c. Overview
Since its founding in 2005, PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk (Ticker: BULL) has emerged as
and one of the leading tanker companies known for reliable, flexible and eco-efficient
services in Indonesia.
With years of experience catering to numerous local and international clients, mostly
global oil and gas majors, we have taken the standards of international shipping into
domestic waters.
Given the promising business potential of the shipping industry in the country, we are
committed to developing such lucrative opportunities even further and fully participating
in the country’s shipping industry, offer all services relating to the life cycle of a ship from
a single source, and focus on improving our competency and expanding our services to
provide optimal solutions to our clients.
d. Organization Structure

e. Services
 Chartering and Vessels Operation
 Shipping Agency Services
 Ship Management Services
 Crew Management Services

21. PT. Mitrabahtera Segara Sejati TbK.

a. Contact
 Address : Menara Karya Building, 12th Floor
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Block X-5 Kav. 1-2 Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
 Phone : +62 (21) 57944755, 57944766
 Fax : +62 (21) 57944767, 57944768
 E-mail :
 Website :

b. Vision & Mission

To be a world class company
 in providing sea logistics and shipment solutions
recognized for a high standard of safety management, reliability and operational
To provide high quality solutions in sea logistics and shipment for coal and other
bulk materials including oil and gas.

c. Overview
PT Mitrabahtera Segara Sejati Tbk (MBSS) is a leading Indonesian provider of
integrated one-stop sea logistics and transportation solutions for bulk materials,
particularly coal. More than 20 years of experience in the business, MBSS has earned a
reputation for high quality, reliable service. Its customers consist of first and second-tier
The Company was founded in Jakarta, Indonesia in 1994 as a shipping company. Over
time, it expanded its facilities, fleet and overall services to become a premier provider
capable of consistently meeting client requirements. In 2011, MBSS successfully listed on
the Jakarta Stock Exchange (now the Indonesia Stock Exchange). In the same year, MBSS
also became a member of the Indika Energy group.
Applying international operating standards and industry best practices to ensure
efficient and reliable service for customers, MBSS is committed to sustainable growth and
excellence through strategic decision making and operations.ality, reliable service. Its
customers consist of first and second-tier producers.

d. Shareholding Structure

e. Services
 Barging
 Transshipmenr
 Material Handling
22. A.P Moeller-Maersk Group
a. Contact
 Address : Hedeager 5, 8200 Aarhus N,Denmark
 Phone : +45 8934 8000
 E-mail :
 Website :
b. Core Values
 Constant Care
Take care of today, actively prepare for tomorrow. What it means as a core
value: Forward thinking, planning and execution. Being informed, innovative
and seeking out new ideas. Looking for changes in the environment.
 Humbleness
Listen, learn, share, and give space to others. What it means as a core value:
Showing trust and giving empowerment. Having an attitude of continuous
learning. Never underestimating our competitors or other stakeholders.
 Uprightness
Our word is our bond. What it means as a core value: Honesty and
accountability. Openness about the good and the bad. Speaking your mind in
the debate, but backing the decision
 Our Employees
The right environment for the right people. What it means as a core value:
Attracting and retaining the right people, building the right team. Providing
opportunities for continual development. Rewarding performance, promoting
for potential.
 Our Name
The sum of our Values: passionately striving higher. What it means as a core
value: The embodiment of our values. Passion and pride for what we do and
how we do it. Our image in the eyes of our customers and the external world.
c. Overview
A.P. Moller - Maersk is an integrated container logistics company working to connect
and simplify its customers’ supply chains. As the global leader in shipping services, the
company operates in 130 countries and employs roughly 79,900 people.
d. Board of Directors

e. Services
 Supply Chain Design
We focus on solving your supply chain needs from end to end, taking the
complexity out of container shipping for you.
We are at the forefront of developing innovative supply chain solutions, fusing
our global network and depth of expertise with pioneering digital innovations to
enable our customers to stay ahead
The vision is to connect and simplify supply chains across the globe.
 Shipping & Cargo Services
As the world’s largest container shipping company, we move 12 million
containers every year and deliver to every corner of the globe. Regardless of your
industry, your commodity, or your key markets, we have solutions that offer both
small and large businesses the opportunity to grow. We serve our customers with
frequent departures on all major trade lanes and inland services for a true end-
to-end experience.
 Freight Forwarding
From specialised ocean shipments to airfreight and inland transportation, our
advanced solutions, extensive hub network and strong co-operation with our
logistics partners ensure complete control, fast transit times and seamless
connections to final destination.
Our customers know they can rely on us to deliver consistent high quality
We are passionate about understanding and meeting our customers’ needs,
both today and in the future, and our people are known for their can-do
attitude and willingness to go the extra mile to find the best and most efficient
23. MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A.

a. Contact
 Address : MSC - Mediterranean Shipping Agency AG, Steinentorstrasse 39
CH-4002 BASEL, Switzerland
 Phone : +41 61 555 6555
 E-mail :
 Website :
b. Values
All around the world MSC’s teams share a pride, a passion and a belief in the company
and the way we do business. Channelling this passion is what enables us to deliver
unrivalled customer service. MSC’s people take a personal interest in finding solutions to
match each of our customers’ needs. Our dedicated team of more than 24,000 people
will be happy to serve you in the best way possible for your business.
c. Overview
We have an established fleet of 510 container vessels with an intake capacity of circa
3.1 million TEU. Our global sailing schedules cover 200 routes, calling at 500 ports,
allowing us to deliver your cargo almost anywhere in the world.
Our sea freight offering is complemented by our integrated warehousing and haulage
services, which enable us to offer a true door-to-door service.
As a company, we believe in operating as independent national carriers, this means
we’re able to offer you a global service with unrivalled local knowledge.
We have trained, experienced experts available for our full range of services including
reefer, out-of-gauge, breakbulk and each of our trade services – each operating in tandem
with your business. This gives us the ability to uphold the personal service we’re globally
recognised for and offers you peace-of-mind that we’ll be on-hand to help whenever you
need us.
Whatever you’re shipping, wherever your destination, we’d love to hear from you.
d. Management
 Leadership

 Local Management

e. Services
 Trade Services
 Cargo
 Dry
 Reefer
 Project
 Warehousing & Storage Solution
 Cross Trading
 Intermodal
 Ports, Terminals & Depot
24. Orient Overseas Container Line

a. Contact
 Address : 31/F, Harbour Centre 25 Harbour Road Wanchai Hong Kong
 Phone : (852) 2833 3888
 Website :
b. Philosopy
 Mission Statement
To be the best and most innovative international container transport and
logistics service provider; providing a Vital Link to world trade and creating value
for our customers, employees, shareholders and partners.
 Core Values
OOCL has 4 core values that are central to everything the company does. The
core values are:
 People, People, People
 Customer Focus
 Excellence Through Quality
 Community Responsibility
c. Overview
“Orient Overseas Container Line” and “OOCL” are trade names for transportation
provided separately by: Orient Overseas Container Line Limited (“OOCLL”) and OOCL
(Europe) Limited respectively and both are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Orient Overseas
(International) Limited, a public company (0316) listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
OOCL is one of the world's largest integrated international container transportation,
logistics and terminal companies. As one of Hong Kong's most recognized global brands,
OOCL provides customers with fully-integrated logistics and containerized transportation
services, with a network that encompasses Asia, Europe, North America and Australasia.

OOCL is well respected in the industry with a reputation for providing customer-
focused solutions, a quality-through-excellence approach and continual innovation.
OOCL is one of the leading international carriers serving China, providing a full range of
logistics and transportation services throughout the country. It is also an industry leader
in the use of information technology and e-commerce to manage the entire cargo
d. Organization Structure

e. Services
 Cargo & Yatch Shipping
 Reefer Cargo
 Containers
 OOCL Logistics
 Intermodal
25. China Ocean Shipping Company Lines

a. Contact
 Address : No.378, Dong Da Ming Road, Shanghai
 Phone : 86-21-35124888
 Fax : 86-21-65458984
 E-mail :
 Website :
b. Profile
COSCO SHIPPING Lines Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as COSCO SCOSCO Shipping
Lines Co. Ltd (hereinafter referred to as COSCO SHIPPING Lines) , affiliated with COSCO
Shipping Group, is born with the integrated container businesses of CSCL and its
predecessor COSCO , which has been up for business since Mar.1st, 2016. COSCO
SHIPPING Lines is a fully-owned subsidiary of COSCO SHIPPING Holding Co., Ltd,
registered in China (Shanghai) Free-trade Experimental Area with a registered capital of
15.96 billion Yuan. Company is mainly engaged in domestic and international maritime
container transport services and related business, as the group's core business sector.
By June 30, 2018, COSCO SHIPPING Lines has a total of 282 corporate enterprises,
including 129 domestic enterprises and 153 enterprises abroad.
After integration, COSCO SHIPPING Lines has expanded the business scale,
consolidated the position in the industry. Meanwhile, the service network has also been
further improved. By the end of June 2018, the company has a total of 393 container
vessels, with a total capacity of 2.04 million TEUs, ranking the 4th place in the world , and
the 1st place in the Asia. COSCO SHIPPING Lines operates 361 international and domestic
shipping routes, consisting of 230 international services (including international feeder
services), 49 domestic services, 82 Yangtze River and Pearl River shipping services,
covering 294 ports in 90 countries and regions worldwide.
c. Top Management
 Wang Haimin
General Manager, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee of COSCO SHIPPING
 Qian Weizhong
Party secretary of the CPC Committee ,Deputy general manager of COSCO
 Chen Xiang
Deputy Managing Director, CPC Committee member of COSCO SHIPPING Lines
 Yu Tao
Deputy Managing Director and CPC Committee member of COSCO SHIPPING
 Zheng Qi
Chief accountant and CPC Committee member of COSCO SHIPPING Lines
d. Services
 Intercontinent Routes Shipping
 Domestic Shipping
 Containers
 Dry
 Reefer
 Open top
 Flat Rack

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