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Name: Bella Indah S

Class : XII IPS 2

Explanation Text and News Item Text

1. Translate file 2019-ncov-factsheet.pdf

Penyakit Virus Corona 2019 (COVID-19) dan Kamu

Apa itu penyakit virus corona 2019?

Penyakit virus corona 2019 (COVID-19) adalah sebuah penyakit pernafasan yang dapat
disebarkan dari manusia ke manusia lain. Virus yang menyebabkan COVID-19 tidak
diketahui jika itu adalah virus corona pada saat pertama kali di identifikasi saat investigasi
dilakukan ketika terjadi penyebaran di Wuhan, China.

Bisakah aku terkena COVID-19?

Tentu. COVID-19 menyebar dari manusia ke manusia lain dalam beberapa bagian di dunia
ini. Resiko terinfeksi dari virus yang menyebabkan COVID-19 terbilang tinggi untuk
orang-orang yang memiliki kontak dekat dengan seseorang yang diketahui memiliki
COVID-19, contohnya seperti petugas kesehatan, atau orang-orang rumah. Orang lain yang
memiliki resiko tinggi untuk terinfeksi adalah mereka yang tinggal atau berada di area yang
dimana virus COVID-19 sudah tersebar.

Bagaimana COVID-19 tersebar?

Virus yang menyebabkan COVID-19 kemungkinan muncul dari hewan, tapi sekarang
penyebarannya ini dari manusia ke manusia lain. Virus ini diperkirakan menyebar terutama
diantara orang-orang yang memiliki jarak yang cukup dekat dengan orang lain (sekitar 6
kaki) melalui cairan yang dihasilkan ketika orang yang terinfeksi itu batuk atau bersin.
Memungkinkan juga jika seseorang dapat terkena COVID-19 karena menyentuh sebuah
permukaan atau benda yang telah ditempeli oleh virus tersebut kemudian menyentuh mulut,
hidung, atau mungkin mata mereka, tapi ini tidak dianggap sebagai cara utama bagaimana
virus ini dapat tersebar.

Apa saja gejala dari COVID-19​?

Pasien dengan COVID-19 mengalami gangguan pernafasan ringan hingga berat dengan
gejala :

·​ Demam

·​ Batuk

·​ Sesak nafas

Apa saja komplikasi penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus ini?

Beberapa pasien mempunyai pneumonia di kedua paru-parunya, kegagalan fungsi beberapa

organ, dan beberapa kasus kematian.

Orang-orang dapat melindungi diri mereka dari penyakit pernapasan dengan

pencegahan yang dapat dilakukan dengan cara sehari-hari.

·​ Jaga jarak dengan orang sakit

·​ Mencegah menyentuh mata, hidung, dan mulutmu dengan tangan yang belum dicuci


·​ Selalu mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun dan air setidaknya 20 detik. Gunakanlah

pembersih tangan yang berbahan dasar alcohol setidaknya 60% jika tidak ada sabun dan

Jika kamu sakit, untuk mencegah tersebarnya penyakit pernafakan ke orang lain,
kamu harus :

·​ Tetap dirumah saat sakit

·​ Tutupi batuk atau bersinmu dengan tisu, kemudian buang tisu tersebut ke tempat sampah

·​ Bersihkan dan desinfeksi benda dan permukaan yang sering disentuh

Apa yang harus dilakukan jika aku baru saja pergi dari tempat dimana penyebaran
dari COVID-19 terjadi?

Jika kamu sudah pergi dari area yang sudah terkena, mungkin pergerakanmu disana akan
dibatasi hingga 2 minggu. Jika gejala mu meningkat seiring dengan berjalannya waktu
(demam, batuk, permasalahan dalam bernafas), carilah bantuan medis. Telfon kantor
pelayanan kesehatan sebelum kamu pergi, dan beritahu mereka tentang perjalananmu dan
gejala yang sedang kamu alami. Mereka akan memberimu instruksi agar bisa mendapat
pengobatan tanpa memberitahu orang lain tentang penyakitmu. Ketika sakit, jauhi kontak
dengan orang-orang, jangan pergi keluar dan tunda semua perjalanan untuk mengurangi
kemungkinan tersebarnya penyakit ke orang lain.

Apakah ada vaksin?

Saat ini tidak ada vaksin untuk perlindungan dari COVID-19. Cara terbaik untuk mencegah
infeksi adalah dengan mengambil tindakan pencegahan sehari-hari, seperti menjauhi kontak
dengan orang yang sakit dan selalu mencuci tangan.

Apakah ada pengobatan?

Saat ini tidak ada pengobatan khusus untuk COVID-19. Orang-orang dengan COVID-19
dapat mencari bantuan medis untuk membantu meringankan gejala

2. Decide between 'covert covid 19 and false positive dengue' and COVID_19_too little,
too late' . Which one of these text belongs to Explanation text and which one is news
item text!

·​ “COVID_19_too little, late” text is included to news item text

·​ “covert covid 19 and false positive dengue” is included to explanation text

3. Generic structure of both text! (The text are mentioned in question number 2)

Ø​ ​Generic Structure of News item text

COVID-19: too little, too late?

·​ Main Events

Although WHO has yet to call the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 infection a pandemic, it has
confirmed that the virus is likely to spread to most, if not all, countries. Regardless of
terminology, this latest coronavirus epidemic is now seeing larger increases in cases outside

·​ Elaboration

As of March 3, more than 90 000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported in 73
countries. The outbreak in northern Italy, which has seen 11 towns officially locked down
and residents threatened with imprisonment if they try to leave, shocked European political
leaders. Their shock turned to horror as they saw Italy become the epicentre for further spread
across the continent. As the window for global containment closes, health ministers are
scrambling to implement appropriate measures to delay spread of the virus. But their actions
have been slow and insufficient. There is now a real danger that countries have done too
little, too late to contain the epidemic.

By striking contrast, the WHO-China joint mission report calls China’s vigorous public
health measures toward this new coronavirus probably the most “ambitious, agile and
aggressive disease containment effort in history”. China seems to have avoided a substantial
number of cases and fatalities, although there have been severe effects on the nation’s
economy. In its report on the joint mission, WHO recommends that countries activate the
highest level of national response management protocols to ensure the all-of-government and
all-of-society approaches needed to contain viral spread. China’s success rests largely with a
strong administrative system that it can mobilise in times of threat, combined with the ready
agreement of the Chinese people to obey stringent public health procedures.

Although other nations lack China’s command-and- control political economy, there are
important lessons that presidents and prime ministers can learn from China’s experience. The
signs are that those lessons have not been learned.

SARS-CoV-2 presents different challenges to high- income and low-income or

middle-income countries(LMICs). A major fear over global spread is how weak health
systems will cope. Some countries, such as Nigeria, have so far successfully dealt with
individual cases. But large outbreaks could easily overwhelm LMIC health services. The
difficult truth is that countries in most of sub-Saharan Africa, for example, are not prepared
for an epidemic of coronavirus. And nor are many nations across Latin America and the
Middle East. Public health measures, such as surveillance, exhaustive contact tracing, social
distancing, travel restrictions, educating the public on hand hygiene, ensuring flu vaccinations
for the frail and immunocompromised, and postponing non-essential operations and services
will all play their part in delaying the spread of infection and dispersing pressure on hospitals.
Individual governments will need to decide where they draw the line on implementing these
measures. They will have to weigh the ethical, social, and economic risks versus proven
health benefits.

The evidence surely indicates that political leaders should be moving faster and more
aggressively. As Xiaobo Yang and colleagues have shown, the mortality of critically ill
patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia is substantial. As they wrote recently in The Lancet
Respiratory Medicine, “The severity of SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia poses great strain on
critical care resources in hospitals, especially if they are not adequately staffed or resourced.”
This coronavirus is not benign. It kills. The political response to the epidemic should
therefore reflect the national security threat that SARS-CoV-2 represents.

·​ Resource of Information

National governments have all released guidance for health-care professionals, but published
advice alone is insufficient. Guidance on how to manage patients with COVID-19 must be
delivered urgently to health- care workers in the form of workshops, online teaching, smart
phone engagement, and peer-to-peer education. Equipment such as personal protective
equipment, ventilators, oxygen, and testing kits must be made available and supply chains
strengthened. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control recommends that
hospitals set up a core team including hospital management, an infection control team
member, an infectious disease expert, and specialists representing the intensive care unit and
accident and emergency departments.

So far, evidence suggests that the colossal public health efforts of the Chinese Government
have saved thousands of lives. High-income countries, now facing their own outbreaks, must
take reasoned risks and act more decisively. They must abandon their fears of the negative
short-term public and economic consequences that may follow from restricting public
freedoms as part of more assertive infection control measures.
Ø​ ​Generic Structure of Explanation Text

Covert COVID-19 and false-positive dengue serology in Singapore

·​ General Statement

Dengue and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are difficult to distinguish because they
have shared clinical and laboratory features.1,2 We describe two patients in Singapore with
false- positive results from rapid serological testing for dengue, who were later confirmed to
have severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, the causative
virus of COVID-19.

·​ Explanation

The first case is a 57-year-old man with no relevant past medical, travel, or contact history,
who presented to a regional hospital on Feb 9, 2020, with 3 days of fever and cough. He had
thrombocytopenia (platelet count 140 × 109/mL) and a normal chest radiograph. He was
dischargedafter a negative rapid test for dengue NS1, IgM, and IgG (SD Bioline Dengue Duo
Kit; Abbott, South Korea). He returned to a public primary health- care clinic with persistent
fever, worsening thrombocytopenia (89 × 109/mL), and new onset lymphopenia (0·43 ×
109/mL). A repeat dengue rapid test was positive for dengue IgM and IgG (Dengue Combo;
Wells Bio, South Korea). He was referred to hospital for dengue with worsening cough and
dyspnoea. A chest radiograph led to testing for SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR (in-house
laboratory-developed test detecting the N and ORF1ab genes) from a nasopharyngeal swab,
which returned positive. The original seropositive sample and additional urine and blood
samples tested negative for dengue, chikungunya, and Zika viruses by RT-PCR,3–5 and a
repeat dengue rapid test (SD Bioline) was also negative. Thus, the initial dengue
seroconversion result was deemed a false positive.

The second case is a 57-year- old woman with no relevant pastmedical, travel, or contact
history, who presented to a regional hospital on Feb 13, 2020, with fever, myalgia, a mild
cough of 4 days, and 2 days of diarrhoea. She had thrombocytopenia (92 × 109/mL) and
tested positive for dengue IgM (SD Bioline). She was discharged with outpatient follow up
for dengue fever. She returned 2 days later with a persistent fever, worsening
thrombocytopenia (65 × 109/mL), and new onset lymphopenia (0·94 × 109/mL). Liver
function tests were abnormal (aspartate aminotransferase 69 U/L [reference range 10–30
U/L], alanine aminotransferase 67 U/L [reference range <55 U/L], total bilirubin 35·8 μmol/L
[reference range 4·7–23·2 μmol/L]). Chest radiography was normal and she was admitted for
dengue fever. She remained febrile despite normalisation of her blood counts and developed
dyspnoea 3 days after admission. She was found to be positive for SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR
from a nasopharyngeal swab. A repeat dengue test (SD Bioline) was negative and an earlier
blood sample also tested negative for dengue by RT-PCR.6 The initial dengue IgM result was
deemed to be a false positive.

·​ Closing

Failing to consider COVID-19 because of a positive dengue rapid test result has serious
implications not only for the patient but also for public health. Our cases highlight the
importance of recognising false-positive dengue serology results (with different
commercially available assays) in patients with COVID-19. We emphasise the urgent need
for rapid, sensitive, and accessible diagnostic tests for SARS-CoV-2, which need to be highly
accurate to protect public health.

4. Who possibly wrote those text? (The text are mentioned in question number 2)

·​ “Covert COVID-19 and false-positive dengue serology in Singapore”, in my opinion this

text was create by a health expert, because that text explains the process of how a person
can be infected by the virus, how to test it and how virus can spread.

·​ “COVID-19: too little, too late?” This text was create by a journalist or news aggregator

reporter because explains the subject matter that is quite common to all circles of the
community and does not incorporate other elements in its explanation.

5. What are the conclusion according to your opinion? (The text are mentioned in
question number 2)

·​ Based on the text above, it can be concluded that the spread of Corona virus takes place

very quickly uncontrolled due to lack of treatment from the beginning of the virus's
appearance, and also the delay of information that causes less The public against the
development of this virus, also there is harm information about the spread of viruses that
were originally believed to circulate by air is spreading through droplet (saliva) someone.
In addition to the lack of the Government of the various countries in addressing the
spread of this virus, the lack of awareness of individual health related itself became a
factor of spreading increasingly faster, because it was initially involved instead of being
large. We must know clearly how the symptoms of these viral infections and also how
they are handled and preventing them from continuing,​ ​We need awareness to "shut"
yourself when you feel sick. Virus prevention can still be done from yourself even if the
spread is not controlled, understand the action that we must do is very important at this
moment, do not let our negligent because we also harm the health of others

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