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Nota Bab 2
Bab 2 Respirasi

2.1 Sistem Respirasi 4. Kandungan oksigen dalam udara sedutan adalah lebih
tinggi berbanding dalam udara hembusan.
1. Struktur sistem respirasi manusia:
5. Kandungan karbon dioksida dalam udara sedutan adalah
lebih rendah berbanding dalam udara hembusan.
Bronkus Rongga nasal
2.2 Pergerakan dan Pertukaran Gas dalam
Bronkiol Trakea
Badan Manusia
Otot interkosta 1. Oksigen diangkut ke sel-sel oleh sel darah merah dalam
Bronkus bentuk oksihemoglobin.
Kapilari Tulang rusuk
Bronkiol 2. Darah yang mengandungi oksihemoglobin kemudian
Peparu kiri diangkut ke jantung untuk diagihkan ke seluruh sel badan.
3. Pada masa yang sama, karbon dioksida diserap dari
dalam sel ke kapilari darah dan seterusnya ke alveolus.

2. Laluan oksigen ketika menarik nafas: Pergerakan udara

Dinding alveolus
Rongga nasal Trakea Bronkus (setebal satu sel)
masuk Darah keluar
Alveolus Bronkiol alveolus Lapisan lembap
yang nipis

Kapilari Sel darah merah
3. Mekanisme pernafasan manusia:
(a) Menarik nafas
Udara masuk 4. Ciri-ciri alveolus yang membantu dalam pertukaran gas:
• Mempunyai dinding nipis yang lembap
• Mempunyai luas permukaan besar yang terdedah
Sangkar rusuk kepada udara
bergerak ke atas • Kapilari darah yang banyak
dan luar
Isi padu
rongga 2.3 Kesihatan Sistem Respirasi Manusia
bertambah 1. Penyakit sistem respirasi ialah bronkitis, asma,
Diafragma pneumonia, emfisema, tuberkulosis, kanser peparu dan
penyakit peparu obstruktif kronik.
dan mendatar
2. Bahan-bahan berbahaya dalam asap rokok dan kesan
(a) Menarik nafas negatifnya:
(b) Menghembus nafas
Udara keluar Bahan Kesan

Tar Melekat dan menyumbatkan laluan

Sangkar rusuk
ke bawah dan Karbon Mengurangkan pengangkutan oksigen
ke dalam Isi padu rongga
toraks berkurangan
monoksida oleh sel darah merah

Nikotina Mengakibatkan ketagihan dan

merangsang pertumbuhan sel kanser
mengendur dan Karsinogen Merangsang pertumbuhan sel kanser
melengkung ke

(b) Menghembus nafas

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 Sains  Tingkatan 3

2.4 Adaptasi dalam Sistem Respirasi 2.5 Pertukaran Gas dalam Tumbuhan
1. Haiwan amfibia bernafas melalui peparu (semasa di darat) 1. Sama seperti haiwan, tumbuhan juga menjalankan proses
dan kulit lembap (semasa di dalam air). respirasi dengan menyerap oksigen dan membebaskan
karbon dioksida.
2. Ikan bernafas di dalam air melalui insang.
2. Tumbuhan menyerap oksigen dan membebaskan karbon
3. Serangga seperti belalang melakukan pertukaran gas
dioksida melalui daun, batang dan akar.
melalui sistem trakea.
3. Pertukaran gas antara sel tumbuhan dan persekitaran
4. Manusia memerlukan bekalan oksigen yang tinggi
berlaku melalui stoma secara resapan.
semasa berada di altitud tinggi, bersukan atau mengalami
penyakit seperti anemia dan sel sabit. 4. Setiap stoma dikelilingi sepasang sel pengawal yang
mengawal pembukaan dan penutupan stoma.
5. Oleh itu, sistem respirasi manusia perlu beradaptasi bagi
membolehkan pergerakan dan pertukaran gas dalam 5. Stoma terbuka apabila air memasuki sel pengawal melalui
badan berlaku dengan lancar. proses osmosis.
6. Stoma tertutup apabila air keluar dari sel pengawal
melalui proses osmosis.
7. Persekitaran yang tercemar mengandungi debu yang
melekap pada daun tumbuhan dan menutup liang stoma.
Keadaan ini menyebabkan kadar respirasi tumbuhan
menurun, sekali gus mengganggu tumbesaran pokok.

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

Sains  Tingkatan 3 

Notes Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Respiration
2.1 Respiratory System 4. Oxygen content in inhaled air is higher than in exhaled
1. Structures in the human respiratory system:
5. Carbon dioxide content in inhaled air is lower then in
exhaled air.

Bronchus Nasal cavity

2.2 Movement and Exchange of Gas in the
Bronchiole Trachea Human Body
Alveolus Intercostal 1. Oxygen is transported to cells by the red blood cells in
the form of oxyhaemoglobin.
Capillary Ribs
2. Blood containing oxyhaemoglobin is then transported to
the heart to be distributed to all of the body cells.
Left lung
3. At the same time, carbon dioxide is absorbed from inside
of cell to blood capillary and then to alveolus.
2. Pathway of oxygen during inhalation:
Air movement

Alveolus wall
Nasal cavity Trachea Bronchus (one cell thick)

Blood enter
Blood out

Alveolus Bronchiole Alveolus

cavity A thin layer of moist

3. Mechanism of human breathing: Capillary Red blood cell

(a) Inhalation
Air goes in 4. Characteristic of an alveolus for supporting the gas
• Has a thin moist wall
Ribcage moves • A large surface area in contact with the air
upwards and
outwards • A lot of blood capillaries
Volume of
thoracic cavity
increases 2.3 The Health of Human Respiratory
Diaphragm System
and flattened 1. Diseases of the respiratory system are bronchitis, asthma,
pneumonia, emphysema, tuberculosis, lung cancer and
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
(b) Exhalation (a) Inhalation
2. Harmful substances in cigarettes smoke and the negative
Air comes out effects:

Substance Effect
Rib cage moves
downwards Tar Stick and block the air passage
and inwards Volume of thoracic
cavity decreases Carbon Reduce transport of oxygen by the red
monoxide blood cells

Nicotine Causes addiction and stimulate the

Diaphragm relaxes growth of cancerous cell
and curved
Carcinogen Stimulate the growth of cancerous cell
(b) Exhalation

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 Sains  Tingkatan 3

2.4 Adaptation in Respiratory System 2.5 Exchange of Gas in Plants

1. Amphibians breathe through the lungs (while on land) 1. Just like animals, plants also carry out respiration
and moist skin (while in the water). processes by absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon
2. Fish breathe in water through the gills.
2. The plant absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide
3. Insects such as grasshoppers carry out gas exchange
through leaves, stems and roots.
through the tracheal system.
3. The exchange of gases between plant cells and the
4. Humans need high oxygen supply while in high altitude,
environment occurs through the stoma by diffusion.
sports or suffer from diseases such as anaemia and sickle
cells. 4. Each stoma is surrounded by a pair of guard cells that
control the opening and closing of the stoma.
5. Hence, human respiratory systems need to be adapted
to enable movement and exchange of gas in the body 5. Stoma opens when the water enters the guard cell
to occur efficiently. through the osmosis process.
6. Stoma is closed when the water comes out of the guard
cell through the osmosis process.
7. The polluted environment contains dust that is attached
to the leaves of the plant and closes the stoma. This
causes the rate of plant respiration to decrease, thereby
disrupting the growth of the plant.

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