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Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/ Semester : VII / Ganjil
Materi : Memberi dan meminta informasi terkait nama hari, bulan, nama waktu
dalam hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, dan tahun.
Waktu : 24 JP (6 x Pertemuan)

Kompetensi Dasar::
3.3 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
nama hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, dan tahun, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan kosa kata terkait angka kardinal dan ordinal)
4.3 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait nama hari, bulan, nama waktu
dalam hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, dan tahun, dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsurkebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Peserta didik dapat:

Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan
dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait nama hari, bulan, nama
waktu dalam hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, dan tahun, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. (Pertemuan I,II,III,IV,V)
Melakukan interaksi transaksional lisan terkait ungkapan yang sedang dipelajari. (Pertemuan VI)

Media Pembelajaran:
WAG, Google class room, Google form, Youtube dan sebagainya.
Kegiatan Peserta Didik (Kegiatan Inti):
Pertemuan 1
Menyimak dan menirukan contoh cara menyatakan waktu (jam) dengan ucapan dan tekanan kata
yang benar dari video.

Menanyakan hal-hal yang tidak diketahui atau yang berbeda melalui WAG
Mengidentifikasi fungsi social (tujuan/tempat/pelaku), struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dalam
percakapan tsb, melalui script video dengan mengerjakan latihan yang ditampilkan melalui google
form (Lampiran 1a)
Menuliskan kembali ungkapan yang sedang dipelajari ke buku catatan dengan lembar kerja yang
dishare melalui WAG. (Lampiran 1b)
Mengerjakan latihan tertulis terkait ungkapan yang sedang dipelajari melalui google form. (Lampiran

Kegiatan Peserta Didik (Kegiatan Inti):

Pertemuan II
Menyimak dan menirukan contoh percakapan dari video tentang menyatakan nama hari dalam
seminggu, dengan ucapan dan tekanan kata yang benar
Menanyakan hal-hal yang tidak diketahui atau yang berbeda melalui WAG.
Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial(tujuan/tempat/pelaku), struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dalam
percakapan tsb, melalui script dialog video dengan mengerjakan latihan yang ditampilkan melalui
google form. (Lampiran 2a)
Menuliskan kembali ungkapan yang sedang dipelajari dengan responnya ke buku catatan dengan
lembar kerja yang share melalui WAG. (Lampiran 2b)
Mengerjakan latihan tertulis terkait ungkapan yang sedang dipelajari melalui google form. (Lampiran

Kegiatan Peserta Didik (Kegiatan Inti):

Pertemuan III
Menyimak dan menirukan contoh percakapan dari video tentang menyatakan bulan dengan ucapan
dan tekanan kata yang benar.
x=8 (DIALOG)
Menanyakan hal-hal yang tidak diketahui atau yang berbeda melalui WAG.
Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial(tujuan/tempat/pelaku), struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dalam
percakapan tsb, melalui script dialog video dengan mengerjakan latihan yang ditampilkan melalui
google form. (Lampiran 3a)
Menuliskan kembali ungkapan yang sedang dipelajari dan responnya ke buku catatan dengan lembar
kerja yang share melalui WAG. (Lampiran 3b)
Mengerjakan latihan tertulis terkait ungkapan yang sedang dipelajari melalui google form. (Lampiran
Kegiatan Peserta Didik (Kegiatan Inti):
Pertemuan IV
Menyimak dan menirukan contoh percakapan dari video tentang menyatakan tanggal dengan ucapan
dan tekanan kata yang benar. (DIALOG)
Menanyakan hal-hal yang tidak diketahui atau yang berbeda melalui WAG
Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial(tujuan/tempat/pelaku), struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dalam
percakapan tsb, melalui script dialog video dengan mengerjakan latihan yang ditampilkan melalui
google form. (Lampiran 4a)
Menuliskan kembali ungkapan yang sedang dipelajari ke buku catatan dengan table yang share
melalui WAG. (Lampiran 4b)

Mengerjakan latihan tertulis terkait ungkapan yang sedang dipelajari melalui google form. (Lampiran

Kegiatan Peserta Didik (Kegiatan Inti):

Pertemuan V
Test kompetensi pengetahuan melalui google form

Melakukan refleksi tentang proses dan hasil belajar melalui WAG

Kegiatan Peserta Didik (Kegiatan Inti):

Pertemuan VI
Melakukan percakapan dengan menggunakan ungkapan yang sedang dipelajari dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang tepat, melalui google meet.

Melakukan refleksi tentang proses dan hasil belajar melalui google meet

Penilaian: Jakarta, Juni 2020

Penilaian Pengetahuan tes tertulis melalui google
form. TIM PJJ SMP DKI Jakarta
2. Penilaian ketrampilan berbicara (role play) MGMP Bahasa Inggris DKI Jakarta
melalui google meet.
LAMPIRAN 1 (Telling The Time)


Mom : Four tickets, please!
Kid : Mom, I am hungry. Mom, what time is it?
Mom : It’s twelve 0’clock. Time for lunch. Let’s go!
Kid : What time is it?
Kid 2 : Oh, my……. It’s one o’clock.
Mom : We’re late. Let’s hurry!

Task 1. Read the conversation carefully then answer the questions that follow.
1. When did the kids fell hungry?
2. Where did the dialog probably take place?
3. Why did mom ask them to walk quickly?
4. Who went to the ticket counter?
5. What time did they have lunch?


Write the expressions that you have studied in the bubles below.


....................................... .......................................

....................................... .......................................

......................................... .......................................

Choose one of the options to complete the following dialogs

1. Sam : Excuse me! Can you say in English?

Sally : What?
Sam : This one. How to say this time in English?. 7.15
Sally : I see ....
A. Seven to fifteen
B. Seven fifteen
C. Fifteen to seven
D. A quarter to seven
2. Mom : What is the time, dear?
Nancy : one moment, please!
Mom : All right.
Nancy : It’s ... (6.30)
A. Six thirteen.
B. Thirteen to six
C. Half past six.
D. Half past seven

3. Jane : John, what time does the school begin?

John : … (7.45)
Jane : Thanks.
John : My pleasure
A. Forty five to seven
B. A quarter past seven
C. A quarter to eight
D. Forty five to seven

Read the dialog then answer the questions that follow.

Margaret : What time is it?
Toni : It’s a quarter to five.
Margaret : Aren’t we supposed to be at Jim’s house by five o’clock?
Toni : Five or five-thirty. He said it didn’t make any difference.
Margaret : Then maybe we could pick your suit up at the cleaners.
Toni : Sure, we have plenty of time.

4. What time did the dialog happen?

A. 5.15
B. 4.45
C. 5.45
D. 4.15

5. What time did they plan to go Jim’s house?

A. 5.00 o’clock sharp.
B. 5.15 o’clock sharp
C. It could be 5.00 or 5.30
D. It could be 5.30 or 6.30
LAMPIRAN 2 (Telling the Days)


Felix : Oh no! It’s 8 o’clock. Mom, I’m late.
Mom : Wait, wait, Felix!
Felix : It’s time for school!
Mom : No, it isn’t. There is no school today.
Felix : Oh. What day is it?
Mom : It’s Sunday. Let’s have breakfast. Then you can play football with Mun
Felix : No. Mom. I play football with Mun Mun on Tuesday and Friday.
Wednesday is for reading and Thursday is for drawing.
Mom : What about Saturday?
Felix : Saturday? I do my homework with Mi Mi.
Mom : That’s great. You are a great boy

Read the conversation above carefully then answer the questions that follow.
1. Where will Felix go?
2. What will happen to Felix if he goes to school?
3. What does the word breakfast mean?
4. Who is Felix’s partner to play football?
5. Who is Mi Mi?

Write the expressions that you have studied in the bubles below.


....................................... .......................................

....................................... .......................................

......................................... .......................................


Read the dialog then answer questions no. 1 and 2.

Ami : Ina, what day is it? 

Ina : It’s Tuesday the seventh of November, Am. What’s the matter? 
Ami : Nothing, I just have an appointment with the dentist. 
Ina : When will it be?
Ami : Let me check, it’s said 10 November. 
Ina : Oh it’s Saturday. 
1. When will Ami go to the dentist?
A. Tuesday.
B. The day before Tuesday.
C. The next day.
D. Friday
2. What will happen if Ami goes to the dentist by that day?
A. Ami gets the first turn.
B. Ami gets the last turn.
C. The dentist will get angry.
D. The dentist has another client.

Read the dialog then answer questions no. 3 to 5

Parker : Freddy, what are daily activities?

Freddy : Well. I work from Monday to Friday.
Parker : What do you do on Saturdays?
Freddy : Saturday is my favorite day of the week because I play football.
Parker : Are you free on Sundays?
Freddy : No, not really. Sometimes I have meetings with my colleague.
Parker : What a busy man you are!

3. What are Parker and Freddy talking about?

A. Parker’s daily activities.
B. Activities from Monday to Friday.
C. Freddy’s activities from Sunday to Saturday.
D. Freddy’s favorite day.

4. When does Freddy have enough time to relax?

A. Monday.
B. Friday.
C. Saturday.
D. Sunday.

5. When does Freddy do his hobby?

A. Monday.
B. Friday.
C. Saturday.
D. Sunday.


Lisa : Hey, Sally! Will you come to my birthday party?
Sally : When is your birthday party, Lisa?
Lisa : It’s on May 2nd.
Sally : That’s next month.
Lisa : No, it isn’t next month.
Sally : Yes, it is Lisa. We are in April and next month is May.
Bob : When is your birthday Freddie?
Freddie : It’s on August 31st.
Bob : That’s the same day as Halloween.
Freddie : No, it isn’t. Halloween is on October 31st.
Bob : I see.
Freddie : When is your birthday, Bob?
Bob : It’s on December 24th.
Freddie : That’s just before Christmas.
Lisa : When is Christmas?
Sally : It’s on December 25th.
Lisa : Is December the last month of the year?
Sally : Yes, it is.
Lisa : Which is the first month of the year?
Sally : It’s January.
Lisa : Is there any festival in January?
Sally : Yes, there is.
Lisa : Which festival is in January?
Freddie : New Year ’s Day is on January 1st, Lisa.

Task . Read the above conversation carefully then answer the questions that follow.
1. What is the topic of the dialogue?
2. What does the word birthday mean?
3. What happens on December 24th?
4. Which month is the last month?
5. Who asks festival in January?

1. Asking th months 1. ....
2. ....
3. ....
4. ....
5. ....
2. Response 1. ....
2. ....
3. ....
4. ....
5. ....

Read the dialog below then answer questions no. 1 to 3.

Smith : Cindy, what do you do in Indonesia?

Cindy : Well. I have some activities here in Indonesia.
Smith : Can you tell me about them.
Cindy : Sure, Smith. February is the shortest month, with only 28 days. So I focus
on my jobs. The weather is very hot here in July. It makes me lazy to go out,
but it’s cold at night in villages but not in cities. It’s nice to go sightseeing in
the afternoon and evening. We can enjoy the air while having some coffee at
a café. It’s cold in December. It rains every day. Winter starts in September
and ends in March. Having hot drinks is very nice here.
Smith : It sounds great, Cindy. Thanks for your information. Hope someday I can go
1. What month has the least days?
A. February.
B. July.
C. August.
D. December.

2. What happens to July

A. The weather is hot during night time.
B. On day time, the weather is hot.
C. It’s very cold everywhere.
D. It’s time to enjoy hot coffee in day time.

3. When can we find rain in Indonesia?

A. May.
B. June
C. July.
D. November.

Read the dialog then answer the questions that follow

Woman: What is your favorite month?

Man: My favorite month is July.
Woman: Why do you like July?
Man: Because the weather is hot, and it is my birthday!
Woman: Nice! My favorite month is February?
Man: Why? Do you have a birthday in February?
Woman: No, but I have no school!
Man: Good reason!

4. Why does the man love July?

A. It’s his birthday.
B. The month isn’t hot.
C. It’s cool.
D. It gets a lot of rain.

5. Whose birthday is in February?

A. The man
B. The woman.
C. Both of them.
D. No one.


Man : When’s new year’s Day?
Woman : It’s on January 1st.
Man : When’s Valentine’s Day?
Woman : It’s on February 14th.
Man : When’s Saint Patrick’s Day?
Woman : It’s on March 17th.
Man : When’s Easter’s?
Woman : It’s on June 20th.
Man : When’s Independence?
Woman : It’s on July 4th.
Man : When’s your birthday?
Woman : It’s on August 19th.
Man : When’s your mother’s birthday?
Woman : It’s on September 3rd.
Man : When’s Halloween’s Day?
Woman : It’s on October 31st.
Man : When’s Thanksgiving Day?
Woman : It’s on November 22nd.
Man : When’s Christmas Day?
Woman : It’s on December 25th.

Task . Read the conversation carefully then answer the questions that follow.
1. What are the man and the woman talking about?
2. What happens on July the forth?
3. When is New Year’s Day?
4. When is the woman’s birthday?
5. Who asks Independence Day?

Asking the dates 1. ............
2. ............
3. ............

Response 1. ..........
2. ..........
3. ...........

1. Amanda : Mary, when’s your birthday?
Mary : Oh, it’s on ……………………( 4/31)
A. April thirty one.
B. The thirty one April
C. The thirtieth of April
D. April the thirty first

2. Natasha : Jane, when’s Karini’s Day of Indonesia?

Jane : Let me think first. I think it’s on ……………
Natasha : Thanks a lot, Jane.
Jane : You’re welcome.
A. April 21.
B. 21 April.
C. The twenty one of April
D. The twenty first of April

3. Bill : Shane, do you what does Eid al-Fitr Day mean?

Shane : Sure. It’s ………
A. the Christian festival celebrating the birth of Christ Diwali.
B. the Hindu festival of lights
C. the Islamic festival celebrating the end of Ramadan
D. the last day of the lunar year Hanukkah

Read the dialog then answer the questions that follow.

Natasha : Jane, when’s Kartini’s Day of Indonesia?

Jane : Let me think first. I think it’s on April 21st .
Natasha : How do people celebrate it?
Jane : Well. They wear traditional clothes called “kebaya “.
Natasha : Thanks a lot, Jane.
Jane : You’re welcome
4. What is special for Indonesian people in April?
A. They have Kebaya.
B. They have traditional clothes.
C. They have 21 days in April.
D. They celebrate Kartini’s Day.

5. Who doesn’t know Kartini’s Day?

A. Natasha
B. Jane
C. Both of them
D. No one.

Margaret : What time is it? LAMPIRAN 6

Tony : It’s a quarter to five.SOAL PENILAIAN
Margaretno.1 and refer we
: Aren’t to the followingtodialog
supposed be at Jim’s house by five o’clock?
Tony : Five or five-thirty. He said it didn’t make any difference.
Margaret : Then maybe we could pick your suit up at the cleaners.
Tony : Sure, we have plenty of time
1. What are they talking about?
A. A house.
B. Jim’s house.
C. Tony’s home.
D. Time.

2. What is the opposite of difference?

A. Distinction
B. Sameness.
C. Fullness.
D. Kindness.

Read the following dialog then answer questions 3 to 6

Arni : “When is your birthday?”

Bram : “My birthday is on August 22nd. When is yours?”
Arni : “Mine is on Friday.”
Bram : “This Friday?”
Arni : “Yes, on July 15th.”
Bram : “That’s the same as my dad’s birthday!”
Arni : “I thought your dad’s birthday was in the winter?”
Bram : “No. My mom’s birthday is on January 1st.”
Arni : “Oh, her birthday is on New Year’s Day. Fun!”

3. What are they talking about?

A. Birthday
B. Hobby
C. Family
D. Days

4. Bram’s mom’s birthday is on ....

A. the beginning of the year
B. the end of the year
C. August 22nd
D. July 15th
5. The fifteenth of July is .... birthday.
A. Bram’s
B. Arni’s
C. Arni’s mom’s
D. Bram’s dad’s

6. The word “mine” in the dialog refers to ....

A. Bram’s
B. Arni’s
C. Arni’s mom’s
D. Bram’s dad’s

Read the dialog below then answer the questions that follow.

Alex : Hello Ben!

Ben : Hi Lex!
Alex : What time is it?
Ben : It’s eight past ten.
Alex : Okay thank you, I should go now.
Ben : Where will you go?
Alex : I will go to Dinda’s birthday.
Ben : Wait, but Dinda birthday will be held at eleven o’clock.
Alex : Really? I forget about it.
Ben : Yes, I still save the invitation card.
Alex : Well, okay we will meet at eleven o’clock there.
Ben : Okay!

7. Alex and Ben are talking about…

A. Dinda’s birthday.
B. Dinda’s house.
C. Alex’s birthday..
D. Ben’s birthday.
8. Who will celebrate birthday?
A. Alex
B. Ben
C. Dinda
D. All of them.
9. What does birthday mean?
A. Date when someone was born.
B. Day when someone was named.
C. A special day someone owns.
D. The first day to celebrate .
10.“okay we will meet at eleven o’clock there”
The word “we” refers to…
A. Alex and Dinda.
B. Dinda and Ben.
C. Alex and Ben.
D. Alex, Ben, and Dinda.

Read the following dialog and answer the questions.

Tom : What’s the date today?

Bill : It must be the sixth or the seventh.
Tom : Well, Sunday was the fifth. It was dad’s birthday on Sunday.
Bill : And today’s Tuesday. So today must be the seventh.
Tom : And what’s the time, please?
Bill : It’s nearly two o’clock.
Tom : But my watch is a little slow. You should ask someone else
Bill : What time do you have, Lee?
Lee : It’s five past two.
Tom : Is it the correct time?
Lee : Yes. I checked it this morning.
Tom : Oh, I must hurry. My appointment is at quarter past two.

11. What are they talking about?

A. Dad’s birthday.
B. Watch.
C. The days.
D. Dates and times.

12. How did Bill know the correct time?

A. From Tom.
B. From Lee.
C. From a stranger.
D. From his watch.

13. The word “quarter” is the same as….

A. 15 minutes.
B. 30 minutes.
C. 45 minutes.
D. 50 minutes.

14. What date was that day actually?

A. Fifth.
B. Sixth.
C. Seventh.
D. Eighth.

Jim : Could you tell me the time of the next train to Bristol?
Pay attention
Woman to the: dialog
There’sthen answer
one in questions
two minutes, no.seventeen.
at one 15 to 17
Jim : Oh, I’d better hurry. A single, please.
Woman : Here you are.
Jim : What platform does it leave from?
Woman : Platform 5. But you’ll have to be quick.
Jim : Thank you.
Woman : Not at all.
15. Where did the dialog take place?
A. At the bus station.
B. At the airport.
C. At the railway station.
D. At school.

16. Who will go to Bristol.?

A. The woman.
B. Jim .
C. The woman and Jim.
D. No one.

17. The word “leave “ is closest in meaning to …..

A. depart.
B. come.
C. arrive.
D. disappear.

The following dialog is to answer questions 18 to 21

A: “When is your birthday?”

B: “My birthday is on August 22nd. When is yours?”

A: “Mine is on Friday.”

B: “This Friday?”

A: “Yes, on July 15th.”

B: “That’s the same as my dad’s birthday!”

A: “I thought your dad’s birthday was in the winter?”

B: “No. My mom’s birthday is on January 1st.”

A: “Oh, her birthday is on New Year’s Day. Fun!”

18. The two persons are talking about …

A. A’s birthday only.
B. B’s birthday only.
C. Someone’s birthday.
D. Their birthdays and their parents’
19. Who has the same birthday?
A. A and B have.
B. A and his father.
C. B and his dad.
D. A and B’s father.

20. Who was born on New Year’s Day?

A. A’s father.
B. A’s mother.
C. B’s father.
D. B’s mother.

21. What does the word “yours” line two refer to?
A. A’s birthday.
B. B’s birthday.
C. A’s father.
D. B’s father.

Read the text below then answer the questions that follow.

Karen : Neil, how many days do you go to school?

Neil : Five days a week. How about you, Karen?
Karen : I go to school from Monday to Saturday.
Neil : So, you have six days a week at school?
Karen : Yes. Only Sunday is my day off. But I enjoy it.
Neil : Don’t you feel tired then?
Karen : No, not really. And what about you? What do you do on Saturdays?
Neil : I sometimes help my mom in the kitchen.
Karen : Good. I also often help my mom in the kitchen on Sundays.
Neil : Nice. We have the same hobbies.

22. What are the two girls talking about?

A. Their kitchens.
B. Their mothers.
C. Their school days.
D. Their lessons.

23. Who has the same hobbies?

A. Neil and her mother.
B. Karen and her mother.
C. Their mothers.
D. Neil and Karen.

24. What does Karen do on Saturdays?

A. She helps her mother.
B. She helps Neil.
C. She cooks at home.
D. She studies at school.

25. The word “tired” in the text is closest in meaning to…

A. exhausted.
B. happy.
C. angry
D. sleepy


Jawaban Nilai
Benar 4
Salah 0
Nilai akhir Jumlah jawaban benar x 4


Create a dialog spoken by three people using the expression that you have learnt. Each
students should speak at least three times in the dialog.

Rubrik Penilaian Speaking

      5 □ Mudah dipahami dan memiliki aksen penutur asli  
4 □ Mudah dipahami meskipun dengan aksen tertentu  
3 □ Ada masalah pengucapan yang membuat pendengar
harus konsentrasi penuh dan kadang-kadang ada  
2 □ Sulit dipahami karena ada masalah pengucapan,  
sering diminta mengulang
1 □ Masalah pengucapan serius sehingga tidak bisa  
      5 □ Tidak ada atau sedikit kesalahan tata bahasa
  4 □ Kadang-kadang membuat kesalahan tata bahasa tetapi
tidak mempengaruhi makna
3 □ Sering membuat kesalahan tata bahasa yang
Tata Bahasa mempengaruhi makna
2 □ Banyak kesalahan tata bahasa yang menghambat makna
dan sering menata ulang kalimat
1 □ Kesalahan tata bahasa begitu parah sehingga sulit
      5 □ Menggunakan kosa kata dan ungkapan seperti penutur asli
4 □ Kadang-kadang menggunakan kosa kata yang tidak tepat
3 □ Sering menggunakan kosa kata yang tidak tepat,
  percakapan menjadi terbatas karena keterbatasan kosa
2 □ Menggunakan kosa kata secara salah dan kosa kata
Kosa Kata terbatas sehingga sulit dipahami
1 □ Kosa kata sangat terbatas sehingga percakapan tidak
mungkin terjadi
      5 □ Lancar seperti penutur asli
4 □ Kelancaran tampak sedikit terganggu oleh masalah bahasa

3 □ Kelancaran agak banyak terganggu oleh masalah bahasa

2 □ Sering ragu-ragu dan terhenti karena keterbatasan bahasa

1 □ Bicara terputus-putus dan terhenti sehingga percakapan

tidak mungkin terjadi
      5 □ Memahami semua tanpa mengalami kesulitan
4 □ Memahami hampir semuanya, walau ada pengulangan
Pemahaman pada bagian tertentu
3 □ Memahami sebagian besar apa yang dikatakan bila bicara
agak diperlambat walau ada pengulangan
2 □ Susah mengikuti apa yang dikatakan.

1 □ Tidak bisa memahami walaupun percakapan sederhana

Anda mungkin juga menyukai