Anda di halaman 1dari 32

Dalam Bab Ini, Kami Akan Mengatasi Hal HP, dipimpin oleh Presiden dan CEO Meg Whitman,

merevisi strategi perusahaannya untuk mencerminkan

Berikut Pertanyaan perubahan signifikan dalam lingkungan pemasaran.

1. Bagaimana pemasaran mempengaruhi nilai pelanggan? (hal.57)

Sumber: ChinaFotoPress melalui Getty Images

2. Bagaimana perencanaan strategis dilakukan di tingkat korporasi dan divisi? (hlm. 60)

Saya Pemasaran Laboratorium ™

3. Bagaimana perencanaan strategis dilakukan di tingkat unit bisnis? (hal. 70) Apa yang termasuk dalam Tingkatkan Nilai Anda!
Lebih dari 10 juta siswa meningkatkan hasil mereka
4. rencana pemasaran? (hal.77)
menggunakan Pearson MyLabs. Mengunjungi
untuk simulasi, tutorial, dan masalah di akhir bab.


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2 Mengembangkan Pemasaran
Strategi dan Rencana

Mengembangkan strategi pemasaran yang tepat dari waktu ke waktu membutuhkan perpaduan antara disiplin dan
fleksibilitas. Perusahaan harus berpegang pada strategi tetapi juga terus memperbaikinya. Dalam dunia pemasaran yang berubah cepat dewasa ini,
mengidentifikasi strategi jangka panjang terbaik adalah penting — tetapi menantang — seperti yang telah ditemukan HP. 1

Pelopor teknologi sejati, Hewlett-Packard (HP) telah menemui banyak kesulitan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, yang berpuncak pada

tagihan kuartalan besar-besaran lebih dari $ 9,5 miliar pada tahun 2012, yang terbesar yang pernah ada. Dari total itu, $ 8 miliar adalah

penurunan nilai unit layanan TI sebagai akibat dari akuisisi EDS yang menghancurkan. Pendapatan unit turun ketika pelanggan berhenti

menandatangani kontrak outsourcing jangka panjang yang besar yang merupakan inti dari model bisnis unit. Perseteruan dengan Oracle, di


faktor lain, merusak penjualan server besar HP kepada pelanggan bisnis. Di pasar yang semakin matang dengan sedikit produk baru yang bagus, penjualan PC

melambat sedemikian rupa sehingga HP mengumumkan keluar dari bisnisnya. Penjualan printer dan tinta turun karena konsumen mulai mengurangi pencetakan.

CEO Baru Meg Whitman berjanji untuk meningkat

penekanan perusahaan pada desain, menata ulang grup PC untuk menghasilkan kepekaan Bab ini dimulai dengan pemeriksaan beberapa dari stra-
yang lebih bersih dan minimalis. Mengakui bahwa perusahaan belum memiliki strategi untuk implikasi pemasaran tegic dalam menciptakan nilai pelanggan. Kami akan melihat beberapa

ponsel, Whitman mengakui masih banyak pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan. perspektif tentang perencanaan dan menjelaskan cara menyusun rencana pemasaran


Pemasaran dan Nilai Pelanggan

Tugas bisnis apa pun adalah memberikan nilai pelanggan dengan keuntungan. Perusahaan bisa menang hanya dengan menyelaraskan proses pengiriman nilai dan
memilih, menyediakan, dan mengkomunikasikan nilai superior kepada pembeli yang semakin terinformasi.

Proses Penyampaian Nilai

Pandangan pemasaran tradisional — tetapi kuno — adalah bahwa perusahaan membuat sesuatu dan kemudian menjualnya, dengan pasar berlangsung selama proses
penjualan. Perusahaan yang mengambil pandangan ini hanya berhasil dalam perekonomian yang ditandai dengan kekurangan barang di mana konsumen tidak terlalu
memikirkan kualitas, fitur, atau gaya — misalnya, barang kebutuhan pokok di pasar berkembang.

Dalam perekonomian dengan banyak tipe orang yang berbeda, masing-masing dengan keinginan, persepsi, preferensi, dan kriteria pembelian individu, pesaing yang

cerdas harus merancang dan memberikan penawaran untuk pasar sasaran yang ditentukan dengan baik. Kesadaran ini mengilhami pandangan baru tentang proses bisnis

yang menempatkan pemasaran di awal perencanaan. Alih-alih menekankan pembuatan dan penjualan, perusahaan sekarang melihat diri mereka sendiri sebagai bagian dari

proses pengiriman nilai.

Kita dapat membagi urutan penciptaan dan pengiriman nilai menjadi tiga fase. 2 Pertama, memilih nilainya adalah "pekerjaan rumah" yang harus
dilakukan pemasar sebelum produk apa pun ada. Mereka harus mensegmentasi pasar, memilih target yang sesuai, dan mengembangkan posisi nilai
penawaran. Rumus "segmentasi, penargetan, positioning (STP)" adalah inti dari pemasaran strategis. Fase kedua adalah memberikan nilai. Pemasaran
harus mengidentifikasi fitur, harga, dan distribusi produk tertentu. Tugas di fase ketiga adalah mengkomunikasikan nilai dengan memanfaatkan
Internet, periklanan, tenaga penjualan, dan alat komunikasi lainnya untuk mengumumkan dan mempromosikan produk. Proses pengiriman nilai
dimulai sebelum ada produk dan berlanjut melalui pengembangan dan setelah peluncuran. Setiap fase memiliki implikasi biaya.


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58 BAGIAN 1 | UndeRsTAnding MAnAgeMenT

Nilai chaIn
Michael Porter dari Harvard telah mengusulkan rantai nilai sebagai alat untuk mengidentifikasi cara menciptakan lebih banyak nilai pelanggan. 3 Menurut model ini, setiap

perusahaan merupakan sintesis dari aktivitas yang dilakukan untuk merancang, memproduksi, memasarkan, menyampaikan, dan mendukung produknya. Sembilan aktivitas yang

relevan secara strategis — lima aktivitas utama dan empat aktivitas pendukung — menciptakan nilai dan biaya dalam bisnis tertentu.

Itu kegiatan utama adalah (1) logistik masuk, atau membawa bahan ke dalam bisnis; (2) operasi, atau mengubah bahan menjadi
produk akhir; (3) logistik keluar, atau pengiriman produk akhir; (4) pemasaran, yang meliputi penjualan; dan (5) layanan. Departemen
khusus menangani aktivitas pendukung - (1) pengadaan, (2) pengembangan teknologi, (3) manajemen sumber daya manusia, dan (4)
infrastruktur yang kokoh. (Infrastruktur mencakup biaya manajemen umum, perencanaan, keuangan, akuntansi, hukum, dan urusan

Tugas perusahaan adalah memeriksa biaya dan kinerjanya dalam setiap aktivitas yang menciptakan nilai, pembandingan melawan pesaing, dan mencari cara
untuk meningkatkan. Manajer dapat mengidentifikasi praktik "terbaik di kelasnya" dari perusahaan terbaik dunia dengan berkonsultasi dengan pelanggan, pemasok,
distributor, analis keuangan, asosiasi perdagangan, dan media untuk melihat siapa yang tampaknya melakukan pekerjaan terbaik. Bahkan perusahaan terbaik pun
dapat melakukan benchmark, terhadap industri lain jika perlu, untuk meningkatkan kinerja mereka. GE telah melakukan tolok ukur terhadap P&G serta
mengembangkan praktik terbaiknya sendiri. 4

Keberhasilan perusahaan tidak hanya bergantung pada seberapa baik setiap departemen melakukan pekerjaannya, tetapi juga pada seberapa baik perusahaan

mengoordinasikan kegiatan departemen untuk dilakukan. proses bisnis inti. 5 Proses ini meliputi:

• Proses penginderaan pasar —Mengumpulkan dan bertindak berdasarkan informasi tentang pasar
• Proses realisasi penawaran baru —Meneliti, mengembangkan, dan meluncurkan penawaran baru berkualitas tinggi dengan cepat dan sesuai anggaran

• Proses akuisisi pelanggan —Menentukan pasar sasaran dan mencari pelanggan baru
• Proses manajemen hubungan pelanggan —Membangun pemahaman yang lebih dalam, hubungan, dan penawaran kepada pelanggan
• Proses manajemen pemenuhan —Menerima dan menyetujui pesanan, mengirimkan barang tepat waktu, dan mengumpulkan pembayaran

Perusahaan yang kuat merekayasa ulang alur kerja mereka dan membangun tim lintas fungsi untuk bertanggung jawab atas setiap proses. 6 Ford membentuk
tim lintas fungsi untuk membantu mengurangi penggunaan air per kendaraan hingga 30 persen. 7

AT&T, LexisNexis, dan Pratt & Whitney telah mengatur ulang karyawan mereka menjadi tim lintas fungsi; tim lintas fungsi beroperasi di
organisasi nirlaba dan pemerintah juga. 8

Perusahaan juga perlu mencari keunggulan kompetitif di luar operasinya sendiri dalam rantai nilai pemasok, distributor, dan pelanggan. Banyak
perusahaan saat ini telah bermitra dengan pemasok dan distributor tertentu untuk menciptakan yang unggul nilai jaringan pengiriman, juga disebut a rantai

kompetensi inti
Perusahaan saat ini melakukan outsourcing sumber daya yang kurang penting jika mereka dapat memperoleh kualitas yang lebih baik atau biaya yang lebih
rendah. Kuncinya adalah memiliki dan memelihara sumber daya dan kompetensi yang membentuk esensi bisnis. Banyak perusahaan tekstil, kimia, dan produk
komputer / elektronik menggunakan pabrikan lepas pantai dan berfokus pada desain dan pengembangan produk serta pemasaran, kompetensi inti mereka.
SEBUAH kompetensi inti memiliki tiga karakteristik: (1) Merupakan sumber keunggulan kompetitif dan memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap manfaat
yang dirasakan pelanggan; (2) Ini memiliki aplikasi di berbagai pasar; dan (3) Sulit bagi pesaing untuk meniru.

Keunggulan kompetitif juga menyertai kemampuan khusus atau keunggulan dalam proses bisnis yang lebih luas. George Day dari Wharton melihat
organisasi yang digerakkan oleh pasar unggul dalam tiga kemampuan berbeda: penginderaan pasar, penautan pelanggan, dan pengikatan saluran. 9 Dalam
hal penginderaan pasar, Day percaya peluang dan ancaman yang luar biasa sering kali dimulai sebagai "sinyal lemah" dari "pinggiran" bisnis. 10 Dia
menyarankan mengembangkan visi periferal secara sistematis dengan mengajukan tiga pertanyaan terkait dengan belajar dari masa lalu, mengevaluasi
masa kini, dan membayangkan masa depan.

Bisnis mungkin perlu menyesuaikan diri untuk memaksimalkan kompetensi inti. Penataan kembali memiliki tiga langkah: (1) mendefinisikan (kembali) konsep
bisnis atau "ide besar"; (2) membentuk (kembali) ruang lingkup bisnis, terkadang secara geografis; dan (3) memposisikan (kembali) identitas merek perusahaan.
Peabody Energy menerapkan struktur organisasi global baru — menciptakan unit bisnis geografis di Amerika, Australia, dan Asia — untuk mencerminkan jejak
globalnya yang terus berkembang. 11 Perubahan kekayaan bisnis sering kali memerlukan penataan kembali dan restrukturisasi, seperti yang ditemukan oleh
Panasonic dan perusahaan teknologi dan elektronik Jepang lainnya. 12

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Panasonic telah mengalami

beberapa tantangan pasar

dalam beberapa tahun terakhir,

memaksanya untuk membuat

perubahan dalam bisnis apa itu dan

bagaimana menjalankannya.
Source:Alberto Cristofari/A3/contrasto/Redux

PanasOnic Menjelang ulang tahunnya yang ke-100 pada tahun 2018, Panasonic menghadapi kesulitan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya,
terutama kerugian besar sekitar $ 19 miliar selama 2011 dan 2012. Selama bertahun-tahun, pemosisian "Ide untuk Kehidupan" telah mendorong inovasi,

menghasilkan produk yang sukses seperti komputer notebook Toughbook yang kokoh. . Akan tetapi, pesawat televisi dan elektronik rumah tangga lainnya

mengalami masalah ketika ekonomi terhenti tepat ketika konsumen mulai memperlakukan televisi LCD layar datar sebagai komoditas. Selain itu, penguatan yen

dan biaya produksi yang tinggi di Jepang membuat Panasonic sulit bersaing dalam harga. Sentimen anti-Jepang dari sengketa wilayah terbukti menjadi batu

sandungan di China. Akhirnya, akuisisi Sanyo masuk

2009, yang dirancang untuk membantu perusahaan menjual lebih banyak produk energi ramah lingkungan, mengecewakan. Restrukturisasi besar-besaran oleh

presiden baru Kazuhiro Tsuga pada musim gugur 2012 mengurangi produksi di Jepang, meninggalkan pasar ponsel di luar negeri, dan mengurangi investasi di

panel surya dan baterai isi ulang. Tsuga menegaskan, Panasonic akan mengefektifkan unit bisnis dan mengedepankan profit, bukan hanya pertumbuhan


Peran sentral dari perencanaan sTraTeGIc

Hanya sekelompok perusahaan terpilih yang secara historis menonjol sebagai pemasar utama (lihat Tabel 2.1). Perusahaan-perusahaan ini berfokus pada pelanggan dan

diatur untuk merespons perubahan kebutuhan secara efektif. Mereka semua memiliki departemen pemasaran yang memiliki staf yang baik, dan departemen mereka yang

lain menerima bahwa pelanggan adalah raja. Mereka juga sering memiliki kepemimpinan pemasaran yang kuat dalam bentuk CMO yang sukses (lihat "Memo Pemasaran:

Apa yang Dibutuhkan untuk Menjadi CMO yang Sukses?").

Untuk memastikan mereka melaksanakan aktivitas yang benar, pemasar harus memprioritaskan perencanaan strategis dalam tiga bidang utama: (1)
mengelola bisnis sebagai portofolio investasi, (2) menilai tingkat pertumbuhan pasar dan posisi perusahaan di pasar tersebut, dan (3) menetapkan sebuah strategi.
Perusahaan harus mengembangkan rencana permainan untuk mencapai tujuan jangka panjang setiap bisnis.

Sebagian besar perusahaan besar terdiri dari empat tingkatan organisasi: (1) korporasi, (2) divisi, (3) unit bisnis, dan (4) produk. Kantor pusat perusahaan
bertanggung jawab untuk merancang rencana strategis perusahaan untuk memandu seluruh perusahaan; itu membuat keputusan tentang jumlah sumber daya
untuk dialokasikan ke setiap divisi serta bisnis mana yang akan dimulai atau dihilangkan. Setiap divisi menetapkan rencana yang mencakup alokasi dana ke setiap
unit bisnis di dalam divisi tersebut. Setiap unit bisnis mengembangkan rencana strategis untuk membawa unit bisnis itu ke masa depan yang menguntungkan.
Akhirnya, setiap tingkat produk (lini produk, merek) mengembangkan rencana pemasaran untuk mencapai tujuannya.

Itu rencana pemasaran adalah instrumen utama untuk mengarahkan dan mengkoordinasikan upaya pemasaran. Ini beroperasi pada dua tingkat:
strategis dan taktis. Itu rencana pemasaran strategis menjabarkan pasar sasaran dan proposisi nilai perusahaan, berdasarkan analisis peluang pasar
terbaik. Itu rencana pemasaran taktis menentukan taktik pemasaran, termasuk fitur produk, promosi, merchandising, harga, saluran penjualan, dan
layanan. Keseluruhan siklus perencanaan, implementasi, dan pengendalian perencanaan strategis ditunjukkan pada Gambar 2.1. Selanjutnya, kami
mempertimbangkan perencanaan di masing-masing dari empat tingkat organisasi.

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60 BAGIAN 1 | UndeRsTAnding MAnAgeMenT

Tabel 2.1 Beberapa Contoh Pemasar Master Enterprise Rent-A-Car Red Bull

apel Google Ritz Carlton

Bang & Olufsen Harley-Davidson Samsung

Terlaris Honda Maskapai penerbangan Southwest

BMW IKEA Starbucks

Ulat LEGO Target

Klub Med McDonald's Tesco

Costco Nike Toyota

Disney Nordstrom perawan

eBay Procter & Gamble Walmart

Electrolux Asuransi Progresif Seluruh makanan

| Gambar 2.1 | Perencanaan Menerapkan Mengontrol

Strategi Perencanaan perusahaan Pengorganisasian Mengukur hasil

Perencanaan, Pelaksana-
tation, dan Control Perencanaan divisi

Mendiagnosis hasil
Perencanaan bisnis

Mengambil korektif
Perencanaan produk

Korporasi dan Divisi

Perencanaan strategis
Apakah mereka membiarkan unit bisnis mereka menetapkan tujuan dan strategi mereka sendiri atau berkolaborasi dalam melakukannya, semua kantor pusat perusahaan

melakukan empat aktivitas perencanaan:

1. Mendefinisikan misi perusahaan

2. Membentuk unit bisnis strategis
3. Menugaskan sumber daya ke setiap unit bisnis strategis
4. Menilai peluang pertumbuhan

Kami akan melihat secara singkat setiap proses.

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Apa yang Dibutuhkan untuk Menjadi CMO yang Sukses?

Tantangan yang dihadapi oleh chief marketing officer (CMO) adalah faktor keberhasilan yang banyak dan beragam. CMO harus memiliki kuantitatif yang kuat dan keterampilan kualitatif; mereka harus memiliki

sikap wirausaha yang mandiri tetapi bekerja sama dengan departemen lain; dan mereka harus menangkap “suara” konsumen namun memiliki pemahaman yang tajam tentang bagaimana pemasaran

menciptakan nilai. Dua pertiga dari CMO teratas menganggap laba atas investasi pemasaran (ROMI) akan menjadi ukuran utama efektivitas mereka di tahun 2015.

Satu survei yang menanyakan 200 eksekutif pemasaran tingkat senior tentang kualitas bawaan dan pembelajaran yang paling penting menghasilkan jawaban berikut:

Kualitas bawaan Kualitas yang Dipelajari

• Pengambil risiko • Pengalaman global

• Kesediaan untuk mengambil keputusan • Keahlian multisaluran
• Kemampuan memecahkan masalah • Pengalaman lintas industri
• Ganti agen • Fokus digital
• Berorientasi hasil • Pengetahuan operasional

Pakar pemasaran George Day dan Robert Malcolm percaya tiga kekuatan pendorong akan mengubah peran CMO di tahun-tahun mendatang: (1) tren pasar yang dapat diprediksi, (2) perubahan peran

C-suite, dan (3) ketidakpastian tentang ekonomi dan desain organisasi. Mereka mengidentifikasi lima prioritas untuk CMO yang berhasil:

1. Bertindak sebagai visioner untuk masa depan perusahaan.

2. Bangun kapabilitas pemasaran adaptif.

3. Memenangkan perang untuk bakat

4. pemasaran. Kencangkan keselarasan dengan penjualan.

5. Ambil tanggung jawab untuk pengembalian pengeluaran pemasaran.

Mungkin peran paling penting untuk CMO mana pun adalah menanamkan perspektif pelanggan dalam keputusan bisnis yang memengaruhi pelanggan mana pun titik sentuh ( dimana pelanggan

berinteraksi secara langsung atau tidak langsung dengan perusahaan). Semakin banyak, wawasan pelanggan ini harus memiliki fokus global. Seperti yang dikatakan salah satu pemimpin firma pencarian

eksekutif teratas, “CMO masa depan harus memiliki pengalaman global dan internasional. Anda bisa melakukannya tanpa tinggal di luar negeri. . .tapi Anda harus mendapatkan eksposur ke pasar tersebut. Ini

membuka mata Anda pada cara-cara baru dalam berbisnis, meningkatkan kepekaan budaya, dan meningkatkan fleksibilitas. ”

Sumber: Jennifer Rooney, "CMO Tenure Mencapai Tanda 43-Bulan," Forbes, 14 Juni 2012; Steven Cook, “Saatnya Menaikkan CMO Bar,”, 24 Januari 2012; “Dari Membentang hingga Diperkuat:

Wawasan dari Studi Kepala Pemasaran Global,” Studi IBM CMO C-Suite, Oktober 2011; Natalie Zmuda, "Pengalaman Global Meningkat sebagai Prasyarat untuk Mendepan," Usia Periklanan, 10 Juni 2012; George

S. Day dan Robert Malcolm, “CMO dan Masa Depan Pemasaran,” Manajemen Pemasaran, Spring 2012, hlm. 34–43; Marc De Swann Arons dan Frank Van Den Driest, CEO Merek Global: Membangun Mesin

Pemasaran Terbaik ( New York:

Airstream, 2011); Marylee Sachs, Perubahan MO CMO: Bagaimana Konvergensi Merek dan Reputasi Mempengaruhi Pemasar ( Surry, Inggris: Gower, 2011);

Marylee Sachs, Apa yang Baru Diketahui oleh CMO yang Tidak Anda Ketahui ( Surry, Inggris: Gower, 2013).

Mendefinisikan mIsIon korPoraTe

Sebuah organisasi ada untuk mencapai sesuatu: membuat mobil, meminjamkan uang, menyediakan penginapan malam. Seiring waktu, misi dapat
berubah untuk menanggapi peluang atau kondisi pasar baru. mengubah misinya dari menjadi toko buku online terbesar di dunia menjadi
bercita-cita menjadi toko online terbesar di dunia; eBay berubah dari menjalankan lelang online untuk kolektor menjadi menjalankan lelang online untuk
semua jenis barang; dan Dunkin 'Donuts mengalihkan penekanannya dari donat ke kopi.

Untuk menentukan misinya, perusahaan harus menjawab pertanyaan klasik Peter Drucker: 13 Apa bisnis kita? Siapa pelanggannya? Apa yang berharga bagi
pelanggan? Apa bisnis kita nantinya? Bagaimana seharusnya bisnis kita? Pertanyaan yang terdengar sederhana ini adalah salah satu pertanyaan tersulit yang
pernah dihadapi perusahaan. Perusahaan yang sukses terus menerus bertanya dan menjawabnya.

Definisi bisnis Perusahaan sering kali mendefinisikan dirinya dalam istilah produk: Mereka berada dalam "bisnis otomotif" atau "bisnis pakaian". Definisi pasar bisnis,
bagaimanapun, menggambarkan bisnis sebagai proses yang memuaskan pelanggan. Produk bersifat sementara; kebutuhan dasar dan kelompok pelanggan
bertahan selamanya. Transportasi adalah suatu kebutuhan: kuda dan kereta, mobil, rel kereta api, maskapai penerbangan, kapal, dan truk adalah produk yang
memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Pertimbangkan bagaimana Steelcase mengambil pendekatan definisi pasar untuk bisnisnya. 14

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62 BAGIAN 1 | UndeRsTAnding MAnAgeMenT

Steelcase telah menemukan banyak

kesuksesan dengan mendefinisikan ulang

bisnisnya lebih luas daripada perabot


Source: ©Steelcase 2014

steeLcase Pembuat perabot kantor terlaris di dunia, Steelcase menggambarkan dirinya sebagai "pemimpin global dalam memberikan pengalaman kerja
di lingkungan kantor". Mendefinisikan bisnisnya secara luas, mantan CEO James Hackett percaya, "memungkinkan banyak wawasan hebat yang kami temukan

tentang pekerjaan untuk ditransfer ke luar kantor (dan ke dalam perabotan kantor rumah, sekolah dan fasilitas perawatan kesehatan)." Steelcase menggunakan

tim peneliti yang terdiri dari 23 orang untuk mendapatkan wawasan tersebut dan melakukan wawancara dan survei, merekam aktivitas kantor, dan menggunakan

sensor untuk mengukur bagaimana pekerja menggunakan ruangan dan perabotan. Perusahaan memesan lebih sedikit bilik dan lemari arsip, misalnya, dan lebih

banyak bangku, meja, dan tempat duduk kafe untuk membebaskan karyawan untuk bertukar pikiran dan berkolaborasi. Hackett mendefinisikan tren sebagai

perpindahan dari mentalitas "Saya / Tetap" ke mentalitas "Kami / Seluler". Peningkatan kinerja adalah tujuan utama perusahaan. Jika dirasa akan membuat

pekerja lebih bahagia dan produktif, Steelcase dapat meyakinkan perusahaan untuk memodernisasi dan meningkatkan furnitur kantornya.

Melihat bisnis dalam hal kebutuhan pelanggan dapat menyarankan peluang pertumbuhan tambahan. Tabel 2.2 mencantumkan perusahaan yang
telah berpindah dari definisi produk ke pasar bisnis mereka.
SEBUAH definisi pasar sasaran cenderung fokus pada penjualan produk atau layanan ke pasar saat ini. Pepsi dapat menentukan target pasarnya karena
setiap orang yang minum minuman ringan berkarbonasi, dan oleh karena itu pesaing adalah perusahaan minuman ringan berkarbonasi lainnya. SEBUAH definisi
pasar strategis, Namun, juga fokus pada pasar potensial. Jika Pepsi mempertimbangkan setiap orang yang mungkin meminum sesuatu untuk memuaskan
dahaga, persaingannya akan mencakup minuman ringan nonkarbonasi, air kemasan, jus buah, teh, dan kopi.

Tabel 2.2 Definisi Bisnis Berorientasi Produk versus Berorientasi Pasar

Perusahaan Definisi Produk Definisi Pasar

Union Pacific Railroad Kami menjalankan rel kereta api. Kami adalah penggerak orang-dan-barang.

Xerox Kami membuat peralatan fotokopi. Kami membantu meningkatkan produktivitas

Hess Corporation Kami menjual bensin. kantor. Kami menyediakan energi.

Gambar Paramount Kami membuat film. Kami memasarkan hiburan.

Encyclopaedia Britannica Kami menjual ensiklopedia online. Kami mendistribusikan informasi.

Pembawa Kami membuat AC dan tungku. Kami menyediakan pengatur suhu di rumah.

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Merancang sTaTeMenT Mssion Jelas, bijaksana pernyataan misi, dikembangkan secara kolaboratif dengan dan dibagikan dengan manajer, karyawan, dan
seringkali pelanggan, memberikan pengertian yang sama tentang tujuan, arah, dan peluang. Dalam kondisi terbaiknya, ini mencerminkan sebuah visi, sebuah
"mimpi yang hampir mustahil", yang memberikan arahan selama 10 hingga 20 tahun ke depan. Mantan presiden Sony, Akio Morita, ingin semua orang memiliki
akses ke "suara portabel pribadi", sehingga perusahaannya menciptakan Walkman dan pemutar CD portabel. Fred Smith ingin mengirim email ke mana pun di
Amerika Serikat sebelum pukul 10:30 keesokan harinya, jadi dia membuat FedEx.

Pernyataan misi yang baik memiliki lima karakteristik utama.

1. Mereka fokus pada sejumlah tujuan. Bandingkan pernyataan misi yang tidak jelas seperti "Untuk membangun nilai merek total dengan berinovasi untuk
memberikan nilai pelanggan dan kepemimpinan pelanggan lebih cepat, lebih baik, dan lebih lengkap daripada pesaing kita" dengan pernyataan misi Google
yang ambisius tetapi lebih terfokus, "Untuk mengatur informasi dunia dan membuat itu dapat diakses secara universal dan berguna. ”

2. Mereka menekankan kebijakan dan nilai utama perusahaan. Mempersempit rentang kebijaksanaan individu memungkinkan karyawan bertindak secara konsisten
pada masalah penting.

3. Mereka menentukan bidang persaingan utama di mana perusahaan akan beroperasi. Tabel 2.3 merangkum beberapa dimensi kompetitif
utama untuk pernyataan misi.
4. Mereka mengambil pandangan jangka panjang. Manajemen harus mengubah misi hanya jika sudah tidak relevan lagi.
5. Mereka sesingkat, mudah diingat, dan bermakna mungkin. Konsultan pemasaran Guy Kawasaki menganjurkan untuk mengembangkan mantra
perusahaan tiga sampai empat kata — seperti "Memperkaya Kehidupan Wanita" untuk Mary Kay — daripada pernyataan misi. 15

Tabel 2.3 Mendefinisikan Wilayah Persaingan dan Batasan dalam

Pernyataan Misi

• Industri. Beberapa perusahaan beroperasi hanya dalam satu industri; beberapa hanya dalam satu set industri terkait; beberapa hanya dalam

barang industri, barang konsumsi, atau jasa; dan beberapa di industri apa pun.
• Caterpillar berfokus pada pasar industri; John Deere beroperasi di pasar industri dan konsumen.

• Produk dan aplikasi. Perusahaan menentukan rangkaian produk dan aplikasi yang akan mereka suplai.

• Misi St. Jude Medical adalah “mengembangkan teknologi dan layanan medis yang memberikan kendali lebih besar kepada mereka yang

merawat pasien sakit jantung, neurologis, dan kronis, di seluruh dunia. Kami melakukan ini karena kami berdedikasi untuk memajukan praktik

kedokteran dengan sedapat mungkin mengurangi risiko dan berkontribusi pada hasil yang sukses bagi setiap pasien. ”

• Kompetensi. Perusahaan mengidentifikasi berbagai kompetensi inti teknologi dan lainnya yang akan dikuasai dan dimanfaatkan.

• NEC Jepang telah membangun kompetensi intinya dalam komputasi, komunikasi, dan komponen untuk mendukung produksi
komputer laptop, penerima televisi, dan telepon genggam.

• Segmen pasar. Jenis pasar atau pelanggan yang akan dilayani perusahaan adalah segmen pasar.
• Aston Martin hanya membuat mobil sport berperforma tinggi. Gerber terutama melayani pasar bayi.

• Vertikal. Bidang vertikal adalah jumlah level saluran, dari bahan mentah hingga produk akhir dan distribusi, di mana perusahaan akan
• Di satu titik ekstrim adalah perusahaan dengan lingkup vertikal yang besar. American Apparel mewarnai, mendesain, menjahit, memasarkan,
dan mendistribusikan lini pakaian pakaiannya dari satu bangunan di pusat kota Los Angeles. 16

• Di sisi ekstrem lainnya adalah "perusahaan kosong", yang melakukan outsourcing produksi hampir semua barang dan jasa kepada pemasok.
Koran Metro terbit dalam 56 edisi di 22 negara di empat benua dan dibaca oleh lebih dari 17 juta orang setiap hari. Ia mempekerjakan sedikit
reporter dan tidak memiliki mesin cetak; alih-alih membeli artikelnya dari sumber berita lain dan outsourcing semua pencetakannya dan sebagian
besar distribusinya ke pihak ketiga. 17

• Geografis. Rentang wilayah, negara, atau kelompok negara tempat perusahaan akan beroperasi menentukan lingkup geografisnya.

• Beberapa perusahaan beroperasi di kota atau negara bagian tertentu. Yang lainnya adalah perusahaan multinasional seperti Deutsche Post DHL
dan Royal Dutch / Shell, yang masing-masing beroperasi di lebih dari 100 negara.

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64 BAGIAN 1 | UndeRsTAnding MAnAgeMenT

sTraTeGIc sTraTeGIc eStABILIs

Perusahaan besar biasanya mengelola bisnis yang sangat berbeda, masing-masing
membutuhkan strateginya sendiri. General Electric pernah mengklasifikasikan bisnisnya
menjadi 49 unit bisnis strategis (SBU). SBU memiliki tiga karakteristik:

1. Ini adalah bisnis tunggal, atau kumpulan bisnis terkait, itu

dapat direncanakan secara terpisah dari perusahaan lainnya.
2. Ini memiliki pesaing tersendiri.
3. Ia memiliki seorang manajer yang bertanggung jawab atas perencanaan strategis dan keuntungan

kinerja, yang mengontrol sebagian besar faktor yang mempengaruhi laba.

Tujuan mengidentifikasi unit bisnis strategis perusahaan adalah untuk

mengembangkan strategi terpisah dan menetapkan pendanaan yang sesuai.
Manajemen senior tahu bahwa portofolio bisnisnya biasanya mencakup sejumlah
"has-beens kemarin" serta "pemenang besok." Liz Claiborne telah lebih
menekankan pada beberapa bisnis yang lebih muda seperti Juicy Couture, Lucky
Brand Jeans, Mexx, dan Kate Spade sambil menjual bisnis tanpa buzz yang sama
(Ellen Tracy, Sigrid Olsen, dan Laundry).

sumber daya assIGnInG

Untuk setiap sbu 18
Setelah SBU ditetapkan, manajemen harus memutuskan bagaimana mengalokasikan sumber daya

perusahaan untuk masing-masing. GE / McKinsey Matrix mengklasifikasikan setiap SBU berdasarkan

keunggulan kompetitifnya dan daya tarik industrinya. Manajemen dapat memutuskan untuk menanam,

"memanen" atau menggambar

Sumber luar metro
Source: © HorizonsWWP/Alamy

uang tunai dari, atau pertahankan bisnis. BCG's Growth-Share Matrix menggunakan pangsa pasar relatif dan tingkat pertumbuhan pasar tahunan sebagai kriteria untuk
sebagian besar produksi dan
keputusan investasi, mengklasifikasikan SBU sebagai anjing, sapi perah, tanda tanya, dan bintang.
operasinya untuk surat kabar
Model perencanaan portofolio seperti ini sebagian besar tidak disukai karena terlalu disederhanakan dan subjektif. Metode yang lebih baru
yang berbeda
mengandalkan analisis nilai pemegang saham dan apakah nilai pasar perusahaan lebih besar dengan SBU atau tanpa SBU. Perhitungan nilai ini
yang diterbitkan di menilai potensi bisnis berdasarkan peluang pertumbuhan dari ekspansi global, reposisi atau penargetan ulang, dan outsourcing strategis.
pasar sekitar


Menilai peluang pertumbuhan mencakup perencanaan bisnis baru, perampingan, dan penghentian bisnis lama. Jika ada kesenjangan antara penjualan yang diinginkan
di masa depan dan proyeksi penjualan, manajemen perusahaan perlu mengembangkan atau mengakuisisi bisnis baru untuk mengisinya.

Gambar 2.2 mengilustrasikan kesenjangan perencanaan strategis untuk produsen hipotetis cakram DVD kosong yang disebut Cineview. Kurva
terendah memproyeksikan penjualan yang diharapkan dari portofolio bisnis saat ini ke depan

| Gambar 2.2 |

Strategi- penjualan
on growth
Perencanaan strategis
Kesenjangan Perencanaan
Integrative growth Celah

Intensive growth

Sales ($ millions)

0 1 2 3 4 5

Waktu (tahun)

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lima tahun. Yang tertinggi menggambarkan penjualan yang diinginkan selama periode yang sama.
Terbukti, perusahaan ingin tumbuh lebih cepat daripada yang diizinkan oleh bisnisnya saat ini.
Bagaimana cara mengisi kesenjangan perencanaan strategis?

Opsi pertama adalah mengidentifikasi peluang untuk pertumbuhan dalam bisnis saat
ini (peluang intensif). Yang kedua adalah mengidentifikasi peluang untuk membangun
atau mengakuisisi bisnis yang terkait dengan bisnis saat ini (peluang integratif). Ketiga
adalah mengidentifikasi peluang untuk menambah bisnis yang tidak terkait yang menarik
(peluang diversifikasi).

pertumbuhan intensif Manajemen perusahaan harus terlebih dahulu meninjau peluang untuk
meningkatkan bisnis yang ada. Salah satu kerangka kerja yang berguna adalah "jaringan perluasan

pasar produk", yang mempertimbangkan peluang pertumbuhan strategis bagi perusahaan dalam

kaitannya dengan produk dan pasar saat ini dan yang baru.

Perusahaan pertama-tama mempertimbangkan apakah ia dapat memperoleh lebih banyak pangsa

pasar dengan produknya saat ini di pasar mereka saat ini, menggunakan

strategi penetrasi pasar. Selanjutnya mempertimbangkan apakah dapat menemukan atau

mengembangkan pasar baru untuk produknya saat ini, di a strategi pengembangan pasar. Kemudian
mempertimbangkan apakah dapat mengembangkan produk baru untuk pasarnya saat ini
dengan a strategi pengembangan produk. Nanti perusahaan juga akan meninjau peluang untuk
mengembangkan produk baru untuk pasar baru di a strategi diversifikasi. Pertimbangkan
bagaimana ESPN mengejar berbagai peluang pertumbuhan (lihat Gambar 2.3). 19

Liz Claiborne memiliki

Source: © Patti McConville/Alamy

lebih menekankan
ESPN Melalui fokus tunggal pada program dan berita olahraga, ESPN tumbuh dari penyiar regional kecil menjadi nama terbesar dalam olahraga. Pada di toko Juicy Couture-nya

awal 1990-an, perusahaan membuat rencana yang matang: Di mana pun penggemar olahraga menonton, membaca, dan mendiskusikan olahraga, ESPN akan dibandingkan lini lainnya yang

selalu ada. Ini mengejar strategi ini dengan memperluas mereknya dan sekarang mencakup 10 saluran kabel, situs Web, majalah, beberapa restoran (Zona tumbuh lebih lambat

ESPN), lebih dari 600 afiliasi radio lokal, film dan serial televisi asli, penerbitan buku, katalog barang dagangan olahraga dan toko online, permainan musik dan bisnis.

video, serta layanan seluler. ESPN International sebagian atau seluruhnya memiliki 47 jaringan televisi di luar Amerika Serikat dan berbagai bisnis tambahan yang

menjangkau penggemar olahraga di lebih dari 200 negara dan wilayah di tujuh benua. Sekarang dimiliki oleh The Walt Disney Company, ESPN menyumbang $

9,4 miliar per tahun dalam pendapatan, atau kira-kira tiga perempat dari total pendapatan jaringan kabel Disney. Namun mungkin penghargaan terbesar atas

kekuatan mereknya datang dari salah satu responden grup fokus pria yang berkata, "Jika ESPN adalah seorang wanita, saya akan menikahinya."

Jadi bagaimana Cineview dapat menggunakan tiga strategi pertumbuhan intensif utama ini untuk meningkatkan penjualannya? Ia dapat mencoba mendorong

pelanggannya saat ini untuk membeli lebih banyak dengan mendemonstrasikan manfaat menggunakan cakram DVD untuk penyimpanan data di samping penyimpanan video.

Itu bisa mencoba menarik pelanggan pesaing jika melihat kelemahan utama dalam produk atau program pemasaran mereka. Akhirnya, Cineview dapat mencoba untuk

meyakinkan nonpengguna untuk mulai menggunakan disk DVD kosong.

Bagaimana Cineview dapat menggunakan strategi pengembangan pasar? Pertama, mungkin mencoba mengidentifikasi kelompok pengguna potensial di area
penjualan saat ini. Jika telah menjual cakram DVD hanya ke pasar konsumen, mungkin pergi setelah pasar kantor dan pabrik. Kedua, mungkin mencari saluran
distribusi tambahan dengan menambahkan merchandising massal atau saluran online. Ketiga, perusahaan mungkin menjual di lokasi baru di negara asalnya atau di
luar negeri.
Manajemen juga harus mempertimbangkan kemungkinan produk baru. Cineview dapat mengembangkan fitur baru, seperti kemampuan penyimpanan
data tambahan atau daya tahan yang lebih baik. Ini bisa menawarkan cakram DVD pada dua atau lebih tingkat kualitas, atau bisa meneliti teknologi
alternatif seperti flash drive.
Strategi pertumbuhan intensif ini menawarkan beberapa cara untuk tumbuh. Namun, pertumbuhan itu mungkin tidak cukup, dan manajemen juga harus
mencari peluang pertumbuhan integratif.

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66 BAGIAN 1 | UndeRsTAnding MAnAgeMenT

Walt Disney

Hirarki Merek ESPN

Konsumen Mencetak On line Televisi Interaktif Media Lain


ESPN ESPN Wide World

ESPN The ESPN La Revisita ESPN Daerah Kompleks Olahraga
Majalah Revisita ESPN Buku


On line permainan Musik Buku


Radio Radio Bangkit ESPNRadio ESPNDeportes ESPNSoccer ESPNCricinfo
. com . com . com . com


ABC Deportes

| Gambar 2.3 |

Pertumbuhan ESPN

pertumbuhan inTegraTive Sebuah bisnis dapat meningkatkan penjualan dan keuntungan melalui integrasi mundur, maju, atau horizontal dalam
industrinya. Merck membentuk usaha patungan sejak 1989 dengan Johnson & Johnson untuk menjual obat bebas dan 1991 dengan DuPont untuk
memperluas penelitian dasar. Pada tahun 1997, Merck dan Rhône-Poulenc SA (sekarang Sanofi-Aventis SA) menggabungkan bisnis kesehatan hewan
dan genetika unggas mereka untuk membentuk Merial Limited, sebuah perusahaan kesehatan hewan yang terintegrasi penuh. Akhirnya, Merck
mengakuisisi Schering-Plough pada tahun 2009. 20

Penggabungan dan aliansi horizontal tidak selalu berhasil. Merger antara Sears dan Kmart tidak menyelesaikan masalah pengecer mana pun. 21 Nextel
Communications Inc. merger dengan Sprint pada tahun 2005 dalam apa yang oleh analis keuangan Bloomberg disebut sebagai merger terburuk dalam 10 tahun
terakhir, sebagian karena jaringan mereka yang tidak kompatibel. 22 Pertimbangkan tantangan yang dihadapi United dan Continental dalam merger mereka. 23

United dan cOntinentaL Penggabungan maskapai penerbangan terkenal rumit, sarat dengan peraturan dan sejumlah pertimbangan yang
berpotensi bertentangan tentang keselamatan, biaya, gaya, keandalan, kemudahan, kecepatan, dan kenyamanan. Penggabungan United dengan Continental

masuk akal secara strategis dan finansial, tetapi masalah logistik sepertinya tidak ada habisnya karena kedua maskapai menjalankan bisnis mereka dengan cara

yang sangat berbeda, dari prosedur naik pesawat hingga cara mereka membawa pesawat ke gerbang. Bahkan kopi adalah masalah yang sulit; United melayani

Starbucks sementara Continental menggunakan perusahaan bernama Fresh Brew. Setelah penelitian ekstensif, kompromi yang sesuai diidentifikasi — campuran

segar yang lebih ringan yang disebut Journeys — tetapi pelanggan tidak terkesan sampai perusahaan menemukan kedua maskapai penerbangan itu memiliki

keranjang minuman yang berbeda dan maskapai United sebenarnya membocorkan air dan mengencerkan kopi.

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Unggulan ESPN Pusat olahraga

Program adalah jangkar dari

jaringan televisi dan bisnis olahraga

Perusahaan media, di sisi lain, telah lama menuai keuntungan dari pertumbuhan integratif. Pertimbangkan bagaimana NBC Universal memanfaatkan salah
Source: ESPN, Inc.

satu propertinya: 24

Menyusul tahun 2006 George yang penasaran rilis film melalui Universal Pictures, George yang penasaran acara TV dirilis di PBS Kids
sebagai produksi bersama oleh Universal Studios Family Productions, Imagine Entertainment dan WGBH Boston. Universal Studios
Hollywood saat ini memiliki Petualangan Curious George perjalanan di mana anak-anak dapat “menikmati serunya pembuangan air
seberat lima ratus galon dan melepaskan ribuan bola busa terbang. . . . ”

Bagaimana Cineview dapat mencapai pertumbuhan integratif? Perusahaan mungkin mengakuisisi satu atau lebih pemasoknya, seperti produsen bahan plastik,
untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak kendali atau menghasilkan lebih banyak keuntungan melalui integrasi ke belakang. Ini mungkin mengakuisisi beberapa grosir atau
pengecer, terutama jika mereka sangat menguntungkan, dalam integrasi ke depan. Akhirnya, Cineview dapat memperoleh satu atau lebih pesaing, asalkan
pemerintah tidak melarang integrasi horizontal ini. Namun, sumber baru ini mungkin masih belum memberikan volume penjualan yang diinginkan. Dalam hal itu,
perusahaan harus mempertimbangkan diversifikasi.

United dan Continental merasa lebih sulit

untuk menggabungkan maskapai mereka

daripada hanya memadukan logo mereka di

pesawat mereka.
Source:Associated Press

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68 BAGIAN 1 | UndeRsTAnding MAnAgeMenT

Diversifikasi Tumbuh Pertumbuhan diversifikasi masuk akal bila ada peluang bagus di luar bisnis saat ini — industrinya sangat
menarik dan perusahaan memiliki paduan kekuatan bisnis yang tepat untuk berhasil. Dari asalnya sebagai produser film animasi, The
Walt Disney Company telah beralih ke karakter lisensi untuk barang dagangan, menerbitkan buku fiksi minat umum di bawah jejak
Hyperion, memasuki industri penyiaran dengan Saluran Disneynya sendiri serta ABC dan ESPN, mengembangkan tema taman dan
properti liburan dan resor, dan menawarkan pengalaman kapal pesiar dan teater komersial.

Beberapa jenis diversifikasi dimungkinkan untuk Cineview. Pertama, perusahaan dapat memilih strategi konsentris dan mencari produk baru yang
memiliki sinergi teknologi atau pemasaran dengan lini produk yang ada, meskipun menarik bagi kelompok pelanggan yang berbeda. Ini mungkin
memulai operasi pembuatan cakram padat karena mengetahui cara membuat cakram DVD atau operasi pembuatan flash drive karena mengetahui
penyimpanan digital. Kedua, mungkin menggunakan strategi horizontal dan memproduksi kotak DVD plastik, misalnya, meskipun memerlukan proses
pembuatan yang berbeda. Akhirnya, perusahaan mungkin mencari bisnis baru yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan teknologi, produk, atau pasarnya
saat ini, mengadopsi strategi konglomerat untuk mempertimbangkan pembuatan perangkat lunak aplikasi atau penyelenggara pribadi.

Merampingkan dan Menyelam bisnis Perusahaan harus hati-hati memangkas, memanen, atau melepaskan bisnis lama yang lelah untuk
melepaskan sumber daya yang dibutuhkan untuk penggunaan lain dan mengurangi biaya. Untuk fokus pada perjalanan dan operasi kartu kreditnya,
American Express memisahkan American Express Financial Advisors, yang menyediakan asuransi, reksa dana, nasihat investasi, dan layanan pialang dan
manajemen aset (berganti nama menjadi Ameriprise Financial). American International Group (AIG) setuju untuk menjual dua subunitnya — American
General Indemnity Co. dan American General Property Insurance Co. — kepada White Mountains Insurance Group sebagai bagian dari strategi
pertumbuhan jangka panjang untuk membuang aset yang berlebihan dan fokus pada intinya operasi. 25


Perencanaan strategis terjadi dalam konteks organisasi. Sebuah perusahaan organisasi terdiri dari struktur, kebijakan, dan budaya
perusahaannya, yang kesemuanya dapat menjadi tidak berfungsi dalam lingkungan bisnis yang berubah dengan cepat. Sementara manajer dapat
mengubah struktur dan kebijakan (meskipun dengan kesulitan), budaya perusahaan sangat sulit untuk diubah. Namun, mengadaptasi budaya
sering kali menjadi kunci sukses menerapkan strategi baru.

Apa sebenarnya file budaya perusahaan? Beberapa mendefinisikannya sebagai "berbagi pengalaman, cerita, keyakinan, dan norma yang menjadi ciri organisasi."
Masuklah ke perusahaan mana pun dan hal pertama yang menarik bagi Anda adalah budaya perusahaan — cara orang berpakaian, berbicara satu sama lain, dan
menyapa pelanggan.
Budaya yang berpusat pada pelanggan dapat mempengaruhi semua aspek organisasi. Enterprise Rent-A-Car menampilkan karyawannya sendiri dalam
kampanye iklan "The Enterprise Way" terbarunya. Melalui program pelatihan "Membuatnya Benar",

Enterprise Rent-A-Car dikenal dengan

budaya korporatnya yang berpusat pada

Source: Getty Images

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Perusahaan memberdayakan semua karyawan untuk membuat keputusan sendiri. Satu iklan dalam kampanye bertema "Perbaiki Masalah", menegaskan bagaimana setiap
outlet Perusahaan lokal memiliki kewenangan untuk mengambil tindakan guna memaksimalkan kepuasan pelanggan. 26

Inovasi dalam pemasaran sangat penting. Ide imajinatif tentang strategi ada di banyak tempat di dalam perusahaan. Manajemen senior harus
mengidentifikasi dan mendorong ide-ide segar dari tiga kelompok yang umumnya kurang terwakili: karyawan dengan perspektif muda atau
beragam, karyawan yang jauh dari kantor pusat perusahaan, dan karyawan baru di industri. Setiap kelompok dapat menantang ortodoksi
perusahaan dan menstimulasi ide-ide baru.
Reckitt Benckiser yang berbasis di Inggris telah menjadi inovator dalam industri produk pembersih rumah tangga yang tenang dengan menghasilkan 35
persen penjualan dari produk di bawah tiga tahun. 27 Staf multinasionalnya didorong untuk menggali jauh ke dalam kebiasaan konsumen dan diberi
penghargaan atas kinerja yang sangat baik. Krka yang berbasis di Slovenia — pembuat obat resep, produk non-resep, dan produk kesehatan hewan —
bertujuan untuk menghasilkan lebih dari 40 persen dari total penjualannya dari produk baru. 28 “Wawasan Pemasaran: Menciptakan Pemasaran Inovatif”
menjelaskan bagaimana beberapa perusahaan terkemuka mendekati inovasi.

Perusahaan mengembangkan strategi dengan memilih pandangan mereka tentang masa depan. Royal Dutch / Shell Group telah merintisnya

analisis skenario, yang mengembangkan representasi yang masuk akal dari kemungkinan masa depan perusahaan dengan menggunakan asumsi tentang kekuatan yang
menggerakkan pasar dan ketidakpastian yang berbeda. Manajer memikirkan setiap skenario dengan pertanyaan, "Apa yang akan kita lakukan jika itu terjadi ?," mengadopsi satu
skenario sebagai yang paling mungkin, dan perhatikan rambu-rambu yang mungkin mengkonfirmasi atau tidak mengonfirmasinya. 29 Pertimbangkan tantangan strategis yang
dihadapi industri film. 30

pemasaran Park dan Walmart di bidang retail sebagai contoh perusahaan yang berhasil melaksanakan
wawasan ide besar secara brilian dalam kurun waktu yang lama.
Untuk menemukan ide-ide terobosan, beberapa perusahaan membenamkan berbagai

Menciptakan Pemasaran Inovatif karyawannya dalam memecahkan masalah pemasaran. Program Inovasi Nilai (VIP) Samsung

mengisolasi tim pengembangan produk yang terdiri dari insinyur, perancang, dan perencana
Ketika IBM mensurvei para CEO teratas dan pemimpin pemerintahan tentang prioritas dengan jadwal dan tanggal berakhir di pusat perusahaan tepat di selatan Seoul, Korea,
mereka, inovasi model bisnis dan cara unik dalam melakukan sesuatu mendapat nilai sementara 50 spesialis membantu memandu aktivitas mereka. Untuk membantu membuat
tinggi. Dorongan IBM sendiri untuk inovasi model bisnis menyebabkan banyak kolaborasi, pertukaran yang sulit, anggota tim menggambar "kurva nilai" yang memberi peringkat atribut
baik di dalam IBM maupun secara eksternal dengan perusahaan, pemerintah, dan seperti kualitas suara atau gambar produk pada skala dari 1 hingga 5. Untuk mengembangkan
lembaga pendidikan. CEO Samuel Palmisano saat itu mencatat bagaimana terobosan mobil baru, BMW memobilisasi spesialis di bidang teknik, desain, produksi, pemasaran,
prosesor Sel, berdasarkan arsitektur Power perusahaan, tidak akan terjadi tanpa pembelian, dan keuangan di Pusat Riset dan Inovasi atau Rumah Proyek.
kolaborasi dengan Sony dan Nintendo, serta pesaing Toshiba dan Microsoft.

Perusahaan seperti Facebook dan Google memulai proses pemecahan masalah secara
Procter & Gamble (P&G) telah menetapkan sasaran agar 50 persen produk baru datang kreatif dengan menggunakan frasa, "Bagaimana kita bisa?" Tim Brown, CEO IDEO,
dari luar labnya — dari penemu, ilmuwan, dan pemasok yang ide produk barunya dapat mengatakan IDEO menanyakan "bagaimana kita bisa" dengan setiap tantangan desain.
dikembangkan sendiri. Mark Benioff, CEO dan salah satu pendiri, percaya “Bagian 'Bagaimana' mengasumsikan ada solusi di luar sana — memberikan kepercayaan diri
bahwa kunci inovasi adalah kemampuan untuk beradaptasi. Sementara perusahaan yang kreatif,” kata Brown. “Bagian 'Might' mengatakan kita bisa mengeluarkan ide-ide yang
menghabiskan waktu bertahun-tahun mengandalkan ide-ide mengganggu yang datang dari mungkin berhasil atau mungkin tidak — bagaimanapun juga, tidak apa-apa. Dan bagian 'Kami'
dalam, ia mengakuisisi dua perusahaan seharga $ 1 miliar karena "tidak mampu menunggu" mengatakan kami akan melakukannya bersama dan membangun ide satu sama lain. ”
dan telah membeli total 24 perusahaan. Seperti yang dicatat Benioff, “Inovasi adalah sebuah
kontinum. Anda harus berpikir tentang bagaimana dunia berkembang dan berubah. Apakah

Anda bagian dari kontinum? ” Sumber: Steve Hamm, “Inovasi: Pemandangan dari Atas,” Minggu Bisnis, 3 April,
2006, hlm. 52–53; Jena McGregor, “Perusahaan Paling Inovatif di Dunia,”
Minggu Bisnis, 24 April 2006, hlm. 63–74; Rich Karlgard, "Aturan Digital", Forbes,
Penelitian pakar bisnis Jim Collins menekankan pentingnya inovasi sistematis dan
13 Maret 2006, hal. 31; Jennifer Rooney dan Jim Collins, “Being Great Is Tidak Hanya Masalah Ide
berbasis luas: “Selalu mencari satu terobosan besar, satu gagasan besar, bertentangan Besar, ” Titik, Juni 2006, hal. 20; Moon Ihlwan, "Camp Samsung,"
dengan apa yang kami temukan: Untuk membangun perusahaan yang benar-benar hebat, itu Minggu Bisnis, 3 Juli 2006, hlm. 46–47; Mohanbir Sawhney, Robert C. Wolcott, dan Inigo Arroniz, “12 Cara
Berbeda bagi Perusahaan untuk Berinovasi,” Tinjauan Manajemen MIT Sloan ( Spring 2006), hlm. 75–85; Victoria
keputusan demi keputusan, tindakan atas tindakan, hari demi hari, bulan demi bulan. . . . Ini
Barret, "Mengapa Peringkat # 1 di Daftar Paling Inovatif Forbes," Forbes, September 2012;
momentum kumulatif dan tidak ada keputusan yang menentukan perusahaan yang hebat. " Warren Berger, "Frasa Rahasia yang Digunakan Inovator Teratas", Jaringan Blog HBR, 17 September 2012.
Collins mengutip tema Walt Disney

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70 BAGIAN 1 | UndeRsTAnding MAnAgeMenT

Studio film menemukan cara baru untuk

memperluas waralaba film mereka, seperti

halnya Warner Bros.

dan Batman.

Source: Handout/MCT/Newscom
Industri perfilman Netflix dan Internet mulai mengalami penurunan penjualan DVD yang dimulai pada tahun 2007 dan tidak berhenti. Munculnya kios
Redbox yang menyewakan film seharga $ 1 sehari menambah ancaman lain bagi bisnis film dan penjualan DVD. Studio film jelas perlu mempersiapkan hari

ketika film terutama dijual bukan melalui distribusi fisik tetapi melalui layanan video-on-demand perusahaan satelit dan kabel. Meskipun studio menghasilkan 70

persen dari tontonan kabel seharga $ 4,99 versus 30 persen dari penjualan DVD, penjualan DVD masih menghasilkan 70 persen keuntungan film. Untuk

meningkatkan distribusi elektronik tanpa merusak bisnis DVD mereka, studio bereksperimen dengan pendekatan baru. Beberapa, seperti Warner Bros., merilis

DVD bersamaan dengan versi online dan film kabel. Disney mempromosikan silang film-film ramah orang tua di taman hiburan, saluran TV, dan tokonya. Warner

telah memasuki bisnis video game (seperti dengan Dark Knight Batman) dengan harapan menghasilkan pendapatan tambahan pada karakter filmnya. Warner

Interactive biasanya menghabiskan $ 30 juta hingga $ 40 juta untuk membuat game-nya dan menghasilkan hampir $ 1 miliar dalam penjualan pada tahun 2011.

Studio film sedang mempertimbangkan semua skenario yang mungkin terjadi saat mereka memikirkan kembali model bisnis mereka di dunia di mana DVD tidak

lagi menjadi raja.

Perencanaan Strategis Unit Bisnis

Proses perencanaan strategis unit bisnis terdiri dari langkah-langkah yang ditunjukkan pada Gambar 2.4. Kami memeriksa setiap langkah di bagian berikutnya.

| Gambar 2.4 |

Unit Bisnis
Perencanaan strategis

lingkungan Hidup
(kesempatan &
analisis ancaman)
Umpan balik
Bisnis Tujuan Strategi Program
Analisis SWOT
Penerapan dan
misi perumusan perumusan perumusan
lingkungan Hidup

(kekuatan /
analisis kelemahan)

M02_KOTL2621_15_GE_C02.indd 70 15/03/15 21:02


MIsIsI bisnis
Setiap unit bisnis perlu mendefinisikan misi spesifiknya dalam misi perusahaan yang lebih luas. Dengan demikian, sebuah perusahaan peralatan
pencahayaan studio televisi dapat mendefinisikan misinya sebagai “Menargetkan studio televisi besar dan menjadi vendor pilihan mereka untuk teknologi
pencahayaan yang mewakili pengaturan pencahayaan studio yang paling maju dan andal.” Perhatikan misi ini tidak menyebutkan memenangkan bisnis dari
studio televisi yang lebih kecil, menawarkan harga terendah, atau menjelajah ke produk non-pencahayaan.

analisis swoT
Evaluasi keseluruhan dari kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman perusahaan disebut analisis SWOT. Ini adalah cara memantau
lingkungan pemasaran eksternal dan internal.

ANALISIS LINGKUNGAN EKSTERNAL (PELUANG DAN KEHIDUPAN) Sebuah unit bisnis harus memantau kuncinya kekuatan lingkungan
makro dan signifikan faktor lingkungan mikro yang mempengaruhi kemampuannya untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Ini harus menyiapkan sistem intelijen
pemasaran untuk melacak tren dan perkembangan penting serta peluang dan ancaman terkait.

Pemasaran yang baik adalah seni menemukan, mengembangkan, dan mendapatkan keuntungan dari peluang ini. 31 SEBUAH peluang pemasaran adalah
bidang kebutuhan dan minat pembeli sehingga perusahaan memiliki probabilitas tinggi untuk memuaskan secara menguntungkan. Ada tiga sumber utama
peluang pasar. 32 Yang pertama adalah menawarkan sesuatu yang tidak banyak tersedia. Ini membutuhkan sedikit bakat pemasaran, karena kebutuhannya
cukup jelas. Yang kedua adalah memasok produk atau layanan yang sudah ada dengan cara yang baru atau lebih unggul. Bagaimana? Itu metode deteksi
masalah meminta saran konsumen, itu metode yang ideal membuat mereka membayangkan versi ideal dari produk atau layanan, dan

metode rantai konsumsi meminta mereka untuk memetakan langkah-langkah mereka dalam memperoleh, menggunakan, dan membuang suatu produk. Metode terakhir ini sering

kali dapat menghasilkan produk atau layanan yang benar-benar baru, yang merupakan sumber peluang pasar utama ketiga.

Pemasar harus pandai melihat peluang. Pertimbangkan hal berikut:

• Perusahaan dapat memperoleh keuntungan dari tren industri yang terkonvergensi dan memperkenalkan produk atau layanan hybrid yang baru ke
pasar. Produsen ponsel telah merilis ponsel dengan kemampuan foto dan video digital, Global Positioning System (GPS), dan sebagainya.

• Sebuah perusahaan mungkin membuat proses pembelian lebih nyaman atau efisien. Mobil memperkenalkan Speed Pass, salah satu sistem pembayaran RFID

(identifikasi frekuensi radio) pertama yang digunakan secara luas, untuk memungkinkan konsumen dengan cepat dan mudah membayar bahan bakar di pompa.

• Sebuah perusahaan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan akan lebih banyak informasi dan nasihat. Angie's List menghubungkan individu dengan perbaikan
rumah lokal dan layanan lain yang telah ditinjau oleh orang lain.
• Perusahaan dapat menyesuaikan produk atau layanan. Timberland memungkinkan pelanggan memilih warna untuk berbagai bagian sepatu mereka,
menambahkan inisial atau nomor, dan memilih jahitan dan bordir yang berbeda.
• Sebuah perusahaan dapat memperkenalkan kemampuan baru. Konsumen dapat membuat dan mengedit "iMovies" digital dengan iMac dan
mengunggahnya ke server Web Apple atau situs Web seperti YouTube untuk dibagikan dengan teman di seluruh dunia.

• Sebuah perusahaan mungkin dapat memberikan produk atau layanan lebih cepat. FedEx menemukan cara untuk mengirim surat dan paket jauh lebih
cepat daripada Layanan Pos AS.
• Sebuah perusahaan mungkin dapat menawarkan produk dengan harga yang jauh lebih rendah. Perusahaan farmasi telah menciptakan versi generik obat bermerek,

dan perusahaan obat pesanan lewat pos sering kali menjual dengan harga lebih murah.

Untuk mengevaluasi peluang, perusahaan dapat menggunakan analisis peluang pasar (MOA) untuk menanyakan pertanyaan seperti:

1. Bisakah kita mengartikulasikan manfaat secara meyakinkan ke pasar sasaran yang ditentukan?

2. Bisakah kita menemukan target pasar dan menjangkau mereka dengan media dan saluran perdagangan yang hemat biaya?

3. Apakah perusahaan kita memiliki atau memiliki akses ke kapabilitas dan sumber daya penting yang kita butuhkan untuk memberikan manfaat bagi pelanggan?

4. Bisakah kita memberikan manfaat lebih baik daripada pesaing aktual atau potensial?
5. Akankah tingkat pengembalian finansial memenuhi atau melebihi ambang yang kami tuntut untuk investasi?

In the opportunity matrix in Figure 2.5(a), the best marketing opportunities facing the TV-lighting-equipment company appear in the
upper-left cell (#1). The opportunities in the lower-right cell (#4) are too minor to consider. The opportunities in the upper-right cell (#2) and
the lower-left cell (#3) are worth monitoring in the event that any improve in attractiveness and potential.

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72 PART 1 | UndeRsTAnding MARkeTing MAnAgeMenT

| Fig. 2.5 | (a) Opportunity Matrix

Opportunity and
Success Probability

High Low
Threat Matrices 1. Company develops more powerful lighting
2. Company develops device to
High 1 2
measure energy efficiency
of any lighting system
3. Company develops device to

Low 3 4 measure illumination level

4. Company develops software program to teach
lighting fundamentals to TV studio personnel

(b) Threat Matrix

Probability of Occurrence

High Low
1. Competitor develops superior lighting
High 1 2 2. Major prolonged economic
3. Higher costs
4. Legislation to reduce number of TV
Low 3 4
studio licenses

An environmental threat is a challenge posed by an unfavorable trend or development that, in the absence of defensive marketing action,
would lead to lower sales or profit. Figure 2.5(b) illustrates the threat matrix facing the TV-lighting-equipment company. The threats in the
upper-left cell are major because they have a high probability of occurrence and can seriously hurt the company. To deal with them, the
company needs contingency plans. The threats in the lower-right cell are minor and can be ignored. The firm will want to carefully monitor
threats in the upper-right and lower-left cells in the event they grow more likely or serious.

inTernal environMenT (sTrengThs anDweaknesses) analysis It’s one thing to find attractive opportunities and another to
be able to take advantage of them. Each business needs to evaluate its internal strengths and weaknesses. Consider Loan Bright. 33

LOan Bright At the Web site of Loan Bright, an online mortgage company, potential homebuyers can get a personalized list of lenders and
available terms. At first, Loan Bright made its money by selling the homebuyer data to high-end mortgage lenders, including Wells Fargo Home

Mortgage, Bank of America Mortgage, and Chase Home Mortgage. These firms turned the data into leads for their sales teams. But worrisome internal

issues arose. For one thing, Loan Bright had to please every one of its big clients, yet each was becoming tougher to satisfy, eating up time and

resources. The company’s top managers gathered to analyze the market and Loan Bright’s strengths and weaknesses. They decided that instead of

serving a few choice clients, they would serve many more individual loan officers who responded to the company’s Google ads and only wanted to buy

a few leads. The switch required revamping the way Loan Bright salespeople brought in new business, including using a one-page contract instead of

the old 12-page contract and creating a separate customer service department.

A SWOT-like analysis was instrumental in the development of the corporate strategy that drove Dell to years of success.

• Dell’s strength was selling more effectively and efficiently directly to consumers than IBM and Compaq, its hardware competitors at the
• Dell’s weakness, however, was that its brand was not as strong and it lacked a well-entrenched channel infra- structure and solid dealer

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develoPing MARkeTing sTRATegies And PlAns | chapter 2 73

• Dell’s opportunity was that the consumer market was becoming more sophisticated and customers increas- ingly knew exactly what they
• Dell’s threat was that it would fail to generate a big enough customer base in the face of strong competitors and demanding channel

With consumers desiring purchasing convenience and flexibility, however, the Internet offered a powerful direct marketing and
selling option. Dell’s business strategy combined direct sales, Internet marketing, mass customization, and just-in-time manufacturing to
capitalize on the market opportunity it was offered.

Businesses can evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses by using a form like the one shown in “Marketing Memo: Checklist for
Evaluating Strengths/Weaknesses Analysis.” Clearly, the business doesn’t have to correct all its weaknesses, nor should it gloat about
all its strengths. The big question is whether it should limit itself to those opportunities for which it possesses the required strengths or
consider those that might require it to find or develop new strengths.

Checklist for Evaluating Strengths/Weaknesses Analysis

Performance Importance

Major Minor Minor Major

Strength Strength Neutral Weakness Weakness High Med. Low

1. Company reputation _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
2. Market share _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
3. Customer satisfaction _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
4. Customer retention _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
5. Product quality _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
6. Service quality _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
7. Pricing effectiveness _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
8. Distribution effectiveness _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
9. Promotion effectiveness _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
10. Sales force effectiveness _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
11. Innovation effectiveness _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
12. Geographical coverage _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

13. Cost or availability of capital _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
14. Cash flow _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
15. Financial stability _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

16. Facilities _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
17. Economies of scale _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
18. Capacity _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
19. Able, dedicated workforce _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
20. Ability to produce on time _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
21. Technical manufacturing skill _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

22. Visionary, capable leadership _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
23. Dedicated employees _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
24. Entrepreneurial orientation _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
25. Flexible or responsive _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

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74 PART 1 | UndeRsTAnding MARkeTing MAnAgeMenT

Goal formulaTIon
Once the company has performed a SWOT analysis, it can proceed to goal formulation, developing specific goals for the planning period.
Goals are objectives that are specific with respect to magnitude and time.
Most business units pursue a mix of objectives, including profitability, sales growth, market share improvement, risk containment,
innovation, and reputation. The business unit sets these objectives and then manages by objec- tives (MBO). For an MBO system to work, the
unit’s objectives must meet four criteria:

1. They must be arranged hierarchically, from most to least important. The business unit’s key objective for
the period may be to increase the rate of return on investment. Managers can increase profit by increasing revenue and reducing
expenses. They can grow revenue, in turn, by increasing market share and prices.
2. Objectives should be quantitative whenever possible. The objective “to increase the return on investment (ROI)” is better stated as the
goal “to increase ROI to 15 percent within two years.”
3. Goals should be realistic. Goals should arise from an analysis of the business unit’s opportunities and strengths, not from wishful
4. Objectives must be consistent. It’s not possible to maximize sales and profits simultaneously.

Other important trade-offs include short-term profit versus long-term growth, deep penetration of existing markets versus development of
new markets, profit goals versus nonprofit goals, and high growth versus low risk. Each choice calls for a different marketing strategy. 34

Many believe adopting the goal of strong market share growth may mean foregoing strong short-term profits. Volkswagen has 15 times the
annual revenue of Porsche—but Porsche’s profit margins are seven times bigger than Volkswagen’s. Other successful companies such as
Google, Microsoft, and Samsung have maximized profitability
and growth.

sTraTeGIc formulaTIon
Goals indicate what a business unit wants to achieve; strategy is a game plan for getting there. Every business must design a strategy for
achieving its goals, consisting of a marketing strategy and a compatible technology strategy and sourcing strategy.

porTer’s generiC sTraTegies Michael Porter has proposed three generic strategies that provide a good starting point for strategic
thinking: overall cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. 35

• Overall cost leadership. Firms work to achieve the lowest production and distribution costs so they can underprice competitors
and win market share. They need less skill in marketing. The problem is that other firms will usually compete with still-lower costs
and hurt the firm that rested its whole future on cost.
• Differentiation. The business concentrates on achieving superior performance in an important cus- tomer benefit area valued by
a large part of the market. The firm seeking quality leadership, for example, must make products with the best components, put
them together expertly, inspect them carefully, and effectively communicate their quality.

• Focus. The business focuses on one or more narrow market segments, gets to know them intimately, and pursues either cost
leadership or differentiation within the target segment.

The online air travel industry has provided a good example of these three strategies: Travelocity has pursued a differentiation strategy by
offering the most comprehensive range of services to the traveler; Lowestfare has pur- sued a lowest-cost strategy for the leisure travel
market; and Last Minute has pursued a niche strategy by focus- ing on travelers who have the flexibility to travel on very short notice. Some
companies use a hybrid approach.
According to Porter, competing firms directing the same strategy to the same target market constitute a strate- gic group. 36 The firm that
carries out the strategy best will make the most profits. Circuit City went out of business because it did not stand out in the consumer
electronics industry as lowest in cost, highest in perceived value, or best in serving some market segment.

Porter draws a distinction between operational effectiveness and strategy. Competitors can quickly copy the operationally effective company
using benchmarking and other tools, thus diminishing the advantage of operational effectiveness. Strategy, on the other hand, is “the creation of
a unique and valuable position involving a different set of activities.” A company can claim it has a strategy when it “performs different activities
from rivals or performs similar activities in different ways.”

sTraTegiC allianCes Even giant companies—AT&T, Philips, and Starbucks—often cannot achieve leadership, either nationally or
globally, without forming alliances with domestic or multinational companies that complement or leverage their capabilities and resources.

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develoPing MARkeTing sTRATegies And PlAns | chapter 2 75

Just doing business in another country may require the firm to license its product, form a joint venture with a local firm, or buy from local
suppliers to meet “domestic content” requirements. Many firms have developed global strategic networks, and victory is going to those who build
the better one. The Star Alliance brings together 27 airlines, including Lufthansa, UnitedAirlines, Singapore Airlines, Air NewZealand, and
SouthAfrica Airways, in a huge global partnership that allows travelers in 193 countries to make nearly seamless connections to hundreds of
destinations. 37

Many strategic partnerships take the form of marketing alliances. These fall into four major categories.

1. Product or service alliances —One company licenses another to produce its product, or two companies jointly market their
complementary products or a new product. The credit card industry is a complicated combination of cards jointly marketed by banks
such as Bank of America, credit card companies such as Visa, and affinity companies such as Alaska Airlines.

2. Promotional alliances —One company agrees to carry a promotion for another company’s product or service. In
2011, VIBE urban music and lifestyle magazine announced a promotional alliance with Hoop It Up, the world’s largest participatory 3-on-3
basketball tournament program, with competitions in 35 cities. The multi-platform partnership included VIBE digital, VIBE Cityguide App,
editorial coverage and promotion in VIBE, and a highly integrated social media campaignwith a strong VIBE branded presence at all Hoop
It Up live events nationwide. 38

3. Logistics alliances —One company offers logistical services for another company’s product. Warner Music Group and Sub Pop
Records created the Alternative Distribution Alliance (ADA) in 1993 as a joint venture to distribute and manufacture records owned by
independent labels. ADA is the leading “indie” distribution company in the United States for both physical and digital product.

4. Pricing collaborations —One or more companies join in a special pricing collaboration. Hotel and rental car companies often offer
mutual price discounts.

Companies need to give creative thought to finding partners that might complement their strengths and offset their weaknesses.
Well-managed alliances allow companies to obtain a greater sales impact at lower cost. To keep their strategic alliances thriving, corporations
have begun to develop organizational structures to support them, and many have come to view the ability to form and manage partnerships as
core skills called partner relationship management (PRM).

After years of growth through acquisition and buying interests in two dozen companies, the world’s biggest wireless telecom operator,
Vodafone, has looked outside for partners to help it leverage its existing assets. 39

VOdafOne To spur more innovation and growth, London-based Vodafone has embraced open source software and open platforms that allow
it to tap into the creativity and skills of others. With its Web portal called Betavine, amateur or professional software developers can create and test their

latest mobile applications on any network, not just Vodafone’s. While these developers retain intellectual property rights, Vodafone gains early

exposure to the latest trends and ensures that innovations are compatible with its network. Some of the new apps include real-time train arrivals and

departures, movie show times, and an widget with personalized details. With 404 million customers in 30 countries, the £46 billion

company hasn’t had trouble finding help from interested corporate partners either. Dell has collaborated with Vodafone to design laptops and low-priced

netbooks with built-in wireless broadband access over Vodafone’s networks.

Rather than just form a partnership, a firmmay choose to just acquire another firm. Kraft acquired Cadbury in
2010, in part due to Cadbury’s deep roots in emerging markets like India where Kraft did not have a strong pres- ence. The acquisition also
permitted Kraft to do a restructuring and divide its businesses into two companies: one focused on grocery products, the other on snack foods. 40

ProGram formulaTIon anD ImPlemenTaTIon

Even a great marketing strategy can be sabotaged by poor implementation. If the unit has decided to attain technological leadership, it
must strengthen its R&D department, gather technological intelligence, develop leading-edge products, train its technical sales force, and
communicate its technological leadership.
Once they have formulated marketing programs, marketers must estimate their costs. Is participating in a particular trade show worth
it? Will hiring another salesperson contribute to the bottom line? Activity-based cost accounting (ABC)—described in greater detail in
Chapter 5— can help determine whether each marketing program is likely to produce sufficient results to justify its cost. 41

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76 PART 1 | UndeRsTAnding MARkeTing MAnAgeMenT

Today’s businesses recognize that unless they nurture other

stakeholders—customers, employees, suppliers, distributors—they may never earn
sufficient profits for the stockholders. A company might aim to delight its customers,
perform well for its employees, and deliver a threshold level of satisfaction to its
suppliers. It must not violate any stakeholder group’s sense of fairness about the
treat- ment it is receiving relative to the others. 42

A dynamic relationship connects the stakeholder groups. A smart company

creates a high level of employee satisfac- tion, which leads to higher effort, which
leads to higher-quality products and services, which creates higher customer
satisfaction, which leads to more repeat business, which leads to higher growth
and profits, which leads to high stockholder satisfaction, which leads to more
investment, and so on. This virtuous circle spells profits and growth.

According toMcKinsey & Company, strategy is only one of seven elements—all of

which start with the letter s —in successful business practice. 43 The first
three—strategy, structure, and systems—are considered the “hardware” of success.
The next four—style, skills, staff, and shared values—are the “software.”

The first “soft” element, style, means company employees share a common
way of thinking and behaving. The second, skills,
means employees have the skills needed to carry out the company’s strategy. Staffing
means the company has hired able people, trained them well, and assigned them to
the right jobs. The fourth element,
shared values, means employees share the same guiding values. When these
elements are present, companies are usually more suc- cessful at strategy
implementation. 44

Kraft acquired Cadbury in part because of its knowledge of and presence in emerging
Source: ©Andrew Hasson/Alamy


marketing clean energy, health and nutrition, consumerism in the emerging world, and
insight infrastructure. R&D investments in those four areas totaled $9 billion over a
five-year period.

Businesses Charting a New • The runaway success of Amazon’s Kindle, Apple’s iPad, and other tablet
products have turned the book world upside down. Bookstores, libraries, and
Direction publishers are all recognizing that the sale and delivery of a book are now just
a download away. Libraries are lending e-readers in addition to “stocking”
Continued prosperity or even survival may depend on how quickly and effectively a
e-books for lending. When the due date arrives, the book just disappears!
firm is able to chart a new direction. Consider these examples.

• The textbook market is being transformed by new entries such as Flat World
• With consumers increasingly using smart phones for directions and maps,
Knowledge offering customizable, discount texts. Free e-textbooks at some
Garmin, the biggest maker of GPS devices, found sales declining rapidly. Its
schools allow users to scroll page by page, highlight and annotate, and share
solution was to concentrate on partnering with automakers to embed GPS
comments with classmates and instructors. Some students buy a new or used
systems in dashboard “command centers.” Its selling points are that most smart
paper version of the e-textbook anyway. As one notes, “When I’m using the
phones are not optimized for use when driving and are thus dangerous to use
e-textbook, there’s the temptation to check e-mail, check my grades, or check
behind the wheel. Hedging its bets, Garmin also has its own app available for
smart phones.

• When Dow Chemical found its commodity chemical strategy was no longer Sources: Erik Rhey, “A GPS Maker Shifts Gears,” Fortune, March 19, 2012; Geoff Colvin, “Dow’s New
Direction,” Fortune, March 19, 2012; Ben Bradford, “Libraries Grapple with the Downside of E-books,”
profitable, new CEO Andrew Livirie decided to shift the company’s focus to, May 29, 2012; Sharon Tregaskis, “Buy the Book,” Cornell Alumni Magazine, November–December
unique, innovative high-margin products like solar shingles. Dow’s intent was to 2012; “Great Digital Expectations,” The Economist, September 10, 2011.
capitalize on four main trends:

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feeDback anD conTrol

A company’s strategic fit with the environment will inevitably erode because the market environment changes faster than the company’s seven
Ss. Thus, a company might remain efficient yet lose effectiveness. Peter Drucker pointed out that it is more important to “do the right thing”—to
be effective—than “to do things right”—to be efficient. The most successful companies, however, excel at both.

Once an organization fails to respond to a changed environment, it becomes increasingly hard to recapture its lost position. Organizations,
especially large ones, are subject to inertia. It’s difficult to change one part without adjusting everything else. Yet organizations can be
changed through strong leadership, preferably in advance of a crisis. The key to organizational health is willingness to examine the changing
environment and adopt new goals and behaviors. “Marketing Insight: Businesses Charting a New Direction” describes how some different
companies and industries are adjusting to the new marketing realities that have changed their fortunes.

The Nature and Contents of a

Marketing Plan
Working within the plans set by the levels above them, marketing managers come up with a marketing plan for individual products, lines,
brands, channels, or customer groups. A marketing plan is a written docu- ment that summarizes what the marketer has learned about
the marketplace and indicates how the firm plans to reach its marketing objectives. 45 It contains tactical guidelines for the marketing
programs and financial allocations over the planning period. 46

Amarketing plan is one of the most important outputs of the marketing process. It provides direction and focus for a brand, product, or
company. It informs and motivates key constituents inside and outside an organization about its marketing goals and how these can be
achieved. Nonprofit organizations use marketing plans to guide their fund-raising and outreach efforts, and government agencies use them
to build public awareness of nutrition and stimulate tourism.

More limited in scope than a business plan, the marketing plan documents how the organization will achieve its strategic objectives
through specific marketing strategies and tactics, with the customer as the starting point. It is also linked to the plans of other departments.
Suppose a marketing plan calls for selling 200,000 units annually. The production department must gear up to make that many units, finance
must arrange funding to cover the expenses, human resources must be ready to hire and train staff, and so on. Without the appropriate level
of orga- nizational support and resources, no marketing plan can succeed.

The most frequently cited shortcomings of current marketing plans, according to marketing executives, are lack of realism,
insufficient competitive analysis, and a short-run focus. (See “Marketing Memo: Marketing Plan Criteria” for questions to ask in
developing marketing plans.)

Marketing Plan Criteria

Here are some questions to ask in evaluating a marketing plan.

1. Is the plan simple and succinct? Is it easy to understand and act on? Does it communicate its content clearly and practically? Is it not unnecessarily long?

2. Is the plan complete? Does it include all the necessary elements? Does it have the right breadth and depth? Achieving the right balance between completeness and lots of detail and
simplicity and clear focus is often the key to a well-constructed marketing plan.

3. Is the plan specific? Are its objectives concrete and measurable? Does it provide a clear course of action? Does it include specific activities, each with specific dates of completion, specific
persons responsible, and specific budgets?

4. Is the plan realistic? Are the sales goals, expense budgets, and milestone dates realistic? Has a frank and honest self-critique been conducted to raise possible concerns and objections?

Sources: Adapted from Tim Berry and Doug Wilson, On Target: The Book on Marketing Plans, 2nd ed. (Eugene, OR: Palo Alto Software, 2000); Alexander Chernev,

The Marketing Plan Handbook ( Chicago, IL: Cerebellum Press, 2011); authors’ experiences.

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78 PART 1 | UndeRsTAnding MARkeTing MAnAgeMenT

Most marketing plans cover one year in anywhere from 5 to 50 pages. Smaller businesses may create shorter or less formal
marketing plans; corporations generally require highly structured documents. Every part of the plan must be described in considerable
detail. Some companies post their marketing plan on an internal Web site so everyone can consult it and collaborate on changes. A
marketing plan usually contains the following sections.

• Executive summary and table of contents.

• Situation analysis. This section presents relevant background data on sales, costs, the market, competi- tors, and the
macroenvironment. How do we define the market, how big is it, and how fast is it growing? What are the relevant trends and critical
issues? Firms will use all this information to carry out a SWOT analysis.

• Marketing strategy. Here the marketing manager defines the mission, marketing and financial objectives, and needs the market
offering is intended to satisfy as well as its competitive positioning. All this requires inputs from other areas, such as purchasing,
manufacturing, sales, finance, and human resources.

• Marketing tactics. Here the marketing manager outlines the marketing activities that will be undertaken to execute the marketing
• The product or service offering section describes the key attributes and benefits that will appeal to target customers.

• The pricing section specifies the general price range and how it might vary across different types of cus- tomers or channels,
including any incentive or discount plans.
• The channel section outlines the different forms of distribution, such as direct or indirect.
• The communications section usually offers high-level guidance about the general message and media strategy. Firms will often
develop a separate communication plan to provide the detail necessary for agencies and other media partners to effectively
design the communication program.
• Financial projections. Financial projections include a sales forecast, an expense forecast, and a break-even analysis. On the revenue
side is forecasted sales volume by month and product category, and on the expense side the expected costs of marketing, broken down
into finer categories. The break-even analysis estimates how many units the firm must sell monthly (or how many years it will take) to
offset its monthly fixed costs and average per-unit variable costs.

A more complex method of estimating profit is risk analysis. Here we obtain three estimates (optimistic, pessimistic, and most
likely) for each uncertain variable affecting profitability, under an assumed marketing environment and marketing strategy for the
planning period. The computer simulates possible outcomes and computes a distribution showing the range of possible rates of
returns and their probabilities.

• Implementation controls. The last section outlines the controls for monitoring and adjusting implementa- tion of the plan. Typically, it
spells out the goals and budget for each month or quarter so management can review each period’s results and take corrective action
as needed.

The role of research

Marketers need up-to-date information about the environment, the competition, and the selected market seg- ments. Often, analysis of
internal data is the starting point for assessing the current marketing situation, supple- mented by marketing intelligence and research
investigating the overall market, the competition, key issues, threats, and opportunities. As the plan is put into effect, marketers use
research to measure progress toward objectives and identify areas for improvement.

Finally, marketing research helps marketers learn more about their customers’ requirements, expectations, perceptions, satisfaction,
and loyalty. Thus, the marketing plan should outline what marketing research will be conducted and when, as well as how the findings will
be applied.

The role of relaTIonshIPs

Although the marketing plan shows how the company will establish and maintain profitable customer relation- ships, it also affects both
internal and external relationships. First, it influences how marketing staff work with

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each other and with other departments to deliver value and satisfy customers. Second, it affects how the com- pany works with suppliers,
distributors, and partners to achieve the plan’s objectives. Third, it influences the company’s dealings with other stakeholders, including
government regulators, the media, and the community at large.

from markeTInG Plan To markeTInG acTIon

Marketers start planning well in advance of the implementation date to allow time for marketing research, analy- sis, management review, and
coordination between departments. As each action program begins, they monitor ongoing results, investigate any deviation from plans, and
take corrective steps as needed. Some prepare contin- gency plans; marketers must be ready to update and adapt marketing plans at any
The marketing plan typically outlines budgets, schedules, and marketing metrics for monitoring and evaluat- ing results. With budgets,
marketers can compare planned and actual expenditures for a given period. Schedules show when tasks were supposed to be completed
and when they actually were. Marketing metrics track actual outcomes of marketing programs to see whether the company is moving
forward toward its objectives, as we’ll discuss in Chapter 4.


1. The value delivery process includes choosing (or identifying), Strategic planning takes place at four levels: corporate, division,
providing (or delivering), and communicating superior value. The business unit, and product.
value chain is a tool for identifying key activities that create value 4. The corporate strategy establishes the framework within which the
and costs in a specific business. divisions and business units prepare their strategic plans. Setting a
corporate strategy means defining the corporate mission,
2. Strong companies develop superior capabilities in managing core establishing strategic business units (SBUs), assigning resources
business processes such as new-product realization, to each, and assessing growth opportunities.
inventorymanagement, and customer acquisition and retention. In
today’s marketing environment, managing these core processes 5. Marketers should define a business or business unit as a
effectively means creating a marketing network in which the customer-satisfying process. Taking this view can reveal additional
company works closely with all parties in the production and growth opportunities.
distribution chain, from suppliers of raw materials to retail 6. Strategic planning for individual businesses includes defining the
distributors. Companies no longer compete—marketing networks business mission, analyzing external opportunities and threats,
do. analyzing internal strengths and weaknesses, formulating goals,
formulating strategy, formulating supporting programs, implementing
3. Market-oriented strategic planning is themanagerial process of the programs, and gathering feedback and exercising control.
developing and maintaining a viable fit between the organization’s
objectives, skills, and resources and its changing market 7. Each product level within a business unit must develop a marketing
opportunities. The aim of strategic planning is to shape the plan for achieving its goals. The marketing plan is one of the most
company’s businesses and products so they yield target profits and important outputs of the marketing process.

My Marketing Lab
go to to complete the problems marked with this icon as well as for
additional assisted-graded writing questions.

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80 PART 1 | UndeRsTAnding MARkeTing MAnAgeMenT


Marketing Debate Marketing Discussion

What Good Is a Mission Statement? Marketing Planning
Mission statements are often the product of much deliberation and Consider Porter’s value chain and the holistic market-
discussion. At the same time, critics claim they sometimes lack “teeth” ing orientation model. What implications do they have for marketing
and specificity or do not vary much from firm to firm and make the same planning? How would you structure a marketing plan to incorporate some
empty promises. of their concepts?
Take a position: Mission statements are critical to a successful
marketing organization versus Mission statements rarely provide useful
marketing value.

Marketing Excellence presence, consumer insight, design, professional legacy, Scandinavian

heritage, wide product range, people and culture, and sustainability
> > Electrolux The vision of the Electrolux Group is to become the best
AB Electrolux, popularly known as Electrolux, is a global leader in appliance company in the world as measured by its customers,
home and professional appliances, including refrigerators, cookers, employees, and shareholders. It bases its strategy on four pillars:
dishwashers, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, air conditioners, innovative products, operational excellence, profitable growth, and
and small domestic appliances. It sells more than 50 million products dedicated employees. Its brand portfolio is strategically planned to
in 150 countries. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, Electrolux serve luxury, premium, and mass markets. Alongside the Electrolux
was founded in 1919, as a result of a merger between AB Lux, and brand, the group has seven other strategic brands, namely Grand
Svenska Electron AB. In 2013, Electrolux had revenues of Cuisine, AEG, Zanussi, Eureka, Frigidaire, Molteni, and
approximately $14.5 billion and employed 61,000 people worldwide. Westinghouse.

The “innovation triangle” at Electrolux encourages close

The Electrolux group consists of six business divisions, including cooperation between its marketing, R&D, and design functions to
four major appliances divisions, a small appliances division, and a ensure faster reach to the market based on solid consumer insights.
professional products division. The core markets for Electrolux are This enables Electrolux to use “same product architecture,
Western Europe, North America, and Australia, New Zealand and differentiated design” to develop global modularized platforms. These
Japan accounting for 65 percent of group sales. These markets are platforms facilitate planning across divisions by making it easier to
characterized by low population growth and high replacement product spread a successful launch from one market to another with
sales. The growth markets for Electrolux are Africa, Middle East and adaptations to local preferences, and deliver greater customer value.
Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Southeast Asia and China
contributing 35 percent to its sales. Given the rising living standards in
the growth markets, Electrolux aims to increase its share of sales in By maintaining strategic emphasis on increasing operational
these markets to 50 percent by introducing innovative product efficiency, Electrolux has restructured its production across divisions
offerings in the next two years. globally. Electrolux has shifted nearly 65 percent of its manufacturing
from mainly Western Europe and North America to low-cost regions.

In 2013, Electrolux was among the top five global players in the Pursuing its strategy of profitable growth, Electrolux continuously
household appliances industry, along with Whirlpool, the Haier Group, innovates to enhance its current products and ranges to penetrate
Bosch-Siemens, and LG Electronics. These companies contributed to existing markets. In 2013, it launched many innovative products in
nearly 50 percent of the global appliances sales. The major drivers of North America and Japan. Expanding to growth markets, Electrolux
this industry are increased per capita income, changing lifestyles, tapped the potential of the Chinese market by launching a full range of
consumer spending, housing activities, and urbanization. Economic kitchen and laundry appliances of more than 60 products designed
growth in emerging markets is expected to boost the industry. The exclusively for China.
main competitive advantages of Electrolux are global
An important aspect of Electrolux’s strategy is to grow through
mergers and acquisitions, and build

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brand portfolio through horizontal integration. In the last 40 years, the to give the company more financial horsepower on its balance sheet to
group has had a series of acquisitions around the world that do even more business around the world.
strengthened its global position through effective targeting and brand With a growing portfolio of smartly positioned brands, global reach,
positioning in domestic and regional markets. Examples of such innovations based on consumer insight, operational excellence and
acquisitions include Zanussi in Europe; AEG in Germany; Frigidaire, manufacturing efficiency, and increased financial power, Electrolux is all
Kelvinator, and White Westinghouse in North America; Refripar in set to establish greater dominance in the global home appliances
Brazil; and the Olympic Group in Middle East and North Africa. industry.

In September 2014, Electrolux unveiled its agreement to acquire
1. Evaluate Electrolux’s strategy in light of its vision and the global
the appliance business of General Electric, GE Appliances, for a cash
trends in the household appliance industry.
consideration of $3.3 billion. GE Appliances is one of the leading
manufacturers of kitchen and laundry products in North America, and 2. What benefits will Electrolux receive from the acquisition of GE
makes more than 90 percent of its sales in this region and runs its own Appliances? How does it fit in with the strategic direction of the
distribution and logistics network. The acquisition also included a 48.4 group? What other strategic options can Electrolux pursue for
percent shareholding in the Mexican appliance company Mabe that future growth to achieve greater global dominance?
develops and manufactures a portion of the GE Appliances product
range as part of a joint venture with GE. According to Keith McLaughlin,
Sources: Electrolux Group Annual Report 2013,; “History,” “Strategy,” and “Markets,”
President and CEO of Electrolux, the acquisition was expected; Katarina Gustafsson, “Electrolux CEO Hints at More Deals After GE Appliances Purchase,” Bloomberg, September

8, 2014.

Marketing Excellence Emirates operates four of the 10 longest, non-stop commercial flights
in the world from Dubai to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Dallas, and
Houston. It employs over
> > Emirates 52,000 people from 162 different countries. Emirates has also been the
Emirates is an airline company with a mission to provide high-quality world’s most valuable airline brand for the third consecutive year, with a
commercial air transportation services. The company’s global strategy value of $5.5 billion. It was awarded the prestigious Airline of the Year
aims at efficient competition, exceeding far beyond the limits of the Award numerous times by Air Transport World, in addition to more than
Arabian Gulf and Middle Eastern markets. In 1985, the Dubai 400 other distinguished industry sector awards.
government, cognisant of the country’s limited oil resources, launched
the flag carrier as an alternative means to economic growth in the The company has a fleet aged 72 months (as of
United Arab Emirates (UAE). 2013), young in comparison to that of the industry, which is 140
months old. Good terms with Airbus and Boeing favored huge
In the very beginning, the airline served 60 destinations in 42 acquisitions of long-haul airplanes. These massive purchases have
countries across Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Australia. To made Emirates the largest Airbus (A380) and Boeing (777) aircraft
keep up with the aggressive competition, Emirates emphasized operator in the world, reflecting the global aspirations of the company.
product, equipment, and excellent service, and promoted a quality
image. To do so, a multinational crew was recruited and a Emirates is looked upon as an innovative organization in terms of
state-of-theart fleet was purchased. technology due to its acquisition of the groundbreaking storage
infrastructure in the Middle East. Additionally, the company is a major
Within two decades, Emirates expanded its destinations and had shareholder in luxury five-star hotels. Its performance is attributed to its
remarkable financial returns. In 2014, it served 142 destinations in 80 customer-oriented approach revolving around the provision of a quality
countries from its hub in Dubai. It carried 44.5 million passengers, 5.1 product: exclusive grade-A manufactured Boeing and Airbus aircrafts,
million more than in 2012−13, and 2.3 million tons of airfreight, up by premium flight services, and traveling at a competitive price. To
8 percent, which contributed to the 26th consecutive year of profitable cost-effectively carry out cargo and ground handling, catering services,
operations. The company has witnessed a steady growth over time information technology, and other travel amenities, Dnata supports
since its inception – it carried 26 million passengers and served 101 Emirates’ global ambitions. It is considered one of the largest and most
destinations in 2010; these figures were 14.5 million and 83 in 2005. competitive air service providers worldwide.

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82 PART 1 | UndeRsTAnding MARkeTing MAnAgeMenT

In terms of corporate positioning, Emirates is not looked upon as leading expenditures accounting for 30.7 percent (2013) of the overall
an Arab airline operating internationally but rather as a global operating costs. The company’s human resources are already lean
company based out of the Middle East. This global positioning of the and it is cost effective on other cost components. For how long can
company has spawned aversion from competitors that considered Emirates hold on to its cost-cutting strategy without paying attention to
Emirates as a serious threat in the market. These competitors are competitors?
struggling to compete with Emirates, particularly due to its significant
cost advantage. Some of these competitors unequivocally accused
Emirates of benefiting from obscured UAE subsidies and exemptions Questions
on airport and aviation service charges. They also alleged that
1. How has Emirates been able to build a strong brand in the
Emirates takes advantage of the UAE’s sovereign borrowing status to
competitive airline industry worldwide?
secure loans below market rates.
2. What are some of the apparent weaknesses with the company’s
strategic direction? How can the airline address them?
Despite its many strengths, the airline company is not without
faults. In its disregard for growing regional competition, Emirates 3. With the decline of fuel prices globally, airline companies continue to
overlooks very obvious flaws in its market strategy. For instance, reap the benefits. What impact will this have on Emirates’ business
Etihad Airways, an arm of the Abu Dhabi government, is offering strategy in the future?
products that appeal to travelers seeking premium services at
competitive prices. Gulf Air, which is partly owned by the Abu Dhabi Sources: Emirates Group Annual Report 2013−2014; John F. O’Connell,“An Examination of the World’s Most Profitable

Airline in 2009/10: the Emirates business model,” John F O’Connell and George Williams, eds., Air Transport in the 21st
government, has also taken advantage of the open skies policy to Century: Key Strategic Developments (UK: Ashgate, 2012), p. 421; Justin Bachman, “Emirates Flies Into America, and U.S.

gain free access to the Dubai airport. Emirates has also been Airlines Grow Anxious,” BusinessWeek, October 2, 2014; Kenneth Rapoza, “Why UAE And Qatar Have The ‘World’s Best’

massively acquiring aircrafts and inflating the size of its fleets. While Airlines,” Forbes, April 1, 2014; Scott McCartney, “Emirates, Etihad and Qatar Make Their Move on the U.S.,” Wall Street

Journal, November 6, 2014; Andrew Parker and Simeon Kerr, “Emirates: In a sweet spot,” Financial Times, December 8,
this represents vast investments, the implications are far-reaching. To 2013; “Emirates increases competition with Etihad and Qatar as it adds Chicago to its US network,” Centre for Aviation

be able to have long-term advantages, the company should become a (CAPA), March 5, 2014; Jad Mouawad, “Emirates’ Ambitions Worry European Rivals,” New York Times, February 12,

shareholder in the Airbus or Boeing companies. The airline endures

cost pressure as fuel costs represent 2011, p. BU1; Also see Timothy Clark’s, President and CEO of Emirates, speech to the International Aviation Club,

September 13, 2012.

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sample marketing Plan Pegasus sports International

1.0 Executive Summary 2.1 Market Summary

Pegasus Sports International is a start-up aftermarket inline skating accessory Pegasus possesses good information about the market and knows a great deal
manufacturer. Inline skates have four or five wheels arranged in a single line and about the common attributes of the most prized customer. This information will
are often called Rollerblades by the general public after one of the early pioneers be leveraged to better understand who is served, what their specific needs are,
in the category. In addition to the aftermarket products, Pegasus is developing and how Pegasus can better communicate with them.
SkateTours, a service that takes clients out, in conjunction with a local skate
shop, and provides them with an afternoon of skating using inline skates and
some of Pegasus’s other accessories such as SkateSails. Target Markets
■ Recreational

■ Fitness
The aftermarket skate accessory market has been largely ignored. Although
there are several major manufacturers of the skates themselves, the accessory ■ Speed
market has not been addressed. This provides Pegasus with an extraordinary ■ Hockey
opportunity for market growth. Skating is a booming sport. Currently, most of the
■ Extreme
skating is recreational. There are, however, a growing number of skating
competitions, including team-oriented competitions such as skate hockey as
well as individual competitions such as speed skate racing. Pegasus will work to 2.1.1 Market Demographics
grow these markets and develop the skate transportation market, a more
The profile for the typical Pegasus customer consists of the following geographic,
utilitarian use of skating.
demographic, and behavior factors:

Pegasus has outlined a go-to-market marketing program that combines
highly relevant products and services with an evolving direct-to-consumer ■ Pegasus has no set geographic target area. By leverag-

distribution strategy to tap into customer passions and loyalty. ing the expansive reach of the Internet and multiple delivery services,
Pegasus can serve both domestic and international customers.

2.0 Situation Analysis ■ The total targeted population is 31 million users.

Pegasus is entering its first year of operation. Its products have been well
received, and marketing will be key to the development of brand and product
awareness as well as the growth of the customer base. Pegasus International ■ There is an almost equal ratio between male and female users.

offers several different aftermarket skating accessories, serving the growing

inline skating industry. ■ Ages 13–46, with 48 percent clustering around ages 23–34. The
recreational users tend to cover the widest age range,

Table 2.4 Target Market Forecast

Target Market Forecast

Potential Customers Growth 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 CAGR*

Recreational 10% 19,142,500 21,056,750 23,162,425 25,478,668 28,026,535 10.00%

Fitness 15% 6,820,000 7,843,000 9,019,450 10,372,368 11,928,223 15.00%

Speed 10% 387,500 426,250 468,875 515,763 567,339 10.00%

Hockey 6% 2,480,000 2,628,800 2,786,528 2,953,720 3,130,943 6.00%

Extreme 4% 2,170,000 2,256,800 2,347,072 2,440,955 2,538,593 4.00%

Total 10.48% 31,000,000 34,211,600 37,784,350 41,761,474 46,191,633 10.48%

* Compound Annual Growth Rate

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84 PART 1 | UndeRsTAnding MARkeTing MAnAgeMenT

including young users through active adults. The fitness users tend to be ages For example, San Francisco has night group skating that attracts hundreds of
20–40. The speed users tend to be in their late 20s and early 30s. The hockey people. The market trends are showing continued growth in all directions of
players are generally in their teens through their early 20s. The extreme skating.
segment is of similar age to the hockey players.
2.1.4 Market Growth
■ Of the users who are over 20, 65 percent have an undergraduate degree or
With the price of skates going down due to competition by so many skate
substantial undergraduate coursework.
companies, the market has had steady growth throughout the world, although
■ The adult users have a median personal income of $47,000. sales have slowed down in some markets. The growth statistics for 2015 were
estimated to be about 31 million units. More and more people are discovering—
and in many cases rediscovering—the health benefits and fun of skating.
Behavior Factors
■ Users enjoy fitness activities not as a means for a healthy life but as
intrinsically enjoyable activities in themselves.
2.2 SWOT Analysis
■ Users spend money on gear, typically sports equipment.

■ Users have active lifestyles that include some sort of recreation at least The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses
two to three times a week. within the company and describes the opportunities and threats facing Pegasus.

2.1.2 Market Needs

2.2.1 Strengths
Pegasus is providing the skating community with a wide range of accessories
■ In-depth industry experience and insight
for all variations of skating. The company seeks to fulfill the following benefits
that are important to its customers: ■ Creative yet practical product designers

■ The use of a highly efficient, flexible business model utilizing direct

■ Quality craftsmanship. The customers work hard for their money and do customer sales and distribution
not enjoy spending it on disposable products that work for only a year or
two. 2.2.2 Weaknesses
■ Well-thought-out designs. The skating market has not been addressed by ■ The reliance on outside capital necessary to grow the business
well-thought-out products that serve skaters’ needs. Pegasus’s industry
■ A lack of retailers who can work face to face with the customer to
experience and personal dedication to the sport will provide it with the
generate brand and product awareness
needed information to produce insightfully designed products.
■ The difficulty of developing brand awareness as a start-up company

■ Customer service. Exemplary service is required to build a sustainable

business that has a loyal customer base.
2.2.3 Opportunities

2.1.3 Market Trends ■ Participation within a growing industry

■ Decreased product costs through economies of scale

Pegasus will distinguish itself by marketing products not previously available to
skaters. The emphasis in the past has been to sell skates and very few ■ The ability to leverage other industry participants’ marketing efforts to help

replacement parts. The number of skaters is not restricted to any one single grow the general market

country, continent, or age group, so there is a world market. Pegasus has

products for virtually every group of skaters. 2.2.4 Threats
■ Future/potential competition from an already-established market
The fastest-growing segment of this sport is the fitness skater (Table 2.4).
Therefore, the marketing is being directed toward this group. BladeBoots will
enable users to enter establishments without having to remove their skates. ■ A continued slump in the economy that could have a negative effect on
BladeBoots will be aimed at the recreational skater, the largest segment. people’s spending of discretionary income on fitness/recreational products
SkateAids, on the other hand, are great for everyone.
■ The release of a study that calls into question the safety
The sport of skating will also grow through SkateSailing. This sport is of skating or the inability to prevent major skating-induced traumas
primarily for the medium-to-advanced skater, and its growth potential is
tremendous. The sails that Pegasus has manufactured have been sold in
Europe, following a pattern similar to windsurfing. Windsailing originated in
2.3 Competition
Santa Monica but did not take off until it had already grown big in Europe.
Pegasus Sports International is forming its own market. Although there are a few
companies that do make sails and foils that a few skaters are using, Pegasus is
Another trend is group skating. More and more groups are getting together the only brand that is truly designed for and by skaters. The few competitors’ sails
on skating excursions in cities all over the world. on the market are

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not designed for skating but for windsurfing or for skateboards. In the case of and maintain customers. With a strict adherence to this maxim, success will be
foils, storage and carrying are not practical. There are different indirect ensured. Our services and products will exceed the expectations of the
competitors who are manufacturers of the actual skates. After many years in the customers.”
market, these companies have yet to become direct competitors by
manufacturing accessories for the skates that they make.
3.2 Marketing Objectives
■ Maintain positive, strong growth each quarter (notwithstanding seasonal
2.4 Product Offering sales patterns).
■ Achieve a steady increase in market penetration.
Pegasus Sports International now offers several products:
■ Decrease customer acquisition costs by 1.5 percent per quarter.
■ The first product that has been developed is BladeBoots, a cover for the
wheels and frame of inline skates, which allows skaters to enter places that
normally would not allow them in with skates on. BladeBoots come with a
small pouch and belt that converts to a well-designed skate carrier. 3.3 Financial Objectives
■ Increase the profit margin by 1 percent per quarter through efficiency and
economy-of-scale gains.
■ The second product is SkateSails. These sails are specifically designed for
■ Maintain a significant research and development budget (as a
use while skating. Feedback that Pegasus has received from skaters
percentage relative to sales) to spur future product developments.
indicates skatesailing could become a very popular sport. Trademarking this
product is currently in progress.
■ Achieve a double- to triple-digit growth rate for the first three years.

■ The third product, SkateAid, will be in production by the end of the year.
Other ideas for products are under development but will not be disclosed
until Pegasus can protect them through pending patent applications. 3.4 Target Markets
With a projected world skating market of 31 million that is steadily growing
(statistics released by the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association), the niche
2.5 Keys to Success
has been created. Pegasus’s aim is to expand this market by promoting
The keys to success are designing and producing products that meet market SkateSailing, a new sport that is popular in both Santa Monica and Venice Beach
demand. In addition, Pegasus must ensure total customer satisfaction. If these in California. The breakdown of participation in skating is as follows: 1+ percent
keys to success are achieved, it will become a profitable, sustainable company. speed (growing), 8 percent hockey (declining), 7 percent extreme/ aggressive
(declining), 22 percent fitness (nearly 7 million—the fastest growing), and 61
percent recreational (first-timers). Pegasus’s products are targeting the fitness
2.6 Critical Issues and recreational groups because they are the fastest growing. These groups are
gearing themselves toward health and fitness, and combined they can easily
As a start-up business, Pegasus is still in the early stages. The critical issues are grow to 85 percent (or 26 million) of the market in the next five years.
for Pegasus to:
■ Establish itself as the premier skating accessory company.

■ Pursue controlled growth that dictates that payroll expenses will never
exceed the revenue base. This will help protect against recessions.

3.5 Positioning
■ Constantly monitor customer satisfaction, ensuring that the growth strategy
Pegasus will position itself as the premier aftermarket skating accessory
will never compromise service and satisfaction levels.
company. This positioning will be achieved by leveraging Pegasus’s competitive
edge: industry experience and passion. Pegasus is a skating company formed
by skaters for skaters. Its management is able to use its vast experience and
3.0 Marketing Strategy personal passion for the sport to develop innovative, useful accessories for a
The key to the marketing strategy is focusing on the speed, health and fitness, broad range of skaters.
and recreational skaters. Pegasus can cover about 80 percent of the skating
market because it produces products geared toward each segment. Pegasus is
able to address all of the different segments within the market because,
although each segment is distinct in terms of its users and equipment, its
4.0 Marketing Tactics
products are useful to all of the different segments. The single objective of the marketing program is to position Pegasus as the
premier skating accessory manufacturer, serving the domestic market as well
as the international market. The marketing program will seek to first create
customer awareness concerning the offered products and services and then
develop the customer base. Specifically, Pegasus’s marketing program is
3.1 Mission
composed of the following approaches to product, pricing, distribution, and
Pegasus Sports International’s mission is to provide the customer with the finest communications.
skating accessories available. “We exist to attract

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86 PART 1 | UndeRsTAnding MARkeTing MAnAgeMenT

4.1 Product
Table 2.5 Break-Even Analysis
Several of Pegasus’s currently developed products have patents pending, and
local market research indicates that there is great demand for these products.
Pegasus will achieve fast, significant market penetration through a solid Monthly Units Break-Even 62

business model, long-range planning, and a strong management team that is Monthly Sales Break-Even $ 7,760
able to execute this exciting opportunity. The three principals on the
management team have more than 30 years of combined personal and industry
Average Per-Unit Revenue $125.62
experience. This extensive experience provides Pegasus with the empirical
information as well as the passion to provide the skating market with Average Per-Unit Variable Cost $ 22.61
much-needed aftermarket products. Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost $ 6,363

users located in Venice. The extensive product testing by a wide variety of users
provided Pegasus with valuable product feedback and has led to several design
4.2 Pricing improvements.
This will be based on a per-product retail price. Because of the advantages of
selling directly, higher margins can be achieved with premium pricing that will 5.0 Financials
still appeal to customer segments.
This section will offer the financial overview of Pegasus related to marketing
activities. Pegasus will address break-even analysis, sales forecasts, and
4.3 Distribution expense forecast and indicate how these activities link to the marketing strategy.

Pegasus will sell its products initially through its Web site. In addition to allowing
for higher margins, this direct-to-the-consumer approach will allow Pegasus to
maintain a close relationship with customers, which is essential for producing 5.1 Break-Even Analysis
products that have a true market demand. By the end of the year, Pegasus also
The break-even analysis (Table 2.5) indicates that $7,760 will be required in
will have developed relationships with different skate shops and will begin to sell
monthly sales revenue to reach the break-even point.
some of its products through retailers.

5.2 Sales Forecast

4.4 Communications Pegasus feels that the sales forecast figures are conservative. It will steadily
increase sales as the advertising budget allows. Although the target market
The message that Pegasus will seek to communicate is that it offers the
forecast (Table 2.4) listed all of the potential customers divided into separate
best-designed, most useful skating accessories. This message will be
groups, the sales forecast (Table 2.6) groups customers into two categories:
communicated through a variety of methods. The first will be the Pegasus Web
recreational and competitive. Reducing the number of categories allows the
site, which will provide a rich source of product information and offer consumers
reader to quickly discern information, making the chart more functional.
the opportunity to purchase. A lot of time and money will be invested in the site
to provide the customer with the perception of total professionalism and utility for
Pegasus’s products and services.

The second marketing method will be advertisements placed in numerous Table 2.6 Monthly Sales Forecast
industry magazines. The skating industry is supported by several different
glossy magazines designed to promote the industry as a whole. In addition, a Sales 2015 2016 2017
number of smaller periodicals serve the smaller market segments within the
skating industry. The last method of communication is the use of printed sales Recreational $455,740 $598,877 $687,765
literature. The two previously mentioned marketing methods will create demand Competitive $ 72,918 $ 95,820 $110,042
for the sales literature, which will be sent out to customers. The cost of the
Total Sales $528,658 $694,697 $797,807
sales literature will be fairly minimal because it will use the already-compiled
information from the Web site.
Direct Cost of Sales 2015 2016 2017

Recreational $ 82,033 $107,798 $123,798

Competitive $ 13,125 $ 17,248 $ 19,808

4.5 Marketing Research Subtotal Cost of Sales $ 95,158 $125,046 $143,606

Pegasus is blessed with the good fortune of being located in the center of the
skating world: Venice, California. It will be able to leverage this opportune
5.3 Expense Forecast
location by working with many of the different skaters who live in the area.
Pegasus was able to test all of its products not only with its principals, who are The expense forecast will be used as a tool to keep the department on target and
accomplished skaters, but also with the many other dedicated and “newbie” provide indicators when corrections/modifications are needed for the proper
implementation of the marketing plan.

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Table 2.7 Milestones


Milestones Start Date End Date Budget Manager Department

Marketing plan completion 1/1/15 2/1/15 $ 0 Stan Marketing

Web site completion 1/1/15 3/15/15 $20,400 outside firm Marketing

Advertising campaign #1 1/1/15 6/30/15 $ 3,500 Stan Marketing

Advertising campaign #2 3/1/15 12/30/15 $ 4,550 Stan Marketing

Development of the retail channel Totals 1/1/15 11/30/15 $ 0 Stan Marketing


■ Customer satisfaction
Table 2.8 Marketing Expense Budget ■ New-product development

2015 2016 2017 6.1 Implementation

The milestones identify the key marketing programs (Table 2.7). It is important
Web Site $ 25,000 $ 8,000 $ 10,000
to accomplish each one on time and on budget (Table 2.8).
Advertisements $ 8,050 $ 15,000 $ 20,000

Printed Material $ 1,725 $ 2,000 $ 3,000

Total Sales and Marketing $ 34,775 $ 25,000 $ 33,000 6.2 Marketing Organization
Stan Blade will be responsible for the marketing activities.
Percent of Sales 6.58% 3.60% 4.14%

Contribution Margin $398,725 $544,652 $621,202 6.3 Contingency Planning

Contribution Margin/Sales 75.42% 78.40% 77.86%
Difficulties and Risks
■ Problems generating visibility, a function of being an Internetbased start-up
■ An entry into the market by an already-established market competitor
6.0 Controls
The purpose of Pegasus’s marketing plan is to serve as a guide for the
Worst-Case Risks
organization. The following areas will be monitored to gauge performance:
■ Determining that the business cannot support itself on an ongoing basis

■ Revenue: monthly and annual

■ Having to liquidate equipment or intellectual capital to cover liabilities
■ Expenses: monthly and annual

Source: Adapted from a sample plan provided by and copyrighted by Palo Alto Software, Inc. Find more complete sample marketing plans at Reprinted by permission of Palo Alto Software.

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