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Amati lingkungan sekitarmu, cari informasi dari buku, koran, majalah atau internet untuk temukan
tokoh wirausahawan di bidang rekayasa yang sukses!

Kisah Pendiri yaitu Achmad Zaki. Achmad zaki merupakan seorang lulusan
Teknik Informatika dari Institut Teknologi Bandung. Pria kelahiran Sragen, 24 Agustus 1986 ini
sudah mulai tertarik dengan dunia teknologi sejak masih berada di bangku sekolah dasar.

Semua bermula sejak Achmad Zaky mendapatkan hadiah sebuah komputer serta buku
pemrograman komputer dari pamannya di tahun 1997. Ketika itu, usianya masih 11 tahun. Tak
disangka, Zaky ternyata memiliki ketertarikan dan minat yang cukup tinggi di dunia komputer
dan pemrograman komputer.

Ketertarikan itu ternyata terus berlanjut hingga mengenyam pendidikan di bangku SMA. Hal itu
dibuktikan saat ia memenangkan kejuaraan olimpiade sains nasional (OSN) bidang komputer
mewakili sekolahnya di SMA Negeri 1 Solo, Jawa Tengah.

Di tahun 2004, Zaky kemudian melanjutkan studinya di jurusan Teknik Informatika di Institut
Teknologi Bandung (ITB), salah satu universitas negeri unggulan di Indonesia. Selama
mengemban ilmu di bangku kuliah, Zaky sering memenangkan kompetisi teknologi informatika
tingkat nasional, seperti juara II di ajang Indosat Wireless Innovation Contest tahun 2007. Kala
itu, dia membuat software (perangkat lunak) MobiSurveyor untuk digunakan dalam perhitungan
cepat survei pemilihan umum.

Gak cuma itu aja, ia juga mendapatkan Merit Award pada kompetisi INAICTA (Indonesia ICT
Awards) di tahun 2008. Prestasi yang diraihnya mengantarkan Zaky untuk mendapatkan
beasiswa studi ke Oregon State University, Amerika Serikat di tahun 2008 dan berlangsung
selama dua bulan.

2. Pelajari kisah sukses dari wirausahawan tersebut.

Pelajaran yang dapat saya pelajari dari kisah sukses Achmad Zaki adalah kita tidak boleh
malu atau minder dengan kemampuan yang kita miliki sekarang, dan jangan pernah
membandingkan diri kita dengan orang lain. Karena pada saat Achmad Zaki melanjutkan
studinya di jurusan Teknik Informatika di ITB, dia pernah minder dengan teman temannya,
karena rata-rata orang yang kuliah di ITB tersebut adalah orang orang pintar, ambisius tinggi,
dan percaya diri. Akan tetapi Achmad Zaki menjadikan hal tersebut sebagai motivasi bagi
dirinya sendiri dengan mengucapkan “Saya Pasti Bisa!”. Achmad Zaki mengalahkan keminderan
tersebut dengan mulai bergaul dan belajar seputar kebudayaan. Sebagai hasilnya, Achmad Zaki
memperoleh IPK 4.0 di semester awal kuliah.

Pelajaran yang kedua yang dapat saya ambil adalah kita harus bisa menentukan jalan hidup kita
sendiri dengan pola pikir yang hebat. Pada sebelum masuk kuliah di ITB, pola pikir Achmad
Zaki hanya untuk tamat dan memperoleh ijazah serta mendapatkan pekerjaan yang bagus dengan
gaji yang besar. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu, dia justru mengalami perubahan cara
berpikir. Karena banyaknya lulusan ITB yang menjadi pengusaha sukses. Setelah lulus ITB, dia
memiliki dua pilihan, yaitu bekerja diperusahaan besar atau mendirikan perusahaan sendiri.
Setelah berpikir dengan matang, Achmad Zaki akhirnya memilih untuk mendirikan perusahaan
sendiri yang masih berhubungan dengan informatika. Yaitu dengan mendirikan perusahaan jasa
konsultasi teknologi yang bersama Suitmedia.

3. Tuliskan hal-hal apa saja yang membuat wirausahawan tersebut

berhasil, berdasarkan kisah suksesnya.

Hal hal yang dapat membuat Achmad Zaki berhasil adalah :

a. Achmad Zaky sempat berpikir untuk mendirikan sesuatu yang bermanfaat untuk orang
banyak. Ia lalu berpikir untuk mendirikan situs yang bisa memfasilitasi penjual dan
pembeli. Apalagi, saat itu, situs serupa di Indonesia masih sangat sedikit. Itulah yang
membuat Zaky kemudian mendirikan Bukalapak di tahun 2010.

b. Achmad Zaki terus mengajak orang untuk berjualan di BukaLapak, Namun Tak mudah
mengajak orang untuk berjualan di Bukalapak, ditambah lagi saat itu internet belum seperti
saat ini. Padahal untuk jualan di Bukalapak tidak dipungut biaya alias gratis. Kebanyakan
para pedagang tidak mau ribet berjualan lewat internet karena merasa jualan
via offline sudah cukup. Zaky pun sampai turun langsung untuk mengajak orang-orang yang
berjualan di mall untuk juga berjualan di Bukalapak.

c. Zaky tak mudah putus asa, ia terus berusaha meyakinkan para pengusaha terutama para
pelaku UKM untuk mau berjualan di internet. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan
memberikan edukasi kepada para seller.
d. Achmad Zaky bersama tim juga dengan gencar mendekati komunitas untuk menggunakan
Bukalapak. Usaha dan perjuangannya pun membuahkan hasil. 

4. Tuliskan hal-hal apa saja yang membuat wirausahawan tersebut

gagal, berdasarkan kisah suksesnya

berdasarkan kisah hidupnya, Achmad Zaki pernah jualan kuliner sebelum membangun,
yaitu bisnis kuliner Mie Ayam. Bisnis ini dibuka dengan modal tabungan dari tabungan hasil menjuarai
berbagai lomba-lomba di bidang software. Namun usaha pertamanya tersebut berakhir dengan
kegagalan. Meskipun kecewa , Achmad Zaki mengambil banyak pelajaran dan pengalaman dari hal
tersebut. Mungkin karena Achmad Zaki memiliki latar belajar di bidang software yang berusaha untuk
membuka usaha dibidang kuliner, mengalami gulung tikar karena belum ada pengalaman dibidang
ekonomi. Namun hal tersebut tidak membuat Achmad Zaki putus asa, dia mulai merintis pembuatan
• Born with the name Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat. verbal 4 He came from the
royal family environment Yogyakarta. Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat, when reached the
age of 40 years by the count of the Year Caka, renamed Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Since then, he no
longer uses a knighthood in front of his name. This meant that he could freely close to the
people, either physically or her heart.

• Nominal 7 The trip was really marred his life of struggle and devotion for the sake of
his people. Verbal 5 He finished elementary school in the ELS (Elementary
Netherlands) Then had continued to STOVIA (Bumiputera medical school), but it was not until
the end due to illness. Then he worked as a journalist at several newspapers, among others
Sedyotomo, Midden Java, De Express, Oetoesan Indies, Kaoem Moeda, Tjahaja Timoer and

Poesara. At the time, nominal 8 he was classified as powerful writer. His writings
are very communicative, sharp and patriotic so as to evoke the spirit of anti-colonial to readers.

• Besides tenacious as a the young journalist, he is also active in social and political organizations.

In 1908, nominal 9 he was active in the propaganda section Boedi Oetomo to

socialize and arouse public awareness of Indonesia at that time about the importance of unity in
the nation.

• Then, along Douwes Dekker (Dr. Danudirdja Setyabudhi) and Dr. Cipto

Mangoenkoesoemo, verbal 5 he founded the Indische Partij (the first political party
that wing nationalism Indonesia) on December 25, 1912 which aims at achieving an
independent Indonesia.

• They are trying to register this organization to obtain legal status in the Dutch colonial
government. But the Dutch government through the Governor General Idenburg trying to
preclude the presence of this party by denying it registration on March 11, 1913. The reason for
refusal was because the organization is considered to be able to evoke a sense of nationalism
and unity to move against the Dutch colonial government.

• Then, after the rejection of the registration of the legal entity status Indische Partij

nominal 10 he was joined in forming Bumipoetra Committee in November 1913.

The committee as well as a rival committee of the Hundred Years Independence Celebration
Committee of the Dutch. Boemipoetera committee that the critique of the Dutch government
which intends to celebrate one hundred years of its free the Netherlands from French
colonialism to withdraw money from the people of colonies to finance the celebration party.

• Pursuant to the celebration, he also criticized the article entitled Als Ik through Nederlander
eens Was (If I’m A Dutch) and Een maar voor Allen Allen Ook voor Een (One for All, All for One
but Also). If I An article published in the Dutch newspaper de Expres owned dr. Douwes Dekker,
among others, reads:

• “If I were a Dutchman, I will not organize parties freedom in our own country who had robbed
her independence. Parallel to that way of thinking, is not only unfair, but also inappropriate to
send the inlander give donations to fund the celebration.

• Mind to organize a celebration in itself is insulting them and now we scratch his pocket anyway.
Come forward and unseen insult it! If I’m a Dutchman. What offends me and fellow countrymen
especially the fact that the nation is required to participate inlander finance a job that he
himself was no interest at all “.

• Due to the essay, the Dutch government through the Governor General Idenburg sentenced
without trial, in the form of punishment internering (waste law) is a sentence by pointing to a

shelter that allowed for a person to reside. 1 He was sentenced to imprisonment on the island
of Bangka.

• Douwes Dekker and Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo compatriots feel unfairly treated. They also

publish a pitched defending Soewardi. But verbal 6 the Dutch believed writing was
inciting the people to revolt in hostile and colonial GOI. As a result, they are also exposed to
penalties internering. Douwes Dekker dumped in Kupang and Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo exiled
to the island of Banda.

• But they want exiled to the Netherlands because there they can learn to do a lot of things from
the remote areas. Finally they are allowed into the Netherlands since August 1913 as part of the

• The opportunity was used to explore the issue of education and teaching, so Raden Mas
Soewardi Soeryaningrat managed to obtain a Certificate Europeesche.

• Then verbal 7 he returned to his homeland in 1918. In the homeland she devoted
attention in the field of education as part of the means of struggle for freedom.

• After returning from exile, together with his compatriots, he also established a national
institution patterned, Nationaal Onderwijs Instituut Taman siswa (National Education Taman
siswa) on July 3, 1922. Verbal 8 The College emphasizes a sense of national education
to students so that they love the people and the land water and struggling to gain

• Not a few hurdles faced in fostering Taman Siswa. Dutch government seeks to impede it by
issuing a Wild School Ordinance on October 1, 1932. But with persistence to fight for their
rights, so the ordinance was later lifted.

• In the midst of seriousness devote attention in education in Taman Siswa, he also remained
diligent in writing. But his theme switching of political nuance to the educational and cultural
vision of nationality. His writing hundreds of pieces. Through the writings that he successfully
laid the foundations of national education for the Indonesian nation.

• Meanwhile, in the days of the Japanese occupation, activity in the fields of politics and

education continues. Verbal 9 The Japanese government time to form the People
Power Center (Son) in 1943, Ki Hajar sat as one of the leaders in addition to Ir. Sukarno, Drs.
Muhammad Hatta and K.H. Mas Mansur.

• After days of kemedekaan, Ki Hajar Dewantara served as Minister of Education and Culture of
the first. Name Ki Hadjar Dewantara not only immortalized as a character and Hero of education
(father of National Education) the date of birth May 2 was made a National Education, but also
defined as National Movement hero by decree President RI 305 1959, dated November 28,
1959. Other awards received is the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Gajah

Mada in 1957. Two years after receiving the title of Doctor Honoris Causa, verbal 10
he died on April 28, 1959 at Yogyakarta and was buried there. Then by the successor college
Student Park, established Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum,

• Yogyakarta, to preserve the values of the spirit of struggle Ki Hadjar Dewantara. In this museum
there are objects or works of Ki Hadjar as Tamansiswa founder and his work in the life of the
nation. Museum collections in the form of papers or concept and important treatises as well as
data correspondence Ki Hadjar lifetime as a journalist, educator, cultural and as an artist has
been recorded on microfilm and laminated on the help the National Archives.
Nominal 1 Soekarno was born in Surabaya on June 6  1901. Ir. Soekarno is also well-known as

the founding Father of Indonesia was the first president known as proclaimer with Dr. Mohammad

Verbal 1He graduated from Technische Hoge School (*Bandung Institute of

Technology), Bandung In 1926.

On July 4th 1927, Soekarno founded the PNI (Indonesian National Party) to achieve the
independence. His charisma and intelligence made him famous as an orator who can excite people.

Dutch feel threatened by the attitude of his nationalism. In December 1929, Soekarno and other
PNI leaders were arrested and imprisoned.

PNI itself dissolved and changed into PARTINDO. His struggles continued after nominal
2 he was released, but in August 1933, the proclamator of Indonesian re-arrested and exiled to Ende,
Flores, then moved to Bengkulu.
Nominal 3 Soekarno was released when the Japanese took over the Dutch. Japan
called Ir. Soekarno, Mohammad Hatta, Ki Hajar Dewantara and K.H. Mas Mansur founded PUTERA
(Pusat Tenaga Rakyat) for the benefit of Japan.

However, more precisely PUTERA fight for the people’s interests. As a result, Japan disperses
PUTERA. When his position in the Asia Raya started recessive War Allies, the Japanese established

At the hearing BPUPKI on June 1st 1945, Soekarno put forward the idea of a basic State called

After BPUPKI disbanded , nomilnal 4 he was appointed as chairman of PPKI. After

that Japan call Soekarno, Hatta, and Radjiman Wedyodiningrat to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam to meet
with General Terauchi to discuss the issue of Indonesian independence.

After returning to Indonesia, nominal 5Soekarno and Hatta were kidnapped by

youths who had heard the news of the defeat of Japan’s and brought to Rengasdengklok.

Finally, an agreement was reached so that Soekarno-Hatta returns to Jakarta for preparing the
manuscript of Proclamation. Together with Hatta, Soekarno proclaimed Indonesia’s independence on
behalf of Indonesian on August 17th, 1945 in East Pegangsaan street no. 56, Jakarta.

This independence is the result of the struggle of the entire of Indonesian. One day later,

nominal 6 he was inaugurated as the first President of Indonesia. He ruled for 22 years.
Verbal 3 Soekarno passed away at the age of 69 years and was buried in Blitar, East Java. The
story of Soekarno is filmed by Hanung Bramantyo with title Soekarno:Indonesia Merdeka.

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