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NAMA : Risqi Widyasari

NIM : 17621069


Kesenian dan Budaya di Kabupaten Bojonegoro

Wayang Thengul

Wayang merupakan kesenian yang menjadi warisan budaya Indonesia. Salah satunya Wayang
Thengul yang merupakan ikon seni pertunjukan Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Dinamakan Wayang
Thengul karena mengandung arti kata thengul berasal dari kata methentheng dan methungul
yang artinya karena terbuat dari kayu berbentuk tiga dimensi maka sang Dalang harus
methentheng (tenaga ekstra) mengangkat dengan serius agar methungul (muncul dan terlihat
penonton). Wayang Thengul Bojonegoro cenderung menggelar lakon kisah Kerajaan Majapahit
dan Wayang Menak Kerajaan Kediri, serta cerita para Wali pada masa Kerajaan Demak.

Tari Thengul

Tari Thengul adalah tarian khas Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Dipentaskan sebagai Tari Penyambutan
atau Tari Selamat Datang. Tarian ini diperagakan oleh 5 sampai 10 penari putri dengan iringan

Wayang Krucil
Kabupaten Bojonegoro juga memiliki wayang khas daerah sendiri, salah satunya yaitu wayang
yang dibuat dari kayu jati atau yang terkenal dengan sebutan Wayang Krucil. Cerita yang dipakai
dalam Wayang Krucil mengambil dari zaman Panji Kudalaleyan di Pajajaran hingga zaman
Prabu Brawijaya di Majapahit. Namun, tidak menutup kemungkinan Wayang Krucil memakai
cerita Wayang Purwa dan Wayang Menak, bahkan dari Babad Tanah Jawa sekalipun.

Tayub Bojonegoro

Seni Tayub (Sindir) merupakan tari pergaulan tradisional sangat populer bagi masyarakat
Bojonegoro yang bisa memberikan hiburan bagi para penontonnya. Tarian ini biasanya
dilakukan oleh para pria dengan diiringi tembang Jawa yang dilantunkan oleh para Waranggono
yang umumnya wanita-wanita cantik dengan kebaya dan berdandan khas Jawa. Aroma wangi
yang semerbak dari Waranggono membuat penari terkadang melempar senyum kearah
Waranggono agar mendapat perhatian. Tarian lemah gemulai tersebut diiringi oleh gending Jawa
yang syairnya sarat dengan ajaran kebaikan.

Arts and Culture in Bojonegoro Regency

Puppet Thengul

Puppet is an art that has become Indonesia's cultural heritage. One of them is Wayang Thengul,
which is an icon of the performing arts of Bojonegoro Regency. Named Wayang Thengul
because it means the word thengul comes from the word methentheng and methungul which
means because it is made of three-dimensional shaped wood, the Dalang must methentheng
(extra energy) to raise seriously so that methungul (appears and is seen by the audience).
Wayang Thengul Bojonegoro tended to play stories about the Majapahit Kingdom and Wayang
Menak Kingdom of Kediri, as well as stories of saints during the Demak Kingdom.
Thengul dance

Thengul dance is a typical dance of Bojonegoro Regency. Performed as a Welcome Dance or

Welcome Dance. This dance is performed by 5 to 10 female dancers with gamelan

Puppet Krucil

Bojonegoro Regency also has its own distinctive regional puppets, one of which is puppets
made from teak wood or well-known as Wayang Krucil. The story used in the Wayang Krucil
takes from the Panji Kudalaleyan era in Pajajaran to the time of Prabu Brawijaya in Majapahit.
However, it does not rule out the possibility of Wayang Krucil using the Wayang Purwa and
Wayang Menak stories, even from the Chronicle of the Land of Java.

Tayub Bojonegoro

Tayub (Sindir) art is a very popular traditional social dance for the people of Bojonegoro who
can provide entertainment for the audience. This dance is usually performed by men
accompanied by Javanese song sung by Waranggono who are generally beautiful women with
Javanese kebaya and make-up. The fragrant scent of Waranggono makes dancers sometimes
throw a smile towards Waranggono to get attention. The graceful dance is accompanied by
Javanese music whose poetry is full of good teachings.
In Bojonegoro Regency there is a Margomulyo sub-district in the forest area. The sub-district
has 9 sub-villages and some of them are called Japanese sub-villages.
In the Japanese Village, the Samin Community lives. They are figures or figures who are
striving to fight against Dutch colonialism with its unique movement known as the Saminism
movement. This movement was led by Ki Samin Surosendi. In the Samin community, there is
no term for helping the Dutch. They fought colonial Dutch through the planting of the teachings
of Saminism which means sami-sami amen (together) which is reflected and based on strength,
honesty, togetherness and simplicity.

The location where the Samin community lives will also be used as a tourist attraction of special
interest or cultural tourism of the Samin community through the development of a Homestay
package with the Samin community and tourists can enjoy their unique atmosphere and lifestyle.

Makanan khas bjn

1. It tastes good and tasty, LEDRE is excellent to be brought as a souvenir

2. Bojonegoro also has a very good pancake, perfect for breakfast

3. Although it can be found in various regions, you should try the original Putu from

4. Not only Malang, Bojonegoro also has tasty tempe chips. Guaranteed to be addictive

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