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Cara Kerja ECU (Engine Control Unit)

Posted on May 19, 2012



Cara kerja ECU atau Unit Kontrol Mesinadalah mengontrol rasio udara dan bahan bakar,
waktu pengapian, idle speed, waktu buka tutup katup. Berikut ini detail cara kerjanya.

Mengontrol Rasio Udara dan Bahan Bakar

Untuk mesin dengan teknologi injeksi, ECU akan menentukan jumlah bahan bakar yang akan
dikirim berdasarkan beberapa parameter yang diperoleh dari sensor-sensor yang tersebar di

Jika Throttle Position Sensor menunjukkan pedal gas ditekan lebih dalam, Mass Flow Sensor
(MFS) akan mengukur jumlah udara tambahan yang tersedot ke dalam mesin dan ECU akan
menyuntikkan lebih banyak bahan bakar ke dalam mesin. Jika cairan pendigin Engine
Coolant Temperature Sensor menunjukkan mesin juga panas, bahan bakan akan diinjeksi

Mengontrol Waktu Pengapian

Sebuah mesin pengapian membutuhkan percikan api untuk memulai pembakaran di ruang
bakar. ECU mengatur waktu yang terjadinya percikan (disebut waktu pengapian) untuk
menyediakan daya yang lebih baik dan ekonomis. Jika ECU mendeteksi ketukan, suatu
kondisi yang berpotensi merusak mesin, maka ECU akan menilai masih terlalu cepat
memberikan percikan api dan ECU akan menunda (memperlambat) waktu percikan untuk
mencegah hal ini . Karena ketukan cenderung terjadi lebih pada putaran mesin yang lebih
lebih rendah, ECU akan otomatis mengontrol transmisi penurunan ke gigi yang lebih rendah
sebagai upaya pertama untuk mengurangi ketukan.

Mengontrol Kecepatan Mesin Pada Saat Idle

Hampir semua mesin memiliki sistem Idle Speed Control yang terintergrasi di dalam ECU.
RPM mesin dipantau oleh Crankshaft Position Sensor yang memainkan peranan utama dalam
fungsi mengontrol waktu injeksi bahan bakar, mengatur kapan dilakukannya percikan, dan
buka tutupnya katup. Sistem idle speed control harus mengantisipasi beban mesin pada saat
idle. Perubahan pada saat idle biasanya datang dari sistem HVAC, power steering systems,
power brake systems, dan electrical charging dan supply systems. Temperatur mesin dan
status transmisi, dan durasi dari camshaft juga mempengaruhi kinerja mesin dan atau nilai
kecepatan idle yang diinginkan.

Mengontrol Durasi Buka Tutup Katup

Beberapa mesin memiliki Variable Valve Timing. Dalam mesin seperti itu, ECU mengontrol
waktu dalam siklus mesin di mana katup membuka. Katup yang biasanya dibuka lebih cepat
di kecepatan mesin tinggi dari pada kecepatan rendah. Hal ini dapat mengoptimalkan aliran
udara ke dalam silinder sehingga meningkat kekuatan mesin dan ekonomi.

Misalnya, saat berkendara dengan kecepatan tetap, katup akan membuka dan sedikit bahan
bakar akan disuntikkan, katup kemudian menutup. Tapi, ketika Anda tiba-tiba menginjak
pedal gas, katup akan membuka kembali sesuai kedalaman pedal yang ditekan dan bahan
bakar akan disuntikkan lebih banyak sehingga kecepatan kendaraan Anda dipercepat. ECU
akan mengkalkulasi beban mesin pada RPM yang tepat dan memutuskan bagaimana
membuka katup: awal, atau terlambat, terbuka lebar, atau hanya setengah terbuka.
Pembukaan yang optimal dan waktu selalu tercapai dan pembakaran adalah setepat mungkin.

Teknologi ECU – Engine Control Unit digunakan juga oleh teknologi injeksi Yamaha atau
Yamaha Mixture JET-Fuel Injection (YMJET-FI). Teknologi Yamaha Mixture JET-Fuel
Injection (YMJET-FI) dan ECU juga digunakan pada Motor Matic Injeksi Irit Harga Murah –
Yamaha Mio J.
[Belajar ECU bag-1] ECU….Ternyata
Benar Sesuatu yang Menakutkan bagi
Mekanik Sepeda Motor
Jun 3

Posted by motogokil

3 Votes

Assalamu’alaikum wR wB

Salam sejahtera bagi kita semua, semoga kita semua selamat dalam perjalanan sampai tempat

Dunia permotoran Indonesia sudah mulai dirasuki oleh sebuah aplikasi FI (fuel injection)
yang menimbulkan pro-kontra. Karena kinerja FI selalu berdampingan dengan hadirnya
ECU, maka yang menjadi momok yang sangat menakutkan bagi mekanik pada “pinggir
jalan” adalah ECU error. Sebagian yang menginginkan up-grade teknologi menganggap
system FI suatu kemajuan, karena memberikan dampak penghematan bbm dan emisi gas
buang yang rendah (ramah lingkungan). Sebaliknya yang kontra menganggap system FI
cuma mengakibatkan mekanik yg tidak mampu mengikuti perkembangan teknologi system FI
berkurang pendapatannya, sementara system FI tidak memberikan dampak yg signifikan
terhadap penghematan bbm, contoh: ninja 250 Fi-pertamax vs ninja 150 (2-tak)-premium,
CBR 250 PGMFI yang FC-nya cuma 28km/lt (pertamax). Hemat di mana???
Dalam kebanyakan sepeda motor di Indonesia, ECU diartikan sebagai Engine Control Unit,
sebuah modul yang tugasnya mengontrol kinerja mesin (menentukan nilai AFR dan waktu
pengapian) dengan mempertimbangkan masukan dari banyak sensor. Tapi dalam kendaraan
yang lebih kompleks, misalnya mobil, ECU sering diartikan sebagai Electronic Control Unit,
yang tugasnya mengontrol fungsi2 yang ada dan menampilkannya ke dashboard, seperti
mesin, pintu, ac, radiator, dll. Dalam sebuah mobil yang canggih terdapat lebih dari 70 buah
ECU yang saling terhubung dengan sebuah jaringan CAN (Controlled Area Network).

Ok, mari kita kupas peralatan ECU pada motor aja yg paling sederhana, sejauh mana-sih
kerumitannya? Dapat diakalin nggak oleh mekanik pinggir jalan ? Ngopreknya gimana, bagi

Dalam tugasnya mengontrol mengontrol injector, jenis ECU ada dua macam, open loop dan
close loop.

Sistem open-loop, ECU membaca sinyal dari sensor rpm, tps, air flow, manifold pressure,
intake air pressure dll, kemudian memilihkan suatu nilai dalam table di memori, berdasarkan
nilai tsb dibangkitkan sinyal untuk dikirim ke injector agar mensupplai bensin untuk
mencapai air-fuel-rasio yang diinginkan.

Sedangkan yang close-loop, merupakan pengembangan dari sistem open-loop, yang

ditambahkan sensor O2 pada knalpot untuk mengukur kandungan O2 pada knalpot, jika
kandungan O2 tinggi maka pembakaran miskin dan sebaliknya. Kemudian sensor O2
memberikan sinyal ke ECU untuk mengoreksi supplai bbm injector. ECU jenis close-loop
jauh lebih maju/rumit daripada open-loop karena cara kerjanya memerlukan algoritma
program mikrokontroler yang panjang. Kira2 diagram alirnya dapat dijelaskan dalam gambar
Posisi sensor2 (merah) meskipun tidak selengkap sensor yang digunakan dalam diagram alir
di atas yang ada disekitar mesin, dan aktuator (biru) seperti gambar di bawah ini

Kemudian secara umum dirancanglah blok diagram ECU seperti gambar dibawah ini
Berdasarkan blok diagram ECU tersebut, selanjutnya dirancang sirkuit elektronik-nya seperti
gambar dibawah ini

Gimana bro? puyeng nggak? Terus, mbetulinnya kalo error gimana? Ngopreknya gimana?
Tunggu aja artikel berikutnya, do’a-in aje ane agar sehat selalu, sehingga dapat meneliti
jeroan ECU ini untuk di-share ke bro2 semua.

Bagi suhu2 yang sedang riset ECU mohon berkenan untuk share ke kita semua sebagai
pencerahan otomotif yang lebih advance.

Semoga bermanfaat, wassalmu’alikum wR wB.
[Belajar ECU bag-2] Belum Mampu
Ngoprek ECU…. Ya Sudah Oprek Sensor
O2-nya Saja. (Resep Ringan Upgrade Top
Speed New Vixion Lightning)
Jun 4

Posted by motogokil

2 Votes

Asslamu’alaikum wR wB
Salam sejahtera buat kita semua, semoga kita semua selalu selamat diperjalanan sampai ke

Kemarin kita sudah sedikit membahas ECU beserta kerumitannya, yang membuat kita jadi
nggak pede buat ngoprek-nya, takut kenapa2, ntar malah rusak lagi ??.

Ok, untuk sementara kita mulai dari yang gampang dulu, yaitu prangkat/device pendukung
ECU yang terdiri dari sensor dan actuator.

Sensor bagi ECU adalah sebagai indra perasa untuk mengumpulkan informasi mengani
kondisi baik sebelum proses kerja mesin (pembakaran) ataupun setelahnya berupa informasi
umpan balik untuk mengoreksi kesalahan dalam keputusan (kuantitas bbm yang
disemprotkan dan waktu pengapian) yang barusaja diambil. Dalam system mesin
bakar/engine, sensor yang terlibat banyak sekali, IAT, AF, MAP, TPS, crank sensor, rpm
sensor, O2 sensor/AFR sensor dll

Sedangkan aktuator berperan sebagai eksekutor/pelaksana kerja, dari perintah (sinyal) yang
diberikan ECU dengan mempertimbangkan semua informasi dari sensor. Dalam engine
actuator yang terpenting adalah injector dan busi (pemantik api).

Nah sekarang, kita bahas yang lagi heboh nih, yaitu sensor O2. Heboh karena sekarang sudah
ramai dijual manipulator sensor O2, yang bertindak sebagai “penipu” ECU dengan
memberikan informasi “palsu” yang seakan berasal dari sensor O2. Kehebohan ini mungkin
akibat ditanamkanyan system FI close-loop pada NVL, sehingga susah ngopreknya, ya…
jalan paling gampang adalah dengan menggunakan piggyback, dan manipulator sensor O2 ini
adalah versi mini-nya.

Sebelum mari kita pelajari dulu apa itu sensor O2, kalau kita sudah faham, maka akan dengan
mudah memahami cara memanipulasi sinyalnya, atau bahkan merancang sendiri
manipulator O2 sensor. Sensor O2 bekerja dengan merasakan perbedaan konsentrasi antara
kandungan O2 luar dengan kandungan O2 gas buang di knalpot,
yang kemudian di-representasikan sebagai tegangan AC, sumbu gelombang AC naik dan
turun sesuai nilai AFR.

yang jika di hitung nilai rms-nya naik-turun sesuai kandungan O2 di gas buang tersebut,
nilai2 ini juga dipengaruhi oleh temperatur knalpot.

Jika sensor O2 menginformasikan ke ECU bahwa pembakaran yang telah dilakukan miskin,
maka siklus berikutnya ECU akan memberikan perintah ke injector untuk menyemprotkan
bbm lebih banyak dari sebelumnya, begitu pula sebaliknya.

Nah disinilah yang akan kita lakukan, yaitu :   “Kita berikan info palsu ke ECU seakan2
pembakaran miskin sehingga ECU akan memerintahkan injector untuk
menyemprotkan bbm lebih banyak, padahal kondisi sebenarnya tidak demikian”.
Meskipun demikian, kita tidak boleh membuat campuran terlalu kaya, karena akan
menjadikan pembakaran tidak sempurna, tenaga/power malah turun. Yang terjadi malah
pemborosan dan peningkatan kandungan racun dalam gas emisi knalpot.

Garis di tengah adalah kondisi ideal/stoichiometric, semakin ke kiri semakin kaya, semakin
ke kanan semakin miskin. Lihat kurva power (bagian kiri), semakin kaya power naik, setelah
sampai puncak kemudian turun. Jadi jika kita gagal menempatkan AFR di tempat power max,
maka peningkatan konsusmsi bbm justru akan menurunkan power.

Cara masangnya kira2 kaya gini; kabel penghubung sensor O2 dan ECU dipotong, yg dari
sensor dihubungkan ke manipulator, kemudian keluaran manipulator di-inputkan ke ECU. Di
manipulator terdapat dip switch yang merupakan pengatur tinggi/level tegangan manipulasi
yang akan di-inputkan ke ECU.
Jika ini kita terapkan di motor dengan sistem FI model close-loop, misalnya NVL, dengan
setting yang tepat, maka torsi akan semakin meningkat, akselerasi meningkat, akan tetapi
kemungkinan besar topspeed tetap, karena topspeed dipengaruhi oleh pencapaian rpm
maksimum (dibatasi limiter) dan perbandingan gigi rasio. Kalau mau naik topspeed-nya ya
ganti gir depan-belakangnya, bisa pake old vixion, atau yang lebih berat.

Terus, rangkaian manipulator sensor O2 gimana ?…… Ntar deh kapan2 kita bahas bersama.

Sampai disini diskusi kita, lebih-kurangnya mohon ma’af. Bagi suhu2 yang udah biasa nge-
tune piggyback, mohon pencerahannya.

Semoga bermanfaat, wassalamu’alaikum wR wB.
Engine control unit
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It has been suggested that this article be merged with Powertrain control module. (Discuss)
Proposed since October 2013.

An ECU from a 1996 Chevrolet Beretta.

An engine control unit (ECU), now called the powertrain control module (PCM),is a type of
electronic control unit that controls a series of actuators on an internal combustion engine to
ensure optimal engine performance. It does this by reading values from a multitude of sensors
within the engine bay, interpreting the data using multidimensional performance maps (called
lookup tables), and adjusting the engine actuators accordingly.

Before ECUs, air/fuel mixture, ignition timing, and idle speed were mechanically set and
dynamically controlled by mechanical and pneumatic means. One of the earliest attempts to
use such a unitized and automated device to manage multiple engine control functions
simultaneously was the "Kommandogerät" created by BMW in 1939, for their 801 14-
cylinder aviation radial engine.[1] This device replaced the 6 controls used to initiate hard
acceleration with one control in the 801 series-equipped aircraft. However, it had some
problems: it would surge the engine, making close formation flying of the Fw 190 somewhat
difficult, and at first it switched supercharger gears harshly and at random, which could throw
the aircraft into an extremely dangerous stall or spin.

 1 Working of ECU
o 1.1 Control of Air/Fuel ratio
o 1.2 Control of ignition timing
o 1.3 Control of idle speed
o 1.4 Control of variable valve timing
o 1.5 Electronic valve control
 2 Programmable ECUs
 3 History
o 3.1 Hybrid digital designs
o 3.2 Modern ECUs
 4 Other applications
 5 See also
o 5.1 Open source engine management systems
o 5.2 Modifiable but restricted engine management systems
o 5.3 Earliest commercial engine management system for the aftermarket
o 5.4 Other aftermarket engine management systems
 6 References
 7 External links

Working of ECU
Control of Air/Fuel ratio

For an engine with fuel injection, an engine control unit (ECU) will determine the quantity of
fuel to inject based on a number of parameters. If the throttle position sensor is showing the
throttle pedal is pressed further down, the mass flow sensor will measure the amount of
additional air being sucked into the engine and the ECU will inject fixed quantity of fuel into
the engine ( most of the engine fuel inlet quantity is fixed). If the engine coolant temperature
sensor is showing the engine has not warmed up yet, more fuel will be injected (causing the
engine to run slightly 'rich' until the engine warms up). Mixture control on computer
controlled carburetors works similarly but with a mixture control solenoid or stepper motor
incorporated in the float bowl of the carburetor.

Control of ignition timing

A spark ignition engine requires a spark to initiate combustion in the combustion chamber.
An ECU can adjust the exact timing of the spark (called ignition timing) to provide better
power and economy. If the ECU detects knock, a condition which is potentially destructive to
engines, and determines it to be the result of the ignition timing occurring too early in the
compression stroke, it will delay (retard) the timing of the spark to prevent this. Since knock
tends to occur more easily at lower rpm, the ECU may send a signal for the automatic
transmission to downshift as a first attempt to alleviate knock.

Control of idle speed

Most engine systems have idle speed control built into the ECU. The engine RPM is
monitored by the crankshaft position sensor which plays a primary role in the engine timing
functions for fuel injection, spark events, and valve timing. Idle speed is controlled by a
programmable throttle stop or an idle air bypass control stepper motor. Early carburetor-
based systems used a programmable throttle stop using a bidirectional DC motor. Early TBI
systems used an idle air control stepper motor. Effective idle speed control must anticipate
the engine load at idle.

A full authority throttle control system may be used to control idle speed, provide cruise
control functions and top speed limitation.

Control of variable valve timing

Some engines have Variable Valve Timing. In such an engine, the ECU controls the time in
the engine cycle at which the valves open. The valves are usually opened sooner at higher
speed than at lower speed. This can optimize the flow of air into the cylinder, increasing
power and fuel economy.
Electronic valve control

Experimental engines have been made and tested that have no camshaft, but have full
electronic control of the intake and exhaust valve opening, valve closing and area of the valve
opening.[2] Such engines can be started and run without a starter motor for certain multi-
cylinder engines equipped with precision timed electronic ignition and fuel injection. Such a
static-start engine would provide the efficiency and pollution-reduction improvements of a
mild hybrid-electric drive, but without the expense and complexity of an oversized starter

The first production engine of this type was invented ( in 2002) and introduced (in 2009) by
Italian automaker Fiat in the Alfa Romeo MiTo. Their Multiair engines use electronic valve
control which drastically improve torque and horsepower, while reducing fuel consumption
as much as 15%. Basically, the valves are opened by hydraulic pumps, which are operated by
the ECU. The valves can open several times per intake stroke, based on engine load. The
ECU then decides how much fuel should be injected to optimize combustion.

For instance, when driving at a steady speed, the valve will open and a bit of fuel will be
injected, the valve then closes. But, when you suddenly stamp on the throttle, the valve will
open again in that same intake stroke and much more fuel will be injected so that you start to
accelerate immediately. The ECU then calculates engine load at that exact RPM and decides
how to open the valve: early, or late, wide open, or just half open. The optimal opening and
timing are always reached and combustion is as precise as possible. This, of course, is
impossible with a normal camshaft, which opens the valve for the whole intake period, and
always to full lift.

And not to be overlooked, the elimination of cams, lifters, rockers, and timing set not only
reduces weight and bulk, but also friction. A significant portion of the power that an engine
actually produces is used up just driving the valve train, compressing all those valve springs
thousands of times a minute.

Once more fully developed, electronic valve operation will yield even more benefits.
Cylinder deactivation, for instance, could be made much more fuel efficient if the intake
valve could be opened on every downstroke and the exhaust valve opened on every upstroke
of the deactivated cylinder or "dead hole". Another even more significant advancement will
be the elimination of the convention throttle. When a car is run at part throttle, this
interruption in the airflow causes excess vacuum, which causes the engine to use up valuable
energy acting as a vacuum pump. BMW attempted to get around this on their V-10 powered
M5, which had individual throttle butterflies for each cylinder, placed just before the intake
valves. With electronic valve operation, it will be possible to control engine speed by
regulating valve lift. At part throttle, when less air and gas are needed, the valve lift would
not be as great. Full throttle is achieved when the gas pedal is depressed, sending an
electronic signal to the ECU, which in turn regulates the lift of each valve event, and opens it
all the way up.

Programmable ECUs
This section may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. No cleanup reason
has been specified. Please help improve this section if you can. (January 2012)

A special category of ECUs are those which are programmable. These units do not have a
fixed behaviour and can be reprogrammed by the user.

Programmable ECUs are required where significant aftermarket modifications have been
made to a vehicle's engine. Examples include adding or changing of a turbocharger, adding or
changing of an intercooler, changing of the exhaust system or a conversion to run on
alternative fuel. As a consequence of these changes, the old ECU may not provide
appropriate control for the new configuration. In these situations, a programmable ECU can
be wired in. These can be programmed/mapped with a laptop connected using a serial or USB
cable, while the engine is running.

The programmable ECU may control the amount of fuel to be injected into each cylinder.
This varies depending on the engine's RPM and the position of the accelerator pedal (or the
manifold air pressure). The engine tuner can adjust this by bringing up a spreadsheet-like
page on the laptop where each cell represents an intersection between a specific RPM value
and an accelerator pedal position (or the throttle position, as it is called). In this cell a number
corresponding to the amount of fuel to be injected is entered. This spreadsheet is often
referred to as a fuel table or fuel map.

By modifying these values while monitoring the exhausts using a wide band lambda probe to
see if the engine runs rich or lean, the tuner can find the optimal amount of fuel to inject to
the engine at every different combination of RPM and throttle position. This process is often
carried out at a dynamometer, giving the tuner a controlled environment to work in. An
engine dynamometer gives a more precise calibration for racing applications. Tuners often
utilize a chassis dynamometer for street and other high performance applications.

Other parameters that are often mappable are:

 Ignition Timing: Defines at what point in the engine cycle the spark plug should fire for each
cylinder. Modern systems allow for individual trim on each cylinder for per-cylinder
optimization of the ignition timing.
 Rev. limit: Defines the maximum RPM that the engine is allowed to reach. After this fuel
and/or ignition is cut. Some vehicles have a "soft" cut-off before the "hard" cut-off. This "soft
cut" generally functions by retarding ignition timing to reduce power output and thereby
slow the acceleration rate just before the "hard cut" is hit.
 Water temperature correction: Allows for additional fuel to be added when the engine is
cold, such as in a winter cold-start scenario or when the engine is dangerously hot, to allow
for additional cylinder cooling (though not in a very efficient manner, as an emergency only).
 Transient fueling: Tells the ECU to add a specific amount of fuel when throttle is applied. The
is referred to as "acceleration enrichment".
 Low fuel pressure modifier: Tells the ECU to increase the injector fire time to compensate
for an increase or loss of fuel pressure.
 Closed loop lambda: Lets the ECU monitor a permanently installed lambda probe and
modify the fueling to achieve the targeted air/fuel ratio desired. This is often the
stoichiometric (ideal) air fuel ratio, which on traditional petrol (gasoline) powered vehicles
this air:fuel ratio is 14.7:1. This can also be a much richer ratio for when the engine is under
high load, or possibly a leaner ratio for when the engine is operating under low load cruise
conditions for maximum fuel efficiency.

Some of the more advanced standalone/race ECUs include functionality such as launch
control, operating as a rev limiter while the car is at the starting line to keep the engine revs in
a 'sweet spot', waiting for the clutch to be released to launch the car as quickly and efficiently
as possible. Other examples of advanced functions are:

 Wastegate control: Controls the behavior of a turbocharger's wastegate, controlling boost.

This can be mapped to command a specific duty cycle on the valve, or can use a PID based
closed-loop control algorithm.
 Staged injection: Allows for an additional injector per cylinder, used to get a finer fuel
injection control and atomization over a wide RPM range. An example being the use of small
injectors for smooth idle and low load conditions, and a second, larger set of injectors that
are 'staged in' at higher loads, such as when the turbo boost climbs above a set point.
 Variable cam timing: Allows for control variable intake and exhaust cams (VVT), mapping
the exact advance/retard curve positioning the camshafts for maximum benefit at all
load/rpm positions in the map. This functionality is often used to optimize power output at
high load/rpms, and to maximize fuel efficiency and emissions as lower loads/rpms.
 Gear control: Tells the ECU to cut ignition during (sequential gearbox) upshifts or blip the
throttle during downshifts.

A race ECU is often equipped with a data logger recording all sensors for later analysis using
special software in a PC. This can be useful to track down engine stalls, misfires or other
undesired behaviors during a race by downloading the log data and looking for anomalies
after the event. The data logger usually has a capacity between 0.5 and 16 megabytes.

In order to communicate with the driver, a race ECU can often be connected to a "data stack",
which is a simple dash board presenting the driver with the current RPM, speed and other
basic engine data. These race stacks, which are almost always digital, talk to the ECU using
one of several proprietary protocols running over RS232 or CANbus, connecting to the DLC
connector (Data Link Connector) usually located on the underside of the dash, inline with the
steering wheel

Hybrid digital designs

Hybrid digital/analog designs were popular in the mid-1980s. This used analog techniques to
measure and process input parameters from the engine, then used a lookup table stored in a
digital ROM chip to yield precomputed output values. Later systems compute these outputs
dynamically. The ROM type of system is amenable to tuning if one knows the system well.
The disadvantage of such systems is that the precomputed values are only optimal for an
idealised, new engine. As the engine wears, the system is less able to compensate than a CPU
based system.[citation needed]

Modern ECUs

Modern ECUs use a microprocessor which can process the inputs from the engine sensors in
real-time. An electronic control unit contains the hardware and software (firmware). The
hardware consists of electronic components on a printed circuit board (PCB), ceramic
substrate or a thin laminate substrate. The main component on this circuit board is a
microcontroller chip (CPU). The software is stored in the microcontroller or other chips on
the PCB, typically in EPROMs or flash memory so the CPU can be re-programmed by
uploading updated code or replacing chips. This is also referred to as an (electronic) Engine
Management System (EMS).

Sophisticated engine management systems receive inputs from other sources, and control
other parts of the engine; for instance, some variable valve timing systems are electronically
controlled, and turbocharger wastegates can also be managed. They also may communicate
with transmission control units or directly interface electronically-controlled automatic
transmissions, traction control systems, and the like. The Controller Area Network or CAN
bus automotive network is often used to achieve communication between these devices.

Modern ECUs sometimes include features such as cruise control, transmission control, anti-
skid brake control, and anti-theft control, etc.

General Motors'(GM) first ECUs had a small application of hybrid digital ECUs as a pilot
program in 1979, but by 1980, all active programs were using microprocessor based systems.
Due to the large ramp up of volume of ECUs that were produced to meet the Clean Air Act
requirements for 1981, only one ECU model could be built for the 1981 model year.[4] The
high volume ECU that was installed in GM vehicles from the first high volume year, 1981,
onward was a modern microprocessor based system. GM moved rapidly to replace
carburation with fuel injection as the preferred method of fuel delivery for vehicles it
manufactured. This process first saw fruition in 1980 with fuel injected Cadillac engines,
followed by the Pontiac 2.5L I4 "Iron Duke" and the Chevrolet 5.7L V8 L83 "Cross-Fire"
engine powering the Chevrolet Corvette in 1982. The 1990 Cadillac Brougham powered by
the Oldsmobile 5.0L V8 LV2 engine was the last carbureted passenger car manufactured for
sale in the North American market (a 1992 Volkswagen Beetle model powered by a
carbureted engine was available for purchase in Mexico but not offered for sale in the United
States or Canada) and by 1991 GM was the last of the major US and Japanese automakers to
abandon carburation and manufacture all of its passenger cars exclusively with fuel injected
engines. In 1988 Delco (GM's electronics division), had produced more than 28,000 ECUs
per day, making it the world's largest producer of on-board digital control computers at the

Other applications
Such systems are used for many internal combustion engines in other applications. In
aeronautical applications, the systems are known as "FADECs" (Full Authority Digital
Engine Controls). This kind of electronic control is less common in piston-engined light
fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters than in automobiles. This is due to the common
configuration of a carbureted engine with a magneto ignition system that does not require
electrical power generated by an alternator to run, which is considered a safety advantage.[6]

See also
 Throttle position sensor
 Engine coolant temperature sensor
 Air flow meter
 Air-fuel ratio meter
 Crankshaft position sensor
 Automobile self starter
 Electronic control unit (ECU), a generic term for any embedded system—not to be confused
with engine control unit also abbreviated, ECU
 Engine knocking
 Fuel injection
 Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL)
 Motronic
 On-board diagnostics (OBD)
 Powertrain control module (PCM)
 Trionic
 Timing retard eliminator (TRE)
 FADEC (full authority digital engine control)

Open source engine management systems

 FreeEMS, see VEMS

 rusEfi

Modifiable but restricted engine management systems

 MegaSquirt
 ACCEL-DFI Engine Management Unit[7]

Earliest commercial engine management system for the aftermarket

 Electromotive introduced the Total Engine Control 1 (TEC-I) in 1987, it included 60-2 (58
tooth) crank triggered distributor-less ignition. This ignition circuit was first introduced in
their HPV-1 ignition in 1984. To note, the TEC-I was used as original equipment on the Vector

Other aftermarket engine management systems

Rumusan Masalah :

1. Apa fungsi ECU dalam kendaraan bermotor?

2. Bagaimana cara kerja ECU dalam menghemat bahan bakar?
3. Seberapa penting ECU dalam penggunaan kendaraan bermotor?

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