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Kata dan Perluasannya

Unit 1
Memahami Jenis Kata dalam Bahasa Inggris

Latihan 1

Tandai setiap kata dalam kalimat berikut ini sesuai dengan jenis katanya.
Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:

Large companies may have a research and development department with its own budget and

Kalimat di atas diuraikan berdasarkan jenis katanya.

adjective noun modal verb verb article noun conjunction noun

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Large companies may have a research and development

Noun preposition determiner adjective noun conjunction noun

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
department with its own budget and staff

1. Comparative politics involves study of the politics of different countries.

2. Agencies employ qualitative research to gain an initial understanding of the marketing


3. Large companies may have a research and development department with its own budget
and staff.

4. Earthquakes occur when energy stored within the Earth suddenly releases.

5. Indonesia is also prone to earthquakes, with epicenters distributed along the same regions
as volcanoes.

6. The eruption of Tambora in 1815 was Indonesia’s most destructive, killing approximately
10,000 people.

7. His contribution to the history of thought was not a systematic doctrine but a method of
thinking and a way of life.

Sebagaimana telah dijelaskan di atas, Anda tidak perlu membaca semua kata yang terdapat dalam sebuah kalimat.
Membaca semua kata dalam suatu kalimat tidaklah efektif dan tidak perlu karena yang terpenting adalah bahwa
kita bisa menemukan makna kalimat secara utuh. Secara teori, teknik membaca ini disebut Reading for Content.
Berikut ini beberapa teknik membaca yang bisa Anda terapkan berkaitan dengan jenis kata:

1. Temukan kata-kata utamanya (main words) dalam suatu kalimat. Yang dimaksud dengan
kata-kata utama adalah nomina, verba, adverbia dan adjektiva. Jangan terlalu pusing
dengan bentuk, makna preposisi dan kata sandang. Pada contoh kalimat berikut ini, kata-
kata yang digarisbawahi adalah kata-kata utama, sedangkan kata-kata lainnya tidak perlu
Anda perhatikan
a. They conducted raids into the interior and sold their captives to European slavers.

b. Seismologists use global networks of seismographic stations to accurately map the focuses of
earthquakes around the world.

c. In the century before Columbus sailed to America, Western Europeans were unlikely candidates
for worldwide exploration.

2. Jangan terlalu memikirkan bentuk verba yang berubah-ubah dalam beberapa tenses. Yang
terpenting adalah Anda harus mengetahui makna kata kerjanya. Anda tidak perlu
khawatir, misalnya, apakah kata “conduct” termasuk bentuk infinitive, past tense ataukah
past participle, conduct, conducted atau have/has conducted. Yang terpenting, Anda
mengetahui bahwa kata “conduct” berarti “melakukan”.

3. Jangan khawatir dengan kata-kata sulit yang Anda temukan. Teruskan membaca, sampai
Anda menemukan gagasan utama dalam kalimat.

Latihan 2

Garisbawahi kata-kata utama dalam kalimat di bawah ini, sesuai dengan contoh berikut ini:

The structure of a document refers to the organization of data in that document.

1. It is impossible to overestimate the potentialities of these agreements.

2. Suharto attended local Javanese schools, worked for a short time in a village bank, and
joined the Dutch colonial army in 1940.

3. In May, police shot six students at a demonstration, triggering two days of arson and
looting in Jakarta, in which about 500 people died.

4. Modern publishing and bookselling in Europe began in the mid – 15th century, when
people began printing with movable type.

5. The earnings and consumption of the average Japanese came closer to Western European

6. Special education services can help both disable gifted children make progress in
education programs.

7. The standard test to detect HIV antibodies in the blood is the enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA).

8. The research result indicates that there are some causes of the strikes.

9. Inscriptions found in the temple grounds show that King Pikatan was the founder of the

10. School is considered one of the most important factors in human resources development.

Unit 2
Memahami Bentuk Imbuhan (Prefiks dan Sufiks)

Latihan 1

Perhatikan daftar kata berikut ini, garisbawahi bentuk imbuhannya, kemudian tentukan jenis katanya (verba,
nomina, adjektiva, adverbia):

1. productive = adjektiva

2. equipment = __________

3. computerize = __________

4. unprepared = __________

5. dissatisfaction = __________
6. lenghthen = __________

7. visibly = __________

8. stylish = __________

9. punctual = __________

10. economic = __________

11. comprehensible = __________

12. quietness = __________

13. economist = __________

14. carefully = __________

15. sharpen = __________

Latihan 2

Bacalah kalimat-kalimat berikut ini, kemudian terjemahkan kata-kata yang digarisbawahi dengan melihat bentuk

1. The police were really unarmed when they were attacked by unidentified masked men.
( _______________ )

2. This health department reported that drug abuse among preteenagers in Indonesia has
reached epidemic proportions. ( ______________ )

3. The government would establish camps to provide work and education for the youthful
misbehaver and out-of-school youth. ( _______________ )

4. Unfortunately, poetry cannot celebrate them, because their deeds are concerned with
things, not persons and are, therefore, speechless. ( _______________ )
5. The increasing popularity of backcountry campsites has led the National Park Service to
limit the use of sites it maintains and to minimize campers’ impact on these sites.
( _______________ )

6. Prehistoric archaeology is practiced by archaeologists known as prehistorians and deals

with ancient cultures that did not have writing of any kind. ( ________________ )

7. Since U.S. officials do not foresee the development of large-scale trade in the near future,
this measure was intended to be mainly a political gesture. ( ______________ )

8. The re-emergence of restrictive import practices stemmed from the 1975 recession and
from sluggish economic expansion in the latter part of 1976 and the first half of 1977,

resulting in serious trade imbalances in many large and small countries.
( _______________ ) / ( _______________ )

9. The conflicts also reflected congressional concern over what members saw as excessive,
and unaccountable, use of presidential power. ( _______________ )

10. Another economic headache for publishers came in the form of a 1980 Internal Revenue
Service ruling that disallowed depreciation of business inventories for tax purposes.
( _______________ )

Latihan 3

Pelajari kalimat-kalimat berikut ini, tentukan jenis kata yang dibutuhkan pada setiap kalimat, lalu pilihlah kata
yang tepat.

1. The ______ on fuel hike price was announced by the government last week.
(A) Nomina (1) decision
(B) Verba (2) decide
(C) Adjekiva (3) decisive
(D) Adverbia (4) decisively

2. Having attended some fruitful training, the staffs work more ______.
(A) Nomina (1) production
(B) Verba (2) produce
(C) Adjektiva (3) productive
(D) Adverbia (4) productively

3. In this _______ world, we have to posses specific skills.

(A) Nomina (1) competition
(B) Verba (2) compete
(C) Adjektiva (3) competitive
(D) Adverbia (4) competitively

4. When you ______ other people, you should express yourself politely.
(A) Nomina (1) criticism
(B) Verba (2) criticize
(C) Adjektiva (3) critical
(D) Adverbia (4) critically

5. There are two many ______ parties in our country

(A) Nomina (1) politics
(B) Verba (2) politician
(C) Adjektiva (3) political
(D) Adverbia (4) politically

Unit 3
Memahami Proses Perluasan Kata

Latihan 1

Perhatikan daftar frasa nomina berikut ini, temukan headword-nya (tulis Hw), berilah tanda kurung, lalu
garisbawahi premodification (tulis pre M) dan post modification (tulis post M) bila memang ada.

The lazy students sitting in the corner

pre M Hw post M

1. the emerging market in China

2. less damaging market reaction

3. powerful explosive nuclear weapon

4. a plan to double household incomes

5. the photo which was taken 3 days ago

6. The recovery of the economy in Indonesia

7. double-digit inflation in the last two decades

8. The justification for such aggressive policy action

9. the poisonous chemical products of living organisms

10. The reasons why the Chinese economy grew so fast

11. the prerequisite for membership in the Muslim community

12. a choking agent that causes the lungs to fill with water

13. the high tech industries that could supply the domestic market

14. rising household incomes produced by the economic miracle

15. powerful explosive nuclear weapon which is fuelled by the splitting

Unit 4
Membedakan Makna Adjektiva – ed dan – ing
(Participle Adjective)

Latihan 1

Lakukan analisis frasa nomina berikut ini dan terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.

No Frasa nomina Terjemahan

1 The increasing death cases Kasus kematian yang terus meningkat
2 The chosen president
3 The reducing number
4 The damaged bridge
5 The rising star
6 The welcoming party
7 The collapsed enterprise
8 The learning organization
9 The destroyed woman
10 The ruling party

Latihan 2: Pilihlah kata yang tepat

Bacalah kalimat-kalimat berikut ini dan pilihlah kata yang tepat. Perhatikan terlebih dahulu apakah kata tersebut
berfungsi sebagai kata kerja atau kata sifat (adj – ed atau adj – ing).

1. I had an embarrass / embarrassed / embarrassing experience that I want to tell you.

2. I was disappoint / disappointed / disappointing with the result of my test.

3. The comedy films always amuse / amused / amusing me.

4. The bad weather made me worry / worried / worrying.

5. The interest / interested / interesting TV programs will get more money from

6. It was such an excite / excited / exciting play. Many people like it.

7. The issue about the possible greater earthquake frightens / frightened / frightening us.

8. I am no really interest / interested / interesting in magic.

9. The government’s policies on the fuel hike always make people shock / shocked /

10. The uncertain weather was really depress / depressed / depressing.

Unit 5
Mengenali Bentuk Frasa Nomina (Noun Phrase)

Latihan 1

Berikut ini adalah frasa nomina sederhana. Garisbawahi kata-kata yang merupakan nomina utama (head
noun),lalu cobalah menerjemahkannya.

1. financial crisis : krisis finansial (keuangan)

2. garden flower : _____________________

3. flower garden : _____________________

4. a pleasing result : _____________________

5. economic reform : _____________________

6. Military-police clash : _____________________

7. an interesting student : _____________________

8. an interested student : _____________________

9. long, wavy, dark hair : _____________________

10. the quoted examples : _____________________

11. the proposed change : _____________________

12. school leaving-age : _____________________

13. well-educated man : _____________________

14. fast increasing-prices : _____________________

15. a little fresh garden flower : _____________________

16. storm-damaged town : _____________________

17. slow learning student : _____________________

18. the lost world : _____________________

19. newly-recruited staff : _____________________

20. a slow moving car : _____________________

Latihan 2

Berikut ini adalah frasa nomina yang lebih rumit. Garisbawahi kata-kata yang merupakan nomina utama (head
noun), lalu cobalah menerjemahkannya.

1. a car-making town : kota pembuat mobil

2. Japan-based company : _________________

3. the used teaching method : _________________

4. oil-powered generators : _________________

5. a money-making project : _________________

6. nationally funded school : _________________

7. government-operated-university : _________________

8. highly regarded private university : __________________

9. a record-breaking performance : __________________

10. a long lasting dispute : __________________

11. the most far-reaching changes : __________________

12. fun-loving culture : __________________

13. earth-orbiting satellites : __________________

14. direct-broadcast television satellites : __________________

15. gradually increasing availability of data : _________________

16. long-venerated Western tradition : __________________

17. specially trained medical physicians : __________________

18. commonly disturbed children : __________________

19. emotionally disturbed children : __________________

20. work-related activities : ___________________

Unit 6
Menyiasati Kata-kata Sulit

Latihan 1

Bacalah kalimat-kalimat berikut ini dan cobalah menerka makna kata sulit yang digarisbawahi dengan
menggunakan beberapa teknik yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya.
1. No archeologists manage to explain what the pictures on the ancient ruins signify.
( ________________ )
2. Supernovas, the catastrophic explosion of dying stars, can be bright enough to see with
the naked eye during the day. ( _______________ )

3. The earliest known Aboriginal art is in the form of petroglyphs (rock inscriptions) and
may date back more than 30,000 years. ( _______________ )

4. Let us walk quickly. We will be late for the class if we continue to amble.
( _______________ )

5. A drone is a male bee produced during the mating season. ( ________________ )

6. Somatotype (system for describing a person’s body type) was developed by American
psychologist William H. Sheldon around 1940. ( _______________ )

7. The meeting discussed conflicts between Native Americans and white settlers, in
xenophobia or fear and dislike of foreigners. ( _______________ )

8. Unlike his gregarious brother, Sally tends to be introvert, unsociable person, who does
not like mingle with other people. ( _______________ )

9. Some bacteria do not require air or free oxygen; they are anaerobic. ( _______________ )

10. Important poets of the 9th through the 12th century include Rudaki, noted for his
panegyrics or written works of praise. ( ________________ )

Kalimat dan Perluasanya

Unit 7
Menemukan Subjek dan Verba dalam Sebuah Klausa
Latihan 1

Kalimat dibawah ini mengandung frasa preposisi. Jika frasa preposisi bukanlah subyek, maka temukanlah bentuk
subyeknya dengan menggarisbawahi kata atau frasa nominanya.
At the nearby village, two Indians live with their family.

1. Taking a walk in the city park is an enjoyable activity at the weekend.

2. For the last months in various provinces, the president has already been promoting the
importance of forests to preserve the water.

3. The investigation by the local police shows significant progress.

4. In the past the chance to go to schools were only given to the royals’ family and the rich.

5. The paper with complete empirical data will be presented in the next seminar.

6. For the first week at the beginning of the semester, students still have a chance to revise
their courses taken.

7. In the widespread economic dislocation, both consumption goods and capital gods were

8. In late 1964 he suffered a nervous breakdown and decided to quit performing publicly.

9. For years the vast majority of foreign films shown in the United States have come from
Great Britain, France, or Italy, with occasional imports from other countries.

10. According to medical studies, the use of the vitamin resulted in a rapid increase in red
blood cells and hemoglobin, and quickly re-established the capacity of the bone marrow
to produce new red blood cells in pernicious-anemia patients.

Latihan 2

Untuk lebih memahami bentuk subyek dan verba dalam sebuah klausa, kerjakanlah latihan berikut ini dengan
melingkari kata yang merupakan subyek dan menggarisbawahi verbanya.
Perhatikan contoh dibawah ini:

Carefully selected as the chairman, Paul deserves to have a big applause.

1. Due to the economic crisis, the families could no longer afford school fees.

2. With the Atlantic and Gulf coastal shipping services previously returned to private
operation, the chief problem in 1947 is related to the return of Pacific services.

3. The foreign policy of the United States during the Cold War was driven by a fear of the
spread of communism.

4. When recording television images, the pickup device replaces the function of film used in
making movies.

5. Under colonial rule, education in Indonesia was designed mainly to prepare Dutch
children and the children of native elite for administrative tasks.

6. In the 2000 school year 28.7 million Indonesian children attended elementary schools.

7. Secondary schools are attended by 56 percent of school-age girls and 58 percent of

school-age boys.

8. Indonesia has more than 50 government-operated universities and more than 1,000
private universities.

9. In order to work here, the foreign worker needs work permit.

10. An attempt in 1993 to make classical education compulsory in French secondary schools

11. The economic crisis of the late 1990s caused some children to withdraw temporarily from

12. Despite working hard, the task force failed to make satisfactory report.

13. The distribution of pupils among elementary schools, high schools, and colleges has
changed dramatically during the 20th century.
14. Some types of secondary education, such as vocational schooling, prepare the student for
employment upon graduation.

15. A soldier and 2 police officers were killed in a social riot in Ambon.

Unit 8
Memahami Bentuk Kalimat Pasif (Passive Voice)

Latihan 1

Tentukan kalimat-kalimat berikut ini apakah merupakan kalimat pasif (P) atau kalimat aktif (A). Jika kalimat
tersebut merupakan kalimat pasif, garisbawahi bentuk to be dan past participle-nya

1. The pages are sewn or glued together on one side and bound between hard or soft paper
covers. __P__

2. Books have been used for centuries to preserve and distribute information. ______

3. The government has already announced the new policy in furniture export import.

4. Magazines are published weekly whereas newspapers are published daily. _______

5. The team explained the use of new techniques in marketing to the boards of directors.

6. In the mid – and late 20th century, technological advances expanded the definition of the
book to include audio books and electronic books, or e-books. ______

7. The students have made significant progress in comprehending academic texts and in
writing written assignments. ______

8. The term e-book is also used to refer to the concept of a paperless book. ______

9. The stroboscope can be improved to study vibration, wear, and distortion of moving
parts. ________

10. A paper disk is printed with a pattern of lines and placed on the turn table. ______

Latihan 2

Semua kalimat di bawah ini adalah kalimat pasif. Garisbawahi bentuk to be dan past participle-nya, kemudian
terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.

1. A reward increases the probability that good behavior will be repeated.

Pemberian hadiah dapat meningkatkan kemungkinan terulangnya perilaku baik.

2. All knowledge is necessarily shaped by culture.


3. One kind of learning occurs when a child’s actions are followed by a reward or


4. Child development is guided by both deliberate and unintended learning experiences in

the home, peer group, school, and community.
5. It is therefore essential that teaching theories are carefully evaluated and tested through

6. Sometimes laboratories are designed to resemble a living room at home so that children
feel more comfortable.
7. Hong Kong is bordered on the north by Guangdong Province and on the east, west, and
south by the South China Sea.

8. The Indonesia population is unevenly distributed with the greatest concentrations of

people in Java.

9. Hong Kong’s prosperous economy is reflected in the lifestyle of its people.


10. The vacation to Europe will be carefully planned before the scheduled departure date.

Unit 9
Memahami Bentuk Present Participle
Latihan 1

Setiap kalimat dibawah ini terdapat satu atau lebih bentuk present participle (V-ing). Garisbawahi bentuk V-ing
dan tentukan fungsinya sebagai: adjektiva murni, verba, atau klausa adjektiva, sesuai dengan contoh kalimat

The interesting speaker presenting his paper in the seminar tomorrow is

↓ ↓
Adjektiva murni klausa adjektiva

Attending a welcome party now.

1. The crying baby needs to be paid attention to.

2. The clothes scattered all over the floors should be put in the washing machine.

3. The waiter is bringing the streaming soup to the waiting diners.

4. The striking workers have been protesting against mss layoff.

5. For the birthday present, Peter is getting a talking doll.

6. The institution providing higher education may be either a collage or university or a type
of professional school.

7. The modern cruise ship sailing to Thailand is leaving tonight.

8. The letters needing immediate answers are on the desk.

9. The committee organizing the seminar is having a meeting now.

10. The fast-moving clouds are bringing freezing rain to the area.

Latihan 2

Setiap kalimat dibawah ini mengandung present participle. Garisbawahi dan terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa

1. Blood reactions involving Rh factors are now chiefly of interest in obstetrics.


2. Anyone joining a voluntary work to help the disaster victims must sign up by Friday.

3. The law currently being debated is about pornography.


4. The students hoping to participate in the workshop should contact Prof. Moore.

5. The number of scientist conducting the research on a new species is relatively small.

6. The foreign NGO offering aids to the disaster victims is obliged cooperate with the local

7. A light plane carrying skydivers crashed during take off from the Perris Valley Airport in
southern California in 1996.

8. The Ganda of Uganda and the Shona of Zimbabwe are examples of peoples speaking
Bantu languages.

9. Strikes that left classrooms empty at both universities, a teacher training college, and
several secondary schools soon escalated to demonstrations protesting the deteriorating
economic situation.


10. The Japanese Prime Minister’s visit resulted in the signing of a number of agreements
elaborating the friendship treaty signed with the Soviet Union in 1970.

Unit 10
Memahami Bentuk Past Participle

Latihan 1

Garisbawahi kata yang berbentuk past participle dan tentukan jenis katanya, apakah termasuk adjektiva murni,
past tense (V2), past participle (V3), atau klausa adjektiva yang sudah dipadatkan, kemudian temukan subjek dan
verbanya,sesuai dengan contoh kalimat berikut ini.

a. The plane landed in the deserted runway.

V2 (verba utama)

b. The plane has landed in the deserted runaway.

V3 (verba utama)

c. The tired workers are taking a rest under the under the shady tree
Adjektiva murni

d. The car being fixed is a brand new.

Klausa Adjektiva yang sudah dipadatkan.

1. The food served in this restaurant is delicious.

2. The plane landed wrongly on the runway.

3. The unexpected guests arrived in lunch break.

4. The courses listed in the catalogue are required courses.

5. The servant found the lost gold rings.

6. The small apartment is very crowded and disorganized.

7. The photographs developed yesterday showed Sam and his friends.

8. The locked drawer contained the unworn jewels.

9. The bridge destroyed by the flood is not reconstructed yet.

10. The students registered in this course are listed on that sheet of paper.

Latihan 2

Masing-masing kalimat berikut ini memiliki satu atau dua bentuk past participle. Garisbawahi dan tentukan
bentuk verba utama dan bentuk past participle-nya yang merupakan klausa adjektiva, kemudian terjemahkanlah ,
sesuai contoh berikut ini.

The banyan tree blown over in the storm was cut into logs.
V-3 (Klausa adjektiva) Verba utama

Pohon beringin yang diterjang badai dipotong-potong menjadi balok kayu.

1. Feature films are the movies most commonly shown in large movie theaters.

2. Starvation is a condition brought about by a lack of essential nutrients over a long period
of time.

3. Infections caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi flourish when the immune system is
compromised should be immediately treated.

4. The academy has some 5000 members, drawn from the performing, technical, and
administrative branches of the motion-picture industry.

5. Perhaps the earliest from of book in Asia was wood or bamboo tablets tied with cord.

6. The first book known to have been printed from wood blocks was a Chinese edition of
the Jingangjing (Diamond Sutra), a Buddhist text.

7. The printing of books from wood blocks is a technique probably learned from contact
with the East.

8. A theory is an organized set of principles designed to explain and predict something.

9. The English program specially designed to young learners gets positive response from

10. The photographs of young actresses taken by unprofessional photographers reap protests
from the anti-pornography groups.

Unit 11
Mengenali Bentuk Simple Sentences dan Compound Sentences

Latihan 1

Pada kalimat-kalimat sederhana berikut ini, temukan subyek dan verba, lalu tentukan pola kalimatnya, sesuai
dengan penjelasan sebelumnya.
We bought a new shirt at the nearby mall.
Subyek verba

Pola kalimat: Subyek (S) + verba (V) + obyek (O)

1. In order to work here, the foreign worker needs a work permit.

2. An attempt in 1933 to make classical education compulsory in French secondary schools


3. My husband always gave me present at my birthday party.

4. A job on the night shift at the new mall is available.

5. The region surrounding the city is one of the most fertile areas of Java.

6. Indonesia has more than 50 government-operated universities.

7. They talked about work performance this morning.

8. The economic crisis caused some children fail to continue their studies.

9. The news about pay-raise made all employees excited.

10. The new HRD manager showed up in the meeting early.

Latihan 2

Berikut ini adalah kalimat yang merupakan klausa utama. Lengkapi kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan klausa utama
lainnya dengan konjungsi yang tersedia hingga membentuk compound sentence.

1. All students can join the seminar, and _________________________________

2. Students are allowed to make a paper, or _______________________________

3. I have sent him an email, but _________________________________________

4. I have given her a nice present, yet ____________________________________

5. The lecturer was very disappointed, for _________________________________

6. They do not like written assignment, nor _______________________________

7. Student have studied very hard, so _____________________________________

8. They may discuss the current issues, or _________________________________

9. I have done my best for the test, yet ____________________________________

10. People must take an action to protest against the war, so ___________________

Latihan 3

Lengkapi kalimat berikut ini dengan klausa utama lain dengan menggunakan conjunctive adverb tersedia hingga
membentuk compound sentence.

1. All students can join the seminar; however _______________________________

2. Students have make to make a paper; otherwise ____________________________

3. I have sent him an email; furthermore ____________________________________

4. I have given her a nice present; thus ______________________________________

5. The lecturer was very disappointed; still __________________________________

6. They do not like written assignment; nonetheless ___________________________

7. Students have studied very hard; accordingly _______________________________

8. They may discuss the current issues; also __________________________________

9. I have done my best for the test; consequently ______________________________

10. All people must take an action to protest against the war; otherwise

Unit 12
Memahami Complex Sentences
(Kalimat Majemuk Bertingkat)
Latihan 1

Analisis kalimat majemuk bertingkat (complex sentences) dibawah ini, kemudian garis bawahi klausa utamanya
(independent clause), dan pisahkan klausanya.
Because he is absent for more than 4 times, he isn’t│allowed to take the test.
Independent clause

1. When people visit a foreign country for the first time, they often experience a culture

2. Because the prices of goods are hiking, the purchasing power of the ordinary people

3. I want to ask you where I can find a room to rent.

4. The writers who already write tents of books will earn a lot of money from the royalty.

5. Someone knocked at the front door while we were watching TV.

6. Since the paper is professionally printed, many readers will like to read it.

7. We know ourselves better by recognizing the influences that have made us into the
people we are today.

8. Students should declare a major by their junior year unless they have not made up their

9. John Lock concluded that the quality of early experiences shape the direction of child’s

10. Even though many people protest against the policy, the government will stipulate the
policy, the government will stipulate the policy.

11. The recent report stated that the number of avian flu victims was growing significantly all
over the world.

12. Whether a child become outgoing or shy, intellectually advanced or average, or energetic
or subdued depends on many unique influences whose effects are difficult to predict at
the child’s birth.
13. The first devastating earthquake happened when people were still sleeping.

14. Even though life is hard in big cities, many villagers migrate to big cities to earn a better

15. You can not make any transaction unless you can show us your identity card.

Unit 13
Mengenali Jenis Frasa dan Memisahkan Frasa dalam Sebuah Kalimat

Latihan 1

Tentukan jenis frasa berikut ini dengan menuliskan: NP untuk Noun Phrase, PP untuk Prepositional Phrase, VP
untuk Verb Phrase, Vbl P untuk verbal phrase pada masing-masing kumpulan kata dibawah ini:
1. The rector of the university __NP__

2. will have finished ______

3. in the peak of the mountain _______

4. a long and winding road ________

5. Having taught many hours, he…. _______

6. Period of advanced study _______

7. Following the completion of secondary education is….. _______

8. at the end of the month ________

9. The institution providing higher education _______

10. the basic course of study _______

11. Private Education in the Australia ________

12. 24 percent of all elementary and secondary schools _______

13. might have been here _________

14. In front of the hotel. ________

15. He enjoys reading scientific books _________

Latihan 2

Tentukan jenis frasa berikut ini dengan menuliskan: NP untuk Noun Phrase, PP untuk Prepositional Phrase, VP
untuk Verb Phrase, Vbl P untuk verbal phrase pada masing-masing kumpulan kata dibawah ini:
In any country all over the world, there have always been disabled and gifted children.

In any country all over the world, there have always been

Disabled and gifted children


1. Some emerging social problems has reflected the tensions among the community

2. Most educations programs in the United States are financed by private individuals and

3. The remarkable dance tradition of Bali, flourishing and evolving after 1000 years, is
deeply linked to communal and spiritual life.

4. Alternative education has received considerable public policy attention.

5. State-owned schools has provided ESL programs for foreign students.

6. Special Education, is specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs and
abilities of disabled of gifted children.

7. French psychologist Eduoard Sequin has developed several influential guidelines for
educating children with special needs.

8. In the late1800s and early 1900s, continuing education became a highly popular leisure

9. In these institutions, the primary responsibilities for schools are to teach courses to
students in their academic programs.

10. In the past, most students had to create their own books by listening to lectures and
writing down the words of their instructors.

Unit 14
Cara Mudah Membongkar Kalimat Rumit

Latihan 1

Uraikan kalimat-kalimat rumit berikut ini, kemudian terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.

1. Women’s boxing attracted even more attention as the relatives of former boxing greats
began competing, culminating in a match in 2001 between Laila Ali and Jacqui Franzier-
Lyde, the daughters of former heavyweight champions Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier.

2. In March 1998, Suharto was elected to a seventh term and his cabinet appointments-
mostly loyalists unlikely to challenge his authority or push for change-sparked
demonstrations by university students calling for democratic reforms.

3. Despite official denials of any unemployment in the U.S.S.R., a writer discussing

Siberian labor problems, in a February 1961 article in the journal, Socialist Labor, noted
that those who left jobs in the city of Krasnoyarsk were spending an average of thirty
days between the time of their discharge and the time they took a new job.

4. The colonial economy was centered around isolated agricultural and mining centers in
which foreign-financed and foreign-financed and foreign-managed firms employed local
labor to produce raw materials for export to Europe, North America, and Japan.

5. The farms in this zone are among the most prosperous and modern in Africa, and
agriculture here is often combined with food-processing activities such as wine making
and fruit preserving.

6. In later speeches, however, Soekarno blamed the Netherlands for the Bandoeng affair and
for other difficulties caused, in his opinion, by troops Dutch responsibility who had
deserted to join in movements against the United States of Indonesia.

7. An agreement, concluded between the Indonesian Prime Minister and the Netherlands
High Commissioner, removed all personnel of the Royal Netherlands Indies Army in the
South Moluccas who were fighting against the United States of Indonesia.

8. Planetarium is a term applied to any model or representation of the solar system, or to an

optical device used for projecting celestial images, but particularly applied to structures
that house projection instruments and the screens on which the images are displayed.

9. The number of private motor vehicles, used mainly by people with middle and upper
incomes, has increased faster than any other from of transport in Jakarta and this has
created a demand for the expansion of roads and parking.

10. Most UDAG projects have been initiated by city governments or agencies, but about
one-fifth have been proposed by private developers, with lesser numbers proposed by
nonprofit corporations, banks or financial institutions, and citizens’ groups.

Unit 15
Memahami Kata-kata Penghubung (Konjungsi)

Latihan 1

Bacalah daftar konjungsi berikut ini, kemudian kategorikan kedalam maknanya.

However meanwhile on the other hand furthermore

Afterwards subsequently otherwise, so that
Whenever nevertheless in addition hence
Therefore although while consequently,
Since moreover ever though similarly
Thus in any case likewise instead
In contrast whereas in order to on the contrary

Waktu/kejadian Tambahan gagasan Konras Alasan, tujuan, hasil

- while - similarly - whereas - hence
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -

Latihan 2

Garisbawahi konjungsi yang terdapat pada setiap kalimat berikut ini, lalu terjemahkan kedalam bahasa Indonesia.

1. The Buddist, Jaina, and Sikh dharmas possess distinct starting points, whereas Hinduism
has no historical founder.
2. It was generally felt that if the President signed the decree, he would be deserting the
pro-labor position he had inherited from his predecessor, and would therefore risk the
loss of the labor vote.

3. Higher in the atmosphere, there are fewer air molecules pressing down from above.
Consequently, air pressure always decreases with increasing height above the ground.

4. Prices paid by farmers were also higher but not to the same extent. Expenditures by
farmers for family living, for production-goods, and for interest and taxes were 26
percent higher in September of 1947 than in June of 1946. Hence, the net income of farm
operators increased proportionately less than their gross returns.

5. In retaliation for Hyderabad’s acts of violence, the Indian government applied economic
sanctions, including the stoppage of oil exports to the princely state. Meanwhile, within
Hyderabad a campaign of civil disobedience was carried on by the Congress Party, some
5,000 of whose members were jailed.

6. By contrast, the oil from the American-owned Amoco Cadiz initially contaminated more
than 40 miles of French shoreline. Moreover, because of shifting wind patterns and high
spring tides, this contamination has extended to nearly 200 miles by late April, despite
cleanup efforts; about 100 miles were heavily coated with oil.

7. North Korea alone was capable of mobilizing perhaps 200,000 combat soldiers, in
addition to the immense reserve of China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
Nonetheless, Truman and others were motivated by the news that the ROKA had mostly
ceased fight.

8. The movement for National Revolution alone won 58 seats, and associated parties won a
further 39 out of a total of 123 seats. Shortly afterwards the French agreed to a formal
request from the South Vietnam government to withdraw their army by June 30, and in
fact the bulk of the forces left by April 28, when the High Command was dissolved.

9. Employment in construction, which, of course, dropped sharply during the war,
expanded by more than a million. Likewise the services, from which labor was diverted
during the war, increased their employment by more than 1,500,000.

10. He was convinced, however, that the planetary orbits were circular, and therefore his
system required almost as many complicated elaborations as the Ptolemaic system it was
intended to replace.

Unit 16
Memahami Proses Pemadatan Kalimat dalam Klausa Adverbia (Reduced Clauses)

Latihan 1

Garisbawahi kalimat-kalimat yang sudah dipadatkan berikut ini, lalu coba diuraikan menjadi kalimat aslinya,
sesuai dengan contoh.

As he swept to his third straight national championship, he showed little evidence of a 5-month absence
from the game while on duty in Japan.

Kalimat asli sebelum dilakukan proses pemadatan :

As he swept to his third straight national championship, he showed little evidence of a 5-month absence
from the game while he was on duty in Japan.

1. Once purchased, the camera cannot be returned to the store. That’s the rule here.

2. The supplement drink is considered infective unless taken as prescribed the doctor.

3. You should conduct a short literature study before deciding to propose the topic for your

4. The quest from the central office visited some tourism objects while traveling to Bali.

5. The cream to protect your skin from the sun can be used when needed.

6. If submitted before the end of the month, the project proposal will be prioritized.

7. When conducting a field research, you should carefully select the respondents.

8. The cameraman was killed at the three-day show while preparing to better a standard he
had set two days earlier.

9. If not approved by the manager, a prospective project cannot be implemented.

10. Reinforcing the skepticism of the Japanese, however, the United States delayed for 36
hours before revealing details of the disaster.

Unit 17
Memahami Pokok Pikiran Sebuah Paragraf

Latihan 1

Temukanlah topic dan controlling idea yang terdapat dalam setiap topic sentence berikut ini, kemudian garis
bawahi keduanya, sesuai dengan contoh.

The ultimate goal of reading is to be able to understand written material.

↓ ↓
Topic controlling idea

1. Children also learn about other aspects of written language.

2. The green turtle is another reproductive migrant.

3. Word study is one way for the older student to improve reading ability.

4. In high school and college, reading materials become more abstract and contain a larger,
more technical vocabulary.

5. The field of public policy involves the study of specific policy problems and
governmental responses to them.
6. Social psychologists seek to answer a wide variety of questions.

7. Political scientists often adopt methods of study and analysis used by other disciplines.

8. The best-known acropolis of the ancient world is the Acropolis of Athens.

9. More people will get sick or die from heat stress, due to less hotter days than to warmer

10. The discipline of criminology has evolved in three phases, beginning in the 18th century.

Latihan 2

Temukan topic sentence, supporting sentence dan concluding sentence (bila ada) dalam setiap paragraf berikut
ini, sesuai dengan contoh.

Topic Sentence

The most familiar biometric technique is facial recognition. Human beings use facial recognition all
the time to identify other people. As a result, in the field of biometrics, facial recognition is one of
the most active areas of research, applications of this research range from the design of systems that
identify people from still-photograph images of their faces to the design of systems that recognize
active and changing facial images against a cluttered background. More advanced systems can
recognize a particular individual in videotape or a movie. It can be concluded that facial recognition
has drawned a particular interest for further researches. ← Concluding Sentence

1. Anthropological and sociological studies of school culture are needed. The thick
descriptions of qualitative studies are necessary to map the basic assumption and
common values of the culture of schools. Educational researchers must consider the
school as a whole and analyze how its practices, beliefs, and other cultural elements
relate to social structure as give meaning to social life.

2. Social psychology and sociology are often confused, because fields study groups and
group behavior. However, their perspectives differ. Whereas sociologist strive to
understand group behavior in terms of society and social institutions, social psychologists
focus on individuals and how they perceive, interact with, and influence each other. They
study how individuals exert influence on groups and how group situations affect the
behavior of individuals.

3. Earthquake intensity is a measure of the effects of an earthquake in a particular place.

Scientists who study earthquake, known as seismologists, do not need special equipment
or instruments to use an intensity scale. Seismologists can use recorded observations and
intensity scales to compare the sizes of earthquakes that have occurred throughout

history. However, they cannot use intensity scales to measure earthquakes that occur on
the ocean floor because there are no people on the ocean floor to observe the effects of
earthquakes there.

4. Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics. First of all, it has
lustrous beauty that is resistant to correction. Therefore, it is suitable for jewellery, coins
and ornamental purposes. It never needs to be polished and will remain beautiful forever.
For example, A Macedonian Coin remains as untarnished today as the day was minted
twenty-three centuries ago. Another of its important characteristics is its usefulness to
industrial applications. The most recent use of gold is in astronauts’ suits. Astronauts
wear gold-plated heat shields for protection outside spaceships. In conclusion, it is
treasured not only for its beauty but also for its utility.

5. Synonyms, words that have the same basic meaning, do not always have the same
emotional meaning. For example, the words stingy and frugal both mean “careful with
money.” However, to call a person stingy is an insult, while the word frugal has a much
more positive connotation. Similarly, a person wants to be slender but not skinny, and
aggressive but not pushy. It is clear that you should be careful in choosing words because
many so called synonymous are not really synonymous at all.


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