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Rumus present perfect tense, fungsi dan

A. Pengertian Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect tense adalah suatu tense yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan
suatu aktivitas yang telah dilakukan pada saat ini. Dikatakan perfect karena
pekerjaanya telah sempurna/selesai/paripurna pada saat ini (present). Oleh sebab
itulah ia menggunakan kata kerja have yang berarti telah untuk menunjukkan
bahwa pekerjaannya telah usai. Jadi jangan tertukar dengan have yang berarti
“memiliki” karena have yang berarti memiliki setelahnya pasti akan diikuti oleh
sebuah kata benda (noun). Tenses ini sering kita gunakan dalam percakapan sehari-
hari, dalam lirik lagu, film dan lain sebagainya. Jadi pastikan kamu sudah
memahami benar-benar tenses ini sebelum belajar tense yang lainnya.

A. Definition of Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect tense is a tense used to describe an activity that has been done at this time. It
is said perfect because the work has been perfect / completed / plenary at this time (present).
That's why he uses a verb have meaning to have to show that his work is over. So do not be
confused with have which means "to have" because have which means having afterwards will
be followed by a noun (noun). Tenses are often used in our daily conversations, in song
lyrics, movies and so forth. So make sure you understand these tenses before learning the
other tense.

B. Rumus Present Perfect Tense

Untuk membuat rumus ini kita membutuhkan ciri-ciri sekarang yaitu Verb-1 dan ciri-ciri
Sempurna yaitu Memiliki / Memiliki + Kata Kerja-3. Jika digabung maka (Verb-1 + Have) +
Verb-3> Bentuk pertama dari Have adalah Apakah ditambah Verb-3, jadi rumusnya adalah S
+ Have + Verb-3. Jika bentuknya nominal, maka Verb-3 nya diganti menjadi sudah ada
setiap kalimat nominal membutuhkan untuk menjadi. Dan bentuk ketiga dari kata kerja untuk
menjadi adalah.
B. Present Perfect Tense Formula
To make this formula we need the features now that is Verb-1 and the characteristics of
Perfect is Have / Have + Verb-3. If combined then (Verb-1 + Have) + Verb-3> The first form
of Have is Is plus Verb-3, so the formula is S + Have + Verb-3. If the form is nominal, then
the Verb-3 is replaced into already existing every sentence requires to be nominal. And the
third form of the verb to become is.

Bentu Rumus Contoh

+ Verbal S + have/has + Verb-3 I have told you 3 times.
Nominal S + have/has + been + nominal She has been a doctor.
– Verbal S + have/has + not + Verb-3 I have not ever gone to Jogjakarta even
Nominal S + have/has + not + been + In 1703, Indonesia has not been a country.
? Verbal Have/has + S + Verb-3 Have you already taken a bath?
Nominal Have/has + S + been + nominal Has she been in school now?

C. Fungsi Present Perfect

 Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang baru saja selesai/telah usai pada saat
sekarang. Karena baru saja selesai, maka efek dari pekerjaan tersebut masih
dapat dirasakan pada saat ini.
 Contoh:
 The sailors have just come back from the sea.
 (Para nelayan baru saja pulang dari laut)
 Look! the pilot has made an acrobatic flight on the sky.
 (Lihat! pilot baru saja membuat akrobat terbang di langit)
 Digunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu pekerjaan yang pernah dilakukan
pada masa lalu tanpa jelas kapan tepatnya kejadian tersebut terjadi. Jika
bingung perbedaannya dengan fungsi Simple Past tense karena sama-sama
telah terjadi silahkan baca penjelasannya DI SINI.
 Contoh:
 o We have met before, don’t we?
 (Kita sudah pernah ketemu sebelumnya kan?)
 o She has paid the bill, but he forgets.
 (Dia itu sudah bayar tagihannya, tapi lupa)
 • Untuk menggambarkan suatu pekerjaan yang telah dilakukan berulang-
 Contoh:
 o I have called him eight times, but he didn’t pick his phone up.
 (Aku sudah menelphonnya 8 kali, tapi dia tidak mengangkat telphonnya)
 o My son has woken up for many times tonight.
 (Anakku sudah bangun berkali-kali malam ini).

C. Present Perfect Functions

 1. To show the work that has just finished / has ended at the present time. Having just
finished, the effects of the work can still be felt at this time.
 Example:
 • The sailors have just come back from the sea.
 (The fishermen have just come home from the sea)
 • Look! the pilot has made an acrobatic flight on the sky.
 (See! Pilot just made the acrobat fly in the sky)
 • Used to describe a job that had been done in the past without being clear when
exactly the incident occurred. If confused the difference with Simple Past tense
function because both have happened please read the explanation HERE.
 Example:
 o We have met before, do not we?
 (We've met before, right?)
 o She has paid the bill, but he forgets.
 (He already paid the bill, but forgot)
 • To describe a work that has been done repeatedly.
 Example:
 o I have called him eight times, but he did not pick his phone up.
 (I've called him 8 times, but he did not pick up his phone)
 o My son has woken up for many times tonight.
 (My son is awake many times tonight).

D. Keterangan Waktu.
Keterangan waktu yang digunakan untuk Present Perfect tense adalah yang menerangkan
bahwa pekerjaannya baru saja selesai seperti: just now (baru saja), already (sudah), yet
(sudah) dan juga keterangan waktu yang menunjukkan sudah berkali-kali atau pernah
walaupun hanya sekali seperti: ever (pernah), 3 times (3 kali) dsb.

D. Time Description.
Description of time used for Present Perfect tense is to explain that the work has just finished
like: just now (just now), already, already and also the time statement which shows it has
been many times or ever even once : ever (ever), 3 times (3 times) etc.

E. Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense.

1.Don’t blame me if he hits you, I have warned you many times not to touch his girl.
(Jangan salahkan aku jika dia memukulmu, aku telah memperingatkanmu berkali-kali untuk
tidak mendekati ceweknya).
2.The show has already started, you will be late if you go one hour later.
(Pertunjukan telah mulai, kamu akan terlambat jika kamu datang 1 jam lagi).
3.I have fixed this car three times, but no changes.
(Aku telah memperbaiki mobil ini 3 kali, tapi tidak ada perubahan).
4.Roney has ever visited his fans in Indonesia once.
(Rooney pernah mengunjungi penggemarnya di Indonesia sekali).
5.Don’t worry the snake is death, I have killed it just now.
(Jangan khawatir ularnya sudah mati, Aku sudah membunuhnya barusan).
6.Jessica has passed away five minutes ago when the medical team brought him to the
(Jessica telah meninggal 5 menit yang lalu ketika tim medis membawanya ke rumah sakit).
7.The phone has rung many times, but no one picked it up.
(Telphonnya sudah berdering berkali-kali tapi tidak seorangpun mengangkatnya).
8.Andy has been there waiting for since this morning, you should meet him right now.
(Andi telah di sana menunggumu sejak pagi hari, kamu sebaiknya menemuinya sekarang).
9.My son has celebrated his birthday, and now he is two years old.
(Anak laki-lakiku telah merayakan ulang tahunnya, dan sekarang dia telah berusia 2 tahun).
10.The potter has brought my suitcases to the hotel. So I can go with no luggage now.
(potter (pembawa barang) telah membawa koperku ke hotel, jadi sekarang aku bisa pergi
tanpa membawa barang bawaan).
E. Example Sentence Present Perfect Tense.
1. Do not blame me if he hits you, I have warned you many times not to touch his girl.
(Do not blame me if he hit you, I have warned you many times not to approach his girl).
2. The show has already started, you will be late if you go one hour later.
(The show has started, you'll be late if you come in 1 hour).
3. I have fixed this car three times, but no changes.
(I have repaired this car 3 times, but no change).
4. Roney has ever visited his fans in Indonesia once.
(Rooney had visited his fans in Indonesia once).
5. Do not worry the snake is death, I have killed it just now.
(Do not worry the snake is dead, I've killed him just now).
6. Jessica has passed away 5 minutes ago when the medical team brought him to the hospital.
(Jessica had died 5 minutes ago when the medical team took her to the hospital).
7. The phone has rung many times, but no one picked it up.
(The phone has been ringing many times but no one picks it up).
8. Andy has been there waiting for since morning, you should meet him right now.
(Andi has been there waiting for you since morning, you should see him now).
9. My son has celebrated his birthday, and now he is two years old.
(My son has been celebrating his birthday, and now he's 2 years old).
10. The potter has brought my suitcases to the hotel. So I can go with no luggage now.
(potter (carrier) has brought my suitcase to the hotel, so now I can leave without carrying
Rumus Prsent Perfect Continous Tense
A. Pengertian Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
Present perfect continuous Tense atau yang dikenal juga dengan present perfect progressive
tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu pekerjaan yang telah dimulai
di masa lalu tapi masih berlangsung hingga saat ini. Dikatakan perfect karena kejadiannya
sudah dimulai, dikatakan continuous karena masih terjadi (sedang) hingga saat ini (present).
Bagi yang baru pertama mempelajari tense ini tentu akan kesulitan untuk membayangkan
bagaimana melakukan aktivitas yang seperti itu. Tapi saya yakin setelah membaca tuntas
artikel ini, setidaknya kamu sudah dapat gambar atau syukur-syukur bisa benar-benar
memahami dengan baik.

A. Definition of Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

Present perfect continuous tense or also known as present perfect progressive tense is a tense
used to describe a work that has started in the past but still lasts until today. Said perfect
because the incident has started, said continuous because it still happens (medium) to the
present (present). For the first to learn this tense would be difficult to imagine how to do such
activities. But I am sure after reading this article thoroughly, at least you have drawings or
gratitude can really understand well.

B. Rumus Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

Sekedar untuk pengetahuan saja bahwa untuk membuat rumus tense ini, kita membutuhkan 3
1). Present yang ciri-cirinya adalah Verb-1;
2). Perfect yang ciri-cirinya adalah Have + Verb-3 dan
3). Continuous yang ditunjukkan dengan to be + Verb-ing.
Jadi (Verb-1 + Have) + (Verb-3 + to be) + Verb-ing. Bentuk pertama (verb-1) dari Have
adalah Have/has, bentuk ketiga dari to be adalah Been + Verb-ing = S + Have + Been +
B. Present Perfect Continuous Tense Formula.
Just for the knowledge that to make this tense formula, we need 3 elements:
1). Present whose characteristics are Verb-1;
2). Perfect whose traits are Have + Verb-3 and
3). Continuous shown with to + Verb-ing.
So (Verb-1 + Have) + (Verb-3 + to be) + Verb-ing. The first form (verb-1) of Have is Have /
has, the third form of to be is Been + Verb-ing = S + Have + Been + Verb-ing.


+ Verbal S + have/has + been + V-ing John has been sleeping since 3 hours ago
Nominal S + have/has + been + nominal You have been in home for whole day
– Verbal S + have/has + not + been + V-ing I have not been working for a day
Nominal S + have/has + not + been + I have not been stupid like this before
? Verbal Have/has + S + been + V-ing Have you been waiting for me since two hours
Nominal Have/has + S + been + nominal Have I been sick for three days?

C. Fungsi Present Perfect Continuous.

1.Untuk menunjukkan aktivitas yang sudah dikerjakan dan masih berlangsung hingga saat
oShe has been sleeping since one hour ago.
(Dia telah tidur sejak 1 jam yang lalu <saat ini pun masih tidur>).
oWe have been walking for a whole day, but we don’t arrive yet.
(Kita sudah jalan kaki seharian, tapi kita belum sampai juga)
2.Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang baru saja selesai dan efeknya masih bisa dirasakan
pada saat ini.
oIt has just been raining all night, and the garden is still wet.
(Hujan turun semalaman, dan kebun masih basah)
oThe fire fighter has just evacuating the victim from that building.
(Petugas pemadam kebakaran baru saja selesai mengevakuasi para korban dari
gedung itu).

C. Present Perfect Continuous Function.

1. To show the activities that have been done and still go on to this day.
o She has been sleeping since one hour ago.
(He has slept since 1 hour ago <now is still sleeping>).
o We have been walking for a whole day, but we do not arrive yet.
(We've been walking all day, but we have not arrived yet)
2. To show the work that has just finished and the effect can still be felt at this time.
o It has just been raining all night, and the garden is still wet.
(It rained all night, and the garden was still wet)
o The fire fighter has just evacuating the victim from that building.
(The firefighter has just finished evacuating the victims from the building).

D. Keterangan Waktu.
•Bisa dikatakan bahwa fungsi nomor dua dari tense ini adalah sama persis dengan fungsi
present perfect tense. Walaupun fungsi kedua tense ini dikenal di dunia grammar, tapi dalam
praktiknya banyak orang yang lebih memilih menggunakan present perfect untuk
menjelaskan suatu pekerjaan yang baru saja dikerjakan dan masih meninggalkan efek pada
saat ini.
•Tense ini biasanya menggunakan keterangan waktu yang memiliki durasi seperti: for + time
(selama) dan since + time (sejak).

D. Time Description.
• It can be said that the second function of this tense is exactly the same as the present perfect
tense function. Although the second function of this tense is known in the grammar world,
but in practice many people prefer to use present perfect to explain a job that has just been
done and still leave the effect at this time.
• This tense typically uses time information that has a duration like: for + time (during) and
since + time (since).

E. Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Continuous Tense dan Artinya.

1.Sandy has been typing the document for 3 hours but somehow it does not finish yet.
(Sandy telah mengetik dokumennya selama 3 jam, tapi entah bagaimana belum selesai juga).
2.The company doesn’t promote me for a new position whereas I have been working there for
ten years.
(Perusahaan tidak mempromosikan saya untuk jabatan baru, padahal saya telah bekerja di
sana selama 10 tahun).
3.Are you not tired? you have been speaking on the phone for couple hours.
(Tidakkah kamu merasa capek? kamu telah berbicara di telphon selama dua jam).
4.Where are you Jane? your father has been looking for you since yesterday. He worries
about you.
(Kamu dimana Jane? ayahmu mencari kamu sejak kemarin. Dia mengkhawatirkanmu).
5.We have been walking around this way for an hour, but we still can’t find your wallet.
(Kita telah berjalan keliling jalan ini selama satu jam, tapi kita masih belum menemukan
6.Gareth Bale has been playing football for Real Madrid since 2013 and has won several title.
(Gareth Bale telah bermain bola untuk Real Madrid sejak 2013 dan telah memenangkan
beberapa title).
7.President Jokowi has been leading Indonesia for 1 years, but there is no great and satisfied
(Presiden Jokowi telah memimpin Indonesia selama 1 tahun, tapi tidak ada perkembangan
yang besar dan memuaskan).
8.I have been teaching you all for 1 years and now we have to be apart. I apologize for all my
(Saya telah mengajar kalian semua selama 1 tahun dan sekarang kita harus berpisah. Saya
minta maaf atas semua kesalahan).
9.This computer has been operating for 20 hours, it must be shut down now, unless it will
(Komputer ini telah beroperasi selama 20 jam, ini harus dimatikan sekarang, jika tidak akan
10.We have been dating for five years, but you never ask me to marry you.

E. Sample Sentence Present Perfect Continuous Tense and Its Meaning.

1. Sandy has been typing the document for 3 hours but somehow it does not finish yet.
(Sandy has typed the document for 3 hours, but somehow it has not finished yet).
2. The company does not promote me for a new position whereas I have been working there
for ten years.
(The company does not promote me for new positions, whereas I have worked there for 10
3. Are you not tired? you have been speaking on the phone for couple hours.
(Do not you feel tired? You have been talking in the telphon for two hours).
4. Where are you Jane? your father has been looking for you since yesterday. He worries
about you.
(You're where your daddy's looking for you since yesterday he's worried about you).
5. We have been walking around this way for an hour, but we still can not find your wallet.
(We have been walking this road for an hour, but we still have not found your wallet).
6. Gareth Bale has been playing football for Real Madrid since 2013 and has won several
(Gareth Bale has been playing the ball for Real Madrid since 2013 and has won several
7. President Jokowi has been leading Indonesia for 1 years, but there is no great and satisfied
(President Jokowi has led Indonesia for 1 year, but no big and satisfying progress).
8. I have been teaching you all for 1 year and now we have to be apart. I apologize for all my
(I have taught you all for 1 year and now we have to split up I apologize for all the mistakes).
9. This computer has been operating for 20 hours, it must be shut down now, unless it will
(This computer has been in operation for 20 hours, this must be turned off now, otherwise it
will explode).
10. We have been dating for five years, but you never ask me to marry you.
(We have been dating for 5 years, but you never asked me to marry yo

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