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Nama : NIM : Asal Universitas :

1. Pemeriksaan di bawah ini yang menggunakan pancaran Sinar-X, kecuali :

a. CT-Scan kepala
b. X-Ray polos (sinar-X polos) foto thorax
c. Gastroduodenography
d. Intravenous pyelography
e. Pelvic Ultrasonography
2. Densitas jantung dalam foto thorax :
a. Radioluscent
b. Radioopaque
c. Hyperradioopaque
d. Intermediate
e. Hyperradioluscent
3. Gambaran/ echo batu dalam gallbladder pada pemeriksaan USG :
a. Anechoic
b. Hyperechoic
c. Isoechoic
d. Hyperechoic disertai acoustic shadow
e. Hypoechoic heterogen
4. Gambaran radiologis uang mendukung adanya TB paru :
a. Infiltrat paru
b. Garis fibrosis
c. Cavitas
d. A & B benar
e. A, B & C benar
5. Gambaran/ echo simple cyst pada pemeriksaan USG :
a. Anechoic
b. Isoechoic
c. Anechoic dengan posterior enhancement
d. Hypoechoic dengan posterior enhancement
e. Mixed - echoic
6. Pada pemeriksaan intravenous pyelography, pelvicalyceal system ginjal melebar & calyx-calyx
minor tampak flatting, mengesankan :
a. Hydronephrosis grade 1
b. Hydronephrosis grade 2
c. Hydronephrosis grade 3
d. Hydronephrosis grade 4
e. Gambaran pelvicalyceal system yang normal

7. Seorang pasien laki-laki usia 55 tahun, datang ke UGD dengan keluhan sakit kepala yang hebat dan
ada muntah menyemprot (proyektil). Pemeriksaan yang dianjurkan :
a. Foto kepala/ Schedel
b. CT-Scan kepala
c. Foto sinus paranasalis
d. CT-Scan Mastoid
e. Foto polos abdomen
8. Gambaran apakah yang diharapkan dari pemeriksaan yang dipilih pada kasus no.7 diatas?
a. Perdarahan subarachnoid
b. Hydrocephalus
c. Intracranial tumor
d. A & C benar
e. A, B & C benar
9. Densitas perdarahan akut pada pemeriksaan CT-Scan kepala :
a. Hyperdens
b. Hypodens
c. Hyperdens campur hypodens
d. Hyperechoic
e. Hyperintens
10. Bagaimanakah gambaran pendarahan subarachnoid pada pemeriksaan CT-Scan?
a. Lesi hyperdens bentuk biconvex
b. Lesi hypodens bentuk crescentic
c. Lesi hyperdens bentuk crescentic
d. Hyperdensitas mengisi cortical sulci
e. Hyperdensitas disertai perifocal edema
11. Histerosalphingography suatu cara untuk mengetahui keadaan
a. uterus
b. ureter
c. kedua tuba
d. prostat
e. a dan c benar
12. Which of the following is characteristic of a noninvasive diagnostic procedure?
a. requires the radiologist to insert a catheter or wire into a blood vessel or organ
b. requires surgical aseptic technique
c. uses standard x-rays or ultrasound to view internal structures
d. requires close monitoring of the patient because of the anesthesia
13. If a patient is to receive an iodine contrast medium, you should ask the patient which question?
a. “Are you allergic to eggs?”
b. “Are you allergic to chocolate?”
c. “Are you allergic to milk?”
d. “Are you allergic to shellfish?”
14. Which of the following questions would you ask a patient before a chest x-ray?
a. “Did you eat before coming for the test?”
b. “Do you have a pacemaker?”
c. “Do you have health insurance?”
d. “Are you pregnant?”
15. Which of the following outlines the size, shape, and position of urinary organs?
a. myelography
b. KUB radiography
c. thermography
d. xeroradiography
16. Motility problems of the colon and rectum are diagnosed by means of a
a. barium swallow.
b. gastrointestinal angiography.
c. barium enema.
d. stereoscopy.
17. Which procedure is diagnostic for irregularities or compressions of the spinal cord?
a. retrograde pyelogram
b. Ultrasound
c. myelography
d. mammography
18. Which of the following is used to diagnose upper gastrointestinal bleeding?
a. retrograde pyelogram
b. stereoscopy
c. ultrasound
d. gastrointestinal angiography
19. Which procedure includes nonionizing radiation and a strong magnetic field to allow the
physician to examine internal structures and soft tissues of any area of the body?
a. nuclear medicine imaging
b. stereoscopy
c. thermography
d. magnetic resonance imaging
20. What would you tell a patient in preparation for a barium enema?
a. instruct the patient to follow an all-liquid diet beginning the morning of the procedure
b. tell the patient the procedure will last 4 hours
c. instruct the patient to take the contrast medium in the form of one tablet every 5 minutes
apart, until six tablets are taken the night before
d. tell the patient he may have a glass of milk the morning of the examination

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