Anda di halaman 1dari 341




TAHUN ANGG. : 2013




1 Mobilisasi dan Demobilisasi Alat Berat 1.00 Ls 179,605,000.00 179,605,000.00
2 Papan Nama Proyek 1.00 bh 659,260.00 659,260.00
3 Air Kerja dan Penerangan 9.00 bln 1,000,000.00 9,000,000.00
4 Direksi Keet, dengan lantai plesteran 36.00 m2 1,318,200.00 47,455,200.00
5 Barak dengan lantai papan 42.00 m2 769,430.00 32,316,060.00
6 Gudang, dengan lantai papan 48.00 m2 769,430.00 36,932,640.00
7 Pagar sementara (seng gelombang t = 2 m) 821.00 m' 227,780.00 187,007,380.00
8 Foto dokumentasi 9.00 bln 200,000.00 1,800,000.00
9 P3K 9.00 bln 250,000.00 2,250,000.00
JUMLAH I = 497,025,540.00
1 Pengadaan Tiang Pancang Wika Beton type A3 (K400) 546.48 m3 9,495,960.00 5,189,375,125.63
2 Pemancangan dengan vibro hammer 60 KW 4,350.00 m' 377,950.00 1,644,082,500.00
JUMLAH II = 6,833,457,625.63
1 Pembersihan lapangan dan perataan (menggunakan alat berat) 39,143.41 m2 2,870.00 112,341,588.88
2 Pengukuran & Pemasangan Bouwplank 1,947.20 m' 39,470.00 76,855,920.85
3 Galian pondasi jalur as-as 1,557.76 m3 32,800.00 51,094,486.02
4 Galian pondasi jalur selasar 130.51 m3 32,800.00 4,280,730.62
5 Urugan Tanah Kembali 422.07 m3 15,720.00 6,634,896.38
6 Urugan Tanah + Pemadatan (menggunakan alat berat) 12,377.70 m3 148,590.00 1,839,201,892.47
7 Urugan pasir pondasi jalur (as-as), t = 5 cm 77.89 m3 197,130.00 15,354,048.82
8 Urugan pasir pondasi jalur (selasar), t = 5 cm 21.75 m3 197,130.00 4,287,908.68
JUMLAH III = 2,110,051,472.72
1 Poer 150 x 150 x 50, K-275 (130 Kg ) 265.50 m3 6,924,320.00 1,838,406,960.00
2 Poer 100 x 100 x 50 K-275 (138 Kg ) 12.00 m3 7,109,580.00 85,314,960.00
3 Telapak Kolom Eksterior 70 x 225 cm K-275 (135 Kg ) 11.34 m3 6,994,920.00 79,322,392.80
4 Telapak selasar 70 x 100 cm K-275 (135 Kg ) 18.48 m3 7,036,150.00 130,028,052.00
5 Lantai Kerja Poer dan Telapak, 1 Pc : 3 Ps : 5 Bp, t = 7 cm 45.81 m3 1,269,130.00 58,136,307.04
6 Pondasi batu gunung (as-as), Sp. 1 Pc : 4 Ps 681.52 m3 1,236,850.00 842,937,319.36
7 Pondasi batu gunung (selasar), Sp. 1 Pc : 4 Ps 564.18 m3 1,236,850.00 697,806,923.53
8 Pondasi batu kosong (as-as) 175.25 m3 762,140.00 133,563,400.97
9 Pondasi batu kosong (selasar) 93.58 m3 762,140.00 71,318,744.29
JUMLAH IV = 3,936,835,060.00
1 Kolom K1 Dia. 100 cm K-275 (126 Kg ) 25.12 m3 6,816,110.00 171,220,683.20
2 Kolom K2, 80/80 cm K-275 (129 Kg ) 26.62 m3 6,893,000.00 183,519,232.00
3 Kolom K3, 40/40 K-275 (227 Kg ) 49.15 m3 9,372,630.00 460,683,509.76
4 Kolom K4, 20/50 K-275 (223 Kg ) 10.24 m3 9,273,900.00 94,964,736.00
JUMLAH V = 910,388,160.96
(A) Jumlah Harga Pekerjaan, (termasuk profit 10 %) = I + II + ... + V 14,287,757,859.31
(B) Pajak Pertambahan Nilai ( PPN ) = 10% x (A) 1,428,775,785.93
(C) Jumlah Total Harga Pekerjaan = (A) + (B) 15,716,533,645.24
(D) Dibulatkan 15,716,533,000.00

Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB) Halaman 1 dari 341

Alamat : Jl. Merpati , Remu Utara Sorong


TAHUN ANGG. : 2013


(A) Jumlah Harga Pekerjaan ( termasuk Profit 10 % ) #REF!
(B) Pajak Pertambahan Nilai ( PPN ) = 10% x (A) #REF!
(C) Jumlah Total Harga Pekerjaan = (A) + (B) #REF!
(D) Dibulatkan #REF!

Terbilang :

Sorong, 25 Maret 2013

Dibuat Oleh :


NIP. 19641105 199603 1 001

Lembar 1.2-1
(Rp.) (Rp.)

A. Sewa Tanah M2

Periksa lembar 1.2-2 72,350,000.00

1 Base Camp M2
2 Kantor M2
3 Barak M2
4 Bengkel M2
5 Gudang, dan lain-lain M2

1 Ruang Laboratorium M2
2 Peralatan Laboratorium set
3 Perabotan & Layanan set

1 Jembatan Darurat LS
2 Perkuatan Jembatan Lama LS
3 Pemeliharaan Jalan Kerja / Samping LS

1 Komunikasi Lapangan Lengkap Unit
2 Sewa Kendaraan Operasional Roda 4 Unit
3 Sewa Kendaraan Operasional Roda 2 Unit
4 Pengadaan Komputer Unit
5 Shop Drawing / As Built Drawing Ls 1.000 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00
6 Papan Proyek Ls
7 Jasa Laboratorium Ls


Total Biaya Mobilisasi 77,350,000.00

Catatan : Jumlah yang tercantum pada masing-masing item mobilisasi di atas sudah termasuk over-head dan laba
serta seluruh pajak dan bea (kecuali PPn), dan pengeluaran lainnya.
Lembar 1.2-2
(Rp.) (Rp.)



4 BULLDOZER 100-150 HP E04 Unit
5 COMPRESSOR 4000-6500 L\M E05 Unit
6 CONCRETE MIXER 0.3-0.6 M3 E06 Unit 1.000 300,000.00 300,000.00
7 CRANE 10-15 TON E07 Unit
8 DUMP TRUCK 3-4 M3 E08 Unit 2.000 1,000,000.00 2,000,000.00
9 DUMP TRUCK E09 Unit 6.000 500,000.00 3,000,000.00
10 EXCAVATOR 80-140 HP E10 Unit
11 FLAT BED TRUCK 3-4 M3 E11 Unit 12.000 500,000.00 6,000,000.00
12 GENERATOR SET E12 Unit 3.000 750,000.00 2,250,000.00
13 MOTOR GRADER >100 HP E13 Unit 4.000 2,000,000.00 8,000,000.00
14 TRACK LOADER 75-100 HP E14 Unit
15 WHEEL LOADER 1.0-1.6 M3 E15 Unit
16 THREE WHEEL ROLLER 6-8 T E16 Unit 1.000 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00
17 TANDEM ROLLER 6-8 T. E17 Unit
18 TIRE ROLLER 8-10 T. E18 Unit 2.000 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00
19 VIBRATORY ROLLER 5-8 T. E19 Unit 1.000 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00
20 CONCRETE VIBRATOR E20 Unit 1.000 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00
21 STONE CRUSHER E21 Unit 1.000 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00
22 WATER PUMP 70-100 mm E22 Unit 1.000 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00
23 WATER TANKER 3000-4500 L. E23 Unit 4.000 200,000.00 800,000.00
25 TAMPER E25 Unit 3.000 500,000.00 1,500,000.00
26 JACK HAMMER E26 Unit 1.000 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00
29 TRAILER 20 TON E29 Unit
33 BORE PILE MACHINE E33 Unit 1.000 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
34 ASPHALT LIQUID MIXER E34 Unit 1.000 20,000,000.00 20,000,000.00
36 PICK UP TRUCK, 1 T. - Unit

Total untuk Item B pada Lembar 1 72,350,000.00





1 Bahan dasar (Batu dan Pasir) diterima di lokasi Alat
Pemecah Batu
2 Kegiatan dilakukan di dalam lokasi Alat Pemecah Batu
3 Hasil produksi Alat Pemecah Batu : - Agregat Halus H 20.00 %
- Agregat Kasar K 80.00 %
4 Berat Isi Bahan : - Batu / Gravel D1 1.80 Ton/M3 Berongga
- Pasir D2 1.67 Ton/M3 Berongga
- Batu Pecah D3 1.80 Ton/M3 Berongga
5 Harga Satuan Bahan Dasar : - Batu Kali Rp1 469,500.17 Rp./M3
- Pasir Rp2 271,528.02 Rp./M3
6 Biaya Operasi Alat : - Pemecah Batu (Stone Crusher) Rp3 703,697.22 Rp./Jam
- Wheel Loader Rp4 504,921.02 Rp./Jam
7 Kapasitas Alat : - Pemecah Batu (Stone Crusher) Cp1 15.00 Ton/Jam
- Wheel Loader Cp2 1.50 M3 Kap. Bucket
8 Faktor Efisiensi Alat : - Pemecah Batu (Stone Crusher) Fa1 0.70 -
- Wheel Loader Fa2 0.83 -
9 Faktor Kehilangan Material Fh 1.10 -
10 Agregat Halus masih perlu dicampur dengan pasir


1 Wheel Loader mengangkut batu/gravel dari tumpukan

dan menuangkannya ke Alat Pemecah Batu.

2 Batu/gravel dipecah dengan Alat Pemecah Batu

(Stone Crusher) sehingga menghasilkan Agregat Batu
Pecah Kasar dan Halus.

3 Agregat Halus dicampur dengan pasir menggunakan Loader



1.a. Kerja Stone Crusher memecah batu :

- Waktu kerja Stone Crusher Tst 1.00 Jam
- Produksi Stone Crusher 1 jam = (Fa1 x Cp1) : D3 Qb 5.83 M3/Jam Batu pecah
- Kebutuhan batu/gravel 1 jam = (Fa1 x Cp1) : D1 Qg 5.83 M3/Jam

1.b. Kerja Wheel Loader melayani Stone Crusher :

- Kap. Angkut / rit = (Fa2 x Cp2) Ka 1.25 M3
- Waktu Siklus (Muat, Tuang, Tunggu, dll) Ts 2.00 menit
- Waktu kerja W.Loader memasok gravel
= {(Qg : Ka) x Ts} : 60 menit Tw 0.16 Jam

1.c. Biaya Produksi Batu Pecah / M3

= {(Tst x Rp3) + (Tw x Rp4)} : Qb Bp 134,152.44 Rp./M3

1.d. Harga Satuan Batu Pecah Produksi St.Crusher / M3

= {(Qg : Qb) x Fh x Rp1} + Bp HSb 650,602.64 Rp./M3



Lanjutan 1



Agregat Kasar Produksi Stone Crusher = 80% K 80.00 %

(Tertahan saringan # 4 = 4,75mm)
Harga Satuan Agregat Kasar / M3 = (K x HSb) / K HSAk 650,602.64 Rupiah Di Luar PPN


Dianggap Agregat produksi Stone Crusher yang lolos

saringan # 4 (4,75 mm) belum memenuhi Spesifikasi
sehingga perlu dicampur lagi dengan pasir sebanyak = Pst 0.00 %

3.a. Agregat Halus Produksi Stone Crusher = 20% H 20.00 %

Harga Agregat Halus Prod. Stone Crsh.= (H x HSb) / H Hs1 650,602.64 Rupiah per 1 M3
3.b. Pasir tambahan = Pst x Rp2 Hs2 0.00 Rupiah per (Pst) M3
3.c. Waktu pencampuran (blending) dengan Wheel Loader Tc 0.033 Jam/M3
3.d. Biaya Pencampuran = ( 1 + Pst) M3 x Tc x Rp4 Hs3 16,830.70 Rupiah

Harga Satuan Agregat Halus / M3

= ( Hs1 + Hs2 + Hs3 ) / ( 1 + Pst ) HSAh 667,433.34 Rupiah Di luar PPN




1 Bahan dasar (Batu dan Pasir) diterima di lokasi Alat
Pemecah Batu (di Base Camp)
2 Kegiatan dilakukan di dalam lokasi Base Camp
3 Komposisi campuran : - Batu Pecah Ab 60.00 %
- Sirtu As 40.00 %
4 Hasil produksi Alat Pemecah Batu : - Agregat Halus H 30.00 %
- Agregat Kasar K 70.00 %
5 Berat Jenis Bahan : - Batu / Gravel D1 1.80 Ton/M3
- Sirtu D2 1.67 Ton/M3
- Batu Pecah D3 1.80 Ton/M3
6 Harga Satuan Bahan Dasar : - Batu / Gravel Rp1 406,400.00 Rp./M3
- Sirtu Rp2 707,800.00 Rp./M3
7 Biaya Operasi Alat : - Pemecah Batu (Stone Crusher) Rp3 726,520.08 Rp./Jam
- Wheel Loader Rp4 516,219.59 Rp./Jam
8 Kapasitas Alat : - Pemecah Batu (Stone Crusher) Cp1 15.00 Ton/Jam
- Wheel Loader Cp2 1.50 M3 Kap. Bucket
9 Faktor Efisiensi Alat : - Pemecah Batu (Stone Crusher) Fa1 0.70 -
- Wheel Loader Fa2 0.83 -
10 Faktor Kehilangan Material Fh 1.10 -

1 Wheel Loader mengangkut batu/gravel dari tumpukan
dan menuangkannya ke Alat Pemecah Batu.
2 Batu/gravel dipecah dengan Alat Pemecah Batu
(Stone Crusher) sehingga menghasilkan Agregat
Kasar dan Agregat Halus.
3 Wheel Loader melakukan pencampuran (blending)
Agregat Batu Pecah dan Sirtu menjadi Agregat
Kelas C.



1.a. Kerja Stone Crusher memecah gravel :

- Waktu kerja Stone Crusher Tst 1.00 Jam
- Produksi Stone Crusher 1 jam = (Fa1 x Cp1) : D3 Qb 5.83 M3/Jam Batu pecah
- Kebutuhan batu/gravel 1 jam = (Fa1 x Cp1) : D1 Qg 5.83 M3/Jam

1.b. Kerja Wheel Loader melayani Stone Crusher :

- Kap. Angkut / rit = (Fa2 x Cp2) Ka 1.25 M3
- Waktu Siklus (Muat, Tuang, Tunggu, dll) Ts 2.00 menit
- Waktu kerja W.Loader memasok gravel
= {(Qg : Ka) x Ts} : 60 menit Tw 0.16 Jam

1.c. Biaya Produksi Batu Pecah / M3

= {(Tst x Rp3) + (Tw x Rp4)} : Qb Bp 138,367.44 Rp./M3

1.d. Harga Satuan Batu Pecah Produksi St.Crusher / M3

= {(Qg : Qb) x Fh x Rp1} + Bp HSb 585,407.44 Rp./M3



Lanjutan 1



Untuk setiap 1 M3 Agregat Kelas C, diperlukan :

2.a. Volume batu pecah produksi Stone Crusher

( Ab X 1 M3 ) Vp 0.600 M3

2.b. Volume sirtu ( As X 1 M3 ) Vs 0.400 M3

2.c. Waktu pencampuran (blending) oleh Wheel Loader Tc 0.033 Jam/M3


3.a. Batu Pecah = Vp x HSb Hs1 351,244.46 Rupiah

3.b. Pasir = Vs x Rp2 Hs2 283,120.00 Rupiah

3.c. Biaya Pencampuran = Tc x Rp4 Hs3 17,207.32 Rupiah

3.d. Harga Satuan Agregat Kelas C / M3

= Hs1 + Hs2 + Hs3 HSAA 651,571.78 Rupiah Di luar PPN
PPN 65,157.18 Rupiah PPN = 10 %
HSAA 716,728.96 Rupiah Termasuk PPN


No. Item Pekerjaan Volume Satuan Analisa
( Rp. )
( Rp. )
1 Pembersihan Lapangan 1.00 Ls Ls 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00
Total 1,500,000.00
1 Pasir Alas Paving Block T=15 Cm 12.38 m3 ANL. A18 109,792.50 1,358,682.19
2 Tanah Urug Bawah Paving Block T = 15 Cm 12.38 m3 ANL. A18a 81,592.50 1,009,707.19
3 Pas. Paving Block
- Parkir Roda 4 dan Roda 2 82.50 m2 SK-SNI-P-03-01 123,020.00 10,149,150.00
4 Canstin Beton 25 Cm 15.00 m Anl. G63 239,975.45 3,599,631.75
5 Plesteran 1 : 2 7.50 m2 SNI-T-03-3A 28,151.65 211,137.38
Total 16,328,308.50
1 Canopy rangka galvanized 2" 82.50 m2 - 875,000.00 72,187,500.00
1 Administrasi 1.00 - Ls 600,000.00 600,000.00
2 Pembersihan Akhir 1.00 - Ls 300,000.00 300,000.00
Total 900,000.00

1 Pengukuran dan pemasangan bouwplank untuk gedung dan saluran m1
2 Pekerjaan Pengukuran Gedung m2
3 Membersihkan lapangan dan perataan (menggunakan alat berat) m2
4 Papan Nama Proyek 80x120 cm bh
5 Pembuatan kantor sementara, dengan lantai plesteran m2
6 Gudang/Barak dengan lantai papan m2
7 Pembuatan pagar sementara dari seng gelombang tinggi 2 meter m1
1 Galian tanah biasa sedalam sampai 1 meter m3
2 Galian tanah biasa sedalam 1 - 2 meter m3
3 Galian tanah biasa sedalam 2 - 3 meter m3
4 Galian tanah biasa (menggunakan alat berat) m3
5 Urug kembali bekas galian m3
6 Urug pasir m3
9 Urug tanah mendatangkan m3
10 Urugan tanah (menggunakan alat berat) m3
11 Urugan Sirtu m3
1 Pasangan pondasi batu kosong m3
2 Pasangan pondasi 1 Sm : 4 Ps m3
3 Pasangan dinding Bata Merah, tebal 1/2 bata, 1 Sm : 3 Ps m2
4 Pasangan dinding Bata Merah, tebal 1/2 bata, 1 Sm : 4 Ps m2
1 Membuat beton bertulang, 1 Sm : 2 Ps : 3 Bp m3
2 Membuat beton tumbuk, 1 Sm : 3 Ps : 5 Bp m3
3 Beton cyclope 1 Sm : 3 ps: 5 kr m3
4 beton mutu K 225 m3
5 beton mutu K 275 m3
6 Pembesian dengan besi polos kg
7 Pembesian dengan besi ulir kg
8 Cetakan beton / begisting memakai multiplek m2
9 Membongkar cetakan m3
10 Stutwerk untuk beton, tinggi 3 - 4 m ( memakai dolken ) m3
11 Beton 1:2:3 tanpa dolken, 100 kg besi m3
12 Beton 1:2:3 tanpa dolken, 125 kg besi m3
13 Beton 1:2:3 tanpa dolken, 150 kg besi m3
14 Beton 1:2:3 tanpa dolken, 175 kg besi m3
15 Beton 1:2:3 tanpa dolken, 200 kg besi m3
16 Beton 1:2:3 tanpa dolken, 450 kg besi m3
17 Beton 1:2:3 pakai dolken, 100 kg besi m3
18 Beton 1:2:3 pakai dolken, 125 kg besi m3
19 Beton 1:2:3 pakai dolken, 150 kg besi m3
20 Beton 1:2:3 pakai dolken, 175 kg besi m3
21 Beton 1:2:3 pakai dolken, 200 kg besi m3
22 Beton 1:2:3 pakai dolken, 450 kg besi m3
22 Beton K-225 tanpa dolken, 100 kg besi m3
23 Beton K-225 tanpa dolken, 125 kg besi m3
24 Beton K-225 tanpa dolken, 150 kg besi m3
25 Beton K-225 tanpa dolken, 175 kg besi m3
26 Beton K-225, tanpa dolken, 200 kg besi m3
27 Beton K-225, tanpa dolken, 350 kg besi m3
28 Beton K-225, tanpa dolken, 400 kg besi m3
29 Beton K-225, tanpa dolken, 450 kg besi m3
30 Beton K-225 pakai dolken, 100 kg besi m3
31 Beton K-225 pakai dolken, 125 kg besi m3
32 Beton K-225 pakai dolken, 150 kg besi m3
33 Beton K-225 pakai dolken, 175 kg besi m3
34 Beton K-225 pakai dolken, 200 kg besi m3
35 Beton K-225 pakai dolken, 250 kg besi m3
36 Beton K-225 pakai dolken, 300 kg besi m3
37 Beton K-225 pakai dolken, 350 kg besi m3

17,700.00 21,770.00 39,470.00

13,250.00 - 13,250.00
2,870.00 - 2,870.00
70,000.00 589,260.00 659,260.00
449,000.00 869,200.00 1,318,200.00
278,000.00 491,430.00 769,430.00
50,600.00 177,180.00 227,780.00

32,800.00 - 32,800.00
43,130.00 - 43,130.00
60,270.00 - 60,270.00
34,320.00 - 34,320.00
15,720.00 - 15,720.00
22,200.00 174,930.00 197,130.00
22,200.00 139,260.00 161,460.00
9,330.00 139,260.00 148,590.00
20,500.00 144,540.00 165,040.00

98,670.00 663,470.00 762,140.00

174,600.00 1,062,250.00 1,236,850.00
32,900.00 163,060.00 195,960.00
32,900.00 157,690.00 190,590.00

187,350.00 1,345,130.00 1,532,480.00

150,350.00 1,118,780.00 1,269,130.00
557,000.00 972,040.00 1,529,040.00
557,000.00 1,399,350.00 1,956,350.00
557,000.00 1,446,970.00 2,003,970.00
1,230.00 22,970.00 24,200.00
1,230.00 24,110.00 25,340.00
65,700.00 68,100.00 133,800.00
280,000.00 - 280,000.00
1,326,500.00 782,040.00 2,108,540.00
1,247,650.00 4,437,700.00 5,685,350.00
1,278,470.00 5,040,580.00 6,319,050.00
1,309,300.00 5,643,460.00 6,952,760.00
1,340,120.00 6,246,340.00 7,586,460.00
1,370,950.00 6,849,220.00 8,220,170.00
1,679,200.00 12,878,020.00 14,557,220.00
2,574,150.00 5,219,740.00 7,793,890.00
2,604,970.00 5,822,620.00 8,427,590.00
2,635,800.00 6,425,500.00 9,061,300.00
2,666,620.00 7,028,380.00 9,695,000.00
2,697,450.00 7,631,260.00 10,328,710.00
3,005,700.00 13,145,030.00 16,150,730.00
1,617,300.00 4,491,910.00 6,109,210.00
1,648,120.00 5,094,790.00 6,742,910.00
1,678,950.00 5,697,670.00 7,376,620.00
1,709,770.00 6,300,550.00 8,010,320.00
1,740,600.00 6,903,430.00 8,644,030.00
1,925,550.00 10,520,710.00 12,446,260.00
1,987,200.00 11,726,470.00 13,713,670.00
2,048,850.00 12,932,230.00 14,981,080.00
2,943,800.00 5,273,950.00 8,217,750.00
2,974,620.00 5,876,830.00 8,851,450.00
3,005,450.00 6,479,710.00 9,485,160.00
3,036,270.00 7,082,590.00 10,118,860.00
3,067,100.00 7,685,470.00 10,752,570.00
3,128,750.00 8,891,230.00 12,019,980.00
3,190,400.00 10,096,990.00 13,287,390.00
3,252,050.00 11,302,750.00 14,554,800.00
38 Beton K-225 pakai dolken, 450 kg besi m3
39 Beton K-275 tanpa dolken, 100 kg besi m3
40 Beton K-275 tanpa dolken, 125 kg besi m3
41 Beton K-275 tanpa dolken, 150 kg besi m3
42 Beton K-275 tanpa dolken, 175 kg besi m3
43 Beton K-275 tanpa dolken, 200 kg besi m3
44 Beton K-275 pakai dolken, 100 kg besi m3
45 Beton K-275 pakai dolken, 125 kg besi m3
46 Beton K-275 pakai dolken, 150 kg besi m3
47 Beton K-275 pakai dolken, 175 kg besi m3
48 Beton K-275 pakai dolken, 200 kg besi m3
49 Beton K-275 pakai dolken, 450 kg besi m3
1 Plesteran 1 Sm : 4 Ps, tebal 15 mm m2
2 Plesteran beton 1 Sm : 3 Ps, tebal 15 mm m2
3 Acian m2
4 Plesteran Waterfroof Batacote 3 lapis m2
5 Pasang dinding batu hias tempel m2
1 Pasang Keramik Lantai Kios uk. 40 x 40 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman/Royal m2
2 Pasang Keramik Lantai Selasar (Antislip) Dark Color uk. 40x40 cm, Ex. Merek Mulia m2
3 Pasang Keramik Lantai dalam (antislip) uk. 40 x 40 rustic light color Ex. Merk Mulia m2
4 Pasang Keramik uk. 30 x 60 glossy white Ex. Merk Mulia m2
5 Pasang Lantai Keramik uk.(20x20) cm Rustic ex. Merk Mulia m2
6 Pasang Dinding Keramik uk.(20x20) cm m2
7 Pasang Dinding Keramik uk.(20x25) cm m2
8 Pasang Plint Keramik uk.(10x40) cm type Palazzo Silver m'
9 Pasang plint keramik ukuran 10 x 30 cm m1
10 Pasang keramik stepnosing granito 5/30 m1
11 Pasang list keramik dinding 5/20 m1
9 Pasang Lantai Vinyl Karet 30 x 30 cm KL I m2
10 Pasang Floor Hardener Ferrovax m2
11 Pasang Wall Covering lebar 50 cm m2
9 Pasang conblock tipe segi-enam abu-abu 8 cm, K-225 m2
1 Pintu Type P1 Unit
1 Pintu Type P2 Unit
### #N/A #N/A
2 Pintu Type P3 Unit
3 Pintu Type P4 Unit
4 Pintu Type P5 Unit
5 Pintu Type P6 Unit
6 Pintu Type PVG1 Unit
7 Pintu Type PVG2 M2
8 Jendela Type J1 Unit
9 Jendela Type J2 Unit
10 Jendela Type J3 Unit
11 Jendela Type J7 Unit
12 Pintu Type P2 Unit
13 Railling Tangga Stailess Steel (lengkap) m'
1 Pasang rangka atap baja kg
2 Pasang Besi Profil kg
3 Pasang atap Rooftop PVC with UV Protection Type Doof Color White m2
1 Pengecatan tembok baru dalam (1 lapis plamir, 1 lapis cat dasar, 2 lapis cat penutup) m2
2 Pengecatan tembok baru luar (1 lapis plamir, 1 lapis cat dasar, 2 lapis cat penutup) m2
1 Memasang kloset duduk/monoblock bh
2 Memasang kloset jongkok porselen bh
3 Memasang urinoir bh
4 Memasang wastafel bh
5 Memasang bak mandi fiberglass volume 0,30 m3 bh
6 Memasang bak fiberglass volume 1 m3 air bh
5 Memasang pipa galvanis diameter 1/2" m1
6 Memasang pipa galvanis diameter 3/4" m1
7 Memasang pipa galvanis diameter 1" m1
8 Memasang pipa galvanis diameter 1 1/2" m1
11 Memasang pipa PVC tipe AW diameter 1/2" m1
12 Memasang pipa PVC tipe AW diameter 3/4" m1
13 Memasang pipa PVC tipe AW diameter 1" m1
14 Memasang pipa PVC tipe AW diameter 2" m1
3,375,350.00 13,714,270.00 17,089,620.00
1,617,300.00 4,539,540.00 6,156,840.00
1,648,120.00 5,142,420.00 6,790,540.00
1,678,950.00 5,745,300.00 7,424,250.00
1,709,770.00 6,348,180.00 8,057,950.00
1,740,600.00 6,951,060.00 8,691,660.00
2,943,800.00 5,321,580.00 8,265,380.00
2,974,620.00 5,924,460.00 8,899,080.00
3,005,450.00 6,527,340.00 9,532,790.00
3,036,270.00 7,130,220.00 10,166,490.00
3,067,100.00 7,733,100.00 10,800,200.00
3,375,350.00 13,761,900.00 17,137,250.00

30,350.00 16,700.00 47,050.00

39,960.00 21,000.00 60,960.00
16,210.00 7,000.00 23,210.00
43,000.00 41,870.00 84,870.00
84,450.00 200,220.00 284,670.00

69,500.00 152,660.00 222,160.00

69,500.00 93,260.00 162,760.00
69,500.00 89,960.00 159,460.00
69,500.00 120,760.00 190,260.00
69,500.00 81,160.00 150,660.00
89,970.00 105,010.00 194,980.00
89,970.00 141,400.00 231,370.00
7,590.00 7,770.00 15,360.00
7,590.00 #N/A #N/A
13,900.00 #N/A #N/A
13,900.00 #N/A #N/A
26,550.00 266,500.00 293,050.00
21,240.00 180,000.00 201,240.00
70,570.00 52,000.00 122,570.00
63,250.00 116,280.00 179,530.00

10,306,760.00 40,763,950.00 51,070,710.00

5,606,860.00 35,662,240.00 41,269,100.00
#N/A #N/A #N/A
1,162,820.00 5,814,130.00 6,976,950.00
1,271,660.00 6,358,310.00 7,629,970.00
1,017,270.00 5,086,370.00 6,103,640.00
840,800.00 4,204,010.00 5,044,810.00
5,063,060.00 6,075,673.20 11,138,733.20
789,060.00 3,945,310.00 4,734,370.00
3,131,040.00 15,655,220.00 18,786,260.00
857,860.00 4,289,330.00 5,147,190.00
82,740.00 413,740.00 496,480.00
1,992,460.00 9,962,300.00 11,954,760.00
- 3,919,380.00 3,919,380.00
122,170.00 543,010.00 665,180.00

5,430.00 33,480.00 38,910.00

5,430.00 31,170.00 36,600.00
24,220.00 112,340.00 136,560.00

8,060.00 34,080.00 42,140.00

8,060.00 32,420.00 40,480.00

349,310.00 575,430.00 924,740.00

389,200.00 819,110.00 1,208,310.00
183,000.00 1,525,020.00 1,708,020.00
243,000.00 1,259,160.00 1,502,160.00
- - -
822,000.00 #N/A #N/A
16,110.00 48,140.00 64,250.00
16,110.00 60,800.00 76,910.00
16,110.00 75,900.00 92,010.00
26,380.00 114,280.00 140,660.00
8,790.00 7,410.00 16,200.00
8,790.00 9,390.00 18,180.00
8,790.00 11,390.00 20,180.00
13,220.00 19,960.00 33,180.00
15 Memasang pipa PVC tipe AW diameter 2 1/2" m1
16 Memasang pipa PVC tipe AW diameter 3" m1
18 Memasang pipa PVC tipe AW diameter 4" m1
19 Memasang pipa PVC tipe AW diameter 6" m1
20 Memasang pipa PVC tipe AW diameter 8" m1
22 Memasang kran diameter 3/4" atau 1/2" bh
23 Memasang floor drain stainles steel bh
1 Pengelasan dengan las listrik cm
2 Pasang Pintu Lipat (Folding Gate) m2
3 Pasang Pintu Alluminium Strip L = 8 cm m2
4 Pasang Pintu Kaca Rangka Aluminium m2
2 Rangka Kolom Sunscreen 20 x 125 cm m2
3 Pasang kaca bening, tebal 8 mm m2
4 Pasang kusen alumunium m1
1 Pasang kunci tanam antik bh
2 Pasang kunci tanam biasa bh
3 Pasang kunci tanam kamar mandi bh
4 Pasang kunci tanam silinder bh
5 Pasang engsel pintu bh
6 Pasang engsel jendela kupu-kupu bh
7 Pasang engsel angin bh
8 Pasang spring knip bh
9 Pasang kait angin bh
10 Pasang door closer bh
11 Pasang kunci selot bh
12 Pasang pegangan pintu / door holder bh
13 Pasang door stop bh
14 Pasang rel pintu dorong bh
15 Pasang kunci lemari bh
1 Pengadaan PC Spun Pile Beton Dia. 40 cm type A3 (K-600) m3
2 Pemancangan Tiang Pancang ex. Wika Beton type A3 m'
0 0
0 0 0
8,790.00 31,430.00 40,220.00
24,220.00 31,430.00 55,650.00
24,220.00 42,910.00 67,130.00
24,220.00 62,590.00 86,810.00
24,220.00 288,830.00 313,050.00
11,400.00 43,390.00 54,790.00
11,400.00 91,530.00 102,930.00

530.00 9,440.00 9,970.00

77,880.00 850,000.00 927,880.00
#N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A
565,570.00 359,330.00 924,900.00
16,290.00 185,130.00 201,420.00
7,610.00 #N/A #N/A

7,020.00 212,080.00 219,100.00

1,710.00 107,420.00 109,130.00
850.00 106,210.00 107,060.00
580.00 #N/A #N/A
1,750.00 38,370.00 40,120.00
1,710.00 33,870.00 35,580.00
3,420.00 #N/A #N/A
1,750.00 #N/A #N/A
1,750.00 38,370.00 40,120.00
5,850.00 57,950.00 63,800.00
2,340.00 #N/A #N/A
5,850.00 #N/A #N/A
1,170.00 #N/A #N/A
7,020.00 #N/A #N/A
2,920.00 #N/A #N/A

3,990,460.00 5,505,500.00 9,495,960.00

377,950.00 - 377,950.00

- - -

Lembar 1.2-1
(Rp.) (Rp.)

Periksa lembar 1.2-2 95,850,000.00


1 Perabotan & Layanan set 1.000 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00

1 Pengadaan Komputer Unit 3.000 5,000,000.00 15,000,000.00
2 Shop Drawing / As Built Drawing Ls 1.000 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00

D. DEMOBILISASI LS 1.000 28,755,000.00 28,755,000.00

Total Biaya Mobilisasi 179,605,000.00

Catatan : Jumlah yang tercantum pada masing-masing item mobilisasi di atas sudah termasuk over-head dan laba
serta seluruh pajak dan bea (kecuali PPn), dan pengeluaran lainnya.


Lembar 1.2-2
(Rp.) (Rp.)


1 ASPHALT SPRAYER Unit 1.000 300,000.00 300,000.00

2 CONCRETE MIXER 0.3-0.6 M3 Unit 6.000 500,000.00 3,000,000.00
3 CRANE 10-15 TON Unit 2.000 12,000,000.00 24,000,000.00
4 DUMP TRUCK 3-4 M3 Unit 12.000 500,000.00 6,000,000.00
5 DUMP TRUCK Unit 3.000 750,000.00 2,250,000.00
6 EXCAVATOR 80-140 HP Unit 4.000 2,000,000.00 8,000,000.00
7 MOTOR GRADER >100 HP Unit 1.000 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00
8 WHEEL LOADER 1.0-1.6 M3 Unit 2.000 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00
9 THREE WHEEL ROLLER 6-8 T Unit 1.000 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00
10 TANDEM ROLLER 6-8 T. Unit 1.000 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00
11 TIRE ROLLER 8-10 T. Unit 1.000 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00
12 VIBRATORY ROLLER 5-8 T. Unit 1.000 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00
13 CONCRETE VIBRATOR Unit 4.000 200,000.00 800,000.00
14 WATER TANKER 3000-4500 L. Unit 1.000 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00
15 TAMPER Unit 3.000 1,000,000.00 3,000,000.00
16 PILE DRIVER + HAMMER Unit 1.000 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
17 CRANE ON TRACK 35 TON Unit 1.000 20,000,000.00 20,000,000.00
Total untuk Item B pada Lembar 1 95,850,000.00

(belum Profit dan PPN)

1 ASPHALT SPRAYER E03 15.0 800.0 Liter 220,000,000 102,243.95 Alat Baru
2 CONCRETE MIXER 0.3-0.6 M3 E06 15.0 250.0 Liter 90,000,000 76,530.07 Alat Baru
3 CRANE 10-15 TON E07 150.0 15.0 Ton 1,500,000,000 628,374.16 Alat Baru
4 DUMP TRUCK 3-4 M3 E08 100.0 6.0 Ton 258,000,000 269,197.34 Alat Baru
5 DUMP TRUCK E09 125.0 8.0 Ton 450,000,000 356,992.25 Alat Baru
6 EXCAVATOR 80-140 HP E10 80.0 0.8 M3 1,200,000,000 433,387.90 Alat Baru
7 GENERATOR SET E12 175.0 125.0 KVA 230,000,000 403,343.66 Alat Baru
8 MOTOR GRADER >100 HP E13 125.0 - - 2,162,000,000 723,310.37 Alat Baru
9 WHEEL LOADER 1.0-1.6 M3 E15 105.0 1.5 M3 1,316,000,000 504,921.02 Alat Baru
10 THREE WHEEL ROLLER 6-8 T E16 55.0 8.0 Ton 460,000,000 228,336.96 Alat Baru
11 TANDEM ROLLER 6-8 T. E17 50.0 8.0 Ton 426,384,000 211,801.61 Alat Baru
12 TIRE ROLLER 8-10 T. E18 60.0 10.0 Ton 720,000,000 310,429.55 Alat Baru
13 VIBRATORY ROLLER 5-8 T. E19 75.0 7.0 Ton 1,225,000,000 458,009.73 Alat Baru
14 CONCRETE VIBRATOR E20 10.0 - - 30,000,000 60,067.66 Alat Baru
15 WATER TANKER 3000-4500 L. E23 100.0 4,000.0 Liter 600,000,000 342,375.38 Alat Baru
16 TAMPER E25 5.0 0.17 Ton 15,000,000 43,605.26 Alat Baru
17 PILE DRIVER + HAMMER E30 25.0 2.50 Ton 900,000,000 266,429.14 Alat Baru
18 CRANE ON TRACK 35 TON E31 125.0 35.0 Ton 800,000,000 419,759.43 Alat Baru
1 Sorong Barat 8
1 Sorong Barat Saoka 8.00
1 Sorong Barat Saoka 8.00
1 Sorong Barat Saoka 8.00
1 Sorong Barat Sorong Barat 8.00
1 Sorong Barat Malanu 8.00
1 Sorong Barat Sorong 8.00
1 Sorong Barat Sorong Barat 6.00

1 Pagar Sementara dari Kayu tinggi 2 m m 210,771
2 Pagar Sementara dari Seng Gelombang tinggi 2 m m 525,407
3 Pagar Sementara dan Kawat Duri tinggi 1.8 m m 177,833
4 Pek. Penguk. & Pemasangan Bowplank m 60,150
5 Pek. Kantor Direksi Keet , dengan lantai plesteran m2 865,346
6 Pembuatan Gudang Semen dan Alat - alat m2 838,554
7 Pembuatan Rumah Jaga / Konstruksi Kayu m2 1,056,965
8 Membersihkan Lapangan dan Perataan m2 -
9 Pembuatan Bedeng Buruh m2 829,112
10 Pembuatan Bak Adukan ( 40 x 50 x 20 ) cm m2 3,227,753
11 Pembuatan Stegger dari Bambu ( 40 x 50 x 20 ) cm m2 16,250
12 Pembuatan Jalan Sementara m2 44,986
13 Bongkaran Beton Bertulang m3 -
14 Bongkaran Dinding Tembok Bata Merah m3 -


1 Menggali tanah biasa sedalam 1 meter m3 -
2 Menggali tanah biasa sedalam 2 meter m3 -
3 Menggali tanah biasa sedalam 3 meter m3 -
4 Menggali tanah keras sedalam 1 meter m3 -
5 Menggali tanah cadas sedalam 1 meter m3 -
6 Menggali tanah lumpur sedalam 1 meter m3 -
7 Mengerjakan stripping tebing setinggi 1 meter m3 -
8 Membuang tanah sejauh 30 meter m3 -
9 Mengurug kembali galian dihitung dari 1/3 kali upah pekerjaan galian m3 -
10 Memadatkan tanah (per 20 cm) m3 -
11 Mengurug pasir urug m3 257,140
12 Memasang Lapisan pudel campuran 1 KP : 3 PP m3 161,808
13 Memasang Lapisan pudel campuran 1 KP : 5 TL m3 103,299
14 Memasang lapisan ijuk tebal 10 cm m2 270,000
15 Mengurug sirtu padat untuk peninggian lantai bangunan m3 232,880


1 Memasang pondasi batu belah, campuran 1 PC : 3 PP m3 560,642
2 Memasang pondasi batu belah, campuran 1 PC : 4 PP m3 524,373
3 Memasang pondasi batu belah, campuran 1 PC : 5 PP m3 499,215
4 Memasang pondasi batu belah, campuran 1 PC : 6 PP m3 481,535
5 Memasang pondasi batu belah, campuran 1 PC : 8 PP m3 457,284
6 Memasang pondasi batu belah, campuran 1 KP : 1 SM : 2 PP m3 598,531
7 Memasang pondasi batu belah, campuran 1 PC : 3 KP : 10 PP m3 412,085
8 Memasang pondasi batu belah, campuran 1/4 PC : 1 KP : 4 PP m3 395,392
9 Memasang batu kosong (aanstamping) m3 322,288
10 Memasang pondasi siklop, 60% beton campuran I PC : 2 PB : 3 KR dan 40% batu belah m3 1,926,830
11 Memasang pondasi sumuran, diameter 100 cm m3 472,759


1 beton mutu fc = 7,4 MPa (K 100), slump (12 ± 2)cm, w/c = 0,87 m3 575,755
2 beton mutu fc = 9,8 MPa (K 125), slump (12 ± 2)cm, w/c = 0,78 m3 575,755
3 beton mutu fc = 12,2 MPa (K 150), slump (12 ± 2) cm, w/c = 0,72 m3 575,755
4 lantai kerja beton mutu fc = 7,4 MPa (K 100), slump (3-6)cm, w/c = 0,87 m3 575,755
5 beton mutu fc = 14,5 MPa (K 175), slump (12 ± 2) cm, w/c = 0,66 m3 575,755
6 beton mutu f c = 16,9 MPa (K 200), slump (12 ± 2) cm, w/c = 0,61 m3 575,755
7 beton mutu fc = 19,3 MPa (K 225), slump (12 ± 2) cm, w/c = 0,58 m3 575,755
8 beton mutu fc = 21,7 MPa (K 225), slump (12 ± 2) cm, w/c = 0,56 m3 575,755
9 beton mutu fc = 24,0 MPa (K 275), slump (12 ± 2) cm, w/c = 0,53 m3 575,755
10 beton mutu fc = 26,4 MPa (K 300), slump (12 ± 2) cm, w/c = 0,52 m3 575,755
11 beton mutu fc = 28,8 MPa (K 325), slump (12 ± 2) cm, w/c = 0,49 m3 575,755
12 beton mutu fc = 31,2 Mpa (K 350), slump (12 ± 2) cm, w/c = 0,48 m3 575,755
13 beton kedap air dengan strorox - 100 m3 725,765
14 Pemasangan PVC Waterstop lebar 150 mm tanpa waterstop m -
15 Pemasangan PVC Waterstop lebar 200 mm tanpa waterstop m -
16 Pemasangan PVC Waterstop lebar 230 mm - 320 mm m -
(Rp) (Rp)

64,728.79 275,500.23
64,728.79 590,135.76
55,393.66 233,226.76
22,313.16 82,462.83
561,721.53 1,427,067.33
345,750.95 1,184,304.62
284,441.29 1,341,405.96
16,496.18 16,496.18
345,750.95 1,174,862.62
3,513.62 3,231,266.15
35,567.33 51,817.33
100,512.30 145,498.29
670,065.38 670,065.38
627,099.08 627,099.08

73,593.96 73,593.96
90,461.07 90,461.07
107,614.62 107,614.62
97,934.32 97,934.32
148,620.14 148,620.14
118,466.45 118,466.45
5,383.67 5,383.67
32,238.12 32,238.12
24,531.32 24,531.32
53,836.68 53,836.68
29,437.59 286,577.59
135,186.41 296,994.14
135,186.41 238,485.02
16,151.00 286,151.00
26,918.34 259,798.34

242,732.94 803,374.55
42,732.94 567,106.22
242,732.94 741,947.82
242,732.94 724,267.62
242,732.94 700,017.15
242,732.94 841,264.09
242,732.94 654,817.61
242,732.94 638,124.58
126,221.13 448,508.81
445,968.25 2,372,798.50
339,181.76 811,941.07

199,700.52 775,455.37
199,700.52 775,455.37
199,700.52 775,455.37
199,700.52 775,455.37
199,700.52 775,455.37
199,700.52 775,455.37
199,700.52 775,455.37
199,700.52 775,455.37
199,700.52 775,455.37
199,700.52 775,455.37
199,700.52 775,455.37
199,700.52 775,455.37
253,992.59 979,757.92
9,211.07 9,211.07
11,310.82 11,310.82
12,281.43 12,281.43
17 Pemasangan besi polos atau besi ulir kg 12,661
18 kabel presstressed polos/strands kg 12,562
19 jaringan kawat baja/wire mesh tanpa wiremesh kg 98
20 bekisting untuk pondasi m2 111,853
21 bekisting untuk sloof m2 125,270
22 bekisting untuk kolom m2 233,597
23 bekisting untuk balok m2 241,747
24 bekisting untuk lantai m2 265,597
25 bekisting untuk dinding tanpa formite m2 228,347
26 bekisting untuk tangga m2 206,538
27 jembatan untuk pengecortan beton m2 86,940
28 pondasi beton bertulang (150 kg besi + bekisting) m3 3,038,628
29 sloof beton bertulang (200 kg besi + bekisting) m3 4,469,481
30 kolom beton bertulang (300 kg besi + bekisting) m3 6,744,438
31 balok beton bertulang (200 kg besi +bekisting) m3 5,116,754
32 kolom beton bertulang (150 kg besi +bekisting) m3 4,571,184
33 dinding beton bertulang (150 kg besi + bekisting) m3 4,432,718
34 dinding beton bertulang (200 kg besi + bekisting) m3 4,731,573
35 kolom praktis beton bertulang (11 x 11) cm m 55,742
36 ring balok beton bertulang (10 x 15) cm m 61,037


Merk : 3M ex Laneg Manunggal
Pemakaian material firestop pada pipa PVC/Metal yang tembus dinding beton
1 Uk. Pipa Dia 0,5", CP25WB, FS 195 titik
2 Uk. Pipa Dia 0,75", CP25WB, FS 195 titik
3 Uk. Pipa Dia 1", CP25WB, FS 195 titik
4 Uk. Pipa Dia 1,5", CP25WB, FS 195 titik
5 Uk. Pipa Dia 2", CP25WB, FS 195 titik
6 Uk. Pipa Dia 2,5", CP25WB, FS 195 titik
7 Uk. Pipa Dia 3", CP25WB, FS 195 titik
8 Uk. Pipa Dia 4", CP25WB, FS 195 titik
9 Uk. Pipa Dia 6", CP25WB, FS 195 titik
10 Uk. Pipa Dia 8", CP25WB, FS 195 titik
11 Uk. Pipa Dia 10", CP25WB, FS 195 titik
12 Uk. Pipa Dia 12", CP25WB, FS 195 titik

Pada kabel yang tembus dinding/beton

1 Uk. Pipa Dia 0,5 cm, CP25WB, FS 195 titik
2 Uk. Pipa Dia 0,75 cm, CP25WB, FS 195 titik
3 Uk. Pipa Dia 1 cm, CP25WB, FS 195 titik
4 Uk. Pipa Dia 1,5 cm, CP25WB, FS 195 titik
5 Uk. Pipa Dia 2 cm, CP25WB, FS 195 titik
6 Uk. Pipa Dia 2,5 cm, CP25WB, FS 195 titik
7 Uk. Pipa Dia 3 cm, CP25WB, FS 195 titik
8 Uk. Pipa Dia 4 cm, CP25WB, FS 195 titik
9 Uk. Pipa Dia 5 cm, CP25WB, FS 195 titik
10 Uk. Pipa Dia 6 cm, CP25WB, FS 195 titik
11 SHAFT / LUBANG (CS 195+), FS 195 CP25WB M2

Pemasangan Fire Stop

1 Pada Pintu besi/Fire door (1 Daun) Expantrol Flexible Intumecent Strip (E-FIS) BH
2 Pada Stop/Skaklar/Fitting lampu, Modable Putty+ titik
3 Pada Box Panel, Modable Putty+ BH
4 Pada kabel (coating/spray), FireDam sparay 200, Rock Mat M2
5 Pada Perimeter gap, Fire Dam sparay 200, Rock Mat M2
6 Proteksi Struktur/electric/ducting, Interam Endothermic Mat M2
7 Pada gab/celah untuk tahan air, Watertight S M2


1 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 2 PP m2 144,881
2 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 3 PP m2 135,399
3 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 4 PP m2 128,644
4 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 5 PP m2 125,693
5 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 6 PP m2 125,833
6 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x II x 22) cm tebal 1 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 3 KP : 10 PP m2 111,587
7 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1/2 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 2 PP m2 68,868
8 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1/2 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 3 PP m2 64,155
9 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1/2 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 4 PP m2 61,578
10 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1/2 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 5 PP m2 59,964
1,568.98 14,229.88
1,122.74 13,685.17
839.06 937.53
84,147.42 196,000.75
84,147.42 209,417.42
106,802.50 340,399.17
106,802.50 348,549.17
106,802.50 372,399.17
106,802.50 335,149.17
106,802.50 313,340.83
21,279.42 108,219.42
854,511.92 3,893,139.59
964,555.39 5,434,036.39
202,258.01 6,946,695.68
1,046,076.34 6,162,830.67
854,891.72 5,426,076.05
854,511.92 5,287,229.59
964,555.39 5,696,128.06
25,449.07 81,190.57
42,025.12 103,061.89




84,831.25 229,712.58
84,831.25 220,230.52
84,831.25 213,474.92
84,831.25 210,523.92
84,831.25 210,664.72
84,831.25 196,417.96
42,415.62 111,283.35
42,415.62 106,571.01
42,415.62 103,993.15
42,415.62 102,379.37
11 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1/2 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 6 PP m2 59,296
12 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1/2 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 8 PP m2 57,467
13 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1/2 bata, campuran spesi: 1 PC : 3 KP : 10 PP m2 56,062
14 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1/2 bata, campuran spesi: 1 KP : 1 SM : 1 PP m2 74,619
15 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1/2 bata, campuran spesi: 1 KP : 1 SM : 2 PP m2 69,806
16 Dinding Hollow block 20, campuran spesi 1 PC : 3 PP tanpa hollow block m2 193,505
17 Dinding Hollow block 20, campuran spesi 1 PC : 4 PP tanpa hollow block m2 196,150
18 Dinding Hollow block 15, campuran spesi 1 PC : 3 PP tanpa hollow block m2 146,773
19 Dinding Hollow block 15, campuran spesi 1 PC : 4 PP tanpa hollow block m2 148,547
20 Dinding Hollow block 10, campuran spesi 1 PC : 3 PP tanpa hollow block m2 98,322
21 Dinding Hollow block 10, campuran spesi 1 PC : 4 PP tanpa hollow block m2 100,074
22 Dinding terawang (roster) uk. (12 x 11 x 24) cm, campuran spesi 1 PC : 3 PP tanpa rooster m2 141,289
23 Dinding terawang (roster) uk. (12 x 11 x 24) cm, campuran spesi 1 PC : 4 PP tanpa rooster m2 138,565
24 Dinding bata berongga ekspose uk. (5 x 11 x 24) cm, campuran spesi 1 PC : 3 PP tanpa bata berongga m2 299,555

1 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 2 PP m2 144,881
2 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal I bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 3 PP m2 135,399
3 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 4 PP m2 128,644
4 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 5 PP m2 125,693
5 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal I bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 6 PP m2 125,833
6 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal I bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 3 KP : 10 PP m2 111,587
7 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1/2 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 2 PP m2 68,868
8 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1/2 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 3 PP m2 64,155
9 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1/2 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 4 PP m2 61,578
10 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1/2 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 5 PP m2 59,964
11 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1/2 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 6 PP m2 59,296
12 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1/2 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 8 PP m2 57,467
13 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1/2 bata, campuran spesi 1 PC : 3 KP : 10 PP m2 56,062
14 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1/2 bata, campuran spesi 1 KP : 1 SM : 1 PP m2 74,619
15 Dinding bata merah uk. (5 x 11 x 22) cm tebal 1/2 bata, campuran spesi 1 KP : 1 SM : 2 PP m2 69,806
16 Dinding Hollow block 20, campuran spesi 1 PC : 3 PP tanpa hollow block m2 193,505
17 Dinding Hollow block 20, campuran spesi 1 PC : 4 PP tanpa hollow block m2 196,150
18 Dinding Hollow block 15, campuran spesi 1 PC : 3 PP tanpa hollow block m2 146,773
19 Dinding Hollow block 15, campuran spesi 1 PC : 4 PP tanpa hollow block m2 148,547
20 Dinding Hollow block 10, campuran spesi 1 PC : 3 PP tanpa hollow block m2 98,322
21 Dinding Hollow block 10, campuran spesi 1 PC : 4 PP tanpa hollow block m2 100,074
22 Dinding terawang (roster) uk. (12 x 11 x 24) cm, campuran spesi 1 PC : 3 PP tanpa hollow block m2 141,289
23 Dinding terawang (roster) uk. (12 x 11 x 24) cm, campuran spesi 1 PC : 4 PP tanpa hollow block m2 138,565
24 Dinding bata berongga ekspose uk. (5 x 11 x 24) cm, campuran spesi 1 PC : 3 PP tanpa hollow block m2 299,555


1 plesteran 1 PC : 1 PP, tebal 15 mm m2 20,842
2 plesteran 1 PC : 2 PP, tebal 15 mm m2 15,773
3 plesteran 1 PC : 3 PP, tebal 15 mm m2 13,669
4 plesteran 1 PC : 4 PP, tebal 15 mm m2 12,159
5 plesteran 1 PC : 5 PP, tebal 15 mm m2 11,403
6 plesteran 1 PC : 6 PP, tebal 15 mm m2 10,756
7 plesteran 1 PC : 7 PP, tebal 15 mm m2 10,431
8 plesteran 1 PC : 8 PP, tebal 15 mm m2 10,107
9 plesteran 1 PC : 1/2 KP : 3 PP, tebal 15 mm m2 9,426
10 plesteran 1 PC : 2 KP : 8 PP, tebal 15 mm m2 7,943
11 plesteran 1 SM : 1 KP : 1 PP, tebal 15 mm m2 17,593
12 plesteran 1 SM : 1 KP : 2 PP, tebal 15 mm m2 15,401
13 plesteran 1 PC : 2 PP, tebal 20 mm m2 21,102
14 plesteran 1 PC : 3 PP, tebal 20 mm m2 18,297
15 plesteran 1 PC : 4 PP, tebal 20 mm m2 16,212
16 plesteran 1 PC : 5 PP, tebal 20 MM m2 15,276
17 plesteran I PC : 6 PP, tebal 20 mm m' 14,341
18 plesteran 1 SM : 1 KP : 2 PP, tebal 20 mm m' 19,525
19 Berapen I PC: 5 PP, tebal 15 mm m' 11,403
20 Plesteran Skoning I PC : 2 PP, lebar 10 mm m 3,353
21 Plesteran Granit , 1 PC : 2 Granit, tebal 10 m' 11,227
22 Plesteran Teraso , 1 PC : 2 Batu Teraso, tebal 10 mm m' 11,127
23 Plesteran Ciprat 1 PC : 2 PP m' 6,138
24 finishing siar pasangan dinding bata merah (=20 m') m2 3,489
25 finishing siar pasangan dinding conblock ekspose (=8 m') m' (1,796)
26 finishing siar pasangan batu kali adukan 1 PC : 2 PP m' 9,695
27 acian m2 3,649
42,415.62 101,711.47
42,415.62 99,882.95
42,415.62 98,478.02
42,415.62 117,034.63
42,415.62 112,221.86
48,546.59 242,051.44
48,546.59 244,696.35
50,898.75 197,671.26
50,898.75 199,445.82
42,415.62 140,737.91
42,415.62 142,489.83
42,415.62 183,704.42
42,415.62 180,980.62
48,546.59 348,102.06

84,831.25 229,712.58
84,831.25 220,230.52
84,831.25 213,474.92
84,831.25 210,523.92
84,831.25 210,664.72
84,831.25 196,417.96
42,415.62 111,283.35
42,415.62 106,571.01
42,415.62 103,993.15
42,415.62 102,379.37
42,415.62 101,711.47
42,415.62 99,882.95
42,415.62 98,478.02
42,415.62 117,034.63
42,415.62 112,221.86
48,546.59 242,051.44
48,546.59 244,696.35
50,898.75 197,671.26
50,898.75 199,445.82
42,415.62 140,737.91
42,415.62 142,489.83
42,415.62 183,704.42
42,415.62 180,980.62
48,546.59 348,102.06

48,546.59 69,388.15
48,546.59 64,319.40
48,346.59 62,015.31
48,546.59 60,705.63
48,546.59 59,949.56
48,546.59 59,302.09
48,546.59 58,977.94
48,546.59 58,653.79
50,898.75 60,324.92
50,898.75 58,841.55
50,898.75 68,491.59
50,898.75 66,299.94
65,015.23 86,117.22
50,657.06 68,953.60
1 Plesteran 1 PC : 1 PP, tebal 15 mm m2
2 Plesteran 1 PC : 2 PP, tebal 15 mm m2
3 Plesteran 1 PC : 3 PP, tebal 15 mm m2
4 Plesteran 1 PC : 4 PP, tebal 15 mm m2
5 Plesteran 1 PC : 5 PP, tebal 15 mm m2
6 Plesteran 1 PC : 6 PP, tebal 15 mm m2
7 Plesteran 1 PC : 7 PP, tebal 15 mm m2
8 Plesteran 1 PC : 8 PP, tebal 15 mm m2
9 Plesteran 1 PC : 1/2 KP : 3 PP, tebal 15 mm m2
10 Plesteran 1 PC : 2 KP : 8 PP, tebal 15 mm m2
11 Plesteran 1 SM : 1 KP : 1 PP, tebal 15 mm m2
12 Plesteran 1 SM : 1 KP : 2 PP, tebal 15 mm m2
13 Plesteran 1 PC : 2 PP, tebal 20 mm m2
14 Plesteran I PC : 3 PP, tebal 20 mm m2
15 Plesteran 1 PC : 4 PP, tebal 20 mm m2
16 Plesteran 1 PC : 5 PP, tebal 20 mm m2
17 Plesteran 1 SM : 1 KP, tebal 20 mm m2
18 Plesteran 1 SM : 1 KP : 2 PP, tebal 20 mm m2
19 Berapen 1 PC : 5 PP, tebal 15 mm m2
20 Plesteran Skoning 1 PC : 2.PP, lebar 10 mm m2
21 Plesteran Granit , 1 PC : 2 Granit, tebal 10 m2
22 Plesteran Teraso , 1 PC : 2 Batu Teraso,tebal 10 mm m2
23 Plesteran Ciprat 1 PC : 2 PP m2
24 finishing siar pasangan dinding bata merah (=20 m') m2
25 finishing siar pasangan dinding conblock ekspose (=8 m') m2
26 finishing siar pasangan batu kali adukan 1 PC : 2 PP m2
27 acian


1 Kusen pintu dan kusen jendela, kayu kelas I m3 8,675,115
2 Kusen pintu dan kusen jendela, kayu kelas II atau III m3 9,460,115
3 Pintu klamp standar, kayu kelas II m2 128,173
4 Pintu klamp sederhana, kayu kelas III m2 128,173
5 Daun pintu panel, kayu kelas 1 atau II m2 139,112
6 Pintu dan jendela kaca, kayu kelas I atau II m2 83,467
7 Pintu dan jendela jalusi kayu kelas 1 atau 11 m2 215,632
8 Daun pintu kayu lapis (plywood) rangkap, rangka tertutup kayu kelas II (lebar sampai 90 cm) m2 127,434
9 Pintu plywood rangkap, rangka expose kayu kelas I atau m2 129,347
10 Jalusi kusen, kayu kelas I atau II m2 194,158
11 Teakwood rangkap, rangka expose kayu kelas I m2 139,225
12 Teakwood rangkap lapis formika, rangka expose kayu kelas II m2 150,803
13 Konstruksi kuda-kuda konvensional, kayu kelas I, II dan III bentang 6 meter m3 8,885,023
14 Konstruksi kuda-kuda expose, kayu kelas I m3 9,670,023
15 Konstruksi gordeng, kayu kelas II m3 8,849,750
16 Rangka atap genteng keramik, kayu kelas II m2 144,022
17 Rangka atap genteng beton, kayu kelas II m2 200,372
18 Rangka atap sirap, kayu kelas II m2 519,331
19 Rangka langit-langit (50 x 100) cm, kayu kelas II atau Ill m2 50,762
20 Rangka langit-langit (60 x 60) cm, kayu kelas II atau III m2 54,219
21 Lisplank uk. (3 x 20) cm, kayu kelas I atau kelas II ml 35,714
22 Lisplank uk. (3 x 30) cm, kayu kelas I atau kelas II ml 35,712
23 Rangka dinding pemisah (60 x 120) cm, kayu kelas II atau III m2 221,720
24 Dinding pemisah teakwood rangkap, rangka kayu kelas m2 190,213
25 Dinding pemisah plywood rangkap, rangka kayu kelas II m2 169,671
26 Dinding lambriziring dari papan kayu kelas I m2 27,169
27 Dinding lambriziring dari plywood uk. (120 x 240) m2 21,651
28 Dinding bilik, rangka kayu kelas III atau IV m2 49,399


1 Past treatment sepanjang pondasi Anti Rayap Bahan : Premise 200 SL m'
2 Wood teratmen (u/: rangka atap/reng/kaso dart plafond) Anti Rayap bahan : Premise 200 SL m2
3 Injection keliling kusen pintu dan jendela Anti Rayap` Bahan : Premise 200 SL titik
4 Suntikan pondasi Arti Rayap Bahan Premise 200 SL titik
5 Suntikan halaman Anti Rayap Bahan : Premise 200 SL titik
6 Fumigasi bahan : Photoxin (PH.3) m3
7 Pengasapan Ruangan m2


1 kunci Tanam Antik tanpa kunci tanam set 200,000
2 kunci Tanam Biasa tanpa kunci tanam set 145,000
327,859.19 455,293.29
374,696.22 504,043.32
355,763.02 549,921.02
374,696.22 513,921.07
398,186.34 548,989.52
1,873,481.10 10,758,504.43
3,138,080.84 12,808,104.17
1,124,088.66 9,973,838.66
22,313.16 166,334.83
22,313.16 222,684.83
26,775.80 546,107.13
61,530.06 112,292.06
56,888.26 111,107.26
34,575.10 70,289.10
34,575.10 70,286.77
70,327.15 292,047.15
70,327.15 260,540.55
93,674.06 263,344.93
281,022.17 308,191.17
11,736.75 33,388.08
16,182.20 65,581.33


79,602.33 279,602.33
57,895.37 202,895.37
3 kunci Tanam Kamar Mandi tanpa kunci set 150,000
4 kunci Silinder tanpa kunci silinder set 150,000
5 Engsel Pintu tanpa engsel set 60,000
6 Engsel Jendela Kupu - kupu tanpa engsel set 32,000
7 Engsel Angin tanpa engsel set 32,000
8 Spring Knip set
9 Kait angin set 10,000
10 Door doser tanpa door closer set 300,000
11 Kunci Selot tanpa kunci selot set 8,000
12 Pegangan Pintu / Door Holder tanpa pegangan set 42,000
13 Door Stop tanpa door stop set 42,000
14 Rel Pintu Dorong tanpa rel pintu dorong set -
15 Kunci Lemari tanpa kunci lemari set 23,000
16 Kaca tebal 3 mm set 69,850
17 Kaca tebal 5 mm set 92,400
18 Kaca tebal 8 mm set 198,000
19 Kaca Buram tebal 12 mm set 605,000
20 Kaca Cermin tebal 5 mm set 200,200
21 Kaca Cermin tebal 6 mm set 200,200
22 Kaca Cermin tebal 8 mm set. 200,200
23 Kaca Wireglass tebal 5 mm tanpa kaca set 341,000
24 Kaca Patri tebal 5 mm tanpa kaca patri set 341,000


1 lantai ubin PC abu-abu uk. (40 x 40) cm m2 30,743
2 lantai ubin PC abu-abu uk. (30 x 30) cm m2 38,932
3 lantai ubin PC abu-abu uk. (20 x 20) cm m2 61,619
4 lantai ubin wama uk. (40 x 40) cm m2 35,615
5 Iantai ubin warna uk. (30 x 30) cm m2 38,140
6 lantai ubin wama uk. (20 x 20) cm m2 39,969
7 lantai ubin teraso uk. (40 x 40) cm m2 35,615
8 lantai ubin teraso uk. (30 x 30) cm m2 38,140
9 lantai ubin granit uk. (40 x 40) cm m2 246,570
10 Iantai ubin granit uk. (30 x 30) cm m2 415,821
11 lantai ubin teralux uk. (40 x 40) cm tanpa ubin teralux m2 35,615
12 lantai ubin teralux uk. (30 x 30) cm tanpa ubin teralux m2 38,140
13 lantai ubin teralux uk. (60 x 60) cm tanpa ubin teralux m2 37,691
14 lantai ubin teralux marmer (40 x 40) cm tanpa ubin teralux m2 35,615
15 lantai ubin teralux marmer (30 x 30) cm tanpa ubin teralux m2 38,140
16 plint ubin PC abu-abu uk. (15 x 20) cm tanpa plint ubin m 2,711
17 plint ubin PC abu-abu uk. (10 x 30) cm tanpa plint ubin m 2,036
18 plint ubin PC abu-abu uk. (10 x 40) cm tanpa plint ubin m 2,036
19 plint ubin PC warna uk. (10 x 20) cm tanpa plint ubin m 3,074
20 plint ubin PC warna uk. (10 x 30) cm tanpa plint ubin m 3,074
21 plint ubin PC warna uk. (10 x 40) cm tanpa plint ubin m 3,074
22 plint ubin teraso uk. (10 x 30) cm tanpa plint ubin m 3,074
23 plint ubin teraso uk. (10 x 40) cm tanpa plint ubin m 3,074
24 plint ubin granit uk. (10 x 40) cm tanpa plint ubin m 3,074
25 plint ubin granit uk. (10 x 30) cm tanpa plint ubin m 3,074
26 Plint ubin teralux kerang uk. (10 x 40) cm tanpa plint ubin teralux m 3,074
27 Plint ubin teralux kerang uk. (10 x 30) cm tanpa Plint ubin teralux m 3,074
28 plint ubin teralux marmer uk. (10 x 60) cm tanpa Plint ubin teralux m 3,074
29 Plint ubin teralux marmer uk. (10 x 40) cm tanpa Plint ubin teralux m 3,074
30 Plint ubin teralux marmer uk. (10 x 30) cm tanpa Plint ubin teralux m 3,074
31 lantai teraso cor ditempat, tebal 3 cm tanpa lantai teraso m2 -
32 lantai keramik artistik uk. (10 x 20) cm tanpa keramik artistik m2 50,483
33 lantai keramik artistik uk. (10 x 10) cm atau (5 x 20) cm tanpa keramik artistik m2 55,658
34 lantai keramik uk. (33 x 33) cm m2 37,488
35 lantai keramik uk. (30 x 30) cm m2 38,140
36 lantai keramik uk. (20 x 20) cm m2 39,969
37 lantai keramik uk. (10 x 33) cm variasi/border m2 709,203
38 lantai mosaik uk. (30 x 30) cm, campuranspesi 1 PC : 3 PP m2 374,556
39 Plint keramik uk. (10 x 20) cm tanpa Plint keramik artistik m 2,212
40 plint keramik uk. (10 x 10) tanpa tanpa plint keramik artistik m 2,150
41 plint keramik uk. (5 x 20) cm tanpa Plint keramik artistik m 1,112
42 plint internal cove artistik uk. (5 x 5 x 20) cm tanpa internal cove m 3,074
43 lantai marmer uk. (100 x 100) cm m2 715,332
44 lantai karpet tanpa lantai karpet m2 811,044
45 underlayer taiipa underlayer m2 10,483
46 lantai parquet m2 135,274
56,437.57 206,437.57
56,115.33 206,115.33
19,900.58 79,900.58
13,267.06 45,267.06
27,823.10 59,823.10
19,900.58 19,900.58
19,900.58 29,900.58
66,335.28 366,335.28
26,534.11 34,534.11
66,335.28 108,335.28
13,267.06 55,267.06
79,602.33 79,602.33
33,167.64 56,167.64
19,900.58 89,750.58
19,900.58 112,300.58
21,887.06 219,887.06
33,167.64 638,167.64

40,590.40 71,333.13
42,073.71 81,005.78
43,826.84 105,445.57
40,590.40 76,205.53
42,073.71 80,213.31
43,826.84 83,795.57
40,590.40 76,205.53
42,073.71 80,213.31
40,590.40 287,160.08
42,073.71 457,895.20
40,590.40 76,205.53
42,073.71 80,213.38
38,837.27 76,527.87
40,590.40 76,205.53
42,073.71 80,213.38
20,153.46 22,864.76
20,153.46 22,189.77
20,153.46 22,189.77
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
58,255.91 58,255.91
113,275.37 163,758.01
113,275.37 168,933.01
113,275.37 150,763.01
113,275.37 151,415.04
113,275.37 153,244.10
170,047.97 879,250.97
113,275.37 487,831.17
20,153.46 22,365.00
20,153.46 22,303.40
20,153.46 21,264.98
167,420.33 170,494.33
113,275.37 828,607.37
38,003.99 849,047.99
26,775.80 37,258.80
113,275.37 248,549.37
47 lantai kayu (gym floor) m2 202,569
48 dinding porselen uk. (11 x 11) cm m2 31,556
49 dinding porselin uk. (10 x 20) cm m2 45,931
50 dinding porselin uk. (20 x 20) cm m2 36,616
51 dinding keramik artistik uk. (10 x 20) cm m2 144,511
52 dinding keramik artistik uk. (5 x 20) cm rn2 146,236
53 dinding keramik uk. (10 x 20) cm m2 82,607
54 dinding keramik uk. (20 x 20) cm m2 73,080
55 dinding marmer uk. (100 x 100) cm m2 756,550
56 dinding bata pelapis uk. (3 x 7 x 24) cm m2 50,959
57 dinding batu paras m2 114,134
58 dinding batu tempel hitam m2 102,878
59 lantai vinyl uk. (30 x 30) cm KL I tanpa vinyl m2 11,866
60 wall paper, lebar 50 cm tanpa wall paper m2 5,789
61 floor hardener tanpa floor hardener m2 -
62 plint vinyil karet uk. (30 x 30) cm dengan perekat tanpa vinyl m 2,712
63 plint kayu kelas 11 uk. (2 x 10) cm tanpa paku skrup m 10,467

1 Lantai ubin PC abu-abu uk. (40 x 40) cm m2 30,743
2 Lantai ubin PC abu-abu uk. (30 x 30) cm m2 38,932
3 Lantai ubin PC abu-abu uk. (20 x 20) cm m2 61,619
4 Lantai ubin wama uk. (40 x 40) cm m2 35,615
5 Lantai ubin warna uk. (30 x 30) cm m2 38,140
6 Lantai ubin wama uk. (20 x 20) cm m2 39,969
7 Lantai ubin teraso uk. (40 x 40) cm m2 35,615
8 Lantai ubin teraso uk. (30 x 30) cm m2 38,140
9 Lantai ubin granit uk. (40 x 40) cm m2 246,570
10 Lantai ubin granit uk. (30 x 30) cm m2 415,821
11 Lantai ubin teralux uk. (40 x 40) cm tanpa ubin teralux m2 35,615
12 Lantai ubin teralux uk. (30 x 30) cm tanpa ubin teralux m2 38,140
13 Lantai ubin teralux uk. (60 x 60) cm tanpa ubin teralux m2 37,691
14 Lantai ubin teralux marmer (40 x 40) cm tanpa ubin teralux m2 35,615
15 Lantai ubin teralux marmer (30 x 30) cm tanpa ubin teralux m2 38,140
16 plint ubin PC abu-abu uk. (15 x 20) cm tanpa plint ubin m
17 plint ubin PC abu-abu uk. (10 x 30) cm tanpa plint ubin m 2,711
18 plint ubin PC abu-abu uk. (10 x 40) cm tanpa plint ubin m 2,036
19 plint ubin PC warna uk. (10 x 20) cm tanpa plint ubin m 2,036
20 plint ubin PC warna uk. (10 x 30) cm tanpa plint ubin m 3,074
21 plint ubin PC warna uk. (10 x 40) cm tanpa plint ubin m 3,074
22 plint ubin teraso uk. (10 x 30) cm tanpa plint ubin m 3,074
23 plint ubin teraso uk. (10 x 40) cm tanpa plint ubin m 3,074
24 plint ubin granit uk. (10 x 40) cm tanpa plint ubin m 3,074
25 plint ubin granit uk. (10 x 30) cm tanpa plint ubin m 3,074
26 Plint ubin teralux kerang uk. (10 x 40) cm tanpa Plint ubin teralux m 3,074
27 Plint ubin teralux kerang uk. (10 x 30) cm tanpa Plint ubin teralux m 3,074
28 plint ubin teralux marmer uk. (10 x 60) cm tanpa Plint ubin teralux m
29 Plint ubin teralux marmer uk. (10 x 40) cm tanpa Plint ubin teralux m 3,074
30 Plint ubin teralux marmer uk. (10 x 30) cm tanpa Plint ubin teralux m 3,074
31 Lantai teraso cor ditempat, tebal 3 cm tanpa Lantai teraso m2 3,074
32 Lantai keramik artistik uk. (10 x 20) cm tanpa keramik artistik m2 3,074
33 Lantai keramik artistik uk. (10 x 10) cm atau (5 x 20) cm tanpa keramik artistik m2
34 Lantai keramik uk. (33 x 33) cm m2 50,483
35 Lantai keramik uk. (30 x 30) cm m2 55,658
36 Lantai keramik uk. (20 x 20) cm m2 37,488
37 Lantai keramik uk. (10 x 33) cm, variasi/border m2 38,140
38 Lantai mosaik uk. (30 x 30) cm, campuran spesi 1 PC : 3 PP m2 39,969
39 Plint keramik uk. (10 x 20) cm tanpa Plint keramik artistik m2 70,920
40 plint keramik uk. (10 x 10) cm tanpa plint keramik artistik m 374,556
41 plint keramik uk. (5 x 20) cm tanpa Plint keramik artistik m 2,212
42 plint internal cove artistik uk. (5 x 5 x 20) cm tanpa internal cove m 2,499
43 Lantai marmer uk. (100 x 100) cm m2 1,112
44 Lantai karpet tanpa Lantai karpet m2 3,074
45 underlayer tanpa underlayer m2 710,333
46 Lantai parquet m2 8,105
47 Lantai kayu (gym floor) m2 8,105
48 dinding porselen uk. (11 x 11) cm m2 135,274
49 dinding porselin uk. (10 x 20) cm m2 202,569
50 dinding porselin uk. (20 x 20) cm m2 31,556
51 dinding keramik artistik uk. (10 x 20) cm m2
52 dinding keramik artistik uk. (5 x 20) cm m2 146,236
53 dinding keramik uk. (10 x 20) cm m2 82,607
113,275.37 315,843.87
161,821.96 193,377.96
145,639.77 191,570.77
145,639.77 182,255.77
145,639.77 290,150.77
145,639.77 291,875.77
143,639.77 226,246.77
143,639.77 216,719.77
210,368.55 966,918.56
161,821.96 212,781.27
113,275.37 227,409.04
113,275.37 216,152.97
33,541.35 45,407.61
54,354.46 60,143.63
26,775.80 26,775.80
17,850.53 20,562.82
26,775.80 37,242.47

40,590.40 71,333.13
42,073.71 81,005.78
43,826.84 105,445.57
40,590.40 76,205.53
42,073.71 80,213.38
43,826.84 83,795.57
40,590.40 76,205.53
42,073.71 80,213.38
40,590.40 287,160.08
42,073.71 457,895.20
40,590.40 76,205.53
42,073.71 80,213.38
38,837.27 76,527.87
40,590.40 76,205.53
42,073.71 80,213.38
20,153.46 22,864.79
20,153.46 22,189.76
20,153.46 22,189.76
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
20,153.46 23,227.50
58,255.91 58,255.91
113,275.37 163,758.01
113,275.37 168,933.01
113,275.37 150,763.01
113,275.37 151,415.04
113,275.37 153,244.11
170,047.97 240,968.10
113,275.37 487,831.17
20,153.46 22,365.00
20,153.46 22,652.50
20,153.46 21,264.98
167,420.33 170,494.37
113,275.37 823,608.01
38,003.99 46,108.82
26,775.80 34,880.63
113,275.37 248,549.37
113,275.37 315,843.87
161,821.96 193,377.96

145,639.77 291,875.77
145,639.77 228,246.77
54 dinding keramik uk. (20 x 20) cm m2 73,080
55 dinding marmer uk. (100 x 100) cm m2 756,550
56 dinding bata pelapis uk. (3 x 7 x 24) cm m2 50,959
57 dinding batu paras m2 114,134
58 dinding batu tempel hitam m2 102,877
59 Lantai vinyl uk. (30 x 30) cm KL I tanpa vinyl m2 11,866
60 wallpaper, lebar 50 cm tanpa wallpaper m2 5,789
61 floor hardener tanpa floor hardener m2
62 plint vinyil karet uk. (30 x 30) cm dengan perekat tanpa vinyl m 2,712
63 plint kayu kelas 11 uk. (2 x 10) cm tanpa paku skrup m 10,467


1 Langit-langit asbes semen, tebal 4 mm, 5 mm, dan 6 mm m2 26,002
2 Langit-langit akustik uk. (30 x 30) cm tanpa akustik m2 10,430
3 Langit-langit akustik uk. (30 x 60) cm tanpa akustik m2 10,114
4 Langit-langit akustik uk. (60 x 120) cm tanpa akustik m2 10,430
5 Langit-langit tripleks uk. (120 x 240) cm, tebal 3 mm, 4 mm dan 6 mm tanpa tripleks m2 19,977
6 Langit-langit lambriziring kayu, tebal 9 mm m2 42,691
7 Langit-langit gypsum board uk. (120x240x9) mm, tebal 9 mm tanpa paku sekrup m2 23,341
8 Langit-langit akustik uk. (60 x 120) cm + rangka aluminium tanpa profil aluminium, ramset dan akustik m2 12,431
9 List langit-langit kayu profil tanpa kayu profil m 9,498

1 Langit-langit asbes semen, tebal 4 mm, 5 mm, dan 6 mm m2
2 Langit-langit akustik uk. (30 x 30) cm tanpa akustik m2
3 Langit-langit akustik uk. (30 x 60) cm tanpa akustik m2
4 Langit-langit akustik uk. (60 x 120) cm tanpa akustik m2
5 Langit-langit tripleks uk. (120 x 240) cm, tebal 3 mm, 4 mm dan 6 mm tanpa tripleks m2
6 Langit-langit lambriziring kayu, tebal 9 mm m2
7 Langit-langit gypsum board uk. (120x240x9) mm, tebal 9 mm tanpa paku sekrup m2
8 Langit-langit akustik uk. (60 x 120) cm + rangka aluminium tanpa profil aluminium; ramset dan akustik m2
9 List langit-langit kayu profil tanpa kayu profil m


1 besi profil kg 14,761
2 rangka kuda-kuda baja IWF kg 13,524
3 perakitan tanpa sewa alat kg 70
4 pintu besi plat baja tebal 2 mm rangkap, rangka baja siku m' 611,460
5 pengelasan dengan las listrik cm 3,235
6 rangka jendela besi scuare tube (25 x 5) cm m2 -
7 pintu rolling door besi tanpa pintu gulung besi m2 -
8 pintu lipat (Folding door) tanpa pintu lipat m2 -
9 sunscreen aluminium tanpa sunsreen m2 -
10 Rolling door aluminium tanpa rollong doorallumunium m2 -
11 Kusen pintu aluminium tanpa profil m2 3,100
12 Pintu aluminium strip lebar 8 cm tanpa alumunium strip m2 -
13 Pintu kaca rangka aluminium tanpa profit m2 358,694
14 Venetions blinds dan Vertical blinds tanpa venetions blinds m2 -
15 terali besi strip (2 x 3) mm m2 71,674
16 kawat nyamuk m2 19,911
17 jendela nako & tralis tanpa paku strip m2 145,923
18 talang datar/ jurai seng BJLS 28 lebar 90 cm m 111,264
19 talang 1/2 lingkaran D-15 cm, seng plat BJLS 30 lebar 45 cm m 50,591


1 Atap Genteng Palentong Kecil m2 0,00
2 Atap Genteng Kodok / Glazzur m2 0,00
3 Atap Genteng Palentong Super / Besar m2 0,00
4 Genteng Bubung Palentong m2 15,853
5 Genteng Bubung Kodok Glazzur m2 15,853
6 Genteng Bubung Palentong Besar m2 15,853
7 Rooflight Fiberglass ( 180 x 90) cm m2 44,820
8 Asbes Gelombang ( 2.50 x 0.92 m ) x 5 mm m' 38,154
9 Asbes Gelombang ( 2.25 x 0.92 m ) x 5 mm m' 45,224
10 Asbes Gelombang ( 2:00 x 0.92 m) x 5 mm m' 45,224
11 Asbes Gelombang ( 1.80 x.0.92 .n ) x 5 mm m' 55,829
12 Asbes Gelombang ( 270 x 1.05 m) x 4 mm m2 27,549
13 Asbes Gelombang ( 300 x 1,05 m) x 4 mm m2 32,498
14 Asbes Gelombang ( 240 x 1.05 m ) x 4 mm m2 33,912
15 Asbes Gelombang ( 210 x 1.05 m) x 4 mm m2 38,861
145,639.77 218,719.77
210,368.55 966,918.56
161,821.96 212,781.27
113,275.37 227,409.04
113,275.37 216,152.37
33,541.35 45,407.61
54,354.46 60,143.63
26,775.80 26,775.80
17,850.53 20,562.82
26,775.80 37,242.46

11,956.77 37,958.99
26,775.80 37,205.46
22,313.16 32,426.93
22,313.16 32,742.83
22,313.16 42,289.76
178,505.30 221,195.83
16,182.20 39,523.68
111,558.34 123,989.34
11,228.19 20,726.01

13,387.90 28,149.19
13,387.90 26,911.90
211.72 281.72
234,200.90 845,660.90
647,26 #VALUE!
144,954.23 144,954.23
260,006.08 260,006.08
98,171.34 98,171.34
106,124.48 106,124.48
223,116.68 223,116.68
9,586.86 12,686.86
18,957.76 18,957.76
19,135.63 377,829.63
78,162.45 78,162.45
372,533.24 444,207.03
22,311.67 42,222.99
43,334.35 189,257.68
67,245.24 178,509.38
57,731.43 108,321.97

24,408.20 #VALUE!
24,408.20 #VALUE!
22,505.62 #VALUE!
62,150.81 78,003.61
62,150.81 78,003.61
62,150.81 78,003.61
22,325.20 67,145.53
23,474.69 61,628.69
23,474.69 68,698.69
22,655.07 67,879.07
22,655.07 78,484.07
22,655.07 50,204.07
22,655.07 55,153.07
22,325.20 56,237.20
22,325.20 61,186.20
16 Asbes Gelombang ( 1.5 x 1.05 m ) x 4 mm m2 59,364
17 Asbes Gelombang ( 3.00 x 1.08 m) x 6 mm m2 28,963
18 Asbes Gelombang ( 2.7 x 1.08 ) x 6 mm m2
19 Asbes Gelombang ( 2.4 x1,08 ) x 6 mm m2
20 Asbes Gelombang ( 2,1 x 1,08 ) x 6 mm m2
21 Asbes Gelombang ( 1,08 x 1,08 m ) x 6 mm m2
22 Bubung Stel Gelombang 0,92 m m' 309,880
23 Nok Stel Gelombang 0,92 m m' 170,880
24 Nok Stel Gelombang 1,05 m m' 149,670
25 Nok Stel Gelombang 1,08 m m' 146,135
26 Nok Paten 0,92 m m' 76,800
27 Nok Paten 1,05 m m' 76,800
28 Nok Paten 1,08 m m' 76,800
29 Nok Stel rata 0,92 m m' 68,300
30 Nok Stel rata 1,05 m m' 68,300
31 Atap Genteng Beton tanpa genteng m2 407
32 Atap Genteng Aspal tanpa genteng m2 18,683
33 Atap Genteng Metal tanpa genteng m2 2,713
34 Atap Sirap tanpa genteng m2 3,811
35 Nok Genteng Beton tanpa genteng m' 31,175
36 Nok Genteng Aspal tanpa genteng m' 974,47
37 Nok Genteng Metal tanpa genteng m' 952,67
38 Nok Genteng Metal tanpa genteng m' 952,67
39 Nok Sirap m' 43,375
40 Atap Seng Gelombang m2 26,281
41 Atap Nok Seng m2 22,362
42 Atap Aluminium m2 159,017
43 Nok Aluminium m2 84,935
44 Aluminium Foil / Sisalation m2 2,853
45 Kuda-kuda baja ringan KING TRUSS spesifikasi bahan Hi-Ten G 550 Aluminium 55 %, 43,5 zinc dan 1,5 silicon termasuk rangka reng & talang jurai dlm
a. Sistem kuda-kuda kantilever bentang 0 - 12 m m2 216,000
b. Sistem kuda-kuda kantilever bentang 7 - 12 m m2 208,000
c. Sistem kuda-kuda kantilever bentang < 7m m2 199,000
46 Kuda-kuda baja ringan STEEL TRUSS @ C815 spesifkasi bahan Hi-Ten G 550 profil tebal 0.75 mm C8195 tebal 0,95 struktur kuda-kuda dan reng tebal 0.50 mm
a. Jarak max. kuda-kuda 120 cm m2 230,000
b. Jarak max. kuda-kuda 130 cm m2 208,000
47 a Kuda-kuda atap baja ringan KMP- Trusss dengan spesifikasi bahan baja mutu tinggi U 550 dilapisi anti karat Hot Dip Zinc kelas Z 180 (ketebalan lapisan 180 gr/m2) termasuk rangka,
- Sistem kuda-kuda cantilever pada bentang > 10 meter sampai dengan 12 m (jarakk kuda-kuda 122 cm - 140 cm) m2 250,000
- Sistem kuda-kuda cantilever pada bentang 7 m sampai dengan 12 m (jarak kuda-kuda 122 cm - 140 cm) m2 217,000
- Sistem kuda-kuda cantilever pada bentang > 7 m (jarak kuda-kuda 122 cat - 140 cm) m2 217,000
b Kaso dan reng baja ringan KMP-Truss dengan spesifikasi bahan baja mutu tinggi G 550 dilapisi lapisan anti karat Hot Dip Zink kelas Z 180 (ketebalan lapisan 180 gr/m2) termasuk conne
- Profil 75x33 Z 08 dan Profil 35x27 B50 (untuk jarak gording maksimum 125 cm) m2 160,000
- Protil 95x33 Z 08 dan Profil 35x27 B50 (untuk jarak gording maksimum 200 cm) m2 178,000
48 Kuda-kuda atap baja ringan Cahaya TRUSS spesifikasi High Tension Steel G550.55% aluminium 43% Zinc dan 1,5% silicon m2
Profil C.75.100 T.70 mm, tbl 1,00 mm
Profil C.75.100 T.70 mm, tbl 0,70 mm
Profil C.75.100 T.50 mm, tbl 0,50 mm
a Jarak max. kuda-kuda 120 cm m' 220,000
b Jarak max. kuda-kuda 130 cm m' 198,000
49 Kuda-kuda atap baja ringan UNION TRUSS @ spesifikasi High Steel G550 termasuk rangka reng dan talang jurai dalam
a Sistem kuda-kuda Cantilever / non standar m2 255,000
b Sistem kuda-kuda Standar Ganvanized m2 216,000
c Sietem kuda-kuda Standar Galvanized Z220 bendang m2 186,000
d Sistem kuda-kuda Cantilever / non standar m2 277,000
e Sistem kuda-kuda Standar Galvalum / Zinc m2 234,000
f Sistem kuda-kuda Standar Galvalum / Zinc m2 207,000
50 A Kuda-kuda atap ringan MPK-GIGASTEEL dengan spesifikasi bahan baja mutu tinggi G 550 dilapisi anti karat Hot Dip Galvanis kelas Z 180 (ketebalan lapisan 180 gr/m2) termasuk ran
B kuda dan balok
Kuda-kuda atap tumpuan)
baja ringan MPK-GIGASTEEL dengan spesilikasi bahan baja mutu tinggi G 550 dilapisi anti karat Hot Dip Zinc kelas AZ 100 (ketebalan lapisan 100 gr/m2) termasuk ran
a Harga pekerjaan rangka atap baja ringan dengan genteng keramik m2 235,000
b Harga pekerjaan rangka atap baja ringan dengan m2 210,000
c genteng
Harga metal rangka atap kaso dan reng dengan genteng keramik
pekerjaan m2 170,000
d Harga pekerjaan rangka atap kaso dan reng dengan genteng metal m2 135,000
51 Kuda-kuda atap baja ringan LYSAGI IT SMAR1TRUSS4k) spesitIkasi (1550 Hot Dip Zinc 2180 termasuk rangka, reng Seng talang jurai dalam
a Sistem bentang 7 - 9 m max 1,2 m m2
b Sistem bentang 7 - 9 m max 1,5 m m2 230,000
c Sistem bentang 9 - 12 m max 1,2 m m2 252,000
d Sistem bentang 9 - 12 m max 1.5 m m2 273,000
52 Kaso dan reng baja ringan Pryda KMP Truss dengan spesitlkasi baban baja mutu tinggi G 550 lapis -anti karat Hot Dip Zinc kolas 7. 221) termasuk conn 285,000
a. Jarak gording maks 159 cm m2
b. Jarak gording maks 200 cm m2
53 Rangka atap kaso dan rang baja ringan King Frtisst protil kaso C77 dan rang V33 tebal 0,50 mm. 160,000
a. Jarak kaso gording 100 cm m2 178,000
22,325.20 81,689.20
22,325.20 51,288.20
23,805.10 333,685.10
23,805.10 194,685.10
23,805.10 173,475.10
23,805.10 169,940.10
23,805.10 100,605.10
23,805.10 100,605.10
23,805.10 100,605.10
28,047.71 96,347.71
23,805.10 92,105.10
32,364.39 32,771.30
53,470.12 72,153.05
31,075.41 33,788.74
47,296.90 51,107.57
64,728.79 95,903.39
43,183.06 #VALUE!
43,592.58 #VALUE!
43,592.58 #VALUE!
43,183.06 86,557.93
19,418.63 45,699.70
10,969.55 33,331.68
11,519.35 170,536.68
121,992.86 206,927.53
21,279.42 24,131.92

25,000.00 241,000.00
25,000.00 233,000.00
25,000.00 224,000.00

25,000.00 255,000.00
25,000.00 233,000.00
an 180 gr/m2) termasuk rangka, reng dan talang jurai dalam serta connector khusus KMP-Truss (Screw Galvanis & MultiGripNail untuk connector kuda-kuda dan balok
25,000.00 275,000.00
25,000.00 242,000.00
25,000.00 242,000.00
apisan 180 gr/m2) termasuk connector khusus KMP-Truss (screw Galvanis
20,000.00 180,000.00
20,000.00 198,000.00

25,000.00 245,000.00
25,000.00 223,000.00

25,000.00 280,000.00
25,000.00 241,000.00
25,000.00 211,000.00
25,000.00 302,000.00
25,000.00 259,000.00
25,000.00 232,000.00
lapisan 180 gr/m2) termasuk rangka reng & talang jurai dalam serta connector (Screw Galvanis tintuk connector kuda-
n lapisan 100 gr/m2) termasuk rangka rang & talang jurai dalani serta con
25,000.00 260,000.00
25,000.00 235,000.00
20,000.00 190,000.00
20,000.00 155,000.00

25,000.00 255,000.00
25,000.00 277,000.00
25,000.00 298,000.00
25,000.00 310,000.00

20,000.00 180,000.00
20,000.00 198,000.00
b. Jarak kaso gording 200 cm m2
54 Rangka amp kaso dan reng baja ringan MPK Trussiii), dengan spesilikasi Kahan baja multi tinggi G 550 dilapisi anti karat lot Dip Zinc Z180 134,000
a. Jarak max 125 cm m2 157,000
b. Jarak max 200 cm m2 142,000
55 Rangka atap baja ringan APLUS, spesifikasi: C-Channel uk.75x36 mm: tebal 0,8-1 mm; panjang 6 in. Batten (Reng C) uk. 35x19 min; tebal 0,5 mm; panjang 6 m
56 Kuda-kuda baja ringan PRATAGN TRUSS Spesifikasi : (SNI 4096 - 2007) G550 AS 150 Al. Seng (Bj. LAS) termasuk, –Canal C : tebal 0,68 min; 0,78 inm; 176,000
Ketentuan Konstruksi : 175,000
a. Panjang bentang > 12 in m2 235,000
b. Panjang Bentang 7 s/d 12 m m2 205,000
c. Panjang Bentang < 7 m m2 185,000
57 Rangka atap baja ringan PRATAGN TRUSS SpesifIkasi : (SN1 4096 - 2007) G550 AS 150 Al. Seng (13j. LAS) m2 150,000
Ketentuan Konstruksi : Kaso C0,78 dan Rene V0.50 Baja Ringan Jarak Kaso 130 cm

1 Kloset Duduk / Monoblok set 4,485,000
2 Kloset Jongkok Porselen set 2,708,883
3 Kloset Jongkok Teraso set 212,827
4 Urinoir set 1,698,883
5 buah Wastafel set 1,698,883
6 Bak Mandi Teraso, volume 0.30 m3 tanpa bak teraso set 8,883
7 Bak Mandi Fiberglass, volume 0.30 m3 tanpa bak mandi fiberglass set -
8 Bak Mandi Batu bata, volume 0.30 m3 set 268,365
9 Badkip Porselen tanpa badkip porselen set -
10 Bak Fiberglass volume 1 m3 air tanpa bak fiberglass m3 -
11 Penyalur Air limbah jenis Pipa Tanah Dia. 15 cm m' 5,912
12 Penyalur Air limbah jenis Pipa Tanah Dia. 20 cm m' 6,983
13 Pipa Beton Dia. 5 cm - 20 cm tanpa pipa beton m' 21,721
14 Pipa Beton Dia. 30 cm - 100 cm tanpa pipa m' 39,758
15 Bak Kontrol pasangan Batu Bata uk. (30 x 30) cm, t = 35cm m' 109,776
16 Bak Kontrol pasangan Batu Bata uk. (45 x 45) cm, t = 50 cm m' 167,691
17 Bak Kontrol pasangan Batu Bata uk. (60 x 60) cm, t = 65 cm m' 255,820
18 Pipa Galvanis Dia. 1/2" tanpa pipa galvanis m' -
19 Pipa Galvanis Dia. 1/4" tanpa pipa galvanis m' -
20 Pipa Galvanis Dia. 1" tanpa pipa galvanis m' -
21 Pipa Galvanis Dia. 1 1/2" tanpa pipa galvanis m' -
22 Pipa Galvanis Dia. 3" tanpa pipa galvanis m' -
23 Pipa Galvanis Dia. 4" tanpa pipa galvanis m' -
24 Pipa PVC tipe AW Dia. 1/4" m' 15,600
25 Pipa PVC tipe AW Dia. 1/4" m' 21,960
26 Pipa PVC tipe AW Dia. 1" m' 30,900
27 Pipa PVC tipe AW Dia. 1 1/2" m' 52,500
28 Pipa PVC tipe AW Dia. 2" m'
29 Pipa PVC tipe AW Dia. 2 1/2" m' 97,560
30 Pipa PVC tipe AW Dia. 3" m' 136,680
31 Pipa PVC tipe AW Dia. 4" m' 221,640
32 Bak Cuci Piring Stainles Steel tanpa bak dan water drain set -
33 Bak Cuci Piring Teraso set 33,190
34 Kran Dia. 3/4" atau Dia. 1/2" set 114,500
35 Floor Drain tanpa floor drain. set 62,500


1 Mengikis / Mengerok Permukaan Cat Tembok m2 400
2 Mencuci Bidang Permukaan tembok yang dicat m2 400
3 Mengerok Karat Cat Lama Permukaan m2 400
4 Menyabun Permukaan Tembok Lama m2 400
5 Mengerok Karat atau Cat Lama Permukaan m2 51,364
6 Mendempul dan Menggosok Kayu m2 2,998
7 Mengecatan Bidang Kayu Lama m2 1,643
8 Mengecatan Bidang Kayu Baru (1 Lapis Plamir), 1 Lapis Cat Dasar, 2 Lapis Cat Penutup m2 14,084
9 Mengecatan Bidang Kayu Baru (1 Lapis Plamir), 1 Lapis Cat Dasar, 3 Lapis Cat Penutup m2 17,621
10 Pelaburan Bidang Kayu tanpa Teak Oil m2 -
11 Pelaburan Bidang Kayu dengan Pelitur m2 43,578
12 Pelaburan Bidang Kayu dengan Cat Residu dan Ter m2 811
13 Pelaburan Bidang Kayu dengan Vemis m2 9,979
14 Pengecatan Tembok Baru ( 1 Plamir, 1 Lapis Cat Dasar, 2 Lapis Cat Penutup ) m2 5,368
15 Melabur Tembok dengan Kapur Sirih tanpa alang-alang m' 1,245
16 Melabur Tembok Lama tanpa Kapur Sirih dan perancah (untuk pemeliharaan) m2 -
17 Pemasangan WallPaper tanpa wallpaper m2 4,631
18 Pengecatan Permukaan Baja dengan Meni m2 1,262
19 Pengecatan Permukaan Baja dengan Meni Besi dan Perancah m2 1,262
20 Pengecatan Permukaan Baja Lapis Seng (Galbani) secara Manual Sistem 4 Lapis Cat Konvensional, tebal 200 um m2 2,602
21 Pengecatan Permukaan Baja Lapis Seng (Galbani) secara Manual Sistem 1 Lapis Cat Mutakhir, tebal 200 um m2 3,331
20,000.00 154,000.00
20,000.00 177,000.00
20,000.00 162,000.00

20,000.00 196,000.00
20,000.00 195,000.00
25,000.00 260,000.00
25,000.00 230,000.00
25,000.00 210,000.00
25,000.00 175,000.00

452,056.59 4,937,056.59
471,102.56 3,179,985.89
312,024.21 524,850.88
230,292.68 1,929,176.01
286,104.36 1,984,987.69
303,123.44 312,006.77
549,040.13 549,040.13
970,931.78 1,239,297.11
139,000.53 139,000.53
1,017,708.60 1,017,708.60
9,637.71 15,549.77
13,375.42 20,358.37
22,655.07 44,375.89
61,492.35 101,249.93
412,814.38 522,590.39
200,688.43 368,379.26
316,388.44 572,208.73
19,943.67 19,943.67
19,943.67 19,943.67
19,943.67 19,943.67
32,926.81 32,926.81
32,926.81 32,926.81
41,165.67 41,165.67
10,975.60 26,575.60
10,975.60 32,935.60
10,975.60 41,875.60
10,975.60 63,475.60
10,975.60 108,535.60
24,702.27 161,382.27
24,702.27 246,342.27
39,801.17 39,801.17
66,335.28 99,525.28
13,911.55 128,411.55
13,911.55 76,411.55

14,360.74 14,760.74
14,360.74 14,760.74
14,360.74 14,760.74
14,360.74 14,760.74
498,185.98 549,549.79
8,996.88 11,995.28
16,089.09 17,732.49
8,641.86 22,725.53
18,944.78 36,566.05
18,995.21 18,995.21
18,995.21 62,572.84
10,194.45 11,005.58
34,913.34 44,892.57
9,950.09 15,318.01
14,483.36 15,728.69
4,705.20 4,705.20
24,470.18 29,101.52
27,823.10 29,084.97
52,001.32 53,263.18
5,142.47 7,744.21
9,536.18 12,866.98
22 Pengecatan Permukaan Baja Lapis Seng (Galbani) secara Manual Sistem 3 Lapis Cat Konvensional, tebal 200 um m2 -
23 Pengecatan Permukaan Baja Lapis Seng (Galbani) secara Semprot (Airless Spray) dgn Sistem 1 Lapis Cat Mutakhir, tebal 200 um m2 -


1 Operasional Dump Truk untuk keruk lumpur Swakelola m3 28
2 Operasional Dump Truk untuk pekerjaan selain keruk lumpur Swakelola m3 28
3 Operasional Sewa Excavator secara Swakelola jam 135
4 Operasional Combi secara Swakelola jam 142
5 Operasional Jetting secara Swakelola jam 111
6 Operasional Shovel Loader secara Swakelola jam 123
7 Operasional Sewa Dredging secara Swakelola m3 9


A MS Elastomeric Bearing Pad dengan Neoprene Rubber
Spesifikasi :
Mutu memenuhi standar AASHTO M251-2006 sbb:
a. Compressive sterss min. 80 kg/cm2
b. Shear Modulus min 0,55 Mpa
c. Tensile Strength 15,5 Mpa
d. Ultimate Elongation min 350 %
- 450 x 350 x 45 mm bh 3,600,000
- 450 x 350 x 75 mm bh 6,000,000
- 500 x 420 x 49 mm bh 5,200,000
- 500 x 420 x 75 mm bh 7,900,000

B MS Elastomeric Bearing Pad dengan Natural Rubber

Spesifikasi :
Mutu memenuhi standar AASHTO M251-2006 sbb:
a. Compressive sterss min. 80 kg/cm2
b. Shear Modulus min 0,55 Mpa
c. Tensile Strength 15,5 Mpa
d. Ultimate Elongation min 400 %
- 450 x 350 x 45 mm bh 3,200,000
- 450 x 350 x 75 mm bh 5,400,000
- 500 x 420 x 49 mm bh 4,700,000
- 500 x 420 x 75 mm bh 7,200,000

C MS Temporary Elastomeric Bearing Pad (High Compressive Stress)

Spesifikasi :
a. Untuk beban < 3500 kN bh 30,000,000
b. Untuk beban < 5000 kN bh 40,000,000
c. Untuk beban < 7500 kN bh 50,000,000


Spesifikasi :
- Mutu memenuhi EN Standard
- Komponen geser memakai "X-L1DE", Polyethylene Modified
- Mutu baja Gr. 50 Solid Plate

1 Tipe Fix, dengan Hult, DL < 42,50 %, est. DL=70 % TL

a Untuk beban < 2000 kN bh 34,000,000
b Untuk beban < 2500 kN bh 42,000,000
c Untuk beban < 3000 kN bh 50,000,000
d Untuk beban < 3500 kN bh 60,000,000
e Untuk beban < 4000 kN bh 70,000,000
f Untuk beban < 5000 kN bh 90,000,000
g Untuk beban < 6000 kN bh 115,000,000
h Untuk beban < 8000 kN bh 175,000,000
i Untuk beban < 10000 kN bh 280,000,000
j Untuk beban < 12500 kN bh 350,000,000
k Untuk beban < 15000 kN bh 400,000,000
2 Tipe Moved-Uni, dengan Hult, DL< 42,50%, est. DL=70%TL dan D + 100 mm
a Untuk beban < 2000 kN bh 45,000,000
b Untuk beban < 2500 kN bh 52,500,000
c Untuk beban < 3000 kN bh 60,000,000
d Untuk beban < 3500 kN bh 72,500,000
e Untuk beban < 4000 kN bh 85,000,000
f Untuk beban < 5000 kN bh 110,000,000
g Untuk beban < 6000 kN bh
h Untuk beban < 8000 kN bh
i Untuk beban < 10000 kN bh
201,266.79 201,266.79
168,275.94 168,275.94

- 28.31
- 28.31
- 134.55
- 141.51
- 110.65
- 122.74
- 9.38

- 3,600,000.00
- 6,000,000.00
- 5,200,000.00
- 7,900,000.00

- 3,200,000.00
- 5,400,000.00
- 4,700,000.00
- 7,200,000.00

- 30,000,000.00
- 40,000,000.00
- 50,000,000.00
j Untuk beban < 12500 kN bh
k Untuk beban < 15000 kN bh

3 Tipe Moved-Multi, dengan DL ± 100 mm dan DT + 20 mm

a Untuk beban < 2000 kN '4 bh 30,000,000
b Untuk beban < 2500 kN bh 37,500,000
c Untuk beban < 3000 kN bh 45,000,000
d Untuk beban < 3500 kN :. bh 52,500,000
e Untuk beban < 4000 kN ,Vin bh 600,000
f Untuk beban < 5000 kN bh 80,000,000
g Untuk beban < 6000 kN bh 100,000,000
h Untuk beban < 8000 k bh 150,000,000
i Untuk beban < 10000 kN bh 200,000,000
j Untuk beban < 12500 kN bh 250,000,000
k Untuk beban < 15000 kN bh 300,000,000


Spesifikasi :
- Komponen geser memakai "X-L1DE", Polyethylene Modified
- Mutu baja Gr. 50 Solid Plate
1 Shear Key Type Fix
a. Untuk beban < 1000 kN bh 85,000,000
b. Untuk beban < 1500 kN bh 150,000,000
2 Shear Key Type Moved-Uni dengan A ± 100 mm
a. Untuk beban < 1000 kN bh 75,000,000
b. Untuk beban < 1500 kN bh 140,000,000


Spesifikasi :
- Komponen geser memakai "X-LIDE", Polyethylene Modified
1 Untuk beban < 1000 kN 100,000,000
2 Untuk beban < 1500 kN bh 150,000,000
1 Antifriction Plate "X-LIDE", Polyethylene Modified bh 20,000,000
2 Dust Cover "Neoprene" bh 10,000,000
3 Zinc Roll kg 600
4 Epoxy Coating kg 250
5 "X-L1DE" Silicone Grease 1,500,000
6 Silicone Sealent 500,000


1 Hold Devices for Girder bh 155,000,000
2 Hold Devices for Pier bh 225,000,000
3 Hold Devices for Abutment bh 240,000,000
4 Deformation Gauge bh 3,000,000
5 Replace Chair for Bearing bh 90,000,000

A Untuk movement "kecil" + 10 mm dengan gap 20 - 30 mm
Spesifikasi :
- Karet terbuat dari bahan Neoprene
- Surface sealant memiliki Elongation 1000%
1 IP 30 Seamless m' 1,800,000
2 IP 40 Seamless m' 2,000,000

B Untuk total movement 30-50 mm dengan Imperseal menggunakan Polyurethane Mortar Header
1 IP 30 HS (gap 20 mm) m' 4,500,000
2 IP 40 HS (gap 30 mm) m' 4,750,000
3 IP 50 HS (gap 40 mm) m' 5,000,000

C. Untuk total movement 100-125 mm dengan Strip Seal

Spesifikasi :
- Memenuhi AASHTO M23-50.03
- Produsen memiliki sertifikat yang menunjukkan bahwa produknya telah lulus tes terhadap :
a Seal Push Out (SPO) Test
b Seal Pull Out Test
c Watertightness Test )
1 SMM 100 m' 7,500,000
2 SMM 125 m' 8,000,000
3 SMD 100 m' 6,500,000
D. Untuk total movement 120-330 mm dengan Steel Reinforced Elastomeric Joint Tipe Algaflex Joint Sistem
Spesifikasi :
- Memenuhi EN Standard
- Material header terbuat dari polyurethane mortar
1 T 140 m' 25,000,000
2 T 160 m' 26,500,000
3 T 120 AS m' 22,500,000
4 T 200 AS m' 38,000,000
5 T 250 AS m' 45,000,000
6 T 330 AS m' 70,000,000

E. Untuk total movement 100-330 mm dengan Tipe Bolt Down Panel Joint Sistem dengan Alumunium Skid Resistant Wear Plate
Spesifikasi :
- Karet terbuat dari bahan Neoprene dengan tensilestrength 12,4 Mpa
- Material header terbuat dari polyurethane mortar
- Skid Resistant dengan High Strength Alumunium 6061-T6 extrusions
1 SR 4 A (gap 7,5 cm) m' 45,000,000
2 SR 6.5 A (gap 12 cm) m' 60,000,000
3 SR 9 (gap < 20 cm) m' 100,000,000

F. Untuk Movement 'besar" jenis mechanical tipe Modular Joint

Spesifikasi :
- Memenuhi AASHTO LRFD Artide 14,5
- Produsen memiliki sertifikat yang menunjukkan bahwa produknya telah lulus tes terhadap:
a Opening Movement & Vibration (OMV) test
b Seal Push Out (SPO) Test
c Fatique Test
1 SDM 160 (total movement 160 mm) m' 40,000,000
2 SDM 200 (total movement 200 mm) m' 45,000,000
3 SB 240 (total movement 240 mm) m' 60,000,000
4 SB 320 (total movement 320 mm) m' 80,000,000
5 SB 400 (total movement 400 mm) m' 120,000,000
6 SB 480 (total movement 480 mm) m' 150,000,000

G. Expansion Joint Accessories .

1 Surface Seal, elongasi 100% m' 500
2 Epoxy Mortar-MS Crete ltr 150
3 Polyurethane Mortar-Webocrete 11 ltr 250


1 Material dari GRC m2 4,100,000
2 Material dari Metal m2 4,700,000
3 Material dari FRP m2 5,100,000


Lateral Stopper 120,000,000


Material untuk Pedestal
a Epoxy Grout M.648 Ltr 208,000
b Non Shrink Grout M.870 kg 6,900
c Cat Epoxy Untuk Masonry Plate kg 289


1 Injection Port bh 69
2 Sealer C. 1441 ltr 272
3 Epoxy Injection C.2525 ltr 405
4 Primer M 181 ltr 150
5 Anti Karbonisasi M 300 H ltr 145
6 Reinforced Mortar dengan Serat Fiber kg 9


1 Plat Baja Galvanis (termasuk lubang angkur) kg 58
2 Kawat Las Lb. 52 kg 25
3 Gas LPG kg 6
4 Oxygen kg 5


1 Extra Thin Jack 100 Ton dengan Safety Ring/Lock jam 1,100,000
2 Extra Thin Jack 250 Ton dengan Safety Ring/Lock jam 1,980,000
3 Extra Thin Jack 500 Ton dengan Safety Ring/Lock jam 3,960,000
4 Synchorous Lift System jam 9,900,000
5 Hydraulic Arm jam 413
6 Box Roller jam 248
7 Chain Block jam 55


1 Genset 10 kVA jam 150
2 Genset 20 kVA jam 200
3 Grouting Mixer Kapasitas 75 liter jam 138
4 Grouting Pump jam 138
5 Epoxy Grout Mixer jam 21
6 Epoxy Mixer Kecil jam 14
7 Travo Las jam 36
8 Cutter Tangan jam 36
9 Gerinda Amplas jam 22
10 Chipping Hammer jam 21
11 Blander Potong jam 6


1 Ready mix B-0, slump 12 ± 2, dengan Fly Ash Ash (FA) termasuk biaya angkut m3 580,000
2 Ready mix K-175, slump 12 ± 2, dengan Fly Ash Ash, termasuk biaya angkut m3 600,000
3 Ready mix K-225, slump 12 ± 2, dengan Fly Ash Ash termasuk biaya angkut m3 600,000
4 Ready mix K-250, slump 12 ± 2, dengan Fly Ash Ash termasuk biaya angkut m3 615,000
5 Ready mix K-300, slump 12 ± 2, dengan Fly Ash Ash termasuk biaya angkut m3
6 Ready mix K-350, slump 12 ± 2, dengan Fly Ash Ash termasuk biaya angkut m3
7 Ready mix B-0, slump 12 ± 2, dengan tanpa Fly Ash Ash (NFA) termasuk biaya angkut m3
8 Ready mix K-175, slump 12 ± 2, dengan tanpa Fly Ash Ash (NFA) termasuk biaya angkut m3 605,000
9 Ready mix K-225, slump 12 ± 2, dengan tanpa Fly Ash Ash (NFA) termasuk biaya angkut m3
10 Ready mix K-250, slump 12 ± 2, dengan tanpa Fly Ash Ash (NFA) termasuk biaya angkut m3
11 Ready mix K-300, slump 12 ± 2, dengan tanpa Fly Ash Ash (NFA) termasuk biaya angkut m3 675,100
12 Ready mix K-350, slump 12 ± 2, dengan tanpa Fly Ash Ash (NFA) termasuk biaya angkut m3 710,000
13 Macadam 5-7 m3 170,000
14 Split uk 1-2 cm m3 185,000
15 Split uk 2-3 cm m3 185,000
16 Portland Semen (PC) kg 1,200
17 Pasir Pasang M3 200,000
18 Pasir Urug M3 250,000
19 Pasir Beton M3 200,000
20 Tanah Merah M3 150,000
21 Batu Kali Bulat M3 185,000
22 Paving Block warna Abu-abu, uk 10,5 x 10,5 cm tebal 6cm, K-400 M2 106,500
23 Paving Block warna Abu-abu, uk 10,5 x 10,5 cm tebal 8cm, K-400 M2 124,000
24 Paving Block wama Merah/Hitam/Kuning/Klasik, yk 10,5x 10,5 cm tebal 6 cm, K-400 M2 122,000
25 Paving Block warna Merah/Hitam/Kuning/Klasik, uk 10,5x 10,5 cm tebal 8 cm, K-400 M2 140,000
26 Paving Block warna Hijau, uk 10,5 x 10,5 cm tebal 6 cm, K-400 M2 134,500
27 Paving Block warna Hijau, uk 10,5 x 10,5 cm tebal 8 cm, K-400 M2 155,000
28 Paving Block warna Abu-abu, uk 10,5 x 21 cm tebal 6 cm, K-400 M2 103,500
29 Paving Block warna Abu-abu, uk 10,5 x 21 cm tebal 8 cm, K-400 M2 120,000
30 Paving Block warna Merah/Hitam/Kuning/Klasik, uk 10,5 x 21 cm tebal 6 cm, K-400 M2 118,500
31 Paving Block warna Merah/Hitam/Kuning/Klasik, uk 10,5x 21 cm tebal 8 cm, K-400 M2 139,000
32 Paving Block wama Hijau, uk 10,5 x 21 cm tebal 6 cm, K-400 M2 131,500
33 Paving Block wama Hijau, uk 10,5 x 21 cm tebal 8 cm, K-400 M2 152,500
34 Paving Block warna Abu-abu, uk 21 x 21 cm tebal 6 cm, K-400 M2 106,000
35 Paving Block wama Abu-abu, uk 21 x 21 cm tebal 8 cm, K-400 M2 124,000
36 Paving Block warna Merah/Hitarn/Kuning/Klasik, uk 21 x 21 cm tebal 6 cm, K-400 M2 122,000
37 Paving Block warna Merah/Hitam/Kuning/Klasik, uk 21 x21 cm tebal 8 cm, K-400 M2 140,000
38 Paving Block warna Hijau, uk 21 x 21 cm tebal'6 cm, K-400 M2 134,500
39 Paving Block warna Hijau, uk 21 x41 cm.lebar 14 m, K-400 M2 126,500
40 Paving Block warna Abu-abu, uk 31,5 x 31.5 cm tebal 8 cm, K-400 M2 143,000
41 Paving Block warna Merah / Hitam / Kuning / Klasik, uk 31,5 x 31,5 cm tebal 8 cm, K-400 M2 458,400
42 Paving Block warna Hijau, uk 31,5 x 31,5 cm tebal 8 cm K-400 M2
43 Anti Stripping Agent (aditif) kg
44 Paku uk. 4-5 cm kg
45 Paku uk. 6-7 cm kg
46 Paku uk. 10-15 cm kg
47 Kawat beton kg
48 Besi beton polos kg
49 Besi beton ulir kg
50 Kaso uk, 5 x 10 x 400 cm, kayu m3
51 Kaso uk, 5 x 7 x 400 cm, kayu m3
52 Kaso uk, 4 x 6 x 400 cm, kayu Meranti m3
53 Kaso uk, 5 x 7 x 400 cm, kayu m3
54 Triplek uk.3ftx7ftx6 mm Lbr
55 Triplek uk.4ftx8ftx9 mm Lbr
56 Triplek uk.4ftx8ftx12 mm A Lbr 125,000
57 Aspal Pertamina 60/70 kg 7,500
58 Hotmix Lapis AC -WC / Lapis Permukaan Ton 1,080,000
59 Hotmix Lapis AC -BC / Lapis Antara Ton 985,000
60 Hotmix Lapis AC -Base / Lapis Pondasi Ton 950,000
61 Lataston / HRS Ton 1,100,000
62 Sand Sheet Ton 1,120,000
63 Aspal Emulsi (Teac Coat) Ltr 10,000
64 Aspal Emulsi (Prime Coat) Ltr 11,000
65 MS Temporary Elastomeric Bearing Pad (High Compressive Stress) untuk beban < 3500 kN bh 30,000,000
66 MS Temporary Elastomeric Bearing Pad (HighCompressive Stress) untuk beban < 5000 kN bh 40,000,000
67 MS Temporary Elastomeric Bearing Pad (High Compressive Stress) untuk beban < 7500 kN bh 50,000,000
68 Hold Devices untuk Girder bh 155,000,000
69 Hold Devices untuk Pier bh 225,000,000
70 Hold Devices untuk Abutment bh 240,000,000
71 Deformation Gauge bh 3,000,000
72 Replace Chair for Bearing bh 90,000,000
73 Temporary Bearing dengan High Compressive Stress Elastomer untuk beban 3500 kN bh 30,000,000
74 Temporary Bearing dengan High Compressive Stress Elastomer untuk beban 5000 kN bh 40,000,000

1 Sewa Tandem Roller Jam 400,000
2 Sewa Stamper Kuda/Tamping Jam 50,000
3 Sewa Jack Hammer Jam 65,000
4 Sewa Cold Mixing Jam 1,725,000
5 Sewa Asphalt Mixing Plant Jam 1,142,857
6 Sewa Generator Set AMP (125 kVa) Jam 255,000
7 Sewa Asphalt Finisher Jam 900,000
8 Sewa Pneumatic Tire Roller Jam 550,000
9 Sewa Asphalt Sprayer Jam 45,000
10 Sewa Air Compressor Jam 145,000
11 Sewa CTB Mixing plant Jam 750,000
12 Sewa Minipile Drop Hammer. 1,5 ton m 27,500
13 Sewa Mobil Conrete Pump Jam 300,000
14 Sewa Main Frame Scaffolding per buah bulan 7,000
15 Sewa Ladder Frame Scaffolding per buah bulan 6,000
16 Sewa Horizontal Frarn&06iffOldini-Per 'buah -' bulan 6,000
17 Sewa Cat Walk Scaffolding per buah bulan 22,500
18 Sewa Base Jack Scaffolding per.buah bulan 5,000
19 Sewa Head Jack Scaffolding bulan 5,000
20 Sewa Join Fin Scaffolding per buah bulan 1,750
21 Sewa Cross Brace Scaffolding per buah bulan 5,000


1 Hotmix Lapis AC - WC / Lapis Permukaan density lapangan 97 - 100 %, tebal 4 cm (rekanan) Ton 1,135,055
2 Hotmix Lapis AC - WC / Lapis Antarapiensity lapangan 97 - 100 %, tebal 5 cm (rekanan) Ton 1,072,169
3 Tack Coating Liter 9,500
4 Prime Coating Liter 9,400
5 Patching Aspal dengan Cold Mix, tidak termasuk galian Ton 1,428,944
6 Cement Treated Base (CTB) Ton 900,000
7 Beton Corak Dekoratif. K-250 tebal 8 cm, lengkap dengan wiremesh M8, colour hardeners synthetic pigment colour realeser dan acrylic seal m2 875,000
8 Pengelasan untuk penyambungan mini pile titik 98,500
9 Pelapis (sealer) beton / dinding dengan bahan kimia ramah lingkungan, ketinggian 0 - 2 m m2 102,217

Penggantian Sambungan Ekspansi (Expansion Joint)

10 Pemasangan Sambungan Ekspansi (Expansion Joint) Tipe Stripseal-SMD 100 dengan Header memakai Polyurethane Mortar yang tahan terh m 16,753,874
11 Pemasangan Sambungan Ekspansi (Expansion Joint) Tipe SR-4A dengan Aluminium Skid Resistant Wear Plate, ditambah landasan Plat Baj m 55,546,000
12 Pemasangan Sambungan Ekspansi (Expansion Joint) Tipe SR-4A dengan Aluminium Skid Resistant Wear Plate, ditambah landasan Plat Baja m 56,448,750

Penggantian Pot Bearing

13 Pot Bearing Tipe Fixed. Pemasangan Peletakan Pot Bearing Tipe Existing Fixed 5000 kN memakai Tipe Multi 5000 kN ditambah 2 buah She bh 335,702,424
14 Pot Bearing Tipe Guide. Pemasangan Peletakan Pot Bearing Tipe Existing Guide Trans 5000 kN memakai Tipe Multi 5000 kN ditambah 2 b bh 315,702,424
15 Pot Bearing Tipe Guide. Pemasangan Peletakan Pot Bearing Tipe Existing Guide Long 5000 kN memakai Tipe Multi 5000 kN ditambah 1 bu bh 240,702,424
16 Pot Bearing Tipe Guide. Pemasangan Peletakan Pot Bearing Tipe Existing Guide Long 5000 kN memakai Tipe Multi 5000 kN ditambah 2 bu bh 338,407,942
17 Pot Bearing Tipe Guide. Pemasangan Peletakan Pot Bearing memakai Tipe Existing Guide Long 5000 kN memakai Tipe Multi 8000 kN ditam bh 313,407,942
18 Pot Bearing Tipe Multi. Pemasangan Peletakan Pot Bearing Tipe Multi 5000 kN ditambah 1 buah Shearkey Tipe Move untuk beban < 1000 bh 240,702,424
19 Pot Bearing Tipe Multi. Pemasangan Peletakan Pot Bearing Tipe Multi 5000 kN ditambah 2 buah Shearkey Tipe Move untuk beban < 1000 bh 318,299,567
20 Pot Bearing Tipe Multi. Pemasangan Peletakan Pot Bearing Tipe Multi 8000 kN ditambah 1 buah Shearkey Tipe Move untuk beban < 1000 bh 313,299,567

Pembongkaran Pot Bearing dan Pedestal

21 Pembongkaran Peletakan Pot Bearing Existing dengan cara mendongkrak Box Girder memakai Synchronous tift System dengan Hydraulic Jac bh 70,643,451
22 Pembongkaran Peletakan Pot Bearing Existing dengan cara mendongkrak Box Girder memakai Hydraulic Jack tipe Extra Thin Jack kapasita bh 72,580,983

Penggantian Pot Bearing

23 Perbaikan beton keropos (spalling) pada Box Girder dengan cara membongkar beton, hingga mencapai tulangannya dan membersihkan kara m2 3,335,094
24 Perbaikan keretakan beton pada Box Girder dengan cara memakai System Injeksi Anti Gravitasi (Micro Capsule Injection) dengan material titik 367,797
25 Perbaikan beton Box Girder yang terkarbonisasi dengan Coating Anti Karboniasi termasuk Primer-nya. titik 221,129


PC Spun Pile
1 PC Spun Pile dia. 300 mm Bott/Midd Type - A (Bottom Pile - Pencil Shoe, Mutu beton K- 600, Ordinary Portland cement Type - 1) m 210
2 PC Spun Pile dia. 300 mm Bott/Midd Type - B (Bottom Pile - Pencil Shoe, Mutu beton K- 600, Ordinary Portland cement Type - 1) m 240
3 PC Spun Pile dia. 350 mm Bott/Midd Type - A (Bottom Pile - Pencil Shoe, Mutu beton K- 600, Ordinary Portland cement Type - I) m 256
4 PC Spun Pile dia. 350 mm Bott/Midd Type - B (Bottom Pile - Pencil Shoe, Mutu beton K- 600, Ordinary Portland cement Type - 1) m 294
5 PC Spun Pile dia. 400 mm Bott/Midd Type - A (Bottom Pile - Pencil Shoe, Mutu beton K- 600, Ordinary Portland cement Type - 1) m 331
6 PC Spun Pile dia. 400 mm Bott/Midd Type - B (Bottom Pile - Pencil Shoe, Mutu beton K- 600, Ordinary Portland cement Type - 1) m 381
7 PC Spun Pile dia. 450 mm Bott/Midd Type - A (Bottom Pile - Pencil Shoe, Mutu beton K- 600, Ordinary Portland cement Type - 1) m 403
8 PC Spun Pile dia. 450 mm Bott/Midd Type - B (Bottom Pile - Pencil Shoe, Mutu beton K- 600, Ordinary Portland cement Type - I) m 472
9 PC Spun Pile dia. 500 mm Bott/Midd Type - A (Bottom Pile - Pencil Shoe, Mutu beton K- 600, Ordinary Portland cement Type - I) m 502
10 PC Spun Pile dia. 500 mm Bott/Midd Type - B (Bottom Pile - Pencil Shoe, Mutu beton K- 600, Ordinary Portland cement Type - I) m 582
11 PC Spun Pile dia. 600 mm Bott/Midd Type - A (Bottom Pile - Pencil Shoe, Mutu beton K- 600, Ordinary Portland cement Type - I) m 678
12 PC Spun Pile dia. 600 mm Bott/Midd Type - B (Bottom Pile - Pencil Shoe, Mutu beton K- 600 Ordinary Portland cement Type - I) m 8,000

1 Pemancangan dengan Vibro Hammer 60KW (minimal volume 1000 m) m 90,000
2 Pemancangan dengan Vibro Hammer 60KW + ponton (minimal volume 1000 m) m 250,000
3 Pemancangan dengan Diesel Hammer K-5 (minirnal volume 1000 m) m 50,000
4 Pemancangan dengan Diesel Hammer K35 + ponton (minimal volume 1000 m) m 400,000
5 Mobilisasi dan demobilisasi peralatan Crane pancang + diesel hammer m 14,000
6 Mobilisasi dan demobilisasi peralatan Crane pancang + vibro hammer 60 kW m 14,000
7 Mobilisasi dan demobilisasi peralatan Crane service m 12,000,000
8 Mobilisasi Excavator m 8,000,000
9 Pemancangan sheet pile baja/beton dengan vibro hammer 60 KW (volume minimal 1000 m) tanpa water jet m 100
10 Pemancangan sheet pile baja/beton dengan vibro hammer 60 KW + ponton (volume minimal 1000 m) di air m 250
11 Pemancangan sheet pile baja/beton dengan diesel hammer K-35 (volume minimal 1000 m) di air m 80
12 Pemancangan sheet pile baja/beton dengan diesel hammer K-35 + ponton (volume minimal 1000 m) di air m 250
13 Handling Tiang dengan ponton kap. > 50 ton (volume minimal 1000 m) m 25
14 Sewa Excavator (tipe PC 200) unit 250



1 Mortar m3 705,000
2 Ready Mix BO Slump 12 cm m3 570,000
3 Ready Mix K,100 Slump 12 cm m3 580,000
4 Ready Mix K.125 Slump 12 cm class E m3 585,000
5 Ready Mix K.I50 Slump 12 cm m3 595,000
6 Ready Mix K.175 Slump 12 cm class D m3 605,000
7 Ready Mix K.200 Slump 12 cm m3 610,000
8 Ready Mix K.225 Slump 12 cm m3 620,000
9 Ready Mix K.250 Slump 12 cm class C m3 630,000
10 Ready Mix K.275 Slump 12 cm m3 640,000
11 Ready Mix K.300 Slump 12 cm m3 650,000
12 Ready Mix K.325 Slump 12 cm m3 665,000
13 Ready Mix K.350 Slump 12 cm class B m3 675,000
14 Ready Mix K.375 Slump 12 cm m3 685,000
15 Ready Mix K.400 Slump 12 cm m3 700,000
16 Ready Mix K.400 Slump 12 cm m3 715,000
17 Ready Mix K.450 Slump 12 cm class P m3 730,000
18 Ready Mix K.475 Slump 12 cm m3 745,000
19 Ready Mix K.500 Slump 12 cm m3 760,000
20 Ready Mix K.550 Slump 12 cm m3 805,000

21 Ready Mix K.600 Slump 12 cm m3 845,000
22 Ready Mix K.650 Slump 12 cm m3 925,000



1 Mortar m3 735,000
2 Ready Mix BO Slump 12 cm m3 595,000
3 Ready Mix K,100 Slump 12 cm m3 605,000
4 Ready Mix K.125 Slump 12 cm class E m3 610,000
5 Ready Mix K.I50 Slump 12 cm m3 620,000
6 Ready Mix K.175 Slump 12 cm class D m3 630,000
7 Ready Mix K.200 Slump 12 cm m3 640,000
8 Ready Mix K.225 Slump 12 cm m3 650,000
9 Ready Mix K.250 Slump 12 cm class C m3 660,000
10 Ready Mix K.275 Slump 12 cm m3 670,000
11 Ready Mix K.300 Slump 12 cm m3 686,000
12 Ready Mix K.325 Slump 12 cm m3 700,000
13 Ready Mix K.350 Slump 12 cm class B m3 710,000
14 Ready Mix K.375 Slump 12 cm m3 725,000
15 Ready Mix K.400 Slump 12 cm m3 740,000
16 Ready Mix K.400 Slump 12 cm m3 755,000
17 Ready Mix K.450 Slump 12 cm class P m3 775,000
18 Ready Mix K.475 Slump 12 cm m3 790,000
19 Ready Mix K.500 Slump 12 cm m3 810,000
20 Ready Mix K.550 Slump 12 cm m3 855,000
21 Ready Mix K.600 Slump 12 cm m3 905,000
22 Ready Mix K.650 Slump 12 cm m3 975,000



1 Tiang Galvanis medium dia 2", panjang 4 m unit 482,790
- Kerangka besi siku uk. 30x30x3 mm
- Angkur besi siku uk. 40x40x4 mm
- Tanpa sambungan
2 Tiang Galvanis medium dia 2,5", panjang 4 m unit 588,242
- Kerangka besi siku uk. 40x40x4 mm
- Angkur besi siku uk. 40x40x4 mm
- Tanpa sambungan
3 Tiang Galvanis medium dia. 3", panjang 6 m unit 1,788,864
- Base Plat uk. 30x30x12 mm
- Rib Plate 4 bh tebal 10 mm
- Tanpa sambungan
4 RPPJ (unit) tipe F model standard unit 5,674,053
- panjang 7 m, satu, sambungan
- pipa galvanis diameter 6"
- pipa galvanis diameter 2,5"
- pipa galvanis diameter 1"
- Base plate galvanis
- Rib plate galvanis
- Rib flense galvanis
5 RPPJ (unit) tipe F model kupu-kupu unit 9,375,020
- panjang 7 m, satu,sambungan
- pipa galvanis dia. 8"
- pipa galvanis diameter 3"
- pipa galvanis diameter 2"
- Base plate galvanis
- Rib plate galvanis
- Rib flense galvanis
6 RPPJ (unit) tipe lengkung unit 5,522,864
- pipa galvanis diameter 6"
- pipa galvanis diameter 4"
- pipa galvanis diameter 2,5"
- Base plate galvanis
- Rib plate galvanis
- Rib flense galvanis
7 Gerbang OHS bentang 12 s/d 14
- Pipa hitam STK 41 diameter 12"
- Pipa hitam STK 41 diameter 6"
- Pipa hitam STK 41 diameter 3"
- Base plate galvanis
- Rib plate galvanis
- Rib flense galvanis
- Flense digalvanis
a Bentang 12 unit 74,679,990
b Bentang 14 unit 80,027,525
8 Gerbang OHS bentang 16 s/d 22
- Pipa hitam STK 41 diameter 14"
- Pipa hitam STK 41 diameter 8"
- Pipa hitam STK 41 diameter 4"
- Base plate galvanis
- Rib plate galvanis
- Rib flense galvanis
- Flense digalvanis
a Bentang 16 unit 115,743,821
b Bentang 18 unit 122,988,212
c Bentang 20 unit 133,833,200
d Bentang 22 unit 141,513,372


1 RPPJ Pariwisata tipe "A'(satu cabang,satu muka) unit 10,105,557

- Tiang aluminium & accessories
- Plate Aluminium tebal 1,8 mm (full)
- Scothlite EG
- Base Plate
- Rib plate
- Pemasangan
2 RPPJ Pariwisata tipe "B' (satu cabang, dua muka) unit 10,881,833
- Tiang aluminium & accessories
- Plate Aluminium tebal 1,8 mm (full)
- Scothlite EG
- Base Plate
- Rib plate
- Pemasangan
3 RPPJ Pariwisata tipe "C''. (dua cabang, satu muka) unit 11,594,583
- Tiang aluminium & accessories
- Plate Aluminium tebal. 1,8 mm (full)
- Scothlite EG
- Base Plate
- Rib plate
- Pemasangan
4 RPPJ Pariwisata tipe "D' (dua cabang, dua muka) unit 13,326,275
- Tiang aluminium & accessories
- Plate Aluminium tebal 1,8 mm (full)
- Scothlite EG
- Base Plate
- Rib plate
- Pemasangan
5 RPPJ Pariwisata tipe "E' (tiga cabang, satu muka) unit 13,271,643
- Tiang aluminium & accessories
- Plate Aluminium tebal 1,8 mm (full)
- Scothlite EG
- Base Plate
- Rib plate
- Pemasangan
6 RPPJ Pariwisata tipe "F' (tiga cabang, dua muka) unit 15,047,802
- Tiang aluminium & accessories
- Plate Aluminium tebal 1,8 mm (full)
- Scothlite EG
- Base Plate
- Rib plate
- Pemasangan


1 uk. Besar unit 6,586,272
- Panjang 7 m, satu sambungan
- Pipa galvanis diameter 6"
- Pipa galvanis diameter 2,5"
- Pipa galvanis diameter 1"
- Base Plate galvanis
- Rib plate galvanis
- Rib flense galvanis
2 uk. Sedang unit 4,976,549
- Panjang 6 m, tanpa sambungan
- Pipa galvanis diameter 4"
- Pipa galvanis diameter 2"
- Pipa galvanis diameter 1"
- Base Plate galvanis
- Rib plate galvanis
- Rib flense galvanis
3 Model kupu-kupu, uk. bes unit 8,575,875
- Panjang 7 m, satu sambungan
- Pipa galvanis dia.6"
- Pipa galvanis dia. 2,5"
- Pipa galvanis dia. 1"
- Base Plate galvanis
- Rib plate galvanis
- Rib flense galvanis
4 Model kupu-kupu, uk. sedang unit 6,089,507
- Panjang 6m tanpa sambungan
- Pipa galvanis dia. 4"
- Pipa galvanis dia. 2"
- Pipa galvanis dia. 1"
- Base Plate galvanis
- Rib plate galvanis
- Rib flense galvanis


1 Tiang RPPJ/ Rambu Arm unit 311,273
- Besi beton dia. 14 mm
- Plate strip 50x4 mm
2 Tiang Oktagonal/ OHS unit 370,986
- Besi beton dia. 14 mm
- Plate strip 50x4 mm
3 Tiang Ganda OHS/ Cremona unit 570,455
- Besi beton dia. 14 mm
- Plate strip 50x4 mm


1 Pencucian + pengecatan tiang RPPJ unit 787,710
- Pengecatan tiang dia. 6", 7m (metode spray)
2 Pencucian panel OHS/ RPPJ uk. 2x3 m unit 276,969
- Pengecatan bag blkg panel (metode spray)
3 Pencucian panel OHS/ RPPJ uk. 2x2 m unit 240,125
4 Pasang mur-baut pada rambu RPPJ/ OHS m2 11,752


1 Pengecatan marka jln lajur lalu lintas dgn bhn cat thermo plastik dan reflektif (glass beads) dengan ketebalan 3 mm m2 163,130
2 Pengecatan marka jln lajur lalu lintas dgn bhn cat thermo plastik dan reflektif (glass beads) dengan ketebalan 6 mm m2 309,430
3 Pengecatan marka jln lajur lalu lintas dgn bhn cat thermo plastik dan reflektif (glass beads) dengan ketebalan 9 mm m2 443,520
4 Pengecatan marka jln lajur lalu lintas dgn bhn cat thermo plastik dan reflektif (glass beads) dengan ketebalan 12 min m2 570,130
5 Pengecatan marka jln lajur lalu lintas dgn bhn cat thermo plastik kuning dan reflektif (glass beads) dgn ketebalan 3 mm m2 179,850
6 Pengecatan marka jln lajur lalu lintas dgn Tyregrip Bustrack sytem Coll plastik + red natural granite 3mm m2 440,864


Pengecatan marka jalan zebra cross dgn bhn cat thermo plastik dan reflektif (glass beads) dengan ketebalan 3 mm m2 166,100


(metode "bahan thermoplastik")
1 Penghapusan marka lajur, ketebalan 2 mm m2 118,140
2 Penghapusan marka lajur, ketebalan 3 mm m2 165,660


Penghapusan marka jalan metode blower m2 51,700


1. Tia Kerangka besi siku uk. 30x30x3 mm unit 321,945

- Angkur besi siku uk. 40x40x4 mm
- Tanpa sambungan
2. Tia Kerangka besi siku uk. 30x30x3 mm unit 383,056
- Angkur besi siku uk. 40x40x4 mm
- Tanpa sambungan


b Rangka besi siku uk.25x25x3mm
c Plat alumunium tebal 1,8 mm lengkap dgn nama
d Tiang pipa Galvanis dia. 2"
Finishing cat :
- Type A uk.14x120 cm unit 473,897
- Type B uk.14x100 cm unit 431,970
- Type C uk.14x80 cm unit 393,855
- Type D uk.14x60 cm unit 343,035


1 Automatic Road Barrier Koridor Busway (Portal Otomatis) unit 29,260,000

SpePipa Galvanis Sch 40 Dia. 4", 3", 2" & 1,5"
- Besi plat tebal 10 mm
- Besi angkur 0 16 mm
- Besi siku 30 x 30 x 3 mm
Dil Motor : Nissei Geared Motor
- Hollow ShatIF3SM25240T010 AX
- 0,1 KW, 3 Ph, 200/220 V; 50/60 Hz, Ratio 1:240
b. Inverter : Inverter LG / LS
- SV004iC5 - 1
Gear :- 8T/58T
1 Ph,
x 1 DID
V, 50/60 Hz, Ratio 1 : 240
c. Bearing : NTN 51118
d. Cable : NYYHY 4 X 2,5
e. Rambu
- Rambu Diameter 60 cm
Box m- Rambu 40 x 60 cm
g. Finishing cat semprot / duco
2 Controller Warning Lighting unit 6,992,700
terdLampu Indicator Warning
a. Moduler Programming Logic Controller
b. Instalasi dan Pemasangan


1 Gua-
- Steel guard rail beam uk 3999 x 350 x 2,7 mm unit 1,495,230
- Steel guard rail post (tiang) uk. 1700 x 180 x 4,5 mm unit 851,978
- Steel guard rail blocking uk 350 x 180 x 4,6 mm unit 253,000
Steel guard rail terminal unit 710,930
2 Roa- unit 700,000
- Road barrier plastik type RB 1ML
- Road barrier plastik type RTB 50 unit 840,000
Road barrier plastik unit 857,500

cm cm (Rp) (Rp) (Rp)

1 Rumput embun (Polytrias sp) lempeng 25 x 25 cm m2 9,500 3,013 12,513
2 Rumput Gajah Biasa ( Axonopus sp ) Lempeng 15 x 15 cm m2 10,333 2,259 12,592
3 Rumput Gajah Lempeng, jarak lempeng ± 2 cm m2 -
4 Rumput Gajah Mini, lempeng 7,5 x 7,5 cm m2 15,667 2,259 17,926
5 Rumput golf (Tifton grass) lempeng 25 x 25 cm m2 13,333 3,013 16,346
6 Rumput manila (Zoysia matrela), jarak lempeng 2 cm 15 x 15 cm m2 15,000 2,259 17,259
7 Rumput manila (Zoysia matrela) tandur 25 x 25 cm m2 10,000 3,013 13,013
8 Rumput Peking 100 titik/m2 m2 - 2,259 2,259
9 Rumput Jepang, lempeng 7,5 x 7,5 cm m2 14,167 3,013 17,180

B PENUTUP TANAH (Ground Cover)

1 Anggrek tanah (Spathoglotis plicata), rumpun 35-40 2 btg, 3 anakan pot 7,500 412 7,912
2 Bayam merah (Alteanthera ficoidea), rumpun 20-25 3 s/d 4 btg pot 667 412 1,079
3 Beludru coklat (Episcia reptans) 7-10 dia. tajuk 10-15 pot 5,500 412 5,912
4 Beludru hijau (Episcia reptans) 7-10 dia. tajuk 10-15 pot 5,000 412 5,412
5 Botan (Centaurea candisina) 25-30 1 btg pot 2,667 412 3,079
6 Cendrawasih (Phyllantus sp) 15-20 dia. tajuk 20-25 pot 2,000 412 2,412
7 Cocor bebek (Kalanchoe firenitarw 15-20 1 btg pot 2,667 412 3,079
8 Crossandra 20-40 dia. tajuk 20-25 pot 5,000 412 5,412
9 Dinding ari (Hemigraphis colorata) 7-10 3 s/d 4 btg/rpn pot 1,000 412 1,412
10 Gandarusa 15 3 s/d 4 btg/rpn pot 667 412 1,079
11 Jengger ayam air mancur daun besar (Celosia chrystatta sp) 15-20 dia. 1 btg pot 2,667 412 3,079
12 Jengger ayam air mancur daun kecil (Celosia chrystatta sp) 15-20 dia. 1 btg pot 2,667 412 3,079
13 Jengger ayam a.m protol besar (Celosia chrystata sp) 20-25 dia. batang 1 cm pot 2,500 412 2,912
14 Jengger ayam am protol kecil (Celosia chrystata sp) 20-25 dia. batang 1 cm pot 2,000 412 2,412
15 Kembang coklat putih (Zyphyranthes sp) 15-20 3 s/d 4 btg/rpn pot 775 412 1,187
16 Kembang coklat merah muda (Zyphyranthes sp) 15-20 3 s/d 4 btg/rpn pot 775 412 1,187
17 Krokot (Althemantera amoenna) 10 5 btg/rpn pot 2,500 412 2,912
18 Lili paris bintang (Chlorophytuth sp) 10-12 1 btg/rpn pot 2,000 412 2,412
19 Lili paris kasar (Ophiopogon jaburan) 20-25 5 s/d 7 btg/rpn pot 2,000 412 2,412
20 Lili paris Iwcai (Chlorophytum sp) 10 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pot 1,833 412 2,245
21 Lili paris umbi (Chlorophytum sp) 10 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pot 725 412 1,137
22 Lili paris brazil (Chlorophytum sp) 15-20 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pot 1,333 412 1,745
23 Lili paris kucai jepang (Chlorophytum sp) 15-20 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pot 2,167 412 2,579
24 Mirten perak (Malphigia sp) 20-25 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pot 4,667 412 5,079
25 Mirten bah (Malphigia sp) 10-15 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pot 5,333 412 5,745
26 Mirten tegak (Malphigia sp) 30-35 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pot 4,500 412 4,912
27 Nanas kerang (Rhoeo discolor) 20 1 btg pot 2,833 412 3,245
28 Nanas merah (Ananas sp) 25-30 dia. tajuk 20 pot 5,500 412 5,912
29 Seruni rambat (Wedelia trilobata) 10 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pot 2,000 412 2,412
30 Sugi putih (Dracaena sp) 30-35 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pot 6,000 412 6,412
31 Sutra bombai banci (Portulacca sp) 7-10 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pot 1,833 412 2,245
32 Sutra bombai ungu (Portulacca sp) 7-10 3 sid 5 btg/rpn pot 2,250 412 2,662
33 Tagetes (Tagetes erecta) 20-25 dia. tajuk 15-20 pot 5,333 412 5,745
34 Verbena (Verbena sp) 15 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pot 4,333 412 4,745
35 Verbena (Verbena sp) 40-50 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pot 5,000 412 5,412
36 Katis kodok hijau (Sansiviera sp) isi 10 10 10 btg/pot pot 9,333 412 9,745
37 Katis kodok kuning (Sansiviera sp) 10 1 s/d 2 batang pot 2,333 412 2,745
38 Katis kodok kuning (Sansiviera sp) 50 1 s/d 2 batang pot 16,667 412 17,079
39 Pedang-pedangan strip kuning (Sansiviera sp) 30-35 5 s/d 7 btg/rpn pot 6,625 412 7,037
40 Pedang-pedangan strip hijau (Sansiviera sp) 30-35 5 s/d 7 btg/rpn pot 12,500 412 12,912
41 Pangkas kuning kecil (Duranta repens) 10 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pot 1,188 412 1,600
42 Pangkas }culling sedang (Duranta repens) 15 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pot 2,188 412 2,600
43 Lantana sandy (Lantana Montevidensis) 15 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pot 2,588 412 3,000
44 Taiwan beauty bunga ungu (Cuphea sp) 15 dia. tajuk 15 cm pot 1,050 412 1,462
45 Taiwan beauty bungs putih (Cuphea sp) 15 dia. tajuk 15 cm pot 1,050 412 1,462
46 Korembusa 25-30cm dia. batang 1 - 1.5 cm pohon 4,875 1,850 6,725
47 Korembusa 30-50cm dia. batang 1,5 - 2 cm pohon 18,750 1,850 20,600
48 Wali songo daun kecil (Scheffera Sp) 50 1 batang / pot pot 10,000 1,850 11,850
49 Soka Bangkok (Ixora sp) 20 I batang / pot pot 3,125 412 3,537
50 Telo-telo 10-20 3-4 batang / polibag Pot 2,625 412 3,037
51 Daun Philodendron Selloum (Pilo Selurn) 15-20 3-4 batang / rpn Pot 5,000 412 5,412
52 Syngonium 20 3-4 batang / rpn Pot 3,167 412 3,579
53 Irish 30 Pot 1,213 412 1,625
54 Ruellia bunga ungu 5-10 3-4 batang / rpn Pot 738 412 1,150
55 Ruellia bunga putih 5-10 3-4 batang / rpn Pot 813 412 1,225
56 Ruellia bunga pink 5-10 3-4 batang / rpn Pot 813 412 1,225
57 Landep / Arachis 5 3-4 batang / rpn Pot 617 412 1,029
58 Ruellia tegak bunga ungu 25-40 dia. tajuk 20-30 cm Pot 917 1,850 2,767
59 Sambang darah lokal (Exoecaria bicolor) 20-25cm dia. tajuk 20-30 cm Pot 4,250 1,850 6,100
60 Sambang darah (variegata sp) 20-25cm dia. tajuk 20-30 cm Pot 14,750 1,850 16,600
61 Pillodendron kuning 20-30 dia. tajuk 20 cm Pot 5,500 412 5,912
62 Honje belang (Alpinia Zerumbet) 30-40 dia. tajuk 15-20 cm Pot 4,000 412 4,412

1 Agave putih (Agave sp) 40 dia. tajuk 30 pot 45,000 412 45,412
2 Agave biasa (Agave sp) 50 dia. tajuk 40 pot 14,167 1,048 15,215
3 Aglonema (Aglaonema sp)/Carmen 30 3 btg pot 6,375 412 6,787
4 Akalipa kerdil (Acalypha microphylla) 30 3 btg pot 4,167 412 4,579
5 Bilawan (Plurnbago aphylia) 10-15 3 btg pot 1,100 412 1,512
7 Bugenvil berbunga (Bougainvillea sp) 50 dia. tajuk 15-30 pot 7,000 1,048 8,048
8 Bugenvil berbunga bentukan penuh (Bougainvillea sp) 50 dia. tajuk 15-30 pot 25,000 1,048 26,048
9 Bugenvil berbunga bentukan penuh (Bougainvillea sp) 200 dia. tajuk 15-30 pot 158,333 4,393 162,726
10 Bugenvil berbunga bentukan penuh (Bougainvillea sp) 300 dia. tajuk 15-30 pot 183,333 16,687 200,020
11 Bugenvil vareigata berbunga bentukan penuh 50 dia. tajuk 15-30 pot 42,500 16,687 59,187
12 Bugenvil hawai (Bougainvillea sp) 60 dia. tajuk 60 cm pot 7,500 1,048 8,548
13 Deudron biasa (Phillodendron sp) 15-20 dia. tajuk 15-30 pot 4,375 412 4,787
14 Denrose lokal Jkt Merah 20 - 25 dia. tajuk 10-15 pot 2,500 412 2,912
15 Balanceng india (DietTenhttchiam) dia. tajuk 30 pot 5,375 412 5,787
16 Balanceng india (DieffenbaeMa sp) 50 dia. tajuk 30 pot 11,250 412 11,662
17 Dracena tricolor (Dracena) a3 dia. tajuk 30 pot 5,000 412 5,412
18 Kacapiring (Gardenia sp) dia. tajuk 30 pot 10,000 412 10,412
19 Pisang-pisangan (Heliconia sp) buttga kuning/merah 2 s/d 3 btg/rpn pot 2,000 412 2,412
20 Spatiphylum lokal (Spatiphylunasp) 1 rpn pot 4,575 412 4,987
21 Spatiphylum lokal (Spatiphyluntsp) 50 1 rpn pot 25,000 412 25,412
22 Beringin putih kecil (Ficus hybrida-) ex Jkt dia. tajuk 15-20 pot 10,188 412 10,600
23 Kamboja jepang (Adenium cutainurn) bereahanix 30 dia. tajuk 15-20 pot 12,667 1,048 13,715
24 Kamboja jepang (Adenium cutatiium) bercah- 50-75 pot 35,000 1,048 36,048
25 Kamboja jepang (Adenium cuVum) bercabari 100-150 pot 55,000 4,393 59,393
26 Kamboja Putih ( Plumeria sp )i" 1,5 - 2 m dia. 3 btg pot 96,250 4,393 100,643
27 Kamboja Rantai ( Plumeria sp )f: 1,5 - 2 m dit pot 66,667 4,393 71,060
28 Kamboja Banci (Plumeria sp ) / 300 pot 45,000 16,687 61,687
29 Karma (Canna hybrida) 4.4 2 s/d 3tg1 pot 3,750 412 4,162
30 Kanna Presiden 2 s/d pot 10,000 412 10,412
31 Kastuba (Euphorbia pukherima) 30 pot 11,667 412 12,079
32 Kembang sepatu putih(Hibiscuslamatlis pot 5,000 412 5,412
33 Kembang sepatu putih(HibiscinuttiblIi pot 6,000 1,048 7,048
34 Kembang sepatu putih(Hibiscu uthhili pot 10,000 1,048 11,048
35 Kol Banda ( Pisona alba ) pot 35,000 16,687 51,687
36 Lusiana dia. batang 1,5 pot 13,167 1,048 14,215
37 Lusiana 9 dia. btg pot 19,167 1,048 20,215
38 Mawar putih (Rosa hybrida) dietajuk 15-20 pohon 3,667 412 4,079
39 Mawar merah (Rosa hybrida) dia. tajuk 15-20 pohon 4,333 412 4,745
40 Melati costa (Jasminum sp) 50 2 anakan/rpn pohon 11,333 1,048 12,381
41 Malan gambir (Jasminum sp) 50 2 anakan/rpn pohon 10,000 1,048 11,048
42 Oleander (Nerium indicum) 50 1 rpn pohon 7,250 1,048 8,298
43 Pepayungan (Cyperus altemifolius) 60 5 anakan/pot pot 5,000 1,048 6,048
44 Pandan Hijau Jepang (Pandanus sp) 50 1 rpn pot 4,000 1,048 5,048
45 Pandan Kuning Afrika 40 1 rpn pot 2,250 1,048 3,298
46 Sablo merah (Acalypha sp) 30 1 rpn pot 4,667 412 5,079
47 Sablo merah (Acalypha sp) 50 1 rpn pot 6,000 1,048 7,048
48 Sambang darah lokal 15-30cm batang 20-30 cm pot 5,125 1,048 6,173
49 Sambang darah variegata 15-30cm batang 20-30 cm pct 15,625 1,048 16,673
50 Soka bangkok (Nora sp) 20 1 btg/pot pot 4,333 412 4,745
51 Soka jepang bunga orange (Ixora sp) 20 1 btg/pot pot 2,625 412 3,037
52 Soka philipina (Ixora sp) 20 1 btg/pot pot 5,000 412 5,412
53 Soka siantan (Ixora tricia) 20 1 btg/pot pot 5,000 412 5,412
54 Soka siugapura (Ixora cocineae) bunga putih, pink, merah 30 1 btg/pot pot 3,333 412 3,745
55 Soka jawa/ hawai (Ixora sp) 30 1 btg/pot pot 3,333 412 3,745
56 Terang bulan daun putih /kuning (Thithonia diversifolia) 20 3 sic! 5 btg/rpn pot 5,333 412 5,745
57 Tombak raja (Yucca gloriosa) 40 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pot 22,500 412 22,912
58 Tombak raja (Yucca gloriosa) 50 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pot 66,250 412 66,662
59 Tamil dara 50cm 0 batang 3-5 cm pot 2,333 412 2,745
60 Batavia 60-80cm 0 batang 4 cm Pot 11,375 412 11,787
61 Syzygium 100 Pot 120,000 1,048 121,048
62 Syzygium 200 Pot 272,500 1,048 273,548
63 Syzygium 40-60cm 0 batang 3 cm Pot 37,500 1,048 38,548
64 Syzygiurn 25-40 cm 0 batang 2 cm Pot 17,577 1,048 18,625

1 Kedondong taut (Nothopanax sp) 60-75 3 s/d 4 btg/rpn Pot 21,000 1,048 22,048
2 Kemuning (Murraya paniculata) 75 1 btg/rpn Pot 22,500 1,048 23,548
3 Lantana pagar (Lantana carnara) 30 1 rpn Pot 2,000 412 2,412
4 Lantana pagar (Lantana camara) 40 1 rpn Pot 3,000 412 3,412
5 Mangkokan (Nothopanax sp) 50 3 s/d 4 btg/rpn Pot 7,000 1,048 8,048
6 Mangkokan (Nothopanax sp) 70 3 s/d 4 btg/rpn Pot 15,000 1,048 16,048
7 Mirten pagar (Malphigia sp) 50 3 s/d 4 btg/rpn Pot 10,667 1,048 11,715
8 Teh-tehan tinggi (Durantha repens) 30 3 s/d 4 btg/rpn Pot 2,000 412 2,412
9 Teh-tehan tinggi (Durantha repens) 50 3 s/d 4 btg/rpn Pot 3,500 1,048 4,548
10 Teh-tehan tinggi (Durantha repens) 75 3 s/d 4 btg/rpn Pot 5,333 1,048 6,381

1 Air mats pengantin (Antigonon leptopus) 50 dia. tajuk 40 pot 16,000 1,048 17,048
2 Alamanda (Alamanda cathartica) 50 dia. tajuk 40 pot 11,750 1,048 12,798
3 Arabidea (Arabidea sp) 40 dia. tajuk 30 pot 6,000 412 6,412
4 Flame of irian (Orange) 40 dia. tajuk 30 pot 7,500 412 7,912
5 Kembang kelinci (Ipomea sp) 40 dia. tajuk 30 pot 5,000 412 5,412
6 Kembang sungsang (Gloriosa superba) 30 dia. tajuk 20 pot 19,000 412 19,412
7 Kongea (Congea sp) 40 dia. tajuk 30 pot 6,000 412 6,412
8 Lantana rambat ungu (Lantana sp) 20 3 s/d 4 btg/rpn pot 7,750 412 8,162
9 Lee kuan yu (Femonia elliecal"2w`a*jz -5fliaTgsr... pot 4,000 412 4,412
10 Pasiflora ri cli 7 . 4 pot 12,750 1,048 13,798
11 Sirih gading dam strip kuning (ScindsPsusp) 4 pot 3,625 412 4,037
12 Stephanot bungs putih (Stepanothis (16hbun a ta. ajuk 40" pot 12,750 412 13,162

1 Anjuang hijau (Dracaena sp) 60 dia. tajuk 4 pot 4,333 1,048 5,381
2 Anjuang kribo (Dracaena sp) 4,375 1,048 5,423
3 Anjuang kuning (Dracaena sp) : 0 pot 10,333 1,048 11,381
4 Anjuang merah (Cordelyne temiln: alis) 60..,„0 '.4 pot 6,833 1,048 7,881
5 Anjuang suji (Drncena sp) 4 604 Zine, 41' pot 15,000 1,048 16,048
6 Azalea (Azalea sp) 50 pot 30,000 412 30,412
7 Bakung kecil (Hymenochalys s 20 0 A 1-1., pot 2,188 412 2,600
8 Bakung/ air mancur (Crinum asttt 35 0 po 3 '.-... . pot 8,375 1,048 9,423
9 Beringin bonsai (Ficus benjaM ) dia. tajuk.1 - pohon 85,533 4,393 89,926
10 Beringin bonsai bentukan ( Fictis biiij*in`a pohon 300,000 4,393 304,393
11 Beringin bonsai putih (Ficus bait aMit444 500,000 5,622 505,622
12 Bonsai serut 300,000 5,622 305,622
13 Bonsai sent 1 pohon 325,000 5,622 330,622
14 Nusa indah merah /putih (Nuss 4nek4 t* pohon 5,500 1,048 6,548
15 Pakis kelabang hijau (Neprolepnus sp) pot 4,000 412 4,412
16 PaILis kelabang laming (Neprok4A18" 1p) 3 s/d 5 btg/ pot 11,000 412 11,412
17 Pakis krol (Neprolephis sp) pot 4,500 412 4,912
18 Pakis monyet (Alsophila glathca) 20edia. Tajuk 40 pot 111,667 4,393 116,060
19 Pisang kipas (Ravenela madagaskariensis) 200-250 dia. batang 10 pohon 205,000 4,393 209,393
20 Puring bor (Codiaeum sp) 25-40 dia. tajuk 25 pot 4,125 1,048 5,173
21 Puring buntut (Codiaeum sp) 75 dia. tajuk 30 pot 8,500 1,048 9,548
22 Raring gelatik (Codiaetrm sp) 75 dia. tajuk 30 pot 8,333 1,048 9,381
23 Puring jet (Codiaeutnap) 75 dia. tajuk 30 pot 6,167 1,048 7,215
24 Puring Kelabang (Codiaeum sp) 50 dia. tajuk 30 pot 10,000 1,048 11,048
25 Puring nuri (Coditteum sp) 60 dia. tajuk 30 pot 5,000 1,048 6,048
26 Sianto 100-150 dia. batang 5 pohon 250,000 4,393 254,393
27 Sikas/Pakis hail halus (Cycas revoluta) 50 dia. batang 10-15 cm btg 312,500 1,048 313,548
28 Sikas/pakis haji talus (Cycas sp) 75-100 dia. batang 15-20 cm btg 1,187,500 1,048 1,188,548
29 Sikas medam (Cycas sp) 100 dia. batang 20-25 cm btg 1,000,000 1,048 1,001,048
30 Sikas/Pakis haji kasar (Cycas rumpii) 50 dia. batang 10 btg 70,000 1,048 71,048
31 Sikas/akis haji kasar (Cycas rumpii) 50-100 dia. batang 7,5 btg 65,000 1,048 66,048
32 Kamboja kuning (Bali) tinggi (Plumeria sp) 150-200 dia. batang 3-5 btg 351,250 4,393 355,643
33 Kamboja orange tinggi (Plumeria sp) 150-200 dia. batang 3-5 btg 326,250 4,393 330,643
34 Kamboja merah tinggi (Plumeria sp) 150-200 dia. batang 3-5 btg 1,000,000 4,393 1,004,393

1 Kelapa gading (Cocos capitata) 200-250 dia. batang 20 pohon 500,000 5,622 505,622
2 Kelapa sawit batang keras 1.5 m dia. batang 40 pohon 600,000 5,622 605,622
3 Kelapa sawit batang keras 2m din. batang 40 pohon 1,600,000 5,622 1,605,622
4 Kelapa sawit (Elais guineensis) 200-300 pohon 712,500 5,622 718,122
5 Kelapa sayur (Cocos nucifera) 200.250 dia. batang 30 pohon 325,000 5,622 330,622
6 Kurma batang keras (Phoenix daetilifera) 1m dia. batang 30 pohon 1,000,000 5,622 1,005,622
7 Kurma batang keras (Phoenix daetilifera) 2m dia. batang 40 pohon 2,500,000 5,622 2,505,622
8 Syzygium 25-40 cm 0 batang 2 cm Pot 18,625 1,048 19,673

1 Kedondong laut (Nothopanax sp) 60-75 3 s/d 4 btg/rpn pot 21,000 1,048 22,048
2 Kemuning (Murraya paniculata) 75 1 btg/rpn pot 22,500 1,048 23,548
3 Lantana pagar (Lantana Camara) 30 1 rpn pot 2,000 412 2,412
4 Lantana pagar (Lantana camera) 40 1 rpn pot 3,000 412 3,412
5 Mangkokan (Nothopanax sp) 50 3 s/d 4 btg/rpn pot 7,000 1,048 8,048
6 Mangkokan (Nothopanax sp) 70 3 s/d 4 btg/rpn pot 15,000 1,048 16,048
7 Mirten pagar (Malphigia sp) 50 3 s/d 4 btg/rpn pot 10,667 1,048 11,715
8 Teh-tehan tinggi (Durantha repens) 30 3 rid 4 btg/rpn pot 2,000 412 2,412
9 Teh-tehan tinggi (Durantha repens) 50 3 aid 4 btg/rpn pot 3,500 1,048 4,548
10 Teh-tehan tinggi (Durantha repent) 75 3 s/d 4 btg/rpn pot 5,333 1,048 6,381

1 Air mats pengantin (Antigonon leptopus) 50 dia, Tajuk 40 pot 16,000 1,048 17,048
2 Alarminda (Alamanda cathartica) 50 dia. tajuk 40 pot 11,750 1,048 12,798
3 Arabidea (Arabidea sp) 40 dia. tajuk 30 pot 6,000 412 6,412
4 Flame of irian (Orange) 40 dia. tajuk 30 pot 7,500 412 7,912
5 Kembang kelinci (Ipomea sp) 40 dia. tajuk 30 pot 5,000 412 5,412
6 Kembang sungsang (Gloriosa superba) 30 dia. tajuk 20 pot 19,000 412 19,412
7 Kongea (Congea sp) 40 ciia. Tajuk 30 pot 6,000 412 6,412
8 Lantana rambat ungu (Lantana sp) 20 3 s/d 4 bt rpn pot 7,750 412 8,162
9 Lee kuan yu (Femonia imi., iril pot 4,000 412 4,412
10 Pasiflora 41. Ireqk pot 12,750 1,048 13,798
11 Sirih gading daun strip kung(Scinda ems) 446 pot 3,625 412 4,037
12 Stephanot bungs putih (Stepanothis flo,nbunda) die af 40& pot 12,750 412 13,162

1 Anjuang hijau (Dracaena sp) y i 64 pot 4,333 1,048 5,381
2 Anjuang kribo (Dracaena sp) 40 pot 4,375 1,048 5,423
3 Anjuang kuning (Dracaena sp) 60 pot 10,333 1,048 11,381
4 Anjuang metals (Cordelyne temiinalis) 664 pot 6,833 1,048 7,881
5 Anjuang suji (Dracena sp) V 60 pot 15,000 1,048 16,048
6 Azalea (Azalea sp) i 50 pot 30,000 412 30,412
7 Bakung kecil (Hymenochalys spy 20 pot 2,188 412 2,600
8 Bakung/ air mancur (Crinum asrn 35 pot 8,375 1,048 9,423
9 Beringin bonsai (Ficus benjamit) 13#420'61 pohon 85,533 4,393 89,926
10 Beringin bonsai bentukan ( Ficul "PIP 00-209 pohon 300,000 4,393 304,393
11 Beringin bonsai putih (Ficus beM arrnitit pohon 500,000 5,622 505,622
12 Bonsai send t 100-150 pohon 300,000 5,622 305,622
13 Bonsai sem pohon 325,000 5,622 330,622
14 Nusa indah metals /putih (Nussainda pohon 5,500 1,048 6,548
15 Pakis kelabang hijau (Neprolepms sp) pot 4,000 412 4,412
16 Pakis kelabang kuning (NeprolePhitqp) pot 11,000 412 11,412
17 Pakis krol (Neprolephis sp) pot 4,500 412 4,912
18 Pakis monyet (Alsophila glauca) r dm. Tajuk 40 pot 111,667 4,393 116,060
19 Pisang kipas (Ftavenela madagaskariensis) 00-250 dia. batang 10 Phil 205,000 4,393 209,393
20 Puring bor (Codiaeum sp) 25-40 dia. tajuk 25 pot 4,125 1,048 5,173
21 Puring buntut (Codiaeum sp) 75 dia. tajuk 30 pot 8,500 1,048 9,548
22 Puring gelatik (Codiaeum sp) 75 dia. tajuk 30 pot 8,333 1,048 9,381
23 Paring jet (Codiaeum sp) 75 dia. tajuk 30 pot 6,167 1,048 7,215
24 Puring Kelabang (Codiaeum sp) 50 dia. tajuk 30 pot 10,000 1,048 11,048
25 Puring nuri (Codiaeum sp) 60 dia. tajuk 30 pot 5,000 1,048 6,048
26 Sianto 100-150 dia. batang 5 pohon 250,000 4,393 254,393
27 Sikas/Pakis haji halus (Cycas revoluta) 50 dia. batang 10-15 cm btg 312,500 1,048 313,548
28 Sikas/pakis haji halus (Cycas sp) 75-100 dia. batang 15-20 cm big 1,187,500 1,048 1,188,548
29 Sikas medan (Cycas sp) 100 dia. Big 20-25 cm big 1,000,000 1,048 1,001,048
30 Sikas/Pakis haji kasar (Cycas rumpii) 50 dia. batang 10 btg 70,000 1,048 71,048
31 Sikas/Pakis haji kasar (Cycas rumpii) 50-100 dia. batang 7,5 big 65,000 1,048 66,048
32 Kamboja kuning (Bali) tinggi (Plumeria sp) 150-200 dia. batang 3-5 big 351,250 4,393 355,643
33 Kamboja orange tinggi (Plumeria sp) 150-200 dia. batang 3-5 big 326,250 4,393 330,643
34 Kamboja merah tinggi (Plumeria sp) 150-200 dia. Big 3-5 btg 1,000,000 4,393 1,004,393

1 Kelapa gading (Cocos capitata) 200-250 dia. batang 20 pohon 500,000 5,622 505,622
2 Kelapa sawit batang keras 1.5 m dia. batang 40 pohon 600,000 5,622 605,622
3 Kelapa sawit batang keras 2m dia. batang 40 pohon 1,600,000 5,622 1,605,622
4 Kelapa sawit (Elais guineensis) 200-300 pohon 712,500 5,622 718,122
5 Kelapa sayur (Cocos nucifera) 200-250 dia. batang 30 pohon 325,000 5,622 330,622
6 Kurma batang keras (Phoenix daetilifera) 1m dia. batang 30 pohon 1,000,000 5,622 1,005,622
7 Kurma balane keras (Phoenix daetilifera) 2m dia. batang 40 pohon 2,500,000 5,622 2,505,622
8 Lontar (Borassus flabefiter) 300 dia. batang 25 pohon 400,000 5,622 405,622
9 Palm anggur (Lalania loglgessu) 100 dia. batang 15 pohon 262,500 5,622 268,122
10 Palm anggur (Eurytheaeduci) 150 dia. batang 10 pohon 287,500 5,622 293,122
11 Palm alexander 150 dia. batang 10 pohon 212,500 5,622 218,122
12 Palm botol diameter 150-200 dia. batang 30 pohon 350,000 5,622 355,622
13 Palm botol diameter 50 dia. batang 30 pohon 150,000 1,048 151,048
14 Palm camedoria 100 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pohon 48,333 5,622 53,955
15 Palm camedoria 200 3 s/c15 btg/rpn pohon 93,333 5,622 98,955
16 Palm ekor tupai 200 dia. batang 15 pohon 500,000 5,622 505,622
17 Palm jepang (Ptychosperma macarthurii) 100-150 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pohon 68,750 5,622 74,372
18 Palm jepang (Ptychosperma macarthurii) 150-250 5 s/c17 btg/rpn pohon 95,000 5,622 100,622
19 Palm kol (Licuala grandis) 100 dia. batang 10 pohon 75,000 5,622 80,622
20 Palm kol (Licuala grandis) 150 pohon 150,000 5,622 155,622
21 Palm kuning(Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) 50-100 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pohon 50,000 5,622 55,622
22 Palm kuning (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) 100-150 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pohon 51,250 5,622 56,872
23 Palm merah batang keras (Cyrtotachis lakka) 1m pohon 143,750 5,622 149,372
24 Palm merah batang keras (Cyrtotachis lakka) 1.5-2.5 m 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pohon 218,750 5,622 224,372
25 Palm merah batang keras (Cyrtotachis lakka) 2.5 m S s/d 7 btg/rpn pohon 150,000 5,622 155,622
26 Palm merah batang keras (Cyrtotachis lakka) 3-3.5m 5 s/d 7 btg/rpn pohon 400,000 5,622 405,622
27 Palm phoeniks batang keras (Phoenix sp) 0.5-1 m dia. batang 5-7 cm pohon 126,667 5,622 132,289
28 Palm phoeniks batang keras (Phoenix sp) I-1.5 m dia. batang 7-10 cm pohon 185,000 5,622 190,622
29 Palm putri batang keras 1.5-2 m dia. batang 10-15 cm pohon 107,500 5,622 113,122
30 Palm pigni (Phoenix canariensis) 100-150 pohon 2,400,000 5,622 2,405,622
31 Palm raja batang keras (Oredoxa regia) 3m dia. batang 50 cm pohon 262,500 5,622 268,122
32 Palm raja batang keras (Oredoxa regia) 2.3 pohon 208,333 5,622 213,955
33 Palm raja (Oredoxa regia) pohon 12,500 5,622 18,122
34 Palm raja batang keras (Oredoxa regia) s1 m dia. batang 35 cm pohon 108,333 5,622 113,955
35 Palm raja (Super Oredoxa regia) 200-300 dia- t pohon 200,000 5,622 205,622
36 Palm ratu 100-150 .40 pohon 75,000 5,622 80,622
37 Palm ratu 70t 80,000 5,622 85,622
38 Palm sadeng (Livistonia rctundifolta) go .. pohon 283,333 5,622 288,955
39 Palm saderi (Caroutamiti) 150.. di pohon 176,667 5,622 182,289
40 Palm seledri tunggal tinggi 150 a dtBtB pohon 158,333 5,622 163,955
41 Palm seledri tunggal putih 200 pohon 200,000 5,622 205,622
42 Palm udang 50 3 i/d5, pohon 105,000 1,048 106,048
43 Palm waregu (Rhapis excelsa) 150 5 s/d ;i'bt pohon 82,500 5,622 88,122
44 Pinang sirih (Areca catechu) QQ, dia. Bti'ilt.. pohon 83,333 5,622 88,955


1 Bambu china (Bambussa vulgaris) 541 pohon 18,750 1,048 19,798
2 Bambu Nagin (Bambusa venticossa) 15 pohon 125,000 4,393 129,393
3 Bambu jepang (Phyliastachis adiea) 225,000 4,393 229,393
4 Bambu kuning (Bambusa vulgaris) pohon 108,750 4,393 113,143
5 Cemara angin (Casuarina avisatifollia) 200 dia. batang 4 pohon 108,333 4,393 112,726
6 Cemara gembel (Cupressus papuana) dia. Batang:.41.* pohon 100,000 4,393 104,393
7 Cemara halus (Araucaria cuninghamii) pohon 108,333 4,393 112,726
8 Cemara kipas .100-iso dia. batang 4 pohon 80,000 4,393 84,393
9 Cemara kuning daun cmas (Cupressus sp) 150 dia. batang 4 pohon 65,000 4,393 69,393
10 Cemara Jilin 100 dia. batang 3 pohon 50,000 4,393 54,393
11 Cemara laut (Casuarina aquasetifolia) 150 dia. batang 4 pohon 150,000 4,393 154,393
12 Cemara natal (Cupressus sp) 75 dia. tajuk 50 pohon 85,000 1,048 86,048
13 Cemara natal (Cupressus sp) 150 pohon 145,000 1,048 146,048
14 Cemara Norfolk (Araucaria sp) 75 dia. tajuk 50 pohon 100,000 1,048 101,048
15 Cemara Norfolk (Araucaria sp) 100-150 dia. tajuk 60 pohon 145,000 4,393 149,393
16 Cemara Norfolk (Araucaria sp) 2-2.5 m dia. tajuk 150 cm pohon 300,000 38,830 338,830
17 Cemara pipa mas (Compressus sp) 75 dia. tajuk 40 pohon 75,000 1,048 76,048
18 Cemara Tiang 100-150 dia. batang 3 pohon 108,333 4,393 112,726
19 Pinus (Pinus merkusii) 200 dia. batang 4 pohon 150,000 4,393 154,393
20 Pinus (Pinus merkusii) 400 dia. batang S pohon 250,000 18,734 268,734


1 Aren (Arenga catecu) 100 dia. batang 3 pohon 62,500 4,393 66,893
2 Belimbing (Averhoa carambola) 100 dia. batang 3 pohon 35,000 1,048 36,048
3 Bintaro 150 dia. batang 4 pohon 50,000 1,048 51,048
4 Bintaro 1m dia. batang 3-5cm pohon 27,000 4,393 31,393
5 Bintaro 2-2.5 m dia. batang 3-5cm pohon 56,000 4,393 60,393
6 Buni (Atidesmabunius) 200-300 dia. batang 5 pohon 75,000 5,622 80,622
7 Buni (Atidesmabunius) 400-500 dia. batang 10 pohon 175,000 16,687 191,687
8 Canonball tree 200-300 dia. batang 5 pohon 145,000 4,393 149,393
9 Duku condet (Lansium domisticum) 100 dia. batang 3 pohon 20,000 4,393 24,393
10 Durian (Durio zibethinus) 150 dia. batang 4 pohon 20,000 4,393 24,393
11 Gatet 200-300 dia. batang 5 pohon 55,000 4,393 59,393
12 Gowok(Eugenia polychephalum) 100 dia. batang 3 pohon 33,750 4,393 38,143
13 Jamblang 300-400 dia. batang 8 pohon 275,000 16,687 291,687
14 Jambu air (Eugenia aquea) 400-500 dia. batang 10 pohon 212,500 16,687 229,187
15 Jambu bol(Eugenia malaccensis) 100 dia. batang 3 pohon 75,000 4,393 79,393
16 Jambu mawar (Eugenia jambos) 100 dia. batang 3 pohon 75,000 4,393 79,393
17 Kaliandra (Caliandra callothyrsus) 100 dia. batang 3 pohon 45,000 4,393 49,393
18 Kantil (Michelia champaca) 100 dia. batang 3 pohon 25,000 4,393 29,393
19 Kapilayu 100 dia. batang 3 pohon 25,000 4,393 29,393
20 Kawista 200-300 dia. batang 5 pohon 62,500 4,393 66,893
21 Kecapi (Sandoricum koetjape) 150 dia. batang 4 pohon 63,333 4,393 67,726
22 Kecapi (Sandoricum koetjape) 500-600 pohon 155,000 36,783 191,783
23 Kecubung 100 dia. batang 3 pohon 75,000 4,393 79,393
24 Kedondong (Spondias pinnata) 500 dia. batang 4 pohon 300,000 36,783 336,783
25 Kemang (Baccaurea dukis) 50 dia. batang 3 pohon 23,333 4,393 27,726
26 Kenanga (Cananga odorata) 50 dia. batang 3 pohon 28,500 1,048 29,548
27 Kepel (Stelechocarpus burahol) 100 dia. batang 3 pohon 27,500 4,393 31,893
28 Kersen/Serry 150 dia. batang 4 pohon 45,000 4,393 49,393
29 Kersen/Serry 300-400 dia. batang 4 pohon 75,000 16,687 91,687
30 Kesah 150 dia. batang 4 pohon 50,000 4,393 54,393
31 Ketapang (terminalia cattapa) 500 dia. batang 4 pohon 450,000 36,783 486,783
32 Kelengkeng 100 dia. batang 3 pohon 67,500 4,393 71,893
33 Kluwih pohon 75,000 4,393 79,393
34 Kcsambi pohon 33,750 4,393 38,143
35 Lobi-lobi (Flacourtia inermis) pohon 75,000 4,393 79,393
36 Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) 200 pohon 275,000 36,783 311,783
37 Menteng (Baccaurea dukis) pohon 200,000 4,393 204,393
38 Menteng (Baccaurea dukis) 300 pohon 250,000 16,687 266,687
39 Mindi 100-200 pohon 25,000 4,393 29,393
40 Nam-nam 200 pohon 75,000 4,393 79,393
41 Nangka (Artocarpus heterophylhis) 100 pohon 25,000 4,393 29,393
42 Pala ii 200-300 pohon 95,000 4,393 99,393
43 Pala 1 300400 pohon 138,333 16,687 155,020
44 Petal 200-300 pohon 137,500 4,393 141,893
45 Rambutan 50 dia. Ba pohon 25,000 1,048 26,048
46 Rambutan 100 pohon 50,000 1,048 51,048
47 Rukem OM dia. Batang pohon 25,000 4,393 29,393
48 Salam 300 dia. B pohon 75,000 4,393 79,393
49 Salam 1 pohon 150,000 16,687 166,687
50 Sawokecik (Manilicara kauki) 200 dra B4 pohon 208,333 4,393 212,726
51 Sawokecik (Manilicara kauki) :i j pohon 337,500 16,687 354,187
52 Serikaya pohon 20,000 1,048 21,048
53 Serikaya 100 dia. batang 4 pohon 37,500 1,048 38,548
54 Yangliu p200. 62,500 4,393 66,893
55 Maja ' din-PA pohon 87,500 4,393 91,893

1 Amarilis (Amarylidaceae) 1 tangkai 1,700 1,700
2 Anggrek macan (Arrachnis sp) 1 tangkai 1,700 1,700
3 Anyelir 1 tangkai 1,900 1,900
4 Apple blossom 1 tangkai 2,100 2,100
5 Aster (Asteraceae sp) 1 tangkai 2,000 2,000
6 Dendrobium 1 tangkai 2,100 2,100
7 Douglass 1 tangkai 1,700 1,700
8 Gladiol 1 tangkai 1,800 1,800
9 Golden shower 1 tangkai 1,700 1,700
10 Krisan (Chrysanthemum Illini) 1 tangkai 12,000 12,000
12 Mawar 1 tangkai 2,500 2,500
13 Herbas 1 tangkai 2,500 2,500
14 Heliconia 1 tangkai 1,700 1,700
15 Margriet 1 tangkai 12,000 12,000
16 Daun phildendron 1 Brat 11,000 11,000
17 Anggrek dendrobium 30 1 pot 51,428 51,428
18 Anggrek Bulan A 1 pot 151,428 151,428
B 1 pot 101,428 101,428
C 1 pot 76,428 76,428
19 Kaspea 1 Stem 30,000 30,000
20 Gladiol 1 tkat 20,000 20,000
21 Anthurium S 1 Tangkai 7,500 7,500
M 1 Tangkai 10,000 10,000
L 1 Tangkai 17,500 17,500
XL 1 Tangkai 25,000 25,000
22 BIT media Bunga 30-35 cm 1 Pot 46,428 46,428
23 Bunga Balon i Ikat 15,000 15,000
24 Alicia 5 Tangkai I Lokal 35,000 35,000
5 Tangkai 1 Import 85,000 85,000
25 Sirkol 1 Batang 100,000 100,000
26 Anggrek
a Dendrobium Grade A 1 Tangkai 10,000 10,000
Grade B I Tangkai 7,500 7,500
Grade C 1 Tangkai 5,000 5,000
b Bulan 1 Tangkai 3,500 3,500
c Jamessstoree 1 Brat 200,000 200,000
d Anggrek Macan 1 Ikat 75,000 75,000
e Golden Shower 1 Beat 150,000 150,000
27 Morusella 1 Batang 12,500 12,500
28 Static 1 Tangkai 20,000 20,000
29 Snapdragon Grade A 1 Ikat 150,000 150,000
Grade B 1 Ikat 75,000 75,000
Grade C 1 Ikat 50,000 50,000
30 Tulip Import I Tangkai 30,000 30,000
31 Baby Breath Import 1 Tangkai 17,500 17,500
32 Carnation Lokal 1 Kodi 25,000 25,000
60,000 60,000
33 Lisiantus Ikat 75,000 75,000
34 Lili : -
a. Casablanca 150,000 150,000
b. Asiatic 135,000 135,000
c. Stargezer Ikat 175,000 175,000
d. Pompay
Ikat 150,000 150,000
e. Concador
f. Calla Lili 1:KuntIma 6,500 6,500 6,500
Soloidago A Itat 15,000 15,000 15,000
Mawar t 200,000 200,000 200,000
100,000 100,000 100,000
iodi 75,000 75,000 75,000
iindi 50,000 50,000 50,000
35 Sedap Malam #Angkai 3,000 3,000 3,000
*..» 2,500
36 Sexy Pink Ikat 45,000 45,000 45,000
37 Perizy t 17,500 17,500 17,500
38 Sir Gading -
Rat 10,000 10,000 10,000
39 Ikat 5,000
Florida Beauty 5,000 5,000
Ikat 10,000 10,000 10,000
40 Ekor Tupai Brat/Pot 21,428 21,428 21,428
Ikat/Pot 26,428 26,428 26,428
41 Monstera Ikat/Pot 20,000 20,000 20,000
1 Merah,
Pink, 8,500
Bayam/bayaman kunin Pot 15 cm 8,500
Konthsi -
2 Begonia daun :Mix Pot 15 13,500 13,500
3 Begonia non stop 13,500
pink, 13,500
orange dan
kuning Pot 15 cm
Pot 15 cm
4 Botan/silver dust Silver Pot 15 cm 9,500 9,500
5 Putih,
Bunga kancing ungu, pink Pot 15 cm 8,500
6 Coleus/miana Mix Pot 15 cm 8,500 8,500
7 Dahlia Mix Pot 15 cm 8,500 8,500
8 Exacum Mix Pot 15 cm 8,500 8,500
9 Gazania Wl.m.: Pot 15 cm 8,500 8,500
Pot 15 cm 8,500 8,500
10 Geranium
orange dan

Warna: Pot 15 cm 12,500 12,500

Merah, -
11 Gerbera putih, -
orange dan -
ungu -
Pot 15 cm 11,600 11,600
Merah, -
12 Gloxinia pink, blue -
Pot 15 cm 8,800 8,800
13 Hypoeste Pot 15 cm 12,600
14 Impatiens/pacar air Merah,
putih, 12,600
orange dan

15 Merah, Pot 15 cm 11,600

Jengger bulat besar pink, putih
Jengger bulat besar Pot 30 cm 34,000 34,000
16 Kalanchoe Pot 15 cm 10,000
gu dan
Merah, Pot 15 cm 10,500
Piktiki:o....ft r imoz,,t
17 Kalandiva pink, P 13,800
Nfera1l0 13,800
18 Kris an - -
Urigu.,-u Pot 15 cm 16,500
putih, pink
19 Kubis bias Bt Merah -
20 Pentas Pot 15 iffiW 9,300
Merah r,"
Pink, :'
gu dan

4:00 11,000 11,000

21 Petunia -
Petunia Pot tlln 15p00.00 #VALUE!
op** :-.P0 8,500 8,500
22 Salvia ' ner -
Grip 10,000 10,000
23 Suvok bunga besar g..,,,, Pp 15 ciii 8,500
*if.. 8,500

24 Suyok bungs kecil Rs 491 -

Pot 15 cm 8,500 8,500
Pink, blue,
putih &
25 Torenia Yaa, Pot 15 cm
Pub 8,500
pu, 8,500
Orange, -
Ungu &
26 Vinca/tapak dara Kuning -
27 Lavende Pot 15 cm 10,000.00
Mijaegla, 15,000.00
kuning, #VALUE!
Peach &
28 Mawar baby Putih -
Ungu, Pot 15 cm 10,000
merah, 10,000
putih &
29 Viokes Pink -
30 Peplan Merah Pot 25 cm 9,318 9,318
32 Peplan Kuning Pot 25 cm 12,318 12,318
33 Pandan Iris Karung 15,000 15,000
34 Serbuk Gergaji Karung 15,000 15,000
35 Oasis Dus 100,000 100,000
1 Anggrek Milan 40-50 3 s/d 5 btg/rpn pot 50,000 50,000
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 -
13 -
14 -
15 -
16 -
17 -
18 -
19 -
20 -
21 -
22 -
23 -
24 -
25 -
26 -
27 -
28 -
29 Bungur (Lagerstromea loudonii) 300-400 dia. batang 5 s/d 8 pohon 187,500 16,687 204,187
30 Cassia glauca 100-150 dia. batang 3 pohon 27,500 4,393 31,893
31 Cassia sp 200-300 dia. batang 4 s/d 5 pohon 75,000 4,393 79,393
32 Cempaka kuning (Michelia champaca) 150-200 pohon 75,000 4,393 79,393
33 Cempaka laming (Michetia champaca) 300-400 dia. batang 5 s/d 8 pohon 130,000 16,687 146,687
34 Cempaka Kencana 200 dia. batang 1,5 s/d 2 pohon 187,500 16,687 204,187
35 Ceremai 400-500 dia. batang 8 s/d 10 pohon 450,000 36,783 486,783
36 Dadap hutan (Erythrina sp) 300-400 dia. batang 5s/d8 pohon 150,000 16,687 166,687
37 Dadap kuning (Erythrina variegata sp) 300-400 dia. batang 5s/d8 pohon 133,333 16,687 150,020
38 Dadap merah (Erythrina cristagali) 150-200 dia. batang 3,5 pohon 75,000 4,393 79,393
39 Dadap merah (Erythrina cristagali) 300-400 dia. batang 5s/d8 pohon 150,000 16,687 166,687
40 Damar (Agathis alba) 2-3 m dia. batang >10 pohon 75,000 4,393 79,393
41 Damar (Agathis alba) 600-700 dia. batang >10 pohon 300,000 36,783 336,783
42 Flamboyant (Delonix regia) 150 dia. batang 2,5 pohon 102,500 4,393 106,893
43 Flamboyant Kuning (Delonix regia) 200 dia. batang 1,5 s/d 2 pohon 100,000 4,393 104,393
44 Gemelina 300 dia. batang 5 pohon 77,500 16,687 94,187
45 Gh uka 100-150 dia. batang 3 pohon 18,500 4,393 22,893
46 Glodogan 1.5 m dia. batang 3 pohon 52,500 4,393 56,893
47 Glodogan (Polyalthea longifolia) 2m dia. batang 3,5 pohon 105,000 4,393 109,393
48 Glodogan (Polyalthea longifolia) 2.5-3 m dia. batang 4s/d5 pohon 141,250 16,687 157,937
49 Glodogan (Polyalthea longifolia) 300-400 dia. batang 5s/d8 pohon 183,333 16,687 200,020
50 Glodogan (Polyalthea longifolia) 200 dia. batang 1,5 s/d 2 pohon 40,000 16,687 56,687
51 Glodogan (Polyalthea longifolia)longifolia 500 dia. batang 1,5 s/d 2 pohon 366,667 16,687 383,354
52 Glodogan tiang (Sarracca sp)1 10011 pohon 35,000 233 35,233
53 Glodogan hang (Sarracca sp) 1 BatiMg 4i pohon 83,750 16,687 100,437
54 Glodogan bang (Sarracca sp) inatides - dia. btg'8 tctib pohon 216,667 36,783 253,450
55 Jatimas 2001130 dia. batang 4s/d5 pohon 175 4,393 4,568
56 Jatimas i 200 dia. btitl'atd 2 pohon 50 4,393 4,443
57 Jakarandapacaranda acutifolia)iv pohon 53,333 4,393 57,726
58 Jambu mede(Anacardium occidendale) pohon 47,500 36,783 84,283
59 Johar (Cassia siamea) 150,'" t3 pohon 56,667 4,393 61,060
60 Johar (Cassia siamea) Uz 200 pohon 75,000 4,393 79,393
61 Kamboja putih(Plumeria rubra),, 200-300 pohon 87,500 4,393 91,893
62 Kamboja rantai 300-400 pohon 433,333 16,687 450,020
63 Karet kebo (Ficus elastica) 100 pohon 52,500 4,393 56,893
64 Kasia bunga kuning (Cassia innettiti a) .,,.,1 p72op dia. batang 3,. pohon 50,000 4,393 54,393
65 Kastuba (Euphorbia pukherrima ifiirLiOli dia. ba' pohon 200,000 4,393 204,393
66 Kayya (Kaya senegalensis) , pohon 50,000 4,393 54,393
67 Kayu mans(Cinnamon burn* pohon 75,000 4,393 79,393
68 Kayu mains (Cinnamon bumanM) .M f,;! '-.1k *'4il° S pohon 123,333 4,393 127,726
69 Kayu mania (Cinnamon bumarmi) : .9X.-0034 atiti- '0 pohon 462,500 36,783 499,283
70 Kayu putih (Maleucaa leucandendroxr 400 dia.13i- pohon 86,667 4,393 91,060
71 Kembang kupu-kupu (BauhiniaDurpurea pohon 20,000 4,393 24,393
72 Kembang merak (Caesalpina pukherritnit)„„ io-oe pohon 15,000 4,393 19,393
73 Kembang merak (Caesalpina pukherrima) pohon 20,000 4,393 24,393
74 Kembang sepatu kuning (Hibiscus hybridus) ;100400 dia. batang 3,5 pohon 35,000 4,393 39,393
75 Kenari (Canarium commune) 100-150 dia. batang 3 pohon 42 4,393 4,435
76 Kenari (Canarium commune) 300-400 dia. batang 5s/d8 pohon 178,333 16,687 195,020
77 Kenari (Canarium commune) 200 dia. batang 1,5 s/d 2 pohon 100,000 16,687 116,687
78 Ketapang (Terminalia catappa) 150-200 dia. batang 3,5 pohon 45,000 4,393 49,393
79 Ketapang (Terminalia catappa) 200 dia. batang 1,5 s/d 2 pohon 66,667 4,393 71,060
80 Ketapang (Terminalia catappa) 500-600 dia. batang >10 pohon 350,000 36,783 386,783
81 Kepuh 300-400 dia. batang 5s/d8 pohon 458,333 16,687 475,020
82 Kiara payung (Filicium decipiens) 150-200 dia. batang 3,5 pohon 75,000 4,393 79,393
83 Kiara payung (Filicium decipiens) 200 dia. batang 1,5 s/d 2 pohon 100,000 4,393 104,393
84 Lampert 150-200 dia. batang 3,5 pohon 100,000 4,393 104,393
85 Mahoni (Swietania mahagoni) 200 dia. batang 1,5 s/c12 pohon 71,250 4,393 75,643
86 Mahoni (Swietania inahagoni) 300-400 dia. batang 5s/d8 pohon 116,667 16,687 133,354
87 Mahoni (Swietania mahagoni) 600-700 dia. batang >10 pohon 250,000 36,783 286,783
88 Mahoni diameter (Swietania mahagoni) 60-70 dia. batang 4s/d5 pohon 53,333 4,393 57,726
89 Mangga (Mangifera indica) 500-600 dia. batang >10 pohon 850,000 36,783 886,783
90 Matoa irian (Pometia pinata) 300-400 dia. batang 5s/d8 pohon 283,333 16,687 300,020
91 Nipah (Nipa fruticans) 100-200 dia. batang 3,5 pohon 50,000 4,393 54,393
92 Nyamplung (Calophyllum inopyllum) 150-200 dia. batang 4s/d5 pohon 67,500 4,393 71,893
93 Pule (Alsonia scholaris) 300-400 dia. batang 5 s/d 8 cm pohon 231,667 16,687 248,354
94 Pule (Alsonia scholaris) 600-700 dia. batang >10 pohon 675,000 36,783 711,783
95 Salam 50-100 dia. batang 3 pohon 21,000 233 21,233
96 Salam 10-25 dia. Batang pohon 4,000 233 4,233
97 Salam 200 dia. batang 1,5 s/d 2 pohon 50,000 4,393 54,393
98 Sikat Botot (Colestemon sp) 200.300 dia. batang 4s/d5 pohon 250,000 4,393 254,393
99 Santorium 500-600 dia. batang >10 pohon 700,000 36,783 736,783
100 Sawo duren (Chrysophillium cainito) 150-200 dia. batang 3,5 pohon 90,000 4,393 94,393
101 Sawo kecik (Chrysophillium sp) 1.5-2 m dia. batang 1.5-2cm pohon 45,000 4,393 49,393
102 Sawo kecik (Chrysophillium sp) 2-2.5 in dia. batang 3-5 cm pohon 140,000 4,393 144,393
103 Sono keling/Sengon (Abaziafakata) 150-200 dia. batang 3,5 pohon 215,000 4,393 219,393
104 Spathodea campanulata 150-200 dia. batang 3,5 pohon 27,500 4,393 31,893
105 Saga (Adenanthera davanina) 200 dia. batang 1,5 s/d 2 pohon 30,000 4,393 34,393
106 Spathodea carnpanulata 500-600 dia. batang >10 pohon 366,667 36,783 403,450
107 Tabebuya 100-200 dia. tajuk 50-70 pohon 66,000 4,393 70,393
108 Tabebuya 200 dia. batang 1,5 s/d 2 pohon 112,500 5,622 118,122
109 Tabebuya 300 dia. batang 5 pohon 266,667 16,687 283,354
110 Tanjung (Mimusop elengi) 10-25 - pohon 40,000 1,048 41,048
111 Tanjung (Mimusop elengi) 400-500 dia. batang 8 s/d 10 pohon 281,250 36,783 318,033
112 Tanjung (Mimusop elengi) 150-200 dia. batang 3,5 pohon 145,000 4,393 149,393
113 Tanjung (Mimusop elengi) 200-300 dia. batang 4s/d5 pohon 181,250 4,393 185,643
114 Trembesi (Samanea saman) 1 rn din_ batang 3 pohon 50,000 1,048 51,048
115 Trembesi (Samanea saman) 2 in dia. batang 3,5 pohon 75,000 4,393 79,393
116 Trembesi (Samanea saman) 3 m dia. batang 5 pohon 150,000 16,687 166,687
117 Trembesi (Samanea saman) 400-500 dia. batang 8 s/d 10 pohon 250,000 36,783 286,783
118 Trembesi (Samanea samara) 600-700 dia. batang >10 pohon 300,000 36,783 336,783
119 Trenggulin (Cassia fistula) 50-150 dia. batang 3 pohon 20,000 4,393 24,393
120 Trenggulin (Cassia fistula) 150-200 pohon 56,667 36,783 93,450
121 Walisongo (Alithwium migiolgtanT -----nogr pohon 50,000 4,393 54,393
122 Walisongo (Alithurium macroloblum) f "4;2°044 pohon 150,000 4,393 154,393
123 Walisongo (Alithurium macrolobnunk pohon 175,000 4,393 179,393
124 Waru (Hibiscus tiliaceus) pohon 183,333 36,783 220,116
125 Yangliu (Salyx babylonia) 15CL t pohon 87,500 4,393 91,893
126 Kiputri pucuk kuning(Podocarpua nerifolius) 200 pohon 132,500 4,393 136,893
1 Bixa (Bixaceae sp) kg 40,000 40,000
2 Bunga kupu-kupu (Bauhima purpurea) kg 45,000 45,000
3 Bungur (Largerstroemia loudoniq kg 38,333 38,333
4 Buni (Antidesma bunius) kg 40;000 #VALUE!
5 Glodogan (Polyalthea longifolia kg 60,000 60,000
6 Mahoni (Swietenia mahagoni) kg 20,833 20,833
7 Salam (Eugenia polyanthum) kg 20,000 20,000
8 Tanjung (Mimusops elengi) kg 50,000 50,000
9 Trembesi (Samanea saman) kg 50,000 50,000
1 Anthurium kondisi optimal pohon 125,000 1,048 126,048
2 Belanceng yongmay kondisi optimal pohon 100,000 (1,048) 98,952
3 Bonsai bentuk kondisi optimal pohon 350,000 1,048 351,048
4 Bonsai bentuk 100 kondisi optimal pohon 750,000 4,393 754,393
5 Cemara dent D0-150: kondisi optimal pohon 350,000 4,393 354,393
6 Cemara udang /4t66400 kondisi optimal pohon 500,000 4,393 504,393
7 Cemara udang 150-200 kondisi optimal pohon 1,750,000 4,393 1,754,393
8 Kamboja Jepang bentuk 100-200 kondisi optimal pohon 250,000 4,393 254,393
9 Kapu-kapu 50 kondisi optimal pohon 7,500 1,048 8,548
10 Krisan pot 30-40 kondisi optimal pohon 12,500 412 12,912
11 Louts 10-30 kondisi optimal pohon 200,000 412 200,412
12 Melati air 40-50 kondisi optimal pohon 50,000 1,048 51,048
13 Meranti karet 40-50 kondisi optimal pohon 50,000 1,048 51,048
14 Meranti pisang 100 kondisi optimal pohon 50,000 4,393 54,393
15 Nolina, 100 kondisi optimal pohon 300,000 4,393 304,393
16 Pacira tinggi 150 kondisi optimal pohon 300,000 4,393 304,393
17 Palm segitiga tingggi 150-200 kondisi optimal pohon 150,000 4,393 154,393
18 Pandan Bali cabling tinggi 150-200 kondisi optimal pohon 500,000 4,393 504,393
19 Pandan Bali tunggal tinggi 100 kondisi optimal pohon 100,000 4,393 104,393
20 Philodendron hijau 50 kondisi optimal pohon 175,000 1,048 176,048
21 Philodendron kuning 50 kondisi optimal pohon 200,000 1,048 201,048
22 Philodendron mesh 50 kondisi optimal pohon 250,000 1,048 251,048
23 Puring loaning 50 kondisi optimal pohon 75,000 1,048 76,048
24 Sikas antik tinggi 100 kondisi optimal pohon 350,000 4,393 354,393
25 Sikas Halus ( Cycas revoluta) 100 kondisi optimal pohon 73,500 4,393 77,893
26 Sikas Kasar ( Cycas rumpii ) 50 kondisi optimal pohon 68,400 1,048 69,448
27 Sikas Medan 50 kondisi optimal pohon 73,500 1,048 74,548
28 Srikit bangkok 40-50 kondisi optimal pohon 25,000 1,048 26,048
29 Teratai biasa 10-20 kondisi optimal pohon 100,000 412 100,412
30 Tipha 50-100 kondisi optimal pohon 50,000 1,048 51,048

32 Zannia kelompok diameter 100 kondisi opiii.20o.A pohon #VALUE!

33 Zannia tunggal 50 kondisi optimal pohon #VALUE!
34 MATER PELENGICAP 25-40 1 optimal bh #VALUE!
35 Batu api sedang 40-75 1 3 bh #VALUE!
36 Bam api besar 200 dia. 41,032 batang #VALUE!
37 Bambu - penunjang ( steger bambu bulat) 50 1 41,032 krg #VALUE!
38 Baru ares 75 dia. 3 krg #VALUE!
39 Batu bintang 40 dia. fomr krg #VALUE!
40 Batu brojol bitam bengkulu ,. dia. 55 krg #VALUE!
41 Batu brojol merah hati 1 t,60 krg #VALUE!
42 Batu brojol putih ambon 1 - bh #VALUE!
43 Batu cadas besar/sedang 1 ',' .4'4' bh #VALUE!
44 Batu kayu besar 87.2 40 bh #VALUE!
45 Batu kayu kecil 10x20 °- m2 #VALUE!
46 Batu tempel cirebon slam berbagai jenis ukuran 1 I m2 #VALUE!
47 Batu tempel palimanan hijau dan putih 1 1 bh #VALUE!
48 Batu tulang besar 1 1 bh #VALUE!
49 Batu tulang kecil 1 1 bh #VALUE!
50 Gentong teratai besar 1 1 bh #VALUE!
51 Gentong teratai kecil tS m (Tajuk) bh #VALUE!
52 Gentong teratai sedang diameter pot m .4 lig-. #VALUE!
53 Kantong plastik . m -,:bh #VALUE!
54 Kromb dolken segitiga kawaeatiri(080*80ie diameter m Li NI #VALUE!
55 Kromb dolken segiempat dun(040x060x 2tnjs diameter pot m L' m2 #VALUE!
56 Plastik belling ,,ZN. m i #VALUE!
57 Pot dekoratif terra cotta clans ciii*trivot m t, #VALUE!
58 Pot dekoratif terra cotta clans 4! <5m m 0 Bh #VALUE!
59 Pot plastik diameter terra cotta darti 5,1-10 m 0 Bh #VALUE!
60 Pot plastik diameter terra cotta cfarris > 10 s/d 10cm Err:509 Err:509
61 Pupuk Majemuk butir - prill <5 s/d 20cm psi #VALUE!
62 Pupuk Majemuk kaplet uk 10 gri 5,1-10 s/d 30cm i:li Bh #VALUE!
63 Pupuk kandang ( uk kecil) > 10 s/d 40cm :.,, kg #VALUE!
64 Pupuk kompos ( uk. kecil) <5 s/d 50cm ,‘. #VALUE!
65 Pupuk NPK 5,1-10 > 50cm 1. kg #VALUE!
66 Pupuk TSP > 10 1 v krg #VALUE!
67 Pupuk Urea diameter 1 44 44
68 Pupuk ZA dia. 11 Jag #VALUE!
69 Serbuk gergaji dia. 21 tt: #VALUE!
70 Steger bambu bulat 2 - dia. 31 1, kg #VALUE!
71 Steger dolken 2m dia. 41 4 4
73 Pohon Di Halaman -
a.Penyiraman -
b.Pemberantasan hama dengan insektisida -
c.Pemberantasan hams tanpa insektisida -
d.Pemupukan -
e.Pendangiran -
f.Penopingan/pemangkasan -
g.Penopingan /Pemangkasan (berat) -
h.Penopiagan /Pemangkasan (berat) -
i.Penopingan /Pemangkasan (berat) -
j.Penopingan /Pemangkasan (sedang) -
k.Penopingan /Pemangkasan (sedang) -
I.Penopingan /Pemangkasan (sedang) -
m.Penopingan /Pemangkasan (ringan) -
n.Penopingan /Pemangkasan (ringan) -
o.Penopingan /Pemangkasan (ringan) -
p. Pembersihan sampah pada areal pemeliharaan -
q. Pencucian pedestrian (dgn deterjen dan alat bantu) -
1 Penebangan Pohon -
a. Penebangan pohon -
b. Penebangan pohon -
c. Penebangan pohon -
d. Penebangan pohon -
e. Penebangan pohon -
f. Penebangan pohon -
c.Pemberantasan hama tanpa insektisida 1 pohon 75 75
d.Pemupukan 1 pohon 175 175
e.Pendangiran 1 pohon 50 50
1 Rumput -
a. Penyiraman pd lokasi taman yg mempunyai sumber air m2 55 55
b. Penyiraman pada lokasi taman tanpa sumber air m2 106 106
c. Pengetrikan di taman/berm m' 279 279
d. Pembabatan m2 95 95
e. Pembabatan rumput liar / alang-alang m2 150 150
1 Tanaman Elias dan Perdu -
a.Penyiraman m2 108 108
b.Pemberantasan hama dengan insektisida m2 550 550
c.Pemberantasan hama tanpa insektisida m2 150 150
d.Pemangkasan m2 1,717 1,717
e.Pemupukan m2 450 450
f. Pendangiran m2 423 423
1 Pengamanan pohon pelindung -
a. diameter batang 5 s/c110 cm btg 15,717 15,717
b. diameter batang 11 s/d 20 cm btg 16,433 16,433
c. diameter batang 21 sir:130 cm btg 25,041 25,041
d. diameter batang 31 s/d 40kda btg 26 26
e. diameter batang 41 s/d 50 C btg 29 29
f. diameter batang 51 s/d 60 cm btg 35 35
g. diameter batang 61 s/d 1 m g btg 56 56
2 Penaindahan pohon (termasuk p4eliharaan selama 3d) ) -
a. diameter batang 5 s/d 10 cm g btg 78,177 78,177
b, diameter batang 11 s/d 20 btg 88,447 88,447
3 Penanaman pohon baru (termastak pemeliharaarOd In -
a. Penanaman pohon kelas I -
Tinggi 1 s/d 2 m -
Tinggi 2,1 s/d 3 m -
b. Penanaman pohon kelas II it' big 90,302 90,302
.. btg 120,820 120,820
Tinggi 1 s/d 2 tb g 78,492 78,492
Tinggi 2 s/d13 m A 94,465
0 btg 94,465
c. Penanaman pohon kelas III
Tinggi 1 s/d 2 m g btg 65,992 65,992
Tinggi 2 s/d 3 m btg 84,465 84,465
4 Borier ( termasuk pemeliharaampelama m2 355,750 355,750
b. Kelas II m2 216,841 216,841
c. Kelas III m2 148,681 148,681
5 Rumput gajah ( termasuk peinelihelama 1ram m2 19,243 19,243
3 brim ) -
a. Penopingan /Pemangkasan (ringan) dia. < 5 m pohon 20,300 20,300
b. Penopingan /Pemangkasan (sedang) dia. < 5 m pohon 61,000 61,000
c. Penopingan /Pemangkasan (berat) dia. < 5 m pohon 81,400 81,400
d. Penopingan /Pemangkasan (ringan) dia. tajuk 5.1-10m pohon 40,700 40,700
e. Penopingan /Pemangkasan (sedang) dia. tajuk 5.1-10m pohon 162,800 162,800
f. Penopingan /Pemangkasan (berat) dia. tajuk 5.1-10m pohon 244,200 244,200
g. Penopingan /Pemangkasan (ringan) dia. tajuk> 10m pohon 81,400 81,400
h. Penopingan /Pemangkasan (sedang) dia. tajuk > 10m pohon 244;200 #VALUE!
i. Penopingan /Pemangkasan (berat) dia. tajuk > 10m pohon 407,000 407,000
j. Penebangan pohon dia. s/d 10 cm pohon 32,500 32,500
k. Penebangan pohon dia. 11 s/d 20cm pohon 122,100 122,100
1. Penebangan pohon dia. 21 s/d 30cm pohon 162,800 162,800
m. Penebangan pohon dia. 31 s/d 40cm pohon 244,200 244,200
n. Penebangan pohon dia. 41 s/d 50cm pohon 325,600 325,600
o. Penebangan pohon dia. > 50cm pohon 407,000 407,000
(Rp) HARGA (Rp)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


1 1 Unit Pintu Type P1 51,070,710.00
1.2600 M3 Beton Balok/Kolom Lintle 30/30 K-225 ( 150 Kg ) @ Rp. 9,485,160.00 3,786,867.00 8,164,444.81
16.0320 M2 Granit Essenza Group A warna prince rubert mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm @ Rp. 320,920.00 5,144,989.44
2.0000 Bh Pintu engsel floor hinge dorma uk. 210 x 210 cm warna (Hitam & Coklat) @ Rp. 7,300,130.00 14,600,260.00
19.8108 m2 Kaca Polos tebal 12 mm @ Rp. 377,090.00 7,470,448.92
26.4000 m' Kusen aluminium dia.4" warna (Hitam & Coklat) @ Rp. 166,700.00 4,400,880.00
6.0000 set Engsel Tanam Dexon @ Rp. 51,270.00 307,620.00
1.0000 set Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL T9587 ET PB @ Rp. 177,510.00 177,510.00
2.0000 set Handle Dekkson LHR 2001 SN + NP @ Rp. 248,900.00 497,800.00
15% Ls Upah Pasang @ Rp. 32,599,508.36 4,889,926.25
5% Ls Alat Bantu @ Rp. 32,599,508.36 1,629,975.42
JUMLAH 10,306,768.67 40,763,953.16
DIBULATKAN 10,306,760.00 40,763,950.00
1 1 Unit Pintu Type P2 41,269,100.00
1.1772 M3 Beton Balok/Kolom Lintle 30/30 K-225 ( 150 Kg ) @ Rp. 9,485,160.00 3,538,015.74 7,627,924.15
10.8240 M2 Granit Essenza Group A warna prince rubert mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm @ Rp. 320,920.00 3,473,638.08
2.0000 Bh Pintu engsel floor hinge dorma uk. 210 x 210 cm warna (Hitam & Coklat) @ Rp. 7,300,130.00 14,600,260.00
14.3470 m2 Kaca Polos tebal 12 mm @ Rp. 377,090.00 5,410,110.23
21.4000 m' Kusen aluminium dia.4" warna (Hitam & Coklat) @ Rp. 166,700.00 3,567,380.00
6.0000 set Engsel Tanam Dexon @ Rp. 51,270.00 307,620.00
1.0000 set Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL T9587 ET PB @ Rp. 177,510.00 177,510.00
2.0000 set Handle Dekkson LHR 2001 SN + NP @ Rp. 248,900.00 497,800.00
15% Ls Upah Pasang @ Rp. 28,034,318.31 4,205,147.75
5% Ls Alat Bantu @ Rp. 28,034,318.31 1,401,715.92
JUMLAH 5,606,863.66 35,662,242.46
DIBULATKAN 5,606,860.00 35,662,240.00
2 1 Unit Pintu Type P3 6,976,950.00
9.9000 M1 Kusen aluminium dia.4" warna (Hitam & Coklat) @ Rp. 166,700.00 1,650,330.00
1.0000 Unit Pintu alumunium - swing + door closer @ Rp. 2,865,290.00 2,865,290.00
4.4624 M2 Kaca Polos tebal 8 mm @ Rp. 231,740.00 1,034,116.58
13.8000 M' Sealan Karet Kusen @ Rp. 8,000.00 110,400.00
14.0000 Bh Paku Skrup @ Rp. 3,000.00 42,000.00
14.0000 Bh Pisher @ Rp. 8,000.00 112,000.00
15% Ls Upah Pasang @ Rp. 5,814,136.58 872,120.49
5% Ls Alat Bantu @ Rp. 5,814,136.58 290,706.83
JUMLAH 1,162,827.32 5,814,136.58
DIBULATKAN 1,162,820.00 5,814,130.00
3 1 Unit Pintu Type P4 7,629,970.00
13.7000 M1 Kusen aluminium dia.4" warna (Hitam & Coklat) @ Rp. 166,700.00 2,283,790.00
1.0000 Unit Pintu alumunium - swing + door closer @ Rp. 2,865,290.00 2,865,290.00
3.2400 M2 Kaca Polos tebal 8 mm @ Rp. 231,740.00 750,837.60
13.8000 M' Sealan Karet Kusen @ Rp. 8,000.00 110,400.00
1.0000 Psg Kunci Pintu @ Rp. 150,000.00 150,000.00
18.0000 Bh Paku Skrup @ Rp. 3,000.00 54,000.00
18.0000 Psg Pisher @ Rp. 8,000.00 144,000.00
15% Ls Upah Pasang @ Rp. 6,358,317.60 953,747.64
5% Ls Alat Bantu @ Rp. 6,358,317.60 317,915.88
JUMLAH 1,271,663.52 6,358,317.60
DIBULATKAN 1,271,660.00 6,358,310.00
4 1 Unit Pintu Type P5 6,103,640.00
7.0000 M1 Kusen aluminium dia.4" warna (Hitam & Coklat) @ Rp. 166,700.00 1,166,900.00
1.0000 Unit Pintu alumunium - swing + door closer @ Rp. 2,865,290.00 2,865,290.00
1.9200 M2 Kaca Polos tebal 8 mm @ Rp. 231,740.00 444,940.80
13.8000 M' Sealant @ Rp. 8,000.00 110,400.00
1.0000 Psg Kunci Pintu @ Rp. 150,000.00 150,000.00
18.0000 Bh Paku Skrup @ Rp. 3,000.00 54,000.00
18.0000 Psg Pisher @ Rp. 16,380.00 294,840.00
15% Ls Upah Pasang @ Rp. 5,086,370.80 762,955.62
5% Ls Alat Bantu @ Rp. 5,086,370.80 254,318.54
JUMLAH 1,017,274.16 5,086,370.80
DIBULATKAN 1,017,270.00 5,086,370.00
5 1 Unit Pintu Type P6 5,044,810.00
6.7200 M' Kusen aluminium dia.4" warna (Hitam & Coklat) @ Rp. 166,700.00 1,120,224.00
1.0000 Unit Pintu alumunium - swing + door closer @ Rp. 2,865,290.00 2,865,290.00
13.0000 M' Sealant @ Rp. 2,500.00 32,500.00
1.0000 Psg Kunci Pintu @ Rp. 150,000.00 150,000.00
8.0000 bh Paku Skrup @ Rp. 1,500.00 12,000.00
8.0000 bh Pisher @ Rp. 3,000.00 24,000.00
15% Ls Upah Pasang @ Rp. 4,204,014.00 630,602.10
5% Ls Alat Bantu @ Rp. 4,204,014.00 210,200.70
JUMLAH 840,802.80 4,204,014.00
DIBULATKAN 840,800.00 4,204,010.00
6 1 Unit Pintu Type PVG1 7,760,780.00
6.9700 m2 Pintu Lipat Aluminium @ Rp. 927,880.00 6,467,323.60
15% Ls Upah Pasang @ Rp. 6,467,323.60 970,098.54
5% Ls Alat Bantu @ Rp. 6,467,323.60 323,366.18
JUMLAH 1,293,464.72 6,467,323.60
DIBULATKAN 1,293,460.00 6,467,320.00
7 1 M2 Pintu Type PVG2 5,867,900.00
5.2700 m2 Pintu Lipat Aluminium @ Rp. 927,880.00 4,889,927.60
15% Ls Upah Pasang @ Rp. 4,889,927.60 733,489.14
5% Ls Alat Bantu @ Rp. 4,889,927.60 244,496.38
(Rp) HARGA (Rp)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

JUMLAH 977,985.52 4,889,927.60

DIBULATKAN 977,980.00 4,889,920.00
8 1 Unit Jendela Type J1 18,800,660.00
55.2300 M' Kusen aluminium dia.4" warna (Hitam & Coklat) @ Rp. 166,700.00 9,206,841.00
55.2300 M' Sealant @ Rp. 8,000.00 441,840.00
25.6000 M2 Kaca Polos tebal 8 mm @ Rp. 231,740.00 5,932,544.00
15.2000 M' List Karet @ Rp. 2,500.00 38,000.00
8.0000 bh Paku Skrup @ Rp. 3,000.00 24,000.00
8.0000 bh Pisher @ Rp. 3,000.00 24,000.00
15% Ls Upah Pasang @ Rp. 15,667,225.00 2,350,083.75
5% Ls Alat Bantu @ Rp. 15,667,225.00 783,361.25
JUMLAH 3,133,445.00 15,667,225.00
DIBULATKAN 3,133,440.00 15,667,220.00
(Rp) HARGA (Rp)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

9 1 Unit Jendela Type J2 5,210,610.00

16.4100 M' Kusen aluminium dia.4" warna (Hitam & Coklat) @ Rp. 166,700.00 2,735,547.00
9.7000 M' Sealant @ Rp. 8,000.00 77,600.00
6.0000 M2 Kaca Polos tebal 8 mm @ Rp. 231,740.00 1,390,440.00
15.1000 M' List Karet @ Rp. 6,000.00 90,600.00
8.0000 bh Paku Skrup @ Rp. 3,000.00 24,000.00
8.0000 bh Pisher @ Rp. 3,000.00 24,000.00
15% Ls Upah Pasang @ Rp. 4,342,187.00 651,328.05
5% Ls Alat Bantu @ Rp. 4,342,187.00 217,109.35
JUMLAH 868,437.40 4,342,187.00
DIBULATKAN 868,430.00 4,342,180.00
10 1 Unit Jendela Type J3 10,485,270.00
29.5400 M' Kusen aluminium dia.4" warna (Hitam & Coklat) @ Rp. 166,700.00 4,924,318.00
5.2000 M' Sealant @ Rp. 8,000.00 41,600.00
16.1000 M2 Kaca Polos tebal 8 mm @ Rp. 231,740.00 3,731,014.00
2.3000 M' List Karet @ Rp. 6,000.00 13,800.00
6.0000 bh Paku Skrup @ Rp. 1,500.00 9,000.00
6.0000 bh Pisher @ Rp. 3,000.00 18,000.00
15% Ls Upah Pasang @ Rp. 8,737,732.00 1,310,659.80
5% Ls Alat Bantu @ Rp. 8,737,732.00 436,886.60
JUMLAH 1,747,546.40 8,737,732.00
DIBULATKAN 1,747,540.00 8,737,730.00
11 1 Unit Jendela Type J4 5,888,840.00
17.8800 M' Kusen aluminium dia.4" warna (Hitam & Coklat) @ Rp. 166,700.00 2,980,596.00
5.2000 M' Sealant @ Rp. 8,000.00 41,600.00
7.9200 M2 Kaca Polos tebal 8 mm @ Rp. 231,740.00 1,835,380.80
2.3000 M' List Karet @ Rp. 6,000.00 13,800.00
6.0000 bh Paku Skrup @ Rp. 3,000.00 18,000.00
6.0000 bh Pisher @ Rp. 3,000.00 18,000.00
15% Ls Upah Pasang @ Rp. 4,907,376.80 736,106.52
5% Ls Alat Bantu @ Rp. 4,907,376.80 245,368.84
JUMLAH 981,475.36 4,907,376.80
DIBULATKAN 981,470.00 4,907,370.00
12 1 Unit Jendela Type J5 2,489,850.00
8.0200 M' Kusen aluminium dia.4" warna (Hitam & Coklat) @ Rp. 166,700.00 1,336,934.00
5.2000 M' Sealant @ Rp. 8,000.00 41,600.00
2.7900 M2 Kaca Polos tebal 8 mm @ Rp. 231,740.00 646,554.60
2.3000 M' List Karet @ Rp. 6,000.00 13,800.00
6.0000 bh Paku Skrup @ Rp. 3,000.00 18,000.00
6.0000 bh Pisher @ Rp. 3,000.00 18,000.00
15% Ls Upah Pasang @ Rp. 2,074,888.60 311,233.29
5% Ls Alat Bantu @ Rp. 2,074,888.60 103,744.43
JUMLAH 414,977.72 2,074,888.60
DIBULATKAN 414,970.00 2,074,880.00
13 1 Unit Jendela Type J6 3,168,780.00
11.4000 M' Kusen aluminium dia.4" warna (Hitam & Coklat) @ Rp. 166,700.00 1,900,380.00
5.2000 M' Sealant @ Rp. 8,000.00 41,600.00
2.8000 M2 Kaca Polos tebal 8 mm @ Rp. 231,740.00 648,872.00
2.3000 M' List Karet @ Rp. 6,000.00 13,800.00
6.0000 bh Paku Skrup @ Rp. 3,000.00 18,000.00
6.0000 bh Pisher @ Rp. 3,000.00 18,000.00
15% Ls Upah Pasang @ Rp. 2,640,652.00 396,097.80
5% Ls Alat Bantu @ Rp. 2,640,652.00 132,032.60
JUMLAH 528,130.40 2,640,652.00
DIBULATKAN 528,130.00 2,640,650.00
13 1 m' Railling Tangga Stailess Steel (lengkap) 665,180.00
0.5000 kg Plat Dudukan Tiang Railling @ Rp. 17,300.00 8,650.00
2.0000 bh DinaBolt dia.12 mm @ Rp. 13,100.00 26,200.00
0.2500 btg Pipa Tiang Stainlesstell dia. 1,5" @ Rp. 470,550.00 117,637.50
0.1500 btg Railling Pipa Bawah Stainlesstell dia. 1" @ Rp. 264,960.00 39,744.00
0.1500 btg Railling Pipa Tengah Stainlesstell dia. 3/4" @ Rp. 230,400.00 34,560.00
0.1500 btg Railling Pipa Atas Stainlesstell dia. 1" @ Rp. 264,960.00 39,744.00
1.2000 btg Railling Pipa Vertikal Stainlesstell dia. 3/4" @ Rp. 230,400.00 276,480.00
15% Ls Upah Pasang @ Rp. 543,015.50 81,452.33
5% Ls Alat Bantu @ Rp. 543,015.50 27,150.78
2.5% Ls Poles Stainlesstel @ Rp. 543,015.50 13,575.39
JUMLAH 122,178.49 543,015.50
DIBULATKAN 122,170.00 543,010.00

Analisa LI-79




PROP / KAB / KODYA : Irian Jaya Barat / Kota Sorong Selatan
JENIS PEKERJAAN : Pasangan Batu (manual)


(Rp.) (Rp.)


1. Pekerja Biasa (L01) jam 14.0000 11,428.57 160,000.00

2. Tukang (L02) jam 2.3333 14,285.71 33,333.33
3. Mandor (L03) jam 1.1667 20,000.00 23,333.33



1. Batu Kali (M02) M3 1.2600 456,900.00 575,694.00

2. Semen (PC) (M12) zak 151.0000 4,750.00 717,250.00
3. Pasir (M01) M3 0.3395 707,800.00 240,312.93



1. Alat Bantu Ls 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00



E. OVERHEAD & PROFIT 10.0 % x D 175,092.36
F. HARGA SATUAN PEKERJAAN ( D + E ) 1,926,015.96
Note: 1 SATUAN dapat berdasarkan atas jam operasi untuk Tenaga Kerja dan Peralatan, volume dan/atau ukuran
berat untuk bahan-bahan.
2 Kuantitas satuan adalah kuantitas setiap komponen untuk menyelesaikan satu satuan pekerjaan dari nomor
mata pembayaran.
3 Biaya satuan untuk peralatan sudah termasuk bahan bakar, bahan habis dipakai dan operator.
4 Biaya satuan sudah termasuk pengeluaran untuk seluruh pajak yang berkaitan (tetapi tidak termasuk PPN
yang dibayar dari kontrak) dan biaya-biaya lainnya.

File : 536980267.xlsx
Analisa EI-311 Analisa EI-3





PROP / KAB / KODYA : Papua Barat / Kota Sorong : Papua Ba
ITEM PEMBAYARAN NO. : 3.1 (1) : 3.1 (1)
JENIS PEKERJAAN : Galian Biasa : Galian Bia
: M3
: M3
(Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.)
galian kedal
1. Pekerja (L01) Jam 0.1339 10,000.00 1,338.69 1,338.69
2. Mandor (L03) Jam 0.0335 17,142.86 573.72 573.72
JUMLAH HARGA TENAGA 1,912.41 1,912.41
Tidak ada b


1. Excavator (E10) Jam 0.0335 433,387.90 14,504.28 14,504.28
2. Dump Truck (E08) Jam 0.0549 269,197.34 14,776.87 14,776.87
3. Alat Bantu Ls 1.0000 200.00 200.00 200.00
JUMLAH HARGA PERALATAN 29,481.15 29,481.15
D. JUMLAH HARGA TENAGA, BAHAN DAN PERALATAN ( A + B + C ) 31,393.56 31,393.56
E. OVERHEAD & PROFIT 10.0 % x D 3,139.36 3,139.36
F. HARGA SATUAN PEKERJAAN ( D + E ) 34,532.92 34,532.92
Note: 1 SATUAN dapat berdasarkan atas jam operasi untuk Tenaga Kerja dan Peralatan, volume dan/atau ukuran SATUAN da
berat untuk bahan-bahan. berat untuk
2 Kuantitas satuan adalah kuantitas setiap komponen untuk menyelesaikan satu satuan pekerjaan dari nomor Kuantitas sa
mata pembayaran. mata pemba
3 Biaya satuan untuk peralatan sudah termasuk bahan bakar, bahan habis dipakai dan operator.
4 Biaya satuan sudah termasuk pengeluaran untuk seluruh pajak yang berkaitan (tetapi tidak termasuk PPN
yang dibayar dari kontrak) dan biaya-biaya lainnya.
ITEM PEMBAYARAN NO. : 3.1 (1) Analisa EI-311


1 Menggunakan alat berat (cara mekanik)
2 Lokasi pekerjaan : sepanjang jalan
3 Kondisi Jalan : sedang / baik
4 Jam kerja efektif per-hari Tk 7.00 Jam
5 Faktor pengembangan bahan Fk 1.20 -


1 Tanah yang dipotong umumnya berada disisi jalan
2 Penggalian dilakukan dengan menggunakan Excavator
3 Selanjutnya Excavator menuangkan material hasil
galian kedalam Dump Truck
4 Dump Truck membuang material hasil galian keluar
lokasi jalan sejauh L 0.05 Km


Tidak ada bahan yang diperlukan

2.a. EXCAVATOR (E10)
Kapasitas Bucket V 0.80 M3
Faktor Bucket Fb 0.90 -
Faktor Efisiensi alat Fa 0.83 -

Waktu siklus Ts1 menit

- Menggali / memuat T1 0.50 menit
- Lain-lain T2 0.50 menit
Ts1 1.00 menit

Kap. Prod. / jam = V x Fb x Fa x 60 Q1 29.88 M3/Jam

Ts1 x Fh

Koefisien Alat / M3 = 1 : Q1 (E10) 0.0335 Jam

2.b. DUMP TRUCK (E08)

Kapasitas bak V 2.50 M3
Faktor efisiensi alat Fa 0.83 -
Kecepatan rata-rata bermuatan v1 30.00 KM/Jam
Kecepatan rata-rata kosong v2 40.00 KM/Jam
Waktu siklus Ts2 menit
- Waktu tempuh isi = (L : v1) x 60 T1 0.10 menit
- Waktu tempuh kosong = (L : v2) x 60 T2 0.08 menit
- Muat = (V : Q1) x 60 T3 5.02 menit
- Lain-lain T4 0.50 menit
Ts2 5.70 menit
Berlanjut ke halaman berikut
ITEM PEMBAYARAN NO. : 3.1 (1) Analisa EI-311


Kapasitas Produksi / Jam = V x Fa x 60 Q2 18.22 M3/Jam

Fk x Ts2

Koefisien Alat / M3 = 1 : Q2 (E08) 0.055 Jam


Diperlukan alat-alat bantu kecil Lump Sump
- Sekop
- Keranjang

Produksi menentukan : EXCAVATOR Q1 29.88 M3/Jam
Produksi Galian / hari = Tk x Q1 Qt 209.16 M3
Kebutuhan tenaga :
- Pekerja P 4.00 orang
- Mandor M 1.00 orang

Koefisien tenaga / M3 :
- Pekerja = (Tk x P) : Qt (L01) 0.134 Jam
- Mandor = (Tk x M) : Qt (L03) 0.033 Jam


Lihat lampiran.


Lihat perhitungan dalam FORMULIR STANDAR UNTUK
Didapat Harga Satuan Pekerjaan :

Rp. 34,532.92 / M3


Masa Pelaksanaan : . . . . . . . . . . . . bulan


Volume pekerjaan : M3
Analisa EI-312




PROP / KAB / KODYA : Papua Barat / Kota Sorong
JENIS PEKERJAAN : Galian Tanah Cadas


(Rp.) (Rp.)


1. Pekerja (L01) Jam 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

2. Mandor (L03) Jam 0.1250 17,142.86 2,142.86




1. Compressor (E05) Jam 0.0000 226,860.22 0.00
2. Jack Hammer (E26) Jam 0.1250 34,409.67 4,301.21
3. Wheel Loader (E15) Jam 0.0000 504,921.02 0.00
4. Excavator (E10) Jam 0.1250 433,387.90 54,173.49
5 Dump Truck (E08) Jam 0.2169 269,197.34 58,380.15
6 Alat bantu Ls 1.0000 225.00 225.00



E. OVERHEAD & PROFIT 10.0 % x D 12,922.27
F. HARGA SATUAN PEKERJAAN ( D + E ) 142,144.97
Note: 1 SATUAN dapat berdasarkan atas jam operasi untuk Tenaga Kerja dan Peralatan, volume dan/atau ukuran
berat untuk bahan-bahan.
2 Kuantitas satuan adalah kuantitas setiap komponen untuk menyelesaikan satu satuan pekerjaan dari nomor
mata pembayaran.
3 Biaya satuan untuk peralatan sudah termasuk bahan bakar, bahan habis dipakai dan operator.
4 Biaya satuan sudah termasuk pengeluaran untuk seluruh pajak yang berkaitan (tetapi tidak termasuk PPN
yang dibayar dari kontrak) dan biaya-biaya lainnya.
ITEM PEMBAYARAN NO. : 3.1 (2) Analisa EI-312
JENIS PEKERJAAN : Galian Tanah Cadas


1 Pekerjaan dilakukan secara manual
2 Lokasi pekerjaan : sepanjang jalan
3 Kondisi Jalan : sedang / baik
4 Jam kerja efektif per-hari Tk 10.00 Jam
5 Faktor pengembangan bahan Fk 1.20 -


1 Batu yg dipotong umumnya berada disisi jalan
2 Penggalian dilakukan dengan Excavator, Compresor
dan Jack Hammer, dimuat ke dlm Truk dengan Loader.
3 Dump Truck membuang material hasil galian keluar
lokasi jalan sejauh : L 1.00 Km


Tidak ada bahan yang diperlukan

Produksi per jam Q1 8.00 M3 / Jam

Koefisien Alat / m3 = 1 : Q1 (E05/26) 0.1250 Jam

2.b. DUMP TRUCK (E08)

Kaasitas bak V 3.00 M3
Faktor efisiensi alat Fa 0.83 -
Kecepatan rata-rata bermuatan v1 30.00 KM/Jam
Kecepatan rata-rata kosong v2 40.00 KM/Jam
Waktu siklus Ts1 menit
- Waktu tempuh isi = (L : v1) x 60 T1 2.00 menit
- Waktu tempuh kosong = (L : v2) x 60 T2 1.50 menit
- Muat = (V : Q1) x 60 T3 22.50 menit
- Lain-lain T4 1.00 menit
Ts1 27.00 menit

Kapasitas Produksi / Jam = V x Fa x 60 Q2 4.61 M3 / Jam

Fk x Ts1

Koefisien Alat / m3 = 1 : Q2 (E08) 0.2169 Jam

Berlanjut ke halaman berikut

ITEM PEMBAYARAN NO. : 3.1 (2) Analisa EI-312
JENIS PEKERJAAN : Galian Tanah Cadas



Diperlukan alat-alat bantu kecil Lump Sump
- Pahat / Tatah = 2 buah
- Palu Besar = 2 buah

Produksi menentukan : JACK HAMMER Q1 8.00 M3/Jam
Produksi Galian / hari = Tk x Q1 Qt 80.00 M3
Kebutuhan tenaga :
- Pekerja P 8.00 orang
- Mandor M 1.00 orang

Koefisien tenaga / M3 :
- Pekerja = (Tk x P) : Qt (L01) 1.0000 Jam
- Mandor = (Tk x M) : Qt (L03) 0.1250 Jam


Lihat lampiran.


Lihat perhitungan dalam FORMULIR STANDAR UNTUK
Didapat Harga Satuan Pekerjaan :

Rp. 142,144.97 / M3


Masa Pelaksanaan : . . . . . . . . . . . . bulan


Volume pekerjaan : 0.00 M3
Analisa EI-321




PROP / KAB / KODYA : Papua Barat / Kota Sorong
JENIS PEKERJAAN : Timbunan Biasa


(Rp.) (Rp.)


1. Pekerja (L01) Jam 0.1071 10,000.00 1,070.95

2. Mandor (L02) Jam 0.0268 17,142.86 458.98



1. Tanah Timbunan M3 1.2000 105,500.17 126,600.21


1. Whell Loader (E15) Jam 0.0000 504,921.02 0.00
2. Dump Truck (E08) Jam 0.0000 269,197.34 0.00
3. Motor Grader (E13) Jam 0.0050 723,310.37 3,631.08
3. Vibro Roller (E19) Jam 0.0080 458,009.73 3,678.79
4. Water Tanker (E23) Jam 0.0000 342,375.38 0.00
5. Alat Bantu Ls 1.0000 100.00 100.00



E. OVERHEAD & PROFIT 10.0 % x D 13,554.00
F. HARGA SATUAN PEKERJAAN ( D + E ) 149,094.01
Note: 1 SATUAN dapat berdasarkan atas jam operasi untuk Tenaga Kerja dan Peralatan, volume dan/atau ukuran
berat untuk bahan-bahan.
2 Kuantitas satuan adalah kuantitas setiap komponen untuk menyelesaikan satu satuan pekerjaan dari nomor
mata pembayaran.
3 Biaya satuan untuk peralatan sudah termasuk bahan bakar, bahan habis dipakai dan operator.
4 Biaya satuan sudah termasuk pengeluaran untuk seluruh pajak yang berkaitan (tetapi tidak termasuk PPN
yang dibayar dari kontrak) dan biaya-biaya lainnya.
ITEM PEMBAYARAN NO. : 3.2 (1) Analisa EI-321
JENIS PEKERJAAN : Timbunan Biasa


1 Pekerjaan dilakukan secara mekanis
2 Lokasi pekerjaan : sepanjang jalan
3 Kondisi Jalan : sedang / baik
4 Jam kerja efektif per-hari Tk 7.00 Jam
5 Faktor pengembangan bahan Fk 1.20 -
6 Tebal hamparan padat t 0.25 M


1 Whell Loader memuat ke dalam Dump Truck
2 Dump Truck mengangkut ke lapangan dengan jarak
quari ke lapangan L 1.00 Km
3 Material dihampar dengan menggunakan Motor Grader
4 Hamparan material disiram air dengan Watertank Truck
(sebelum pelaksanaan pemadatan) dan dipadatkan
dengan menggunakan Vibro Roller
5 Selama pemadatan sekelompok pekerja akan
merapikan tepi hamparan dan level permukaan
dengan menggunakan alat bantu


1.a. Bahan timbunan = 1 x Fk (M08) 1.20 M3 Borrow Pit

Kapasitas Bucket V 1.50 M3
Faktor Bucket Fb 0.90 -
Faktor Efisiensi Alat Fa 0.83 -
Waktu sklus Ts1
- Muat T1 1.00 menit
- Lain-lain T2 0.50 menit
Ts1 1.50 menit

Kapasitas Produksi / Jam = V x Fb x Fa x 60 Q1 37.35 M3

Fk x Ts1

Koefisienalat / M3 = 1 : Q1 (E15) 0.0268 Jam

2.b. DUMP TRUCK (E08)

Kapasitas bak V 2.50 M3
Faktor efisiensi alat Fa 0.83 -
Kecepatan rata-rata bermuatan v1 30.00 KM/Jam
Kecepatan rata-rata kosong v2 40.00 KM/Jam
Waktusiklus : Ts2
- Waktu tempuh isi = (L : v1) x 60 T1 2.00 menit
- Waktu tempuh kosong = (L : v2) x 60 T2 1.50 menit
- Lain-lain T3 0.50 menit
Ts2 4.00 menit

Berlanjut ke halaman berikut

ITEM PEMBAYARAN NO. : 3.2 (1) Analisa EI-321
JENIS PEKERJAAN : Timbunan Biasa


Kapasitas Produksi / Jam = V x Fa x 60 Q2 25.94 M3

Fk x Ts2

Koefisien Alat / M3 = 1 : Q2 (E08) 0.0386 Jam


Panjang hamparan Lh 50.00 M
Lebar Efektif kerja Blade b 2.40 M
Faktor Efisiensi Alat Fa 0.83 -
Kecepatan rata-rata alat v 4.00 Km / Jam
Jumlah lintasan n 6 lintasan
Waktu siklus Ts3
- Perataan 1 kali lintasan = Lh : (v x 1000) x 60 T1 0.75 menit
- Lain-lain T2 0.50 menit
Ts3 1.25 menit

Kapasitas Produksi / Jam = Lh x b x t x Fa x 60 Q3 199.20 M3

n x Ts3

Koefisien Alat / M3 = 1 : Q3 (E13) 0.0050 Jam


Kecepatan rata-rata alat v 3.00 Km / Jam
Lebar efektif pemadatan b 1.20 M
Jumlah lintasan n 6.00 lintasan
Faktor efisiensi alat Fa 0.83 -

Kapasitas Prod./Jam (v x 1000) x b x t x Fa Q4 124.50 M3


Koefisien Alat / M3 = 1 : Q4 (E19) 0.0080 Jam


Volume tangki air V 4.00 M3
Kebutuhan air / M3 material padat Wc 0.07 M3
Pengisian Tangki / jam n 3.00 kali
Faktor efisiensi alat Fa 0.83 - Baik

Kapasitas Produksi / Jam = V x n x Fa Q5 142.29 M3


Koefisien Alat / M3 = 1 : Q5 (E23) 0.0070 Jam


Diperlukan alat-alat bantu kecil Lump Sump
- Sekop = 3 buah

Berlanjut ke halaman berikut

ITEM PEMBAYARAN NO. : 3.2 (1) Analisa EI-321
JENIS PEKERJAAN : Timbunan Biasa


Produksi menentukan : WHELL LOADER Q1 37.35 M3/Jam
Produksi Timbunan / hari = Tk x Q1 Qt 261.45 M3
Kebutuhan tenaga :
- Pekerja P 4.00 orang
- Mandor M 1.00 orang

Koefisien tenaga / M3 :
- Pekerja = (Tk x P) : Qt (L01) 0.1071 Jam
- Mandor = (Tk x M) : Qt (L02) 0.0268 Jam


Lihat lampiran.


Lihat perhitungan dalam FORMULIR STANDAR UNTUK
Didapat Harga Satuan Pekerjaan :

Rp. 149,094.01 / M3


Masa Pelaksanaan : . . . . . . . . . . . . bulan


Volume pekerjaan : M3
Analisa EI-322




PROP / KAB / KODYA : Papua Barat / Kota Sorong
JENIS PEKERJAAN : Timbunan Pilihan


(Rp.) (Rp.)


1. Pekerja (L01) Jam 0.1071 10,000.00 1,070.95

2. Mandor (L03) Jam 0.0268 17,142.86 458.98



1. Urugan Pilihan M3 1.2000 109,500.17 131,400.21


1. Wheel Loader (E15) Jam 0.0000 504,921.02 0.00
2. Dump Truck (E08) Jam 0.0000 269,197.34 0.00
3. Motor Grader (E13) Jam 0.0060 723,310.37 4,357.29
3. Vibro Roller (E19) Jam 0.0107 458,009.73 4,905.06
4. Water Tanker (E23) Jam 0.0000 342,375.38 0.00
5. Alat Bantu Ls 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00



E. OVERHEAD & PROFIT 10.0 % x D 14,319.25
F. HARGA SATUAN PEKERJAAN ( D + E ) 157,511.74
Note: 1 SATUAN dapat berdasarkan atas jam operasi untuk Tenaga Kerja dan Peralatan, volume dan/atau ukuran
berat untuk bahan-bahan.
2 Kuantitas satuan adalah kuantitas setiap komponen untuk menyelesaikan satu satuan pekerjaan dari nomor
mata pembayaran.
3 Biaya satuan untuk peralatan sudah termasuk bahan bakar, bahan habis dipakai dan operator.
4 Biaya satuan sudah termasuk pengeluaran untuk seluruh pajak yang berkaitan (tetapi tidak termasuk PPN
yang dibayar dari kontrak) dan biaya-biaya lainnya.
ITEM PEMBAYARAN NO. : 3.2 (2) Analisa EI-322
JENIS PEKERJAAN : Timbunan Pilihan


1 Pekerjaan dilakukan secara mekanis
2 Lokasi pekerjaan : sepanjang jalan
3 Kondisi Jalan : sedang / baik
4 Jam kerja efektif per-hari Tk 7.00 Jam
5 Faktor pengembangan bahan Fk 1.20 -
6 Tebal hamparan padat t 0.25 M


1 Whell Loader memuat ke dalam Dump Truck
2 Dump Truck mengangkut ke lapangan dengan jarak
quari ke lapangan L 4.00 Km
3 Material dihampar dengan menggunakan Motor Grader
4 Hamparan material disiram air dengan Watertank Truck
(sebelum pelaksanaan pemadatan) dan dipadatkan
dengan menggunakan Vibro Roller
5 Selama pemadatan sekelompok pekerja akan
merapikan tepi hamparan dan level permukaan
dengan menggunakan alat bantu


1.a. Bahan pilihan = 1 x Fk (M09) 1.20 M3

Kapasitas Bucket V 1.50 M3
Faktor Bucket Fb 0.90 -
Faktor Efisiensi Alat Fa 0.83 -
Waktu sklus Ts1 menit
- Muat T1 1.00 menit
- Lain-lain T2 0.50 menit
Ts1 1.50 menit

Kapasitas Produksi / Jam = V x Fb x Fa x 60 Q1 37.35 M3

Fk x Ts1

Koefisienalat / M3 = = 1 : Q1 (E15) 0.0268 Jam

2.b. DUMP TRUCK (E08)

Kapasitas bak V 2.50 M3
Faktor efisiensi alat Fa 0.83 -
Kecepatan rata-rata bermuatan v1 30.00 Km / Jam
Kecepatan rata-rata kosong v2 40.00 Km / Jam
Waktusiklus : Ts2
- Waktu tempuh isi = (L : v1) x 60 T1 8.00 menit
- Waktu tempuh kosong = (L : v2) x 60 T2 6.00 menit
- Lain-lain T3 1.00 menit
Ts2 15.00 menit

Berlanjut ke halaman berikut

ITEM PEMBAYARAN NO. : 3.2 (2) Analisa EI-322
JENIS PEKERJAAN : Timbunan Pilihan


Kapasitas Produksi / Jam = V x Fa x 60 Q2 6.92 M3

Fk x Ts2

Koefisien Alat / m3 = 1 : Q2 (E08) 0.1446 Jam


Panjang hamparan Lh 50.00 m
Lebar Efektif kerja Blade b 2.40 m
Faktor Efisiensi Alat Fa 0.83 -
Kecepatan rata-rata alat v 3.00 Km / Jam
Jumlah lintasan n 6.00 lintasan
Waktu siklus Ts3
- Perataan 1 kali lintasan = Lh : (v x 1000) x 60 T1 1.00 menit
- Lain-lain T2 0.50 menit
Ts3 1.50 menit

Kapasitas Produksi / Jam = Lh x b x t x Fa x 60 Q3 166.00 M3 / Jam

n x Ts3

Koefisien Alat / m3 = 1 : Q3 (E13) 0.0060 Jam


Kecepatan rata-rata alat v 3.00 Km / jam
Lebar efektif pemadatan b 1.20 M
Jumlah lintasan n 8.00 lintasan
Faktor efisiensi alat Fa 0.83 -

Kapasitas Prod./Jam (v x 1000) x b x t x Fa Q4 93.38 M3


Koefisien Alat / m3 = 1 : Q4 (E19) 0.0107 Jam


Volume tangki air V 3.00 M3
Kebutuhan air / M3 material padat Wc 0.07 M3
Pengisian Tangki / jam n 3.00 kali
Faktor efisiensi alat Fa 0.83 -

Kapasitas Produksi / Jam = V x n x Fa Q5 106.71 M3


Koefisien Alat / m3 = 1 : Q5 (E23) 0.0094 Jam


Diperlukan alat-alat bantu kecil Lump Sump
- Sekop = 3 buah

Berlanjut ke halaman berikut

ITEM PEMBAYARAN NO. : 3.2 (2) Analisa EI-322
JENIS PEKERJAAN : Timbunan Pilihan


Produksi menentukan : WHELL LOADER Q1 37.35 M3/Jam
Produksi Timbunan / hari = Tk x Q1 Qt 261.45 M3
Kebutuhan tenaga :
- Pekerja P 4.00 orang
- Mandor M 1.00 orang

Koefisien tenaga / M3 :
- Pekerja = (Tk x P) : Qt (L01) 0.1071 Jam
- Mandor = (Tk x M) : Qt (L03) 0.0268 Jam


Lihat lampiran.


Lihat perhitungan dalam FORMULIR STANDAR UNTUK
Didapat Harga Satuan Pekerjaan :

Rp. 157,511.74 / M3.


Masa Pelaksanaan : . . . . . . . . . . . . bulan


Volume pekerjaan : 0.00 M3
Analisa EI-33




PROP / KAB / KODYA : Papua Barat / Kota Sorong
JENIS PEKERJAAN : Penyiapan Badan Jalan


(Rp.) (Rp.)


1. Pekerja (L01) jam 0.0067 10,000.00 66.93

2. Mandor (L02) jam 0.0017 17,142.86 28.69




1. Motor Grader (E13) jam 0.0017 723,310.37 1,210.36
2. Vibro Roller (E19) jam 0.0027 458,009.73 1,226.26
3. Water Tanker (E23) jam 0.0000 342,375.38 0.00
4. Alat Bantu Ls 1.0000 100.00 100.00



E. OVERHEAD & PROFIT 10.0 % x D 263.22
Note: 1 SATUAN dapat berdasarkan atas jam operasi untuk Tenaga Kerja dan Peralatan, volume dan/atau ukuran
berat untuk bahan-bahan.
2 Kuantitas satuan adalah kuantitas setiap komponen untuk menyelesaikan satu satuan pekerjaan dari nomor
mata pembayaran.
3 Biaya satuan untuk peralatan sudah termasuk bahan bakar, bahan habis dipakai dan operator.
4 Biaya satuan sudah termasuk pengeluaran untuk seluruh pajak yang berkaitan (tetapi tidak termasuk PPN
yang dibayar dari kontrak) dan biaya-biaya lainnya.
ITEM PEMBAYARAN NO. : 3.3 Analisa EI-33
JENIS PEKERJAAN : Penyiapan Badan Jalan


1 Pekerjaan dilaksanakan hanya pada tanah galian
2 Pekerjaan dilakukan secara mekanis
3 Lokasi pekerjaan : sepanjang jalan
4 Kondisi Jalan : jelek / belum padat
5 Jam kerja efektif per-hari Tk 7.00 Jam


1 Motor Grader meratakan permukaan hasil galian
2 Vibro Roller memadatkan permukaan yang telah
diratakan oleh Motor Grader
3 Sekelompok pekerja akan membantu meratakan
badan jalan dengan alat bantu


Tidak diperlukan bahan / material

Panjang operasi grader sekali jalan Lh 50.00 M
Lebar Efektif kerja Blade b 2.40 M
Faktor Efisiensi Alat Fa 0.83 -
Kecepatan rata-rata alat v 4.00 Km / Jam
Jumlah lintasan n 8.00 lintasan
Waktu siklus Ts1
- Perataan 1 kali lintasan = Lh : (v x 1000) x 60 T1 0.75 menit
- Lain-lain T2 0.50 menit
Ts1 1.25 menit

Kapasitas Produksi / Jam = Lh x b x Fa x 60 Q1 597.60 M2

n x Ts

Koefisien Alat / m2 = 1 : Q1 (E13) 0.0017 Jam


Kecepatan rata-rata alat v 3.00 Km / jam
Lebar efektif pemadatan b 1.20 M
Jumlah lintasan n 8.00 lintasan
Faktor efisiensi alat Fa 0.83 -

Kapasitas Produksi / Jam = (v x 1000) x b x Fa Q2 373.50 M2


Koefisien Alat / m2 = 1 : Q2 (E19) 0.0027 Jam

Berlanjut ke halaman berikut

ITEM PEMBAYARAN NO. : 3.3 Analisa EI-33
JENIS PEKERJAAN : Penyiapan Badan Jalan



Volume tangki air V 4.00 M3
Kebutuhan air / M3 material padat Wc 0.07 M3
Pengisian Tangki / jam n 2.00 kali
Faktor efisiensi alat Fa 0.83 -

Kapasitas Produksi / Jam = V x n x Fa Q3 94.86 M3


Koefisien Alat / m3 = 1 : Q3 (E23) 0.0105 Jam


Diperlukan alat-alat bantu kecil Lump Sum
- Sekop = 3 buah

Produksi menentukan : MOTOR GRADER Q2 597.60 M2/Jam
Produksi Pekerjaan / hari = Tk x Q1 Qt 4,183.20 M2
Kebutuhan tenaga :
- Pekerja P 4.00 orang
- Mandor M 1.00 orang

Koefisien tenaga / M2
- Pekerja = (Tk x P) : Qt (L01) 0.0067 Jam
- Mandor = (Tk x M) : Qt (L02) 0.0017 Jam


Lihat lampiran.


Lihat perhitungan dalam FORMULIR STANDAR UNTUK
Didapat Harga Satuan Pekerjaan :

Rp. 2,895.47 / M2


Masa Pelaksanaan : . . . . . . . . . . . . bulan


Volume pekerjaan : M2
Analisa EI-33




PROP / KAB / KODYA : Papua Barat / Kota Sorong


(Rp.) (Rp.)


1. Pekerja (L01) jam 0.0471 10,000.00 471.02

2. Mandor (L02) jam 0.0118 17,142.86 201.87





1. Bulldozer (E04) Jam 0.0118 690,998.09 8,136.85

2. Alat Bantu Ls 1.0000 200.00 200.00



E. OVERHEAD & PROFIT 10.0 % x D 900.97
Note: 1 SATUAN dapat berdasarkan atas jam operasi untuk Tenaga Kerja dan Peralatan, volume dan/atau ukuran
berat untuk bahan-bahan.
2 Kuantitas satuan adalah kuantitas setiap komponen untuk menyelesaikan satu satuan pekerjaan dari nomor
mata pembayaran.
3 Biaya satuan untuk peralatan sudah termasuk bahan bakar, bahan habis dipakai dan operator.
4 Biaya satuan sudah termasuk pengeluaran untuk seluruh pajak yang berkaitan (tetapi tidak termasuk PPN
yang dibayar dari kontrak) dan biaya-biaya lainnya.
ITEM PEMBAYARAN NO. : 3.3 add Analisa EI-33


1 Pekerjaan dilaksanakan daeran bersemak dan berpohon besar
2 Pekerjaan dilakukan secara mekanis
3 Lokasi pekerjaan : sepanjang jalan
4 Kondisi Lahan : jelek / belum padat
5 Jam kerja efektif per-hari Tk 7.00 Jam
6 Faktor pengembangan bahan Fh 1.20 -


1 Tanah yang dipotong berada disekitar pekerjaan
2 Penggalian dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat
3 Bulldozer mengusur hasil galian ke tempat
Lokasi yang direncanakan diurug
4 Sekelompok pekerja akan membantu meratakan
badan jalan dengan alat bantu


Tidak diperlukan bahan / material


2.a. BULLDOZER (E04)

Faktor blade Fb 0.90 -
Faktor efisiensi alat Fa 0.83 -
Kecepatan maju F 3.00 Km/Jam
Kecepatan mundur R 4.00 Km/Jam
Lebar Blade B 3.00 M
` Tinggi blade H 1.20 M
Jarak Gusur L 40.00 M

Volume 1 kali gusur = H^2 x B x Fb V 3.89 M3 Loose

Waktu Siklus
- Maju = (L x 60) / (F x 1000) Tb1 0.80 menit
- Mundur = (L x 60) / (R x 1000) Tb2 0.60 menit
- Lain-lain Tb3 0.50 menit
Tb 1.90 menit

Kapasitas Produksi / Jam = V x Fa x 60 Q2 84.92 M3 / Jam

Tb x Fh
Koefisien Alat / M3 = 1 : Q2 (E04) 0.0118 Jam


Diperlukan alat-alat bantu kecil Lump Sum
- Sekop = 3 buah

Produksi menentukan : BULDOZER Q2 84.92 M2/Jam
Produksi Pekerjaan / hari = Tk x Q1 Qt 594.45 M2

Berlanjut ke halaman berikut

ITEM PEMBAYARAN NO. : 3.3 add Analisa EI-33


Kebutuhan tenaga :
- Pekerja P 4.00 orang
- Mandor M 1.00 orang

Koefisien tenaga / M2
- Pekerja = (Tk x P) : Qt (L01) 0.0471 Jam
- Mandor = (Tk x M) : Qt (L02) 0.0118 Jam


Lihat lampiran.
Lihat perhitungan dalam FORMULIR STANDAR UNTUK
Didapat Harga Satuan Pekerjaan :

Rp. 9,910.70 / M2


Masa Pelaksanaan : . . . . . . . . . . . . bulan


Volume pekerjaan : M2

Harga Upah / Bahan

No. Upah dan Bahan Satuan

1 Pekerja OH 70,000.00
2 Tukang Batu OH 90,000.00
3 Tukang Besi OH 90,000.00
4 Tukang kaca OH 90,000.00
5 Kepala tukang OH 110,000.00
6 Mandor OH 120,000.00
7 Pasir Cor Beton M3 298,680.00
8 Pasir Pasang M3 274,480.00
9 Pasir Urug M3 145,780.00
10 Sirtu M3 120,450.00
11 Tanah Timbunan M3 116,050.00
12 Batu Belah M3 516,450.00
13 Batako #N/A #N/A
14 Batu Pecah 2/3 M3 567,200.00
15 Semen Tonasa 50 Kg Zak 107,800.00
16 Semen putih Kg 8,800.00
17 Semen warna Kg 8,800.00
18 Balok Uk. 5 x 5 Kayu Matoa / Campuran (Sejenis) M3 2,081,930.00
19 Balok Uk. 5 x 10 Kayu Lombo / Campuran ( Sejenis ) M3 1,117,200.00
20 Balok Uk. 5 x 5 Kayu Lombo / Campuran ( Sejenis ) M3 1,117,200.00
21 Papan Uk. 2 x 20 x 400 Kayu Lombo / Campuran ( Sejenis ) M3 1,117,200.00
22 Kayu Mangi - Mangi Btg 35,310.00
23 Multipleks Uk. 6 mm Lbr 110,030.00
24 Playwood Uk. 122 x 244 Lbr 104,060.00
25 Seng Gelombang BJLS 20 ( Gajah ) Lbr 85,550.00
26 Seng Plat BJLS 30 ( Gajah ) Lbr 85,760.00
27 Kaca Bening tebal 3 mm Uk. 122 x 152 cm Lbr 231,110.00
28 Kaca Bening tebal 5 mm Uk. 132 x 183 cm Lbr 274,950.00
29 Lovers / Nako tanpa Tralis 5 Klips Set 122,210.00
30 Kunci Tanam Union 2 Slaag Bh 61,210.00
31 Engsel Tanam Dexon Bh 51,270.00
32 Paku Biasa 1/2 - 3.0" Kg 27,330.00
33 Paku Biasa 2 1/2" - 7.0" Kg 27,330.00
34 Paku sekrup Doz 24,910.00
35 Beugel Besi Strip 40.4 (sambungan kayu) Bh 15,900.00
36 Kawat Ikat Kg 33,380.00
37 Besi Beton Polos Dia. 4 mm - 25 mm Kg 21,400.00
38 Pipa PVC Dia. 1/2 " - 6 m merk Maspion Btg 27,470.00
39 Pipa PVC Dia. 3/4 " - 6 m merk Maspion Btg 34,800.00
40 Pipa PVC Dia. 1 " - 6 m merk maspion Btg 42,200.00
41 Pipa PVC Dia. 2 " - 6 m merk maspion Btg 73,950.00
42 Pipa PVC Dia. 3 " - 6 m merk AW Btg 116,440.00
43 Pipa PVC Dia. 4 " - 6 m merk AW Btg 158,930.00
44 Pipa PVC Dia. 6 " - 6 m merk AW Btg 231,820.00
45 Cat Meni Besi Kg 45,810.00
46 Plamur Tembok Kg 67,810.00
47 Meni Besi Ltr 45,810.00
48 Batu Alur Andesit m2 157,410.00
49 besi baja Kg 27,110.00
50 Kusen aluminium dia.3" warna (Hitam & Coklat) m' 124,580.00
51 Rangka daun pintu swing uk. 90 x 210 cm warna (Hitam & Coklat) m' 167,200.00
52 Pintu engsel floor hinge dorma uk. 210 x 210 cm warna (Hitam & Coklat) unit 7,300,130.00
53 Cat tembok (luar) putih isi 2,5 ltr = 3,5 kg klg 249,460.00
54 Cat tembok (dalam) putih isi 2,5 ltr = 3,5 kg klg 166,230.00
55 Cat tembok (luar) putih dan warna isi 20,5 ltr = 28 kg klg 1,588,910.00
56 Cat kayu/besi Glotex klg 60,370.00
57 Ubin uk. 20 x 20 cm gol A Wall tile #N/A #N/A
58 Granit Essenza Group A warna prince rubert mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 320,920.00
59 Marmer Cream Rose, ex Marmer Tulungagung m2 256,020.00
60 Marmer Java Mocca, ex Marmer Tulungagung m2 292,320.00
61 Uni color polished type Topaz Plin m2 279,010.00
62 Kaca Polos tebal 12 mm m2 377,090.00
63 Kaca polos 8 mm m2 168,300.00
64 Aluminium 5,00 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Lbr 1,867,780.00
65 Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 2,00 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm Finish 2B Lbr 2,041,550.00
66 Rooftop PVC with UV Protection uk. 2,1 m x 11,8 Type Doof Color Sky Blue Lbr 2,554,800.00
67 Handle Dekkson LHR 2001 SN + NP pairs 248,900.00
68 Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL T9587 ET PB set 177,510.00
69 Floor Drain out (FCO) No. 3 Bh 91,530.00

Daftar Harga Satuan Upah dan Bahan



NOTASI TIANG PER Segmen Bottom Pencil Segmen Middle NOTASI TIANG PER Segmen Bottom Pencil Segmen Middle
TITIK P=6m P=9m P = 12 m P=6m P=9m P = 12 m TITIK P=6m P=9m P = 12 m P = 6 m P = 9 m P = 12 m
A 8 8 64 - 8 - - - 8
B 30 8 240 - 30 - - - 30 a 1 8 8 - 1 - - - -
C b
C1 9 12 108 - - 9 - - - b2 1 8 8 - 1 - - - -
C2 12 14 168 - 12 - 12 - - b2 1 8 8 - 1 - - - -
C3 9 20 180 - 9 - - - 9 c
D 8 24 192 - - 8 - - 8 c1 1 12 12 - - 1 - - -
E 18 8 144 - 18 - - - - c2 1 14 14 - 1 - 1 - -
F 18 24 432 - - 18 - - 18 d 1 24 24 - - 1 - - 1
G 18 10 180 - - 18 - - - e 1 8 8 - 1 - - - -
H 18 24 432 - - 18 - - 18 f
I 8 8 64 - 8 - - - - f1 1 8 8 - 1 - - - -
J 18 8 144 - 18 - - - - f1 1 12 12 - - 1 - - 1
K g
K1 9 8 72 - 9 - - - - g1 1 12 12 - - 1 - - -
K2 12 14 168 - 12 - 12 - - g2 1 20 20 - - 1 - - 1
K3 9 20 180 - - 9 - 9 - h 1 24 24 - - 1 - - 1
L 8 24 192 - - 8 - - 8 i 1 10 10 - - 1 - - 1
212 2960 - 124 88 24 9 99 j
j1 1 8 8 - 1 - - - -
j2 1 8 8 - 1 - - - -
k1 1 8 8 - 1 - - - -
PANJANG JUMLAH ORDER (BUAH) k2 1 20 20 - 1 - - - 1
NOTASI TIANG PER Segmen Bottom Pencil Segmen Middle l 1 24 24 - - 1 - - 1
P=6m P=9m P = 12 m P=6m P=9m P = 12 m
m m1 1 8 8 - 1 - - - -
C n
C1 1 8 8 - 1 - - - - n1 1 8 8 - 1 - - - -
C2 1 8 8 - 1 - - - - n2 1 14 14 - 1 - 1 - -
C3 1 14 14 - 1 - - - - o
C4 1 20 20 - 1 - - - 1 o1 1 20 20 - 1 - - - 1
D 1 8 8 - 1 - - - - o2 1 20 20 - 1 - - - 1
G p 1 24 24 - - 1 - - 1
G1 1 12 12 - - 1 - - - 24 330 - 15 9 2 - 10
G2 1 14 14 - 1 - 1 - -
G3 1 14 14 - 1 - 1 - -
G4 1 18 18 - 1 - - 1 -
G5 1 18 18 - 1 - - - -
G6 1 20 20 - 1 - - - 1


H1 1 22 22 - - 1 - - 1
H2 1 24 24 - - 1 - - 1 PENGGUNAAN TIANG PANCANG TYPE A3 - 400
K1 1 8 8 - 1 - - - - JUMLAH TIANG PER SEGMENT
K3 1 12 12 - - 1 - - - P=6m P=9m P = 12 m P=6m P=9m P = 12 m
K4 1 14 14 - 1 - 1 - - 1 DALAM BANGUNAN 2960 - 124 88 24 9 99
K5 1 14 14 - 1 - 1 - - 2 ATAP 388 - 15 9 2 - 10
K6 1 18 18 - 1 - - 1 - 3 LOS BASAH/IKAN 330 - 18 8 5 2 7
L 3678 - 157 105 31 11 116
L1 1 22 22 - - 1 - - 1 420
L2 1 24 24 - - 1 - - 1
O 1,413 1,260 186 99 1,392
O1 1 8 8 - 1 - - - - 4,350
O2 1 8 8 - 1 - - - - 672
O3 1 12 12 - - 1 - - - 9495960
O4 1 16 16 - 1 - 1 - - 1208137.4046
p 1 24 24 - - 1 - - 1 811,868,336
26 388 - 18 8 5 2 7
Pengukuran & Pemasangan Bouwplank

As Bangunan KIOS
Panjang as 1,947 m

Galian Luas 0.8 m2

Volume 1,558 m3

Pondasi Jalur
Luas 0.35 m2
Volume 682 m3

Batu Kosong
Luas 0.09 m2
Volume 175 m3

As Selasar
Panjang as 363 m
Galian Luas 0.36 m2
Volume 131 m3

Pondasi Jalur
Luas 1.2075 m2
Volume 438 m3

Batu Kosong
Luas 0.2 m2
Volume 73 m3

Panjang as 263 m

Galian Luas 0.5 m2

Volume 132 m3

Pondasi Jalur
Luas 0.48 m2
Volume 126 m3
Batu Kosong
Luas 0.08 m2
Volume 21 m3

Volume Total
Pondasi Jalur 564 m3
Batu Kosong 94 m3

Kolom K1 Dia. 100 cm K-275 ( 175 kg )
Tinggi 6m
D 1m
A 0.785 m2
V 4.71 M3
n 20 bh
V 94.2 M3

Kolom K2, 80/80, K-275 ( 175 kg )

Tinggi 6m
B 0.8 m
H 0.8 m
A 0.64 m2
V 3.84 M3
n 26 bh
V 99.84 M3

Kolom K3, 40/40 K-275 ( 175 kg )

Tinggi 6m
B 0.4 m
H 0.4 m
A 0.16 m2
V 0.96 M3
n 192 bh
V 184.32 M3

Kolom K4, 20/50 K-275 ( 175 kg )

Tinggi 6m
B 0.2 m
H 0.5 m
A 0.1 m2
V 0.6 M3
n 64 bh
V 38.4 M3

Kolom Praktis Kp, 11/11 Camp. 1 Sm : 2 Ps : 3 Bp, (450 kg)

Tinggi 4m
B 0.11 m
H 0.11 m
A 0.0121 m2
V 0.0484 M3
n 108 bh
V 5.2272 M3
Kolom Eksterior, uk. 30 x 125 cm, Beton K-275 (150 kg)
a Tinggi 18.50 m
B 0.30 m
H 1.25 m
A 0.38 m2
V 6.94 M3
a Tinggi 8.50 m
B 0.30 m
H 1.25 m
A 0.38 m2
V 3.19 M3
V tiang 10.13
n 28.00 bh
V 283.50 M3

Sloof, 20/30 K-275 ( 175 kg )

Pjg As 1557.588 m
B 0.2 m
H 0.3 m
A 0.06 m2
V 93.4553 M3

Kolom K1 Dia. 97 cm K-275 ( 175 kg )
Tinggi 3.5 m
D 1m
A 0.785 m2
V 2.7475 M3
n 20 bh
V 54.95 M3

Kolom K3, 40/40 K-275 ( 175 kg )

Tinggi 3.5 m
B 0.4 m
H 0.4 m
A 0.16 m2
V 0.56 M3
n 192 bh
V 107.52 M3

Kolom K4, 37/57 K-275 ( 175 kg )

Tinggi 3.5 m
B 0.4 m
H 0.6 m
A 0.24 m2
V 0.84 M3
n 26 bh
V 21.84 M3

Kolom Praktis Kp, 11/11 Camp. 1 Sm : 2 Ps : 3 Bp, (450 kg)

Tinggi 3.5 m
B 0.11 m
H 0.11 m
A 0.0121 m2
V 0.04235 M3
n 156 bh
V 6.6066 M3

P 367.7384 m
B m
H m

Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
DI DISTRIK Sorong Barat


Sewa Dump Truk (Kap. 3-4 M3) atau (Kap. 2500 Kg) /Jam Rp.E08.a = Rp 269,197.34
Sewa Pekerja / hari Rp.L01.a = Rp 10,000.00
Sewa LCT (Kap. 1200 Ton) / Trip = Rp 1,000,000,000.00
Sewa Buruh Bongkar Muat / hari = Rp 10,000.00

Jarak dari
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
Ts5 = Q2 = ( V x RpDT1 = Rppek.1 = (7
Ts1 = (L1/v1) Ts2 = (L1/v2) x Ts3 = (V/Q1) x Ts6 = Ts5 : Ts7 = Ts8 = Ts9 =
L1 Q1 Qt1 = 7 x Q1 V1 Fa v1 v2 Ts4 (Ts1+.. Fa x 60 ) / (1 : Q2) x P Jam x P / Qt) x V L2 Q3 Qt2 = 7 x Q1 V2 Fa v3 v4 Ts10
x 60 60 60 60 (L2/v3) x 60 (L1/v4) x 60 (V/Q1) x 60
+Ts4) Ts6 Rp.E08.a RpL01.a


1 Pekerja L01 Pekerja OH 70,000.00 70,000.00
2 Tukang L02 Tukang OH 85,000.00 85,000.00
3 Tukang Batu L02 Tukang Batu OH 85,000.00 85,000.00
4 Tukang Besi Tukang Besi OH 85,000.00 85,000.00
5 Tukang Kayu Tukang Kayu OH 85,000.00 85,000.00
6 Tukang Gali Tukang Gali OH 85,000.00 85,000.00
7 Tukang Las Tukang Las OH 85,000.00 85,000.00
8 Tukang Cat Tukang Cat OH 85,000.00 85,000.00
9 Tukang Kaca Tukang Kaca OH 85,000.00 85,000.00
10 Kepala Tukang L07 Kepala Tukang OH 102,000.00 102,000.00
11 Mandor L10 Mandor OH 112,000.00 112,000.00
12 Operator L05 Operator OH 105,000.00 105,000.00
13 Pembantu Operator L06 Pembantu Operator OH 85,000.00 85,000.00
14 Sopir L04 Sopir OH 100,000.00 100,000.00
15 Pembantu Sopir L09 Pembantu Sopir OH 90,000.00 90,000.00
16 Mekanik L03 Mekanik OH 105,000.00 105,000.00
17 Pembantu Mekanik L08 Pembantu Mekanik OH 100,000.00 100,000.00
18 Pengawas L08 Pengawas OH 100,000.00 100,000.00
19 Asisten Ahli Ukur L08 Asisten Ahli Ukur OH 100,000.00 100,000.00
1 Pasir Cor Beton Pasir Cor Beton M 3
175,000.00 1,300.00
2 Pasir Pasang Pasir Pasang M3 153,000.00 1,300.00
3 Pasir Plester Pasir Plester M3 200,000.00 1,300.00
4 Pasir Urug Pasir Urug M3 36,000.00 1,300.00
5 Pasir Urug Pasir Urug untuk saringan M3 150,000.00 1,300.00
6 Pasir Urug Kerikil M3 200,000.00 1,300.00
5 Sirtu Sirtu M3 40,000.00 1,200.00
1 Tanah Timbunan Tanah Timbunan M3 36,000.00 1,100.00
2 Urugan Pilihan Urugan Pilihan M3 40,000.00 1,200.00
1 Batu Gunung Batu Gunung M3 400,000.00 1,200.00 8.00
2 Batu Belah Batu Belah M3 400,000.00 1,200.00 8.00
3 Bata Merah Bata Merah Bh 1,350.00 3.00 8.00
4 Batu Pecah Batu Pecah
a Batu Pecah 1/2 Batu Pecah 1/2 M 3
450,000.00 1,200.00 8.00
b Batu Pecah 2/3 Batu Pecah 2/3 M3 450,000.00 1,200.00 8.00
c Batu Pecah 3/5 Batu Pecah 3/5 M3 450,000.00 1,200.00 8.00
d Batu Pecah 5/7 Batu Pecah 5/7 M3 450,000.00 1,200.00 8.00
e Abu Batu Abu Batu M3 500,000.00 1,200.00 8.00
5 Buis Beton Buis Beton
a Buis Beton Dia. 60 mm Panjang 10,5 m Buis Beton Dia. 60 mm Bh 150,000.00 150.00 8.00
b Buis Beton Dia. 80 mm Panjang 10,5 m Buis Beton Dia. 80 mm Bh 200,000.00 200.00 8.00
c Buis Beton Dia. 100 mm Panjang 10,5 m Buis Beton Dia. 100 mm Bh 250,000.00 250.00 8.00
6 Cone Block Cone Block M 2
100,000.00 60.00 8.00
7 Rooster Beton Rooster Beton Bh 11,000.00 10.00 8.00
8 Glass Block Glass Block Bh 50,000.00 10.00 8.00
1 Semen Tonasa 50 Kg Semen Tonasa 50 Kg Zak 98,000.00 50.00
2 Semen Tonasa 40 Kg Semen Tonasa 40 Kg Zak 85,000.00 40.00
3 Semen Gresik 50 Kg Semen Gresik 50 Kg Zak 98,000.00 50.00
4 Semen Tiga Roda 50 Kg Semen Tiga Roda 50 Kg Zak 98,000.00 50.00
5 Semen Putih Semen Putih Kg 8,000.00 1.00
6 Semen Warna Semen Warna Kg 8,000.00 1.00
7 Kapur padam Kapur padam Kg 2,000.00 1.00
1 Aspal Aspal Kg 7,150.00 1.00
1 Kayu Besi ( sejenis )
a Balok Uk. 10 x 10 Balok Uk. 10 x 10 Kayu Besi ( sejenis ) M3 3,630,000.00 1,400.00 8.00
b Balok Uk. 5 x 10 Balok Uk. 5 x 10 Kayu Besi ( sejenis ) M3 3,630,000.00 1,400.00 8.00
c Balok Uk. 5 x 5 Balok Uk. 5 x 5 Kayu Besi ( sejenis ) M3 3,630,000.00 1,400.00 8.00
d Balok Uk. 2 x 3 Balok Uk. 2 x 3 Kayu Besi ( sejenis ) M3 3,630,000.00 1,400.00 8.00
e Papan Uk. 2 x 20 x 400 Papan Uk. 2 x 20 x 400 Kayu Besi ( sejenis ) M3 3,630,000.00 1,400.00 8.00
f Papan Uk. 2.5 x 20 x 400 Papan Uk. 2.5 x 20 x 400 Kayu Besi ( sejenis ) M3 3,630,000.00 1,400.00 8.00
g Papan Uk. 3 x 20 x 400 Papan Uk. 3 x 20 x 400 Kayu Besi ( sejenis ) M 3
3,630,000.00 1,400.00 8.00
2 Kayu Matoa / Campuran (Sejenis)
a Balok Uk. 10 x 10 Balok Uk. 10 x 10 Kayu Matoa / Campuran (Sejenis) M3 1,800,000.00 1,350.00 8.00
b Balok Uk. 5 x 10 Balok Uk. 5 x 10 Kayu Matoa / Campuran (Sejenis) M3 1,800,000.00 1,350.00 8.00
c Balok Uk. 5 x 5 Balok Uk. 5 x 5 Kayu Matoa / Campuran (Sejenis) M3 1,800,000.00 1,350.00 8.00
c Balok Uk. 2 x 3 Balok Uk. 2 x 3 Kayu Matoa / Campuran (Sejenis) M 3
1,800,000.00 1,350.00 8.00
f Papan Uk. 2 x 20 x 400 Papan Uk. 2 x 20 x 400 Kayu Matoa / Campuran (Sejenis) M3 1,800,000.00 1,350.00 8.00
g Papan Uk. 2.5 x 20 x 400 Papan Uk. 2.5 x 20 x 400 Kayu Matoa / Campuran (Sejenis) M3 1,800,000.00 1,350.00 8.00
h Papan Uk. 3 x 20 x 400 Papan Uk. 3 x 20 x 400 Kayu Matoa / Campuran (Sejenis) M3 1,800,000.00 1,350.00 8.00
3 Kayu Lombo / Campuran ( Sejenis )
a Balok Uk. 5 x 10 Balok Uk. 5 x 10 Kayu Lombo / Campuran ( Sejenis ) M 3
950,000.00 1,200.00 8.00
b Balok Uk. 5 x 5 Balok Uk. 5 x 5 Kayu Lombo / Campuran ( Sejenis ) M3 950,000.00 1,200.00 8.00
c Papan Uk. 2 x 20 x 400 Papan Uk. 2 x 20 x 400 Kayu Lombo / Campuran ( Sejenis ) M3 950,000.00 1,200.00 8.00
d Papan Uk. 2.5 x 20 x 400 Papan Uk. 2.5 x 20 x 400 Kayu Lombo / Campuran ( Sejenis ) M3 950,000.00 1,200.00 8.00
4 Kayu Mangi - Mangi Kayu Mangi - Mangi Btg 20,000.00 8.00 8.00
5 Kayu Bakar Kayu Bakar M 3
300,000.00 1,300.00 8.00
6 Kayu Log untuk Konstruksi Jembatan Kayu Kayu Log untuk Konstruksi Jembatan Kayu Btg 5,000,000.00 10,000.00 8.00
7 Ijuk Ijuk m3 1,000,000.00 10,000.00 8.00
8 Bambu Bambu btg 30,000.00 10,000.00 8.00
9 Gebalan rumput Gebalan rumput m2 55,000.00 10,000.00 8.00
10 Tripleks Tripleks
a Tripleks Uk. 3 mm Tripleks Uk. 3 mm Lbr 51,700.00 5.00 8.00
b Tripleks Uk. 4 mm Tripleks Uk. 4 mm Lbr 55,000.00 6.00 8.00
c. Tripleks Uk. 6 mm Tripleks Uk. 6 mm Lbr 88,000.00 8.00 8.00
11 Multipleks
a Multipleks Uk. 4 mm Multipleks Uk. 4 mm Lbr 72,600.00 6.00 8.00
b Multipleks Uk. 6 mm Multipleks Uk. 6 mm Lbr 88,000.00 7.00 8.00
c Multipleks Uk. 9 mm Multipleks Uk. 9 mm Lbr 121,000.00 8.00 8.00
e Multipleks Uk. 12 mm Multipleks Uk. 12 mm Lbr 176,000.00 10.00 8.00
d Multipleks Uk. 15 mm Multipleks Uk. 15 mm Lbr 231,000.00 12.00 8.00
e Multipleks Uk. 18 mm Multipleks Uk. 18 mm Lbr 275,000.00 14.00 8.00
12 Teakwood Uk. 122 x 244 Teakwood Uk. 122 x 244 Lbr 93,500.00 6.00 8.00
13 Playwood Uk. 122 x 244 Playwood Uk. 122 x 244 Lbr 82,500.00 8.00 8.00
14 Formika
a Formika Polos Uk. 6 mm Formika Polos Uk. 6 mm Lbr 121,000.00 4.00 8.00
b Formika Kembang Uk. 9 mm Formika Kembang Uk. 9 mm Lbr 143,000.00 4.00 8.00
c Gypsum Uk. 18 mm Gypsum Uk. 18 mm Lbr 93,500.00 4.00 8.00
d Melamine Uk. 3 mm Melamine Uk. 3 mm Lbr 82,500.00 4.00 8.00
1 Keramik Porselin 20x20 Keramik Porselin 20x20 Doz 77,000.00 8.00 8.00
2 Keramik 20x20 Keramik 20x20 Doz 71,500.00 8.00 8.00
3 Keramik 20x25 Keramik 20x25 Doz 82,500.00 8.00 8.00
4 Keramik 30x30 Keramik 30x30 Doz 71,500.00 8.00 8.00
5 Keramik 40x40 Keramik 40x40 Doz 82,500.00 8.00 8.00
6 Paving Block Paving Block Bh 3,300.00 4.00 8.00
1 Seng Gelombang BJLS 30 ( Gajah ) Seng Gelombang BJLS 30 ( Gajah ) Lbr 88,000.00 4.00 8.00
2 Seng Gelombang BJLS 20 ( Gajah ) Seng Gelombang BJLS 20 ( Gajah ) Lbr 66,000.00 3.00 8.00
3 Seng Plat BJLS 20 ( Gajah ) Seng Plat BJLS 20 ( Gajah ) Lbr 55,000.00 4.00 8.00
4 Seng Plat BJLS 30 ( Gajah ) Seng Plat BJLS 30 ( Gajah ) Lbr 66,000.00 6.00 8.00
5 Seng Talang BJLS 30 ( Gajah ) Seng Talang BJLS 30 ( Gajah ) M' 22,000.00 4.00 8.00
6 Seng Galvanis
a Seng Galvanis Kecil Uk. 40 x 60 cm Seng Galvanis Kecil Uk. 40 x 60 cm Lbr 66,000.00 4.00 8.00
b Seng Galvanis Sedang Uk. 60 x 100 cm Seng Galvanis Sedang Uk. 60 x 100 cm Lbr 99,000.00 8.00 8.00
c Seng Galvanis Besar Uk. 100 x 180 cm Seng Galvanis Besar Uk. 100 x 180 cm Lbr 165,000.00 10.00 8.00
7 Seng Aluminium
a Seng Aluminium Kecil Uk. 40 x 60 cm Seng Aluminium Kecil Uk. 40 x 60 cm Lbr 77,000.00 4.00 8.00
b Seng Aluminium Sedang Uk. 60 x 100 cm Seng Aluminium Sedang Uk. 60 x 100 cm Lbr 115,500.00 6.00 8.00
c Seng Aluminium Besar Uk. 100 x 180 cm Seng Aluminium Besar Uk. 100 x 180 cm Lbr 192,500.00 7.00 8.00
d Seng Plat Aluminium Seng Plat Aluminium Lbr 71,500.00 8.00 8.00
8 Seng Plastik
a Seng Plastik Gelombang Kecil Uk. 40 x 60 cm Seng Plastik Gelombang Kecil Uk. 40 x 60 cm Lbr 33,000.00 4.00 8.00
b Seng Plastik Gelombang Besar Uk. 60 x 100 cm Seng Plastik Gelombang Besar Uk. 60 x 100 cm Lbr 66,000.00 6.00 8.00
c Nok Seng Plastik Gelombang Nok Seng Plastik Gelombang m' 22,000.00 7.00 8.00
9 Atap Ardek
a Atap Ardek Gelombang Kecil Atap Ardek Gelombang Kecil Lbr 38,500.00 10.00 8.00
b Atap Ardek Gelombang Besar Atap Ardek Gelombang Besar Lbr 49,500.00 12.00 8.00
10 Atap Genteng
a Atap Genteng Beton Atap Genteng Beton Lbr 16,500.00 10.00 8.00
b Atap Genteng Metal Multiroof merk Sakura Atap Genteng Metal Multiroof merk Sakura Lbr 55,000.00 6.00 8.00
c Atap Genteng Uk. 72 x 40 Atap Genteng Uk. 72 x 40 Lbr 82,500.00 4.00 8.00
d Nok Genteng Atas Uk. 90 x 5 x 6 Nok Genteng Atas Uk. 90 x 5 x 6 m' 22,000.00 3.00 8.00
e Nok Genteng Lengkung Uk. 40 cm Nok Genteng Lengkung Uk. 40 cm m' 22,000.00 3.00 8.00
f Nok Genteng Pinggir Uk. 90 cm Nok Genteng Pinggir Uk. 90 cm m' 22,000.00 3.00 8.00
11 Atap Asbes
a Atap Asbes Gelombang Besar Atap Asbes Gelombang Besar Lbr 82,500.00 12.00 8.00
b Atap Asbes Gelombang Kecil Atap Asbes Gelombang Kecil Lbr 71,500.00 8.00 8.00
c Karpus Asbes Gelombang Besar Karpus Asbes Gelombang Besar Lbr 82,500.00 9.00 8.00
d Karpus Asbes Gelombang Kecil Karpus Asbes Gelombang Kecil Lbr 71,500.00 10.00 8.00
12 Listplank Galvanis Listplank Galvanis Lbr 61,600.00 14.00 8.00
13 Hardflex / Tilux Hardflex / Tilux Lbr 71,500.00 15.00 8.00
1 Akuistik
a Akuistik Uk. 30 x 30 cm Akuistik Uk. 30 x 30 cm Lbr 16,500.00 3.00 8.00
b Akuistik Uk. 30 x 60 cm Akuistik Uk. 30 x 60 cm Lbr 33,000.00 4.00 8.00
2 Eternit Uk. 100 x 100 cm Eternit Uk. 100 x 100 cm Lbr 55,000.00 6.00 8.00
3 Softboard Uk. 122 x 244 cm Softboard Uk. 122 x 244 cm Lbr 134,200.00 8.00 8.00
4 Lambryceilling Lambryceilling Btg 33,000.00 6.00 8.00
5 Gypsum board (120 x 240 x 9) mm Gypsum board (120 x 240 x 9) mm Lbr 165,000.00 12.00 8.00
1 Kaca Bening
a Kaca Bening tebal 3 mm Uk. 122 x 152 cm Kaca Bening tebal 3 mm Uk. 122 x 152 cm Lbr 198,000.00 8.00 8.00
b Kaca Bening tebal 5 mm Uk. 132 x 183 cm Kaca Bening tebal 5 mm Uk. 132 x 183 cm Lbr 237,600.00 12.00 8.00
2 Kaca Temperet
a Kaca Temperet tebal 3 mm Uk. 122 x 182 cm Kaca Temperet tebal 3 mm Uk. 122 x 182 cm Lbr 143,000.00 12.00 8.00
b Kaca Temperet tebal 4 mm Uk. 132 x 182 cm Kaca Temperet tebal 4 mm Uk. 132 x 182 cm Lbr 192,500.00 14.00 8.00
c Kaca Temperet tebal 5 mm Uk. 153 x 182 cm Kaca Temperet tebal 5 mm Uk. 153 x 182 cm Lbr 242,000.00 16.00 8.00
d Kaca Temperet tebal 6 mm Uk. 153 x 182 cm Kaca Temperet tebal 6 mm Uk. 153 x 182 cm Lbr 286,000.00 18.00 8.00
e Kaca Temperet tebal 8 mm Uk. 153 x 182 cm Kaca Temperet tebal 8 mm Uk. 153 x 182 cm Lbr 418,000.00 20.00 8.00
3 Kaca Rayban
a Kaca Rayban tebal 3 mm Kaca Rayban tebal 3 mm Lbr 237,600.00 8.00 8.00
b Kaca Rayban tebal 4 mm Kaca Rayban tebal 4 mm Lbr 264,000.00 10.00 8.00
c Kaca Rayban tebal 5 mm Kaca Rayban tebal 5 mm Lbr 290,400.00 12.00 8.00
1 Lovers / Nako tanpa Tralis
a Lovers / Nako tanpa Tralis 4 Klips Lovers / Nako tanpa Tralis 4 Klips Set 82,500.00 6.00 8.00
b Lovers / Nako tanpa Tralis 5 Klips Lovers / Nako tanpa Tralis 5 Klips Set 99,000.00 8.00 8.00
c Lovers / Nako tanpa Tralis 6 Klips Lovers / Nako tanpa Tralis 6 Klips Set 118,800.00 10.00 8.00
d Lovers / Nako tanpa Tralis 7 Klips Lovers / Nako tanpa Tralis 7 Klips Set 138,600.00 12.00 8.00
e Lovers / Nako tanpa Tralis 8 Klips Lovers / Nako tanpa Tralis 8 Klips Set 158,400.00 14.00 8.00
f Lovers / Nako tanpa Tralis 9 Klips Lovers / Nako tanpa Tralis 9 Klips Set 178,200.00 16.00 8.00
g Lovers / Nako tanpa Tralis 10 Klips Lovers / Nako tanpa Tralis 10 Klips Set 198,000.00 18.00 8.00
2 Lovers / Nako Tralis ( Kaca Rayban )
a Lovers / Nako Tralis ( Kaca Rayban ) 4 Klips Lovers / Nako Tralis ( Kaca Rayban ) 4 Klips Set 89,100.00 5.00 8.00
b Lovers / Nako Tralis ( Kaca Rayban ) 5 Klips Lovers / Nako Tralis ( Kaca Rayban ) 5 Klips Set 111,100.00 7.00 8.00
c Lovers / Nako Tralis ( Kaca Rayban ) 6 Klips Lovers / Nako Tralis ( Kaca Rayban ) 6 Klips Set 154,000.00 9.00 8.00
d Lovers / Nako Tralis ( Kaca Rayban ) 7 Klips Lovers / Nako Tralis ( Kaca Rayban ) 7 Klips Set 181,500.00 11.00 8.00
e Lovers / Nako Tralis ( Kaca Rayban ) 8 Klips Lovers / Nako Tralis ( Kaca Rayban ) 8 Klips Set 187,000.00 13.00 8.00
f Lovers / Nako Tralis ( Kaca Rayban ) 9 Klips Lovers / Nako Tralis ( Kaca Rayban ) 9 Klips Set 202,400.00 15.00 8.00
g Lovers / Nako Tralis ( Kaca Rayban ) 10 Klips Lovers / Nako Tralis ( Kaca Rayban ) 10 Klips Set 225,500.00 17.00 8.00
3 Stang Lovers / Klips
a Stang Lovers 4 Klips Stang Lovers 4 Klips Psg 60,500.00 4.00 8.00
b Stang Lovers 5 Klips Stang Lovers 5 Klips Psg 75,630.00 6.00 8.00
c Stang Lovers 6 Klips Stang Lovers 6 Klips Psg 49,500.00 8.00 8.00
d Stang Lovers 7 Klips Stang Lovers 7 Klips Psg 57,200.00 10.00 8.00
e Stang Lovers 8 Klips Stang Lovers 8 Klips Psg 66,000.00 12.00 8.00
f Stang Lovers 9 Klips Stang Lovers 9 Klips Psg 82,500.00 14.00 8.00
g Stang Lovers 10 Klips Stang Lovers 10 Klips Psg 92,400.00 16.00 8.00
4 Besi Tralis Nako Besi Tralis Nako Btg 5,500.00 1.00 8.00
5 Kaca Lovers Bening Kaca Lovers Bening Lbr 11,000.00 12.00 8.00
6 Kaca Lovers Temperet Kaca Lovers Temperet Lbr 9,900.00 14.00 8.00
7 Kaca Lovers Rayban Kaca Lovers Rayban Lbr 16,500.00 18.00 8.00
1 Kunci Tanam Union 1 Slaag Kunci Tanam Union 1 Slaag Bh 33,000.00 1.00 8.00
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. muat kosong
Base Camp Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
2 Kunci Tanam Union 2 Slaag Kunci Tanam Union 2 Slaag Bh 44,000.00 1.00 8.00
3 Kunci Tanam Yale 2 Slaag Kunci Tanam Yale 2 Slaag Bh 77,000.00 1.00 8.00
4 Kunci Tanam Kuda Terbang 2 Slaag Kunci Tanam Kuda Terbang 2 Slaag Bh 49,500.00 1.00 8.00
5 Kunci Tanam Royal Besar Kunci Tanam Royal Besar Bh 132,000.00 2.00 8.00
6 Kunci Tanam Royal Kecil Kunci Tanam Royal Kecil Bh 61,160.00 1.00 8.00
7 Kunci - Kunci Lokal Kunci - Kunci Lokal Bh 45,100.00 1.00 8.00
8 Kunci Gembok Globe Kunci Gembok Globe Bh 16,500.00 1.00 8.00
9 Engsel Pintu Engsel Pintu Bh 11,000.00 0.50 8.00
10 Engsel H Jendela Engsel H Jendela Bh 6,600.00 0.50 8.00
11 Engsel H Pintu Engsel H Pintu Bh 11,000.00 0.50 8.00
12 Engsel Kupu-Kupu Ring Nylon Pintu Engsel Kupu-Kupu Ring Nylon Pintu Bh 13,200.00 0.50 8.00
13 Engsel Kupu-Kupu Ring Nylon Jendela Engsel Kupu-Kupu Ring Nylon Jendela Bh 11,000.00 0.50 8.00
14 Engsel Tanam Dexon Engsel Tanam Dexon Bh 35,000.00 0.50 8.00
15 Hak Angin Biasa Hak Angin Biasa Bh 11,000.00 0.50 8.00
16 Grendel Lokal Grendel Lokal Bh 8,250.00 0.50 8.00
17 Grendel Kecil Grendel Kecil Bh 4,400.00 0.50 8.00
18 Grendel Besar Grendel Besar Bh 8,800.00 0.50 8.00
1 Paku Tripleks Paku Tripleks Kg 18,700.00 1.00 8.00
2 Paku Persegi ( Beton ) Paku Persegi ( Beton ) Kg 19,800.00 1.00 8.00
3 Paku Biasa
a Paku Biasa 1/4 - 0.5" Paku Biasa 1/4 - 0.5" Kg 13,200.00 1.00 8.00
b Paku Biasa 3/3" - 3.0" Paku Biasa 3/3" - 3.0" Kg 13,200.00 1.00 8.00
c Paku Biasa 1/2 - 3.0" Paku Biasa 1/2 - 3.0" Kg 13,200.00 1.00 8.00
d Paku Biasa 2 1/2" - 7.0" Paku Biasa 2 1/2" - 7.0" Kg 13,200.00 1.00 8.00
e Paku Biasa 3 1/2 - 7.0" Paku Biasa 3 1/2 - 7.0" Kg 13,200.00 1.00 8.00
4 Paku Seng Gelombang Paku Seng Gelombang Kg 19,800.00 1.00 8.00
5 Paku Seng Paku Seng Kg 19,800.00 1.00 8.00
6 Paku Beton Paku Beton Kg 18,700.00 1.00 8.00
7 Paku Jembatan Paku Jembatan Kg 19,800.00 1.00 8.00
8 Paku Sekrup Paku Sekrup Doz 11,000.00 1.00 8.00
9 Paku Reng Paku Reng Kg 16,500.00 1.00 8.00
10 Timah Solder Timah Solder Roll 49,500.00 5.00 8.00
11 Baut Angker Baut Angker Biji 3,850.00 2.00 8.00
12 Baut Baja Galvanis Baut Baja Galvanis Kg 44,000.00 1.00 8.00
13 Baut Baja Baut Baja Bh 3,300.00 2.00 8.00
14 Baut + Mur 0.3/8" - 17.5 Baut + Mur 0.3/8" - 17.5 Bh 770.00 2.00 8.00
15 Baut + Mur 0.3/8" - 15 Baut + Mur 0.3/8" - 15 Bh 770.00 2.00 8.00
16 Baut + Mur 0.3/8" - 20 Baut + Mur 0.3/8" - 20 Bh 770.00 2.00 8.00
17 Baut + Mur 0.3/8" - 35 Baut + Mur 0.3/8" - 35 Bh 770.00 2.00 8.00
18 Baut Angker 1/2" Baut Angker 1/2" Bh 2,750.00 2.00 8.00
19 Baut Mur 12 mm Baut Mur 12 mm Bh 2,860.00 2.00 8.00
20 Beugel Besi Strip 40.4 (sambungan kayu) Beugel Besi Strip 40.4 (sambungan kayu) Bh 2,750.00 2.00 8.00
21 Baut Mur Dia. 1/2 10 - 30 mm Baut Mur Dia. 1/2 10 - 30 mm Bh 2,860.00 2.00 8.00
1 Kawat Bronjong Uk. 4 mm Kawat Bronjong Uk. 4 mm Kg 13,750.00 1.00 8.00
2 Kawat Ikat Kawat Ikat Kg 18,700.00 1.00 8.00
3 Kawat Duri Panjang 100 m Kawat Duri Panjang 100 m Roll 165,000.00 20.00 8.00
4 Kawat Ram Kawat Ram m' 16,500.00 3.00 8.00
5 Kawat Harmonika Kawat Harmonika m' 38,500.00 3.00 8.00
6 Kawat Nyamuk Plastik Kawat Nyamuk Plastik m' 11,000.00 2.00 8.00
7 Kawat Nyamuk Besi Kawat Nyamuk Besi m' 16,500.00 3.00 8.00
8 Kawat Ayakan Kawat Ayakan m' 16,500.00 4.00 8.00
9 Kawat Las Kawat Las Doz 132,000.00 3.00 8.00
10 Kawat Galvanis Kawat Galvanis Kg 22,000.00 1.00 8.00
11 Kawat Las RB 26/30/40/50 mm Kawat Las RB 26/30/40/50 mm Doz 187,000.00 10.00 8.00
1 Besi Beton Polos Besi Beton Polos
- Besi Beton Polos Dia. 4 mm - 25 mm Besi Beton Polos Dia. 4 mm - 25 mm Kg 7,810.00 1.00 8.00
2 Besi Beton Ulir / Deform Besi Beton Ulir / Deform
- Besi Beton Ulir Besi Beton Ulir Kg 8,800.00 1.00 8.00
3 Besi Strip Besi Strip
a Besi Strip Uk. 50 x 50 x 4 Besi Strip Uk. 50 x 50 x 4 Btg 119,900.00 4.00 8.00
b Besi Strip Uk. 40 x 40 x 4 Besi Strip Uk. 40 x 40 x 4 Btg 95,700.00 3.00 8.00
c Besi Strip Uk. 40 x 40 x 3 Besi Strip Uk. 40 x 40 x 3 Btg 82,500.00 2.00 8.00
d Besi Strip Uk. 20 x 20 x 2 Besi Strip Uk. 20 x 20 x 2 Btg 33,000.00 1.50 8.00
4 Besi Plat Besi Plat
a Besi Plat tebal 1 mm Besi Plat tebal 1 mm Btg 252,090.00 1.00 8.00
b Besi Plat tebal 1.2 mm Besi Plat tebal 1.2 mm Btg 302,500.00 2.00 8.00
c Besi Plat tebal 2 mm Besi Plat tebal 2 mm Btg 504,900.00 3.00 8.00
d Besi Plat tebal 3 mm Besi Plat tebal 3 mm Btg 757,350.00 4.00 8.00
e Besi Plat tebal 4 mm Besi Plat tebal 4 mm Btg 1,009,800.00 5.00 8.00
f Besi Plat tebal 5 mm Besi Plat tebal 5 mm Btg 1,262,250.00 6.00 8.00
g Besi Plat tebal 9 mm Besi Plat tebal 9 mm Btg 2,272,050.00 8.00 8.00
6 Kabel / Sling Kabel / Sling
a Kabel / Sling Dia. 1/4 " Kabel / Sling Dia. 1/4 " m' 16,500.00 2.00 8.00
b Kabel / Sling Dia. 3/8 " Kabel / Sling Dia. 3/8 " m' 33,000.00 2.00 8.00
c Kabel / Sling Dia. 5/16 " Kabel / Sling Dia. 5/16 " m' 27,500.00 3.00 8.00
d Kabel / Sling Dia. 1/2 " Kabel / Sling Dia. 1/2 " m' 44,000.00 2.00 8.00
e Kabel / Sling Dia. 5/8 " Kabel / Sling Dia. 5/8 " m' 55,000.00 3.00 8.00
f Kabel / Sling Dia. 3/4 " Kabel / Sling Dia. 3/4 " m' 66,000.00 2.00 8.00
g Kabel / Sling Dia. 1" Kabel / Sling Dia. 1" m' 99,000.00 4.00 8.00
1 Pipa PVC Pipa PVC
a Pipa PVC Dia. 1/2 " - 6 m merk Maspion Pipa PVC Dia. 1/2 " - 6 m merk Maspion Btg 13,200.00 3.00 8.00
b Pipa PVC Dia. 3/4 " - 6 m merk Maspion Pipa PVC Dia. 3/4 " - 6 m merk Maspion Btg 19,800.00 4.00 8.00
c Pipa PVC Dia. 1 " - 6 m merk maspion Pipa PVC Dia. 1 " - 6 m merk maspion Btg 26,400.00 6.00 8.00
d Pipa PVC Dia. 1 1/2 " - 6 m merk AW Pipa PVC Dia. 1 1/2 " - 6 m merk AW Btg 38,500.00 8.00 8.00
e Pipa PVC Dia. 2 " - 6 m merk maspion Pipa PVC Dia. 2 " - 6 m merk maspion Btg 55,000.00 10.00 8.00
f Pipa PVC Dia. 2 1/2 " - 6 m merk AW Pipa PVC Dia. 2 1/2 " - 6 m merk AW Btg 93,500.00 12.00 8.00
f Pipa PVC Dia. 3 " - 6 m merk AW Pipa PVC Dia. 3 " - 6 m merk AW Btg 93,500.00 12.00 8.00
g Pipa PVC Dia. 4 " - 6 m merk AW Pipa PVC Dia. 4 " - 6 m merk AW Btg 132,000.00 14.00 8.00
h Pipa PVC Dia. 5 " - 6 m merk AW Pipa PVC Dia. 5 " - 6 m merk AW Btg 165,000.00 16.00 8.00
i Pipa PVC Dia. 6 " - 6 m merk AW Pipa PVC Dia. 6 " - 6 m merk AW Btg 198,000.00 18.00 8.00
2 Kopling PVC / bag & Knee Kopling PVC / bag & Knee
a Lem PVC sedang Lem PVC sedang Tube 8,800.00 1.00 8.00
b Talang PVC Talang PVC Btg 104,500.00 6.00 8.00
a Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 1/2" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 1/2" Btg 150,150.00 6.00 8.00
b Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 3/4" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 3/4" Btg 192,500.00 10.00 8.00
c Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 1" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 1" Btg 243,100.00 14.00 8.00
d Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 1.1/4" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 1.1/4" Btg 350,350.00 18.00 8.00
e Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 1.1/2" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 1.1/2" Btg 371,800.00 22.00 8.00
f Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 2" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 2" Btg 614,900.00 26.00 8.00
g Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 2.1/2" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 2.1/2" Btg 757,900.00 30.00 8.00
h Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 3" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 3" Btg 1,179,750.00 34.00 8.00
i Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 4" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 4" Btg 1,394,250.00 38.00 8.00
j Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 5" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 5" Btg 1,501,500.00 42.00 8.00
k Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 6" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium A 6" Btg 2,645,500.00 46.00 8.00
l Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 1/2" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 1/2" Btg 100,100.00 5.00 8.00
m Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 3/4" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 3/4" Btg 121,550.00 9.00 8.00
n Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 1" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 1" Btg 157,300.00 13.00 8.00
o Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 1.1/4" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 1.1/4" Btg 235,950.00 17.00 8.00
p Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 1.1/2" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 1.1/2" Btg 257,400.00 21.00 8.00
q Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 2" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 2" Btg 407,550.00 25.00 8.00
r Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 2.1/2" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 2.1/2" Btg 622,050.00 29.00 8.00
s Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 3" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 3" Btg 643,500.00 33.00 8.00
t Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 4" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 4" Btg 822,250.00 37.00 8.00
u Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 5" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 5" Btg 1,251,250.00 41.00 8.00
v Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 6" Pipa ( Galvanis ) Gip Medium B 6" Btg 1,644,500.00 45.00 8.00
a Stop Kran 1/2" Jangkar Stop Kran 1/2" Jangkar Bh 22,000.00 1.00
b Stop Kran 3/4" Jangkar Stop Kran 3/4" Jangkar Bh 27,500.00 1.50
a Corong Talang Plastik PVC 4" Corong Talang Plastik PVC 4" Bh 44,000.00 2.00
b Pipa Plastik 0.3" Pipa Plastik 0.3" Btg 66,000.00 8.00
1 Kloset Kloset
a Kloset duduk porselin warna / putih / KIA Kloset duduk porselin warna / putih / KIA Bh 480,000.00 30.00 8.00
b Kloset Jongkok Porselin Warna / Putih Kloset Jongkok Porselin Warna / Putih Bh 140,000.00 40.00 8.00
2 Washtafel (Komplit) Washtafel (Komplit)
a Washtafel Porselin Washtafel Porselin Zet 480,000.00 50.00 8.00
3 Was Bak / Bak Cuci Porselin Was Bak / Bak Cuci Porselin Zet 480,000.00 60.00 8.00
4 Pompa Air Pompa Air
a Pompa Air Sanyo Kecil Pompa Air Sanyo Kecil Bh 600,000.00 25.00 8.00
b Pompa Air Sanyo Besar Pompa Air Sanyo Besar Bh 1,170,000.00 30.00 8.00
5 Urinoir Urinoir Bh 600,000.00 10.00 8.00
1 Cat Tembok Cat Tembok
a Cat Tembok 5 kg merk Aries Cat Tembok 5 kg merk Aries Klg 50,000.00 5.00 8.00
c Cat Tembok 20 Kg merek Metrolite Cat Tembok Klg 240,000.00 20.00 8.00
c Cat Tembok Anti Lumut 20 Kg merek Dulux Cat Tembok Anti Lumut Klg 550,000.00 20.00 8.00
2 Cat Kayu Cat Kayu
a Cat Kilat Kayu Cat Kilat Kayu Kg 50,000.00 1.00 25.00
c Cat Kayu Dasar Cat Kayu Dasar Kg 40,000.00 1.00 8.00
d Cat Impra Cat Impra Kg 70,000.00 1.00
e Sending Impra Sending Impra Kg 60,000.00 1.00
f Filler Filler Kg 50,000.00 1.00
3 Cat Aluminium Cat Aluminium Kg 50,000.00 1.00 8.00
4 Cat Besi Cat Besi
a Cat Besi Crom Cat Besi Crom Kg 50,000.00 1.00 8.00
b Cat Besi Kembang ( 0.75 ltr ) Cat Besi Kembang ( 0.75 ltr ) Klg 40,000.00 1.00 8.00
c Cat Meni Besi Cat Meni Besi Kg 30,000.00 1.00 8.00
5 Cat Atap Ardeks 5 ltr Cat Atap Ardeks 5 ltr Klg 140,000.00 5.00 8.00
6 Cat Genteng / Kolam 4 ltr Cat Genteng / Kolam 4 ltr Kg 140,000.00 1.00 8.00
7 Plamur Besi Plamur Besi Kg 40,000.00 1.00 8.00
8 Plamur Tembok Plamur Tembok Kg 50,000.00 1.00 8.00
9 Plamur Kayu Plamur Kayu Kg 60,000.00 1.00 8.00
10 Dempul Besi Dempul Besi Kg 40,000.00 1.00 8.00
11 Dempul Kayu Dempul Kayu Kg 30,000.00 1.00 8.00
12 Dempul 1 Klg = 10 Ltr Dempul 1 Klg = 10 Ltr Klg 30,000.00 10.00 8.00
13 Residu Residu Ltr 30,000.00 1.00 8.00
14 Residu 10 Kg Residu 10 Kg Kg 190,000.00 1.00 8.00
15 Meni Besi Meni Besi Ltr 30,000.00 1.00 8.00
16 Meni Kayu Meni Kayu Kg 30,000.00 1.00 8.00
17 Politur / Teakoil Politur / Teakoil Ltr 50,000.00 1.00 8.00
18 Minyak Cat (Afdunner) Minyak Cat (Afdunner) Ltr 110,000.00 1.00 8.00
19 Amplas Kayu Amplas Kayu Lbr 10,000.00 0.50 8.00
20 Amplas Besi Amplas Besi Lbr 10,000.00 0.50 8.00
21 Thinner Super A Thinner Super A Klg 40,000.00 5.00 8.00
22 Thinner B Thinner B Klg 30,000.00 5.00 8.00
23 Lem Kayu Lem Kayu Klg 50,000.00 2.00 8.00
24 Lem Aibon Lem Aibon Klg 50,000.00 2.00 8.00
25 Lem Rakol 1 Kg Lem Rakol 1 Kg Klg 40,000.00 1.00 8.00
26 Lem Fox 1 Kg Lem Fox 1 Kg Klg 40,000.00 1.00 8.00
27 Aquaproof 1 Ltr Aquaproof 1 Ltr Klg 40,000.00 1.00 8.00
28 Aquaplastic 5 Kg Aquaplastic 5 Kg Klg 40,000.00 5.00 8.00
1 Minyak Tanah Minyak Tanah Ltr 6,000.00 1.00 8.00
2 Kerosen Kerosen Ltr 6,000.00 1.00 8.00
3 Minyak Solar Minyak Solar Ltr 9,000.00 1.00 8.00
4 Minyak Pelumas Minyak Pelumas Ltr 38,000.00 1.00 8.00
5 Bensin Bensin Ltr 9,000.00 1.00 8.00
1 Lampu TL Lengkap Lampu TL Lengkap
a Lampu TL 20 Watt merk Philips Lampu TL 20 Watt merk Philips Bh 71,500.00 1.00 8.00
b Lampu TL 2 x 20 Watt merk Philips Lampu TL 2 x 20 Watt merk Philips Bh 99,000.00 1.00 8.00
c Lampu TL 1 x 40 Watt merk Philips Lampu TL 1 x 40 Watt merk Philips Bh 121,000.00 1.00 8.00
d Lampu TL 2 x 40 Watt merk Philips Lampu TL 2 x 40 Watt merk Philips Bh 154,000.00 1.00 8.00
2 Lampu Pijar Lampu Pijar
a Lampu Pijar 1 x 60 Watt merk Philips Lampu Pijar 1 x 60 Watt merk Philips Bh 7,500.00 1.00 8.00
b Lampu Pijar 60 Watt (S) merk Philips Lampu Pijar 60 Watt (S) merk Philips Bh 12,000.00 1.00 8.00
c Lampu Pijar 100 Watt merk Philips Lampu Pijar 100 Watt merk Philips Bh 18,000.00 1.00 8.00
d Lampu Pijar 25 Watt merk Philips Lampu Pijar 25 Watt merk Philips Bh 7,500.00 1.00 8.00
e Lampu Pijar 40 Watt merk Philips Lampu Pijar 40 Watt merk Philips Bh 7,500.00 1.00 8.00
f Lampu Pijar 75 Watt merk Philips Lampu Pijar 75 Watt merk Philips Bh 7,500.00 1.00 8.00
g Lampu Pijar 60 W DOP Lampu Pijar 60 W DOP Bh 5,000.00 1.00 8.00
h Lampu Pijar 40 W DOP Lampu Pijar 40 W DOP Bh 4,000.00 1.00 8.00
i Lampu TL 40 W Komp RRT Lampu TL 40 W Komp RRT Bh 55,000.00 1.00 8.00
j Lampu TL 20 W Komp RRT Lampu TL 20 W Komp RRT Bh 44,000.00 1.00 8.00
3 Lampu SL Lampu SL
a Lampu SL 18 Watt merk Philips Lampu SL 18 Watt merk Philips Bh 34,000.00 1.00 8.00
b Lampu SL 21 Watt merk Philips Lampu SL 21 Watt merk Philips Bh 113,000.00 1.00 8.00
4 Sekring Sekring
a Sekring Khas Sekring Khas Bh 21,000.00 1.00 8.00
b Sekring Otomat Sekring Otomat Bh 41,000.00 1.00 8.00
c Sekring Box Sekring Box Bh 42,000.00 2.00 8.00
5 Saklar Saklar
a Saklar Engkel Tempel (Tanam NG) Saklar Engkel Tempel (Tanam NG) Bh 18,000.00 1.00 8.00
b Saklar Double Tempel (Broco) Saklar Double Tempel (Broco) Bh 27,000.00 1.00 8.00
6 Box Sekring Box Sekring
a Box Limit (Presto) Box Limit (Presto) Bh 52,000.00 1.00 8.00
b Box Sekring Otomat 1 Group (Presto) Box Sekring Otomat 1 Group (Presto) Bh 33,000.00 1.00 8.00
c Box Sekring Otomat 2 Group (Presto) Box Sekring Otomat 2 Group (Presto) Bh 35,000.00 1.00 8.00
d Box Sekring Otomat 4 Group (Presto) Box Sekring Otomat 4 Group (Presto) Bh 69,000.00 2.00 8.00
7 Kabel Listrik Kabel Listrik
a Kabel Instalasi Listrik 2,5 mm 100 m Kabel Instalasi Listrik 2,5 mm 100 m Roll 110,000.00 10.00 8.00
b Kabel NYA 2.1/2 mm etema Kabel NYA 2.1/2 mm etema Roll 219,000.00 12.00 8.00
c Kabel NYM 1 x 2.5 mm Kabel NYM 1 x 2.5 mm Roll 345,000.00 14.00 8.00
d Kabel NYM 2.5 x 2 mm Kabel NYM 2.5 x 2 mm Roll 403,000.00 14.00 8.00
8 Tiang Lampu Galvanis Oktagonal 8 m' Tiang Lampu Galvanis Oktagonal 8 m' Bh 5,175,000.00 250.00 8.00
1 Kuas Biasa 2 " Kuas Biasa 2 " Bh 6,000.00 1.00 8.00
2 Kuas Biasa 3 " Kuas Biasa 3 " Bh 10,000.00 1.00 8.00
3 Kuas Biasa 4 " Kuas Biasa 4 " Bh 18,000.00 1.00 8.00
4 Kuas Roll 6 " Kuas Roll 6 " Bh 23,000.00 2.00 8.00
5 Kuas Roll 8 " Kuas Roll 8 " Bh 23,000.00 2.00 8.00
6 Ember Cor No. 12 Ember Cor No. 12 Bh 18,000.00 2.00 8.00
7 Gerobak Dorong Gerobak Dorong Bh 253,000.00 15.00 8.00
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. muat kosong
Base Camp Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
8 Kerekan Timba Kerekan Timba Bh 37,000.00 12.00 8.00
9 Tali Timba Plastik Tali Timba Plastik m 4,000.00 4.00 8.00
10 Sendok Semen No. 7 (ikan) Sendok Semen No. 7 (ikan) Bh 23,000.00 2.00 8.00
11 Sendok Semen No. 8 (ikan) Sendok Semen No. 8 (ikan) Bh 29,000.00 3.00 8.00
12 Sendok Semen No. 9 (ikan) Sendok Semen No. 9 (ikan) Bh 35,000.00 5.00 8.00
13 Tropol No. 7 Tropol No. 7 Bh 12,000.00 1.00 8.00
14 Tropol No. 8 Tropol No. 8 Bh 18,000.00 1.00 8.00
15 Tropol No. 9 Tropol No. 9 Bh 23,000.00 2.00 8.00
16 Cangkul (Buaya) Cangkul (Buaya) Bh 64,000.00 4.00 8.00
17 Cangkul (ikan) Cangkul (ikan) Bh 58,000.00 4.00 8.00
18 Martil 4 Lbs Martil 4 Lbs Bh 29,000.00 8.00 8.00
19 Martil 6 Lbs Martil 6 Lbs Bh 35,000.00 12.00 8.00
20 Martil 8 Lbs Martil 8 Lbs Bh 41,000.00 15.00 8.00
21 Batu Asah Besar Batu Asah Besar Bh 18,000.00 2.00 8.00
22 Batu Asah Kecil Batu Asah Kecil Bh 12,000.00 1.50 8.00
23 Gergaji Besi Gergaji Besi Btg 18,000.00 1.00 8.00
24 Gergaji Besi Biasa Gergaji Besi Biasa Btg 6,000.00 1.00 8.00
25 Gergaji Kayu sedang Gergaji Kayu sedang Bh 52,000.00 1.00 8.00
26 Bor Kayu tangan 1 " Bor Kayu tangan 1 " Bh 52,000.00 2.00 8.00
1 Pasir urug darat (pasir laut) Pasir urug darat (pasir laut) m3 214,283.33 215,000.00 1,100.00
2 Pasir pasang Pasir pasang m3 214,733.33 215,000.00 1,100.00
3 Pasir beton Pasir beton m3 210,453.33 211,000.00 1,100.00
4 Pasir extra beton Pasir extra beton m3 222,733.33 223,000.00 1,100.00
5 Pasir putih (bangka) Pasir putih (bangka) m3 217,200.00 218,000.00 1,100.00
6 Sirtu Sirtu m3 194,066.67 195,000.00 1,100.00
7 Split Split m3 212,333.33 213,000.00 1,200.00
8 Limstone / Batu gamping Limstone / Batu gamping m3 56,026.67 57,000.00 1,200.00
9 Koral beton Koral beton m3 212,233.33 213,000.00 1,300.00
10 Tanah merah Tanah merah m3 90,125.00 91,000.00 1,100.00
11 Batu pecah / split uk. 1 - 2 cm Batu pecah / split uk. 1 - 2 cm m3 213,500.00 214,000.00 1,100.00
12 Batu pecah/split uk. 2 - 3 cm Batu pecah/split uk. 2 - 3 cm m3 204,533.33 205,000.00 1,200.00
13 Macadam 5 - 7 cm Macadam 5 - 7 cm m3 156,933.33 157,000.00 1,300.00
14 Batu kali belah Batu kali belah m3 191,431.07 192,000.00 1,300.00
15 Abu batu 5 mm Abu batu 5 mm m3 178,250.00 179,000.00 1,300.00
16 Sreening 5 - 13 mm Sreening 5 - 13 mm m3 199,433.33 200,000.00 1,300.00
17 Batu bata merah press mesin Batu bata merah press mesin Bh 563.33 1,000.00 6.00
18 Batu bata merah uk. 20 x 95 x 4 cm uk. kecil proses tangan Batu bata merah uk. 20 x 95 x 4 cm uk. kecil proses tangan Bh 458.67 1,000.00 6.00
19 Bata Merah (bahan campuran semen, abu batu) uk. 9 x 19 x 39 cm Bata Merah (bahan campuran semen, abu batu) uk. 9 x 19 x 39 cm Bh 1,663.33 2,000.00 6.00
20 Bata Merah (bahan campuran semen, batu apung, purmis ) uk. 9 x 19 x 39 cm Bata Merah (bahan campuran semen, batu apung, purmis ) uk. 9 x 19 x 39 cm Bh 3,750.00 4,000.00 5.00
21 Batu bata ringan uk. 10 x 1 x 60 cm ex Hebel Batu bata ringan uk. 10 x 1 x 60 cm ex Hebel m3 829,666.67 830,000.00 4.00
22 Batu bata ringan uk. 7 x 14 60 cm ex Hebel Batu bata ringan uk. 7 x 14 60 cm ex Hebel m3 829,666.67 830,000.00 4.00
23 Batu bata ringan uk. 10 x 16 x 60 cm ex Broco Batu bata ringan uk. 10 x 16 x 60 cm ex Broco m3 818,000.00 818,000.00 4.00
24 Batu bata ringan uk. 7 x 14 x 60 cm ex Broco Batu bata ringan uk. 7 x 14 x 60 cm ex Broco m3 811,666.67 812,000.00 4.00
25 Lempengan garis uk. 9 x 19 x 39 cm Lempengan garis uk. 9 x 19 x 39 cm Bh 2,530.33 3,000.00 4.00
26 Rooster beton 20 x 20 x 7 cm Rooster beton 20 x 20 x 7 cm Bh 5,035.00 6,000.00 6.00
27 Rooster bata merah 12 x 11,5 x 24 cm Rooster bata merah 12 x 11,5 x 24 cm Bh 3,956.67 4,000.00 6.00
1 Batu Candi Batu Candi m2 74,700.00 75,000.00 5.00
2 Batu Palimanan Batu Palimanan m2 79,866.67 80,000.00 6.00
3 Batu Pacito Roso Batu Pacito Roso m2 117,333.33 118,000.00 6.00
4 Batu Alur Candi Batu Alur Candi m2 118,500.00 119,000.00 7.00
5 Batu Alur Andesit Batu Alur Andesit m2 130,666.67 131,000.00 8.00
6 Batu Alam Purwakarta Batu Alam Purwakarta m2 77,166.67 78,000.00 6.00
7 Batu Acak Purwakarta Batu Acak Purwakarta m2 67,666.67 68,000.00 7.00
8 Batu Acak Garut Batu Acak Garut m2 72,666.67 73,000.00 8.00
9 Batu Paras Jogja Batu Paras Jogja m2 84,933.33 85,000.00 8.00
1 Paku uk. 2 cm Paku uk. 2 cm Kg 19,053.33 20,000.00 1.00
2 Paku uk. 3 cm Paku uk. 3 cm Kg 18,853.33 19,000.00 1.00
3 Paku uk. 4-5 cm Paku uk. 4-5 cm Kg 14,406.67 15,000.00 1.00
4 Paku uk. 6-7 cm Paku uk. 6-7 cm Kg 12,800.00 13,000.00 1.00
5 Paku uk. 10-15 cm Paku uk. 10-15 cm Kg 13,566.67 14,000.00 1.00
6 Paku asbes Paku asbes Kg 23,366.67 24,000.00 1.00
7 Paku seng Paku seng Kg 22,733.33 23,000.00 1.00
8 Kawat las harmonika Kawat las harmonika m' 15,208.33 16,000.00 0.50
9 Kawat duri 10 kg (P.60M) Kawat duri 10 kg (P.60M) Roll 65,500.00 66,000.00 10.00
10 Kawat beton Kawat beton Kg 19,693.33 20,000.00 1.00
11 Hollow 50 x 100 mm t = 1 mm Hollow 50 x 100 mm t = 1 mm Btg 418,000.00 418,000.00 16.00
12 Hollow 40 x 40 mm t = 1 mm Hollow 40 x 40 mm t = 1 mm Btg 209,000.00 209,000.00 8.00
13 Hollow 20x40 mm t = 1 mm Hollow 20x40 mm t = 1 mm Btg 105,000.00 105,000.00 6.00
14 Besi beton bulat Besi beton bulat Kg 11,213.33 12,000.00 1.00
15 Besi beton ulir Besi beton ulir Kg 11,776.67 12,000.00 1.00
16 Besi plat strip Besi plat strip Kg 12,520.00 13,000.00 1.00
17 Besi kanal "C" (Chanal) Besi kanal "C" (Chanal) Kg 12,153.33 13,000.00 1.00
18 Besi plat hitam (segala uk.) Besi plat hitam (segala uk.) Kg 12,700.00 13,000.00 1.00
19 Besi Plat Baja Besi Plat Baja Kg 13,370.00 14,000.00 1.00
20 Besi siku L.100.100.10 Besi siku L.100.100.10 Kg 12,743.33 13,000.00 1.00
21 Bordes plat Bordes plat Kg 12,521.85 13,000.00 1.00
22 Besi baja Besi baja Kg 12,651.67 13,000.00 1.00
23 H Beam H Beam Kg 12,843.54 13,000.00 1.00
24 Baja Beam (WF+ H Beam) Baja Beam (WF+ H Beam) Kg 12,835.91 13,000.00 1.00
25 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 100.16 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 100.16 m' 64,437.50 65,000.00 4.00
26 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 100.20 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 100.20 m' 80,100.00 81,000.00 6.00
27 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 125,16 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 125,16 m' 68,000.00 68,000.00 8.00
28 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 125,20 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 125,20 m' 80,087.50 81,000.00 12.00
29 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 150,16 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 150,16 m' 80,000.00 80,000.00 15.00
30 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 150,20 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 150,20 m' 100,000.00 100,000.00 20.00
31 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 150,25 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 150,25 m' 110,000.00 110,000.00 25.00
32 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 200.16 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 200.16 m' 99,750.00 100,000.00 30.00
33 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 200.16 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 200.16 m' 124,375.00 125,000.00 35.00
34 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 200.16 Kanal C Galvaspan HI - TEN Type C 200.16 m' 155,000.00 155,000.00 45.00
D1 Semen
1 Semen Cibinong (Kujang) / 50 Kg Semen Cibinong (Kujang) / 50 Kg Zak 55,600.00 56,000.00 50.00
2 Semen Tiga Roda / 50 Kg Semen Tiga Roda / 50 Kg Zak 57,666.67 58,000.00 50.00
3 Semen Gresik / 50 kg Semen Gresik / 50 kg Zak 55,866.67 56,000.00 50.00
4 Semen Putih Tiga Roda / 40 kg Semen Putih Tiga Roda / 40 kg Zak 72,233.33 73,000.00 50.00
5 Semen Holcim Holcim Semen Holcim Holcim Zak 56,133.33 57,000.00 50.00

D2 Semen Instan Ex. Mortar Utama

1 Plester premium ( MU 100 ) 40 kg Plester premium ( MU 100 ) 40 kg Zak 59,000.00 59,000.00 40.00
2 Acian plesteran & beton ( MU 200 ) 40 kg Acian plesteran & beton ( MU 200 ) 40 kg Zak 155,000.00 155,000.00 40.00
3 Acian plesteran ( MU 250 ) 40 kg Acian plesteran ( MU 250 ) 40 kg Zak 97,000.00 97,000.00 40.00
4 Acian profil ( MU 260 ) 25 kg Acian profil ( MU 260 ) 25 kg Zak 188,000.00 188,000.00 25.00
5 Acian putih ( MU 270 ) 25 kg Acian putih ( MU 270 ) 25 kg Zak 153,000.00 153,000.00 25.00
6 Finish plester ( MU 290 ) 40 kg Finish plester ( MU 290 ) 40 kg Zak 97,000.00 97,000.00 40.00
7 Plaster Trasram MU 101 40 kg Plaster Trasram MU 101 40 kg Zak 90,000.00 90,000.00 40.00
8 Pasangan & plester bata ( MU 301 ) 50 kg Pasangan & plester bata ( MU 301 ) 50 kg Zak 54,500.00 55,000.00 50.00
9 Perekat bata ringan ( MU 380 ) 40 kg Perekat bata ringan ( MU 380 ) 40 kg Zak 144,000.00 144,000.00 40.00
10 Perekat keramik dinding ( 25 kg Perekat keramik dinding ( 25 kg Zak 136,000.00 136,000.00 25.00
11 Pengisi nat kerarnik ( MU 408 ) Pengisi nat kerarnik ( MU 408 ) kg 11,500.00 12,000.00 1.00
12 Self Levelling Floor / thin 3 8 ( MU 410 Powder ) 25 kg Self Levelling Floor / thin 3 8 ( MU 410 Powder ) 25 kg Zak 250,000.00 250,000.00 25.00
13 Self Levelling Floor ( MU 410 P Primer Liquid ) Self Levelling Floor ( MU 410 P Primer Liquid ) Ltr 290,000.00 290,000.00 1.00
14 Perata lantai ( MU 440) 40 kg Perata lantai ( MU 440) 40 kg Zak 54,000.00 54,000.00 40.00
15 Perata lantai premium ( MU 445 ) 40 kg Perata lantai premium ( MU 445 ) 40 kg Zak 99,000.00 99,000.00 40.00
16 Perekat keramik lantai ( MU 450 ) 40 kg Perekat keramik lantai ( MU 450 ) 40 kg Zak 195,000.00 195,000.00 40.00
17 Perekat keramik daerah basah ( M 460 ) 25 kg Perekat keramik daerah basah ( M 460 ) 25 kg Zak 428,000.00 428,000.00 25.00
18 Perekat keramik di atas keramik ( MU 480 ) 25 kg Perekat keramik di atas keramik ( MU 480 ) 25 kg Zak 230,000.00 230,000.00 25.00
19 Multi Purpose Tile Adhesive ( MU 485 ) 40 kg Set Multi Purpose Tile Adhesive ( MU 485 ) 40 kg Set Zak 1,100,000.00 1,100,000.00 40.00
20 Fast Setting Tile Adhesive ( MU 490 ) 25 kg Fast Setting Tile Adhesive ( MU 490 ) 25 kg Zak 320,000.00 320,000.00 25.00
21 Perekat mortar & beton / Bonding Agent ( MU L500) 2 kg Perekat mortar & beton / Bonding Agent ( MU L500) 2 kg Zak 200,500.00 201,000.00 2.00
22 Pelapis kedap air ( MU 600 ) 25 kg set Pelapis kedap air ( MU 600 ) 25 kg set Zak 1,060,000.00 1,060,000.00 25.00
23 Floor Hardner ( MU 700 ) 25 kg set Floor Hardner ( MU 700 ) 25 kg set Zak 137,500.00 138,000.00 25.00
24 Non shrink grout ( MU 800 ) Non shrink grout ( MU 800 ) Zak 154,000.00 154,000.00 25.00
25 Perbaikan pemmkaan Beton ( MU 830 ) Perbaikan pemmkaan Beton ( MU 830 ) Zak 257,000.00 257,000.00 25.00
26 Pengisi ceiah beton / Finish Coat Repair ( MU 840 ) Pengisi ceiah beton / Finish Coat Repair ( MU 840 ) Zak 320,000.00 320,000.00 25.00
D3 Aspal
1 Aspal ex. Pertamina curah 60/70 Aspal ex. Pertamina curah 60/70 kg 6,200.00 6,820.00 1.00
2 Aspal ex. Pertamina drum Aspal ex. Pertamina drum kg 7,650.00 8,420.00 1.00
3 Aspal import Aspal import kg 6,255.00 6,890.00 1.00
4 Aspal modifikasi aspal alam Aspal modifikasi aspal alam kg 6,500.00 7,150.00 1.00
5 Aspal ex. Aspal multigrade lokal Aspal ex. Aspal multigrade lokal kg 6,600.00 7,260.00 1.00
6 Aspal ex. Aspal multigrade import Aspal ex. Aspal multigrade import kg 6,750.00 7,430.00 1.00
7 Aspal ex. Aspal polimer lokal Aspal ex. Aspal polimer lokal kg 7,600.00 8,360.00 1.00
8 Aspal ex. Aspal polimer import Aspal ex. Aspal polimer import kg 7,150.00 7,870.00 1.00
9 Aspal emulsi jenis CRS1 (Teac Coat) Aspal emulsi jenis CRS1 (Teac Coat) kg 5,100.00 5,610.00 1.00
10 Aspal emulsi jenis CSS1 (Prime Coat) Aspal emulsi jenis CSS1 (Prime Coat) kg 4,900.00 5,390.00 1.00
11 Aspal Bale Shell Aspal Bale Shell kg 4,850.00 5,340.00 1.00
12 Aspal Asbuton Butir Type 5/20 Aspal Asbuton Butir Type 5/20 kg 1,600.00 1,760.00 1.00
13 Aspal Asbuton Butir Type 15/20 Aspal Asbuton Butir Type 15/20 kg 1,650.00 1,820.00 1.00
14 Aspal Asbuton Butir Type 25/25 Aspal Asbuton Butir Type 25/25 kg 1,700.00 1,870.00 1.00
15 Adhesion Promoter untuk Hotmix (Anti Striping Agent) Adhesion Promoter untuk Hotmix (Anti Striping Agent) kg 70,500.00 77,550.00 1.00
E1 Kayu Jati Kelas II Basah (Jawa Tengah)
1 Balok uk. 6x15x100x140 cm Balok uk. 6x15x100x140 cm m3 37,000,000.00 40,700,000.00 1,200.00
2 Balok uk. 6x15x150x190 cm Balok uk. 6x15x150x190 cm m3 37,000,000.00 40,700,000.00 1,200.00
3 Balok uk. 6x15x200x240 cm Balok uk. 6x15x200x240 cm m3 45,000,000.00 49,500,000.00 1,200.00
4 Balok uk. 6x15x240x290 cm Balok uk. 6x15x240x290 cm m3 50,000,000.00 55,000,000.00 1,200.00
5 Balok uk. 6x15x300x340 cm Balok uk. 6x15x300x340 cm m3 50,000,000.00 55,000,000.00 1,200.00
6 Balok uk. 6x15x350x360 cm Balok uk. 6x15x350x360 cm m3 60,000,000.00 66,000,000.00 1,200.00
7 Kaso uk. 5x15xx90 cm Kaso uk. 5x15xx90 cm m3 37,000,000.00 40,700,000.00 1,200.00
E2 Kayu Kamper Samarinda Basah
1 Balok uk. 8x12x400 cm Balok uk. 8x12x400 cm m3 6,750,000.00 7,425,000.00 1,200.00
2 Balok uk. 6x15x400 cm Balok uk. 6x15x400 cm m3 6,750,000.00 7,425,000.00 1,200.00
3 Balok uk. 6x12x400 cm Balok uk. 6x12x400 cm m3 6,750,000.00 7,425,000.00 1,200.00
4 Balok uk. 5x10x400 cm Balok uk. 5x10x400 cm m3 6,750,000.00 7,425,000.00 1,200.00
5 Kaso uk. 5x7x400 cm Kaso uk. 5x7x400 cm m3 6,750,000.00 7,425,000.00 1,200.00
6 Kaso uk. 4x6x400 cm Kaso uk. 4x6x400 cm m3 6,750,000.00 7,425,000.00 1,200.00
7 Reng uk. 3x4x400 cm Reng uk. 3x4x400 cm m3 7,300,000.00 8,030,000.00 1,200.00
8 Papan uk. 3x20x400 cm Papan uk. 3x20x400 cm m3 6,700,000.00 7,370,000.00 1,200.00
9 Papan uk. 2x30x400 cm Papan uk. 2x30x400 cm m3 7,700,000.00 8,470,000.00 1,200.00
E3 Kayu Kamper Samarinda Oven
1 Balok uk. 8x12x400 cm Balok uk. 8x12x400 cm m3 8,000,000.00 8,800,000.00 1,200.00
2 Balok uk. 6x15x400 cm Balok uk. 6x15x400 cm m3 8,000,000.00 8,800,000.00 1,200.00
3 Kaso uk. 5x7x400 cm Kaso uk. 5x7x400 cm m3 7,700,000.00 8,470,000.00 1,200.00
4 Kaso uk. 4x6x400 cm Kaso uk. 4x6x400 cm m3 7,700,000.00 8,470,000.00 1,200.00
5 Reng uk. 3x4x400 cm Reng uk. 3x4x400 cm m3 7,700,000.00 8,470,000.00 1,200.00
6 Papan uk. 3x20x400 cm Papan uk. 3x20x400 cm m3 8,200,000.00 9,020,000.00 1,200.00
E4 Kayu Kruing
1 Balok uk. 8x12x400 cm Balok uk. 8x12x400 cm m3 5,500,000.00 6,050,000.00 1,200.00
2 Balok uk. 6x15x400 cm Balok uk. 6x15x400 cm m3 5,500,000.00 6,050,000.00 1,200.00
3 Balok uk. 6x12x400 cm Balok uk. 6x12x400 cm m3 5,500,000.00 6,050,000.00 1,200.00
4 Balok uk. 5x10x400 cm Balok uk. 5x10x400 cm m3 5,500,000.00 6,050,000.00 1,200.00
5 Kaso uk. 5x7x400 cm Kaso uk. 5x7x400 cm m3 5,500,000.00 6,050,000.00 1,200.00
6 Kaso uk. 4x6x400 cm Kaso uk. 4x6x400 cm m3 5,500,000.00 6,050,000.00 1,200.00
7 Papan uk. 3x30x400 cm Papan uk. 3x30x400 cm m3 5,700,000.00 6,270,000.00 1,200.00
8 Papan uk. 3x20x400 cm Papan uk. 3x20x400 cm m3 5,700,000.00 6,270,000.00 1,200.00
9 Papan uk. 2x30x400 cm Papan uk. 2x30x400 cm m3 5,700,000.00 6,270,000.00 1,200.00
E5 Kayu Meranti Basah
1 Balok uk. 8x15x400 cm Balok uk. 8x15x400 cm m3 3,800,000.00 4,180,000.00 1,200.00
2 Balok uk. 8x12x400 cm Balok uk. 8x12x400 cm m3 3,800,000.00 4,180,000.00 1,200.00
3 Balok uk. 6x15x400 cm Balok uk. 6x15x400 cm m3 3,800,000.00 4,180,000.00 1,200.00
4 Baiok uk. 6x12x400 cm Baiok uk. 6x12x400 cm m3 3,800,000.00 4,180,000.00 1,200.00
5 Balok uk. 5x10x400 cm Balok uk. 5x10x400 cm m3 3,800,000.00 4,180,000.00 1,200.00
6 Kaso uk. 5x7x400 cm Kaso uk. 5x7x400 cm m3 3,500,000.00 3,850,000.00 1,200.00
7 Kaso uk. 4x6x400 cm Kaso uk. 4x6x400 cm m3 3,500,000.00 3,850,000.00 1,200.00
8 Reng uk. 3x4x400 cm Reng uk. 3x4x400 cm m3 3,500,000.00 3,850,000.00 1,200.00
9 Reng uk. 2x3x400 cm Reng uk. 2x3x400 cm m3 3,500,000.00 3,850,000.00 1,200.00
10 Papan uk. 3x30x400 cm Papan uk. 3x30x400 cm m3 3,800,000.00 4,180,000.00 1,200.00
11 Papan uk. 3x20x400 cm Papan uk. 3x20x400 cm m3 3,800,000.00 4,180,000.00 1,200.00
12 Papan uk. 2x30x400 cm Papan uk. 2x30x400 cm m3 3,800,000.00 4,180,000.00 1,200.00
E6 Kayu Rimba Campuran (KRC) Basah
1 Balok uk. 8x15x400 cm Balok uk. 8x15x400 cm m3 2,900,000.00 3,190,000.00 1,200.00
2 Balok uk. 8x12x400 cm Balok uk. 8x12x400 cm m3 2,900,000.00 3,190,000.00 1,200.00
3 Balok uk. 6x15x400 cm Balok uk. 6x15x400 cm m3 2,900,000.00 3,190,000.00 1,200.00
4 Balok uk. 6x12x400 cm Balok uk. 6x12x400 cm m3 2,900,000.00 3,190,000.00 1,200.00
5 Balok uk. 5x10x400 cm Balok uk. 5x10x400 cm m3 2,900,000.00 3,190,000.00 1,200.00
6 Kaso uk. 5x7x400 cm Kaso uk. 5x7x400 cm m3 2,800,000.00 3,080,000.00 1,200.00
7 Kaso uk. 4x6x400 cm Kaso uk. 4x6x400 cm m3 2,800,000.00 3,080,000.00 1,200.00
8 Reng uk. 3x4x400 cm Reng uk. 3x4x400 cm m3 2,800,000.00 3,080,000.00 1,200.00
9 Reng uk. 2x3x400 cm Reng uk. 2x3x400 cm m3 2,800,000.00 3,080,000.00 1,200.00
10 Papan uk. 3x30x400 cm Papan uk. 3x30x400 cm m3 3,000,000.00 3,300,000.00 1,200.00
11 Papan uk. 3x25x400 cm Papan uk. 3x25x400 cm m3 3,000,000.00 3,300,000.00 1,200.00
E7 Wallpaper
1 Wallpaper ex. Starwall Wallpaper ex. Starwall m2 95,000.00 104,500.00 12.00

1 Teakwood uk. 3 ft x 7 ft x 3 mm Teakwood uk. 3 ft x 7 ft x 3 mm lbr 75,633.33 83,200.00 8.00
2 Triplek uk. 3 ft x 7 ft x 3 mm Triplek uk. 3 ft x 7 ft x 3 mm lbr 44,166.67 48,590.00 8.00
3 Triplek uk. 3 ft x 7 ft x 4 mm Triplek uk. 3 ft x 7 ft x 4 mm lbr 51,746.67 56,930.00 8.00
4 Triplek uk. 4 ft x 8 ft x 12 mm Triplek uk. 4 ft x 8 ft x 12 mm lbr 180,533.33 198,590.00 8.00
5 Triplek uk. 4 ft x 8 ft x 15 mm Triplek uk. 4 ft x 8 ft x 15 mm lbr 197,666.67 217,440.00 8.00
6 Triplek uk. 3 ft x 7 ft x 18 mm Triplek uk. 3 ft x 7 ft x 18 mm lbr 210,600.00 231,660.00 8.00
7 Plywood 9 mm Plywood 9 mm lbr 125,000.00 137,500.00 8.00
8 Plywood Sungkai uk. 4x8x3 mm Plywood Sungkai uk. 4x8x3 mm lbr 108,350.00 119,190.00 8.00
9 Plywood Sungkai uk. 4x8x18 mm, 1 muka Plywood Sungkai uk. 4x8x18 mm, 1 muka lbr 221,125.00 243,240.00 8.00
10 Plywood Sungkai uk. 4x8xI8 mm, 2 muka Plywood Sungkai uk. 4x8xI8 mm, 2 muka lbr 256,833.33 282,520.00 8.00
11 Bloktik 4" x 8" tebal 18 mm, 1 muka Bloktik 4" x 8" tebal 18 mm, 1 muka lbr 236,733.33 260,410.00 8.00
12 Melamin uk. 4" x 8" (mengkilap) Melamin uk. 4" x 8" (mengkilap) lbr 78,433.33 86,280.00 8.00
13 Melamin uk. 4" x 8" x 3 mm ( perak ) Melamin uk. 4" x 8" x 3 mm ( perak ) lbr 77,900.00 85,690.00 8.00
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
14 HPL setara Taco uk. 120x240 cm HPL setara Taco uk. 120x240 cm lbr 450,000.00 495,000.00 8.00

1 Kayu Meranti type M1 (26x26 mm) Kayu Meranti type M1 (26x26 mm) m' 11,208.33 12,330.00 10.00
2 Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M1 (26x26 mm) Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M1 (26x26 mm) m' 11,408.33 12,550.00 10.00
3 Kayu Meranti type M2 (26x32 mm) Kayu Meranti type M2 (26x32 mm) m' 11,875.00 13,070.00 10.00
4 Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M2 (26x32 Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M2 (26x32 m' 12,066.67 13,280.00 10.00
5 Kayu Meranti type M4 (36x36 mm) Kayu Meranti type M4 (36x36 mm) m' 11,888.89 13,080.00 10.00
6 Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M4 (36x36 mm) Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M4 (36x36 mm) m' 12,858.33 14,150.00 10.00
7 Kayu Meranti type M5 (45x45 mm) Kayu Meranti type M5 (45x45 mm) m' 12,650.00 13,920.00 10.00
8 Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M5 (45x45 mm) Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M5 (45x45 mm) m' 12,500.00 13,750.00 10.00
9 Kayu Meranti type M6 (15x85 mm) Kayu Meranti type M6 (15x85 mm) m' 12,166.67 13,390.00 10.00
10 Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M6 (15x85 mm) Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M6 (15x85 mm) m' 12,541.67 13,800.00 10.00
11 Kayu Meranti type M9 (25x95 mm) Kayu Meranti type M9 (25x95 mm) m' 16,750.00 18,430.00 10.00
12 Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M9 (25x95 mm) Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M9 (25x95 mm) m' 16,000.00 17,600.00 10.00
13 Kayu Meranti type M10 (20X55 mm) Kayu Meranti type M10 (20X55 mm) m' 16,125.00 17,740.00 10.00
14 Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M10 (20x55 mm) Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M10 (20x55 mm) m' 17,833.33 19,620.00 10.00
15 Kayu Meranti type M11 (25x65 mm) Kayu Meranti type M11 (25x65 mm) m' 14,650.00 16,120.00 10.00
16 Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M11 (25x65 mm) Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M11 (25x65 mm) m' 24,025.00 26,430.00 10.00
17 Kayu Meranti type M11A (20x29 mm) Kayu Meranti type M11A (20x29 mm) m' 14,416.67 15,860.00 10.00
18 Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M11A (20x29 mm) Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M11A (20x29 mm) m' 22,038.89 24,250.00 10.00
19 Kayu Meranti type M12 (15x85 cm) Kayu Meranti type M12 (15x85 cm) m' 14,333.33 15,770.00 10.00
20 Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M12 (15x85 mm) Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M12 (15x85 mm) m' 14,283.33 15,720.00 10.00
21 Kayu Meranti type M13 (16x100 mm) Kayu Meranti type M13 (16x100 mm) m' 14,125.00 15,540.00 10.00
22 Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M13 (16x100 mm) Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M13 (16x100 mm) m' 14,125.00 15,540.00 10.00
23 Kayu Meranti type M14 (12x20 mm) Kayu Meranti type M14 (12x20 mm) m' 9,387.50 10,330.00 10.00
24 Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M14 (12x20 mm) Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M14 (12x20 mm) m' 10,062.50 11,070.00 10.00
25 Kayu Meranti type M16 (12x30 mm) Kayu Meranti type M16 (12x30 mm) m' 10,137.50 11,160.00 10.00
26 Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M16 (12x30 mm) Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M16 (12x30 mm) m' 31,833.33 35,020.00 10.00
27 Kayu Meranti type M17 (25x110 mm) Kayu Meranti type M17 (25x110 mm) m' 34,033.33 37,440.00 10.00
28 Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M17 (25x110 mm) Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M17 (25x110 mm) m' 32,250.00 35,480.00 10.00
29 Kayu Meranti type M18 (15x25 mm) Kayu Meranti type M18 (15x25 mm) m' 33,350.00 36,690.00 10.00
30 Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M18 (15x25 mm) Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M18 (15x25 mm) m' 29,250.00 32,180.00 10.00
31 Kayu Meranti type M23 (10x15 mm) Kayu Meranti type M23 (10x15 mm) m' 7,850.00 8,640.00 10.00
32 Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M23 (10x50 mm) Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M23 (10x50 mm) m' 10,600.00 11,660.00 10.00
33 Kayu Meranti type M24 (60x60 mm) Kayu Meranti type M24 (60x60 mm) m' 31,250.00 34,380.00 10.00
34 Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M24 (60x60 mm) Kayu Kamper Samarinda type M24 (60x60 mm) m' 36,250.00 39,880.00 10.00
1 Kusen Model Standart Kusen Model Standart m3 8,750,000.00 9,625,000.00 14.00
2 Pintu Panil Kotak Standart Pintu Panil Kotak Standart m2 912,500.00 1,003,750.00 20.00
3 Pintu Panil Lengkung Atas Pintu Panil Lengkung Atas m2 950,000.00 1,045,000.00 20.00
4 Pintu Panil Bulat / Oval Pintu Panil Bulat / Oval m2 887,500.00 976,250.00 20.00
5 Pintu Panil Variasi 1/2 Lingkaran Pintu Panil Variasi 1/2 Lingkaran m2 875,000.00 962,500.00 20.00
6 Pintu Panil Kaca Pintu Panil Kaca m2 775,000.00 852,500.00 20.00
7 Pintu Panil Krepyak Pintu Panil Krepyak m2 725,000.00 797,500.00 20.00
8 Pintu Kaca Polos Pintu Kaca Polos m2 643,750.00 708,130.00 20.00
9 Pintu Panil Multiplek 12 mm Pintu Panil Multiplek 12 mm m2 775,000.00 852,500.00 20.00
10 Pintu Panil Blokteak 12 mm Pintu Panil Blokteak 12 mm m2 687,500.00 756,250.00 20.00
11 Pintu Double teakwood Pintu Double teakwood Bh 582,500.00 640,750.00 20.00
12 Pintu teakwood Lapis Formika Pintu teakwood Lapis Formika Bh 637,500.00 701,250.00 20.00
13 Pintu Double Triplek Pintu Double Triplek m2 387,500.00 426,250.00 20.00
14 Jendela Kaca Polos Jendela Kaca Polos m2 280,000.00 308,000.00 20.00
15 Jendela Kaca Kotak Jendela Kaca Kotak m2 292,500.00 321,750.00 20.00
16 Jendela Krepyak Jendela Krepyak m2 335,000.00 368,500.00 20.00
17 Jendela Boven Polos Jendela Boven Polos Bh 200,000.00 220,000.00 20.00
18 Jendela Boven Kotak Jendela Boven Kotak Bh 200,000.00 220,000.00 20.00
19 Loster 30 x 30 cm Loster 30 x 30 cm Bh 72,500.00 79,750.00 20.00
1 Kusen Model Standart Kusen Model Standart m3 10,150,000.00 11,165,000.00 14.00
2 Pintu Panil Kotak Standart Pintu Panil Kotak Standart m2 672,500.00 739,750.00 20.00
3 Pintu Panil Lengkung Atas Pintu Panil Lengkung Atas m2 700,000.00 770,000.00 20.00
4 Pintu Panil Bulat / Oval Pintu Panil Bulat / Oval m2 700,000.00 770,000.00 20.00
5 Pintu Panil Variasi 1/2 Lingkaran Pintu Panil Variasi 1/2 Lingkaran m2 690,000.00 759,000.00 20.00
6 Pintu Panil Kaca Pintu Panil Kaca m2 750,000.00 825,000.00 20.00
7 Pintu Panil Krepyak Pintu Panil Krepyak m2 825,000.00 907,500.00 20.00
8 Pintu Kaca Polos Pintu Kaca Polos m2 675,000.00 742,500.00 20.00
9 Pintu Panil Multiplek 12 mm Pintu Panil Multiplek 12 mm m2 550,000.00 605,000.00 20.00
10 Pintu Panil Blokteak 12 mm Pintu Panil Blokteak 12 mm m2 490,000.00 539,000.00 20.00
11 Pintu Double teakwood Pintu Double teakwood Bh 410,000.00 451,000.00 20.00
12 Pintu teakwood Lapis Formika Pintu teakwood Lapis Formika Bh 535,000.00 588,500.00 20.00
13 Pintu Double Triplek Pintu Double Triplek m2 365,000.00 401,500.00 20.00
14 Jendela Kaca Polos Jendela Kaca Polos m2 335,000.00 368,500.00 20.00
15 Jendela Kaca Kotak Jendela Kaca Kotak m2 330,000.00 363,000.00 20.00
16 Jendela Krepyak Jendela Krepyak m2 590,000.00 649,000.00 20.00
17 Jendela Boven Polos Jendela Boven Polos Bh 177,500.00 195,250.00 20.00
18 Jendela Boven Kotak Jendela Boven Kotak Bh 195,000.00 214,500.00 20.00
19 Loster 30 x 30 Loster 30 x 30 Bh 60,000.00 66,000.00 20.00
1 Kusen Model Standart Kusen Model Standart m3 12,257,500.00 13,483,250.00 14.00
2 Pintu Panil Kotak Standart Pintu Panil Kotak Standart m2 1,162,500.00 1,278,750.00 20.00
3 Pintu Panil Lengkung Atas Pintu Panil Lengkung Atas m2 1,212,500.00 1,333,750.00 20.00
4 Pintu Panil Bulat / Oval Pintu Panil Bulat / Oval m2 1,225,000.00 1,347,500.00 20.00
5 Pintu Panil Variasi 1/2 Lingkaran Pintu Panil Variasi 1/2 Lingkaran m2 1,100,000.00 1,210,000.00 20.00
6 Pintu Panil Kaca Pintu Panil Kaca m2 900,000.00 990,000.00 20.00
7 Pintu Panil Krepyak Pintu Panil Krepyak m2 937,500.00 1,031,250.00 20.00
8 Pintu Kaca Polos Pintu Kaca Polos m2 787,500.00 866,250.00 20.00
9 Pintu Panil Multiplek 12 mm Pintu Panil Multiplek 12 mm m2 857,500.00 943,250.00 20.00
10 Pintu Panil Blokteak 12 mm Pintu Panil Blokteak 12 mm m2 882,500.00 970,750.00 20.00
11 Pintu Double teakwood Pintu Double teakwood Bh 637,500.00 701,250.00 20.00
12 Pintu teakwood Lapis Formika Pintu teakwood Lapis Formika Bh 737,500.00 811,250.00 20.00
13 Pintu Double Triplek Pintu Double Triplek m2 462,500.00 508,750.00 20.00
14 Jendela Kaca Polos Jendela Kaca Polos m2 448,750.00 493,630.00 20.00
15 Jendela Kaca Kotak Jendela Kaca Kotak m2 457,500.00 503,250.00 20.00
16 Jendela Krepyak Jendela Krepyak m2 582,500.00 640,750.00 20.00
17 Jendela Boven Polos Jendela Boven Polos Bh 337,000.00 370,700.00 20.00
18 Jendela Boven Kotak Jendela Boven Kotak Bh 339,000.00 372,900.00 20.00
19 Loster 30 x 30 Loster 30 x 30 Bh 72,500.00 79,750.00 20.00
1 Kusen Model Standart Kusen Model Standart m3 11,730,000.00 12,903,000.00 14.00
2 Pintu Panil Kotak Standart Pintu Panil Kotak Standart m2 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 20.00
3 Pintu Panil Lengkung Atas Pintu Panil Lengkung Atas m2 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 20.00
4 Pintu Panil Bulat / Oval Pintu Panil Bulat / Oval m2 1,100,000.00 1,210,000.00 20.00
5 Pintu Panil Variasi 1/2 Lingkaran Pintu Panil Variasi 1/2 Lingkaran m2 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 20.00
6 Pintu Panil Kaca Pintu Panil Kaca m2 820,000.00 902,000.00 20.00
7 Pintu Panil Krepyak Pintu Panil Krepyak m2 920,000.00 1,012,000.00 20.00
8 Pintu Kaca Polos Pintu Kaca Polos m2 670,000.00 737,000.00 20.00
9 Pintu Panil Multiplek 12 mm Pintu Panil Multiplek 12 mm m2 770,000.00 847,000.00 20.00
10 Pintu Panil Blokteak 12 mm Pintu Panil Blokteak 12 mm m2 820,000.00 902,000.00 20.00
11 Pintu Double teakwood Pintu Double teakwood Bh 500,000.00 550,000.00 20.00
12 Pintu teakwood Lapis Formika Pintu teakwood Lapis Formika Bh 650,000.00 715,000.00 20.00
13 Pintu Double Triplek Pintu Double Triplek m2 500,000.00 550,000.00 20.00
14 Jendela Kaca Polos Jendela Kaca Polos m2 375,000.00 412,500.00 20.00
15 Jendela Kaca Kotak Jendela Kaca Kotak m2 400,000.00 440,000.00 20.00
16 Jendela Krepyak Jendela Krepyak m2 400,000.00 440,000.00 20.00
17 Jendela Boven Polos Jendela Boven Polos Bh 300,000.00 330,000.00 20.00
18 Jendela Boven Kotak Jendela Boven Kotak Bh 350,000.00 385,000.00 20.00
19 Loster 30 x 30 Loster 30 x 30 Bh 85,000.00 93,500.00 20.00
1 Kusen Model Standart Kusen Model Standart m3 14,260,000.00 15,686,000.00 14.00
2 Pintu Panil Kotak Standart Pintu Panil Kotak Standart m2 1,533,333.33 1,686,670.00 20.00
3 Pintu Panil Lengkung Atas Pintu Panil Lengkung Atas m2 1,050,000.00 1,155,000.00 20.00
4 Pintu Panil Bulat / Oval Pintu Panil Bulat / Oval m2 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 20.00
5 Pintu Panil Variasi 1/2 Lingkaran Pintu Panil Variasi 1/2 Lingkaran m2 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 20.00
6 Pintu Panil Kaca Pintu Panil Kaca m2 825,000.00 907,500.00 20.00
7 Pintu Panil Krepyak Pintu Panil Krepyak m2 880,833.33 968,920.00 20.00
8 Pintu Kaca Polos Pintu Kaca Polos m2 900,000.00 990,000.00 20.00
9 Pintu Panil Multiplek 12 mm Pintu Panil Multiplek 12 mm m2 708,333.33 779,170.00 20.00
10 Pintu Panil Blokteak 12 mm Pintu Panil Blokteak 12 mm m2 708,333.33 779,170.00 20.00
11 Pintu Double teakwood Pintu Double teakwood Bh 166,666.67 183,340.00 20.00
12 Pintu teakwood Lapis Formika Pintu teakwood Lapis Formika Bh 683,333.33 751,670.00 20.00
13 Pintu Double Triplek Pintu Double Triplek m2 550,000.00 605,000.00 20.00
14 Jendela Kaca Polos Jendela Kaca Polos m2 368,750.00 405,630.00 20.00
15 Jendela Kaca Kotak Jendela Kaca Kotak m2 410,000.00 451,000.00 20.00
16 Jendela Krepyak Jendela Krepyak m2 810,000.00 891,000.00 20.00
17 Jendela Boven Polos Jendela Boven Polos Bh 218,750.00 240,630.00 20.00
18 Jendela Boven Kotak Jendela Boven Kotak Bh 281,666.67 309,840.00 20.00
19 Loster 30 x 30 Loster 30 x 30 Bh 61,666.67 67,840.00 20.00
1 Kusen Model Standart Kusen Model Standart m3 25,500,000.00 28,050,000.00 14.00
2 Pintu Panil Kotak Standart Pintu Panil Kotak Standart m2 2,523,000.00 2,775,300.00 20.00
3 Pintu Panil Lengkung Atas Pintu Panil Lengkung Atas m2 2,574,000.00 2,831,400.00 20.00
4 Pintu Panil Bulat / Oval Pintu Panil Bulat / Oval m2 2,676,000.00 2,943,600.00 20.00
5 Pintu Panil Variasi 1/2 Lingkaran Pintu Panil Variasi 1/2 Lingkaran m2 2,625,000.00 2,887,500.00 20.00
6 Pintu Panil Kaca Pintu Panil Kaca m2 1,836,000.00 2,019,600.00 20.00
7 Pintu Panil Krepyak Pintu Panil Krepyak m2 2,550,000.00 2,805,000.00 20.00
8 Pintu Kaca Polos Pintu Kaca Polos m2 1,530,000.00 1,683,000.00 20.00
9 Pintu Panil Multiplek 12 mm Pintu Panil Multiplek 12 mm m2 1,606,500.00 1,767,150.00 20.00
10 Pintu Panil Blokteak 12 mm Pintu Panil Blokteak 12 mm m2 1,708,500.00 1,879,350.00 20.00
11 Pintu Double teakwood Pintu Double teakwood Bh 790,500.00 869,550.00 20.00
12 Pintu teakwood Lapis Formika Pintu teakwood Lapis Formika Bh 918,000.00 1,009,800.00 20.00
13 Pintu Double Triplek Pintu Double Triplek m2 688,500.00 757,350.00 20.00
14 Jendela Kaca Polos Jendela Kaca Polos m2 959,000.00 1,054,900.00 20.00
15 Jendela Kaca Kotak Jendela Kaca Kotak m2 1,010,000.00 1,111,000.00 20.00
16 Jendela Krepyak Jendela Krepyak m2 1,061,000.00 1,167,100.00 20.00
17 Jendela Boven Polos Jendela Boven Polos Bh 479,500.00 527,450.00 20.00
18 Jendela Boven Kotak Jendela Boven Kotak Bh 505,000.00 555,500.00 20.00
19 Loster 30 x 30 Loster 30 x 30 Bh 189,250.00 208,180.00 20.00
1 Kusen Model Standart Kusen Model Standart m3 23,000,000.00 25,300,000.00 14.00
2 Pintu Panil Kotak Standart Pintu Panil Kotak Standart m2 3,342,500.00 3,676,750.00 20.00
3 Pintu Panil Lengkung Atas Pintu Panil Lengkung Atas m2 3,136,000.00 3,449,600.00 20.00
4 Pintu Panil Bulat / Oval Pintu Panil Bulat / Oval m2 3,188,000.00 3,506,800.00 20.00
5 Pintu Panil Variasi 1/2 Lingkaran Pintu Panil Variasi 1/2 Lingkaran m2 2,787,000.00 3,065,700.00 20.00
6 Pintu Panil Kaca Pintu Panil Kaca m2 2,780,000.00 3,058,000.00 20.00
7 Pintu Panil Krepyak Pintu Panil Krepyak m2 2,586,000.00 2,844,600.00 20.00
8 Pintu Kaca Polos Pintu Kaca Polos m2 1,935,000.00 2,128,500.00 20.00
9 Pintu Panil Multiplek 12 mm Pintu Panil Multiplek 12 mm m2 2,061,500.00 2,267,650.00 20.00
10 Pintu Panil Blokteak 12 mm Pintu Panil Blokteak 12 mm m2 1,662,500.00 1,828,750.00 20.00
11 Pintu Double teakwood Pintu Double teakwood Bh 934,500.00 1,027,950.00 20.00
12 Pintu teakwood Lapis Formika Pintu teakwood Lapis Formika Bh 860,250.00 946,280.00 20.00
13 Pintu Double Triplek Pintu Double Triplek m2 852,900.00 938,190.00 20.00
14 Jendela Kaca Polos Jendela Kaca Polos m2 1,594,250.00 1,753,680.00 20.00
15 Jendela Kaca Kotak Jendela Kaca Kotak m2 1,302,250.00 1,432,480.00 20.00
16 Jendela Krepyak Jendela Krepyak m2 1,028,250.00 1,131,080.00 20.00
17 Jendela Boven Polos Jendela Boven Polos Bh 632,500.00 695,750.00 20.00
18 Jendela Boven Kotak Jendela Boven Kotak Bh 485,300.00 533,830.00 20.00
19 Loster 30 x 30 Loster 30 x 30 Bh 260,100.00 286,110.00 20.00
1 Kusen aluminium dia.3" CA (natural) Kusen aluminium dia.3" CA (natural) m' 78,760.00 86,640.00 6.00
2 Kusen aluminium dia.3" warna (Hitam & Coklat) Kusen aluminium dia.3" warna (Hitam & Coklat) m' 92,075.00 101,290.00 6.00
3 Kusen aluminium dia.4" CA (natural) Kusen aluminium dia.4" CA (natural) m' 98,450.00 108,300.00 8.00
4 Kusen aluminium dia.4" warna (Hitam & Coklat) Kusen aluminium dia.4" warna (Hitam & Coklat) m' 126,765.00 139,450.00 8.00
5 Rolling Door Besi Rolling Door Besi m2 266,000.00 292,600.00 20.00
6 Kusen Box Stainless Steel 38 cm t = 1,5 mm Kusen Box Stainless Steel 38 cm t = 1,5 mm m' 850,000.00 935,000.00 15.00
7 Kusen Aluminium 4" powder coating Kusen Aluminium 4" powder coating m' 145,000.00 159,500.00 15.00
8 Pintu alumunium - swing + floorhinge Pintu alumunium - swing + floorhinge m2 3,549,400.00 3,904,340.00 20.00
9 Pisher Pintu alumunium - swing + door closer m2 2,356,300.00 2,591,930.00 20.00
10 List Karet Kaca List Karet Kaca M' 3,000.00 3,300.00 1.00
11 Sealan Karet Kusen Sealan Karet Kusen M' 2,500.00 2,750.00 0.20
12 Paku Skrup Paku Skrup M' 1,500.00 1,650.00 0.20
13 Pisher Pisher Psg 3,000.00 3,300.00 0.20
14 Pintu Besi Pintu Besi M2 2,356,300.00 2,591,930.00 40.00
15 Kusen +Daun Pintu PVC lengkap engsel/kunci Kusen +Daun Pintu PVC lengkap engsel/kunci Unit 350,000.00 385,000.00 21.00
16 Bingkai Daun Pintu Aluminium Warna Bingkai Daun Pintu Aluminium Warna M1 615,636.50 677,210.00 32.00
17 Kusen Baja C 125.50 Kusen Baja C 125.50 Kg 18,052.11 19,860.00 12.00
18 Daun Pintu baja Daun Pintu baja m2 615,636.50 677,210.00 32.00
19 Plat Dudukan Tiang Railling Plat Dudukan Tiang Railling kg 17,300.00 19,030.00 3.00
20 DinaBolt dia.12 mm DinaBolt dia.12 mm bh 13,100.00 14,410.00 1.00
21 Pipa Tiang Stainlesstell dia. 1,5" Pipa Tiang Stainlesstell dia. 1,5" btg 470,550.00 517,610.00 31.00
22 Railling Pipa Bawah Stainlesstell dia. 1" Railling Pipa Bawah Stainlesstell dia. 1" btg 264,960.00 291,460.00 23.00
23 Railling Pipa Tengah Stainlesstell dia. 3/4" Railling Pipa Tengah Stainlesstell dia. 3/4" btg 230,400.00 253,440.00 22.00
24 Railling Pipa Atas Stainlesstell dia. 1" Railling Pipa Atas Stainlesstell dia. 1" btg 264,960.00 291,460.00 21.00
25 Railling Pipa Vertikal Stainlesstell dia. 3/4" Railling Pipa Vertikal Stainlesstell dia. 3/4" btg 230,400.00 253,440.00 8.00
26 Rangka daun pintu swing uk. 90 x 210 cm CA (natural) Rangka daun pintu swing uk. 90 x 210 cm CA (natural) m' 98,501.00 108,360.00 9.00
27 Rangka daun pintu swing uk. 90 x 210 cm warna (Hitam & Coklat) Rangka daun pintu swing uk. 90 x 210 cm warna (Hitam & Coklat) m' 126,765.00 139,450.00 15.00
28 Rangka daun pintu sliding uk. 90 x 210 cm CA (natural) Rangka daun pintu sliding uk. 90 x 210 cm CA (natural) m' 98,475.50 108,330.00 15.00
29 Rangka daun pintu sliding uk. 90 x 210 cm warna (Hitam & Coklat) Rangka daun pintu sliding uk. 90 x 210 cm warna (Hitam & Coklat) m' 126,765.00 139,450.00 15.00
30 Pintu engsel floor hinge dorma uk. 90 x 210 cm CA (natural) Pintu engsel floor hinge dorma uk. 90 x 210 cm CA (natural) unit 1,848,600.00 2,033,460.00 15.00
31 Pintu engsel floor hinge dorma uk. 210 x 210 cm warna (Hitam & Coklat) Pintu engsel floor hinge dorma uk. 210 x 210 cm warna (Hitam & Coklat) unit 6,021,750.00 6,623,930.00 15.00
32 Pintu framlis (kaca 12 mm) uk. 90 x 210 cm CA (natural) Pintu framlis (kaca 12 mm) uk. 90 x 210 cm CA (natural) unit 3,504,900.00 3,855,390.00 15.00
33 Pintu framlis (kaca 12 rnm) uk. 90 x 210 cm warna (Hitam & Coklat) Pintu framlis (kaca 12 rnm) uk. 90 x 210 cm warna (Hitam & Coklat) unit 3,796,550.00 4,176,210.00 15.00
34 Pintu fitting (kaca tempered 12 mm) uk. 90 x 210 cm Pintu fitting (kaca tempered 12 mm) uk. 90 x 210 cm unit 4,774,500.00 5,251,950.00 15.00
35 Rangka daun jendela casement uk. 60 x 125 cm CA (natural) Rangka daun jendela casement uk. 60 x 125 cm CA (natural) m' 193,800.00 213,180.00 15.00
36 Rangka daun jendela casement uk. 60 x 125 cm warna (Hitam & Coklat) Rangka daun jendela casement uk. 60 x 125 cm warna (Hitam & Coklat) m' 103,530.00 113,890.00 15.00
37 Rangka daun jendela sliding uk. 64 x 125 cm CA (natural) Rangka daun jendela sliding uk. 64 x 125 cm CA (natural) m' 96,900.00 106,590.00 15.00
38 Rangka daun jendela sliding uk. 64 x 125 cm warna (Hitam & Coklat) Rangka daun jendela sliding uk. 64 x 125 cm warna (Hitam & Coklat) m' 103,530.00 113,890.00 15.00
39 Lem silikon down croning merah Lem silikon down croning merah m' 6,523.00 7,180.00 2.00
40 Sealant Sealant m' 8,109.00 8,920.00 0.10
41 List Karet List Karet m' 2,703.00 2,980.00 0.10
1 Cat tembok (luar) putih isi 20 ltr Cat tembok (luar) putih isi 20 ltr klg 1,159,565.73 1,275,530.00 20.00
2 Cat tembok (luar) warna isi 20 ltr Cat tembok (luar) warna isi 20 ltr klg 1,178,897.47 1,296,790.00 20.00
3 Cat tembok (dalam) putih isi 20 ltr Cat tembok (dalam) putih isi 20 ltr klg 1,056,311.33 1,161,950.00 20.00
4 Cat tembok (dalam) warna isi 2 ltr Cat tembok (dalam) warna isi 2 ltr klg 1,053,535.67 1,158,890.00 2.00
5 Cat besi putih Cat besi putih klg 72,225.07 79,450.00 1.00
6 Cat besi warna (biasa) Cat besi warna (biasa) klg 70,696.53 77,770.00 1.00
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
7 Cat besi warna (khusus) Cat besi warna (khusus) klg 81,507.97 89,660.00 1.00
a Dulux / ICI Dulux / ICI
1 Cat tembok (luar) putih isi 2,5 ltr = 3,5 kg Cat tembok (luar) putih isi 2,5 ltr = 3,5 kg klg 195,433.33 214,980.00 3.50
2 Cat tembok (luar) warna biasa isi 2,5 ltr = 3,5 kg Cat tembok (luar) warna biasa isi 2,5 ltr = 3,5 kg klg 205,277.10 225,810.00 3.50
3 Cat tembok (luar) warna tua isi 2,5 ltr = 3,5 kg Cat tembok (luar) warna tua isi 2,5 ltr = 3,5 kg klg 197,266.67 217,000.00 3.50
4 Cat tembok (dalam) putih isi 2,5 ltr = 3,5 kg Cat tembok (dalam) putih isi 2,5 ltr = 3,5 kg klg 126,640.00 139,310.00 3.50
5 Cat tembok (dalam) warna biasa isi 2,5 ltr = 3,5 kg Cat tembok (dalam) warna biasa isi 2,5 ltr = 3,5 kg klg 141,546.67 155,710.00 3.50
6 Cat tembok (dalam) warna tua isi 2,5 ltr = 3,5 kg Cat tembok (dalam) warna tua isi 2,5 ltr = 3,5 kg klg 127,660.00 140,430.00 3.50
7 Cat tembok (luar) putih dan warna isi 20,5 ltr = 28 kg Cat tembok (luar) putih dan warna isi 20,5 ltr = 28 kg klg 1,300,973.33 1,431,080.00 28.00
8 Cat tembok (dalam) putih dan warna isi 20,5 ltr = 28 kg Cat tembok (dalam) putih dan warna isi 20,5 ltr = 28 kg klg 911,406.67 1,002,550.00 28.00
9 Matex 5 kg Matex 5 kg klg 55,053.33 60,560.00 5.00
b Vinilex Vinilex
1 Cat tembok (luar/dalam) putih dan warna isi 25 kg = 1 galon Cat tembok (luar/dalam) putih dan warna isi 25 kg = 1 galon klg 410,800.00 451,880.00 25.00
2 Cat tembok (luar/dalam) putih dan warna isi 5 kg Cat tembok (luar/dalam) putih dan warna isi 5 kg klg 129,966.67 142,970.00 5.00
1 Cat kayu/besi Glotex Cat kayu/besi Glotex klg 39,306.67 43,240.00 1.00
2 Cat kayu/besi ICI (1 ltr/kg) Dulux Cat kayu/besi ICI (1 ltr/kg) Dulux klg 64,216.67 70,640.00 1.00
3 Cat kayu/besi Bree Brand Cat kayu/besi Bree Brand klg 45,500.00 50,050.00 1.00
4 Cat kayu/besi Platone Cat kayu/besi Platone klg 34,840.00 38,330.00 1.00
5 Cat kayu/besi Mowilex Cat kayu/besi Mowilex klg 55,606.67 61,170.00 1.00
6 Cat kayu/besi Ptalit Cat kayu/besi Ptalit klg 46,590.00 51,250.00 1.00
7 A-H Metalic Floor Hardemer Non Mealic Ex Anty Hyro Usa (Premixed) A-H Metalic Floor Hardemer Non Mealic Ex Anty Hyro Usa (Premixed) kg 6,800.00 7,480.00 1.00
8 Wescon-Sm 1 floor Hardemerner Non Metalic Ex Sky Asia (Wescon-Sm) Wescon-Sm 1 floor Hardemerner Non Metalic Ex Sky Asia (Wescon-Sm) kg 5,883.33 6,480.00 1.00
9 Wescon-Sm 1 floor Hardemerner Non Metalic Ex Sky Asia (Wescon-Sm) Wescon-Sm 1 floor Hardemerner Non Metalic Ex Sky Asia (Wescon-Sm) kg 4,079.17 4,490.00 1.00
10 Epoxy Resins Epoxy Resins kg 9,122.50 10,040.00 1.00
11 Resiner 8 Oil Base Resiner 8 Oil Base kg 18,166.67 19,990.00 1.00
12 Indobond/bonding argent Indobond/bonding argent kg 223,875.00 246,270.00 1.00
13 Palladien PIT (3 mm), Sbs Modified Palladien PIT (3 mm), Sbs Modified kg 294,413.33 323,860.00 1.00
14 Palladien PIT (1 mm), Sbs Modified Palladien PIT (1 mm), Sbs Modified kg 353,127.50 388,450.00 1.00
15 Palladien Granuler Pmt (4 mm), Sbs Modified Palladien Granuler Pmt (4 mm), Sbs Modified kg 326,616.00 359,280.00 1.00
16 Multifun Ptf (4 mm), App Modifield Multifun Ptf (4 mm), App Modifield kg 326,616.00 359,280.00 1.00
17 Multifun Ptf (3 mm), App Modifield Multifun Ptf (3 mm), App Modifield kg 331,152.50 364,270.00 1.00
18 Multifun Ptf (4 mm), App Modifield (khusus untuk kamar) Multifun Ptf (4 mm), App Modifield (khusus untuk kamar) kg 130,089.60 143,100.00 1.00
19 Squaproof 1 kg Squaproof 1 kg kg 45,200.00 49,720.00 1.00
20 Aquaproof 4 kg Aquaproof 4 kg kg 152,366.67 167,610.00 1.00
21 Aquaproof 20 kg Aquaproof 20 kg kg 642,000.00 706,200.00 1.00
22 Propan Decor DWF 4 kg Propan Decor DWF 4 kg kg 55,461.76 61,010.00 1.00
23 Propan CKS cor DWF 25 Kg Propan CKS cor DWF 25 Kg kg 479,926.25 527,920.00 1.00
24 Propan Decor DWF Propan Decor DWF kg 28,983.33 31,890.00 1.00
25 Ultraproof Ultraproof kg 161,550.00 177,710.00 1.00
26 Ultraproof 25 kg Ultraproof 25 kg kg 652,950.21 718,250.00 1.00
27 Teknnokote cat lapangan 5 kg Teknnokote cat lapangan 5 kg kg 179,500.00 197,450.00 1.00
a Geotextile Non Woven (lokal) Geotextile Non Woven (lokal)
1 Type 250 gr/m2, warna putih uk. roll 4 m x 100 m Geotextile Non Woven (lokal) Type 250 gr/m2, warna putih uk. roll 4 m x 100 m m2 9,090.00 10,000.00 2.00
2 Type 300 gr/m2, warna putih uk. roll 4 m x 100 m Geotextile Non Woven (lokal) Type 300 gr/m2, warna putih uk. roll 4 m x 100 m m2 9,595.00 10,560.00 2.00
3 Type 350 gr/m2, warna putih uk. roll 4 m x 100 m Geotextile Non Woven (lokal) Type 350 gr/m2, warna putih uk. roll 4 m x 100 m m2 10,605.00 11,670.00 2.00
4 Type 400 gr/m2, warna putih uk. roll 4 m x 100 m Geotextile Non Woven (lokal) Type 400 gr/m2, warna putih uk. roll 4 m x 100 m m2 12,120.00 13,340.00 2.00
5 Type 500 gr/m2, warna putih uk. roll 4 m x 100 m Geotextile Non Woven (lokal) Type 500 gr/m2, warna putih uk. roll 4 m x 100 m m2 15,150.00 16,670.00 2.00
6 Type 600 gr/m2, warna putih uk. roll 4 m x 100 m Geotextile Non Woven (lokal) Type 600 gr/m2, warna putih uk. roll 4 m x 100 m m2 18,685.00 20,560.00 2.00
b Tensar TRIAX Geogrid (UK - Inggris) Tensar TRIAX Geogrid (UK - Inggris)
1 Type TX-160, segitiga, radial stiffnes 430 kN/m uk. roll 3,8 m x 75 m Tensar TRIAX Geogrid (UK - Inggris) Type TX-160, segitiga, radial stiffnes 430 kN/m uk. roll 3,8 m x 75 m m2 33,467.50 36,820.00 3.00
2 Type TX-170, segitiga, radial stiffnes 580 kN/m uk. roll 3,8 m x 75 m Tensar TRIAX Geogrid (UK - Inggris) Type TX-170, segitiga, radial stiffnes 580 kN/m uk. roll 3,8 m x 75 m m2 39,552.50 43,510.00 3.00
1 Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 15x30x2 Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 15x30x2 m2 160,250.00 193,000.00 20.00
2 Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 20x20x2 Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 20x20x2 m2 162,500.00 195,000.00 20.00
3 Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 20x30x2 Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 20x30x2 lbr 165,400.00 199,000.00 2.00
4 Mozaik uk. 30/30 motif Tosca Amerika Mozaik uk. 30/30 motif Tosca Amerika lbr 45,250.00 55,000.00 2.00
5 Vinil uk. 30/30 1,6 mm (Amerika) Vinil uk. 30/30 1,6 mm (Amerika) m2 33,600.00 41,000.00 3.00
6 Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 60 x 90 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 60 x 90 x 2 cm m2 305,000.00 366,000.00 30.00
7 Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 60 x 60 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 60 x 60 x 2 cm m2 262,500.00 315,000.00 28.00
8 Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 60 x 30 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 60 x 30 x 2 cm m2 195,000.00 234,000.00 25.00
9 Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 60 x 40 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 60 x 40 x 2 cm m2 210,000.00 252,000.00 28.00
10 Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 40 x 40 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 40 x 40 x 2 cm m2 210,000.00 252,000.00 25.00
11 Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 30 x 40 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 30 x 40 x 2 cm m2 178,750.00 215,000.00 23.00
12 Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 30 x 30 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 30 x 30 x 2 cm m2 162,500.00 195,000.00 20.00
13 Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 30 x 10 x 1 cm Ubin Marmer Bandung uk. 30 x 10 x 1 cm m2 112,000.00 135,000.00 18.00
14 Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 60 x 90 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 60 x 90 x 2 cm m2 520,000.00 624,000.00 30.00
15 Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 60 x 60 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 60 x 60 x 2 cm m2 487,500.00 585,000.00 28.00
16 Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 60 x 30 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 60 x 30 x 2 cm m2 325,000.00 390,000.00 25.00
17 Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 60 x 40 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 60 x 40 x 2 cm m2 338,000.00 406,000.00 28.00
18 Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 40 x 40 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 40 x 40 x 2 cm m2 338,000.00 406,000.00 25.00
19 Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 30 x 40 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 30 x 40 x 2 cm m2 273,000.00 328,000.00 23.00
20 Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 30 x 30 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 30 x 30 x 2 cm m2 273,000.00 328,000.00 20.00
21 Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 10 x 60 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 10 x 60 x 2 cm m2 127,500.00 153,000.00 18.00
22 Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 10 x 40 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 10 x 40 x 2 cm m2 110,000.00 132,000.00 18.00
23 Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 10 x 30 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 10 x 30 x 2 cm m2 110,000.00 132,000.00 18.00
24 Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 10 x 120 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 10 x 120 x 2 cm m2 360,000.00 432,000.00 18.00
25 Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 100 x 100 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 100 x 100 x 2 cm m2 530,000.00 636,000.00 18.00
26 Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 100 x 200 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 100 x 200 x 2 cm m2 525,000.00 630,000.00 18.00
27 Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 120 x 240 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 120 x 240 x 2 cm m2 519,600.00 624,000.00 18.00
28 Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 150 x 250 x 2 cm Ubin Marmer Lampung Cristaline uk. 150 x 250 x 2 cm m2 625,000.00 750,000.00 18.00
29 Ubin Marmer Ujung Pandang Crema Evory Ubin Marmer Ujung Pandang Crema Evory m2 580,000.00 696,000.00 18.00
30 Ubin Marmer Ujung Pandang Golden Perlato Ubin Marmer Ujung Pandang Golden Perlato m2 580,000.00 696,000.00 18.00
31 Ubin Marmer Ujung Pandang Ciang Po Blue Ubin Marmer Ujung Pandang Ciang Po Blue m2 580,000.00 696,000.00 18.00
32 Ubin Marmer Ujung Pandang Crema ol Ubin Marmer Ujung Pandang Crema ol m2 480,000.00 576,000.00 18.00
33 Ubin Marmer Ujung Pandang Flower Gray Ubin Marmer Ujung Pandang Flower Gray m2 580,000.00 696,000.00 18.00
34 Ubin Marmer Ex. Tulung Angung Ubin Marmer Ex. Tulung Angung m2 475,000.00 570,000.00 18.00
35 Ubin Marmer Import Gracia Damaskata Ubin Marmer Import Gracia Damaskata m2 825,000.00 990,000.00 18.00
36 Ubin Marmer Import Drak Emperador Ubin Marmer Import Drak Emperador m2 980,000.00 1,176,000.00 18.00
37 Ubin Marmer Import Light Emperador Ubin Marmer Import Light Emperador m2 980,000.00 1,176,000.00 18.00
1 Red oak lam parquet uk. 1,5 x 6 x 30 cm Red oak lam parquet uk. 1,5 x 6 x 30 cm m2 115,600.00 139,000.00 4.00
2 Red oak lam parquet uk. 1 x 5 x 30 cm Red oak lam parquet uk. 1 x 5 x 30 cm m2 105,450.00 127,000.00 4.00
3 Mozaik jati uk. 0,8 x 46 x 46 (+/- 15 cm) Mozaik jati uk. 0,8 x 46 x 46 (+/- 15 cm) m2 68,950.00 83,000.00 4.00
4 Mozaik jati uk. 0,8 x 50,6 x 50,6 (+/- 12,5 cm) Mozaik jati uk. 0,8 x 50,6 x 50,6 (+/- 12,5 cm) m2 58,900.00 71,000.00 4.00
5 Jati lem parquet uk. 1 x 5 x 30 cm Jati lem parquet uk. 1 x 5 x 30 cm m2 138,975.00 167,000.00 4.00
6 Jati lem parquet uk. 1 x 7 x 35 cm Jati lem parquet uk. 1 x 7 x 35 cm m2 148,750.00 179,000.00 4.00
7 Jati lem parquet uk. 1 x 5 x 25 cm Jati lem parquet uk. 1 x 5 x 25 cm m2 98,700.00 119,000.00 4.00
8 Tg. parkit jati uk. 1,8 x 5 x 30 cm Tg. parkit jati uk. 1,8 x 5 x 30 cm m2 102,580.00 124,000.00 4.00
9 Graculad Graculad m2 166,200.00 200,000.00 4.00
10 Gracewood 144 M Gracewood 144 M m2 179,690.00 216,000.00 4.00
11 Parkit (Kronospan) uk. 19 X 120 cm Parkit (Kronospan) uk. 19 X 120 cm m2 180,000.00 216,000.00 4.00
12 Parkit (Dream Wood) uk. 19 X 120 cm Parkit (Dream Wood) uk. 19 X 120 cm m2 180,000.00 216,000.00 4.00
13 Homogeneous Compact Vinnyl t = 2 mm ex. Tarkett, Tajima Homogeneous Compact Vinnyl t = 2 mm ex. Tarkett, Tajima m2 642,000.00 771,000.00 4.00
1 Standar glasia putih kilap uk. 20 x 20 cm (lantai) Standar glasia putih kilap uk. 20 x 20 cm (lantai) m2 37,100.00 45,000.00 18.00
2 Standar glasia putih kilap uk. 20 x 20 cm (dinding) Standar glasia putih kilap uk. 20 x 20 cm (dinding) m2 44,285.00 54,000.00 18.00
3 Standar gress (Vitrified Body) premium uk. 20x20 cm (dinding) Standar gress (Vitrified Body) premium uk. 20x20 cm (dinding) m2 35,869.00 44,000.00 18.00
4 Semi gress standard Trivinia putih kilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Semi gress standard Trivinia putih kilap uk. 30 x 30 cm m2 41,645.00 50,000.00 18.00
5 Semi standard Messina abu kilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Semi standard Messina abu kilap uk. 30 x 30 cm m2 42,600.00 52,000.00 18.00
6 Semi gress eksklusif saratoga abo ambossed uk. 30 x 30 cm Semi gress eksklusif saratoga abo ambossed uk. 30 x 30 cm m2 42,050.00 51,000.00 18.00
Floor/Wall tiled Floor/Wall tiled
1 Ubin uk. 33.3 x 33.3 cm Gol A Ubin uk. 33.3 x 33.3 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 93,000.00 112,000.00 18.00
2 Ubin uk. 33.3 x 33.3 cm Gol AS Ubin uk. 33.3 x 33.3 cm Gol AS Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 98,000.00 118,000.00 18.00
3 Ubin uk. 33.3 x 33.3 cm Gol B Ubin uk. 33.3 x 33.3 cm Gol B Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 107,000.00 129,000.00 18.00
4 Ubin uk. 33.3 x 33.3 cm Gol C Ubin uk. 33.3 x 33.3 cm Gol C Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 130,000.00 156,000.00 18.00
7 Ubin uk. 16,5 x 33.3 cm Gol A Ubin uk. 16,5 x 33.3 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 106,000.00 128,000.00 18.00
8 Ubin uk. 16,5 x 16,5 cm Gol A Ubin uk. 16,5 x 16,5 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 106,000.00 128,000.00 18.00
9 Ubin uk. 30 x 30 cm Gol B Ubin uk. 30 x 30 cm Gol B Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 82,000.00 99,000.00 18.00
10 Ubin uk. 30 x 30 cm Gol C Ubin uk. 30 x 30 cm Gol C Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 86,000.00 104,000.00 18.00
11 Ubin uk. 30 x 30 cm Gol D Ubin uk. 30 x 30 cm Gol D Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 92,000.00 111,000.00 18.00
12 Ubin uk. 33.3 x 66.6 cm Gol A Ubin uk. 33.3 x 66.6 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 167,000.00 201,000.00 18.00
13 Ubin uk. 33.3 x 66.6 cm Gol C Ubin uk. 33.3 x 66.6 cm Gol C Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 187,000.00 225,000.00 18.00
14 Ubin uk. 16.5 x 66.6 cm Gol A Ubin uk. 16.5 x 66.6 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 206,000.00 248,000.00 18.00
15 Ubin uk. 60 x 60 cm Gol A Ubin uk. 60 x 60 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 148,000.00 178,000.00 18.00
16 Ubin uk. 60 x 60 cm Gol B Ubin uk. 60 x 60 cm Gol B Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 168,000.00 202,000.00 18.00
17 Ubin uk. 60 x 60 cm Gol C Ubin uk. 60 x 60 cm Gol C Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 193,000.00 232,000.00 18.00
18 Ubin uk. 50 x 50 cm Gol A Ubin uk. 50 x 50 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 118,000.00 142,000.00 18.00
19 Ubin uk. 50 x 50 cm Gol AS Ubin uk. 50 x 50 cm Gol AS Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 122,000.00 147,000.00 18.00
20 Ubin uk. 50 x 50 cm Gol B Ubin uk. 50 x 50 cm Gol B Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 127,000.00 153,000.00 18.00
21 Ubin uk. 50 x 50 cm Gol C Ubin uk. 50 x 50 cm Gol C Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 144,000.00 173,000.00 18.00
22 Ubin uk. 45 x 45 cm Gol A Ubin uk. 45 x 45 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 102,000.00 123,000.00 18.00
23 Ubin uk. 45 x 45 cm Gol B Ubin uk. 45 x 45 cm Gol B Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 108,000.00 130,000.00 18.00
24 Ubin uk. 45 x 45 cm Gol C Ubin uk. 45 x 45 cm Gol C Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 145,000.00 174,000.00 18.00
25 Ubin uk. 40 x 40 cm Gol A Ubin uk. 40 x 40 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 92,000.00 111,000.00 18.00
26 Ubin uk. 40 x 40 cm Gol B Ubin uk. 40 x 40 cm Gol B Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 96,000.00 116,000.00 18.00
27 Ubin uk. 40 x 40 cm Gol C Ubin uk. 40 x 40 cm Gol C Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 100,000.00 120,000.00 18.00
28 Ubin uk. 40 x 40 cm Gol D Ubin uk. 40 x 40 cm Gol D Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 105,000.00 126,000.00 18.00
29 Ubin uk. 25 x 45 cm Gol A Ubin uk. 25 x 45 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 87,000.00 105,000.00 18.00
30 Ubin uk. 25 x 45 cm Gol AS Ubin uk. 25 x 45 cm Gol AS Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 91,500.00 110,000.00 18.00
31 Ubin uk. 25 x 45 cm Gol B Ubin uk. 25 x 45 cm Gol B Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 98,000.00 118,000.00 18.00
32 Ubin uk. 25 x 45 cm Gol C Ubin uk. 25 x 45 cm Gol C Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 103,000.00 124,000.00 18.00
33 Ubin uk. 25 x 45 cm Gol D Ubin uk. 25 x 45 cm Gol D Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 116,000.00 140,000.00 18.00
34 Ubin uk. 20 x 40 cm Gol A Ubin uk. 20 x 40 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 80,000.00 96,000.00 18.00
35 Ubin uk. 20 x 40 cm Gol AS Ubin uk. 20 x 40 cm Gol AS Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 83,500.00 101,000.00 18.00
36 Ubin uk. 20 x 40 cm Gol B Ubin uk. 20 x 40 cm Gol B Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 86,500.00 104,000.00 18.00
37 Ubin uk. 25 x 33.3 cm Gol A Ubin uk. 25 x 33.3 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 79,000.00 95,000.00 18.00
38 Ubin uk. 25 x 33.3 cm Gol B Ubin uk. 25 x 33.3 cm Gol B Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 84,000.00 101,000.00 18.00
39 Ubin uk. 25 x 33.3 cm Gol C Ubin uk. 25 x 33.3 cm Gol C Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 88,000.00 106,000.00 18.00
40 Ubin uk. 25 x 25 cm Gol A Ubin uk. 25 x 25 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 77,000.00 93,000.00 18.00
41 Ubin uk. 25 x 25 cm Gol B Ubin uk. 25 x 25 cm Gol B Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 85,500.00 103,000.00 18.00
42 Ubin uk. 25 x 25 cm Gol D Ubin uk. 25 x 25 cm Gol D Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 98,000.00 118,000.00 18.00
43 Ubin uk. 20 x 25 cm Gol A Ubin uk. 20 x 25 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 76,000.00 92,000.00 18.00
44 Ubin uk. 20 x 25 cm Gol B Ubin uk. 20 x 25 cm Gol B Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 80,000.00 96,000.00 18.00
45 Ubin uk. 20 x 25 cm Gol C Ubin uk. 20 x 25 cm Gol C Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 84,000.00 101,000.00 18.00
46 Ubin uk. 20 x 20 cm Gol A Ubin uk. 20 x 20 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 82,000.00 99,000.00 18.00
47 Ubin uk. 20 x 20 cm Gol B Ubin uk. 20 x 20 cm Gol B Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 85,000.00 102,000.00 18.00
48 Ubin uk. 32.5 x 97.5 cm Gol A Ubin uk. 32.5 x 97.5 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 283,000.00 340,000.00 18.00
49 Ubin uk. 32.5 x 97.5 cm Gol B Ubin uk. 32.5 x 97.5 cm Gol B Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 323,000.00 388,000.00 18.00
50 Ubin uk. 32.5 x 97.5 cm Gol C Ubin uk. 32.5 x 97.5 cm Gol C Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 363,000.00 436,000.00 18.00
51 Ubin uk. 32.5 x 65.6 cm Gol A Ubin uk. 32.5 x 65.6 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 184,000.00 221,000.00 18.00
52 Ubin uk. 32.5 x 65.6 cm Gol B Ubin uk. 32.5 x 65.6 cm Gol B Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 199,000.00 239,000.00 18.00
53 Ubin uk. 32.5 x 65.6 cm Gol C Ubin uk. 32.5 x 65.6 cm Gol C Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 218,000.00 262,000.00 18.00
54 Ubin uk. 33.3 x 50 cm Gol A Ubin uk. 33.3 x 50 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 115,000.00 138,000.00 18.00
55 Ubin uk. 33.3 x 50 cm Gol A PRE CUT Ubin uk. 33.3 x 50 cm Gol A PRE CUT Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 181,000.00 218,000.00 18.00
56 Ubin uk. 33.3 x 50 cm GoL B Ubin uk. 33.3 x 50 cm GoL B Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 123,000.00 148,000.00 18.00
57 Ubin uk. 33.3 x 50 cm Gol B PRE CUT Ubin uk. 33.3 x 50 cm Gol B PRE CUT Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 196,000.00 236,000.00 18.00
58 Ubin uk. 32.5 x 32.5 cm Gol D rectifiet Ubin uk. 32.5 x 32.5 cm Gol D rectifiet Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 112,000.00 135,000.00 18.00
59 Ubin uk. 32.5 x 32.5 cm Gol E rectifiet Ubin uk. 32.5 x 32.5 cm Gol E rectifiet Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 117,000.00 141,000.00 18.00
60 Ubin uk. 33.3 x 33.3 cm Gol A Ubin uk. 33.3 x 33.3 cm Gol A Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 103,000.00 124,000.00 18.00
61 Ubin uk. 33.3 x 33.3 cm Gol B Ubin uk. 33.3 x 33.3 cm Gol B Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 108,000.00 130,000.00 18.00
62 Ubin uk. 20 x 20 cm gol A Wall tile Ubin uk. 20 x 20 cm gol A Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 77,000.00 93,000.00 18.00
63 Ubin uk. 20 x 20 cm gol B Wall tile Ubin uk. 20 x 20 cm gol B Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 83,000.00 100,000.00 18.00
64 Ubin uk. 20 x 20 cm gol C Wall tile Ubin uk. 20 x 20 cm gol C Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 87,000.00 105,000.00 18.00
65 Ubin uk. 20 x 25 cm gol A Wall tile Ubin uk. 20 x 25 cm gol A Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 76,000.00 92,000.00 18.00
66 Ubin uk. 20 x 25 cm gol B Wall tile Ubin uk. 20 x 25 cm gol B Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 80,000.00 96,000.00 18.00
67 Ubin uk. 20 x 25 cm gol C Wall tile Ubin uk. 20 x 25 cm gol C Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 84,000.00 101,000.00 18.00
68 Ubin uk. 20 x 60 cm gol A Wall tile Ubin uk. 20 x 60 cm gol A Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 123,500.00 149,000.00 18.00
69 Ubin uk. 20 x 60 cm gol B Wall tile Ubin uk. 20 x 60 cm gol B Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 134,000.00 161,000.00 18.00
70 Ubin uk. 20 x 60 cm gol C Wall tile Ubin uk. 20 x 60 cm gol C Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 149,000.00 179,000.00 18.00
71 Ubin uk. 20 x 60 cm gol D Wall tile Ubin uk. 20 x 60 cm gol D Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 169,000.00 203,000.00 18.00
72 Ubin uk. 30 x 30 cm Match Gol A Wall tile Ubin uk. 30 x 30 cm Match Gol A Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 98,000.00 118,000.00 18.00
73 Ubin uk. 30 x 30 cm Match Gol AS Wall tile Ubin uk. 30 x 30 cm Match Gol AS Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 101,000.00 122,000.00 18.00
74 Ubin uk. 30 x 30 cm Match gol B Wall tile Ubin uk. 30 x 30 cm Match gol B Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 104,000.00 125,000.00 18.00
75 Ubin uk. 30 x 30 cm Match gol C Wall tile Ubin uk. 30 x 30 cm Match gol C Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 114,000.00 137,000.00 18.00
76 Ubin uk. 30 x 30 cm Match gol D Wall tile Ubin uk. 30 x 30 cm Match gol D Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 129,000.00 155,000.00 18.00
77 Ubin uk. 30 x 60 cm Match gol A Wall tile Digital tecnica Ubin uk. 30 x 60 cm Match gol A Wall tile Digital tecnica Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 123,500.00 149,000.00 18.00
78 Ubin uk. 30 x 60 cm Match gol AS Wall tile Ubin uk. 30 x 60 cm Match gol AS Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 128,500.00 155,000.00 18.00
79 Ubin uk. 30 x 60 cm Match gol B Wall tile Ubin uk. 30 x 60 cm Match gol B Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 134,000.00 161,000.00 18.00
80 Ubin uk. 30 x 60 cm Match gol C Wall tile Ubin uk. 30 x 60 cm Match gol C Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 149,000.00 179,000.00 18.00
81 Ubin uk. 30 x 60 cm Match gol'D Wall tile Ubin uk. 30 x 60 cm Match gol'D Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 169,000.00 203,000.00 18.00
82 Ubin uk. 30 x 60 cm Match gol E Wall tile Ubin uk. 30 x 60 cm Match gol E Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 179,000.00 215,000.00 18.00
83 Ubin uk. 32.5 x 49 cm Rectifiet gol A Wall tile Ubin uk. 32.5 x 49 cm Rectifiet gol A Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 155,000.00 186,000.00 18.00
84 Ubin uk. 32.5 x 49 cm Rectifiet gol B Wall tile Ubin uk. 32.5 x 49 cm Rectifiet gol B Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 165,000.00 198,000.00 18.00
85 Ubin uk. 32.5 x 49 cm Precut (PWA) gol A Wall tile Ubin uk. 32.5 x 49 cm Precut (PWA) gol A Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 221,000.00 266,000.00 18.00
86 Ubin uk. 32.5 x 49 cm Precut (PWA) gol B Wall tile Ubin uk. 32.5 x 49 cm Precut (PWA) gol B Wall tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 231,000.00 278,000.00 18.00
87 Ubin uk. 14.2 x 44.2 cm gol A Floor tile Ubin uk. 14.2 x 44.2 cm gol A Floor tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 147,000.00 177,000.00 18.00
88 Ubin uk. 16.5 x 16.5 cm gol A Floor tile Ubin uk. 16.5 x 16.5 cm gol A Floor tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 106,000.00 128,000.00 18.00
89 Ubin uk. 16.5 x 33.3 cm gol A Floor tile Ubin uk. 16.5 x 33.3 cm gol A Floor tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 106,000.00 128,000.00 18.00
90 Ubin uk. 16.5 x 66.6 cm gol A Floor tile Ubin uk. 16.5 x 66.6 cm gol A Floor tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 183,000.00 220,000.00 18.00
91 Ubin uk. 16.2 x 65.6 cm Rectified gol A Floor tile Ubin uk. 16.2 x 65.6 cm Rectified gol A Floor tile Ex. Merk Roman / Royal m2 183,000.00 220,000.00 18.00
0 18.00
1 Ubin Masterina uk. 10 x 20 seri Mip Ubin Masterina uk. 10 x 20 seri Mip Ex. Merk Masterina m2 34,600.00 42,000.00 18.00
2 Ubin Masterina uk. 20 x 20 seri M2GS Ubin Masterina uk. 20 x 20 seri M2GS Ex. Merk Masterina m2 34,400.00 42,000.00 18.00
3 Ubin Masterina uk. 20 x 20 seri M2ED Ubin Masterina uk. 20 x 20 seri M2ED Ex. Merk Masterina m2 33,450.00 41,000.00 18.00
4 Ubin Masterina uk. 20 x 20 seri M2P Ubin Masterina uk. 20 x 20 seri M2P Ex. Merk Masterina m2 33,450.00 41,000.00 18.00
5 Ubin Masterina uk. 20 x 20 seri M25 KW I Ubin Masterina uk. 20 x 20 seri M25 KW I Ex. Merk Masterina m2 36,500.00 44,000.00 18.00
6 Ubin Masterina uk. 20 x 20 seri M2D Ubin Masterina uk. 20 x 20 seri M2D Ex. Merk Masterina m2 32,800.00 40,000.00 18.00
7 Ubin Masterina uk. 20 x 20 seri M2R Ubin Masterina uk. 20 x 20 seri M2R Ex. Merk Masterina m2 32,800.00 40,000.00 18.00
8 Ubin Masterina uk. 30 x 30 seri M3P Ubin Masterina uk. 30 x 30 seri M3P Ex. Merk Masterina m2 32,800.00 40,000.00 18.00
9 Ubin Masterina uk. 30 x 30 seri M3S Ubin Masterina uk. 30 x 30 seri M3S Ex. Merk Masterina m2 32,800.00 40,000.00 18.00
10 Ubin Masterina uk. 30 x 30 seri M3D Ubin Masterina uk. 30 x 30 seri M3D Ex. Merk Masterina m2 35,600.00 43,000.00 18.00
11 Ubin Masterina uk. 40 x 40 seri M4P Ubin Masterina uk. 40 x 40 seri M4P Ex. Merk Masterina m2 37,200.00 45,000.00 18.00
12 Ubin Masterina uk. 40 x 40 seri M4S Ubin Masterina uk. 40 x 40 seri M4S Ex. Merk Masterina m2 36,900.00 45,000.00 18.00
13 Ubin Masterina uk. 40 x 40 seri M4D Ubin Masterina uk. 40 x 40 seri M4D Ex. Merk Masterina m2 39,250.00 48,000.00 18.00
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
14 Ubin Masterina uk. 40 x 40 seri M4DS Ubin Masterina uk. 40 x 40 seri M4DS Ex. Merk Masterina m2 43,250.00 52,000.00 18.00
0 18.00
1 Ubin mulia uk. 30 x 30 cm polos Ubin mulia uk. 30 x 30 cm polos Ex. Merk Mulia m2 45,000.00 54,000.00 18.00
2 Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 20 cm putih Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 20 cm putih Ex. Merk Mulia m2 36,000.00 44,000.00 18.00
3 Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 20 cm olossy white Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 20 cm olossy white Ex. Merk Mulia m2 38,000.00 46,000.00 18.00
4 Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 20 cm pastel color Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 20 cm pastel color Ex. Merk Mulia m2 39,800.00 48,000.00 18.00
5 Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 20 cm plain matt color Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 20 cm plain matt color Ex. Merk Mulia m2 37,400.00 45,000.00 18.00
6 Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 20 cm plain matt white Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 20 cm plain matt white Ex. Merk Mulia m2 37,400.00 45,000.00 18.00
7 Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 25 cm glossy white Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 25 cm glossy white Ex. Merk Mulia m2 38,300.00 46,000.00 18.00
8 Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 25 cm pastel biscuit Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 25 cm pastel biscuit Ex. Merk Mulia m2 40,600.00 49,000.00 18.00
9 Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 25 cm pastel blue Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 25 cm pastel blue Ex. Merk Mulia m2 40,000.00 48,000.00 18.00
10 Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 25 cm marble glossy ligh Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 25 cm marble glossy ligh Ex. Merk Mulia m2 38,700.00 47,000.00 18.00
11 Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 25 cm marble glossy medium Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 25 cm marble glossy medium Ex. Merk Mulia m2 39,600.00 48,000.00 18.00
12 Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 25 cm marble glossy ligh reguler Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 25 cm marble glossy ligh reguler Ex. Merk Mulia m2 41,800.00 51,000.00 18.00
13 Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 25 cm marble medium, reguler Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 25 cm marble medium, reguler Ex. Merk Mulia m2 44,800.00 54,000.00 18.00
14 Ubin mulia uk. 25 x 40 cm glossy white Ubin mulia uk. 25 x 40 cm glossy white Ex. Merk Mulia m2 50,600.00 61,000.00 18.00
15 Ubin mulia uk. 25 x 40 cm marble glossy ligh Ubin mulia uk. 25 x 40 cm marble glossy ligh Ex. Merk Mulia m2 55,300.00 67,000.00 18.00
16 Ubin mulia uk. 25 x 40 cm glossy medium Ubin mulia uk. 25 x 40 cm glossy medium Ex. Merk Mulia m2 57,700.00 70,000.00 18.00
17 Ubin mulia uk. 25 x 40 cm marble glossy dark Ubin mulia uk. 25 x 40 cm marble glossy dark Ex. Merk Mulia m2 58,900.00 71,000.00 18.00
18 Ubin mulia uk. 30 x 60 cm glossy white Ubin mulia uk. 30 x 60 cm glossy white Ex. Merk Mulia m2 67,700.00 82,000.00 18.00
19 Ubin mulia uk. 30 x 60 cm marble campana Ubin mulia uk. 30 x 60 cm marble campana Ex. Merk Mulia m2 67,700.00 82,000.00 18.00
20 Ubin mulia uk. 30 x 60 cm marble special (nero) Ubin mulia uk. 30 x 60 cm marble special (nero) Ex. Merk Mulia m2 74,800.00 90,000.00 18.00
1 Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 20 cm rustic Ubin mulia uk. 20 x 20 cm rustic Ex. Merk Mulia m2 38,300.00 46,000.00 18.00
2 Ubin mulia uk. 30 x 30 cm white 3708 Ubin mulia uk. 30 x 30 cm white 3708 Ex. Merk Mulia m2 32,300.00 39,000.00 18.00
3 Ubin mulia uk. 30 x 30 cm special white Ubin mulia uk. 30 x 30 cm special white Ex. Merk Mulia m2 35,900.00 44,000.00 18.00
4 Ubin mulia uk. 30 x 30 cm rustic Ubin mulia uk. 30 x 30 cm rustic Ex. Merk Mulia m2 38,100.00 46,000.00 18.00
5 Ubin mulia uk. 30 x 30 cm marble best buy Ubin mulia uk. 30 x 30 cm marble best buy Ex. Merk Mulia m2 35,100.00 43,000.00 18.00
6 Ubin mulia uk. 40 x 40 cm white 3708 Ubin mulia uk. 40 x 40 cm white 3708 Ex. Merk Mulia m2 37,100.00 45,000.00 18.00
7 Ubin mulia uk. 40 x 40 cm glossy Ubin mulia uk. 40 x 40 cm glossy Ex. Merk Mulia m2 44,200.00 54,000.00 18.00
8 Ubin mulia uk. 40 x 40 cm marble best buy Ubin mulia uk. 40 x 40 cm marble best buy Ex. Merk Mulia m2 40,600.00 49,000.00 18.00
9 Ubin mulia uk. 40 x 40 cm marble glossy ligh Ubin mulia uk. 40 x 40 cm marble glossy ligh Ex. Merk Mulia m2 43,600.00 53,000.00 18.00
10 Ubin mulia uk. 40 x 40 cmm glossy medium Ubin mulia uk. 40 x 40 cmm glossy medium Ex. Merk Mulia m2 48,900.00 59,000.00 18.00
11 Ubin mulia uk. 40 x 40 rustic light color Ubin mulia uk. 40 x 40 rustic light color Ex. Merk Mulia m2 44,800.00 54,000.00 18.00
12 Ubin mulia uk. 40 x 40 cm rustic dark color Ubin mulia uk. 40 x 40 cm rustic dark color Ex. Merk Mulia m2 47,100.00 57,000.00 18.00
1 Group A warna pearl tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Group A warna pearl tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Ex. Merk Inesia m2 97,500.00 117,000.00 18.00
2 Group A warna pearl tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group A warna pearl tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Ex. Merk Inesia m2 101,000.00 122,000.00 18.00
3 Group A opal mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Group A opal mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Ex. Merk Inesia m2 138,600.00 167,000.00 18.00
4 Group B warna agarte tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Group B warna agarte tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Ex. Merk Inesia m2 92,500.00 111,000.00 18.00
5 Group B warna agarte tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group B warna agarte tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Ex. Merk Inesia m2 99,000.00 119,000.00 18.00
6 Group B warna topaz mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Group B warna topaz mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Ex. Merk Inesia m2 137,600.00 166,000.00 18.00
7 Group B warna topaz mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group B warna topaz mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Ex. Merk Inesia m2 151,500.00 182,000.00 18.00
8 Group C warna phyrus tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Group C warna phyrus tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Ex. Merk Inesia m2 126,000.00 152,000.00 18.00
9 Group C warna phyrus tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group C warna phyrus tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Ex. Merk Inesia m2 129,500.00 156,000.00 18.00
10 Group C warna rubby mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Group C warna rubby mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Ex. Merk Inesia m2 127,500.00 153,000.00 18.00
11 Group C warna rubby mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group C warna rubby mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Ex. Merk Inesia m2 139,300.00 168,000.00 18.00
12 Marble group A warna corypha mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Marble group A warna corypha mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Ex. Merk Inesia m2 161,500.00 194,000.00 18.00
13 Marble group A warna corypha mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Marble group A warna corypha mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Ex. Merk Inesia m2 204,750.00 246,000.00 18.00

a Salt and Pepper Salt and Pepper
1 Group A warna pepper grey tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Granit Essenza Group A warna pepper grey tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 165,440.00 199,000.00 18.00
2 Group A warna prince rubert, silver star mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Granit Essenza Group A warna prince rubert, silver star mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 189,200.00 228,000.00 18.00
3 Group A warna prince rubert mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Granit Essenza Group A warna prince rubert mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 232,320.00 279,000.00 18.00
4 Group A warna silver star mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Granit Essenza Group A warna silver star mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 232,320.00 279,000.00 18.00
5 Group B warna black orchid tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Granit Essenza Group B warna black orchid tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 165,440.00 199,000.00 18.00
6 Group B warna coral bell mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Granit Essenza Group B warna coral bell mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 222,420.00 267,000.00 18.00
7 Group B warna coral bell mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Granit Essenza Group B warna coral bell mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 286,330.00 344,000.00 18.00

b Uni Color Uni Color

1 Group A warna snow white tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Ubin Keramik Group A warna snow white tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Uni Color Ex. Merk Essenza m2 165,440.00 199,000.00 18.00
2 Group A warna snow white mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Ubin Keramik Group A warna snow white mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Uni Color Ex. Merk Essenza m2 189,200.00 228,000.00 18.00
3 Group A warna snow white mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Ubin Keramik Group A warna snow white mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Uni Color Ex. Merk Essenza m2 232,320.00 279,000.00 18.00
4 Group B warna black beauty tidak mengkilap 40 x 40 cm Ubin Keramik Group B warna black beauty tidak mengkilap 40 x 40 cm Uni Color Ex. Merk Essenza m2 187,660.00 226,000.00 18.00
5 Group B warna golden star mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Ubin Keramik Group B warna golden star mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Uni Color Ex. Merk Essenza m2 251,680.00 303,000.00 18.00
6 Group B warna golden star mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Ubin Keramik Group B warna golden star mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Uni Color Ex. Merk Essenza m2 356,224.00 428,000.00 18.00
7 Group B warna saphire blue uk. 40 x 40 cm Ubin Keramik Group B warna saphire blue uk. 40 x 40 cm Uni Color Ex. Merk Essenza m2 251,680.00 303,000.00 18.00
8 Group B warna saphire blue uk. 60 x 60 cm Ubin Keramik Group B warna saphire blue uk. 60 x 60 cm Uni Color Ex. Merk Essenza m2 356,224.00 428,000.00 18.00
9 Group C warna ivory mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Ubin Keramik Group C warna ivory mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Uni Color Ex. Merk Essenza m2 203,500.00 245,000.00 18.00
c Graniti imperial Graniti imperial
1 Group/warna balmoral red type rock uk. 40 x 40 cm Group/warna balmoral red type rock uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 192,500.00 231,000.00 18.00
2 Group/warna beola grey type rock uk. 40 x 40 cm Group/warna beola grey type rock uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 192,500.00 231,000.00 18.00
3 Group/warna bianco crystal type rock uk. 40 x 40 cm Group/warna bianco crystal type rock uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 192,500.00 231,000.00 18.00
4 Group/warna green forest, grigio perla type rock uk. 40 x 40 cm Group/warna green forest, grigio perla type rock uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 192,500.00 231,000.00 18.00
5 Group/warna impala black, khasmir white type rock uk. 40 x 40 cm Group/warna impala black, khasmir white type rock uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 192,500.00 231,000.00 18.00
6 Group/warna balmoral red type rock uk. 60 x 60 cm Group/warna balmoral red type rock uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 222,915.00 268,000.00 18.00
7 Group/warna beola grey type rock uk. 60 x 60 cm Group/warna beola grey type rock uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 222,915.00 268,000.00 18.00
8 Group/warna bianco crystal, type rock uk. 60 x 60 cm Group/warna bianco crystal, type rock uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 222,915.00 268,000.00 18.00
9 Group/warna green forest, grisio perla type rock uk.60 x 60 cm Group/warna green forest, grisio perla type rock uk.60 x 60 cm m2 222,915.00 268,000.00 18.00
10 Group/warna impala black, khasmir white type rock uk. 60 x 60 cm Group/warna impala black, khasmir white type rock uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 222,915.00 268,000.00 18.00
11 Group/warna balmoral red type rock uk. 30 x 60 cm Group/warna balmoral red type rock uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 222,915.00 268,000.00 18.00
12 Group/warna beola grey type rock uk. 30 x 60 cm Group/warna beola grey type rock uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 222,915.00 268,000.00 18.00
13 Group/warna bianco crystal type rock uk. 30 x 60 cm Group/warna bianco crystal type rock uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 222,915.00 268,000.00 18.00
14 Group/warna green forest, grigio perla type rock uk. 30 x 60 cm Group/warna green forest, grigio perla type rock uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 222,915.00 268,000.00 18.00
15 Group/warna impala black, khasmir white type rock uk. 30 x 60 cm Group/warna impala black, khasmir white type rock uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 222,915.00 268,000.00 18.00
d Crystal Crystal
1 Group A hyperwhite mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group A hyperwhite mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 446,600.00 536,000.00 18.00
2 Group B diamante mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group B diamante mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 491,260.00 590,000.00 18.00
3 Lavagna Prod Magnetite, pietra di luna uk. 30 x 60 cm Lavagna Prod Magnetite, pietra di luna uk. 30 x 60 cm box 222,915.00 268,000.00 18.00
4 Domus A Crono, Eros, Zeus Unpholosed uk. 40 x 40 cm Domus A Crono, Eros, Zeus Unpholosed uk. 40 x 40 cm box 192,500.00 231,000.00 18.00
5 Domus A Crono, Eros, Zeus Unpholosed uk. 30 x 30 cm Domus A Crono, Eros, Zeus Unpholosed uk. 30 x 30 cm box 222,915.00 268,000.00 18.00
6 Domus A Crono, Eros, Zeus Unpholosed uk. 60 x 60 cm Domus A Crono, Eros, Zeus Unpholosed uk. 60 x 60 cm box 232,155.00 279,000.00 18.00
7 Domus B Calisto, Ermes, Niteo Unpholoshed uk. 40 x 40 cm Domus B Calisto, Ermes, Niteo Unpholoshed uk. 40 x 40 cm box 202,125.00 243,000.00 18.00
8 Domus B Calisto, Ermes, Niteo Unpholoshed uk. 30 x 60 cm Domus B Calisto, Ermes, Niteo Unpholoshed uk. 30 x 60 cm box 233,530.00 281,000.00 18.00
9 Domus B Calisto, Ermes, Niteo Unpholoshed uk. 60 x 60 cm Domus B Calisto, Ermes, Niteo Unpholoshed uk. 60 x 60 cm box 243,210.00 292,000.00 18.00
e Unica Unica
1 Group A Unica black polished uk 60 x 60 cm Group A Unica black polished uk 60 x 60 cm box 277,915.00 334,000.00 18.00
2 Group A Unica white unpolished uk 60 x 60 cm Group A Unica white unpolished uk 60 x 60 cm box 236,225.00 284,000.00 18.00
3 Group B Unica Gold polished uk 60 x 60 cm Group B Unica Gold polished uk 60 x 60 cm box 255,552.00 307,000.00 18.00
4 Group B Unica Gold unpolished uk 60 x 60 cm Group B Unica Gold unpolished uk 60 x 60 cm box 218,020.00 262,000.00 18.00
0 18.00
f Zenith Zenith 18.00
1 Group A celestial white, Luna Grey, Solar Gold polished uk 40 x 40 cm Group A celestial white, Luna Grey, Solar Gold polished uk 40 x 40 cm box 348,480.00 419,000.00 18.00
2 Group A celestial white, Luna Grey, Solar Gold polished uk. 30 x 60 cm Group A celestial white, Luna Grey, Solar Gold polished uk. 30 x 60 cm box 368,500.00 443,000.00 18.00
3 Group A celestial white, Luna Grey, Solar Gold polished uk 60 x 60 cm Group A celestial white, Luna Grey, Solar Gold polished uk 60 x 60 cm box 368,500.00 443,000.00 18.00
4 Group B aurora green, eolipse black horizon blue polished uk 40 x 40 cm Group B aurora green, eolipse black horizon blue polished uk 40 x 40 cm box 392,920.00 472,000.00 18.00
5 Group B aurora green, eolipse black horizon blue polished uk. 30 x 60 cm Group B aurora green, eolipse black horizon blue polished uk. 30 x 60 cm box 409,750.00 492,000.00 18.00
6 Group B aurora green, eolipse black horizon blue polished uk 60 x 60 cm Group B aurora green, eolipse black horizon blue polished uk 60 x 60 cm box 409,750.00 492,000.00 18.00
7 Group B meteor brown, Nova red polished uk 40 x 40 cm Group B meteor brown, Nova red polished uk 40 x 40 cm box 392,920.00 472,000.00 18.00
8 Group B meteor brown, Nova red polished uk. 30 x 60 cm Group B meteor brown, Nova red polished uk. 30 x 60 cm box 409,750.00 492,000.00 18.00
9 Group B meteor brown, Nova red polished uk 60 x 60 cm Group B meteor brown, Nova red polished uk 60 x 60 cm box 409,750.00 492,000.00 18.00
g Travertine Travertine
1 Group A daisy lily salvia polished uk 40 x 40 cm Group A daisy lily salvia polished uk 40 x 40 cm box 290,400.00 349,000.00 18.00
2 Group A daisy lily salvia polished uk. 30 x 60 cm Group A daisy lily salvia polished uk. 30 x 60 cm box 337,700.00 406,000.00 18.00
3 Group A daisy lily salvia polished uk 60 x 60 cm Group A daisy lily salvia polished uk 60 x 60 cm box 337,700.00 406,000.00 18.00
4 Group B maple polished uk 40 x 40 cm Group B maple polished uk 40 x 40 cm box 327,360.00 393,000.00 18.00
5 Group B maple polished uk. 30 x 60 cm Group B maple polished uk. 30 x 60 cm box 375,540.00 451,000.00 18.00
6 Group B maple polished uk 60 x 60 cm Group B maple polished uk 60 x 60 cm box 375,540.00 451,000.00 18.00

h Marble Marble 18.00

1 Group A alexandra, calamuc polished uk. 40 x 40 cm Group A alexandra, calamuc polished uk. 40 x 40 cm box 251,020.00 302,000.00 18.00
2 Group A alexandra, calamuc polished uk. 60 x 60 cm Group A alexandra, calamuc polished uk. 60 x 60 cm box 337,700.00 406,000.00 18.00
3 Group B copernica polished uk. 60 x 60 cm Group B copernica polished uk. 60 x 60 cm box 203,500.00 245,000.00 18.00

1 Group silver warna cloud, blush, linen, greystone, type oasis tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group silver warna cloud, blush, linen, greystone, type oasis tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Ex. Merk Granito m2 162,800.00 196,000.00 18.00
2 Group silver warna pearl white, ivory, mustard tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group silver warna pearl white, ivory, mustard tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Ex. Merk Granito m2 162,800.00 196,000.00 18.00
3 Group silver warna greystone, linen mengkilap uk 40 x 40 cm Group silver warna greystone, linen mengkilap uk 40 x 40 cm Ex. Merk Granito m2 188,100.00 226,000.00 18.00
4 Group silver warna pearl white ivory, type crystal mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group silver warna pearl white ivory, type crystal mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Ex. Merk Granito m2 229,900.00 276,000.00 18.00
5 Group silver warna pearl white ivory, type crystal mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group silver warna pearl white ivory, type crystal mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Ex. Merk Granito m2 221,100.00 266,000.00 18.00
6 Group gold warna forest green, brick, cocoa, cobalt blue, type oasis tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group gold warna forest green, brick, cocoa, cobalt blue, type oasis tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Ex. Merk Granito m2 183,700.00 221,000.00 18.00
7 Group gold warna forest green, brick, type oasis mengkilap uk.40x40cm Group gold warna forest green, brick, type oasis mengkilap uk.40x40cm Ex. Merk Granito m2 211,200.00 254,000.00 18.00
8 Group gold warna black mengkilap uk type crystal 40 x 40 cm Group gold warna black mengkilap uk type crystal 40 x 40 cm Ex. Merk Granito m2 215,600.00 259,000.00 18.00
9 Group diamond gol warna black unpolished 40 x 40 cm Group diamond gol warna black unpolished 40 x 40 cm Ex. Merk Granito m2 190,300.00 229,000.00 18.00
10 Group diamond gol warna black polished 40 x 40 cm Group diamond gol warna black polished 40 x 40 cm Ex. Merk Granito m2 215,600.00 259,000.00 18.00
11 Group diamond gol water stone white sands polished 60 x 60 cm Group diamond gol water stone white sands polished 60 x 60 cm Ex. Merk Granito m2 259,600.00 312,000.00 18.00
0 18.00
a New Palazzo New Palazzo 18.00
1 Group silver warna como, natural sienna type mirror 40 x 40 cm Group silver warna como, natural sienna type mirror 40 x 40 cm m2 227,700.00 274,000.00 18.00
2 Group silver warna como, natural sienna, type mirror uk. 40 x 40 cm mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group silver warna como, natural sienna, type mirror uk. 40 x 40 cm mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 259,600.00 312,000.00 18.00
3 Group gold miror warna sonrosa,mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group gold miror warna sonrosa,mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 243,100.00 292,000.00 18.00
4 Group silver color natural, siena como mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group silver color natural, siena como mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 227,700.00 274,000.00 18.00
5 Group silver color natural, siena como mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group silver color natural, siena como mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 259,600.00 312,000.00 18.00
6 Group gold warna sanroso mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group gold warna sanroso mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 243,100.00 292,000.00 18.00
7 Group gold warna sanroso mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group gold warna sanroso mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 275,000.00 330,000.00 18.00
0 18.00
b Gastello Gastello 18.00
1 Group silver warna cappucinno, rombo, epresso, cream type rustic tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Group silver warna cappucinno, rombo, epresso, cream type rustic tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm m2 149,600.00 180,000.00 18.00
2 Group silver warna cappucinno, rombo, epresso, cream type rustic tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group silver warna cappucinno, rombo, epresso, cream type rustic tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 162,800.00 196,000.00 18.00
3 Group gold warna rosa type rustic uk. 30 x 30 cm Group gold warna rosa type rustic uk. 30 x 30 cm m2 162,800.00 196,000.00 18.00
4 Group gold warna rosa type rustic uk. 40 x 40 cm Group gold warna rosa type rustic uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 183,700.00 221,000.00 18.00
0 18.00
c Aurora Aurora 18.00
1 Group silver warna waffle, latte type mirror mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm Group silver warna waffle, latte type mirror mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 295,900.00 356,000.00 18.00
2 Group silver warna milenium type mirror mengkilap uk.60 x 60 cm Group silver warna milenium type mirror mengkilap uk.60 x 60 cm m2 287,100.00 345,000.00 18.00
3 Group silver warna salmon type mirror mengkilap uk.60 x 60 cm Group silver warna salmon type mirror mengkilap uk.60 x 60 cm m2 287,100.00 345,000.00 18.00
4 Group gold warna astro type mirror mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm Group gold warna astro type mirror mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 363,000.00 436,000.00 18.00
5 Group gold warna astro type mirror mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group gold warna astro type mirror mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 354,200.00 426,000.00 18.00
0 18.00
d Lunart Lunart 18.00
1 Group bronze warna solar,helium type rustic tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm Group bronze warna solar,helium type rustic tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 245,300.00 295,000.00 18.00
2 Group bronze warna solar,helium type rustic tidak mengkilap uk.60 x 60 cm Group bronze warna solar,helium type rustic tidak mengkilap uk.60 x 60 cm m2 236,500.00 284,000.00 18.00
3 Group silver warna terra, zephyr type rustic tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm Group silver warna terra, zephyr type rustic tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 256,300.00 308,000.00 18.00
4 Group silver warna terra, zephyr type rustic tidak mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group silver warna terra, zephyr type rustic tidak mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 247,500.00 297,000.00 18.00
5 Group gold warna amber, quartz type rustic tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm Group gold warna amber, quartz type rustic tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 292,820.00 352,000.00 18.00
6 Group gold warna amber, quartz type rustic tidak mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group gold warna amber, quartz type rustic tidak mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 292,820.00 352,000.00 18.00
7 Group diamond warna alumina, oxida type rustic tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm Group diamond warna alumina, oxida type rustic tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 310,970.00 374,000.00 18.00
8 Group diamond warna alumina, oxida type rustic tidak mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group diamond warna alumina, oxida type rustic tidak mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 310,970.00 374,000.00 18.00
e Accsesories Accsesories
mengkilap / Cutting Size mengkilap / Cutting Size
1 Salsa silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 4,730.00 6,000.00 2.00
2 Salsa silver uk. 20 x 20 cm Salsa silver uk. 20 x 20 cm Bh 8,690.00 11,000.00 2.50
3 Salsa silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 9,460.00 12,000.00 3.00
4 Salsa silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 17,380.00 21,000.00 3.50
5 Salsa silver uk. 30 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 30 x 40 cm Bh 33,330.00 40,000.00 4.00
6 Salsa silver uk. 10 x 60 cm Salsa silver uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 14,630.00 18,000.00 4.50
7 Salsa silver uk. 16 x 60 cm Salsa silver uk. 16 x 60 cm Bh 20,900.00 26,000.00 5.00
8 Salsa silver uk. 20 x 60 cm Salsa silver uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 27,170.00 33,000.00 5.50
9 Salsa silver uk. 30 x 60 cm Salsa silver uk. 30 x 60 cm Bh 39,600.00 48,000.00 6.00
10 Salsa silver uk. 40 x 60 cm Salsa silver uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 77,220.00 93,000.00 6.50
11 Salsa silver uk. 30 x 30 cm Salsa silver uk. 30 x 30 cm Bh 19,800.00 24,000.00 7.00
f Salsa cutting size cristal / mirror Salsa cutting size cristal / mirror
1 Salsa gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 5,280.00 7,000.00 2.00
2 Salsa gold uk. 20 x 20 cm Salsa gold uk. 20 x 20 cm Bh 9,680.00 12,000.00 2.50
3 Salsa gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 10,450.00 13,000.00 3.00
4 Salsa gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 19,360.00 24,000.00 3.50
5 Salsa gold uk. 30 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 30 x 40 cm Bh 37,290.00 45,000.00 4.00
g Palazzo Diamond Palazzo Diamond
1 Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 5,280.00 7,000.00 2.00
2 Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 20 cm Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 20 cm Bh 9,900.00 12,000.00 2.50
3 Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 10,560.00 13,000.00 3.00
4 Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 19,690.00 24,000.00 3.50
5 Salsa diamond uk. 30 x 30 cm Salsa diamond uk. 30 x 30 cm Bh 38,060.00 46,000.00 4.00
6 Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 60 cm Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 15,830.00 19,000.00 4.50
7 Salsa diamond uk. 15 x 60 cm Salsa diamond uk. 15 x 60 cm Bh 24,200.00 30,000.00 5.00
8 Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 60 cm Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 31,460.00 38,000.00 5.50
9 Salsa diamond uk. 30 x 60 cm Salsa diamond uk. 30 x 60 cm Bh 46,200.00 56,000.00 6.00
10 Salsa diamond uk. 40 x 60 cm Salsa diamond uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 90,100.00 109,000.00 6.50
11 Salsa diamond uk. 30 x 30 cm Salsa diamond uk. 30 x 30 cm Bh 23,100.00 28,000.00 7.00
h Palazzo silver Palazzo silver
1 Palazzo silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Palazzo silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 5,610.00 7,000.00 2.00
2 Palazzo silver uk. 20 x 20 cm Palazzo silver uk. 20 x 20 cm Bh 10,450.00 13,000.00 2.50
3 Palazzo silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Palazzo silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 11,110.00 14,000.00 3.00
4 Palazzo silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Palazzo silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 20,790.00 25,000.00 3.50
5 Palazzo silver uk. 30 x 40 cm Palazzo silver uk. 30 x 40 cm Bh 40,040.00 49,000.00 4.00
6 Palazzo silver uk. 10 x 60 cm Palazzo silver uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 16,830.00 21,000.00 4.50
7 Palazzo silver uk. 15 x 60 cm Palazzo silver uk. 15 x 60 cm Bh 24,200.00 30,000.00 5.00
8 Palazzo silver uk. 20 x 60 cm Palazzo silver uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 30,460.00 37,000.00 5.50
9 Palazzo silver uk. 30 x 60 cm Palazzo silver uk. 30 x 60 cm Bh 46,200.00 56,000.00 6.00
10 Palazzo silver uk. 40 x 60 cm Palazzo silver uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 90,200.00 109,000.00 6.50
11 Palazzo silver uk. 30 x 30 cm Palazzo silver uk. 30 x 30 cm Bh 23,100.00 28,000.00 7.00
i Palazzo gold Palazzo gold
1 Palazzo gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Palazzo gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 5,940.00 8,000.00 2.00
2 Palazzo gold uk. 20 x 20 cm Palazzo gold uk. 20 x 20 cm Bh 11,110.00 14,000.00 2.50
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
3 Palazzo gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Palazzo gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 11,770.00 15,000.00 3.00
4 Palazzo gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Palazzo gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 22,110.00 27,000.00 3.50
5 Palazzo gold uk. 30 x 40 cm Palazzo gold uk. 30 x 40 cm Bh 42,680.00 52,000.00 4.00
6 Palazzo gold uk. 10 x 60 cm Palazzo gold uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 17,710.00 22,000.00 4.50
7 Palazzo gold uk. 15 x 60 cm Palazzo gold uk. 15 x 60 cm Bh 25,520.00 31,000.00 5.00
8 Palazzo gold uk. 20 x 60 cm Palazzo gold uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 33,220.00 40,000.00 5.50
9 Palazzo gold uk. 30 x 60 cm Palazzo gold uk. 30 x 60 cm Bh 48,840.00 59,000.00 6.00
10 Palazzo gold uk. 40 x 60 cm Palazzo gold uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 95,840.00 116,000.00 6.50
11 Palazzo gold uk. 30 x 30 cm Palazzo gold uk. 30 x 30 cm Bh 24,420.00 30,000.00 7.00

j Aurora Aurora
1 Aurora silver uk. 10 x 60 cm Aurora silver uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 18,370.00 23,000.00 18.00
2 Aurora silver uk. 15 x 60 cm Aurora silver uk. 15 x 60 cm Bh 26,510.00 32,000.00 18.00
3 Aurora silver uk. 20 x 60 cm Aurora silver uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 34,650.00 42,000.00 18.00
4 Aurora silver uk. 30 x 60 cm Aurora silver uk. 30 x 60 cm Bh 50,820.00 61,000.00 18.00
5 Aurora silver uk. 40 x 60 cm Aurora silver uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 99,550.00 120,000.00 18.00
6 Aurora silver uk. 30 x 30 cm Aurora silver uk. 30 x 30 cm Bh 25,410.00 31,000.00 18.00
7 Aurora gold uk.10 x 60 cm Aurora gold uk.10 x 60 cm Bh 22,220.00 27,000.00 18.00
8 Aurora gold uk. 15 x 60 cm Aurora gold uk. 15 x 60 cm Bh 32,230.00 39,000.00 18.00
9 Aurora gold uk. 20 x 60 cm Aurora gold uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 42,240.00 51,000.00 18.00
10 Aurora gold uk. 30 x 60 cm Aurora gold uk. 30 x 60 cm Bh 62,260.00 75,000.00 18.00
11 Aurora gold uk. 40 x 60 cm Aurora gold uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 122,320.00 147,000.00 18.00
12 Aurora gold uk. 30 x 30 cm Aurora gold uk. 30 x 30 cm Bh 31,130.00 38,000.00 18.00

k Bulinose polyshed crystal/mirror Bulinose polyshed crystal/mirror 18.00

1 Salsa silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 5,280.00 5,810.00 18.00
2 Salsa silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 10,560.00 11,620.00 18.00
3 Salsa silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 18,590.00 20,450.00 18.00
4 Salsa silver uk. 40 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 40 x 40 cm Bh 34,540.00 38,000.00 18.00
5 Salsa silver uk. 10 x 60 cm Salsa silver uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 16,390.00 18,030.00 18.00
6 Salsa silver uk. 15 x 60 cm Salsa silver uk. 15 x 60 cm Bh 22,660.00 24,930.00 18.00
7 Salsa silver uk. 20 x 60 cm Salsa silver uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 28,930.00 31,830.00 18.00
8 Salsa silver uk. 30 x 60 cm Salsa silver uk. 30 x 60 cm Bh 41,470.00 45,620.00 18.00
9 Salsa silver uk. 40 x 60 cm Salsa silver uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 78,980.00 86,880.00 18.00
10 Salsa silver uk. 60 x 60 cm Salsa silver uk. 60 x 60 cm Bh 78,980.00 86,880.00 18.00
11 Salsa gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 5,830.00 6,420.00 18.00
12 Salsa gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 11,550.00 12,710.00 18.00
13 Salsa gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 20,570.00 22,630.00 18.00
14 Salsa gold uk. 40 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 40 x 40 cm Bh 38,500.00 42,350.00 18.00
15 Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 5,940.00 6,540.00 18.00
16 Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 11,770.00 12,950.00 18.00
17 Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 60 cm Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 20,900.00 22,990.00 18.00
18 Salsa diamond uk. 40 x 40 cm Salsa diamond uk. 40 x 40 cm Bh 39,160.00 43,080.00 18.00
19 Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 60 cm Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 18,590.00 20,450.00 18.00
20 Salsa diamond uk. 15 x 60 cm Salsa diamond uk. 15 x 60 cm Bh 25,960.00 28,560.00 18.00
21 Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 60 cm Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 33,220.00 36,550.00 18.00
22 Salsa diamond uk. 30 x 60 cm Salsa diamond uk. 30 x 60 cm Bh 47,960.00 52,760.00 18.00
23 Salsa diamond uk. 40 x 60 cm Salsa diamond uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 91,960.00 101,160.00 18.00
24 Salsa diamond uk. 60 x 60 cm Salsa diamond uk. 60 x 60 cm Bh 91,960.00 101,160.00 18.00
0 18.00
l Bullinose Palazzo Bullinose Palazzo 18.00
1 Palazzo silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Palazzo silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 6,160.00 6,780.00 18.00
2 Palazzo silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Palazzo silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 12,320.00 13,560.00 18.00
3 Palazzo silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Palazzo silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 21,890.00 24,080.00 18.00
4 Palazzo silver uk. 40 x 40 cm Palazzo silver uk. 40 x 40 cm Bh 41,250.00 45,380.00 18.00
5 Palazzo silver uk. 10 x 60 cm Palazzo silver uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 18,250.00 20,080.00 18.00
6 Palazzo silver uk. 15 x 60 cm Palazzo silver uk. 15 x 60 cm Bh 25,960.00 28,560.00 18.00
7 Palazzo silver uk. 20 x 60 cm Palazzo silver uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 33,220.00 36,550.00 18.00
8 Palazzo silver uk. 30 x 60 cm Palazzo silver uk. 30 x 60 cm Bh 47,960.00 52,760.00 18.00
9 Palazzo silver uk. 40 x 60 cm Palazzo silver uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 91,960.00 101,160.00 18.00
10 Palazzo silver uk. 60 x 60 cm Palazzo silver uk. 60 x 60 cm Bh 91,960.00 101,160.00 18.00
11 Palazzo gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Palazzo gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 6,490.00 7,140.00 18.00
12 Palazzo gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Palazzo gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 12,980.00 14,280.00 18.00
13 Palazzo gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Palazzo gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 23,210.00 25,540.00 18.00
14 Palazzo gold uk. 40 x 40 cm Palazzo gold uk. 40 x 40 cm Bh 43,890.00 48,280.00 18.00
15 Palazzo gold uk. 10 x 60 cm Palazzo gold uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 19,470.00 21,420.00 18.00
16 Palazzo gold uk. 15 x 60 cm Palazzo gold uk. 15 x 60 cm Bh 27,280.00 30,010.00 18.00
17 Palazzo gold uk. 20 x 60 cm Palazzo gold uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 34,980.00 38,480.00 18.00
18 Palazzo gold uk. 30 x 60 cm Palazzo gold uk. 30 x 60 cm Bh 50,600.00 55,660.00 18.00
19 Palazzo gold uk. 40 x 60 cm Palazzo gold uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 97,240.00 106,970.00 18.00
20 Palazzo gold uk. 60 x 60 cm Palazzo gold uk. 60 x 60 cm Bh 97,240.00 106,970.00 18.00
0 18.00
m Bullinose aurora silver Bullinose aurora silver 18.00
1 Aurora silver uk. 10 x 60 cm Aurora silver uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 20,130.00 22,150.00 18.00
2 Aurora silver uk. 15 x 60 cm Aurora silver uk. 15 x 60 cm Bh 28,270.00 31,100.00 18.00
3 Aurora silver uk. 20 x 60 cm Aurora silver uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 36,580.00 40,240.00 18.00
4 Aurora silver uk. 30 x 60 cm Aurora silver uk. 30 x 60 cm Bh 52,580.00 57,840.00 18.00
5 Aurora silver uk. 40 x 60 cm Aurora silver uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 101,310.00 111,450.00 18.00
6 Aurora silver uk. 60 x 60 cm Aurora silver uk. 60 x 60 cm Bh 101,310.00 111,450.00 18.00
7 Aurora gold uk.10 x 60 cm Aurora gold uk.10 x 60 cm Bh 23,980.00 26,380.00 18.00
8 Aurora gold uk. 15 x 60 cm Aurora gold uk. 15 x 60 cm Bh 33,990.00 37,390.00 18.00
9 Aurora gold uk. 20 x 60 cm Aurora gold uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 44,000.00 48,400.00 18.00
10 Aurora gold uk. 30 x 60 cm Aurora gold uk. 30 x 60 cm Bh 64,020.00 70,430.00 18.00
11 Aurora gold uk. 40 x 60 cm Aurora gold uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 124,080.00 136,490.00 18.00
12 Aurora gold uk. 30 x 30 cm Aurora gold uk. 30 x 30 cm Bh 124,080.00 136,490.00 18.00
0 18.00
Stepnosing Polyshed Crystal / Mirror Stepnosing Polyshed Crystal / Mirror 18.00
a Salsa silver Salsa silver 18.00
1 Salsa silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 5,830.00 6,420.00 18.00
2 Salsa silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 11,660.00 12,830.00 18.00
3 Salsa silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 19,690.00 21,660.00 18.00
4 Salsa silver uk. 40 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 40 x 40 cm Bh 35,640.00 39,210.00 18.00
5 Salsa silver uk. 10 x 60 cm Salsa silver uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 18,040.00 19,850.00 18.00
6 Salsa silver uk. 20 x 60 cm Salsa silver uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 30,580.00 33,640.00 18.00
7 Salsa silver uk. 30 x 60 cm Salsa silver uk. 30 x 60 cm Bh 43,120.00 47,440.00 18.00
8 Salsa silver uk. 40 x 60 cm Salsa silver uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 80,630.00 88,700.00 18.00
9 Salsa silver uk. 60 x 60 cm Salsa silver uk. 60 x 60 cm Bh 80,630.00 88,700.00 18.00
10 Salsa gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 6,380.00 7,020.00 18.00
11 Salsa gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 12,650.00 13,920.00 18.00
12 Salsa gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 21,670.00 23,840.00 18.00
13 Salsa gold uk. 40 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 40 x 40 cm Bh 39,600.00 43,560.00 18.00
14 Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 6,490.00 7,140.00 18.00
15 Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 12,870.00 14,160.00 18.00
16 Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 22,000.00 24,200.00 18.00
17 Salsa diamond uk. 40 x 40 cm Salsa diamond uk. 40 x 40 cm Bh 40,260.00 44,290.00 18.00
18 Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 60 cm Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 20,240.00 22,270.00 18.00
19 Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 60 cm Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 34,980.00 38,480.00 18.00
20 Salsa diamond uk. 30 x 60 cm Salsa diamond uk. 30 x 60 cm Bh 49,610.00 54,580.00 18.00
21 Salsa diamond uk. 40 x 60 cm Salsa diamond uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 93,720.00 103,100.00 18.00
22 Salsa diamond uk. 60 x 60 cm Salsa diamond uk. 60 x 60 cm Bh 93,720.00 103,100.00 18.00
0 18.00
b Stepnosing Palazzo silver Stepnosing Palazzo silver 18.00
1 Palazzo silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Palazzo silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 6,710.00 7,390.00 18.00
2 Palazzo silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Palazzo silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 13,420.00 14,770.00 18.00
3 Palazzo silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Palazzo silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 23,100.00 25,410.00 18.00
4 Palazzo silver uk. 40 x 40 cm Palazzo silver uk. 40 x 40 cm Bh 42,350.00 46,590.00 18.00
5 Palazzo silver uk. 10 x 60 cm Palazzo silver uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 20,240.00 22,270.00 18.00
6 Palazzo silver uk. 20 x 60 cm Palazzo silver uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 34,980.00 38,480.00 18.00
7 Palazzo silver uk. 30 x 60 cm Palazzo silver uk. 30 x 60 cm Bh 49,610.00 54,580.00 18.00
8 Palazzo silver uk. 40 x 60 cm Palazzo silver uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 93,720.00 103,100.00 18.00
9 Palazzo silver uk. 60 x 60 cm Palazzo silver uk. 60 x 60 cm Bh 93,720.00 103,100.00 18.00
10 Palazzo gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Palazzo gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 7,040.00 7,750.00 18.00
11 Palazzo gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Palazzo gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 14,080.00 15,490.00 18.00
12 Palazzo gold 20 x 40 cm Palazzo gold 20 x 40 cm Bh 24,310.00 26,750.00 18.00
13 Palazzo gold uk. 40 x 40 cm Palazzo gold uk. 40 x 40 cm Bh 44,990.00 49,490.00 18.00
14 Palazzo gold uk. 10 x 60 cm Palazzo gold uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 21,120.00 23,240.00 18.00
15 Palazzo gold uk. 20 x 60 cm Palazzo gold uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 36,630.00 40,300.00 18.00
16 Palazzo gold uk. 30 x 60 cm Palazzo gold uk. 30 x 60 cm Bh 52,250.00 57,480.00 18.00
17 Palazzo gold uk. 40 x 60 cm Palazzo gold uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 98,890.00 108,780.00 18.00
18 Palazzo gold uk. 60 x 60 cm Palazzo gold uk. 60 x 60 cm Bh 98,890.00 108,780.00 18.00
0 18.00
c Stepnosing aurora silver, gold Stepnosing aurora silver, gold 18.00
1 Aurora silver uk. 10 x 60 cm Aurora silver uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 21,780.00 23,960.00 18.00
2 Aurora silver uk. 20 x 60 cm Aurora silver uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 38,060.00 41,870.00 18.00
3 Aurora silver uk. 30 x 60 cm Aurora silver uk. 30 x 60 cm Bh 54,320.00 59,760.00 18.00
4 Aurora silver uk. 40 x 60 cm Aurora silver uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 102,960.00 113,260.00 18.00
5 Aurora silver uk. 60 x 60 cm Aurora silver uk. 60 x 60 cm Bh 102,960.00 113,260.00 18.00
6 Aurora gold uk.10 x 60 cm Aurora gold uk.10 x 60 cm Bh 25,630.00 28,200.00 18.00
7 Aurora gold uk. 20 x 60 cm Aurora gold uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 45,650.00 50,220.00 18.00
8 Aurora gold uk. 30 x 60 cm Aurora gold uk. 30 x 60 cm Bh 65,670.00 72,240.00 18.00
9 Aurora gold uk. 40 x 60 cm Aurora gold uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 125,370.00 137,910.00 18.00
10 Aurora gold uk. 30 x 30 cm Aurora gold uk. 30 x 30 cm Bh 125,730.00 138,310.00 18.00
0 18.00
a Salsa silver/Gold Cutting size Salsa silver/Gold Cutting size 18.00
1 Salsa silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 4,180.00 4,600.00 18.00
2 Salsa silver uk. 20 x 20 cm Salsa silver uk. 20 x 20 cm Bh 7,700.00 8,470.00 18.00
3 Salsa silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 8,360.00 9,200.00 18.00
4 Salsa silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 15,290.00 16,820.00 18.00
5 Salsa silver uk. 30 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 30 x 40 cm Bh 29,040.00 31,950.00 18.00
6 Salsa gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 4,620.00 5,090.00 18.00
7 Salsa gold uk. 20 x 20 cm Salsa gold uk. 20 x 20 cm Bh 8,580.00 9,440.00 18.00
8 Salsa gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 9,240.00 10,170.00 18.00
9 Salsa gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 17,050.00 18,760.00 18.00
10 Salsa gold uk. 30 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 30 x 40 cm Bh 32,560.00 35,820.00 18.00
11 Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 4,730.00 5,210.00 18.00
12 Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 20 cm Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 20 cm Bh 8,800.00 9,680.00 18.00
13 Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 9,460.00 10,410.00 18.00
14 Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 17,600.00 19,360.00 18.00
15 Salsa diamond uk. 30 x 40 cm Salsa diamond uk. 30 x 40 cm Bh 33,770.00 37,150.00 18.00
16 Salsa silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 4,180.00 4,600.00 18.00
17 Salsa silver uk. 20 x 20 cm Salsa silver uk. 20 x 20 cm Bh 7,700.00 8,470.00 18.00
18 Salsa silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 8,360.00 9,200.00 18.00
19 Salsa silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 15,290.00 16,820.00 18.00
20 Salsa silver uk. 30 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 30 x 40 cm Bh 29,040.00 31,950.00 18.00
21 Salsa gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 4,620.00 5,090.00 18.00
22 Salsa gold uk. 20 x 20 cm Salsa gold uk. 20 x 20 cm Bh 8,580.00 9,440.00 18.00
23 Salsa gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 9,240.00 10,170.00 18.00
24 Salsa gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 17,050.00 18,760.00 18.00
25 Salsa gold uk. 30 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 30 x 40 cm Bh 32,560.00 35,820.00 18.00
0 18.00
a bullinose bullinose 18.00
1 Salsa silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 4,840.00 5,330.00 18.00
2 Salsa silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 9,570.00 10,530.00 18.00
3 Salsa silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 16,390.00 18,030.00 18.00
4 Salsa silver uk. 40 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 40 x 40 cm Bh 30,250.00 33,280.00 18.00
5 Salsa gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 4,620.00 5,090.00 18.00
6 Salsa gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 9,240.00 10,170.00 18.00
7 Salsa gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 17,050.00 18,760.00 18.00
8 Salsa gold uk. 40 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 40 x 40 cm Bh 32,560.00 35,820.00 18.00
9 Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 5,390.00 5,930.00 18.00
10 Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 10,670.00 11,740.00 18.00
11 Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 18,810.00 20,700.00 18.00
12 Salsa diamond uk. 40 x 40 cm Salsa diamond uk. 40 x 40 cm Bh 34,870.00 38,360.00 18.00
0 18.00
b Castelo, silver, Gold Castelo, silver, Gold 18.00
1 Silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 4,840.00 5,330.00 18.00
2 Silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 9,570.00 10,530.00 18.00
3 Silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 16,390.00 18,030.00 18.00
4 Silver uk. 40 x 40 cm Silver uk. 40 x 40 cm Bh 30,250.00 33,280.00 18.00
5 Salsa gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 5,280.00 5,810.00 18.00
6 Salsa gold uk. 20 x 20 cm Salsa gold uk. 20 x 20 cm Bh 5,280.00 5,810.00 18.00
7 Salsa gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 10,450.00 11,500.00 18.00
8 Salsa gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 18,150.00 19,970.00 18.00
9 Salsa gold uk. 40 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 40 x 40 cm Bh 33,770.00 37,150.00 18.00
0 18.00
1 Salsa silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa silver uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 5,390.00 5,930.00 18.00
2 Salsa silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 10,670.00 11,740.00 18.00
3 Salsa silver uk. 15 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 15 x 40 cm Bh 17,490.00 19,240.00 18.00
4 Salsa silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 17,490.00 19,240.00 18.00
5 Salsa silver uk. 40 x 40 cm Salsa silver uk. 40 x 40 cm Bh 31,350.00 34,490.00 18.00
6 Salsa gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa gold uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 5,830.00 6,420.00 18.00
7 Salsa gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 11,550.00 12,710.00 18.00
8 Salsa gold uk. 15 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 15 x 40 cm Bh 19,360.00 21,300.00 18.00
9 Salsa gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 19,360.00 21,300.00 18.00
10 Salsa gold uk. 40 x 40 cm Salsa gold uk. 40 x 40 cm Bh 34,870.00 38,360.00 18.00
11 Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 20 cm Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 20 cm Bh 5,940.00 6,540.00 18.00
12 Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 40 cm Salsa diamond uk. 10 x 40 cm Bh 11,770.00 12,950.00 18.00
13 Salsa diamond uk. 15 x 40 cm Salsa diamond uk. 15 x 40 cm Bh 19,910.00 21,910.00 18.00
14 Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 40 cm Salsa diamond uk. 20 x 40 cm Bh 19,910.00 21,910.00 18.00
15 Salsa diamond uk. 40 x 40 cm Salsa diamond uk. 40 x 40 cm Bh 35,970.00 39,570.00 18.00
0 18.00
Lunar Cutting size Lunar Cutting size 18.00
1 Lunar gold uk. 30 x 30 cm Lunar gold uk. 30 x 30 cm Bh 25,960.00 28,560.00 18.00
2 Lunar diamond uk. 30 x 30 cm Lunar diamond uk. 30 x 30 cm Bh 27,390.00 30,130.00 18.00
3 Lunar gold uk. 10 x 60 cm Lunar gold uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 18,700.00 20,570.00 18.00
4 Lunar diamond uk. 10 x 60 cm Lunar diamond uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 19,690.00 21,660.00 18.00
5 Lunar gold uk. 15 x 60 cm Lunar gold uk. 15 x 60 cm Bh 26,950.00 29,650.00 18.00
6 Lunar diamond uk. 15 x 60 cm Lunar diamond uk. 15 x 60 cm Bh 28,490.00 31,340.00 18.00
7 Lunar gold uk. 20 x 60 cm Lunar gold uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 35,200.00 38,720.00 18.00
8 Lunar diamond uk. 20 x 60 cm Lunar diamond uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 37,180.00 40,900.00 18.00
9 Lunar gold uk. 40 x 60 cm Lunar gold uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 101,420.00 111,570.00 18.00
10 Lunar diamond uk. 40 x 60 cm Lunar diamond uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 107,470.00 118,220.00 18.00
Lunar Bullinosa Lunar Bullinosa 18.00
1 Lunar gold uk. 10 x 60 cm Lunar gold uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 20,460.00 22,510.00 18.00
2 Lunar diamond uk. 10 x 60 cm Lunar diamond uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 21,450.00 23,600.00 18.00
3 Lunar gold uk. 15 x 60 cm Lunar gold uk. 15 x 60 cm Bh 28,710.00 31,590.00 18.00
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
4 Lunar diamond uk. 15 x 60 cm Lunar diamond uk. 15 x 60 cm Bh 30,250.00 33,280.00 18.00
5 Lunar gold uk. 20 x 60 cm Lunar gold uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 36,960.00 40,660.00 18.00
6 Lunar diamond uk. 20 x 60 cm Lunar diamond uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 38,940.00 42,840.00 18.00
7 Lunar gold uk. 40 x 60 cm Lunar gold uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 103,180.00 113,500.00 18.00
8 Lunar diamond uk. 40 x 60 cm Lunar diamond uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 109,230.00 120,160.00 18.00
9 Lunar gold uk. 60 x 60 cm Lunar gold uk. 60 x 60 cm Bh 103,180.00 113,500.00 18.00
10 Lunar diamond uk. 60 x 60 cm Lunar diamond uk. 60 x 60 cm Bh 109,230.00 120,160.00 18.00
Lunar Stepnosing Lunar Stepnosing 18.00
1 Lunar gold uk. 10 x 60 cm Lunar gold uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 22,110.00 24,330.00 18.00
2 Lunar diamond uk. 10 x 60 cm Lunar diamond uk. 10 x 60 cm Bh 23,110.00 25,430.00 18.00
3 Lunar gold uk. 15 x 60 cm Lunar gold uk. 15 x 60 cm Bh 30,360.00 33,400.00 18.00
4 Lunar diamond uk. 15 x 60 cm Lunar diamond uk. 15 x 60 cm Bh 31,900.00 35,090.00 18.00
5 Lunar gold uk. 20 x 60 cm Lunar gold uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 38,610.00 42,480.00 18.00
6 Lunar diamond uk. 20 x 60 cm Lunar diamond uk. 20 x 60 cm Bh 40,700.00 44,770.00 18.00
7 Lunar gold uk. 40 x 60 cm Lunar gold uk. 40 x 60 cm Bh 104,830.00 115,320.00 18.00
8 Lunar diamond uk. 240 x 60 cm Lunar diamond uk. 240 x 60 cm Bh 110,880.00 121,970.00 18.00
9 Lunar gold uk. 60 x 60 cm Lunar gold uk. 60 x 60 cm Bh 104,830.00 115,320.00 18.00
10 Lunar Diamond 60 x 60 cm Lunar Diamond 60 x 60 cm Bh 110,880.00 121,970.00 18.00
1 Group A warna lily setengah mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Group A warna lily setengah mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm m2 275,250.00 302,780.00 18.00
2 Group A warna lily setengah mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm Group A warna lily setengah mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 433,748.70 477,130.00 18.00
3 Group A warna lily setengah mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group A warna lily setengah mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 378,100.80 415,920.00 18.00
4 Group A warna lily setengah mengkilap uk. 40 x 60 cm Group A warna lily setengah mengkilap uk. 40 x 60 cm m2 394,317.00 433,750.00 18.00
5 Group A warna lily setengah mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group A warna lily setengah mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 433,748.70 477,130.00 18.00
6 Group A warna lily hibiscus mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Group A warna lily hibiscus mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm m2 251,020.00 276,130.00 18.00
7 Group A warna lily hibiscus mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm Group A warna lily hibiscus mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 324,000.00 356,400.00 18.00
8 Group A warna lily hibiscus mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group A warna lily hibiscus mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 315,250.00 346,780.00 18.00
9 Group A warna lily hibiscus mengkilap uk. 40 x 60 cm Group A warna lily hibiscus mengkilap uk. 40 x 60 cm m2 394,500.00 433,950.00 18.00
10 Group A warna lily hibiscus mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group A warna lily hibiscus mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 440,250.00 484,280.00 18.00
11 Group B warna flamboyan setengah mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Group B warna flamboyan setengah mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm m2 275,800.00 303,380.00 18.00
12 Group B warna flamboyan setengah mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm Group B warna flamboyan setengah mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 305,600.00 336,160.00 18.00
13 Group B warna flamboyan setengah mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group B warna flamboyan setengah mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 305,600.00 336,160.00 18.00
14 Group B warna flamboyan setengah mengkilap uk. 40 x 60 cm Group B warna flamboyan setengah mengkilap uk. 40 x 60 cm m2 324,240.00 356,670.00 18.00
15 Group B warna flamboyan setengah mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group B warna flamboyan setengah mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 375,620.00 413,190.00 18.00
16 Group B warna maple mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Group B warna maple mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm m2 478,250.00 526,080.00 18.00
17 Group B warna maple mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm Group B warna maple mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 478,250.00 526,080.00 18.00
18 Group B warna maple mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group B warna maple mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 478,250.00 526,080.00 18.00
19 Group B warna maple mengkilap uk. 40 x 60 cm Group B warna maple mengkilap uk. 40 x 60 cm m2 478,250.00 526,080.00 18.00
20 Group B warna maple mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group B warna maple mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 478,250.00 526,080.00 18.00
21 Group A warna celestial white luna gray tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group A warna celestial white luna gray tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 250,000.00 275,000.00 18.00
22 Group A warna celestial white luna gray tidak mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group A warna celestial white luna gray tidak mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 264,500.00 290,950.00 18.00
23 Group A warna celestial white luna gray mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group A warna celestial white luna gray mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 250,000.00 275,000.00 18.00
24 Group A warna celestial white luna gray mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group A warna celestial white luna gray mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 264,000.00 290,400.00 18.00
25 Group A warna hyperwhite cristal mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group A warna hyperwhite cristal mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 320,000.00 352,000.00 18.00
26 Group B warna diamante cristal mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group B warna diamante cristal mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 352,000.00 387,200.00 18.00
27 Group A daisy gladiola lily salvia travertine mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm Group A daisy gladiola lily salvia travertine mengkilap uk. 30 x 30 cm m2 337,700.00 371,470.00 18.00
28 Group A daisy gladiola lily salvia mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm Group A daisy gladiola lily salvia mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 337,700.00 371,470.00 18.00
29 Group A daisy gladiola lily salvia mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group A daisy gladiola lily salvia mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 290,400.00 319,440.00 18.00
30 Group A daisy gladiola lily salvia mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group A daisy gladiola lily salvia mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 337,700.00 371,470.00 18.00
31 Group B ebony maple,rosemary mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm Group B ebony maple,rosemary mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 375,540.00 413,100.00 18.00
32 Group B ebony maple,rosemary mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group B ebony maple,rosemary mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 327,360.00 360,100.00 18.00
33 Group B ebony maple,rosemary mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group B ebony maple,rosemary mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 375,540.00 413,100.00 18.00
1 Group A warna silver reaf setengah mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group A warna silver reaf setengah mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 185,600.00 204,160.00 18.00
2 Group A warna summer snow setengah mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group A warna summer snow setengah mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 243,500.00 267,850.00 18.00
3 Group A warna summer snow setengah mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group A warna summer snow setengah mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 285,650.00 314,220.00 18.00
1 Group A warna alexandra calamus mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group A warna alexandra calamus mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 337,700.00 371,470.00 18.00
2 Group A warna alexandra calamus mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group A warna alexandra calamus mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 251,020.00 276,130.00 18.00
1 Group A warna magnetile pietra di luna rock uk. 30 x 60 cm Group A warna magnetile pietra di luna rock uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 222,915.00 245,210.00 18.00
2 Group B adamello gran sasso rock uk. 30 x 60 cm Group B adamello gran sasso rock uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 233,530.00 256,890.00 18.00
3 Group B marmolada monte rosa fordoi tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm Group B marmolada monte rosa fordoi tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 233,530.00 256,890.00 18.00
1 Group A crono zeus eros tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm Group A crono zeus eros tidak mengkilap uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 192,500.00 211,750.00 18.00
2 Calisto crono eros zeus tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm Calisto crono eros zeus tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 222,915.00 245,210.00 18.00
3 Calisto crono eros zeus tidak mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Calisto crono eros zeus tidak mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 232,155.00 255,380.00 18.00
4 Group B calisto,ermes,nitto tidak mengkilap uk 40 x 40cm Group B calisto,ermes,nitto tidak mengkilap uk 40 x 40cm m2 202,125.00 222,340.00 18.00
5 Group B calisto, ermes, nitto tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 60cm Group B calisto, ermes, nitto tidak mengkilap uk. 30 x 60cm m2 233,530.00 256,890.00 18.00
6 Group B calisto, ermes, rutto tidak mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm Group B calisto, ermes, rutto tidak mengkilap uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 243,210.00 267,540.00 18.00
1 Granit Star white / Sira white Granit Star white / Sira white m2 350,000.00 385,000.00 18.00
2 Granit Nero Absoluto Xanxy Granit Nero Absoluto Xanxy m2 850,000.00 935,000.00 18.00
3 Granit Nero Absoluto India Granit Nero Absoluto India m2 975,000.00 1,072,500.00 18.00
4 Granit Nero Absoluto RB Granit Nero Absoluto RB m2 680,000.00 748,000.00 18.00
5 Granit Nero Absoluto MB Granit Nero Absoluto MB m2 650,000.00 715,000.00 18.00
6 Granit Nero Impala Granit Nero Impala m2 550,000.00 605,000.00 18.00
7 Granit Nero Kinawa Granit Nero Kinawa m2 650,000.00 715,000.00 18.00
8 Granit Verde Bahama Granit Verde Bahama m2 650,000.00 715,000.00 18.00
9 Granit Egypt Red Granit Egypt Red m2 635,000.00 698,500.00 18.00
10 Granit Red Multi Colour Granit Red Multi Colour m2 950,000.00 1,045,000.00 18.00
11 Granit Imperial Red Granit Imperial Red m2 1,050,000.00 1,155,000.00 18.00
12 Granit New Imperial Red Granit New Imperial Red m2 1,250,000.00 1,375,000.00 18.00
13 Granit Golden Galaxy Granit Golden Galaxy m2 1,400,000.00 1,540,000.00 18.00
14 Granit Tan Brown Granit Tan Brown m2 845,000.00 929,500.00 18.00
15 Granit Dragon Red Granit Dragon Red m2 850,000.00 935,000.00 18.00
16 Granit Bianco Sardo Granit Bianco Sardo m2 650,000.00 715,000.00 18.00
17 Granit Lavender Blue Granit Lavender Blue m2 975,000.00 1,072,500.00 18.00
18 Granit Sunset Red Granit Sunset Red m2 850,000.00 935,000.00 18.00
19 Granit Royal Pink Granit Royal Pink m2 550,000.00 605,000.00 18.00
20 Granit Pink Porino Granit Pink Porino m2 650,000.00 715,000.00 18.00
21 Granit Camelia Brown Granit Camelia Brown m2 500,000.00 550,000.00 18.00
22 Granit Rosa Samba Granit Rosa Samba m2 650,000.00 715,000.00 18.00
23 Granit Giallo Venesiano Granit Giallo Venesiano m2 1,100,000.00 1,210,000.00 18.00
24 Granit Dark Green Granit Dark Green m2 750,000.00 825,000.00 18.00
25 Granit Red Pink Porino Granit Red Pink Porino m2 650,000.00 715,000.00 18.00
26 Granit Statuario Veneto Granit Statuario Veneto m2 3,500,000.00 3,850,000.00 18.00
27 Granit Statuario olassico Granit Statuario olassico m2 3,000,000.00 3,300,000.00 18.00
28 Granit Briliant white Granit Briliant white m2 550,000.00 605,000.00 18.00
29 Granit Rosalia Medium Granit Rosalia Medium m2 680,000.00 748,000.00 18.00
30 Granit Fox Grey Granit Fox Grey m2 980,000.00 1,078,000.00 18.00
31 Granit silver Pearl Granit silver Pearl m2 980,000.00 1,078,000.00 18.00
32 Granit Black Pearl Granit Black Pearl m2 600,000.00 660,000.00 18.00
33 Granit New Blue Pearl Granit New Blue Pearl m2 950,000.00 1,045,000.00 18.00
34 Granit Crystal Yellow Granit Crystal Yellow m2 750,000.00 825,000.00 18.00
35 Granit Yellow Almod Granit Yellow Almod m2 550,000.00 605,000.00 18.00
36 Granit Andesit Granit Andesit m2 540,000.00 594,000.00 18.00
37 Granit Red China Granit Red China m2 550,000.00 605,000.00 18.00
38 Granit Black China Granit Black China m2 550,000.00 605,000.00 18.00
39 Granit Safir Brown Granit Safir Brown m2 850,000.00 935,000.00 18.00
40 Granit Yellow Juparana Granit Yellow Juparana m2 700,000.00 770,000.00 18.00
41 Granit Crystal Pink Granit Crystal Pink m2 575,000.00 632,500.00 18.00
42 Granit Indian Juparana Granit Indian Juparana m2 975,000.00 1,072,500.00 18.00
1 Marmer Cream Rose, ex Marmer Tulungagung Marmer Cream Rose, ex Marmer Tulungagung m2 200,000.00 220,000.00 18.00
2 Marmer Java Melarosa, ex Marmer Tulungagung Marmer Java Melarosa, ex Marmer Tulungagung m2 230,000.00 253,000.00 18.00
3 Marmer Java Mocca, ex Marmer Tulungagung Marmer Java Mocca, ex Marmer Tulungagung m2 230,000.00 253,000.00 18.00
1 Marmer Crema Evory Marmer Crema Evory m2 650,000.00 715,000.00 18.00
2 Marmer Golden Perlato Marmer Golden Perlato m2 650,000.00 715,000.00 18.00
3 Marmer Ciang Po Blue Marmer Ciang Po Blue m2 650,000.00 715,000.00 18.00
4 Marmer Crema Marmer Crema m2 650,000.00 715,000.00 18.00
5 Marmer Volakas Marmer Volakas m2 950,000.00 1,045,000.00 18.00
6 Marmer CL Pink Marmer CL Pink m2 650,000.00 715,000.00 18.00
7 Marmer CL Alur Marmer CL Alur m2 650,000.00 715,000.00 18.00
8 Marmer Gialo Silvia Marmer Gialo Silvia m2 700,000.00 770,000.00 18.00
9 Marmer white Carara Marmer white Carara m2 950,000.00 1,045,000.00 18.00
10 Marmer Mocca Creama Marmer Mocca Creama m2 1,115,000.00 1,226,500.00 18.00
11 Marmer Light Emperador Marmer Light Emperador m2 950,000.00 1,045,000.00 18.00
12 Marmer Dark Emperador Marmer Dark Emperador m2 1,250,000.00 1,375,000.00 18.00
13 Marmer Creama Mawar Sejajar Marmer Creama Mawar Sejajar m2 450,000.00 495,000.00 18.00
14 Marmer Verde Patricia Marmer Verde Patricia m2 780,000.00 858,000.00 18.00
15 Marmer Servigiante Marmer Servigiante m2 1,250,000.00 1,375,000.00 18.00
16 Marmer Travertine Marmer Travertine m2 1,300,000.00 1,430,000.00 18.00
17 Marmer Rosso Alicante Marmer Rosso Alicante m2 980,000.00 1,078,000.00 18.00
18 Marmer Rosso Vietnam Marmer Rosso Vietnam m2 600,000.00 660,000.00 18.00
19 Marmer Nero Marquina Marmer Nero Marquina m2 480,000.00 528,000.00 18.00
20 Marmer Saint Laurent Marmer Saint Laurent m2 650,000.00 715,000.00 18.00
21 Marmer Perlato Brown Marmer Perlato Brown m2 650,000.00 715,000.00 18.00
22 Marmer Marquina Red Marmer Marquina Red m2 550,000.00 605,000.00 18.00
23 Marmer Mandala Marmer Mandala m2 450,000.00 495,000.00 18.00
24 Marmer Perlaio Bungarow Marmer Perlaio Bungarow m2 650,000.00 715,000.00 18.00
25 Marmer Rainbow Stone Marmer Rainbow Stone m2 750,000.00 825,000.00 18.00
26 Marmer Lampung Crystal Marmer Lampung Crystal m2 765,000.00 841,500.00 18.00
1 Type topaz polish uk. 40 x 40 cm Type topaz polish uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 185,000.00 203,500.00 18.00
2 Type topaz unpolish uk. 40 x 40 cm Type topaz unpolish uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 165,000.00 181,500.00 18.00
3 Type galena, pink opal, citrtine, ruby polish uk. 40 x 40 cm Type galena, pink opal, citrtine, ruby polish uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 200,000.00 220,000.00 18.00
4 Type galena, pink opal, citrtine, ruby unpolish uk. 40 x 40 cm Type galena, pink opal, citrtine, ruby unpolish uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 185,000.00 203,500.00 18.00
5 Type zirconium, moonstone, selenium, olivine polish uk. 40 x 40 cm Type zirconium, moonstone, selenium, olivine polish uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 220,000.00 242,000.00 18.00
6 Type zirconium, moonstone, selenium, olivine unpolish uk. 40 x 40 cm Type zirconium, moonstone, selenium, olivine unpolish uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 200,000.00 220,000.00 18.00
7 Type ccobalt blue, titanium, black onyx polish uk. 40 x 40 cm Type ccobalt blue, titanium, black onyx polish uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 290,000.00 319,000.00 18.00
8 Type ccobalt blue, titanium, black onyx unpolish uk. 40 x 40 cm Type ccobalt blue, titanium, black onyx unpolish uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 230,000.00 253,000.00 18.00
9 type A1 en rocktile uk. 40 x 40 cm type A1 en rocktile uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 190,000.00 209,000.00 18.00
10 Type everest, olympus rocktile uk. 40 x 40 cm Type everest, olympus rocktile uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 200,000.00 220,000.00 18.00
11 Type majestic rocktile uk. 44 x 40 cm Type majestic rocktile uk. 44 x 40 cm m2 230,000.00 253,000.00 18.00
12 Type olympus, everest (lappato) rocktile uk. 40 x 40 cm Type olympus, everest (lappato) rocktile uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 215,000.00 236,500.00 18.00
13 Type majestic (lappato) rocktile uk. 40 x 40 cm Type majestic (lappato) rocktile uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 245,000.00 269,500.00 18.00
14 Type noce mitica,gris mitica'vgd, gpitica rocktile uk. 40 x 40 cm Type noce mitica,gris mitica'vgd, gpitica rocktile uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 245,000.00 269,500.00 18.00
15 Type perla mitica,grigio mitica. (lappato) rocktile uk. 40 x 40 cm Type perla mitica,grigio mitica. (lappato) rocktile uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 245,000.00 269,500.00 18.00
16 Type noce, gris, verde mitica (lappato) rocktile uk. 40 x 40 cm Type noce, gris, verde mitica (lappato) rocktile uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 260,000.00 286,000.00 18.00
17 Type perla mitica, grigio mitica rocktile uk. 40 x 40 cm Type perla mitica, grigio mitica rocktile uk. 40 x 40 cm m2 230,000.00 253,000.00 18.00
18 Souble salt/polished type athena, barcelona, lucerne venezia uk 60 x 60 cm Souble salt/polished type athena, barcelona, lucerne venezia uk 60 x 60 cm m2 190,000.00 209,000.00 18.00
19 Uni colour/polished type topaz uk 60 x 60 cm Uni colour/polished type topaz uk 60 x 60 cm m2 190,000.00 209,000.00 18.00
20 Uni colour/polished type silver star uk 60 x 60 cm Uni colour/polished type silver star uk 60 x 60 cm m2 190,000.00 209,000.00 18.00
21 Uni colour/polished type zirconium uk 60 x 60 cm Uni colour/polished type zirconium uk 60 x 60 cm m2 250,000.00 275,000.00 18.00
22 Uni colour/polished type white onyx uk 60 x 60 cm Uni colour/polished type white onyx uk 60 x 60 cm m2 300,000.00 330,000.00 18.00
23 Uni colour/polished type super white uk 60 x 60 cm Uni colour/polished type super white uk 60 x 60 cm m2 375,000.00 412,500.00 18.00
24 Uni colour/polished type black onyx uk 60 x 60 cm Uni colour/polished type black onyx uk 60 x 60 cm m2 330,000.00 363,000.00 18.00
25 Salt and pepper/polished black galaxy uk. 60 x 60 cm Salt and pepper/polished black galaxy uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 330,000.00 363,000.00 18.00
26 Salt and pepper/polished type titanium uk. 60 x 60 cm Salt and pepper/polished type titanium uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 330,000.00 363,000.00 18.00
27 Salt and pepper/polished type moonstone uk. 60 x 60 cm Salt and pepper/polished type moonstone uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 240,000.00 264,000.00 18.00
28 Natura/polished type marigold, saffron, magnolia & rosemary uk. 60 x 60 cm Natura/polished type marigold, saffron, magnolia & rosemary uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 230,000.00 253,000.00 18.00
29 Natura/polished type bougenville uk. 60 x 60 cm Natura/polished type bougenville uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 260,000.00 286,000.00 18.00
30 Marmo/polished type bianco carrara, giallo olassico, crema marfill uk. 60 x 60 cm Marmo/polished type bianco carrara, giallo olassico, crema marfill uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 280,000.00 308,000.00 18.00
31 Marmo/polished type nero partoro, nero marquina uk. 60 x 60 cm Marmo/polished type nero partoro, nero marquina uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 350,000.00 385,000.00 18.00
33 Cristallo/polished type crystal white, desert brown, royal black uk. 60 x 60 cm Cristallo/polished type crystal white, desert brown, royal black uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 253,000.00 278,300.00 18.00
34 Meteora/polished type pegasus black uk. 60 x 60 cm Meteora/polished type pegasus black uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 250,000.00 275,000.00 18.00
35 Meteora/polished type odessa white uk. 60 x 60 cm Meteora/polished type odessa white uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 210,000.00 231,000.00 18.00
36 Marmaro/polished type argento beige uk. 60 x 60 cm Marmaro/polished type argento beige uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 300,000.00 330,000.00 18.00
37 Antica/satin type luna, fortuna, aurora & cardea uk. 60 x 60 cm Antica/satin type luna, fortuna, aurora & cardea uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 205,000.00 225,500.00 18.00
38 Antica/satin type nerio uk. 60 x 60 cm Antica/satin type nerio uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 225,000.00 247,500.00 18.00
39 Stream/matte type havana matte & silver lake matte uk. 60 x 60 cm Stream/matte type havana matte & silver lake matte uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 225,000.00 247,500.00 18.00
40 Stream/matte type niagara matte & black sea matte uk. 60 x 60 cm Stream/matte type niagara matte & black sea matte uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 245,000.00 269,500.00 18.00
41 Stream/lappato type havana lappato & silver lake lappato uk. 60 x 60 cm Stream/lappato type havana lappato & silver lake lappato uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 235,000.00 258,500.00 18.00
42 Stream/lappato type niagara lappato & black sea lappato uk. 60 x 60 cm Stream/lappato type niagara lappato & black sea lappato uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 225,000.00 247,500.00 18.00
43 Stream/Lappato Type Red Ruby uk. 60 x 60 cm Stream/Lappato Type Red Ruby uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 395,000.00 434,500.00 18.00
44 Stream/Lappato Type Golden Yellow uk. 60 x 60 cm Stream/Lappato Type Golden Yellow uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 300,000.00 330,000.00 18.00
45 Mitica/rocktile type perla mitica & grigio mitica uk. 60 x 60 cm Mitica/rocktile type perla mitica & grigio mitica uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 250,000.00 275,000.00 18.00
46 Mitica/rocktile type noce mitica & gris mitica verde mitica uk. 60 x 60 cm Mitica/rocktile type noce mitica & gris mitica verde mitica uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 265,000.00 291,500.00 18.00
47 Mitica/rocktile type perla mitica(lappato),grigio mitica lappato uk. 60 x 60 cm Mitica/rocktile type perla mitica(lappato),grigio mitica lappato uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 265,000.00 291,500.00 18.00
48 Mitica/rocktile type noce mitica & gris mitica verde mitica (lappato) uk. 60 x 60 cm Mitica/rocktile type noce mitica & gris mitica verde mitica (lappato) uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 280,000.00 308,000.00 18.00
49 Montagne/rocktile type A1pen uk. 60 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile type A1pen uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 200,000.00 220,000.00 18.00
50 Montagne/rocktile type everest olympus uk. 60 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile type everest olympus uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 210,000.00 231,000.00 18.00
51 Montagne/rocktile type majestic uk. 60 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile type majestic uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 240,000.00 264,000.00 18.00
52 Montagne/rocktile type olympus,everest, (lappato) uk. 60 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile type olympus,everest, (lappato) uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 225,000.00 247,500.00 18.00
53 Montagne/rocktile type majestic (lappato) uk. 60 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile type majestic (lappato) uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 225,000.00 247,500.00 18.00
54 Foresta Wood type walnut, spruce & cotton wood uk. 60 x 60 cm Foresta Wood type walnut, spruce & cotton wood uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 245,000.00 269,500.00 18.00
55 Pine Wood type white pine, black pine, brown pine & maple pine uk. 60 x 60 cm Pine Wood type white pine, black pine, brown pine & maple pine uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 245,000.00 269,500.00 18.00
56 Arcopolis type aphrodite matte Creme uk.60 x 60 cm Arcopolis type aphrodite matte Creme uk.60 x 60 cm m2 240,000.00 264,000.00 18.00
57 Arcopolis typezeus matte grey uk. 60 x 60 cm Arcopolis typezeus matte grey uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 240,000.00 264,000.00 18.00
58 Arcopolis type poseidon matte brown uk. 60 x 60 cm Arcopolis type poseidon matte brown uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 260,000.00 286,000.00 18.00
59 Arcopolis type kronos matte black uk. 60 x 60 cm Arcopolis type kronos matte black uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 260,000.00 286,000.00 18.00
60 Arcopolis type aphroditi lappato creme uk. 60 x 60 cm Arcopolis type aphroditi lappato creme uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 250,000.00 275,000.00 18.00
61 Arcopolis type zeus lappato grey uk. 60 x 60 cm Arcopolis type zeus lappato grey uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 250,000.00 275,000.00 18.00
62 Arcopolis type poseidon lappato brown uk. 60 x 60 cm Arcopolis type poseidon lappato brown uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 270,000.00 297,000.00 18.00
63 Arcopolis type kronos lappato black uk. 60 x 60 cm Arcopolis type kronos lappato black uk. 60 x 60 cm m2 270,000.00 297,000.00 18.00
Floor Tile Polished 80x80 cm Floor Tile Polished 80x80 cm 18.00
1 Uni colour type super white uk. 80 x 80 cm Uni colour type super white uk. 80 x 80 cm m2 450,000.00 495,000.00 18.00
2 Uni colour type zirconium uk. 80 x 80 cm Uni colour type zirconium uk. 80 x 80 cm m2 300,000.00 330,000.00 18.00
3 Uni colour type topaz uk. 80 x 80 cm Uni colour type topaz uk. 80 x 80 cm m2 247,000.00 271,700.00 18.00
4 Uni colour type white onyx uk. 80 x 80 cm Uni colour type white onyx uk. 80 x 80 cm m2 18.00
5 Marmaro type blanco travertino 80 x 80 cm Marmaro type blanco travertino 80 x 80 cm m2 398,000.00 437,800.00 18.00
6 Marmaro type creme travertino,grigio travertino uk. 80 x 80 cm Marmaro type creme travertino,grigio travertino uk. 80 x 80 cm m2 398,000.00 437,800.00 18.00
7 Marmaro type argento beige,argento,creme,giallo botticino uk. 80 x 80 cm Marmaro type argento beige,argento,creme,giallo botticino uk. 80 x 80 cm m2 317,000.00 348,700.00 18.00
8 Cristallo type crystal white, eta, royal black uk. 80 x 80 cm Cristallo type crystal white, eta, royal black uk. 80 x 80 cm m2 317,000.00 348,700.00 18.00
Wall tile, Stepnosing, Bevel, Mozaic (Polished) Wall tile, Stepnosing, Bevel, Mozaic (Polished) 18.00
1 Soluble salt type athena,barcelona,lucerne,venezia wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Soluble salt type athena,barcelona,lucerne,venezia wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 234,000.00 257,400.00 18.00
2 Soluble salt type athena,barcelona,lucerne,venezia stepsioning uk. 30 x 60 cm Soluble salt type athena,barcelona,lucerne,venezia stepsioning uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 262,500.00 288,750.00 18.00
3 Soluble salt type athena,barcelona,lucerne,venezia bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Soluble salt type athena,barcelona,lucerne,venezia bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 342,000.00 376,200.00 18.00
4 Soluble salt type athena,barcelona,lucerne,venezia bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Soluble salt type athena,barcelona,lucerne,venezia bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 410,500.00 451,550.00 18.00
5 Soluble salt type athena,barcelona,lucerne,venezia mozaic 5 x 5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Soluble salt type athena,barcelona,lucerne,venezia mozaic 5 x 5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 448,500.00 493,350.00 18.00
6 Soluble salt type athena,barcelona,lucerne,venezia mozaic 5 x 10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Soluble salt type athena,barcelona,lucerne,venezia mozaic 5 x 10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 421,500.00 463,650.00 18.00
7 Soluble salt type silver star wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Soluble salt type silver star wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 244,500.00 268,950.00 18.00
8 Uni colour type topaz wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type topaz wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 234,000.00 257,400.00 18.00
9 Uni colour type zirconium wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type zirconium wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 298,500.00 328,350.00 18.00
10 Uni colour type white onyx wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type white onyx wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 352,000.00 387,200.00 18.00
11 Uni colour type super white wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type super white wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 433,500.00 476,850.00 18.00
12 Uni colour type black onyx wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type black onyx wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 385,000.00 423,500.00 18.00
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
13 Uni colour type silver star stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type silver star stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 273,000.00 300,300.00 18.00
14 Uni colour type topaz stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type topaz stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 262,500.00 288,750.00 18.00
15 Uni colour type zirconium stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type zirconium stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 327,000.00 359,700.00 18.00
16 Uni colour type white onyx stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type white onyx stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 381,000.00 419,100.00 18.00
17 Uni colour type super white stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type super white stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 462,000.00 508,200.00 18.00
18 Uni colour type black onyx stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type black onyx stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 413,500.00 454,850.00 18.00
19 Uni colour type silver star bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type silver star bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 353,000.00 388,300.00 18.00
20 Uni colour type topaz bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type topaz bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 342,000.00 376,200.00 18.00
21 Uni colour type zirconium bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type zirconium bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 407,000.00 447,700.00 18.00
22 Uni colour type white onyx bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type white onyx bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 461,000.00 507,100.00 18.00
23 Uni colour type super white bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type super white bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 542,000.00 596,200.00 18.00
24 Uni colour type black onyx bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type black onyx bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 493,500.00 542,850.00 18.00
25 Uni colour type silver star bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type silver star bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 421,500.00 463,650.00 18.00
26 Uni colour type topaz bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type topaz bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 410,500.00 451,550.00 18.00
27 Uni colour type zirconium bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type zirconium bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 475,500.00 523,050.00 18.00
28 Uni colour type white onyx bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type white onyx bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 529,500.00 582,450.00 18.00
29 Uni colour type super white bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type super white bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 610,500.00 671,550.00 18.00
30 Uni colour type black onyx bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type black onyx bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 562,000.00 618,200.00 18.00
31 Uni colour type silver star mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type silver star mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 459,000.00 504,900.00 18.00
32 Uni colour type topaz mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type topaz mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 448,500.00 493,350.00 18.00
33 Uni colour type zirconium mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type zirconium mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 513,000.00 564,300.00 18.00
34 Uni colour type white onyx mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type white onyx mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 567,000.00 623,700.00 18.00
35 Uni colour type super white mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type super white mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 648,000.00 712,800.00 18.00
36 Uni colour type black onyx mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type black onyx mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 599,500.00 659,450.00 18.00
37 Uni colour type silver star mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type silver star mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 432,000.00 475,200.00 18.00
38 Uni colour type topaz mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type topaz mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 421,500.00 463,650.00 18.00
39 Uni colour type zirconium mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type zirconium mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 486,000.00 534,600.00 18.00
40 Uni colour type white onyx mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type white onyx mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 540,000.00 594,000.00 18.00
41 Uni colour type super white mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type super white mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 621,000.00 683,100.00 18.00
42 Uni colour type black onyx mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Uni colour type black onyx mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 572,500.00 629,750.00 18.00
43 Salt pepper type titanium wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Salt pepper type titanium wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 385,000.00 423,500.00 18.00
44 Salt pepper Type Black Galaxy wall Tile 30x60 cm Salt pepper Type Black Galaxy wall Tile 30x60 cm m2 385,000.00 423,500.00 18.00
45 Salt pepper type moonstone wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Salt pepper type moonstone wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 288,000.00 316,800.00 18.00
46 Salt pepper type titanium stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Salt pepper type titanium stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 413,500.00 454,850.00 18.00
47 Salt pepper type black galaxy stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Salt pepper type black galaxy stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 413,500.00 454,850.00 18.00
48 Salt pepper type moonstone stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Salt pepper type moonstone stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 316,500.00 348,150.00 18.00
49 Salt pepper type titanium bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Salt pepper type titanium bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 493,500.00 542,850.00 18.00
50 Salt pepper type black galaxy bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Salt pepper type black galaxy bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 493,500.00 542,850.00 18.00
51 Salt pepper type moonstone bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Salt pepper type moonstone bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 396,000.00 435,600.00 18.00
52 Salt pepper type titanium bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Salt pepper type titanium bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 562,000.00 618,200.00 18.00
53 Salt pepper type black galaxy bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Salt pepper type black galaxy bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 562,000.00 618,200.00 18.00
54 Salt pepper type moonstone bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Salt pepper type moonstone bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 464,500.00 510,950.00 18.00
55 Salt pepper type titanium uk. 30 x 60 cm mozaik 5 x 5 cm Salt pepper type titanium uk. 30 x 60 cm mozaik 5 x 5 cm m2 599,500.00 659,450.00 18.00
56 m2 599,500.00 659,450.00 18.00
57 Salt pepper type moonstone 30 x 60 cm mozaik 5 x 5 cm Salt pepper type moonstone 30 x 60 cm mozaik 5 x 5 cm m2 502,500.00 552,750.00 18.00
58 Salt pepper type titanium 30 x 60 cm mozaik 5 x 10 cm Salt pepper type titanium 30 x 60 cm mozaik 5 x 10 cm m2 572,500.00 629,750.00 18.00
59 m2 572,500.00 629,750.00 18.00
60 Salt pepper type moonstone 30 x 60 cm mozaik 5 x 10 cm Salt pepper type moonstone 30 x 60 cm mozaik 5 x 10 cm m2 475,500.00 523,050.00 18.00
61 Natura type marigold wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type marigold wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 277,000.00 304,700.00 18.00
62 Natura type sarffront wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type sarffront wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 277,000.00 304,700.00 18.00
63 Natura type magnolia wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type magnolia wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 277,000.00 304,700.00 18.00
64 Natura type rosemary wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type rosemary wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 277,000.00 304,700.00 18.00
65 Natura type bougenvlle wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type bougenvlle wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 309,500.00 340,450.00 18.00
66 Natura type marigold stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type marigold stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 305,500.00 336,050.00 18.00
67 Natura type saffront stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type saffront stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 305,500.00 336,050.00 18.00
68 Natura type magnolia stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type magnolia stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 305,500.00 336,050.00 18.00
69 Natura type rosemery stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type rosemery stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 305,500.00 336,050.00 18.00
70 Natura type bougenville stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type bougenville stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 338,000.00 371,800.00 18.00
71 Natura type marigold bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type marigold bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 385,500.00 424,050.00 18.00
72 Natura type saffront bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type saffront bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 385,500.00 424,050.00 18.00
73 Natura type magnolia bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type magnolia bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 385,500.00 424,050.00 18.00
74 Natura type rosemary bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type rosemary bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 385,500.00 424,050.00 18.00
75 Natura type bougenville bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type bougenville bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 418,000.00 459,800.00 18.00
76 Natura type marigold bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type marigold bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 454,000.00 499,400.00 18.00
77 Natura type saffront bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type saffront bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 454,000.00 499,400.00 18.00
78 Natura type magnolia bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type magnolia bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 454,000.00 499,400.00 18.00
79 Natura type rosemary bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type rosemary bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 454,000.00 499,400.00 18.00
80 Natura type bougenville bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type bougenville bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 486,000.00 534,600.00 18.00
81 Natura type marigold mozaik 5 x 5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type marigold mozaik 5 x 5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 491,500.00 540,650.00 18.00
82 Natura type saffront mozaik 5 x 5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type saffront mozaik 5 x 5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 491,500.00 540,650.00 18.00
83 Natura type magnolia mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type magnolia mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 491,500.00 540,650.00 18.00
84 Natura type rosemary mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type rosemary mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 491,500.00 540,650.00 18.00
85 Natura type bougenville mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type bougenville mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 524,000.00 576,400.00 18.00
86 Natura type marogold mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type marogold mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 464,500.00 510,950.00 18.00
87 Natura type saffront mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type saffront mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 464,500.00 510,950.00 18.00
88 Natura type magnolia mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type magnolia mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 464,500.00 510,950.00 18.00
89 Natura type rosemary mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type rosemary mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 464,500.00 510,950.00 18.00
90 Natura type bougenville mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Natura type bougenville mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 497,000.00 546,700.00 18.00
91 Marmo bianco carara, giallo olassico,creme marfill wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Marmo bianco carara, giallo olassico,creme marfill wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 331,000.00 364,100.00 18.00
92 Marmo nero partoro, nero marquina wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Marmo nero partoro, nero marquina wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 406,500.00 447,150.00 18.00
93 Marmo bianco carara, giallo olassico,creme marfill stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Marmo bianco carara, giallo olassico,creme marfill stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 359,500.00 395,450.00 18.00
94 Marmo nero partoro, nero marquina stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Marmo nero partoro, nero marquina stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 435,000.00 478,500.00 18.00
95 Marmo bianco carara, giallo olassico,creme marfill bevel 2 sisi 30x 60 cm Marmo bianco carara, giallo olassico,creme marfill bevel 2 sisi 30x 60 cm m2 439,500.00 483,450.00 18.00
96 Marmo nero partoro, nero marquina bevel 2 sisi 30x 60 cm Marmo nero partoro, nero marquina bevel 2 sisi 30x 60 cm m2 514,800.00 566,280.00 18.00
97 Marmo bianco carara, giallo olassico,creme marfill bevel 4 sisi 30x 60 cm Marmo bianco carara, giallo olassico,creme marfill bevel 4 sisi 30x 60 cm m2 508,000.00 558,800.00 18.00
98 Marmo nero partoro, nero marquina bevel 4sisi 30x 60 cm Marmo nero partoro, nero marquina bevel 4sisi 30x 60 cm m2 583,500.00 641,850.00 18.00
99 Marmo bianco carara, giallo olassico, creme marfill mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Marmo bianco carara, giallo olassico, creme marfill mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 545,500.00 600,050.00 18.00
100 Marmo nero partoro, aero marquina mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Marmo nero partoro, aero marquina mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 621,000.00 683,100.00 18.00
101 Marmo bianco carara, giallo olassico,crême marfill mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Marmo bianco carara, giallo olassico,crême marfill mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 518,500.00 570,350.00 18.00
102 Marmo nero partoro, nero marquina mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Marmo nero partoro, nero marquina mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 594,000.00 653,400.00 18.00
103 Cristallo Desert brwon,royal black,crystall white wall tilt uk. 30 x 60 cm Cristallo Desert brwon,royal black,crystall white wall tilt uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 302,500.00 332,750.00 18.00
104 Cristallo Desert brwon,royal black,crystall white stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Cristallo Desert brwon,royal black,crystall white stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 331,000.00 364,100.00 18.00
105 Cristallo Desert brwon,royal black,crystall white bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Cristallo Desert brwon,royal black,crystall white bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 411,000.00 452,100.00 18.00
106 Cristallo Desert brwon,royal black,crystall white bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Cristallo Desert brwon,royal black,crystall white bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 479,000.00 526,900.00 18.00
107 Cristallo Desert brwon,royal black,crystall white mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Cristallo Desert brwon,royal black,crystall white mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 517,000.00 568,700.00 18.00
108 Cristallo Desert brwon,royal black,crystall white mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Cristallo Desert brwon,royal black,crystall white mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 490,000.00 539,000.00 18.00
109 Meteora type pegasus black wall tile 30 x 60 cm Meteora type pegasus black wall tile 30 x 60 cm m2 298,500.00 328,350.00 18.00
110 Meteora type odessa white wall tile 30 x 60 cm Meteora type odessa white wall tile 30 x 60 cm m2 255,500.00 281,050.00 18.00
111 Meteora type pegasus black stepnosing 30 x 60 cm Meteora type pegasus black stepnosing 30 x 60 cm m2 327,000.00 359,700.00 18.00
112 Meteora type odessa white stepnosing 30 x 60 cm Meteora type odessa white stepnosing 30 x 60 cm m2 283,800.00 312,180.00 18.00
113 Meteora type pegasus black bevel 2 sisi 30 x 60 cm Meteora type pegasus black bevel 2 sisi 30 x 60 cm m2 407,000.00 447,700.00 18.00
114 Meteora type odessa white bevel 2 sisi 30 x 60 cm Meteora type odessa white bevel 2 sisi 30 x 60 cm m2 364,000.00 400,400.00 18.00
115 Meteora type pegasus black bevel 4 sisi 30 x 60 cm Meteora type pegasus black bevel 4 sisi 30 x 60 cm m2 475,500.00 523,050.00 18.00
116 Meteora type odessa white bevel 4 sisi 30 x 60 cm Meteora type odessa white bevel 4 sisi 30 x 60 cm m2 432,000.00 475,200.00 18.00
117 Meteora type pegasus black mozaik 5x5 30 x 60 cm Meteora type pegasus black mozaik 5x5 30 x 60 cm m2 513,000.00 564,300.00 18.00
118 m2 470,000.00 517,000.00 18.00
119 Meteora type pegasus black mozaik 5x10 30 x 60 cm Meteora type pegasus black mozaik 5x10 30 x 60 cm m2 486,000.00 534,600.00 18.00
120 Meteora type odessa white mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Meteora type odessa white mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 443,000.00 487,300.00 18.00
121 Marmora type argento beige wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Marmora type argento beige wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 352,500.00 387,750.00 18.00
122 Marmora type argento stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Marmora type argento stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 381,000.00 419,100.00 18.00
123 Marmora type argento bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Marmora type argento bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 461,000.00 507,100.00 18.00
124 Marmora type argento bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Marmora type argento bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 529,500.00 582,450.00 18.00
125 Marmora type argento mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Marmora type argento mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 567,000.00 623,700.00 18.00
126 Marmora type argento mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Marmora type argento mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 540,000.00 594,000.00 18.00
1 Antica/Satin Type Luna,fortuna,aurora, cardea, nerio Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Antica/Satin Type Luna,fortuna,aurora, cardea, nerio Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 250,000.00 275,000.00 18.00
2 Antica/Satin Type Luna,fortuna,aurora, cardea, nerio Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Antica/Satin Type Luna,fortuna,aurora, cardea, nerio Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 278,500.00 306,350.00 18.00
3 Antica/Satin Type Luna,fortuna,aurora, cardea, nerio Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Antica/Satin Type Luna,fortuna,aurora, cardea, nerio Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 358,500.00 394,350.00 18.00
4 Antica/Satin Type Luna,fortuna,aurora, cardea, nerio Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Antica/Satin Type Luna,fortuna,aurora, cardea, nerio Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 427,000.00 469,700.00 18.00
5 Antica/Satin Type Luna,fortuna,aurora, cardea, nerio Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Antica/Satin Type Luna,fortuna,aurora, cardea, nerio Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 464,500.00 510,950.00 18.00
6 Antica/Satin Type Luna,fortuna,aurora, cardea, nerio Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Antica/Satin Type Luna,fortuna,aurora, cardea, nerio Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 437,500.00 481,250.00 18.00
7 Antica/Satin Type nerio wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Antica/Satin Type nerio wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 271,000.00 298,100.00 18.00
8 Antica/Satin Type nerio Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Antica/Satin Type nerio Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 300,000.00 330,000.00 18.00
9 Antica/Satin Type nerio Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Antica/Satin Type nerio Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 380,000.00 418,000.00 18.00
10 Antica/Satin Type nerio Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Antica/Satin Type nerio Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 448,000.00 492,800.00 18.00
11 Antica/Satin Type nerio Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Antica/Satin Type nerio Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 486,000.00 534,600.00 18.00
12 Antica/Satin Type nerio Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Antica/Satin Type nerio Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 437,000.00 480,700.00 18.00
13 Stream/matte Type havana, silverlake, Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream/matte Type havana, silverlake, Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 271,500.00 298,650.00 18.00
14 Stream/matte Type niagara, black sea, Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream/matte Type niagara, black sea, Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 293,000.00 322,300.00 18.00
15 Stream/Type havana, silver lake Lappato, Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream/Type havana, silver lake Lappato, Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 282,500.00 310,750.00 18.00
16 Stream Type niagara,black sea lappato Wall tile uk. 30 x 60cm Stream Type niagara,black sea lappato Wall tile uk. 30 x 60cm m2 304,000.00 334,400.00 18.00
17 Stream Type Ruby lappato Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream Type Ruby lappato Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 455,500.00 501,050.00 18.00
18 Stream type Golden Yellow Lappato Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream type Golden Yellow Lappato Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 352,500.00 387,750.00 18.00
19 Stream/matte Type havana,silverlake,Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream/matte Type havana,silverlake,Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 300,000.00 330,000.00 18.00
20 Stream/matte Type niagara,black sea, Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream/matte Type niagara,black sea, Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 322,000.00 354,200.00 18.00
21 Stream/Type havana, silver lake Lappato, Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream/Type havana, silver lake Lappato, Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 311,000.00 342,100.00 18.00
22 Stream Type niagara,black sea lappato Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60cm Stream Type niagara,black sea lappato Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60cm m2 332,000.00 365,200.00 18.00
23 Stream Type Ruby lappato Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream Type Ruby lappato Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 484,000.00 532,400.00 18.00
24 Stream type Golden Yellow Lappato Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream type Golden Yellow Lappato Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 381,000.00 419,100.00 18.00
25 Stream/matte Type havana, Bevel 2 sisi silverlake, uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream/matte Type havana, Bevel 2 sisi silverlake, uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 380,000.00 418,000.00 18.00
26 Stream/matte Type niagara, black sea, Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream/matte Type niagara, black sea, Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 401,500.00 441,650.00 18.00
27 Stream/Type havana, silver lake Lappato, Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream/Type havana, silver lake Lappato, Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 391,000.00 430,100.00 18.00
28 Stream Type niagara,black sea lappato Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60cm Stream Type niagara,black sea lappato Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60cm m2 412,500.00 453,750.00 18.00
29 Stream Type Ruby lappato Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream Type Ruby lappato Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 563,500.00 619,850.00 18.00
30 Stream type Golden Yellow Lappato Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream type Golden Yellow Lappato Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 461,000.00 507,100.00 18.00
31 Stream/matte Type havana,s12 sisiilverlake,Bevei 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream/matte Type havana,s12 sisiilverlake,Bevei 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 448,500.00 493,350.00 18.00
32 Stream/matte Type niagara,black sea, Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream/matte Type niagara,black sea, Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 470,000.00 517,000.00 18.00
33 Stream/Type havana,silver lake Lappato, Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream/Type havana,silver lake Lappato, Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 459,000.00 504,900.00 18.00
34 Stream Type niagara,black sea lappato Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60cm Stream Type niagara,black sea lappato Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60cm m2 481,000.00 529,100.00 18.00
35 Stream Type Ruby lappato Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream Type Ruby lappato Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 632,000.00 695,200.00 18.00
36 Stream type Golden Yellow Lappato Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream type Golden Yellow Lappato Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 592,500.00 651,750.00 18.00
37 Stream/matte Type havana,sl 2 sisi silverlake, mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream/matte Type havana,sl 2 sisi silverlake, mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 486,000.00 534,600.00 18.00
38 Stream/matte Type niagara,black sea, mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream/matte Type niagara,black sea, mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 508,000.00 558,800.00 18.00
39 Stream/Type havana,silver lake Lappato, mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream/Type havana,silver lake Lappato, mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 497,000.00 546,700.00 18.00
40 Stream Type niagara, black sea lappato mozaik 5x.5 uk. 30 x 60cm Stream Type niagara, black sea lappato mozaik 5x.5 uk. 30 x 60cm m2 518,000.00 569,800.00 18.00
41 Stream Type Ruby lappato mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream Type Ruby lappato mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 670,000.00 737,000.00 18.00
42 Stream type Golden Yellow Lappato mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream type Golden Yellow Lappato mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 567,000.00 623,700.00 18.00
43 Stream/matte Type havana, sl 2 sisi silverlake, mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream/matte Type havana, sl 2 sisi silverlake, mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 459,000.00 504,900.00 18.00
44 Stream/matte Type niagara, black sea, mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream/matte Type niagara, black sea, mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 481,000.00 529,100.00 18.00
45 Stream/Type havana, silver lake Lappato, mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream/Type havana, silver lake Lappato, mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 470,000.00 517,000.00 18.00
46 Stream Type niagara, black sea lappato mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream Type niagara, black sea lappato mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 491,500.00 540,650.00 18.00
47 Stream Type Ruby lappato mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream Type Ruby lappato mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 643,000.00 707,300.00 18.00
48 Stream type Golden Yellow Lappato mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Stream type Golden Yellow Lappato mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 540,000.00 594,000.00 18.00
49 Mitica Rocktile Perla,Grigio Mitica Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica Rocktile Perla,Grigio Mitica Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 298,500.00 328,350.00 18.00
50 Mitica Rocktile Noce,Gris,Verde Mitica Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica Rocktile Noce,Gris,Verde Mitica Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 315,000.00 346,500.00 18.00
51 Mitica rocktile perla rnitica,Grigio miticaLappato Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica rocktile perla rnitica,Grigio miticaLappato Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 315,000.00 346,500.00 18.00
52 Mitica rocktile noce mitica Gris mitica,verde miticaLappato Wali. tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica rocktile noce mitica Gris mitica,verde miticaLappato Wali. tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 331,000.00 364,100.00 18.00
53 Mitica Rocktile Perla,Grigio Mitica Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica Rocktile Perla,Grigio Mitica Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 327,000.00 359,700.00 18.00
54 Mitica Rocktile Noce,Gris,Verde Mitica Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica Rocktile Noce,Gris,Verde Mitica Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 343,500.00 377,850.00 18.00
55 Mitica rocktile perla mitica,Grigio miticaLappato Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica rocktile perla mitica,Grigio miticaLappato Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 343,500.00 377,850.00 18.00
56 Mitica rocktile noce mitica Gris mitica,verde miticaLappato Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica rocktile noce mitica Gris mitica,verde miticaLappato Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 359,500.00 395,450.00 18.00
57 Mitica Rocktile Perla,Grigio Mitica Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica Rocktile Perla,Grigio Mitica Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 407,000.00 447,700.00 18.00
58 Mitica Rocktile Noce, Gris, Verde Mitica Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica Rocktile Noce, Gris, Verde Mitica Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 423,000.00 465,300.00 18.00
59 Mitica rocktile perla mitica Grigio mitica Lapatto Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica rocktile perla mitica Grigio mitica Lapatto Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 423,000.00 465,300.00 18.00
60 Mitica rocktile noce mitica Gris mitica, Verde mitica, Lapatto Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica rocktile noce mitica Gris mitica, Verde mitica, Lapatto Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 439,500.00 483,450.00 18.00
61 Mitica Rocktile Perla,Grigio Mitica Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica Rocktile Perla,Grigio Mitica Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 475,500.00 523,050.00 18.00
62 Mitica Rocktile Noce, Gris, Verde Mitica Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica Rocktile Noce, Gris, Verde Mitica Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 491,500.00 540,650.00 18.00
63 Mitica rocktile perla mitica Grigio mitica Lapatto Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica rocktile perla mitica Grigio mitica Lapatto Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 491,500.00 540,650.00 18.00
64 Mitica rocktile noce mitica Gris mitica, Verde mitica, Lapatto Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica rocktile noce mitica Gris mitica, Verde mitica, Lapatto Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 508,000.00 558,800.00 18.00
65 Mitica Rocktile Perla, Grigio mitica, Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica Rocktile Perla, Grigio mitica, Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 513,000.00 564,300.00 18.00
66 Mitica Rocktile Noce, Gris mitica Mozaik, 5x5 uk. Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica Rocktile Noce, Gris mitica Mozaik, 5x5 uk. Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 529,500.00 582,450.00 18.00
67 Mitica rocktile perla mitica, Grigiomitica Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica rocktile perla mitica, Grigiomitica Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 529,500.00 582,450.00 18.00
68 Mitica rocktile noce miticeGiiiqrailaVerde mitica Lappato Mozaik 5 x 10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica rocktile noce miticeGiiiqrailaVerde mitica Lappato Mozaik 5 x 10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 545,000.00 599,500.00 18.00
69 Mitica Rocktile Perla, Grigo Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica Rocktile Perla, Grigo Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 486,000.00 534,600.00 18.00
70 Mitica Rocktile Noce, Gris Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica Rocktile Noce, Gris Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 502,500.00 552,750.00 18.00
71 Mitica rocktile perla mitica, Grigio mitica Lappato Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica rocktile perla mitica, Grigio mitica Lappato Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 502,500.00 552,750.00 18.00
72 Mitica rocktile noce mitica Gris mitica, verde mitica Lappato Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Mitica rocktile noce mitica Gris mitica, verde mitica Lappato Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 518,500.00 570,350.00 18.00
73 Montagne/Rocktile Alpen Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/Rocktile Alpen Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 244,500.00 268,950.00 18.00
74 Montagne/rocktile Olympus Everest Lappato Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile Olympus Everest Lappato Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 255,500.00 281,050.00 18.00
75 Montage/rocktile majestic Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Montage/rocktile majestic Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 288,000.00 316,800.00 18.00
76 Montagne/rocktile Olympus, Everest Lappato tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile Olympus, Everest Lappato tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 271,500.00 298,650.00 18.00
77 Montegne/rocktile Majestic Lappato Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Montegne/rocktile Majestic Lappato Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 304,000.00 334,400.00 18.00
78 Montagne/Rocktile Alpen Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/Rocktile Alpen Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 273,000.00 300,300.00 18.00
79 Montagne/rocktile Olympus,Everest Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile Olympus,Everest Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 284,000.00 312,400.00 18.00
80 Montegne/rocktile majestic Stepnosing uk. 30 x60 cm Montegne/rocktile majestic Stepnosing uk. 30 x60 cm m2 316,500.00 348,150.00 18.00
81 Montagne/rocktile Olympus, Everest Lappato Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile Olympus, Everest Lappato Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 300,000.00 330,000.00 18.00
82 Montegne/rocktile Majestic Lappato Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Montegne/rocktile Majestic Lappato Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 332,500.00 365,750.00 18.00
83 Montagne/rocktile Alpen Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile Alpen Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 353,000.00 388,300.00 18.00
84 Montagne/rocktile Olympus, Everest Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile Olympus, Everest Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 364,000.00 400,400.00 18.00
85 Montegne/rocktile majestic Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x60 cm Montegne/rocktile majestic Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x60 cm m2 396,000.00 435,600.00 18.00
86 Montagne/rocktile Olympus,Everest Lappato Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile Olympus,Everest Lappato Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 380,000.00 418,000.00 18.00
87 Montagne/rocktile Majestic Lappato Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile Majestic Lappato Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 412,500.00 453,750.00 18.00
88 Montagne/rocktile Alpen Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile Alpen Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 421,500.00 463,650.00 18.00
89 Montagne/rocktile Olympus, Everest Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile Olympus, Everest Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 432,000.00 475,200.00 18.00
90 montegne/rocktile majestic Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm montegne/rocktile majestic Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 464,500.00 510,950.00 18.00
91 Montagne/rocktile Olympus, Everest Lappato Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile Olympus, Everest Lappato Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 448,500.00 493,350.00 18.00
92 Montagne/rocktile Majestic Lappato Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile Majestic Lappato Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 481,000.00 529,100.00 18.00
93 Montagne/Rocktile Alpen Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/Rocktile Alpen Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 459,000.00 504,900.00 18.00
94 Montagne/rocktile Olympus, Everest Mozaik uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile Olympus, Everest Mozaik uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 470,000.00 517,000.00 18.00
95 montegne/rocktile majestic Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x60 cm montegne/rocktile majestic Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x60 cm m2 502,500.00 552,750.00 18.00
96 Montagne/rocktile Olympus, Everest Lappato Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile Olympus, Everest Lappato Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 486,900.00 535,590.00 18.00
97 Montagne/rocktile Majestic Lappato Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile Majestic Lappato Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 491,500.00 540,650.00 18.00
98 Montagne/Rocktile Alpen Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/Rocktile Alpen Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 432,000.00 475,200.00 18.00
99 Montagne/rocktile Olympus, Everest Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile Olympus, Everest Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 443,000.00 487,300.00 18.00
100 montegne/rocktile majestic Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm montegne/rocktile majestic Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 475,500.00 523,050.00 18.00
101 Montagne/rocktile Olympus, Everest Lappato Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile Olympus, Everest Lappato Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 459,000.00 504,900.00 18.00
102 Montagne/rocktile Majestic Lappato Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm Montagne/rocktile Majestic Lappato Mozaik 5x10 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 491,500.00 540,650.00 18.00
103 Foresta Wood Walnut, Spruce, Cotton Wood, Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Foresta Wood Walnut, Spruce, Cotton Wood, Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 293,500.00 322,850.00 18.00
104 Foresta Wood Walnut, Spruce, Cotton Wood, Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Foresta Wood Walnut, Spruce, Cotton Wood, Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 322,000.00 354,200.00 18.00
105 Foresta Wood Walnut, Spruce, Cotton Wood, Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Foresta Wood Walnut, Spruce, Cotton Wood, Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 401,500.00 441,650.00 18.00
106 Foresta Wood Walnut, Spruce, Cotton Wood, Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Foresta Wood Walnut, Spruce, Cotton Wood, Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 470,000.00 517,000.00 18.00
107 Foresta Wood Walnut,Spruce,Cotton Wood,Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Foresta Wood Walnut,Spruce,Cotton Wood,Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 508,000.00 558,800.00 18.00
108 Foresta Wood Walnut,Spruce,Cotton Wood,Mozaik 5x10
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
115 Arcopolis Aphrodite mt ( Cream) Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Aphrodite mt ( Cream) Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 288,000.00 316,800.00 18.00
116 Arcopolis Zeus mt (Grey) Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Zeus mt (Grey) Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 288,000.00 316,800.00 18.00
117 Arcopolis Posoidon mt (brown) Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Posoidon mt (brown) Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 309,500.00 340,450.00 18.00
118 Arcopolis kronos mt (black) Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis kronos mt (black) Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 309,500.00 340,450.00 18.00
119 Arcopolis Aphrodite It ( Crem) Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Aphrodite It ( Crem) Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 298,500.00 328,350.00 18.00
120 Arcopolis Zeuz It (grey) Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Zeuz It (grey) Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 298,500.00 328,350.00 18.00
121 Arcopolis poseidon It (brown) uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis poseidon It (brown) uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 320,500.00 352,550.00 18.00
122 Arcopolis kronos It (black) Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis kronos It (black) Wall tile uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 320,500.00 352,550.00 18.00
123 Arcopolis Aphrodite mt ( Cream) Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Aphrodite mt ( Cream) Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 316,500.00 348,150.00 18.00
124 Arcopolis Zeus mt (Grey) Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Zeus mt (Grey) Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 316,500.00 348,150.00 18.00
125 Arcopolis Posoidon mt (brown) stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Posoidon mt (brown) stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 338,000.00 371,800.00 18.00
126 Arcopolis kronos mt (black) Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis kronos mt (black) Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 338,000.00 371,800.00 18.00
127 Arcopolis Aphrodite It ( Cream) Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Aphrodite It ( Cream) Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 327,000.00 359,700.00 18.00
128 Arcopolis Zeuz It (grey) Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Zeuz It (grey) Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 327,000.00 359,700.00 18.00
129 Arcopolis poseidon It (brown) Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis poseidon It (brown) Stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 349,000.00 383,900.00 18.00
130 Arcopolis kronos it (black) stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis kronos it (black) stepnosing uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 349,000.00 383,900.00 18.00
131 Arcopolis Aphrodite mt (grey) Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Aphrodite mt (grey) Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 396,000.00 435,600.00 18.00
132 Arcopolis Zeus mt (grey) Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Zeus mt (grey) Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 396,000.00 435,600.00 18.00
133 Arcopolis Posoidon mt (brown) Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Posoidon mt (brown) Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 418,000.00 459,800.00 18.00
134 Arcopolis kronos mt (black) Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis kronos mt (black) Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 418,000.00 459,800.00 18.00
135 Arcopolis Aphrodite It (cream) Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Aphrodite It (cream) Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 407,000.00 447,700.00 18.00
136 Arcopolis Zeuz lt (grey) Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Zeuz lt (grey) Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 407,000.00 447,700.00 18.00
137 Arcopolis poseidon It (brown) Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis poseidon It (brown) Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 428,000.00 470,800.00 18.00
138 Arcopolis kronos It (black) Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis kronos It (black) Bevel 2 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 428,000.00 470,800.00 18.00
139 Arcopolis Aphrodite mt (cream) Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Aphrodite mt (cream) Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 464,500.00 510,950.00 18.00
140 Arcopolis Zeus mt (Grey) Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Zeus mt (Grey) Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 464,500.00 510,950.00 18.00
141 Arcopolis Posoidon mt (brown) Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Posoidon mt (brown) Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 486,000.00 534,600.00 18.00
142 Arcopolis kronos mt (black) Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis kronos mt (black) Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 486,000.00 534,600.00 18.00
143 Arcopolis Aphrodite It (Crem) Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Aphrodite It (Crem) Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 475,500.00 523,050.00 18.00
144 Arcopolis Zeuz It (grey) Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Zeuz It (grey) Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 475,500.00 523,050.00 18.00
145 Arcopolis poseidon It (brown) Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis poseidon It (brown) Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 497,000.00 546,700.00 18.00
146 Arcopolis kronos It (black) Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis kronos It (black) Bevel 4 sisi uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 497,000.00 546,700.00 18.00
147 Arcopolis Aphrodite mt ( Crem) Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Aphrodite mt ( Crem) Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 475,500.00 523,050.00 18.00
148 Arcopolis Zeus mt (Grey) Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Zeus mt (Grey) Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 475,500.00 523,050.00 18.00
149 Arcopolis Posoidon mt (brown) Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Posoidon mt (brown) Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 497,000.00 546,700.00 18.00
150 Arcopolis kronos mt (black) Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis kronos mt (black) Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 497,000.00 546,700.00 18.00
151 Arcopolis Aphrodite It (Crem) Mozaik 5x6 uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Aphrodite It (Crem) Mozaik 5x6 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 486,000.00 534,600.00 18.00
152 Arcopolis Zeuz It (grey) Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis Zeuz It (grey) Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 486,000.00 534,600.00 18.00
153 Arcopolis poseidon It (brown) Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis poseidon It (brown) Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 508,000.00 558,800.00 18.00
154 Arcopolis kronos It (black) Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm Arcopolis kronos It (black) Mozaik 5x5 uk. 30 x 60 cm m2 508,000.00 558,800.00 18.00
1 Soluble Salt/Polished type athena, barcelona, luceme, venezia Wall tile uk. 30 x 30cm Soluble Salt/Polished type athena, barcelona, luceme, venezia Wall tile uk. 30 x 30cm Dos 221,500.00 243,650.00 18.00
2 Unicolor/polished type topaz Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Unicolor/polished type topaz Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Dos 221,500.00 243,650.00 18.00
3 Uni color/polished type silver star Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Uni color/polished type silver star Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Dos 231,500.00 254,650.00 18.00
4 Uni color/polished type Zirconium Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Uni color/polished type Zirconium Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Dos 281,500.00 309,650.00 18.00
5 Unicolor/polished typewhite onyx Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Unicolor/polished typewhite onyx Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Dos 331,500.00 364,650.00 18.00
6 Unicolor/polished typeSuper white Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Unicolor/polished typeSuper white Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Dos 406,500.00 447,150.00 18.00
7 Unicolor/polished type Black onyx Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Unicolor/polished type Black onyx Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Dos 361,500.00 397,650.00 18.00
8 Salt & Pepper/polished type titanium Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Salt & Pepper/polished type titanium Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Dos 361,500.00 397,650.00 18.00
9 Salt & Pepper/polished type black galaxy Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Salt & Pepper/polished type black galaxy Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Dos 361,500.00 397,650.00 18.00
10 Salt & Pepper/polished type moonstone Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Salt & Pepper/polished type moonstone Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Dos 271,500.00 298,650.00 18.00
11 Natura/polished type Marigold,saffron,Magnolia,Rosemary Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Natura/polished type Marigold,saffron,Magnolia,Rosemary Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Dos 261,500.00 287,650.00 18.00
12 Natura/polished type Bougenville Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Natura/polished type Bougenville Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Dos 291,500.00 320,650.00 18.00
13 Marmo /Polished type Bianco carara,Giallo ollasio,Crerna, Marfil Wall tile uk. 30 x 30cm Marmo /Polished type Bianco carara,Giallo ollasio,Crerna, Marfil Wall tile uk. 30 x 30cm Dos 311,500.00 342,650.00 18.00
14 Marmo/polished type Nero portoro,Nero Marquina Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Marmo/polished type Nero portoro,Nero Marquina Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Dos 381,500.00 419,650.00 18.00
15 Cristallo/polished type Dessert Brown,Royal Black,Crystal white Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Cristallo/polished type Dessert Brown,Royal Black,Crystal white Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Dos 285,000.00 313,500.00 18.00
16 Marmaro/polished type argento Beige Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Marmaro/polished type argento Beige Wall tile uk. 30 x 30 cm Dos 331,500.00 364,650.00 18.00
LAPPATO, MATTE, SATIN, WOOD uk. 30 X 30 cm LAPPATO, MATTE, SATIN, WOOD uk. 30 X 30 cm 18.00
1 Antica /Satin type luna, fortuna,aurora, Wall tile Antica /Satin type luna, fortuna,aurora, Wall tile Dos 236,500.00 260,150.00 18.00
2 Antica/Satin Caedea,NeroWall tile Antica/Satin Caedea,NeroWall tile Dos 256,500.00 282,150.00 18.00
3 Stream type Havana,silver lake Matte Wall Stream type Havana,silver lake Matte Wall Dos 256,500.00 282,150.00 18.00
4 Stream type Niagara,Black sea matte Wall tile Stream type Niagara,Black sea matte Wall tile Dos 276,500.00 304,150.00 18.00
5 Stream type Havana, silver lake Lappato Wall tile Stream type Havana, silver lake Lappato Wall tile Dos 266,500.00 293,150.00 18.00
6 Stream type Niagara,Black sea Lappato Wall Stream type Niagara,Black sea Lappato Wall Dos 286,500.00 315,150.00 18.00
7 Stream type Red Ruby Lappato Wall tile Stream type Red Ruby Lappato Wall tile Dos 426,500.00 469,150.00 18.00
8 Stream type Golden Yellow Lappato Wall tile Stream type Golden Yellow Lappato Wall tile Dos 331,500.00 364,650.00 18.00
9 Mitica /rocktile type Mitica /rocktile type Dos 281,500.00 309,650.00 18.00
10 Mitica/rocktile type noce, gris, Verde mitica Wall tile Mitica/rocktile type noce, gris, Verde mitica Wall tile Dos 296,500.00 326,150.00 18.00
11 Mitica/rocktile type perla mitica, grigio mitica, lappato Mitica/rocktile type perla mitica, grigio mitica, lappato Dos 296,500.00 326,150.00 18.00
12 Mitica/rocktile type Noce mitica, gris mitica verde mitica lappato Wall tile Mitica/rocktile type Noce mitica, gris mitica verde mitica lappato Wall tile Dos 311,500.00 342,650.00 18.00
13 Montagne rocktile type A1pen Wall tile Montagne rocktile type A1pen Wall tile Dos 231,500.00 254,650.00 18.00
14 Montagne rocktile type olympus, everest, Wall tile Montagne rocktile type olympus, everest, Wall tile Dos 241,500.00 265,650.00 18.00
15 Montagne rocktile type Majestic Wall tile Montagne rocktile type Majestic Wall tile Dos 271,500.00 298,650.00 18.00
16 Montagne rocktile type Olympus Lappato, Everest Lappato Wall tile Montagne rocktile type Olympus Lappato, Everest Lappato Wall tile Dos 256,500.00 282,150.00 18.00
17 Montagne rocktile type Majestic Lappatp Wall tile Montagne rocktile type Majestic Lappatp Wall tile Dos 286,500.00 315,150.00 18.00
18 Foresta wood type Walnut, Spruce Cotton Wood Wall tile Foresta wood type Walnut, Spruce Cotton Wood Wall tile Dos 276,500.00 304,150.00 18.00
19 Fine Wood type white Pine Black Pine, Brown Pine, Maple Pine Wall tile Fine Wood type white Pine Black Pine, Brown Pine, Maple Pine Wall tile Dos 276,500.00 304,150.00 18.00
20 Arcopolis type Aprodite mt (Brown) Wall tile Arcopolis type Aprodite mt (Brown) Wall tile Dos 271,500.00 298,650.00 18.00
21 Arcopilis type Zeus mt (Grey) Wall tile Arcopilis type Zeus mt (Grey) Wall tile Dos 271,500.00 298,650.00 18.00
22 Arcopolis type poseidon mt (Brown) Wall tile Arcopolis type poseidon mt (Brown) Wall tile Dos 291,500.00 320,650.00 18.00
23 Arccopolis type Kronos mt (black) Wall tile Arccopolis type Kronos mt (black) Wall tile Dos 291,500.00 320,650.00 18.00
24 Arcopolis type Aphrodite lt (grey) Wall tile Arcopolis type Aphrodite lt (grey) Wall tile Dos 281,500.00 309,650.00 18.00
25 Arcopolis type Zeus It (grey) Wall tile Arcopolis type Zeus It (grey) Wall tile Dos 281,500.00 309,650.00 18.00
26 Arcopolis type poseidon It (Brown) Wall tile Arcopolis type poseidon It (Brown) Wall tile Dos 301,500.00 331,650.00 18.00
27 Arcopolis type Kronos It (black) Wall tile Arcopolis type Kronos It (black) Wall tile Dos 301,500.00 331,650.00 18.00
1 Unicolor /polished type Super White Wall tile Unicolor /polished type Super White Wall tile m2 606,500.00 667,150.00 18.00
Unicolor /polished type Zirconium Wall tile Unicolor /polished type Zirconium Wall tile
2 m2 414,500.00 455,950.00 18.00
3 Unicolor /polished type topaz Wall tile Unicolor /polished type topaz Wall tile m2 347,000.00 381,700.00 18.00
4 Unicolor /polished type Wjite onyx Wall tile Unicolor /polished type Wjite onyx Wall tile m2 540,000.00 594,000.00 18.00
5 Unicolor /polished type Super white Stepnosing Unicolor /polished type Super white Stepnosing m2 637,000.00 700,700.00 18.00
6 Unicolor /polished type Zirconium Stepnosing Unicolor /polished type Zirconium Stepnosing m2 445,000.00 489,500.00 18.00
7 Unicolor /polished type topaz Stepnosing Unicolor /polished type topaz Stepnosing m2 377,000.00 414,700.00 18.00
8 Unicolor /polished type White onyx Stepnosing Unicolor /polished type White onyx Stepnosing m2 570,500.00 627,550.00 18.00
9 Unicolor /polished type Super white Bevel 2 sisi Unicolor /polished type Super white Bevel 2 sisi m2 698,000.00 767,800.00 18.00
10 Unicolor /polished type Zirconium Bevel 2 sisi Unicolor /polished type Zirconium Bevel 2 sisi m2 506,000.00 556,600.00 18.00
11 Unicolor /polished type topaz Bevel 2 sisi Unicolor /polished type topaz Bevel 2 sisi m2 438,000.00 481,800.00 18.00
12 Unicolor /polished type Wjite onyx Bevel 2 sisi Unicolor /polished type Wjite onyx Bevel 2 sisi m2 631,000.00 694,100.00 18.00
13 Unicolor /polished type Super white Bevel 4 sisi Unicolor /polished type Super white Bevel 4 sisi m2 758,500.00 834,350.00 18.00
14 Unicolor /polished type Zirconium Bevel 4 sisi Unicolor /polished type Zirconium Bevel 4 sisi m2 566,500.00 623,150.00 18.00
15 Unicolor /polished type topaz Bevel 4 sisi Unicolor /polished type topaz Bevel 4 sisi m2 498,500.00 548,350.00 18.00
16 Unicolor /polished type Wjite onyx Bevel 4 sisi Unicolor /polished type Wjite onyx Bevel 4 sisi m2 692,000.00 761,200.00 18.00
17 Marmaro/polished type Blanco travertino Wall tile Marmaro/polished type Blanco travertino Wall tile m2 540,000.00 594,000.00 18.00
18 Marmaro/polished type Crême,grigio travertine Wall tile Marmaro/polished type Crême,grigio travertine Wall tile m2 540,000.00 594,000.00 18.00
19 Marmaro/polished type Argento beige,Argento cream Wall tile Marmaro/polished type Argento beige,Argento cream Wall tile m2 436,500.00 480,150.00 18.00
20 Marmaro/polished type Giallo Battino Stepnosing Marmaro/polished type Giallo Battino Stepnosing m2 436,500.00 480,150.00 18.00
21 Marmaro/polished type Blanco travertino Stepnosing Marmaro/polished type Blanco travertino Stepnosing m2 570,500.00 627,550.00 18.00
22 Marmaro/polished type Creme,grigio travertine Stepnosing Marmaro/polished type Creme,grigio travertine Stepnosing m2 570,500.00 627,550.00 18.00
23 Marmaro/polished type Argento beige,Argento cream Stepnosing Marmaro/polished type Argento beige,Argento cream Stepnosing m2 467,000.00 513,700.00 18.00
24 Marmaro/polished type Giallo Battino Stepnosing Marmaro/polished type Giallo Battino Stepnosing m2 467,000.00 513,700.00 18.00
25 Marmaro/polished type Blanco travertino Bevel 2 sisi Marmaro/polished type Blanco travertino Bevel 2 sisi m2 631,000.00 694,100.00 18.00
26 Marmaro/polished type Creme,grigio travertine Bevel 2 sisi Marmaro/polished type Creme,grigio travertine Bevel 2 sisi m2 631,000.00 694,100.00 18.00
27 Marmaro/polished type Argento beige,Argento Bevel 2 sisi Marmaro/polished type Argento beige,Argento Bevel 2 sisi m2 527,500.00 580,250.00 18.00
28 Marmaro/polished type Giallo Battino Bevel 2 sisi Marmaro/polished type Giallo Battino Bevel 2 sisi m2 527,500.00 580,250.00 18.00
29 Marmaro/polished type Blanco travertino Bevel 4 sisi Marmaro/polished type Blanco travertino Bevel 4 sisi m2 692,000.00 761,200.00 18.00
30 Marmaro/polished type Crême,grigio travertine Bevel 4 sisi Marmaro/polished type Crême,grigio travertine Bevel 4 sisi m2 692,000.00 761,200.00 18.00
31 Marmaro/polished type Argento beige,Argento Bevel 4 sisi Marmaro/polished type Argento beige,Argento Bevel 4 sisi m2 588,500.00 647,350.00 18.00
32 Marmaro/polished type Giallo Battino Bevel 4 sisi Marmaro/polished type Giallo Battino Bevel 4 sisi m2 588,500.00 647,350.00 18.00
33 Cristallo/polished type Cristal white,desert white,royal black Wall tile Cristallo/polished type Cristal white,desert white,royal black Wall tile m2 436,500.00 480,150.00 18.00
34 Cristallo/polished type Cristal white,desert white,royal black Stepnosing Cristallo/polished type Cristal white,desert white,royal black Stepnosing m2 467,000.00 513,700.00 18.00
35 Cristallo/polished type Cristal white,desert white,royal black Bevel 2 sisi Cristallo/polished type Cristal white,desert white,royal black Bevel 2 sisi m2 527,500.00 580,250.00 18.00
36 Cristallo/polished type Cristal white,desert white,royal black Bevel 4 sisi Cristallo/polished type Cristal white,desert white,royal black Bevel 4 sisi m2 588,500.00 647,350.00 18.00
PLIN, STEPNOSING 10 X 80 cm PLIN, STEPNOSING 10 X 80 cm 18.00
1 Uni color polished type Super white Plin Uni color polished type Super white Plin m2 349,000.00 383,900.00 18.00
2 Uni color polished type zirconium Plin Uni color polished type zirconium Plin m2 253,000.00 278,300.00 18.00
3 Uni color polished type Topaz Plin Uni color polished type Topaz Plin m2 219,000.00 240,900.00 18.00
4 Uni color polished type white onyx Plin Uni color polished type white onyx Plin m2 315,500.00 347,050.00 18.00
5 Uni color polished type Super white Stepnosing Uni color polished type Super white Stepnosing m2 409,500.00 450,450.00 18.00
6 Uni color polished type zirconium Stepnosimg Uni color polished type zirconium Stepnosimg m2 313,500.00 344,850.00 18.00
7 Uni color polished type Topaz Stepnosing Uni color polished type Topaz Stepnosing m2 280,000.00 308,000.00 18.00
8 Uni color polished type white onyx Stepnosing Uni color polished type white onyx Stepnosing m2 376,500.00 414,150.00 18.00
9 Marmaro/polished type Blanco travertino plin Marmaro/polished type Blanco travertino plin m2 315,500.00 347,050.00 18.00
10 Marmaro/polished type Creme, grigio, travertino plin Marmaro/polished type Creme, grigio, travertino plin m2 315,500.00 347,050.00 18.00
11 Marmaro/polished type Argento beige,Argento plin Marmaro/polished type Argento beige,Argento plin m2 264,000.00 290,400.00 18.00
12 Marmaro/polished type Giallo Battino plin Marmaro/polished type Giallo Battino plin m2 264,000.00 290,400.00 18.00
13 Marmaro/polished type Blanco travertino Stepnosing Marmaro/polished type Blanco travertino Stepnosing m2 376,500.00 414,150.00 18.00
14 Marmaro/polished type Creme, grigio travertine stepnosing Marmaro/polished type Creme, grigio travertine stepnosing m2 376,500.00 414,150.00 18.00
15 Marmaro/polished type Argento beige, Argento Stepnosing Marmaro/polished type Argento beige, Argento Stepnosing m2 324,500.00 356,950.00 18.00
16 Marmaro/polished type Giallo Battino stepnosing Marmaro/polished type Giallo Battino stepnosing m2 324,500.00 356,950.00 18.00
17 Cristallo/polished type Cristal white, desert white, royal black stepnosing Cristallo/polished type Cristal white, desert white, royal black stepnosing m2 324,500.00 356,950.00 18.00
1 Group A polish topaz plin Group A polish topaz plin m2 276,500.00 304,150.00 18.00
2 Group A polish Galena, pink oval, Citrine plin Group A polish Galena, pink oval, Citrine plin m2 291,500.00 320,650.00 18.00
3 Group A polish topaz stepnosing Group A polish topaz stepnosing m2 367,500.00 404,250.00 18.00
4 Group A polish Galena, pink oval, Citrine stepnosing Group A polish Galena, pink oval, Citrine stepnosing m2 382,500.00 420,750.00 18.00
5 Group A Unpolished topaz plin Group A Unpolished topaz plin m2 256,500.00 282,150.00 18.00
6 Group A Unpolished Galena, pink oval, Citrine plin Group A Unpolished Galena, pink oval, Citrine plin m2 276,500.00 304,150.00 18.00
7 Group A Unpolished topaz stepnosing Group A Unpolished topaz stepnosing m2 347,500.00 382,250.00 18.00
8 Group A Unpolished Galena, pink oval, Citrine stepnosing Group A Unpolished Galena, pink oval, Citrine stepnosing m2 367,500.00 404,250.00 18.00
9 Group B polish Zirconium, Monstone, selenium stepnosing Group B polish Zirconium, Monstone, selenium stepnosing m2 311,500.00 342,650.00 18.00
10 Group B polish olivine plin Group B polish olivine plin m2 341,500.00 375,650.00 18.00
11 Group B polish Zirconium,Monstone, selenium stepnosing Group B polish Zirconium,Monstone, selenium stepnosing m2 402,500.00 442,750.00 18.00
12 Group B polish olivine Stepnosing Group B polish olivine Stepnosing m2 432,500.00 475,750.00 18.00
13 Group B Unpolish Zirconium,Monstone,selenium plin Group B Unpolish Zirconium,Monstone,selenium plin m2 291,500.00 320,650.00 18.00
14 Group B Unpolish olivine plin Group B Unpolish olivine plin m2 321,500.00 353,650.00 18.00
15 Group B Unpolish Zirconium, Monstone, selenium Stepnosing Group B Unpolish Zirconium, Monstone, selenium Stepnosing m2 382,500.00 420,750.00 18.00
16 Group B Unpolish olivine Stepnosing Group B Unpolish olivine Stepnosing m2 412,500.00 453,750.00 18.00
17 Group C polish Cobalt blue, Titanium, Black onyx plin Group C polish Cobalt blue, Titanium, Black onyx plin m2 381,500.00 419,650.00 18.00
18 Group C polish Saphire plin Group C polish Saphire plin m2 401,500.00 441,650.00 18.00
19 Group C polish Cobalt blue, Titanium, Black onyx Stepnosing Group C polish Cobalt blue, Titanium, Black onyx Stepnosing m2 472,500.00 519,750.00 18.00
20 Group C polish Saphire Stepnosing Group C polish Saphire Stepnosing m2 492,500.00 541,750.00 18.00
21 Group C Unpolish Cobalt blue, Titanium, Black onyx plin Group C Unpolish Cobalt blue, Titanium, Black onyx plin m2 356,500.00 392,150.00 18.00
22 Group C Unpolish Saphire plin Group C Unpolish Saphire plin m2 376,500.00 414,150.00 18.00
23 Group C Unpolish Cobalt blue, Titanium, Black onyx Stepnosing Group C Unpolish Cobalt blue, Titanium, Black onyx Stepnosing m2 447,500.00 492,250.00 18.00
24 Group C Unpolish Saphire Stepnosing Group C Unpolish Saphire Stepnosing m2 467,500.00 514,250.00 18.00
25 Montagne rocktile Alpen plin Montagne rocktile Alpen plin m2 281,500.00 309,650.00 18.00
26 Montagne rocktile Everest plin Montagne rocktile Everest plin m2 291,500.00 320,650.00 18.00
27 Montagne rocktile Majestic plin Montagne rocktile Majestic plin m2 321,500.00 353,650.00 18.00
28 Montagne rocktile Alpen Stepnosing Montagne rocktile Alpen Stepnosing m2 372,500.00 409,750.00 18.00
29 Montagne rocktile Everest Stepnosing Montagne rocktile Everest Stepnosing m2 382,500.00 420,750.00 18.00
30 Montagne rocktile Majestic Stepnosing Montagne rocktile Majestic Stepnosing m2 412,500.00 453,750.00 18.00
31 Mitica rocktile perlamitica,grigio mitica plin Mitica rocktile perlamitica,grigio mitica plin m2 321,500.00 353,650.00 18.00
32 Mitica rocktile Gris mitica noce mitica plin Mitica rocktile Gris mitica noce mitica plin m2 336,500.00 370,150.00 18.00
33 Mitica rocktile perlamitica,grigio mitica Stepnosing Mitica rocktile perlamitica,grigio mitica Stepnosing m2 412,500.00 453,750.00 18.00
34 Mitica rocktile Gris mitica noce mitica Sttepnosing Mitica rocktile Gris mitica noce mitica Sttepnosing m2 427,500.00 470,250.00 18.00
35 Mitica rocktile perlamitica,grigio mitica Stepnosing uk 8 x 40 Mitica rocktile perlamitica,grigio mitica Stepnosing uk 8 x 40 m2 357,500.00 393,250.00 18.00
36 Mitica rocktile Gris mitica noce mitica Sttepnosing uk.8 x 40 Mitica rocktile Gris mitica noce mitica Sttepnosing uk.8 x 40 m2 369,000.00 405,900.00 18.00
PLIN UK 10 X 10 cm PLIN UK 10 X 10 cm 18.00
Group Antica/Satin Colour luna,fortuna aurora,Cardea,Norio Group Antica/Satin Colour luna,fortuna aurora,Cardea,Norio 18.00
Matte/lappato/rocktile) Matte/lappato/rocktile) m2 160,000.00 176,000.00 18.00
Group Stream/matt colour havana matte,silver lake matte, (Matte/lappato/rocktile) Group Stream/matt colour havana matte,silver lake matte, (Matte/lappato/rocktile) m2 180,000.00 198,000.00 18.00
Group Stream/matt colour havanaBlack sea matte,Niagara matte, (Matte/lappato/rocktile) Group Stream/matt colour havanaBlack sea matte,Niagara matte, (Matte/lappato/rocktile) m2 180,000.00 198,000.00 18.00
Group Strearn/lappato colour havana Black sea matte,silver lake matte (Matte/lappato/rocktile) Group Strearn/lappato colour havana Black sea matte,silver lake matte (Matte/lappato/rocktile) m2 180,000.00 198,000.00 18.00
Montagne Rocktile color Alpen, Everest, Majestic Montagne Rocktile color Alpen, Everest, Majestic m2 180,000.00 198,000.00 18.00
Mitica/rocktile Mitica/rocktile m2 180,000.00 198,000.00 18.00
1 Type Costul (DCW) uk. 12 x 102 x 900 mm Type Costul (DCW) uk. 12 x 102 x 900 mm m2 260,000.00 286,000.00 18.00
2 Type Kalimantan Poon (KPN) uk. 12 x 102 x 900 mm Type Kalimantan Poon (KPN) uk. 12 x 102 x 900 mm m2 260,000.00 286,000.00 18.00
Type Light Nyatoh (LNH) uk. 12 x 102 x 900 mm Type Light Nyatoh (LNH) uk. 12 x 102 x 900 mm m2 260,000.00 286,000.00 18.00
Type Dark Nyatoh (DNH) uk. 12 x 102 x 900 mm Type Dark Nyatoh (DNH) uk. 12 x 102 x 900 mm m2 260,000.00 286,000.00 18.00
Type Padauk (PRW) uk. 12 x 102 x 900 mm Type Padauk (PRW) uk. 12 x 102 x 900 mm m2 260,000.00 286,000.00 18.00
Type Kerangas (KRG) uk. 12 x 120 x 900 mm Type Kerangas (KRG) uk. 12 x 120 x 900 mm m2 260,000.00 286,000.00 18.00
Type Golden Rosewood (GRW) uk. 12 x 120 x 900 mm Type Golden Rosewood (GRW) uk. 12 x 120 x 900 mm m2 280,000.00 308,000.00 18.00
1 Footing Bridge type C (Gold/silver) uk. 1,2 m Footing Bridge type C (Gold/silver) uk. 1,2 m Bh 57,000.00 62,700.00 18.00
2 Footing Bridge type H (Gold) uk. 1,2 m Footing Bridge type H (Gold) uk. 1,2 m Bh 84,000.00 92,400.00 18.00
3 Footing Bridge type H (Silver) uk. 1,2 m Footing Bridge type H (Silver) uk. 1,2 m Bh 84,000.00 92,400.00 18.00
4 Footing Bridge type L (Gold/silver) uk. 1,2 m Footing Bridge type L (Gold/silver) uk. 1,2 m Bh 96,000.00 105,600.00 18.00
5 Step Nosing type tounge uk. 1,2 m Step Nosing type tounge uk. 1,2 m Bh 80,000.00 88,000.00 18.00
6 Step Nosing type Groove uk. 1,2 m Step Nosing type Groove uk. 1,2 m Bh 80,000.00 88,000.00 18.00
7 Footing Bridge type C (Gold) uk. 2,4 m Footing Bridge type C (Gold) uk. 2,4 m Bh 114,000.00 125,400.00 18.00
8 Footing Bridge type H (Gold) uk. 2,4 m Footing Bridge type H (Gold) uk. 2,4 m Bh 168,000.00 184,800.00 18.00
9 Footing Bridge type H (Silver) uk. 2,4 m Footing Bridge type H (Silver) uk. 2,4 m Bh 168,000.00 184,800.00 18.00
10 Footing Bridge type L (gold/silver) uk. 2,4 m Footing Bridge type L (gold/silver) uk. 2,4 m Bh 192,000.00 211,200.00 18.00
11 Step Nosing type tounge uk. 2,4 m Step Nosing type tounge uk. 2,4 m Bh 160,000.00 176,000.00 18.00
12 Step Nosing type Groove uk. 2,4 m Step Nosing type Groove uk. 2,4 m Bh 160,000.00 176,000.00 18.00
PLIN, STEPSNOSING, uk. 10 X 60 PLIN, STEPSNOSING, uk. 10 X 60 18.00
1 Soluble Salt Polished anthena, barcelona, luceme, venezia plin 10 x 60 Soluble Salt Polished anthena, barcelona, luceme, venezia plin 10 x 60 Bh 194,000.00 213,400.00 18.00
2 Soluble Salt Polished anthena, barcelona, luceme, venezia Steno 10 x 60 Soluble Salt Polished anthena, barcelona, luceme, venezia Steno 10 x 60 Bh 251,000.00 276,100.00 18.00
3 Soluble Salt Polished anthena,barcelona, luceme, venezia plin 12 x 60 Soluble Salt Polished anthena,barcelona, luceme, venezia plin 12 x 60 Bh 233,000.00 256,300.00 18.00
4 Soluble Salt Polished anthena,barcelona, luceme, venezia Steno 12 x 60 Soluble Salt Polished anthena,barcelona, luceme, venezia Steno 12 x 60 Bh 301,000.00 331,100.00 18.00
5 Soluble Salt Polished anthena,barcelona, luceme, venezia plin 15 x 60 Soluble Salt Polished anthena,barcelona, luceme, venezia plin 15 x 60 Bh 262,500.00 288,750.00 18.00
6 Uni color polished topaz 10 x 60 Uni color polished topaz 10 x 60 Bh 194,000.00 213,400.00 18.00
7 Uni color polished topaz stepnosing 10 x 60 Uni color polished topaz stepnosing 10 x 60 Bh 251,000.00 276,100.00 18.00
8 Uni color polished topaz plin 12 x 60 Uni color polished topaz plin 12 x 60 Bh 233,000.00 256,300.00 18.00
9 Uni color polished topaz stepnosing 12 x 60 Uni color polished topaz stepnosing 12 x 60 Bh 301,000.00 331,100.00 18.00
10 Uni color polished topaz plin 15 x 60 Uni color polished topaz plin 15 x 60 Bh 262,500.00 288,750.00 18.00
11 Uni color silver star, plin 10 x 60 Uni color silver star, plin 10 x 60 Bh 201,000.00 221,100.00 18.00
12 Uni color silver star, stepnosing 10 x 60 Uni color silver star, stepnosing 10 x 60 Bh 258,000.00 283,800.00 18.00
13 Uni color silver star, plin 12 x 60 Uni color silver star, plin 12 x 60 Bh 241,500.00 265,650.00 18.00
14 Uni color silver star, stepno 12 x 60 Uni color silver star, stepno 12 x 60 Bh 310,000.00 341,000.00 18.00
15 Uni color silver star, plin 15 x 60 Uni color silver star, plin 15 x 60 Bh 273,000.00 300,300.00 18.00
16 Uni color zirconium, plin 10 x 60 Uni color zirconium, plin 10 x 60 Bh 237,000.00 260,700.00 18.00
17 Uni color zirconium, stepno 10 x 60 Uni color zirconium, stepno 10 x 60 Bh 294,000.00 323,400.00 18.00
18 Uni color zirconium, plin 12 x 60 Uni color zirconium, plin 12 x 60 Bh 284,500.00 312,950.00 18.00
19 Uni color zirconium, stepno 12 x 60 Uni color zirconium, stepno 12 x 60 Bh 353,000.00 388,300.00 18.00
20 UM color zirconium, plin 15 x 60 UM color zirconium, plin 15 x 60 Bh 327,000.00 359,700.00 18.00
21 Uni color white onix 10 x 60 plin Uni color white onix 10 x 60 plin Bh 273,000.00 300,300.00 18.00
22 Uni color white onix 10 x 60 stepno Uni color white onix 10 x 60 stepno Bh 330,000.00 363,000.00 18.00
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
23 Uni color white onix plin 12 x 60 Uni color white onix plin 12 x 60 Bh 328,000.00 360,800.00 18.00
24 Uni color white onix 12 x 60 stepno Uni color white onix 12 x 60 stepno Bh 396,000.00 435,600.00 18.00
25 Uni color white onix 15 x 60 plin Uni color white onix 15 x 60 plin Bh 331,000.00 364,100.00 18.00
26 Uni color Super white 10 x 60 plin Uni color Super white 10 x 60 plin Bh 327,000.00 359,700.00 18.00
27 Uni color Super white 10 x 60 stepno Uni color Super white 10 x 60 stepno Bh 384,000.00 422,400.00 18.00
28 Uni color Super white 12 x 60 plin Uni color Super white 12 x 60 plin Bh 392,000.00 431,200.00 18.00
29 Uni color Super white 12 x 60 stepno Uni color Super white 12 x 60 stepno Bh 461,000.00 507,100.00 18.00
30 Uni color Super white 15 x 60 plin Uni color Super white 15 x 60 plin Bh 462,000.00 508,200.00 18.00
31 Uni color Black onix 10 x 60 plin Uni color Black onix 10 x 60 plin Bh 295,000.00 324,500.00 18.00
32 Uni color Black onix 10 x 60 stepno Uni color Black onix 10 x 60 stepno Bh 352,000.00 387,200.00 18.00
33 Uni color Black onix 12 x 60 plin Uni color Black onix 12 x 60 plin Bh 354,000.00 389,400.00 18.00
34 Uni color Black onix 12 x 60 stepno Uni color Black onix 12 x 60 stepno Bh 422,000.00 464,200.00 18.00
35 Uni color Black onix 1 x 60 plin Uni color Black onix 1 x 60 plin Bh 413,000.00 454,300.00 18.00
36 Salt & Pepper titanium 10 x 60 plin Salt & Pepper titanium 10 x 60 plin Bh 295,000.00 324,500.00 18.00
37 Salt & Pepper titanium 10 x 60 stepno Salt & Pepper titanium 10 x 60 stepno Bh 352,000.00 387,200.00 18.00
38 Salt & Pepper titanium 12 x 60 plin Salt & Pepper titanium 12 x 60 plin Bh 354,000.00 389,400.00 18.00
39 Salt & Pepper titanium 12 x 60 stepno Salt & Pepper titanium 12 x 60 stepno Bh 422,000.00 464,200.00 18.00
40 Salt & Pepper titanium 15 x 60 plin Salt & Pepper titanium 15 x 60 plin Bh 413,000.00 454,300.00 18.00
41 Salt & Pepper Black Galaxy 10 x 60 plin Salt & Pepper Black Galaxy 10 x 60 plin Bh 295,000.00 324,500.00 18.00
42 Salt & Pepper Black Galaxy 10 x 60 stepno Salt & Pepper Black Galaxy 10 x 60 stepno Bh 352,000.00 387,200.00 18.00
43 Salt & Pepper Black Galaxy 12 x 60 plin Salt & Pepper Black Galaxy 12 x 60 plin Bh 354,000.00 389,400.00 18.00
44 Salt & Pepper Black Galaxy 12 x 60 stepno Salt & Pepper Black Galaxy 12 x 60 stepno Bh 422,000.00 464,200.00 18.00
45 Salt & Pepper Black Galaxy 15 x 60 plin Salt & Pepper Black Galaxy 15 x 60 plin Bh 413,000.00 454,300.00 18.00
46 Salt & Pepper moontone 10 x 60 plin Salt & Pepper moontone 10 x 60 plin Bh 230,000.00 253,000.00 18.00
47 Salt & Pepper moontone 10 x 60 stepno Salt & Pepper moontone 10 x 60 stepno Bh 287,000.00 315,700.00 18.00
48 Salt & Pepper moontone 12 x 60 plin Salt & Pepper moontone 12 x 60 plin Bh 276,000.00 303,600.00 18.00
49 Salt & Pepper moontone 12 x 60 stepno Salt & Pepper moontone 12 x 60 stepno Bh 344,000.00 378,400.00 18.00
50 Salt & Pepper moontone 15 x 60 plin Salt & Pepper moontone 15 x 60 plin Bh 316,000.00 347,600.00 18.00
51 Natura saffron,magnolia, marigold, rosemary, bougenville 10 x 60 cm plin Natura saffron,magnolia, marigold, rosemary, bougenville 10 x 60 cm plin Bh 223,000.00 245,300.00 18.00
52 Natura saffron,magnolia, marigold, rosemary, bougenville 10 x 60 cm step Natura saffron,magnolia, marigold, rosemary, bougenville 10 x 60 cm step Bh 280,000.00 308,000.00 18.00
Natura saffron,magnolia, marigold, rosemary,bougenvile 12 x 60 plin Natura saffron,magnolia, marigold, rosemary,bougenvile 12 x 60 plin
53 Bh 267,000.00 293,700.00 18.00
54 Natura saffron,magnolia, marigold, rosemary, bougenville 12 x 60 cm step Natura saffron,magnolia, marigold, rosemary, bougenville 12 x 60 cm step Bh 336,000.00 369,600.00 18.00
Natura saffron,magnolia, marigold, rosemary,bougenvile 15 x 60 plin Natura saffron,magnolia, marigold, rosemary,bougenvile 15 x 60 plin
55 Bh 305,500.00 336,050.00 18.00
56 Marmo gialo glacio,bianca carara, creme marfile 10 x 60 cm plin Marmo gialo glacio,bianca carara, creme marfile 10 x 60 cm plin Bh 259,000.00 284,900.00 18.00
57 Marmo nero partor,nero marquina 10 x 60 cm Marmo nero partor,nero marquina 10 x 60 cm Bh 309,000.00 339,900.00 18.00
58 Marmo gialo glacio,bianca carara, creme marfile 12 x 60 cm plin Marmo gialo glacio,bianca carara, creme marfile 12 x 60 cm plin Bh 315,000.00 346,500.00 18.00
59 Marmo nero partor,nero marquina 10 x 60 cm stepno Marmo nero partor,nero marquina 10 x 60 cm stepno Bh 366,000.00 402,600.00 18.00
60 Marmo gialo glacio, bianca carara, creme marfile 112 x 60 cm Marmo gialo glacio, bianca carara, creme marfile 112 x 60 cm Bh 310,500.00 341,550.00 18.00
61 Marmo nero partor,nero marquina 12 x 60 Marmo nero partor,nero marquina 12 x 60 Bh 371,000.00 408,100.00 18.00
62 Marmo gialo glacio, bianca carara, creme marfile 112 x 60 cm stepno Marmo gialo glacio, bianca carara, creme marfile 112 x 60 cm stepno Bh 379,000.00 416,900.00 18.00
63 Marmo nero partor, nero marquina 12 x 60 stepno Marmo nero partor, nero marquina 12 x 60 stepno Bh 439,500.00 483,450.00 18.00
64 Marmo gialo glacio, bianca carara, creme marfile 15 x 60 plin Marmo gialo glacio, bianca carara, creme marfile 15 x 60 plin Bh 359,500.00 395,450.00 18.00
65 Marmo nero partor, nero marquina 15 x 60 plin Marmo nero partor, nero marquina 15 x 60 plin Bh 435,000.00 478,500.00 18.00
66 Cristallo desert brown, royal black, crystal white 10 x 60 plin Cristallo desert brown, royal black, crystal white 10 x 60 plin Bh 240,000.00 264,000.00 18.00
67 Cristallo desert brown, royal black crystal white 10 x 60 plin Cristallo desert brown, royal black crystal white 10 x 60 plin Bh 297,000.00 326,700.00 18.00
68 cristallo desert brown, royal black, crystal white 12 x 60 plin cristallo desert brown, royal black, crystal white 12 x 60 plin Bh 287,500.00 316,250.00 18.00
69 cristallo desert brown, royal black, crystal white 12 x 60 stepno cristallo desert brown, royal black, crystal white 12 x 60 stepno Bh 356,000.00 391,600.00 18.00
70 cristallo desert brown, royal black, crystal white 15 x 60 plin cristallo desert brown, royal black, crystal white 15 x 60 plin Bh 331,000.00 364,100.00 18.00
71 Marmaro argento beige 10 x 60 plin Marmaro argento beige 10 x 60 plin Bh 273,000.00 300,300.00 18.00
72 Marmaro argento beige 10 x 60 stepno Marmaro argento beige 10 x 60 stepno Bh 330,000.00 363,000.00 18.00
73 Marmaro argento beige 12 x 60 plin Marmaro argento beige 12 x 60 plin Bh 328,000.00 360,800.00 18.00
74 Marmaro argento beige 12 x 60 stepno Marmaro argento beige 12 x 60 stepno Bh 396,000.00 435,600.00 18.00
75 Marmaro argento beige 15 x 60 plin Marmaro argento beige 15 x 60 plin Bh 381,000.00 419,100.00 18.00
78 Antica/Satin luna, fortuna, aurora, gaeden, nerio 10 x 60 plin Antica/Satin luna, fortuna, aurora, gaeden, nerio 10 x 60 plin Bh 205,000.00 225,500.00 18.00
79 Antica/Satin luna, fortuna, aurora, gaeden, nerio 10 x 60 stepno Antica/Satin luna, fortuna, aurora, gaeden, nerio 10 x 60 stepno Bh 262,000.00 288,200.00 18.00
80 Antica/Satin luna, fortuna, aurora, gaeden, nerio 12 x 60 plin Antica/Satin luna, fortuna, aurora, gaeden, nerio 12 x 60 plin Bh 246,000.00 270,600.00 18.00
81 Antica/Satin luna, fortuna, aurora, gaeden, nerio 12 x 60 stepno Antica/Satin luna, fortuna, aurora, gaeden, nerio 12 x 60 stepno Bh 314,000.00 345,400.00 18.00
82 Antica/Satin luna, fortuna, aurora, gaeden, nerio 15 x 60 plin Antica/Satin luna, fortuna, aurora, gaeden, nerio 15 x 60 plin Bh 278,500.00 306,350.00 18.00
83 Stream havanna, silver lake, matte 10 x 60 plin Stream havanna, silver lake, matte 10 x 60 plin Bh 219,000.00 240,900.00 18.00
84 Stream niagara, black sea matte 10 x 60 plin Stream niagara, black sea matte 10 x 60 plin Bh 233,500.00 256,850.00 18.00
85 Stream havanna,silver lake,matte 10 x 60 stepno Stream havanna,silver lake,matte 10 x 60 stepno Bh 276,000.00 303,600.00 18.00
86 Stream niagara, black sea matte 10 x 60 stepno Stream niagara, black sea matte 10 x 60 stepno Bh 290,500.00 319,550.00 18.00
87 Stream havanna,silver lake,matte 12 x 60 plin Stream havanna,silver lake,matte 12 x 60 plin Bh 263,000.00 289,300.00 18.00
88 Stream black sea, niagara matte 1 x 60 plin Stream black sea, niagara matte 1 x 60 plin Bh 280,500.00 308,550.00 18.00
89 Stream havanna, silver lake, matte 12 x 60 stepno Stream havanna, silver lake, matte 12 x 60 stepno Bh 331,500.00 364,650.00 18.00
90 Stream black sea, niagara matte 12 x 60 stepno Stream black sea, niagara matte 12 x 60 stepno Bh 348,500.00 383,350.00 18.00
91 Stream havanna, silver lake, matte 15 x 60 plin Stream havanna, silver lake, matte 15 x 60 plin Bh 300,000.00 330,000.00 18.00
92 Stream black sea, niagara matte 15 x 60 plin Stream black sea, niagara matte 15 x 60 plin Bh 322,000.00 354,200.00 18.00
93 Steam havana, silver lake lappato 10 x 60 plin Steam havana, silver lake lappato 10 x 60 plin Bh 226,500.00 249,150.00 18.00
94 Steam havana,silver lake lappato 10 x 60 stepno Steam havana,silver lake lappato 10 x 60 stepno Bh 283,500.00 311,850.00 18.00
95 Steam havana, silver lake lappato 12 x 60 plin Steam havana, silver lake lappato 12 x 60 plin Bh 271,500.00 298,650.00 18.00
96 Stream havana, silver lake lappato 12 x 60 stepno Stream havana, silver lake lappato 12 x 60 stepno Bh 340,000.00 374,000.00 18.00
97 Stream havana, silver lake lappato 15 x 60 plin Stream havana, silver lake lappato 15 x 60 plin Bh 311,000.00 342,100.00 18.00
98 Stream Niagara, black sea lappato 10 x 60 plin Stream Niagara, black sea lappato 10 x 60 plin Bh 241,000.00 265,100.00 18.00
99 Stream Niagara, black sea lappato 10 x 60 stepno Stream Niagara, black sea lappato 10 x 60 stepno Bh 298,000.00 327,800.00 18.00
100 Stream Niagara, black sea lappato 12 x 60 plin Stream Niagara, black sea lappato 12 x 60 plin Bh 289,000.00 317,900.00 18.00
101 Stream Niagara, black sea lappato 12 x 60 plin Stream Niagara, black sea lappato 12 x 60 plin Bh 357,500.00 393,250.00 18.00
102 Stream Niagara, black sea lappato 12x 60 plin Stream Niagara, black sea lappato 12x 60 plin Bh 332,500.00 365,750.00 18.00
103 Stream red ruby, 10 x 60 plin Stream red ruby, 10 x 60 plin Bh 341,500.00 375,650.00 18.00
104 Stream red ruby, 10 x 60 stepno Stream red ruby, 10 x 60 stepno Bh 398,500.00 438,350.00 18.00
105 Stream red ruby, 12 x 60 plin Stream red ruby, 12 x 60 plin Bh 410,000.00 451,000.00 18.00
106 Stream red ruby, 12 x 60 stepno Stream red ruby, 12 x 60 stepno Bh 478,500.00 526,350.00 18.00
107 Stream red ruby, 15 x 60 plin Stream red ruby, 15 x 60 plin Bh 484,000.00 532,400.00 18.00
108 Stream Golden yellow 10 x 60 plin Stream Golden yellow 10 x 60 plin Bh 273,000.00 300,300.00 18.00
109 Stream Golden yellow 10 x 60 stepno Stream Golden yellow 10 x 60 stepno Bh 330,000.00 363,000.00 18.00
110 Stream Golden yellow 12 x 60 plin Stream Golden yellow 12 x 60 plin Bh 328,000.00 360,800.00 18.00
111 Stream Golden yellow 12 x 60 stepno Stream Golden yellow 12 x 60 stepno Bh 395,000.00 434,500.00 18.00
112 Stream Golden yellow 12 x 60 plin Stream Golden yellow 12 x 60 plin Bh - 18.00
113 Mitica (rocktle) perla mitica, grigio mitica, 10 x 60 plin Mitica (rocktle) perla mitica, grigio mitica, 10 x 60 plin Bh 237,000.00 260,700.00 18.00
114 Mitica (rocktle) perla mitica, grigio mitica, 10 x 60 stepno Mitica (rocktle) perla mitica, grigio mitica, 10 x 60 stepno Bh 294,000.00 323,400.00 18.00
115 Mitica (rocktle) perla mitica, grigio mitica, 12 x 60 plin Mitica (rocktle) perla mitica, grigio mitica, 12 x 60 plin Bh 284,500.00 312,950.00 18.00
116 Mitica (rocktle) perla mitica, grigio mitica, 12 x 60 stepno Mitica (rocktle) perla mitica, grigio mitica, 12 x 60 stepno Bh 353,000.00 388,300.00 18.00
117 Mitica (rocktle) perla mitica, grigio mitica, 15 x 60 plin Mitica (rocktle) perla mitica, grigio mitica, 15 x 60 plin Bh 327,000.00 359,700.00 18.00
118 Mitica (rocktile) noce gris, verde mitica 10 x 60 plint Mitica (rocktile) noce gris, verde mitica 10 x 60 plint Bh 248,000.00 272,800.00 18.00
119 Mitica (rocktile) noce gris, verde mitica 10 x 60 stepno Mitica (rocktile) noce gris, verde mitica 10 x 60 stepno Bh 305,000.00 335,500.00 18.00
120 Mitica (rocktile) noce gris, verde mitica 12 x 60 plin Mitica (rocktile) noce gris, verde mitica 12 x 60 plin Bh 297,500.00 327,250.00 18.00
121 Mitica (rocktile) noce gris, verde mitica 12 x 60 stepno Mitica (rocktile) noce gris, verde mitica 12 x 60 stepno Bh 366,000.00 402,600.00 18.00
122 Mitica (rocktile) noce gris, verde mitica 15 x 60 plin Mitica (rocktile) noce gris, verde mitica 15 x 60 plin Bh 243,500.00 267,850.00 18.00
123 Mitica (rocktile) perla, grigio mitica lappato 10 x 60 plin Mitica (rocktile) perla, grigio mitica lappato 10 x 60 plin Bh 305,000.00 335,500.00 18.00
124 Mitica (rocktile) perla, grigio mitica lappato 10 x 60 stepno Mitica (rocktile) perla, grigio mitica lappato 10 x 60 stepno Bh 248,000.00 272,800.00 18.00
125 Mitica (rocktile) perla, grigio mitica lappato 10 x 60 plin Mitica (rocktile) perla, grigio mitica lappato 10 x 60 plin Bh 297,500.00 327,250.00 18.00
126 Mitica (rocktile) perla, grigio 12 x 60 stepno Mitica (rocktile) perla, grigio 12 x 60 stepno Bh 366,000.00 402,600.00 18.00
127 Mitica (rocktile) perla, grigio mitica lappato 15 x 60 plin Mitica (rocktile) perla, grigio mitica lappato 15 x 60 plin Bh 343,500.00 377,850.00 18.00
128 Mitica (rocktile) noce, gris, verde mitica lappato 10 x 60 plin Mitica (rocktile) noce, gris, verde mitica lappato 10 x 60 plin Bh 259,000.00 284,900.00 18.00
129 Mitica (rocktile) noce, gris, verde mitica lappato 10 x 60 stepno Mitica (rocktile) noce, gris, verde mitica lappato 10 x 60 stepno Bh 316,000.00 347,600.00 18.00
130 Mitica (rocktile) noce, gris, verde mitica lappato 12 x 60 plin Mitica (rocktile) noce, gris, verde mitica lappato 12 x 60 plin Bh 310,500.00 341,550.00 18.00
131 Mitica (rocktile) noce, gris, verde mitica lappato 12 x 60 stepno Mitica (rocktile) noce, gris, verde mitica lappato 12 x 60 stepno Bh 379,000.00 416,900.00 18.00
132 Mitica (rocktile) noce, gris, verde mitica lappato 15 x 60 plin Mitica (rocktile) noce, gris, verde mitica lappato 15 x 60 plin Bh 359,000.00 394,900.00 18.00
133 Montagne (rocktile) Alpen 10 x 60 plin Montagne (rocktile) Alpen 10 x 60 plin Bh 210,000.00 231,000.00 18.00
134 Montagne (rocktile) Alpen 10 x 60 stepno Montagne (rocktile) Alpen 10 x 60 stepno Bh 316,000.00 347,600.00 18.00
135 Montagne (rocktile) Alpen 12 x 60 plin Montagne (rocktile) Alpen 12 x 60 plin Bh 310,500.00 341,550.00 18.00
136 Montagne (rocktile) Alpen 12 x 60 stepno Montagne (rocktile) Alpen 12 x 60 stepno Bh 379,000.00 416,900.00 18.00
137 Montagne (rocktile) Alpen 15 x 60 plin Montagne (rocktile) Alpen 15 x 60 plin Bh 359,500.00 395,450.00 18.00
138 Montane (rocktile) olympus, everest 10 x 60 plin Montane (rocktile) olympus, everest 10 x 60 plin Bh 208,500.00 229,350.00 18.00
139 Montane (rocktile) olympus, everest 10 x 60 stepno Montane (rocktile) olympus, everest 10 x 60 stepno Bh 265,500.00 292,050.00 18.00
140 Montane (rocktile) olympus, everest 12 x 60 plin Montane (rocktile) olympus, everest 12 x 60 plin Bh 250,000.00 275,000.00 18.00
141 Montane (rocktile) olympus, everest 12 x 60 stepno Montane (rocktile) olympus, everest 12 x 60 stepno Bh 310,500.00 341,550.00 18.00
142 Montane (rocktile) olympus, everest 15 x 60 plin Montane (rocktile) olympus, everest 15 x 60 plin Bh 284,000.00 312,400.00 18.00
143 Montane (rocktile) olympus, everest lappato 10 x 60 plin Montane (rocktile) olympus, everest lappato 10 x 60 plin Bh 219,000.00 240,900.00 18.00
144 Montane (rocktile) olympus, everest lappato 10 x 60 stepno Montane (rocktile) olympus, everest lappato 10 x 60 stepno Bh 276,000.00 303,600.00 18.00
145 Montane (rocktile) olympus, enerest lappato 12 x 60 plin Montane (rocktile) olympus, enerest lappato 12 x 60 plin Bh 263,000.00 289,300.00 18.00
146 Montane (rocktile) olympus, everest lappato 12 x 60 stepno Montane (rocktile) olympus, everest lappato 12 x 60 stepno Bh 331,590.00 364,750.00 18.00
147 Montane (rocktile) olympus, envrest lappato 15 x 60 plin Montane (rocktile) olympus, envrest lappato 15 x 60 plin Bh 300,000.00 330,000.00 18.00
148 Montane ( rocktile) Majestic lappato.10 x 60 plin Montane ( rocktile) Majestic lappato.10 x 60 plin Bh 241,000.00 265,100.00 18.00
149 Montane ( rocktile) Majestic lappato 10 x 60 stepno Montane ( rocktile) Majestic lappato 10 x 60 stepno Bh 298,000.00 327,800.00 18.00
150 Montane ( rocktile) Majestic lappato 12 x 60 plin Montane ( rocktile) Majestic lappato 12 x 60 plin Bh 289,000.00 317,900.00 18.00
151 Montane ( rocktile) Majestic lappato 12 x 60 stepno Montane ( rocktile) Majestic lappato 12 x 60 stepno Bh 357,500.00 393,250.00 18.00
152 Montane ( rocktile) Majestic lappato 15 x 60 plin Montane ( rocktile) Majestic lappato 15 x 60 plin Bh 332,500.00 365,750.00 18.00
153 Foresta wood walnut, spruce, cotton wood, 10 x 60 plin Foresta wood walnut, spruce, cotton wood, 10 x 60 plin Bh 233,500.00 256,850.00 18.00
154 Foresta wood walnut, spruce, cotton wood, 10 x 60 stepno Foresta wood walnut, spruce, cotton wood, 10 x 60 stepno Bh 290,500.00 319,550.00 18.00
155 Foresta wood walnut, spruce, cotton wood, 12 x 60 plin Foresta wood walnut, spruce, cotton wood, 12 x 60 plin Bh 280,500.00 308,550.00 18.00
156 Foresta wood walnut, spruce, cotton wood, 12 x 60 stepno Foresta wood walnut, spruce, cotton wood, 12 x 60 stepno Bh 348,500.00 383,350.00 18.00
157 Foresta wood walnut, spruce, cotton wood, 15 x 60 plin Foresta wood walnut, spruce, cotton wood, 15 x 60 plin Bh 322,000.00 354,200.00 18.00
158 Pine wood white, black, brown, maple pine 10 x 60 plin Pine wood white, black, brown, maple pine 10 x 60 plin Bh 233,500.00 256,850.00 18.00
159 Pine wood white, black,brown,maple pine 10 x 60 stepno Pine wood white, black,brown,maple pine 10 x 60 stepno Bh 290,500.00 319,550.00 18.00
160 Pine wood white, black,brown,maple pine 12 x 60 plin Pine wood white, black,brown,maple pine 12 x 60 plin Bh 280,500.00 308,550.00 18.00
161 Pine wood white, black,brown,maple pine 12 x 60 stepno Pine wood white, black,brown,maple pine 12 x 60 stepno Bh 348,500.00 383,350.00 18.00
162 Pine wood white, black,brown,maple pine 15 x 60 plin Pine wood white, black,brown,maple pine 15 x 60 plin Bh 322,000.00 354,200.00 18.00
163 Arcopolis Apridite mt (creme),zeus mt (grey) 10 x 60 plin Arcopolis Apridite mt (creme),zeus mt (grey) 10 x 60 plin Bh 230,000.00 253,000.00 18.00
164 Arcopolis Apridite mt (creme), zeus mt (grey) 10 x 60 stepno Arcopolis Apridite mt (creme), zeus mt (grey) 10 x 60 stepno Bh 287,000.00 315,700.00 18.00
165 Arcopolis Apridite mt (creme),zeus mt (grey) 12 x 60 On Arcopolis Apridite mt (creme),zeus mt (grey) 12 x 60 On Bh 276,000.00 303,600.00 18.00
166 Arcopolis Apridite mt (creme),zeus mt (grey) 12 x 60 stepno Arcopolis Apridite mt (creme),zeus mt (grey) 12 x 60 stepno Bh 344,500.00 378,950.00 18.00
167 Arcopolis Apridite mt (creme),zeus mt (grey) 15 x 60 plin Arcopolis Apridite mt (creme),zeus mt (grey) 15 x 60 plin Bh 316,500.00 348,150.00 18.00
168 Arcopolis poseidon mt (brown),kronos mt (black) 10 x 60 plin Arcopolis poseidon mt (brown),kronos mt (black) 10 x 60 plin Bh 244,500.00 268,950.00 18.00
169 Arcopolis poseidon mt (brown),kronos mt (black) 10 x 60 stepno Arcopolis poseidon mt (brown),kronos mt (black) 10 x 60 stepno Bh 301,500.00 331,650.00 18.00
170 Arcopolis poseidon mt (brown),kronos mt (black) 12 x 60 plin Arcopolis poseidon mt (brown),kronos mt (black) 12 x 60 plin Bh 293,500.00 322,850.00 18.00
171 Arcopolis poseidon mt (brown),kronos mt (black) 12 x 60 stepno Arcopolis poseidon mt (brown),kronos mt (black) 12 x 60 stepno Bh 361,500.00 397,650.00 18.00
172 Arcopolis poseidon mt (brown),kronos mt (black) 15 x 60 plin Arcopolis poseidon mt (brown),kronos mt (black) 15 x 60 plin Bh 327,000.00 359,700.00 18.00
173 Arcopolis Aprodithe lt(creme) zeus (grey) 10 x 60 plin Arcopolis Aprodithe lt(creme) zeus (grey) 10 x 60 plin Bh 237,000.00 260,700.00 18.00
174 Arcopolis Aprodithe lt(creme) zeus (grey) 10 x 60 stepno Arcopolis Aprodithe lt(creme) zeus (grey) 10 x 60 stepno Bh 284,000.00 312,400.00 18.00
175 Arcopolis Aprodithe lt(creme) zeus (grey) 12 x 60 plin Arcopolis Aprodithe lt(creme) zeus (grey) 12 x 60 plin Bh 284,500.00 312,950.00 18.00
176 Arcopolis Aprodithe lt(creme) zeus (grey) 12 x 60 stepno Arcopolis Aprodithe lt(creme) zeus (grey) 12 x 60 stepno Bh 353,000.00 388,300.00 18.00
177 Arcopolis Aprodithe lt(creme) zeus (grey) 15 x 60 plin Arcopolis Aprodithe lt(creme) zeus (grey) 15 x 60 plin Bh 327,000.00 359,700.00 18.00
178 Arcopolis poseidon (grey),kronos (black) 10 x 60 plin Arcopolis poseidon (grey),kronos (black) 10 x 60 plin Bh 251,500.00 276,650.00 18.00
179 Arcopolis poseidon (grey), kronos (black) 10 x 60 stepno Arcopolis poseidon (grey), kronos (black) 10 x 60 stepno Bh 308,500.00 339,350.00 18.00
180 Arcopolis poseidon (grey), kronos (black) 12 x 60 plin Arcopolis poseidon (grey), kronos (black) 12 x 60 plin Bh 302,000.00 332,200.00 18.00
181 Arcopolis poseidon (grey), kronos (black) 12 x 60 stepno Arcopolis poseidon (grey), kronos (black) 12 x 60 stepno Bh 370,500.00 407,550.00 18.00
182 Arcopolis poseidon (grey), kronos (black) 15 x 60 plin Arcopolis poseidon (grey), kronos (black) 15 x 60 plin Bh 349,000.00 383,900.00 18.00
H1 Kaca Standar/Lbran Kaca Standar/Lbran
1 Polos tebal 2 mm Kaca Polos tebal 2 mm m2 15,000.00 16,500.00 6.00
2 Polos tebal 3 mm Kaca Polos tebal 3 mm m2 63,500.00 69,850.00 7.00
3 Polos tebal 5 mm 80 x 36 Kaca Polos tebal 5 mm 80 x 36 m2 84,000.00 92,400.00 8.00
4 Polos tebal 5 mm 60 x 48 Kaca Polos tebal 5 mm 60 x 48 m2 84,000.00 92,400.00 9.00
5 Polos tebal 5 80 x 40 Kaca Polos tebal 5 80 x 40 m2 93,000.00 102,300.00 10.00
6 Polos tebal 5 mm 72 x 48 Kaca Polos tebal 5 mm 72 x 48 m2 100,500.00 110,550.00 11.00
7 Polos tebal 5 mm 72 x 52 Kaca Polos tebal 5 mm 72 x 52 m2 109,000.00 119,900.00 12.00
8 Polos tebal 5 mm 80 x 60 Kaca Polos tebal 5 mm 80 x 60 m2 155,000.00 170,500.00 13.00
9 Polos tebal 5 mm 96 x 72 Kaca Polos tebal 5 mm 96 x 72 m2 223,000.00 245,300.00 14.00
10 Plos tebal 5 mm 120 x 84 Kaca Plos tebal 5 mm 120 x 84 m2 325,500.00 358,050.00 15.00
11 Polos tebal 6 mm Kaca Polos tebal 6 mm m2 120,000.00 132,000.00 16.00
12 Polos tebal 8 mm Kaca Polos tebal 8 mm m2 180,000.00 198,000.00 17.00
13 Polos tebal 10 mm Kaca Polos tebal 10 mm m2 240,000.00 264,000.00 18.00
14 Polos tebal 12 mm Kaca Polos tebal 12 mm m2 300,000.00 330,000.00 19.00
15 Polos tebal 15 mm Kaca Polos tebal 15 mm m2 1,475,000.00 1,622,500.00 20.00
16 Polos tebal 19 mm Kaca Polos tebal 19 mm m2 1,955,000.00 2,150,500.00 21.00
17 Nako Polos tebal 5 m Kaca Nako Polos tebal 5 m m2 - 18.00
H2 Kaca Flat Laminated Kaca Flat Laminated 18.00
1 Polos tebal 6 mm Polos tebal 6 mm m2 310,000.00 341,000.00 18.00
2 Polos tebal 8 mm Polos tebal 8 mm m2 330,000.00 363,000.00 18.00
3 Polos tebal 10 mm Polos tebal 10 mm m2 360,000.00 396,000.00 18.00
4 Polos tebal 11 mm Polos tebal 11 mm m2 390,000.00 429,000.00 18.00
5 Polos tebal 12 mm Polos tebal 12 mm m2 410,000.00 451,000.00 18.00
6 Polos tebal 14 mm Polos tebal 14 mm m2 620,000.00 682,000.00 18.00
7 Polos tebal 16 mm Polos tebal 16 mm m2 680,000.00 748,000.00 18.00
8 Polos tebal 18 mm Polos tebal 18 mm m2 735,000.00 808,500.00 18.00
9 Polos tebal 20 mm Polos tebal 20 mm m2 790,000.00 869,000.00 18.00
10 Polos tebal 24 mm Polos tebal 24 mm m2 860,000.00 946,000.00 18.00
11 Polos tebal 25 mm Polos tebal 25 mm m2 1,260,000.00 1,386,000.00 18.00
12 Polos tebal 27 mm Polos tebal 27 mm m2 1,320,000.00 1,452,000.00 18.00
13 Polos tebal 30 mm Polos tebal 30 mm m2 1,765,000.00 1,941,500.00 18.00
14 Polos tebal 35 mm Polos tebal 35 mm m2 2,180,000.00 2,398,000.00 18.00
15 Polos tebal 39 mm Polos tebal 39 mm m2 2,405,000.00 2,645,500.00 18.00
16 warna tebal 6 mm warna tebal 6 mm m2 345,500.00 380,050.00 18.00
17 warna tebal 8 mm warna tebal 8 mm m2 386,500.00 425,150.00 18.00
18 warna tebal 10 mm warna tebal 10 mm m2 426,300.00 468,930.00 18.00
19 warna tebal 11 mm warna tebal 11 mm m2 478,800.00 526,680.00 18.00
20 warna tebal 12 mm warna tebal 12 mm m2 500,800.00 550,880.00 18.00
21 warna tebal 14 mm warna tebal 14 mm m2 712,950.00 784,250.00 18.00
22 warna tebal 16 mm warna tebal 16 mm m2 755,000.00 830,500.00 18.00
23 warna tebal 18 mm warna tebal 18 mm m2 874,125.00 961,540.00 18.00
24 warna tebal 20 mm warna tebal 20 mm m2 916,650.00 1,008,320.00 18.00
H3 Kaca Stopsol Flat Laminated Kaca Stopsol Flat Laminated 18.00
1 Stopsol 5 mm Stopsol 5 mm m2 330,000.00 363,000.00 18.00
2 Stopsol 6 mm Stopsol 6 mm m2 420,000.00 462,000.00 18.00
3 Stopsol polos tebal 8 mm Stopsol polos tebal 8 mm m2 575,000.00 632,500.00 18.00
4 Stopsol polos tebal 10 mm Stopsol polos tebal 10 mm m2 925,000.00 1,017,500.00 18.00
5 Stopsol polos tebal 11 mm Stopsol polos tebal 11 mm m2 925,000.00 1,017,500.00 18.00
6 Stopsol polos tebal 12 mm Stopsol polos tebal 12 mm m2 1,100,000.00 1,210,000.00 18.00
H4 Kaca Dark Grey Kaca Dark Grey 18.00
1 Tebal 3 mm Tebal 3 mm m2 66,000.00 72,600.00 18.00
2 Tebal 5 mm Tebal 5 mm m2 104,000.00 114,400.00 18.00
3 Tebal 5 mm 80 x 36 Tebal 5 mm 80 x 36 m2 104,000.00 114,400.00 18.00
4 Tebal 5 mm 80 x 40 Tebal 5 mm 80 x 40 m2 116,000.00 127,600.00 18.00
5 Tebal 5 mm 96 x 72 Tebal 5 mm 96 x 72 m2 268,000.00 294,800.00 18.00
6 Tabal 5 mm 120 x 84 Tabal 5 mm 120 x 84 m2 390,500.00 429,550.00 18.00
7 Tebal 5mm, 60 x 48/153 x 122 cm Tebal 5mm, 60 x 48/153 x 122 cm m2 175,000.00 192,500.00 18.00
8 Tebal 6 mm Tebal 6 mm m2 250,000.00 275,000.00 18.00
H5 Kaca Blue Green (BNFL)) Kaca Blue Green (BNFL)) 18.00
1 Tebal 5 min Tebal 5 min m2 211,500.00 232,650.00 18.00
2 Tebal 5 mm 96 x 60 Tebal 5 mm 96 x 60 m2 297,500.00 327,250.00 18.00
3 Tebal 6 mm Tebal 6 mm m2 - 18.00
4 Tebal 8 mm Tebal 8 mm m2 1,138,500.00 1,252,350.00 18.00
5 Dark Blue 5 mm 60 x 48 Dark Blue 5 mm 60 x 48 m2 139,000.00 152,900.00 18.00
H6 Kaca Dark Grey Kaca Dark Grey m2 - 18.00
1 Tebal 3 m Tebal 3 m m2 119,000.00 130,900.00 18.00
2 Tebal 5 mm Tebal 5 mm m2 268,000.00 294,800.00 18.00
3 Tebal 3 mm (ES) Tebal 3 mm (ES) m2 50,000.00 55,000.00 18.00
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
4 Tebal 5 mm (ES) Tebal 5 mm (ES) m2 161,500.00 177,650.00 18.00
H7 Kaca Dark Grey Nako Kaca Dark Grey Nako - 18.00
1 Tebal 5 mm Tebal 5 mm m2 94,500.00 103,950.00 18.00
2 Tebal 6 mm Tebal 6 mm m2 210,000.00 231,000.00 18.00
Aksesoris Aksesoris - 18.00
1 Sticker Sanblast Sticker Sanblast m2 125,000.00 137,500.00 18.00
Kaca Cermin Kaca Cermin 18.00
1 Tebal 3 mm Tebal 3 mm m2 119,000.00 130,900.00 18.00
2 Tebal 5 mm Tebal 5 mm m2 182,000.00 200,200.00 18.00
3 Tebal 5 mm (nako) Tebal 5 mm (nako) m2 215,000.00 236,500.00 18.00
4 Tebal 5 mm 96 x 72 Tebal 5 mm 96 x 72 m2 437,000.00 480,700.00 18.00
5 Tebal 5 mm 120 x 84 Tebal 5 mm 120 x 84 m2 637,000.00 700,700.00 18.00
Kaca Tempered Kaca Tempered 18.00
1 Clear Tebal 3 mm Clear Tebal 3 mm m2 145,000.00 159,500.00 18.00
2 Clear Tebal 4 mm Clear Tebal 4 mm m2 135,000.00 148,500.00 18.00
3 Clear Tebal 5 mm Clear Tebal 5 mm m2 135,000.00 148,500.00 18.00
4 Clear Tebal 6 mm Clear Tebal 6 mm m2 180,000.00 198,000.00 18.00
5 Clear Tebal 10 mm Clear Tebal 10 mm m2 330,000.00 363,000.00 18.00
6 Clear Tebal 12 nun Clear Tebal 12 nun m2 375,000.00 412,500.00 18.00
7 Clear Tebal 15 mm Clear Tebal 15 mm m2 1,600,000.00 1,760,000.00 18.00
8 Clear Tebal 19 mm Clear Tebal 19 mm m2 2,100,000.00 2,310,000.00 18.00
9 warna tebal 5 mm warna tebal 5 mm m2 200,000.00 220,000.00 18.00
10 warna tebal 6 mm warna tebal 6 mm m2 250,000.00 275,000.00 18.00
11 warna tebal 8 mm warna tebal 8 mm m2 385,000.00 423,500.00 18.00
12 warna green tebal 10 mm warna green tebal 10 mm m2 595,000.00 654,500.00 18.00
13 warna tebal 12 mm warna tebal 12 mm m2 700,000.00 770,000.00 18.00
14 Darkgrey tebal 3 mm Darkgrey tebal 3 mm m2 175,000.00 192,500.00 18.00
15 Darkgrey tebal 5 mm Darkgrey tebal 5 mm m2 175,000.00 192,500.00 18.00
16 Darkgrey tebal 6 mm Darkgrey tebal 6 mm m2 250,000.00 275,000.00 18.00
17 Mislite tebal 3 mm Mislite tebal 3 mm m2 149,000.00 163,900.00 18.00
18 Mislite tebal 5 mm Mislite tebal 5 mm m2 180,000.00 198,000.00 18.00
19 Stopsol 5 mm Stopsol 5 mm m2 330,000.00 363,000.00 18.00
20 Stopsol 6 mm Stopsol 6 mm m2 420,000.00 462,000.00 18.00
21 Stopsol 8 mm Stopsol 8 mm m2 575,000.00 632,500.00 18.00
22 Stopsol 10 green mm Stopsol 10 green mm m2 925,000.00 1,017,500.00 18.00
23 Stopsol 12 mm Stopsol 12 mm m2 1,100,000.00 1,210,000.00 18.00
24 Stopsol 15 mm Stopsol 15 mm m2 1,600,000.00 1,760,000.00 18.00
25 Stopsol 19 mm Stopsol 19 mm m2 2,100,000.00 2,310,000.00 18.00
Kaca Potongan (Cut Size) Kaca Potongan (Cut Size) 18.00
1 Kaca polos 3 mm Kaca polos 3 mm m2 50,000.00 55,000.00 18.00
2 Kaca pols 5 mm Kaca pols 5 mm m2 60,000.00 66,000.00 18.00
3 Kaca polos 6 mm Kaca polos 6 mm m2 90,000.00 99,000.00 18.00
4 Kaca polos 8 mm Kaca polos 8 mm m2 127,500.00 140,250.00 18.00
5 Kaca polos 10 mm Kaca polos 10 mm m2 180,000.00 198,000.00 18.00
6 Kaca polos 12 mm Kaca polos 12 mm m2 210,000.00 231,000.00 18.00
1 Genteng plentong tidak Glazzur Genteng plentong tidak Glazzur Bh 2,500.00 2,750.00 18.00
2 Genteng kodok tidak Glazzur Genteng kodok tidak Glazzur Bh 2,500.00 2,750.00 18.00
Genteng morando tidak Glazzur Genteng morando tidak Glazzur
3 Bh 2,500.00 2,750.00 18.00
4 Genteng turbo tidak Glazzur Genteng turbo tidak Glazzur Bh 1,500.00 1,650.00 18.00
5 Genteng plentong Glazzur Genteng plentong Glazzur Bh 3,000.00 3,300.00 18.00
6 Genteng kodok Glazzur Genteng kodok Glazzur Bh 2,750.00 3,030.00 18.00
7 Genteng morando Glazzur Genteng morando Glazzur Bh 2,750.00 3,030.00 18.00
8 Genteng turbo Glazzur Genteng turbo Glazzur Bh 2,500.00 2,750.00 18.00
9 Genteng keramik natural Mardional Genteng keramik natural Mardional Bh 3,250.00 3,580.00 18.00
10 Genteng keramik Glazzur Mardional Genteng keramik Glazzur Mardional Bh 4,750.00 5,230.00 18.00
11 Genteng keramik type M6 tepi kiri ujung bawah Mardional Genteng keramik type M6 tepi kiri ujung bawah Mardional Bh 9,000.00 9,900.00 18.00
12 Genteng keramik type M6 tepi kiri ujung bawah Mardional Genteng keramik type M6 tepi kiri ujung bawah Mardional Bh 15,000.00 16,500.00 18.00
13 Genteng keramik type M6 tepi kiri ujung bawah Mardional Genteng keramik type M6 tepi kiri ujung bawah Mardional Bh 15,000.00 16,500.00 18.00
14 Genteng keramik type M6 tepi kiri ujung bawah Mardional Genteng keramik type M6 tepi kiri ujung bawah Mardional Bh 17,000.00 18,700.00 18.00
15 Genteng keramik type M6 tepi kiri ujung bawah Mardional Genteng keramik type M6 tepi kiri ujung bawah Mardional Bh 19,250.00 21,180.00 18.00
16 Genteng keramik type M7 tepi kanan natural Mardional Genteng keramik type M7 tepi kanan natural Mardional Bh 7,500.00 8,250.00 18.00
17 Genteng keramik type M7 tepi kanan transparan Mardional Genteng keramik type M7 tepi kanan transparan Mardional Bh 15,000.00 16,500.00 18.00
18 Genteng keramik type M7 tepi kanan standard Mardional Genteng keramik type M7 tepi kanan standard Mardional Bh 15,000.00 16,500.00 18.00
19 Genteng keramik type M7 tepi kanan brown Mardional Genteng keramik type M7 tepi kanan brown Mardional Bh 17,000.00 18,700.00 18.00
20 Genteng keramik type M7 tepi kanan premium Mardional Genteng keramik type M7 tepi kanan premium Mardional Bh 19,250.00 21,180.00 18.00
21 Nok type M1 arah kanan Mardional Nok type M1 arah kanan Mardional Bh 40,000.00 44,000.00 18.00
22 Nok type M3 3 arah kanan natural Mardional Nok type M3 3 arah kanan natural Mardional Bh 37,500.00 41,250.00 18.00
23 Nok type M3 3 arah kanan transparan Mardional Nok type M3 3 arah kanan transparan Mardional Bh 85,000.00 93,500.00 18.00
24 Nok type M3 3 arah kanan brown Mardional Nok type M3 3 arah kanan brown Mardional Bh 87,500.00 96,250.00 18.00
25 Nok type M3 3 arah kanan premium Mardional Nok type M3 3 arah kanan premium Mardional Bh 96,500.00 106,150.00 18.00
26 Nok type M4 3 arah kiri natural Mardional Nok type M4 3 arah kiri natural Mardional Bh 37,500.00 41,250.00 18.00
27 Nok type M4 3 arah kiri transparan Mardional Nok type M4 3 arah kiri transparan Mardional Bh 85,000.00 93,500.00 18.00
28 Nok type M4 3 arah kiri brown Mardional Nok type M4 3 arah kiri brown Mardional Bh 87,500.00 96,250.00 18.00
29 Nok type M4 3 arah kiri premium Mardional Nok type M4 3 arah kiri premium Mardional Bh 96,500.00 106,150.00 18.00
30 Nok type M5 ujung bawah natural Mardional Nok type M5 ujung bawah natural Mardional Bh 28,750.00 31,630.00 18.00
31 Nok type M5 ujung bawah transparan Mardional Nok type M5 ujung bawah transparan Mardional Bh 69,850.00 76,840.00 18.00
32 Nok type M5 ujung bawah standard Mardional Nok type M5 ujung bawah standard Mardional Bh 69,850.00 76,840.00 18.00
33 Nok type M5 ujung bawah brown Mardional Nok type M5 ujung bawah brown Mardional Bh 75,000.00 82,500.00 18.00
34 Nok type M5 ujung bawah premium Mardional Nok type M5 ujung bawah premium Mardional Bh 82,500.00 90,750.00 18.00
35 Nok type M8 ujung atas natural Mardional Nok type M8 ujung atas natural Mardional Bh 27,500.00 30,250.00 18.00
36 Nok type M8 ujung atas transparan Mardional Nok type M8 ujung atas transparan Mardional Bh 67,500.00 74,250.00 18.00
37 Nok type M8 ujung atas standard Mardional Nok type M8 ujung atas standard Mardional Bh 65,000.00 71,500.00 18.00
38 Nok type M8 ujung atas brown Mardional Nok type M8 ujung atas brown Mardional Bh 70,000.00 77,000.00 18.00
39 Nok type M8 ujung atas premium Mardional Nok type M8 ujung atas premium Mardional Bh 80,000.00 88,000.00 18.00
40 Nok M10 2 arah natural Mardional Nok M10 2 arah natural Mardional Bh 37,500.00 41,250.00 18.00
41 Nok M10 2 arah transparan Mardional Nok M10 2 arah transparan Mardional Bh 82,500.00 90,750.00 18.00
42 Nok M10 2 arah standard Mardional Nok M10 2 arah standard Mardional Bh 82,500.00 90,750.00 18.00
43 Nok M10 2 arah brown Mardional Nok M10 2 arah brown Mardional Bh 82,500.00 90,750.00 18.00
44 Nok genteng morando Glazzur Nok genteng morando Glazzur Bh 4,500.00 4,950.00 18.00
45 Nok genteng plentong Glazzur Nok genteng plentong Glazzur Bh 3,900.00 4,290.00 18.00
46 Nok genteng plentong tidak Glazzur Nok genteng plentong tidak Glazzur Bh 2,400.00 2,640.00 18.00
47 Nok genteng kodok Glazzur Nok genteng kodok Glazzur Bh 3,000.00 3,300.00 18.00
1 KE 1 standar Kanmuri KE 1 standar Kanmuri Bh 8,000.00 8,800.00 18.00
2 KE 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri KE 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri Bh 28,200.00 31,020.00 18.00
3 KE 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri KE 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri Bh 13,000.00 14,300.00 18.00
4 KE 2 nok Kanmuri KE 2 nok Kanmuri Bh 16,250.00 17,880.00 18.00
5 KE 2 PP penangkal petir KE 2 PP penangkal petir Bh 33,500.00 36,850.00 18.00
6 KE 3 lisplank kiri KE 3 lisplank kiri Bh 15,200.00 16,720.00 18.00
7 KE 3 HA lisplank kiri hiasan akhir KE 3 HA lisplank kiri hiasan akhir Bh 33,500.00 36,850.00 18.00
8 KE 4 lisplank kanan KE 4 lisplank kanan Bh 15,200.00 16,720.00 18.00
9 KE 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir KE 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir Bh 33,500.00 36,850.00 18.00
10 KE 5 setengah KE 5 setengah Bh 6,500.00 7,150.00 18.00
11 KE 6 ujung jurai KE 6 ujung jurai Bh 46,100.00 50,710.00 18.00
12 KE 7A ujung nok kanan KE 7A ujung nok kanan Bh 46,100.00 50,710.00 18.00
13 KE 7B ujung nok kiri KE 7B ujung nok kiri Bh 46,100.00 50,710.00 18.00
14 KE 8A nok 3 arah KE 8A nok 3 arah Bh 58,500.00 64,350.00 18.00
15 KE 8B nok 3 arah kiri KE 8B nok 3 arah kiri Bh 58,500.00 64,350.00 18.00
16 KE 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai KE 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai Bh 58,500.00 64,350.00 18.00
17 KE 10A nok 2 arah KE 10A nok 2 arah Bh 58,500.00 64,350.00 18.00
18 KE 10B nok 2 arah kanan KE 10B nok 2 arah kanan Bh 58,500.00 64,350.00 18.00
19 KE 10C nok 2 arah kiri KE 10C nok 2 arah kiri Bh 58,500.00 64,350.00 18.00
20 KE 10 D nok 2 arah (1350) KE 10 D nok 2 arah (1350) Bh 58,500.00 64,350.00 18.00
21 KE 11 nok 4 arah jurai KE 11 nok 4 arah jurai Bh 189,600.00 208,560.00 18.00
22 KE 12 genteng talang /valley tile KE 12 genteng talang /valley tile Bh 43,500.00 47,850.00 18.00
23 KE 13 genteng double / double tile KE 13 genteng double / double tile Bh 23,000.00 25,300.00 18.00
24 KE 14 genteng ventilasi KE 14 genteng ventilasi Bh 189,600.00 208,560.00 18.00
25 KE 15 cerobong udara KE 15 cerobong udara Bh 189,600.00 208,560.00 18.00
26 KE 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) KE 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) Bh 298,000.00 327,800.00 18.00
27 KE 17 lapping tile KE 17 lapping tile Bh 6,500.00 7,150.00 18.00
1 KE 1 standar Kanmuri KE 1 standar Kanmuri Bh 9,000.00 9,900.00 18.00
2 KE 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri KE 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri Bh 39,000.00 42,900.00 18.00
3 KE 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri KE 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri Bh 17,350.00 19,090.00 18.00
4 KE 2 nok Kanmuri KE 2 nok Kanmuri Bh 21,700.00 23,870.00 18.00
5 KE 2 PP penangkal petir KE 2 PP penangkal petir Bh 48,750.00 53,630.00 18.00
6 KE 3 lisplank kiri KE 3 lisplank kiri Bh 18,450.00 20,300.00 18.00
7 KE 3 HA lisplank kiri hiasan akhir KE 3 HA lisplank kiri hiasan akhir Bh 48,750.00 53,630.00 18.00
8 KE 4 lisplank kanan KE 4 lisplank kanan Bh 18,450.00 20,300.00 18.00
9 KE 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir KE 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir Bh 48,750.00 53,630.00 18.00
10 KE 5 setengah KE 5 setengah Bh 8,700.00 9,570.00 18.00
11 KE 6 ujung jurai KE 6 ujung jurai Bh 74,800.00 82,280.00 18.00
12 KE 7A ujung nok kanan KE 7A ujung nok kanan Bh 74,800.00 82,280.00 18.00
13 KE 7B ujung nok kiri KE 7B ujung nok kiri Bh 74,800.00 82,280.00 18.00
14 KE 8A nok 3 arah KE 8A nok 3 arah Bh 92,100.00 101,310.00 18.00
15 KE 8B nok 3 arah kiri KE 8B nok 3 arah kiri Bh 92,100.00 101,310.00 18.00
16 KE 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai KE 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai Bh 92,100.00 101,310.00 18.00
17 KE 10A nok 2 arah KE 10A nok 2 arah Bh 92,100.00 101,310.00 18.00
18 KE 10B nok 2 arah kanan KE 10B nok 2 arah kanan Bh 92,100.00 101,310.00 18.00
19 KE 10C nok 2 arah kiri KE 10C nok 2 arah kiri Bh 92,100.00 101,310.00 18.00
20 KE 10 D nok 2 arah (1350) KE 10 D nok 2 arah (1350) Bh 92,100.00 101,310.00 18.00
21 KE 11 nok 4 arah jurai KE 11 nok 4 arah jurai Bh 270,900.00 297,990.00 18.00
22 KE 12 genteng talang /valley tile KE 12 genteng talang /valley tile Bh 54,500.00 59,950.00 18.00
23 KE 13 genteng double / double tile KE 13 genteng double / double tile Bh 29,500.00 32,450.00 18.00
24 KE 14 genteng ventilasi KE 14 genteng ventilasi Bh 270,900.00 297,990.00 18.00
25 KE 15 cerobong udara KE 15 cerobong udara Bh 270,900.00 297,990.00 18.00
26 KE 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) KE 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) Bh 325,000.00 357,500.00 18.00
27 KE 17 lapping tile KE 17 lapping tile Bh 8,700.00 9,570.00 18.00
1 KE 1 standar Kanmuri KE 1 standar Kanmuri Bh 10,500.00 11,550.00 18.00
2 KE 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri KE 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri Bh 41,200.00 45,320.00 18.00
3 KE 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri KE 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri Bh 18,400.00 20,240.00 18.00
4 KE 2 nok Kanmuri KE 2 nok Kanmuri Bh 24,500.00 26,950.00 18.00
5 KE 2 PP penangkal petir KE 2 PP penangkal petir Bh 50,500.00 55,550.00 18.00
6 KE 3 lisplank kiri KE 3 lisplank kiri Bh 21,700.00 23,870.00 18.00
7 KE 3 HA lisplank kin hiasan akhir KE 3 HA lisplank kin hiasan akhir Bh 50,500.00 55,550.00 18.00
8 KE 4 lisplank kanan KE 4 lisplank kanan Bh 21,700.00 23,870.00 18.00
9 KE 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir KE 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir Bh 50,500.00 55,550.00 18.00
10 KE 5 setengah KE 5 setengah Bh 9,750.00 10,730.00 18.00
11 KE 6 ujung jurai KE 6 ujung jurai Bh 78,000.00 85,800.00 18.00
12 KE 7A ujung nok kanan KE 7A ujung nok kanan Bh 78,000.00 85,800.00 18.00
13 KE 7B ujung nok kin KE 7B ujung nok kin Bh 78,000.00 85,800.00 18.00
14 KE 8A nok 3 arah kanan KE 8A nok 3 arah kanan Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
15 KE 8B nok 3 arah kiri KE 8B nok 3 arah kiri Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
16 KE 8 C nok 3 arah KE 8 C nok 3 arah Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
17 KE 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai KE 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
18 KE 10A nok 2 arah KE 10A nok 2 arah Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
19 KE 10B nok 2 arah kanan KE 10B nok 2 arah kanan Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
20 KE 10C nok 2 arah kiri KE 10C nok 2 arah kiri Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
21 KE 10 D nok 2 arah (1350) KE 10 D nok 2 arah (1350) Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
KE 11 nok 4 arah jurai KE 11 nok 4 arah jurai
22 Bh 281,700.00 309,870.00 18.00
23 KE 12 genteng talang /valley tile KE 12 genteng talang /valley tile Bh 65,000.00 71,500.00 18.00
24 KE 13 genteng double / double tile KE 13 genteng double / double tile Bh 30,500.00 33,550.00 18.00
25 KE 14 genteng ventilasi KE 14 genteng ventilasi Bh 281,700.00 309,870.00 18.00
26 KE 15 cerobong udara KE 15 cerobong udara Bh 281,700.00 309,870.00 18.00
27 KE 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) KE 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) Bh 353,000.00 388,300.00 18.00
28 KE 17 lapping tile KE 17 lapping tile Bh 9,750.00 10,730.00 18.00
1 KE 1 standar Kanmuri KE 1 standar Kanmuri Bh 13,200.00 14,520.00 18.00
2 KE 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri KE 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri Bh 49,800.00 54,780.00 18.00
3 KE 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri KE 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri Bh 26,000.00 28,600.00 18.00
4 KE 2 nok Kanmuri KE 2 nok Kanmuri Bh 28,200.00 31,020.00 18.00
5 KE 2 PP penangkal petir KE 2 PP penangkal petir Bh 63,900.00 70,290.00 18.00
6 KE 3 lisplank kiri KE 3 lisplank kiri Bh 27,100.00 29,810.00 18.00
7 KE 3 HA lisplank kin hiasan akhir KE 3 HA lisplank kin hiasan akhir Bh 63,900.00 70,290.00 18.00
8 KE 4 lisplank kanan KE 4 lisplank kanan Bh 27,100.00 29,810.00 18.00
9 KE 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir KE 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir Bh 63,900.00 70,290.00 18.00
10 KE 5 setengah KE 5 setengah Bh 11,400.00 12,540.00 18.00
11 KE 6 ujung jurai KE 6 ujung jurai Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
12 KE 7A ujung nok kanan KE 7A ujung nok kanan Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
13 KE 7B ujung nok kin KE 7B ujung nok kin Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
14 KE 8A nok 3 arah kanan KE 8A nok 3 arah kanan Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
15 KE 8B nok 3 arah kiri KE 8B nok 3 arah kiri Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
16 KE 8 C nok 3 arah KE 8 C nok 3 arah Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
17 KE 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai KE 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
18 KE 10A nok 2 arah KE 10A nok 2 arah Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
19 KE 10B nok 2 arah kanan KE 10B nok 2 arah kanan Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
20 KE 10C nok 2 arah kiri KE 10C nok 2 arah kiri Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
21 KE 10 D nok 2 arah (1350) KE 10 D nok 2 arah (1350) Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
KE 11 nok 4 arah jurai KE 11 nok 4 arah jurai
22 Bh 308,800.00 339,680.00 18.00
23 KE 12 genteng talang /valley tile KE 12 genteng talang /valley tile Bh 76,000.09 83,610.00 18.00
24 KE 13 genteng double / double tile KE 13 genteng double / double tile Bh 37,000.00 40,700.00 18.00
25 KE 14 genteng ventilasi KE 14 genteng ventilasi Bh 308,800.00 339,680.00 18.00
26 KE 15 cerobong udara KE 15 cerobong udara Bh 308,800.00 339,680.00 18.00
27 KE 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) KE 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) Bh 380,800.00 418,880.00 18.00
28 KE 17 lapping tile KE 17 lapping tile Bh 9,750.00 10,730.00 18.00
1 KE 1 standar Karunuri KE 1 standar Karunuri Bh 6,600.00 7,260.00 18.00
2 KE 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri KE 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri Bh 24,500.00 26,950.00 18.00
3 KE 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri KE 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri Bh 11,400.00 12,540.00 18.00
4 KE 2 nok Kanmuri Bh KE 2 nok Kanmuri Bh Bh 14,100.00 15,510.00 18.00
5 KE 2 PP penangkal petir KE 2 PP penangkal petir Bh 30,500.00 33,550.00 18.00
1 KE 1 standar Kanmuri KE 1 standar Kanmuri Bh 10,500.00 11,550.00 18.00
2 KE 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri KE 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri Bh 41,200.00 45,320.00 18.00
3 KE 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri KE 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri Bh 18,400.00 20,240.00 18.00
4 KE 2 nok Kanmuri KE 2 nok Kanmuri Bh 24,500.00 26,950.00 18.00
5 KE 2 PP penangkal petir KE 2 PP penangkal petir Bh 50,500.00 55,550.00 18.00
6 KE 3 lisplank kiri KE 3 lisplank kiri Bh 21,700.00 23,870.00 18.00
7 KE 3 HA lisplank kin hiasan akhir KE 3 HA lisplank kin hiasan akhir Bh 50,500.00 55,550.00 18.00
8 KE 4 lisplank kanan KE 4 lisplank kanan Bh 21,700.00 23,870.00 18.00
9 KE 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir KE 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir Bh 50,500.00 55,550.00 18.00
10 KE 5 setengah KE 5 setengah Bh 9,750.00 10,730.00 18.00
11 KE 6 ujung jurai KE 6 ujung jurai Bh 78,000.00 85,800.00 18.00
12 KE 7A ujung nok kanan KE 7A ujung nok kanan Bh 78,000.00 85,800.00 18.00
13 KE 7B ujung nok kin KE 7B ujung nok kin Bh 78,000.00 85,800.00 18.00
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
14 KE 8A nok 3 arah kanan KE 8A nok 3 arah kanan Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
15 KE 8B nok 3 arah kiri KE 8B nok 3 arah kiri Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
16 KE 8 C nok 3 arah KE 8 C nok 3 arah Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
17 KE 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai KE 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
18 KE 10A nok 2 arah KE 10A nok 2 arah Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
19 KE 10B nok 2 arah kanan KE 10B nok 2 arah kanan Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
20 KE 10C nok 2 arah kiri KE 10C nok 2 arah kiri Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
21 KE 10 D nok 2 arah (1350) KE 10 D nok 2 arah (1350) Bh - 18.00
KE 11 nok 4 arah jurai KE 11 nok 4 arah jurai
22 Bh 281,700.00 309,870.00 18.00
23 KE 12 genteng talang /valley tile KE 12 genteng talang /valley tile Bh 65,000.00 71,500.00 18.00
24 KE 13 genteng double / double tile KE 13 genteng double / double tile Bh 30,500.00 33,550.00 18.00
25 KE 14 genteng ventilasi KE 14 genteng ventilasi Bh 281,700.00 309,870.00 18.00
26 KE 15 cerobong udara KE 15 cerobong udara Bh 281,700.00 309,870.00 18.00
27 KE 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) KE 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) Bh 353,000.00 388,300.00 18.00
28 KE 17 lapping tile KE 17 lapping tile Bh 9,750.00 10,730.00 18.00
1 KE 1 standar Kanmuri KE 1 standar Kanmuri Bh 13,200.00 14,520.00 18.00
2 KE 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri KE 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri Bh 49,800.00 54,780.00 18.00
3 KE 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri KE 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri Bh 26,000.00 28,600.00 18.00
4 KE 2 nok Kanmuri KE 2 nok Kanmuri Bh 28,200.00 31,020.00 18.00
5 KE 2 PP penangkal petir KE 2 PP penangkal petir Bh 63,900.00 70,290.00 18.00
6 KE 3 lisplank kiri KE 3 lisplank kiri Bh 27,100.00 29,810.00 18.00
7 KE 3 HA lisplank kin hiasan akhir KE 3 HA lisplank kin hiasan akhir Bh 63,900.00 70,290.00 18.00
8 KE 4 lisplank kanan KE 4 lisplank kanan Bh 27,100.00 29,810.00 18.00
9 KE 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir KE 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir Bh 63,900.00 70,290.00 18.00
10 KE 5 setengah KE 5 setengah Bh 11,400.00 12,540.00 18.00
11 KE 6 ujung jurai KE 6 ujung jurai Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
12 KE 7A ujung nok kanan KE 7A ujung nok kanan Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
13 KE 7B ujung nok kin KE 7B ujung nok kin Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
14 KE 8A nok 3 arah kanan KE 8A nok 3 arah kanan Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
15 KE 8B nok 3 arah kiri KE 8B nok 3 arah kiri Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
16 KE 8 C nok 3 arah KE 8 C nok 3 arah Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
17 KE 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai KE 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
18 KE 10A nok 2 arah KE 10A nok 2 arah Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
19 KE 10B nok 2 arah kanan KE 10B nok 2 arah kanan Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
20 KE 10C nok 2 arah kiri KE 10C nok 2 arah kiri Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
21 KE 10 D nok 2 arah (1350) KE 10 D nok 2 arah (1350) Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
KE 11 nok 4 arah jurai KE 11 nok 4 arah jurai
22 Bh 308,800.00 339,680.00 18.00
23 KE 12 genteng talang /valley tile KE 12 genteng talang /valley tile Bh 76,000.00 83,600.00 18.00
24 KE 13 genteng double / double tile KE 13 genteng double / double tile Bh 37,000.00 40,700.00 18.00
25 KE 14 genteng ventilasi KE 14 genteng ventilasi Bh 308,800.00 339,680.00 18.00
26 KE 15 cerobong udara KE 15 cerobong udara Bh 308,800.00 339,680.00 18.00
27 KE 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) KE 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) Bh 380,800.00 418,880.00 18.00
28 KE 17 lapping tile KE 17 lapping tile Bh 9,750.00 10,730.00 18.00
1 KE 1 standar Kanmuri KE 1 standar Kanmuri Bh 6,600.00 7,260.00 18.00
2 KE 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri KE 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri Bh 24,500.00 26,950.00 18.00
3 KE 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri KE 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri Bh 11,400.00 12,540.00 18.00
4 KE 2 nok Kanmuri KE 2 nok Kanmuri Bh 14,100.00 15,510.00 18.00
5 KE 2 PP penangkal petir KE 2 PP penangkal petir Bh 30,500.00 33,550.00 18.00
6 KE 3 lisplank kiri KE 3 lisplank kiri Bh 13,600.00 14,960.00 18.00
7 KE 3 HA lisplank kin hiasan akhir KE 3 HA lisplank kin hiasan akhir Bh 30,500.00 33,550.00 18.00
8 KE 4 lisplank kanan KE 4 lisplank kanan Bh 13,600.00 14,960.00 18.00
9 KE 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir KE 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir Bh 30,500.00 33,550.00 18.00
10 KE 5 setengah KE 5 setengah Bh 5,500.00 6,050.00 18.00
11 KE 6 ujung jurai KE 6 ujung jurai Bh 41,200.00 45,320.00 18.00
12 KE 7A ujung nok kanan KE 7A ujung nok kanan Bh 41,200.00 45,320.00 18.00
13 KE 7B ujung nok kin KE 7B ujung nok kin Bh 44,500.00 48,950.00 18.00
14 KE 8A nok 3 arah kanan KE 8A nok 3 arah kanan Bh 44,500.00 48,950.00 18.00
15 KE 8B nok 3 arah kiri KE 8B nok 3 arah kiri Bh 44,500.00 48,950.00 18.00
16 KE 8 C nok 3 arah KE 8 C nok 3 arah Bh 44,500.00 48,950.00 18.00
17 KE 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai KE 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai Bh 44,500.00 48,950.00 18.00
18 KE 10A nok 2 arah KE 10A nok 2 arah Bh 44,500.00 48,950.00 18.00
19 KE 10B nok 2 arah kanan KE 10B nok 2 arah kanan Bh 44,500.00 48,950.00 18.00
20 KE 10C nok 2 arah kiri KE 10C nok 2 arah kiri Bh 44,500.00 48,950.00 18.00
21 KE 10 D nok 2 arah (1350) KE 10 D nok 2 arah (1350) Bh 160,000.00 176,000.00 18.00
KE 11 nok 4 arah jurai KE 11 nok 4 arah jurai
22 Bh 38,000.00 41,800.00 18.00
23 KE 12 genteng talang /valley tile KE 12 genteng talang /valley tile Bh 20,600.00 22,660.00 18.00
24 KE 13 genteng double / double tile KE 13 genteng double / double tile Bh 160,000.00 176,000.00 18.00
25 KE 14 genteng ventilasi KE 14 genteng ventilasi Bh 160,000.00 176,000.00 18.00
26 KE 15 cerobong udara KE 15 cerobong udara Bh 271,000.00 298,100.00 18.00
27 KE 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) KE 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) Bh 5,500.40 6,060.00 18.00
28 KE 17 lapping tile KE 17 lapping tile Bh - 18.00
1 KM 1 standar Kanan KM 1 standar Kanan Bh 8,250.00 9,080.00 18.00
2 KM 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri KM 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri Bh 28,200.00 31,020.00 18.00
3 KM 1 PA pamanas air Kammuri KM 1 PA pamanas air Kammuri Bh 13,000.00 14,300.00 18.00
4 KM 2 nok Kanmuri KM 2 nok Kanmuri Bh 16,250.00 17,880.00 18.00
5 KM 2 PP penangkal petir KM 2 PP penangkal petir Bh 33,500.00 36,850.00 18.00
6 KM 3 lisplank kiri KM 3 lisplank kiri Bh 15,200.00 16,720.00 18.00
7 KM 3 HA lisplank kiri hiasan akhir KM 3 HA lisplank kiri hiasan akhir Bh 33,500.00 36,850.00 18.00
8 KM 4 lisplank kanan KM 4 lisplank kanan Bh 46,100.00 50,710.00 18.00
9 KM 4 HA lisplank kanan kanan hiasan akhir KM 4 HA lisplank kanan kanan hiasan akhir Bh 46,100.00 50,710.00 18.00
10 KM 6 ujung jurai KM 6 ujung jurai Bh 46,100.00 50,710.00 18.00
11 KM 7A ujung nok kanan KM 7A ujung nok kanan Bh 58,500.00 64,350.00 18.00
12 KM 7B ujung nok kin KM 7B ujung nok kin Bh 58,500.00 64,350.00 18.00
13 KM 8A nok 3 arah kanan KM 8A nok 3 arah kanan Bh 58,500.00 64,350.00 18.00
14 KM 8B nok 3 arah kiri KM 8B nok 3 arah kiri Bh 58,500.00 64,350.00 18.00
15 KM 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai KM 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai Bh 58,500.00 64,350.00 18.00
16 KM 10A nok 2 arah KM 10A nok 2 arah Bh 58,500.00 64,350.00 18.00
17 KM 10B nok 2 arah kanan KM 10B nok 2 arah kanan Bh 58,500.00 64,350.00 18.00
18 KM 10C nok 2 arah kiri KM 10C nok 2 arah kiri Bh 58,500.00 64,350.00 18.00
19 KM 10 D nok 2 Arah (135°) KM 10 D nok 2 Arah (135°) Bh 58,500.00 64,350.00 18.00
20 KM 11 nok 4 arah jurai KM 11 nok 4 arah jurai Bh 189,600.00 208,560.00 18.00
21 KM 12 genteng talang /valley tile KM 12 genteng talang /valley tile Bh 43,500.00 47,850.00 18.00
22 KM 13 genteng double / double tile KM 13 genteng double / double tile Bh 23,000.00 25,300.00 18.00
23 KM 14 genteng ventilasi KM 14 genteng ventilasi Bh 189,600.00 208,560.00 18.00
24 KM 15 cerobong udara KM 15 cerobong udara Bh 189,600.00 208,560.00 18.00
25 KM 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) KM 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) Bh 298,000.00 327,800.00 18.00
26 KM 17 lapping tile KM 17 lapping tile Bh 6,500.00 7,150.00 18.00
1 KM 1 standar Kanmuri KM 1 standar Kanmuri Bh 9,550.00 10,510.00 18.00
2 KM 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri KM 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri Bh 39,000.00 42,900.00 18.00
3 KM 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri KM 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri Bh 17,350.00 19,090.00 18.00
4 KM 2 nok Kanmuri KM 2 nok Kanmuri Bh 21,700.00 23,870.00 18.00
5 KM 2 PP penangkal petir KM 2 PP penangkal petir Bh 48,750.00 53,630.00 18.00
6 KM 3 lisplank kiri KM 3 lisplank kiri Bh 18,450.00 20,300.00 18.00
7 KM 3 HA lisplank kiri hiasan akhir KM 3 HA lisplank kiri hiasan akhir Bh 48,750.00 53,630.00 18.00
8 KM 4 lisplank kanan KM 4 lisplank kanan Bh 18,450.00 20,300.00 18.00
9 KM 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir KM 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir Bh 48,750.00 53,630.00 18.00
10 KM 6 ujung jurai KM 6 ujung jurai Bh 74,800.00 82,280.00 18.00
11 KM 7A ujung nok kanan KM 7A ujung nok kanan Bh 74,800.00 82,280.00 18.00
12 KM 7B ujung nok kiri KM 7B ujung nok kiri Bh 74,800.00 82,280.00 18.00
13 KM 8A nok 3 arah kanan KM 8A nok 3 arah kanan Bh 92,100.00 101,310.00 18.00
14 KM 8B nok 3 arah kin KM 8B nok 3 arah kin Bh 92,100.00 101,310.00 18.00
15 KM 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai KM 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai Bh 92,100.00 101,310.00 18.00
16 KM 10A nok 2 arah KM 10A nok 2 arah Bh 92,100.00 101,310.00 18.00
17 KM 10B nok 2 arah kanan KM 10B nok 2 arah kanan Bh 92,100.00 101,310.00 18.00
18 KM 10C nok 2 arah kiri KM 10C nok 2 arah kiri Bh 92,100.00 101,310.00 18.00
19 KM 11 nok 4 arah jurai KM 11 nok 4 arah jurai Bh 270,900.00 297,990.00 18.00
20 KM 12 genteng talang /valley tile KM 12 genteng talang /valley tile Bh 54,500.00 59,950.00 18.00
21 KM 13 genteng double / double tile KM 13 genteng double / double tile Bh 29,500.00 32,450.00 18.00
22 KM 14 genteng ventilasi KM 14 genteng ventilasi Bh 270,900.00 297,990.00 18.00
23 KM 15 cerobong udara KM 15 cerobong udara Bh 270,900.00 297,990.00 18.00
24 KM 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) KM 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) Bh 325,000.00 357,500.00 18.00
25 KM 17 lapping tile KM 17 lapping tile Bh 8,700.00 9,570.00 18.00
1 KM 1 standar Kanmuri KM 1 standar Kanmuri Bh 10,800.00 11,880.00 18.00
2 KM 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri KM 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri Bh 41,200.00 45,320.00 18.00
3 KM 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri KM 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri Bh 18,400.00 20,240.00 18.00
4 KM 2 nok Kanmuri KM 2 nok Kanmuri Bh 24,500.00 26,950.00 18.00
5 KM 2 PP penangkal petir KM 2 PP penangkal petir Bh 50,500.00 55,550.00 18.00
6 KM 3 lisplank kiri KM 3 lisplank kiri Bh 21,700.00 23,870.00 18.00
7 KM 3 HA lisplank kiri hiasan akhir KM 3 HA lisplank kiri hiasan akhir Bh 50,500.00 55,550.00 18.00
8 KM 4 lisplank kanan KM 4 lisplank kanan Bh 21,700.00 23,870.00 18.00
9 KM 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir KM 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir Bh 50,500.00 55,550.00 18.00
10 KM 6 ujung jurai KM 6 ujung jurai Bh 78,000.00 85,800.00 18.00
11 KM 7A ujung nok kanan KM 7A ujung nok kanan Bh 78,000.00 85,800.00 18.00
12 KM 7B ujung nok kiri KM 7B ujung nok kiri Bh 78,000.00 85,800.00 18.00
13 KM 8A nok 3 arah kanan KM 8A nok 3 arah kanan Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
14 KM 8B nok 3 arah kin KM 8B nok 3 arah kin Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
15 KM 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai KM 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai Bh 95,000.00 104,500.00 18.00
16 KM 10A nok 2 arah KM 10A nok 2 arah Bh 95,000.00 104,500.00 18.00
17 KM 10B nok 2 arah kanan KM 10B nok 2 arah kanan Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
18 KM 10C nok 2 arah kiri KM 10C nok 2 arah kiri Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
19 KM 11 nok 4 arah jurai KM 11 nok 4 arah jurai Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
20 KM 12 genteng talang /valley tile KM 12 genteng talang /valley tile Bh 281,700.00 309,870.00 18.00
21 KM 13 genteng double / double tile KM 13 genteng double / double tile Bh 65,000.00 71,500.00 18.00
22 KM 14 genteng ventilasi KM 14 genteng ventilasi Bh 30,500.00 33,550.00 18.00
23 KM 15 cerobong udara KM 15 cerobong udara Bh 281,700.00 309,870.00 18.00
24 KM 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) KM 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) Bh 281,700.00 309,870.00 18.00
25 KM 17 lapping tile KM 17 lapping tile Bh 353,000.00 388,300.00 18.00
1 KM 1 standar Kanmuri KM 1 standar Kanmuri Bh 13,400.00 14,740.00 18.00
2 KM 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri KM 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri Bh 49,000.00 53,900.00 18.00
3 KM 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri KM 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri Bh 28,200.00 31,020.00 18.00
4 KM 2 nok Kanmuri KM 2 nok Kanmuri Bh 63,900.00 70,290.00 18.00
5 KM 2 PP penangkal petir KM 2 PP penangkal petir Bh 27,100.00 29,810.00 18.00
6 KM 3 lisplank kiri KM 3 lisplank kiri Bh 63,900.00 70,290.00 18.00
7 KM 3 HA lisplank kiri hiasan akhir KM 3 HA lisplank kiri hiasan akhir Bh 27,100.00 29,810.00 18.00
8 KM 4 lisplank kanan KM 4 lisplank kanan Bh 63,900.00 70,290.00 18.00
9 KM 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir KM 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
10 KM 6 ujung jurai KM 6 ujung jurai Bh 95,400.00 104,940.00 18.00
11 KM 7A ujung nok kanan KM 7A ujung nok kanan Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
12 KM 7B ujung nok kiri KM 7B ujung nok kiri Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
13 KM 8A nok 3 arah kanan KM 8A nok 3 arah kanan Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
14 KM 8B nok 3 arah kin KM 8B nok 3 arah kin Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
15 KM 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai KM 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
16 KM 10A nok 2 arah KM 10A nok 2 arah Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
17 KM 10B nok 2 arah kanan KM 10B nok 2 arah kanan Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
18 KM 10C nok 2 arah kiri KM 10C nok 2 arah kiri Bh 110,500.00 121,550.00 18.00
19 KM 11 nok 4 arah jurai KM 11 nok 4 arah jurai Bh 308,800.00 339,680.00 18.00
20 KM 12 genteng talang /valley tile KM 12 genteng talang /valley tile Bh 76,000.00 83,600.00 18.00
21 KM 13 genteng double / double tile KM 13 genteng double / double tile Bh 37,000.00 40,700.00 18.00
22 KM 14 genteng ventilasi KM 14 genteng ventilasi Bh 308,800.00 339,680.00 18.00
23 KM 15 cerobong udara KM 15 cerobong udara Bh 308,800.00 339,680.00 18.00
24 KM 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) KM 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) Bh 380,000.00 418,000.00 18.00
25 KM 17 lapping tile KM 17 lapping tile Bh 11,400.00 12,540.00 18.00
1 KM 1 standar Kanmuri KM 1 standar Kanmuri Bh 6,850.00 7,540.00 18.00
2 KM 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri KM 1 HA hiasan air Kanmuri Bh 24,500.00 26,950.00 18.00
3 KM 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri KM 1 PA pamanas air Kanmuri Bh 11,400.00 12,540.00 18.00
4 KM 2 nok Kanmuri KM 2 nok Kanmuri Bh 14,100.00 15,510.00 18.00
5 KM 2 PP penangkal petir KM 2 PP penangkal petir Bh 30,500.00 33,550.00 18.00
6 KM 3 lisplank kiri KM 3 lisplank kiri Bh 13,600.00 14,960.00 18.00
7 KM 3 HA lisplank kiri hiasan akhir KM 3 HA lisplank kiri hiasan akhir Bh 30,500.00 33,550.00 18.00
8 KM 4 lisplank kanan KM 4 lisplank kanan Bh 13,600.00 14,960.00 18.00
9 KM 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir KM 4 HA lisplank kanan hiasan akhir Bh 30,500.00 33,550.00 18.00
10 KM 6 ujung jurai KM 6 ujung jurai Bh 41,200.00 45,320.00 18.00
11 KM 7A ujung nok kanan KM 7A ujung nok kanan Bh 41,200.00 45,320.00 18.00
12 KM 7B ujung nok kiri KM 7B ujung nok kiri Bh 41,200.00 45,320.00 18.00
13 KM 8A nok 3 arah kanan KM 8A nok 3 arah kanan Bh 44,500.00 48,950.00 18.00
14 KM 8B nok 3 arah kin KM 8B nok 3 arah kin Bh 44,500.00 48,950.00 18.00
15 KM 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai KM 9+9A hiasan sudut jurai Bh 44,500.00 48,950.00 18.00
16 KM 10A nok 2 arah KM 10A nok 2 arah Bh 44,500.00 48,950.00 18.00
17 KM 10B nok 2 arah kanan KM 10B nok 2 arah kanan Bh 44,500.00 48,950.00 18.00
18 KM 10C nok 2 arah kiri KM 10C nok 2 arah kiri Bh 44,500.00 48,950.00 18.00
19 KM 11 nok 4 arah jurai KM 11 nok 4 arah jurai Bh 160,000.00 176,000.00 18.00
20 KM 12 genteng talang /valley tile KM 12 genteng talang /valley tile Bh 38,000.00 41,800.00 18.00
21 KM 13 genteng double / double tile KM 13 genteng double / double tile Bh 20,600.00 22,660.00 18.00
22 KM 14 genteng ventilasi KM 14 genteng ventilasi Bh 160,000.00 176,000.00 18.00
23 KM 15 cerobong udara KM 15 cerobong udara Bh 160,000.00 176,000.00 18.00
24 KM 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) KM 16 aksesoris spesial (ayam) Bh 271,000.00 298,100.00 18.00
25 KM 17 lapping tile KM 17 lapping tile Bh 5,500.00 6,050.00 18.00
1 Djabes gelombang kecil (K200) uk. 300 cm x 105 cm x 4 mm Djabes gelombang kecil (K200) uk. 300 cm x 105 cm x 4 mm Bh 73,000.00 80,300.00 -
2 Djabes gelombang kecil (K200) uk. 270 cm x 105 cm x 4 mm Djabes gelombang kecil (K200) uk. 270 cm x 105 cm x 4 mm Bh 65,750.00 72,330.00 -
3 Djabes gelombang kecil (K200) uk. 250 cm x 105 cm x 4 mm Djabes gelombang kecil (K200) uk. 250 cm x 105 cm x 4 mm Bh 58,460.00 64,310.00 -
4 Djabes gelombang kecil (K200) uk. 210 cm x 105 cm x 4 mm Djabes gelombang kecil (K200) uk. 210 cm x 105 cm x 4 mm Bh 51,120.00 56,240.00 -
5 Djabes gelombang kecil (K200) uk. 200 cm x 105 cm x 4 mm Djabes gelombang kecil (K200) uk. 200 cm x 105 cm x 4 mm Bh 43,850.00 48,240.00 -
6 Djabes gelombang kecil (K200) uk. 180 cm x 105 cm x 4 mm Djabes gelombang kecil (K200) uk. 180 cm x 105 cm x 4 mm Bh 36,750.00 40,430.00 -
7 Djabes genteng (G400) uk. 85 cm x 11,5 cm x 4 mm Djabes genteng (G400) uk. 85 cm x 11,5 cm x 4 mm Bh 25,500.00 28,050.00 -
8 Djabes genteng (G400) uk. 85 cm x 11,5 cm x 5 mm Djabes genteng (G400) uk. 85 cm x 11,5 cm x 5 mm Bh 32,000.00 35,200.00 -
9 Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 300 cm x 102 cm x 5 mm Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 300 cm x 102 cm x 5 mm Bh 85,040.00 93,550.00 -
10 Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 250 cm x 102 cm x 5 mm Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 250 cm x 102 cm x 5 mm Bh 70,700.00 77,770.00 -
11 Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 225 cm x 102 cm x 5 mm Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 225 cm x 102 cm x 5 mm Bh 63,280.00 69,610.00 -
12 Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 200 cm x 102 cm x 5 mm Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 200 cm x 102 cm x 5 mm Bh 58,480.00 64,330.00 -
13 Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 180 cm x 102 cm x 5 mm Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 180 cm x 102 cm x 5 mm Bh 54,140.00 59,560.00 -
14 Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 150 cm x 102 cm x 5 mm Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 150 cm x 102 cm x 5 mm Bh 43,080.00 47,390.00 -
15 Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 300 cm x 102 cm x 6 mm Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 300 cm x 102 cm x 6 mm Bh 102,040.00 112,250.00 -
16 Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 250 cm x 102 cm x 6 mm Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 250 cm x 102 cm x 6 mm Bh 81,520.00 89,680.00 -
17 Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 225 cm x 102 cm x 6 mm Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 225 cm x 102 cm x 6 mm Bh 75,840.00 83,430.00 -
18 Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 200 cm x 102 cm x 6 mm Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 200 cm x 102 cm x 6 mm Bh 68,960.00 75,860.00 -
19 Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 180 cm x 102 cm x 6 mm Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 180 cm x 102 cm x 6 mm Bh 62,110.00 68,330.00 -
20 Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 150 cm x 102 cm x 6 mm Djabes gelombang besar (B100) uk. 150 cm x 102 cm x 6 mm Bh 51,610.00 56,780.00 -
21 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 50 cm x 100 cm x 2,7 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 50 cm x 100 cm x 2,7 mm lbr 6,310.00 6,950.00 -
22 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 25 cm x 200 cm x 2,7 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 25 cm x 200 cm x 2,7 mm lbr 6,050.00 6,660.00 -
23 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 30 cm x 200 cm x 2,7 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 30 cm x 200 cm x 2,7 mm lbr 13,570.00 14,930.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
24 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 40 cm x 200 cm x 2,7 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 40 cm x 200 cm x 2,7 mm lbr 11,540.00 12,700.00 -
25 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 50 cm x 200 cm x 2,7 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 50 cm x 200 cm x 2,7 mm lbr 13,570.00 14,930.00 -
26 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 60 cm x 200 cm x 2,7 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 60 cm x 200 cm x 2,7 mm lbr 16,060.00 17,670.00 -
27 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 100 cm x 100 cm x 2,7 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 100 cm x 100 cm x 2,7 mm lbr 12,400.00 13,640.00 -
28 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 100 cm x 200 cm x 2,7 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 100 cm x 200 cm x 2,7 mm lbr 26,760.00 29,440.00 -
29 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 100 cm x 100 cm x 3 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 100 cm x 100 cm x 3 mm lbr 11,720.00 12,900.00 -
30 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 50 cm x 100 cm x 3 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 50 cm x 100 cm x 3 mm lbr 5,890.00 6,480.00 -
31 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 25 cm x 200 cm x 3 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 25 cm x 200 cm x 3 mm lbr 6,390.00 7,030.00 -
32 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 30 cm x 200 cm x 3 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 30 cm x 200 cm x 3 mm lbr 7,670.00 8,440.00 -
33 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 40 cm x 200 cm x 3 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 40 cm x 200 cm x 3 mm lbr 10,060.00 11,070.00 -
34 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 50 cm x 200 cm x 3 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 50 cm x 200 cm x 3 mm lbr 12,030.00 13,240.00 -
35 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 100 cm x 200 cm x 3 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 100 cm x 200 cm x 3 mm lbr 23,550.00 25,910.00 -
36 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 100 cm x 100 cm x 0.4 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 100 cm x 100 cm x 0.4 mm lbr 15,940.00 17,540.00 -
37 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 25 cm x 100 cm x 0.4 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 25 cm x 100 cm x 0.4 mm lbr 8,570.00 9,430.00 -
38 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 30 cm x 100 cm x 0.4 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 30 cm x 100 cm x 0.4 mm lbr 10,160.00 11,180.00 -
39 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 40 cm x 100 cm x 0.4 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 40 cm x 100 cm x 0.4 mm lbr 13,290.00 14,620.00 -
40 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 50 cm x 100 cm x 0.4 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 50 cm x 100 cm x 0.4 mm lbr 15,940.00 17,540.00 -
41 Djabes plat (P500) uk. 100 cm x 200 cm x 0.4 mm Djabes plat (P500) uk. 100 cm x 200 cm x 0.4 mm lbr 31,400.00 34,540.00 -
42 Minihamflex uk. 300 cm x 105 cm x 0,4 cm Minihamflex uk. 300 cm x 105 cm x 0,4 cm lbr 15,940.00 17,540.00 -
43 Lisplank rata uk. 30 cm x 200 cm x 0,4 cm Lisplank rata uk. 30 cm x 200 cm x 0,4 cm lbr 10,160.00 11,180.00 -
1 Stel Besa 102 Stel Besa 102 lbr 46,000.00 50,600.00 -
2 Paten Besa 102 Paten Besa 102 lbr 42,000.00 46,200.00 -
3 Plat Besar 102 Plat Besar 102 lbr 44,000.00 48,400.00 -
4 Stel Kecil 105 Stel Kecil 105 lbr 27,000.00 29,700.00 -
5 Patent Kecil 105 Patent Kecil 105 lbr 25,000.00 27,500.00 -
6 Plat Kecil 105 Plat Kecil 105 lbr 27,000.00 29,700.00 -
7 Stel Djabes 11 Stel Djabes 11 lbr 19,000.00 20,900.00 -
8 Stel Plat Djabes Stel Plat Djabes lbr 19,000.00 20,900.00 -
9 Kapus Djabes Kapus Djabes lbr 10,000.00 11,000.00 -
1 85 x 115 x 0,4 85 x 115 x 0,4 lbr 25,500.00 28,050.00 -
2 85 x 115 x 0,5 85 x 115 x 0,5 lbr 32,000.00 35,200.00 -
3 Kapus Genten Kapus Genten lbr 21,000.00 23,100.00 -
4 Stel Genteng Stel Genteng lbr 43,000.00 47,300.00 -
5 Lisplank Genteng Lisplank Genteng lbr 29,500.00 32,450.00 -
1 Genteng tebal 0,30 TCT Genteng tebal 0,30 TCT M2 61,534.20 67,690.00 -
2 Nok bulat (C) tebal 0,30 TCT Nok bulat (C) tebal 0,30 TCT M2 59,850.00 65,840.00 -
3 Nok atas (U) tebal 0,30 TCT Nok atas (U) tebal 0,30 TCT M2 38,850.00 42,740.00 -
4 Nok punggir (L) tebal 0,30 TCT Nok punggir (L) tebal 0,30 TCT M2 35,175.00 38,700.00 -
5 Wall flassing (S) tebal 0,3 TCT Wall flassing (S) tebal 0,3 TCT M2 29,925.00 32,920.00 -
Seng Gelombang Djabes Seng Gelombang Djabes
1 240 x 80 x 0.33 240 x 80 x 0.33 lbr 36,580.00 40,240.00 -
2 210 x 80 x 0,33 210 x 80 x 0,33 lbr 32,040.00 35,250.00 -
3 180 x 80 x 0.33 180 x 80 x 0.33 lbr 27,460.00 30,210.00 -
4 150 x 80 x 0,33 150 x 80 x 0,33 lbr 22,880.00 25,170.00 -
1 Genteng tebal 0,30 TCT Genteng tebal 0,30 TCT M2 91,531.76 100,690.00 -
2 Nok bulat (C) tebal 0,30 TCT Nok bulat (C) tebal 0,30 TCT M2 33,075.00 36,390.00 -
3 Nok atas (U) tebal 0,30 TCT Nok atas (U) tebal 0,30 TCT M2 26,775.00 29,460.00 -
4 Nok punggir (L) tebal 0,30 TCT Nok punggir (L) tebal 0,30 TCT M2 26,775.00 29,460.00 -
5 Wall flassing (S) tebal 0,30 TCT Wall flassing (S) tebal 0,30 TCT M2 30,975.00 34,080.00 -
1 Seng gelombang 180 x 90 x 0,50 Seng gelombang 180 x 90 x 0,50 lbr 60,200.00 66,220.00 -
2 Seng gelombang 180 x 90 x 0,03 Seng gelombang 180 x 90 x 0,03 lbr 46,000.00 50,600.00 -
3 Seng gelombang 180 x 90 x 0,025 Seng gelombang 180 x 90 x 0,025 lbr 38,000.00 41,800.00 -
4 Seng gelombang 180 x 90 x 0,2 Seng gelombang 180 x 90 x 0,2 lbr 37,000.00 40,700.00 -
5 Plat seng tebal 0,050 cm lebar 0,90 Plat seng tebal 0,050 cm lebar 0,90 m' 65,000.00 71,500.00 -
6 Plat seng tebal 0,030 cm lebar 0,90 Plat seng tebal 0,030 cm lebar 0,90 m' 48,000.00 52,800.00 -
7 Plat seng tebal 0,025 cm lebar 0,90 Plat seng tebal 0,025 cm lebar 0,90 m' 38,000.00 41,800.00 -
8 Plat seng tebal 0,020 cm lebar 0,90 Plat seng tebal 0,020 cm lebar 0,90 m' 31,000.00 34,100.00 -
9 Plat seng tebal 0,040 cm lebar 0,90 Plat seng tebal 0,040 cm lebar 0,90 m' 48,000.00 52,800.00 -
a aluminium Kulit Jeruk aluminium Kulit Jeruk
1 Tebal 0,30 mm Tebal 0,30 mm m' 53,500.00 58,850.00 -
2 Tebal 0,35 mm Tebal 0,35 mm m' 60,500.00 66,550.00 -
3 Tebal 0,40 mm Tebal 0,40 mm m' 70,500.00 77,550.00 -
4 Tebal 0,45 mm Tebal 0,45 mm m' 74,500.00 81,950.00 -
5 Tebal 0,50 mm Tebal 0,50 mm m' 82,000.00 90,200.00 -
6 Tebal 0,55 mm Tebal 0,55 mm m' 89,500.00 98,450.00 -
7 Tebal 0,70 mm Tebal 0,70 mm m' 110,500.00 121,550.00 -
b Zinc aluminium Zinc aluminium
1 Tebal 0,30 mm Zinc aluminium Tebal 0,30 mm m' 68,000.00 74,800.00 -
2 Tebal 0,35 mm Tebal 0,35 mm m' 72,500.00 79,750.00 -
3 Tebal 0,40 mm Tebal 0,40 mm m' 78,500.00 86,350.00 -
4 Tebal 0,45 mm Tebal 0,45 mm m' 98,461.00 108,310.00 -
5 Tebal 0,50 mm Tebal 0,50 mm m' 117,000.00 128,700.00 -
1 Indodek HiTen 0.35 Bmt Abadi Indodek HiTen 0.35 Bmt Abadi m2 55,000.00 60,500.00 -
2 Indodek HiTen 0.40 Tct Abadi Indodek HiTen 0.40 Tct Abadi m2 60,000.00 66,000.00 -
3 Nusadek HiTen 0.40 Tct Bmt Zinc Abadi Nusadek HiTen 0.40 Tct Bmt Zinc Abadi m2 50,000.00 55,000.00 -
4 Nusadek HiTen 0.40 Tct Abadi Nusadek HiTen 0.40 Tct Abadi m2 56,500.00 62,150.00 -
1 Nok standard (untuk atap curam) Zinc Alume Nok standard (untuk atap curam) Zinc Alume Bh 192,500.00 211,750.00 -
2 Nok standard (untuk atap curam) Colorbond Nok standard (untuk atap curam) Colorbond Bh 287,500.00 316,250.00 -
3 Nok datar (untuk atap hampir datar) Zinc Alume Nok datar (untuk atap hampir datar) Zinc Alume Bh 200,000.00 220,000.00 -
4 Nok datar (untuk atap hampir datar) Colorbond Nok datar (untuk atap hampir datar) Colorbond Bh 295,000.00 324,500.00 -
5 Penutup atap arah memanjang Zinc Alume Penutup atap arah memanjang Zinc Alume Bh 100,000.00 110,000.00 -
6 Penutup atap arah memanjang Colorbond Penutup atap arah memanjang Colorbond Bh 150,000.00 165,000.00 -
7 Penutup atap arah melintang Zinc Alume Penutup atap arah melintang Zinc Alume Bh 100,000.00 110,000.00 -
8 Penutup atap arah melintang Colorbond Penutup atap arah melintang Colorbond Bh 135,000.00 148,500.00 -
9 Penutup pinggir dinding dan atap arabonernanjang Zinc Alume Penutup pinggir dinding dan atap arabonernanjang Zinc Alume Bh 100,000.00 110,000.00 -
10 Penutup pinggir dinding dan atap arah memanjang Colorbond Penutup pinggir dinding dan atap arah memanjang Colorbond Bh 145,000.00 159,500.00 -
11 Penutup pinggir dinding dan atap arah memanjang Zinc Alume Penutup pinggir dinding dan atap arah memanjang Zinc Alume Bh 85,000.00 93,500.00 -
12 Penutup pinggir dinding dai atap arah melintang Colorbond Penutup pinggir dinding dai atap arah melintang Colorbond Bh 148,650.00 163,520.00 -
13 Penutup sudut Zinc Alume Penutup sudut Zinc Alume Bh 158,900.00 174,790.00 -
14 Penutup sudut Colorbond Penutup sudut Colorbond Bh 100,000.00 110,000.00 -
a Zincalume AZ 150 G 550 Zincalume AZ 150 G 550
1 CD 680,CD750,CD780,CD KLIP 672, flat sheet 914 mm tbl 0,3 mm CD 680,CD750,CD780,CD KLIP 672, flat sheet 914 mm tbl 0,3 mm m' 73,500.00 80,850.00 -
2 CD 680,CD750,CD780,CD KLIP 672, flat sheet 914 mm tbl 0,35 mm CD 680,CD750,CD780,CD KLIP 672, flat sheet 914 mm tbl 0,35 mm m' 83,500.00 91,850.00 -
3 CD 680,CD750,CD780,CD KLIP 672, flat sheet 914 mm tbl 0,4 mm CD 680,CD750,CD780,CD KLIP 672, flat sheet 914 mm tbl 0,4 mm m' 93,000.00 102,300.00 -
4 CD 680,CD750,CD780,CD KLIP 672, flat sheet 914 mm tbl 0,45 mm CD 680,CD750,CD780,CD KLIP 672, flat sheet 914 mm tbl 0,45 mm m' 104,000.00 114,400.00 -
5 CD 680,CD750,CD780,CD KLIP 672, flat sheet 914 mm tbl 0,5 mm CD 680,CD750,CD780,CD KLIP 672, flat sheet 914 mm tbl 0,5 mm m' 114,500.00 125,950.00 -
6 CD 760 Flat Sheet 1,027 mm tebal 0,35 mm CD 760 Flat Sheet 1,027 mm tebal 0,35 mm m' 93,000.00 102,300.00 -
7 CD 760 Flat Sheet 1,027 mm tebal 0,4 mm CD 760 Flat Sheet 1,027 mm tebal 0,4 mm m' 104,000.00 114,400.00 -
8 CD 760 Flat Sheet 1,027 mm tebal 0,45 mm CD 760 Flat Sheet 1,027 mm tebal 0,45 mm m' 116,000.00 127,600.00 -
9 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,30 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,30 mm m' 97,000.00 106,700.00 -
10 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,35 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,35 mm m' 109,500.00 120,450.00 -
11 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,40 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,40 mm m' 1,230.00 1,360.00 -
12 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,45 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,45 mm m' 136,500.00 150,150.00 -
13 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,50 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,50 mm m' 151,000.00 166,100.00 -
14 Nok Standart, Flat Sheet 450 mm tebal 0,3 mm Nok Standart, Flat Sheet 450 mm tebal 0,3 mm m' 49,500.00 54,450.00 -
15 Nok Standart, Flat Sheet 450 mm tebal 0,35 mm Nok Standart, Flat Sheet 450 mm tebal 0,35 mm m' 56,000.00 61,600.00 -
16 Nok Standart, Flat Sheet 450 mm tebal 0,4 mm Nok Standart, Flat Sheet 450 mm tebal 0,4 mm m' 62,500.00 68,750.00 -
17 Nok Standart, Flat Sheet 450 mm tebal 0,45 mm Nok Standart, Flat Sheet 450 mm tebal 0,45 mm m' 69,500.00 76,450.00 -
18 Nok Standart, Flat Sheet 450 mm tebal 0,5 mm Nok Standart, Flat Sheet 450 mm tebal 0,5 mm m' 76,500.00 84,150.00 -
19 Flashing, Flat Sheet 300 mm tebal 0,3 mm Flashing, Flat Sheet 300 mm tebal 0,3 mm m' 33,000.00 36,300.00 -
20 Flashing, Flat Sheet 300 mm tebal 0,35 mm Flashing, Flat Sheet 300 mm tebal 0,35 mm m' 37,500.00 41,250.00 -
21 Flashing, Flat Sheet 300 mm tebal 0,4 mm Flashing, Flat Sheet 300 mm tebal 0,4 mm m' 42,000.00 46,200.00 -
22 Flashing, Flat Sheet 300 nun tebal 0,45 mm Flashing, Flat Sheet 300 nun tebal 0,45 mm m' 46,500.00 51,150.00 -
23 Flashing, Flat Sheet 300 mm tebal 0,5 mm Flashing, Flat Sheet 300 mm tebal 0,5 mm m' 51,000.00 56,100.00 -
24 Flashing 600 tebal 0,3mm Flashing 600 tebal 0,3mm m' 58,500.00 64,350.00 -
25 Flasing 600 tebal 0,35 mm Flasing 600 tebal 0,35 mm m' 66,000.00 72,600.00 -
26 Flashing 600 tebal 0,4mm Flashing 600 tebal 0,4mm m' 74,000.00 81,400.00 -
27 Flashing 600 tebal 0,45 mm Flashing 600 tebal 0,45 mm m' 82,000.00 90,200.00 -
28 Flashing 600 tebal 0,5 mm Flashing 600 tebal 0,5 mm m' 91,000.00 100,100.00 -
29 Flashing 914 tebal 0,3 mm Flashing 914 tebal 0,3 mm m' 88,500.00 97,350.00 -
30 Flashing 914 tebal 0,35 mm Flashing 914 tebal 0,35 mm m' 100,500.00 110,550.00 -
31 Flashing 914 tebal 0,4 nun Flashing 914 tebal 0,4 nun m' 112,000.00 123,200.00 -
32 Flashing 914 tebal 0,45 mm Flashing 914 tebal 0,45 mm m' 125,000.00 137,500.00 -
33 Flashing 914 tebal 0,5mm Flashing 914 tebal 0,5mm m' 137,000.00 150,700.00 -
34 Flashing 1219 tebal 0,3 mm Flashing 1219 tebal 0,3 mm m' 116,500.00 128,150.00 -
35 Flashing 1219tebal 0,35 mm Flashing 1219tebal 0,35 mm m' 131,500.00 144,650.00 -
36 Flashing 1219 tebal 0,4 mm Flashing 1219 tebal 0,4 mm m' 148,000.00 162,800.00 -
37 Flashing 1219 tebal 0,45 mm Flashing 1219 tebal 0,45 mm m' 164,000.00 180,400.00 -
38 Flashing 1219 tebal 0,5mm Flashing 1219 tebal 0,5mm m' 181,500.00 199,650.00 -
ABADI AZ 100 G 550 ABADI AZ 100 G 550
1 flashing Standar tebal 0,3 mm flashing Standar tebal 0,3 mm m' 30,000.00 33,000.00 -
2 flashing Standar tebal 0,35 mm flashing Standar tebal 0,35 mm m' 34,500.00 37,950.00 -
3 flashing Standar tebal 0,4 mm flashing Standar tebal 0,4 mm m' 39,000.00 42,900.00 -
4 Flashing Standar tebal 0,45 mm Flashing Standar tebal 0,45 mm m' 43,500.00 47,850.00 -
5 Flashing Standar tebal 0,5 mm Flashing Standar tebal 0,5 mm m' 48,000.00 52,800.00 -
6 Flashing 450 tebal 0,3 mm Flashing 450 tebal 0,3 mm m' 45,000.00 49,500.00 -
7 Flashing 450 tebal 0,35 mm Flashing 450 tebal 0,35 mm m' 52,000.00 57,200.00 -
8 Flashing 450 tebal 0,4 mm Flashing 450 tebal 0,4 mm m' 58,500.00 64,350.00 -
9 Flashing 450 tebal 0,45 mm Flashing 450 tebal 0,45 mm m' 65,000.00 71,500.00 -
10 Flashing 450 tebal 0,5 mm Flashing 450 tebal 0,5 mm m' 71,500.00 78,650.00 -
11 Flashing 600 tebal 0,3 mm Flashing 600 tebal 0,3 mm m' 53,000.00 58,300.00 -
12 Flashing 600 tebal 0,35 mm Flashing 600 tebal 0,35 mm m' 61,500.00 67,650.00 -
13 Flashing 600 tebal 0,40 mm Flashing 600 tebal 0,40 mm m' 69,000.00 75,900.00 -
14 Flashing 600 tebal 0,45 mm Flashing 600 tebal 0,45 mm m' 76,500.00 84,150.00 -
15 Flashing 600 tebal 0,5 mm Flashing 600 tebal 0,5 mm m' 85,000.00 93,500.00 -
16 Flashing 914 tebal 0,3 mm Flashing 914 tebal 0,3 mm m' 81,000.00 89,100.00 -
17 Flashing 914 tebal 0,35 mm Flashing 914 tebal 0,35 mm m' 94,000.00 103,400.00 -
18 Flashing 914 tebal 0,4 mm Flashing 914 tebal 0,4 mm m' 104,500.00 114,950.00 -
19 Flashing 914 tebal 0,45 mm Flashing 914 tebal 0,45 mm m' 116,000.00 127,600.00 -
20 Flashing 914 tebal 0,5 mm Flashing 914 tebal 0,5 mm m' 125,000.00 137,500.00 -
21 Flashing 1219 tebal 0,3 mm Flashing 1219 tebal 0,3 mm m' 106,000.00 116,600.00 -
22 Flashing 1219 tebal 0,35 mm Flashing 1219 tebal 0,35 mm m' 122,500.00 134,750.00 -
23 Flashing 1219 tebal 0,4 mm Flashing 1219 tebal 0,4 mm m' 137,500.00 151,250.00 -
24 Flashing 1219 tebal 0,45 mm Flashing 1219 tebal 0,45 mm m' 153,000.00 168,300.00 -
25 Flashing 1219 tebal 0,5 mm Flashing 1219 tebal 0,5 mm m' 169,500.00 186,450.00 -
b Pelangi (warna) AZ 150 Pelangi (warna) AZ 150
1 CD 680, CD 750, CD 780, CD KLIP 672 Flat Sheet 914 mm tebal 0,30 mm CD 680, CD 750, CD 780, CD KLIP 672 Flat Sheet 914 mm tebal 0,30 mm m' 92,500.00 101,750.00 -
2 CD 680, CD 750, CD 780, CD KLIP 672 Flat Sheet 914 mm tebal 0,35 mm CD 680, CD 750, CD 780, CD KLIP 672 Flat Sheet 914 mm tebal 0,35 mm m' 104,000.00 114,400.00 -
3 CD 680, CD 750, CD 780, CD KLIP 672 Flat Sheet 914 mm tebal 0,40 mm CD 680, CD 750, CD 780, CD KLIP 672 Flat Sheet 914 mm tebal 0,40 mm m' 114,000.00 125,400.00 -
4 CD 680, CD 750, CD 780, CD KLIP 672 Flat Sheet 914 mm tebal 0,45 mm CD 680, CD 750, CD 780, CD KLIP 672 Flat Sheet 914 mm tebal 0,45 mm m' 125,500.00 138,050.00 -
5 CD 680, CD 750, CD 780, CD KLIP 672 Flat Sheet 914 mm tebal 0,50 mm CD 680, CD 750, CD 780, CD KLIP 672 Flat Sheet 914 mm tebal 0,50 mm m' 135,000.00 148,500.00 -
6 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD TR, tebal 0,30 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD TR, tebal 0,30 mm m' 122,000.00 134,200.00 -
7 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD TR, tebal 0,35 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD TR, tebal 0,35 mm m' 137,500.00 151,250.00 -
8 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD TR, tebal 0,40 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD TR, tebal 0,40 mm m' 150,500.00 165,550.00 -
9 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD TR, tebal 0,45 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD TR, tebal 0,45 mm m' 166,500.00 183,150.00 -
10 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD TR, tebal 0,50 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD TR, tebal 0,50 mm m' 179,000.00 196,900.00 -
11 Flashing 450 tebal 0,3 mm Flashing 450 tebal 0,3 mm m' 62,000.00 68,200.00 -
12 Flashing 450 tebal 0,35 mm Flashing 450 tebal 0,35 mm m' 70,000.00 77,000.00 -
13 Flashing 450 tebal 0,4 mm Flashing 450 tebal 0,4 mm m' 76,500.00 84,150.00 -
14 Flashing 450 tebal 0,45 mm Flashing 450 tebal 0,45 mm m' 84,000.00 92,400.00 -
15 Flashing 450 tebal 0,5 mm Flashing 450 tebal 0,5 mm m' 91,000.00 100,100.00 -
16 Flashing, Standar mm tebal 0,3 mm Flashing, Standar mm tebal 0,3 mm m' 41,500.00 45,650.00 -
17 Flashing, Standar tebal 0,35 mm Flashing, Standar tebal 0,35 mm m' 47,000.00 51,700.00 -
18 Flashing, Flat Sheet 300 mm tebal 0,4 mm Flashing, Flat Sheet 300 mm tebal 0,4 mm m' 51,000.00 56,100.00 -
19 Flashing, Flat Sheet 300 mm tebal 0,45 mm Flashing, Flat Sheet 300 mm tebal 0,45 mm m' 56,000.00 61,600.00 -
20 Flashing, Flat Sheet 300 mm tebal 0,5 mm Flashing, Flat Sheet 300 mm tebal 0,5 mm m' 60,500.00 66,550.00 -
21 Flashing, 600 mm tebal 0,3 mm Flashing, 600 mm tebal 0,3 mm m' 73,500.00 80,850.00 -
22 Flashing, 600 mm tebal 0,35 mm Flashing, 600 mm tebal 0,35 mm m' 82,500.00 90,750.00 -
23 Flashing, 600 mm tebal 0,4 mm Flashing, 600 mm tebal 0,4 mm m' 90,500.00 99,550.00 -
24 Flashing, 600 mm tebal 0,45 mm Flashing, 600 mm tebal 0,45 mm m' 100,000.00 110,000.00 -
25 Flashing, 600 mm tebal 0,5 mm Flashing, 600 mm tebal 0,5 mm m' 107,500.00 118,250.00 -
26 Flashing, 914 tebal 0,3 mm Flashing, 914 tebal 0,3 mm m' 111,000.00 122,100.00 -
27 Flashing, 914 tebal 0,35 mm Flashing, 914 tebal 0,35 mm m' 125,000.00 137,500.00 -
28 Flashing, 914 tebal 0,4 mm Flashing, 914 tebal 0,4 mm m' 137,000.00 150,700.00 -
29 Flashing, 914tebal 0,45 mm Flashing, 914tebal 0,45 mm m' 151,000.00 166,100.00 -
30 Flashing, 914 tebal 0,5 mm Flashing, 914 tebal 0,5 mm m' 162,000.00 178,200.00 -
31 Flashing, 1219 tebal 0,3 mm Flashing, 1219 tebal 0,3 mm m' 146,500.00 161,150.00 -
32 Flashing, 1219 tebal 0,35 mm Flashing, 1219 tebal 0,35 mm m' 165,000.00 181,500.00 -
33 Flashing, 1219 tebal 0,4 mm Flashing, 1219 tebal 0,4 mm m' 11,000.00 12,100.00 -
34 Flashing, 1219 tebal 0,45 mm Flashing, 1219 tebal 0,45 mm m' 200,000.00 220,000.00 -
35 Flashing, 1219 tebal 0,5 mm Flashing, 1219 tebal 0,5 mm m' 215,000.00 236,500.00 -
c Colorbond (warna ) AZ 150 G 550 Colorbond (warna ) AZ 150 G 550
1 CD 680, CD 750, CD 780, CD KLIP 672 Flat Sheet 914 mm tebal 0,4 mm CD 680, CD 750, CD 780, CD KLIP 672 Flat Sheet 914 mm tebal 0,4 mm m' 133,000.00 146,300.00 -
2 CD 680, CD 750, CD 780, CD KLIP 672 Flat Sheet 914 mm tebal 0,45 mm CD 680, CD 750, CD 780, CD KLIP 672 Flat Sheet 914 mm tebal 0,45 mm m' 145,000.00 159,500.00 -
3 CD 680, CD 750, CD 780, CD KLIP 672 Flat Sheet 914 mm tebal 0,5 mm CD 680, CD 750, CD 780, CD KLIP 672 Flat Sheet 914 mm tebal 0,5 mm m' 155,500.00 171,050.00 -
4 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,4 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,4 mm m' 176,000.00 193,600.00 -
5 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,45 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,45 mm m' 191,500.00 210,650.00 -
6 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,5 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,5 mm m' 205,000.00 225,500.00 -
7 Flashing, 450 tebal 0,4 mm Flashing, 450 tebal 0,4 mm m' 89,500.00 98,450.00 -
8 Flashing, 450 tebal 0,45 mm Flashing, 450 tebal 0,45 mm m' 97,500.00 107,250.00 -
9 Flashing, 450 tebal 0,5 mm Flashing, 450 tebal 0,5 mm m' 104,500.00 114,950.00 -
10 Flashing, Standar cabal 0,4 nun Flashing, Standar cabal 0,4 nun m' 60,000.00 66,000.00 -
11 Flashing, Standar tebal 0,45 mm Flashing, Standar tebal 0,45 mm m' 65,000.00 71,500.00 -
12 Flashing, Standar tebal 0,5 mm Flashing, Standar tebal 0,5 mm m' 70,000.00 77,000.00 -
13 Flashing, 600 tebal 0,4 mm Flashing, 600 tebal 0,4 mm m' 106,000.00 116,600.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
14 Flashing, 600 tebal 0,45 mm Flashing, 600 tebal 0,45 mm m' 115,000.00 126,500.00 -
15 Flashing, 600 tebal 0,50 mm Flashing, 600 tebal 0,50 mm m' 123,000.00 135,300.00 -
16 Flashing, 914 tebal 0,4 Flashing, 914 tebal 0,4 m' 160,000.00 176,000.00 -
17 Flashing, 914 tebal 0,45 mm Flashing, 914 tebal 0,45 mm m' 174,000.00 191,400.00 -
18 Flashing, 914 tebal 0,5 mm Flashing, 914 tebal 0,5 mm m' 187,000.00 205,700.00 -
19 Flashing, 1219 tebal 0,3 mm Flashing, 1219 tebal 0,3 mm m' 211,500.00 232,650.00 -
20 Flashing, 1219 tebal 0,40 mm Flashing, 1219 tebal 0,40 mm m' 230,000.00 253,000.00 -
21 Flashing, 1219 tebal 0,5 mm Flashing, 1219 tebal 0,5 mm m' 246,000.00 270,600.00 -
d Profile Model (Abadi AZ l00 G 550 Profile Model (Abadi AZ l00 G 550
1 CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,30 mm CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,30 mm m' 67,500.00 74,250.00 -
2 CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,35 mm CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,35 mm m' 78,000.00 85,800.00 -
3 CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,40 mm CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,40 mm m' 87,000.00 95,700.00 -
4 CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,45 mm CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,45 mm m' 96,500.00 106,150.00 -
5 CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,50 mm CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,50 mm m' 10,700.00 11,770.00 -
6 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,30 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,30 mm m' 88,000.00 96,800.00 -
7 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,35 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,35 mm m' 102,000.00 112,200.00 -
8 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,40 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,40 mm m' 114,500.00 125,950.00 -
9 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,45 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,45 mm m' 127,500.00 140,250.00 -
10 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,50 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,50 mm m' 141,000.00 155,100.00 -
11 Nok Standart, tebal 0,30 mm Nok Standart, tebal 0,30 mm m' 45,000.00 49,500.00 -
12 Nok Standart, tebal 0,35 mm Nok Standart, tebal 0,35 mm m' 52,000.00 57,200.00 -
13 Nok Standart, tebal 0,40 mm Nok Standart, tebal 0,40 mm m' 58,500.00 64,350.00 -
14 Flashing, tebal 0,3 mm Flashing, tebal 0,3 mm m' 30,000.00 33,000.00 -
15 Flashing, tebal 0,35 mm Flashing, tebal 0,35 mm m' 54,500.00 59,950.00 -
16 Flashing, tebal 0,4 mm Flashing, tebal 0,4 mm m' 39,000.00 42,900.00 -
e Profile Model (Gemilang / Abadi Single Side) Profile Model (Gemilang / Abadi Single Side)
1 CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,30 mm CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,30 mm m' 83,500.00 91,850.00 -
2 CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,35 mm CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,35 mm m' 93,500.00 102,850.00 -
3 CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,4 mm CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,4 mm m' 102,500.00 112,750.00 -
4 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,3 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,3 mm m' 110,500.00 121,550.00 -
5 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,35 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,35 mm m' 123,500.00 135,850.00 -
6 CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,4 mm CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT7, CD SR, CD TR, tebal 0,4 mm m' 136,000.00 149,600.00 -
7 Nok Standart, tebal 0,3 mm Nok Standart, tebal 0,3 mm m' 56,000.00 61,600.00 -
8 Nok Standart, tebal 0,35 mm Nok Standart, tebal 0,35 mm m' 63,000.00 69,300.00 -
9 Nok Standart, tebal 0,4 mm Nok Standart, tebal 0,4 mm m' 69,000.00 75,900.00 -
10 Flashing, tebal 0,3 mm Flashing, tebal 0,3 mm m' 37,000.00 40,700.00 -
11 Flashing, tebal 0,35 mm Flashing, tebal 0,35 mm m' 42,000.00 46,200.00 -
12 Flashing, tebal 0,4 mm Flashing, tebal 0,4 mm m' 46,000.00 50,600.00 -
f Talang Zincalume AZ 150 G 550 Talang Zincalume AZ 150 G 550
1 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 300 m' 35,500.00 39,050.00 -
2 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 450 m' 53,500.00 58,850.00 -
3 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 600 m' 63,000.00 69,300.00 -
4 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 914 m' 95,500.00 105,050.00 -
5 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 1219 m' - -
6 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 300 m' - -
7 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 450 m' - -
8 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 600 m' - -
9 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 914 m' - -
10 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 1207 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 1207 m' - -
11 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 1219 m' - -
12 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 300 m' - -
13 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 450 m' - -
14 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 600 m' - -
15 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 914 m' - -
16 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 1219 m' - -
17 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 300 m' - -
18 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 450 m' - -
19 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 600 m' - -
20 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 914 m' - -
21 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 1219 m' - -
22 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 300 m' - -
23 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 450 m' - -
24 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 600 m' - -
25 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 914 m' - -
26 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 1219 m' - -
g Talang Pelangi / Zincalume Warna AZ 150 G 550 Talang Pelangi / Zincalume Warna AZ 150 G 550
1 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 300 m' 35,500.00 39,050.00 -
2 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 450 m' 53,500.00 58,850.00 -
3 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 600 m' 63,000.00 69,300.00 -
4 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 914 m' 95,500.00 105,050.00 -
5 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 1219 m' - -
6 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 300 m' - -
7 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 450 m' - -
8 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 600 m' - -
9 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 914 m' - -
10 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 1219 m' - -
11 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 300 m' - -
12 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 450 m' - -
13 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 600 m' - -
14 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 914 m' - -
15 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 1219 m' - -
16 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 300 m' - -
17 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 450 m' - -
18 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 600 m' - -
19 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 914 m' - -
20 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 1219 m' - -
21 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 300 m' - -
22 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 450 m' - -
23 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 600 m' - -
24 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 914 m' - -
25 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 1219 m' - -
h Talang Colorbond AZ 150 G 550 Talang Colorbond AZ 150 G 550
1 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 300 m' - -
2 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 450 m' - -
3 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 600 m' - -
4 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 914 m' - -
5 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 1219 m' - -
6 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 300 m' - -
7 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 450 m' - -
8 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 600 m' - -
9 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 914 m' - -
10 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 1219 m' - -
11 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 300 m' - -
12 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 450 m' - -
13 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 600 m' - -
14 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 914 m' 59,500.00 65,450.00 -
15 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 1219 m' 89,000.00 97,900.00 -
16 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 300 m' 105,000.00 115,500.00 -
17 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 450 m' 158,500.00 174,350.00 -
18 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 600 m' 210,000.00 231,000.00 -
19 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 914 m' 75,500.00 83,050.00 -
20 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 1219 m' 113,000.00 124,300.00 -
21 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 300 m' 135,500.00 149,050.00 -
22 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 450 m' 202,000.00 222,200.00 -
23 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 600 m' 266,500.00 293,150.00 -
24 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 914 m' - -
25 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 1219 m' - -
i Talang Abadi AZ 100 G 550 Talang Abadi AZ 100 G 550
1 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 300 m' 57,500.00 63,250.00 -
2 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 450 m' 87,500.00 96,250.00 -
3 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 600 m' 114,500.00 125,950.00 -
4 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 914 m' 37,500.00 41,250.00 -
5 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 1219 m' 56,000.00 61,600.00 -
6 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 300 m' 66,500.00 73,150.00 -
7 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 450 m' 101,000.00 111,100.00 -
8 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 600 m' 132,500.00 145,750.00 -
9 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 914 m' 42,000.00 46,200.00 -
10 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 1219 m' 63,000.00 69,300.00 -
11 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 300 m' 74,500.00 81,950.00 -
12 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 450 m' 113,000.00 124,300.00 -
13 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 600 m' 149,000.00 163,900.00 -
14 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 914 m' 47,000.00 51,700.00 -
15 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 1219 m' 70,500.00 77,550.00 -
16 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 300 m' 83,000.00 91,300.00 -
17 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 450 m' 125,500.00 138,050.00 -
18 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 600 m' 166,000.00 182,600.00 -
19 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 914 m' 52,000.00 57,200.00 -
20 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 1219 m' 77,500.00 85,250.00 -
21 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 300 m' 91,500.00 100,650.00 -
22 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 450 m' 139,000.00 152,900.00 -
23 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 600 m' 183,000.00 201,300.00 -
24 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 914 m' 410,000.00 451,000.00 -
25 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 1219 m' 61,000.00 67,100.00 -
j Talang Gemilang Single Side Talang Gemilang Single Side
1 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 300 m' - -
2 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 450 m' - -
3 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 600 m' - -
4 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 914 m' 72,000.00 79,200.00 -
5 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,30 mm, Talang 1219 m' 108,000.00 118,800.00 -
6 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 300 m' 143,500.00 157,850.00 -
7 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 450 m' 45,500.00 50,050.00 -
8 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 600 m' 68,000.00 74,800.00 -
9 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 914 m' 80,500.00 88,550.00 -
10 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,35 mm, Talang 1219 m' 122,000.00 134,200.00 -
11 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 300 m' 160,500.00 176,550.00 -
12 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 450 m' 50,000.00 55,000.00 -
13 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 600 m' 75,000.00 82,500.00 -
14 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 914 m' 88,500.00 97,350.00 -
15 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,40 mm, Talang 1219 m' 133,500.00 146,850.00 -
16 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 300 m' 176,500.00 194,150.00 -
17 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 450 m' 56,000.00 61,600.00 -
18 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 600 m' 83,500.00 91,850.00 -
19 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 914 m' 98,500.00 108,350.00 -
20 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,45 mm, Talang 1219 m' 149,000.00 163,900.00 -
21 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 300 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 300 m' 196,500.00 216,150.00 -
22 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 450 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 450 m' 60,500.00 66,550.00 -
23 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 600 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 600 m' 90,500.00 99,550.00 -
24 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 914 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 914 m' 107,500.00 118,250.00 -
25 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 1219 Tebal 0,50 mm, Talang 1219 m' 162,000.00 178,200.00 -
k Nok Paten Zincalume AZ 150 G 550 Nok Paten Zincalume AZ 150 G 550
1 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,30 mm Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,30 mm Lbr - -
2 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,35 mm Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,35 mm Lbr - -
3 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,40 mm Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,40 mm Lbr - -
4 Nok Paten CD 760, tebal 0,35 mm Nok Paten CD 760, tebal 0,35 mm Lbr 72,000.00 79,200.00 -
5 Nok Paten CD 760, tebal 0,40 mm Nok Paten CD 760, tebal 0,40 mm Lbr 108,000.00 118,800.00 -
6 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,30 914 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,30 914 Lbr 143,500.00 157,850.00 -
7 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,35 914 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,35 914 Lbr 45,500.00 50,050.00 -
8 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,40 914 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,40 914 Lbr 68,000.00 74,800.00 -
l Nok Paten Pelangi / Zincalume Warna AZ 150 G 550 Nok Paten Pelangi / Zincalume Warna AZ 150 G 550
1 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,30 mm 914 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,30 mm 914 Lbr - -
2 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,35 mm 914 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,35 mm 914 Lbr - -
3 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,40 mm 914 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,40 mm 914 Lbr - -
4 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,30 1219 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,30 1219 Lbr 143,500.00 157,850.00 -
5 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,35 1219 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,35 1219 Lbr 45,500.00 50,050.00 -
6 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,40 1219 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,40 1219 Lbr 68,000.00 74,800.00 -
m Colorbond AZ 150 G550 Colorbond AZ 150 G550
1 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,30 mm 914 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,30 mm 914 Lbr - -
2 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,35 mm 914 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,35 mm 914 Lbr - -
3 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,40 mm 914 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,40 mm 914 Lbr - -
4 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,30 1219 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,30 1219 Lbr 143,500.00 157,850.00 -
5 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,35 1219 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,35 1219 Lbr 45,500.00 50,050.00 -
6 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,40 1219 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,40 1219 Lbr 68,000.00 74,800.00 -
n Nok Paten Abadi AZ 100 G550 Nok Paten Abadi AZ 100 G550
1 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,30 mm Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,30 mm Lbr - -
2 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,35 mm Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,35 mm Lbr - -
3 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,40 mm Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,40 mm Lbr - -
4 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,30 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,30 Lbr 143,500.00 157,850.00 -
5 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,35 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,35 Lbr 45,500.00 50,050.00 -
6 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,40 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,40 Lbr 68,000.00 74,800.00 -
o Nok Paten Gemilang/Abadi Single Side, Warna AZ 100 G5550Abadi AZ 100 G550 Nok Paten Gemilang/Abadi Single Side, Warna AZ 100 G5550Abadi AZ 100 G550
1 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,30 mm Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,30 mm Lbr - -
2 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,35 mm Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,35 mm Lbr - -
3 Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,40 mm Nok Paten CD 680, CD 750, CD 780 tebal 0,40 mm Lbr - -
4 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,30 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,30 Lbr 143,500.00 157,850.00 -
5 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,35 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,35 Lbr 45,500.00 50,050.00 -
6 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,40 Nok Paten CD 925, CD 1040, CD LT-7, CD SR, CD TW, tebal 0,40 Lbr 68,000.00 74,800.00 -
p Cahaya Floordeck 1000 Cahaya Floordeck 1000
1 Tebal 0,75 mm Tebal 0,75 mm m2 - -
2 Tebal 0,85 mm Tebal 0,85 mm m2 - -
3 Tebal 1,00 mm Tebal 1,00 mm m2 - -
Cahaya Floordeck 600 Cahaya Floordeck 600
- Tebal 0,75 mm Tebal 0,75 mm m2 - -
r Cahaya Floordeck 1000/30 Cahaya Floordeck 1000/30
1 Tebal 0,65 mm Tebal 0,65 mm m2 - -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
2 Tebal 0,75 mm Tebal 0,75 mm m2 - -
Cahaya Roof (Batuan ) Cahaya Roof (Batuan )
1 Jenis Prima 1x5 uk 0,30 mm Jenis Prima 1x5 uk 0,30 mm Lbr - -
2 Jenis Prima 1x5 uk 0,35 nun Jenis Prima 1x5 uk 0,35 nun Lbr - -
3 Jenis Super 1x5 uk 0,25 mm Jenis Super 1x5 uk 0,25 mm Lbr - -
4 Jenis Inti 2 x 4 uk 0,25 nun Jenis Inti 2 x 4 uk 0,25 nun Lbr - -
5 Jenis Inti 2 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Jenis Inti 2 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Lbr - -
6 Jenis Inti 2 x 4 uk 0,35 mm Jenis Inti 2 x 4 uk 0,35 mm Lbr - -
7 Jenis Inti 1 x 4 uk 0,25 mm Jenis Inti 1 x 4 uk 0,25 mm Lbr - -
8 Jenis Inti 1 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Jenis Inti 1 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Lbr - -
9 Jenis Inti 1 x 4 uk 0,35 mm Jenis Inti 1 x 4 uk 0,35 mm Lbr - -
10 Jenis Inter 2 x 4 uk 0.25 mm Jenis Inter 2 x 4 uk 0.25 mm Lbr - -
11 Jenis Inter 2 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Jenis Inter 2 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Lbr 73,000.00 80,300.00 -
12 Jenis Inter 2 x 4 uk0,35 mm Jenis Inter 2 x 4 uk0,35 mm Lbr 77,000.00 84,700.00 -
13 Jenis Inter 1 x 4 uk 0,25 mm Jenis Inter 1 x 4 uk 0,25 mm Lbr 36,000.00 39,600.00 -
14 Jenis Inter 1 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Jenis Inter 1 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Lbr 38,000.00 41,800.00 -
15 Jenis Inter 1 x 4 uk 0,35 mm Jenis Inter 1 x 4 uk 0,35 mm Lbr 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
16 Jenis Master 2 x 4 uk 0,25 mm Jenis Master 2 x 4 uk 0,25 mm Lbr 70,000.00 77,000.00 -
17 Jenis Master 2 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Jenis Master 2 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Lbr 75,000.00 82,500.00 -
18 Jenis Master 2 x 4 uk 0,35 mm Jenis Master 2 x 4 uk 0,35 mm Lbr 78,000.00 85,800.00 -
19 Jenis Master 2 x 4 uk 0,25 mm Jenis Master 2 x 4 uk 0,25 mm Lbr 36,000.00 39,600.00 -
20 Jenis Master 1 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Jenis Master 1 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Lbr 38,000.00 41,800.00 -
21 Jenis master 1 x 4 uk 0,35 mm Jenis master 1 x 4 uk 0,35 mm Lbr 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
s Cahaya Colour (Tampa batuan) Cahaya Colour (Tampa batuan)
1 Jenis Prima 1 x 2 uk 0,30 mm Jenis Prima 1 x 2 uk 0,30 mm Lbr 36,000.00 39,600.00 -
2 Jenis Prima 1 x 2 uk 0,35mm Jenis Prima 1 x 2 uk 0,35mm Lbr 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
3 Jenis Super 1 x 5 uk 0,25 mm Jenis Super 1 x 5 uk 0,25 mm Lbr 32,000.00 35,200.00 -
4 Jenis Inti 2 x 4 uk 0,25 mm Jenis Inti 2 x 4 uk 0,25 mm Lbr 49,000.00 53,900.00 -
5 Jenis Inti 2 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Jenis Inti 2 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Lbr 55,000.00 60,500.00 -
6 Jenis Inti
Jenis Inti 12 xx 44 uk
mm Jenis Inti
Jenis Inti 12 xx 44 uk
mm Lbr 63,000.00 69,300.00 -
7 Jenis Inti 1 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Jenis Inti 1 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Lbr 26,000.00 28,600.00 -
8 Jenis Inti
Jenis Inti 11 xx 44 uk
mm Jenis Inti
Jenis Inti 11 xx 44 uk
mm Lbr 29,000.00 31,900.00 -
9 Jenis Inti 1 x 4 uk 0,35 mm Jenis Inti 1 x 4 uk 0,35 mm Lbr 33,000.00 36,300.00 -
10 Jenis Inter 2 x 4 uk 0,25 mm Jenis Inter 2 x 4 uk 0,25 mm Lbr 48,000.00 52,800.00 -
11 Jenis Inter 2 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Jenis Inter 2 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Lbr 54,000.00 59,400.00 -
12 Jenis Inter 2 x 4 uk 0,35 mm Jenis Inter 2 x 4 uk 0,35 mm Lbr 62,000.00 68,200.00 -
13 Jenis Inter 1 x 4 uk 0,25 mm Jenis Inter 1 x 4 uk 0,25 mm Lbr 26,000.00 28,600.00 -
14 Jenis Inter 1 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Jenis Inter 1 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Lbr 29,000.00 31,900.00 -
15 Jenis Inter 1 x 4 uk 0,35 mm Jenis Inter 1 x 4 uk 0,35 mm Lbr 32,000.00 35,200.00 -
16 Jenis Master 2 x 4 uk 0,25 mm Jenis Master 2 x 4 uk 0,25 mm Lbr 49,000.00 53,900.00 -
17 Jenis Master 2 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Jenis Master 2 x 4 uk 0,30 mm Lbr 5,500,000.00 6,050,000.00 -
18 Jenis Master 2 x 4 uk 0,35 mm Jenis Master 2 x 4 uk 0,35 mm Lbr 63,000.00 69,300.00 -
19 Jenis Master 1 x 4 uk 0,25 inm Jenis Master 1 x 4 uk 0,25 inm Lbr 26,000.00 28,600.00 -
20 Jenis Master 1 x 4 uk. 0,30 mm Jenis Master 1 x 4 uk. 0,30 mm Lbr 29,000.00 31,900.00 -
21 Jenis Master 1 x 4 uk. 0,35 mm Jenis Master 1 x 4 uk. 0,35 mm Lbr 33,000.00 36,300.00 -
22 Jenis New Nusa 2 x 5 uk 0,25 mm Jenis New Nusa 2 x 5 uk 0,25 mm Lbr 49,000.00 53,900.00 -
23 Jenis New Nusa 2 x 5 uk 0,30 mm Jenis New Nusa 2 x 5 uk 0,30 mm Lbr 63,000.00 69,300.00 -
24 Jenis New Nusa 1 x 5 uk 0,25 mm Jenis New Nusa 1 x 5 uk 0,25 mm Lbr 26,000.00 28,600.00 -
25 Jenis New Nusa 1 x 5 uk 0,30 mm Jenis New Nusa 1 x 5 uk 0,30 mm Lbr 29,000.00 31,900.00 -
26 Jenis New Nusa 1 x 5 uk 0,35 mm Jenis New Nusa 1 x 5 uk 0,35 mm Lbr 33,000.00 36,300.00 -
t Cahaya Mesh (Wire Mesh) Cahaya Mesh (Wire Mesh)
1 Type DM 4 dia. 4 x 4, spasi 150 x 150, lebar 5,4 x 2,1 Type DM 4 dia. 4 x 4, spasi 150 x 150, lebar 5,4 x 2,1 Lbr 346,000.00 380,600.00 -
2 Type DM 5 dia. 5 x 5, spasi 150 x 150, lebar 5,4 x 2,1 Type DM 5 dia. 5 x 5, spasi 150 x 150, lebar 5,4 x 2,1 Lbr 531,000.00 584,100.00 -
3 Type DM 4 dia. 6 x 6, spasi 150 x 150, lebar 5,4 x 2,1 Type DM 4 dia. 6 x 6, spasi 150 x 150, lebar 5,4 x 2,1 Lbr 765,000.00 841,500.00 -
4 Type DM 4 dia. 7 x 7, spasi 150 x 150, lebar 5,4 x 2,1 Type DM 4 dia. 7 x 7, spasi 150 x 150, lebar 5,4 x 2,1 Lbr 1,040,000.00 1,144,000.00 -
5 Type DM 4 dia. 8 x 8, spasi 150 x 150, lebar 5,4 x 2,1 Type DM 4 dia. 8 x 8, spasi 150 x 150, lebar 5,4 x 2,1 Lbr 1,360,000.00 1,496,000.00 -
6 Type DM 4 dia. 9 x 9, spasi 150 x 150, lebar 5,4 x 2,1 Type DM 4 dia. 9 x 9, spasi 150 x 150, lebar 5,4 x 2,1 Lbr 1,721,000.00 1,893,100.00 -
7 Type DM 4 dia. 10 x 10, spasi 150 x 150, lebar 5,4 x 2,1 Type DM 4 dia. 10 x 10, spasi 150 x 150, lebar 5,4 x 2,1 Lbr 2,157,000.00 2,372,700.00 -
1 NOK ATAS U 0,25 NOK ATAS U 0,25 Lbr 51,000.00 56,100.00 -
2 NOK ATAS U 0,30 NOK ATAS U 0,30 Lbr 55,000.00 60,500.00 -
3 NOK ATAS U 0,35 NOK ATAS U 0,35 Lbr 60,000.00 66,000.00 -
4 NOK ATAS BULAT C 0,35 NOK ATAS BULAT C 0,35 Lbr 37,000.00 40,700.00 -
5 NOK ATAS BULAT C 0,30 NOK ATAS BULAT C 0,30 Lbr 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
6 NOK ATAS BULAT C 0,35 NOK ATAS BULAT C 0,35 Lbr 43,000.00 47,300.00 -
7 NOK PINGGIR P 0,25 NOK PINGGIR P 0,25 Lbr 60,000.00 66,000.00 -
8 NOK PINGGIR P 0,30 NOK PINGGIR P 0,30 Lbr 64,000.00 70,400.00 -
9 NOK PINGGIR P 0,35 NOK PINGGIR P 0,35 Lbr 64,000.00 70,400.00 -
10 WALL FLASHING 0,25 WALL FLASHING 0,25 Lbr 55,000.00 60,500.00 -
11 WALL FLASHING 0,30 WALL FLASHING 0,30 Lbr 60,000.00 66,000.00 -
12 WALL FLASHING 0,35 WALL FLASHING 0,35 Lbr 64,000.00 70,400.00 -
1 NOK ATAS U 0,25 NOK ATAS U 0,25 Lbr 38,000.00 41,800.00 -
2 NOK ATAS U 0,30 NOK ATAS U 0,30 Lbr 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
3 NOK ATAS U 0,35 NOK ATAS U 0,35 Lbr 42,000.00 46,200.00 -
4 NOK ATAS BULAT C 0,35. NOK ATAS BULAT C 0,35. Lbr 28,000.00 30,800.00 -
5 NOK ATAS BULAT C 0,30 NOK ATAS BULAT C 0,30 Lbr 31,000.00 34,100.00 -
6 NOK ATAS BULAT C 0,35 NOK ATAS BULAT C 0,35 Lbr 33,000.00 36,300.00 -
7 NOK PINGGIR P 0,25 NOK PINGGIR P 0,25 Lbr 47,000.00 51,700.00 -
8 NOK PINGGIR P 0,30 NOK PINGGIR P 0,30 Lbr 51,000.00 56,100.00 -
9 NOK PINGGIR P 0,35 NOK PINGGIR P 0,35 Lbr 55,000.00 60,500.00 -
10 WALL FLASHING 0,25 WALL FLASHING 0,25 Lbr 44,000.00 48,400.00 -
11 WALL FLASHING 0,30 WALL FLASHING 0,30 Lbr 49,000.00 53,900.00 -
12 WALL FLASHING 0,35 WALL FLASHING 0,35 Lbr 53,000.00 58,300.00 -
tl Aluminium Aluminium
tl Aluminium Plat Aluminium Plat
1 Aluminium 0,40 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Aluminium 0,40 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Lbr 123,500.00 135,850.00 10.00
2 Aluminium 0,40 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Aluminium 0,40 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Lbr 183,500.00 201,850.00 10.00
3 Aluminium 0,50 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Aluminium 0,50 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Lbr 154,500.00 169,950.00 10.00
4 Aluminium 0,50 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Aluminium 0,50 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Lbr 229,500.00 252,450.00 10.00
5 Aluminium 0,60 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Aluminium 0,60 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Lbr 185,000.00 203,500.00 10.00
6 Aluminium 0,60 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Aluminium 0,60 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Lbr 275,500.00 303,050.00 10.00
7 Aluminium 0,70 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Aluminium 0,70 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Lbr 216,000.00 237,600.00 10.00
8 Aluminium 0,70 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Aluminium 0,70 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Lbr 321,000.00 353,100.00 10.00
9 Aluminium 0,80 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Aluminium 0,80 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Lbr 246,500.00 271,150.00 10.00
10 Aluminium 0,80 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Aluminium 0,80 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Lbr 367,000.00 403,700.00 10.00
11 Aluminium 0,90 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Aluminium 0,90 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Lbr 277,500.00 305,250.00 10.00
12 Aluminium 0,90 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Aluminium 0,90 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Lbr 413,000.00 454,300.00 10.00
13 Aluminium 1,00 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Aluminium 1,00 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Lbr 308,500.00 339,350.00 10.00
14 Aluminium 1,00 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Aluminium 1,00 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Lbr 459,000.00 504,900.00 10.00
15 Aluminium 1,10 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Aluminium 1,10 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Lbr 339,000.00 372,900.00 10.00
16 Aluminium 1,10 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Aluminium 1,10 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Lbr 504,500.00 554,950.00 10.00
17 Aluminium 1,20 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Aluminium 1,20 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Lbr 370,000.00 407,000.00 10.00
18 Aluminium 1,20 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Aluminium 1,20 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Lbr 550,500.00 605,550.00 10.00
19 Aluminium 1,50 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Aluminium 1,50 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Lbr 462,500.00 508,750.00 10.00
20 Aluminium 1,50 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Aluminium 1,50 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Lbr 688,000.00 756,800.00 10.00
21 Aluminium 2,00 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Aluminium 2,00 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Lbr 613,000.00 674,300.00 10.00
22 Aluminium 2,00 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Aluminium 2,00 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Lbr 912,500.00 1,003,750.00 10.00
23 Aluminium 3,00 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Aluminium 3,00 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Lbr 919,500.00 1,011,450.00 10.00
24 Aluminium 3,00 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Aluminium 3,00 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Lbr 1,368,500.00 1,505,350.00 10.00
25 Aluminium 4,00 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Aluminium 4,00 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Lbr 1,226,000.00 1,348,600.00 10.00
26 Aluminium 4,00 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Aluminium 4,00 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Lbr 1,825,000.00 2,007,500.00 10.00
27 Aluminium 5,00 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Aluminium 5,00 mm 1000 mm x 2000 mm Lbr 1,532,500.00 1,685,750.00 10.00
28 Aluminium 5,00 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Aluminium 5,00 mm 1220 mm x 2440 mm Lbr 2,281,000.00 2,509,100.00 10.00
t2 Aluminium Bordess Aluminium Bordess
1 2,00 mm x 1000 mm x 2000 mm 2,00 mm x 1000 mm x 2000 mm Lbr 716,500.00 788,150.00 -
2 2,00 mm x 1220 mm x 2440 mm 2,00 mm x 1220 mm x 2440 mm Lbr 1,066,500.00 1,173,150.00 -
3 3,00 mm x 1000 mm x 2000 mm 3,00 mm x 1000 mm x 2000 mm Lbr 1,074,500.00 1,181,950.00 -
4 3,00 mm x 1220 mm x 2440 mm 3,00 mm x 1220 mm x 2440 mm Lbr 1,599,500.00 1,759,450.00 -
t3 Aluminium Roll Aluminium Roll
1 0,30 x 1,000 x 25 m 0,30 x 1,000 x 25 m Lbr 1,264,000.00 1,390,400.00 -
2 0,40 x 1,000 x 25 m 0,40 x 1,000 x 25 m Lbr 1,667,500.00 1,834,250.00 -
3 0,50 x 1,000 x 25 m 0,50 x 1,000 x 25 m Lbr 2,084,500.00 2,292,950.00 -
4 0,50 x 1,000 x 25 m 0,50 x 1,000 x 25 m Lbr 2,501,500.00 2,751,650.00 -
5 0,60 x 1,000 x 25 m 0,60 x 1,000 x 25 m Lbr 2,501,500.00 2,751,650.00 -
6 0,60 x 1,000 x 25 m 0,60 x 1,000 x 25 m Lbr 3,001,500.00 3,301,650.00 -
7 0,80 x 1,200 x 25 m 0,80 x 1,200 x 25 m Lbr 3,335,000.00 3,668,500.00 -
8 0,80 x 1,000 x 25 m 0,80 x 1,000 x 25 m Lbr 4,002,000.00 4,402,200.00 -
9 1,00 x 1,200 x 25 m 1,00 x 1,200 x 25 m Lbr 5,002,500.00 5,502,750.00 -
t4 Aluminium Foil Aluminium Foil
1 PF 810 SBL, INSFOIL 905 SS PF 810 SBL, INSFOIL 905 SS Roll 222,500.00 244,750.00 -
2 PF 811 SBS, INSOL 910 SS PF 811 SBS, INSOL 910 SS Roll 228,500.00 251,350.00 -
3 PF 821 DBS, INSOL 920 DS PF 821 DBS, INSOL 920 DS Roll 407,000.00 447,700.00 -
4 PF 820 DBL, INSOL 921 DS PF 820 DBL, INSOL 921 DS Roll 399,500.00 439,450.00 -
5 PF 831 DFR, INSOL 430 DSFR PF 831 DFR, INSOL 430 DSFR Roll 608,000.00 668,800.00 -
6 INSOL 611 P 1 M X 60 M INSOL 611 P 1 M X 60 M Roll 163,000.00 179,300.00 -
7 Insol 618 p 1 M x 60 M Insol 618 p 1 M x 60 M Roll 174,000.00 191,400.00 -
8 INSOL 628 P 1 M X 60 M INSOL 628 P 1 M X 60 M Roll 298,000.00 327,800.00 -
9 INSOL 621 P 1 M X 60 M INSOL 621 P 1 M X 60 M Roll 304,500.00 334,950.00 -
10 INSOL 3010 NFR 1,25 M X 48 M INSOL 3010 NFR 1,25 M X 48 M Roll 554,000.00 609,400.00 -
11 INSOL 3020 NFR 1,25 M X 48 M INSOL 3020 NFR 1,25 M X 48 M Roll 816,500.00 898,150.00 -
t5 Aluminium Tape Aluminium Tape
1 Metalizing Wontape 2.50 Yard Metalizing Wontape 2.50 Yard Roll 9,500.00 10,450.00 -
2 INSTAPE 2 x 50 Yard INSTAPE 2 x 50 Yard Roll 36,000.00 39,600.00 -
3 IDENDEF 2 x 50 Yard IDENDEF 2 x 50 Yard Roll 36,000.00 39,600.00 -
4 AIR CELL 48 mm x 50 Yard AIR CELL 48 mm x 50 Yard Roll 271,000.00 298,100.00 -
5 AIR CELL 72 mm x 50 Yard AIR CELL 72 mm x 50 Yard Roll 398,000.00 437,800.00 -
t6 Glass cloth Glass cloth
0,80 x 1,27 m x 100 m 0,80 x 1,27 m x 100 m
1 Roll 1,450,000.00 1,595,000.00 -
..p, me ..p, me
t7 Glass Wool Glass Wool
1 Type 1625 Merk APIC 1,2 m x 30 m x 25 m Type 1625 Merk APIC 1,2 m x 30 m x 25 m Roll 250,000.00 275,000.00 -
2 Type 1625 INSUL 1,2 m x 30 m x 25 m Type 1625 INSUL 1,2 m x 30 m x 25 m Roll 270,000.00 297,000.00 -
3 Type 1625 Merk SUMO 1,2 m x 30 m x 20 m Type 1625 Merk SUMO 1,2 m x 30 m x 20 m Roll 250,000.00 275,000.00 -
4 Type 1650 Merk SUMO 1,2 m x 15 m x 50 m Type 1650 Merk SUMO 1,2 m x 15 m x 50 m Roll 250,000.00 275,000.00 -
5 Type 1650 Merk APIC 1,20 m x 15 m x 50 m Type 1650 Merk APIC 1,20 m x 15 m x 50 m Roll 250,000.00 275,000.00 -
6 Type 1650 INSUL 1,20 m x 15 m x 50m Type 1650 INSUL 1,20 m x 15 m x 50m Roll 279,500.00 307,450.00 -
7 Type 2425 Merk Sumo 1,20 m x 30 m x 25 m Type 2425 Merk Sumo 1,20 m x 30 m x 25 m Roll 364,000.00 400,400.00 -
8 Type 2425 APIC 1,20 m x 30 m x 25 m Type 2425 APIC 1,20 m x 30 m x 25 m Roll 364,000.00 400,400.00 -
9 Type 2425 INSUL 1,20 m x 30 m x 25 m Type 2425 INSUL 1,20 m x 30 m x 25 m Roll 406,500.00 447,150.00 -
10 Type 2450 Sumo 1,20 m x 30 m x 50 m Type 2450 Sumo 1,20 m x 30 m x 50 m Roll 364,000.00 400,400.00 -
11 Type 2450 APIC 1,20 m x 40 m x 50 m Type 2450 APIC 1,20 m x 40 m x 50 m Roll 364,000.00 400,400.00 -
12 Type 2450 INSUL 1,20 m x 30 m x 25 m Type 2450 INSUL 1,20 m x 30 m x 25 m Roll 406,500.00 447,150.00 -
13 Type 3225 Sumo 1,20 m x 30 m x 25 m Type 3225 Sumo 1,20 m x 30 m x 25 m Roll 499,500.00 549,450.00 -
14 Type 3225 APIC 1,20 m x 30 m x 25 m Type 3225 APIC 1,20 m x 30 m x 25 m Roll 499,500.00 549,450.00 -
15 Type 3225 INSUL 1,20 m x 30 m x 25 m Type 3225 INSUL 1,20 m x 30 m x 25 m Roll 406,500.00 447,150.00 -
16 Type 3250 SUMO 1,20 m x 15 m x 50 m Type 3250 SUMO 1,20 m x 15 m x 50 m Roll 499,500.00 549,450.00 -
17 Type 3250 APIC 1,20 m x 15 m x 50 m Type 3250 APIC 1,20 m x 15 m x 50 m Roll 499,500.00 549,450.00 -
18 Type 3250 INSUL 1,20 m x 10 m x 50 m Type 3250 INSUL 1,20 m x 10 m x 50 m Roll 406,500.00 447,150.00 -
19 Type 4825 APIC 1,20 m x 2,3 m x 25 m Type 4825 APIC 1,20 m x 2,3 m x 25 m Roll 73,000.00 80,300.00 -
20 Type 4825 INSUL 1,20 m x 2,3m x 25mm Type 4825 INSUL 1,20 m x 2,3m x 25mm Roll 85,000.00 93,500.00 -
21 Type 4850 APIC 1,20 m x 2,3 m x 25 m Type 4850 APIC 1,20 m x 2,3 m x 25 m Roll 146,000.00 160,600.00 -
22 Type 4850 INSUL 1,20 m x 2,3 m x 25 m Type 4850 INSUL 1,20 m x 2,3 m x 25 m Roll 170,000.00 187,000.00 -
t8 Spindle Pin Spindle Pin
1 38 mm(1000 pcs + 3 Lem ) 38 mm(1000 pcs + 3 Lem ) Roll 550,000.00 605,000.00 -
2 65 mm(1000 pcs + 3 Lem ) 65 mm(1000 pcs + 3 Lem ) Roll 711,000.00 782,100.00 -
t9 Roof Mesh Roof Mesh
1 Type 3315 1,80m x 50 m Type 3315 1,80m x 50 m Roll 400,000.00 440,000.00 -
t10 Interior Interior
1 Blas 0,25 min 1219 mm x 1 m Blas 0,25 min 1219 mm x 1 m Roll 75,400.00 82,940.00 -
2 Blas 0,30 mm 1219 mm x 1 m Blas 0,30 mm 1219 mm x 1 m Roll 87,500.00 96,250.00 -
3 Blas 0,40 mm 1219 mm x 1 m Blas 0,40 mm 1219 mm x 1 m Roll 112,200.00 123,420.00 -
4 Blas 0,50 mm 1219 mm x 1 m Blas 0,50 mm 1219 mm x 1 m Roll 138,900.00 152,790.00 -
5 Blas 0,60 mm 1219 mm x 1 m Blas 0,60 mm 1219 mm x 1 m Roll 165,300.00 181,830.00 -
6 Blas 0,70 mm 1219 mm x 1 m Blas 0,70 mm 1219 mm x 1 m Roll 191,800.00 210,980.00 -
7 Blas 0,80 mm 1219 mm x 1 m Blas 0,80 mm 1219 mm x 1 m Roll 217,900.00 239,690.00 -
8 Blas 0,25 mm 914 mm x 1 m Blas 0,25 mm 914 mm x 1 m Roll 56,600.00 62,260.00 -
9 Blas 0,30 mm 914 mm x 1 m Blas 0,30 mm 914 mm x 1 m Roll 65,700.00 72,270.00 -
tl 1 Zincalume Zincalume
1 Blas 1,00 mm 1219 mm x 1 m Blas 1,00 mm 1219 mm x 1 m Roll 277,600.00 305,360.00 -
2 Blas 1,20 mm 1219 mmx 1 m Blas 1,20 mm 1219 mmx 1 m Roll 331,100.00 364,210.00 -
3 Blas 1,50 ram 1219 mm x 1 m Blas 1,50 ram 1219 mm x 1 m Roll 409,900.00 450,890.00 -
4 Blas 2,00mm 1219 mm x 1 m Blas 2,00mm 1219 mm x 1 m Roll 542,900.00 597,190.00 -
Blanket Blanket
1 MT 650 50 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm MT 650 50 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm Roll 180,000.00 198,000.00 -
2 MT 650 50 mm - 5000 mm x 600 mm MT 650 50 mm - 5000 mm x 600 mm Roll 200,000.00 220,000.00 -
3 MT 825 25 mm - 3000 mm x 910 ram MT 825 25 mm - 3000 mm x 910 ram Roll 125,000.00 137,500.00 -
4 MT 825 25 mm - 5000 mm x 600 mm MT 825 25 mm - 5000 mm x 600 mm Roll 135,000.00 148,500.00 -
5 MT 850 50 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm MT 850 50 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm Roll 240,000.00 264,000.00 -
6 MT 850 50 mm - 5000 mm x 600 mm MT 850 50 mm - 5000 mm x 600 mm Roll 260,000.00 286,000.00 -
7 MT 1025 25 mm - 3000 m x 910 m MT 1025 25 mm - 3000 m x 910 m Roll 155,000.00 170,500.00 -
8 MT 1025 25 mm - 5000 mm x 600 mm MT 1025 25 mm - 5000 mm x 600 mm Roll 170,000.00 187,000.00 -
9 MT 1050 50 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm MT 1050 50 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm Roll 300,000.00 330,000.00 -
10 MT 1050 50 mm - 5000 mm x 910 mm MT 1050 50 mm - 5000 mm x 910 mm Roll 325,000.00 357,500.00 -
Board Board
1 BS 625 25 mm - 1200 mm x 600 mm BS 625 25 mm - 1200 mm x 600 mm Roll 26,000.00 28,600.00 -
2 Bs 650 50 mm - 1200 mm x 600 mm Bs 650 50 mm - 1200 mm x 600 mm Roll 47,000.00 51,700.00 -
3 BS 825 25 mm - 1200 mm x 600 mm BS 825 25 mm - 1200 mm x 600 mm Roll 32,000.00 35,200.00 -
4 BS 850 50 mm - 1200 mm x 600 mm BS 850 50 mm - 1200 mm x 600 mm Roll 61,000.00 67,100.00 -
5 BS 1025 25 mm - 1200 mm x 600 mm BS 1025 25 mm - 1200 mm x 600 mm Roll 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
6 BS 1050 50 mm - 1200 mm x 600 mm BS 1050 50 mm - 1200 mm x 600 mm Roll 77,000.00 84,700.00 -
Wired Blanket Wired Blanket Roll - -
1 WM 650 50 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm WM 650 50 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm Roll 200,000.00 220,000.00 -
2 WM 825 25 min - 3000 mm x 910 mm WM 825 25 min - 3000 mm x 910 mm Roll 150,000.00 165,000.00 -
3 WM 850 50 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm WM 850 50 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm Roll 265,000.00 291,500.00 -
4 WM 857 75 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm WM 857 75 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm Roll 395,000.00 434,500.00 -
5 WM 8100 100 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm WM 8100 100 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm Roll 525,000.00 577,500.00 -
6 WM 1025 25 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm WM 1025 25 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm Roll 180,000.00 198,000.00 -
7 WM 1050 50 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm WM 1050 50 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm Roll 3,300.00 3,630.00 -
8 WM 1075 75 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm WM 1075 75 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm Roll 495,000.00 544,500.00 -
9 WM 10100 100 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm WM 10100 100 mm - 3000 mm x 910 mm Roll 670,000.00 737,000.00 -
Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic
Profil/Model Profil/Model
1 CD 680,CD 750,CD760,CD 780,CD Kliplok (672) 0,75 mm CD 680,CD 750,CD760,CD 780,CD Kliplok (672) 0,75 mm Roll 55,000.00 60,500.00 -
2 CD 680,CD 750,CD760,CD 780,CD Kliplok (672) 1 mm CD 680,CD 750,CD760,CD 780,CD Kliplok (672) 1 mm Roll 73,500.00 80,850.00 -
3 CD 680,CD 750,CD760,CD 780,CD Kliplok (672) 1,5 mm CD 680,CD 750,CD760,CD 780,CD Kliplok (672) 1,5 mm Roll 110,000.00 121,000.00 -
4 CD 680,CD 750,CD760,CD 780,CD Kliplok (672) 2 mm CD 680,CD 750,CD760,CD 780,CD Kliplok (672) 2 mm Roll 147,000.00 161,700.00 -
5 CD 925,CD 1040,CD Single Rib,CD Twin Rib,CDLt 7 0,75 mm CD 925,CD 1040,CD Single Rib,CD Twin Rib,CDLt 7 0,75 mm Roll 66,000.00 72,600.00 -
6 CD 925,CD 1040,CD Single Rib,CD Twin Rib,CDLt 7 1 mm CD 925,CD 1040,CD Single Rib,CD Twin Rib,CDLt 7 1 mm Roll 88,000.00 96,800.00 -
7 CD 925,CD 1040,CD Single Rib,CD Twin Rib,CDLt 7 1,5 mm CD 925,CD 1040,CD Single Rib,CD Twin Rib,CDLt 7 1,5 mm Roll 132,000.00 145,200.00 -
8 CD 925,CD 1040,CD Single Rib,CD Twin Rib,CDLt 7 2 mm CD 925,CD 1040,CD Single Rib,CD Twin Rib,CDLt 7 2 mm Roll 176,000.00 193,600.00 -
9 CD Kliplok (406) 0,75 mm CD Kliplok (406) 0,75 mm Roll 38,500.00 42,350.00 -
10 CD Kliplok (406) 1 mm CD Kliplok (406) 1 mm Roll 51,500.00 56,650.00 -
11 CD Kliplok (406) 1,5 mm CD Kliplok (406) 1,5 mm Roll 77,000.00 84,700.00 -
12 CD Kliplok (406) 2 mm CD Kliplok (406) 2 mm Roll 103,000.00 113,300.00 -
Seng Galvanis SNI Seng Galvanis SNI
1 BJLS 0,40 mm 1219 x 2438 mm BJLS 0,40 mm 1219 x 2438 mm Lbr 271,350.00 298,490.00 -
2 BJLS 0,50 mm 1219 x 2438 mm BJLS 0,50 mm 1219 x 2438 mm Lbr 443,300.00 487,630.00 -
3 BJLS 0,60 mm 1219 x 2438 mm BJLS 0,60 mm 1219 x 2438 mm Lbr 399,300.00 439,230.00 -
4 BJLS 0,70 mm 1219 x 2438 mm BJLS 0,70 mm 1219 x 2438 mm Lbr 461,800.00 507,980.00 -
5 BJLS 0,80 mm 1219 x 2438 mm BJLS 0,80 mm 1219 x 2438 mm Lbr 524,500.00 576,950.00 -
6 BJLS 1,00 mm 1219 x 2438 mm BJLS 1,00 mm 1219 x 2438 mm Lbr 644,500.00 708,950.00 -
7 BJLS 1,20 mm 1219 x 2438 mm BJLS 1,20 mm 1219 x 2438 mm Lbr 768,700.00 845,570.00 -
8 BJLS 1,50 mm 1219 x 2438 mm BJLS 1,50 mm 1219 x 2438 mm Lbr 951,400.00 1,046,540.00 -
9 BJLS 2,00 mm 1219 x 2438 mm BJLS 2,00 mm 1219 x 2438 mm Lbr 1,260,400.00 1,386,440.00 -
10 BJLS 3,00 mm 1219 x 2438 mm BJLS 3,00 mm 1219 x 2438 mm Lbr 1,849,200.00 2,034,120.00 -
Seng Galvanis Seng Galvanis
1 BJLS 0,40 mm 1219 x 2438 mm BJLS 0,40 mm 1219 x 2438 mm Lbr 271,350.00 298,490.00 -
2 BJLS 0,50 mm 1219 x 2438 mm BJLS 0,50 mm 1219 x 2438 mm Lbr 334,300.00 367,730.00 -
3 BJLS 0,60 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm BJLS 0,60 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm Lbr 399,300.00 439,230.00 -
4 BJLS 0,70 mm 1219 x 2438 mm BJLS 0,70 mm 1219 x 2438 mm Lbr 461,800.00 507,980.00 -
5 BJLS 0,80 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm BJLS 0,80 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm Lbr 524,500.00 576,950.00 -
6 BJLS 0,90 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm BJLS 0,90 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm Lbr 587,000.00 645,700.00 -
7 BJLS 1,00 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm BJLS 1,00 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm Lbr 644,500.00 708,950.00 -
8 BJLS 1,10 mm 1219 mm x 243 mm BJLS 1,10 mm 1219 mm x 243 mm Lbr 706,500.00 777,150.00 -
9 BJLS 1,20 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm BJLS 1,20 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm Lbr 768,700.00 845,570.00 -
10 BJLS 1,40 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm BJLS 1,40 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm Lbr 889,400.00 978,340.00 -
11 BJLS 1,60 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm BJLS 1,60 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm Lbr 1,013,100.00 1,114,410.00 -
12 BJLS 2,00 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm BJLS 2,00 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm Lbr 1,260,400.00 1,386,440.00 -
1 Koala dan Pinguin tebal 0,25 mm (TCT) 3 x 6 Koala dan Pinguin tebal 0,25 mm (TCT) 3 x 6 Roll 85,000.00 93,500.00 -
2 Koala dan Pinguin tebal 0,25 mm (TCT) 914 x 1 m Koala dan Pinguin tebal 0,25 mm (TCT) 914 x 1 m Roll 49,600.00 54,560.00 -
3 New Ancor tebal 0,25 mm x 914 New Ancor tebal 0,25 mm x 914 Roll 1,525,000.00 1,677,500.00 -
Stainless Steel Nickel 4% Stainless Steel Nickel 4%
1 JSLAUS 4% Ni 0,80 mm 1219 x 2438 mm finish 2 B Stainless Steel Nickel 4% jenis JSLAUS 4% Ni 0,80 mm 1219 x 2438 mm finish 2 B Lbr 1,208,400.00 1,329,240.00 14.00
2 JSLAUS 4% Ni 0,80 mm 1219 x Coil finish 2 B Stainless Steel Nickel 4% jenis JSLAUS 4% Ni 0,80 mm 1219 x Coil finish 2 B m' 64,000.09 70,410.00 2.00
3 JSLAUS 4% Ni 0,80 mm 1219 x 2438 mm with PE Stainless Steel Nickel 4% jenis JSLAUS 4% Ni 0,80 mm 1219 x 2438 mm with PE Lbr 1,284,000.00 1,412,400.00 14.00
4 JSLAUS 4% Ni 0,80 mm 1219 x Coil with PE Stainless Steel Nickel 4% jenis JSLAUS 4% Ni 0,80 mm 1219 x Coil with PE m' 68,000.00 74,800.00 2.00
5 JSLAUS 4% 1,00 mm 1219 x 2438 mm Finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 4% jenis JSLAUS 4% 1,00 mm 1219 x 2438 mm Finish 2B Lbr 1,500,000.00 1,650,000.00 14.00
6 JSLAUS 4% 1,00 mm 1219 x Coil Finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 4% jenis JSLAUS 4% 1,00 mm 1219 x Coil Finish 2B m' 63,600.00 69,960.00 2.00
7 JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,00 nun 1219 x 2438 mm With PE Stainless Steel Nickel 4% jenis JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,00 nun 1219 x 2438 mm With PE Lbr 1,571,800.00 1,728,980.00 14.00
8 JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,00 mm 1219 x Coil with PE Stainless Steel Nickel 4% jenis JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,00 mm 1219 x Coil with PE m' 66,600.00 73,260.00 2.00
9 JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,20 mm 1219 x 2438 finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 4% jenis JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,20 mm 1219 x 2438 finish 2B Lbr 1,784,200.00 1,962,620.00 14.00
10 JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,20 mm 1219 x Coil finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 4% jenis JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,20 mm 1219 x Coil finish 2B m' 63,000.00 69,300.00 2.00
11 JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,20 mm 1219 x 2438 With 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 4% jenis JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,20 mm 1219 x 2438 With 2B Lbr 1,864,000.00 2,050,400.00 14.00
12 JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,20 mm 1219 x Coil With PE Stainless Steel Nickel 4% jenis JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,20 mm 1219 x Coil With PE m' 65,800.00 72,380.00 2.00
13 JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,50 mm 1219 x 2438 finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 4% jenis JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,50 mm 1219 x 2438 finish 2B Lbr 2,216,000.00 2,437,600.00 14.00
14 JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,50 mm 1219 x 2438 Coil finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 4% jenis JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,50 mm 1219 x 2438 Coil finish 2B m' 62,600.00 68,860.00 2.00
15 JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,50 mm 1219 x 2438 mm With PE Stainless Steel Nickel 4% jenis JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,50 mm 1219 x 2438 mm With PE Lbr 2,287,000.00 2,515,700.00 14.00
16 JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,50 mm 1219 x Coil With PE Stainless Steel Nickel 4% jenis JSLAUS 4% Ni 1,50 mm 1219 x Coil With PE m' 64,600.00 71,060.00 2.00
17 JSLAUS 4% Ni 2 mm 1219 x 2438 mm Finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 4% jenis JSLAUS 4% Ni 2 mm 1219 x 2438 mm Finish 2B Lbr 2,931,800.00 3,224,980.00 14.00
18 JSLAUS 4% Ni 2 mm 1219 x Coil Finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 4% jenis JSLAUS 4% Ni 2 mm 1219 x Coil Finish 2B m' 62,100.00 68,310.00 2.00
Stainless Steel Nickel 1% Stainless Steel Nickel 1%
1 J4 1% 0,80 mm1219 mm x2438 mm Finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 0,80 mm1219 mm x2438 mm Finish 2B Lbr 706,200.00 776,820.00 12.00
2 J4 1% 0,80 mm1219 mm x Coil Finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 0,80 mm1219 mm x Coil Finish 2B Lbr 37,400.00 41,140.00 2.00
3 J4 1% 0,80 mm1219 mm x 2438 mm With Pe Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 0,80 mm1219 mm x 2438 mm With Pe Lbr 781,700.00 859,870.00 12.00
4 J4 1% 0,80 mm1219 mm x Coil With Pe Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 0,80 mm1219 mm x Coil With Pe Lbr 41,400.00 45,540.00 2.00
5 J4 1% 1,00 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm Finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 1,00 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm Finish 2B Lbr 871,000.00 958,100.00 12.00
6 J4 1% 1,00 mm 1219 mm x Coil Finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 1,00 mm 1219 mm x Coil Finish 2B Lbr 36,900.00 40,590.00 2.00
7 J4 1% 1,00 mm 1219 mm x2438 mm With PE Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 1,00 mm 1219 mm x2438 mm With PE Lbr 944,000.00 1,038,400.00 12.00
8 J4 1% 1,00 mm 1219 mm x Coil With PE Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 1,00 mm 1219 mm x Coil With PE Lbr 40,000.00 44,000.00 2.00
9 J4 1% 1,20 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm Finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 1,20 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm Finish 2B Lbr 1,036,500.00 1,140,150.00 12.00
10 J4 1% 1,20 mm 1219 mm x Coil Finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 1,20 mm 1219 mm x Coil Finish 2B Lbr 36,600.00 40,260.00 2.00
11 J4 1% 1,20 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm With PE Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 1,20 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm With PE Lbr 1,113,000.00 1,224,300.00 12.00
12 J4 1% 1,20 mm 1219 mm x Coil With PE Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 1,20 mm 1219 mm x Coil With PE Lbr 39,300.00 43,230.00 2.00
13 J4 1% 1,50 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm Finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 1,50 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm Finish 2B Lbr 1,274,000.00 1,401,400.00 12.00
14 J4 1% 1,50 mm 1219 mm x Coil Finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 1,50 mm 1219 mm x Coil Finish 2B Lbr 36,000.00 39,600.00 2.00
15 J4 1% 1,50 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm With PE Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 1,50 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm With PE Lbr 1,345,500.00 1,480,050.00 12.00
16 J4 1% 1,50 mm 1219 mm x Coil With PE Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 1,50 mm 1219 mm x Coil With PE Lbr 38,000.00 41,800.00 2.00
17 J4 1% 2,00 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm Finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 2,00 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm Finish 2B Lbr 1,676,000.00 1,843,600.00 12.00
18 J4 1% 2,00 mm 1219 mm x Coil Finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 2,00 mm 1219 mm x Coil Finish 2B Lbr 35,500.00 39,050.00 2.00
19 J4 1% 3,00 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm Finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 3,00 mm 1219 mm x 2438 mm Finish 2B Lbr 2,510,000.00 2,761,000.00 12.00
20 J4 1% 3,00 mm 1,2191 mm x Coil finish 2B Stainless Steel Nickel 1% jenis J4 1% 3,00 mm 1,2191 mm x Coil finish 2B m' 35,500.00 39,050.00 2.00
1 CS 75 35 1 X M CS 75 35 1 X M m' 26,500.00 29,150.00 -
2 CS 75 35 0.70 X M CS 75 35 0.70 X M m' 18,250.00 20,080.00 -
3 CS 65 26 1 X M CS 65 26 1 X M m' 17,000.00 18,700.00 -
4 CS 65 26 0 X M CS 65 26 0 X M m' 24,500.00 26,950.00 -
5 CST 30 0.50 X M CST 30 0.50 X M m' 9,350.00 10,290.00 -
6 CST 30 0,45 X M CST 30 0,45 X M m' 8,450.00 9,300.00 -
7 CST 30 15 0.45 X CST 30 15 0.45 X m' 8,250.00 9,080.00 -
8 VALLEY GUTTER VALLEY GUTTER m' 43,750.00 48,130.00 -
9 SCREW 12 14 X 20 SCREW 12 14 X 20 m' 435.00 480.00 -
10 SCREW 10 16X16 SCREW 10 16X16 m' 330.00 370.00 -
11 DYNABOLT 5022 3/8 X 75 DYNABOLT 5022 3/8 X 75 m' 1,925.00 2,120.00 -
1 0,30 x 32 x 32 x 4 MTR Hollow 0,30 x 32 x 32 x 4 MTR Btg 22,500.00 24,750.00 -
2 0.30 x 32 x 32 x 4 Mtr Hollow 0.30 x 32 x 32 x 4 Mtr Btg 17,000.00 18,700.00 -
1 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD TR tebal 0,25 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD TR tebal 0,25 Lbr 45,000.00 49,500.00 -
2 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD TR tebal 0,30 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD TR tebal 0,30 Lbr 50,500.00 55,550.00 -
3 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD TR tebal 0,35 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD TR tebal 0,35 Lbr 56,500.00 62,150.00 -
4 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD TR tebal 0,40 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD TR tebal 0,40 Lbr 63,500.00 69,850.00 -
5 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD TR tebal 0,45 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD TR tebal 0,45 Lbr 71,000.00 78,100.00 -
6 NOK 0,25 NOK 0,25 Lbr 26,000.00 28,600.00 -
7 NOK 0,30 NOK 0,30 Lbr 26,000.00 28,600.00 -
8 NOK 0,35 NOK 0,35 Lbr 32,000.00 35,200.00 -
9 NOK 0,40 NOK 0,40 Lbr 35,500.00 39,050.00 -
10 NOK 0,45 NOK 0,45 Lbr 39,000.00 42,900.00 -
11 NOK PATEN 0,25 NOK PATEN 0,25 Lbr 28,000.00 30,800.00 -
12 NOK PATEN0,30 NOK PATEN0,30 Lbr 51,000.00 56,100.00 -
13 NOK PATEN 0,35 NOK PATEN 0,35 Lbr 34,000.00 37,400.00 -
14 NOK PATEN 0,40 NOK PATEN 0,40 Lbr 37,500.00 41,250.00 -
15 NOK PATEN 0,45 NOK PATEN 0,45 Lbr 41,000.00 45,100.00 -
16 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD SR CD TR tebal 0,50 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD SR CD TR tebal 0,50 Lbr 78,000.00 85,800.00 -
17 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD SR CD TR tebal 0,55 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD SR CD TR tebal 0,55 Lbr 84,500.00 92,950.00 -
18 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD SR CD TR tebal 0,60 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD SR CD TR tebal 0,60 Lbr 97,000.00 106,700.00 -
19 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD SR CD TR tebal 0,70 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD SR CD TR tebal 0,70 Lbr 107,500.00 118,250.00 -
20 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD SR CD TR tebal 0,80 Aluminido/Maspion CD925,CD1040,CD LT7,CD SR CD TR tebal 0,80 Lbr 127,000.00 139,700.00 -
21 NOK 0,50 NOK 0,50 Lbr 42,500.00 46,750.00 -
22 NOK 0,55 NOK 0,55 Lbr 46,000.00 50,600.00 -
23 NOK 0,60 NOK 0,60 Lbr 52,000.00 57,200.00 -
24 NOK 0,70 NOK 0,70 Lbr 57,500.00 63,250.00 -
25 NOK 0,80 NOK 0,80 Lbr 67,000.00 73,700.00 -
26 NOK PATEN 0,50 NOK PATEN 0,50 Lbr 44,500.00 48,950.00 -
27 NOK PATEN0,55 NOK PATEN0,55 Lbr 48,000.00 52,800.00 -
28 NOK PATEN 0,60 NOK PATEN 0,60 Lbr 54,000.00 59,400.00 -
29 NOK PATEN 0,70 NOK PATEN 0,70 Lbr 59,500.00 65,450.00 -
30 NOK PATEN 0,80 NOK PATEN 0,80 Lbr 69,000.00 75,900.00 -
1 Profil CD 700 tebal 0,35 mm Profil CD 700 tebal 0,35 mm Lbr 96,000.00 105,600.00 -
2 Profil CD 700 tebal 0,40 mm 1 700 Profil CD 700 tebal 0,40 mm 1 700 Lbr 106,000.00 116,600.00 -
3 Profil CD 930 tebal 0,35 mm L 930 Profil CD 930 tebal 0,35 mm L 930 Lbr 128,000.00 140,800.00 -
4 Profil CD 930 tebal 0,40 mm L 930 Profil CD 930 tebal 0,40 mm L 930 Lbr 140,000.00 154,000.00 -
5 Profil CD 1040 mm tebal 0,35 L 1040 Profil CD 1040 mm tebal 0,35 L 1040 Lbr 143,500.00 157,850.00 -
6 Profil CD 1040 mm tebal 0,40 L 1040 Profil CD 1040 mm tebal 0,40 L 1040 Lbr 157,500.00 173,250.00 -
1 Rooftop PVC with UV Protection uk. 2,1 m x 11,8 Type Doof Color Sky Blue Rooftop PVC with UV Protection uk. 2,1 m x 11,8 Type Doof Color Sky Blue Lbr 2,100,000.00 2,310,000.00 15.00

1 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna coklat Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna coklat Lbr 850,000.00 935,000.00 15.00
2 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna grey Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna grey Lbr 850,000.00 935,000.00 15.00
3 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna biru Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna biru Lbr 850,000.00 935,000.00 15.00
4 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna hijau Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna hijau Lbr 850,000.00 935,000.00 15.00
5 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna bronze Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna bronze Lbr 850,000.00 935,000.00 15.00
6 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna tosca Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna tosca Lbr 850,000.00 935,000.00 15.00
7 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna clear Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna clear Lbr 850,000.00 935,000.00 15.00
8 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna silver Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna silver Lbr 850,000.00 935,000.00 15.00
9 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna black DOP Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna black DOP Lbr 850,000.00 935,000.00 15.00
10 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna merah Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4 mm warna merah Lbr 850,000.00 935,000.00 15.00
11 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna coklat Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna coklat Lbr 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 15.00
12 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna grey Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna grey Lbr 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 15.00
13 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna biru Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna biru Lbr 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 15.00
14 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna hijau Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna hijau Lbr 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 15.00
15 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna merah Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna merah Lbr 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 15.00
16 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna bronze Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna bronze Lbr 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 15.00
17 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna tosca Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna tosca Lbr 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 15.00
18 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna clear Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna clear Lbr 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 15.00
19 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna opal Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna opal Lbr 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 15.00
20 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna silver millenium Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 4,5 mm warna silver millenium Lbr 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 15.00
21 Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb4,5 mm warna grey Atap Polycarbonate Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb4,5 mm warna grey Lbr 900,000.00 990,000.00 15.00
22 Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 in x tb4,5 mm warna Bronze Atap Polycarbonate Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 in x tb4,5 mm warna Bronze Lbr 900,000.00 990,000.00 15.00
23 Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb4,5 mm warna Green Atap Polycarbonate Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb4,5 mm warna Green Lbr 900,000.00 990,000.00 15.00
24 Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb, 4,5 mm warna Tosca Atap Polycarbonate Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb, 4,5 mm warna Tosca Lbr 900,000.00 990,000.00 15.00
25 Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb A,5 mm warna clear Atap Polycarbonate Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb A,5 mm warna clear Lbr 900,000.00 990,000.00 15.00
26 Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 in x tb4,5 mm warna Opal Atap Polycarbonate Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 in x tb4,5 mm warna Opal Lbr 900,000.00 990,000.00 15.00
27 Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb4,5 mm warna silver Atap Polycarbonate Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb4,5 mm warna silver Lbr 900,000.00 990,000.00 15.00
28 Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb4,5 mm warna Red Atap Polycarbonate Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb4,5 mm warna Red Lbr 900,000.00 990,000.00 15.00
29 Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb4,5 mm warna Orange Atap Polycarbonate Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb4,5 mm warna Orange Lbr 900,000.00 990,000.00 15.00
30 Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb4,5 mm warna Yellow Atap Polycarbonate Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb4,5 mm warna Yellow Lbr 900,000.00 990,000.00 15.00
31 Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb4,5 mm warna Pink Atap Polycarbonate Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb4,5 mm warna Pink Lbr 900,000.00 990,000.00 15.00
32 Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb4,5 mm warna black DOP Atap Polycarbonate Moldeeck uk. 2.1 x 11,8 m x tb4,5 mm warna black DOP Lbr 900,000.00 990,000.00 15.00
33 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 5 mm warna coklat Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 5 mm warna coklat Lbr 1,400,000.00 1,540,000.00 15.00
34 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 5 mm warna gray Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 5 mm warna gray Lbr 1,400,000.00 1,540,000.00 15.00
35 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 5 mm warna biro Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 5 mm warna biro Lbr 1,400,000.00 1,540,000.00 15.00
36 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 5 mm warna hijau Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 5 mm warna hijau Lbr 1,400,000.00 1,540,000.00 15.00
37 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 5 mm warna Bronze Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 5 mm warna Bronze Lbr 1,400,000.00 1,540,000.00 15.00
38 uk. 11,8 m x 23 m x 5 mm warna Tosca Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 23 m x 5 mm warna Tosca Lbr 1,400,000.00 1,540,000.00 15.00
39 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 5 mm warna clear Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 5 mm warna clear Lbr 1,400,000.00 1,540,000.00 15.00
40 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 5 mm warna silver Milenium Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 5 mm warna silver Milenium Lbr 1,400,000.00 1,540,000.00 15.00
41 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 5 mm warna black DOP Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 5 mm warna black DOP Lbr 1,400,000.00 1,540,000.00 15.00
42 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 5 mm warna merah Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 5 mm warna merah Lbr 1,400,000.00 1,540,000.00 15.00
43 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 6 mm warna coklat Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 6 mm warna coklat Lbr 1,850,000.00 2,035,000.00 15.00
44 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 6 mm warna gray Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 6 mm warna gray Lbr 1,850,000.00 2,035,000.00 15.00
45 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 6 mm warna biro Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 6 mm warna biro Lbr 1,850,000.00 2,035,000.00 15.00
46 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 6 mm warna hijau Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 6 mm warna hijau Lbr 1,850,000.00 2,035,000.00 15.00
47 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 6 mm warna Bronze Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 6 mm warna Bronze Lbr 1,850,000.00 2,035,000.00 15.00
48 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 6 mm warna Tosca Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 6 mm warna Tosca Lbr 1,850,000.00 2,035,000.00 15.00
49 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 6 mm warna clear Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 6 mm warna clear Lbr 1,850,000.00 2,035,000.00 15.00
50 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 6 mm warna silver Milenium Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 6 mm warna silver Milenium Lbr 1,850,000.00 2,035,000.00 15.00
51 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 6 mm warna black DOP Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x 6 mm warna black DOP Lbr 1,850,000.00 2,035,000.00 15.00
52 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x Tb, 10 mm warna coklat Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1 m x Tb, 10 mm warna coklat Lbr 2,950,000.00 3,245,000.00 15.00
53 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1rn x 10 mm warna gray Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1rn x 10 mm warna gray Lbr 2,950,000.00 3,245,000.00 15.00
54 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1rn x 10 mm warna biru Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1rn x 10 mm warna biru Lbr 2,950,000.00 3,245,000.00 15.00
55 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1rn x 10 mm warna hijau Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1rn x 10 mm warna hijau Lbr 2,950,000.00 3,245,000.00 15.00
56 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1rn x 10 mm warna bronze Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1rn x 10 mm warna bronze Lbr 2,950,000.00 3,245,000.00 15.00
57 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1rn x 10 mm warna tosca Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1rn x 10 mm warna tosca Lbr 2,950,000.00 3,245,000.00 15.00
58 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1rn x 10 mm warna clear Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1rn x 10 mm warna clear Lbr 2,950,000.00 3,245,000.00 15.00
59 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1rn x 10 mm warna silver millenium Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1rn x 10 mm warna silver millenium Lbr 2,950,000.00 3,245,000.00 15.00
60 uk. 11,8 m x 2.1rn x 10 mm warna black DOP Atap Polycarbonate uk. 11,8 m x 2.1rn x 10 mm warna black DOP Lbr 2,950,000.00 3,245,000.00 15.00
Hinges Dekkson ESS SGW4X3 Ms. BB SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS SGW4X3 Ms. BB SSS
1 pairs 220,000.00 242,000.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
1 Hinges Dekkson ESS 316 3x2,5x2,5 mm 2BB SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS 316 3x2,5x2,5 mm 2BB SSS pairs 150,000.00 165,000.00 -
2 Hinges Dekkson ESS 316 4x3x4 mm 4 BB SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS 316 4x3x4 mm 4 BB SSS pairs 280,000.00 308,000.00 -
3 Hinges Dekkson ESS 316 5x3x4 mm 4 BB SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS 316 5x3x4 mm 4 BB SSS pairs 320,000.00 352,000.00 -
1 Hinges Dekkson ESS DL 3 x 2,5 x 2 mm SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS DL 3 x 2,5 x 2 mm SSS pairs 62,000.00 68,200.00 -
2 Hinges Dekkson ESS DL 3 x 2,5 x 2 mm 2BB SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS DL 3 x 2,5 x 2 mm 2BB SSS pairs 80,000.00 88,000.00 -
3 Hinges Dekkson ESS DL 4 x 3 x 2mm 2BB SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS DL 4 x 3 x 2mm 2BB SSS pairs 84,000.00 92,400.00 -
4 Hinges Dekkson ESS DL 4 x 3 x 3 mm 2BB SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS DL 4 x 3 x 3 mm 2BB SSS pairs 140,000.00 154,000.00 -
5 Hinges Dekkson ESS DL 5 x 3 x 3 mm 4BB SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS DL 5 x 3 x 3 mm 4BB SSS pairs 156,000.00 171,600.00 -
1 Hinges Dekkson ESS EL 3 x 2,5 x 2mm SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS EL 3 x 2,5 x 2mm SSS pairs 42,000.00 46,200.00 -
2 Hinges Dekkson ESS EL 3 x 2,5 x 2mm 2BB SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS EL 3 x 2,5 x 2mm 2BB SSS pairs 46,000.00 50,600.00 -
3 Hinges Dekkson ESS EL 4 x 3 x 2mm SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS EL 4 x 3 x 2mm SSS pairs 56,000.00 61,600.00 -
4 Hinges Dekkson ESS EL 4 x 3 x 2mm 2BB SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS EL 4 x 3 x 2mm 2BB SSS pairs 60,000.00 66,000.00 -
5 Hinges Dekkson ESS EL 4 x 3 x 2mm 4BB SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS EL 4 x 3 x 2mm 4BB SSS pairs 62,000.00 68,200.00 -
6 Hinges Dekkson ESS EL 4 x 3 x 3mm 2BB SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS EL 4 x 3 x 3mm 2BB SSS pairs 96,000.00 105,600.00 -
7 Hinges Dekkson ESS EL 4 x 3 x 3mm 4BB SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS EL 4 x 3 x 3mm 4BB SSS pairs 100,000.00 110,000.00 -
8 Hinges Dekkson ESS EL 5 x 3 x 3mm 4BB SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS EL 5 x 3 x 3mm 4BB SSS pairs 112,500.00 123,750.00 -
1 Hinges Dekkson NRP ESS DL3 x 2,5 x 2,5 mm 2 SSS Hinges Dekkson NRP ESS DL3 x 2,5 x 2,5 mm 2 SSS Pairs 73,000.00 80,300.00 -
2 Hinges Dekkson NRP ESS DL4 x 3 x 3 mm 4BB SSS Hinges Dekkson NRP ESS DL4 x 3 x 3 mm 4BB SSS Pairs 150,000.00 165,000.00 -
3 Hinges Dekkson NRP ESS DL5 x 3 x 3 mm 4BB SSS Hinges Dekkson NRP ESS DL5 x 3 x 3 mm 4BB SSS Pairs 170,000.00 187,000.00 -
4 Hinges Dekkson NRP ESS DL6 x 3,5 x 3 mm 4BB SSS Hinges Dekkson NRP ESS DL6 x 3,5 x 3 mm 4BB SSS Pairs 187,000.00 205,700.00 -
1 Hinges Dekkson ESS 3 x 2,5 x 2mm 2BB PVD Hinges Dekkson ESS 3 x 2,5 x 2mm 2BB PVD pairs 87,000.00 95,700.00 -
2 Hinges Dekkson ESS 4 x 3 x 3mm 4BB PVD Hinges Dekkson ESS 4 x 3 x 3mm 4BB PVD pairs 135,000.00 148,500.00 -
3 Hinges Dekkson ESS 5 x 3 x 3mm 4BB PVD Hinges Dekkson ESS 5 x 3 x 3mm 4BB PVD pairs 160,000.00 176,000.00 -
1 Hinges Dekkson ESS 3 x 2,5 x 2 mm 2BB PSS Hinges Dekkson ESS 3 x 2,5 x 2 mm 2BB PSS pairs 65,000.00 71,500.00 -
2 Hinges Dekkson ESS 4 x 3 x 3 mm 4BB PSS Hinges Dekkson ESS 4 x 3 x 3 mm 4BB PSS pairs 130,000.00 143,000.00 -
3 Hinges Dekkson ESS 5 x 3 x 3 mm 4BB PSS Hinges Dekkson ESS 5 x 3 x 3 mm 4BB PSS pairs 147,500.00 162,250.00 -
1 Hinges Dekkson ES BR 3 x 2,5 x 3mm 2BB SB Hinges Dekkson ES BR 3 x 2,5 x 3mm 2BB SB pairs 70,000.00 77,000.00 2.00
2 Hinges Dekkson ES BR 4 x 3 x 3mm 2BB SB Hinges Dekkson ES BR 4 x 3 x 3mm 2BB SB pairs 104,000.00 114,400.00 -
3 Hinges Dekkson ES BR 4 x 3 x 4mm 4BB SB Hinges Dekkson ES BR 4 x 3 x 4mm 4BB SB pairs 111,000.00 122,100.00 -
4 Hinges Dekkson ES BR 5 x 3 x 4mm 4BB SB Hinges Dekkson ES BR 5 x 3 x 4mm 4BB SB pairs 145,000.00 159,500.00 -
5 Hinges Dekkson ES BR 3 x 2,5 x 3mm 2BB A Hinges Dekkson ES BR 3 x 2,5 x 3mm 2BB A pairs 80,000.00 88,000.00 -
6 Hinges Dekkson ES BR 4 x 3 x 3 mm 2BB AB Hinges Dekkson ES BR 4 x 3 x 3 mm 2BB AB pairs 107,000.00 117,700.00 -
7 Hinges Dekkson ES BR 5 x 3 x 4 mm 4BB AB Hinges Dekkson ES BR 5 x 3 x 4 mm 4BB AB pairs 145,000.00 159,500.00 -
8 Hinges Dekkson ES BR 3 x 2,5 x 3 mm 2BB PB Hinges Dekkson ES BR 3 x 2,5 x 3 mm 2BB PB pairs 80,000.00 88,000.00 -
9 Hinges Dekkson ES BR 4 x 3 x 3 mm 2BB PB Hinges Dekkson ES BR 4 x 3 x 3 mm 2BB PB pairs 107,000.00 117,700.00 -
10 Hinges Dekkson ES BR 4 x 3 x 4MM 4BB PB Hinges Dekkson ES BR 4 x 3 x 4MM 4BB PB pairs 111,000.00 122,100.00 -
11 Hinges Dekkson ES BR 5 x 3 x 4MM 4BB PB Hinges Dekkson ES BR 5 x 3 x 4MM 4BB PB pairs 145,000.00 159,500.00 -
1 Hinges Dekkson ES IR 3 x 2,5 x 2,5 MM 2B CP Hinges Dekkson ES IR 3 x 2,5 x 2,5 MM 2B CP pairs 32,000.00 35,200.00 -
2 Hinges Dekkson ES IR 3 x 2,5 x 2,5 MM 2B GP Hinges Dekkson ES IR 3 x 2,5 x 2,5 MM 2B GP pairs 32,000.00 35,200.00 -
3 Hinges Dekkson ES IR 3 x 2,5 x 2,5 MM 2B SN Hinges Dekkson ES IR 3 x 2,5 x 2,5 MM 2B SN pairs 32,000.00 35,200.00 -
4 Hinges Dekkson ES IR 4 x 3 x 3 MM 4BB CP Hinges Dekkson ES IR 4 x 3 x 3 MM 4BB CP pairs 48,000.00 52,800.00 -
5 Hinges Dekkson ES IR 4 x 3 x 3 MM 4BB GP Hinges Dekkson ES IR 4 x 3 x 3 MM 4BB GP pairs 48,000.00 52,800.00 -
6 Hinges Dekkson ES IR 4 x 3 x 3 MM 4BB SN Hinges Dekkson ES IR 4 x 3 x 3 MM 4BB SN pairs 48,000.00 52,800.00 -
7 Hinges Dekkson ES IR 5 x 3 x 3 MM 4BB CP Hinges Dekkson ES IR 5 x 3 x 3 MM 4BB CP pairs 55,000.00 60,500.00 -
8 Hinges Dekkson ES IR 5 x 3 x 3 MM 4BB GP Hinges Dekkson ES IR 5 x 3 x 3 MM 4BB GP pairs 55,000.00 60,500.00 -
9 Hinges Dekkson ES IR 5 x 5 x 3MM 4BB SN Hinges Dekkson ES IR 5 x 5 x 3MM 4BB SN pairs 55,000.00 60,500.00 -
1 Hinges Dekkson ES CH 3 x 2,5 x 3 MM 2BB PB Hinges Dekkson ES CH 3 x 2,5 x 3 MM 2BB PB pairs 60,000.00 66,000.00 -
2 Hinges Dekkson ES CH 4 x 3 x 3 MM 2BB PB Hinges Dekkson ES CH 4 x 3 x 3 MM 2BB PB pairs 86,000.00 94,600.00 -
3 Hinges Dekkson ES CH 5 x 3 x 3 MM 4BB PB Hinges Dekkson ES CH 5 x 3 x 3 MM 4BB PB pairs 120,000.00 132,000.00 -
0 - -
1 Hinges Dekkson ESS 63 x 40 x 1,5 mm 4NR SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS 63 x 40 x 1,5 mm 4NR SSS pairs 32,000.00 35,200.00 -
2 Hinges Dekkson ESS SPR 4 x 4 x 3 mm SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS SPR 4 x 4 x 3 mm SSS pairs 245,000.00 269,500.00 -
3 Hinges Dekkson ESS DL "H” 4 x 3 x 2 mm 2 SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS DL "H” 4 x 3 x 2 mm 2 SSS pairs 76,000.00 83,600.00 -
4 Hinges Dekkson ESS OL "H" 102 x 71 x 2,5 mm SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS OL "H" 102 x 71 x 2,5 mm SSS pairs 95,000.00 104,500.00 -
5 Hinges Dekkson ESS FH "H" 127 x 63 x 3 mm 1W SSS Hinges Dekkson ESS FH "H" 127 x 63 x 3 mm 1W SSS pairs 155,000.00 170,500.00 -
6 Hinges Dekkson ES SL9" SN Hinges Dekkson ES SL9" SN pairs 45,000.00 49,500.00 -
7 Hinges Dekkson ES SD B SERIES CP Hinges Dekkson ES SD B SERIES CP pairs 34,000.00 37,400.00 -
1 Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8003 ODD PVD Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8003 ODD PVD set 2,050,000.00 2,255,000.00 -
2 Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8003 ODD SSS Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8003 ODD SSS set 1,850,000.00 2,035,000.00 -
3 Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8002 ODD PVD Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8002 ODD PVD set 2,050,000.00 2,255,000.00 -
4 Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8002 ODD SSS Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8002 ODD SSS set 1,850,000.00 2,035,000.00 -
5 Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8004 ODD PVD Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8004 ODD PVD set 2,300,000.00 2,530,000.00 -
6 Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8004 ODD SSS Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8004 ODD SSS set 2,100,000.00 2,310,000.00 -
7 Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8004 DOUBLE PVD Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8004 DOUBLE PVD set 2,500,000.00 2,750,000.00 -
8 Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8004 DOUBLE SSS Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8004 DOUBLE SSS set 2,300,000.00 2,530,000.00 -
9 Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8701 DOUBLE PVD Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8701 DOUBLE PVD set 4,200,000.00 4,620,000.00 -
10 Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8701 DOUBLE SSS Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8701 DOUBLE SSS set 4,000,000.00 4,400,000.00 -
11 Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8103 AC Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8103 AC set 500,000.00 550,000.00 -
12 Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8102 SN Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8102 SN set 400,000.00 440,000.00 -
13 Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8102 AC Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8102 AC set 400,000.00 440,000.00 -
14 Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8103 SN Entrance HDL Dekkson EHDL D8103 SN set 500,000.00 550,000.00 -
1 Pull Handle Dekkson SPH 0817 SSS+PSS Pull Handle Dekkson SPH 0817 SSS+PSS pairs 840,000.00 924,000.00 -
2 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 146 25 x 232 x 300 PSS+SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 146 25 x 232 x 300 PSS+SSS pairs 560,000.00 616,000.00 -
3 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 146 25 x 432 x 500 PSS+SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 146 25 x 432 x 500 PSS+SSS pairs 760,000.00 836,000.00 -
4 Pull Handle Dekkson PH D351 25 x 400 x 375 SSS+WOOD Pull Handle Dekkson PH D351 25 x 400 x 375 SSS+WOOD pairs 620,000.00 682,000.00 -
5 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 815 20 x 40 x 600 PSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 815 20 x 40 x 600 PSS pairs 690,000.00 759,000.00 -
6 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 815 25 x 19 x 300 SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 815 25 x 19 x 300 SSS pairs 620,000.00 682,000.00 -
7 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 816 30 x 15 x 600 PSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 816 30 x 15 x 600 PSS pairs 860,000.00 946,000.00 -
8 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 816 30 x 15 x 600 SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 816 30 x 15 x 600 SSS pairs 720,000.00 792,000.00 -
9 Pull Handle Dekkson TPH 817 600MM SSS+PSS Pull Handle Dekkson TPH 817 600MM SSS+PSS pairs 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 -
10 Pull Handle Dekkson TPH 819 350MM SSS Pull Handle Dekkson TPH 819 350MM SSS pairs 620,000.00 682,000.00 -
11 Pull Handle Dekkson PH BS 215 SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH BS 215 SSS pairs 410,000.00 451,000.00 -
12 Pull Handle Dekkson PH D1844 32 x 15 x 500 PSS SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH D1844 32 x 15 x 500 PSS SSS pairs 625,000.00 687,500.00 -
13 Pull Handle Dekkson PH D1868 40 x 25 x 600 PSS SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH D1868 40 x 25 x 600 PSS SSS pairs 765,000.00 841,500.00 -
14 Pull Handle Dekkson PH D1868 40 x 25 x 1200 PSS SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH D1868 40 x 25 x 1200 PSS SSS pairs 1,450,000.00 1,595,000.00 -
15 Pull Handle Dekkson PH D001Z SN Pull Handle Dekkson PH D001Z SN pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 -
16 Pull Handle Dekkson PH D028Z SSS + NP Pull Handle Dekkson PH D028Z SSS + NP pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 -
17 Pull Handle Dekkson SPH 0820 SSS Pull Handle Dekkson SPH 0820 SSS pairs 1,370,000.00 1,507,000.00 -
18 Pull Handle Dekkson SPH 0819 SSS Pull Handle Dekkson SPH 0819 SSS pairs 1,200,000.00 1,320,000.00 -
19 Pull Handle Dekkson PH D855 19 x 15 SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH D855 19 x 15 SSS pairs 180,000.00 198,000.00 -
20 Pull Handle Dekkson PH D855 19 x 15 PSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH D855 19 x 15 PSS pairs 230,000.00 253,000.00 -
21 Pull Handle Dekkson PH D855 19 x 15 PVD Pull Handle Dekkson PH D855 19 x 15 PVD pairs 350,000.00 385,000.00 -
22 Pull Handle Dekkson PH D855 19 x 15 AB Pull Handle Dekkson PH D855 19 x 15 AB pairs 250,000.00 275,000.00 -
1 Pull Handle Dekkson PH SQ801 30 x 15 x 350 SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH SQ801 30 x 15 x 350 SSS pairs 560,000.00 616,000.00 -
2 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 809 32 x 350 SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 809 32 x 350 SSS pairs 620,000.00 682,000.00 -
3 Pull Handle Dekkson PH DH 809 30 x 15 x 600 SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH DH 809 30 x 15 x 600 SSS pairs 930,000.00 1,023,000.00 -
4 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 802 32 x 457 x 300 PSS+SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 802 32 x 457 x 300 PSS+SSS pairs 650,000.00 715,000.00 -
5 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 802 38 x 1000 SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 802 38 x 1000 SSS pairs 1,040,000.00 1,144,000.00 -
6 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 802 38 x 1000 PSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 802 38 x 1000 PSS pairs 1,040,000.00 1,144,000.00 -
7 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 802 38 x 1200 SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 802 38 x 1200 SSS pairs 1,200,000.00 1,320,000.00 -
8 Pull Handle Dekkson PSS 802 38 x 1200 PSS Pull Handle Dekkson PSS 802 38 x 1200 PSS pairs 1,200,000.00 1,320,000.00 3.00
9 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 802 38 x 1600 SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 802 38 x 1600 SSS pairs 1,540,000.00 1,694,000.00 3.00
10 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 802 38 x 1600 PSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 802 38 x 1600 PSS pairs 1,540,000.00 1,694,000.00 3.00
11 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 802 38 x 2000 SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 802 38 x 2000 SSS pairs 2,060,000.00 2,266,000.00 3.00
12 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 802 38 x 2000 PSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 802 38 x 2000 PSS pairs 2,100,000.00 2,310,000.00 3.00
13 Pull Handle Dekkson PH DH 801 30 x 15 x 600 SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH DH 801 30 x 15 x 600 SSS pairs 660,000.00 726,000.00 3.00
14 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 801 25 x 200 SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 801 25 x 200 SSS pairs 160,000.00 176,000.00 3.00
15 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 801 25 x 275 PSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 801 25 x 275 PSS pairs 160,000.00 176,000.00 3.00
16 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 801 32 x 300 PSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 801 32 x 300 PSS pairs 200,000.00 220,000.00 3.00
17 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 80 32 x 350 PSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 80 32 x 350 PSS pairs 210,000.00 231,000.00 3.00
18 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 801 32 x 400 PSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 801 32 x 400 PSS pairs 300,000.00 330,000.00 3.00
19 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 801 32 x 450 PSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 801 32 x 450 PSS pairs 320,000.00 352,000.00 3.00
20 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 801 32 x 600 PSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 801 32 x 600 PSS pairs 460,000.00 506,000.00 3.00
21 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 814 25 x 150 x 450 PSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 814 25 x 150 x 450 PSS pairs 210,000.00 231,000.00 3.00
22 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 804 25 x 200 x 500 PSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 804 25 x 200 x 500 PSS pairs 230,000.00 253,000.00 3.00
23 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 814 20 x 38 x 600 x 425 SSS+PSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 814 20 x 38 x 600 x 425 SSS+PSS pairs 710,000.00 781,000.00 3.00
24 Pull Handle Dekkson PH D1839 38 x 560 PSS+SSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH D1839 38 x 560 PSS+SSS pairs 600,000.00 660,000.00 3.00
25 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 804 32 x 300 PSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 804 32 x 300 PSS pairs 700,000.00 770,000.00 3.00
26 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 809 32 x 300 PSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 809 32 x 300 PSS pairs 560,000.00 616,000.00 3.00
27 Pull Handle Dekkson PH 809 32 x 350 PSS Pull Handle Dekkson PH 809 32 x 350 PSS pairs 620,000.00 682,000.00 3.00
1 Handle Dekkson LHP 2095 SN+NP Handle Dekkson LHP 2095 SN+NP pairs 225,000.00 247,500.00 3.00
2 Handle Dekkson LHP 2095 GP+SG Handle Dekkson LHP 2095 GP+SG pairs 225,000.00 247,500.00 3.00
3 Handle Dekkson LHP 0201 KG Handle Dekkson LHP 0201 KG pairs 271,000.00 298,100.00 3.00
4 Handle Dekkson LHP 0201 SN+NP Handle Dekkson LHP 0201 SN+NP pairs 271,000.00 298,100.00 3.00
5 Handle Dekkson LHP 0607 SC Handle Dekkson LHP 0607 SC pairs 230,000.00 253,000.00 3.00
6 Handle Dekkson LHP 0607 GP+SG Handle Dekkson LHP 0607 GP+SG pairs 236,000.00 259,600.00 3.00
7 Handle Dekkson LHP T005 PVD Handle Dekkson LHP T005 PVD pairs 380,000.00 418,000.00 3.00
8 Handle Dekkson LHP T005 SSS Handle Dekkson LHP T005 SSS pairs 310,000.00 341,000.00 3.00
9 Handle Dekkson LHP 0111 KG Handle Dekkson LHP 0111 KG pairs 271,000.00 298,100.00 3.00
10 Handle Dekkson LHP 0111 SN + KG Handle Dekkson LHP 0111 SN + KG pairs 271,000.00 298,100.00 3.00
11 Handle Dekkson LHP 0111 SN + NP Handle Dekkson LHP 0111 SN + NP pairs 265,000.00 291,500.00 3.00
12 Handle Dekkson LHP 236 AL SN + NP Handle Dekkson LHP 236 AL SN + NP pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
13 Handle Dekkson LHP 2368 AL GP + SG Handle Dekkson LHP 2368 AL GP + SG pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
14 Handle Dekkson LHP 0116 SN + KG Handle Dekkson LHP 0116 SN + KG pairs 271,000.00 298,100.00 3.00
15 Handle Dekkson LHP 0116 SN + NP Handle Dekkson LHP 0116 SN + NP pairs 271,000.00 298,100.00 3.00
16 Handle Dekkson LHP 0116 KG Handle Dekkson LHP 0116 KG pairs 271,000.00 298,100.00 3.00
17 Handle Dekkson LHP 0116B KG Handle Dekkson LHP 0116B KG pairs 380,000.00 418,000.00 3.00
18 Handle Dekicson LHP 0215 SN + NP Handle Dekicson LHP 0215 SN + NP pairs 271,000.00 298,100.00 3.00
19 Handle Dekicson LHP 0215 SN + NP Handle Dekicson LHP 0215 SN + NP pairs 271,000.00 298,100.00 3.00
20 Handle Dekicson LHP 0215 SN + NP Handle Dekicson LHP 0215 SN + NP pairs 271,000.00 298,100.00 3.00
21 Handle Dekicson LHP 1940 SN Handle Dekicson LHP 1940 SN pairs 170,000.00 187,000.00 3.00
22 Handle Dekkson LHP 1712 AI SN + NP Handle Dekkson LHP 1712 AI SN + NP pairs 125,000.00 137,500.00 3.00
23 Handle Dekkson LHP 2228 AZ SN + NP Handle Dekkson LHP 2228 AZ SN + NP pairs 200,000.00 220,000.00 3.00
24 Handle Dekkson LHP 2228 AZ SN + SG Handle Dekkson LHP 2228 AZ SN + SG pairs 200,000.00 220,000.00 3.00
1 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0015 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0015 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
2 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0014 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0014 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
3 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0026 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0026 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
4 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0027 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0027 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
5 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0023 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0023 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
6 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0021 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0021 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
7 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0035 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0035 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
8 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0055 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0055 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
9 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0085 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0085 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
10 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0309 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0309 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
11 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0039 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0039 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
12 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0046 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0046 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
13 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0040 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0040 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
14 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0506 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0506 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
15 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0052 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0052 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
16 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0057 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0057 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
17 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0111 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0111 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
18 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0132 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0132 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
19 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0139 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0139 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
20 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0056 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0056 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
21 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0058 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0058 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
22 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0051 SSS+PSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0051 SSS+PSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
23 Handle Dekkson LHSR 0061 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR 0061 SSS pairs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
24 Handle Dekkson LHSR0137 SSS Handle Dekkson LHSR0137 SSS pairs - 3.00
1 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0051 SSS+PSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0051 SSS+PSS pairs 255,000.00 280,500.00 3.00
2 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0105 SSS+PSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0105 SSS+PSS pairs 220,000.00 242,000.00 3.00
3 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0015 SSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0015 SSS pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
4 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0040 SSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0040 SSS pairs 205,000.00 225,500.00 3.00
5 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0041 SSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0041 SSS pairs 205,000.00 225,500.00 3.00
6 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0820 SSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0820 SSS pairs 170,000.00 187,000.00 3.00
7 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0109 SSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0109 SSS pairs 240,000.00 264,000.00 3.00
8 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0039 SQ SSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0039 SQ SSS pairs 255,000.00 280,500.00 3.00
9 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0113 SSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0113 SSS pairs 240,000.00 264,000.00 3.00
10 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0019 SSS+PSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0019 SSS+PSS pairs 205,000.00 225,500.00 3.00
11 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0820 OVAL SSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0820 OVAL SSS pairs 170,000.00 187,000.00 3.00
12 Handle Dekkson LHTR 84030 OVAL SSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 84030 OVAL SSS pairs 170,000.00 187,000.00 3.00
13 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0039 SSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0039 SSS pairs 205,000.00 225,500.00 3.00
14 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0014 SSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0014 SSS pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
15 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0017 SSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0017 SSS pairs 205,000.00 225,500.00 3.00
16 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0003 SSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0003 SSS pairs 170,000.00 187,000.00 3.00
17 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0819 SSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0819 SSS pairs 170,000.00 187,000.00 3.00
18 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0821 SSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0821 SSS pairs 240,000.00 264,000.00 3.00
19 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0058 SSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0058 SSS pairs 200,000.00 220,000.00 3.00
20 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0016 19 MM SSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0016 19 MM SSS pairs 255,000.00 280,500.00 3.00
21 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0016 19 PS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0016 19 PS pairs 155,000.00 170,500.00 3.00
22 Handle Dekkson LHTR 0016 22MM SSS Handle Dekkson LHTR 0016 22MM SSS pairs 180,000.00 198,000.00 3.00
23 Handle Dekkson LHTR Handle Dekkson LHTR pairs 180,000.00 198,000.00 3.00
24 Handle Dekkson LHTR Handle Dekkson LHTR pairs 170,000.00 187,000.00 3.00
1 Handle Dekkson LHR 2095 SN + NP Handle Dekkson LHR 2095 SN + NP pairs 200,000.00 220,000.00 3.00
2 Handle Dekkson LHR 2095 GP + SGP Handle Dekkson LHR 2095 GP + SGP pairs 200,000.00 220,000.00 3.00
3 Handle Dekkson LHR 1041 SN + NP Handle Dekkson LHR 1041 SN + NP pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
4 Handle Dekkson LHR 2017 SN + NP Handle Dekkson LHR 2017 SN + NP pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
5 Handle Dekkson LHR 2022 SN + NP Handle Dekkson LHR 2022 SN + NP pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
6 Handle Dekkson LHR 2001 SN + NP Handle Dekkson LHR 2001 SN + NP pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
7 Handle Dekkson LHR 2035 SN Handle Dekkson LHR 2035 SN pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
8 Handle Dekkson LHR 2068 SN+NP Handle Dekkson LHR 2068 SN+NP pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
9 Handle Dekkson LHR 2068 GP+SGP Handle Dekkson LHR 2068 GP+SGP pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
10 Handle Dekkson LHR 2007 SN+NP Handle Dekkson LHR 2007 SN+NP pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
11 Handle Dekkson LHR 2634 GP+SGP Handle Dekkson LHR 2634 GP+SGP pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
12 Handy Dekkson LHR 2634 SN+NP Handy Dekkson LHR 2634 SN+NP pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
13 Handle Dekkson LHR 2099 SN+NP Handle Dekkson LHR 2099 SN+NP pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
14 Handle Dekkson LHR 2048 SN Handle Dekkson LHR 2048 SN pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
15 Handle Dekkson LHR 2073 SN+NP Handle Dekkson LHR 2073 SN+NP pairs 180,000.00 198,000.00 3.00
16 Handle Dekkson LHR 2030 SG+GP Handle Dekkson LHR 2030 SG+GP pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
17 Handle Dekkson LHR 2030 SN+NP Handle Dekkson LHR 2030 SN+NP pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
18 Handle Dekkson LHR 2115 SN Handle Dekkson LHR 2115 SN pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
19 Handle Dekkson LHR 2028 SN+NP Handle Dekkson LHR 2028 SN+NP pairs 195,000.00 214,500.00 3.00
MORTISE LOCK (belum termasuk cylinder) MORTISE LOCK (belum termasuk cylinder) - 3.00
1 Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS IL 84030 SSS Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS IL 84030 SSS pcs 181,000.00 199,100.00 3.00
2 Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS RL 84030 SSS Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS RL 84030 SSS pcs 191,000.00 210,100.00 3.00
3 Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS IL 8485 SSS Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS IL 8485 SSS pcs 180,000.00 198,000.00 3.00
4 Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS IL 8485 PVD Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS IL 8485 PVD pcs 190,000.00 209,000.00 3.00
5 Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS RL 8485 SSS Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS RL 8485 SSS pcs 190,000.00 209,000.00 3.00
6 Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS RL 8485 PB Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS RL 8485 PB pcs 200,000.00 220,000.00 3.00
7 Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS IL 8585 SSS Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS IL 8585 SSS pcs 192,000.00 211,200.00 3.00
8 Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS IL 8585 PB Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS IL 8585 PB pcs 204,000.00 224,400.00 3.00
9 Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS RL 8585 SSS Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS RL 8585 SSS pcs 202,000.00 222,200.00 3.00
10 Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS RL 8585 PB Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS RL 8585 PB pcs 215,000.00 236,500.00 3.00
11 Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS IL DL8685 FBL SSS Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS IL DL8685 FBL SSS pcs 300,000.00 330,000.00 3.00
12 Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS IL DL 8672 SSS Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS IL DL 8672 SSS pcs 220,000.00 242,000.00 3.00
13 Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS RL DL8785 SSS Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS RL DL8785 SSS pcs 300,000.00 330,000.00 3.00
14 Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS SLD 85100 SSS Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS SLD 85100 SSS pcs 260,000.00 286,000.00 3.00
15 Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS SLD 84100 SSS Mortise Lock Dekkson MTS SLD 84100 SSS pcs 130,000.00 143,000.00 3.00
1 Cylinder Dekkson CYL HC DL 40MM SN Cylinder Dekkson CYL HC DL 40MM SN pcs 83,000.00 91,300.00 3.00
2 Cylinder Dekkson CYL HC DL 40MM PB Cylinder Dekkson CYL HC DL 40MM PB pcs 78,000.00 85,800.00 3.00
3 Cylinder Dekkson CYL DC DL 60 MM SN Cylinder Dekkson CYL DC DL 60 MM SN pcs 100,000.00 110,000.00 3.00
4 Cylinder Dekkson CYL DC DL 60MM PB Cylinder Dekkson CYL DC DL 60MM PB pcs 95,000.00 104,500.00 3.00
5 Cylinder Dekkson CYL TC DL 60MM SN Cylinder Dekkson CYL TC DL 60MM SN pcs 116,000.00 127,600.00 3.00
6 Cylinder Dekkson CYL TC DL 60MM PB Cylinder Dekkson CYL TC DL 60MM PB pcs 110,000.00 121,000.00 3.00
7 Cylinder Dekkson CYL BK DL 60MM SN Cylinder Dekkson CYL BK DL 60MM SN pcs 97,000.00 106,700.00 3.00
8 Cylinder Dekkson CYL BK DL 60MM PB Cylinder Dekkson CYL BK DL 60MM PB pcs 90,000.00 99,000.00 3.00
9 Cylinder Dekkson CYL TC DL 65MM SN Cylinder Dekkson CYL TC DL 65MM SN pcs 110,000.00 121,000.00 3.00
10 Cylinder Dekkson CYL TC DL 65MM SN Cylinder Dekkson CYL TC DL 65MM SN pcs 130,000.00 143,000.00 3.00
11 Cylinder Dekkson CYL BK DL 65MM SN Cylinder Dekkson CYL BK DL 65MM SN pcs 98,000.00 107,800.00 3.00
12 Cylinder Dekkson CYL DC DL 70MM SN Cylinder Dekkson CYL DC DL 70MM SN pcs 120,000.00 132,000.00 3.00
13 Cylinder Dekkson CYL TC DL 70 MM SN Cylinder Dekkson CYL TC DL 70 MM SN pcs 136,000.00 149,600.00 3.00
14 Cylinder Dekkson CYL BL DL 70 MM SN Cylinder Dekkson CYL BL DL 70 MM SN pcs 120,000.00 132,000.00 3.00
15 Cylinder Dekkson CYL DC KK DL 60MM SN Cylinder Dekkson CYL DC KK DL 60MM SN pcs 135,000.00 148,500.00 3.00
16 Cylinder Dekkson CYL DC KK DL 60MM PB Cylinder Dekkson CYL DC KK DL 60MM PB pcs 130,000.00 143,000.00 3.00
1 Escutcheon Dekkson ESCN 855 SSS Escutcheon Dekkson ESCN 855 SSS pairs 32,000.00 35,200.00 3.00
2 Escutcheon Dekkson ESCN 855 SSS Escutcheon Dekkson ESCN 855 SSS pairs 56,000.00 61,600.00 3.00
3 Escutcheon Dekkson ESCN 855 PVD Escutcheon Dekkson ESCN 855 PVD pairs 62,000.00 68,200.00 3.00
4 Escutcheon Dekkson ESCN D13 SSS Escutcheon Dekkson ESCN D13 SSS pairs 165,000.00 181,500.00 3.00
5 Escutcheon Oval Dekkson ESCN 84030 SSS Escutcheon Oval Dekkson ESCN 84030 SSS pairs 46,000.00 50,600.00 3.00
1 Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL T9791 ET PB Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL T9791 ET PB set 150,000.00 165,000.00 3.00
2 Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL T9791 ET AB Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL T9791 ET AB set 150,000.00 165,000.00 3.00
3 Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL T9791 ET SSS Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL T9791 ET SSS set 143,000.00 157,300.00 3.00
4 Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL T9587 ET PB Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL T9587 ET PB set 136,000.00 149,600.00 3.00
5 Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL T9587 ET SSS Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL T9587 ET SSS set 130,000.00 143,000.00 3.00
6 Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL HD8000 ET SSS Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL HD8000 ET SSS set 170,000.00 187,000.00 3.00
7 Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL HD8000 BK SSS Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL HD8000 BK SSS set 138,000.00 151,800.00 3.00
8 Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL HD8000 SSS Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL HD8000 SSS set 170,000.00 187,000.00 3.00
9 Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL 9731 S+PSSSS Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL 9731 S+PSSSS set 130,000.00 143,000.00 3.00
10 Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL 8731 SB+PB Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL 8731 SB+PB set 135,000.00 148,500.00 3.00
11 Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL 8587 ET PB Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL 8587 ET PB set 135,000.00 148,500.00 3.00
12 Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL 8587 ET SSS Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL 8587 ET SSS set 120,000.00 132,000.00 3.00
13 Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL 8587 BK PB Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL 8587 BK PB set 126,000.00 138,600.00 3.00
14 Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL 8587 BK SSS Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL 8587 BK SSS set 120,000.00 132,000.00 3.00
15 Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL 8597 ET WA+AC Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL 8597 ET WA+AC set 145,000.00 159,500.00 3.00
16 Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL 8587 ET WR+PB Kunci Bulat Dekkson KCBL 8587 ET WR+PB set 145,000.00 159,500.00 3.00
17 Deadlock Dekkson DL 901 DC SSS Deadlock Dekkson DL 901 DC SSS set 170,000.00 187,000.00 3.00
18 Deadlock Dekkson DL 901 DC PB Deadlock Dekkson DL 901 DC PB set 180,000.00 198,000.00 3.00
19 Deadlock Dekkson DL 901 CT SSS Deadlock Dekkson DL 901 CT SSS set 150,000.00 165,000.00 3.00
20 Deadlock Dekkson DL 901 TC PB Deadlock Dekkson DL 901 TC PB set 160,000.00 176,000.00 3.00
21 Deadlock Dekkson DL 901 TS SSS Deadlock Dekkson DL 901 TS SSS set 145,000.00 159,500.00 3.00
22 Deadlock Dekkson DL 901 TS PB Deadlock Dekkson DL 901 TS PB set 150,000.00 165,000.00 3.00
23 Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 BK SSS Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 BK SSS set 200,000.00 220,000.00 3.00
Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 BK AB Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 BK AB
24 set 200,000.00 220,000.00 3.00
25 Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 BK PB Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 BK PB set 200,000.00 220,000.00 3.00
26 Lever Set Dekkson LS T6200 ET SSS Lever Set Dekkson LS T6200 ET SSS set 200,000.00 220,000.00 3.00
27 Lever Set Dekkson LS T6200 ET AB Lever Set Dekkson LS T6200 ET AB set 200,000.00 220,000.00 3.00
28 Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 ET PB Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 ET PB set 200,000.00 220,000.00 3.00
29 Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 BK SSS Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 BK SSS set 200,000.00 220,000.00 3.00
30 Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 BK AB Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 BK AB set 200,000.00 220,000.00 3.00
31 Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 BK PB Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 BK PB set 200,000.00 220,000.00 3.00
32 Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 ET SSS Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 ET SSS set 200,000.00 220,000.00 3.00
33 Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 ET AB Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 ET AB set 200,000.00 220,000.00 3.00
34 Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 ET PB Lever Set Dekkson LS T6300 ET PB set 200,000.00 220,000.00 3.00
1 Door oloser Dekkson Dol 300 NHO NA Door oloser Dekkson Dol 300 NHO NA set 280,000.00 308,000.00 3.00
2 Door oloser Dekkson Dol 300 NHO BA Door oloser Dekkson Dol 300 NHO BA set 280,000.00 308,000.00 3.00
3 Door oloser Dekkson Dol 300 HO NA Door oloser Dekkson Dol 300 HO NA set 300,000.00 330,000.00 3.00
4 Door oloser Dekkson Dol 300 HO BA Door oloser Dekkson Dol 300 HO BA set 300,000.00 330,000.00 3.00
5 Door oloser Dekkson Dol 500 BA Door oloser Dekkson Dol 500 BA set 480,000.00 528,000.00 3.00
6 Door oloser Dekkson Dol 500 NA Door oloser Dekkson Dol 500 NA set 480,000.00 528,000.00 3.00
7 Door oloser Dekkson Dol 700 BA Door oloser Dekkson Dol 700 BA set 560,000.00 616,000.00 3.00
8 Door oloser Dekkson Dol 700 NA Door oloser Dekkson Dol 700 NA set 560,000.00 616,000.00 3.00
1 Floor Dekkson FH 211 SS Floor Dekkson FH 211 SS set 800,000.00 880,000.00 3.00
2 Floor Dekkson FH 84 BD SS Floor Dekkson FH 84 BD SS set 1,150,000.00 1,265,000.00 3.00
3 Floor Dekkson FH 84 SSS Floor Dekkson FH 84 SSS set 1,200,000.00 1,320,000.00 3.00
4 Floor Dekkson FH 84 size 4 SSS Floor Dekkson FH 84 size 4 SSS set 1,400,000.00 1,540,000.00 3.00
5 Floor Dekkson FH 84 Size 4 BD SSS Floor Dekkson FH 84 Size 4 BD SSS set 1,700,000.00 1,870,000.00 3.00
6 DCL Overhead Concealed Dekkson OCC 690M DCL Overhead Concealed Dekkson OCC 690M set 1,500,000.00 1,650,000.00 3.00
1 PT DKS 10,20 & US 10 (termasuk cylinder) PT DKS 10,20 & US 10 (termasuk cylinder) set 1,300,000.00 1,430,000.00 3.00
2 Patch Fitting Dekkson PT 10 PSS Patch Fitting Dekkson PT 10 PSS pcs 700,000.00 770,000.00 3.00
3 Patch Fitting Dekkson PT 10 PSS Patch Fitting Dekkson PT 10 PSS pcs 338,000.00 371,800.00 3.00
4 Patch Fitting Dekkson PT 20 PSS Patch Fitting Dekkson PT 20 PSS pcs 338,000.00 371,800.00 3.00
5 Patch Fitting Dekkson PT 30 PSS Patch Fitting Dekkson PT 30 PSS pcs 450,000.00 495,000.00 3.00
6 Patch Fitting Dekkson PT 40 PSS Patch Fitting Dekkson PT 40 PSS pcs 750,000.00 825,000.00 3.00
7 Patch Fitting Dekkson PT L/H PSS Patch Fitting Dekkson PT L/H PSS pcs 1,500,000.00 1,650,000.00 3.00
8 Patch Fitting Dekkson PT 41 R/H PSS Patch Fitting Dekkson PT 41 R/H PSS pcs 1,500,000.00 1,650,000.00 3.00
9 Patch Fitting Dekkson PT 24 SSS Patch Fitting Dekkson PT 24 SSS pcs 86,000.00 94,600.00 3.00
1 Shower Hinge Dekkson SH 8801 CR (GW) CP Shower Hinge Dekkson SH 8801 CR (GW) CP pairs 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 3.00
2 Shower Hinge Dekkson SH 8803 cr (180) CP Shower Hinge Dekkson SH 8803 cr (180) CP pairs 1,650,000.00 1,815,000.00 3.00
3 Shower Hinge Dekkson SH 8804 CR (90) CP Shower Hinge Dekkson SH 8804 CR (90) CP pairs 2,000,000.00 2,200,000.00 -
4 Shower Hinge Dekkson SH 8805 CR (135) CP Shower Hinge Dekkson SH 8805 CR (135) CP pairs 1,900,000.00 2,090,000.00 -
5 Shower Hinge Dekkson SH 7701 (GW) CP Shower Hinge Dekkson SH 7701 (GW) CP pairs 480,000.00 528,000.00 -
6 Shower Hinge Dekkson SH 7703 (GW) CP Shower Hinge Dekkson SH 7703 (GW) CP pairs 850,000.00 935,000.00 -
7 Shower Hinge Dekkson SH 7704 (GW) CP Shower Hinge Dekkson SH 7704 (GW) CP pairs 850,000.00 935,000.00 -
8 Shower Hinge Dekkson SH 7705 (135) CP Shower Hinge Dekkson SH 7705 (135) CP pairs 850,000.00 935,000.00 -
1 Casement HDL Dekkson 420 L/RBK (hitam),NA (silver) YB 1C (coklat) Casement HDL Dekkson 420 L/RBK (hitam),NA (silver) YB 1C (coklat) pcs 28,000.00 30,800.00 -
2 Casement HDL Dekkson Ch 420 L/R-WH (putih) Casement HDL Dekkson Ch 420 L/R-WH (putih) pcs 28,000.00 30,800.00 -
3 Casement HDL Dekkson CH 423 L/R BK(hitam),NA (silver) YB1C (coklat) Casement HDL Dekkson CH 423 L/R BK(hitam),NA (silver) YB1C (coklat) pcs 16,000.00 17,600.00 -
4 Casement HDL Dekkson CH 423 WH (putih) Casement HDL Dekkson CH 423 WH (putih) pcs 16,000.00 17,600.00 -
5 Casement HDL Dekkson CH 428 L/R BK (hitam), (silver) YB 1 C (coklat) Casement HDL Dekkson CH 428 L/R BK (hitam), (silver) YB 1 C (coklat) pcs 17,000.00 18,700.00 -
6 Casement HDL Dekkson CH 428 L/RWH (putih) Casement HDL Dekkson CH 428 L/RWH (putih) pcs 17,000.00 18,700.00 -
7 Casement HDL Dekkson CH 426 L/R BK (hitam), (silver) YB 1 C (coklat) Casement HDL Dekkson CH 426 L/R BK (hitam), (silver) YB 1 C (coklat) pcs 50,000.00 55,000.00 -
8 Casement HDL Dekkson CH 426 L/RWH (putih) Casement HDL Dekkson CH 426 L/RWH (putih) pcs 50,000.00 55,000.00 -
1 Pull Plate Dekkson PP 004 AB Pull Plate Dekkson PP 004 AB pcs 140,000.00 154,000.00 -
2 Pull Plate Dekkson PP 004 PVD Pull Plate Dekkson PP 004 PVD pcs 150,000.00 165,000.00 -
3 Pull Plate Dekkson PP 004 SSS Pull Plate Dekkson PP 004 SSS pcs 120,000.00 132,000.00 -
4 Pull Plate Dekkson PP 012 PVD Pull Plate Dekkson PP 012 PVD pcs 46,000.00 50,600.00 -
5 Pull Plate Dekkson PP 012 SSS Pull Plate Dekkson PP 012 SSS pcs 35,000.00 38,500.00 -
6 Pull Plate Dekkson PP 013 PVD Pull Plate Dekkson PP 013 PVD pcs 75,000.00 82,500.00 -
7 Pull Plate Dekkson PP 013 SSS Pull Plate Dekkson PP 013 SSS pcs 52,000.00 57,200.00 -
8 Pull Plate Dekkson PP 009 SSS Pull Plate Dekkson PP 009 SSS pcs 140,000.00 154,000.00 -
9 Pull Plate Dekkson PP FH 002 SS Pull Plate Dekkson PP FH 002 SS pcs 60,000.00 66,000.00 -
1 Sign Plate Dekkson SP 003 HDL + CYL HOLE SSS Sign Plate Dekkson SP 003 HDL + CYL HOLE SSS pcs 230,000.00 253,000.00 -
2 Sign Plate Dekkson SP 003 HDL PULL SSS Sign Plate Dekkson SP 003 HDL PULL SSS pcs 265,000.00 291,500.00 -
3 Sign Plate Dekkson SP 003 HDL SSS Sign Plate Dekkson SP 003 HDL SSS pcs 240,000.00 264,000.00 -
4 Sign Plate Dekkson SP003 HDL PULL PVD Sign Plate Dekkson SP003 HDL PULL PVD pcs 345,000.00 379,500.00 -
5 Sign Plate Dekkson SP 003 HDL PVD Sign Plate Dekkson SP 003 HDL PVD pcs 410,000.00 451,000.00 -
6 Sign Plate Dekkson SP 002A PUSH SSS Sign Plate Dekkson SP 002A PUSH SSS pcs 170,000.00 187,000.00 -
7 Sign Plate Dekkson SP 002A SSS Sign Plate Dekkson SP 002A SSS pcs 160,000.00 176,000.00 -
8 Sign Plate Dekkson SP 002D CYL SSS Sign Plate Dekkson SP 002D CYL SSS pcs 180,000.00 198,000.00 -
9 Sign Plate Dekkson SP 002A PVD Sign Plate Dekkson SP 002A PVD pcs 230,000.00 253,000.00 -
10 Sign Plate DekksonSP 0024.13 Sign Plate DekksonSP 0024.13 pcs 190,000.00 209,000.00 -
11 Sign Plate Dekkson SP 006A SSS Sign Plate Dekkson SP 006A SSS pcs 115,000.00 126,500.00 -
12 Sign Plate Dekkson SP 019 SSS Sign Plate Dekkson SP 019 SSS pcs 115,000.00 126,500.00 -
1 Sliding Rail Wool P & M SF 16 SW+U AL Sliding Rail Wool P & M SF 16 SW+U AL set 600,000.00 660,000.00 -
2 Sliding Rail P & M SF 16 (glass) Sliding Rail P & M SF 16 (glass) set 1,350,000.00 1,485,000.00 -
3 Sliding Rail Dekkson SR 8901 D4 2 M Sliding Rail Dekkson SR 8901 D4 2 M set 400,000.00 440,000.00 -
Espanyolet Espanyolet - -
1 Espanyolet Dekkson EPL 1000MM SSS Espanyolet Dekkson EPL 1000MM SSS btg 570,000.00 627,000.00 -
2 Espanyolet Dekkson EPL 640MM SSS Espanyolet Dekkson EPL 640MM SSS btg 460,000.00 506,000.00 -
3 Window Handle Dekkson WDH 530 SSS Window Handle Dekkson WDH 530 SSS btg 160,000.00 176,000.00 -
4 Espanyolet Dekkon Cotswold sEPL 1000MM SN Espanyolet Dekkon Cotswold sEPL 1000MM SN btg 300,000.00 330,000.00 -
5 Espanyolet Dekkson Cotswold EPL 640MM SN Espanyolet Dekkson Cotswold EPL 640MM SN btg 250,000.00 275,000.00 -
6 Espanyolet Dekkson Cotswold EPL 1600MM SN Espanyolet Dekkson Cotswold EPL 1600MM SN btg 360,000.00 396,000.00 -
7 Espanyolet Cotswol EPL 2000MM SN Espanyolet Cotswol EPL 2000MM SN btg 460,000.00 506,000.00 -
8 Espanyolet Cotswold WDH 510z SN Espanyolet Cotswold WDH 510z SN btg 60,000.00 66,000.00 -
Accessories For Wooden Accessories For Wooden - -
1 Door Stopper Dekkson MN/GPDS 889 S Door Stopper Dekkson MN/GPDS 889 S pcs 42,000.00 46,200.00 -
2 Door Stopper Dekkson MDS 001 Brown/Vory Door Stopper Dekkson MDS 001 Brown/Vory pcs 19,000.00 20,900.00 -
3 Door Stopper DekPkson DS 007 PVD Door Stopper DekPkson DS 007 PVD pcs 103,000.00 113,300.00 -
4 Door Stopper Dekkson DS 007 SSS Door Stopper Dekkson DS 007 SSS pcs 80,000.00 88,000.00 -
5 Door Stopper Dekkson DS 886 SN/GP Door Stopper Dekkson DS 886 SN/GP pcs 34,000.00 37,400.00 -
6 Door Stopper Dekkson DS 002 SSS Door Stopper Dekkson DS 002 SSS pcs 52,000.00 57,200.00 -
7 Door Stopper Dekkson DS 001 SSS Door Stopper Dekkson DS 001 SSS pcs 52,000.00 57,200.00 -
8 Door Stopper Dekkson DS 009 SS Door Stopper Dekkson DS 009 SS pcs 110,000.00 121,000.00 -
9 Advertising Screw Dekkson ADV 25X60MM PSS Advertising Screw Dekkson ADV 25X60MM PSS pcs 18,000.00 19,800.00 -
10 Advertising Screw Dekkson ADV 25X60MM PSS Advertising Screw Dekkson ADV 25X60MM PSS pcs 16,000.00 17,600.00 -
11 Door View Dekkson DV 200 CP/PB Door View Dekkson DV 200 CP/PB pcs 65,000.00 71,500.00 -
12 Dust Proof Dekkson DP 003 SSS Dust Proof Dekkson DP 003 SSS pcs 65,000.00 71,500.00 -
13 Dust Proof Dekkson DP 003 SSS Dust Proof Dekkson DP 003 SSS pcs 70,000.00 77,000.00 -
14 Dust Proof Dekkson DP 003 pvd Dust Proof Dekkson DP 003 pvd pcs 80,000.00 88,000.00 -
15 Door Guard Dekkson DG 020 SN/PB Door Guard Dekkson DG 020 SN/PB pcs 65,000.00 71,500.00 -
16 Spekkson SK 018 BRB/PB Spekkson SK 018 BRB/PB pcs 60,000.00 66,000.00 -
17 Cam Window HDL Dekkson CWH 101 BR PB Cam Window HDL Dekkson CWH 101 BR PB pcs 90,000.00 99,000.00 -
18 Cam Window HDL Dekkson CWH 101 BR SN Cam Window HDL Dekkson CWH 101 BR SN pcs 105,000.00 115,500.00 -
19 Cam Window HDL Dekkson DKS 102 BR PB Cam Window HDL Dekkson DKS 102 BR PB pcs 78,000.00 85,800.00 -
20 Cam Window HDL Dekkson DKS 102 BR SN Cam Window HDL Dekkson DKS 102 BR SN pcs 85,000.00 93,500.00 -
21 Cam Window HDL Dekkdn CWH 103 SSS Cam Window HDL Dekkdn CWH 103 SSS pcs 100,000.00 110,000.00 -
22 Elbow Catch Dekkson EC 003 FB Elbow Catch Dekkson EC 003 FB pcs 12,000.00 13,200.00 -
23 Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 608 6"+12" SN Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 608 6"+12" SN pairs 240,000.00 264,000.00 -
24 Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 608 6"+12" PB Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 608 6"+12" PB pairs 230,000.00 253,000.00 -
25 Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 608 N6"+18" S Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 608 N6"+18" S pairs 310,000.00 341,000.00 -
26 Flush Bolt Dekkson FB FB 608 6+24 SN Flush Bolt Dekkson FB FB 608 6+24 SN pairs 300,000.00 330,000.00 -
27 Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 608 6+24 SN Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 608 6+24 SN pairs 400,000.00 440,000.00 -
28 Flush Bolt Dekkson FB FB 608 6+36 SN Flush Bolt Dekkson FB FB 608 6+36 SN pairs 350,000.00 385,000.00 -
29 Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 608 6+36 SN Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 608 6+36 SN pairs 580,000.00 638,000.00 -
30 Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 608 6+36 PB Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 608 6+36 PB pairs 500,000.00 550,000.00 -
31 Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 040 8+12 SSS Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 040 8+12 SSS pairs 130,000.00 143,000.00 -
32 Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 040 8+18 SSS Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 040 8+18 SSS pairs 180,000.00 198,000.00 -
33 Flush Bolt Dekkscn FB 8+24 SSS Flush Bolt Dekkscn FB 8+24 SSS pairs 210,000.00 231,000.00 -
34 Flush Bolt Dekkscn FB 040 8+40 SSS Flush Bolt Dekkscn FB 040 8+40 SSS pairs 400,000.00 440,000.00 -
35 Flush Bolt Dekkson FB PBP 8 SSS Flush Bolt Dekkson FB PBP 8 SSS pairs 115,000.00 126,500.00 -
36 Flush Bolt Dekkson FB PBP 12 SSS Flush Bolt Dekkson FB PBP 12 SSS pairs 140,000.00 154,000.00 -
37 Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 708 250 & 350 MM Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 708 250 & 350 MM pairs 350,000.00 385,000.00 -
38 Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 508 NA/BK/CP/YB1C Flush Bolt Dekkson FB 508 NA/BK/CP/YB1C pairs 62,000.00 68,200.00 -
39 Kunci Lavatori Dekkson KLV 021L1 SSS Kunci Lavatori Dekkson KLV 021L1 SSS pcs 62,000.00 68,200.00 -
40 DoorBolt Dekkson DB SQ 3 SSS DoorBolt Dekkson DB SQ 3 SSS pcs 42,000.00 46,200.00 -
41 Door Chain Dekkson DC 005 SSS Door Chain Dekkson DC 005 SSS pcs 145,000.00 159,500.00 -
42 Window Bolt Dekkson WB With key SSS Window Bolt Dekkson WB With key SSS pcs 100,000.00 110,000.00 -
43 Window Bolt Dekkson WB 001 SSS Window Bolt Dekkson WB 001 SSS pcs 130,000.00 143,000.00 -
44 Window Bolt Dekkson WS 001 8" SSS Window Bolt Dekkson WS 001 8" SSS pcs 54,000.00 59,400.00 -
45 Window Bolt Dekkson WS 001 10" SSS Window Bolt Dekkson WS 001 10" SSS pcs 58,000.00 63,800.00 -
46 ADJ,Window holder Dekkson AWH 001 BR SN ADJ,Window holder Dekkson AWH 001 BR SN pcs 160,000.00 176,000.00 -
47 ADJ, Window Holder Dekkson AWH 001 BR PB ADJ, Window Holder Dekkson AWH 001 BR PB pcs 155,000.00 170,500.00 -
Padlock Padlock - -
1 Padlock Basicity PL 30mm KD Padlock Basicity PL 30mm KD pcs 44,000.00 48,400.00 -
2 Padlock Basicity PL 40mm KD Padlock Basicity PL 40mm KD pcs 60,000.00 66,000.00 -
3 Padlock Basicity PL 60mm KD Padlock Basicity PL 60mm KD pcs 136,000.00 149,600.00 -
4 Padlock Basicity PL 70mm KD Padlock Basicity PL 70mm KD pcs 168,000.00 184,800.00 -
5 Padlock Basicity PL 58mm KK SP Padlock Basicity PL 58mm KK SP pcs 542,000.00 596,200.00 -
6 Padlock Basicity PL 50mm KA3 Padlock Basicity PL 50mm KA3 pcs 304,000.00 334,400.00 -
Furniture Handle Furniture Handle - -
1 Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 10x100mm SSS Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 10x100mm SSS pcs 23,000.00 25,300.00 -
2 Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 10x100mm SSS Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 10x100mm SSS pcs 24,000.00 26,400.00 -
3 Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 10x150mm SSS Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 10x150mm SSS pcs 28,000.00 30,800.00 -
4 Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 10X200MM SSS Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 10X200MM SSS pcs 33,000.00 36,300.00 -
5 Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 10X250nun SSS Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 10X250nun SSS pcs 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
6 Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 12X120 mm SSS Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 12X120 mm SSS pcs 33,000.00 36,300.00 -
7 Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 12X150mm SSS Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 12X150mm SSS pcs 36,000.00 39,600.00 -
8 Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 12X200mm SSS Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 12X200mm SSS pcs 42,000.00 46,200.00 -
9 Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 12X250mm SSS Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 12X250mm SSS pcs 50,000.00 55,000.00 -
10 Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 12X300mm SSS Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 12X300mm SSS pcs 56,000.00 61,600.00 -
11 Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 12X350mm SSS Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 12X350mm SSS pcs 62,000.00 68,200.00 -
12 Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 12X400mm SSS Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 12X400mm SSS pcs 68,000.00 74,800.00 -
13 Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 12X450mm SSS Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 12X450mm SSS pcs 76,000.00 83,600.00 -
14 Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 12X500mm SSS Fueniture HDL Dekkson FH D800 12X500mm SSS pcs 88,000.00 96,800.00 -
15 Base Plates BP D800 SSS Base Plates BP D800 SSS pcs 8,000.00 8,800.00 -
16 Spiring Support Dekkson SSP 530 80N silver Spiring Support Dekkson SSP 530 80N silver pcs 64,000.00 70,400.00 -
17 Fur Finger HDL Dekkson FFH 001 SSS Fur Finger HDL Dekkson FFH 001 SSS pcs 84,000.00 92,400.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
Aluminium Lock Aluminium Lock - -
1 Kunci Swing AL Dekkson Kc 8123 Kunci Swing AL Dekkson Kc 8123 set 106,000.00 116,600.00 -
2 Kunci Swing AL Dekkson Kc T8123 Kunci Swing AL Dekkson Kc T8123 set 111,000.00 122,100.00 -
Kunci Swing AL Dekkson Kc 8128 (PJ) Kunci Swing AL Dekkson Kc 8128 (PJ)
3 set 220,000.00 242,000.00 -
4 Kunci Swing AL Dekkson Kc T8128 Kunci Swing AL Dekkson Kc T8128 set 225,000.00 247,500.00 -
5 Kunci Swing AL Dekkson Kc 8128 (PD) Kunci Swing AL Dekkson Kc 8128 (PD) set 220,000.00 242,000.00 -
6 Kunci Sliding AL Dekkson Kc 8423 Kunci Sliding AL Dekkson Kc 8423 set 106,000.00 116,600.00 -
7 Kunci Sliding AL Dekkson Kc T8423 Kunci Sliding AL Dekkson Kc T8423 set 106,000.00 116,600.00 -
Accessories For Aluminium Accessories For Aluminium - -
1 Crescent lock Dekkson CI 310 L/R-BK/NA/YB1C Crescent lock Dekkson CI 310 L/R-BK/NA/YB1C pcs 13,000.00 14,300.00 -
2 Roller Sliding Door Dekkson RSD Besar Roller Sliding Door Dekkson RSD Besar pcs 14,000.00 15,400.00 -
3 Roller Sliding Window Dekkson RSW Kecil Roller Sliding Window Dekkson RSW Kecil pcs 7,000.00 7,700.00 -
4 Showcase Roller Dekkson SCR 001 BIG Cp Showcase Roller Dekkson SCR 001 BIG Cp pcs 4,000.00 4,400.00 -
5 Showcase Roller Dekkson SCR 001 Small Cp Cp Showcase Roller Dekkson SCR 001 Small Cp Cp pcs 2,000.00 2,200.00 -
Accessories For Glass Accessories For Glass - -
1 Glass Door Lock Dekkson GDL 38225 PSS Glass Door Lock Dekkson GDL 38225 PSS pcs 360,000.00 396,000.00 -
2 Glass Door Lock Dekkson GDL 38225A PSS Glass Door Lock Dekkson GDL 38225A PSS pcs 160,000.00 176,000.00 -
3 Glass Door Lock Dekkson GDL 38226 PSS Glass Door Lock Dekkson GDL 38226 PSS pcs 320,000.00 352,000.00 -
4 Glass Door Lock Dekkson GDL 38231 PSS Glass Door Lock Dekkson GDL 38231 PSS pcs 360,000.00 396,000.00 -
5 Glass Lock Rowell GL 621CP Glass Lock Rowell GL 621CP pcs 210,000.00 231,000.00 -
6 Glass Lock Rowell GL 6211 CP Glass Lock Rowell GL 6211 CP pcs 180,000.00 198,000.00 -
7 Glass Lock Rowell GL 622 CP Glass Lock Rowell GL 622 CP pcs 210,000.00 231,000.00 -
8 Glass Lock Rowell GL 6221CP Glass Lock Rowell GL 6221CP pcs 210,000.00 231,000.00 -
9 Glass olamp Rowell GH 2501 cp Glass olamp Rowell GH 2501 cp pcs 105,000.00 115,500.00 -
10 Glass olamp Rowell GH 2502 cp Glass olamp Rowell GH 2502 cp pcs 130,000.00 143,000.00 -
11 Glass olamp Rowell GH 2503 cp Glass olamp Rowell GH 2503 cp pcs 200,000.00 220,000.00 -
12 Glass olamp Rowell GH 2504 cp Glass olamp Rowell GH 2504 cp pcs 240,000.00 264,000.00 -
13 Glass olamp Rowell GH 2505 cp Glass olamp Rowell GH 2505 cp pcs 240,000.00 264,000.00 -
14 Glass olamp Rowell GH 1901 cp Glass olamp Rowell GH 1901 cp pcs 140,000.00 154,000.00 -
15 Glass olamp Rowell GH 1902 cp Glass olamp Rowell GH 1902 cp pcs 140,000.00 154,000.00 -
16 Glass olamp Rowell GH 1903 cp Glass olamp Rowell GH 1903 cp pcs 190,000.00 209,000.00 -
17 Door Knob Dekkson D 751 CP Door Knob Dekkson D 751 CP pcs 80,000.00 88,000.00 -
18 Door Knob Dekkson D 757 CP Door Knob Dekkson D 757 CP pcs 87,000.00 95,700.00 -
19 Glass Stoper Dekkson GS L08 CP Glass Stoper Dekkson GS L08 CP pcs 87,000.00 95,700.00 -
20 Glass olip Dekkson GC BLOO2 SN Glass olip Dekkson GC BLOO2 SN pcs 48,000.00 52,800.00 -
21 Glass olip Dekkson GC BL003 SN Glass olip Dekkson GC BL003 SN pcs 48,000.00 52,800.00 -
22 Glass olip Dekkson GL D009 SN Glass olip Dekkson GL D009 SN pcs 48,000.00 52,800.00 -
23 Glass Suction Dekkson GSC 3S Glass Suction Dekkson GSC 3S pcs 470,000.00 517,000.00 -
24 Silicone Dekkson Acetic 100 % BA/BKJGR/NA/WH Silicone Dekkson Acetic 100 % BA/BKJGR/NA/WH tube 45,000.00 49,500.00 -
25 Silicone Dekkson Extended BA/BK/GRJNA/WH Silicone Dekkson Extended BA/BK/GRJNA/WH tube 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
26 Silicone Dekkson Conraction Adehesive tube Silicone Dekkson Conraction Adehesive tube tube 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
27 Silicone Dekkson Neutral BKJGR/NA/WH tube Silicone Dekkson Neutral BKJGR/NA/WH tube tube 49,000.00 53,900.00 -
28 Clip Seal Dekkson GS BS 2,2m btg Clip Seal Dekkson GS BS 2,2m btg btg 60,000.00 66,000.00 -
29 Clip Seal Dekkson CS OW 2,2m btg Clip Seal Dekkson CS OW 2,2m btg btg 60,000.00 66,000.00 -
30 Clip Seal Dekkson CS SS 2,2m btg Clip Seal Dekkson CS SS 2,2m btg btg 60,000.00 66,000.00 -
a One piece toilet lengkap One piece toilet lengkap - -
1 Vision one piece toilet bowl only (strap) type CW825J W&PIV (lengkap) Vision one piece toilet bowl only (strap) type CW825J W&PIV (lengkap) Set 8,830,000.00 9,713,000.00 -
2 Superior one piece toilet bowl only type CW436NJ(N) W&PIV Superior one piece toilet bowl only type CW436NJ(N) W&PIV Set 7,450,000.00 8,195,000.00 -
3 Superior one piece toilet owl only type C436 W & PIV Superior one piece toilet owl only type C436 W & PIV Set 6,890,000.00 7,579,000.00 -
4 Avante one piece toilet bowl only type (s-trap) type CW823J W & PIV (lengkap) Avante one piece toilet bowl only type (s-trap) type CW823J W & PIV (lengkap) Set 6,100,000.00 6,710,000.00 -
5 Type CW914J one piece toilet bowl only W & PIV Type CW914J one piece toilet bowl only W & PIV Set 5,550,000.00 6,105,000.00 -
6 One Piece toilet bowl only ype CW894J W & PIV One Piece toilet bowl only ype CW894J W & PIV Set 4,650,000.00 5,115,000.00 -
7 Omni one piece toilet bowl only type CW8687NJ, CW868NPJ W & PIV Omni one piece toilet bowl only type CW8687NJ, CW868NPJ W & PIV Set 4,000,000.00 4,400,000.00 -
8 Omni one piece toilet bowl type CW867NJ W & PIV (lengkap) Omni one piece toilet bowl type CW867NJ W & PIV (lengkap) Set 4,000,000.00 4,400,000.00 -
9 Omni"One piece toilet bowl only type CW867NJ (lengkap) Omni"One piece toilet bowl only type CW867NJ (lengkap) Set 4,000,000.00 4,400,000.00 -
10 One Piece Toilet Bowl type CW630J One Piece Toilet Bowl type CW630J Set 3,500,000.00 3,850,000.00 -
b Close - Copled Toilet lengkap Close - Copled Toilet lengkap - -
1 Lemuse Toilet Bowl Fixing Braket Type CW811PJ/SW811JP Lemuse Toilet Bowl Fixing Braket Type CW811PJ/SW811JP Set 5,300,000.00 5,830,000.00 -
2 Vision toilet bowl (s-trap) w/fixing bracket type CW826J/SW826JP Vision toilet bowl (s-trap) w/fixing bracket type CW826J/SW826JP Set 5,230,000.00 5,753,000.00 -
3 Avante toilet bowl (s-trap) w/fixing bracket type CW821J/SW821JP Avante toilet bowl (s-trap) w/fixing bracket type CW821J/SW821JP Set 4,400,000.00 4,840,000.00 -
4 Avante toilet bowl (s-trap) w/fixing bracket type CW821PJ/SW821JP Avante toilet bowl (s-trap) w/fixing bracket type CW821PJ/SW821JP Set 4,400,000.00 4,840,000.00 -
5 Omni toilet bowl (s-trap) w/fixing bracket type CW862NJ/SW821JP Omni toilet bowl (s-trap) w/fixing bracket type CW862NJ/SW821JP Set 3,450,000.00 3,795,000.00 -
6 Omni toilet bowl (p-trap) w/fixing bracket type CW862NJ Omni toilet bowl (p-trap) w/fixing bracket type CW862NJ Bh 1,765,000.00 1,941,500.00 -
7 Omni toilet bowl (p-trap) w/fixing bracket type CW862NPJ/SW821JP Omni toilet bowl (p-trap) w/fixing bracket type CW862NPJ/SW821JP Set 3,450,000.00 3,795,000.00 -
8 Omni toilet bowl type CW860NJ/SW861JP W & PIV Omni toilet bowl type CW860NJ/SW861JP W & PIV Set 3,450,000.00 3,795,000.00 -
9 Memori toilet bowl (s-trap) type CW668J W & PIV Memori toilet bowl (s-trap) type CW668J W & PIV Set 3,000,000.00 3,300,000.00 -
10 Single bowl toilet (for the disabled) type C704L/SW784JP W & PIV Single bowl toilet (for the disabled) type C704L/SW784JP W & PIV Set 2,900,000.00 3,190,000.00 -
11 Toilet bowl type CW704J/SW784JP W & PIV (lengkap) Toilet bowl type CW704J/SW784JP W & PIV (lengkap) Bh 2,710,000.00 2,981,000.00 -
12 Toilet Bowl ( Strap) Type CW631J/SW631JP Toilet Bowl ( Strap) Type CW631J/SW631JP Set 3,050,000.00 3,355,000.00 -
13 Sonata toilet bowl (s-trap) type CW661JT1/SW784JP W & PIV Sonata toilet bowl (s-trap) type CW661JT1/SW784JP W & PIV Set 2,690,000.00 2,959,000.00 -
14 Sonata toilet bowl (s-trap) type CW661JT1/SW661JP W & PIV Sonata toilet bowl (s-trap) type CW661JT1/SW661JP W & PIV Set 2,600,000.00 2,860,000.00 -
15 Toilet bowl type CW702J/SW784JP W & PIV Toilet bowl type CW702J/SW784JP W & PIV Set 2,380,000.00 2,618,000.00 -
16 Avente Toilet bowl type CW822JT/TV 150NRNV2 Avente Toilet bowl type CW822JT/TV 150NRNV2 Set 8,250,000.00 9,075,000.00 -
17 Avente Toilet bowl type CW824JT1/TV150NRNV2 Avente Toilet bowl type CW824JT1/TV150NRNV2 Set 8,050,000.00 8,855,000.00 -
18 Omni Toilet bowl type CW875JT/TV 150NRNV2 Omni Toilet bowl type CW875JT/TV 150NRNV2 Set 7,900,000.00 8,690,000.00 -
19 Omni Toilet bowl type CW863JT1/TV 150NRNV2 Omni Toilet bowl type CW863JT1/TV 150NRNV2 Set 7,700,000.00 8,470,000.00 -
20 Wall hung toilet (top inlet) type CW620JT/TV150NRV1 Wall hung toilet (top inlet) type CW620JT/TV150NRV1 Set 7,400,000.00 8,140,000.00 -
21 Wall faced toilet (back inlet) type CU714/TV150 NRNV1 Wall faced toilet (back inlet) type CU714/TV150 NRNV1 Set 7,300,000.00 8,030,000.00 -
22 Wall hung toilet (top inlet) type CW708NJ/TVI5ONSV6 Wall hung toilet (top inlet) type CW708NJ/TVI5ONSV6 Set 4,650,000.00 5,115,000.00 -
23 Wall faced toilet (back inlet) type CU714V/TV150 NSV1 Wall faced toilet (back inlet) type CU714V/TV150 NSV1 Set 3,850,000.00 4,235,000.00 -
24 Wall Faced Toilet Type CW801PJ/SW801JP Wall Faced Toilet Type CW801PJ/SW801JP Set 4,260,000.00 4,686,000.00 -
25 Wall Faced Toilet Type CW880PJ/SW880JP Wall Faced Toilet Type CW880PJ/SW880JP Set 4,260,000.00 4,686,000.00 -
26 Single bowl toilet (for the disabled) type CW705/TV15ONS Single bowl toilet (for the disabled) type CW705/TV15ONS Set 3,800,000.00 4,180,000.00 -
27 Single bowl toilet (for the disabled) type CW705/TV150NSV7 Single bowl toilet (for the disabled) type CW705/TV150NSV7 Set 3,680,000.00 4,048,000.00 -
28 Single bowl toilet (for the disabled) type C51/T150NL Single bowl toilet (for the disabled) type C51/T150NL Set 2,680,000.00 2,948,000.00 -
29 Children toilet type CW425J/TV150NL Children toilet type CW425J/TV150NL Set 3,670,000.00 4,037,000.00 -
30 Squarting toilet (top inlet) type CE9/TV150NWV12 Squarting toilet (top inlet) type CE9/TV150NWV12 set 2,700,000.00 2,970,000.00 -
31 CW421J/SW420JP CW421J/SW420JP set 2,757,000.00 3,032,700.00 -
32 CW660J/SW660J CW660J/SW660J set 2,757,000.00 3,032,700.00 -
33 CW812J CW812J set 6,740,000.00 7,414,000.00 -
34 CW813PJ CW813PJ set 6,210,000.00 6,831,000.00 -
35 CW800J CW800J set 8,100,000.00 8,910,000.00 -
CW800J CW800J set 5,540,000.00 6,094,000.00 -
CW822J CW822J set 5,600,000.00 6,160,000.00 -
CW875NJ CW875NJ set 5,120,000.00 5,632,000.00 -
CW620J CW620J set 4,680,000.00 5,148,000.00 -
CW824PJ CW824PJ set 4,840,000.00 5,324,000.00 -
CW863NPJ CW863NPJ set 4,040,000.00 4,444,000.00 -
c Close - Coupled Toilet Colour lengkap Close - Coupled Toilet Colour lengkap - -
1 Toilet bowl (s-trap) type CW6601/SW660J W&PIV Toilet bowl (s-trap) type CW6601/SW660J W&PIV set 2,040,000.00 2,244,000.00 -
2 Toilet bowl (strap) type CW660J/SW660J colours Toilet bowl (strap) type CW660J/SW660J colours set 2,300,000.00 2,530,000.00 -
3 Toilet bowl type CW420J/SW420JP W & PIV Toilet bowl type CW420J/SW420JP W & PIV set - -
4 Toilet bowl type CW420J/SW420JP colours Toilet bowl type CW420J/SW420JP colours set 2,040,000.00 2,244,000.00 -
5 Toilet bowl type CW421J/SW420JP W & PIV Toilet bowl type CW421J/SW420JP W & PIV set - -
6 Toilet bowl type CW421J/SW420JP colour Toilet bowl type CW421J/SW420JP colour set 2,300,000.00 2,530,000.00 -
0 - -
d Single Bowl Lengkap Single Bowl Lengkap - -
1 CW822JT1/TV 150NRNV2 Avante Wall Hung CW822JT1/TV 150NRNV2 Avante Wall Hung set 8,250,000.00 9,075,000.00 -
2 CW824PJT1/TV 150NRNV2 Avante Wall Faced CW824PJT1/TV 150NRNV2 Avante Wall Faced set 8,050,000.00 8,855,000.00 -
3 CW708NHJ/TV150NRNV1 Wall Hung Toilets CW708NHJ/TV150NRNV1 Wall Hung Toilets set 8,050,000.00 8,855,000.00 -
4 WC 452J/TV150NRNV2 Wall faced Toilets WC 452J/TV150NRNV2 Wall faced Toilets set - -
5 CW875NJT1/TV150NRNV2 Omni Wall Hung CW875NJT1/TV150NRNV2 Omni Wall Hung set 7,900,000.00 8,690,000.00 -
6 CW863NPJT1/TV150NRNV2 Omni Wall Faced Toilets CW863NPJT1/TV150NRNV2 Omni Wall Faced Toilets set 7,700,000.00 8,470,000.00 -
7 CW620JT2/TV150NRNV1 Wall Hung Toilets CW620JT2/TV150NRNV1 Wall Hung Toilets set 7,400,000.00 8,140,000.00 -
8 CU714/TV150NRNV1 Wall Faced Toilets CU714/TV150NRNV1 Wall Faced Toilets set 7,300,000.00 8,030,000.00 -
9 CW798NJ/TV15ONSV6 Wall Hung Toilet CW798NJ/TV15ONSV6 Wall Hung Toilet set 4,650,000.00 5,115,000.00 -
10 CU714V/TV15ONSV1 Wall Faced Toilets CU714V/TV15ONSV1 Wall Faced Toilets set 3,850,000.00 4,235,000.00 -
11 CW705L/TV15ONS Single Bowl Toilets CW705L/TV15ONS Single Bowl Toilets set 3,800,000.00 4,180,000.00 -
12 C1J705/TV15ONSV7 Single Bowl Toilets C1J705/TV15ONSV7 Single Bowl Toilets set 3,680,000.00 4,048,000.00 -
13 C51/T150NL Single Bowl Toilets C51/T150NL Single Bowl Toilets set 2,680,000.00 2,948,000.00 -
14 CW425J/TV150NL Singlei Bowl Toilets CW425J/TV150NL Singlei Bowl Toilets set 3,670,000.00 4,037,000.00 -
1 Moslem type U370M (Top inlet) Moslem type U370M (Top inlet) set 3,810,000.00 4,191,000.00 -
2 type U370 (Top inlet) type U370 (Top inlet) set 3,640,000.00 4,004,000.00 -
3 Moslem type UW447 JT1M (Top inlet) Moslem type UW447 JT1M (Top inlet) set 3,500,000.00 3,850,000.00 -
4 type UW447 JT1 (Top inlet) type UW447 JT1 (Top inlet) set 3,350,000.00 3,685,000.00 -
5 Moslem type U57M (Top inlet) Moslem type U57M (Top inlet) set 2,050,000.00 2,255,000.00 -
6 type U57 (Top inlet) type U57 (Top inlet) set 1,850,000.00 2,035,000.00 -
7 type uk.04 (Top inlet) type uk.04 (Top inlet) set - -
8 Type UW447HJ1M/TEA99DV1 moslem (Back Inlet) Type UW447HJ1M/TEA99DV1 moslem (Back Inlet) set 8,320,000.00 9,152,000.00 -
9 UW447HJT1/TEA99DV1 Urinal (Back Inlet) UW447HJT1/TEA99DV1 Urinal (Back Inlet) set 8,130,000.00 8,943,000.00 -
10 UW35OHJTIM/TEA99DV1 Moslem type Urinal (Back Inlet) UW35OHJTIM/TEA99DV1 Moslem type Urinal (Back Inlet) set 9,190,000.00 10,109,000.00 -
11 UW35OHJT1/TEA99DV1 Urinal (Back Inlet) UW35OHJT1/TEA99DV1 Urinal (Back Inlet) set 8,000,000.00 8,800,000.00 -
12 U57KJTEA99DV1 Urinal (Back Inlet) U57KJTEA99DV1 Urinal (Back Inlet) set 7,050,000.00 7,755,000.00 -
13 11W930J Urinal 11W930J Urinal set 4,300,000.00 4,730,000.00 -
14 U104 Urinal U104 Urinal set 1,690,000.00 1,859,000.00 -
1 A100 Urinal Partition w/Fitting A100 Urinal Partition w/Fitting pcs 915,000.00 1,006,500.00 -
2 AW115J Urinal Partition w/Fitting AW115J Urinal Partition w/Fitting pcs 915,000.00 1,006,500.00 -
3 U104 Urinal U104 Urinal pcs 623,000.00 685,300.00 -
4 U104ST Stainer U104ST Stainer pcs 35,000.00 38,500.00 -
5 U370 Urinal U370 Urinal pcs 2,200,000.00 2,420,000.00 -
6 U370IM Moelem Type Urinal U370IM Moelem Type Urinal pcs 2,200,000.00 2,420,000.00 -
7 U370 ST Stainer For U370,U370M U370 ST Stainer For U370,U370M pcs 35,000.00 38,500.00 -
8 U37ST Stainer For U57,U57M, U57K U37ST Stainer For U57,U57M, U57K pcs 35,000.00 38,500.00 -
9 U447ST Stainer For UW447HJTI,UW447HJT1M U447ST Stainer For UW447HJTI,UW447HJT1M pcs 37,000.00 40,700.00 -
10 U57 Urinal U57 Urinal pcs 806,000.00 886,600.00 -
11 U57K Urinal (Back Intlet) U57K Urinal (Back Intlet) pcs 926,000.00 1,018,600.00 -
12 U57M Moslem Type Urinal U57M Moslem Type Urinal pcs 1,006,000.00 1,106,600.00 -
13 UW35OHJT1 Urinal (Back Inlet) UW35OHJT1 Urinal (Back Inlet) pcs 1,601,000.00 1,761,100.00 -
14 UW35OHJT1M Urinal (Back Inlet) UW35OHJT1M Urinal (Back Inlet) pcs 1,791,000.00 1,970,100.00 -
15 UW447HJT1 Urinal (Back Inlet) UW447HJT1 Urinal (Back Inlet) pcs 1,865,000.00 2,051,500.00 -
16 UW447HJT1M Urinal (Back Inlet) UW447HJT1M Urinal (Back Inlet) pcs 2,055,000.00 2,260,500.00 -
17 UW447JT1 Urinal (Top Inlet) UW447JT1 Urinal (Top Inlet) pcs 1,905,000.00 2,095,500.00 -
18 UW447JT1M Urinal (Top Inlet) UW447JT1M Urinal (Top Inlet) pcs 2,055,000.00 2,260,500.00 -
19 UW9301J Urinal Body Only UW9301J Urinal Body Only pcs 2,059,000.00 2,264,900.00 -
1 SK33 Slop Sin SK33 Slop Sin set 5,030,000.00 5,533,000.00 -
2 SK508 Laundry Sink SK508 Laundry Sink set 3,000,000.00 3,300,000.00 -
1 Bidet TOTO type B436 white Bidet TOTO type B436 white Bh 1,200,000.00 1,320,000.00 -
2 Bidet TOTO type BW436NJ white Bidet TOTO type BW436NJ white Bh 1,200,000.00 1,320,000.00 -
3 Bidet TOTO type BW436NJT1 white Bidet TOTO type BW436NJT1 white Bh 1,200,000.00 1,320,000.00 -
4 Bidet TOTO type BW5J white Bidet TOTO type BW5J white Bh 991,000.00 1,090,100.00 -
5 Bidet TOTO type BW620 Bidet TOTO type BW620 Bh 1,008,000.00 1,108,800.00 -
6 Bidet TOTO Type BW630JWS Bidet TOTO Type BW630JWS Bh 1,177,000.00 1,294,700.00 -
7 Bidet TOTO type BW668J White Bidet TOTO type BW668J White Bh 1,121,000.00 1,233,100.00 -
8 Bidet TOTO type BW784JT1 White Bidet TOTO type BW784JT1 White Bh 1,154,000.00 1,269,400.00 -
9 Bidet TOTO Type BW800JWS White Bidet TOTO Type BW800JWS White Bh 1,672,000.00 1,839,200.00 -
10 Bidet TOTO Type BW814W White Bidet TOTO Type BW814W White Bh 1,950,000.00 2,145,000.00 -
11 Bidet TOTO Type BW813b White Bidet TOTO Type BW813b White Bh 1,870,000.00 2,057,000.00 -
12 Bidet TOTO type BW820J White Bidet TOTO type BW820J White Bh 1,495,000.00 1,644,500.00 -
13 Bidet TOTO type BW822NJ White Bidet TOTO type BW822NJ White Bh 1,321,000.00 1,453,100.00 -
14 Bidet TOTO type BW823J white Bidet TOTO type BW823J white Bh 1,411,000.00 1,552,100.00 -
15 Bidet TOTO type BW824J White Bidet TOTO type BW824J White Bh 1,321,000.00 1,453,100.00 -
16 Bidet TOTO type BW827J White Bidet TOTO type BW827J White Bh 1,584,000.00 1,742,400.00 -
17 Bidet TOTO type BW827JT1 white Bidet TOTO type BW827JT1 white Bh 1,584,000.00 1,742,400.00 -
18 Bidet TOTO type BW8601 white Bidet TOTO type BW8601 white Bh 1,068,000.00 1,174,800.00 -
19 Bidet TOTO type BW863J white Bidet TOTO type BW863J white Bh 1,125,000.00 1,237,500.00 -
20 Bidet TOTO type BW863JT1 white Bidet TOTO type BW863JT1 white Bh 1,125,000.00 1,237,500.00 -
21 Bidet TOTO type BW875J white Bidet TOTO type BW875J white Bh 1,278,000.00 1,405,800.00 -
22 Bidet TOTO type BW875JT1 white Bidet TOTO type BW875JT1 white Bh 1,278,000.00 1,405,800.00 -
23 Bidet TOTO type BW890J white Bidet TOTO type BW890J white Bh 1,313,000.00 1,444,300.00 -
24 Bidet TOTO type BW914J white Bidet TOTO type BW914J white Bh 1,529,000.00 1,681,900.00 -
i Bathroom Accessories SANITARY WARES Bathroom Accessories SANITARY WARES - -
1 AR15 Wall Hung 115x115mm white AR15 Wall Hung 115x115mm white Bh 70,000.00 77,000.00 -
2 AR15 Wall Hung 115x115mm Color AR15 Wall Hung 115x115mm Color Bh 85,000.00 93,500.00 -
3 AW3601 white Paper Holder white AW3601 white Paper Holder white Bh 297,000.00 326,700.00 -
4 AW361NJ white AW361NJ white Bh 357,000.00 392,700.00 -
5 AW362NJ white AW362NJ white Bh 222,000.00 244,200.00 -
6 AW371NJ AW371NJ Bh 410,000.00 451,000.00 -
7 S11N white S11N white Bh 46,000.00 50,600.00 -
8 S11N Color S11N Color Bh 51,000.00 56,100.00 -
9 S156n White S156n White Bh 58,000.00 63,800.00 -
10 S1156 Color S1156 Color Bh 64,000.00 70,400.00 -
11 S156NV1 white S156NV1 white Bh 58,000.00 63,800.00 -
12 S156NV1 Color S156NV1 Color Bh 64,000.00 70,400.00 -
13 S160V1 white S160V1 white Bh 180,000.00 198,000.00 -
14 S160V1 Color S160V1 Color Bh 205,000.00 225,500.00 -
15 5161 white 5161 white Bh 267,000.00 293,700.00 -
16 S161 Color S161 Color Bh 294,000.00 323,400.00 -
17 S163N white S163N white Bh 259,000.00 284,900.00 -
18 S163N Color S163N Color Bh 295,000.00 324,500.00 -
19 S186 white S186 white Bh 131,000.00 144,100.00 -
20 S186 Color S186 Color Bh 156,000.00 171,600.00 -
21 S20 white S20 white Bh 199,000.00 218,900.00 -
22 S20 Color S20 Color Bh 207,000.00 227,700.00 -
23 S20T3 Wite S20T3 Wite Bh 229,000.00 251,900.00 -
24 S20T3 Color S20T3 Color Bh 248,000.00 272,800.00 -
25 S20V2 Wite S20V2 Wite Bh 84,000.00 92,400.00 -
26 S20V2 Color S20V2 Color Bh 91,000.00 100,100.00 -
27 S211N white S211N white Bh 180,000.00 198,000.00 -
28 S211N Colo S211N Colo Bh 198,000.00 217,800.00 -
29 S6N white S6N white Bh 58,000.00 63,800.00 -
30 S6N Color S6N Color Bh 64,000.00 70,400.00 -
31 S6NV1 white S6NV1 white Bh 58,000.00 63,800.00 -
32 S6NV1 Color S6NV1 Color Bh 64,000.00 70,400.00 -
33 S71 Whit S71 Whit Bh 58,000.00 63,800.00 -
34 S71 Color S71 Color Bh 69,000.00 75,900.00 -
35 S72 white S72 white Bh 58,000.00 63,800.00 -
36 S72 Color S72 Color Bh 69,000.00 75,900.00 -
1 AW955J white AW955J white Bh 70,000.00 77,000.00 -
2 AW 955J Color AW 955J Color Bh 77,000.00 84,700.00 -
3 X001 white X001 white Bh 70,000.00 77,000.00 -
4 X001 Color X001 Color Bh 77,000.00 84,700.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
5 X002 white X002 white Bh 70,000.00 77,000.00 -
6 X002 Color X002 Color Bh 77,000.00 84,700.00 -
7 X003Small Astray white X003Small Astray white Bh 41,000.00 45,100.00 -
8 X003Small Astray Color X003Small Astray Color Bh 46,000.00 50,600.00 -
9 X004 Big Ashtray white X004 Big Ashtray white Bh 77,000.00 84,700.00 -
10 X004 Big Ashtray Color X004 Big Ashtray Color Bh 85,000.00 93,500.00 -
11 X101 Nut Cap Big white X101 Nut Cap Big white Bh 4,000.00 4,400.00 -
12 X101 Nut Cap Big color X101 Nut Cap Big color Bh 6,000.00 6,600.00 -
13 X102 Nut Cap Small white X102 Nut Cap Small white Bh 4,000.00 4,400.00 -
14 X102 Nut Cap Small Color X102 Nut Cap Small Color Bh 6,000.00 6,600.00 -
15 X103 Tap Hole Cap Small white X103 Tap Hole Cap Small white Bh 8,000.00 8,800.00 -
16 X103 Tap Hole Cap Small Color X103 Tap Hole Cap Small Color Bh 9,000.00 9,900.00 -
17 X105 Tap Hole Cap Big white X105 Tap Hole Cap Big white Bh 10,000.00 11,000.00 -
18 X105 Tap Hole Cap Big color X105 Tap Hole Cap Big color Bh 11,000.00 12,100.00 -
k Wastafel Ex. TOTO Wastafel Ex. TOTO - -
1 Lavatory 1 tap hole type L34 W&PIV Lavatory 1 tap hole type L34 W&PIV Bh 270,000.00 297,000.00 40.00
2 Lavatory 1 tap hole type L34 colours Lavatory 1 tap hole type L34 colours Bh 296,000.00 325,600.00 40.00
3 Pedestal for L237 TOTO type L237F W&PIV Pedestal for L237 TOTO type L237F W&PIV Bh 372,000.00 409,200.00 40.00
4 Pedestal for L237 TOTO type L237F colours Pedestal for L237 TOTO type L237F colours Bh 431,000.00 474,100.00 40.00
5 Lavatory 1 tap hole type L237V3 W&PIV Lavatory 1 tap hole type L237V3 W&PIV Bh 497,000.00 546,700.00 40.00
6 Lavatory 1 tap hole type L237V3 colours Lavatory 1 tap hole type L237V3 colours Bh 542,000.00 596,200.00 40.00
7 Lavatory 2 tap holes type L529V1 W&PIV Lavatory 2 tap holes type L529V1 W&PIV Bh 303,000.00 333,300.00 40.00
8 Lavatory 2 tap holes type L529V2 colours Lavatory 2 tap holes type L529V2 colours Bh 330,000.00 363,000.00 40.00
9 Under counter lavatory type L546 W&PIV Under counter lavatory type L546 W&PIV Bh 707,000.00 777,700.00 40.00
10 Under counter lavatory type L548 W&PIV Under counter lavatory type L548 W&PIV Bh 761,000.00 837,100.00 40.00
11 Counter top lavatory 1 tap hole type L568V3 W&PIV Counter top lavatory 1 tap hole type L568V3 W&PIV Bh 329,000.00 361,900.00 40.00
12 Semi recessed counter lavatory 1 tap hole type L830V3 W&PIV Semi recessed counter lavatory 1 tap hole type L830V3 W&PIV Bh 584,000.00 642,400.00 40.00
13 Counter top lavatory 3 tap holes type LW501J W&PIV Counter top lavatory 3 tap holes type LW501J W&PIV Bh 377,000.00 414,700.00 40.00
14 Under counter lavatory type LW651J W&PIV Under counter lavatory type LW651J W&PIV Bh 521,000.00 573,100.00 40.00
15 OMNI counter top lavatory 3 tap holes type LW851J W&PIV OMNI counter top lavatory 3 tap holes type LW851J W&PIV Bh 521,000.00 573,100.00 40.00
16 Counter top lavatory 3 tap holes type LW986 W&PIV Counter top lavatory 3 tap holes type LW986 W&PIV Bh 1,051,000.00 1,156,100.00 40.00
l Fitting & Accessories Ex. TOTO Fitting & Accessories Ex. TOTO - -
1 Pegangan bath tub type 9004 Pegangan bath tub type 9004 Bh 819,000.00 900,900.00 -
2 Siphon bath tub type 9005 N Siphon bath tub type 9005 N Bh 493,500.00 542,850.00 -
3 Karet antara tangki & kloset, 91447 S Karet antara tangki & kloset, 91447 S Bh 15,000.00 16,500.00 -
4 Karet antara tangki & kloset, 91540 S Karet antara tangki & kloset, 91540 S Bh 1,500.00 1,650.00 -
5 Stop kran, T4 A Stop kran, T4 A Bh 114,450.00 125,900.00 -
6 Hand shower 90016M Hand shower 90016M Bh 244,125.00 268,540.00 -
7 Hand shower 90016W Hand shower 90016W Bh 40,950.00 45,050.00 -
8 Hand shower 90016 Pw Hand shower 90016 Pw Bh 122,525.00 134,780.00 -
9 Hand shower B250 Hand shower B250 Bh 298,200.00 328,020.00 -
10 Kaitan wastafel, T 8 C Kaitan wastafel, T 8 C Bh 19,000.00 20,900.00 -
11 Gantungan wastafel T 9 R Gantungan wastafel T 9 R Bh 34,000.00 37,400.00 -
12 Gantungan T 9 Ra Gantungan T 9 Ra Bh 17,000.00 18,700.00 -
13 Gantungan T 9 Ravl Gantungan T 9 Ravl Bh 23,000.00 25,300.00 -
14 Kranpembilas T.60 S Kranpembilas T.60 S Bh 705,600.00 776,160.00 -
15 Kran tembok kepala besi, 123 B 13 Kran tembok kepala besi, 123 B 13 Bh 171,151.00 188,270.00 -
16 Kran tembok kepala akrilik T 23 Kran tembok kepala akrilik T 23 Bh 171,150.00 188,270.00 -
17 Lever handle sink tap,T 23($q 1, Lever handle sink tap,T 23($q 1, Bh 275,100.00 302,610.00 -
18 Kran kebun tembolc, T2611 6 Kran kebun tembolc, T2611 6 Bh 234,150.00 257,570.00 -
19 Kran kebun tanah, T2713 1 Kran kebun tanah, T2713 1 Bh 234,150.00 257,570.00 -
20 Kran bebek, T 30 A R 13 V7 N Kran bebek, T 30 A R 13 V7 N Bh 273,000.00 300,300.00 -
21 Leher handle sink tap, T 30 Arg 13 N Leher handle sink tap, T 30 Arg 13 N Bh 369,600.00 406,560.00 -
22 Kran bebek, T33 BS 13 M Kran bebek, T33 BS 13 M Bh 455,250.00 500,780.00 -
23 Inled stud, T52 S 32 R Inled stud, T52 S 32 R Bh 226,600.00 249,260.00 -
24 Skrup dan kap set, T 53 Di Skrup dan kap set, T 53 Di Bh 14,000.00 15,400.00 -
25 Skrup dan kap set, T 53 D4 z Skrup dan kap set, T 53 D4 z Bh 18,000.00 19,800.00 -
26 Skrup dan kap set, T 53 DV1 Skrup dan kap set, T 53 DV1 Bh 31,500.00 34,650.00 -
27 Seal gasket & flange, T 53 P.100 Seal gasket & flange, T 53 P.100 Bh 95,000.00 104,500.00 -
28 Kap/set, T53R Kap/set, T53R Bh 10,000.00 11,000.00 -
29 Kran pembilas, T 60 P Kran pembilas, T 60 P Bh - -
30 Kran pembilas, 150 NL Kran pembilas, 150 NL Bh 1,540,000.00 1,694,000.00 -
31 Inlet spud, T6216 Inlet spud, T6216 Bh - -
32 Seal gasket & flange, T 64 BW Seal gasket & flange, T 64 BW Bh - -
33 Seal gasket & flange, T 64 CW Seal gasket & flange, T 64 CW Bh - -
34 Inlet spud, T 82 A 32 Inlet spud, T 82 A 32 Bh 190,000.00 209,000.00 -
35 Inlet spud, T 82 C 32 Inlet spud, T 82 C 32 Bh 216,000.00 237,600.00 -
36 Kran pembilas otomat, T150 NL Kran pembilas otomat, T150 NL Bh - -
37 Kran wastafel, T 205 Kran wastafel, T 205 Bh 230,000.00 253,000.00 -
38 Kran wastafel, T 205 M Kran wastafel, T 205 M Bh 219,000.00 240,900.00 -
39 Lever handle L.F.205QN Lever handle L.F.205QN Bh 257,250.00 282,980.00 -
40 Floor flange T830 W 100 Floor flange T830 W 100 Bh 109,200.00 120,120.00 -
41 Bracket, TL 830 GVI Bracket, TL 830 GVI Bh 48,300.00 53,130.00 -
42 Skrup & kap untuk L 34, T A2 SV1 Skrup & kap untuk L 34, T A2 SV1 Bh 25,000.00 27,500.00 -
43 Skrup & kap untuk L 511F, T A4 NAY Skrup & kap untuk L 511F, T A4 NAY Bh 35,000.00 38,500.00 -
44 CP skrup & kap TB 100 SV1 CP skrup & kap TB 100 SV1 Bh 45,000.00 49,500.00 -
45 Doos mandi dinding, TB 18 R Doos mandi dinding, TB 18 R Bh 906,150.00 996,770.00 -
46 Supporting fittings T 830 DV1 Supporting fittings T 830 DV1 Bh 112,250.00 123,480.00 -
47 Hand shower THX 18 ZB Hand shower THX 18 ZB Bh 251,000.00 276,100.00 -
48 Alat pembilas badan TB 19 CSV9 N5 Alat pembilas badan TB 19 CSV9 N5 Bh 305,800.00 336,380.00 -
49 Afor bak mandi rantai, TB 55 AS Afor bak mandi rantai, TB 55 AS Bh 1,325,725.00 1,458,300.00 -
50 Mixing untuk bak mandi, tgb 21 Smz Mixing untuk bak mandi, tgb 21 Smz Bh 826,350.00 908,990.00 -
51 Mixing untuk bak mandi, tgb 21 Srya Mixing untuk bak mandi, tgb 21 Srya Bh 1,075,209.45 1,182,740.00 -
52 Mixing untuk bak mandi, tgb 21 Sryn Mixing untuk bak mandi, tgb 21 Sryn Bh 1,075,209.45 1,182,740.00 -
53 Mixing untuk bak mandi, tgb 21 Ssp Mixing untuk bak mandi, tgb 21 Ssp Bh 1,075,209.45 1,182,740.00 -
54 Mixing valve 21 Sbsp Mixing valve 21 Sbsp Bh 1,075,209.45 1,182,740.00 -
55 Tutup kloset komplit, TC 281 Nvl Tutup kloset komplit, TC 281 Nvl Bh 724,500.00 796,950.00 -
56 Tutup kloset komplit, TC 280 Nvl Tutup kloset komplit, TC 280 Nvl Bh 420,000.00 462,000.00 -
57 Tutup kloset komplit, TC 830 Tutup kloset komplit, TC 830 Bh 370,650.00 407,720.00 -
58 Kran mixing untuk shower & bak TF35 Z Kran mixing untuk shower & bak TF35 Z Bh 615,250.00 676,780.00 -
59 Engsel tutup kloset, TCH 4Z Engsel tutup kloset, TCH 4Z Bh 95,500.00 105,050.00 -
60 Kran mixing untuk shower & bak TGB 51 AAN Kran mixing untuk shower & bak TGB 51 AAN Bh 825,450.00 908,000.00 -
61 Pegangan bak mandi "L" TG 110 BL Pegangan bak mandi "L" TG 110 BL Bh 1,725,600.00 1,898,160.00 -
62 Mulut kran bak mandi TGB, 2Z Mulut kran bak mandi TGB, 2Z Bh 1,245,050.00 1,369,560.00 -
63 Mulut kran bak mandi TGB, 4AZ Mulut kran bak mandi TGB, 4AZ Bh 1,245,050.00 1,369,560.00 -
64 Stop valve W/golden crown handlet TGB 9 GA Stop valve W/golden crown handlet TGB 9 GA Bh 672,000.00 739,200.00 -
65 Stop valve W/roal crown handle TGB 9 RY Stop valve W/roal crown handle TGB 9 RY Bh 488,250.00 537,080.00 -
66 Stop valve W/superior handle TGB 9 SP Stop valve W/superior handle TGB 9 SP Bh 488,250.00 537,080.00 -
67 Tempat kertas TX 11 Tempat kertas TX 11 Bh 199,500.00 219,450.00 -
68 Alat pembilas badan TGB 500 AZRV20 Alat pembilas badan TGB 500 AZRV20 Bh 522,900.00 575,190.00 -
69 Mixing valve for bath & shower W/golden crown handle TGB 21 SGLAN Mixing valve for bath & shower W/golden crown handle TGB 21 SGLAN Bh 397,950.00 437,750.00 -
0 - -
1 273 659 kg.1 dual plus 273 659 kg.1 dual plus - -
2 273 705 kg 1 273 705 kg 1 Bh 850,000.00 935,000.00 -
3 G 516 TWICO DUAL PLUS G 516 TWICO DUAL PLUS Bh 279,000.00 306,900.00 -
4 G660 TWICO DUAL PLUS FOR SW 420 G660 TWICO DUAL PLUS FOR SW 420 Bh 250,000.00 275,000.00 -
5 K9200 INVISIBLE K9200 INVISIBLE Bh 250,000.00 275,000.00 -
6 P40012 METAL SOWER P40012 METAL SOWER Bh 104,000.00 114,400.00 -
7 P400121 DOUBLE INTERLOCK P400121 DOUBLE INTERLOCK Bh 106,000.00 116,600.00 -
8 P40512#N5 NYLON REINFORCED BLACK P40512#N5 NYLON REINFORCED BLACK Bh 57,000.00 62,700.00 -
12 S32131 FW S32131 FW Bh 110,000.00 121,000.00 -
13 S 90030WZ#N5 S 90030WZ#N5 Bh 100,000.00 110,000.00 -
14 S 90030WZ#PIV S 90030WZ#PIV Bh 100,000.00 110,000.00 -
15 S 90030WZ#W S 90030WZ#W Bh 100,000.00 110,000.00 -
16 S 90030WZCR S 90030WZCR Bh 131,000.00 144,100.00 -
17 T050005 T050005 Bh 31,000.00 34,100.00 -
18 T050013 T050013 Bh 64,000.00 70,400.00 -
19 T080005 T080005 Bh 39,000.00 42,900.00 -
20 T150NL T150NL Bh 1,540,000.00 1,694,000.00 -
21 T53S32R T53S32R Bh 226,000.00 248,600.00 -
22 T53DSN COL:W T53DSN COL:W Bh 12,000.00 13,200.00 -
23 T53DSN T53DSN Bh 14,000.00 15,400.00 -
24 T53DSRN COL:W T53DSRN COL:W Bh 14,000.00 15,400.00 -
25 T53DSRN PIV,#MA T53DSRN PIV,#MA Bh 18,000.00 19,800.00 -
26 T53DV5 T53DV5 Bh 34,000.00 37,400.00 -
27 T53P100 T53P100 Bh 95,000.00 104,500.00 -
28 T53P100V3 T53P100V3 Bh 103,000.00 113,300.00 -
29 T53P100V4 T53P100V4 Bh 100,000.00 110,000.00 -
30 T53R T53R Bh 10,000.00 11,000.00 -
31 T53RV1 T53RV1 Bh 4,000.00 4,400.00 -
32 T82A32 T82A32 Bh 190,000.00 209,000.00 -
33 T82C32 T82C32 Bh 216,000.00 237,600.00 -
34 T830W100 T830W100 Bh 114,000.00 125,400.00 -
35 TB19CSMCR TB19CSMCR Bh 585,000.00 643,500.00 -
36 TB19CSN#N5 TB19CSN#N5 Bh 507,000.00 557,700.00 -
37 TB19CSN#PVI TB19CSN#PVI Bh 507,000.00 557,700.00 -
38 TB19CSN#W TB19CSN#W Bh 507,000.00 557,700.00 -
39 TB3121 TB3121 Bh 131,000.00 144,100.00 -
40 TB3122 TB3122 Bh 161,000.00 177,100.00 -
41 TC280 TC280 Bh 440,000.00 484,000.00 -
42 TC281SJ TC281SJ Bh 794,000.00 873,400.00 -
43 TC282SJ TC282SJ Bh 794,000.00 873,400.00 -
44 TC283SJ TC283SJ Bh 833,000.00 916,300.00 -
45 TC364 COL#W TC364 COL#W Bh 293,000.00 322,300.00 -
46 TC364 PIV TC364 PIV Bh 3,430.00 3,780.00 -
47 TC365 TC365 Bh 354,000.00 389,400.00 -
48 TC800 TC800 Bh 620,000.00 682,000.00 -
49 TC811 SJ TC811 SJ Bh 820,000.00 902,000.00 -
50 TC880SJ TC880SJ Bh 620,000.00 682,000.00 -
51 TCH129R TCH129R Bh 118,000.00 129,800.00 -
52 TCH130R TCH130R Bh 108,000.00 118,800.00 -
53 TCWOIN TCWOIN Bh 1,010,000.00 1,111,000.00 -
54 TCO1S TCO1S Bh 1,330,000.00 1,463,000.00 -
55 TCWO1SVIN TCWO1SVIN Bh 1,160,000.00 1,276,000.00 -
56 TCWOISV5 TCWOISV5 Bh 1,200,000.00 1,320,000.00 -
57 TCWO 1 VIN COL # W TCWO 1 VIN COL # W Bh 836,000.00 919,600.00 -
58 TCWO1VIV3Z TCWO1VIV3Z Bh 1,070,000.00 1,177,000.00 -
59 TCWO1V5 TCWO1V5 Bh 875,000.00 962,500.00 -
60 TCWO2 TCWO2 Bh 1,200,000.00 1,320,000.00 -
61 TCWO2SN TCWO2SN Bh 1,520,000.00 1,672,000.00 -
62 TCWO2SVIN TCWO2SVIN Bh 1,240,000.00 1,364,000.00 -
63 TCWO2SV2 TCWO2SV2 Bh 1,410,000.00 1,551,000.00 -
64 TCWO2SV3Z TCWO2SV3Z Bh 1,610,000.00 1,771,000.00 -
65 TCWO2SV4N TCWO2SV4N Bh 1,555,000.00 1,710,500.00 -
66 TCWO2VIN TCWO2VIN Bh 926,000.00 1,018,600.00 -
67 TCWO2V2N TCWO2V2N Bh 1,100,000.00 1,210,000.00 -
68 TCWO3S TCWO3S Bh 2,250,000.00 2,475,000.00 -
69 TCWO3SL TCWO3SL Bh 2,250,000.00 2,475,000.00 -
70 TWCO3SLV1 TWCO3SLV1 Bh 2,110,000.00 2,321,000.00 -
71 TWCO3SLV2 TWCO3SLV2 Bh 2,140,000.00 2,354,000.00 -
72 TCWO3SV I TCWO3SV I Bh 2,110,000.00 2,321,000.00 -
73 TCWO3SV2 TCWO3SV2 Bh 2,140,000.00 2,354,000.00 -
74 TCWO4S TCWO4S Bh 2,880,000.00 3,168,000.00 -
75 TCWO4SL TCWO4SL Bh 2,880,000.00 3,168,000.00 -
76 TCWO4SLV1 TCWO4SLV1 Bh 2,740,000.00 3,014,000.00 -
77 TCWO4SLV2 TCWO4SLV2 Bh 2,770,000.00 3,047,000.00 -
78 TCWO4SV1 TCWO4SV1 Bh 2,740,000.00 3,014,000.00 -
79 TCWO4SV2 TCWO4SV2 Bh 2,140,000.00 2,354,000.00 -
80 TCWO5S TCWO5S Bh 2,140,000.00 2,354,000.00 -
81 TCWO5SL TCWO5SL Bh 2,140,000.00 2,354,000.00 -
82 TCWO5SLV1 TCWO5SLV1 Bh 2,000,000.00 2,200,000.00 -
83 TCWO5SLV2 TCWO5SLV2 Bh 2,030,000.00 2,233,000.00 -
84 TCWO5SVI TCWO5SVI Bh 2,000,000.00 2,200,000.00 -
85 TCWO5SV2 TCWO5SV2 Bh 2,030,000.00 2,233,000.00 -
86 TCWO6S TCWO6S Bh 2,750,000.00 3,025,000.00 -
87 TCWO6SL TCWO6SL Bh 2,750,000.00 3,025,000.00 -
88 TCWO6SLV1 TCWO6SLV1 Bh 2,610,000.00 2,871,000.00 -
89 TCWO6SLV2 TCWO6SLV2 Bh 2,640,000.00 2,904,000.00 -
90 TCWO6SVI TCWO6SVI Bh 2,610,000.00 2,871,000.00 -
91 TCWO6SV2 TCWO6SV2 Bh 2,640,000.00 2,904,000.00 -
92 TG271217 TG271217 Bh 136,000.00 149,600.00 -
93 TGB500AZRV20 TGB500AZRV20 Bh 575,000.00 632,500.00 -
94 TGB500AZRV24 TGB500AZRV24 Bh 494,000.00 543,400.00 -
95 TH364C TH364C Bh 122,000.00 134,200.00 -
96 TH364C TH364C Bh 149,000.00 163,900.00 -
97 TH36S TH36S Bh 120,000.00 132,000.00 -
98 TH364S TH364S Bh 143,000.00 157,300.00 -
99 TH365C TH365C Bh 147,000.00 161,700.00 -
100 TH365S TH365S Bh 155,000.00 170,500.00 -
101 TH415R TH415R Bh 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
102 TH418 TH418 Bh 39,000.00 42,900.00 -
103 TH4182 TH4182 Bh 39,000.00 42,900.00 -
104 TH4185 TH4185 Bh 39,000.00 42,900.00 -
105 TH4186 RUBBER FLAPPER & CHAIN TH4186 RUBBER FLAPPER & CHAIN Bh 85,000.00 93,500.00 -
106 TH4187 FOR TS406SRXN TH4187 FOR TS406SRXN Bh 85,000.00 93,500.00 -
107 TH4252S LUSHING HANDLE TH4252S LUSHING HANDLE Bh 74,000.00 81,400.00 -
108 TH425SV8 FLUSING HANDLE FOR TS436SRXN TH425SV8 FLUSING HANDLE FOR TS436SRXN Bh 372,000.00 409,200.00 -
109 TH427V5 FLUSING PIPEFOR TS436SRXN TH427V5 FLUSING PIPEFOR TS436SRXN Bh 286,000.00 314,600.00 -
110 TH427V5R FLUSING FIRE FOR TS436SRXN TH427V5R FLUSING FIRE FOR TS436SRXN Bh 286,000.00 314,600.00 -
111 TH484V1 T JOINT TH484V1 T JOINT Bh 191,000.00 210,100.00 -
112 TH518V10 FLOAT BALL & ROD TH518V10 FLOAT BALL & ROD Bh 207,000.00 227,700.00 -
113 TH518V11 FLOAT BALL & ROD TH518V11 FLOAT BALL & ROD Bh 207,000.00 227,700.00 -
114 THX136SECR SHWER SRRAY HEAD THX136SECR SHWER SRRAY HEAD Bh 111,000.00 122,100.00 -
115 THX136SE#W SHOWER SPRAY HEAD THX136SE#W SHOWER SPRAY HEAD Bh 100,000.00 110,000.00 -
120 THX 364 PLASTIC HINGER THX 364 PLASTIC HINGER Bh 51,000.00 56,100.00 -
121 THX830VI PLASTIC HINGER TC830 THX830VI PLASTIC HINGER TC830 Bh 99,000.00 108,900.00 -
122 TN240275 DUAL FLUSH ACTUATOR TN240275 DUAL FLUSH ACTUATOR Bh 136,000.00 149,600.00 -
123 TN816418 SEALB FOR DUAL TN816418 SEALB FOR DUAL Bh 18,000.00 19,800.00 -
124 TS11026WN SHOWER SPRAY TS11026WN SHOWER SPRAY Bh 350,000.00 385,000.00 -
125 TS1400IF1W T JOINT SET TS1400IF1W T JOINT SET Bh 106,000.00 116,600.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
126 TS14011FW ELBOW TS14011FW ELBOW Bh 141,000.00 155,100.00 -
127 Tse36SRXNWS TANK TRIM W/O Tse36SRXNWS TANK TRIM W/O Bh 3,374,000.00 3,711,400.00 -
128 TS516DSN SETTING BOLT & NUR TS516DSN SETTING BOLT & NUR Bh 42,000.00 46,200.00 -
129 TSUO1W12 OUTLET CONNECTOR TSUO1W12 OUTLET CONNECTOR Bh 536,000.00 589,600.00 -
130 TV 150 NL FLUSH FALVE TV 150 NL FLUSH FALVE Bh 1,970,000.00 2,167,000.00 -
131 TV 150 NRNV1 FLUSH VALVE FOR CW620JT2 TV 150 NRNV1 FLUSH VALVE FOR CW620JT2 Bh 5,240,000.00 5,764,000.00 -
132 TV150NRNV2 FLUSH VALVE FOR CW 822JTI TV150NRNV2 FLUSH VALVE FOR CW 822JTI Bh 5,230,000.00 5,753,000.00 -
133 TV150 NS FLUSH VALVE FOR CW 705L TV150 NS FLUSH VALVE FOR CW 705L Bh 1,810,000.00 1,991,000.00 -
134 TV15ONS FLUSH VALVE FOR CW 705L TV15ONS FLUSH VALVE FOR CW 705L Bh 1,810,000.00 1,991,000.00 -
135 TV15ONSV5 FLUSH VALVE FOR CU714V TV15ONSV5 FLUSH VALVE FOR CU714V Bh 2,000,000.00 2,200,000.00 -
136 TV15ONSV6 FLUSH VALVE FOR CW708NJ TV15ONSV6 FLUSH VALVE FOR CW708NJ Bh 1,810,000.00 1,991,000.00 -
137 TV15ONSV7 FLUSH VALVE FOR CW 705 TV15ONSV7 FLUSH VALVE FOR CW 705 Bh 1,810,000.00 1,991,000.00 -
138 TV150NWV12 FLUSH VALVE FOR CE9 TV150NWV12 FLUSH VALVE FOR CE9 Bh 1,920,000.00 2,112,000.00 -
139 TV IR VACCUM BECKER TV IR VACCUM BECKER Bh 430,000.00 473,000.00 -
140 TX112C1WS TANK TRIM FOR SW112JP TX112C1WS TANK TRIM FOR SW112JP Bh 410,000.00 451,000.00 -
141 TX210CWS TANK TRIM FOR SW660J TX210CWS TANK TRIM FOR SW660J Bh 275,000.00 302,500.00 -
142 TX212CWS DUAL FLUSH TANK FOR SW 420 JP, SW660J TX212CWS DUAL FLUSH TANK FOR SW 420 JP, SW660J Bh 443,000.00 487,300.00 -
143 TX214CWS TANK TRIM FOR SW668J TX214CWS TANK TRIM FOR SW668J Bh 427,000.00 469,700.00 -
144 TX215C SLIP IN CONNECTOR TX215C SLIP IN CONNECTOR Bh 67,000.00 73,700.00 -
145 TX240CWS DUAL FLUSH TANK FOR CW867NJ TX240CWS DUAL FLUSH TANK FOR CW867NJ Bh 465,000.00 511,500.00 -
146 TX241CWS DUAL FLUSH FOR CW867NJ TX241CWS DUAL FLUSH FOR CW867NJ Bh 590,000.00 649,000.00 -
147 TX248CWS TANK TRIM STOP VALVE TX248CWS TANK TRIM STOP VALVE Bh 303,000.00 333,300.00 -
148 TX250CV1 STOP VALVE FOR CW436NJ TX250CV1 STOP VALVE FOR CW436NJ Bh 457,000.00 502,700.00 -
149 TX253C WALL MOUNTING TX253C WALL MOUNTING Bh 274,000.00 301,400.00 -
150 TX253CV2 WALL MOUNTING BOLT FOR CW822JT TX253CV2 WALL MOUNTING BOLT FOR CW822JT Bh 274,000.00 301,400.00 -
151 TX255 BALL TAP TX255 BALL TAP Bh 174,000.00 191,400.00 -
152 TX255V1 BALL TRAP 3/4 TX255V1 BALL TRAP 3/4 Bh 250,000.00 275,000.00 -
153 TX255V2 BALL TAP 1 TX255V2 BALL TAP 1 Bh 336,000.00 369,600.00 -
156 TX276C FIXING BRACKET TX276C FIXING BRACKET Bh 73,000.00 80,300.00 -
157 TX276CV1 FIXING BRACKET FOR CW421J TX276CV1 FIXING BRACKET FOR CW421J Bh 24,000.00 26,400.00 -
158 TX295CWS TANK TRIM FOR CW894J (8 LITERS) TX295CWS TANK TRIM FOR CW894J (8 LITERS) Bh 102,400.00 112,640.00 -
159 TX295CWS TANK TRIM FOR CW914J (6 LITERS) TX295CWS TANK TRIM FOR CW914J (6 LITERS) Bh 976,000.00 1,073,600.00 -
165 TX403SEV1 STOP VALVE W/HANGER FOR TX403SE TX403SEV1 STOP VALVE W/HANGER FOR TX403SE Bh 266,000.00 292,600.00 -
167 TX403SVI STOP VALVE W/BODY FOR TX403S TX403SVI STOP VALVE W/BODY FOR TX403S Bh 137,000.00 150,700.00 -
168 TX420C8WS DUAL FLUAH TANK TRIM FOR SW420JP 4,5/3 LITERS TX420C8WS DUAL FLUAH TANK TRIM FOR SW420JP 4,5/3 LITERS Bh 443,000.00 487,300.00 -
173 TX423S STOP VALVE W/2 OUTLETS TX423S STOP VALVE W/2 OUTLETS Bh 205,000.00 225,500.00 -
174 TX436C1WS TANK TRIM FOR CW436NJ(N) 6 LITERS TX436C1WS TANK TRIM FOR CW436NJ(N) 6 LITERS Bh 2,928,000.00 3,220,800.00 -
175 TX630C8WS DUAL FLUSH TANK TRIM FOR CW631JP 4,5/3 LITERS TX630C8WS DUAL FLUSH TANK TRIM FOR CW631JP 4,5/3 LITERS Bh 466,000.00 512,600.00 -
176 TX631C8WS DUAL FLUSH TANK TRIM FOR CW631JP 4,5/3 LITERS TX631C8WS DUAL FLUSH TANK TRIM FOR CW631JP 4,5/3 LITERS Bh 443,000.00 487,300.00 -
177 TX801C WALL MOUNTING BOLL 2 NUR TX801C WALL MOUNTING BOLL 2 NUR Bh 113,000.00 124,300.00 -
178 TX818C PLASTIC TX818C PLASTIC Bh 59,000.00 64,900.00 -
179 TX821CWS DUAL PLUS TANK TX821CWS DUAL PLUS TANK Bh 655,000.00 720,500.00 -
180 TXB23C1WS TANK TRIM TXB23C1WS TANK TRIM Bh 1,426,000.00 1,568,600.00 -
181 TX825C1WS TANK TRIM FOR CW825J TX825C1WS TANK TRIM FOR CW825J Bh 3,919,000.00 4,310,900.00 -
182 TX826CWS DUAL FLUSH TANK FOR SW826J TX826CWS DUAL FLUSH TANK FOR SW826J Bh 766,000.00 842,600.00 -
183 TX826CWS DUAL FLUS FOR SW862J TX826CWS DUAL FLUS FOR SW862J Bh 465,000.00 511,500.00 -
184 TX868CWS DUAL FLUS TANK FOR CW868NJ TX868CWS DUAL FLUS TANK FOR CW868NJ Bh 590,000.00 649,000.00 -
185 TX901CV12N TX901CV12N Bh 109,000.00 119,900.00 -
0 - -
1 T025005 HEAVY DUTY FLEXIBLE T025005 HEAVY DUTY FLEXIBLE Bh 23,000.00 25,300.00 -
2 T205 METAL HANDLE T205 METAL HANDLE Bh 230,000.00 253,000.00 -
5 T205MCB STANDAR FOUNCET (COLD) T205MCB STANDAR FOUNCET (COLD) Bh 219,000.00 240,900.00 -
6 T205MHB STANDAR FOUNCET (HOT) T205MHB STANDAR FOUNCET (HOT) Bh 219,000.00 240,900.00 -
8 T53DV6 T53DV6 Bh 33,000.00 36,300.00 -
9 T53DV7 SCREWS&FISHERS FOR LW307J T53DV7 SCREWS&FISHERS FOR LW307J Bh 10,000.00 11,000.00 -
10 T53DV9 SCRESW&FISHERS FOR LW641J,LW824J,LW829J T53DV9 SCRESW&FISHERS FOR LW641J,LW824J,LW829J Bh 7,000.00 7,700.00 -
12 T6JV2N ONE PUSH POP-UP WASTE T6JV2N ONE PUSH POP-UP WASTE Bh 185,000.00 203,500.00 -
13 T6JV4 WASTE&PLUG T6JV4 WASTE&PLUG Bh 183,000.00 201,300.00 -
14 T6JV5 DELUXE WASTE FOR LW542J,LW645J T6JV5 DELUXE WASTE FOR LW542J,LW645J Bh 363,000.00 399,300.00 -
15 T8C STRAPS&SCREWS FOR L237 1 PAIR T8C STRAPS&SCREWS FOR L237 1 PAIR Bh 19,000.00 20,900.00 -
16 T9R HANGERS T9R HANGERS Bh 340,000.00 374,000.00 -
17 T9RA HANGER & SCREWES 1 PCS T9RA HANGER & SCREWES 1 PCS Bh 17,000.00 18,700.00 -
19 TA2SV2 SCREWES & CAP FOR L34 TA2SV2 SCREWES & CAP FOR L34 Bh 4,000.00 4,400.00 -
20 TGL 600GLN GOLDEN TGL 600GLN GOLDEN Bh 2,510,000.00 2,761,000.00 -
21 TGL 600GLR GOLDEN TGL 600GLR GOLDEN Bh 2,510,000.00 2,761,000.00 -
22 TGL 600RYNV1N ROYAL TGL 600RYNV1N ROYAL Bh 1,970,000.00 2,167,000.00 -
23 TGL 600RYNVIN ROYAL TGL 600RYNVIN ROYAL Bh 1,970,000.00 2,167,000.00 -
24 THX113LE EGO 1 THX113LE EGO 1 Bh 536,000.00 589,600.00 -
25 THX113LE VI EGO 1 THX113LE VI EGO 1 Bh 642,000.00 706,200.00 -
26 THX1A3N PTRAP THX1A3N PTRAP Bh 194,000.00 213,400.00 -
27 THX1A3V1N PTRAP THX1A3V1N PTRAP Bh 339,000.00 372,900.00 -
28 THXIA5N PTRAP THXIA5N PTRAP Bh 213,000.00 234,300.00 -
29 THX1A5NV1 PTRAP THX1A5NV1 PTRAP Bh 213,000.00 234,300.00 -
30 THXIA6N PTRAP THXIA6N PTRAP Bh 227,000.00 249,700.00 -
31 THX1A6NV1 PTRAP THX1A6NV1 PTRAP Bh 227,000.00 249,700.00 -
32 THX1A6NV2 THX1A6NV2 Bh 227,000.00 249,700.00 -
33 THX1A8 DELUXE BOTTLE THX1A8 DELUXE BOTTLE Bh 470,000.00 517,000.00 -
34 THX1A8V2 L=306 THX1A8V2 L=306 Bh 460,000.00 506,000.00 -
35 THX1A8V3 L=355 THX1A8V3 L=355 Bh 410,000.00 451,000.00 -
36 THX1A8V4 L=305 THX1A8V4 L=305 Bh 395,000.00 434,500.00 -
37 THXIA8V5 L=355 THXIA8V5 L=355 Bh 420,000.00 462,000.00 -
38 THX3A1N W/ROD & HOLDER THX3A1N W/ROD & HOLDER Bh 237,000.00 260,700.00 -
39 TL220D HANGERS & SCREWS TL220D HANGERS & SCREWS Bh 38,000.00 41,800.00 -
40 TL510ER BRACKET TL510ER BRACKET Bh 84,000.00 92,400.00 -
41 TL516G FOR L546 TL516G FOR L546 Bh 308,000.00 338,800.00 -
42 TL830GVI FOR LW830J TL830GVI FOR LW830J Bh 56,000.00 61,600.00 -
43 TS125R WALL HUNG TS125R WALL HUNG Bh 345,000.00 379,500.00 -
44 TS1256AR DECK TYPE TS1256AR DECK TYPE Bh 125,000.00 137,500.00 -
45 LAVATORY LAVATORY Bh 11,000.00 12,100.00 -
46 TSP0225W BRACKET F9 TSP0225W BRACKET F9 Bh 105,000.00 115,500.00 -
47 TX101LB BELLA SINGER TX101LB BELLA SINGER Bh 950,000.00 1,045,000.00 -
48 TX101LBGC GOLD CROME TX101LBGC GOLD CROME Bh 1,080,000.00 1,188,000.00 -
49 TX103LC CURIO TX103LC CURIO Bh 2,120,000.00 2,332,000.00 -
50 TX103LCL CURIO TX103LCL CURIO Bh 2,120,000.00 2,332,000.00 -
51 TX103LCLNGC GOLD CHROME TX103LCLNGC GOLD CHROME Bh 2,810,000.00 3,091,000.00 -
53 TX103LG GLORIA 8 POP-UP WASTE TX103LG GLORIA 8 POP-UP WASTE Bh 2,280,000.00 2,508,000.00 -
55 TX103LGNC GLORIA 8 POP- UP WASTE TX103LGNC GLORIA 8 POP- UP WASTE Bh 2,280,000.00 2,508,000.00 -
57 TX108LDN DONNA TX108LDN DONNA Bh 706,000.00 776,600.00 -
58 TX108LE EGO TX108LE EGO Bh 1,960,000.00 2,156,000.00 -
59 TX108LG GLORIA SINGLE TX108LG GLORIA SINGLE Bh 1,740,000.00 1,914,000.00 -
60 TX108LGGC GLORIA GOLD CHROME TX108LGGC GLORIA GOLD CHROME Bh 2,150,000.00 2,365,000.00 -
61 TX108LH HELLO SINGLE TX108LH HELLO SINGLE Bh 708,000.00 778,800.00 -
62 TX108LI ICON TX108LI ICON Bh 2,150,000.00 2,365,000.00 -
63 TX108LJ JAZZ TX108LJ JAZZ Bh 1,120,000.00 1,232,000.00 -
64 TX109LD DONNA TX109LD DONNA Bh 510,000.00 561,000.00 -
65 TX109LE EGO TX109LE EGO Bh 1,620,000.00 1,782,000.00 -
66 TX109LH HEILO TX109LH HEILO Bh 543,000.00 597,300.00 -
67 TX109J JAZZ TX109J JAZZ Bh 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 -
68 TX110LCN CURIO TX110LCN CURIO Bh 1,430,000.00 1,573,000.00 -
69 TX110LCSGC CURIO TX110LCSGC CURIO Bh 1,880,000.00 2,068,000.00 -
70 TX11OLGLN GOLDEN CROWN TX11OLGLN GOLDEN CROWN Bh 1,460,000.00 1,606,000.00 -
71 TX11OLGLR TX11OLGLR Bh 146,000.00 160,600.00 -
72 TX110LRYRN ROYAL CROWN TX110LRYRN ROYAL CROWN Bh 1,190,000.00 1,309,000.00 -
73 TX110LRYRN ROYAL CROWN TX110LRYRN ROYAL CROWN Bh 1,190,000.00 1,309,000.00 -
76 TX115LEJ EGO 111 SINGLE LEVER TX115LEJ EGO 111 SINGLE LEVER Bh 1,630,000.00 1,793,000.00 -
77 TX115LEL EGO 11 TX115LEL EGO 11 Bh 1,630,000.00 1,793,000.00 -
78 TX115LESN EGO 11 TX115LESN EGO 11 Bh 1,300,000.00 1,430,000.00 -
79 TX115LEZ EGO 11 TX115LEZ EGO 11 Bh 1,630,000.00 1,793,000.00 -
80 TX115LF FLORE TX115LF FLORE Bh 1,160,000.00 1,276,000.00 -
81 TX115LI I CON TX115LI I CON Bh 1,950,000.00 2,145,000.00 -
82 TX115LK COCKTAIL TX115LK COCKTAIL Bh 1,560,000.00 1,716,000.00 -
83 TX115LL LOOP TX115LL LOOP Bh 2,470,000.00 2,717,000.00 -
84 TX115LM MONO TX115LM MONO Bh 2,400,000.00 2,640,000.00 -
85 TX115LN NATURA TX115LN NATURA Bh 2,350,000.00 2,585,000.00 -
86 TX115L0 OPUS TX115L0 OPUS Bh 1,370,000.00 1,507,000.00 -
87 TX115LQ LE MUSE TX115LQ LE MUSE Bh 2,850,000.00 3,135,000.00 -
88 EXTENDED POP-UP WASTE HEIGHT = 340MM EXTENDED POP-UP WASTE HEIGHT = 340MM Bh 2,120,000.00 2,332,000.00 -
91 TX116LEN4 EGO 111 EXTENTED POP-UP WASTE HEIGHT = 340MM TX116LEN4 EGO 111 EXTENTED POP-UP WASTE HEIGHT = 340MM Bh 2,050,000.00 2,255,000.00 -
92 HEIGHT = 340 MM HEIGHT = 340 MM Bh 1,790,000.00 1,969,000.00 -
93 TX116LESD EGO 11 EXTENDED DELUXE TX116LESD EGO 11 EXTENDED DELUXE Bh 1,900,000.00 2,090,000.00 -
94 TX116LESV4 EGO 11 POUP WASTE HEIGHT = 255 MM TX116LESV4 EGO 11 POUP WASTE HEIGHT = 255 MM Bh 1,720,000.00 1,892,000.00 -
95 TX116LESV4D EGO 11 DELUXE TX116LESV4D EGO 11 DELUXE Bh 1,830,000.00 2,013,000.00 -
96 TX116LEV4 EGO POP-UP WASTE HEIGHT = 255 MM TX116LEV4 EGO POP-UP WASTE HEIGHT = 255 MM Bh 2,050,000.00 2,255,000.00 -
97 TX116LEV4D EGO POP-UP WASTE HEIGHT = 255 MM TX116LEV4D EGO POP-UP WASTE HEIGHT = 255 MM Bh 2,260,000.00 2,486,000.00 -
98 TX116LI ICON POP-UP PASTE HEIGHT = 324 MM TX116LI ICON POP-UP PASTE HEIGHT = 324 MM Bh 3,280,000.00 3,608,000.00 -
99 TX116LK COCKTAIL POP-UP WASTE HEIGHT = 324MM TX116LK COCKTAIL POP-UP WASTE HEIGHT = 324MM Bh 3,100,000.00 3,410,000.00 -
100 TX116LL LOOP ONE PUSH POP-UP WASTE HEIGHT = 273 MM TX116LL LOOP ONE PUSH POP-UP WASTE HEIGHT = 273 MM Bh 3,280,000.00 3,608,000.00 -
103 TX116L0 OPUS POP-UP WASTE TX116L0 OPUS POP-UP WASTE Bh 1,750,000.00 1,925,000.00 -
104 TX116LQ LE MUSE POP-UP WASTE TX116LQ LE MUSE POP-UP WASTE Bh 3,800,000.00 4,180,000.00 -
105 TX118LE EGO COMBINATION WALL TX118LE EGO COMBINATION WALL Bh 1,670,000.00 1,837,000.00 -
108 TX118LEL EGO 11 COMBINATION WALL TX118LEL EGO 11 COMBINATION WALL Bh 1,400,000.00 1,540,000.00 -
112 TX119LEL EGO 11 LEVEL HANDLE 8 LAVACTORY TX119LEL EGO 11 LEVEL HANDLE 8 LAVACTORY Bh 2,040,000.00 2,244,000.00 -
113 TX119LEN EGO 8 LAVACTORY POP-UP WASTE TX119LEN EGO 8 LAVACTORY POP-UP WASTE Bh 2,000,000.00 2,200,000.00 -
114 TX119LES EGO 11 8 LAVATORY POP-UP WASTE TX119LES EGO 11 8 LAVATORY POP-UP WASTE Bh 1,730,000.00 1,903,000.00 -
120 TX119L1 ICON 8 LAVATORY POP-UP WASTE TX119L1 ICON 8 LAVATORY POP-UP WASTE Bh 2,740,000.00 3,014,000.00 -
125 TX 119L0 OPUS 8 LAVATORY POUP WASTE TX 119L0 OPUS 8 LAVATORY POUP WASTE Bh 2,080,000.00 2,288,000.00 -
127 TX120LEJ EGO 111 SSINGLE LEVER WALL TX120LEJ EGO 111 SSINGLE LEVER WALL Bh 1,430,000.00 1,573,000.00 -
128 TX120LEN EGO SINGLE LEVER WALL TX120LEN EGO SINGLE LEVER WALL Bh 1,430,000.00 1,573,000.00 -
131 TX123LES EGO 11 EXTENDED TX123LES EGO 11 EXTENDED Bh 980,000.00 1,078,000.00 -
132 TX123LESV4 EGO 11 EXTENDED COLD ONLY HEIGHT = 255 MM TX123LESV4 EGO 11 EXTENDED COLD ONLY HEIGHT = 255 MM Bh 907,000.00 997,700.00 -
133 TX124LFC EGO 11 CROSS HANDLE TX124LFC EGO 11 CROSS HANDLE Bh 924,000.00 1,016,400.00 -
135 TX125LES EGO 11 LAVATORY FAUCET HEIGHT = 110 MM TX125LES EGO 11 LAVATORY FAUCET HEIGHT = 110 MM Bh 853,000.00 938,300.00 -
137 TX125LESV2 TX125LESV2 Bh 935,000.00 1,028,500.00 -
139 TX128LEL EGO 11 LEVER HANDLE TX128LEL EGO 11 LEVER HANDLE Bh 4,630,000.00 5,093,000.00 -
142 TX129L LAVATORY FAUCET COLD TX129L LAVATORY FAUCET COLD Bh 289,000.00 317,900.00 -
143 TX132LEJ EGO 11 SINGLE LEVER 2 HOLES TX132LEJ EGO 11 SINGLE LEVER 2 HOLES Bh 2,500,000.00 2,750,000.00 -
144 TX132LEJV4 EGO 111 SINGLE LEVER 2 TX132LEJV4 EGO 111 SINGLE LEVER 2 Bh 1,600,000.00 1,760,000.00 -
145 TX133L WALL TYPE LAVATORY TX133L WALL TYPE LAVATORY Bh 340,000.00 374,000.00 -
146 TX263S STOP VALVE W/FLEXIBLE TX263S STOP VALVE W/FLEXIBLE Bh 165,000.00 181,500.00 -
147 TX263SV1 STOP VALE W/0 FLEXIBLE HOSE TX263SV1 STOP VALE W/0 FLEXIBLE HOSE Bh 144,000.00 158,400.00 -
148 TX437SV1 STOP VALVE KEY TYPE TX437SV1 STOP VALVE KEY TYPE Bh 121,000.00 133,100.00 -
150 Bh 318,000.00 349,800.00 -
, ,
151 TX709AVIN I PLUG & CHAIN L = 262 MM TX709AVIN I PLUG & CHAIN L = 262 MM Bh 331,000.00 364,100.00 -
152 TX709AV4N 1 WASTER W/P-TRAP TX709AV4N 1 WASTER W/P-TRAP Bh 292,000.00 321,200.00 -
153 TX709AV7 I PLUG & CHAIN WASTER TX709AV7 I PLUG & CHAIN WASTER Bh 290,000.00 319,000.00 -
154 TX710L BRACKETS FORILW553J TX710L BRACKETS FORILW553J Bh 47,000.00 51,700.00 -
155 TX71OLV4 BRACKICET FOR LW326J TX71OLV4 BRACKICET FOR LW326J Bh 65,000.00 71,500.00 -
156 TX723L BRACKETS FON LW316 TX723L BRACKETS FON LW316 Bh 70,000.00 77,000.00 -
158 TX809L BRACKETS FOR LW316J TX809L BRACKETS FOR LW316J Bh 60,000.00 66,000.00 -
159 TX809LV2 BRACKETS FOR LW326J TX809LV2 BRACKETS FOR LW326J Bh 80,000.00 88,000.00 -
160 TX809LV5 FOR LW532J TX809LV5 FOR LW532J Bh 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
161 TX812L CHROME PLATED TX812L CHROME PLATED Bh 1,600,000.00 1,760,000.00 -
162 TX812LV1 TOWEL RALL FOR LW640J TX812LV1 TOWEL RALL FOR LW640J Bh 552,000.00 607,200.00 -
0 - -
1 90915WN SHOWER HALGER 90915WN SHOWER HALGER Bh 32,000.00 35,200.00 -
3 A1305 JAZZ A1305 JAZZ Bh 294,000.00 323,400.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
4 A1505QMA FLORE HAND SHOWER A1505QMA FLORE HAND SHOWER Bh 593,000.00 652,300.00 -
5 A1705E MONO HAND SHOWER A1705E MONO HAND SHOWER Bh 530,000.00 583,000.00 -
6 A2105QMQ LOOP HAND SHOWER A2105QMQ LOOP HAND SHOWER Bh 739,000.00 812,900.00 -
7 A4905N ICON FIXED A4905N ICON FIXED Bh 1,930,000.00 2,123,000.00 -
9 A9A1152Y COCKTAIL HAND SHOWER A9A1152Y COCKTAIL HAND SHOWER Bh 345,000.00 379,500.00 -
10 A9A247Y NATURA A9A247Y NATURA Bh 450,000.00 495,000.00 -
11 B01510 CURIO HAND SHOWER B01510 CURIO HAND SHOWER Bh 563,000.00 619,300.00 -
12 B01510W CURIO HAND SHOWER W/ELBOW B01510W CURIO HAND SHOWER W/ELBOW Bh 693,000.00 762,300.00 -
13 B250 EGO 11 FIND SHOWER B250 EGO 11 FIND SHOWER Bh 321,000.00 353,100.00 -
14 B255 ICON HAND SHOWER B255 ICON HAND SHOWER Bh 620,000.00 682,000.00 -
15 B3805 LOOP FIXED SHOWER HEAD B3805 LOOP FIXED SHOWER HEAD Bh 1,430,000.00 1,573,000.00 -
16 B4005 OPUS FIXED SHOWER HEAD FOR TX488S0 B4005 OPUS FIXED SHOWER HEAD FOR TX488S0 Bh 1,510,000.00 1,661,000.00 -
17 D1305 OPUS HAND SHOWER D1305 OPUS HAND SHOWER Bh 324,000.00 356,400.00 -
18 P37909 SHOWER HOSE,CHROMALUX P37909 SHOWER HOSE,CHROMALUX Bh 186,000.00 204,600.00 -
19 P40015 METAL SHOWER HOSE P40015 METAL SHOWER HOSE Bh 117,000.00 128,700.00 -
22 S17082F1 SHOWER JOINT S17082F1 SHOWER JOINT Bh 78,000.00 85,800.00 -
23 S80162P SHOWER HANGER S80162P SHOWER HANGER Bh 51,000.00 56,100.00 -
24 S81017M FLORE SHOWER HANGER S81017M FLORE SHOWER HANGER Bh 53,000.00 58,300.00 -
25 S81019M ICON SHOWER HANGER S81019M ICON SHOWER HANGER Bh 227,000.00 249,700.00 -
26 S8102BM NATURA S8102BM NATURA Bh 304,000.00 334,400.00 -
27 S81035M LOOP SHOWER S81035M LOOP SHOWER Bh 60,000.00 66,000.00 -
28 S90198PW HAND SHOWER HEAD S90198PW HAND SHOWER HEAD Bh 151,000.00 166,100.00 -
29 S90230MZ HAND SHOWER HEAD FOR THX19ZNB S90230MZ HAND SHOWER HEAD FOR THX19ZNB Bh 427,000.00 469,700.00 -
30 S90230PW HAND SHOWER HEAD FOR THX18ZB S90230PW HAND SHOWER HEAD FOR THX18ZB Bh 185,000.00 203,500.00 -
31 S90230PWV I HAND SHOWER HEAD FOR THX48ZB S90230PWV I HAND SHOWER HEAD FOR THX48ZB Bh 140,000.00 154,000.00 -
32 S90230W HAND SHOWER HEAD FOR THXI7ZB S90230W HAND SHOWER HEAD FOR THXI7ZB Bh 92,000.00 101,200.00 -
33 TGB21SBGLN GOLDEN TGB21SBGLN GOLDEN Bh 1,740,000.00 1,914,000.00 -
46 THX118SESM EGO 11 HAND SHOWER SET THX118SESM EGO 11 HAND SHOWER SET Bh 558,000.00 613,800.00 -
49 THX118SI ICON HAND SHOWER SET THX118SI ICON HAND SHOWER SET Bh 1,030,000.00 1,133,000.00 -
50 THX118SJ JAZZ THX118SJ JAZZ Bh 531,000.00 584,100.00 -
52 THX118SLN LOOP HAND SHOWER THX118SLN LOOP HAND SHOWER Bh 1,063,000.00 1,169,300.00 -
53 THX118SM MONO HAND SHOWER THX118SM MONO HAND SHOWER Bh 767,000.00 843,700.00 -
54 THX118SN NATUR AHAND SHOWER THX118SN NATUR AHAND SHOWER Bh 940,000.00 1,034,000.00 -
55 THX118S0 OPUS THX118S0 OPUS Bh 667,000.00 733,700.00 -
58 THX19ZNB HAND SHOWER SET THX19ZNB HAND SHOWER SET Bh 543,000.00 597,300.00 -
59 THX272 SHOWER ARM F TX 488S L=400 MM THX272 SHOWER ARM F TX 488S L=400 MM Bh 385,000.00 423,500.00 -
60 THX272SL LOOP SHOWER THX272SL LOOP SHOWER Bh 627,000.00 689,700.00 -
61 THX272SM MONO SHOWER L=400MM THX272SM MONO SHOWER L=400MM Bh 600,000.00 660,000.00 -
62 THX272S0 OPUS SHOWER ARM FOR TX4888S0 THX272S0 OPUS SHOWER ARM FOR TX4888S0 Bh 490,000.00 539,000.00 -
63 THX272V1 SHOWER ARM FOR TX488SC THX272V1 SHOWER ARM FOR TX488SC Bh 424,000.00 466,400.00 -
64 THX273 SHOWER ARM FOR TX491SL=200 MM THX273 SHOWER ARM FOR TX491SL=200 MM Bh 186,000.00 204,600.00 -
65 THX273SI ICON ARM FOR TX491SINL=190 THX273SI ICON ARM FOR TX491SINL=190 Bh 230,000.00 253,000.00 -
66 THX273SL LOOP SHOWER ARM FOR TX491SLN L=200 THX273SL LOOP SHOWER ARM FOR TX491SLN L=200 Bh 240,000.00 264,000.00 -
67 THX273SM MONO SHOWER ARM FOR TX491SM L=190 MM THX273SM MONO SHOWER ARM FOR TX491SM L=190 MM Bh 290,000.00 319,000.00 -
68 THX273S0 OPUS SHOWER THX273S0 OPUS SHOWER Bh 230,000.00 253,000.00 -
69 THX273V1 SHOWER ARM FOR TX491Sol=200 MM THX273V1 SHOWER ARM FOR TX491Sol=200 MM Bh 186,000.00 204,600.00 -
70 THX48ZB HAND SHOWER SET THX48ZB HAND SHOWER SET Bh 256,000.00 281,600.00 -
71 TSI1034V1 WALL OUTLET W/HANGER TSI1034V1 WALL OUTLET W/HANGER Bh 323,000.00 355,300.00 -
1 Hf900661cws Spreader for UW930J Hf900661cws Spreader for UW930J Bh 508,000.00 558,800.00 -
4 T6OS URINAL FLUSH VALVE T6OS URINAL FLUSH VALVE Bh 970,000.00 1,067,000.00 -
5 76216 INTLET SPUD 76216 INTLET SPUD Bh 129,000.00 141,900.00 -
6 T6216V1 INLET SPUD W/ADAPTOR T6216V1 INLET SPUD W/ADAPTOR Bh 156,000.00 171,600.00 -
7 T64BW WALL FLANGE T64BW WALL FLANGE Bh 108,000.00 118,800.00 -
8 T64CW WALL FLANGE W/SEALFOR U370 T64CW WALL FLANGE W/SEALFOR U370 Bh 232,000.00 255,200.00 -
9 TA100SV1 CHOME PLATED SCREW & CAP uk.00 TA100SV1 CHOME PLATED SCREW & CAP uk.00 Bh 69,000.00 75,900.00 -
10 THU070 WALL FLANGE FOR UW930J THU070 WALL FLANGE FOR UW930J Bh 385,000.00 423,500.00 -
11 TS90261 TJOINT FOR UW930J TS90261 TJOINT FOR UW930J Bh 28,000.00 30,800.00 -
12 TX253U WALL FLANGE FOR UW35OHJT1 TX253U WALL FLANGE FOR UW35OHJT1 Bh 400,000.00 440,000.00 -
13 TX501U URINAL FLSH VALVE TX501U URINAL FLSH VALVE Bh 1,050,000.00 1,155,000.00 -
1 T53DSN SCREWS & CAPS T53DSN SCREWS & CAPS Bh 12,000.00 13,200.00 -
2 T53DV1 SCREWS SET FOR BW860J T53DV1 SCREWS SET FOR BW860J Bh 50,000.00 55,000.00 -
3 THX1B-IN P TRAP THX1B-IN P TRAP Bh 237,000.00 260,700.00 -
4 THX1B-2N PTRAP FOR BIDET THX1B-2N PTRAP FOR BIDET Bh 249,000.00 273,900.00 -
5 THX1B-3N PTRAP FORBIDET THX1B-3N PTRAP FORBIDET Bh 267,000.00 293,700.00 -
8 TX301BG GLORIA SINGLE LEVER TX301BG GLORIA SINGLE LEVER Bh 1,900,000.00 2,090,000.00 -
9 TX301Bh HELIO SINGLE TX301Bh HELIO SINGLE Bh 862,000.00 948,200.00 -
10 TX301B1 ICON TX301B1 ICON Bh 2,210,000.00 2,431,000.00 -
11 TX301BJ JAZZ SINGLE LEVER TX301BJ JAZZ SINGLE LEVER Bh 1,270,000.00 1,397,000.00 -
12 TX302BC CURIO CROSS HANDLE TX302BC CURIO CROSS HANDLE Bh 1,740,000.00 1,914,000.00 -
17 TX302BRYN ROYAL CROWN SINGLE TX302BRYN ROYAL CROWN SINGLE Bh 1,650,000.00 1,815,000.00 -
18 TX302BRYR ROYAL CROWN SINGLE TX302BRYR ROYAL CROWN SINGLE Bh 1,650,000.00 1,815,000.00 -
19 TX303BEJ EGO 111 SINGLE LEVER TX303BEJ EGO 111 SINGLE LEVER Bh 1,770,000.00 1,947,000.00 -
21 TX303BES EGO 11 SINGLE LEVER BIDET TX303BES EGO 11 SINGLE LEVER BIDET Bh 1,430,000.00 1,573,000.00 -
23 TX303B1 ICON SINGLE BIDET W/1/1/4 POP-UP TX303B1 ICON SINGLE BIDET W/1/1/4 POP-UP Bh 2,010,000.00 2,211,000.00 -
26 TX303BN MONO SINGLE 1/W,/4 POPUO WASTE TX303BN MONO SINGLE 1/W,/4 POPUO WASTE Bh 1,930,000.00 2,123,000.00 -
27 TX303BN NATURA SINGLE 1/W,/4 POPUO WASTE TX303BN NATURA SINGLE 1/W,/4 POPUO WASTE Bh 2,590,000.00 2,849,000.00 -
28 TX303B0 OPUS SINGLE TX303B0 OPUS SINGLE Bh 1,650,000.00 1,815,000.00 -
29 TX303BQ L MUSE TX303BQ L MUSE Bh 2,850,000.00 3,135,000.00 -
30 TX304BEC EGO 11 CROSS TX304BEC EGO 11 CROSS Bh 2,020,000.00 2,222,000.00 -
31 TX304BEN EGO 111 HOLES TX304BEN EGO 111 HOLES Bh 2,020,000.00 2,222,000.00 -
32 TX304BES EGO 3 HOLES TX304BES EGO 3 HOLES Bh 1,830,000.00 2,013,000.00 -
1 TSI13A2 TOWEL BAR TSI13A2 TOWEL BAR Bh 198,000.00 217,800.00 -
2 TSI13A2V2 TOWEL BAR L = 660 MM TSI13A2V2 TOWEL BAR L = 660 MM Bh 244,000.00 268,400.00 -
3 TS113W DOUBLE TOWEL BAR L=610 MM TS113W DOUBLE TOWEL BAR L=610 MM Bh 552,000.00 607,200.00 -
4 TS115SB TOWEL RING TS115SB TOWEL RING Bh 180,000.00 198,000.00 -
5 TS118SB DOUBLE ROBE HOOK TS118SB DOUBLE ROBE HOOK Bh 135,000.00 148,500.00 -
6 TS119AS5 HEAVY DUTY TS119AS5 HEAVY DUTY Bh 467,000.00 513,700.00 -
7 TS119AS5 SHOWER ROOM L=200 MM TS119AS5 SHOWER ROOM L=200 MM Bh 727,000.00 799,700.00 -
11 TX118 PAPER HOLDER TX118 PAPER HOLDER Bh 209,000.00 229,900.00 -
12 TX1AN FLOOR DRAIN TX1AN FLOOR DRAIN Bh 263,000.00 289,300.00 -
13 TXIVI FLOOR DRAIN TXIVI FLOOR DRAIN Bh 263,000.00 289,300.00 -
15 TX1BV1 FLOOR DRAUN W/SQUARE FLANGE FOR 2.G. I/PIPE (115 X 115 M) TX1BV1 FLOOR DRAUN W/SQUARE FLANGE FOR 2.G. I/PIPE (115 X 115 M) Bh 327,000.00 359,700.00 -
16 TX1C FLOOR DRAIN W/O TRAP (130,5 X 130.5 MM) TX1C FLOOR DRAIN W/O TRAP (130,5 X 130.5 MM) Bh 274,000.00 301,400.00 -
17 TX2AV1B CORNNER SOAP BASKET (208 X158 X158 MM) TX2AV1B CORNNER SOAP BASKET (208 X158 X158 MM) Bh 234,000.00 257,400.00 -
18 TX2BV1B SOAP BASKET (157 X107 MM) TX2BV1B SOAP BASKET (157 X107 MM) Bh 234,000.00 257,400.00 -
19 TX2C CORNNER SOAP DISH TX2C CORNNER SOAP DISH Bh 376,000.00 413,600.00 -
20 TX3A1 GRAB BAR (L=350 MM) TX3A1 GRAB BAR (L=350 MM) Bh 537,000.00 590,700.00 -
21 TX3A2 GRAB BAR (L=500 MM) TX3A2 GRAB BAR (L=500 MM) Bh 651,000.00 716,100.00 -
22 TX3A3 GRAB BAR (L=650 MM) TX3A3 GRAB BAR (L=650 MM) Bh 795,000.00 874,500.00 -
23 TX4A TOWEL SHELF (L=500 MM) TX4A TOWEL SHELF (L=500 MM) Bh 571,000.00 628,100.00 -
24 TXAB TOWEL SHELF (L = 600 MM) TXAB TOWEL SHELF (L = 600 MM) Bh 693,000.00 762,300.00 -
27 TX5A1 TOWEL BAR (L=558 MM) TX5A1 TOWEL BAR (L=558 MM) Bh 383,000.00 421,300.00 -
28 TX5A2 TOWEL BAR (L = 660 MM) TX5A2 TOWEL BAR (L = 660 MM) Bh 420,000.00 462,000.00 -
29 TX5B TOWEL BAR (L=660 MM) TX5B TOWEL BAR (L=660 MM) Bh 494,000.00 543,400.00 -
30 TX5W DUOBLE TOWEL BAR (L=660 MM) TX5W DUOBLE TOWEL BAR (L=660 MM) Bh 1,060,000.00 1,166,000.00 -
31 TXAWAC CURIO DUOBLE TOWEL BAR (L = 660 MM) TXAWAC CURIO DUOBLE TOWEL BAR (L = 660 MM) Bh 1,330,000.00 1,463,000.00 -
32 TX6A1 CURTAIN ROD L = 1524 MM TX6A1 CURTAIN ROD L = 1524 MM Bh 627,000.00 689,700.00 -
33 TX6A2 CURTAIN ROD L = 1829 MM TX6A2 CURTAIN ROD L = 1829 MM Bh 702,000.00 772,200.00 -
34 TX6A3 CURTAIN ROD L = 2100 MM TX6A3 CURTAIN ROD L = 2100 MM Bh 840,000.00 924,000.00 -
37 TX701AC CURIO TOWEL BAR L = 660 MM TX701AC CURIO TOWEL BAR L = 660 MM Bh 537,000.00 590,700.00 -
39 TX701AE EGO TOWEL BAR L = 660 MM TX701AE EGO TOWEL BAR L = 660 MM Bh 701,000.00 771,100.00 -
40 TX701AES EGO 11 TOWEL BAR L = 660 MM TX701AES EGO 11 TOWEL BAR L = 660 MM Bh 47,000,000.00 51,700,000.00 -
41 TX701AEZ TOWEL BAR TX701AEZ TOWEL BAR Bh 464,000.00 510,400.00 -
42 TX701AG GLORIA TOWEL BAR TX701AG GLORIA TOWEL BAR Bh 488,000.00 536,800.00 -
44 TX7011AGLNN GOLDEN CROWN TX7011AGLNN GOLDEN CROWN Bh 806,000.00 886,600.00 -
45 TX701AGLLRN GOLDEN CROWN TX701AGLLRN GOLDEN CROWN Bh 806,000.00 886,600.00 -
46 TX701A1 ICON TOWEL BAT L=710 MM TX701A1 ICON TOWEL BAT L=710 MM Bh 1,040,000.00 1,144,000.00 -
47 TX701AJ JAZZ TX701AJ JAZZ Bh 990,000.00 1,089,000.00 -
48 TX701AL LOOP L=695 MM TX701AL LOOP L=695 MM Bh 1,410,000.00 1,551,000.00 -
49 TX701AN NATURA TOWEL BAR TX701AN NATURA TOWEL BAR Bh 1,050,000.00 1,155,000.00 -
50 TX701ANV1 NATURA HAND TOWEL BAR L=300 MM TX701ANV1 NATURA HAND TOWEL BAR L=300 MM Bh 454,000.00 499,400.00 -
51 TX701AQ LE MUSE L=720 MM TX701AQ LE MUSE L=720 MM Bh 700,000.00 770,000.00 -
52 TX701ARYN ROYAL CROWN L = 660 MM TX701ARYN ROYAL CROWN L = 660 MM Bh 602,000.00 662,200.00 -
53 TX701ARYR ROYAL CROWN L = 660 MM TX701ARYR ROYAL CROWN L = 660 MM Bh 602,000.00 662,200.00 -
54 TX702AC CURIO TX702AC CURIO Bh 341,000.00 375,100.00 -
56 TX702AE EGO TOWEL RING TX702AE EGO TOWEL RING Bh 458,000.00 503,800.00 -
57 TX702AES EGO 11 TOWEL RING TX702AES EGO 11 TOWEL RING Bh 235,000.00 258,500.00 -
58 TX702AG GLORIA TOWEL RING TX702AG GLORIA TOWEL RING Bh 356,000.00 391,600.00 -
60 TX702AGLNN GOLDEN CROWN TX702AGLNN GOLDEN CROWN Bh 459,000.00 504,900.00 -
62 TOWEL BAR L = 260 MM TOWEL BAR L = 260 MM Bh 727,000.00 799,700.00 -
63 TV702AJ JAZZ L = 210 MM TV702AJ JAZZ L = 210 MM Bh 682,000.00 750,200.00 -
64 TX702AL LOOP HAND TOWEL BAR L = 245 TX702AL LOOP HAND TOWEL BAR L = 245 Bh 990,000.00 1,089,000.00 -
65 TX701AN NATURA TOWEL RING TX701AN NATURA TOWEL RING Bh 720,000.00 792,000.00 -
66 TX702AQ LE MUSE HAND TOWEL BAR L = 270 MM. TX702AQ LE MUSE HAND TOWEL BAR L = 270 MM. Bh 480,000.00 528,000.00 -
67 TX702ARYN ROYAL CROWN TX702ARYN ROYAL CROWN Bh 414,000.00 455,400.00 -
68 TX702ARYR ROYAL CROWN TX702ARYR ROYAL CROWN Bh 414,000.00 455,400.00 -
69 TX703 CURIO PAPER HOLDER TX703 CURIO PAPER HOLDER Bh 420,000.00 462,000.00 -
71 TX703AE EGO PAPER HOLDER TX703AE EGO PAPER HOLDER Bh 499,000.00 548,900.00 -
72 TX703AES EGO 11 PAPER HOLDER TX703AES EGO 11 PAPER HOLDER Bh 194,000.00 213,400.00 -
73 TX703AESV1 EGO 11 PAPER HOLDER TX703AESV1 EGO 11 PAPER HOLDER Bh 364,000.00 400,400.00 -
78 TX703A1 ICON TX703A1 ICON Bh 468,000.00 514,800.00 -
79 TX703AJ JAZZ TX703AJ JAZZ Bh 444,000.00 488,400.00 -
80 TX703AL LOOP PAPPER HOLDER TX703AL LOOP PAPPER HOLDER Bh 641,000.00 705,100.00 -
81 TX703AN NATURA TX703AN NATURA Bh 450,000.00 495,000.00 -
82 TX703AQ LE MUSE PAPER HOLDER TX703AQ LE MUSE PAPER HOLDER Bh 300,000.00 330,000.00 -
83 TX703AOV1 LE MUSE PIPER HOLDER TX703AOV1 LE MUSE PIPER HOLDER Bh 450,000.00 495,000.00 -
84 TX703ARYN ROYAL CROWN TX703ARYN ROYAL CROWN Bh 529,000.00 581,900.00 -
85 TX703ARYR ROYAL CROWN TX703ARYR ROYAL CROWN Bh 529,000.00 581,900.00 -
86 TX704AC CURIO TX704AC CURIO Bh 182,000.00 200,200.00 -
90 TC704AE EGO DOUBLE ROBE HOOK TC704AE EGO DOUBLE ROBE HOOK Bh 375,000.00 412,500.00 -
91 TX704AES EGO 11 DOUBLE ROBE HOOK TX704AES EGO 11 DOUBLE ROBE HOOK Bh 196,000.00 215,600.00 -
92 TX704AEZ ROBE HOOK TX704AEZ ROBE HOOK Bh 570,000.00 627,000.00 -
93 TX703AEZV1 SANITARY BAG HOOK TX703AEZV1 SANITARY BAG HOOK Bh 480,000.00 528,000.00 -
98 TC704AI ICON ROBE HOOK TC704AI ICON ROBE HOOK Bh 292,000.00 321,200.00 -
99 TX704AJ JAZZ TX704AJ JAZZ Bh 177,000.00 194,700.00 -
100 TX704AL LOOP TX704AL LOOP Bh 457,000.00 502,700.00 -
101 TX704AN NATURA ROBR HOOK TX704AN NATURA ROBR HOOK Bh 210,000.00 231,000.00 -
102 TX704AG LE MUSE ROBE HOOK TX704AG LE MUSE ROBE HOOK Bh 130,000.00 143,000.00 -
105 TX705AC CURIO TX705AC CURIO Bh 659,000.00 724,900.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
106 TX705 ACNGC CURIO GLASS SHELF TX705 ACNGC CURIO GLASS SHELF Bh 877,000.00 964,700.00 -
107 TX705AE EGO GLASS SHELF TX705AE EGO GLASS SHELF Bh 869,000.00 955,900.00 -
108 TX705AES EGO 11 GLASS SHELF TX705AES EGO 11 GLASS SHELF Bh 591,000.00 650,100.00 -
113 TX706AC CURIO SOAP HOLDER TX706AC CURIO SOAP HOLDER Bh 354,000.00 389,400.00 -
115 TX706AE EGO SOAP HOLDER TX706AE EGO SOAP HOLDER Bh 492,000.00 541,200.00 -
116 TX706AES EGO 11 SOAP HOLDER TX706AES EGO 11 SOAP HOLDER Bh 272,000.00 299,200.00 -
119 TX706ARYN ROYAL CROWN TX706ARYN ROYAL CROWN Bh 471,000.00 518,100.00 -
121 TX707AC CURIO TX707AC CURIO Bh 327,000.00 359,700.00 -
123 TX707AE EGO TUMBLER TX707AE EGO TUMBLER Bh 459,000.00 504,900.00 -
124 TX707AES EGO 11 TUMBLER HOLDER TX707AES EGO 11 TUMBLER HOLDER Bh 240,000.00 264,000.00 -
129 TX716AW HEAVY DUTY MIRROR TX716AW HEAVY DUTY MIRROR Bh 760,000.00 836,000.00 -
130 TX717AW HEAVY DUTY MIRROR 650 X 500 MM TX717AW HEAVY DUTY MIRROR 650 X 500 MM Bh 760,000.00 836,000.00 -
131 TX718AW HEAAVY DUTY MIRROR 600 X 750 MM TX718AW HEAAVY DUTY MIRROR 600 X 750 MM Bh 760,000.00 836,000.00 -
132 TX719AW HEAVY DUTY MIRROR TX719AW HEAVY DUTY MIRROR Bh 596,000.00 655,600.00 -
137 TX722AE EGO 11 SPARE PAPER HOLDER TX722AE EGO 11 SPARE PAPER HOLDER Bh 479,000.00 526,900.00 -
138 TX722AES EGO 11 SPARE PAPER HOLDER TX722AES EGO 11 SPARE PAPER HOLDER Bh 257,000.00 282,700.00 -
139 TX724AC CURIO DOUBLE TOWEL BAR L = 660 MM TX724AC CURIO DOUBLE TOWEL BAR L = 660 MM Bh 967,000.00 1,063,700.00 -
141 TX724AE EGO DOUBLE TOWEL BAR TX724AE EGO DOUBLE TOWEL BAR Bh 1,080,000.00 1,188,000.00 -
142 TX724AES EGO 11 DOUBLE TOWEL BAR TX724AES EGO 11 DOUBLE TOWEL BAR Bh 748,000.00 822,800.00 -
1 T23B13 METAL HANDLE SLINK T23B13 METAL HANDLE SLINK Bh 188,000.00 206,800.00 -
2 T23B13V7NB ARCYLIC HAND F SINK TOP T23B13V7NB ARCYLIC HAND F SINK TOP Bh 196,000.00 215,600.00 -
3 T23BQ13N LEVER HANDLE SINK TAP T23BQ13N LEVER HANDLE SINK TAP Bh 302,000.00 332,200.00 -
4 T2613 METAL HANDLE SINK TAP T2613 METAL HANDLE SINK TAP Bh 257,000.00 282,700.00 -
7 THX 54 WASTE FITTING W/CHAIN THX 54 WASTE FITTING W/CHAIN Bh 186,000.00 204,600.00 -
8 TX130L SINK TAP TX130L SINK TAP Bh 258,000.00 283,800.00 -
10 TX423ST1 SINK TAP W/ SHOWER TX423ST1 SINK TAP W/ SHOWER Bh 417,000.00 458,700.00 -
13 TX6041(DN DONNA SINGLE LEVER TX6041(DN DONNA SINGLE LEVER Bh 788,000.00 866,800.00 -
15 TX605ICM MONO SINGLE LEVER TX605ICM MONO SINGLE LEVER Bh 1,730,000.00 1,903,000.00 -
16 TX606KES EGO 11KICHEN FAUCET TX606KES EGO 11KICHEN FAUCET Bh 967,000.00 1,063,700.00 -
1 AW10J AW10J Bh 141,000.00 155,100.00 -
2 C436CR C436CR Bh 688,000.00 756,800.00 -
3 C436I C436I Bh 2,200,000.00 2,420,000.00 -
4 C51 C51 Bh 6,190,000.00 6,809,000.00 -
5 C704L C704L Bh 1,469,000.00 1,615,900.00 -
6 CE9 CE9 Bh 564,000.00 620,400.00 -
7 CU714 CU714 Bh 1,359,000.00 1,494,900.00 -
8 CU714V CU714V Bh 1,339,000.00 1,472,900.00 -
9 CW1OJ CW1OJ Bh 425,000.00 467,500.00 -
10 CW425J CW425J Bh 717,000.00 788,700.00 -
11 CW436CRNJ CW436CRNJ Bh 861,000.00 947,100.00 -
12 CW436INJ(N) CW436INJ(N) Bh 2,200,000.00 2,420,000.00 -
13 CW452J CW452J Bh 1,978,000.00 2,175,800.00 -
14 CW620J CW620J Bh 1,194,000.00 1,313,400.00 -
15 CW620JT2 CW620JT2 Bh 1,189,000.00 1,307,900.00 -
16 CW6300RIP CW6300RIP Bh 200,000.00 220,000.00 -
17 CW630IJ CW630IJ Bh 1,735,000.00 1,908,500.00 -
18 CW631J CW631J Bh 1,071,000.00 1,178,100.00 -
19 CW660PJ CW660PJ Bh 687,000.00 755,700.00 -
20 CW661JT1 CW661JT1 Bh 1,053,000.00 1,158,300.00 -
21 CW661PJ1 CW661PJ1 Bh 1,053,000.00 1,158,300.00 -
22 CW668J CW668J Bh 1,320,000.00 1,452,000.00 -
23 CW688PJ CW688PJ Bh 1,320,000.00 1,452,000.00 -
24 CW702J CW702J Bh 1,010,000.00 1,111,000.00 -
25 CW704J CW704J Bh 1,279,000.00 1,406,900.00 -
26 CW705 CW705 Bh 1,191,000.00 1,310,100.00 -
27 CW705L CW705L Bh 1,311,000.00 1,442,100.00 -
28 CW708NHJ CW708NHJ Bh 1,812,000.00 1,993,200.00 -
29 CW708NJ CW708NJ Bh 1,816,000.00 1,997,600.00 -
30 CW800J CW800J Bh 1,353,000.00 1,488,300.00 -
31 CW801PJ CW801PJ Bh 1,927,000.00 2,119,700.00 -
32 CW811PJ CW811PJ Bh 2,200,000.00 2,420,000.00 -
33 CW812J CW812J Bh 1,718,000.00 1,889,800.00 -
34 CW813PJ CW813PJ Bh 2,200,000.00 2,420,000.00 -
35 CW821J CW821J Bh 1,927,000.00 2,119,700.00 -
36 CW821PJ CW821PJ Bh 1,927,000.00 2,119,700.00 -
37 CW822J CW822J Bh 1,760,000.00 1,936,000.00 -
38 CW822JT1 CW822JT1 Bh 1,695,000.00 1,864,500.00 -
39 CW823CRJP CW823CRJP Bh 1,375,000.00 1,512,500.00 -
40 CW823IJ CW823IJ Bh 2,200,000.00 2,420,000.00 -
41 CW824PJ CW824PJ Bh 2,050,000.00 2,255,000.00 -
42 CW824PJT1 CW824PJT1 Bh 1,696,000.00 1,865,600.00 -
43 CW825CRJ CW825CRJ Bh 1,219,000.00 1,340,900.00 -
44 CW825IJ CW825IJ Bh 2,200,000.00 2,420,000.00 -
45 CW826J CW826J Bh 2,200,000.00 2,420,000.00 -
46 CW86ONJ CW86ONJ Bh 1,430,000.00 1,573,000.00 -
47 CW862NJ CW862NJ Bh 1,460,000.00 1,606,000.00 -
48 CW862NJP CW862NJP Bh 1,460,000.00 1,606,000.00 -
49 CW863NPJ CW863NPJ Bh 1,424,000.00 1,566,400.00 -
50 CW863NPJT1 CW863NPJT1 Bh 1,520,000.00 1,672,000.00 -
51 CW867CRJP CW867CRJP Bh 285,000.00 313,500.00 -
52 CW867INJ CW867INJ Bh 2,200,000.00 2,420,000.00 -
53 CW868CRJP CW868CRJP Bh 285,000.00 313,500.00 -
54 CW868INJ CW868INJ Bh 2,200,000.00 2,420,000.00 -
55 CW868INPJ CW868INPJ Bh 2,200,000.00 2,420,000.00 -
56 CW875NJ CW875NJ Bh 1,454,000.00 1,599,400.00 -
57 CW875NJT1 CW875NJT1 Bh 1,519,000.00 1,670,900.00 -
58 CW880PJ CW880PJ Bh 1,910,000.00 2,101,000.00 -
59 CW894CRJP CW894CRJP Bh 808,000.00 888,800.00 -
60 CW894IJ CW894IJ Bh 2,200,000.00 2,420,000.00 -
61 CW914CRJ CW914CRJ Bh 784,000.00 862,400.00 -
62 CW914IJ CW914IJ Bh 2,200,000.00 2,420,000.00 -
63 SK33 SK33 Bh 2,200,000.00 2,420,000.00 -
64 SK508 SK508 Bh 2,069,000.00 2,275,900.00 -
65 SW112CRJP SW112CRJP Bh 178,000.00 195,800.00 -
66 SW1121JP SW1121JP Bh 452,000.00 497,200.00 -
67 SW631CRJP SW631CRJP Bh 110,000.00 121,000.00 -
68 SW631IJP SW631IJP Bh 327,000.00 359,700.00 -
69 SW661CRJP SW661CRJP Bh 106,000.00 116,600.00 -
70 SW661IJP SW661IJP Bh 314,000.00 345,400.00 -
71 SW66817 SW66817 Bh 164,000.00 180,400.00 -
72 SW668IJ SW668IJ Bh 491,000.00 540,100.00 -
73 SW78CRJP SW78CRJP Bh 147,000.00 161,700.00 -
74 SW784IJP SW784IJP Bh 363,000.00 399,300.00 -
75 SW801JP SW801JP Bh 723,000.00 795,300.00 -
76 SW811JP SW811JP Bh 1,290,000.00 1,419,000.00 -
77 SW821CRJP SW821CRJP Bh 182,000.00 200,200.00 -
78 SW821IJP SW821IJP Bh 537,000.00 590,700.00 -
79 SW826CRJP SW826CRJP Bh 308,000.00 338,800.00 -
80 SW826IJP SW826IJP Bh 756,000.00 831,600.00 -
81 SW861CRJP SW861CRJP Bh 175,000.00 192,500.00 -
82 SW861IJP SW861IJP Bh 455,000.00 500,500.00 -
83 SW862CRJP SW862CRJP Bh 170,000.00 187,000.00 -
84 SW8621513 SW8621513 Bh 430,000.00 473,000.00 -
85 SW880JP SW880JP Bh 740,000.00 814,000.00 -
Toilet (Colour) Toilet (Colour) - -
1 C50 white C50 white Bh 470,000.00 517,000.00 -
2 C50 colour C50 colour Bh 518,000.00 569,800.00 -
3 CE6 white CE6 white Bh 373,000.00 410,300.00 -
4 CE6 colour CE6 colour Bh 410,000.00 451,000.00 -
5 CE7 white CE7 white Bh 205,000.00 225,500.00 -
6 CE7 colour CE7 colour Bh 226,000.00 248,600.00 -
7 CW421IJ white CW421IJ white Bh 635,000.00 698,500.00 -
8 CW421IJ colour CW421IJ colour Bh 763,000.00 839,300.00 -
9 CW660J white CW660J white Bh 687,000.00 755,700.00 -
10 CW660J colour CW660J colour Bh 817,000.00 898,700.00 -
11 SW420CRJP white SW420CRJP white Bh 106,000.00 116,600.00 -
12 SW420CRJP colour SW420CRJP colour Bh 127,000.00 139,700.00 -
13 SW420IJP white SW420IJP white Bh 307,000.00 337,700.00 -
14 SW420LIP colour SW420LIP colour Bh 368,000.00 404,800.00 -
15 SW660CRJ white SW660CRJ white Bh 106,000.00 116,600.00 -
16 SW660CRJ colour SW660CRJ colour Bh 131,000.00 144,100.00 -
17 SW660IJ white SW660IJ white Bh 267,000.00 293,700.00 -
18 SW660IJ colour SW660IJ colour Bh 320,000.00 352,000.00 -
1 L521 L521 Bh 426,000.00 468,600.00 -
2 L521VIA L521VIA Bh 426,000.00 468,600.00 -
3 L521V3 L521V3 Bh 426,000.00 468,600.00 -
4 L522V3 L522V3 Bh 498,000.00 547,800.00 -
5 L546W/F L546W/F Bh 747,000.00 821,700.00 -
6 L548W/F L548W/F Bh 806,000.00 886,600.00 -
7 L568V3 L568V3 Bh 362,000.00 398,200.00 -
8 L650DW/F L650DW/F Bh 728,000.00 800,800.00 -
9 L652DW/F L652DW/F Bh 465,000.00 511,500.00 -
10 L830V3 L830V3 Bh 642,000.00 706,200.00 -
11 LW103JT1W/F LW103JT1W/F Bh 1,178,000.00 1,295,800.00 -
12 LW236CJW/F2 LW236CJW/F2 Bh 448,000.00 492,800.00 -
13 LW236JT3W/F LW236JT3W/F Bh 448,000.00 492,800.00 -
14 LW239F.TW/F LW239F.TW/F Bh 410,000.00 451,000.00 -
15 LW241CJW/F2 LW241CJW/F2 Bh 702,000.00 772,200.00 -
16 LW241JW/F LW241JW/F Bh 702,000.00 772,200.00 -
17 LW242CJW/F LW242CJW/F Bh 972,000.00 1,069,200.00 -
18 LW242HFJW/FS LW242HFJW/FS Bh 264,000.00 290,400.00 -
19 LW242JW/F LW242JW/F Bh 972,000.00 1,069,200.00 -
20 LW307JW/F LW307JW/F Bh 878,000.00 965,800.00 -
21 LW315CJW/F LW315CJW/F Bh 1,622,000.00 1,784,200.00 -
22 LW315FJW/FCJW/F LW315FJW/FCJW/F Bh 725,000.00 797,500.00 -
23 LW315HFJW/F LW315HFJW/F Bh 583,000.00 641,300.00 -
24 LW315JW/F LW315JW/F Bh 1,622,000.00 1,784,200.00 -
25 LW316CJW/F LW316CJW/F Bh 1,790,000.00 1,969,000.00 -
26 LW316JW/F LW316JW/F Bh 1,790,000.00 1,969,000.00 -
27 LW320CJW/F LW320CJW/F Bh 1,782,000.00 1,960,200.00 -
28 LW320FJW/F LW320FJW/F Bh 810,000.00 891,000.00 -
29 LW320HFJW/F LW320HFJW/F Bh 615,000.00 676,500.00 -
30 LW320JW/F LW320JW/F Bh 1,782,000.00 1,960,200.00 -
31 LW325CJW/F LW325CJW/F Bh 1,222,000.00 1,344,200.00 -
32 LW325FJW/F LW325FJW/F Bh 530,000.00 583,000.00 -
33 LW325HFJW/F LW325HFJW/F Bh 498,000.00 547,800.00 -
34 LW325JW/F LW325JW/F Bh 1,222,000.00 1,344,200.00 -
35 LW326CJW/F LW326CJW/F Bh 1,300,000.00 1,430,000.00 -
36 LW326JW/F LW326JW/F Bh 1,300,000.00 1,430,000.00 -
37 LW501CJ LW501CJ Bh 396,000.00 435,600.00 -
38 LW501J LW501J Bh 396,000.00 435,600.00 -
39 LW523JW/F LW523JW/F Bh 790,000.00 869,000.00 -
40 LW524 TW/ LW524 TW/ Bh 790,000.00 869,000.00 -
41 LW526J LW526J Bh 730,000.00 803,000.00 -
42 LW527J LW527J Bh 730,000.00 803,000.00 -
43 LW528J LW528J Bh 795,000.00 874,500.00 -
44 LW530J LW530J Bh 431,000.00 474,100.00 -
45 LW523JW/ LW523JW/ Bh 865,000.00 951,500.00 -
46 LW533.1W/F LW533.1W/F Bh 812,000.00 893,200.00 -
47 LW535JW/F LW535JW/F Bh 865,000.00 951,500.00 -
48 LW536CJVV/F LW536CJVV/F Bh 865,000.00 951,500.00 -
49 LW537CJW/F LW537CJW/F Bh 898,000.00 987,800.00 -
50 LW539CJW/F LW539CJW/F Bh 657,000.00 722,700.00 -
51 LW539JTIW/F LW539JTIW/F Bh 657,000.00 722,700.00 -
52 LW540JW/F LW540JW/F Bh 660,000.00 726,000.00 -
53 LW542JW/F LW542JW/F Bh 1,422,000.00 1,564,200.00 -
54 LW549JW/F LW549JW/F Bh 757,000.00 832,700.00 -
55 LW553JW/F LW553JW/F Bh 742,000.00 816,200.00 -
56 LW565 LW565 Bh 333,000.00 366,300.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
57 LW587JW/F LW587JW/F Bh 471,000.00 518,100.00 -
58 LW595JW/F LW595JW/F Bh 905,000.00 995,500.00 -
59 LW 630JW/F LW 630JW/F Bh 860,000.00 946,000.00 -
60 LW631JW/F LW631JW/F Bh 1,180,000.00 1,298,000.00 -
61 LW640CJW/F LW640CJW/F Bh 951,000.00 1,046,100.00 -
62 LW640CJW/F LW640CJW/F Bh 893,000.00 982,300.00 -
63 LW640JW/F LW640JW/F Bh 951,000.00 1,046,100.00 -
64 LW640,TW/F LW640,TW/F Bh 893,000.00 982,300.00 -
65 LW641CJW/F LW641CJW/F Bh 878,000.00 965,800.00 -
66 LW641JW/F LW641JW/F Bh 878,000.00 965,800.00 -
67 LW624CJW/F LW624CJW/F Bh 898,000.00 987,800.00 -
68 LW642JW/F LW642JW/F Bh 989,000.00 1,087,900.00 -
69 LW643JW/F LW643JW/F Bh 865,000.00 951,500.00 -
70 LW645JW/F LW645JW/F Bh 1,413,000.00 1,554,300.00 -
71 LW646JW/F LW646JW/F Bh 790,000.00 869,000.00 -
72 LW647CJ/F LW647CJ/F Bh 849,000.00 933,900.00 -
73 LW647JW/F LW647JW/F Bh 849,000.00 933,900.00 -
74 LW650CJ(N) W/F LW650CJ(N) W/F Bh 2,062,000.00 2,268,200.00 -
75 LW650FJ LW650FJ Bh 603,000.00 663,300.00 -
76 LW650HFJW/F LW650HFJW/F Bh 409,000.00 449,900.00 -
77 LW650(N)W/F LW650(N)W/F Bh 2,062,000.00 2,268,200.00 -
78 LW651JW/F LW651JW/F Bh 574,000.00 631,400.00 -
79 LW652CJ(N)W/F LW652CJ(N)W/F Bh 1,462,000.00 1,608,200.00 -
80 LW652J(N)W/F LW652J(N)W/F Bh 1,462,000.00 1,608,200.00 -
81 LW660CJW/F LW660CJW/F Bh 642,000.00 706,200.00 -
82 LW660JW/F LW660JW/F Bh 642,000.00 706,200.00 -
83 LW661JW/F LW661JW/F Bh 540,000.00 594,000.00 -
84 LW661JW/F LW661JW/F Bh 540,000.00 594,000.00 -
85 LW662CJW/F LW662CJW/F Bh 667,000.00 733,700.00 -
86 LW662JW/F LW662JW/F Bh 667,000.00 733,700.00 -
87 LW665CJT1W/F LW665CJT1W/F Bh 436,000.00 479,600.00 -
88 LW665FJW/F LW665FJW/F Bh 410,000.00 451,000.00 -
89 LW667JW/F LW667JW/F Bh 1,012,000.00 1,113,200.00 -
90 LW668FJ LW668FJ Bh 680,000.00 748,000.00 -
91 LW668FJTIW/F LW668FJTIW/F Bh 633,000.00 696,300.00 -
92 LW668JW/F2 LW668JW/F2 Bh 1,482,000.00 1,630,200.00 -
93 LW780CJW/F LW780CJW/F Bh 1,632,000.00 1,795,200.00 -
94 LW780FJW/F2 LW780FJW/F2 Bh 776,000.00 853,600.00 -
95 L'W780JW/F L'W780JW/F Bh 1,632,000.00 1,795,200.00 -
96 LW781C LW781C Bh 1,090,000.00 1,199,000.00 -
97 LW781J LW781J Bh 1,090,000.00 1,199,000.00 -
98 LW7CJW/F LW7CJW/F Bh 419,000.00 460,900.00 -
99 LW810CJW/F LW810CJW/F Bh 630,000.00 693,000.00 -
100 LW811CJW/F LW811CJW/F Bh 990,000.00 1,089,000.00 -
101 LW12CJLW/F LW12CJLW/F Bh 1,950,000.00 2,145,000.00 -
102 LW812JLW/F LW812JLW/F Bh 1,950,000.00 2,145,000.00 -
103 LW812CRJW/F LW812CRJW/F Bh 1,950,000.00 2,145,000.00 -
104 LW813CJW/F LW813CJW/F Bh 1,950,000.00 2,145,000.00 -
105 LW814C1W/F LW814C1W/F Bh 1,100,000.00 1,210,000.00 -
106 LW15CJW/F LW15CJW/F Bh 1,500,000.00 1,650,000.00 -
107 LW816JW/F LW816JW/F Bh 789,000.00 867,900.00 -
108 LW817JW/F LW817JW/F Bh 4,300,000.00 4,730,000.00 -
109 LW818JW/F LW818JW/F Bh 4,100,000.00 4,510,000.00 -
110 LW819JW/F LW819JW/F Bh 1,500,000.00 1,650,000.00 -
111 LW820CJW/F LW820CJW/F Bh 1,100,000.00 1,210,000.00 -
112 LW820FJW/F LW820FJW/F Bh 1,392,000.00 1,531,200.00 -
113 LW820HFJW/F LW820HFJW/F Bh 448,000.00 492,800.00 -
114 LW820JW/F LW820JW/F Bh 1,392,000.00 1,531,200.00 -
115 LW821CJW/F LW821CJW/F Bh 1,882,000.00 2,070,200.00 -
116 LW821JW/F LW821JW/F Bh 1,882,000.00 2,070,200.00 -
117 LW824CJW/F LW824CJW/F Bh 819,000.00 900,900.00 -
118 LW824JW/F LW824JW/F Bh 1,532,000.00 1,685,200.00 -
119 LW825FJW/F LW825FJW/F Bh 764,000.00 840,400.00 -
120 LW825HFJW/F LW825HFJW/F Bh 485,000.00 533,500.00 -
121 LW825JW/F LW825JW/F Bh 1,532,000.00 1,685,200.00 -
122 LW826CJW/F LW826CJW/F Bh 2,062,000.00 2,268,200.00 -
123 LW826JW/F LW826JW/F Bh 2,062,000.00 2,268,200.00 -
124 LW827CJW/F LW827CJW/F Bh 702,000.00 772,200.00 -
125 LW827FJW/F LW827FJW/F Bh 462,000.00 508,200.00 -
126 LW828CJW/F LW828CJW/F Bh 740,000.00 814,000.00 -
127 LW828JW/F LW828JW/F Bh 844,000.00 928,400.00 -
128 LW829JW/F LW829JW/F Bh 844,000.00 928,400.00 -
129 LW830CJW/F LW830CJW/F Bh 689,000.00 757,900.00 -
130 LW830JW/F LW830JW/F Bh 689,000.00 757,900.00 -
131 LW850CJW/F LW850CJW/F Bh 1,142,000.00 1,256,200.00 -
132 LW850JW/F LW850JW/F Bh 1,142,000.00 1,256,200.00 -
133 LW851CJ LW851CJ Bh 573,000.00 630,300.00 -
134 LW851J LW851J Bh 573,000.00 630,300.00 -
135 LW860CJW/F LW860CJW/F Bh 871,000.00 958,100.00 -
136 LW860FJW/F LW860FJW/F Bh 417,000.00 458,700.00 -
137 LW860HFJ/F LW860HFJ/F Bh 298,000.00 327,800.00 -
138 LW861CJ LW861CJ Bh 498,000.00 547,800.00 -
139 LW890CJW/F LW890CJW/F Bh 1,142,000.00 1,256,200.00 -
140 LW890FJW/F LW890FJW/F Bh 417,000.00 458,700.00 -
141 LW890HFJW/F LW890HFJW/F Bh 343,000.00 377,300.00 -
142 LW890JW/F LW890JW/F Bh 1,142,000.00 1,256,200.00 -
143 LW986 LW986 Bh 417,000.00 458,700.00 -
144 LW890HFJW/F LW890HFJW/F Bh 343,000.00 377,300.00 -
145 LW890JW/F LW890JW/F Bh 1,142,000.00 1,256,200.00 -
146 LW986 LW986 Bh 1,130,000.00 1,243,000.00 -
1 L237FW/F2 white L237FW/F2 white Bh 410,000.00 451,000.00 -
2 L237FW/F2 Colors L237FW/F2 Colors Bh 475,000.00 522,500.00 -
3 L237VIBW/F white L237VIBW/F white Bh 501,000.00 551,100.00 -
4 L237VIBW/F Colors L237VIBW/F Colors Bh 546,000.00 600,600.00 -
5 L237V3W/F white L237V3W/F white Bh 501,000.00 551,100.00 -
6 L237V3W/F Colors L237V3W/F Colors Bh 546,000.00 600,600.00 -
7 L34W/F white L34W/F white Bh 248,000.00 272,800.00 -
8 L34W/F Colors L34W/F Colors Bh 272,000.00 299,200.00 -
9 L38V1W/F white L38V1W/F white Bh 311,000.00 342,100.00 -
10 L38V1W/F Colors L38V1W/F Colors Bh 338,000.00 371,800.00 -
11 L529V1W/F white L529V1W/F white Bh 304,000.00 334,400.00 -
12 L529V1W/F Colors L529V1W/F Colors Bh 331,000.00 364,100.00 -
13 LW211CJW/F white LW211CJW/F white Bh 368,000.00 404,800.00 -
14 LW211CJW/F Colors LW211CJW/F Colors Bh 403,000.00 443,300.00 -
15 LW220JW/F white LW220JW/F white Bh 374,000.00 411,400.00 -
16 LW220JW/F Colors LW220JW/F Colors Bh 409,000.00 449,900.00 -
17 LW230JW/F white LW230JW/F white Bh 374,000.00 411,400.00 -
18 LW230JW/F Colors LW230JW/F Colors Bh 409,000.00 449,900.00 -
19 LW240CJW/F2 white LW240CJW/F2 white Bh 388,000.00 426,800.00 -
20 LW240CJW/F2 Colors LW240CJW/F2 Colors Bh 426,000.00 468,600.00 -
21 LW240HFJW/F white LW240HFJW/F white Bh 193,000.00 212,300.00 -
22 LW240HFJW/F Colors LW240HFJW/F Colors Bh 230,000.00 253,000.00 -
1 LW 816 J LW 816 J set 13,316,000.00 14,647,600.00 -
2 LW 542 J LW 542 J set 2,749,000.00 3,023,900.00 -
3 LW 316 J LW 316 J set 4,354,000.00 4,789,400.00 -
4 LW 643 J LW 643 J set 4,660,000.00 5,126,000.00 -
5 LW 819 J LW 819 J set 3,945,000.00 4,339,500.00 -
6 LW 818 J LW 818 J set 5,608,000.00 6,168,800.00 -
7 LW 814 CJ LW 814 CJ set 5,048,000.00 5,552,800.00 -
8 LW 813 CJ LW 813 CJ set 4,648,000.00 5,112,800.00 -
9 LW 631 J LW 631 J set 3,815,000.00 4,196,500.00 -
10 LW 630 J LW 630 J set 4,655,000.00 5,120,500.00 -
11 LW 645 J LW 645 J set 2,691,000.00 2,960,100.00 -
12 LW 640 J LW 640 J set 3,515,000.00 3,866,500.00 -
13 LW 537 CJ LW 537 CJ set 3,763,000.00 4,139,300.00 -
14 LW 536 CJ LW 536 CJ set 2,996,000.00 3,295,600.00 -
15 LW 535 J LW 535 J set 2,599,000.00 2,858,900.00 -
16 LW 532 J LW 532 J set 3,340,000.00 3,674,000.00 -
17 LW 523 J LW 523 J set 3,425,000.00 3,767,500.00 -
18 LW 524 J LW 524 J set 3,223,000.00 3,545,300.00 -
19 L 652 D L 652 D set 1,139,000.00 1,252,900.00 -
20 LW 647 CJ LW 647 CJ set 3,700,000.00 4,070,000.00 -
21 LW 646 J LW 646 J set 3,691,000.00 4,060,100.00 -
22 LW 641 J LW 641 J set 4,142,000.00 4,556,200.00 -
23 LW 528 J LW 528 J set 3,228,000.00 3,550,800.00 -
24 LW 526 J LW 526 J set 3,295,000.00 3,624,500.00 -
25 LW 527 J LW 527 J set 3,163,000.00 3,479,300.00 -
26 LW 642 CJ LW 642 CJ set 2,699,000.00 2,968,900.00 -
27 LW 533 LW 533 set 3,047,000.00 3,351,700.00 -
28 LW 829 CJ LW 829 CJ set 2,626,000.00 2,888,600.00 -
29 LW 824 CJ LW 824 CJ set 2,931,000.00 3,224,100.00 -
30 LW 830 J LW 830 J set 3,192,000.00 3,511,200.00 -
31 LW 660 CJ LW 660 CJ set 2,093,000.00 2,302,300.00 -
32 LW 661 CJ LW 661 CJ set 1,991,000.00 2,190,100.00 -
33 LW 662 J LW 662 J set 3,180,000.00 3,498,000.00 -
34 LW 326 LW 326 set 3,864,000.00 4,250,400.00 -
35 LW 986 LW 986 set 4,183,000.00 4,601,300.00 -
36 LW 851 J LW 851 J set 3,086,000.00 3,394,600.00 -
37 LW 861 CJ LW 861 CJ set 1,949,000.06 2,143,910.00 -
38 LW 501 CJ LW 501 CJ set 1,605,000.00 1,765,500.00 -
39 L 568 V3 L 568 V3 set 1,813,000.00 1,994,300.00 -
40 LW 530 C LW 530 C set 1,955,000.00 2,150,500.00 -
41 LW 565 LW 565 set 1,404,000.00 1,544,400.00 -
42 L 522 V3 L 522 V3 set 1,949,000.00 2,143,900.00 -
43 L 521 VIA L 521 VIA set 1,796,000.00 1,975,600.00 -
44 LW 781 J LW 781 J set 3,913,000.00 4,304,300.00 -
45 LW 595 J LW 595 J set 3,806,000.00 4,186,600.00 -
46 LW 540 J LW 540 J set 3,111,000.00 3,422,100.00 -
47 LW 549 J LW 549 J set 2,378,000.00 2,615,800.00 -
48 LW 539 JT1 LW 539 JT1 set 7,082,000.00 7,790,200.00 -
49 L 548 L 548 set 2,257,000.00 2,482,700.00 -
50 LW 651 J LW 651 J set 2,025,000.00 2,227,500.00 -
51 L 546 L 546 set 2,198,000.00 2,417,800.00 -
52 LW 587 L LW 587 L set 3,294,000.00 3,623,400.00 -
53 LW 553 J LW 553 J set 2,403,000.00 2,643,300.00 -
54 LW 817 J LW 817 J set 10,270,000.00 11,297,000.00 -
55 LW 315 J/LW 315 FJ LW 315 J/LW 315 FJ set 4,911,000.00 5,402,100.00 -
56 LW 315 J/LW315 HFJ LW 315 J/LW315 HFJ set 4,769,000.00 5,245,900.00 -
57 LW 320 J/ LW 320 FJ LW 320 J/ LW 320 FJ set 5,856,000.00 6,441,600.00 -
58 LW 320 J/LW 320 HFJ LW 320 J/LW 320 HFJ set 5,661,000.00 6,227,100.00 -
59 LW 325 J/LW 325 Fl LW 325 J/LW 325 Fl set 4,316,000.00 4,747,600.00 -
60 LW 325 J/LW 325 HFJ LW 325 J/LW 325 HFJ set 4,284,000.00 4,712,400.00 -
61 LW 826 J/LW 825 FJ LW 826 J/LW 825 FJ set 5,350,000.00 5,885,000.00 -
62 Lw 826 J/ Lw 825 HFJ Lw 826 J/ Lw 825 HFJ set 5,071,000.00 5,578,100.00 -
63 LW 825 J/LW 825 HFJ LW 825 J/LW 825 HFJ set 4,820,000.00 5,302,000.00 -
64 Lw 828 J/LW 825 FJ Lw 828 J/LW 825 FJ set 4,541,000.00 4,995,100.00 -
0 - -
1 CW31B CW31B set 28,300,000.00 31,130,000.00 -
2 BW310B BW310B set 18,560,000.00 20,416,000.00 -
3 LW311B LW311B set 13,130,000.00 14,443,000.00 -
4 LW311CB LW311CB set 11,090,000.00 12,199,000.00 -
5 LW312CB LW312CB set 11,630,000.00 12,793,000.00 -
6 FBY 1890HPWE FBY 1890HPWE set 31,100,000.00 34,210,000.00 -
7 SHOWER SET W/BATH SPOUT SHOWER SET W/BATH SPOUT set 7,100,000.00 7,810,000.00 -
8 SHOWER SET W/BATH SPOUT SHOWER SET W/BATH SPOUT set 10,200,000.00 11,220,000.00 -
0 - -
1 CES9911AV7 CES9911AV7 set 69,000,000.00 75,900,000.00 -
2 CES9911B CES9911B set 64,000,000.00 70,400,000.00 -
3 CES9683AJ CES9683AJ set 49,000,000.00 53,900,000.00 -
4 LW991A LW991A set 108,000,000.00 118,800,000.00 -
5 PKZ1800A PKZ1800A set 522,100,000.00 574,310,000.00 -
6 TMC95V101R TMC95V101R set 120,000,000.00 132,000,000.00 -
7 YT87S7S YT87S7S set 20,000,000.00 22,000,000.00 -
8 YH87S YH87S set 14,250,000.00 15,675,000.00 -
9 YH63SD YH63SD set 13,600,000.00 14,960,000.00 -
0 - -
1 CS260BM/SW112JP CS260BM/SW112JP set 10,610,000.00 11,671,000.00 -
2 CW794B/SW794BT2 CW794B/SW794BT2 set 5,870,000.00 6,457,000.00 -
0 - -
1 USWN870RB USWN870RB set 16,900,000.00 18,590,000.00 -
2 SKW322B SKW322B set 5,610,000.00 6,171,000.00 -
0 - -
1 DS730 DS730 set 460,000.00 506,000.00 -
2 DS731 DS731 set 1,150,000.00 1,265,000.00 -
3 DS 732 DS 732 set 1,400,000.00 1,540,000.00 -
4 DS733 DS733 set 1,500,000.00 1,650,000.00 -
0 - -
1 115 228 21 1 115 228 21 1 set 880,000.00 968,000.00 -
2 115 770 46 1 GABERIT SAMBA 115 770 46 1 GABERIT SAMBA set 770,000.00 847,000.00 -
3 115 788 46 1 GABERIT SIGMA 115 788 46 1 GABERIT SIGMA set 3,330,000.00 3,663,000.00 -
4 115 888 46 1 DUAL FLUSH ACTUAR 115 888 46 1 DUAL FLUSH ACTUAR set 596,000.00 655,600.00 -
5 170 016 002 CONCEALED SISTEM 170 016 002 CONCEALED SISTEM set 1,260,000.00 1,386,000.00 -
6 170 063 002 STANDARD FIX 170 063 002 STANDARD FIX set 2,450,000.00 2,695,000.00 -
7 224 054 001 224 054 001 set 835,000.00 918,500.00 -
8 224 321 001 CONCOEALED 224 321 001 CONCOEALED set 1,645,000.00 1,809,500.00 -
9 224 356 001 ARTINA 224 356 001 ARTINA set 2,170,000.00 2,387,000.00 -
10 9005 STANDAR 9005 STANDAR set 440,000.00 484,000.00 -
11 9008 LUXURY 9008 LUXURY set 490,000.00 539,000.00 -
12 9008L EXTENDED 9008L EXTENDED set 500,000.00 550,000.00 -
13 CS260BM PUREREST CS260BM PUREREST set 7,060,000.00 7,766,000.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
14 DLE104BSH1 AQUA AUTO DLE104BSH1 AQUA AUTO set 6,200,000.00 6,820,000.00 -
15 DLE 104BSH2 AQUA AUTO FAUCET DLE 104BSH2 AQUA AUTO FAUCET set 6,400,000.00 7,040,000.00 -
16 DLE105BSH WALL MOUNT AGUA AUTO DLE105BSH WALL MOUNT AGUA AUTO set 6,000,000.00 6,600,000.00 -
17 DUE104PBV1 URINAL SENSOR DUE104PBV1 URINAL SENSOR set 2,500,000.00 2,750,000.00 -
19 HD3000S HAND DRYER HIGH SPEED HD3000S HAND DRYER HIGH SPEED set 4,300,000.00 4,730,000.00 -
20 HD3100R HAND DRYER HIGH SPEED HD3100R HAND DRYER HIGH SPEED set 3,550,000.00 3,905,000.00 -
21 HD4000C HAND DRYER CHINAWARE COVER HD4000C HAND DRYER CHINAWARE COVER set 3,300,000.00 3,630,000.00 -
22 HD400M HAND DRYER METAL COVER HD400M HAND DRYER METAL COVER set 3,500,000.00 3,850,000.00 -
23 L710CET CONSOLE SQUARE L710CET CONSOLE SQUARE set 2,000,000.00 2,200,000.00 -
24 LW538RCB SELF RIMMING LW538RCB SELF RIMMING set 1,500,000.00 1,650,000.00 -
25 MT101-CE9 FLOWMASTER MT101-CE9 FLOWMASTER set 500,000.00 550,000.00 -
26 MT102-C51 FLOWMASTER MT102-C51 FLOWMASTER set 500,000.00 550,000.00 -
27 MT102-CW10J.1 FLOWMASTER MT102-CW10J.1 FLOWMASTER set 500,000.00 550,000.00 -
28 SKW322B SERVICE SINK BODY SKW322B SERVICE SINK BODY set 2,270,000.00 2,497,000.00 -
29 T27NH13 SILL COOK T27NH13 SILL COOK set 490,000.00 539,000.00 -
30 T37SE WASTE T37SE WASTE set 2,900,000.00 3,190,000.00 -
31 TB18I) LUXURY FIXED TB18I) LUXURY FIXED set 2,850,000.00 3,135,000.00 -
32 TC425N SEAT FOR CW425J TC425N SEAT FOR CW425J set 668,000.00 734,800.00 -
33 TCF490A WASHLET TCF490A WASHLET set 14,000,000.00 15,400,000.00 -
34 TCF491A WASHLET TCF491A WASHLET set 14,000,000.00 15,400,000.00 -
35 TEA6IDR URINAL SENSOR TEA6IDR URINAL SENSOR set 3,600,000.00 3,960,000.00 -
36 TEA99DV1 URINAL SENSOR TEA99DV1 URINAL SENSOR set 5,820,000.00 6,402,000.00 -
37 TENI2EWV500 SELF POWERED TENI2EWV500 SELF POWERED set 7,280,000.00 8,008,000.00 -
38 TEN40AWV500 SELP POWERED TEN40AWV500 SELP POWERED set 5,250,000.00 5,775,000.00 -
39 TK133AR13C LONG SWIVEL TK133AR13C LONG SWIVEL set 671,000.00 738,100.00 -
40 TKN34PBS SINGLE LEVER TKN34PBS SINGLE LEVER set 5,150,000.00 5,665,000.00 -
41 TMC95 SHOWER PANEL TMC95 SHOWER PANEL set 19,500,000.00 21,450,000.00 -
42 TS116R STAINLES TS116R STAINLES set 332,000.00 365,200.00 -
43 YU37D MOUNTING BOLT YU37D MOUNTING BOLT set 109,000.00 119,900.00 -
44 TYC404G HIGH SPEED TYC404G HIGH SPEED set 9,850,000.00 10,835,000.00 -
45 TZ106B WATERPROOF SEAL TZ106B WATERPROOF SEAL set 188,000.00 206,800.00 -
46 YG902S WATERPROOF SILICON YG902S WATERPROOF SILICON set 160,000.00 176,000.00 -
0 - -
1 Jaccuzi J-470 kapasitas 6 - 7 Org Jaccuzi J-470 kapasitas 6 - 7 Org unit 400,500,000.00 440,550,000.00 -
2 Jaccuzi J-325 kapasitas 4-5 Org Jaccuzi J-325 kapasitas 4-5 Org unit 356,000,000.00 391,600,000.00 -
3 Sauna Model Single Deck, uk. 3x3x2,1 m Sauna Model Single Deck, uk. 3x3x2,1 m set 45,000,000.00 49,500,000.00 -
- Lantai, Bangku, Plafon dan Dinding Kayu Pinus 2x7 cm, 1 x 7 xm - Lantai, Bangku, Plafon dan Dinding Kayu Pinus 2x7 cm, 1 x 7 xm - -
- Rangka Kasso 4x6, Anti Rayap, Kaca Intip uk. 20x50 cm - Rangka Kasso 4x6, Anti Rayap, Kaca Intip uk. 20x50 cm - -
Peralatan Sauna, Tungku Sauna 120 Watt, Sand Timer, Hygro dan Thermometer Peralatan Sauna, Tungku Sauna 120 Watt, Sand Timer, Hygro dan Thermometer - -
4 Wooden Bucket, Ledle Wooden Bucket, Ledle set 262,500,000.00 288,750,000.00 -
0 - -
1 Kran tembok 1/2" san-EI (Y-20C) Kran tembok 1/2" san-EI (Y-20C) Bh 95,000.00 104,500.00 2.00
2 Kran tembok 1/2" san-EI (A-10C) Kran tembok 1/2" san-EI (A-10C) Bh 150,000.00 165,000.00 2.00
3 Push kran 1/2" san-EI (S-38 C) Push kran 1/2" san-EI (S-38 C) Bh 375,000.00 412,500.00 2.00
4 Floor Drain san-EI/K Floor Drain san-EI/K Bh 62,500.00 68,750.00 2.00
5 Floor Drain out (FCO) No. 3 Floor Drain out (FCO) No. 3 Bh 65,000.00 71,500.00 2.00
6 Roof Drain No. 2" besi Roof Drain No. 2" besi Bh 67,500.00 74,250.00 2.00
7 Roof Drain No. 3" besi Roof Drain No. 3" besi Bh 75,000.00 82,500.00 2.00
8 Roof Drain No. 4" besi Roof Drain No. 4" besi Bh 67,500.00 74,250.00 2.00
9 Tangki air fiber 0.5 m3 bulat Tangki air fiber 0.5 m3 bulat Bh 750,000.00 825,000.00 2.00
10 Tanglci air fiber 1 m3 bulat Tanglci air fiber 1 m3 bulat Bh 950,000.00 1,045,000.00 -
11 Tutup talang kiri kode L-2080 Tutup talang kiri kode L-2080 Bh 17,500.00 19,250.00 -
12 Gantungan kode G-2060 besi Gantungan kode G-2060 besi Bh 17,500.00 19,250.00 -
13 Gantungan kode S-2050 PVC Gantungan kode S-2050 PVC Bh 15,000.00 16,500.00 -
14 Knee 4" besi 4m Knee 4" besi 4m Bh 12,500.00 13,750.00 -
15 Karet talang Lb 90 x 1.2 mm Karet talang Lb 90 x 1.2 mm m' 15,000.00 16,500.00 -
16 Karet talang Lb 60 x 1 mm Karet talang Lb 60 x 1 mm m' 12,500.00 13,750.00 -
0 - -
0 - -
1 BL TG 1X18W/54 SAVY BL TG 1X18W/54 SAVY Bh 157,100.00 172,810.00 -
2 BL TG 2X18W/54 SAVY BL TG 2X18W/54 SAVY Bh 188,600.00 207,460.00 -
3 BL TG 1X36W/54 SAVY BL TG 1X36W/54 SAVY Bh 196,000.00 215,600.00 -
4 BL TG 2X36W/54 SAVY BL TG 2X36W/54 SAVY Bh 328,400.00 361,240.00 -
5 TX TG 1X18W/54 SAVY TX TG 1X18W/54 SAVY Bh 182,500.00 200,750.00 -
6 TK TG 2X18W/54 SAVY TK TG 2X18W/54 SAVY Bh 214,000.00 235,400.00 -
7 TK TG 1X36W/54 SAVY TK TG 1X36W/54 SAVY Bh 228,000.00 250,800.00 -
8 TK TG 2X36W/54 SAVY TK TG 2X36W/54 SAVY Bh 361,400.00 397,540.00 -
9 VSHAPE TP 1X18W/54 SAVY VSHAPE TP 1X18W/54 SAVY Bh 192,800.00 212,080.00 -
10 VSHAPE TP 2X18W/54 SAVY VSHAPE TP 2X18W/54 SAVY Bh 225,000.00 247,500.00 -
11 VSHAPE TP 1X36W/54 SAVY VSHAPE TP 1X36W/54 SAVY Bh 200,500.00 220,550.00 -
12 VSHAPE TP 2X36W/54 SAVY VSHAPE TP 2X36W/54 SAVY Bh 391,700.00 430,870.00 -
13 VSHAPE MIRROR 1X18W/54 SAVY VSHAPE MIRROR 1X18W/54 SAVY Bh 301,300.00 331,430.00 -
14 VSHAPE MIRROR 2X18W/54 SAVY VSHAPE MIRROR 2X18W/54 SAVY Bh 336,200.00 369,820.00 -
15 VSHAPE MIRROR 1X36W/54 SAVY VSHAPE MIRROR 1X36W/54 SAVY Bh 386,000.00 424,600.00 -
16 VSHAPE MIRROR 2X36W/54 SAVY VSHAPE MIRROR 2X36W/54 SAVY Bh 525,300.00 577,830.00 -
17 EL MAS 1X36W/54 EL MAS 1X36W/54 Bh 154,700.00 170,170.00 -
18 BL MAS 1X18W/54 BL MAS 1X18W/54 Bh 140,000.00 154,000.00 -
19 GMS ['P 1x18W/54 ACR SAVY GMS ['P 1x18W/54 ACR SAVY Bh 278,600.00 306,460.00 -
20 GMS TP 1x36W/54ACR SAVY GMS TP 1x36W/54ACR SAVY Bh 419,000.00 460,900.00 -
21 GMS TP 2x18W/54 ACR SAVY GMS TP 2x18W/54 ACR SAVY Bh 312,600.00 343,860.00 -
22 GMS TP 2x36W/54 ACR SAVY GMS TP 2x36W/54 ACR SAVY Bh 558,000.00 613,800.00 -
23 GMS TG 1 X 18W/54 PRISMATIK SAVY GMS TG 1 X 18W/54 PRISMATIK SAVY Bh 247,000.00 271,700.00 -
24 Glv1S TG 1 X 36W/54 PRISMATIK SAVY Glv1S TG 1 X 36W/54 PRISMATIK SAVY Bh 306,000.00 336,600.00 -
25 GMS HUGO lx18W/54 ACR GMS HUGO lx18W/54 ACR Bh 553,800.00 609,180.00 -
26 GMS HUGO 2x18W/54 ACR GMS HUGO 2x18W/54 ACR Bh 736,300.00 809,930.00 -
27 GMS HUGO 1x36W/54 ACR GMS HUGO 1x36W/54 ACR Bh 703,300.00 773,630.00 -
28 GMS HUGO 2x36W/54 ACR GMS HUGO 2x36W/54 ACR Bh 978,200.00 1,076,020.00 -
29 GMS PRD 1x18W/54 ACR GMS PRD 1x18W/54 ACR Bh 355,700.00 391,270.00 -
30 GMS PRD 2x18W/54 ACR GMS PRD 2x18W/54 ACR Bh 581,000.00 639,100.00 -
31 GMS PRD 1x36 W/54 ACR GMS PRD 1x36 W/54 ACR Bh 589,300.00 648,230.00 -
32 GMS PRD 2x36W/54 ACR GMS PRD 2x36W/54 ACR Bh 808,200.00 889,020.00 -
33 GLG FULL GLOBE 40 ACR E27+PL Essensial 18W (tanpa tiang) GLG FULL GLOBE 40 ACR E27+PL Essensial 18W (tanpa tiang) Bh 550,200.00 605,220.00 -
34 GL MINI CESNA E27+PL Essensial 18W (tanpa tiang) GL MINI CESNA E27+PL Essensial 18W (tanpa tiang) Bh 484,300.00 532,730.00 -
35 GL TOP ACR TRP F,27+PL Essensial 18W (tanpa tiang) GL TOP ACR TRP F,27+PL Essensial 18W (tanpa tiang) Bh 1,196,900.00 1,316,590.00 -
36 GL TOP ACR GRILL E27+PL Essensial 18W (tanpa tiang) GL TOP ACR GRILL E27+PL Essensial 18W (tanpa tiang) Bh 1,114,100.00 1,225,510.00 -
37 GLG E27 BG 12+PL Essensial 18W (tanpa tiang) GLG E27 BG 12+PL Essensial 18W (tanpa tiang) Bh 314,500.00 345,950.00 -
38 GL E27 BG 12+PL Essensial 18W (tanpa tiang) GL E27 BG 12+PL Essensial 18W (tanpa tiang) Bh 278,800.00 306,680.00 -
40 RM 300 GLOSSY 1X18W/54 ALML SAVY RM 300 GLOSSY 1X18W/54 ALML SAVY Bh 330,900.00 363,990.00 -
41 RM 300 GLOSSY 2X18W/54 ALML SAVY RM 300 GLOSSY 2X18W/54 ALML SAVY Bh 420,200.00 462,220.00 -
42 RM 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 ALML SAVY RM 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 ALML SAVY Bh 677,100.00 744,810.00 -
43 RM 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 ALML SAVY RM 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 ALML SAVY Bh 756,300.00 831,930.00 -
44 RM 300 GLOSSY 2X36W/54 ALML SAVY RM 300 GLOSSY 2X36W/54 ALML SAVY Bh 690,700.00 759,770.00 -
45 RM 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 ALML SAVY RM 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 ALML SAVY Bh 1,020,762.50 1,122,840.00 -
46 RM 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 ALML SAVY RM 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 ALML SAVY Bh 1,202,900.00 1,323,190.00 -
47 RMI 300 GLOSSY 2x18W/54 ALML DUMMY SAVY RMI 300 GLOSSY 2x18W/54 ALML DUMMY SAVY Bh 441,200.00 485,320.00 -
48 RMI 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 ALML DUMMY SAVY RMI 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 ALML DUMMY SAVY Bh 688,100.00 756,910.00 -
49 RMI 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 ALML DUMMY SAVY RMI 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 ALML DUMMY SAVY Bh 792,500.00 871,750.00 -
50 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W/54 ALML DUMMY SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W/54 ALML DUMMY SAVY Bh 739,600.00 813,560.00 -
51 RMI 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 ALML DUMMY SAW RMI 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 ALML DUMMY SAW Bh 1,060,762.50 1,166,840.00 -
52 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 ALML DUMMY SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 ALML DUMMY SAVY Bh 1,253,500.00 1,378,850.00 -
53 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x18W/54 ALML RETURN SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x18W/54 ALML RETURN SAVY Bh 566,000.00 622,600.00 -
54 RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 ALML RETURN SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 ALML RETURN SAVY Bh 807,837.50 888,630.00 -
55 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 ALML RETURN SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 ALML RETURN SAVY Bh 900,900.00 990,990.00 -
56 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W/54 ALML RETURN SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W/54 ALML RETURN SAVY Bh 961,000.00 1,057,100.00 -
57 RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 ALML RETURN SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 ALML RETURN SAVY Bh 1,135,062.50 1,248,570.00 -
58 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 ALML RETURN SAVVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 ALML RETURN SAVVY Bh 1,357,000.00 1,492,700.00 -
59 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x18W/54 ALML DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x18W/54 ALML DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY Bh 955,500.00 1,051,050.00 -
60 RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 ALML DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 ALML DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY Bh 1,239,137.50 1,363,060.00 -
61 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 ALML DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 ALML DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY Bh 1,322,900.00 1,455,190.00 -
62 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W/54 ALML DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W/54 ALML DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY Bh 1,530,200.00 1,683,220.00 -
63 RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 ALML DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 ALML DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY Bh 1,881,562.50 2,069,720.00 -
64 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 ALML DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 ALML DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY Bh 2,006,300.00 2,206,930.00 -
65 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x18W/54 M2 SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x18W/54 M2 SAVY Bh 428,700.00 471,570.00 -
66 RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 M2 SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 M2 SAVY Bh 671,337.50 738,480.00 -
67 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 M2 SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 M2 SAVY Bh 763,500.00 839,850.00 -
68 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W/54 M2 SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W/54 M2 SAVY Bh 750,200.00 825,220.00 -
69 RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 M2 SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 M2 SAVY Bh 1,046,862.50 1,151,550.00 -
70 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 M2 SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 M2 SAVY Bh 1,246,700.00 1,371,370.00 -
71 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x18W/54 M2 DUMMY SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x18W/54 M2 DUMMY SAVY Bh 477,000.00 524,700.00 -
72 RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 M2 DUMMY SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 M2 DUMMY SAVY Bh 708,400.00 779,240.00 -
73 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 M2 DUMMY SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 M2 DUMMY SAVY Bh 806,600.00 887,260.00 -
74 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W54 DUMMY SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W54 DUMMY SAVY Bh 797,300.00 877,030.00 -
75 RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 M2 DUMMY RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 M2 DUMMY Bh 1,082,262.50 1,190,490.00 -
76 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 M2 DUMMY SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 M2 DUMMY SAVY Bh 1,288,100.00 1,416,910.00 -
77 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x18W451 M2 RETURN SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x18W451 M2 RETURN SAVY Bh 587,000.00 645,700.00 -
78 RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x184/54 M2 RETURN SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x184/54 M2 RETURN SAVY Bh 822,437.50 904,690.00 -
79 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 M2 RETURN SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 M2 RETURN SAVY Bh 900,400.00 990,440.00 -
80 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W/54 RETURN SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W/54 RETURN SAVY Bh 973,900.00 1,071,290.00 -
81 RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 RETURN SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 RETURN SAVY Bh 1,163,562.50 1,279,920.00 -
82 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 RETURN SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 RETURN SAVY Bh 1,356,200.00 1,491,820.00 -
83 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x18W/54 DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x18W/54 DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY Bh 961,300.00 1,057,430.00 -
84 RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY Bh 1,253,637.50 1,379,010.00 -
85 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY Bh 1,328,500.00 1,461,350.00 -
86 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W/54 DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W/54 DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY Bh 1,541,000.00 1,695,100.00 -
87 RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY Bh 1,858,062.50 2,043,870.00 -
88 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY Bh 2,042,300.00 2,246,530.00 -
89 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2X18W/54 M4 SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2X18W/54 M4 SAVY Bh 457,100.00 502,810.00 -
90 RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 M4 SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 M4 SAVY Bh 717,537.50 789,300.00 -
91 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 M4 SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 M4 SAVY Bh 804,200.00 884,620.00 -
92 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2X36W/54 M4 SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2X36W/54 M4 SAVY Bh 792,800.00 872,080.00 -
93 RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 M4 SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 M4 SAVY Bh 1,142,162.50 1,256,380.00 -
94 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 M4 SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 M4 SAVY Bh 1,323,600.00 1,455,960.00 -
95 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x18W/54 DIV DUMMY SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x18W/54 DIV DUMMY SAVY Bh 505,400.00 555,940.00 -
96 RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 DIV DUMMY SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 DIV DUMMY SAVY Bh 763,837.50 840,230.00 -
97 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 DIV DUMMY SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 DIV DUMMY SAVY Bh 877,200.00 964,920.00 -
98 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W/54 DIV DUMMY SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W/54 DIV DUMMY SAVY Bh 862,800.00 949,080.00 -
99 RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 DIV DUMMY SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 DIV DUMMY SAVY Bh 1,199,562.50 1,319,520.00 -
100 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 DIV DUMMY SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 DIV DUMMY SAVY Bh 1,381,800.00 1,519,980.00 -
101 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x18W/54 DIV RETURN SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x18W/54 DIV RETURN SAVY Bh 603,400.00 663,740.00 -
102 RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 DIV RETURN SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 DIV RETURN SAVY Bh 861,837.50 948,030.00 -
103 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 DIV RETURN SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 DIV RETURN SAVY Bh 950,400.00 1,045,440.00 -
104 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W/54 DIV RETURN SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W/54 DIV RETURN SAVY Bh 1,058,900.00 1,164,790.00 -
105 RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x36 W/54DIV RETURN SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x36 W/54DIV RETURN SAVY Bh 1,270,462.50 1,397,510.00 -
106 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 DIV RETURN SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 DIV RETURN SAVY Bh 1,374,800.00 1,512,280.00 -
107 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x18W/54 DIV DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x18W/54 DIV DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY Bh 992,900.00 1,092,190.00 -
108 RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 DIV DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 3x18W/54 DIV DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY Bh 1,293,237.50 1,422,570.00 -
109 RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 DIV DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 4x18W/54 DIV DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY Bh 1,397,600.00 1,537,360.00 -
110 RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W/54 DIV DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY RM1 300 GLOSSY 2x36W/54 DIV DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY Bh 1,587,800.00 1,746,580.00 -
111 RM1 RMI 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 DIV DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY RM1 RMI 300 GLOSSY 3x36W/54 DIV DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY Bh 1,931,362.50 2,124,500.00 -
112 RMI 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 DIV DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY RMI 300 GLOSSY 4x36W/54 DIV DIFFUSER AC 6" SAVY Bh 2,142,400.00 2,356,640.00 -
113 RMO 1X18W/54 SAVY RMO 1X18W/54 SAVY Bh 248,300.00 273,130.00 -
114 RMO 2X18W/54 SAVY RMO 2X18W/54 SAVY Bh 330,700.00 363,770.00 -
115 RMO 3x18W/54 SAVY RMO 3x18W/54 SAVY Bh 675,600.00 743,160.00 -
116 RMO 4x18W/54 SAVY RMO 4x18W/54 SAVY Bh 768,300.00 845,130.00 -
117 RMO 1X36W/54 SAVY RMO 1X36W/54 SAVY Bh 305,400.00 335,940.00 -
118 RMO 2X36W/54 SAVY RMO 2X36W/54 SAVY Bh 493,200.00 542,520.00 -
119 RMO 3x36W/54 SAVY RMO 3x36W/54 SAVY Bh 886,800.00 975,480.00 -
120 RMO 4x36W/54 SAVY RMO 4x36W/54 SAVY Bh 984,500.00 1,082,950.00 -
121 RM 300 lx18W/54 MO SAVY RM 300 lx18W/54 MO SAVY Bh 262,200.00 288,420.00 -
122 RM 300 2x18W/54 MO SAVY RM 300 2x18W/54 MO SAVY Bh 338,600.00 372,460.00 -
123 RM 300 3x18W/54 MO SAVY RM 300 3x18W/54 MO SAVY Bh 467,600.00 514,360.00 -
124 RM 300 4x18W/54 MO SAVY RM 300 4x18W/54 MO SAVY Bh 505,600.00 556,160.00 -
125 RM 300 1x36W/54 MO SAVY RM 300 1x36W/54 MO SAVY Bh 396,400.00 436,040.00 -
126 RM 300 2x36W/54 MO SAVY RM 300 2x36W/54 MO SAVY Bh 496,100.00 545,710.00 -
127 RM 300 3x36W/54 MO SAVY RM 300 3x36W/54 MO SAVY Bh 699,700.00 769,670.00 -
128 RM 300 4x36W/54 MO SAVY RM 300 4x36W/54 MO SAVY Bh 798,400.00 878,240.00 -
129 RM 300 1x18W/54 ACR SAVY RM 300 1x18W/54 ACR SAVY Bh 389,900.00 428,890.00 -
130 RM 300 2x18W/54 ACR SAVY RM 300 2x18W/54 ACR SAVY Bh 418,500.00 460,350.00 -
131 RM 300 3x18W/54 ACR SAVY RM 300 3x18W/54 ACR SAVY Bh 769,500.00 846,450.00 -
132 RM 300 4x18W/54 ACR SAVY RM 300 4x18W/54 ACR SAVY Bh 807,000.00 887,700.00 -
133 RM 300 1x36W/54 ACR SAVY RM 300 1x36W/54 ACR SAVY Bh 632,000.00 695,200.00 -
134 RM 300 2x36W/54 ACR SAVY RM 300 2x36W/54 ACR SAVY Bh 788,200.00 867,020.00 -
135 RM 300 3x36W/54 ACR SAVY RM 300 3x36W/54 ACR SAVY Bh 1,310,400.00 1,441,440.00 -
136 RM 300 4x36W/54 ACR SAVY RM 300 4x36W/54 ACR SAVY Bh 1,411,700.00 1,552,870.00 -
137 RM 300 1 X 18W/54 AP SAVY RM 300 1 X 18W/54 AP SAVY Bh 367,800.00 404,580.00 -
138 RM 300 2 X 18W/54 AP SAVY RM 300 2 X 18W/54 AP SAVY Bh 395,200.00 434,720.00 -
139 RM 300 3 X 18W/54 AP SAVY RM 300 3 X 18W/54 AP SAVY Bh 657,000.00 722,700.00 -
140 RM 300 4 X 18W/54 AP SAVY RM 300 4 X 18W/54 AP SAVY Bh 694,900.00 764,390.00 -
141 RM 300 1 X 36W/54 AP SAVY RM 300 1 X 36W/54 AP SAVY Bh 567,000.00 623,700.00 -
142 RM 300 2 X 36W/54 AP SAVY RM 300 2 X 36W/54 AP SAVY Bh 696,300.00 765,930.00 -
143 RM 300 3 X 36W/54 AP SAVY RM 300 3 X 36W/54 AP SAVY Bh 1,087,200.00 1,195,920.00 -
144 RM 300 4 X 36W/54 AP SAVY RM 300 4 X 36W/54 AP SAVY Bh 1,186,700.00 1,305,370.00 -
145 RMOT 1X18W/54 SAVY RMOT 1X18W/54 SAVY Bh 281,200.00 309,320.00 -
146 RMOT 2X18W/54 SAVY RMOT 2X18W/54 SAVY Bh 333,800.00 367,180.00 -
147 RMOT 3x18W/54 SAVY RMOT 3x18W/54 SAVY Bh 526,700.00 579,370.00 -
148 RMOT 4x18W/54 SAVY RMOT 4x18W/54 SAVY Bh 560,600.00 616,660.00 -
149 RMOT 1X36W/54 SAVY RMOT 1X36W/54 SAVY Bh 303,000.00 333,300.00 -
150 RMOT 2X36W/54 SAVY RMOT 2X36W/54 SAVY Bh 510,200.00 561,220.00 -
151 RMOT 3x36W/54 SAVY RMOT 3x36W/54 SAVY Bh 887,800.00 976,580.00 -
152 RMOT 4x36W/54 SAVY RMOT 4x36W/54 SAVY Bh 984,100.00 1,082,510.00 -
153 RD 100 E27 SAVY+PL Essensial 8W RD 100 E27 SAVY+PL Essensial 8W Bh 104,500.00 114,950.00 -
154 RD 125 E27 SAVY+ PL Essensial Genie 11W RD 125 E27 SAVY+ PL Essensial Genie 11W Bh 124,000.00 136,400.00 -
155 RD 150 E27 SAVY+ PL Essensial 14W RD 150 E27 SAVY+ PL Essensial 14W Bh 130,800.00 143,880.00 -
156 RD 175 E27 SAVY+ PL Essensial 18W RD 175 E27 SAVY+ PL Essensial 18W Bh 156,000.00 171,600.00 -
157 RD 150 2XE27 SAVY+PL Essensial 8W RD 150 2XE27 SAVY+PL Essensial 8W Bh 142,800.00 157,080.00 -
158 RD 175 2XE27 SAVY+PL Essensial 8W RD 175 2XE27 SAVY+PL Essensial 8W Bh 159,200.00 175,120.00 -
159 RD 175 HORIZONTAL PRS 2 X PLC 18W RD 175 HORIZONTAL PRS 2 X PLC 18W Bh 307,500.00 338,250.00 -
160 RD 150 SV E27+PL Essensial 18W RD 150 SV E27+PL Essensial 18W Bh 136,600.00 150,260.00 -
161 RD 100 HALOGEN 50W/12V+BOX RD 100 HALOGEN 50W/12V+BOX Bh 327,800.00 360,580.00 -
162 RD 100 HALOGEN 50W/12V (tanpa box) RD 100 HALOGEN 50W/12V (tanpa box) Bh 279,700.00 307,670.00 -
163 RD 3 HALOGEN BAFFLE 50W/12V+BOX RD 3 HALOGEN BAFFLE 50W/12V+BOX Bh 322,100.00 354,310.00 -
164 RI) 3 HALOGEN BAFFLE 50W/12V (tanpa box) RI) 3 HALOGEN BAFFLE 50W/12V (tanpa box) Bh 274,000.00 301,400.00 -
165 RD 21 HALOGEN 50W/12V+BOX RD 21 HALOGEN 50W/12V+BOX Bh 299,800.00 329,780.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
166 RD 21 HALOGEN 50W/12V (tanpa box) RD 21 HALOGEN 50W/12V (tanpa box) Bh 251,700.00 276,870.00 -
167 RD 3 HALOGEN REFFLEKTOR 50W/12V+BOX RD 3 HALOGEN REFFLEKTOR 50W/12V+BOX Bh 323,700.00 356,070.00 -
168 RD 3 HALOGEN REFFLEKTOR 50W/12V (tanpa box) RD 3 HALOGEN REFFLEKTOR 50W/12V (tanpa box) Bh 275,600.00 303,160.00 -
169 RD 175 HORIZONTAL PRS 2 X E27+PL Essensial 8W RD 175 HORIZONTAL PRS 2 X E27+PL Essensial 8W Bh 185,500.00 204,050.00 -
170 RD 175 HORIZONTAL RS 2 X PLC 18W RD 175 HORIZONTAL RS 2 X PLC 18W Bh 300,500.00 330,550.00 -
171 RD SQ OPPALA 1 PL 9W RD SQ OPPALA 1 PL 9W Bh 274,700.00 302,170.00 -
172 RD SQ OPPALA 1 PLC 18W RD SQ OPPALA 1 PLC 18W Bh 283,400.00 311,740.00 -
173 RD SQ OPPALA 2 PL 9W RD SQ OPPALA 2 PL 9W Bh 230,200.00 253,220.00 -
174 RD SQ OPPALA 2 PLC 18W RD SQ OPPALA 2 PLC 18W Bh 237,200.00 260,920.00 -
175 RD 100 PL 5W SAVY RD 100 PL 5W SAVY Bh 128,000.00 140,800.00 -
176 RD 125 PL 7W SAVY RD 125 PL 7W SAVY Bh 160,200.00 176,220.00 -
177 RD 150 PL 9W SAVY RD 150 PL 9W SAVY Bh 167,700.00 184,470.00 -
178 RD 175 PL 11W SAVY RD 175 PL 11W SAVY Bh 186,200.00 204,820.00 -
179 RD 100 PLC 13W SAVY RD 100 PLC 13W SAVY Bh 158,100.00 173,910.00 -
180 RD 125 PLC 13W SAVY RD 125 PLC 13W SAVY Bh 166,600.00 183,260.00 -
181 RD 150 PLC I8W SAVY RD 150 PLC I8W SAVY Bh 173,200.00 190,520.00 -
182 RD 175 PLC 18W SAVY RD 175 PLC 18W SAVY Bh 193,000.00 212,300.00 -
183 RD 150 2 X PLC 13W SAVY RD 150 2 X PLC 13W SAVY Bh 267,800.00 294,580.00 -
184 RD 150 HORIZONTAL PRS PLC 13W RD 150 HORIZONTAL PRS PLC 13W Bh 173,300.00 190,630.00 -
185 RL ARTO Al BASE LED 40W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO Al BASE LED 40W (tanpa tiang) Bh 7,389,900.00 8,128,890.00 -
186 RL ARTO A2 BASE LED, 40W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO A2 BASE LED, 40W (tanpa tiang) Bh 7,851,200.00 8,636,320.00 -
187 RL ARTO Al E27+HPL-N 125W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO Al E27+HPL-N 125W (tanpa tiang) Bh 1,146,000.00 1,260,600.00 -
188 RL ARTO Al E27+SON 70W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO Al E27+SON 70W (tanpa tiang) Bh 1,262,800.00 1,389,080.00 -
189 RL ARTO Al E27+HPL-N 80W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO Al E27+HPL-N 80W (tanpa tiang) Bh 1,105,900.00 1,216,490.00 -
190 RL ARTO A2 E40+HPL-N250W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO A2 E40+HPL-N250W (tanpa tiang) Bh 1,784,804.17 1,963,290.00 -
191 RL ARTO A2 E40+SON 250W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO A2 E40+SON 250W (tanpa tiang) Bh 2,090,000.00 2,299,000.00 -
192 RL ARTO A2 E40+SONf250W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO A2 E40+SONf250W (tanpa tiang) Bh 2,087,200.00 2,295,920.00 -
193 RL ARTO A2 E40+HPL-N 400W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO A2 E40+HPL-N 400W (tanpa tiang) Bh 1,910,700.00 2,101,770.00 -
194 RL ARTO A2 E40+SON 400W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO A2 E40+SON 400W (tanpa tiang) Bh 2,480,300.00 2,728,330.00 -
195 RL ARTO A2 E4O+SON-T 400W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO A2 E4O+SON-T 400W (tanpa tiang) Bh 2,448,400.00 2,693,240.00 -
196 RL ARTO B E40+HPL-N 250W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO B E40+HPL-N 250W (tanpa tiang) Bh 1,499,204.17 1,649,130.00 -
197 RL ARTO B E40+SON 250W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO B E40+SON 250W (tanpa tiang) Bh 1,804,400.00 1,984,840.00 -
198 RL ARTO B E40+SON-T 250W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO B E40+SON-T 250W (tanpa tiang) Bh 1,801,600.00 1,981,760.00 -
199 RL ARTO B E4O+HPL-N 400W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO B E4O+HPL-N 400W (tanpa tiang) Bh 1,625,100.00 1,787,610.00 -
200 RL ARTO B E40+SON 400W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO B E40+SON 400W (tanpa tiang) Bh 2,194,700.00 2,414,170.00 -
201 RL ARTO B E40+SON-T 400W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO B E40+SON-T 400W (tanpa tiang) Bh 2,162,800.00 2,379,080.00 -
202 RL ARTO C E40+HPL-N 400W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO C E40+HPL-N 400W (tanpa tiang) Bh 2,111,658.33 2,322,830.00 -
203 RL ARTO C E40+HPL-N 250W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO C E40+HPL-N 250W (tanpa tiang) Bh 1,985,800.00 2,184,380.00 -
204 RL ARTO C E40+SON 250W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO C E40+SON 250W (tanpa tiang) Bh 2,291,000.00 2,520,100.00 -
205 RL ARTO C E40+SON-T 250W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO C E40+SON-T 250W (tanpa tiang) Bh 2,288,200.00 2,517,020.00 -
206 RL ARTO C E40+SON 400W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO C E40+SON 400W (tanpa tiang) Bh 2,681,300.00 2,949,430.00 -
207 RL ARTO C E40+SON-T 400W (tanpa tiang) RL ARTO C E40+SON-T 400W (tanpa tiang) Bh 2,649,400.00 2,914,340.00 -
208 RL AB A E40+SONT 250W (tanpa tiang) RL AB A E40+SONT 250W (tanpa tiang) Bh 2,637,200.00 2,900,920.00 -
209 RL AB J E40+SON 250W (tanpa tiang) RL AB J E40+SON 250W (tanpa tiang) Bh 2,640,000.00 2,904,000.00 -
210 ROSET E27 SAVY white +PL Essensial 18W ROSET E27 SAVY white +PL Essensial 18W Bh 78,100.00 85,910.00 -
211 ROSTER E27 $AVY +PL Essensial 18W ROSTER E27 $AVY +PL Essensial 18W Bh 102,600.00 112,860.00 -
212 ROSET PC E27 SAVY+PL Essensial 18W ROSET PC E27 SAVY+PL Essensial 18W Bh 67,400.00 74,140.00 -
213 RWL 21 R HALOGEN 50W/12V+BOX RWL 21 R HALOGEN 50W/12V+BOX Bh 315,900.00 347,490.00 -
214 RWL 21 R HALOGEN 50W/12V (tanpa box) RWL 21 R HALOGEN 50W/12V (tanpa box) Bh 267,800.00 294,580.00 -
215 SM D 150 E27+PL Essensial 18W SM D 150 E27+PL Essensial 18W Bh 203,600.00 223,960.00 -
216 SM SQ 5 E27+PL Essensial 18W SM SQ 5 E27+PL Essensial 18W Bh 184,100.00 202,510.00 -
217 SM SQ OPPALA PL 9W SM SQ OPPALA PL 9W Bh 296,400.00 326,040.00 -
218 SM SQ OPPALA PLC 18W SM SQ OPPALA PLC 18W Bh 304,400.00 334,840.00 -
219 SL POLYANA E14+Bohlam Jantung 25W SL POLYANA E14+Bohlam Jantung 25W Bh 1,695,900.00 1,865,490.00 -
220 SL FLAMMEA E14+Bohlam Jantung 25W SL FLAMMEA E14+Bohlam Jantung 25W Bh 1,743,700.00 1,918,070.00 -
221 SL MAGNOLIA E14+Bohlam Jantung 25W SL MAGNOLIA E14+Bohlam Jantung 25W Bh 2,480,000.00 2,728,000.00 -
222 SL PRISMA E27+HPL-N 80W ( tnp Tiang ) SL PRISMA E27+HPL-N 80W ( tnp Tiang ) Bh 955,916.67 1,051,510.00 -
223 SPOT GL 20212 E27+PAR38/80W SPOT GL 20212 E27+PAR38/80W Bh 1,186,300.00 1,304,930.00 -
224 SPOT GL 2085 E27+PAR38/80W SPOT GL 2085 E27+PAR38/80W Bh 666,500.00 733,150.00 -
225 SPOT GL 20087 HALOGEN 50W/12V SPOT GL 20087 HALOGEN 50W/12V Bh 800,800.00 880,880.00 -
226 SPOT GL 20782 E27+PAR38/80W SPOT GL 20782 E27+PAR38/80W Bh 797,800.00 877,580.00 -
227 SCB 20 ACR SCB 20 ACR Bh 234,600.00 258,060.00 -
228 SCB 32 ACR SCB 32 ACR Bh 312,200.00 343,420.00 -
229 SCCB 20 ACR E27+PL ESSEN 18W SCCB 20 ACR E27+PL ESSEN 18W Bh 150,000.00 165,000.00 -
230 PETROL RB1 E40 / RM SQR GLS E40+SONT 250W PETROL RB1 E40 / RM SQR GLS E40+SONT 250W Bh 2,141,000.00 2,355,100.00 -
231 PL BD 137 E27+PL ESSEN 23W PL BD 137 E27+PL ESSEN 23W Bh 759,937.50 835,940.00 -
232 PL BD 833 E27+PL ESSEN 23W PL BD 833 E27+PL ESSEN 23W Bh 993,400.00 1,092,740.00 -
233 PL BD 862 E27+PL ESSEN 23W PL BD 862 E27+PL ESSEN 23W Bh 1,044,500.00 1,148,950.00 -
234 AMAR E40 HPIT 250W AMAR E40 HPIT 250W Bh 1,930,700.00 2,123,770.00 -
235 AMAC E27+HPL-N 125W AMAC E27+HPL-N 125W Bh 1,354,800.00 1,490,280.00 -
236 AMLC HALOGEN 100W AMLC HALOGEN 100W Bh 469,900.00 516,890.00 -
237 AGL FG 151 E27+HPL-N 80W AGL FG 151 E27+HPL-N 80W Bh 1,604,000.00 1,764,400.00 -
238 CD 5 BF RM E27 SAVY+PL Essensial 18W CD 5 BF RM E27 SAVY+PL Essensial 18W Bh 183,700.00 202,070.00 -
239 D 138 CHOTAC 2 X E27+PL Essensial 18W D 138 CHOTAC 2 X E27+PL Essensial 18W Bh 208,200.00 229,020.00 -
240 D 138 CHOTAC 2 X PLC 18W D 138 CHOTAC 2 X PLC 18W Bh 282,900.00 311,190.00 -
241 D 125 CHOTAC E27+PL Essensial 18W D 125 CHOTAC E27+PL Essensial 18W Bh 200,600.00 220,660.00 -
242 D 125 CHOTAC PLC++PL Essensial 18W D 125 CHOTAC PLC++PL Essensial 18W Bh 204,700.00 225,170.00 -
243 DO 3 HALOGEN 50W/12V+BOX DO 3 HALOGEN 50W/12V+BOX Bh 347,400.00 382,140.00 -
244 DO 3 HALOGEN 50W/12V (tanpa box) DO 3 HALOGEN 50W/12V (tanpa box) Bh 299,300.00 329,230.00 -
245 EXIT 1x10 ACR 1MK EXIT 1x10 ACR 1MK Bh 274,900.00 302,390.00 -
246 EXIT 1x10 ACR 2MK EXIT 1x10 ACR 2MK Bh 330,000.00 363,000.00 -
247 EXIT 2x10 ACR 1MK EXIT 2x10 ACR 1MK Bh 301,600.00 331,760.00 -
248 EXIT 2x10 ACR 2MK EXIT 2x10 ACR 2MK Bh 362,000.00 398,200.00 -
249 EXIT LAMP 1x8 ACR 1MK EXIT LAMP 1x8 ACR 1MK Bh 345,100.00 379,610.00 -
250 EXIT LAMP 1x8 ACR 2MK EXIT LAMP 1x8 ACR 2MK Bh 345,100.00 379,610.00 -
251 FYML 623 A E27+PAR30/75W FYML 623 A E27+PAR30/75W Bh 764,700.00 841,170.00 -
252 FYML 625 A MHN-TD 70W FYML 625 A MHN-TD 70W Bh 1,382,400.00 1,520,640.00 -
253 FYML 625 A CDM-TD 70W FYML 625 A CDM-TD 70W Bh 1,771,200.00 1,948,320.00 -
254 HLG GEOVANY C 1 E27+PL Essensial 18W HLG GEOVANY C 1 E27+PL Essensial 18W Bh 302,200.00 332,420.00 -
255 HL ELIZA 20 C 2 E27 STAINLESS+PL Essential 18W HL ELIZA 20 C 2 E27 STAINLESS+PL Essential 18W Bh 779,300.00 857,230.00 -
256 HL CF BG 5 C 2 E14+Bohlam Jantung 25W HL CF BG 5 C 2 E14+Bohlam Jantung 25W Bh 495,400.00 544,940.00 -
257 HL CF A E27+PL Essensial 18W HL CF A E27+PL Essensial 18W Bh 272,600.00 299,860.00 -
258 HLG CF KRV E27 (KURVA) + PL Essential 18W HLG CF KRV E27 (KURVA) + PL Essential 18W Bh 179,200.00 197,120.00 -
259 HLG CF KPS E27 (KAPSUL) + PL Essential 18W HLG CF KPS E27 (KAPSUL) + PL Essential 18W Bh 305,500.00 336,050.00 -
260 HLG CF KNS E27 (KONUS/KERUCUT) + PL Essential 18W HLG CF KNS E27 (KONUS/KERUCUT) + PL Essential 18W Bh 261,300.00 287,430.00 -
261 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT I SQUARE E27 (40) + HPL-N 80W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT I SQUARE E27 (40) + HPL-N 80W Bh 849,400.00 934,340.00 -
262 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT I SQUARE E27 (40) + SON 70W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT I SQUARE E27 (40) + SON 70W Bh 1,006,300.00 1,106,930.00 -
263 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT II SQUARE E27 (40) + HPL-N 80W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT II SQUARE E27 (40) + HPL-N 80W Bh 870,800.00 957,880.00 -
264 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT II SQUARE E27 (40) + SON 70W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT II SQUARE E27 (40) + SON 70W Bh 1,027,700.00 1,130,470.00 -
265 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT I SQUARE E27 (55)+HPL-N 125W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT I SQUARE E27 (55)+HPL-N 125W Bh 1,088,700.00 1,197,570.00 -
266 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT II SQUARE E27 (55)+HPL-N 125W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT II SQUARE E27 (55)+HPL-N 125W Bh 1,109,800.00 1,220,780.00 -
267 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT I SQUARE E40 (40)+HPL-N 250W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT I SQUARE E40 (40)+HPL-N 250W Bh 1,154,300.00 1,269,730.00 -
268 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT I SQUARE E40 (40)+SON 250W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT I SQUARE E40 (40)+SON 250W Bh 1,459,500.00 1,605,450.00 -
269 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT I SQUARE E40 (40)+HPI-BU 250W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT I SQUARE E40 (40)+HPI-BU 250W Bh 1,486,800.00 1,635,480.00 -
270 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT II SQUARE E40 (40)+HPL-N 250W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT II SQUARE E40 (40)+HPL-N 250W Bh 1,174,100.00 1,291,510.00 -
271 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT II SQUARE E40 (40)+SON 250W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT II SQUARE E40 (40)+SON 250W Bh 1,479,300.00 1,627,230.00 -
272 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT II SQUARE E40 (40)+HPI-BU 250W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT II SQUARE E40 (40)+HPI-BU 250W Bh 1,506,600.00 1,657,260.00 -
273 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT I SQUARE E40 (55)+HPL-N 400W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT I SQUARE E40 (55)+HPL-N 400W Bh 1,474,600.00 1,622,060.00 -
274 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT I SQUARE E40 (55)+SON 400W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT I SQUARE E40 (55)+SON 400W Bh 2,044,200.00 2,248,620.00 -
275 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT I SQUARE E40 (55)+HPI-BU 400W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT I SQUARE E40 (55)+HPI-BU 400W Bh 1,825,500.00 2,008,050.00 -
276 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT II SQUARE E40 (55)+HPL-N 400W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT II SQUARE E40 (55)+HPL-N 400W Bh 1,498,900.00 1,648,790.00 -
277 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT II SQUARE E40 (55)+SON 400W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT II SQUARE E40 (55)+SON 400W Bh 2,068,500.00 2,275,350.00 -
278 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT LI SQUARE E40 (55)+HPI-BU 400W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT LI SQUARE E40 (55)+HPI-BU 400W Bh 1,849,800.00 2,034,780.00 -
279 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT WL BD 2115 E27+PL ESSEN 23W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT WL BD 2115 E27+PL ESSEN 23W Bh 673,200.00 740,520.00 -
280 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E27 (40)+HPL-N 80W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E27 (40)+HPL-N 80W Bh 621,300.00 683,430.00 -
281 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E27 (40)+SON 70W, INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E27 (40)+SON 70W, Bh 778,200.00 856,020.00 -
282 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E2,7 (40)+K.KACA T1PL.N 80W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E2,7 (40)+K.KACA T1PL.N 80W Bh 944,300.00 1,038,730.00 -
283 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E27 (40)+K.KACA SON 70W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E27 (40)+K.KACA SON 70W Bh 1,101,200.00 1,211,320.00 -
284 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E27 (55)+HPL-N 125W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E27 (55)+HPL-N 125W Bh 903,600.00 993,960.00 -
285 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E27 (55)+K.KACA+HPL-N 125W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E27 (55)+K.KACA+HPL-N 125W Bh 1,287,000.00 1,415,700.00 -
286 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT 1B E40 (40)+HPL-N 250W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT 1B E40 (40)+HPL-N 250W Bh 920,100.00 1,012,110.00 -
287 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (40)+SON 250W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (40)+SON 250W Bh 1,225,400.00 1,347,940.00 -
288 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (40)+HPI-BU 250W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (40)+HPI-BU 250W Bh 1,252,600.00 1,377,860.00 -
289 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (40)+K.KACA+HPL-N 250W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (40)+K.KACA+HPL-N 250W Bh 1,242,200.00 1,366,420.00 -
290 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (40)+K.KACA+SON 250W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (40)+K.KACA+SON 250W Bh 1,547,500.00 1,702,250.00 -
291 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (40)+K.KACA+HPI-BU 250W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (40)+K.KACA+HPI-BU 250W Bh 1,574,700.00 1,732,170.00 -
292 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (55)+HPL-N 400W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (55)+HPL-N 400W Bh 1,288,200.00 1,417,020.00 -
293 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (55)+SON 400W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (55)+SON 400W Bh 1,857,900.00 2,043,690.00 -
294 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (55)+HPI-BU 400W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (55)+HPI-BU 400W Bh 1,639,100.00 1,803,010.00 -
295 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (55)+K.KACA+HPL-N 400W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (55)+K.KACA+HPL-N 400W Bh 1,670,800.00 1,837,880.00 -
296 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (55)+K.KACA+SON 400W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (55)+K.KACA+SON 400W Bh 2,240,400.00 2,464,440.00 -
297 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (55)+K.KACA+HPI-BU 400W INDUSTRIAL LIGHT IB E40 (55)+K.KACA+HPI-BU 400W Bh 2,021,700.00 2,223,870.00 -
298 IL UL MD 2079 HALOGEN 50W/12V IL UL MD 2079 HALOGEN 50W/12V Bh 623,800.00 686,180.00 -
299 IL LE 0801 LED 1.5W/220V IL LE 0801 LED 1.5W/220V Bh 352,400.00 387,640.00 -
300 IL LE 0805 LED 1.5W/220V IL LE 0805 LED 1.5W/220V Bh 657,100.00 722,810.00 -
301 LS STALAKNIT HALOGEN+PL Essential 18W LS STALAKNIT HALOGEN+PL Essential 18W Bh 826,600.00 909,260.00 -
302 LS LENGKUNG E27+Bohlam Softone 25W LS LENGKUNG E27+Bohlam Softone 25W Bh 679,800.00 747,780.00 -
303 LS CF A E27+Bohlam Softone 25W LS CF A E27+Bohlam Softone 25W Bh 583,200.00 641,520.00 -
304 UL M2500 HALOGEN 50W/12V UL M2500 HALOGEN 50W/12V Bh 2,454,700.00 2,700,170.00 -
305 WHL 008 A E27+PL Esseiisi Genie 8W WHL 008 A E27+PL Esseiisi Genie 8W Bh 139,400.00 153,340.00 -
306 WHL 008 B E27+PL Essensial Genie 8W WHL 008 B E27+PL Essensial Genie 8W Bh 139,400.00 153,340.00 -
307 WL OPPALE MHN-TD VW WL OPPALE MHN-TD VW Bh 1,029,800.00 1,132,780.00 -
308 WL OPPALE CDM-TD 70W WL OPPALE CDM-TD 70W Bh 1,418,600.00 1,560,460.00 -
309 WL PARKING 2xPL 9W ACR WL PARKING 2xPL 9W ACR Bh 440,200.00 484,220.00 -
310 WL PILLAR E27 + DAIKO + PL Essential 18W WL PILLAR E27 + DAIKO + PL Essential 18W Bh 231,900.00 255,090.00 -
311 WL CANOPY E27 PL Essential 18W WL CANOPY E27 PL Essential 18W Bh 339,400.00 373,340.00 -
312 WL MINI CESNA E27 + PL Essential 18W WL MINI CESNA E27 + PL Essential 18W Bh 547,500.00 602,250.00 -
313 WL PARABOLA E27 (BG 5") PL Essential 18W WL PARABOLA E27 (BG 5") PL Essential 18W Bh 321,700.00 353,870.00 -
0 - -
ACCENT (Komp Philips) ACCENT (Komp Philips) - -
1 CONES STEP CDM-T 35W + BOX TRAFO CONES STEP CDM-T 35W + BOX TRAFO Bh 1,935,600.00 2,129,160.00 -
2 CONES DUE S QR111 70 W + BOX TRAFO CONES DUE S QR111 70 W + BOX TRAFO Bh 1,998,000.00 2,197,800.00 -
3 CONES DUEL CDM-TC 70 W + BOX TRAFO CONES DUEL CDM-TC 70 W + BOX TRAFO Bh 2,143,500.00 2,357,850.00 -
4 SILINDRA ART C CDMR111 70W+BOX SILINDRA ART C CDMR111 70W+BOX Bh 2,149,400.00 2,364,340.00 -
5 SILINDRA ART H QR111 70W+BOX TRAFO SILINDRA ART H QR111 70W+BOX TRAFO Bh 2,149,400.00 2,364,340.00 -
7 AVANT OPTIMA B/ CDMT 70W+BOX TRAFO AVANT OPTIMA B/ CDMT 70W+BOX TRAFO Bh 2,119,100.00 2,331,010.00 -
8 AVANT OPTIMA B/ QR111 70W+BOX TRAFO AVANT OPTIMA B/ QR111 70W+BOX TRAFO Bh 1,913,400.00 2,104,740.00 -
9 AVANT OPTIMA S QR111 35W+BOX TRAFO AVANT OPTIMA S QR111 35W+BOX TRAFO Bh 2,084,100.00 2,292,510.00 -
10 AVANT OPTIC PAR30/75W AVANT OPTIC PAR30/75W Bh 1,119,100.00 1,231,010.00 -
11 AVANT OPTIC CDMR30 70W+BOX TRAFO AVANT OPTIC CDMR30 70W+BOX TRAFO Bh 2,032,300.00 2,235,530.00 -
12 COSMIC R QT14 70W COSMIC R QT14 70W Bh 634,800.00 698,280.00 -
13 COSMIC 2 E27+PL ESSEN 14W COSMIC 2 E27+PL ESSEN 14W Bh 562,700.00 618,970.00 -
14 COSMIC 4 E27+PL ESSEN 14W COSMIC 4 E27+PL ESSEN 14W Bh 562,700.00 618,970.00 -
15 XEON FLAT LED 1.5W XEON FLAT LED 1.5W Bh 458,300.00 504,130.00 -
16 XEON TRAPEZ E27+PI ESSEN 23W XEON TRAPEZ E27+PI ESSEN 23W Bh 2,153,800.00 2,369,180.00 -
17 XEON RECTA TCD 13W XEON RECTA TCD 13W Bh 2,179,200.00 2,397,120.00 -
18 XEON STRIPE LED 1.5W XEON STRIPE LED 1.5W Bh 535,700.00 589,270.00 -
19 XEON SLIM LED 1.5W XEON SLIM LED 1.5W Bh 475,000.00 522,500.00 -
20 XEON ST80 PLC 13W XEON ST80 PLC 13W Bh 424,600.00 467,060.00 -
21 XEON SQ80 PLC 13W XEON SQ80 PLC 13W Bh 424,600.00 467,060.00 -
22 XEON BOWL A E27+PL ESSEN 14W XEON BOWL A E27+PL ESSEN 14W Bh 892,900.00 982,190.00 -
23 XEON BOWL B E27+PL ESSEN 14W XEON BOWL B E27+PL ESSEN 14W Bh 892,900.00 982,190.00 -
24 XEON BOWL C E27+PL ESSEN 14W XEON BOWL C E27+PL ESSEN 14W Bh 892,900.00 982,190.00 -
25 LINEAR WASH S 14 TL T5 LINEAR WASH S 14 TL T5 Bh 1,156,300.00 1,271,930.00 -
26 LINEAR WASH S 28 TL T5 LINEAR WASH S 28 TL T5 Bh 1,953,300.00 2,148,630.00 -
27 LINEAR WASH A 21 TL T5 LINEAR WASH A 21 TL T5 Bh 1,697,500.00 1,867,250.00 -
28 LINEAR WASH A 35 TL T5 LINEAR WASH A 35 TL T5 Bh 2,733,700.00 3,007,070.00 -
29 TUBA UP (WL UP) CDMT 35W TUBA UP (WL UP) CDMT 35W Bh 1,704,900.00 1,875,390.00 -
30 TUBA DOWN (WL DOWN) CDMT 35W TUBA DOWN (WL DOWN) CDMT 35W Bh 1,704,900.00 1,875,390.00 -
31 TUBA UP DOWN (WL UPDOWN) CDMT 35W TUBA UP DOWN (WL UPDOWN) CDMT 35W Bh 2,955,600.00 3,251,160.00 -
32 TUBA UP&DOWN 108 E27+PAR20/50W TUBA UP&DOWN 108 E27+PAR20/50W Bh 825,700.00 908,270.00 -
33 TUBA UP 108 E27+PAR20/50W TUBA UP 108 E27+PAR20/50W Bh 561,600.00 617,760.00 -
34 TUBA DOWN 108 E27+PAR20/50W TUBA DOWN 108 E27+PAR20/50W Bh 561,600.00 617,760.00 -
35 TUBA UP&DOWN 118 E27+PAR30/75W TUBA UP&DOWN 118 E27+PAR30/75W Bh 956,200.00 1,051,820.00 -
36 TUBA UP 118 E27+PAR30/75W TUBA UP 118 E27+PAR30/75W Bh 716,200.00 787,820.00 -
37 TUBA DOWN 118 E27+PAR30/75W TUBA DOWN 118 E27+PAR30/75W Bh 716,200.00 787,820.00 -
0 - -
0 - -
1 THEME VH RD (RISE DH 2015) QR-CBC5 150 W / 12 V + BOX TRAFO THEME VH RD (RISE DH 2015) QR-CBC5 150 W / 12 V + BOX TRAFO Bh 514,700.00 566,170.00 -
2 THEME RD 150 STD PLO 13W THEME RD 150 STD PLO 13W Bh 219,800.00 241,780.00 -
3 THEME RD 175 STD PLC 18W THEME RD 175 STD PLC 18W Bh 250,800.00 275,880.00 -
4 THEME HE RD 160 2 X PLC 13W THEME HE RD 160 2 X PLC 13W Bh 359,600.00 395,560.00 -
5 THEME HF RD 228 2 X PLC I8W THEME HF RD 228 2 X PLC I8W Bh 433,500.00 476,850.00 -
6 THEME HF RD 304 2 X PLC 18W THEME HF RD 304 2 X PLC 18W Bh 459,800.00 505,780.00 -
7 THEME VCA (WIDEGERM MH 5242) CDM-T = 70W + BOX TRAVO THEME VCA (WIDEGERM MH 5242) CDM-T = 70W + BOX TRAVO Bh 1,318,700.00 1,450,570.00 -
8 THEME VCS RD (RD MHP 170 GLS) CDM-T = 70W + BOX TRAVO THEME VCS RD (RD MHP 170 GLS) CDM-T = 70W + BOX TRAVO Bh 1,465,400.00 1,611,940.00 -
9 THEME SERIES 1 CDM-T 70W + BOX TRAVO THEME SERIES 1 CDM-T 70W + BOX TRAVO Bh 1,329,900.00 1,462,890.00 -
10 THEME SERIES 2 CDM-T 70W + BOX TRAFO THEME SERIES 2 CDM-T 70W + BOX TRAFO Bh 2,583,700.00 2,842,070.00 -
11 THEME SERIES 3 CDM-T 70W + BOX TRAFO THEME SERIES 3 CDM-T 70W + BOX TRAFO Bh 3,845,100.00 4,229,610.00 -
12 AR111 GIMBALS FOR PS SERIES AR111 GIMBALS FOR PS SERIES Bh 77,600.00 85,360.00 -
13 G12 GIMBALS FOR PS SERIES G12 GIMBALS FOR PS SERIES Bh 193,300.00 212,630.00 -
14 THEME VCSD (SM RD 150 CDM-T) 70W + GLASS BOX TRAFO THEME VCSD (SM RD 150 CDM-T) 70W + GLASS BOX TRAFO Bh 1,361,300.00 1,497,430.00 -
15 THEME VHCSD (SM RD 150 PAR30) 75W THEME VHCSD (SM RD 150 PAR30) 75W Bh 275,500.00 303,050.00 -
16 THEME VFOSD (SM RD 150 CDMR) 70W + BOX TRAVO THEME VFOSD (SM RD 150 CDMR) 70W + BOX TRAVO Bh 1,273,400.00 1,400,740.00 -
17 THEME VFOSD 175 (SM RD 175 PL-C) 18W THEME VFOSD 175 (SM RD 175 PL-C) 18W Bh 268,800.00 295,680.00 -
18 THEME VFOSD 225(SM RD 225 PL-C) 26W THEME VFOSD 225(SM RD 225 PL-C) 26W Bh 332,200.00 365,420.00 -
0 - -
2 COMFORT VHMC QRCBC51 50W/12V+BOX TRAFO COMFORT VHMC QRCBC51 50W/12V+BOX TRAFO Bh 514,700.00 566,170.00 -
3 COMFORT HFM RD 16b 2 X PLC 13W COMFORT HFM RD 16b 2 X PLC 13W Bh 360,000.00 396,000.00 -
4 COMFORT HFM RD 203 2 X PLC 13W COMFORT HFM RD 203 2 X PLC 13W Bh 418,400.00 460,240.00 -
5 COMFORT HFM RD 228 2 X PLC 18W COMFORT HFM RD 228 2 X PLC 18W Bh 495,800.00 545,380.00 -
6 COMFORT VFRD PLC 13W COMFORT VFRD PLC 13W Bh 199,600.00 219,560.00 -
7 COMFORT HF SD PLC 18W COMFORT HF SD PLC 18W Bh 554,200.00 609,620.00 -
10 COMFORT VCJ 226 CDMT 70W+BOX TRAFO COMFORT VCJ 226 CDMT 70W+BOX TRAFO Bh 1,548,500.00 1,703,350.00 -
11 COMFORT VCJ 188 CDMT 70W+BOX TRAFO COMFORT VCJ 188 CDMT 70W+BOX TRAFO Bh 1,548,500.00 1,703,350.00 -
0 - -
1 COZY VHARD QR CBC51 50W/12V+BOX TRAFO COZY VHARD QR CBC51 50W/12V+BOX TRAFO Bh 514,700.00 566,170.00 -
2 COZY VHRD QR CBC51 50W/12V+BOX TRAFO COZY VHRD QR CBC51 50W/12V+BOX TRAFO Bh 514,700.00 566,170.00 -
3 COZY VHM RD QR CBC51 50W/12V+BOX TRAFO COZY VHM RD QR CBC51 50W/12V+BOX TRAFO Bh 514,700.00 566,170.00 -
4 COZY HFMO R9 60 2 X PLC 13W COZY HFMO R9 60 2 X PLC 13W Bh 380,400.00 418,440.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
5 COZY HFMC RD 160 (+ GLASS) 2 X PLC 13W COZY HFMC RD 160 (+ GLASS) 2 X PLC 13W Bh 480,900.00 528,990.00 -
6 COZY HFMRD 203 2 X PLC 18W COZY HFMRD 203 2 X PLC 18W Bh 419,000.00 460,900.00 -
7 COZY HFMRD 228 2 X PLC 18W COZY HFMRD 228 2 X PLC 18W Bh 495,800.00 545,380.00 -
8 COZY VFRD 160 PLC 13W COZY VFRD 160 PLC 13W Bh 235,300.00 258,830.00 -
9 COZY HC SQRD CDMT 70W+BOX TRAFO COZY HC SQRD CDMT 70W+BOX TRAFO Bh 1,516,100.00 1,667,710.00 -
10 COZY RD 150 VSL E27+PAR38/80W COZY RD 150 VSL E27+PAR38/80W Bh 154,200.00 169,620.00 -
11 COZY SERIES 1 CDMT 70W+BOX TRAFO COZY SERIES 1 CDMT 70W+BOX TRAFO Bh 1,452,600.00 1,597,860.00 -
13 G12 GIMBALS FOR FNR SERIES G12 GIMBALS FOR FNR SERIES Bh 186,200.00 204,820.00 -
14 BOX TRAFO MH & FL BOX TRAFO MH & FL Bh 84,700.00 93,170.00 -
0 - -
1 Lampu Down Light 4" LED 7 Watt E27 Lampu Down Light 4" LED 7 Watt E27 Bh 2,805,680.00 3,086,250.00 -
2 Lampu Indirect LED Lampu Indirect LED m' 882,566.90 970,830.00 -
0 - -
1 DECO SLIM R DL E27 + Softone 25W DECO SLIM R DL E27 + Softone 25W Bh 639,337.50 703,280.00 -
2 DECO SLIM S DL E27 + Softone 25W DECO SLIM S DL E27 + Softone 25W Bh 875,237.50 962,770.00 -
3 DECO SLIM R SL E27 + Softone 25W DECO SLIM R SL E27 + Softone 25W Bh 1,063,937.50 1,170,340.00 -
4 DECO SLIM S SL E21t, Softone 25W DECO SLIM S SL E21t, Softone 25W Bh 1,370,037.50 1,507,050.00 -
5 DECO SLIM R HL E27+Softone 25 W DECO SLIM R HL E27+Softone 25 W Bh 652,737.50 718,020.00 -
6 DECO SLIM S HL E27+Softone 25 W DECO SLIM S HL E27+Softone 25 W Bh 884,637.50 973,110.00 -
7 DECO THIN R DL E27 + Softone 25W DECO THIN R DL E27 + Softone 25W Bh 701,237.50 771,370.00 -
8 DECO THIN S DL E27+Softone 25 W DECO THIN S DL E27+Softone 25 W Bh 807,237.50 887,970.00 -
9 DECO THIN R SL E27+Softone 25 W DECO THIN R SL E27+Softone 25 W Bh 1,460,537.50 1,606,600.00 -
10 DECO THIN S SL E27+Softone 25 W DECO THIN S SL E27+Softone 25 W Bh 1,553,337.50 1,708,680.00 -
11 DECO THIN R HL E27+Softtone 25 W DECO THIN R HL E27+Softtone 25 W Bh 569,337.50 626,280.00 -
12 DECO THIN S HL E27+Softone 25 W DECO THIN S HL E27+Softone 25 W Bh 662,237.50 728,470.00 -
13 STELO GLOBE C4 HL E27+Softtone 25 W STELO GLOBE C4 HL E27+Softtone 25 W Bh 1,528,750.00 1,681,630.00 -
14 STELO PYRAMIDE C4 HL+ Softone 25W STELO PYRAMIDE C4 HL+ Softone 25W Bh 1,528,750.00 1,681,630.00 -
15 STELO GLOBE C1 WL E27+Softtone 25 W STELO GLOBE C1 WL E27+Softtone 25 W Bh 243,737.50 268,120.00 -
16 STELO GLOBE C2 WL E27+Softtone 25 W STELO GLOBE C2 WL E27+Softtone 25 W Bh 410,075.00 451,090.00 -
17 STELO PYRAMIDE C1 WL E27 + Softtone 25 W STELO PYRAMIDE C1 WL E27 + Softtone 25 W Bh 243,737.50 268,120.00 -
18 STELO PYRAMIDE C2 WL E27 + Softtone 25 W STELO PYRAMIDE C2 WL E27 + Softtone 25 W Bh 410,075.00 451,090.00 -
19 OPTIO BOWL BENITHO HL / HL CF1 BENITHO + Softtone 25 W OPTIO BOWL BENITHO HL / HL CF1 BENITHO + Softtone 25 W Bh 252,637.50 277,910.00 -
20 OPTIO BOWL GEOVANY HL / HL CF1 BIG GEOVANY + Softtone 25 W OPTIO BOWL GEOVANY HL / HL CF1 BIG GEOVANY + Softtone 25 W Bh 253,937.50 279,340.00 -
21 OPTIO BOWL SHEILA HL / HL CF1 SHEILA + Softone 25 W OPTIO BOWL SHEILA HL / HL CF1 SHEILA + Softone 25 W Bh 346,900.00 381,590.00 -
22 OPTIO BOWL SIBU HL / HL CF1 SIBU + Softone 25W OPTIO BOWL SIBU HL / HL CF1 SIBU + Softone 25W Bh 265,100.00 291,610.00 -
23 OPTIO CONE BENITHO HL / HL CF2 BENITHO + Softone 25W OPTIO CONE BENITHO HL / HL CF2 BENITHO + Softone 25W Bh 271,300.00 298,430.00 -
24 OPTIO CONE BIG GEOVANY HL / HL CF2 BIG GEOVANY + Softone 25W OPTIO CONE BIG GEOVANY HL / HL CF2 BIG GEOVANY + Softone 25W Bh 292,737.50 322,020.00 -
25 OPTIO CONE SHEILA HL / HL CF2 SHEILA + Softone 25W OPTIO CONE SHEILA HL / HL CF2 SHEILA + Softone 25W Bh 367,100.00 403,810.00 -
26 OPTIO CONE SIBU HL / HL CF2 SIBU + Softone 25W OPTIO CONE SIBU HL / HL CF2 SIBU + Softone 25W Bh 285,300.00 313,830.00 -
27 OPTIO FLAT BENITHO HL / HL CF3 BENITHO + Softone 25W OPTIO FLAT BENITHO HL / HL CF3 BENITHO + Softone 25W Bh 252,637.50 277,910.00 -
28 OPTIO FLAT BIG GEOVANY HL / HL CF3 BIG GEOVANY + Softone 25W OPTIO FLAT BIG GEOVANY HL / HL CF3 BIG GEOVANY + Softone 25W Bh 253,937.50 279,340.00 -
29 OPTIO FLAT SHEILA HL / HL CF3 SHEILA + Softone 25W OPTIO FLAT SHEILA HL / HL CF3 SHEILA + Softone 25W Bh 348,537.50 383,400.00 -
30 OPTIO FLAT SIBU HL / HL CF3 SIBU + Softone 25W OPTIO FLAT SIBU HL / HL CF3 SIBU + Softone 25W Bh 265,100.00 291,610.00 -
31 OPTIO BOWL BENITHO SL / SL CF1 BENITHO + Softone 25W OPTIO BOWL BENITHO SL / SL CF1 BENITHO + Softone 25W Bh 956,900.00 1,052,590.00 -
33 OPTIO BOWL SHEILA SL / SL CF1 SHEILA + Softone 25W OPTIO BOWL SHEILA SL / SL CF1 SHEILA + Softone 25W Bh 1,052,600.00 1,157,860.00 -
34 OPTIO BOWL SIBU SL / SL CF1 SIBU + Softone 25W OPTIO BOWL SIBU SL / SL CF1 SIBU + Softone 25W Bh 970,800.00 1,067,880.00 -
35 OPTIO CONE BENITHO SL / SL CF2 BENITHO + Softone 25W OPTIO CONE BENITHO SL / SL CF2 BENITHO + Softone 25W Bh 953,100.00 1,048,410.00 -
36 OPTIO CONE BIG GEOVANY SL / SL CF2 BIG GEOVANY + Softone 25W OPTIO CONE BIG GEOVANY SL / SL CF2 BIG GEOVANY + Softone 25W Bh 953,100.00 1,048,410.00 -
37 OPTIO CONE SHEILA SL / SL CF2 SHEILA + Softone 25W OPTIO CONE SHEILA SL / SL CF2 SHEILA + Softone 25W Bh 1,048,800.00 1,153,680.00 -
38 OPTIO CONE SIBU SL / SL CF2 SIBU + Softone 25W OPTIO CONE SIBU SL / SL CF2 SIBU + Softone 25W Bh 967,000.00 1,063,700.00 -
39 OPTIO FLAT BENITHO SL / SL CF3 BENITHO + Softone 25W OPTIO FLAT BENITHO SL / SL CF3 BENITHO + Softone 25W Bh 956,900.00 1,052,590.00 -
40 OPTIO FLAT BIG GEOVANY SL / SL CF3 BIG GEOVANY + Softone 25W OPTIO FLAT BIG GEOVANY SL / SL CF3 BIG GEOVANY + Softone 25W Bh 956,900.00 1,052,590.00 -
41 OPTIO FLAT SHEILA SL / SL CF3 SHEILA + Softone 25W OPTIO FLAT SHEILA SL / SL CF3 SHEILA + Softone 25W Bh 1,052,600.00 1,157,860.00 -
42 OPTIO FLAT SIBU SL / SL CF3 SIBU + Softone 25W OPTIO FLAT SIBU SL / SL CF3 SIBU + Softone 25W Bh 970,800.00 1,067,880.00 -
43 OPTIO FLAT BENITHO DL / DL CF3 BENITHO + Softone 25W OPTIO FLAT BENITHO DL / DL CF3 BENITHO + Softone 25W Bh 427,500.00 470,250.00 -
44 OPTIO FLAT BIG GEOVANY DL / DL CF3 BIG GEOVANY + Softone 25W OPTIO FLAT BIG GEOVANY DL / DL CF3 BIG GEOVANY + Softone 25W Bh 427,500.00 470,250.00 -
45 OPTIO FLAT SHEILA DL / DL CF3 SHEILA + Softone 25W OPTIO FLAT SHEILA DL / DL CF3 SHEILA + Softone 25W Bh 523,200.00 575,520.00 -
46 OPTIO FLAT SIBU DL / DL CF3 SIBU + Softone 25W OPTIO FLAT SIBU DL / DL CF3 SIBU + Softone 25W Bh 441,400.00 485,540.00 -
47 OPTIO CONE BENITHO DL / DL CF2 BENITHO + Softone 25W OPTIO CONE BENITHO DL / DL CF2 BENITHO + Softone 25W Bh 429,900.00 472,890.00 -
48 OPTIO CONE BIG GEOVANY DL / DL CF2 BIG GEOVANY + Softone 25W OPTIO CONE BIG GEOVANY DL / DL CF2 BIG GEOVANY + Softone 25W Bh 429,900.00 472,890.00 -
49 OPTIO CONE SHEILA DL / DL CF2 SHEILA + Softone 25W OPTIO CONE SHEILA DL / DL CF2 SHEILA + Softone 25W Bh 525,600.00 578,160.00 -
50 OPTIO CONE SIBU DL / DL CF2 SIBU + Softone 25W OPTIO CONE SIBU DL / DL CF2 SIBU + Softone 25W Bh 443,800.00 488,180.00 -
51 OPTIO BOWL BENITHO WL + Softone 25W OPTIO BOWL BENITHO WL + Softone 25W Bh 517,800.00 569,580.00 -
52 OPT10 BOWL BIG GEOVANY WL + Softone 25W OPT10 BOWL BIG GEOVANY WL + Softone 25W Bh 517,800.00 569,580.00 -
53 OPTIO BOWL SHEILA WL + Softone 25W OPTIO BOWL SHEILA WL + Softone 25W Bh 613,500.00 674,850.00 -
54 OPTIO BOWL SIBU WL + Softone 25W OPTIO BOWL SIBU WL + Softone 25W Bh 531,700.00 584,870.00 -
55 OPT10 CONE BENITHO WL + Softone 25W OPT10 CONE BENITHO WL + Softone 25W Bh 515,600.00 567,160.00 -
56 OPTIO CONE BIG GEOVANY WL + Softone 25W OPTIO CONE BIG GEOVANY WL + Softone 25W Bh 515,600.00 567,160.00 -
57 OPTIO CONE SHEILA WL + Softone 25W OPTIO CONE SHEILA WL + Softone 25W Bh 611,300.00 672,430.00 -
58 OPTIO CONE SIBU WL + Softone 25W OPTIO CONE SIBU WL + Softone 25W Bh 529,500.00 582,450.00 -
59 OPTIO FLAT BENITHO WL + Softone 25W OPTIO FLAT BENITHO WL + Softone 25W Bh 517,800.00 569,580.00 -
60 OPTIO FLAT BIG GEOVANY WL + Softone 25W OPTIO FLAT BIG GEOVANY WL + Softone 25W Bh 517,800.00 569,580.00 -
61 OPTIO FLAT SHEICAYL + Softone 25W OPTIO FLAT SHEICAYL + Softone 25W Bh 613,500.00 674,850.00 -
62 OPT10 FLAT SIBU WL + Softone 25W OPT10 FLAT SIBU WL + Softone 25W Bh 531,700.00 584,870.00 -
63 OPTIO STICK BENITHO WL + Softone 25W OPTIO STICK BENITHO WL + Softone 25W Bh 495,600.00 545,160.00 -
64 OPTIO STICK BIG GEOVANY WL + Softone 25W OPTIO STICK BIG GEOVANY WL + Softone 25W Bh 495,600.00 545,160.00 -
65 OPTIO STICK SHEILA WL + Softone 25W OPTIO STICK SHEILA WL + Softone 25W Bh 591,300.00 650,430.00 -
66 OPTIO STICK SIBU WL + Softone 25W OPTIO STICK SIBU WL + Softone 25W Bh 509,500.00 560,450.00 -
67 PLATO SULIWA E27 + Softone 25W PLATO SULIWA E27 + Softone 25W Bh 219,400.00 241,340.00 -
68 LS DECO THIN ZHENA 27 + Softone 25W LS DECO THIN ZHENA 27 + Softone 25W Bh 866,600.00 953,260.00 -
69 LS ZHENA E27 + Softone 25W LS ZHENA E27 + Softone 25W Bh 1,057,037.50 1,162,750.00 -
70 DL ZHENA E27 + Softone 25W DL ZHENA E27 + Softone 25W Bh 615,937.50 677,540.00 -
0 - -
1 REVO RM T5 2X14W/84 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS REVO RM T5 2X14W/84 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 855,600.00 941,160.00 -
2 REVO RM T5 3X14W/84 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS REVO RM T5 3X14W/84 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 1,336,200.00 1,469,820.00 -
3 REVO RM T5 2X28W/84 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS REVO RM T5 2X28W/84 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 1,408,500.00 1,549,350.00 -
4 REVO RM T5 3X28W/84 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS REVO RM T5 3X28W/84 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 1,999,300.00 2,199,230.00 -
5 REVO RM T5 2X14W/84 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS REVO RM T5 2X14W/84 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 843,000.00 927,300.00 -
6 REVO RM T5 2X28W/84 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS REVO RM T5 2X28W/84 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 1,467,000.00 1,613,700.00 -
7 REVO RM T5 3X14W/841 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS REVO RM T5 3X14W/841 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 1,369,300.00 1,506,230.00 -
8 REVO RM T5 3X28W/84 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS REVO RM T5 3X28W/84 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 2,067,300.00 2,274,030.00 -
0 - -
1 REVO RM T8 2X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS REVO RM T8 2X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 572,700.00 629,970.00 -
2 REVD RM T8 3X18W/54PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS REVD RM T8 3X18W/54PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 995,400.00 1,094,940.00 -
3 REVO RM T8 4X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS REVO RM T8 4X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 1,118,300.00 1,230,130.00 -
4 REVO RM T8 2X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS REVO RM T8 2X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 973,300.00 1,070,630.00 -
5 REVO RM T8 3X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS REVO RM T8 3X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 1,743,200.00 1,917,520.00 -
6 REVO RM T8 4X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS REVO RM T8 4X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 1,977,200.00 2,174,920.00 -
8 REVO RM T8 2X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL REVO RM T8 2X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL Bh 1,012,400.00 1,113,640.00 -
9 REVO RM T8 3X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL REVO RM T8 3X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL Bh 1,027,900.00 1,130,690.00 -
10 REVO RM T8 3X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL REVO RM T8 3X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL Bh 1,803,000.00 1,983,300.00 -
11 REVO RM T8 4X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL REVO RM T8 4X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL Bh 1,153,100.00 1,268,410.00 -
12 REVO RM T8 4X364/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL REVO RM T8 4X364/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL Bh 2,085,400.00 2,293,940.00 -
0 - -
1 EVO RM T8 2X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS EVO RM T8 2X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 555,700.00 611,270.00 -
2 EVO RM T8 3X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS EVO RM T8 3X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 976,700.00 1,074,370.00 -
3 EVO RM T8 4X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS EVO RM T8 4X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 1,070,000.00 1,177,000.00 -
4 EVO RM T8 2X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS EVO RM T8 2X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 949,900.00 1,044,890.00 -
5 EVO RM T8 3X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS EVO RM T8 3X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 1,559,900.00 1,715,890.00 -
6 EVO RM T8 4X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS EVO RM T8 4X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV GLOSS Bh 1,790,900.00 1,969,990.00 -
7 EVO RM T8 2X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL EVO RM T8 2X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL Bh 577,500.00 635,250.00 -
8 EVO RM T8 2X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL EVO RM T8 2X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL Bh 895,000.00 984,500.00 -
9 EVO RM T8 3X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL EVO RM T8 3X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL Bh 1,017,700.00 1,119,470.00 -
10 EVO RM T8 3X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL EVO RM T8 3X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL Bh 1,626,200.00 1,788,820.00 -
11 EVO RM T8 4X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL EVO RM T8 4X18W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL Bh 1,115,100.00 1,226,610.00 -
12 EVO RM T8 4X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL EVO RM T8 4X36W/54 PARABOLIC DIV CRYSTAL Bh 1,867,300.00 2,054,030.00 -
0 - -
1 ORIONT CEILLING 2X18W/54 M5 ORIONT CEILLING 2X18W/54 M5 Bh 787,900.00 866,690.00 -
2 ORIONT CEILLING 2X36W/54 M5 ORIONT CEILLING 2X36W/54 M5 Bh 1,082,041.67 1,190,250.00 -
0 - -
1 PASSAT CEILLING 2X18W/54 M5 PASSAT CEILLING 2X18W/54 M5 Bh 717,100.00 788,810.00 -
2 PASSAT CEILLING 2X36W/54 M5 PASSAT CEILLING 2X36W/54 M5 Bh 1,047,041.67 1,151,750.00 -
0 - -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
1 BL T5 1X14W/54 BL T5 1X14W/54 Bh 274,400.00 301,840.00 -
2 BL T5 1X28W/54 BL T5 1X28W/54 Bh 323,900.00 356,290.00 -
0 - -
1 TK T5 1X14W/54 TK T5 1X14W/54 Bh 303,400.00 333,740.00 -
2 TK T5 1X28W/54 TK T5 1X28W/54 Bh 372,400.00 409,640.00 -
3 TK T5 2X14W/54 TK T5 2X14W/54 Bh 415,200.00 456,720.00 -
4 TK T5 2X28W/54 TK T5 2X28W/54 Bh 511,800.00 562,980.00 -
0 - -
1 Balk TL 1 X 18 W Balk TL 1 X 18 W Bh 324,000.00 356,400.00 -
2 Balk 'IL 2 X 18 W Balk 'IL 2 X 18 W Bh 514,800.00 566,280.00 -
3 Balk TL 1 X 36 W Balk TL 1 X 36 W Bh 367,500.00 404,250.00 -
4 Balk TL 2 X 36 W Balk TL 2 X 36 W Bh 596,900.00 656,590.00 -
5 TKO TL 1 x 18 W TKO TL 1 x 18 W Bh 346,700.00 381,370.00 -
6 TKO TL 2 x 18 W TKO TL 2 x 18 W Bh 563,100.00 619,410.00 -
7 TKO TL 1 x 36 W TKO TL 1 x 36 W Bh 421,200.00 463,320.00 -
8 TKO TL 2 X 36 W TKO TL 2 X 36 W Bh 693,600.00 762,960.00 -
9 V Shape TL 1 X 18 W V Shape TL 1 X 18 W Bh 351,000.00 386,100.00 -
10 V Shape TL 2 X 18 W V Shape TL 2 X 18 W Bh 514,800.00 566,280.00 -
11 V Shape TL 1 X 36 W V Shape TL 1 X 36 W Bh 421,200.00 463,320.00 -
12 V Shape TL 2 X 36 W V Shape TL 2 X 36 W Bh 596,900.00 656,590.00 -
13 V Shape TL 3 X 36 W/86 + Mirror V Shape TL 3 X 36 W/86 + Mirror Bh 1,345,800.00 1,480,380.00 -
14 GMS TL 1 X 18 W GMS TL 1 X 18 W 532,800.00 586,080.00 -
15 GMS TL 2 X 18 W GMS TL 2 X 18 W Bh 772,000.00 849,200.00 -
16 GMS TL 1 X 36 W GMS TL 1 X 36 W Bh 752,900.00 828,190.00 -
17 GMS TL 2 X 36 W GMS TL 2 X 36 W Bh 1,047,400.00 1,152,140.00 -
18 Exit Slimline TL 1 X 8 W + Batt Exit Slimline TL 1 X 8 W + Batt Bh 2,196,500.00 2,416,150.00 -
19 SM 300 M5 TL 2 X 18 SM 300 M5 TL 2 X 18 Bh 933,500.00 1,026,850.00 -
20 SM 300 M5 TL 3 X 18 W SM 300 M5 TL 3 X 18 W Bh 1,360,700.00 1,496,770.00 -
21 SM 300 M5 TL 4 X 18 W SM 300 M5 TL 4 X 18 W Bh 1,786,700.00 1,965,370.00 -
22 SM 300 M5 TL 2 X 36 W SM 300 M5 TL 2 X 36 W Bh 1,353,000.00 1,488,300.00 -
23 SM 300 M5 TL 3 X 36 W SM 300 M5 TL 3 X 36 W Bh 2,138,500.00 2,352,350.00 -
24 SM 300 MS TL 4 X 36 W SM 300 MS TL 4 X 36 W Bh 2,668,000.00 2,934,800.00 -
25 SM 300 M2 TL 2 X 18 W SM 300 M2 TL 2 X 18 W Bh 895,200.00 984,720.00 -
26 SM 300 M2 TL 3 X 18 W SM 300 M2 TL 3 X 18 W Bh 1,332,000.00 1,465,200.00 -
27 SM 300 M2 TL 4 X 18 W SM 300 M2 TL 4 X 18 W Bh 1,698,000.00 1,867,800.00 -
28 SM 300 M2 TL 2 X 36 W SM 300 M2 TL 2 X 36 W Bh 1,276,500.00 1,404,150.00 -
29 SM 300 M2 TL 3 X 36 W SM 300 M2 TL 3 X 36 W Bh 1,946,900.00 2,141,590.00 -
30 SM 300 M2 TL 4 X 36 W SM 300 M2 TL 4 X 36 W Bh 2,422,500.00 2,664,750.00 -
31 SM 300 M1 TL 2 X 18 W SM 300 M1 TL 2 X 18 W Bh 885,000.00 973,500.00 -
32 SM 300 MI TL 3 X 18 W SM 300 MI TL 3 X 18 W Bh 1,298,400.00 1,428,240.00 -
33 SM 300 MI TL 4 X 18 W SM 300 MI TL 4 X 18 W Bh 1,664,700.00 1,831,170.00 -
34 SM 300 Ml TL 2 X 36 W SM 300 Ml TL 2 X 36 W Bh 1,256,400.00 1,382,040.00 -
35 SM 300 MI TL 3 X 36 W SM 300 MI TL 3 X 36 W Bh 1,879,900.00 2,067,890.00 -
36 SM 300 MI TL 4 X 36 W SM 300 MI TL 4 X 36 W Bh 2,355,000.00 2,590,500.00 -
37 Dust Proof TL 1 X 18 W Dust Proof TL 1 X 18 W Bh 1,012,500.00 1,113,750.00 -
38 Dust Proof TL 2 X 18 W Dust Proof TL 2 X 18 W Bh 1,227,000.00 1,349,700.00 -
39 Dust Proof TL 1 X 36 W Dust Proof TL 1 X 36 W Bh 1,179,000.00 1,296,900.00 -
40 Dust Proof TL 2 X 36 W Dust Proof TL 2 X 36 W Bh 1,369,500.00 1,506,450.00 -
0 - -
1 Balk TL 1 X 18 W Balk TL 1 X 18 W Bh 364,900.00 401,390.00 -
2 Balk 'IL 2 X 18 W Balk 'IL 2 X 18 W Bh 596,900.00 656,590.00 -
3 Balk TL 1 X 36 W Balk TL 1 X 36 W Bh 408,300.00 449,130.00 -
4 Balk TL 2 X 36 W Balk TL 2 X 36 W Bh 678,300.00 746,130.00 -
5 TKO TL 1 x 18 W TKO TL 1 x 18 W Bh 387,900.00 426,690.00 -
6 TKO TL 2 x 18 W TKO TL 2 x 18 W Bh 645,000.00 709,500.00 -
7 TKO TL 1 x 36 W TKO TL 1 x 36 W Bh 462,900.00 509,190.00 -
8 TKO TL 2 X 36 W TKO TL 2 X 36 W Bh 775,800.00 853,380.00 -
9 V Shape TL 1 X 18 W V Shape TL 1 X 18 W Bh 392,200.00 431,420.00 -
10 V Shape TL 2 X 18 W V Shape TL 2 X 18 W Bh 596,900.00 656,590.00 -
11 V Shape TL 1 X 36 W V Shape TL 1 X 36 W Bh 462,900.00 509,190.00 -
12 V Shape TL 2 X 36 W V Shape TL 2 X 36 W Bh 678,300.00 746,130.00 -
13 V Shape TL 3 X 36 W/86 + Mirror V Shape TL 3 X 36 W/86 + Mirror Bh 1,468,500.00 1,615,350.00 -
14 GMS TL 1 X 18 W GMS TL 1 X 18 W Bh 579,800.00 637,780.00 -
15 GMS TL 2 X 18 W GMS TL 2 X 18 W Bh 866,300.00 952,930.00 -
16 GMS TL 1 X 36 W GMS TL 1 X 36 W Bh 799,800.00 879,780.00 -
17 GMS TL 2 X 36 W GMS TL 2 X 36 W Bh 1,141,700.00 1,255,870.00 -
18 Exit Slimline TL 1 X 8 W + Batt Exit Slimline TL 1 X 8 W + Batt Bh 2,196,500.00 2,416,150.00 -
19 SM 300 M5 TL 2 X 18 SM 300 M5 TL 2 X 18 Bh 1,027,700.00 1,130,470.00 -
20 SM 300 M5 TL 3 X 18 W SM 300 M5 TL 3 X 18 W Bh 1,502,100.00 1,652,310.00 -
21 SM 300 M5 TL 4 X 18 W SM 300 M5 TL 4 X 18 W Bh 1,959,200.00 2,155,120.00 -
22 SM 300 M5 TL 2 X 36 W SM 300 M5 TL 2 X 36 W Bh 1,447,200.00 1,591,920.00 -
23 SM 300 M5 TL 3 X 36 W SM 300 M5 TL 3 X 36 W Bh 2,279,500.00 2,507,450.00 -
24 SM 300 MS TL 4 X 36 W SM 300 MS TL 4 X 36 W Bh 2,856,200.00 3,141,820.00 -
25 SM 300 M2 TL 2 X 18 W SM 300 M2 TL 2 X 18 W Bh 988,900.00 1,087,790.00 -
26 SM 300 M2 TL 3 X 18 W SM 300 M2 TL 3 X 18 W Bh 1,472,500.00 1,619,750.00 -
27 SM 300 M2 TL 4 X 18 W SM 300 M2 TL 4 X 18 W Bh 1,885,900.00 2,074,490.00 -
28 SM 300 M2 TL 2 X 36 W SM 300 M2 TL 2 X 36 W Bh 1,370,200.00 1,507,220.00 -
29 SM 300 M2 TL 3 X 36 W SM 300 M2 TL 3 X 36 W Bh 2,087,700.00 2,296,470.00 -
30 SM 300 M2 TL 4 X 36 W SM 300 M2 TL 4 X 36 W Bh 2,609,700.00 2,870,670.00 -
31 SM 300 M1 TL 2 X 18 W SM 300 M1 TL 2 X 18 W Bh 979,000.00 1,076,900.00 -
32 SM 300 MI TL 3 X 18 W SM 300 MI TL 3 X 18 W Bh 1,439,200.00 1,583,120.00 -
33 SM 300 MI TL 4 X 18 W SM 300 MI TL 4 X 18 W Bh 1,852,000.00 2,037,200.00 -
34 SM 300 Ml TL 2 X 36 W SM 300 Ml TL 2 X 36 W Bh 1,350,500.00 1,485,550.00 -
35 SM 300 MI TL 3 X 36 W SM 300 MI TL 3 X 36 W Bh 2,020,800.00 2,222,880.00 -
36 SM 300 MI TL 4 X 36 W SM 300 MI TL 4 X 36 W Bh 2,543,200.00 2,797,520.00 -
37 Dust Proof TL 1 X 18 W Dust Proof TL 1 X 18 W Bh 1,077,000.00 1,184,700.00 -
38 Dust Proof TL 2 X 18 W Dust Proof TL 2 X 18 W Bh 1,356,000.00 1,491,600.00 -
39 Dust Proof TL 1 X 36 W Dust Proof TL 1 X 36 W Bh 1,243,500.00 1,367,850.00 -
40 Dust Proof TL 2 X 36 W Dust Proof TL 2 X 36 W Bh 1,497,800.00 1,647,580.00 -
0 - -
1 TKI TL 1 X 18 W TKI TL 1 X 18 W Bh 406,400.00 447,040.00 -
2 TIC L 2 X 18 W TIC L 2 X 18 W Bh 577,200.00 634,920.00 -
3 TKI TI, 3 X 18 W TKI TI, 3 X 18 W Bh 861,500.00 947,650.00 -
4 TKI. TL 4 X 18 W TKI. TL 4 X 18 W Bh 1,144,400.00 1,258,840.00 -
5 TKI 'FL 1 X 36 W TKI 'FL 1 X 36 W Bh 531,000.00 584,100.00 -
6 TKI TL 2 X 36 W TKI TL 2 X 36 W Bh 733,900.00 807,290.00 -
7 TKI TI, 3 X 36 W TKI TI, 3 X 36 W Bh 1,026,700.00 1,129,370.00 -
8 RM 300 M5 TL 2 X 18 W RM 300 M5 TL 2 X 18 W Bh 933,500.00 1,026,850.00 -
9 RM 300 M5 TL 3 X 18 W RM 300 M5 TL 3 X 18 W Bh 1,360,700.00 1,496,770.00 -
10 RM 300 M5 TL 4 X 18 W RM 300 M5 TL 4 X 18 W Bh 1,786,700.00 1,965,370.00 -
11 RM 300 M5 TL 2 X 36 W RM 300 M5 TL 2 X 36 W Bh 1,353,000.00 1,488,300.00 -
12 RM 300 M5 TL 3 X 36 W RM 300 M5 TL 3 X 36 W Bh 2,138,500.00 2,352,350.00 -
13 RM 300 M5 TL 4 X 36 W RM 300 M5 TL 4 X 36 W Bh 2,668,000.00 2,934,800.00 -
14 RMI 300 MS TL 2 X 18 W + AC RMI 300 MS TL 2 X 18 W + AC Bh 1,304,100.00 1,434,510.00 -
15 RMI 300 M5 TL 3 X 18 W + AC RMI 300 M5 TL 3 X 18 W + AC Bh 1,861,600.00 2,047,760.00 -
16 RM1 300 M5 TL 4 X 18 W + AC RM1 300 M5 TL 4 X 18 W + AC Bh 2,460,700.00 2,706,770.00 -
17 RM1 300 M5 TL 2 X 36 W + AC RM1 300 M5 TL 2 X 36 W + AC Bh 2,094,300.00 2,303,730.00 -
18 RMI 300 M5 TL 3 X 36 W + AC RMI 300 M5 TL 3 X 36 W + AC Bh 3,043,800.00 3,348,180.00 -
19 RM1 300 M5 TL 4 X 36 W + AC RM1 300 M5 TL 4 X 36 W + AC Bh 3,640,500.00 4,004,550.00 -
20 RM 300 M2 TL 2 X 18 W RM 300 M2 TL 2 X 18 W Bh 895,200.00 984,720.00 -
21 RM 300 M2 TL 3 X 18 W RM 300 M2 TL 3 X 18 W Bh 1,332,000.00 1,465,200.00 -
22 RM 300 M2 TL 4 X 18 W RM 300 M2 TL 4 X 18 W Bh 1,698,000.00 1,867,800.00 -
23 RM 300 M2 TL 2 X 36 W RM 300 M2 TL 2 X 36 W Bh 1,276,500.00 1,404,150.00 -
24 RM 300 M2 TL 3 X 36 W RM 300 M2 TL 3 X 36 W Bh 1,946,900.00 2,141,590.00 -
25 RM 300 M2 TL 4 X 36 W RM 300 M2 TL 4 X 36 W Bh 2,422,500.00 2,664,750.00 -
26 RMI 300 M2 TL 2 X 18 W + AC RMI 300 M2 TL 2 X 18 W + AC Bh 1,265,700.00 1,392,270.00 -
27 RMI 300 M2 TL 3 X 18 W + AC RMI 300 M2 TL 3 X 18 W + AC Bh 1,834,800.00 2,018,280.00 -
28 RMI 300 M2 TL 4 X 18 W + AC RMI 300 M2 TL 4 X 18 W + AC Bh 2,401,900.00 2,642,090.00 -
29 RMI 300 M2 TL 2 X 36 W + AC RMI 300 M2 TL 2 X 36 W + AC Bh 2,017,900.00 2,219,690.00 -
30 RMI 300 M2 TL 3 X 36 W + AC RMI 300 M2 TL 3 X 36 W + AC Bh 2,852,500.00 3,137,750.00 -
31 RMI 300 M2 TL 4 X 36 W + AC RMI 300 M2 TL 4 X 36 W + AC Bh 3,394,700.00 3,734,170.00 -
32 RM 300 M1 TL 2 X 18 W RM 300 M1 TL 2 X 18 W Bh 885,000.00 973,500.00 -
33 RM 300 M1 TL 3 X 18 W RM 300 M1 TL 3 X 18 W Bh 1,298,400.00 1,428,240.00 -
34 RM 300 M1 TL 4 X 18 W RM 300 M1 TL 4 X 18 W 1,664,700.00 1,831,170.00 -
35 RM 300 MI TL 2 X 36 W RM 300 MI TL 2 X 36 W Bh 1,256,400.00 1,382,040.00 -
36 RM 300 MI TL 3 X 36 W RM 300 MI TL 3 X 36 W Bh 1,879,900.00 2,067,890.00 -
37 RM 300 M1 TL 4 X 36 W RM 300 M1 TL 4 X 36 W Bh 2,355,000.00 2,590,500.00 -
38 RMI 300 M1 TL 2 X 18 W + AC RMI 300 M1 TL 2 X 18 W + AC Bh 1,255,700.00 1,381,270.00 -
39 RMI 300 MI TL 3 X 18 W + AC RMI 300 MI TL 3 X 18 W + AC Bh 1,801,500.00 1,981,650.00 -
40 RMI 300 MI TL 4 X 18 W + AC RMI 300 MI TL 4 X 18 W + AC Bh 2,368,500.00 2,605,350.00 -
41 RMI 300 M1 TL 2 X 36 W + AC RMI 300 M1 TL 2 X 36 W + AC Bh 1,997,400.00 2,197,140.00 -
42 RMI 300 MI TL 3 X 36 W + AC RMI 300 MI TL 3 X 36 W + AC Bh 2,785,200.00 3,063,720.00 -
43 RMI 300 M1 TL 4 X 36 W + AC RMI 300 M1 TL 4 X 36 W + AC Bh 3,327,400.00 3,660,140.00 -
0 - -
1 TKI TL 1 X 18 W TKI TL 1 X 18 W Bh 447,900.00 492,690.00 -
2 TIC L 2 X 18 W TIC L 2 X 18 W Bh 695,000.00 764,500.00 -
3 TKI TI, 3 X 18 W TKI TI, 3 X 18 W Bh 985,800.00 1,084,380.00 -
4 TKI. TL 4 X 18 W TKI. TL 4 X 18 W Bh 1,307,200.00 1,437,920.00 -
5 TKI 'FL 1 X 36 W TKI 'FL 1 X 36 W Bh 572,200.00 629,420.00 -
6 TKI TL 2 X 36 W TKI TL 2 X 36 W Bh 815,400.00 896,940.00 -
7 TKI TI, 3 X 36 W TKI TI, 3 X 36 W 1,149,200.00 1,264,120.00 -
8 RM 300 M5 TL 2 X 18 W RM 300 M5 TL 2 X 18 W Bh 1,027,700.00 1,130,470.00 -
9 RM 300 M5 TL 3 X 18 W RM 300 M5 TL 3 X 18 W Bh 1,502,100.00 1,652,310.00 -
10 RM 300 M5 TL 4 X 18 W RM 300 M5 TL 4 X 18 W Bh 1,959,200.00 2,155,120.00 -
11 RM 300 M5 TL 2 X 36 W RM 300 M5 TL 2 X 36 W Bh 1,447,200.00 1,591,920.00 -
12 RM 300 M5 TL 3 X 36 W RM 300 M5 TL 3 X 36 W Bh 2,279,500.00 2,507,450.00 -
13 RM 300 M5 TL 4 X 36 W RM 300 M5 TL 4 X 36 W Bh 2,856,200.00 3,141,820.00 -
14 RMI 300 MS TL 2 X 18 W + AC RMI 300 MS TL 2 X 18 W + AC Bh 1,398,000.00 1,537,800.00 -
15 RMI 300 M5 TL 3 X 18 W + AC RMI 300 M5 TL 3 X 18 W + AC Bh 2,004,800.00 2,205,280.00 -
16 RM1 300 M5 TL 4 X 18 W + AC RM1 300 M5 TL 4 X 18 W + AC Bh 2,710,800.00 2,981,880.00 -
17 RM1 300 M5 TL 2 X 36 W + AC RM1 300 M5 TL 2 X 36 W + AC Bh 2,188,400.00 2,407,240.00 -
18 RMI 300 M5 TL 3 X 36 W + AC RMI 300 M5 TL 3 X 36 W + AC Bh 3,184,500.00 3,502,950.00 -
19 RM1 300 M5 TL 4 X 36 W + AC RM1 300 M5 TL 4 X 36 W + AC Bh 3,828,400.00 4,211,240.00 -
20 RM 300 M2 TL 2 X 18 W RM 300 M2 TL 2 X 18 W Bh 988,900.00 1,087,790.00 -
21 RM 300 M2 TL 3 X 18 W RM 300 M2 TL 3 X 18 W Bh 1,472,500.00 1,619,750.00 -
22 RM 300 M2 TL 4 X 18 W RM 300 M2 TL 4 X 18 W Bh 1,885,900.00 2,074,490.00 -
23 RM 300 M2 TL 2 X 36 W RM 300 M2 TL 2 X 36 W Bh 1,370,200.00 1,507,220.00 -
24 RM 300 M2 TL 3 X 36 W RM 300 M2 TL 3 X 36 W Bh 2,087,700.00 2,296,470.00 -
25 RM 300 M2 TL 4 X 36 W RM 300 M2 TL 4 X 36 W Bh 2,609,700.00 2,870,670.00 -
26 RMI 300 M2 TL 2 X 18 W + AC RMI 300 M2 TL 2 X 18 W + AC Bh 1,359,200.00 1,495,120.00 -
27 RMI 300 M2 TL 3 X 18 W + AC RMI 300 M2 TL 3 X 18 W + AC Bh 1,975,200.00 2,172,720.00 -
28 RMI 300 M2 TL 4 X 18 W + AC RMI 300 M2 TL 4 X 18 W + AC Bh 2,590,000.00 2,849,000.00 -
29 RMI 300 M2 TL 2 X 36 W + AC RMI 300 M2 TL 2 X 36 W + AC Bh 2,112,000.00 2,323,200.00 -
30 RMI 300 M2 TL 3 X 36 W + AC RMI 300 M2 TL 3 X 36 W + AC Bh 2,993,000.00 3,292,300.00 -
31 RMI 300 M2 TL 4 X 36 W + AC RMI 300 M2 TL 4 X 36 W + AC Bh 3,582,200.00 3,940,420.00 -
32 RM 300 M1 TL 2 X 18 W RM 300 M1 TL 2 X 18 W Bh 979,000.00 1,076,900.00 -
33 RM 300 M1 TL 3 X 18 W RM 300 M1 TL 3 X 18 W Bh 1,439,200.00 1,583,120.00 -
34 RM 300 M1 TL 4 X 18 W RM 300 M1 TL 4 X 18 W Bh 1,852,000.00 2,037,200.00 -
35 RM 300 MI TL 2 X 36 W RM 300 MI TL 2 X 36 W Bh 1,350,500.00 1,485,550.00 -
36 RM 300 MI TL 3 X 36 W RM 300 MI TL 3 X 36 W Bh 2,020,800.00 2,222,880.00 -
37 RM 300 M1 TL 4 X 36 W RM 300 M1 TL 4 X 36 W Bh 2,543,200.00 2,797,520.00 -
38 RMI 300 M1 TL 2 X 18 W + AC RMI 300 M1 TL 2 X 18 W + AC Bh 1,349,500.00 1,484,450.00 -
39 RMI 300 MI TL 3 X 18 W + AC RMI 300 MI TL 3 X 18 W + AC Bh 1,941,900.00 2,136,090.00 -
40 RMI 300 MI TL 4 X 18 W + AC RMI 300 MI TL 4 X 18 W + AC Bh 2,556,300.00 2,811,930.00 -
41 RMI 300 M1 TL 2 X 36 W + AC RMI 300 M1 TL 2 X 36 W + AC Bh 2,091,600.00 2,300,760.00 -
42 RMI 300 MI TL 3 X 36 W + AC RMI 300 MI TL 3 X 36 W + AC Bh 2,925,900.00 3,218,490.00 -
43 RMI 300 M1 TL 4 X 36 W + AC RMI 300 M1 TL 4 X 36 W + AC Bh 3,515,400.00 3,866,940.00 -
0 - -
1 Merk Broco enkle (lokal) Merk Broco enkle (lokal) Bh 22,000.00 24,200.00 -
2 Merk Vimar enkle Merk Vimar enkle Bh 47,500.00 52,250.00 -
3 Merk National engkle (Jepang) Merk National engkle (Jepang) Bh 47,500.00 52,250.00 -
4 Merk M.K engkle (Englang) Merk M.K engkle (Englang) Bh 37,500.00 41,250.00 -
5 Merk Broco series (lokal) Merk Broco series (lokal) Bh 27,800.00 30,580.00 -
6 Merk Vimar series (Italia) Merk Vimar series (Italia) Bh 65,000.00 71,500.00 -
7 Merk National series (Jepang) Merk National series (Jepang) Bh 65,000.00 71,500.00 -
8 Merk M.K series (England) Merk M.K series (England) Bh 62,500.00 68,750.00 -
9 Merk Broco triple (Italia) Merk Broco triple (Italia) Bh 55,500.00 61,050.00 -
10 Merk Vimar triple (Italia) Merk Vimar triple (Italia) Bh 85,600.00 94,160.00 -
11 Merk National triple (Jepang) Merk National triple (Jepang) Bh 121,300.00 133,430.00 -
12 Merk M.K triple (England ) Merk M.K triple (England ) Bh 99,800.00 109,780.00 -
13 Broco Broco Bh 120,450.00 132,500.00 -
14 Biasa Biasa Bh 95,800.00 105,380.00 -
15 Stop kontak tenaga 16 A / T Stop kontak tenaga 16 A / T Bh 49,327.20 54,260.00 -
16 Stop kontak gondola/komando 32 A/3P Stop kontak gondola/komando 32 A/3P Bh 875,500.00 963,050.00 -
0 - -
1 Merk Cipsal engkel Merk Cipsal engkel Bh 37,055.60 40,770.00 -
2 Merk MK engkel Merk MK engkel Bh 29,305.60 32,240.00 -
3 Merk Cipsal seri Merk Cipsal seri Bh 51,722.30 56,900.00 -
4 Merk MK seri Merk MK seri Bh 39,655.60 43,630.00 -
5 Merk Cipsal triple Merk Cipsal triple Bh 74,277.80 81,710.00 -
6 Merk MK triple Merk MK triple Bh 60,100.00 66,110.00 -
0 - -
1 Saklar engkel Saklar engkel Bh 14,175.00 15,600.00 -
2 Saklar seri Saklar seri Bh 18,900.00 20,790.00 -
3 Stop kotak pengaman Stop kotak pengaman Bh 22,575.00 24,840.00 -
4 Saklar engkel hotel Saklar engkel hotel Bh 19,425.00 21,370.00 -
5 TV socket TV socket Bh 43,575.00 47,940.00 -
6 Telephone wal socket Telephone wal socket Bh 59,850.00 65,840.00 -
7 Stop kotak AC BSI standard Stop kotak AC BSI standard Bh 17,800.00 19,580.00 -
8 Inbow does Inbow does Bh 7,500.00 8,250.00 -
9 Double socket writh earth inbow Double socket writh earth inbow Bh 32,500.00 35,750.00 -
10 Fitting plafond besar lux Fitting plafond besar lux Bh 27,500.00 30,250.00 -
0 - -
1 Saklar engkel metalic Saklar engkel metalic Bh 34,730.00 38,210.00 -
2 Saklar engkel wood Saklar engkel wood Bh 42,150.00 46,370.00 -
3 Saklar seri metalic Saklar seri metalic Bh 39,470.00 43,420.00 -
4 Saklar seri wood Saklar seri wood Bh 46,310.00 50,950.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
5 Saklar engkel hotel metalic Saklar engkel hotel metalic Bh 38,890.00 42,780.00 -
6 Saklar engkel hotel wood Saklar engkel hotel wood Bh 46,310.00 50,950.00 -
7 Saklar seri hotel metalic Saklar seri hotel metalic Bh 49,210.00 54,140.00 -
8 Saklar seri hotel wood Saklar seri hotel wood Bh 59,630.00 65,600.00 -
9 Stop kotak tutup metalic Stop kotak tutup metalic Bh 51,970.00 57,170.00 -
10 Stop kotak tutup wood Stop kotak tutup wood Bh 62,720.00 69,000.00 -
11 Stop kotak metalic Stop kotak metalic Bh 27,050.00 29,760.00 -
12 Stop k.otak wood Stop k.otak wood Bh 37,190.00 40,910.00 -
13 Stop kotak pengaman metalic Stop kotak pengaman metalic Bh 39,669.00 43,640.00 -
14 Stop kotak pengaman wood Stop kotak pengaman wood Bh 55,780.00 61,360.00 -
15 Stop kotak AC BSI standard metalic Stop kotak AC BSI standard metalic Bh 48,440.00 53,290.00 -
16 Stop kotak AC BSI standard wood Stop kotak AC BSI standard wood Bh 59,190.00 65,110.00 -
17 Saklar engkel dengan lampu metalic Saklar engkel dengan lampu metalic 30,870.00 33,960.00 -
18 Saklar engkel dengan lampu wood Saklar engkel dengan lampu wood Bh 47,290.00 52,020.00 -
19 Saklar engkel hotel dengan lampu metalic Saklar engkel hotel dengan lampu metalic Bh 43,850.00 48,240.00 -
20 Saklar engkel hotel dengan lampu wood Saklar engkel hotel dengan lampu wood Bh 51,270.00 56,400.00 -
21 Saklar 3 pole dengan lampu metalic Saklar 3 pole dengan lampu metalic Bh 79,580.00 87,540.00 -
22 Saklar 3 pole dengan lampu wood Saklar 3 pole dengan lampu wood 90,330.00 99,370.00 -
23 Saklar 2 pole dengan lamp metalic Saklar 2 pole dengan lamp metalic Bh 63,510.00 69,870.00 -
24 Saklar 2 pole dengan lamp wood Saklar 2 pole dengan lamp wood Bh 74,240.00 81,670.00 -
25 Antena Socket outlet for tv/radio single use metalic Antena Socket outlet for tv/radio single use metalic Bh 107,180.00 117,900.00 -
26 Antena Socket outlet for tv/radio single use wood Antena Socket outlet for tv/radio single use wood Bh 117,930.00 129,730.00 -
27 Antena Socket outlet for tv only metalic Antena Socket outlet for tv only metalic Bh 60,650.00 66,720.00 -
28 Antena Socket outlet for tv only wood Antena Socket outlet for tv only wood Bh 71,400.00 78,540.00 -
29 Telephone socket outlet metalic Telephone socket outlet metalic Bh 77,410.00 85,160.00 -
30 Telephone socket outlet wood Telephone socket outlet wood Bh 88,150.00 96,970.00 -
31 Dual Universal Network socket outlets Rj45,Rj12,Rj11 Metalic Dual Universal Network socket outlets Rj45,Rj12,Rj11 Metalic 106,400.00 117,040.00 -
32 Dual Universal Network socket outlets Rj45,Rj12,Rj11 Wood Dual Universal Network socket outlets Rj45,Rj12,Rj11 Wood Bh 116,675.00 128,350.00 -
33 Dual Network Socket outlets cat 5 Rj 45 metalic Dual Network Socket outlets cat 5 Rj 45 metalic Bh 220,654.00 242,720.00 -
34 Dual Network Socket outlets cat 5 Rj 45 wood Dual Network Socket outlets cat 5 Rj 45 wood Bh 225,855.00 248,450.00 -
35 Dimm2er 500 watt metalic Dimm2er 500 watt metalic Bh 176,160.00 193,780.00 -
36 Dimm2er 500 watt wood Dimm2er 500 watt wood Bh 185,900.00 204,490.00 -
37 Dimm2er 900 watt wood Dimm2er 900 watt wood Bh - -
38 Mounting sensor metalic Mounting sensor metalic Bh - -
39 Mounting sensor wood Mounting sensor wood Bh - -
40 Mounting sensor Swicth metalic Mounting sensor Swicth metalic Bh 419,710.00 461,690.00 -
41 Mounting sensor Swictch wood Mounting sensor Swictch wood Bh 430,460.00 473,510.00 -
42 Saklar Kartu Hotel metalic Saklar Kartu Hotel metalic Bh 144,280.00 158,710.00 -
43 Saklar Kartu Hotel wood Saklar Kartu Hotel wood Bh 155,030.00 170,540.00 -
44 Single push button metalic Single push button metalic Bh 41,200.00 45,320.00 -
45 Single push button wood Single push button wood Bh 51,950.00 57,150.00 -
46 Saklar engkel push on off metalic Saklar engkel push on off metalic Bh 34,260.00 37,690.00 -
47 Saklar engkel push on off wood Saklar engkel push on off wood Bh 41,680.00 45,850.00 -
48 Saklar seri push on off metalic Saklar seri push on off metalic Bh 41,080.00 45,190.00 -
49 Saklar seri push on off wood Saklar seri push on off wood Bh 48,500.00 53,350.00 -
50 Saklar engkel push on off dengan umpu metalic Saklar engkel push on off dengan umpu metalic Bh 38,170.00 41,990.00 -
51 Saklar engkel hotel push on off dengan umpu wax Saklar engkel hotel push on off dengan umpu wax Bh 45,590.00 50,150.00 -
52 Saklar engkel hotel push on off dengan umpu metalic Saklar engkel hotel push on off dengan umpu metalic Bh 40,320.00 44,360.00 -
53 Double gang horizontal type (metalic) Double gang horizontal type (metalic) Bh 21,150.00 23,270.00 -
54 Double gang horizontal type (wood) Double gang horizontal type (wood) Bh 37,450.00 41,200.00 -
55 Double gang vertical type (metalic) Double gang vertical type (metalic) Bh 21,150.00 23,270.00 -
56 Double gang vertical type (wood) Double gang vertical type (wood) Bh 37,450.00 41,200.00 -
57 Triple gang horizontal type (metalic) Triple gang horizontal type (metalic) Bh 31,840.00 35,030.00 -
58 Triple gang horizontal type (wood) Triple gang horizontal type (wood) Bh 56,180.00 61,800.00 -
1 Fitting plafond 210 L Fitting plafond 210 L Bh 12,800.00 14,080.00 -
2 Fitting gantung 216 L Fitting gantung 216 L Bh 18,600.00 20,460.00 -
3 Fitting kombinasi Fitting kombinasi Bh 23,600.00 25,960.00 -
4 Fitting plafond besar Fitting plafond besar Bh 28,900.00 31,790.00 -
5 Fitting plafond besar new Fitting plafond besar new Bh 13,560.00 14,920.00 -
6 Saklar engkel new gee urea Saklar engkel new gee urea Bh 33,650.00 37,020.00 -
7 Saklar engkel new gee urea mahagony Saklar engkel new gee urea mahagony Bh 33,650.00 37,020.00 -
8 Saklar engkel new gee urea brazil Saklar engkel new gee urea brazil Bh 33,650.00 37,020.00 -
9 Saklar engkel new gee urea grey Saklar engkel new gee urea grey Bh 33,650.00 37,020.00 -
10 Saklar engkel hotel new gee urea cream Saklar engkel hotel new gee urea cream Bh 38,975.00 42,880.00 -
11 Saklar engkel hotel new gee urea mahagony Saklar engkel hotel new gee urea mahagony Bh 16,220.00 17,850.00 -
12 Saklar seri new gee urea Saklar seri new gee urea Bh 16,670.00 18,340.00 -
13 Saklar Seri new gee urea mahagony Saklar Seri new gee urea mahagony Bh 1,916.00 2,110.00 -
14 Saklar seri new gee urea brazil Saklar seri new gee urea brazil Bh 47,250.00 51,980.00 -
15 Saklar seri new gee urea grey Saklar seri new gee urea grey Bh 47,250.00 51,980.00 -
16 Saklar engkel IB Saklar engkel IB Bh 33,650.00 37,020.00 -
17 Saklar seri I Saklar seri I Bh 38,975.00 42,880.00 -
18 Saklar triple TB Saklar triple TB Bh 47,250.00 51,980.00 -
19 Saklar engkel IB radium Saklar engkel IB radium Bh 38,900.00 42,790.00 -
20 Saklar seri IB radium Saklar seri IB radium Bh 45,600.00 50,160.00 -
21 Saklar triple IB radium Saklar triple IB radium Bh 54,280.00 59,710.00 -
22 Saklar engkel outbow Saklar engkel outbow Bh 26,500.00 29,150.00 -
23 Saklar engkel outbow persegi cream Saklar engkel outbow persegi cream Bh 29,800.00 32,780.00 -
24 Saklar engkel outbow persegi mahagony Saklar engkel outbow persegi mahagony Bh 29,800.00 32,780.00 -
25 Saklar foil outbow Saklar foil outbow Bh 29,800.00 32,780.00 -
26 Saklar seri outbow persegi cream Saklar seri outbow persegi cream Bh 29,800.00 32,780.00 -
27 Saklar seri outbow persegi mahagony Saklar seri outbow persegi mahagony Bh 29,800.00 32,780.00 -
28 Stop kontak arde outbow putih Stop kontak arde outbow putih Bh 33,650.00 37,020.00 -
29 Stop kontak arde outbow hitam Stop kontak arde outbow hitam Bh 33,650.00 37,020.00 -
30 Stop kontak arde outbow persegi cream Stop kontak arde outbow persegi cream Bh 33,650.00 37,020.00 -
31 Stop kontak arde outbow persegi mahagony Stop kontak arde outbow persegi mahagony Bh 33,650.00 37,020.00 -
32 Double stop kontak arde outbow cream Double stop kontak arde outbow cream Bh 45,600.00 50,160.00 -
33 Stop kontak arde BI new gee urea Stop kontak arde BI new gee urea Bh 42,650.00 46,920.00 -
34 Stop kontak arde IB new gee mahagony Stop kontak arde IB new gee mahagony Bh 42,650.00 46,920.00 -
35 Stop kontak arde IB new gee brazil Stop kontak arde IB new gee brazil Bh 42,650.00 46,920.00 -
36 Stop kontak arde IB new gee grey Stop kontak arde IB new gee grey Bh 42,650.00 46,920.00 -
37 Stop kontak arde IB Stop kontak arde IB Bh 42,650.00 46,920.00 -
38 Stop kontak arde IB tutup Stop kontak arde IB tutup Bh 45,600.00 50,160.00 -
39 Stop kontak pengaman NG cream (Chtd protection) Stop kontak pengaman NG cream (Chtd protection) Bh 54,600.00 60,060.00 -
40 Stop kontak pengaman NG mahagony (Child protection) Stop kontak pengaman NG mahagony (Child protection) Bh 54,600.00 60,060.00 -
41 Stop kontak pengaman NG grey (Child protection) Stop kontak pengaman NG grey (Child protection) Bh 54,600.00 60,060.00 -
42 Steker biasa Steker biasa Bh 13,500.00 14,850.00 -
43 Striker arde new gee cream Striker arde new gee cream Bh 18,540.00 20,400.00 -
44 Stoker arde baru Stoker arde baru Bh 18,540.00 20,400.00 -
45 Steaker T arde persegi Steaker T arde persegi Bh 27,800.00 30,580.00 -
46 Steaker T putih Steaker T putih Bh 27,800.00 30,580.00 -
47 Steaker T hitam Steaker T hitam Bh 35,000.00 38,500.00 -
48 Steakcr T arde Steakcr T arde Bh 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
49 Kontra stoker biasa Kontra stoker biasa Bh 60,000.00 66,000.00 -
50 Over steaker bulat Over steaker bulat Bh 90,000.00 99,000.00 -
51 Telephone socket new gee cream Telephone socket new gee cream Bh 110,000.00 121,000.00 -
52 Telephone socket new gee mahagony Telephone socket new gee mahagony Bh 32,500.00 35,750.00 -
53 TV socket new gee cream TV socket new gee cream Bh 50,000.00 55,000.00 -
54 TV socket new gee mahagony TV socket new gee mahagony Bh 110,000.00 121,000.00 -
55 Universal socket outlet and single swith NG cream Universal socket outlet and single swith NG cream Bh 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
56 Universal socket outlet and single swith NG mahagony Universal socket outlet and single swith NG mahagony Bh 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
57 Universal socket outlet and single swith NG grey Universal socket outlet and single swith NG grey Bh 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
58 Universal socket outlet outbow swith NG cream Universal socket outlet outbow swith NG cream Bh 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
59 Universal socket outlet outbow swith NG mahagony Universal socket outlet outbow swith NG mahagony Bh 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
60 Universal socket outlet outbow swith NG grey Universal socket outlet outbow swith NG grey Bh 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
61 Universal socket outlet and single swith NG cream Universal socket outlet and single swith NG cream Bh 45,600.00 50,160.00 -
62 Universal socket outlet and single swith NG mahagony Universal socket outlet and single swith NG mahagony Bh 45,600.00 50,160.00 -
63 Universal socket outlet and single swith NG grey Universal socket outlet and single swith NG grey Bh 45,600.00 50,160.00 -
64 Universal socket outlet outlet new gee cream Universal socket outlet outlet new gee cream Bh 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
65 Steker AC arde Steker AC arde Bh 110,000.00 121,000.00 -
66 Stop kontak AC arde IB Stop kontak AC arde IB Bh 60,000.00 66,000.00 -
67 Outbow doos AC Outbow doos AC Bh 18,600.00 20,460.00 -
68 AC set komplit outbox AC set komplit outbox Bh 115,600.00 127,160.00 -
69 Fuse box I grou Fuse box I grou Bh 115,600.00 127,160.00 -
70 Fuse box 2 group Fuse box 2 group Bh 220,100.00 242,110.00 -
71 Fuse box 3 grouper Fuse box 3 grouper Bh 325,600.00 358,160.00 -
0 - -
1 Stop kontak tutup A152 cream white Stop kontak tutup A152 cream white Bh 39,980.00 43,980.00 -
2 Stop kontak A151-11 cream white Stop kontak A151-11 cream white Bh 17,700.00 19,470.00 -
3 Stop kontak pengaman A154-11 Cream A154-55 white Stop kontak pengaman A154-11 Cream A154-55 white Bh 26,550.00 29,210.00 -
4 Stop kontak AC bsi Standar A154-11 Cream A154-55 white Stop kontak AC bsi Standar A154-11 Cream A154-55 white Bh 39,340.00 43,280.00 -
5 Saklar Engkel A161-11 Cream A161-55 white Saklar Engkel A161-11 Cream A161-55 white Bh 25,990.00 28,590.00 -
6 Saklar seri A162-11 Cream A161-55 white Saklar seri A162-11 Cream A161-55 white Bh 30,990.00 34,090.00 -
7 Saklar triple A16N Cream A16N-55 white Saklar triple A16N Cream A16N-55 white Bh 50,300.00 55,330.00 -
8 Saklar Engkel Hotel A163-11 Cream A163-55 white Saklar Engkel Hotel A163-11 Cream A163-55 white Bh 30,220.00 33,250.00 -
9 Saklar Seri Hotel A164-11 Cream A164-55 white Saklar Seri Hotel A164-11 Cream A164-55 white Bh 40,780.00 44,860.00 -
10 Saar Engkel dengan lampu cream/white Saar Engkel dengan lampu cream/white Bh 31,090.00 34,200.00 -
11 Saklar Engkel hotel dengan lampu cream/white Saklar Engkel hotel dengan lampu cream/white Bh 33,600.00 36,960.00 -
12 Saklar 3 pole dengan lampu cream/white Saklar 3 pole dengan lampu cream/white Bh 61,210.00 67,340.00 -
13 Saklar 2 pole dengan lampu cream/white Saklar 2 pole dengan lampu cream/white Bh 48,850.00 53,740.00 -
14 Saklar Engkel push on off cream/white Saklar Engkel push on off cream/white Bh 26,930.00 29,630.00 -
15 Saklar seripush on off cream/white Saklar seripush on off cream/white Bh 31,370.00 34,510.00 -
16 Saklar Engkel hotel push on off cream/white Saklar Engkel hotel push on off cream/white Bh 30,690.00 33,760.00 -
17 Saklar Engkel push on off dengan lampu cream/white Saklar Engkel push on off dengan lampu cream/white Bh 31,020.00 34,130.00 -
18 Saklar Engkel hotel push on off dengan lampu cream/white Saklar Engkel hotel push on off dengan lampu cream/white Bh 35,510.00 39,070.00 -
19 Saklar kartu hotel cream/white Saklar kartu hotel cream/white Bh 131,170.00 144,290.00 -
20 Single fush button cream/white Single fush button cream/white Bh 31,710.00 34,890.00 -
21 Telephon socket outlet cream/white Telephon socket outlet cream/white Bh 70,370.00 77,410.00 -
22 Single network socket outlet cat 5 R 45 Single network socket outlet cat 5 R 45 Bh 79,490.00 87,440.00 -
23 Dual Universal network socket outlet R45 R12 R11 cream/white Dual Universal network socket outlet R45 R12 R11 cream/white Bh 105,238.00 115,770.00 -
24 Dual Universal network socket outlet R45 cream/white Dual Universal network socket outlet R45 cream/white Bh 227,402.00 250,150.00 -
25 Antena socket outlet for tv/radio cream/white Antena socket outlet for tv/radio cream/white Bh 97,440.00 107,190.00 -
26 Antena socket outlet for tv only cream/white Antena socket outlet for tv only cream/white Bh 46,660.00 51,330.00 -
27 Dimmer 500 watt cream/white Dimmer 500 watt cream/white Bh 169,160.00 186,080.00 -
28 Mounting Sensor cream/white Mounting Sensor cream/white Bh 399,730.00 439,710.00 -
29 Double Frame cream/white Double Frame cream/white Bh 6,130.00 6,750.00 -
30 Tripple Freme cream/white Tripple Freme cream/white Bh 9,250.00 10,180.00 -
31 Stop kontak OB cream/white Stop kontak OB cream/white Bh 26,750.00 29,430.00 -
32 Stop kontak tutup OB cream/white Stop kontak tutup OB cream/white Bh 47,980.00 52,780.00 -
33 Stop kontak pengaman bOB cream/white Stop kontak pengaman bOB cream/white Bh 39,160.00 43,080.00 -
34 Stop kontak AC BSI Standar OB cream/white Stop kontak AC BSI Standar OB cream/white Bh 46,680.00 51,350.00 -
35 Saklar Engkel OB cream/white Saklar Engkel OB cream/white Bh 33,210.00 36,540.00 -
36 Saklar seri OB cream/white Saklar seri OB cream/white Bh 38,720.00 42,600.00 -
37 Saklar 'Tripple OB cream/white Saklar 'Tripple OB cream/white Bh 59,100.00 65,010.00 -
38 Saklar Engkel hotel OB cream/white Saklar Engkel hotel OB cream/white Bh 37,250.00 40,980.00 -
39 Saklar Engkel OB dengan lampu cream/white Saklar Engkel OB dengan lampu cream/white Bh 38,490.00 42,340.00 -
40 Saklar Engkel Hotel OB dengan lampu cream/white Saklar Engkel Hotel OB dengan lampu cream/white Bh 59,100.00 65,010.00 -
41 Saklar Engkel OB push on off cream/white Saklar Engkel OB push on off cream/white Bh - -
42 Saklar seri OB push on off cream/white Saklar seri OB push on off cream/white Bh 41,950.00 46,150.00 -
43 Saklar Engkel hotel OB push cream/white Saklar Engkel hotel OB push cream/white Bh 39,320.00 43,260.00 -
44 Saklar Engkel OB push on off cream/white A16A-Sm11 A16B SM55 Saklar Engkel OB push on off cream/white A16A-Sm11 A16B SM55 Bh 39,320.00 43,260.00 -
45 A16B SM55 A16B SM55 Bh 43,500.00 47,850.00 -
46 Telphon socket outlet OB A171-Sm55 cream/white Telphon socket outlet OB A171-Sm55 cream/white Bh 78,360.00 86,200.00 -
47 Antena socket outlet Obfor Tv/radio Al 81-Sml 1 A181Sm55 cream/white Antena socket outlet Obfor Tv/radio Al 81-Sml 1 A181Sm55 cream/white Bh 105,440.00 115,990.00 -
48 Antena socket outlet Obfor Tv only A183-Sml 1 A183 Sm55 cream/white Antena socket outlet Obfor Tv only A183-Sml 1 A183 Sm55 cream/white Bh 54,660.00 60,130.00 -
49 Dimmer 500 watt OB cream/white A191-Sml 1 A191-Sm55 Dimmer 500 watt OB cream/white A191-Sml 1 A191-Sm55 Bh 169,160.00 186,080.00 -
50 Mounting Sensor OB cream/white A195-Sm11 A195-Sm55 Mounting Sensor OB cream/white A195-Sm11 A195-Sm55 Bh 407,730.00 448,510.00 -
51 oboy Doos white/cream 8101-531 8101-535 oboy Doos white/cream 8101-531 8101-535 Bh 10,230.00 11,260.00 -
52 Stop kontak AC set BSI Skandar Inbow Stop kontak AC set BSI Skandar Inbow Bh 59,810.00 65,800.00 -
53 Stop kontak AC set BSI Standar Opbow Stop kontak AC set BSI Standar Opbow Bh 67,040.00 73,750.00 -
0 - -
1 Socket Outlet Socket Outlet satuan 11,850.00 13,040.00 -
2 Socket Outlet CP Socket Outlet CP satuan 14,220.00 15,650.00 -
3 Single Switch Single Switch satuan 10,680.00 11,750.00 -
4 Double Switch Double Switch satuan 10,500.00 11,550.00 -
5 Single Change Switch Single Change Switch satuan 8,680.00 9,550.00 -
6 Telephone Socket Telephone Socket satuan 45,040.00 49,550.00 -
7 Antenna Socket Antenna Socket satuan 40,820.00 44,910.00 -
8 Single Switchh + Universal Socket Single Switchh + Universal Socket satuan 18,300.00 20,130.00 -
9 Double Change Over Switch Double Change Over Switch satuan 25,040.00 27,550.00 -
10 Single Push Button Switch Single Push Button Switch satuan 21,090.00 23,200.00 -
11 Two Pole Switchhes With IND. Lam Two Pole Switchhes With IND. Lam satuan 42,290.00 46,520.00 -
12 Dual Universal Network Outlets Dual Universal Network Outlets satuan 100,030.00 110,040.00 -
13 Dual Network Socket Outlets Dual Network Socket Outlets satuan 214,088.00 235,500.00 -
14 Dimmer Dimmer satuan 169,160.00 186,080.00 -
15 Four Switchh Four Switchh satuan 28,010.00 30,820.00 -
16 BSI Socket Outlet With IND. Lam BSI Socket Outlet With IND. Lam satuan 54,820.00 60,310.00 -
17 BSI Socket Outlet BSI Socket Outlet satuan 52,210.00 57,440.00 -
18 AC Set BSI Standard Opbow dgn Lampu AC Set BSI Standard Opbow dgn Lampu satuan 64,480.00 70,930.00 -
19 AC Set :BSI Standard Opbow AC Set :BSI Standard Opbow satuan 61,400.00 67,540.00 -
20 GridSwitchh 10 Inserts GridSwitchh 10 Inserts satuan 722,110.00 794,330.00 -
21 GridSwitchh 18 Inserts GridSwitchh 18 Inserts satuan 1,209,790.00 1,330,770.00 -
22 Inbow Doos Inbow Doos satuan 2,250.00 2,480.00 -
0 - -
1 Saklar Engkel Saklar Engkel satuan 25,540.00 28,100.00 -
2 Saklar Seri Saklar Seri satuan 30,600.00 33,660.00 -
3 Saklar Triple Saklar Triple satuan 59,360.00 65,300.00 -
4 Saklar Engkel Hotel Saklar Engkel Hotel satuan 29,670.00 32,640.00 -
5 Saklar Seri Hotel Saklar Seri Hotel satuan 44,180.00 48,600.00 -
6 Stop Kontak Tutup Stop Kontak Tutup satuan 46,790.00 51,470.00 -
7 Stop Kontak Pengaman (Child Protection) Stop Kontak Pengaman (Child Protection) satuan 22,370.00 24,610.00 -
8 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard dengan Lampu Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard dengan Lampu satuan 45,250.00 49,780.00 -
9 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard satuan 38,670.00 42,540.00 -
10 Stop Kontak Universal Stop Kontak Universal satuan 35,420.00 38,970.00 -
11 Saklar Engkel dengan Lampu Saklar Engkel dengan Lampu satuan 31,540.00 34,700.00 -
12 Saklar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu Saklar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu satuan 36,200.00 39,820.00 -
13 Saklar 3 Pole dengan Lampu Saklar 3 Pole dengan Lampu satuan 75,520.00 83,080.00 -
14 Saklar 2 Pole dengan Lampu Saklar 2 Pole dengan Lampu satuan 60,230.00 66,260.00 -
15 Saklar Intermediate Saklar Intermediate satuan 35,450.00 39,000.00 -
16 Saklar Intermediate dengan Lampu Saklar Intermediate dengan Lampu satuan 39,120.00 43,040.00 -
17 Saklar Kartu Hotel Saklar Kartu Hotel satuan 133,900.00 147,290.00 -
18 DND ( Do Not Disturb ) Indicator DND ( Do Not Disturb ) Indicator satuan 81,150.00 89,270.00 -
19 DND ( Do Not Disturb ) & MUR ( Make Up Room ) Indicator DND ( Do Not Disturb ) & MUR ( Make Up Room ) Indicator satuan 82,500.00 90,750.00 -
20 Saklar Engkel Hotel (DND) Saklar Engkel Hotel (DND) satuan 29,670.00 32,640.00 -
21 Antenna Socket Outlet For TV / Radio Single Use Antenna Socket Outlet For TV / Radio Single Use satuan 104,510.00 114,970.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
22 Antenna Socket Outlet For TV Only Antenna Socket Outlet For TV Only satuan 55,650.00 61,220.00 -
23 TV Cable Socket Outlet F Type Connector TV Cable Socket Outlet F Type Connector satuan 45,120.00 49,640.00 -
24 Telephone Socket Outlet (RJ11) Telephone Socket Outlet (RJ11) satuan 73,250.00 80,580.00 -
25 Single Network Sokcet Outlets Cat.5 (RJ45) Single Network Sokcet Outlets Cat.5 (RJ45) satuan 57,425.00 63,170.00 -
26 Dual Universal Network Socket Outlets (RJ45/R.T12/RJ11) Dual Universal Network Socket Outlets (RJ45/R.T12/RJ11) satuan 100,051.00 110,060.00 -
27 Dual Network Socket Outlets Cat.5 (RJ45) Dual Network Socket Outlets Cat.5 (RJ45) satuan 214,125.00 235,540.00 -
28 Dimmer 500 Watt Dimmer 500 Watt satuan 174,590.00 192,050.00 -
29 Dimmer 500 Watt Dimmer 500 Watt satuan - -
30 Mounting Sensor Mounting Sensor satuan 407,680.00 448,450.00 -
31 Single Push Button Single Push Button satuan 376,290.00 413,920.00 -
32 Double Gang Frame Double Gang Frame satuan 14,170.00 15,590.00 -
33 Triple Gang Frame Triple Gang Frame satuan 21,710.00 23,890.00 -
34 Four Gang Frame Four Gang Frame satuan 28,320.00 31,160.00 -
35 Five Gang Frame Five Gang Frame satuan 35,870.00 39,460.00 -
0 - -
1 Saklar Engkel Saklar Engkel satuan 34,830.00 38,320.00 -
2 Saklar Seri Saklar Seri satuan 41,690.00 45,860.00 -
3 Saklar Triple Saklar Triple satuan 70,520.00 77,580.00 -
4 Saklar Engkel Hotel Saklar Engkel Hotel satuan 27,272.00 30,000.00 -
5 Saklar Seri Hotel Saklar Seri Hotel satuan 37,646.00 41,420.00 -
6 Stop Kontak Tutup Stop Kontak Tutup satuan 40,019.00 44,030.00 -
7 Stop Kontak Pengaman (Child Protection) Stop Kontak Pengaman (Child Protection) satuan 31,120.00 34,240.00 -
8 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard dengan Lampu Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard dengan Lampu satuan 53,290.00 58,620.00 -
9 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard satuan 47,960.00 52,760.00 -
10 Stop Kontak Universal Stop Kontak Universal satuan 45,330.00 49,870.00 -
11 Saklar Engkel dengan Lampu Saklar Engkel dengan Lampu satuan 40,600.00 44,660.00 -
12 Saklar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu Saklar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu satuan 44,240.00 48,670.00 -
13 Saklar 3 Pole dengan Lampu Saklar 3 Pole dengan Lampu satuan 73,560.00 80,920.00 -
14 Saklar 2 Pole dengan Lampu Saklar 2 Pole dengan Lampu satuan 68,270.00 75,100.00 -
15 Saklar Intermediate Saklar Intermediate satuan 22,740.00 25,020.00 -
16 Saklar Intermediate dengan Lampu Saklar Intermediate dengan Lampu satuan 48,410.00 53,260.00 -
17 Saklar Kartu Hotel Saklar Kartu Hotel satuan 151,410.00 166,560.00 -
18 DND ( Do Not Disturb ) Indicator DND ( Do Not Disturb ) Indicator satuan 90,240.00 99,270.00 -
19 DND ( Do Not Disturb ) & MUR ( Make Up Room ) Indicator DND ( Do Not Disturb ) & MUR ( Make Up Room ) Indicator satuan 64,100.00 70,510.00 -
20 Saklar Engkel Hotel (DND) Saklar Engkel Hotel (DND) satuan 38,960.00 42,860.00 -
21 Antenna Socket Outlet For TV / Radio Single Use Antenna Socket Outlet For TV / Radio Single Use satuan 112,540.00 123,800.00 -
22 Antenna Socket Outlet For TV Only Antenna Socket Outlet For TV Only satuan 62,680.00 68,950.00 -
23 TV Cable Socket Outlet F Type Connector TV Cable Socket Outlet F Type Connector satuan 55,620.00 61,190.00 -
24 Telephone Socket Outlet (RJ11) Telephone Socket Outlet (RJ11) satuan 70,816.00 77,900.00 -
25 Single Network Sokcet Outlets Cat.5 (RJ45) Single Network Sokcet Outlets Cat.5 (RJ45) satuan 92,000.00 101,200.00 -
26 Dual Universal Network Socket Outlets (RJ45/RJ12/RJ11) Dual Universal Network Socket Outlets (RJ45/RJ12/RJ11) satuan 152,830.00 168,120.00 -
27 Dual Network Socket Outlets Cat.5 (RJ45) Dual Network Socket Outlets Cat.5 (RJ45) satuan 315,030.00 346,540.00 -
28 Dimmer 500 Watt Dimmer 500 Watt satuan 184,970.00 203,470.00 -
29 Dimmer 500 Watt ( Two Way ) Dimmer 500 Watt ( Two Way ) satuan 216,680.00 238,350.00 -
30 Mounting Sensor Mounting Sensor satuan 428,100.00 470,910.00 -
31 Single Push Button Single Push Button satuan 45,320.00 49,860.00 -
32 Double Gang Frame Double Gang Frame satuan 22,210.00 24,440.00 -
33 Triple Gang Frame Triple Gang Frame satuan 33,440.00 36,790.00 -
34 Four Gang Frame Four Gang Frame satuan 33,440.00 36,790.00 -
35 Five Gang Frame Five Gang Frame satuan 44,400.00 48,840.00 -
0 55,630.00 61,200.00 -
1 Saklar Engkel Saklar Engkel satuan 31,390.00 34,530.00 -
2 Saklar Seri Saklar Seri satuan 39,250.00 43,180.00 -
3 Saklar Triple Saklar Triple satuan 74,200.00 81,620.00 -
4 Saklar Engkel Hotel Saklar Engkel Hotel satuan 37,090.00 40,800.00 -
5 Saklar Seri Hotel Saklar Seri Hotel satuan 55,230.00 60,760.00 -
6 Stop Kontak Tutup Stop Kontak Tutup satuan 58,490.00 64,340.00 -
7 Stop Kontak Pengaman (Child Protection) Stop Kontak Pengaman (Child Protection) satuan 27,970.00 30,770.00 -
8 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard dengan Lampu Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard dengan Lampu satuan 56,570.00 62,230.00 -
9 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard satuan 48,340.00 53,180.00 -
10 Stop Kontak Universal Stop Kontak Universal satuan 37,150.00 40,870.00 -
11 Saklar Engkel dengan Lampu Saklar Engkel dengan Lampu satuan 39,430.00 43,380.00 -
12 Saklar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu Saklar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu satuan 45,250.00 49,780.00 -
13 Saklar 3 Pole dengan Lampu Saklar 3 Pole dengan Lampu satuan 94,400.00 103,840.00 -
14 Saklar 2 Pole dengan Lampu Saklar 2 Pole dengan Lampu satuan 75,290.00 82,820.00 -
15 Saklar Intermediate Saklar Intermediate satuan 44,320.00 48,760.00 -
16 Saklar Intermediate dengan Lampu Saklar Intermediate dengan Lampu satuan 48,900.00 53,790.00 -
17 Saklar Kartu Hotel Saklar Kartu Hotel satuan 167,380.00 184,120.00 -
18 DND ( Do Not Disturb ) Indicator DND ( Do Not Disturb ) Indicator satuan 101,440.00 111,590.00 -
19 DND ( Do Not Disturb ) & MUR ( Make Up Room ) Indicator DND ( Do Not Disturb ) & MUR ( Make Up Room ) Indicator satuan 103,130.00 113,450.00 -
20 Saklar Engkel Hotel (DND) Saklar Engkel Hotel (DND) satuan 37,090.00 40,800.00 -
21 Antenna Socket Outlet For TV / Radio Single Use Antenna Socket Outlet For TV / Radio Single Use satuan 130,640.00 143,710.00 -
22 Antenna Socket Outlet For TV Only Antenna Socket Outlet For TV Only satuan 69,570.00 76,530.00 -
23 TV Cable Socket Outlet F Type Connector TV Cable Socket Outlet F Type Connector satuan 86,500.00 95,150.00 -
24 Telephone Socket Outlet (RJ11) Telephone Socket Outlet (RJ11) satuan 56,400.00 62,040.00 -
25 Single Network Sokcet Outlets Cat.5 (RJ45) Single Network Sokcet Outlets Cat.5 (RJ45) satuan 91,570.00 100,730.00 -
26 Dual Universal Network Socket Outlets (RJ45/RJ12/RJ11) Dual Universal Network Socket Outlets (RJ45/RJ12/RJ11) satuan 103,440.00 113,790.00 -
27 Dual Network Socket Outlets Cat.5 (RJ45) Dual Network Socket Outlets Cat.5 (RJ45) satuan 102,261.00 112,490.00 -
28 Dimmer 500 Watt Dimmer 500 Watt satuan 216,531.00 238,190.00 -
29 Dimmer 500 Watt ( Two Way ) Dimmer 500 Watt ( Two Way ) satuan 218,240.00 240,070.00 -
30 Mounting Sensor Mounting Sensor satuan 255,640.00 281,210.00 -
31 Single Push Button Single Push Button satuan 509,600.00 560,560.00 -
32 Double Gang Frame Double Gang Frame satuan 46,620.00 51,290.00 -
33 Triple Gang Frame Triple Gang Frame satuan 17,720.00 19,500.00 -
34 Four Gang Frame Four Gang Frame satuan 27,140.00 29,860.00 -
0 - -
1 Saklar Engkel Saklar Engkel satuan 43,540.00 47,900.00 -
2 Saklar Seri Saklar Seri satuan 52,120.00 57,340.00 -
3 Saklar Triple Saklar Triple satuan 88,150.00 96,970.00 -
4 Saklar Engkel Hotel Saklar Engkel Hotel satuan 48,700.00 53,570.00 -
5 Saklar Seri Hotel Saklar Seri Hotel satuan 67,230.00 73,960.00 -
6 Stop Kontak Tutup Stop Kontak Tutup satuan 71,470.00 78,620.00 -
7 Stop Kontak Pengaman (Child Protection) Stop Kontak Pengaman (Child Protection) satuan 38,900.00 42,790.00 -
8 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard dengan Lampu Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard dengan Lampu satuan 66,620.00 73,290.00 -
9 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard satuan 59,950.00 65,950.00 -
10 Stop Kontak Universal Stop Kontak Universal satuan 48,770.00 53,650.00 -
11 Saklar Engkel dengan Lampu Saklar Engkel dengan Lampu satuan 50,750.00 55,830.00 -
12 Saklar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu Saklar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu satuan 55,300.00 60,830.00 -
13 Saklar 3 Pole dengan Lampu Saklar 3 Pole dengan Lampu satuan 104,450.00 114,900.00 -
14 Saklar 2 Pole dengan Lampu Saklar 2 Pole dengan Lampu satuan 85,340.00 93,880.00 -
15 Saklar Intermediate Saklar Intermediate satuan 55,930.00 61,530.00 -
16 Saklar Intermediate dengan Lampu Saklar Intermediate dengan Lampu satuan 60,520.00 66,580.00 -
17 Saklar Kartu Hotel Saklar Kartu Hotel satuan 189,270.00 208,200.00 -
18 DND ( Do Not Disturb ) Indicator DND ( Do Not Disturb ) Indicator satuan 112,800.00 124,080.00 -
19 DND ( Do Not Disturb ) & MUR ( Make Up Room ) Indicator DND ( Do Not Disturb ) & MUR ( Make Up Room ) Indicator satuan 114,500.00 125,950.00 -
20 Saklar Engkel Hotel (DND) Saklar Engkel Hotel (DND) satuan 48,700.00 53,570.00 -
21 Antenna Socket Outlet For TV / Radio Single Use Antenna Socket Outlet For TV / Radio Single Use satuan 140,680.00 154,750.00 -
22 Antenna Socket Outlet For TV Only Antenna Socket Outlet For TV Only satuan 79,630.00 87,600.00 -
23 TV Cable Socket Outlet F Type Connector TV Cable Socket Outlet F Type Connector satuan 95,630.00 105,200.00 -
24 Telephone Socket Outlet (RJ11) Telephone Socket Outlet (RJ11) satuan 69,530.00 76,490.00 -
25 Single Network Sokcet Outlets Cat.5 (RJ45) Single Network Sokcet Outlets Cat.5 (RJ45) satuan 101,600.00 111,760.00 -
26 Dual Universal Network Socket Outlets (RJ45/RJ12/RJ11) Dual Universal Network Socket Outlets (RJ45/RJ12/RJ11) satuan 115,000.00 126,500.00 -
27 Dual Network Socket Outlets Cat.5 (RJ45) Dual Network Socket Outlets Cat.5 (RJ45) satuan 109,298.00 120,230.00 -
28 Dimmer 500 Watt Dimmer 500 Watt satuan 223,468.00 245,820.00 -
29 Dimmer 500 Watt ( Two Way ) Dimmer 500 Watt ( Two Way ) satuan 231,220.00 254,350.00 -
30 Mounting Sensor Mounting Sensor satuan 270,850.00 297,940.00 -
31 Single Push Button Single Push Button satuan 535,130.00 588,650.00 -
32 Double Gang Frame Double Gang Frame satuan 56,650.00 62,320.00 -
33 Triple Gang Frame Triple Gang Frame satuan 27,770.00 30,550.00 -
34 Four Gang Frame Four Gang Frame satuan 41,800.00 45,980.00 -
0 - -
1 Saklar Engkel Saklar Engkel satuan 14,260.00 15,690.00 -
2 Saklar Seri Saklar Seri satuan 20,560.00 22,620.00 -
3 Stop Kontak Stop Kontak satuan 15,140.00 16,660.00 -
4 Stop kontak Pengaman Chid Protection Stop kontak Pengaman Chid Protection satuan 21,620.00 23,790.00 -
5 Saklar Engkel Hotel Saklar Engkel Hotel satuan 20,410.00 22,460.00 -
6 Saklar Seri Hotel Saklar Seri Hotel satuan 27,540.00 30,300.00 -
7 Saklar Intermidiat Saklar Intermidiat satuan 22,620.00 24,890.00 -
8 TV Socket TV Socket satuan 41,450.00 45,600.00 -
9 TV Cable Socket Outlet F type Connector TV Cable Socket Outlet F type Connector satuan 38,100.00 41,910.00 -
10 Telephon wall socket Telephon wall socket satuan 64,650.00 71,120.00 -
11 Single network Socket Outlet cat 5 (RJ45) Single network Socket Outlet cat 5 (RJ45) satuan 36,420.00 40,070.00 -
12 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard Inbow Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard Inbow satuan 43,210.00 47,540.00 -
13 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard Opbow Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard Opbow satuan 8,520.00 9,380.00 -
14 Opbow Doos Opbow Doos satuan 8,520.00 9,380.00 -
15 AC set BSI Standar Inbow AC set BSI Standar Inbow satuan 38,976.00 42,880.00 -
16 AC set BSI Standar Opbow AC set BSI Standar Opbow satuan 44,296.00 48,730.00 -
0 - -
1 Saklar Engkel Saklar Engkel satuan 13,636.00 15,000.00 -
2 Saklar Seri Saklar Seri satuan 17,703.00 19,480.00 -
3 Stop Kontak Stop Kontak satuan 13,909.00 15,300.00 -
4 Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection satuan 18,445.00 20,290.00 -
5 Saklar Engkel Hotel Saklar Engkel Hotel satuan 19,026.00 20,930.00 -
6 Saklar Seri Hotel Saklar Seri Hotel satuan 25,130.00 27,650.00 -
7 Saklar lntermidiate Saklar lntermidiate satuan 22,043.00 24,250.00 -
8 TV Socket TV Socket satuan 46,180.00 50,800.00 -
9 TV Cable Socket Outlet F type Connector TV Cable Socket Outlet F type Connector satuan 46,180.00 50,800.00 -
10 Telephon wall socket Telephon wall socket satuan 42,830.00 47,120.00 -
11 Single network Socket Outlet cat 5 (RJ45) Single network Socket Outlet cat 5 (RJ45) satuan 62,040.00 68,250.00 -
12 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Inbow Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Inbow satuan 48,561.00 53,420.00 -
13 Single Frame Switchh Single Frame Switchh satuan 9,150.00 10,070.00 -
14 Singket Frame Socket Singket Frame Socket satuan 5,463.00 6,010.00 -
0 - -
1 Saklar Engkel Saklar Engkel Satuan 13,636.00 15,000.00 -
2 Saklar Seri Saklar Seri Satuan 17,703.00 19,480.00 -
3 Stop Kontak Stop Kontak Satuan 13,909.00 15,300.00 -
4 Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection Satuan 18,445.00 20,290.00 -
5 Saklar Engkel Hotel Saklar Engkel Hotel Satuan 19,026.00 20,930.00 -
6 Saklar Seri Hotel Saklar Seri Hotel Satuan 25,130.00 27,650.00 -
7 Saklar Intermidiate Saklar Intermidiate Satuan 22,043.00 24,250.00 -
8 TV Socket TV Socket Satuan 46,180.00 50,800.00 -
9 TV Cable Socket Outlet F type Connector TV Cable Socket Outlet F type Connector Satuan 46,180.00 50,800.00 -
10 Telephon wall socket Telephon wall socket Satuan 42,830.00 47,120.00 -
11 Single network Socket Outlet cat 5 (RJ45) Single network Socket Outlet cat 5 (RJ45) Satuan 62,040.00 68,250.00 -
12 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Inbow Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Inbow Satuan 48,561.00 53,420.00 -
13 Single Frame Switchh Single Frame Switchh Satuan 9,150.00 10,070.00 -
14 Singket Frame Socket Singket Frame Socket Satuan 5,463.00 6,010.00 -
0 - -
1 Saklar Engkel Saklar Engkel Satuan 13,636.00 15,000.00 -
2 Saklar Seri Saklar Seri Satuan 17,703.00 19,480.00 -
3 Stop Kontak Stop Kontak Satuan 13,909.00 15,300.00 -
4 Stop kontak Pengaman ild Protection Stop kontak Pengaman ild Protection Satuan 18,445.00 20,290.00 -
5 Saklar Engkel Hotel Saklar Engkel Hotel Satuan 19,026.00 20,930.00 -
6 Saklar Seri Hotel Saklar Seri Hotel Satuan 25,130.00 27,650.00 -
7 Saklar Intermidiate Saklar Intermidiate Satuan 22,043.00 24,250.00 -
8 TV Socket TV Socket Satuan 46,180.00 50,800.00 -
9 TV Cable Socket Outlet F t5roe Connector TV Cable Socket Outlet F t5roe Connector Satuan 46,180.00 50,800.00 -
10 Telephon wall socket Telephon wall socket Satuan 42,830.00 47,120.00 -
11 Single network Socket Outlet cat 5 (RJ45) Single network Socket Outlet cat 5 (RJ45) Satuan 62,040.00 68,250.00 -
12 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Inbow Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Inbow Satuan 48,561.00 53,420.00 -
13 Single Frame Switchh Single Frame Switchh Satuan 9,150.00 10,070.00 -
14 Singket Frame Socket Singket Frame Socket Satuan 5,463.00 6,010.00 -
0 - -
1 Saklar Engkel Saklar Engkel Satuan 13,636.00 15,000.00 -
2 Saklar Seri Saklar Seri Satuan 17,703.00 19,480.00 -
3 Stop Kontak Stop Kontak Satuan 13,909.00 15,300.00 -
4 Stop kontak Pengaman Child Prot. Stop kontak Pengaman Child Prot. Satuan 18,445.00 20,290.00 -
5 Saklar Engkel Hotel Saklar Engkel Hotel Satuan 19,026.00 20,930.00 -
6 Saklar Seri Hotel Saklar Seri Hotel Satuan 25,130.00 27,650.00 -
7 Saklar Intermidiate Saklar Intermidiate Satuan 22,043.00 24,250.00 -
8 TV Socket TV Socket Satuan 46,180.00 50,800.00 -
9 TV Cable Socket Outlet F type Connector TV Cable Socket Outlet F type Connector Satuan 46,180.00 50,800.00 -
10 Telephon wall socket Telephon wall socket Satuan 42,830.00 47,120.00 -
11 Single network Socket Outlet cat 5 (RJ45) Single network Socket Outlet cat 5 (RJ45) Satuan 62,040.00 68,250.00 -
12 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Inbow Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Inbow Satuan 48,561.00 53,420.00 -
13 Single Frame Switchh Single Frame Switchh Satuan 9,150.00 10,070.00 -
14 Singket Frame Socket Singket Frame Socket Satuan 5,463.00 6,010.00 -
0 - -
1 Saklar Engkel Saklar Engkel Satuan 13,636.00 15,000.00 -
2 Saklar Seri Saklar Seri Satuan 17,703.00 19,480.00 -
3 Stop Kontak Stop Kontak Satuan 13,909.00 15,300.00 -
4 Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection Satuan 18,445.00 20,290.00 -
5 Saklar Engkel Hotel Saklar Engkel Hotel Satuan 19,026.00 20,930.00 -
6 Saklar Seri Hotel Saklar Seri Hotel Satuan 25,130.00 27,650.00 -
7 Saklar Intermidiate Saklar Intermidiate Satuan 22,043.00 24,250.00 -
8 TV Socket TV Socket Satuan 46,180.00 50,800.00 -
9 TV Cable Socket Outlet F type Connector TV Cable Socket Outlet F type Connector Satuan 46,180.00 50,800.00 -
10 Telephon wall socket Telephon wall socket Satuan 42,830.00 47,120.00 -
11 Single network Socket Outlet cat 5 (RJ45) Single network Socket Outlet cat 5 (RJ45) Satuan 62,040.00 68,250.00 -
12 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Inbow Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Inbow Satuan 48,561.00 53,420.00 -
13 Single Frame Switchh Single Frame Switchh Satuan 9,150.00 10,070.00 -
14 Singket Frame Socket Singket Frame Socket Satuan 5,463.00 6,010.00 -
0 - -
a Ontaries Cream Ontaries Cream - -
1 Saklar Engkel Saklar Engkel Satuan 13,485.00 14,840.00 -
2 Saklar Seri Saklar Seri Satuan 29,700.00 32,670.00 -
3 Stop Kontak Stop Kontak Satuan 17,850.00 19,640.00 -
4 Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection Satuan 24,330.00 26,770.00 -
5 Saklar Engkel Hotel Saklar Engkel Hotel Satuan 28,380.00 31,220.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
6 TV Socket TV Socket Satuan 42,420.00 46,670.00 -
7 Telephon wall socket Telephon wall socket Satuan 64,500.00 70,950.00 -
8 Double Frame Double Frame Satuan 6,140.00 6,760.00 -
9 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Satuan 39,340.00 43,280.00 -
0 - -
b Ontaries White Ontaries White - -
1 Saklar Engkel 3161-55 Saklar Engkel 3161-55 Satuan 13,485.00 14,840.00 -
2 Saklar Seri 3162-55 Saklar Seri 3162-55 Satuan 29,700.00 32,670.00 -
3 Stop Kontak 3151-55, Stop Kontak 3151-55, Satuan 17,850.00 19,640.00 -
4 Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection 3154-55 Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection 3154-55 Satuan 24,330.00 26,770.00 -
5 Saklar Engkel Hotel 3163-5 Saklar Engkel Hotel 3163-5 Satuan 28,380.00 31,220.00 -
6 TV Socket 3183-55 TV Socket 3183-55 Satuan 42,420.00 46,670.00 -
7 Telephon wall socket 3171-55 Telephon wall socket 3171-55 Satuan 64,500.00 70,950.00 -
8 Double Frame 3102-505 Double Frame 3102-505 Satuan 6,140.00 6,760.00 -
9 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar 31545-5P Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar 31545-5P Satuan 39,340.00 43,280.00 -
10 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Satuan 59,810.00 65,800.00 -
11 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Satuan 66,260.00 72,890.00 -
0 - -
c Ontaries Mahagony Ontaries Mahagony - -
1 Saklar Engkel 3161-22 Saklar Engkel 3161-22 Satuan 22,160.00 24,380.00 -
2 Saklar Seri 3162-22 Saklar Seri 3162-22 Satuan 34,180.00 37,600.00 -
3 Stop Kontak 3151-22 Stop Kontak 3151-22 Satuan 20,530.00 22,590.00 -
4 Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection 3154-22 Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection 3154-22 Satuan 27,980.00 30,780.00 -
5 Saklar Engkel Hotel 3163-22 Saklar Engkel Hotel 3163-22 Satuan 32,640.00 35,910.00 -
6 TV Socket 3183-22 TV Socket 3183-22 Satuan 48,780.00 53,660.00 -
7 Telephon wall socket 3171-22 Telephon wall socket 3171-22 Satuan 74,180.00 81,600.00 -
8 Double Frame 3102-22 Double Frame 3102-22 Satuan 7,050.00 7,760.00 -
0 - -
d Ontaries Grey Ontaries Grey - -
1 Saklar Engkel 3161-44 Saklar Engkel 3161-44 Satuan 22,160.00 24,380.00 -
2 Saklar Seri 3162-44 Saklar Seri 3162-44 Satuan 34,180.00 37,600.00 -
3 Stop Kontak 3151-44 Stop Kontak 3151-44 Satuan 20,530.00 22,590.00 -
4 Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection 3154-44 Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection 3154-44 Satuan 27,980.00 30,780.00 -
5 Saldar Engkel Hotel 3163-44 Saldar Engkel Hotel 3163-44 Satuan 32,640.00 35,910.00 -
6 TV Socket 3183-44 TV Socket 3183-44 Satuan 48,780.00 53,660.00 -
7 Telephon wall socket 3171-44 Telephon wall socket 3171-44 Satuan 74,180.00 81,600.00 -
8 Double Frame 3102-44 Double Frame 3102-44 Satuan 7,050.00 7,760.00 -
0 - -
a Broco Valencia Series Cream Broco Valencia Series Cream - -
1 Saldar Engkel Saldar Engkel Satuan 25,990.00 28,590.00 -
2 Saklar Seri Saklar Seri Satuan 30,990.00 34,090.00 -
3 Saklar Triple Saklar Triple Satuan 50,300.00 55,330.00 -
4 Saklar Engkel Hotel Saklar Engkel Hotel Satuan 30,220.00 33,250.00 -
5 Saklar Seri Hotel Saklar Seri Hotel Satuan 40,780.00 44,860.00 -
6 Stop Kontak Tutup Stop Kontak Tutup Satuan 39,980.00 43,980.00 -
7 Stop Kontak Stop Kontak Satuan 17,700.00 19,470.00 -
8 Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection Satuan 26,550.00 29,210.00 -
9 Slop Kontak AC BSI Standar Slop Kontak AC BSI Standar Satuan 39,340.00 43,280.00 -
10 Saklar Engkel dengan Lampu Saklar Engkel dengan Lampu Satuan 31,090.00 34,200.00 -
11 Saldar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu Saldar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu Satuan 33,600.00 36,960.00 -
12 Saklar 3 Pole dengan Lampu Saklar 3 Pole dengan Lampu Satuan 61,210.00 67,340.00 -
13 Saklar 2 Pole dengan Lampu Saklar 2 Pole dengan Lampu Satuan 48,850.00 53,740.00 -
14 Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Radio Single USE Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Radio Single USE Satuan 97,440.00 107,190.00 -
15 Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Radio Paralel USE Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Radio Paralel USE Satuan 97,440.00 107,190.00 -
16 Antena Socket Outlet For TV Only Antena Socket Outlet For TV Only Satuan 46,660.00 51,330.00 -
17 Telephon Socket Outlet Telephon Socket Outlet Satuan 70,370.00 77,410.00 -
18 Dual Universal Network Socket Outlet (RJ45/RJ12/RJ/11) Dual Universal Network Socket Outlet (RJ45/RJ12/RJ/11) Satuan 149,890.00 164,880.00 -
19 Dual Network Socket Outlet Cat 5 (RJ45) Dual Network Socket Outlet Cat 5 (RJ45) Satuan 323,190.00 355,510.00 -
20 Dimmer 500 Watt Dimmer 500 Watt Satuan 169,160.00 186,080.00 -
21 Munting Sensor Munting Sensor Satuan 399,730.00 439,710.00 -
22 Saklar Kartu Hotel Saklar Kartu Hotel Satuan 131,170.00 144,290.00 -
23 Single Push Button Single Push Button Satuan 31,710.00 34,890.00 -
24 Saldar Engkel Push dorm Saldar Engkel Push dorm Satuan 26,930.00 29,630.00 -
25 Saklar Seri Push On Off Saklar Seri Push On Off Satuan 31,730.00 34,910.00 -
26 Saklar Engkel Hotel Push On Off Saklar Engkel Hotel Push On Off Satuan 30,690.00 33,760.00 -
27 Saklar Engkel Push On Of dengan Lampu Saklar Engkel Push On Of dengan Lampu Satuan 31,020.00 34,130.00 -
28 Saklar Engkel Hotel Push Qn Off dengan lampu Saklar Engkel Hotel Push Qn Off dengan lampu Satuan 35,510.00 39,070.00 -
29 Double Frame Double Frame Satuan 6,720.00 7,400.00 -
30 Tripple Fram Tripple Fram Satuan 9,250.00 10,180.00 -
31 Saklar Engkel OB Saklar Engkel OB Satuan 33,210.00 36,540.00 -
32 Saklar Seri OB Saklar Seri OB Satuan 38,720.00 42,600.00 -
33 Saklar Triple O Saklar Triple O Satuan 59,100.00 65,010.00 -
34 Saklar Engkel Hotel OB Saklar Engkel Hotel OB Satuan 37,250.00 40,980.00 -
35 Stop Kontak OB Stop Kontak OB Satuan 26,750.00 29,430.00 -
36 Stop Kontak Tutup Stop Kontak Tutup Satuan 47,980.00 52,780.00 -
37 Stop kontak Pengaman Stop kontak Pengaman Satuan 39,150.00 43,070.00 -
38 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Satuan 46,680.00 51,350.00 -
39 Saldar Engkel dengan Lampe Saldar Engkel dengan Lampe Satuan 38,490.00 42,340.00 -
40 Saklar Engkel Hotel dengan lampu Saklar Engkel Hotel dengan lampu Satuan 42,260.00 46,490.00 -
41 Antena Socket Outlet For IV/Radio OB Antena Socket Outlet For IV/Radio OB Satuan 105,440.00 115,990.00 -
42 Antena Socket Outlet For f V/Only OB Antena Socket Outlet For f V/Only OB Satuan 54,660.00 60,130.00 -
43 Telephon Socket Outlet OB Telephon Socket Outlet OB Satuan 78,360.00 86,200.00 -
44 Dimmer 500 Watt OB Dimmer 500 Watt OB Satuan 169,160.00 186,080.00 -
45 Munting Sensor OB Munting Sensor OB Satuan 407,730.00 448,510.00 -
46 Saklar Engkel Push On Off OB Saklar Engkel Push On Off OB Satuan 35,520.00 39,080.00 -
47 Saklar Seri Push On Off OB Saklar Seri Push On Off OB Satuan 41,950.00 46,150.00 -
48 Saklar Engkel Hotel Push On Off OB Saklar Engkel Hotel Push On Off OB Satuan 39,280.00 43,210.00 -
49 Saklar Engkel Push On Off dengan Lampu OB Saklar Engkel Push On Off dengan Lampu OB Satuan 39,320.00 43,260.00 -
50 Saklar Engkel Hotel Push On Off dengan lampu OB Saklar Engkel Hotel Push On Off dengan lampu OB Satuan 43,500.00 47,850.00 -
51 IN BOW doos Persegi OB IN BOW doos Persegi OB Satuan 2,250.00 2,480.00 -
52 Opbow Duos OB Opbow Duos OB Satuan 10,230.00 11,260.00 -
0 - -
b Broco Valencia Series White Broco Valencia Series White - -
1 Saldar Engkel 6161-55 Saldar Engkel 6161-55 Satuan 25,990.00 28,590.00 -
2 Saklar Seri 6162-55 Saklar Seri 6162-55 Satuan 30,990.00 34,090.00 -
3 Saklar Triple 6163-55 Saklar Triple 6163-55 Satuan 50,300.00 55,330.00 -
4 Saklar Engkel Hotel Saklar Engkel Hotel Satuan 30,220.00 33,250.00 -
5 Saklar Seri Hotel Saklar Seri Hotel Satuan 40,780.00 44,860.00 -
6 Stop Kontak Tutup Stop Kontak Tutup Satuan 39,980.00 43,980.00 -
7 Stop Kontak Stop Kontak Satuan 17,700.00 19,470.00 -
8 Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection Satuan 26,550.00 29,210.00 -
9 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar Satuan 39,340.00 43,280.00 -
10 Saklar Engkel dengan Lampu Saklar Engkel dengan Lampu Satuan 31,090.00 34,200.00 -
11 Saklar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu Saklar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu Satuan 33,600.00 36,960.00 -
12 Saklar 3 Pole dengan Lampu Saklar 3 Pole dengan Lampu Satuan 61,210.00 67,340.00 -
13 Saklar 2 Pole dengan Lampu Saklar 2 Pole dengan Lampu Satuan 48,850.00 53,740.00 -
14 Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Radio Single USE Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Radio Single USE Satuan 97,440.00 107,190.00 -
15 Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Radio Paralel USE Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Radio Paralel USE Satuan 97,440.00 107,190.00 -
16 Antena Socket Outlet For TV Only Antena Socket Outlet For TV Only Satuan 46,660.00 51,330.00 -
17 Telephon Socket Outlet Telephon Socket Outlet Satuan 70,370.00 77,410.00 -
18 Dual Universal Network Socket Outlet (RJ45/RJ12/R.J/11) Dual Universal Network Socket Outlet (RJ45/RJ12/R.J/11) Satuan 149,890.00 164,880.00 -
19 Dual Network Socket Outlet Cat 5 (RJ45) Dual Network Socket Outlet Cat 5 (RJ45) Satuan 323,190.00 355,510.00 -
20 Dimmer 500 Watt Dimmer 500 Watt Satuan 169,160.00 186,080.00 -
21 Munting Sensor Munting Sensor Satuan 399,730.00 439,710.00 -
22 Saklar Kartu Hotel Saklar Kartu Hotel Satuan 131,170.00 144,290.00 -
23 Single Push Button Single Push Button Satuan 31,710.00 34,890.00 -
24 Saklar Engkel Push On Off Saklar Engkel Push On Off Satuan 26,930.00 29,630.00 -
25 Saklar Seri Push On Off Saklar Seri Push On Off Satuan 31,730.00 34,910.00 -
26 Saklar Engkel Hotel Push On Off Saklar Engkel Hotel Push On Off Satuan 30,690.00 33,760.00 -
27 Saklar Engkel Push Ofig dengan lampu Saklar Engkel Push Ofig dengan lampu Satuan 31,020.00 34,130.00 -
28 Saklar Engkel Hotel Push on Off dengan lampu 616b-55 Saklar Engkel Hotel Push on Off dengan lampu 616b-55 Satuan 35,510.00 39,070.00 -
29 Double Frame 6102-50 Double Frame 6102-50 Satuan 6,720.00 7,400.00 -
30 Tripple Frame 6103-50 Tripple Frame 6103-50 Satuan 9,250.00 10,180.00 -
31 Saklar Engkel OB Saklar Engkel OB Satuan 33,210.00 36,540.00 -
32 Saklar Seri OB Saklar Seri OB Satuan 38,720.00 42,600.00 -
33 Saklar Triple OB Saklar Triple OB Satuan 59,100.00 65,010.00 -
34 Saklar Engkel Hotel OB Saklar Engkel Hotel OB Satuan 37,250.00 40,980.00 -
35 Stop Kontak OB Stop Kontak OB Satuan 26,750.00 29,430.00 -
36 Stop Kontak Tutup OB Stop Kontak Tutup OB Satuan 47,980.00 52,780.00 -
37 Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection OB Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection OB Satuan 39,150.00 43,070.00 -
38 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard OB Stop Kontak AC BSI Standard OB Satuan 46,680.00 51,350.00 -
39 Saklar Engkel dengan lampu OB Saklar Engkel dengan lampu OB Satuan 38,490.00 42,340.00 -
40 Saklar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu OB Saklar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu OB Satuan 42,260.00 46,490.00 -
41 Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Radio OB Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Radio OB Satuan 105,440.00 115,990.00 -
42 Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Only OB Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Only OB Satuan 54,660.00 60,130.00 -
43 Telephon Socket Outlet OB Telephon Socket Outlet OB Satuan 78,360.00 86,200.00 -
44 Dimmer 500 Watt OB Dimmer 500 Watt OB Satuan 169,160.00 186,080.00 -
45 Munting Sensor OB Munting Sensor OB Satuan 407,730.00 448,510.00 -
46 Saklar Engkel Push On Off OB Saklar Engkel Push On Off OB Satuan 35,520.00 39,080.00 -
47 Saklar Seri Push On Off OB Saklar Seri Push On Off OB Satuan 41,950.00 46,150.00 -
48 Saklar Engkel Hotel Push On Off OB Saklar Engkel Hotel Push On Off OB Satuan 39,280.00 43,210.00 -
49 Saklar Engkel Push On Off dengan Lampu OB Saklar Engkel Push On Off dengan Lampu OB Satuan 39,320.00 43,260.00 -
50 Saklar Engkel Hotel Push On Off dengan lampu OB Saklar Engkel Hotel Push On Off dengan lampu OB Satuan 43,500.00 47,850.00 -
51 INBOW doos Persegi OB INBOW doos Persegi OB Satuan 2,250.00 2,480.00 -
52 Opbow Doos OB Opbow Doos OB Satuan 10,230.00 11,260.00 -
0 - -
c Broco Valencia Series Mahagony Broco Valencia Series Mahagony - -
1 Saklar Engkel 6161-22 Saklar Engkel 6161-22 Satuan 29,880.00 32,870.00 -
2 Saklar Seri 6162-22 Saklar Seri 6162-22 Satuan 35,620.00 39,190.00 -
3 Saklar Triple 6163-22 Saklar Triple 6163-22 Satuan 57,840.00 63,630.00 -
4 Saklar Engkel Hotel Saklar Engkel Hotel Satuan 34,760.00 38,240.00 -
5 Saklar Seri Hotel Saklar Seri Hotel Satuan 46,900.00 51,590.00 -
6 Stop Kontak Stop Kontak Satuan 20,350.00 22,390.00 -
7 Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection Stop kontak Pengaman Child Protection Satuan 30,530.00 33,590.00 -
8 Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Radio Single USE Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Radio Single USE Satuan 112,050.00 123,260.00 -
9 Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Radio Paralel USE Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Radio Paralel USE Satuan 112,050.00 123,260.00 -
10 Antena Socket Outlet For TV Only Antena Socket Outlet For TV Only Satuan 53,650.00 59,020.00 -
11 Telephon Socket Outlet Telephon Socket Outlet Satuan 80,930.00 89,030.00 -
12 Dual Universal Network Socket Outlet (RJ45/RJ12/R1/1 1) Dual Universal Network Socket Outlet (RJ45/RJ12/R1/1 1) Satuan 172,370.00 189,610.00 -
13 Dual Network Socket Outlet Cat 5 (RJ45) Dual Network Socket Outlet Cat 5 (RJ45) Satuan 371,670.00 408,840.00 -
14 Dimmer 500 Watt Dimmer 500 Watt Satuan 184,160.00 202,580.00 -
15 Munting Sensor Munting Sensor Satuan 459,690.00 505,660.00 -
16 Single Push Button Single Push Button Satuan 36,450.00 40,100.00 -
17 Double Frame 6102-505 Double Frame 6102-505 Satuan 7,710.00 8,490.00 -
18 Tripple Frame 6103-505 Tripple Frame 6103-505 Satuan 10,630.00 11,700.00 -
0 - -
d Broco Valencia Series Grey Broco Valencia Series Grey - -
1 Saklar Engkel 6161-44 Saklar Engkel 6161-44 Satuan 29,880.00 32,870.00 -
2 Saklar Seri 6162-44 Saklar Seri 6162-44 Satuan 35,620.00 39,190.00 -
3 Saklar Triple 616n-44 Saklar Triple 616n-44 Satuan 57,840.00 63,630.00 -
4 Saklar Engkel Hotel 6163-44 Saklar Engkel Hotel 6163-44 Satuan 34,760.00 38,240.00 -
5 Saklar Seri Hotel Saklar Seri Hotel Satuan 46,900.00 51,590.00 -
6 Stop Kontak Stop Kontak Satuan 20,350.00 22,390.00 -
7 Stop Kontak Pangaman (Chlid Protection) Stop Kontak Pangaman (Chlid Protection) Satuan 30,530.00 33,590.00 -
8 Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Radio Single USE Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Radio Single USE Satuan 112,050.00 123,260.00 -
9 Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Radio Paralel USE Antena Socket Outlet For TV/Radio Paralel USE Satuan 112,050.00 123,260.00 -
10 Antena Socket Outlet For TV Only Antena Socket Outlet For TV Only Satuan 53,650.00 59,020.00 -
11 Telephon Socket Outlet Telephon Socket Outlet Satuan 80,930.00 89,030.00 -
12 Dual Universal Network Socket Outlet (RJ45/RJ12/R1/11) Dual Universal Network Socket Outlet (RJ45/RJ12/R1/11) Satuan 172,370.00 189,610.00 -
13 Dual Network Socket Outlet Cat 5( RJ45) Dual Network Socket Outlet Cat 5( RJ45) Satuan 371,670.00 408,840.00 -
14 Dimmer 500 Watt Dimmer 500 Watt Satuan 184,160.00 202,580.00 -
15 Munting Sensor Munting Sensor Satuan 459,690.00 505,660.00 -
16 Single Push Button Single Push Button Satuan 36,450.00 40,100.00 -
17 Double Frame 6102-505 Double Frame 6102-505 Satuan 7,710.00 8,490.00 -
18 Tripple Frame 6103-505 Tripple Frame 6103-505 Satuan 10,630.00 11,700.00 -
0 - -
a Classica Standar Cream Classica Standar Cream - -
1 Saklar Engkel 7161-11 Saklar Engkel 7161-11 Satuan 28,010.00 30,820.00 -
2 Saklar Seri 7162-11 Saklar Seri 7162-11 Satuan 32,150.00 35,370.00 -
3 Saklar Engkel Hotel Saklar Engkel Hotel Satuan 31,820.00 35,010.00 -
4 Single Push Button Single Push Button Satuan 31,710.00 34,890.00 -
5 Stop Kontak Stop Kontak Satuan 17,700.00 19,470.00 -
6 Stop Kontak Pangaman (Chlid Protection) Stop Kontak Pangaman (Chlid Protection) Satuan 26,550.00 29,210.00 -
7 TV/Radio Wall Socket Single USE TV/Radio Wall Socket Single USE Satuan 97,440.00 107,190.00 -
8 TV/Radio Wall Socket Paralel USE TV/Radio Wall Socket Paralel USE Satuan 97,440.00 107,190.00 -
9 Telephon Wall Socket Telephon Wall Socket Satuan 70,370.00 77,410.00 -
10 Drimmer 500 Watt Drimmer 500 Watt Satuan 169,160.00 186,080.00 -
11 Double Frame Double Frame Satuan 6,720.00 7,400.00 -
12 Tripple Frame Tripple Frame Satuan 9,250.00 10,180.00 -
0 - -
b Classica Standar White Classica Standar White - -
1 Saklar Engkel 7161-55 Saklar Engkel 7161-55 Satuan 28,010.00 30,820.00 -
2 Saklar Seri 7162-55 Saklar Seri 7162-55 Satuan 32,150.00 35,370.00 -
3 Saklar Engkel Hotel 7163-55 Saklar Engkel Hotel 7163-55 Satuan 31,820.00 35,010.00 -
4 Single Push Button Single Push Button Satuan 31,710.00 34,890.00 -
5 Stop Kontak Stop Kontak Satuan 17,700.00 19,470.00 -
6 Stop Kontak Pangaman (Chlid Protection) Stop Kontak Pangaman (Chlid Protection) Satuan 26,550.00 29,210.00 -
7 TV/Radio Wall Socket Single USE TV/Radio Wall Socket Single USE Satuan 97,440.00 107,190.00 -
8 TV/Radio Wall Socket Paralel USE TV/Radio Wall Socket Paralel USE Satuan 97,440.00 107,190.00 -
9 Telephon Wall Socket Telephon Wall Socket Satuan 70,370.00 77,410.00 -
10 Drimmer 500 Watt Drimmer 500 Watt Satuan 169,160.00 186,080.00 -
11 Double Frame Double Frame Satuan 6,720.00 7,400.00 -
12 Tripple Frame Tripple Frame Satuan 9,250.00 10,180.00 -
0 - -
c Classica Standar Gold Classica Standar Gold - -
1 Saklar Engkel 7161-77 Saklar Engkel 7161-77 Satuan 54,930.00 60,430.00 -
2 Saklar Seri 7162-77 Saklar Seri 7162-77 Satuan 62,980.00 69,280.00 -
3 Saklar Engkel Hotel 7163-77 Saklar Engkel Hotel 7163-77 Satuan 40,292.00 44,330.00 -
4 Saklar Seri Hotel 7164-77 Saklar Seri Hotel 7164-77 Satuan 47,411.00 52,160.00 -
5 Single Push Button Single Push Button Satuan 58,920.00 64,820.00 -
6 Saklae Engkel dengan Lampu Saklae Engkel dengan Lampu Satuan 41,740.00 45,920.00 -
7 Stop Kontak Tutup 7152-77 Stop Kontak Tutup 7152-77 Satuan 74,320.00 81,760.00 -
8 Stop Kontak Pangaman (Chlid Protection) Stop Kontak Pangaman (Chlid Protection) Satuan 32,700.00 35,970.00 -
9 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar 7155-77 Stop Kontak AC BSI Standar 7155-77 Satuan 69,270.00 76,200.00 -
10 TV/Radio Wall Socket Single USE TV/Radio Wall Socket Single USE Satuan 123,800.00 136,180.00 -
11 Antena Socket Outlet For TV Only Antena Socket Outlet For TV Only Satuan 70,060.00 77,070.00 -
12 Telephon Wall Socket Telephon Wall Socket Satuan 89,420.00 98,370.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
13 Dual Universal Network Socket Outlet ( RJ45/RJ12/RJ11) Dual Universal Network Socket Outlet ( RJ45/RJ12/RJ11) Satuan 126,670.00 139,340.00 -
14 Dual Universal Network Socket Outlet Cat 5( RJ45) Dual Universal Network Socket Outlet Cat 5( RJ45) Satuan 251,690.00 276,860.00 -
15 Drimmer 500 Watt Drimmer 500 Watt Satuan 203,470.00 223,820.00 -
16 Double Frame Double Frame Satuan 21,868.00 24,060.00 -
17 TrippLe Frame TrippLe Frame Satuan 43,470.00 47,820.00 -
0 - -
a Catania Gold Cream, Gold Mhg Catania Gold Cream, Gold Mhg - -
1 Saklar Engkel Saklar Engkel satuan 36,045.00 39,650.00 -
2 Saklar Engkel Hotel Saklar Engkel Hotel satuan 39,890.00 43,880.00 -
3 Saklar Seri Saklar Seri satuan 40,047.00 44,060.00 -
4 Stop Kontak Tutup Stop Kontak Tutup satuan 91,950.00 101,150.00 -
5 Stop Kontak Stop Kontak satuan 30,079.00 33,090.00 -
6 Stop Kontak Pangaman (Chlid Protection) Stop Kontak Pangaman (Chlid Protection) satuan 61,030.00 67,140.00 -
7 Antena Socket Outlet Fors Antena Socket Outlet Fors satuan 107,290.00 118,020.00 -
8 Antena Socket Outlet For t Antena Socket Outlet For t satuan 224,110.00 246,530.00 -
9 Antena Socket Outlet For tv Antena Socket Outlet For tv satuan 224,110.00 246,530.00 -
10 Telephon Socket Outlet Telephon Socket Outlet satuan 161,850.00 178,040.00 -
11 Single push Button Single push Button satuan 72,890.00 80,180.00 -
Dimmer 500 Wat Dimmer 500 Wat
12 satuan 368,330.00 405,170.00 -
13 Stop Kontak AC SBI Standard Stop Kontak AC SBI Standard satuan 85,680.00 94,250.00 -
14 Duoble Frame Duoble Frame satuan 57,430.00 63,180.00 -
15 Tripple Frame Tripple Frame satuan 86,030.00 94,640.00 -
16 Saklar Engkel Push on off Saklar Engkel Push on off satuan 86,030.00 94,640.00 -
17 Saklar Seri Push on offy Saklar Seri Push on offy satuan 49,990.00 54,990.00 -
18 Saklar Engkel Hotel push on off Saklar Engkel Hotel push on off satuan 62,570.00 68,830.00 -
19 Salar Engkel dengan Lampu Salar Engkel dengan Lampu satuan 54,500.00 59,950.00 -
20 Salar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu Salar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu satuan 59,480.00 65,430.00 -
21 AC Set Inbow AC Set Inbow satuan 68,070.00 74,880.00 -
22 AC Set Opbow AC Set Opbow satuan 105,250.00 115,780.00 -
23 Opbow Doos Opbow Doos satuan 110,840.00 121,930.00 -
0 - -
b Silver Grey, Silver White Silver Grey, Silver White - -
1 Saklar Engkel Saklar Engkel satuan 26,586.00 29,250.00 -
2 Saklar Engkel Hotel Saklar Engkel Hotel satuan 28,342.00 31,180.00 -
3 Saklar Seri Saklar Seri satuan 40,840.00 44,930.00 -
4 Stop Kontak Tutup Stop Kontak Tutup satuan 68,960.00 75,860.00 -
5 Stop Kontak Stop Kontak satuan 30,510.00 33,570.00 -
6 Stop Kontak Pangaman (Chlid Protection) Stop Kontak Pangaman (Chlid Protection) satuan 45,760.00 50,340.00 -
7 Antena Socket Outlet For tv Antena Socket Outlet For tv satuan 80,470.00 88,520.00 -
8 Antena Socket Outlet For tv /Radio Single Use Antena Socket Outlet For tv /Radio Single Use Satuan 168,070.00 184,880.00 -
9 Antena Socket Outlet For tv /Radio Paralel Use Antena Socket Outlet For tv /Radio Paralel Use Satuan 168,070.00 184,880.00 -
10 Telephon Socket Outlet Telephon Socket Outlet Satuan 121,390.00 133,530.00 -
11 Single Push Button Single Push Button Satuan 54,680.00 60,150.00 -
12 Dimmer 500 Watt Dimmer 500 Watt Satuan 276,260.00 303,890.00 -
13 Stop Kontak AC SBI Standar Stop Kontak AC SBI Standar Satuan 64,270.00 70,700.00 -
14 Duoble Frame Duoble Frame Satuan 24,670.00 27,140.00 -
15 Tripple Frame Tripple Frame Satuan 36,900.00 40,590.00 -
16 Saklar Engkel Push on off Saklar Engkel Push on off Satuan 34,520.00 37,980.00 -
17 Saklar Seri Push on off Saklar Seri Push on off Satuan 46,930.00 51,630.00 -
18 Saklar Engkel Hotel push on off Saklar Engkel Hotel push on off Satuan 39,520.00 43,480.00 -
19 Salar Engkel dengan Lampu Salar Engkel dengan Lampu Satuan 44,610.00 49,080.00 -
20 Salar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu Salar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu Satuan 51,050.00 56,160.00 -
21 AC Set Inbow AC Set Inbow Satuan 83,840.00 92,230.00 -
22 AC Set Opbow AC Set Opbow Satuan 89,430.00 98,380.00 -
23 Opbow Doos Opbow Doos Satuan 89,430.00 98,380.00 -
0 - -
1 Saklar Engkel Saklar Engkel Satuan 61,910.00 68,110.00 -
2 Saklar Engkel Hotel Saklar Engkel Hotel Satuan 65,570.00 72,130.00 -
3 Saklar Seri Saklar Seri Satuan 72,800.00 80,080.00 -
4 Stop Kontak Tutup Stop Kontak Tutup Satuan 108,640.00 119,510.00 -
5 Stop Kontak Pangaman (Chlid Protection) Stop Kontak Pangaman (Chlid Protection) Satuan 72,120.00 79,340.00 -
6 Antena Socket Outlet For TV Antena Socket Outlet For TV Satuan 126,780.00 139,460.00 -
7 Antena Socket Outlet For TV /Radio Single Use Antena Socket Outlet For TV /Radio Single Use Satuan 364,800.00 401,280.00 -
8 Telephon Socket Outlet Telephon Socket Outlet Satuan 191,230.00 210,360.00 -
9 Single push Button Single push Button Satuan 86,130.00 94,750.00 -
10 Dimmer 500 Watt Dimmer 500 Watt Satuan 435,200.00 478,720.00 -
11 Stop Kontak AC SBI Standard Stop Kontak AC SBI Standard Satuan 101,230.00 111,360.00 -
12 Duoble Frame Duoble Frame Satuan 35,413.00 38,960.00 -
13 Tripple Frame Tripple Frame Satuan 52,122.00 57,340.00 -
14 Saklar Engkel Push on off Saklar Engkel Push on off Satuan 41,181.00 45,300.00 -
15 Saklar Seri Push on off Saklar Seri Push on off Satuan 73,930.00 81,330.00 -
16 Saklar Engkel Hotel push on off Saklar Engkel Hotel push on off Satuan 64,700.00 71,170.00 -
17 Salar Engkel dengan Lampu Salar Engkel dengan Lampu Satuan 70,280.00 77,310.00 -
18 Salar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu Salar Engkel Hotel dengan Lampu Satuan 80,430.00 88,480.00 -
0 - -
1 Saklar Engkel Saklar Engkel Satuan 79,002.00 86,910.00 -
2 Saklar Seri Saklar Seri Satuan 83,447.00 91,800.00 -
3 Saklar Tripple Saklar Tripple Satuan 104,699.00 115,170.00 -
4 Saklar seri Engkel Saklar seri Engkel Satuan 81,509.00 89,660.00 -
5 Saklar Seri Hotel Saklar Seri Hotel Satuan 79,611.00 87,580.00 -
6 Stop konta tutup Stop konta tutup Satuan 74,683.00 82,160.00 -
7 Stop Kontak Pengaman Child Protection Stop Kontak Pengaman Child Protection Satuan 90,559.00 99,620.00 -
8 Stop konta AC BSI Standar dengan lampu Stop konta AC BSI Standar dengan lampu Satuan 87,899.00 96,690.00 -
9 Stop kontak AC BSI Standar Stop kontak AC BSI Standar Satuan 84,665.00 93,140.00 -
10 Stop kontak Universal Stop kontak Universal Satuan 81,011.00 89,120.00 -
11 Saklar Engkel dengan Lampu Saklar Engkel dengan Lampu Satuan 83,573.00 91,940.00 -
12 Saklar Engkel hotel dengan lampu Saklar Engkel hotel dengan lampu Satuan 83,573.00 91,940.00 -
13 Sakar 3 pole dengan lampu Sakar 3 pole dengan lampu Satuan 110,264.00 121,300.00 -
14 Saklar 2 pole dengan lampu Saklar 2 pole dengan lampu Satuan 100,184.00 110,210.00 -
15 Saklar Intermediate Saklar Intermediate Satuan 85,274.00 93,810.00 -
16 Saklar Intermediate dengan lampu Saklar Intermediate dengan lampu Satuan 87,318.00 96,050.00 -
17 Saklar kartu hotel Saklar kartu hotel Satuan 158,228.00 174,060.00 -
18 DND Indicator DND Indicator Satuan 115,479.00 127,030.00 -
19 DND & MUR Indicator DND & MUR Indicator Satuan 116,459.00 128,110.00 -
20 Saklar engkel hotel DND Saklar engkel hotel DND Satuan 81,529.00 89,690.00 -
21 Antena Socket Outlet for TV/Radio single Use Antena Socket Outlet for TV/Radio single Use Satuan 134,092.00 147,510.00 -
22 Antena socket outlet for TV Only Antena socket outlet for TV Only Satuan 94,059.00 103,470.00 -
23 TV Cable socket outlet F Type Connector TV Cable socket outlet F Type Connector Satuan 92,414.00 101,660.00 -
24 Telephon socket outlet RJ11 Telephon socket outlet RJ11 Satuan 110,901.00 122,000.00 -
25 Single Network Socket outlet Rj45/Rj12/Rj 11 Single Network Socket outlet Rj45/Rj12/Rj 11 Satuan 114,548.00 126,010.00 -
26 Dual Universal Network socket outlet RJ45/RJ12/RJ 11 Dual Universal Network socket outlet RJ45/RJ12/RJ 11 Satuan 116,957.00 128,660.00 -
27 Dual Network socket outlet cat 5 RJ 45 Dual Network socket outlet cat 5 RJ 45 Satuan 240,157.00 264,180.00 -
28 Dimmer 500 Watt Dimmer 500 Watt Satuan 184,037.00 202,450.00 -
29 Dimmer 500 Watt (Two way) Dimmer 500 Watt (Two way) Satuan 202,622.00 222,890.00 -
30 Mouting sensor Mouting sensor Satuan 352,814.00 388,100.00 -
31 Single push button Single push button Satuan 78,877.00 86,770.00 -
32 Single Frame Single Frame Satuan 56,700.00 62,370.00 -
33 Double gang Frame Double gang Frame Satuan 94,136.00 103,550.00 -
34 Tripple gang Frame Tripple gang Frame Satuan 132,321.00 145,560.00 -
0 - -
1 Saklar engkel Saklar engkel Bh 10,230.00 11,260.00 -
2 Saklar seri Saklar seri Bh 19,000.00 20,900.00 -
3 Saklar triple Saklar triple Bh 29,777.80 32,760.00 -
4 Saldar 4 gang Saldar 4 gang Bh 64,888.90 71,380.00 -
5 Saklar 5 gang Saklar 5 gang Bh 86,555.60 95,220.00 -
6 Saklar 6 gang Saklar 6 gang Bh 353,666.70 389,040.00 -
7 Saklar 7 gang Saklar 7 gang Bh 384,000.00 422,400.00 -
8 Saklar 8 gang Saklar 8 gang Bh 416,777.80 458,460.00 -
9 Saklar 9 gang Saklar 9 gang Bh 451,444.50 496,590.00 -
10 Saklar engkel 2 way Saklar engkel 2 way Bh 17,111.20 18,830.00 -
11 Saklar seri 2 way Saklar seri 2 way Bh 24,777.80 27,260.00 -
12 Stop kontak 1 gang Stop kontak 1 gang Bh 22,555.60 24,820.00 -
13 Stop kontak 2 gang Stop kontak 2 gang Bh 40,888.90 44,980.00 -
14 Bell 1 gang w/ bell symbol Bell 1 gang w/ bell symbol Bh 30,444.50 33,490.00 -
15 Bell 2 gang w/ press sign Bell 2 gang w/ press sign Bh 136,666.70 150,340.00 -
16 Dimmer 1 gang 500W Dimmer 1 gang 500W Bh 145,444.50 159,990.00 -
17 Dimmer 2 gang 500W Dimmer 2 gang 500W Bh 278,333.40 306,170.00 -
18 TV/FM 1 gang 7552 TV/FM 1 gang 7552 Bh 35,888.90 39,480.00 -
19 TV/FM 2 gang 7512 TV/FM 2 gang 7512 Bh 63,333.40 69,670.00 -
20 Telephone 1 gang Rill Telephone 1 gang Rill Bh 36,222.30 39,850.00 -
21 Telephone 2 gang Telephone 2 gang Bh 70,777.80 77,860.00 -
22 Data 1 gang Cat. 5e Data 1 gang Cat. 5e Bh 103,000.00 113,300.00 -
23 Data 2 gang Cat. 5e Data 2 gang Cat. 5e Bh 200,000.00 220,000.00 -
24 Data 1 gang Cat. 6e Data 1 gang Cat. 6e Bh 116,666.70 128,340.00 -
25 Data 2 gang Cat. 6e Data 2 gang Cat. 6e Bh 223,333.40 245,670.00 -
26 Inbow does Inbow does Bh 6,666.70 7,340.00 -
0 - -
1 Saklar engkel Saklar engkel Bh 19,000.00 20,900.00 -
2 Saklar seri Saklar seri Bh 26,000.00 28,600.00 -
3 Saklar triple Saklar triple Bh 35,777.80 39,360.00 -
4 Saklar 4 gang Saklar 4 gang Bh 56,888.90 62,580.00 -
5 Saklar 6 gang Saklar 6 gang Bh 21,333.40 23,470.00 -
6 Saklar 7 gang Saklar 7 gang Bh 29,888.90 32,880.00 -
7 Saklar 8 gang Saklar 8 gang Bh 29,333.40 32,270.00 -
8 Saklar 9 gang Saklar 9 gang Bh 48,888.90 53,780.00 -
9 Saklar engkel 2 way Saklar engkel 2 way Bh 24,444.50 26,890.00 -
10 Saklar seri 2 way Saklar seri 2 way Bh 130,444.50 143,490.00 -
11 Stop kontak 1 gang Stop kontak 1 gang Bh 38,333.40 42,170.00 -
12 Stop kontak 2 gang + Neon Stop kontak 2 gang + Neon Bh 54,000.00 59,400.00 -
13 Bell 1 gang w/ press sign Bell 1 gang w/ press sign Bh 40,444.50 44,490.00 -
14 Dimmer 1 gang 500W Dimmer 1 gang 500W Bh 55,888.90 61,480.00 -
15 Dimmer 2 gang 500W Dimmer 2 gang 500W Bh 253,333.40 278,670.00 -
16 TV/FM 1 gang 7552 TV/FM 1 gang 7552 Bh 12,111,140.00 13,322,260.00 -
17 TV/FM 2 gang 7552 TV/FM 2 gang 7552 Bh 227,555.60 250,320.00 -
18 Telephone 1 gang RJ11 Telephone 1 gang RJ11 Bh 66,667.00 73,340.00 -
19 Telephone 2 gang RJ11 Telephone 2 gang RJ11 Bh 124,777.80 137,260.00 -
20 Data I gang Cat. 5e- Data I gang Cat. 5e- Bh - -
21 Data 2 gang Cat. 5e Data 2 gang Cat. 5e Bh 235,777.80 259,360.00 -
22 Data 1 gang Cat. 6e Data 1 gang Cat. 6e Bh 134,111.20 147,530.00 -
23 Data 2 gang Cat. 6e Data 2 gang Cat. 6e Bh 248,888.90 273,780.00 -
24 Inbow does Inbow does Bh 6,666.70 7,340.00 -
0 - -
1 Saklar engkel Saklar engkel Bh 19,000.00 20,900.00 -
2 Saklar seri Saklar seri Bh 26,000.00 28,600.00 -
3 Saklar triple Saklar triple Bh 35,777.80 39,360.00 -
4 Saklar 4 gang Saklar 4 gang Bh 56,888.90 62,580.00 -
5 Saklar engkel 2 way Saklar engkel 2 way Bh 21,333.40 23,470.00 -
6 Saklar seri 2 way Saklar seri 2 way Bh 29,888.90 32,880.00 -
7 Stop kontak 1 gang Stop kontak 1 gang Bh 29,333.40 32,270.00 -
8 Stop kuntak 2 gang +Neon Stop kuntak 2 gang +Neon Bh 48,888.90 53,780.00 -
9 Bell 1 gang w/ press sign Bell 1 gang w/ press sign Bh 24,444.50 26,890.00 -
10 Dimmer 1 gang 400W Dimmer 1 gang 400W Bh 130,444.50 143,490.00 -
11 TV/FM 1 gang 7552 TV/FM 1 gang 7552 Bh 38,333.40 42,170.00 -
12 TV/FM 2 gang 7552 TV/FM 2 gang 7552 Bh 54,000.00 59,400.00 -
13 Telephone 1 gang RJ11 Telephone 1 gang RJ11 Bh 40,444.50 44,490.00 -
14 Telephone 2 gang RJ11 Telephone 2 gang RJ11 Bh 55,888.90 61,480.00 -
15 Data 2 gang Cat. 5e Data 2 gang Cat. 5e Bh 253,333.40 278,670.00 -
16 Data 1 gang Cat. 6e Data 1 gang Cat. 6e Bh 121,333.40 133,470.00 -
17 Data 2 gang Cat. 6e Data 2 gang Cat. 6e Bh 227,555.60 250,320.00 -
18 Inbow does Inbow does Bh 6,666.70 7,340.00 -
0 - -
1 Saklar engkel standard Saklar engkel standard Bh 11,883.40 13,080.00 -
2 Saklar Seri standard Saklar Seri standard Bh 20,061.20 22,070.00 -
3 Saklar triple standard Saklar triple standard Bh 34,883.40 38,380.00 -
4 Saklar engkel wide Saklar engkel wide Bh 22,361.20 24,600.00 -
5 Saklar seri wide Saklar seri wide Bh 32,711.20 35,990.00 -
6 Saklar triple wide Saklar triple wide Bh 53,155.60 58,480.00 -
7 Saklar 4 gang Saklar 4 gang Bh 58,905.60 64,800.00 -
8 Saklar 5 gang Saklar 5 gang Bh 76,283.40 83,920.00 -
9 Saklar engkel 2 way Saklar engkel 2 way Bh 19,550.00 21,510.00 -
10 Saklar seri 2 way Saklar seri 2 way Bh 36,033.40 39,640.00 -
11 Stop kontak 1 gang Stop kontak 1 gang Bh 21,594.50 23,760.00 -
12 Stop kontak 2 gang Stop kontak 2 gang Bh 48,555.60 53,420.00 -
13 Stop kontak 1 gang + Neon w/s Steker Stop kontak 1 gang + Neon w/s Steker Bh 157,166.70 172,890.00 -
14 Bell 1 gang w/ press sign - standard Bell 1 gang w/ press sign - standard Bh 47,150.00 51,870.00 -
15 Bell 1 gang w/ press sign - wide Bell 1 gang w/ press sign - wide Bh 53,922.30 59,320.00 -
16 Dimmer 1 gang 500W Dimmer 1 gang 500W Bh 144,005.60 158,410.00 -
17 Dimmer 2 gang 500W Dimmer 2 gang 500W Bh 299,127.80 329,050.00 -
18 TV/FM 1 gang 7552 TV/FM 1 gang 7552 Bh 54,944.50 60,440.00 -
19 TV/FM 2 gang 7552 TV/FM 2 gang 7552 Bh 175,950.00 193,550.00 -
20 Telephone 1 gang RJ11 Telephone 1 gang RJ11 Bh 39,994.50 44,000.00 -
21 Telephone 2 gang RJ11 Telephone 2 gang RJ11 Bh 69,000.00 75,900.00 -
22 Data 1 gang Cat. 5e Data 1 gang Cat. 5e Bh 91,105.60 100,220.00 -
23 Data 2 gang Cat. 5e Data 2 gang Cat. 5e Bh 161,383.40 177,530.00 -
24 Inbow does Inbow does Bh 6,666.70 7,340.00 -
0 - -
1 Grid Switchh 1 gang Grid Switchh 1 gang Bh 202,555.60 222,820.00 -
2 Grid Switchh 2 gang Grid Switchh 2 gang Bh 241,444.50 265,590.00 -
3 Grid Switchh 3 gang Grid Switchh 3 gang Bh 401,444.50 441,590.00 -
4 Grid Switchh 4 gang Grid Switchh 4 gang Bh 440,333.40 484,370.00 -
5 Grid Switchh 6 gang Grid Switchh 6 gang Bh 735,333.40 808,870.00 -
6 Grid Switchh 8 gang Grid Switchh 8 gang Bh 813,111.20 894,430.00 -
7 Grid Switchh 9 gang Grid Switchh 9 gang Bh 1,017,555.60 1,119,320.00 -
8 Grid Switchh 12 gang Grid Switchh 12 gang Bh 1,193,888.90 1,313,280.00 -
9 Grid Switchh 18 gang Grid Switchh 18 gang Bh 1,892,222.30 2,081,450.00 -
10 Grid Switchh 24 gang Grid Switchh 24 gang Bh 2,455,777.80 2,701,360.00 -
0 - -
1 Stop kontak 1 gang - stainless steel Stop kontak 1 gang - stainless steel Bh 267,888.90 294,680.00 -
2 Stop kontak 1 gang - aluminium Stop kontak 1 gang - aluminium Bh 219,333.40 241,270.00 -
3 Stop kontak 2 gang - stainless steel Stop kontak 2 gang - stainless steel Bh 284,000.00 312,400.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
4 Stop kontak 2 gang - aluminium Stop kontak 2 gang - aluminium Bh 235,444.50 258,990.00 -
5 Kombinasi stopkontalFCrem Kombinasi stopkontalFCrem Bh 280,555.60 308,620.00 -
6 Kombinasi stopkontak + Telephone - Stainless Steel Kombinasi stopkontak + Telephone - Stainless Steel Bh 232,000.00 255,200.00 -
7 Kombinasi stopkontak + Data - Stainless Steel Kombinasi stopkontak + Data - Stainless Steel Bh 292,333.40 321,570.00 -
8 Kombinasi stopkontak + Data - aluminium Kombinasi stopkontak + Data - aluminium Bh 243,777.80 268,160.00 -
9 Kombinasi stopkontak + TV/FM - Stainless Steel Kombinasi stopkontak + TV/FM - Stainless Steel Bh 283,888.90 312,280.00 -
10 Kombinasi stopkontak + Tt/FAI - Aluminium Kombinasi stopkontak + Tt/FAI - Aluminium Bh 235,333.40 258,870.00 -
0 - -
1 Saklar engkel Saklar engkel Bh 27,727.80 30,510.00 -
2 Saklar seri Saklar seri Bh 46,511.20 51,170.00 -
3 Saklar triple Saklar triple Bh 69,766.70 76,750.00 -
4 Saklar engkel 2 way Saklar engkel 2 way Bh 37,311.20 41,050.00 -
5 Saklar seri 2 way Saklar seri 2 way Bh 60,822.30 66,910.00 -
6 Grid Switchh 1 gang Grid Switchh 1 gang Bh 117,555.60 129,320.00 -
7 Grid Switchh 2 gang Grid Switchh 2 gang Bh 162,277.80 178,510.00 -
8 Grid Switchh 3 gang Grid Switchh 3 gang Bh 263,988.90 290,390.00 -
9 Grid Switchh 4 gang Grid Switchh 4 gang Bh 308,711.90 339,590.00 -
10 Grid Switchh 6 gang Grid Switchh 6 gang Bh 536,666.70 590,340.00 -
11 Grid Switchh 8 gang Grid Switchh 8 gang Bh 626,111.20 688,730.00 -
12 Grid Switchh 12 gang Grid Switchh 12 gang Bh 912,333.40 1,003,570.00 -
13 Stop kontak 1 gang Stop kontak 1 gang Bh 34,500.00 37,950.00 -
14 Stop kontak 1 gang + Neon w/s Steker Stop kontak 1 gang + Neon w/s Steker Bh 90,466.70 99,520.00 -
15 Bell 1 gang w/ press sign Bell 1 gang w/ press sign Bh 87,272.30 96,000.00 -
16 Dimmer 1 gang 500W Dimmer 1 gang 500W Bh 218,116.70 239,930.00 -
17 TV/FM 1 gang 7512 TV/FM 1 gang 7512 Bh 99,666.70 109,640.00 -
18 TV/FM 2 gang 7551 TV/FM 2 gang 7551 Bh 181,827.80 200,020.00 -
19 Telephone 1 gang RJ11 Telephone 1 gang RJ11 Bh 55,327.80 60,870.00 -
20 Data 1 gang Cat. 5e Data 1 gang Cat. 5e Bh 103,883.40 114,280.00 -
21 Inbow does Inbow does Bh 6,666.70 7,340.00 -
0 - -
a MCCB 1 Pase MCCB 1 Pase - -
1 MCCB 15-50A/18kA (EZC100N) MG/Schneider MCCB 15-50A/18kA (EZC100N) MG/Schneider Bh 189,000.00 207,900.00 -
2 MCCB 60-100A/18IcA (EZC100N) MG/Schneider MCCB 60-100A/18IcA (EZC100N) MG/Schneider Bh 254,500.00 279,950.00 -
3 MCCB 15-100A/25kA (EZC100H) MG/Schneider MCCB 15-100A/25kA (EZC100H) MG/Schneider Bh 329,000.00 361,900.00 -
0 - -
b MCCB 2 Pase MCCB 2 Pase - -
1 MCCB 100-125A/18kA (EZC250F) MG/Schneider MCCB 100-125A/18kA (EZC250F) MG/Schneider Bh 881,500.00 969,650.00 -
2 MCCB 160A/181cA (EZC250F) MG/Schneider MCCB 160A/181cA (EZC250F) MG/Schneider Bh 916,500.00 1,008,150.00 -
3 MCCB 200-250A/18kA (EZC250F) MG/Schneider MCCB 200-250A/18kA (EZC250F) MG/Schneider Bh 934,500.00 1,027,950.00 -
4 MCCB 100-125A/251cA (EZC250N) MG/Schneider MCCB 100-125A/251cA (EZC250N) MG/Schneider Bh 916,500.00 1,008,150.00 -
5 MCCB 160A/25kA (EZC250N) MG/Schneider MCCB 160A/25kA (EZC250N) MG/Schneider Bh 969,500.00 1,066,450.00 -
6 MCCB 200-250A/25kA (EZC250N) MG/Schneider MCCB 200-250A/25kA (EZC250N) MG/Schneider Bh 1,013,000.00 1,114,300.00 -
7 MCCB 15-100A/30kA (EZC100H) MG/Schneider MCCB 15-100A/30kA (EZC100H) MG/Schneider Bh 528,000.00 580,800.00 -
8 MCCB 100-125A/36kA (EZC250H) MG/Schneider MCCB 100-125A/36kA (EZC250H) MG/Schneider Bh 1,110,500.00 1,221,550.00 -
9 MCCB 160AJ361cA (EZC250H) MG/Schneider MCCB 160AJ361cA (EZC250H) MG/Schneider Bh 1,146,000.00 1,260,600.00 -
10 MCCB 200-250A/36IcA (EZC250H) MG/Schneider MCCB 200-250A/36IcA (EZC250H) MG/Schneider Bh 1,189,500.00 1,308,450.00 -
0 - -
c MCCB 3 Pase MCCB 3 Pase - -
1 MCCB 15-60A/7.51cA (EZC100B) MG/Schneider MCCB 15-60A/7.51cA (EZC100B) MG/Schneider Bh 327,000.00 359,700.00 -
2 MCCB 15-50A/101cA (EZC100F) MG/Schneider MCCB 15-50A/101cA (EZC100F) MG/Schneider Bh 409,000.00 449,900.00 -
3 MCCB 60-100A/10kA (EZC100F) MG/Schneider MCCB 60-100A/10kA (EZC100F) MG/Schneider Bh 428,000.00 470,800.00 -
4 MCCB 15-50AJ18kA (EZC100N) MG/Schneider MCCB 15-50AJ18kA (EZC100N) MG/Schneider Bh 495,000.00 544,500.00 -
5 MCCB 60-100A/18kA (EZC100N) MG/Schneider MCCB 60-100A/18kA (EZC100N) MG/Schneider Bh 512,500.00 563,750.00 -
6 MCCB 100-125A/181cA (EZC250F) MG/Schneider MCCB 100-125A/181cA (EZC250F) MG/Schneider Bh 907,500.00 998,250.00 -
7 MCCB 160A/18kA (EZC250F) MG/Schneider MCCB 160A/18kA (EZC250F) MG/Schneider Bh 951,500.00 1,046,650.00 -
8 MCCB 200-250A/18kA (EZC250N2) MG/Schneider MCCB 200-250A/18kA (EZC250N2) MG/Schneider Bh 987,000.00 1,085,700.00 -
9 MCCB 100- 125A/25kA (BZC254V2) MG/Schneider MCCB 100- 125A/25kA (BZC254V2) MG/Schneider Bh 1,022,000.00 1,124,200.00 -
10 MCCB 160A/25kA (EZC250N2) MG/Schneider MCCB 160A/25kA (EZC250N2) MG/Schneider Bh 1,058,000.00 1,163,800.00 -
11 MCCB 200-250A/25kA (EZC250N2) MG/Schneider MCCB 200-250A/25kA (EZC250N2) MG/Schneider Bh 1,093,000.00 1,202,300.00 -
12 MCCB 100A/25kA (EZCS50N3) MG/Schneider MCCB 100A/25kA (EZCS50N3) MG/Schneider Bh 1,914,000.00 2,105,400.00 -
13 MCCB 125A/25kA (EZCV250N3) MG/Schneider MCCB 125A/25kA (EZCV250N3) MG/Schneider Bh 2,182,000.00 2,400,200.00 -
14 MCCB 160A/25kA (EZCV250N3) MG/Schneider MCCB 160A/25kA (EZCV250N3) MG/Schneider Bh 2,444,000.00 2,688,400.00 -
15 MCCB 200-250/25kA (EZV250N3) MG/Schneider MCCB 200-250/25kA (EZV250N3) MG/Schneider Bh 2,517,000.00 2,768,700.00 -
16 MCCB 15-100A/30kA (EZC100H) MG Schneider MCCB 15-100A/30kA (EZC100H) MG Schneider Bh 649,500.00 714,450.00 -
17 MCCB 100-125A/36kA (EZC250H2) MG/Schneider MCCB 100-125A/36kA (EZC250H2) MG/Schneider Bh 1,225,000.00 1,347,500.00 -
18 MCCB 160A/36kA (EZC250H2) MG/Schneider MCCB 160A/36kA (EZC250H2) MG/Schneider Bh 1,322,000.00 1,454,200.00 -
19 MCCB 200-250A/36kA (EZC250H2) MG/Schneider MCCB 200-250A/36kA (EZC250H2) MG/Schneider Bh 1,410,000.00 1,551,000.00 -
20 MCCB 100A/36kA (EZCV250H3) MG/Schneider MCCB 100A/36kA (EZCV250H3) MG/Schneider Bh 2,398,000.00 2,637,800.00 -
21 MCCB 125A/36kA (EZCV250H3) MG/Schneider MCCB 125A/36kA (EZCV250H3) MG/Schneider Bh 2,445,000.00 2,689,500.00 -
22 MCCB 160A/36kA (EZCV250H3) MG/Schneider MCCB 160A/36kA (EZCV250H3) MG/Schneider Bh 2,495,000.00 2,744,500.00 -
23 MCCB 200-250/36 kA (EZC250H3) MG/Schneider MCCB 200-250/36 kA (EZC250H3) MG/Schneider Bh 2,728,000.00 3,000,800.00 -
24 MCCB 250-400A/361cA (EXC400N3) MG/Schneider MCCB 250-400A/361cA (EXC400N3) MG/Schneider Bh 2,427,500.00 2,670,250.00 -
25 MCCB 250-400A/50kA (EZC400N3) MG/Schneider MCCB 250-400A/50kA (EZC400N3) MG/Schneider Bh 2,597,500.00 2,857,250.00 -
0 - -
d MCCB 4 Pase 3T MCCB 4 Pase 3T - -
1 MCCB 100A/25kA (EZC250N4) MG/Schneider MCCB 100A/25kA (EZC250N4) MG/Schneider Bh 1,391,500.00 1,530,650.00 -
2 MCCB 125A/25kA (EZC250N4) MG/Schneider MCCB 125A/25kA (EZC250N4) MG/Schneider Bh 1,465,000.00 1,611,500.00 -
3 MCCB 160A/25kA (EZC250N4) MG/Schneider MCCB 160A/25kA (EZC250N4) MG/Schneider Bh 1,542,000.00 1,696,200.00 -
4 MCCB 200-250A/25kA (EZC250N4) MG/Schneider MCCB 200-250A/25kA (EZC250N4) MG/Schneider Bh 1,588,500.00 1,747,350.00 -
5 MCCB 100A/36kA (EZC250H4) MG/Schneider MCCB 100A/36kA (EZC250H4) MG/Schneider Bh 1,524,000.00 1,676,400.00 -
6 MCCB 125A/36kA (EZC250H4) MG/Schneider MCCB 125A/36kA (EZC250H4) MG/Schneider Bh 1,540,000.00 1,694,000.00 -
7 MCCB 160A/361cA (EZC250H4) MG/Schneider MCCB 160A/361cA (EZC250H4) MG/Schneider Bh 1,555,000.00 1,710,500.00 -
8 MCCB 200-250A/36kA (EZC250H4) MG/Schneider MCCB 200-250A/36kA (EZC250H4) MG/Schneider Bh 1,759,500.00 1,935,450.00 -
9 MCCB 250-400A/36kA (EZC400N44) MG/Schneider MCCB 250-400A/36kA (EZC400N44) MG/Schneider Bh 3,499,000.00 3,848,900.00 -
10 MCCB 250-400A/50kA (EZC400H44) MG/Schneider MCCB 250-400A/50kA (EZC400H44) MG/Schneider Bh 3,691,000.00 4,060,100.00 -
11 MCCB 100A/25kA (EZC250N4) MG/Schneider MCCB 100A/25kA (EZC250N4) MG/Schneider Bh 1,503,000.00 1,653,300.00 -
12 MCCB 125A/25kA (EZC250N4) MG/Schneider MCCB 125A/25kA (EZC250N4) MG/Schneider Bh 1,538,000.00 1,691,800.00 -
13 MCCB 160A/25kA (EZC250N4) MG/Schneider MCCB 160A/25kA (EZC250N4) MG/Schneider Bh 1,619,000.00 1,780,900.00 -
14 MCCB 200-250A/25kA (EZC250N4) MG/Schneider MCCB 200-250A/25kA (EZC250N4) MG/Schneider Bh 1,636,000.00 1,799,600.00 -
15 MCCB 100A/36kA (EZC250H4) MG/Schneider MCCB 100A/36kA (EZC250H4) MG/Schneider Bh 1,600,500.00 1,760,550.00 -
16 MCCB 125A/36kA (EZC250H4) MG/Schneider MCCB 125A/36kA (EZC250H4) MG/Schneider Bh 1,616,500.00 1,778,150.00 -
17 MCCB 160A/36kA (EZC250H4) MG/Schneider MCCB 160A/36kA (EZC250H4) MG/Schneider Bh 1,633,000.00 1,796,300.00 -
18 MCCB 200-250A/361cA (EZC250H4) MG/Schneider MCCB 200-250A/361cA (EZC250H4) MG/Schneider Bh 1,895,000.00 2,084,500.00 -
19 MCCB 250-400A/36IcA (EZC400N44) MG/Schneider MCCB 250-400A/36IcA (EZC400N44) MG/Schneider Bh 3,638,000.00 4,001,800.00 -
20 MCCB 250-400A/501(A (EZC400H44) MG/Schneider MCCB 250-400A/501(A (EZC400H44) MG/Schneider Bh 3,669,000.00 4,035,900.00 -
0 - -
1 Contactor 400 A/3Pole LCI-F3304 Contactor 400 A/3Pole LCI-F3304 Bh 8,331,360.00 9,164,500.00 -
2 Contactor 250 A/3Pole LCI-F1504 Contactor 250 A/3Pole LCI-F1504 Bh 3,934,140.00 4,327,560.00 -
3 Contactor 200 A/3Pole LCI-F1154 Contactor 200 A/3Pole LCI-F1154 Bh 3,859,680.00 4,245,650.00 -
4 Contactor 160 A/3Pole LCI-F1154 Contactor 160 A/3Pole LCI-F1154 Bh 3,859,680.00 4,245,650.00 -
5 Contactor 125 A/3Po1e LC1-D 80008 Contactor 125 A/3Po1e LC1-D 80008 Bh 2,111,400.00 2,322,540.00 -
6 Contactor 100 AJ3Pole LCI-F1154 Contactor 100 AJ3Pole LCI-F1154 Bh 2,111,400.00 2,322,540.00 -
7 Contactor 80 A/3Pole LCI-D 65004 Contactor 80 A/3Pole LCI-D 65004 Bh 1,476,000.00 1,623,600.00 -
8 Contactor 32 A/3Pole LCI-DT 32 Contactor 32 A/3Pole LCI-DT 32 Bh 734,400.00 807,840.00 -
9 Contactor 20 A/3Pole LCI-K 0610 Contactor 20 A/3Pole LCI-K 0610 Bh 147,900.00 162,690.00 -
10 Contactor 16 A/3Pole LC1-K 0610 Contactor 16 A/3Pole LC1-K 0610 Bh 147,900.00 162,690.00 -
11 Contactor 10 A/3Pole LCI-K 0610 Contactor 10 A/3Pole LCI-K 0610 Bh 147,900.00 162,690.00 -
0 - -
f MCB 1 Pase / 1 Kutub MCB 1 Pase / 1 Kutub - -
1 MCB 2-20A/4,5 kA (DOM12251-43SNI) MG/Schneider MCB 2-20A/4,5 kA (DOM12251-43SNI) MG/Schneider Bh 39,000.00 42,900.00 -
2 MCB 25A/4,5 kA (DOM11344SNI) MG/Schneider MCB 25A/4,5 kA (DOM11344SNI) MG/Schneider Bh 47,500.00 52,250.00 -
3 MCB 32A/4,5 kA (DOM113215SNI) MG/Schneider MCB 32A/4,5 kA (DOM113215SNI) MG/Schneider Bh 51,500.00 56,650.00 -
4 MCB 40A/4,5 kA (DOM11346SNI) MG/Schneider MCB 40A/4,5 kA (DOM11346SNI) MG/Schneider Bh 59,000.00 64,900.00 -
5 MCB 50-63A/4,5 kA (DOM11335-36SNI) MG/Schneider MCB 50-63A/4,5 kA (DOM11335-36SNI) MG/Schneider Bh 126,500.00 139,150.00 -
6 MCB 1-4A/6 kA (25797-25800) MG/Schneider MCB 1-4A/6 kA (25797-25800) MG/Schneider Bh 89,000.00 97,900.00 -
7 MCB 6-20A/6 kA (2580145804) MG/Schneider MCB 6-20A/6 kA (2580145804) MG/Schneider Bh 74,000.00 81,400.00 -
8 MCB 25A/6 kA (25805) MG/Schneider MCB 25A/6 kA (25805) MG/Schneider Bh 82,000.00 90,200.00 -
9 MCB 32A/6 kA (25806) MG/Schneider MCB 32A/6 kA (25806) MG/Schneider Bh 86,000.00 94,600.00 -
10 MCB 40A/6 kA (25807) MG/Schneider MCB 40A/6 kA (25807) MG/Schneider Bh 94,000.00 103,400.00 -
11 MCB 50A/6 kA (25808) MG/Schneider MCB 50A/6 kA (25808) MG/Schneider Bh 111,000.00 122,100.00 -
12 MCB 63A/6 kA (25809) MG/Schneider MCB 63A/6 kA (25809) MG/Schneider Bh 128,000.00 140,800.00 -
13 MCB 1-4A/10 kA (25639-25642) MG/Schneider MCB 1-4A/10 kA (25639-25642) MG/Schneider Bh 189,000.00 207,900.00 -
14 MCB 5-25A110 kA(25643-25647) MG/Schneider MCB 5-25A110 kA(25643-25647) MG/Schneider Bh 143,000.00 157,300.00 -
15 MCB 32A/10 kA (25648) MG/Schneider MCB 32A/10 kA (25648) MG/Schneider Bh 167,000.00 183,700.00 -
16 MCB 40A/10 kA (25649) MG/Schneider MCB 40A/10 kA (25649) MG/Schneider Bh 189,000.00 207,900.00 -
17 MCB 50A/10 kA (25651) MG/Schneider MCB 50A/10 kA (25651) MG/Schneider Bh 226,000.00 248,600.00 -
18 MCB 63A/10 kA (25652) MG/Schneider MCB 63A/10 kA (25652) MG/Schneider Bh 261,000.00 287,100.00 -
19 MCB 10-40A/25 kA (25394-25402) MG/Schneider MCB 10-40A/25 kA (25394-25402) MG/Schneider Bh 242,000.00 266,200.00 -
20 MCB 50Al25 kA (25403) MG/Schneider MCB 50Al25 kA (25403) MG/Schneider Bh 258,000.00 283,800.00 -
21 MCB 63A/25 kA (25404) MG/Schneider MCB 63A/25 kA (25404) MG/Schneider Bh 289,000.00 317,900.00 -
22 MCB 10-40A/50 kA (18777-1 8782) MG/Schneider MCB 10-40A/50 kA (18777-1 8782) MG/Schneider Bh 430,000.00 473,000.00 -
23 MCB 50A/50 kA (18783) MG/Schneider MCB 50A/50 kA (18783) MG/Schneider Bh 438,000.00 481,800.00 -
24 MCB 63A/50 kA (18784) MG/Schneider MCB 63A/50 kA (18784) MG/Schneider Bh 449,000.00 493,900.00 -
25 MCB 80A/50 kA (18785) MG/Schneider MCB 80A/50 kA (18785) MG/Schneider Bh 498,000.00 547,800.00 -
0 - -
g MCB 2 Pase / 2 Kutub MCB 2 Pase / 2 Kutub - -
1 MCB 2-20A/4,5 kA (DOM11228-33SNI) MG/Schneider MCB 2-20A/4,5 kA (DOM11228-33SNI) MG/Schneider Bh 113,000.00 124,300.00 -
2 MCB 25-40A/4,5 kA (DOM11234-36SNI) MG/Schneider MCB 25-40A/4,5 kA (DOM11234-36SNI) MG/Schneider Bh 141,500.00 155,650.00 -
3 MCB 50-63A/4,5 kA (DOM11237-38SNI) MG/Schneider MCB 50-63A/4,5 kA (DOM11237-38SNI) MG/Schneider Bh 246,500.00 271,150.00 -
4 MCB 1-4A/6 kA (25811-25814) MG/Schneider MCB 1-4A/6 kA (25811-25814) MG/Schneider Bh 250,000.00 275,000.00 -
5 MCB 6-20A/6 kA (25815-25818) MG/Schneider MCB 6-20A/6 kA (25815-25818) MG/Schneider Bh 214,000.00 235,400.00 -
6 MCB 25A/6 kA (25819) MG/Schneider MCB 25A/6 kA (25819) MG/Schneider Bh 223,000.00 245,300.00 -
7 MCB 32A/6 kA (25820) MG/Schneider MCB 32A/6 kA (25820) MG/Schneider Bh 230,000.00 253,000.00 -
8 MCB 40A/6 kA (25821) MG/Schneider MCB 40A/6 kA (25821) MG/Schneider Bh 240,000.00 264,000.00 -
9 MCB 50A/6 kA (25822) MG/Schneider MCB 50A/6 kA (25822) MG/Schneider Bh 312,000.00 343,200.00 -
10 MCB 63A/6 kA (25823) MG/Schneider MCB 63A/6 kA (25823) MG/Schneider Bh 359,000.00 394,900.00 -
11 MCB 1-4A/10 kA (25653-25656) MG/Schneider MCB 1-4A/10 kA (25653-25656) MG/Schneider Bh 463,000.00 509,300.00 -
12 MCB 6-25A/10 kA (25657-25661) MG/Schneider MCB 6-25A/10 kA (25657-25661) MG/Schneider Bh 350,000.00 385,000.00 -
13 MCB 32A/10 kA (25662) MG/Schneider MCB 32A/10 kA (25662) MG/Schneider Bh 406,000.00 446,600.00 -
14 MCB 40A/10 kA (25663) MG/Schneider MCB 40A/10 kA (25663) MG/Schneider Bh 462,000.00 508,200.00 -
15 MCB 50A/10 kA (25665) MG/Schneider MCB 50A/10 kA (25665) MG/Schneider Bh 555,000.00 610,500.00 -
16 MCB 63A/10 kA (25666) MG/Schneider MCB 63A/10 kA (25666) MG/Schneider Bh 610,000.00 671,000.00 -
17 MCB 10-32A/25 kA (25423-25427) MG/Schneider MCB 10-32A/25 kA (25423-25427) MG/Schneider Bh 628,000.00 690,800.00 -
18 MCB 40-50A/25 kA (25428-25429) MG/Schneider MCB 40-50A/25 kA (25428-25429) MG/Schneider Bh 655,000.00 720,500.00 -
19 MCB 63A/25 kA (25430) MG/Schneider MCB 63A/25 kA (25430) MG/Schneider Bh 682,000.00 750,200.00 -
20 MCB 10-40A/50 kA (18788-18793) MG/Schneider MCB 10-40A/50 kA (18788-18793) MG/Schneider Bh 1,030,000.00 1,133,000.00 -
21 MCB 50A/50 kA (18794) MG/Schneider MCB 50A/50 kA (18794) MG/Schneider Bh 1,063,000.00 1,169,300.00 -
22 MCB 63A/50 kA (18795) MG/Schneider MCB 63A/50 kA (18795) MG/Schneider Bh 1,091,000.00 1,200,100.00 -
23 MCB 80A/50 kA (18796) MG/Schneider MCB 80A/50 kA (18796) MG/Schneider Bh 1,211,000.00 1,332,100.00 -
0 - -
h MCB 3 Pase / 3 Kutub MCB 3 Pase / 3 Kutub - -
1 MCB 6-20A/4,5 kA (DOM11347-50SNI) MG/Schneider MCB 6-20A/4,5 kA (DOM11347-50SNI) MG/Schneider Bh 198,000.00 217,800.00 -
2 MCB 25A/4,5 kA (DOM11351SNI) MG/Schneider MCB 25A/4,5 kA (DOM11351SNI) MG/Schneider Bh 209,000.00 229,900.00 -
3 MCB 32A/4,5 kA (DOM11352SNI) MG/Schneider MCB 32A/4,5 kA (DOM11352SNI) MG/Schneider Bh 229,500.00 252,450.00 -
4 MCB 40A/4,5 kA (DOM11353SNI) MG/Schneider MCB 40A/4,5 kA (DOM11353SNI) MG/Schneider Bh 236,000.00 259,600.00 -
5 MCB 50-63A/4,5 kA (DOM11337-38SNI) MG/Schneider MCB 50-63A/4,5 kA (DOM11337-38SNI) MG/Schneider Bh 450,000.00 495,000.00 -
6 MCB 1-4A/6 kA (25825-25828) MG/Schneider MCB 1-4A/6 kA (25825-25828) MG/Schneider Bh 377,000.00 414,700.00 -
7 MCB 6-20A/6 kA (25829-25832) MG/Schneider MCB 6-20A/6 kA (25829-25832) MG/Schneider Bh 300,000.00 330,000.00 -
8 MCB 25A/6 kA (25833) MG/Schneider MCB 25A/6 kA (25833) MG/Schneider Bh 308,500.00 339,350.00 -
9 MCB 32A/6 kA (25834) MG/Schneider MCB 32A/6 kA (25834) MG/Schneider Bh 318,000.00 349,800.00 -
10 MCB 40A/6 kA (25835) MG/Schneider MCB 40A/6 kA (25835) MG/Schneider Bh 325,000.00 357,500.00 -
11 MCB 50A/6 kA (25836) MG/Schneider MCB 50A/6 kA (25836) MG/Schneider Bh 451,000.00 496,100.00 -
12 MCB 63A/6 kA (25837) MG/Schneider MCB 63A/6 kA (25837) MG/Schneider Bh 519,000.00 570,900.00 -
13 MCB 1-4A/10 kA (25667-25670) MG/Schneider MCB 1-4A/10 kA (25667-25670) MG/Schneider Bh 531,000.00 584,100.00 -
14 MCB 6-25A/10 kA (25671;25675) MG/Schneider MCB 6-25A/10 kA (25671;25675) MG/Schneider Bh 506,000.00 556,600.00 -
15 MCB 32A/10 kA (25676) MG/Schneider MCB 32A/10 kA (25676) MG/Schneider Bh 587,000.00 645,700.00 -
16 MCB 40A/10 kA (25677) MG/Schneider MCB 40A/10 kA (25677) MG/Schneider Bh 622,000.00 684,200.00 -
17 MCB 50A/10 kA (25679) MG/Schneider MCB 50A/10 kA (25679) MG/Schneider Bh 650,000.00 715,000.00 -
18 MCB 63A/10 kA (25680) MG/Schneider MCB 63A/10 kA (25680) MG/Schneider Bh 668,000.00 734,800.00 -
19 MCB 10-40A/25 kA (2544-25441) MG/Schneider MCB 10-40A/25 kA (2544-25441) MG/Schneider Bh 847,000.00 931,700.00 -
20 MCB 50A/25 kA (25442) MG/Schneider MCB 50A/25 kA (25442) MG/Schneider Bh 864,000.00 950,400.00 -
21 MCB 63A/25 kA (25443) MG/Schneider MCB 63A/25 kA (25443) MG/Schneider Bh 876,000.00 963,600.00 -
22 MCB 10-40A/50 kA (18799-18804) MG/Schneider MCB 10-40A/50 kA (18799-18804) MG/Schneider Bh 1,432,000.00 1,575,200.00 -
23 MCB 50A/50 kA (18805) MG/Schneider MCB 50A/50 kA (18805) MG/Schneider Bh 1,470,000.00 1,617,000.00 -
24 MCB 63A/50 kA (18806) MG/Schneider MCB 63A/50 kA (18806) MG/Schneider Bh 1,495,000.00 1,644,500.00 -
25 MCB 80A/50 kA (18807) MG/Schneider MCB 80A/50 kA (18807) MG/Schneider Bh 1,672,000.00 1,839,200.00 -
0 - -
i MCB 4 Pase / 4 Kutub MCB 4 Pase / 4 Kutub - -
1 MCB 1-4A/6 kA (24357-24360) MG/Schneider MCB 1-4A/6 kA (24357-24360) MG/Schneider Bh 561,000.00 617,100.00 -
2 MCB 6-20A/6 kA (24361-24364) MG/Schneider MCB 6-20A/6 kA (24361-24364) MG/Schneider Bh 457,000.00 502,700.00 -
3 MCB 25A/6 kA (24365) MG/Schneider MCB 25A/6 kA (24365) MG/Schneider Bh 465,000.00 511,500.00 -
4 MCB 32A/6 kA (24366) MG/Schneider MCB 32A/6 kA (24366) MG/Schneider Bh 493,000.00 542,300.00 -
5 MCB 40A/6 kA (24367) MG/Schneider MCB 40A/6 kA (24367) MG/Schneider Bh 561,000.00 617,100.00 -
6 MCB 50A/6 kA (24368) MG/Schneider MCB 50A/6 kA (24368) MG/Schneider Bh 702,000.00 772,200.00 -
7 MCB 63A./6 kA (24369) MG/Schneider MCB 63A./6 kA (24369) MG/Schneider Bh 807,000.00 887,700.00 -
8 MCB 1-4A/10 kA (25007-25010) MG/Schneider MCB 1-4A/10 kA (25007-25010) MG/Schneider Bh 755,000.00 830,500.00 -
9 MCB 6-25A/10 kA (25011-25015) MG/Schneider MCB 6-25A/10 kA (25011-25015) MG/Schneider Bh 572,000.00 629,200.00 -
10 MCB 32A/10 kA (25016) MG/Schneider MCB 32A/10 kA (25016) MG/Schneider Bh 664,000.00 730,400.00 -
11 MCB 40A/10 kA (25017) MG/Schneider MCB 40A/10 kA (25017) MG/Schneider Bh 755,000.00 830,500.00 -
12 MCB 50A/10 kA (25018) MG/Schneider MCB 50A/10 kA (25018) MG/Schneider Bh 944,000.00 1,038,400.00 -
13 MCB 63A/10 kA (25019) MG/Schneider MCB 63A/10 kA (25019) MG/Schneider Bh 1,074,000.00 1,181,400.00 -
14 MCB 10-40A/25 kA (25449-25454) MG/Schneider MCB 10-40A/25 kA (25449-25454) MG/Schneider Bh 1,274,000.00 1,401,400.00 -
15 MCB 50-63A/25 kA (25455-25456) MG/Schneider MCB 50-63A/25 kA (25455-25456) MG/Schneider Bh 1,309,000.00 1,439,900.00 -
16 MCB 10-40A/50 kA (18810-18815) MG/Schneider MCB 10-40A/50 kA (18810-18815) MG/Schneider Bh 2,117,000.00 2,328,700.00 -
17 MCB 50A/50 kA (18816) MG/Schneider MCB 50A/50 kA (18816) MG/Schneider Bh 2,173,000.00 2,390,300.00 -
18 MCB 63A/50 kA (18817) MG/Schneider MCB 63A/50 kA (18817) MG/Schneider Bh 2,244,000.00 2,468,400.00 -
19 MCB 80A/50 kA (18818) MG/Schneider MCB 80A/50 kA (18818) MG/Schneider Bh 2,491,000.00 2,740,100.00 -
0 - -
L46 Kelengkapan / Accesoreis Kelengkapan / Accesoreis - -
1 Contactor 3P 220 V AC 4N0/NO TELE Contactor 3P 220 V AC 4N0/NO TELE Bh 204,000.00 224,400.00 -
2 Emergency Push Button (XB4-BS542) TELE Emergency Push Button (XB4-BS542) TELE Bh 153,000.00 168,300.00 -
3 Amper Meter 0-1500 (96 x 96 mm) GAE Amper Meter 0-1500 (96 x 96 mm) GAE Bh 242,000.00 266,200.00 -
4 Trafo Arus CT 1500/5A (CT 110) GAE Trafo Arus CT 1500/5A (CT 110) GAE Bh 244,000.00 268,400.00 -
5 Volt Meter Selector Switchh (7 Position) GAE Volt Meter Selector Switchh (7 Position) GAE Bh 159,000.00 174,900.00 -
6 Frequency Meter (Pointer) GAE Frequency Meter (Pointer) GAE Bh 778,000.00 855,800.00 -
7 Hour Counter (46 x 48 mm) GAE Hour Counter (46 x 48 mm) GAE Bh 188,000.00 206,800.00 -
8 Phase Failure Relay (RCM-50) GAE Phase Failure Relay (RCM-50) GAE Bh 589,000.00 647,900.00 -
9 Battery Charger (BL 5A, 12/24 VDC) SEG Battery Charger (BL 5A, 12/24 VDC) SEG Bh 3,438,000.00 3,781,800.00 -
10 Module AMF (U2-DX) SEG Module AMF (U2-DX) SEG Bh 22,313,000.00 24,544,300.00 -
11 Breaker MCCB 400AT – 1000AF / 3ph / 4poles / 150 KA Breaker MCCB 400AT – 1000AF / 3ph / 4poles / 150 KA Bh 47,322,000.00 52,054,200.00 -
12 Timer Relay + Socket (H3CRA) OMRON Timer Relay + Socket (H3CRA) OMRON Bh 457,000.00 502,700.00 -
13 Relay Control 220/24 + Socket (LY4) OMRON Relay Control 220/24 + Socket (LY4) OMRON Bh 82,000.00 90,200.00 -
14 Amper Meter 0-15 A DC HELES Amper Meter 0-15 A DC HELES Bh 94,000.00 103,400.00 -
15 Volt Meter 0-30 V DC KELES Volt Meter 0-30 V DC KELES Bh 94,000.00 103,400.00 -
16 Selector Switchh (A/M) K & K Selector Switchh (A/M) K & K Bh 179,000.00 196,900.00 -
17 Speed Adjuster 5K Ohm (Rheostat) Spectrol Speed Adjuster 5K Ohm (Rheostat) Spectrol Bh 625,000.00 687,500.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
18 Voltage Adjuster 5K Ohm (Rheostat) Spectrol Voltage Adjuster 5K Ohm (Rheostat) Spectrol Bh 625,000.00 687,500.00 -
19 Sirene/Alarm IMPORT Sirene/Alarm IMPORT Bh 250,000.00 275,000.00 -
20 Trafo 380 - 220 V LOKAL Trafo 380 - 220 V LOKAL Bh 250,000.00 275,000.00 -
21 Cu Busbar 1200 A EKS. JAPAN Cu Busbar 1200 A EKS. JAPAN Bh 7,600,000.00 8,360,000.00 -
22 Box Panel 1800 x 700 x 600 mm TK Box Panel 1800 x 700 x 600 mm TK Bh 5,000,000.00 5,500,000.00 -
23 Fuse Control Lokal Fuse Control Lokal Bh 13,000.00 14,300.00 -
24 Amper Meter 0-1000 A (96 x 96 mm) GAE Amper Meter 0-1000 A (96 x 96 mm) GAE Bh 242,000.00 266,200.00 -
25 Pilot Lamp (RST) (XB7) TELE Pilot Lamp (RST) (XB7) TELE Bh 25,000.00 27,500.00 -
26 Trafo Arus CT 1000/5A (CT 110) GAE Trafo Arus CT 1000/5A (CT 110) GAE Bh 244,000.00 268,400.00 -
27 Volt Meter 0-500V (96 x 96 mm) GAE Volt Meter 0-500V (96 x 96 mm) GAE Bh 277,000.00 304,700.00 -
28 Frequency Meter (LED) GAE Frequency Meter (LED) GAE Bh 589,000.00 647,900.00 -
29 Push Button (ON/OFF) (XB7) TELE Push Button (ON/OFF) (XB7) TELE Bh 25,000.00 27,500.00 -
30 Star Delta Starter 22 KW TELE Star Delta Starter 22 KW TELE Bh 1,753,000.00 1,928,300.00 -
31 Box IDE 20 Pair Box IDE 20 Pair Bh 765,000.00 841,500.00 -
32 Box IDE 40 Pair Box IDE 40 Pair Bh 1,105,000.00 1,215,500.00 -
33 Box Soundsystem Box Soundsystem Bh 595,000.00 654,500.00 -
34 DOL Starter 2,2 KW TELE DOL Starter 2,2 KW TELE Bh 414,000.00 455,400.00 -
35 Mekanikal Motor 220/240 V (T1251) MG Mekanikal Motor 220/240 V (T1251) MG Bh 8,508,000.00 9,358,800.00 -
36 Under Voltage Relay 220/250 V (MN) MG Under Voltage Relay 220/250 V (MN) MG Bh 878,000.00 965,800.00 -
37 Saklar Bantu (30 F + 1 SD) MG Saklar Bantu (30 F + 1 SD) MG Bh 1,173,000.00 1,290,300.00 -
38 Trafo Arus CT 250/5A (CT 70) GAE Trafo Arus CT 250/5A (CT 70) GAE Bh 123,000.00 135,300.00 -
39 Indicator Lamp (XB7) EV.4 Eks. TELE Indicator Lamp (XB7) EV.4 Eks. TELE Bh 25,000.00 27,500.00 -
40 Lampu gantung LED 8 wart / E27 (atap) Lampu gantung LED 8 wart / E27 (atap) Bh 11,628,000.00 12,790,800.00 -
41 Spot tiang LED (Terras Lobby luar Lt.1) Spot tiang LED (Terras Lobby luar Lt.1) Bh 2,728,432.00 3,001,280.00 -
42 Spot tiang LED (Lobby dalam Lt.1) Spot tiang LED (Lobby dalam Lt.1) Bh 3,610,155.70 3,971,180.00 -
0 - -
1 2 x 1,5 mm2 2 x 1,5 mm2 m' 7,000.00 7,700.00 -
2 2 x 2,5 mm2 2 x 2,5 mm2 m' 10,000.00 11,000.00 -
3 2 x 4 mm2 2 x 4 mm2 m' 15,000.00 16,500.00 -
4 2 x 6 mm2 2 x 6 mm2 m' 20,000.00 22,000.00 -
5 2 x 10 mm2 2 x 10 mm2 m' 33,000.00 36,300.00 -
6 3 x 1,5 mm2 3 x 1,5 mm2 m' 9,000.00 9,900.00 -
7 3 x 2,5 mm2 3 x 2,5 mm2 m' 13,000.00 14,300.00 -
8 3 x 4 mm2 3 x 4 mm2 m' 20,000.00 22,000.00 -
9 3 x 6 nun2 3 x 6 nun2 m' 29,000.00 31,900.00 -
10 3 x 10 mm2 3 x 10 mm2 m' 48,000.00 52,800.00 -
11 4 x 1,5 mm2 4 x 1,5 mm2 m' - -
12 4 x 2,5 mm2 4 x 2,5 mm2 m' - -
13 4 x 4 mm2 4 x 4 mm2 m' - -
14 4 x 6 mm2 4 x 6 mm2 m' - -
15 4 x 10 mm2 4 x 10 mm2 m' - -
0 - -
1 1 x 4 mm2 1 x 4 mm2 m' - -
2 1 x 6 mm2 1 x 6 mm2 m' - -
3 1 x 10 mm2 1 x 10 mm2 m' - -
4 1 x 16 mm2 1 x 16 mm2 m' 20,944.00 23,040.00 -
5 1 x 25 mm2 1 x 25 mm2 m' 32,144.00 35,360.00 -
6 1 x 35 mm2 1 x 35 mm2 m' 43,680.00 48,050.00 -
7 1 x 50 mm2 1 x 50 mm2 m' 58,240.00 64,070.00 -
8 1 x 70 mm2 1 x 70 mm2 m' 83,776.00 92,160.00 -
9 1 x 95 mm2 1 x 95 mm2 m' 115,248.00 126,780.00 -
10 1 x 120 mm2 1 x 120 mm2 m' 144,480.00 158,930.00 -
11 1 x 150 mm2 1 x 150 mm2 m' 178,080.00 195,890.00 -
12 1 x 185 mm2 1 x 185 mm2 m' 221,760.00 243,940.00 -
13 1 x 240 mm 1 x 240 mm m' 291,200.00 320,320.00 -
14 1 x 300 mm2 1 x 300 mm2 m' 364,000.00 400,400.00 -
15 1 x 400 mm2 1 x 400 mm2 m' 462,560.00 508,820.00 -
16 1 x 500 mm2 1 x 500 mm2 m' 590,240.00 649,270.00 -
17 1 x 630 mm2 1 x 630 mm2 m' 784,000.00 862,400.00 -
18 2 x 1,5 mm 2 x 1,5 mm m' 8,960.00 9,860.00 -
19 2 x 2,5 mm2 2 x 2,5 mm2 m' 12,320.00 13,560.00 -
20 2 x 4 mm2 2 x 4 mm2 m' 19,040.00 20,950.00 -
21 2 x 6 mm2 2 x 6 mm2 m' 25,760.00 28,340.00 -
22 2 x 10 mm 2 x 10 mm m' 40,320.00 44,360.00 -
23 2 x 16 mm2 2 x 16 mm2 m' 47,600.00 52,360.00 -
24 2 x 25 mm2 2 x 25 mm2 m' 72,240.00 79,470.00 -
25 2 x 35 mm2 2 x 35 mm2 m' 96,320.00 105,960.00 -
26 2 x 50 mm2 2 x 50 mm2 m' 129,920.00 142,920.00 -
27 2 x 70 mm2 2 x 70 mm2 m' 183,120.00 201,440.00 -
28 2 x 95 mm2 2 x 95 mm2 m' 250,320.00 275,360.00 -
29 2 x 120 mm2 2 x 120 mm2 m' 312,480.00 343,730.00 -
30 3 x 1,5 mm 3 x 1,5 mm m' 11,200.00 12,320.00 -
31 3 x 2,5 mm2 3 x 2,5 mm2 m' 16,800.00 18,480.00 -
32 3 x 4 mm2 3 x 4 mm2 m' 25,760.00 28,340.00 -
33 3 x 6 mm2 3 x 6 mm2 m' 35,840.00 39,430.00 -
34 3 x 10 mm2 3 x 10 mm2 m' 58,240.00 64,070.00 -
35 3 x 16 mm2 3 x 16 mm2 m' 67,200.00 73,920.00 -
36 3 x 25 mm2 3 x 25 mm2 m' 103,040.00 113,350.00 -
37 3 x 35 mm2 3 x 35 mm2 m' 138,880.00 152,770.00 -
38 3 x 50 rnm2 3 x 50 rnm2 m' 181,440.00 199,590.00 -
39 3 x 70 mm2 3 x 70 mm2 m' 259,840.00 285,830.00 -
40 3 x 95 mm2 3 x 95 mm2 m' 358,400.00 394,240.00 -
41 3 x 120 mm2 3 x 120 mm2 m' 448,000.00 492,800.00 -
42 3 x 150 mm2 3 x 150 mm2 m' 554,400.00 609,840.00 -
43 3 x 185 mm2 3 x 185 mm2 m' 691,040.00 760,150.00 -
44 3 x 240 mm2 3 x 240 mm2 m' 903,840.00 994,230.00 -
45 3 x 300 mm2 3 x 300 mm2 m' 1,139,040.00 1,252,950.00 -
46 4 x 1,5 mm2 4 x 1,5 mm2 m' 14,660.80 16,130.00 -
47 4 x 2,5 mm2 4 x 2,5 mm2 m' 22,400.00 24,640.00 -
48 4 x 4 mm2 4 x 4 mm2 m' 33,600.00 36,960.00 -
49 4 x 6 mm2 4 x 6 mm2 m' 47,040.00 51,750.00 -
50 4 x 10 mm2 4 x 10 mm2 m' 75,040.00 82,550.00 -
51 4 x 16 mm2 4 x 16 mm2 m' 85,120.00 93,640.00 -
52 4 x 25 mm2 4 x 25 mm2 m' 132,160.00 145,380.00 -
53 4 x 35 mm2 4 x 35 mm2 m' 179,200.00 197,120.00 -
54 4 x 50 mm2 4 x 50 mm2 m' 239,680.00 263,650.00 -
55 4 x 70 mm2 4 x 70 mm2 m' 340,480.00 374,530.00 -
56 4 x 95 mm2 4 x 95 mm2 m' 469,280.00 516,210.00 -
57 4 x 120 mm2 4 x 120 mm2 m' 590,240.00 649,270.00 -
58 4 x 150 mm2 4 x 150 mm2 m' 726,880.00 799,570.00 -
59 4 x 185 mm2 4 x 185 mm2 m' 908,320.00 999,160.00 -
60 4 x 240 mm2 4 x 240 mm2 m' 1,187,200.00 1,305,920.00 -
61 4 x 300 mm2 4 x 300 mm2 m' 1,489,600.00 1,638,560.00 -
0 - -
M3 NYM HY 300/500 V (SNI, SPLN) NYM HY 300/500 V (SNI, SPLN) - -
1 2 x 0,75 mm2 2 x 0,75 mm2 m' 5,500.00 6,050.00 -
2 2 x 1,50 mm2 2 x 1,50 mm2 m' 6,800.00 7,480.00 -
3 2 x 2,50 nun2 2 x 2,50 nun2 m' 10,900.00 11,990.00 -
4 2 x 4 mm2 2 x 4 mm2 m' 21,000.00 23,100.00 -
5 2 x 6 mm 2 x 6 mm m' 30,000.00 33,000.00 -
6 2 x 10 mm2 2 x 10 mm2 m' 50,000.00 55,000.00 -
7 3 x 0,75 mm2 3 x 0,75 mm2 m' 6,500.00 7,150.00 -
8 3 x 1,50 mm2 3 x 1,50 mm2 m' 10,640.00 11,710.00 -
9 3 x 2,50 mm2 3 x 2,50 mm2 m' 15,568.00 17,130.00 -
10 3 x 4 mm2 3 x 4 mm2 m' 30,000.00 33,000.00 -
11 3 x 6 mm2 3 x 6 mm2 m' 43,000.00 47,300.00 -
12 3 x 10 mm2 3 x 10 mm2 m' 71,000.00 78,100.00 -
13 4 x 0,75 mm2 4 x 0,75 mm2 m' 10,000.00 11,000.00 -
14 4 x 1 mm2 4 x 1 mm2 m' 13,600.00 14,960.00 -
15 4 x 1,50 mm2 4 x 1,50 mm2 m' 21,000.00 23,100.00 -
16 4 x 2,50 mtn2 4 x 2,50 mtn2 m' 38,400.00 42,240.00 -
17 4 x 4 mm 4 x 4 mm m' 55,000.00 60,500.00 -
18 4 x 6 mm2 4 x 6 mm2 m' 91,000.00 100,100.00 -
0 - -
M4 NYY HY 300/500 V (SNI, SPLN) NYY HY 300/500 V (SNI, SPLN) - -
1 2 x 0,75 mm2 2 x 0,75 mm2 m' 6,000.00 6,600.00 -
2 2 x 1,50 mm2 2 x 1,50 mm2 m' 8,500.00 9,350.00 -
3 2 x 2,50 mm2 2 x 2,50 mm2 m' 14,000.00 15,400.00 -
4 2 x 4 mm2 2 x 4 mm2 m' 25,000.00 27,500.00 -
5 2 x 6 mm2 2 x 6 mm2 m' 34,000.00 37,400.00 -
6 2 x 10 mm2 2 x 10 mm2 m' 57,000.00 62,700.00 -
7 3 x 0,75 mm2 3 x 0,75 mm2 m' 8,000.00 8,800.00 -
8 3 x 1,50 mm2 3 x 1,50 mm2 m' 12,500.00 13,750.00 -
9 3 x 2,50 mm2 3 x 2,50 mm2 m' 19,000.00 20,900.00 -
10 3 x 4 mm2 3 x 4 mm2 m' 34,000.00 37,400.00 -
11 3 x 6 mm2 3 x 6 mm2 m' 48,000.00 52,800.00 -
12 3 x 10 mm2 3 x 10 mm2 m' 80,000.00 88,000.00 -
13 4 x 0,75 mm2 4 x 0,75 mm2 m' 11,000.00 12,100.00 -
14 4 x 1,50 mm2 4 x 1,50 mm2 m' 16,000.00 17,600.00 -
15 4 x 2,50 mm2 4 x 2,50 mm2 m' 25,000.00 27,500.00 -
16 4 x 4 mm2 4 x 4 mm2 m' 44,000.00 48,400.00 -
17 4 x 6 mm2 4 x 6 mm2 m' 62,000.00 68,200.00 -
18 4 x 10 mm2 4 x 10 mm2 m' 104,000.00 114,400.00 -
0 - -
1 1 x 1,5 mm2 1 x 1,5 mm2 m' 2,200.00 2,420.00 -
2 1 x 2,5 mm2 1 x 2,5 mm2 m' 3,600.00 3,960.00 -
3 1 x 4,0 mm2 1 x 4,0 mm2 m' 5,700.00 6,270.00 -
4 1 x 6,0 mm2 1 x 6,0 mm2 m' 8,400.00 9,240.00 -
5 1 x 10 mm2 1 x 10 mm2 m' 14,000.00 15,400.00 -
6 1 x 16 mm2 1 x 16 mm2 m' 17,000.00 18,700.00 -
7 1 x 25 mm2 1 x 25 mm2 m' 27,000.00 29,700.00 -
8 1 x 35 mm2 1 x 35 mm2 m' 37,000.00 40,700.00 -
9 1 x 50 mm2 1 x 50 mm2 m' 49,500.00 54,450.00 -
10 1 x 70 mm2 1 x 70 mm2 m' 71,000.00 78,100.00 -
11 1 x 95 mm2 1 x 95 mm2 m' 98,000.00 107,800.00 -
12 1 x 120 mm2 1 x 120 mm2 m' 123,000.00 135,300.00 -
13 1 x 150 mm2 1 x 150 mm2 m' 152,000.00 167,200.00 -
14 1 x 185 mm2 1 x 185 mm2 m' 190,000.00 209,000.00 -
15 1 x 240 mm2 1 x 240 mm2 m' 250,000.00 275,000.00 -
16 1 x 300 mm2 1 x 300 mm2 m' 312,000.00 343,200.00 -
17 1 x 400 mm2 1 x 400 mm2 m' 398,000.00 437,800.00 -
0 - -
M6 NYAF 460/750 V (SNI, SPLN) NYAF 460/750 V (SNI, SPLN) - -
1 1 x 0,75 mm2 1 x 0,75 mm2 m' 1,700.00 1,870.00 -
2 1 x 1,5 mm2 1 x 1,5 mm2 m' 2,800.00 3,080.00 -
3 1 x 2,5 mm2 1 x 2,5 mm2 m' 4,300.00 4,730.00 -
4 1 x 4,0 mm2 1 x 4,0 mm2 m' 6,800.00 7,480.00 -
5 1 x 6,0 mm2 1 x 6,0 mm2 m' 9,500.00 10,450.00 -
6 1 x 10 mm2 1 x 10 mm2 m' 16,500.00 18,150.00 -
7 1 x 16 mm2 1 x 16 mm2 m' 26,000.00 28,600.00 -
8 1 x 25 mm2 1 x 25 mm2 m' 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
9 1 x 35 mm2 1 x 35 mm2 m' 55,000.00 60,500.00 -
10 1 x 56 mm2 1 x 56 mm2 m' 79,000.00 86,900.00 -
11 1 x 70 mm2 1 x 70 mm2 m' 112,000.00 123,200.00 -
12 1 x 95 mm2 1 x 95 mm2 m' 153,000.00 168,300.00 -
13 1 x 120 mm 1 x 120 mm m' 192,000.00 211,200.00 -
14 1 x 150 mm2 1 x 150 mm2 m' 237,000.00 260,700.00 -
15 1x 185 mm2 1x 185 mm2 m' 300,000.00 330,000.00 -
16 1 x 240 mm2 1 x 240 mm2 m' 400,000.00 440,000.00 -
17 1 x 300 mm2 1 x 300 mm2 m' 500,000.00 550,000.00 -
0 - -
M7 NYYHY 450/750 (SNI, SPLN) NYYHY 450/750 (SNI, SPLN) - -
1 2 x 0,75 mm 2 x 0,75 mm m' 3,800.00 4,180.00 -
2 2 x 1,5 mm 2 x 1,5 mm m' 9,800.00 10,780.00 -
3 2 x 2,5 mm 2 x 2,5 mm m' 9,400.00 10,340.00 -
4 2 x 4 mm 2 x 4 mm m' 14,000.00 15,400.00 -
5 2 x 6 mm 2 x 6 mm m' 22,500.00 24,750.00 -
6 2 x 10 mm 2 x 10 mm m' 36,000.00 39,600.00 -
7 3 x 0,75 mm 3 x 0,75 mm m' 5,800.00 6,380.00 -
8 3 x 1,5 mm 3 x 1,5 mm m' 8,500.00 9,350.00 -
9 3 x 2,5 mm 3 x 2,5 mm m' 13,000.00 14,300.00 -
10 3 x 4 mm 3 x 4 mm m' 19,000.00 20,900.00 -
11 3 x 6 mm 3 x 6 mm m' 27,000.00 29,700.00 -
12 3 x 10 mm 3 x 10 mm m' 48,000.00 52,800.00 -
13 4 x 0,75 mm 4 x 0,75 mm m' 10,000.00 11,000.00 -
14 4 x 1,5 mm 4 x 1,5 mm m' 12,500.00 13,750.00 -
15 4 x 2,5 nun 4 x 2,5 nun m' 17,000.00 18,700.00 -
16 4 x 4 mm 4 x 4 mm m' 26,500.00 29,150.00 -
17 4 x 6 mm 4 x 6 mm m' 35,500.00 39,050.00 -
18 4 x 10 mm 4 x 10 mm m' 60,000.00 66,000.00 -
0 - -
M8 NYR/FGBY 0.6/1kV (SNI, SPLN) NYR/FGBY 0.6/1kV (SNI, SPLN) - -
1 2 x 16 mm 2 x 16 mm m' 54,000.00 59,400.00 -
2 2 x 25 mm 2 x 25 mm m' 77,000.00 84,700.00 -
3 2 x 35 mm 2 x 35 mm m' 100,000.00 110,000.00 -
4 2 x 50 mm 2 x 50 mm m' 132,000.00 145,200.00 -
5 2 x 70 mm 2 x 70 mm m' 183,000.00 201,300.00 -
6 2 x 95 mm 2 x 95 mm m' 248,000.00 272,800.00 -
7 2 x 120 mm 2 x 120 mm m' 306,000.00 336,600.00 -
8 3 x 16 mm 3 x 16 mm m' 69,000.00 75,900.00 -
9 3 x 25 mm 3 x 25 mm m' 103,000.00 113,300.00 -
10 3 x 35 mm 3 x 35 mm m' 136,000.00 149,600.00 -
11 3 x 50 mm 3 x 50 mm m' 174,000.00 191,400.00 -
12 3 x 70 mm 3 x 70 mm m' 243,000.00 267,300.00 -
13 3 x 95 mm 3 x 95 mm m' 332,000.00 365,200.00 -
14 3 x 120 mm 3 x 120 mm m' 413,000.00 454,300.00 -
15 3 x 150 mm 3 x 150 mm m' 505,000.00 555,500.00 -
16 3 x 185 mm 3 x 185 mm m' 627,000.00 689,700.00 -
17 3 x 240 mm 3 x 240 mm m' 823,000.00 905,300.00 -
18 3 x 300 mm 3 x 300 mm m' 1,023,000.00 1,125,300.00 -
19 4 x 16 mm 4 x 16 mm m' 88,000.00 96,800.00 -
20 4 x 25 mm 4 x 25 mm m' 132,000.00 145,200.00 -
21 4x35 mm 4x35 mm m' 174,000.00 191,400.00 -
22 4x50 mm 4x50 mm m' 227,000.00 249,700.00 -
23 4x70 mm 4x70 mm m' 317,000.00 348,700.00 -
24 4 x 95 mm 4 x 95 mm m' 433,000.00 476,300.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
25 4 x 120 mm 4 x 120 mm m' 539,000.00 592,900.00 -
26 4 x 150 mm 4 x 150 mm m' 662,000.00 728,200.00 -
27 4 x 185 mm 4 x 185 mm m' 820,000.00 902,000.00 -
28 4 x 240 mm 4 x 240 mm m' 1,070,000.00 1,177,000.00 -
29 4 x 300 min 4 x 300 min m' 1,337,000.00 1,470,700.00 -
0 - -
1 2 x 1,5 mm 2 x 1,5 mm m' 13,000.00 14,300.00 -
2 2 x 2,5 mm 2 x 2,5 mm m' 16,000.00 17,600.00 -
3 2 x 4 mm 2 x 4 mm m' 24,000.00 26,400.00 -
4 2 x 6 mm 2 x 6 mm m' 29,600.00 32,560.00 -
5 2 x 10 mm 2 x 10 mm m' 40,200.00 44,220.00 -
6 3 x 1,5 mm 3 x 1,5 mm m' 15,200.00 16,720.00 -
7 3 x 2,5 mm 3 x 2,5 mm m' 19,200.00 21,120.00 -
8 3 x 4 mm 3 x 4 mm m' 29,600.00 32,560.00 -
9 3 x 6 mm 3 x 6 mm m' 36,700.00 40,370.00 -
10 3 x 10 mm 3 x 10 mm m' 51,500.00 56,650.00 -
11 4 x 1,5 mm 4 x 1,5 mm m' 17,500.00 19,250.00 -
12 4 x 2,5 mm 4 x 2,5 mm m' 25,300.00 27,830.00 -
13 4 x 4 mm 4 x 4 mm m' 35,000.00 38,500.00 -
14 4 x 6 mm 4 x 6 mm m' 44,300.00 48,730.00 -
15 4 x 10 mm 4 x 10 mm m' 67,300.00 74,030.00 -
0 - -
M10 NYMHY 450/750 (SNI, SPLN) NYMHY 450/750 (SNI, SPLN) - -
1 2 x 0,75 mm 2 x 0,75 mm m' 4,300.00 4,730.00 -
2 2 x 1,5 mm 2 x 1,5 mm m' 6,800.00 7,480.00 -
3 2 x 2,5 mm 2 x 2,5 mm m' 10,600.00 11,660.00 -
4 2 x 4 mm 2 x 4 mm m' 16,300.00 17,930.00 -
5 2 x 6 mm 2 x 6 mm m' 22,800.00 25,080.00 -
6 2 x 10 mm 2 x 10 mm m' 38,000.00 41,800.00 -
7 3 x 0.75 mm 3 x 0.75 mm m' 6,500.00 7,150.00 -
8 3 x 1,5 mm 3 x 1,5 mm m' 10,500.00 11,550.00 -
9 3 x 2,5 mm 3 x 2,5 mm m' 15,000.00 16,500.00 -
10 3 x 4 mm 3 x 4 mm m' 24,000.00 26,400.00 -
11 3 x 6 mm 3 x 6 mm m' 34,000.00 37,400.00 -
12 3 x 10 mm 3 x 10 mm m' 57,000.00 62,700.00 -
13 4 x 0.75 mm 4 x 0.75 mm m' 11,200.00 12,320.00 -
14 4 x 1,5 mm 4 x 1,5 mm m' 13,600.00 14,960.00 -
15 4 x 2,5 mm 4 x 2,5 mm m' 21,000.00 23,100.00 -
16 4 x 4 mm 4 x 4 mm m' 30,000.00 33,000.00 -
17 4 x 6 mm 4 x 6 mm m' 44,200.00 48,620.00 -
18 4 x 10 mm 4 x 10 mm m' 73,000.00 80,300.00 -
0 - -
M11 N2XSY 1,8/3 (3,6) N2XSY 1,8/3 (3,6) - -
1 1 x 25 mm 1 x 25 mm m' 50,000.00 55,000.00 -
2 1 x 35 mm 1 x 35 mm m' 65,000.00 71,500.00 -
3 1 x 50 mm 1 x 50 mm m' 84,000.00 92,400.00 -
4 1 x 70 mm 1 x 70 mm m' 116,000.00 127,600.00 -
5 1 x 95 mm 1 x 95 mm m' 157,000.00 172,700.00 -
6 1 x 120 mm 1 x 120 mm m' 195,000.00 214,500.00 -
7 1 x 150 mm 1 x 150 mm m' 235,000.00 258,500.00 -
8 1 x 185 mm 1 x 185 mm m' 291,000.00 320,100.00 -
9 1 x 240 mm 1 x 240 mm m' 377,000.00 414,700.00 -
10 1 x 300 mm 1 x 300 mm m' 470,000.00 517,000.00 -
11 1 x 400 mm 1 x 400 mm m' 595,000.00 654,500.00 -
12 1 x 500 mm 1 x 500 mm m' 759,000.00 834,900.00 -
13 1 x 630 mm 1 x 630 mm m' 977,000.00 1,074,700.00 -
0 - -
M12 N2XSY 3,6/6 (7,2) N2XSY 3,6/6 (7,2) - -
1 1 x 25 mm 1 x 25 mm m' 75,000.00 82,500.00 -
2 1 x 35 mm 1 x 35 mm m' 91,000.00 100,100.00 -
3 1 x 50 mm 1 x 50 mm m' 113,000.00 124,300.00 -
4 1 x 70 mm 1 x 70 mm m' 141,000.00 155,100.00 -
5 1 x 95 mm 1 x 95 mm m' 184,000.00 202,400.00 -
6 1 x 120 mm 1 x 120 mm m' 223,000.00 245,300.00 -
7 1 x 150 mm 1 x 150 mm m' 272,000.00 299,200.00 -
8 1 x 185 mm 1 x 185 mm m' 332,000.00 365,200.00 -
9 1 x 240 mm 1 x 240 mm m' 423,000.00 465,300.00 -
10 1 x 300 mm 1 x 300 mm m' 511,000.00 562,100.00 -
11 1 x 400 mm 1 x 400 mm m' 656,000.00 721,600.00 -
12 1 x 500 mm 1 x 500 mm m' 839,000.00 922,900.00 -
13 1 x 630 mm 1 x 630 mm m' 1,049,000.00 1,153,900.00 -
0 - -
M13 N2XSY 6/10 (12) N2XSY 6/10 (12) - -
1 1 x 25 mm 1 x 25 mm m' 81,000.00 89,100.00 -
2 1 x 35 mm 1 x 35 mm m' 98,000.00 107,800.00 -
3 1 x 50 mm 1 x 50 mm m' 118,000.00 129,800.00 -
4 1 x 70 mm 1 x 70 mm m' 147,000.00 161,700.00 -
5 1 x 95 mm 1 x 95 mm m' 190,000.00 209,000.00 -
6 1 x 120 mm 1 x 120 mm m' 229,000.00 251,900.00 -
7 1 x 150 mm 1 x 150 mm m' 281,000.00 309,100.00 -
8 1 x 185 mm 1 x 185 mm m' 342,000.00 376,200.00 -
9 1 x 240 mm 1 x 240 mm m' 432,000.00 475,200.00 -
10 1 x 300 mm 1 x 300 mm m' 519,000.00 570,900.00 -
11 1 x 400 mm 1 x 400 mm m' 665,000.00 731,500.00 -
12 1 x 500 mm 1 x 500 mm m' 846,000.00 930,600.00 -
13 1 x 630 mm 1 x 630 mm m' 1,057,000.00 1,162,700.00 -
0 - -
M14 N2XSY 10/20 (24) N2XSY 10/20 (24) - -
1 1 x 35 mm 1 x 35 mm m' 105,000.00 115,500.00 -
2 1 x 50 mm 1 x 50 mm m' 126,000.00 138,600.00 -
3 1 x 70 mm 1 x 70 mm m' 162,000.00 178,200.00 -
4 1 x 95 mm 1 x 95 mm m' 208,000.00 228,800.00 -
5 1 x 120 mm 1 x 120 mm m' 249,000.00 273,900.00 -
6 1 x 150 mm 1 x 150 mm m' 302,000.00 332,200.00 -
7 1 x 185 mm 1 x 185 mm m' 354,000.00 389,400.00 -
8 1 x 240 mm 1 x 240 mm m' 445,000.00 489,500.00 -
9 1 x 300 mm 1 x 300 mm m' 545,000.00 599,500.00 -
10 1 x 400 mm 1 x 400 mm m' 703,000.00 773,300.00 -
11 1 x 500 mm 1 x 500 mm m' 887,000.00 975,700.00 -
12 1 x 630 mm 1 x 630 mm m' 1,104,000.00 1,214,400.00 -
0 - -
M15 N2XSBEY 6/10 (12) N2XSBEY 6/10 (12) - -
1 3 x 25 mm 3 x 25 mm m' 229,000.00 251,900.00 -
2 3 x 35 mm 3 x 35 mm m' 281,000.00 309,100.00 -
3 3 x 50 mm 3 x 50 mm m' 339,000.00 372,900.00 -
4 3 x 70 mm 3 x 70 mm m' 457,000.00 502,700.00 -
5 3 x 95 mm 3 x 95 mm m' 593,000.00 652,300.00 -
6 3 x 120 mm 3 x 120 mm m' 718,000.00 789,800.00 -
7 3 x 150 mm 3 x 150 mm m' 854,000.00 939,400.00 -
8 3 x 185 mm 3 x 185 mm m' 1,036,000.00 1,139,600.00 -
9 3 x 240 mm 3 x 240 mm m' 1,351,000.00 1,486,100.00 -
10 3 x 300 mm 3 x 300 mm m' 1,653,000.00 1,818,300.00 -
11 3 x 400 mm 3 x 400 mm m' 2,097,000.00 2,306,700.00 -
0 - -
M16 N2XSEBY 12/20 (24) N2XSEBY 12/20 (24) - -
1 3 x 25 mm 3 x 25 mm m' 311,000.00 342,100.00 -
2 3 x 35 mm 3 x 35 mm m' 343,000.00 377,300.00 -
3 3 x 50 mm 3 x 50 mm m' 410,000.00 451,000.00 -
4 3 x 70 mm 3 x 70 mm m' 527,000.00 579,700.00 -
5 3 x 95 mm 3 x 95 mm m' 673,000.00 740,300.00 -
6 3 x 120 mm 3 x 120 mm m' 829,000.00 911,900.00 -
7 3 x 150 mm 3 x 150 mm m' 972,000.00 1,069,200.00 -
8 3 x 185 mm 3 x 185 mm m' 1,158,000.00 1,273,800.00 -
9 3 x 240 mm 3 x 240 mm m' 1,490,000.00 1,639,000.00 -
10 3 x 300 mm 3 x 300 mm m' 1,800,000.00 1,980,000.00 -
11 3 x 400 mm 3 x 400 mm m' 2,250,000.00 2,475,000.00 -
0 - -
M17 N2XSEFGbY 6/10 (12) N2XSEFGbY 6/10 (12) - -
1 3 x 25 mm 3 x 25 mm m' 240,000.00 264,000.00 -
2 3 x 35 mm 3 x 35 mm m' 293,000.00 322,300.00 -
3 3 x 50 mm 3 x 50 mm m' 363,000.00 399,300.00 -
4 3 x 70 mm 3 x 70 mm m' 475,000.00 522,500.00 -
5 3 x 95 mm 3 x 95 mm m' 613,000.00 674,300.00 -
6 3 x 120 mm 3 x 120 mm m' 740,000.00 814,000.00 -
7 3 x 150 mm 3 x 150 mm m' 878,000.00 965,800.00 -
8 3 x 185 mm 3 x 185 mm m' 1,078,000.00 1,185,800.00 -
9 3 x 240 mm 3 x 240 mm m' 1,379,000.00 1,516,900.00 -
10 3 x 300 rnm 3 x 300 rnm m' 1,681,000.00 1,849,100.00 -
11 3 x 400 mm 3 x 400 mm m' 2,105,000.00 2,315,500.00 -
0 - -
M18 N2XSEFGbY 12/20 (24) N2XSEFGbY 12/20 (24) - -
1 3 x 25 mm 3 x 25 mm m' 350,000.00 385,000.00 -
2 3 x 35 mm 3 x 35 mm m' 380,000.00 418,000.00 -
3 3 x 50 mm 3 x 50 mm m' 450,000.00 495,000.00 -
4 3 x 70 mm 3 x 70 mm m' 570,000.00 627,000.00 -
5 3 x 95 mm 3 x 95 mm m' 727,000.00 799,700.00 -
6 3 x 120 mm 3 x 120 mm m' 885,000.00 973,500.00 -
7 3 x 150 mm 3 x 150 mm m' 1,035,000.00 1,138,500.00 -
8 3 x 185 mm 3 x 185 mm m' 1,240,000.00 1,364,000.00 -
9 3 x 240 mm 3 x 240 mm m' 1,500,000.00 1,650,000.00 -
10 3 x 300 rnm 3 x 300 rnm m' 1,800,000.00 1,980,000.00 -
11 3 x 400 mm 3 x 400 mm m' 2,300,000.00 2,530,000.00 -
0 - -
1 2 x 16 mm 2 x 16 mm m' 12,581.45 13,840.00 -
2 4 x 16 mm 4 x 16 mm m' 18,984.78 20,890.00 -
3 3 x 35 + 25 mm 3 x 35 + 25 mm m' 31,570.82 34,730.00 -
4 3 x 70 + 50 mm 3 x 70 + 50 mm m' 45,508.32 50,060.00 -
0 - -
M20 Kabel BC Drat Kabel BC Drat - -
1 BC Drad dia. 70 mm BC Drad dia. 70 mm m' 117,000.00 128,700.00 -
2 BC Drad dia. 35 mm BC Drad dia. 35 mm m' 50,000.00 55,000.00 -
3 BC Drad dia. 25 mm BC Drad dia. 25 mm m' 40,000.00 44,000.00 -
4 BC Drad dia. 16 mm BC Drad dia. 16 mm m' 25,600.00 28,160.00 -
5 BC Drad dia. 6 mm BC Drad dia. 6 mm m' 9,600.00 10,560.00 -
6 BC Drad dia. 10 mm BC Drad dia. 10 mm m' 16,000.00 17,600.00 -
0 - -
M21 Sepatu Kabel Sepatu Kabel - -
1 Schoen cable & Veenyl dia. 50 mm Schoen cable & Veenyl dia. 50 mm set 63,750.00 70,130.00 -
2 Schoen cable & Veenyl dia. 35 mm Schoen cable & Veenyl dia. 35 mm set 45,900.00 50,490.00 -
3 Schoen cable & Veenyl dia. 125 mm Schoen cable & Veenyl dia. 125 mm set 30,600.00 33,660.00 -
4 Schoen cable & Veenyl dia. Schoen cable & Veenyl dia. set 15,300.00 16,830.00 -
5 Schoen cable & Veenyl dia. 410 mm Schoen cable & Veenyl dia. 410 mm set 12,750.00 14,030.00 -
0 - -
M22 Kabel Feeder Kabel Feeder - -
1 AWG 18 STP + Power C AWG 18 STP + Power C m' 17,000.00 18,700.00 -
2 AWG 22 STP + Power AI AWG 22 STP + Power AI m' 39,887.00 43,880.00 -
0 - -
1 Kabel FRC IC X 1,5 mm Kabel FRC IC X 1,5 mm m' 38,600.00 42,460.00 -
2 Kabel FRC 1C X 2,5 mm Kabel FRC 1C X 2,5 mm m' 50,000.00 55,000.00 -
3 Kabel FRC 1C X 4 mm Kabel FRC 1C X 4 mm m' 68,600.00 75,460.00 -
4 Kabel FRC IC X 6 mm Kabel FRC IC X 6 mm m' 92,900.00 102,190.00 -
5 Kabel FRC 1C X 10 mm Kabel FRC 1C X 10 mm m' 172,900.00 190,190.00 -
6 Kabel FRC IC X 16 mm Kabel FRC IC X 16 mm m' 182,900.00 201,190.00 -
7 Kabel FRC IC X 25 mm Kabel FRC IC X 25 mm m' 264,600.00 291,060.00 -
8 Kabel FRC 1C X 35 mm Kabel FRC 1C X 35 mm m' 379,500.00 417,450.00 -
9 Kabel FRC 1C X 50 mm Kabel FRC 1C X 50 mm m' 510,300.00 561,330.00 -
10 Kabel FRC IC X 70 mm Kabel FRC IC X 70 mm m' 682,300.00 750,530.00 -
11 Kabel FRC IC X 95 mm Kabel FRC IC X 95 mm m' 916,000.09 1,007,610.00 -
12 Kabel FRC 1C X 120 mm Kabel FRC 1C X 120 mm m' 1,144,300.00 1,258,730.00 -
13 Kabel FRC 1C X 150 mm Kabel FRC 1C X 150 mm m' 1,392,900.00 1,532,190.00 -
14 Kabel FRC IC X 185 mm Kabel FRC IC X 185 mm m' 1,715,800.00 1,887,380.00 -
15 Kabel FRC 1C X 240 mm Kabel FRC 1C X 240 mm m' 2,195,800.00 2,415,380.00 -
16 Kabel FRC IC X 300 mm Kabel FRC IC X 300 mm m' 2,925,000.00 3,217,500.00 -
17 Kabel FRC 1C X 400 mm Kabel FRC 1C X 400 mm m' 3,255,800.00 3,581,380.00 -
18 Kabel FRC IC X 500 mm Kabel FRC IC X 500 mm m' 4,185,800.00 4,604,380.00 -
19 Kabel FRC 1C X 630 mm Kabel FRC 1C X 630 mm m' 5,687,200.00 6,255,920.00 -
20 Kabel FRC 2C X 1,5 mm Kabel FRC 2C X 1,5 mm m' 80,800.00 88,880.00 -
21 Kabel FRC 2C X 2,5 mm Kabel FRC 2C X 2,5 mm m' 106,500.00 117,150.00 -
22 Kabel FRC 2C X 4 mm Kabel FRC 2C X 4 mm m' 142,200.00 156,420.00 -
23 Kabel FRC 2C X 6 mm Kabel FRC 2C X 6 mm m' 216,200.00 237,820.00 -
24 Kabel FRC 2C X 10 mm Kabel FRC 2C X 10 mm m' 344,300.00 378,730.00 -
25 Kabel FRC 3C X 1,5 mm Kabel FRC 3C X 1,5 mm m' 122,800.00 135,080.00 -
26 Kabel FRC 3C X 2,5 mm Kabel FRC 3C X 2,5 mm m' 169,800.00 186,780.00 -
27 Kabel FRC3C X 4 mm Kabel FRC3C X 4 mm m' 230,000.00 253,000.00 -
28 Kabel FRC 3C X 6 mm Kabel FRC 3C X 6 mm m' 332,900.00 366,190.00 -
29 Kabel FRC 3C X 10 mm Kabel FRC 3C X 10 mm m' 507,200.00 557,920.00 -
30 Kabel FRC 4C X 1,5 mm Kabel FRC 4C X 1,5 mm m' 157,900.00 173,690.00 -
31 Kabel FRC 4C X 2,5 mm Kabel FRC 4C X 2,5 mm m' 239,300.00 263,230.00 -
32 Kabel FRC 4C X 4 mm Kabel FRC 4C X 4 mm m' 284,300.00 312,730.00 -
33 Kabel FRC 4C X 6 mm Kabel FRC 4C X 6 mm m' 432,300.00 475,530.00 -
34 Kabel FRC 4C X 10 mm Kabel FRC 4C X 10 mm m' 688,600.00 757,460.00 -
0 - -
a Lebar (W) 75 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 75 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 371,500.00 408,650.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 94,300.00 103,730.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 130,300.00 143,330.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 248,200.00 273,020.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 113,500.00 124,850.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 113,500.00 124,850.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 204,300.00 224,730.00 -
0 - -
b Lebar (W) 100 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 100 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 417,500.00 459,250.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 151,300.00 166,430.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 152,500.00 167,750.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
4 Cross Cross Bh 262,200.00 288,420.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 145,600.00 160,160.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 145,600.00 160,160.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 312,600.00 343,860.00 -
0 - -
c Lebar (W) 200 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 200 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 589,200.00 648,120.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 197,800.00 217,580.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 229,300.00 252,230.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 346,900.00 381,590.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 175,000.00 192,500.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 175,000.00 192,500.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 501,500.00 551,650.00 -
0 - -
d Lebar (W) 300 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 300 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 760,500.00 836,550.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 326,900.00 359,590.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 363,200.00 399,520.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 432,000.00 475,200.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 270,500.00 297,550.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 233,900.00 257,290.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 696,300.00 765,930.00 -
0 - -
e Lebar (W) 400 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 400 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 932,200.00 1,025,420.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 426,300.00 468,930.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 473,900.00 521,290.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 644,800.00 709,280.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 468,500.00 515,350.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 319,200.00 351,120.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 862,500.00 948,750.00 -
0 - -
f Lebar (W) 500 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 500 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 1,104,200.00 1,214,620.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 557,600.00 613,360.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 612,900.00 674,190.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 933,600.00 1,026,960.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 554,200.00 609,620.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 349,200.00 384,120.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 1,024,600.00 1,127,060.00 -
0 - -
g Lebar (W) 600 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 600 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 1,520,300.00 1,672,330.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 649,600.00 714,560.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 753,600.00 828,960.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 1,047,500.00 1,152,250.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 616,900.00 678,590.00 -
6 ln/out side rider ln/out side rider Bh 378,300.00 416,130.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 1,116,200.00 1,227,820.00 -
0 - -
h Lebar (W) 700 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 700 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 1,691,900.00 1,861,090.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 846,900.00 931,590.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 942,600.00 1,036,860.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 1,250,000.00 1,375,000.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 699,200.00 769,120.00 -
6 ln/out side rider ln/out side rider Bh 407,800.00 448,580.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 1,286,800.00 1,415,480.00 -
0 - -
i Lebar (W) 800 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 800 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 1,863,200.00 2,049,520.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 922,900.00 1,015,190.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 1,101,000.00 1,211,100.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 1,342,600.00 1,476,860.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 783,900.00 862,290.00 -
6 ln/out side rider ln/out side rider Bh 466,200.00 512,820.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 1,431,200.00 1,574,320.00 -
0 - -
j Lebar (W) 900 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 900 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 2,035,600.00 2,239,160.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 1,169,200.00 1,286,120.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 1,270,000.00 1,397,000.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 1,508,600.00 1,659,460.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 866,900.00 953,590.00 -
6 ln/out side rider ln/out side rider Bh 524,800.00 577,280.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 1,605,500.00 1,766,050.00 -
0 - -
k Lebar (W) 1000 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 1000 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 2,206,200.00 2,426,820.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 1,382,800.00 1,521,080.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 1,464,000.00 1,610,400.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 1,626,000.00 1,788,600.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 930,000.00 1,023,000.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 581,900.00 640,090.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 1,801,300.00 1,981,430.00 -
0 - -
a Lebar (W) 150 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 150 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 673,300.00 740,630.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 211,800.00 232,980.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 215,300.00 236,830.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 351,900.00 387,090.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 173,300.00 190,630.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 173,300.00 190,630.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 366,000.00 402,600.00 -
0 - -
b Lebar (W) 200 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 200 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 760,500.00 836,550.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 256,900.00 282,590.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 298,200.00 328,020.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 450,800.00 495,880.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 227,500.00 250,250.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 227,500.00 250,250.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 501,500.00 551,650.00 -
0 - -
c Lebar (W) 300 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 300 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 932,200.00 1,025,420.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 408,600.00 449,460.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 453,500.00 498,850.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 539,300.00 593,230.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 338,200.00 372,020.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 292,000.00 321,200.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 695,600.00 765,160.00 -
0 - -
d Lebar (W) 400 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 400 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 1,104,200.00 1,214,620.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 511,200.00 562,320.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 568,500.00 625,350.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 773,900.00 851,290.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 562,200.00 618,420.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 382,900.00 421,190.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 862,500.00 948,750.00 -
0 - -
e Lebar (W) 500 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 500 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 1,276,900.00 1,404,590.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 668,600.00 735,460.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 735,300.00 808,830.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 1,120,300.00 1,232,330.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 664,800.00 731,280.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 419,200.00 461,120.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 1,024,200.00 1,126,620.00 -
0 - -
f Lebar (W) 600 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 600 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 1,864,000.00 2,050,400.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 779,200.00 857,120.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 904,200.00 994,620.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 1,256,900.00 1,382,590.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 740,300.00 814,330.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 454,200.00 499,620.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 1,116,200.00 1,227,820.00 -
0 - -
g Lebar ( W) 700 / 3000 mm Lebar ( W) 700 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 2,037,000.00 2,240,700.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 1,016,000.00 1,117,600.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 1,131,000.00 1,244,100.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 1,500,600.00 1,650,660.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 839,300.00 923,230.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 489,000.00 537,900.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 1,286,800.00 1,415,480.00 -
0 - -
h Lebar (W) 800 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 800 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 2,207,600.00 2,428,360.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 1,061,200.00 1,167,320.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 1,266,000.00 1,392,600.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 1,543,900.00 1,698,290.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 901,300.00 991,430.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 535,800.00 589,380.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 1,431,200.00 1,574,320.00 -
0 - -
i Lebar (W) 900 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 900 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 2,384,800.00 2,623,280.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 1,344,800.00 1,479,280.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 1,459,900.00 1,605,890.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 1,735,300.00 1,908,830.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 99,650,000.00 109,615,000.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 603,500.00 663,850.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 1,605,500.00 1,766,050.00 -
0 - -
j Lebar (W) 1000 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 1000 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 2,553,500.00 2,808,850.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 1,590,300.00 1,749,330.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 1,683,900.00 1,852,290.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 1,869,800.00 2,056,780.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 1,069,300.00 1,176,230.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 669,200.00 736,120.00 -
7 Cover Cover Bh 1,801,300.00 1,981,430.00 -
0 - -
a Lebar (W) 75 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 75 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 575,600.00 633,160.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 163,300.00 179,630.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 227,500.00 250,250.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 433,900.00 477,290.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 198,200.00 218,020.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 198,200.00 218,020.00 -
0 - -
b Lebar (W) 100 / 3000 inm Lebar (W) 100 / 3000 inm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 729,600.00 802,560.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 264,200.00 290,620.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 266,200.00 292,820.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 458,500.00 504,350.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 255,000.00 280,500.00 -
6 1n/out side rider 1n/out side rider Bh 245,600.00 270,160.00 -
0 - -
c Lebar (W) 200 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 200 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 1,090,300.00 1,199,330.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 345,500.00 380,050.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 400,800.00 440,880.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 606,300.00 666,930.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 305,800.00 336,380.00 -
6 1n/out side rider 1n/out side rider Bh 305,800.00 336,380.00 -
0 - -
d Lebar (W) 300 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 300 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 1,456,000.00 1,601,600.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 572,000.00 629,200.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 634,800.00 698,280.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 755,300.00 830,830.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 472,900.00 520,190.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 408,600.00 449,460.00 -
0 - -
e Lebar (W) 400 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 400 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 1,794,200.00 1,973,620.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 745,000.00 819,500.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 828,300.00 911,130.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 1,127,800.00 1,240,580.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 819,600.00 901,560.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 558,200.00 614,020.00 -
0 - -
f Lebar (W) 500 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 500 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 2,127,800.00 2,340,580.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 975,000.00 1,072,500.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 1,071,500.00 1,178,650.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 1,633,200.00 1,796,520.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 968,900.00 1,065,790.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 610,800.00 671,880.00 -
0 - -
g Lebar (W) 600 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 600 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 2,636,300.00 2,899,930.00 -
2 Elbo Elbo Bh 1,136,300.00 1,249,930.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
3 Tee Tee Bh 1,318,500.00 1,450,350.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 1,832,800.00 2,016,080.00 -
5 Reduce Reduce Bh 1,079,300.00 1,187,230.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 661,800.00 727,980.00 -
0 - -
h Lebar (W) 700 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 700 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 2,978,500.00 3,276,350.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 1,481,300.00 1,629,430.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 1,649,200.00 1,814,120.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 2,188,300.00 2,407,130.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 1,224,000.00 1,346,400.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 712,900.00 784,190.00 -
0 - -
i Lebar (W) 800 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 800 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 3,293,600.00 3,622,960.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 1,614,300.00 1,775,730.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 1,926,500.00 2,119,150.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 2,349,600.00 2,584,560.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 1,371,900.00 1,509,090.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 815,600.00 897,160.00 -
0 - -
j Lebar (W) 900 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 900 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 3,640,800.00 4,004,880.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 2,045,600.00 2,250,160.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 2,222,200.00 2,444,420.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 2,640,600.00 2,904,660.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 1,515,800.00 1,667,380.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 917,600.00 1,009,360.00 -
0 - -
k Lebar (W) 1000 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 1000 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 4,008,200.00 4,409,020.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 2,418,900.00 2,660,790.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 2,562,000.00 2,818,200.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 2,845,300.00 3,129,830.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 1,626,900.00 1,789,590.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 1,017,900.00 1,119,690.00 -
0 - -
a Lebar (W) 150 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 150 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 1,038,900.00 1,142,790.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 369,800.00 406,780.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 376,300.00 413,930.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 615,600.00 677,160.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 303,300.00 333,630.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 303,300.00 333,630.00 -
0 - -
b Lebar (W) 200 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 200 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 1,261,500.00 1,387,650.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 449,000.00 493,900.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 521,300.00 573,430.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 788,500.00 867,350.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 397,900.00 437,690.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 461,300.00 507,430.00 -
0 - -
c Lebar (W) 300 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 300 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 1,628,200.00 1,791,020.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 715,000.00 786,500.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 793,500.00 872,850.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 944,200.00 1,038,620.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 591,200.00 650,320.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider - -
0 - -
d Lebar (W) 400 / 3000 mm i: Lebar (W) 400 / 3000 mm i: - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 1,965,800.00 2,162,380.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 894,300.00 983,730.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 994,200.00 1,093,620.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 1,353,500.00 1,488,850.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 983,500.00 1,081,850.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 669,800.00 736,780.00 -
0 - -
e Lebar (W) 500 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 500 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 2,301,000.00 2,531,100.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 1,170,500.00 1,287,550.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 1,286,300.00 1,414,930.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 1,959,800.00 2,155,780.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 1,163,300.00 1,279,630.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 733,200.00 806,520.00 -
0 - -
f Lebar (W) 600 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 600 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 2,980,000.00 3,278,000.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 1,363,500.00 1,499,850.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 1,582,000.00 1,740,200.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 2,199,000.00 2,418,900.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 1,295,500.00 1,425,050.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 794,300.00 873,730.00 -
0 - -
g Lebar (W) 700 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 700 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 3,323,300.00 3,655,630.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 1,777,500.00 1,955,250.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 1,978,500.00 2,176,350.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 2,625,600.00 2,888,160.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 1,468,500.00 1,615,350.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 855,500.00 941,050.00 -
0 - -
h Lebar (W) 800 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 800 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 3,638,200.00 4,002,020.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 1,856,300.00 2,041,930.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 2,215,600.00 2,437,160.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 2,701,900.00 2,972,090.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 1,577,500.00 1,735,250.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 938,300.00 1,032,130.00 -
0 - -
i Lebar (W) 900 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 900 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 3,989,900.00 4,388,890.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 2,352,600.00 2,587,860.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 2,555,300.00 2,810,830.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 3,036,800.00 3,340,480.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 1,743,600.00 1,917,960.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 1,055,000.00 1,160,500.00 -
0 - -
j Lebar (W) 1000 / 3000 mm Lebar (W) 1000 / 3000 mm - -
1 Straight btg Straight btg Bh 4,354,200.00 4,789,620.00 -
2 Elbow Elbow Bh 2,782,200.00 3,060,420.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 2,946,200.00 3,240,820.00 -
4 Cross Cross Bh 3,271,500.00 3,598,650.00 -
5 Reducer Reducer Bh 1,871,200.00 2,058,320.00 -
6 In/out side rider In/out side rider Bh 1,171,000.00 1,288,100.00 -
0 - -
N1 AC Split & Cassette Merk Mc Quay AC Split & Cassette Merk Mc Quay - -
a Wallmounted G Series with Standar Outdoor Wallmounted G Series with Standar Outdoor - -
1 Type MWM 007G+MLC 0007C Type MWM 007G+MLC 0007C unit 6,488,300.00 7,137,130.00 -
2 Type MWM 009G+MLC 0009C Type MWM 009G+MLC 0009C unit 6,806,800.00 7,487,480.00 -
3 Type MWM 010G+MLC 0010C Type MWM 010G+MLC 0010C unit 7,953,400.00 8,748,740.00 -
4 Type MWM 0I5G+MLC 0015C Type MWM 0I5G+MLC 0015C unit 8,481,200.00 9,329,320.00 -
5 Type MWM 020G+MLC 0018C Type MWM 020G+MLC 0018C unit 13,923,000.00 15,315,300.00 -
6 Type MWM 0206+MLC 0020C Type MWM 0206+MLC 0020C unit 14,969,500.00 16,466,450.00 -
7 Type MWM 025G+MLC 0025C Type MWM 025G+MLC 0025C unit 16,953,300.00 18,648,630.00 -
8 Type MWM 030F+MLC 0028C Type MWM 030F+MLC 0028C unit 20,930,000.00 23,023,000.00 -
9 Type MWM 030F+MLC 0030C Type MWM 030F+MLC 0030C unit 26,162,500.00 28,778,750.00 -
0 - -
h Cassette C&A Series With Standard Outdoor Cassette C&A Series With Standard Outdoor - -
1 Type MCK010C+M LC 0010C Type MCK010C+M LC 0010C unit 11,220,000.00 12,342,000.00 -
2 Type MCK015C+MLC 0015C Type MCK015C+MLC 0015C unit 12,155,000.00 13,370,500.00 -
3 Type MCK020C+MLC 0018C Type MCK020C+MLC 0018C unit 17,297,500.00 19,027,250.00 -
4 Type MCK020C+MLC 0020C Type MCK020C+MLC 0020C unit 17,765,000.00 19,541,500.00 -
5 Type MCK020A+M LC 00180 Type MCK020A+M LC 00180 unit 19,635,000.00 21,598,500.00 -
6 Type MCK020A+MLC 0020C Type MCK020A+MLC 0020C - -
7 Type MCK025A+MLC 0025C Type MCK025A+MLC 0025C unit 20,102,500.00 22,112,750.00 -
8 Type MCK030A+MLC 0028C Type MCK030A+MLC 0028C unit 21,972,500.00 24,169,750.00 -
9 Type MCK030A+MLC 0030C Type MCK030A+MLC 0030C unit 29,920,000.00 32,912,000.00 -
10 Type MCK040A+MLC 0035C Type MCK040A+MLC 0035C unit 30,387,500.00 33,426,250.00 -
11 Type MCK040A+MLC 0040C Type MCK040A+MLC 0040C unit 31,322,500.00 34,454,750.00 -
12 Type MCK050A+MLC 0050C Type MCK050A+MLC 0050C unit 31,790,000.00 34,969,000.00 -
0 - -
c Ceiling Convertible D-Series With Standard Outdoor Ceiling Convertible D-Series With Standard Outdoor - -
1 Type MCM20D+MLC 200C Type MCM20D+MLC 200C unit 32,725,000.00 35,997,500.00 -
2 Type MCM25D+MLC 0250C Type MCM25D+MLC 0250C unit 17,765,000.00 19,541,500.00 -
3 Type MCM30D+MLC 030C Type MCM30D+MLC 030C unit 20,102,500.00 22,112,750.00 -
4 Type MCM40D+MLC 40C Type MCM40D+MLC 40C unit 28,050,000.00 30,855,000.00 -
5 Type MCM50D+MLC 50C Type MCM50D+MLC 50C unit 32,725,000.00 35,997,500.00 -
6 Type MCM62D+MLC 51C Type MCM62D+MLC 51C unit 35,530,000.00 39,083,000.00 -
0 - -
d Ceiling Conceated With Standard Outdoor Ceiling Conceated With Standard Outdoor - -
1 Type MCC 10C+MLC010C Type MCC 10C+MLC010C unit 38,802,500.00 42,682,750.00 -
2 Type MCC15C+MLC15C Type MCC15C+MLC15C unit 10,846,000.00 11,930,600.00 -
3 Type MCC20C+MLC18C Type MCC20C+MLC18C unit 12,155,000.00 13,370,500.00 -
4 Type MCC20C+MLC020C Type MCC20C+MLC020C unit 15,427,500.00 16,970,250.00 -
5 Type MCC25C+MLC025C Type MCC25C+MLC025C unit 15,895,000.00 17,484,500.00 -
6 Type MCC28C+MLC28C Type MCC28C+MLC28C unit 18,232,500.00 20,055,750.00 -
7 Type MCC28C+MLC030C Type MCC28C+MLC030C unit 25,712,500.00 28,283,750.00 -
8 Type MCC030C+MLC028C Type MCC030C+MLC028C unit 28,050,000.00 30,855,000.00 -
9 Type MCC30C+MLC030C Type MCC30C+MLC030C unit 26,180,000.00 28,798,000.00 -
10 Type MCC38C+MLC40C Type MCC38C+MLC40C unit 29,452,500.00 32,397,750.00 -
11 Type MCC40C+MLC35C Type MCC40C+MLC35C unit 30,387,500.00 33,426,250.00 -
Type MCC40C+MLC40C Type MCC40C+MLC40C
12 unit 30,855,000.00 33,940,500.00 -
13 Type MCC500C+MLC500C Type MCC500C+MLC500C unit 31,322,500.00 34,454,750.00 -
14 Type MCC600C+MLC610C Type MCC600C+MLC610C unit 33,192,500.00 36,511,750.00 -
0 - -
e Split Ducted With Controller Split Ducted With Controller - -
1 Type MDB40B+MMC40B Type MDB40B+MMC40B unit 35,997,500.00 39,597,250.00 -
2 Type MDBS0B+MMC50B Type MDBS0B+MMC50B unit 34,015,800.60 37,417,390.00 -
3 Type MDB60B+MMC60B Type MDB60B+MMC60B unit 39,767,000.00 43,743,700.00 -
4 Type MDB75B+MMC75B Type MDB75B+MMC75B unit 46,046,000.00 50,650,600.00 -
5 Type MDB100B+MMC100B Type MDB100B+MMC100B unit 57,557,500.00 63,313,250.00 -
6 Type MDB125B+MMC125B Type MDB125B+MMC125B unit 64,883,000.00 71,371,300.00 -
7 Type MDB150B1+MMC150C Type MDB150B1+MMC150C unit 76,394,500.00 84,033,950.00 -
8 Type MDB150B2+MMC75Bx2 Type MDB150B2+MMC75Bx2 unit 107,789,500.00 118,568,450.00 -
9 Type MDB200B2+MMC100Bx2 Type MDB200B2+MMC100Bx2 unit 110,929,000.00 122,021,900.00 -
10 Type MDB250B2+MMC125Bx2 Type MDB250B2+MMC125Bx2 unit 126,626,500.00 139,289,150.00 -
11 Type MDB300B2+MMC1500x2 Type MDB300B2+MMC1500x2 unit 143,898,300.00 158,288,130.00 -
12 Type MDB300B3+MMC100Bx3 Type MDB300B3+MMC100Bx3 unit 192,037,300.00 211,241,030.00 -
13 Type MDB350B3-MMC100BMMC125Bx2 Type MDB350B3-MMC100BMMC125Bx2 unit 195,176,800.00 214,694,480.00 -
14 Type MDB400B4+MMC I 00Bx4 Type MDB400B4+MMC I 00Bx4 unit 200,928,000.00 221,020,800.00 -
15 Type MDB450B3+MMC150Bx3 Type MDB450B3+MMC150Bx3 unit 262,152,800.00 288,368,080.00 -
16 Type MDB500B4+MMC125Bx4 Type MDB500B4+MMC125Bx4 unit 304,531,500.00 334,984,650.00 -
17 Type MDB600B4+MMC150Cx4 Type MDB600B4+MMC150Cx4 unit 354,763,500.00 390,239,850.00 -
18 Type MDB750B5+MMC150Cx5 Type MDB750B5+MMC150Cx5 unit 421,220,300.00 463,342,330.00 -
0 - -
f Multi Split Standard Multi Split Standard - -
1 2xMWM0 10G+ MMSD1010A 2xMWM0 10G+ MMSD1010A unit 497,087,500.00 546,796,250.00 -
2 2xMWM010G+AWM015G+MMSD 15A 2xMWM010G+AWM015G+MMSD 15A unit 20,102,500.00 22,112,750.00 -
3 2xMWM015G+MMSD1515A 2xMWM015G+MMSD1515A unit 21,505,000.00 23,655,500.00 -
4 2xMWM0100-1-MMSDI020G+MMSD1020A 2xMWM0100-1-MMSDI020G+MMSD1020A unit 21,972,500.00 24,169,750.00 -
5 2xMWM015G+MMSD1020G+MMSD1520A 2xMWM015G+MMSD1020G+MMSD1520A unit 30,855,000.00 33,940,500.00 -
6 2xMWM020G+MMSD2020A 2xMWM020G+MMSD2020A unit 31,790,000.00 34,969,000.00 -
7 3 xMWM010G+MMSD101010A 3 xMWM010G+MMSD101010A unit 32,725,000.00 35,997,500.00 -
8 2xMWM010G+AWM015G+MMST101015A 2xMWM010G+AWM015G+MMST101015A unit 33,192,500.00 36,511,750.00 -
9 MWM010G+2xWMS015G+MMST101515A MWM010G+2xWMS015G+MMST101515A unit 29,920,000.00 32,912,000.00 -
10 3xMWMS015G+MWMS020G+MMST151520A 3xMWMS015G+MWMS020G+MMST151520A unit 30,855,000.00 33,940,500.00 -
11 2xMWMS015G+MWMS020G+MMST151520A 2xMWMS015G+MWMS020G+MMST151520A unit 32,725,000.00 35,997,500.00 -
0 - -
g AHU AHU - -
1 E8400-6R Kap : 548,094 Btu/h, 14,145 Cfm E8400-6R Kap : 548,094 Btu/h, 14,145 Cfm unit 155,710,000.00 171,281,000.00 -
2 E5400-6R Kap : 410,292 Btu/h, 10,765 Cfm E5400-6R Kap : 410,292 Btu/h, 10,765 Cfm unit 100,510,000.00 110,561,000.00 -
3 E8400-6R Kap : 548,091 Btu/h, 14,145 Cfm E8400-6R Kap : 548,091 Btu/h, 14,145 Cfm unit 155,710,000.00 171,281,000.00 -
4 E8400-6R Kap : 634,771 Btu/h, 16,915 Cfm E8400-6R Kap : 634,771 Btu/h, 16,915 Cfm unit 161,230,000.00 177,353,000.00 -
0 - -
1 V - Belt B 52 - B 64 V - Belt B 52 - B 64 Bh 224,000.00 246,400.00 -
0 - -
N2 AC Merk York AC Merk York - -
a AC Split Wall AC Split Wall - -
1 Type YWM 07E.YSL07 Kap.70 Btu/h Type YWM 07E.YSL07 Kap.70 Btu/h unit 4,884,100.00 5,372,510.00 -
2 Type YWM 10E YSL 1013.Kap.9060 Btu/h Type YWM 10E YSL 1013.Kap.9060 Btu/h unit 5,100,000.00 5,610,000.00 -
3 Type YWM 15 B YSL 15B, Kap.12.000 Btu/h Type YWM 15 B YSL 15B, Kap.12.000 Btu/h unit 5,462,100.00 6,008,310.00 -
0 - -
b AC Split High Wall AC Split High Wall - -
1 Type YWM 20C YSL 20B Kap. 18,000 Btu/h Type YWM 20C YSL 20B Kap. 18,000 Btu/h unit 7,542,900.00 8,297,190.00 -
2 Type YWM 25C YSL 25B Kap. 24,000 Btu/h Type YWM 25C YSL 25B Kap. 24,000 Btu/h unit 7,768,150.00 8,544,970.00 -
0 - -
c AC Split Floor / Ceilling / Ceilling Exposed AC Split Floor / Ceilling / Ceilling Exposed - -
1 Type MCC 09, MOC 09 Kap. 9,000 Btu/h Type MCC 09, MOC 09 Kap. 9,000 Btu/h unit 6,800,000.00 7,480,000.00 -
2 Type MCC 12, MOC 12 Kap. 12,000 Btu/h Type MCC 12, MOC 12 Kap. 12,000 Btu/h unit 6,983,600.00 7,681,960.00 -
3 Type MCC 18, MOC 18 Kap. 18,000 Btu/h Type MCC 18, MOC 18 Kap. 18,000 Btu/h unit 9,350,000.00 10,285,000.00 -
4 Type MCC 25, MOC 25 Kap. 24,000 Btu/h Type MCC 25, MOC 25 Kap. 24,000 Btu/h unit 11,016,850.00 12,118,540.00 -
5 Type MCC 35, MOC 35 Kap. 35,000 Btu/h Type MCC 35, MOC 35 Kap. 35,000 Btu/h unit 12,458,450.00 13,704,300.00 -
6 Type MCC 45, MOC 45 Kap. 45,000 Btu/h Type MCC 45, MOC 45 Kap. 45,000 Btu/h unit 13,401,100.00 14,741,210.00 -
7 Type MCC 55, MOC 55 Kap. 55,000 Btu/h Type MCC 55, MOC 55 Kap. 55,000 Btu/h unit 14,753,450.00 16,228,800.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
8 Type Y0EA 12 + YODA 12 Kap. 12,000 Btu/h Type Y0EA 12 + YODA 12 Kap. 12,000 Btu/h unit 11,718,000.00 12,889,800.00 -
9 Type YOEA 18 + YODA 18 Kap. 18,000 Btu/h Type YOEA 18 + YODA 18 Kap. 18,000 Btu/h unit 14,085,000.00 15,493,500.00 -
10 Type YOEA 24 + YODA 24 Kap. 24,000 Btu/h Type YOEA 24 + YODA 24 Kap. 24,000 Btu/h unit 18,900,000.00 20,790,000.00 -
11 Type YOEA 36 + YODA 36 Kap. 36,000 Btu/h Type YOEA 36 + YODA 36 Kap. 36,000 Btu/h unit 21,924,000.00 24,116,400.00 -
12 Type YOEA 48 + YODA 48 Kap. 48,000 Btu/h Type YOEA 48 + YODA 48 Kap. 48,000 Btu/h unit 24,471,000.00 26,918,100.00 -
13 Type YOEA 60 + YODA 60 Kap. 60,000 Btu/h Type YOEA 60 + YODA 60 Kap. 60,000 Btu/h unit 27,153,000.00 29,868,300.00 -
0 - -
d AC Split Cassette AC Split Cassette - -
1 Type MKC 25,MOC 25 Kap.24,000 Btu/h Type MKC 25,MOC 25 Kap.24,000 Btu/h unit 13,141,000.00 14,455,100.00 -
2 Type MKC 35,MOC 35 Kap.32,000 Btu/h Type MKC 35,MOC 35 Kap.32,000 Btu/h unit 15,045,000.00 16,549,500.00 -
3 Type MKC 45,MOC 45 Kap.42,000 Btu/h Type MKC 45,MOC 45 Kap.42,000 Btu/h unit 17,000,000.00 18,700,000.00 -
4 Type MKC 55,MOC 55 Kap.52,000 Btu/h Type MKC 55,MOC 55 Kap.52,000 Btu/h unit 18,076,950.00 19,884,650.00 -
5 Type YKEA 09 + YKDA 09, 9,000 Btu/h Type YKEA 09 + YKDA 09, 9,000 Btu/h unit 10,341,000.00 11,375,100.00 -
6 Type YKEA 12 + YKDA 12, 12,000 Btu/h Type YKEA 12 + YKDA 12, 12,000 Btu/h unit 12,384,000.00 13,622,400.00 -
7 Type YKEA 18 + YKDA 18, 18,000 Btu/h Type YKEA 18 + YKDA 18, 18,000 Btu/h unit 16,344,000.00 17,978,400.00 -
8 Type YKEA 24 + YKDA 24, 24,000 Btu/h Type YKEA 24 + YKDA 24, 24,000 Btu/h unit 22,275,000.00 24,502,500.00 -
9 Type YKEA 36 + YKDA 36, 36,000 Btu/h Type YKEA 36 + YKDA 36, 36,000 Btu/h unit 25,632,000.00 28,195,200.00 -
10 Type YKEA 48 + YKDA 48, 48,000 Btu/h Type YKEA 48 + YKDA 48, 48,000 Btu/h unit 28,710,000.00 31,581,000.00 -
0 - -
e AC Split Floor standing free blow AC Split Floor standing free blow - -
1 Type FLEA 24 + FLDA 24, 24,000 Btu/h Type FLEA 24 + FLDA 24, 24,000 Btu/h unit 23,148,000.00 25,462,800.00 -
2 Type FLEA 48 + FLDA 48, 48,000 Btu/h Type FLEA 48 + FLDA 48, 48,000 Btu/h unit 26,937,000.00 29,630,700.00 -
3 Type FLEA 60 + FLDA 60, 60,000 Btu/h Type FLEA 60 + FLDA 60, 60,000 Btu/h unit 37,818,000.00 41,599,800.00 -
4 Type FS 50,MYSS 50B Kap.50,000 Btu/h Type FS 50,MYSS 50B Kap.50,000 Btu/h unit 30,600,000.00 33,660,000.00 -
5 Type FS 60,MYSS 60C Kap.60,000 Btu/h Type FS 60,MYSS 60C Kap.60,000 Btu/h unit 36,337,500.00 39,971,250.00 -
6 Type FS 75,MYSS 75C Kap.80,000 Btu/h Type FS 75,MYSS 75C Kap.80,000 Btu/h unit 48,577,500.00 53,435,250.00 -
7 Type FS 100,MYSS 100B Kap.100,000 Btu/h Type FS 100,MYSS 100B Kap.100,000 Btu/h unit 55,080,000.00 60,588,000.00 -
8 Type FS 125,MYSS 125B Kap.125,000 Btu/h Type FS 125,MYSS 125B Kap.125,000 Btu/h unit 68,000,000.00 74,800,000.00 -
9 Type FS 150,MYSS 150B Kap.150,000 Btu/h Type FS 150,MYSS 150B Kap.150,000 Btu/h unit 84,150,000.00 92,565,000.00 -
0 - -
f AC Split Duct AC Split Duct - -
1 Type MYSS 40 Kap.40,000 Btu/h Type MYSS 40 Kap.40,000 Btu/h unit 23,800,000.00 26,180,000.00 -
2 Type YSB 50 MYSS 50 Kap.50,000 Btu/h Type YSB 50 MYSS 50 Kap.50,000 Btu/h unit 27,200,000.00 29,920,000.00 -
3 Type MYSS 60 Kap.60,000 Btu/h Type MYSS 60 Kap.60,000 Btu/h unit 32,300,000.00 35,530,000.00 -
4 Type YSB 75 MYSS 75 Kap.75,000 Btu/h Type YSB 75 MYSS 75 Kap.75,000 Btu/h unit 43,180,000.00 47,498,000.00 -
5 Type YSB 100 MYSS 100 Kap.100,000 Btu/h Type YSB 100 MYSS 100 Kap.100,000 Btu/h unit 48,960,000.00 53,856,000.00 -
6 Type YSB 125 MYSS 125 Kap. 125,000 Btu/h Type YSB 125 MYSS 125 Kap. 125,000 Btu/h unit 60,520,000.00 66,572,000.00 -
7 Type YSB 150 2xMYSS 75 Kap. 140,000 Btu/h Type YSB 150 2xMYSS 75 Kap. 140,000 Btu/h unit 74,800,000.00 82,280,000.00 -
8 Type YSB 200 2xMYSS 100 Kap. 150,000 Btu/h Type YSB 200 2xMYSS 100 Kap. 150,000 Btu/h unit 98,600,000.00 108,460,000.00 -
9 Type YSB 250 2xMYSS 125 Kap.170,000 Btu/h Type YSB 250 2xMYSS 125 Kap.170,000 Btu/h unit 129,200,000.00 142,120,000.00 -
10 Type MAC 75 + YVC 75, 75,000 Btu/h Type MAC 75 + YVC 75, 75,000 Btu/h unit 49,950,000.00 54,945,000.00 -
11 Type MAC 100 + YVC 100, 100,000 Btu/h Type MAC 100 + YVC 100, 100,000 Btu/h unit 56,007,000.00 61,607,700.00 -
12 Type MAC 125 + YVC 125, 125,000 Btu/h Type MAC 125 + YVC 125, 125,000 Btu/h unit 66,915,000.00 73,606,500.00 -
13 Type MAC 150 + YVC 150, 150,000 Btu/h Type MAC 150 + YVC 150, 150,000 Btu/h unit 88,731,000.00 97,604,100.00 -
14 Type MAC 200 + YVC 100x2, 200,000 Btu/h Type MAC 200 + YVC 100x2, 200,000 Btu/h unit 117,018,000.00 128,719,800.00 -
15 Type MAC 250 + YVC 14x2, 250,000 Btu/h Type MAC 250 + YVC 14x2, 250,000 Btu/h unit 133,596,000.00 146,955,600.00 -
16 Type MAC 300 + YVC 150x2, 300,000 Btu/h Type MAC 300 + YVC 150x2, 300,000 Btu/h unit 175,968,000.00 193,564,800.00 -
17 Type MAC 350 + YVC 100x2 -YVC 150, 350,000 Btu/h Type MAC 350 + YVC 100x2 -YVC 150, 350,000 Btu/h unit 209,268,000.00 230,194,800.00 -
18 Type MAC 400 + YVC 1000; 400,000 Btu/h Type MAC 400 + YVC 1000; 400,000 Btu/h unit 243,468,000.00 267,814,800.00 -
19 Type MAC 450 + YVC 150x3, 450,000 Btu/h Type MAC 450 + YVC 150x3, 450,000 Btu/h unit 270,972,000.00 298,069,200.00 -
20 Type MAC 500 + YVC 125x4, 500,000 Btu/h Type MAC 500 + YVC 125x4, 500,000 Btu/h unit 264,924,000.00 291,416,400.00 -
21 Type MAC 600 + YVC 150x4, 600,000 Btu/h Type MAC 600 + YVC 150x4, 600,000 Btu/h unit 383,526,000.00 421,878,600.00 -
22 Type MBC 75 + YVC 75, 750,000 Btu/h Type MBC 75 + YVC 75, 750,000 Btu/h unit 50,760,000.00 55,836,000.00 -
23 Type MBC 90 + YVC 100, 100,000 Btu/h Type MBC 90 + YVC 100, 100,000 Btu/h unit 55,098,000.00 60,607,800.00 -
0 - -
g Wall Mounted Single (w/ wireless LCD Controller night light function) Series Rockies Wall Mounted Single (w/ wireless LCD Controller night light function) Series Rockies - -
1 Type TLEA 07 + TLDA 07, 7,000 Btu/h Type TLEA 07 + TLDA 07, 7,000 Btu/h unit 5,940,000.00 6,534,000.00 -
2 Type TLEA 09 + TLDA 09, 9,000 Btu/h Type TLEA 09 + TLDA 09, 9,000 Btu/h unit 6,021,000.00 6,623,100.00 -
3 Type TLEA 12 + TLDA 12, 13,000 Btu/h Type TLEA 12 + TLDA 12, 13,000 Btu/h unit 7,389,000.00 8,127,900.00 -
4 Type TLEA 18 + TLDA 18, 19,000 Btu/h Type TLEA 18 + TLDA 18, 19,000 Btu/h unit 10,683,000.00 11,751,300.00 -
5 Type TLEA 24 + TLDA 24, 23.500 Btu/h Type TLEA 24 + TLDA 24, 23.500 Btu/h unit 16,254,000.00 17,879,400.00 -
6 Type TLEA 28 + TLDA 28, 28,000 Btu/h Type TLEA 28 + TLDA 28, 28,000 Btu/h unit 23,004,000.00 25,304,400.00 -
0 - -
h Wall Mounted Single (w/ wireless LCD Controller air swing) Series Atlas Wall Mounted Single (w/ wireless LCD Controller air swing) Series Atlas - -
1 Type YJEA 07 + YJDA 07, 7,000 Btu/h Type YJEA 07 + YJDA 07, 7,000 Btu/h unit 5,940,000.00 6,534,000.00 -
2 Type YJEA 09 + YJDA 09, 9,000 Btu/h Type YJEA 09 + YJDA 09, 9,000 Btu/h unit 6,021,000.00 6,623,100.00 -
3 Type YJEA 12 + YJDA 12, 11.500 Btu/h Type YJEA 12 + YJDA 12, 11.500 Btu/h unit 7,389,000.00 8,127,900.00 -
4 Type YJEA 18 + YJDA 18, 17.500 Btu/h Type YJEA 18 + YJDA 18, 17.500 Btu/h unit 10,683,000.00 11,751,300.00 -
5 Type YJEA 24 + YJDA 24, 24,000 Btu/h Type YJEA 24 + YJDA 24, 24,000 Btu/h unit 16,254,000.00 17,879,400.00 -
6 Type YJEA 28 + YJDA 28, 28,000 Btu/h Type YJEA 28 + YJDA 28, 28,000 Btu/h unit 23,004,000.00 25,304,400.00 -
0 - -
i Ceilling Concealed Duct Slim Ceilling Concealed Duct Slim - -
1 YUEA 09FS + YUDA 09FS, 9,000 Btu/h YUEA 09FS + YUDA 09FS, 9,000 Btu/h unit 7,623,000.00 8,385,300.00 -
2 YUEA 12FS + YUDA 12FS, 12,000 Btu/h YUEA 12FS + YUDA 12FS, 12,000 Btu/h unit 9,369,000.00 10,305,900.00 -
3 YUEA 18FS + YUDA 18FS, 18,000 Btu/h YUEA 18FS + YUDA 18FS, 18,000 Btu/h unit 13,860,000.00 15,246,000.00 -
4 YUEA 24FS + YUDA 24FS, 24,000 Btu/h YUEA 24FS + YUDA 24FS, 24,000 Btu/h unit 18,873,000.00 20,760,300.00 -
5 YUEA 36FS + YUDA 36FS, 36,000 Btu/h YUEA 36FS + YUDA 36FS, 36,000 Btu/h unit 22,770,000.00 25,047,000.00 -
6 YUEA 48FS + YUDA 48FS, 48,000 Btu/h YUEA 48FS + YUDA 48FS, 48,000 Btu/h unit 23,220,000.00 25,542,000.00 -
0 - -
j Ceilling Concealed High Static Pressure - Draw Through Ceilling Concealed High Static Pressure - Draw Through - -
1 YUEA 24 + YUDA 24, 24,000 Btu/h YUEA 24 + YUDA 24, 24,000 Btu/h unit 20,970,000.00 23,067,000.00 -
2 YUEA 36 + YUDA 36, 36,000 Btu/h YUEA 36 + YUDA 36, 36,000 Btu/h unit 22,230,000.00 24,453,000.00 -
3 YUEA 48 + YUDA 48, 48,000 Btu/h YUEA 48 + YUDA 48, 48,000 Btu/h unit 28,026,000.00 30,828,600.00 -
4 YUEA 60 + YUDA 60, 60,000 Btu/h YUEA 60 + YUDA 60, 60,000 Btu/h unit 28,188,000.00 31,006,800.00 -
0 - -
k Ceilling Concealed High Static Pressure (MHB) Series Ceilling Concealed High Static Pressure (MHB) Series - -
1 YUEA 18FT + YUDA 18FT, 18,000 Btu/h YUEA 18FT + YUDA 18FT, 18,000 Btu/h unit 14,184,000.00 15,602,400.00 -
2 YUEA 24FT + YUDA 24FT, 24,000 Btu/h YUEA 24FT + YUDA 24FT, 24,000 Btu/h unit 18,603,000.00 20,463,300.00 -
3 YUEA 36FT + YUDA 36FT, 36,000 Btu/h YUEA 36FT + YUDA 36FT, 36,000 Btu/h unit 20,718,000.00 22,789,800.00 -
4 YUEA 48FT + YUDA 48FT, 48,000 Btu/h YUEA 48FT + YUDA 48FT, 48,000 Btu/h unit 23,616,000.00 25,977,600.00 -
5 YUEA 60FT + YUDA 60FT, 60,000 Btu/h YUEA 60FT + YUDA 60FT, 60,000 Btu/h unit 27,306,000.00 30,036,600.00 -
6 YUEA 96FT + YUDA 96FT, 48,000 Btu/h YUEA 96FT + YUDA 96FT, 48,000 Btu/h unit 57,636,000.00 63,399,600.00 -
0 - -
l Ceilling Concealed Draw Through Ceilling Concealed Draw Through - -
1 YSB 12BB 00R1 + YSS 12BA OSR1, 12,000 Btu/h YSB 12BB 00R1 + YSS 12BA OSR1, 12,000 Btu/h unit 12,726,000.00 13,998,600.00 -
2 YSB 18BB 00R1 + YSS 18BA OSR1, 18,000 Btu/h YSB 18BB 00R1 + YSS 18BA OSR1, 18,000 Btu/h unit 14,706,000.00 16,176,600.00 -
3 YSB 24BB 00R1 + YSS 24BA OSR1, 24,000 Btu/h YSB 24BB 00R1 + YSS 24BA OSR1, 24,000 Btu/h unit 17,262,000.00 18,988,200.00 -
4 YSB 3OBB OOR1 + YSS 30BA OSR1, 30,000 Btu/h YSB 3OBB OOR1 + YSS 30BA OSR1, 30,000 Btu/h unit 23,409,000.00 25,749,900.00 -
5 YSB 36BB OOR1 + YSS 36BA OSR1, 36,000 Btu/h YSB 36BB OOR1 + YSS 36BA OSR1, 36,000 Btu/h unit 20,475,000.00 22,522,500.00 -
0 - -
m Ceilling Concealed Draw Through Ceilling Concealed Draw Through - -
1 YSB 12BA OWR1 + YSS 12BA OSR1, 12,000 Btu/h YSB 12BA OWR1 + YSS 12BA OSR1, 12,000 Btu/h unit 13,617,000.00 14,978,700.00 -
2 YSB 18BA OWR1 + YSS 18BA OSR1, 18,000 Btu/h YSB 18BA OWR1 + YSS 18BA OSR1, 18,000 Btu/h unit 15,597,000.00 17,156,700.00 -
3 YSB 24BA OWR1 + YSS 24BA OSR1, 24,000 Btu/h YSB 24BA OWR1 + YSS 24BA OSR1, 24,000 Btu/h unit 18,225,000.00 20,047,500.00 -
4 YSB 30BA OWR1 + YSS 30BA, 30,000 Btu/h YSB 30BA OWR1 + YSS 30BA, 30,000 Btu/h unit 24,372,000.00 26,809,200.00 -
5 YSB 36BA GWR1 + YSS 36BA, 36,000 Btu/h YSB 36BA GWR1 + YSS 36BA, 36,000 Btu/h unit 25,785,000.00 28,363,500.00 -
0 - -
n Ceilling Concealed 3 Phase Ceilling Concealed 3 Phase - -
1 YSB 36BA OWR1 + YSS 36BA3 QSR1, 36,000 Btu/h YSB 36BA OWR1 + YSS 36BA3 QSR1, 36,000 Btu/h unit 21,789,000.00 23,967,900.00 -
2 YSB 42BA OWR1 + YSS 42BA3 QSR1, 42,000 Btu/h YSB 42BA OWR1 + YSS 42BA3 QSR1, 42,000 Btu/h unit 25,146,000.00 27,660,600.00 -
3 YSB 48BA OWR1 + YSS 48BA3 QSR1, 48,000 Btu/h YSB 48BA OWR1 + YSS 48BA3 QSR1, 48,000 Btu/h unit 26,325,000.00 28,957,500.00 -
4 YSB 54BA OWR1 + YSS 54BA3 QSR1, 54,000 Btu/h YSB 54BA OWR1 + YSS 54BA3 QSR1, 54,000 Btu/h unit 27,639,000.00 30,402,900.00 -
5 YSB 60BA OWR1 + YSS 60BA3 QSR1, 60,000 Btu/h YSB 60BA OWR1 + YSS 60BA3 QSR1, 60,000 Btu/h unit 31,563,000.00 34,719,300.00 -
6 YSB 36BA OWR1 + YSSD 36BA3 QSR1, 36,000 Btu/h YSB 36BA OWR1 + YSSD 36BA3 QSR1, 36,000 Btu/h unit 20,979,000.00 23,076,900.00 -
7 YSB 42BA OWR1 + YSSD 42BA3 QSR1, 42,000 Btu/h YSB 42BA OWR1 + YSSD 42BA3 QSR1, 42,000 Btu/h unit 24,345,000.00 26,779,500.00 -
8 YSB 48BA OWR1 + YSSD 48BA3 QSR1, 48,000 Btu/h YSB 48BA OWR1 + YSSD 48BA3 QSR1, 48,000 Btu/h unit 25,524,000.00 28,076,400.00 -
9 YSB 54BA OWR1 + YSSD 54BA3 QSR1, 54,000 Btu/h YSB 54BA OWR1 + YSSD 54BA3 QSR1, 54,000 Btu/h unit 26,838,000.00 29,521,800.00 -
10 YSB 60BA OWR1 + YSSD 60BA3 QSR1, 60,000 Btu/h YSB 60BA OWR1 + YSSD 60BA3 QSR1, 60,000 Btu/h unit 30,762,000.00 33,838,200.00 -
0 - -
o AHU AHU - -
1 YSB 36BA OWR1 + YSS i613 0 '4'. YSB 36BA OWR1 + YSS i613 0 '4'. unit 116,800,000.00 128,480,000.00 -
0 - -
N3 AC Daikin AC Daikin - -
a AB3. AC Daikin AB3. AC Daikin - -
1 AC dinding 3/4 PK STC-22J single split AC dinding 3/4 PK STC-22J single split unit 4,675,000.00 5,142,500.00 -
2 AC dinding 1 PK ST-2SJ single split AC dinding 1 PK ST-2SJ single split unit 4,887,500.00 5,376,250.00 -
3 AC dinding 1 1/2 PK ST-3S2J single split AC dinding 1 1/2 PK ST-3S2J single split unit 6,800,000.00 7,480,000.00 -
4 AC dinding 2 PK SCX-60 G single split AC dinding 2 PK SCX-60 G single split unit 11,050,000.00 12,155,000.00 -
5 AC dinding 21/2PK SDX-60GE single split AC dinding 21/2PK SDX-60GE single split unit 13,812,500.00 15,193,750.00 -
6 AC duduk 2 PK SV-45C single split AC duduk 2 PK SV-45C single split unit 1,360,000.00 1,496,000.00 -
7 AC duduk 2 1/2 PK SV-4SC single split AC duduk 2 1/2 PK SV-4SC single split unit 16,150,000.00 17,765,000.00 -
8 AC cassete 2 PK SC-45F single split AC cassete 2 PK SC-45F single split unit 45,262,500.00 49,788,750.00 -
9 AC ceilling 2 PK SH-60C single split AC ceilling 2 PK SH-60C single split unit 17,000,000.00 18,700,000.00 -
10 AC cassete 2 1/2 PK SC-80K single split AC cassete 2 1/2 PK SC-80K single split unit 15,300,000.00 16,830,000.00 -
11 AC ceilling 2 1/2 PK SH-60C single split AC ceilling 2 1/2 PK SH-60C single split unit 13,855,000.00 15,240,500.00 -
12 Outdoor condens multi split (1-2) PK, MA-45 Outdoor condens multi split (1-2) PK, MA-45 unit 8,712,500.00 9,583,750.00 -
13 Outdoor condens multi split (1-3) 2 PK, MA-46 Outdoor condens multi split (1-3) 2 PK, MA-46 unit 8,712,500.00 9,583,750.00 -
14 Outdoor condens multi split (1-4) 2,5 PK, MA-47 Outdoor condens multi split (1-4) 2,5 PK, MA-47 unit 11,475,000.00 12,622,500.00 -
15 Outdoor condens multi split (1-5) 3 PK, MA-48 Outdoor condens multi split (1-5) 3 PK, MA-48 unit 18,275,000.00 20,102,500.00 -
16 Indoor fun coil dinding 1 PK, FT-20F Indoor fun coil dinding 1 PK, FT-20F unit 2,125,000.00 2,337,500.00 -
17 Indoor fun coil dinding 1 1/2 PK, FT-20G Indoor fun coil dinding 1 1/2 PK, FT-20G unit 2,337,500.00 2,571,250.00 -
18 Indoor fun coil dinding 2 PK, FT-50G Indoor fun coil dinding 2 PK, FT-50G unit 5,100,000.00 5,610,000.00 -
19 Indoor fun coil ceilling 2 PK, FH-45C ' Indoor fun coil ceilling 2 PK, FH-45C ' unit 8,160,000.00 8,976,000.00 -
20 Indoor fun coil cassette 2 PK, FRC-50K Indoor fun coil cassette 2 PK, FRC-50K unit 9,860,000.00 10,846,000.00 -
21 Indoor fun coil duduk 2 PK, FV-50C Indoor fun coil duduk 2 PK, FV-50C unit 8,160,000.00 8,976,000.00 -
22 Indoor fun coil cassette 2 1/2 PK, FHC-60K Indoor fun coil cassette 2 1/2 PK, FHC-60K unit 11,283,750.00 12,412,130.00 -
23 Indoor fun coil dinding 2 1/2 PK, FT-60G Indoor fun coil dinding 2 1/2 PK, FT-60G unit 5,950,000.00 6,545,000.00 -
24 Indoor fun coil duduk 2 1/2 PK, FV-60C Indoor fun coil duduk 2 1/2 PK, FV-60C unit 8,202,500.00 9,022,750.00 -
25 Indoor fun coil Chung 2- P H Indoor fun coil Chung 2- P H unit 8,712,500.00 9,583,750.00 -
0 - -
b Sky Air Series Kapasitas 3HP/380 V/50 Hz Merk Daikin Sky Air Series Kapasitas 3HP/380 V/50 Hz Merk Daikin - -
1 SC 71K, R71 + FHYC 71K, cassette (wired) 26.600 Btu/h SC 71K, R71 + FHYC 71K, cassette (wired) 26.600 Btu/h unit 16,029,300.00 17,632,230.00 -
2 SC 71K, R71 + FHYC 71K, cassette (wireless) 26.600 Btu/h SC 71K, R71 + FHYC 71K, cassette (wireless) 26.600 Btu/h unit 16,430,925.00 18,074,020.00 -
3 SU 71F, R71 + FUY 71F, Ceiling cassette (wired.) 26,600 Btu/h SU 71F, R71 + FUY 71F, Ceiling cassette (wired.) 26,600 Btu/h unit 15,993,600.00 17,592,960.00 -
4 SU 71F, R71 + FIJI 71F, Ceiling cassette (wireless) 26,600 Btu/h SU 71F, R71 + FIJI 71F, Ceiling cassette (wireless) 26,600 Btu/h unit 16,886,100.00 18,574,710.00 -
5 SH 71B, R100 + FHY 71B Ceilling (wired) 26,600 Btu/h SH 71B, R100 + FHY 71B Ceilling (wired) 26,600 Btu/h unit 14,788,725.00 16,267,600.00 -
6 SH 71B, R71 + FHY 71B, Ceiling (wireless) 26,600 Btu/h SH 71B, R71 + FHY 71B, Ceiling (wireless) 26,600 Btu/h unit 15,190,350.00 16,709,390.00 -
7 SV 71L, R71 + FVY 71L, Slim packaged 26,600 Btu/h SV 71L, R71 + FVY 71L, Slim packaged 26,600 Btu/h unit 16,430,925.00 18,074,020.00 -
0 - -
c Sky Air Series Kapasitas 4HP/380 V/50 Hz Merk Daikin Sky Air Series Kapasitas 4HP/380 V/50 Hz Merk Daikin - -
1 SC 100K, R100 + FHYC 100K, cassette (wired) 36,100 Btu/h SC 100K, R100 + FHYC 100K, cassette (wired) 36,100 Btu/h unit 20,018,775.00 22,020,660.00 -
2 SC 100K, R100 + FHYC 100K, cassette (wireless) 36,100 Btu/h SC 100K, R100 + FHYC 100K, cassette (wireless) 36,100 Btu/h unit 20,420,400.00 22,462,440.00 -
3 SU 100F, R100 + FUY 100F, Ceiling cassette (wired.) 36,100 Btu/h SU 100F, R100 + FUY 100F, Ceiling cassette (wired.) 36,100 Btu/h unit 19,992,000.00 21,991,200.00 -
4 SU 100F, R100 + FUY 100F, Ceiling cassette (wireless) 36,100 Btu/h SU 100F, R100 + FUY 100F, Ceiling cassette (wireless) 36,100 Btu/h unit 20,884,500.00 22,972,950.00 -
5 SH 100B, R100 + FHY 100B Ceilling (wired) 36,100 Btu/h SH 100B, R100 + FHY 100B Ceilling (wired) 36,100 Btu/h unit 18,376,575.00 20,214,240.00 -
6 SH 100B, R100 + FHY 100B, Ceiling (wireless) 36,100 Btu/h SH 100B, R100 + FHY 100B, Ceiling (wireless) 36,100 Btu/h unit 18,778,200.00 20,656,020.00 -
7 SV 100L, R100 + FVY 100L, Slim packaged 36,100 Btu/h SV 100L, R100 + FVY 100L, Slim packaged 36,100 Btu/h unit 20,420,400.00 22,462,440.00 -
0 - -
d Sky Air Series Kapasitas 5HP/380V/50Hf Merk Daikin Sky Air Series Kapasitas 5HP/380V/50Hf Merk Daikin - -
1 SC 125K, R125 + FHYC 125K, cassette (wired) 44.500 Btu/h SC 125K, R125 + FHYC 125K, cassette (wired) 44.500 Btu/h unit 23,428,125.00 25,770,940.00 -
2 SC I25K, R125 + FHYC 125K, cassette (wireless) 44.500 Btu/h SC I25K, R125 + FHYC 125K, cassette (wireless) 44.500 Btu/h unit 23,829,750.00 26,212,730.00 -
3 SU 125F, R125 + FUY 125F, ceiling cassette (wired) 44.500 Btu/h SU 125F, R125 + FUY 125F, ceiling cassette (wired) 44.500 Btu/h unit 23,401,350.00 25,741,490.00 -
4 SU I25F, R125 + FUY 125F, ceiling cassette (wireless) 44.500 Btu/h SU I25F, R125 + FUY 125F, ceiling cassette (wireless) 44.500 Btu/h unit 24,293,850.00 26,723,240.00 -
5 SH 125B, R125 + FHY 125B, ceiling (wired) 44.500 Btu/h SH 125B, R125 + FHY 125B, ceiling (wired) 44.500 Btu/h unit 20,473,950.00 22,521,350.00 -
6 SH 125B, R125 + FHY 125B, ceiling (wireless) 44.500 Btu/h SH 125B, R125 + FHY 125B, ceiling (wireless) 44.500 Btu/h unit 20,875,575.00 22,963,140.00 -
7 SV 125L, R125 + FVY 125L, slim packaged 44.500 Btu/h SV 125L, R125 + FVY 125L, slim packaged 44.500 Btu/h unit 23,829,750.00 26,212,730.00 -
0 - -
e Split Duct Air Conditioner (380V/3PHASE/50Hz) Merk Daikin Split Duct Air Conditioner (380V/3PHASE/50Hz) Merk Daikin - -
1 SD 03FU, R71FU + FD 03K, 27.800 Btu/h SD 03FU, R71FU + FD 03K, 27.800 Btu/h unit 15,841,875.00 17,426,070.00 -
2 SD 04FU, R100FU + FD 04K, 37.700 Btu/h SD 04FU, R100FU + FD 04K, 37.700 Btu/h unit 18,956,700.00 20,852,370.00 -
3 SD 05FU, R125FU + FD 05K, 47.600 Btu/h SD 05FU, R125FU + FD 05K, 47.600 Btu/h unit 21,036,225.00 23,139,850.00 -
0 - -
f Air Cooled Packaged Split System AC Merk Daikin Air Cooled Packaged Split System AC Merk Daikin - -
1 FVP 10 J + RU 10 J; 94,500 Btu/h FVP 10 J + RU 10 J; 94,500 Btu/h unit 63,608,475.00 69,969,330.00 -
2 FVP 16 J + RU 16 J; 147,000 Btu/h FVP 16 J + RU 16 J; 147,000 Btu/h unit 101,048,850.00 111,153,740.00 -
0 - -
g Air Cooled Duct Type Merk Daikin Air Cooled Duct Type Merk Daikin - -
1 FD 06 KY1 + RU 06 KY1, 59.500 Btu/h FD 06 KY1 + RU 06 KY1, 59.500 Btu/h unit 28,506,450.00 31,357,100.00 -
2 FD 08 KY1 + RU 08 KUY1, 83,000 Btu/h FD 08 KY1 + RU 08 KUY1, 83,000 Btu/h unit 35,075,250.00 38,582,780.00 -
3 FD 10 KY1 + RU 10 KUY1, 101,200 Btu/h FD 10 KY1 + RU 10 KUY1, 101,200 Btu/h unit 38,404,275.00 42,244,710.00 -
4 FD 15 KY! + RU 08 KUY1 (X2), 166,000 Btu/h FD 15 KY! + RU 08 KUY1 (X2), 166,000 Btu/h unit 68,035,275.00 74,838,810.00 -
5 FD 20 KY1 + RU 10 KUY1 (X2), 202,400 Btu/h FD 20 KY1 + RU 10 KUY1 (X2), 202,400 Btu/h unit 82,324,200.00 90,556,620.00 -
0 - -
0 - -
N4 AC Type Cassette Multi Split Merek Prosys AC Type Cassette Multi Split Merek Prosys - -
a Outdoor Unit Outdoor Unit - -
1 Model SML 50 Kap. 50,000 Btu/h Model SML 50 Kap. 50,000 Btu/h unit 21,250,000.00 23,375,000.00 -
2 Model SML 75 Kap. 80,000 Btu/h Model SML 75 Kap. 80,000 Btu/h unit 25,500,000.00 28,050,000.00 -
3 Model SML 100 Kap. 100,000 Btu/h Model SML 100 Kap. 100,000 Btu/h unit 29,750,000.00 32,725,000.00 -
4 Model SML 125 Kap. 125,000 Btu/h Model SML 125 Kap. 125,000 Btu/h unit 32,300,000.00 35,530,000.00 -
0 - -
b Indoor Unit Indoor Unit - -
1 Model FLC 020 Kap. 21,000 Btu/h Model FLC 020 Kap. 21,000 Btu/h unit 15,300,000.00 16,830,000.00 -
2 Model FLC 025 Kap. 25,000 Btu/h Model FLC 025 Kap. 25,000 Btu/h unit 17,000,000.00 18,700,000.00 -
3 Model FLC 030 Kap. 30,000 Btu/h Model FLC 030 Kap. 30,000 Btu/h unit 18,700,000.00 20,570,000.00 -
4 Model FLC 040 Kap. 40,000 Btu/h Model FLC 040 Kap. 40,000 Btu/h unit 21,250,000.00 23,375,000.00 -
5 Model FLC 050 Kap. 50,000 Btu/h Model FLC 050 Kap. 50,000 Btu/h unit 23,800,000.00 26,180,000.00 -
0 - -
N5 AC Merek Fuji Electric AC Merek Fuji Electric - -
a Wall Mounted Wall Mounted - -
1 RSW - 7 S+ ROW-7 S Kap. 6,000 Btu/h RSW - 7 S+ ROW-7 S Kap. 6,000 Btu/h Unit 5,200,000.00 5,720,000.00 -
2 RSW - 9 S + ROW-9 S Kap. 8,900 Btu/h RSW - 9 S + ROW-9 S Kap. 8,900 Btu/h Unit 5,450,000.00 5,995,000.00 -
3 RSW - 12 S + ROW-12 S Kap. 12,000 Btu/h RSW - 12 S + ROW-12 S Kap. 12,000 Btu/h Unit 7,600,000.00 8,360,000.00 -
4 RSW - 18 S + ROW-18 S Kap. 18,400 Btu/h RSW - 18 S + ROW-18 S Kap. 18,400 Btu/h Unit 11,550,000.00 12,705,000.00 -
5 RSW - 24 S + ROW-24 S Kap. 23,600 Btu/h RSW - 24 S + ROW-24 S Kap. 23,600 Btu/h Unit 14,950,000.00 16,445,000.00 -
6 RSW - 30 S + ROW-30 S Kap. 28,000 Btu/h RSW - 30 S + ROW-30 S Kap. 28,000 Btu/h Unit 19,750,000.00 21,725,000.00 -
0 - -
b Ceiling Wall Mounted Ceiling Wall Mounted - -
1 RJW - 18 S + ROW - 18 S Kap. 18,400 Btu/h RJW - 18 S + ROW - 18 S Kap. 18,400 Btu/h Unit 12,450,000.00 13,695,000.00 -
2 RJW - 24 S + ROW - 24 S Kap. 23,600 Btu/h RJW - 24 S + ROW - 24 S Kap. 23,600 Btu/h Unit 15,500,000.00 17,050,000.00 -
3 RJW - 30 S + ROW - 30 S Kap. 28,000 Btu/h RJW - 30 S + ROW - 30 S Kap. 28,000 Btu/h Unit 19,600,000.00 21,560,000.00 -
0 - -
c Multi Split Multi Split - -
1 RSMW - 196 S RSMW - 196 S Unit - -
0 - -
c Ceiling Cassette Ceiling Cassette - -
1 RCW - 12 S + ROC - 12 S Kap. 12.600 Btu/h RCW - 12 S + ROC - 12 S Kap. 12.600 Btu/h Unit 15,700,000.00 17,270,000.00 -
2 RCW - 14 S + ROC - 14 S Kap. 14,000 Btu/h RCW - 14 S + ROC - 14 S Kap. 14,000 Btu/h Unit 16,800,000.00 18,480,000.00 -
3 RCW - 18 S + RO - 18 S Kap. 17.400 Btu/h RCW - 18 S + RO - 18 S Kap. 17.400 Btu/h Unit 18,950,000.00 20,845,000.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
4 RCW - 25 S + RO - 25 S Kap. 24.200 Btu/h RCW - 25 S + RO - 25 S Kap. 24.200 Btu/h Unit 23,850,000.00 26,235,000.00 -
5 RCW - 30 S + RO - 30 S Kap. 30,000 Btu/h RCW - 30 S + RO - 30 S Kap. 30,000 Btu/h Unit 27,300,000.00 30,030,000.00 -
6 RCW - 36 S + ROC - 36 S Kap. 36,000 Btu/h RCW - 36 S + ROC - 36 S Kap. 36,000 Btu/h Unit 32,750,000.00 36,025,000.00 -
7 RCW - 45 S + ROC - 45 S Kap. 43.400 Btu/h RCW - 45 S + ROC - 45 S Kap. 43.400 Btu/h Unit 34,850,000.00 38,335,000.00 -
8 RCW - 54 S + RO - 54 S Kap. 48,000 Btu/h RCW - 54 S + RO - 54 S Kap. 48,000 Btu/h Unit 36,950,000.00 40,645,000.00 -
0 - -
d Ceiling Universal Ceiling Universal - -
1 RYT - 14 S + ROW - 14 S Kap. 14,000 Btu/h RYT - 14 S + ROW - 14 S Kap. 14,000 Btu/h Unit 15,500,000.00 17,050,000.00 -
2 RYT - 18 S + ROW - 18 S Kap. 18.400 Btu/h RYT - 18 S + ROW - 18 S Kap. 18.400 Btu/h Unit 18,100,000.00 19,910,000.00 -
3 RYT - 24 S + ROW - 24 S Kap. 23.600 Btu/h RYT - 24 S + ROW - 24 S Kap. 23.600 Btu/h Unit 19,600,000.00 21,560,000.00 -
4 RYT - 30 S + ROW - 30 S Kap. 30,000 Btu/h RYT - 30 S + ROW - 30 S Kap. 30,000 Btu/h Unit 23,600,000.00 25,960,000.00 -
5 RYT - 36 S + ROCW - 36 S Kap. 35.800 Btu/h RYT - 36 S + ROCW - 36 S Kap. 35.800 Btu/h Unit 28,650,000.00 31,515,000.00 -
6 RYT - 45 S + ROCW - 45 S Kap. 43.400 Btu/h RYT - 45 S + ROCW - 45 S Kap. 43.400 Btu/h Unit 31,200,000.00 34,320,000.00 -
7 RYT - 54 S + ROW - 54 S Kap. 48.100 Btu/h RYT - 54 S + ROW - 54 S Kap. 48.100 Btu/h Unit 33,850,000.00 37,235,000.00 -
0 - -
e Ceiling Concealed Ceiling Concealed - -
1 RD - 10 S + RO - 10 S Kap. 9.500 Btu/h RD - 10 S + RO - 10 S Kap. 9.500 Btu/h Unit 9,555,000.00 10,510,500.00 -
2 RD - 12 S + RO - 12 S Kap. 12,000 Btu/h RD - 12 S + RO - 12 S Kap. 12,000 Btu/h Unit 10,920,000.00 12,012,000.00 -
3 RD - 20 S + RO - 20 S Kap. 19.700 Btu/h RD - 20 S + RO - 20 S Kap. 19.700 Btu/h Unit 14,560,000.00 16,016,000.00 -
4 RD - 25 S + RO - 25 S Kap. 25,000 Btu/h RD - 25 S + RO - 25 S Kap. 25,000 Btu/h Unit 19,337,500.00 21,271,250.00 -
5 RD - 30 S + RO - 30 S Kap. 30,000 Btu/h RD - 30 S + RO - 30 S Kap. 30,000 Btu/h Unit 23,887,500.00 26,276,250.00 -
6 RD - 40 S + RO - 40 S Kap. 40,000 Btu/h RD - 40 S + RO - 40 S Kap. 40,000 Btu/h Unit 26,162,500.00 28,778,750.00 -
7 RD - 50 S + RO - 50 S Kap. 50,000 Btu/h RD - 50 S + RO - 50 S Kap. 50,000 Btu/h Unit 32,305,000.00 35,535,500.00 -
8 RD - 60 S + RO - 60 S Kap. 60,000 Btu/h RD - 60 S + RO - 60 S Kap. 60,000 Btu/h Unit 36,400,000.00 40,040,000.00 -
0 - -
f Ducted Split Ducted Split - -
1 RD - 75 F S + RO - 75 F S RD - 75 F S + RO - 75 F S Unit 53,508,000.00 58,858,800.00 -
2 RD - 100 F S + RO - 100 FS RD - 100 F S + RO - 100 FS Unit 56,738,500.00 62,412,350.00 -
3 RD - 125 F S + RO - 125 F S RD - 125 F S + RO - 125 F S Unit 64,746,500.00 71,221,150.00 -
4 RD - 150F S + RO - 150 F S RD - 150F S + RO - 150 F S Unit 80,944,500.00 89,038,950.00 -
0 - -
g Floor Standing Floor Standing - -
1 RT - 25 S + RO - 25 S Kap. 24,000 Btu/h RT - 25 S + RO - 25 S Kap. 24,000 Btu/h Unit 16,289,000.00 17,917,900.00 -
2 RT - 50 S + RO - 50 S Kap. 48 000 Btu/h RT - 50 S + RO - 50 S Kap. 48 000 Btu/h Unit 24,843,000.00 27,327,300.00 -
3 RT - 100 S + RO - 100 S Kap 100,000 Btu/h RT - 100 S + RO - 100 S Kap 100,000 Btu/h Unit 79,625,000.00 87,587,500.00 -
0 - -
N6 AC Merek AICOOL AC Merek AICOOL - -
a Wall Mounted Wall Mounted - -
1 WM - 07 + CU - 07 WM - 07 + CU - 07 Unit 3,618,450.00 3,980,300.00 -
2 WM - 09 + CU - 09 WM - 09 + CU - 09 Unit 3,711,950.00 4,083,150.00 -
3 WM-12 +CU-12 WM-12 +CU-12 Unit 4,590,850.00 5,049,940.00 -
4 WM-12 +CU- 18 WM-12 +CU- 18 Unit 7,012,500.00 7,713,750.00 -
5 WM - 24 + CU - 24 WM - 24 + CU - 24 Unit 9,088,200.00 9,997,020.00 -
6 WM - 30 + CU - 30 WM - 30 + CU - 30 Unit 11,781,000.00 12,959,100.00 -
0 - -
b Split Ducted Split Ducted - -
1 FD - 32 + CU - 32 FD - 32 + CU - 32 Unit 22,664,400.00 24,930,840.00 -
2 FD - 42 + CU -42 FD - 42 + CU -42 Unit 27,432,900.00 30,176,190.00 -
3 FD - 52 + CU - 52 FD - 52 + CU - 52 Unit 28,237,000.00 31,060,700.00 -
4 FD - 62 + CU - 6 FD - 62 + CU - 6 Unit 29,041,100.00 31,945,210.00 -
5 FD - 77 + CU - 77 FD - 77 + CU - 77 Unit 39,008,200.00 42,909,020.00 -
6 FD - 192 + CU - 102 FD - 192 + CU - 102 Unit 44,421,850.00 48,864,040.00 -
7 FD - 127 + CU - 127 FD - 127 + CU - 127 Unit 52,612,450.00 57,873,700.00 -
8 FD - 152 + CU - 152 FD - 152 + CU - 152 Unit 67,768,800.00 74,545,680.00 -
9 FD - 202 + CU - 202 FD - 202 + CU - 202 Unit 87,983,500.00 96,781,850.00 -
10 FD - 252 + CU - 252 FD - 252 + CU - 252 Unit 98,025,400.00 107,827,940.00 -
11 FD - 302 + CU - 302 FD - 302 + CU - 302 Unit 125,673,350.00 138,240,690.00 -
0 - -
1 MSRA 131 C 125 kW MSRA 131 C 125 kW Unit 543,400,000.00 597,740,000.00 -
2 MSRA 150 C 143 kW MSRA 150 C 143 kW Unit 658,500,000.00 724,350,000.00 -
3 MSRA 230 C 225 kW MSRA 230 C 225 kW Unit 1,095,034,000.00 1,204,537,400.00 -
4 MKM-50 MKM-50 Unit 18,590,000.00 20,449,000.00 -
5 MKM-60 MKM-60 Unit 21,247,500.00 23,372,250.00 -
6 MKM-80 MKM-80 Unit 2,102,500.00 2,312,750.00 -
7 MKM-100 MKM-100 Unit 23,680,800.00 26,048,880.00 -
8 MKM-120 MKM-120 Unit 23,924,000.00 26,316,400.00 -
0 - -
a Air Cooled Packaged Free Blow Air Cooled Packaged Free Blow - -
1 Type RP-5A4+RCR5A4 Type RP-5A4+RCR5A4 Unit 56,397,500.00 62,037,250.00 -
2 Type RP-8A4+RCR8A4 Type RP-8A4+RCR8A4 Unit 69,487,500.00 76,436,250.00 -
3 Type RP-10A4+RCR10A4 Type RP-10A4+RCR10A4 Unit 80,367,500.00 88,404,250.00 -
0 - -
b Air Cooled Packaged Duct Air Cooled Packaged Duct - -
1 Type RP-5A4+RCR5A4 Type RP-5A4+RCR5A4 Unit 54,655,000.00 60,120,500.00 -
2 Type RP-8A4+RCR8A4 Type RP-8A4+RCR8A4 Unit 67,575,000.00 74,332,500.00 -
3 Type RP-10A4+RCR I 0A4 Type RP-10A4+RCR I 0A4 Unit 78,115,000.00 85,926,500.00 -
0 - -
c Water Cooled Packaged Free Blow Water Cooled Packaged Free Blow - -
1 Type RP-3W5 Type RP-3W5 Unit 31,152,500.00 34,267,750.00 -
2 Type RP-4W5 Type RP-4W5 Unit 33,107,500.00 36,418,250.00 -
3 Type RP-5W5 Type RP-5W5 Unit 38,547,500.00 42,402,250.00 -
4 Type RP-8W5 Type RP-8W5 Unit 49,725,000.00 54,697,500.00 -
5 Type RP-10W5 Type RP-10W5 Unit 58,225,000.00 64,047,500.00 -
0 - -
d Air Cooled Packaged Duct Air Cooled Packaged Duct - -
1 Type RP-5WL5 Type RP-5WL5 Unit 36,975,000.00 40,672,500.00 -
2 Type RP-8WL5 Type RP-8WL5 Unit 45,517,500.00 50,069,250.00 -
3 Type RP-1OWL5 Type RP-1OWL5 Unit 53,677,500.00 59,045,250.00 -
4 Type RAS-402S+RAS 4CT2S Type RAS-402S+RAS 4CT2S Unit 55,998,000.00 61,597,800.00 -
5 Type RAS-502S+RAS 5CT2S Type RAS-502S+RAS 5CT2S Unit 60,435,000.00 66,478,500.00 -
6 Type RAS-602S+RAS 606T2 Type RAS-602S+RAS 606T2 Unit 64,855,000.00 71,340,500.00 -
7 Type RAS-802S+RAS 80CT2S Type RAS-802S+RAS 80CT2S Unit 69,258,000.00 76,183,800.00 -
0 - -
N9 Compressor merk COPLAND Compressor merk COPLAND - -
1 10 PK 10 PK Unit 275,000.00 302,500.00 -
2 15 PK 15 PK Unit - -
0 - -
N10 VAV VAV - -
1 Kap 200 s/d 400 CFM Kap 200 s/d 400 CFM 8,100,000.00 8,910,000.00 -
0 - -
N11 FAN FAN - -
1 750 CFM/SP 0,4" WG, Axial 750 CFM/SP 0,4" WG, Axial Unit 9,205,500.00 10,126,050.00 -
2 400 CFM/SP 0,4" WG, Axial 400 CFM/SP 0,4" WG, Axial Unit 4,488,000.00 4,936,800.00 -
3 150 CFM/SP 0.4" WG, Ceiling, KDK 150 CFM/SP 0.4" WG, Ceiling, KDK Unit 2,652,000.00 2,917,200.00 -
4 1500 CFM/SP 0.4" WG, Industry, KDK 1500 CFM/SP 0.4" WG, Industry, KDK Unit 4,369,000.00 4,805,900.00 -
0 - -
1 In door kap.4.5 TR / 54000 Btu/h In door kap.4.5 TR / 54000 Btu/h unit 58,900,000.00 64,790,000.00 -
2 In door kap.4.125 TR / 49500 Btu/h In door kap.4.125 TR / 49500 Btu/h unit 55,800,000.00 61,380,000.00 -
3 In door kap.3.75 TR / 45000 Btu/h In door kap.3.75 TR / 45000 Btu/h unit 54,950,000.00 60,445,000.00 -
4 In door Unit VRF cassete type 3,3 TR/39000 Btu/h In door Unit VRF cassete type 3,3 TR/39000 Btu/h unit 54,500,000.00 59,950,000.00 -
5 In door kap.2.3 TR / 27000 Btu/h In door kap.2.3 TR / 27000 Btu/h unit 54,000,000.00 59,400,000.00 -
6 Out door AC VRF 3,3 TR / 39000 Btu/h Out door AC VRF 3,3 TR / 39000 Btu/h unit 168,000,000.00 184,800,000.00 -
7 Out door kap.12 TR / 144000 Btu/h Out door kap.12 TR / 144000 Btu/h unit 362,500,000.00 398,750,000.00 -
8 Out door kap.10.5 TR / 126000 Btu/h Out door kap.10.5 TR / 126000 Btu/h unit 318,300,000.00 350,130,000.00 -
0 - -
N13 Water heater Water heater - -
1 Kap 15 + aksesoris Kap 15 + aksesoris unit 3,808,000.00 4,188,800.00 -
0 - -
N14 Roof Tank Roof Tank - -
1 Roof Tank Kap.3 M3 Panel System Lengkap Dudukan Roof Tank Kap.3 M3 Panel System Lengkap Dudukan unit 15,900,000.00 17,490,000.00 -
2 Roof Tank Kap.10 m3 Panel System Lengkap Dudukan Roof Tank Kap.10 m3 Panel System Lengkap Dudukan unit 51,300,000.00 56,430,000.00 -
0 - -
1 Mixer Amplifier 30 W ZA - 230 W Mixer Amplifier 30 W ZA - 230 W Bh 672,300.00 739,530.00 -
2 Mixer Amplifier 30 W ZA - 2030 Mixer Amplifier 30 W ZA - 2030 Bh 1,246,700.00 1,371,370.00 -
3 Mixer Amplifier 60 W ZA - 2060 Mixer Amplifier 60 W ZA - 2060 Bh 1,521,200.00 1,673,320.00 -
4 Mixer Amplifier 120 W ZA - 2120 Mixer Amplifier 120 W ZA - 2120 Bh 2,004,500.00 2,204,950.00 -
5 Mixer Amplifier 240 W ZA - 2240 Mixer Amplifier 240 W ZA - 2240 Bh 3,246,700.00 3,571,370.00 -
6 Power Booster Amplifier 240 W u/ ZA series ZP - 2240 Power Booster Amplifier 240 W u/ ZA series ZP - 2240 Bh 3,246,700.00 3,571,370.00 -
7 Ceiling Speaker 6 W, 3 W, 1,5 W ZS 646R Ceiling Speaker 6 W, 3 W, 1,5 W ZS 646R Bh 86,700.00 95,370.00 -
8 Ceiling Speaker 6 W, 3 W, 1,5 W ZS 645R Ceiling Speaker 6 W, 3 W, 1,5 W ZS 645R Bh 76,700.00 84,370.00 -
9 Ceiling Speaker 6 W ZS - 2369 Ceiling Speaker 6 W ZS - 2369 Bh 203,400.00 223,740.00 -
10 Pendant Speaker 6 W ZS - PE64 Pendant Speaker 6 W ZS - PE64 Bh 373,400.00 410,740.00 -
11 Ceiling Mount Speaker ZS - 1869 Ceiling Mount Speaker ZS - 1869 Bh 170,000.00 187,000.00 -
12 Box Speaker 6 W ZS - 062 Box Speaker 6 W ZS - 062 Bh 177,800.00 195,580.00 -
13 Universal Speaker 30 W ZS - 1030B Universal Speaker 30 W ZS - 1030B Bh 666,700.00 733,370.00 -
14 Column Speaker 10 W ZS - 102 C Column Speaker 10 W ZS - 102 C Bh 545,600.00 600,160.00 -
15 Column Speaker 20 W ZS - 202 C Column Speaker 20 W ZS - 202 C Bh 711,200.00 782,320.00 -
16 Pendant Speaker 6 W ZS - PE304 Pendant Speaker 6 W ZS - PE304 Bh 530,000.00 583,000.00 -
17 Pendant Speaker 6 W ZS - PJ64 Pendant Speaker 6 W ZS - PJ64 Bh 512,300.00 563,530.00 -
18 Pendant Speaker 6 W ZS - PJ304 Pendant Speaker 6 W ZS - PJ304 Bh 622,300.00 684,530.00 -
19 Foreground Speaker 50 W ZS - F1300 Foreground Speaker 50 W ZS - F1300 Bh 907,800.00 998,580.00 -
20 Foreground Speaker 50 W ZS - F1300 BMWP Foreground Speaker 50 W ZS - F1300 BMWP Bh 1,170,000.00 1,287,000.00 -
21 Horn Speaker 15 W ZH - 2045 Horn Speaker 15 W ZH - 2045 Bh 227,800.00 250,580.00 -
22 Horn Speaker 25 W ZH - 5025 BM Horn Speaker 25 W ZH - 5025 BM Bh 481,200.00 529,320.00 -
23 Horn Speaker 10 W ZH - 610S Horn Speaker 10 W ZH - 610S Bh 242,300.00 266,530.00 -
24 Horn Speaker10 W w/ MT ZH - 615 SM Horn Speaker10 W w/ MT ZH - 615 SM Bh 278,900.00 306,790.00 -
25 Horn Speaker 15 W ZH - 615 S Horn Speaker 15 W ZH - 615 S Bh 286,700.00 315,370.00 -
26 Horn Speaker 15 W w/ MT ZH - 615 SM Horn Speaker 15 W w/ MT ZH - 615 SM Bh 332,300.00 365,530.00 -
27 Horn Speaker 25 W ZH - 625 S Horn Speaker 25 W ZH - 625 S Bh 351,200.00 386,320.00 -
28 Horn Speaker 25 W w/ MT ZH - 625 SM Horn Speaker 25 W w/ MT ZH - 625 SM Bh 395,600.00 435,160.00 -
29 Megaphone 6 W dengan sirene / Whistle ZR5 10/S/W Megaphone 6 W dengan sirene / Whistle ZR5 10/S/W Bh 334,900.00 368,390.00 -
30 Speaker System 300 W Frek Respond 60 - 20 kHz Speaker System 300 W Frek Respond 60 - 20 kHz Bh 2,437,500.00 2,681,250.00 -
31 Dynamic Microphone ZM - 260 Dynamic Microphone ZM - 260 Bh 138,900.00 152,790.00 -
32 Dynamic Microphone ZM - 320 Dynamic Microphone ZM - 320 Bh 267,800.00 294,580.00 -
33 Dynamic Microphone ZM - 420 Dynamic Microphone ZM - 420 Bh 291,200.00 320,320.00 -
34 Dynamic Microphone ZM - 520 Dynamic Microphone ZM - 520 Bh 550,000.00 605,000.00 -
35 Dynamic Microphone ZM - 270 Dynamic Microphone ZM - 270 Bh 188,900.00 207,790.00 -
36 Condensor Microphone ZM - 360 Condensor Microphone ZM - 360 Bh 171,200.00 188,320.00 -
37 Mixer Amplifier 2 x 120 W ZA - 2128 MW Mixer Amplifier 2 x 120 W ZA - 2128 MW Bh 4,400,000.00 4,840,000.00 -
38 Mixer Amplifier 30 W ZA - 2030 Mixer Amplifier 30 W ZA - 2030 Bh 1,246,700.00 1,371,370.00 -
39 Car Amplifier 10 W ZA - 20C Car Amplifier 10 W ZA - 20C Bh 415,600.00 457,160.00 -
40 Wireless Amplifier ZW - 3200 Wireless Amplifier ZW - 3200 Bh 9,555,600.00 10,511,160.00 -
41 Wireless Amplifier 2 Ch (Mic Besar) Wireless Receiver ZW - G800 Wireless Amplifier 2 Ch (Mic Besar) Wireless Receiver ZW - G800 Bh 4,888,900.00 5,377,790.00 -
42 Central Unit TS-770 Central Unit TS-770 Bh 8,816,700.00 9,698,370.00 -
43 Chairman's Unit with Long Microphone TS - 771 Chairman's Unit with Long Microphone TS - 771 unit 4,612,800.00 5,074,080.00 -
44 Delegate Unit with Long Microphone TS - 772 Delegate Unit with Long Microphone TS - 772 unit 4,063,400.00 4,469,740.00 -
45 Extention Cord 10 M YR - 770 - 10M Extention Cord 10 M YR - 770 - 10M Bh 1,252,300.00 1,377,530.00 -
46 Centre Amplifier TS - 800 Centre Amplifier TS - 800 unit 14,977,500.00 16,475,250.00 -
47 Chairman's Unit with Long Microphone & Battery TS - 801 Chairman's Unit with Long Microphone & Battery TS - 801 unit 8,762,500.00 9,638,750.00 -
48 Delegate Unit with Long Microphone & Battery TS - 802 Delegate Unit with Long Microphone & Battery TS - 802 unit 8,420,000.00 9,262,000.00 -
49 IR Transreceiver TS - 905 IR Transreceiver TS - 905 Bh 6,730,000.00 7,403,000.00 -
50 Battery Charger BC - 900 Battery Charger BC - 900 Bh 13,613,800.00 14,975,180.00 -
0 - -
1 LBC 309/00 ceiling loundspeaker 6 watt biege LBC 309/00 ceiling loundspeaker 6 watt biege unit 273,000.00 300,300.00 -
2 Surface mounting box (white) LBC 3091/05 Surface mounting box (white) LBC 3091/05 Bh 892,500.00 981,750.00 -
3 Chairmans unit with loudspeaker LBB 3531/00 Chairmans unit with loudspeaker LBB 3531/00 unit 7,875,000.00 8,662,500.00 -
4 Delegates unit with loudspeaker LBB 3530/00 Delegates unit with loudspeaker LBB 3530/00 unit 6,300,000.00 6,930,000.00 -
5 Power supply unit with LBB J 300/00 extenti OM cable 5m LBB3500/DS Power supply unit with LBB J 300/00 extenti OM cable 5m LBB3500/DS unit 31,500,000.00 34,650,000.00 -
6 Extention cable 20 m LBB 33CHV20 telephone coupler 4503/01 Extention cable 20 m LBB 33CHV20 telephone coupler 4503/01 unit 42,000,000.00 46,200,000.00 -
7 Connection unit & hand mic lub 2900H 5 L&D Connection unit & hand mic lub 2900H 5 L&D unit 13,125,000.00 14,437,500.00 -
0 - -
1 Ceilling speaker 3 watt Ceilling speaker 3 watt Bh 136,600.00 150,260.00 -
2 Horn speaker 15 watt Horn speaker 15 watt Bh 667,700.00 734,470.00 -
3 Coloumb speaker 10 watt Coloumb speaker 10 watt Bh 582,300.00 640,530.00 -
4 Coloumb speaker 20 watt Coloumb speaker 20 watt Bh 729,800.00 802,780.00 -
5 Wall / box speaker 6 watt Wall / box speaker 6 watt Bh 479,800.00 527,780.00 -
6 Metal box speaker ( fire resistant ) Metal box speaker ( fire resistant ) Bh 675,500.00 743,050.00 -
7 Volume control 12 watt Volume control 12 watt Bh 304,300.00 334,730.00 -
8 Volume control 36 watt Volume control 36 watt Bh 357,100.00 392,810.00 -
9 Mixer pre-amp standard (LBB 1925) Mixer pre-amp standard (LBB 1925) Bh 8,276,400.00 9,104,040.00 -
10 Mixer pre-amp evac (LBB 1990) Mixer pre-amp evac (LBB 1990) Bh 26,674,800.00 29,342,280.00 -
11 Evac router (LBB 1992) Evac router (LBB 1992) Bh 14,871,200.00 16,358,320.00 -
12 Microphone / call station Microphone / call station Bh 3,528,000.00 3,880,800.00 -
13 Power amplifier 120 watt Power amplifier 120 watt Bh 4,534,200.00 4,987,620.00 -
14 Power amplifier 240 watt Power amplifier 240 watt Bh 7,764,000.00 8,540,400.00 -
15 Power amplifier 480 watt Power amplifier 480 watt Bh 13,975,200.00 15,372,720.00 -
16 CD/MP3player c/w tuner AM-FM CD/MP3player c/w tuner AM-FM Bh 4,658,400.00 5,124,240.00 -
17 Double cassette deck Double cassette deck Bh 3,105,600.00 3,416,160.00 -
18 Speaker selector 10 zone Speaker selector 10 zone Bh 5,978,300.00 6,576,130.00 -
19 Speaker selector 20 zone Speaker selector 20 zone Bh 11,956,500.00 13,152,150.00 -
20 Speaker selector 30 zone Speaker selector 30 zone Bh 14,945,700.00 16,440,270.00 -
21 Speaker selector 40 zone Speaker selector 40 zone Bh 20,923,900.00 23,016,290.00 -
22 Speaker selector 50 zone Speaker selector 50 zone Bh 23,913,000.00 26,304,300.00 -
23 Matrix controller Matrix controller Bh 93,167,700.00 102,484,470.00 -
24 Emergency panel 10 zone Emergency panel 10 zone Bh 40,372,700.00 44,409,970.00 -
25 Emergency panel 20 zone Emergency panel 20 zone Bh 65,217,400.00 71,739,140.00 -
26 Emergency panel 30 zone Emergency panel 30 zone Bh 82,298,100.00 90,527,910.00 -
27 Emergency panel 40 zone Emergency panel 40 zone Bh 111,801,200.00 122,981,320.00 -
28 Emergency panel 60 zone Emergency panel 60 zone Bh 153,726,700.00 169,099,370.00 -
29 Evac message module 4 Evac message module 4 Bh 9,316,800.00 10,248,480.00 -
30 Cabinet rack c/w acc Cabinet rack c/w acc Bh 13,198,800.00 14,518,680.00 -
31 DCN-CCU DCN Basic Central Control Unit DCN-CCU DCN Basic Central Control Unit unit 83,297,662.50 91,627,430.00 -
32 DCN-CONCM DCN Chairman Unit DCN-CONCM DCN Chairman Unit unit 27,138,137.00 29,851,960.00 -
33 DCN-CON DCN Basic Delegate Unit DCN-CON DCN Basic Delegate Unit unit 23,508,875.00 25,859,770.00 -
34 LBB 3316 Extention Cable 10 mtr LBB 3316 Extention Cable 10 mtr unit 2,909,382.13 3,200,330.00 -
35 LBB 3316 Extention Cable 20 mtr LBB 3316 Extention Cable 20 mtr unit 5,818,764.25 6,400,650.00 -
36 PLE- I ME120-EU Mixer Amplifier 120 Watt PLE- I ME120-EU Mixer Amplifier 120 Watt unit 8,259,875.00 9,085,870.00 -
37 LB I-UM-020 Column Speaker 20 Watt LB I-UM-020 Column Speaker 20 Watt unit 3,456,440.00 3,802,090.00 -
38 PIV PC Computer w/ Camera Control Software PIV PC Computer w/ Camera Control Software unit 106,126,050.88 116,738,660.00 -
39 Bosch Autodome Color Camera Bosch Autodome Color Camera unit 46,525,969.75 51,178,570.00 -
40 Bosch Video Matrix Switchher Bosch Video Matrix Switchher unit 19,568,914.63 21,525,810.00 -
41 Bosch LCD Monitor 20" Bosch LCD Monitor 20" unit 30,180,312.50 33,198,350.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
42 Bosch Keyboard Controller Bosch Keyboard Controller unit 18,144,403.88 19,958,850.00 -
43 Recorder, Digital Feedback & Memory Card 1 GB Recorder, Digital Feedback & Memory Card 1 GB unit 27,162,281.25 29,878,510.00 -
44 CCS CM ID Chairman Unit c/w 2 Mtr cable CCS CM ID Chairman Unit c/w 2 Mtr cable unit 7,001,832.50 7,702,020.00 -
45 CCS C ID Delegate Unit c/w 2 Mtr cable CCS C ID Delegate Unit c/w 2 Mtr cable unit 5,504,889.00 6,055,380.00 -
46 PLE-1ME120-EU Mixer Amplifier 120 Watt PLE-1ME120-EU Mixer Amplifier 120 Watt unit 8,259,875.00 9,085,870.00 -
47 LB I -UM-020 Column Speaker 20 Watt LB I -UM-020 Column Speaker 20 Watt unit 3,456,440.00 3,802,090.00 -
48 LBB 3316/10 Extention Cable 10 mtr LBB 3316/10 Extention Cable 10 mtr unit 1,871,179.38 2,058,300.00 -
49 LBB 3316/00 Extention Cable 20 mtr LBB 3316/00 Extention Cable 20 mtr unit 3,742,358.75 4,116,600.00 -
0 - -
1 Tiang Splitzle Tiang Splitzle Bh 58,860.00 64,750.00 -
2 Kabel BC 75 mm2 Kabel BC 75 mm2 m' 32,400.00 35,640.00 -
3 Klein kabel Klein kabel Bh 3,920.00 4,320.00 -
4 Pentanahan Pentanahan unit 1,393,571.60 1,532,930.00 -
5 Bak Kontrol 600 x 600 x 400 Bak Kontrol 600 x 600 x 400 Bh 137,500.00 151,250.00 -
6 Box test Box test Bh 481,438.37 529,590.00 -
1 Tiang pancang type A2 - 300 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 300 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 258,000.00 258,000.00 113.00
2 Tiang pancang type A2 - 300 - 6 s/d 8 segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A2 - 300 - 6 s/d 8 segmen Bottom Pencil m' 230,000.00 230,000.00 113.00
3 Tiang pancang type A2 - 300 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 300 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 249,000.00 249,000.00 113.00
4 Tiang pancang type A2 - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 229,000.00 229,000.00 113.00
5 Tiang pancang type A2 - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A2 - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 210,000.00 210,000.00 113.00
6 Tiang pancang type A2 - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 223,000.00 223,000.00 113.00
7 Tiang pancang type A2 - 300 - 12 s/d 13 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 300 - 12 s/d 13 Segmen Bottom m' 215,000.00 215,000.00 113.00
8 Tiang pancang type A2 - 300 - 12 sid 13 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A2 - 300 - 12 sid 13 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 201,000.00 201,000.00 113.00
9 Tiang pancang type A2 - 300 - 12 s/d 13 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 300 - 12 s/d 13 Segmen Middle m' 216,000.00 216,000.00 113.00
10 Tiang pancang type A3 - 300 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 300 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 273,000.00 273,000.00 113.00
11 Tiang pancang type A3 - 300 - 6 s/d Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 300 - 6 s/d Segmen Bottom m' 244,000.00 244,000.00 113.00
12 Tiang pancang type A3 - 300 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 300 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 263,000.00 263,000.00 113.00
13 Tiang pancang type A3 - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 244,000.00 244,000.00 113.00
14 Thing pancang type A3 - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil Thing pancang type A3 - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 225,000.00 225,000.00 113.00
15 Tiang pancang type A3 - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 238,000.00 238,000.00 113.00
16 Tiang pancang type A3 - 300 - 12 s/d 13 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 300 - 12 s/d 13 Segmen Bottom m' 230,000.00 230,000.00 113.00
17 Tiang pancang type A3 - 300 - 12 s/d 13 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 300 - 12 s/d 13 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 215,000.00 215,000.00 113.00
18 Tiang pancang type A3 - 300 - 12 s/d 13 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 300 - 12 s/d 13 Segmen Bottom m' 225,000.00 225,000.00 113.00
19 Tiang pancang type B - 300 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 300 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 298,000.00 298,000.00 113.00
20 Tiang pancang type B - 300 - 6 s/d 8 segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type B - 300 - 6 s/d 8 segmen Bottom Pencil m' 270,000.00 270,000.00 113.00
21 Tiang pancang type B - 300 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 300 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 289,000.00 289,000.00 113.00
22 Tiang pancang type B - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 270,000.00 270,000.00 113.00
23 Tiang pancang type B - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type B - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 251,000.00 251,000.00 113.00
24 Tiang pancang type B - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 264,000.00 264,000.00 113.00
25 Tiang pancang type B - 300 - 12 s/d 13 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 300 - 12 s/d 13 Segmen Bottom m' 255,000.00 255,000.00 113.00
26 Tiang pancang type B - 300 - 12 sid 13 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type B - 300 - 12 sid 13 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 241,000.00 241,000.00 113.00
27 Tiang pancang type B - 300 - 12 s/d 13 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 300 - 12 s/d 13 Segmen Middle m' 251,000.00 251,000.00 113.00
28 Tiang pancang type C - 300 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 300 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 348,000.00 348,000.00 113.00
29 Tiang pancang type C - 300 - 6 s/d 8 segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type C - 300 - 6 s/d 8 segmen Bottom Pencil m' 315,000.00 315,000.00 113.00
30 Tiang pancang type C - 300 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 300 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 345,000.00 345,000.00 113.00
31 Tiang pancang type C - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 313,000.00 313,000.00 113.00
32 Tiang pancang type C - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type C - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 291,000.00 291,000.00 113.00
33 Tiang pancang type C - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 300 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 311,000.00 311,000.00 113.00
34 Tiang pancang type C - 300 - 12 s/d 13 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 300 - 12 s/d 13 Segmen Bottom m' 296,000.00 296,000.00 113.00
35 Tiang pancang type C - 300 - 12 sid 13 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type C - 300 - 12 sid 13 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 279,000.00 279,000.00 113.00
36 Tiang pancang type C - 300 - 12 s/d 13 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 300 - 12 s/d 13 Segmen Middle m' 294,000.00 294,000.00 113.00
37 Tian pancang type A1 - 350 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tian pancang type A1 - 350 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 321,000.00 321,000.00 145.00
38 Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 6 s/d Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 6 s/d Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 288,000.00 288,000.00 145.00
39 Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 318,000.00 318,000.00 145.00
40 Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 288,000.00 288,000.00 145.00
41 Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 266,000.00 266,000.00 145.00
42 Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 286,000.00 286,000.00 145.00
43 Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 272,000.00 272,000.00 145.00
44 Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 255,000.00 255,000.00 145.00
45 Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 270,000.00 270,000.00 145.00
46 Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 262,000.00 262,000.00 145.00
47 Tiang pancang type A1 1 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A1 1 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 249,000.00 249,000.00 145.00
48 Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 260,000.00 260,000.00 145.00
49 Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 336,000.00 336,000.00 145.00
50 Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 303,000.00 303,000.00 145.00
51 Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 333,000.00 333,000.00 145.00
52 Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 303,000.00 303,000.00 145.00
53 Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 281,000.00 281,000.00 145.00
54 Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 301,000.00 301,000.00 145.00
55 Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 287,000.00 287,000.00 145.00
56 Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 12 s/d 14 segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 12 s/d 14 segmen Bottom Pencil m' 270,000.00 270,000.00 145.00
57 Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 285,000.00 285,000.00 145.00
58 Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 277,000.00 277,000.00 145.00
59 Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 264,000.00 264,000.00 145.00
60 Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 276,000.00 276,000.00 145.00
61 Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom m' 362,000.00 362,000.00 145.00
62 Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 330,000.00 330,000.00 145.00
63 Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 359,000.00 359,000.00 145.00
64 Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 330,000.00 330,000.00 145.00
65 Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 308,000.00 308,000.00 145.00
66 Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 327,000.00 327,000.00 145.00
67 Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 313,000.00 313,000.00 145.00
68 Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 297,000.00 297,000.00 145.00
69 Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 311,000.00 311,000.00 145.00
70 Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 303,000.00 303,000.00 145.00
71 Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 290,000.00 290,000.00 145.00
72 Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 302,000.00 302,000.00 145.00
73 Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom m' 424,000.00 424,000.00 145.00
74 Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 385,000.00 385,000.00 145.00
75 Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 428,000.00 428,000.00 145.00
76 Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 384,000.00 384,000.00 145.00
77 Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 358,000.00 358,000.00 145.00
78 Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 386,000.00 386,000.00 145.00
79 Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 363,000.00 363,000.00 145.00
80 Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 344,000.00 344,000.00 145.00
81 Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 365,000.00 365,000.00 145.00
82 Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 351,000.00 351,000.00 145.00
83 Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 336,000.00 336,000.00 145.00
84 Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 350 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 353,000.00 353,000.00 145.00
85 Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom m' 414,000.00 414,000.00 191.00
86 Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 371,000.00 371,000.00 191.00
87 Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 413,000.00 413,000.00 191.00
88 Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 373,000.00 373,000.00 191.00
89 Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 344,000.00 344,000.00 191.00
90 Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 372,000.00 372,000.00 191.00
91 Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 352,000.00 352,000.00 191.00
92 Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 331,000.00 331,000.00 191.00
93 Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 352,000.00 352,000.00 191.00
94 Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 340,000.00 340,000.00 191.00
95 Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 323,000.00 323,000.00 191.00
96 Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 340,000.00 340,000.00 191.00
97 Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom m' 428,000.00 428,000.00 191.00
98 Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 385,000.00 385,000.00 191.00
99 Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 427,000.00 427,000.00 191.00
100 Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 387,000.00 387,000.00 191.00
101 Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 359,000.00 359,000.00 191.00
102 Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 386,000.00 386,000.00 191.00
103 Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 367,000.00 367,000.00 191.00
104 Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 345,000.00 345,000.00 191.00
105 Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 366,000.00 366,000.00 191.00
106 Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 354,000.00 354,000.00 191.00
107 Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 337,000.00 337,000.00 191.00
108 Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 354,000.00 354,000.00 191.00
109 Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom m' 480,000.00 480,000.00 191.00
110 Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 437,000.00 437,000.00 191.00
111 Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 479,000.00 479,000.00 191.00
112 Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 439,000.00 439,000.00 191.00
113 Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 410,000.00 410,000.00 191.00
114 Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 438,000.00 438,000.00 191.00
115 Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 418,000.00 418,000.00 191.00
116 Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 397,000.00 397,000.00 191.00
117 Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 418,000.00 418,000.00 191.00
118 Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 406,000.00 406,000.00 191.00
119 Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 389,000.00 389,000.00 191.00
120 Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 405,000.00 405,000.00 191.00
121 Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom m' 555,000.09 555,000.09 191.00
122 Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 504,000.00 504,000.00 191.00
123 Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 565,000.00 565,000.00 191.00
124 Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 503,000.00 503,000.00 191.00
125 Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 469,000.00 469,000.00 191.00
126 Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 510,000.00 510,000.00 191.00
127 Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 477,000.00 477,000.00 191.00
128 Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 452,000.00 452,000.00 191.00
129 Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 482,000.00 482,000.00 191.00
130 Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 461,000.00 461,000.00 191.00
131 Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 441,000.00 441,000.00 191.00
132 Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 400 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 466,000.00 466,000.00 191.00
133 Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom m' 488,000.00 488,000.00 232.00
134 Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 438.00 438.00 232.00
135 Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 486.00 486.00 232.00
136 Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 439,000.00 439,000.00 232.00
137 Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 406,000.00 406,000.00 232.00
138 Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 438,000.00 438,000.00 232.00
139 Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 414,000.00 414,000.00 232.00
140 Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 390,000.00 390,000.00 232.00
141 Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 413,000.00 413,000.00 232.00
142 Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 400,000.00 400,000.00 232.00
143 Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 380,000.00 380,000.00 232.00
144 Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 399,000.00 399,000.00 232.00
145 Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 514,000.00 514,000.00 232.00
146 Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 465,000.00 465,000.00 232.00
147 Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 513,000.00 513,000.00 232.00
148 Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 466,000.00 466,000.00 232.00
149 Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 433,000.00 433,000.00 232.00
150 Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 464,000.00 464,000.00 232.00
151 Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 12 sid 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 12 sid 14 Segmen Bottom m' 441,000.00 441,000.00 232.00
152 Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 12 s/d 14 segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 12 s/d 14 segmen Bottom Pencil m' 416,000.00 416,000.00 232.00
153 Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 440,000.00 440,000.00 232.00
154 Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 427,000.00 427,000.00 232.00
155 Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 407,000.00 407,000.00 232.00
156 Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 426,000.00 426,000.00 232.00
157 Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 542,000.00 542,000.00 232.00
158 Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 492,000.00 492,000.00 232.00
159 Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 540,000.00 540,000.00 232.00
160 Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 493,000.00 493,000.00 232.00
161 Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 460,000.00 460,000.00 232.00
162 Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Medle Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Medle m' 492,000.00 492,000.00 232.00
163 Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 12 sid 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 12 sid 14 Segmen Bottom m' 469,000.00 469,000.00 232.00
164 Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 12 s/d 14 segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 12 s/d 14 segmen Bottom Pencil m' 444,000.00 444,000.00 232.00
165 Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 468,000.00 468,000.00 232.00
166 Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 454,000.00 454,000.00 232.00
167 Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 15 s/d 16 segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 15 s/d 16 segmen Bottom Pencil m' 434,000.00 434,000.00 232.00
168 Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 453,000.00 453,000.00 232.00
169 Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom m' 569,000.00 569,000.00 232.00
170 Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 520,000.00 520,000.00 232.00
171 Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 567,000.00 567,000.00 232.00
172 Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 520,000.00 520,000.00 232.00
173 Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 487,000.00 487,000.00 232.00
174 Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 519,000.00 519,000.00 232.00
175 Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 498,000.00 498,000.00 232.00
176 Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 471,000.00 471,000.00 232.00
177 Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 495,000.00 495,000.00 232.00
178 Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 481,000.00 481,000.00 232.00
179 Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 462,000.00 462,000.00 232.00
180 Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 481,000.00 481,000.00 232.00
181 Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom m' 672,000.00 672,000.00 232.00
182 Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 613,000.00 613,000.00 232.00
183 Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 685,000.00 685,000.00 232.00
184 Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 612,000.00 612,000.00 232.00
185 Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 572,000.00 572,000.00 232.00
186 Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 620,000.00 620,000.00 232.00
187 Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 581,000.00 581,000.00 232.00
188 Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 552,000.00 552,000.00 232.00
189 Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 587,000.00 587,000.00 232.00
190 Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 563,000.00 563,000.00 232.00
191 Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 540,000.00 540,000.00 232.00
192 Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 450 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 568,000.00 568,000.00 232.00
193 Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom m' 613,000.00 613,000.00 290.00
194 Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 551,000.00 551,000.00 290.00
195 Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 618,000.00 618,000.00 290.00
196 Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 553,000.00 553,000.00 290.00
197 Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 512,000.00 512,000.00 290.00
198 Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 556,000.00 556,000.00 290.00
199 Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 522,000.00 522,000.00 290.00
200 Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 492,000.00 492,000.00 290.00
201 Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 525,000.00 525,000.00 290.00
202 Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 504,000.00 504,000.00 290.00
203 Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 480,000.00 480,000.00 290.00
204 Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 506,000.00 506,000.00 290.00
205 Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 641,000.00 641,000.00 290.00
206 Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 579,000.00 579,000.00 290.00
207 Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 646,000.00 646,000.00 290.00
208 Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Botom Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Botom m' 580,000.00 580,000.00 290.00
209 Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 539,000.00 539,000.00 290.00
210 Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 584,000.00 584,000.00 290.00
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
211 Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 550,000.00 550,000.00 290.00
212 Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 519,000.00 519,000.00 290.00
213 Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 532,000.00 532,000.00 290.00
214 Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 507,000.00 507,000.00 290.00
215 Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 534,000.00 534,000.00 290.00
216 Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 681,000.00 681,000.00 290.00
217 Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 620,000.00 620,000.00 290.00
218 Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 686,000.00 686,000.00 290.00
219 Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 621,000.00 621,000.00 290.00
220 Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 580,000.00 580,000.00 290.00
221 Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 624,000.00 624,000.00 290.00
222 Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 591,000.00 591,000.00 290.00
223 Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 560,000.00 560,000.00 290.00
224 Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 593,000.00 593,000.00 290.00
225 Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 572,000.00 572,000.00 290.00
226 Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 548,000.00 548,000.00 290.00
227 Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 574,000.00 574,000.00 290.00
228 Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 695,000.00 695,000.00 290.00
229 Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 634,000.00 634,000.00 290.00
230 Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 700,000.00 700,000.00 290.00
231 Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 635,000.00 635,000.00 290.00
232 Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 594,000.00 594,000.00 290.00
233 Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 638,000.00 638,000.00 290.00
234 Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 605,000.00 605,000.00 290.00
235 Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 574,000.00 574,000.00 290.00
236 Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 607,000.00 607,000.00 290.00
237 Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 587,000.00 587,000.00 290.00
238 Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 562,000.00 562,000.00 290.00
239 Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 589,000.00 589,000.00 290.00
240 Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B0 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 827,000.00 827,000.00 290.00
241 Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 753,000.00 753,000.00 290.00
242 Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 851,000.00 851,000.00 290.00
243 Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 751,000.00 751,000.00 290.00
244 Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 702,000.00 702,000.00 290.00
245 Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 767,000.00 767,000.00 290.00
246 Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 713,000.00 713,000.00 290.00
247 Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 676,000.00 676,000.00 290.00
248 Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 725,000.00 725,000.00 290.00
249 Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 690,000.00 690,000.00 290.00
250 Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 661,000.00 661,000.00 290.00
251 Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 700,000.00 700,000.00 290.00
252 Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C0 - 500 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 795,000.00 795,000.00 290.00
253 Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom m' 724,000.00 724,000.00 393.00
254 Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 801,000.00 801,000.00 393.00
255 Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 722,000.00 722,000.00 393.00
256 Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 675,000.00 675,000.00 393.00
257 Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 725,000.00 725,000.00 393.00
258 Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 685,000.00 685,000.00 393.00
259 Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 650,000.00 650,000.00 393.00
260 Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 688,000.00 688,000.00 393.00
261 Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 663,000.00 663,000.00 393.00
262 Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 635,000.00 635,000.00 393.00
263 Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Pencil m' 665,000.00 665,000.00 393.00
264 Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 812,000.00 812,000.00 393.00
265 Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 740,000.00 740,000.00 393.00
266 Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 817,000.00 817,000.00 393.00
267 Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 738,000.00 738,000.00 393.00
268 Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Botom Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Botom m' 691,000.00 691,000.00 393.00
269 Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 742,000.00 742,000.00 393.00
270 Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' - 393.00
271 Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 702,000.00 702,000.00 393.00
272 Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 666,000.00 666,000.00 393.00
273 Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 704,000.00 704,000.00 393.00
274 Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 680,000.00 680,000.00 393.00
275 Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 561,000.00 561,000.00 393.00
276 Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 682,000.00 682,000.00 393.00
277 Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 866,000.00 866,000.00 393.00
278 Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 795,000.00 795,000.00 393.00
279 Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 871,000.00 871,000.00 393.00
280 Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 792,000.00 792,000.00 393.00
281 Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 745,000.00 745,000.00 393.00
282 Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 796,000.00 796,000.00 393.00
283 Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 756,000.00 756,000.00 393.00
284 Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 720,000.00 720,000.00 393.00
285 Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 758,000.00 758,000.00 393.00
286 Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 734,000.00 734,000.00 393.00
287 Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 705,000.00 705,000.00 393.00
288 Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 736,000.00 736,000.00 393.00
289 Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 989,000.00 989,000.00 393.00
290 Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 902,000.00 902,000.00 393.00
291 Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 1,018,000.00 1,018,000.00 393.00
292 Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 899,000.00 899,000.00 393.00
293 Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 841,000.00 841,000.00 393.00
294 Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 919,000.00 919,000.00 393.00
295 Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 854,000.00 854,000.00 393.00
296 Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 810,000.00 810,000.00 393.00
297 Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 869,000.00 869,000.00 393.00
298 Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 827,000.00 827,000.00 393.00
299 Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 792,000.00 792,000.00 393.00
300 Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B0 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 839,000.00 839,000.00 393.00
301 Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 1,072,000.00 1,072,000.00 393.00
302 Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 986,000.00 986,000.00 393.00
303 Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 1,102,000.00 1,102,000.00 393.00
304 Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 982,000.00 982,000.00 393.00
305 Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 925,000.00 925,000.00 393.00
306 Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 1,002,000.00 1,002,000.00 393.00
307 Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 937,000.00 937,000.00 393.00
308 Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 894,000.00 894,000.00 393.00
309 Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 952,000.00 952,000.00 393.00
310 Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 910,000.00 910,000.00 393.00
311 Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom pencil Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom pencil m' 876,000.00 876,000.00 393.00
312 Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C0 - 600 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 922,000.00 922,000.00 393.00
313 Tiang pancang type A1 - 800 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 800 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 1,903,000.00 1,903,000.00 421.00
314 Tiang pancang type A1 - 800 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 800 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 1,887,000.00 1,887,000.00 421.00
315 Tiang pancang type A1 - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 1,644,000.00 1,644,000.00 421.00
316 Tiang pancang type A1 - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 1,633,000.00 1,633,000.00 421.00
317 Tiang pancang type A1 - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 1,514,000.00 1,514,000.00 421.00
318 Tiang pancang type A1 - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 1,206,000.00 1,206,000.00 421.00
319 Tiang pancang type A1 - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 1,437,000.00 1,437,000.00 421.00
320 Tiang pancang type A1 - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 1,430,000.00 1,430,000.00 421.00
321 Tiang pancang type A2 - 800 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 800 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 1,973,000.00 1,973,000.00 421.00
322 Tiang pancang type A2 - 800 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 800 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 1,957,000.00 1,957,000.00 421.00
323 Tiang pancang type A2 - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 1,714,000.00 1,714,000.00 421.00
324 Tiang pancang type A2 - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 1,703,000.00 1,703,000.00 421.00
325 Tiang pancang type A2 - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 1,584,000.00 1,584,000.00 421.00
326 Tiang pancang type A2 - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 1,276,000.00 1,276,000.00 421.00
327 Tiang pancang type A2 - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 1,507,000.00 1,507,000.00 421.00
328 Tiang pancang type A2 - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 421.00
329 Tiang pancang type A3 - 800 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 800 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 2,086,000.00 2,086,000.00 421.00
330 Tiang pancang type A3 - 800 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 800 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 2,135,000.00 2,135,000.00 421.00
331 Tiang pancang type A3 - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 1,805,000.00 1,805,000.00 421.00
332 Tiang pancang type A3 - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 1,838,000.00 1,838,000.00 421.00
333 Tiang pancang type A3 - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 1,664,000.00 1,664,000.00 421.00
334 Tiang pancang type A3 - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 1,689,000.00 1,689,000.00 421.00
335 Tiang pancang type A3 - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 1,580,000.00 1,580,000.00 421.00
336 Tiang pancang type A3 - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 1,606,000.00 1,606,000.00 421.00
337 Tiang pancang type B - 800 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 800 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 2,181,000.00 2,181,000.00 421.00
338 Tiang pancang type B - 800 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 800 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 2,231,000.00 2,231,000.00 421.00
339 Tiang pancang type B - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 1,900,000.00 1,900,000.00 421.00
340 Tiang pancang type B - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 1,934,000.00 1,934,000.00 421.00
341 Tiang pancang type B - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 1,750,000.00 1,750,000.00 421.00
342 Tiang pancang type B - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 1,785,000.00 1,785,000.00 421.00
343 Tiang pancang type B - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 1,676,000.00 1,676,000.00 421.00
344 Tiang pancang type B - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 1,696,000.00 1,696,000.00 421.00
345 Tiang pancang type C - 800 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 800 - 6 s/4 8 Segmen Bottom m' 2,446,000.00 2,446,000.00 421.00
346 Tiang pancang type C - 800 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 800 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 2,548,000.00 2,548,000.00 421.00
347 Tiang pancang type C - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 2,144,000.00 2,144,000.00 421.00
348 Tiang pancang type C - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 800 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 2,213,000.00 2,213,000.00 421.00
349 Tiang pancang type C - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 1,953,000.00 1,953,000.00 421.00
350 Tiang pancang type C - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 800 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 2,045,000.00 2,045,000.00 421.00
351 Tiang pancang type C - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 1,903,000.00 1,903,000.00 421.00
352 Tiang pancang type C - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 800 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 1,944,000.00 1,944,000.00 421.00
353 Tiang pancang type A1 - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 2,803,000.00 2,803,000.00 421.00
354 Tiang pancang type A1 - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 2,894,000.00 2,894,000.00 -
355 Tiang pancang type A1 - 1000 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 1000 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 2,403,000.00 2,403,000.00 -
356 Tiang pancang type A1 - 1000 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 1000 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 2,464,000.00 2,464,000.00 -
357 Tiang pancang type A1 - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 2,203,000.00 2,203,000.00 -
358 Tiang pancang type A1 - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 2,249,000.00 2,249,000.00 -
359 Tiang pancang type A1 - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A1 - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 2,083,000.00 2,083,000.00 -
360 Tiang pancang type A1 - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A1 - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 2,119,000.00 2,119,000.00 -
361 Tiang pancang type A2 - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 2,902,000.00 2,902,000.00 -
362 Tiang pancang type A2 - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 2,993,000.00 2,993,000.00 -
363 Tiang pancang type A2 - 1000 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 1000 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 2,502,000.00 2,502,000.00 -
364 Tiang pancang type A2 - 1000 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 1000 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 2,563,000.00 2,563,000.00 -
365 Tiang pancang type A2 - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 2,302,000.00 2,302,000.00 -
366 Tiang pancang type A2 - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 2,347,000.00 2,347,000.00 -
367 Tiang pancang type A2 - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A2 - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 2,182,000.00 2,182,000.00 -
368 Tiang pancang type A2 - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A2 - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 2,218,000.00 2,218,000.00 -
369 Tiang pancang type A3 - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 3,175,000.00 3,175,000.00 -
370 Tiang pancang type A3 - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 3,435,000.00 3,435,000.00 -
371 Tiang pancang type A3 - 1000 - 9 skill Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 1000 - 9 skill Segmen Bottom m' 2,719,000.00 2,719,000.00 -
372 Tiang pancang type A3 - 1000 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 1000 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 2,892,000.00 2,892,000.00 -
373 Tiang pancang type A3 - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 2,491,000.00 2,491,000.00 -
374 Tiang pancang type A3 - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 2,621,000.00 2,621,000.00 -
375 Tiang pancang type A3 - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type A3 - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 2,355,000.00 2,355,000.00 -
376 Tiang pancang type A3 - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type A3 - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 2,458,000.00 2,458,000.00 -
377 Tiang pancang type B - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 3,132,000.00 3,132,000.00 -
378 Tiang pancang type B - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 3,224,000.00 3,224,000.00 -
379 Tiang pancang type B - 1000 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 1000 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 2,732,000.00 2,732,000.00 -
380 Tiang pancang type B - 1000 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 1000 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 2,793,000.00 2,793,000.00 -
381 Tiang pancang type B - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 2,532,000.00 2,532,000.00 -
382 Tiang pancang type B - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 2,578,000.00 2,578,000.00 -
383 Tiang pancang type B - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type B - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 2,412,000.00 2,412,000.00 -
384 Tiang pancang type B - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type B - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 2,449,000.00 2,449,000.00 -
385 Tiang pancang type C - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Bottom m' 3,487,000.00 3,487,000.00 -
386 Tiang pancang type C - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 1000 - 6 s/d 8 Segmen Middle m' 3,746,000.00 3,746,000.00 -
387 Tiang pancang type C - 1000 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 1000 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Bottom m' 3,031,000.00 3,031,000.00 -
388 Tiang pancang type C - 1000 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 1000 - 9 s/d 11 Segmen Middle m' 3,204,000.00 3,204,000.00 -
389 Tiang pancang type C - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Bottom m' 2,803,000.00 2,803,000.00 -
390 Tiang pancang type C - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 1000 - 12 s/d 14 Segmen Middle m' 2,933,000.00 2,933,000.00 -
391 Tiang pancang type C - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom Tiang pancang type C - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Bottom m' 2,666,000.00 2,666,000.00 -
392 Tiang pancang type C - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle Tiang pancang type C - 1000 - 15 s/d 16 Segmen Middle m' 2,777,000.00 2,777,000.00 -
0 - -
Q2 Tiang Pancang Kotak Masif, Wika Beton - K 500 Tiang Pancang Kotak Masif, Wika Beton - K 500 - -
1 Tiang pancang kotak type A-dia. 25 x 25, M.Crack 2.24 - P. 6 s/d 12 Tiang pancang kotak type A-dia. 25 x 25, M.Crack 2.24 - P. 6 s/d 12 m' 185,000.00 240,500.00 -
2 Tiang pancang kotak type B-dia. 25 x 25, M.Crack 2.50 - P. 6 s/d 12 Tiang pancang kotak type B-dia. 25 x 25, M.Crack 2.50 - P. 6 s/d 12 m' 195,000.00 253,500.00 -
3 Tiang pancang kotak type C-dia. 25 x 25, M.Crack 2.76 - P. 6 s/d 12 Tiang pancang kotak type C-dia. 25 x 25, M.Crack 2.76 - P. 6 s/d 12 m' 204,000.00 265,200.00 -
4 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type A - dia. 25 x 25 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type A - dia. 25 x 25 joint 787,000.00 1,023,100.00 -
5 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type B - dia. 25 x 25 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type B - dia. 25 x 25 joint 787,000.00 1,023,100.00 -
6 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type C - dia. 25 x 25 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type C - dia. 25 x 25 joint 926,000.00 1,203,800.00 -
7 Tiang pancang kotak type A - dia.30 x 30, M.Crack 3.62 - P. 6 s/d 12 Tiang pancang kotak type A - dia.30 x 30, M.Crack 3.62 - P. 6 s/d 12 m' 253,000.00 328,900.00 -
8 Tiang pancang kotak type B - dia.30 x 30, M.Crack 3.95 - P. 6 s/d 12 Tiang pancang kotak type B - dia.30 x 30, M.Crack 3.95 - P. 6 s/d 12 m' 263,000.00 341,900.00 -
9 Tiang pancang kotak type C - dia.30 x 30, M.Crack 4.33 - P. 6 s/d 12 Tiang pancang kotak type C - dia.30 x 30, M.Crack 4.33 - P. 6 s/d 12 m' 274,000.00 356,200.00 -
10 Tiang pancang kotak type D - dia.30 x 30, M.Crack 4.88 - P. 6 s/d 12 Tiang pancang kotak type D - dia.30 x 30, M.Crack 4.88 - P. 6 s/d 12 m' 291,000.00 378,300.00 -
11 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type A - dia. 30 x 30 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type A - dia. 30 x 30 joint 944,000.00 1,227,200.00 -
12 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type B - dia. 30 x 30 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type B - dia. 30 x 30 joint 1,025,000.00 1,332,500.00 -
13 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type C - dia. 30 x 30 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type C - dia. 30 x 30 joint 1,161,000.00 1,509,300.00 -
14 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type D - dia. 30 x 30 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type D - dia. 30 x 30 joint 1,304,000.00 1,695,200.00 -
15 Tiang pancang kotak type A - dia.35 x 35, M.Crack 5.22 - P. 6 s/d 12 Tiang pancang kotak type A - dia.35 x 35, M.Crack 5.22 - P. 6 s/d 12 m' 326,000.00 423,800.00 -
16 Tiang pancang kotak type B - dia.35 x 35, M.Crack 5.91 - P. 6 s/d 12 Tiang pancang kotak type B - dia.35 x 35, M.Crack 5.91 - P. 6 s/d 12 m' 343,000.00 445,900.00 -
17 Tiang pancang kotak type C - dia.35 x 35, M.Crack 6,58 - P. 6 s/d 12 Tiang pancang kotak type C - dia.35 x 35, M.Crack 6,58 - P. 6 s/d 12 m' 360,000.00 468,000.00 -
18 Tiang pancang kotak type D - dia.35 x 35, M.Crack 7,24 - P. 6 s/d 12 Tiang pancang kotak type D - dia.35 x 35, M.Crack 7,24 - P. 6 s/d 12 m' 377,000.00 490,100.00 -
19 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type A - dia. 35 x 35 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type A - dia. 35 x 35 joint 1,389,000.00 1,805,700.00 -
20 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type B - dia. 35 x 35 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type B - dia. 35 x 35 joint 1,389,000.00 1,805,700.00 -
21 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type C - dia. 35 x 35 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type C - dia. 35 x 35 joint 1,529,000.00 1,987,700.00 -
22 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type D - dia. 35 x 35 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type D - dia. 35 x 35 joint 1,529,000.00 1,987,700.00 -
23 Tiang pancang kotak type A - dia.40 x 40, M.Crack 7,84 - P. 6 s/d 12 Tiang pancang kotak type A - dia.40 x 40, M.Crack 7,84 - P. 6 s/d 12 m' 424,000.00 551,200.00 -
24 Tiang pancang kotak type B - dia.40 x 40, M.Crack 8,64 - P. 6 s/d 12 Tiang pancang kotak type B - dia.40 x 40, M.Crack 8,64 - P. 6 s/d 12 m' 441,000.00 573,300.00 -
25 Tiang pancang kotak type C - dia.40 x 40, M.Crack 9,43 - P. 6 s/d 12 Tiang pancang kotak type C - dia.40 x 40, M.Crack 9,43 - P. 6 s/d 12 m' 458,000.00 595,400.00 -
26 Tiang pancang kotak type D - dia.40 x 40, M.Crack 11,65 - P. 6 s/d 12 Tiang pancang kotak type D - dia.40 x 40, M.Crack 11,65 - P. 6 s/d 12 m' 510,000.00 663,000.00 -
27 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type A - dia. 40 x 40 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type A - dia. 40 x 40 joint 1,595,000.00 2,073,500.00 -
28 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type B - dia. 40 x 40 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type B - dia. 40 x 40 joint 1,738,000.00 2,259,400.00 -
29 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type C - dia. 40 x 40 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type C - dia. 40 x 40 joint 1,797,000.00 2,336,100.00 -
30 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type D - dia. 40 x 40 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type D - dia. 40 x 40 joint 1,995,000.00 2,593,500.00 -
31 Tiang pancang kotak type A - dia.45 x 45, M.Crack 11.11- P. 6 s/d12 Tiang pancang kotak type A - dia.45 x 45, M.Crack 11.11- P. 6 s/d12 m' 531,000.00 690,300.00 -
32 Tiang pancang kotak type B - dia.45 x 45, M.Crack 12.02- P. 6 s/d14 Tiang pancang kotak type B - dia.45 x 45, M.Crack 12.02- P. 6 s/d14 m' 548,000.00 712,400.00 -
33 Tiang pancang kotak type C - dia.45 x 45, M.Crack 12.90 -P. 6 s/d16 Tiang pancang kotak type C - dia.45 x 45, M.Crack 12.90 -P. 6 s/d16 m' 565,000.00 734,500.00 -
34 Tiang pancang kotak type D - dia.45 x 45, M.Crack 14.63 -P. 6 s/d16 Tiang pancang kotak type D - dia.45 x 45, M.Crack 14.63 -P. 6 s/d16 m' 599,000.00 778,700.00 -
35 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type A - dia. 45 x 45 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type A - dia. 45 x 45 joint 2,013,000.00 2,616,900.00 -
36 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type B - dia. 45 x 45 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type B - dia. 45 x 45 joint 2,013,000.00 2,616,900.00 -
37 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type C - dia. 45 x 45 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type C - dia. 45 x 45 joint 2,215,000.00 2,879,500.00 -
38 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type D - dia. 45 x 45 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type D - dia. 45 x 45 joint 2,414,000.00 3,138,200.00 -
39 Tiang pancang kotak type A - dia.50 x 50, M.Crack 18.68 -P.6 s/d 12 Tiang pancang kotak type A - dia.50 x 50, M.Crack 18.68 -P.6 s/d 12 m' 648,000.00 842,400.00 -
40 Tiang pancang kotak type B - dia.50 x 50, M.Crack 21.79 -P.6 s/d 14 Tiang pancang kotak type B - dia.50 x 50, M.Crack 21.79 -P.6 s/d 14 m' 665,000.00 864,500.00 -
41 Tiang pancang kotak type C - dia.50 x 50, M.Crack 24.91 -P.6 s/d 16 Tiang pancang kotak type C - dia.50 x 50, M.Crack 24.91 -P.6 s/d 16 m' 682,000.00 886,600.00 -
42 Tiang pancang kotak type D - dia.50 x 50, M.Crack 28.02 -P.6 s/d 16 Tiang pancang kotak type D - dia.50 x 50, M.Crack 28.02 -P.6 s/d 16 m' 700,000.00 910,000.00 -
43 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type A - dia. 50 x 50 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type A - dia. 50 x 50 joint 2,296,000.00 2,984,800.00 -
44 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type B - dia. 50 x 50 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type B - dia. 50 x 50 joint 2,495,000.00 3,243,500.00 -
45 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type C - dia. 50 x 50 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type C - dia. 50 x 50 joint 2,531,000.00 3,290,300.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
46 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type D - dia. 50 x 50 Tiang pancang kotak plat sambung type D - dia. 50 x 50 joint 2,531,000.00 3,290,300.00 -
0 - -
a Flat Prestress Concrete Sheet Pile, K-500 Flat Prestress Concrete Sheet Pile, K-500 - -
1 Sheet pile flat type FPC-220-A-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 3.32) Sheet pile flat type FPC-220-A-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 3.32) m' 446,000.00 490,600.00 -
2 Sheet pile flat type FPC-220-B-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 3.70) Sheet pile flat type FPC-220-B-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 3.70) m' 468,000.00 514,800.00 -
3 Sheet pile flat type FPC-220-C-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 4.05) Sheet pile flat type FPC-220-C-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 4.05) m' 490,000.00 539,000.00 -
4 Sheet pile flat type FPC-220-D-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 4.39) Sheet pile flat type FPC-220-D-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 4.39) m' 512,000.00 563,200.00 -
5 Sheet pile flat type FPC-220-E-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 4.71) Sheet pile flat type FPC-220-E-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 4.71) m' 533,000.00 586,300.00 -
6 Sheet pile flat type FPC-220-F-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 5.22) Sheet pile flat type FPC-220-F-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 5.22) m' 496,000.00 545,600.00 -
7 Sheet pile flat type FPC-220-G-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 5.97) Sheet pile flat type FPC-220-G-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 5.97) m' 530,000.00 583,000.00 -
8 Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-A-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 6.05) Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-A-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 6.05) m' 581,000.00 639,100.00 -
9 Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-B-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 6.65) Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-B-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 6.65) m' 603,000.00 663,300.00 -
10 Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-C-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 7.24) Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-C-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 7.24) m' 625,000.00 687,500.00 -
11 Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-D-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 7.81) Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-D-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 7.81) m' 647,000.00 711,700.00 -
12 Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-E-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 8.37) Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-E-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 8.37) m' 669,000.00 735,900.00 -
13 Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-F-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 8.91) Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-F-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 8.91) m' 691,000.00 760,100.00 -
14 Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-G-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 9.43) Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-G-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 9.43) m' 713,000.00 784,300.00 -
15 Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-H-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 9.94) Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-H-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 9.94) m' 735,000.00 808,500.00 -
16 Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-I-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 10.43) Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-I-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 10.43) m' 757,000.00 832,700.00 -
17 Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-J-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 10.91) Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-J-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 10.91) m' 779,000.00 856,900.00 -
18 Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-K-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 11.37) Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-K-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 11.37) m' 801,000.00 881,100.00 -
19 Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-L-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 11.81) Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-L-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 11.81) m' 822,000.00 904,200.00 -
20 Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-M-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 12.24) Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-M-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 12.24) m' 844,000.00 928,400.00 -
21 Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-N-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 13,8 8) Sheet pile flat type FPC-320-N-500 P : 6-14 (Tf.m 13,8 8) m' 781,000.00 859,100.00 -
0 - -
b Corugated Prestress Concrete Sheet Pet Corugated Prestress Concrete Sheet Pet - -
1 Sheet pile corrugated type W-325-A-1000 P : 8-13 (Tf.m 11,40) Sheet pile corrugated type W-325-A-1000 P : 8-13 (Tf.m 11,40) m' 783,000.00 861,300.00 -
2 Sheet pile corrugated type W-325-B-1000 P : 8-14 (Tf.m 13,30) Sheet pile corrugated type W-325-B-1000 P : 8-14 (Tf.m 13,30) m' 783,000.00 861,300.00 -
3 Sheet pile corrugated type W-350-A-1000 P : 9-15 (Tf.m 15,60) Sheet pile corrugated type W-350-A-1000 P : 9-15 (Tf.m 15,60) m' 858,000.00 943,800.00 -
4 Sheet pile corrugated type W-350-B-1000 P : 10-15 (Tf.m 17,60) Sheet pile corrugated type W-350-B-1000 P : 10-15 (Tf.m 17,60) m' 891,000.00 980,100.00 -
5 Sheet pile corrugated type W-400-A-1000 P : 10-16 (Tf.m 20,10) Sheet pile corrugated type W-400-A-1000 P : 10-16 (Tf.m 20,10) m' 934,000.00 1,027,400.00 -
6 Sheet pile corrugated type W-400-B-1000 P : 8-13 (Tf.m 11,40) Sheet pile corrugated type W-400-B-1000 P : 8-13 (Tf.m 11,40) m' 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 -
7 Sheet pile corrugated type W-450-A-1000 P : 11-17 (Tf.m 28,90) Sheet pile corrugated type W-450-A-1000 P : 11-17 (Tf.m 28,90) m' 1,161,000.00 1,277,100.00 -
8 Sheet pile corrugated type W-450-A-1000 P : 12-17 (Tf.m 30,70) Sheet pile corrugated type W-450-A-1000 P : 12-17 (Tf.m 30,70) m' 1,234,000.00 1,357,400.00 -
9 Sheet pile corrugated type W-500-A-1000 P : 12-17 (Tf.m 35,20) Sheet pile corrugated type W-500-A-1000 P : 12-17 (Tf.m 35,20) m' 1,200,000.00 1,320,000.00 -
10 Sheet pile corrugated type W-500-B-1000 P : 13-18 (Tf.m 40,40) Sheet pile corrugated type W-500-B-1000 P : 13-18 (Tf.m 40,40) m' 1,340,000.00 1,474,000.00 -
11 Sheet pile corrugated type W-500-A-1000 P : 14-20 (Tf.m 50,60) Sheet pile corrugated type W-500-A-1000 P : 14-20 (Tf.m 50,60) m' 1,380,000.00 1,518,000.00 -
12 Sheet pile corrugated type W-500-B-1000 P : 15-21 (Tf.m 59,60) Sheet pile corrugated type W-500-B-1000 P : 15-21 (Tf.m 59,60) m' 1,516,000.00 1,667,600.00 -
0 - -
c Flat Reinforced Concretr Sheet Pile. K-350 Flat Reinforced Concretr Sheet Pile. K-350 - -
1 FRC-220.A.500 P : 4-10 (t.m 1.45) K350 FRC-220.A.500 P : 4-10 (t.m 1.45) K350 m' 458,000.00 503,800.00 -
2 FRC-220,13.500 P : 4-10 (t.m 3.22) K500 FRC-220,13.500 P : 4-10 (t.m 3.22) K500 m' 554,000.00 609,400.00 -
3 FRC-320.A.500 P : 4-12 (t.m 1.70) K350 FRC-320.A.500 P : 4-12 (t.m 1.70) K350 m' 575,000.00 632,500.00 -
4 FRC-320.B.500 P : 4-12 (t.m 3.61) K500 FRC-320.B.500 P : 4-12 (t.m 3.61) K500 m' 685,000.00 753,500.00 -
0 - -
1 Bentang (L) type 12.60-90 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 12.60-90 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 25,400,000.00 27,940,000.00 -
2 Bentang (L) type 13,6 0-90 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 13,6 0-90 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 26,800,000.00 29,480,000.00 -
3 Bentang (L) type 14.60-90 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 14.60-90 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 28,500,000.00 31,350,000.00 -
4 Bentang L type 15.60 -125 cm K-500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang L type 15.60 -125 cm K-500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 31,200,000.00 34,320,000.00 -
5 Bentang L type 16.60 125 cm K-500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang L type 16.60 125 cm K-500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 33,000,000.00 36,300,000.00 -
6 Bentang L type 17.60 -125 cm K-500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang L type 17.60 -125 cm K-500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 39,600,000.00 43,560,000.00 -
7 Bentang L type 18.60 125 cm K-500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang L type 18.60 125 cm K-500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 42,700,000.00 46,970,000.00 -
8 Bentang (L) type 15.60-90 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 15.60-90 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 29,299,949.00 32,229,950.00 -
9 Bentang (L) type 16.60-90 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 16.60-90 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 30,839,970.00 33,923,970.00 -
10 Bentang (L) type 17.60-125 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 17.60-125 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 39,907,490.00 43,898,240.00 -
11 Bentang (L) type 18.60-125 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 18.60-125 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 41,606,125.00 45,766,740.00 -
12 Bentang (L) type 19.60-125 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 19.60-125 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 43,249,865.00 47,574,860.00 -
13 Bentang (L) type 20.60-125 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 20.60-125 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 44,935,392.00 49,428,940.00 -
14 Bentang (L) type 21.60-125 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 21.60-125 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 46,816,497.00 51,498,150.00 -
15 Diafragma K-350 Diafragma K-350 btg 1,375,000.00 1,512,500.00 -
16 Flat deck K-350 Flat deck K-350 btg 825,000.00 907,500.00 -
17 Bentang (L) type 19.60-160 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 19.60-160 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 49,800,000.00 54,780,000.00 -
18 Bentang (L) type 20.60-160 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 20.60-160 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 51,900,000.00 57,090,000.00 -
19 Bentang (L) type 21.60-160 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 21.60-160 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 62,400,000.00 68,640,000.00 -
20 Bentang (L) type 22.60-160 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 22.60-160 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 86,800,000.00 95,480,000.00 -
21 Bentang (L) type 23.60-160 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 23.60-160 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 89,300,000.00 98,230,000.00 -
22 Bentang (L) type 24.60-160 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 24.60-160 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 92,200,000.00 101,420,000.00 -
23 Bentang (L) type 25.60-160 K800 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 25.60-160 K800 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 102,800,000.00 113,080,000.00 -
24 Bentang (L) type 26.60-160 K800 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 26.60-160 K800 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 106,000,000.00 116,600,000.00 -
25 Bentang (L) type 27.60-160 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 27.60-160 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 84,325,624.00 92,758,190.00 -
26 Bentang (L) type 28.60-160 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 28.60-160 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 86,711,910.00 95,383,110.00 -
27 Bentang (L) type 29.60-160 K500 jarak As antar balok 150 cm Bentang (L) type 29.60-160 K500 jarak As antar balok 150 cm btg 93,950,108.00 103,345,120.00 -
28 Bentang (L) type 30.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 30.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 130,234,882.00 143,258,380.00 -
29 Bentang (L) type 31.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 31.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 128,821,399.00 141,703,540.00 -
30 Bentang (L) type 32.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 32.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 131,827,292.00 145,010,030.00 -
31 Bentang (L) type 33.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 33.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 135,519,419.00 149,071,370.00 -
32 Bentang (L) type 34.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 34.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 138,520,911.00 152,373,010.00 -
33 Diafragma K-350 Diafragma K-350 btg - -
34 Flat deck K 350 Flat deck K 350 btg - -
35 Bentang (L) type 35.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 35.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 159,868,506.00 175,855,360.00 -
36 Bentang (L) type 36.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 36.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 166,623,394.00 183,285,740.00 -
37 Bentang (L) type 37.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 37.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 170,835,981.00 187,919,580.00 -
38 Bentang (L) type 38.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 38.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 174,165.62 191,590.00 -
39 Bentang (L) type 39.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 39.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 179,558,874.00 197,514,770.00 -
40 Bentang (L) type 40.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm Bentang (L) type 40.80-170 K500 jarak As antar balok 185 cm btg 182,939,104.00 201,233,020.00 -
41 Diafragma K-350 Diafragma K-350 btg - -
42 Flat deck K-350 Flat deck K-350 btg - -
0 - -
1 Bentang (L) type 12.60 - 90 K500 Bentang (L) type 12.60 - 90 K500 btg 25,100,000.00 27,610,000.00 -
2 Bentang (L) type 13,6 0 - 90 K500 Bentang (L) type 13,6 0 - 90 K500 btg 26,500,000.00 29,150,000.00 -
3 Bentang (L) type 14.60 - 90 K500 Bentang (L) type 14.60 - 90 K500 btg 28,200,000.00 31,020,000.00 -
4 Bentang (L) type 15.60 - 90 K800 Bentang (L) type 15.60 - 90 K800 btg 35,100,000.00 38,610,000.00 -
5 Bentang (L) type 16.60 - 90 K800 Bentang (L) type 16.60 - 90 K800 btg 37,200,000.00 40,920,000.00 -
6 Diafragma K - 350 Diafragma K - 350 btg - -
7 Flat deck K - 350 Flat deck K - 350 btg - -
8 Bentang (L) type 17.60 - 125 K500 Bentang (L) type 17.60 - 125 K500 btg 39,300,000.00 43,230,000.00 -
9 Bentang (L) type 18.60 - 125 K500 Bentang (L) type 18.60 - 125 K500 btg 42,400,000.00 46,640,000.00 -
10 Bentang (L) type 19.60 - 125 K800 Bentang (L) type 19.60 - 125 K800 btg 68,400,000.00 75,240,000.00 -
11 Bentang (L) type 20.60 - 125 K800 Bentang (L) type 20.60 - 125 K800 btg 71,600,000.00 78,760,000.00 -
12 Bentang (L) type 21.60 - 125 K800 Bentang (L) type 21.60 - 125 K800 btg 83,500,000.00 91,850,000.00 -
13 Diafragma K - 350 Diafragma K - 350 btg - -
14 Flat deck K - 350 Flat deck K - 350 btg - -
15 Bentang (L) type 22.60 - 160 K500 Bentang (L) type 22.60 - 160 K500 btg 86,700,000.00 95,370,000.00 -
16 Bentang (L) type 23.60 - 160 K500 Bentang (L) type 23.60 - 160 K500 btg 89,200,000.00 98,120,000.00 -
17 Bentang (L) type 24.60 - 160 K500 Bentang (L) type 24.60 - 160 K500 btg 92,100,000.00 101,310,000.00 -
18 Bentang (L) type 25.60 - 160 K800 Bentang (L) type 25.60 - 160 K800 btg 103,200,000.00 113,520,000.00 -
19 Bentang (L) type 26.60 - 160 K800 Bentang (L) type 26.60 - 160 K800 btg 106,400,000.00 117,040,000.00 -
20 Diafragma K-350 Diafragma K-350 btg - -
21 Flat deck K-350 Flat deck K-350 btg - -
0 - -
1 PC Voided Slab'Pretension 6.60-57 ganti 52 K 500 PC Voided Slab'Pretension 6.60-57 ganti 52 K 500 btg 14,900,000.00 16,390,000.00 -
2 PC Voided Slab Pretension 7.60-57 ganti 52 K 500 PC Voided Slab Pretension 7.60-57 ganti 52 K 500 btg 16,800,000.00 18,480,000.00 -
3 PC Voided Slab Pretension 8.60-57 ganti 52K 500 PC Voided Slab Pretension 8.60-57 ganti 52K 500 btg 19,600,000.00 21,560,000.00 -
4 PC Voided Slab Pretension 9.60-57 ganti 52 K 500 PC Voided Slab Pretension 9.60-57 ganti 52 K 500 btg 21,900,000.00 24,090,000.00 -
5 PC Voided Slab Pretension 10.60-57 ganti 52K 500 PC Voided Slab Pretension 10.60-57 ganti 52K 500 btg 24,200,000.00 26,620,000.00 -
6 PC Voided Slab Pretension 11.60-57 ganti 52 K 500 PC Voided Slab Pretension 11.60-57 ganti 52 K 500 btg 27,300,000.00 30,030,000.00 -
7 PC Voided Slab Pretension 12.60-57 ganti 52 K 500 PC Voided Slab Pretension 12.60-57 ganti 52 K 500 btg 30,000,000.00 33,000,000.00 -
8 PC Voided Slab Pretension 13,6 0-62 K 500 PC Voided Slab Pretension 13,6 0-62 K 500 btg 36,300,000.00 39,930,000.00 -
9 PC Voided Slab Pretension 14.60-66 K 500 PC Voided Slab Pretension 14.60-66 K 500 btg 40,600,000.00 44,660,000.00 -
10 PC Voided Slab Pretension 15.60-66 K 800 PC Voided Slab Pretension 15.60-66 K 800 btg 47,900,000.00 52,690,000.00 -
11 PC Voided Slab Pretension 16.60-66 K 800 PC Voided Slab Pretension 16.60-66 K 800 btg 51,300,000.00 56,430,000.00 -
0 - -
Drymix Beton Drymix Beton - -
1 Beton K-175 Beton K-175 kg 850.00 940.00 1.00
2 Beton K-225 Beton K-225 kg 890.00 980.00 1.00
3 Beton K-300 Beton K-300 kg 920.00 1,020.00 1.00
4 Beton K- 350 Beton K- 350 kg 950.00 1,050.00 1.00
5 Beton K-400 Beton K-400 kg 990.00 1,090.00 1.00
6 Beton K-450 Beton K-450 kg 1,020.00 1,130.00 1.00
7 Beton K-500 Beton K-500 kg 1,050.00 1,160.00 1.00
8 Drymix Timbed M - 101 Drymix Timbed M - 101 kg 1,875.00 2,070.00 1.00
9 Drymix Timbed M - 111 Drymix Timbed M - 111 kg 1,570.00 1,730.00 1.00
10 Drymix Plester Drymix Plester kg 870.00 960.00 1.00
11 Drymix Plester Ringan 1.6 Drymix Plester Ringan 1.6 kg 1,620.00 1,790.00 1.00
12 Drymix Acian Drymix Acian kg 1,783.00 1,970.00 1.00
13 Drymix Skimcoat Drymix Skimcoat kg 2,450.00 2,700.00 1.00
14 Drymix Concreta Fill Drymix Concreta Fill kg 3,712.00 4,090.00 1.00
15 Drymix Tile Adhesifi Potelisia Drymix Tile Adhesifi Potelisia kg 2,625.00 2,890.00 1.00
16 Drymix Tile Adhesife Standar Drymix Tile Adhesife Standar kg 3,050.00 3,360.00 1.00
17 Drymix Tile Grout Light Colour Drymix Tile Grout Light Colour kg 9,200.00 10,120.00 1.00
18 Drymix Tile Grout Dark Colour Drymix Tile Grout Dark Colour kg 11,000.00 12,100.00 1.00
19 Drymix Floor fcreed Drymix Floor fcreed kg 840.00 930.00 1.00
0 - -
Standar Size Standar Size - -
1 Jaya Board RE 1200x2400 9 mm Jaya Board RE 1200x2400 9 mm Lbr 57,255.00 62,990.00 -
2 Jaya Board RE (Foil Back) 9 mm Jaya Board RE (Foil Back) 9 mm Lbr 63,636.00 70,000.00 -
3 Jaya Board RE 1200x2400 12 mm Jaya Board RE 1200x2400 12 mm Lbr 69,120.00 76,040.00 -
4 Jaya Board RE 1200x2400 6,5 mm Jaya Board RE 1200x2400 6,5 mm Lbr 53,136.00 58,450.00 -
0 - -
Not Standar Sizes Not Standar Sizes - -
1 Jaya Board RE 16 mm Jaya Board RE 16 mm Lbr 79,488.00 87,440.00 -
0 - -
1 GRC uk. 120x240 cm t : 12 mm GRC uk. 120x240 cm t : 12 mm Lbr 183,920.00 202,320.00 5.00
0 - -
1 Standar Size 1200 mmx1800mm Mini Standar Size 1200 mmx1800mm Mini Lbr 79,488.00 87,440.00 -
0 - -
Stabdar Sizes Stabdar Sizes - -
1 Jayabell RE 1200x2400 mm 12mm-R 15 no. 1 Jayabell RE 1200x2400 mm 12mm-R 15 no. 1 Lbr 25,272.00 27,800.00 -
2 Jayabell RE 1200x2400 mm 15 no 8 Jayabell RE 1200x2400 mm 15 no 8 Lbr 25,272.00 27,800.00 -
3 Jayabell RE 1200x2400 mm 12 mm -R 12 no 20 Jayabell RE 1200x2400 mm 12 mm -R 12 no 20 Lbr 25,272.00 27,800.00 -
4 Jayabell RE 1200x2400 mm 12 mm- SIO no 8 Jayabell RE 1200x2400 mm 12 mm- SIO no 8 Lbr 25,272.00 27,800.00 -
0 - -
Standar Sizes Standar Sizes - -
1 Wet Area RE-Jaya Board 1200 x 2400 9mm Wet Area RE-Jaya Board 1200 x 2400 9mm Lbr 86,400.00 95,040.00 -
2 Wet Area RE BORAL Wet Area RE BORAL Lbr 101,664.00 111,840.00 -
3 Wet Area RE BORAL 1200 x 2400 mm 10 mm130 Wet Area RE BORAL 1200 x 2400 mm 10 mm130 Lbr 130,608.00 143,670.00 -
4 Wet Area Firestop Boards RE 13 mm Wet Area Firestop Boards RE 13 mm Lbr 214,560.00 236,020.00 -
5 Wet Area Firestop Boards RE 1200 x 2400 mm 16 mm Wet Area Firestop Boards RE 1200 x 2400 mm 16 mm Lbr 252,576.00 277,840.00 -
6 Fire Rated Boards RE 1200 x 2400 13 mm Fire Rated Boards RE 1200 x 2400 13 mm Lbr 130,752.00 143,830.00 -
7 Fire Rated Boards RE 1200 x 2400 16 mm Fire Rated Boards RE 1200 x 2400 16 mm Lbr 137,088.00 150,800.00 -
8 Shaffwall 25 mm x 600 mm 3000 mm Shaffwall 25 mm x 600 mm 3000 mm Lbr 96,250.00 105,880.00 -
0 - -
KODE 04 KODE 04 - -
Wall Track (3 m) Wall Track (3 m) - -
1 45 mm 45 mm pc 30,900.00 33,990.00 -
2 51 mm 51 mm pc 32,400.00 35,640.00 -
3 64 mm 64 mm pc 35,250.00 38,780.00 -
4 70 mm 70 mm pc 37,350.00 41,090.00 -
5 76 mm 76 mm pc 37,500.00 41,250.00 -
0 - -
Deflection Head Track (3 m) Deflection Head Track (3 m) - -
1 45 mm 45 mm pc 40,350.00 44,390.00 -
2 51 mm 51 mm pc 42,600.00 46,860.00 -
3 64 mm 64 mm pc 46,200.00 50,820.00 -
4 70 mm 70 mm pc 48,000.00 52,800.00 -
5 76 mm 76 mm pc 49,650.00 54,620.00 -
0 - -
Partition Stud (3 m) Partition Stud (3 m) - -
1 45 mm 45 mm pc 34,200.00 37,620.00 -
2 51 mm 51 mm pc 35,250.00 38,780.00 -
3 64 mm 64 mm pc 38,250.00 42,080.00 -
4 70 mm 70 mm pc 41,400.00 45,540.00 -
5 76 mm 76 mm pc 41,550.00 45,710.00 -
0 - -
Wall Track (3 m) Wall Track (3 m) - -
1 45 mm 45 mm pc 39,750.00 43,730.00 -
2 51 mm 51 mm pc 41,550.00 45,710.00 -
3 64 mm 64 mm pc 46,800.00 51,480.00 -
4 76 mm 76 mm pc 51,300.00 56,430.00 -
5 92 mm 92 mm pc 59,100.00 65,010.00 -
6 100 mm 100 mm pc 63,150.00 69,470.00 -
0 - -
Deflection Head Track (3 m) Deflection Head Track (3 m) - -
1 45 mm 0,55 45 mm 0,55 pc 55,050.00 60,560.00 -
2 51 mm 0,55 51 mm 0,55 pc 57,450.00 63,200.00 -
3 64 mm 0,55 64 mm 0,55 pc 61,350.00 67,490.00 -
4 76 mm 0,55 76 mm 0,55 pc 65,550.00 72,110.00 -
5 92 mm 0,55 92 mm 0,55 pc 72,600.00 79,860.00 -
6 100 mm 0,55 100 mm 0,55 pc 74,850.00 82,340.00 -
0 - -
Fire Tested Stud (3m) Fire Tested Stud (3m) - -
1 45 mm 0,55 45 mm 0,55 pc 43,800.00 48,180.00 -
2 51 mm 0,55 51 mm 0,55 pc 46,200.00 50,820.00 -
3 64 mm 0,55 64 mm 0,55 pc 51,300.00 56,430.00 -
4 70 mm 0,55 70 mm 0,55 pc 52,500.00 57,750.00 -
5 76 mm 0,55 76 mm 0,55 pc 56,700.00 62,370.00 -
6 92 mm 0,55 92 mm 0,55 pc 64,950.00 71,450.00 -
7 100 mm 0,55 100 mm 0,55 pc 67,800.00 74,580.00 -
0 - -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
Primary Sections- Ceiling Primary Sections- Ceiling - -
1 Easy Frame Top Cress @3m no 250 FX Easy Frame Top Cress @3m no 250 FX pc 17,700.00 19,470.00 -
2 30 mm Top Cross Rail X.45nun @ 3,6 m no 200 30 mm Top Cross Rail X.45nun @ 3,6 m no 200 pc 31,140.00 34,260.00 -
3 30 mm Top Cross Rail X.55imn @ 3,6 m no 201 30 mm Top Cross Rail X.55imn @ 3,6 m no 201 Pc 37,080.00 40,790.00 -
4 30 mm Top Cross Rail X.75mm @ 3,6 m no 202 30 mm Top Cross Rail X.75mm @ 3,6 m no 202 pc 50,760.00 55,840.00 -
0 - -
Secondary Sections-Ceiling Secondary Sections-Ceiling - -
1 16 mm Ceiling Batten X.45mm @4,8m no 203 16 mm Ceiling Batten X.45mm @4,8m no 203 pc 31,680.00 34,850.00 -
2 23 mm Ceiling Chanel X.45mm @ 4,8m no 204 23 mm Ceiling Chanel X.45mm @ 4,8m no 204 pc 47,280.00 52,010.00 -
3 23 mm Ceiling Chanel X.55mm @ 4,8m no 205 23 mm Ceiling Chanel X.55mm @ 4,8m no 205 pc 60,480.00 66,530.00 -
4 Eoring Channel Wall Track no 211 Eoring Channel Wall Track no 211 pc 33,000.00 36,300.00 -
5 Eas Frame Wall Angel Eas Frame Wall Angel pc 8,400.00 9,240.00 -
6 19X19X45 angel @ 3m No. 212EX 19X19X45 angel @ 3m No. 212EX pc 15,000.00 16,500.00 -
7 25X25X75 Angel @ 3m No. 212 25X25X75 Angel @ 3m No. 212 pc 24,150.00 26,570.00 -
8 35X35X75 Angel No. 213 35X35X75 Angel No. 213 pc 29,850.00 32,840.00 -
0 - -
Prymary & Secondary Joinery Prymary & Secondary Joinery - -
1 200/201/202 Top Cross Rail (TCR) no 206 200/201/202 Top Cross Rail (TCR) no 206 pc 2,000.00 2,200.00 -
2 203 Ceiling Batten (CB) 203 Ceiling Batten (CB) pc 1,000.00 1,100.00 -
3 204/205 Furring Channel (FC) 204/205 Furring Channel (FC) pc 1,650.00 1,820.00 -
0 - -
Prymary & Secondary Connector Prymary & Secondary Connector - -
1 203 CB to TCR 203 CB to TCR pc 900.00 990.00 -
2 204/205 to TC 204/205 to TC pc 1,000.00 1,100.00 -
0 - -
Directifix Clips Directifix Clips - -
1 200/201/202 to Tiber Steekno 214" 200/201/202 to Tiber Steekno 214" pc 900.00 990.00 -
2 203 Cbeto Timber/Steel 92mm - Long No. 215 203 Cbeto Timber/Steel 92mm - Long No. 215 pc 950.00 1,050.00 -
3 203 Cbeto Timber/Steel 150mm - Long No. 216 203 Cbeto Timber/Steel 150mm - Long No. 216 pc 1,400.00 1,540.00 -
4 204/205 FC to Timber/Steel Beam No. 217 204/205 FC to Timber/Steel Beam No. 217 pc 1,650.00 1,820.00 -
5 204/205 FC to Timber/Steel Beam No. 218 204/205 FC to Timber/Steel Beam No. 218 pc 2,700.00 2,970.00 -
6 204/205 FC to Concrete Teimasonry No 219 204/205 FC to Concrete Teimasonry No 219 pc 750.00 830.00 -
0 - -
Treaded Hanger Set Treaded Hanger Set - -
1 Suspension Rod to Concerete no 220 Suspension Rod to Concerete no 220 Lbr 4,650.00 5,120.00 -
2 5 mm Rod Threaded One End 227 m5 5 mm Rod Threaded One End 227 m5 Lbr 4,650.00 5,120.00 -
0 - -
Suspension Clip Suspension Clip - -
1 200/201/202 TCR For Threaded Rod No. 222R 200/201/202 TCR For Threaded Rod No. 222R pc 1,100.00 1,210.00 -
2 200/201/202 TCR Spring ADJ 4 mm Rod No. 223 200/201/202 TCR Spring ADJ 4 mm Rod No. 223 pc 3,300.00 3,630.00 -
3 200/201/202 TCR Spring ADJ 5 mm Rod No. 224S 200/201/202 TCR Spring ADJ 5 mm Rod No. 224S pc 3,250.00 3,580.00 -
0 - -
Suspension Rods & Nuts Suspension Rods & Nuts - -
1 4 mm Soft Galv Suspension Rod @ 3,6 mm No. 225 4 mm Soft Galv Suspension Rod @ 3,6 mm No. 225 pc 8,460.00 9,310.00 -
2 5 mm Soft Galv Suspension Rod @ 3,6 mm No. 226 5 mm Soft Galv Suspension Rod @ 3,6 mm No. 226 pc 13,140.00 14,460.00 -
3 5 m Threaded One End - 1,20 m No. 227/m5 5 m Threaded One End - 1,20 m No. 227/m5 pc 7,200.00 7,920.00 -
4 5 m Threaded One End - 1,00 m No. 227/m5 5 m Threaded One End - 1,00 m No. 227/m5 pc 3,600.00 3,960.00 -
5 Suspension Threaded Rod 3,5 mm no. 227/m4 Suspension Threaded Rod 3,5 mm no. 227/m4 pc 5,925.00 6,520.00 -
6 Suspension Threaded Rod 3,5 mm no. 227/m4 Suspension Threaded Rod 3,5 mm no. 227/m4 pc 10,000.00 11,000.00 -
7 Nut For 5mm Rod Nut For 5mm Rod pc 450.00 500.00 -
0 - -
1 External Angel 90 Deg no 300 External Angel 90 Deg no 300 pc 19,800.00 21,780.00 -
2 External Angel 135 Deg 3 m no 301 External Angel 135 Deg 3 m no 301 pc 39,900.00 43,890.00 -
3 External Angel 90 Deg 2,7m no 301 External Angel 90 Deg 2,7m no 301 pc 35,910.00 39,510.00 -
4 Arch Bead no 302 Arch Bead no 302 pc 28,500.00 31,350.00 -
5 Stopping Beads 10 mmno 303 Stopping Beads 10 mmno 303 pc 26,250.00 28,880.00 -
6 Stopping Beads 13 nun no 304 Stopping Beads 13 nun no 304 pc 26,250.00 28,880.00 -
7 Stopping Angel 10 mm no 305 Leg Stopping Angel 10 mm no 305 Leg pc 19,500.00 21,450.00 -
8 Stopping Angel 13 mm Leg no 306 Stopping Angel 13 mm Leg no 306 pc 30,750.00 33,830.00 -
9 Shadowline Stopping Angel 10 mm @ 3m no 307 Shadowline Stopping Angel 10 mm @ 3m no 307 pc 19,800.00 21,780.00 -
10 Casing Bead 10 mm no 308 Casing Bead 10 mm no 308 pc 39,900.00 43,890.00 -
11 Casing Bead 13 mm no 309 Casing Bead 13 mm no 309 pc 41,550.00 45,710.00 -
12 Control Joint no 310 Control Joint no 310 pc 157,350.00 173,090.00 -
0 - -
1 24mm x 33mm Main Runner White @ 3,6m no 400 24mm x 33mm Main Runner White @ 3,6m no 400 pc 30,350.00 33,390.00 -
2 24mm x 26 mm Cross White 600mm no 401 24mm x 26 mm Cross White 600mm no 401 pc 4,550.00 5,010.00 -
3 24mm x 26mm Cross White 1200mm no 402 24mm x 26mm Cross White 1200mm no 402 pc 9,000.00 9,900.00 -
4 24mm x 33 mm Cross White 1200mm no 406 24mm x 33 mm Cross White 1200mm no 406 pc 9,850.00 10,840.00 -
0 - -
1 24mm x 33 mm Main Runner White nO 403 24mm x 33 mm Main Runner White nO 403 pc 30,350.00 33,390.00 -
2 24 mm x 26 mm Cross Tee White 2 no 404 24 mm x 26 mm Cross Tee White 2 no 404 pc 4,550.00 5,010.00 -
3 24 mm x 26 mm Cross Tee White 4 no 405 24 mm x 26 mm Cross Tee White 4 no 405 pc 9,000.00 9,900.00 -
4 24 mm x 33 mm Heavy Duty Cross no 407 24 mm x 33 mm Heavy Duty Cross no 407 pc 10,600.00 11,660.00 -
5 19 mm x 19 mm Wall Angel White 3m no 408 19 mm x 19 mm Wall Angel White 3m no 408 pc 17,350.00 19,090.00 -
6 Suspension Rod 3 mm-3,6m @ 2,4m no 409 Suspension Rod 3 mm-3,6m @ 2,4m no 409 pc 3,450.00 3,800.00 -
7 Suspensiom olip no 410S Suspensiom olip no 410S pc 2,550.00 2,810.00 -
0 - -
1 UB 888 20 KG UB 888 20 KG Bag 68,800.00 75,680.00 -
2 UB 10 20 KG UB 10 20 KG Bag 68,800.00 75,680.00 -
3 UB 20 20 KG UB 20 20 KG Bag 68,800.00 75,680.00 -
4 UB Cote Ready Mix 16 KG UB Cote Ready Mix 16 KG Bag 114,900.00 126,390.00 -
5 UB Cote Dry Mix 20 kg UB Cote Dry Mix 20 kg Bag 92,000.00 101,200.00 -
6 Stopping Compounds 20 Kg Stopping Compounds 20 Kg Bag 68,800.00 75,680.00 -
7 Paper Tape 1 Roll 75 M Paper Tape 1 Roll 75 M Roll 18,700.00 20,570.00 -
8 Steel Tape 30 M Steel Tape 30 M Roll 94,400.00 103,840.00 -
0 - -
1 CA 15 20 KG CA 15 20 KG Bag 68,800.00 75,680.00 -
2 Cornice Compuond 20 KG Cornice Compuond 20 KG Bag 71,500.00 78,650.00 -
3 Cove Cornice 75 MM x 2700 MM Cove Cornice 75 MM x 2700 MM Pc 34,700.00 38,170.00 -
4 List Cast 20 KG List Cast 20 KG Bag 42,000.00 46,200.00 -
5 List Cast 40 KG List Cast 40 KG Bag 84,000.00 92,400.00 -
6 Hard Finish Plaster 20 KG Hard Finish Plaster 20 KG Bag 57,000.00 62,700.00 -
0 - -
1 Fite And Sound Sealant 580 M Fite And Sound Sealant 580 M Tube 73,500.00 80,850.00 -
0 - -
CEILING PANELS (6/pack) 9mm EDGE CEILING PANELS (6/pack) 9mm EDGE - -
1 Jaya Panted Deka Nature 1195 mm X 595 mm Jaya Panted Deka Nature 1195 mm X 595 mm pcs 15,000.00 16,500.00 -
2 Jaya Panted Tekstur Byhua 1195 mm x 595 mm Jaya Panted Tekstur Byhua 1195 mm x 595 mm pcs 16,400.00 18,040.00 -
3 Jaya Panted Tekstur Star 1195 mm x 595 mm Jaya Panted Tekstur Star 1195 mm x 595 mm pcs 16,400.00 18,040.00 -
4 Jaya Panted Akusrik (Sopran,Tenor, Alto) 1195 mm x 595 mm Jaya Panted Akusrik (Sopran,Tenor, Alto) 1195 mm x 595 mm pcs 24,600.00 27,060.00 -
5 Jaya Vynil Dura Condado 1195 mm x 595 mm Jaya Vynil Dura Condado 1195 mm x 595 mm pcs 23,100.00 25,410.00 -
6 Jaya Vynil Dura Casper 1195 mm x 595 mm Jaya Vynil Dura Casper 1195 mm x 595 mm pcs 23,100.00 25,410.00 -
0 - -
1 Jaya Panted Deko Nature 1186 min x 586 mm Jaya Panted Deko Nature 1186 min x 586 mm pcs 19,100.00 21,010.00 -
2 Jaya Panted Tekstur Byhua 1186mm x 586 mm Jaya Panted Tekstur Byhua 1186mm x 586 mm pcs 20,500.00 22,550.00 -
3 Jaya Panted Tekstur Star 1186 mm x 586 mm Jaya Panted Tekstur Star 1186 mm x 586 mm pcs 20,500.00 22,550.00 -
4 Jaya Panted Akusrik (Sopran,Tenor, Alto) 1186mm x 586 mm Jaya Panted Akusrik (Sopran,Tenor, Alto) 1186mm x 586 mm pcs 27,300.00 30,030.00 -
5 Jaya Vynil Dura Condado 1186 mm x 586 mm Jaya Vynil Dura Condado 1186 mm x 586 mm pcs 26,000.00 28,600.00 -
6 Jaya Vynil Dura Casper 1188 mm x 588 mm Jaya Vynil Dura Casper 1188 mm x 588 mm pcs 26,000.00 28,600.00 -
0 - -
1 Aluminium Back Foil 1195 mm x 595 mm Aluminium Back Foil 1195 mm x 595 mm pcs 2,100.00 2,310.00 -
2 Warna Abu-Abu/Cream(Khusus Untuk Painted) Warna Abu-Abu/Cream(Khusus Untuk Painted) pcs 700.00 770.00 -
0 - -
I EX. INTERNUSA Harga Baru Blm PPN EX. INTERNUSA Harga Baru Blm PPN - -
1 Interblock 4.6/conblock 4.6 abu Interblock 4.6/conblock 4.6 abu m2 103,500.00 113,850.00 -
2 Interblock 4.6 / conblock 4.6 M/H/Kn/klasik Interblock 4.6 / conblock 4.6 M/H/Kn/klasik m2 118,500.00 130,350.00 -
3 Interblock 4.6 / conblock 4.6 hijau Interblock 4.6 / conblock 4.6 hijau m2 135,000.00 148,500.00 -
4 Interblock 4.6 plus / conblock 4.6 plus abu Interblock 4.6 plus / conblock 4.6 plus abu m2 107,000.00 117,700.00 -
5 Interblock 4.6 plus / conblock 4.6 plus M/H/Kn/klasik Interblock 4.6 plus / conblock 4.6 plus M/H/Kn/klasik m2 121,500.00 133,650.00 -
6 Interblock 4.6 plus / conblock 4.6 plus hijau Interblock 4.6 plus / conblock 4.6 plus hijau m2 135,500.00 149,050.00 -
7 Interblock 4.8 / conblock 4.8 abu Interblock 4.8 / conblock 4.8 abu m2 120,000.00 132,000.00 -
8 Interblock 4.8 / conblock 4.8 M/H/Kn/klasik Interblock 4.8 / conblock 4.8 M/H/Kn/klasik m2 139,000.00 152,900.00 -
9 Interblock 4.8 / conblock 4.8 hijau Interblock 4.8 / conblock 4.8 hijau m2 152,500.00 167,750.00 -
10 Interblock 4.10 / conblock 4.10 abu Interblock 4.10 / conblock 4.10 abu m2 153,500.00 168,850.00 -
11 Interblock 4.10 / conblock 4.8 M/H/Kn/klasik Interblock 4.10 / conblock 4.8 M/H/Kn/klasik m2 170,500.00 187,550.00 -
12 Interblock 4.10 / conblock 4.10 hijau Interblock 4.10 / conblock 4.10 hijau m2 192,000.00 211,200.00 -
13 Interblock 16.6 conblock 16.6 abu Interblock 16.6 conblock 16.6 abu m2 106,000.00 116,600.00 -
14 Interblock 16.6/conblock 16.6 10 M/H/Kn/klasik Interblock 16.6/conblock 16.6 10 M/H/Kn/klasik m2 122,000.00 134,200.00 -
15 Interblock 16.6/conblock 16.6 hijau Interblock 16.6/conblock 16.6 hijau m2 135,000.00 148,500.00 -
16 Interblock 16.6/conblock 16.6 abu Interblock 16.6/conblock 16.6 abu m2 123,000.00 135,300.00 -
17 Interblock 16,8 / conblock 16,8 M/H/Kn/Klasik Interblock 16,8 / conblock 16,8 M/H/Kn/Klasik m2 140,500.00 154,550.00 -
18 Interblock 16,8 / conblock 16,8 hijau Interblock 16,8 / conblock 16,8 hijau m2 155,000.00 170,500.00 -
19 Veta 6 abu Veta 6 abu m2 106,500.00 117,150.00 -
20 Veta 6 M/H/Kn/klasik Veta 6 M/H/Kn/klasik m2 122,000.00 134,200.00 -
21 Veta 6 hijau Veta 6 hijau m2 134,000.00 147,400.00 -
22 Veta 8 abu Veta 8 abu m2 124,000.00 136,400.00 -
23 Veta 8 M/H/Kn/Klasik Veta 8 M/H/Kn/Klasik m2 140,000.00 154,000.00 -
24 Veta 8 hijau Veta 8 hijau m2 155,000.00 170,500.00 -
25 Dikformat 8 abu Dikformat 8 abu m2 126,500.00 139,150.00 -
26 Dikformat 8 M/H/Kn/klasik Dikformat 8 M/H/Kn/klasik m2 143,000.00 157,300.00 -
27 Diktbrmat 8 hijau Diktbrmat 8 hijau m2 158,500.00 174,350.00 -
28 Topi uskup 4.6 abu Topi uskup 4.6 abu m2 106,000.00 116,600.00 -
29 Topi uskup 4.6 M/H/Kn/Klasik Topi uskup 4.6 M/H/Kn/Klasik m2 122,000.00 134,200.00 -
30 Topi uskup 4.6 hijau Topi uskup 4.6 hijau m2 134,500.00 147,950.00 -
31 Topi uskup 4.8 abu Topi uskup 4.8 abu m2 124,500.00 136,950.00 -
32 Topi uskup 4.8 M/H/Kn/Klasik Topi uskup 4.8 M/H/Kn/Klasik m2 145,000.00 159,500.00 -
33 Topi uskup 4.8 hijau Topi uskup 4.8 hijau m2 155,000.00 170,500.00 -
34 Topi uskup 4.10 abu Topi uskup 4.10 abu m2 169,200.00 186,120.00 -
35 Topi uskup 4.10 M/H/Kn/klasik Topi uskup 4.10 M/H/Kn/klasik m2 188,400.00 207,240.00 -
36 Topi uslcup 4.10 hijau Topi uslcup 4.10 hijau m2 208,800.00 229,680.00 -
37 Munich 8/Decamat abu Munich 8/Decamat abu m2 125,000.00 137,500.00 -
38 Munich 8/Decamat M/H/Kn/klasik Munich 8/Decamat M/H/Kn/klasik m2 143,000.00 157,300.00 -
39 Munich 8/Decamat hijau Munich 8/Decamat hijau m2 158,500.00 174,350.00 -
40 Roma 13,6 /Behaton abu Roma 13,6 /Behaton abu m2 108,500.00 119,350.00 -
41 Roma 13,6 /B ehaton M/H/Kn/klasik Roma 13,6 /B ehaton M/H/Kn/klasik m2 125,500.00 138,050.00 -
42 Roma 13,6 /Behaton hijau Roma 13,6 /Behaton hijau m2 137,000.00 150,700.00 -
43 Roma 13,8 /Behaton abu Roma 13,8 /Behaton abu m2 126,500.00 139,150.00 -
44 Roma 13,8 /Behaton M/H/Kn/klasik Roma 13,8 /Behaton M/H/Kn/klasik m2 143,000.00 157,300.00 -
45 Roma 13,8 /Behaton hijau Roma 13,8 /Behaton hijau m2 158,500.00 174,350.00 -
46 Cobblestone 21 x 21 x 6 abu Cobblestone 21 x 21 x 6 abu m2 106,000.00 116,600.00 -
47 Cobblestone 21 x 21 x 6 M/H/Kn/klasik Cobblestone 21 x 21 x 6 M/H/Kn/klasik m2 122,000.00 134,200.00 -
48 Cobblestone 21 x 21 x 6 hijau Cobblestone 21 x 21 x 6 hijau m2 134,500.00 147,950.00 -
49 Cobblestone 21 x 21 x 8 abu Cobblestone 21 x 21 x 8 abu m2 124,000.00 136,400.00 -
50 Cobblestone 21 x 21 x 8 M/H/Kn/klasik Cobblestone 21 x 21 x 8 M/H/Kn/klasik m2 140,000.00 154,000.00 -
0 - -
I Coblestone 21 x 21 x 8 hijau Coblestone 21 x 21 x 8 hijau - -
1 Coblestone 31 x 31 x 8 abu Coblestone 31 x 31 x 8 abu m2 155,000.00 170,500.00 -
2 Coblestone 31 x 31 x 8 M/H/Kn/klasik Coblestone 31 x 31 x 8 M/H/Kn/klasik m2 126,500.00 139,150.00 -
3 Coblestone 31 x 31 x 8 hijau Coblestone 31 x 31 x 8 hijau m2 143,000.00 157,300.00 -
4 Vienna 6 abu Vienna 6 abu m2 158,500.00 174,350.00 -
5 Vienna 6 M/H/Kn/klasik Vienna 6 M/H/Kn/klasik m2 106,000.00 116,600.00 -
6 Vienna 6 hijau Vienna 6 hijau m2 122,000.00 134,200.00 -
7 Vienna 8 abu Vienna 8 abu m2 134,500.00 147,950.00 -
8 Vienna 8 M/H/Kn/klasik Vienna 8 M/H/Kn/klasik m2 124,000.00 136,400.00 -
9 Vienna 8 hijau Vienna 8 hijau m2 140,000.00 154,000.00 -
10 Zurich 12,6 / tiga berlian 6 abu Zurich 12,6 / tiga berlian 6 abu m2 155,000.00 170,500.00 -
11 Zurich 12,6 / tiga berlian 6 M/H/Kn/klasik Zurich 12,6 / tiga berlian 6 M/H/Kn/klasik m2 108,500.00 119,350.00 -
12 Zurich 12,6 / tiga berlian 6 hijau Zurich 12,6 / tiga berlian 6 hijau m2 - -
13 Zurich 12,6 / tiga berlian 8abu Zurich 12,6 / tiga berlian 8abu m2 - -
14 Zurich 12,6 / tiga berlian 8M/H/Kn/klasik Zurich 12,6 / tiga berlian 8M/H/Kn/klasik m2 - -
15 Zurich 12,6 / tiga berlian 8hijau Zurich 12,6 / tiga berlian 8hijau m2 - -
16 Lito 6 / Milan abu Lito 6 / Milan abu m2 - -
17 Lito 6 / Milan M/H/Kn/klasik Lito 6 / Milan M/H/Kn/klasik m2 - -
18 Lito 6 / Milan hijau Lito 6 / Milan hijau m2 - -
19 Grassblock 20.8.40 abu Grassblock 20.8.40 abu m2 - -
20 Grassblock 20.10.40 abu Grassblock 20.10.40 abu m2 - -
21 Grastone 40 8 abu Grastone 40 8 abu m2 - -
22 Grastone 40 8 M/H/Kn/klasik Grastone 40 8 M/H/Kn/klasik m2 - -
23 Grastone 40 8 hijau Grastone 40 8 hijau m2 - -
24 Segemento 8 abu Segemento 8 abu m2 - -
25 Segemento 8 M/H/Kn/klasik Segemento 8 M/H/Kn/klasik m2 - -
26 Segemento 8 hijau Segemento 8 hijau m2 - -
27 Clasico 6 abu Clasico 6 abu m2 - -
28 Clasico 6 M/H/Kn/klasik Clasico 6 M/H/Kn/klasik m2 - -
29 Clasico 6 hijau Clasico 6 hijau m2 - -
30 Clasico 8 abu Clasico 8 abu m2 - -
31 Clasico 8 M/H/Kn/klasik Clasico 8 M/H/Kn/klasik m2 - -
32 Clasico 8 hijau Clasico 8 hijau m2 - -
33 Kanstein 15.25.40 Kanstein 15.25.40 m2 - -
34 Kanstein 15.25.20 Kanstein 15.25.20 m2 - -
35 Kanstein 15.30.20 Kanstein 15.30.20 m2 - -
36 Kanstein 15.30.40 DKI Jakarta Kanstein 15.30.40 DKI Jakarta m2 - -
37 Kanstein 19.20.20 Kanstein 19.20.20 m2 - -
38 Kanstein kapuk 19.20.40 Kanstein kapuk 19.20.40 m2 - -
39 Kanstein 10.20.40 / Kanstien jepit / Kanstien 10.61 Kanstein 10.20.40 / Kanstien jepit / Kanstien 10.61 m2 - -
40 Kanstien mulut air 15.25.40 / CTU Kanstien mulut air 15.25.40 / CTU m2 - -
41 Kanstien mulut air 15.30.40 / CTU Kanstien mulut air 15.30.40 / CTU m2 - -
42 Kanstien mulut air kapuk 19.20.40 / CTU Kanstien mulut air kapuk 19.20.40 / CTU m2 - -
43 Kanstien tikung 15.25.40 R 1,5 Kanstien tikung 15.25.40 R 1,5 m2 - -
44 Kanstien tikung 15.25.40 R 3,0 Kanstien tikung 15.25.40 R 3,0 m2 - -
45 Kanstien tikung 15.30.40 R 1,5 Kanstien tikung 15.30.40 R 1,5 m2 - -
46 Kanstien tikung 15.30.40 R 3,0 Kanstien tikung 15.30.40 R 3,0 m2 - -
47 Kanstien tikung kapuk 19.20.40 R 1,5 Kanstien tikung kapuk 19.20.40 R 1,5 m2 - -
48 Kanstien tikung kapuk 19.20.40 R 3,0 Kanstien tikung kapuk 19.20.40 R 3,0 m2 - -
49 Kanstien 15.20.50 / kanstien pilar Kanstien 15.20.50 / kanstien pilar m2 - -
50 Kanstien BCD Kanstien BCD m2 - -
51 Kanstien Car Stopper 15.15.50 Kanstien Car Stopper 15.15.50 m2 - -
52 Tali Air A Tali Air A Bh - -
53 Tali Air A - R 1,5 Tali Air A - R 1,5 Bh - -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
54 Tali Air A - R 3,0 Tali Air A - R 3,0 Bh - -
55 Tali air kotak C Tali air kotak C Bh - -
56 Tali air kotak D Tali air kotak D Bh - -
57 Tali air kotak E Tali air kotak E Bh - -
58 Tali air mulut air MAP Tali air mulut air MAP Bh - -
59 Tali air mulut air BSD Tali air mulut air BSD Bh - -
60 Conslab 50 x 50 x 6 Conslab 50 x 50 x 6 m2 - -
61 Vienna 9 abu Vienna 9 abu m2 - -
62 Vienna 6 abu Vienna 6 abu m2 - -
63 Vienna 6 hijau Vienna 6 hijau m2 - -
64 Vienna 8 abu Vienna 8 abu m2 - -
65 Vienna 8 hijau Vienna 8 hijau m2 - -
66 Veta 10,5 x 10,5 x 6 abu Veta 10,5 x 10,5 x 6 abu m2 - -
67 Veta 10,5 x 10,5 x 6 hijau Veta 10,5 x 10,5 x 6 hijau m2 - -
68 CPV veta 8 abu CPV veta 8 abu m2 - -
69 CPV veta 8 hijau CPV veta 8 hijau m2 - -
70 Torino 21 x 10,5 x 6 abu Torino 21 x 10,5 x 6 abu m2 - -
71 Torino 21 x 10,5 x 6 hijau Torino 21 x 10,5 x 6 hijau m2 - -
72 Verona 21 x 21 x 6 abu Verona 21 x 21 x 6 abu m2 - -
73 Verona 21 x 21 x 6 hijau Verona 21 x 21 x 6 hijau m2 - -
74 Veta 10,5 x 10,5 x 8abu Veta 10,5 x 10,5 x 8abu m2 - -
75 Veta 10,5 x 10,5 x 8hijau Veta 10,5 x 10,5 x 8hijau m2 - -
76 Toscana 31,5 x 31,5 8abu Toscana 31,5 x 31,5 8abu m2 - -
77 Toscana 31,5 x 31,5 8hijau Toscana 31,5 x 31,5 8hijau m2 - -
0 - -
1 Arcilla PA - 1 P 560 general tebal 2 - 5 mm Arcilla PA - 1 P 560 general tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
2 Arcilla PA - 1 P 280 general tebal 2 - 5 mm Arcilla PA - 1 P 280 general tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
3 Arcilla PA - 1 P 1150 general tebal 2 - 5 mm Arcilla PA - 1 P 1150 general tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
4 Arcilla PA - 1 P 575 general tebal 2 - 5 mm Arcilla PA - 1 P 575 general tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
5 Arcilla PA - 2 P 900 general tebal 2 - 5 mm Arcilla PA - 2 P 900 general tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
6 Arcilla PA - 2 P 600 general tebal 2 - 5 mm Arcilla PA - 2 P 600 general tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
7 Arcilla PA - 2 P 1800 general tebal 2 - 5 mm Arcilla PA - 2 P 1800 general tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
8 Arcilla PA - 2 P 600 general tebal 2 - 5 mm Arcilla PA - 2 P 600 general tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
9 Arcilla PA - 3 P 560 general tebal 2 - 5 mm Arcilla PA - 3 P 560 general tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
10 Arcilla PA - 3 P 280 general tebal 2 - 5 mm Arcilla PA - 3 P 280 general tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
0 - -
1 OW-WB P 860 Warna 137,150,328 tebal 2 - 5 mm OW-WB P 860 Warna 137,150,328 tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
2 OW-WB L 110 Warna 137,150,328 tebal 2 - 5 mm OW-WB L 110 Warna 137,150,328 tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
3 OW-WB P 1145 Warna 332,168,184 tebal 2 - 5 mm OW-WB P 1145 Warna 332,168,184 tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
4 OW-WB L 110 Warna 137,150,328 tebal 2 - 5 mm OW-WB L 110 Warna 137,150,328 tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
5 Flexistone SA P 1200 warna putih, abu, kuning tebal 2 - 5 mm Flexistone SA P 1200 warna putih, abu, kuning tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
6 Flexistone SA L 600 warna putih, abu, kuning tebal 2 - 5 mm Flexistone SA L 600 warna putih, abu, kuning tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
7 Flexistone SB P 1200 warna putih, abu, kuning, coklat, gold tebal 2 - 5 mm Flexistone SB P 1200 warna putih, abu, kuning, coklat, gold tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
8 Flexistone SB L 600 warna putih, abu, kuning, coklat, gold tebal 2 - 5 mm Flexistone SB L 600 warna putih, abu, kuning, coklat, gold tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
9 Flexistone SC P 1200 warna putih, abu, kuning tebal 2 - 5 mm Flexistone SC P 1200 warna putih, abu, kuning tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
10 Flexistone SC L 600 warna putih, abu, kuning tebal 2 - 5 mm Flexistone SC L 600 warna putih, abu, kuning tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
11 Aluvial CG P 600 warna 050,036,042 tebal 2 - 5 mm Aluvial CG P 600 warna 050,036,042 tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
12 Aluvial CG L 300 warna 050,036,042 tebal 2 - 5 mm Aluvial CG L 300 warna 050,036,042 tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
13 Face Bricks A P 233 warna hitam, kuning, putih, merah tebal 2 - 5 mm Face Bricks A P 233 warna hitam, kuning, putih, merah tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
14 Face Bricks A L 59 warna hitam, kuning, putih, merah tebal 2 - 5 mm Face Bricks A L 59 warna hitam, kuning, putih, merah tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
15 Face Bricks G P 230 warna hitam, kuning, putih, merah tebal 2 - 5 mm Face Bricks G P 230 warna hitam, kuning, putih, merah tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
16 Face Bricks G L 59 warna hitam, kuning, putih, merah tebal 2 - 5 mm Face Bricks G L 59 warna hitam, kuning, putih, merah tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
17 Face Bricks L P 240 warna hitam, kuning, putih, merah tebal 2 - 5 mm Face Bricks L P 240 warna hitam, kuning, putih, merah tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
18 Face Bricks L L 60 warna hitam, kuning, putih, merah tebal 2 - 5 mm Face Bricks L L 60 warna hitam, kuning, putih, merah tebal 2 - 5 mm - -
0 - -
a Paving Block Warna Natural Paving Block Warna Natural - -
1 Paving Block Warna Natural Paving Block Warna Natural - -
2 Rectangularpave tebal 8 mm Rectangularpave tebal 8 mm - -
3 Fullpave tebal 6 mm Fullpave tebal 6 mm - -
4 Fullpave tebal 8 mm Fullpave tebal 8 mm - -
5 Truepave tebal 6 mm Truepave tebal 6 mm - -
6 Truepave tebal 8 mm Truepave tebal 8 mm - -
7 Truepave tebal 10 mm Truepave tebal 10 mm - -
8 Halfpave tebal 6 mm Halfpave tebal 6 mm - -
9 Halfpave tebal 8 mm Halfpave tebal 8 mm - -
10 Hexagon tebal 6 mm Hexagon tebal 6 mm - -
11 Hexagon tebal 8 mm Hexagon tebal 8 mm - -
12 Intepave tebal 6 mm Intepave tebal 6 mm - -
13 Intepave tebal 8 mm Intepave tebal 8 mm - -
14 Octagon tebal 6 mm Octagon tebal 6 mm - -
15 Octagon tebal 8 mm Octagon tebal 8 mm - -
16 Kubus tebal 6 mm Kubus tebal 6 mm - -
17 Kubus tebal 8 mm Kubus tebal 8 mm - -
18 Quatro tebal 6 mm Quatro tebal 6 mm - -
19 Quatro tebal 8 mm Quatro tebal 8 mm - -
20 Topi uskup tebal 6 mm Topi uskup tebal 6 mm - -
21 Topi uskup tebal 8 mm Topi uskup tebal 8 mm - -
22 Grassblock 30 cm x 45 cm tebal 6 mm Grassblock 30 cm x 45 cm tebal 6 mm - -
23 Grassblock 30 cm x 45 cm tebal 8 mm Grassblock 30 cm x 45 cm tebal 8 mm - -
24 Grassblock 30 cm x 45 cm tebal 10 mm Grassblock 30 cm x 45 cm tebal 10 mm - -
25 Spectra pave 30 x 30 Spectra pave 30 x 30 - -
0 - -
b Paving Block Warna Khusus Paving Block Warna Khusus - -
1 Rectangularpave tebal 8 mm Rectangularpave tebal 8 mm - -
2 Fullpave tebal 6 mm Fullpave tebal 6 mm - -
3 Fullpave tebal 8 mm Fullpave tebal 8 mm - -
4 Truepave tebal 6 mm Truepave tebal 6 mm - -
5 Truepave tebal 8 mm Truepave tebal 8 mm - -
6 Truepave tebal 10 mm Truepave tebal 10 mm - -
7 Halfpave tebal 6 mm Halfpave tebal 6 mm - -
8 Halfpave tebal 8 mm Halfpave tebal 8 mm - -
9 Hexagon tebal 6 mm Hexagon tebal 6 mm - -
10 Hexagon tebal 8 mm Hexagon tebal 8 mm - -
11 Intepave tebal 6 mm Intepave tebal 6 mm - -
12 Intepave tebal 8 mm Intepave tebal 8 mm - -
13 Octagon tebal 6 mm Octagon tebal 6 mm - -
14 Octagon tebal 8 mm Octagon tebal 8 mm - -
15 Kubus tebal 6 mm Kubus tebal 6 mm - -
16 Kubus tebal 8 mm Kubus tebal 8 mm - -
17 Quatro tebal 6 mm Quatro tebal 6 mm - -
18 Quatro tebal 8 mm Quatro tebal 8 mm - -
19 Topi uskup tebal 6 mm Topi uskup tebal 6 mm - -
20 Topi uskup tebal 8 mm Topi uskup tebal 8 mm - -
21 Grassblock 30 cm x 45 cm tebal 6 mm Grassblock 30 cm x 45 cm tebal 6 mm - -
22 Grassblock 30 cm x 45 cm tebal 8 mm Grassblock 30 cm x 45 cm tebal 8 mm - -
23 Grassblock 30 cm x 45 cm tebal 10 mm Grassblock 30 cm x 45 cm tebal 10 mm - -
24 Spectra pave 30 x 30 Spectra pave 30 x 30 - -
0 - -
c Paving Block Warna Reguler Paving Block Warna Reguler - -
1 Rectangularpave tebal 8 mm Rectangularpave tebal 8 mm - -
2 Fullpave tebal 6 mm Fullpave tebal 6 mm - -
3 Fullpave tebal 8 mm Fullpave tebal 8 mm - -
4 Truepave tebal 6 mm Truepave tebal 6 mm - -
5 Truepave tebal 8 mm Truepave tebal 8 mm - -
6 Truepave tebal 10 mm Truepave tebal 10 mm - -
7 Halfpave tebal 6 mm Halfpave tebal 6 mm - -
8 Halfpave tebal 8 mm Halfpave tebal 8 mm - -
9 Hexagon tebal 6 mm Hexagon tebal 6 mm - -
10 Hexagon tebal 8 mm Hexagon tebal 8 mm - -
11 Intepave tebal 6 mm Intepave tebal 6 mm - -
12 Intepave tebal 8 mm Intepave tebal 8 mm - -
13 Octagon tebal 6 mm Octagon tebal 6 mm - -
14 Octagon tebal 8 mm Octagon tebal 8 mm - -
15 Kubus tebal 6 mm Kubus tebal 6 mm - -
16 Kubus tebal 8 mm Kubus tebal 8 mm - -
17 Quatro tebal 6 mm Quatro tebal 6 mm - -
18 Quatro tebal 8 mm Quatro tebal 8 mm - -
19 Topi uskup tebal 6 mm Topi uskup tebal 6 mm - -
20 Topi uskup tebal 8 mm Topi uskup tebal 8 mm - -
21 Spectra pave 30 x 30 Spectra pave 30 x 30 - -
0 - -
c Paving Classic Warna Natural Paving Classic Warna Natural - -
1 Classic End tebal 6 mm Classic End tebal 6 mm - -
2 Classic End tebal 8 mm Classic End tebal 8 mm - -
3 Classic 01 tebal 6 mm Classic 01 tebal 6 mm - -
4 Classic 01 tebal 8 mm Classic 01 tebal 8 mm - -
5 Classic 02 tebal 6 mm Classic 02 tebal 6 mm - -
6 Classic 02 tebal 8 mm Classic 02 tebal 8 mm - -
7 Classic 03 tebal 6 mm Classic 03 tebal 6 mm - -
8 Classic 03 tebal 8 mm Classic 03 tebal 8 mm - -
9 Classic 04 tebal 6 mm Classic 04 tebal 6 mm - -
10 Classic 04 tebal 8 mm Classic 04 tebal 8 mm - -
11 Classic 05 tebal 6 mm Classic 05 tebal 6 mm - -
12 Classic 05 tebal 8 mm Classic 05 tebal 8 mm - -
0 - -
d Paving Classic Warna Khusus Paving Classic Warna Khusus - -
1 Classic End tebal 6 mm Classic End tebal 6 mm - -
2 Classic End tebal 8 mm Classic End tebal 8 mm - -
3 Classic 01 tebal 6 mm Classic 01 tebal 6 mm - -
4 Classic 01 tebal 8 mm Classic 01 tebal 8 mm - -
5 Classic 02 tebal 6 mm Classic 02 tebal 6 mm - -
6 Classic 02 tebal 8 mm Classic 02 tebal 8 mm - -
7 Classic 03 tebal 6 mm Classic 03 tebal 6 mm - -
8 Classic 03 tebal 8 mm Classic 03 tebal 8 mm - -
9 Classic 04 tebal 6 mm Classic 04 tebal 6 mm - -
10 Classic 04 tebal 8 mm Classic 04 tebal 8 mm - -
11 Classic 05 tebal 6 mm Classic 05 tebal 6 mm - -
12 Classic 05 tebal 8 mm Classic 05 tebal 8 mm - -
0 - -
e Paving Classic Reguler Paving Classic Reguler - -
1 Classic End tebal 6 mm Classic End tebal 6 mm - -
2 Classic End tebal 8 mm Classic End tebal 8 mm - -
3 Classic 01 tebal 6 mm Classic 01 tebal 6 mm - -
4 Classic 01 tebal 8 mm Classic 01 tebal 8 mm - -
5 Classic 02 tebal 6 mm Classic 02 tebal 6 mm - -
6 Classic 02 tebal 8 mm Classic 02 tebal 8 mm - -
7 Classic 03 tebal 6 mm Classic 03 tebal 6 mm - -
8 Classic 03 tebal 8 mm Classic 03 tebal 8 mm - -
9 Classic 04 tebal 6 mm Classic 04 tebal 6 mm - -
10 Classic 04 tebal 8 mm Classic 04 tebal 8 mm - -
11 Classic 05 tebal 6 mm Classic 05 tebal 6 mm - -
12 Classic 05 tebal 8 mm Classic 05 tebal 8 mm - -
0 - -
f Paving Altstadt Warna Natural Paving Altstadt Warna Natural - -
1 Altstadt Centrum Tebal 8 cm Altstadt Centrum Tebal 8 cm Bh 139,370.00 153,310.00 -
2 Altstadt 01 Tebal 8 cm Altstadt 01 Tebal 8 cm Bh 139,370.00 153,310.00 -
3 Altstadt 02 Tebal 8 cm Altstadt 02 Tebal 8 cm Bh 139,370.00 153,310.00 -
4 Altstadt 03Tebal 6 cm Altstadt 03Tebal 6 cm Bh 118,580.00 130,440.00 -
5 Altstadt 03 Tebal 8 cm Altstadt 03 Tebal 8 cm Bh 139,370.00 153,310.00 -
6 Altstadt 04 Tebal 8 cm Altstadt 04 Tebal 8 cm Bh 118,580.00 130,440.00 -
7 Altstadt 05 Tebal 6 cm Altstadt 05 Tebal 6 cm Bh 118,580.00 130,440.00 -
8 Altstadt 05 Tebal 8 cm Altstadt 05 Tebal 8 cm Bh 139,370.00 153,310.00 -
9 Altstadt 06 Tebal 8 cm Altstadt 06 Tebal 8 cm Bh 139,370.00 153,310.00 -
0 - -
g Paving Altstadt Warna Khusus Paving Altstadt Warna Khusus - -
1 Altstadt Centrum Tebal 8 cm Altstadt Centrum Tebal 8 cm Bh 167,090.00 183,800.00 -
2 Altstadt 01 Tebal 8 cm Altstadt 01 Tebal 8 cm Bh 167,090.00 183,800.00 -
3 Altstadt 02 Tebal 8 cm Altstadt 02 Tebal 8 cm Bh 167,090.00 183,800.00 -
4 Altstadt 03 Tebal 6 cm Altstadt 03 Tebal 6 cm Bh 145,750.00 160,330.00 -
5 Altstadt 03 Tebal 8 cm Altstadt 03 Tebal 8 cm Bh 167,090.00 183,800.00 -
6 Altstadt 04 Tebal 8 cm Altstadt 04 Tebal 8 cm Bh 167,090.00 183,800.00 -
7 Altstadt 05 Tebal 6 cm Altstadt 05 Tebal 6 cm Bh 145,750.00 160,330.00 -
8 Altstadt 05 Tebal 8 cm Altstadt 05 Tebal 8 cm Bh 167,090.00 183,800.00 -
9 Altstadt 06 Tebal 8 cm Altstadt 06 Tebal 8 cm Bh 167,090.00 183,800.00 -
0 - -
h Altstadt Centrum Warna Reguler Altstadt Centrum Warna Reguler - -
1 Altstadt Centrum Tebal 8 cm Altstadt Centrum Tebal 8 cm Bh 155,500.00 171,050.00 -
2 Altstadt 01 Tebal 8 cm Altstadt 01 Tebal 8 cm Bh 155,500.00 171,050.00 -
3 Altstadt 02 Tebal 8 cm Altstadt 02 Tebal 8 cm Bh 155,500.00 171,050.00 -
4 Altstadt 03 Tebal 6 cm Altstadt 03 Tebal 6 cm Bh 132,440.00 145,690.00 -
5 Altstadt 03 Tebal 8 cm Altstadt 03 Tebal 8 cm Bh 155,500.00 171,050.00 -
6 Altstadt 04 Tebal 8 cm Altstadt 04 Tebal 8 cm Bh 155,500.00 171,050.00 -
7 Altstadt 05 Tebal 6 cm Altstadt 05 Tebal 6 cm Bh 132,440.00 145,690.00 -
8 Altstadt 05 Tebal 8 cm Altstadt 05 Tebal 8 cm Bh 155,500.00 171,050.00 -
9 Altstadt 06 Tebal 8 cm Altstadt 06 Tebal 8 cm Bh 155,500.00 171,050.00 -
0 - -
i Kanstein Kanstein - -
1 Kanstein K.01.1 Kanstein K.01.1 Bh 7,370.00 8,110.00 -
2 Kanstein K.01.3 Kanstein K.01.3 Bh 11,000.00 12,100.00 -
3 Kanstein K.02.1 Kanstein K.02.1 Bh 14,850.00 16,340.00 -
4 Kanstein K.02.2 Kanstein K.02.2 Bh 7,425.00 8,170.00 -
5 Kanstein K.02.3 Kanstein K.02.3 Bh 19,800.00 21,780.00 -
6 Kanstein K.05.1 Kanstein K.05.1 Bh 46,200.00 50,820.00 -
7 Kanstein K.05.2 Kanstein K.05.2 Bh 18,480.00 20,330.00 -
8 Kanstein K.05.3 Kanstein K.05.3 Bh 46,200.00 50,820.00 -
9 Kanstein K.06.1 Kanstein K.06.1 Bh 63,800.00 70,180.00 -
10 Kanstein K.06.2 Kanstein K.06.2 Bh 19,800.00 21,780.00 -
11 Kanstein K.06.3 Kanstein K.06.3 Bh 63,800.00 70,180.00 -
12 Kanstein K.08,1 Kanstein K.08,1 Bh 49,500.00 54,450.00 -
13 Kanstein K.08.2 Kanstein K.08.2 Bh 14,850.00 16,340.00 -
14 Kanstein K.08.3 Kanstein K.08.3 Bh 49,500.00 54,450.00 -
15 Kanstein K.09.1 Kanstein K.09.1 Bh 35,200.00 38,720.00 -
16 Kanstein K.09.2 Kanstein K.09.2 Bh 14,080.00 15,490.00 -
17 Kanstein K.09.3 Kanstein K.09.3 Bh 35,200.00 38,720.00 -
18 Kanstein K.10.1 Kanstein K.10.1 Bh 48,400.00 53,240.00 -
19 Kanstein K.10.2 Kanstein K.10.2 Bh 19,800.00 21,780.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
20 Kanstein K.10.3 Kanstein K.10.3 Bh 48,400.00 53,240.00 -
21 Kanstein K.11.1 Kanstein K.11.1 Bh 48,400.00 53,240.00 -
22 Kanstein K.11.3 Kanstein K.11.3 Bh 48,400.00 53,240.00 -
23 Palisade Palisade Bh 8,800.00 9,680.00 -
24 Grill Grill Bh 30,250.00 33,280.00 -
25 Grill 01.1 Natural Grill 01.1 Natural Bh 33,000.00 36,300.00 -
26 Grill 01.1 MB Grill 01.1 MB Bh 39,600.00 43,560.00 -
27 Grill 01.1 Grill 01.1 Bh 66,000.00 72,600.00 -
0 - -
j Concrete Block Concrete Block - -
1 Regular Full 10.01 Regular Full 10.01 Bh 6,050.00 6,660.00 -
2 Regular Half 10.02 Regular Half 10.02 Bh 3,630.00 4,000.00 -
3 Bond Beam 10.03 Bond Beam 10.03 Bh 6,600.00 7,260.00 -
4 C - Pillar 10.04 C - Pillar 10.04 Bh 4,400.00 4,840.00 -
5 Open End 10.05 Open End 10.05 Bh 6,600.00 7,260.00 -
6 Regular Full 15.01 Regular Full 15.01 Bh 8,580.00 9,440.00 -
7 Regular Half 15.02 Regular Half 15.02 Bh 5,170.00 5,690.00 -
8 Bond Beam 15.03 Bond Beam 15.03 Bh 9,460.00 10,410.00 -
9 Regular Full 20.01 Regular Full 20.01 Bh 12,650.00 13,920.00 -
10 Regular Half 20.02 Regular Half 20.02 Bh 7,590.00 8,350.00 -
11 Bond Beam 20.03 Bond Beam 20.03 Bh 14,300.00 15,730.00 -
12 Gooved Ribbed Block G.10.01 Gooved Ribbed Block G.10.01 Bh 7,150.00 7,870.00 -
13 Gooved Ribbed Paver G.04.01 Gooved Ribbed Paver G.04.01 Bh 4,290.00 4,720.00 -
14 Split Ribbed Block S.12.01 Split Ribbed Block S.12.01 Bh 7,700.00 8,470.00 -
15 Split Ribbed Paver S.05.01 Split Ribbed Paver S.05.01 Bh 4,620.00 5,090.00 -
16 Paver Paver Bh 4,290.00 4,720.00 -
0 - -
k Rooster Rooster - -
1 Rooster R-01 Rooster R-01 Bh 5,060.00 5,570.00 -
2 Rooster R-02 Rooster R-02 Bh 5,060.00 5,570.00 -
3 Rooster R-03 Rooster R-03 Bh 5,060.00 5,570.00 -
4 Rooster R-04 Rooster R-04 Bh 3,630.00 4,000.00 -
5 Rooster R-06 Rooster R-06 Bh 7,260.00 7,990.00 -
6 Rooster R-07 Rooster R-07 Bh 6,050.00 6,660.00 -
7 Rooster R-08 Rooster R-08 Bh 11,000.00 12,100.00 -
8 Rooster R-09 Rooster R-09 Bh 4,950.00 5,450.00 -
9 Rooster R-10 Rooster R-10 Bh 5,500.00 6,050.00 -
10 Rooster R-11 Rooster R-11 Bh 5,060.00 5,570.00 -
11 Rooster R-12 Rooster R-12 Bh 5,060.00 5,570.00 -
12 Rooster R-13 Rooster R-13 Bh 5,060.00 5,570.00 -
13 Rooster R-14 Rooster R-14 Bh 6,600.00 7,260.00 -
14 Rooster R-15 Rooster R-15 Bh 7,260.00 7,990.00 -
0 - -
l Concrete Tile Concrete Tile - -
1 Stone Tile Stone Tile Bh 17,600.00 19,360.00 -
2 olassico Tile olassico Tile Bh 17,600.00 19,360.00 -
3 Concerto Tile Concerto Tile Bh 17,600.00 19,360.00 -
4 Rock Tile Rock Tile Bh 7,700.00 8,470.00 -
5 Cladding Tile Cladding Tile Bh 8,800.00 9,680.00 -
6 Sandtein Waama Reguler Sandtein Waama Reguler Bh 21,780.00 23,960.00 -
7 Sandtein Waarna Khusus Sandtein Waarna Khusus Bh 23,958.00 26,360.00 -
0 - -
m Pearl Stone uk. Pearl Stone uk. - -
1 Batu Natural Warna Natural 30x30cm Batu Natural Warna Natural 30x30cm Bh 12,100.00 13,310.00 -
2 Batu Natural Warna Natural 40x40cm Batu Natural Warna Natural 40x40cm Bh 22,000.00 24,200.00 -
3 Batu Natural Warna hitam 30x30 Batu Natural Warna hitam 30x30 Bh 14,300.00 15,730.00 -
4 Batu Natural Warna hitam 40x40 Batu Natural Warna hitam 40x40 Bh 26,400.00 29,040.00 -
5 Batu Garut Warna Natural 30x30 cm Batu Garut Warna Natural 30x30 cm Bh 13,200.00 14,520.00 -
6 Batu Garut Warna Natural 40 x 40 cm Batu Garut Warna Natural 40 x 40 cm Bh 24,200.00 26,620.00 -
7 Batu Garut Warna Natural Hitam Batu Garut Warna Natural Hitam Bh 16,500.00 18,150.00 -
0 - -
n Pearl Stone uk. 40X40cm Pearl Stone uk. 40X40cm - -
1 Batu Natural Warna Natural Batu Natural Warna Natural Bh 22,000.00 24,200.00 -
2 Barn Garut Warna Natural Barn Garut Warna Natural Bh 24,400.00 26,840.00 -
3 Bata Garut Warna Hitam Bata Garut Warna Hitam Bh 28,600.00 31,460.00 -
0 - -
1 Buis beton dia. 20 cm tanpa tulang Buis beton dia. 20 cm tanpa tulang Bh 55,000.00 60,500.00 -
2 Buis beton dia. 30 cm tanpa tulang Buis beton dia. 30 cm tanpa tulang Bh 77,000.00 84,700.00 -
3 Buis beton dia. 40 cm tanpa tulang Buis beton dia. 40 cm tanpa tulang Bh 110,000.00 121,000.00 -
4 Buis beton dia. 50 cm tanpa tulang Buis beton dia. 50 cm tanpa tulang Bh 136,000.00 149,600.00 -
5 Buis beton dia. 60 cm tanpa tulang Buis beton dia. 60 cm tanpa tulang Bh 275,000.00 302,500.00 -
6 Buis beton dia. 80 cm tanpa tulang Buis beton dia. 80 cm tanpa tulang Bh 385,000.00 423,500.00 -
7 Buis beton dia. 100 cm tanpa tulang Buis beton dia. 100 cm tanpa tulang Bh 440,000.00 484,000.00 -
0 - -
1 Buis beton dia. 15 cm tanpa tulang Buis beton dia. 15 cm tanpa tulang Bh - -
2 Buis beton dia. 20 cm tanpa tulang Buis beton dia. 20 cm tanpa tulang Bh 33,000.00 36,300.00 -
3 Buis beton dia. 30 cm tanpa tulang Buis beton dia. 30 cm tanpa tulang Bh 46,200.00 50,820.00 -
4 Buis beton dia. 40 cm tanpa tulang Buis beton dia. 40 cm tanpa tulang Bh 66,000.00 72,600.00 -
5 Buis beton dia. 50 cm tanpa tulang Buis beton dia. 50 cm tanpa tulang Bh 110,000.00 121,000.00 -
6 Buis beton dia. 60 cm tanpa tulang Buis beton dia. 60 cm tanpa tulang Bh 165,000.00 181,500.00 -
7 Buis beton dia. 80 cm tanpa tulang Buis beton dia. 80 cm tanpa tulang Bh 231,000.00 254,100.00 -
8 Buis beton dia. 100 cm tanpa tulang Buis beton dia. 100 cm tanpa tulang Bh 264,000.00 290,400.00 -
0 - -
0 - -
SI Small Corrugated Sheet Small Corrugated Sheet - -
1 SCS 800 mm x 1500 mm x 3,3 mm SCS 800 mm x 1500 mm x 3,3 mm lbr 22,900.00 25,190.00 -
2 SCS 800 mm x 1800 mm x 3,3 mm SCS 800 mm x 1800 mm x 3,3 mm lbr 27,500.00 30,250.00 -
3 SCS 800 mm x 2100 mm x 3,3 mm SCS 800 mm x 2100 mm x 3,3 mm lbr 32,100.00 35,310.00 -
4 SCS 800 mm x 2400 mm x 3,3 mm SCS 800 mm x 2400 mm x 3,3 mm lbr 36,600.00 40,260.00 -
5 SCS 1050 mm x 1500 mm x 4 mm SCS 1050 mm x 1500 mm x 4 mm lbr 36,800.00 40,480.00 -
6 SCS 1050 mm x 1800 mm x 4 mm SCS 1050 mm x 1800 mm x 4 mm lbr 43,900.00 48,290.00 -
7 SCS 1050 mmx 2100 mm x 4 mm SCS 1050 mmx 2100 mm x 4 mm lbr 51,200.00 56,320.00 -
8 SCS 1050 mm x 2400 mm x 4 mm SCS 1050 mm x 2400 mm x 4 mm lbr 58,500.00 64,350.00 -
9 SCS 1050 mm x 2700 mm x 4 mm SCS 1050 mm x 2700 mm x 4 mm lbr 65,800.00 72,380.00 -
10 SCS 1050 mm x 3000 mm x 4 mm SCS 1050 mm x 3000 mm x 4 mm lbr 73,000.00 80,300.00 -
0 - -
S2 Two-Piece Adjustable Ridge (SAR) Two-Piece Adjustable Ridge (SAR) - -
1 SAR 1050 mm x 200 mm x 4 mm SAR 1050 mm x 200 mm x 4 mm lbr 25,700.00 28,270.00 -
2 SAR 800 mm x 200 mm x 3,3 mm SAR 800 mm x 200 mm x 3,3 mm lbr 17,600.00 19,360.00 -
0 - -
S3 Flat Sheet Flat Sheet - -
1 Flat Sheet 500 mm x 1000 mm x 2,7 mm Flat Sheet 500 mm x 1000 mm x 2,7 mm lbr 5,200.00 5,720.00 -
2 Flat Sheet 500 mm x 2000 mm x 2,7 mm Flat Sheet 500 mm x 2000 mm x 2,7 mm lbr 11,100.00 12,210.00 -
3 Flat Sheet 1000 mm x 1000 mm x 2,7 mm Flat Sheet 1000 mm x 1000 mm x 2,7 mm lbr 10,300.00 11,330.00 -
0 - -
S4 Big Flat Sheet Big Flat Sheet - -
1 BFS 1220 mm x 2440 mm x 4 mm BFS 1220 mm x 2440 mm x 4 mm lbr 52,900.00 58,190.00 -
2 BFS 1220 mm x 2440 mm x 6 mm BFS 1220 mm x 2440 mm x 6 mm lbr 92,900.00 102,190.00 -
3 BFS 1220 mm x 2440 mm x 8 mm BFS 1220 mm x 2440 mm x 8 mm lbr 123,750.00 136,130.00 -
0 - -
S5 Wood Plank Wood Plank - -
1 WP-Texture 100 mm x 4050 mm x 8 mm WP-Texture 100 mm x 4050 mm x 8 mm lbr 23,500.00 25,850.00 -
2 WP-Plain 100 mm x 4050 mm x 8 mm WP-Plain 100 mm x 4050 mm x 8 mm lbr 23,500.00 25,850.00 -
3 WP-Texture 200 mm x 4050 mm x 8 mm WP-Texture 200 mm x 4050 mm x 8 mm lbr 47,000.00 51,700.00 -
4 WP-Plain 200 mm x 4050 mm x 8 mm WP-Plain 200 mm x 4050 mm x 8 mm lbr 47,000.00 51,700.00 -
5 WP-Texture 300 mm x 4050 mm x 8 mm WP-Texture 300 mm x 4050 mm x 8 mm lbr 80,000.00 88,000.00 -
6 WP-Plain 300 mm x 4050 mm x 8 mm WP-Plain 300 mm x 4050 mm x 8 mm lbr 80,000.00 88,000.00 -
0 - -
S6 Papan Gypsum & Joint Cornice Compound Elephant" Papan Gypsum & Joint Cornice Compound Elephant" - -
1 Papan gypsum elephant standar TE 9 mm x 1200 x 2400 Papan gypsum elephant standar TE 9 mm x 1200 x 2400 lbr 64,000.00 70,400.00 8.00
2 Papan gypsum elephant standar TE 12 mm x 1200 x 2400 Papan gypsum elephant standar TE 12 mm x 1200 x 2400 lbr 74,200.00 81,620.00 8.00
3 Papan gypsum elephant Moisture R.TE 10 mm x 1200 x 2400 Papan gypsum elephant Moisture R.TE 10 mm x 1200 x 2400 lbr 110,000.00 121,000.00 8.00
4 Papan gypsum elephant Moisture R.TE 12 mm x 1200 x 2400 Papan gypsum elephant Moisture R.TE 12 mm x 1200 x 2400 lbr 132,000.00 145,200.00 8.00
5 Papan gypsum elephant extra fire resitance 15 mm x 1200 x 2400 Papan gypsum elephant extra fire resitance 15 mm x 1200 x 2400 lbr 155,000.00 170,500.00 8.00
6 Papan gypsum perforated 9 mm x 600 x 1200 Papan gypsum perforated 9 mm x 600 x 1200 lbr 17,500.00 19,250.00 8.00
7 Papan gypsum PVC laminated 9 mm x 600 x 1200 Papan gypsum PVC laminated 9 mm x 600 x 1200 lbr 22,750.00 25,030.00 8.00
8 Elephant joint cornice compound.2 in 1 (uk. 20 Kg) Elephant joint cornice compound.2 in 1 (uk. 20 Kg) zak 75,000.00 82,500.00 8.00
0 - -
S7 Frame Plafond Flat Frame Plafond Flat - -
1 Metal Furring E'C-Line tebal 0,45 mm L. 4 m Metal Furring E'C-Line tebal 0,45 mm L. 4 m pc 26,400.00 29,040.00 -
2 Metal Furring E'C-Line tebal 0,50 mm L. 4 m Metal Furring E'C-Line tebal 0,50 mm L. 4 m pc 20,040.00 22,050.00 -
3 E'Joiner (Joiner furring to furring) E'Joiner (Joiner furring to furring) pc 935.00 1,030.00 -
4 E'Connector (ConnectOr rnain runner to cross runner) E'Connector (ConnectOr rnain runner to cross runner) pc 935.00 1,030.00 -
5 Suspension Bracket - 7 1 Suspension Bracket - 7 1 pc 908.00 1,000.00 -
6 Suspension Rod D:5 mm Suspension Rod D:5 mm pc 6,050.00 6,660.00 -
7 Suspension olip Suspension olip pc 935.00 1,030.00 -
8 Wall Angle L:300 Cm Wall Angle L:300 Cm pc 5,088.00 5,600.00 -
0 - -
S8 E'Fraine Partition E'Fraine Partition - -
1 U-Stud 50 tebal 0.50 mm L:3m (Rp/btg) U-Stud 50 tebal 0.50 mm L:3m (Rp/btg) pc 37,950.00 41,750.00 -
2 C-Stud 50 tebal 0.50 mm L:3m (Rp/btg) C-Stud 50 tebal 0.50 mm L:3m (Rp/btg) pc 43,230.00 47,560.00 -
3 U-Stud 65 tebal 0.50 mm L:3m (Rp/btg) U-Stud 65 tebal 0.50 mm L:3m (Rp/btg) pc 43,230.00 47,560.00 -
4 C-Stud 65 tebal 0.50 mm L:3m (Rp/btg) C-Stud 65 tebal 0.50 mm L:3m (Rp/btg) pc 47,190.00 51,910.00 -
5 U-Stud 75 tebal 0.50 mm L:3m (Rp/btg) U-Stud 75 tebal 0.50 mm L:3m (Rp/btg) pc 47,190.00 51,910.00 -
6 C-Stud 75 tebal 0.50 mm L:3m (Rp/btg) C-Stud 75 tebal 0.50 mm L:3m (Rp/btg) pc 49,830.00 54,820.00 -
0 - -
a Tiang Lampu Antik Full Tiang Lampu Antik Full - -
1 H : 3 M Cab 1 H : 3 M Cab 1 btg 5,200,000.00 5,720,000.00 -
2 H : 4 M Cab 1 H : 4 M Cab 1 btg 6,652,000.00 7,317,200.00 -
3 H : 5 M Cab 1 H : 5 M Cab 1 btg 10,708,000.00 11,778,800.00 -
4 H : 6 M Cab 1 H : 6 M Cab 1 btg 13,805,000.00 15,185,500.00 -
5 H : 7 M Cab 1 H : 7 M Cab 1 btg 18,416,000.00 20,257,600.00 -
6 Stang Ornamen Full Casting Allumunium Stang Ornamen Full Casting Allumunium Bh 456,000.00 501,600.00 -
0 - -
b Tiang Lampu Antik Full Cast Iron Besi Tempa Ex. Indalux Tiang Lampu Antik Full Cast Iron Besi Tempa Ex. Indalux - -
1 H: 3 M Cab 1 H: 3 M Cab 1 btg 5,487,000.00 6,035,700.00 -
2 H: 4 M Cab 1 H: 4 M Cab 1 btg 7,027,000.00 7,729,700.00 -
3 H: 5 M Cab 1 H: 5 M Cab 1 btg 11,771,000.00 12,948,100.00 -
4 H: 6 M Cab 1 H: 6 M Cab 1 btg 15,428,000.00 16,970,800.00 -
5 H: 7 M Cab 1 H: 7 M Cab 1 btg 18,840,000.00 20,724,000.00 -
6 Stang Ornamen Full Cast Iron Besi Tempa Stang Ornamen Full Cast Iron Besi Tempa Bh 380,000.00 418,000.00 -
0 - -
c Tiang Lampu Antik Besi Pipa Relief Allumunium Ex. Indalux Tiang Lampu Antik Besi Pipa Relief Allumunium Ex. Indalux - -
1 H: 3 M Cab 1 H: 3 M Cab 1 btg 4,043,000.00 4,447,300.00 -
2 H: 4 M Cab 1 H: 4 M Cab 1 btg 4,782,000.00 5,260,200.00 -
3 H: 5 M Cab 1 H: 5 M Cab 1 btg 8,626,000.00 9,488,600.00 -
4 H: 6 M Cab 1 H: 6 M Cab 1 btg 11,411,000.00 12,552,100.00 -
5 H: 7 M Cab 1 H: 7 M Cab 1 btg 15,275,000.00 16,802,500.00 -
6 Stang Ornamen Besi Pipa Relief Allumunium Stang Ornamen Besi Pipa Relief Allumunium Bh 304,000.00 334,400.00 -
0 - -
d Tiang Lampu Antik Pipa Besi Relief Besi Cor Ex. Indalux Tiang Lampu Antik Pipa Besi Relief Besi Cor Ex. Indalux - -
1 H: 3 M Cab 1 H: 3 M Cab 1 btg 3,651,000.00 4,016,100.00 -
2 H: 4 M Cab 1 H: 4 M Cab 1 btg 4,538,000.00 4,991,800.00 -
3 H: 5 M Cab 1 H: 5 M Cab 1 btg 8,506,000.00 9,356,600.00 -
4 H: 6 M Cab 1 H: 6 M Cab 1 btg 11,004,000.00 12,104,400.00 -
5 H: 7 M Cab 1 H: 7 M Cab 1 btg 15,004,000.00 16,504,400.00 -
6 Stang Ornamen Besi Pipa Relief Besi Cor Stang Ornamen Besi Pipa Relief Besi Cor Bh 304,000.00 334,400.00 -
0 - -
e Tiang PJU Antik Motif Betawi Ex. Indalux Tiang PJU Antik Motif Betawi Ex. Indalux - -
1 H: 9 M Cab 1 H: 9 M Cab 1 btg 16,900,000.00 18,590,000.00 -
2 H: 9 M Cab 2 H: 9 M Cab 2 btg 17,450,000.00 19,195,000.00 -
3 Ornamen dan Accessories Ex. Indalux Ornamen dan Accessories Ex. Indalux Bh 500,000.00 550,000.00 -
0 - -
f Tiang PJU Beromamen Ex. Indalux Tiang PJU Beromamen Ex. Indalux - -
1 H : 8 M Cab 1 H : 8 M Cab 1 btg 11,126,000.00 12,238,600.00 -
2 H : 9 M Cab 1 H : 9 M Cab 1 btg 11,904,000.00 13,094,400.00 -
3 H : 10 M Cab 1 H : 10 M Cab 1 btg 13,361,000.00 14,697,100.00 -
4 H : 11 M Cab 1 H : 11 M Cab 1 btg 14,095,000.00 15,504,500.00 -
5 H : 12 M Cab 1 H : 12 M Cab 1 btg 15,323,000.00 16,855,300.00 -
6 Omamen danAccessories Omamen danAccessories Bh 614,000.00 675,400.00 -
0 - -
g Tiang Pendestrian/Fly Over (FO) ex Indalux Tiang Pendestrian/Fly Over (FO) ex Indalux - -
1 H:4M H:4M Bh 7,365,000.00 8,101,500.00 -
2 H:5M H:5M Bh 7,835,000.00 8,618,500.00 -
3 H:6M H:6M Bh 8,305,000.00 9,135,500.00 -
4 H:7M H:7M Bh 8,900,000.00 9,790,000.00 -
5 H:8M H:8M Bh 9,600,000.00 10,560,000.00 -
6 H:9M H:9M Bh 10,500,000.00 11,550,000.00 -
7 Stan Omamen Beraccessories Stan Omamen Beraccessories Bh 650,000.00 715,000.00 -
0 - -
h Tiang PJU Centra Premier beraccesories Ex Indalux Tiang PJU Centra Premier beraccesories Ex Indalux - -
1 H:6m H:6m Bh 2,650,000.00 2,915,000.00 -
2 H:7m H:7m Bh 3,120,000.00 3,432,000.00 -
3 H:8M H:8M Bh 3,920,000.00 4,312,000.00 -
4 H:9M H:9M Bh 5,550,000.00 6,105,000.00 -
5 H :10M H :10M Bh 6,250,000.00 6,875,000.00 -
6 H : 11 M H : 11 M Bh 7,150,000.00 7,865,000.00 -
7 Stang Omamen Beraccessories Stang Omamen Beraccessories Bh 650,000.00 715,000.00 -
0 - -
i Tiang Rumah Ibadah Beraccessories Tiang Rumah Ibadah Beraccessories - -
1 H:3M H:3M Bh 4,300,000.00 4,730,000.00 -
2 H:4M H:4M Bh 5,875,000.00 6,462,500.00 -
3 H:5M H:5M Bh 8,650,000.00 9,515,000.00 -
4 H:6M H:6M Bh 11,450,000.00 12,595,000.00 -
5 H:7M H:7M Bh 15,275,000.00 16,802,500.00 -
6 Stang Ornamen Beraccessories Stang Ornamen Beraccessories Bh 650,000.00 715,000.00 -
0 - -
j Tiang Bantaran Kali Ex. Indalux Tiang Bantaran Kali Ex. Indalux - -
1 H:4M H:4M Bh 5,800,000.00 6,380,000.00 -
2 H:5M H:5M Bh 8,506,000.00 9,356,600.00 -
3 H:6M H:6M Bh 10,205,000.00 11,225,500.00 -
4 H:7M H:7M Bh 12,100,000.00 13,310,000.00 -
5 H:8M H:8M Bh 13,700,000.00 15,070,000.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
6 H:9M H:9M Bh 14,900,000.00 16,390,000.00 -
7 Stan Omamen Beraccessories Stan Omamen Beraccessories Bh 325,000.00 357,500.00 -
0 - -
k Tiang Taman Kota Ex. Indalux Tiang Taman Kota Ex. Indalux - -
1 H:3M H:3M Bh 3,975,000.00 4,372,500.00 -
2 H:4M H:4M Bh 4,850,000.00 5,335,000.00 -
3 H:5M H:5M Bh 7,400,000.00 8,140,000.00 -
4 H:6M H:6M Bh 9,850,000.00 10,835,000.00 -
5 H:7M H:7M Bh 10,500,000.00 11,550,000.00 -
6 H:8M H:8M Bh 11,350,000.00 12,485,000.00 -
7 Stang Ornamen Beraccessories Stang Ornamen Beraccessories Bh 560,000.00 616,000.00 -
0 - -
l Tiang PJU Press Bottle (1 Cabang) Hot Dip Galvanize Ex. Indalux Tiang PJU Press Bottle (1 Cabang) Hot Dip Galvanize Ex. Indalux - -
1 H : 9 M 5" 4" 3" 2" H : 9 M 5" 4" 3" 2" Bh 1,898,000.00 2,087,800.00 -
2 H : 10 M 5" 4" 3" 2" H : 10 M 5" 4" 3" 2" Bh 2,420,000.00 2,662,000.00 -
3 H : 11 M 5" 4" 3" 2" H : 11 M 5" 4" 3" 2" Bh 2,660,000.00 2,926,000.00 -
4 H : 12 M 5" 4" 3" 2" H : 12 M 5" 4" 3" 2" Bh 3,940,000.00 4,334,000.00 -
5 H : 13 M 5" 4" 3" 2" H : 13 M 5" 4" 3" 2" Bh 5,175,000.00 5,692,500.00 -
6 Stand Ornamen Beraccessories Stand Ornamen Beraccessories Bh 450,000.00 495,000.00 -
0 - -
m Tiang PJU Press Bottle (2 Cabang) Hot Dip Galvanize Ex Indalux Tiang PJU Press Bottle (2 Cabang) Hot Dip Galvanize Ex Indalux - -
1 H : 9 M 5" 4" 3" 2" H : 9 M 5" 4" 3" 2" Bh 2,248,000.00 2,472,800.00 -
2 H : 10 M 5" 4" 3" 2" H : 10 M 5" 4" 3" 2" Bh 27,700.00 30,470.00 -
3 H : 11 M 5" 4" 3" 2" H : 11 M 5" 4" 3" 2" Bh 3,010,000.00 3,311,000.00 -
4 H : 12 M 5" 4" 3" 2" H : 12 M 5" 4" 3" 2" Bh 4,290,000.00 4,719,000.00 -
5 H : 13 M 5" 4" 3" 2" H : 13 M 5" 4" 3" 2" Bh 5,525,000.00 6,077,500.00 -
6 Stand Ornamen Berccessories Stand Ornamen Berccessories Bh 450,000.00 495,000.00 -
0 - -
n Tiang PJU Octagonal (1 Cabang), Single Parabola Hot Dip Galvanize Ex Indalux Tiang PJU Octagonal (1 Cabang), Single Parabola Hot Dip Galvanize Ex Indalux - -
1 H:6M H:6M Bh 2,660,000.00 2,926,000.00 -
2 H:7M H:7M Bh 2,890,000.00 3,179,000.00 -
3 H:8M H:8M Bh 3,130,000.00 3,443,000.00 -
4 H:9M H:9M Bh 3,490,000.00 3,839,000.00 -
5 H : 10 M H : 10 M Bh 4,455,000.00 4,900,500.00 -
6 H : 11 M H : 11 M Bh 4,950,000.00 5,445,000.00 -
7 H : 12 M H : 12 M Bh 5,325,000.00 5,857,500.00 -
8 H : 13 M H : 13 M Bh 5,925,000.00 6,517,500.00 -
9 H : 14 M H : 14 M Bh 6,640,000.00 7,304,000.00 -
10 Stand Ornamen Beraccessories Stand Ornamen Beraccessories Bh 450,000.00 495,000.00 -
0 - -
o Tiang PJU Octagonal (2 Cabang) Double Parabola Hot Dip Galvanize Ex. Indalux Tiang PJU Octagonal (2 Cabang) Double Parabola Hot Dip Galvanize Ex. Indalux - -
1 H:6M H:6M Bh 3,210,000.00 3,531,000.00 -
2 H:7M H:7M Bh 3,440,000.00 3,784,000.00 -
3 H:8M H:8M Bh 3,780,000.00 4,158,000.00 -
H:9M H:9M
4 Bh 4,150,000.00 4,565,000.00 -
. .
5 H : 10 M H : 10 M Bh 5,550,000.00 6,105,000.00 -
6 H : 11 M H : 11 M Bh 5,925,000.00 6,517,500.00 -
7 H : 12 M H : 12 M Bh 6,375,000.00 7,012,500.00 -
8 H : 13 M H : 13 M Bh 6,675,000.00 7,342,500.00 -
9 H : 14 M H : 14 M Bh 7,560,000.00 8,316,000.00 -
10 Stand Ornamen Berccessories Stand Ornamen Berccessories Bh 450,000.00 495,000.00 -
0 - -
p Tiang PJU Octagonal (1 Cabang) Single T. Hot Dip Galvanize Ex. Indalux Tiang PJU Octagonal (1 Cabang) Single T. Hot Dip Galvanize Ex. Indalux - -
1 H:6M H:6M Bh 3,179,000.00 3,496,900.00 -
2 H:7M H:7M Bh 3,956,000.00 4,351,600.00 -
3 H:8M H:8M Bh 3,839,000.00 4,222,900.00 -
H:9M H:9M
4 Bh 4,108,500.00 4,519,350.00 -
. .
5 H : 10 M H : 10 M Bh 5,159,000.00 5,674,900.00 -
6 H : 11 M H : 11 M Bh 5,709,000.00 6,279,900.00 -
7 H : 12 M H : 12 M Bh 6,116,000.00 6,727,600.00 -
8 H : 13 M H : 13 M Bh 6,517,500.00 7,169,250.00 -
9 H : 14 M H : 14 M Bh 7,177,500.00 7,895,250.00 -
10 Stand Ornamen Berccessories Stand Ornamen Berccessories Bh 450,000.00 495,000.00 -
0 - -
q Tiang PJU Octagonal (2 Cabang) Double T. Hot Dip Galvanize Ex. Indalux Tiang PJU Octagonal (2 Cabang) Double T. Hot Dip Galvanize Ex. Indalux - -
1 H:6M H:6M Bh 2,890,000.00 3,179,000.00 -
2 H:7M H:7M Bh 3,134,000.00 3,447,400.00 -
3 H:8M H:8M Bh 3,490,000.00 3,839,000.00 -
4 H:9M H:9M Bh 3,735,000.00 4,108,500.00 -
5 H : 10 M H : 10 M Bh 4,690,000.00 5,159,000.00 -
6 H : 11M H : 11M Bh - -
7 H : 12 M H : 12 M Bh 5,560,000.00 6,116,000.00 -
8 H : 13 M H : 13 M Bh 5,925,000.00 6,517,500.00 -
9 H : 14 M H : 14 M Bh 6,525,000.00 7,177,500.00 -
10 Stand Ornamen Beraccessories Stand Ornamen Beraccessories Bh 450,000.00 495,000.00 -
0 - -
r Tiang Lampu PJU Octagonal (2 cabang ) Single T Hot Dip Galvanize Ex. Indalux Tiang Lampu PJU Octagonal (2 cabang ) Single T Hot Dip Galvanize Ex. Indalux - -
1 H:6M H:6M Bh 5,872,000.00 6,459,200.00 -
2 H:7M H:7M Bh 6,075,000.00 6,682,500.00 -
3 H:8M H:8M Bh 6,480,000.00 7,128,000.00 -
4 H:9M H:9M Bh 6,682,500.00 7,350,750.00 -
5 H : 10 M H : 10 M Bh 7,846,500.00 8,631,150.00 -
6 H : 11M H : 11M Bh 8,302,500.00 9,132,750.00 -
7 H : 12 M H : 12 M Bh 8,910,000.00 9,801,000.00 -
8 H : 13 M H : 13 M Bh 9,922,500.00 10,914,750.00 -
9 H : 14 M H : 14 M Bh - -
10 Stand Ornamen Beraccessories Stand Ornamen Beraccessories Bh - -
0 - -
r High Mast Pole Manual - Hot Dip Galvanize Ex. Indalux High Mast Pole Manual - Hot Dip Galvanize Ex. Indalux - -
1 HM - 20 m (manual) HM - 20 m (manual) Bh 70,000,000.00 77,000,000.00 -
2 HM - 25 m (manual) HM - 25 m (manual) Bh 92,000,000.00 101,200,000.00 -
3 HM - 30 m (manual) HM - 30 m (manual) Bh 105,000,000.00 115,500,000.00 -
4 HM - 34 m (manual) HM - 34 m (manual) Bh 122,500,000.00 134,750,000.00 -
5 HM - 36 m (manual) HM - 36 m (manual) Bh 134,250,000.00 147,675,000.00 -
6 HM - 38 m (manual) HM - 38 m (manual) Bh 149,250,000.00 164,175,000.00 -
0 - -
T2 Lang Lampu PJU Octagonal Ex. PT. Bumi Kaya Steel Lang Lampu PJU Octagonal Ex. PT. Bumi Kaya Steel - -
a Tiang PJU Parabola Single Ornament Tiang PJU Parabola Single Ornament - -
1 OCT-P1-6 M OCT-P1-6 M btg 1,490,000.00 1,639,000.00 -
2 OCT-P1-7 M OCT-P1-7 M btg 1,723,000.00 1,895,300.00 -
3 OCT-P1-8 M OCT-P1-8 M btg 1,973,000.00 2,170,300.00 -
4 OCT-P1-9 M OCT-P1-9 M btg 2,243,000.00 2,467,300.00 -
5 OCT-P1-10 M OCT-P1-10 M btg 2,723,000.00 2,995,300.00 -
6 OCT-P1-11 M OCT-P1-11 M btg 3,010,000.00 3,311,000.00 -
7 OCT-P1-12 M OCT-P1-12 M btg 3,485,000.00 3,833,500.00 -
8 OCT-P1-13 M OCT-P1-13 M btg 3,808,000.00 4,188,800.00 -
0 - -
b Tiang PJU Parabola Double Ornament Tiang PJU Parabola Double Ornament - -
1 OCT-P2-6 M OCT-P2-6 M btg 2,132,000.00 2,345,200.00 -
2 OCT-P2-7 M OCT-P2-7 M btg 2,365,000.00 2,601,500.00 -
3 OCT-P2-8 M OCT-P2-8 M btg 261,500,000.00 287,650,000.00 -
4 OCT-P2-9 M OCT-P2-9 M btg 2,884,000.00 3,172,400.00 -
5 OCT-P2-10 M OCT-P2-10 M btg 3,365,000.00 3,701,500.00 -
6 OCT-P2-11 M OCT-P2-11 M btg 3,557,000.00 3,912,700.00 -
7 OCT-P2.12 M OCT-P2.12 M btg 4,032,000.00 4,435,200.00 -
8 OCT-P2-13 M OCT-P2-13 M btg 4,355,000.00 4,790,500.00 -
0 - -
a Pipa dia. 1/2" Pipa dia. 1/2" - -
1 Pipa dia. 1/2" tebal 2.60 mm galva medium (GIP) Pipa dia. 1/2" tebal 2.60 mm galva medium (GIP) btg 45,000.00 49,500.00 -
2 Pipa dia. 1/2" tebal 2.80 mm hitam (SGP) Pipa dia. 1/2" tebal 2.80 mm hitam (SGP) btg 35,000.00 38,500.00 -
3 Pipa dia. 1/2" galva steb schedulle 40 tebal 2.9 rnm Pipa dia. 1/2" galva steb schedulle 40 tebal 2.9 rnm btg 72,500.00 79,750.00 -
4 Pipa dia. 1/2" hitam schedulle 40, tebal 2.8 mm Pipa dia. 1/2" hitam schedulle 40, tebal 2.8 mm btg 50,000.00 55,000.00 -
0 - -
1 D-Nipple 1/2" D-Nipple 1/2" Bh 3,500.00 3,850.00 -
2 Knee 901 IT Knee 901 IT Bh 3,500.00 3,850.00 -
3 Knee 45 1/2" Knee 45 1/2" Bh 3,500.00 3,850.00 -
4 Tee 1/2" Tee 1/2" Bh 3,500.00 3,850.00 -
5 Bocht 90 1/2" Bocht 90 1/2" Bh 4,500.00 4,950.00 -
6 Water-moer 1/2" Water-moer 1/2" Bh 6,000.00 6,600.00 -
7 Dop / cop 1/2" Dop / cop 1/2" Bh 3,500.00 3,850.00 -
8 Plug 1/2" Plug 1/2" Bh 2,500.00 2,750.00 -
9 Socket 1/2" Socket 1/2" Bh 2,500.00 2,750.00 -
10 Ring 1/2" Ring 1/2" Bh 2,500.00 2,750.00 -
11 Flange 1/2" Flange 1/2" Bh 6,000.00 6,600.00 -
0 - -
1 Knee 90 Knee 90 Bh 3,500.00 3,850.00 -
2 Knee 45 Knee 45 Bh 3,500.00 3,850.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 3,500.00 3,850.00 -
4 Socket Socket Bh 2,500.00 2,750.00 -
5 V-socket V-socket Bh 3,500.00 3,850.00 -
6 D-neeple D-neeple Bh 2,500.00 2,750.00 -
7 W-moor W-moor Bh 6,000.00 6,600.00 -
8 V-ring V-ring Bh 2,500.00 2,750.00 -
9 Dop / cop Dop / cop Bh 2,500.00 2,750.00 -
10 Plug Plug Bh 2,500.00 2,750.00 -
0 - -
d Pipa dia. 1" Pipa dia. 1" - -
1 Pipa dia. 1" tebal 3,0-3,2 mm galva medium (GIP) Pipa dia. 1" tebal 3,0-3,2 mm galva medium (GIP) btg 115,600.00 127,160.00 -
2 Pipa dia. 1" tebal 2.3-1.5 mm hitam Pipa dia. 1" tebal 2.3-1.5 mm hitam btg 96,500.00 106,150.00 -
3 Pipa dia. 3/4" galva steel schedulle 40 tebal 2.9 mm Pipa dia. 3/4" galva steel schedulle 40 tebal 2.9 mm btg 115,600.00 127,160.00 -
4 Pipa dia. 3/4" hitam schedulle 40, tebal 2.9 mm Pipa dia. 3/4" hitam schedulle 40, tebal 2.9 mm btg 96,500.00 106,150.00 -
0 - -
1 D-Nipple 1" D-Nipple 1" Bh 3,500.00 3,850.00 -
2 Knee 901 1" Knee 901 1" Bh 4,500.00 4,950.00 -
3 Knee 45 1" Knee 45 1" Bh 4,500.00 4,950.00 -
4 Tee 1" Tee 1" Bh 4,500.00 4,950.00 -
5 Bocht 90 1" Bocht 90 1" Bh 8,000.00 8,800.00 -
6 Water-moer 1" Water-moer 1" Bh 9,000.00 9,900.00 -
7 Dop / cop 1" Dop / cop 1" Bh 3,500.00 3,850.00 -
8 Plug 1" Plug 1" Bh 2,500.00 2,750.00 -
9 Socket 1" Socket 1" Bh 4,500.00 4,950.00 -
10 Ring 1" Ring 1" Bh 3,500.00 3,850.00 -
11 VS VS Bh 4,500.00 4,950.00 -
0 - -
1 Knee 90 Knee 90 Bh 4,500.00 4,950.00 -
2 Knee 45 Knee 45 Bh 4,500.00 4,950.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 6,000.00 6,600.00 -
4 V-tee V-tee Bh 7,500.00 8,250.00 -
5 Socket Socket Bh 3,750.00 4,130.00 -
6 V-socket V-socket Bh 4,500.00 4,950.00 -
7 D-neeple D-neeple Bh 3,500.00 3,850.00 -
8 W-moor W-moor Bh 8,000.00 8,800.00 -
9 V-ring V-ring Bh 3,500.00 3,850.00 -
10 Dop / cop Dop / cop Bh 3,500.00 3,850.00 -
11 Plug Plug Bh 2,500.00 2,750.00 -
0 - -
g Pipa dia. 1 1/4" Pipa dia. 1 1/4" - -
1 Pipa dia. 1 1/4" tebal Pipa dia. 1 1/4" tebal btg 158,900.00 174,790.00 -
2 Pipa dia. 1 1/4" tebal 3,02 Pipa dia. 1 1/4" tebal 3,02 btg 125,600.00 138,160.00 -
3 Pipa dia. 1 1/4" galva steel Pipa dia. 1 1/4" galva steel btg 165,800.00 182,380.00 -
4 Pipa dia. 1 1/4" hitam scheiulle 40, tebal 3,6 mm Pipa dia. 1 1/4" hitam scheiulle 40, tebal 3,6 mm btg 118,650.00 130,520.00 -
0 - -
1 D-Nipple 1 1/4" D-Nipple 1 1/4" Bh 4,500.00 4,950.00 -
2 Knee 901 1/4" Knee 901 1/4" Bh 7,500.00 8,250.00 -
3 Knee 451 1/4" S Knee 451 1/4" S Bh 7,500.00 8,250.00 -
4 Tee 1 1/4" Tee 1 1/4" Bh 8,000.00 8,800.00 -
5 Bocht 901 1/4". Bocht 901 1/4". Bh 11,000.00 12,100.00 -
6 Water-moer 1 1/4" ' Water-moer 1 1/4" ' Bh 13,250.00 14,580.00 -
7 Dop/cop 1 1/4" Dop/cop 1 1/4" Bh 4,500.00 4,950.00 -
8 Plug 11/4" Plug 11/4" Bh 3,750.00 4,130.00 -
9 Socket 1 1/4" Socket 1 1/4" Bh 4,500.00 4,950.00 -
10 Ring 1 1/4" L Ring 1 1/4" L Bh 4,500.00 4,950.00 -
11 VS m VS m Bh 6,000.00 6,600.00 -
0 - -
1 Knee 90 Knee 90 Bh 7,500.00 8,250.00 -
2 Knee 45 Knee 45 Bh 7,500.00 8,250.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 8,000.00 8,800.00 -
4 V-tee V-tee Bh 9,500.00 10,450.00 -
5 Socket Socket Bh 4,500.00 4,950.00 -
6 V-socket V-socket Bh 6,000.00 6,600.00 -
7 D-neeple D-neeple Bh 4,750.00 5,230.00 -
8 W-moor W-moor Bh 13,250.00 14,580.00 -
9 V-ring V-ring Bh 4,750.00 5,230.00 -
10 Dop / cop Dop / cop Bh 4,500.00 4,950.00 -
11 Plug Plug Bh 4,750.00 5,230.00 -
0 - -
j Pipa dia. 1 1/2" Pipa dia. 1 1/2" - -
1 Pipa dia. 1 1/2" tebal 3,0-3,2 mm galva medium (GIP) Pipa dia. 1 1/2" tebal 3,0-3,2 mm galva medium (GIP) btg 158,900.00 174,790.00 -
2 Pipa dia. 1 1/2" tebal 3,0-3,2 mm hitam Pipa dia. 1 1/2" tebal 3,0-3,2 mm hitam btg 125,600.00 138,160.00 -
3 Pipa dia. 1 1/2" galva steel schedulle40 tebal 3,7 mm Pipa dia. 1 1/2" galva steel schedulle40 tebal 3,7 mm btg 175,800.00 193,380.00 -
4 Pipa dia. 1 1/2" hitam schedulle 40, tebal 3,7 mm Pipa dia. 1 1/2" hitam schedulle 40, tebal 3,7 mm btg 138,900.00 152,790.00 -
0 - -
1 D-Nipple 1 1/2" D-Nipple 1 1/2" Bh 6,000.00 6,600.00 -
2 Knee 901 1/2" Knee 901 1/2" Bh 7,500.00 8,250.00 -
3 Kne 451 1/2" Kne 451 1/2" Bh 7,500.00 8,250.00 -
4 Tee 1 10" Tee 1 10" Bh 8,000.00 8,800.00 -
5 Bocht 901 1/2" Bocht 901 1/2" Bh 11,000.00 12,100.00 -
6 Wiaer-moer 1 1/2" Wiaer-moer 1 1/2" Bh 16,125.00 17,740.00 -
7 Dop / cop 1 1/2" Dop / cop 1 1/2" Bh 4,750.00 5,230.00 -
8 Plug 1 1/2" Plug 1 1/2" Bh 4,500.00 4,950.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
9 Socket 1 1/2" Socket 1 1/2" Bh 6,000.00 6,600.00 -
10 Ring 1 1/2" Ring 1 1/2" Bh 6,000.00 6,600.00 -
11 VS VS Bh 6,000.00 6,600.00 -
0 - -
1 Knee 90 Knee 90 Bh 7,500.00 8,250.00 -
2 Knee 45 Knee 45 Bh 8,000.00 8,800.00 -
3 Tee Tee Bh 9,000.00 9,900.00 -
4 V-tee V-tee Bh 11,000.00 12,100.00 -
5 Socket Socket Bh 6,000.00 6,600.00 -
6 V-socket V-socket Bh 7,500.00 8,250.00 -
7 D-neeple D-neeple Bh 6,000.00 6,600.00 -
8 W-moo W-moo Bh 15,000.00 16,500.00 -
9 V-ring V-ring Bh 4,750.00 5,230.00 -
10 Dop / cop Dop / cop Bh 4,750.00 5,230.00 -
11 Plug Plug Bh 4,500.00 4,950.00 -
0 - -
1 Pipa tembaga uk. 1/4 x 1 m Pipa tembaga uk. 1/4 x 1 m m' 9,500.00 10,450.00 -
2 Pipa tembaga uk. 1/4 x 15 m Pipa tembaga uk. 1/4 x 15 m roll 120,125.00 132,140.00 -
3 Pipa tembaga uk. 3/8 x 1 m Pipa tembaga uk. 3/8 x 1 m m' 12,500.00 13,750.00 -
4 Pipa tembaga uk. 3/8 x 15 m Pipa tembaga uk. 3/8 x 15 m roll 165,800.00 182,380.00 -
5 Pipa tembaga uk. 1/2 x 1 m Pipa tembaga uk. 1/2 x 1 m m' 19,750.00 21,730.00 -
6 Pipa tembaga uk. 1/2 x 15 m Pipa tembaga uk. 1/2 x 15 m roll 250,650.00 275,720.00 -
7 Pipa tembaga uk.3/4 x 1 m Pipa tembaga uk.3/4 x 1 m m' 27,500.00 30,250.00 -
8 Pipa tembaga uk. 3/4 x 15 m Pipa tembaga uk. 3/4 x 15 m roll 365,800.00 402,380.00 -
9 Pipa tembaga uk. 1 x 15 m Pipa tembaga uk. 1 x 15 m m' 685,000.00 753,500.00 -
10 Pipa tembaga uk. 1 1/2 x 6 m Pipa tembaga uk. 1 1/2 x 6 m Btg 315,600.00 347,160.00 -
11 Pipa tembaga uk. 2 1/8 x 6 m Pipa tembaga uk. 2 1/8 x 6 m Btg 1,265,800.00 1,392,380.00 -
0 - -
a Pipa tembaga merk Crane enfield As1571 Pipa tembaga merk Crane enfield As1571 - -
1 1/4 x 0,56 x 15 m 1/4 x 0,56 x 15 m roll 187,000.00 205,700.00 -
2 3/8 x 0,56 x 15 m 3/8 x 0,56 x 15 m roll 289,000.00 317,900.00 -
3 1/2 x 0,56 x 15 m 1/2 x 0,56 x 15 m roll 392,000.00 431,200.00 -
4 3/4 x 0,56 x 15 m 3/4 x 0,56 x 15 m roll 649,000.00 713,900.00 -
5 1 x 0,91 x 5,8 m 1 x 0,91 x 5,8 m btg 500,000.00 550,000.00 -
6 13/8 x 0,91 x 5,8m 13/8 x 0,91 x 5,8m btg 695,000.00 764,500.00 -
0 - -
b Isolasi Pipa tembaga merk Insulflex Isolasi Pipa tembaga merk Insulflex - -
1 1/4 x 1/2 x 1,8 m 1/4 x 1/2 x 1,8 m btg 9,818.00 10,800.00 -
2 3/8 x 1/2 x 1,8 m 3/8 x 1/2 x 1,8 m btg 11,045.00 12,150.00 -
3 1/2 x 1/2 x 1,8 m 1/2 x 1/2 x 1,8 m btg 12,272.00 13,500.00 -
4 3/4 x 1/2 x 1,8 m 3/4 x 1/2 x 1,8 m btg 14,727.00 16,200.00 -
5 1 x 1/2 x 1,8 m 1 x 1/2 x 1,8 m btg 18,000.00 19,800.00 -
6 13/8 x 1/2 x 1,8 m 13/8 x 1/2 x 1,8 m btg 22,909.00 25,200.00 -
7 2 1/8 x 1/2 x 1,8 m 2 1/8 x 1/2 x 1,8 m btg 34,363.00 37,800.00 -
0 - -
I Pipa Type FJ Dusaspun Pipa Type FJ Dusaspun - -
a Pipa Type FJ Dusaspun (Class 2) Panjang Pipa 2,5 m Pipa Type FJ Dusaspun (Class 2) Panjang Pipa 2,5 m - -
1 300 FJ Class 2 300 FJ Class 2 btg 379,500.00 417,450.00 -
2 400 FJ Class 2 400 FJ Class 2 btg 565,500.00 622,050.00 -
3 500 FJ Class 2 500 FJ Class 2 btg 766,500.00 843,150.00 -
4 600 FJ Class 2 600 FJ Class 2 btg 1,059,000.00 1,164,900.00 -
5 700 FJ Class 2 700 FJ Class 2 btg 1,296,000.00 1,425,600.00 -
6 800 FJ Class 2 800 FJ Class 2 btg 1,581,000.00 1,739,100.00 -
7 900 FJ Class 2 900 FJ Class 2 btg 1,891,500.00 2,080,650.00 -
8 1000 FJ Class 2 1000 FJ Class 2 btg 2,161,500.00 2,377,650.00 -
9 1100 FJ Class 2 1100 FJ Class 2 btg 2,521,500.00 2,773,650.00 -
10 1200 FJ Class 2 1200 FJ Class 2 btg 2,985,000.00 3,283,500.00 -
11 1300 FJ Class 2 1300 FJ Class 2 btg 3,405,000.00 3,745,500.00 -
12 1400 FJ Class 2 1400 FJ Class 2 btg 3,751,500.00 4,126,650.00 -
13 1500 FJ Class 2 1500 FJ Class 2 btg 4,162,500.00 4,578,750.00 -
14 1650 FJ Class 2 1650 FJ Class 2 btg 4,963,500.00 5,459,850.00 -
15 1800 FJ Class 2 1800 FJ Class 2 btg 5,836,500.00 6,420,150.00 -
16 2100 FJ Class 2 2100 FJ Class 2 btg 8,377,500.00 9,215,250.00 -
b Pipa Type FJ Dusaspun (Class 3) Panjang Pipa 2,5 m Pipa Type FJ Dusaspun (Class 3) Panjang Pipa 2,5 m - -
1 300 FJ Class 3 300 FJ Class 3 btg 379,500.00 417,450.00 -
2 400 FJ Class 3 400 FJ Class 3 btg 565,500.00 622,050.00 -
3 500 FJ Class 3 500 FJ Class 3 btg 766,500.00 843,150.00 -
4 600 FJ Class 3 600 FJ Class 3 btg 1,059,000.00 1,164,900.00 -
5 700 FJ Class 3 700 FJ Class 3 btg 1,296,000.00 1,425,600.00 -
6 800 FJ Class 3 800 FJ Class 3 btg 1,581,000.00 1,739,100.00 -
7 900 FJ Class 3 900 FJ Class 3 btg 1,891,500.00 2,080,650.00 -
8 1000 FJ Class 3 1000 FJ Class 3 btg 2,161,500.00 2,377,650.00 -
9 1100 FJ Class 3 1100 FJ Class 3 btg 2,521,500.00 2,773,650.00 -
10 1200 FJ Class 3 1200 FJ Class 3 btg 2,985,000.00 3,283,500.00 -
11 1300 FJ Class 3 1300 FJ Class 3 btg 3,405,000.00 3,745,500.00 -
12 1400 FJ Class 3 1400 FJ Class 3 btg 3,751,500.00 4,126,650.00 -
13 1500 FJ Class 3 1500 FJ Class 3 btg 4,162,500.00 4,578,750.00 -
14 1650 FJ Class 3 1650 FJ Class 3 btg 4,963,500.00 5,459,850.00 -
15 1800 FJ Class 3 1800 FJ Class 3 btg 5,836,500.00 6,420,150.00 -
16 2100 FJ Class 3 2100 FJ Class 3 btg 8,377,500.00 9,215,250.00 -
c Pipa Type FJ Dusaspun (Class 2) Panjang Pipa 2,45 m Pipa Type FJ Dusaspun (Class 2) Panjang Pipa 2,45 m - -
1 200 CL Class 2 PC - I 200 CL Class 2 PC - I btg 379,500.00 417,450.00 -
2 300 CL Class 2 PC - I 300 CL Class 2 PC - I btg 565,500.00 622,050.00 -
3 400 CL Class 2 PC - I 400 CL Class 2 PC - I btg 766,500.00 843,150.00 -
4 500 CL Class 2 PC - I 500 CL Class 2 PC - I btg 1,059,000.00 1,164,900.00 -
5 600 CL Class 2 PC - I 600 CL Class 2 PC - I btg 1,296,000.00 1,425,600.00 -
6 700 CL Class 2 PC - I 700 CL Class 2 PC - I btg 1,581,000.00 1,739,100.00 -
7 800 CL Class 2 PC - I 800 CL Class 2 PC - I btg 1,891,500.00 2,080,650.00 -
8 900 CL Class 2 PC - I 900 CL Class 2 PC - I btg 2,161,500.00 2,377,650.00 -
9 1000 CL Class 2 PC - I 1000 CL Class 2 PC - I btg 2,521,500.00 2,773,650.00 -
10 1100 CL Class 2 PC - I 1100 CL Class 2 PC - I btg 2,985,000.00 3,283,500.00 -
11 1200 CL Class 2 PC - I 1200 CL Class 2 PC - I btg 3,405,000.00 3,745,500.00 -
1300 CL Class 2 PC - I 1300 CL Class 2 PC - I btg 3,751,500.00 4,126,650.00 -
1400 CL Class 2 PC - I 1400 CL Class 2 PC - I btg 4,162,500.00 4,578,750.00 -
1500 CL Class 2 PC - I 1500 CL Class 2 PC - I btg 4,963,500.00 5,459,850.00 -
1650 CL Class 2 PC - I 1650 CL Class 2 PC - I btg 5,836,500.00 6,420,150.00 -
1800 CL Class 2 PC - I 1800 CL Class 2 PC - I btg 8,377,500.00 9,215,250.00 -
2000 CL Class 2 PC - I 2000 CL Class 2 PC - I - -
2100 CL Class 2 PC - I 2100 CL Class 2 PC - I - -
d Ruber Ring Ruber Ring - -
1 200 CL Class 2 PC - I 200 CL Class 2 PC - I unit 36,500.00 40,150.00 -
2 300 CL Class 2 PC - I 300 CL Class 2 PC - I unit 45,000.00 49,500.00 -
3 400 CL Class 2 PC - I 400 CL Class 2 PC - I unit 54,500.00 59,950.00 -
4 500 CL Class 2 PC - I 500 CL Class 2 PC - I unit 86,500.00 95,150.00 -
5 600 CL Class 2 PC - I 600 CL Class 2 PC - I unit 101,000.00 111,100.00 -
6 700 CL Class 2 PC - I 700 CL Class 2 PC - I unit 116,000.00 127,600.00 -
7 800 CL Class 2 PC - I 800 CL Class 2 PC - I unit 149,000.00 163,900.00 -
8 900 CL Class 2 PC - I 900 CL Class 2 PC - I unit 221,500.00 243,650.00 -
9 1000 CL Class 2 PC - I 1000 CL Class 2 PC - I unit 244,000.00 268,400.00 -
10 1100 CL Class 2 PC - I 1100 CL Class 2 PC - I unit 269,500.00 296,450.00 -
11 1200 CL Class 2 PC - I 1200 CL Class 2 PC - I unit 377,500.00 415,250.00 -
12 1300 CL Class 2 PC - I 1300 CL Class 2 PC - I unit 439,000.00 482,900.00 -
13 1400 CL Class 2 PC - I 1400 CL Class 2 PC - I unit 463,500.00 509,850.00 -
14 1500 CL Class 2 PC - I 1500 CL Class 2 PC - I unit 509,500.00 560,450.00 -
15 1650 CL Class 2 PC - I 1650 CL Class 2 PC - I unit 559,500.00 615,450.00 -
16 1800 CL Class 2 PC - I 1800 CL Class 2 PC - I unit 591,000.00 650,100.00 -
17 2000 CL Class 2 PC - I 2000 CL Class 2 PC - I unit 750,000.00 825,000.00 -
18 2100 CL Class 2 PC - I 2100 CL Class 2 PC - I unit 750,000.00 825,000.00 -
e Pipa Type ol Dusaspun (class 3) Panjang Pipa 2,45 m Pipa Type ol Dusaspun (class 3) Panjang Pipa 2,45 m - -
1 200 CL Class 3 PC - I 200 CL Class 3 PC - I btg 251,600.00 276,760.00 -
2 300 CL Class 3 PC - I 300 CL Class 3 PC - I btg 457,300.00 503,030.00 -
3 400 CL Class 3 PC - I 400 CL Class 3 PC - I btg 681,700.00 749,870.00 -
4 500 CL Class 3 PC - I 500 CL Class 3 PC - I btg 935,000.00 1,028,500.00 -
5 600 CL Class 3 PC - I 600 CL Class 3 PC - I btg 1,339,600.00 1,473,560.00 -
6 700 CL Class 3 PC - I 700 CL Class 3 PC - I btg 1,694,900.00 1,864,390.00 -
7 800 CL Class 3 PC - I 800 CL Class 3 PC - I btg 2,094,400.00 2,303,840.00 -
8 900 CL Class 3 PC - I 900 CL Class 3 PC - I btg 2,555,100.00 2,810,610.00 -
9 1000 CL Class 3 PC - I 1000 CL Class 3 PC - I btg 3,034,500.00 3,337,950.00 -
10 1100 CL Class 3 PC - I 1100 CL Class 3 PC - I btg 3,809,700.00 4,190,670.00 -
11 1200 CL Class 3 PC - I 1200 CL Class 3 PC - I btg 4,824,600.00 5,307,060.00 -
12 1300 CL Class 3 PC - I 1300 CL Class 3 PC - I btg 5,496,100.00 6,045,710.00 -
13 1400 CL Class 3 PC - I 1400 CL Class 3 PC - I btg 6,087,700.00 6,696,470.00 -
14 1500 CL Class 3 PC - I 1500 CL Class 3 PC - I btg 6,716,700.00 7,388,370.00 -
15 1650 CL Class 3 PC - I 1650 CL Class 3 PC - I btg 7,425,600.00 8,168,160.00 -
16 1800 CL Class 3 PC - I 1800 CL Class 3 PC - I btg 8,880,800.00 9,768,880.00 -
17 2000 CL Class 3 PC - I 2000 CL Class 3 PC - I btg 20,825,000.00 22,907,500.00 -
18 2100 CL Class 3 PC - I 2100 CL Class 3 PC - I btg 17,725,900.00 19,498,490.00 -
f Ruber Ring Ruber Ring - -
1 200 CL Class 3 PC - I 200 CL Class 3 PC - I unit 36,500.00 40,150.00 -
2 300 CL Class 3 PC - I 300 CL Class 3 PC - I unit 45,000.00 49,500.00 -
3 400 CL Class 3 PC - I 400 CL Class 3 PC - I unit 54,500.00 59,950.00 -
4 500 CL Class 3 PC - I 500 CL Class 3 PC - I unit 86,500.00 95,150.00 -
5 600 CL Class 3 PC - I 600 CL Class 3 PC - I unit 101,000.00 111,100.00 -
6 700 CL Class 3 PC - I 700 CL Class 3 PC - I unit 116,000.00 127,600.00 -
7 800 CL Class 3 PC - I 800 CL Class 3 PC - I unit 149,000.00 163,900.00 -
8 900 CL Class 3 PC - I 900 CL Class 3 PC - I unit 221,500.00 243,650.00 -
9 1000 CL Class 3 PC - I 1000 CL Class 3 PC - I unit 244,000.00 268,400.00 -
10 1100 CL Class 3 PC - I 1100 CL Class 3 PC - I unit 269,500.00 296,450.00 -
11 1200 CL Class 3 PC - I 1200 CL Class 3 PC - I unit 377,500.00 415,250.00 -
12 1300 CL Class 3 PC - I 1300 CL Class 3 PC - I unit 439,000.00 482,900.00 -
13 1400 CL Class 3 PC - I 1400 CL Class 3 PC - I unit 463,500.00 509,850.00 -
14 1500 CL Class 3 PC - I 1500 CL Class 3 PC - I unit 509,500.00 560,450.00 -
15 1650 CL Class 3 PC - I 1650 CL Class 3 PC - I unit 559,500.00 615,450.00 -
16 1800 CL Class 3 PC - I 1800 CL Class 3 PC - I unit 591,000.00 650,100.00 -
17 2000 CL Class 3 PC - I 2000 CL Class 3 PC - I unit 750,000.00 825,000.00 -
18 2100 CL Class 3 PC - I 2100 CL Class 3 PC - I unit 750,000.00 825,000.00 -
II Pipa Type NR Witera Pipa Type NR Witera - -
a Pipa Type NR Witera ( Panjang Pipa : dia. 300 s/d 600 = 1.25 m, dia. 700 s/d 1000 = 2.50 m) Pipa Type NR Witera ( Panjang Pipa : dia. 300 s/d 600 = 1.25 m, dia. 700 s/d 1000 = 2.50 m) - -
1 300 NR 300 NR btg 163,200.00 179,520.00 -
2 400 NR 400 NR btg 238,850.00 262,740.00 -
3 500 NR 500 NR btg 349,350.00 384,290.00 -
4 600 NR 600 NR btg 441,150.00 485,270.00 -
5 600 NR 600 NR btg 820,250.00 902,280.00 -
6 700 NR 700 NR btg 1,095,650.00 1,205,220.00 -
7 800 NR 800 NR btg 1,436,500.00 1,580,150.00 -
8 900 NR 900 NR btg 1,835,150.00 2,018,670.00 -
9 1000 NR 1000 NR btg 2,242,300.00 2,466,530.00 -
b Ruber Ring Ruber Ring - -
1 300 NR 300 NR unit 27,500.00 30,250.00 -
2 400 NR 400 NR unit 36,500.00 40,150.00 -
3 500 NR 500 NR unit 58,500.00 64,350.00 -
4 500 NR 500 NR unit 88,000.00 96,800.00 -
5 600 NR 600 NR unit 88,000.00 96,800.00 -
6 700 NR 700 NR unit 101,000.00 111,100.00 -
7 800 NR 800 NR unit 134,000.00 147,400.00 -
8 900 NR 900 NR unit 197,500.00 217,250.00 -
9 1000 NR 1000 NR unit 218,000.00 239,800.00 -
0 - -
a Pipa Tipe R Witera (Class L), Panjang Pipa dia. 300 s/d 600 = 1.25 m, dia. 700 s/d 1500 = 2.50 m Pipa Tipe R Witera (Class L), Panjang Pipa dia. 300 s/d 600 = 1.25 m, dia. 700 s/d 1500 = 2.50 m - -
1 karya karya btg 211,200.00 232,320.00 -
2 400 R Class L 400 R Class L btg 309,100.00 340,010.00 -
3 500 R Class L 500 R Class L btg 452,100.00 497,310.00 -
4 600 R Class L 600 R Class L btg 570,900.00 627,990.00 -
5 700 R Class L 700 R Class L btg 1,061,500.00 1,167,650.00 -
800 R Class L 800 R Class L btg 1,417,900.00 1,559,690.00 -
900 R Class L 900 R Class L btg 1,859,000.00 2,044,900.00 -
1000 R Class L 1000 R Class L btg 2,374,900.00 2,612,390.00 -
1100 R Class L 1100 R Class L btg 2,901,800.00 3,191,980.00 -
1200 R Class L 1200 R Class L btg 3,593,700.00 3,953,070.00 -
1300 R Class L 1300 R Class L btg 4,185,500.00 4,604,050.00 -
1400 R Class L 1400 R Class L btg 4,888,400.00 5,377,240.00 -
1500 R Class L 1500 R Class L btg 6,443,600.00 7,087,960.00 -
b Rubber Ring Rubber Ring - -
1 300 R Class L 300 R Class L unit 27,500.00 30,250.00 -
2 400 R Class L 400 R Class L unit 36,500.00 40,150.00 -
3 500 R Class L 500 R Class L unit 58,500.00 64,350.00 -
4 600 R Class L 600 R Class L unit 88,000.00 96,800.00 -
5 700 R Class L 700 R Class L unit 88,000.00 96,800.00 -
6 800 R Class L 800 R Class L unit 101,000.00 111,100.00 -
7 900 R Class L 900 R Class L unit 134,000.00 147,400.00 -
8 1000 R Class L 1000 R Class L unit 197,500.00 217,250.00 -
9 1100 R Class L 1100 R Class L unit 218,000.00 239,800.00 -
10 1200 R Class L 1200 R Class L unit 229,000.00 251,900.00 -
11 1300 R Class L 1300 R Class L unit 249,500.00 274,450.00 -
12 1400 R Class L 1400 R Class L unit 274,000.00 301,400.00 -
13 1500 R Class L 1500 R Class L unit 339,000.00 372,900.00 -
0 - -
c Pipa Tipe R Witera (Class M), Panjang Pipa : dia. 300 s/d 600 = 1.25 m, dia. 700 s/d 1500 = 2.50 m Pipa Tipe R Witera (Class M), Panjang Pipa : dia. 300 s/d 600 = 1.25 m, dia. 700 s/d 1500 = 2.50 m - -
1 300 R Class M 300 R Class M btg 249,600.00 274,560.00 -
2 400 R Class M 400 R Class M btg 365,300.00 401,830.00 -
3 500 R Class M 500 R Class M btg 534,300.00 587,730.00 -
4 600 R Class M 600 R Class M btg 674,700.00 742,170.00 -
5 700 R Class M 700 R Class M btg 1,254,500.00 1,379,950.00 -
6 800 R Class M 800 R Class M btg 1,675,700.00 1,843,270.00 -
7 900 R Class M 900 R Class M btg 2,197,000.00 2,416,700.00 -
8 1000 R Class M 1000 R Class M btg 2,806,700.00 3,087,370.00 -
9 1100 R Class M 1100 R Class M btg 3,429,400.00 3,772,340.00 -
10 1200 R Class M 1200 R Class M btg 4,247,100.00 4,671,810.00 -
11 1300 R Class M 1300 R Class M btg 4,946,500.00 5,441,150.00 -
12 1400 R Class M 1400 R Class M btg 5,777,200.00 6,354,920.00 -
13 1500 R Class M 1500 R Class M btg 7,615,400.00 8,376,940.00 -
d Rubber Ring Rubber Ring - -
1 300 R Class M 300 R Class M unit 27,500.00 30,250.00 -
2 400 R Class M 400 R Class M unit 36,500.00 40,150.00 -
3 500 R Class M 500 R Class M unit 58,500.00 64,350.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
4 600 R Class M 600 R Class M unit 88,000.00 96,800.00 -
5 700 R Class M 700 R Class M unit 101,000.00 111,100.00 -
6 800 R Class M 800 R Class M unit 134,000.00 147,400.00 -
7 900 R Class M 900 R Class M unit 197,500.00 217,250.00 -
8 1000 R Class M 1000 R Class M unit 218,000.00 239,800.00 -
9 1100 R Class M 1100 R Class M unit 222,900.00 245,190.00 -
10 1200 R Class M 1200 R Class M unit 249,500.00 274,450.00 -
11 1300 R Class M 1300 R Class M unit 274,000.00 301,400.00 -
12 1400 R Class M 1400 R Class M unit 339,000.00 372,900.00 -
13 1500 R Class M 1500 R Class M - -
e Saluran Terbuka Tipe U Saluran Terbuka Tipe U - -
1 U 300/200 U 300/200 unit 227,200.00 249,920.00 -
2 U 300/300 U 300/300 unit 283,200.00 311,520.00 -
3 U 300/400 U 300/400 unit 308,800.00 339,680.00 -
4 U 300/500 U 300/500 unit 352,000.00 387,200.00 -
5 U 400/300 U 400/300 unit 345,600.00 380,160.00 -
6 U 400/400 U 400/400 unit 395,200.00 434,720.00 -
7 U 400/500 U 400/500 unit 446,400.00 491,040.00 -
8 U 400/600 U 400/600 unit 496,000.00 545,600.00 -
9 U 500/300 U 500/300 unit 452,800.00 498,080.00 -
10 U 500/400 U 500/400 unit 520,000.00 572,000.00 -
11 U 500/500 U 500/500 unit 587,200.00 645,920.00 -
12 U 500/600 U 500/600 unit 657,600.00 723,360.00 -
13 U 500/700 U 500/700 unit 726,400.00 799,040.00 -
14 U 600/400 U 600/400 unit 561,600.00 617,760.00 -
15 U 600/500 U 600/500 unit 630,400.00 693,440.00 -
16 U 600/600 U 600/600 unit 697,600.00 767,360.00 -
17 U 600/700 U 600/700 unit 766,400.00 843,040.00 -
18 U 600/800 U 600/800 unit 835,200.00 918,720.00 -
19 U 800/600 U 800/600 unit 920,000.00 1,012,000.00 -
20 U 800/700 U 800/700 unit 985,600.00 1,084,160.00 -
21 U 800/800 U 800/800 unit 1,051,200.00 1,156,320.00 -
22 U 800/1000 U 800/1000 unit 1,198,400.00 1,318,240.00 -
23 U 800/1200 U 800/1200 unit 1,342,400.00 1,476,640.00 -
24 U 1000/800 U 1000/800 unit 1,593,600.00 1,752,960.00 -
25 U 1000/1000 U 1000/1000 unit 1,798,400.00 1,978,240.00 -
26 U 1000/1200 U 1000/1200 unit 2,014,400.00 2,215,840.00 -
27 U 1000/1400 U 1000/1400 unit 2,236,800.00 2,460,480.00 -
28 U 1200/1000 U 1200/1000 unit 2,393,600.00 2,632,960.00 -
29 U 1200/1200 U 1200/1200 unit 2,606,400.00 2,867,040.00 -
30 U 1200/1400 U 1200/1400 unit 2,864,000.00 3,150,400.00 -
31 U 1200/1600 U 1200/1600 unit 3,139,200.00 3,453,120.00 -
32 U 1400/1200 U 1400/1200 unit 2,947,200.00 3,241,920.00 -
33 U 1400/1400 U 1400/1400 unit 3,179,200.00 3,497,120.00 -
34 U 1400/1600 U 1400/1600 unit 3,376,000.00 3,713,600.00 -
35 U 1400/1800 U 1400/1800 unit 3,497,600.00 3,847,360.00 -
36 U 1600/1400 U 1600/1400 unit 3,745,600.00 4,120,160.00 -
37 U 1600/1600 U 1600/1600 unit 3,990,400.00 4,389,440.00 -
38 U 1600/1800 U 1600/1800 unit 4,220,800.00 4,642,880.00 -
39 U 1600/2000 U 1600/2000 unit 4,416,000.00 4,857,600.00 -
f Tipe U (U-Ditch), Light Duty panjang 0,60 M Tipe U (U-Ditch), Light Duty panjang 0,60 M - -
1 Tutup U 300 LD Tutup U 300 LD unit 72,000.00 79,200.00 -
2 Tutup U 400 LD Tutup U 400 LD unit 110,400.00 121,440.00 -
3 Tutup U 500 LD Tutup U 500 LD unit 140,800.00 154,880.00 -
4 Tutup U 600 LD Tutup U 600 LD unit 169,600.00 186,560.00 -
5 Tutup U 800 LD Tutup U 800 LD unit 216,000.00 237,600.00 -
6 Tutup U 1000 LD Tutup U 1000 LD unit 324,800.00 357,280.00 -
7 Tutup U 1200 LD Tutup U 1200 LD unit 366,400.00 403,040.00 -
8 Tutup U 1400 LD Tutup U 1400 LD unit 556,800.00 612,480.00 -
9 Tutup U 1600 LD Tutup U 1600 LD unit 795,200.00 874,720.00 -
g Tipe U (U-Ditch), Heavy puty Tipe U (U-Ditch), Heavy puty - -
1 Tutup U 300 HD Tutup U 300 HD unit 96,000.00 105,600.00 -
2 Tutup U 400 HD Tutup U 400 HD unit 142,000.00 156,200.00 -
3 Tutup U 500 HD Tutup U 500 HD unit 195,200.00 214,720.00 -
4 Tutup U 600 HD Tutup U 600 HD unit 244,800.00 269,280.00 -
5 Tutup U 800 HD Tutup U 800 HD unit 332,800.00 366,080.00 -
6 Tutup U 1000 HD Tutup U 1000 HD unit 419,200.00 461,120.00 -
7 Tutup U 1200 HD Tutup U 1200 HD unit 494,400.00 543,840.00 -
8 Tutup U 1400 HD Tutup U 1400 HD unit 704,000.00 774,400.00 -
9 Tutup U 1600 HD Tutup U 1600 HD unit 896,000.00 985,600.00 -
h Tipe BOX CULVERT -- LIGHT DUTY panjang 100 m Tipe BOX CULVERT -- LIGHT DUTY panjang 100 m - -
1 BC 400 x 400 LD BC 400 x 400 LD unit 608,000.00 668,800.00 -
2 BC 500 x 500 LD BC 500 x 500 LD unit 776,000.00 853,600.00 -
3 BC 600 x 600 LD BC 600 x 600 LD unit 984,000.00 1,082,400.00 -
4 BC 800 x 800 LD BC 800 x 800 LD unit 1,384,000.00 1,522,400.00 -
5 BC 1000 x 1000 LD BC 1000 x 1000 LD unit 2,064,000.00 2,270,400.00 -
6 BC 1200 x 1200 LD BC 1200 x 1200 LD unit 2,944,000.00 3,238,400.00 -
7 BC 1400 x 1400 LD BC 1400 x 1400 LD unit 4,160,000.00 4,576,000.00 -
8 BC 1500 x 1500 LD BC 1500 x 1500 LD unit 5,008,000.00 5,508,800.00 -
i Tipe BOX CULVERT BINA MARGA -- HEAVY DUTY panjang 100 m Tipe BOX CULVERT BINA MARGA -- HEAVY DUTY panjang 100 m - -
1 BC 400 x 400 HD BC 400 x 400 HD unit 745,600.00 820,160.00 -
2 BC 500 x 500 HD BC 500 x 500 HD unit 979,200.00 1,077,120.00 -
3 BC 600 x 600 HD BC 600 x 600 HD unit 1,284,800.00 1,413,280.00 -
4 BC 800 x 800 HID BC 800 x 800 HID unit 2,376,000.00 2,613,600.00 -
5 BC 1000 x 1000 RD BC 1000 x 1000 RD unit 2,859,200.00 3,145,120.00 -
6 BC 1200 x 1200 HD BC 1200 x 1200 HD unit 3,646,400.00 4,011,040.00 -
7 BC 1400 x 1400 HD BC 1400 x 1400 HD unit 4,711,200.00 5,182,320.00 -
8 BC 1500 x 1500 HD BC 1500 x 1500 HD unit 5,529,600.00 6,082,560.00 -
1 U-Ditch 300 x 300 mm x 1200 mm U-Ditch 300 x 300 mm x 1200 mm unit 198,711.00 218,590.00 -
2 U-Ditch 300 x 400 mm x 1200 nun U-Ditch 300 x 400 mm x 1200 nun unit 217,690.00 239,460.00 -
3 U-Ditch 300 x 500 mm x 1200 mm U-Ditch 300 x 500 mm x 1200 mm unit 253,500.00 278,850.00 -
4 U-Ditch 400 x 400 mm x 1200 mm U-Ditch 400 x 400 mm x 1200 mm unit 277,297.00 305,030.00 -
5 U-Ditch 400 x 500 mm x 1200 mm U-Ditch 400 x 500 mm x 1200 mm unit 320,900.00 352,990.00 -
6 U-Ditch 400 x 600 mm x 1200 mm U-Ditch 400 x 600 mm x 1200 mm unit 353,000.00 388,300.00 -
7 U-Ditch 500 x 500 mm x 1200 nun U-Ditch 500 x 500 mm x 1200 nun unit 412,016.00 453,220.00 -
8 U-Ditch 500 x 600 mm x 1200 min U-Ditch 500 x 600 mm x 1200 min unit 461,413.00 507,560.00 -
9 U-Ditch 500 x 700 mm x 1200 mm U-Ditch 500 x 700 mm x 1200 mm unit 518,650.00 570,520.00 -
10 U-Ditch 600 x 600 mm x 1200 mm U-Ditch 600 x 600 mm x 1200 mm unit 489,480.00 538,430.00 -
11 U-Ditch 600 x 700 mm x 1200 mm U-Ditch 600 x 700 mm x 1200 mm unit 537,754.00 591,530.00 -
12 U-Ditch 600 x 800 mm x 1200 mm U-Ditch 600 x 800 mm x 1200 mm unit 586,029.00 644,640.00 -
13 U-Ditch 800 x 800 mm x 1200 mm U-Ditch 800 x 800 mm x 1200 mm unit 737,588.00 811,350.00 -
14 U-Ditch 800 x 1000 mm x 1200 mm U-Ditch 800 x 1000 mm x 1200 mm unit 840,872.00 924,960.00 -
15 U-Ditch 800 x 1200 mm x:1200 mm U-Ditch 800 x 1200 mm x:1200 mm unit 941,912.00 1,036,110.00 -
16 U-Ditch 1000 x 1000 mm x 1200 mm U-Ditch 1000 x 1000 mm x 1200 mm unit 1,261,870.00 1,388,060.00 -
17 U-Ditch 1000 x 1200 mm x 1200 mm U-Ditch 1000 x 1200 mm x 1200 mm unit 1,413,449.00 1,554,800.00 -
18 U-Ditch 1200 x 1200 mm x1200 mm U-Ditch 1200 x 1200 mm x1200 mm unit 1,981,214.00 2,179,340.00 -
19 U-Ditch 1200 x 1400 mm x 1200 mm U-Ditch 1200 x 1400 mm x 1200 mm unit 2,416,619.00 2,658,290.00 -
20 U-Ditch 1400 x 1400 mm X1200 mm U-Ditch 1400 x 1400 mm X1200 mm unit 2,585,220.00 2,843,750.00 -
21 U-Ditch 1600 x 1600 mm x.1200 mm U-Ditch 1600 x 1600 mm x.1200 mm unit 3,033,240.00 3,336,570.00 -
1 TU 300-60 / 600 mm TU 300-60 / 600 mm unit 50,520.00 55,580.00 -
2 TU 400-70 / 600 mm TU 400-70 / 600 mm unit 77,464.00 85,220.00 -
3 TU 500-75 / 600 mm TU 500-75 / 600 mm unit 98,794.00 108,680.00 -
4 TU 600-80 / 600 mm TU 600-80 / 600 mm unit 119,002.00 130,910.00 -
5 TU 800-100 1 600 mm TU 800-100 1 600 mm unit 151,559.00 166,720.00 -
6 TU 1000-100 / 600 mm TU 1000-100 / 600 mm unit 227,900.00 250,690.00 -
7 TU 1200-100 / 600 mm TU 1200-100 / 600 mm unit 257,089.00 282,800.00 -
8 TU 1400-110 / 600 mm TU 1400-110 / 600 mm unit 390,686.00 429,760.00 -
9 TU 1600-120 / 600 mm TU 1600-120 / 600 mm unit 557,962.00 613,760.00 -
1 TU 300-90 / 600 mm TU 300-90 / 600 mm unit 67,360.00 74,100.00 -
2 TU 400-100 / 600 mm TU 400-100 / 600 mm unit 99,917.00 109,910.00 -
3 TU 500-100 / 600 mm TU 500-100 / 600 mm unit 136,965.00 150,670.00 -
4 TU 600-110 / 600 mm TU 600-110 / 600 mm unit 171,767.00 188,950.00 -
5 TU 800-130 / 600 mm TU 800-130 / 600 mm unit 233,513.00 256,870.00 -
6 TU 1000-140 / 600 mm TU 1000-140 / 600 mm unit 294,137.00 323,560.00 -
7 TU 1200-150 / 600 mm TU 1200-150 / 600 mm unit 346,902.00 381,600.00 -
8 TU 1400-160 / 600 mm TU 1400-160 / 600 mm unit 493,970.00 543,370.00 -
9 TU 1600-170 / 600 mm TU 1600-170 / 600 mm unit 628,690.00 691,560.00 -
1 BC 400 x 400 x 1000 mm BC 400 x 400 x 1000 mm unit 562,100.00 618,310.00 -
2 BC 500 x 500 x 1000 mm BC 500 x 500 x 1000 mm unit 687,068.00 755,780.00 -
3 BC 600 x 600 x 1000 mm BC 600 x 600 x 1000 mm unit 901,496.00 991,650.00 -
4 BC 800 x 800 x 1000 mm BC 800 x 800 x 1000 mm unit 1,667,150.00 1,833,870.00 -
5 BC 1000 x 1000 x 1000 mm BC 1000 x 1000 x 1000 mm unit 2,006,193.00 2,206,820.00 -
6 BC 1200 x 1200 x 1000 mm BC 1200 x 1200 x 1000 mm unit 2,558,542.00 2,814,400.00 -
7 BC 1500 x 1500 x 1000 mill BC 1500 x 1500 x 1000 mill unit 3,879,913.00 4,267,910.00 -
T6 BETON PRACETAK (PT. Multi Anugerah Swadaya) BETON PRACETAK (PT. Multi Anugerah Swadaya) - -
A Pagar Beton Bertulang MAS Precast, K-350, U-50 Pagar Beton Bertulang MAS Precast, K-350, U-50 - -
1 Panel Bertulang Precast uk. 50 x 400 x 2400 mm Panel Bertulang Precast uk. 50 x 400 x 2400 mm Lbr 103,300.00 113,630.00 -
2 Kolom Standar 160 x 200 mm panjang 2,5 m Kolom Standar 160 x 200 mm panjang 2,5 m btg 214,400.00 235,840.00 -
3 Kolom Standar 160 x 200 mm panjang 3,0 m Kolom Standar 160 x 200 mm panjang 3,0 m btg 258,300.00 284,130.00 -
4 Kolom Standar 160 x 200 mm panjang 3,5 m Kolom Standar 160 x 200 mm panjang 3,5 m btg 305,300.00 335,830.00 -
5 Kolorn Standar 160 x 200 mm panjang 4,0 m Kolorn Standar 160 x 200 mm panjang 4,0 m btg 353,600.00 388,960.00 -
6 Kolom Standar 160 x 200 mm panjang 4,5 m Kolom Standar 160 x 200 mm panjang 4,5 m btg 403,900.00 444,290.00 -
7 Kolom Sudut 200 x 200 mm panjang 2,5 m Kolom Sudut 200 x 200 mm panjang 2,5 m btg 257,200.00 282,920.00 -
8 Kolom Sudut 200 x 200 mm panjang 3,0 m Kolom Sudut 200 x 200 mm panjang 3,0 m btg 309,900.00 340,890.00 -
9 Kolom Sudut 200 x 200 mm panjang 3,5 m Kolom Sudut 200 x 200 mm panjang 3,5 m btg 366,300.00 402,930.00 -
10 Kolom Sudut 200 x 200 mm panjang 4,0 m Kolom Sudut 200 x 200 mm panjang 4,0 m btg 424,300.00 466,730.00 -
11 Kolom Sudut 200 x 200 mm panjang 4,5 m Kolom Sudut 200 x 200 mm panjang 4,5 m btg 484,700.00 533,170.00 -
B Saluran Terbuka type U (U-Ditch) MAS Precast, Panjang Efektif 1,2 m, K-350, U-50 Saluran Terbuka type U (U-Ditch) MAS Precast, Panjang Efektif 1,2 m, K-350, U-50 - -
1 U 30 x 30 x 120 U 30 x 30 x 120 Bh 162,800.00 179,080.00 -
2 U 30 x 40 x 120 U 30 x 40 x 120 Bh 183,000.00 201,300.00 -
3 U 30 x 50 x 120' U 30 x 50 x 120' Bh 249,000.00 273,900.00 -
4 U 40 x 40 x 120 U 40 x 40 x 120 Bh 236,600.00 260,260.00 -
5 U 40 x 50 x 120 U 40 x 50 x 120 Bh 303,300.00 333,630.00 -
6 U 40 x 60 x 120 U 40 x 60 x 120 Bh 334,700.00 368,170.00 -
7 U 50 x 50 x 120 U 50 x 50 x 120 Bh 356,900.00 392,590.00 -
8 U 50 x 60 x 120 U 50 x 60 x 120 Bh 396,200.00 435,820.00 -
9 U 50 x 70 x 120 U 50 x 70 x 120 Bh 427,500.00 470,250.00 -
10 U60 x 60x120 U60 x 60x120 Bh 413,200.00 454,520.00 -
11 U 60 x 70 x 120 U 60 x 70 x 120 Bh 444,500.00 488,950.00 -
12 U 60 x 80 x 120 U 60 x 80 x 120 Bh 482,400.00 530,640.00 -
13 U 80 x 80 x 120 U 80 x 80 x 120 Bh 592,200.00 651,420.00 -
14 U 80 x 90 x 120 U 80 x 90 x 120 Bh 688,900.00 757,790.00 -
15 U 80 x 160 x 120 U 80 x 160 x 120 Bh 739,900.00 813,890.00 -
16 U 100 x 100 x 120 U 100 x 100 x 120 Bh 1,006,600.00 1,107,260.00 -
17 U 100 x 120x 120 U 100 x 120x 120 Bh 1,119,000.00 1,230,900.00 -
18 U 120 x 120 x 120 U 120 x 120 x 120 Bh 1,470,600.00 1,617,660.00 -
19 U 120 x 140 x 120 U 120 x 140 x 120 Bh 1,560,800.00 1,716,880.00 -
20 U 140 x 140 x 120 U 140 x 140 x 120 Bh 2,078,500.00 2,286,350.00 -
21 U 140 x 160 x 120 U 140 x 160 x 120 Bh 2,359,500.00 2,595,450.00 -
C Tutup Saluran MAS Precast, Light Duty, Panjang 0,06 m, K-350, U-50 Tutup Saluran MAS Precast, Light Duty, Panjang 0,06 m, K-350, U-50 - -
1 Tutup U 30 @ 60 cm LD Tutup U 30 @ 60 cm LD Bh 43,700.00 48,070.00 -
2 Tutup U 40 @ 60 cm LD Tutup U 40 @ 60 cm LD Bh 68,900.00 75,790.00 -
Tutup U 50 @ 60 cm LD Tutup U 50 @ 60 cm LD Bh 84,600.00 93,060.00 -
Tutup U 60 @ 60 cm LD Tutup U 60 @ 60 cm LD Bh 106,500.00 117,150.00 -
Tutup U 80 @ 60 cm LD Tutup U 80 @ 60 cm LD Bh 134,600.00 148,060.00 -
Tutup U 100 @ 60 cm LD Tutup U 100 @ 60 cm LD Bh 204,600.00 225,060.00 -
Tutup U 120 @ 60 cm LD Tutup U 120 @ 60 cm LD Bh 228,800.00 251,680.00 -
Tutup U 140 @ 60 cm LD Tutup U 140 @ 60 cm LD Bh 349,000.00 383,900.00 -
D Tutup Saluran MAS Precast, Heavy Duty, Panjang 0,06 m, K-350, U-50 Tutup Saluran MAS Precast, Heavy Duty, Panjang 0,06 m, K-350, U-50 - -
1 Tutup U 30 @ 60 cm HD Tutup U 30 @ 60 cm HD Bh 60,200.00 66,220.00 -
2 Tutup U 40 @ 60 cm HD Tutup U 40 @ 60 cm HD Bh 88,900.00 97,790.00 -
3 Tutup U 50 @ 60 cm HD Tutup U 50 @ 60 cm HD Bh 120,300.00 132,330.00 -
4 Tutup U 60 @ 60 cm HD Tutup U 60 @ 60 cm HD Bh 152,900.00 168,190.00 -
5 Tutup U 80 @ 60 cm HD Tutup U 80 @ 60 cm HD Bh 209,200.00 230,120.00 -
6 Tutup U 100 @ 60 cm HD Tutup U 100 @ 60 cm HD Bh 261,500.00 287,650.00 -
7 Tutup U 120 @ 60 cm HD Tutup U 120 @ 60 cm HD Bh 308,500.00 339,350.00 -
8 Tutup U 140 @ 60 cm HD Tutup U 140 @ 60 cm HD Bh 441,800.00 485,980.00 -
E Box Culvert MAS Precast, Light Duty, Panjang 0,06 m, K-350, U-50 Box Culvert MAS Precast, Light Duty, Panjang 0,06 m, K-350, U-50 - -
1 BC 40 x 40 LD @ 120 cm BC 40 x 40 LD @ 120 cm Bh 462,800.00 509,080.00 -
2 BC 50 x 50 LD @ 120 cm BC 50 x 50 LD @ 120 cm Bh 594,800.00 654,280.00 -
3 BC 60 x 60 LD @ 120 cm BC 60 x 60 LD @ 120 cm Bh 758,300.00 834,130.00 -
4 BC 80 x 80 LD @ 120 cm BC 80 x 80 LD @ 120 cm Bh 1,045,800.00 1,150,380.00 -
5 BC 100 x 100 LD @ 120 cm BC 100 x 100 LD @ 120 cm Bh 1,542,500.00 1,696,750.00 -
6 BC 100 x 120 LD @ 120 cm BC 100 x 120 LD @ 120 cm Bh 2,091,600.00 2,300,760.00 -
7 BC 140 x 140 LD @ 120 cm BC 140 x 140 LD @ 120 cm Bh 3,137,300.00 3,451,030.00 -
F Box Culvert MAS Precast, Heavy Duty, Panjang 0,06 m, K-350, U-50 Box Culvert MAS Precast, Heavy Duty, Panjang 0,06 m, K-350, U-50 - -
1 BC 40 x 40 HD @ 120 cm BC 40 x 40 HD @ 120 cm Bh 562,200.00 618,420.00 -
2 BC 50 x 50 HD @ 120 cm BC 50 x 50 HD @ 120 cm Bh 745,200.00 819,720.00 -
3 BC 60 x 60 HD @ 120 cm BC 60 x 60 HD @ 120 cm Bh 971,300.00 1,068,430.00 -
4 BC 80 x 80 HD @ 120 cm BC 80 x 80 HD @ 120 cm Bh 1,784,400.00 1,962,840.00 -
5 BC 100 x 100 HD @ 120 cm BC 100 x 100 HD @ 120 cm Bh 2,150,400.00 2,365,440.00 -
6 BC 100 x 120 HD @ 120 cm BC 100 x 120 HD @ 120 cm Bh 2,745,200.00 3,019,720.00 -
7 BC 140 x 140 HD @ 120 cm BC 140 x 140 HD @ 120 cm Bh 3,594,800.00 3,954,280.00 -
I uk. Type AW uk. Type AW - -
a Pipa PVC Wavin Pipa PVC Wavin - -
1 Pipa PVC dia. 1/2 Pipa PVC dia. 1/2 btg 13,720.00 17,840.00 -
2 Pipa PVC dia. 3/4" Pipa PVC dia. 3/4" btg 18,870.00 24,540.00 -
3 Pipa PVC dia. 1" Pipa PVC dia. 1" btg 25,830.00 33,580.00 -
4 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" btg 38,790.00 50,430.00 -
5 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" btg 44,545.00 57,910.00 -
6 Pipa PVC dia. 2" Pipa PVC dia. 2" btg 56,850.00 73,910.00 -
7 Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" btg 83,135.00 108,080.00 -
8 Pipa PVC dia. 3" 4 Pipa PVC dia. 3" 4 btg 112,120.00 145,760.00 -
9 Pipa PVC dia. 4" Pipa PVC dia. 4" btg 185,840.00 241,600.00 -
10 Pipa PVC dia. 5" Pipa PVC dia. 5" btg 307,970.00 400,370.00 -
11 Pipa PVC dia. 6" Pipa PVC dia. 6" btg 432,055.00 561,680.00 -
12 Pipa PVC dia. 8" Pipa PVC dia. 8" btg 737,690.00 959,000.00 30.00
13 Pipa PVC dia. 10" Pipa PVC dia. 10" btg 1,140,720.00 1,482,940.00 40.00
14 Pipa PVC dia. 12" Pipa PVC dia. 12" btg 1,608,340.00 2,090,850.00 -
b Pipa PVC Rucika Pipa PVC Rucika - -
1 Pipa PVC dia. 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 1/2" btg 25,070.00 32,600.00 -
2 Pipa PVC dia. 3/4" Pipa PVC dia. 3/4" btg 30,300.00 39,390.00 -
3 Pipa PVC dia. 1" Pipa PVC dia. 1" btg 43,920.00 57,100.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
4 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" btg 59,270.00 77,060.00 -
5 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" btg 77,230.00 100,400.00 -
6 Pip PVC dia. 2" Pip PVC dia. 2" btg 109,715.00 142,630.00 -
7 Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" btg 141,330.00 183,730.00 -
8 Pipa PVC dia. 3" Pipa PVC dia. 3" btg 215,320.00 279,920.00 -
9 Pipa PVC dia. 4" Pipa PVC dia. 4" btg 332,930.00 432,810.00 -
10 Pipa PVC dia. 5" Pipa PVC dia. 5" btg 435,820.00 566,570.00 -
11 Pipa PVC dia. 6" Pipa PVC dia. 6" btg 654,380.00 850,700.00 -
12 Pipa PVC dia. 8" Pipa PVC dia. 8" btg 989,630.00 1,286,520.00 -
13 Pipa PVC dia. 10" Pipa PVC dia. 10" btg 1,507,920.00 1,960,300.00 -
14 Pipa PVC dia. 12" Pipa PVC dia. 12" btg 2,139,290.00 2,781,080.00 -
c Pipa PVC Vinilon Putih Pipa PVC Vinilon Putih - -
1 Pipa PVC dia. 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 1/2" btg 13,000.00 16,900.00 -
2 Pipa PVC dia. 3/4" Pipa PVC dia. 3/4" btg 18,300.00 23,790.00 -
3 Pipa PVC dia. 1" Pipa PVC dia. 1" btg 25,750.00 33,480.00 -
4 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" btg 36,950.00 48,040.00 -
5 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" btg 43,750.00 56,880.00 -
6 Pipa PVC dia. 2" Pipa PVC dia. 2" btg 56,200.00 73,060.00 -
7 Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" btg 81,300.00 105,690.00 -
8 Pipa PVC dia. 3" Pipa PVC dia. 3" btg 113,900.00 148,070.00 -
9 Pipa PVC dia. 4" Pipa PVC dia. 4" btg 184,700.00 240,110.00 -
10 Pipa PVC dia. 5" Pipa PVC dia. 5" btg 298,550.00 388,120.00 -
11 Pipa PVC dia. 6" Pipa PVC dia. 6" btg 409,650.00 532,550.00 -
12 Pipa PVC dia. 8" Pipa PVC dia. 8" btg 692,800.00 900,640.00 -
13 Pipa PVC dia. 10" Pipa PVC dia. 10" btg 1,041,700.00 1,354,210.00 -
14 Pipa PVC dia. 12" Pipa PVC dia. 12" btg 1,506,900.00 1,958,970.00 -
d Pipa PVC Vinilon VP Pipa PVC Vinilon VP - -
1 Pipa PVC dia. 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 1/2" btg 23,800.00 30,940.00 -
2 Pipa PVC dia. 3/4" Pipa PVC dia. 3/4" btg 27,650.00 35,950.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 1" Pipa PVC dia. 1" btg 39,400.00 51,220.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4 btg 55,150.00 71,700.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" btg 69,700.00 90,610.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 2" Pipa PVC dia. 2" btg 97,900.00 127,270.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" btg 133,200.00 173,160.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 3" Pipa PVC dia. 3" btg 192,450.00 250,190.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 4" Pipa PVC dia. 4" btg 297,000.00 386,100.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 5" Pipa PVC dia. 5" btg 411,200.00 534,560.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 6" Pipa PVC dia. 6" btg 586,250.00 762,130.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 8" Pipa PVC dia. 8" btg 927,300.00 1,205,490.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 10 Pipa PVC dia. 10 btg 1,427,800.00 1,856,140.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 12" Pipa PVC dia. 12" btg 2,022,200.00 2,628,860.00 -
e Pipa PVC Lucky Pipa PVC Lucky - -
1 Pipa PVC dia. 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 1/2" btg 15,100.00 19,630.00 -
2 Pipa PVC dia. 3/4" Pipa PVC dia. 3/4" btg 19,800.00 25,740.00 -
3 Pipa PVC dia. 1" Pipa PVC dia. 1" btg 27,270.00 35,460.00 -
4 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" btg 41,500.00 53,950.00 -
5 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" btg 46,900.00 60,970.00 -
6 Pipa PVC dia. 2 Pipa PVC dia. 2 btg 61,060.00 79,380.00 -
7 Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" btg 87,460.00 113,700.00 -
8 Pipa PVC dia. 3" Pipa PVC dia. 3" btg 119,300.00 155,090.00 -
9 Pipa PVC dia. 4" Pipa PVC dia. 4" btg 201,960.00 262,550.00 -
10 Pipa PVC dia. 5" Pipa PVC dia. 5" btg 329,600.00 428,480.00 -
11 Pipa PVC dia. 6" Pipa PVC dia. 6" btg 456,600.00 593,580.00 -
12 Pipa PVC dia. 8" Pipa PVC dia. 8" btg 779,060.00 1,012,780.00 -
13 Pipa PVC dia. 10" Pipa PVC dia. 10" btg 1,156,400.00 1,503,320.00 -
14 Pipa PVC dia. 12" Pipa PVC dia. 12" btg 1,701,180.00 2,211,540.00 -
f Pipa PVC Sinar Lucky Pipa PVC Sinar Lucky - -
1 Pipa PVC dia. 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 1/2" btg 25,950.00 28,550.00 -
2 Pipa PVC dia. 3/4" Pipa PVC dia. 3/4" btg 31,350.00 34,490.00 -
3 Pipa PVC dia. 1" Pipa PVC dia. 1" btg 45,550.00 50,110.00 -
4 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" btg 61,270.00 67,400.00 -
5 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" btg 80,000.00 88,000.00 -
6 Pipa PVC dia. 2" Pipa PVC dia. 2" btg 113,870.00 125,260.00 -
7 Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" btg 146,160.00 160,780.00 -
8 Pipa PVC dia. 3" Pipa PVC dia. 3" btg 222,900.00 245,190.00 -
9 Pipa PVC dia. 4" Pipa PVC dia. 4" btg 345,270.00 379,800.00 -
10 Pipa PVC dia. 5" Pipa PVC dia. 5" btg 449,340.00 494,280.00 -
11 Pipa PVC dia. 6" Pipa PVC dia. 6" btg 678,400.00 746,240.00 -
12 Pipa PVC dia. 8" Pipa PVC dia. 8" btg 1,026,880.00 1,129,570.00 -
13 Pipa PVC dia. 10" Pipa PVC dia. 10" btg 1,564,600.00 1,721,060.00 -
14 Pipa PVC dia. 12" Pipa PVC dia. 12" btg 2,257,390.00 2,483,130.00 -
g Pipa PVC Vega Pipa PVC Vega - -
1 Pipa PVC dia. 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 1/2" btg 10,200.00 11,220.00 -
2 Pipa PVC dia. 3/4" Pipa PVC dia. 3/4" btg 13,500.00 14,850.00 -
3 Pipa PVC dia. 1" Pipa PVC dia. 1" btg 17,600.00 19,360.00 -
4 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" btg 27,500.00 30,250.00 -
5 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" btg 33,200.00 36,520.00 -
6 Pipa PVC dia. 2" Pipa PVC dia. 2" btg 44,800.00 49,280.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" btg 62,500.00 68,750.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 3" Pipa PVC dia. 3" btg 86,800.00 95,480.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 4" Pipa PVC dia. 4" btg 151,800.00 166,980.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 5" Pipa PVC dia. 5" btg 230,000.00 253,000.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 6" Pipa PVC dia. 6" btg 305,000.00 335,500.00 -
II uk. Type D uk. Type D - -
a Pipa PVC Wavin Pipa PVC Wavin - -
1 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" btg 24,750.00 27,230.00 -
2 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2 btg 27,390.00 30,130.00 -
3 Pipa PVC dia. 2" Pipa PVC dia. 2" btg 35,195.00 38,720.00 -
4 Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" btg 47,640.00 52,410.00 -
5 Pipa PVC dia. 3" Pipa PVC dia. 3" btg 60,300.00 66,330.00 -
6 Pipa PVC dia. 4" Pipa PVC dia. 4" btg 94,850.00 104,340.00 -
7 Pipa PVC dia. 5" Pipa PVC dia. 5" btg 153,585.00 168,950.00 -
8 Pipa PVC dia. 6" Pipa PVC dia. 6" btg 199,580.00 219,540.00 -
9 Pipa PVC dia. 8" Pipa PVC dia. 8" btg 347,320.00 382,060.00 -
10 Pipa PVC dia. 10" Pipa PVC dia. 10" btg 587,520.00 646,280.00 -
11 Pipa PVC dia. 12" Pipa PVC dia. 12" btg 824,870.00 907,360.00 -
b Pipa PVC Rucika Pipa PVC Rucika - -
1 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" btg 40,420.00 44,470.00 -
2 Pipa PVC dia. 2" Pipa PVC dia. 2" btg 51,000.00 56,100.00 -
3 Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" btg 80,810.00 88,900.00 -
4 Pipa PVC dia. 3" Pipa PVC dia. 3" btg 113,130.00 124,450.00 -
5 Pipa PVC dia. 4" Pipa PVC dia. 4" btg 169,880.00 186,870.00 -
6 Pipa PVC dia. 5" Pipa PVC dia. 5" btg 267,560.00 294,320.00 -
7 Pipa PVC dia. 6" Pipa PVC dia. 6" btg 384,650.00 423,120.00 -
8 Pipa PVC dia. 8" Pipa PVC dia. 8" btg 641,780.00 705,960.00 -
9 Pipa PVC dia. 10" Pipa PVC dia. 10" btg 950,470.00 1,045,520.00 -
10 Pipa PVC dia. 12" Pipa PVC dia. 12" btg 1,334,620.00 1,468,090.00 -
c Pipa PVC Vinilon Putih Pipa PVC Vinilon Putih - -
1 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" btg 23,450.00 25,800.00 -
2 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" btg 27,100.00 29,810.00 -
3 Pipa PVC dia. 2" Pipa PVC dia. 2" btg 34,700.00 38,170.00 -
4 Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" btg 46,400.00 51,040.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 3" Pipa PVC dia. 3" btg 62,100.00 68,310.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 4" Pipa PVC dia. 4" btg 95,460.00 105,010.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 5" Pipa PVC dia. 5" btg 151,950.00 167,150.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 6" Pipa PVC dia. 6" btg 207,150.00 227,870.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 8" Pipa PVC dia. 8" btg 352,650.00 387,920.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 10" Pipa PVC dia. 10" btg 576,850.00 634,540.00 -
Pipa PVC dia. 12" Pipa PVC dia. 12" btg 832,000.00 915,200.00 -
d Pipa PVC Vinilon VU Pipa PVC Vinilon VU - -
1 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" btg 36,800.00 40,480.00 -
2 Pipa PVC dia. 2" Pipa PVC dia. 2" btg 48,150.00 52,970.00 -
3 Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" btg 72,100.00 79,310.00 -
4 Pipa PVC dia. 3" Pipa PVC dia. 3" btg 101,000.00 111,100.00 -
5 Pipa PVC dia. 4" Pipa PVC dia. 4" btg 152,450.00 167,700.00 -
6 Pipa PVC dia. 5" Pipa PVC dia. 5" btg 236,100.00 259,710.00 -
7 Pipa PVC dia. 6" Pipa PVC dia. 6" btg 340,250.00 374,280.00 -
8 Pipa PVC dia. 8" Pipa PVC dia. 8" btg 569,550.00 626,510.00 -
9 Pipa PVC dia. 10" Pipa PVC dia. 10" btg 913,900.00 1,005,290.00 -
10 Pipa PVC dia. 12" Pipa PVC dia. 12" btg 1,267,300.00 1,394,030.00 -
e Pipa PVC Lucky Pipa PVC Lucky - -
1 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" btg 25,970.00 28,570.00 -
2 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2 btg 28,900.00 31,790.00 -
3 Pipa PVC dia. 2" Pipa PVC dia. 2" btg 37,000.00 40,700.00 -
4 Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" btg 49,680.00 54,650.00 -
5 Pipa PVC dia. 3" Pipa PVC dia. 3" btg 68,800.00 75,680.00 -
6 Pipa PVC dia. 4" Pipa PVC dia. 4" btg 102,750.00 113,030.00 -
7 Pipa PVC dia. 5" Pipa PVC dia. 5" btg 164,140.00 180,560.00 -
8 Pipa PVC dia. 6" Pipa PVC dia. 6" btg 221,800.00 243,980.00 -
9 Pipa PVC dia. 8" Pipa PVC dia. 8" btg 385,100.00 423,610.00 -
10 Pipa PVC dia. 10" Pipa PVC dia. 10" btg 616,900.00 678,590.00 -
11 Pipa PVC dia. 12" Pipa PVC dia. 12" btg 928,450.00 1,021,300.00 -
f Pipa PVC Sinar Lucky Pipa PVC Sinar Lucky - -
1 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" btg 41,780.00 45,960.00 -
2 Pipa PVC dia. 2" Pipa PVC dia. 2" btg 52,670.00 57,940.00 -
3 Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" btg 83,600.00 91,960.00 -
4 Pipa PVC dia. 3" Pipa PVC dia. 3" btg 117,200.00 128,920.00 -
5 Pipa PVC dia. 4" Pipa PVC dia. 4" btg 176,000.00 193,600.00 -
6 Pipa PVC dia. 5" Pipa PVC dia. 5" btg 276,690.00 304,360.00 -
7 Pipa PVC dia. 6" Pipa PVC dia. 6" btg 397,500.00 437,250.00 -
8 Pipa PVC dia. 8" Pipa PVC dia. 8" btg 664,590.00 731,050.00 -
9 Pipa PVC dia. 10" Pipa PVC dia. 10" btg 984,580.00 1,083,040.00 -
10 Pipa PVC dia. 12" Pipa PVC dia. 12" btg 1,412,260.00 1,553,490.00 -
g Pipa PVC Vega Pipa PVC Vega - -
1 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/4" btg 18,700.00 20,570.00 -
2 Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 1 1/2" btg 22,300.00 24,530.00 -
3 Pipa PVC dia. 2" Pipa PVC dia. 2" btg 30,000.00 33,000.00 -
4 Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" Pipa PVC dia. 2 1/2" btg 37,700.00 41,470.00 -
5 Pipa PVC dia. 3" Pipa PVC dia. 3" btg 46,200.00 50,820.00 -
6 Pipa PVC dia. 4" Pipa PVC dia. 4" btg 66,500.00 73,150.00 -
7 Pipa PVC dia. 5" Pipa PVC dia. 5" btg 130,000.00 143,000.00 -
8 Pipa PVC dia. 6" Pipa PVC dia. 6" btg 152,000.00 167,200.00 -
a Knee 900 Knee 900 - -
1 Knee 900 ukuram 1/2" Knee 900 ukuram 1/2" Bh 1,080.00 1,190.00 -
2 Knee 900 ukuram 3/4" Knee 900 ukuram 3/4" Bh 1,410.00 1,560.00 -
3 Knie 900 uk. 1" Knie 900 uk. 1" Bh 2,275.00 2,510.00 -
4 Knie 90° uk. 1 1/4" Knie 90° uk. 1 1/4" Bh 4,020.00 4,430.00 -
5 Knie 90° uk. 1 1/2" Knie 90° uk. 1 1/2" Bh 5,630.00 6,200.00 -
6 Knie 90° uk. 2" Knie 90° uk. 2" Bh 8,955.00 9,860.00 -
7 Knie 90° uk. 2 1/2" Knie 90° uk. 2 1/2" Bh 13,460.00 14,810.00 -
8 Knie 90° uk. 3" Knie 90° uk. 3" Bh 22,580.00 24,840.00 -
9 Knie 90° uk. 4" Knie 90° uk. 4" Bh 46,260.00 50,890.00 -
10 Knie 90° uk. 5" Knie 90° uk. 5" Bh 63,580.00 69,940.00 -
11 Knie 90° uk. 6" Knie 90° uk. 6" Bh 106,480.00 117,130.00 -
12 Knie 90° uk. 8" Knie 90° uk. 8" Bh 241,210.00 265,340.00 -
13 Knie 90° uk. 10" Knie 90° uk. 10" Bh 322,465.00 354,720.00 -
b Socket Socket - -
1 Socket uk. 1/2" Socket uk. 1/2" Bh 870.00 960.00 -
2 Socket uk. 3/4" Socket uk. 3/4" Bh 1,160.00 1,280.00 -
3 Socket uk. 1" Socket uk. 1" Bh 1,790.00 1,970.00 -
4 Socket uk. 1 1/4" Socket uk. 1 1/4" Bh 3,080.00 3,390.00 -
5 Socket uk. 1 1/2" Socket uk. 1 1/2" Bh 4,450.00 4,900.00 -
6 Socket uk. 2" Socket uk. 2" Bh 6,990.00 7,690.00 -
7 Socket uk. 3" Socket uk. 3" Bh 17,050.00 18,760.00 -
8 Socket uk. 4" Socket uk. 4" Bh 33,805.00 37,190.00 -
9 Socket uk. 6" Socket uk. 6" Bh 71,250.00 78,380.00 -
10 Socket uk. 8" Socket uk. 8" Bh 141,450.00 155,600.00 -
11 Socket uk. 10" Socket uk. 10" Bh 224,230.00 246,660.00 -
c TEE TEE - -
1 Tee uk. 1/2" Tee uk. 1/2" Bh 1,470.00 1,620.00 -
2 Tee uk. 3/4" Tee uk. 3/4" Bh 2,030.00 2,240.00 -
3 Tee uk. 1" Tee uk. 1" Bh 3,380.00 3,720.00 -
4 Tee uk. 1 1/4" Tee uk. 1 1/4" Bh 5,630.00 6,200.00 -
5 Tee uk. 1 1/2" Tee uk. 1 1/2" Bh 7,500.00 8,250.00 -
6 Tee uk. 2" Tee uk. 2" Bh 11,990.00 13,190.00 -
7 Tee uk. 2 1/2" Tee uk. 2 1/2" Bh 18,500.00 20,350.00 -
8 Tee uk. 3" Tee uk. 3" Bh 27,990.00 30,790.00 -
9 Tee uk. 4 Tee uk. 4 Bh 55,960.00 61,560.00 -
10 Tee uk. 6" Tee uk. 6" Bh 140,990.00 155,090.00 -
11 Tee uk. 8" Tee uk. 8" Bh 292,500.00 321,750.00 -
d Lain - Lain Lain - Lain - -
1 Double TY 90° uk. 2" Double TY 90° uk. 2" Bh 9,625.00 10,590.00 -
Double TY 90° uk. 4" Double TY 90° uk. 4" Bh 49,890.00 54,880.00 -
Y 45° uk. 8" Y 45° uk. 8" Bh 661,080.00 727,190.00 -
Dop / Cap uk. 1/2" Dop / Cap uk. 1/2" Bh 510.00 570.00 -
Dop / Cap uk. 3/4" Dop / Cap uk. 3/4" Bh 700.00 770.00 -
Dop / Cap uk. 1" Dop / Cap uk. 1" Bh 1,100.00 1,210.00 -
Dop / Cap uk. 6" Dop / Cap uk. 6" Bh 45,930.00 50,530.00 -
Dop / Cap uk. 8" Dop / Cap uk. 8" Bh 90,130.00 99,150.00 -
olean Out uk. 2" olean Out uk. 2" Bh 3,430.00 3,780.00 -
olean Out uk. 3" olean Out uk. 3" Bh 5,540.00 6,100.00 -
olean Out uk. 4" olean Out uk. 4" Bh 14,650.00 16,120.00 -
Flange Sock uk. 4" Flange Sock uk. 4" Bh 43,600.00 47,960.00 -
a Knie 90° Knie 90° - -
1 Knie 90° uk. 1 1/4" Knie 90° uk. 1 1/4" Bh 1,480.00 1,630.00 -
2 Knie 90° uk. 1 1/2" Knie 90° uk. 1 1/2" Bh 2,010.00 2,220.00 -
3 Knie 90° uk. 2" Knie 90° uk. 2" Bh 3,510.00 3,870.00 -
4 Knie 90° uk. 2 1/2" Knie 90° uk. 2 1/2" Bh 5,830.00 6,420.00 -
5 Knie 90° uk. 3" Knie 90° uk. 3" Bh 8,680.00 9,550.00 -
6 Knie 90° uk. 4" Knie 90° uk. 4" Bh 17,670.00 19,440.00 -
7 Knie 90uk. 5" Knie 90uk. 5" Bh 40,440.00 44,490.00 -
8 Knie 90° uk. 6" Knie 90° uk. 6" Bh 48,230.00 53,060.00 -
9 Knie 90° uk. 8" Knie 90° uk. 8" Bh 106,375.00 117,020.00 -
10 Knie 90° uk. 10" Knie 90° uk. 10" Bh 211,950.00 233,150.00 -
11 Knie 900 uk. 12" Knie 900 uk. 12" Bh 320,440.00 352,490.00 -
b Knie 45° Knie 45° - -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
1 Knie 450 uk. 1 1/4" Knie 450 uk. 1 1/4" Bh 1,395.00 1,540.00 -
2 Knie 45° uk. 1 1/2" Knie 45° uk. 1 1/2" Bh 1,745.00 1,920.00 -
3 Knie 45° uk. 2" Knie 45° uk. 2" Bh 3,550.00 3,910.00 -
4 Knie 45" uk. 2 1/2" Knie 45" uk. 2 1/2" Bh 4,725.00 5,200.00 -
5 Knie 45uk. 3" Knie 45uk. 3" Bh 7,970.00 8,770.00 -
6 Knie 450 uk. 4" Knie 450 uk. 4" Bh 14,340.00 15,780.00 -
7 Knie 45" uk. 5" Knie 45" uk. 5" Bh 26,085.00 28,700.00 -
8 Knie 45" uk. 6" Knie 45" uk. 6" Bh 50,800.00 55,880.00 -
9 Knie 45" uk. 8" Knie 45" uk. 8" Bh 112,120.00 123,340.00 -
10 Knie 45° uk. 10" Knie 45° uk. 10" Bh 153,350.00 168,690.00 -
11 Knie 45° uk. 12" Knie 45° uk. 12" Bh 241,030.00 265,140.00 -
c Socket Socket - -
1 Socket uk. 1 1/4" Socket uk. 1 1/4" Bh 930.00 1,030.00 -
Socket uk. 1 1/2 Socket uk. 1 1/2 Bh 1,200.00 1,320.00 -
Socket uk. 2" Socket uk. 2" Bh 1,850.00 2,040.00 -
Socket uk. 2 1/2" Socket uk. 2 1/2" Bh 3,150.00 3,470.00 -
Socket uk. 3" t Socket uk. 3" t Bh 4,960.00 5,460.00 -
Socket uk. 4 Socket uk. 4 Bh 9,030.00 9,940.00 -
Socket uk.5" Socket uk.5" Bh 16,780.00 18,460.00 -
Socket uk. 6 Socket uk. 6 Bh 22,280.00 24,510.00 -
Socket uk. 8" Socket uk. 8" Bh 59,290.00 65,220.00 -
Socket uk. 10" Socket uk. 10" Bh 2,030.00 2,240.00 -
d TEE TEE - -
1 Tee uk. 1 1/4" Tee uk. 1 1/4" Bh 2,030.00 2,240.00 -
2 Tee uk. 1 1/2" Tee uk. 1 1/2" Bh 3,020.00 3,330.00 -
3 Tee uk. 2" Tee uk. 2" Bh 4,630.00 5,100.00 -
4 Tee uk. 2 1/2" Tee uk. 2 1/2" Bh 8,390.00 9,230.00 -
5 Tee uk. 3" Tee uk. 3" Bh 13,080.00 14,390.00 -
6 Tee uk. 4" Tee uk. 4" Bh 22,770.00 25,050.00 -
7 Tee uk. 6" Tee uk. 6" Bh 66,520.00 73,180.00 -
8 Tee uk. 8" Tee uk. 8" Bh 138,160.00 151,980.00 -
e Lain - Lain Lain - Lain - -
1 TY 90° uk. 1 1/2" TY 90° uk. 1 1/2" Bh 3,870.00 4,260.00 -
2 TY.90° uk. 2" TY.90° uk. 2" Bh 7,870.00 8,660.00 -
3 TY 90° uk. 2 1/2" TY 90° uk. 2 1/2" Bh 12,290.00 13,520.00 -
4 TY 90° uk. 3" TY 90° uk. 3" Bh 16,670.00 18,340.00 -
5 TY 90° uk. 4" TY 90° uk. 4" Bh 33,730.00 37,110.00 -
6 TY 90" uk. 6" TY 90" uk. 6" Bh 101,740.00 111,920.00 -
7 Y 45° uk. 1 1/2" Y 45° uk. 1 1/2" Bh 4,285.00 4,720.00 -
8 Y 45" uk. 2" Y 45" uk. 2" Bh 6,960.00 7,660.00 -
9 Y 45" uk. 3" Y 45" uk. 3" Bh 15,220.00 16,750.00 -
10 Y 45° uk. 4" Y 45° uk. 4" Bh 31,900.00 35,090.00 -
11 Long Elbow uk. 1 1/4" Long Elbow uk. 1 1/4" Bh 2,460.00 2,710.00 -
12 Long Elbow uk. 2" Long Elbow uk. 2" Bh 5,725.00 6,300.00 -
13 Long Elbow uk. 3" Long Elbow uk. 3" Bh 12,980.00 14,280.00 -
14 Long Elbow uk. 4" Long Elbow uk. 4" Bh 27,000.00 29,700.00 -
15 Long Elbow uk. 5" Long Elbow uk. 5" Bh 46,790.00 51,470.00 -
16 Long Elbow uk. 6" Long Elbow uk. 6" Bh 78,220.00 86,050.00 -
17 Dop/Cap uk. 3" Dop/Cap uk. 3" Bh 5,710.00 6,290.00 -
18 Dop/Cap uk. 4" Dop/Cap uk. 4" Bh 10,720.00 11,800.00 -
19 P-Trap uk. 2" P-Trap uk. 2" Bh 8,180.00 9,000.00 -
f Reducer Sock Class AW Reducer Sock Class AW - -
1 Reducer sock dia. 3/4 x 1/2" Reducer sock dia. 3/4 x 1/2" Bh 1,210.00 1,340.00 -
2 Reducer sock dia. 1 x 1/2" Reducer sock dia. 1 x 1/2" Bh 1,250.00 1,380.00 -
3 Reducer sock dia. 1 x 3/4" Reducer sock dia. 1 x 3/4" Bh 1,620.00 1,790.00 -
4 Reducer sock dia. 1 1/4 x 1/2" Reducer sock dia. 1 1/4 x 1/2" Bh 1,840.00 2,030.00 -
5 Reducer sock dia. 1 1/4 x 3/4" Reducer sock dia. 1 1/4 x 3/4" Bh 2,100.00 2,310.00 -
6 Reducer sock dia. 1 1/4 x 1" Reducer sock dia. 1 1/4 x 1" Bh 2,570.00 2,830.00 -
7 Reducer sock dia. 1 1/2 x 1/2" Reducer sock dia. 1 1/2 x 1/2" Bh 2,680.00 2,950.00 -
8 Reducer sock dia. 1 1/2 x 3/4" Reducer sock dia. 1 1/2 x 3/4" Bh 2,890.00 3,180.00 -
9 Reducer sock dia. Reducer sock dia. Bh 3,560.00 3,920.00 -
10 Reducer sock dia. 1 1/2 x Reducer sock dia. 1 1/2 x Bh 4,055.00 4,470.00 -
11 Reducer sock dia. 2 x 1/2 Reducer sock dia. 2 x 1/2 Bh 4,470.00 4,920.00 -
12 Reducer sock dia. 2 x 3/41 Reducer sock dia. 2 x 3/41 Bh 4,655.00 5,130.00 -
13 Reducer sock dia. 2 x 1" Reducer sock dia. 2 x 1" Bh 4,920.00 5,420.00 -
14 Reducer sock dia. 2 x 1 1/4" Reducer sock dia. 2 x 1 1/4" Bh 5,730.00 6,310.00 -
15 Reducer sock dia. 2 x 1 1" Reducer sock dia. 2 x 1 1" Bh 6,130.00 6,750.00 -
16 Reducer sock dia. 3 x 2" Reducer sock dia. 3 x 2" Bh 10,920.00 12,020.00 -
17 Reducer sock dia. 4 x 1 1/2" Reducer sock dia. 4 x 1 1/2" Bh 28,670.00 31,540.00 -
18 Reducer sock dia. 4 x 2" Reducer sock dia. 4 x 2" Bh 26,930.00 29,630.00 -
19 Reducer sock dia. 4 x 3" Reducer sock dia. 4 x 3" Bh 31,305.00 34,440.00 -
20 Reducer sock dia. 6 x 3" Reducer sock dia. 6 x 3" Bh 52,850.00 58,140.00 -
21 Reducer sock dia. 6 x 4" Reducer sock dia. 6 x 4" Bh 58,760.00 64,640.00 -
22 Reducer sock dia. 6 x 5" Reducer sock dia. 6 x 5" Bh 60,470.00 66,520.00 -
23 Reducer sock dia. 8 x 4" Reducer sock dia. 8 x 4" Bh 103,880.00 114,270.00 -
24 Reducer sock dia. 8 x 5" Reducer sock dia. 8 x 5" Bh 111,495.00 122,650.00 -
25 Reducer sock dia. 8 x 6" Reducer sock dia. 8 x 6" Bh 118,470.00 130,320.00 -
26 Reducer sock dia. 10 x 6" Reducer sock dia. 10 x 6" Bh 207,310.00 228,050.00 -
g Reducer Tee Class AW Reducer Tee Class AW - -
1 Reducer tee dia. 3/4 x 1/2" Reducer tee dia. 3/4 x 1/2" Bh 2,000.00 2,200.00 -
2 Reducer tee dia. 1 x 1/2" Reducer tee dia. 1 x 1/2" Bh 3,010.00 3,320.00 -
3 Reducer tee dia. 1 x 3/4" Reducer tee dia. 1 x 3/4" Bh 3,120.00 3,440.00 -
4 Reducer tee dia. 1 1/4 x 1/2" Reducer tee dia. 1 1/4 x 1/2" Bh 4,540.00 5,000.00 -
5 Reducer tee dia. 1 1/4 x 3/4" Reducer tee dia. 1 1/4 x 3/4" Bh 4,640.00 5,110.00 -
6 Reducer tee dia. 1 1/4 x 1" Reducer tee dia. 1 1/4 x 1" Bh 5,370.00 5,910.00 -
7 Reducer tee dia. 1 1/2 x 1/2" Reducer tee dia. 1 1/2 x 1/2" Bh 6,250.00 6,880.00 -
8 Reducer tee dia. 1 1/2 x 3/4" Reducer tee dia. 1 1/2 x 3/4" Bh 6,310.00 6,950.00 -
9 Reducer tee dia. 1 1/2 x 1" Reducer tee dia. 1 1/2 x 1" Bh 6,660.00 7,330.00 -
10 Reducer tee dia. 1 1/2 x 1 1/2" Reducer tee dia. 1 1/2 x 1 1/2" Bh 7,340.00 8,080.00 -
11 Reducer tee dia. 2 x 3/4" Reducer tee dia. 2 x 3/4" Bh 7,650.00 8,420.00 -
12 Reducer tee dia. 2 x 1" Reducer tee dia. 2 x 1" Bh 7,955.00 8,760.00 -
13 Reducer tee dia. 2 x 1 1/4" Reducer tee dia. 2 x 1 1/4" Bh 10,700.00 11,770.00 -
14 Reducer tee dia. 3 x 2" Reducer tee dia. 3 x 2" Bh 21,480.00 23,630.00 -
1 GATE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 2" GATE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 2" Bh 980,800.00 1,078,880.00 -
2 GATE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 2 1/2 GATE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 2 1/2 Bh 1,193,200.00 1,312,520.00 -
3 GATE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 3" GATE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 3" Bh 1,425,000.00 1,567,500.00 -
4 GATE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 4" GATE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 4" Bh 2,036,000.00 2,239,600.00 -
5 GATE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 5" GATE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 5" Bh 2,868,700.00 3,155,570.00 -
6 GATE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 6" GATE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 6" Bh 3,790,300.00 4,169,330.00 -
7 GATE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 8" GATE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 8" Bh 6,159,900.00 6,775,890.00 -
8 GATE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 10" GATE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 10" Bh 10,348,000.00 11,382,800.00 -
9 GATE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 12" GATE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 12" Bh 13,476,700.00 14,824,370.00 -
10 CHECK VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 2" CHECK VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 2" Bh 926,700.00 1,019,370.00 -
11 CHECK VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 2 1/2" CHECK VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 2 1/2" Bh 1,178,000.00 1,295,800.00 -
12 CHECK VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 3" CHECK VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 3" Bh 1,419,200.00 1,561,120.00 -
13 CHECK VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 4" CHECK VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 4" Bh 2,084,400.00 2,292,840.00 -
14 CHECK VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 5" CHECK VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 5" Bh 3,258,000.00 3,583,800.00 -
15 CHECK VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 6" CHECK VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 6" Bh 4,184,600.00 4,603,060.00 -
16 CHECK VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 8" CHECK VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 8" Bh 7,381,900.00 8,120,090.00 -
17 CHECK VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 10" CHECK VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCL 10" Bh 11,643,700.00 12,808,070.00 -
18 CHECK VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCO 12" CHECK VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCO 12" Bh 29,432,800.00 32,376,080.00 -
19 CLOBE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCJ 2" CLOBE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCJ 2" Bh 1,178,000.00 1,295,800.00 -
20 CLOBE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCJ 2 1/2" CLOBE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCJ 2 1/2" Bh 1,394,700.00 1,534,170.00 -
21 CLOBE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCJ 3" CLOBE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCJ 3" Bh 1,799,100.00 1,979,010.00 -
22 CLOBE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCJ 4" CLOBE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCJ 4" Bh 2,509,000.00 2,759,900.00 -
23 CLOBE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCJ 5" CLOBE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCJ 5" Bh 3,779,400.00 4,157,340.00 -
24 CLOBE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCJ 6" CLOBE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCJ 6" Bh 5,060,700.00 5,566,770.00 -
25 CLOBE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCJ 8" CLOBE VALVE F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCJ 8" Bh 9,182,400.00 10,100,640.00 -
26 STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCY 2" STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCY 2" Bh 582,200.00 640,420.00 -
27 STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCY 2 1/2" STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCY 2 1/2" Bh 941,800.00 1,035,980.00 -
28 STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ ;125 FCY 3" STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ ;125 FCY 3" Bh 1,138,300.00 1,252,130.00 -
29 STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCY 4" STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCY 4" Bh 1,591,800.00 1,750,980.00 -
30 STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCY 5" STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCY 5" Bh 2,424,500.00 2,666,950.00 -
31 STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCY 6" STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCY 6" Bh 3,361,300.00 3,697,430.00 -
32 STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCY 8" STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCY 8" Bh 4,987,000.00 5,485,700.00 -
33 STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCY 10" STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCY 10" Bh 8,573,500.00 9,430,850.00 -
34 STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCY 12" STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCY 12" Bh 14,374,400.00 15,811,840.00 -
35 STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCY 14" STRAINER F/ F CI KITZ 125 FCY 14" Bh 20,582,700.00 22,640,970.00 -
1 BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 1/4" BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 1/4" Bh 82,800.00 91,080.00 -
2 BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 3/8" BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 3/8" Bh 84,300.00 92,730.00 -
3 BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 1/2" BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 1/2" Bh 91,700.00 100,870.00 -
4 BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 3/4" BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 3/4" Bh 116,800.00 128,480.00 -
5 BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 1" BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 1" Bh 159,600.00 175,560.00 -
6 BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 1 1/4" BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 1 1/4" 212,800.00 234,080.00 -
7 BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 1 1/2" BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 1 1/2" Bh 286,700.00 315,370.00 -
8 BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 2" BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 2" Bh 471,300.00 518,430.00 -
9 BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 2 1/2" BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 2 1/2" Bh 1,184,900.00 1,303,390.00 -
10 BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 3" BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 3" Bh 1,947,100.00 2,141,810.00 -
11 BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 4" BALL VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 400 Psi T 4" Bh 3,016,700.00 3,318,370.00 -
12 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 1/4" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 1/4" Bh 57,700.00 63,470.00 -
13 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 3/8" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 3/8" Bh 57,700.00 63,470.00 -
14 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 1/2" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 1/2" Bh 59,200.00 65,120.00 -
15 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 3/4" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 3/4" Bh 74,000.00 81,400.00 -
16 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 1" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 1" Bh 103,500.00 113,850.00 -
17 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 1 1/4" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 1 1/4" Bh 143,400.00 157,740.00 -
18 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 1 1/2" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 1 1/2" Bh 181,800.00 199,980.00 -
19 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 2" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 2" Bh 273,400.00 300,740.00 -
20 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 2 1/2" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 2 1/2" Bh 582,100.00 640,310.00 -
21 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 3" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi FH 3" Bh 794,900.00 874,390.00 -
22 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi E 1/2" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi E 1/2" Bh 105,000.00 115,500.00 -
23 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi E 3/4" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi E 3/4" Bh 139,000.00 152,900.00 -
24 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi E 1" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi E 1" Bh 202,500.00 222,750.00 -
25 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi E 1 1/4" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi E 1 1/4" Bh 313,300.00 344,630.00 -
26 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi E 1 1/2" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi E 1 1/2" Bh 407,800.00 448,580.00 -
27 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi E 2" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi E 2" Bh 632,400.00 695,640.00 -
28 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi E 2 1/2" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi E 2 1/2" Bh 1,057,800.00 1,163,580.00 -
29 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi E 3" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi E 3" Bh 1,585,200.00 1,743,720.00 -
30 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi C 1/4" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi C 1/4" Bh 47,400.00 52,140.00 -
31 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi C 3/8" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi C 3/8" Bh 50,300.00 55,330.00 -
32 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi C 1/2" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi C 1/2" Bh 63,600.00 69,960.00 -
33 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi C 3/4" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi C 3/4" Bh 90,200.00 99,220.00 -
34 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi C 1" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi C 1" Bh 119,700.00 131,670.00 -
35 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi C 1 1/4" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi C 1 1/4" Bh 192,100.00 211,310.00 -
36 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi C 1 1/2" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi C 1 1/2" Bh 260,000.00 286,000.00 -
37 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi C 2" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi C 2" Bh 434,400.00 477,840.00 -
38 GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi C 3" GATE VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi C 3" Bh 1,263,100.00 1,389,410.00 -
39 CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 3/8" CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 3/8" Bh 56,200.00 61,820.00 -
40 CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 1/2" CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 1/2" Bh 56,200.00 61,820.00 -
41 CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 3/4" CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 3/4" Bh 79,900.00 87,890.00 -
42 CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 1" CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 1" Bh 122,700.00 134,970.00 -
43 CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 1 1/4" CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 1 1/4" Bh 175,900.00 193,490.00 -
44 CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 1 1/2" CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 1 1/2" Bh 229,000.00 251,900.00 -
45 CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 2" CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 2" Bh 359,000.00 394,900.00 -
46 CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 2 1/2" CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 2 1/2" Bh 760,900.00 836,990.00 -
47 CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 3" CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 3" Bh 1,031,200.00 1,134,320.00 -
48 CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 4" CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 125 Psi R 4" Bh 2,053,500.00 2,258,850.00 -
49 CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 10K O 1/2" CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 10K O 1/2" Bh 69,100.00 76,010.00 -
50 CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 10K O 1" CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 10K O 1" Bh 154,400.00 169,840.00 -
51 CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 10K O 1 1/4" CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 10K O 1 1/4" Bh 223,500.00 245,850.00 -
52 CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 10K O 1 1/2" CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 10K O 1 1/2" Bh 296,600.00 326,260.00 -
53 CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 10K O 2" CHECK VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 10K O 2" Bh 471,300.00 518,430.00 -
54 STRAINER VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi Y 3/8" STRAINER VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi Y 3/8" Bh 72,500.00 79,750.00 -
55 STRAINER VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi Y 1/2" STRAINER VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi Y 1/2" Bh 76,900.00 84,590.00 -
56 STRAINER VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi Y 3/4" STRAINER VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi Y 3/4" Bh 110,900.00 121,990.00 -
57 STRAINER VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi Y 1" STRAINER VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi Y 1" Bh 164,000.00 180,400.00 -
58 STRAINER VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi Y 1 1/4" STRAINER VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi Y 1 1/4" Bh 236,500.00 260,150.00 -
59 STRAINER VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi Y 1 1/2" STRAINER VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi Y 1 1/2" Bh 313,300.00 344,630.00 -
60 STRAINER VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi Y 2" STRAINER VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi Y 2" Bh 478,700.00 526,570.00 -
61 STRAINER VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi Y 2 1/2" STRAINER VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi Y 2 1/2" Bh 1,405,000.00 1,545,500.00 -
62 STRAINER VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi Y 3" STRAINER VALVE DRAT BR KITZ 150 Psi Y 3" Bh 1,852,000.00 2,037,200.00 -
63 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 1 1/2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 1 1/2" Bh 939,200.00 1,033,120.00 -
64 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 2" Bh 1,162,900.00 1,279,190.00 -
65 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 2 1/2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 2 1/2" Bh 1,332,800.00 1,466,080.00 -
66 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 3" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 3" Bh 1,630,900.00 1,793,990.00 -
67 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 4" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 4" Bh 2,340,000.00 2,574,000.00 -
68 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 5" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 5" Bh 3,184,200.00 3,502,620.00 -
69 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 6" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 6" Bh 4,185,900.00 4,604,490.00 -
70 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 8" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 8" Bh 6,708,000.00 7,378,800.00 -
71 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 10" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 10" Bh 12,054,600.00 13,260,060.00 -
72 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 12" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCHI 12" Bh 15,920,300.00 17,512,330.00 -
73 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 1 1/2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 1 1/2" Bh 1,069,000.00 1,175,900.00 -
74 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 2" Bh 1,297,000.00 1,426,700.00 -
75 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 2 1/2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 2 1/2" Bh 1,475,900.00 1,623,490.00 -
76 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 3" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 3" Bh 1,847,100.00 2,031,810.00 -
77 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 4" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 4" Bh 2,683,400.00 2,951,740.00 -
78 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 5" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 5" Bh 3,354,000.00 3,689,400.00 -
79 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 6" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 6" Bh 5,277,100.00 5,804,810.00 -
80 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 8" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 8" Bh 8,606,600.00 9,467,260.00 -
81 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 10" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 10" Bh 11,950,900.00 13,145,990.00 -
82 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 12" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCWI 12" Bh 16,426,500.00 18,069,150.00 -
83 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 1 1/2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 1 1/2" Bh 1,162,900.00 1,279,190.00 -
84 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 2" Bh 1,297,000.00 1,426,700.00 -
85 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 2 1/2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 2 1/2" Bh 1,484,800.00 1,633,280.00 -
86 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 3" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 3" Bh 1,847,100.00 2,031,810.00 -
87 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 4" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 4" Bh 2,683,400.00 2,951,740.00 -
88 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 5" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 5" Bh 3,479,300.00 3,827,230.00 -
89 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 6" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 6" Bh 4,606,300.00 5,066,930.00 -
90 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 8" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 8" Bh 7,490,600.00 8,239,660.00 -
91 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 10" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 10" Bh 11,384,000.00 12,522,400.00 -
92 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 12" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCL 12" Bh 15,458,000.00 17,003,800.00 -
93 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 150 SCLS 2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 150 SCLS 2" Bh 2,888,900.00 3,177,790.00 -
94 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 150 SCLS 2 1/2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 150 SCLS 2 1/2" Bh 3,611,200.00 3,972,320.00 -
95 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 150 SCLS 3" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 150 SCLS 3" Bh 3,900,000.00 4,290,000.00 -
96 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 150 SCLS 4" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 150 SCLS 4" Bh 5,200,000.00 5,720,000.00 -
97 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 150 SCLS 6" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 150 SCLS 6" Bh 8,305,600.00 9,136,160.00 -
98 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 150 SCLS 8" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 150 SCLS 8" Bh 13,361,200.00 14,697,320.00 -
99 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 150 SCLS 10" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 150 SCLS 10" Bh 20,583,400.00 22,641,740.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
100 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 150 SCLS 12" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 150 SCLS 12" Bh 27,083,400.00 29,791,740.00 -
101 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 300 SCLS 2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 300 SCLS 2" Bh 3,863,900.00 4,250,290.00 -
102 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 300 SCLS 3" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 300 SCLS 3" Bh 5,633,400.00 6,196,740.00 -
103 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 300 SCLS 4" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 300 SCLS 4" Bh 7,366,700.00 8,103,370.00 -
104 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 300 SCLS 6" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 300 SCLS 6" Bh 13,577,800.00 14,935,580.00 -
105 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 300 SCLS 8" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 300 SCLS 8" Bh 20,944,500.00 23,038,950.00 -
106 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 300 SCLS 10" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 300 SCLS 10" Bh 32,500,000.00 35,750,000.00 -
107 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 1 1/2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 1 1/2" Bh 3,030,300.00 3,333,330.00 -
108 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 2" Bh 3,771,800.00 4,148,980.00 -
109 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 2 1/2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 2 1/2" Bh 4,552,400.00 5,007,640.00 -
110 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 3" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 3" Bh 5,982,400.00 6,580,640.00 -
111 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 4" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 4" Bh 7,349,700.00 8,084,670.00 -
112 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 5" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 5" Bh 11,342,800.00 12,477,080.00 -
113 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 6" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 6" Bh 13,921,400.00 15,313,540.00 -
114 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 8" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 8" Bh 20,950,400.00 23,045,440.00 -
115 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 10" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 10" Bh 28,008,000.00 30,808,800.00 -
116 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 12" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SMBO 12" Bh 41,185,200.00 45,303,720.00 -
117 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 1 1/2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 1 1/2" Bh 3,318,400.00 3,650,240.00 -
118 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 2" Bh 4,090,800.00 4,499,880.00 -
119 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 2 1/2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 2 1/2" Bh 5,133,400.00 5,646,740.00 -
120 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 3" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 3" Bh 6,381,200.00 7,019,320.00 -
121 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 4" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 4" Bh 8,130,200.00 8,943,220.00 -
122 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 5" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 5" Bh 15,449,900.00 16,994,890.00 -
123 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 6" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 6" Bh 15,938,300.00 17,532,130.00 -
124 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 8" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 8" Bh 23,701,500.00 26,071,650.00 -
125 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 10" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 10" Bh 32,853,800.00 36,139,180.00 -
126 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 12" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SLBO 12" Bh 46,808,200.00 51,489,020.00 -
127 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCJ 1 1/2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCJ 1 1/2" Bh 1,216,500.00 1,338,150.00 -
128 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCJ 2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCJ 2" Bh 1,422,200.00 1,564,420.00 -
129 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCJ 2 1/2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCJ 2 1/2" Bh 1,726,300.00 1,898,930.00 -
130 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCJ 3" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCJ 3" Bh 2,146,700.00 2,361,370.00 -
131 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCJ 4" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCJ 4" Bh 3,041,100.00 3,345,210.00 -
132 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCJ 5" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCJ 5" Bh 4,798,600.00 5,278,460.00 -
133 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCJ 6" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCJ 6" Bh 6,439,700.00 7,083,670.00 -
134 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCJ 8" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCJ 8" Bh 11,627,200.00 12,789,920.00 -
135 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SPBO 2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SPBO 2" Bh 3,457,000.00 3,802,700.00 -
136 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SPBO 2 1/2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SPBO 2 1/2" Bh 4,517,700.00 4,969,470.00 -
137 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SPBO 3" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SPBO 3" Bh 5,492,400.00 6,041,640.00 -
138 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SPBO 4" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SPBO 4" Bh 7,155,200.00 7,870,720.00 -
139 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SPBO 5" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SPBO 5" Bh 12,766,700.00 14,043,370.00 -
140 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SPBO 6" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SPBO 6" Bh 16,993,600.00 18,692,960.00 -
141 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SPBO 8" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 16K SPBO 8" Bh 28,133,200.00 30,946,520.00 -
142 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SYBO 2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SYBO 2" Bh 4,829,900.00 5,312,890.00 -
143 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SYBO 2 1/2" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SYBO 2 1/2" Bh 4,919,200.00 5,411,120.00 -
144 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SYBO 3" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SYBO 3" Bh 6,260,800.00 6,886,880.00 -
145 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SYBO 4" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SYBO 4" Bh 8,631,100.00 9,494,210.00 -
146 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SYBO 5" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SYBO 5" Bh 15,830,900.00 17,413,990.00 -
147 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SYBO 6" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SYBO 6" Bh 19,909,400.00 21,900,340.00 -
148 GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SYBO 8" GATE VALVE F/F CI KITZ 20K SYBO 8" Bh 28,173,500.00 30,990,850.00 -
149 GLOBE VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCJS 2" GLOBE VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCJS 2" Bh 3,755,600.00 4,131,160.00 -
150 GLOBE VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCJS 3" GLOBE VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCJS 3" Bh 4,838,900.00 5,322,790.00 -
151 GLOBE VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCJS 4" GLOBE VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCJS 4" Bh 6,861,200.00 7,547,320.00 -
152 GLOBE VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCJS 6" GLOBE VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCJS 6" Bh 11,555,600.00 12,711,160.00 -
153 GLOBE VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCJS 8" GLOBE VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCJS 8" Bh 18,777,800.00 20,655,580.00 -
154 GLOBE VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCJS 2" GLOBE VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCJS 2" Bh 4,550,000.00 5,005,000.00 -
155 GLOBE VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCJS 3" GLOBE VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCJS 3" Bh 6,716,700.00 7,388,370.00 -
156 GLOBE VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCJS 4" GLOBE VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCJS 4" Bh 9,316,000.00 10,247,600.00 -
157 GLOBE VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCJS 6" GLOBE VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCJS 6" Bh 17,333,400.00 19,066,740.00 -
158 CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 1 1/2" CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 1 1/2" Bh 1,028,700.00 1,131,570.00 -
159 CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 2" CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 2" Bh 1,180,800.00 1,298,880.00 -
160 CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 2 1/2" CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 2 1/2" Bh 1,430,000.00 1,573,000.00 -
161 CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 3" CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 3" Bh 1,672,500.00 1,839,750.00 -
162 CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 4" CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 4" Bh 2,422,900.00 2,665,190.00 -
163 CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 5" CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 5" Bh 4,176,900.00 4,594,590.00 -
164 CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 6" CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 6" Bh 5,277,100.00 5,804,810.00 -
165 CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 8" CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 8" Bh 9,436,000.00 10,379,600.00 -
166 CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 10" CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 10" Bh 14,642,900.00 16,107,190.00 -
167 CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 12" CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCO 12" Bh 29,246,800.00 32,171,480.00 -
168 WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10FW 2" WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10FW 2" Bh 1,084,400.00 1,192,840.00 -
169 WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10FW 2 1/2" WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10FW 2 1/2" Bh 1,397,500.00 1,537,250.00 -
170 WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10FW 3" WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10FW 3" Bh 1,547,000.00 1,701,700.00 -
171 WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10FW 4" WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10FW 4" Bh 2,236,000.00 2,459,600.00 -
172 WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10FW 5" WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10FW 5" Bh 2,830,900.00 3,113,990.00 -
173 WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10FW 6" WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10FW 6" Bh 3,935,500.00 4,329,050.00 -
174 WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10FW 8" WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10FW 8" Bh 5,858,400.00 6,444,240.00 -
175 CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCOS 2" CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCOS 2" Bh 2,744,500.00 3,018,950.00 -
176 CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCOS 2 1/2" CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCOS 2 1/2" Bh 3,827,800.00 4,210,580.00 -
177 CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCOS 3" CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCOS 3" Bh 3,900,000.00 4,290,000.00 -
178 CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCOS 4" CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCOS 4" Bh 5,633,400.00 6,196,740.00 -
179 CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCOS 5" CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCOS 5" Bh 8,955,600.00 9,851,160.00 -
180 CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCOS 6" CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCOS 6" Bh 13,722,300.00 15,094,530.00 -
181 CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCOS 8" CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCOS 8" Bh 20,944,500.00 23,038,950.00 -
182 CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCOS 2" CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCOS 2" Bh 3,719,500.00 4,091,450.00 -
183 CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCOS 3" CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCOS 3" Bh 5,416,700.00 5,958,370.00 -
184 CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCOS 4" CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCOS 4" Bh 7,222,300.00 7,944,530.00 -
185 CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCOS 6" CHECK VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCOS 6" Bh 12,277,800.00 13,505,580.00 -
186 CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 16K SRB 2" CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 16K SRB 2" Bh 4,871,400.00 5,358,540.00 -
187 CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 16K SRB 2 1/2" CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 16K SRB 2 1/2" Bh 5,339,700.00 5,873,670.00 -
188 CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 16K SRB 3" CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 16K SRB 3" Bh 7,064,800.00 7,771,280.00 -
189 CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 16K SRB 4" CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 16K SRB 4" Bh 7,862,400.00 8,648,640.00 -
190 CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 16K SRB 5" CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 16K SRB 5" Bh 10,124,700.00 11,137,170.00 -
191 CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 16K SRB 6" CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 16K SRB 6" Bh 12,199,700.00 13,419,670.00 -
192 CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 16K SRB 8" CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 16K SRB 8" Bh 18,480,100.00 20,328,110.00 -
193 CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 16K SRB 10" CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 16K SRB 10" Bh 32,853,000.00 36,138,300.00 -
194 CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 16K SRB 12" CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 16K SRB 12" Bh 54,209,300.00 59,630,230.00 -
195 CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 20K SOB 2" CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 20K SOB 2" Bh 5,566,500.00 6,123,150.00 -
196 CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 20K SOB 2 1/2" CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 20K SOB 2 1/2" Bh 5,982,400.00 6,580,640.00 -
197 CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 20K SOB 3" CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 20K SOB 3" Bh 7,681,200.00 8,449,320.00 -
198 CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 20K SOB 4" CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 20K SOB 4" Bh 9,570,100.00 10,527,110.00 -
199 CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 20K SOB 5" CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 20K SOB 5" Bh 13,143,300.00 14,457,630.00 -
200 CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 20K SOB 6" CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 20K SOB 6" Bh 14,800,500.00 16,280,550.00 -
201 CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 20K SOB 8" CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 20K SOB 8" Bh 24,229,200.00 26,652,120.00 -
202 CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 20K SOB 10" CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 20K SOB 10" Bh 41,066,200.00 45,172,820.00 -
203 CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 20K SOB 12" CHECK VALVE F/F DI KITZ 20K SOB 12" Bh 50,922,300.00 56,014,530.00 -
204 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 1 1/2" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 1 1/2" Bh 581,500.00 639,650.00 -
205 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 2" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 2" Bh 715,600.00 787,160.00 -
206 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 2 1/2" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 2 1/2" Bh 1,221,000.00 1,343,100.00 -
207 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 3" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 3" Bh 1,453,800.00 1,599,180.00 -
208 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 4" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 4" Bh 1,949,900.00 2,144,890.00 -
209 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 5" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 5" Bh 3,170,700.00 3,487,770.00 -
210 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 6" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 6" Bh 4,313,800.00 4,745,180.00 -
211 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 8" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 8" Bh 6,588,800.00 7,247,680.00 -
212 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 10" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 10" Bh 11,180,000.00 12,298,000.00 -
213 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 12" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 10K FCY 12" Bh 17,261,900.00 18,988,090.00 -
214 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 16K FDYB 2" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 16K FDYB 2" Bh 1,668,200.00 1,835,020.00 -
215 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 16K FDYB 2 1/2" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 16K FDYB 2 1/2" Bh 2,677,900.00 2,945,690.00 -
216 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 16K FDYB 3" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 16K FDYB 3" Bh 3,318,300.00 3,650,130.00 -
217 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 16K FDYB 4" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 16K FDYB 4" Bh 4,230,700.00 4,653,770.00 -
218 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 16K FDYB 5" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 16K FDYB 5" Bh 7,064,800.00 7,771,280.00 -
219 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 16K FDYB 6" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 16K FDYB 6" Bh 8,945,000.00 9,839,500.00 -
220 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 16K FDYB 8" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 16K FDYB 8" Bh 12,249,400.00 13,474,340.00 -
221 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 16K FDYB 10" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 16K FDYB 10" Bh 21,353,800.00 23,489,180.00 -
222 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 16K FDYB 12" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 16K FDYB 12" Bh 31,867,400.00 35,054,140.00 -
223 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 20K FDYB 2" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 20K FDYB 2" Bh 2,464,200.00 2,710,620.00 -
224 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 20K FDYB 2 1/2" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 20K FDYB 2 1/2" Bh 5,177,000.00 5,694,700.00 -
225 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 20K FDYB 3" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 20K FDYB 3" Bh 6,573,900.00 7,231,290.00 -
226 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 20K FDYB 4" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 20K FDYB 4" Bh 9,856,400.00 10,842,040.00 -
227 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 20K FDYB 5" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 20K FDYB 5" Bh 17,454,200.00 19,199,620.00 -
228 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 20K FDYB 6" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 20K FDYB 6" Bh 22,997,600.00 25,297,360.00 -
229 STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 20K FDYB 8" STRAINER F/F CI KITZ 20K FDYB 8" Bh 36,549,500.00 40,204,450.00 -
230 BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 1/2" BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 1/2" Bh 427,600.00 470,360.00 -
231 BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 3/4" BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 3/4" Bh 472,400.00 519,640.00 -
232 BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 1" BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 1" Bh 635,200.00 698,720.00 -
233 BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 1 1/4" BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 1 1/4" Bh 939,200.00 1,033,120.00 -
234 BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 1 1/2" BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 1 1/2" Bh 1,140,500.00 1,254,550.00 -
235 BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 2" BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 2" Bh 1,370,900.00 1,507,990.00 -
236 BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 2 1/2" BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 2 1/2" Bh 2,191,400.00 2,410,540.00 -
237 BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 3" BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 3" Bh 3,013,800.00 3,315,180.00 -
238 BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 4" BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 4" Bh 4,313,800.00 4,745,180.00 -
239 BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 5" BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 5" Bh 8,452,100.00 9,297,310.00 -
240 BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 6" BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 6" Bh 11,806,100.00 12,986,710.00 -
241 BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 8" BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 8" Bh 20,750,100.00 22,825,110.00 -
242 BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 10" BALL VALVE F/F CI KITZ 10K FCTB 10" Bh 36,960,900.00 40,656,990.00 -
243 BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCTB 1/2" BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCTB 1/2" Bh 1,083,400.00 1,191,740.00 -
244 BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCTB 3/4" BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCTB 3/4" Bh 1,191,700.00 1,310,870.00 -
245 BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCTB 1" BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCTB 1" Bh 1,574,500.00 1,731,950.00 -
246 BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCTB 1 1/2" BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCTB 1 1/2" Bh 2,130,600.00 2,343,660.00 -
247 BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCTB 2" BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCTB 2" Bh 2,780,600.00 3,058,660.00 -
248 BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCTB 2 1/2" BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCTB 2 1/2" Bh 3,972,300.00 4,369,530.00 -
249 BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCTB 3" BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCTB 3" Bh 5,416,700.00 5,958,370.00 -
250 BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCTB 4" BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCTB 4" Bh 7,077,800.00 7,785,580.00 -
251 BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCTB 6" BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 150 SCTB 6" Bh 18,200,000.00 20,020,000.00 -
252 BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCTB 1/2" BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCTB 1/2" Bh 1,516,700.00 1,668,370.00 -
253 BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCTB 3/4" BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCTB 3/4" Bh 1,661,200.00 1,827,320.00 -
254 BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCTB 1" BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCTB 1" Bh 2,058,400.00 2,264,240.00 -
255 BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCTB 1 1/2" BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCTB 1 1/2" Bh 2,961,200.00 3,257,320.00 -
256 BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCTB 2" BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCTB 2" Bh 3,806,200.00 4,186,820.00 -
257 BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCTB 2 1/2" BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCTB 2 1/2" Bh 6,427,800.00 7,070,580.00 -
258 BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCTB 3" BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCTB 3" Bh 7,749,500.00 8,524,450.00 -
259 BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCTB 4" BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCTB 4" Bh 10,977,800.00 12,075,580.00 -
260 BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCTB 6" BALL VALVE F/F CS KITZ 300 SCTB 6" Bh 26,361,200.00 28,997,320.00 -
261 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR 10K XJME (A) 2" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR 10K XJME (A) 2" Bh 342,800.00 377,080.00 -
262 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR 10K XJME (A) 2 1/2" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR 10K XJME (A) 2 1/2" Bh 385,700.00 424,270.00 -
263 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR 10K XJME (A) 3" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR 10K XJME (A) 3" Bh 466,900.00 513,590.00 -
264 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR 10K XJME (A) 4" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR 10K XJME (A) 4" Bh 528,900.00 581,790.00 -
265 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR 10K XJME (A) 5" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR 10K XJME (A) 5" Bh 697,000.00 766,700.00 -
266 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR 10K XJME (A) 6" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR 10K XJME (A) 6" Bh 790,100.00 869,110.00 -
267 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-10 XJME (A) 2" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-10 XJME (A) 2" Bh 455,000.00 500,500.00 -
268 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-10 XJME (A) 2 1/2" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-10 XJME (A) 2 1/2" Bh 472,800.00 520,080.00 -
269 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-10 XJME (A) 3" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-10 XJME (A) 3" Bh 573,200.00 630,520.00 -
270 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-10 XJME (A) 4" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-10 XJME (A) 4" Bh 709,100.00 780,010.00 -
271 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-10 XJME (A) 5" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-10 XJME (A) 5" Bh 933,700.00 1,027,070.00 -
272 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-10 XJME (A) 6" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-10 XJME (A) 6" Bh 1,010,500.00 1,111,550.00 -
273 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-10 XJME (A) 8" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-10 XJME (A) 8" Bh 1,536,400.00 1,690,040.00 -
274 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-10 XJME (A) 10" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-10 XJME (A) 10" Bh 3,031,400.00 3,334,540.00 -
275 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-10 XJME (A) 12" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-10 XJME (A) 12" Bh 3,858,700.00 4,244,570.00 -
276 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR PN 16 XJME (A) 2" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR PN 16 XJME (A) 2" Bh 490,100.00 539,110.00 -
277 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR PN 16 XJME (A) 2 1/2" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR PN 16 XJME (A) 2 1/2" Bh 535,000.00 588,500.00 -
278 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR PN 16 XJME (A) 3" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR PN 16 XJME (A) 3" Bh 601,900.00 662,090.00 -
279 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR PN 16 XJME (A) 4" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR PN 16 XJME (A) 4" Bh 730,000.00 803,000.00 -
280 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR PN 16 XJME (A) 5" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR PN 16 XJME (A) 5" Bh 962,700.00 1,058,970.00 -
281 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR PN 16 XJME (A) 6" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ LVR PN 16 XJME (A) 6" Bh 1,159,000.00 1,274,900.00 -
282 BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-PN 16 XJME (A) 8" BUTERFLY F/F KITZ GEAR G-PN 16 XJME (A) 8" Bh 2,228,900.00 2,451,790.00 -
1 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 1 1/4" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 1 1/4" Bh 201,500.00 221,650.00 -
2 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 1 1/2" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 1 1/2" Bh 211,300.00 232,430.00 -
3 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 2" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 2" Bh 250,300.00 275,330.00 -
4 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 2 1/2" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 2 1/2" Bh 331,500.00 364,650.00 -
5 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 3" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 3" Bh 367,300.00 404,030.00 -
6 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 4" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 4" Bh 471,300.00 518,430.00 -
7 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 5" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 5" Bh 695,500.00 765,050.00 -
8 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 6" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 6" Bh 868,800.00 955,680.00 -
9 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 8" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 8" Bh 1,527,500.00 1,680,250.00 -
10 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 10" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 10" Bh 1,774,500.00 1,951,950.00 -
11 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 12" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 10K 12" Bh 2,275,000.00 2,502,500.00 -
12 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 1 1/4" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 1 1/4" Bh 260,000.00 286,000.00 -
13 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 1 1/2" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 1 1/2" Bh 344,500.00 378,950.00 -
14 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 2" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 2" Bh 422,500.00 464,750.00 -
15 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 2 1/2" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 2 1/2" Bh 520,000.00 572,000.00 -
16 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 3" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 3" Bh 552,500.00 607,750.00 -
17 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 4" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 4" Bh 828,800.00 911,680.00 -
18 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 5" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 5" Bh 1,358,500.00 1,494,350.00 -
19 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 6" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 6" Bh 2,145,000.00 2,359,500.00 -
20 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 8" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 8" Bh 2,551,300.00 2,806,430.00 -
21 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 10" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 10" Bh 2,600,000.00 2,860,000.00 -
22 RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 12" RUBBER EXP. JOINT FL MURAFLEX S-20 20K 12" Bh 5,525,000.00 6,077,500.00 -
1 PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 1/2" PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 1/2" Bh 120,300.00 132,330.00 -
2 PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 3/4" PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 3/4" Bh 169,000.00 185,900.00 -
3 PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 1" PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 1" Bh 211,300.00 232,430.00 -
4 PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 1 1/2" PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 1 1/2" Bh 357,500.00 393,250.00 -
5 PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 2" PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 2" Bh 422,500.00 464,750.00 -
6 PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 2 1/2" PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 2 1/2" Bh 715,000.00 786,500.00 -
7 PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 3" PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 3" Bh 2,275,000.00 2,502,500.00 -
8 PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 4" PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 4" Bh 3,152,500.00 3,467,750.00 -
9 PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 6" PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 6" Bh 5,200,000.00 5,720,000.00 -
10 PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 8" PELAMPUNG DRAT YUTA KXF-X1 901 8" Bh 9,425,000.00 10,367,500.00 -
1 AIR VALVE DRAT CI SAMYANG YAC-4 10K 1/2" AIR VALVE DRAT CI SAMYANG YAC-4 10K 1/2" Bh 1,365,000.00 1,501,500.00 -
2 AIR VALVE DRAT CI SAMYANG YAC-4 10K 3/4" AIR VALVE DRAT CI SAMYANG YAC-4 10K 3/4" Bh 1,430,000.00 1,573,000.00 -
3 AIR VALVE DRAT CI SAMYANG YAC-4 10K 1" AIR VALVE DRAT CI SAMYANG YAC-4 10K 1" Bh 1,560,000.00 1,716,000.00 -
1 SWIM CHECK VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 120U2 2 1/2" SWIM CHECK VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 120U2 2 1/2" Bh 1,722,000.00 1,894,200.00 -
2 SWIM CHECK VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 120U2 3" SWIM CHECK VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 120U2 3" Bh 1,945,000.00 2,139,500.00 -
3 SWIM CHECK VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 120U2 4" SWIM CHECK VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 120U2 4" Bh 2,778,000.00 3,055,800.00 -
4 SWIM CHECK VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 120U2 6" SWIM CHECK VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 120U2 6" Bh 4,889,000.00 5,377,900.00 -
5 SWIM CHECK VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 120U2 8" SWIM CHECK VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 120U2 8" Bh 13,625,000.00 14,987,500.00 -
6 SWIM CHECK VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 120U2 10" SWIM CHECK VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 120U2 10" Bh 14,111,000.00 15,522,100.00 -
7 SWIM CHECK VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 120U2 12" SWIM CHECK VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 120U2 12" Bh 20,000,000.00 22,000,000.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
8 GATE VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 105U 2 1/2" GATE VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 105U 2 1/2" Bh 3,100,000.00 3,410,000.00 -
9 GATE VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 105U 3" GATE VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 105U 3" Bh 3,500,000.00 3,850,000.00 -
10 GATE VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 105U 4" GATE VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 105U 4" Bh 3,800,000.00 4,180,000.00 -
11 GATE VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 105U 6" GATE VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 105U 6" Bh 5,750,000.00 6,325,000.00 -
12 GATE VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 105U 8" GATE VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 105U 8" Bh 9,500,000.00 10,450,000.00 -
13 GATE VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 105U 10" GATE VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 105U 10" Bh 17,000,000.00 18,700,000.00 -
14 GATE VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 105U 12" GATE VALVE F/F UL/FM SIAM 105U 12" Bh 23,000,000.00 25,300,000.00 -
1 WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 895 2" WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 895 2" Bh 1,040,000.00 1,144,000.00 -
2 WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 895 2 1/2" WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 895 2 1/2" Bh 1,137,500.00 1,251,250.00 -
3 WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 895 3" WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 895 3" Bh 1,300,000.00 1,430,000.00 -
4 WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 895 4" WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 895 4" Bh 1,365,000.00 1,501,500.00 -
5 WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 895 5" WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 895 5" Bh 2,730,000.00 3,003,000.00 -
6 WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 895 6" WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 895 6" Bh 3,575,000.00 3,932,500.00 -
7 WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 895 8" WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 895 8" Bh 4,875,000.00 5,362,500.00 -
8 WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 895 10" WAFER CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 895 10" Bh 6,630,000.00 7,293,000.00 -
9 CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 402 2" CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 402 2" Bh 1,209,000.00 1,329,900.00 -
10 CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 402 2 1/2" CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 402 2 1/2" Bh 1,235,000.00 1,358,500.00 -
11 CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 402 3" CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 402 3" Bh 1,820,000.00 2,002,000.00 -
12 CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 402 4" CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 402 4" Bh 2,535,000.00 2,788,500.00 -
13 CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 402 5" CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 402 5" Bh 4,420,000.00 4,862,000.00 -
14 CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 402 6" CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 402 6" Bh 5,492,500.00 6,041,750.00 -
15 CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 402 8" CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 402 8" Bh 8,742,500.00 9,616,750.00 -
16 REDUCING VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL- 101 2" REDUCING VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL- 101 2" Bh 11,667,500.00 12,834,250.00 -
17 REDUCING VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL- 101 2 1/2" REDUCING VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL- 101 2 1/2" Bh 12,285,000.00 13,513,500.00 -
18 REDUCING VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL- 101 3" REDUCING VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL- 101 3" Bh 12,772,500.00 14,049,750.00 -
19 REDUCING VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL- 101 4" REDUCING VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL- 101 4" Bh 15,145,000.00 16,659,500.00 -
20 REDUCING VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL- 101 6" REDUCING VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL- 101 6" Bh 19,500,000.00 21,450,000.00 -
21 REDUCING VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL- 101 8" REDUCING VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL- 101 8" Bh 29,120,000.00 32,032,000.00 -
22 PRESS RELIEF VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL-401 2" PRESS RELIEF VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL-401 2" Bh 11,700,000.00 12,870,000.00 -
23 PRESS RELIEF VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL-401 2 1/2" PRESS RELIEF VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL-401 2 1/2" Bh 15,275,000.00 16,802,500.00 -
24 PRESS RELIEF VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL-401 3" PRESS RELIEF VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL-401 3" Bh 15,535,000.00 17,088,500.00 -
25 PRESS RELIEF VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL-401 4" PRESS RELIEF VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL-401 4" Bh 17,972,500.00 19,769,750.00 -
26 PRESS RELIEF VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL-401 6" PRESS RELIEF VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL-401 6" Bh 22,360,000.00 24,596,000.00 -
27 PRESS RELIEF VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL-401 8" PRESS RELIEF VALVE F/F SOCLA PN-16 CL-401 8" Bh 26,000,000.00 28,600,000.00 -
28 FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 2" FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 2" Bh 1,950,000.00 2,145,000.00 -
29 FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 2 1/2" FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 2 1/2" Bh 1,950,000.00 2,145,000.00 -
30 FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 3" FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 3" Bh 2,600,000.00 2,860,000.00 -
31 FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 4" FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 4" Bh 2,925,000.00 3,217,500.00 -
32 FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 5" FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 5" Bh 4,420,000.00 4,862,000.00 -
33 FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 6" FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 6" Bh 5,850,000.00 6,435,000.00 -
34 FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 8" FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 8" Bh 14,300,000.00 15,730,000.00 -
35 FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 10" FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 10" Bh 19,500,000.00 21,450,000.00 -
36 FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 12" FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 12" Bh 34,450,000.00 37,895,000.00 -
37 FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 14" FOOT VALVE F/F SOCLA 302 PN-10 14" Bh 48,750,000.00 53,625,000.00 -
38 CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 407 1 1/2" CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 407 1 1/2" Bh 3,705,000.00 4,075,500.00 -
39 CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 407 2" CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 407 2" Bh 4,290,000.00 4,719,000.00 -
40 CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 407 2 1/2" CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 407 2 1/2" Bh 5,460,000.00 6,006,000.00 -
41 CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 407 3" CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 407 3" Bh 11,178,800.00 12,296,680.00 -
42 CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 407 4" CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 407 4" Bh 14,300,000.00 15,730,000.00 -
43 CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 407 5" CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 407 5" Bh 14,950,000.00 16,445,000.00 -
44 CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 407 6" CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 407 6" Bh 18,102,500.00 19,912,750.00 -
45 CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 407 8" CHECK VALVE F/F SOCLA 407 8" Bh 26,000,000.00 28,600,000.00 -
1 FCO a 4" FCO a 4" Bh 690,000.00 759,000.00 -
2 FCO a 2" FCO a 2" Bh 375,000.00 412,500.00 -
1 Pipa uk. 20 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 20 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 4,800.00 5,280.00 -
2 Pipa uk. 20 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 20 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 5,360.00 5,900.00 -
3 Pipa uk. 20 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 20 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 6,720.00 7,400.00 -
4 Pipa uk. 25 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 25 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 5,840.00 6,430.00 -
5 Pipa uk. 25 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 25 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 7,200.00 7,920.00 -
6 Pipa uk. 25 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 25 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 8,640.00 9,510.00 -
7 Pipa uk. 25 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 25 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 10,080.00 11,090.00 -
8 Pipa uk. 32 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 32 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 7,680.00 8,450.00 -
9 Pipa uk. 32 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 32 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 9,600.00 10,560.00 -
10 Pipa uk. 32 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 32 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 11,520.00 12,680.00 -
11 Pipa uk. 32 mm, Nominal Pressure 15 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 32 mm, Nominal Pressure 15 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 13,920.00 15,320.00 -
12 Pipa uk. 32 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 32 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 16,080.00 17,690.00 -
13 Pipa uk. 40 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 40 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 12,000.00 13,200.00 -
14 Pipa uk. 40 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 40 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 14,400.00 15,840.00 -
15 Pipa uk. 40 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 40 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 17,280.00 19,010.00 -
16 Pipa uk. 40 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 40 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 21,120.00 23,240.00 -
17 Pipa uk. 40 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 40 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 25,440.00 27,990.00 -
18 Pipa uk. 50 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 50 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 18,720.00 20,600.00 -
19 Pipa uk. 50 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 50 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 22,560.00 24,820.00 -
20 Pipa uk. 50 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 50 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 27,360.00 30,100.00 -
21 Pipa uk. 50 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 50 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 33,120.00 36,440.00 -
22 Pipa uk. 50 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 50 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 39,360.00 43,300.00 -
23 Pipa uk. 63 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 63 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 28,400.00 31,240.00 -
24 Pipa uk. 63 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 63 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 35,520.00 39,080.00 -
25 Pipa uk. 63 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 63 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 42,720.00 47,000.00 -
26 Pipa uk. 63 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 63 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 52,320.00 57,560.00 -
27 Pipa uk. 63 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 63 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 62,400.00 68,640.00 -
28 Pipa uk. 75 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 75 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 41,280.00 45,410.00 -
29 Pipa uk. 75 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 75 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 49,920.00 54,920.00 -
30 Pipa uk. 75 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 75 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 60,480.00 66,530.00 -
31 Pipa uk. 75 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 75 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 73,920.00 81,320.00 -
32 Pipa uk. 75 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 75 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 88,320.00 97,160.00 -
33 Pipa uk. 90 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 90 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 48,000.00 52,800.00 -
34 Pipa uk. 90 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 90 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 59,040.00 64,950.00 -
35 Pipa uk. 90 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 90 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 72,000.00 79,200.00 -
36 Pipa uk. 90 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 90 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 86,880.00 95,570.00 -
37 Pipa uk. 90 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 90 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 106,560.00 117,220.00 -
38 Pipa uk. 90 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 90 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 126,720.00 139,400.00 -
39 Pipa uk. 110 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 110 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 71,040.00 78,150.00 -
40 Pipa uk. 110 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 110 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 87,840.00 96,630.00 -
41 Pipa uk. 110 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 110 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 107,040.00 117,750.00 -
42 Pipa uk. 110 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 110 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 129,600.00 142,560.00 -
43 Pipa uk. 110 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 110 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 158,400.00 174,240.00 -
44 Pipa uk. 110 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 110 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 188,640.00 207,510.00 -
45 Pipa uk. 125 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 125 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 91,680.00 100,850.00 -
46 Pipa uk. 125 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 125 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 113,440.00 124,790.00 -
47 Pipa uk. 125 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 125 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 137,760.00 151,540.00 -
48 Pipa uk. 125 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 125 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 167,040.00 183,750.00 -
49 Pipa uk. 125 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 125 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 204,480.00 224,930.00 -
50 Pipa uk. 125 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 125 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 243,840.00 268,230.00 -
51 Pipa uk. 140 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 140 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 114,720.00 126,200.00 -
52 Pipa uk. 140 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 140 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 141,600.00 155,760.00 -
53 Pipa uk. 140 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 140 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 172,800.00 190,080.00 -
54 Pipa uk. 140 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 140 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 209,280.00 230,210.00 -
55 Pipa uk. 140 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 140 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 256,320.00 281,960.00 -
56 Pipa uk. 140 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 140 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 305,280.00 335,810.00 -
57 Pipa uk. 160 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 160 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 149,280.00 164,210.00 -
58 Pipa uk. 160 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 160 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 185,280.00 203,810.00 -
59 Pipa uk. 160 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 160 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 225,120.00 247,640.00 -
60 Pipa uk. 160 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 160 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 272,480.00 299,730.00 -
61 Pipa uk. 160 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 160 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 334,560.00 368,020.00 -
62 Pipa uk. 160 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 160 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 398,400.00 438,240.00 -
63 Pipa uk. 180 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 180 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 188,640.00 207,510.00 -
64 Pipa uk. 180 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 180 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 233,760.00 257,140.00 -
65 Pipa uk. 180 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 180 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 284,640.00 313,110.00 -
66 Pipa uk. 180 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 180 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 344,640.00 379,110.00 -
67 Pipa uk. 180 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 180 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 422,800.00 465,080.00 -
68 Pipa uk. 180 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 180 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 504,000.00 554,400.00 -
69 Pipa uk. 200 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 200 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 232,800.00 256,080.00 -
70 Pipa uk. 200 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 200 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 288,480.00 317,330.00 -
71 Pipa uk. 200 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 200 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 351,360.00 386,500.00 -
72 Pipa uk. 200 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 200 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 425,280.00 467,810.00 -
73 Pipa uk. 200 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 200 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 521,760.00 573,940.00 -
74 Pipa uk. 200 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 200 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 622,080.00 684,290.00 -
75 Pipa uk. 225 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 225 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 293,760.00 323,140.00 -
76 Pipa uk. 225 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 225 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 364,800.00 401,280.00 -
77 Pipa uk. 225 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 225 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 444,000.00 488,400.00 -
78 Pipa uk. 225 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 225 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 538,080.00 591,890.00 -
79 Pipa uk. 225 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 225 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 660,000.00 726,000.00 -
80 Pipa uk. 225 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar : 9 SDR Pipa uk. 225 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar : 9 SDR m' 786,720.00 865,400.00 -
81 Pipa uk. 250 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 250 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 362,400.00 398,640.00 -
82 Pipa uk. 250 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 250 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 449,760.00 494,740.00 -
83 Pipa uk. 250 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 250 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 547,680.00 602,450.00 -
84 Pipa uk. 250 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 250 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 663,840.00 730,230.00 -
85 Pipa uk. 250 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 250 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 814,080.00 895,490.00 -
86 Pipa uk. 250 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 250 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 970,560.00 1,067,620.00 -
87 Pipa uk. 280 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 280 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 454,080.00 499,490.00 -
88 Pipa uk. 280 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 280 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 563,520.00 619,880.00 -
89 Pipa uk. 280 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 280 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 686,880.00 755,570.00 -
90 Pipa uk. 280 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 280 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 831,840.00 915,030.00 -
91 Pipa uk. 280 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 280 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 1,020,960.00 1,123,060.00 -
92 Pipa uk. 280 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 280 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 1,217,280.00 1,339,010.00 -
93 Pipa uk. 315 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 315 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 574,080.00 631,490.00 -
94 Pipa uk. 315 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 315 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 712,800.00 784,080.00 -
95 Pipa uk. 315 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 315 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 868,320.00 955,160.00 -
96 Pipa uk. 315 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 315 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 1,052,640.00 1,157,910.00 -
97 Pipa uk. 315 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 315 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 1,291,200.00 1,420,320.00 -
98 Pipa uk. 315 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 315 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 1,539,840.00 1,693,830.00 -
99 Pipa uk. 355 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 355 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 728,640.00 801,510.00 -
100 Pipa uk. 355 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 355 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 904,800.00 995,280.00 -
101 Pipa uk. 355 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 355 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 1,102,560.00 1,212,820.00 -
102 Pipa uk. 355 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 355 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 1,335,840.00 1,469,430.00 -
103 Pipa uk. 355 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 355 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 1,639,200.00 1,803,120.00 -
104 Pipa uk. 355 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 355 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 1,957,440.00 2,153,190.00 -
105 Pipa uk. 400 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 400 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 924,480.00 1,016,930.00 -
106 Pipa uk. 400 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 400 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 1,147,680.00 1,262,450.00 -
107 Pipa uk. 400 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 400 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 1,398,720.00 1,538,600.00 -
108 Pipa uk. 400 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 400 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 1,695,360.00 1,864,900.00 -
109 Pipa uk. 400 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 400 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 2,080,800.00 2,288,880.00 -
110 Pipa uk. 400 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 400 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 2,481,600.00 2,729,760.00 -
111 Pipa uk. 450 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 450 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 1,168,800.00 1,285,680.00 -
112 Pipa uk. 450 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 450 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 1,452,000.00 1,597,200.00 -
113 Pipa uk. 450 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 450 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 1,769,760.00 1,946,740.00 -
114 Pipa uk. 450 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 450 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 2,145,120.00 2,359,640.00 -
115 Pipa uk. 450 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 450 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 2,632,320.00 2,895,560.00 -
116 Pipa uk. 450 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 450 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 3,139,680.00 3,453,650.00 -
117 Pipa uk. 500 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 500 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 1,442,400.00 1,586,640.00 -
118 Pipa uk. 500 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 500 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 1,791,840.00 1,971,030.00 -
119 Pipa uk. 500 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 500 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 2,184,000.00 2,402,400.00 -
120 Pipa uk. 500 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 500 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 2,647,200.00 2,911,920.00 -
121 Pipa uk. 500 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 500 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 3,249,120.00 3,574,040.00 -
122 Pipa uk. 500 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR Pipa uk. 500 mm, Nominal Pressure 20 Bar ; 9 SDR m' 3,875,520.00 4,263,080.00 -
123 Pipa uk. 560 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 560 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 1,808,160.00 1,988,980.00 -
124 Pipa uk. 560 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 560 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 2,246,400.00 2,471,040.00 -
125 Pipa uk. 560 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 560 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 2,738,400.00 3,012,240.00 -
126 Pipa uk. 560 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 560 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 3,319,680.00 3,651,650.00 -
127 Pipa uk. 560 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 560 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 4,212,480.00 4,633,730.00 -
128 Pipa uk. 630 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 630 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 2,287,200.00 2,515,920.00 -
129 Pipa uk. 630 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 630 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 2,842,080.00 3,126,290.00 -
130 Pipa uk. 630 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 630 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 3,464,640.00 3,811,110.00 -
131 Pipa uk. 630 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 630 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 4,200,480.00 4,620,530.00 -
132 Pipa uk. 630 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR Pipa uk. 630 mm, Nominal Pressure 16 Bar ; 11 SDR m' 5,329,920.00 5,862,920.00 -
133 Pipa uk. 710 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 710 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 2,903,520.00 3,193,880.00 -
134 Pipa uk. 710 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 710 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 3,608,160.00 3,968,980.00 -
135 Pipa uk. 710 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 710 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 4,399,200.00 4,839,120.00 -
136 Pipa uk. 710 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 710 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 5,333,280.00 5,866,610.00 -
137 Pipa uk. 800 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 800 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 3,684,960.00 4,053,460.00 -
138 Pipa uk. 800 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 800 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 4,579,200.00 5,037,120.00 -
139 Pipa uk. 800 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 800 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 5,583,360.00 6,141,700.00 -
140 Pipa uk. 800 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR Pipa uk. 800 mm, Nominal Pressure 12,5 Bar ; 13,6 SDR m' 6,769,440.00 7,446,390.00 -
141 Pipa uk. 900 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 900 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 4,662,240.00 5,128,470.00 -
142 Pipa uk. 900 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 900 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 5,794,080.00 6,373,490.00 -
143 Pipa uk. 900 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 900 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 7,064,640.00 7,771,110.00 -
144 Pipa uk. 1000 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 1000 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 5,753,760.00 6,329,140.00 -
145 Pipa uk. 1000 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 1000 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 7,151,280.00 7,866,410.00 -
146 Pipa uk. 1000 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR Pipa uk. 1000 mm, Nominal Pressure 10 Bar ; 17 SDR m' 8,720,160.00 9,592,180.00 -
147 Pipa uk. 1200 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 1200 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 8,281,920.00 9,110,120.00 -
148 Pipa uk. 1200 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR Pipa uk. 1200 mm, Nominal Pressure 8 Bar ; 21 SDR m' 10,294,080.00 11,323,490.00 -
149 Pipa uk. 1400 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 1400 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR m' 11,269,440.00 12,396,390.00 -
150 Pipa uk. 1600 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR Pipa uk. 1600 mm, Nominal Pressure 6,3 Bar ; 26 SDR 14,715,840.00 16,187,430.00 -
a Lengkap Lengkap - -
1 PHB induk uk. 129 x 120 x 40 cm lengkap PHB induk uk. 129 x 120 x 40 cm lengkap unit 8,930,000.00 9,823,000.00 -
2 PHB pembagi uk. 69 x 59 x 40 cm lengkap PHB pembagi uk. 69 x 59 x 40 cm lengkap unit 2,105,000.00 2,315,500.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Jarak dari (Triwulan I)
Jarak dari Waktu Biaya Bongkar Waktu Waktu
Berat Bahan / Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Tempuh Waktu Tempuh Waktu Waktu Biaya Dump Biaya Kapal / Pelabuhan Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Lain
SPESIFIKASI Harga Dasar di Jakarta Harga Dasar Sumber Toko Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Waktu Muat Lain - Kap. Prod Kebut. Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Kap. Bak / Faktor Eff. Tempuh Tempuh Waktu Muat
Satuan muat kosong muat kosong siklus siklus Truck / Sat. Kap. Bak / Sat. Sat. Sorong ke muat kosong - lain
ke Pelabuhan Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. Eff. alat lain /Jam / Sat. Pekerja Sat. Jam / Sat. Hari / Sat. Sat. alat muat kosong
Base Camp
( Rp ) ( Rp ) (Kg/Sat.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Rp.) (Km) (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit)
No. Uraian Jenis Bahan dan Upah Kerja Sat.
3 PHB natrium ular uk. 69 x 59 x 40 cm lengkap PHB natrium ular uk. 69 x 59 x 40 cm lengkap unit 6,410,000.00 7,051,000.00 -
4 PHB traffic light uk. 50 x 30 x 23 cm lengkap PHB traffic light uk. 50 x 30 x 23 cm lengkap unit 1,475,000.00 1,622,500.00 -
b Kosong Kosong - -
1 PHB induk uk. 129 x 120 x 40 cm lengkap PHB induk uk. 129 x 120 x 40 cm lengkap unit 1,890,000.00 2,079,000.00 -
2 PHB pembagi uk. 69 x 59 x 40 cm lengkap PHB pembagi uk. 69 x 59 x 40 cm lengkap unit 787,000.00 865,700.00 -
3 PHB natrium ular uk. 69 x 59 x 40 cm lengkap PHB natrium ular uk. 69 x 59 x 40 cm lengkap unit 787,000.00 865,700.00 -
4 PHB traffic light uk. 50 x 30 x 23 cm lengkap PHB traffic light uk. 50 x 30 x 23 cm lengkap unit 520,000.00 572,000.00 -
c Panel Control Panel Control - -
1 VSD 5,5 kW SD 00 kW VSD 5,5 kW SD 00 kW kW 7,650,000.00 8,415,000.00 -
2 VSD 22 kW SD 40 kW VSD 22 kW SD 40 kW kW 3,980,000.00 4,378,000.00 -
3 VSD 45 kW SD 75 kW VSD 45 kW SD 75 kW kW 2,892,000.00 3,181,200.00 -
d Lain-lain Lain-lain - -
1 PHB induk PHB induk unit 760,000.00 836,000.00 -
2 PHB pembagi PHB pembagi unit 350,000.00 385,000.00 -
3 PHB natrium PHB natrium unit 330,000.00 363,000.00 -
4 PHB traffic light PHB traffic light unit 260,000.00 286,000.00 -
0 - -
1 BAS Server BAS Server lot 142,775,000.00 157,052,500.00 -
2 DDC Controller (Zone Controller) utk 24 lantai DDC Controller (Zone Controller) utk 24 lantai lot 32,800,000.00 36,080,000.00 -
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
(Triwulan I)


Sewa Excavator 80-140 HP / Jam = Rp 433,387.90 Kec. Rata2 Bermuatan 30
Sewa Wheel Loader (Kap. 1.0-1.6 M3) / Jam = Rp 504,921.02 Kec. Rata2 Kosong 40
Sewa Dump Truk (Kap. 3-4 M3) atau (Kap. 2500 Kg) /Jam Rp.E08.a = Rp 269,197.34
Sewa Pekerja / hari Rp.L01.a = Rp 10,000.00 PERHITUNGAN BIAYA ALAT PERHITUNGAN
Biaya Bongkar Jarak Tempuh (L) Kap. Waktu
Biaya Dump Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Ts11 = Rppek.2 = (7 Rp.pek.1 = (7 Qexc = T.wl.3 = Q.wl = ( V.wl x Rppek.2 = (7
Ts12 = Q4 = ( V x Fa x RpDT2 = (1 : Ts1 = (L1/v1) Ts2 = (L1/v2) x Ts3 = (V/Q1) x Ts5 = (Ts1+.. Q2 = ( V x Fa ) RpDT1 = (1 : Q2) x Te3 = Te4 = Te3 : Rp.exc = (1 : Twl.4 = Rp.wl = (1 : Q.wl)
(Ts7+.. P2 Jam x P / Qt) x Q1 Qt1 = 7 x Q1 V1 Fa v1 v2 Ts4 Ts6 = Ts5 : 60 P Jam x P ) / (Qt x V.exc Fb.e Fa.e Te1 Te2 ( V.exc x Fb.e V.wl Fb.wl Fa.wl Twl.1 Twl.2 (T.wl.1+T.wl Fb.wl x Fa.wl ) / P2 Jam x P2 / Qt)
Ts11 : 60 60 ) / Ts6 Q4) x Rp.E08.b x 60 60 60 +Ts4) / Ts6 Rp.E08.a (Te1+Te2) 60 Qexc) x Rp. E10 Twl.3 : 60 x Rp. E10
+Ts10) RpL01.a RpL01.a) x Fa.e ) / Te4 .2) Twl.4 x RpL01.a

Saoka Sorong Barat 8 3.00 21.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5.71 2.00 35.71 0.60 2.79 96,528.02 4.00 178.57
Saoka Sorong Barat 8 3.00 21.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5.71 2.00 35.71 0.60 2.79 96,528.02 4.00 178.57
Saoka Sorong Barat 8 3.00 21.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5.71 2.00 35.71 0.60 2.79 96,528.02 4.00 178.57
Saoka Sorong Barat 8 3.00 21.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5.71 2.00 35.71 0.60 2.79 96,528.02 4.00 178.57
Saoka Sorong Barat 8 3.00 21.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5.71 2.00 35.71 0.60 2.79 96,528.02 4.00 178.57
Saoka Sorong Barat 8 3.00 21.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5.71 2.00 35.71 0.60 2.79 96,528.02 4.00 178.57
Saoka Sorong Barat 8 3.00 21.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 8.57 2.00 38.57 0.64 3.87 69,500.17 4.00 119.05

Saoka Malanu 8 3.00 21.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 8.57 2.00 38.57 0.64 3.87 69,500.17 4.00 119.05
Saoka Malanu 8 3.00 21.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 8.57 2.00 38.57 0.64 3.87 69,500.17 4.00 119.05

Saoka Sorong Barat 8 3.00 21.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 8.57 2.00 38.57 0.64 3.87 69,500.17 4.00 119.05
Saoka Sorong Barat 8 3.00 21.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 8.57 2.00 38.57 0.64 3.87 69,500.17 4.00 119.05
Sorong Barat Sorong Barat 6 600.00 4,200.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 12.00 9.00 11.91 2.00 34.91 0.58 1,189.58 226.30 6.00 57.10

Saoka Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Saoka Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Saoka Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Saoka Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Saoka Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 0 8 30.00 210.00 17.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16 12 4.86 5.00 37.86 0.63 22.36 12,037.61 4.00 210.08
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 0 8 20.00 140.00 13.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16 12 5.57 5.00 38.57 0.64 16.78 16,038.50 4.00 183.15
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 0 8 15.00 105.00 10.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16 12 5.71 5.00 38.71 0.65 12.86 20,927.27 4.00 178.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 0 8 60.00 420.00 42.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16 12 6.00 5.00 39.00 0.65 53.63 5,019.46 4.00 170.07
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 0 8 400.00 2,800.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16 12 5.36 5.00 38.36 0.64 324.58 829.37 4.00 190.48
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 0 8 400.00 2,800.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16 12 5.36 5.00 38.36 0.64 324.58 829.37 4.00 190.48

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2.14 2.00 32.14 0.54 1.55 173,750.44 4.00 476.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2.14 2.00 32.14 0.54 1.55 173,750.44 4.00 476.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2.14 2.00 32.14 0.54 1.55 173,750.44 4.00 476.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2.14 2.00 32.14 0.54 1.55 173,750.44 4.00 476.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,071.43 2.00 1,101.43 18.36 22.61 11,907.70 4.00 0.95
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 358.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 767.14 2.00 797.14 13.29 22.37 12,036.34 4.00 1.33
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 358.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 767.14 2.00 797.14 13.29 22.37 12,036.34 4.00 1.33
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 358.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 767.14 2.00 797.14 13.29 22.37 12,036.34 4.00 1.33
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 278.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 595.71 2.00 625.71 10.43 22.13 12,166.70 4.00 1.71
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 157.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 336.43 2.00 366.43 6.11 21.34 12,616.27 4.00 3.03
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 157.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 336.43 2.00 366.43 6.11 21.34 12,616.27 4.00 3.03
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,071.43 2.00 1,101.43 18.36 22.61 11,907.70 4.00 0.95
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 358.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 767.14 2.00 797.14 13.29 22.37 12,036.34 4.00 1.33
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 278.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 595.71 2.00 625.71 10.43 22.13 12,166.70 4.00 1.71
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 228.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 488.57 2.00 518.57 8.64 21.90 12,294.62 4.00 2.09
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 193.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 413.57 2.00 443.57 7.39 21.67 12,423.61 4.00 2.47
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 148.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 317.14 2.00 347.14 5.79 21.23 12,679.09 4.00 3.22
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 157.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 336.43 2.00 366.43 6.11 21.34 12,616.27 4.00 3.03
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Biaya Bongkar Kap. Waktu (Triwulan I)
Biaya Dump Jarak Tempuh (L) Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 5,000.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 10,714.29 2.00 10,744.29 179.07 23.18 11,615.80 4.00 0.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 5,000.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 10,714.29 2.00 10,744.29 179.07 23.18 11,615.80 4.00 0.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 5,000.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 10,714.29 2.00 10,744.29 179.07 23.18 11,615.80 4.00 0.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 5,000.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 10,714.29 2.00 10,744.29 179.07 23.18 11,615.80 4.00 0.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 5,000.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 10,714.29 2.00 10,744.29 179.07 23.18 11,615.80 4.00 0.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 5,000.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 10,714.29 2.00 10,744.29 179.07 23.18 11,615.80 4.00 0.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 5,000.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 10,714.29 2.00 10,744.29 179.07 23.18 11,615.80 4.00 0.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 5,000.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 10,714.29 2.00 10,744.29 179.07 23.18 11,615.80 4.00 0.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 5,000.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 10,714.29 2.00 10,744.29 179.07 23.18 11,615.80 4.00 0.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 5,000.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 10,714.29 2.00 10,744.29 179.07 23.18 11,615.80 4.00 0.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,071.43 2.00 1,101.43 18.36 22.61 11,907.70 4.00 0.95
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,667.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 3,572.14 2.00 3,602.14 60.04 23.05 11,680.64 4.00 0.29
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,071.43 2.00 1,101.43 18.36 22.61 11,907.70 4.00 0.95
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 157.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 336.43 2.00 366.43 6.11 21.34 12,616.27 4.00 3.03
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 114.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 244.29 2.00 274.29 4.57 20.70 13,005.88 4.00 4.18
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 97.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 207.86 2.00 237.86 3.96 20.31 13,255.19 4.00 4.91
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 84.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 180.00 2.00 210.00 3.50 19.92 13,513.92 4.00 5.67
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 74.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 158.57 2.00 188.57 3.14 19.54 13,774.81 4.00 6.44
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 66.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 141.43 2.00 171.43 2.86 19.17 14,040.44 4.00 7.22
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 60.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 128.57 2.00 158.57 2.64 18.84 14,286.15 4.00 7.94
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 55.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 117.86 2.00 147.86 2.46 18.52 14,531.85 4.00 8.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,071.43 2.00 1,101.43 18.36 22.61 11,907.70 4.00 0.95
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 278.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 595.71 2.00 625.71 10.43 22.13 12,166.70 4.00 1.71
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 193.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 413.57 2.00 443.57 7.39 21.67 12,423.61 4.00 2.47
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 148.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 317.14 2.00 347.14 5.79 21.23 12,679.09 4.00 3.22
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 120.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 257.14 2.00 287.14 4.79 20.81 12,934.75 4.00 3.97
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 87.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 186.43 2.00 216.43 3.61 20.02 13,447.35 4.00 5.47
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 76.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 162.86 2.00 192.86 3.21 19.62 13,717.14 4.00 6.27
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 68.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 145.71 2.00 175.71 2.93 19.27 13,968.17 4.00 7.00
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 61.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 130.71 2.00 160.71 2.68 18.90 14,241.84 4.00 7.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 56.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 120.00 2.00 150.00 2.50 18.59 14,479.20 4.00 8.50
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,667.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 3,572.14 2.00 3,602.14 60.04 23.05 11,680.64 4.00 0.29
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 84.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 180.00 2.00 210.00 3.50 19.92 13,513.92 4.00 5.67
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 63.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 135.00 2.00 165.00 2.75 19.01 14,157.44 4.00 7.56
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 50.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 107.14 2.00 137.14 2.29 18.16 14,826.70 4.00 9.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 42.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 90.00 2.00 120.00 2.00 17.43 15,444.48 4.00 11.34
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 84.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 180.00 2.00 210.00 3.50 19.92 13,513.92 4.00 5.67
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,071.43 2.00 1,101.43 18.36 22.61 11,907.70 4.00 0.95
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,071.43 2.00 1,101.43 18.36 22.61 11,907.70 4.00 0.95
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 5,000.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 10,714.29 2.00 10,744.29 179.07 23.18 11,615.80 4.00 0.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 5,000.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 10,714.29 2.00 10,744.29 179.07 23.18 11,615.80 4.00 0.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,071.43 2.00 1,101.43 18.36 22.61 11,907.70 4.00 0.95
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,071.43 2.00 1,101.43 18.36 22.61 11,907.70 4.00 0.95
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Biaya Bongkar Kap. Waktu (Triwulan I)
Biaya Dump Jarak Tempuh (L) Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,071.43 2.00 1,101.43 18.36 22.61 11,907.70 4.00 0.95
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,667.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 3,572.14 2.00 3,602.14 60.04 23.05 11,680.64 4.00 0.29
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 4.29 2.00 34.29 0.57 2.91 92,666.90 4.00 238.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,071.43 2.00 1,101.43 18.36 22.61 11,907.70 4.00 0.95
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,071.43 2.00 1,101.43 18.36 22.61 11,907.70 4.00 0.95
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 358.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 767.14 2.00 797.14 13.29 22.37 12,036.34 4.00 1.33
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 358.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 767.14 2.00 797.14 13.29 22.37 12,036.34 4.00 1.33
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 5,000.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 10,714.29 2.00 10,744.29 179.07 23.18 11,615.80 4.00 0.10
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 157.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 336.43 2.00 366.43 6.11 21.34 12,616.27 4.00 3.03
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 84.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 180.00 2.00 210.00 3.50 19.92 13,513.92 4.00 5.67
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 72.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 154.29 2.00 184.29 3.07 19.46 13,835.68 4.00 6.61
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 56.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 120.00 2.00 150.00 2.50 18.59 14,479.20 4.00 8.50

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 50.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 107.14 2.00 137.14 2.29 18.16 14,826.70 4.00 9.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 50.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 107.14 2.00 137.14 2.29 18.16 14,826.70 4.00 9.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 50.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 107.14 2.00 137.14 2.29 18.16 14,826.70 4.00 9.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 50.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 107.14 2.00 137.14 2.29 18.16 14,826.70 4.00 9.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 50.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 107.14 2.00 137.14 2.29 18.16 14,826.70 4.00 9.52

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 63.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 135.00 2.00 165.00 2.75 19.01 14,157.44 4.00 7.56
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 63.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 135.00 2.00 165.00 2.75 19.01 14,157.44 4.00 7.56
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 63.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 135.00 2.00 165.00 2.75 19.01 14,157.44 4.00 7.56
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 63.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 135.00 2.00 165.00 2.75 19.01 14,157.44 4.00 7.56
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 63.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 135.00 2.00 165.00 2.75 19.01 14,157.44 4.00 7.56
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 50.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 107.14 2.00 137.14 2.29 18.16 14,826.70 4.00 9.52
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 63.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 135.00 2.00 165.00 2.75 19.01 14,157.44 4.00 7.56
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 63.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 135.00 2.00 165.00 2.75 19.01 14,157.44 4.00 7.56
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 63.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 135.00 2.00 165.00 2.75 19.01 14,157.44 4.00 7.56
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 63.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 135.00 2.00 165.00 2.75 19.01 14,157.44 4.00 7.56
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 63.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 135.00 2.00 165.00 2.75 19.01 14,157.44 4.00 7.56
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 6.43 2.00 36.43 0.61 4.10 65,639.05 4.00 158.73

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 3.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Biaya Bongkar Kap. Waktu (Triwulan I)
Biaya Dump Jarak Tempuh (L) Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 313.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 670.71 2.00 700.71 11.68 22.25 12,101.47 4.00 1.52

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.0
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Biaya Bongkar Kap. Waktu (Triwulan I)
Biaya Dump Jarak Tempuh (L) Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 715.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,532.14 2.00 1,562.14 26.04 22.79 11,810.17 4.00 0.67
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 715.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,532.14 2.00 1,562.14 26.04 22.79 11,810.17 4.00 0.67
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 715.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,532.14 2.00 1,562.14 26.04 22.79 11,810.17 4.00 0.67
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 715.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,532.14 2.00 1,562.14 26.04 22.79 11,810.17 4.00 0.67
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 715.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,532.14 2.00 1,562.14 26.04 22.79 11,810.17 4.00 0.67
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 715.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,532.14 2.00 1,562.14 26.04 22.79 11,810.17 4.00 0.67
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 90.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 192.86 2.00 222.86 3.71 20.11 13,385.22 4.00 5.29
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 90.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 192.86 2.00 222.86 3.71 20.11 13,385.22 4.00 5.29
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,071.43 2.00 1,101.43 18.36 22.61 11,907.70 4.00 0.95
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,071.43 2.00 1,101.43 18.36 22.61 11,907.70 4.00 0.95
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 2,500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 5,357.14 2.00 5,387.14 89.79 23.11 11,648.23 4.00 0.19
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 84.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 180.00 2.00 210.00 3.50 19.92 13,513.92 4.00 5.67
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 90.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 192.86 2.00 222.86 3.71 20.11 13,385.22 4.00 5.29
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 90.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 192.86 2.00 222.86 3.71 20.11 13,385.22 4.00 5.29
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 109.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 233.57 2.00 263.57 4.39 20.59 13,071.13 4.00 4.37
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 84.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 180.00 2.00 210.00 3.50 19.92 13,513.92 4.00 5.67
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 90.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 192.86 2.00 222.86 3.71 20.11 13,385.22 4.00 5.29
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 90.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 192.86 2.00 222.86 3.71 20.11 13,385.22 4.00 5.29
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 100.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 214.29 2.00 244.29 4.07 20.39 13,205.03 4.00 4.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 109.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 233.57 2.00 263.57 4.39 20.59 13,071.13 4.00 4.37
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 125.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 267.86 2.00 297.86 4.96 20.90 12,880.70 4.00 3.81
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Biaya Bongkar Kap. Waktu (Triwulan I)
Biaya Dump Jarak Tempuh (L) Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,000.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,142.86 2.00 2,172.86 36.21 22.92 11,745.53 4.00 0.48
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 715.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,532.14 2.00 1,562.14 26.04 22.79 11,810.17 4.00 0.67
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 556.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,191.43 2.00 1,221.43 20.36 22.67 11,875.03 4.00 0.86
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,071.43 2.00 1,101.43 18.36 22.61 11,907.70 4.00 0.95
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 455.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 975.00 2.00 1,005.00 16.75 22.55 11,939.77 4.00 1.05
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Biaya Bongkar Kap. Waktu (Triwulan I)
Biaya Dump Jarak Tempuh (L) Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 715.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,532.14 2.00 1,562.14 26.04 22.79 11,810.17 4.00 0.67
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 625.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,339.29 2.00 1,369.29 22.82 22.73 11,842.83 4.00 0.76
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 556.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,191.43 2.00 1,221.43 20.36 22.67 11,875.03 4.00 0.86
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 500.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,071.43 2.00 1,101.43 18.36 22.61 11,907.70 4.00 0.95
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 455.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 975.00 2.00 1,005.00 16.75 22.55 11,939.77 4.00 1.05
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 417.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 893.57 2.00 923.57 15.39 22.49 11,972.25 4.00 1.14
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 385.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 825.00 2.00 855.00 14.25 22.42 12,004.58 4.00 1.24
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 358.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 767.14 2.00 797.14 13.29 22.37 12,036.34 4.00 1.33

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Biaya Bongkar Kap. Waktu (Triwulan I)
Biaya Dump Jarak Tempuh (L) Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Biaya Bongkar Kap. Waktu (Triwulan I)
Biaya Dump Jarak Tempuh (L) Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Biaya Bongkar Kap. Waktu (Triwulan I)
Biaya Dump Jarak Tempuh (L) Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Biaya Bongkar Kap. Waktu (Triwulan I)
Biaya Dump Jarak Tempuh (L) Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Biaya Bongkar Kap. Waktu (Triwulan I)
Biaya Dump Jarak Tempuh (L) Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Biaya Bongkar Kap. Waktu (Triwulan I)
Biaya Dump Jarak Tempuh (L) Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 297.86 2.00 327.86 5.46 21.11 12,750.03 4.00 3.43
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 139.00 0.83
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Biaya Bongkar Kap. Waktu (Triwulan I)
Biaya Dump Jarak Tempuh (L) Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Biaya Bongkar Kap. Waktu (Triwulan I)
Biaya Dump Jarak Tempuh (L) Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Biaya Bongkar Kap. Waktu (Triwulan I)
Biaya Dump Jarak Tempuh (L) Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 535.71 2.00 565.71 9.43 22.01 12,232.03 4.00 1.90

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Biaya Bongkar Kap. Waktu (Triwulan I)
Biaya Dump Jarak Tempuh (L) Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 179.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 383.57 2.00 413.57 6.89 21.55 12,489.32 4.00 2.66
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 209.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 447.86 2.00 477.86 7.96 21.78 12,359.28 4.00 2.28
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85

Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 167.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 357.86 2.00 387.86 6.46 21.44 12,554.42 4.00 2.85
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Biaya Bongkar Kap. Waktu (Triwulan I)
Biaya Dump Jarak Tempuh (L) Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 1,250.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 2,678.57 2.00 2,708.57 45.14 22.98 11,713.10 4.00 0.38
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Biaya Bongkar Kap. Waktu (Triwulan I)
Biaya Dump Jarak Tempuh (L) Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 834.00 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 1,787.14 2.00 1,817.14 30.29 22.86 11,777.81 4.00 0.57
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0
Basic Price 2010
Edisi Bulan Januari - April
Biaya Bongkar Kap. Waktu (Triwulan I)
Biaya Dump Jarak Tempuh (L) Kec. Rata2 Kec. Rata2 Waktu Waktu Tempuh Biaya Dump Truck / Biaya Pekerja / Faktor Waktu Lain Kap. Prod Biaya Excavator / Kap. Faktor Waktu Waktu Lain Biaya Wheel L. / Biaya Pekerja /
Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Muat Pekerja / Kap. Prod / Kap. Prod / Hari / Waktu Muat Waktu Lain - lain Waktu siklus Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam / Kebut. Bucket Faktor Gali + Waktu siklus Faktor Waktu siklus Kap. Prod /Jam
Truck / Sat. Kebut. Pekerja Kap. Bak / Sat. Faktor Eff. alat muat kosong Tempuh muat kosong Sat. Sat. Efisiensi - lain /Jam Sat. Bucket Efisiensi Muat - lain M3 Kebut. Pekerja Sat.
Sat. Sat. Quarry Tmbn Srg Jam / Sat. Sat. Sat. Pekerja Exc. Bucket Muat Bucket
Alat Alat
(Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) Km Km Km (Km/Jam) (Km/Jam) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (Rp.) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (M3) (Menit) (Menit) (Menit) (Jam) (M3) (Rp.) (Rp.)
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
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Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
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Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
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Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
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Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 4.00 #DIV/0!
Sorong Sorong Barat 8 4.00 28.00 #DIV/0! 0.83 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 #DIV/0! 2.00 #DIV/0!

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