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Puji syukur kepada Tuhan YME karena limpahan rahmat dan karunianya sehingga E-Book Rumah
Beasiswa “Peluang Beasiswa S1/S3 di Luar Negeri” tahun 2018 dapat diselesaikan dengan baik. E-
Book ini merupakan salah satu alat bantu yang memudahkan peserta workshop untuk mencari
beasiswa yang available dan memungkinkan untuk diperoleh. Sangat diharapkan setiap peserta
mendapatkan kesempatan lolos beasiswa luar negeri seperti apa yang dicita-citakan.

Rumah Beasiswa mengucapakan terima kasih kepada Dr.Eng. Nugroho Agung Pambudi, M.Eng.
yang telah berkontribusi secara aktif dalam penulisan E-Book ini. Ucapan terima kasih tak lupa kami
sampaikan untuk seluruh staf Rumah Beasiswa serta semua pihak yang telah ikut membantu dalam
penyelesaian E-Book ini.

Kami menyadari masih terdapat kekurangan dalam E-Book ini untuk itu kritik dan saran terhadap
penyempurnaan E-Book ini sangat diharapkan. Semoga E-Book ini dapat memberi maanfaat bagi
peserta workshop “Strategi Tembus Beasiswa Luar Negeri” dan bagi semua pihak yang

Solo, Februari 2018

Rumah Beasiswa


1. IDE-JETRO Research Fellowships for International Students in Japan, 2018

a. Deskripsi
Applications are invited for IDE-JETRO Research Fellows for JFY 2018 to study in Japan.
Researchers of all nationalities are eligible to apply for this fellowship. Applications are
invited for IDE-JETRO Research Fellows for JFY 2018 to study in Japan. Researchers of all
nationalities are eligible to apply for this fellowship. Every applicant must have PhD Even if
you have 2 master’s degrees, you are not qualified unless you have a PhD.
b. Beasiswa
Determined by age and work experiences as per IDE-JETRO policies
c. Deskripsi beasiswa
Fellowships are available to pursue research. Research Fellows of development studies
(economic growth, economic integration, trade and investment, technological innovation,
environment and natural resources, urban economy, rural areas and agriculture, population,
education, health and labor, fiscal and monetary policies, industrial organization, the legal
system, and other development-related issues).
d. Persyaratan :
 Applicants must hold a PhD (or expected to receive a PhD by March 2019). We accept
applicants of all nationality. Positions are offered as tenure-track or other fixed-term
contracts. An applicant with a distinctive capacity may be offered tenure immediately.
 English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are
usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level
required by the University.
e. Prosedur pendaftaran
 Registration: All applicants must register online first.
 Documents: All applicants must provide the following by a postal or courier mail:
 We do not accept the submission via e-mail.
 Curriculum Vitae with a recent photograph (Download a template on our website)
 An essay explaining your motivation for applying for the position (either in English or
Japanese, not exceeding one A4 size page)
 list of your academic publications, including books, monographs, research papers, and
other works in English and, if applicable, in Japanese
 Letter of recommendation from a professor or senior researcher from your institute or
any comparable institution
 copy of your PhD dissertation
 opy of one major academic publication (book, monograph, research paper, or refereed
article in English or Japanese)
 One copy of the abstracts of items listed in (e) and (f)
 Copies of diploma and certificates of Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctor’s degrees. (To be
submitted after a job offer is made.)
f. Batas waktu pendaftaran : April 17, 2018
g. Website:

2. 2018-2019 Hybrid Twinning Program Scholarship (HBT) at Shibaura Institute of
Technology, Japan.
a. Deskripsi
Applications are invited for Hybrid Twinning Program Scholarship (HBT) at Shibaura
Institute of Technology, Japan for the academic year 2018/2019. The students from partner
universities of HBT are eligible. All students completed the Master’s program at SIT will be
designed to enroll in its Doctor’s Program through the entrance examination for the Doctor’s
program and study for another three years toward his/her SIT Doctor’s Degree.
b. Beasiswa
 SIT entrance examination fee: 35,000yen
 SIT entrance fee: 260,000yen
 SIT tuition fee: 1,305,000yen/year
 Living allowance: 100,000yen/month, at a maximum of four years starting from
October 2018.
 Reward for Leaning Facilitator: 42,000yen/month
c. Deskripsi beasiswa
Scholarships are available to pursue Master and Doctoral programme. Nationality: Students
from Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia are eligible to apply. Number of
Scholarships: 1-2 scholarships will be awarded. Scholarship can be taken in Japan. Students
from Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia are eligible to apply.
d. Persyaratan
 Be either a student or an academic staff of the partner universities
 Have completed one academic year in the Master’s course (graduate level) at home
universities or held the Master’s degree (or the equivalent) as of September 2018
 Be under 33 years of age as of April 1st, 2018
 Have held academic performance of at least top 10% of the class both at the
undergraduate and the graduate level
 Have good English skill – preferably 550 scores in TOEFL PBT (or 80 scores in
 Be physically and mentally healthy
e. Batas waktu pendaftaran : February 12, 2018
f. Website: www.

3. Summer Scholarship Program for International Students at Okayama University in Japan,

a. Deskripsi
The Okayama University is inviting applications are for Summer School Scholarships which
runs from July 1, 2018 – July 14, 2018. This is a two weeks programme available for
international students.

b. Beasiswa
Students who are applying from one of our partner institutions and have an academic record of
good standing are encouraged to apply for our scholarship program (80,000 JPY).
c. Deskripsi beasiswa
Course Level : This is a summer programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in “SETOUCHI – Its Natural Environment and Society”
Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Scholarship Award: The official transcript from our partner institutions submitted with students’
applications for this Summer Program will be referred to when consideration is given to which
students satisfy the criteria for the scholarship. The award decision will be made on June 1, 2018

d. Persyaratan
Eligible Countries: Students from all around the world are eligible.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
Undergraduate students who are studying in universities with which Okayama University has
an agreement for academic or student exchange will be given priority. Undergraduate students
from other overseas higher education institutions are also encouraged to apply. However, such
candidates cannot be considered as candidates for the JASSO scholarship.

Language Requirements:
Since English is the medium language of instruction in this program, students are required to be
proficient in English. Students who are non-native speaker of English must submit one of the
following documents as proof of English proficiency,
 TOEFL iBT 61 or above
 IELTS 5.5 with an equivalent mark of the CEFR B2 level or above
 Other English test scores which can be considered as equivalent to the CEFR
 B2 level or above.

e. Batas waktu pendaftaran :

 First deadline : February 14, 2018 (Wednesday)
 Second deadline : March 7, 2018 (Wednesday)

f. Website: -

4. JSPS Bridge Research Fellowship Program for International Students in Japan, 2018
a. Deskripsi
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science was established with an imperial endowment in
1932. The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), or Gakushin for short, is an
independent administrative institution, established by way of a national law for the purpose of
contributing to the advancement of science in all fields of the natural and social sciences and the
humanities. JSPS plays a pivotal role in the administration of a wide spectrum of Japan’s
scientific and academic programs.

b. Beasiswa
 A round-trip air ticket (based on JSPS regulations)
 Daily maintenance allowance of ¥15,000
 Overseas travel insurance coverage
 A research support allowance is available to cover cooperative research-related
expenses. The application is made by the host researcher through his/her institution.
This allowance may be applied for in an amount of up to ¥150,000.

c. Batas waktu pendaftaran & Scholarship Description:
 Application Deadline : March 14, 2018
 Course Level : Fellowships are available to pursue research.
 Study Subject : All fields of the humanities, social sciences, and natural
sciences are included under this program.

Scholarship Award:
Nationality: All nationalities
Number of Scholarships: Total of around 40 for FY 2018.
JSPS allocates quotas to alumni associations via the JSPS office in their country or region. For
countries without a JSPS office, the allocations are made to a JSPS-designated official in a Japanese
* The number of quotas allocated to alumni associations may be changed based on the degree of
collaborative relations with Japanese researchers/institutions created, sustained and/or strengthened.
Scholarship can be taken in Japan
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Students of all nationalities are eligible to apply for this fellowship.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible, a researcher must meet both of the following requirements.
Be a researcher who has experienced research in Japan under a JSPS program and who is
currently a regular member of an officially recognized JSPS alumni association
Agreement by host researcher to all seven items of support in FormB (Agreement by Host
*Upon receiving a recommendation from an alumni association/JSPS office, JSPS contacts the
proposed host researcher in Japan. When doing so, there have been cases when proposed hosts said
that they could not provide the support stipulated in Form2 or could not host the fellow. Therefore,
researchers should communicate fully with their proposed Japanese hosts before applying.
* Researchers who have already been supported under this program in either FY2013, FY2014,
FY2015, FY2016, or FY2017 are ineligible for this award.
* Each alumni association has its own screening criteria (Provision C). Please check the screening
criteria (Provision C) of your alumni association before applying.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required
to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.
Japan Scholarships

d. Prosedur Pendaftaran
How to Apply: The alumni association/JSPS office screen the submitted applications and send
candidate recommendations along with the required documents (sub-paragraphs 1) and 2) below)
via the Internet to the address provided by JSPS by the deadlines stipulated in the application
All paper used in applications should be A4 size. The format prescribed by JSPS should be used
for recommendations. The size or format of the forms should NOT be altered by applicants.
Application documents prepared by applicants (and submitted to the alumni association/JSPS
a) Application for JSPS BRIDGE Fellowship (Form A) PDF
b) Agreement by Host Researcher (Form B) PDF
* Applicants should provide the alumni association/JSPS office with any other documents
they wish to be submitted.

Recommendation documents prepared by applicant’s alumni association in coordination with the
JSPS office
a) List of Recommended from BRIDGE Nominating Committee
b) Letters of Recommendation from BRIDGE Nominating Committee
c) Provisions a), b), c) ,d)

5. Ajinomoto Scholarship for Masters Students in Japan, 2018

Applications are invited for Ajinomoto Scholarship for ASEAN+ one International Students who wish
to enrol in a master’s course in one of the sciences (at specified graduate schools) at the University of
Tokyo, Kyoto University, Nagoya University, Ochanomizu University, Waseda University and
Kagawa Nutrition University.
It aims to cultivate individuals capable of leading Asia in the twenty-first century and to contribute to
the development of Asia and the world as well as to mutual understanding between these countries
and Japan.
Scholarship Description:
Application deadline : Early March 2018
Course Level : Scholarship is available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject : Scholarship is awarded to study master’s course in one of the sciences (at specified
graduate schools) at the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Nagoya University, Ochanomizu
University, Waseda University and Kagawa Nutrition University.
Scholarship Award: a) Research Student at graduate school: ¥150,000/month (for 1 year). b) Master’s
Course Student at graduate school: ¥180,000/month (for 2 years). c) Examination, admission and
tuition fees: covered in full. d) Airfare to Japan: provide a one-way air ticket from one of the 6
countries (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam or Russia) to Japan (economy
class flight ticket, in principle).
Nationality: This program enables students from six countries (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Vietnam, and Russia).
Number of Scholarships: One student from each of the 6 countries (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Vietnam, and Russia).
Scholarship can be taken at designated universities in Japan
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: This program enables students from six countries (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia,
the Philippines, Vietnam, and Russia).
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following requirements:
Applicants who wish to enrol in a master’s course in one of the sciences (at specified graduate
schools) at the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Nagoya University, Ochanomizu University,
Waseda University and Kagawa Nutrition University (hereinafter “Universities”) and who fulfill the
following requirements and qualifications.
The applicant must be a citizen of Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam or Russia.
The applicant must have graduated or be expected to graduate with an excellent academic record
(with 16 years of education completed or expected to be completed) and must receive the
recommendation of his/her university president or academic advisor or be otherwise qualified to
enroll in the University.
The applicant must be under the age of 35 on April 1, 2019.
In principle, the applicant must be able to obtain approval of acceptance as either a postgraduate
international research student (hereinafter “Research Student”) or a graduate school student (master’s

course) (hereinafter “Master’s Course Student”) from the University and be registered as a Research
Student or a Master’s Course Student for April 2019 or October 2019.
The applicant must acquire adequate Japanese language proficiency that is required in order to
research and study in a master’s course when enrolling as a Master’s Course Student.
The applicant must file an application and attend selection procedures in the country eligible for this
The applicant must be in good physical and mental health and have a strong motivation for learning.
The applicant must not be receiving other scholarships.
English Language Requirements: The applicant must acquire adequate Japanese language proficiency
that is required in order to research and study in a master’s course when enrolling as a Master’s
Course Student.
Japan Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Applicants must meet the following requirements:
Application form and study program (specified form);
Transcript of scholastic record issued by the university or graduate school attended (or certified true
copy transcript from the university, if the university does not issue copies of transcripts);
A letter of recommendation from academic advisor (specified form);
Photocopied documents proving Japanese proficiency of the applicant (such as results of JPLT, EJU
and other tests provided by Japanese training institutions) when required by the University; TOEFL
and GRE scores when required by the graduate school which the applicant wishes to enroll.
The documents submitted shall not be returned under any circumstances.

6. Yasuo Kato International Foundation Scholarship in Japan, 2018

Kato Asao International Scholarship Foundation calls for the scholarship to support international
students from Asian countries. Scholarships are available to pursue master and PhD programme.
This scholarship is aimed to provide financial assistance to Asian students.
Kyoto University or Kyodai is a national university in Kyoto, Japan. It is the second oldest Japanese
university, one of Asia’s highest ranked universities and one of Japan’s National Seven Universities.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 1, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master and PhD programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to learn any of the courses offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Amount of award: Master’s Program 130,000 yen/month (1 or 2years)
PhD Program 150,000 yen / month (1 or 2years)
Nationality: Asian countries
Number of Scholarships: One scholarship award is available.
Scholarship can be taken in Japan
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Students from Asian countries are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Entrance Requirements: Kato Asao International Scholarship Foundation calls for the scholarship to
support international students (Limited to those from Asian countries). Communicative Japanese
language skill is required.
English Language Requirements: Communicative Japanese language skill is required.
Japan Scholarships
Application Procedure:

How to Apply:
Application guidelines are generally closed to the public, applicants who wish to apply should apply
for application guidelines and application/recommendation forms to the School Affairs Section
graduate school.
Other Documents to be Submitted Certificate of Academic Transcript (copy available) after
undergraduate enrollment for in-campus selection for Declaration of Understanding and Agreement
on Application for International Student Scholarship Application / Japanese and English.

7. East Asian Circle of Applied Technology Graduate Scholarship in Japan, 2018

Applications are invited for East Asian Circle of Applied Technology Foundation Scholarship for
International Asian Students at the University of Tokyo in Japan. Scholarships are available to pursue
graduate degree programme.
The University of Tokyo abbreviated as Todai or UTokyo, is a public research university located in
Bunkyo, Tokyo, often cited as the most prestigious university in Japan. Academic Ranking of World
Universities ranked the University of Tokyo 1st in Asia and 20th in the world in 2012.
Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specific English language/other
language requirements in order to be able to study there.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 10(Sat), 2018
Course Level: Scholarship is available for the graduate programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in the field of science and engineering.
Scholarship Award: Scholarship of Amount: 30,000 JPY/month will be awarded, Duration: one year
from April 2018 to March 2019.
Nationality: Students from Asian countries are eligible
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Japan
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: International students from Asian countries are eligible.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have a
Privately financed international students from Asian countries, studying at a graduate school in the
field of science and engineering as regular students.
Those who are not receiving more than 150,000 JPY from other foundations
Those who are able to attend the monthly seminar hosted by the foundation (in principle, the second
Sunday of each month).
English Language Requirements: Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet
specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study there.
Japan Scholarship
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Applicants must submit the following documents directly to the foundation.
(1) Application form (Foundation form)
(2) Research theme and plan in Japanese, up to 1,000 characters
(3) Certificate of enrollment
(4) Academic transcript
(5) Copy of your passport (copy of a page with your photo)
For details, see the Application Guidelines(only in Japanese)

8. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for International Teachers, 2018
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) offers scholarships to
international teachers. The scholarship is available to conduct research on school education at
designated Japanese universities.
Its aim is to foster human resources who will become bridges of friendship between the scholarship
recipient’s country and Japan through study in Japan and who will contribute to the development of
both countries and the wider world.
Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: January 26, 2018
Course Level: The scholarship is available for teachers
Study Subject: The scholarship is awarded in the fields offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: The scholarship will cover the followings:
(1) Allowance: 143,000 yen per month. In case that the recipient researchers in a designated region,
2,000 or 3,000 yen per month will be added. The monetary amount each year may be subject to
change due to budgetary reasons. The scholarship is cancelled in principle if the recipient is absent
from the university for an extended period. The scholarship will be also cancelled in principle in the
following situations. If the recipient has been receiving the scholarship despite his/her falling under
any of the following situations, the recipient will be ordered to return the amount of scholarship that
he/she received during the period wherein he/she was involved with any of the following situations:
Is the recipient judged to have made a false statement on his/her application?
The recipient violates any article of his/her pledge to the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology?
The recipient violates any Japanese laws and is sentenced to imprisonment with or without work for
life or for a period of exceeding 1 year?
The recipient is expelled from his/her university or receives other punishment, or is removed from
enrollment. The scholarship payment may be stopped during the period up until punishment is
decided by the university?
It has been determined that it will be impossible for the recipient to complete the study course within
the standard time period because of poor academic grades, suspension or absent from the university?
The recipient’s residence status has been changed to one other than “Student”?
The recipient has received a scholarship from another institution (excluding those specified as being
for research expenditures).
(2) Tuition and Other Fees: Fees for the entrance examination, matriculation and tuition at universities
will be paid by MEXT.
(3) Transportation
Transportation to Japan: In principle, MEXT stipulates the travel schedule and route, and provides an
economy-class airline ticket for the flight from the international airport closest to the recipient’s
residence (in principle, the country of nationality) to the Narita International Airport or to any other
international airport in Japan on the normal route to the accepting university. The recipient shall bear
at his/her own expense all cost related to domestic travel from the recipient’s residence to the nearest
international airport, airport taxes, airport usage fees, special taxes necessary for travel, travel
expenses within Japan (including airline transit costs), travel insurance expenses, expenses related to
accompanied or unaccompanied baggage, etc. Although The address in the home country stated in the
application form is in principle regarded as the recipient’s “home country residence,” if it will be
changed at the time of leaving from his/her home country the changed address will be regarded as
“home country residence.”) The recipient shall also bear at his/her own expense travel from his/her
home country to a third country and travel and lodging costs incurred in a third country if the recipient

must travel to a third country before coming to Japan for visa purposes because there are no Japanese
diplomatic missions in his/her country. In this case, MEXT will provide the airline ticket from the
third country to Narita International Airport or to any other international airport in Japan on the
normal route to the accepting university. In principle, MEXT will not provide the airline ticket in
cases when the recipient arrives in Japan from a country other than the country of nationality due to
personal circumstances, excepting for the case that the recipient must travel to a third country before
coming to Japan for visa purposes.
Transportation from Japan: In principle, the recipient who returns to his/her home country within the
fixed period after the expiration of his/her scholarship will be provided, upon application, with an
economy-class airline ticket for travel from the Narita International Airport or any other international
airport in Japan that the accepting university usually uses to the international airport nearest to his/her
home address, wherein principle is in the country of nationality. The recipient shall bear at his/her
own expense all costs related to travel from the recipient’s residence to the nearest international
airport, airport taxes, airport usage fees, special taxes necessary for travel, travel expenses within the
country of nationality (including airline transit costs), travel insurance expenses, expenses related to
accompanied or unaccompanied baggage, etc.
Should the recipient return to his/her home country before the end of the scholarship period due to
personal circumstances, or reasons 4 (1) ? to ? above, the transportation fee for the return to the home
country will not be provided. Should the recipient not return to his/her home country soon after the
end of the scholarship period to resume his/her duties, the transportation fee for the return to the home
country will also not be provided
Nationality: International
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Japan
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Applicants must have the nationality of a country that has diplomatic relations
with Japan. An applicant who has Japanese nationality at the time of application is not eligible.
However, persons with dual nationality who hold Japanese nationality and whose place of residence at
the time of application is outside of Japan are eligible to apply as long as they choose the nationality
of the foreign country and give up their Japanese nationality by the date of their arrival in Japan. The
first applicant screening will be conducted at the Japanese Embassy or Consulate (hereinafter referred
to “Japanese diplomatic mission”) in the country of applicant’s nationality.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet following criteria:
Age: Applicants must be born on or after April 2, 1983. Exceptions are limited to only those
applicants deemed by MEXT to have been unable to apply within the period of age eligibility due to
the system or circumstances (loss of educational opportunities due to military service obligation, war,
etc.) in the country of nationality. Under no circumstances will exceptions be made for personal
reasons (financial, family, health, university, employment situation, etc.)
Academic and Career Background: Applicants must be graduates of universities or teacher training
schools and have worked as teachers at primary/secondary educational institutions or teacher training
school (excluding universities) in their home countries for five years in total as of April 1, 2018. In-
service university faculty members are not eligible.
Japanese Language Ability: Applicants must be keen to learn Japanese. Applicants must be interested
in Japan and be keen to deepen their understanding of Japan after arriving in Japan. Applicants must
also have the ability to do research and adapt to living in Japan.
Health: Applicants must submit a health certificate in the prescribed format signed by a physician that
the applicant has no physical or mental conditions hindering the applicant’s study in Japan.

Arrival in Japan: Applicants must be able to arrive in Japan by the designated period (usually
September of October) between the day two weeks before the course starts and the first day of the
course. If the applicant arrives in Japan before this period for personal reasons, travel expenses to
Japan will not be paid. Excluding cases of unavoidable circumstances, if the applicant cannot arrive in
Japan by the end of the designated period the applicant must withdraw the offer.
Visa Requirement: Applicants should, in principle, acquire “Student” visas at the Japanese diplomatic
missions located in the country of applicants’ nationality before entering Japan and enter Japan with
“Student” residence status. To satisfy this requirement, even if an applicant already has another status
of residence in Japan (“Permanent Resident,” “Long-Term Resident,” etc.), the applicant must change
the visa status to “Student” and then re-enter Japan. Please be aware that even if the applicant applies
for the permanent-resident or long-term resident status of residence after the expiration of the status as
a Japanese Government Scholarship student, the possibility exists that the application may not be
Applicants must return to their home country and resume their work immediately after the end of the
scholarship period. Applicants shall utilize in their teaching careers the results of their research on
school education in Japan. Should the applicant not return to the home country and resume work after
the end of the scholarship period, the applicant must return the entire amount of the scholarship
starting from the first payment.
In addition, while the applicant is studying in Japan, he/she shall contribute to mutual understanding
between Japan and the home country by participating in activities at schools and communities with
the aim of contributing to the internationalization of Japan. The applicant shall make efforts to
promote relations between the home country and Japan by maintaining close relations with the
university attended after graduation, cooperating with the conducting of surveys and questionnaires
after the return home, and cooperating with all relevant projects and events conducted by Japanese
diplomatic missions in the applicant’s country.
Any applicant who meets any or all of the following conditions is ineligible. If identified after the
start of the scholarship period, the applicant will be required to withdraw from the scholarship:
Those who are military personnel or military civilian employees at the time of their arrival in Japan
and during the scholarship period?
Those who have received a Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship in the past?
Those who have also applied for another program for which scholarship payments will begin in fiscal
2018 through a Japanese Government (MEXT) scholarship scheme or for a fiscal 2019 Embassy
Recommendation program (for Research Students)?
Those who are already enrolled in a Japanese university with a residence status of “Student,” or who
are enrolled, or plan to enroll, in a Japanese university as a privately-financed international student
from the time of application to the MEXT scholarship program in the applicant’s country until the
commencement of the period for payment of the MEXT scholarship?
Those who are planning to receive scholarship money from an organization other than MEXT
(including a government organization of the applicant’s country) on top of the scholarship money
provided by MEXT after the arrival in Japan?
Holders of dual nationality at the time of application who cannot verify that they will give up
Japanese nationality by the time of the arrival in Japan?
Those who change their residence status to that of other than “Student” after their arrival in Japan.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must meet the language requirements of the host

9. MetCenter Grant Programs Grants for International Applicants, 2018
Applications for the 2018-2019 Metropolitan Center for Far Eastern Art Studies grant programs are
now available for suitably qualified candidates from all over the world.
The Metropolitan Center for Eastern Art Studies provides grants to promote the study of East Asian
Art throughout the world.
The Center provides grants for Japanese and non-Japanese scholars of the arts of East Asia at
advanced levels of achievement.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: December 31, 2017
Course Level: The grant is available for Eastern Art Studies.
Study Subject: The grant is awarded in the field of Art.
Scholarship Award: The grant will cover the followings:
Travel costs
Acquisition of photographs and other materials
Dissertation Research
For overseas travel and research for graduate students. Students must complete all requirements for
the PhD except the dissertation by March 1st prior to the grant period.
Nationality: Japanese and International
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Japan
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Japanese and non-Japanese
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have a previous year degree.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must meet the necessary language proficiency
requirements of the host institution.
International Scholarship
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Applications must be completed and postmarked by December 31.

10. 50 Mitsubishi Corporation International Scholarships in Japan, 2018

Japan Educational Exchange and Services (JEES), with the support of Mitsubishi Corporation
(Takehiko Kakiuchi, President, and CEO), is delighted to announce Mitsubishi Corporation
International Scholarship for the year 2018.
The aim of the scholarship is to provide financial aid to international students to study in Japan.
The Scholarship is intended to provide support to outstanding foreign students who are studying at
Japanese universities and graduate schools at their own expense. It is hoped that this will both help
alleviate the financial concerns and enhance the learning effectiveness of the recipients.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: December 18, 2017
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Undergraduate, Master and Doctoral programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to learn any of the courses offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Undergraduate: ¥100,000/Month, Graduate / Doctorate: ¥150,000/Month.
Nationality: Students of any nationality other than Japan.
Number of Scholarships: 50 new recipients.
Scholarship can be taken in Japan
Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Students of any nationality other than Japan are eligible to apply for this
Entrance Requirements: Only applicants who meet all of the following criteria will be considered:
(1) A student with citizenship of a country other than Japan and who are paying their own expenses
(2) Someone who intends to study in Japan as an official undergraduate student, graduate student or
doctoral student as of April 2018
(3) Someone in need of financial assistance (someone who pays for a large portion of their own
expenses through part-time work, etc.)
(4) Someone who doesn’t receive other scholarships except for loan scholarships, tuition exemption
or one-time lump sum scholarships.
(5) Someone who is eligible to receive the Scholarship at least for one year.
(6) Someone who has not received the Mitsubishi Corporation International Scholarship in the past.
(7) A talented, well-behaved individual who is in good health, both mentally and physically
(8) Someone who has a keen interest in societal contribution geared towards international exchange,
and who has a strong desire to contribute to the development of the global society both now and in the
(9) Someone who does not plan to go abroad, as a general rule, for six months or longer during the
Scholarship period.
(10) Someone who comes highly recommended by their university.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required
to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.
Japan Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Recommendation Materials
(1) Application Form (Attachment 1): 1 form
In principle, this form should be completed in Japanese. However, for students enrolled in courses
that are conducted entirely in English, the form may be completed in English.
(2) Applicant Photo: 1 photo
Must be taken within the last 6 months. 4.0cm length by 3.0 width, upper body included, head
uncovered. Write Applicant’s name on the reverse side and attach to the Application Form
(3) Letter of Recommendation from University Head (Attachment 2): 1 form
Reasons for recommendation should be written by a current professor or other similar person of
(4) A copy of the Applicant’s official academic transcript for 2016 1 form
If transcripts are unavailable, the Applicant must attach a written explanation (format not fixed).

11. Ichiro Kanehara Foundation Scholarship for Foreign Students in Japan, 2018
The new Ichiro Kanehara Foundation Scholarship is now available for foreign students in Japan for
the year 2018. The scholarship is awarded to international graduate students, postdoctoral fellow or
researchers who are /will be conducting a basic medical research in Japan at least 3 consecutive years
including the academic year from April 2018 to March 2019.
Its purpose is to promote academic research and to contribute to improvement in basic medical
sciences and medical care. These aims are to be attained by the following scholarship programs.
In December 1986, in accordance with the wishes of Igaku-Shoin Ltd. in memory of the late Mr.
Ichiro Kanehara, The Ichiro Kanehara Foundation for the Promotion of Medical Sciences and Medical

Care was established. Its purpose is to nurture talent and to provide financial assistance towards
research in basic medical sciences and medical care.
Scholarship Description:
Applications close: November 30, 2017
Course Level: Scholarship is available to postdoctoral fellows or researchers.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded to pursue a basic medical research.
Scholarship Award: Duration: April 2018 to March 2019, Amount: 100,000 JPY/month.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in the Japan
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
International graduate students, postdoctoral fellow or researchers who are /will be conducting a basic
medical research in Japan at least 3 consecutive years including the academic year from April 2018 to
March 2019. Applicants should submit a recommendation letter from the supervisor at the host
institute as of April 2017.
Eligible Countries:
Foreign nationals are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
College Admission Requirement:
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have a previous year degree.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have excellent written and verbal English skills.
Scholarship Award:
The amount ranges from ¥100,000 to ¥1,000,000 proportionate to the size of the project
How to Apply: Applicants must apply directly to the foundation. Please refer to the Foundation
website for details and to download the application forms.
12. Special Grant Programme for International Students at Hokkaido University in Japan, 2018
The Hokkaido University is organizing Special Grant Program for the students who are applying to a
doctoral course with one of the graduate school. The programme will cover tuition fee for
international students.
The aim of the grants is to enable applicants to embark on an independent career in academic stroke
The Hokkaido University is one of the oldest, largest, and most prestigious universities in Japan. In
2014, Hokkaido University was ranked 39th in the QS World University Rankings in the field of
Agriculture/Forestry and within the top 100 in six fields Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials
Science, Biological Sciences, and Earth/Ocean Sciences.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: Applications are open for the admission of April 2018.
Course Level: These grants are available to pursue doctoral programme.
Study Subject: These grants are awarded in the fields offered by one of the graduate school: Graduate
School of Veterinary Medicine, Graduate School of Environmental Science and Graduate School of
Chemical Sciences and Engineering
Scholarship Award: These recipients have their tuition fees waived in exchange for working as a
research assistant.
Nationality: International
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Japan
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: International

Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have a masters degree or equivalent and have completed at
least 18 years of education.
English Language Requirements: Applicants are required to take either TOEFL or TOEIC in advance.
Research Scholarship
Application Procedure:
The application process for this scholarship is conducted by each graduate school. Please note that not
all graduate schools participate in this program–please refer to the list above.
How to Apply:
A completed application form
A self-addressed stamped envelope
A photocopy of a personal identification (e.g. driver’s license)

13. Kyoritsu International Foundation Scholarship at Kyoto University in Japan, 2018

Kyoritsu International Foundation Scholarship is now available for all international students to pursue
graduate programme. Kyoritsu International Foundation calls for the scholarship to support
international graduate students from Asian countries
Kyoto University or Kyodai is a national university in Kyoto, Japan. It is the second oldest Japanese
university, one of Asia’s highest ranked universities and one of Japan’s National Seven Universities.
Scholarship Description:
Applications deadline: December 28, 2017
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue graduate programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded to learn any of the courses offered by the university.
Nationality: Students from Asian countries.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Japan
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Kyoritsu International Foundation calls for the scholarship to support international
graduate students from Asian countries listed below.
* Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar,
Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan,
East Timor, Brunei, Maldives.
Entrance Requirements: Kyoritsu International Foundation calls for the scholarship to support
international graduate students from Asian countries listed below.
* Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar,
Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan,
East Timor, Brunei, Maldives For
private students with the nationality of Asian countries
And Submitted By Japanese Your Laboratory (Or Your Prospective Laboratory).
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required
to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Kyoritsu International Scholarship Foundation 2018 Scholarship Application
Agreement on Scholarship Application (Japanese-English)

Certificate of transcripts after the undergraduate enrollment for in-campus selection Yes) (Transcripts
after the entry of undergraduate program) [Contact and submission destination]

14. IWAKI International Foundation Graduate Scholarship for Asian Students in Japan, 2018
Applications are invited for IWAKI International Foundation Scholarship for the academic year 2018.
Applicants who are from Asian countries (excluding Japan) are eligible to apply.
IWAKI International Foundation seeks to develop students of faith, intellect, and character who have
the skills and the desire to continue learning and to serve others throughout their lives.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: November 30, 2017
Course Level: Scholarship is available to graduate students. Research students are not eligible to
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded to medical students.
Scholarship Award: Amount: JPY 100,000 monthly Duration: 2 years (April 2018 – March 2020)
Nationality: Asian countries (excluding Japan)
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given
Scholarship can be taken in Japan
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Students from Asian countries (excluding Japan) are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Eligibility requirements for this scholarship are that you must
Be from Asian countries (excluding Japan);
Be in good academic standing and enrolled in graduate school as of November 1, 2017, or be admitted
to graduate school from April 1, 2018;
Be majoring in the field of medicine, pharmacy or chemistry (excluding dentistry);
Be fluent in Japanese;
Not receive a scholarship from other institutions.
English Language Requirements: Students must be fluent in Japanese.
Japan Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Application forms are available at the Foreign Student Support Unit (Building 1,4F).
*Application documents must be handwritten in Japanese by the applicants themselves.
Once an applicant who was recommended by the university has been awarded a scholarship by the
relevant scholarship foundation, the applicant is barred from declining the scholarship award. You
should check details of each scholarship before you apply some schola for ships. When you received a
result of scholarship from the foundation, please be sure to inform Foreign Student Support Unit
(Gakusei-ukeire Kakari).

15. Visiting Research Fellowship for International Students at Kokugakuin University in

Japan, 2018
The Kokugakuin University now wishes to invite applicants for its Visiting Research Fellowship. This
an academic exchange program, people involved in research into Japanese culture and society are
invited from overseas to engage in international academic exchange.
The aim of the fellowship to support qualified foreign researchers engaged in a field of study dealing
broadly with Japanese culture and society.

Kokugakuin University is a private university, whose main office is in Tokyo’s Shibuya district. The
academic program and research of Shinto study, Japanese history, Japanese and Chinese literature and
cultural study are highly evaluated in and out of Japan[citation needed] as well as the study of
economics, jurisprudence and pedagogy.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 12, 2018
Course Level: Fellowship is available for researchers.
Study Subject: Fellowship is awarded to pursue research as a Visiting Fellow into Japanese culture
and society.
Scholarship Award: A Visiting Fellow shall be provided with economy class round-trip airline
passage from the Fellow’s home country to Tokyo. The route covered by the ticket shall be reasonable
in terms of economy and availability.
Each Visiting Fellow shall be provided with a monthly stipend of JPY300,000 (fractions of full
months fewer than twenty-five days shall be paid on a per diem basis (JPY10,000 per day). If a
Visiting Fellow takes advantage of on-campus residence (single occupancy), the scholarship will be
reduced to JPY210,000 (fractions of full months fewer than twenty-five days shall be paid on a per
diem basis (JPY7,000 per day).
Nationality: International students are eligible to apply for the fellowship.
Number of Scholarships: Number of fellowships is not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Japan
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for the fellowship.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have a Ph. D. degree (or equivalent) affiliated with
universities or research intuitions located outside of Japan.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must be fluent in English.
Japan Scholarship
Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
Applicants shall submit the documents listed below by the application deadline. The application
process shall not be completed until Kokugakuin acknowledges receipt of the documents.
Applicants shall submit the required documents by registered mail, trackable courier service, or by
PDF file attachment to an email.
Deadline for submission of all documents is January 12, 2018, Japan standard time.
The International Exchange Programs Office at Kokugakuin will send an acknowledgement within
three days of receipt of documents. If the applicant does not receive an acknowledgement, he/she
should contact the International Exchange Programs Office without delay.
Applicants shall submit the following documents, completed in either Japanese or English. If
documents are submitted in other languages, they must be accompanied by an accurate translation in
Japanese or English.
Application form (Form 1)
Research proposal
Recommendation letter from the head of the home institution/organization or equivalent.
Recommendation letter from a researcher who can attest to the research abilities of the applicant.
In the event the authors of letters 3) and 4) are the same person, the two letters may be combined in a
single letter.
Document certifying the status of the applicant as a student or employee of the home institution.

Curriculum vitae, including the applicant’s academic record, career record, published research,
membership in academic societies, and relevant social activity.
Health certificate (issued by the home institution or other medical authority) certifying the applicant’s
health is sufficient to conduct research during the period as a Visiting Fellow.)
In some cases, Kokugakuin University may request the applicant for further information and/or
documentation. The applicant may be rejected in the event any false statement or data is found in the
submitted documents.

16. 2018 Special International Scholarship for Urban Infrastructure Engineering in Developing
Countries, Japan
The new “Special International Program for Urban Infrastructure Engineering in Developing
Countries” is now available on offer for the year 2018.
‘Special International Program for Urban Infrastructure Engineering in Developing Countries’ is
belonging to Department of Infrastructure and Urban Society for the master course and Department of
Urban Innovation for the doctor course in Graduate School of Urban Innovation, Yokohama National
University. It is the all-English graduate program at the doctor and master level in the field of civil
Yokohama is Asia’s Gateway to the World. Ever since the port of Yokohama was opened in the 19th
century, Yokohama has been a unique crossroad where West meets East. It is not too much to say that
the modernization and internationalization of Japan started from Yokohama. Today, as Japan’s second
largest city, Yokohama is recognized as one of the most exciting cities for its cultural, socio-
economic, and infrastructural dynamism.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 9, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to learn master as well as a doctoral programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Civil Engineering
The major fields of study are:
Structural Engineering
Estuarine and Coastal Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering
Transportation and Urban Engineering
Concrete Engineering
Scholarship Award: For information about MEXT scholarship, such as the scholarship stipend, please
visit this website.
Nationality: Developing Countries
Number of Scholarships: From 2018 October enrollment to 2020 October enrollment, Two MEXT
scholarships for the master course and five for the doctor course are going to be allocated to this
Scholarship can be taken in Japan
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Students from Developing Countries are eligible to apply for this scholarship
Entrance Requirements: An applicant must fulfil the following qualifications;
Doctoral Course
An applicant willing to admit in the Doctor course must have following academic requirements:

An applicant should have outstanding academic records in undergraduate as well as Master degree
and shows robust research potential
An applicant should normally possess a four-year bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree.
Proof of an applicant’s English proficiency (An official score of TOEFL, IELTS or equivalent)
Master Course
An applicant willing to admit in the Master course must have following academic requirements:
An applicant should have outstanding academic records in undergraduate
An applicant should normally possess a four-year bachelor’s degree.
Proof of an applicant’s English proficiency (An official score of TOEFL, IELTS or equivalent)
For both the Master course and the Doctor course, an applicant should be in good mental and physical
Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
For the application for October 2018 enrollment, the following documents must reach the
correspondence address no later than January 9th, 2018. All the documents must reach the
correspondence address by mail no later than January 9th, 2018. We only accept application
documents sent by mail, we don’t accept any application documents sent by email/Fax.
1. Completed Application Form.
2. For the Doctor course, an official transcript showing the applicant’s academic performance from
both an undergraduate and a master’s course.
For the Master course, an official transcript showing the applicant’s academic performance from
an undergraduate course.
3. Proof of an applicant’s English proficiency (an official score of TOEFL or IELTS or equivalent).
4. Two confidential Recommendation Letters in the specific form. Each letter should be in a sealed
envelope with the signature of the recommender over the flap of the envelope and should be sent
to the correspondence address directly.

Application Form

17. JICA Master’s Degree and Internship Program of African Business Education in Japan,
The Japan International Cooperation Agency is pleased to announce the availability of Master’s
Degree and Internship Program. The programme is available for African students.
The objective of Master’s Degree and Internship Program of the ABE Initiative is to support young
personnel who have the potential to contribute to the development of industries in Africa.
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is advancing its activities around the pillars of a
field-oriented approach, human security, and enhanced effectiveness, efficiency, and speed.
Course Level: The programme is available to pursue master degree.
Study Subject: The programme is awarded in any field of study for master’s courses at Japanese
universities while engineering, agriculture and economics/business administration are specified as key
fields. Proposed
Scholarship Award: The programme will cover the followings:
Tuition at Japanese university master’s degree programs (and research student)
Allowances for living expenses, outfit, shipping etc. See the box below for more 10/ 12 details.
A round-trip airfare

Expenses for support programs during the study in Japan, including the costs of observation tours and
Number of Scholarships: Two hundred scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in Japan
Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:
Citizens of one of the 54 African countries
Between 22 and 39 years old (as of April 1st in the year of your arrival in Japan)
Bachelor’s degree (equivalent to at least 16 years of academic background)
Applicants for the category of “Government Officials” and “Educators” are required:
To have more than 6 months working experience in their current organizations, and
To obtain permission for application and securing reinstatement from their current organizations.
Clearly, understanding the objectives of this program, and to have a strong will to contribute to the
industrial development of their home countries as well as to strengthen the linkage between their
countries and Japan after returning home.
Applicants must:
Be in good health condition to complete the program,
Not receive or plan to receive a scholarship offered by other foreign organizations, and
Attend the activities on the weekends in unavoidable circumstances (ex. official exam).
Nationality: African applicants can apply for the programme.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have Bachelor’s degree.
English Language Requirement: Applicants must have adequate English skills both in written and oral
communication to complete the master’s course.
Master Scholarship
How to Apply: Applicants can apply by post.
Application Form
Application Deadline: The application deadline is October 2017.

18. JT Asia Scholarships for International Students at Tokushima University in Japan, 2018
The Tokushima University wishes to invite university graduates to apply for the JT Asia Scholarships
for the academic year of 2017/2018. These scholarships are open to citizens of India, Indonesia,
Cambodia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Korea, China, Taiwan, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, East
Timor-Leste, Bhutan, Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar, Maldives, Mongolia, Laos.
The Tokushima University wishes to invite university graduates to apply for the JT Asia Scholarships
for the academic year of 2017/2018.
Tokushima University is a national university in the city of Tokushima, Japan, with seven graduate
schools and five undergraduate faculties. The university was founded in 1949, by merging six national
education facilities into one.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing graduate programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: ¥150,000
Scholarship can be taken in Japan
The student who registered or will register at Tokushima University as a graduate student from April,

The student who has been granted another scholarship from April 2018 is not eligible to apply. Also,
loan scholarship recipient is not eligible to apply.
34 years old or under, at April 1, 2018.
A person with the interests in promoting global understanding and friendship, also who can actively
participate in Events (Three times a year) held by Japan Tobacco Inc.
A person who can communicate in Japanese
Nationality: Citizens of India, Indonesia, Cambodia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Korea, China,
Taiwan, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, East Timor-Leste, Bhutan, Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam,
Malaysia, Myanmar, Maldives, Mongolia, Laos are eligible to apply.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have previous degree.
Test Requirement: No
English Language Requirement: Applicants must have good command over the Japanese language.
How to Apply:
Required documents:
1. Application form
2. Letter of Recommendation
3. Please ask your supervisor to fill in only “Recommendation comment”.
4. Transcript of 2017
5. A photocopy of your Residence Card (both sides)
6. Photocopies of passport’s photo and Entry Visa page.
The Application forms are offered only in Japanese. Application documents in handwriting and with
typescript are both acceptable; however, signature is required only in handwriting.
Application Form
Application Deadline: The application deadline is November 10, 2017.

19. Graduate School of Science International Scholarships at University of Tokyo in Japan,

Applications are invited for Graduate School of Science Scholarship for International Students at the
University of Tokyo in Japan. Scholarships are available to pursue master degree programme.
The purpose of this scholarship is twofold: to financially support Self-financed Overseas Students
whose academic performance is outstanding and to increase the number of students from abroad.
The University of Tokyo abbreviated as Todai or UTokyo, is a public research university located in
Bunkyo, Tokyo, often cited as the most prestigious university in Japan. Academic Ranking of World
Universities ranked the University of Tokyo 1st in Asia and 20th in the world in 2012.
Course Level : Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded to the graduate school of science.
Scholarship Award : Scholarship of 150,000 yen per month will be awarded.
Number of Scholarships: A few (Enrolling in April or September).
Scholarship can be taken in Japan
Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
All self-financed overseas students with outstanding performance who pass the entrance examination
for the Master’s Program at the Graduate School of Science to enroll in April or September 2018.
Priority goes to UTRIP (University of Tokyo Research Internship Program) participants. Applicants

who are already in Japan are not eligible to apply. As a rule, anyone receiving or expecting to receive
any other scholarship awards are excluded.
• As a rule applicants of scholarships from private foundations (including provisional
applicants) are not eligible.
• Applicants for the JASSO’s Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students
will not be excluded. However, if accepted for this scholarship, it is expected that the Honors
Scholarship from JASSO will be declined.
• Applicants for the University of Tokyo Foundation for Supporting International Students
(including provisional applicants) will not be excluded. However, if accepted for this
scholarship, it is expected that the scholarship from the University of Tokyo Foundation will
be declined.
Nationality : International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have their previous degree.
English Language Requirements: Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet
specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study there.
Japan Scholarships
How to Apply: Applicants should submit the application documents (Section 8) to the International
Liaison Office at the Graduate School of Science by post at the time of their Graduate School
application for admission into the Master’s Program.
Application Documents
• Graduate School of Science Scholarship for International Students 2018 Application Form 1
original copy
• One letter of recommendation for the Graduate School of Science Scholarship application
from a faculty member of your college or university 1 original copy
Application Deadline: Deadline is:
October 1 – 31, 2017—For those entering in April
April 1 – May 1, 2018—For those entering in September *
The application must arrive no later than the last day of each application period without fail.
20. JFUNU Scholarships for MSc in Sustainability Programme for Developing Country
Masters Degree
Deadline : 28 Feb 2018 (annual)
Study in : Japan
Course starts September 2018
Brief description:
The Japan Foundation for UNU (JFUNU) Scholarship is available for outstanding applicants from
developing countries who can demonstrate a need for financial assistance and who are admitted to the
Master of Science in Sustainability Programme at United Nations University – Institute for the
Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS).
Host Institution(s):
United Nations University – Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS)
Level/Field of study:
Master of Science in Sustainability
Number of Scholarships:
Target group:

Citizens of developing countries listed in the latest OECD DAC list
Scholarship value/duration:
The JFUNU scholarship provides a monthly allowance of 120,000 JPY* for living expenses for a
maximum of 24 months. The tuition fees are fully waived for the scholarship recipients.
However, travel costs to and from Japan, visa handling fees, and health/accident insurance costs must
be covered by the student.
Applicants for the Master of Science in Sustainability are required to have met the following
admission requirements by the application deadline in order to be considered:
• A strong interest in sustainability studies.
• Demonstrated commitment to study and understand global issues.
• A completed bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) from a recognized university or institution of
higher education in a field related to sustainability. Those who expect to graduate and have a
bachelor’s degree or its equivalent conferred before September 2018 may also apply.
• A GPA of 3.5 or above on a 4.0 scale on the bachelor’s degree earned.
• English language proficiency. The minimum score requirements for English language
qualifications required by UNU-IAS are: 600 in TOEFL – Paper-Based Testing (PBT); 100 in
TOEFL – Internet-Based Testing (IBT); 7.0 in IELTS – Academic format.
The eligibility requirements for the scholarships are as follows:
• Applicants must be persons from developing countries* who can demonstrate a need for
financial assistance
• Applicants who are currently living in Japan under a working visa are NOT eligible for the
• Applicants who want to pursue a second master’s degree at UNU-IAS are not eligible for the
Application instructions:
During admission selection process, outstanding applicants from developing countries with financial
need will be automatically considered as candidates for the award of the JFUNU scholarship. Thus, no
separate scholarship application is necessary.
Your official application for admissions must be submitted through the online application form.
Application deadline is 28 February 2018.
It is important to visit the official website (link found below) to access the application form and for
detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


1. Fully Funded Scholarships for International Students at DGIST in Korea, 2018

The Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology is offering fully funded scholarships for
international students. The scholarship is available for pursuing postgraduate programmes (Masters
and PhD).
In 2004, the Korean Government established DGIST as a research institute to promote national
science and technology. Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology simply referred to as
DGIST, is one of the four public universities in South Korea which are dedicated to research in
science and technology, along with KAIST, GIST, and UNIST.
The Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology is a public science and engineering
university located in Daegu Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea.
Course Level: The scholarship is available for pursuing masters and PhD programmes.
Study Subject: The scholarship is awarded in the subjects offered by the University.
Scholarship Award:
• Tuition: Full scholarship for all graduate students
• Stipend for Education and Research
• PhD: 13,680,000KRW + ? / year
• MS : 7,440,000KRW + ? / year
• DPF (DGIST Presidential Fellowship)
• Special scholarship : 3,000,000 KRW / semester
• Research scholarship: Max. 10,000,000 KRW
• Study abroad scholarship: Max. 16,584,000 KRW
Scholarship can be taken in Korea
M.S. / Integrated M.S & PhD – Students who hold bachelor’s degrees or are expected to complete
their bachelor’s degrees by February 2018
PhD – Students who hold master’s degrees or are expected to complete their master’s degrees by
February 2018
Nationality: International applicants can apply for these scholarships.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.
Test Requirement: No
English Language Requirement: Applicants must meet the necessary language proficiency
requirements of the host institution.
How to Apply: Applicants can apply through online mode. All the documents should be arrived b the
deadline by mail or in person. Applicant must submit the following documents
• Application form
• Personal statement and study plan
• Letter of recommendation(s) signed and sealed
• Agreement for verification of academic record
• Official transcripts(If possible, containing rank or percent for each subject)
• Copy of the applicant’s passport
• Copy of both parents’ passports or official documents indicating their nationalities
• Official document specifying parent-child relationship
• Supplementary Documents

• Up to 5 records of tests and various awards
• English test report: TOEFL, IELTS, TEPS, TOEIC, etc.
• High school graduation or university admission test: British GCE A-Level, Japanese
Admission Center Exam, Chinese Unified Exam, German Abitur, French Baccalaureate,
Turkish YGS or LYS, The West African Examinations Council, etc
• Standardized tests and other academic certifications and/or reports: IB Diploma, IB
Certificate, SAT(Code: 7440), AP, ACT, AICE, AEA, etc.
Application Form
Application Deadline: The application deadlines are:
October 12 – October 26
December 14 – December 28
Bridging Research Grants with China, Japan, South Korea and the ASEAN Region, 2018
With this call, the ETH Zurich invites young, ambitious scientists for Bridging Research Grants in all
scientific disciplines and fields of research. These grants are available for Swiss, China, Japan, South
Korea and the ASEAN member states applicants.
The goal of the bridging grants is to bring already established partnerships to the next level.

ETH Zurich is a science, technology, engineering and mathematics university in the city of Zürich,
Scholarship Description:
●Applications close: December 31, 2017
●Course Level: These grants are available to pursue research programme.
●Study Subject: These grants are awarded in all scientific disciplines and fields of research.
●Scholarship Award: Max. 25 kCHF
●Number of scholarships: Number of grants is not given.
●Scholarship can be taken in Switzerland
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship:
●All scientists of Swiss federal and cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences and
universities of teachers’ education, as well as public research institutions, are eligible to apply.
Applications by doctoral students and postdoctoral scientists must be submitted by their supervisors.
The Swiss scientist is the main applicant.
●Research partners must be scientists affiliated with a university or a public research institute from
one of the partner countries. The collaborating partner must hold a faculty or senior scientist position
or a doctoral degree (PhD or equivalent) with several years of research experience.
Eligible Countries:
●Applicants from Switzerland, China, Japan, South Korea and the Asian region are eligible for these
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must be scientists.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have sufficient knowledge of the language of
instruction of the host university.
Scholarship Award:
The maximum amount of a bridging grant is 25 kCHF. The grant will be disbursed in two instalments:
80% after signing the grant contract and 20% after approval of the final report. A detailed budget
must be provided in the project proposal. Budgeted expenses must be justified and related to the

proposed research activities. The financial contribution of each partner is expected and must be made
explicit in cash and in-kind.
Research Scholarship
How to Apply:
Applicants can apply via email.
●Applications shall be submitted in electronic format as one single pdf document
Scholarship Link
2. PhD and Postdoctoral Positions for International Applicants at Korea University, 2018
Korea Biochar Research Center and Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering
at the Korea University invite applications for postdoctoral and PhD positions in Environmental
Science and Ecological Engineering.
The aim of the positions is to increase the capacity and level of research, innovation.
The Korea University is a private research university in Seoul, South Korea. Korea University is one
of the nation’s oldest and most prominent institutions of higher education.
Scholarship Description:
• Application deadline: Contact employer
• Course Level: These positions are available to pursue PhD and Postdoctoral
• Study Subject: These positions are awarded in Environmental Science and Ecological
• Scholarship Award: These positions will cover the followings:
1.Scholarship for PhD program funded by KBRC and BK21 PLUS project (up to 12,000,000 KRW
per year)
1.PhD program: 1,000,000 KRW to 2,000,000 KRW per month (depending on research experience
and publications)
2.Postdoctoral Research professor: 2,500,000 KRW to 4,000,000 KRW per month (depending on
career and publications)
• Nationality: International
• Number of Scholarships: Not given
• Scholarship can be taken in Korea
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
• Eligible Countries: International applicants must eligible for these positions.
• Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet following criteria:
1.A degree (PhD for postdoctoral applicants and MS for PhD applicants) in one of the following
2.Environmental Chemistry
3.Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
4.Material Science (Carbon materials)
6.PhD applicants should have at least one article ranked at top 20% journal in the field (as a first
7.Postdocs applicants should have at least five articles ranked at top 20% in the field (as a first
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have proficiency in English.
Research Scholarship
Application Procedure:
●Applicants can apply through the email processor.

How to apply
●Applicants should send CV directly by email at
3. CHARM GLOBAL Scholarships Programme at Semyung University in South Korea, 2018
Applications are invited for CHARM GLOBAL Scholarship Program to study at Semyung University
in South Korea. The Scholarship Program for undergraduate degrees is designed to provide
international students with opportunities for Bachelor-level degrees and Korean Language Program.
This program will contribute to the internationalization of the SMU Campus and promote
international educational exchange, as well as strengthen the mutual friendship between Korea and
other countries.
University provides the best educational environment and field-oriented education courses to
cultivate talented people who will brighten the world.
Applicants who have proficiency in the Korean (above Level 3) or English language (IELTS
above5.5) will be given preference.
Scholarship Description
Application Deadline: December 8, 2017
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing Bachelor-level degrees and Korean Language
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award:
Scholarship Period: March 1, 2018 ~ February 28, 2023 (1-year Language + 4-year Degree Program)
Scholarship Benefits
• Tuition: The tuition fee is covered by SMU. The university entrance fee is covered by SMU
as well.
• Korean Language Training: The full cost for the 1 year is covered by SMU.
• Dormitory Fee (Included Meal Plan) for 5 years.
• Dormitory fee and meal plan are 100% supportable for both semester and vacation.
• Semyung University does not cover the expenses for airfare, medical expenses and insurance.
Number of Scholarships: 5 students
Scholarship can be taken in South Korea
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Prospective applicants must meet all of the following conditions.
• Citizenship: Attention! Neither the applicant nor the parents should hold the Korean
• Age: An applicant must be under age 25 as of March 1, 2018 (Should be born after March, 1,
• Health: An applicant must be in good health, both physically and mentally. Those with
disabilities, but in good mental and physical health, are eligible to apply. Those with severe
illness are not eligible to apply.
• Level of education: An applicant must have graduated or be expected to graduate from a high
school as of March 1, 2018. Those who have already achieved a Bachelor’s degree or a higher
degree are NOT ELIGIBLE to apply. Those who have graduated or are expected to graduate
from a high school in Korea are NOT ELIGIBLE to apply.
• GRADES: An applicant must either have the cumulative grade point average (C.G.P.A.) of
80% (out of 100%), or be ranked within the top 20% throughout the entire high school period.
C.G.P.A. should be 2.64/4.0, 2.80/4.3, 2.91/4.5, 3.23/5.0 or higher [see Appendix 2]

• An applicant should never have been awarded with any scholarship programs from Korea for
an undergraduate degree program.
• An applicant must have no limitations in travelling abroad
• Applicants from low income families or underprivileged backgrounds will be given
• English Language Requirements:
• Applicants who have proficiency in the Korean (above Level 3) or English language (IELTS
above5.5) will be given preference.
• Applicants with certified scores on their proficiency in Korean or in English may be given
preference. Some examples include the following:
• Proficiency in Korea: TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean)
• Proficiency in English: TOEFL, TOEIC, or IELTS Academic (TOEFL ITPs are not
• Application Procedure:
• Required Documents: 1 set of the original documents below
• Completed Application Form (Form 1)
• Personal Statement (Form 3)
• Study Plan (Form 4)
• Two Recommendation Letters (Form 5)
• Must be from two separate recommenders.
• The letters must be written by someone who can give in-depth assessment on the applicant’s
abilities, including a high school teacher, principal, or academic advisor.
• Graduation Certificate of High School: Those who are expected to graduate may submit a
provisional graduation certificate of high school.
• High School Grade Transcript (including a description of the school’s grading system)
• Certificates of Citizenship of the Applicant and Parents (Examples: abirth certificate, a
government-issued certificate indicating the parent-child relationship, a family register, or
parents’passport copies)
• Awards (Optional)
• Copy of the Applicant’s Passport (only for candidates who successfully pass the 2nd round of
How to Apply:
The soft copies of required documents should be sent to Yujin Shim.

4. PhD and Master Position for International Students at DGIST University in South Korea,
Applications are invited for PhD and Master Position for International Students at Robotic
Engineering Lab, DGIST University in South Korea for the year 2018.
Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST) (In Korea) is a public science and
engineering university located in Daegu Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea. The university is one
among four Institutes of Science and Technology in South Korea which demonstrate a leading role in
the advancement of science and technology. DGIST has been growing as a leading university of
science and engineering with its aim to facilitate national advancement by nurturing talented
individuals through its innovative convergence education and research.
• Deadline is March 31, 2018
• Course level: MS- 2years, PhD- 4years

Study Subject:
○Digital image processing, Signal processing, or Fourier optics
○Computer vision or Machine Learning
Scholarship Award:
○Monthly Allowance of 1,200,000 won(KRW) for PhD student and 800,000 won for Master
○Tuition fees for study period
○Extra allowances based on research performance.
Nationality: Any nationality
Number of Scholarships: 2 Scholarships are provided.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following requirements:
• Hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree as of September 1, 2018.
• For Master’s program (or Integrated Master’s & Doctoral program): students should hold a
Bachelor’s degree or a diploma that is equivalent to or higher than Bachelor’s degree.
• For Doctoral program: students should hold a Master’s degree or a diploma that is equivalent
to or higher than Master’s degree.
Important Requirements: Official English Score should be over 90 in TOEFL or 7.0 in IELTS.
How to Apply: Interested applicants should send the following things by March 31, 2018, to the
above advisor email address:
• Study plan (clearly stating the research topics you are interested in).
• Academic transcripts.
• A brief summary of most recent thesis and the status (eg accepted, in progress, submitted,
• CV (to include names, education, work experience, publications).
• Copy of official English score (TOEFL or IELTS score should be submitted).

5. 2018 Art Major Asian(AMA) Scholarship

1. Objective
The objective of the Art Major Asian(AMA) Scholarship Program is to provide Asian students
with artistic talent to conduct advanced studies and ability in Korea National University of Arts in
order to promote international exchanges in education and mutual friendship between the
2. Scholarship Benefits
∙ Airfare : the shortest route, economy class, when entering and graduating
∙ Monthly Allowance : 800,000won(KRW) per month
∙ Korean Language Training Fee : Full coverage
∙ Tuitions : Full coverage(regular semester only))
∙ Medical Insurance : Limited coverage
∙ Contact :
*All inquiries on AMA Admissions shall be made to the email above only.
*Please add [AMA 2018] on the title when write, otherwise we cannot read and answer you due to
excessive amount of spam in our mailbox.
3. Application and Selection Schedule (The schedule can be further changed)
Date Classification
13 March, 2017 Open call for submission

30 June, 2017 Application Deadline
18 September 2017 Final Notification of Admissions Decision
20 October 2017 Entry into Korea
February 2018 Korean Language Training
28 February Matriculation Ceremony
* Submission accepted only by postal mail or in person.
* Online submissions are not available
* Admissions decisions will be notified through University Website and via personal mail.
4. Address for Application
∙ Receiver : AMA Manager
∙ Office Hours : 9:00-11:30, 13:00~17:00(Mon-Fri)
∙ Telephone : 82-2-746-9073
∙ Address : M505, Office of External Affairs 146-37, 32 gil, Hwarang-ro Seongbuk-gu, Seoul,
Postal Code : 02789, Republic of Korea
5. Qualification
(1) Only those who hold a citizenship of the 20 countries below are eligible for the program.

Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China

India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan
Laos Malaysia Maldives Mongolia
Myanmar Nepal Pakistan Philippines
Sri Lanka Thailand Uzbekistan Vietnam
(2) Have graduated or be scheduled to graduate from a high school/university by 28th Feb, 2018.
* Applicants who apply for the master’s program must hold a Bachelor’s degree or a diploma
that is equivalent to or higher than a Bachelor’s degree.
* Applicants who are expecting to graduate by 28th Feb, 2018 must submit a certificate of
graduation expectation when you apply, and submit the official certificate of graduation(degree
or diploma) to Karts by 1st March, 2018
(3) Have adequate health, both physically and mentally.
(4) Have no limitations in travelling abroad.
(5) Have outstanding artistic talents, gifted skills and an excellent academic record.
(6) Applicants recommended by the government, ministries, and embassies of Korea and each
(7) Applicants recommended by the rector of the university graduated or attending, or head of
government approved organizations, companies and art related institution etc.
(8) Specific Qualification and Portfolio and Requirement by each department and major.
Further information for applicants as well as conditions are specified on attached AMA Admissions
Guide. Please read carefully the attachment before making application.
(9). Submission and Application form
∙Please refer to the attached file.

6. “Hanyang International Excellence Awards”

1. Qualifications
a) International Students who have a TOPIK level certificate and achieved a minimum GPA of 3.0
for the previous semester.

b) Those who are receiving other scholarships from other organizations, including GKS
Scholarship, can’t apply for this scholarship.
c) If you take a leave of absence afterward, you would be disqualified for scholarships.
d) Extra points will be given depending on the TOPIK level.
e) Those who have the Insurance of which period is not expired.
2. Selection Process
a) 1st step : Document screening
b) 2nd step: Interview (Only for those who pass the first step)
c) Required Document for the interview: Certificate of health insurance
d) If you don’t submit a valid insurance card or the insurance registration certificate, you will be
ineligible for the scholarship.
3. Benefits
• 1)Scholarship period: 1 semester
• 2)Award amount: Recipients will receive 70%, 50% or 30% tuition reduction according to
the evaluation results.
4. Application method and application period
• 1)Announcement will be made through official homepage of Office of International
• 2)Online application: Every year beginning of March and September.
• 3)Interview: Every mid-March and mid-September.
5. Scholarship payment method
• Tuition fees must be paid during the payment period, and HIEA will refund the
appropriate amount to the recipients.
• Please turn in TOPIK certificate and a copy of your insurance registration certificate
(insurance card) within the scholarship application period.
6. Inquiries: OIA 02-2220-2451

7. “Global Korea Scholarship”

1. Qualifications (MUST satisfy all)
• Must be an international student in Sophomore/Junior/Senior year
• Transfer Student: Those who can submit transcripts for more than 2 semester.
• Must hold minimum G.P.A. of 80 overall on a 100 scale
• Must hold G.P.A. 80 or above on a 100 scale from the previous semester
• Must hold TOPIK level 4 or above
You may not apply for this scholarship
●- If you are receiving other scholarships from other organizations which provides you with living
expenses more than 300,000KRW a month
●May duplicate with HIEA (Hanyang International Excellence awards)
2. Selection Process: Document screening by NIIED
• Application
• Copy of passport
• Certificate of studentship, Transcript
• Self introduction, Study Plan
• Recommendation Letter
• Documentary evidence of activities

• (TOPIK certificate level 4 and higher, official scores from the English competence test
such as TOEFL, TOEIC, voluntary works, record of awards etc.)
3. Benefits: Monthly allowance 500,000 KRW (12 months)
4. Application period
●Announcement will be made through official homepage of NIIED on February every year
5. Scholarship payment method
●Allowance will be transferred to recipients' bank account at the end of every month
6. How to apply
●Check the announcement and visit the OIA to apply
7. Person in Charge: OIA 02-2220-2447

8. “TOPIK Scholarship”
1. Application requirements
• Foreign student who is currently enrolled for a degree program and obtained a TOPIK
certificate after the admission.
• Student who is on a leave of absence OR student who extended his/her study in
undergraduate level OR graduate student is excluded.
• Can be benefited along with other scholarships from the university
2. Application Criteria
• Admission fee will be provided regardless of the result of examination. Applicants must
register for the higher level than their former level obtained. Beginner level is not
• The scholarship will be provided in the case of acquirement of higher level certificate.
Level 6 holder can be benefited in the case of their certificates are already expired or
having less than 5 months to the expiration date of their certificates.
3. Application procedure
●Apply at TOPIK homepage → Participate in the test → Submit the Result
4. Amount
• Admission fee: KRW 40,000 from level 3
• Scholarship: KRW 190,000 at the acquirement of level 4 or above (refer to
Application Criteria)
• Scholarship includes the admission fee(KRW40,000).
5. Application Documents (After the test)
TOPIK certificate, copy of a bank account, TOPIK certificate obtained before(only for
holder), a copy of the health Insurance
6. Inquiries: OIA 02-2220-2451
Registration Guide


Before Application
The following is the scholarship programs offered for undergraduate applicants. Students may apply
for the programs before or during the admission application period. Applicants may find program
details via this website or supporting organizations.
Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP)
• International applicants who wish to apply for 4-year undergraduate programs of SNU.

• Those who wish to study in the programs longer than 4 years – such as medicine, veterinary
medicine, pharmacy, and architecture – cannot apply for this scholarship.
Number of Recipients
Approximately 20~40 every year
• Full tuition fee: tuition exemption for 8 semesters
• Living expenses: 800,000 KRW per month
• Airfare: one economy round trip
• Korean language training fee: one year
• Korean language training is mandatory and when the student does not achieve TOPIK
grade 3 within a year, she/he is not eligible to enter the degree program.
• Others: medical insurance, settlement and returning expenses
Application Period
Selection Procedure
●Applicants submit applications for this program to Korean embassies in their countries ⇒ the
embassies make the first selection ⇒ the National Institute for International Education make the
final selection
SNU staff in charge: 82-2-880-6971,
NIIED: (English version) ⇒ Scholarships ⇒ GKS Notice ⇒ Notice
2017 KGSP Guideline Download
Overseas Koreans Scholarship
Overseas Korean students who wish to take undergraduate degrees at SNU
Number of Recipients
Approximately 5 students
• Full tuition exemption for a maximum of 8 semesters
• Living expenses: 800,000 KRW per month
• Airfare for one economy round trip
• Korean language training fee: fee exemption at the Language Education Institute for 8
• Medical insurance fees
Application Period
Selection Procedure
Applicants submit applications to Korean embassies in their countries ⇒ the embassies make
the first selection ⇒ the Overseas Koreans Foundation make the second selection
• SNU staff in charge: 82-2-880-2519,
• Overseas Koreans Foundation: 82-2-3415-0174,
• The latest announcement on this scholarship can be found only via the foundation’s
• Reference

• Overseas Koreans Foundation: (Korean)
※ Scholarship packages are subject to change depending on the circumstances of the supporting


Global KU Scholarship
In celebration of its centennial in 2005, KU established Global KU Study Abroad Scholarship. This
scholarship aims to support future global leaders around the world to study at KU. Only students in
Student Exchange Program(SEP) and Visiting Student Program(VSP) are eligible for Global KU
• Admission Scholarship: Max. KRW 400,000 per month for the first semester (4 months).
• KU Travel Scholarship: Designed to help students meet basic travel costs, a one-off
payment of up to a maximum of KRW1,500,000 according to distance and currency rate.
• Merit Scholarship: Awarded on the basis of academic merit of the first semester at Korea
University, KRW300,000 per month for a second semester (4 months). Only applicable
to exchange/visiting students who participate in one-year program.
• Admission and KU Travel Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit at the
applicants’ home institutions.
• Faculty/ Institution/ National quotas may apply.
• Students who extend the duration of their study at Korea University from one semester to two
semesters are eligible to apply for ‘Merit Scholarship’ at the time of approval on extension.
• Funding for the scholarships is subject to availability.
To be eligible, SEP and VSP applicants must:
• Be enrolled in an acknowledged institution outside of Korea, in a country that is recognized
by the Korean government, as of December 1, 2004.
• Have completed, or about to complete at least one year of study at their home universities at
the time of applying.
• Have an overall weighted average of at least 75% at their home institutions.
• Have obtained a successful admission for SEP or VSP at Korea University.
• Be fluent in either English or Korean.
Required Documents
● Global KU scholarship application form
● One passport-sized photograph
● Academic reference
Important Notice
● All documents must be written and provided in English. Please attach translations in English if the
document are in any other language.
● Documents submitted with the application will not be returned to the applicant.
● Academic reference MUST be sent directly to Office of International Affairs from instructors.
● Semester 1 (Spring): January 30
● Semester 2 (Fall): July 30
KNU scholarship

School Scholarships
Tution Reduction Scholarship
Scholarships for Academic Excellence
Scholarship amount : Specified portion of tuition
Selection criteria :
A GPA of at least 3.0 out of 4.3 in the preceeding semester and those in the top 30% of the class
(without having withdrawn from any classes)
Selection method : Chosen by each department
Date of selection : Middle to late January and July
Vision Scholarships
Scholarship amount : Specified portion of tuition
Selection criteria :
Students from low-income or financially-troubled households who obtain a GPA of at least 1.7 out of
4.3 (at least 10% of registered students)
Selection method : Chosen by each department
Submission of application documents : Due before or after the vacation in each department
Date of selection : Middle to late January and July
Graduate Assistant Scholarships
What is a graduate assistant?
Graduate students who maintain good grades may, for a specified amount of time, assist with
administration, teaching, research, or classroom management in return for a monthly scholarship.
Types of Graduate Assistant Scholarships
1st class Graduate Assistant :
Assist with administrative duties within the department or in another campus organization for over 22
hours per week
2nd class Graduate Assistant : Assist with the following duties for over 15 hours per week
- Provide practical help related to academic instruction or a practicum
- Provide assistance to professors in large classes
- Provide research assistance
※ For further inquiries, please contact the Scholarship & Welfare team of the Student Affairs
Division at
※ Or visit the web site of the Scholarship & Welfare team :

11. Academic Excellence Scholarship for Foreign Students

Scholarship amount : 100% of tuition
Selection criteria :
Foreign students who display excellent skills related to their field of study or linguistics and receive a
letter of recommendation from their Academic Advisor or Department Chair
Selection method : Chosen by the Office for Internation Affairs
Submission of application documents : Must be submitted to the Office or International Affairs
Application deadlines
Freshman (new students) : The middle of May and November
Returning students : The beginning of January and July
※ Please direct any questions to the Office of International Affairs at 053-950-6091
※ Visit the web site of the Office of International Affairs :

Awarding Body: Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)
Institution: Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)
Level of study: Master & PhD
Closing date: 15 April (Fall semester deadline) and 15 October (Spring semester)

All GIST students are awarded full-tuition scholarship for two years of M.S. program and for four
years of Ph.D. program. Students are expected to maintain full-time student status and continuous
registration until completion of all requirements. For more information on GIST's graduate
programmes, visit
Value of award
● Monthly Stipends
● All GIST students receive stipends throughout two years for M.S. program, and four years for Ph.D.
program. Students are required to maintain full-time status. M.S. students receive monthly stipends of
220,000 won and 250,000 won for Ph.D. students. International students with GPA 3.0 or above may
be given an additional 120,000 won as an international student support stipend.
● Free Dormitory Housing
● GIST provides all students with on-campus dormitory housing free of charge, monthly utility fees
of 30,000 won will be deducted from your monthly stipends. GIST also has apartments for married
students which charge a resident for rent and utilities.
● Experiment Costs
● For M.S. students, up to 229,900 won per year may be reimbursed of the amount incurred for
research experiments, and up to 270,600 won per year for Ph.D. students, with the approval of their
academic advisor.
● Thesis/Dissertation Research Expenses
● Expenses associated with a student's research for the M.S. thesis may be reimbursed up to 511,000
won per year, and 901,250 won per year for the doctoral dissertation, with the approval of their
academic advisor.
● Research Assistantships
● Research assistantships are available for qualified students working on funded projects. Students
who are granted assistantships well be paid according to their work hours and degree of participation
in the project.
● Medical Insurance Fees
● For international students, 60% of the Korean National Health Insurance fee is supported by GIST.
For students receiving Korean Government IT scholarships, however, 30% of the Korean National
Health Insurance fee is supported by GIST.
How to apply
1.Decide on the specific program you wish to study and complete the application form via GIST's
Online Application System at
2.For detailed instructions, please refer to the application guidelines at
After you've completed the form, you must mail the following required documents to GIST to
Section of Graduate Admissions, GIST
261 Cheomdan-gwagiro, Buk-gu
Gwangju 500-712, Republic of Korea
Tel: 82-62-715-2054
Fax: 82-62-715-2059

The required documents include:
1. .submission of online admission application
2. original or officially certified copies of degree certificates for all academic work completed
(in sealed and endorsed envelopes by the Registrar)original or officially certified copies of
transcripts for all academic work completed (in sealed and endorsed envelopes by the
3. two (2) letters of recommendation in the fixed form (in sealed envelopes)
4. two (2) colored photographs (4x5cm)
5. original official score report from TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, or TEPS
6. certificate of proficiency in English (applicant for conditional admission only)
7. recommendation letter for matriculation fee waiver (written and sealed by the department
chair of the current/last university the applicant attended)
When the documents are delivered, a staff at the Section of Graduate Admissions will give you notice
that your application has been received.
For more information
Tel: 82-62-715-2054
Application guide:
TSMS Admission
TSMS (Torch Strategic Mission Scholarship)
Torch Trinity Graduate University
for 2019 Enrollment
From the school's inception, the founders of Torch Trinity Graduate University envisioned a
theological graduate school that would contribute significantly to the global Christian movement by
training leaders from the majority world where the gospel has least penetrated and quality theological
education is least accessible.
With this vision, Korean churches (in Korea and abroad) and Torch Trinity Graduate University
joined hands to offer the Torch Strategic Mission Scholarship (TSMS) to a limited number of
qualified applicants, especially from unreached people groups. As of December 30, 2017, 171
students had completed their study with Torch Strategic Mission Scholarship program. TSMS is a
distinguished scholarship given to Christian ministers, who possess outstanding academic and
ministry potential, from missionally noteworthy regions. The scholarship includes full tuition and
room and board for the duration of a recipient's degree program. For the recipients in the Master of
Divinity program, the scholarship extends for three consecutive years. For Master of Arts and Master
of Theology recipients, the scholarship extends for two consecutive years.
Basic qualifications for applying for TSMS are as follows:
A. The applicant must meet all the qualifications for admissions for any master's degree program
at Torch Trinity.
B. The applicant must be a native of a strategic mission country with a vision to plant/build the
church there or another place of equal strategic value.
C. The applicant must demonstrate financial need beyond the applicant's, applicant's family's, or
other possible sources' ability to meet.
D. The applicant must apply from a missionally strategic country.

*Currently, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) applicants are NOT eligible for TSMS. These applicants
must apply under other scholarships for international students.

02 Applicant Qualifications
If you have questions, please contact the Admissions Officer. Do not ask alumni because guidelines
change yearly.
A. Qualifications. Applicants must have the following qualifications
1. A confessing and mature believer (who has the assurance of salvation) with two letters of
recommendation from a pastor, professor, or church leader/employer.
2. A native of a strategic mission country or region (majority world, developing country,
Muslim region, etc.) with a vision to plant/build the church of that country or another country
of equal strategic value upon graduation. (Internationals residing in Korea cannot apply.)
3. A bachelor's degree or its equivalent by an accredited institution recognized by Torch Trinity
Graduate University
4. For a ThM applicant, an MDiv or its equivalent by an accredited institution recognized by
Torch Trinity Graduate University.
5. A TOEFL/IELTS score that meets Korean government standards. In cases in which it is
severely difficulty to access the exams, the applicant is advised to contact the Admissions
B. Disqualifications. Any of the following points disqualifies an applicant:
1. currently resides in Korea
2. is married to a Korean (or Korean descent)/someone from the developed countries
3. has family in Korea
4. has a spouse living in Korea (now or during enrollment)
C. Limited Housing. Due to limited housing, Torch Trinity does not offer scholarships to couples. We
cannot house couples and families.
Admission Procedure & Schedule
Process Schedule Note
Pre-application By May10, 2018 Online Submission
Confirmation of
Pre-application Results May 30, 2018 Email Notification
Application July 1 to August 31, 2018 Mail Application Form
with Required Documents
Paper Screening Results September 20, 2018 Email Notification
Interview September 27 to 28, 2018 Phone or Skype
Final Results October 2, 2018 Email Notification

04 Pre-Application
A. Applicants for TSMS must submit the ONLINE PRE-APPLICATION prior to the actual
application for admission. Online pre-application provides the preliminary documentation necessary
to demonstrate that a prospective international student has the proper educational qualifications and
ministry experiences, as well as a ministry plan for the period after his/her study at Torch Trinity.
Only those who pass the pre-application evaluation are eligible to submit the application forms and
other required documents for TSMS admissions.
B. If you have difficulty filling out the online forms, contact the TSMS admissions officer by post or
by email:
● 1. Period: February 1 to May 10, 2018
● 2. Online Pre-application input on ->

● "TSMS Admissions Pre-application" banner
● 3. Pre-Application Input List (complete all three below)
○ a. Personal Information
○ b. Personal Statement (spiritual and academic backgrounds)
○ c. Transcript in English (upload scanned files)

A. Those who pass the pre-application evaluation need to submit their application form and required
documents to the Admissions Office by the application due date by POST only. Forms are available
on the school website. If you have difficulty accessing the website, please ask the Admissions Officer
to send forms to you by email or by post.
B. Dates
1. Period: July 1 to August 31, 2018
2. Application packages should be sent by post on or before August 31, 2018.
C. Forms Download
1. Click "Admissions Forms" on > Admissions > Admissions Forms
2. If you have difficulty accessing the website, please ask the admissions officer (
to send forms to you by email or by post.
D. Required Documents (all documents listed below are required. No exceptions.)
1. TSMS Application (use provided form)
2. Personal Statement (use provided form)
3. Two Recommendation Letters (use provided form)
○ Pastor
○ Professor or Church Leader/Employer
4. Official Certificate of Graduation
■ a. Original or Documents attested by the Korean Embassy
■ b. Each applicant must submit certificates from colleges, universities, and/or
seminaries previously attended. In unusual circumstances, a copy of a diploma may be
used as a substitute. However, the school will not accept a transcript that bears the name of
the degree as a replacement for a diploma.
5. Official Transcript
○ Original or Documents attested by the Korean Embassy
○ The applicant should submit official transcripts from all colleges, universities, and/or
seminaries previously attended. The applicant should also submit foreign transcripts,
including records of all courses, examinations, grades, grading scales, and conferrals of
○ All transcripts must be in English.
6. Original TOEFL Score or IELT substitute or TTGU Alternative
○ Taken within the Past Two Years with the following minimum scores: Required
Score: TOEFL CBT 210, iBT 80, IELTS 5.5
○ Alternatives can be given upon written request. Please write to the TSMS Admissions
Officer (
7. Passport-Size Photos (3)
8. Scholarship Application (use provided form)
9. Copy of your passport
E. Applications Submission

1. Mailing Address:
●TSMS Admissions Office
●Torch Trinity Graduate University
●70 Baumero 31-gil, Seocho-gu Seoul, Korea 137-889
F. Any incomplete document or missing information cannot be considered for evaluation. Once you
submit your application package, documents therein cannot be changed or returned.
Finalist Interview
A. After the paper screening process, the evaluation committee will have a phone or Skype (online
video) interview with the selected applicants.
B. Dates
1. Interview Period: September 27 to 28, 2018
2. Between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm (Korea Standard Time)
Admissions Confirmation
A.Admissions Confirmation Package & Medical Reports
1. Those who passed the application and interview stages are asked to submit the following
documents to the office by October 26, 2018
■ *Medical Report
■ *Notice of Intention
■ *Financial Statement
■ *Signed TSMS Covenat.
2. Medical Insurance Fee Deposit - After sending the admissions package to TTGU, applicants are
to transfer a deposit, the first three months of Korea's National Health Insurance (roughly USD
150), to a designated school account.
B.Documents for Visa Application - Upon receiving the health insurance deposit, the school will
send the necessary documents to recipients for their student visa applications.
Tuition and Fees
●Full scholarship covers tuition, as well as room and board. Individual students are responsible for all
other expenses incurred during their studies at Torch Trinity including books, public transportation,
and personal expenditures.
●All TSMS recipients (including partial scholarship recipients) are required to stay in the dormitories
for the duration of their degree program. The Admissions Office will handle this part of their
●As you can imagine, life away from home for several years will certainly include excitement and
adventure, but sometimes also loneliness and discouragement, especially from adapting to the rigors
of academic discipline and unfamiliar cultural aspects. Torch Trinity expects that each TSMS student
will not only acknowledge these realities, but also to have the basic physical, psychological, and
spiritual wellbeing to successfully finish their study and training. Applicants are responsible to
perform basic research on what life in Korea would be like including weather, food, and culture.
●If you have concerns, please contact the Admissions Officer during the application stage
Updated on February 1, 2018


1. ICDF International Higher Education Scholarship Program

Ministry ofScience Master’s – 2 Stipend/Allowance) https://taiwanscholarship.
February 1 –
& Technology(MOS yearsDoctoral – 30, 000 NTD to cover tuition
March 31, 2018
T 3 years fee, living expenses and 05.html

Full financial support for

Based from the tuition fee, accommodation,
Cooperation and February 1- .asp?xItem=12505&CtN
degree/course living expenses, economy
Development Fund March 16, 2018 ode=30316&mp=2
program class airfare ticket, textbook
Applicant/s will
choose if he/she
would like to Monthly
Huayu Enrichment February 1 –
pursue 2 months, Stipend/Allowance:25, 000 w/EngLawContent.aspx?
Scholarship March 31, 2018
or 3 months NTD Type=E&id=70
Mandarin course.

2. National Chiao Tung University International Student Scholarship in Taiwan, 2018

The National Chiao Tung University is currently accepting applications for National Chiao Tung
University International Student Scholarship to study in Taiwan. Scholarships are available to pursue
bachelor, master and doctoral programme.
The National Chiao Tung University is one of Taiwan’s leading public research universities located
in Hsinchu, Taiwan. NCTU is generally considered to be one of the best universities in Taiwan. As a
leading technological university, NCTU has faculty with doctorates from the world’s top universities.
They include but are not limited to Cambridge, Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, MIT, Universities of
London, Paris, and Tokyo.
Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency
in English at the higher level required by the University.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: March 15, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Bachelor, Master and Doctoral
Study Subject: Scholarships are open for degree programs open for international admissions.
Scholarship Award: The amount of the scholarship is divided according to academic level,
(1) Bachelor Class: Up to NT $ 12,000 (approximately US $ 400) a month and / or tuition and relief
deductions (full or partial)
(2) Master’s Program: up to NT $ 16,000 (about US $ 533) per month and/or tuition and fee relief (in
full or in part)

(3) Doctoral Program: Up to NT $ 24,000 (approximately US $ 800) per month and / or tuition and
relief deduction (in full or in part)
Nationality: International students
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given
Scholarship can be taken in Taiwan
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
NCTU International Scholarships are available to outstanding degree-seeking international students
with excellent academic and research records. Selected students may be awarded monthly stipend
and/or exemption from tuition fees (tuition waiver and Reduction).
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.

3. Taiwan Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: The mode of application is online.
Online Application
Scholarship Link
NTHU Scholarship
International students are eligible to apply from the following scholarships or financial support.
Scholarships may come from different sources, such as NTHU, government institutions, and private
organizations. Please follow the steps and processes required for a particular scholarship program.

National Tsing Hua University ::

How to
Scholarship Scholarship description Apply to whom
● Doctoral students: NT$ 10,000 per
● Master students: NT$ 5,000 per
NTHU International Center for Continuing
Student Scholarship Education at NTHU
● Bachelor students: NT$ 5,000 per
● tuition fee waived
NTHU Country Heights Division of contact
Holding Bhd Filial Piety ● Opens to prospective undergraduate Student Assistance at Division of
Scholarship students who are Malaysian citizens NTHU Student

:: Government Agencies ::

Scholarship Scholarship Description Apply to whom How to

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
● NT$ 30,000 per month

Ministry of Science and Technology

● NT$ 30,000 per month

Ministry of Education
● Doctoral students: NT$ 20,000 per Taiwan Embassy or
Taiwan Scholarship month Taipei Economic and
● Master's students: NT$ 20,000 per Cultural Office
● Bachelor students: NT$ 15,000 per
● MOE will pay up to NT$40,000
each semester for each recipient's
approved tuition, the remaining
amount must be paid by the student.
Academia Sinica
International Graduate Academia Sinica
Student Scholarship
Taiwan International
Taiwan Embassy or
Cooperation and
Taipei Economic and
Development Fund (ICDF)
Cultural Office

:: Other Scholarships::

How to
Scholarship Scholarship Description Apply to Whom
● Round-trip economy-class tickets,
Living expenses, Insurance, Tuition Elite Study In Taiwan
VEST 500 Project
waived Program Office
● Vietnamese only
● Round-trip economy-class tickets,
Elite Study In Taiwan
Danang Project Stipend, Insurance, Tuition waived
Program Office
● Vietnamese only
● Airfare, Living expenses, Tuition
Taiwan-Thailand Elite 600 Elite Study In Taiwan
Scholarship Program Program Office
● Thai only
Southern Sunshine Elite Study In Taiwan
● Tuition waived
Scholarship (SSS) Project Program Office
ITRI & NTHU ● NT$ 10,000 per month Office of Global
Coordinated Graduate ● During summer/winter vacation: Affairs at NTHU

Program full-time paid internship at ITRI
(Scholarship & -Master’s student: NT$35〜
Internship) 45K/month
-PhD student: NT$45〜65K/month
● Airfare subsidy (to travel to
NOTE: Details of your offer will be
confirmed if you are selected.
You may contact colleges / departments for the possibility of other financial aids.
4. Taipei Tech Scholarships
Target Postgraduate Students
Master :
1. Tutition Waiver (two years max.)
2. Monthly Stipend NT 6,000 (first year only)
Award Item PhD :
1. Tutition Waiver (four years max.)
2. Monthly Stipend NT 12,000 (four years max.)

Second year master’s students may apply for tuition waiver with first year academic
From the 2nd year onward, PhD studens’ academic performance and the number of
published journals (doctoral students only) in the previous year will be the criteria for
scholarship renewal.
Please check the International Graduate Student Scholarship Regulationfor
Renewal Fall Intake : Every July
application Spring Intake : Every February
The following international graduate students may not apply for the International
Graduate Student Scholarship :
Restriction 1. Students who are already receiving other forms of financial aid from Taiwan
government or Taipei Tech.
2. Students who are engaged in full-time paid employment in Taiwan.

5. NCCU Scholarships
Scholarship New International Student Scholarship MOE Common Scholarship
Applicable Bachelor Master PhD Bachelor Master PhD
Award NT$60,000 NT$80,000 NT$100,000 Depends on funding availability
Amount / Person / Person / Person
Coverage 1. Quota: 75

2. Award recipients shall receive the
scholarship award by remittance in
two equal installments in October and
December, to accounts at NCCU
designated financial institutions.
Office in Office of International Cooperation (the Office of International Cooperation
Charge candidates must be nominated by the
college/department; applications
directly from the students are not
Application 1. Application time: Late April (exact 1. International students who have been
Time & application time: TBA by OIC) enrolled at NCCU for more than one
Eligibility 2. Application eligibility: Newly semester may apply. Transcript of the
admitted international students who are previous semester will be required upon
not awarded with other scholarship (see applying.
application guideline for complete 2. Those who have received other full
information) scholarships are excluded.
Relevant Scholarship application guideline Regulations Governing Foreign Student
links FAQ Application of the Ministry of Education
Common Scholarship

6. NTNU Scholarship
1) Taiwan Scholarship
● Undergraduates: NTD 15,000 per month + basic tuition waiver for a maximum of 4 years.

● Master's students: NTD 20,000 per month + basic tuition wavier for a maximum of 4 years.

● Application dates: from 1 February to the end of March.

● Where to apply: applications are handled by the ROC representative office either located in the
applicant's home country or having jurisdiction over that country.
* Please note: If schooling is discontinued in the middle of a semester, basic tuition that has been
waived must be repaid in full.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Scholarship

●Undergraduates: NTD 30,000 per month for a maximum of 4 years. Registration fees must be paid
before scholarship payments can be issued.

●Master's students: NTD 30,000 per month for a maximum of 2 years. Registration fees must be paid
before scholarship payments can be issued.

●PhD students: NTD 30,000 per month for a maximum of 4 years. Registration fees must be paid
before scholarship payments can be issued.

● Appliation dates: from 1 Februrary to the end of March.

● Where to apply: applications are handled by the ROC representative office either located in the
applicant's home country or having jurisdiction over that country.
●Taiwan Scholarship Programs Guidelines
●Taiwan Scholarship Application Form
Contact Office: Division of International Student Affairs, Office of International Affairs.
TEL: +886-2-7734-1271
For more information,please visit:
2) The NTNU First-Year International Student Scholarship and Tuition Waiver Programs
NTNU's First-Year International Student Scholarship and Tuition Waiver Programs were created in
response to the government's policy to increase the recruitment of international students at universities in
Taiwan, as well as to boost the number of international students at NTNU with excellent academic
records and to promote internationalization.

1. Applicant Eligibility:
Eligibility: First-year, degree-seeking international students studying at NTNU who are not currently
receiving any scholarships.

2. Award Amount and Screening Procedure:

(1) First-year International Student Scholarship:

A. Graduate students will receive a total of NTD 150,000 and undergraduates NTD 100,000.
B. Awards are distributed only a montly basis, NTD 15,000 per month for graduate students and NTD
10,000 per month for undergraduates, for a total of 10 months. Not registering for classes, discontinuing
schooling during a semester or instances of misconduct will cause recipients to lose their scholarship

(2) Tuition Waivers:

A. Undergraduates will receive credit hour tuition waivers,but basic tuition must still be paid.
B. Graduate students will receive basic tuition waivers, but credit hour tuition must still be paid.
C. Not registering for classes, discontinuing schooling during a semester or instances of misconduct will
cause recipients to lose their scholarship eligibility.

Application times: Application forms are to be filled out when applying to study at NTNU and should be
submitted along with other application materials.

Scholarship awards are determined by each academic department individually. Lists of scholarship
recipients and related documentation are sent to the Office of International affairs for processing.
1. Guidelines for the First-year International Student Scholarship and Tuition Waiver Programs
2. First-year International Student Scholarship Application Form
Contact Office: Division of International Student Affairs, Office of International Affairs.
TEL: +886-2-7734-1271

3) NTNU Scholarship for International Students
The NTNU Scholarship for International Students was especially created to in order to encourage
international students who excel in their studies.

1. Scholarship amount: NTD 10,000 (US $313) per month per recipient. Recipients are chosen every six
months. Award periods are from January to June and from July to December.
2. Eligibility:
A. For undergraduate students, applicants must have taken a minimum of 16 credits each semester. All
applicants must have a final grade average for the previous semester of more than 70, and have no record
of personal misconduct.
B. For graduate students, applicants must meet one of the following conditions: (a) have taken at least one
course each semester or (b) have had their research proposal approved by their academic advisor.
Scholarships may be awarded based upon condition (b) only once. In addition, all applicants must have a
final grade average for the previous semester of at least 80, and have no record of personal misconduct.
C. Applications are accepted twice each year. During the first month after the beginning of each semester,
the number of scholarships available for each department is decided by a committee. The application
period begins sometime after the number of scholarships has been decided. Students are to apply for this
scholarship at the office within their own academic department. Applications consist of the application
form, a copy of transcripts for the previous semester, and a letter certifying that no other NTNU
scholarships are being received during the award period for this scholarship. Actual application dates will
be posted on-line.

National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) Foreign Student Scholarship Program Guidelines
Application Form for the NTNU Foreign Student Scholarship
1. Guidelines for “NTNU Scholarship for International Students”
2. Application form for “NTNU Scholarship for International Students”

Contact Office: Division of International Student Affairs, Office of International Affairs.

TEL: +886-2-7734-1271
For more information regarding scholarships, please visit “Scholarships” on the website of the Office of
International Affairs.

6. Taipei Medical Scholarship

TMU Scholarship (for graduate student)
TMU International Student Scholarship applications are accepted at the time of application for
admission. Students' previous academic performance, extra-curricular activities, work experience,
financial situation and other achievements will all be considered for first year scholarship. Students
will receive their scholarship from enrollment and registration at TMU until July of the following
Scholarship recipients re-submit their applications for annual review. Students' academic
performance, activity attendance, and financial status while attending TMU will be considered in
annual reviews of scholarships.
TMU International Student Scholarships
Type A+: Recipients will receive a monthly allowance of NT$25,000 with tuition waiver. (Ph.D.
Student only)

Type A: Recipients will receive a monthly allowance of NT$16,000 with tuition waiver. (Ph.D.
Student only)
Type B: Recipients will receive a monthly allowance of NT$12,000 with tuition waiver.
Type C: Recipients will receive a tuition waiver.

TMU Grants for Outstanding International Graduate Students

1. Maximum of NT$50,000/semester: students graduated from/admitted by the top 150 universities in
Academic Ranking of World Universities or top 100 QS World University Ranking.
2. NT$2,500/month: students who receive full scholarship from their home countries.
3. Maximum of NT$50,000/semester: students who are the first author of SCI/SSCI/A&HCI paper
within 3 years.
Regulations for TMU International Student Scholarships
Regulations for TMU Grants for Outstanding International Graduate Students

7. NTU Scholarship
NTU Scholarship application and degree application are conducted together. No additional
application documents are required. There will be a checkbox in the application form within the
degree application system; by ticking the checkbox, the application process for NTU scholarship will
be completed.
The Wenxin Diaolong Scholarship Programs aim to cultivate outstanding young scholars committed
to premium research and societal advancement. 文心 wenxin (the literary mind) 雕龍 diaolong (the
carving of dragons), the first comprehensive Chinese literary criticism and critical discourse by Liu
Xie (ca. 465 – ca. 521) demonstrates the significance of learning and practice as the prerequisite for
becoming a great mind, and this masterpiece over the millennial span has enlightened countless
scholars of different disciplines. The Office of International Affairs of National Taiwan University
currently plays the key role of implementing Wenxin Master's Scholarship Program and Diaolong
Doctoral Scholarship Program to carve more scholarly minds. Over 100 talents have benefited from
the Programs to have furthered intercultural competence, acquired top-notch knowledge, and honed
professional skills.
All NTU Scholarships are merit-based scholarships. Applicants will be assessed by the reviewing
committee based on the strength of their applications. NTU reserves the right not to award scholarship
if an applicant is of insufficient merit. The decision of the committee is final. Questions or
negotiations regarding the decisions will not be responded.
The payment process will be handled according to the OIA’s announcement every year. Scholarship
information will be sent to the recipient's NTU webmail. Scholarship recipients should check the
school mailbox regularly and stay in contact with their department and advisor.

8. NPTU Scholarship
Financial Aids & Scholarships
Students are encouraged to apply for scholarships provided by Taiwan government, such as Taiwan
scholarship. Moreover, National Taipei University provides a limited number of scholarships each
year for talented international students. Applicants who have received Taiwan scholarship are not
eligible to receive National Taipei University Scholarship.
A. Ministry of Education Common Scholarship (for degree students / transfer students)

Please refer to “National Taipei University Regulations Governing Foreign Student Application of
the Ministry of Education Common Scholarship”, you can download the regulations at the
following website:
B. Taiwan Scholarship (for degree students)
International students may apply for the Taiwan Scholarship offered by the government.
Applicants who want to apply for pre-degree Mandarin Language Enrichment Program must apply
for a degree program at the same time. You can check the
website: for detailed
information. Applicants may apply from February 1st till end of March every year, at the Taiwan
Overseas Mission.
C. Scholarship offered by NTPU / Other Financial Aid Information (for degree students)
NTPU also provides Tuition Waiver, Teaching Assistant Support Fund and other scholarship
offered by Department/ Institute.
National Formosa University Scholarship
Scholarship for International Students

1. Freshman: New international students have to apply for scholarship when they summit
2. Current students (starting from the second year): Students who reach the scores of one's
conduct in each semester over 80 and have not received any punishment by recording a
demerit and meet the following conditions:
(1)Undergraduate: the average score for their previous academic year should reach over 70
(2)Postgraduates: the average score for their previous academic year should reach over 75
2.Living Expense Stipend:
(1) Undergraduate: the average score for their previous academic year should each over 75
(2) Postgraduates: the average score for their previous academic year should reach over 80.
During the process of paper proposal, students have to submit the recommendation and
plan of the paper proposal instead of the score transcript of the previous academic year.
(1)Undergraduate (4-years program): 4 years
(2) Master Students: 2 years
(3) PhD students: 4 years

Contents: Tuition wavier and living expense stipend, decided by Members of the Scholarship
Commission of National Formosa University
International Students Application for Admission

Application Deadlines:
i. Spring Deadline: Nov. 30th.
All postal mails must be postmarked by Nov. 30th
ii. Fall Deadline: May 31st
All postal mails must be postmarked by May 31st
Note: Applicants who are qualified for Spring may enroll in February every year.
Applicants who are qualified for Fall may enroll in September every year.


9. Tzu Chi University Scholarship

International Student Scholarship Program
Who should apply:
For undergraduates- high school graduates, may apply for maximum 4 year scholarship; For masters
program- college graduates with B.S. degree, may apply for maximum 2 year scholarship; For
doctorates- with M.D. or M.S. degree, may apply for maximum 5 year scholarship
When to apply:
Freshmen should apply between February to April along with the school admission. Former and
continuing students should apply in two weeks after semester has started.
How to apply:
1. Scholarship application form and autobiography
2. Two letters of recommendation from school
3. Highest academic certificate and full English transcript
4. Health examination record
Former and continuing students
1. Achieved average grade of 75 or above in last year
2. Achieved behavioral results of 80 or above without any official record of misconduct
A wavier of full tuition and accommodation fees.
Monthly expenditures:
1. Undergraduate program : NT$ 5,000, A total of NT$ 40,000 is given in a year (8 months;3~6 and
2. Graduate program :

10. Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology

STUST Scholarships
STUST provides the following scholarships for applicants with good academic performance who are
not receiving financial aid from theTaiwanese government or from their home country. A scholarship
will be canceled if you are awarded grants or scholarships from other organizations.

Types of Scholarships
1. Undergraduate
(1) Tuition waived.
(2) Half of tuition waived.
2. Master’s:
Tuition waived.
3. Ph.D.:
(1) Tuition and dormitory fees waived plus monthly stipend of 10,000 TWD.
(2) Tuition and dormitory fees waived.

Required Documents
International students who apply for this scholarship should tick off the scholarship type on the
online application form and upload the following required documents:

1. Photocopies of the original graduation diploma and the official transcript;
2. Two letters of recommendation;
3. Study or research plan;
4. Autobiography;
5. Proof of English proficiency such as TOEFL, IELTS and TOEIC;
6. Malaysian students need to enclose United Examination Certificate (UEC), SPM or STPM.

The number of scholarship recipients will be based on STUST’s budget for the current academic

More detailed scholarship information, please find the complete STUST scholarship
→ The Regulations of STUST Scholarship for Int'l Students 南臺科大外國學生獎學金設置辦法

11. National Chiao Tung University Scholarship

Scholarships AY2018 - 2019(for outstanding degree-seeking international students)
For an updated list of academic programs and scholarships.
(Award granted in NT$ only, approx. US$ amount provided only for reference) US$1≒NT$30
Undergraduate students
Scholarship Amount Deadline Remarks
(per month) (subject to change)
NCTU Up toNT$12K Fall Intake: -
International (US$400) and/or December 31 (early action) > Degree-Seeking Students > Fees
Scholarship tuition or March 15 (regular and Financial Aids > Scholarships
waiver/reduction action) - Apply via NCTU
Spring Intake: (when apply for admission)
September 30
Taiwan Up to NT$30K Feb 1 - Mar 31 -
Scholarships (US$1,000) (Fall Intake only)
(offered by Actual dates vary per .tw/
the Taiwan Taiwan Embassies - Apply via Taiwan Embassies or
Government) Representative Offices overseas
CHT NT$10K June 30 -
Scholarship (US$333) (Fall Intake only) - Admitted students only
(Offered - Major in science/engineering/
by Chunghwa computer science/management
Telecom) - Thai/Indonesian/Vietnamese
students who are fluent in Chinese
- Apply via NCTU
- Internship opportunity(optional)
Masters students
Scholarship Amount Deadline Remarks
(per month) (subject to change)
NCTU Up to NT$16K Fall Intake: -
International (US$533) and/or December 31 (early action) > Degree-Seeking Students > Fees
Scholarship tuition waiver/ or March 15 (regular and Financial Aids > Scholarships
reduction action) - Apply via NCTU

Spring Intake: (when apply for admission)
September 30
Taiwan Up toNT$30K Feb 1 ~ Mar 31 -
Scholarships (US$1,000) (Fall Intake only)
(offered by Actual dates vary per .tw/
the Taiwan Taiwan Embassies - Apply via Taiwan Embassies or
Government) Representative Offices overseas
CHT NT$15K June 30 -
Scholarship (US$500) (Fall Intake only) - Admitted students only
(Offered - Major in science/engineering/
by Chunghwa computer science/management
Telecom) - Thai/Indonesian/Vietnamese
students who are fluent in Chinese
- Apply via NCTU
- Internship opportunity(optional)
PhD students
Scholarship Amount Deadline Remarks
(per month) (subject to change)
NCTU Up toNT$24K Fall Intake: -
International (US$800) and/or December 31 (early action) > Degree-Seeking Students > Fees
Scholarship tuition waiver or March 15 (regular and Financial Aids > Scholarships
/reduction action) - Apply via NCTU
Spring Intake: (when apply for admission)
September 30
NCTU Elite Up to NT$30K Fall Intake: -
PhD (US$1K) plus December 31 (early action) > Degree-Seeking Students > Fees
Scholarship tuition and or March 15 (regular and Financial Aids > Scholarships
dormitory fee action) - After 2 years of award period,
waiver Spring Intake: student
September 30 may apply for NCTU International
- Apply via NCTU
(when apply for admission)
Taiwan Up toNT$30K Feb 1 - Mar 31 -
Scholarships (US$1,000) (Fall Intake only)
(offered by Actual dates vary per .tw/
the Taiwan Taiwan Embassies - Apply via Taiwan Embassies or
Government) Representative Offices overseas
TIGP Up to NT$32K March 31 -
Scholarship (US$1,066) (Fall Intake only) - For specific programs only
(offered by (Bioinformatics program
Academia or Sustainable Chemical Science
Sinica) and Technology Program)
- Apply via Academia Sinica
Mandarin Chinese
Scholarship Amount Deadline Remarks
(per month) (subject to change)

Huayu Up to NT$25K Feb 1 - Mar 31 -
(Mandarin) (US$833) (Fall Intake only)
Enrichment Actual dates vary per .tw/
Scholarship Taiwan Embassies - Apply via Taiwan Embassies or
Representative Offices overseas
For Taiwan Scholarship information, please visit:
Study in Taiwan > Scholarships > Governmental Scholarships

I. NCTU International Scholarship

General Information
NCTU International Scholarships are available to outstanding degree-seeking international students with
excellent academic and research records. Selected students may be awarded monthly stipend and/or
exemption from tuition fees (tuition waiver).
A. Amount:
(1) Undergraduate students: up to NT$12,000 (US$400) per month and/or tuition waiver/reduction.
(2) Master’s students: up to NT$16,000 (US$533) per month and/or tuition waiver/reduction.
(3) Doctoral students: up to NT$24,000 (US$800) per month and/or tuition waiver/reduction.
B. Duration: Up to 1 year
C. Renewal: At the end of the first year, students may apply for NCTU International Scholarships for
outstanding current students. Award includes monthly stipends (up to NT$12,000
(US$400)/16,000(US$533)/24,000(US$800) for undergraduate/master’s/doctoral students) and/or tuition
waiver. The scholarships for current students are awarded for a 1 semester period in principle and may
be reapplied and reviewed annually based on applicants’ academic performance and research records
and subject to a maximum number of years.
Sponsoring Institution
Offered by the University.
Degree programs open for international admissions
Apply along with the degree programs. When filling out the admission application form, mark under the
“NCTU Scholarship” item on the form to be considered. Submit the admission application form together
with other required documents for admission through our online admission application system.
Application Period
Fall Intake:
October 1 - December 31 (Early Action)
January 2 - March 15 (Regular Action)
Spring Intake (graduate programs only):
August 10 – September 30
Division of International Admissions
Office of International Affairs
National Chiao Tung University
1001 University Road, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan

Tel: +886-3-513-1254 / Fax: +886-3-513-1473

II. NCTU Elite PhD Scholarship

General Information
The NCTU Elite PhD Scholarship is provided to encourage newly admitted international students with
outstanding academic record and exceptional research contribution. Award candidates are to be
nominated by each department and followed by committee review to select award recipients; the award
may remain
un-awarded if there is no eligible recipient.
A. Eligibility: A newly admitted doctoral student with outstanding academic records and who has not
received any other scholarships from the Taiwan (R.O.C.) government. The candidate should possess
outstanding academic record and has made exceptional contribution in research fields.
B. Amount: Up to NT$30,000 (US$1,000) per month with tuition and dormitory fee waiver*
C. Duration: Up to 2 years
D. Renewal: Scholarship is awarded for the first two years and award recipient’s qualification is
reviewed every semester during these two years. From the third year and onwards, award recipients may
apply for renewal based on their academic and research performance at NCTU.
*The scholarship award consists of funding parts from the university and parts from the research
advisor. For details, please refer to the NCTU Scholarship Regulation: > Degree-Seeking Students > Fees and Scholarships > Scholarships
Sponsoring Institution
Offered by the University.
Doctoral degree programs open for international admissions
Apply along with the degree programs. When filling out the admission application form, mark under the
“NCTU Scholarship” item on the form to be considered. Submit the admission application form together
with other required documents for admission through our online admission application system.
Fall Intake:
October 1 - December 31 (Early Action)
January 2 - March 15 (Regular Action)
Spring Intake (graduate programs only):
August 10 – September 30
Division of International Admissions
Office of International Affairs
National Chiao Tung University
1001 University Road, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan
Tel: +886-3-513-1254 / Fax: +886-3-513-1473

III. TIGP Scholarship

General Information

The Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP) is a PhD program established in 2002 by
Academia Sinica, the foremost research institution of Taiwan. In collaboration with top universities in
Taiwan, Academia Sinica offers advanced, inter-disciplinary PhD Programs in nine fields that span the
natural and physical sciences, as well as computational linguistics The programs on offer from NCTU
1. Bioinformatics (
2. Sustainable Chemical Science and Technology (
TIGP students will learn in an all-English teaching and research environments, benefit from the
instruction of world-class faculty and have access to state-of-the-art research facilities at Academia
Sinica and NCTU.
A. Eligibility: All applicants who are admitted to TIGP.
B. Amount: Up to NT$32,000 (US$1,066) per month.
C. Duration: Up to 3 years
D. Renewal:
The first year is guaranteed whereas the amount of the stipend for the second and third years will
depend on student’s performance.
Sponsoring Institution
Offered by the Academia Sinica
Doctoral degree program in Bioinformatics and Sustainable Chemistry at NCTU
(For programs offered by other universities, please visit the TIGP site)
Online application:
March 31 (Fall Intake only)
Bioinformatics: Ms. Rebecca Wu
Tel: +886-2-27883799 ext. 2356
Sustainable Chemical Science and Technology: Ms. Mengru Chiang
Tel: +886-3-5731-643
TIGP Admissions Office (Academia Sinica): Ms. Huan-Yi Shen
Tel: +886-2-2789-9696
Fax: +886-2-2785-8944
128 Academia Road, Section 2,
Nankang District,
Taipei 11529, Taiwan
E-mail 1:
E-mail 2:

IV. CHT Scholarship

General Information
The CHT Scholarship is sponsored by Chunghwa Telecom (CHT), the largest telecommunication
company in Taiwan, based on the premise of academia-industry cooperation. The scholarship is offered
to 10 students (either international or overseas Chinese students) who are from Thailand, Indonesia,
Vietnam and are fluent in Chinese. Summer/winter internship opportunities are open for scholarship
recipients to apply.
A. Eligibility: Thai, Indonesian and Vietnamese students who are fluent in Chinese
B. Amount: NT$10,000 (US$333) per month for undergraduate student and NT$15,000 (US$500)
per month for master’s degree student.
C. Duration: offered for 1 year period and open for application annually. Maximum award period is 4
years for undergraduate student and 2 years for master’s degree student.
D. Renewal: Every year
Sponsoring Institution
Offered by Chunghwa Telecom
Undergraduate and Master’s degree program in science, engineering, computer science and management
Open for admitted students only and related info will be announced at NCTU OIA website
Deadlines (may subject to change)
June 30 (Fall Intake only)
Ms. Janet Chen
Division of International Admissions
Office of International Affairs
National Chiao Tung University
1001 University Road, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan
Tel: +886-3-571-2121 ext. 50666 / Fax: +886-3-513-1473
Download PDF File:
NCTU International Students Scholarships Regulations (ver June 2017)

For students who entered NCTU before Fall 2016, please refer to the following scholarship regulation
for grade requirement of scholarship renewal. For other matters relating to scholarship award, please
refer to the latest version of the scholarship regulation.
NCTU International Students Scholarships Regulations (ver July 2015)

12. NTUST Scholarship

I. These scholarships are made available to international graduate students for the purpose of
globalizing the campus by attracting outstanding graduate students from abroad.
II. Eligibility:
A. For first-time applicants: International students who hold bachelor’s or master’s degrees from
universities abroad (including dual-degree program students) applying for admission to our
graduate programs as full-time students may apply for a one-year scholarship. All first-time
applicants must submit all the documents required of foreign applicants for admission, including

the application forms, declaration and authorization, official transcripts of the applicant’s highest
university degree, letters of recommendation, a physical examination certificate and an official
language proficiency test score (TOEFL or its equivalent).
B. For continuing applicants: At the end of their first academic year, students may apply for the
renewal of the scholarship for their next year of graduate study by submitting the following
materials: the previous year’s transcript, a report on or examples of their research output, and a
letter of recommendation from their faculty advisor.
C. The following international graduate students may not apply for this scholarship:
1) Students who are already receiving other forms of financial aid from the R.O.C
government or the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. (Exceptions to
this regulation include research stipends or work-study payments, and financial aid provided
under special agreements signed with NTUST.)
2) Those who are discovered to be enrolled at another university in Taiwan while they are
studying at NTUST or those engaged in full-time paid employment in the R.O.C.
III. The sources of these scholarships are the university’s endowment fund and subsidies from the
Ministry of Education.
IV. Number of recipients: Will be decided each year based upon the university’s annual budget.
V. Terms of the Scholarship:
A. For a full-scholarship recipient, upon enrollment, a monthly stipend of NT$10,000 will be
granted to a master’s program student, and a NT$15,000 monthly stipend will be granted to a
doctoral student. A one-year waiver of tuition and fees (including credit hour fees) may also be
B. For a partial-scholarship recipient, upon enrollment, a monthly stipend of NT$8,000 will be
granted to a master’s program student, and a NT$11,000 monthly stipend will be granted to a
doctoral student. A one-year waiver of tuition and fees (including credit hour fees) may also be
C. For a tuition and fee waiver recipient, upon enrollment, tuition and fees, including credit-hour
fees, will be waived for that year.
VI. When to file an application:
A. In-coming students should file a scholarship application form at the same time they submit
their application for admission.
B. Before the expiration of their current scholarship, returning students should submit a
scholarship application form to their department or graduate program office no later than the
scholarship application deadline announced by the university.

VII. Evaluation process:

A. For in-coming students, the announcement of the scholarship recipients will be made after the
applications and accompanying documentation are evaluated and authenticated through their
department or graduate program, the Office of Academic Affairs, and the International Student
Scholarship Committee of the Office of International Affairs.
B. For returning students, the announcement of the aid recipients will be made after the
applications are evaluated and recommended by their department or graduate program to the
Office of International Affairs, which will conduct the final evaluation and
announce the results.
VIII. Duration of the Scholarship:
A. Master’s program: Maximum 2 years; dual-degree program students, maximum 1 year.
B. Doctoral program: Maximum 3 years.

C. Master’s fast-track to Ph.D. program: Maximum four years.
IX. Cancellation and Resumption of Scholarship:
A. Any of the following situations will result in cancellation of eligibility for scholarships and the
termination of all scholarship payments:
1) If a returning student is not recommended by their department or graduate program or
approved by the Office of International Affairs for continuation of their scholarship.
2) If a student takes leave of absence or is expelled from the university.
3) If the student gives up his or her pursuit of study without going through the formal process
of withdrawal or being expelled from the university.
4) If an incoming student does not properly complete the university enrollment and
registration process (or for continuing students, complete registration for a new semester) by
the announced deadlines.
5) If a student leaves Taiwan for over a month during a semester or performs below required
academic standards and this situation is reported to the university and confirmed by his or
her faculty advisor, department or graduate program, the Office of Academic Affairs or other
university administrative office.
6 ) If a student violates R.O.C. laws.
7) If a student has received one minor demerit or more as punishment for violation of
university regulations and the International Student Scholarship Committee decides to
terminate the student’s scholarship as a result.
B. Resumption of Eligibility for Scholarship:
Those students who have had their scholarship eligibility cancelled for any of the above or other
reasons and who resume their studies or otherwise eliminate the conditions leading to their loss of
eligibility within the original time period that the scholarship was to be received can apply to
their department for resumption of their scholarship eligibility. The total time period for which a
student can receive a scholarship does not include the time when the student was not eligible. For
example, a Ph.D. student who has received a scholarship for two years and then takes one year’s
leave of absence can apply for the third year of the scholarship when they return to resume their
X. Recipients must sign a declaration agreeing that if any of the information or documentation that
they provide in applying for admission or financial aid is found to be false or forged, the recipients
will lose their scholarship eligibility, be subject to punishment under the relevant university
regulations, and be required to return the scholarship funding already received.
XI. These guidelines go into effect upon approval by the Administrative Council. The same is true of
any revisions.

13. NCKU scholarship
NCKU Distinguished The NCKU Distinguished International Student Scholarship is classified into
International Student the following two categories:
Scholarship a. For Undergraduate:
▶ Top 20% will each receive USD 500 (NT$ 15,000) per month.
▶ Top 20.01%-40% will each receive USD 335 (NT$ 10,000)per month.
▶ Accepted students will receive the waiver of the basic rate for on-campus
accommodation fee (A scholarship recipient who chooses not to live in a on-
campus will not receive any payment for the waiver of accommodation fee.)
b. For Graduate:
Recipients can get the monthly stipend and the waivers of tuition fees & course
credit fees
monthly stipend for master recipients is up to USD 166 (NT$5,000), and for
PhD students is up to USD 300 (NT$9,000).

How to apply:
The University International Student Admissions Committee will review the
application documents to evaluate the scholarship opportunity for the first
academic year. Applicants do not need to submit any additional application
documents for this scholarship, and the award information will be mailed
along with the admission letter. For the further academic years, the students
have to apply again. The Committee will review your last year’s academic
performance to evaluate the scholarship status.
1. Students with an employment status on their ARC or a work visa are not
eligible to receive any of the above scholarships.
2. Recipients who defer admission will be disqualified from the granted

College/Department Department of 1. MS RA scholarship NT$3,000~NT$10,000 per month.

Scholarship Mechanical (NT$6,000 on average)
Engineering 2. PhD RA scholarship NT$6,000~NT$20,000 per month.
(NT$10,000 on average)
*Direct application at advisor’s Office
3. PhD students will get NT$50,000 (PhD students will get
NT$10,000 for the first year, get NT$10,000 for the second
year, and get NT$30,000 after passing the qualify exam)
*Direct application from Ms. Sophy Chen at ME department

Department of Based on candidates' performance, Research Assistantship
Geomatics (RA) of NT$4,500 would be provided to Master's students and
NT$6,000 would be provided to PhD students by advisors per
*Granted by students' advisors, based on the research
performance of students.

Department of 1. Master scholarship: NT$7,000 per month from your

Biomedical advisor.
Engineering 2. PhD scholarship: NT$3,000 per month from your
*Guaranteed for the first year. After that, it will be evaluated
on a yearly basis. The duration of funding granted will be
determined by the departmental academic committee.
*The scholarship recipient must to fulfill responsibilities of
Teaching Assistantship.
Master of The 1. Scholarship: NT$7,000 per month from your
International advisor.
Institute of *Guaranteed for the first year. After that, it will be evaluated
Medical Device on a yearly basis. The duration of funding granted will be
Innovation determined by the departmental academic committee.
(MDI) *The scholarship recipient must to fulfill responsibilities of
Teaching Assistantship.

Department of *Granted by students' advisors, based on the research

Statistics performance of students. Research Assistantship (RA) of
NT$6,000 would be provided to Master's students and
NT$8,000 would be provided to PhD students by advisors per

Institute of *Granted by students' advisors, based on the research

Data Science performance of students. Research Assistantship (RA) of
NT$6,000 would be provided to Master's students by advisors
per month.

Department of Additional stipend of at least 5,000 NTD/month and 1,000

Chemical NTD/month will be funded, by the corresponding advisor and
Engineering department, for the enroll Master and PhD students,

Department of 1. According to the performance of students’ research,
Biotechnology an additional over NT $ 3,000 per month for Master
and students will be provided by the supervisor.
Bioindustry 2. According to the performance of students’ research,
Sciences an additional over NT $ 6,000 per month for Doctoral
students will be provided by the supervisor.
After the council pick over the documents of international
degree application, a round trip ticket will be provided as

Department of 1. Master’s scholarship: NT$6,000/per month by

Aeronautics & advisors.
Astronautics 2. Ph. D. scholarship: NT$6,000/per month by

14. Taiwan Government Scholarship

Taiwan 1. This scholarship is offered by the Taiwan government (Ministry of Education &
Scholarship Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
2. How to apply: For application guidelines and forms, types of scholarship and
quotas, as well as information regarding the selection process and outcome
announcements, applicants may directly contact the nearest Taiwan Embassy or
Representative Office in their country.
3. Relevant
links: ;

International The Taiwan ICDF has established the Taiwan International Cooperation Alliance
Cooperation (TICA) with its partner universities, setting up an operational platform under this TICA
and framework to manage and improve the scholarship program. More information about
Development each of the programs offered through the Taiwan ICDF International Higher Education
Fund (ICDF) Scholarship Program can be found on the relevant partner university’s website.
Higher NCKU has been cooperating with Taiwan ICDF from 2007 for an International
Education Master's Program in Civil Engineering and Management.
Scholarship How to Apply:
Program Applicants shouldcomplete Taiwan ICDF online application and submit the documents
to the ROC (Taiwan) Embassy/ Consulate (General)/ Representative Office/ Taiwan
Technical Mission or project representative in their country. Applicants must ensure
that they submit accurate and complete documentation; failure to do so will result in the
application not being processed. Please also note: Late submissions will not be accepted
and/or processed

Award Timeframe: Master’s Program in Civil Engineering and Management: 2 years
For more information, please visit to International Cooperation and Development
Fund and Department of Civil Engineering websites

Additional Information
• Full-English Programs
• NCKU Homepage
• NCKU-OIA Homepage
• OIA E-News
• [Admission]Promotional video for NCKU. Welcome to NCKU.
• NCKU Home
• International Student Affairs Home
• Contact US
• Copyright © 2010 NCKU All rights reserved.
Office of International Affairs(OIA), National Cheng Kung Univ
Mandarin Training Center
NTD 25,000 monthly
1. Applicants who are of foreign nationality above the age of 18, who possess a high school
diploma or above, have shown excellent academic performace, and are of good moral
character are eligible.
2. Applicants who are NOT an overseas Chinese student or a national of the R.O.C.
3. Applicants who have never registered as a student at a Mandarin Language Center nor have
studied for a degree from a university or college in Taiwan.
4. Applicants who have never received a HES or a Taiwan Scholarship, in the past.
5. Applicants who are not an exchange student in Taiwan, during the scholarship period.
6. Applicants who are not receiving financial benefits from the Taiwan government or another
educational institution.
Where to Submit Your Application
ROC Consulate in your country
Application Dates
Between Feb. 1 to March 31 every year (Please refer to their website for the exact dates and latest
Application Info
Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) International Student Directions
Yuan Ze University Schlarship
International Student Scholarship
Yuan Ze University
Regulations Governing Scholarship Awarding for Foreign Students
Passed at the 17th Administrative Meeting of 2008 dated June 22, 2009
Passed at the 12nd Administrative Meeting of 2013 dated February 20, 2013

Article 1 These Regulations are established to encourage and help outstanding foreign
students to study, or engage in an internship or research project at Yuan Ze University
through the exchange program.
Article 2 The term “foreign students” as used in these Regulations, defined based on the
Regulations for Foreign Students Studying at Yuan Ze University, shall cover degree -
pursuing student, exchange student, student studying abroad and internship student.
Article 3 Coverage, Application Requirements and Procedure, and Award Period of the
Scholarship are as follows:
1. Coverage:
1.)Waiver of tuition, miscellaneous fees, credit fees and language training
expens2.)Provision of living allowance
2. Application Requirements:
1.)Freshmen: Once accepted by the University, the student can obtain a full or partial
scholarship as outlined in Item 1)- 2) of this Article from the University.
2.)Current students:
Any undergraduate student, who have completed at least one semesters of study, taking 16
credits or more each semester, with an averagely academic grade of 65 or above and a
conduct grade of 80 or above in the previous semester, can obtain a full or partial
scholarship as outlined in Item 1)- 2) of this Article from the University on
recommendation of the individual department/school/program he or she is attending.
Any graduate student in master or doctoral program who has completed at least one
semesters of study taking credits more each semester with an averagely academic grade
above and a conduct the previous can obtain full partial scholarship as outlined item this
article from university on recommendation individual department he she is a ttending.
students have not course requirements during period writing their dissertations may submit
letter by advisor along dissertation proposal instead.>
3. Application Procedure: A recommendation application for the applicant shall be filed
with the Office of International Affairs by the individual department/school/program he/she
is attending for further approval before the semester ends.
4. Award Period: No more than 8 semesters for undergraduate students, 4 semesters for
master students, and 8 semesters for doctoral students.
Please visit the following links for more information
「 」

15. Taiwan Scholarships

Funding Government Agencies of Taiwan Scholarships and their focuses
A. There are two government agencies that fund this program, each with a different focus in
terms of recipients’ nationalities and study programs:
1. MOFA Scholarship:
Recipients from countries that have diplomatic relations with the R.O.C. (Taiwan) or
countries specified as diplomatically favorable by MOFA.
Undergraduate and/or postgraduate degree pro grams. Embassies of the R.O.C. can also
award a pre-degree Mandarin Language Enrichment Program (LEP) scholarship to
recipients to improve their language abilities.
2. MOE Scholarship:
Recipients from countries other than those specified in the MOFA Schola rship.

Undergraduate and/or postgraduate programs. R.O.C.’s overseas offices can also designate
a pre-degree Mandarin Language Enrichment Program (LEP) to recipients to improve their
language abilities.
B. LEP award
The LEP award is neither mandatory nor automatically granted; it has to be awarded by
R.O.C. Embassies or Representative Offices where the applicant submitted his/her
application. LEP must be undertaken in the first year if it is included in the total award
An applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
A. Be a high school graduate or above, have an excellent academic performance in
his/her most recent formal educational study experience, be of good moral
character and does not have any criminal records.
B. Is not an R.O.C. (Taiwan) national.
C. Does not have the status of being an overseas compatriot student.
D. Has never enrolled at any educational institution in Taiwan for the same level of
degree or LEP that he/she intends to matriculate with the aid of a Taiwan
E. Is not an exchange student in accordance with any agreement of cooperation
between an international university/college and an educational institute in
Taiwan, at the time of receiving a Taiwan Scholarship.
F. Is not applying for a study program leading to the same level of degree as
previously undertaken under the Taiwan Scholarship Program.
G. Does not have any revocation record regarding the Taiwan Scholarship Program
nor from the Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program.
H. Is not a recipient of any other scholarship or subsidy offered by the Taiwan
government or at any other educational institutions in Taiwan.
An applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
A. Application period:2/1~3/31 .
B. For the application, the applicant must send completed documents to the nearest Taiwan
Embassy or Representative Office in his/her home country, unless otherwise specified by a
Taiwan's representative office. See website for nearest embassy or representative office.
16. Asia University Scholarship
Currently, Asia University offers different types of scholarships, as shown below. Applicants may
compete for a limited number of scholarships, and the type of awarded scholarship is decided by the
Admission and Scholarship Committee.
Doctoral and Master Students:
Type A: Full Tuition Waiver + 50% Dormitory Waiver & Monthly Stipend of 6000 NTD
Type B: Full Tuition Waiver
Type C: 50% Tuition Waiver
Undergraduate Students:
Type A: Full Tuition Waiver
Type B: 50% Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees Waiver
Type C: 50% Miscellaneous Fees Waiver

To apply for Asia University scholarship, applicants must specify in the application form and submit
it with all required application materials to the Center for International Academic Exchange. Awarded
students in Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral programs are supported for at most four, two, and three
years, respectively. An average score of less than 75 and 80 in previous academic year for
undergraduate and graduate students, respectively, will result in disqualification of receiving
scholarship. To enhance internationalization and cultural exchange on campus, students awarded the
part of monthly stipend are mandatory to participate in activities/services (30 hours per semester)
arranged by the Office of International College. Admitted PhD applicants who are qualified and
willing to teach Southeast Asian languages (Indonesian, Thai, Malay or Vietnamese) three hours per
week are guaranteed to receive Scholarship A.

Asia University Foreign Student Scholarship Guideline

1. This KEY POINTS is promulgated by the Asia University (the University) as an inventive to
encourage outstanding international students to apply for the University.
2. The term of international students shall mean students bearing foreign nationality but not
bearing status as overseas compatriot student and not bearing citizenship of the Republic of
China, Taiwan.
3. Up to 4 years of scholarship may be offered to undergraduate program, 2 years for graduate
program, and 3 years for doctorate program.
4. The budget account for the scholarship every academic year under this KEY POINTS shall be
recorded under the International Academic Exchange Center, and the source of the fund shall
be the student financial aid, which is appropriated from the tuition collected, provided by the
University and the international student financial aid provided by the Ministry of Education.
5. Subject to budget allocated each year, the University offers full exemption of tuition or
scholarships of various types for certain number of students. The Review Committee of the
International Academic Exchange Center shall first review the applicants according to
academic performance, linguistic proficiency test score, subject of study, and other
credentials. The passed candidates will be submitted to the president of the University for
final awarding of scholarship.
6. International students applying for this scholarship shall submit the Application Form for
International Student Scholarship at the time of application for enrollment at the University to
the International Academic Exchange Center.
7. Those who have already awarded with full scholarship offered by our Government may not
apply for this scholarship.
8. Students qualified for scholarship may be disqualified if any of the followings applies:
• For undergraduate students, average score of the previous academic year is less than 75
• For graduate and doctorate students, average score of the previous academic year is less
than 80 points;
• Conduct score of the previous semester is less than 80 points or one or more minor
demerits have been recorded will lead to one downgrade of scholarship; conduct score
less than 75 points or one or more major demerits have been recorded will lead
cancellation of scholarship;
• Students who fail to complete registration for the year of enrollment, having enrollment
acceptance withheld, on temporary suspension, or transfer out of the University; or
• Repeat enrollment after temporary suspension.

9. Students who falsify information or make untrue representation in enrollment application to
cause this scholarship wrongfully awarded to them will have their scholarship qualification
revoked and be held liable to return any and all scholarship already received.
10. This KEY POINTS is promulgated with approval first from the Administrative Meeting and
then the president of the University. Amendment of this Key POINTS shall follow the same.

17. Tung Hai University scholarship
The awarded amount of the scholarship and the awarding principle are as follows:
1. The amount and the number of scholarships awarded shall be determined based on the school’s
grants budget for the current academic year and the total number of international students enrolled.
The awards are as follows:
(1) Type I: NT$100,000 for one academic year.
(2) Type II: NT$60,000 for one academic year.
(3) Type III: NT$20,000 for one academic year.
2. New or economically disadvantaged students have the priority for the scholarship.
3. Scholarship applications are approved by the Scholarship Committee once every academic year,
and an annual application is required.
4. The amount of the approved scholarship will be divided into two semesters and granted to the
recipients after their completion of school registration, and be used to directly offset their registration
5. The awarded students need to provide service learning time for 10 hours per semester in principle

18. KUAS Scholarhsip


To attract international students, KUAS offers scholarships to eligible international students.

Doctoral students:
Category A scholarship: A scholarship of NT$10,000 per month is awarded for registered, full-
time doctoral students.
Category B scholarship: A scholarship of NT$6,000 per month is awarded for registered, full-
time doctoral students.

Master students:
New Students: A scholarship of NT$9,000- NT$15,000 is awarded to all new student during the
first year of their study.
Category A scholarship: A scholarship of NT$13,000-NT$20,000 per academic year is awarded
for those with a GPA of or above 90 from the previous academic year.
Category B scholarship: A scholarship of NT$12,000-NT$18,000 per academic year is awarded
for those with a GPA of or above 80 from the previous academic year.
Category C scholarship: A scholarship of NT$11,000-NT$17,000 per academic year is awarded
for those with a GPA of or above 70 from the previous academic year.

Undergraduate Students:

New Students: A scholarship of NT$8,000- NT$14,000 is awarded to all new students during the
first year of their study.
Category A scholarship: A scholarship of NT$12,000- NT$18,000 is awarded per academic year
for those with a GPA of or above 90 from the previous academic year.
Category B scholarship: A scholarship of NT$11,000- NT$17,000 is awarded per academic year
for those with a GPA of or above 80 from the previous academic year,.
Category C scholarship: A scholarship of NT$10,000- NT$16,000 is awarded per academic year
for those with a GPA of or above 60 from the previous academic year.

Please note, The amount of award and the numbers of recipients may be adjusted by the Committee
based on the available funding from the MOE and the number of applicant of the year. The
scholarships for doctoral students are awarded monthly and annually for master and undergraduate
How to apply for scholarships
Required documents:
Doctoral students:
1. Application Form. Download here.
2. A copy of ARC (Alien Resident Certificate)
3. A copy of bankbook (including name of the account holder, account number and branch
information of the bank)
4. Evaluation Form. Doctoral students need to submit the form to students’ advisors in every
February and September for advisors to evaluate students’ merits and academic performance
(newly enrolled students are waived). Download the Evaluation Form..
5. Monthly Report. Doctoral students need to submit the form to students’ advisors for
progress report. Download the Monthly Report Form.

Master/Undergraduate student:
1. Application Form. Download here.
2. A copy of ARC (Alien Resident Certificate)
3. A copy of bankbook (including name of the account holder, account number and branch
information of the bank)
4. The transcript: A GPA of 70 or above from the previous academic year is required.
Applicants should take at least 6 credits each semester with no record of personal misconduct.
For undergraduate Students, a GPA of 60 or above from the previous academic year is
required. All applicants should take at least 9 credits each semester with no record of
personal misconduct (newly enrolled students are waived).

All the documents should be submitted to the Office of International Affairs before deadline.
For more information, please check the complete Guidelines for International Students
Scholarships of National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences (KUAS)


Assistantships may be available depending on the annual funding. Each department can recommend
two international students. The recommended students need to submit their applications to the Office
of International Affairs. The recipients of the assistantships are determined at the discretion of the

Committee of Scholarships of International Students. The recipients will work at the Office of
International Affairs to help with facilitating international cooperation.
Two types of assistantships are available:
a. 1/2 time assistantship: 20 working hours per week
b. 1/4 time assistantship: 10 working hours per week


1. NTU Research Scholarships for International Students in Singapore, 2018

The NTU Research Scholarship is awarded to outstanding graduate students for research leading to a
higher degree at the University. The Scholarship consists of a monthly stipend plus a tuition fee
The Nanyang Technological University (Abbreviation: NTU) is an autonomous research university in
Singapore. NTU is consistently ranked amongst the world’s best universities in all of the major
college and university rankings and is regarded as one of the top universities in the world.
For applicants whose native language is not English, a good TOEFL score is required. Test dates
must be within 2 years or less from the date of your application. IELTS may be submitted in place of
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline : January 31, 2018
Course Level : Scholarships are available for pursuing full-time Graduate Research
at NTU.
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award : The award is tenable for one year in the first instance and is renewable
to good progress. The maximum period of the Scholarship is 2 years for
Master’s candidates and 4 years for PhD candidates, as determined by the
school as well as the availability of research funding in each case.
A monthly stipend as follows:
For PhD candidates For Master’s candidates
Singapore Citizen S$2,700 S$2,500
Singapore S$2,200 S$1,500
Permanent Resident
International S$2,000 S$1,500
Number of Scholarships: Not known
Scholarship can be taken in Singapore
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Singapore and International students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Students are eligible for this scholarship if you are a local or international
student seeking admission as a full-time candidate pursuing a Graduate Research programme at NTU.
Students must have a First Class Honours or Second Class (Upper Division) Honours or its equivalent
Students should not be in paid employment or accept paid employment or concurrently hold any other
scholarship, fellowship, bursary or top-up allowance during the prescribed period of the award
English Language Requirements: For applicants whose native language is not English, a good
TOEFL score is required. Test dates must be within 2 years or less from the date of your application.
IELTS may be submitted in place of TOEFL.
Application Procedure:
Students can apply for this scholarship when they are filling in their application form. Complete the
“Application for Scholarship” section in their application form.

How to Apply:
The mode of applying is online.
Online Application
2. Ministry of Education Postgraduate Scholarship/Award for Singaporean Students, 2018
The new MOE Postgraduate Scholarship/Award (PGS/PGA) is now available for Singaporean
Students to study at local and overseas universities. These scholarships and awards are tenable for
postgraduate studies overseas or locally by coursework or research in education-related areas,
commencing in the Year 2019.
The aim of the MOE PGS/PGA is to provide sponsorship for professional development in
postgraduate studies to outstanding EOs in the 3 career tracks – Leadership, Senior Specialist and
Teaching, and to build professional expertise in areas of need.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 12, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Postgraduate programme. Senior Specialists may
apply to pursue Ph.D. studies in relevant specialized areas. Master Teachers (MTT)/ Principal Master
Teachers (PMTT) with minimally 4 years of MTT experience may also apply to pursue a Doctorate in
Education (EdD) in subject-specific areas or curriculum and teaching, to strengthen their capacity to
drive pedagogical excellence
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in education-related areas, commencing in the Year 2019.
Scholarship Award: PGS: Full salary, Full tuition and other approved fees, Book allowance,
Maintenance allowance (for overseas studies only), Return economy air passage for the scholar and
his/her spouse, where applicable (for overseas studies only).
PGA: Half salary, Full tuition and other approved fees, Book allowance
Nationality: Singaporean citizens
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Singapore and Overseas
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Singaporean citizens are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
Entrance Requirements: To apply for the PGS/PGA, the applicant must:
Be a Singapore Citizen or a Permanent Resident (PR) with intention to take up a Singapore
Citizenship1 ;
Have an undergraduate degree;
Have at least 5 years of trained working experience in the education field as at 31 Dec 2018;
Have demonstrated good conduct;
Have at least one ‘B’ endorsed performance grade within the last 3 years, and demonstrated potential
to take on higher responsibilities and/or leadership positions; and
Have fulfilled the minimum service requirement for in-service milestone programmes or other
professional development activities attended2, if any, before the commencement of their studies.

Singapore Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: You will need the following information to fill in the form:
Education transcripts and certificates
Certificates of employment
Prospectus of proposed course(s) of study
The form is to be submitted in softcopy to latest by 12 January 2018
(Friday). Late or incomplete applications will strictly not be considered.

3. Shell Maintenance Technician Scholarship in Singapore, 2018
The Shell Maintenance Technician (MT) Scholarships are open for graduate students who want to
develop their career in the energy industry. These scholarships are exclusively open for Singaporean
The aim of these scholarships is to support Higher Nitec students who have an interest in pursuing a
career in the energy industry.
Shell is one of the largest foreign investors in Singapore and began operations in 1891. Today, Shell
has more than 3,200 employees in Singapore alone.
Scholarship Description:
Application deadline : April 30, 2018
Course Level : These scholarships are available to pursue graduate programme.
Study Subject : These scholarships are awarded in the energy industry.
Scholarship Award : The programme consists of two stages:
Stage 1. Full-time Studies until Graduation + Industrial Attachment (IA)
Stage 2. Post-Graduation and Full-Time Employment
Stage 1
During your studies, the scholarship provides an award value of $14,000 and entitlement to scholar
management activities such as mentorship. Invitations for exclusive on-site events and visits to our
manufacturing sites will also be sent out to you. Practical on-site experience via your Industrial
Attachment, which is compulsory and assessed, will also provide ample chances for hands-on learning
and skills development. During your IA, you will actively contribute to the critical refinery operations
of Shell, while experiencing the uniqueness and excitement of being involved in the intricate details
of a complex global company.
Strong performance in Stage 1 could result in you being offered a full-time role upon your graduation.
Stage 2
After your graduation, Applicants will join Shell as a Maintenance Technician (MT). As an MT,
you get functional on-the-job training for skills development and potential accreditation opportunities
to upgrade your industry relevant skills. You are expected to stay for a minimum of two years, during
which you will be exposed to structured career progression that opens doors to unlimited
opportunities within Shell.
Note: Progression to Stage 2 is dependent on performance during scholarship period in Stage 1 and
upon company’s agreement.
Nationality: Singaporean
Number of Scholarships : Four scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in Singapore
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Singapore
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet following criteria:
ITE Higher Nitec student pursuing Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering disciplines
Strong academic GCE ‘N’, ‘O’ level or ITE results
Good CCA track records

4. Fully Funded MSF Singapore Government Scholarship at Overseas Universities, 2018

The new Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) Singapore Government Scholarship is
now available for all Singaporean citizens. This scholarship covers full tuition fees for the

MSF provides scholarships to outstanding students who are passionate about making a positive
difference to the lives of others.
The Public Service Commission – A neutral and independent body which safeguards the values of
integrity, impartiality, and meritocracy.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline : March 15, 2018
Course Level : Scholarship is available to pursue undergraduate programme.
Study Subject : Scholarship is awarded in the following subjects:
Course Category : Engineering, All, Arts / Humanities / Social Sciences, Technology
Course of Study : Economics, Communications Studies, Courses approved by the agency,
Psychology, International Relations, Computer Science, Sociology, Social
Work, Engineering
Country of Study : Australia, Germany, Canada, China, Countries approved by the agency,
New Zealand, France, United Kingdom, United States, Japan

Scholarship Award:
• Full tuition fees
• Return economy class airfare
• Maintenance allowance
• Book allowance
• Settling-in allowance (once-off)
• Computer allowance (once-off)
• Warm clothing allowance (once-off)
• Sponsorship for student exchange programme*
• Sponsorship for PSC developmental programmes, student exchange programme/summer
programmes, and CCAs *
• Sponsorship of Master’s degree (if requirements are met)

Nationality : Singaporean citizens
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given
Scholarship can be taken in To pursue undergraduate studies locally, or at overseas universities in
countries such as
Asia & Oceania – China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand
Americas – Canada, United States
Europe – France, Germany, United Kingdom

Eligibility for the Scholarship: (H2 Heading)

Eligible Countries: Singaporean citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must be:
Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents intending to take up citizenship. Candidates
should possess the following:
Excellent results in GCE ‘A’ Levels, Polytechnic Diploma with Merit or equivalent qualification (e.g.
International Baccalaureate)
Good Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) records
Strong leadership qualities
An interest in a career with MSF
Singapore Scholarships

5. New Commonwealth Fully Funded PhD Scholarships at Nanyang Technological University
in Singapore, 2018
ACU member institution Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is now accepting applications for
New Commonwealth Scholarships in Singapore. This Scholarship is for new, incoming students who
are not Singapore citizens or permanent residents.
The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) is one of the largest and most
prestigious scholarship schemes for international study in the world.
NTU says: ‘Nanyang Technological University is a young, vibrant and progressive university having
just celebrated our 26th year in existence. In spite of its young age, NTU is a fast-rising university that
has already established itself as a world-class university with a global reputation that attracts world-
acclaimed professors, researchers and scholars both locally and internationally. NTU recently was
ranked by QS in London as the No. 11 best university in the world, the highest ranking any Asian
university has ever reached.’
Course Level : Scholarships are available to pursue PhD programme.
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded in any research specialism.
Scholarship Award : The scholarships fund full tuition fees, a living allowance of 2000
Singapore dollars per month and a resettlement & airfare grant of 2500
Singapore dollars.
Number of Scholarships: Four Ph.D. scholarships are available, in any research specialism offered
by NTU

Scholarship can be taken in Singapore

Eligibility: The Scholarship is open to candidates who meet the following criteria:
Nationals from any Commonwealth countries except for Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent
Have graduated with an undergraduate degree with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division)/
Honours (Distinction) or equivalent;
At the time of award of the Scholarship, must have been offered admission to a full-time Doctor of
Philosophy (Ph.D.) programme by research; and
Should not be in paid employment or accept paid employment or concurrently hold any other
scholarship, fellowship, bursary or top-up allowance during the prescribed period of the award.
Nationality: Nationals from any Commonwealth countries except for Singapore Citizens and
Singapore Permanent Residents.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have graduated with an undergraduate degree with at least
Second Class Honours (Upper Division)/ Honours (Distinction) or equivalent.
English Language Requirements: Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet
specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study there.
Government Scholarships
How to Apply: Applicants must complete the online NTU graduate research programme application
and indicate on the form that they also wish to apply for the Commonwealth Scholarship.
Application Form
Application Deadline: Applications are open now and close on January 31, 2018. The scholarship
start date will be August 2018.

6. Fully Funded MBI’s PhD Scholarship Program for Singapore and International
The Mechanobiology Institute at the National University of Singapore is now accepting applications
for fully funded scholarship for PhD program in Mechanobiology. The scholarship is open to
Singapore as well as International students.
The aim of the scholarship is to help students in developing decision-making and leadership skills,
teaching experiences, laboratory rotations and proposal writing are built into the curriculum.
Instituted in 2009, the Mechanobiology Institute was created through joint funding by the National
Research Foundation and the Ministry of Education with the goal of creating a new research center in
mechanobiology to benefit both the discipline and Singapore. MBI’s primary focus is to identify,
measure and describe how the forces for motility and morphogenesis are expressed at the molecular,
cellular and tissue level.
Scholarship Description:
Applications deadline : January 15, 2018
Course Level : Scholarships are available to pursue PhD programme.
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded in the field of Mechanobiology.
Scholarship Award : All students admitted to the MBI Ph.D. program will be offered a full
scholarship for up to five (5) years. The scholarship covers full tuition fees,
with a monthly stipend of S$3200 per month for non-Singaporeans and
S$3400 per month for Singaporeans (Central Provident Fund (CPF) will be
provided at the prevailing employer’s CPF contribution rate) and a one-time
allowance of S$5000 to cover purchase of laptops, books and other
scholastic materials. The MBI may provide a competitive allowance for
international conference travel on the merit of conference papers.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Nationality : Scholarship is open to Local as well as International students.
Scholarship can be taken in Singapore
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Local as well International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship
Entrance Requirements: An equivalent of a Bachelor of Science or an Engineering degree with
second upper honors is required
GRE General Test
11.1. GRE is needed for all applicants (optional for graduates from local institution e.g. NUS/NTU).
11.2. Minimum requirements for GRE:
Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning: 320
Analytical Writing: 3.5
11.3. Applicants with more than one (1) year of post-college work experience may request a waiver in
writing, stating the reasons (e.g. academic and research background and history, achievement,
performance and publications etc).
11.4. Applicants who do not meet the minimum requirement can write to for
further advice.
11.5. Applicants from India may submit the GATE in lieu of the GRE.
11.6. Minimum requirement for GATE: 90th percentile or higher
Note: GRE scores are valid for five (5) years from the test date. If it has been more than five (5) years
since you last took the test, you must take it again to have the score reported.

12.1. A TOEFL score is required for applicants (exemption for graduates from local institution i.e.
NUS/NTU) whose native language and medium of university instruction are not completely in
12.2. Minimum requirements:
• Paper-based test, 580;
• Computer-based test, 237
• Internet-based test, 85
• IELTS: 6
12.3. Applicants with more than one (1) year of post-college work experience may request a waiver in
writing, stating the reasons. A writing test might be required during the interview for our
12.4. Applicants who do not meet the minimum requirement can write to for
further advice.
Note: TOEFL/IELTS scores are valid for two (2) years from the test date. If it has been more than two
(2) years since you last took the test, you must take it again to have the score reported.
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: The printed application form from the online application system or a manual
application must be duly signed and submitted to the MBI Graduate Office together with supporting
documents as indicated in the checklist.
The checklist of supporting document, and The sequence in which these supporting documents should
be submitted.
Unless otherwise indicated, these supporting documents are to be:
7. Degree Conversion Healthcare Scholarship for Singaporean Students, 2018
Applications are invited for Degree Conversion Healthcare Scholarship open to outstanding Year 3
Diploma Holders or recent diploma graduates. Scholarships are awarded to pursue a degree
conversion course at local or overseas universities.
The Ministry of Health (MOH) is responsible for the formulation of healthcare policies to ensure the
accessibility, affordability and delivery of good quality of health services to citizens and visitors in the
Republic of Singapore.
It also aims to provide information, raising health awareness and education and is involved in the
control of illness and disease in the country, coordinating the utilization of resources and expertise
where necessary.
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue a degree conversion course at local or overseas
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in the field of Diagnostic Radiography, Nursing,
Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Radiation Therapy
Scholarship Award: Scholars will be sponsored for the following during their undergraduate studies
or degree conversion course, where applicable:
Tuition fees and compulsory charges
Monthly maintenance allowance
Pre-Studies Allowance (e.g. Settling In, Warm Clothing, Computer)
Return economy airfare (for overseas studies only)
Clinical Placement Allowance (for overseas studies only)
Sponsorship for approved developmental activities, such as Student Exchange Programmes,
Professional seminars and conferences during course of study
Scholarship can be taken in: Singapore or Abroad
Eligibility: Applicants must:

Be a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident who will take up citizenship before start of
degree course
Be on track to attain a Diploma with Merit/Distinction, or graduated with a Diploma with
Possess good Co-Curricular Activities record
Have a passion for public healthcare
Demonstrate strong leadership qualities and excellent communication skills
Not be under any existing sponsorship bond with any of the Public Healthcare Institutions
Nationality: Singapore citizens are eligible to apply.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have previous degree.
How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.

8. Government of Singapore MSF Undergraduate Scholarships at Local and Overseas

Universities, 2018
Government of Singapore is offering Ministry of Social and Family Development Scholarships to
pursue undergraduate programme at local and overseas universities A Singapore Citizen or Singapore
Permanent Residents are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
MSF develops the “heartware” for Singapore through our policies, community infrastructure,
programmes, and services. MSF mission is to nurture a resilient and caring society that can overcome
challenges together.

Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Undergraduate programme.

Study Subject: Most disciplines will be considered as we need a wide variety of talent in the
Examples of courses you may pursue:
• Social Work
• Psychology
• Sociology
• Communication Studies
• Computer Science
• Economics
• Engineering
• International Relations
• Political Science
Scholarship Award: Local Merit Scholarship
• Full tuition fees
• Hostel fees
• Maintenance allowance
• Book allowance
• Computer allowance (once-off)
• Sponsorship for PSC developmental programmes, student exchange programme/summer
programmes, and CCAs
• Sponsorship of Master’s degree (if requirements are met)
Singapore Government Scholarship
• Full tuition fees

• Return economy class airfare
• Maintenance allowance
• Book allowance
• Settling-in allowance (once-off)
• Computer allowance (once-off)
• Warm clothing allowance (once-off)
• Sponsorship for PSC developmental programmes, student exchange programme/summer
programmes, and CCAs*
• Sponsorship of Master’s degree (if requirements are met)
• You are required to stay at least 1 academic year in the university hostel
Subject to the Ministry’s approval
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken at Local and Overseas Universities
Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
A Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident intending to take up citizenship. Candidates
should possess the following:
Excellent results in GCE ‘A’ Levels, Polytechnic Diploma with Merit or equivalent qualification (e.g.
International Baccalaureate)
Good Co-Curricular Activities records
Strong leadership qualities
An interest in a career with MSF
Nationality: A Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Residents are eligible to apply for this
scholarship programme.


1. Full Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students in Thailand, 2018

The Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT), Thammasat University is offering
scholarship opportunities for Excellent Foreign Students. Scholarship offers the full-tuition fee for
students to purse undergraduate programme.
SIIT’s objectives are to produce highly qualified engineers and technologists, who are competent in
advanced technology, proficient in English communication, and able to manage and carry out r
esearch in engineering and technology.
Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT), Thammasat University, was established in
1992 in cooperation with Thammasat University, the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations
(KEIDANREN) and the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI).
If English is not your first language then you will need to show that your English language skills are
at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline : April 31, 2018
Course Level : Scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduate programme.
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award : 100% waiver of tuition fees (approx. 800,000) baht per scholarship)
Number of Scholarships: There are 40 full scholarships available.
Scholarship can be taken in Thailand
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: International students can apply for these scholarships.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have previous degree.
English Language Requirements: If English is not your first language then you will need to show
that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

Application Procedure:
Application Documents:
• A copy of certified Thai Citizen ID Card or Passport for non Thai Citizen
• A copy of certified High School Transcript showing grades for the most recent semester (For
high school current students)
• A copy of certified Graduate High School Transcript of Diploma (For high school graduates)
• A copy of Portfolio (Round I & Round V)

How to Apply:
Please fill in the application form as follows:
Fill in your information & Attach Application Documents
Submit the application.
Print out the payment form.
Bring the payment form to pay at “Counter Service” and “Krungthai Bank”.
Check the status from our system after 3 working days.
Online Application

2. MAIDS-GRID Full Scholarships for ASEAN Students in Thailand, 2018
The Chulalongkorn University is inviting applications for MAIDS-GRID scholarships for ASEAN
applicants. This scholarship is offered for Thai and non-Thai student to pursue MA and Ph.D. degree
The Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in International Development Studies Program
(MAIDS-GRID) is the first of its kind at Chulalongkorn University.
Chulalongkorn University, abbreviated either CU or Chula, is a public and autonomous research
university in Bangkok, Thailand.
If English is not your first language then you will need to show that your English language skills are
at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline : March 31, 2018
Course Level : Scholarships are available for pursuing MA and Ph.D. programme.
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded in the field of International Development Studies.
Scholarship Award : Full tuition scholarships are available.
Number of Scholarships: This scholarship is offered for 1 Thai student and 1 non-Thai student for
MA and 1 Scholarship for Ph.D. Student.
Scholarship can be taken in Thailand
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Applicants from 10 ASEAN member countries are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Applicant must obtain an undergraduate degree or a graduate degree or
equivalent in any fields.

English Language Requirements: If English is not your first language then you will need to show
that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.
Application Procedure:
The following is the checklist for your application:
• Completed application form
• Supporting documents:
• Curriculum Vitae
• Letter of motivation
• Writing sample
• Research Proposal
• Two photographs
• Official transcript from the college or university previously attended
• Photocopy of previous degree(s)
• TOEFL, IELTS or CU-TEP English language test results (for non-English native speakers
and non-English B.A. or M.A. degree receiver)
• 2 letters of recommendation (please use Student Reference)
• Photocopy of ID card (for Thai applicants)
• Photocopy of passport (for non-Thai students)
How to Apply:
The mode of applying is online.

3. 700 Training Fellowships and 70 Postgraduate Scholarships for Developing Countries, 2018
The Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) in cooperation with Thai
Universities/Academic Institutions is offering the scholarships for master’s Degree/Diploma
Certificates through the Thailand International Postgraduate (TIPP) for 2018.
Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) was established on 19 October 2004 by a Royal
Decree to serve the Royal Thai Government as a focal agency under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of Thailand in administrating international development cooperations.
Candidates must have a good command of English. Candidates whose English is not the first
language/Bachelor’s degree was not taught in English/ who is from a country other than New
Zealand, USA, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada has to pass an English Language proficiency
test according to criteria announced by University regulations.
Scholarship Description:
Application deadline : Each embassy has a different deadline.
Course Level : Scholarships are available for pursuing postgraduate programme.
Study Subject : Scholarships focus on development topics of their expertise which can be
categorized under five themes namely; Food Security, Climate Change,
Public Health, other topics related to Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), and “Sufficiency Economy Philosophy” or SEP.
Scholarship Award : Successful candidates will be offered an award which covers:
• Return economy class airfare
• Accommodation allowance
• Living allowance
• Book allowance
• Thesis allowance
• Settlement allowance
• Insurance
• Airport meeting service

Number of Scholarships: TICA offers over 700 training fellowships and 70 postgraduate
scholarships. Each eligible countries/territory can nominate up to five (5) candidates per academic
Scholarship can be taken in Thailand
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Citizens of developing countries are eligible to apply.

Entrance Requirements:
Candidates must be nominated by central government agencies in a country from the TIPP eligible
countries/territories list.
Candidates should be an officer or agent (preferably from government agencies) currently working in
the area related to the course provided.
Candidates must have bachelor degree and/or professional experience related field or related to
graduate degree.
Candidates must have a good command of English.
It is recommended that candidates be less than 50 years of age.
Candidates must have good physical and mental condition.
TICA reserves the rights to revoke scholarship offered to participants who are pregnant during the
period of study or violate rules and regulations.

Other requirements apart from these will be under consideration by the University regulations.
English Language Requirements: Candidates must have a good command of English. Candidates
whose English is not the first language/Bachelor’s degree was not taught in English/ who is from a
country other than New Zealand, USA, the United kingdom, Australia, Canada has to pass and
English Language proficiency test according to criteria announced by University regulations.
Application Procedure:
The nomination must be supported by the following four documents;
• Application form
• Medical Report
• Transcript
• Recommendation letters
• English score (e.g. TOEFL/IELTS)
• One original with two (2) copies of all forms duly filled out, counter-signed and stamped by
the authorized person must be submitted.

How to Apply:
The nomination must be made by central government agencies in charge of the nomination of national
candidates (such as Ministry of Foreign Affairs) or by relevant central government agencies for which
the nominated candidates currently work. The nomination must be in line with relevant rules and
regulations of the nominating countries/territories.
Each eligible countries/territory can nominate up to five (5) candidates per academic program.
The nomination must be submitted to TICA through the Royal Thai Embassy/ Permanent Mission of
Thailand to the United Nations/ Royal Thai Consulate-General accredited to eligible
countries/territories. (See “List of Eligible Countries/Territories”)
Originals of nomination documents, duly filled out, must be received no later than a specified
deadline for each academic program.
The application form must be filled in the typed-block letter.

Online Application

4. 100 ISE Scholarships for Foreign Students in Thailand, 2018

The Chulalongkorn University is offering Scholarships for Foreign Students for the academic year
2018-2019. The scholarship covers tuition and program fees for pursuing bachelor programme.
Chulalongkorn University, abbreviated either CU or Chula, is a public and autonomous research
university in Bangkok, Thailand.
If English is not your first language then you will need to show that your English language skills are
at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.
Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: March 31, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing bachelor programme.
Study Subject: ISE offers four programs fully taught in English at a Bachelor level, in the center of
Aerospace engineering (AERO)
Nano engineering (NANO)
Information and communication engineering (ICE)

Automotive design and manufacturing engineering (ADME)
Scholarship Award: The scholarship covers the following support for 4 years.
Tuition and program fees
Economy class round trip ticket from home country to Bangkok
Monthly stipend and accommodation
Book allowance
Health insurance
Number of Scholarships: There are 100 scholarships available.
Scholarship can be taken in Thailand
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Scholarships are open to foreign students.
Entrance Requirements:
Must not be over 25 years old
Have completed (or expected to complete high school education) with the cumulative grade point
average (GPA) for the latest 4 semesters not less than 3.5 (using 4.0 system)
Must be in good health

English Language Requirements: Pass the following proficiency tests

English: TOEFL (iBT) score not less than 80 or IELTS score not less than 6.0
Mathematics: SAT (Math) and SAT II (Math Level II) score not less than 600 (each)
Science: SAT II (Physics and Chemistry) not less than 600 (each)

Application Procedure:
Completed application form with current photograph
Curriculum Vitae and Statement of Purpose
Latest official transcript
Two letters of recommendations from instructors or advisors
Photocopy of passport
Certificates of the proficient test of English (TOEFL or IELTS), Mathematics (SAT I and II), Physics
(SAT II) and Chemistry (SAT II)
Certificate of health examination from hospital

How to Apply:
Applicants should be sent by email.

5. Scholarship at Ruamrudee International School in Thailand, 2018

The Ruamrudee International School is providing Scholarship to students from unrepresented or
underrepresented nations for the 2018–2019 academic year. The scholarship will cover 50% of the
tuition fees for the first year and 30% thereafter.
The Ruamrudee International School is an international school in Bangkok, Thailand. It is an
international school for students in pre-school – grade 12 incorporated under the laws of the Kingdom
of Thailand as a non-profit organization.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline : March 2018
Course Level : The scholarship is available to pursue degree programme.
Study Subject : The scholarship is awarded in the fields offered by the university.

Scholarship Award : The scholarship will cover 50% of the tuition fees for the first year (the
Campus Development Fund is also waived) and 30% thereafter.
Nationality : Students from unrepresented or underrepresented nations.
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Thailand
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Students from unrepresented or underrepresented nations
Entrance Requirements : Applicants must meet following criteria:
Students from unrepresented or underrepresented nations. (This scholarship is offered year-round, on
a rolling admissions basis.)
Grade point average of 3.00 or above and/or equivalent standardized test results
Displays qualities of character and maturity
Students from unrepresented nations will receive a scholarship of 50% of the tuition fees for the first
year (the Campus Development Fund is also waived) and 30% thereafter
Students from underrepresented nations will receive an annual scholarship of 30% of the tuition fees
(the Campus Development Fund is also waived)

Application Procedure:
Applicants can apply via online mode.
How to Apply:
Fill out an application online
Submit three confidential letters of recommendation (2 teachers/1 administrators)
Submit an essay on future aspirations and goals (500-word maximum)
Sit an entrance exam
Online Application Form

9. One Million Baht Scholarships for International Students in Thailand, 2018

The KIS International School is offering IB Diploma academic scholarship, also known as the “One
Million Baht Scholarship”, for the academic year 2018-2019 onwards. This scholarship provides a
waiver of the registration fee and a waiver of the full tuition fees for the duration of grade 11 and 12.
The KIS International School is an IB World School, offering the International Baccalaureate for
children from 3- 18 years old. This academically rigorous and balanced curriculum consists of the
Primary Years Programme, the Middle Years Programme and the IB Diploma.
If English is not your first language then you will need to show that your English language skills are
at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 23, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for the IB Diploma and the IB Middle Years Programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: The IB Diploma scholarship winner will be granted full tuition for the duration
of the two-year IB Diploma programme, valued at around 1.6 million Baht.
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Thailand

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Scholarship is open to applicants of all nationalities.
Entrance Requirements: The “One Million Baht” scholarship is open to applicants of all
nationalities who are fluent in English and currently in Grade 10 (Year 11). Applicants should be
academically strong and well-rounded. Candidates may be eligible for a partial scholarship.
English Language Requirements: If English is not your first language then you will need to show
that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.
Application Procedure:
Step 1: Complete the Inquiry Form and Visit the School
Step 2: Complete the Application Form and Upload Necessary Documents
Step 3: Schedule the Assessment/Family Interviews
Step 4: Registration
How to Apply:
The application to KIS is done through our online portal Open Apply.
Online Application

7. Fellowship Training Programme in Pain Management at Mahidol University in Thailand,

The Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University is delighted to offer its Fellowship
Training Programme in Pain Management to encourage 1-year training to ensure that trainee has
learned and trained skill in managing pain. The amount of tuition fee 12,500 USD (for the one-year
program) will be granted by IASP and WFSA for the successful applicants (two positions a year).
The objective of the programme is to develop physicians that competent in basic knowledge of pain
management (as per program).
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University is the oldest and largest medical school and
oldest of any kind of university faculty in Thailand. The faculty is now part of Mahidol University.
Scholarship Description:
Application deadline : February 28, 2018
Course Level : Fellowship is available to pursue training programme.
Study Subject : Fellowship is available for doctors to attend the fellowship in Pain
Management each year, this is not the regular course.
Scholarship Award : The amount of tuition fee 12,500 USD (for a one-year program) will be
granted by IASP and WFSA for the successful applicants (two positions a
The fee includes:
Program training course (lectures and bed-side teaching).
Round-trip economic airfares.
Provided accommodation and Internet Access (Except electricity bill).
Registration fees for international and national anaesthetic and pain conferences (when appropriate).
Nationality: Applicants from Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia,
Singapore, Cambodia, East Timor, Laos, Brunei Darussalam and Mongolia are eligible to apply for
the fellowship.
Number of Scholarships : Number of fellowships is not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Thailand
Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants from Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia,
Singapore, Cambodia, East Timor, Laos, Brunei Darussalam and Mongolia are eligible to apply for
the fellowship.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have generally been a physician of two particular
specialities namely, Anesthesiology or Physical & Rehabilitation, who has at least 3-year experiences
in his or her career
English Language Requirements: Applicants must be fluent in English.

Thailand Scholarship
Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
Include with your application:
Completed WFSA/IASP fellowship in the clinical pain management application form.
Curriculum vitae.
Medical Certificate.
Board Certificate in Anesthesiology or Rehabilitation Medicine.
A letter of recommendation from trainee’s institution states that he/she has served as their clinical
staff and will be potentially supported in the career.
Two letters of recommendation.
Please fill in the application form and reply back to us with requirement document. Please also kindly
assist forward this information to the relevant person.
Please send all required document and application by email.
Application Form

8. KURITA Scholarships for Asian Students at AIT in Thailand, 2018

The Asian Institute of Technology is awarding Master Degree Scholarships for August 2018 intake.
Scholarships are open to citizens of all Asian countries for pursuing master’s programme.
Kurita Water and Environment Foundation (KWEF) is a Public Interest Incorporated Foundation
under the Japanese Law. KWEF was established on 12 March 1997 aiming to contribute to the
development of new technologies of water conservation and environmental protection.
The Asian Institute of Technology promotes technological change and sustainable development in the
Asian-Pacific region through higher education, research and outreach.
All AIT programs are conducted in English; thus, they need to provide proof of adequate English
language proficiency.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline : March 31, 2018
Course Level : Scholarships are available for pursuing masters programme.
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded in the field in Water Engineering and
(WEM ), School of Engineering and Technology (SET), Environmental
Engineering and Management (EEM ), School of Environment, Resources
and Development (SERD) and Natural Resources Management (NRM),
School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD).
Scholarship Award : Kurita Scholarship covers the tuition and registration fees, bursary and

accommodation allowances, medical insurance, visa renewal fee, research
grant, and round-trip air ticket fare from home country. In addition, the
selected candidates may have an opportunity to join a short-term
internship at Kurita Water Industries Ltd., Japan during their study at AIT.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Thailand

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Citizens of all Asian countries are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements:
Applicant with physical impediment is encouraged to apply;
Applicant must fulfil the AIT Entry Requirements
Four years of undergraduate degree or equivalent;
Two letters of recommendations
English Language Requirements: TOEFL (Computer-based: 210 or TOEFL: 76) or IELTS: 6
(writing and overall) or AIT-EET Score score of 6 or equivalent.
Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
Application to AIT is now fully online. Thus, please apply using the Onli ne Application System

9. KMITL Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students in Thailand, 2018

The King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) is offering full-tuition
scholarships for undergraduate students. The scholarship provides financial aid in the form of tuition
exemption throughout the entire study period in an undergraduate program at the International
The International College aims to provide international degree programs at the bachelor, master, and
doctoral levels with the highest academic standard.
Students whose first language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in English by submitting
satisfactory scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline : At the same time as the admission period (June 30, 2018)
Course Level : Scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduate programme.
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.

Scholarship Award:
International College Undergraduate Scholarship for International Students: Full tuition fee
Full Scholarship : Full tuition fee
Merit Scholarship : 10,000 Baht/year
Hardship Scholarship: 10,000 Baht/year
Activity Scholarship : 10,000 Baht/year
Student Awards for Academic and Athletic Achievement: 5,000 – 100,000 Baht
Number of Scholarships:
International College Undergraduate Scholarship for International Students: 1 – 2 for each
undergraduate program (to be confirmed in each year)
Full Scholarship : 38 (estimated)
Merit Scholarship : 400 (estimated)

Hardship Scholarship: 800 (estimated)
Activity Scholarship : 200 (estimated)
Student Awards for Academic and Athletic Achievement: Unspecified
Scholarship can be taken in Thailand

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students can apply for these scholarships.
Entrance Requirements:
The applicant must hold a nationality other than Thai.
The applicant has been admitted into an undergraduate program at the International College and is
beginning his/her study in the upcoming academic year.
The applicant has completed or is expected to complete high-school/secondary-school education with
a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 out of 4.0 (or equivalent).
English Language Requirements: Students whose first language is not English must demonstrate
proficiency in English by submitting satisfactory scores from the Test of English as a Foreign
Language (TOEFL).
Application Procedure:
The application can be made free-of-charge. Please follow the steps below to prepare and submit an
1) Complete and submit the online application form
2) Prepare the supporting documents. Please include your name and your Application ID number on
each document submitted.
• A photocopy of the applicant’s national identification card or passport
• A photocopy of the applicant’s name-change certificate (if any)
• A latest official academic transcript
If the applicant has already graduated, a final official transcript should be sent with the application.
Otherwise, the applicant should send the latest official transcript available at the time the application
is made, and if there is any subsequent update, the applicant is required to bring the most up-to-date
official transcript on the day of the interview. The applicant may send a photocopy of his/her
academic transcript with the application instead of an original one, in which case the applicant is
required to bring an original copy of the official transcript on the day of the interview.

Standardized-test score reports (if required)

A photocopy of the score report for each applicable standardized test in mathematics and/or English
language should be sent with the application. However, in case a score report is not available at the
time the application is made, the applicant must indicate in his/her application form which test the
applicant is waiting for the result, and then send a copy of the score report to the International College
once the test result becomes available. The applicant is required to bring the original score report on
the day of the interview and present it to the examiners.

An academic portfolio (if any): The applicant may send his/her academic portfolio and any additional
supporting document with the application. Alternatively, the applicant can bring those documents on
the day of the interview and present them to the examiners.
Please note that only the documents which are valid at the time the consideration is made will be
How to Apply:
Applications should be submitted by one of the following methods:

Submit the online application by uploading the files to the online application system.
By registered mail or in person
Online Application

10. AIT Fully-Funded Bangchak Doctoral Scholarships for International Students in Thailand,
The Asian Institute of Technology is now accepting applications for fully-funded Bangchak Doctoral
Scholarship at AIT for August 2018 semester. Students from any country are eligible to apply for this
scholarship program.
The Asian Institute of Technology promotes technological change and sustainable development in the
Asian-Pacific region through higher education, research, and outreach.
- Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline : March 30, 2018
Course Level : Scholarships are available to pursue doctoral programme.
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded to doctoral applicants with interests in Green
such as smart energy platform and Bio-based product with a focus on value-
added from Algae. The Bangchak Initiative and Innovative Centre addresses
fundamental and applied research challenges facing the Renewable energy
industry worldwide and its objective is to inculcate entrepreneurship and
creation of enterprises on knowledge-based innovation. The research
program concentrates on smart energy platform which includes energy
storage, smart device and energy efficiency and bio-based product which
can be biomaterial, biodegradable and biomedical. The Centre is generously
funded to collaborate closely with top industries and universities
domestically and internationally.
Scholarship Award : All research assistant scholarships are fully-funded (covering the stipend
and tuition fees).
Nationality : Open to students from any country.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Thailand
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Scholarship is open to students from any country.
Entrance Requirements:
AIT is seeking highly motivated and excellent candidates who possess first-class (honors) bachelors
and master’s degrees or equivalent (a GPA or average mark of at least 85% or the top 10% of
graduates) in disciplines like Electrical/Power Engineering or in relevant field;
With relevant industrial and research experience;
With hardware experience/knowledge on Converters, prototype development;
With exceptional coding ability in programming tools such as Matlab, Python etc. and experience in
design and modeling tools like Simulink/PSIM/LabVIEW/ or other electrical power system analysis
and power electronics simulation tools;
Ability to present results in technical reports, and prepare scientific papers for publication in high
impact factor international refereed journals;
The role of researcher is to carry out innovative research which will lead to patent and commercial

Capable of working with a project team to achieve innovative results;
With exceptional communication, organization and interpersonal skills;
Experience in incubation /founding Start-up Company is an added advantage.
English Language Requirements: English is the official language of communication at AIT.
Thailand Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: For Admission in January 2018 Intake, please apply online at Along with this application, an applicant should
send the following documents in one combined PDF file via email:
Covering letter;
Project proposal with pitching ideas which may lead to commercial products/start-ups (2 pages
Information about education, exams and previous relevant work/research experience (a CV);
Certified copies of academic diplomas and certificates;
Publications relevant to the research scope and any other work which the applicant wishes to be taken
into account and should clearly state the applicant’s contribution;
Names and contact information of at least two references.
The successful candidate can start immediately in January 2018 Intake.
Scholarship Link
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11. ASEA-UNINET Research Grants for Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese Students in
Austria, 2018
The ASEAN European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) is delighted to offer its
Research Grant for Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese students. The grants are available to pursue
research in the field of Natural Sciences, Technical Sciences, Human Medicine, Health Sciences,
Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts.
The aim of the grants is to support Graduates, Postgraduates, PhD and postdocs students who want to
pursue research programme.
The ASEAN European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) is a network of universities,
consisting of European and south-east Asian universities. It was founded by universities from Austria,
Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam with the goal of promoting the continuous internationalisation of
education and research.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline : March 31, 2018
Course Level : Grants are available to pursue research programme.
Study Subject : Grants are awarded in the fields of Natural Sciences, Technical Sciences,
Human Medicine, Health Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts.
Scholarship Award : Supplementary grant, own funds are required
Monthly grant rate
For graduates, postgraduates: 1.050 EUR
For postdocs: 1.150 EUR
Accommodation, insurance
It is possible for OeAD scholarship holders to book accommodation (dormitory or apartment) with the
OeAD Housing office. The monthly costs are:

monthly rent: 220 to 480 EUR (depending on the amenities)
monthly administrative fee: 18 EUR
OeAD scholarship holders need to have health insurance that is accepted by the Austrian authorities
for the duration of their stay in Austria. The OeAD can help with taking out such insurance. The
monthly costs can vary, at the moment you should calculate 55 to 200 EUR (depending on your age,
scholarship category and state of health).
Scholarship holders have to pay the costs for accommodation and insurance themselves.
Scholarship holders are exempted from paying tuition fees.
Scholarship holders from non-European developing countries will also receive a travel costs subsidy
of max. 730 EUR.
Nationality: Applicants from Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam are eligible to apply for the grants.
Number of Scholarships: Number of grants are not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Austria
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Applicants from Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam are eligible to apply for the
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must be Graduates, Postgraduates, PhD Student or post docs .
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have a very good knowledge of English and/or
Research Scholarship
Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
The following documents have to be uploaded to the online application.
Research proposal (5-10 pages)
[The applicant’s proposal for an innovative research project should focus on specific research
questions, and contain a clear and detailed description of the research directions and objectives as well
as the methodological approach. It should include:
A clear problem description
Expected results
Methodological approach (research design, research questions, research method)
Literature review (incl. references)
list of the applicant’s publications (if already available) or qualifications to do the research in
Written consent of the supervisor at the Austrian host university.
Two letters of recommendation by university lecturers. For these letters of recommendation no
specific form is required; however, they must bear the letterhead, date and signature of the person
recommending the applicant as well as the stamp of the university/department and must not be older
than six months at the time of application.
The scan of your passport (page with name and photo).
The scan of all university graduation certificates as well as a German or English translation.
Online Application

12. Kings Scholarship at Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand, 2018

The Asian Institute of Technology is offering Kings Scholarship for students of diverse background
from all countries in Asia to study. The scholarship is available for pursuing Masters programme.

The aim of the scholarship is to provide financial help to the Thailand and other Asian countries
The Asian Institute of Technology promotes technological change and sustainable development in the
Asian-Pacific region through higher education, research and outreach.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline : March 31, 2018
Course Level : Scholarship is available for pursuing Master programme.
Study Subject : Scholarship is awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award : Each scholarship award covers tuition fees, accommodation, and a bursary
for living expenses in AIT’s residential campus, for the entire period of the 22-month master degree
Nationality : Thailand and other Asian countries applicants can apply for this
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Thailand
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Thailand Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan,
Brunei, Cambodia, China, Cyprus, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan,
Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar (Burma),
Nepal, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore,
South Korea, Sri Lanka, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkey, Turkmenistan,
United Arab Emirates (UAE),Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen.

Entrance Requirements:
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
• Thai national or other nationalities in the Asian region.
• Graduated in related fields from an accredited institution.
• Have a high proficiency in English as required by AIT
• Applicants in Thailand can also take the AIT English Test administered by the AIT Language
• Have a good education record in a 4-year undergraduate program
• From universities with QS Ranking within 1,000 or better with cGPA 3.0 and above (or
equivalent) or
• From other universities with cGPA 3.5 and above (or equivalent)
English Language Requirements:
Masters Scholarships
Application Procedure:
The mode of applying is online.
How to Apply:
Nominated applicants with a commitment from the nominees will be considered more favorably.
Nominations from Department Heads or the Faculty Advisors of the prospective candidates are
invited by filling up the Nomination Form and send by email.
Online Application

13. Scholarships at Accademia Italiana Thailand, 2018-2019
The Accademia Italiana Thailand is pleased to offer 10 scholarships for students applying for the
Interior and Product Design Department and the Fashion Design department programmes.
The Accademia Italiana Thailand is a fashion and design institute founded in 2006 in Bangkok’s
Watthana District. It is an offshoot of the Accademia Italiana.
Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: July 15, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for the Interior and Product Design department and the
Fashion Design department programmes.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Each scholarship represents up to 50% discount on tuition fees for outstanding
transferring students who demonstrate high potential for superior academic studies.
Number of Scholarships: There are 10 scholarships available.
Scholarship can be taken in Thailand
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Students from Thailand are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: The scholarships are available for new students planning to enrol full time
at Accademia Italiana Thailand during the 2018-2019 academic year. Applicants must be high school
graduates at the time of application.
Application Procedure:
Complete the form and bring your application to the school office.
*Transferring student applicants must have transcripts sent from all previously attended institutions
regardless of whether or not credit was actually earned;
**Transferring students should submit 10 examples of their most recent work in .jpeg or .pdf format
that best represents their diversity of interests and skills.
How to Apply:
The mode of applying is online.


1. Government of Taiwan 4-Year Medical School Scholarships for International Students,

The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) is delighted to offer I-Shou University School
of Medicine for International Students Scholarship Programme. This is a four-
year Full Scholarship MD Program for bachelor degree and applicants must possess a bachelor’s
degree to apply. The tuition and other required fees, accommodation fees, textbooks and living
allowances will be covered by the scholarship granted by TaiwanICDF (Taiwan International
Cooperation and Development Fund).

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline : March 15, 2018
Course Level : The scholarship is available to pursue MD programme.
Study Subject : The scholarship is awarded in the field of
Scholarship Award : This is a four-year Full Scholarship MD Program for bachelor
degree and applicants must possess a bachelor’s degree to apply.
Nationality : International
Number of Scholarships : Not given
Scholarship can be taken in China

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries : International
Entrance Requirements : Applicants must possess a bachelor’s degree to apply.
English Language Requirements : All courses offered by this programme are taught in

Application Procedure:
Applicants can apply through the online processor.

How to Apply:
Create an account and log in.
 Step 2. Enter application data.
 Step 3. Confirm the information you have entered. Once you clicked on the ” Finish
&Print ” button, you can only view your application data and print it. The account will
be invalid.
 Step 4. Submit the application form, together with your other scholarship application
documents, to the ROC (Taiwan) Embassy/Consulate (General)/ Representative Office
in your country

2. CSC Scholarship NENU Independent Enrollment Program for International Students in

China, 2018
Northeast Normal University is delighted to offer CSC Scholarship NENU Independent
Enrollment Program for 2018-Intake. This scholarship is available for Non-Chinese students.

The candidates are selected directly from abroad, excluding the international students who would
graduate in China in 2018. Northeast Normal University, or NENU, is an institution of higher
learning under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education, being selected as one of the
universities given priority in the construction of the211 Project. NENU is situated in Changchun
City—the beautiful Spring City of northern China—with the main campus located in the Renm
in Street, covering 730,000 square meters and the Jingyue campus located in the picturesque
Jingyuetan Tourism Development Zone, occupying 940,000 square meters.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: April 5, 2018
Course Level : Scholarship is available to pursue Full-time postgraduates (Master
& PhD).
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded to pursue Master’s and doctoral degree
programs of Education, Life Sciences, Chemistry, Geographical Sciences (Majors of Physical
Geography, Human geography, and Cartography and Geography Information System),
Ecology, Psychology and Economics (World Economy and Finance) taught in English are the
priority majors at NENU.
Scholarship Award : Exempt from Application, tuition and campus accommodation fees;
Living allowance (PhD 3,500 RMB/month, Master 3,000RMB/month) , Comprehensive
Medical Insurance Care for CSC student .
Nationality : Non-Chinese citizens
Number Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in China
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries : Non-Chinese citizens are eligible to apply for this scholarship
Entrance Requirements : To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
• All applicants should be non-Chinese citizens.
• An applicant applying for a master degree should be under 35 years old and obtain a
bachelor’s degree.
• An applicant applying for a doctoral degree should be under 40 years old and obtain a
master’s degree.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the
China Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
• The mode of application is online. Send all required documents below to the International
Students Office of NENU after you apply online.
• Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (filled in Chinese or English and
generated by the online application automatically).
• Copy of passport photo page;
• Notarized certification of the highest diploma. If you are either students or have been
employed, you must submit appropriate letters of verification. If the verification is written

in a language other than Chinese or English, it must be translated into either English or
Chinese and sealed with official notarization;
• Copy of diploma and notarized English translation;
• Notarized academic transcripts and the English translation;
• Study plan in China (800 words or more) written in Chinese or English;
• Two recommendation letters from either professor;
• Copy of Physical Examination Record for Foreigners and Blood Test Report (HIV,
Tuberculosis, Syphilis, HBcAb, etc.) and remember to bring the original when you come to

3. Fully Funded Qingdao University Scholarship for International Students in China, 2018
Shandong Provincial Government offers a full scholarship for international students. This
scholarship is available for pursuing undergraduate Masters, Doctoral and Language Programme
at Qingdao University in China.
Shandong Provincial Government Scholarship for Foreign Students is set up by Shandong
Provincial Government in order to encourage international students to come to Shandong for
study and scientific research.
Qingdao University is a key provincial research university located in Qingdao, China.
Qingdao University consists of 25 faculties and departments as well as a graduate school.
Courses are offered in 11 main Academic disciplines: Philosophy, Economics, Law, Literature,
History, Natural sciences, Engineering, Management, Medicine, Education and Military
sciences. There are 104 Undergraduate degree programs, 209 master’s degree programs, 127
Doctoral degree programs, and 15 post-doctorate mobile stations. In addition, there are 7
professional master’s degree programs in Law, Business Management, Engineering, Clinical
Medicine, Public Health, Dentistry and Public Administration respectively.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: May 20, 2018
Course Level : Scholarships are available to pursue Undergraduate, Masters,
Doctoral, and Language Programme.
Study Subject : Scholarships are provided to learn any of the courses offered by the
Qingdao University.
Scholarship Award: The grant of “Shandong Provincial Government Foreign Student
Scholarship” includes tuition fees, basic school accommodation fees and comprehensive
insurance for overseas students in China. Shandong Provincial Government provides full
coverage on tuition fee, on-campus accommodation fee, and comprehensive medical
insurance expenses.
Nationality : International students
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in China

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following

• The applicant must be a citizen of foreign nationality, in good health and generally
between 18 and 40 years of age.
• The application is open to an applicant who owns a non-Chinese citizenship, aged
between 18 and 40, in good health condition.
• Applicants must have a period of one semester and above
• Applicants should have a minimum study plan of one semester
• Applicants must abide by Chinese laws and regulations, excellent academic
performance, good performance, in line with Qingdao University entrance requirements
for international students.
• Applicants must abide by the laws and regulations of the Chinese government, behave
well and meet the entrance requirements of Shandong University.
• Excellent academic performance and not all other scholarships at the same time;
• Only applicants that have not received other sorts of fund or scholarship could apply for
the scholarship.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Third, the application materials
1) Application Form for international students of Qingdao University
* Language students see Annex 1 Language Student see attachment 1
* For degree see Annex 2 Degree-seeking students see attachment 2
2) “Qingdao University” Shandong Provincial Government Scholarship Application Form
(For Freshmen) ” ( see Annex 3 ) , Application form for ‘ Shandong Provincial
Government Scholarship for Foreign Students ‘ ( see attachment 3 )
3) Passport copy of passport;
4) A copy of visa to China (if you want to provide learning experience in China); ,A Copy of
your visa (For students who have come to China)
5) CV – ( see Annex 4 ) Resume ( See Attachment 4 )
6) Personal application statement, which should include personal study and work experience
as well as future development planning, etc., written in Chinese or English; Personal
Statement (Include: Personal study and work experience, future plan for study; Written in
English or Chinese).
7) The highest academic records and original transcripts; proof of working experience (with
work experience required); Certification that you are currently enrolled in school, or a
diploma, or a work certificate if you are working
8) Recommended letter of recommendation unit, including the overseas exchange
institutions, institutions, Chinese embassies and consulates, foreign embassies and
consulates in China, overseas Chinese teachers and institutions, or two professors or
associate professors from institutions of higher education Recommended, written in
Chinese or English.
9) A letter of recommendation from recommending institute. Recommending institutes
include our friendly overseas colleges, Chinese embassies, and consulates
overseas, foreign embassies and consulates in China, overseas Chinese language teachers
organization. Or Associate professor or professor from current school.
10) Related award certificate. Relative Award Certificate.

4. Surrey Prestige Scholarships for Undergraduate Students in UK, 2018-2019
The University of Surrey is offering £2000 Entry Scholarship in the form of a tuition fee
waiver in year 1. These scholarships are open to the citizens of one of the following countries:
China (inc Hong Kong), Malaysia, India, Canada and USA. This prestigious Surrey award for
Undergraduates is aimed at high achievers and recognises academic excellence in your high
school or equivalent leaving exams. The University of Surrey is a public research university
located within the county town of Guildford, Surrey, in the South East of England, United
Kingdom. The university specialises in science, engineering, medicine and business. Students
whose first language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in English by submitting
satisfactory scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: January 15, 2018
Course Level : Scholarships are available for undergraduate degree.
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded in the field offered by the university.
Scholarship Award : £2000 Entry Scholarship in the form of a tuition fee waiver in year
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in the UK

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries : Citizens of China (inc Hong Kong), Malaysia, India, Canada and USA
are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements :
• In order to be eligible for this scholarship students must be a National of one of the
following countries: China (inc Hong Kong), Malaysia, India, Canada and USA
• Have studied and achieved grades of AAA at A-level (excluding Critical Thinking or
General Studies), or an equivalent qualification in one of the countries/territories listed
• Be an offer holder for a 2018/19, full-time Undergraduate course in any subject at the
University of Surrey
• Be an overseas fee-paying student (this scholarship is not available for students eligible
for home/EU fees)
• Meet all the conditions of your offer and select Surrey as your Firm choice by 20th July
• You must not be in receipt of any other scholarship/sponsorship, if you are eligible for
the Surrey Merit Scholarship, you will receive the Surrey Merit Scholarship instead of
the Surrey Prestige Scholarship
• Foundation year qualifications are not included
English Language Requirements: Students whose first language is not English must
demonstrate proficiency in English by submitting satisfactory scores from the Test of
English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

Application Procedure:
✓ Choose the programmes you want to study. Still undecided? Search undergraduate
✓ Find out how to apply through UCAS

✓ Wait for universities to make their decisions – learn what happens after you apply
✓ Reply to your university offers
✓ Confirm your university place
How to Apply:
The University will identify eligible students based on Nationality so there is no application
form. Students holding Dual Nationality are still eligible, if you have not been written to
about this award please provide us with a scan of the appropriate passport to register your
interest in the scheme
All eligible offer holders that comply with the above-mentioned criteria will receive a
notification of the award in September 2018

5. Postdoctoral Fellowship on Cosmology and Radio Astronomy, 2018

The National Astronomy Observatory of China is pleased to announce China-South Africa
Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship programme. The fellowship is available to conduct research on
Cosmology and Radio Astronomy. The aim of the fellowship is to use the large survey projects
developing in the two countries to do research. The National Astronomy Observatory of China
was founded on April 25, 2001, through the merging of four CAS observatories, three CAS
observing stations and one CAS research centre.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: December 31, 2017
Course Level : The fellowship is available to pursue postdoctoral research
Study Subject : The fellowship is awarded in various subjects of astrophysics with the
emphasis on radio astronomy, cosmology and large-scale structure simulation.
Scholarship Award : The fellowship is available for the postdoctoral position.
Number of Scholarships : Not given
Scholarship can be taken in South Africa and China

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries : South Africa and China
Entrance Requirements : Applicants must have PhD in astronomy, astrophysics,
computational physics or related field completed or expected by the effective date.
English Language Requirements : Applicants must meet the sufficient language
requirement of the host institution.

Research Scholarship
Application Procedure:
Applicants can apply via email.
How to Apply: Please submit CV with publication list, a brief research statement highlighting
the qualifications and interests, and 3 letters of reference letters to the email address.

6. Beijing Sports University “Belt and Road” Sports Talent Scholarship Program in China,
Applications are invited for Beijing Sports University “Belt and Road”Sports Talent
Scholarship Program in China. The scholarship covers tuition, accommodation and a monthly

subsidy. This program is open to South American citizens. Applicants from Brazil, Argentina,
Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, and Uruguay will get priority admission.
Beijing Sports University, formerly known as “Central Institute of Physical Education”
and “Beijing Institute of Physical Education”, is a nation-level public university located in
Beijing. Beijing Sports University is a famous university which has a glorious history, profound
deposit of culture, solid schooling foundation and distinctive education characteristics. Planning
for this university began in July 1952 and it was founded formally in November of that
year.Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of
proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline : January 15, 2018
Course Level : Scholarships are available to pursue undergraduate programme.
Study Subject : There are 16 Bachelor degree programs, including Physical
Education, Sport Training, Social Sport Instruction and Management, Sport Science, Traditional
Chinese Sport, Public Affairs Administration, Sport Economics and Management, Journalism,
Advertising, Applied Psychology, English, Performance, Dance Performance, Sport
Rehabilitation and Health, Leisure Sport, and Teaching Chinese as Second Language.
Scholarship Award : The scholarship covers tuition, accommodation and a monthly
subsidy. It will support 4-year undergraduate program with an extra one-semester Chinese
language program. Students can also join the Chinese language courses free of charge during the
first semester of their bachelor degree study in their spare time.
✓ Free tuition
✓ Free accommodation on campus
✓ 2500RMB/month as living subsidy
✓ S. One-semester Chinese language program starts at the beginning of March 2018.
Nationality: This program is open to South American citizens.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in China

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries : This program is open to South American citizens (Argentina,
Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and
Venezuela) are eligible. Applicants from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador,
and Uruguay will get priority admission.
Entrance Requirements: This program is open to South American citizens who are healthy,
aged from18 to 30, and have a certain skill level in football. Applicants from Brazil, Argentina,
Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, and Uruguay will get priority admission. Applicants for
undergraduate study must have the equivalent of a high school diploma.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the
Undergraduate Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Applicants must complete the online application from December 10, 2017 to
January 15, 2018 and mail the hard-copy materials prior to January 30, 2018.

(II) Application process. Log in to to fill out the registration
information online as required. Print the registration form and mail it together with the following
materials to Office 6004, Foreign Student Apartment, Beijing Sport University, No.48 Xinxi Road,
Haidian District, Beijing, China.
1) Copy of your passport (photo page),
2) Copies of your high school course transcripts and a notarized document in Chinese or
3) Copy of your high school diploma and a notarized document in Chinese or English.
Graduating students may provide the expected graduation certificate first, and then provide
the copy of the high school diploma and notarized document in Chinese or English after
obtaining the diploma.
4) Certificates to prove that you have a certain level of skill in football. All application
materials will not be returned.

7. Fully Funded University Scholarship for Non-Chinese Students at UESTC in China, 2018
The University Scholarship for New Students at UESTC is now available on offer for
graduate applicants. Non-Chinese citizens are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
UESTC is a national key multidisciplinary university specialized in electronic engineering and
information science and technology with a harmonious integration of science, engineering,
management and liberal arts. It has enjoyed high reputation both at home and abroad.Normally,
we require all applicants to complete the TOEFL or IELTS to apply for English-instructed
programs or HSK to apply for Chinese-instructed programs.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: March 31, 2018
Course Level : Scholarships are available only available for graduate applicants.
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded in any of the subjects offered by the
university. This scholarship program is not available for applicants who apply
for Management Science and Engineering, Public Management, Mathematics, and Physics.
Scholarship Award : Only available for graduate applicants.
✓ First class scholarship (Full scholarship): including tuition, accommodation on
campus, medical insurance, and living allowance (1500 RMB/month); (available
for master & PhD applicants).
✓ Second class scholarship (Partial scholarship): including tuition, accommodation on
campus and medical insurance; (only available for PhD applicants)
✓ Third class scholarship (Partial scholarship): including tuition and medical
insurance; (only available for master applicants).
Nationality: Non-Chinese citizens
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in China

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries : Non-Chinese citizens are eligible to apply for this scholarship
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following requirements:
• Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens and be in line with the qualifications of
UESTC admissions;

• Applicants should be healthy physically and mentally, can well adapt to the life and
study in UESTC;
• Applicants should abide by Chinese laws and regulations, and comply with UESTC
• Applicants should be with positive learning attitude and good performance;
• Applicants shall not win any other scholarship in the meantime;
• Winners of the scholarship should be decided in the process of new student
recruiting. Registered on-campus students cannot apply for it. Any substitution or
replacement of scholarship will not be accepted.
• The applicant is obliged to truthfully fill out and submit application materials
required by UESTC.
English Language Requirements: Normally, we require all applicants to complete the
TOEFL or IELTS to apply for English-instructed programs or HSK to apply for Chinese-
instructed programs. The minimum score or cut-off is 80 by TOFEL or 5.5 by IELTS; 210 by
HSK 4 for Bachelor or 210 by HSK6 for Master or PhD. We regard to test results as helpful
indicators of academic ability and achievement when considered thoughtfully among many
other factors.

China Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Please prepare the following documents while applying in the online
application system.
✓ The Photocopy of Passport (Pages with photo and address)
✓ Notarized Certificates or Letter of Attestation from Your University
✓ Academic Transcripts
✓ Certificate of the Language Proficiency
✓ Two Academic Recommendation Letter (Graduate students only)
✓ Foreigner Physical Examination Form (Not in China) or VISA Page (In China)
✓ CV or Personal Statement (Your CV must be up to date, covering all your
experiences, including education and employment experience)
✓ Research Proposal/Study Plan (Graduate students only)
✓ Acceptance Letter (Graduate students only, preferred)
✓ Financial Statement (Self-sponsored only)
✓ CSC Application Form Downloaded after Applying in the CSC Website (CSC
applicants only)
✓ Articles or Papers Written or Published (Graduate students only)
✓ Others kinds of certificates

8. JSU Presidential Scholarships for International Students in China, 2018

Applications are open for JSU Presidential Scholarships for the 2018 spring intake.
These scholarships are available for international students getting registered for English-taught
degree education at Jiangsu University. Jiangsu University is a highly ranked and prestigious
doctoral research university located in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, People’s Republic of China.
Students must have good English or Chinese language proficiency.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 28, 2018
Course Level : Scholarships are available for pursuing bachelor, master and PhD
Study Subject : Bachelor programs covered under Presidential Scholarship:
Accounting, Chinese Linguistics and Literature, Food Science and Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering, Chemistry, Materials Science and Engg., Computer Science and Tech. (Quota: 5
Students), Chemical Engineering (5 Students) and Pharmacy (5 Students)
Scholarship Award :
➢ PhDs: Full tuition and accommodation
➢ Masters: 20,000 CNY on tuition every year
➢ Bachelors: 10,000 CNY on tuition in the first year
➢ Students from America & Europe: 10,000 CNY/year on tuition
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in China

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students can apply for these scholarships.
Entrance Requirements:
• Only applicable to self-funded overseas students who take English-taught degree
programs only.
• The JSU Presidential Scholarship to graduate students will be awarded once a year
after annual assessment of the student’s performance.
• Transferring of major or quitting JSU by bachelor students who availed JSU
Presidential Scholarship in the first year, shall be approved only after the student
compensates the scholarship amount back to the university before they receive the
transcripts and other official documents.
• Presidential scholarship graduate students who apply to quit JSU should compensates
the scholarship amount back to the university before they receive the transcripts and
other official documents.
• Age Requirement: Bachelor: under 25 years; Master Students: under 30 years; PhD
Students: under 35 years.
• Not compatible to winners of other scholarships
English Language Requirements: Students must have good English or Chinese language

Application Procedure:
✓ Applicants must fill out the application and upload all required documents as follows
✓ A passport photo;
✓ Copy of passport (the photo page)
✓ Copy of your final degree transcript (Notarized English translation if applicable )
✓ Copy of final degree certificate (Notarized English translation if applicable )
✓ English language proficiency certificate (non-English speaking countries)
✓ HSK-4 certificate (for Chinese-Medium programs)
✓ Family financial statement
✓ Research proposal (Master and PhD only)
✓ 2 recommendation letters (Master and PhD only)

How to Apply:
Applications to all programs should be only done online through JSU “Online Application System”
1) STEP 1: Register your account and activate it.
2) STEP 2: Fill out the application and upload all required documents
3) STEP 3: Submit the application and note your application number.
4) STEP 4: Check your admission status regularly.
5) STEP 5: You will receive your admission notice through e-mail after successful verification
6) STEP 6: Check your admission notice and pay admission fees before the due date.

9. LSE Xiaosong Zeng & Charles Goodhart Master Scholarship for Chinese Students in UK,
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is delighted to offer
Xiaosong Zeng & Charles Goodhart Scholarship to pursue full-time taught master’s programme.
Chinese students are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme. The London School of
Economics and Political Science (LSE) is a world-class center for its concentration of teaching
and research across the full range of the social, political and economic sciences. If English is not
the first language a minimum of IELTS 6.5 or equivalent is required with all elements passed at
6.0 or above. Applicants who have previously successfully completed programmes delivered in
English will be exempt from the above requirement subject to submission of documentation.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: April 26, 2018
Course Level : Scholarship is available to pursue full-time taught master’s
Study Subject : Scholarship is awarded within the Department of Accounting, the
Department of Economics or the Department of Finance.
Scholarship Award : The scholarship is worth £26,448.
Nationality : Chinese students
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in the UK

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Chinese students are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have met the following requirements:
The scholarship is available for a full-time taught master’s programme within the Department
of Accounting, the Department of Economics or the Department of Finance.
Applicants need to be nationals of and domiciled in mainland China.
The scholarship will be selected on the basis of financial need demonstrated and the personal
statement in the Graduate Financial Support application.
English Language Requirements: If English is not the first language a minimum of IELTS
6.5 or equivalent is required with all elements passed at 6.0 or above. Applicants who have
previously successfully completed programmes delivered in English will be exempt from the
above requirement subject to submission of documentation. A minimum of one year of full-
time study, employment or equivalent is required.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: To apply for LSE funding for programmes beginning in September 2018, you
✓ Submit your application for the programme
✓ Submit your Graduate Financial Support Application Form via the Graduate
application tracker
✓ Receive an offer of a place (conditional or unconditional)
✓ By 5 pm UK time on 26 April 2018.
✓ Please complete Section G: Personal Statement of the Graduate Financial Support
Application Form in order to be considered for any other LSE Scholarships for which
you meet the criteria. If you only wish to be considered for the Graduate Support
Scheme, you do not need to complete the personal statement.
✓ The outcome of your Graduate Support Scheme application will be displayed after
you have received an offer. Successful applicants selected for other LSE Scholarships
or awards will be notified by email by the end of July 2018.

10. Luce Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at USF Ricci Institute, 2018

The Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History at the University of San
Francisco (USF) now wishes to invite applicants for its Luce Post-doctoral Research
Fellowships. The fellowship is exclusively open to international students. The aim of the
fellowship is to offer recipients the unique opportunity to conduct research and to prepare
manuscripts for publication that focuses on archival, historiographical, and methodological issues
that are relevant to different areas of Christianity and cultures in East Asia(China, Japan, and/or
Korea). The Ricci Institutes, named after the sinologist Matteo Ricci, our research and
publication centres directed towards the studies of Chinese ancient and modern culture as well as
towards the intercultural dialogue between the Chinese World and the others spiritual traditions
in the world. The Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History at the University of San
Francisco, founded in 1984 Edward Malatesta, S.J.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline : January 5, 2018
Course Level : Fellowship is available to pursue post-doctoral research.
Study Subject : Fellowship is awarded to conduct research and to prepare
manuscripts for publication that focuses on archival, historiographical, and methodological
issues that are relevant to different areas of Christianity and cultures in East Asia
Scholarship Award : The stipend is up to $4,500/month.
Nationality: International applicants are eligible to apply for the fellowship.
Number of Scholarships: Number of fellowships is not given.
Scholarship can be taken in China, Japan, and Korea

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International applicants are eligible to apply for the fellowship.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must be a post-doctoral level applicant, including
Junior Faculty members and researchers (i.e. within five years of having received the PhD
English Language Requirements: Applicants must be fluent in English.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
Applicants should submit the following no later than January 5, 2018:
1) a most recent Curriculum Vitae;
2) a 5-10 page double-spaced statement with an outline of the proposed research and
related activities, the contribution the scholar hopes to make in the relevant field(s),
the tentative plan for the publication of the research results, and how the research is
related to and enriched by resources available at the USF Ricci Institute;
3) a proposed budget and other funding sources, if any;
4) two up-to-date letters of recommendation.
All required documents must be in English. Successful applications will be announced
sometime in February 2018. All application documents should be submitted by email with the
subject line: “2018 Summer Luce Post-doctoral Fellowship Application”. Letters of
recommendation must be submitted directly from the recommenders either electronically to
the e-mail address or by regular mail.

11. Full Scholarships for International Students to Study at USTC in China, 2018
USTC Scholarship Program is open for international students to study at University of
Science and Technology of China. Scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduate and
graduate programme. The University of Science and Technology of China is a national research
university in Hefei, Anhui, China, under the direct leadership of the Chinese Academy of
Sciences. It is a member of the C9 League formed by nine top universities in China.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: March 15, 2018
Course Level : Scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduate and graduate
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the
Scholarship Award :
❖ Free tuition;
❖ Monthly living allowance: Bachelor’s degree students: RMB 2,500 Yuan, Master’s
degree students: RMB 3,000 Yuan, Doctoral degree students: RMB 3,500 Yuan;
❖ Free housing arranged by USTC
❖ Comprehensive Medical Insurance
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in China
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries : International students can apply for these scholarships.
Entrance Requirements:
✓ Applicants for USTC fellowship A must:
✓ Be non-Chinese citizenship;
✓ Be not awardee of Chinese Government Scholarship;
✓ Applicants for bachelor degree studies must hold a high school diploma, HSK5 and
be under the age of 30;
✓ Applicants for master’s degree studies must hold a bachelor’s degree (equivalent to
bachelor’s degree in China) and be under the age of 35;

✓ Applicants for doctoral degree studies must hold a master’s degree (equivalent to
master’s degree in China) and be under the age of 40.
✓ Applicants for USTC fellowship B must:
✓ Be non-Chinese citizenship;
✓ Be exchange students from USTC partner universities;
English Language Requirements: USTC offers graduate programs with Chinese or English
as media of instruction.

Application Procedure:
Step 1: Download Application form for USTC Scholarship (right click and save the
Applicants for graduate studies are encouraged to contact prospective supervisors prior to
application and send the Provisional Acceptance of International Student by USTC Professor
(right click and save the attachment)to the Office of International Cooperation of USTC
together with other documents.
Step 2: Online application for USTC Scholarship
The online application includes filling in the application form and uploading supporting
Create your online application ID with a valid email account and input a password of your
own. You will receive a confirmation email. The reference number should be indicated at
enquiries concerning your application AT ALL TIMES.
Log on your application ID and fill in all the information and upload required documents. The
online application can be accessed and edited as many times as you like before the deadline of
application. Your information will be automatically saved once you click “NEXT” when you
finsh each step.
Submit your application form by clicking “Comfirm and Submit” upon completion. Notethat
once your application pass “file review”, your information CANNOT be changed.
You can click “Status” in the Quick Links to check your application status.
Step 3: Applicants must submit application materials to Office of International
Cooperation of USTC by post mail or in person (application materials submitted by email will
not be accepted). Application materials forspring semester arriving after 1,September, will not
be accepted; Application materials for fall semester arriving after 30,May, will not be
Required application materials include:
Application form for USTC Scholarship (right click and save the attachment)
Acceptance Letter from USTC Professor (Not for undergraduate students
Two Recommendation letters provided by professors of applicant’s last school
Photocopy of passport (ordinary passport)
Notarized photocopy of highest degree certificate and academic transcript
Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (download in the attachment)
Proof of knowledge of English and/or Chinese
Study plan
How to Apply:
The mode of applying is online.

12. Free University of Berlin and Peking University Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2018

Applications are invited for Freie Universität Berlin and Peking University Joint
Postdoctoral Fellowship Program awarded for the duration of 24 months, starting November 1,
2018. The fellowship is open to highly qualified researchers of all nationalities who received
their PhD no more than three years prior to the deadline for this call. The Free University of
Berlin is one of the eleven German universities, which in 2012 cut off got successful in the
excellence initiative of the federal and state governments. In most courses at the Free University
of Berlin are conducted in German. In order to successfully complete modules and courses,
applicants must first demonstrate sufficient German language skills.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: February 22, 2018
Course Level : Fellowship is available to pursue Postdoctoral programme.
Study Subject : The call is open for applications from the following fields:
Area Studies
Data Science & Mathematics
Each fellowship is awarded for 24 months, starting November 1, 2018. It consists of two
✓ Phase 1: 12 months of research at FUB (November 2018 to October 2019)
✓ Phase 2: 12 months of research at PKU (November 2019 to October 2020)
The Fellowship applicants must identify and secure the endorsement of two tenured faculty
members, one at each university, who will serve as hosts. They will conduct their research
projects under the joint supervision of these two experienced researchers.
Data Science & Mathematics
Scholarship Award : For the stay at FUB:
During their stay in Berlin, the Joint Postdoctoral Fellows will receive a monthly stipend of
1,853 Euro and a one-time relocation allowance of 2,000 Euro. They are eligible for a
monthly child allowance if travelling to Berlin with dependent children. All Fellows will
furthermore have access to the Researcher Development Program of the Dahlem Research
For the stay at PKU:
During their stay at PKU, Joint Postdoctoral Fellows will receive a monthly stipend of 15,000
RMB. They can receive an additional 3,500 RMB per month for self-organized
accommodation or choose to live in a PKU postdoc flat. The Fellows are furthermore eligible
to apply for travel funding. They will have access to China’s Postdoctoral Funds or other
national research funds upon registration at the Office of National Postdoctoral Affairs
Management Committee.
Nationality : All nationalities
Number of Scholarships: Annually, two Joint Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded to
highly qualified, early career postdoctoral researchers.
Scholarship can be taken in China and Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: The fellowship is open to highly qualified researchers of all
nationalities who received their PhD no more than three years prior to the deadline for this
call. Candidates who acquired their PhD prior to this date may also apply if there was an
eligible lapse in their research activity (i.e. family responsibilities). The program is open to

both internal and external candidates. Researchers holding a tenure or tenure-track faculty
position are not eligible to apply.
Selection is based on the academic excellence of the applicant, the quality of the proposed
research project, compelling demonstration of the anticipated synergy of a joint Postdoc, and
the commitment of the respective hosts at both universities. The excellent research proposal
should include information on how the project will benefit from the research environments of
both institutions.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
✓ The complete application should be saved as one file in pdf format. Please submit it
simultaneously by email.
✓ Requirements and Opportunities:
✓ Successful applicants must provide a 10-page report on their research and experience in
the Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship after completion of the two-year program.
✓ Fellows are encouraged to publish together with their hosts at PKU and FUB.
✓ During their year at PKU, Fellows will have the opportunity to teach at the School for
Mathematics / Foreign Languages, respectively.
✓ Applications must include:
✓ Research proposal and time plan (max. 10 pages including all references/tables etc.)
✓ Curriculum Vitae with a list of principal publications (max. 4 pages)
✓ Two letters of recommendation (including one from the applicant’s doctoral supervisor);
the letters can be sent to the coordinators directly if the referees prefer.
✓ Two explicit endorsement letters from the potential hosts at FUB and PKU, including
detailed information on the added value for the research project, the benefits stemming
from their joint supervision, and a clear statement of commitment regarding the physical
and intellectual research environment that the hosts will provide to the fellow.
✓ Incomplete submissions will not be considered.

13. NSW Diploma of Nursing Scholarships in Australia, 2018

NSW Health, in partnership with TAFE NSW and NSW Health Registered Training
Organisation, is offering scholarships for the Diploma of Nursing program across NSW.The
Government of New South Wales also referred to as the New South Wales Government or NSW
Government is the Australian state democratic administrative authority of New South Wales.
Students must be able to meet the English language skill standards to gain registration as an
Enrolled Nurse in Australia, as specified by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 13, 2018
Course Level : Scholarships are available to undertake the HLT54115 Diploma of
Nursing program.
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded in the field of Nursing.
Scholarship Award : The scholarships include a position in the Diploma of Nursing

program and employment as an EN in a NSW Health facility (following successful
completion of the Diploma and progressing through standard recruitment and registration
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Australia
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Australian students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible to apply for this scholarship, you need to meet the
following requirements:
• Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
• Acceptable examples of evidence are a copy of your Australian Passport, Australian
Birth Certificate, or an Australian Citizenship Certificate. New Zealand citizens
residing in Australia who hold a current Special Category Visa are considered to have
permanent residency status. If this applies to you, you will need to provide evidence
of this.
• Live in New South Wales.
• Have completed the NSW Higher School Certificate or equivalent, or a Certificate III
(AQF Level 3) qualification or equivalent.
• Be prepared to work in the NSW public health system following completion of the
Diploma and comply with NSW Health employment policy.
• Be able to meet the physical demands of the role.
• Be willing to undertake a National Criminal Record Check (NCRC) prior to
commencement. As per NSW Health Policy, your NCRC must be from an Australian
Police Force or an Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission accredited agent.
Your NCRC must be dated within the previous 12 months to be considered valid for
the entirety of your studies. NB: It is recommended the application for NCRC is
commenced as soon as possible as processing time may take up to 6 weeks.
• Not be currently enrolled in the Diploma of Nursing program.
• Not be a previously qualified Enrolled Nurse wishing to upgrade your qualification.
• Have not previously received an NSW Health Enrolled Nurse scholarship.
English Language Requirements: Students must be able to meet the English language skill
standards to gain registration as an Enrolled Nurse in Australia, as specified by the Australian
Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.

Application Procedure:
Documents required
Current passport or drivers licence
National Criminal Record Check reference number
Evidence to support the criteria described in Appendix A
NSW HSC or equivalent, or Certificate III (AQF Level 3 qualification) or equivalent
Passport, citizenship certificate, visa documentation, or birth certificate
Two (2) reference reports completed according to guide and template in Appendix C
How to Apply:
Apply online via the Online Application link on the Nursing and Midwifery Office website.
Applications are open 9 January – 13 February 2018. All supporting documentation must be
uploaded at the time of application as unfinished applications cannot be saved

14. Master of Petroleum Engineering Scholarships at University of Queensland in Australia,
The University of Queensland is happy to announce the availability of two Master of
Petroleum Engineering Scholarships for both Australian and International students. These
scholarships will cover $15,000. The aim of the scholarships is to support outstanding incoming
students. The University of Queensland (UQ) is a research university primarily located in
Queensland’s capital city, Brisbane. As one of Australia’s leading universities.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 15, 2018
Course Level : These scholarships are available to pursue postgraduate programme.
Study Subject : These scholarships are awarded in the field of Engineering.
Scholarship Award : These scholarships will cover $15,000.
Nationality : Australian and International
Number of Scholarships: Two scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in Australia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible for these scholarships.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have an approved bachelor degree or equivalent.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have sufficient knowledge of the
language of instruction of the host university.

Application Procedure:
Applicants can apply via online mode.
How to Apply : Ensure applicants have submitted a program application to The University of
Queensland. To be eligible for a Scholarship, applicants must receive an offer of admission
into the Master of Petroleum Engineering from The University of Queensland.

15. Education Scholarships at Torrens University in Australia, 2018

The Torrens University is pleased to offer Education Scholarships for Australian teachers
to pursue short courses. These scholarships will cover 20% of the Education Short Courses. The
aim of the scholarships is to provide opportunities for teachers across Australia and also provide
tasters and pathways into Torrens Education courses and to serve the wider community in areas
of need. Torrens University Australia is a private university with locations in Adelaide, Sydney,
Melbourne and Brisbane. It is part of the Laureate International Universities network and is
Australia’s third private university.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: November 23, 2018
Course Level : These scholarships are available to pursue short courses.
Study Subject : These scholarships are awarded in the following fields:
❖ Design Thinking for Education
❖ Introduction to Mental Health Conditions
❖ Person First in Autism

❖ Dyslexia
Scholarship Award : These scholarships will cover 20% of the Education Short Courses.
Nationality : Australian
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Australia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Australia
Entrance Requirements : Postgraduate Students who will commence a short course (Design
Thinking for Education, Introduction to Mental Health Conditions, Person First in Autism,
Dyslexia) at Torrens University in 2018

Application Procedure:
How to Apply : Please email your completed application with the subject line: Education
Scholarship 2018.

16. Global Archaeological Science Scholarships at University of Queensland, 2018

The University of Queensland Archaeology Program is offering four PhD studentships
for international and domestic students to start in 2018 for archaeological science projects in
Africa, Europe and Australia. The University of Queensland is a research university primarily
located in Queensland’s capital city, Brisbane. As one of Australia’s leading universities, UQ
admits the majority of its state’s top achievers. Students whose first language is not English must
demonstrate proficiency in English by submitting satisfactory scores from the Test of English as
a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: January 17, 2018
Course Level : Scholarships are available for pursuing postgraduate research
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded for archaeological science projects in
Africa, Europe and Australia.
Scholarship Award : $27,082 (2018 rate) indexed annually, tuition fees, Overseas
Student Health Cover (OSHC)
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Australia
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Australian and international students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible you must:
✓ Be nominated by an enrolling school or institute at UQ.
✓ Be assessed by the Graduate School as meeting all conditions for admission to the
research higher degree program.
✓ Not hold a qualification at the same or a higher level than the research higher degree
program you are undertaking.
✓ Not be receiving a living allowance award, scholarship or salary providing a benefit
greater than 75% of the RTP Scholarship living allowance rate to undertake the
research higher degree program.
✓ Not be receiving a Commonwealth funded tuition fee scholarship.

English Language Requirements: Students whose first language is not English must
demonstrate proficiency in English by submitting satisfactory scores from the Test of English
as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

Application Procedure:
Before you apply:
You are encouraged to read the definitive rules for this scholarship prior to application, in
particular, any specific eligibility conditions and check the FAQs if you have any questions.
How to Apply:
Once applicants have been invited to apply for admission to the PhD program and this
scholarship follow these easy steps . There is no separate application for the scholarship and
you will be given the opportunity to request scholarship consideration on the application for
When completing the online application form ensure you indicate in the free text field in
scholarships that you are applying for the Global Archaeological Science Scholarships Round

17. University of Wollongong PhD Scholarship in Australia, 2018

The University of Wollongong offers PhD Scholarship in software testing and machine
learning. The scholarship provides a tax-free living stipend of more than AU$26,000 per annum
plus tuition fee waiver, for a minimum of three years. The aim of the scholarship is to enable
applicants to embark on an independent career in academic stroke research. The University of
Wollongong is a leading Australian university with an international reputation for academic
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 2018
Course Level: The scholarship is available to pursue PhD programme.
Study Subject: The scholarship is awarded in software testing and machine learning.
Scholarship Award: The scholarship provides a tax-free living stipend of more than
AU$26,000 per annum plus tuition fee waiver, for a minimum of three years.
Nationality: International and Australian
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Australia
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Applicants from all over the world are eligible for the scholarship.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have previous year degree.
English Language Requirements: English language requirements are IELTS 6.5, with a
minimum of 6.0 in each band or TOEFL 88, with a minimum of 18 in each band. For PhD
(Integrated) in some disciplines the requirement is IELTS 6.0 (with a minimum of 5.5 for
each band) or TOEFL 79 (with a minimum of 16 in each band).

Application Procedure:
Applicants can apply via email.
How to Apply:
The candidate must have strong programming capability and have experience in software
testing and machine learning. Candidates should send their CV and transcripts to Associate
Professor George Zhou at

18. International Accommodation Scholarship at Edith Cowan University in Australia, 2018
The Edith Cowan University is inviting applications for International Accommodation
Scholarship will be awarded to the first 40 eligible applicants. The Edith Cowan University is an
Australian public university located in Perth, Western Australia. It was named after the first
woman to be elected to an Australian Parliament, Edith Cowan, and is the only Australian
university named after a woman. Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 26, 2018
Course Level : Scholarships are available to pursue undergraduate, postgraduate
and research coursework.
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded to learn any of the courses offered by the
Scholarship Award : The scholarship offers a 50% reduction in accommodation fees for
the first year of your Mount Lawley campus accommodation at ECU.
Nationality : International students
Number of Scholarships: The scholarship will be awarded to the first 40 eligible applicants.
Scholarship can be taken in Australia
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship
Entrance Requirements : To be eligible to apply for this scholarship you must:
✓ Be commencing study at ECU in semester 1, 2018;
✓ Sign a 22 weeks or 44 weeks contract with the Mount Lawley Campus ECU Village
for a 5 or 6 bedroom apartment;
✓ Not be in receipt of a government scholarship or industry sponsorship;
✓ Be an International student, not an Australian Citizen, Australian Permanent
Resident, or New Zealand Citizen; and
✓ Be studying at ECU Joondalup or ECU Mount Lawley.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: The International Accommodation Scholarship will be awarded on a first
come, first serve basis. The scholarship will be awarded to the first 40 eligible applicants.
To apply, go to the ECU Village website and click “apply now”.

19. Dean’s Leadership in Emerging Economies Scholarships, Australia

The Monash University is offering Dean’s Leadership in Emerging Economies
Scholarships. This scholarship may be awarded to one (1) student per cohort in the form of a full
fee waiver (valued at up to $73,600) to pursue Monash MBA Program. This scholarship is
designed to support the development of leaders who want to advance their nation’s prosperity
through the pursuit of the Monash MBA and would otherwise not be able to afford to do so.

Monash University is an Australian public research university based in Melbourne, Australia.
Founded in 1958, it is the second oldest university in the State of Victoria. If English is not your
first language you will need to meet the university’s English language requirements for
postgraduate courses.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: Open
Course Level : Scholarships are available for pursuing Monash MBA Program.
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded in the field of business administration.
Scholarship Award : This scholarship will be awarded by the Dean of the Monash
Business School. This scholarship may be awarded to one (1) student per cohort in the form
of a full fee waiver (valued at up to $73,600).
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Australia
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Citizens and resident of one of the United Nations (Afghanistan, Angola,
Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Central African Republic,
Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia,
Guinea,Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Kiribati, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Liberia,
Madagascar, Malawi, Mali,Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Sao
Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan,
Timor-Leste, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Vanuatu,
Yemen and Zambia) are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements:
To be eligible for this scholarship, candidates must be:
An applicant of the Monash MBA Program in Australia
An international applicant (not a holder of an Australian citizenship or permanent residency)
A citizen and resident of one of the United Nations’ list of 47 least developed countries (as of
May 2016).
English Language Requirements: If English is not your first language you will need to meet
the university’s English language requirements for postgraduate courses.

Application Procedure:
This scholarship application statement must:
Be named the ‘Dean’s Leadership in Emerging Economies Scholarship Application’
Address each of the three key criteria for the scholarship
Be no more than 1000 words.
How to Apply:
The scholarship application process is integrated into the three stages of application for
admission to the Monash MBA program: application, interview, and notification.
When completing the online application for admission to the Monash MBA, applicants should
upload a series of documents including a statement of purpose. Applicants who wish to be
considered for this scholarship must also upload an additional statement – the scholarship
application statement – to make their case for consideration for the Dean’s Leadership in
Emerging Economies scholarship.

20. ANU Deep Human History Laureate PhD Scholarships for International Students in
Australia, 2018
The Australian National University now wishes to invite applicants for its Deep Human
History Laureate PhD Scholarships to support students while they undertake a PhD in Indigenous
Australian history at the University. The aim of the scholarships is to support students while they
undertake a PhD in Indigenous Australian history at the University. The Australian National
University (ANU) is a national research university located in Canberra, the capital of Australia.
Its main campus in Acton encompasses seven teaching and research colleges, in addition to
several national academies and institutes.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: Application deadline for domestic students is October 31, 2018, and
for International students is November 13, 2018.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for PhD programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Australian Indigenous History.
Scholarship Award: The scholarship offers a stipend of $29,861 per annum paid fortnightly
in arrears.
Successful international candidates will also be awarded an HDR Fee Remission Merit
Scholarship, to cover the International Student Fees for the standard duration of the research
program, subject to the student being ranked as competitive in a merit?based selection
A recipient is eligible to receive a reimbursement of up to $500 for costs associated with the
production of the thesis.
Recipients are also eligible for paid medical, maternity/paternity leave.
Nationality: Domestic or international students are eligible to apply for the scholarships
Number of Scholarships: Three scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in Australia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Domestic or international students are eligible to apply for the
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must be enrolling full-time in a program of study for
the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of History at the Australian National
English Language Requirements: Applicants must be fluent in English.
PhD Scholarship

How to Apply:
Applications are completed and submitted via the “Online Application” link given below.

21. Overseas Partner Scholarships at ECU in Australia, 2018

The Edith Cowan University is delighted to offer Overseas Partner Scholarships. The
scholarship is open to students who have completed a program at an articulated partner
institution off-shore and apply to study an undergraduate course at ECU. Edith Cowan University
is an Australian public university located in Perth, Western Australia. It was named after the first
woman to be elected to an Australian Parliament, Edith Cowan, and is the only Australian
university named after a woman. Applicants whose native language is not English are required to

demonstrate proficiency in English. The TOEFL is the most frequently submitted examination
score that the University receives, however, the Admissions Office will use other measures upon
the applicant’s request. The IELTS, ACT, and SAT examinations may also be used.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: July 30, 2018
Course Level : The scholarships are open to future international students seeking to
complete a bachelor’s degree at Edith Cowan University.
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the
Scholarship Award : The scholarship offers a 20% reduction in tuition fees for the
duration of your course at ECU.
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Australia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have a previous year degree.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose native language is not English are
required to demonstrate proficiency in English. The TOEFL is the most frequently submitted
examination score that the University receives, however, the Admissions Office will use other
measures upon the applicant’s request. The IELTS, ACT, and SAT examinations may also be

Application Procedure:
✓ All qualifying applications to ECU are automatically assessed for the Overseas Partner
Scholarship. No separate scholarship application is required.
✓ Admissions Office will assess each application accordingly and issue a supplementary letter,
along with a Letter of Offer, to confirm whether the applicant has been successful.
✓ To accept the scholarship, the recipient must:
✓ Meet any conditions listed in their Letter of Offer;
✓ Have met entry requirements relevant to their chosen course of study;
✓ Accept their Letter of Offer as per the instructions provided;
✓ Pay the indicative deposit and OSHC indicated in their Letter of Offer; and
✓ Be aware of the dates and deadlines by which the above need to have been completed.
How to Apply:
Students are invited to apply through any one of ECU’s Authorised Education Agents.

22. PhD Scholarship in Biomedical Imaging Technology at University of Queensland, 2018

The purpose of this national centre is to provide research training in the development of
‘smart’ probes and ‘smart’ scanning techniques in conjunction with industry partners. The
Australian Research Council Training Centre for Innovation in Biomedical Imaging Technology
(CIBIT) is a multidisciplinary collaboration between researchers at The University of
Queensland’s Centre for Advanced Imaging and partners in the Medical Technologies and
Pharmaceutical industry.

Scholarship Description:
Applications close: January 26, 2018
Course Level : Scholarship is available for pursuing PhD programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in Biomedical Imaging Technology.
Scholarship Award: $27,082 (2018 rate) indexed annually + possible top-up.
Number of Scholarships : Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Australia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Australian and international students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible you must:
• Be studying full-time and onshore in Australia.
• Be nominated by an enrolling school or institute at UQ.
• Be assessed by the Graduate School as meeting all conditions for admission to the
research higher degree program.
• Not hold a qualification at the same or a higher level than the research higher degree
program you are undertaking.
• Not be receiving a living allowance award, scholarship or salary providing a benefit
greater than 75% of the RTP Scholarship living allowance rate to undertake the
research higher degree program.
• Not be receiving a Commonwealth funded tuition fee scholarship.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have excellent written and verbal
English skills.

Application Procedure:
Please submit your scholarship application to
How to Apply:
✓ All applicants must supply the following documents
✓ Cover letter outlining your reasons for applying and suitability for this research.
✓ Academic CV, including details of two referees.
✓ International applicants: Evidence for meeting UQ’s English language proficiency
✓ Academic transcript for all post-secondary study undertaken, complete or incomplete,
including the institution grading scale.

23. PhD Scholarship for International Students at University of Newcastle in Australia,

The University of Newcastle now wishes to offer its PhD scholarship and provide an
opportunity within the UON School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy in the Faculty of
Health and Medicine for a PhD research student. The scholarship is available for both Australia
and international students. The aim of the scholarship is to support students who have masters in
Biomed/Sci, with a completed research project that employed drug development, biochemistry,
analytical chemistry, cell culture techniques and be prepared to used animal models. The
University of Newcastle (UoN), informally known as Newcastle University, is an Australian

public university established in 1965. It has a primary campus in Callaghan, a suburb of
Newcastle, New South Wales.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: December 1, 2018
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue PhD programme
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded to study the anticancer properties of Low-THC
containing Medicinal Cannabis.
Scholarship Award: $26,682 p.a. (2017 rate, indexed in January each year), for 3.5 years.
The scholarship is provided by Faculty in-line with our recent successful Fellowship
Nationality: International and domestic applicants are eligible to apply for the scholarship
Number of Scholarships: Number of scholarship is not given
Scholarship can be taken in Australia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International applicants are eligible to apply for the position.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have a master in Biomed/Sci, with a completed
research project that employed drug development, biochemistry, analytical chemistry, cell
culture techniques and be prepared to used animal models.
English Language Requirements: Candidate requires good English writing and
comprehension skills, and be enthusiastic and hardworking.
PhD Scholarship
How to Apply:
If you are interested, please send your application by post:
1) Step 1 – Find a research degree
Find the right research degree for you on our full listing of:
PhD degrees
Research Masters degrees
2) Step 2 – Find a supervisor
Scholarship applicants – All Commonwealth Government and UON scholarship
applications must complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) form and have it signed by a
potential UON supervisor to be considered for the scholarship. You should upload the
EOI form with your online application. The potential supervisor will also provide you
with a Pre-Identified Candidate (PIC) code which must be included in your application.
Please see the Guide for uploading this information to your online application. Support
from a potential supervisor is needed before your application can be considered but does
not guarantee that you will be offered admission or awarded a scholarship.
The EOI form is a fillable PDF. Please right click the link below and save the document
to your computer.
Download the Expression of Interest form (PDF, 176 KB)
For admission only applicants – it is highly recommended you liaise with a UON
supervisor prior to submitting your application.
Go to the find a supervisor page
3) Step 3 – Write a research proposal

You are required to submit a research proposal which is a clear statement describing
your proposed area of research. Consultation with an academic staff member in your
area of research interest is required.

24. International Excellence Scholarship for Thailand at RMIT University in Australia,

The RMIT University is awarding two international excellence scholarships to pursue
undergraduate and master degree. This scholarship can provide financial assistance during
your first year of study. The aim of the scholarships is to assist people to pursue further levels
of academic study. The RMIT is a global university of technology, design and enterprise.
RMIT is rated a five-star university. It is ranked as 16th in the world for art and design in the
2016 QS World University Rankings.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: January 15, 2018
Course Level: These scholarships are available to pursue undergraduate and master
Study Subject: These scholarships are awarded in the fields offered by the university.
Scholarship Award : The total value of the scholarship is AU$5,000, paid in the first
semester of the first year.
Nationality: Thai
Number of Scholarships: Two scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in Australia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Thailand
Entrance Requirements : Applicants must meet following requirements:
Be a citizen of Thailand
Applying from Thailand
Enroll in one of the following programs at RMIT, commencing in Semester 1,
2018:Associate degreeBachelor’s degreeMasters by Coursework
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have sufficient knowledge of the
language of instruction of the host university.

International Scholarship
Application Procedure:
Applicants can apply through the online processor.
How to Apply:
✓ Select an eligible program .
✓ Submit an application to study at RMIT .
✓ Receive an offer to study at RMIT.
✓ Submit an application for the International Excellence Scholarship.

25. English Language Course Scholarships for International PhD Students in Australia,
The University of Western Australia is providing English Language Course Scholarships
for international PhD students. Scholarships are offered free of charge to selected students who

have been offered a PhD place at UWA. At UWA, they encourage students to pursue excellence
in their studies and offer a range of scholarships to prospective international students to support
them financially.
The University of Western Australia is a public research university in the Australian state
of Western Australia. The university’s main campus is in Perth, the state capital, with a secondary
campus in Albany and various other facilities elsewhere. English is the language of instruction
and assessment across The University of Western Australia. Students must meet the English
language requirements of the University to be eligible for a place.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: Open for 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for 10-week pre-course English language program.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of English.
Scholarship Award: The UWA English Language Bridging Scholarship includes:
The full cost of the 10-week bridging course (enrolment fee, tuition fee and course texts) at
UWA CELT. NB: scholarship does not cover the cost of health cover (OSHC or OVHC);
A stipend of AUD $450/week is paid to the student for the length of the Bridging Course, as a
contribution towards living expenses;
At the conclusion of the 10 weeks Bridging Course, the student is entitled to receive a further
two weeks stipend of $450 per week, or if preferred, a return flight home prior to
commencing the PhD program as long as the cost of the flights is equal to or less than two
weeks stipend.
Number of Scholarships: A limited number of scholarships are issued.
Scholarship can be taken in Australia
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Students who have been offered a PhD place at UWA, and have
not quite achieved the UWA English entry requirement.
English Language Requirements: English is the language of instruction and assessment
across The University of Western Australia. Students must meet the English language
requirements of the University to be eligible for a place.

Application Procedure:
The student is automatically considered at the time of applying.
How to Apply:
Submit an application to the respective HDR support team in your Faculty or to an
authorised UWA representative if you are an international student.
This application should include:
A completed research application form (see below)
All certified documents as listed on the application form
A brief outline (250 words maximum) of your proposed research project.
Application for higher degree by research
Application for higher degree by research

26. Bond University HDR Scholarships for International Students in Australia, 2018
Applications are invited for HDR Scholarships supported by the Bond University.
Scholarships are awarded to highly qualified students commencing PhD programme in 2018.

Bond University is committed to providing a high-level HDR experience to ensure success in
students’ research and research training. The Bond University is a private not-for-profit university
located in Robina, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. It has been listed in the global top 20
universities in the Times Higher Education Rankings of the Best Small Universities in the World.
Applicants whose native language is not English are required to demonstrate proficiency in

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: March 31, 2018
Course Level : Scholarships are available for pursuing PhD programme.
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the
Scholarship Award : The University places a focus on commencing Doctoral students
only for living stipend scholarships. Masters students are not eligible to apply for HDR
Scholarships. The 2018 full-time stipend rate will be $27,082.00 per annum (indexed
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Australia
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Australian and international students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have master’s degree.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose native language is not English are
required to demonstrate proficiency in English. The TOEFL is the most frequently submitted
examination score that the University receives, however,the Admissions Office will use other
measures upon the applicant’s request. The IELTS, ACT, and SAT examinations may also be

Application Procedure:
The first 3 steps in the application process below must be completed prior to lodging your
Scholarship application (Step 4). These steps 1 – 3 will take 4-6 weeks to complete – You
must ensure that you allow sufficient time before the Scholarship application closure date
✓ Step 1 – Expression of interest (EOI) to Faculty
✓ Step 2 – Find a Supervisor
✓ Step 3 – Apply for Admission to Bond University
✓ Step 4 – Apply for Scholarship: Assessment of Scholarship applications framework
You must have received a Letter of Offer for Admission to Bond University
You must apply using the online Apply for scholarship form
How to Apply:
In order to apply for an HDR program, students must meet the required academic entry
requirements, as well as satisfy visa, residency and English proficiency requirements.
Online Application

27. Education Honours Scholarship at Southern Cross University in Australia, 2018

The Southern Cross University invites one or two outstanding students to study Bachelor
of Education (Honours) program in 2018. The expected value of the scholarship is $1000 (two
payments of $500 per session). Southern Cross University is an established Australian public
university, with campuses at Lismore and Coffs Harbour in northern New South Wales, and at the

southern end of the Gold Coast in Queensland. Applicants whose first language is not English are
usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Scholarship Description:
Applications close: March 28, 2018
Course Level: Scholarship is available for pursuing Bachelor of Education (Honours)
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Expected value is $1000 (two payments of $500 per session)
Number of Scholarships: Up to 2 places.
Scholarship can be taken in Australia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

GPA from entry Undergraduate course (for newly commencing Honours students), or GPA in
Honours program and Undergraduate course (for current Honours students);
Generally, admission to Honours requires a minimum GPA of 5.5
Two reviews from academics either at SCU or another university;
a. The applicant should contact the Education Honours Course Co-ordinator to request a copy
of the reviewer form, and then forward it to the academic referee
b. Academic referees must use the provided reviewer form and return it directly to the
Honours Course Co-ordinator
Research experience, university academic awards (e.g. university medal), refereed
publications and/or other achievements of relevance.
Eligible Countries:
Australian students are eligible to apply.
College Admission Requirement:
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have a previous year degree.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have excellent written and verbal English

Award Description :
Expected value is $1000 (two payments of $500 per session)
How to Apply:
Complete application online through My Enrolment.
Applying to study at SCU is now fully online. Application links are provided on the How to
apply tab of course information sheets, within course options .
Apply for on-campus undergraduate degrees: applications to study an undergraduate
degree at one of our campuses are made online direct to SCU, through the NSW Universities
Admissions Centre (UAC) or Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC). Look for
the Apply buttons under Domestic students in the How to Apply tab on the course
information sheet.
Apply for undergraduate degrees by online education: if you’re planning to study your
undergraduate degree by online education, and become part of our interactive online learning
community, you need to apply directly to SCU online. Under Domestic students look for
the Apply Online button next to Online education in the How to Apply tab on the course
information sheet.

28. 12 Full-Fee International Excellence Research Scholarships at CQ University in
Australia, 2018
Central Queensland University is currently accepting applications for International
Excellence Research Scholarships who are commencing a Doctor of Philosophy at CQUniversity,
on or before 1 July 2018. The International Excellence Research Scholarships (Scholarships)
refers to a series of full or partial tuition fee scholarships funded by CQUniversity. Central
Queensland University (alternatively known as CQUniversity) is an Australian dual sector
university-based in Queensland. Its main campus is in North Rockhampton, Queensland. English
is the language of instruction and assessment across CQUniversity. Applicants are required to
meet the minimum English language proficiency requirements for entry to programs.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: Scholarship is open for the year 2018.
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue doctoral research programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to pursue Doctor of Philosophy at CQUniversity.
Scholarship Award: The Scholarship will pay the candidate’s annual tuition fees for up to
three EFTSL (three full-time equivalent years). The Scholarship will not cover
Overseas student health cover
Living allowances
Travel expenses
Thesis expenses
The cost of English language testing
Tuition fees for bridging programs or ELICOS programs, or
Project expenses, including the purchase of equipment or other direct research costs.
Nationality: International students
Number of Scholarships: CQUniversity will offer the equivalent of up to 12 full-fee
Scholarships in 2017-18.
Scholarship can be taken in Australia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible to hold a Scholarship, a candidate must be of
outstanding quality, and:
Have completed a Bachelor Degree with first class honours conferred by a university or any
other approved institution in a relevant discipline, or
Have been awarded a Masters degree either by research or with a substantial research element
(typically one-third of research work within it) in a relevant discipline, from a university or
any other approved institution, or
Hold alternative qualifications and/or experience deemed by the University to be of
equivalent scope and standard to those listed above.
Be an international student1 and satisfy international student visa requirements.
Be approved for admission, and enrolling in, a Doctor of Philosophy program at
Typically, must be enrolled full-time and be an on-campus candidate at a CQUniversity

Not previously have held a Commonwealth Government-funded or CQUniversity-funded
postgraduate research tuition fee scholarship, unless it was terminated within six months of
the scholarship’s payments commencing, and
Must not be receiving an equivalent award or scholarship for tuition fees to undertake a
research higher degree.
English Language Requirements: English is the language of instruction and assessment
across CQUniversity. Applicants are required to meet the minimum English language
proficiency requirements for entry to programs.
International English Language Testing System (IELTS Academic): 6.5 (with no individual
band score less than 6.0).
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL Internet-Based): Overall score of 79 with no
score less than 21.
Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic): Overall score of 58 with no score less
than 50.
Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) and Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE): Overall
test score of 176 (with no individual band score of less than 169).

Australia Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
An invitation to eligible principal supervisors to submit an expression of interest for
allocation of a Scholarship may be issued by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) from
time to time.
Applications for the Scholarships may be made by principal supervisors, who will, in turn,
nominate an eligible candidate to receive the Scholarship. Current or prospective candidates
are not permitted to apply for a scholarship directly.
A principal supervisor will not normally be allocated more than one Scholarship.
Expressions of Interest for allocation of scholarships will be considered by the Research
Higher Degrees Committee, who will make recommendations to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) will approve the allocation of all Scholarships.

29. UQ Alfred Midgley Postgraduate Scholarship for International Students in Australia,

The University of Queensland is delighted to offer its Alfred Midgley Postgraduate
Scholarship for international students to pursue research in the field of Australian literature. The
minimum amount of the scholarship will be $6,000 per annum. The aim of the scholarship is to
support a postgraduate student engaged in research in the field of Australian literature. The
University of Queensland (UQ) is a research university primarily located in Queensland’s capital
city, Brisbane. As one of Australia’s leading universities, UQ is consistently ranked first for
business administration, mining engineering and life sciences in Australasia.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: March 1,2018
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue postgraduate research programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in the field of Australian literature.

Scholarship Award: The scholarship may be held for 1-3 years with the possibility of a6-
month extension. The minimum amount of the scholarship will be $6,000 per annum. This is
a Philanthropic Higher Degree by Research, Half Top-Up Scholarship.
Nationality: Australian &Permanent Residents or NZ citizens and International applicants
are eligible to apply for the scholarship.
Number of Scholarships: Number of scholarship is not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Australia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Australian &Permanent Residents or NZ citizens and International
applicants are eligible to apply for the scholarship.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must be a postgraduate student.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must be fluent in English.

Postgraduate Scholarship
Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
Follow the UQ process for applying for a Higher Degree by Research and mention in your
application your interest in applying for this scholarship.
To apply for an RHD, follow the steps outlined in the online application.

30. Rural Bank Scholarships for Undergraduate Students Australia, 2018

The Rural Bank will be awarding up to 15 new scholarships in 2018. Scholarships are
available to first-time undergraduate university students enrolled in studies that will enable them
to contribute to the Australian agricultural industry. This funding aims to support study-related
expenses covering such things as accommodation costs, course costs, study materials and
equipment, textbooks or tutoring. Rural Bank provides quality banking services with rural
expertise. They specialise in rural loans, agribusiness, personal banking, savings and investments.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 29, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduate programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of agriculture.
Scholarship Award: The scholarship will provide each successful student with funding up to
the value of $5,000 to assist with his or her tertiary studies.
Number of Scholarships: There are 15 scholarships available.
Scholarship can be taken in Australia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Australian citizens are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: The scholarship criteria stipulate that the applicant:
Is a first-time undergraduate tertiary student in 2018;
Has been offered a full-time place at an Australian university or college to study a bachelor
degree that will enable them to contribute to the future of Australian agriculture;
Is a school leaver (or has taken a gap year);
Can demonstrate a career commitment that will ultimately benefit agriculture;
Is an Australian citizen or permanent resident.

Outstanding academic achievement and community involvement;
Can clearly demonstrate excellence in and passion for agriculture

Application Procedure:
Evidence of Tertiary Entry Score (compulsory)
e. ATAR notice
University or College Letter of Offer (compulsory)
A letter from you outlining how your university studies support your career objectives and
will enable you to contribute to the Australian agriculture sector.
A referee letter supporting your application – this could be from a family member, good
family friend, health professional, teacher or somebody in the industry you are seeking to
work in (optional but recommended).
How to Apply:
To apply online:
Click on Apply now to be directed to the login page of Bendigo and Adelaide
Bank’s Community Enterprise Foundation website
Click Register here to create your unique login
Fill in the requested details, clicking Register once complete
31. 20 International Entrance Scholarships at University of Victoria in Canada, 2018
The University of Victoria is awarding International Entrance Scholarships for students
entering a full-time undergraduate degree program. The University of Victoria is a large research
university located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The University of Victoria, founded in
1963, is the oldest university in British Columbia and began as Victoria College in 1903, as an
affiliated branch of McGill University. All applicants to UVic (regardless of country of origin or
citizenship status) are required to demonstrate competence in the English language prior to

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: February 28, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing an undergraduate program at the
University of Victoria.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Twenty scholarships of $10,000 each are awarded to academically
outstanding international students
Number of Scholarships: There are twenty scholarships available.
Scholarship can be taken in Canada

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Scholarships are open to international students.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible, international students must normally be:
Entering their first year in an undergraduate degree program at UVic and meet UVic’s
academic and English proficiency requirements. See English Language Proficiency
A current secondary school student or have graduated within the last two years and have not
attended a post-secondary institution
Accepted to UVic with an admissions “A” average
Admitted to UVic a minimum of 32 International Baccalaureate points

An international student studying at UVic on a Canadian study permit (changes to your
citizenship status may effect your scholarship eligibility)
Grade 12 Interim (current student)/ Final (graduated student) transcript deadline: February 28
English Language Requirements: All applicants to UVic (regardless of country of origin or
citizenship status) are required to demonstrate competence in the English language prior to

Application Procedure:
Eligible candidates are automatically referred to Student Awards & Financial Aid by
Undergraduate Admissions.
International students must send in an interim transcript (if a current secondary school
student) or a final transcript (if a student has graduated within two years of application and
has not attended another post-secondary institution) by February 28 to Undergraduate
Admissions to be assessed for an International Scholarship.
Eligible candidates are automatically referred to Student Awards & Financial Aid by
Undergraduate Admissions.
How to Apply:
International students must be admitted to the University of Victoria before being considered
for an entrance scholarship.

32. Killam Trust Scholarships for International Students at University of Alberta in

Canada, 2018
The University of Alberta is delighted to offer its Killam Trust Scholarships to pursue
doctoral programme or thesis research during the fall and Winter Terms. The scholarship is
exclusively open to international students. The aim of the scholarship is to support international
students who have completed at least one year of graduate work (master’s or doctoral level)
before the start of tenure; tenure may begin on May 1st or September 1st.
The University of Alberta is a public research university located in Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada. It was founded by Alexander Cameron Rutherford, the first premier of Alberta, and
Henry Marshall Tory, its first president. Its enabling legislation is the Post-secondary Learning

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 15, 2018
Course Level: Scholarship is available for Doctoral programme or thesis research.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in all the fields offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: $35,000 a year, in addition to the International Graduate Student
Differential Fee associated with registration in 18 fee index units (or equivalent) in courses or
thesis research during the Fall and Winter Terms, or in Thesis 919, if applicable, or with the
annual program fee as determined by the date of admission to the doctoral program.
Recipients receive a certificate acknowledging their award. Subject to renewal in year two of
the award.
Nationality: International students are eligible to apply for the scholarship.
Number of Scholarships: Number of scholarship is not given
Scholarship can be taken in Canada

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for the scholarship.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have completed at least one year of graduate work
(master’s or doctoral level) before start of tenure.
English Language Requirements : Applicants must be fluent in English.

Canada Scholarship
Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
Students complete the combined Killam and Andrew Stewart Awards application form and
submit supporting documents to their department.
A complete Killam and Andrew Stewart Awards Application includes:
For Applicants: Killam and Andrew Stewart Applicant Instructions.
Killam and Andrew Stewart Application Form.
Two Letter of Reference to Support Application for Graduate Awards.
Transcripts (if you have attended institutions other than the University of Alberta, copies of
official transcripts are acceptable.
Please request these well in advance from your department or the department may request it
from FGSR, if necessary)

33. UBC MBA Scholarships for International Students in Canada, 2018

The UBC Sauder School of Business is pleased to offer a number of financial aid, support
and assistance options available to both domestic and international UBC MBA students. The UBC
Sauder School of Business is a faculty at the University of British Columbia. The faculty is
located in Vancouver on UBC’s Point Grey campus and has a secondary teaching facility at UBC
Robson Square downtown. Applicants must be able to speak, comprehend, and write fluently in
English. An English proficiency exam is required for all candidates whose degrees are from a
university outside Canada or the U.S.A. in which English was not the official language of

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 10, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing MBA programme.MBA
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of business administration.
Scholarship Award: Each year, the UBC Sauder School of Business awards entrance
scholarships to 25-40% of the class, taking a merit-based holistic view of what each talented
candidate brings into the program.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Canada

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Domestic and international students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements:
Three-or Four-year Bachelor’s degree with a B+ average, or recognized equivalent from an
accredited institution.
Three-year degrees are accepted, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe. If your country or
region is not listed here, email us for clarification.

Applicants who have previously completed an MBA program will not be able to apply to the
Applicants should have B+ or 76% or 3.3GPA.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must be able to speak, comprehend, and write
fluently in English. An English proficiency exam is required for all candidates whose degrees
are from a university outside Canada or the U.S.A. in which English was not the official
language of instruction.

Application Procedure:
Applicants are automatically considered for every applicable scholarship upon submission,
and are assessed on a number of factors, including (but not limited to) work experience,
academic achievement, business drive, application essays.
How to Apply:
University strongly encourages students to submit UBC MBA application early in order to be
considered for our entrance scholarship opportunities.

34. University of Toronto Scholars Programme for International Applicants in Canada,

There are up to 700 admission scholarships available for students starting their studies in
2018-2019. Outstanding domestic and international secondary school students are being
considered automatically for these awards on the basis of their average at the time of admission.
University of Toronto Scholars Programme is designed to reward students of any nationality who
demonstrate the highest academic excellence and potential. The University of Toronto is a public
research university in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on the grounds that surround Queen’s Park.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: February 1, 2018, for admission and for the award is February 17,
Course Level: These scholarships are available to pursue an undergraduate degree.
Study Subject: These scholarships are awarded in the field of Engineering.
Scholarship Award: These scholarships will cover $7500.
Nationality : International
Number of Scholarships: Seven hundred
Scholarship can be taken in Canada

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Canada and International
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet following criteria:
Domestic and international secondary school students are considered automatically for these
awards on the basis of their average at the time of admission (applicants who have previously
attended a postsecondary institution are not eligible for U of T Scholars consideration)
English Language Requirements: If applicant’s first language is not English, you must
present proof of English facility prior to admission unless you have completed four years of
full-time study in an English language school system in a country where the dominant
language is English.

Application Procedure:

No separate application required; all students are automatically considered when they apply to
U of T Engineering.
How to Apply:
Applicants must submit full documentation for all secondary and post-secondary studies.

35. Bursary Awards for Postgraduate Training at McGill University in Canada, 2018
The Department of Pediatrics at McGill University is offering two bursary awards for
postgraduate training in a residency program. Awards are open to international Medical doctors
who are graduates of medical schools listed in the FAIMER Directory. McGill University is a
public research university in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It was established in 1821 by royal
charter, granted by King George IV of the United Kingdom. The University bears the name of
James McGill, a Montreal merchant from Scotland whose bequest in 1813 formed the university’s
precursor, McGill College.

Course Level: Awards are available for pursuing postgraduate residency training programme.
Study Subject: Awards are available at the Department of Pediatrics.
Scholarship Award: $55,000/year, no benefits
Number of Scholarships: There are two bursary awards available.
Scholarship can be taken in Canada
Alan Ross Academic Bursary Award: The Alan Ross Academic Bursary Award is available
each year to successful applicants pursuing postgraduate training in a pediatric specialty after
having completed three years of core training in pediatrics, or equivalent. Successful candidates
will intend to pursue an academic career in pediatrics upon completion of training. This award is
for physicians who will be training mostly in research and who might have a varying degree of
clinical contact.
Clinical Bursary Award in Pediatrics: The Clinical Bursary Award in Pediatrics is available
each year to successful applicants who wish to pursue postgraduate training in a pediatric
specialty after having completed 3 years of core training in pediatrics or its equivalent. The
successful candidates will intend to pursue an academic career in pediatrics, upon completion of
their training. A majority of the training will consist of clinical work.
Nationality: International students are eligible to apply.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Eligible applicants are considered as follows:
Graduates of Canadian Medical Schools (Non Quebec).
International Medical doctors who are graduates of medical schools listed in the FAIMER
Directory (Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research) who
are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.
Interested applicants should refer to Postgraduate Medical Education Admissions for complete
eligibility criteria and immigration protocols.
Test Requirement: No
English Language Requirement: All international applicants for whom English is not the native
tongue must provide proof of competence in the English language.

How to Apply:
✓ Step 1: Interested applicants should advise the Program Director of their intention to
apply to the program.

✓ Step 2: Applicants must be qualify for and apply to postgraduate residency training
through the Postgraduate Medical Education Office. International applicants must apply
for postgraduate residency training by the March 1st deadline.
✓ Step 3: Complete the Bursary Award Application Form and submit with the required
documents to Sally Crawford, Administrative and Student Affairs Coordinator ( Email ).
✓ Application forms and required documents:
✓ Application Form Part A (to be completed by applicant)
✓ Application Form Part B (to be completed by the Program Director)
✓ Updated CV
✓ Personal Statement
✓ Clinical Bursary Award in Pediatrics
Application Deadline: The application deadline is March 15, 2018.

36. Switzerland Scholarships, 2017

Looking for Switzerland PhD Scholarships! Swiss academic institutions render their PhD
aspirants a wide range of international connections, excellent living, and a lively and challenging
environment. All these yield good deal of prospects for a rewarding career in educational or
industry research. This page assists you in finding the most advance information to get a
scholarship for your desired PhD degree. All the recent PhD scholarships in Switzerland are
directed towards the pursuit of academic competence
Email me college scholarships like this. Be the first to apply.

37. Tender Starting Doctoral Scholarships at Basel Graduate School of History in

Switzerland, 2018
Basel Graduate School of History (BGSH), Switzerland
The Basel Graduate School of History (BGSH) is delighted to offer Tender Starting
Scholarships for support during the start phase of their doctorate. International students are
eligible to apply for this scholarship programme. The Basel Graduate School of History
(BGSH) […]

38. Fully Funded Uversity Undergraduate Scholarships for Mature Students at IADT in
Ireland, 2018
Institute of Art, Design + Technology, Ireland
The Institute of Art, Design + Technology is introducing Uversity Scholarships for Mature
Students to study in the Republic of Ireland. These are intended to remove financial barriers
so that adult learners can unlock their potential and realize their academic […]

39. PhD and Postdoctoral Position for International Students at University of Bern in
Switzerland, 2018
University of Bern, Switzerland
The Institute of Jewish Studies at the University of Bern in collaboration with Swiss
peace/Swiss Peace Foundation is currently accepting applications for PhD (100%) and
Postdoctoral (50%) position in Jewish Studies / Middle Eastern Studies / Political Science.
The University of […]

40. Master Scholarship Programme for International Students in Switzerland, 2018

World Trade Institute, Switzerland
The World Trade Institute (WTI) is proud to offer Master Scholarships Programme for
International Students. These scholarships are awarded in International Law and Economics.
These scholarships are designed for students and young professionals who wish to broaden
their knowledge of […]

41. Animal Genomics Group PhD Position for International Students at ETH Zurich in
Switzerland, 2018
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
The Animal Genomics group at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ETH Zurich, now
wishes to invite applicants for its PhD Position to Characterize the genomic variation of a
local cattle breed using whole-genome sequencing data. The duration of the position […]

42. UNIL 8th Undergraduate Summer School Scholarships in Switzerland, 2018

University of Lausanne, Switzerland
-The new 8th Undergraduate Summer School Scholarships in biological sciences at the
University of Lausanne is now available on offer for students from all around the world. The
university offers full scholarships which cover tuition costs, living expenses, and justified
travel […]

43. Clark Graduate Bursary Fund for International Students at University of Glasgow in
UK, 2018
University of Glasgow ,United Kingdom
The University of Glasgow now wishes to invite applicants for its Clark (Mile-End) Graduate
Bursary Fund to pursue undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD and postgraduate research
programmes. The aim of the bursary is to support graduates of the University of Glasgow or
44. PhD Position in Theoretical Spectroscopy at University of Zurich in Switzerland, 2018
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Applicants are invited for PhD Position in the field of spectroscopy with the focus on highly
accurate and computationally efficient methods. The research topic of the project deals with
development and application of novel approaches in the field of spectroscopy […]

45. SDU Talent Master Fellowship for International Students in Denmark, 2018
University of Southern Denmark
The new SDU Talent Fellowship in Computer Science is now available for all new
international students. This is an opportunity to get a coveted education and to be secured a
study job in a technology company where you can develop and […]

46. FWO PhD Fellowships for EU or EER or Switzerland Students in Belgium, 2018
The Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO), Belgium
The Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) is inviting applications for FWO PhD
fellowships available for students from EU or the EER or Switzerland. The PhD Fellowship is
the most important funding channel to prepare young and promising researchers to complete
their […]

47. Bilateral Postgraduate Scholarships for Foreign Students at Slovenian Institution of
Higher Education, 2018-2019
The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia
This scholarship scheme is designed for university/college students or graduates and PhD
applicants who wish to accomplish part of their study at one of the Slovenian institution of
higher education (in Slovenian language). The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

48. Hermann Paul Doctoral Scholarship in Linguistics, 2018

Hermann Paul School of Linguistics
The Hermann Paul School of Linguistics at the University of Basel (Switzerland) and the
Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg (Germany) is offering one scholarship for a PhD
candidate in Basel, starting between June 1st and August 1st, 2018. The Hermann Paul

49. 80 COORP EuroTechPostdoc Fellowships for International Students at European

Universities, 2018
Collaborative Online and Offline Research Platform – COORP
-Applications are invited for up to 80 Postdoctoral fellowships Programme open to applicants
of all nationalities. The EuroTech Universities Alliance invites highly talented experienced
researchers to submit interdisciplinary collaborative research project proposals for one of the
fellowships provided by the EuroTechPostdoc Programme. The EuroTechPostdoc
Programme is a postdoctoral […]
50. Politecnico di Milano Unitech Scholarships for International Students, 2018-2019
Politecnico di Milano
UNITECH call for applications for the academic year 2018/2019 is now available online. The
event is open to all the Engineering students. There are two selection phases: Pre-Selection:
Pre-selection is based on the student’s academic achievements, motivations, and CV and […]

51. CERN Fully Funded Summer Scholarships for High School Students and Teachers in
Switzerland, 2018
CERN, Switzerland
-CERN is delighted to announce its fully funded several residential programmes to high
school students and teachers to study in Geneva, Switzerland. Students from all around the
world are eligible. These summer programmes offer the unique chance to explore the […]

52. EU Talent Law Grant at University of Groningen in Netherlands, 2018

The new EU Talent Law Grant is now available at the University of Groningen in the
Netherlands. Students from EU are eligible to apply. The University of Groningen provides
top-quality educational programmes. We offer a wide variety of interesting, highly regarded
degree programmes that rank well internationally. As our student, you will receive high-
quality supervision and have many programmes to choose from. As an exceptionally
motivated and talented student, you could join our Honours College for an extra challenge.
Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of
proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: May 1, 2018
Course Level: Grants are available to Master degree (MSc/MA/LL.M.) programme.

Study Subject: Grant are available to pursue the following programmes: International
Law and the Law of International Organizations LLM, Global Criminal Law LLM,
European Economic Law LLM, International and European Law LLM, International
Commercial Law LLM, International Business Law LLM, LL.M. Energy and Climate
Law, Public International Law LLM, International Human Rights Law LLM
Scholarship Award: the One-time scholarship of €500 from the University of Groningen
Faculty of Law for talented LLM applicants from the EU.
Nationality: Students from EU are eligible.
Number of Scholarships: 18 scholarships are available (subject to change).
Scholarship can be taken in Netherlands
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Candidates from the following countries are eligible (Austria,
Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United
Entrance Requirements: Candidates from the EU who have been admitted to one of the
above-mentioned LLM programmes can be awarded a one-time €500 scholarship.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are
usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required
by the University.

Netherland Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Candidates need to complete the application form for the EU Talent
Grant Law in which their motivation letter needs to be uploaded.

53. EMBO | EuropaBio Fellowships for Research Programme, 2018

EMBO partnered with the European Association for Bioindustries (EuropaBio) is now
accepting applications for EMBO | EuropaBio Fellowships that fund exchanges between
laboratories in eligible countries lasting between one week (7 days) and six months (180 days)The
goal of the EMBO | EuropaBio Fellowships is to facilitate valuable collaborations with research
groups applying techniques that are unavailable in the applicant’s laboratory. EMBO is an
organization of more than 1700 leading researchers that promotes excellence in the life sciences.
The major goals of the organization are to support talented researchers at all stages of their
careers, stimulate the exchange of scientific information, and help build a European research
environment where scientists can achieve their best work.

Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue research.

Study Subject: EMBO subject areas: Genomic & Computational Biology and Systems Biology
Scholarship Award: The fellowships contribute towards travel costs and subsistence of the fellow
but not of any dependents. The subsistence rate depends on the country being visited.
Duration of support: The EMBO | EuropaBio Fellowships are intended for visits of one week (7 days)
up to six months (180 days).
Number of Scholarships: Up to four fellowships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in All applications should focus on the benefit to the home laboratory and
involve movement between countries – one of which must be an EMBC Member State. (For

applicants from a laboratory within a non-member state, the short-term fellowships are for a fixed
duration of 90 days).

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
✓ Applicants must be active researchers at any stage in their career with a minimum of one year
of research experience as Ph.D. students or equivalent.
✓ EMBO | EuropaBio Fellowships are awarded for research exchanges between laboratories in
EMBC Member States, Associated Member States or Cooperation Partners. EMBO Short-
Term Fellowships are not awarded for exchanges between two laboratories within the same
✓ Applications for research exchanges involving Chile and one of the EMBC Member States or
Cooperation Partners will exceptionally be considered.
✓ Only in exceptional cases will EMBO Short-Term fellowships be awarded for research visits
outside the countries listed above. For such cases, it is essential that a justification is provided
why there is no appropriate expertise or technology in the EMBC Member States, Associated
Member States or Cooperation Partners.
✓ Applications from outside the EMBC Member States, Associated Member States or
Cooperation Partners will not be considered.
✓ Applications to visit laboratories outside EMBC Member States, Associated Member States
or Cooperation Partners will only be considered under exceptional circumstances.
✓ Applications for the exclusive purpose of training in a technique rather than as a component
of a wider research project will not be considered.
✓ EMBO does not consider applications for the EMBO | EuropaBio Fellowships to prolong
visits begun under other auspices, or as bridging fellowships between, or prior to, long term
stays funded by EMBO or other organizations.
✓ Applications for fellowships to attend courses, workshops, or symposia will not be
Nationality : Applicants from the following countries are eligible to apply:
• EMBC Member states: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and United Kingdom
• EMBC Associate Member states: India, Singapore
• Cooperating partner country: Taiwan
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must be active researchers at any stage in their career
with a minimum of one year of research experience as PhD students or equivalent.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required
to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.

Research Scholarships
How to Apply: Applications for EMBO | EuropaBio Fellowships are electronic only. Hard copies
will not be processed. This refers to all relevant documents including not only the application form
but also the reference letters and the host institute acceptance form. The online application form will
ask you to provide information on:
Contact details of two referees

Address of the receiving institute and contact details of the host institute supervisor
A summary of the proposed work
A summary of your current work
Basic CV
Your ORCID ID (if you do not have one, please register at
Funding sources
Application Form
Application Deadline: Applications are accepted from September 1, 2017, until October 31, 2017.

54. Academic Merit Scholarships at International School of Stavanger in Norway, 2018

The International School of Stavanger is pleased to offer academic merit scholarships for
High School (VGS) applicants and students starting in August 2018.The aim of the School is to
enable students to become self-determining, respectful, responsible, contributing global citizens
who will succeed in continuing educational programmes and beyond. The International School of
Stavanger, previously known as the Stavanger American School (SAMS), is a private school
primarily made up of British, American, European and Norwegian students located in Stavanger,
Norway, which offers a full education from pre-school through high school (upper secondary
school).At the International School Of Stavanger there are about 600 students. Students may
receive some EAL (English as an Additional Language) support, however, it is expected that
candidates have strong English skills.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: January 18, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing IB Diploma Programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the fields offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Scholarships will cover the followings:
The Linda and Len Duevel Scholarship will pay the 100% full tuition. It will provide all the
usual resources/materials required for the various courses and bus transport for the students to
and from school using the school’s established bus routes. It will not pay for external
examination fees, school lunches or overseas travel.
The Golden Anniversary Scholarship will cover 50% of tuition (based on category 1 tuition
fees), all the usual resources/materials required for the various courses and school transport
using the school buses. It will not pay for external examination fees, school lunches or
overseas travel.
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Norway
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Students from Norway are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet following criteria:
✓ Students selected for the Linda and Len Duevel scholarship will be offered a
foundation course in Grade 10 (VG1), preparing them for becoming part of the
school’s International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme when they enter Grade
11. As appropriate, students may receive some EAL (English as an Additional
Language) support, however, it is expected that candidates have strong English skills.
✓ Students selected for the Golden Anniversary scholarship will be entering the
International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme in Grade 11 (VG 2).

✓ Students who complete the IB Diploma at ISS will also earn an ISS High School
Diploma. Earning an IB Diploma also grants Norwegian ‘Studiekompetanse.’ ISS
graduates attend universities all over the globe, including Norway.
English Language Requirements: Students may receive some EAL (English as an
Additional Language) support, however, it is expected that candidates have strong English

Application Procedure:
Please make sure you can be available for a visit and possible interview at some point during the
week of 19-23 February (08.30-16.00). Interviews cannot be scheduled at any other time. All
applicants must attend in person to be considered for a scholarship. We look forward to getting to
know the applicants, and the applicants getting to know ISS.
How to Apply:
Applications must be received via email.

55. International Tuition-Waivers for Master Degree in Sweden, 2018

The Umea University is awarding scholarships to talented and high-achieving students
from outside the EU/EEA. Selected candidates receive a full or partial waiver of the tuition fee.
Umeå University is a university in Umeå in the mid-northern region of Sweden. The university
was founded in 1965 and is the fifth oldest within Sweden’s present borders. If English is not your
first language then you will need to show that your English language skills are at a high enough
level to succeed in your studies.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: March 15, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing masters programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Scholarships offered are in the form of tuition-waivers. Selected
candidates receive a full or partial waiver of the tuition fee.
Number of Scholarships: For autumn term 2017 intake, 42 scholarships overall were
awarded to students from different disciplines, with an additional 20 students ranked in
Scholarship can be taken in Sweden
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Students from outside the EU/EEA are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: University welcomes you to apply for the scholarship if you have:
An Umeå University programme as priority 1 at
Completed your study application before the application deadline (15 January 2018).
English Language Requirements: If English is not your first language then you will need to
show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.
Application Procedure: Applicants should fill out the scholarship form and submit the
application together with other documents to University Admissions Sweden. Required
documentation for all master’s applicants In order to complete an admissions application,
students must provide the following documents after submitting their online
application. Please do not submit documents that are not listed here, unless they are required
by the university to which are applying.

Certificates and diplomas of your completed bachelor’s degree from an internationally
recognised higher education institution (university or university college).
Transcripts of completed courses and grades for each semester (including course list) from
your bachelor’s programme.
Proof of English language skills
Proof that student meet the specific entry requirements (university’s website will have
information regarding the specific entry requirements for the course or programme they have
applied to, be sure to check there for what is required).
In order to speed up the processing of the application, University Admissions Sweden
requires a copy of the page in your passport with your personal data and photograph, or some
other identification document.

How to Apply:
The mode of applying is online.

56. University of Vaasa Scholarships for International Students in Sweden, 2018

The University of Vaasa Scholarships are open to students coming outside the EU/EEA
area. Scholarships are designed to reward students of any nationality who demonstrate the highest
academic excellence and potential. The University of Vaasa is a multidisciplinary, business-
oriented university in Vaasa, Finland. The campus of the university is situated by the Gulf of
Bothnia adjacent to downtown Vaasa.
English language proficiency needs to be met by every applicant. It can be proved only in
one of the below-listed ways. The University of Vaasa does not apply a strict time limit to how
recently the necessary verification for English language skills has been acquired. However, if the
language skills verification is several years old it may have a negative effect on the admission

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: January 15, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing master’s programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: The tuition fees at the University of Vaasa are 10 000 euros or 12 000
euros and apply to the Master’s students starting their studies in autumn 2018. The students
subjected to the tuition fees are eligible for scholarships, which can be full or partial tuition
fee waivers. The first year’s scholarships are based on the previous academic merits reviewed
during the application process. The second year’s scholarships are based on the academic
merits during the first year of studies at the University of Vaasa.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Sweden

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Students from outside EU/EEA are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have previosu degree.
English Language Requirements: English language proficiency needs to be met by every
applicant. It can be proved only in one of the below listed ways. University of Vaasa does not
apply a strict time limit to how recently the necessary verification for English language skills

has been acquired. However, if the language skills verification is several years old it may
have a negative effect on the admission decision.
Application Procedure:
Steps to applying
Get to know the general admission criteria and the programme-specific criteria
Read the instructions on submitting your documents carefully
On the right side of this page, you can find the direct links to our application forms. Click on
the programme you want to apply to, which leads you to Studying
The list of required documents can be found in the Application process –section in Studying
When you have your documents ready, fill in the application by following the link “Fill in
application” in Studying
See if there are country-specific requirements for your degree-awarding country and follow
those instructions first and foremost
Make sure your educational documents are certified correctly and submit the official
translations of these documents if necessary
Upload your documents to the application and save the application form
Wait for the admission results!
How to Apply:
You may apply for admission to more than one programme by filling in a separate application
to each programme.

57. SJDAW Graduate Scholarship at University of Prince Edward Island in Canada, 2018
The University of Prince Edward Island is awarding SJDAW Graduate Scholarship to
pursue research in the field of animal welfare. The scholarship is available for both Canadian and
International students. The scholarship will support the training of researchers at the Masters or
Doctoral level to pursue animal welfare research at the University of Prince Edward Island
(UPEI), Prince Edward Island, Canada. The University of Prince Edward Island has a long-
standing tradition of academic excellence dating back to the early 19th century, with roots in its
founding institutions, Prince of Wales College (PWC).
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 16, 2018
Course Level: The scholarship is available to pursue research programme.
Study Subject: The scholarship is awarded in the field of animal welfare.
Scholarship Award: The scholarship will cover the followings:
Masters Student (Domestic) $24,522 – renewable for one additional year
Masters Student (International) $31,467 – renewable for one additional year
PhD Student (Domestic) $24,522 – renewable for two additional years
PhD Student (International) $31,467 – renewable for two additional years
Nationality: Canadian and International
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Canada
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible
Entrance Requirements: This competition is open to any candidate who meets the
admission criteria for graduate studies at UPEI1 For information on satisfying the UPEI
criteria for admission

English Language Requirements: Applicants must meet necessary language requirements.

Application Procedure:
Applicants can apply via email.
How to Apply: The attachments to the email application package must be in English and
must include a letter of intent highlighting areas of interest and specifically addressing each of
the selection criteria below, a current curriculum vitae, and academic records. Academic
records include scanned copies of official transcripts from all university courses completed by
the time of application, together with academic awards, prizes and scholarships. Applicants
must provide:
One example of their academic writing, e.g. an academic publication, thesis or essay.
Additional publications are to be listed in the CV.
A letter of commitment from the proposed supervisor at AVC/UPEI to include provisions for
operating funding if the applicant is successful (i.e., funding currently in place or applied for,
or an outline of plans to obtain funding).
A one-page outline of their animal welfare research project that has been agreed upon with
the proposed supervisor

58. 20 International Entrance Scholarships at University of Victoria in Canada, 2018

The University of Victoria is awarding International Entrance Scholarships for students
entering a full-time undergraduate degree program. The University of Victoria is a large research
university located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The University of Victoria, founded in
1963, is the oldest university in British Columbia and began as Victoria College in 1903, as an
affiliated branch of McGill University. All applicants to UVic (regardless of country of origin or
citizenship status) are required to demonstrate competence in the English language prior to

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: February 28, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing an undergraduate program at the
University of Victoria.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Twenty scholarships of $10,000 each are awarded to academically
outstanding international students
Number of Scholarships: There are twenty scholarships available.
Scholarship can be taken in Canada

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Scholarships are open to international students.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible, international students must normally be:

Entering their first year in an undergraduate degree program at UVic and meet UVic’s
academic and English proficiency requirements. See English Language Proficiency
A current secondary school student or have graduated within the last two years and have not
attended a post-secondary institution
Accepted to UVic with an admissions “A” average
Admitted to UVic a minimum of 32 International Baccalaureate points
An international student studying at UVic on a Canadian study permit (changes to your
citizenship status may effect your scholarship eligibility)
Grade 12 Interim (current student)/ Final (graduated student) transcript deadline: February 28
English Language Requirements: All applicants to UVic (regardless of country of origin or
citizenship status) are required to demonstrate competence in the English language prior to

Application Procedure:
Eligible candidates are automatically referred to Student Awards & Financial Aid by
Undergraduate Admissions.
International students must send in an interim transcript (if a current secondary school
student) or a final transcript (if a student has graduated within two years of application and
has not attended another post-secondary institution) by February 28 to Undergraduate
Admissions to be assessed for an International Scholarship.
Eligible candidates are automatically referred to Student Awards & Financial Aid by
Undergraduate Admissions.
How to Apply:
International students must be admitted to the University of Victoria before being considered
for an entrance scholarship.

59. Stepping Stones Scholarships for Non-EU Students at University of Limerick in Ireland,
The Irish World Academy of Music and Dance is currently accepting applications for
Stepping Stones Scholarships for non-EU students to study in Ireland. These scholarships target
international students on taught MA programmes at the Academy who have a demonstrable
record in a performance and/or academic specialization relevant to a programme of study at the
Academy. The Irish World Academy of Music and Dance is the center of academic and
performance excellence housed at the University of Limerick, Ireland.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 21, 2018
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue taught MA programmes at the Irish World
Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick.
Study Subject: A scholarship fund is available for study on taught MA programmes at the
Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick.
Nationality: Non-EU students
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given
Scholarship can be taken in Ireland

Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Non-EU students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
Stepping Stones Scholarships for Non-EU Students
These scholarships target international students on taught MA programmes at the Academy
who have a demonstrable record in a performance and/or academic specialization relevant to
a programme of study at the Academy. Priority will be given to:
Applicants experiencing demonstrable financial challenge
Applicants from parts of the world underrepresented at the Academy
Applicants with projects that resonate with the spirit of the Stepping Stones initiative: equality
of art practices, an
Interdisciplinary vision, and desire to build bridges between art practices
Applicants for programmes with a higher number of available places
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Ireland Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: For more information on studying at UL as an international student please

60. UCC School of Languages, Literature and Cultures Excellence Scholarship (Masters) in
Ireland, 2018-2019
Applications are invited for School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures Excellence
Scholarship (Masters) at University College Cork in Ireland. The Scholarships for one year full-
time, 2018/19, only. University College Cork – National University of Ireland, Cork is a
constituent university of the National University of Ireland. The university is located in
Cork.Students need to demonstrate that they have a good level of written and spoken English.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: April 8, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject: The School of Languages, Literature and Cultures (SLLC) will offer a
Scholarship for one of the Taught Masters Programmes available in our School: MA in
Languages and Cultures and the MA in Translation Studies.
Scholarship Award: The Scholarship is open to EU and non-EU students. However, the
funding will only cover the EU fee, so successful non-EU applicants will be responsible for
the balance.
Nationality: The Scholarship is open to EU and non-EU students.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given
Scholarship can be taken in Ireland

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: The Scholarship is open to EU and non-EU students.

Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
The Excellence Scholarship (Masters) is for a student who wishes to carry out a Taught
Masters programme in the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures at University
College Cork, Ireland. Applicants must have at least Second Class Honours (Grade 1) or
equivalent in their first or subsequent degree.
Applications are invited from students who will commence a Taught Masters programme in
autumn 2018. Applicants should already have applied through PAC ( for the
relevant programme. The award of the Scholarships contingent on the student being accepted
to the relevant Taught Masters programme.
English Language Requirements: Students need to demonstrate that they have a good level
of written and spoken English.

Master Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: All documentation must be submitted by email only to by
Friday 6th April 2018.Incomplete applications, hard copy applications, or applications
received after the closing date will not be considered. Applications must adhere to the
stipulated word limits.

61. SLLC MA Scholarship for International Students in Ireland, 2018

The School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (SLLC) is offering scholarship for EU
and non-EU students. The scholarship is available for pursuing one of the Taught Masters
Programme available in School: MA in Languages and Cultures and the MA in Translation
Studies. University College Cork – National University of Ireland, Cork is a constituent university
of the National University of Ireland, and located in Cork. The candidate should have a very good
command of English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: April 8, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing master’s programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships in Languages and Cultures and the MA in Translation Studies.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Ireland

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: The scholarship is open to EU and non-EU students.
Entrance Requirements:
Applications are invited from students who will commence a Taught Masters programme in
Autumn 2018. Applicants should already have applied through PAC ( for the
relevant programme. The award of the Scholarship is contingent on the student being
accepted to the relevant Taught Masters programme.
The Scholarship is open to EU and non-EU students. However, the funding will only cover
the EU fee, so successful non-EU applicants will be responsible for the balance.
English Language Requirements: The candidate should have a very good command of
English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.

Application Procedu re:
How to Apply:
Applicants should complete the Application Form. In addition, applicants should ask a recent
lecturer/academic advisor/supervisor to send an academic reference separately, using
the Referee Report Form. Applicants should consult the Terms and Conditions before
completing the application form.

62. O’Donovan Scholarships in Ireland, 2018

The School of Celtic Studies is able to offer two scholarships to be taken up in September
and October 2018. Scholarship stipends currently are €25,000 per annum for scholars who hold a
doctorate. The School of Celtic Studies is dedicated to the study of Celtic languages throughout
history, both written and spoken, as well as related history of cultural, social and legal issues. If
English is not your first language then you will need to show that your English language skills are
at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: March 30, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are awarded
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Celtic Studies.
Scholarship Award: Scholarship stipends currently are €25,000 per annum for scholars who
hold a doctorate.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Ireland

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Irish students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants will normally hold a doctoral degree prior to taking up
the scholarship.
English Language Requirements: If English is not your first language then you will need to
show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
A full CV together with an outline of the research which the applicant proposes to undertake
(maximum of 1000 words), should be sent by post or via email. The applicant should also
ensure that references from at least two referees who are qualified to testify as to her/his
ability to carry out original research are also sent to the School Administrator.

63. 25 Research Fellowships for International Students in the CeADAR Centre, Ireland
ENTERPRISE IRELAND is delighted to offer Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowships in
the CeADAR Centre to study in Ireland. Career-FIT is a fellowship programme, part-funded by
Horizon 2020 and part-funded by Enterprise Ireland. The evolution in the ways and frequency
with which people and companies capture significant amounts of information about their
customers, suppliers, and operations has created tremendous opportunities for the Data Analytics
industry which Enterprise Ireland (EI) and IDA Ireland continue to address through their

technology centers. Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide
evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: April 30, 2018
Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue research.
Study Subject: Research themes are:
Advanced Analytics, AI, and Machine Learning
Intelligent Analytic Interfaces
Data Management for Analytics
Scholarship Award: Salary: € 56,191 – (61,608 with family allowance).
Nationality: Researchers from outside Ireland
Number of Scholarships: There are 25 fellowships awards available in this call.
Scholarship can be taken in Ireland
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Researchers from outside Ireland are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
Applicants will possess a doctoral degree or have at least four years of full-time equivalent
research experience.
A key feature of Career-FIT is the opportunity for experienced researchers from outside
Ireland to develop their careers in market-focused applied research through 3-year fellowships
with secondment into the industry through the CeADAR Centre. Successful candidates will
carry out research in Ireland and will gain inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary exposure
through this programme.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Ireland Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: In the first instance please send your CV to to
indicate your interest in taking part in this call. The objective is to identify potential
international candidates across a number of pre-determined research themes with the required
profile to work with us through to submission of a full application (Career-FIT) scheme
(closing date) 30th April 2018.

64. The Quinn School of Business Study Abroad Scholarships

The Quinn School of Business Study Abroad Scholarships are open for the academic year
2018-2019. These scholarships are available to all non-EU students who have been offered and
accepted a place on the UCD Lochlann Quinn School of Business Study Abroad programme.
University College Dublin is a research university in Dublin, Ireland. It has over 1,482 faculty and
32,000 students, and it is Ireland’s largest university.

Course Level: Scholarships are available to students accepted a place on the UCD Lochlann
Quinn School of Business Study Abroad programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Business.

Number of Scholarships: Each semester, two tuition fee scholarships are available.
Scholarship Award: The scholarship will cover €1,000 (Spring and Autumn semesters) or €500
(Summer Internship programme) of tuition fees for students on non-EU Business Study Abroad.
Scholarship can be taken in Ireland
Eligibility: This scholarship is available to all non-EU students who have been offered and
accepted a place on the UCD Lochlann Quinn Summer Internship Programme.
Nationality: Scholarship is available to all non-EU students.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: The entry requirements:
✓ GPA of 3.0 – transcript must be provided with application
✓ Full time registered undergraduate student
✓ Approval from home university
✓ Full English language requirements
✓ Valid passport – must be provided with application
✓ Completion of online application
✓ CV and Cover Letter (UCD CV and Cover Letter Guide)
✓ Test Requirement: No
✓ English Language Requirement: Students need to demonstrate that they have a good level of
written and spoken English.

How to Apply: Please apply via SIS web by the deadlines. Application portal will open once
students have electronically accepted their place in the programme.
Application Form
Application Deadline: The application deadline is February 16, 2018.

65. Mathematics & Statistics Undergraduate Scholarships at University of St Andrews in

UK, 2018
The University of St Andrews is looking for excellent applicants for Mathematics &
Statistics Subject Based Undergraduate Scholarships for the 2018 -2019 academic session. These
scholarships are awarded on the basis of financial need. The aim of the scholarships is to support
needy students. The University of St Andrews is a British public research university in Scotland.
It is the oldest of the four ancient universities of Scotland and the third oldest university in the
English-speaking world.

Course Level: These scholarships are available to pursue an undergraduate degree.

Study Subject: These scholarships are awarded in the fields of Mathematics or Statistics.
Scholarship Award: These scholarships will cover £1,000.
Number of Scholarships: Three scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in the UK
Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:
❖ Geographical criteria
Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, Wales, EU.
❖ Domicile for fee status
Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, Wales, EU.
Nationality: Applicants of Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, Wales, EU can apply for these

College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have previous year degree.
English Language Requirement: Applicants must have fluency in English.
Undergraduate Scholarship
How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.
These scholarships are available for application through Scholarships and Funding. After you
have applied to a new course beginning in the 2018-2019 academic year, you can access
Scholarships and Fund through My Applicati on .
Application Deadline: The application deadline is April 5, 2018.

66. IT Tralee Master by Research Scholarships in Ireland, 2018

Institute of Technology, Tralee now wishes to invite two applicants for the award of
Master by Research Scholarships. These scholarships are available in the field of Biological and
Pharmaceutical Sciences for Irish applicants. The aim of these scholarships is to increase the
capacity and level of research, innovation and development activity. Institute of Technology,
Tralee is a third-level educational institution located in Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland.

Course Level: These scholarships are available to pursue master by research programme.
Study Subject: These scholarships are awarded in the field of Biological and Pharmaceutical
Scholarship Award: These scholarships will cover the following:
The successful applicants will be awarded a stipend of €700 per month for a maximum period of
18 months and the Institute will waive full fees for this funding period.
Number of Scholarships: Two scholarships are available.

Scholarship can be taken in Ireland

Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:
Graduates holding a relevant Level 8 Honours Degree (second class honours or higher) are
eligible for the scholarship.
Nationality: Applications are open for Irish applicants.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have 8 honors degree.
Master Scholarship
How to apply: Applicants can apply by post or email.
Application form is fully completed
Cover letter included
Full certified transcript of examination results included*
Curriculum Vitae included
Application Deadline: The application is open on the rolling basis.

67. Symantec Research Labs Graduate Fellowship, 2018

Applicants are invited for Symantec Research Labs Graduate Fellowship to pursue
innovative research that has real-world value, in areas where Symantec conducts business.
The fellowship is available for USA, Ireland and France applicants. The aim of the fellowship
provides up to $20,000 USD that may be used to cover one year of the student’s tuition fees
and to reimburse expenses incurred by the student to engage in the research collaboration
with Symantec, such as conference registration fees, travel expenses, hardware, etc. Symantec

Corporation (commonly known as Symantec) is an American software company
headquartered in Mountain View, California, United States. The company produces software
for security, storage, backup and availability – and offers professional services to support its

Course Level: Fellowship is available to pursue research programme.

Study Subject: Fellowship is awarded in the field of Security and Privacy, Network and
Systems, Machine learning and data mining, Human-Computer Interaction.
Scholarship Award : Fellowship will cover the following:
The SRL Graduate Fellowship provides up to $20,000 USD that may be used to cover one
year of the student’s tuition fees and to reimburse expenses incurred by the student to engage
in the research collaboration with Symantec, such as conference registration fees, travel
expenses, hardware, etc. If the fellowship is to cover tuition, this portion of the award will be
made through the university.
Number of Scholarships: Number of scholarship is not given.

Scholarship can be taken in USA, Ireland and France

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible
for the scholarship:
Applying students must be enrolled in a PhD program.
Preference will be given to students with a desire to work in an industrial research lab
and those working on innovative research projects in areas related to Symantec’s
businesses such as host-based and network security, cloud computing, virtualization,
machine learning, data mining, etc.
Recipients will also be selected based on their overall potential for research
excellence and their academic progress to date as evidenced by publications.
Nationality: Applicants from USA, Ireland and France are eligible to apply for the
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must be enrolled in a Ph.D. program.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have excellent written and verbal
English skills.
How to Apply: Applicants can apply through both email and post:
Application materials must include the following:
✓ Resume or C.V.
✓ Personal statement of research interests not to exceed 500 words. Applicants
are strongly encouraged to articulate the value and novelty of their research.
✓ Two letters of recommendation from professors or industry researchers who
can evaluate the applicant’s scientific aptitude and potential for research.
Letters of recommendation may be sent separately and confidentially.
Application Deadline: The application deadline is December 1, 2017.

68. International Scholarships at National College of Ireland, 2018

NCI International Scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate a high level of
academic achievement. Scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduate and master’s
programme for the January 2018 intake. National College of Ireland (NCI) in Irish is a third-level

education college in Dublin. Founded in 1951, it offers full and part-time courses from certificate
to degree and postgraduate level in areas related to commerce, industry, and management.

Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduate and master’s programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Scholarships will cover the followings:
IT Pathways Scholarship: €9,000
Masters Scholarship: €4,000
Future Leaders: 50% of tuition fees
Women in Tech: 50% of tuition fees
Academic Merit Scholarship: €4,000
Achievement Scholarship: €3,000
IT Pathways Scholarship: €9,000
MSc in Fintech: €6,000
MSc in Entrepreneurship: €5,000
School of Computing Bursaries UG: €6,000
School of Business Bursaries UG: €4,500
African Pastors: 50% of tuition fees
Community and Church: €5,000

Scholarship can be taken in Ireland

Eligibility: Applicants must have the previous degree.
Nationality: International students can apply for these scholarships.
College Admission Requirement
English Language Requirement: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the
How to Apply: To apply, students must complete an application form.
Application Form
Application Deadline: To secure your scholarship, you are required to pay your fees in full
no later than 31 July 2018 for the September 2018 intake and no later than November 30,
2017, for the January 2018 intake.

69. Stepping Stones Scholarships for Non-EU Students at University of Limerick in Ireland,
The Irish World Academy of Music and Dance is currently accepting applications for
Stepping Stones Scholarships for non-EU students to study in Ireland. These scholarships target
international students on taught MA programmes at the Academy who have a demonstrable
record in a performance and/or academic specialization relevant to a programme of study at the
Academy.The Irish World Academy of Music and Dance is the center of academic and
performance excellence housed at the University of Limerick, Ireland.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 21, 2018
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue taught MA programmes at the Irish World
Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick.

Study Subject: A scholarship fund is available for study on taught MA programmes at the
Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick.
Nationality: Non-EU students
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given
Scholarship can be taken in Ireland

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Non-EU students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
✓ Stepping Stones Scholarships for Non-EU Students
These scholarships target international students on taught MA programmes at the
Academy who have a demonstrable record in a performance and/or academic
specialization relevant to a programme of study at the Academy. Priority will be
given to:
✓ Applicants experiencing demonstrable financial challenge
✓ Applicants from parts of the world underrepresented at the Academy
✓ Applicants with projects that resonate with the spirit of the Stepping Stones initiative:
equality of art practices, an
✓ Interdisciplinary vision, and desire to build bridges between art practices
✓ Applicants for programmes with a higher number of available places
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Ireland Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: For more information on studying at UL as an international student please

70. UCC School of Languages, Literature and Cultures Excellence Scholarship (Masters) in
Ireland, 2018-2019
Applications are invited for School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures Excellence
Scholarship (Masters) at University College Cork in Ireland. The Scholarships for one year full-
time, 2018/19, only. University College Cork – National University of Ireland, Cork is a
constituent university of the National University of Ireland. The university is located in Cork.
Students need to demonstrate that they have a good level of written and spoken English.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: April 8, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject: The School of Languages, Literature and Cultures (SLLC) will offer a
Scholarship for one of the Taught Masters Programmes available in our School: MA in
Languages and Cultures and the MA in Translation Studies.

Scholarship Award: The Scholarship is open to EU and non-EU students. However, the
funding will only cover the EU fee, so successful non-EU applicants will be responsible for
the balance.
Nationality: The Scholarship is open to EU and non-EU students.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given
Scholarship can be taken in Ireland

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: The Scholarship is open to EU and non-EU students.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
✓ The Excellence Scholarship (Masters) is for a student who wishes to carry out a
Taught Masters programme in the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures at
University College Cork, Ireland. Applicants must have at least Second Class
Honours (Grade 1) or equivalent in their first or subsequent degree.
✓ Applications are invited from students who will commence a Taught Masters
programme in autumn 2018. Applicants should already have applied through PAC
( for the relevant programme. The award of the Scholarships contingent
on the student being accepted to the relevant Taught Masters programme.
English Language Requirements: Students need to demonstrate that they have a good level
of written and spoken English.
Master Scholarships

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: All documentation must be submitted by email only to by
Friday 6th April 2018.Incomplete applications, hard copy applications, or applications
received after the closing date will not be considered. Applications must adhere to the
stipulated word limits.

71. SLLC MA Scholarship for International Students in Ireland, 2018

The School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (SLLC) is offering scholarship for EU
and non-EU students. The scholarship is available for pursuing one of the Taught Masters
Programme available in School: MA in Languages and Cultures and the MA in Translation
Studies. University College Cork – National University of Ireland, Cork is a constituent university
of the National University of Ireland, and located in Cork. The candidate should have a very good
command of English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: April 8, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing master’s programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships in Languages and Cultures and the MA in Translation Studies.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Ireland

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: The scholarship is open to EU and non-EU students.

Entrance Requirements:
Applications are invited from students who will commence a Taught Masters programme in
Autumn 2018. Applicants should already have applied through PAC ( for the
relevant programme. The award of the Scholarship is contingent on the student being
accepted to the relevant Taught Masters programme.
The Scholarship is open to EU and non-EU students. However, the funding will only cover
the EU fee, so successful non-EU applicants will be responsible for the balance.
English Language Requirements: The candidate should have a very good command of
English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.
Application Procedu re:
How to Apply:
Applicants should complete the Application Form. In addition, applicants should ask a recent
lecturer/academic advisor/supervisor to send an academic reference separately, using
the Referee Report Form. Applicants should consult the Terms and Conditions before
completing the application form.

72. O’Donovan Scholarships in Ireland, 2018

The School of Celtic Studies is able to offer two scholarships to be taken up in September
and October 2018. Scholarship stipends currently are €25,000 per annum for scholars who hold a
doctorate. The School of Celtic Studies is dedicated to the study of Celtic languages throughout
history, both written and spoken, as well as related history of cultural, social and legal issues. If
English is not your first language then you will need to show that your English language skills are
at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: March 30, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are awarded
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Celtic Studies.
Scholarship Award: Scholarship stipends currently are €25,000 per annum for scholars who
hold a doctorate.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Ireland

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Irish students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants will normally hold a doctoral degree prior to taking up
the scholarship.
English Language Requirements: If English is not your first language then you will need to
show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
A full CV together with an outline of the research which the applicant proposes to undertake
(maximum of 1000 words), should be sent by post or via email. The applicant should also
ensure that references from at least two referees who are qualified to testify as to her/his
ability to carry out original research are also sent to the School Administrator.

73. Patricia Leggett Playwriting Scholarship in Ireland, 2018
The National Academy of Dramatic Art is offering Patricia Leggett Playwriting
Scholarship. This is a fully paid scholarship for a place on the prestigious MFA in Playwriting at
The Lir Academy starting in September 2018. The Lir Academy is Ireland’s National Academy of
Dramatic Art. It is part of Trinity College Dublin and is associated with the Royal Academy of
Dramatic Art (RADA) in London. The candidate should have a very good command of English
language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: March 31, 2018
Course Level: Scholarship is available for pursuing MFA Playwriting degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in the field of Playwriting.
Scholarship Award: This scholarship is worth approximately €12,000. It includes full
payment of tuition fees and a contribution towards living expenses.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Ireland
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Citizens of Ireland are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: In order to apply for the scholarship, applicants must
Be qualified to degree level
Be resident in Ireland or Northern Ireland
English Language Requirements: The candidate should have a very good command of
English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
In addition to the information required on the online form, you are also required to upload a
copy of each of the following:
✓ A letter that outlines the applicant’s theatre education and highlights the applicant’s
writing experience to date.
✓ A ‘statement of purpose’ that refers to the applicants ambitions in terms of writing
style, form and medium.
✓ A résumé (CV)
✓ A sample of writing in the form of a play (minimum 45 minutes reading time)
✓ Two references/testimonials from those familiar with your writing and/or third level
✓ Personal statement with a financial plan which indicates clearly how you intend to
finance yourself if successful in gaining a place on the course.
✓ (Please note that writing samples will not be returned under any circumstance and
that The Lir does not provide critiques of writing samples).
74. 25 Research Fellowships for International Students in the CeADAR Centre, Ireland
ENTERPRISE IRELAND is delighted to offer Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowships in
the CeADAR Centre to study in Ireland. Career-FIT is a fellowship programme, part-funded by
Horizon 2020 and part-funded by Enterprise Ireland. The evolution in the ways and frequency
with which people and companies capture significant amounts of information about their
customers, suppliers, and operations has created tremendous opportunities for the Data Analytics
industry which Enterprise Ireland (EI) and IDA Ireland continue to address through their

technology centers. Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide
evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: April 30, 2018
Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue research.
Study Subject: Research themes are:
Advanced Analytics, AI, and Machine Learning
Intelligent Analytic Interfaces
Data Management for Analytics
Scholarship Award: Salary: € 56,191 – (61,608 with family allowance).
Nationality: Researchers from outside Ireland
Number of Scholarships: There are 25 fellowships awards available in this call.
Scholarship can be taken in Ireland
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Researchers from outside Ireland are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
Applicants will possess a doctoral degree or have at least four years of full-time equivalent
research experience.
A key feature of Career-FIT is the opportunity for experienced researchers from outside
Ireland to develop their careers in market-focused applied research through 3-year fellowships
with secondment into the industry through the CeADAR Centre. Successful candidates will
carry out research in Ireland and will gain inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary exposure
through this programme.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Ireland Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: In the first instance please send your CV to to
indicate your interest in taking part in this call. The objective is to identify potential
international candidates across a number of pre-determined research themes with the required
profile to work with us through to submission of a full application (Career-FIT) scheme
(closing date) 30th April 2018.
75. Higher Education Authority Scholarships for International Students in Ireland, 2018
The Higher Education Authority is offering Employment-Based Postgraduate Scholarship
Programme. Scholarships are available for suitably qualified individuals to take up an
employment-based award to carry out research leading to a postgraduate qualification in any
discipline, granted by an eligible HEI within Ireland. The mission of the Irish Research Council is
to enable and sustain a vibrant research community in Ireland by supporting excellent researchers
in all disciplines from arts to zoology. The candidate should have a very good command of
English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.

Scholarship Description:

Application Deadline: April 12, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing postgraduate programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: The total value of the Employment Based Programme Scholarship, will
be up to a maximum of €24,000 in any approved year for the duration of the Scholarship and
will consist of the following:
A contribution of €16,000 to the employment of the Scholar.
A contribution of up to a maximum of €5,750 to Scholarship fees (including non-EU
Scholarship fees). In the event of any differential between this contribution and the
institutional fee, this must be paid by the Scholar and/or HEI and/or Employment Partner.
Scholars who hold a fee waiver from their HEI, or where no fee is required, or where fees are
paid in full or in part by a third party, must inform the Council and the appropriate offices in
their HEI and will not be eligible for the fee portion of the Scholarship.
Eligible direct research expenses of €2,250 per annum to enable the scholar to carry out the
research project. Please see Appendix III for guidance on what is considered an eligible direct
research cost.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Ireland
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Citizens of all nationalities are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Scholars must fulfil the following criteria:
✓ Must not have applied more than once to the Scheme and at the time of application:
✓ Be a new entrant to the degree for which they are to receive Council
✓ Funding and have been formally accepted by the relevant department/school by, at
the latest, 1 st October 2018; or
✓ Fulfil the criteria in Clause 4.5 if already registered and part of the degree has been
completed. and in the case of
✓ Research Masters Scholarships, not currently holding or having previously held a
Council Postgraduate Scholarship.
✓ Degree Scholarships, not currently holding or having previously held any Council
Postgraduate Scholarship other than those which would enable them to obtain a
Research Masters Degree.
✓ Scholars from any country may hold a Council Postgraduate Scholarship.
✓ However, Scholars must:
✓ Maintain her/his principal residence in Ireland (as defined) during the period of the
✓ Satisfy the State’s regulations on immigration and have the support of their HEI and
Employment Partner with respect to these regulations and requirements if not a
national of a member state of the European Union (EU). This must be completed in
advance of signing a contract with the IRC.
English Language Requirements: The candidate should have a very good command of
English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.

Application Procedure:
Applications (including an academic supervisor, employment mentor and referee forms) will
only be accepted through the online application system.
How to Apply:

The mode of applying is online.
Online Application

76. TM Scholarships for International Students in Ireland, 2018

Transcendental Meditation is offering TM Scholarships for International applicants.
Applicants must be applying to start a new fulltime Transcendental Meditation programme. The
purpose of education is the full development of the student. Transcendental Meditation (TM)
refers to a specific form of silent mantra meditation called the Transcendental Meditation
technique and less commonly to the organizations that constitute the Transcendental Meditation

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: Open
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing Transcendental Meditation
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Health.
Scholarship Award: Two levels of Scholarship are available, as follows:
Individuals who are earning less than the average annual wage of €32,500 in the ROI can
apply for a 25% scholarship, the net cost then is €450.
Full-time post leaving Certificate students, the unemployed or those on disability who can’t
work for health reasons, can apply for a 50% scholarship, the net cost then is €300.
Nationality: International
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Ireland

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible for these scholarships.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have a previous degree.
English Language Requirements: The candidate should have a very good command of
English language.

Ireland Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Applicants can apply through the online processor.
Online Application

77. Full Scholarships for International Students to Study Abroad in Ireland, 2018
Education in Ireland and Go Oversea are awarding 2 full scholarships to well-deserving
students — 1 undergraduate semester and 1 postgraduate program (full year master’s and
semester PhD programs). Enterprise Ireland manages the Education in Ireland national brand
under the authority of the Minister for Education and Skills. Enterprise Ireland is responsible for
the promotion of Irish Higher Education Institutions overseas. If English is not your first language
then you will need to show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed
in your studies.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 23, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the participating
Scholarship Award: This year’s scholarship includes both a tuition waiver and a stipend to
cover additional fees. It does not necessarily cover accommodation, food, books, or other
Number of Scholarships: Education in Ireland and Go Oversea are awarding 2 full
scholarships to well-deserving students — 1 undergrad semester and 1 postgrad program (full
year master’s and semester PhD programs).
Scholarship can be taken in Ireland

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: There is no minimum GPA required to apply for the scholarship.
However, each university and program has their own academic requirements. When you’re
conducting your program research be sure to check their individual requirements for
program admission as we will be unable to award you a scholarship if you are not accepted
into a program.
English Language Requirements: If English is not your first language then you will need to
show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

Application Procedure:
Choose your top 3 programs
Submit a 300-word short essay
Upload a creative Ireland-themed photo
How to Apply:
The mode of applying is online.

78. Institute of Technology Tallaght Postgraduate Research Scholarships for Non-EU

Students in Ireland, 2018
Applications are sought from suitably qualified candidates for the following postgraduate
research opportunities leading to the award of a Masters or PhD Degree by Research at The
Institute of Technology. The mission of Institute of Technology Tallaght is to be the centre of
higher education and knowledge creation within South Dublin County and its environs. Institute
of Technology Tallaght is one of the leading higher education institutes in Ireland. It is accredited
as a member of the European Credit Transfer Scheme for Higher Education Awards and we have
been awarded the Extended European Erasmus University Charter.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 2, 2018
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue Postgraduate research programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to learn any of the courses offered.
Scholarship Award: Successful Masters* Candidates will be eligible for a 24-month

Successful PhD candidates will be eligible for a 48-month* scholarship Fund under the HEA-
TU4D Postgraduate Research Scholarships, which will provide a stipend of €10,000 per
annum, full EU college fees paid* for 2 years Masters and for 4 years for PhD commencing
February 2018 and a contribution towards project running costs for PhD only.
Nationality: International (Non-EU) students
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Ireland
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: International (Non-EU) students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
Minimum requirements: Applicants must hold an Honours degree (Grade 2:2 or higher) for
the Master’s degree, and a minimum award level of (Grade 2:1 or higher) for the PhD degree
in the relevant area. For non-nationals, an IELTS score of >6.0 is also required.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Ireland Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Application forms are available by clicking the separate Project Code links
above or by emailing the Research Office in the Institute of Technology, Tallaght. Please
forward your completed application form along with a recent version of your CV and
transcripts to research

79. MPhil in Literary Translation Studentship for EU and Non-EU Students at Trinity
College in Ireland, 2018
The Trinity Centre for Literary and Cultural Translation is pleased to offer MPhil in
Literary Translation Studentship for EU and Non-EU students. The studentship fully covers EU or
non-EU fee and an annual maintenance of €16,000 for one year. This MPhil in Literary
Translation studentship aims to support and develop a gifted student on the MPhil in Literary
Translation. It is awarded competitively on academic merit. Trinity College is the sole constituent
college of the University of Dublin, a research university in Ireland. Trinity is Ireland’s leading
university and is ranked 88th in the world. Trinity delivers world-class education and employers
worldwide hold Trinity graduates in high esteem. Applicants whose first language is not English
are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by
the University.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: April 30, 2018
Course Level: Studentship is available to pursue MPhil programme.
Study Subject: Studentship is awarded in Literary Translation.
Scholarship Award: The studentship fully covers EU or non-EU fee and an annual
maintenance of €16,000 for one year. Fees will be covered, and maintenance is payable
monthly via Trinity College payroll, directly to your bank account.
Nationality: EU and Non-EU students
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.

Scholarship can be taken in Ireland
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: EU and Non-EU students are eligible to apply for this studentship.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
This MPhil in Literary Translation studentship aims to support and develop a gifted student
on the MPhil in Literary Translation. It is awarded competitively on academic merit.
Preference will be given to applicants working with the same language as the Centre’s
Literary Translator in Residence for the year.
English Language Requirements: All applicants whose first language is not English and
who have not been educated through the medium of English must present one of the
following qualifications in the English language:
✓ IELTS: Grade 6.5 (No section less than 6.0)
✓ TOEFL: 90 – internet based (with a written score of 21)
✓ University of Cambridge:
✓ Proficiency Certificate, Grade C or better (CEFR Level C1 or C2)
✓ Advanced Certificate, Grade C or better (CEFR Level C1 or C2)
✓ Pearson Test of English (Academic) – PTE Academic: a minimum score of 63 to be
eligible (with no section score below 59)

Ireland Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Applicants to the MPhil in Literary Translation must make their applications
online using .
You must make your application for this Postgraduate studentship award in conjunction with
your MPhil application. This process is done online using .
To apply for the funding during your online application, simply select the Studentship you
wish to be considered for from the drop-down menu in the Section of the application form
titled “Funding/Financial Support”.
Nominations are considered at a meeting in the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural
Studies in May. Therefore, applicants who apply after 30th April will not be considered for
this award. New applicants are advised to submit their application as early as possible.

80. Liam McCarthy Scholarship in Ireland, 2018

The PCI College is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the
Liam McCarthy Scholarship 2018. The Scholarship will provide full fees for the successful
candidate to complete BSc (Honours) degree in Counselling & Psychotherapy, beginning in
September 2018. The PCI College was founded in 1991 to provide training in counselling and
psychotherapy for mature students.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: March 8, 2018.
Course Level: Scholarship is available for pursuing BSc programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in the field of Counselling & Psychotherapy.
Scholarship Award: The Scholarship awarded is for full fees for the 4 year BSc in
Counselling & Psychotherapy degree programme. Additional costs (including personal
therapy, supervision and personal development workshops) are not covered by the

Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Ireland
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: The Scholarship is open to anyone intending to start the BSc in 2018.
Students must have completed a Certificate course (of 100 hours or similar) or be in the
process of completing one or meet the criteria for entry to the BSc degree.
Entrance Requirements:
Applicants should possess sufficient maturity to reflect on their own development as a
person, they will also need to have successfully completed a:
Certificate Course in Counselling & Psychotherapy (or similar) -100 Hours (or be in the
process of completing a Certificate course)
OR Equivalent:
Work/Volunteer training with a substantial counselling element.
Level 7+ course in Psychology, Social Care/Social Work, Psychiatric Nursing
English Language Requirements: The candidate should have a very good command of
English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.
Application Procedure:
In summary, applicants must submit the following documents to successfully apply for the
A completed application form.
A 500-word written endorsement by someone within a helping profession.
A 1000-word essay written by the applicant entitled “Regulation of counselling and
psychotherapy is essential in order to strengthen and protect the profession”.
A 500-word written piece by the candidate on why they think they are deserving of the Liam
McCarthy scholarship.

How to Apply:
Entry is by application form which must include a 1000 word essay by the applicant entitled:
“Some of the most effective therapists in the field were at heart wounded healers. Discuss
your motivation for therapist training with respect to your own wounded self.”
Applicants must also be nominated by someone within the helping professions. As part of the
application, the nominator is required to submit a 500-word endorsement, outlining why they
think the candidate should be awarded the Scholarship. Another 500 word written piece is
required to be written by the candidate, and concerns why they think they deserving of the
Liam McCarthy scholarship.

81. O’Brien MBA Fellowship for Irish Students at Boston College in USA, 2018
The Boston College is happy to announce the availability O’Brien MBA Fellowship for
Irish Students. The fellowship will cover the full cost of attendance, including tuition, fees, books,
and living expenses for two years. The aim of the fellowship is to reward the academic excellence
of Irish students. Boston College, the first institution of higher education to operate in the city of
Boston, is today among the nation’s foremost universities, a leader in the liberal arts, scientific
inquiry, and student formation.

Fellowship Description:
Application deadline : Open
Course Level : The fellowship is available to pursue MBA programme.
Study Subject: The fellowship is awarded in the field of Business.
Fellowship Award : The O’Brien Fellowship will cover the full cost of attendance, including
tuition, fees, books, and living expenses for two years (or the duration of the MBA program),
as well as international travel.
Nationality: Irish
Number of Fellowships: Not given
Fellowship can be taken in USA
Eligibility for the Fellowship:
Eligible Countries : Ireland
Entrance Requirements: Candidates for the fellowship must be Irish citizens whose
academic, professional, and other accomplishments reflect the high professional and personal
standards of Mr. O’Brien, one of Ireland’s most prominent entrepreneurial and philanthropic
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have sufficient knowledge of the
language of instruction of the host university.

Application Procedure:
The mode of applying is online.
How to Apply:
Current resume, including education and employment history
Academic transcripts from every college or university in which you were enrolled in a
degree-granting program
GMAT or GRE scores from within the past five years; GMAT school code: 44x-J5-96;
GRE school code: 3033
Employment history, using the form provided on the online application
Recommendation from an individual who can provide an objective appraisal of your capacity
for rigorous graduate study and your potential for professional success
Personal essay, 500 words, 12-point font, double-spaced
Admission interview by a member of the MBA Admission Committee

82. UCD Sutherland School of Law Doctoral Scholarships in Ireland, 2018

The Sutherland School of Law is pleased to offer up to three new doctoral scholarships in
law for the academic year 2018-2019. The scholarships are open to Irish, other EU and
international applicants. UCD Sutherland School of Law is the leading centre for legal education
and research in Ireland, combining engaging undergraduate and graduate level courses,
internationally-recognised research, and world-class educational facilities. Applicants whose first
language is not English must submit satisfactory evidence of competence in written and spoken
English, i.e. overall IELTS 6.5 (including a minimum of 6.5 in the reading and writing parts and
no part below 6.0) or 90 in the TOEFL iBT (with a minimum of 22 (reading) and 24 (writing) and
no part below 20.)

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 31, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing doctoral programme.

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of law.
Scholarship Award: The scholarships will provide tuition fees at up to the non-EU rate and a
yearly stipend of €16,000.
Number of Scholarships: There are three scholarships available.
Scholarship can be taken in Ireland
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: The scholarships are open to Irish, other EU and international applicants.
Entrance Requirements: Applications are invited from graduates with a degree (normally of
a first class or very high 2.1 standard or equivalent). The degree should either (a) in law or
(b) in aninterdisciplinaryy degree in which law was a major component. Holding a masters
degree in law will normally enhance considerably an applicant’s chances of acceptance on
one of our PhD programmes.
English Language Requirements:
English Language Requirements for the PhD in Law Programme
Applicants whose first language is not English must submit satisfactory evidence of
competence in written and spoken English, i.e. overall IELTS 6.5 (including a minimum of
6.5 in the reading and writing parts and no part below 6.0) or 90 in the TOEFL iBT (with a
minimum of 22 (reading) and 24 (writing) and no part below 20.) The test results must be less
than 2 years old.
International applicants should visit the UCD International Office website
( for information regarding our campus, location of UCD, visa
information, registration and orientation.
Application Procedure:
This letter should be no more than 2 sides of A4 single-spaced and can be sent either as an
email attachment or in hard copy to Ms. Niamh McCabe, Graduate Programme Manager,
Sutherland School of Law, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
In addition to the cover letter you must submit the following documents:
A research proposal which includes:
A statement of the research question the candidate proposes to examine;
An outline of the proposed methodology (in other words, an outline of how the applicant
proposes to go about their research); and
A brief literature review. (The idea of this is to place the research within the current state of
knowledge in the field in question. It should include a short, indicative, bibliography of works
in the field). There is no maximum length for a research proposal. Normally, it would be at
least three or four pages long.
Two academic references: Please note that it is your responsibility to contact your referees to
ensure that references are received before the closing date/time for this scholarship.
Applicants whose first language is not English must submit satisfactory evidence of
competence in written and spoken English, i.e. overall IELTS 6.5 (including a minimum of
6.5 in the reading and writing parts and no part below 6.0) or 90 in the TOEFL iBT (with a
minimum of 22 (reading) and 24 (writing) and no part below 20.) The test results must be less
than 2 years old.
All academic transcripts.
How to Apply:
Please complete an on-line University Postgraduate application by the deadline. Please also
send a covering letter explaining why you wish to undertake a PhD, and in particular, why
you wish to undertake a PhD at UCD School of Law.

83. Fellowship Training Programme for Masters Degrees at Universities and Colleges in
Ireland, 2018
Applications are open for Irish Aid Fellowship Training Programme for suitably qualified
candidates from developing countries to undertake master degree. The aim of the fellowship
unique opportunity to study in an international setting and benefit from the research facilities
provided by Irish Universities and Institutes of Technology which rank among some of the top
education and learning centres in the world. Irish Aid Fellowships aim to support capacity
strengthening for the attainment of long-term development goals through enhancing the skills and
capacities of key individuals, generally drawn from the public services and NGO sectors.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: December 8, 2017
Course Level: The fellowship is available to pursue a master degree.
Study Subject: The fellowship is awarded in the following fields:
Gender Studies and Public Advocacy
Agriculture, Environmental Science and Rural Development
Sustainable Technology
Scholarship Award : The scholarship award covers course fees, required flights,
accommodation (for out of the country study), monthly allowances, insurance and other
incidental expenses.
Nationality: Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Myanmar,
Palestine, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Ireland
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Myanmar,
Palestine, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet following criteria:
Be a citizen of one of Irish Aid’s partner countries (i.e. Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique,
Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam and Zambia), or of Cambodia, Kenya, Liberia,
Palestine, Myanmar, Rwanda or Zimbabwe.
Be resident in that country.
Have achieved the necessary academic standard to be accepted into a Master’s degree course
in a higher education institution in Ireland or within their own region.
Be able to demonstrate a strong commitment to the development of their home country.
Have identified relevant college courses in a higher education institution in Ireland or within
their own region. For study in Ireland, you must select courses from the Irish Aid Directory of
eligible Postgraduate Courses.
Be applying to commence a new qualification and not be seeking to fund a course they have
already commenced or which will begin before fellowship awards have been notified.
Be able to take up the fellowship in the academic year 2018/2019.
Provide a letter of reference from their employer and a completed Employer Endorsement
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have an IELTS English language
qualification of 6.5 or higher by the time they submit their application. Applications that do
not provide evidence of this qualification will not be considered.
Master Scholarship

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Applicants can apply via email.

73. Tender Starting Doctoral Scholarships at Basel Graduate School of History in

Switzerland, 2018
The Basel Graduate School of History (BGSH) is delighted to offer Tender Starting
Scholarships for support during the start phase of their doctorate. International students are eligible to
apply for this scholarship programme. The Basel Graduate School of History (BGSH) offers a
structured graduate program in the field of history, based on the successful completion of doctorates.
In the BGSH, doctoral candidates earn their doctorates in a network that is solid in terms of theory,
methodology, and content, giving them the opportunity for intellectual discussion and international

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: March 31, 2018
Course Level: The scholarships are for support during the start phase of your doctorate.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the following areas: medieval history, early
modern history, recent and recent history, eastern European history, Jewish history, global
history, A high motivation to participate in the BGSH as an active member and to carry out an
independent, multi-year research project is expected.
Scholarship Award: The Basel Graduate School of History offers a structured graduate
program in an intellectually stimulating environment. Doctoral students of the BGSH benefit
from the close scientific exchange, joint workshops, and research colloquia, a wide-ranging
international and interdisciplinary network and offers to support their research activities and
to realize their own scientific events. The scholarship is endowed with CHF 30,000 and will
be paid out in two tranches (with interim evaluation).
Nationality: International students
Number of Scholarships: Up to two scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in Switzerland
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
The scholarships are intended for students with a masters degree or equivalent in history and
who wish to pursue doctorates in one of the following areas: medieval history, early modern
history, recent and recent history, eastern European history, Jewish history, global history, A
high motivation to participate in the BGSH as an active member and to carry out an
independent, multi-year research project is expected.
English Language Requirements: The teaching languages of the Graduate School are
English and German.
Germany Scholarships

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: The application is made electronically via the following page:
Online Application

In addition, the following documents by e-mail to the coordinator of the Basel Graduate
School of History, Dr. med. Roberto Sala (, to send:
✓ Cover letter
✓ 2nd Curriculum Vitae (possibly with publication list)
✓ Sketch for the dissertation project (maximum 3 pages)
✓ Diploma
✓ One or two text samples (including master’s thesis or similar)
✓ The application can be in German, French or English. Applicants who are about to
complete their studies may apply if they can submit the official diploma by 8 June
2018 at the latest. Applications from doctoral students who are already doing their
doctorate at other universities will not be considered. Starting scholarship holders
must enroll as doctoral students at the University of Basel.
74. Fully Funded Uversity Undergraduate Scholarships for Mature Students at IADT in
Ireland, 2018
The Institute of Art, Design + Technology is introducing Uversity Scholarships for
Mature Students to study in the Republic of Ireland. These are intended to remove financial
barriers so that adult learners can unlock their potential and realize their academic
ambitions.Uversity’s Scholarships are intended to unlock adult learners’ potential. By providing
meaningful, multi-annual financial support, Uversity’s Scholarships aim to remove the financial
barriers to pursue a Bachelor’s degree for the first time.Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design,
and Technology (IADT) is located at Dún Laoghaire, Ireland. It was established in 1997 and
incorporated the former Dún Laoghaire College of Art and Design as its School of Creative Arts.
The institution has an emphasis on creative arts and media with the National Film School (NFS)
located on campus. The college offers programmes in entrepreneurship, arts and humanities,
business, arts management, psychology/cyberpsychology, computing and digital
media technology.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: May 1, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Bachelors degree programme.
Study Subject: Uversity’s Scholarships will provide financial support to individuals 23 years
or older who wish to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in any subject in one of the participating
institutions .
Scholarship Award: The Scholarship will cover some or all of the following costs:
Registration & tuition fees
Pre-enrolment education assessments if required
Laptop, books and other materials
Wifi and telephone access
Childcare/Family support
Living expenses e.g. accommodation/maintenance etc.
Nationality: citizen of an EEA member state or Switzerland resident in Ireland or Northern
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given
Scholarship can be taken in the Republic of Ireland

Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Students must be a citizen of an EEA member state or Switzerland
resident in Ireland or Northern Ireland.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
✓ Uversity’s Scholarships will support adult learners, who are not in a financial
position, to enroll on and complete a Bachelor’s degree that will transform their lives
and those around them. Preference will be given to candidates enrolling for a full-
time Bachelor’s programme that can normally be completed in a maximum of four
years in any subject in one of the participating institutions.
✓ To be eligible applicants must:
✓ Be 23 years and older by 1st January in the year of enrolment
✓ Be a citizen of an EEA member state or Switzerland resident in Ireland or Northern
Ireland for 3 years or more by 1st January prior to the year of enrolment
✓ Be returning to higher education in the 2018/19 or 2019/20 academic year after a
break from education of 3 years or more or
✓ have completed a higher education progression/preparation course in the last 2 years
✓ Apply to a participating institution(s) on the island of Ireland as per the institutions’
application processes and be offered a place on a Bachelor’s Programme for the
2018/19 or 2019/20 academic year. PLEASE NOTE that applicants DO NOT need to
have an offer at time of application but if selected for a scholarship they must have
received an offer and registered in their chosen programme to receive their first
instalment of the scholarship.
✓ Be able to demonstrate:
✓ Socio-economic disadvantage and financial need (e.g. in receipt of social benefit)
✓ A clear and stated motivation for returning to education and an ambition for their
educational journey
✓ A drive to succeed and strong work ethic
✓ An ability to be transformed and transform others as a result of this scholarship and
educational experience
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Undergraduate Scholarships
Application Procedure:
❖ How to Apply: If you think you are eligible and have the information outlined above
please complete the online application here.
❖ You will be required to enter an email address and a unique application number will be
sent to you. Please keep this safe. You can log in at any time and stop and start your
application until you are ready to submit.
❖ Applications to be submitted via Uversity’s online application system.
❖ The following information is required:
❖ Biographical / contact details
❖ Details of your education and employment to date
❖ Details of your financial circumstances and need
❖ A motivation statement of maximum 500 words

❖ Details of two referees

75. Master Scholarship Programme for International Students in Switzerland, 2018

The World Trade Institute (WTI) is proud to offer Master Scholarships Programme for
International Students. These scholarships are awarded in International Law and Economics. These
scholarships are designed for students and young professionals who wish to broaden their
knowledge of international trade and investment in the fields of law, economics and political
science. The World Trade Institute (WTI) is a leading academic institution dedicated to studies,
teaching and research in international trade and investment regulation and economic globalisation
and sustainability.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 31, 2018
Course Level: These scholarships are available to pursue the master degree.
Study Subject: These scholarships are awarded in International Law and Economics.
Scholarship Award: The WTI offers a limited number of partial grants (up to 25% of
MILE/TRAIL+ tuition fees) to outstanding candidates
Nationality: International
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Switzerland
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: International applicants can apply for these scholarships.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have completed at least an undergraduate degree.
English Language Requirements: The MILE programme is taught exclusively in English
and you need to arrive at the WTI with a level of English that allows you to fully benefit from
the courses. In particular, your level of English needs to allow you to express yourself
effectively in and outside the classroom, deliver on weekly writing assignments and
adequately cover a weekly reading load of up to 200 pages.
Master Scholarship
Application Procedure:
Applicants can apply via email.
How to Apply:
A completed version of this application form,
A detailed CV [ optional template ],
A letter of motivation (see section V of the application form for details)
A two-page essay in English (see section V of the application form for details)
Transcripts and degrees of all completed college/university courses,
Evidence of English proficiency for non-native speakers
Two letters of recommendation
76. UNIL 8th Undergraduate Summer School Scholarships in Switzerland, 2018
The new 8th Undergraduate Summer School Scholarships in biological sciences at the
University of Lausanne is now available on offer for students from all around the world. The
university offers full scholarships which cover tuition costs, living expenses, and justified travel
costs will be awarded to all selected participants. The University of Lausanne in Lausanne,
Switzerland was founded in 1537 as a school of theology, before being made a university in 1890.
Today about 13,500 students and 2,200 researchers study and work at the university. The
candidate must be the holder of a degree from a foreign university. Participants must prove a good

knowledge of English in their motivation letter (number of years of Language classes taken,
specific experience in an English-speaking environment etc.) and IELTS or TOEFL test.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 31, 2018
Course Level: This is a Summer Undergraduate Research (SUR) scholarship programme.
The English-taught 8-week programme (July 4th to August 29th, 2018).
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in biological sciences.
Scholarship Award: The program coordinator will arrange and pay for the housing. You will
be housed within one of the buildings of the FMEL association, in a single room within an
apartment with shared kitchen and bathroom facilities. The program coordinator will inform
you when your housing assignment is made, how to contact them and where it is located.
The programme will also provide you a scholarship of approximately CHF 1500 to cover
other living expenses. It is advised to bring extra money for expenses above and beyond
standard housing and living expenses (e.g., weekend travel).
Limited funds are available to cover justified costs of travel to Lausanne. In general, up to
CHF 500 for European travel and CHF 1200 for overseas travel is covered. Original receipts
and boarding passes will be required for reimbursement.
Assistance will be provided to all students who require visas to come to Switzerland.
Participants must be covered for health and accidents from their home country.
Nationality: Students from all around the world are eligible.
Number of Scholarships: This scholarship is open to around 15 bachelor students.
Scholarship can be taken in Switzerland
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: This scholarship is open to around 15 bachelor students from all over the
world and aims at introducing to them the world of biological and biomedical research.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following requirements:
✓ The programme is aimed at undergraduate students who have completed the second
or third year of their university degree in any biological or medical field.
Undergraduate means the first 4 years of university training usually towards a
bachelor’s degree. Applicants who have completed only one year of an undergraduate
degree, or who will have graduated by the time of the programme are not eligible.
✓ The programme is highly competitive and students are chosen based upon their
academic record (typically GPA >3.75 or equivalent, and/or top 5% class ranking),
personal statements, and letters of recommendation.
If your university does not use a 4 point scale, then include an explanation of your
grading scale in the online application (under curriculum vitae B). Differences in
grading scales will be taken into consideration, but you must be in the top 5 % of
your class.)
✓ Students can be of any nationality and be studying in any country but should have
very good abilities in written and spoken English.
✓ Students must be present for the entire programme to participate.
✓ Selected participants will be informed via email about 3 weeks after the application
English Language Requirements: Students should have very good English language skills.

Switzerland Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Transcripts
A listing of all courses with grades taken at the university level is required in the online
application. In addition, an official document of your transcripts, saved in a Word, JPG or
PDF format, in English, French or German must be uploaded during the online application
This document should be named in the following format:
Recommendation letters
In addition to the online application, you must arrange for two confidential letters of
recommendation from people familiar with your academic work (e.g., professors). Please ask
your referees to use the letter template below.
This form should be completed and named in the following format:
The document should be e-mailed directly by your referees to before the
application deadline.

77. 80 COORP EuroTechPostdoc Fellowships for International Students at European

Universities, 2018
Applications are invited for up to 80 Postdoctoral fellowships Programme open to applicants
of all nationalities. The EuroTech Universities Alliance invites highly talented experienced
researchers to submit interdisciplinary collaborative research project proposals for one of the
fellowships provided by the EuroTechPostdoc Programme. The EuroTechPostdoc Programme is a
postdoctoral fellowship programme for young experienced researchers who have already
demonstrated excellence and potential in their field of research. The EuroTech Universities
Alliance is a strategic partnership of four leading European universities of science & technology:
Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL),
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and Technical University of Munich (TUM).
Together they are committed to finding technical solutions, which address the major challenges of
modern society. Their intensive collaboration across research, education & innovation support the
EU’s goals of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 28, 2018
Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue Postdoctoral programme.
Study Subject: Applicants may apply within one of the five focus research areas of the
EuroTech Universities Alliance:
Health & Bio Engineering
Smart & Urban Mobility
Data Science & Engineering
High-Performance Computing
Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Scholarship Award: The fellowship consists of a monthly salary for the postdoctoral
researcher based on the salary scale of the host institution and is granted for a period of
twenty-four (24) months maximum.

Prolongation of the fellowship is not possible. Should the department wish to employ the
fellow after the termination of the EuroTechPostdoc fellowship, a new contract must be
Fellowships cannot be granted retroactively.
Fellowships must start at the latest six (6) months after the decision date.
Nationality: All nationalities
Number of Scholarships: The four universities of the EuroTech Universities Alliance will
grant 80 fellowships divided over two calls for experienced researchers.
Scholarship can be taken in Denmark, Switzerland, Netherland, and Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must fulfill the following eligibility criteria in order to
be able to participate in the evaluation and selection process:
In agreement with the Horizon 2020: 2016-2017 Work Programme for Marie Sk?odowska-
Curie Actions, applicants to EuroTechPostdoc must be Experienced Researchers, namely they
must, on the recruitment date (1st call: 1 August 2018; 2nd call: 1 August 2019), be in
possession of a doctoral degree or have at least four years of full-time equivalent research
experience. Full-Time Equivalent Research Experience is measured from the date when a
researcher obtained the degree entitling him or her to embark on a doctorate, either in the
country in which the degree was obtained or in the country in which the researcher is
recruited, even if a doctorate was never started or envisaged.
Mobility Rule : Researchers may not have resided or carried out their main activity (work,
studies, etc.) in the country of the host university for more than twelve (12) months in the
three (3) years immediately before the call deadline. Time spent as part of a procedure for
obtaining refugee status under the Geneva Convention, compulsory national service and/or
short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.
Applicants must be able to carry out full-time research during the fellowship period (parental
leave, sick leave, military leave and care leave are accepted).
Additionally, for an application to be considered eligible, the proposals must be supported by
an institutional endorsement from both the host and co-host. A standard form and process will
be provided in the application portal. You will have to provide the email address of your
supervisor and co-supervisor, who then are requested by the programme management office
to provide the institutional endorsement. The Institutional endorsement comprises a
confirmation of the availability of infrastructure, supervision, and resources to successfully
complete the project, and asks for a statement on ethical issues from the host and co-host.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Postdoctoral Fellowships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Please use the following templates for your application:
Project proposal template
CV and publications template
Ethics self-assessment

78. CERN Fully Funded Summer Scholarships for High School Students and Teachers in
Switzerland, 2018
CERN is delighted to announce its fully funded several residential programmes to high
school students and teachers to study in Geneva, Switzerland. Students from all around the world
are eligible. These summer programmes offer the unique chance to explore the fascinating world
of particle physics through lectures, on-site visits, hands-on workshops, and ample opportunities
to interact with CERN’s scientific community. At CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear
Research, physicists and engineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe. They
use the world’s largest and most complex scientific instruments to study the basic constituents of
matter – the fundamental particles. The particles are made to collide together at close to the speed
of light. The process gives the physicists clues about how the particles interact and provide
insights into the fundamental laws of nature.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 13, 2018
Course Level: This programme for high-school students and their teachers.
Study Subject: For teachers:
The annual 3-week International High School Teacher (HST) Programme will be on 1-21 July
2018, while the International Teacher Weeks (ITW) Programme will take place on 5-18
August 2018.
Teachers can find out more and apply via the CERN Teacher Programmes website until 13
January 2018.
For high-school students aged 16 and above:
After the great success of the first summer camp 2017, the S’Cool LAB team will organize
the second S’Cool LAB Summer CAMP from 24 July to 4 August 2018.
Scholarship Award : For Teachers:
Every accepted applicant who is not supported by any third-party funding agency (e.g. their
school or government) will receive a financial subsistence to cover both their travel and living
costs for the duration of the respective programme.
For high-school students aged 16 and above:
The programme will be free of charge for selected candidates: Travel expenses,
accommodation in double rooms in the CERN Hotel and meals will be covered by CERN.
Nationality: All nationalities
Number of Scholarships: The selected 30 students will spend almost 2 weeks of their
summer at S’Cool LAB, CERN’s hands-on particle physics learning laboratory, for an epic
programme of lectures and tutorials, their own team research projects and visits of CERN’s
research installations.
Scholarship can be taken in Geneva, Switzerland

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Students from all around the world are eligible to participate in this
Entrance Requirements: For Teachers:
Both the HST programme and the ITW programme are open for teachers from around the
world. All applicants need to have a good working knowledge of the English language and
need to be committed to attending the programmes in full. Furthermore, preference in the

selection will go to teachers who have a proven experience of extra-curricular activities, such
Organization of educational activities (science Olympiads, summer courses for students)
Contribution to the planning of national curricula
Involvement in the activities of national and international educational bodies
For high-school students aged 16 and above:
Candidates should:
Have a passion for and strong ability in physics and mathematics as reflected in high school
course grades and extracurricular activities.
Be currently in the final two years of secondary school and have not yet begun full-time
studies at a post-secondary institution.
Be very motivated to attend the summer camp and be able to enjoy the international
atmosphere and an English speaking work environment.
English Language Requirements: Students must have a good working knowledge of the
English language (the entire programme will be delivered in English).
Switzerland Scholarships

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Applicants should follow CERNS Application Procedure

79. Partial and Full Scholarships at Geneva Academy in Switzerland, 2018

The Geneva Academy is offering 2 full scholarships and 3 partial scholarships for
international students. Scholarships are awarded for LLM in International Humanitarian Law and
Human Rights (LLM) and Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and
the Rule of Law (M TJ). The Geneva Academy provides post-graduate education, conducts
academic legal research and policy studies, and organizes training courses and expert meetings.
Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of
proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.

Scholarship Description:
Applications close: January 31, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing master’s programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded for LLM in International Humanitarian Law and
Human Rights (LLM) and Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional Justice, Human Rights
and the Rule of Law (M TJ).
Scholarship Award: University offers partial and full scholarships for both programmes.
Partial scholarships cover tuition fees. Full scholarships cover tuition fees and living expenses
in Geneva for 10 months.
Number of Scholarships: There are 2 full scholarships and 3 partial scholarships.
Scholarship can be taken in Switzerland
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply. Applicants from Australia,
Canada, New Zealand, the United States and Western Europe can only be considered for
partial scholarships.
Entrance Requirements:
LLM Programme: The LLM is open to candidates who have a full degree in law; a
demonstrable interest in IHL and HR (i.e. internships, summer school, conferences attended,

etc.); a good background in public international law and a sound command of English. A
passive knowledge of French is an asset.
MTJ Programme: University is looking for students who possess a law degree or an
equivalent degree relevant to transitional justice (such as international relations, political
science, sociology, anthropology or history); have a demonstrable interest in legal issues
related to transitional justice and are proficient in English. Practical experience and a
command of French are an asset.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Application Procedure:
Scholarship requests must be submitted with the candidate’s application. When applying, you
must choose between two tracks: application with scholarship (partial or full) or application
without the scholarship. If you apply to both tracks, your application will be considered under
the non-scholarship track.
How to Apply:
Students can apply via a straightforward online form. Once students have chosen the
programme they want to apply for, the online application is divided into the following four
Decide whether to apply (1) without scholarship, (2) with full scholarship; (3) with partial
Complete the application form
Attach the required documents
Submit your application

80. G3S Start Scholarships for International Students at University of Basel in Switzerland,
The new Start Scholarships are now available for Doctoral Studies in the Department of
Social Sciences at the University of Basel. The scholarship grants will be paid to the scholarship
holders in two instalments of CHF 15,000 each in April 2018 and October 2018. The purpose of
the scholarships is to support students during the starting phase of their doctorate. On January 1,
2013, the Graduate School Social Sciences (G3S) was founded. It represents a roof structure for
doctoral studies in the field of social sciences. The G3S unites already existing in the departments
existing events for doctoral students and PostDocs and supplements them. All subjects and
graduate programs of the Department of Social Sciences are involved in the G3S. The doctorate is
awarded at the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Basel.

Scholarship Description:
Applications close: November 15, 2017
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue doctoral programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to the Department of Social Sciences at the
University of Basel.
Scholarship Award: As of April 1, 2018, the G3S is writing a total of three start-up
scholarships (CHF 30,000/12 months).

Number of Scholarships: Three scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in the Switzerland

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Doctoral candidates in the G3S should either have a disciplinary background in one of the
social sciences of the department (eg ethnology, cultural anthropology, Middle East studies,
political science, sociology, see: ), or be trained in interdisciplinary fields and
areas that are considered as Subprograms are also represented in the G3S:
Research Training Group Gender Studies
Center for African Studies:
MUBIT: Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies
Doctoral Program Religious Studies
International Graduate School North-South
Sustainability research:
Doctoral Programs Cultural Anthropology
Eligible Countries:
International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
College Admission Requirement:
Entrance Requirements: Prerequisite for the application is a master’s degree in one of the
G3S areas.
English Language Requirements: The teaching languages of the Graduate School are
English and German.

Scholarship Award:
As of April 1, 2018, the G3S is writing a total of three start-up scholarships (CHF 30,000 / 12
months). The scholarship grants will be paid to the scholarship holders in two instalments of
CHF 15,000 each in April 2018 and October 2018, the latter in the case of a positive
evaluation after the first six months.
How to Apply:
Applications in English or German must be sent by post or in electronic form.
The following documents must be enclosed:
✓ Letter of motivation and CV (with publication list, if available)
✓ Sketch of the PhD project (about 5 pages)
✓ 1-2 text samples (at least one from an academic qualification thesis)
✓ Proof of academic qualifications and other achievements (please name the final grade
and date of the MA degree explicitly).

81. Executive MBA Project – Startup Competition at IMD Business School in Switzerland, 2018
The IMD Business School has created an Executive MBA Project – Startup Competition.
This competition provides a unique opportunity for you to get the help and insights of participants
in IMD’s MBA and Executive MBA programs. IMD is a top-ranked business school, expert in
developing leaders, transforming organizations and creating immediate and long-term positive

Benefit from the free experience of our MBA & EMBA participants

Could your startup benefit from highly talented, experienced and motivated individuals who
have been carefully screened to participate in two of the most selective and rigorous business
programs in the world?
Many ventures have gotten value from working with our MBAs and EMBAs. In the most
recent Swiss Top 100 report, IMD-supported startups captured 31 of the top 100 places,
including the first 6 out of the top 10. Do you want to be in that group next year?
Seize your chance now! This offer is open to all Swiss-based startups and runs in
collaboration with the Swiss government’s Commission for Technology and Innovation
(CTI), VentureKick, MassChallenge Switzerland and investiere.

Executive MBA project opportunity

Up to ten startups will be chosen to work with two Executive MBA classes
Split into small teams each working with a dedicated startup, our EMBAs help analyze and
challenge your business plans and company strategies
Their ultimate goal is to make a pitch on your behalf (with one of your representatives) to
venture capitalists and angels in Silicon Valley in September
MBA project opportunity
Up to 15 startups will receive the support of our MBA class
Split into small teams each working with a dedicated startup, our MBAs put in an average of
6-8 hours on this project each week, for a total support of at least 500-600 work-hours
What type of startups are we looking for?
We are looking for early-stage companies that have a solid chance of market success, have a
team that is curious and willing to open themselves up to a small group of management
“students”, are pleased to enter into both strategic and business model discussions, and can
provide a good learning opportunity for our participants with timing that aligns with the IMD
Startup competition: key milestones and deadlines
November 12, 2017: Submission deadline
December 3, 2017: Formal notification to all selected startups
December 10, 2017: Deadline for the selected startups to accept or decline the IMD offer
Executive MBA startup project timing
June 12, 2018: EMBA-selected companies meet with EMBA class at IMD in Lausanne and
start collaboration
September 9-14, 2018: Cohort 1 of EMBA teams travel to Silicon Valley with one
representative from each startup
September 16-21, 2018: Cohort 2 of EMBA teams travel to Silicon Valley with one
representative from each startup
MBA startup project timing
January 24, 2018: MBA-selected companies meet with their MBA teams at IMD in Lausanne
January 27, 2018: In-company introductory visits for MBA participants (wherever possible or
January 24 – May 15, 2018: MBA-selected companies collaborate with their MBA teams

82. Nomis Research Fellowship Program at University of Basel in Switzerland, 2018

Applications are invited for Nomis Fellowship Program at the University of Basel in
Switzerland. International applicants are eligible to apply for this fellowship program. The Nomis
Fellowship Program supports groundbreaking research projects related to how images act as

models or paradigms in scientific and aesthetic contexts. The University of Basel is located
in Basel, Switzerland. Founded on 4 April 1460, it is Switzerland’s oldest university and is
counted among the leading institutions of the country. The associated University Library of Basel
is the largest and among the most important libraries in the whole of the country.

Course Level: Fellowships are available for Junior and Senior research fellows.
Study Subject: Fellowships are awarded in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.
Scholarship Award: They provide a generous salary, travel funds, and access to excellent
academic infrastructure.
Number of Scholarships: Up to three fellowships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in Switzerland

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
✓ Applicants must
✓ Possess a doctoral degree and
✓ Have published either a monograph (e.g. their dissertation) or have three publications in
journals or collected volumes.
✓ Applicants from all academic fields whose research relates to images as models are invited to
✓ Applications may be submitted in either German or English.
Nationality: International applicants are eligible to apply for this fellowship program.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must possess a doctoral degree.
Switzerland Scholarships
✓ How to Apply: Please submit application materials as a single PDF file by October 20, 2017.
Applications that do not conform to this format or received after this date will not receive
consideration. Inquiries and applications should be sent to
✓ Application Materials
✓ Cover letter
✓ CV
✓ Contact details for two references
✓ Proof of doctorate degree
✓ Project description (2–3 pages), plus bibliography
✓ Published writing sample (20 pages)
Application Deadline: Scholarship application deadline is October 20, 2017.

83. EMBO | EuropaBio Fellowships for Research Programme, 2018

EMBO partnered with the European Association for Bioindustries (EuropaBio) is now
accepting applications for EMBO | EuropaBio Fellowships that fund exchanges between
laboratories in eligible countries lasting between one week (7 days) and six months (180 days).
The goal of the EMBO | EuropaBio Fellowships is to facilitate valuable collaborations with
research groups applying techniques that are unavailable in the applicant’s laboratory. EMBO is
an organization of more than 1700 leading researchers that promotes excellence in the life
sciences. The major goals of the organization are to support talented researchers at all stages of
their careers, stimulate the exchange of scientific information, and help build a European research
environment where scientists can achieve their best work.

Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue research.
Study Subject: EMBO subject areas: Genomic & Computational Biology and Systems Biology
Scholarship Award: The fellowships contribute towards travel costs and subsistence of the
fellow but not of any dependents. The subsistence rate depends on the country being visited.
Duration of support: The EMBO | EuropaBio Fellowships are intended for visits of one week (7
days) up to six months (180 days).
Number of Scholarships: Up to four fellowships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in All applications should focus on the benefit to the home laboratory
and involve movement between countries – one of which must be an EMBC Member State. (For
applicants from a laboratory within a non-member state, the short-term fellowships are for a fixed
duration of 90 days).

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
✓ Applicants must be active researchers at any stage in their career with a minimum of one year
of research experience as Ph.D. students or equivalent.
✓ EMBO | EuropaBio Fellowships are awarded for research exchanges between laboratories in
EMBC Member States, Associated Member States or Cooperation Partners. EMBO Short-
Term Fellowships are not awarded for exchanges between two laboratories within the same
✓ Applications for research exchanges involving Chile and one of the EMBC Member States or
Cooperation Partners will exceptionally be considered.
✓ Only in exceptional cases will EMBO Short-Term fellowships be awarded for research visits
outside the countries listed above. For such cases, it is essential that a justification is provided
why there is no appropriate expertise or technology in the EMBC Member States, Associated
Member States or Cooperation Partners.
✓ Applications from outside the EMBC Member States, Associated Member States or
Cooperation Partners will not be considered.
✓ Applications to visit laboratories outside EMBC Member States, Associated Member States
or Cooperation Partners will only be considered under exceptional circumstances.
✓ Applications for the exclusive purpose of training in a technique rather than as a component
of a wider research project will not be considered.
✓ EMBO does not consider applications for the EMBO | EuropaBio Fellowships to prolong
visits begun under other auspices, or as bridging fellowships between, or prior to, long term
stays funded by EMBO or other organizations.
✓ Applications for fellowships to attend courses, workshops, or symposia will not be
Nationality: Applicants from the following countries are eligible to apply:
EMBC Member states: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and United Kingdom
EMBC Associate Member states: India, Singapore
Cooperating partner country: Taiwan
College Admission Requirement

Entrance Requirements: Applicants must be active researchers at any stage in their career
with a minimum of one year of research experience as PhD students or equivalent.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Research Scholarships
How to Apply: Applications for EMBO | EuropaBio Fellowships are electronic only. Hard
copies will not be processed. This refers to all relevant documents including not only the
application form but also the reference letters and the host institute acceptance form. The
online application form will ask you to provide information on:
• Contact details of two referees
• Address of the receiving institute and contact details of the host institute supervisor
• A summary of the proposed work
• A summary of your current work
• Basic CV
• Your ORCID ID (if you do not have one, please register at
• Funding sources
Application Form
Application Deadline: Applications are accepted from September 1, 2017, until October 31,

84. Full and Partial Scholarships for International Students at Geneva Academy in Switzerland,
Applicants are invited to apply for Full and Partial Scholarships funded by Geneva
Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights to pursue LLM in International
Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (LLM) and Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional
Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law (MTJ). These scholarships are open for international
applicants on the basis of competition. The aim of the scholarships is to support students who are
unable to secure the funding required to cover tuition fees and/or the cost of living in Geneva.
The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights is a joint centre of
the University Of Geneva and The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.
The academy provides postgraduate education, conducts academic legal research and policy
studies, and organizes training courses and expert meeting son branches of international law that
relate to situations of armed conflict, protracted violence, and protection of human rights.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: Applications will open on November 20, 2017.
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue a postgraduate degree.
Study Subject : Scholarships are awarded in the following fields:
LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (LLM)
Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law (M
Scholarship Award: The Geneva Academy offers partial and full scholarships. Applicants
from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United States and Western Europe can only be
considered for partial scholarships.

Nationality: International
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Switzerland

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International
Entrance Requirements : Applicants must possess a law degree or an equivalent degree.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have a sound command of English.
Students whose mother tongue is not English and who have not taken an English-taught
bachelor’s or master’s degree or do not have at least two years’ professional or academic
experience in an English-speaking environment must provide a certificate to prove their
knowledge of English

International Scholarship
Application Procedure:
Scholarship requests must be submitted with the candidate’s application. When applying, you
must choose between two tracks: application with scholarship (partial or full) or application
without a scholarship. If you apply to both tracks, your application will be considered under
the non-scholarship track.

85. Student Summer Research Fellowship for International Students at ETH Zurich in
Switzerland, 2018
The Computer Science Department at ETH Zurich is proud to offer Student Summer
Research Fellowship for students from around the world. Fellowships will be competitively
awarded every year to a number of applicants with excellent track records and an interest in
research. ETH Zurich is a science, technology, engineering and mathematics university in the city
of Zürich, Switzerland. Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specific
English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study there.

Course Level: This is a Student Summer Research Fellowship programme. The program will
take place from 1 July to 31 August 2018.
Study Subject: The program is committed to increasing diversity in the computer science area.
Research opportunities are available in the following areas:
• Algorithms and theory
• Computer systems
• Human-computer-interaction and cyber-physical systems
• Information and system security
• Machine learning
• Information and system security
• Programming languages and software engineering
• Visual Computing
Scholarship Award: Fellows at ETH Zurich will receive a monthly stipend of about CHF1.750
to cover housing and living expenses. Travel and visa expenses will be covered. Students can
claim the travel costs against receipts at the beginning of the program.
Number of Scholarships: Number of scholarship is not given.
Scholarship can be taken in the Switzerland

Eligibility: The Student Summer Research Fellowship program is open to all students who are:
✓ At the beginning and for the duration of the program, at most one year away from
completion of their Bachelor’s program or are registered in a Master’s program. Expected
graduation date: January 2019 or later.
✓ At the beginning and for the duration of the program, enrolled in a regular study program
in computer science or a closely related field of study (e.g. electrical engineering,
mathematics, physics)
✓ In addition, please note that the duration of the fellowship covers the full two months of
July and August. No exams and no travels outside the program.
Nationality: Applications for the programme are open to students across the globe.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: At the beginning and for the duration of the program, at most one year
away from completion of their Bachelor’s program or are registered in a Master’s program.
English Language Requirements: Formal evidence is not required. You will need a good working
knowledge of English in order to participate fully. Your language ability may be assessed during
the interview.

Switzerland Scholarships
How to Apply: Apply online
Please read the information on this page carefully and prepare all required documents before
submitting your application online.
First, you need to register with SiROP (press CTRL+click to open in a new window)
To register search for your home university in the list provided or create an account using an
email address.
After completing your SiROP registration, click the online application link below where you
will find the «Apply now» button at the bottom of the linked SiROP page.
After clicking the «Apply now» button on the linked SiROP page you will be asked to fill in
personal data and upload several documents:
Your CV. You may use any CV format you wish. If you feel uncertain, please feel free to use
the Europass format.
Official academic transcript from your home university.
Letter of motivation/personal statement (max 1 page). Describe in your own words why you
have chosen your proposed scientific area of research. Explain what you hope to accomplish
by coming to ETH and how it will support your academic or professional goals and prepare
you for a career in research. A good personal statement can be written in half a page and you
should aim not to write more than a full A4 page. Lay it out carefully to make it easy to read.
A letter of recommendation by an academic referee. The referee can sign the
recommendation, scan the letter and mail it directly to: Note
that the reference letter needs to be sent by the referee to the e-mail address, not by the
applicant himself/herself. Please indicate in the subject line “reference letter for first name
and surname of student”. The deadline for reference letters is 15 February 2018 (12:00 p.m.).
Application Form
Application Deadline: Scholarship application deadline is December 31, 2017.

86. Monarch Business School Dean’s Scholarships in Switzerland, 2017-2018

Applications are invited for Dean’s Scholarships available for the academic year 2017-
2018. Scholarships provide partial scholarships in the form of a 20% reduction in tuition fees to

students while at Monarch Business School. The aim of the mission is to be a leader in applied
education and research in management. In achieving this aim we strive to provide our students
with the knowledge, skill and learning environment that enables the creation of core competencies
for the advancement of their academic and business careers. Monarch Business School
Switzerland was formed in response to the specific need for a high-quality online Swiss graduate
management institute to address the needs of internationally located working professionals who
have the desire to continue higher academic training while remaining in the workforce.

Course Level: Scholarships are available for studying the courses offered at Monarch Business
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of business.
Scholarship Award: The Monarch Business School Dean’s Scholarship provides partial
scholarships in the form of a 20% reduction in tuition fees to students while at Monarch Business
Scholarship can be taken in Switzerland

Eligibility: The scholarship is awarded on an individual basis once the applicant has been
accepted into the program.
Nationality: Citizens of all nationalities are eligible to apply.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have previous degree.
Test Requirement: No
English Language Requirement: All international applicants for whom English is not the native
tongue must provide proof of competence in the English language.

How to Apply: Interested Scholarship Applicants should submit the Dean’s Scholarship
Application Form. It is necessary that the Applicant also submit the Main Program Application
Form . All Main Application supporting documents must be received by the Administration
before any decision on the Scholarship Provision can be provided to the Applicant.
Application Form
Application Deadline: Contact Employer

87. BIS Research Fellowship for International Students in Switzerland, 2018

The Bank for International Settlements is looking for excellent applicants for its Research
Fellowship. The fellowship is available for international students. The aim of the fellowship
allows prominent scholars to gain an insight into the policymaking environment of the BIS and
foster joint research between academics and BIS economists. The Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) is an international financial institution owned by central banks which “fosters
international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks”.

Course Level: Fellowship is available to pursue the research programme.

Study Subject: Fellowship is awarded in the field of economic research on policy-related issues.
Scholarship Award : Successful candidates will be offered accommodation, reimbursement of
travel costs, and a monthly or daily honorarium.
Number of Scholarships: Not known

Scholarship can be taken in Switzerland

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
Candidates should have an outstanding publication record and hold a PhD from a leading
In considering applications, the BIS will pay particular regard to the relevance of the research to
current problems in economics and finance.
While at the BIS, research fellows will be expected to complete one or more research papers of a
theoretical or empirical nature for presentation at internal seminars and external conferences and
for publication both as a BIS Working Paper and in a leading refereed journal.
Nationality: International applicants are eligible to apply for the scholarship.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have PhD degree.
English Language Requirements: All international applicants for whom English is not the native
tongue must provide proof of competence in the English language.

How to Apply: Applicants can apply via email:

✓ Applications should be submitted in English and must include:
✓ A one-page summary of the research work that the candidate proposes to carry out at the
BIS, specifying the objectives of the work, the methodological, statistical and computing
requirements involved, and the approximate time needed to complete the research and
prepare submissions.
✓ Suggestions for possible co-authorships with BIS staff.
✓ A detailed curriculum vitae, including details of the candidate’s publication record.
✓ Applications should be sent to
Application Deadline: The application deadline is December 15, 2017.

88. Master Scholarships for Foreign Students at University of Lausanne in Switzerland, 2017
The new UNIL Master Scholarships are available for students who have graduated from a
foreign university and whose academic results are very good. Foreign students are eligible to
apply for these scholarships. The University of Lausanne in Lausanne, Switzerland was founded
in 1537 as a school of theology, before being made a university in 1890. Today about 13,500
students and 2,200 researchers study and work at the university. The candidate must be the holder
of a degree from a foreign university. Participants must prove a good knowledge of English in
their motivation letter (number of years of Language classes taken, specific experience in an
English-speaking environment etc.) and IELTS or TOEFL test.

Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.

Study Subject: All masters UNIL as listed being at
However, it is not possible to apply for the following programs:
• Master of the School of Medicine
• Master science and education practices
• Master in Law from the Universities of Zurich and Lausanne
• Master of Law in Criminal Justice, Judiciary mention
• All MAS (3rd cycle programs)
Warning: for the Master of Law (Master of Law), only two endorsements

“International and comparative law” and “legal theory” are open for a postulation on a Master’s
Scholarship Award: The scholarship is awarded for the minimum period of the program chosen
by the student. It amounts to CHF 1,600. – Per month from 15 September to 15 July (i.e. 10
months per year), for the entire duration of the master’s degree (1 year and a half or 2 years
depending on the chosen master), except In case of definitive failure after the first year.
Candidates are made aware of the fact that the amount of the scholarship awarded is not sufficient
to live in Switzerland.
Number of Scholarships: UNIL grants ten scholarships a year.
Scholarship can be taken in Switzerland

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
✓ Obtain a foreign university degree deemed equivalent to a Bachelor of UNIL before the
start of the master program at the UNIL.
✓ To have distinguished herself during her studies, notably by particularly brilliant
academic results.
✓ Have a minimum level of B2 (level according to the global scale of the European
Language Portfolio) in French or English depending on the language of instruction of the
chosen master.
✓ Not already registered at UNIL.
✓ To have paid the administrative fee of CHF 200.- (see document “list of documents to be
attached to your application file”)
✓ Abandonment of the program results in suspension of the scholarship.
Nationality: Foreign students are eligible to apply for these scholarships.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Students must obtain a foreign university degree deemed equivalent
to a Bachelor of UNIL before the start of the master program at the UNIL.
English Language Requirements: Students must have a minimum level of B2 (level according
to the global scale of the European Language Portfolio) in French or English depending on
the language of instruction of the chosen master.

Switzerland Scholarships
How to Apply: Applicants must send their completed application form (refer to the document
“list of documents to be attached to your application file”), unbound, by post only.
Application Deadline: The deadline for applications is November 1 to start a master’s degree in
the next academic year, in the autumn semester or in the spring semester if the program allows.
The postmark is valid.
89. Full Scholarships for MDF Courses in Netherlands, 2018
The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) is inviting development professionals to
pursue MDF courses. These courses are available with full scholarships which cover all
participants support costs: travel costs, accommodation, meals, excursions, and of course the
training fee. MDF’s mission is to foster competent professionals and improve the functioning of
organisations and networks in order to increase their positive social impact. Students should have
a good command of English or French to be able to participate fully in the training.

Scholarship Description:

Application deadline: March 30, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing MDF Courses.
Study Subject: Scholarships
Scholarship Award: Three MDF courses are currently available with full scholarships which
cover all participants support costs: travel costs, accommodation, meals, excursions, and of
course the training fee.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in the Netherlands
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: International students can apply for these scholarships.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, funder of the
NFP KOP and MSP programmes, has set a list of eligible countries. Professionals who are
nationals of and work and live in one of these 51 KOP countries can apply.
You must not be employed by an organisation that has its own means of staff-development.
Organisations that are considered to have their own means for staff development are for
example: Multinational corporations (e.g. Shell, Unilever, Microsoft), arge national and/or a
large commercial organisations, bilateral donor organisations (e.g. USAID, DFID, Danida,
Sida, Dutch ministry of Foreign affairs, FinAid, AusAid, ADC, SwissAid), multilateral donor
organisations, (e.g. a UN organization, the World Bank, the IMF, Asian Development Bank,
African Development Bank, IADB), international NGO’s (e.g. Oxfam, Plan, Care);
You must have an official and valid passport;
You must not receive more than one fellowship for courses that take place at the same time;
You must have a government statement that meets the requirements of the country in which
the employer is established (only if applicable, please check this overview);
You have an employer’s statement that complies with the format Nuffic has provided. All
information must be provided and all commitments that are included in the format must be
endorsed in the statement that should be printed on your organisation’s official letterheaded
English Language Requirements: Students should have a good command of English or
French to be able to participate fully in the training.

Application Procedure:
The required documents:
✓ Copy of a valid passport
✓ Employers letter, see step 1.
✓ Government statement, see step 1.
✓ Admission letter: here we ask you to include your CV of maximum two pages,
including also your field of working: please also indicate the focus area.
How to Apply:
Look at an overview of available NFP&MSP sponsored courses and read the course
Before you start in Atlas, you need to have all the required documents and information ready,
as you will need to submit them online during one session. Learn more on how to apply in
Atlas. Required documents are only accepted in pdf format (max 2 Mb).\
A Letter of motivation: Have this prepared so you can copy/paste it into the online application
form. This motivation will weigh heavily in the selection procedure. Questions that are asked
in your Nuffic application are:

What is the issue or problem you want to address in your country?
How will this course enable you to address this issue?
How will you address this issue with your position within your organisation?

90. SBE International Business Undergraduate Scholarship at Maastricht University in

Netherlands, 2018
Maastricht University (UM) is currently accepting applications for SBE International
Business Scholarship who want to follow the three-year bachelor’s programme International
Business at the Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE). Maastricht
University (UM) aims to further strengthen its position as a leading European university offering
high-quality education with an international orientation. To this end, the university implements a
proactive recruitment policy for international students. The Maastricht University (UM) is the
most international university in the Netherlands and, with more than 16,000 students and 4,000
employees, is still growing. The university stands out for its innovative education model,
international character and multidisciplinary approach to research and education.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: April 1, 2018
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue Bachelor degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded to learn bachelor’s programme International Business
at the Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE).
Scholarship Award: You will receive the grant for the duration of the bachelor’s programme
and for a maximum of three years. The grant is awarded per year. To be eligible for the grant
in the next year, you must satisfy several conditions during the academic year:
You complete all study units within the prescribed time.
Each year you achieve an average mark of at least 75%.
If requested by the School of Business and Economics (SBE), you spend at least 4 hours per
month on student recruitment during your studies.
Nationality: Students from South Africa, Brazil and Mexico are eligible.
Number of Scholarships: One grant is available each year.
Scholarship can be taken in the Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Students from South Africa, Brazil and Mexico are eligible.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
You have been admitted to the following School of Business and Economics (SBE)
bachelor’s programme: International Business.
On 1 September 2018, you are 35 years old or younger.
You come from one of the following countries: South Africa, Brazil or Mexico.
You have good marks, at least a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 70%.
You are eligible for both a Dutch visa and a Dutch residence permit.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Netherlands Scholarships
Application Procedure:

How to Apply:
Complete the SBE International Business Scholarship application form.
You may send the application form and a letter of motivation to ibadmissions-sbe-at-
maastrichtuniversity.nlfrom 1 November 2017 up to and including 1 April 2018.

91. UN Young Research Grant for International Students at Member Institutions, 2018
Applications are invited for Utrecht Network Young Researchers Grant for international
students. The Utrecht Network Young Researchers Grant is for self-organized mobility at one of
the Utrecht Network partner universities. The Utrecht Network Young Researchers Grant is
designed to promote and further enhance the Network’s support to students and staff as well as
broaden mobility between the Network’s institutions. Utrecht University is a university in
Utrecht, the Netherlands. It is one of the oldest universities in the Netherlands and one of the
largest in Europe. Since English is the official language at UCU, applicants are required to
demonstrate proof of proficiency.
Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 10, 2018
Course Level: Grants are available to young researchers.
Study Subject: Grants are awarded to learn any of the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Within the framework of the Young Researchers Grant up to 10
scholarships of €1,000 each will be offered to students, who might not be eligible for other
scholarship programmes such as ERASMUS+ (e.g. length of stay is under 3 months).
Nationality: International students
Number of Scholarships: Up to 10 scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken at Member Institutions
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
Up to 10 research scholarships of €1000 each for master’s students or young researchers, who
are not eligible for other scholarship programs like ERASMUS (e.g. length of stay under 3
months), will be offered within the framework of UN Young Researchers’ Grant.
The grant is limited to thesis research on masters or PhD level. Students are allowed to take
courses as well. However, priority will be given to ‘research-only’ Ph.D. students.
Masters/ PhD level
Length of stay: 1 – 6 months (mobility is not restricted to semesters, but may also take place
during the holidays)
Students, who are eligible for an ERASMUS grant, cannot apply for this grant
English Language Requirements: Since English is the official language at UCU, applicants
are required to demonstrate proof of proficiency. Accepted are the IELTS test, TOEFL test,
Cambridge Certificate:
IELTS Academic: A minimum of 7.0 for all components
TOEFL: Internet-based 100

Research Scholarships

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Application documents:
Application form
Letter of Recommendation by supervisor/programme coordinator
Letter of Acceptance (by an academic supervisor/coordinator at the host institution)
Application deadline:
All application documents must be handed into the Utrecht Network representative at your
home university by 15 February 2018 (Universities can set an earlier internal application
deadline – please check with the Utrecht Network representative at your home university for
the deadline).

92. HAN Prestige Undergraduate Scholarships for Non-EEA Students in Netherlands, 2018
The HAN University of Applied Sciences is offering HAN Prestige Scholarship to study
in the Netherlands. Non-EEA students are eligible to apply for this scholarship. The aim of the
scholarships is to reward academic excellence and merit. HAN University of Applied Sciences is
one of the 5 largest universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands. HAN offers high-quality,
practice-based education to more than 30,000 students. HAN’s centers of expertise provide
tailored research to companies and institutions.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: May 2, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue bachelor’s degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study Engineering, Medical and health sciences
Scholarship Award: €15000 a year (max. 2 years). To attract excellent students.
Nationality: Non-EEA students
Number of Scholarships: Up to two scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in the Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Non-EEA students (Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola,
Antigua & Barbados, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Autonomous Palestinian Territories,
Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia-
Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon,
Canada, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros,
Congo, Democratic Republic of, Costa Rica, Cuba, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic,
Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia,
Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras,
India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Ivory Coast (Cote d’Ivoire), Jamaica, Japan, Jordan,
Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya,
Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Martinique,
Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Morocco,
Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria,
North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines,
Qatar, Russia, Rwanda, Saint Kitts-Nevis, Saint Martin, Saint Vincent & Grenadines, Samoa,
San Marino, Sante Lucia, Sao Tome And Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles,
Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Korea, South Sudan,

Republic of, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Republic of the, Swaziland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan,
Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan,
Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan,
Vanuatu, Vatican City, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe) are eligible to
apply for this scholarship.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
Are you a high-achieving non-EEA international student pursuing a full-time English-taught
HAN Masters? You might be eligible for the HAN Prestige Scholarship.
These are the eligibility criteria to qualify for the HAN Excellence Scholarship Programme:
• You are a national of a country outside the EEA *
• You have not previously been enrolled in a higher education degree course in the
• You have applied and been admitted before 2 April 2018 to a full-time English-taught
degree course starting in September 2018.
• You have an IELTS score of at least 6.5; a TOEFL iBT score of at least 90; or a Cambridge
Certificate of Advanced English (C1).
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have an IELTS score of at least 6.5; a
TOEFL iBT score of at least 90; or a Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (C1).

Netherlands Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: HAN pre-selects admitted students based on the eligibility criteria. If you
have been pre-selected, you will receive an email by 2 April, inviting you to submit your
application for the scholarship.

93. Industrial Design Engineering Scholarships for International Students in Netherlands, 2018
Applications are being accepted for Industrial Design Engineering Scholarships at the
Delft University of Technology. Scholarships are available for international students to
study MSc programme. The Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) aims to attract the world’s
brightest students to its international classrooms. The Delft University of Technology also known
as TU Delft is the largest and oldest Dutch public technological university, located in Delft,
Netherlands The candidate should have a very good command of English language. Therefore,
the application should be written in English.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: March 1, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing MSc programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study Design for Interaction (DfI), Integrated
Product Design (IPD), Strategic Product Design (SPD).
Scholarship Award: Contribution to fees and living expenses for two years
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in the Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply.

Entrance Requirements: Excellent international students who have been admitted to one of
the following MSc programmes: Design for Interaction (DfI), Integrated Product Design
(IPD), Strategic Product Design (SPD) with a bachelor’s degree from an internationally
renowned university outside the Netherlands.
English Language Requirements: The candidate should have a very good command of
English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
To be considered for these scholarships, your complete application for an MSc programme
must be uploaded before 1 March 2018
No extra application form is needed to apply for the scholarship.
Please note that Non-EU students must include their English test with their application (if
required). EU students can submit this in a later stage according to the Admission
Only students meeting this deadline who have been (conditionally) admitted to one of the
MSc programmes of TU Delft could be considered for these scholarships.

94. GMAT Scholarships at University of Amsterdam in Netherlands, 2018

The Amsterdam Business School (ABS) is offering GMAT scholarships for all
Amsterdam MBA candidates. The mission of ABS is to offer an inspiring international learning
community to study business and management, where both staff and students can develop their
capacities to optimum effect. The Amsterdam Business School (ABS) is part of the University of
Amsterdam (UvA) established in 1632 and currently one of the largest comprehensive universities
in Europe. The ABS is one of two Schools within the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB).

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: June 1, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing MBA programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of business administration.
Scholarship Award: University incentivizes scores above 630 up to €10,000 for the highest
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in the Netherlands
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Citizens of all nationalities are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants for the Amsterdam MBA programme must have the
Academic credentials: A degree (Bachelor, Master, PhD) from a recognised research
university. With a degree issued by a University of Applied Sciences (HBO), you will need to
take the Pre-master’s programme (20 weeks) first.
Relevant work experience: A minimum of three years post-graduate full-time work
GMAT or GRE report: A minimum GMAT score of 630 (applicants with a GRE score
English Language Requirements: A minimum TOEFL of 100 or IELTS of 7.0 is required.

Application Procedure :
Applicants need to submit the following documents:
A one-page CV
Transcript(s) and related diploma(‘s) from your highest university degree (all non-Dutch and
non-English transcripts must be accompanied by a certified English translation)
Motivational letter (max. 300 words): please explain what sets you apart from the
competition, why you are looking into an MBA degree and what your post-MBA goals are
GMAT/ GRE (if applicable)
TOEFL/ IELTS (if applicable)
Two Letters of Recommendation (you’ll receive the template after the MBA CV Quick Scan
or please download here )

How to Apply:
The 3-step admissions process (Application – Assessment – Interview) for the Amsterdam
MBA programme has been designed to be fast and convenient. The MBA admissions team
will coach you at every step in order to complete your application.
Step 1: Submit your online application
Please complete the MBA CV Quick Scan to verify your eligibility for the Amsterdam MBA
programme. The MBA admissions team will respond to your CV Quick Scan within three
working days with further instructions on how to apply. Once your eligibility to our
programme has been confirmed, you are welcome to submit your online application. This step
will take 30 minutes of your time if you have prepared your application documents:
Step 2: The ABS Assessment (short video essay questions)
After evaluating your application, you will be informed whether you are selected to complete
the ABS Assessment. Please note this assessment contains three (short) video essay questions
– 1 or 2 minutes each. We will only invite you to the ABS Assessment once your application
files are complete, including your two references. This step will take max. 30 minutes of your
Step 3: Admissions interview
Interviews are scheduled on campus or via Skype. Interviews are 30 minutes and conducted
by an MBA Admissions Board member who has reviewed your application files. The
admissions interview will focus on your skill-set, motivation and career goals.
Online Application

95. Cartography Master Scholarships for International Students, 2018

Applications are invited for Erasmus Mundus Scholarships to pursue International Master
Programme in Cartography . The Cartography MSc has been selected for Erasmus+ by the
Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Union.
Cartography MSc is a four-semester Master of Science Programme of four universities in Munich,
Vienna, Dresden and Twente. It focusses on a broad education in cartography and geoinformatics.
The candidate should have a very good command of English language. Therefore, the application
should be written in English.

Scholarship Description:

Application Deadline: March 15, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing master’s programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of cartography and geoinformatics.
Scholarship Award: Scholarships for the four-semester Cartography M.Sc. programme are:
Contribution to travel costs of 2 x 3.000 € (6.000 € in total) per scholarship holder travelling
more than 4.000 km OR 2 x 2.000 € (4.000 € in total) per scholarship holder travelling less
than 4.000 km plus 1000 € in total for installation costs
Subsistence costs of 1.000 € per month, 24.000 € in total. Contribution to subsistence costs
must NOT be given to scholarship holders for the study periods (study /research /placement
/thesis preparation) spent in their country of residence.
Contribution to participation costs of ca. 2.425 € per semester, maximum 9.700 € in total.
Insurance package, i.e., health insurance.
The scholarship is a full scholarship, meant to cover all costs (e.g., tuition fees, travelling,
visa costs, accommodation, living expenses, etc.). There will be no further funding.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Germany, Austria, and Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Citizens of all nationalities are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: University is looking for students who are self-disciplined and
show initiative, are independent thinkers but also team players and are interested in art,
science, and technology.
English Language Requirements: One of the following English language tests can be
accepted as proof of proficiency:
IELTS Academic Module: Minimum score 6.5 The British Council can send it to TUM
directly. Please give our exact address: TU München, Immatrikulationsamt, Arcisstr. 21, D-
80333 München
TOEFL iBT: 88, CbT: 234, PbT: 605, TOEFL ITP is not accepted. If you send TOEFL to us
via ETS, please use the following TOEFL code: University 7806, department 99 (“any
department not listed”).
Cambridge Certificates Cambridge Main Suite: CAE or CPE: level A, B or C
You are considered to be proficient in English and you do not need to provide an English
language test score if:
You are a native English speaker;
Your previous (current) university education has been conducted in English. In this case, you
need an official certificate from your university confirming that the language of tuition was

Application Procedure:
Passport style photo (as for ID)
Complete and current Résumé (CV)
Letter of motivation: Please describe your personal reasons and your particular interests and
motivation for undertaking post-graduate studies in Cartography at TUM, TUW, TUD and
UT on1 to 2 pages.
Subject and grade transcript of studies to date (officially certified copy): Please do not send
original certificates, only officially certified copies including translation into English. TUM
does not assume any liability for unsolicited original certificates.

Two letters of recommendation (original documents): Two original letters of recommendation
have to be submitted from faculty members, who are familiar with your work in the major
area of your graduate study. If that work occurred some time ago, a recommendation from
those people familiar with your professional performance is acceptable.
English language certificate
Application for admission or for enrolment from TUMonline system
If applicable:
Chinese, Mongolian and Vietnamese applicants have to submit a valid APS certificate
(original) from the German Embassy in China/Mongolia/Vietnam
Applicants with a qualification for postgraduate studies (e.g. a bachelor’s degree) obtained in
a country outside of the EU/EWG are required to have their application documents proofed
before submission by the University Application Service for International Students (uni-assist
e.V.). Uni-assist will issue a VPD certificate.
How to Apply:
Although organized by four leading universities, the Cartography M.Sc. programme is
officially registered at TUM. This means that Cartography adheres to the application and
admission procedures of TUM. Your application will proceed through the TUMonline
application system .

96. Erasmus School of Economics Excellent Student Waiver in Netherlands, 2018

The Erasmus University Rotterdam is inviting excellent students from non-EEA countries
at the School of Economics. The maximum award of the waiver consists of a tuition fee waiver
for the academic year 2018-2019. Erasmus School of Economics is an internationally renowned
institute that contributes scientific knowledge to future economic issues and aims to answer
currently relevant issues of concern to government and firms. Erasmus University Rotterdam is a
public university located in Rotterdam, Netherlands. The university is named after Desiderius
Erasmus Roterodamus, a 15th-century humanist and theologian. The candidate should have a very
good command of English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 1, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing bachelor’s or master’s programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered at the School of
Scholarship Award: The maximum award of the waiver consists of a tuition fee waiver for
the year 2018-2019. Resulting in a tuition fee equal to the statutory fee for the academic year
2018-2019. Applicants who are awarded this waiver will therefore not themselves directly
receive a sum of money.
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in the Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Students from non-EEA countries are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: In order to qualify for financial support under the provision for the
individual waiver for excellent students from non-EEA countries, an applicant:
General conditions

Must comply with the general conditions laid down in the second paragraph of article 1.2 of
the EUR’s Profiling Fund Regulations, while a prospective student must be enrolled by no
later than 1 September of the academic year for which he/she has applied for a waiver and
must comply with the residence requirements;
Must comply with the specific requirements laid down in article 5.1 of the EUR’s Profiling
Fund Regulations;
Must be a national of a country that does not belong to the EEA;
Additional conditions prospective students
Must be selected for one of the following programmes: Bachelor International Econometrics
and Operational Research; Bachelor International Economics and Business Economics or
Bachelor BSc² Econometrics/Economics
Or admitted for one of the following programmes: Master Accounting, Auditing and Control;
Master Econometrics and Management Science and Master Economics and Business
Must have achieved excellent study results during his/her prior education. This means an
average final result of at least grade 8.5 (or the equivalent) on a grading scale of 1-10, during
their prior education. For these purposes, prior education means:
For prospective bachelor students: secondary education
For prospective master students: the previous bachelor study
Must send in a complete bachelor or master application before 1 February 2018;
Must participate in the mathematics test in February 2018 or March 2018 if found math
deficient during the bachelor application procedure (only applicable to prospective bachelor
Must be able to demonstrate the reason why this single reduction on tuition fee will enlarge
your opportunity to study at Erasmus School of Economics by including detailed financial
information (including supporting bank statements) to prove your ability to support yourself
for the remaining tuition fee, the living expenses and health insurance;
Must have completed their visa application before 15 May 2018. Completing the visa
application consists of paying the tuition fee, living costs and immigration costs. For more
information please see the immigration procedures for prospective students.
English Language Requirements: The candidate should have a very good command of the
English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.

Application Procedure:
The applicant needs to send the following documents:
Personal statement
Financial document
Certified GPA statement confirming your obtained GPA in your prior education (only
applicable for prospective students)
How to Apply:
The applications should be sent via email.

97. Marie Curie Research Fellowship TRABIT-ESR10 for International Students in

Netherlands, 2018
Applications are invited for Marie Curie Fellowship TRABIT-ESR10 within the
department of MR Clinical Science for international students. Applicants will also have the

opportunity to register for a PhD in the Medical Image Analysis group of the Department of
Biomedical Engineering of the Eindhoven University of Technology under the supervision
of prof. dr. Marcel Breeuwer and prof. dr. Josien Pluim. The TRABIT project will provide high
quality network-wide scientific training courses and complementary skills training. The
“Translational Brain Imaging Training Network” (TRABIT) research project aims to bring
innovative quantitative neuroimage computing methods into the clinic, enabling improved
healthcare delivery to patients with brain disease.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 1, 2018
Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue research.
Study Subject: Fellowships are awarded within the “Translational Brain Imaging Training
Network” (TRABIT).
Scholarship Award: This post is available from 1st April 2018 or as soon as possible
thereafter, but not later than 1 July 2018, and will be offered on a full-time fixed-term
contract for a period of 12 months, renewable up to a total of 36 months.
We offer a gross salary that is in accordance with the EC Marie Curie financial guidelines for
the ITN funding scheme. Furthermore, we offer an inspiring innovative working environment
in one of the largest medical imaging companies worldwide.
If the candidate opts to apply for a PhD at the Eindhoven University of Technology, a
maximally 1-year extension under the employment of this university may be possible
(provided the candidate satisfies the criteria for a PhD application, which will be evaluated in
the 3rd project year).
Nationality: International students
Number of Scholarships: The research in TRABIT will be performed within a network of 10
R&D institutes spread over Europe, which will host a total of 15 Early Stage Researchers
(ERSs), supported by the highly prestigious and competitive Marie Curie Innovative Training
Networks (ITN) fellowship program.
Scholarship can be taken in the Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this fellowship.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
Applicants should have a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science,
Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics or Biomedical Engineering. Applicants with prior
experience in MRI and medical image analysis will be given highest preference. Ample
experience in software design and implementation in C# or C++ in a Windows OS
environment using Visual Studio is considered as a big advantage!
Candidates will be required to meet the Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher eligibility
criteria. In particular, at the time of recruitment by the host organization, candidates must be
in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and
not yet have been awarded a doctoral degree. This is measured from the date when they
obtained the degree which would formally entitle them to embark on a doctorate. They are
required to move to the Netherlands when taking up their appointment. At the time of
recruitment by the host organization, researchers must not have resided or carried out their
main activity (work, studies, etc.) in The Netherlands for more than 12 months in the 3 years

immediately prior to the start date. Short stays such as holidays and/or compulsory national
service are not taken into account.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Netherlands Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Your application contains, at least:
✓ A brief letter motivating your interest in the position
✓ A detailed curriculum vitae
✓ Transcripts of academic records indicating courses taken (including grades)
✓ Half-page summary of your MSc thesis
✓ Contact details of two relevant references
✓ Submissions will be not considered eligible without these documents!
✓ Online Application

98. VU Amsterdam Summer School Scholarship for International Students in Netherlands,

The VU Amsterdam Summer School is happy to announce the availability of ten full
scholarships for international students. These scholarships are available to pursue undergraduate,
master and PhD programme. The aim of the scholarships is to support excellent students who
actively make a contribution to their community and/or society. The VU Amsterdam Summer
School is part of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, an internationally renowned research
university founded in 1880.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: April 1, 2018
Course Level: These scholarships are available to pursue undergraduate, master and PhD
Study Subject: These scholarships are awarded in the fields offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: These scholarships will cover full tuition fee and accommodation costs
of one course.
Nationality : International
Number of Scholarships: Ten scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken i the Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International
Entrance Requirements: Courses are taught at Bachelor, Advanced Bachelor and Master
level, and are suitable for students as well as for PhD staff and professionals. The following
entry requirements are set:
Bachelor: at least enrolled in 1st year of Bachelor studies
Advanced Bachelor: at least enrolled in 2nd year of Bachelor studies

Master: at least enrolled in final year of Bachelor studies – professionals need to have a
Bachelor diploma
English Language Requirements: It is not necessary to provide proof of English. The
university expects applicants’ English to be sufficient to understand classes and course
literature. This means applicants should have at least a B2 level of English, as developed
within the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR). This is
comparable to a Toefl internet test with a score of 92, or an IELTS score of 6.5.

International Scholarship
Application Procedure:
Applicants can apply through online processor.
How to Apply:
An essay which expresses your motivation and activities to make a positive contribution to
your community/the society (500-800 words). Please indicate:
Why participation in this specific summer course is relevant for your personal and academic
development, and how you will use the knowlegde in the future.
How you currently or previously have committed to service in your community/society,
including your motivation for commitment.
A recent transcript of records (a printscreen is sufficient) which shows you have a grade point
average of at least 80%. For example, if the highest possible mark is a 10, you need to have
an average of at least an 8. We will take into account the differences in grading cultures.
A recommendation letter from someone that is not a family member or a friend, e.g. a
professor, a mentor, an employer etc.
The results of the scholarship selection will be announced mid-April. Since we have a limited
number of scholarships available for a large number of applicants, we suggest – if possible! –
to complete your payment at the time of your course application to guarantee your place in
the course. If you are granted the scholarship, the tuition and accommodation fee will be
reimbursed. If due to financial reasons it is not possible to pay for your course without a
scholarship, this is no problem: for all scholarship winners we guarantee a place in the course
they have applied for.

99. Piet Rietveld Scholarship for Developing Countries at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2018
The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is currently accepting applications for Piet Rietveld
Scholarship established by the School of Business and Economics. The scholarship covers the
yearly tuition fee, and provides an allowance of € 3000 towards living costs. The Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam is a leading, innovative and growing university that is at the heart of
society and actively contributes to new developments in teaching and research. VU Amsterdam
requires you to take an English test and to submit your score as a part of the application. You can
begin your application, however, before you have completed the test and then submit your passing
score once you have been conditionally admitted. Exceptions to the English Language Proficiency
requirement are made if you have completed your education in Canada, USA, UK, Ireland, New
Zealand or Australia.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: April 1, 2018
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue Master degree programme.

Study Subject: Eligible candidates should be admitted to the Spatial, Transport and
Environmental Economics master’s degree programme at VU Amsterdam.
Scholarship Award: The scholarship covers the yearly tuition fee, and provides an allowance
of € 3000 towards living costs.
Nationality: Students from Developing Countries
Number of Scholarships: Single scholarship is available.
Scholarship can be taken in the Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: The master’s programme offers a yearly single scholarship for an
excellent student in the programme originating from a developing country. Especially
Indonesian students are encouraged to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following requirements:
In October 2016, Dutch students and education experts gave Spatial, Transport and
Environmental Economics high marks for the quality of teaching staff, internal
communication, and course content. The Netherlands Higher Education Center, therefore,
recognized the programme as a Top Rated Programme in the Keuzegids Masters 2017, the
Dutch higher education guide for prospective students.
Best programme
The MSc Spatial, Transport and Environmental Economics programme at VU Amsterdam
ranked first among similar programmes in the Netherlands (National Student Survey 2017).
Dutch students gave our programme high marks for their overall satisfaction.
You apply for the Master’s programme Spatial, Transport and Environmental Economics.
Later on during the year, you may specialize in one or a combination of the following fields:
Urban and Regional Economics
Regions, cities, and buildings: Understanding the spatial and economic dimensions of
urbanization, agglomeration and regional decline and development
Transport Economics
Understanding the economics of the great societal challenges in urban and international
transport, mobility, and accessibility
Environmental Economics
Understanding the economic and spatial aspects of the great societal challenges in managing
local and global environments, natural resources and the transition from fossil fuels to
renewable energy
The master’s programme offers a yearly single scholarship (Piet Rietveld Scholarship) for an
excellent student in the programme originating from a developing country. Especially
Indonesian students are encouraged to apply.
English Language Requirements: VU Amsterdam requires you to take an English test and
to submit your score as a part of the application. You can begin your application, however,
before you have completed the test and then submit your passing score once you have been
conditionally admitted. Exceptions to the English Language Proficiency requirement are
made if you have completed your education in Canada, USA, UK, Ireland, New Zealand or
The minimum English language proficiency requirements for admission to a Master’s
programme at VU Amsterdam are:

• IELTS: 6.5 – please note that candidates must take the Academic test and not the
General one!
• TOEFL paper-based test: 580
• TOEFL Internet-based test: 92
• Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE): A, B, C
• Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE): A, B, C
• Vu-test English-language proficiency: TOEFL ITP

Netherlands Scholarship
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Send a CV, a Grade List, and a Letter of Motivation to the following e-mail
Please apply simultaneously for admittance to the master’s programme, insofar as you have
not done so already.
Application form

100. Erasmus School of Law Partial Tuition Waivers in Netherlands, 2018-2019

For the academic year 2018-2019, Erasmus School of Law/EUR partial tuition
waivers are open to students from non-EU/EEA countries. Erasmus University Rotterdam is a
public university located in Rotterdam, Netherlands. The university is named after Desiderius
Erasmus Roterodamus, a 15th-century humanist and theologian. The candidate should have a
very good command of the English language. Therefore, the application should be written in

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: May 1, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing taught LLM programmes.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of International and European
Public, Commercial Law, Commercial and Company Law, Maritime and Transport Law
and International Trade Law.
Scholarship Award: Prospective Master students from non-EU/EEA countries with
highly qualified legal skills are eligible for a ESL/EUR partial tuition waiver of about
80% of the tuition fee.
Number of Scholarships: For the LL.M. in International and European Public Law 1
waiver is available. For the LL.M. in Commercial Law, 3 waivers are available: one for
the specialisation in Commercial and Company Law, one for the specialisation in
Maritime and Transport Law and one for the specialisation in International Trade Law.
Scholarship can be taken in the Netherlands
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Students from non-EU/EEA countries are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements:
In order to qualify for this waiver, students need to prove their excellent academic legal
skills by the grades obtained during their Bachelor of Law. Excellence for prospective
students is proven if the average grade for the Bachelor courses completed so far is at
least 8.0/10 (or equivalent).
In addition to their excellent academic legal skills, prospective students need to write a
motivation letter in which they indicate why they would like to study at ESL and in

which programme they are interested. The students applying for this waiver need to
outline as well what their plans are after completing the LL.M. (intended career path).
English Language Requirements: The candidate should have a very good command
over the English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.

Application Procedure:
Every application can be submitted by e-mail or regular mail to the LLM office.
How to Apply:
Students need to include the following documents:
(provisional) Admission letter
Motivation letter (including intended career path)
Official grade list of your Bachelor of Law. If you have not yet finished your Bachelor
of Law please provide an official overview of the results achieved so far.
Description of financial position including a bank statement (that shows an amount
sufficient for the living costs during your studies of 12 x €900) and an indication of the
maximum amount that can be contributed by the prospective student and/or external

101. EU Talent Law Grant at University of Groningen in Netherlands, 2018

The new EU Talent Law Grant is now available at the University of Groningen in the
Netherlands. Students from EU are eligible to apply. The University of Groningen provides top-
quality educational programmes. We offer a wide variety of interesting, highly regarded degree
programmes that rank well internationally. As our student, you will receive high-quality
supervision and have many programmes to choose from. As an exceptionally motivated and
talented student, you could join our Honours College for an extra challenge. Applicants whose
first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at
the higher level required by the University.
Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: May 1, 2018
Course Level: Grants are available to Master degree (MSc/MA/LL.M.) programme.
Study Subject: Grant are available to pursue the following programmes: International Law
and the Law of International Organizations LLM, Global Criminal Law LLM, European
Economic Law LLM, International and European Law LLM, International Commercial Law
LLM, International Business Law LLM, LL.M. Energy and Climate Law, Public International
Law LLM, International Human Rights Law LLM
Scholarship Award: the One-time scholarship of €500 from the University of Groningen
Faculty of Law for talented LLM applicants from the EU.
Nationality: Students from EU are eligible.
Number of Scholarships: 18 scholarships are available (subject to change).
Scholarship can be taken in Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Candidates from the following countries are eligible (Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

Entrance Requirements: Candidates from the EU who have been admitted to one of the
above-mentioned LLM programmes can be awarded a one-time €500 scholarship.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Netherland Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Candidates need to complete the application form for the EU Talent Grant
Law in which their motivation letter needs to be uploaded.

102. 80 COORP EuroTechPostdoc Fellowships for International Students at European

Universities, 2018
Applications are invited for up to 80 Postdoctoral fellowships Programme open to
applicants of all nationalities. The EuroTech Universities Alliance invites highly talented
experienced researchers to submit interdisciplinary collaborative research project proposals for
one of the fellowships provided by the EuroTechPostdoc Programme. The EuroTechPostdoc
Programme is a postdoctoral fellowship programme for young experienced researchers who have
already demonstrated excellence and potential in their field of research.
The EuroTech Universities Alliance is a strategic partnership of four leading European
universities of science & technology: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Ecole
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and
Technical University of Munich (TUM). Together they are committed to finding technical
solutions, which address the major challenges of modern society. Their intensive collaboration
across research, education & innovation support the EU’s goals of smart, sustainable and
inclusive growth.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 28, 2018
Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue Postdoctoral programme.
Study Subject: Applicants may apply within one of the five focus research areas of the
EuroTech Universities Alliance:
Health & Bio Engineering
Smart & Urban Mobility
Data Science & Engineering
High-Performance Computing
Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Scholarship Award: The fellowship consists of a monthly salary for the postdoctoral
researcher based on the salary scale of the host institution and is granted for a period of
twenty-four (24) months maximum.
Prolongation of the fellowship is not possible. Should the department wish to employ the
fellow after the termination of the EuroTechPostdoc fellowship, a new contract must be
Fellowships cannot be granted retroactively.
Fellowships must start at the latest six (6) months after the decision date.
Nationality: All nationalities

Number of Scholarships: The four universities of the EuroTech Universities Alliance will
grant 80 fellowships divided over two calls for experienced researchers.
Scholarship can be taken in Denmark, Switzerland, Netherland, and Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must fulfill the following eligibility criteria in order to
be able to participate in the evaluation and selection process:
In agreement with the Horizon 2020: 2016-2017 Work Programme for Marie Sk?odowska-
Curie Actions, applicants to EuroTechPostdoc must be Experienced Researchers, namely they
must, on the recruitment date (1st call: 1 August 2018; 2nd call: 1 August 2019), be in
possession of a doctoral degree or have at least four years of full-time equivalent research
experience. Full-Time Equivalent Research Experience is measured from the date when a
researcher obtained the degree entitling him or her to embark on a doctorate, either in the
country in which the degree was obtained or in the country in which the researcher is
recruited, even if a doctorate was never started or envisaged.
Mobility Rule : Researchers may not have resided or carried out their main activity (work,
studies, etc.) in the country of the host university for more than twelve (12) months in the
three (3) years immediately before the call deadline. Time spent as part of a procedure for
obtaining refugee status under the Geneva Convention, compulsory national service and/or
short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.
Applicants must be able to carry out full-time research during the fellowship period (parental
leave, sick leave, military leave and care leave are accepted).
Additionally, for an application to be considered eligible, the proposals must be supported by
an institutional endorsement from both the host and co-host. A standard form and process will
be provided in the application portal. You will have to provide the email address of your
supervisor and co-supervisor, who then are requested by the programme management office
to provide the institutional endorsement. The Institutional endorsement comprises a
confirmation of the availability of infrastructure, supervision, and resources to successfully
complete the project, and asks for a statement on ethical issues from the host and co-host.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Please use the following templates for your application:
Project proposal template
CV and publications template
Ethics self-assessment

103. SLTS Scholarship at Saxion University of Applied Sciences in Netherlands, 2018

The new Saxion Living Technology Scholarship (SLTS) is now available on offer for
excellent and very talented (non-European) students in technical bachelor and master
programmes. International students (non-European) can apply for these scholarships. The aim of
the scholarship is to provide financial aid to International students (non-European). Saxion
University of Applied Sciences is one of the largest institutions of higher education in the
Netherlands, with close to 27,000 students (and still growing!). Saxion University has a rich

history – its roots can be traced back to 1875. A merger of two educational institutions, the
Hogeschool Enschede and Hogeschool IJselland, in 1998 paved the way for Saxion University in
its present form. This merger enabled Saxion to build further on its strong position in Dutch
higher education and since then Saxion University has come to be recognized as an important
centre of expertise at regional, national and international level.
Scholarship Description:
Applications deadline: For our September intake the deadline to apply for a scholarship is 15
April, for the February intake the deadline is 1 December.
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue bachelors and master degree programme.
Study Subject: The following programmes are eligible for the SLTS:
Bachelor of Applied Computer Science
Bachelor of Creative Media & Game Technologies
Bachelor of Creative Media & Game Technologies (SDP)
Bachelor of Civil Engineering (SDP)
Bachelor of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Bachelor of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (SDP)
Bachelor of Software Engineering (HBO-ICT)
Bachelor of Fashion & Textile Technologies
Bachelor of Fashion & Textile Technologies (SDP)
Master of Applied Nanotechnology
Master in Innovative Textile Development
Scholarship Award: The SLTS covers a waiver of € 10.000,- on the total package fee.
Nationality: International students (non-European) can apply for these scholarships.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in the Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Students from with a nationality from outside the EU/EEA are eligible to
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for the SLTS:
You must have outstanding study results, with an average mark of 80% or higher,
You must have an IELTS score of 6.5 or higher*,
You must be in or starting the admission procedure to one of the above mentioned
international technical Bachelor Programmes as a new student in the bachelor programme,
You must be a student with a nationality from outside the EU/EEA
You receive no other scholarship.
English Language Requirements: *Students that apply for a study programme who do not
require to hand over proof of their English language level to be admitted to the study
programme, do have to send proof of English equal to 6.5 IELTS or higher to be considered
for the SHTTS. Students who do not hand over the proof will be ranked with a 6.0 IELTS and
are therefore not eligible for this scholarship.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:

You can apply for a scholarship by completing our online scholarship application form. A
letter of motivation has to be included in the scholarship application. For our September
intake, the deadline to apply for a scholarship is April 15, for the February intake the deadline
is 1 December.

104. Oort Master Scholarships for International Students at Leiden University in

Netherlands, 2018
For the 2018/2019 academic year, the Leiden University is delighted to offer Oort Master
Scholarships to suitably qualified international students. These Scholarships are awarded in the
field of Astronomy. The aim of the scholarships is to produce graduates of responsible character
with the necessary knowledge and skills for professional and national leadership Leiden
University, founded in the city of Leiden, is the oldest university in the Netherlands.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: October 1 (for students starting in February) and February 1 (for
students starting in September)
Course Level: These scholarships are available to pursue a master degree.
Study Subject: These scholarships are awarded in the field of Astronomy.
Scholarship Award : The Oort scholarship is for one year, with conditional renewal for a
second year upon successful completion of the first year. For a full scholarship, the tuition fee
for the Astronomy Research master’s programme will be reduced to the amount of the home
fee and you will receive an allowance of up to €11,000 per year for living costs. Partial
scholarships may also be awarded. The Oort scholarship is paid as a monthly allowance. If
applicants stop your Astronomy master’s studies for whatever reason, the Oort scholarship
payments will be stopped directly.
Nationality : International
Number of Scholarships : Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet following criteria:
Applicants must be a student with a non-Dutch nationality
Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in astronomy or physics.
Applicants previous study results should be of outstanding academic merit
Applicants have no other financial support (e.g. scholarships, grants) for Applicants master’s
Applicants are planning to obtain Applicants master’s degree in any of the following research
specialisations: Astronomy Research , Astronomy and Cosmology , Astronomy and
Instrumentation or Astronomy and Data Science .
English Language Requirements: The candidate should have a very good command of
English language.

Application Procedure:
Applicants can apply through the online processor.
How to Apply:

Apply for admission to the Astronomy master’s programme through the online application
system . Note that only applications that are completed before the deadline are guaranteed full
Write a brief statement motivating why you satisfy the two conditions of a) outstanding
academic merit and b) need for financial support. Make sure to include your full contact
Upon submitting your application, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt. The
Board of Admissions will check your admission to the Astronomy master’s programme and
your application for the Oort scholarship. Within a month after the submission deadline, you
will be informed about the outcome.

105. PhD Position at Wageningen University & Research in Netherlands, 2018

Applicants are invited for PhD Position in the field of Meiotic Control of Recombination
in Crops (MEICOM). The position is full-time initially for 1 year after which a go/no-go decision
will be taken on an extension with another three years. The aim of the position is to support
ambitious, enthusiastic team player, a result-driven scientist who has an excellent academic record
(MSc) in bioinformatics, computer science or a related area and to train young researchers and
increase their mobility. The Wageningen University & Research(WUR) is a Dutch public
university in Wageningen, Netherlands. It consists of Wageningen University and the former
agricultural research institutes (Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek (DLO)) of the Dutch
Ministry of Agriculture.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: January 15, 2018.
Course Level: Position is available for PhD programme ,researchers and result-driven
Study Subject: Position is awarded in the field of the Meiotic Control of Recombination in
Crops (MEICOM) project. Within this project, you will study meiotic recombination
crossover profiles using genome bioinformatics and machine learning methods.
Scholarship Award: We offer a dynamic and driven research environment with a strong
international profile and a growing number of young researchers; a state-of-the art
computational infrastructure; close collaboration with other PhD students, researchers in the
plant and animal sciences and relevant companies; and the possibility to further develop your
scientific education with courses, training and conferences. There will be opportunities to be
involved in teaching at workshops or courses.
The position is full-time (38 hours/week), initially for 1 year after which a go/no-go decision
will be taken on extension with another three years. The gross salary in the first year is €
2222,- per month rising to € 2840,- in the fourth year for a full-time appointment.
Nationality: International students are eligible to apply for the position.
Number of Scholarships: Number of position is not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for the position.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have an MSc in bioinformatics, computer science
or a related area.

English Language Requirements: Excellent oral and written communication skills in

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
Applicants can apply via online:

106. Full Scholarship for Masters in Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering in

Netherlands, 2018
The Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering of TU Delft offers three master’s degree
programs (MSc): Integrated Product Design, Design for Interaction, Strategic Product Design.
The aim of the scholarship is to support Mexican students for the study of Industrial Design
Engineering. The Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is in the 20th place of the best
technology universities in the world according to the QS World University Rankings 2017.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: April 1, 2018
Course Level: The scholarship is available to pursue a master degree.
Study Subject: The scholarship is awarded in industrial Design Engineering:
Scholarship Award : Scholarship has a total value of € 25,000 The scholarship consists of a
discount to tuition with a value of € 12,500 for each year.
Nationality: Mexican
Number of Scholarships: One scholarship is available.
Scholarship can be taken in Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Mexico
Entrance Requirements : Applicants must have a general average of the min. 7.5.
English Language Requirements : Applicants must have TOEFL iBT = 90 (min 21 in each
section) or IELTS = 6.5 (min 6.0 in each section).

Master Scholarship
Application Procedure:
The mode of applying is online.
How to Apply:
Working experience / CV (Curriculum vitae in English)
Admission letter (Proof of having started the admission process
Motivation (Letter of motivation)
Budget document (Financial plan) – Download the format
References (1 Letter of recommendation)

107. 68 Erasmus Mundus JMD Scholarships for IMETE Joint Master Degree Programme,
68 Erasmus Mundus JMD scholarships are available on a competitive basis. The
scholarships will be available for three intakes over a period of three years. There are two types of
scholarships, depending on whether your country of residence is a partner or programme country.
The International Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Engineering (IMETE) is a

Joint Master Degree Programme, taught in English, bringing together students and scholars from
all over the world. The International Master of Science in Environmental Technology and
Engineering (IMETE) is a Joint Master Degree Programme, taught in English, bringing together
students and scholars from all over the world. In IMETE, you will become part of a new
generation of environmental scientists. As a graduate, you will be able to design and apply state-
of-the-art environmental technology and engineering solutions to tackle today’s global
environmental problems.

Scholarship Description:
Applications deadline: For both partner and programme countries, the submission deadline
is February 15, 2018.
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Joint Master Degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to pursue International Master of Science in
Environmental Technology and Engineering (IMETE).
Scholarship Award: EMJMD Scholarships:
The EMJMD student scholarships include:
A contribution to the students’ participation costs (including the tuition fees, library and
laboratory costs, full insurance coverage and any other mandatory costs related to the
students’ participation in the Master);
A contribution to student travel and installation costs;
A monthly subsistence allowance for the entire duration of the EMJMD study programme.
Nationality: International students
Number of Scholarships: 68 Erasmus Mundus JMD scholarships are available on a
competitive basis.
Scholarship can be taken in Students will study two years at three leading European
universities in 3 different European countries: Ghent University (Belgium), IHE Delft
Institute for Water Education (The Netherlands), and the University of Chemistry and
Technology, Prague (Czech Republic).

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: More information on what is considered as a partner and what is
considered as a programme country can be found here .
The following countries will be considered as programme countries: Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France,
Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey.
All other countries, which are not indicated above, should be considered as partner countries.
Entrance Requirements: The International Master in Environmental Technology and
Engineering (IMETE) has the following admission requirements:
Proof that the applicant has successfully accomplished a first degree of higher education
equivalent to a B.Sc. degree (equivalent to 180 credit points according to the European Credit
Transfer System (ECTS)) with a good final mark as shown by a Grade Point Average (GPA)
of at least B/B+ (US System) or a classification of at least 2nd upper (UK system), in one of
the following subjects: pure or applied sciences (e.g., chemistry, biology, geology, civil or
agricultural engineering, environmental or agricultural sciences, etc.). Sufficient academic
knowledge of mathematics, physics, and chemistry is an absolute requirement.

Note A.1 Applications may already be submitted before the first degree of higher education
(usually B.Sc.) has been successfully finished if at least 120 ECTS of the programme have
been successfully completed. If the applicant meets all of the other admission requirements,
admission can be granted on the condition that the first degree of higher education must be
successfully finished by 15 July proceeding to the start year of the programme.
Evidence of qualification in one of the internationally-recognized English language tests.
More information on the English language requirements can be found here .
Note B.1 Applicants who are required to provide proof of English language proficiency who
do not yet possess the results of the test can apply for admission and scholarship now,
however, the ultimate deadline that the test result should be in our possession is 1 April
2018. Those applicants will also be taken into consideration for scholarship award and can be
selected for a scholarship or placed on the reserve list. If no sufficient English test results
have been received by 1 April 2018, the candidate will no longer be eligible for a scholarship.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Netherland Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Apply for the International Master in Environmental Technology and
Engineering by completing and submitting the online application available at the IHE Delft
website. Make sure that before you start to apply online, the documents described on this page
are collected.
Required documents:
Photocopy(ies) of academic diploma(s)(if applicable translated into English);
Certified academic transcript(s), (if applicable translated into English);
Curriculum Vitae including work experience and research record (if any);
Letter of Motivation stating the applicant’s interest in the study programme:
The following needs to be addressed in the motivation letter:
Reference to issues of Environmental Technology and Engineering in your country and/or
Clear description of own qualifications and experience;
Specific reference to the IMETE study programme and objectives;
Coherence of own intended career with the IMETE study programme
(Preferably all of the points addressed should have between 50-1000 characters).
Two letters of recommendation, preferably not older than six months either by two university
teachers or by one university teacher and by one employer, or by internationally recognised
scientist(s). The reference letters should:
Refer to academic and scientific qualifications and potential of the candidate with regard to
the programme;
Refer to professional qualifications and/or potential of the candidate;
Refer to personal qualifications and/or potential of the candidate.
Results of an English language test proving you comply with the programme’s language
Residence certificate. In order to verify your place of residence, you need to submit a
residence certificate with your application for admission. The place of residence will be

verified on the basis of the provision of documents listed on the PRADO website. You can
use for example:
A residence certificate issued in accordance with the candidate’s municipality normal
registration rules;
A certificate from your place of work, study or training issued by the employer or institution
in question.

108. Orange Knowledge Programme for Developing Countries in Netherlands, 2018

The Erasmus University Rotterdam is seeking applicants for Orange Knowledge
Programme funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the budget for development
cooperation. The programme is open to developing countries applicants. The aim of the
programme is to aid the development of the capacity, knowledge and quality of individuals as
well as institutions in the field of higher and vocational education. Erasmus University Rotterdam
is a public university located in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Erasmus MC is the largest and one of the
foremost academic medical centres and trauma centres in the Netherlands.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: February 2018
Course Level: The fellowship is available to pursue the following programme:
Urban Management and Development (UMD)
Month course on Urban Management and Development Theory (UMDT)
Week course on Developing Social Housing Projects (DSHP)
Study Subject : The fellowship is awarded in the field of management.
Scholarship Award: The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) is a Dutch scholarships
programme from Nuffic, financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the budget
for development cooperation.
Nationality: In the first OKP round there were 28 developing countries eligible for this
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan,
Burma/Myanmar, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Colombia, Congo (DRC),
Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya,
Liberia, Lebanon, Macedonia, Mali, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria,
Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South
Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Surinam, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Vietnam,
Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet following criteria:
Be a professional and national of, and working and living in one of the countries on the OKP
country list.
Have an employer’s statement that complies with a prescribed format. All information must
be provided and all commitments that are included in the format must be endorsed in the
statement. (You will not be eligible for the fellowship if you fail to submit this document)
Not be employed by an organization that has its own means of staff-development.
Organizations that are considered to have their own means for staff development are for

example:multinational corporations (e.g. Shell, Unilever, Microsoft), large national and/or a
large commercial organisations, bilateral donor organisations (e.g. USAID, DFID, Danida,
Sida, Dutch ministry of Foreign affairs, FinAid, AusAid, ADC, SwissAid), multilateral donor
organisations, (e.g. a UN organisation, the World Bank, the IMF, Asian Development Bank,
African Development Bank, IADB), international NGO’s (e.g. Oxfam, Plan, Care).
Must have an official and valid passport
Must not receive more than one fellowship for courses that take place at the same time
Must have an NFP government statement that meets the requirements of the country in which
the employer is established
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have sufficient knowledge of the
language of instruction of the host university.

Master Scholarship
Application Procedure:
Applicants should first apply for the IHS academic course via IHS Online Application Form
and receive your academic admission offer.
How to Apply:
Applicants should first apply for the IHS academic course and then they will be invited by
IHS to apply for the OKP fellowship. An invitation email with detailed instructions will be
sent to them.

109. Migelien Gerritzen Fellowship for Conservation and Scientific Research in Netherlands,
The Migelien Gerritzen Fellowship is open to conduct conservation or scientific research
on artworks and historical artefacts. The fellowship is awarded for the applicants from all over the
world. The aim of the fellowship is to provide working space for the fellows, in order to stimulate
an exchange of knowledge, ideas and experience. Access will be provided to all necessary
information in the museum, as well as to the library, conservation laboratories of the
Rijksmuseum and the University of Amsterdam. The Rijksmuseum is a Dutch national museum
dedicated to arts and history in Amsterdam. The museum is located at the Museum Square in the
borough Amsterdam South.
Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: January 14, 2018
Course Level: The fellowship is available to pursue research programme.
Study Subject: The fellowship is awarded in artworks and historical artefacts
Scholarship Award: Fellowship stipends are awarded to help support a Fellow’s study and
research efforts during the tenure of their appointment. The stipend of €33,000 (subject to
taxes and deductions) is for a period of twelve months commencing 1 September 2018, the
start of the academic year. It is funded by an endowment legacy. The Fellowship will allow
for limited travel for research in art collections and archives elsewhere in Europe to a
maximum value of €5,000 annually. The Rijksmuseum will cover visa fees for the Fellow, but
not for dependents.
Nationality: International
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible for the fellowship.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet following criteria:
The Migelien Gerritzen Fellowship is open to MA graduates, as well as PhD students and
postdoctoral candidates.
Fellowships are open to candidates of all nationalities and with varied specialisms. They may
include conservators and scientists.
Candidates should have proven research capabilities, academic credentials and excellent
written and spoken knowledge of two languages (English and preferably Dutch or German).
English Language Requirements : Applicants must have good command over the English
Research Fellowship
Application Procedure:
Complete applications have to be submitted through the online application system.
How to Apply:
Cover letter outlining your interest in the fellowship position.
A research proposal, not exceeding one thousand words, specifying your areas of research and
their relationship to the Rijksmuseum’s collections and activities.
Full curriculum vitae including education, professional experience, honours, awards, and
A provisional schedule of work to be accomplished during the fellowship period.
A provisional schedule of travel required (maximum of six weeks) during the fellowship
Copy of a published paper or recent sample of writing.

110. International Fellowship for Art Historical Research in Netherlands, 2018

Applications are invited for Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship for art historical research in
the Netherlands. Fellowship stipends are awarded to help support a fellow’s study and research
efforts during the tenure of their appointment. The Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship welcomes
outstanding PhD candidates working on the art history of the Low Countries whose principal
concern is object-based research. The Rijksmuseum is the museum of the Netherlands. In 2013,
an entirely renovated Rijksmuseum opened its doors to the public. They are greeted by a stunning
building, amazing interior design, wonderful exhibitions, lively events, and many fine amenities
for young and old.

Scholarship Description
Applications deadline: January 14, 2018
Course Level: Fellowship is awarded to pursue research.
Study Subject: Fellowship is available for art historical research.
Scholarship Award: Fellowship stipends are awarded to help support a Fellow’s study and
research efforts during the tenure of their appointment. Funding is available for one
fellowship a year. The stipend of €33,000 (subject to taxes and deductions) is for a period of
twelve months commencing 1 September 2018, the start of the academic year. This is a one-
year Fellowship, with the possibility of renewal for one additional year. The Fellowship will

allow for limited travel for research in art collections and archives elsewhere in Europe to a
maximum value of €5,000 annually. The Rijksmuseum will cover visa fees for the Fellow, but
not for dependents.
Nationality: International applicants are eligible to apply for this fellowship programme.
Number of Scholarships: One fellowship is available.
Scholarship can be taken in the Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship

Eligible Countries: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for this fellowship
Entrance Requirements:
The Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship supports individuals engaged in postgraduate university
studies leading to a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) or Doctor of Science (DSc) degree, whose
research is compatible with the Fellowship position. The candidate has to have a university-
affiliated supervisor.
Fellowships are open to candidates of all nationalities and with varied specialisms. They may
include art historians, curators, conservators, and historians.
Candidates should have proven research capabilities, academic credentials and excellent
written and spoken knowledge of two languages (English and preferably Dutch or German).
English Language Requirements: Candidates should have proven research capabilities,
academic credentials and excellent written and spoken knowledge of two languages (English
and preferably Dutch or German).

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Complete applications have to be submitted through our online application
system. Please follow the link below to learn about the required documents for application.

111. Geosciences Master Scholarships for Non-Dutch Students at Utrecht University in

Netherlands, 2018
Applications are invited for Utrecht University Geosciences Scholarships for students
who have a highest academic achievement. Scholarships are available to outstanding prospective
non-Dutch students who have completed a bachelor’s programme. The scholarship is designed to
make a significant contribution towards the costs of travel and living while studying in Utrecht;
however, it will be necessary to find additional funding to completely finance your study and stay
in Utrecht. Utrecht University is a university in Utrecht, the Netherlands. It is one of the oldest
universities in the Netherlands and one of the largest in Europe. Since English is the official
language at UCU, applicants are required to demonstrate proof of proficiency.

Scholarship Description:
Applications close: Applications must be received before March 1, 2018, if you are starting
in September of the same year. Notification of the scholarship awards is expected eight weeks
after closing dates.
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded within the programmes offered by the Graduate
School of Geosciences.
Scholarship Award: 5,000 Euro per year for a maximum duration of two years

Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in the Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

The applicant must meet the eligibility criteria in order to be considered for one of these
scholarships. The applicant should:
Hold a non-Dutch passport and not be eligible for support under the Dutch system of study
for grants and loans;
Have been admitted to a Master’s Programme within the Utrecht University Graduate School
Hold a relevant Bachelor’s degree or the equivalent thereof from a non-Dutch university with
a Grade Point Average of 7, 5 or higher according to the Dutch grade system. In the
Netherlands grades from 1.0 up to 10.0 are used, with 1 being lowest and 10 the highest. A
GPA of 7,5 is (for instance) comparable with at least a 60% in the UK and a B+ (or a 3.3) in
the United States.
Belong to the top 20% of his/her final undergraduate year, as evidenced by a university
statement; 5. Be able to comply with the conditions to obtain a Dutch visa (only for students
from non-EEA countries).
Eligible Countries:
Non-Dutch students are eligible to apply for this scholarship program.
College Admission Requirement:
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must hold a relevant Bachelor’s degree or the
equivalent thereof from a non-Dutch university with a Grade Point Average of 7, 5 or higher
according to the Dutch grade system.
English Language Requirements: English Language Requirement: Since English is the
official language at UCU, applicants are required to demonstrate proof of proficiency.
Accepted are the IELTS test, TOEFL test, Cambridge Certificate:
IELTS Academic: A minimum of 7.0 for all components
TOEFL: Internet-based 100

Scholarship Award:
Selected Master’s students are awarded a scholarship up to a maximum of 5,000 Euro per
year, for a maximum duration of two years. In total, this amounts to 10,000 Euro.
How to Apply:
Include in your application:
The completed Geosciences Scholarship application form;
Your bachelor’s thesis or equivalent thereof in English;
A motivation letter of one page, explaining why this scholarship should be awarded to you.
It is strongly advised to send the scholarship application at the same time as your application
for the Master’s Programme. Please send the application form for the Geosciences
Scholarship by e-mail put “Application Geosciences Scholarship” in the subject of the e-mail.

112. 54 HAN Merit Scholarships for International Students in Netherlands, 2018
The HAN University of Applied Sciences is delighted to offer HAN Merit Scholarship to
pursue English-taught bachelor’s course for 2018 intake. These scholarships are available for the
new international non-EEA student enrolled in a HAN Bachelors course. The aim of the
scholarships is to reward academic excellence and merit. The HAN University of Applied
Sciences, often abbreviated as HAN, is a vocational university of applied sciences with campuses
in Arnhem and Nijmegen in the Netherlands.

Scholarship Description:
Applications close: November 15, 2017
Course Level: These scholarships are available to pursue the undergraduate degree.
Study Subject: These scholarships are awarded in English-taught Bachelor’s course.
Scholarship Award: These scholarships will cover € 2,500.
Number of scholarships: Fifty-four scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in The Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship:
Applicants must have previous education and additional assignments
Eligible Countries:
Students from outside the EEA can apply for these scholarships.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have previous year degree.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have an IELTS score of at least 6.5; a
TOEFL iBT score of at least 90; or a Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (C1)
Scholarship Award :
These scholarships will cover € 2,500.

How to Apply: Applicants can apply via email.

✓ A motivation letter in which you explain why you will be a successful HAN student
✓ A short video of yourself of max. 3 minutes in which you address the following:
✓ Describe yourself and the areas in which you consider yourself to excel.
✓ If your former teachers or your friends would tell us something about you, what
would they say?
✓ Tell us about your chosen course of study at HAN
✓ If you were working in a team, based on your personality and/or experience, what
role would you have and why?
✓ What are your career ambitions and, professionally speaking, what and where will
you be ten years from now?
✓ Your Curriculum Vitae (CV)

113. Holland Scholarships Erasmus University for Non-EEA Students, 2018

The Erasmus University is inviting applications for Holland Scholarships financed by the
Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science and Dutch research universities and
universities of applied sciences. These scholarships are open to Non-EEA students to pursue the
bachelors as well as master degree programme. The scholarship is meant for international students
from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) who want to do their Master’s in Holland. The

EEA consists of the EU countries and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. In order to study at
Erasmus School of Law, all students must be able to listen, read, speak and write fluently in
English from the start of their studies at ESL.

Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue bachelors as well as master degree
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded for the following programs:
Must be selected for one of the following programmes:
• Bachelor International Econometrics and Operational Research Bachelor International
Economics and Business Economics
• Bachelor BSc² Econometrics/Economics
Or admitted for one of the following programmes:
• Master Accounting, Auditing, and Control
• Master Econometrics and Management Science
• Master Economics and Business
Scholarship Award: The scholarship amount of € 5,000 will be received by the student in their
first year of studies in two separate payments: November 2018 and February 2019. The Holland
Scholarship cannot be used as a reduction on tuition fee but can be used as part of the required
money deposit for the visa procedure (living costs).
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in the Holland, Netherlands

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
✓ The applicant’s nationality is non-EEA
✓ The applicant has never before studied at an educational institution in the Netherlands
✓ Must be selected for one of the following programmes:
✓ Bachelor International Econometrics and Operational ResearchBachelor International
Economics and Business Economics
✓ Bachelor BSc² Econometrics/Economics
✓ Or admitted for one of the following programmes:
✓ Master Accounting, Auditing, and Control
✓ Master Econometrics and Management Science
✓ Master Economics and Business
✓ Must have achieved excellent study results during his/her prior education. This means an
average final result of at least grade 8.5 (or the equivalent) on a grading scale of 1-10,
during their prior education. For these purposes, prior education means:
✓ for prospective bachelor students: secondary education
✓ for prospective master students: the previous bachelor study
✓ Must send in a complete bachelor or master application before 1 February 2018
✓ Must be able to demonstrate the reason why this scholarship will enlarge your
opportunity to study at Erasmus School of Economics by including detailed financial
information (including supporting bank statements) to prove your ability to support
yourself for the remaining tuition fee, the living expenses, and health insurance;
✓ If the applicant is a prospective bachelor student, he/she must participate in the
mathematics test in either February or March 2018 if he/she is found math deficient
during the bachelor application procedure;

✓ The applicant must have completed his/her visa application before 15 May 2018. The visa
application procedure consists of transferring the required tuition fee, living costs, and
immigration costs. For more information on the exact details, please see the immigration
procedures for prospective students.
✓ Erasmus School of Economics reserves the right to withdraw the offer for the Holland
Scholarship Programme if the applicant fails to comply with the above-mentioned terms
and conditions.

Nationality: Non-EEA students are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme. The EEA
consists of the EU countries and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Students must have achieved excellent study results during his/her prior
English Language Requirements: In order to study at Erasmus School of Law all students must be
able to listen, read, speak and write fluently in English from the start of their studies at ESL.
When being admitted to our LL.M. programmes we expect all students to actively apply the
English language when participating in the lectures, workgroups and group assignments.
University requires a minimum IELTS score of 7.0 or TOEFL score of 94 (Internet-based)
EMLE students please check the EMLE website.
Students with a first or second degree with the English language as a medium of instruction
(please submit proof) do not have to submit a TOEFL or IELTS test report.

Netherlands Scholarships
How to Apply: The application procedure for prospective students who wish to apply for the
Holland Scholarship is as follows:
• The application period is from 1 November 2017 until 1 February 2018 for prospective
• The applicant needs to send an email with the following documents:
• Personal statement
• Financial document
Certified GPA statement confirming your obtained GPA in your prior education (only applicable
for prospective students)
Application Deadline: Scholarship application deadline is February 1, 2018.

114. Walraven Master Scholarships for International Students at Leiden University in

Netherlands, 2018
The Leiden University is pleased to offer Walraven Master Scholarships for international
students. The scholarships are intended for students who have a bachelor’s degree in astronomy or
physics and wish to obtain their master’s (MSc) degree in Astronomy and Instrumentation at
Leiden University. The aim of the scholarship is to enable and encourage talented students to
reach international programs Leiden Observatory is the oldest university astronomy department in
the world with a distinguished history. Leiden Observatory offers a wide range of Astronomy
master’s specializations in which students actively participate in front-line research.

Course Level: The scholarships are available to pursue the master degree.
Study Subject: The scholarships are awarded in Astronomy and Instrumentation.
Scholarship Award: The scholarship will cover the following:

The Walraven scholarship is for one year, with conditional renewal for a second year upon
successful completion of the first year. For a full scholarship, the tuition fee for the Astronomy
Research master’s programme will be reduced to the amount of the home fee and you will receive
an allowance of up to €11,000 per year for living costs. Partial scholarships may also be awarded.
The Walraven scholarship is paid as a monthly allowance. If you stop your Astronomy master’s
studies for whatever reason, the Walraven scholarship payments will be stopped directly.
Scholarship can be taken in Netherlands

Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

✓ You must be a student with a non-Dutch nationality
✓ You must have a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in astronomy or physics
✓ Your previous study results should be of outstanding academic merit
✓ You have no other financial support (e.g. scholarships, grants) for your master’s study
✓ Nationality: International (Non-Dutch) applicants can apply for the scholarship.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent).
English Language Requirement: Applicants must have sufficient knowledge of the language of
instruction of the host university.
Master Scholarship
How to Apply: Applicants can apply through the online processor.
Apply for admission to the Astronomy and Instrumentation master’s programme through the
online application system . Note that only applications that are completed before the deadline are
guaranteed full consideration.
Write a brief statement motivating why you satisfy the two conditions of a) outstanding academic
merit and b) need for financial support. Make sure to include your full contact
Application Deadline: The application deadline is February 1 (for students planning to start in

115. IMPRS PhD Fellowships for International Applicants in Netherlands, 2018

The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Language Sciences has
created a scholarship programme to enable talented international students to undertake a PhD
programme at IMPRS. Each PhD position is funded for four years with a preferred start date
of September 1, 2018. The Fellowships are intended to encourage interdisciplinary language
research that takes advantage of the high concentration of top-rated expertise and facilities
available in Nijmegen, Netherlands. This fellowship aims to attract outstanding students who
wish to earn a PhD degree in any area of the language sciences.
The IMPRS is the leading research school in the world devoted to studying the
foundations of human language. It is a joint initiative of the Max Planck Institute for
Psycholinguistics and its partner institutes at the Radboud University: the Donders Institute
for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour, and the Centre for Language Studies. The research
school offers unrivalled training, top facilities ranging from genetics labs, advanced brain
imaging techniques to a virtual reality lab, and an outstanding interdisciplinary environment.

Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue PhD programme.

Study Subject: Fellowships are awarded in any area of the language sciences.

Scholarship Award: PhD students receive a monthly gross salary starting at approx. €2,300
to cover living costs in Nijmegen. Salaries are in accordance with the German wage
agreement for public servants (Tarifvertrag für den Öffentlichen Dienst, TVöD) set under a
50% contract at salary group level E13-1 plus a Gewinnungszulage (allowance) of approx.
€400 per month.
Number of Scholarships: Three fellowships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in Nijmegen, Netherlands

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
• The working language of the research school is English. Applicants must have a
Master’s degree (or expect to complete the degree before September 2018) in a
relevant field. If you have a background in (psycho) linguistics, psychology,
cognitive neuroscience, molecular biology or genetics, computer science, or artificial
intelligence, you could contribute to fundamental science in this area.
Nationality: International students are eligible to apply for this fellowship programme.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have a Master’s degree (or expect to complete the
degree before September 2018) in a relevant field.
English Language Requirements: The working language of the research school is English.

How to Apply: The online application system can be accessed until January 2, 2018
(midnight CET).
Application Form
Application Deadline: The application deadline is January 2, 2018 (midnight CET).

116. LEG International Talent Scholarship for International Students in Netherlands, 2018
The Utrecht University has created a scholarship programme to enable talented
international students to undertake a master degree programme in the Netherlands. Approximately
15 scholarships are awarded per year. Utrecht University is committed to providing an
outstanding education at an affordable cost. Founded in 1636 and located in the heart of the
Netherlands, Utrecht University is one of Europe’s leading research universities. We are
recognized internationally for our high-quality, innovative approach to research and teaching. The
Shanghai Ranking ranks Utrecht University as 1st in the Netherlands and 47th in the world. The
Best Global Universities Ranking ranks the University as 1st in the Netherlands and 12th in
Europe. Since English is the official language at UCU, applicants are required to demonstrate
proof of proficiency.

Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue master degree programme.

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to pursue a degree in one of the English taught
Master’s programmes of the Graduate School of Law, Economics, and Governance.
Scholarship Award: With the scholarship students will be able to cover the costs of the tuition
fee and part of the living expenses.
For students who will have to pay the statutory tuition fee (mainly EU/EEA student): €5.000
For students who will have to pay the institutional tuition fee (most non-EU/EEA students):

In a 2-year’s Master’s programme, the scholarship will only be renewed for the second year if the
student is making satisfactory progress towards the degree.
Student’s s should be aware that the grant is not a full scholarship, and that it may be necessary to
find additional funding to be able to finance study and stay completely. Read more about the
budget Utrecht University advises.
Number of Scholarships: Approximately 15 scholarships are awarded per year.
Scholarship can be taken in the Netherlands

Eligibility: Eligible candidates are selected for a scholarship on the basis of the following criteria:
✓ The academic quality and results of the preceding education, as evidence, for example, by
grades, test scores, publications, letters of recommendation;
✓ The student’s career vision, promise in the proposed field of study;
✓ The student’s societal engagement (e.g. extracurricular activities)
✓ The quality and relevance of the motivation letter;
✓ The quality of the application itself (completeness, accuracy, consistency)
✓ In order to be awarded this scholarship student should:
✓ Have a non-Dutch nationality;
✓ Hold a non-Dutch secondary education degree;
✓ Have been admitted to one of the Master’s programmes mentioned above;
✓ Be able to comply with the conditions to obtain a Dutch visa if applicable;
✓ Failure to meet one or more of these criteria automatically means the student is not
eligible for this scholarship.
Nationality: Students from non-Dutch nationality are eligible to apply for this scholarship
College Admission Requirement
English Language Requirements: Since English is the official language at UCU, applicants are
required to demonstrate proof of proficiency. Accepted are the IELTS test, TOEFL test,
Cambridge Certificate:
IELTS Academic: A minimum of 7.0 for all components
TOEFL: Internet-based 100

How to Apply: Students who wish to be considered for the scholarship have to apply for
admission to the programme before 1 February. There is no separate application for the LEG
International Talent Scholarship. An application for a Utrecht Excellence Scholarship will be
considered an application for a LEG International Talent Scholarship as well. If you don’t apply
for a UES (e.g. because you are an EU/EEA student) you have to request in your motivation letter
(which is a requested document for your application for admission, see ‘Admission and
Application’ per programme) to be nominated for the scholarship. Applications arriving after the
1 February deadline will not be considered for a scholarship in the Master’s programme that starts
the next academic year.
Application Deadline: Scholarship application deadline is February 1, 2018.

117. Mr Julia Henriëtte Jaarsma-Adolfs Masters Fund for EU and Non-EU Students in
Netherlands, 2018

The University of Amsterdam (UvA) is inviting applications for Mr. Julia Henriëtte
Jaarsma-Adolfs Fund to pursue Master (LLM) programme. The Faculty of Law – Amsterdam
Law School – aims to attract talented students to its LLM programmes. This scholarship is meant
for exceptionally talented and motivated students, from within and without the EU, who wish to
pursue an LLM at the Amsterdam Law School.
The Amsterdam Business School (ABS) is part of the University of Amsterdam (UvA)
established in 1632 and currently one of the largest comprehensive universities in Europe. The
ABS is one of two Schools within the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB). Initiatives by
the FEB to establish a separate business school were started in 2001, and the formal launch of the
ABS took place in 2003.

Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue Master (LLM) programme.

Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in the field of Law.
Scholarship Award: One Mr. Julia Henriëtte Jaarsma-Adolfs Fund scholarship will be awarded
every academic year. If the scholarship recipient is a non-EU citizen, the scholarship grant covers
approximately €15.000 for non-EU tuition fees and €10.000 for living expenses. If the scholarship
is awarded to an EU citizen, the scholarship will be €12.000, covering €2000 for the tuition fee
and €10.000 for living expenses.
Number of Scholarships: One Mr. Julia Henriëtte Jaarsma-Adolfs Fund scholarship will be
awarded every academic year.
Scholarship can be taken in the Netherlands

Eligibility: All applicants for the Mr. Julia Henriëtte Jaarsma-Adolfs Fund scholarship will be
subject to strict selection criteria. These criteria are as follows:
✓ Excellent grades during the undergraduate programme: students must belong to the top
10% of their class, with a GPA of at least 8 (on a scale from 1-10). Students must provide
proof by submitting a formal statement from the dean and examinations board.
✓ The academic quality of the university where the undergraduate degree was obtained will
be taken into account.
✓ The candidates must place their motivation for the specific Master’s programme in
context and explain the relevance of this choice for their future career (academic or
professional) in a letter of motivation (max. 500 words).
✓ Talent for academic research will be proven by means of a letter of recommendation from
a teacher or academic (thesis) supervisor, and a telephone interview (if needed).
✓ Candidates must be able to demonstrate participation in certain extracurricular activities
such as university/student committees, experience abroad, sports, or music at a high level,
or voluntary experience.
✓ Candidates must not be eligible for financial support from the Dutch government (study
✓ Overall quality of the application.
Nationality: EU as well Non-EU citizens are eligible to apply for this programme.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Excellent grades during the undergraduate programme: students must
belong to the top 10% of their class, with a GPA of at least 8 (on a scale from 1-10).
English Language Requirements: Proof of English proficiency:

How to Apply: The mode of application is online.

Application Deadline: The deadline for application is January 15, 2018 — please note, this is
earlier than the 1 April deadline for general admission.

118. USP Scholarships for Non-EU Students at University of Groningen in Netherlands, 2018
The University of Groningen is offering USP Scholarships for Non-EU students. These
scholarships will be awarded to students applying for the BA/BSc Liberal Arts and Sciences
programme at the Faculty University College Groningen. UCG aims to reward students with great
ambition, but who also have a great passion for social engagement and who are determined to
make a positive impact during their studies at UCG. The University of Groningen is a public
research university in the city of Groningen in the Netherlands. The university was founded in
1614 and is one of the oldest universities in the Netherlands as well as one of its largest.
Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of
proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.

Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing BA/BSC programme.

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Scholarship Award: The USP Scholarship is a grant towards study and living costs and the value
of the USP scholarship is €12,100.
Scholarship can be taken in Netherlands

Eligibility: The USP scholarship is intended for students with an excellent academic profile, but
who require financial assistance to study. Evidence of social engagement and extracurricular
activities will support your request for funding.
Nationality: Non-EU students are eligible to apply.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have previous degree.
Test Requirement: No
English Language Requirement: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the
How to Apply:
Submit a letter of motivation to explain why you believe you should be considered for a
scholarship. This should:
✓ Be a maximum of 500 words in a Word document
✓ Explain why you believe you deserve a scholarship and why you need financial assistance
for your studies (this is not why you want to apply for the Liberal Arts and Sciences
degree as you will have already explained this in your application).
✓ Explain your experiences with social engagement and extracurricular events. Explain how
you want to contribute to society in the future, what issues are important to you and why
it is important for you to be aware of the USP scholarship. Also explain your ambitions
and how you would like to achieve these ambitions and goals during your studies at UCG.
✓ Be emailed to no later than 1 February 2018- the email title
must be: ‘Letter of Motivation – USP Scholarship’.
✓ In order to be eligible for this scholarship you must complete your application in OAS
before 1 February 2018 as well.

✓ An assessment and proving us with proof of your financial neef for funding is part of the
selection procedure. The final funding decision will be communicated to you by the UCG
Admission & Enrolment Coordinator.
Application Deadline: The application deadline is February 1, 2018.

119. 2018 Full Tuition Scholarships in Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science,
The Delft University of Technology is inviting excellent international applicants to
pursue MSc programme within the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer
Science. Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) aims to attract the world’s brightest students
to its international classrooms. For that reason, it has established several scholarship programmes
specifically designed to offer talented and motivated international students the opportunity to
pursue a degree at TU Delft. The Delft University of Technology, also known as TU Delft, is the
largest and oldest Dutch public technological university, located in Delft, Netherlands.

Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing MSc programme.

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded within the faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Mathematics and Computer Science.
Scholarship Award: Scholarships will cover the following:
For Non-EU students, contribution to tuition fees for two years.
For EU students, full tuition fees and contribution to living expenses for two years.
Number of Scholarships: There are 2 scholarships for Non-EU students and 4 scholarships for
EU students.
Scholarship can be taken in Netherlands

Eligibility: Excellent international applicants admitted to one of TU Delft’s MSc programmes,

with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 80 percent or higher of the scale maximum in
your bachelor’s degree from an internationally renowned university outside the Netherlands.
Nationality: International students are eligible to apply.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have an undergraduate degree.
Test Requirement: The GRE is currently only required for the MSc programme in Aerospace
Engineering. Applicants for Aerospace Engineering must take the GRE revised General Test
(institution code: 3823). GRE test scores are an important part of your application and you should
strive to submit the best possible scores. University does not set minimum GRE scores that must
be achieved to be eligible for admission, but the Aerospace Engineering Department looks for
applicants who attain a minimum score of 150 for Verbal reasoning, 160 for Quantitative
reasoning and 3,8 for Analytical Writing .
English Language Requirement: Students will still need to provide a TOEFL iBT, IELTS or
Cambridge (CPE,CAE or BEC Higher) certificate. Applications that do not include one of these
English-language certificates will not be processed.

How to Apply: To be considered for these scholarships, your complete application for an MSc
programme must be uploaded before February 1, 2018.
Application Deadline: The application deadline is February 1, 2018.

120. 24 Full Scholarships for International Students at Maastricht University in Netherlands,
The Maastricht University is inviting international students from outside the EU/EEA
who wish to pursue full-time master’s programme in the Netherlands. The scholarship programme
offers 24 full scholarships of €29.000 (including tuition fee waiver and monthly stipend) each
academic year.The Maastricht University (UM) is the most international university in the
Netherlands and, with more than 16,000 students and 4,000 employees, is still growing. The
university stands out for its innovative education model, international character and
multidisciplinary approach to research and education.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing full-time master’s programme
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded within the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Faculty
of Law, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Faculty of Humanities & Sciences,
Faculty of Psychology & Neuroscience and School of Business and Economics.
Scholarship Award: The scholarship programme offers €29.000 (including tuition fee waiver
and monthly stipend) each academic year.
Number of Scholarships: There are 24 full scholarships available.
Scholarship can be taken in the UK

Eligibility: All candidates must meet the following requirements:

✓ You hold nationality in a country outside the EU/EEA and meet the requirements for
obtaining an entry visa and residence permit for the Netherlands.
✓ You have applied for admission to a full-time Master’s programme at Maastricht
University which is participating in this scholarship program
✓ Participating Master’s programmes in this scholarship programme
✓ You meet the specific admission requirements of the UM Master’s programme to which
you have applied.
✓ You have never participated in a degree-seeking higher education programme, a primary
education programme, or secondary education programme in the Netherlands. Students
who completed exchange programmes in the Netherlands are welcome to apply.
✓ You are not over 35 years of age on 1 September 2018.
✓ You have obtained excellent results during your prior education programmes, as
demonstrated by your latest grade transcript or certified by academic excellence. If
several applicants are equally qualified, we will give preference to applicants whose
academic transcript or certified letter of academic excellence demonstrate that they are
among the top 5% of the 2018/19 scholarship programme applicants.
Nationality: International students from outside the EU/EEA are eligible to apply.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have previous degree.
Test Requirement: No
English Language Requirement: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the
How to Apply:
Step 1: Register for one of the participating Master’s programmes at Maastricht University. For
further details on how to register for a master’s programme at UM, please see your prospective
programme’s web page . Once you have submitted your application via Studielink, you will

receive a student ID number. You will need a student number in order to complete and submit the
Scholarship Application Form
Step 2: Please fill in the application form through the Apply Now button, on the right side of this
page, upload the following documents in .doc, .docx, or PDF format, and submit your application.
Please note that you will only be able to submit your application once, so please ensure that all of
your documents and referee contact details are up-to-date.
Curriculum vitae . Your CV should be up-to-date, contain relevant information about your
education and (job) experience, and should not be longer 2 A4 pages.
Letter of motivation . Your letter of motivation should be up-to-date, tailored specifically to this
Scholarship programme, and no longer than 1 A4 page. Be sure to argue why this scholarship is
important to you, why you should be selected, and what your role as an ambassador of Maastricht
University would be during your scholarship period, and during the upcoming years after you
finish your studies at UM.
Proof of academic excellence . You may upload one of the following documents in order to
prove your academic excellence: 1 . Your University transcript that explicitly states your grade
point average or class ranking (i.e. first class honours) for your entire study programme; or, 2 .
A letter signed by your institution’s Head of Department or Registrar stating that you are one of
the top 20 students in the graduating year of your study programme. Please ensure that the letter
contains the contact details of your Head of Department or Registrar.
The contact details of your referee . Please note that we will be in contact with your referee and
ensure that you take the following steps when choosing a referee and submitting their details.
Relationship to applicant: indicate your referee’s connection to you; is this your professor, thesis
supervisor, employer? Please remember that family members may not function as referees.
The telephone number of your referee: Make sure to add the applicable country calling code.
Email address of your referee: Work email addresses are preferred.
Step 3: Contact the referee you provided in your application form and ask them to submit their
reference letter by email by 1 February 2018.
Application Form
Application Deadline: The application deadline is February 1, 2018.

121. TU Delft Architecture & the Built Environment Scholarships in Netherlands,

The Delft University of Technology is offering Talent scholarships within the faculty of
Architecture & the Built Environment. These scholarships are awarded to excellent international
applicants admitted to one of TU Delft’s MSc programmes. The Delft University of Technology
also known as TU Delft, is the largest and oldest Dutch public technological university, located in
Delft, Netherlands. Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide
evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing MSc programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded within the faculty of Architecture & the Built
Scholarship Award:
For Non-EU students, contribution to tuition fees for two years.
For EU students, full tuition fees and contribution to living expenses for two years.
Number of Scholarships: 2 (Non-EU) and 4 (EU) scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in Netherlands

Eligibility: Excellent international applicants admitted to one of TU Delft’s MSc programmes,
with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 80 percent or higher of the scale maximum in
your bachelor’s degree from an internationally renowned university outside the Netherlands.
Nationality: EU and Non-EU students can apply for these scholarships.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have bachelor’s degree.
Test Requirement: No
English Language Requirement: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

How to Apply: To be considered for these scholarships, your complete application for an MSc
programme must be uploaded before 1 February 2018.
Application Deadline: The application deadline is February 1, 2018.

122. Leiden Science Indonesia Scholarships for Non-EU/EEA Students in Netherlands, 2018
The Faculty of Science at the University of Leiden is pleased to offer Leiden Science
Indonesia Scholarship. Scholarships are open to non-EU/EEA students, students who hold a
relevant bachelor’s degree from one of the Indonesian science partner universities. Leiden
University is one of Europe’s leading international research-intensive universities. This prominent
position gives graduates an advantage when applying for positions both within and outside the
academic world. Most master’s programmes at Leiden University are taught in English. This
means that applicants will need to submit proof of their English-language proficiency, preferably
by means of an IELTS test.

Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue MSc programme.

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded within the Faculty of Science.
Scholarship Award: LSI covers 25% of the of the non-EU/EEA tuition fee and will be
subtracted from this tuition fee before the start of the academic year. If the student has achieved
adequate study results in the first MSc year, he or she will automatically receive the LSI
scholarship for the second year.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in the Netherlands

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
✓ Application for the Leiden Science Indonesia Scholarship (LSI) is open for motivated
students enrolling in a two-year Leiden Master of Science Programme per February or
September 2018. All non-EU/EEA students who have a relevant bachelor’s degree from
one of the following Indonesian science partner universities* can apply for the LSI
✓ *If you have a relevant bachelor’s degree from another Indonesian university, you can
still be selected for the LSI scholarship based on your individual performance and MSc
application package.
✓ Indonesian science partner universities
Nationality: Only non-EU/EEA students can apply for the LSI scholarship.

College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Students must have bachelor’s degree.
English Language Requirements: Most master’s programmes at Leiden University are taught in
English. This means that applicants will need to submit proof of their English-language
proficiency, preferably by means of an IELTS test.

How to Apply:
✓ Fill in your online application for admission to Leiden University before the deadline.
✓ Upload all the required documents .
✓ Please indicate clearly that you would like to apply for the LSI scholarship on the
scholarship page of your online application.
✓ Submit your application.
Application Deadline: Application deadline for students starting per February: October 15, 2017.

123. TSB Research Master Scholarships at Tilburg University in Netherlands, 2018-2019

For the academic year 2018-2019, Tilburg University is offering TSB Research Master
Scholarships. The scholarship consists of a tuition fee waiver for all non-EEA students at Tilburg
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences (TSB). The Tilburg University is a public research
university specializing in the social and behavioural sciences, economics, law, business sciences,
theology and humanities, located in Tilburg in the southern part of the Netherlands. Applicants
from outside the home country will often need to meet specific English language/other language
requirements in order to be able to study there.

Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing research master’s programme at the
Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences (TSB).
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Social and Behavioral Sciences and
Individual Differences and Assessment.
Scholarship Award: For the academic year 2018/2019, non-EEA students will receive a tuition
fee waiver of €12,440, reducing the tuition fee to € 2,060. Please note: the tuition fees for the
academic year 2018-2019 have not yet been confirmed, so this is an approximation of the fee you
can expect to pay.
Scholarship can be taken in Netherlands

Eligibility: A Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in a relevant discipline

A Bachelor’s and/or a Master’s degree in a relevant discipline, such as psychology, sociology,
organizational sciences, human resources;
You can apply for admission BEFORE you have graduated, but you must graduate by September
1, 2018, at the latest. If your graduation ceremony is after September 1, 2018, please contact our
Admission Officer, Liesbeth Bluekens, via before you
apply to avoid disappointment.
An average grade of 75% for courses in the last two years of the Bachelor’s program (or in your
Master’s program, if applicable);
A sufficient academic background in research methodology and statistics. Your background
education should contain at least one introductory statistics course and courses that include
multiple regression, analysis of variance, factor analysis and research methodology. Your
background should be clear from the course descriptions and the statistics checklist which you
must include in your application;

Strong motivation, excellent skills and talent for carrying out scientific research, which you
should demonstrate in your motivation letter and other application documents.
Nationality: Scholarships are available for non-EEA students.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have previous degree.
Test Requirement: No
English Language Requirement: Proof of English language proficiency is required by all
applicants expect passport holders from the following countries: Australia, Canada (except
Quebec), Ireland, New Zealand, UK, or the USA OR those who have studied their entire Bachelor
(or Master) program in one of these countries. No exemptions from this requirement will be made
other than those mentioned above.
Results required:
TOEFL: 600 (paper-based); 100 (internet-based)
Academic IELTS: overall 7.0 AND no part less than 6.5
Cambridge Proficiency: All grades
Cambridge Advanced English: Grades A and B

How to Apply: Applicants cannot apply for this scholarship. If admitted to Research Master’s
program, you are considered to be an excellent student and therefore the scholarship will be
awarded automatically. However, you will receive confirmation regarding this scholarship award
after your admission.
Application Deadline: The application deadline is July 1, 2018.

124. GLODEP Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Scholarships in International

Development Studies, 2018-2019
Applications are invited for Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in International
Development Studies (GLODEP) for 2018-2019 intake. Non-EU citizens are eligible to apply.
The aim of GLODEP is to prepare professionals in the field of development policy and practice.
GLODEP provides the students with comprehensive knowledge and skills to analyze
development issues and to design and promote development policies at national, regional and
international levels. The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in International Development
Studies (GLODEP) is a two-year multidisciplinary master program in development studies, with
an economic grounding and policy perspective.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 28, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in development studies, with an economic
grounding and policy perspective.
Scholarship Award: Participation Costs
Participation costs are 9000 € per year for students from Partner Countries and 4 500 € per
year for students from Programme Countries. Participation costs include tuition fees,
administrative costs (e.g. enrolment fees, student card, library fees, orientation week/day) and
insurance. For EMJMD Scholarship Holders participation costs are covered by the EMJMD
Scholarship (paid directly to the Consortium, not to students).

All applicants can apply for an EMJMD Scholarship and a Consortium Scholarship.
Candidates that have already been awarded an EMJMD/EMMC Scholarship cannot receive
the EMJMD Scholarship again.
EMJMD Scholarship
EMJMD scholarship will be offered to applicants based on their results from the admission
process, subject to EMJMD nationality/geographical restrictions. The scholarship can be
awarded only to 3 candidates having the same nationality. 75 % of the scholarships are
offered to Partner countries * candidates, the remaining 25 % of the scholarships are offered
to Programme countries * candidates.
The EMJMD scholarship includes:
Student participation costs (paid directly to the Consortium);
Contribution to student travel and installation costs and subsistence allowance for the duration
of the program (paid to the Scholarship Holder).
Nationality: Non-EU citizens are eligible to apply.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in GLODEP has a fixed structure: the first semester at Palacky
University(Olomouc, Czech Republic), second semester at the University Clermont
Auvergne (Clermont-Ferrand, France) and a third semester at the University of Pavia (Pavia,
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Non-EU citizens are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
GLODEP International Development Studies is open for applicants with a completed
undergraduate degree preferably in areas relevant to the program, such as development
studies, geography, economics, international relations and sociology. The program seeks
applicants with excellent academic results, strong interest in international development and
proficiency in English.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have proficiency in English.
Proof of English proficiency – all applicants need to provide a proof of sufficient knowledge
of English by meeting at least one of the criteria listed below:
A diploma of tertiary education where English was the language of instruction (in this case,
submit a Declaration of Honour);
Having successfully completed course units in tertiary education with a minimum total of 60
study credits where English was the language of instruction (the proof showing the number of
ECTS credits studied in English must be signed and stamped by the Educational Institution);
Having successfully completed one of the following language tests:
TOEFL: minimum level 550 paper-based, 213 computer-based, 79 internet-based (attention:
TOEFL ITP will NOT be accepted)
TOEIC with minimum level: 785
IELTS: minimum level academic module 6,5
Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (CAE), grade B
Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE), grade C

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: First, you have to access GLODEP e-application . On the first page, you have
to select following combination: Faculty of Science, Master, GLODEP – International

Development Studies. Then you have to fill in the required information and upload the
necessary documents listed in the section Criteria and Requirements before the application
deadline. You have to upload all mentioned documents, otherwise, your application will not
be considered for the admission process. Be aware that you have to fill in the application and
upload the documents at the same time as it is not possible to save the application and
continue later.
All applicants are required to submit following documents:
Proof of Nationality
Proof of Place of Residence
Copy (Scan) Of a Diploma
Copy (Scan) Of A Transcript Of Records
Proof of English Proficiency
Curriculum Vitae
Motivation Letter
Two Letters of Recommendation
Online Application

125. Sciences Po Rene Seydoux Scholarship in France, 2018

Sciences Po Rene Seydoux Scholarship is open to the applicants from Algeria, Egypt,
Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. The scholarship is
available to pursue undergraduate degree on the basis of academic excellence, social criteria The
Seydoux scholarship is intended for students who are able to demonstrate a real interest in
relations between Mediterranean countries. Sciences Po or Paris Institute of Political Studies is a
highly selective French university (legally a grande école).

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline : April 26, 2018
Course Level: The scholarship is available to pursue an undergraduate degree.
Study Subject: The scholarship is awarded in the fields offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Successful students will receive a scholarship amounting to 20 000€ per
year for the duration of their undergraduate studies programme and for the duration of the
master programme in the event that the student continues his or her studies at Sciences Po at
the Masters level. The scholarship covers full tuition and cost of living expenses.
Nationality: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria,
Tunisia, Turkey
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in France
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine,
Syria, Tunisia, Turkey
Entrance Requirements: Candidates must be accepted into Sciences Po’s undergraduate
studies programme.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must meet the necessary language proficiency
requirements of the host institution.

Application Procedure:
The mode of applying is online.

How to Apply:
Cover letter outlining motivations for an interest or previous experience in actions which aim
to promote and bring closer together Mediterranean people in social, cultural or scientific
Any other evidence attesting to the candidate’s motivation (recommendation letter, evidence
of voluntary work, personal work, etc.)
Online Application

126. IDEX Master Scholarships for International Students at University Grenoble Alpes in
France, 2018
The Initiative d’excellence (IDEX in short) University Grenoble Alpes is proud to offer
master scholarships for international students. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of
academic record and their material situation. The aim of the scholarship is to produce graduates of
responsible character with the necessary knowledge and skills for professional and national
leadership. The University Grenoble Alpes is a public research university in Grenoble, France.
Founded in 1339, it is the third largest university in France with about 45,000 students and over
3,000 researchers.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: Open
Course Level : These scholarships are available to pursue a master degree.
Study Subject: These scholarships are awarded in the fields offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: These scholarships will cover the followings:
The amount of the scholarship is 8000 euros per academic year for master 1
For master 2, as the second semester is devoted to the final master thesis (funded internship)
the amount of the scholarship is 5000 euros
Nationality: International
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in France

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Foreign students are eligible for these scholarships.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet following criteria:
The first year of a Master (and thus are eligible for one or two years of funding)
The second year of a Master (and thus are eligible for one year of funding).
English Language Requirements : Students from countries where the English language is
not the primary language are required to provide evidence of Competence in English. (Native
speakers are exempted). The requirement is waived for applicants from English speaking
countries as well as applicants whose previous degree is from a program taught in English.
English scores required for the MoSIG, MSIAM, CySec and ROCO programs: TOEFL IBT
78, CBT 210, Paper 547 / TOEIC 700 / Cambridge FCE / IELTS 6.0 min. This is equivalent
to CEFR level B2.

Application Procedure:
When submitting an online application for the CySec, MoSIG, MSIAM or ORCO program,
applicants will just have to tick a box “I wish to apply for a scholarship” Applicants do not
have to apply for the scholarship directly.

How to Apply:
Copy of your most recent diplomas, with a translation of the diploma in French or English.
Certified copy of the final grades obtained from all University Studies.
Copy of grades obtained so far for this academic year, and the date by which you can provide
your final grades (final transcripts will be needed for admission).
Recommendation letter(s). You can submit up to three recommendation letters (print on
letterhead and submit using the online tool (uploads)

127. ISAE-SUPAERO Master of Science Scholarships for International Students in France,

ISAE-SUPAERO is awarding numerous scholarships for international students to pursue
master degree programme each year. ISAE-SUPAERO is a world leader in aerospace engineering
higher education. It was the world’s first dedicated aerospace engineering school and is
considered to be one of the best in Europe in that field. The school delivers a range of science and
engineering degree programs. ISAE-SUPAERO is part of the University of
Toulouse, ISSAT, PEGASUS, GEA, Toulouse Tech, CESAER and Aerospace Valley. Applicants
whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in
English at the higher level required by the University.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 16, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue MSc programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Master of Science in Aeronautics and
Scholarship Award: The recipients will receive 17.5K euros at the beginning of the first year
of the master. They will receive 17.5K euros at the beginning of the second year except if
they have to repeat the first year, if they are excluded or if they renounce to the Ph.D. track.
Nationality: International students
Number of Scholarships: Up to six scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in France

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following requirements:
✓ All courses are taught in English and are delivered by tenured faculty and visiting
lecturers, experts from the aerospace industry. During the fourth and final semester,
students work in an aerospace-related company or laboratory and produce a master’s
thesis. Upon completion of the thesis, students who have earned 120 credits under
examination will be awarded the Master of Science in Aeronautics and Space.
✓ These scholarships are exclusively attributed to students highly motivated in applying
for a Ph.D. just after the Master of Science.
Actually, the recipients will be enrolled in a Ph.D. track program, including a
research laboratory where they will pursue their master thesis in relation to the
targeted doctorate.

✓ English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English
are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level
required by the University.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: To apply for this scholarship the procedure is as follows:
• In addition to the documents required for the Master of Science itself, each student
has to provide specifically two recommendation letters regarding his/her capabilities
for a Ph.D. track within the graduate school TSAE and a motivation letter,
• The professor responsible for each of the six Master tracks described above will
send by email the different files required for the Ph.D. track scholarships application
before February 16th, 2018,
• The decision for attribution of the six Ph.D. track scholarships will be taken a middle
of March 2018 and will be communicated to the recipients. They will also be reported
on the present website.

128. CaPPA International Master Degree Scholarships for International Students in France,
The CaPPA Laboratory of Excellence is inviting applications for scholarships for the
international master degree programme. It is supported by the French Laboratory of Excellence
CaPPA (Chemical and Physical Properties of the Atmosphere). Training is dedicated to
students in physics and/or chemistry wishing to follow a specialization in atmospheric sciences to
get a strong background in theory and practical work. The CaPPA Laboratory of Excellence –
Physics, and Chemistry of the Atmospheric Environment – focuses on the “aerosol” system and
its precursors to better understand their role in climate forcing and the hydrological cycle, and
secondly, changes in air quality at the global, regional and local scales, with specific studies on

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: March 15, 2018
Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject: The International Master 2 “Atmospheric Environment” of Lille 1 University
is providing a 1-year program in physics and chemistry of the atmosphere at the highest level.
Scholarship Award: Scholarships (7000 €/year) are granted each year by the “laboratoire
d’excellence CaPPA”. They are dedicated to students having the highest academic records
and who are willing to follow the Atmospheric Environment 1-year training program. To
apply, the candidate will have to notice it on the application form. In addition, candidates will
be asked to furnish additional recommendation letters from a Professor of their Bachelor
degree. The final answer will be given to every candidate by the end of March. Scholarship
students will have to make their internship in one of the labs involved in the “laboratoire
d’excellence” CaPPA.
The scholarship comes to 7 000 € for the academic year:
3 500€ for the Semester 3
3 500€ for the Semester 4 only if the Semester 3 is validated
Nationality: International students
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.

Scholarship can be taken in France

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following requirements :
✓ This program is open to students in chemistry and/or physics having validated 4 years
of study (Master 1st year / Bachelor / 240 ECTS-credits) in Physics, Chemical
Physics or Chemistry.
✓ The advised language level in the Common European Framework corresponds to B2.
A copy of your certificate with your score for either TOEFL or IELTS or TOIC
should be provided.
If you don’t hold any English language certification when filing your application,
please proceed to your self- assessment by creating your own Europass Language
If English is the medium of instruction in your university, then an official certificate
stating this, issued by an officer of your university will be accepted instead of IELTS
English Language Requirements: The advised language level in the Common European
Framework corresponds to B2.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Application forms must be returned by email or postal mail by March 15th to
the secretary of the master (information in the application form)
Each candidate will receive an answer by the end of March.
Download the application form for graduating in Physical and Analytical Chemistry
in doc version / in pdf version
The application form is also available on the website of the master Physical and Analytical
Chemistry (PAC)
Download the application form for graduating in Physics
in doc version / in pdf version
The application form is also available on the website of the master in Physics.
Download here the detailed program of lectures.

129. EURECOM EIT Digital Master Scholarship in Cyber Security for International
Students, 2018
EURECOM is currently accepting applications for EIT Digital Master Scholarship in
Cyber Security. Students study one year at an ‘entry’ university and one year at an ‘exit’
university in two of EIT Digital’s hot spots around Europe. Cyber Security focuses on the study
of the design, development, and evaluation of secure computer systems, which are also capable of
ensuring privacy for future ICT systems. A leading teaching and research institution in the fields
of information and communication technologies (ICT). EURECOM is a Graduate school and
Research Centre in Communication Systems located in the Sophia Antipolis technology park
(French Riviera), a major European place for telecommunications activities.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 1, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in Cyber Security.
Scholarship Award: For information about the scholarships check tuition fees and
scholarships link.
Nationality: Open to EU/EEA/CH/ Non-EU citizens.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given
Scholarship can be taken in The universities participating in EIT Digital Master [CES] are:
University of Rennes 1 (UR1), France
The University of Trento, (UniTN), Italy
University of Turku (UTU), Finland
University of Twente (UT), Netherlands
University Eotvos Lorand, (ELTE), Hungary

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: This scholarship is open to EU/EEA/CH/ Non-EU citizens.
Entrance Requirements: To qualify applicants to need to fulfil the admission requirements
based on previous studies, English proficiency, and documentation.
1. Previous studies: A completed Bachelor’s degree
Applicants must have completed a Bachelor’s degree encompassing a minimum of 180 ECTS
credits or equivalent academic qualifications from an internationally recognized university.
Conditional acceptance
Students in their final year of undergraduate education may also apply and if qualified,
receive a conditional acceptance. If you have not completed your studies, please include a
written statement from the degree administration office (or equivalent department),
confirming that you are enrolled in the final year of your education and giving your expected
completion date. If you receive a conditional offer, you should present your degree certificate
to your entry university before enrollment at the latest. Applicants following longer technical
programmes and who have completed courses equivalent to an amount of 180 ECTS, will be
considered on a case-by-case basis.
2. Language requirements: Proof of English language proficiency
Applicants must provide proof of their English language proficiency. This is generally
established through an internationally recognized test such as TOEFL or IELTS. We,
therefore, advise all applicants considering submitting an application to urgently take either a
TOEFL or an IELTS test. These tests are accepted by all partner universities. Please note that
the results of your test must be done and uploaded at the time of submitting an application.
We will not accept late submissions of proofs of English proficiency.
Some of the universities accept additional tests or exemptions. We have listed this
information under ”University specific language tests and exemptions”. Please note that these
exceptions are not accepted by all partner universities. Even though one university may
accept some other test, your second preference entry or your preferred exit universities may
not. For this reason, again, we urge all applicants to take a TOEFL or an IELTS.”

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Scholarships are merit-based and no separate application for the EIT Digital
Scholarship is needed.

Required Documents for your Application
Note that all applicants need to submit a complete application package consisting of the
following documents before the application deadline. Please read the application instructions
and admission requirements before uploading your documents.
Degree Certificate/Diploma in the original language and translated into English or in case of
on-going studies a statement certifying that you are in the final year of your studies. The
statement must be written by the degree administration office (or equivalent department),
confirming that you are enrolled in the final year of your education and giving your expected
completion date.
Transcript of records in the original language and translated into English. All courses taken
must be included.
Proof of English proficiency.
Curriculum Vitae including details on your academic and professional career.
A letter of motivation in which you prove your innovative potential. For this purpose, we ask
you to discuss or propose an entrepreneurial idea (one page with a summary and two
additional pages for details). The letter can be addressed to the “Selection committee”. How
you describe your entrepreneurial idea is up to you. Perhaps you can identify a problem in
your area of interest and propose products or services to address the
problem/insufficiency/lack. Feel free to include your personal and professional reasons for
wanting to join the EIT Digital Master’s programme in the letter (perhaps in the summary),
but all in all the letter should not be longer than three pages.
Passport or another kind of identification in English.
Optional: Document stating the GPA or the Relative Ranking

130. Fully Funded DStv Eutelsat Star Essay and Poster Competition, 2018
The DStv Eutelsat Star Awards, which are a product of a partnership between Eutelsat
and MultiChoice Africa, aim to stimulate interest in science and technology and to inspire
innovative thinking among secondary and high school students across the continent. The awards
take the form of a competition open to 14-19-year-old students in 42 countries. Students are
invited to write an essay or design a poster depicting how innovative use of satellite technology in
the fields of communication, earth observation or navigation can propel Africa into the future.
Top entrants at the national level win prizes such as computers or tablets and go forward to
compete in the overall awards for the winning and runner-up essay and poster prizes. The overall
winning entries will receive prizes as follows:

Overall Essay Award

A trip for the winning student and their parent/legal guardian to Eutelsat in France and attendance
of a rocket launch.
Overall Poster Award
A trip for the winning student and their parent/legal to the MultiChoice offices and the
South African Space Agency at Hartbeesthoek.
The schools attended by the overall award winners and runners-up are rewarded with a DStv
installation, including dish, television, state-of-the-art PVR decoder and free access to the DStv
Education Bouquet.
Everything You Need To Know

For an entry form – which will tell you everything you need to know – visit your nearest
MultiChoice Office or download it here . South African entrants can collect a copy from
MultiChoice Africa, 251 Oak Avenue in Randburg, Johannesburg.
2) Topic
It’s sixty years since the first satellite Sputnik was launched, broadcasting a unique and easily
captured ‘beep, beep, beep’ signal.
Looking back at this historic moment, write an essay or design a poster depicting how satellites
have launched humankind into the 21st century and acted as a unifier.
3) Eligibility and Entry
The Awards are open to students between 14 and 19 years of age in secondary, high or combined
schools anywhere in Africa where MultiChoice operates.
Entries can be submitted in English, French or Portuguese.
4) Submission of Entries
Entries must be:
in the entry box at MultiChoice Africa country or regional offices (African countries) OR for
South Africa at the MultiChoice Africa Building, 251 Oak Avenue in Randburg, Johannesburg
(South Africa only).
To MultiChoice offices listed on the entry form. For South African entries only: To MultiChoice
Africa, 251 Oak Avenue in Randburg, Johannesburg. Attention: Lebogang Ramothata
All entries must be accompanied by an entry form and in the case of posters an entry form and
creative summary.
For queries, you may email your question to or phone your
nearest MultiChoice Office. In the case of South Africa, please contact Mahlatse Sithole on 011
781 9950
5) Closing Date
February 12, 2018

131. IMBRSea International Master Scholarship in Marine Biological Resources, 2018

The Scholarship applications for the academic year 2018-2019 are now open for
International Master in Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea). For the IMBRSea 2018-2019
edition, there are 12 EM Partner Country scholarships and 4 EM Programme Country
scholarships available. The International Master in Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea) is a
joint Master programme organized by eight leading European universities in the field of marine
sciences, supported by the European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC). The
IMBRSea programme takes the strengths from the International Master of Science in Marine
Biodiversity and Conservation (EMBC+) and prepares students for the rapidly evolving demands
of the blue bio-economy (all economic activities that depend on the sea) and research on the
sustainable use of marine biological resources. Knowledge of the English language is considered
as a basic requirement.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: March 30, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject: Based on the objectives of the EMBRC consortium, IMBRSea covers a wide
range of subjects related to the sustainable use of marine biological resources. With an

emphasis on marine biological and ecological processes, the programme links biology of
marine organisms and environmental studies with subjects in marine policy and planning.
Scholarship Award: Study fees for IMBRSea are set at € 4500 for EU students and € 9000
for non-EU students. Fee-waivers have been installed for self-funding students. With a fee-
waiver EU students pay € 3500 per year; non-EU students pay € 4500 per year. More
information about study costs is available Erasmus Mundus Scholarships are available for the
academic year 2018. Apply for these scholarships before 30th March 2018.
Nationality: EU and Non-EU students are eligible.
Number of Scholarships: For the IMBRSea 2017-2018 edition there are 12 EM Partner
Country scholarships and 4 EM Programme Country scholarships available.
Scholarship can be taken in Ghent University (BE), University of Pierre and Marie Curie
(FR), University of the Algarve (PT), University of Oviedo (ES), Galway-Mayo Institute of
Technology (IE), University of the Basque Country (ES), Polytechnic University of Marche
(IT), University of Bergen (NO) and Université de Bretagne Occidental (FR), supported by
fourteen Marine Research Institutes belonging to the European Marine Biological Resource
Centre (EMBRC).

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: EU and Non-EU students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have
✓ A Bachelor, Honours or Master degree in biology, ecology, environmental sciences,
oceanography, marine sciences, geography, geology, or other equivalent degrees with
a minimum of 180 ETCS at the latest by 1st September of 2018 and for non-European
students preferably before 1st March 2018.
✓ Knowledge of the English language is considered as a basic requirement. All students
must provide evidence of their proficiency in English through one of the following
✓ A recent TOEFL Certificate: minimum score: 570 points (paper) or 87 points
✓ A recent IELTS Certificate: minimum score: 6.5
✓ A recent Certificate of a University Language Centre testifying that the student
masters the necessary knowledge of English to function academically (specify CEF-
level / minimum CEF-level B2)
✓ A recent Cambridge English certificate: Cambridge English First (FCE) – grade A or
✓ A certificate proving that you have followed at least 1 year of higher education in

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Checklist of information needed to complete an application
• Copy of a valid passport
• Copy of a CV
• Completed motivation form
• First university degree and other relevant degrees
• Documentation of language proficiency
• Other relevant documentation and references

• University degrees and transcripts must be sent either as originals or as certified true
copies. An official stamp with date and signature is required. In general, attestation
by the local embassy, the police, a notary public or state or municipal administration
agency is accepted. Failure to provide all the necessary documents disqualifies the
applicant and the application will not be registered.
Step 1: Preparing for IMBRSea
Step 2: make an IMBRSea personal account in the IMBRSea application tool
Step 3: enter all required data in the IMBRSea application tool
personal data
study overview
language skills
Step 4: submit the IMBRSea application to the IMBRSea coordination office before March,
30th 2018 (4 pm CET). Exceptionally EU-students can apply until June, 1st 2018, however it
is not possible to apply for an Erasmus Scholarship after March, 30th 2018.

132. Mamaself Erasmus Mundus International Master Scholarship Program for EU and
Non-EU Students, 2018
Applications are invited for Erasmus Mundus International Master program in Material
Science for EU and Non-EU students. The master’s program is organized in 4 semesters, over 2
years. All courses within the partner universities will be taught in English. Mamaself students
must take a total value of 120 ECTS credits over the 4 semesters to fulfil the requirements of the
Master. Erasmus Mundus offers culturally enriching higher education opportunities for both
European and Non-European students. The Erasmus Mundus program is a co-operation and
mobility programme in the field of higher education building in the framework of the Erasmus+
program. It aims to enhance quality in European higher education and to promote intercultural
understanding through co-operation with third countries. Applicants must provide the Bachelor
degree (with certified translation in English). Students who are in their Bachelor year will show a
certificate of registration in the third Bachelor year instead of the diploma and will show the
diploma during next summer.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: The scholarship deadline for Non-European students is January 30,
2018. The scholarship deadline for European students is March 10, 2018.
Course Level: Scholarship is available to study master degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded to study International Master program in Material
Scholarship Award: The Erasmus Mundus scholarship covers tuition fees and allows
covering all expenses that non-EU students normally face during their studies.
Nationality: EU and Non-EU students
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in University of Rennes 1-UR1, France
University of Torino-TO, Italy
· Technical University of Munich-TUM, Germany
· Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich-LMU, Germany
· University of Montpellier-UM, France

Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: EU and Non-EU students are eligible to apply. Students from all
countries can apply to the Erasmus Mundus master programme.
Entrance Requirements: Students must have
A Bachelor (180 ECTS) in Materials Science or related disciplines: Chemistry, Physics,
Proof of good English competencies, e.g. TOEFL CBT 230 and PBT 550 IBT 80 / IELTS
6.5 or equivalent, except for applicants native from English speaking countries and for
students having been educated in English at secondary or/and university. Students who intend
to have mobility at TUM must have the following level of admission at TUM: TOEFL IBT
88, CBT 234/ PBT 605.
English Language Requirements: All applicants are required to prove their proficiency in
the English language. Applicants can prove proficiency in English by meeting one of the
following conditions before enrolling:
English as a native language
TOEFL – Minimum score: 230 (computer based), 80 (internet based), or 550 (paper-based)
IELTS – Minimum score: 6.5
Cambridge ESOL, Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) – Minimum score: C
English as the language of instruction during previous studies. The student must have studied
in classes taught in English: provide a certificate.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Students must apply online on the Mamaself application site.
• Fill the online form
• Add the requested documents
• Transcripts
• English level certificate
• Bachelor degree (or certificate of third Bachelor year)
• Letters of recommendation
• Passport
• Picture

133. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Scholarship in Plant Breeding for International
Students, 2018-2019
The call for 2018-2019 applications is now open for the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master
Degree Scholarship in Plant Breeding. Students from all over the world can apply for the Erasmus
Mundus Joint Master Degree in Plant Breeding – emPLANT.
emPLANT is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Plant Breeding organized by a
consortium of five Universities and Graduate Schools across Europe. The objective of emPLANT
is to remedy the lack of qualified highly skilled plant breeders on Master and PhD level with a
training program that combines science, management, law, intercultural competence and language

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: January 31, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue master degree programme.

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of plant breeding, plant biology, seed
technology and biotechnology in order to face the challenges of global changes such as
population growth and climate change.
Scholarship Award: In applying to the emPLANT Master program during the first call you
automatically apply for an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) scholarship .
Three different types of EMJMD scholarships are awarded:
Scholarships for Program Country students
Scholarships for Partner Country students
Additional scholarships for students coming from targeted region of the world (considered as
Partner Country)
Nationality: International students
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in emPLANT is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Plant
Breeding organized by a consortium of five Universities and Graduate Schools across Europe
The University of Helsinki, Finland (UH)
UniLaSalle Polytechnic Institute, France (UniLaSalle)
Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain (UPV)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden (SLU)
Ege University, Turkey (EgeU)

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Three different types of EMJMD scholarships are awarded:
Scholarships for Program Country students
Scholarships for Partner Country students
Additional scholarships for students coming from the targeted region of the world (considered
as Partner Country).
Entrance Requirements: If you are interested in applying for the Erasmus+ Master
Programme in Plant Breeding, please check if you meet the requirements below:
Awarded Bachelor of Science degree (min. 180 ECTS) in Agriculture/Agronomy, Biology,
Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Master 1 Genetics, Molecular Biosciences or related relevant
Language proficiency : B2 in English(IELTS 6.5, no section below 5.5 ; TOEFL 575 paper-
based, 4,5 written, 190 computer-based, 90 internet-based (20 written), etc.) except when
English is your mother tongue and B1 in Spanish (DELE, ALTE) for those applying to UPV
in year 2 except when Spanish is your mother tongue
Application received before the end of the deadline
Application containing all requested elements

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Before starting with the application form, please make sure you have digital
copies of the following documents:
Passport (or valid ID document)
Diploma / Certificate of degree : certificate proving the obtained degree – must be issued by
the University where the degree was obtained, dated, signed and stamped, otherwise it will
not be considered valid. Please add an English translation if your documents are not in the
following language: English.

Transcript of records : Must be issued by the University, stating in details all courses were
taken and grades obtained in the course as well as a grading scale and average necessary
grade. This document must be dated, signed and stamped, otherwise, it will not be considered
valid. Please note that you must upload the transcripts of records regarding all the years of
your course. Please add an English translation if your documents are not in the following
language: English.
Language skills : if your mother tongue is not English, it is mandatory to upload an official
English language certificate. If you want to choose UPV in year 2 and if Spanish is not your
mother tongue, it is mandatory to upload an official Spanish language certificate.
Curriculum Vitae : your document must be in a European format
Proof of residence : Document must have been issued by an official institution within 12
months before the application deadline of applying for an EMJMD student scholarship. The
purpose of this document is to prove your current place of residence so your current postal
address. Which means your address needs to appear on the document as well as the date of
issuance of the document. Please check the accepted documents here .
Recommendation letters and references : please upload 2 reference letters from former
professors or employers supporting your application
Declaration of Honor : This document must be dated and signed, download template
Physical disability: if applicable, document that specifically proves your actual status of
physical disability.
Proof of social/political vulnerable situation: if applicable, document that specifically proves
your social/political vulnerable situation. This document must be issued by a recognized
authority and must also be dated, signed and stamped by the issuing entity.
Other documents: document relevant to the application

134. International Scholarships at Paris-Sud University in France, 2018

International Scholarships are invited to enrol at Paris-Sud University at Master or PhD

level with Eiffel scholarships. The University of Paris-Sud, also known as the University of Paris
XI, is a French university distributed among several campuses in the southern suburbs of Paris
including Orsay, Cachan, Châtenay-Malabry, Sceaux and Kremlin-Bicêtre campuses. The
candidate should have a very good command of English language. Therefore, the application
should be written in English.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: December 18, 2017
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing Masters and PhD programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: International students willing to study at Paris-Sud University can apply
for the Paris-Saclay scholarship and to the Eiffel scholarship to cover their living costs.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in France

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements:

Doctoral scholarship: foreign students under 35 years pursuing a PhD under co-supervision,
all fields in Paris-Sud, candidates for the 1st time (can not be combined with any French
embassy grant).
Master scholarship: foreign students under 30 years enrolled in a Master’s or Engineer’s
degree in engineering sciences, political sciences, law, economics, management, candidates
for the 1st time (cannot be combined with any French embassy grant).
English Language Requirements: The candidate should have a very good command of
English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.

Application Procedure:
Choose your Master’s course wisely from the range of courses offered at Paris-Sud
University. Apply for the Master’s course.
If you are accepted, ask the Course Director to put your application forward and to support it.
You can improve your chances by applying for several grants simultaneously.
You cannot apply on your own. Your application needs the support of the Course Director.
Make sure you observe the eligibility criteria. These often restrict eligibility to students who
have never previously enrolled at a French educational institution.
How to Apply:
The application form and its appendix must be sent by the director of the Master’s course or
the thesis supervisor via email.

135. IESEG MSc Scholarship in Digital Marketing & CRM for International Students in
France, 2018
The IESEG School of Management is offering Master of Science Scholarship in Digital
Marketing & CRM in France for September 2018 intake. Applicants of all nationalities are
eligible to apply for this scholarship. IESEG School of Management is a post-bac business school
in France. This business school is a member of the University Catholique de Lille, the largest
private university in France in terms of student population and endowment.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: May 30, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue MSc programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to learn Master of Science in Digital Marketing &
CRM program.
Scholarship Award: IÉSEG offers large numbers of scholarships in the form of tuition
waiver up to 50% for students who meet the various criteria for each case. No separate
application is needed. Decisions will be made during admission commission and released
along with admission decision.
Nationality: All nationalities
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in France

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship
Entrance Requirements: The Master of Science in Digital Marketing & CRM program
caters to students who already hold a bachelor’s degree in Business, Marketing, Engineering,
IT (or similar from a recognized university) and wish to strengthen their knowledge of Digital
Marketing & CRM.
The program is open to candidates with an undergraduate degree preferably in the above-
mentioned areas from a recognized university with strong academic performance and with a
good command of English (IELTS 6.5, TOEFL IBT 85, TOEIC 800, and Cambridge
Exam). Students with 6.0 IELTS may also be eligible for admission after a successful
interview. Native English speakers or students who have had two years of courses taught in
English are exempt. Other educational backgrounds will be considered case by case.
No prior knowledge of French is needed; however French language classes are mandatory for
non-French speakers as part of the program. A GMAT score is optional, not mandatory.
The next intake is September 2018. Online applications are already open.
English Language Requirements: The program is open to candidates with an undergraduate
degree preferably in the above-mentioned areas from a recognized university with strong
academic performance and with a good command of English (IELTS 6.5, TOEFL IBT 85,
TOEIC 800, and Cambridge Exam). Students with 6.0 IELTS may also be eligible for
admission after a successful interview. Native English speakers or students who have had two
years of courses taught in English are exempt. Other educational backgrounds will be
considered case by case.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Follow the steps to apply:
Step 1: Complete your online application
Our application process is entirely online. Create your account online and fill in the required
sections with your contact details, your academic and professional background, your
achievements, as well as your motivation for pursuing the program.
You may save your work until you are ready to validate and print the form.
Step 2: Submit your application
Once you validate the form, you are required to pay an 80 € application fee online (via our
secure platform) and to email your signed application form with copies of the following
supporting documents:
Online application form
Undergraduate degree in Business, Marketing or Engineering from a recognized university
(transcripts and diploma)
English proficiency test (IELTS 6.5, TOEFL IBT 85, TOEIC 800, Cambridge Exam) for non-
native English speakers
CV / Resume
Copy of passport
Step 3: Interview with the recruiter
Once your application is submitted to your recruitment contact, you will be asked to attend a
skype or in-person interview with the recruiter.
Step 4: Final Decision
Once your application is submitted, it will take approximately 2 weeks for the Admissions
Jury to review your file and provide a final decision (admission and scholarship award – if

any). Rolling admission is offered to qualified candidates from October 2017. Your official
acceptance letter will be sent once you have secured your place on the program.

136. Fully Funded WINTOUR Erasmus+ Scholarship for Masters, 2018-2020

Erasmus+ Scholarship Applications are now open for the 2018-2020 intake of
the Wintour Master. These scholarships are designed to cover some of the expenses students incur
throughout the entire duration of the WINTOUR course, which is 2 years. The Erasmus Mundus
Master on Wine Tourism Innovation (WINTOUR) combines a large expertise in Tourism and
Oenology of three universities and regions: Rovira i Virgili University (URV – Tarragona, Spain),
University of Bordeaux (UB, France), and University of Porto (UP, Portugal).
The language of instruction of the WINTOUR master is English. Other language
skills/certificates are not compulsory. However, selection committee evaluates positively that
candidates have other languages skills (such as Spanish, French or Portuguese, the languages of
the countries where the course takes place). WINTOUR students are given the opportunity to
study local languages during the first three semesters).

Scholarship Description:
Applications deadline: February 15, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject: The WINTOUR master has a truly integrated study programme, offering
classes in:
Wine Tourism and Marketing
Winemaking (Sparkling, Aged, Sweet, Fortified)
Wine Heritage
The course also includes three professional internship experiences at wineries and companies
around the world:
Winemaking (6 weeks)
Marketing (1-2 weeks)
Master Thesis (4th Semester-5 months)
Scholarship Award: The scholarships awarded to cover the students’ participation costs
(including tuition fees, full insurance coverage and any other mandatory costs related to the
students’ participation in the course), a yearly contribution to student travel and installation
costs and a monthly subsistence allowance for the entire duration of the EMJMD study
programme. The WINTOUR Consortium pays the grants to students according to specific
payment arrangements which are communicated to the grantees in advance.
Nationality: Students with double nationality (of a Programme or Partner country) must
choose the nationality under which they submit their scholarship application.
Number of Scholarships: The WINTOUR Consortium opens call for up to 19 scholarships
per intake (3 for Programme Country students and up to 16 for Partner country students). The
number of scholarships offered in our master is determined by the agreement made with the
European Commission, so there is little room for the WINTOUR Consortium for changing
the number of scholarships.
Scholarship can be taken in Spain, France, and Portugal

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Students are entitled to apply to only one of the two categories of
scholarships at a time. Students with double nationality (of a Programme or Partner country)
must choose the nationality under which they submit their scholarship application.
Programme country
Nationals of a Programme Country (all countries within the 28 EU Member States, former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey) or applicants
who are nationals of a Partner Country and have been residents or have carried out their main
activity (studies, training or work) for more than 12 non-consecutive months over the last 5
years in one of the 28 EU Member States, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland,
Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey.
Partner country
Nationals of a Partner Country (all countries outside the 28 EU Member States, former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey) and applicants
who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, training or work) for
more than 12 non-consecutive months over the last 5 years in one of the 28 EU Member
States, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey.
Entrance Requirements: Minimum admission requirements for eligibility
Candidates must have a completed university bachelor and/or master’s degree/s
(minimum 180 ECTS)in the fields of Social Sciences (e.g. Tourism, Economics, Business
Management/Administration, Marketing); Natural and Experimental Sciences (e.g.
Oenology/Viticulture, Agronomic/Agricultural Engineering, Biotechnology, Food
Technology); or Humanities (e.g. Languages, International Relations), or closely related
Candidates must present a recent English language certificate, at least a B2 level according to
the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (official certifications from
Cambridge, IELTS or TOEFL are accepted).
Moreover, personal motivation, prior work experience in the field, as well as obvious
linguistic skills (preferably, in the languages of the organizing universities), will be crucial
elements in the selection process.
English Language Requirements: WINTOUR does expect that candidates have a good
command of the English language that enables them to communicate well at an academic
level. The level of English proficiency should be at least B2, using the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages scale. English skills must be documented with the
qualification of a recent English test (Cambridge ESOL, IELTS or TOEFL are accepted)

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Required documents (all applicants)
* At the pre-enrollment stage, you can present the documents in PDF format. In case
of admission, Bachelor diploma must be duly legalized (see requirements for foreign
students here). Also, in case of admission, you must present the certified or attested copies of
all documents to the WINTOUR Secretariat before enrolment.
Additional documentation (applicants Erasmus Mundus Scholarships)

137. TROPIMUNDO MSc Scholarships for International Students, 2018

International scholarships are available for 2-year Erasmus Mundus Masters Course in
Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems. During the TROPIMUNDO programme, students will get
the opportunity to study at two European partner institutions and at one partner university in the

humid tropics. TROPIMUNDO is an EC-funded Erasmus Mundus Masters Course in Tropical
Biodiversity and Ecosystems which unites expert Higher Education Institutions (HEI), with a
long-standing worldwide expertise in tropical rainforests and woodlands, and in coastal
ecosystems (e.g. mangrove forests and coral reefs). University aims to bring together expert
Higher Education Institutes (HEI), with long-standing worldwide expertise in tropical rainforests
and woodlands and in tropical coastal ecosystems. Students must be able to demonstrate
proficiency in English or English + French.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: November 30, 2017
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing MSc Programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems.
Scholarship Award: TROPIMUNDO Candidates can also apply for an EC scholarship ,
which is however limited by a number of criteria
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Belgium, France, Italy, Cameroon, Malaysia and Australia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Scholarships are open to citizens of all nationalities.
Entrance Requirements:
An internationally accepted Bachelor’s degree (i.e. the equivalent of 180 ECTS) with a major
in Biology, Natural Sciences, Environmental Sciences, or equivalent from an accredited
Students must be able to demonstrate proficiency in English or English + French. More
information on language requirements can be found in the Online Information and
Application Module.
A personal evaluation of the applications will be done by a selection committee
In the 1st and 3rd semester basic and specialised extra-curricular language courses are offered
based on actual trajectory needs.
English Language Requirements: Students must be able to demonstrate proficiency in
English or English + French.
Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
The mode of applying is online.

138. French Embassy-Generation Study Abroad Undergraduate Scholarship for US

Students, 2018
The Institute of International Education with the support of Government of France would
like to offer Study Abroad Undergraduate Scholarship for US students. These scholarships will be
given out by institutions to be used to support education abroad costs related to travel, tuition,
books, lodging, and insurance, to and in France. The aim of the scholarships is to strengthen the
bond between French and US applicants. The Institute of International Education (IIE) is an
organization which focuses on International Student Exchange and Aid, Foreign Affairs, and
International Peace and Security.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: November 20, 2017

Course Level: These scholarships are available to pursue an undergraduate degree.
Study Subject: These scholarships are awarded in the fields offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Generation Study Abroad commitment partners at U.S. colleges and
universities are eligible to apply for the five matching incentive grants of $5,000. The selected
campuses must commit to matching the grant and will be responsible for nominating four
qualified students to receive the French Embassy- Generation Study Abroad Scholarship of
$2,500 each.
Nationality: USA
Number of Scholarships: Up to five scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in France

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: USA
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet following criteria:
Citizens or permanent residents
Sophomore, junior or senior students enrolled in an undergraduate degree program(
associate’s or baccalaureate) at a U.S. university or college that is a Generation Study Abroad
Commitment Partner.
18 years old at the time of departure to France.
Participating in a program in France, in a French institution.
Contributes to diversifying the study abroad population at their institutions.
Additional campus criteria must address one or more barriers to study abroad: cost,
curriculum, and culture.
Indicators must include at least one of the following: financial need, first-generation students,
underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, students with disabilities, underrepresented academic
discipline, gender, community college or transfer students, veterans, student-athletes, or
students who have never travelled abroad.
There are no restrictions with regard to grade point average.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have sufficient knowledge of the
language of instruction of the host university.

Application Procedure:
Applicants can apply through the online processor.
How to Apply:
Complete the application form by 11:59 pm EST Monday, November 20th, 2017

139. Eiffel Excellence Scholarship for Foreign Students at University of Bordeaux in France,
The University of Bordeaux has created a scholarship programme to enable talented
foreign students to undertake a master and doctoral programme in France. The Eiffel Scholarship
Program is a tool developed by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French
educational institutions better to attract the best foreign students to degree programs at Masters
and PhD level. Approximately 13% of students at the University of Bordeaux are international.
The university has developed a wide range of international study programs that are taught in
English (or other languages such as Spanish) and that offer students the possibility of completing
joint or double degrees. The University of Bordeaux offers 245 curricula leading to national

degrees, organized around four major scientific fields: Science and Technology, Law, Political
Science, Economy, Management, Life and Health Sciences, Social and Human Sciences.

Scholarship Description:
Applications deadline: Deadline for Master programme: November 15, 2017, and For
Doctoral Programme: December 1, 2017.
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue master or doctoral programme.
Study Subject: The four major fields of study concerned by the Eiffel scholarships are:
The right; Economics and management; Engineering sciences for the master’s level, sciences
in the broad sense for the doctorate level (engineering sciences, exact sciences: mathematics,
physics, chemistry and life sciences, nano and biotechnologies, earth sciences, of the
Universe and the Environment, Science and Information Technologies and communication);
The political sciences.
Scholarship Award: Master level
Eiffel fellows receive a monthly allowance of 1.181 € (€ 1,031 maintenance allowance + €
150 monthly allowance), to which is added the direct support of several services:- An
international transport ticket routing – repatriation; Social protection Campus France for over
28s, the complementary health (mutual) for – 28 years old;- Cultural activities. They may also
benefit, under certain conditions, from the additional housing.
PhD level
Eiffel fellows receive a monthly allowance of € 1,400, which is added the direct support for
several services: An international transport ticket, Repatriation (for students who would make
multiple trips, one return trip will be taken care of); Social protection Campus France for
over 28s, the complementary health (mutual) for – 28 years old; Cultural activities. They may
also benefit, under certain conditions, from the additional housing.
Nationality: Foreign students are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in France

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Candidates of any nationality are eligible to apply for this scholarship
Entrance Requirements:
Nationality: This program is reserved for candidates of foreign nationality. The Bi-national
candidates, one of whom is French, are not eligible.
Age: Master level, the candidate must be at least 30 years old on the committee date
Selection; that is, born the same day or after March 12, 1988. At the doctoral level, the
candidate must be 35 years old or older on the date of the selection; that is, born the same day
or after the 12th of March, 1983.
Origin of the files: only the candidatures transmitted by the establishments French are
admissible. The latter undertake to register the winners in the training for which they have
been selected. Applications submitted by other ways are not acceptable. In addition, a
candidate presented by an institution will be rejected.
The formations concerned: are eligible candidates likely to integrate training leading to a
master’s degree, including in school engineers, and doctoral candidates. The French

formations relocated to abroad are not concerned. Training as part of an apprenticeship or
professionalization contract are not eligible for the Eiffel Scholarships.
Cumulation of scholarships: foreign students already benefiting from a scholarship French
Government under another program, at the time of the filing of the application, are not
eligible, even if it is a fellowship that does not take into the charge as social coverage. ·
Eiffel Master scholarship: the candidacy of a student whose file has not been retained during a
previous selection is not admissible, even if this application is submitted by a different
institution or in another field studies. The candidacy of a student who has already benefited
from an Eiffel scholarship Master level is not acceptable for this same level.
Eiffel Ph.D. Scholarship: institutions can present for a scholarship doctorate a candidate who
has already benefited from an Eiffel scholarship at the master’s level. A candidate who has
already benefited from an Eiffel grant as part of his doctorate is not eligible once again for an
Eiffel grant. The candidacy of a student who’s the folder was not selected during a previous
selection for this level is not admissible, even if submitted by an institution different or in
another field of study.
Language level: institutions that pre-select non-qualified candidates Francophones must
ensure that their language level is adequate with the level required by the training. Students
studying abroad have priority over those who already reside in France.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
All applicants must apply via the International Office, which then centralizes and submits all
applications to Campus France. Under no circumstance should applicants send their
application directly to Campus France; applications sent in this way will be immediately
Master Level:
Step 1: check your eligibility by reading the documents provided by Campus France.
Step 2: request the application form by email, indicating your nationality and desired a course
of study (webpage in French) at the University of Bordeaux.
Step 3: collect all the requested documents and send them to incoming-pessac-at-u- (please send your documents – application file and each supporting document –
separately. Please do not consolidate all the documents into one single PDF file).
Doctoral Level:
Step 1: please read the procedure for internal submission carefully (more information
with Campus France documents).
Step 2: approach your thesis supervisor for more information if required.
Step 3: request the application form and complete pages 1, 2 and 4 of the form, saving it in an
interactive PDF format (please name it in the following way:
Step 4: collect all the requested documents and send them to internationalisation.doctorat-at- (please send your documents – application file and each supporting document –
separately. Please do not consolidate all the documents into one single PDF file).

140. International Scholarships for Master of Science in Computational Mechanics, 2018

International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering is inviting applications for
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships. The Master of Science in Computational Mechanics is designed
for students who wish to excel in the field of computational mechanics. The Erasmus Mundus
Master in Computational Mechanics is a two-years master programe that exploits the
complementarity of five leading universities with a long tradition of research and teaching in
Simulation engineering. The goal of the programme is to provide the students with the skills for
the modelling, formulation, analysis and implementation of simulation tools for advanced
engineering problems, as well as skills for understanding these approaches in the broader context
of business and innovation.

Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing MSc programme.

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Computational Mechanics.
Scholarship Award:
The Tuition fees of the Master for 2 years
A stipend of €1000 per month
Funds for travel and installation (the amount depends on the residency of the candidate and can be
from €0 to €7500. The final amount is determined by the EACEA Agency, not by the
management of the Master Programme)
Scholarship can be taken in Spain, UK, France, Germany and Beijing

Category A scholarships can be awarded to masters students selected by EMMC consortia who
come from a country other than an eligible applicant country and who are not residents nor have
carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last
five years in one of these countries.
Eligible applicant countries for Cat. A: all countries except the EU27 Member States + Norway,
Iceland and Liechtenstein.
** Category B scholarships can be awarded to any masters students selected by EMMC consortia
and who do not fulfil the Category A criteria defined above.
Nationality: Citizens of all countries are eligible to apply.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: A candidate must hold a Bachelor of Science or Engineering, or an
appropriate science degree deemed to be a satisfactory standard for the purpose of postgraduate
admission (at least 180 ECTS) and awarded by an Institution recognized by one of the members
of the Consortium. Applications must include a statement of purpose (one/two pages), a CV,
complete academic transcripts and three letters of recommendation.
Test Requirement: No
English Language Requirement:
TOEFL PBT 570 (paper)
TOEFL IBT 89 (internet)

How to Apply: To apply online, please, complete the following steps:

Get registered at the virtual centre (remember your ID!)
Fill in the Registration Form.
Upload the Registration Form to the virtual center.

Complete and submit the Online Registration Form.
Upload to the virtual center the following files IN PDF format (Ms Word files will be discarded)
Scanned copy of the Bachelor degree with filename: BachelorDegree.pdf
The degree classification, class rank and full academic transcript with filename:
The IELTS or similarly internationally recognized English language proficiency score with
filename: EnglishCertificate.pdf
A complete Curriculum Vitae with filename: CV.pdf
Application Form
Application Deadline: The scholarship application deadline is January 15, 2018.

141. IESEG MSc Scholarships in International Accounting, Audit & Control Program in
France, 2018
The IÉSEG is offering large numbers of scholarships in the form of tuition waiver from
10% to 50% for students who meet the various criteria for each case. These scholarships are open
to international students to pursue Master of Science in International Accounting, Audit &
Control. The aim of the scholarships is to produce graduates of responsible character with the
necessary knowledge and skills for professional and national leadership. IESEG School of
Management is a post-bac business school in France. This business school is a member of the
University Catholique de Lille, the largest private university in France in terms of student
population and endowment.

Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue MSc programme.

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the feild of International Accounting, Audit &
Scholarship Award: IÉSEG offers large numbers of scholarships in the form of tuition waiver
from 10% to 50% for students who meet the various criteria for each case. No separate
application is needed. Decisions will be made during admission commission and released along
with admission decision.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in France

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
✓ The MSc in International Accounting, Audit & Control program caters to students with a
Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Economics, wishing to explore the
importance of financial reporting in the modern business environment.
✓ The program is open to candidates with an undergraduate degree from a recognized
university with strong academic performance and with a good command of English
(IELTS 6.5, TOEFL IBT 85, TOEIC 800, and Cambridge Exam). Students with 6.0
IELTS may also be eligible for admission after a successful interview with our overseas
offices. Native English speakers or students who have had two years of courses taught in
English are exempt.
✓ No prior knowledge of French is needed; however French language classes are mandatory
for non-French speakers as part of the program. A GMAT score is an asset.
✓ The next intake is September 2018. Online applications will be available around mid-
October 2017.

Nationality: French and international students are eligible to apply for this scholarship program.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Entrance Requirements: The program is open to candidates with an
undergraduate degree from a recognized university with strong academic performance and with a
good command of English.
English Language Requirements: The program is open to candidates with an undergraduate
degree from a recognized university with strong academic performance and with a good
command of English (IELTS 6.5, TOEFL IBT 85, TOEIC 800, and Cambridge Exam). Students
with 6.0 IELTS may also be eligible for admission after a successful interview with our overseas
offices. Native English speakers or students who have had two years of courses taught in English
are exempt.

How to Apply: The mode of application is online.

Application Form
Application Deadline: Application deadline for September 2018 intake: May 30, 2018.

142. FSMP Math in Paris Master Fellowships for International Students in France, 2018
The Science Mathematics Foundation of Paris is delighted to offer Math in Paris
Fellowships to pursue master degree programme. The fellowship is available to foreign nationals.
The selected prize winners thus integrate the masters of mathematical sciences or theoretical
computer science of the universities of the network of the FSMP. They benefit from a range of
teaching methods unique in the world, based on all the skills of the Paris research laboratories in
mathematical sciences. The Paris Mathematical Sciences Foundation (FSMP) is a thematic
network for advanced research in mathematics and theoretical computer science in Paris, founded
by the CNRS, the ENS, the Pierre and Marie Curie University, the University Paris-Diderot and 4
Chairs of Mathematics of the Collège de France. The partners are Inria, the universities Paris-
Dauphine, Paris-Descartes, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris-Nord, and IdEx PSL (teams of the
Ecole des Mines, Observatoire de Paris and EHESS).

Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue Master degree programme.

Study Subject: Fellowships are awarded to learn any of the courses offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: The winners will receive a scholarship in the amount of 1100 € / month
maximum: 600 / month + a flat-rate supplement of 500 € for housing assistance only on
presentation of proof).
The Science Mathematics Foundation of Paris also pays their social security cover to the student
scheme and their university registration fees.
For students of foreign nationality, the Foundation reserves a room at the CROUS de Paris and
reimburses them the price of a return ticket per year from their country of origin to Paris (on the
basis of an economic rate only)
The winners selected for an M2 benefit from 10 months of scholarship or 12 months if they
pursue doctoral studies in France.
The winners selected for an M1 receive a scholarship of 12 months in the first year and 10 months
or 12 months in the second year if they pursue a doctorate in France.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers of scholarships are not given.
Scholarship can be taken in France

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
This scholarship is open to people wishing to carry out the 1st year and/or 2nd year Master’s
Only candidates eligible for student social security are eligible for the program because of the age
limit imposed.
For example, in the case of current calls for tenders (beginning of the academic year 2018-2019),
only candidates born after September 1, 1991 are eligible to receive an M2 grant ( or 1 September
1992 for a two-year scholarship: M1 + M2).
Nationality: International applicants are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: This scholarship is open to people wishing to carry out the 1st year
and/or 2nd year Master’s degree.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

How to Apply: The mode of application is online.

Documents to be attached to the application
Curriculum vitae
Cover letter
Certificates and diplomas Bachelor / Master
Letter (s) of recommendation (s)
Do not forget to mention in the application form (step 4) the email address of the professors who
wish to recommend you.
They will receive an automatic email allowing them to upload their letter.
Application Deadline: The entire form must have been completed and registered before the
deadline of January 26, 2018, at 23:59 for the application to be valid. Letters of recommendation
may be uploaded until January 28, 2018 (23:59 Paris time).

143. 2018 IESEG MSc Scholarships in Fashion Management, France

The IESEG School of Management is offering MSc Scholarships in Fashion
Management. These scholarships are available for the applicants from all over the world. The aim
of the scholarships is to produce graduates of responsible character with the necessary knowledge
and skills for professional and national leadership IÉSEG School of Management is a post-bac
business school in France. This business school is a member of the University Catholique de
Lille, the largest private university in France in terms of student population and endowment.

Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue MSc programme.

Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in the field of Fashion Management.
Scholarship Award: IÉSEG offers large numbers of scholarships in the form of tuition waiver
from 10% to 50% for students who meet the various criteria for each case. No separate
application is needed. Decisions will be made during admission commission and released along
with admission decision.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known

Scholarship can be taken in France

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
The Master of Science in Fashion Management caters to students who already hold a Bachelor’s
degree in any field. We encourage students from a wide range of academic backgrounds who
show strong potential and interest in the fashion business world to join us.
The program is open to candidates with an undergraduate degree from a recognized university
with strong academic performance and a good command of English (IELTS 6.5, TOEFL IBT 85,
TOEIC 800, Cambridge Exam). Students with 6.0 IELTS may also be eligible for admission after
successful interview with our overseas offices. Native English speakers or students who have
had two years of courses taught in English are exempt.
No prior knowledge of French is needed; however French language classes are mandatory for
non-French speakers as part of the program. A GMAT score is optional, not mandatory.
Nationality: Scholarship is available to both domestic and international students.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: The Master of Science in Fashion Management caters to students who
already hold a Bachelor’s degree in any field.
English Language Requirements: No prior knowledge of French is needed; however French
language classes are mandatory for non-French speakers as part of the program. A GMAT score is
optional, not mandatory.

How to Apply: Applicants can apply through the online processor.

Application Form
Application Deadline: Application deadline for September 2018 intake: May 30, 2018.

144. IESEG MBA Scholarships for International Students in France, 2018

The IESEG School of Management is pleased to offer MBA Scholarships for
international students. The scholarship program is open to candidates with a bachelor degree from
a recognized university with strong academic performance.The International MBA is aimed at
graduates with at least 3 years of full-time and post-graduate work experience.
The IESEG School of Management is a post-bac business school in France. This business
school is a member of the University Catholique de Lille, the largest private university in France
in terms of student population and endowment. No prior knowledge of French is needed; however
French language classes are mandatory for non-French speakers as part of the program.

Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing MBA programme.

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of business administration.
Scholarship Award: IESEG offers large numbers of scholarships in the form of tuition waiver
from 10% to 50% for students who meet the various criteria for each case.
Scholarship can be taken in France

Eligibility: The program is open to candidates with a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized
university with strong academic performance and a good command of English (IELTS 6.5,
TOEFL IBT 85, TOEIC 800, Cambridge Exam). Students with 6.0 IELTS may also be eligible
for admission after a successful interview with our overseas offices. Native English speakers or
students who have had three years of courses taught in English are exempt.

Nationality: International students are eligible to apply.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have bachelor’s degree.
Test Requirement: A GMAT score is a plus, not mandatory.
English Language Requirement: No prior knowledge of French is needed; however French
language classes are mandatory for non-French speakers as part of the program.

How to Apply: All applicants into graduate programs are automatically considered for this
scholarship and there are no specific application forms to be filled. For admission, applicants
complete the online application and must submit the following supporting documents:
✓ Transcripts (translated to English, French or Spanish)
✓ Diploma (translated to English, French or Spanish)
✓ CV
✓ English test
✓ Passport
Application Deadline: The application deadline for September 2018 intake is May 30, 2018.

145. ISAE-SUPAERO Fully Funded Master Scholarships for International Students in

France, 2017-2019
ISAE-SUPAERO is awarding numerous scholarships for international students to pursue
master degree programme each year. This is a fully funded scholarship. The aim of the
scholarship is to fully finance international students to pursue Master of Science programme.
ISAE-SUPAERO is a world leader in aerospace engineering higher education. It was the world’s
first dedicated aerospace engineering school and is considered to be one of the best in Europe in
that field. The school delivers a range of science and engineering degree programs. ISAE-
SUPAERO is part of the University of Toulouse, ISSAT, PEGASUS, GEA, Toulouse
Tech, CESAER and Aerospace Valley.

Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue Master degree programme.

Study Subject: Fellowships are awarded in the field of Aerospace Engineering.
Scholarship Award:
The ISAE-SUPAERO foundation fellowship for applicants admitted to the master in
aerospace engineering:
These grants cover tuition fees and allow students to borrow up to €12,600 without interest, to
cover part of living expenses.
The fellowship associated with the chair for eco-design of aircraft (CEDAR) by Airbus:
This fellowship covers tuition fees and part of living expenses (€3,500/year).
MBDA program of excellence for India at ISAE:
This fellowship covers tuition fees and part of living expenses (€8,000/year).
MBDA Program of Excellence for Indonesia at ISAE:
This fellowship covers tuition fees and part of living expenses (€8,000/year).
GIFAS Program of Excellence:
This fellowship covers tuition fees and part of living expenses (€5,000/year).
The Fellowship of the chair arises by Thales:
This fellowship covers tuition fees and part of living expenses (€6,300/year).
Scholarship can be taken in France

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
Required degrees for the ISAE Master in Aerospace Engineering.
Bachelor’s degree, or the equivalent, in the following fields: mechanical engineering,
mechatronics, aerospace, electronics, electrical systems, telecommunications, etc.
or French license in Science and Engineering.
Students holding a degree in mathematics or physics may also apply.
Nationality: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Students must have Bachelor’s degree or the equivalent.
English Language Requirements: The teaching language of the programme is in French or
English, depending on the program

How to Apply: The mode of application is online.

Reminder: the “online” application file should include:
✓ a resume,
✓ a cover letter,
✓ a copy of your highest diploma or certificate of enrollment,
✓ transcripts for the 3 last years,
✓ English test results (TOEFL IBT (Inst.Code: 9820) or TOEIC or IELTS or CAE
✓ GRE test results if taken (not mandatory)
✓ 2 letters of recommendation sent directly by professors to
Application Deadline: Application deadline is December 11, 2017.

146. IESEG Master of Science Scholarships in Big Data Analytics for Business in France,
The IESEG School of Management is now inviting applications for Master of Science
Scholarships in Big Data Analytics for Business. These scholarships are available for the
applicants from all over the world. The aim of the scholarships is to produce graduates of
responsible character with the necessary knowledge and skills for professional and national
leadership. IESEG School of Management is a post-bac business school in France. This business
school is a member of the University Catholique de Lille, the largest private university in France
in terms of student population and endowment.

Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue master’s program.

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded for Master of Science in Big Data Analytics for
Scholarship Award: IESEG offers large numbers of scholarships in the form of tuition waiver
from 10% to 50% for students who meet the various criteria for each case. No separate
application is needed. Decisions will be made during admission commission and released along
with admission decision.
Number of Scholarships: IESEG offers large numbers of scholarships in the form of tuition
Scholarship can be taken in France

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
The MSc in Big Data Analytics for Business program caters to prospects who already hold a
bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Engineering, IT, Statistics or similar, and interested
in a new and expanding field.
The program is open to candidates with an undergraduate degree from a recognized university
with strong academic performance and with a good command of English (IELTS 6.5, TOEFL IBT
85, TOEIC 800, Cambridge Exam). Students with 6.0 IELTS may also be eligible for admission
after a successful interview with our overseas offices. Native English speakers or students who
have had two years of courses taught in English are exempt.
No prior knowledge of French is needed; however French language classes are mandatory for
non-French speakers as part of the program. A GMAT score is mandatory.
Nationality: French and international students are eligible to apply for this scholarship program.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: The program is open to candidates with an undergraduate degree from a
recognized university with strong academic performance and with a good command of English.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have: a good command of English (IELTS 6.5,
TOEFL IBT 85, TOEIC 800, and Cambridge Exam).

How to Apply: Applicants can apply through the online processor.

Application Form
Application Deadline: Application deadline for September 2018 intake: May 30, 2018.

147. MSc Scholarships in Investment Banking & Capital Markets in France, 2017
The IESEG School of Management is now inviting applications for Master Scholarships
of Science in Investment Banking & Capital Markets. These scholarships are available for the
applicants from all over the world. The aim of the scholarships is to produce graduates of
responsible character with the necessary knowledge and skills for professional and national
leadership IÉSEG School of Management is a post-bac business school in France. This business
school is a member of the University Catholique de Lille, the largest private university in France
in terms of student population and endowment.

Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue the master programme.

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of investment banking and capital market.
Scholarship Award: These scholarships will cover tuition waiver from 10% to 50% for students.
Numbers of Scholarships: Large numbers of scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in France

Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

✓ The program is open to candidates with an undergraduate degree from a recognized
university with strong academic performance and with a good command of English
(IELTS 6.5, TOEFL IBT 85, TOEIC 800, Cambridge Exam). Students with 6.0 IELTS
may also be eligible for admission after the successful interview with our overseas
offices. Native English speakers or students who have had two years of courses taught in
English are exempt. Other educational backgrounds will be considered case by case.

✓ No prior knowledge of French is needed; however French language classes are mandatory
for non-French speakers as part of the program. A GMAT score is optional, not
Nationality: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible for these scholarships.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have undergraduate degree
English Language Requirement: Applicants must have: a good command of English (IELTS 6.5,
TOEFL IBT 85, TOEIC 800, and Cambridge Exam).

How to Apply: Applicants can apply through the online processor.

Online application
Application Deadline: The application deadline is May 30, 2018.

148. EU and OECD Development Centre Youth Photo Contest for International Applicants
in France, 2018
On the occasion of the International Youth Day 2017, the EU and OECD Development
Centre, as part of the Youth Inclusion Project, invites you to share your views and aspirations
regarding the future of work through a powerful photo! Young people have aspirations and
dreams. Only the sky should be the limit to their optimism and creativity. However, the world is
changing fast, with new technologies affecting the way we work and the future is increasingly
fuzzy for today’s young generation. How is the future of work going to evolve and what dreams
and aspirations can young people have in this uncertain future? Aspirations constitute an
important driver for a young person’s career and life choices. They shape how young people think
and feel about themselves, their lives, and their communities and influence their actions in the
face of challenges and opportunities. Thus, meeting youth aspirations is an important aspect of
social cohesion and increasingly a subject of interest among policymakers as they endeavour to
design policies adapted for young people.
The Youth Photo Contest: Take a shot at your future is calling for young photographers to
submit photos that represent youth aspirations and the future of work as they see it. The objective
of the contest is to capture the diversity of youth aspirations from all over the world and influence
the policy debate to improve the future of work for youth and ensure inclusive policies.

Who can participate?

Young people, 18-30 years old, from any country, can participate.
How to proceed?
Participants can submit up to a maximum of three photos via email to Dev.YouthInclusion-at- no later than October 12, 2017 (midnight Paris time). All entries must include the
Registration Form .
A panel of judges will evaluate photos based on:
Relevance to the objective of the contest;
Photo composition/lighting;
Creativity and originality;
What is the prize for the winners?
Two best pictures will be selected and winners will receive sponsorship to attend the final
international conference of the EU-OECD Development Centre Youth Inclusion Project in Paris,
France. Travel costs to and from Paris, 3 days room and board will be provided. Moreover, the

winning photos and other outstanding photographs will be displayed at an online exhibition on the
OECD Development Centre website. All entries that have been selected will be notified.
Click here to download the Contest poster.
For detailed instructions on how to participate please see the General Contest Guidelines

149. NABA Master of Arts in Fashion and Textile Design Competition for International
Students in Italy, 2018
NABA is launching International Fashion Competition for EU and Non-EU students to
study in Italy. Candidates are invited to introduce themselves through the presentation of a
collection capable of reflecting their own personality NABA is an internationally renowned
innovative arts and design academy based in the heart of Milan’s design scene. NABA is the
largest private educational academy in Italy offering six BA and seven MA courses, all
recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). International
students should hold a valid high school diploma, equivalent to an Italian secondary school
diploma (obtained at the end of a period of study lasting at least 12 years) and IELTS 5.0 for non-
native speakers.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: May 11, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue master degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study Master of Arts in Fashion and Textile
Scholarship Award: The five best projects will be awarded a scholarship for partial coverage
of the tuition fee to attend the first year of the MA in Fashion and Textile Design starting in
September 2018.
1st prize: nr. 1 scholarship covering 60% of the tuition fee to attend the first year of the MA
2nd prize: nr. 1 scholarship covering 50% of the tuition fee to attend the first year of the MA
3rd prize: nr. 1 scholarship covering 40% of the tuition fee to attend the first year of the MA
2 special mentions covering 20% of the tuition fee to attend the first year of the MA Program
Prizes will be calculated on the standard tuition fee amounting to:
2-year Master of Arts Degree Programs:
€9.900 (for EU passport holders – Local Community Tax and Second Year Diploma Fee are
not included)
€14.250 (for non-EU passport holders – Local Community Tax and Second Year Diploma
Fee are not included)
Nationality: International students
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship

Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
The competition is open to young designers that adopt and recognize in fashion a language
able to visually embrace the essence of the contemporary world (music, visual arts,
humanistic culture, technical/scientific culture, craft and industrial technologies,
experimentation, and tradition).
English Language Requirements: Applicants must provide a certificate of knowledge of
English or Italian – level B1.2 (according to the chosen program).

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Candidates are required to submit:
A pdf file with the layout coherent to the content including:
o Written introduction
o Visual introduction: moodboard – research –inspiration (If the candidate is not the
owner, photo credits must be included)
o Sketches of the collection: min 3 max 9
o Drawings of the sketch you create
o Outfit images (ready-to-wear or still life): max 4
o Illustration: an illustration that represents the content of the
o Work in progress pictures: you have to shoot pictures of
each step during the creation of the outfit – Notes about the realization (i.e.
sewn/made by the applicant, sewn/made by someone else, list of materials and
o Personal portfolio of works and projects/personal collection
o Detailed curriculum vitae
o Motivation statement
o Copy of Bachelor Degree/Academic diploma translated into English/Italian
o Academic transcript/mark sheet of previous studies, translated into English/Italian,
listing subjects and exams, with the corresponding number of hours/credits;
o NABA Master Programs Application Form – Academic Year 2018/2019
o Candidates are asked to send their materials in English language and in two files in
PDF format: one including competition project and one including personal portfolio.
o Application fee is waived for competition participants

150. Fully Funded Rome Masters Scholarship in Economics (RoME) at LUISS University in
Italy, 2018
The Rome Masters Scholarship in Economics (RoME) is now available on offer at LUISS
University in Italy for the year 2018. Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for this
scholarship. The Rome Masters in Economics (RoME) is a challenging, two-year graduate major,
designed for a small group of highly selected students with great drive and potential. It gives them
the tools to begin pursuing high-quality independent research. LUISS University provides a diverse
learning environment that weaves academic rigor with practical relevance. Each program combines
a distinctive set of disciplines and adopts a truly innovative teaching approach to enable you to
develop yourself and your way forward.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: March 30, 2018
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue Master of Science programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in the field of Economics and Finance.
Scholarship Award: LUISS awards full-tuition scholarships to students who apply to the
Master’s degree program in Economics and Finance majoring in economics – RoME track
(RoME Master in Economics).
Nationality: All nationalities
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
LUISS Master’s degree programs are open to graduate students of all nationalities with little
or no professional experience, hold at least a three-year Bachelor’s degree, and have obtained
180 ECTS in accordance with the admission requirements (see below).
For more information about admission requirements, please check the dedicated page on the
LUISS web site.
Italian language proficiency is not an admission criterion.
Test Requirement: The admission test consists of English test, logic test, and personal
English Language Requirements: TOEFL/IELTS and GMAT/GRE are optional. Applicants
with high scores are invited to provide the certificates to be exempted from the English or
Logics tests.
Italy Ph.D. Scholarships

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Supporting Documentation
GMAT or GRE certificate
Current university registration certificate + transcript of records
Secondary school diploma
Curriculum vitae
Motivation letter
Letter of reference from a lecturer
TOEFL/IELTS/Cambridge (optional).
Students wishing to apply must complete the application form and upload all the required
documentation here .

151. Fashion Design Scholarships for EU Students at Domus Academy in Italy, 2018
Domus Academy is inviting applications for Fondazione Gianfranco Ferre Award.
Scholarships are awarded to pursue the Master in Fashion Design at Domus Academy,
commencing in September 2018. Domus Academy is a private school of design in Milan, Italy. It
offers post-graduate and professional courses in fashion, industrial design, and design
management. Applicants must have knowledge of the English language (IELTS 5.0 academic or
equivalent certificate).

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: April 6, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are awarded for pursuing master’s programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Fashion Designing.
Scholarship Award: One scholarship covering 10.000€ of the tuition fee of the Master in
Fashion Design.
Number of Scholarships: There is only one scholarship available.
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: The competition is reserved for EU students.
Entrance Requirements: Candidates holding a first-level academic diploma or BA degree,
or about to graduate within the academic year 2017/18.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have knowledge of the English language
(IELTS 5.0 academic or equivalent certificate).

Application Procedure:
Each candidate will be asked to present:
✓ A visual research referencing selected Gianfranco Ferré’s work;
✓ A moodboard with the definition of the concept through images and keywords;
✓ Colour and Material board;
✓ Design development through sketches and pictures of pattern experimentation and
fabric manipulations;
✓ Line-up of 5 complete outfits (accessories can be included) through hand-drawn or
digital illustrations;
✓ Technical drawings of each outfit;
✓ Photos of the final prototype of one garment;
✓ A 300-word abstract describing the project.
✓ The overall submission shall also include:
✓ General Portfolio of projects of the applicant
✓ Detailed curriculum vitae
✓ Motivation statement
✓ Copy of Bachelor Degree / Academic Diploma translated into English
✓ Academic Transcript / Marksheet of previous studies translated in English
✓ Copy of passport
✓ Domus Academy Application Form
How to Apply:
Projects in digital format must be uploaded online or sent by e-mail.

152. GLODEP Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Scholarships in International

Development Studies, 2018-2019
Applications are invited for Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in International
Development Studies (GLODEP) for 2018-2019 intake. Non-EU citizens are eligible to apply.

The aim of GLODEP is to prepare professionals in the field of development policy and practice.
GLODEP provides the students with comprehensive knowledge and skills to analyze
development issues and to design and promote development policies at national, regional and
international levels. The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in International Development
Studies (GLODEP) is a two-year multidisciplinary master program in development studies, with
an economic grounding and policy perspective.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 28, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in development studies, with an economic
grounding and policy perspective.
Scholarship Award: Participation Costs
Participation costs are 9000 € per year for students from Partner Countries and 4 500 € per
year for students from Programme Countries. Participation costs include tuition fees,
administrative costs (e.g. enrolment fees, student card, library fees, orientation week/day) and
insurance. For EMJMD Scholarship Holders participation costs are covered by the EMJMD
Scholarship (paid directly to the Consortium, not to students).
All applicants can apply for an EMJMD Scholarship and a Consortium Scholarship.
Candidates that have already been awarded an EMJMD/EMMC Scholarship cannot receive
the EMJMD Scholarship again.
EMJMD Scholarship
EMJMD scholarship will be offered to applicants based on their results from the admission
process, subject to EMJMD nationality/geographical restrictions. The scholarship can be
awarded only to 3 candidates having the same nationality. 75 % of the scholarships are
offered to Partner countries * candidates, the remaining 25 % of the scholarships are offered
to Programme countries * candidates.
The EMJMD scholarship includes:
Student participation costs (paid directly to the Consortium);
Contribution to student travel and installation costs and subsistence allowance for the duration
of the program (paid to the Scholarship Holder).
Nationality: Non-EU citizens are eligible to apply.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in GLODEP has a fixed structure: the first semester at Palacky
University(Olomouc, Czech Republic), second semester at the University Clermont
Auvergne (Clermont-Ferrand, France) and a third semester at the University of Pavia (Pavia,

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Non-EU citizens are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
GLODEP International Development Studies is open for applicants with a completed
undergraduate degree preferably in areas relevant to the program, such as development
studies, geography, economics, international relations and sociology. The program seeks

applicants with excellent academic results, strong interest in international development and
proficiency in English.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have proficiency in English.
Proof of English proficiency – all applicants need to provide a proof of sufficient knowledge
of English by meeting at least one of the criteria listed below:
A diploma of tertiary education where English was the language of instruction (in this case,
submit a Declaration of Honour);
Having successfully completed course units in tertiary education with a minimum total of 60
study credits where English was the language of instruction (the proof showing the number of
ECTS credits studied in English must be signed and stamped by the Educational Institution);
Having successfully completed one of the following language tests:
• TOEFL: minimum level 550 paper-based, 213 computer-based, 79 internet-based
(attention: TOEFL ITP will NOT be accepted)
• TOEIC with minimum level: 785
• IELTS: minimum level academic module 6,5
• Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (CAE), grade B
• Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE), grade C

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: First, you have to access GLODEP e-application . On the first page, you have
to select following combination: Faculty of Science, Master, GLODEP – International
Development Studies. Then you have to fill in the required information and upload the
necessary documents listed in the section Criteria and Requirements before the application
deadline. You have to upload all mentioned documents, otherwise, your application will not
be considered for the admission process. Be aware that you have to fill in the application and
upload the documents at the same time as it is not possible to save the application and
continue later.
All applicants are required to submit following documents:
✓ Proof of Nationality
✓ Proof of Place of Residence
✓ Copy (Scan) Of a Diploma
✓ Copy (Scan) Of A Transcript Of Records
✓ Proof of English Proficiency
✓ Curriculum Vitae
✓ Motivation Letter
✓ Two Letters of Recommendation

153. Master Scholarship in MEDEA for Non-Italian Students at Eni Corporate University in
Italy, 2018
The new Scholarships for Master’s Degree in Energy and Environmental Management
and Economics – MEDEA is available at Eni Corporate University in Italy. Italian and Non-
Italian students are eligible to apply for this scholarship. The MEDEA Master Degree is aimed at
Italian and international graduates in technical, scientific and economic disciplines, as well as
people already working in the energy and environment sector who want to study these subjects
more deeply. Eni Corporate University is dedicated to the development of technical and
managerial knowledge and development and promotion of Eni’s corporate identity and employer

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: The deadline for application is March 31, 2018, for foreign citizens
and April 30, 2018, for Italian citizens.
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in Energy and Environmental Management and
Economics – MEDEA. Administration in Energy Industry articulated on two study programs:
Managing Technical Assets and Global Energy.
Scholarship Award: Admission to the Master implies the exemption from payment of the
enrolment fees which are equal to € 25,000. Moreover, in order to favour the dissemination of
energy culture in specific countries of interest to the energy sector, a number of scholarships
will be given to deserving students who are in possession of citizenship of the following
countries: Algeria, Angola, Cyprus, Congo, Egypt, Ghana, Indonesia, Italy, Kazakhstan,
Libya, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, Tunisia, and Turkmenistan. In addition to the exemption
from payment of the enrolment fees, the scholarship entails financial contribution for
accommodation and living expenses, free training materials. In the allocation of grants, a
selection committee will evaluate academic records, other certificates, and degrees as well as
the applicant’s professional experience. Academic or professional experiences in the oil and
gas sector will be adequately appreciated. The course can be attended also by people
autonomously chosen by the Eni companies abroad.
Nationality: Italian and Non-Italian students
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Italian and Non-Italian students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
For Italian candidates, admission to the Master programme requires: –
University Degree in Italy in Departments of Economics or Engineering, with a final vote not
less than 105/110 (or 95/100) or an equivalent academic qualification from abroad;
To be younger than 28 years as of 31/12/2018;
Full proficiency in the English language. Italian candidates who will graduate by July 31,
2018, can apply.
For non-Italian candidates, admission to the Master programme normally requires: –
A good first Degree (upper 2nd level and above) or its equivalent from a recognized
University in the area of economics, finance, business administration, management,
engineering, mathematics, physics, chemicals, geology, statistics;
To be younger than 32 years as of 31/12/2018;
Full proficiency in the English language.
English Language Requirements: Full proficiency in the English language is required.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Applications shall be made online at the following link:

154. ICTP Master of Advanced Studies Scholarships for Developing Countries in Italy, 2018

ICTP and the University of Trieste are inviting applications for scholarship for Master of
Advanced Studies in Medical Physics (MMP), this is a two-year advanced training programme.
Students from developing countries are eligible to apply. The Master’s Programme is designed to
provide young, promising graduates of physics or related fields (mainly from low and medium
income countries) with postgraduate theoretical and clinical training so that candidates may be
recognized as Clinical Medical Physicists in their home countries.
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) is an international
research institute for physical and mathematical sciences that operates under a tripartite agreement
between the Italian Government, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO), and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: April 22, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study two-year degree programme of Master of
Advanced Studies in Medical Physics.
Scholarship Award: Qualified candidates may attend the course at their own cost.
A limited number of full or partial scholarships will be awarded to successful candidates from
developing countries, thanks to the support of the IAEA, TWAS, and ICTP. Full support
includes travel, registration fees and a monthly stipend of 900 euro in the first year and 1000
euro in the second (or a reduced amount if accommodation is provided).
Partial support can be in the form of:
Half support: travel, registration fees and a monthly stipend of 450 euro in the first and 500 in
the second year
Or, only travel and registration fees.
Nationality: Students from developing countries are eligible to apply.
Number of Scholarships: The maximum number of students admitted is 30.
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Students from developing countries are eligible to
Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Bahamas, Bahrain Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burma, Burundi,
Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African, Republic Chad, Chile, People’s Republic
of China, Colombia, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo,
Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatia, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt,
El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, The Gambia, Georgia, Ghana,
Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea, Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Indonesia,
India, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos,
Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi,
Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Federated States
of Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru,
Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea,
Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Samoa,
São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, South

Africa, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint- Vincent and the
Grenadines, South Sudan, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand,
Timor Leste, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu,
Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela,
Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
The minimum qualification for applicants is a degree equivalent to an MSc in physics or
related fields. The selection of candidates will be based on their university performance,
research activity and professional experience in the field. Adequate proficiency in the English
language is required. More details on the selection process are here .
The Master’s Programme is open to young (generally below 30 years of age) qualified
graduates from countries that are members of the United Nations, UNESCO or IAEA.
Candidates who have received their degree outside Italy must obtain the “Dichiarazione di
valore” from the Italian Embassy in their country, testifying that their curriculum studiorum is
equivalent to the Italian “Laurea specialistica”. Curriculum studiorum should comprise 12
years of primary and secondary school and a University degree equivalent to the Italian
“Laurea specialistica” – a university study allowing to enter in a PhD programme in her/his
English Language Requirements: Applicants must be fluent in English.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Individuals wishing to apply for the Master of Advanced Studies in Medical
Physics must complete the online application form .
The applicant has to submit a CV, a transcription of the university degree and can also submit
a letter of recommendation from senior scientists familiar with the applicant. Scientists
making recommendations should indicate if they have any contacts at the ICTP.

155. Ermenegildo Zegna Founder’s Scholarship for Italian Students to Study Abroad, 2018
Applications are invited for The Ermenegildo Zegna Founder’s Scholarship will
preselect, in fact, its undergraduates/graduates in medical-scientific disciplines in order to
assign scholarships study for a maximum amount of € 50,000.00 per year. The aim is to allow a
small number of exceptionally promising young people to undertake a path of research or
postgraduate / PhD specialization, from one to three years, abroad. The Ermenegildo Zegna
Group today is one of Italy’s most famous family driven enterprises. Over the last century,
the business gene and entrepreneurial spirit have been passed down through the generations,
ensuring that the name Zegna remains synonymous with pioneers of business. Growth has been
possible through shrewd diversification of the offering, which now ranges from clothing to
accessories, and strategies which have enabled the Ermenegildo Zegna brand to grow successfully
throughout the world.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: March 9, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue research or postgraduate / PhD
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in medical-scientific disciplines.

Scholarship Award: Scholarship of the maximum amount of € 50,000.00 per year will be
Nationality: Italian citizens
Number of Scholarships: Small number of scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken to Study Abroad (Applications and selection are managed
exclusively though the universities and schools that are currently participating in the
initiative: Università degli Studi di Trento, Università degli Studi di Padova, Politecnico di
Torino, Politecnico di Milano, Università degli Studi di Milano, Università Luigi Bocconi,
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Alma Mater Università di Bologna, Scuola Superiore
Sant’Anna di Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Università Luiss Guido Carli di Roma,
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Università di Pavia)

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Italian citizens are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
• To be able to participate in the pre-selection by the University you must be Italian
citizens (or permanent residents in Italy), have obtained admission (also conditional)
to the research program or post-graduate specialization or post-doctoral study abroad
wants to take part and be undergraduate or postgraduate degree students of the
University with an average of exams of at least 27/30, or if graduates, have obtained a
master’s degree score of not less than 105.
• Priority will be given to women and men who have the potential to become leaders in
their sector and a sincere interest in returning to Italy to make a positive contribution
to the Italian society following the completion of their stays abroad.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Candidates may apply as soon as they have been accepted for admission into
their proposed foreign university or research center and they have obtained the endorsement
of their university.
An application form must be completed by all candidates. In addition to standard biographical
information and a description of the program that the candidate wishes to pursue, the form
invites candidates to explain to the Selection Committee how they propose to make a positive
contribution to Italy following completion of their sojourn overseas. Applicants should give
particular attention to this personal statement as it will play a key role in the Selection
Committee’s decision.
Candidates will be required to submit one or more letters of reference, at least one of which
must be a recommendation from the Italian university of origin, or, in the case of candidates
who have already begun working, from a senior executive or director at the candidate’s place
of employment. Letters of reference should only be sought from persons who are personally
acquainted with the candidate.
All candidates selected as finalists will be invited to an in-person interview in Rome or Milan.
Reasonable travel expenses to/from Rome or Milan will be reimbursed.

156. Fully Funded Master Scholarships for International Students at LUISS Business School
in Italy, 2018
The LUISS Business School is inviting applications for up to 10 Scholarships for the
Master in Risk Management and insurance starting on September 24, 2018. International students
are eligible to apply for this scholarship program. This scholarship is funded by MAG-JLT Group
to a selected group of outstanding candidates. The LUISS Business School develops and promotes
research in different areas, maintaining a particular focus on Corporate Strategy and
Restructuring, Corporate Governance, and Performance Measurement; Innovation and
Organizational Design. The research is extended to business processes and corporate
environments and covers emerging fields such as Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability.
Experiential activities and the development of personal leadership represent a bridge between the
needs of public and private organizations and the academic world.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: May 31, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study Master in Risk Management and Insurance
– Major of the Master in Management and Technology.
Scholarship Award: Each scholarship will cover 100% of the tuition fees, equivalent to EUR
Nationality: International students
Number of Scholarships: Up to 10 scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship program.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
Undergraduate Degree in any discipline
The LUISS Admission Test (mandatory)
In order to be considered eligible candidates, applicants must be accepted into the Master in
Management and Technology with Major in Risk Management and Insurance. Therefore, to
apply for the scholarships, applicants must participate in the admission process.
Test Requirement: The admission test consists of English test, logic test, and personal
English Language Requirements: TOEFL/IELTS and GMAT/GRE are optional. Applicants
with high scores are invited to provide the certificates to be exempted from the English or
Logics tests.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Prior to the Admission Test, candidates should send the following
• Fully- Completed Application Form
• Copy of Degree Certificate. Once admitted in the program, international students
should provide the Diploma Supplement or a Declaration of Value of the degree
• Digital ID Photo

• Copy of Passport or ID Document
• Curriculum Vitae
• TOEFL/IELTS certificate (optional)
• GMAT/GRE certificate (optional)
• Admission Fee Receipt EUR 75 admission fee (nonrefundable)

157. Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students at University of Gastronomic

Sciences in Italy, 2018
The University of Gastronomic Sciences is currently accepting applications for a three-
year undergraduate degree in Gastronomic Sciences and Cultures. The Three-Year Undergraduate
Degree in Gastronomic Sciences and Cultures is designed to train multi-skilled professionals able
to work and carry out research in many different fields connected to food systems.
The University of Gastronomic Sciences, founded in 2004 by the international non-profit
association Slow Food in cooperation with the Italian regions of Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna,
is a ministerially recognized, private non-profit institution. Its goal is to create an international
research and education center for those working on renewing farming methods, protecting
biodiversity, and building an organic relationship between gastronomy and agricultural science.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: July 3, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue undergraduate programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in Gastronomic Sciences and Cultures.
Scholarship Award: UNISG scholarships are available to applicants of all nationalities, and
can be applied for once the online application procedures have been completed.
Non-Italian students can apply for a university fee exemption if they meet all the following
income and property situation does not exceed the limits indicated in the public
have been admitted to the university’s three-year undergraduate degree program for the
2018/2019 academic year with a minimum admission score of 75 out of 100
Scholarships are assigned exclusively to students beginning their first year and can be
renewed for the second and third year. UNISG scholarships do not consist of a direct
distribution of funds, but rather a partial or full exemption from university fees.
Nationality: Students from all countries are eligible to apply.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Students from all countries are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
• Italian high school graduates – students who have a secondary school diploma
obtained in Italy;
• Graduating Italian high school students – students who will obtain their high school
diploma, in Italy, in 2017;
• Non-Italian high school graduates* – students who have earned a non-Italian high
school degree and are eligible for university enrollment (as reported on the

Declaration of Value (Dichiarazione di Valore) issued by the relevant consular
• *Important information for applicants with a U.S. High School Diploma: According
to the “Regulations on foreign students’ access to university courses in the period
2011-2014?, updated on 15 April 2013, US candidates must possess one of the
o A U.S. high school diploma and at least 3 successfully completed Advanced
Placement exams
(2) Two years of college or university credit with all exams passed
• For more information, please contact the Italian embassy or consulate in the United
States. All non-EU candidates must enroll through the Italian consulate nearest their
place of residence. Candidates should contact the Italian consulate as soon as possible
to ensure sufficient time to complete the enrollment process.
Applicants whose native language is not English must have a minimum level of English
language proficiency equivalent to a B2-level, (in accordance with the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages) demonstrated at the English language entrance
Applicants whose native language is not Italian must have a minimum level of knowledge
of the Italian language equal to A1/A2 (in accordance with the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages) demonstrated during the Italian language
interview/admission test.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose native language is not English must
have a minimum level of English language proficiency equivalent to a B2-level, (in
accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
demonstrated at the English language entrance examination.
Applicants whose native language is not Italian must have a minimum level of knowledge
of the Italian language equal to A1/A2 (in accordance with the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages) demonstrated during the Italian language
interview/admission test.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: In order to apply to the three-year undergraduate program in Gastronomic
Sciences and Cultures, candidates must:
Complete the registration process
Upload the supporting dossier
Complete the written test
Complete an online interview

158. QTEM GMAT/GRE Master Scholarship for International Students at LUISS Business
School in Italy, 2018
The Departments of Economics and Finance and Business and Management are offering
GMAT/GRE scholarship for QTEM to cover the cost of the exam for students. International
students are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme. The LUISS – Free International
University of Social Studies Guido Carli – is an autonomous university, established between 1974
and 1978 by a pre-existing Roman institution, the Pro Deo. With the four Departments of
Economics and Finance , Enterprise and Management , Law and Political Science and the four

Higher Education and Research Schools , LUISS Business School , School of Government ,
School of Law and School of European Political Economy , LUISS offers a training model
advanced, oriented to transmit not only knowledge but to “train to flexibility” young people who
can become protagonists of their own future.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 6, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject: The QTEM (Quantitative Techniques for Economics and Management
network) Master’s program presents a challenging opportunity for outstanding students
willing to develop skills in analytical and quantitative techniques and decision-making in an
international context, aimed at students who are willing to enroll or are currently enrolled in
the first year of the LUISS Master’s degree program in Economics and Finance
with a major in Banks and Financial Intermediaries, Economics or Finance, or in the LUISS
Master’s degree program in Corporate Finance.
Scholarship Award: In order to support the students who will participate in the QTEM, for
mobility 2018-19, the Departments of Economics and Finance and Business and Management
will provide a GMAT / GRE scholarship to cover the cost of the exam for students who:
Have exceeded the GMAT with a minimum of 600 required or GRE equivalent (the amount
will be paid only once, regardless of the number of attempts the student has made)
Will be selected and will start by QTEM
They will be mobile starting from September 2018
Nationality: International students
Number of Scholarships: Up to 20 for the 2018-2019 academic year.
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
This call is open to:
LUISS students enrolled in the 1st year of the Master’s Degree in Economics and Finance (all
majors) or of the Master’s Degree in Corporate Finance during the academic year 2017-18.
Students enrolled in the final year of the Bachelor’s Degree 1 – both from LUISS and from
other Universities – who are willing and able to enroll in the Master’s Degree in Economics
and Finance (all majors) or in the Master’s Degree in Corporate Finance during the a. y. 2018
2019. Selected students must graduate by the Summer Graduation Session of the a. y. 2017-
18 (July 2018).
Graduates with a Bachelor’s Degree 1 – both from LUISS and from other Universities – who
have not graduated before the Summer Graduation Session of the a. y. 2015-16 (July 2016)
and who have not enrolled yet in the Master’s Degree in Economics and Finance (all majors)
or in the Master’s Degree in Corporate Finance.
English Language Requirements: 1) C1 English language4 certificate, which must be
submitted by the application deadline mentioned in paragraph F Application Procedure.
The English language may be certified by one of the following:

International Certificates [TOEFL min. 91/120 IBT; IELTS min. 7; Cambridge: FCE (First
Certificate in English), min. grade A] University
Certificate (produced by a University Language Centre) or a self-declaration printed from the
web self-service
Bachelor Degree entirely taught in English (obtained or ongoing)
International Secondary School Diploma.
2) GMAT certificate with a minimum score of 600/800 (a grade between 650 and 800 is
strongly recommended) or an equivalent GRE (please refer to this website to find the table of
equivalence LINK).
The GMAT/GRE with the required score may be submitted after the application deadline
mentioned in paragraph F APPLICATION PROCEDURE, though priority in the selection
will be given to the students who already possess the aforementioned certificate. The
GMAT/GRE with the required score must be in any case submitted no later than May 14th,
2018 and, should a candidate fail to do so, they will be automatically excluded from the

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: In order to apply, LUISS students must complete the application form5 and
upload the required attachments in the web self-service area of the LUISS website. In order to
apply, graduates and non-LUISS students must send the application form duly filled out and
signed in

159. Padova International Excellence Scholarship Programme in Italy, 2018-2019

For the academic year, 2018-2019, University of Padova will be offering a selected
number of full scholarships to highly talented prospective students wishing to pursue an English-
taught degree at Padova. The University of Padova is a premier Italian university located in the
city of Padua, Italy. The University of Padua was founded in 1222 as a school of law and was one
of the most prominent universities in early modern Europe. If English is not your first language
then you will need to show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed
in your studies.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 28, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing an English-taught degree at Padova.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Max. tuition fee-waiver + euro 12.000 scholarship (gross amount). An
additional scholarship (euro 7500 – gross amount) is offered for the second-cycle degree
course in Forest Science.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Highly talented prospective international students from all over the

world wishing to enrol in one of University of Padova degree courses held in English. To be
eligible, you must:
Have a non-Italian nationality
Hold a non-Italian secondary school diploma (for first-cycle degree applicants) or a non-
Italian first-cycle / Bachelor diploma (for second-cycle / Master degree applicants)
Have been admitted to one of University of Padova degree courses taught in English
Not benefit from other national or international scholarships or grants.
Be able to comply with the conditions for obtaining an Italian visa
English Language Requirements: If English is not your first language then you will need to
show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

Application Procedure:
When completing your online application, you will have to upload the following documents:
Curriculum vitae has written in English
Cover letter in English
For Master course applicants: copy of your degree, if you have already graduated and
Transcript of Records of your previous qualifications (preferably including ECTS statistics –
where applicable); for those countries in which it is issued, the Diploma Supplement can be
uploaded instead of the Transcript of Records
English language or other language certifications if required by the chosen course (see the
courses description and the Call for Applications for detailed information)
Copy of an ID document (ID card or passport)
Any other document requested by your chosen degree course. Check the Call for Applications
for further information
How to Apply:
Students can apply for the scholarship directly when completing the application form of the
chosen Degree Course

160. ICTP Postgraduate Diploma Scholarship for Developing Countries in Italy, 2018
Applicants are invited for ICTP Postgraduate Diploma Scholarship in the following
fields: High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (HECAP), Condensed Matter Physics
(CMP), Earth System Physics (ESP) and Mathematics (MTH). This one-year pre-PhD programme
consists of two semesters of basic and advanced courses. The aim of the scholarship is to support
young qualified graduates in physics, mathematics or related fields and the limited number of
scholarships (around 10 per field) are awarded to successful candidates from developing
countries. The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) is an
international research institute for physical and mathematical sciences that operates under a
tripartite agreement between the Italian Government, United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 31, 2018
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue pre-PhD programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in the following fields:
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (HECAP)
Condensed Matter Physics (CMP)
Earth System Physics (ESP)

Mathematics (MTH)
Scholarship Award: A limited number of scholarships (around 10 per field) are awarded to
successful candidates from developing countries (with particular emphasis on students from
the least developed regions of the world) to cover travel and living expenses during their stay
at ICTP.
Nationality: Applicants from developing countries are eligible to apply for the scholarship.
Number of Scholarships: Number of scholarship is not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants from developing countries are eligible to apply for the
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must be young qualified graduates in physics,
mathematics or related fields
English Language Requirements: Applicants must be fluent in English.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
In addition to completing an online application form, candidates should upload the following
as part of their application:
Copies of transcripts of university academic records and university degrees in English (The
selected candidates will be required to provide originals or certified copies of these
documents as well as of their official English translation before he/she can be admitted to the
Any certificates or documents that give proof of the student’s ability to follow advanced-level
courses, study and write scientific literature in the English language.
Two letters of recommendation, from senior scientists familiar with the applicant’s studies
and work.

161. International Masters Scholarships in Mathematics at University of Verona in Italy,

The University of Verona offers a two year Masters Programme in Mathematics. The
scholarships available are reserved for students coming from non-EU Countries enrolling in
Master Courses entirely taught in a foreign language. The University of Verona is a university
located in Verona, Italy. It was founded in 1982 and is organized into 12 Departments.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: April 12, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing master’s programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Mathematics.
Scholarship Award: Some scholarships (duration: one to two years, amount € 9,000.00 gross
per year) are offered to very good non-EU students resident abroad and willing to enrol in the
Master’s Degree in Mathematics of the University of Verona.
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Students coming from non-EU Countries are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Target students have a Laurea Triennale or an equivalent foreign
degree (Bachelor), with a strong basic training in Mathematics.

Application Procedure:
Prospective students interested in the Master’s Program in Mathematics must provide the
following documents:
Curriculum vitae
Transcripts: certificate of exams with programs of the courses and grades achieved, issued by
the foreign academic authority. No validation is required. No translation is needed if in the
following languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Russian,
Statement of Purpose: a short text in English (max. 2 pages) motivating the applicant’s
interest in the Program
How to Apply:
Admission to the Master’s is a two-stage process:
A pre-enrollment step where the CV of the candidate is assessed by the Academic Staff
An enrollment step where the candidate has to obtain some documents needed to enter the
country and to register as a student of the University of Verona.
162. WACOMA EMJMD EU-Funded Scholarship for International Students in Italy, 2018
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree EU-Funded Scholarship application for the
academic year 2018/2019 is now open. Scholarships are awarded in WAter
and COastal MAnagement (WACOMA) for the students of any nationality. The Erasmus Mundus
Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) in WAter and COastal MAnagement (WACOMA) 2017-2022
promotes academic excellence in a teaching Master Degree Programme that aims at developing
common understanding and deepening scientific knowledge in the vital, challenging and
continuously evolving field of water and coastal ecosystems. The EMJMD WACOMA is
specifically addressed to water and coastal hazards and risks and their interrelations with global
changes and use of resources. Consistent with the precepts of management sciences, it also
concerns mitigation and adaptation to changes and it deals with the relevant aspects of
a sustainable green and blue economy.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: February 21, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in WAter and COastal MAnagement(WACOMA).
Scholarship Award: Description of Components of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Students from all over the world will be considered, regardless of their
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following

WACOMA is open to students holding a suitable 1st Cycle/Bachelor Degree. Candidates
with a solid background in subjects related to Earth Sciences, Geology, Environmental
Biology and Chemistry, and Environmental Monitoring and Management possess the basis
for a positive evaluation.
Note: Students holding a Bachelor Degree in other subjects may apply. The Academic Board
will reserve the right to consider, assess and evaluate the Academic background of the
applicant for admission to the selection procedure.
Students from all over the world, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, or
sexual orientation are welcome to apply to the program.
The minimum entry requirements are:
Holding a suitable first cycle/undergraduate/bachelor degree *
Having excellent and adequate academic and scientific background and personal skills. Please
use the Application Form and CV samples (see the downloadable PDF files below and online
Proof of English language proficiency – B2 ** . Please attach any relevant certificate and use
the English Proficiency Statement form (see the downloadable PDF file below and online
*WACOMA is open to students holding a suitable Bachelor Degree in subjects related to the
focus of the Master, e.g. Environmental Sciences, Marine Biology, Geology, Natural
Sciences, Chemical Oceanography, Physics/Oceanography, Environmental Management.
Non-graduate students can apply provided they upload an official document issued by the
University of origin stating the estimated date of graduation that shall take place before the
beginning of the Programme (by August each year).
English Language Requirements: ** Accepted English language certificates and
TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language); iBT total score of at least 90, with a
minimum subscore of 21 for each part of the test.
IELTS(academic version); a total score of at least 6.5, with a minimum subscore of 6.0 for
each part of the test, e. , speaking, writing, reading and listening.
The University of Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English or the University of
Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English .
Applicants with full education in English(certified by the Academic Institution issuing the
BA) are exempt from the English language requirement proof.
Applicants from English-speaking countries(Official Language) and First Cycle education in
English are exempt from the English language requirement proof.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Apply Online
Applicants shall complete the online registration and upload all the necessary documents by
the deadlines on Studenti Online (
You can save and return to your WACOMA application as many times as you like before
submitting, just make sure to save once you have completed the application procedure. Only
complete applications will be assessed.
Applicants will be requested to upload:
Copy of Diploma, Official Academic Transcript of Records with Grades and Syllabus of
previous studies [mandatory]
Proof of English language proficiency (attach certificate or use the form) [mandatory]

Students Application Form (use form) [mandatory]
CV (use sample) [mandatory]
Copy of Passport (all pages) [mandatory]
2 reference letters (addressed to the WACOMA Consortium) [mandatory]
Other supporting Documents [recommended]

163. TWAS-Siwei Cheng Prize in Economic Sciences for Developing Countries in Italy, 2018
Applications are invited for TWAS-Siwei Cheng Prize in Economic Sciences from 2017
and for five years total, an annual prize of US$10,000 will be awarded. With funding from the
Siwei Cheng Foundation of the Education Foundation of the University of Chinese Academy of
Sciences, the prize will recognize economic scientists who have been living and working in a
developing country for at least 10 years. TWAS, the World Academy of Sciences for the
advancement of science in developing countries – is an autonomous international organization
founded in Triste, Italy. TWAS represent, support and encourage the pursuit excellence in science
in developing countries.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: March 15, 2018
Course Level: These prizes are available to scientists.
Study Subject: These prizes are awarded in the field of Economic Sciences.
Scholarship Award: From 2017 and for five years total, an annual prize of US$10,000 will
be awarded in the field of Economic Sciences.
Nationality: Students from Developing Countries in the South are eligible.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Students from Developing Countries in the South are eligible.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
Candidates for the TWAS-Siwei Cheng Prize in Economic Sciences must be economic
scientists who have been living and working in a developing country for at least ten years
immediately before their nomination. They must meet at least one of the following
Scientific research achievement in economic sciences of outstanding significance for the
development of scientific thought.
Outstanding contribution to the application of economic sciences to sustainable development.
Members of TWAS and candidates for TWAS membership are not eligible for the prize.
Self-nominations will not be considered.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must provide evidence of proficiency in
English if the medium of education was not English.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: The 2019 TWAS-Siwei Cheng Prize in Economic Sciences’ nominations can
only be submitted electronically through the online platform by clicking on the “NEW
To resume working on saved nominations, click on the “RESUME” button.

The deadline for receiving nominations is 15 March 2018, however, we strongly recommend
that you do not wait until the deadline but submit the nomination as early as you can to enable
us to process it as quickly as possible.
Before starting compiling the nomination, please pay particular attention to The Maximum
Characters Allowed.

164. Master Scholarships for International Students in Italy, 2018-2019

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy is offering scholarships for international students
for the academic year 2018-2019. Scholarships are awarded for courses of Master’s degree
(Laurea magistrale or Master universitario) at Italian Higher Education Institutes partners of the
Invest Your Talent in Italy Program. The aim of the Program is to foster cooperation among
Italian Universities and Italian companies in order to promote their internationalization by
sustaining higher education courses tailored to the needs of the labor market.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation is the foreign ministry of
the government of the Republic of Italy. It is also known as the Farnesina as a metonym from its
headquarters, the Palazzo della Farnesina in Rome. Candidates should submit an English language
certificate as proof of their proficiency in English. Candidates should hold at least a B2 level
certificate within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Proof
of proficiency in Italian is not mandatory but will be taken into consideration in the selection

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 28, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are awarded for courses of Master’s degree (Laurea magistrale or
Master universitario) at Italian Higher Education Institutes (state-owned institutions or
institutions legally recognized by the relevant state authorities) partners of the Invest Your
Talent in Italy Program.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Grantees will receive 888 euros monthly allowance every three months
on their Italian bank account. The first instalment of the scholarship can only be received after
the University enrollment according to the necessary administrative procedures. The last
instalment of the scholarship can only be received after verification of conditions established
under Article 6.2 of this Call. The scholarship only covers courses attended in Italy.
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Scholarships are awarded to citizens, permanently resident in their home
country, of the following list of countries: Azerbaijan, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia,
India, Indonesia, Iran, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Mexico, People’s Republic of China, Tunisia,
Turkey and Vietnam.
Entrance Requirements: Applications may be submitted only by those who meet the
following requirements by the deadline for this call.
Academic qualifications: Applications may only be submitted by those candidates referred to
in Article 2 who hold the required academic qualifications (Bachelor’s Degree) to enrol in the
chosen Master’s degree Program (Laurea Magistrale or Master Universitario).

Application: Only those students who have submitted their application for one of the
postgraduate courses (laurea Magistrale or Master) included in the Program can apply for an
IYT scholarship:
Age requirements: Candidates may apply if they are no more than 28 years old at the deadline
of this call, except for the only renewals.
English Language Requirements: Candidates should submit an English language certificate
as proof of their proficiency in English. Candidates should hold at least a B2 level certificate
within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Proof of
proficiency in Italian is not mandatory but will be taken into consideration in the selection

Application Procedure:
Candidates must provide the following documents:
The final transcript of all previous exams as well as the final grade (Bachelor’s Degree). In
case these documents are not available, candidates should submit an updated transcript of the
exams; documents need to be translated except for the titles in English, French and Spanish;
One or more Reference Letters were written by a Tutor/Professor/Employer. Reference
Letters must be addressed to the University or to the Invest Your Talent in Italy Technical
Committee, properly dated and signed. Candidates must also provide full contacts of the
A video no more than one minute long about their motivations;
English language certificate (IELTS or TOEFL);
Valid Passport or Identity Document.

How to Apply:
Candidates must complete and submit the online application form.

165. EURECOM EIT Digital Master Scholarship in Cyber Security for International
Students, 2018
EURECOM is currently accepting applications for EIT Digital Master Scholarship in
Cyber Security. Students study one year at an ‘entry’ university and one year at an ‘exit’
university in two of EIT Digital’s hot spots around Europe. Cyber Security focuses on the study
of the design, development, and evaluation of secure computer systems, which are also capable of
ensuring privacy for future ICT systems. A leading teaching and research institution in the fields
of information and communication technologies (ICT). EURECOM is a Graduate school and
Research Centre in Communication Systems located in the Sophia Antipolis technology park
(French Riviera), a major European place for telecommunications activities.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 1, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in Cyber Security.
Scholarship Award: For information about the scholarships check tuition fees and
scholarships link.
Nationality: Open to EU/EEA/CH/ Non-EU citizens.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given

Scholarship can be taken in The universities participating in EIT Digital Master [CES] are:
University of Rennes 1 (UR1), France
The University of Trento, (UniTN), Italy
University of Turku (UTU), Finland
University of Twente (UT), Netherlands
University Eotvos Lorand, (ELTE), Hungary

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: This scholarship is open to EU/EEA/CH/ Non-EU citizens.
Entrance Requirements: To qualify applicants to need to fulfil the admission requirements
based on previous studies, English proficiency, and documentation.
1. Previous studies: A completed Bachelor’s degree
Applicants must have completed a Bachelor’s degree encompassing a minimum of 180 ECTS
credits or equivalent academic qualifications from an internationally recognized university.
Conditional acceptance
Students in their final year of undergraduate education may also apply and if qualified,
receive a conditional acceptance. If you have not completed your studies, please include a
written statement from the degree administration office (or equivalent department),
confirming that you are enrolled in the final year of your education and giving your expected
completion date. If you receive a conditional offer, you should present your degree certificate
to your entry university before enrollment at the latest. Applicants following longer technical
programmes and who have completed courses equivalent to an amount of 180 ECTS, will be
considered on a case-by-case basis.
2. Language requirements: Proof of English language proficiency
Applicants must provide proof of their English language proficiency. This is generally
established through an internationally recognized test such as TOEFL or IELTS. We,
therefore, advise all applicants considering submitting an application to urgently take either a
TOEFL or an IELTS test. These tests are accepted by all partner universities. Please note that
the results of your test must be done and uploaded at the time of submitting an application.
We will not accept late submissions of proofs of English proficiency.
Some of the universities accept additional tests or exemptions. We have listed this
information under ”University specific language tests and exemptions”. Please note that these
exceptions are not accepted by all partner universities. Even though one university may
accept some other test, your second preference entry or your preferred exit universities may
not. For this reason, again, we urge all applicants to take a TOEFL or an IELTS.”

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Scholarships are merit-based and no separate application for the EIT Digital
Scholarship is needed.
Required Documents for your Application
Note that all applicants need to submit a complete application package consisting of the
following documents before the application deadline. Please read the application instructions
and admission requirements before uploading your documents.
Degree Certificate/Diploma in the original language and translated into English or in case of
on-going studies a statement certifying that you are in the final year of your studies. The
statement must be written by the degree administration office (or equivalent department),

confirming that you are enrolled in the final year of your education and giving your expected
completion date.
Transcript of records in the original language and translated into English. All courses taken
must be included.
Proof of English proficiency.
Curriculum Vitae including details on your academic and professional career.
A letter of motivation in which you prove your innovative potential. For this purpose, we ask
you to discuss or propose an entrepreneurial idea (one page with a summary and two
additional pages for details). The letter can be addressed to the “Selection committee”. How
you describe your entrepreneurial idea is up to you. Perhaps you can identify a problem in
your area of interest and propose products or services to address the
problem/insufficiency/lack. Feel free to include your personal and professional reasons for
wanting to join the EIT Digital Master’s programme in the letter (perhaps in the summary),
but all in all the letter should not be longer than three pages.
Passport or another kind of identification in English.
Optional: Document stating the GPA or the Relative Ranking

166. IED Tutorship Competition for Master Courses in Italy, 2018

IED, Institute Europe Design is providing tutorship of 50% on the tuition fees for the
students from all over the world. The tutorship is available for master students on the basis of
competition. The aim of the tutorship is to encourage the study of Arts, Management and Design
on the international level. IED, Institute Europe Design, organizes master courses, one and three-
year courses in Design, Management, Marketing and Fashion Design.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline : December 18, 2018
Course Level: The tutorship is available to pursue a master degree.
Study Subject : The tutorship is awarded in the fields of Arts, Management and Design.
Scholarship Award: Applicants can get a 50% scholarship on the tuition fees of the Masters
of their choice.
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have at least B2 level – and good interpersonal
skills, to perform as Tutor in one of our Masters.
English Language Requirements : Applicants must have a good knowledge of both Italian
and English.
Master Scholarship
Application Procedure:
Applicants can apply through the online processor.
How to Apply:

167. Undergraduate International Merit Awards at Bocconi University in Italy, 2018-2019

The Bocconi University is accepting applications for Merit Awards and Bocconi
International Awards. These awards are available for first-year undergraduate applicants for the
2018-2019 academic year based on their academic standing. Bocconi University is a private
university in Milan, Italy. Bocconi provides undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate
education, in addition to a range of double degree programs, in the fields of economics,
management, finance, law, political science and public administration. Students whose first
language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in English by submitting satisfactory
scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 18, 2018
Course Level: Awards are available for pursuing undergraduate programme.
Study Subject: Awards are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: The Merit Award includes a full tuition waiver, worth up to
approximately € 12,000 per year. A limited number of students may also be assigned free
accommodation in one of the Bocconi Residences for up to the first two years of study in
Bocconi. The Bocconi International Award consists of a 50% tuition reduction.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Italian and international students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Scholarships are available for first-year Undergraduate applicants
for the 2018-2019 academic year based on their academic standing.
English Language Requirements: Students whose first language is not English must
demonstrate proficiency in English by submitting satisfactory scores from the Test of English
as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).
English language Requirements:
Students wishing to participate in one of the International Relations Office Programs must
satisfy specific language requirements.
Language requirements vary from program to program.
Please be sure to read all language requirements for EACH individual program (Exchange,
Double Degree, International Internship, Campus Abroad etc.) to which you are interested in
If a student does not hold one of the accepted International Language certificates or has not
passed and registered the Bocconi language exam (with the minimum grade required), an ad
hoc test will be organized by the International Relations Office.
In general, you do not need to take the ad hoc International Relations test if you hold one of
the following:
a) An English and/or second language International Certificate recognized by our Language
Center at the level requested by your program of interest.
When checking the validity of an International Certificate in order to apply to an International
Program, you should just check the level and the score –voto in trentesimi as related to each
International Certificate in the Score Conversion Table.
The Validità Certificazione column should not be considered.

b) The requested English and/or second language level registered into your Bocconi Study
c) A copy of your Bachelor or high school degree, proving that the program was taught
entirely in English.

Application Procedure:
International applicants’ profiles are evaluated on the following criteria:
Performance in the selection test;
Third-last and second-last year GPA and secondary school curriculum;
Language certificates (not compulsory for the participation to the selection);
CV/Resume and motivational letter.
How to Apply:
To facilitate student applications and to allow families to evaluate the actual financial
commitment needed to attend Bocconi before enrollment, the admissions application and
financial aid applications have the same deadlines and timeframes even if they must be
submitted through separate online applications. The outcome of financial aid will be noted in
the MyApplication Portal together with admissions results.

168. Music Scholarships at UWC Adriatic in Italy, 2018-2019

The UWC Adriatic is awarding Music Scholarships for the academic year 2018-
2019. Scholarships are open to students of all nationalities who are looking for a pre university
education in a multi-cultural, values-based environment. Students whose first language is not
English must demonstrate proficiency in English by submitting satisfactory scores from the Test
of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: March 31, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue music studies at the secondary level.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of music.
Scholarship Award: The music scholarship will cover the costs of music activities
(instrumental/vocal lessons, master classes, concerts) provided in the College and may top up
the scholarship costs based on the demonstrated needs to help the student in pursuing a
professional music career.
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Scholarships are open to students of all nationalities.
Entrance Requirements:
UWC Adriatic is open to students of all nationalities who are looking for a pre-university
education in a multi-cultural, values-based environment.
Particularly talented students with an adequate musical preparation who have already passed
the NC selection as a suitable UWC candidate will be able to apply for an additional “music”

scholarship offered by the college providing that they have been nominated for a place at
UWC Adriatic for 2018 entry.
The primary criteria for selection shall be an applicant’s promise and potential to pursue
music studies at the secondary level.
English Language Requirements: Students whose first language is not English must
demonstrate proficiency in English by submitting satisfactory scores from the Test of English
as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

Application Procedure:
Applications must include:
A video recording of a musical performance by the candidate on a flash drive, DVD or
Youtube channel link in accordance with the requested characteristics (see Selection point 3.)
At least two letters of recommendation from current music teachers addressing the
aforementioned criteria. At least one letter shall specifically address the applicant’s promise
and potential to pursue college-level musical studies.
How to Apply:
Please fill in the attached application form and submit all application documents by email.

169. Bilateral Postgraduate Scholarships for Foreign Students at Slovenian Institution of

Higher Education, 2018-2019
This scholarship scheme is designed for university/college students or graduates and PhD
applicants who wish to accomplish part of their study at one of the Slovenian institution of higher
education (in Slovenian language). The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic
of Slovenia (hereafter referred to as the”Ministry”) hereby offer the number of scholarship
months to foreign nationals, on the basis of bilateral agreements (between the
governments/ministries) and reciprocity with the following countries:

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: March 31, 2018
Course Level: This scholarships scheme is designed for university/college students or
graduates and PhD applicants who wish to accomplish part of their study at one of the
Slovenian institution of higher education (in Slovenian language). The length of scholarship
usually ranges from 3 to 10 months depending upon the agreement concerned that specifies
also the categories of eligible recipients.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to learn any of the subjects offered by the
Scholarship Award: For the academic year 2018/2019, the scholarship comprises of:
monthly scholarship in the amount 296,00 EUR (paid to the student via host institution)-
The amount is periodically reviewed and adjusted each January
Free accommodation in the facilities (student dormitory) of the Student Centre of the
Universities(paid for by the Ministry directly to the provider in the amount from 150,00-
200,00 EUR per month)
Basic medical insurance for non-EU applicants if there is no bilateral agreement on health
insurance between Slovenia and the applicant’s home country (paid for by the Ministry
directly to the provider in the monthly amount of 125,00 EUR)
52, 50 EUR monthly for subsidized meals in coupons – can be obtained via Student
Organization of Slovenia.

Nationality: Foreign students are eligible.
Number of Scholarships: Bulgaria: 14, Bosnia and Herzegovina: 18, Greece: 10,
Hungary:16, India:24, Israel:27, Italy:20, Japan: 12, Mexico: 24, Montenegro: 18, Poland: 46,
People’s Republic of China: 48, Republic of Macedonia: 36, Russian Federation: 16, Serbia:
18, Slovakia: 20, Switzerland: 12, Turkey: 9.
Scholarship can be taken at Slovenian institution of higher education

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Students from the following countries are eligible to apply:
Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico,
Montenegro, Poland, People’s Republic of China, Republic of Macedonia, Russian
Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland, and Turkey.
Entrance Requirements:
This scholarships scheme is designed for university/college students or graduates and PhD
applicants who wish to accomplish part of their study at one of the Slovenian institution of
higher education (in Slovenian language). A part of the postgraduate study is based on
individual works under the supervision of Slovenian professor/mentor.
The length of scholarship usually ranges from 3 to 10 months depending upon the agreement
concerned that specifies also the categories of eligible recipients.
The scholarship cannot be awarded for a complete course of study leading to a degree.
Neither can the scholarship be granted for any Slovenian language course. Please note that
tuition fee cannot be covered by this scholarship!
Majority of the applications are admitted for short time study stay or research visits by
doctoral students/candidates (i.e. they either attend non-degree courses of their choice or
pursue an independent research activity at the host institutions, depending on their
qualifications and preferences). In compliance with the applicable legal regulations, decisions
on admission to research or study stays are taken by the institutions of higher education.
Applicants are therefore obliged to contact the selected university directly and request a Letter
of Acceptance from the relevant department. Applicants are requested to point out to the
selected university that they are applying for a scholarship award under the bilateral
The age limit of the applicants for study stays is 26 years (the applicant may not complete 26
years of age before the end of the scholarship period) and 30 years for a research visit.
English Language Requirements: The applicants for study stays should be proficient in the
Slovene language unless the working language is agreed upon with the mentor/supervisor.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Each application dossier must comprise a copy of a completely and legibly
filled out Application form and Letter of Acceptance* with the following required
attachments which are also submitted in duplicate:
A photocopy of ID card or passport (page with the photography),
One Letter of recommendation for study stays and two Letters of recommendation for
research stay from applicant’s home institution, photocopy of diploma and/or certified
transcript(s) of records.

170. 100 Undergraduate and Master Scholarships at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in
Italy, 2018-2019
Up to 100 fee waivers and 90 scholarships are now available for all new international
students for the academic year 2018-2019. These scholarships are available to high-achieving
international students enrolling in any bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes except for
joint or double degree programmes in the 2018/2019 academic year.
Founded on August 6, 1868, as the “Scuola Superiore di Commercio” (Advanced School
for Commerce), Ca’ Foscari was the first Italian institution to deal with advanced education in
Business and Economics. Ca’ Foscari strives to attract and nurture talented scholars across the
world, delivering cutting-edge research emerging from the engagement of the hard and digital
sciences with social sciences and humanities. Applicants whose first language is not English are
usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: April 30, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to study any bachelor’s and master’s degree
programmes except for joint or double degree programmes in the 2018/2019 academic year.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to learn any of the subjects offered by the
Scholarship Award: The tuition fee waivers will provide up to 100 international outstanding
students with exemption from the payment of university tuition fees, and recipients will only
pay the regional tax for the right to education (€ 184.00) and the duty stamp. Recipients can
benefit from additional scholarships but cannot benefit from total and partial vouchers offered
by Ca’ Foscari International College.
The scholarships will provide up to 90 international outstanding students with one-time
scholarships of € 5,000.00.
Nationality: All nationalities
Number of Scholarships: Up to 100 fee waivers and 90 scholarships for international
students for the a.y. 2018/19
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Students of all nationalities are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: In order for scholarship applicants to be considered, they must:
Possess a valid qualification providing access to a bachelor’s or master’s degree program in
the Italian university system from either a non-Italian school/university or an Italian
institution located abroad. If the most recent qualification was obtained at the end of a course
of study lasting only one year, the preceding qualification/s will also be evaluated.
Qualifications issued by the Republic of San Marino are considered to be Italian. The
nationality of the applicant will not be taken into consideration;
Possess the necessary requirements to access his or her chosen programme of study (these
requirements can be found on the online platform either at the time of
application or before enrolment at Ca’ Foscari;
Have received from Ca’ Foscari an acceptance letter to the chosen programme after
completing the pre-evaluation and admission procedures on

English Language Requirements: Applicants must meet the university’s English language
requirements .

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Students can apply by April 30, 2018, and can request fee waivers or
scholarships by including this form in their application. Successful candidates will be notified
via the platform.
In order to submit their application, candidates must:
Sign up for the platform and register their account to submit their application to
the chosen study programme/s;
click on their name in the upper right area of the page that appears in their personal area and
then select the option “Have a reference code?”, where they will insert the following code:
Complete the application for their chosen study programme/s by filling out the profile with all
of the required data, uploading the necessary documentation and attaching the call’s
application form (FORM 1), duly completed and signed;
Officially submit the application by clicking on the “SUBMIT” button. Candidates who, at
this date, have already submitted their application to their chosen study program/scan upload
the scholarship application form and insert the reference code also at this stage, provided that
they do so no later than 30/11/2017.

171. Politecnico di Milano Unitech Scholarships for International Students, 2018-2019

UNITECH call for applications for the academic year 2018/2019 is now available online.
The event is open to all the Engineering students. There are two selection phases: Pre-Selection:
Pre-selection is based on the student’s academic achievements, motivations, and CV and language
skills. Assessment Centre: Students who pass the pre-selection phase are admitted to an
Assessment Centre, organized by UNITECH in collaboration with the partner companies. Unitech
is an International Mobility programme addressed to Engineering students interested in deepening
their technical-scientific knowledge and at the same time developing managerial skills in an
international context, by integrating a period of studies abroad with an internship in a
multinational company. The programme is coordinated by the Unitech International Society,
consisting of 9 technical universities and 20 companies.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 22, 2018
Course Level: The event is open to all the Engineering students.
Scholarship Award: a) The selected candidates, upon admission to UNITECH, will benefit
from a tuition fee waiver at the host institution during the academic exchange.
b) The selected candidates, upon completion of the UNITECH programme and after having
been awarded the Degree from Politecnico di Milano, will be awarded the UNITECH
c) Selected students will receive a financial contribution from UNITECH International. The
exact amount will be communicated directly by UNITECH International before the beginning
of the educational activities. During the UNITECH internship, students may receive a
financial compensation, which should at least cover accommodation expenses. UNITECH
will also cover part of the expenses during the Joint Modules.
d) Students that do not regularly and effectively participate in the UNITECH educational

activities will be excluded from UNITECH and consequently, all benefits will be cancelled.
UNITECH International will request the student to reimburse the entire amount of the
financial contribution received.
Nationality: International students.
Number of Scholarships: A maximum of 10 candidates can be admitted to the UNITECH
Scholarship can be taken in Sweden, Switzerland, France, UK, Italy, Germany, Ireland,
Netherland and Spain

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Students from UNITECH Academic Partner universities are eligible to
apply. POLIMI students of any nationality are eligible.
Entrance Requirements: Students are eligible to apply if they fulfill the following
a)A minimum weighted average score of 25/30.
In case of enrolment in the first year of a Laurea Magistrale course:
i) Candidates in possession of a Laurea degree from Politecnico di Milano or from other
Italian Universities will be evaluated on the weighted average of Laurea exams.
ii) Candidates in possession of foreign qualifications will be assigned an average score based
on the average mark obtained at their universities of origin calculated in 30ths.
b) Proficiency in English: a good knowledge of both written and spoken English (Please refer
to the requirements for admission to the Laurea Magistrale of the Politecnico di Milano and to
the specific requirements of the potential host institutions)
c) Motivation to participate in the UNITECH programme.
d) Certificate of Proficiency in other foreign languages (depending on the specific
requirements of the potential host institutions).
e) Not having already been admitted to other programmes such as Alta Scuola Politecnica,
IDEA League Challenge Programme.
f) Any other specific requirement indicated by the potential host institutions on the UNITECH
Programme 2018/2019 Handbook downloadable on the UNITECH website
g) All the applicants are invited to verify if they also are in line with the regulations of the
Degree Programme they belong to by contacting the professor in charge of international
English Language Requirements: Students must have good knowledge of English (written
and spoken). Particular locations may require a specific TOEFL score, in order to verify your
knowledge of English.
In addition to English, locations may also require students to know the local language. In the
case of the internship, the company may require students to know the language spoken in the
country in which the internship is to take place. The level of knowledge of the local language
may vary from university to university: for example, in Zurich and Gothenburg, students can
follow courses in English, while in Aachen, Barcelona or Paris, a sufficient knowledge of
German, Spanish or French is required in order to follow lessons and conduct projects.
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Documents:
Application Questionaire Download- please use Chrome browser to fill in the form and print
the document as pdf using Print button at the bottom of the questionnaire
Passport-size photograph – JPG format, Max size: 300KB

Updated CV – PDF format, Max size: 2 MB
Transcript of records – PDF format, Max size: 2 MB
optional: Additional certificates (languages, etc) – PDF format, Max size: 2 MB

172. TROPIMUNDO MSc Scholarships for International Students, 2018

International scholarships are available for 2-year Erasmus Mundus Masters Course in
Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems. During the TROPIMUNDO programme, students will get
the opportunity to study at two European partner institutions and at one partner university in the
humid tropics.
TROPIMUNDO is an EC-funded Erasmus Mundus Masters Course in Tropical
Biodiversity and Ecosystems which unites expert Higher Education Institutions (HEI), with a
long-standing worldwide expertise in tropical rainforests and woodlands, and in coastal
ecosystems (e.g. mangrove forests and coral reefs). University aims to bring together expert
Higher Education Institutes (HEI), with long-standing worldwide expertise in tropical rainforests
and woodlands and in tropical coastal ecosystems. Students must be able to demonstrate
proficiency in English or English + French.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: November 30, 2017
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing MSc Programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems.
Scholarship Award: TROPIMUNDO Candidates can also apply for an EC scholarship ,
which is however limited by a number of criteria
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Belgium, France, Italy, Cameroon, Malaysia and Australia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Scholarships are open to citizens of all nationalities.
Entrance Requirements:
An internationally accepted Bachelor’s degree (i.e. the equivalent of 180 ECTS) with a major
in Biology, Natural Sciences, Environmental Sciences, or equivalent from an accredited
Students must be able to demonstrate proficiency in English or English + French. More
information on language requirements can be found in the Online Information and
Application Module.
A personal evaluation of the applications will be done by a selection committee
In the 1st and 3rd semester basic and specialised extra-curricular language courses are offered
based on actual trajectory needs.
English Language Requirements: Students must be able to demonstrate proficiency in
English or English + French.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
The mode of applying is online.

173. Math Postdoctoral Opportunities for Developing Countries in Italy, 2018

The ICTP is delighted to offer outstanding mathematicians from developing countries,

including postdoctorate the opportunity to do research in Italy. The fellowships have 12-month
duration with a possible extension for a further 12 months; the initial period will be 1 September
2018 – 31 August 2019. For more than 50 years, the Abdus Salam International Centre for
Theoretical Physics (ICTP) has been a driving force behind global efforts to advance scientific
expertise in the developing world. Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Scholarship Description:
Applications Deadline: January 7, 2018
Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue postdoctoral programme.
Study Subject: Fellowships are awarded in the field of Mathematics.
Nationality: Developing Countries
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants from Developing countries (Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola,
Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain Bangladesh,
Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana,
Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burma, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde,
Central African, Republic Chad, Chile, People’s Republic of China, Colombia, Comoros,
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire,
Croatia, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial
Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, The Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala,
Guinea, Guinea, Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Indonesia, India, Iran, Iraq,
Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon,
Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives,
Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Federated States of Micronesia,
Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal,
Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay,
Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Samoa, São Tomé
and Príncipe, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, South Africa,
Somalia, Sri Lanka, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint- Vincent and the Grenadines,
South Sudan, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor
Leste, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda,
Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen,
Zambia and Zimbabwe) are eligible to apply for this fellowship.
Entrance Requirements: Postdoctoral Fellowships are intended for young mathematicians
with a strong research record. Fellows must have completed a Ph.D. in mathematics prior to
the start of their fellowship. Women are particularly encouraged to apply. The fellowships
have 12-month duration with a possible extension for a further 12 months; the initial period
will be 1 September 2018 – 31 August 2019.

Preference will be given to candidates who: 1) will benefit most from the time spent at ICTP
in pursuit of their own research, using the ICTP facilities and participating in ICTP activities;
and 2) will interact with local scientists and visitors and will contribute to the intellectual
vitality of the Centre.
English Language Requirements: Adequate proficiency in English language is required.
Developing Countries Scholarships

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Candidates must apply using the online application . Candidates are required
to arrange for the submission of three letters of recommendation by established researchers.
Incomplete applications will not be considered. Successful candidates might be offered a
Shiing-Shen Chern Senior Post-Doctoral Fellowship. The Fellowship, named after Shiing-
Chern, has especially attractive terms with a total possible tenure of 3+2 years.

174. SRISA Study Abroad Scholarships in Italy, 2018

SRISA Study Abroad Scholarships are open for prospective students to study abroad in
Florence. The scholarship is available for pursuing a semester, year or summer program abroad.
The program is designed to recognize students who have excelled academically, are artistically
talented, under-represented, or exhibit a financial need. Santa Reparata International School of
Art is an art college situated in the centre of Florence, Italy in Via San Gallo. The school is
attended by international students, mostly American, who are pursuing a semester, year or
summer program abroad.

Scholarship Description:
Applications Deadline: February 1, 2018
Course Level: Scholarship is available for pursuing a semester, year or summer program
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in the field of art and design.
Scholarship Award: Scholarship Awards Per Semester
Full Tuition Merit Scholarships
Full Tuition Need-Based Work-Study Scholarships
Diversity Scholarships: $3,000 Award
Partial Tuition Work-Study Scholarships (Merit and Need-Based): $2,400 Award
Returning Student Work-Study Scholarships: $2,400 Award
Students interested in applying for a scholarship must complete all application requirements
and submit them by the deadline. Students will be contacted 30 days after the deadline to be
notified of their status.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements:
The SRISA Scholarship Program provides an invaluable opportunity for prospective SRISA
students to study abroad in Florence.
The SRISA Scholarships are awarded to a carefully selected group of students who have
demonstrated discipline, integrity, tenacity, and a strong academic standing.

Scholarships are available for the Fall and Spring semesters only, with the exception of the
Need-Based Scholarship, which is also available during the Summer A term (amount awarded
will reflect Summer A tuition). Scholarship applicants must be enrolled full-time through
SRISA and have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA.

Application Procedure:
Applicants must complete the SRISA Online Enrollment Application.
How to Apply:
The application materials vary depending on the scholarship you are applying for: Merit,
Need-Based, or Diversity. Below are the basic materials required for all scholarships. If
applying for more than one SRISA scholarship, a complete application packet must be
submitted for each individual scholarship. Please review the Scholarship Guidelines for a
complete list of materials.
SRISA enrollment application – required for general enrollment as well
Official transcript – required for general enrollment as well
Scholarship application
Minimum two (2) professional reference letters
Resume/Curriculum Vitae
Personal Statement: minimum 300 words detailing why you feel you are a strong candidate,
what you hope to gain from the study abroad experience, and how SRISA can contribute to
your long-term goals.

175. Siena International Photo Award for Worldwide Photographers in Italy, 2018
Siena International Photo Award is one of the photo contests with the highest
international participation ever. 2017 edition has received nearly 50.000 images from amateur and
professional photographers from 161 countries worldwide.

General Rules
Siena International Photo Awards is a photographic contest open to professional and no
professional photographers from all around the world. An entry may be excluded from the contest
where the Organising Committee, in its discretion, would consider it not in accordance to the
rules and conditions of the competition.
Themes and Categories
The photos must be based on the following categories and themes:
General Color
General Monochrome
Journeys & Adventures
Fascinating Faces and Characters
The Beauty of Nature
Animals in their Environment
Architecture & Urban Spaces
Sports in Actions
Splash of Colors (Special theme of the year 2018)
Portfolio Story-Telling
Starting date: 2017, November 12th
Early Bird deadline: 2017, December 31st

Contest deadline: 2018, January 31st
Jurors voting session: from March 1st to May 15th, 2018
Finalists call: 2018, April 1st
Call for HD files upload: within 2018, April 15th
Contest results release to Awarded participants: 2018 June 10th
Awards Ceremony: 2018, October 27th
Beyond the Lens Exhibition opening: 2018, October 28th

The participant with the highest final score image will be proclaimed with the title of
Photographer of the Year SIPA Contest 2018 and will receive a prize equivalent to the amount of
€ 1,500.00 as attendance bonus to the Awards Ceremony. The decision of Siena International
Photo Awards Jurors is final. The jury reserves the right to assign special prizes and the right to
withhold some awards if the quality of submitted photos is not satisfactory. Prizes must be
collected in person by the winner at the awards ceremony in Siena or by a person representing
them. The Pangea Prize will be only delivered to the winners who will attend the Awards
All participants will receive a report card via e-mail with entries scores. All results will also be
published on the website of the competition.

176. 28 Research Scholarships for International Students at Polytechnic University of Turin

in Italy, 2018
The Politecnico of Torino is now accepting applications for up to 28 Research
Scholarships for postgraduate international students to study in Italy. The research activity should
be carried out in the presence on a continuous basis at the Politecnico of Torino according to the
chosen research project for a period of 8 months, within the following dates 1st March 2018 –
31st October 2018. The scholarship will be a chance to deepen the research activity carried out at
the Politecnico of Torino with the goal of increasing the attractiveness of international candidates.
The Polytechnic University of Turin (Italian: Politecnico di Torino) is
an engineering partially public university based in Turin, Italy. Established in 1859, Politecnico di
Torino is Italy’s oldest technical university. The university offers several courses in the fields
of Engineering, Architecture and Industrial Design.

Course Level: Scholarships are available to students who are willing to undertake a research
activity at the doctoral level at the Politecnico of Torino.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the following research areas:
Architecture, Chemistry and Material Science, Computer Engineering, Design, Electronics,
Control and Telecommunication Engineering, Energy, Environment, Land, Infrastructure,
Mathematics, Mechanics and Aerospace, Physics, Structural, Geotechnical and Building
Engineering and Urban Studies and Planning.
Amount of Scholarship: The amount of the scholarship is 1,000.00 € per month, not subject to
taxation. The scholarship will be paid in deferred monthly installments. The scholarship starts
upon signature of the scholarship activation and it will be paid monthly, upon successful
completion the research activity. The scholarship holder is exempted from paying any tuition fee.
The candidate shall provide the requested documents within the deadlines mentioned in the

communications received by SCUDO, under penalty of losing the awarded scholarship. The
research activity shall be carried out continuously and regularly at Politecnico di Torino. The
scholarship holder shall carry out his/her research activity on the assigned research project,
strictly collaborating with the scientific response. The scholarship may be revoked if the
scientifically responsible requests the withdrawal for justified reasons by written notice. The
scholarship interruption implies the suspension of the Research VISA. The scholarships do not, in
any way, represent an employment relationship nor give any right in accessing the roles of
university staff and the PhD Programmes for which candidates will be selected according to the
Call for admission of the XXXIV PhD cycle. The scholarship cannot be combined with a salary-
related full-time subordinate job or research grants or other scholarships.
Number of Scholarships: Up to 28 scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in Italy
Eligibility: Applications may be submitted by those who meet the following criteria on the expiry
date of this call for applications:
Academic qualifications: MSc Degree awarded in foreign countries: Candidates with the title
of Master’s Degree (i.e. 2° level title, as defined by the Bologna Process), issued by a foreign,
academic and accredited University, granting admission to PhD Programmes in the country of
issuance. Any application submitted by candidates with a Master Degree’s issued by an Italian
University or a Vocational Institution or a non-recognized University will not be accepted.
Age limit: candidates shall be less than 30 years of age on 16th November 2017.
Motivation letter: candidates should upload a motivation letter showing in particular their
interest in carrying out the specific research activity they are applying to on a continuous basis
from 1st March 2018 to 31st October 2018 and in continuing their studies at the Politecnico of
Torino by applying to the Call for admission to the PhD programmes (starting on 1st November
Endorsement letter of the scientific responsible of the Project: candidates should upload a
commitment letter from the scientific responsible of the chosen project, stating his/her availability
to collaborate with the candidate. It’s candidate’s responsibility to contact him/her by email to
request it (the email address is indicated on the project descriptive sheet).
Nationality: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Candidates with the title of Master’s Degree (i.e. 2° level title, as defined
by the Bologna Process), issued by a foreign, academic and accredited University, granting
admission to PhD Programmes in the country of issuance.
English Language Requirements: Students must meet the universities English language
Research Scholarships
How to Apply: The mode of application is online. The deadline for application submission is
mandatory; late applications will be rejected. It is sole responsibility of the applicant to verify that
the procedure was concluded correctly; no claims for any malfunctions of the online system will
be accepted.
During the submission procedure, candidates should upload:
✓ Passport copy
✓ Master’s Degree title with final score
✓ Transcript of records of the Master Degree’s with scores
✓ Master’s Degree thesis abstract
✓ CV

✓ Motivation letter
✓ Endorsement letter of the project scientific responsible
✓ A certificate of English language knowledge (IELTS 5.0 or one of the language
certificates recognized equivalent to IELTS 5.0 by the Foreign Languages Centre and
detailed in the table published at the web page: or a declaration of having a Ba. and/or M.Sc.
degree issued by a University in which courses are taught in English, i.e. “The medium of
instruction was English” (if any) Publications (if any)
✓ Any other document proving the possession of the technical and scientific skills necessary
for the chosen research project (if any).
✓ All the above-mentioned documents must be issued in one of the following languages:
Italian, English, French, Portuguese or Spanish.
✓ The Master’s Degree and the Transcript of records of the Master Degree’s with scores
shall be issued by the relevant University in one of the following languages: Italian,
English, French, Portuguese or Spanish. It must be stamped and signed.
Application Deadline: Scholarship application deadline is November 16, 2017.

177. 20 STeDe Master Erasmus+Scholarships for Non-EU and EU Students, 2018

Applications are invited for the all-new call i.e. STeDe Master Scholarships open to non-
EU and EU starting in September 2018. Around 20 scholarships will be awarded in the context of
this selection. STeDe aims to create experts in the area of sustainable territorial development. We
train researchers and professionals to be able to help organizations acting in the territory
(enterprises, local communities, civil society organizations) to draft sustainable development
policies for economic, social, environmental, international and intercultural management. “The
EMJMD in Sustainable Territorial Development is STEDE is offered by a Consortium of top-
ranked Universities and outstanding professional partners with complementary expertise in the
field of Sustainable Territorial Development.

Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.

Study Subject: This programme offers students a leading education in the field of sustainable
territorial development.
Scholarship Award: Erasmus+ Scholarships amount to 24,000 Euros for the whole study
programme (Monthly allowance).
In addition, support for the travel and installation is provided according to the candidates’
category (EU or non-EU students).
In addition, support for the travel and installation is provided according to the candidates’
category (EU or non-EU students).
Number of Scholarships: Every year about 20 scholarships are expected to be available for
non-EU and EU students.
Scholarship can be taken in STeDe offer students Master Degree course (120 ECTS credits)
in two academic years. All our course units and educational activities are offered in the seven
participating universities through a specific mobility scheme for the students: each participant
will study in at least 3 different countries
Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
STeDe Master Course is open to non-EU and EU candidates.
We welcome students with:

Bachelor degree or equivalent (min. 180 ECTS, 3 years of study)
A good command of English and French, both spoken and written
A strong motivation and personal interest in sustainable development
Nationality: Scholarships are available to non-EU and EU candidates.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Students must have Bachelor degree or equivalent (min. 180 ECTS,
3 years of study).
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have a good command of English and
French, both spoken and written.
Masters Scholarships
How to Apply: The mode of application is online.
Application Form
Application Deadline: Submissions are due by January 31, 2018.

178. Master CoDe Incoming Scholar Fellowships for International Students, 2017-2019
Applications are invited for Incoming Scholar Fellowships programme for the academic
year 2017-2019. The duration of the programme is 2 years (120 ECTS). The official language of
education is English . International scholars are eligible to apply for this fellowship programme.
Master CoDe’s main objective is to provide participants with the necessary knowledge and skills
for introducing, supporting and coordinating processes of change and transformation at the local
level. The following universities offer the Joint programme: the Corvinus University of Budapest
(coordinator, Hungary), the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), the University of Regensburg
(Germany) and the University of Trento (Italy) in collaboration with the Russian State Social
University (Russia), the University of Belgrade (Serbia), the Tshwane University of Technology
(South Africa) and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA) with the support of
European Commission.

Course Level: The present call is designed for international Scholars to participate in the didactic
and research activities of the Joint European Master programme.
Study Subject: Master CoDe’s main objective is to provide participants with the necessary
knowledge and skills for introducing, supporting and coordinating processes of change and
transformation at the local level. The focus of the programme is on local development, with the
following characteristics: public, private and non-governmental actors are the fundamental agents;
social stability and economic prosperity are pursued, in conformity with the European standards
and best practices. The general approach is comparative and interdisciplinary.
Scholarship Award: The total amount of the Fellowship is 1000 EUR per 1 week. This amount
covers travel, accommodation, and an honorarium of the selected Scholar. The selected Scholar
may take advantage of the facilities of the partner universities (e.g., library, computer lab).
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken at the Corvinus University of Budapest (coordinator, Hungary), the
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), the University of Regensburg (Germany) and the University
of Trento (Italy) in collaboration with the Russian State Social University (Russia), the University
of Belgrade (Serbia), the Tshwane University of Technology (South Africa) and the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA) with the support of European Commission.

Eligibility: In order to qualify for the incoming Scholar position candidates have to comply with
the following requirements:

PhD in any field relevant to the Master CoDe (such as Economics, Sociology, Political Science,
Law, Engineering, etc.) or an equivalent academic qualification supported by extensive research
and didactic activity;
At least 5 years documented research (including publications) and teaching experience;
Quality syllabus proposal for a 12 hours teaching module;
Proficiency in English. Compatibility with this criterion for applying to the programme is initially
assessed through self-statement or proper documentation. The Academic Committee upholds the
possibility to verify the functional knowledge of English for teaching purposes.
The Scholar is enrolled in a higher education institution of a Third-Country (non-EU country).
Nationality: International scholars are eligible to apply for this fellowship programme.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have PhD in any field relevant to the Master CoDe (such
as Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Law, Engineering, etc.) or an equivalent academic
qualification supported by extensive research and didactic activity.
English Language Requirements: The official language of education is English.

How to Apply: Applications shall be submitted via email.

The application package shall include the following documents:
PhD degree certificate;
Curriculum vitae;
List of publications;
Detailed syllabus (including description of the content and structure of the module, list of
compulsory and recommended readings) of a 5 hours teaching module;
Letter of motivation.
Official proof of status by the home institution
Application Deadline: Application deadlines are December 1 and April 1, 2018.

179. TWAS-ENEA Research Training Fellowships Programme in Italy, 2018

TWAS and ENEA are seeking applications from postdoctoral researchers to apply for its
Research Training Fellowships Programme to carry out research work in physics and
technological research. Nationals of Science- and technology-lagging countries are eligible to
apply for this fellowship programme. The purpose of these fellowships is to enhance the research
capacity of promising scientists, especially those at the beginning of their research career, helping
them to foster links for further collaboration. TWAS, the World Academy of Sciences for the
advancement of science in developing countries – is an autonomous international organization
founded in Triste, Italy. TWAS represent, support and encourage the pursuit excellence in science
in developing countries.

Course Level: This is a research training programme for postdoctoral researchers.

Study Subject: Fellowship is awarded to carry out research work in physics and technological
Scholarship Award: ENEA, through TWAS, will cover travel expenses and provide subsistence
costs for the stay in Italy. The administration and financial operation of TWAS are undertaken by
UNESCO in accordance with an agreement signed by the two organizations.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known

Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
Applicants must hold a Ph.D.; preference is given to scientists who have obtained their Ph.D.
within the last five years at the time of the deadline.
Applicants must be nationals of science- and technology-lagging countries and hold a research
position in science- and technology-lagging countries.
Applicants already on site in Italy are not eligible.
Women scientists are especially encouraged to apply.
Only applications in Physics and Technological Research will be considered.
Nationality: Applicants must be nationals of science- and technology-lagging countries.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must hold a Ph.D.; preference is given to scientists who have
obtained their Ph.D. within the last five years at the time of the deadline.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must provide evidence of proficiency in English if
the medium of education was not English.

How to Apply: Application and Selection Procedure

Fellowships are awarded by the Selection Committee on the basis of scientific merit.
Applications should be completed in English.
Applicants need to submit the complete application form duly signed and send it to the TWAS
secretariat. Applications may be sent by email as long as pages with signatures are sent as
scanned documents. Incomplete/unsigned applications will NOT be accepted. Material requested:
The completed application form;
Copy of passport page giving personal details (even if expired);
The applicant’s curriculum vitae including a statement of interests and future plans with reference
to sustainable development in the home country;
Full list of publications (do not enclose reprints of articles!);
Two letters of recommendation submitted separately to TWAS by referees who are familiar with
the applicant’s work.
Application Form
Application Deadline: Scholarship application deadline is October 23, 2017.

180. David and Julie Tobey Research Fellowship for International Students in Italy, 2017
The Villa I Tatti, The Harvard Center for Italian Renaissance Studies is welcoming
applicants for its David and Julie Tobey Research Fellowship. The fellowship is available for
international students. The aim of the fellowship is to supports research on drawings, prints, and
illustrated manuscripts from the Italian Renaissance, and especially the role that these works
played in the creative process, the history of taste and collecting, and questions of
connoisseurship. The Villa I Tatti, The Harvard Center for Italian Renaissance Studies is a centre
for advanced research in the humanities located in Florence, Italy, and belongs to Harvard

Course Level: Fellowship is available to pursue the research programme.
Study Subject: Fellowship is awarded in the field of drawings, prints, and illustrated manuscripts
from the Italian Renaissance, and especially the role that these works played in the creative
process, the history of taste and collecting, and questions of connoisseurship.
Scholarship Award : Fellowship will cover the following:
The stipend is $4,000 per month, plus a one-time supplement (maximum, $1,500) towards
relocation expenses.
When possible, a one-bedroom apartment will be set aside for the Fellow’s use, rent free, but with
charges for utilities. If an apartment is not available, $1000 per month will be offered to help
offset rental costs.
Number of Scholarships: This is a residential fellowship of 4 or 6 months in length. One
fellowship is available each year.
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
✓ Applicants must be conversant in English and have familiarity with Italian. At the time of
application, a PhD is required. Priority will be given to early and mid-career scholars.
Projects should represent advanced research in the Italian Renaissance, broadly defined as
the period ranging from the 14th to the 17th century, and deal with drawings, prints, or
illustrated manuscripts, and the role that these works may have played in the creative
process, the history of taste and collecting, or questions of connoisseurship.
✓ It must be possible for applicants to carry out most of their research in Florence. I Tatti
welcomes applications from scholars from all nations, and gives special consideration to
candidates without regular access to research materials and facilities in Italy. Applications
are evaluated by international scholars. The selection committee aims to assess the ability
of candidates to contribute in a collegial way to the intellectual life of the Harvard Center.
✓ Short-term Fellowships at I Tatti can be held only once, and cannot be deferred. Short-
term Fellowships are intended for scholars who have not previously held appointments at
I Tatti (with the exception of Graduate Fellows).
Nationality: International applicants are eligible to apply for the fellowship.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have a PhD degree.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must be fluent in English and Italian.

How to Apply: Applicants can apply via online:

Applications can be written in English or Italian and must be submitted electronically by midnight
(Cambridge, MA time) on November 15, 2017. Scholars can apply to only one type of I Tatti
Fellowship at a time.
Letters of Recommendation-
Applicants must have two scholars who know their work well submit recommendations online by
November 20, 2017. These recommendations can be written in English or Italian. In order to give
your referees adequate time to submit letters of recommendation, click the reference tab and
register them as early as possible. Referees will receive an email explaining how to access the
system and submit their letters electronically. It is the applicants’ responsibility to inform the
scholars writing on their behalf of the nature of the project and the deadline for submission.
Application Deadline: The application deadline is November 15, 2017.

181. 24 IED International Scholarships Competition for Undergraduate Courses, 2018-2019
The new International Scholarship Competition for Undergraduate Courses are now
available on offer to be held in Milan, Barcelona, Florence, Madrid, Rome, and Turin. The
purpose of the contests is the assignment of n. 24 scholarships covering the 50% of the tuition fee
of IED Undergraduate Programs, for the academic year 2018/2019. IED – Istituto Europeo di
Design S.p.A. (hereafter referred as IED) aims at supporting young creatives through activation
and promotion of specific meritocracy contests for the attribution of scholarships in the fields of
design, fashion, visual arts, and communication. For more than fifty years, the Istituto Europeo di
Design has been operating in the fields of education and research in the disciplines of design,
fashion, visual communication, and management. Today, the IED is a constantly expanding
international network that issues first-level academic diplomas and organizes three-year courses,
Masters Courses, continuous professional development and advanced training courses.

Scholarship Description:
Applications deadline: December 4, 2017
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue undergraduate programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in Design, Fashion, Visual Arts and
Scholarship Award: Scholarships covers 50% of the tuition fees for 2018/2019. IED offers
n.24 scholarships covering the 50% of the tuition fees of the chosen course. Winners of 50%
scholarships have to pay the enrollment fee plus the half of the tuition fee, according to their
income shown by ISEE certification (only for Undergraduate Courses taught in Italy and for
EU students).
Nationality: These scholarships are available exclusively to students from the following
Countries: Bulgaria – Romania – Serbia – Germany – France – Colombia – Mexico –
Ecuador – Peru – Turkey Egypt – Lebanon – CIS Countries* – Korea – India – Indonesia *
CIS countries include: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine.
Number of Scholarships: Up to 24 scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in Italy and Spain (Milan, Barcelona, Florence, Madrid, Rome,
and Turin)

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries:
These scholarships are available exclusively to students from the following Countries:
Bulgaria – Romania – Serbia – Germany – France – Colombia – Mexico – Ecuador – Peru –
Turkey Egypt – Lebanon – CIS Countries* – Korea – India – Indonesia * CIS countries
include: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine.
Entrance Requirements:
Participation is subject to the registration.
Participation is strictly reserved for candidates aged from 18 to 26 by December 26th, 2018.
Candidates must have accomplished high school diploma by September 2018.
Candidates must show proficiency in the language of the course at minimum level B2.

English Language Requirements: Candidates must show proficiency in the language of the
course (B2 as minimum level required).

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
Participants are required to present themselves creatively making or choosing one or more
images showing their creativity connected with the ideas and motivations expressed in their
presentation letter. To take part in the Scholarship contest, students must register and upload
the required material by December 4, 2017:
Step 1. Read carefully the Regulation and the projects’ briefing.
Step 2. Choose the course you are applying for.
Step 3. Get registered by filling in the form available at
scholarship-competition-for-undegraduate-courses Once registered, you will receive a
confirmation e-mail with credentials to enter your Personal Area, where you could upload the
required documents.
Step 4. Start to arrange the required documents, respecting the guidelines reported in the
Step 5. Once the material collection is ready, enter your Personal Area with the given
credentials and upload your project and the required documents.
Step 6. In case you win the scholarship, you will have 3 days to confirm your acceptance and
5 days to complete your application at IED.
Supporting Documents:
In order to be considered eligible, each candidate will be asked to provide:
A motivation letter in the language of the chosen course;
Copy of ID card or passport;
Certificate of knowledge of the language in which the course is held, if different from the
mother tongue (alternatively is possible to have a Skype interview in the language of the
chosen course). To be admitted to the course is required B2 level as minimum;
The concept as described in the briefing.

182. Grants for Student Mobilities for Study and Traineeship, 2017-2018
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca is offering grants for student mobilities for
study and traineeship-2017/18. All IMT and GSSI-Computer Science PhD students are eligible
for the “study, research, traineeship period abroad”. IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca is a
public research institution and a selective graduate school located in Lucca, Italy. IMT Lucca was
founded in 2004 under the name IMT Institute for Advanced Studies. Applicants whose first
language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the
higher level required by the University.

Course Level: Grants are available for study and traineeship.

Study Subject: Grants are awarded to study offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: The EU has determined that the mobility grants are to be fixed according to
the country of destination and the exact amounts have been defined by the Erasmus+ Italian
Scholarship can be taken in: Study Abroad


All IMT and GSSI-Computer Science PhD students eligible for the “study, research, traineeship
period abroad” aka “visiting period abroad”, as long as they are authorized by their Advisor, can
PhD candidates who are going to graduate by July 2018 and who will finish their visiting period
abroad by September 30th, 2018 are eligible for Erasmus+ for traineeships mobilities.
PhD students during their doctoral studies may benefit from more than one Erasmus+ grant (either
for Study or Traineeship) as long as their mobility periods do not exceed a comprehensive total of
12 months.
Nationality: Citizens of Italy are eligible to apply.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have previous degree.
Test Requirement: No
English Language Requirement: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the
How to Apply: The application – including the Advisor’s authorization – must be submitted by
the deadline to the Graduate Education and Student Services Office, using the Erasmus+ IMT
2017/2018 application form and its Attachment I.
Application Form
Application Deadline: The application deadline is November 8, 2017.

183. MSc Grants for International Students in Italy, 2017-2018

Applications are invited for Alta Scuola Politecnica (ASP) Grants for Engineers,
Architects and Designers which runs parallel to the Master of Science courses of PoliTo and
PoliMi. Italian and international students are eligible to apply for these grants. For more than 150
years, Polytechnic University of Turin is one of Italy’s most prestigious public institutions in the
field of training, research, technology transfer and services in all areas of Architecture and
Engineering. Students must have IELTS (International English Language Testing System) –
minimum score 5.5. The CLA Academic Coordinator could evaluate declarations issued in
English speaking countries, given the fact that they are unlikely to include the phrase “The
medium of instruction is English”.

Course Level: Grants are available to pursue Master of Science Programme.

Study Subject: Alta Scuola Politecnica (ASP) is an additional advanced program for Engineers,
Architects and Designers which runs parallel to the Master of Science courses of PoliTo and
Scholarship Award: What ASP grants?
Tuition fee waiver
Free travel and accommodation during ASP courses
Financial support for developing the ASP Multidisciplinary Projects
Scholarships covering accommodation for international students
Double MSc degree from both PoliMi and PoliTo
ASP Diploma
Number of Scholarships: Each year, ASP admits a maximum of 150 students, 90 at PoliMi and
60 at PoliTo.
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
Admission requirements are the following:
Academic Qualification
For Italian universities graduates
A Bachelor degree or an equivalent academic qualification (in case of not-graduate students from
foreign universities see section Who can enroll) that grants access to a Master of Science course
(Laurea Magistrale) at PoliTo, obtained before the deadline set by PoliTo for the enrollment in a
Master of Science course for the first semester of the academic year 2017/2018 (see the Student
Guide 2017/18). Students who graduated from Italian universities must have obtained their
Bachelor degree within the 3 regular academic years;
A minimum weighted average grade in Bachelor exams equal to or above 27,00/30 determined on
all the Bachelor exam grades:
Weighted average : exam grades multiplied by course credits
(Grade1 x Credits1) + (Grade2 x Credits2) +…+ (Grade n x Credits n)
(Credits 1 + Credits 2 +…+ Credits n);
For Non-Italian universities graduates
A Bachelor degree or an equivalent academic qualification (see section Who can enrol )) that
grants access to a Master of Science course (Laurea Magistrale) at PoliTo, obtained before the
deadline set by PoliTo for the enrollment in a Master of Science course for the first semester of
the academic year 2017/2018 (see the Student guide 2017/18).
Valid GRE ® General Test (5 years since the test date), possessed by the application deadline.
Minimum scores in the three test sections:
Verbal Reasoning: 156
Quantitative Reasoning: 157
Analytical Writing: 3,5
Please note, that candidates must have obtained at least in one of the three sections a score not
less than the minimum.

English language Certification

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) – minimum score 5.5
The tables “IELTS 5.5“ lists additional English certificates with the minimum overall scores
accepted by PoliTo in substitution of IELTS 5.5.
Candidates can be exempted from IELTS 5.5 if, upon enrollment, they turn in a stamped
declaration/certificate written on official letterhead, certifying that:
Candidates have attended at least one school year at a higher education institute in which the
medium of instruction is English. In this case, the school must issue a certificate stating that” The
medium of instruction is English”.
Candidates have a foreign high school diploma which is recognized by the Italian Ministry of
Education and Research as equivalent to the Italian “diploma di maturità”, or have a higher
qualification awarded by a higher education institute in which the medium of instruction is
English. In both cases, the school must issue a certificate stating that “The medium of instruction
is English”.
The CLA Academic Coordinator could evaluate declarations issued in English speaking countries,
given the fact that they are unlikely to include the phrase “The medium of instruction is English”.
Nationality: Italian and International citizens are eligible to apply for this scholarship

College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Students must have a Bachelor degree or an equivalent academic
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have IELTS (International English Language
Testing System) – minimum score 5.5.

How to Apply: The mode of application is online.

Summary of the compulsory documents that must be attached to the online application form,
exclusively in English or Italian (note that the motivation letter must be in English):
For Italian universities graduates : “self-declaration” (“dichiarazione sostitutiva di
certificazione” ai sensi dell’art. 46 DPR 28 dicembre 2000, n. 445) of the Bachelor degree with
the complete list of exams and corresponding results;
For non-Italian universities graduates :
– official certification (transcript of records) with the official stamp of the university attended,
The list of the exams, the corresponding results and the final average grade;
– Valid GRE ® General Test* (5 years since the test date), possessed by the application
deadline. GRE
certificates can be sent directly to the examination center to Politecnico di Torino, being an
ETS center (select the code 6994). Politecnico is not responsible for any communication delays
by ETS.
English language certification
Motivation letter (in English). Please, click here to find the instructions to write the motivation
letter. It should be composed of a maximum of 5,000 characters in total (spaces included).

Application Deadline: Scholarship application deadline is October 20, 2017.

184. Villa I Tatti Wallace Fellowship for International Applicants in Italy, 2018
Annually Villa I Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies
offers Wallace Fellowship for 4 or 6 months in length in Italy. Applicants of all nationalities are
eligible to apply for this fellowship. Wallace Fellowships are designed for scholars who explore
the historiography and impact of the Italian Renaissance in the Modern Era (19 th -21 st
centuries). Villa I Tatti, The Harvard Center for Italian Renaissance Studies is a center for
advanced research in the humanities located in Florence, Italy, and belongs to Harvard University.
It also houses a library and an art collection, and it is the site of Italian and English gardens. Villa
I Tatti is located on an estate of olive groves, vineyards, and gardens on the border
of Florence, Fiesole, and Settignano.
Course Level: This is a residential fellowship of 4 or 6 months in length.
Study Subject: Projects can address the historiography or impact of the Renaissance on any field,
including art and architecture, landscape architecture, history, literature, material culture, music,
philosophy, religion, and science. It must be possible for applicants to carry out most of their
research in Florence.
Scholarship Award: The stipend is $4,000 per month, plus a one-time supplement (maximum,
$1,500) towards relocation expenses. When possible, a one-bedroom apartment will be set aside
for the Fellow’s use, rent free, but with charges for utilities. If an apartment is not available,
$1000 per month will be offered to help offset rental costs. In light of the residential nature of this

fellowship, we actively discourage people from commuting and expect everyone to reside in the
vicinity. The Fellowships are funded by a generous grant from The Lila Wallace – Reader’s
Digest Fund.
Applicants should indicate their preference between fall (September through December) and
winter-spring (January through June). Fellows are required to spend at least three days a week at
the Villa and to live in Florence or the surrounding area. Fellows enjoy all the privileges of the
Harvard Center, including use of the Biblioteca Berenson seven days a week and lunch with other
Appointees from Monday through Friday. Short-term Fellows do not receive an office or study,
but they will have their own desk or carrel in the Library itself. Fellows may not take on any other
obligations such as teaching positions, even part-time ones, during any part of their Fellowship
The Fellow is responsible to obtain a visa, permesso di soggiorno, and health coverage (and, if
appropriate, for accompanying family members). The Fellow must determine if a visa is required
and, if necessary, obtain one before travel.
Number of Scholarships: Up to four fellowships will be awarded every year.
Scholarship can be taken in Italy

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
✓ Applicants must be conversant in English and have familiarity with Italian. At the time of
application, a PhD is required. Priority will be given to early and mid-career
scholars. Projects can address the historiography or impact of the Renaissance on any
field, including art and architecture, landscape architecture, history, literature, material
culture, music, philosophy, religion, and science. It must be possible for applicants to
carry out most of their research in Florence. I Tatti welcomes applications from scholars
from all nations and gives special consideration to candidates without regular access to
research materials and facilities in Italy. Applications are evaluated by international
scholars. The selection committee aims to assess the ability of candidates to contribute in
a collegial way to the intellectual life of the Harvard Center.
✓ Short-term Fellowships at I Tatti can be held only once and cannot be deferred. Short-
term Fellowships are intended for scholars who have not previously held appointments at
I Tatti (with the exception of Graduate Fellows).
Nationality: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for this fellowship.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: At the time of application, a PhD is required. Priority will be given to
early and mid-career scholars.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must be conversant in English and have familiarity
with Italian.

How to Apply: Applications can be written in English or Italian and must be submitted
electronically by midnight (Cambridge, MA time) on November 15, 2017. Scholars can apply to
only one type of I Tatti Fellowship at a time.
Application Form
Application Deadline: Fellowship application deadline is November 15, 2017.

185. CEEPUS Exchange Awards at University of Chemistry and Technology in Czech
Republic, 2017
CEEPUS or Central European Exchange Program for University Studies is an exchange
programme that awards scholarships to students. The programme awards scholarships are open to
the students, who are citizens of the member countries, are studying at a CEEPUS network
university and would like to go for a study exchange at another CEEPUS network university.
Applications are open for the Central European Exchange Program to pursue university studies.
The programme awards scholarships to students, who are citizens of the member countries.
The aim of the programme is to produce graduates of responsible character with the
necessary knowledge and skills for professional and national leadership The University of
Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague) is the largest educational institution of its kind
in Central Europe with a tradition spanning almost two centuries

Course Level: The programme is available to pursue Bachelor Master and PhD.
Study Subject: The programme is awarded in the fields offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: The programme will cover the followings:
Bachelor and Master Students: 9 000, 00 CZK
Doctoral Students: 9 500, 00 CZK
Numbers of Scholarships: Not known
Scholarship can be taken in the Czech Republic

Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

Citizens of member countries (Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the
Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the
Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Prishtina/Kosovo) or students with “equal status” (e.g. residency in
the member country)
Students from CEEPUS network universities
Students of Bachelor, Master and PhD
Students who finished at least 2 semesters of a regular course of studies by the time they are being
Students from network universities (winter semester and summer semester) or free movers
(summer semester)
Nationality: Applicants of Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the
Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the
Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Kosovo are eligible for the programme.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have previous year degree.
English Language Requirement: The candidate should have a very good command over the
English language.
International Scholarship

How to Apply: Applicants can apply through the online processor.

To study at UCT Prague with CEEPUS grant, you should apply both for CEEPUS scholarship and
to UCT Prague.

Contact your home university and your National CEEPUS Office to find out about the application
process for the scholarship
Find a supervisor at UCT Prague for your traineeship OR Ask your university to nominate you for
a semester of study stay (courses)
Submit application documents to UCT Prague*:
Learning Agreement v
Student Application From v
Confirmation of English knowledge v
Transcript of records
Receive Letter of Award from the CEEPUS office, which enables you to receive the scholarship
(*In case similar documents were used to apply for the CEEPUS scholarship you can submit them
again instead of UCT Prague documents.)
The application process at UCT Prague is handled by the Department of International Relations
(see info box on the right).
CEEPUS applications are submitted online via CEEPUS website after agreement with your home
university / your National CEEPUS Office.
Online application
Application Deadline: The application deadline is November 30, 2017.

186. Ruhr-University Bochum Grants for International Students in Germany, 2018

The International Office of RUB is currently accepting applications for graduation grants
for international students funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The RUB
is on its way to becoming one of the leading European universities of the 21st Century. Almost all
courses are offered as Bachelor and Master degree programmes. University helps shape the RUB
and their open-mindedness makes the RUB an attractive place for people from around the world.
Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specific English language/other
language requirements in order to be able to study there.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: March 19, 2018
Course Level: Grants are available to pursue graduate degree programme.
Study Subject: Grants are awarded to learn any of the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: The scholarships are amounting to 400€ monthly within a period of four
Nationality: International students
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given
Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Entrance Requirements: The scholarships are offered to international students who:
Are studying at the RUB and graduated from a foreign school and/or completed their first
university degree abroad.
Are close to their final degree (Bachelor; Master; State Examination or equivalent degree),
thus plan their graduation within the summer term 2018.
Affected good to very good performances during their studies.
Are reliant on financial support during their final phase of the study.

English Language Requirements: Applicants from outside the home country will often need
to meet specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: It is not required to submit the application in person. You can only submit
your application online.
Please fill the following online-survey precisely and carefully: Registration for a graduation
After filling the online-survey (Step 1) the following documents have to be sent as a single
pdf-file via Email to Rebekka Kirsch within the application deadline:
Application and letter of motivation
Departments’ confirmation
Certificate of enrolment for the summer term 2018
Copy of residence permit (for non-EU students)
Transcript of Records
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
University lecturer’s letter of recommendation (by request, this letter may be sent directly
to Rebekka Kirsch by the lecturer)
Optional: certificate of social commitment at RUB (may be advantageous though it is not a

187. International Forecast Engineering Scholarships at Bauhaus University Weimar in

Germany, 2018
The Bauhaus University Weimar is inviting applications for Forecast Engineering
Scholarship which are provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship. Architecture and Urbanism, Civil
Engineering, Art and Design and Media – with their faculties and fields of work, the Bauhaus-
Universität Weimar has a unique profile. The University’s spectrum currently includes some 40-
degree programs or programs, ranging from the liberal arts to design, visual communication,
media design, science and computer science to architecture, civil engineering, building material
science and environment and management. The term »Bauhaus« on behalf of our university
stands for experimentation, openness, creativity, and internationality. Applicants whose first
language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the
higher level required by the University.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: May 1, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to MSc/PhD/Graduate students.
Study Subject: -Scholarships are awarded in the field of Forecast Engineering. The special
character of this course is in the combination of basic disciplines of structural engineering
with applied research projects in the areas of steel and reinforced concrete structures,
earthquake engineering, geotechnics as well as informatics and linking them to mathematical
methods and modern tools of visualization.

Scholarship Award: There are three categories of financial support
Waiving of the course fee
Waiving of the course fee and free accommodation (18 August – 1 September 2018)
Waiving of the course fee, free accommodation (18 August – 1 September 2018) and a part of
costs for travel expenses can be refunded, if original tickets can be presented.
Nationality: International students
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
M.Sc. / PhD / graduates in the fields of civil and structural engineering.
Prerequisite for participation in addition to adequate English skills is the submission of a
meaningful motivation letter and an abstract with respect to a current personal scientific
activity which mediates the interest or the ability to edit the project themes.
English Language Requirements: Adequate English skills are required.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: To apply, submit a letter of application for financial support (1), (2) or (3) –
explaining why you should receive financial support (max. 500 words) – along with your
other application documents by email by 1 May 2018.
In order to register, please complete our registration form.
Please submit the following documents by 1 May 2018 as a pdf file via email.
Application letter
Curriculum vitae: max. two pages
English language certificate: at least level B1 or comparable
Letter of motivation: Why did you choose this course? – max. 500 words
Abstract: with respect to current personal scientific activity – max. 1000 words.
Please note the following points:
Only one pdf-file (max. 5 MB)
Email with subject »Application Forecast Engineering«
Name of pdf-file »Forecast_Engineering_family name_first name«
Only complete and correctly named applications will be considered!

188. “Get-it-Published” Research Fellowships at MPI for the History of Science in Germany,
The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) is calling applications
from applicants from Asian, African, or Latin American institutions to apply for its “Get-it-
Published” Fellowship Program. The “Get-it-Published” fellowships are open to students whose
research topic is related to the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine, or Science and
Technology Studies. Founded in 1994, the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

(MPIWG) in Berlin is one of the more than 80 research institutes administered by the Max Planck
Society. It is dedicated to the study of the history of science and aims to understand scientific
thinking and practice as historical phenomena.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 25, 2018
Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue research.
Study Subject: The “Get-it-Published” fellowships are open to students whose research topic
is related to the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine, or Science and Technology
Scholarship Award: Fellowships are endowed with a monthly stipend according to the
guidelines of the Max Planck Society.
Nationality: Applicants from Asian, African, or Latin American institutions
Number of Scholarships: Two fellowships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: The scholarship is dedicated to assisting young researchers (that is, at the
end of their Ph.D. phase or early Post-docs) from Asian, African, or Latin American
institutions to work with an international community at the MPIWG, Berlin.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
The ” Get-it-Published” fellowships are open to students whose research topic is related to the
History of Science, Technology, and Medicine, or Science and Technology Studies. The
scholarship is dedicated to assisting young researchers (that is, at the end of their Ph.D. phase
or early Post-docs) from Asian, African, or Latin American institutions to work with an
international community at the MPIWG, Berlin.
Candidates are expected to have finished the archival research for their thesis and be in a
position to devote six months to writing and preparing an article in English for journal
publication. Regular meetings will be held to support both the writing process and academic
Applications from women are especially welcome. The Max Planck Society is committed to
promoting underrepresented groups as well as people with disabilities and encourages them to
apply. Finalists may expect a decision by 1 March 2018.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Applicants should submit the following materials in English through
our Online Application Portal:
Official proof of the completion of your PhD thesis/or confirmation from your university of
thesis submission.
Brief description of dissertation
Curriculum vitae and list of publications
Title, abstract and outline of intended article to be prepared for publication (maximum 750

English writing sample
A letter of recommendation from a previous supervisor

189. MBA Scholarships for Women at Berlin School of Economics and Law in Germany,
The Berlin School of Economics and Law is offering four partial scholarships every year
each worth € 5,000 for a study place in the Berlin MBA programme. The Berlin School of
Economics and Law is a German business school founded on 1 April 2009 through the merger of
the Berlin School of Economics and the FHVR Berlin. The BSEL portfolio provides a wide range
of professional qualifications. Applicants must have a very good knowledge of English (minimum
scores – TOEFL: cbt 213 points or ibt 79 points; IELTS: 6.5 points).

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: July 31, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing Berlin MBA programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of business administration.
Scholarship Award: Each scholarship worth € 5,000
Number of Scholarships: There are four partial scholarships available.
Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Citizens of all nationalities are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: To apply for this postgraduate programme, you need to fulfil the
following requirements:
Completed undergraduate degree in any subject (Bachelor, Master, Diploma)\
A minimum of three years of relevant work experience
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have a very good knowledge of English
(minimum scores – TOEFL: cbt 213 points or ibt 79 points; IELTS: 6.5 points).

Application Procedure:
If you meet the entry requirements and are interested in applying for the Berlin MBA, please
use our online application tool. Students will be asked to upload the following documents
during the application process:
Letter of motivation, including professional goals
Curriculum vitae, preferably in “europass”
Copy of passport
Passport photo
Certification of eligibility for university education (e.g. Abitur/A-levels)
Certification of university degree: BA / MA / Diploma
Employment testimonials
Certificates of English language competence (e.g. TOEFL certificates or the BULATS
Business Language Testing Service at the Berlin School of Economics and Law)
How to Apply:
The mode of applying is online.

190. GIJN Journalism Fellowships to Investigate Migration, Labor Issues in Gulf Countries,

The Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) now wishes to invite applicants for
its Journalism Fellowships to Investigate Migration, Labor Issues in Gulf Countries. Fellows will
receive airfare and hotel to attend the workshop, with free mentoring by outside editors. The aim
of the fellowship is to support journalists who have looked for a chance to develop your
investigative journalism skills and cover issues on immigrant workers and forced labour.
The Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) is “an international association of
nonprofit organizations that support, promote and produce investigative journalism.” Its
membership is open to “nonprofits, NGOs, and educational organizations” that are active in
investigative reporting and data journalism.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 10, 2018
Course Level: Fellowship is available for journalists.
Study Subject : Fellowship is awarded to Investigate Migration and Labor Issues.
Scholarship Award: Fellows will receive airfare and hotel to attend the workshop, with free
mentoring by outside editors.
In addition, the two journalists submitting the most impressive stories will receive travel
grants to attend the 2019 Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Hamburg, Germany.
Nationality: Applicants from six Persian Gulf Arab countries (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman,
Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) are eligible to apply for the fellowship.
Number of Scholarships: Number of fellowships is not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants from six Persian Gulf Arab countries (Bahrain, Kuwait,
Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) are eligible to apply for the
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must be a journalist.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must be fluent in English.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
To apply, applicants should send a cover letter with a story idea related to forced labour and
immigrant workers. Include a detailed plan of how you will develop sources, gather facts, and
conduct their investigation.
The plan should include the following:
Story title or topic.
A paragraph explaining the proposed story.
Steps planned for your investigation.
Who are the alleged victims and what is the possible wrong-doing.
Who is allegedly responsible for the problem (government offices, brokers, etc.)
What are the elements that need to be investigated?
Potential story sources.
Links to relevant or similar stories that report on the same issue.
Please send the plan with the latest resume to email.

191. Berlin School of Mind and Brain DAAD Scholarships for International Students in
Germany, 2018
A number of Mind & Brain and DAAD scholarships will available to the best applicants
to study at Berlin School of Mind and Brain (M&B) in Germany. This scholarship is open to all
students with or without secured funding. Depending on the applicant’s individual profile and
interest, funding for the three-year program can consist of a full scholarship (from a funding
agency or by the Berlin School of Mind and Brain – see below) or a research and/or teaching post
with their supervisor.
The Berlin School of Mind and Brain (M&B) is an international and interdisciplinary
graduate research school. It was established in 2006 and receives its funding through the
Excellence Initiative (an ongoing German Federal and State Governments initiative since 2006 to
promote excellent science and research at German universities), the Einstein Foundation Berlin,
and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 15, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue doctoral degree programme.
Study Subject : The central requirement for admittance to the School is your proposal for a
doctoral project that was developed by yourself. All research proposals must have clear
mind/brain relevance. The focus should be on the interface between the humanities and/or
behavioural sciences with the neurosciences. Typical projects will investigate research
questions that are of relevance to more than one discipline. The six research topics of the
School pay tribute to that approach:
Perception, attention, and consciousness
Brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny
Brain disorders and mental dysfunction
Human sociality and the brain (social cognition)
Scholarship Award: Each year, the Berlin School of Mind and Brain can offer five to seven
scholarships. Currently, scholarships are set at 1,350 euro/month plus funding for travel and
training courses.
Nationality: International students are eligible
Number of Scholarships: A number of Mind & Brain and DAAD scholarships will available
to the best applicants.
Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship
Entrance Requirements: Academic background:
To be able to apply for the doctoral program, students must have completed (or be in the
process of completing) a
Master’s degree (with thesis, usually two years)

In a field related/relevant to mind/brain research, e.g.
Cognitive science
Computer science
English Language Requirements: Our doctoral program is conducted in English. If you are
a non-native English speaker we require proof of your proficiency. During the online
application, please upload a certificate providing proof of your English knowledge. The
minimum demand is B2 which is equivalent to the following test scores:
UNIcert® II Certificate: 3,0
International English Language Testing System (IELTS): 5,0
Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE): B-C
TOEFL: o Internet-based Test: 87, o Paper-based Test: 560
DAAD Language Certificate: C in all test sections (minimum requirement)

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Students will be admitted by the School’s Scientific Council on the basis of a
competitive, internationally open application procedure that starts with an online application
and includes further steps. Please read the instructions below carefully before you start with
the online application process.
Please upload only:
PDF files
Do not password-protect or lock your files!
Please do not insert spaces or special characters in the files names.
The max. individual size of files: 5 MB

192. Mamaself Erasmus Mundus International Master Scholarship Program for EU and
Non-EU Students, 2018
Applications are invited for Erasmus Mundus International Master program in Material
Science for EU and Non-EU students. The master’s program is organized in 4 semesters, over 2
years. All courses within the partner universities will be taught in English. Mamaself students
must take a total value of 120 ECTS credits over the 4 semesters to fulfil the requirements of the
Master. Erasmus Mundus offers culturally enriching higher education opportunities for both
European and Non-European students. The Erasmus Mundus program is a co-operation and
mobility programme in the field of higher education building in the framework of the Erasmus+
program. It aims to enhance quality in European higher education and to promote intercultural
understanding through co-operation with third countries. Applicants must provide the Bachelor
degree (with certified translation in English). Students who are in their Bachelor year will show a
certificate of registration in the third Bachelor year instead of the diploma and will show the
diploma during next summer.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: The scholarship deadline for Non-European students is January 30,
2018. The scholarship deadline for European students is March 10, 2018.
Course Level: Scholarship is available to study master degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded to study International Master program in Material
Scholarship Award: The Erasmus Mundus scholarship covers tuition fees and allows
covering all expenses that non-EU students normally face during their studies.
Nationality: EU and Non-EU students
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in University of Rennes 1-UR1, France
University of Torino-TO, Italy
· Technical University of Munich-TUM, Germany
· Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich-LMU, Germany
· University of Montpellier-UM, France

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: EU and Non-EU students are eligible to apply. Students from all
countries can apply to the Erasmus Mundus master programme.
Entrance Requirements: Students must have
A Bachelor (180 ECTS) in Materials Science or related disciplines: Chemistry, Physics,
Proof of good English competencies, e.g. TOEFL CBT 230 and PBT 550 IBT 80 / IELTS
6.5 or equivalent, except for applicants native from English speaking countries and for
students having been educated in English at secondary or/and university. Students who intend
to have mobility at TUM must have the following level of admission at TUM: TOEFL IBT
88, CBT 234/ PBT 605.
English Language Requirements: All applicants are required to prove their proficiency in
the English language. Applicants can prove proficiency in English by meeting one of the
following conditions before enrolling:
English as a native language
TOEFL – Minimum score: 230 (computer based), 80 (internet based), or 550 (paper-based)
IELTS – Minimum score: 6.5
Cambridge ESOL, Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) – Minimum score: C
English as the language of instruction during previous studies. The student must have studied
in classes taught in English: provide a certificate.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Students must apply online on the Mamaself application site.
Fill the online form
Add the requested documents
English level certificate
Bachelor degree (or certificate of third Bachelor year)
Letters of recommendation


193. LMU–CSC Scholarships for Chinese Students and Researchers in Germany, 2018
China Scholarship Council (CSC) in cooperation with LMU Munich is delighted to offer
the scholarship to outstanding Chinese students and researchers. The students must have the
opportunity to conduct their doctoral research projects at LMU Munich. Welcome to the Ludwig-
Maximilian University of Munich – the University in the heart of Munich. LMU is recognized as
one of Europe’s premier academic and research institutions. Since our founding in 1472, LMU
has attracted inspired scholars and talented students from all over the world, keeping the
University at the nexus of ideas that challenge and change our complex world.

Scholarship Description:
Applications deadline: The application period begins in October and ends on February 15 th
of the following year.
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue doctoral research programme.
Study Subject: Doctoral studies for Chinese students are supported by two models:
Model 1: Scholarships for a doctoral project pursued only at LMU Munich
Most of the doctoral studies at LMU Munich are conducted under the supervision of an
individual professor and there is no compulsory curriculum. In addition to the individual
doctoral supervision scheme , LMU offers a growing number of doctoral programs — there
are currently 36 structured programs in a broad range of disciplines.
Model 2: Scholarships for a “Sandwich” Doctoral Program
Within the “Sandwich” Model, the first year of the studies takes place at the home university.
The doctoral students then complete one or two years of research at LMU and return to China
to complete their doctoral program. The doctoral title is conferred by the Chinese university.
This model is only possible in the individual supervision scheme.
Scholarship Award: Full scholarship is available.
Nationality: Chinese students
Number of Scholarships: Within the framework of an exclusive agreement between LMU
Munich and CSC more than 200 doctoral students of various disciplines from Biology to
Sociology have been granted scholarships for doctoral studies since 2005.
Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Chinese students are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
Entrance Requirements:
1. General requirements
Candidates must be citizens of the PR of China.
Age limit: 35 years; for specific doctoral programs at LMU this age limit might vary.
Candidates must have completed a research Master program before the commencement of the
program. The Master qualification can be from a University in China or another country (i.e.
Germany, US. etc.)
Two letters of recommendation from university professors.
2. Academic background
Candidates must have an excellent academic background. To prove this, candidates must
meet the following criteria:

The candidates must pursue their master study at one of the top-level Chinese universities or
research institutions. Universities of “985 project” are preferred.
Candidates must have a bachelor and master degree with “80” or above in the Chinese
grading system.
3. Language requirements
If German is the language of tuition and of the dissertation, i.e. in Law, Communications
Science, Political Science, Sociology, Philosophy, good German language skills are required.
Candidates must provide proof of their German proficiency by means of an acknowledged
language test such as: “Test-DAF” with the minimum result of “4” in all parts of the
examination, or “DSH”, level 2.
If English is the language of tuition and of the dissertation the following acknowledged
language tests are accepted:
English language certificate of the IELTS Test Academic 6.5 (no module below 6) or 90 in
the TOEFL iBT Test.
Also for programs taught in English, basic knowledge of German is highly recommended.
4. Acceptance by a professor of LMU
Candidates must hold a written acceptance of a supervisor at LMU. The acceptance letter
must refer to a specific structured doctoral program or, in the case of individual research
projects, to a specific doctoral project. In the case of the “Sandwich-Model”, the Chinese
supervisor must advocate the period of research at LMU.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: The following two important steps are necessary to complete the application
to the LMU–CSC program:
Students must first apply to LMU. Successful students will receive an admission letter for
doctoral studies at LMU Munich.
The admission letter is the precondition for the next step — the application to CSC (see
details at China Scholarship Council ).
LMU synchronizes the application process for admission with the deadlines of CSC.
For the application, students should submit the documents both as PDF and paper version. For
final admission, only applications in paper form are accepted.
Application process: As the final application requires the consent of the future supervisor the
first step is to contact potential supervisors. The first and most important step of the
application is, therefore, matching your research interests and capacities with the many
opportunities LMU offers.

194. German Egyptian Mobility Programme for Scientific Exchange and Excellence
Development, 2018
German Egyptian Mobility Programme is open for Egyptian and German applicants for
Scientific Exchange and Excellence Development. The programme is funded by the Science and
Technology Development Fund (STDF) in Egypt and the German Academic Exchange Service
(DAAD) in Germany. GE-SEED aims at supporting bilateral mobility between Egyptian and
German scientific teams with the special emphasis on young scientists (Master and PhD students),
and within the framework of a jointly submitted research project for a period of up to two years.
The main goal of this program is to encourage partnerships between both sides and enhance

collaboration and technology transfer. The German Academic Exchange Service or DAAD is the
largest German support organisation in the field of international academic co-operation.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: December 4, 2017
Course Level: The programme is available to pursue research.
Study Subject: The programme is offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Grants will be offered only towards travel and living costs within the
framework of a well-defined and approved research project. For the Egyptian PI, the STDF
will bear the travel cost (including overseas medical insurance) between the place of work of
the scientists/students in Egypt and the place of work in Germany.
It is expected that primary financing for the collaborative research project, including
personnel costs, is already available or will be obtained from other sources of funding.
The total funding requested from the Egyptian and the German side, respectively, must not
exceed 15.000 EURO per project per year
Nationality: Egyptian and German
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Germany and Egypt

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Egypt and Germany
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet following criteria:
A concrete and sound research proposal must be submitted.
The Pl should be a Ph.D. holder.
On the Egyptian side, only Egyptian researchers are eligible for a mobility grant to Germany.
Also, the researchers must be affiliated to an institution which has an Egyptian legal identity.
Parallel applications of teams, team members or PIs during the same funding period are not
In cases where a team/team member has been previously awarded a GE-SEED grant, he/she
may apply for a new grant through the GE-SEED Program only after the completion of
his/her previously funded project. In this case a report of the success of the previous project
has to be submitted together with the new application.
Quality of the project is one of the main criteria for accepting a project, but involvement of
young scientists will be given preference if applicable.
All relevant documents must be submitted (such as ethical committee approval).
Egyptian Team members are required to handle their own security clearance
English Language Requirements : Applicants must have sufficient knowledge of the
language of instruction of the host university.

Application Procedure:
Proposals in a prescribed format are to be submitted by the German PI to the DAAD, Bonn
Portal and by the Egyptian PI to STDF, Egypt. Only applications submitted by the two PIs
with all necessary documents will be considered. Proposals will be evaluated by DAAD and
STDF on the basis of scientific merit, need for co-operation and the composition of project
How to Apply:
Application form

CVs of all Egyptian and German team members
Ethical Declaration
Publication list of the Egyptian and German PIs
Endorsement letter from the Egyptian PI’s institution

195. DAAD Master in Law Scholarship in Germany, 2018

The German Academic Exchange Service or DAAD is excited to announce the
scholarships to pursue a master’s degree programme (LL.M.) and specialize in European Law at
selected German higher education institutions. The scholarship includes a monthly stipend, travel
allowance, compulsory insurance and a two-month mandatory German language course. The aim
of the scholarship is to assist members in maintaining and improving their professional
development, irrespective of their existing qualifications. The German Academic Exchange
Service or DAAD is the largest German support organization in the field of international
academic co-operation.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: November 30, 2017
Course Level: The scholarship is available to pursue a master degree.
Study Subject: The scholarship is awarded in the field of law.
Scholarship Award: The scholarship will cover the followings:
Monthly award of 750 euros (graduate students)
Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover
Flat rate travel allowance from India to Germany (375 euros for outward ticket, 475 euros for
return journey)
Study and research subsidy of 460 euros
2 months German language course in Germany before the start of scholarship (August to
Rent subsidy and family allowance where appropriate
Nationality: German
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Germany
Entrance Requirements: The programme is aimed at graduate students in the field of law
who have earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Law (1st class).
English Language Requirements : Applicants must have sound knowledge of German
and/or English are fundamental for admittance to the programme.

Application Procedure:
Applicants can apply through the online processor.
How to Apply:
A university degree in law or in a comparable subject (business studies, humanities) from a
German or foreign university and
Proof of sound knowledge of German and/or English

196. EMJMD-EMLex Scholarships for International Students, 2018-2019 Email
The Erasmus Mundus EMLex provides 13 scholarships for the intake of 2018. The
European Master in Lexicography (EMLex) is a unique master’s degree programme which
prepares students for lexicographic work in theory and practice. The scholarship aims at former,
current and future EMLex students and teachers as well as everybody interested in lexicography.
The Erasmus Mundus EMLex offers an excellent international programme of study which
is globally unique and highly attractive due to various activities. During the two-year programme,
students will spend the second semester together with all other students at one university, which
changes every year.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: March 1, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing masters programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of lexicography.
Scholarship Award: The scholarship includes
Contribution to subsistence costs: 1,000€ per month for the entire duration of the EMLex
study programme (24 months maximum)
Contribution to the travel and installation costs:
For scholarship holders resident in a programme country: 1,000€ per year for travel costs
For scholarship holders resident in a partner country whose location is situated at less than
4,000km from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2,000 € per year for
travel costs + 1,000 € for installation costs
For scholarship holders resident in a partner country whose location is situated at 4,000km or
more from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 3,000 € per year for travel
costs + 1,000 € for installation costs
The scholarship also includes participation costs for the EMJMD-EMLex. These participation
costs cover all additional costs which occur during your studies, including tuition fees, health
insurance, library costs, administrative costs, cultural events, etc.
Note: If you study in your home country you will not receive a contribution to subsistence
costs for the duration of your stay there. If you are a partner country student and study at
Stellenbosch you will only receive a contribution to subsistence costs for the duration of three
months of your stay.
Number of Scholarships: EMLex provides 13 scholarships for the intake of 2018. This
intake starts in winter term 2018/19, with courses starting either in September or October
2018 (depending on the home university). 75% of the scholarships are given to partner
country students; 25% are given to programme country students.
Partner Countries: non-EU countries with the exception of Turkey, Macedonia, Norway,
Liechtenstein and Iceland
Programme Countries: 28 EU member states + Turkey, Macedonia, Norway, Liechtenstein
and Iceland.
If you come from a partner country and have carried out your main activities (studies, work,
training) in any programme country for at least 12 months in total during the previous five
years, you are considered as an applicant from a programme country.
Scholarship can be taken at Partner Universities

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply.

Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have a Higher Educational Institution (HEI) degree
in the area of
(Computational/Applied) Linguistics
(Foreign) Languages
Book Studies / Library and Information Science
Or other relevant disciplines, subject to the consent of and the approval by the Consortium’s
admission committee.
If your HEI degree is still in progress, you may nevertheless submit an application. The
restriction, in this case, will be that the HEI degree certificate is available before the EMLex
study course begins.
English Language Requirements: Proficiency in English and German is essential for
participation because the courses will be taught in these two languages. Language
requirements are either:
At least level B1 in English and at least level B2 in German or
At least level B1 in German and at least level B2 in English
Proficiency in English (for non-native speakers) must be certified by one of the following
institutions for at least the given level (equivalent to B1 // B2):
OnSet-Englisch. This test can be taken at a licensed test centre in your country
British Council (IELTS): 4.5 – 5 // 5.5 – 6.5
Trinity (ISE Foundation): ISE I // ISE II
TOEFL iBT: at least 42 // at least 72
Cambridge: Preliminary Certificate // First, Advanced or Proficiency Certificate
English studies / Anglistik Bachelor degree (or comparable degree) from one of the
universities in the EMLex programme
Proficiency in German (for non-native speakers) must be certified by one of the following
institutions for at least the given level (equivalent to B1 // B2):
OnSet-Deutsch (former “OnDaF”). This test can be taken at a licensed test centre in your
country (
Goethe-Institut: Zertifikat B1, grade at least ‘gut’ // Zertifikat B2, grade at least ‘gut’
Österreich-Institut: ÖSD-Zertifikat B1, grade at least ‘gut’ // Zertifikat B2, grade at least ‘gut
Germanistik Bachelor degree (or comparable degree) from one of the universities of the
EMLex programme
The language certificates must not be older than two years.
No other documents can be accepted as confirmation of English and German proficiency.

Application Procedure:
If there are any remaining places to study after the Erasmus Mundus places have been
attributed, it is possible to study EMLex without Erasmus Mundus. In order to get a study
place, students have to apply locally at one of the partner universities. The summer semester
abroad for students with a local application is funded by the Erasmus+ programme. This
means that the summer semester abroad is only partially financed. In addition, all other
advantages of the Erasmus Mundus programme (for example exemption of local tuition fees,

health insurance, teaching materials, cultural events) are not included. In total, you can only
study at two different universities, i.e. you spend the 1st, 3rd and 4th semester at the same
university. You will not receive an Erasmus Mundus certificate but an EMLex certificate.
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela is not part of it.
How to Apply:
For applications at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg: Applications for the EMLex at Erlangen
university must be submitted via the Master’ s office. Please use the online application portal
for Master’s programmes at the FAU Erlangen and select the programme “Lexikographie
(Master of Arts)”.

197. Food Security Center Scholarships for Developing Countries in Germany, 2018
The Food Security Center (FSC) has designed scholarships for developing
countries. Scholarships are available to conduct their research and career at the University of
Hohenheim. The scholarships aim at increasing their previously gained scientific knowledge and
skills relevant to food security-related issues. Finally, FSC aims at establishing an active, long-
lasting collaboration with the supported researchers and their home institutions through an
interactive alumni-network. The Food Security Center (FSC) is a university center of excellence
in development collaboration at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.Applicant must
have excellent proficiency in oral and written English.

Scholarship Description:
Applications close: November 12, 2017
Course Level: Scholarships are available to conduct their research and career at the
University of Hohenheim.
Study Subject: Applicants should be interested in an interdisciplinary and international (post-
) graduate education in food security relevant issues.
Scholarship Award: Varies
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Germany
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Women are explicitly encouraged to apply for a scholarship.
Long-term scholarships
Excellence Scholarship (South-North): Applicants from developing countries of the OECD
DAC List who are planning to obtain their PhD degree at the University of Hohenheim,
Germany, may apply for the “Excellence South-North Scholarship”.
Excellence Scholarship (South-South): Applicants from developing countries of the OECD
DAC List who are planning to obtain their PhD degree atone of the FSC’s partner
universities, may apply for the “Excellence South-South Scholarship”.
CLIFOOD Scholarship: FSC awards top selected applicants from East and Central Africa
scholarships to obtain their PhD degree at the Hawassa University, Ethiopia.
Eligible Countries:
Students from developing countries are eligible to apply.
College Admission Requirement:
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have a previous year degree.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have excellent written and verbal English

Scholarship Award:
The monthly grant is EUR 1,000 (for the time in Germany, during the field research there will
be a different rate applicable). In addition, FSC pays for traveling to and from Hohenheim.
Proofed costs for a health and liability insurance will be refunded for an amount up to EUR
How to Apply:
1- Applications which lack one of the following documents will be certainly rejected:
The scanned copy of the Master certificate
The scanned copy of the Master transcripts
Abstract of Master thesis (FSC template must be used)
The scanned copy of the Bachelor certificate
The scanned copy of the Bachelor transcripts
The scanned copy of the high school certificate
The scanned copy of the English proficiency proof (more information)
The proposal for doing a PhD research at the University of Hohenheim (FSC template must
be used)
At least one recommendation letter (FSC template must be used)
The cover letter
Curriculum vitae (CV)
2- All files must be converted to PDF. The files you are uploading must not exceed 10
megabytes altogether due to standard attachment size limit. Please check the total size of all
your files before uploading them.
3- It is absolutely necessary to name your files according to the following instruction:

198. Research Fellowships for German and International Students in Germany, 2018
The Center for Holocaust Studies at the Institute for Contemporary History is offering
scholarships for research stays in Munich in 2018. Applicants from both Germany, European and
non-European countries are welcome. The Institute for Contemporary History includes the
research departments in Munich and Berlin, the Federal Office of Foreign Affairs and the
Documentation Obersalzberg. In the capital city of Munich, our scientists are investigating Nazi
rule and its prehistory as well as fascism in Italy.

Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue research.

Study Subject: The Fellowships are intended to support and stimulate international
Holocaust research.
Scholarship Award: The scholarship rate depends on the academic degree of the
applicants. Fellowships are divided into three categories:
Junior Fellowships (2500 Euro per month): for PhD students, in exceptional cases Master
Candidates. These fellowships have the duration of up to four months.
Post-doc Fellowships (3500 Euros per month): For post-docs and habili- tists. These
fellowships have a duration of up to four months.
Distinguished Fellowships (5000 Euro per month): for established researchers with Second
Book, Habilitierte, and professors. These fellowships have a duration of six to twelve months.
In addition, further fellowships are awarded in partnership with cooperation partners:
The Joseph Wulf Fellowship together with the Memorial and Education Center House of the
Wannsee Conference for Doctoral Candidates, in exceptional cases Master Candidates. This
fellowship has the duration of two months in Munich with a 2500 Euro scholarship and a

month (preferably in summer) in Berlin with free accommodation in the guest apartment of
the memorial. A simultaneous application to the Junior Fellowships of the Center is possible.
The Center for Holocaust Studies at the Institute of Contemporary History and the Jack,
Joseph and Morton Center for Advanced Holocaust Memorial Museum: Details in the English
Call for Proposals.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Germany
Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
The Fellowships are intended to support and stimulate international Holocaust research. The
program is aimed at both established researchers and young scientists. As we strive for the
widest possible international networking, applications from both Germany, European and
non-European countries are welcome; A prerequisite is a topic from the field of Holocaust
Nationality: As we strive for the widest possible international networking, applications from
both Germany, European and non-European countries are welcome; A prerequisite is a topic
from the field of Holocaust research.

How to Apply: Applications must be received by 1 December 2017 and include the
following documents: – in German or English –
A motivation letter
An up to 5-page project sketch
A CV including publication list
Two letters of recommendation (not applicable for Distinguished Fellowship)
Application Deadline: Application deadline is December 1, 2017.

199. Business, Economics and Law Postgraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship in New
Zealand, 2018
The University of Auckland is delighted to offer Business, Economics and Law
Postgraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship for students enrolling on a full-time basis. New
Zealand and International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship. The purpose of the
Business, Economics and Law Postgraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship is to encourage
students with an excellent academic record to undertake postgraduate research in the Faculty of
Business and Law. The University of Auckland is the highest ranked New Zealand University in
the main world university rankings. The University of Auckland has been ranked internationally
as New Zealand’s leading university for Graduate Employability.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: June 1 and December 1, 2018
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue Postgraduate programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in Business, Economics, and Law within the Faculty
of Business and Law.
Scholarship Award: Scholarship will cover tuition fees (up to 120 pts) and student levies.
Amount and Type of Award:
The number of new scholarships to be awarded is determined annually.
At least one scholarship will be available for applicants of M?ori descent.
At least one scholarship will be available for applicants of Pasifika descent.

The scholarship is available to full-time domestic and international students and consists of
the equivalent of full-time domestic tuition fees (up to a maximum of 120 points per year) and
compulsory student services fees
Nationality: National and International students
Number of Scholarships: At least two scholarships will be awarded.
Scholarship can be taken in New Zealand

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: National and International students are eligible to apply for this
Entrance Requirements: All applicants for this scholarship must:
Have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement in their undergraduate study, usually
achieving at least an A- average or better in the major of their undergraduate study
Be enrolling for the first time in the Bachelor of Business (Honours), the Master of Laws, the
Master of Business, or the Master of Philosophy.
Be enrolling on a full-time basis.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Applicants for this scholarship must complete an AUT Application for
Enrolment (AFE) for the Bachelor of Business (Honours), the Master of Laws, the Master of
Business or the Master of Philosophy.
Application for this scholarship is via our AUT online scholarship application portal. An
official academic transcript of the applicant’s prior undergraduate and postgraduate study will
need to be loaded into the portal if any study was completed at an institution other than AUT.

200. Northern Hemisphere Summer Research Scholarships in New Zealand, 2018

The University of Auckland is offering Northern Hemisphere Summer Research
Scholarships. Scholarships are awarded to conduct a research project under supervision for eight
weeks between June and August at New Zealand’s leading university. The main purpose of these
Scholarships is to encourage the development of and strengthening of research relationships with
the University of Auckland. The University of Auckland is the largest university in New Zealand,
located in the country’s largest city, Auckland. It is the highest-ranked university in the country,
being ranked 81st worldwide in the 2016/17 QS World University Rankings. Students need to
demonstrate that they have a good level of written and spoken English.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: February 12, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to conduct a research project under supervision for
eight weeks between June and August at New Zealand’s leading university.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Up to $4,400 stipend plus up $2,000 travel allowance and international
student health and travel insurance
Number of Scholarships: There are 30 scholarships available.
Scholarship can be taken in New Zealand

Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Scholarships are open to students from selected international universities.
Entrance Requirements:
The Scholarships are tenable by students enrolled at either the University of Bristol,
University of Southampton, Zhejiang University, Pennsylvania State University, Tecnologico
de Monterrey or the University of Hong Kong at the time of application.
To be eligible for scholarship consideration, students must satisfy the requirements of
regulations 5, 7, 8 and 9. Undergraduate students who will have completed at least two years
of equivalent full-time study in an undergraduate degree at the time of take-up of the award,
and students who are enrolled in a sub-doctoral postgraduate programme at the time of
application (provided they will not commence doctoral study prior to or during the tenure of
the scholarship), are eligible for consideration for a University of Auckland Northern
Hemisphere Summer Research Scholarship.
A student must have a Scholarship Grade Point Equivalent of 6.00 or above over their two
most recent years of fulltime study (or equivalent) to be considered for a scholarship (see
Note iii).
English Language Requirements: Students need to demonstrate that they have a good level
of written and spoken English.

Application Procedure:
Students should have electronic copies of the following ready:
CV details
Official academic transcript
Any project-specific information that has been requested by the faculty (as noted in the
project description)
How to Apply:
Before students can apply for a University of Auckland Northern Hemisphere Summer
Research Scholarship, theywill need to apply for admission to the programme.

201. Master Scholarship of Osteopathy at Unitec Institute of Technology in New Zealand,

The Unitec Institute of Technology is awarding Master Scholarship for New Zealand
students in the field of Osteopathy. The scholarship will cover $3,500 for students studying
towards a Master of Osteopathy in 2018. Unitec Institute of Technology is the largest institute of
technology in Auckland, New Zealand with over 15,000 students in 2015.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline : Open
Course Level: The scholarship is available to pursue the master degree.
Study Subject : The scholarship is awarded in the field of Osteopathy.
Scholarship Award : The scholarship will cover $3,500.
Nationality : New Zealand
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in New Zealand

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: New Zealand
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have completed NCEA, New Zealand School
Certificate, New Zealand University Bursary examinations or other secondary school
qualifications; you may be able to apply under the general admission criteria.

Application Procedure:
Applicants can apply through the online processor.
How to Apply:
Certificate of Proficiency
Postgraduate Certificate of Proficiency

202. Mark Heard Scholarship at University of Auckland in New Zealand, 2018

The University of Auckland Mark Heard Scholarship will be awarded annually for a
period of up to one year. The scholarship is tenable for students who are citizens or permanent
residents of New Zealand. The main purpose of the Scholarship is to support students who have
demonstrated the potential to succeed but are experiencing hardships or who may have been
disadvantaged due to their personal circumstances. The University of Auckland is the largest
university in New Zealand, located in the country’s largest city, Auckland. It is the highest-ranked
university in the country, being ranked 81st worldwide in the 2016/17 QS World University

Course Level: Scholarship is available for pursuing postgraduate honours, postgraduate diploma
or master’s level study.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Number of Scholarships: One scholarship will be awarded annually, each for a period of up to
one year.
Scholarship Award: Scholarship will be of the value of up to $5,000.
Scholarship can be taken in New Zealand
Eligibility: To take up and be paid the scholarship, the candidate must be enrolled full-time or
part-time in a postgraduate programme at the University of Auckland.
Nationality: Citizens or permanent residents of New Zealand are eligible to apply.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applications must have undergraduate degree.
How to Apply: Please read the regulations carefully to be sure you are eligible before you
apply. Then click on the blue “Apply here” button and complete the online application form.
Scholarship applications will usually open around 6 weeks before the closing date. University
recommends you check the form early for any request sections, in case a referee or supervisor is
required to support your application and to familiarise yourself with the form. Apart from any
sections that are sent to a referee to endorse, you can go into your form and amend your answers
for all other sections up to the closing date. All sections (including any request sections) must be
submitted by the closing date, which is midnight on the specified date (unless stated otherwise).
Application Deadline: The application deadline is November 1, 2018.

203. 65 Massey Business School International Student Study Awards in New Zealand, 2018
Up to 65 Massey Business School International Student Study Awards are available to
study undergraduate and postgraduate programme. These awards are open to top-achieving new
international students enrolling in full-time business programmes at either the Palmerston North

or Wellington Campuses at Massey University.Massey University is a university located in
Palmerston North, New Zealand, Albany, New Zealand, and Wellington, New Zealand. Massey
University has approximately 35,000 students, 17,000 of whom are extramural or distance-
learning students. Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specific
English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study there.

Course Level: Awards are available to pursue undergraduate as well as the postgraduate
Study Subject: Awards are available to pursue full-time business programmes at either the
Palmerston North or Wellington Campuses at Massey University.
Scholarship Award: The award will be based on Academic merit at the discretion of the
selection committee. The award may be awarded annually, and will be to the value of $5,000
per 120 credits enrolled, for up to the total credit value of the programme:
Undergraduate Programme maximum $15,000
Postgraduate Programme maximum $10,000
Number of Scholarships: Up to 65 awards are available and the total number of new awards
to be awarded each year is subject to the approval by the Massey Business School Executive
Scholarship can be taken in New Zealand

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
The Massey Business School International Student Study Award (“the Award”) is for top-
achieving new international students enrolling in full-time business programmes at either the
Palmerston North or Wellington Campuses at Massey University.
Nationality: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have their previous.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

How to Apply: Completed forms must be emailed to

Application Deadline: Scholarship application deadline is November 30, 2017.

204. XVI Scholarship Programme for Young Academicians in Poland, 2018

Applicants are invited to apply for XVI Scholarship Programme funded by the Polish
Government for the academic session of 2018-2019. The scholarship is available to pursue 1-year
long individual complementary studies. The aim of the scholarship is to help the next generation
reach their potential. The Ministry of National Education is a ministerial department of the
government of Poland.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: March 1, 2018
Course Level: The scholarship is available to pursue 1-year long individual complementary
Study Subject: The scholarship is awarded in the fields offered by the university.

Scholarship Award: The scholarship will cover 1350 PLN per month. The costs of
accommodation and feeding should be individually covered by the scholarship holders.
Travel costs to Poland and back are covered by the scholarship holder.
Nationality : Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Georgia
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Poland
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Georgia
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must be young academicians.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have sufficient knowledge of the
language of instruction of the host university.

Application Procedure:
Applicants can apply via email or post.
How to Apply: The complete set of documents should be submitted by post or delivered
personally (with an envelope annotation “Scholarship Program for Young Academicians”)

205. MBA Scholarship for Central-Eastern or South-Eastern European Countries at TU

Wien in Austria, 2018
Applications are invited for a Scholarship for Central-eastern or South-eastern European
countries at TU Wien in Austria. Scholarships are available to pursue MBA programme. The
university program aims at persons interested in gaining qualifications and know how in general
management while at the same time dealing with the second largest cost factor in companies (real
estate and infrastructure) and learning how to optimize it. The TU Wien is one of the major
universities in Vienna, the capital of Austria. The university finds high international and domestic
recognition in teaching as well as in research and is a highly esteemed partner of innovation-
oriented enterprises.

Scholarship Description:
Applications deadline: January 31, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue MBA programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of general management and expertise
from real estate and facility management.
Scholarship Award: The TU Wien will be granting a Central-eastern or South-eastern
European countries scholarship in the amount of EUR 5,000.
Nationality: Applicants from Central-eastern or South-eastern European countries are
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Austria

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Scholarship is awarded to an applicant from Central-eastern or South-
eastern European countries.
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Georgia, Greece, Hungary,

Montenegro, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Republic of Macedonia,
European Turkey and Ukraine.
Entrance Requirements: This MBA program will be exclusively run in English. As the
program has become more and more international in its focus, participants, and lecturers, this
change will further enhance the quality and internationality of the program.
The TU Wien will be granting a Central-eastern or South-eastern European countries
scholarship in the amount of EUR 5,000. – to an applicant from Central-eastern or South-
eastern European countries.
An admitted individual from Central-eastern or South-eastern European countries must hold
an academic degree along with a minimum of two years work experience and adequate
knowledge of English.
English Language Requirements: Candidates must have adequate knowledge of English.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Please request an application form to fm(at)
The application documents (incl. letter of motivation and a copy of certificates) have to be
sent by e-mail to fm(at) Payment of the tuition fee has to be financed privately.

206. International Scholarships at University of Kassel in Germany, 2018

The University of Kassel is offering International Scholarships for students who wish to
take part in the ISU-courses. The University of Kassel is a university founded in 1971 located in
Kassel, Hesse, in Germany. As of October 2013, it had about 23,000 students and more than
2,600 staff, including 307 professors. The candidate should have a very good command of
English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: March 18, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for students who wish to take part in the ISU-
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Engineering and Nano Science.
Scholarship Award: Below is the types of scholarship offered for the ISU Kassel 2018:
Earthquake Engineering Scholarship: One full scholarship covering the program fee of
€1.990 (early-bird fee) is available for applicants who wish to take part in the ISU-course
“Introduction to Earthquake Engineering”. Please note that the scholarship cannot be paid in
cash nor be accumulated with other scholarships and is only available for students (not for
lecturers or researchers) who are currently affiliated with an Institution of Higher Education.
Information sheet for the scholarship is available here: Earthquake Engineering Scholarship
NANO Scholarship: One scholarship amounted up to €2200 is sponsored by the University
of Kassel and available for a student or a graduate student from around the globe who wishes
to take part in the Nano Science module of ISU 2018. The scholarship waives the full
program fee of €1.990 (early-bird fee) and covers travel allowance up to €210.
German Cambridge Society Scholarship: The partial scholarship amounted to €1000 will
be awarded by the German Cambridge Society for two applicants who wish to take part in the
Nano, Culture or Engineering module.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Citizens of all nationalities are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: General requirements for the scholarships are:
A strong letter of motivation stating why you are eligible for the scholarship
One letter of recommendation from your professor (or at least a lecturer with a doctorate
English Language Requirements: The candidate should have a very good command of
English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.

Application Procedure:
Please send
A completed and signed ISU Application Form
A letter of motivation for joining ISU (column provided in the application form)
A copy of academic transcripts of all university exams (in case the transcripts are issued in
languages other than English or German, please send the copy of them in the original
language and the translations in English)
For applicants whose native language is not English, a proof of English proficiency (e.g.
TOEFL, TOEFL prediction, IELTS, or any English certificate from a local language center
such as British Council, English First or a language center at your university)
How to Apply:
The mode of applying is online.

207. Study Completion Scholarships for International Students in Germany, 2018

The Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich is inviting applications of Study
Completion Scholarships. Scholarships are available for international students who are registered
at the time of application for regular full-time study programme. The Ludwig-Maximilian
University of Munich is a public research university located in Munich, Germany. The University
of Munich is Germany’s sixth-oldest university in continuous operation. If English is not your
first language then you will need to show that your English language skills are at a high enough
level to succeed in your studies.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 15, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for students who are registered at the time of
application for regular full-time study programs.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: The funding amounts of €650 per month for a duration of four months.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Scholarships are available for international students.
Entrance Requirements: Students / doctoral students (not including students on preparatory
courses, exchange students, program students) who are registered at the time of application
for regular full-time study programs and

Are due to complete an undergraduate (not postgraduate) degree in the Federal Republic of
Germany within the coming year;
Have not completed a Bachelor degree / Master degree/ diploma / Magister degree/state
examination in the Federal Republic of Germany;
Are aged under 35 at the time of application;
Are not entitled to statutory or other financial support, e.g., BAföG;
Are able to demonstrate financial need (From October 1, 2016, this is assessed based on the
maximum BAföG rate of €735. In individual cases, this
the rate can be exceeded.);
Have received less than 30 months of funding or three one-year scholarships (regardless of
English Language Requirements: If English is not your first language then you will need to
show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

Application Procedure:
Students will be asked to upload the following documents during the online application
Résumé with photograph
Personal statement
Proof of all completed courses (e.g., transcript from LSF account and/or course certificates),
copies of (diploma) intermediate examination certificate and similar documents
Registration certificate for the current semester
Copies of passport and visa
Marriage certificate, for married applicants birth certificate(s), for applicants with children
Residence registration certificate (Meldebescheinigung) for spouse and children if they are
resident in the Federal Republic of Germany
Spouse’s registration certificate for the current semester, if applicable
How to Apply:
Please only apply via the online application portal using your LMU campus email address.

208. Haniel Scholarship Programme for International Students in Germany, 2018

The Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt is inviting
applications for Haniel Scholarship Programme. Scholarships are available for students applying
for Master of Public Policy programme. The Willy Brandt School of Public Policy is a public
institute for research and education in the field of public policy at the University of Erfurt. The
candidate should have a very good command of English language. Therefore, the application
should be written in English.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: June 15, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing Master of Public Policy programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships
Scholarship Award:
Haniel Scholarships: Haniel Scholarship holders receive a full scholarship in the amount of
€750 per month for the duration of the two-year Master of Public Policy at the Brandt School.
Haniel Stipends: Haniel Stipends cover the costs of the tuition fees at the Brandt School for
the two-year study period (€6,000). Stipend rates will be allotted per semester (€1,500 per
semester). Each year up to three stipends are awarded.

Number of Scholarships: Each year up to four scholarships are awarded.
Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Citizens of all nationalities are eligible to apply. (Haniel Scholarships are
open to applicants from Eastern European and CIS countries and Haniel Stipends are open to
applicants showing excellence from Germany, Western Europe, the United States, Canada,
New Zealand and Australia).
Entrance Requirements:
The prerequisites for applying to the Master of Public Policy program are:
Higher education entrance qualification (i.e. high school diploma, Abitur)
College or university degree (Bachelor, Master, Diploma, state exam, etc.) equivalent to a
German Bachelor’s degree with a minimum duration of 6 semesters
First professional experience
Above-average grades or above-average professional performance
Analytical talent and pronounced interest in political problems
Candidates who received their degree from an English-language college or university are not
required to submit proof of their English language proficiency in the form of a test score
report. Instead, they must submit an official letter from their university stating that English
was the language of instruction, all coursework, and all examinations
English Language Requirements: A very good English language proficiency ( TOEFL:
Internet-based test (iBT): 90 or above, Paper test: 577 or above. Please note: the ITP test
cannot be accepted; IELTS: 6.5 or above (for all categories – Listening, Reading, Writing and
Speaking); Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English: A or B)

Application Procedure:
The following documents are required for an application:
Curriculum Vitae
Statement of Purpose
Certified Copies of Diplomas, Degree Certificates and Transcripts
Two Letters of Recommendation
Proof of English Proficiency
Copy of Passport
How to Apply:
Haniel Scholarships: To apply for the scholarship, applicants indicate their interest on the
general MPP online application form and in their personal statement. Several steps further
down the application process – after admission to the program – University will provide
applicants with the scholarship application form which needs to be completed and sent back
to them.
Haniel Stipends: Please submit your completed MPP application no later than June 15 (also
for applicants with EU citizenship) to be considered for a stipend, indicating your interest on
the general MPP online application form and in your personal statement.

209. Evonik Stiftung Scholarships for German Students, 2018

The Evonik Foundation exclusively supports natural science students preparing master’s,
doctoral, and postdoctoral theses. Scholarships are only awarded for the scholarship focus defined

for the year in question. The Evonik Foundation focuses on promoting education and science. The
goal of Evonik Foundation is to sponsor talented up-and-coming researchers.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 28, 2018
Course Level: The Evonik Foundation exclusively supports natural science students
preparing master’s, doctoral, and post-doctoral theses.
Study Subject: The funding priorities for 2018: Organosilicones, Synthesis, Cross-linking,
Phase behaviour & material properties and Fillers.
Scholarship Award: The Foundation will offer the following funding:
Bachelor’s and master’s theses: six months, 250–600 euros/month
Doctoral program: two years (option to extend), 1,400 euros/month
In addition, applications can be submitted for funding of the purchase of research literature
and attendance of scientific congresses.
Postdoctoral studies: one year’s funding is decided on a case-by-case basis
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: German students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Prerequisites for the award of a scholarship: The topic of your
research project must coincide with one of the topics in our annual scholarship focus.
Your scientific research is being conducted in a well-known, chemically oriented working
group at a German university or a non-university research institution.
You can provide proof of excellent academic performance.
You are unable to sufficiently fund your intended scientific study courses with means
provided by you, your parents or other parties.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
The application process is divided into three stages:
Stage 1: If you believe that you fulfil the prerequisites stipulated in the section entitled
“Award of Scholarships,” please send us a summary of your research project (no more than
half a page) via e-mail. Other documents such as a curriculum vitae, certificates, cover letter,
etc. are not necessary. Once select experts have reviewed the project proposal submitted, we
will let you know whether you should send in a complete application or whether your
application has been denied.
Stage 2: If you have received a positive answer, we would ask you to submit the following
Letter of motivation
Curriculum vitae plus photo
Topic and research goal of the scientific work (no more than 10 pages) with the following
Introduction, stating the status of the research
Summary and research goals
Planned experiments

School leaving certificate
Certificate: Stage 1/final degree examinations, state examination or bachelor’s/master’s
Supervisor’s report (by mail)
Completed questionnaire
Stage 3: Following the submission date, we will review your documents and invite select
candidates to an interview at which you will have the opportunity to present your research
topic to a team of experts.

210. ECCHR’s Legal Training Programme Scholarship for International Students in

Germany, 2018
The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) and Kreuzberg
Children’s Foundation is inviting applicants for its Legal Training Programme aimed at students
and young professionals. The scholarship is open to all nationalities. ECCHR’s Legal Training
Program offers young people with limited financial means and/or from underrepresented
geographic and social backgrounds the chance to gain professional experience in human rights
work. The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) is an independent,
nonprofit non-governmental organization focusing on legal issues. It enforces human rights by
holding state and non-state actors responsible for egregious abuses through innovative strategic

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 28, 2018
Course Level: Kreuzberg Children’s Foundation Scholarship is available for ECCHR’s legal
training programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded to gain professional experience in human rights work.
Scholarship Award: Scholarships are generally granted for a five-month full-time internship
(40 hours per week).
For scholarship holders, the Kreuzberg Children’s Foundation will also cover return travel
costs from the place of residence to Berlin up to €1,500 and any visa costs that arise.
Accommodation: We cannot provide accommodation but are happy to give some advice on
finding accommodation in Berlin.
Nationality: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for the scholarship
Number of Scholarships: Kreuzberg Children’s Foundation is offering five scholarships for
this round of applications
Scholarship can be taken in Berlin, Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for the scholarship
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have ongoing or completed degree in law and/or
another relevant subject area.
English Language Requirements: Excellent written and spoken English is required.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
The scholarship application should be submitted along with the application for participation
in the Legal Training Program.

To apply please e-mail the following documents as PDFs:
ECCHR application form including letter of motivation, case analysis and scholarship
application (download from our website) with the file name LastName_application
CV with the file name LastName_CV
Applications should include only these required documents and no further transcripts,
references or work samples.
Applications can be submitted in German or English; no advantage or disadvantage arises
from the choice of language. Applications in other languages cannot be processed.
Please send completed application by email

211. UNIKIMS Earthquake Engineering Scholarship for International Students in Germany,

The new Earthquake Engineering Scholarship is now available on offer for all new
international students to study in Germany. This is a fully funded scholarship. UNIKIMS is the
management school of the University of Kassel. More than 900 junior managers and executives
from companies, organizations, and administrations use the further education offers of the
University of Kassel every year. Research-strong and application-oriented professors develop the
courses and hold the courses; they are supported by outstanding practitioners in leading positions
with extensive teaching experience. For applicants whose native language is not English, a proof
of English proficiency (e.g. TOEFL, TOEFL prediction, IELTS, or any English certificate from a
local language centre such as British Council, English First or a language centre at your

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: March 18, 2018
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue Earthquake Engineering Course.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in the field of Earthquake Engineering.
Scholarship Award: One full scholarship covering the program fee of €1.990 (early-bird fee)
is available for applicants who wish to take part in the ISU-course “Introduction to
Earthquake Engineering”.
Nationality: International students
Number of Scholarships: One scholarship is available.
Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
One full scholarship covering the program fee of €1.990 (early-bird fee) is available for
applicants who wish to take part in the ISU-course “Introduction to Earthquake Engineering”.
Please note that the scholarship cannot be paid in cash nor be accumulated with other
scholarships and is only available for students (not for lecturers or researchers) who are
currently affiliated with an Institution of Higher Education.
English Language Requirements: For applicants whose native language is not English, a
proof of English proficiency (e.g. TOEFL, TOEFL prediction, IELTS, or any English

certificate from a local language center such as British Council, English First or a language
center at your university).

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Requirements for the scholarships are:
A strong letter of motivation stating why you are eligible for the scholarship
One letter of recommendation from your professor (or at least a lecturer with a doctorate
degree) a completed and signed ISU 2018 application form
A letter of motivation for joining ISU 2018
A copy of academic transcripts of all university exams (in case the transcripts are issued in
languages other than English or German, please send a copy in the original language and
translations in English)
For applicants whose native language is not English, a proof of English proficiency (e.g.
TOEFL, TOEFL prediction, IELTS, or any English certificate from a local language center
such as British Council, English First or a language center at your university)

212. RWTH International Academy Engineering Scholarship for Women in Germany, 2018
The RWTH International Academy is awarding Engineering Scholarship for female
applicants to pursue the master degree. The scholarship covers the tuition fees for the respective
Master’s degree program between 13,500.00 EUR and 22,000.00 EUR, depending on the
Master’s degree program. The aim of the scholarship is to enable more qualified female
engineering students to pursue a master’s degree program offered by RWTH International
Academy in order to establish gender equality among the international students of English-taught
Master’s degree programs in engineering. RWTH Aachen University is a research university
located in Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: March 1 each year
Course Level: The scholarship is available to pursue master degree programme
Study Subject: The scholarship is awarded in the following fields:
Computer Aided Conception and Production in Mechanical Engineering,
Management and Engineering in Computer Aided Mechanical Engineering
Management and Engineering in Design Concepts and Structural Engineering/ Structural
Engineering and Risk Management of Industrial Facilities
Management and Engineering in Electrical Power Systems
Management and Engineering in Production Systems,
Management and Engineering in Water,
Production Systems Engineering,
Robotic Systems Engineering,
Textile Engineering.
Scholarship Award: The scholarship covers the tuition fees for the respective Master’s degree
program (within the regular study duration) between 13,500.00 EUR and 22,000.00 EUR,
depending on the Master’s degree program. The scholarship holder will be charged an
administrative fee of 500.00 EUR per semester.

Nationality : International
Number of Scholarship s: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students can apply for the scholarship.
Entrance Requirements: Admitted female students of the Master’s degree programs
mentioned above who have an excellence performance in their Bachelor studies are eligible
for the scholarship. Students who already receive funding for the required tuition fees are
however not eligible.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have sufficient knowledge of the
language of instruction of the host university.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
The application for the scholarship has to be submitted with the regular application for the
Master’s degree program. Admitted female students to one of the above-mentioned Master’s
degree programs, who submit the application for the scholarship are eligible to receive
funding.The required documents are:
Completed application sheet ‘Women in Engineering’
Letter of intent (500 words)
Certificate stating that the applicant is the best 15% bachelor degree holders of their batch
The certificate stating basic German knowledge (A1).

213. Germany Scholarships for International Students at University of Stuttgart in

Germany, 2018
The University of Stuttgart is inviting application for Germany Scholarships to pursue
bachelors and master degree programme. International students are eligible to apply for this
scholarship programme. The University of Stuttgart is a university located in Stuttgart, Germany.
It was founded in 1829 and is organized into 10 faculties. It is one of the top nine leading
technical universities in Germany (TU9) with highly ranked programs
in civil, mechanical, industrial and electrical engineering. The University of Stuttgart is especially
known for its excellent reputation in the fields of advanced automotive engineering,
efficient industrial and automated manufacturing, process engineering, aerospace
engineering and activity-based costing. Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: December 17, 2017
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue bachelors and master degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded to learn any of the courses offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: The scholarship amounts to 300 € per month, half of which is financed
by a sponsor and the other half by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Nationality: International Students
Number of Scholarships: According to the Statutes of the University of Stuttgart on the
Awarding Process of the Germany Scholarship [Satzung der Universität Stuttgart für die
Vergabe von Deutschlandstipendien], the Rector’s Office of the University of Stuttgart is

calling for applications for about 181 scholarships for summer semester 2018, lasting from
April 01, 2018 to March 31, 2019.
Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship
Entrance Requirements:
The application is submitted for the degree program in which the applicants are enrolled. In
case of combined degree programs, the application is submitted for a major subject. Minor
and complementary subjects are excluded. Multiple applications are prohibited.
Students in the 1st and 2nd semester of the B.Sc., B.A., State Examination for Teachers
degree programs, BA/MA teaching qualification programs:
For a promising application, the average grade of your Abitur or university entrance
qualification should be at least 7 (exceptions: see „Few exceptions“).

Students from the 3rd semester of the B.Sc., B.A., State Examination for Teachers
degree programs, BA/MA teaching qualification programs, Master’s programs:
Please check the attached table (listed according to degree programs) to see which minimum
average grade you should achieve for a promising application (exceptions: see „Few
List of grades: Students from the 3 rd semester
Students of Master’s programs in the 1 st and 2 nd semester
Please check the attached table to see which minimum average grade you should have
achieved in the Bachelor’s Degree program at the University of Stuttgart for a promising
application (exceptions: see „Few exceptions“):
List of grades: Students in 1 st and 2 nd semester of a Master’s program and in the last
semester of a Bachelor’s program
Students in the last semester of the BSc/BA degree programs, who are expected to be
admitted to the Master’s program in summer semester 2018:
Please check the attached (listed according to degree programs) to see which minimum
average grade you should have achieved in the Bachelor’s program for a promising
application (exceptions: see „Few exceptions“):
List of grades: Students in 1 st and 2 nd semester of a Master’s program and in the last
semester of a Bachelor’s program
Please check carefully whether you meet the requirements for a successful application. By
means of the grades given in the tables, you can assess your prospects of a successful
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are
usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by
the University.
Germany Scholarships
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Please submit the following documents :
Application form [in German; please only use this to apply!] with matching wishes

Please use your PC to fill in the form, do not fill in by hand, as your information will later be
digitally captured! Due to the technical requirements, please use the Adobe Acrobat
Reader and no alternative programs for viewing PDF files (e.g. Preview) You can download
Adobe Acrobat Reader here: Download Adobe Acrobat Reader
Print (a black-and-white printout is sufficient),
sign, and
Submit it in hardcopy form including all necessary documents. Your category number has to
be in all necessary documents!!
Application form in English – for information only . Please don’t use this to apply!
Curriculum vitae (please use this form, not your own)
Please use your PC to fill in. Only this type of CV is accepted.
Submit in hardcopy form together with your application form
The following certificates have to be included in the application:
1. freshmen in the 1 st and 2 nd semester (Bachelor, Teaching Qualification
GymPO, Teaching Qualification B.A.):
A copy of the university entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur certificate)
Certificate of enrollment
Students of Master’s programs in the 1 st and 2 nd semester:
A copy of the Bachelor’s certificate
if the Bachelor’s certificate is not available yet, a current Transcript of Records of the
achievements in the Bachelor’s studies (not older than December 1, 2017). (Students of the
University of Stuttgart enclose the „Transcript of Records of previously attained results
including credit points, average grade and current semester”. In C@MPUS : Path: Please
click on the link “Transcript of Records” on your student profile and download it (in PDF
format) via the printer icon.)
Certificate of enrollment
Students from the 3 rd semester of the Bachelor‘s and Master’s programs, and Teaching
Qualification programs BA/MA, Teaching Qualification programs GymPO according to the
regulation of the Ministry of Culture and Education on the first academic state examination
for teaching at grammar schools, (as amended):
A current Transcript of Records of the achievements in the studies (not older than December
1, 2017). (In C@MPUS : Path: Please click on the link “Transcript of Records” on your
student profile and download it (in PDF format) via the printer icon.)
Students in the last semester of a BA program applying for a Germany Scholarship in a
Master’s program for summer semester 2018:
The application is only promising if you are enrolled in the Master’s degree program until
May 15, 2018! Please fill in the application form as follows: Degree: Master, Number of
Semesters: 1 (2, if applicable)
A copy of the Bachelor’s certificate, if available
If you have not received the Bachelor’s certificate yet: a current Transcript of Records of the
achievements in the Bachelor’s studies (not older than December 1, 2017). (Students of the
University of Stuttgart enclose the “Transcript of Records of previously attained results
including credit points, average grade and current semester”. In C@MPUS : Path: Please
click on the link “Transcript of Records” on your student profile and download it (in PDF
format) via the printer icon.)

A curriculum vitae(Uni Stuttgart form, not your own)
Additional Criteria: Evidence of special prizes and distinctions, of other knowledge, of
commitment in student council, as well as evidence of social or ecological commitments,
involvement in higher education policy or evidence of exceptional personal, social or family
circumstances. This evidence does not have to be certified. Evidence of additional criteria
must include information on the kind and duration of the commitment (from…to) as well as
the number of hours per week/month/year, if applicable.
If the evidence is not in German or in English, a copy of a certified German or English
translation is necessary. (§ 4, para. 4 of the Germany Scholarship statutes).
If applicable, certifications of internships and employment, if they confirm outstanding

214. Transatlantic Leadership Scholarship at Hertie School of Governance in Germany, 2018

The Hertie School of Governance is excited to announce up to four Transatlantic
Leadership Scholarships for the applicants from all over the world on the basis of financial need
and merit. These scholarships are available to pursue MPP and MIA programmes. The aim of the
scholarships is to is to reward and encourage excellence of students. The Hertie School is
committed to attracting the best students from around the world. The school provides financial
support to students in the form of financial aid and scholarships.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: There is no separate deadline for this scholarship.
Course Level: These scholarships are available to pursue MPP and MIA programmes
Study Subject: These scholarships are awarded in public policy or international affairs.
Scholarship Award: These scholarships will cover full tuition waivers for the MPP and MIA
programmes, each worth 32,500 EUR.
Nationality: German and International
Number of Scholarships: Up to four scholarships are available.
Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: All nationalities
Entrance Requirements : Applicants must meet following criteria:
Both financial aid and scholarships are offered on the basis of financial need and merit .
Applicants fill out the financial statement section of the application form in order to state
what funds they have available for tuition fees and living expenses. Financial need is
determined by subtracting the total amount of funds from the total amount of estimated costs
of the study programme (including living expenses).
Applicants who are able to finance the entire cost of the 2-year study programme on their own
are not eligible for financial aid and scholarships.
English Language Requirements: Students need to demonstrate that they have a good level
of written and spoken English

Application Procedure:
Interested applicants should signal their interest in this scholarship in their motivation letters,
highlighting their commitment to transatlantic cooperation.
How to Apply:

Curriculum vitae
Letter of motivation (2 pages maximum)
Official academic transcript(s)
English proficiency certificate (for non-native English speakers)

215. Full-time M.Sc Young Leader Scholarship for International Students in Germany, 2018
The HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management welcome applications for Full-time
M.Sc Young Leader Scholarship Programme. The scholarship is available for the applicants from
all over the world. The aim of the scholarship is to educate effective and responsible business
leaders through excellence in teaching, research and practice. HHL Leipzig Graduate School of
Management, formerly known as Handelshochschule Leipzig, is a private business school based
in Saxony, Germany.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: January 15 and June 20
Course Level: The scholarship is available to pursue a master degree.
Study Subject: The scholarship is awarded in the field of Business.
Scholarship Award: The scholarship will receive a tuition reduction of up to EUR 5,000 for
the full-time M.Sc. Program.
Nationality: International
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Germany
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Applicants from all countries for the full-time M.Sc. program
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must hold or be in the process of obtaining a first
degree in business or equivalent (at least 180 ECTS credits) with an above average result.
Furthermore, a high GMAT score (min. 600) is required. Only applicants who apply for
HHL’s full-time M.Sc. Program are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
English Language Requirements: The candidate should have a very good command of
English language.

Application Procedure:
Please submit your scholarship application via e-mail.
How to Apply:
A completed full-time M.Sc. application
GMAT score report

216. Heinz-Kühn-Foundation Scholarships for Young Journalists from Developing

Countries, 2018
Applications are invited for Heinz-Kühn-Foundation Scholarships for young journalists
from developing countries. This is fully funded scholarship which provides funds to enable
candidates to gain professional journalism experience in North-Rhine-Westphalia for up to three
months. The aim of the Heinz-Kühn-Foundation is to support the training and professional
development of junior journalists. In order to promote the training and further education of young
journalists, the Heinz-Kühn-Stiftung awards six-week or three-month scholarships for stays
abroad in Africa, Asia and Latin America to young journalists from North Rhine-Westphalia. At

the same time, the foundation finances up to six-month stays for journalists from Africa, Asia and
Latin America in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Scholarship Description:
Applications deadline: November 30, 2017
Course Level: Scholarships are available to young journalists.
Study Subject: The foundation awards scholarships to young journalists from North-Rhine-
Westphalia for six-week or three-month reporting trips in developing countries in Africa, Asia
and Latin America.
Scholarship Award: Scholarship holders get
A lump-sum contribution towards living expenses in the host country (with scholarship
payments covering training and living expenses in the host country);
A lump-sum allowance for flight and travelling expenses (the foundation pays a return air
ticket for candidates from abroad);
An allowance to cover costs of research materials (e.g. literature);
An allowance for trips within the host country; and,
(If necessary, for scholarship holders from abroad) a German language course of up to four
months at the Düsseldorf or Bonn based Goethe-Institute.
In the lead up to the scholarship and throughout the duration of the scholarship, the Heinz-
Kühn-Foundation will provide support.
Nationality: Young journalists from North-Rhine-Westphalia and developing countries are
eligible for this scholarship.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship

Eligible Countries: Young journalists from North-Rhine-Westphalia and developing
countries are eligible for a scholarship.
Entrance Requirements: Young journalists from North-Rhine-Westphalia and developing
countries are eligible for a scholarship if they satisfy the following requirements:
Have a keen interest in development issues;
have already gained substantial professional experience in journalism (a completed college
education is desirable);
Are not older than 35 years of age; and,
Have a good command of the official language of their host country (candidates from abroad
must at least have a basic knowledge of the German language).
English Language Requirements: Have a good command of the official language of their
host country (candidates from abroad must at least have a basic knowledge of the German

Application Procedure
How to Apply:
Journalists who meet the requirements for a scholarship should first contact the foundation to
discuss possible host countries and their topics of interest.
Applications for the following year must be received by 30 November.
The foundation’s postal address is:
Ministerpräsident des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen

Stadttor 1
40190 Düsseldorf
The following documents should be enclosed with the application:
Curriculum vitae in tabular form and a photograph;
Certificates of vocational training and present occupation;
Foreign languages certificates;
German candidates should provide a detailed statement explaining their reasons for applying,
their choice of host country and proposed topic of research.
Candidates from abroad should provide a letter of motivation in German.

217. Mophradat Art Fellows Programme for Students from Arab Regions in Germany, 2018
The new Mophradat Art Fellows Programme offers a training program at European art
institutions for young Arab curators, arts managers, art producers, and arts administrators.
The fellow will be part of the team related to the Open Border Ensemble project in the theatre. It
is intended to help them develop their knowledge, skills, and professional networks. The Munich
Kammerspiele is a state-funded German-language theatre company based at
the Schauspielhaus on Maximilianstrasse in the Bavarian capital.

Scholarship Description:
Applications Deadline: November 30, 2017
Course Level: This is an eight weeks training programme. This programme offers a training
program at European art institutions for young Arab curators, arts managers, art producers,
and arts administrators.
Study Subject: The Fellow will be part of the team related to The Open Border Ensemble
project in the theatre.
Scholarship Award: Fellowship Grant: 2100 € Brutto for the whole training.
Nationality: Students from Arab regions are eligible to apply for this programme.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Munich, Germany

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants must be from the Arab world or be of recent Arab origin
(Algeria, Bahrain, the Comoros Islands, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait,
Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,
Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen) are eligible to apply
for this fellowship programme.
Entrance Requirements:
Applicants must have at least three years of experience in a field of contemporary arts
Applicants must have a basic level of English or German
Applicants must have been living in Munich for at least one year
Applicants must be from the Arab world or be of recent Arab origin
Applicants must be available to commit themselves fully to the program, which will begin on
January 15, 2018.
Holding a degree in an arts discipline or related cultural field is preferred
Undergraduate students are not eligible to apply

English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
Applications must be submitted in English, including the following material, and be sent by
email to Anne Schulz no later than November 30, 2017.
A. CV/resume with your previous experience in the Arts sector
B. A cover letter specifying the option you are more interested in – explaining what skills and
knowledge you expect to develop during this training period.
C. Only for option 2 and 3: a short text (1-page maximum) describing your research or
playwright project.

218. Research Fellowships at University Duisburg-Essen in Germany, 2018/2019

Are you looking for a flexible way to study, the prestige of a Kate Hamburger
Kolleg/Centre for Global Cooperation Research (KHK/GCR21), is offering research fellowships
in the period March 2018 – February 2019. Applicants from global south (Africa, Latin America
and the developing countries in Asia) are eligible to apply for this fellowship programme. This
theme aims to develop a dynamic understanding of global cooperation (i.e. extensive and
intensive collaboration of two or more parties to address a collective problem of global scale).
Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research are a central research
institute of the University Duisburg-Essen. Located in the heart of the Ruhr metropolis—the
region with the largest number of educational institutions per square kilometre in Europe—the
University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) is one of the youngest and largest universities in Germany.
The university’s concept ‘open-minded’ is reflected in its teaching, learning and living

Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue research.

Study Subject: Fellowships are awarded across the humanities and social sciences. The
Centre’s work in the first year of its second funding period will focus on the themes
‘Pathways and Mechanisms of Global Cooperation’ and ‘Global Cooperation and Polycentric
Governance’. We especially invite fellowship applications that address these themes, as
described below. In addition, empirical focus on climate change, digital spaces, migration, or
peacebuilding is particularly welcome.
Scholarship Award: Benefits to Fellows
An intellectually stimulating and vibrant interdisciplinary learning community
Excellent infrastructure with fully equipped offices, library facilities, and administrative
support (also with finding accommodation)
Travel expenses and funds to organize workshops (subject to approval)
Either a monthly stipend commensurate with experience or salary reimbursement to the home
Number of Scholarships: Number of scholarship is not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
In the period March 2018-February 2019, we invite fellowship applications from across the
humanities and social sciences (including psychology, law, and economics) in relation to the
first two main themes, as detailed below. Preference is for fellowships of twelve months, but
shorter periods will also be considered. We particularly encourage female researchers and
scholars from the Global South to apply. Applications from scholars at risk are welcome.
Nationality: Applicants from global south (i.e., Africa, Latin America and the developing
countries in Asia) are eligible to apply for this fellowship programme.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have their previous degree.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

How to Apply: Applications (in English only) should include:

Cover letter
Concise research proposal (3-5 pages)
List of publications
Text of one relevant publication
Application Deadline: Deadline for applications is November 19, 2017.

219. Civil and Structural Engineering PhD Scholarship for International Students in
Australia, 2018
The Curtin University is currently accepting applications for Civil and Structural
Engineering PhD Scholarship. Australian Permanent Resident, Australian Citizen, Permanent
Humanitarian Visa, international students and New Zealand Citizens are eligible to apply for this
scholarship.Curtin is an innovative, global university known for its high-impact research, strong
industry partnerships and commitment to preparing students for jobs of the future. Applicants
must meet and provide official evidence of English language proficiency on or by the application
closing date. Applicants who do not meet English by the application closing date will not be
considered for a scholarship.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: Applications accepted at any time
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue Postgraduate Research (Ph.D.) programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded within the Faculty of Engineering in Civil and
Structural Engineering.
Scholarship Award: The successful student shall receive a stipend valued $27,082.00 (2018)
per annum. The duration of the scholarship shall be for three years with a possible extension
of up to six months provided the student meets eligibility guidelines as per the conditions of
the award. If the successful candidate is an international student, the scholarship shall cover
tuition fees for the duration of the award.
Nationality: Australian and International students
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given
Scholarship can be taken in Australia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Australian Permanent Resident, Australian Citizen, Permanent
Humanitarian Visa, International students and New Zealand Citizens are eligible to apply for
this scholarship.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following
Bachelor degree (first class honors or upper second class honors) in Civil Engineering or
related fields, and language requirement (IELTS, Overall 6.5, Speaking, Writing, Reading and
Listening 6.0); or TOEFL 79.
Applicants with Master degrees with technical publications and research experiences in
structural engineering or mechanical engineering, mechanics, structural dynamics are
English Language Requirements: The candidate should have a very good command of
English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Please submit an application to To apply, please send your expression of
interest together with your CV, English testing score and transcripts via email to Dr. Chen

220. CSIRO Postdoctoral Fellowships in Mineral Systems Geoscience for International

Students in Australia, 2018
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) is
delighted to offer its Postdoctoral Fellowships in Mineral Systems Geoscience for scientists and
engineers to launch their careers, extend professional networks and enhance future career
prospects. Fellowship is exclusively open to Australian/New Zealand Citizens and international
students. The aim of the fellowship is to support international students who hold a doctorate (or
will shortly satisfy the requirements of a PhD) in a relevant discipline area, such as geoscience or
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) is the
federal government agency for scientific research in Australia. Its chief role is to improve the
economic and social performance of the industry, for the benefit of the community.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 1, 2018
Course Level: Fellowship is available to pursue postdoctoral programme.
Study Subject: Fellowship is awarded in the field of Mineral Systems Geoscience
Scholarship Award: AU $83k to AU $91k plus up to 15.4% superannuation.
Nationality: Australian/New Zealand Citizens and International students are eligible to apply
for the fellowship.

Number of Scholarships: Number of fellowships is not given
Scholarship can be taken in Australia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for the fellowship.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must hold a doctorate (or will shortly satisfy the
requirements of a PhD) in a relevant discipline area, such as geoscience or mineralogy.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must be fluent in English.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
Please load your CV and a brief cover letter outlining your interest in the role and your
motivations for applying (Maximum 2MB). At the end of the online application process, you
will also be required to respond to some screening questions.

221. Lincoln University Doctoral Scholarships in New Zealand, 2018

Lincoln University Doctoral Scholarships are available for New Zealand and international
students. Scholarships are awarded for the purpose of supporting postgraduate study and research
at Lincoln University. Lincoln University is a New Zealand university that was formed in 1990
when Lincoln College, Canterbury was made independent of the University of Canterbury.
Students whose first language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in English by
submitting satisfactory scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: October 1, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing doctoral programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: The value of the scholarships shall be determined by the Vice-
Chancellor. The emolument shall be paid by fortnightly instalments in arrears, according to
the tenure of the scholarship.
Note: The current value of the award is $21,000 per annum.
Number of Scholarships: The number of scholarships to be awarded in any year shall be
determined by the Vice-Chancellor.
Scholarship can be taken in New Zealand

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Scholarships are available to New Zealand and international students.
Entrance Requirements:
Scholarships will be open to applicants who have gained entrance into a Doctor of Philosophy
at Lincoln University.
If a candidate awarded a scholarship under 3(1) above does not become eligible to register for
Doctor of Philosophy at Lincoln University by 1 March in the year following the award, then
the award will lapse.
English Language Requirements: Students whose first language is not English must
demonstrate proficiency in English by submitting satisfactory scores from the Test of English
as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

Application Procedure:
The application form must include:
A completed application form.
A statement of your research topic, this should be approximately half to one page in length.
A current Curriculum vitae.
Two academic references as per the application form.
A copy of Lincoln admission letter.
Photocopies of all tertiary qualifications, the grading system and graduation certificates for
each qualification gained other than those studied at Lincoln University.
How to Apply:
Applications should be submitted via post.

222. University of Waikato Foundation Studies Undergraduate Scholarship in New Zealand,

The University of Waikato is offering Foundation Studies Scholarship on the basis of
academic merit and future potential to become global ambassadors for the University. The
University of Waikato Foundation Studies Scholarship was established to promote educational
opportunities and support talented international students who are enrolling for the first time into
the Certificate of Attainment in Foundation Studies (CAFS) or the Certificate of University
Preparation (CUP) at the University of Waikato. The University of Waikato, informally Waikato
University, is a comprehensive university in Hamilton, New Zealand, with a satellite campus
located in Tauranga. Applicants whose first language is not English are required to provide
satisfactory evidence of English language proficiency, generally in the form of an IELTS or
TOEFL score.

Scholarship Description:
Applications deadline: November 15, 2017 (for A Semester 2018), March 15, 2018 (for B
Semester 2018) or August 15, 2018 (for C Semester 2018).
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue undergraduate programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded to students who are enrolling for the first time into the
Certificate of Attainment in Foundation Studies (CAFS) or the Certificate of University
Preparation (CUP) at the University of Waikato.
Scholarship Award: The value of the scholarship will be up to $5,000 (NZD). The
Scholarship will have a value up to NZD$5,000 for the Standard Foundation Programme and
up to NZD$2,500 for the Accelerated Foundation or Certificate of University Preparation
programmes. The Scholarship will be applied directly to the recipient’s tuition fees: a)
Students taking the Standard Foundation Programme commencing in Semester A, will receive
their tuition fees credit for Semester A and B paid on enrolment. Students taking the
Accelerated Foundation programme or the Certificate of University Preparation will receive
their tuition fees credit in Semester A only, paid on enrolment; b) Students commencing in
Semester B or C will have half the amount of the Scholarship credited to their tuition fees,
once enrolled in either semester. The remainder of the Scholarship will be paid in the
following year, once enrolment in Semester A is confirmed.
Nationality: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in the New Zealand

Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible, applicants must:
a) Be an international student,
b) Not yet be enrolled at the University of Waikato at the time of application,
c) Be applying to enrol for the first time into the University of Waikato Foundation Studies
d) Not be classified as a domestic student (see clause 7.2.e),
e) Have received a conditional offer of a place for the foundation programme and a
conditional offer for an undergraduate degree at the University of Waikato,
f) Be residing in New Zealand for the tenure of the scholarship,
g) Not be coming to the University of Waikato via a sponsoring body1, and h) not be coming
to the University of Waikato on a Guaranteed Credit Arrangement2 or through a study abroad
or student exchange agreement.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are
required to provide satisfactory evidence of English language proficiency, generally in the
form of an IELTS or TOEFL score. Scores can vary according to the qualification sought. If
English is not first language applicant must provide one of the following as evidence of
English language proficiency:
IELTS: Some qualifications require an overall band 6.5 and a Writing band 6.0. and some
require 6.5 overall with no less than 6.0 in each band (7.0 overall for Graduate Diploma in
Teaching with no less than 7.0 in each band. 7.0 for the Bachelor of Teaching with no less
than 7.0 in each band. 7.5 for the Master of Teaching and Learning). The English language
proficiency requirements for admission to particular qualifications are at the discretion of the
Dean concerned.
TOEFL (internet based): 90 with a writing score of 22 (100 for Graduate Law)
TOEFL (paper-based): 577 overall including a TWE of 5.0 (100 overall and TWE of 5.5 for
Graduate Law)
TOEFL (computer-based): 233 including a TWE of 5.0 (5.5 for Graduate Law).

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Applicants must upload the following as part of their online application:
a) Their Offer of Place from the University of Waikato; and,
b) A personal statement (maximum 200 words) that sets out the following (on the template
What are your career goals/aspirations?
How will an international education experience help you to achieve these goals?

223. MBChB Graduate Entry International Student Scholarships in New Zealand, 2018
The University of Auckland is offering up to five scholarships on the basis of Grade Point
Equivalent (GPE). Scholarships are open to international graduate entry medical students for
semester one 2018. This programme is highly challenging but extremely rewarding. It will equip
you with the medical, clinical and research skills for pursuing a vocation in any field of medicine.
The University of Auckland is the largest university in New Zealand, located in the country’s
largest city, Auckland. It is the highest-ranked university in the country, being ranked 81st
worldwide in the 2016/17 QS World University Rankings.

Course Level: Scholarships are available for Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Medicine and Surgery.
Number of Scholarships: Up to five scholarships will be awarded by nomination, on the
basis of Grade Point Equivalent (GPE) after the programme applications close.
Scholarship Award: The NZ$70,000 MBChB Graduate Entry – International Student
Scholarship will support the tuition fees for up to five international graduate entry medical
students enrolling in the full-time study.
Scholarship can be taken in New Zealand

Eligibility: In order to apply for the MBChB under the Graduate entry category, students
need to have completed a relevant degree/degrees on a full-time basis at a recognised
university (or similar institution), with the last year of full-time study no more than five years
prior to the year of application.
Nationality: International students can apply for these scholarships.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: In order to apply for the MBChB under the Graduate entry category,
students need to have completed a relevant degree/degrees on a full-time basis at a recognised
university (or similar institution), with the last year of full-time study no more than five years
prior to the year of application.
Test Requirement: The UMAT is not required for international graduate applicants.
English Language Requirement: IELTS Academic: 7.5, no bands less than 7.0.
How to Apply: This scholarship is awarded by nomination. No application form is needed for
the MBChB Graduate Entry International Student Scholarship. Apply for the Bachelor of
Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery as a Graduate Entry International applicant.

Application Deadline: These scholarships are available only for Semester One 2018 intake.
The scholarships will be awarded by nomination after the programme applications close on
December 1, 2017.

224. ITC Scholarships for New Zealand Students, 2018

Applications are now open for the ITC 2018 Scholarships to study Airline, Travel or
Tourism at International Travel College of New Zealand (ITC). The International Travel College
of New Zealand (ITC) is a premium provider of training courses for the airline, aviation, travel
and tourism industries.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing courses offered by the International Travel
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study Airline, Travel or Tourism at ITC.
Scholarship Award: Students will study for free at the International Travel College in 2018.
Scholarship can be taken in New Zealand

Eligibility: The theme for 2018 is ‘Tell Us Your Story’. ITC want to hear all about YOUR
journey and why you are motivated to study Airline, Travel or Tourism at ITC. Below are some
questions you might want to answer in your application.
Why do you want to study at ITC?
How will winning this scholarship impact your life?

Tell us about your passion for travel and tourism?
What is your proudest accomplishment?
What are your aspirations and dreams?
What motivates you to work hard?
If you could travel anywhere tomorrow, where would it be?
Nationality: Citizens of New Zealand are eligible to apply.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have previous degree.
How to Apply: Applications need to be sent via email. ITC accepts applications in the following
formats: Microsoft Word, PDF, Powerpoint, Blog URL or YouTube URL.
Application Deadline: The application deadline is December 4, 2017.

225. Lane Kirkland Scholarship Programme in Poland, 2018

The Lane Kirkland Scholarships are open for young leaders holding Master’s (or
equivalent) university degrees to pursue two semesters of study at Polish universities and two or
more weeks professional internships in public and private.
These scholarships are available for the applicants from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine The aim of the scholarships is to
support applicants who are determined to be actively involved in the development of democracy,
economy and civil society in their countries and the region. The Polish-American Foundation’s
goal is to support the development of civil society, democracy and market economy in Poland.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: March 1, 2018
Course Level: The programme includes two semesters of study at Polish universities (in
Warszawa, Kraków, Wroc?aw, Pozna? and Lublin) and two or more weeks professional
internships in public and private institutions.
Study Subject: The programme is awarded in the following fields:
Economics and management
Administration/management (business, NGO, culture, environmental protection, healthcare,
Public administration (government and local government)
Social science (Social Psychology, Sociology)
Political science and international relations
Development policy and Humanitarian Aid
Scholarship Award: The programme will cover the followings:
Monthly stipend paid to Kirkland grantees for nine months: 1800 PLN/month.
Free of charge access to academic courses are free of charge
In addition, the Program administrator provides the following (worth approx. 4200
Accommodation in Poland during nine months
Health insurance for medical outpatient care, treatment costs in case of emergency and civil
liability insurance
One return ticket to Poland (up to agreed amount)
-Public transportation cards;

Visa costs
Research materials (up to 2700/year)
Participation in the orientation program and grantees conventions,
Polish language course (October- May).
Nationality: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova,
Russia and Ukraine
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Poland

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Moldova, Russia and Ukraine
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet following criteria:
Citizenship and permanent residence in one of the targeted countries (holders of permanent
residence card in Poland are ineligible)
Master’s degree
Up to 35 years of age (in special cases up to 40)
At least 2 years of professional experience
At least two years between any previous foreign scholarships (lasting longer than 6 months)
and application
English Language Requirements: Polish language proficiency adequate to effectively attend
lectures and seminars as well as to prepare a diploma project. During the interview candidates
are required to speak Polish at least at the B1 level Studies within the Kirkland Programme
are realised in Polish or English (studies in English are not possible for candidates from
Belarus and Ukraine), however, only in Polish it is possible to fully use the educational offer
at Polish universities and the professional internship offered in program.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
Application form online
a) Detailed personal questionnaire
b) Proposed programme of study in Poland explaining the purpose of participation in the
Kirkland Program and including the future plans connected with its completion (not
exceeding 4,000-6,000 characters with spaces)
Two letters of reference (in Polish, English or Russian), describing the achievements and
qualifications of the candidate as well as the expectations connected with the candidate’s
further development and work in her/his professional or social field – to be submitted by e-
Copy of Master’s degree diploma (or PhD diploma) – to be submitted by e-mail

226. Research Fellowship at Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Polish Academy of

Sciences, 2017
The Laboratory of Synaptogenesis at the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology is
seeking PhD candidates or research assistants/technicians for its research fellowship. The
fellowship is available for the applicants from all over the world. The aim of the fellowship is to
provide research opportunities for excellent researchers. The Polish Academy of Sciences is
Poland’s top academy of sciences. It is responsible for spearheading the development of science

across the country by a society of distinguished scholars as well as a network of research
Course Level: The fellowship is available to pursue research programme.
Study Subject: The fellowship is awarded in the field of Biology.
Scholarship Award: The fellowship will cover the following:
The institute a very friendly work environment, as well as extensive training.
Number of Scholarships: Not known
Scholarship can be taken in Poland

Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
Strong motivation to work
Neatness in work habits, attention to detail, and good organizational skills
Ability to communicate fluently in English
General experience in laboratory work
Specific experience in either of the following areas will be considered a plus:
Molecular cloning
Cell culture
Protein biochemistry
Experimentation on mice in vivo and ex vivo
Nationality: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible for the fellowship.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have previous year degree.
English Language Requirement: Applicants must have fluency in English.

How to Apply: Applicants can apply via email.

A cover letter describing personal motivation to apply for this position
Candidate’s CV with contact information to at least 2 referees (previous supervisor or thesis
advisor are preferred)
Candidate may include additional information or copies of documents/certificates in support
of the application
Please send your application to
Application Deadline: The application deadline is October 9th, 2017.

227. Master Scholarships for International Students in Italy, 2018-2019

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy is offering scholarships for international students
for the academic year 2018-2019. Scholarships are awarded for courses of Master’s degree
(Laurea magistrale or Master universitario) at Italian Higher Education Institutes partners of the
Invest Your Talent in Italy Program. The aim of the Program is to foster cooperation among
Italian Universities and Italian companies in order to promote their internationalization by
sustaining higher education courses tailored to the needs of the labor market.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation is the foreign ministry of
the government of the Republic of Italy. It is also known as the Farnesina as a metonym from its
headquarters, the Palazzo della Farnesina in Rome. Candidates should submit an English language
certificate as proof of their proficiency in English. Candidates should hold at least a B2 level
certificate within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Proof

of proficiency in Italian is not mandatory but will be taken into consideration in the selection

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 28, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are awarded for courses of Master’s degree (Laurea magistrale or
Master universitario) at Italian Higher Education Institutes (state-owned institutions or
institutions legally recognized by the relevant state authorities) partners of the Invest Your
Talent in Italy Program.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Grantees will receive 888 euros monthly allowance every three months
on their Italian bank account. The first instalment of the scholarship can only be received after
the University enrollment according to the necessary administrative procedures. The last
instalment of the scholarship can only be received after verification of conditions established
under Article 6.2 of this Call. The scholarship only covers courses attended in Italy.
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Italy
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Scholarships are awarded to citizens, permanently resident in their home
country, of the following list of countries: Azerbaijan, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia,
India, Indonesia, Iran, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Mexico, People’s Republic of China, Tunisia,
Turkey and Vietnam.
Entrance Requirements: Applications may be submitted only by those who meet the
following requirements by the deadline for this call.
Academic qualifications: Applications may only be submitted by those candidates referred to
in Article 2 who hold the required academic qualifications (Bachelor’s Degree) to enrol in the
chosen Master’s degree Program (Laurea Magistrale or Master Universitario).
Application: Only those students who have submitted their application for one of the
postgraduate courses (laurea Magistrale or Master) included in the Program can apply for an
IYT scholarship:
Age requirements: Candidates may apply if they are no more than 28 years old at the deadline
of this call, except for the only renewals.
English Language Requirements: Candidates should submit an English language certificate
as proof of their proficiency in English. Candidates should hold at least a B2 level certificate
within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Proof of
proficiency in Italian is not mandatory but will be taken into consideration in the selection
Application Procedure:
Candidates must provide the following documents:
The final transcript of all previous exams as well as the final grade (Bachelor’s Degree). In
case these documents are not available, candidates should submit an updated transcript of the
exams; documents need to be translated except for the titles in English, French and Spanish;
One or more Reference Letters were written by a Tutor/Professor/Employer. Reference
Letters must be addressed to the University or to the Invest Your Talent in Italy Technical
Committee, properly dated and signed. Candidates must also provide full contacts of the

A video no more than one minute long about their motivations;
English language certificate (IELTS or TOEFL);
Valid Passport or Identity Document.
How to Apply:
Candidates must complete and submit the online application form.

228. Lok Sabha Research Fellowships on Parliamentary Themes in India, 2018

The Lok Sabha Secretariat now wishes to invite applicants for its Research Fellowships to
undertake research of high standards on Parliamentary themes. The fellowships are exclusively
open to Indian students. The purpose of the fellowships is to support Indian students with the
maximum of Rs.10 lakhs (plus Rs.50,000 as contingency allowance) will be awarded to
encourage and support original studies on subjects relating to Indian Parliament. The Parliament
of India is the supreme legislative body of the Republic of India. The Parliament is composed of
the President of India and the houses. It is bicameral with two houses: the Rajya Sabha (Council
of States) and the Lok Sabha (House of the People).

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 10, 2018
Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue research.
Study Subject: Fellowships are awarded to support original studies on subjects relating to
Indian Parliament.
Scholarship Award: The total amount of each Fellowship for writing Books will be a
maximum of Rs.10 lakh (Rupees Tenlakhsh only), plus Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty thousand
only) as contingency allowance. The contingency allowance may be utilized for meeting costs
such as purchase of books, journals, stationeries, photocopying, typing, travel expenses and
related expenditures. The amount sanctioned to a Fellow will be disbursed in instalments,
subject to the satisfactory progress of the project and recommendation of the Fellowship
Committee to that effect.
Nationality: Indian applicants are eligible to apply for the fellowship.
Number of Scholarships: The Lok Sabha Secretariat will grant twenty-five Research
Fellowships every year.
Scholarship can be taken in India

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants from India are eligible to apply for the fellowship.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have a master degree in any of the social science
disciplines with outstanding research publications.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
Applications may be sent in hard copy as well as by email.
While submitting the proposal, the format may broadly be according to the following order of
points and conform to the guidelines given under:
(a) Title of the Project

(b) Statement of the Problem: In the opening paragraphs of the research proposal, the problem
to be investigated should be stated clearly and briefly. The significance of the problem in the
theoretical context of the discipline concerned should be specified.
(c) Overview of Literature: Summarizing the current status of research in the area, including
major findings, the project proposal should clearly demonstrate the relevance of the findings
or approaches for the investigation of the problem at hand.
(d) Conceptual Framework: Given the problem and the theoretical perspective for
investigation of the problem, the proposal should clearly indicate the concepts to be used and
demonstrate their relevance for the study. It should further specify the empirical dimension, if
any, that needs to be explored for investigating the problem.
(e) Research Questions/Hypotheses: Given the conceptual framework and dimensions of the
problem, specific questions to be answered and hypotheses to be tested through the proposed
study should be explicitly formulated, compatible with the research design.
(f) Coverage: In the light of the questions raised or the hypotheses proposed to be tested, if
sampling becomes necessary, full information on the following points should be given: (i)
Universe of the Study, (ii) Sampling Frame, and (iii) Units of Observation and Sampling size.
(i) If the study requires any control groups, they should be specifically mentioned. An
explanation of the determination of size and type of the sample shall also be necessary.
Proposals not requiring a sample selection should specify their strategy appropriately and
describe the rationale. (ii) Methodology: A suitable description of the methods of research for
the study may be given. (iii) Data Collection: The different types of data that are proposed to
be gathered should be specifically mentioned. The sources for each type and the tools and
techniques that will be used for collecting different types of data should also be specified. (iv)
Time Budgeting: The project should be broken up in suitable stages and the time required for
the completion of each stage of work should be specified. (v) Bibliography

229. FLAME University Scholars Program in India, 2018

The FLAME University offers an array of merit scholarships and need-based financial
support for students. Full scholarships (full fee waivers) are awarded to most outstanding students
joining the University. The scholarship is designed to give students an opportunity to further their
education at FLAME University. FLAME University is a private, coeducational and fully
residential university, anchored in liberal education located in Pune city in the state of
Maharashtra. Earlier it was known as FLAME – Foundation for Liberal and Management

Scholarship Description:
Applications close: Open for 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the students offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: FLAME University offers a range of scholarships that recognize the
inherent excellence and distinctive attributes of students ensuring that FLAME attracts the
brightest of minds. In addition, merit, need-based and special scholarships are provided with
that may range from partial to full fee waivers.

Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in India
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Students from India are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements:
Scholarships are awarded for the full duration of the program.
The Scholarship Committee will review the performance of the scholarship student every
term. The continuation of the scholarship is contingent on students maintaining a CGPA of
7.50 (8.50 in case of scholarship awarded under clause ‘Merit scholarships for enrolled
students’) or more in every semester of the program in which the student has enrolled.
However, taking into account exceptional circumstances, if a scholarship student is not able to
maintain a CGPA of 7.50 (8.50 in case of scholarship awarded under clause ‘Merit
scholarships for enrolled students’) or more in two consecutive semesters, the scholarship
award will be withdrawn for the rest of the duration of the program.
The selected scholarship student shall work on campus for a minimum of 12 hours per week
for the terms in which the student receives the scholarship benefit.
The scholarship amount will not be paid to the selected student. It will be deducted from the
term dues directly.

Application Procedure:
For undergraduate programs, FLAME University accepts SAT scores or alternatively
conducts its own assessment test called FEAT. Selection of the best performing and well-
rounded applicants who can contribute and enhance the learning experience at FLAME
University is done considering aspects like SAT/FEAT scores, group discussion, personal
interview, past academic record, extra-curricular activities and statement of purpose.
For postgraduate programs, FLAME University takes into account national level admission
test (CAT/XAT/MAT/CMAT/GMAT/MH-CET) scores, group discussion, personal
interview, past academic record, extracurricular activities and statement of purpose.
How to Apply:
To be considered for the scholarship, students need to email the supporting documents of
achievements at FLAME University’s Scholarship Committee will
evaluate your application and make the final decision.

230. Orange Knowledge Programme for Developing Countries in Netherlands, 2018

The Erasmus University Rotterdam is seeking applicants for Orange Knowledge
Programme funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the budget for development
cooperation. The programme is open to developing countries applicants. The aim of the
programme is to aid the development of the capacity, knowledge and quality of individuals as
well as institutions in the field of higher and vocational education. Erasmus University Rotterdam
is a public university located in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Erasmus MC is the largest and one of the
foremost academic medical centres and trauma centres in the Netherlands.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: February 2018
Course Level: The fellowship is available to pursue the following programme:

Urban Management and Development (UMD)
Month course on Urban Management and Development Theory (UMDT)
Week course on Developing Social Housing Projects (DSHP)
Study Subject : The fellowship is awarded in the field of management.
Scholarship Award: The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) is a Dutch scholarships
programme from Nuffic, financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the budget
for development cooperation.
Nationality: In the first OKP round there were 28 developing countries eligible for this
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan,
Burma/Myanmar, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Colombia, Congo (DRC),
Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya,
Liberia, Lebanon, Macedonia, Mali, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria,
Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South
Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Surinam, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Vietnam,
Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet following criteria:
Be a professional and national of, and working and living in one of the countries on the OKP
country list.
Have an employer’s statement that complies with a prescribed format. All information must
be provided and all commitments that are included in the format must be endorsed in the
statement. (You will not be eligible for the fellowship if you fail to submit this document)
Not be employed by an organization that has its own means of staff-development.
Organizations that are considered to have their own means for staff development are for
example:multinational corporations (e.g. Shell, Unilever, Microsoft), large national and/or a
large commercial organisations, bilateral donor organisations (e.g. USAID, DFID, Danida,
Sida, Dutch ministry of Foreign affairs, FinAid, AusAid, ADC, SwissAid), multilateral donor
organisations, (e.g. a UN organisation, the World Bank, the IMF, Asian Development Bank,
African Development Bank, IADB), international NGO’s (e.g. Oxfam, Plan, Care).
Must have an official and valid passport
Must not receive more than one fellowship for courses that take place at the same time
Must have an NFP government statement that meets the requirements of the country in which
the employer is established
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have sufficient knowledge of the
language of instruction of the host university.

Application Procedure:
Applicants should first apply for the IHS academic course via IHS Online Application Form
and receive your academic admission offer.
How to Apply:

Applicants should first apply for the IHS academic course and then they will be invited by
IHS to apply for the OKP fellowship. An invitation email with detailed instructions will be
sent to them.

231. Cartography Master Scholarships for International Students, 2018

Applications are invited for Erasmus Mundus Scholarships to pursue International Master
Programme in Cartography . The Cartography MSc has been selected for Erasmus+ by the
Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Union.
Cartography MSc is a four-semester Master of Science Programme of four universities in Munich,
Vienna, Dresden and Twente. It focusses on a broad education in cartography and geoinformatics.
The candidate should have a very good command of English language. Therefore, the application
should be written in English.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: March 15, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing master’s programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of cartography and geoinformatics.
Scholarship Award: Scholarships for the four-semester Cartography M.Sc. programme are:
Contribution to travel costs of 2 x 3.000 € (6.000 € in total) per scholarship holder travelling
more than 4.000 km OR 2 x 2.000 € (4.000 € in total) per scholarship holder travelling less
than 4.000 km plus 1000 € in total for installation costs
Subsistence costs of 1.000 € per month, 24.000 € in total. Contribution to subsistence costs
must NOT be given to scholarship holders for the study periods (study /research /placement
/thesis preparation) spent in their country of residence.
Contribution to participation costs of ca. 2.425 € per semester, maximum 9.700 € in total.
Insurance package, i.e., health insurance.
The scholarship is a full scholarship, meant to cover all costs (e.g., tuition fees, travelling,
visa costs, accommodation, living expenses, etc.). There will be no further funding.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Germany, Austria, and Netherlands

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Citizens of all nationalities are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: University is looking for students who are self-disciplined and
show initiative, are independent thinkers but also team players and are interested in art,
science, and technology.
English Language Requirements: One of the following English language tests can be
accepted as proof of proficiency:
IELTS Academic Module: Minimum score 6.5 The British Council can send it to TUM
directly. Please give our exact address: TU München, Immatrikulationsamt, Arcisstr. 21, D-
80333 München
TOEFL iBT: 88, CbT: 234, PbT: 605, TOEFL ITP is not accepted. If you send TOEFL to us
via ETS, please use the following TOEFL code: University 7806, department 99 (“any
department not listed”).
Cambridge Certificates Cambridge Main Suite: CAE or CPE: level A, B or C

You are considered to be proficient in English and you do not need to provide an English
language test score if:
You are a native English speaker;
Your previous (current) university education has been conducted in English. In this case, you
need an official certificate from your university confirming that the language of tuition was

Application Procedure:
Passport style photo (as for ID)
Complete and current Résumé (CV)
Letter of motivation: Please describe your personal reasons and your particular interests and
motivation for undertaking post-graduate studies in Cartography at TUM, TUW, TUD and
UT on1 to 2 pages.
Subject and grade transcript of studies to date (officially certified copy): Please do not send
original certificates, only officially certified copies including translation into English. TUM
does not assume any liability for unsolicited original certificates.
Two letters of recommendation (original documents): Two original letters of recommendation
have to be submitted from faculty members, who are familiar with your work in the major
area of your graduate study. If that work occurred some time ago, a recommendation from
those people familiar with your professional performance is acceptable.
English language certificate
Application for admission or for enrolment from TUMonline system
If applicable:
Chinese, Mongolian and Vietnamese applicants have to submit a valid APS certificate
(original) from the German Embassy in China/Mongolia/Vietnam
Applicants with a qualification for postgraduate studies (e.g. a bachelor’s degree) obtained in
a country outside of the EU/EWG are required to have their application documents proofed
before submission by the University Application Service for International Students (uni-assist
e.V.). Uni-assist will issue a VPD certificate.
How to Apply:
Although organized by four leading universities, the Cartography M.Sc. programme is
officially registered at TUM. This means that Cartography adheres to the application and
admission procedures of TUM. Your application will proceed through the TUMonline
application system .

232. Scholarships for Undergraduates, Graduates and Postgraduates in Austria, 2018

Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria is offering scholarships for
undergraduates, graduates and postgraduates. Scholarships are awarded in the field of Natural
Sciences, Technical Sciences, Human Medicine, Health Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social
Sciences, Humanities and Arts. The OeAD is the Austrian agency for international mobility and
cooperation in education, science and research. The candidate should have a very good command
of English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: March 1, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduates, graduates and

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Natural Sciences, Technical
Sciences, Human Medicine, Health Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences,
Humanities and Arts.
Scholarship Award: The quota depends on the budget:
Monthly scholarship instalment: 1.050 EUR
Health insurance: OeAD scholarship holders need to have health insurance that is accepted by
the Austrian authorities for the duration of their stay in Austria. The OeAD can help with
taking out such insurance. The monthly costs can vary, at the moment you should calculate 55
to 200 EUR (depending on your age, scholarship category and state of health). The costs for
the insurance have to be covered from the scholarship.
Accomodation: It is possible for OeAD scholarship holders to book accomodation (dormitory
or apartment) with the OeAD Housing Office.The monthly costs are 220 to 470 EUR
(depending on the level of comfort requested by the scholarship holder). The scholarship
holder has to pay an administrative fee of 18 EUR/month to the OeAD Housing Office for the
provision of accommodation. The costs for the accommodation have to be covered from the
Travel Costs: Applicants from countries which are neither members of the EU nor members
of EFTA, EEA or OECD can be granted a travel allowance. The lump sum depends on the
country of origin.
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Austria

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students (except Austria) are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Eligible for application are
Descendents of forced labourers (regardless of their country of origin)
Or people coming from countries that have suffered exceptionally from the Nazi regime,
especially from the recruitment of forced labourers.
Students meeting the above-mentioned criteria can apply to pursue research
On their bachelor thesis
On their diploma or master thesis
Or their dissertation.
No scholarships are awarded for Bachelor-, Master- or Doctoral/PhD studies pursued in
Austria, summer courses, language courses, clinical traineeships or internships.
Applicants must not have studied/pursued research/pursued academic work in Austria in the
last six months before taking up the grant.
Age limit:
Doctoral students: 40 years (born on or after March 1, 1978)
for other students: 35 years (born on or after March 1, 1983)
English Language Requirements: The candidate should have a very good command over
English language. Therefore, the application should be written in English.

Application Procedure:
The following documents have to be uploaded for the Online Application:
Fully completed Online Application form “Application for a Scholarship of the Scholarship
Foundation of the Republic of Austria” including a CV and a project plan, describing the
plans and completed preparatory work for the research stay in Austria

Two letters of recommendation from university lecturers. For these letters of
recommendation, no specific form is required; they have to contain the letterhead, date and
signature of the person recommending the applicant and the stamp of the
university/department and must be no older than six months at the time of application. The
letters of recommendation and the confirmation of supervision cannot be issued by the same
Confirmation of supervision by a supervisor at the chosen Austrian university, university of
applied sciences or research institution
Scanned passport (showing the name and picture of the applicant)
University graduation certificate of your diploma, master, PhD or doctoral studies at a
university outside Austria resp. proof of enrollment at a study programme at a university
outside Austria
Confirmation, that proves your participation in a study programme (Bachelor,
Master/Diploma or PhD) at your home university
For descendants of forced labourers: processing number or photocopy of the letter of
information or other relevant proofs
How to Apply:
The mode of applying is online.

233. ITalent South East Master Scholarship at Graz University of Technology in Austria,
The Graz University of Technology is delighted to offer scholarships to pursue English-
language master’s degree programmes in Austria. Students from Southeast Europe are eligible to
apply. Five scholarships are awarded for IT master’s degree programmes for the full duration of
studies 2018–2020. The Industriellenvereinigung Steiermark (Federation of Austrian Industries,
Styrian Section) and TU Graz are investing in young talents from South East Europe to allow
them to develop their IT and robotics skills – regardless of personal financial situations or
conditions – to the full. The Graz University of Technology is one of five universities in Styria,
Austria. It was founded in 1811 by Archduke John of Austria and currently comprises seven
faculties. The university is a public university.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: December 29, 2017
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject: Acceptance to one of the following English-language master’s degrees
programmes is a condition for being awarded a scholarship:
Information and Computer Engineering
Software Engineering and Management
Computer Science
Scholarship Award: Scholarship applicants can receive the following benefits:
Financial assistance of € 4,000 per academic year (two academic years total – given
appropriate academic performance)
Individual consultation and advice from liaison professors at TU Graz
Nationality: South East Europeans countries are eligible.
Number of Scholarships: A total of five scholarships will be awarded.

Scholarship can be taken in Austria

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Students from Southeast Europe is eligible:
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia,
Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia.
Entrance Requirements: Application requirements
South East European nationality preferred
Excellent academic performance in previous studies
Commitment, communication skills, interest, creativity and self-responsibility thinking
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Applications should be submitted via e-mail.
The following application documents must be submitted in English as pdf files:
Personal statement in form of an essay
Two letters of recommendation from the student’s teachers during his or her studies
Copy of passport

234. ASEA-UNINET Research Grants for Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese Students in
Austria, 2018
The ASEAN European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) is delighted to
offer its Research Grant for Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese students. The grants are available to
pursue research in the field of Natural Sciences, Technical Sciences, Human Medicine, Health
Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts. The aim of the grants is to
support Graduates, Postgraduates, PhD and postdocs students who want to pursue research
The ASEAN European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) is a network of
universities, consisting of European and south-east Asian universities. It was founded by
universities from Austria, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam with the goal of promoting the
continuous internationalisation of education and research.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: March 31, 2018
Course Level: Grants are available to pursue research programme.
Study Subject: Grants are awarded in the fields of Natural Sciences, Technical Sciences,
Human Medicine, Health Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and
Scholarship Award: Supplementary grant, own funds are required
Monthly grant rate
For graduates, postgraduates: 1.050 EUR
For postdocs: 1.150 EUR
Accommodation, insurance

It is possible for OeAD scholarship holders to book accommodation (dormitory or apartment)
with the OeAD Housing office. The monthly costs are:
monthly rent: 220 to 480 EUR (depending on the amenities)
monthly administrative fee: 18 EUR
OeAD scholarship holders need to have health insurance that is accepted by the Austrian
authorities for the duration of their stay in Austria. The OeAD can help with taking out such
insurance. The monthly costs can vary, at the moment you should calculate 55 to 200 EUR
(depending on your age, scholarship category and state of health).
Scholarship holders have to pay the costs for accommodation and insurance themselves.
Scholarship holders are exempted from paying tuition fees.
Scholarship holders from non-European developing countries will also receive a travel costs
subsidy of max. 730 EUR.
Nationality: Applicants from Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam are eligible to apply for the
Number of Scholarships: Number of grants are not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Austria

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants from Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam are eligible to apply
for the grants.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must be Graduates, Postgraduates, PhD Student or post
docs .
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have a very good knowledge of English
and/or German.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
The following documents have to be uploaded to the online application.
Research proposal (5-10 pages)
[The applicant’s proposal for an innovative research project should focus on specific research
questions, and contain a clear and detailed description of the research directions and
objectives as well as the methodological approach. It should include:
A clear problem description
Expected results
Methodological approach (research design, research questions, research method)
Literature review (incl. references)
list of the applicant’s publications (if already available) or qualifications to do the research in
Written consent of the supervisor at the Austrian host university.
Two letters of recommendation by university lecturers. For these letters of recommendation
no specific form is required; however, they must bear the letterhead, date and signature of the
person recommending the applicant as well as the stamp of the university/department and
must not be older than six months at the time of application.
The scan of your passport (page with name and photo).
The scan of all university graduation certificates as well as a German or English translation.

235. MBA Scholarship for Central-Eastern or South-Eastern European Countries at TU
Wien in Austria, 2018
Applications are invited for a Scholarship for Central-eastern or South-eastern European
countries at TU Wien in Austria. Scholarships are available to pursue MBA programme. The
university program aims at persons interested in gaining qualifications and know how in general
management while at the same time dealing with the second largest cost factor in companies (real
estate and infrastructure) and learning how to optimize it. The TU Wien is one of the major
universities in Vienna, the capital of Austria. The university finds high international and domestic
recognition in teaching as well as in research and is a highly esteemed partner of innovation-
oriented enterprises.

Scholarship Description:
Applications deadline: January 31, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue MBA programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of general management and expertise
from real estate and facility management.
Scholarship Award: The TU Wien will be granting a Central-eastern or South-eastern
European countries scholarship in the amount of EUR 5,000.
Nationality: Applicants from Central-eastern or South-eastern European countries are
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Austria

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Scholarship is awarded to an applicant from Central-eastern or South-
eastern European countries.
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Georgia, Greece, Hungary,
Montenegro, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Republic of Macedonia,
European Turkey and Ukraine.
Entrance Requirements: This MBA program will be exclusively run in English. As the
program has become more and more international in its focus, participants, and lecturers, this
change will further enhance the quality and internationality of the program.
The TU Wien will be granting a Central-eastern or South-eastern European countries
scholarship in the amount of EUR 5,000. – to an applicant from Central-eastern or South-
eastern European countries.
An admitted individual from Central-eastern or South-eastern European countries must hold
an academic degree along with a minimum of two years work experience and adequate
knowledge of English.
English Language Requirements: Candidates must have adequate knowledge of English.
Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Please request an application form to fm(at)
The application documents (incl. letter of motivation and a copy of certificates) have to be
sent by e-mail to fm(at) Payment of the tuition fee has to be financed privately.

236. IIASA Science Communication Summer Fellowship for International Students in

Austria, 2018

Applications are now open for summer 2018 Science Communication Fellowship. The
fellowship covers the cost of travel to and from Vienna and the awardee’s home at the beginning
and end of the fellowship, and a modest stipend to offset living expenses during the period of the
fellowship. The aim of the fellowship is to provide financial help to students from developing
The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis is a scientific research institute
located in Laxenburg, near Vienna, Austria. Founded in 1972, the International Institute for
Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) conducts policy-oriented research into problems of a global
nature that are too large or too complex to be solved by a single country or academic discipline.

Scholarship Description:
Applications deadline: January 11, 2018
Course Level: This is a summer fellowship programme. The fellowship begins on 28 May
and ends on 31 August.
Study Subject: The science communication fellow will gain experience in communicating
complex systems science for a general audience, through a variety of platforms
including blogs, website content, and articles for our magazine, Options. The science
communication fellow will work as part of the IIASA Communications Department, assisting
with a variety of tasks including editorial work, website maintenance, media relations, event
coverage, social media, and other communication activities.
Scholarship Award: The stipend is Euro 4,000 for the three months. IIASA does not provide
housing or additional funding for housing. The fellowship covers the cost of travel to and
from Vienna and the awardee’s home at the beginning and end of the fellowship, and a
modest stipend to offset living expenses during the period of the fellowship.
Nationality: Applicants from all countries are welcome.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Austria

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants from all countries are welcome. But applicants from
developing countries are encouraged to apply:
Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Bahamas, Bahrain Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burma, Burundi,
Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African, Republic Chad, Chile, People’s Republic
of China, Colombia, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo,
Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatia, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt,
El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, The Gambia, Georgia, Ghana,
Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea, Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Indonesia,
India, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos,
Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi,
Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Federated States
of Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru,
Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea,
Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Samoa,
São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, South
Africa, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint- Vincent and the

Grenadines, South Sudan, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand,
Timor Leste, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu,
Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela,
Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Entrance Requirements:
A Bachelor’s or equivalent degree in science or journalism, and/or current student or graduate
of a science journalism program
Applicants from all countries are welcome. However, IIASA gives priority to citizens or
residents of countries in which IIASA has a National Member Organization. We encourage
applications from developing countries.
Experience writing about science for the general public, via blogs, newspapers, university
websites, or other outlets
Experience with or interest in social media, video, photography, or other multimedia is a plus
Written and oral fluency in English and proven ability to understand complex scientific
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: To apply, please email the following materials:
Cover Letter
One writing a sample of no more than 800 words, about a scientific topic and aimed at a
general audience. Examples: Article for a newspaper or magazine, blog post, op-ed
One letter of recommendation

237. Scholarship for Women: Professional MBA Facility Management, 2018

The TU Wien is offering a scholarship for female participants for the Professional MBA
Facility Management Class 2018-2020. The university program aims at persons interested in
gaining qualifications and know how in general management while at the same time dealing with
the second largest cost factor in companies (real estate and infrastructure) and learning how to
optimize it. The TU Wien is one of the major universities in Vienna, the capital of Austria. The
university finds high international and domestic recognition in teaching as well as in research and
is a highly esteemed partner of innovation-oriented enterprises.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: January 31, 2018
Course Level: Scholarship is available for the Professional MBA Facility Management Class
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in the field of management.
Scholarship Award: The TU Wien supports women and women’s advancement in careers
and is offering a scholarship for female participants for the Professional MBA Facility
Management Class 2018-2020 in the amount of one-third of the program fee.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Austria

Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Austrian citizens are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Scholarship is open for female applicants. Admitted individuals must
either hold an appropriate first academic degree (e.g. all Austrian academic degrees, master or
bachelor degree of a foreign university or university of applied sciences) or a similar
qualification which can be regarded as an equivalent thereof (i.e. activities similar to those of
a university graduate or relevant professional experience) and must have at least two years of
professional experience.
English Language Requirements: As of 22 March 2018 this MBA program will be
exclusively run in English.

Application Procedure:
Please send your complete application to fm(at) by January 31, 2018, at the latest.
Please ask the application form under fm(at)

How to apply:
If you want to apply for the Professional MBA Facility Management, please check following
Admission requirements: Check whether you meet the admission requirements.
Application process: Please submit your application with required documents as early as
Originals of Documents: Originals of supporting documents must be presented during the
admission interview. If your diplomas were issued in a foreign country they might also have
to be authenticated and/or translated into German or English language.
Admission Interview: Admission interview will take place upon individual appointment.

238. AHRC Funded PhD Studentships at University of Dundee in UK, 2018

The University of Dundee is now accepting applications for Arts and Humanities
Research Council (AHRC) Funded Studentships for both new and continuing students who are
willing to do PhD programme. This studentship is awarded to Home and EU students. The aim of
the scholarship is to support candidates reading for the degree of PhD.
The University of Dundee (abbreviated as Dund. for post-nominals) is a public research
university based in the city and Royal Burgh of Dundee on the east coast of the central Lowlands
of Scotland. The main campus of the university is located in Dundee’s West End which contains
many of the university’s teaching and research facilities; the Duncan of Jordanstone College of
Art and Design, Dundee Law School and the Dundee Dental Hospital and School.

Course Level: Studentships are available to pursue PhD programme.

Study Subject: Studentships are awarded to study Art and Design, English / Creative Writing /
Film Studies, History, Law, Philosophy.
Scholarship Award: Successful applicants will benefit from:
*Fees and stipend at RCUK rates – £14,057 in 2015
Significant extra time and/or funding to shape their doctoral training to meet their individual
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in the UK

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
Only Home and EU students are eligible to apply.
In order to be nominated for a studentship, applicants must hold an unconditional or conditional
offer of a place on a PhD degree programme in one of a specified range of disciplines above. The
SGSAH encourages and welcomes cross-institutional supervisory teams.
Applicants must not hold another full Studentship for the 2017/18 academic session. Applicants
holding a part studentship (e.g. fees only or stipend only) may still be considered.
Both new and continuing PhD students may apply. To be eligible, continuing students must have
at least 50% of their 3 years full-time or 6 years part-time PhD programme remaining as at 30
September 2017, and funding will only be available for this remaining period.
The AHRC expects that applicants to PhD programmes will normally hold, or be studying
towards, a Masters qualification.
Nationality: Students from the following countries are eligible to apply:
UK: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales
EU: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: If you are applying for postgraduate research, you will normally need a
Masters level qualification, and usually evidence of your research experience (e.g. through a
Masters Degree project).
English Language Requirements: All courses at the University of Dundee are taught in English .
If your first language is not English you must typically have an IELTS score of at least 6.5
overall (or equivalent) with a 6.0 in Writing and Speaking and a minimum of 5.5 in the other two
components in order to be successful in your academic studies. Additionally, if you require a visa
to study in the UK, then you must also meet the level of English required by UK Visas and
Immigration (UKVI). The IELTS standard of English language required for each Masters course
is shown on the individual course page.
Ph.D. Research Scholarship
How to Apply: Procedure to apply:
You apply to the University of Dundee via UKPASS (detailed below)
We will send you a second application form to complete by January 2017
We will make two decisions
1 – whether or not to offer you a PhD place to study at the University of Dundee
2 – whether or not to nominate you for an AHRC studentship (by January 2017)
If you have been successful in being nominated you will be sent a third application form from the
AHRC Doctoral Programme Scotland, which needs to be returned by February 2017
The panel will meet to consider all nominations from across Scottish institutions and you will be
notified if you have been awarded a studentship. Further information on the selection process can
be found on the SGSAH website
If we do not nominate you for a studentship, your offer of a PhD place at the University of
Dundee still stands.
Application Form
Application Deadline: Application deadline is November 30, 2017.

239. Vienna Biocenter (VBC) PhD Awards in Austria, 2018
The Vienna Biocenter (VBC) PhD Awards are available for all PhD Students who
completed their PhD in the academic year 2016/2017 (October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2017.
The purpose of the PhD Program is to train rigorous, independent scientists through a
comprehensive training experience. The “VBC PhD Programme” is an international PhD training
program carried out jointly by the four Vienna Biocenter research institutes (IMP, IMBA, GMI
and MFPL). Acceptance into the program is competitive and based on a formal selection

Course Level: Award is available for pursuing PhD theses.

Study Subject: Award is available to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Not Known
Number of Scholarships: VBC PhD Award: awarded every year to the best four PhD Thesis
Scholarship can be taken in Austria

University invites all PhD Students who completed their PhD in the academic year 2016/2017
(October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2017) to apply for the VBC PhD Award.
All students who carried out their PhD Research Project at the Vienna Biocenter are eligible
to apply (GMI/IMBA/IMP/MFPL).
Nationality: Citizens of Austria are eligible to apply.

College Admission Requirement

Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have completed their PhD.
How to Apply: To apply please submit the following documents by October 21, 2017:
Application form (download template below):
Personal information
Thesis abstract
Contribution to Research field
List of publications
Updated CV
PDFs of original publications
Please combine all files in a single pdf named LASTNAME_VBCAward2017.pdf and send
your complete application to robinson (at)

Application Deadline: The application deadline is October 21, 2017.

240. Best of South-East Scholarship Programme in Austria, 2018

The Best of South East is a scholarship-programme initiated by the Steiermärkische
Sparkasse (Styrian Bank), in cooperation with Montanuniversitaet Leoben, University of Graz,
University of Music and Performing Arts Graz & TU Graz. Target group: talented and dedicated
students and graduates from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and
Macedonia. The programme’s aim is to provide scholarship-holders with international education,
work experience and training opportunities.

Course Level: Scholarship is available for a 2-semester mobility programme at MUL
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: The scholarship programme lasts 12 months (from September to the
end of August) and includes at the Montanuniversitaet Leoben:
A scholarship of 750€ monthly for an entire year
A scholarship for a 2-semester mobility programme at MUL (winter and summer semesters
2018-19) and
A 2-month trainee programme or internship (in July and August)
Scholarships holders must successfully complete a minimum of 36 ECTS credits per
academic year (3 ECTS per scholarship month) at the MUL (otherwise you’ll have to pay
back the scholarship)
Scholarship can be taken in Austria

Citizenship: Slovenian, Bosnian and Herzegovinian, Croatian, Serbian, Montenegro or the
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (F.Y.R.O.M)
Language skills in English (min. level B2) or German (min. level B2)
Very good grades
Students need to have completed at least 4 semesters of their Bachelor’s degree by the time of
the application
Doctoral students require a letter of confirmation from the supervisor of your dissertation at
the Montanuniversitaet Leoben (please note that you yourself are responsible for finding a
Motivation, commitment, good communication skills, adaptability, theoretical knowledge, as
well as practical skills
Nationality: Citizens of Slovenian, Bosnian and Herzegovinian, Croatian, Serbian,
Montenegro or the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (F.Y.R.O.M) are eligible to
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Students need to have completed at least 4 semesters of their
Bachelor’s degree by the time of the application.
Test Requirement: No
English Language Requirement: Language skills in English (min. level B2) or German (min.
level B2)

How to Apply:
Step 1: Collect the Application Documents
Confirmation of enrolment from the applicant’s home university
Motivation letter in the form of an essay (not exceeding 2 pages); the focus of the essay
should be on the applicant’s individual interests and motivation
Transcript of Records / Diploma Certificate (if the original is in a language other than English
or German, a translation in English or German certified by the home university is necessary):
for Master’s students: Bachelor’s degree certificate and transcript of records from the
Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes
for PhD students: Bachelor’s and Master’s degree certificates, as well as the transcript of
records from the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degree programmes

2 letters of recommendation: Both letters of recommendation must be written by teachers who
taught or supervised the applicant during his/her degree programme. One of the two letters of
recommendation must be issued by an academic.
Curriculum vitae in tabular form (in English or German)
Copy of your passport
Proof of German or English language skills: Language certificates may not be older than one
German language skills (at least level B2); only official certificates from the ÖSD, Goethe
Institute or universities will be accepted.
English language skills (at least level B2) – Toefl, IELTS or MUL language report confirmed
by language school/institute (ask Christina Cresnik)
Step 2: Submitting the Application Documents
Applicants have to hand in all of the required application documents above as pdf files via
email to christina.cresnik(at) no later than DECEMBER 8th, 2017.
Include the following information in the application email:
First and last name (as in your passport)
Name of your home university in both the native language and in English
Field of study in which you are currently enrolled
Your academic programme (BA, MA, Diploma, Dr. etc.) and in which semester of your
programme you are currently in
If you were registered at an Austrian university in the past or are still registered at an Austrian
university, state the name of the university and your matriculation (ID) number
Application Deadline: The application deadline is December 8, 2017.

241. Scholarships at British International School of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, 2018

The British International School of Kuala Lumpur (BSKL) is one of the leading
international schools in Kuala Lumpur offering contemporary British international education to
students from Pre-Nursery through to Sixth Form. The British International School of Kuala
Lumpur (BSKL) is one of the leading international schools in Kuala Lumpur offering
contemporary British international education to students from Pre-Nursery through to Sixth Form.
If English is not your first language then you will need to show that your English language skills
are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: February 28, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to provide contemporary British international
education to students from Pre-Nursery through to Sixth Form.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: The school will provide:
An excellent salary.
Annual travel allowance.
International worldwide medical cover.
Up to two full school scholarships.
A professionally-stimulating and supportive working environment.
The chance to live and work in a culturally-diverse context.

Opportunities for promotion and development both within the school and the wider global
network of Nord Anglia Education.
Number of Scholarships: There are two scholarships available.
Scholarship can be taken in Malaysia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Malaysian students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: The school is seeking a professional who:
Is UK-trained (PGCE or equivalent) and has relevant UK curriculum experience (2 years
teaching experience minimum).
Enjoys a professionally-stimulating environment.
Promotes a well organised and inspiring learning environment.
Offers enthusiasm and demonstrates a positive approach to students.
Is comfortable integrating technology into all teaching practices.
Is committed to constant improvement in all aspects of school life.
Is reflective and continually strives to improve performance.
Understands the value of consistent application of school policies.
English Language Requirements: If English is not your first language then you will need to
show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
The mode of applying is online.

242. Postgraduate Scholarship Programme at University Putra Malaysia, 2018

The University Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Sime Darby Foundation (YSD) are inviting
potential candidates with excellent academic results who wish to pursue their postgraduate study
in UPM. The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) is an administrative centre and a core support
system which helps ease and enhance the postgraduate experience for UPM students and plays a
crucial role in fostering the relationship between UPM and its graduates. If English is not your
first language you will need to meet the university’s English language requirements for
postgraduate courses.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: Open for February 2018 intake
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing the postgraduate programme in UPM.
Study Subject: Scholarships will be offered to candidates who are inclined to pursue the
following fields of study: Robotic automation in oil palm estate; Engineering for palm oil mill
improvement; Agronomy-precision agriculture technology; Gene study-biotechnology for
crop improvement; Gene editing in oil palm; Palm oil specialty and wellness product;
Sustainable waste to wealth technology; Sustainable management in oil palm plantation; Soil
microbiome/crop protection and Bioinformatics and statistics
Scholarship Award: Full scholarship covers tuitions fees, living allowances, books and
thesis allowance.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Malaysia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Malaysian students can apply for these scholarships.
Entrance Requirements:
International (priory for citizen of Indonesia or People’s of Republic of China)
Undergraduate/ Masters of Science with CGPA of at least 3.20.
English Language Requirements: If English is not your first language you will need to meet
the university’s English language requirements for postgraduate courses.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
The mode of applying is online.

243. Foundation Diploma Scholarships in Malaysia, 2018

A3 Education and Training (A3) is pleased to announce that Kaplan Singapore is
offering 50% Scholarship for students applying into the new Kaplan Foundation Diploma or
Diploma programmes. A3 Education and Training (A3) provide high-quality education
counselling services to parents and students and self-development courses to working
professionals. If English is not your first language then you will need to show that your English
language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: June 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for students applying into the new Kaplan
Foundation Diploma or Diploma programmes.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: The scholarship schemes are available for;
50% Scholarship for new Kaplan Foundation Diploma students
50% Scholarship for new Diploma students
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Malaysia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Malaysian students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements:
Students that start from Kaplan Foundation Diploma will only receive the 50% scholarship
upon their progression into Diploma programme which amounts to SGD$ 2,247.00 (with
GST not including Admin Fee)
Students that start from Diploma will receive the 50% scholarship with immediate effect
which will be indicated in their Student Contract which comes to the amount of SGD$
5,992.00 (with GST not including Admin Fee)
English Language Requirements: If English is not your first language then you will need to
show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
The mode of applying is online.

244. ISRA Full Scholarships for International Students in Malaysia, 2018
The International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA) is offering full
scholarships for international students. These scholarships are open to all nationalities for
pursuing postgraduate studies (Master’s or Doctoral) in the field of Shari’ah or Islamic finance at
recognized institutions of higher learning in Malaysia. The International Shari’ah Research
Academy for Islamic Finance, more commonly known by its acronym, ISRA, has been
established to promote applied research in the area of Shari’ah and Islamic finance. Students need
to demonstrate that they have a good level of written and spoken English.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 15, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing postgraduate studies (Master’s or
Doctoral) at recognized institutions of higher learning in Malaysia.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Shari’ah or Islamic finance.
Scholarship Award: Scholarships will cover the followings:
Academic tuition fees – excluding registration or entrance fee, refundable deposit, personal
bond and accommodation;
Subsistence allowance;
Book allowance
Equipment allowance
Conference allowance
Thesis/end of study allowance
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Malaysia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Scholarships are open to all nationalities.
Entrance Requirements:
Obtained a Bachelor Degree in Shari’ah from recognised local or international universities
(Bachelor degree in Shari’ah, Muamalat, Jurisprudence, Islamic Law, Fiqh, Usul al-Fiqh or its
Obtained an offer to pursue or is currently pursuing master or doctoral studies in Shari’ah,
Islamic finance or its equivalent in a full-time mode;
Obtained a minimum CGPA of 3.50 (on a 4.0 scale), 4.0 (on a 5.0 scale), 80% (on a 100%
point scale), pass with distinction or its equivalent;
Fulfilled or passed language proficiency requirements specified by the programme;
Applicants should NOT be in receipt of any other scholarship award or financial assistance.
English Language Requirements: Students need to demonstrate that they have a good level
of written and spoken English.

Application Procedure:
Application form;
A copy of letter of offer; an official letter of admission from the institution of higher learning
confirming your placement at the institution;
A copy of academic certificates and full transcripts – Bachelor and/or Master’s degree;
A photocopy of personal identification/passport;

Two letters of recommendation from referees;
A copy of thesis proposal – applicable for the programme by researcher coursework &
How to Apply:
The mode of applying is online.

245. Scholarships for Malaysian Students at International Medical College, 2018

International Medical College offers full and partial sponsorships and scholarships for
Malaysian students. Sponsorship covers 3 years of tuition fees for pursuing Diploma in Nursing.
IMC’s mission is to be recognized as a premier and esteemed regional healthcare education
provider developing competent professionals through excellence in education, innovation and
research, contributing to the optimal health of the people.”
The International Medical College (IMC) was established in 1993 to train nurses for the
Pantai Group of Hospitals. The College, located strategically at Subang Jaya, Selangor and its
second centre at Ayer Keroh, Melaka, assumes the responsibility to train and develop a new
generation of nurses and allied health professionals. All IMC students are required to have a good
command of English. In addition, IMC students are expected to be fluent in Bahasa Malaysia
because they have to function effectively as students, and later as nurses.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: Open
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing Diploma.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Nursing
Scholarship Award: Scholarships will cover the followings:
3 years of tuition fees, accommodation (hostel), transportation for practical training, student
insurance coverage
Monthly allowances
Employment guarantee
Employment with sponsor hospital depends on the terms and conditions of respective
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Malaysia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Students from Malaysia are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Candidate must:
Be a Malaysian citizen.
Possess excellent academic records at SPM, STPM (are encouraged to apply, but the SPM
result must meet the academic entry requirement) with credits in Mathematics, Science,
Bahasa Malaysia and any other 2 subjects.
Be certified physically and mentally fit by a medical practitioner.
Boys are welcome to pursue the programme.
English Language Requirements: All IMC students are required to have a good command
of English. In addition, IMC students are expected to be fluent in Bahasa Malaysia because
they have to function effectively as students, and later as nurses.

Application Procedure:

How to Apply:
To apply for a sponsorship for Diploma in Nursing, please submit your application.

246. Future Leaders Scholarships at UTS in Australia, 2018

UTS Insearch is inviting applications for Future Leaders Scholarships. The offer is open
to international students from Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Macao,
Malaysia, Middle East and North Africa, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and
Vietnam. Future Leaders Scholarship, designed to give international students a head-start towards
their education and to help realise their future leadership goals. INSEARCH Limited is a
controlled entity of the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), and a registered private higher
education provider of pathways to UTS. If English is not your first language then you will need to
show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: Students must commence their UTS Insearch academic program in
2018 or 2019.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing UTS Insearch Leadership Program.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: Value of the scholarship:
A$3,000 towards your second semester academic tuition fees at UTS Insearch.
Guaranteed entry into the UTS Insearch Leadership Program. In this program, you will take
part in professional development and work experience, designed to build on your business
skills for employability. This program is ideal for students wanting to build on their resume
while studying. Valued at A$2,000!
The Leadership Program is designed to help prepare students for internships and provides
practical information about the Australian workplace and career planning. Students are
matched with an Australian employer for a half day work experience over the six-week
program. They also participate in a fun group activity such as a bridge climb and receive
workbooks and seminars about the Australian workplace.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Australia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Scholarships are open to international students with a passport from
Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Macao, Malaysia, Middle East and
North Africa, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.
Entrance Requirements:
The offer is open to international students with a passport from Cambodia, Hong Kong,
Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Macao, Malaysia, the Middle East and North Africa,
Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.
Students must commence their UTS Insearch academic program in 2018 or 2019.
English Language Requirements: If English is not your first language then you will need to
show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:

Email your name and response to the question below (maximum 200 words)
‘What type of leader would you like to become in the future and why?’
Then contact one of our trusted education representatives who will be able to help you
through the application process.
UTS Insearch will confirm if you are successful at the time of receiving your letter of offer.

247. Curtin Malaysia Merit Scholarship for International Students in Malaysia Campus,
The new Curtin Malaysia Merit Scholarship is now available for all new domestic and
international students. Scholarships are available to pursue Foundation Studies, Undergraduate and
Postgraduate programme . The Curtin University, Malaysia is the largest international campus of
Curtin University, a university based in Perth, Western Australia. It provides local and
international students with higher education in Sarawak, Malaysia. Admission to Curtin
Malaysia is a two-step process that involves satisfying English prerequisites and also the
university’s academic admission requirements. All Curtin courses are taught in English and
applicants must demonstrate their competence by meeting requirement as indicated for various
proficiency tests.
Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: International Scholarship Deadlines:
Offer / Closing Date / Other Remarks
Foundation: February 2, 2018 (Semester 1) & June 22, 2018 (Semester 2)
Undergraduate and Master’s: January 5, 2018 (Semester 1) & June 8, 2018 (Semester 2)
Masters (trimester’s intake only): December 1, 2017 (Trimester 1) & March 23 (Trimester 2)
& July 13 (Trimester 3).
Domestic Scholarship Deadlines:
Offered twice a year during the semester.
Closing date: Application forms and documents should reach Curtin University by:
2 week after result released (different results have different dates; i.e.: SPM, O Level, etc.)
If the dates fall on the weekend then the next working day is the due date.
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Foundation Studies, Undergraduate and
Postgraduate programme .
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to learn any of the courses offered by the
Scholarship Award: Domestic Scholarship:
Nationality: Malaysian and International students
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Malaysia

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Malaysian and International students are eligible to apply for this
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria:
Curtin Malaysia Merit Scholarship (Domestic)
Eligibility Criteria
Malaysian Citizen
Holding a Curtin Malaysia’s Letter-of-Offer to pursue Foundation Studies or Undergraduate
Scholarship is applicable only for the first year of study

Curtin Malaysia Merit Scholarship (International)
Eligibility Criteria
Non-Malaysian Citizen
Holding a Curtin Malaysia’s Letter-of-Offer to pursue Foundation Studies, Undergraduate,
and Postgraduate
Scholarship is applicable only for the first year of study
English Language Requirements: Applicants must meet the universities’

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Applications should be sent via e-mail, Fax and also by post. Please attach
together a copy of Actual Official Result and copy of passport/identification card.

248. Fellowship Training Programme in Pain Management at Mahidol University in

Thailand, 2018

The Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University is delighted to offer its
Fellowship Training Programme in Pain Management to encourage 1-year training to ensure that
trainee has learned and trained skill in managing pain. The amount of tuition fee 12,500 USD (for
the one-year program) will be granted by IASP and WFSA for the successful applicants (two
positions a year). The objective of the programme is to develop physicians that competent in basic
knowledge of pain management (as per program). Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol
University is the oldest and largest medical school and oldest of any kind of university faculty in
Thailand. The faculty is now part of Mahidol University.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: February 28, 2018
Course Level: Fellowship is available to pursue training programme.
Study Subject: Fellowship is available for doctors to attend the fellowship in Pain
Management each year, this is not the regular course.
Scholarship Award: The amount of tuition fee 12,500 USD (for a one-year program) will be
granted by IASP and WFSA for the successful applicants (two positions a year). The fee
Program training course (lectures and bed-side teaching).
Round-trip economic airfares.
Provided accommodation and Internet Access (Except electricity bill).
Registration fees for international and national anaesthetic and pain conferences (when
Nationality: Applicants from Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Philippines,
Indonesia, Singapore, Cambodia, East Timor, Laos, Brunei Darussalam and Mongolia are
eligible to apply for the fellowship.
Number of Scholarships : Number of fellowships is not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Thailand

Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Applicants from Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Philippines,
Indonesia, Singapore, Cambodia, East Timor, Laos, Brunei Darussalam and Mongolia are
eligible to apply for the fellowship.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have generally been a physician of two particular
specialities namely, Anesthesiology or Physical & Rehabilitation, who has at least 3-year
experiences in his or her career
English Language Requirements: Applicants must be fluent in English.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
Include with your application:
Completed WFSA/IASP fellowship in the clinical pain management application form.
Curriculum vitae.
Medical Certificate.
Board Certificate in Anesthesiology or Rehabilitation Medicine.
A letter of recommendation from trainee’s institution states that he/she has served as their
clinical staff and will be potentially supported in the career.
Two letters of recommendation.
Please fill in the application form and reply back to us with requirement document. Please
also kindly assist forward this information to the relevant person.
Please send all required document and application by email.

249. DISTED Diploma Full Scholarship for Malaysian Students, 2018

The DISTED College Penang is pleased to announce the availability of Full Scholarship
for Malaysian students. The scholarship is available to pursue diploma programme. The aim of
the scholarship is to help talented students who need aids to achieve their desired future. DISTED
College Penang is a non-profit private college in Malaysia. DISTED is one of the pioneers of A-
Level and SACE International pre-university courses.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: April 23, 2018
Course Level: The scholarship is available to pursue diploma programme.
Study Subject: The scholarship is awarded in the fields offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: The scholarship will cover tuition fees and MPU fees only for the entire
duration of the programme.
Nationality: Malaysian
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Malaysia
Eligibility for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries: Malaysia
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet following criteria:
This scholarship is applicable to citizens and permanent residents of Malaysia only
The applicant must be a registered student of DISTED College

The award will be based on the following criteria:
Actual SPM/IGCSE results of the year 2017 (9 A’s and above) (A+, A, A-)
Co-curricular activities
Interview is required
Personal Statement (400 – 500 words)
Any other outstanding personal achievement
Only results of the most recent sitting will be considered. Applicants MUST obtain their
results in only one sitting and not combine them over several examination sessions
Should students fail to complete the program within the stipulated time (6 to 8 semesters
depending on the program), the subsequent semesters must be paid in full
Should students defer or switch to a new program, the scholarship will be null and void
Recipients of this award are NOT required to perform any compulsory duties but will be
required to participate in promotional activities at the discretion of the college
Candidates who successfully obtain the Full Scholarship will be refunded any TUITION and
MPU fees paid prior to obtaining the scholarship.
All other conditions not stated in this T&C will adhere to the General Criteria and Conditions
of the Awards and Bursaries policy
DISTED reserves the right to amend the above conditions at any given time without prior

Application Procedure:
Applicants can apply via online mode.
How to Apply:
Applicants should complete all relevant sections of the application form.

250. UMT ASEAN Scholarships in Malaysia, 2018

For September 2018 intake, the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) will offer
ASEAN scholarships to pursue master degree programme. These scholarships are open to the
citizens of ASEAN countries (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore,
Myanmar (Burma), Cambodia, Laos, Brunei). Universiti Malaysia Terengganu strives to become
a leading global university especially in the niche area of marine sciences and aquatic resources.
The Universiti Malaysia Terengganu or UMT, formerly known as Kolej Universiti Sains dan
Teknologi Malaysia or KUSTEM, is a university in Kuala Nerus District, Terengganu, Malaysia.
It was officially chartered on 1 February 2007.

Scholarship Description:
Applications close: May 31, 2018
Course Level: Scholarship is available for pursuing Master of Management (ICZM), Master
of Science (Aquaculture) and Master of Business Administration (MBA).
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award:
Number of Scholarships: Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Malaysia countries

Eligibility for the Scholarship :

Eligible Countries: Citizens of ASEAN countries (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Philippines, Singapore, Myanmar (Burma), Cambodia, Laos, Brunei) are eligible to apply.

Entrance Requirements: Candidates must be from ASEAN countries, minimum CGPA of
3.6 and pass all entry requirements for Malaysia Visa.

Application Procedure:
A complete application should consist of:
A complete signed application form;
Certified copy of Identification Card / International Passport;
Certified copy of degree certificate;
Certified copy of transcript;
A report of project proposal (for Research structure only);
Report of an academic referee (must be sealed);
Documentary evidence of the applicant’s ability to cover all related expenses during
programme periods such as bank guarantee or sponsorship letter for an amount of
MYR30,000 (Master) or MYR48,000 (PhD) – international applicant only
How to Apply:
Those who are interested can apply for the scholarship using the attached form and it must be
submitted to International Centre, UMT.

251. UMW Undergraduate Scholarship Programme in Malaysia, 2018

Applications are invited for UMW Scholarship Programme open to 1st-year students
pursuing a degree at local universities. Malaysian students are eligible to apply for this
scholarship programme. The UMW Group today has diverse and global interest in the
Automotive, Equipment, and Manufacturing & Engineering sectors. We stand tall as one of the
Malaysia’s foremost public-listed companies, while continuously building on the strengths of our
core businesses to tap opportunities in the international arena. The UMW Group’s reach now
extends to Singapore, Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, China, and India.
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue undergraduate programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in following fields of study:
Accounting, Finance, Tax & Treasury
Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Statistics
Business Management, (Marketing, Economics, Human Resources, Corporate Administration)
Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Mechatronics, Aerospace, Process)
Professional Certification in fields related to UMW Businesses (e.g. ACCA)
Scholarship Award: Scholarship package*
Total scholarship up to RM12, 000 per annum to cover registration fees, tuition & exam fees, cost
of books and living allowance.
* Only applicable to selected local learning institutions that are accredited by MQA.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Malaysia

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
Minimum 3.30 CGPA or its equivalent at pre-university level
(STOM/Foundation/Matriculation/Diploma) or
2As and 1B for A-Levels.
Active in extracurricular activities.
Highly proficient in spoken and written English.

Not exceeding 23 years of age.
Open to 1st-year students pursuing a degree at local universities.
Nationality: Malaysian students are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Students must have minimum 3.30 CGPA or its equivalent at pre-
university level (STOM/Foundation/Matriculation/Diploma) or 2As and 1B for A-Levels.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must be highly proficient in spoken and written

How to Apply: Download the Scholarship Application Form and email the completed form to us
Application Deadline: Scholarship application deadline is October 11, 2017.

252. Uniten Bold Postgraduate Scholarship for International Students in Malaysia, 2018
The University of Tenaga Nasional is offering Uniten Bold Postgraduate Scholarships for
International Students. There are two type of scholarships: Bold Excellent Student Scholarship –
(PhD – RM 36, 000 or Master – RM24, 000) and Bold Talent Scholarship – (Master / PhD – RM
12, 000). University’s vision is to be the premier graduate college in engineering, IT and business
and to provide excellent research leadership and services. The University of Tenaga Nasional is a
private university, located in Selangor, Malaysia, with GLC university status. It is wholly owned
by the public-listed Tenaga Nasional Berhad, established in 1999.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing master’s and PhD programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the students offered by the university.
Scholarship Award:
Bold Excellent Student Scholarship – (PhD – RM 36, 000 or Master – RM24, 000)
Bold Talent Scholarship – (Master / PhD – RM 12, 000)
Scholarship can be taken in Malaysia

Bold Excellent Student Scholarship
General Requirements:
Has completed Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of at least 3.50/4.00.
Must not be sponsored by any Federal/State or any other Statutory Bodies.
International candidates are eligible to apply.
Secured offer letter of Master/PhD admission at Universiti Tenaga Nasional.
Must attend an interview conducted at the College level.
Must be free from any debt with Universiti Tenaga Nasional
Bold Talent Scholarship
General Requirements:
Has completed Bachelor’s Degree with CGPA of at least 3.00/4.00.

Must not be sponsored by any Federal/State or any other Statutory Bodies.
International candidates are eligible to apply.
Secured offer letter of Master/PhD admission at Universiti Tenaga Nasional.
Must attend an interview conducted at the College level.
Must be free from any debt with Universiti Tenaga Nasional
Nationality: International students are eligible to apply.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have completed Bachelor’s Degree.
Test Requirement: No
English Language Requirement: All international applicants for whom English is not the
native tongue must provide proof of competence in the English language.

How to Apply: All applications must be submitted to College of Graduate Studies.

Application Deadline: The application deadline is November 30, 2017.

253. International Academic Scholarships at Sunway International School in Malaysia, 2018

The Sunway International School is inviting applications for Academic Scholarships.
These scholarships are available to full-time Malaysian and International students who have
completed their primary school education and applying for admission into Grade 7 for the January
intake every year. The SIS Academic, Music & Sports, and IBDP Entrance Scholarships are
offered as an incentive to encourage our students to continue pursuing their passions; be it in
sport, music and dance, or striving for greater heights in academic standard.

Course Level: Scholarships for available for admissions into Grade 7.

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of sport, music and dance.
Scholarship Award: The award of scholarship takes the form of a 25% waiver on tuition fee
only. The scholarship is not a cash award.
Scholarship can be taken in Malaysia

Eligibility: Full-time Malaysian and International students who have completed their primary
school education and applying for admission into Grade 7 for the January intake every year.
New admissions into Grade 7 (Applicable to January intake only)
Must fulfil the academic requirements as follows:
Malaysian Curriculum – 6As from the Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) inclusive:
English (Comprehension and Writing), Mathematics, Science; AND
Bahasa Malaysia (Comprehension and Writing) OR Mandarin Language (Comprehension and
Writing) OR
Tamil Language (Comprehension and Writing)
International or Other Curriculum: As in ALL subjects (Applicable to externally marked
achievement test and certification at the end of Grade 6 or equivalent)
Open to both Malaysian and International student applicants
All documents relevant to the scholarship must be endorsed by parents and/or relevant authorities.
Nationality: Scholarships are open to both Malaysian and International student applicants.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement:
SIS welcomes students who have completed at least 6 years of primary to apply for admission
into Grade 7. For Grades 8 to 11, students would be expected to show documentation indicating

successful completion of the most recent level to apply for the next progressive grade. This will
be determined at the initial stage via a review of the applicant’s most recent 3 years’ final report
card/academic results on submission of the application documents.
Applicants must fulfil the Application procedures that include writing a Readiness Assessment in
English and Mathematics. Applicants are expected to meet the minimum requirements in these
competencies, to gauge their eligibility for the academic expectations of the grade.
As a general rule, SIS will consider an applicant’s age at point of commencement when
considering an applicant’s eligibility for the grade applied. In the event of exceptions, the
application would be reviewed by the Principal’s Office on a case-by-case basis. Where
necessary, an interview may be conducted if required to confirm the grade placement. While for
IBDP applications, all students will be required to sit for the interview(s).

How to Apply:
Applicants must complete the respective Scholarship Application Form and submit it along with
the following documents to the SIS Admissions and Administration Office by the deadlines
indicated below:
Certified true copies of academic results:
Malaysian curriculum – Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) result
International curriculum – Latest/Current Year externally marked achievement tests and
certification at the end of Grade 6 or equivalent (eg. Cambridge Checkpoint)
Letter of recommendation from latest/current school’s principal to verify student’s good
behavioural record, having not come under school-wide disciplinary action during his/her school

Application Deadline: Scholarship application closing date is December 1, 2017, for subsequent
January intake.

254. International Scholarship in Medical Biochemistry at AIMST University in Malaysia,

AIMST University is now accepting applications for MSc Scholarship in Medical
Biochemistry that is purely research-based. International students are eligible to apply for this
scholarship programme. This programme is designed to train graduates to demonstrate basic
knowledge in the fields of Biochemistry, Biostatistics, Information Technology, Genetic, Medical
Biochemistry, and Bioinformatics. AIMST University pledges to provide the best array of
services and facilities to meet the discerning needs of our students. We have a range of specialist
services ready to help and support them during their time with us. Our Student Affairs Officers
will assist students in making arrangements for accommodation, transportation and even help to
organize extracurricular activities for them.

Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue MSc programme.

Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded in the field of Medical Biochemistry
Scholarship Award: The Student Affairs Division assists students in obtaining financial aid for
their courses through a number of agencies. Students may apply for the National Higher
Education Student Loan Scheme (Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional – PTPTN)
upon enrolment to a degree programme at AIMST, provided they possess a minimum of three
credits in their Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM).

AIMST offers students with excellent performance in the SPM discounts on tuition fees upon
enrollment in our Foundation programmes. The discount rate is based on the number of A’s
obtained and could be as high as 70% of their tuition fees.
AIMST offers students with excellent performance in the SPM discounts on tuition fees upon
enrollment in our Foundation programmes. The discount rate is based on the number of A’s
obtained and could be as high as 70% of their tuition fees.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Malaysia

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
Students must have Bachelor in Biochemistry (Hons) or other related science degrees. For
international students, Pass IELTS with a minimum band of 5.5 or TOEFL with min 550 points if
the medium of instruction is not English.
1 year full-time or 2-year part-time study on campus
The language of Instruction:
Nationality: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Students must have Bachelor in Biochemistry (Hons) or another related
science degree.
English Language Requirements: For international students, pass IELTS with a minimum band of
5.5 or TOEFL with min 550 points if the medium of instruction is not English.

How to Apply: The mode of application is online.

Application Deadline: Scholarship is open for a 2018-2019 academic year.

255. Putra Business School Fully Funded Scholarships for Malaysian Students, 2018
The new Putra Business School (PBS) Scholarships are now available on offer to pursue
to all new MSc, MBA as well as PhD programs. Malaysian citizens are eligible to apply for this
scholarship programme.As one of Malaysia’s Top Business Schools, Putra Business
School (PBS) aims to attract high-achieving applicants from all over the country. Putra Business
School (PBS) is not like any business school. PBS’ fundamental approach to the purpose of
business is as enablers to the betterment of society. To do that business leaders need to be the
drivers, not merely adhering to rules and regulations impacting the business. It is the human who
decides what type of business is set up and for what purpose. After all, business is a human

Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue MSc, MBA as well as PhD programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded for Professional MBA in Human Potential
Management, Professional MBA in Marketing, MBA in Accounting, Specialized Master of
Science and Specialized Doctor of Philosophy.
Scholarship Award: The scholarship covers up to 100% of the tuition fee for full-time study.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Malaysia

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
Merit Scholarship
Criteria for Eligibility
Bachelor’s degree with minimum CGPA 3.50 ( for full scholarship) or minimum CGPA 3.30 (for
partial scholarship) from recognised institution
Interview is required
Letter from a referee is required (Dean/lecturer/employer)
Specific Terms and Conditions
Candidate must obtain a minimum CGPA of 3.50 every trimester to maintain the scholarship.
Research Scholarship (for the Specialised PhD and MSc programmes)
Criteria for Eligibility
Bachelor’s degree with minimum CGPA 3.50 from recognised institution
Research proposal is approved by the Studies Committee
Interview is required
Letter from a referee is required (Dean/lecturer/employer)
Specific Terms and Conditions
Must submit an article to a Scopus indexed journal by the 3rd semester as a requirement for
continued funding in the 4th semester. An evidence of such submission must indicate that the
article has been sent for review as stated by the journal editor.
For the Specialised Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Programme
Criteria for Eligibility
Master’s degree with minimum CGPA 3.50 from recognised institution
Research proposal is approved by the Studies Committee
Interview is required
Letter from a referee is required (Dean/lecturer/employer)
Specific Terms and Conditions
Must submit an article to a Scopus indexed journal by the 4th semester as a requirement for
continued funding in the 5th and 6th semesters. An evidence of such submission must indicate
that the articles have been sent for review as stated by the journal editor.
Nationality: Malaysian citizens are eligible to apply for this scholarship programme.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Students must have Bachelor’s degree with minimum CGPA 3.50 ( for
full scholarship) or minimum CGPA 3.30 (for partial scholarship) from recognised institution

How to Apply: The mode of application is online.

Application Deadline: Applications can be made throughout the year. Applicants must check the
closing dates of the applications .

256. Master and Short Term Executive Training Programme Under JISPA in Japan, 2017
Master and Short Term Executive Training Programme are open for Asian students.
These awards are funded by the government of Japan and administered by the International
Monetary Fund (IMF). The aim of the programme is to support excellent applicants of Asia. The
government of Japan, administered by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) objective is to
contribute to institutional capacity building in economic policymaking to promote the sustainable
growth of emerging and developing economies in Asia and the Pacific.

Course Level: The programme is available to pursue master’s programme and Macroeconomic
Study Subject: The programme is awarded in the fields offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: The programme is fully funded.
Number of Scholarships: Not known
Scholarship can be taken in Japan

Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

Applicants must be nationals of Asia
Nationality: Asian applicants are eligible for the programme.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have previous year degree.
English Language Requirement: TOEFL is requirement.

How to Apply: Applicants can apply via email.

Application Deadline: The application deadline is December 1, 2017.

257. SHARE Scholarship Programme for ASEAN Students, 2018

The European Union (EU) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are
inviting applications for SHARE Scholarship Programme. Scholarships are available to study at
ASEAN or EU universities for one semester in the period December 2017 – August 2018. The
SHARE scholarship aims to enhance the overall student experience during the mobility phase,
and specifically their experience in receiving credits for the coursework done abroad and the
possibility to use these credits towards their degree at their home university. Applicants whose
first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at
the higher level required by the University.

Course Level: Scholarships are available to study at ASEAN or EU universities for one semester
in the period December 2017 – August 2018.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: The SHARE Scholarship covers tuition fees (waived by the universities), a
monthly stipend/living allowance, return airfare, health insurance, a one-time settling-in
allowance, study materials, and visa costs throughout the duration of the programme .
Number of Scholarships: Approximately 500 scholarships are available, of which 400
scholarships are allocated for intra-ASEAN mobility and 100 scholarships for ASEAN-EU
Scholarship can be taken at ASEAN or EU Universities

The SHARE Scholarship is meant for active undergraduate ASEAN students from selected
ASEAN Universities that have completed at least 2 semesters at their home university to study for
one semester at another selected ASEAN university.
Exchange students can come from all ASEAN countries. Students from the ASEAN Member
States, except for Brunei Darussalam and Singapore, are eligible for receiving scholarship funds
from this program in line with the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) Regulation.

However, students from Brunei and Singapore can participate in the mobility programme at their
own cost.
Nationality: Citizens of ASEAN students are eligible to apply.
List of Countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos,
Myanmar and Cambodia
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement:
Candidate should have completed at least two (2) semesters at their home university
Candidate must be a national of an ASEAN Member State
Candidate should be a student of a participating university
English Language Requirement: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

How to Apply: Students will need to apply through the SHARE Scholarship online application
system, available on their website. Candidates must apply online and submit the following
Letter of acceptance from host university (Candidates can only apply for a scholarship for
selected English-taught courses)
Letter of endorsement from home university
Recent academic transcript (in English)
Copy of valid passport
Recent photograph (passport size)
Application Deadline: The application deadline is November 10, 2017.

258. Beijing Sports University “Belt and Road” Sports Talent Scholarship Program in
China, 2018
Applications are invited for Beijing Sports University “Belt and Road”Sports Talent
Scholarship Program in China. The scholarship covers tuition, accommodation and a monthly
subsidy. This program is open to South American citizens. Applicants from Brazil, Argentina,
Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, and Uruguay will get priority admission. Beijing Sports
University, formerly known as “Central Institute of Physical Education” and “Beijing Institute of
Physical Education”, is a nation-level public university located in Beijing. Beijing Sports
University is a famous university which has a glorious history, profound deposit of culture, solid
schooling foundation and distinctive education characteristics. Planning for this university began
in July 1952 and it was founded formally in November of that year. Applicants whose first
language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the
higher level required by the University.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 15, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue undergraduate programme.
Study Subject: There are 16 Bachelor degree programs, including Physical Education, Sport
Training, Social Sport Instruction and Management, Sport Science, Traditional Chinese Sport,
Public Affairs Administration, Sport Economics and Management, Journalism, Advertising,
Applied Psychology, English, Performance, Dance Performance, Sport Rehabilitation and Health,
Leisure Sport, and Teaching Chinese as Second Language.

Scholarship Award: The scholarship covers tuition, accommodation and a monthly subsidy. It
will support 4-year undergraduate program with an extra one-semester Chinese language
program. Students can also join the Chinese language courses free of charge during the first
semester of their bachelor degree study in their spare time.
Free tuition
Free accommodation on campus
2500RMB/month as living subsidy
S. One-semester Chinese language program starts at the beginning of March 2018.
Nationality: This program is open to South American citizens.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in China

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: This program is open to South American citizens (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil,
Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela) are
eligible. Applicants from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, and Uruguay will
get priority admission.
Entrance Requirements: This program is open to South American citizens who are healthy,
aged from18 to 30, and have a certain skill level in football. Applicants from Brazil, Argentina,
Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, and Uruguay will get priority admission. Applicants for
undergraduate study must have the equivalent of a high school diploma.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: Applicants must complete the online application from December 10, 2017 to
January 15, 2018 and mail the hard-copy materials prior to January 30, 2018.
(II) Application process
Log in to to fill out the registration information online as required.
Print the registration form and mail it together with the following materials to Office 6004,
Foreign Student Apartment, Beijing Sport University, No.48 Xinxi Road, Haidian District,
Beijing, China.
(1) Copy of your passport (photo page),
(2) Copies of your high school course transcripts and a notarized document in Chinese or English,
(3) Copy of your high school diploma and a notarized document in Chinese or English.
Graduating students may provide the expected graduation certificate first, and then provide the
copy of the high school diploma and notarized document in Chinese or English after obtaining the
Certificates to prove that you have a certain level of skill in football. All application materials will
not be returned.

259. BRICS Multilateral Joint Science and Technology Research Grants, 2018
National Research Foundation (NRF) and BRICS Ministers of Science and Technology
are delighted to offer its BRICS Multilateral Joint Science and Technology Research Grants. The
funds are available for South African applicants. The aim of the funds is to provide an opportunity
for emerging researchers in the BRICS countries to meet and interact and to support the

advancement of basic research. National Research Foundation (NRF) is the intermediary agency
between the policies and strategies of the Government of South Africa and South Africa’s
research institutions.

Course Level: Funds are available to pursue research.

Study Subject: Funds are awarded in the following fields:
Biotechnology and biomedicine including human health and neuroscience.
Information technologies and high-performance computing.
Material science including nanotechnology.
New and renewable energy, and energy efficiency.
Prevention and monitoring of natural disasters.
Water resources and pollution treatment.
Scholarship Award : Funds will cover the following:
Research-related costs – activities to be supported may include expenses relating to field work
such as conducting interviews, research-related trips, publication costs and research equipment
(small equipment – 10 % of the budget).
Exchange programmes – mobility of researchers, postdocs and doctoral students between the
partnering BRICS countries.
Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research Placements – for visits not shorter than 2 weeks and not
longer than 6 months per annum; with flexibility to split the placements into several shorter visits.
Knowledge sharing costs – in support of project-related activities, such as joint workshops,
seminars, conferences, symposia, lecturer presentations, meetings, local and regional
dissemination of results to relevant stakeholders.
Consumables – 10% of the budget is allowed for consumables and accessories.
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
This call is open to working researchers residing in South Africa and affiliated with a recognised
higher education or research institution such as a university, university of technology or science
The South African applicant must be in possession of a PhD.
A multi-institutional/ consortia approach will be preferred. Therefore, applicants are allowed to
collaborate with other partners such as NGOs or companies. However, the NGOs and industry
participants are expected to meet their participation costs in the joint project.
Nationality: South African applicants are eligible to apply for the funds.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have a PhD.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must be fluent in English.

How to Apply: Applicants can apply via online:

Applications must be submitted to the BRICS Call Secretariat and to each of the respective
funding organisations in BRICS countries according to national regulations. Therefore, the same
proposal to be received in South Africa should have been received by the BRICS Call Secretariat
and the other BRICS partner countries (through their national rules). The expectation is that
applicants will, amongst themselves, appoint a Project Coordinator whose responsibility will be to

act as a point of contact between the project members and the Call Secretariat as well as to submit
a Joint Application Form (JAF) to the Call Secretariat by 28 November 2017.
BRICS Call Secretariat:
Applicants are expected to download the Joint Application Form (JAF) available at and submit to BRICS Call Secretariat.
The project coordinator must submit the JAF to the BRICS Call Secretariat through the online
BRICS STI Framework Programme Application Management System (AMS) by 28 November 2017.
A proposal not received by the BRICS Call Secretariat and by each of the respective funding
organisations by the due date will not be considered for funding.
South African applicants should further submit their applications by following the steps below:
The South African PI must submit a full joint proposal electronically to the NRF through the NRF
Online Submission System at
Register/Login using your ID/ passport number and password.
Go to “My Applications” and select “Create Application”.
Select the call for which you are applying for: BRICS Multilateral Joint Science & Technology
Research Collaboration 2018.
Complete all compulsory sections and the CV sections in full. Please attach the required
documents in PDF format in the following order: CVs of partners, budgets of partners, signed
support letters of the partners, student exchange programme plan and proof of application to Call
Secretariat. Failure to submit compulsory documents will result in the disqualification of the
Remember to submit your application on completion.
Complete applications will go to the host institutions for verification before being forwarded to
the NRF for further processing.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Applications that do not meet the eligibility criteria will not be considered.
Please contact your research office or Designated Authority if you have any queries.
Applications submitted outside the NRF Online Submission System will not be accepted.
No hard copies will be accepted and will automatically be disqualified by the NRF.
Only applications endorsed by the research office or its equivalent at higher education or research
institutions will be accepted.
Application Deadline: The application deadline is December 1, 2017.

260. DAAD Study Scholarships and Research Grants for Foreigners in Germany, 2018
Applications are invited for Sustainable Water Management: Study Scholarships and
Research Grants for Foreigners Doctorate. The DAAD Special Programme funded with the
resources of the BMBF on “Sustainable Water Management” is focused on the promotion of
young scientists from Brazil, Chile, Iran, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Namibia, Peru, South
Africa and Vietnam. The objective of the programme is to qualify experts in sustainable water
management technology for the respective home countries, to enhance technical cooperation
between those countries and Germany. The German Academic Exchange Service or DAAD
(German: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) is the largest German support organization
in the field of international academic co-operation.

Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue research.

Study Subject: The programme “Study Scholarships and Research Grants for Foreigners” offers
highly-qualified doctoral students from the above countries the opportunity to complete their PhD
in applied research in the thematic fields of “Water and Energy”, “Water and Nutrition”, “Water
and Environment”, “Water and Health” or “Water in Urban Areas”. Studies are to be carried out
in Germany and should be technology-oriented.
Scholarship Award: Scholarship covers:
Six-month intensive language course prior to the start of the research stay
Monthly payments of 1.200 Euro
Annual research allowance of 460 Euro
Flat-rate travel allowance for outward and return journey
Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover
Under certain circumstances, doctoral grant holders may receive the following additional benefits:
Monthly rent subsidy
Monthly allowance for accompanying family members
Payment of course fees for the online language course “Deutsch-Uni Online (DUO)
( for six months after receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter
Allowance for a self-chosen accompanying German language course during the grant period if
free-of-charge courses are not offered by the host institution.
Reimbursement of the fees for the TestDaF test which is either taken in the home country after
receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter or in Germany before the end of the grant period.
Please note: Study trips or fieldwork outside of Germany are not encouraged and cannot be
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in Germany

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the
Applications are open to excellently qualified doctoral candidates from the above-mentioned
countries who graduated in disciplines with relevance to sustainable water management no longer
than six years ago.
As a rule, applicants should have graduated with a master’s degree no longer than six years before
the time of application.
Applicants who have been resident in Germany for longer than 15 months at the time of
application cannot be considered
Prior communication between the applicant and the academic supervisor is required including a
short preparatory visit. The preparatory visit is mandatory and can only be waived in well-
founded cases. (e.g. if applicant and supervisors have already been in close contact or know each
other from common projects). In such cases, the applicant must provide a written agreement from
the future supervisor that the visit is not necessary. Funding is available for the visit on the
application. (In case of a positive decision of the selection committee, information about
requirements and procedure will be provided together with the letter of award)
Proposals must be relevant to the above-mentioned thematic fields in applied research.
Nationality: The DAAD Special Programme funded with the resources of the BMBF on
“Sustainable Water Management” is focused on the promotion of young scientists from Brazil,
Chile, Iran, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Namibia, Peru, South Africa and Vietnam.
College Admission Requirement

Entrance Requirements: As a rule, applicants should have graduated with a master’s degree no
longer than six years before the time of application.
English Language Requirements: Applicants are generally expected to have a good knowledge of
English (TOEFL 80 or IELTS: 6.0)
•If available, German language certificate (TestDaF, Zertifikat Deutsch, Deutsches Sprachdiplom,
Sprachkenntnisformular DAAD).

How to Apply: • Please note that the “Submit an application” tab in the scholarship database will
only appear while the current application period is running. After the application deadline has
expired, the portal is no longer available for this program.
The access to the DAAD portal will open about 6-8 weeks before the application deadline.
Certificates, proof of credits, certifications and translations may be scanned in non-certified form
and uploaded to the DAAD portal. The DAAD Head Office in Bonn will only request certified
copies of the submitted documents in paper form if a grant is awarded.
Online application form
Letter of Motivation (2 pages max., see attached instruction)
Full curriculum vitae in tabular form (3 pages max.)
List of publications (max. 3 pages), if applicable
Summary of the Master’s Thesis (2 pages max.)
A detailed description of the research proposal, after due discussion with the academic supervisor
at the German host institution (max. 10 pages). The description must comprise a detailed schedule
of the planned research work. Please submit the proposal and schedule with your original
application and an updated version after the preparatory visit
Confirmation of supervision by a scientist from a German university or higher education
institution, with documentation of the supervisor’s cooperation with the relevant industries,
organizations and/or municipalities. Please submit with your original application. An updated
version can be submitted after the preparatory visit. It would be beneficial to nominate a person
from your home country as a mentor or co-supervisor, preferably with industry contacts, or a
mentor of your current or prospective employer, where applicable.
One letter of recommendation by a scientist of your own choice – preferentially the supervisor of
your master thesis – must be submitted in a sealed envelope, or sent directly by the referee to the
DAAD in Bonn by the closing date for applications. Please regard the instructions given on the
tab “Submitting an application”.
University degree certificate indicating final grade(s) (Bachelor and Master); the certificate must
be submitted before the grant-supported research begins if it is not available at the time of
All university certificates on all annual examinations with individual grade (transcripts of
records), incl. explanation of the grading system
Other documents which support your application (example: certificates of employment, proof of
placement, etc.)
German or English translations of documents submitted in the national language
Language certificate as described above
APS Certificate (for Applicants from Mongolia and Vietnam)
Application Deadline: Grant application deadline is October 31, 2017.

261. Fully Funded Master Scholarship at Hong Kong Baptist University, 2018
The Hong Kong Baptist University offers fully Funded Master Scholarship in the field of
International Journalism Studies. The scholarship is available for Vietnamese, Filipino,
Indonesian or Indian students. The aim of the scholarship is to encourage the study of
International Journalism. Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) is a publicly funded tertiary
institution with a Christian education heritage.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline : February 28, 2018
Course Level: The scholarship is available to pursue a master degree.
Study Subject: The scholarship is awarded in International Journalism.
Scholarship Award : The scholarship is fully funded
Nationality: Vietnamese, Filipino, Indonesian or Indian
Number of Scholarships : Not given
Scholarship can be taken in Hong Kong

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Vietnam, Philippines, India and Indonesia
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet following criteria:
Have at least one undergraduate degree in business administration, journalism, communication,
organizational development, marketing, international business or relevant fields.
Have 5+ years’ of work experience after graduation by the time application
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have a valid minimum TOEFL iBT 79 or
Application Procedure:
The mode of applying is online.

How to Apply:
Curriculum vitae
Cover letter
Academic transcript and degree
English certification
Work recommendation letter
A 500-word essay: “How will the Work Integrated Learning approach help you to become an
outstanding Global Trade Leader?”

262. Senior and Intermediate Research Fellowship for International Students in India, 2018
The Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance now wishes to invite applicants for its Senior
and Intermediate Research Fellowship to pursue a research career in an academic institution in
India. Fellowship is open for basic science/veterinary researchers with 4 -15 years of post-PhD
research experience. The aim of the fellowship is to supports outstanding researchers of any
nationality, either medically qualified or science graduates, who wish to pursue a research career
in an academic institution in India. The Wellcome Trust is a biomedical research charity based in

London, United Kingdom. It was established in 1936 with legacies from the pharmaceutical
magnate Sir Henry Wellcome to fund research to improve human and animal health.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 15, 2018
Course Level: Fellowship is available to pursue research programme.
Study Subject: Fellowship is awarded to support biomedical research that is relevant to human
and animal welfare.
Scholarship Award: The fellowship has the tenure of five years and provides:
The Fellow’s personal support.
Research expenses, including research assistance if required (normally funding for four research
staff may be requested).
The total award for a Senior Fellowship typically includes the costs requested by the applicant as
well as the set contributions by the India Alliance. For further details, see costing policies. Costs
requested by the applicant must be commensurate with their research proposal and should be fully
justified in the full application. Inadequate justifications may result in costs being revised.
Time permitted for non-research related activity during the fellowship is normally restricted to a
maximum of eight hours each week.
Nationality: Applicants of any nationality are eligible to apply for the fellowship.
Number of Scholarships: Number of fellowships is not given.
Scholarship can be taken in India

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants of any nationality are eligible to apply for the fellowship.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must be a basic science/veterinary researchers with 4 -15
years of post-PhD research experience.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must be fluent in English.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
Full applications are accepted by invitation only.
Full applications must be submitted using IASys, our online application system. The link to
access the Full Application is provided in the email invitation.
Applicants who have limited/unreliable access to the internet should email the Office in the first
Full applications require a synergistic interaction between all the individuals named on the
application such as the applicant, sponsor, research sponsor, fellowship supervisor, host
institution administration etc., and it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that it is submitted
by the prescribed deadline. Late applications received due to delays caused between participants
on an application will not be accepted.

263. International Students Scholarships at Sage University in India, 2018

The Sage University is offering scholarships for new international students. Scholarships
cover 10% to 30% tuition fees to pursue degree programmes available within the university.
SAGE University (SU) where technology, innovation and entrepreneurship come together to
create a dynamic learning environment. Learning for employment is key at SU.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: May 31, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing degree programmes offered at the
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: 10% to 30%
Number of Scholarships: Not Known
Scholarship can be taken in India

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International students are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: University scholarships for international students are available to new
international students. The application criteria includes academic success, financial need,
community involvement, sports excellence, references from instructors or employers.
English Language Requirements: If English is not your first language then you will need to show
that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.
Application Procedure:
The following documents should be submitted for the Scholarship Application:
SU Application Form
Passport Copy
4 Passport Size Photographs
Academic Results & Transcripts
Testimonials and Certificates of Achievements (Sports, Academic, Co-Curricular etc)
Resume / CV – Reference Letters from the Previous School/College/University

How to Apply:
To apply for scholarships, please email to for any queries and submit the
complete set of application to the SAGE.

264. CEFIPRA Postdoctoral Fellowship in Galaxy Assembly in India, 2018

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Fellowship for a period of two years based at
Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune, India. The position is
funded by the CEFIPRA – Indo-French Center for the Promotion of Advanced Research
(IFCPAR) for Indian and French applicants. The aim of the fellowship is to support applicants
from India and French who hold a PhD degree in astronomy, astrophysics or related discipline.
The Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) is an autonomous
institution set up by the University Grants Commission to promote nucleation and growth of
active groups in astronomy and astrophysics in Indian universities.

Scholarship Description:
Applications close: December 31, 2017
Course Level: Fellowship is available to pursue post-doctoral programme.
Study Subject: Fellowship is awarded in analysing multi-wavelength data set ranging from UV
to IR and CO on galaxies in the HST/GOODS field.
Scholarship Award: The successful candidate will be provided on-campus accommodation
subject to availability (in case of unavailability, HRA will be provided along with the fellowship)

and medical benefits as per IUCAA norms. In addition, the candidate will have the opportunity to
visit Observatoire de Paris, France for the purpose of project collaboration.
Nationality: Applicants from India and French are eligible to apply for the fellowship.
Number of Scholarships: Number of fellowships is not given
Scholarship can be taken in India.

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants from India and French are eligible to apply for the fellowship.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have a PhD degree in astronomy, astrophysics or
related discipline.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must be fluent in English.
Application Procedure:
Interested candidates should submit (i) statement of research interests and/or research proposal,
(ii) Publication list and (iii) CV by email.

How to Apply:
Applicants can apply via email.
In email applications, please mention in the subject line ‘Application for a Cefipra Postdoctoral
Fellowship’. The applicants should also arrange for at least two letters of recommendation to be
sent directly to the email address.

265. Scholarships for MSc Renewable Energy Systems in Austria, 2018

TU Wien and Energiepark Bruck/Leitha are offering Scholarships for the MSc
Renewable Energy Systems. TU Wien is one of the major universities in Vienna, the capital of
Austria. The university finds high international and domestic recognition in teaching as well as in
research, and it is a highly esteemed partner of innovation-oriented enterprises. If English is not
your first language then you will need to show that your English language skills are at a high
enough level to succeed in your studies.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: April 30, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing Master of Science (MSc) programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded for Renewable Energy Systems.
Scholarship Award:
Scholarships for Women: The two scholarships in the amount of EUR 5,000 each will be
awarded by a jury. The participation of the scholarship holder is at least EUR 14,500.
Next Generation Scholarships: Two scholarships in the amount of EUR 5,000 each will be
awarded by a jury. The participation of the scholarship holder is at least EUR 14,500.
VDI Nachrichten Scholarships: TU Wien and Energiepark Bruck/Leitha, offer together with
VDI Nachrichten two scholarships in the amount of EUR 9,750 each for people with an
engineering background. The participation of the scholarship holder is at least EUR 9,750.
Number of Scholarships: Total six scholarships (2 each) are available.
Scholarship can be taken in Austria

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Citizens of all nationalities are eligible to apply.

Entrance Requirements:
Scholarships for Women: First academic degree and a minimum of two years professional
Next Generation Scholarships: Child under the age of three, First academic degree and a
minimum of two years professional experience
VDI Nachrichten Scholarships: First academic degree in a relevant field and a minimum of two
years professional experience
English Language Requirements: If English is not your first language then you will need to
show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

Application Procedure:
A complete application consists of:
Application for Admission (online form)
Curriculum Vitae
Letter of Motivation: Please answer the following questions:
What makes you interested in the program and what are your expectations?
2. What can you contribute to the program?
3. How do you plan to fit the schedule of the blocked lectures into your professional and private
4. How do you manage the financing of the tuition fee (19,500 EUR) and the travel and
acommodation costs?
5. How did you find out about the MSc Renewable Energy Systems?
Certificates of previous Degrees (Transcripts and Diploma in English or German language, please
mind the formalities for authentification)
One passport photo (digital, resolution of 284x 426 pixels, file formats: jpg, png, gif)
Copy of your passport

How to Apply:
Candidates interested in the scholarships are kindly asked to send a complete scholarship
application consisting of application form, CV, letter of motivation and certificates of previous

266. PhD and Postdoctoral Positions at Vienna University of Technology in Austria, 2018
The Vienna University of Technology is looking for excellent applicants for PhD and
Postdoctoral Positions in Computer Graphics/Geometry. These positions are open for both
Austrian and International applicants. The aim of the positions is to offer a great opportunity for
both high-quality computer-graphics research as well as interdisciplinary research. The Vienna
University of Technology (TU Wien) was founded in 1815 as Imperial-Royal
Polytechnical Institute, it was the first University of Technology within present-day German-
speaking Europe.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline : January 26, 2018
Course Level: These positions are available to pursue PhD and Postdoctoral programme.
Study Subject: These positions are awarded in Computer Graphics/Geometry.
Scholarship Award: These positions will cover the followings:

PostDoc:Entry level salary as a postdoctoral researcher is currently 3.590,70 EUR/month gross
(40h/week contract), 14 times/year.
PhD : Entry level salary as PhD researcher is currently 1.685,30 EUR/month gross (25h/week
contract), 14 times/year.
Nationality: Austrian and International
Number of Scholarships: Total two positions are available one for PhD and one for postdoctoral
Scholarship can be taken in Austria

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries : Applicants from all over the world are eligible for these positions.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet following criteria:
Knowledge or interest in one or more of the following: computer graphics, 3D reconstruction, 3D
modelling, rendering, geometry processing
Strong analytical skills
Good skills in programming (preferably C++, OpenGL, CUDA, Matlab or similar)
Abilities to work as an independent and flexible researcher in interdisciplinary teams
(corresponding to either PhD or PostDoc level)
Good knowledge of English in speaking and writing
(for PostDoc): prior publications in the mentioned areas
English Language Requirements: Applicants must meet the necessary language proficiency
requirements of the host institution.

Application Procedure:
The application should be sent to the personnel department of the TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 1040
Wien, preferably in digital form (pdf) via E-Mail.

How to Apply:
Motivation letter
Certificates of degrees and grades in courses taken so far
list of publications
A copy of the thesis of the highest obtained degree in PDF form

267. Kunstlerhaus Buchsenhausen Art and Theory Fellowship for International Students in
Austria, 2018-2019
Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen is inviting applications from visual and media artists, art
critics, theorists, and curators to apply for a five-month fellowship in 2018–2019. The program’s
aim is to promote and relay a critical, socially relevant production of knowledge in art and art
theory. The Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen is a postgraduate center for production, research and
mediation in the field of the visual arts and art theory. As part of the Fellowship program, the
Künstlerhaus provides a platform that enables the development and production of artistic and art-
theoretical projects in a critical context.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 26, 2018

Course Level: Once a year Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen invites professional visual /media
artists, art theorists, art critics, and curators from all over the world are eligible for the fellowship.
Candidates can apply for a five-month fellowship starting in October ongoing until May of the
following year.
Study Subject: Fellowship is awarded in the fields of contemporary art, architecture, art and
media theory and criticism.,
Scholarship Award: Amount of fellowship:
A money award of EUR 3,200;
• An individual studio for working and living, furnished with a large shared kitchen;
• A production budget for the realization of the submitted proposal;
• A budget for inviting experts to Büchsenhausen for the purpose of professional exchange;
• A budget for covering the own travel costs;
• The opportunity for a group exhibition at the end of the fellowship.
Nationality: All nationalities
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Austria

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Students from all around the world are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet following criteria:
Professional visual/media artists, art theorists, art critics, and curators from all over the world are
eligible for the fellowship.
The application must include a concrete work proposition. Work on the submitted proposal forms
the core of each fellow’s activities during his/her stay in Büchsenhausen. A description of a series
of public events intended to accompany the individual work during the duration of the fellowship
(up to three events) is also an integral part of the working proposal. If the application is
successful, the fellows are required to specify the details of the presentation series and carry out
the proposed program.
The fellows commit themselves to be present at Büchsenhausen for the duration of the fellowship.
Working knowledge of English is required.
English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually
required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the

Application Procedure:
How to Apply:
Applications are to be written in English. The jury acknowledges that consideration must be taken
for submissions by non-native English speakers regarding issues of spelling, punctuation, and
sentence structure.
Applications must include the following printed documents:
• the working proposal (max 1,500 words, printed form, 3 copies)
• visual portfolio/documentation of recent work. The portfolio can be submitted in paper form
(max. 2 catalogues/portfolios), on DVD, CD or USB stick (max. 1 DVD/CD/USB stick), or
digitally via a permanent link (no time-limited download links like WeTransfer!)

• Curriculum vitae (printed form, 3 copies)
• completed and signed the application form (printed form, 1 copy)
Theorists/art critics:
• the working proposal (max 1,500 words, printed form, 3 copies)
• 1 recent writing sample (printed form, 3 copies)
• curriculum vitae (printed form, 3 copies)
• completed and signed the application form (printed form, 1 copy)

268. CEE-Scholarships for Professional MBA Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Austria,

Need-based “CEE-Scholarships” are available for the citizens of Central and Eastern
Europe. Scholarships cover 25% of the total tuition fee to pursue Professional MBA
Entrepreneurship & Innovation programme. The Professional MBA Entrepreneurship &
Innovation is jointly offered by the TU Wien and the Vienna University of Economics and

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: June 30, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing Professional MBA Entrepreneurship &
Innovation programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study in the field of business administration.
Scholarship Award: 25% of the total tuition fee
Number of Scholarships: No
Scholarship can be taken in Austria

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Citizens of Central and Eastern Europe (Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary,
Kazakhstan, Kirgisztan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania,
Russia, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and
Uzbekistan) are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: The successful candidates have to be citizens of CEE countries, have a
first university degree and at least three years of management experience. Other criteria are the
personal career track, motivation and financial need. To apply for the Professional MBA
Entrepreneurship & Innovation candidates must meet the following formal requirements:
Internationally recognized undergraduate degree equivalent to a bachelor’s degree
Minimum of three years of relevant work experience
Proficiency in written and spoken English
English Language Requirements: If English is not your first language then you will need to
show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

Application Procedure:
If you want to apply for the Professional MBA Entrepreneurship & Innovation, please submit
your application as early as possible, since the program often fills to capacity. Applicants are
admitted on a rolling basis.
A complete application includes the following:
Letter of motivation

Curriculum Vitae
Two letters of recommendation: one from your direct supervisor, another one from a person of
your choice (no subordinates)
Copy of high school diploma
Copy of university diploma and grade transcript in original language
Official translation of university diplomas (if the documents have not been issued in German or
English). Find detailed information about the formal requirements here
Confirmation of Austrian matriculation number, if applicable (e.g. copy of student ID card)
Recent digital photograph
Clear copy of valid passport

How to Apply:
Please fill in the online application form.

269. Vienna Master Scholarships for International Students in Austria, 2018

-The new Vienna Master Scholarship is now available for all international students
offered by IBS offers in Vienna. Scholarship offers 20% discount on the programme fee for
applicants for any master programme that IBS offers in cooperation with The University of
Buckingham in Vienna. IBS has its own English placement test and interviews to assess
applicants’ English skills. However, those who already have a TOEFL or IELTS exam with
sufficient score will be exempt from taking our own English placement test, they just need to have
our interview.

Scholarship Description:
Applications deadline: April 30, 2018
Course Level: Scholarship is available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarship is awarded to learn any of the courses offered by the university.(
International Management, Marketing Management programme)
Scholarship Award: The Vienna Master’s Scholarship offers 20% discount on the programme
fee for applicants for any Master’s programme.
Nationality: All nationalities
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given .
Scholarship can be taken in Vienna, Austria

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Entrance Requirements: Two of our Master’s programmes, International
Management and Human Resource Management are conversion programmes, so they can be
attractive also for those wishing to make a career change: entry requirement is a first or second
class Bachelor degree in any field of study.
The Financial Management and the Marketing Management programmes are available only
for applicants with relevant first or second class degrees.
Our Master’s by Research programmes require:
a first or second-class honours degree from a recognized university or a recognized professional
qualification with significant and relevant work experience,

applicants must submit his/her proposal by email. If the proposal is accepted, the student will
proceed with the payment transfer of the first instalment and then will have a consultation session
with his/her proposal with the Supervisor via Skype.
Mature students not meeting the above requirements should contact us with their complete
application documentation, which will be considered on an individual basis.
English Language Requirements: MSc applicants are required to pass IBS’ own English
Language Placement Test that consists of a 100-minute test and an Orientation Interview.
If the applicant has a certificate of
the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) with a minimum overall score of 6.5
points (including a minimum of 6.5 in each component of assessment)
or the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a score of 575 (232 in the
computerized version, 90 in the iBT version),
Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) with a score of 176-184 (with a minimum
of 175 in each component)
International GCSE English as a Second Language with a score of C or higher on extended
London University GCE O level Syllabus B in English Language with a score of C or higher
Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) with a score of 59-65 (with 4 minimum
component scores of 59),
The applicant is not required to take the written test, only the interview.

Application Procedure:
How to Apply: When you fill in the online application form, please use the data in your official
documents and upload the following documents in jpg or pdf (size should not exceed 500 kb):
Your high school diploma for BSc studies/Bachelor’s degree certificate for MSc studies (if you
acquire them after May 31, please upload your latest transcript),
Your English language certificate if you have one (IELTS or TOEFL) and
Your passport (only page with personal details and photo).

270. AK Wien Scholarships for Developing Countries at University of Vienna in Austria,

The University of Vienna is awarding a limited number of scholarships for the citizens of
developing countries. Scholarships are extended either in the form of a 100% or a 50% tuition
waiver. With the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly of the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development, the concept of sustainable development will become the guiding
framework for global development for the next decades. The University of Vienna is a public
university located in Vienna, Austria. It was founded by Duke Rudolph IV in 1365 and is one of
the oldest universities in the German-speaking world.

Scholarship Description:
Application Deadline: January 14, 2018
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing master’s programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded for Global Political Economy of Sustainable
Scholarship Award: Scholarship is extended either in the form of a 100% or a 50% tuition

Number of Scholarships: A limited number of scholarships are available for students.
Scholarship can be taken in Austria

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Citizens of an ODA country (Afghanistan, Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea, Armenia, Albania, Angola, Kenya, Bolivia, Algeria, Bangladesh, Tajikistan, Cabo Verde,
Antigua and Barbuda, Benin, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Argentina, Bhutan, Congo, Azerbaijan,
Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Belarus, Burundi, Egypt Belize, Cambodia El Salvador Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Central African Republic, Georgia, Botswana, Chad, Ghana, Brazil, Comoros,
Guatemala, Chile, Democratic Republic of the Congo Guyana-China (People’s Republic of),
Djibouti, Honduras, Colombia, Equatorial Guinea, India, Cook Islands, Eritrea, Indonesia, Costa
Rica, Ethiopia, Kosovo, Cuba, Gambia, Kyrgyzstan, Dominica, Guinea, Micronesia, Dominican
Republic, Guinea-Bissau, Moldova, Ecuador, Haiti, Mongolia, Fiji, Kiribati, Morocco, Former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Nicaragua, Gabon,
Lesotho, Nigeria ,Grenada, Liberia, Pakistan, Iran, Madagascar Papua New Guinea Iraq, Malawi,
Paraguay, Jamaica, Mali, Philippines, Jordan, Mauritania, Samoa, Kazakhstan, Mozambique, Sri
Lanka, Lebanon, Myanmar, Swaziland, Libya, Nepal, Syrian Arab Republic, Malaysia, Niger,
Tokelau, Maldives, Rwanda, Ukraine, Marshall Islands, Sao Tome and Principe, Uzbekistan,
Mauritius, Senegal, Viet Nam, Mexico, Sierra Leone, West Bank and Gaza Strip, Montenegro,
Solomon Islands, Montserrat, Somalia, Namibia, South Sudan, Nauru, Sudan, Niue, Tanzania,
Palau, Timor-Leste, Panama, Togo, Peru, Tuvalu, Saint Helena, Uganda, Saint Lucia, Vanuatu,
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Wallis and Futuna Yemen, Serbia, Zambia, Seychelles, South
Africa, Suriname, Thailand, Tonga, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uruguay and Venezuela) are
eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements:
A student is eligible for a scholarship if he/she fulfils at least one or a combination of the
following criteria:
The student is a national and/or resides in a county included in the DAC list of ODA receiving
countries (latest version).
A proven need for financial assistance in order is able to attend the program (e.g. no or
insufficient income from paid work, lack of own savings and/or family support).
Excellent academic record and proven work experience in a field related to sustainable
Proven value-added of completing the Master Program for the future career path.
English Language Requirements: Language proficiency of one of the following English language
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): Minimum requirement of internet-based test:
Reading: 20
Listening: 20
Speaking: 20
Writing: 20
IELTS (International English Testing System): Minimum requirement: 6.5
Application Procedure:
The application process for the scholarship:
Pre-selection after receiving your application for the scholarship according to eligibility

Invitation to a personal interview (via video chat if person resides outside of Vienna)
The interviews take place between 9 and 19 January 2018.
Decisions on awards will be published on 22 January 2018

How to Apply:
Students who want to apply for a scholarship are required to hand in the following documents
listed below:
Letter of application
Curriculum Vitae (including the proof of English language proficiency)
Copy of your High School Diploma and your University Diploma
Copy of Passport

271. Master Scholarships for Peace Studies at University of Innsbruck in Austria, 2018
The University of Innsbruck would like to offer Master Scholarships for Peace Studies
programme. These scholarships are available for students who have a difficult economic
background. The Peace Studies Fund aims to support students of the MA Program in Peace
Studies by contributing to the program’s existing scholarship. The University of Innsbruck is a
public university in Innsbruck, the capital of the Austrian federal state of Tyrol.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: February 15, 2018
Course Level: These scholarships are available to pursue a master degree.
Study Subject: These scholarships are awarded in the field of Peace Studies.
Scholarship Award: Tuition is payable exempt from any expenses to the Tyrolean Institute for
Higher Education.
Nationality: International
Number of Scholarships: Number of scholarship is not given.
Scholarship can be taken in Austria

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: International applicants are eligible for these scholarships.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent.
English Language Requirements: If applicant’s first language is not English, a recent TOEFL
test. Students who wish to take courses in English, and whose native language is not English must
provide official English language test scores: TOEFL, IELTS or FIRST. This requirement may
under certain circumstances be waived for students who are non-native speakers of English but
have completed their third-level education in English

Application Procedure:
Application forms have to be sent to the office in Austria. Students who are admitted
academically will be accepted formally if the payment of their deposit is proven.

How to Apply:
Curriculum Vitae
Three recent photographs (passport size) | Drei Passfotos jüngeren Datums
Three copies of your passport | Drei Kopien des Reisepasses

Two letters of recommendation (from individuals, other than family members, who are familiar
with your academic and/or professional abilities)
An application essay of 300 words. Please write an essay providing your reasons for applying to
this program, Applicants main areas of interest in the program, and how you hope to benefit from
the program. This essay should be written in English for those students who wish to participate in
any courses instructed in English |
Two copies of your Bachelor’s Degree (or its equivalent) and transcripts |
Health certificate indicating current state of health |
The filled in and signed University Inscription Form|
Copy of a document proving that you have medical coverage. This must include insurance against
sickness and accidents and cover the costs of hospitalization and repatriation. |
Citizens of EU countries are only required the E-111 application form and the document or card
needed in their own country to receive medical care |
Copy of proof of insurance against theft, loss, etc. The Program is not liable for such occurrences
with valuables. |

272. Rudi Roth Grant for Research at University of Graz in Austria, 2018
The University of Graz is delighted to offer Rudi Roth Grant for Research in South-
Eastern and Eastern Europe. The university supports bachelor, master, diploma and PhD theses
focusing on Eastern and South-Eastern Europe from the perspective of the respective field of
study/research of the applicant. The University of Graz, which was founded in 1585, is Austria’s
second oldest university and one of the largest in the country. Many excellent scientists, amongst
them six Nobel laureates, have taught and researched here.

Scholarship Description:
Applications close: Online application is activated and ends on March 1. Please submit hard
copies of all of the indicated application documents by March 1. Only complete applications will
be accepted.
Course Level: Grants are available to pursue research. The University of Graz supports bachelor,
master, diploma and PhD theses.
Study Subject: The research focus of the thesis is the situation in Eastern and South-Eastern
Europe. The University of Graz supports bachelor, master, diploma and PhD theses focusing on
Eastern and South-Eastern Europe from the perspective of the respective field of study/research of
the applicant. The scholarship is open to students of all faculties.
Scholarship Award: Scholarships awarded based on the decision of a selection committee will
be for EUR 2.000 – EUR 4.000, depending on available funds.
Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given.
Scholarship can be taken in the Austria

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Degree students of the University of Graz (= entrance university) meeting the following
requirements are eligible to apply:
The research focus of the thesis is the situation in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe
And includes a research stay in the region in the academic year 2017/18.
Eligible Countries:
Students from Austria are eligible to apply for this grant.
College Admission Requirement:

Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have a previous year degree.
English Language Requirements: Applicants must have excellent written and verbal English
Scholarship Award:
Scholarships awarded based on the decision of a selection committee will be for EUR 2.000 –
EUR 4.000, depending on available funds. The awarding of the scholarship is furthermore
contingent on
The mandatory attendance of the scholarship award ceremony
Research report to be provided at the end of the research stay
The transfer of the awarded grant to the selected grantees is contingent on and will happen after
the scholarship award ceremony on the basis of the documents to be handed in by the grantee
(acceptance form, Meldebestätigung = confirmation of registration with the City of Graz).

How to Apply:
Start your application at UNIGRAZonline (log on > click on “International Relations” > select
program > select relevant academic year). The Online Help in the Online Application Tool
provides further instructions.
Submit the following documents:
Application form (download from UNIGRAZonline) incl. foto signed
CV in tabular form with signature)
Current Record of Studies (Studienblatt) and Confirmation of Registration (Studienbestätigung),
download from UNIGRAZonline account
Academic transcript (download from UNIGRAZonline account)
Research Proposal incl. Information on host institution/location abroad as well as planned
timeframe for the research abroad Reason for the application including the content and time frame
of the research to be undertaken in the context of the thesis and the planned location of research (2
pages max.)
Letter of recommendation issued by the thesis supervisor at the University of Graz

273. Merit-Based Grants at University of Applied Arts Vienna in Austria, 2017

The University of Applied Arts Vienna seeks outstanding applicants with a strong
background for merit-based grants and support grants. Grants are open to Austrian and EEA
citizens to pursue bachelor, master or diploma programmes. Merit-based grants serve as
recognition of outstanding achievements and relate to the study performance of the preceding
academic year. The University of Applied Arts Vienna is an art university and institution of
higher education in Vienna, the capital of Austria. It has had university status since 1970.

Course Level: Grants are available for bachelor-, master- or diploma programmes.
Study Subject: Grants are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: A merit-based grant may not be less than the amount of EUR 750 and not
exceed EUR 1,500.
Scholarship can be taken in Austria


Submission of an application with certificate of registration (= Meldezettel) by Monday, 06
November 2017 / 12:00 noon. If the certificate of registration is in a foreign language, a German
or English translation must be submitted.
Austrian citizenship, EEA citizenship, or the equivalent pursuant to § 4 StudFG. Students from
the Switzerland have to provide a registration certificate (= Anmeldebescheinigung für EWR-
BürgerInnen und SchweizerInnen).
Outstanding study performance (grade point average may be no less than 2.0) Minimum number
of ECTS-credits: 55. Credits of courses with the assessment “participation with success” will be
disregarded. Art Education students: Test scores from both subject majors are considered.
The study, or the study phase, must have been completed within the stipulated period (legally
prescribed study period plus one tolerance semester) taking into account any important reasons
pursuant to § 19 StudFG.
In the case of Art Education courses (diploma courses), the application must be made to the
university, which is first on the list of selected study combinations.
Nationality: Austrian and EEA citizens are eligible to apply.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have previous degree.

How to Apply: Application forms and written information are available at the Office of Student
and Academic Affairs (Ms Reiss) from 06 October 2017 on. Grant applications must be submitted
in full and on time according to the respective closing date. Incomplete or overdue applications
cannot be considered.
Application Deadline: The application deadline is November 6, 2017.

274. Friedrich Haberlandt Scholarship for Postgraduate Research on Soybean, 2017

Friedrich Haberlandt Scholarship is available for postgraduate research on soybean. The
successful candidate will conduct research within a three to four-year project based at BOKU and
GSCAAS. The overall purpose of the research is to increase understanding and use of soybean
genetic resources in China and Europe. The Friedrich Haberlandt Scholarship was established by
Donau Soja for financing a doctorate at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences,
Vienna (BOKU), in cooperation with the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural
Sciences (GSCAAS) and with financial support of the German states of Baden-Württemberg and
Bavaria, Agroscope (Switzerland) and Saatgut Austria.

Course Level: The successful candidate will conduct research within a three to four-year project
based at BOKU and GSCAAS.
Study Subject: Scholarship is available to study the subjects offered by the university.
Scholarship Award: EUR 2,071 per month according to FWF scheme (FWF Personalkostensatz
2017) plus travel costs. Payments for the stay in China will be adjusted when Chinese
scholarships/grants in China are available.
Scholarship can be taken in China and Austria & Germany
Eligibility: Candidates must meet the academic requirements for admission to the doctoral
programme at BOKU. 1 Candidates have to have a strong background in relevant agricultural
sciences (especially crop science, plant genetics and statistics). The scholarship offers a very
enriching integrated academic, agricultural development, commercial, and public policy
environment and therefore a candidate with a flexible and enterprising outlook is sought. A

working knowledge of German is a distinct advantage. The doctorate student is expected to study
Chinese (Mandarin) if this language skill is missing.

Nationality: Citizens of Austria are eligible to apply.

College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Applicants must have previous degree.

How to Apply: Interested candidates are invited to write outlining their interest in the position, a
Curriculum Vitae with detailed information on their educational background and qualifications,
relevant work experience and English language skills and accompanied by the full set of
application documents as stated on the website of BOKU.
Application Deadline: The application is open until October 31, 2017.

275. 10 Partial and 3 Full MBA Scholarships at MODUL University in Austria, 2018 Email
Up to 10 partial (plus 2 full) MBA scholarships are now available at MODUL University
in Austria. As a leading private university in Austria, MODUL University Vienna awards and
supports proactive working professionals across Europe with MBA Scholarships. MODUL
University Vienna is widely considered as Austria’s leading international private university and is
owned by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the largest provider of private
education in Austria. The university campus is located on Kahlenberg, a scenic hill with a
spectacular view of the capital of Austria. The language of instruction at MODUL University
Vienna is English. Students are not required to have any knowledge of German in order to apply.

Scholarship Description:
Application deadline: February 28, 2018 (full scholarships) or March 15, 2018 (partial
Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Business Administration. University is
granting three full scholarships worth €24,000each for the Master of Science study programs, one
per program:MSc in International Tourism Management
MSc in Management
MSc in Sustainable Development, Management and PolicyDepending on the program, students
can specialize in the following cutting-edge fields:
Advanced Management
Digital Marketing and Social Media
Innovation and Design for Tourism
Real Estate Management and Hotel Development
Tourism and Services Management
Sustainable Management and Governance / Business Development
We are also providing 10 partial scholarships worth €12,000 for any of the three programs.
Scholarship Award: Three full scholarships are available, 10 partial scholarships worth €12,000
for any of the three programs.
Number of Scholarships: Three full scholarships and 10 partial scholarships are available.
Nationality: Students from across the Europe
Scholarship can be taken in Austria

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

Eligible Countries: Students from across the Europe are eligible to apply for this scholarship
Entrance Requirements: Students must have Bachelor degree with a minimum duration of three
years and English proficiency.
English Language Requirements: The language of instruction at MODUL University Vienna is
English. Students are not required to have any knowledge of German in order to apply.

Application Procedure:
Introduction – To apply, send your CV, Bachelor studies transcripts, and a motivation statement
to jovana.peric -at- . at , and please indicate how you learned about the scholarship.

How to Apply: Documents required for application are:

CV Letter of motivation (description of reason for applying)
Academic qualification to enter the study program (university degree including transcripts)
Copy of official test results of English proficiency
Copy of passport
Passport-sized photograph
Two letters of recommendation (from academic or professional sources)
Proof of relevant work experience (minimum 3 years)
We are looking forward to your application. Please send all documents in PDF to: jovana.peric-at-


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