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(Read this Product Disclosure Sheet before you decide to participate
in Takaful my Mortgage (Treasury). Be sure to also read the general Takaful my Mortgage (Treasury)
terms and conditions.)
(Baca Helaian Penerangan Produk ini sebelum anda membuat
keputusan untuk menyertai Takaful myMortgage (Treasury).
Pastikan juga anda membaca terma-terma dan syarat-syarat am.) Date / Tarikh : ____________________

1. What is this plan about?

Apakah ciri-ciri pelan ini?
* This is a single contribution individual family takaful plan which provides Takaful protection with the sum covered decreasing over the
certificate years. It pays the reducing sum covered upon death or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) of the person covered.
Ini adalah pelan takaful keluarga individu dengan caruman tunggal yang memberi perlindungan Takaful dengan jumlah perlindungan
berkurangan sepanjang tempoh sijil. Ianya akan membayar jumlah perlindungan berkurangan ketika kematian atau Keilatan
Menyeluruh dan Kekal (KMK) orang yang dilindungi.
* Upon surrender of the certificate, any balance of the Participant Account (PA) after deducting the surrender charge will be payable.
Ketika serahan sijil, sebarang baki Akaun Peserta (AP) selepas ditolak caj serahan akan dibayar.
* At maturity of the certificate, any balance of the PA and any final distribution amount of investment profit will be payable.
Apabila sijil matang, sebarang baki Akaun Peserta dan sebarang amaun agihan akhir bagi keuntungan pelaburan akan dibayar.

2. What are the Shariah concepts applicable?

Apakah konsep Syariah yang diguna pakai?
This plan applies the following Shariah concepts:
Pelan ini menggunakan konsep-konsep Syariah berikut:
a. Tabarru’ means donation for charitable purposes. Under this plan, the participant donates a portion of the contribution to the
Participant's Special Account (PSA) help other participants.
Tabarru’ bermaksud derma untuk tujuan kebajikan. Di bawah pelan ini, peserta menderma sebahagian sumbangan ke dalam Akaun
Khas Peserta (AKP) untuk membantu peserta-peserta lain.
b. Wakalah refers to a contract where a party, as principal authorizes another party as his agent to perform a particular task on matters
that may be delegated, with or without the imposition of a fee. Under this plan, the participant authorizes the company to manage the
PA and PSA and in return, the company will receive a wakalah fee.
Wakalah merujuk kepada sebuah kontrak di mana satu pihak, sebagai prinsipal memberi kuasa kepada satu pihak lain untuk menjadi
wakilnya untuk melaksanakan tugas tertentu dalam perkara-perkara yang boleh diwakilkan, dengan atau tanpa dikenakan bayaran. Di
bawah pelan ini, peserta memberi kuasa kepada syarikat untuk menguruskan AP dan AKP dan sebagai balasan, syarikat akan menerima
yuran Wakalah.
c. Ju’alah refers to a contract where a party offers a specified reward to another party who achieved a determined result. Under this plan,
the participant allows the company to receive a portion of investment profit arising from the PA as a performance incentive for the
company’s achievement in managing the PA which results in the profit.
Ju’alah merujuk kepada sebuah kontrak di mana satu pihak menawarkan ganjaran tertentu kepada satu pihak lain yang telah berjaya
mencapai hasil yang telah ditetapkan. Di bawah pelan ini, peserta membenarkan syarikat untuk menerima sebahagian daripada
keuntungan pelaburan daripada AP sebagai insentif prestasi atas pencapaian syarikat dalam menguruskan AP yang menghasilkan
keuntungan tersebut.
d. Qard refers to a contract of lending money by a lender to a borrower where the latter is bound to repay an equivalent replacement
amount to the lender. Under this plan, the company will lend an amount of money to the PSA without interest if the PSA is in deficit.

Qard merujuk kepada sebuah kontrak pemberian pinjaman wang oleh pemberi pinjaman kepada peminjam di mana peminjam itu perlu
membayar balik jumlah penggantian yang sama kepada pemberi pinjaman. Di bawah pelan ini, syarikat akan meminjamkan sejumlah
wang ke dalam AKP tanpa faedah jika AKP mengalami defisit.

3. What are the covers / benefits provided?

Apakah perlindungan / manfaat yang disediakan?
* This plan provides sum covered for death or TPD during the coverage term.
Pelan ini memberi jumlah perlindungan bagi kematian atau KMK ketika tempoh perlindungan.
* The sum covered will be reduced accordingly over the certificate years, please refer to the 'Schedule of Reducing Sum Covered' of the
certificate for the reducing sum covered payable if a valid claim event occurs at the end of the respective certificate year. The reducing
sum covered payable will also vary for each certificate month in each certificate year.
Jumlah perlindungan akan berkurangan sepanjang tempoh sijil, sila rujuk kepada 'Jadual Jumlah Perlindungan Berkurangan' dalam sijil
untuk jumlah perlindungan berkurangan yang dibayar sekiranya kejadian tuntutan yang sah berlaku pada akhir tahun sijil masing-
masing. Jumlah perlindungan berkurangan yang dibayar juga akan berbeza untuk setiap bulan sijil dalam setiap tahun sijil.
* Please refer to the takaful certificate for the duration of cover.
Sila rujuk kepada sijil takaful untuk tempoh perlindungan.

Takaful my Mortgage (Treasury)/V07/10-2020 This Product Disclosure Sheet is not complete without all the indicated pages. |Issuance Date: 16/10/2020 |Page 1 of 3
4. How much contribution do I have to pay?
Berapakah jumlah caruman yang perlu saya bayar?
* The total contribution due and the certificate terms may vary depending on the takaful operator.
Jumlah caruman yang perlu dibayar dan tempoh sijil mungkin berubah mengikut syarat-syarat yang ditentukan oleh pengendali takaful.
* Contribution duration: Single Contribution at the inception of the certificate.
Tempoh caruman: Caruman Tunggal pada permulaan sijil.
* Please refer to the Calculator at for the estimated single contribution to be payable.
Sila rujuk kepada Kalkulator di untuk anggaran caruman tunggal yang perlu dibayar.

5. What are the fees and charges that I have to pay?

Apakah caj-caj dan yuran-yuran yang perlu saya bayar?
* Wakalah fee - 25% of single contribution for the administration fee and other expenses.
Yuran wakalah - 25% daripada caruman tunggal untuk yuran pengurusan dan perbelanjaan lain.
* Surrender charge of RM100 upon surrendering the certificate.
Caj serahan RM100 ketika serahan sijil.
* Please refer to the takaful certificate for the amount of fees and charges under this plan.
Sila rujuk kepada sijil takaful untuk amaun yuran-yuran dan caj-caj di bawah pelan ini.
* Certificate maintenance fee of RM3 per month will be deducted from PA.
Yuran penyelenggaraan sijil sebanyak RM3 sebulan akan ditolak dari AP.

6. What are some of the key terms and conditions that I should be aware of?
Apakah sebahagian daripada terma-terma dan syarat-syarat penting yang patut saya ketahui?
* Duty of disclosure - Pursuant to Paragraph 5 of Schedule 9 of the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013, if you are applying for this plan
wholly for purposes unrelated to your trade, business or profession, you have a duty to take reasonable care not to make any
misrepresentation in answering the questions in the proposal form (or when you apply for this plan). You must answer the questions
fully and accurately. Failure to take reasonable care in answering the questions may result in voidance of your contract of, refusal or
reduction of your claim(s), change of the terms or termination of your contract of Takaful. The above duty of disclosure shall continue
until the time your contract of Takaful is entered into, varied or renewed with us. In addition to answering the questions in the proposal
form (or when you apply for this plan), you are required to disclose any other matter that you know to be relevant to our decision in
accepting the risks and determining the rates and terms to be applied. You also have a duty to tell us immediately if at any time after
your contract of Takaful has been entered into, varied or renewed with us any of the information provided in the proposal form (or
when you applied for this plan) is inaccurate or has changed.
Tangggungjawab Pendedahan - Menurut Perenggan 5 daripada Jadual 9 Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013, jika anda memohon
pelan ini sepenuhnya untuk tujuan yang tidak berkaitan dengan perdagangan, perniagaan atau profesion anda, anda mempunyai
kewajiban untuk mengambil langkah yang sewajarnya untuk tidak membuat pernyataan yang salah semasa anda menjawab soalan-
soalan dalam borang cadangan (atau semasa anda memohon pelan ini). Anda mesti menjawab soalan-soalan dengan sepenuhnya dan
setepatnya. Kegagalan untuk mengambil langkah yang sewajarnya semasa anda memohon pelan ini, mungkin mengakibatkan
pembatalan kontrak Takaful anda, penolakan atau pengurangan tuntutan, perubahan terma atau penamatan kontrak Takaful anda.
Kewajiban pendedahan diatas hendaklah diteruskan sehingga kontrak Takaful anda dimeterai, diubah atau diperbaharui dengan kami.
Sebagai tambahan semasa anda menjawab soalan-soalan dalam borang cadangan (atau semasa anda memohon pelan ini), anda juga
dikehendaki untuk mendedahkan apa-apa perkara lain yang anda tahu akan mempengaruhi keputusan kami dalam menerima risiko dan
menentukan kadar dan terma yang akan dikenakan. Anda juga mempunyai kewajiban untuk memberitahu kami dengan serta-merta jika
pada bila-bila masa selepas kontrak Takaful anda dimeterai, diubah atau diperbaharui dengan kami, apa-apa maklumat yang
dinyatakan dalam borang cadangan (atau semasa anda memohon pelan ini) tidak tepat atau sudah berubah.
* Free-look period - You may cancel this plan by returning the certificate within fifteen (15) calendar days after the certificate has been
received by you. The contributions that you have paid will be refunded to you. Cancellation of this plan is subject to the consent from
proposed master certificate owner i.e. Lembaga Pembiayaan Perumahan Sektor Awam (LPPSA).
Tempoh penelitian percuma - Anda boleh membatalkan pelan ini dengan memulangkan sijil dalam tempoh lima belas (15) hari kalendar
selepas sijil diterima oleh anda. Caruman yang anda telah bayar akan dibayar balik kepada anda. Pembatalan pelan ini adalah
bergantung kepada persetujuan daripada pemilik sijil induk yang dicadangkan iaitu Lembaga Pembiayaan Perumahan Sektor Awam
* Any amount owed to the takaful operator will first be deducted from the benefits payable.
Sebarang amaun terhutang kepada pengendali takaful akan ditolak terlebih dahulu daripada manfaat yang dibayar.

Note / Nota:
The above list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the takaful certificate for the terms and conditions under this plan.
Senarai di atas adalah tidak lengkap. Sila rujuk kepada sijil takaful untuk terma-terma dan syarat-syarat bagi pelan ini.

7. What are the major exclusions under this plan?

Apakah pengecualian utama bagi pelan ini?
* Death / Kematian
* Suicide, while sane or insane, within the first (1) year from the effective date of the certificate.
Membunuh diri, ketika waras atau tidak waras, dalam tahun pertama (1) dari tarikh kuat kuasa sijil.
* TPD that existed prior to or on the effective date of the certificate;
KMK yang telah wujud sebelum atau pada tarikh kuat kuasa sijil;
* Attempted suicide or self-inflicted injuries, while sane or insane.
Cubaan membunuh diri atau kecederaan secara sengaja, ketika waras atau tidak waras.

Note / Nota:
The above list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the takaful certificate for the full list of exclusions under this plan.
Senarai di atas adalah tidak lengkap. Sila rujuk kepada sijil takaful untuk senarai pengecualian yang lengkap bagi pelan ini.

Takaful my Mortgage (Treasury)/V07/10-2020 This Product Disclosure Sheet is not complete without all the indicated pages. |Issuance Date: 16/10/2020 |Page 2 of 3
8. Can I cancel my certificate?
Bolehkah saya membatalkan sijil saya?
Yes, you may surrender/cancel the certificate for its cash value. However, participating in a family takaful plan is a long-term financial
commitment. The cash amount that the takaful operator will pay you when you cancel/surrender the certificate before the maturity
period will be much less than the total amount of contribution that you have paid. Cancellation of this plan is subject to the consent
from proposed master certificate owner i.e. Lembaga Pembiayaan Perumahan Sektor Awam (LPPSA).
Ya, anda boleh menyerahkan/membatalkan sijil untuk nilai tunai. Walau bagaimanapun, penyertaan pelan takaful keluarga adalah satu
komitmen kewangan jangka panjang. Amaun tunai yang akan dibayar oleh pengendali takaful apabila anda
menyerahkan/membatalkan sijil sebelum tempoh matang mungkin kurang daripada jumlah amaun caruman yang telah dibayar.
Pembatalan pelan ini adalah bergantung kepada persetujuan daripada pemilik sijil induk yang dicadangkan iaitu Lembaga Pembiayaan
Perumahan Sektor Awam (LPPSA).

9. What do I need to do if there are changes to my contact details?

Apa yang perlu saya buat sekiranya terdapat perubahan kepada maklumat untuk menghubungi saya?
It is important that you inform us of any change in your contact details to ensure that all correspondences reach you in a timely manner.

Adalah penting bagi anda untuk memaklumkan kami sekiranya terdapat perubahan kepada maklumat untuk menghubungi anda untuk
memastikan supaya semua urusan surat-menyurat sampai kepada anda dalam tempoh yang sepatutnya.

10. Where can I get further information?

Di manakah saya boleh mendapatkan maklumat lanjut?
Should you require additional information about family takaful, please refer to the booklet on 'Family Takaful', available at all our
branches or visit If you require further information on this plan, you can visit the website of Lembaga
Pembiayaan Perumahan Sektor Awam or
Sekiranya anda memerlukan maklumat tambahan mengenai takaful keluarga, sila rujuk kepada buku panduan mengenai 'Takaful
Keluarga' yang terdapat di semua cawangan kami atau layari Jika anda memerlukan maklumat lanjut
tentang pelan ini, anda boleh layari laman sesawang Lembaga Pembiayaan Perumahan Sektor Awam atau
If you have any queries, please contact us at:
Jika anda mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi kami di :

Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga Berhad [198401019089 (131646-K)]

Head Office / Ibu Pejabat : 14th Floor, Annexe Block,
Menara Takaful Malaysia,
No. 4, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman,
50000 Kuala Lumpur.
Website / Laman Sesawang :
Telephone / Telefon : 1-300 88 252 385
Email / Emel: /

11. Other similar types of family takaful cover available

Lain-lain jenis perlindungan takaful keluarga yang disediakan
Please ask the takaful operator for other similar types of plans offered by the takaful operator.
Sila ajukan pertanyaan kepada pengendali takaful untuk lain-lain jenis pelan yang serupa yang ditawarkan oleh pengendali takaful.




Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga Berhad is licensed under the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 and regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia.

Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga Berhad adalah dilesenkan di bawah Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013 dan diselia oleh Bank
Negara Malaysia.

The information provided in this disclosure sheet is valid as at October 2020.

Maklumat yang dinyatakan dalam helaian penerangan ini adalah berkuat kuasa pada Oktober 2020.

Takaful my Mortgage (Treasury)/V07/10-2020 This Product Disclosure Sheet is not complete without all the indicated pages. |Issuance Date: 16/10/2020 |Page 3 of 3

Please read this Product Disclosure Sheet before you

decide to participate in the Takaful myLong Term
Houseowners (Treasury).

Please be sure to also read the general terms and

Takaful myLong Term Houseowners
conditions. (Treasury)

Date: 1 August 2020

1. What is this product about?

Takaful myLong Term Houseowners provides you the coverage against loss or damage to the building including
fixtures and fitting, walls, gates and fences caused by specified perils.

2. What are the Shariah concepts applicable?

This product applies the following Shariah concepts:

1. Tabarru’ means donation for charitable purposes. Under this product, the participant donates a portion of
the contribution to the General Takaful Fund (GTF) to help other participants.
2. Wakalah refers to a contract where a party, as principal authorizes another party as his agent to perform a
particular task on matters that may be delegated, with or without the imposition of a fee. Under this
product, the participant authorizes the company to manage the GTF and in return, the company will receive
a wakalah fee.
3. Ju’alah refers to a contract where a party offers a specified reward to another party who achieved a
determined result. Under this product, the participant allows the company to receive a portion of
distributable surplus arising from the GTF as performance incentive for the Company’s achievement in
managing the GTF which results in the surplus.
4. Qard refers to a contract of lending money by a lender to a borrower where the latter is bound to repay
an equivalent replacement amount to the lender. Under this product, the company will lend an amount
of money to the GTF without interest if the GTF is in deficit .

3. What are the covers / benefits provided?

This product covers loss or damage against:

i) Fire, lightning, thunderbolt, subterranean fire.
ii) Domestic explosion.
iii) Aircraft damage and other aerial devices and/or articles dropped there from.
iv) Impact damage with any of the building by any road vehicles or animals not belonging to or under the
control of the Participant or any member of his family.
v) Bursting or overflowing of domestic water tanks, apparatus or pipes excluding:
a) In respect of each and every loss to amount stated in the schedule.
b) Destruction or damage occurring while the Private Dwelling is left untenanted.
vi) Theft accompanied by actual forcible and violent entry into or out of a building or any attempt thereat.
Provided the Private Dwelling is not left inhabitant for more than ninety (90) days whether consecutively
or not in any Period of Takaful, unless otherwise agreed by the endorsement.
vii) Hurricane, cyclone, typhoon, windstorm subject to the Excess Clause as stated in the schedule.
viii) Earthquake, volcanic eruption subject to Excess clause as stated in the schedule.
ix) Flood but excluding loss or damage caused by subsidence or landslip, subject to Excess clause as stated in
the schedule.

Extra Benefits:
i) Loss of rent not exceeding in aggregate up to 10% of the Sum Covered of the building/content
ii) Third Party liability up to RM50,000.00

Following are the additional covers subject to an additional contribution:

Applicable to Building :
i) Loss of rent (if more than 10% of the sum covered of the building)
ii) Increased sum covered for third party liability from RM50,000.00
- to RM100,000.00 additional contribution RM10.00
- to RM250,000.00 additional contribution RM20.00

The coverage provided is on a long term basis for duration between 5 to 36 years.

4. How much contribution do I have to pay?

The total contribution that you have to pay may vary depending on our underwriting requirements and the
perils you opted. Please refer to the Calculator for the estimated single contribution to be payable.

Subject to a minimum contribution of RM60.00.

5. What are the fees and charges that I have to pay?

Type Amount
Wakalah Fees 30% of contribution for the administration fee and other expenses.
Stamp Duty RM10.00
Service Tax 6% of the contribution paid.

6. What are some of the key terms and conditions that I should be aware of?

Some of the key terms and conditions that you should be aware of are:
 Duty of disclosure
Consumer Takaful Contract
Pursuant to Paragraph 5 of Schedule 9 of the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013, if you are applying for this
takaful wholly for purposes unrelated to your trade, business or profession, you have a duty to take
reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation in answering the questions in the Proposal Form (or when
you apply for this takaful). You must answer the questions fully and accurately. Failure to take reasonable
care in answering the questions may result in avoidance of your contract of takaful, refusal or reduction of
your claim(s), change of terms or termination of your contract of takaful. The above duty of disclosure shall
continue until the time your contract of takaful is entered into, varied or renewed with us. In addition to
answering the questions in the Proposal Form (or when you apply for this takaful), you are required to
disclose any other matter that you know to be relevant to our decision in accepting the risks and
determining the rates and terms to be applied. You also have a duty to tell us immediately if at any time
after your contract of takaful has been entered into, varied or renewed with us any of the information given
in the Proposal Form (or when you applied for this takaful) is inaccurate or has changed.
 Change in Risk - you must inform the company or your agent in writing of any material changes during the
certificate period so that the necessary amendments are endorsed into your certificate.
 Duty of Participant - you shall take all reasonable precautions for the safety of the property covered.
 You must ensure that your property are covered at the appropriate amount, either on:
a) Market value basis – we will pay the full cost of repairing the damaged property less the amount for
wear, tear and depreciation.

b) Replacement value basis – we will reinstate, repair or replace the loss or damaged property without
any deductions being made for wear, tear or depreciation provided that the sum covered is adequate
to cover the total cost of replacing.
 Sum Covered adjustment – in the event of a claim, we will adjust the sum covered with reference to the
Consumer Price Index up to a maximum increase, subject to the terms and condition as per the certificate.
 Under coverage – you must ensure that the sum covered is adequate, otherwise, average condition will
apply for under coverage at the time of loss. You shall be considered as covering for yourself the difference
and shall bear the rateable proportion of the loss accordingly.
 Excess - is the first amount of loss that you have to bear in the event of a claim.

7. What are the major exclusions under this product?

This Product does not cover certain losses, such as:

i) War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or any act of terrorism.
ii) Order of the government or Public Municipal or Local Authority.
iii) Nuclear weapons or ionizing radiations or contaminations.
iv) Consequential loss or damage of any nature.
v) Property damage to data or software.
vi) Loss or damage due to theft by your domestic servants or any member of your family and household.
vii) Beer, liquor, pictures of animals or things used for religious purpose such as idols.
viii) The “Liability to the Public” section does not cover any asbestos related injury or damage involving the use,
presence, existence, detection, removal, elimination or avoidance of asbestos or exposure or potential
exposure to asbestos.
ix) Any other events prohibited by Shariah principles.

This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the Certificate for the full list of exclusions under this product.

8. Can I cancel my certificate?

You may cancel your certificate at any time by giving a written notice to us. Upon cancellation, you are entitled
to a partial refund of the contribution provided you have not made any claim.

9. What do I need to do if there are changes to my contact details?

It is important that you inform us of any changes in your contact details to ensure that all correspondences
reach you in a timely manner.

10. Where can I get further information?

Should you require additional information on the Takaful Long Term Houseowner’s, you can contact us or any
of our branches or from our agent or you may refer to the insuranceinfo booklet on ‘Houseowners/Householders
Takaful’, available at all our branches or visit

If you have any enquiries, please contact us at:

Customer Service Unit (CSU)

Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Am Berhad (1246486-D)
Menara Takaful Malaysia,
No. 4, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman,
50000 Kuala Lumpur.
P.O. Box 11483,
50746 Kuala Lumpur.

Tel: 1-300 88 252 385

Fax: 603 - 2274 0237
Email :

11. Other types of similar Takaful cover available.

Please refer to our branches or agents for other similar types of cover available.



Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Am Berhad is licensed under the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 and regulated by Bank
Negara Malaysia. The information provided in this disclosure sheet is valid from 1 August 2020.


Pelan Takaful Gadaijanji

Saya bersetuju untuk menyertai produk ini dan membayar caruman ke dalam Akaun Peserta ("AP").
Saya juga bersetuju untuk menderma ke dalam Akaun Khas Peserta ("AKP") berdasarkan tabarru'
yang amaunnya akan ditolak daripada AP mengikut kadar tabarru' yang ditetapkan.

Saya bersetuju untuk memberi kuasa kepada Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga Berhad (“STMKB”)
berdasarkan wakalah untuk menguruskan AP dan AKP dan sebagai balasan, STMKB akan menerima
25% daripada caruman sebagai yuran wakalah.

Saya membenarkan STMKB untuk memotong Yuran Penyelenggaraan Sijil daripada AP seperti yang
dinyatakan dalam sijil dan menerima 30% daripada keuntungan pelaburan AP sebagai insentif
prestasi berdasarkan ju'alah.

Saya juga bersetuju bahawa sebarang lebihan daripada AKP akan disimpan di dalam AKP dan jika
AKP mengalami defisit, pinjaman tanpa faedah akan diberikan oleh STMKB kepada AKP berdasarkan

Saya dengan ini bersetuju bahawa untuk sebarang amaun yang patut dibayar dan yang akan dibayar
kepada Saya kerana bayaran balik/serahan/matang/penamatan sijil/tuntutan yang akan dibayar
menggunakan selain daripada cara pembayaran elektronik, bayaran tersebut akan hanya dibuat
sekiranya amaun yang dibayar dan yang akan dibayar berjumlah Ringgit Malaysia Sepuluh (RM10.00)
atau lebih. Untuk sebarang amaun yang kurang daripada Ringgit Malaysia Sepuluh (RM10.00),
STMKB akan mendermakannya untuk amal kebajikan

Takaful Pemilik Rumah Kediaman Jangka Panjang

Saya bersetuju untuk menyertai produk ini dan membayar sumbangan ke dalam Dana Takaful Am
("DTA") berdasarkan tabarru'.

Saya bersetuju untuk memberi kuasa kepada Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Am Berhad (“STMAB”)
berdasarkan wakalah untuk menguruskan DTA dan sebagai balasan, STMAB akan menerima 30%
daripada sumbangan sebagai yuran wakalah.

Saya juga bersetuju bahawa 50% daripada lebihan boleh agih akan diagihkan kepada peserta yang
layak dan 50% daripada lebihan boleh agih akan diterima oleh STMAB sebagai insentif prestasi
berdasarkan ju'alah. Jika DTA mengalami defisit, pinjaman tanpa faedah akan diberikan oleh STMAB
kepada DTA berdasarkan qard.

Saya dengan ini bersetuju bahawa untuk sebarang amaun yang patut dibayar dan yang akan dibayar
kepada Saya kerana bayaran balik/serahan/matang/penamatan sijil/tuntutan yang akan dibayar
menggunakan selain daripada cara pembayaran elektronik, bayaran tersebut akan hanya dibuat
sekiranya amaun yang dibayar dan yang akan dibayar berjumlah Ringgit Malaysia Sepuluh (RM10.00)
atau lebih. Untuk sebarang amaun yang kurang daripada Ringgit Malaysia Sepuluh (RM10.00),
STMAB akan mendermakannya untuk amal kebajikan.

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