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1. Pendahuluan
12. Presentasi
2. Penyebab Penyakit Kelompok Tanaman
3. Gejala Penyakit Pangan
4. Diagnosis dan Identifikasi Patogen
5. Pengukuran Penyakit dan Kehilangan Hasil 13. Presentasi
Kelompok Tanaman
6. Fisiologi dan Genetika Penyakit Hortikultura
7. Epidemiologi dan Peranan Faktor Lingkungan
8. Pengendalian Penyakit: Aturan, Kultur Teknis, Mekanis, Fisik 14. Presentasi
9. Pengendalian Penyakit: Hayati dan Tanaman Tahan Kelompok Tanaman
10. Pengendalian Penyakit: Kimia
11. Pengelolaan Penyakit Terpadu


Patogen (Biotik)
Lingkungan (Abiotik)
Bakteri Suhu
Fitoplasma Kelembaban
Virus pH Tanah
Viroid Logam berat
Nematoda Kekurangan hara
Protozoa Keracunan Pestisida
Algae Kekeringan / Banjir
Tanaman Tinggi Parasit Padas


• Jumlah total virus yang diketahui
melebihi 2.000, dan virus baru
bermunculan hampir setiap bulan.
• Sekitar 50% dari jumlah virusyang
ada adalah penyebab penyakit
pada tumbuhan
• Satu virus dapat menginfeksi satu
atau lebih tumbuhan yang
• Setiap jenis tumbuhan dapat
diserang berbagai jenis virus.
• Tanaman terkadang terinfeksi oleh
lebih dari satu jenis virus di waktu
yang sama.
Some of the types of symptoms
caused by viruses on plants.
(A) Mosaic or mottle on cowpea leaf.
(B) Line pattern or mosaic on rose
(C) Leaf malformation (shoe string)
on squash leaves.
(D) Pitting on stem of grapevine.
Relative shapes, sizes, and
structures of some representative
plant viruses.
(A) Flexuous thread-like virus.
(B) Rigid rod-shaped virus.
(B-1) Side arrangement of protein
subunits (PS) and
nucleic acid (NA) in viruses A and B.
(B-2) Cross-section view of the
same viruses. HC, hollow core.
(C) Short, bacillus-like virus.
(C-1) Cross-section view of such a
(D) Isometric polyhedral virus.
Mikrograf elektron dari berbagai bentuk virus tumbuhan. (D-1) Icosahedron representing the
(A) Rod-shaped virus (tobacco mosaic virus) 20-sided symmetry of the protein
(B) Flexuous thread virus (sugarcane mosaic virus) subunits of the isometric virus.
(E) Geminivirus consisting of twin
(C) Isometric virus (cowpea chlorotic mottle virus) particles.
(D) Bacilliform rhabdovirus (broccoli necrotic yellows virus)
(E) The various shapes and sizes of alfalfa mosaic virus
Symptoms of tobacco mosaic infection
(A) tobacco leaf,
(B) tobacco plant, and
(C) Tomato leaves.
(D) Particles of the tobamovirus tobacco mosaic virus.
(A) Rice tungro-infected rice plants in the field showing stunting and yellow-orange coloration.
(B) Female of the leafhopper vector of the tungro viruses. (C) Purified particles of the spherical (waikavirus) and
bacilliform (badnavirus) viruses that together cause the rice tungro disease.
Foliar mosaic and necrosis (A) and tuber corky
ring spot (B and C) symptoms of tobacco rattle
disease on potato.
(D) Particles of two lengths making up the
dipartite genome of the tobravirus tobacco
rattle virus.
(E) The front part of the nematode Trichodorus,
one of the vectors of TRV.
(A) Symptoms of foliar mosaic and necrosis on potato caused by the necrotic strain of
potato virus Y (PVY). (B) Mosaic symptoms and foliar malformations caused by PVY
on pepper.
Bean mosaics. (A) Common bean mosaic symptoms on bean plants.
(B) Yellow bean mosaic symptoms on leaves
(C) malformations on pods
Symptoms of papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) on
papaya (A–D) and watermelon (E and F).
(A) Papaya leaves show yellow mosaic, become
narrow and flat, and fall off early. (B) Close-up of
papaya leaf with mosaic. (C) Ring spots on papaya
fruit. (D) Severely infected papaya trees (left)
compared to unaffected trees genetically
engineered for resistance. (E) PRSV-infected
squash leaves showing foliar mosaic and
malformations, and (F) ring spots on watermelon
(A) Symptoms of beet yellows on leaf of sugar beet
Mosaic on squash leaves (A) and mosaic and
caused by the beet yellows virus. (B) Field symptoms
malformations on cucumber fruit (B) caused by
of lettuce infected with the crinivirus lettuce
watermelon mosaic virus. (C) Mosaic on yellow squash
infectious yellows virus (LIYV). (C) Close-up of LIYV
leaf and color reversal and swellings on yellow summer
symptoms on cantaloupe and (D) symptoms of lettuce
squash caused by the zucchini yellow mosaic virus.
infectious yellows on cantaloupe in the field.
(A) Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) symptoms of mosaic, rings, and line patterns on individual pepper leaves,
(B) necrosis of pepper leaves in the field, (C) stunting of young pepper plants, (D) mottle and mosaic on
squash leaf, and (E) shoestring malformation of tomato leaf. (F) Purified preparation of CMV.
(A) Bean golden mosaic virus showing the characteristic twin particles of Geminiviridae. (B)
Sugar beet plant showing curling of leaves caused by the curtovirus beet curly top virus
(BCTV). (C) The leafhopper vector of BCTV. (D) Symptoms of maize streak caused by the
mastrevirus maize streak virus (MSV). (E) The leafhopper vector of MSV.
Bean golden mosaic virus (BGMV)

Vectors and symptoms of begomoviruses. (A) An adult whitefly with eggs and immature ones. (B) Whiteflies almost
covering the lower leaf surface of one of its many hosts. Bean plants showing early (C) and advanced (D) symptoms
caused by the golden bean mosaic virus. The symptoms (D, right) also show greater susceptibility of the cultivar to
BGMV. (E) Symptoms caused by tomato mottle virus on tomato. (F) Yellowish mottling and severe leaf curling in
tomato plant infected with tomato yellow leaf curl virus.
Symptoms of African cassava mosaic disease. (A) Healthy and infected
cassava plants growing side by side. (B) Young cassava stem is killed by
cassava mosaic virus (CsMV). (C) Upper and then lower leaves show
severe mosaic and become narrower to filiform and some of them are
killed. (D) Entire cassava plant remains stunted, malformed, and
produces little root yield. (E) Infected susceptible cassava plants (left)
grow and produce only a fraction of what healthy or resistant plants
(right) do.
(A) Early stages of foliar decay disease of coconut palms caused by the coconut foliar decay virus (CFDV). Leaves
of fronds halfway from the top turn yellow first. (B) Later in the year, leaves on more fronds are killed and finally
the palm tree dies.
At least 40 plant diseases have been shown to
be caused by viroids.
The most important viroid plant diseases are
cadang-cadang disease of coconut, potato spindle
A tuber, citrus exocortis, avocado sunblotch,
chrysanthemum stunt, and apple scar skin.

Diseases caused by some viroids. (A and B) Avocado sunblotch.

B D (C) Chrysanthemum leaves showing symptoms of (from left)
chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle viroid, potato spindle tuber
viroid, and chrysanthemum stunt viroid; right leaf, control. (D)
Apples on a tree showing severe scarring and cracking caused by
the apple scar skin viroid (SSVd). (E) Comparison of a healthy
Red Delicious apple and one infected with SSVd.
coconut cadang-cadang viroid (CCCVd)

Symptoms of cadang-cadang disease of coconut palm

caused by the coconut cadang-cadang viroid
(CCCVd). (A) Leaflets from a healthy palm (right) and
from a palm with late stage disease showing chlorotic
spotting (left). (B) Area in one of the Philippine islands
with many coconut palm trees showing early, mid, and
late stages of cadang-cadang disease. (C) Purified
preparation of the CCCVd. Numerous circular-form
molecules of the viroid can be seen.
• Nematoda adalah organisme dari Kingdom Animalia.
• Nematoda bentuknya mirip cacing, tetapi berbeda secara
taksonomi dengan cacing.
• Sekitar seribu spesies nematoda hidup bebas di air tawar, air asin,
dan tanah.
• Beberapa nematoda hidup sebagai parasit pada manusia dan
hewan dan telah menimbulkan penyakit tertentu.
• Beberapa ratus jenis nematoda diketahui makan pada tanaman
hidup, mengambil makanannya dengan stilet-nya dan
menyebabkan penyakit pada tumbuhan yang menyebar di
berbagai tempat di dunia.
Morphology and related
sizes of some of the most
important plant parasitic
Types of symptoms caused by some
of the most important plant-
parasitic nematodes.
Symptoms on plant roots and on plants in the field caused by
some nematodes. (A) Lesions on and necrosis of roots. (B)
Strawberry plants stressed by nematodes feeding on their roots
showing stunting and death of older leaves. (C) Females and cysts
of a cyst nematode on the roots of its host plant. (D) Yellowing,
stunting, and death of soybean plants in a field patch infested
with the soybean cyst nematode. (E) Galls on tomato root
caused by the root knot nematode. (F) Stunting and death of
cotton plants in patch of field infested with nematodes
compared to the adjacent area treated with a nematicide.
Meloidogyne spp.

Stages in the life cycle of the root-knot nematode. (A)

Galls and other symptoms caused by the root-knot nematode Nematode egg with second-stage juvenile ready to
on tomato (A), carrots (B), potato (C), peanuts (D), yam (F), and hatch. (B) Second-stage juvenile penetrating root
tissues. (C) Female root-knot nematode in plant root
a dogwood tree (G). (E) Healthy yams. causing the formation of and feeding on “giant cells.”
(D) Longitudinal section of Meloidogyne female feeding
on giant cells. (E) Root-knot female laying eggs outside
the root.
Gejala serangan nematoda sista kuning pada tanaman kentang

(A) Females (white) and cysts (brown) of the

potato golden nematode. (B) White cysts feeding
on potato roots.
(A) Two Pratylenchus nematodes penetrating on corn root. (B)
Damage in fields of young corn plants (A) and cotton Nematodes within a tomato root iniciating a lesion. (C) Numerous
Pratylenchus nematodes within a short segment of a root killing plant
plants (B), on root of tobacco plant (C), and on peanut
cells and leading to the formation of a lesion. (D) External appearance
pods caused by the lesion nematode Pratylenchus sp. of lesions on young root infected with Pratylenchus nematodes.
Symptoms of banana plants infected with the burrowing
nematode Radopholus similis. (A and D). Most banana plants
are stunted and several toppled over because roots are
destroyed and provide poor anchoring. Root lesions (B) enlarge
and increase destroying the root system (C) and part of the
pseudostem (E). Decline has set in in this field as a result of
heavy infestation with burrowing nematodes.
Sampai dengan saat ini telah diketahui kurang lebih 100 spesies nematoda parasit yang berasosiasi dengan tanaman
kopi di seluruh dunia. Di Indonesia minimal terdapat 14 spesies nematoda parasit pada tanaman a.l.yaitu sbb.
Pratylenchus coffeae menyerang baik pada tanaman kopi robusta maupun Arabika. Radhopolus
similis terutama menyerang pada kopi Arabika dan Meloidogyne spp. hanya menimbulkan kerusakan pada
stadium tanaman bibit.

Akar Tanaman
Kopi yang
sehat, banyak
akar rambut

Akar Tanaman
Kopi yang
Gejala Tanaman Kopi yang terserang Nematoda
KOPI (Pratylenchus coffeae dan Radopholus
Tidak banyak kasus penyakit akibat serangan Protozoa.
Salah satunya yaitu penyakit busuk hati pada tanaman kelapa.

Hartrot of coconut palms caused by flagellate protozoa.

(A) Malayan dwarf palm showing medium stage of leaf yellowing from
the bottom of the tree up caused by hartrot disease.
(B) A further stage of hartrot showing more browning than yellowing.
(C) Medium to late stage of coconut hartrot on a plot of hybrid palm
(D) Late stage of hartrot on a tall palm variety. Note broken leaves and
the collapsed spear.
(E) Unopened inflorescence of Malayan dwarf palm showing necrotic
spike tops, one of the first symptoms of the disease.
(F) Inflorescence showing necrotic spike tops.
(G) Ceylonese dwarf yellow palm, 4 years old, suffering from hartrot
disease. Note dropping of nuts on the ground, another early symptom.
Parasitic green algae (Cephaleuros sp.) symptoms
usually appear as spots on leaves (A–C), but
sometimes appear as spots on stems (D) and on
fruits (E and F).
Lingkungan (Abiotik)
pH Tanah
Logam berat
Kekurangan hara
Keracunan Pestisida
Kekeringan / Banjir
Kekurangan dan kecukupan N Kekurangan P Kekurangan dan kecukupan K
Mg Bo

Kekurangan Ca S Cl
Cu Mn

Mo Zn

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