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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VII
Semester : Genap
Waktu : 8 JP (4 Pertemuan)


Describing persons, Describing animals, Describing things

Penyusun :
Nilam Wianti Kembar Perdana, S.S.
Afdha Fauzia Penilaras, S.Pd


Hello anak-anak hebat Kabupaten Madiun..
Alhamdulillah, puji syukur kalian telah memasuki semester 2 Tahun Pelajaran
2020/2021. Pada semester ini, kalian masih tetap harus melaksanakan Belajar Dari Rumah
(BDR). Semoga dengan sistem BDR ini tidak menyurutkan semangat kalian untuk tetap belajar
dengan giat. Nah anak-anak, Modul ke-1 pada semester ini yaitu mempelajari tentang teks
deskriptif “Descriptive Text”.
Untuk memudahkan kalian mempelajari materi pada modul ini dibagi menjadi 3
kegiatan pembelajaran:
Learning Activity 1: Describing persons (mendeskripsikan orang)
Learning activity 2: Describing animals (mendeskripsikan binatang)
Learning Activity 3: Describing things (mendeskripsikan benda)
Setelah mempelajari modul ini, kalian diharapkan dapat mendeskripsikan seseorang,
binatang, dan benda dengan benar untuk menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan baik.
Silahkan cermati kegiatan-kegiatan pembelajaran berikut ini, ikuti instruksi yang ada di
masing-masing kegiatan pembelajaran dan kerjakan latihan dan formatif tes dengan baik.
Apabila mengalami kesulitan silahkan diskusi dengan teman atau bertanya ke guru melalui

Descriptive text adalah teks yang mendeskripskan tentang sesuatu secara khusus bisa berupa
orang, binatang, benda ataupun tempat. (To describe something , it can be person, animal,
thing or places in particular way)

Struktur Teks Deskriptif:

1 Identification : Identifikasi/ pengenalan sesuatu objek yang akan dideskripsikan.
(Orang, binatang, benda atau tempat-tempat tertentu)
2 Description : Deskripsi atau penjelasan objek dari segi fisik, bagian-bagian tertentu, dan
karakteristiknya atau kebiasaannya.

Ciri kebahasaan:
-    Mejelaskan sesuatu secara spesifik/khusus (particular)
- Hanya fokus menjelaskan pada satu objek.
-    Menggunakan attributive: has/have dan identifying: is, are.
- Menggunakan kata sifat atau adjective
-    Menggunakan Simple Present tense
Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu
yang terjadi saat ini (present) pada suatu spesifik waktu. Karena terjadi pada waktu
sekarang, maka pasti menggunakan kata kerja pertama (verb 1) dalam susunan kalimatnya.
Bentu Rumus Simple Present Tense Contoh Kalimat
(+)  Subject + verb 1 (+ s/es) + object  He goes to play football
 Subject + to be (am/is/are) + adjective/ adverb  He is tall and strong
(-)  Subject + do/does not + verb 1 + …  He does not go to play football
 Subject + to be (am/is/are) + not + adjective/adverb  He is not tall and strong
(?)  Do/does + subject + verb 1 + object?  Does he go to play football?
 To be (am/is/are) + subject + adjective/adverb?  Is he tall and strong?

Learning Activity 1
a. Describing Persons (mendeskripsikan orang)
Describing Persons artinya menggambarkan orang. Dimana untuk menggambarkan orang
diperlukan kosakata untuk mempermudah untuk membuat kalimat. Menggambarkan orang
bisa dari sifat (characteristic) dan penampilan fisik (physical appearance).
Pelajari teks di bawah ini!
My cousin, John Title
This is John, my cousin. He is nine years old. She is Identification
two years younger than me.
He is tall and strong. He has got blue eyes, short Description:
brown hair and a small nose. He is wearing a red T-shirt, 1. Physical
white shorts, red and white shoes and white socks. Appearance
He likes eating chocolate and playing football. He goes 2. Characteristic/
to play football every day in the afternoon. He is nice and personality
helpful person. That’s why he has many friends who love
him very much.


 Teks diatas disebut teks deskriptif ( Descriptive text) karena bertujuan untuk
mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan seseorang.
 Paragraf pertama disebut Identification, karena menceritakan hal umum dari seluruh
cerita. Seperti bahwa penulis mempunyai saudara sepupu yang bernama John.
 Paragraf kedua dan tiga disebut Description atau penjelasan keseluruhan umum ke
khusus. Seperti diceritakan bahwa bagaimana ciri-ciri fisik, sifat dan kebiasaan dari
saudara sepupunya tersebut.
 Dalam Paragraf kedua, kata-kata yang dicetak tebal adalah kata-kata sifat ( Adjective)
yang berhubungan dengan penampilan fisik seseorang ( physical appearance)
 Dalam Paragraf ketiga, kata-kata yang dicetak tebal adalah kata-kata sifat ( Adjective)
yang berhubungan dengan kepribadian seseorang (characteristic/ personality)
 Teks diatas menggunakan Simple Present Tense. Tenses ini digunakan karena dalam
descriptive text kita akan menjelaskan suatu fakta atau kebenaran yang terdapat
dalam suatu hal atau orang.

Kata-kata sifat yang sering digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan seseorang

physical appearance Characteristic / personality
Tall (tinggi) Blue eyes (mata biru) Humorous (humoris)
Short (pendek) Big eyes (mata besar) Nice / kind (baik hati)
Beautiful (cantik) Long hair (rambut panjang) Helpful (penolong)
Handsome (tampan) Short hair (rambut pendek) Smart / clever (pintar)
Fat (gemuk) Curly hair (rambut keriting) Generous (murah hati)
Thin (kurus) Straight hair (rambut lurus) Emotional (pemarah)
Slim (langsing) Pointed nose (hidung mancung) Patient (sabar0
Strong (kuat) Flat nose (hidung pesek) Friendly (ramah)
Weak (lemah) Oval face (wajah lonjong) Humble (rendah hati)

b. Practice
Read the text carefully!
Sonya is my classmate. We are in the seventh grade now. But she is one year younger
than me. She is twelve years old. Her house is next to my house.
She is cute girl. She is not tall. Her hair is short and wavy. She has sweet smile on her
oval face. Because of it many of our friends call her Sweety.
Sonya and I often spend break time together. We like to go to the school canteen. Her
favorite food is meatball. Sometimes we read some books in the library. She likes reading
comic there.
Many teachers like her because she is a smart and diligent student. She is good in
English. She always gets the best score in Mathematics and Science test.
I. Mention some physical appearance and personality of Sonya, based on the text above!
1. Sonya’s physical appearance:
a) ………………………………………………….
b) ………………………………………………….
c) …………………………………………………
2. Sonya’s personality:
a) …………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………

II. State whether the statement is true or false based on the text above! ( T / F )
1. Sonya and the writer are neighbor. ( T / F )
2. The writer is eleven years old. ( T / F )
3. Sonya’s nickname is Sweety. ( T / F )
4. Sonya likes reading comic, so the teachers like her very much. ( T / F )
5. Sonya doesn’t like Mathematics ( T / F )

c. Formative Test
Read the text carefully!
Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four years younger
than me.
He has long, straight hair, bright eyes and a friendly smile. Sometimes he is rather
naughty at home, but he usually does what he is asked to do.
Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school, he plays football and tennis. He
is the best badminton player in our family.

Choose the correct answer based on the text above!

1.    How old is the writer? He is … years old.
a. Fourteen c. Seventeen
b. Fifteen d. Eighteen
2.    Which of the following statement is not true about Peter?
a. He has long and straight c. He can’t play badminton
hair. d. He plays football and tennis.
b. He has bright eyes.
3.    According to the passage, we know that Peter is ….
a. The writer’s youngest c. A naughty boy
brother d. A friendly boy
b. The writer’s elder brother
4.    It is implied in the passage that ….
a. Peter is naughty. c. Peter is unfriendly.
b. Peter is lazy. d. Peter is diligent.
5.    What is the text mostly about?
a. Peter c. Peter’s family
b. Peter’s hobby d. peters’ elder brother

Learning Activity 2
a. Describing animals (mendeskripsikan binatang)
Describing animals artinya menggambarkan atau mendeskripsikan binatang.
Dimana, dalam menggambarkan seekor binatang ini perlu mencari informasi
bagaimana penampilan secara fisik binatang tersebut baik dari mata, telinga, mulut,
bentuk tubuh, dan lain sebagainya.
Untuk itu, kali ini kita akan belajar bagaimana cara mendskripsikan binatang dengan

Pelajari teks dibawah ini!

My Dog Title
My dad bought me a dog on my birthday. It is a Identification
male golden retriever dog. I really love him as my pet.
His name is Jiji. He has brown fur. His fur is really Description
soft and he likes to be rubbed on his belly. He has a
long tail and big body. I always take him for walk
around because he really likes it. Jiji is already as the
part of our family.


 Teks diatas disebut teks deskriptif ( Descriptive text) karena bertujuan untuk
mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan binatang.
 Paragraf pertama disebut Identification, karena menceritakan hal umum dari
seluruh cerita. Seperti bahwa penulis mempunyai anjing jantan yang diberikan
oleh ayahnya saat dia berulang tahun.
 Paragraf kedua dan tiga disebut Description atau penjelasan keseluruhan
umum ke khusus. Seperti bahwa nama anjingnya pada text diatas adalah Jiji
dengan bulu coklat yang halus, juga diceritakan bagaimana sifat dan kebiasaan
dari anjing tersebut.
 Dalam Paragraf kedua, kata-kata yang dicetak tebal adalah kata-kata sifat
(Adjective) yang berhubungan dengan penampilan fisik ( physical appearance)
 Teks diatas menggunakan Simple Present Tense. Tenses ini digunakan karena
dalam descriptive text kita akan menjelaskan suatu fakta atau kebenaran yang
terdapat dalam suatu hal.

Kosakata, kata sifat dan beberapa kakarteristik yang sering digunkan dalam
mendeskripsikan binatang:

Vocabularies about Adjective to describe Animal Characteristics

animal parts animal parts
Tail (ekor) Long (panjang) Herbivorous (herbivora)
Beak (paruh) Strong (kuat) Carnivorous (karnivora)
Fins (sirip) Tiny (kecil) Wild (buas)
Wing (sayap) Smooth (lembut) Poisonous (berbisa)
Fur (bulu halus: kucing, anjing, Large (besar sekali) Dangerous (berbahaya)
kelinci, dll) Big (besar) Tame (jinak)
Feathers (bulu agak kasar: ayam, Small (kecil) Cold-blooded (berdarah dingin)
bebek, burung, dll) Sharp (tajam) Shy (pemalu)
Claws (capit) Thick (tebal) Playful (ceria)
paws (cakar) Thin (tipis) Energetic (energik)
Trunk (belalai) Wide (luas) Lazy (pemalas)
Horn (tanduk) Fluffy (halus) Gentle (lemah lembut)
Scales (sisik)
b. Practice
Practice 1
Read the text carefully and answer the question based on the text!

The Funny Pussy

I have a pet. It is a cat. I named him Pussy.
Pussy has gray fur. It has two small ears and bright eyes. The eyes
make him look funny. Pussy has long tail.
Pussy likes to eat salted fish. My mother fries the fish and mixes it
with rice for him.
I love Pussy so much. He likes to watch TV with me. He usually
sleeps on a sofa in the living room.

 What is being described?

 Description:
1. Appearance:
a) …………………………………………………….................................................
b) ………………………………………………..
c) ………………………………………………..
d) ……………………………………………............................................................
2. Food :
3. Habits:
a) ………………………………………………………………………………………
b) ………………………………………………………………………………………
4. The writer’s feeling about his pet :

Practice 2
Make a description about your own pet!
Answer these questions to guide you in making a descriptive text
1. What pet do you have?
2. How can you get the pet?
3. What does it look like?

………………………………… Title
……………………………………………………………………… Identification
Attach your pet’s ………………………………………………………………………
photo with you here
……………………………………………………………………… Description

c. Formative Test
Read the text carefully!
My Zebry
Zebry is my favorite cat. I call him so because he has soft black and white striped fur
like zebra.
He has round blue eyes and a long curled tail. Zebry is a year old. He likes eating meat.
He sleeps in a small wooden box with a soft blanket in it. I always play with him after school
everyday. He is really a smart and cute pet.

Choose the correct answer based on the text above!

1. Zebry is ...
A. a cat C. a dog
B. a zebra D. a mouse
2. The correct description about Zebry is...
A. soft black and white fur, round blue eyes,short curled tail
B. soft white fur, round blue eyes, long tail
C. soft white and black fur, round blue eyes, long tail
D. soft black fur, round black eyes, long tail
3. “……….with a soft blanket in it.” “It” refers to:
A. a blanket C. a small wooden box
B. Zebry D. meat
4. “He is really a smart and cute pet.” The underlined word means:
A. Nice C. obedient
B. kind D. clever
5. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To describe place C. To describe something
B. To entertain the reader D. To tell how to care for cat

Learning Activity 3 :
a. Describing things (memdeskripsikan benda)
Describing things artinya menggambarkan atau mendeskripsikan benda. Tentunya kalian
sering mendeskripsikan suatu benda di sekitar kalian, misalkanya kalian ingin mencari
barang kalian yang hilang. Tentu saja kalian perlu memberikan informasi detail yang
berhubungan dengan benda tersebut. Untuk itu, kali ini kita akan belajar bagaimana cara
mendskripsikan binatang dengan benar.

Pelajari teks di bawah ini!

My Laptop Title
I have a laptop. My father bought it for me last month. It Identification
is a nice laptop with black color. It has a 14 inch screen.
This is the latest product from Asus.
The performance of this laptop is also great. I can play Description
games that require high specification using it. I can also
play music, watch movies and draw using it. And the most
important thing is that I can typing using it. So, if I have the
assignment from my teacher, it will help me. I also can find
many references from internet using my laptop.
I really like this new laptop. Because it always be
helpful to me in various situations.

 Teks diatas disebut teks deskriptif ( Descriptive text) karena bertujuan untuk
mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan suatu benda.
 Paragraf pertama disebut Identification, karena menceritakan hal umum dari seluruh
cerita. Seperti bahwa penulis mempunyai laptop yang dibelikan oleh ayahnya bulan
 Paragraf kedua dan tiga disebut Description atau penjelasan keseluruhan umum ke
khusus. Seperti bahwa penampilan lapyop nya sangat bagus dan banyak
 Teks diatas menggunakan Simple Present Tense. Tenses ini digunakan karena dalam
descriptive text kita akan menjelaskan suatu fakta atau kebenaran yang terdapat
dalam suatu hal.

Beberapa poin untuk mendeskripsikan suatu benda:

N Some Point to describe things Vocabularies
1 Materials (Bahan) - Wood (kayu) - Leather (kulit) - Rubber (karet)
- Plastic(plastik) - Clay (tanah liat) - Gold (emas)
- Iron (besi) - Paper (kertas) - Silver (perak)
- Stone (batu) - Glass( kaca) - Wool (wool)
2 Colors (Warna) - Red (merah) - Yellow (kuning) - Green (hijau)
- Blue (biru) - Purple (ungu) - Brown (coklat)
- White (putih) - Black (hitam) - Grey (abu-abu)
- Orange (orange) - Pink (merah muda)
3 Shapes (bentuk) - Rectangular (persegi) - Square (bujur sangkar/ kotak)
- Round (bulat) - Triangular (segi tiga)
4 Sizes (ukuran) - Big (besar)
- Medium (tanggung)
- Small (kecil)
5 Function (fungsi) - An umbrella: it is used for protection against the sun or rain
(payung: digunakan untuk dari sinar matahari dan hujan)
- A pen: it is used for writing or drawing
(bolpen: digunakan untuk menulias atau menggambar)
6 Weight (berat) - Heavy (berat)
- Medium wight (beratnya medium)
- Light (ringan)
7 Texture (tekstur) - Rough (kasar) - Smooth (halus)
- Hard (keras) - Soft (lembut)
8 Cost (harga) - Expensive (mahal)
- Cheap (murah)
9 Age (umur) - New (baru)
- Old (lama/ tua)
10 Opinion (pendapat) Using adjective (menggunksn kata sifat):
- Nice (bagus) - ridiculous (menggelikan)
- Cool (keren) - strange (aneh)
- Excellent (sangat bagus) - ugly (jelek)
- Remarkable (luar biasa) - bad (buruk)

a. Practice
Write the description of these things using the words given!

leather, brown, light, Plastic, colorful, light,

new, cool cheap, nice

Wool, white, medium, old,


b. Formative Test
Read the following text carefully!
Rose is plant with enchanting flowers from genus Rosa which has more than 100
species. This woody perennial plant grows in groups, allowing them to form climbing shrubs
with prickles. Rose has various flowers in shape and sizes, making it one among popular
flowering plants found in a house.
Most rose species are native to Asia, but some others are native to North America and
Europe. It is typically grown for beauty and fragrant. Some species are used for commercial
perfumery while some others are cut for ornamental flowers. In addition, rose also has minor
medicinal uses.
Choose the correct answer based on the text above!
1. What does the text tell about?

A. Gardening C. Flowers
B. Rose species D. How to grow rose plant
2. This statement is correct, except …
A. Rose has more than 100 species
B. Rose is native to Asia
C. Rose can be used for ornamental plant
D. Rose only has one variant of shape and size
3. It is typically grown … (paragraph 2). The word “it” refers to ….
A. Asia C. Rose species
B. Beauty D. Commercial perfumery
4. Based on the text, which statement is true?
A. Rose has minor benefit for medicinal uses
B. People grow rose only for beauty
C. Rose is not a popular flowering plant
D. North America is not a native to rose species
5. “Rose has various flowers in shape and sizes, making it one among popular..” The
underlined word can be replaced by …
A. different C. common
B. same D. similar

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