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Pengertian Discussion Text

Discussion text adalah sebuah teks yang menyajikan suatu topik permasalahan yang kemudian
didiskusikan dalam berbagai sudut pandang. Discussion text sendiri membahas suatu hal yang
berisikan pandangan profesional dan kontra terhadap suatu hal tersebut. Topik yang dibahas dalam
discussion text sendiri baisanya adalah isu-isu kontroversial yang terjadi di masyarakat.

Tujuan Discussion Text

Tujuan dari discussion text diantaranya memberikan informasi baru kepada pembaca terkait suatu
isu. Informasi ini juga berupa sudut pandang baru, sehingga pembaca dapat melihat suatu isu dari
sudut pandang berbeda. Discussion text biasanya bersufat logis dan objektif.

Ciri-ciri Discussion Text

Berikut ini beberapa ciri dari discussion text :

 Menggunakan straightforward tense.

 Menggunakan moda seperti ( should,must, may, would,etc).
 Menggunkan contrastive, additive, serta casual association atau kata penghubung sebagai
pembeda ( similiar, furthemore, however, moreover, on the opposite hand, but,
additionallly, all the same,etc).
 Menggunakan hanya sumber terpercaya di dalam suatu teks diskusi.

Rumus Discussion Text

Rumus discussion text terdiri dari:

1. Issue
Issue, bagian ini umumnya berada di awal paragraf dan berisi penempatan masalah atau
isu yang kemudian akan didiskusikan atau diperdebatkan. Issue terletak di paragraf
2. Supporting Points (Argumen For or Againts)
Pada bagian ini, penulis menghadirkan pendapat yang kemudian mendukung isu. Di
setiap paragraf supporting purpose terdiri dar dua komponen diantaranya adalah ide
pokok paragraf dan elaborasi atau uraian.
Dari ide pokok paragraf tersebut, penulis kemudian menjelaskan beberapa pandangan
terhadap isu yang sedang dibahas atau didiskusikan dengan mengambil pendapat para
ahli dan juga menyebutkan siapa saja yang sudah berpendapat tetapi pendapatnya
memang sudah umum diketahui. Penulis biasanya akan memaparkan pendapat principle
professional untuk kemudian disusul dengan pendapat yang sifatnya kontra (argument
against) pada paragraf berikutnya.
3. Contrasting Points (Elaboration)
Pada bagian ini penulis akan memaparkan pendapat yang menentang isu maupun
permasalahan (kontra). Sama halnya pada paragraf supportig purpose, different point
memiliki dua komponen pembentuk yakni ide pokok paragraf serta elaborasi atau uraian
yang berasal dari ide pokok paragraf tersebut.

Definition of Discussion Text

Discussion text is a text that presents a problem topic which is then discussed in various
perspectives. The discussion text itself discusses a matter that contains professional and contra
views on this matter. The topics discussed in the discussion texts themselves are usually
controversial issues that occur in society.

Purpose of Discussion Text

The purpose of the discussion text is to provide new information to readers regarding an issue. This
information is also a new perspective, so that the reader can see an issue from a different
perspective. Discussion texts are usually logical and objective.

Characteristics of Discussion Text

The following are some of the characteristics of discussion text:

Using the straightforward tense.

Using modes like ( should, must, may, would, etc).

Using contrastive, additive, and casual association or conjunctions as a differentiator (similar,

furthemore, however, moreover, on the opposite hand, but, additionallly, all the same, etc).

Use only trusted sources in a discussion text.

Formula Discussion Text

The discussion text formula consists of:


Issue, this section is generally at the beginning of the paragraph and contains the placement of
problems or issues that will then be discussed or debated. Issue is located in the first paragraph.

Supporting Points (Arguments For or Againsts)

In this section, the author presents an opinion which then supports the issue. Each supporting
purpose paragraph consists of two components including the main idea of the paragraph and an
elaboration or description.

From the main idea of the paragraph, the writer then explains several views on the issues being
discussed or discussed by taking the opinions of experts and also mentioning anyone who has an
opinion but whose opinion is already known. The author will usually explain the opinion of a
professional principle to be followed by an opinion that is counter (argument against) in the next

Contrasting Points (Elaboration)

In this section the author will present opinions against the issues and problems (cons). As in the
supporting paragraph, different points have two components, namely the main idea of the
paragraph and an elaboration or description that comes from the main idea of the paragraph.


Television becomes part of our life. Everyday we watch television. We usually watch television after
working, getting together with our family, even when we are working.

As the part of our life, television has bad and good effects. People have different opinion about the
negative and positive impacts of watching TV.

The bad effects most people say are TV makes us lack of movement. We stay for a long time in our
TV. It’s not healthy life. They also say that TV influence our daily life. Sometimes we don’t realize that
we become more consuming after watching various ads. Some TV shows influence the way children
act. The rudeness and violence come to our house without permission through television.

But, the other people say that television has a good impact. We can get much information from TV.
When there is something happened in another city, we know directly, fastly through the news on TV.
TV also makes us relax. After working all day, we come home and turn on TV to watch funny and
comedy videos.

We can conclude that TV has a good and bad effects to our life. Our task is how to choose the good
things and try to take away the bad one.

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