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Building Human Capital for Better Lives

Department of Family

and Consumer Sciences

IKK 333/3(2-3)2
Building Human Capital for Better Lives

Department of Family

and Consumer Sciences
(IKK) Koordinator

Ir. MD.Djamaluddin, M.Sc

Prof. Ir. Ujang Sumarwan, M.Sc Dr. Irni Rahmayani Johan, S.P.,

Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi dan

menganalisis permasalahan sosial yang
layak ditanggulangi menggunakan
strategi pemasaran sosial

Building Human Capital for Better Lives


Menjelaskan permasalahan yang

berkembang di masyarakat:
1. Kesehatan masyarakat
2. Masalah Gizi Masyarakat
3. Lingkungan hidup

Building Human Capital for Better Lives

• Masalah:
• Suatu situasi yg menyebabkan kesulitan atau
ketidaknyamanan bagi individu atau kelompok
• Masalah isu, jika mampu menarik perhatian publik dan
menjadi public concern yang mendesak untuk
• Ciri isu: - mudah dipahami
- mampu memobilisasi aksi

Building Human Capital for Better Lives


Building Human Capital for Better Lives


Akurat dan Up to date

Masyarakat ikutserta dalam
Multidimensional shg berimplikasi
pada banyaknya implikasi

Building Human Capital for Better Lives


Kebersamaan dan

Building Human Capital for Better Lives

• Setiap hari, > 4000 pemuda (11-17 th) mencoba
• > 40.000 wanita meninggal akibat kanker payudara
• > 30.000 orang meninggal karena kanker prostat
• + 40% orang dewasa (> 18 th) tidak berolahraga
• > 5.000 bayi dilahirkan dengan sindrom alkohol
• + 1 juta remaja hamil
• > 50.000 kasus baru didiagnosis melanoma maligna
• 5-10 juta remaja perempuan dan perempuan
berjuang terhadap gangguan makan

Building Human Capital for Better Lives

- 4 juta ton kertas yang dibuang oleh pekerja di Amerika
- 4,5 triliun puntung rokok yang berserakan di seluruh dunia

- > 5.000 orang masuk daftar tunggu untuk transplantasi organ meninggal
- + 51,2% berpartisipasi dalam pemilihan presiden AS

- > 3.000 anak-anak dan remaja meninggal akibat luka tembak
- > 16.000 orang tewas dalam kecelakaan alkohol terkait
- > 3.000 orang tewas dalam kebakaran rumah
- > 8% dari pemuda SMA mencoba bunuh diri

Building Human Capital for Better Lives

For Improved Health
Tobacco Use Almost 1 is 4 adults age 18 and over
Heavy/Binge Drinking + 20% of 18-24 year olds binge drink
> 4 tm/mt
Alcohol Use During Pregnancy + 5,000 are born with fetal alcohol
Physical Inactivity 40% of adults aged > 18

Teen Pregnancy Nearly 1 million teen girls

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among sexually active high school

students, > 40% report not using
Building Human Capital for Better Lives
For Improved Health
Fat Intake 67% of persons (> 2 years)
consumed > 30% of calories from
total fat (1994-96)
Fruit and Vegetable Intake Only 28% of persons (> 2 years): fruit
2 time/day < 50 % of persons (> 2
years): vegetables 3 time/day (1994-
High Cholesterol 30% of adults (> 18 year) (1999)

Obesity > 1 is 3 of adults (> 18 and year)

Breast Cancer > 20% of female (> 50 year) have

not had mammograms within the
past years
Prostate Cancer < 50% are found early
Building Human Capital for Better Lives
For Improved Health
Colon Cancer Only about a third are found early
Osteoporosis 50% of women and 12% of men (> 50 year)

Folic Acid to Prevent Birth Detects < 21% of females (ages 15-44) began pregnancy with the
recommended 400 mg of folic acid each day (1991-1994)
Immunizations < 73% of young children aged 19-35 months were fully
immunized in 1998
Skin Cancer + 70% American adults do not protect themselves from
sun's dangerous rays
Oral Health By the age of 9, > 50% of schoolchildren in the US have
dental caries

Blood Pressure Only about a fourth of these diagnosed with high blood
pressure have it under control

Eating Disorder Half of 9-to 10-year-old girl feel better about themselves
if they are on diets

Diabetes About one third of the nearly 16 million people with


Building Human Capital for Better Lives

For Improved Health

Drinking and Driving 16,068 deaths were due to school-related traffic

accidents in the year 2000
Other Traffic An estimated 25%of crashes can be attribut to driver
Accidents distraction
Seat Belts An estimated 30% of driver and adult passenger do
not always wear their seat belts

Building Human Capital for Better Lives


For Improved Health

Booster Seats Only about 6% of the 20 million children who need
booster seats are using them
Suicide Almost 15% of high school students nationwide had
made specific plans to attempt sucide in 1999
Sexually Assault 8% of high school age girl said "yes" when asked
whether "a boyfriend or date has ever forced sex
againts your will"
Drowning Drowning is the second leading cause of injury-
related death to children aged 14 and under
Domestic Violence 31% of American women report having physically or
sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some
point in their lives

Building Human Capital for Better Lives

Gun Storage > 50% of firearm-owning parents with children
aged 4 to 12 reported storing a firearm loaded
or unlocked in their homes

Fires Almost 50% of fires and 60% of fire deaths

occur in the estimated 8% of homes with no
smoke alarms

Falls In the year 2000, > 40,000 people were taken to

hospital emergency rooms in the US because of
injuries from riding scooters

Househoold and > 1,1 million poisonings among children aged 5

Other Poisons and under were reported in 1998

Building Human Capital for Better Lives

To Protect the Environment
Waste Reduction: Reduce, Municipal waste generated in 1999 was
Reuse, Recycle 374,631,000 tons, with only 31%
Wildlife Habitat and Protection Roughly 70% of the major marine fish
stocks depleted from overfishing are
being fished at their biological limit

Forest Destruction It is estimated that forest cover has

been reduced by as much as 50%
Toxic Fertilizer and Pesticides Of the 65% continental watersheds
surveyed, 7% are sufficiently
contaminated to pose potential risk to
people who eat fish and to fish and
Building Human Capital for Better Lives
Water Conservation The United Nation project a 50% to
100% increase in use of irrigation
water by 2025, which is already in
short supply in many countries
Air Pollution from Automobiles Road vehicle account for 31.8% of
nitrogen oxide emissions,
representing the most pressing air
quality issues facing the US today
Air Pollution from Other Using a push mower instead of a
Sources power mower will reduce carbon
dioxide emissings by 80 pounds per
Composting Garbage and Yard An estimated 30% to 50% of all trash
Waste in landfills in the US could have been
Building Human Capital for Better Lives
Unintentional Fires More than 7 million acre burned in
the United States in the year 2000,
an area equal in size to
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and
Delaware combined
Conserving Energy Global energy use is projected to
increase more than 2% annually for
the next 15 years and will raise
greenhouse gas emissions about
50% higher than current levels

Litter One mile of highway contains

approximately 16,000 pieces of
litter, and the estimated cost of
pickup is 30 cents per piece of litter

Building Human Capital for Better Lives

Watersheds Almost a third of a all watersheds have lost
more than 75% of the original forest cover

Acid Rain In Asia, sulfur dioxide emissions are expected

to triple by 2010 if current trends continue
For Community
Organ Donation In 2001, > 75,000 patients were on waiting lists
for transplants
Blood Donation < 5% of healthy Americans eligible to donate
blood actually do each year
Voting < 51% voted in the 2000 US presidential election

Building Human Capital for Better Lives

To Protect the Environment
Waste Reduction: Reduce, Reuse, Municipal waste generated in 1999 was
Recycle 374,631,000 tons, with only 31% recycled

Wildlife Habitat and Protection Roughly 70% of the major marine fish
stocks depleted from overfishing are
being fished at their biological limit

Forest Destruction It is estimated that forest cover has been

reduced by as much as 50% worldwide

Toxic Fertilizer and Pesticides Of the 65% continental watersheds

surveyed, 7% are sufficiently
contaminated to pose potential risk to
people who eat fish and to fish and

Building Human Capital for Better Lives

For Injury Prevention
Drinking and Driving 16,068 deaths were due to school-related traffic accidents
in the year 2000
Other Traffic + 25% of crashes can be attribut to driver distraction
Seat Belts + 30% of driver and adult passenger do not always wear
their seat belts
Booster Seats Only about 6% of the 20 million children who need booster
seats are using them
Suicide + 15% of high school students nationwide had made
specific plans to attempt suicide in 1999
Sexually Assault 8% of high school age girl said "yes" when asked whether
"a boyfriend or date has ever forced sex againts your will"
Drowning Drowning is the second leading cause of injury-related
death to children aged 14 and under
Domestic Violence 31% of American women report having physically or
sexually Human Capital
abused for Better Lives
by a husband or boyfriend at some point
What Issues Have Been Addressed with Social Marketing?
• Breast Cancer
• Family Planning
• Immunization
• High Blood Pressure
• Cholesterol
• Radon
• Nutrition
• Panic Disorder
• Asthma
• Breastfeeding
• Drug Abuse
• Energy Conservation
• Smoking

Building Human Capital for Better Lives

• Oral Rehydration Therapy
• Volunteerism
• Child Abuse
• Osteoporosis
• Physical Activity
• Recycling
• Animal Protection
• School Enrollment
• Bicycle Helmets
• Depression
• Educational Opportunity
• Voting/Civic Engagement
• Pollution Prevention

Building Human Capital for Better Lives

Departemen Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen, Fakultas
HumanManusia, IPB University
Capital for Better Lives

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