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Karya Indonesia Aktualita

Tekad Kemenperin
Cetak SDM Industri Kompeten
Made in Indonesia
Pergurungan Tinggi Tekstil
Pertama Se-Asia Tenggara
dan Berumur Hampir 1 Abad
Unit Pendidikan Kemenperin
M E D I A E K U I TA S P R O D U K I N D O N E S I A Relevan dengan Dunia Industri

Edisi 2020
Unit Pendidikan Kemenperin

Generate Excellent and Competent
Human Resources for Industry
DARI MEJA REDAKSI Karya Indonesia Aktualita
Tekad Kemenperin
Cetak SDM Industri Kompeten
Made in Indonesia


Pergurungan Tinggi Tekstil
Pertama Se-Asia Tenggara
dan Berumur Hampir 1 Abad
Unit Pendidikan Kemenperin
M E D I A E K U I TA S P R O D U K I N D O N E S I A Relevan dengan Dunia Industri

Edisi 2020
Unit Pendidikan Kemenperin

I Era industri 4.0 dan kemajuan teknologi industri yang UNGGULAN
saat ini terus berkembang membutuhkan kesiapan sumber Generate Excellent and Competent

daya manusia (SDM) yang kompeten di bidang industri.

Human Resources for Industry

Upaya menghasilkan SDM unggul di bidang industri telah

dilakukan satuan kerja (Satker) Kementerian Perindustrian
(Kemenperin) yakni melalui program pendidikan vokasi
industri berbasis link and match.
Satker Kemenperin yakni Badan Pengembangan Sumber
Daya Manusia Industri telah memiliki 10 Politeknik, 2
Akademi Komunitas, 3 Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK)
Analis Kimia, 6 SMK Teknik Industri, dan 7 Balai Diklat
Industri (BDI).
Sepanjang tahun 2016-2019, BPSDMI telah mencapai
beberapa kinerja yang gemilang. Misalnya, dalam hal Pengarah: Menteri Perindustrian
penyelenggaraan pendidikan kejuruan, BPSDMI telah Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita. Pemimipin Umum:
mencetak sebanyak 6.655 tenaga kerja industri terampil Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Perindustrian Achmad Sigit
kompeten dan tersertifikasi dari 9 sekolah kejuruan Dwiwahjono. Pemimpin Redaksi: Kepala Biro Hubungan
Kemenperin. Tidak hanya itu, Masyarakat Andi Rizaldi. Wakil Pemimpin Redaksi:
untuk mengetahui lebih lengkapnya kami hadirkan (Plt) Kepala Bagian Pemberitaan dan Publikasi
informasi tersebut melalui Edisi 2020 ini yang berjudul Edo Sumarendra. Redaktur Pelaksana: Sofyari Rachman.
Mencetak SDM Industri Unggulan dan Kompeten. Editor: Muhamad Basri. Fotografer: Arief Febriant Putra,
Iman Mukhlis.
Selamat Membaca Anggota Redaksi:
Titin Fauziyah Rochmawati, Krisna Sulistyani, Aulya Uswatun
Hasana, Cynthia Rachmidianti.

E Industry era 4.0 and the advancement of industrial Alamat Redaksi:

technology that is currently continuing to develop requires the Biro Hubungan Masyarakat
readiness of competent human resources (HR) in the industrial Gedung Kementerian Perindustrian Lt. 6
field. Efforts to produce superior human resources in industry Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 52-53, Jakarta
have been carried out by the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) Telp : (021) 5255509 ext. 2648
work unit. through industrial vocational education program Fax : (021) 5255609
based on link and match.
Work Unit of Ministry of Industry which is the Industrial Akun Media Sosial
Human Resources Development Agency (IHRDA) currently Twitter : @Kemenperin_RI
has 10 Polytechnics, 2 Community Academies, 3 Vocational Facebook : Kementerian Perindustrian RI
High Schools (VHS) for Chemical Analysts, 6 Industrial Instagram : @kemenperin_ri
Youtube : Kementerian Perindustrian RI
Engineering Vocational Schools, and 7 Industrial Training
Centers (ITC)
Redaksi menerima artikel, opini, surat pembaca. Setiap tulisan
Throughout 2016-2019, IHRDA has achieved several
hendaknya diketik dengan spasi rangkap dengan panjang
brilliant performances. For example, in the provision of naskah 3.000-6.000 karakter,disertai identitas penulis.
vocational education, IHRDA has produced 6,655 competent
and certified skilled industrial workers from 9 vocational Naskah dikirim ke email:
schools of the Ministry of Industry.
In addition to those above, we provide you with this
2020 Edition called ‘Generate Excellent and Competent Majalah ini dapat diakses melalui
Human Resources for Industry.’

Enjoy your reading

Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

I Balai Diklat Industri I SMK – SMTI

AKTUALITA E Yogyakarta Industrial

E Yogyakarta
Training and Education Vocational High School
Center (BDI Yogyakarta) of Industrial Technology

38 40 42 44
I Tekad Kemenperin
Cetak SDM Industri Kompeten

E The determination of the Ministry of

Industry to develop Competent Industrial I Politeknik Akademi I Balai Diklat Industri I Balai Diklat Industri I SMK – SMTI Pontianak
HR Teknologi Kulit (ATK) Surabaya Denpasar
E Pontianak Vocational

E Yogyakarta Industrial E Denpasar Industrial
Training and Education High School of Industrial
Training and Education Technology
E Academy of Leather Center (BDI Yogyakarta) Center (BDI Denpasar)
Technology Polytechnic

10 of Yogyakarta

46 48 50 52
I SMK – SMTI Makassar I Balai Diklat Industri I Politeknik Akademi
24 Teknologi Industri (ATI)
I SMK SMAK Makassar
Makassar E Makassar Vocational
E Makassar Vocational E Makssar Industrial School, Chemical
High School of Industrial Training and Education Analysis High School
Technology E Academy of Industrial

Center (BDI Makassar)
Technology Polytechnic
of Makassar

10 12 14 16 54
I SMK – SMTI Banda I Politeknik Teknologi I Balai Diklat Industri I Balai Diklat Industri I Politeknik Industri
Aceh Kimia Industri (PTKI) Logam Morowali

Medan Padang
E Medan Industrial E Medan Industrial E Metal Industry
E Banda Aceh Training and Education Training and Education Polytechnic of Morowali
Vocational High School E Polytechnic of
Chemical Technology Center (BDI Medan) Center (BDI Padang)
of Industrial Technology

Industry Medan

18 20 22 24 I Akademi Komunitas
I SMK – SMTI Padang I SMK SMAK Padang I SMK – SMTI Bandar I Balai Diklat Industri Manufaktur Bantaeng
Lampung Jakarta
E Padang E Padang Vocational E Bantaeng Community
Vocational High School School, Chemical E Bandar Lampung E Jakarta Industrial Academy of Manufacturing
of Industrial Technology Analysis High School Vocational High School Training and Education
Center (BDI Jakarta)
of Industrial Technology


26 28 30 32 58
I Politeknik Akademi I SMK SMAK Bogor
I Politeknik STTT Bandung I Politeknik Industri Furnitur I Unit Pendidikan Kemenperin
Pimpinan Perusahaan Jakarta dan Pengolahan Kayu Relevan Dengan Dunia Industri
E Bogor Vocational E Bandung College
E Academy of Company School, Chemical of Textile Technology E Polytechnic Furniture and E Ministry of Industry
Leadership Politechnic Jakarta Analysis High School Wood Processing Industry Education Unit Relevant to the
Industrial World


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

I Kepala BPSDMI Eko SA. Cahyanto menjelaskan, pihaknya
fokus meningkatkan kompetensi SDM industri yang meliputi
tenaga kerja industri, konsultan industri, wirausaha industri
serta pembina industri yang terdiri dari Aparatur Sipil Negara Seluruh siswa juga memperoleh sertifikat
(ASN) pusat dan daerah. kompetensi standar internasional sehingga saat
lulus dapat cepat terserap di dunia kerja. Tak
“Untuk dapat mengembangkan ke empat komponen tersebut hanya siswa, para guru dan tenaga pendidik
di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, BPSDMI saat ini memiliki 10
Politeknik, 2 Akademi Komunitas, 3 Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan kami, juga difasilitasi program pemagangan dan
(SMK) Analis Kimia, 6 SMK Teknik Industri, dan 7 Balai Diklat pelatihan agar mampu mendidik siswa siap kerja,”
Industri (BDI),” paparnya. Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Industri
Seluruh satuan kerja di bawah BPSDMI memiliki komitmen dalam Eko SA. Cahyanto
penyiapan SDM industri yang terampil sesuai kebutuhan industri
saat ini melalui program pendidikan vokasi maupun pelatihan jangka penyempurnaan kurikulum industri 4.0 yang sebelumnya telah
pendek. Apalagi, di tengah era industri 4.0, SDM industri dituntut disusun untuk sekolah dan politeknik serta pembangunan Pusat
untuk menguasai teknologi digital. Inovasi Digital Industri 4.0 di Jakarta dan satelitnya di setiap sekolah
yang saat ini masih dalam proses kajian dan pembangunan fisik,”
“Untuk sekolah dan politeknik kami di masing masing wilayah ungkap Eko.
berperan dalam melaksanakan program pendidikan vokasi berbasis
dual system dan pengembangan SMK yang link and match dengan Sementara itu, target yang dibidik BPSDMI pada tahun 2020-
industri,” ujar Eko. Sedangkan, BDI di masing-masing wilayah 2024, antara lain adalah mencetak 332.100 tenaga kerja industri yang
berperan dalam pelaksanaan program pendidikan dan pelatihan Kompeten. Jumlah ini mencakup dari lulusan SMK dan Politeknik,
industri berbasis kompetensi. program D1-D2 hasil kerja sama industri, fasilitasi sertifikasi tenaga

kerja industri, serta hasil diklat 3 in 1.\
Menariknya, pendidikan vokasi di Kemenperin mengadopsi dual
system, yaitu proses pembelajaran 50% teori dan 50% praktik yang Berikutnya, meningkatkan rata-rata persentase lulusan politeknik
dilaksanakan langusng di Industri. “Hal ini karena seluruh unit dan SMK menjadi 99% pada tahun 2024, meningkatkan jumlah siswa

pendidikan vokasi di lingkungan Kemenperin telah menjalin kerja dari sistem pembelajaran dual system di sekolah menjadi 24.500 siswa,
sama dengan perusahaan industri yang sesuai dengan kejuruan atau mencetak 6.000 tenaga kerja industri yang bersertifikat internasional,
prodinya masing masing,” imbuhnya. serta membidik sebanyak 950 perusahaan yang dapat memanfaatkan

layanan industri di Sekolah dan Politeknik Kemenperin.
Bahkan, peralatan praktik di sekolah vokasi milik Kemenperin
sudah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan industri dalam proses Sasaran lainnya, semua program pendidikan di politeknik
produksinya. “Seluruh siswa juga memperoleh sertifikat kompetensi Kemenperin berakreditasi A pada tahun 2024, sebanyak 980

standar internasional sehingga saat lulus dapat cepat terserap di penelitian didiseminasikan pada seminar nasional dan internasional,
dunia kerja. Tak hanya siswa, para guru dan tenaga pendidik kami, meningkatkan 935 tenaga pengajar politeknik dan SMK Kemenperin,
juga difasilitasi program pemagangan dan pelatihan agar mampu terlaksananya 276 pilot project implementasi industri 4.0 di politeknik

I Kepala BPSDMI Eko SA. Cahyanto meninjau Balai Diklat Industri Jakarta dan SMK Kemenperin, serta penumbuhan 990 wirausaha industri
E Head of BPSDMI Eko SA. Cahyanto inspecting Industry Learning Center of Jakarta
mendidik siswa siap kerja,” tutur Eko.
Sepanjang tahun 2016-2019, BPSDMI telah mencapai beberapa
kinerja yang gemilang. Misalnya, dalam hal penyelenggaraan Eko pun menegaskan, pihaknya telah memiliki enam program
pendidikan kejuruan, BPSDMI telah mencetak sebanyak 6.655 tenaga prioritas dalam pengembangan SDM industri yang kompeten dan
kerja industri terampil yang kompeten dan tersertifikasi dari 9 berdaya saing. Pertama, pelaksanaan pendidikan vokasi berbasis dual
Kementerian Perindustrian bertekad untuk system yang dilaksanakan oleh 9 SMK, 10 Politeknik dan 2 Akademi
ikut serta membangun kualitas sumber daya sekolah kejuruan Kemenperin.
Komunitas yang telah bekerja sama dengan industri.
manusia (SDM) di Indonesia, khususnya Selanjutnya, dalam hal penyelenggaraan pendidikan tinggi,
dalam menopang daya saing industri nasional. BPSDMI telah meluluskan hingga 12.298 tenaga kerja industri ahli Kedua, pembangunan politeknik baru di kawasan industri,
Peran penting ini siap dijalankan oleh Badan yang kompeten dan tersertifikasi dari 10 politeknik dan 2 akademi Wilayah Pusat Pertumbuhan Industri (WPPI), dan Kawasan Ekonomi
komunitas Kemenperin. Khusus (KEK) di seluruh Indonesia. Ketiga, pengembangan SMK yang
Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Industri link and match dengan industri, yang merupakan kerja sama antara
(BPSDMI). “Terkait pembangunan politeknik baru di kawasan industri, kami Kemenperin dan Kemendikbud.
telah membangun politeknik baru di kota Kendal untuk bidang
furnitur yang telah beroperasi sejak tahun 2019. Saat ini, kami sedang Langkah keempat, pelaksanaan pendidikan dan pelatihan
membangun politeknik baru di kota Cilegon Banten untuk bidang industri berbasis kompetensi. Misalnya, program diklat sistem 3 in 1,
petrokimia yang akan mulai beroperasi tahun ini,” sebutnya. pendidikan D1 yang bekerjasama dengan industri, diklat reskilling
dan upskilling untuk tenaga kerja industri eksisting, serta diklat
Kemudian, mengenai pengembangan program link and match antara wirausaha industri berbasis kompetensi.
SMK dengan industri, BPSDMI telah melakukan peluncuran program
tersebut di beberapa provinsi di Indonesia yang menghasilkan MoU kerja Kelima, pengembangan infrastruktur kompetensi. Tujuan program
sama antara 2612 SMK dengan 855 Industri. ini mencakup penyusunan dokumen SKKNI dan KKNI, Pelatihan
Para Asesor Kompetensi, Fasilitasi Pembentukan LSP dan TUK, serta
“Di tahun 2019 ini hasil tersebut kami lakukan pembinaan, Fasilitasi Sertifikasi Kompetensi untuk tenaga kerja yang dilatih oleh
pengawasan, dan evaluasi melalui kegiatan bantuan peralatan, lembaga lain.
peningkatan kompetensi guru produktif, dan fasilitasi tenaga pengajar
silver expert dari industri untuk dapat mengajar di SMK seluruh Jurus pamungkasnya adalah pembangunan Pusat Inovasi dan
Indonesia,” tandasnya. Pengembangan SDM Industri 4.0 (PIDI 4.0). Tujuannya adalah
mencetak SDM industri yang dapat berdaya saing di era industri 4.0.
Dalam rangka penyiapan tenaga kerja industri kompeten, BPSDMI Program ini mencakup pada pembangunan PIDI 4.0 di Jakarta dan
aktif menyelenggarakan pelatihan dengan sistem 3 in 1 (dilatih, satelit-satelitnya yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Pusat
disertifikasi, dan ditempatkan bekerja) yang berlokasi di 7 BDI inovasi ini akan lima pilar layanan, yaitu Showcase Center, Capability
ataupun di perusahaan untuk sebanyak 133.180 tenaga kerja industri. Center, Ecosystem for Industry 4.0, Innovation Center, dan Delivery
“Rencana pengembangan selanjutnya adalah melakukan Center.


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

All students also obtain international standard
competency certificates so that when they graduate
they can quickly be absorbed in the world of work.
Not only students, our teachers and educators,
apprenticeship and training programs are also
facilitated so that they can educate students who
are ready to work.
Head of Industrial Human Resources
Development Agency, Eko SA. Cahyanto

which are currently still in the process of studying and physical

development,” said Eko.
Meanwhile, the targets targeted by IHRDA in 2020-2024, among
others, are to produce 332,100 competent industrial workers. This
number includes VHS and Polytechnic graduates, D1-D2 programs
I Kepala BPSDMI Eko SA. Cahyanto meninjau Politknik ATI Makassar
resulting from industrial cooperation, facilitation of industrial
E Head of BPSDMI Eko SA. Cahyanto visiting Polytechnic
workforce certification, and results of 3 in 1 training.
of ATI Makassar Next, increase the average percentage of polytechnic and vocational
school graduates to 99% by 2024, increase the number of students
from the dual system learning system in schools to 24,500 students,
standard competency certificates so that when they graduate they create 6,000 internationally certified industrial workers, and target
can quickly be absorbed in the world of work. Not only students, 950 companies that can take advantage of the service. Industry at the
our teachers and educators, apprenticeship and training programs Schools and Polytechnic of the Ministry of Industry.
are also facilitated so that they can educate students who are ready
to work, “said Eko. Other targets, all educational programs at the Ministry of Industry’s
polytechnics are accredited A by 2024, 980 studies were disseminated
Throughout 2016-2019, IHRDA has achieved several brilliant at national and international seminars, increased 935 polytechnic
I Kepala BPSDMI Eko SA. Cahyanto meninjau Balai Diklat Industri Jakarta
performances. For example, in the provision of vocational and vocational high school teaching staff at the Ministry of Industry,
E Head of BPSDMI Eko SA. Cahyanto visiting Industry Learning Center of Jakarta
education, IHRDA has produced 6,655 competent and certified implemented 276 pilot projects for the implementation of Industry 4.0

skilled industrial workers from 9 vocational schools of the Ministry at the polytechnics and VHS of the Ministry of Industry, as well as 990
of Industry. growth. New industrial entrepreneur.

THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY Furthermore, in terms of the implementation of higher

education, IHRDA has graduated up to 12,298 competent and
Eko also emphasised that his party already has six priority programs
in the development of competent and competitive industrial human

certified skilled industrial workers from 10 polytechnics and 2 resources. First, the implementation of dual system-based vocational
community academies of the Ministry of Industry. education which is carried out by 9 VHS, 10 Polytechnic and 2

INDUSTRIAL HR “Regarding the construction of a new polytechnic in the Community Academies that have collaborated with industry.
industrial area, we have built a new polytechnic in Kendal for the Second, the development of new polytechnics in industrial estates,
furniture sector which has been operating since 2019. Currently, we Industrial Growth Center Areas (IGCA), and Special Economic Zones
The Ministry of Industry is determined to participate in building the quality of are building a new polytechnic in the city of Cilegon, Banten for (SEZ) throughout Indonesia. Third, the development of VHSs that
the petrochemical sector which will start operating this year,” he link and match with industry, which is a collaboration between the
human resources (HR) in Indonesia, especially in supporting the competitiveness of called. Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Education and Culture.
the national industry. This important role is ready to be played by the Industrial
Human Resources Development Agency (IHRDA). Then, regarding the development of a link and match program The fourth step is implementing competency-based industrial
between VHS and industry, IHRDA has launched the program education and training. For example, the 3 in 1 system education
in several provinces in Indonesia which resulted in an MoU of and training program, D1 education in collaboration with industry,
E Head of IHRDA Eko SA. Cahyanto explained that his “For schools and polytechnics, we in each region play a role in cooperation between 2612 VHS and 855 Industries. reskilling and upskilling training for existing industrial workers, and
party is focused on improving the competence of industrial implementing a dual system-based vocational education program competency-based industrial entrepreneurship training.
human resources which includes industrial workers, industrial and the development of vocational schools that link and match “In 2019, we provide guidance, supervision and evaluation
consultants, industrial entrepreneurs and industrial supervisors with industry,” said Eko. Meanwhile, ITC in each region plays a through equipment assistance activities, increase the competence of Fifth, competency infrastructure development. The objectives of
consisting of the central and regional Civil Servants (CS). role in implementing competency-based industrial education and productive teachers, and facilitate silver expert teaching staff from this program include the preparation of SKKNI and KKNI documents,
training programs. the industry to be able to teach at vocational schools throughout Training for Competency Assessors, Facilitation for the Establishment
“To be able to develop these four components throughout Indonesia,” he said. of LSP and TUK, and Facilitation for Competency Certification for
Indonesia, IHRDA currently has 10 Polytechnics, 2 Community Interestingly, vocational education at the Ministry of Industry workers trained by other institutions.
Academies, 3 Vocational High Schools (VHS) for Chemical adopts a dual system, namely a learning process of 50% theory and To prepare a competent industrial workforce, IHRDA actively
Analysts, 6 Industrial Engineering Vocational Schools, and 7 50% practice which is carried out directly in the Industry. “This organises training with a 3 in 1 system (trained, certified, and His final move is the construction of the Center for Innovation and
Industrial Training Centers (ITC),” he explained. is because all vocational education units within the Ministry of placed to work) located at 7 ITCs or in companies for as many as Human Resource Development for Industry 4.0 (PIDI 4.0). The goal is
Industry have collaborated with industrial companies following 133,180 industrial workers. to produce industrial human resources which can be competitive in the
All work units under IHRDA are committed to preparing skilled their respective vocations or study programs,” he added. industrial era 4.0. This program includes the construction of PIDI 4.0 in
industrial human resources according to current industry needs “The next development plan is to refine the industrial 4.0
curriculum that was previously prepared for schools and Jakarta and its satellites which are spread throughout Indonesia. This
through vocational education programs and short-term training. The valuable equipment in vocational schools owned by the innovation centre will have five service pillars, namely the Showcase
Moreover, in the middle of the industrial era 4.0, industrial human Ministry of Industry has been adjusted to the needs of the industry polytechnics as well as the construction of the Digital Industry
4.0 Innovation Center in Jakarta and its satellites in each school Center, Capability Center, Ecosystem for Industry 4.0, Innovation
resources are required to master digital technology. in the production process. “All students also obtain international Center, and Delivery Center.


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

SMK – SMTI BANDA ACEH BANDA ACEH VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL E As a unit of the task force under the Industrial Human


Resources Development Agency (IHRDA) of the Ministry
of Industry, SMK – SMTI Banda Aceh carries out the task of
implementing vocational secondary education competency of
industrial technology expertise.
Kementerian Perindustrian terus melakukan upaya untuk dapat
mencetak sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang kompeten dan adaptif COMPETENCY- “SMK – SMTI Banda Aceh carries a mission vision to make SMK
superior, competency-based and competitive as an industrial school
dengan perkembangan zaman sesuai era industri 4.0.
BASED INDUSTRIAL specializing in palm oil and its environmentally minded derivatives
and becoming a role model for competency-based industrial vocational
VOCATIONAL education,” said head of SMK – SMTI Aceh Ir. Hariyanto, MPD.

I Sebagai unit satuan kerja di menjalin kerjasama sebanyak 20 (dua SMK – SMTI Banda Aceh organizes vocational education in the field of
bawah Badan Pengembangan Sumber puluh) perusahaan dan direncanakan Industrial Technology with an education period of 3 (three) years or 6 (six)
Daya Manusia Industri (BPSDMI)
Kementerian Perindustrian, SMK –
akan ada penambahan 21 (dua puluh satu)
perusahaaan yang akan bekerjasama INDUSTRY 4.0 ERA. semesters with majors including, industrial chemistry (diagramming
process flows and chemical industry equipment, conducting non B3 liquid
water and waste treatment process physically and chemically, doing simple
SMTI Banda Aceh mengemban tugas dengan SMK-SMTI Banda Aceh pada
untuk melaksanakan pendidikan tahun 2020. The Ministry of Industry continues to make efforts distillation). Field of laboratory testing analysis (Testing food, beverage,
menengah kejuruan kompetensi to be able to produce competent and adaptive human waste and industrial products samples in conventional laboratories, as well
keahlian teknologi industri. Untuk menghadapi perkembangan di resources with the development of the era according to as microbiological testing of samples).
sektor industri khususnya pada penerapan
“SMK – SMTI Banda Aceh mengusung Industri 4.0, SMK-SMTI Banda Aceh akan the industrial era 4.0. Industrial mechanical engineering (Operating, maintaining and
visi misi menjadikan SMK unggul, meningkatkan layanan baik dari segi controlling conventional and CNC production machines, operating
berbasis kompetensi dan berdaya kuantitatif maupun kualitatif, sehingga and maintaining industrial robotics systems, reading and preparing
saing sebagai sekolah industri dengan SMK – SMTI Banda Aceh memiliki I Kunjungan industri di PT PHPO Belawan engineering images or CAD/CAM, maintaining and repairing machining
spesialisasi kelapa sawit dan turunannya beberapa rencana pengembangan sekolah E Factory visit at PT PHPO Belawan components).
I Pembelajaran Teori Elektroplating oleh
yang berwawasan lingkungan dan Silver Expert PT Has Chemindo diantaranya adalah meningkatkan “Of the three majors that are most superior by SMK – SMTI Banda
menjadi role model pendidikan vokasi E Learning Proccess of Elektroplating pelaksanaan program pendidikan sistem Aceh is currently the Field of Industrial Chemistry,” said Hariyanto.
industri berbasis kompetensi,” kata Theory by Silver Expert PT Has Chemindo ganda (PSG), meningkatkan kemampuan
Kepala SMK – SMTI Aceh Ir. Hariyanto, berbahasa inggris bagi tenaga pendidik For curriculum methods, SMK-SMTI Banda Aceh implements dual
MPD. dan peserta didik, meningkatkan sarana system education (PSG) which is a vocational education program that
prasarana dan kegiatan pembelajaran synchronizes education programs in vocational school with mastery
SMK – SMTI Banda Aceh langsung di sektor industri, serta kerja of expertise obtained through direct practice in the industrial sector, as
menyelenggarakan pendidikan kejuruan industri 4.0, meningkatkan kerja sama
sama uji kompetensi dan pelatihan guru/ dengan industri terkait dengan magang well as competency test cooperation and training of teachers / students
dalam bidang Teknologi Industri dengan siswa dengan Belanda (Vapro) sejak tahun with the Netherlands (Vapro) since 2019 in an effort to improve the
masa pendidikan selama 3 (tiga) tahun guru/ siswa, praktik kerja industri bagi
2019 dalam upaya meningkatkan mutu siswa, dan penyerapan lulusan SMK – SMTI quality and competency standards of graduates.
atau 6 (enam) semester dengan memiliki dan standar kompetensi lulusan.
jurusan diantaranya, Bidang kimia Banda Aceh serta melaksanakan kegiatan Regarding job prospects, graduates of SMK-SMTI Banda Aceh
industri (membuat diagram aliran proses Terkait prospek kerja, lulusan SMK- Bursa Kerja Khusus (BKK). are absorbed and fulfill competencies in several companies and
dan peralatan industri kimia, melakukan SMTI Banda Aceh banyak terserap dan universities such as PT. Pupuk Iskandar Muda, PT. PN I Nusantara, PT.
proses pengolahan air dan limbah memenuhi kompetensi di beberapa Sinas Mas, PT. Semen Gresik, AKA Bogor, Chemical Engineering Syiah
perusahaan maupun perguruan tinggi
cair non B3 secara fisika dan kimiawi,
seperti PT. Pupuk Iskandar Muda, PT. INFORMASI | INFORMATION Kuala University, Industrial Engineering Muhammadiyah University
melakukan penyulingan sederhana). etc.
PN I Nusantara, PT. Sinas Mas, PT. SMK SMTI Banda Aceh
Bidang analisis pengujian Semen Gresik, AKA Bogor, Teknik Kimia The school located in Jalan Tgk. Diblang Kota Banda Aceh also has
Jl. Dharma, Mulia, Kec. Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23123
laboratorium (Melakukan pengujian Universitas Syiah Kuala, Teknik Industri several advantages, namely school accreditation with the predicate
(0651) 35016
sampel makanan, minuman, limbah dan Universitas Muhammadiyah dll. A (Very Good) of the National Accreditation Board of Schools /
produk industri di laboratorium secara Madrasah (BAN - S/M) since 2016, has CPO processing methtronics,
konvensional, serta pengujian sampel Sekolah yang beralamat di Jalan Tgk. chemistry, computing and miniplant processing facilities, has a First
secara mikrobiologi). Diblang Kota Banda Aceh juga memiliki Party Professional Certification Body (LSP – P1), has ISO 9001:2015
beberapa keunggulan yaitu akreditasi Quality Management System (SMM) certification, and ISO 14001:2015
Bidang teknik mekanik industri sekolah dengan predikat A (Amat Baik) Environmental Management System (SML) certification.
(Mengoperasikan, merawat serta dari Badan Akreditasi Nasional Sekolah/
mengontrol mesin produksi konvensional Madrasah (BAN – S/M) sejak tahun In the sphere of cooperation, SMK-SMTI Banda Aceh also has a
maupun CNC, mengoperasikan dan 2016, memiliki fasilitas laboratorium network with industries in Aceh Province, especially in the palm
merawat sistem robotika industri, mekatronika, kimia, komputasi, dan oil industry and its derivatives and generally covers all industries
membaca dan mempersiapkan gambar miniplant pengolahan CPO, Memiliki in Indonesia. Currently, SMK-SMTI Banda Aceh has established
teknik atau CAD/CAM, merawat dan Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Pihak Pertama cooperation with 20 (twenty) companies and there is planned to be the
memperbaiki komponen permesinan). (LSP – P1), memiliki sertifikasi Sistem addition of 21 (twenty-one) companies that will cooperate with SMK-
Manajemen Mutu (SMM) ISO 9001:2015, SMTI Banda Aceh in 2020.
“Dari ketiga jurusan tersebut yang
paling diunggulkan oleh SMK – SMTI dan sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen To deal with developments in the industrial sector, especially in
Banda Aceh saat ini adalah Bidang Kimia Lingkungan (SML) ISO 14001:2015. the implementation of Industry 4.0, SMK-SMTI Banda Aceh will
Industri,” papar Hariyanto. Dalam lingkup kerjasama, SMK-SMTI improve services both quantitatively and qualitatively, So SMK -
Banda Aceh juga memiliki jaringan SMTI Banda Aceh has several school development plans including
Untuk metode kurikulum, SMK-SMTI improving the implementation of dual system education program
Banda Aceh menerapkan pendidikan dengan industri – industri di Provinsi
Aceh khususnya di sektor industri (PSG), improving English language skills for educators and students,
sistem ganda (PSG) yang merupakan improving infrastructure facilities and industrial learning activities
program pendidikan kejuruan kelapa sawit dan turunannya serta pada
umumnya mencakup seluruh industri di 4.0, increasing cooperation with industry related to teacher/student
yang mensinkronisasikan program internships, industrial working practices for students, and absorption
pendidikan di SMK dengan penguasaan Indonesia.
of SMK - SMTI Banda Aceh graduates and carrying out Special Work
keahlian yang diperoleh melalui praktek Saat ini, SMK-SMTI Banda Aceh telah Market (BKK) activities.


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

I Aktivitas belajar mengajar di mini plant PTKI

E Learning and teaching activity at PTIK mini plant

forges students with high discipline and mastery of science

and technology, especially in the field of Quality Control /
Quality Assurance, plant operation and plant maintenance.

PTKI MEDAN, LULUSANNYA DIBURU INDUSTRI I Aktivitas belajar mengajar di laboratorium kimia PTKI
PTKI now holds a Diploma 3 (D3) education with three majors,
namely Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Palm
E Learning and teaching activity at PTIK chemical lab Oil Agribusiness. Every year the polytechnic receives 380 students.
Kepercayaan penuh yang diberikan perusahaan-perusahaan industri di tanah air terhadap para And has succeeded in graduating around 7,600 alumni who now
lulusan Politeknik Teknologi Kimia Industri (PTKI) Medan sudah begitu kuatnya sehingga para work in various companies throughout Indonesia.
lulusannya sampai kini selalu menjadi incaran dan buruan perusahaan yang membutuhkan
tenaga kerja handal dan siap pakai. PTKI MEDAN GRADUATES With the excellent reputation of graduates in the eyes
of industry players, several companies were encouraged to
ARE IN-DEMAND collaborate with PTKI to provide scholarships for students.
Currently, no less than 30 companies have established such
I Melalui penerapan sistem pendidikan yang memadai berupa 18 ruang kuliah, kerja. Mereka ditempa selama tiga semester cooperation, including Sinar Mas Group, SOCI Mas, OKI Pulp,
vokasi yang ketat, disiplin tinggi, fokus 22 laboratorium, mini plant dan pabrik di kampus, kemudian selama dua semester The full trust given by industrial companies in this Wilmar, Multimas Nabati Asahan, Ecogreen, RAPP, Asian
dan terstruktur, PTKI kini menjadi kelapa sawit serta ditunjang oleh tenaga magang di industri dan satu semester country towards the graduates of the Polytechnic of Sawit Makmur Jaya, Medicep Indonesia, and many more
penghasil sumber daya manusia siap pengajar lulusan S2 dan S3 yang handal terakhir kembali ke kampus. Dengan Chemical Technology Industry Medan (PTKI) has
pakai dan handal di bidang teknik di bidangnya, PTKI menempa para penerapan dual system ini kurikulum pun PTKI has also implemented a dual system since 2019 for three
been so strong that its graduates have always been the classes of Palm Oil Agribusiness study programs and one class
mekanika, teknik kimia dan industri mahasiswanya dengan kedisiplinan tinggi dibahas bersama oleh PTKI dan industri
pengolahan kelapa sawit, khususnya dan bekal penguasaan ilmu dan teknologi yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan targeted by the companies that require reliable and each for Chemical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
untuk wilayah Sumatera bagian utara. khususnya di bidang Quality Control/ kecakapan yang ada di industri. ready-to-use labour. courses.
Quality Assurance, pengoperasian pabrik With the dual system program implemented, PTKI graduates
Didirikan pada tahun 1982 melalui dan pemeliharaan pabrik. Mahasiswa yang menyelesaikan
kerjasama antara Departemen pendidikan di PTKI selain mendapatkan E Through the implementation of a vocational education system that are better prepared to enter the workforce directly. They are
Perindustrian dan Perdagangan PTKI kini menyelenggarakan ijazah pendidikan strata D3, mereka juga is rigorous, highly disciplined, focused and structured, PTKI is now forged for three semesters on campus, then for two semesters of
(Deperindag) dan Japan International pendidikan Diploma 3 (D3) dengan tiga mendapatkan sertifikat kompetensi sesuai a producer of ready-made and reliable human resources in the fields internship in industry and the last semester returned to college.
Cooperation Agency (JICA) dengan nama jurusan, yaitu Teknik Mekanika, Teknik dengan bidang keahliannya. Dengan of mechanical engineering, chemical engineering and the palm oil With the implementation of the dual system, the curriculum
Pusat Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Kimia dan Agribisnis Kelapa Sawit. Setiap demikian industri pengguna dapat dengan processing industry, especially for the northern part of Sumatra. was also discussed jointly by PTKI and the industry, which was
Industri Kimia, lembaga baru yang tahunnya politeknik ini menerima 380 cepat menempatkan mereka di bidang- Founded in 1982 through collaboration between the adjusted to the needs of skills in the industry.
menempati lokasi di atas area seluas 8 ha ini mahasiswa. Dan telah berhasil meluluskan bidang yang dibutuhkan Department of Industry and Trade (Deperindag) and the Japan In addition to the diploma, Students who complete their
awalnya didedikasikan untuk mendidik sekitar 7.600 alumni yang kini bekerja di International Cooperation Agency (JICA) under the name of education at PTKI also get a certificate of competency according
karyawan industri di wilayah Sumatra berbagai perusahaan di seluruh Indonesia. Dengan sistem pendidikan vokasi
yang diterapkan selama ini, 80%-85% para Chemical Industry Education and Development Center, This to their area of expertise. Thus the user industry can quickly
Bagian Utara (Sumbagut) termasuk new institution that occupies a location over an area of 8 ha was place them in the required fields.
Provinsi Aceh dan Sumatera Utara dengan Dengan reputasi lulusan yang sangat lulusan PTKI rata-rata hanya menganggur
baik di mata para pelaku industri, paling lama enam bulan, namun pihak initially dedicated to educating industrial employees in the
dua jurusan yaitu jurusan Teknologi North Sumatra (Sumbagut) region including the Provinces of With the vocational education system applied so far, 80% -85% of
Pemeliharaan Mesin dan Teknologi Kimia. sejumlah perusahaan pun terdorong perguruan tinggi sendiri menargetkan PTKI graduates are on average only unemployed for a maximum
untuk melakukan kerjasama dengan PTKI untuk memperpendek masa menganggur Aceh and North Sumatra with two majors namely Mechanical
Ketika itu hanya ada dua industri utama Maintenance Technology and Chemical Technology. At that of six months. However, the university itself aims to shorten the
di wilayah tersebut yaitu PT Arun dan PT untuk menyediakan beasiswa bagi para itu menjadi maksimum tiga bulan dengan unemployment period to a maximum of three months by actively
mahasiswa. Saat ini tidak kurang dari 30 secara aktif mencarikan informasi time, there were only two primary industries in the region,
Inalum. namely PT Arun and PT Inalum. seeking information on job vacancies in industrial companies.
perusahaan menjalin kerjasama tersebut, lowongan pekerjaan di perusahaan-
Pada tahun 1986 perguruan tinggi ini diantaranya adalah Sinar Mas Group, SOCI perusahaan industri. In 1986 the university changed its name to Chemical and To improve the quality of education, PTKI management is
mengalami perubahan nama menjadi Mas, OKI Pulp, Wilmar, Multimas Nabati Industrial Technology Education, only in 2014 changed to currently pioneering cooperation with an educational consulting
Pendidikan Teknologi Kimia dan Industri, Asahan, Ecogreen, RAPP, Asian Sawit Untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan, company to make PTKI an international standard and certified
manajemen PTKI kini sedang merintis Polytechnic of Chemical Technology Industry Medan (PTKI)
baru pada tahun 2014 berubah menjadi Makmur Jaya, Medicep Indonesia, dan with the addition of one major, the Palm Oil Agribusiness vocational education institution. Not only that, PTKI also plans
Politeknik Teknologi Kimia Industri masih banyak lagi kerjasama dengan sebuah perusahaan to open a D4 study program (Diploma 4 Applied Bachelor) Factory
konsultan pendidikan dalam rangka Department.
(PTKI) dengan tambahan satu jurusan, Instrumentation Technology and D1 program. All that was done to
yaitu Jurusan Agribisnis Kelapa Sawit. PTKI juga sudah menerapkan dual menjadikan PTKI sebagai lembaga After turning into a polytechnic, PTKI obtained ISO 9001: meet the demand of the labour market.
system sejak tahun 2019 untuk tiga kelas pendidikan vokasi berstandar dan 2011 quality certification in 2015 and received accreditation
Setelah berubah menjadi politeknik, program studi Agribisnis Kelapa Sawit dan bersertifikat internasional. Tidak hanya certification from the National Accreditation Committee
PTKI memperoleh sertifikasi mutu ISO masing-masing satu kelas untuk program itu, PTKI juga berencana untuk membuka (KAN). INFORMASI | INFORMATION
9001:2011 pada tahun 2015 dan mendapat studi Teknik Kimia dan Teknik Mekanika. program studi D4 (Diploma 4 Sarjana Politeknik Teknologi Kimia Industri Medan
sertifikasi akreditasi dari Komite Terapan) Teknologi Instrumentasi Pabrik Equipped with adequate facilities and infrastructure in
Akreditasi Nasional (KAN). Dengan program dual system yang dan program D1. Semua itu dilakukan the form of 18 lecture halls, 22 laboratories, mini plants Jalan Medan Tenggara No. VII, Medan, Sumatera Utara
diterapkan, para lulusan PTKI menjadi untuk memenuhi permintaan dari pasar and palm oil mills and supported by lecturers with master’s 061. 7867810 - Fax. (061) 7862439
Dengan dilengkapi sarana dan prasarana lebih siap untuk langsung memasuki dunia pengguna tenaga kerja. and doctoral degrees who are reliable in their fields, PTKI


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

Balai Diklat Industri (BDI) Medan with the industry. Most of the certifications
MEMBANGUN INDUSTRI that we do are for the operator level, but
there are also certifications for supervisor
PENGOLAHAN SAWIT level, but not many” said Indra.

DAN KARET MELALUI With the support of education and training

facilities that exist today, namely two education
DIKLAT 3 IN 1 and training rooms with a capacity of 60 people
each and 30 people, as well as experienced
instructors from industry practitioners, BDI
Minyak kelapa sawit dan karet alam adalah dua Medan is able to spawn a workforce that is ready
komoditas perkebunan unggulan Indonesia dimana to use that suits the needs of the business world.
Indonesia merupakan negara produsen minyak kelapa Indra said that all education and training
sawit terbesar di dunia yang juga menjadi produsen activities in BDI Medan were funded by
kedua terbesar karet alam dunia. Karena itu, tidak the government through the Ministry of
berlebihan jika negara ini memberikan perhatian Industry budget. Therefore, the education and
cukup besar terhadap kedua komoditas tersebut. training activities organized by BDI Medan
have benefited greatly by both the workforce
and the industry itself.
I Provinsi Sumatera Utara merupakan salah satu provinsi penghasil Unfortunately, according to Indra, until
utama komoditas tersebut. Karena itu, Kementerian Perindustrian now, BDI Medan does not have its own
pada tahun 1984 mendirikan Balai Diklat Industri di Medan teaching / mini plant, so training activities
dengan fokus mendidik dan melatih tenaga kerja di bidang industri related to the practice are always carried out
pengolahan minyak kelapa sawit dan karet alam serta turunannya in cooperating industries. In the future, BDI
Pembangunan sumber daya manusia di bidang industri sawit dan Medan will build a mini palm oil and natural
karet menjadi fokus utama kegiatan BDI Medan untuk memberikan rubber processing plant so that the training
dukungan kepada industri hilir pengolahan kedua komoditas tersebut I Kunjungan pabrik alam rangka pelatihan di bidang industri activities can be carried out entirely at BDI.
dalam penyediaan sumber daya manusia yang terampil dan siap pakai. E Factory visit in order to learning and practicing in the field of industry
It is planned that in 2020 BDI Medan
Balai Diklat Industri Medan terbentuk melalui keputusan Menteri will acquire 7.5 ha of unproductive land in
Perindustrian Nomor 417/M/SK/11/1984, tanggal 29 November 1984. Medan Industrial Training and Education Center (BDI Medan) collaboration with PTPN II to become the
Awalnya lembaga ini diberi nama Balai Latihan Industri. Namun
mengalami beberapa kali perubahan seperti pada tahun 2006 terjadi DEVELOPING PALM OIL location of the construction of a mini plant for
the processing of palm oil and natural rubber.
perubahan Organisasi dan Tata Kerja sehingga namanya menjadi
Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Industri Regional I Medan (mencakup AND RUBBER PROCESSING Furthermore, the construction of the mini
plant is planned to begin in 2021.
Provinsi Aceh, Sumatra Utara dan Riau).
INDUSTRY THROUGH 3IN1 The implementation of 3in1 training
program in the downstream palm oil and
Kemudian, dengan Peraturan Menteri Perindustrian Nomor
40/M-IND/PER/5/2014, namanya kembali berubah menjadi Balai I Para peserta diklat BDI Medan natural rubber processing industry is very
Diklat Industri Medan, dengan spesialisasi pada industri sawit dan E Some trainee of Medan Training and Education Center (BDI Medan) important and strategic in order to support
turunannya serta industri karet dan turunannya. Palm oil and natural rubber are two of Indonesia’s leading plantation the downstream of the two commodities.
commodities, in which Indonesia is the world’s largest producer of palm The development of the downstream palm
Kepala BDI Medan Indra Amin mengatakan kegiatan diklat yang bekerjasama. Kedepannya, BDI Medan akan membangun mini and rubber industries will increase labour
diselenggarakan BDI Medan sangat diminati masyarakat khususnya plant pengolahan sawit dan karet alam agar kegiatan diklat dapat oil and also the second largest producer of natural rubber in the world. absorption capacity and will encourage the
mereka yang akan memasuki dunia kerja karena lembaga ini dilakukan sepenuhnya di BDI. Therefore, it is not excessive if this country pays considerable attention development of supporting small-medium
memberikan layanan 3 in 1 yang sangat membantu mereka memasuki to these two commodities. industries.
dunia kerja dengan penuh keyakinan, yaitu Melatih, Mensertifikasi Melalui kerjasama dengan PTPN II, Rencananya tahun 2020 ini
dan Menempatkan tenaga kerja di perusahaan-perusahaan yang BDI Medan akan mendapatkan lahan yang sudah tidak produktif With the quality of ready-to-use workforce
seluas 7,5 ha untuk dijadikan lokasi pembangunan mini plant industri E North Sumatra Province is one of the for Medan I (covering the Provinces of
membutuhkan. main producing provinces for the commodity. Aceh, North Sumatra and Riau). that has been recognized by the industry,
pengolahan minyak kelapa sawit dan karet alam. Selanjutnya, now BDI Medan is not only trusted by the
“Seluruh tenaga kerja yang dilatih di BDI Medan 100% diserap pembangunan mini plant tersebut rencananya akan dimulai pada Therefore, the Ministry of Industry in 1984
established the Industrial Training Center in Then, with the Regulation of the Minister community as a reliable training institution,
industri karena memang dari awal kami sudah memiliki MoU dengan tahun 2021. of Industry Number 40/M-IND/PER/5/2014, but also is trusted by the industry as an
industri. Kebanyakan sertifikasi yang kami lakukan untuk level Medan with a focus on educating and training
Penyelenggaraan diklat 3 in 1 di industri hilir pengolahan minyak workers in the palm oil and natural rubber the name changed to Medan Industrial institution capable of producing reliable and
operator, tapi ada juga sertifikasi untuk level supervisor hanya tidak Training and Education Center, specializing quality ready-to-use workforce.
banyak,” kata Indra. kelapa sawit dan karet alam sangat penting dan strategis dalam processing industry and its derivatives.
upaya mendukung program hilirisasi kedua komoditas tersebut. in the palm oil industry and its derivatives, as
The development of human resources in the well as the rubber and its derivatives industry. Therefore, the demand for labour from
Dengan didukung sarana pendidikan dan latihan yang ada saat ini, Pengembangan industri hilir sawit dan karet akan meningkatkan industry continues to flow to BDI Medan,
yaitu dua ruang pendidikan dan latihan dengan kapasitas masing- kapasitas penyerapan tenaga kerja dan akan mendorong palm oil and rubber industry is the main focus
of BDI Medan activities to provide support to The Head of BDI Medan Indra Amin said on the contrary, BDI Medan continues
masing 60 orang dan 30 orang serta tenaga instruktur berpengalaman pengembangan industri kecil-menengah pendukungnya that the education and training activities to communicate with industry players,
dari kalangan praktisi industri, BDI Medan mampu menelurkan the downstream processing industries of the
Dengan mutu tenaga kerja siap pakai jebolan BDI Medan yang two commodities in the provision of skilled organized by BDI Medan were very attractive especially regarding labour needs and
tenaga kerja siap pakai yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dunia usaha. to the public especially those who were about competencies in accordance with the
sudah diakui dunia industri, kini BDI Medan tidak hanya dipercaya and ready-to-use human resources.
Indra mengatakan semua kegiatan diklat di BDI Medan dibiayai masyarakat sebagai lembaga diklat yang handal, tetapi juga dipercaya to enter the workforce because this institution development of the industrial world itself,
oleh pemerintah melalui anggaran Kementerian Perindustrian. kalangan industri sebagai lembaga yang mampu menghasilkan The Medan Industrial Training Center provided 3in1 services that really helped them said Indra.
Karena itu, kegiatan diklat yang diselenggarakan BDI Medan tenaga kerja siap pakai yang handal dan berkualitas. was formed through a decree of the Minister enter the workforce with confidence, namely
dirasakan sekali manfaatnya baik oleh kalangan tenaga kerja maupun of Industry Number 417/M/SK/11/1984, Training, Certifying and Placing workers in INFORMASI | INFORMATION
pelaku industri sendiri. Karena itu, permintaan tenaga kerja dari industri pun terus November 29, 1984. However, there have companies in need.
mengalir ke BDI Medan, sebaliknya BDI Medan pun terus melakukan been a number of changes, such as in 2006 Balai Diklat Industri Medan
Sayangnya, menurut Indra, sampai saat ini BDI Medan belum komunikasi dengan pelaku industri terutama mengenai kebutuhan there was a change in Organization and “All workers trained in BDI Medan are Jl. Damai No.32, Timbang Deli, Kec. Medan Amplas,
memiliki teaching/mini plant sendiri, sehingga kegiatan diklat tenaga kerja dan kompetensinya sesuai dengan perkembangan dunia Work Procedure, so that the name became 100% absorbed by the industry, because Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20149
from the beginning we already had an MoU (061) 7865857,
yang berkaitan dengan praktek selalu dilakukan di industri yang industri itu sendiri, tutur Indra. the Regional Education and Training Center


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

BDI Padang Padang Industrial Training and Education Center

FESYEN The creation of a competent industrial workforce and highly competitive
industry players is an urgent matter to face severe challenges in the
Terciptanya tenaga kerja industri current economic conditions.
yang kompeten dan pelaku
industri yang berdaya saing tinggi
merupakan suatu yang mendesak
guna menghadapi tantangan yang
berat dalam kondisi ekonomi
sekarang ini.

Kementerian Perindustrian paham betul

dengan kondisi itu. Melalui unit kerja-unit
kerjanya, upaya penciptaan tenaga kerja
industri terdidik dan kompeten di bidangnya
serta kemunculan pelaku industri yang
berdaya saing tinggi terus dilakukan.
Salah satu unit kerja Kementerian
Perindustrian (Kemenperin) yang gencar
mencetak tenaga kerja industri terdidik dan
pelaku usaha industri itu adalah Balai Diklat
Industri (BDI) Padang.
BDI Padang adalah sebuah unit kerja di I Instruktur menjelaskan mesin bordir di BDI Padang
bawah Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya E An Instructor explaining the embroidery machine at Padang Industrial Training and Education Center
Manusia Industri (BPSDMI) Kementerian
Perindustrian RI yang bergerak di bidang
pendidikan dan pelatihan industri bagi SDM I Kegiatan pelatihan di bidang bordir dan fesyen.
aparatur dan industri kecil dan menengah The Ministry of Industry is well aware of “We also have one of the functions of holding produce and can be monitored together.
E Practice in the field of embroidery and fashion. this condition. Through its work units, a business incubator for small and medium
dengan spesialisasi dan kompetensi di bidang Meanwhile, to develop new entrepreneurs that
bordir dan fesyen. efforts to create an educated and competent industries,” said the Head of BDI Padang, Surya
industrial workforce in their fields and the Agusman. are highly competitive, BDI Padang implements
Balai ini berdiri sejak 30 Nopember 1981 memberikan ilmu dan keterampilan kepada telah membangun sarana dan prasarana inkubator a business incubator program.
peserta selama 18 hari oleh Instruktur yang bisnis, menyiapkan pendanaan yang memadai emergence of highly competitive industry
dengan dasar hukum Surat Keputusan Menteri players are continuing. To produce competent industrial workforce,
berkompeten di bidangnya. dalam pelaksanaan inkubator bisnis, membangun the institution located in Jalan Bungo Pasang, “BDI Padang has become a professional
Perindustrian RI Nomor 674/M/SK/II/1981 and superior business incubator institution in
tanggal 30 Nopember 1981. Pada awal berdirinya kerjasama inkubator bisnis dengan lembaga One of the work units of the Ministry of Bungo Pasang, Koto Tangah District, Padang
Kemudian, peserta yang telah menyelesaikan pemerintah, swasta, perguruan tinggi serta developing leading embroidery and fashion
hingga tahun 2014, BDI Padang lebih fokus diklat akan disertifikasi. Kepada peserta akan Industry (Kemenperin) which aggressively City, West Sumatra, among others, held a 3in1
lembaga terkait lainnya. prints educated industrial workers and Education and Training. business startups in Indonesia,” Surya Agusman
kepada penyelenggaraan diklat bagi SDM dilakukan uji kompetensi oleh asesor yang explained in an opportunity.
Aparatur Dinas Perindustrian. Namun sejak berkompeten dari LSP P-1 BDI Padang sebagai Hingga saat ini sudah banyak IKM tangguh industrial business actors is the Padang
Industrial Training and Education Center 3in1 education and training is a
tahun 2014 melalui program reposisi yang perpanjangan tangan dari Badan Nasional di sektor bordir dan fesyen di kawasan Sumatera competency-based vocational education to To expedite its activities, BDI Padang
digulirkan oleh Pusdiklat Industri Kementerian Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP). Apabila peserta lulus, Barat dan sekitarnya yang dihasilkan melalui (BDI Padang). has built business incubator facilities and
prepare skilled workers in the industrial
Perindustrian, BDI Padang lebih konsen kepada maka peserta akan berhak menerima sertifikat kegiatan inkubator bisnis itu. BDI Padang is a work unit under the sector. 3in1 education and training consist of infrastructure, prepared adequate funding for
penumbuhkembangan IKM bidang bordir dan uji kompetensi dari BNSP dengan logo Burung Industrial Human Resources Development training, certification and placement. the implementation of business incubators,
fesyen Garuda. BDI Padang juga memiliki prestasi bagus built business incubator collaborations with
dalam bidang tata kelola birokrasi. Di tahun Agency (BPSDMI) Ministry of Industry
which is engaged in industrial education and Training activities carried out by providing government, private, tertiary institutions and
‘’Kami juga memiliki salah satu fungsi Setelah lulus dari uji kompetensi, para alumni 2018, lembaga ini meraih gelar WBK (Wilayah knowledge and skills to participants for 18 other related institutions.
penyelenggaraan inkubator bisnis untuk diklat akan ditempatkan di Kelompok Usaha Bebas Korupsi). Predikat ini diberikan kepada training for HR personnel and small and
medium industries with specialization and days by instructors who are competent in
industri kecil dan menengah,’’ kata Kepala BDI Bersama (KUB) yang telah disepakati agar bisa instansi pemerintah yang pimpinan dan their fields. Until now, there have been many strong SMIs
Padang, Surya Agusman. terus berproduksi dan bisa dimonitoring secara jajarannya mempunyai komitmen untuk competence in the field of embroidery and in the embroidery and fashion sector in the
bersama-sama. mewujudkan WBK/WBBM melalui reformasi fashion. Then, participants who have completed the West Sumatra and surrounding areas that were
Untuk mencetak tenaga kerja industri yang training will be certified. participant will be produced through the business incubator.
kompeten, lembaga yang berlokasi di Jalan birokrasi, khususnya dalam hal pencegahan This Center was established on November
Sedangkan untuk menumbuhkembangkan korupsi dan peningkatan kualitas pelayanan tested by competent assessors from LSP P-1
Bungo Pasang, Bungo Pasang, Kecamatan Koto wirausaha baru yang berdaya saing tinggi, BDI 30, 1981 under the legal basis of the Decree of the BDI Padang also has good achievements
publik. Minister of Industry No. 674/M/SK/II/1981 dated BDI Padang as an extension of the National
Tangah, Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat ini antara Padang menerapkan program inkubator bisnis. Professional Certification Board (BNSP). If in the field of bureaucratic governance. In
lain menggelar Diklat 3in1. “BDI Padang telah menjadi lembaga inkubator November 30, 1981. BDI Padang focus more on 2018, this institution won the title of WBK
they pass, then the participant will be entitled
Diklat 3in1 merupakan pendidikan vokasi bisnis yang professional dan unggul dalam INFORMASI | INFORMATION education and training for the apparatuses
to receive a competency test certificate from (Corruption-Free Area). This predicate is given
membangun start up bisnis bordir dan fesyen of the Industry. But since 2014 through the to government agencies whose leaders and staff
berbasis kompetensi untuk menyiapkan tenaga Balai Diklat Industri Padang repositioning program rolled out by BPSDMI BNSP with the Garuda Bird logo.
yang terkemuka di Indonesia,” papar Surya have a commitment to realize WBK / WBBM
kerja ahli di sektor industri. Diklat 3in1 adalah Tabing, Jl. Bungo Pasang, Bungo Pasang, Kec. Koto Tangah, of the Ministry of Industry, BDI Padang is After passing the competency test, the through bureaucratic reform, especially
pelatihan, sertifikasi dan penempatan. Agusman dalam sebuah kesempatan.
Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat 25173 more concerned with the development of SMIs training alumni will be placed in an agreed Joint in terms of preventing corruption and
Kegiatan pelatihan dilakukan dengan Guna memperlancar kegiatannya, BDI Padang (0751) 7051879 in the field of embroidery and fashion Business Group (KUB) so they can continue to improving the quality of public services.


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

SMK SMTI Padang Padang Vocational which is an information system application

SATKER High School that helps the teachers and students in the

KEMENPERIN THE FIRST learning process and evaluation.

“We also implement Kiosk - K or Computer

PERTAMA Kiosk, which helps students find learning

materials on the internet because of school
PERAIH WBBM regulations that do not allow students to bring

MINISTRY OF smartphones to school,” said Zulhaida.

Other innovations, the use of online
Sekolah menengah kejuruan di INDUSTRY guest book filling and customer satisfaction
applications, accommodating customer
bidang teknologi jumlahnya THAT WINS complaints through online-based websites,

banyak dan tersebar di seluruh conducting computer-based semester exams,
wilayah Indonesia. Namun jika digital library services and e-catalog libraries,
dihitung berdasarkan prestasi dan disability-friendly services, and School Health
keunggulan yang dimiliki, tidak Vocational high schools in the Enterprises by creating a clean and healthy
banyak sekolah kejuruan yang bisa field of technology are numerous environment.
menyaingi Sekolah Menengah and spread throughout Indonesia. SMK SMTI Padang has been accredited
Kejuruan (SMK) Sekolah Menengah However, if calculated based on A since 2010 and received an ISO 9001:2015
Teknologi Industri (SMTI) Padang. the achievements and advantages Quality Management System Certificate
possessed, not many vocational Number: QEC 24493 from SAI GLOBAL.
schools can rival Padang Vocational
High School of Industrial In addition, this vocational high school of
I Sekolah binaan Kementerian the Industrial Technology has also obtained a
Perindustrian (Kemenperin) ini memiliki I Penghargaan Wilayah Birokrasi Bersih dan Melayani Technology (SMK SMTI Padang). license from BNSP to carry out a competency
segudang prestasi, baik itu prestasi siswanya E the title of Clean and Servicing Bureaucracy Region test through the Professional Certification
maupun prestasi sekolah secara kelembagaan. WBBM within the Ministry of Industry, Institute (LSP-P1) of SMK SMTI Padang with
“Sekolah kami banyak meraih prestasi baik di Prestasi di bidang kegiatan belajar SMK SMTI Padang telah terakreditasi A sejak because it was considered committed to Decree No. KEP 497/BNSP/XII/2013 dated
tingkat provinsi maupun nasional,” ujar Kepala mengajarnya juga sangat menggembirakan. tahun 2010 dan mendapatkan Sertifikat Sistem realizing the integrity zone by making 19 December 2013. That way, each graduate
SMK SMTI Padang Dra. Zulhaida, M. Pd. Sekolah ini berhasil meraih peringkat II nilai Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015 Nomor : QEC fundamental changes in improving the of this school has received a certificate of
USBN tertinggi tingkat Provinsi Sumatera Barat 24493 dari SAI GLOBAL. quality of services that are free of corruption. competence.
Menurutnya, SMK SMTI Padang merupakan Previously, SMK SMTI Padang was also
satu – satunya dari Satuan Kerja (Satker) di Tahun 2019. Sementara untuk tingkat kota, There are two skills programs available
SMK SMTI Padang berhasil meraih peringkat I Selain itu, SMTI ini juga telah mendapatkan awarded the Corruption Free Area (WBK) in
lingkungan Kemenperin di seluruh Indonesia lisensi dari BNSP untuk melaksanakan uji 2018 at SMK SMTI Padang, namely chemical
yang meraih predikat Wilayah Birokrasi Bersih Nilai USBN tertinggi tingkat kota Padang tahun engineering skills program with industrial
2019. kompetensi melalui Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi
dan Melayani (WBBM) dari Kementerian (LSP-P1) SMK SMTI Padang dengan surat According to Zulhaida, To get the predicate chemistry expertise competencies. The
Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Sedangkan deretan prestasi yang ditoreh keputusan No. KEP 497/BNSP/XII/2013 tanggal of WBK and WBBM from Kemenpan RB, duration of study for this program is three
Reformasi Birokrasi (Kemenpan RB). siswanya juga tak kalah hebat. Untuk tingkat 19 Desember 2013. Dengan begitu, setiap lulusan there are six components that are assessed years. While the learning activities of the
nasional, siswa SMK SMTI Padang merupakan sekolah ini sudah mendapatkan sertifikat and considered. The components are change electrical engineering expertise program
Selain itu, sekolah yang terletak di pusat management, management of Human with the competence of industrial automation
kota Padang, Sumatera Barat (Sumbar) ini juara II LKTI Pakar Pranas tingkat nasional kompetensi.
tahun 2019 dan juara III lomba kompetensi Resources (HR), strengthening accountability, engineering expertise, took four years.
merupakan satu-satunya entitas pendidikan Ada dua program keahlian yang tersedia di strengthening supervision, and improving
yang berhasil meraih predikat WBBM pada siswa tingkat nasional bidang kimia tahun 2018. In carrying out teaching and learning
Sedangkan di tingkat provinsi, prestasi yang SMK SMTI Padang yakni program keahlian the quality of public services. Two other
tahun 2019. teknik kimia dengan kompetensi keahlian components are the anticorruption perception activities, SMK SMTI Padang is equipped
diraih di antaranya adalah juara I LKS tingkat with a number of facilities, ranging from
Dengan prestasi itu, Kepala SMK SMTI Provinsi Sumbar bidang kimia tahun 2018. kimia industri. Lamanya belajar untuk program index and the public service perception index.
ini adalah tiga tahun. Sementara kegiatan belajar E The fostered school of the Ministry of classrooms and laboratories that are air-
Padang Dra. Zulhaida, M. Pd. mendapatkan Industry has a myriad of achievements, both Achievements in learning activities are also conditioned and equipped with LCD
apresiasi sebagai Pelopor Perubahan Dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar, SMK SMTI program keahlian teknik ketenagalistrikan
Padang juga telah menerapkan sejumlah inovasi. dengan kompetensi keahlian teknik otomasi student achievements, and institutional very encouraging. This school won the second projectors, as well as a free wifi environment.
Pembangunan Zona Integritas menuju WBBM achievements. “Our school has achieved many rank for the highest score of USBN at the level
di lingkungan Kemenperin karena dinilai Di antaranya penggunaan SISFO Akademik, industri, ditempuh selama empat tahun. With complete facilities and qualified
yaitu aplikasi sistem informasi yang membantu achievements both at the provincial and of West Sumatra Province in 2019. While at
berkomitmen mewujudkan zona Integritas Dalam menjalankan kegiatan belajar the city level, SMK SMTI Padang won the educators and teaching staff, graduates of
pelayanan guru dan siswa dalam proses dan national levels,” said the Head of SMK SMTI the SMK SMTI Padang are sought after
dengan melakukan perubahan mendasar dalam mengajar, SMK SMTI Padang dilengkapi dengan Padang Dra. Zulhaida, M. Pd. highest rank of USBN score in Padang in 2019.
meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan yang bebas evaluasi pembelajaran. and absorbed by State-Owned Enterprises
sejumlah fasilitas, mulai dari ruang kelas dan
dari korupsi. “Kami juga menerapkan Kios – K atau Kios laboratorium yang ber AC dan dilengkapi LCD According to her, SMK SMTI Padang is the While the achievement lines that were (BUMN), the private sector, or as state civil
Komputer yang membantu siswa mencari proyektor, juga lingkungan yang free wifi. only one of the Work Units in the Ministry inscribed by their students were no less great. servants (ASN).
Sebelumnya, SMK SMTI Padang juga of Industry throughout Indonesia that won At the national level, SMK SMTI Padang
mendapat predikat Wilayah Bebas Korupsi bahan ajar di internet karena adanya peraturan The admission of new students is made
sekolah yang tidak membolehkan siswa Dengan fasilitas yang lengkap dan tenaga the title of Clean and Servicing Bureaucracy students are second place in the Scientific
(WBK) pada 2018 lalu. pendidik serta tenaga kependidikan yang Writing Contest (LKTI), Pakar Pranas in through two channels, namely the report card
membawa “smartphone” ke sekolah,” papar Region (WBBM) from the Ministry of selection path and the test selection path. The
Menurut Zulhaida, Untuk mendapatkan Zulhaida. mumpuni, lulusan SMK SMTI banyak dicari Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform 2019, and third place in chemistry student
dan diserap oleh Badan Usaha Milik Negara competency competition in 2018. While at the announcement of the registration schedule
predikat WBK dan WBBM dari Kemenpan (Kemenpan RB). can be seen on the site www.psb.smtipadang.
RB itu, ada enam komponen yang dinilai Inovasi lainnya, penggunaan aplikasi (BUMN), swasta atau menjadi aparatur sipil provincial level, the achievements included
pengisian buku tamu dan kepuasaan pelanggan negara (ASN). In addition, this school which is located in the winner of the West Sumatra Provincial
dan dipertimbangkan. Komponen itu adalah the center of Padang, West Sumatra (West
manajemen perubahan, penataan manajemen secara online, menampung keluhan pelanggan Student Competency Competition (LKS) in the
Adapun penerimaan siswa baru dilakukan
Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM), penguatan melalui website berbasis online, pelaksanaan
melalui dua jalur yakni jalur seleksi rapor
Sumatra) is the only educational entity that field of chemistry in 2018. INFORMASI | INFORMATION
ujian semester berbasis komputer, pelayanan won the WBBM predicate in 2019
akuntabilitas, penguatan pengawasan dan dan jalur seleksi tes. Pengumuman jadwal In learning activities, SMK SMTI
peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik. perpustakaan digital dan e-catalog library, With this achievement, the head of SMK SMK SMTI Padang
pelayanan ramah difabel dan Usaha Kesehatan pendaftaran dapat dilihat di situs www.psb. Padang has also implemented a number Jalan Ir. H. Juanda Nomor 2, Padang
Dua komponen lain adalah indeks persepsi SMTI Padang, Dra. Zulhaida, M. Pd. received of innovations. Among them is the use of
antikorupsi dan indeks persepsi pelayanan Sekolah dengan menciptakan lingkungan appreciation as the pioneer of change in the 0751-7053522
bersih dan sehat. Academic Information Systems (SISFO),
publik. development of integrity zones towards


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

I Kisah sukses penerapan program SMK SMAK Padang Menurut Nasir, peralatan yang Padang Vocational School, Chemical Analysis High School
link and match tersebut sudah terlihat di digunakan pada kegiatan belajar mengajar
Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Sekolah di sekolah sama dengan mesin yang
Menengah Analis Kimia (SMAK) Padang. digunakan pada proses produksi industri
Sekolah binaan Kemenperin itu mampu
menghasilkan lulusan unggul yang siap pakai HASILKAN kimia. ”Sekolah kami telah menggunakan
fasilitas dan peralatan terbaru sehingga siap HUMAN RESOURCES 4.0
dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri.
“Minimal 80 persen lulusan sekolah ini SDM menghasilkan SDM Industri 4.0,” ucapnya.
Fasilitas yang dimiliki SMK SMAK
The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) continues to spur the application of link and match
programs to create superior human resources following industry needs.
langsung diserap oleh dunia industri, baik di
dalam maupun di luar negeri. Bahkan tidak INDUSTRI Padang memang tergolong lengkap. Berdiri
di lahan seluas 18.000 meter persegi, sekolah

sedikit, para siswa tersebut sudah diinden itu memiliki fasilitas berupa 13 ruang I The success story of the link and match program’s implementation The school, which has a four-year learning period for its students, has
selama masa pendidikan,” kata kepala teori, 13 ruang laboratorium, mulai dari has been seen in Padang Vocational School, Chemical Analysis High implemented a curriculum with a dual system concept. This concept
Sekolah SMK SMAK Padang, Drs Nasir. laboratorium kimia dasar, laboratorium School (SMK SMAK Padang). This Ministry of Industry fostered school makes 50% of study time at school allocated as an internship in the
Kementerian Perindustrian mikrobiologi, laboratorium kalibrasi hingga can produce superior graduates who are ready to use and following manufacturing industry sector. With that concept, students will study
Sementara lulusan sekolah ini yang tidak laboratorium bahasa. industry needs. in school and industry for two years each.
langsung terserap oleh industri, juga tidak (Kemenperin) terus memacu
perlu lama menunggu untuk mendapatkan penerapan program link and Tersedia juga gedung serba guna, “At least 80 percent of this school graduates are directly absorbed by To simplify the application of the dual system concept , SMK SMAK
pekerjaan. Rentang waktu tunggunya antara match guna menciptakan sumber perpustakaan, mushola, gazebo, sarana the industrial world within the country and abroad. In fact, not a few, Padang has collaborated with several companies throughout Indonesia
satu hingga tiga bulan saja. daya manusia unggul yang sesuai olahraga dan bus sekolah. these students have been booked during the education period, “said the for their student internships.
dengan kebutuhan industri. principal of SMK SMAK Padang, Drs Nasir.
SMK SMAK Padang tidak hanya berhasil Dengan kurikulum terbaru, fasilitas This A accredited school also collaborates with overseas institutions,
menelorkan tenaga kerja kompeten yang siap lengkap dan tenaga pengajar yang While graduates of this school are not directly absorbed by industry, namely Hobart Technology Australia and Nanjing Polytechnic
pakai, tapi juga mampu meraih sejumlah kompeten di bidangnya, setiap lulusan SMK they also don’t have to wait long to get a job. The waiting period ranges Institute China. With this cooperation, students of SMK SMAK Padang
prestasi yang ditorehkan siswa-siswinya. Sekolah berakreditasi A ini juga menjalin SMAK Padang tidak hanya mengantongi from one to three months. can do internships abroad, such as in China, Thailand, Singapore, and
kerjasama dengan lembaga di luar negeri ijazah dengan nilai terbaik saja, tetapi Australia.
Sejumlah prestasi yang diraih itu di Not only did SMK SMAK Padang succeed in producing a competent
yakni Hobart Technology Australia dan juga mendapat sertifikat lainnya yang workforce that was ready to use, but it was also able to achieve several The school also continues to improve its teachers’ competence by
antaranya menjadi juara bertahan tujuh kali mendukung keahlian mereka dalam
berturut-turut untuk peringkat ke-1 Ujian Nanjing Polytechnic Institute China. achievements made by its students. conducting internships programs for all productive teachers in several
Dengan kerjasama itu, siswa-siswi SMK memasuki dunia kerja. manufacturing industries.
Nasional Tingkat Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Several achievements were among them defending champions seven
Lalu Juara Pertama Lomba Kompetensi Siswa SMAK Padang bisa melakukan kegiatan Selain ijazah, setiap lulusan sekolah
magang di luar negeri seperti di China, times in a row to rank 1st National Examination at the West Sumatra Through funds for the purchase of new machines, assistance from
(LKS) Tingkat Provinsi bidang Chemistry, tersebut juga mendapatkan sertifikat Province. Then the First Champion Provincial Competency Student the Ministry of Industry, the school also updated the equipment used
serta Juara Umum Olimpiade Matematika Thailand, Singapura dan Australia. kompetensi nasional dari LSP terlisensi Competition (LKS) in Chemistry and General Champion Provincial in the teaching activities.
Tingkat Provinsi tahun 2018. Selain itu, pihak sekolah juga terus Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP), Mathematics Olympiad in 2018.
berusaha meningkatkan kompetensi sertifikat kompetensi internasional According to Nasir, the equipment used in teaching and
Prestasi SMK SMAK Padang dalam berstandar Australia dan sertifikat bahasa The achievements of SMK SMAK Padang in producing excellent learning activities in schools is the same as the machines used in
mencetak lulusan yang unggul ini tidak terhadap guru-guru nya dengan melakukan
program magang pada seluruh guru Inggris berupa sertifikat TOEIC. graduates are inseparable from the teaching and learning programs the chemical industry’s production process. “Our school has used
terlepas dari program belajar dan mengajar that are applied as well as the facilities available at the school located on the latest facilities and equipment so that it is ready to produce
yang diterapkan serta fasilitas yang tersedia produktif sekolah itu di sejumlah industri Untuk bisa menjadi siswa-siswi
manufaktur . Alai Pauh Street, Padang. industrial human resource 4.0,” he said.
di sekolah yang berlokasi di Jalan Alai Pauh, SMK SMAK Padang, calon siswa bisa
Padang tersebut. Melalui dana untuk pembelian mesin mendapatkan informasi melalui website The facilities owned by SMK SMAK Padang are indeed
baru bantuan dari Kemenperin, pihak Pendaftaran complete. Standing on an area of 18,000 square meters, the
Sekolah yang memiliki masa belajar ditutup pada bulan Juni. school has facilities in the form of 13 theoretical rooms, 13
selama empat tahun bagi siswanya ini, telah sekolah juga memperbarui peralatan yang
digunakan dalam proses pengajaran kepada laboratory rooms, ranging from basic chemical laboratories,
menerapkan kurikulum dengan konsep dual microbiology laboratories, and calibration laboratories to
system. Konsep ini menjadikan 50% waktu para siswa.
language laboratories.
belajar di sekolah akan dialokasikan menjadi
masa magang di sektor industri manufaktur. There are also multipurpose buildings, libraries, prayer
Dengan konsep itu, siswa akan belajar di rooms, gazebos, sports facilities, and school buses.
sekolah dan industri masing-masing selama
dua tahun. With the latest curriculum, complete facilities, and
competent teaching staff in their fields, every graduate of the
Untuk mempermudah penerapan konsep SMK SMAK Padang receive a diploma with the best grades.
dual system tersebut, SMK SMAK Padang They receive other certificates that support their expertise in
telah menjalin kerjasama dengan sejumlah entering the workforce.
perusahaan di seluruh Indonesia bagi
kegiatan magang siswanya. In addition to diplomas, each school graduate also receives
a national competency certificate from the LSP licensed by
the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP), an
Australian standard international competency certificate, and
an English language TOEIC certificate.
To be able to become SMK SMAK Padang students,
prospective students can get information through the website Registration closes in June.

Jalan Alai Pauh V Nomor 13 Kelurahan Kapalo Koto
I Kegiatan praktikum analisis kimia Kecamatan Pauh Padang 25123
E Chemical analysis class 0751-777702


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

Produk teaching factory SMK SMTI Bandar Bandar Lampung Vocational High School of Industrial Technology
Lampung sudah diakui berbagai kalangan
dan industri. Beberapa industri bahkan rutin CREATE EXCELLENT HR IN INDUSTRIAL ERA 4.0
melakukan PO ke teaching factory sekolah
tersebut. Produk teaching factory sekolah ini Industry era 4.0 and the advancement of industrial technology that is
antara lain sarung tangan karet, hand sanitizer,
sabun cuci tangan, sabun cuci piring, sabun currently continuing to develop requires the readiness of competent human
kendaraan dan lain sebagainya. resources (HR) in the industrial field.
Sekolah yang telah berdiri lebih dari 50 tahun engineering operations practicum, rubber processing practicum,
dan menampung 850 siswa yang tersebar dalam microbiology practicum, basic chemical analyzes, PLC practicum and
dua jurusan itu telah bermitra dengan lebih dari industrial management. The output from this department is often
150 industri. Bentuk kemitraannya mulai dari absorbed by the industry as a production operator, part of quality
proses magang siswa, sampai dengan rekrutmen control and so on.
The laboratory testing analyst department also has a three-year study
Untuk menghadapi tantangan dan period. In this department students are educated to become competent
perkembangan industri ke depan, SMK SMTI industry analysts. This department teaches the concepts of chemical
Bandar Lampung memasang target menambah analysis. Graduates of this department are absorbed in various industries.
kapasitas siswanya menjadi 1.000 siswa. Selain Usually the graduates are positioned as quality control, laboratory analysts,
itu, dalam dua tahun mendatang sekolah and so on.
juga menargetkan membuka jurusan baru di
bidang teknik mekatronika guna memenuhi The curriculum used in teaching and learning activities in this school
I Kegiatan praktikum programmable logic controller (PLC) permintaan industri. is a dual system curriculum that highly refers to industrial development.
E PLC practice class With this curriculum students will do 50% learning in school and 50% in
“Dan yang paling terpenting mulai saat ini industry.
kami akan go internasional dalam memasarkan
SMK SMTI Bandar Lampung lulusan kami,” ungkap Sulastri. “By implementing this model of learning, students are expected to have

HASILKAN SDM UNGGUL Untuk mencapai target-target tersebut,

sejumlah kegiatan sudah dilakukan seperti
complete knowledge when they enter the workforce,” said Sulastri.
This superior school in Lampung Province has 16 laboratories and one
DI ERA INDUSTRI 4.0 memberangkatkan beberapa guru untuk studi
ke luar negeri, menggalakkan siswa untuk
teaching factory that is designed to resemble a real factory or industry, so
students really feel the atmosphere of working in a factory or industry.
Era industri 4.0 dan kemajuan teknologi industri yang saat ini terus berbahasa Inggris, mengupdate kurikulum The teaching factory products in SMK SMTI Bandar Lampung have been
berkembang membutuhkan kesiapan sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang dengan kebutuhan industri internasional dan recognized by various groups and industries. Some industries even routinely
kompeten di bidang industri. mewajibkan siswa mengikuti test toefl sebagai do purchase order to the school’s teaching factory. The school’s teaching factory
bekal mereka. products include rubber gloves, hand sanitizers, hand washing soap, dish
I Upaya menghasilkan SDM unggul di karet, praktikum microbiology, analisa –analisa Walaupun begitu, sekolah yang berlokasi washing soap, vehicle soap and so on.
bidang industri telah dilakukan satuan dasar kimia, praktikum PLC serta manajemen di Jalan Jenderal Sudirman No. 43 Bandar The school, which has existed for more than 50 years and houses 850 students
kerja (Satker) Kementerian Perindustrian industri. Output dari jurusan ini seringkali Lampung ini juga masih menghadapi kendala spread across two majors, has partnered with more than 150 industries. The form
(Kemenperin). Salah satunya adalah SMK diserap industri sebagai operator produksi, dalam mewujudkan target-target yang of partnership starts from the student internship process, to the recruitment of
SMTI Bandar Lampung. bagian quality control dan lain sebagainya. ditetapkannya employees.
Sekolah yang berada di bawah naungan Jurusan analis pengujian laboratorium juga Salah satu kendala yang dihadapi dalam To face the challenges and industrial development in the future, SMK SMTI
Badan Pengembangan SDM Industri (BPSDMI) memiliki lama studi tiga tahun. Di dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan adalah bagaimana Bandar Lampung set a target to increase the capacity of students to 1,000
ini terus melakukan peningkatan kegiatan jurusan ini siswa dididik untuk menjadi seorang mengupdate peralatan praktikum sesuai students. Moreover, in the next two years, the school is also targeting to open
dengan kondisi peralatan industri terkini I Kegiatan praktikum kimia instrumen
guna menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki analis industri yang kompeten. Jurusan ini E Chemistry practice class new major in the field of mechatronics engineering to meet the demands of the
kompetensi di bidang industri. mengajarkan konsep –konsep analisa kimia. dikarenakan pengembangan peralatan industri industry.
Lulusan jurusan ini banyak terserap di berbagai begitu pesat. Namun, kendala ini bukanlah
“Kehadiran sekolah kami di Bandar industri. Biasanya lulusannya berposisi sebagai halangan bagi SMK SMTI Bandar Lampung “And most importantly, from now on we will internationally marketing our
Lampung sangat tepat karena di wilayah ini untuk mewujudkan targetnya karena hal E Efforts to produce superior human resources in industry have
quality control, analis laboratorium, dan lain been carried out by the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) work graduates,” Sulastri said.
sekarang industrinya sedang berkembang pesat, sebagainya. itu bisa diatasi dengan cara lain, diantaranya
terutama industri agro, pengolahan minyak melalui kemitraan dengan pelaku industri. unit. One of them is SMK SMTI Bandar Lampung. To achieve these targets, several activities have been carried out such as
sawit, makanan dan minuman,” kata Kepala Adapun kurikulum yang digunakan The school, which is under the auspices of the Industrial Human dispatching a number of teachers to study abroad, encouraging students
SMK SMTI Bandar Lampung Dra. Sulastri, dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah Bagi calon siswa yang berminat bersekolah di to speak English, updating the curriculum with the needs of international
SMK-SMTI Bandar Lampung, harus mengikuti Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI), continues to increase activities
M.TA. ini adalah kurikulum dual system yang to produce graduates who have competency in the industry industry and requiring students to take the test toefl as their provisions.
sangat mengacu pada perkembangan industri. seleksi penerimaan siswa baru yang biasanya
Sekolah ini memiliki dua jurusan unggulan, diadakan mulai dari bulan Maret – Juni. Seleksi “The presence of our school in Bandar Lampung is very appropriate Even so, the school which is located at Jalan Jenderal Sudirman No. 43 Bandar
Dengan kurikulum ini siswa akan melakukan Lampung also still faces obstacles in realizing its targets
yaitu kimia industri dan analis pengujian pembelajaran 50% di sekolah dan 50% di industri. meliputi seleksi akademik, seleksi TPA dan because in this region the industry is currently developing rapidly,
laboratorium. Keduanya mempunyai seleksi kesehatan, termasuk bebas buta warna. especially in the agro industry, palm oil processing, food and beverages,” One of the obstacles encountered in the implementation of education is how
kompetensi di bidang pengujian laboratorium. “Dengan dilaksanakannya pembelajaran said Principal of Vocational High School Bandar Lampung Dra. Sulastri, to update the practicum equipment in accordance with the latest industry
Lulusan dari kedua jurusan juga dibekali model ini diharapkan siswa dapat memiliki M.TA. equipment condition due to rapid development of industrial equipment.
sertifikat kompetensi serta sertifikat magang bekal yang komplit ketika terjun ke dunia kerja,”
dari perusahaan. papar Sulastri. The school has two excellent majors, namely industrial chemistry This obstacle is not a hindrance for Bandar Lampung High School Vocational
INFORMASI | INFORMATION and laboratory testing analysts. Both have competence in the field of School to realize its targets because it can be overcome in other ways, including
Untuk jurusan kimia industri, lamanya Sekolah ungggulan di Provinsi Lampung ini laboratory testing. Graduates from both majors are also equipped with through partnerships with industry players.
pendidikan yang harus ditempuh siswa adalah memiliki 16 laboratorium dan satu teaching competency certificates and internship certificates from companies
tiga tahun. Di jurusan ini siswa diajarkan factory yang dirancang menyerupai pabrik atau SMK SMTI Bandar Lampung Prospective students who are interested in attending the SMK SMTI
berbagai kemampuan dasar yang harus dimiliki industri yang sebenarnya sehingga siswa benar Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Nomor 43 For industrial chemistry majors, the length of education a student
Bandar Lampung Bandar Lampung have to take part in the selection of new student
oleh seorang operator industri. Mata diklat yang benar merasakan atmosfer bekerja di pabrik (0721) 7474 - 663 must take is three years. In this department students are taught admissions which are usually held from March to June. Selection includes
diajarkan di jurusan ini antara lain praktikum atau industri. various basic abilities that must be possessed by an industrial operator. academic selection, TPA selection and health selection, including color-free
operasi teknik kimia, praktikum pengolahan Training courses taught in this department include chemical blindness.


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

BDI Jakarta
SIAP MENCETAKSDM INDUSTRI Jakarta Industrial Training and Education Center
Industri tekstil dan produk tekstil (TPT) merupakan salah satu sektor The textile industry and it’s products (TPT) is one of the manufacturing
manufaktur yang senantiasa memberikan kontribusi cukup signfikan bagi sectors which always makes a significant contribution to the national
perekonomian nasional. Oleh karenanya, sektor padat karya ini mendapat economy. Therefore, this labor-intensive sector has received priority
prioritas pengembangan sesuai peta jalan Making Indonesia 4.0. development according to the road map for Making Indonesia 4.0.

I Sepanjang tahun 2019, industri TPT industry, mendapatkan sertifikasi dan setelah with adequate office facilities, classrooms
tidak hanya mampu mencatatkan pelatihan, lulusan dapat langsung bekerja di and business incubator space. There is a
pertumbuhan tertinggi hingga 15,35%, perusahaan tempat mereka mengikuti kegiatan workshop building which functions as a
tetapi juga memberikan sumbangsih besar diklat,” imbuhnya. training venue. “The dormitory building
terhadap devisa, tercermin dari capaian with a capacity of 300 participants is also
nilai ekspor produk industri TPT yang Layanan berikutnya adalah Diklat Aparatur. equipped with supporting facilities in the
menembus USD 12,9 miliar. Sebagai sektor “Dalam rangka melaksanakan program form of a clinic, canteen and a place of
padat karya, sektor ini telah menyerap Kementerian Perindustrian dan menghadapi worship,” he said.
tenaga kerja sebanyak 3,73 juta orang. tantangan revolusi industri 4.0, SDM aparatur perlu
untuk dikuatkan. SDM aparatur bertindak sebagai Since 2013, BDI Jakarta has collaborated
Guna meningkatkan daya saing industri TPT, pembina industri yang punya dua kompetensi, with 104 textile companies in
Kementerian Perindustrian fokus menyiapkan yakni kompetensi teknis dan manajerial,” ungkap implementing 3in1 training. its also carried
Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) kompeten. Dalam Hendro. I Kegiatan pelatihan di bidang tekstil out by cooperating with the Professional
hal ini, Balai Diklat Industri (BDI) Jakarta E Textile training class Association, Industry Service and other
mempunyai tugas utama melaksanakan Selanjutnya, layanan inkubator bisnis. stakeholders to support the implementation
Tujuannya untuk pembinaan wirausaha sektor E Throughout 2019, the TPT industry in-house 3 in 1 training is held in a workshop
pendidikan dan pelatihan (diklat) secara khusus was not only able to record the highest at BDI Jakarta. “The participants who of the training.
bagi SDM industri TPT. Industri Kecil dan Menengah (IKM). “Guna
menumbuhkan jiwa kewirausahaan dan jejaring growth of up to 15.35%, but also made a came from various regions received their In 2019, BDI Jakarta succeeded in
“Selain menyediakan tenaga kerja industri usaha, dibutuhkan wahana yang dikenal sebagai large contribution to foreign exchange, as training at BDI Jakarta. Apart from getting producing 12,875 competent workforce
yang kompeten, BDI Jakarta juga dituntut untuk inkubator bisnis dengan tahapan Pra Inkubasi, reflected in the achievement of the export training materials from instructors who are that placed in various garment industries
mampu menghasilkan wirausaha industri yang Inkubasi dan Pasca Inkubasi. Inkubasi yang value of textile products which reached USD experienced and competent in the garment partners throughout Indonesia. In addition,
kompeten dan berdaya saing,” kata Kepala BDI dilakukan berupa pembinaan, pendampingan 12.9 billion. As a labor-intensive sector, it has industry, participants also receive competency BDI Jakarta has also fostered industrial
Jakarta Hendro Kuswanto. dan pengembangan sesuai kebutuhan peserta absorbed a workforce of 3.73 million people. certification and are recommended to work entrepreneurs in the fields of batik, custom
inkubasi,” tandasnya. for companies that have collaborated with BDI made, and shibori.
Seiring perkembangan era industri 4.0, BDI In order to increase the competitiveness of Jakarta, “he explained.
Jakarta menyiapkan SDM industri yang dapat Hendro menambahkan, BDI Jakarta yang the textile industry, the Ministry of Industry In the future, BDI Jakarta will build
menerapkan teknologi digital. Sebab, dengan berdiri di atas lahan seluas 6.289 m2, telah focuses on preparing competent human While the on-site 3 in 1 training is carried a Mini Factory, which will provide an
memanfaatkan teknologi, akan mendorong dilengkapi fasilitas kantor, ruang kelas, dan resources (HR). In this case, the Jakarta out directly at the company. “Like the 3 in overview of the process flow in the garment
peningkatan produktivitas, efisiensi dan ruang inkubator bisnis yang memadai. Terdapat Industrial Education and Training Center 1 in-house training, the participants will industry from receiving raw materials
menciptakan inovasi unggulan. gedung Workshop yang berfungsi sebagai (BDI Jakarta) has the main task of carrying be trained with the competencies needed to finished goods that are ready to be
tempat pelatihan. “Gedung asrama dengan out education and training specifically for by the industry, get certification and after marketed. It will contain the machines
BDI Jakarta telah menyediakan tiga layanan. daya tampung 300 peserta juga lengkapi dengan textile industry human resources. training, graduates can immediately work used in the garment industry in the form
Pertama, menggelar Diklat 3 in 1 dengan fasilitas penunjang berupa klinik, kantin dan in the company where they participate in of warehousing systems, production lines
konsep pelatihan, sertifikasi dan penempatan “In addition to providing competent the training activities,” he added.
tempat ibadah” sebutnya. industrial workers, BDI Jakarta is also with Hanger System, automatic fabric
kerja. Pelatihan berbasis kompetensi ini adalah Spreading machine, automatic fabric
pelatihan kerja yang menitikberatkan pada Sejak tahun 2013, BDI Jakarta telah bekerja required to be able to produce competent and The next service is Apparatus Training.
competitive industrial entrepreneurs,” said “In order to implement the program of cutting machines, Seam Sealing machine,
penguasaan kemampuan kerja yang mencakup sama dengan 104 perusahaan tekstil dalam metal detector machines and other special
pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap melaksanakan Diklat 3in1. Pelaksanaannya the Head of BDI Jakarta Hendro Kuswanto. the Ministry of Industry and face the
challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0, machines.
sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan dan juga dilakukan dengan menggandeng Asosiasi Along with the development of the
persyaratan di tempat kerja. Profesi, Dinas Perindustrian serta stake holder Spreading kain otomatis, mesin potong kain HR personnel need to be strengthened. The “As an implemention of technology
industrial era 4.0, BDI Jakarta is preparing HR apparatus act as industrial coaches who
lainnya guna menunjang pelaksanaan diklat. otomatis, mesin Seam Sealing, mesin metal industrial human resources who can apply 4.0, BDI Jakarta is building a Smart
Menurut Hendro, kegiatan Diklat 3 in 1 detector dan mesin-mesin spesial lainnya. have two competencies, namely technical environment in the office, workshop and
tersebut dilaksanakan secara in-house dan Pada tahun 2019, BDI Jakarta berhasil digital technology. Because, utilizing it will and managerial competences, “said Hendro.
encourage increased productivity, efficiency dormitory areas. It is hoped that energy
on-site. Diklat 3 in 1 in-house dilaksanakan mencetak lulusan tenaga kerja yang kompeten “Dalam rangka pengimplementasian use will be more efficient, reduce overhead
di workshop yang ada di BDI Jakarta. “Para sebanyak 12.875 peserta dan telah ditempatkan teknologi 4.0, BDI Jakarta tengah membangun and create superior innovation. Furthermore, business incubator services.
The goal is to foster entrepreneurs in the costs, increase security and be able to
peserta yang berasal dari berbagai daerah di berbagai mitra industri garmen yang tersebar Smart Office di area kantor, workshop dan BDI Jakarta provides three services. First, introduce internet-integrated technology to
mendapat pelatihannya di BDI Jakarta. Selain diseluruh Indonesia. Selain itu, BDI Jakarta juga asrama. Diharapkan penggunaan energi Small and Medium Industry (IKM) sector.
the 3in1 education and training service “In order to foster an entrepreneurial spirit all training participants, so that graduates
mendapatkan materi pelatihan dari instruktur telah membina wirausaha industri di bidang menjadi lebih efisien, mengurangi biaya that consist of training, certification and are able to adapt to existing technological
yang berpengalaman dan kompeten di bidang batik, custom made, dan shibori. Overhead, meningkatkan keamanan serta and business network, a forum known as a
placement. “This competency-based training business incubator is needed, with the Pre- developments, “he concluded.
industri garmen, peserta juga mendapat dapat mengenalkan teknologi yang terintegrasi is a job training that focuses on mastering
sertifikasi kompetensi dan direkomendasikan Ke depan, BDI Jakarta akan membuat Mini internet kepada seluruh peserta diklat, Incubation, Incubation and Post-Incubation
Factory, yang akan memberikan gambaran work abilities which include knowledge, stages. The incubation will be in the form INFORMASI | INFORMATION
bekerja di perusahaan yang telah menjalin kerja sehingga lulusannya mampu beradaptasi skills and attitudes in accordance with
sama dengan BDI Jakarta,” paparnya. alur proses di industri garmen mulai dari dengan perkembangan teknologi yang ada” of coaching, mentoring and development
penerimaan bahan baku sampai barang jadi the set standards and requirements in the according to the needs of the incubation BDI Jakarta
pungkasnya. workplace,” explained Hendro.
Sedangkan Diklat 3 in 1 on-site, yakni pelatihan yang siap dipasarkan. Di dalamnya akan participants, “he said. Jl. Balai Kimia A Pekayon-Pasar Rebo No.1, RT.7/
yang dilaksanakan langsung di perusahaan. berisi mesin-mesin yang digunakan dalam According to Hendro, the 3 in 1 training RW.9, Pekayon, Kec. Ps. Rebo, Jakarta Timur
“Seperti Diklat 3 in 1 in-house, para peserta akan industri garmen berupa sistem pergudangan, Hendro added, BDI Jakarta, which (021) 87702734
was carried out in-house and on-site. The stands on an area of 6,289 m2, is equipped
dilatih dengan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan lini produksi dengan Hanger System, Mesin


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

Politeknik APP Jakarta Academy of Company Leadership Politechnic Jakarta

Penyediaan infrastruktur logistik yang memadai akan mendorong pertumbuhan FOR THE ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY
industri nasional. Hal ini lantaran pergerakan barang atau komoditas dari wilayah Provision of adequate logistics infrastructure will encourage national industrial
penghasil ke konsumen dapat dilakukan secara efektif dan efisien. growth. This is because the movement of goods or commodities from producing areas to
consumers can be carried out effectively and efficiently.
I Guna mencapai sasaran tersebut, Daya tampung jumlah mahasiswa setiap mampu menjadi tenaga operasional pengelolaan
diperlukan ketersediaan sumber daya jurusan D-III masing-masing 160 orang. Sementara merek (Brand Operation), dan memiliki I In order to achieve these goals, it is Apart from organizing a Diploma III (D-III) become entrepreneurs in the industrial sector
manusia (SDM) yang kompeten. Oleh itu, untuk total program D-I sebanyak 120 orang. kekhususan dalam konteks pemasaran di produk necessary to have competent human resources education program, the Polytechnic of APP through the Business Incubator Unit,” he said.
karena itu, Kementerian Perindustrian Menariknya, para lulusan Politeknik APP sebagian elektronika. (HR). Therefore, the Ministry of Industry, also opens a Diploma I (D-I) program. “We have
through one of the education units under the a D1 Program in collaboration with various Learning activities at the Polytechnic
melalui salah satu unit pendidikan di besar (61%) langsung diterima kerja, kemudian of APP have used a competency-based
bawah binaan Badan Pengembangan sekitar 11% memilih sebagai wirausaha, dan sisanya “Ke depannya, kami ingin mengembangkan guidance of the Industrial Human Resources companies and associations that are 3 in 1
pendidikan vokasi dengan jenjang D4 atau setara Development Agency (BPSDMI), namely (education, certification, and work placements) curriculum which is integrated with the
Sumber Daya Manusia Industri (BPSDMI), melanjutkan studi lebih tinggi lagi. Indonesian National Work Competency
yakni Politeknik APP di Jakarta siap S1. Selain itu, pengembangan vokasi logistic dengan Polytechnic of APP in Jakarta, is ready to by applying the Taylor made model, including
Amrin menambahkan, keunggulan Politeknik dual system, serta pengembangan Politeknik create superior HR in logistics and marketing. the Distribution & Delivery Program and the Standards (SKKNI), and is supported by the
menciptakan SDM unggul di bidang Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
logistik dan pemasaran. APP lainnya adalah selain mendapatkan ijazah, Digital Logistik menuju industri 4.0 dengan konsep Logistics Marketing Program,” he explained.
lulusan juga memperoleh sertifikat kompetensi smart factory with smart warehouse,” pungkas “The APP Jakarta Polytechnic is a state “The method of learning theory is 40% and
“Politeknik APP Jakarta merupakan salah dari LSP P-1 Politeknik APP Jakarta yang teregister Amrin. university within the Ministry of Industry,” The strength of the Polytechnic of APP is practicum is 60%,” said Amrin.
satu perguruan tinggi yang berstatus negeri, yang di BNSP. Untuk meningkatkan penyerapan said Director of the Polytechnic of APP, Amrin supported by a total of 61 teaching staff who are
Rapi. The campus, which was founded in 1958, competent in their respective fields. All of them According to him, graduates of the D3
berada di lingkungan Kemenperin,” kata Direktur lulusannya, Poltek APP menjalin kerja sama Electronics Industry Logistics Management
Politeknik APP, Amrin Rapi. Kampus yang dengan berbagai asosiasi dan perusahaan yang was originally named the Corporate Leadership have lecturer and competencies certificates.
Academy. Apart from that, the supporting facilities and Study Program are equivalent to level V
didirikan sejak tahun 1958 ini awalnya bernama bergerak di sektor industri jasa logistik. Bahkan, (five) of the Indonesian National Work
Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan. menjembatani para lulusan bisa diterima kerja infrastructure are also adequate.
Currently, Polytechnic of APP stands on Qualification (KKNI). They understand and
sebelum wisuda melalui unit Career Development an area of 1.94 ha on Jl. Arise No. 34 Cipedak For example, for the Electronics Industry master the principles, techniques and tools
Saat ini, Politeknik APP berdiri di atas lahan Center (CDC).
seluas 1,94 ha di Jl. Timbul No. 34 Cipedak Jagakarsa, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. With a change in Logistics Management Study Program, of the latest technology and information
Jakarta Selatan. Adanya perubahan nomenklatur, “Selanjutnya, tata kelola manajemen nomenclature, Polytechnic of APP Jakarta inventory, logistics, and warehousing systems and are able to apply them to improve
Politeknik APP Jakarta akhirnya memiliki pendidikan tinggi sesuai dengan akreditasi BAN finally has a distinctiveness in the logistics sector, laboratories are available. This facility will logistics management performance, especially
kekhasan di bidang logistik khususnya industri PT, menggunakan manajemen mutu ISO 9001 : especially the electronics industry. support practical activities for warehousing and in the electronics industry.
elektronika. 2015 dari BSI, dan telah mendapatkan sertifikasi handling of raw materials.
“Therefore, we opened three new study Meanwhile, the competencies of graduates
internasional (PEARSON), serta menyiapkan programs, namely Electronics Industry Logistics “Then, in the International Trade Study of the ASEAN and PRC International Trade
“Oleh karena itu, kami membuka tiga program lulusan untuk bisa menjadi wirausaha di
studi baru, yaitu Manajemen Logistik Industri Management, ASEAN and PRC International Program in the ASEAN Region and PRC, Study Program include mastering the
sektor industri melalui Unit Inkubator Bisnis,” Trade, and Electronics Industry Marketing there are laboratories for international principles of economy, politics, law and other
Elektronika, Perdagangan Internasional Wilayah ungkapnya.
I Kegiatan pelatihan di bidang logistik
ASEAN dan RRT, dan Manajemen Pemasaran E Logistic training class Management,” said Amrin. trade and freight forwarders. In addition, knowledge in the scope of international
Industri Elektronika,” sebut Amrin. Kegiatan pembelajaran di Politeknik APP telah multimedia laboratories and projects trade and being able to apply them to the
menggunakan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi are available in the Electronics Industry governance of export and import including
Selain menyelenggarakan program pendidikan yang diintegrasikan dengan Standar Kompetensi Marketing Management Study Program,”he administration and transportation.
Diploma III (D-III), Politeknik APP juga membuka Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI), serta didukung said.
program Diploma I (D-I). “Kami memiliki Program For graduate competencies of the
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). The capacity of the students for each D-III Electronics Industry Marketing Management
D1 hasil kerja sama dengan berbagai perusahaan “Metode pembelajaran teori 40% dan praktikum
dan asosiasi yang sifatnya 3 in 1 (pendidikan, department is 160 each. Meanwhile, the total Study Program, including being able to
60%,” ujar Amrin. D-I program was 120 people. Interestingly, become sales operations personnel, being
sertifikasi, dan penempatan kerja) dengan
menerapkan model taylor made, di antaranya Menurutnya, lulusan Program Studi D3 most of the graduates of the APP Polytechnic able to become service operational personnel,
Program Distribution & Delivery serta Program Manajemen Logistik Industri Elektronika (61%) were immediately hired, then around being able to become operational personnel
Pemasaran Logistik,” paparnya. setara dengan level V (lima) Kualifikasi Kerja 11% chose to be entrepreneurs, and the rest for brand management (Brand Operations),
Nasional Indonesia (KKNI). Mereka memahami continued their higher studies. and having a specialization in the context of
Kekuatan Politeknik APP didukung dengan dan menguasai prinsip, teknik, dan perangkat marketing in electronic products.
jumlah tenaga pengajar berjumlah 61 orang yang Amrin added, another advantage of the
teknologi dan sistem informasi terkini Polytechnic of APP is that in addition to “In the future, we want to develop
kompeten di bidangnya masing-masing. Semuanya serta mampu mengaplikasikannya untuk
telah memiliki sertifikat dosen dan kompetensi. getting a diploma, graduates also obtain a vocational education with D4 level or
meningkatkan kinerja manajemen logistik certificate of competence from the LSP P-1 equivalent to S1. In addition, the development
Selain itu, sarana dan prasarana penunjang juga khususnya pada industri elektronika.
memadai. Polytechnic of APP Jakarta which is registered of vocational logistic with a dual system,
Sedangkan, kompetensi lulusan Prodi at the BNSP. To increase the absorption of as well as the development of the Digital
Misalnya untuk Program Studi Manajemen Perdagangan Internasional Wilayah ASEAN its graduates, it collaborates with various Logistics Polytechnic towards industry 4.0
Logistik Industri Elektronika, sudah tersedia dan RRT, antara lain adalah menguasai prinsip- associations and companies engaged in with the concept of a smart factory with a
laboratorium inventory, logistik, dan pergudangan. prinsip ekonomi, politik, hukum dan pengetahuan the logistics service industry sector. In smart warehouse, “concluded Amrin.
Fasilitas ini akan mendukung kegiatan praktikum lain dalam lingkup perdagangan internasional fact, bridging graduates can be accepted to
pergudangan dan penangangan bahan baku. serta mampu mengaplikasikannya pada tata work before graduation through the Career
“Kemudian, di Program Studi Perdagangan laksana ekspor impor termasuk administrasi dan Development Center (CDC) unit.
Internasional Wilayah ASEAN dan RRT, ada transportasinya. INFORMASI | INFORMATION
“Furthermore, higher education
laboratorium untuk perdagangan internasional Untuk kompetensi lulusan Program Studi management governance is in accordance Politeknik APP Jakarta
dan freight forwarder. Selain itu, di Program Studi Manajemen Pemasaran Industri Elektronika, with BAN PT accreditation, uses ISO 9001: Jl. Timbul No. 34 Cipedak Jagakarsa,
Manajemen Pemasaran Industri Elektronika, meliputi mampu menjadi tenaga operasional 2015 quality management from BSI, and Jakarta Selatan
tersedia laboratorium multimedia dan project,” has received international certification (021) 7867382
penjualan (Sales Operation), mampu menjadi
sebutnya. tenaga operasional layanan (Service Operation), (PEARSON), and prepares graduates to


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020


CHINA UNTUK The Vocational High School (SMK) of SMAK Bogor, which is a vocational school under the
auspices of the Ministry of Industry, has collaborated with many institutions in the Netherlands
PROGRAM and China as partners in organizing apprenticeship activities for these school students.

MAGANG West Java for state Vocational High Schools,

SISWA obtained the highest SMK TOEIC score in
2017, won various competitions such as the
national level chemistry Olympiad organized
by ITB, the best BKK in Bogor City in 2017,
Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) 100% graduate absorption (in 2018 from 269
SMAK Bogor yang merupakan graduates, 195 worked in industry, 66 continue
sekolah kejuruan di bawah binaan I Kegiatan praktikum analisis kimia their studies, 7 are independent entrepreneurs,
Kementerian Perindustrian E Chemical analysis class in 2017 out of 250 graduates, 169 work in
telah menjalin kerjasama dengan industry and 81 continue their studies).
sejumlah lembaga di negeri With such an excellent reputation, every
Belanda dan China sebagai mitra sedangkan pada tahun 2019 dilakukan di 107 seperti olimpiade kimia tingkat nasional yang
industri dalam negeri dan dua industri luar negeri. diselenggarakan oleh ITB, BKK terbaik Kota year before the new school year, SMK SMAK
untuk penyelenggaraan kegiatan Industri di luar negeri yang menerima para siswa- Bogor tahun 2017, keterserapan lulusan 100% Bogor is always flooded with enthusiasts
magang bagi siswa-siswi sekolah siswi SMK SMAK Bogor adalah di Belanda (CS (tahun 2018 dari 269 lulusan, 195 bekerja di from junior high school graduates and the
tersebut. ASPA Groningen, Uniper Benelux Rotterdam, dan industri, 66 melanjutkan kuliah, 7 wirausaha two different industries, while in 2019 it was equivalent who wish to continue their studies
MTE Catalyst Support Oude-Tonge), dan di China mandiri, tahun 2017 dari 250 lulusan, 169 bekerja carried out in 107 local industries and two to SMK SMAK Bogor, far exceeding the
(Changde Vocational Technical College). di industri dan 81 melanjutkan kuliah). various industries. The overseas industries capacity of that school’s. In the 2018/2019
that accept SMK SMAK Bogor students are in academic year, for example, the number of
I Kegiatan magang yang menjadi Lebih jauh Dwika menjelaskan SMK SMAK Dengan reputasi yang sangat baik itu, setiap prospective students who registered was 1,404
Bogor memiliki kompetensi keahlian di bidang menjelang tahun ajaran baru SMK SMAK Bogor the Netherlands (CS ASPA Groningen, Uniper
kegiatan wajib bagi setiap siswa-siswi Benelux Rotterdam, and MTE Catalyst people, while only 335 people were accepted.
di SMK SMAK Bogor sebenarnya sudah Kimia Analisis dengan masa pendidikan selama selalu dibanjiri peminat dari lulusan SMP dan Likewise in the 2019/2020 school year the
empat tahun. Tujuan utama pendidikan kejuruan yang sederajat yang ingin melanjutkan sekolah E Apprenticeship activities which are Support Oude-Tonge), and in China (Changde
dilaksanakan sekolah tersebut sejak lama Vocational Technical College). number of registrants was 1,122 people while
yang dikenal dengan istilah praktik di SMK SMAK Bogor adalah mewujudkan tenaga ke SMK SMAK Bogor, jauh melebihi kapasitas mandatory for every student at SMK SMAK only 317 people were allowed.
kerja industri yang merupakan sarana kerja industri yang kompeten dan berdaya saing daya tampung sekolah. Pada tahun ajaran Bogor have been carried out by the school for a Furthermore, Dwika explained that SMK
pengenalan sekaligus ajang praktik kerja dengan memiliki ijazah sekolah menengah 2018/2019 misalnya jumlah calon siswa yang long time known as industrial work practices, SMAK Bogor has competency expertise in This excellent reputation is inseparable from
dan menimba pengalaman di dunia kejuruan, sertifikat kompetensi dan bahasa asing, mendaftar sebanyak 1.404 orang, sedangkan which are a means of introducing as well as a the field of Analytical Chemistry with a four- the expertise and high dedication of the teaching
industri secara nyata. serta para lulusannya terserap di dunia kerja bidang yang diterima hanya 335 orang. Demikian juga place to practice work and gain real experience year education period. The main objective of staff, laboratory assistants and all employees
industri. pada tahun ajaran 2019/2020 jumlah pendaftar in the industrial world. vocational education at SMK SMAK Bogor at SMK SMAK Bogor, which now total 169
Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Perindustrian sebanyak 1.122 orang sedangkan yang diterima is to create a competent and competitive people. They consist of 119 civil servants and 50
kemudian melembagakan kegiatan praktek SMK SMAK Bogor menerapkan system The government through the Ministry of unemployed. Their educational backgrounds
hanya 317 orang. Industry then instituted this apprenticeship industrial workforce by having a vocational
magang ini melalui program yang dikenal dengan pembelajaran Teaching Factory yang bertujuan are 22 person from magister, 92 person from
untuk menciptakan kultur industri dalam Reputasi yang sangat baik itu tidak terlepas practice through a program known as Dual high school diploma, competency certificate
Pedidikan Sistem Ganda (PSG) berdasarkan and foreign language, and the graduates are bachelor degree, 11 person from diploma 3
Keputusan Menteri Perindustrian No. 1151 Tahun pembelajaran, yaitu dengan pembelajaran dari kepiawaian dan dedikasi tinggi dari para System Education (DSE) based on the Decree graduates, 38 high school graduates, two junior
sistem blok, modul tematik dan pembelajaran tenaga pendidik, laboran dan seluruh pegawai of the Minister of Industry No. 1151 of 2018. absorbed in the world of industrial work.
2018. SMKSMAK Bogor sendiri high school graduates and four elementary
berbasis produk. di SMK SMAK Bogor yang kini seluruhnya The principal of SMK SMAK Bogor, Dwika SMK SMAK Bogor implements the school graduates. This excellent reputation
Kepala SMK SMAK Bogor Dwika Riandari berjumlah 169 orang. Mereka terdiri dari 119 Riandari, said that concerning the Decree of Teaching Factory learning system which aims is also inseparable from the support of very
mengatakan dengan mengacu kepada Keputusan Sistem pembelajaran tersebut terbukti pegawai negeri sipil (PNS) dan 50 non PNS. Latar the Minister of Industry, the implementation
membuahkan hasil berupa kompetensi dan to create an industrial culture in learning, adequate learning facilities and infrastructure,
Menteri Perindustrian tersebut pelaksanaan belakang pendidikan mereka adalah lulusan of DSE at SMK SMAK Bogor was carried out namely by learning block systems, thematic including in the form of a chemistry laboratory
PSG di SMK SMAK Bogor dilakukan dengan daya saing para lulusan SMK SMAK Bogor S2 22 orang, lulusan S1 92 orang, lulusan D3 11 by applying DSE model B, which is that every
yang sudah diakui pemerintah dan dunia modules and product-based learning. This 1 (gravimetry), chemistry lab 2 (volumetric),
menerapan PSG model B, yaitu setiap tahun ajaran orang, lulusan SMA 38 orang, lulusan SMP dua academic year practice is carried out for four learning system has proven with the result in instrument analysis lab 1 (electrochemistry),
dilaksanakan praktik selama empat bulan di usaha. Para lulusan SMK SMAK Bogor juga orang dan lulusan SD empat orang. months in industrial companies.
berhasil menorehkan sejumlah prestasi yang the form of competence and competitiveness instrument analysis lab 2 (spectrophotometry),
perusahaan industri. of the graduates of SMK SMAK Bogor that microbiology lab, PKT 1 lab (proximate and
membanggakan antara lain berhasil meraih Reputasi yang baik itu juga tidak terlepas dari However, considering that DSE program is a
Namun mengingat program PSG ini ijazah dengan nilan UN terbaik, sertifikat dukungan sarana dan prasarana pembelajaran relatively new program for SMK SMAK Bogor, have been recognized by the government and total analysis), PKT 2 lab (type analysis), PKT
merupakan program yang relatif baru bagi SMK kompetensi, sertifikat internasional, sertifikat yang sangat memadai, antara lain berupa its implementation begins with socializing the business world. The graduates of SMK 3 lab (environmental parameter analysis),
SMAK Bogor maka pelaksanaannya dimulai kemampuan bahasa Inggris, dan 100% terserap laboratorium kimia 1 (gravimetri), lab kimia DSE to SMK SMAK Bogor residents in 2018. SMAK Bogor also managed to make some competency test laboratory (TUK), language lab,
dengan melakukan sosialisasi PSG kepada warga di industri. 2 (volumetric), lab analisis instrument 1 Then proceed with preparations for the proud achievements, including winning a computer lab, 27 comfortable classrooms, library
SMK SMAK Bogor pada tahun 2018. Kemudian (elektrokimia), lab analisis instrument 2 implementation of DSE in that same year. In diploma with the best final examination , multipurpose building, polyclinic, light fire
dilanjutkan dengan persiapan pelaksanaan PSG Sejumlah prestasi lainnya yang pernah (spektrofotometri), lab mikrobiologi, lab PKT 1 its application, SMK SMAK Bogor runs DSE scores, competency certificates, international extinguisher, and wastewater treatment plant
pada tahun itu juga. Dalam pelaksanaannya SMK diraih antara lain penghargaan sebagai (proksimat dan analisis total), lab PKT 2 (analisis pilot project in one particular class in the certificates, English proficiency certificates, (IPAL).
SMAK Bogor menjalankan pilot project PSG pada unit pendidikan terbaik 2018 Kemenperin jenis), lab PKT 3 (analisis parameter lingkungan), 2018/2019 Academic Year. Furthermore, DSE and is 100% absorbed in the industry.
satu kelas tertentu pada Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019. RI, Sertifikasi ISO 9001: 2015 di tahun 2018, lab tempat uji kompetensi (TUK), lab bahasa, activities will be implemented in stages for all
Selanjutnya diupayakan kegiatan PSG diterapkan mendapatkan predikat WBK Tahun 2017, Another achievements include the award as INFORMASI | INFORMATION
lab komputer, 27 ruang kelas nyaman, classes. the best education unit 2018 of the Indonesian
secara bertahap untuk semua kelas. terakreditasi A tahun 2009 dan 2014, Nilai perpustakaan, gedung serbaguna, poliklinik,
UN tertinggi 2017 Jabar untuk SMK, nilai According to Dwika, industrial work Ministry of Industry, ISO 9001: 2015 SMAK Bogor
Menurut Dwika, praktik kerja industri alat pemadam api ringan, dan instalasi practices are carried out every year for certification in 2018, getting the title of WBK Jl. Binamarga II No.19, RT.06/RW.08,
UN tertinggi 2019 Jabar untuk SMK negeri, pengolahan air limbah (IPAL). Baranangsiang, Kec. Bogor Tim., Kota Bogor,
dilakukan setiap tahun untuk setiap siswa. memperoleh nilai TOEIC SMK tertinggi each student. In 2018 work practices were in 2017, accredited A in 2009 and 2014, 2017
Jawa Barat
Pada tahun 2018 praktik kerja dilakukan di 89 tahun 2017, menjuarai berbagai perlombaan carried out in 89 domestic industries and West Java highest final examination score for (0251) 8323138
industri dalam negeri dan dua industri luar negeri, SMK, highest final examination score 2019


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

Polytechnic of STTT Bandung


Amid the challenges of competent industrial human resource requirements in implementing the
industrial revolution 4.0, the role of vocational schools is crucial, especially in the textile industry
sector, because this labour-intensive industry is one of the main focus sectors in the Making
Indonesia 4.0 road map that requires competent human resources so that the implementation of
the industrial revolution 4.0 can run optimally and have a broad impact.
I Kegiatan praktik fashion design
E Fashion design practice class where students learn directly in the industry,
Politeknik STTT Bandung besides that there are scholarships and research
sama dengan berbagai bentuk, seperti aspect. Not only cooperating with industry
MoU, Piagam Kerjasama dan Perjanjian
PERGURUNGAN TINGGI kerjasama, beberapa industri yang terlibat
dalam kerja sama ini adalah PT Sritex, PT
players, STTT Polytechnic of STTT Bandung
also establishes cooperative relationships with

other educational institutions such as HIDA
Nagasakti Kurnia Tekstil, PT Indonesia (Japan), Saxon University (Netherlands), HTW-
Nikka Chemicals, dan masih banyak lagi. University of Applied Sciences (Germany),
SE-ASIA TENGGARA DAN Aspek kerja sama dengan perusahaan
didominasi oleh program pendidikan dual
particularly in aspects of student and staff
exchanges , workshop and leadership.

BERUMUR HAMPIR 1 ABAD sistem, dimana para mahasiswa belajar

langsung di industri. Selain bekerja sama
dengan pelaku industri, Politeknik STTT
The laboratory in this polytechnic is quite
complete, because all of the laboratories are
industrial scale, even the most recent weaving
Bandung juga menjalin hubungan kerja machines from Picanol are available, their
Ditengah tantangan kebutuhan sumber daya manusia industri kompeten sama dengan instansi pendidikan lainnya use in the industry is still very limited, “If
dalam mengimplementasikan revolusi industri 4.0, peranan sekolah seperti HIDA (Jepang), Saxon University we talk about the lab in STTT, we can say the
vokasi menjadi sangat penting, khususnya pada sektor industri tekstil, (Belanda), HTW-University Of Applied most complete lab, because from upstream to
Sciences (Jerman), khususnya pada aspek downstream, starting from fibre, yarn, fabric, to
karena industri padat karya ini merupakan salah satu sektor fokus pertukaran mahasiswa dan staf, workshop
utama dalam peta jalan Making Indonesia 4.0 yang memerlukan SDM- garment, we have everything,” said Budy. Even
dan internship. E Answering this challenge, the Ministry of There is a uniqueness that becomes an at the Masters Laboratory, there is the one and
SDM yang kompeten agar implementasi revolusi industri 4.0 berjalan Industry is intensively implementing vocational advantage in the study program of garment
maksimal dan berdampak luas. Politeknik STTT Bandung memiliki only fabric comfort testing tool in Indonesia.
school education programs, one of them is the production concentration of fashion design in
laboratorium yang sangat lengkap, karena Polytechnic of STTT Bandung, which has been Polytechnic of STTT Bandung, in addition to The capacity of diploma IV in Polytechnic
semua laboratoriumnya berskala industri, established for almost a century. “Actually, our studying design in terms of beauty, students also with a vision to be a superior and leading
bahkan tersedia mesin pertenunan terbaru history is almost a century, we had begun in 1922, consider the material, testing, evaluation and Polytechnic in textile and garment technology
dari picanol yang penggunaannya di industri but it is still in the form of training. In 1922 it was manufacturing of a garment, “making clothes education which is a role model for industry
I Menjawab tantangan itu, Kementerian program studi Diploma IV Teknik Tekstil, pun masih sangat terbatas, “kalau kita bicara
Perindustristrian gencar melaksanakan Kimia Tekstil, Produksi Garmen, dan established Textile Inrichting Bandoeng, then that not only beautiful, but it will also be more vocational education in producing competent
lab yang ada di STTT, kita bisa bilang lab increased to a 1-year educational program, it began functional, so they learn that I believe there graduates who are able to compete globally, is 320
program pendidikan sekolah vokasi, salah Produksi Garmen Konsentrasi Fashion terlengkap, karena dari hulu sampai hilir, mulai
satunya adalah Politeknik STTT Bandung Design. in 1954, so that we claim as the establishment of is no other place for this material capability” people. While for the master’s study program
dari serat, benang, kain, sampai garmen, kita textile higher education even though it was just said Budy Handoko, Assistant Director 1 for as many as 30 people per class. “For the masters,
yang sudah hampir satu abad berdiri. punya semua” ungkap Budy. Bahkan pada
“Sebetulnya kalau sejarah kita hampir Terdapat keunggulan yang unik starting from diploma level 1” said Director of Academic Affairs. actually one class is 30, but in the first year we
pada program studi produksi garmen laboratorium magister, terdapat satu-satunya Polytechnic of STTT Bandung, Tina Martina. only took 16 even though the demand is more
satu abad. 1922 kita sudah mulai, tapi alat pengujian kenyamanan kain di Indonesia. According to Tina, with the in-depth
bentuknya masih dalam bentuk pelatihan.” konsentrasi fashion design di politeknik than 30, we think that this is the first year so we
STTT bandung, yaitu selain mempelajari In the era of Indonesian government, this knowledge of material and clothing have to get an excellent raw material,” said Tina
kata Direktur Politeknik STTT Bandung, Kapasitas diploma IV di Politeknik ini education unit in Bandung city, experienced functionalities, almost every year students
Tina Martina. desain dari sisi keindahan, mahasiswa juga sebanyak 320 orang per angkatan, sedangkan
mempelajari material, pengujian, evaluasi several changes in form and name. In 1981, this gain achievements by winning competitions In addition to diplomas, students who
untuk program studi magister sebanyak 30 Education unit got the name of the College of “almost every year when there are competitions graduate from the Polytechnic of STTT
Di era pemerintahan Indonesia, tepatnya dan manufaktur sebuah pakaian, “membuat orang per kelas. “untuk yang magisternya
pada tahun 1981, unit pendidikan di suatu pakaian tidak hanya indah, tapi juga Textile Technology (STTT) which organized our children must have extraordinary Bandung also receive a national standard
sebetulnya 1 kelas itu 30, tapi kami di tahun vocational education for Diploma IV and achievements” she said competency certificate (SKKNI) following
kota bandung ini menyelenggarakan akan lebih fungsional, jadi mereka belajar pertama hanya mengambil 16 walaupun
pendidikan vokasi Program Diploma IV yang saya yakin ditempat lain tidak ada Diploma I Programs. STTT changed its form to their study program. While the absorption
peminatnya lebih dari 30, kami berpegang become Polytechnic of STTT Bandung according In addition to achievements at the rate of graduates is also quite high due to
dan Diploma I dengan nama Sekolah Tinggi untuk kemampuan material ini” kata Budy bahwa ini adalah tahun pertama jadi kita harus competition, Polytechnic of STTT Bandung
Teknologi Tekstil (STTT) yang Kemudian Handoko, Pembantu Direktur 1 Bidang to Minister of Education and Culture Decree No. the high demand for human resources from
betul-betul dapat raw material yang baik” 497/E/O/2014 dated 13 October 2014. Polytechnic also managed to build cooperation with many industry. The number of graduates from the
berubah menjadi Politeknik STTT akademik. ungkap Tina parties to improve the competencies of students
Bandung, sesuai dengan surat keputusan of STTT Bandung is a rearrangement of the diploma IV program is around 300 people
Menurut Tina, dengan adanya organization and work procedures of vocational continuously. Until now, 40 partnership with each year while industry needs can reach 600
menteri pendidikan dan kebudayaan No. Selain ijasah, lulusan politeknik STTT various forms have been established, such
497/E/O/2014 tanggal 13 Oktober 2014. pengetahuan yang mendalam soal material bandung juga menerima sertifikat higher education units within the Ministry of or even 700 people.
dan fungsionalitas pakaian, hampir setiap Industry. as the MoU, the Charter of Cooperation and
Politeknik STTT Bandung merupakan kompetensi berstandar nasional (SKKNI) Cooperation Agreement, several industries
penataan kembali organisasi dan tata tahun mahasiswanya memperoleh prestasi sesuai dengan program studinya. Tingkat
kerja satuan pendidikan tinggi vokasi di yang luar biasa. Disamping prestasi pada penyerapan lulusan juga cukup tinggi
According to Tina, Polytechnic of STTT involved in this collaboration are PT Sritex, PT INFORMASI | INFORMATION
ajang kompetisi, politeknik STTT Bandung Bandung is the first textile college in Southeast Nagasakti Kurnia Tekstil, PT Indonesia Nikka
lingkungan Kementrian Perindustrian. karena tingginya permintaan SDM dari Asia with a Masters Program in Textile and Chemicals, PT Sinar Sukses Mandiri and many
juga berhasil membangun kerja sama industri. Jumlah lulusan program diploma Politeknik STTT Bandung
Menurut Tina, Politeknik STTT dengan banyak pihak demi meningkatkan Apparel Engineering, Diploma IV study more. Jl. Jakarta No. 31, Bandung 40272
IV sekitar 300 orang, sedangkan kebutuhan program in Textile Engineering, Textile 022-7272580, Fax : 022-7271694
Bandung adalah sekolah tinggi tekstil kompetensi mahasiswa. industri bisa mencapai 600 bahkan 700 The aspect of cooperation with companies
pertama se-Asia Tenggara dengan Program Chemistry, Garment Production, and Garment
Hingga saat ini sudah terjalin 40 kerja orang. Production Concentration in Fashion Design. is dominated by the dual system curriculum,
Magister Rekayasa Tekstil dan Apparel,


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

Politeknik Industri Furnitur Polytechnic Furniture and Wood Processing Industry which
dan Pengolahan Kayu stands on an area of 1.9 hectares have three main objectives, namely
TERAPKAN encouraging the growth of industrial investment through the
provision of the competent local industrial workforce, empowering
KONSEP human resources in the local area and surrounding areas to become
an industrial workforce, as well as as a center of innovation,
PEMBELAJARAN research and development of furniture industry in the country.

DUAL SYSTEM Polytechnic furniture and wood processing industry have three
Diploma III courses, namely Furniture Processing Engineering
VERSI JERMAN Study Program, Furniture Design Study Program, and Furniture

Industries Business Management Study Program. The polytechnic
began its education operations in the first generation since October
1, 2018.
Kementerian Perindustrian terus The number of first-year students was 99 selected from 694
berupaya untuk menciptakan applicants. Thus, the student admissions ratio reaches 1:7. “The
tenaga kerja terampil dan inovatif I Kegiatan praktik desain produk furnitur capacity of Polytechnic Furniture and Wood Processing Industry
yang mampu meningkatkan daya E Furniture Product Design class per year varies between 100 to 180 students. This is tailored to the
saing industri furnitur di dalam needs of the workforce in the Industry,” said Tri.
negeri. Bagaimana caranya? Facilities and infrastructure provided to support learning
activities, including classrooms, furniture workshops, finishing
workshops, digital image computer laboratories, office application
computer laboratories, manual drawing laboratories, and 3D
I Guna mencapai sasaran tersebut, printing technology laboratories. “Internet infrastructure uses
Kemenperin telah memfasilitasi fiber optic backbone and internal server complete with SIAKAD
pembangunan Politeknik Industri application as supporting activities,” he added.
Furnitur dan Pengolahan Kayu di
Kawasan Industri Kendal (KIK), Jawa Meanwhile, supported teachers come from internal and
Tengah. Pembangunan politeknik ini I Kegiatan praktik pengolahan kayu competent industry professionals in their field. “In order to
merupakan salah satu wujud kerja E Wood proccessing class improve the competence of internal lecturers of Furniture And
sama Indonesia dan Singapura dalam Wood Processing Industry Polytechnic, also always hold training
membangun sumber daya manusia (SDM) demikian, rasio penerimaan mahasiswa penyusunan kurikulum dan proses for internal lecturers, be it technical training or non-technical,”
yang kompeten. tersebut mencapai 1:7. “Daya tampung pembelajaran itu sendiri. said Tri.
“Berawal dari kesepakatan Politeknik Industri Furnitur dan The advantages of the Polytechnic Furniture and Wood
Pengolahan Kayu per tahun bervariasi Berikutnya, politeknik juga
pengembangan kawasan industri dan menerapkan sistem pembelajaran dual Processing Industry have implemented link and match learning
pendidikan vokasi antara pemerintah antara 100 hingga 180 mahasiswa. Hal ini systems with industry, as evidenced by the role of industry ranging
disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan tenaga system yang diadopsi dari Jerman dan
Indonesia dengan Singapura pada 7 Swiss. “Demi mewujudkan hal tersebut, from the acceptance of new students to the process of drafting the
September 2017 lalu, proses pendirian kerja di Industri,” papar Tri. Polytechnic Furniture curriculum and the learning process itself.
kami juga dibantu oleh Pemerintah
politeknik di Kendal dimulai,” kata Sarana dan prasarana yang disediakan Swiss melalui Swiss Contact dengan and Wood Processing Industry Next, polytechnics also implemented dual system learning
Direktur Politeknik Industri Furnitur guna menunjang kegiatan pembelajaran, programnya S4C,” ujarnya. Bahkan, systems adopted from Germany and Switzerland. “In order to make
dan Pengolahan Kayu, Tri Ernawati meliputi ruang kelas, workshop furnitur, politeknik ini mengintegrasikan proses this happen, we are also assisted by the Swiss Government through
Veronica Ludovica.
Politeknik Industri Furnitur dan
workshop finishing, laboratorium
komputer gambar digital, laboratorium
pembelajarannya melalui kerja sama
dengan Bern University Swiss. AND SWISS VERSION Swiss Contact with its program S4C,” he said. This polytechnic
integrates its learning process in cooperation with Bern University
Pengolahan Kayu yang berdiri di atas komputer aplikasi perkantoran,
laboratorium gambar manual, dan Di samping itu, pembelajaran di OF DUAL SYSTEM Switzerland.

lahan seluas 1,9 hektare ini memiliki Politeknik Industri Furnitur dan Also, learning in the Polytechnic furniture and wood processing
tiga tujuan utama, yakni mendorong laboratorium teknologi cetak 3D.
“Infrastruktur internet menggunakan Pengolahan Kayu telah mengarah ke industry has led to teaching factory. This is demonstrated through
pertumbuhan investasi industri melalui teaching factory. Hal ini ditunjukkan a teaching learning schedule that uses a block schedule. Industrial
penyediaan tenaga kerja industri lokal backbone fiber optic dan server internal
lengkap dengan aplikasi SIAKAD sebagai melalui jadwal belajar mengajar yang Practice is carried out for four months each year, resulting in a total
yang kompeten, memberdayakan SDM menggunakan jadwal blok. Praktik The Ministry of Industry continues to create a industry practice duration for 12 months. The three-year learning
di wilayah setempat dan sekitarnya pendukung kegiatan,” imbuhnya.
Industri dilaksanakan selama empat skilled and innovative workforce that can improve curriculum refers to the existing SKKNI and the industry’s needs
untuk menjadi tenaga kerja industri, Sementara itu, didukung tenaga bulan di setiap tahunnya, sehingga total the competitiveness of the country’s furniture with a percentage of theory and practice is 30% : 70%.
serta sebagai pusat inovasi, penelitian pengajar berasal dari internal dan durasi untuk praktik industri selama 12 industry. How ?
dan pengembangan Industri furnitur di profesional industri yang kompeten di bulan. Kurikulum pembelajaran selama “What students get after graduation, in addition to a diploma is
Tanah bidangnya. “Dalam rangka peningkatan tiga tahun mengacu pada SKKNI yang a certificate of competency that demonstrates the competence of
kompetensi dosen internal Politeknik ada dan kebutuhan dari industri dengan E To achieve this goal, the Ministry of Industry has facilitated the student in his field,” he said. Tri hopes that The Polytechnic
Politeknik Industri Furnitur dan of Furniture and Wood Processing Industry will become a
Pengolahan Kayu punya tiga program Industri Furnitur dan Pengolahan Kayu, persentase teori dan praktik adalah 30% the construction of Furniture Industry Polytechnic and Wood
juga senantiasa mengadakan pelatihan : 70%. Processing in Kendal Industrial Area (KIA), Central Java. The reference campus in the development of the furniture industry and
studi Diploma III, yaitu Program Studi international standards.
Teknik Pengolahan Furnitur, Program bagi dosen internal, baik itu pelatihan construction of this polytechnic is one of the forms of cooperation
teknis maupun yang non-teknis,” tutur “Yang diperoleh mahasiswa setelah
Studi Desain Furnitur, dan Program lulus, selain ijazah ialah sertifikat between Indonesia and Singapore in building competent human
Studi Manajemen Bisnis Industri Tri. resources.
kompetensi yang menunjukkan
Furnitur. Politeknik ini memulai Keunggulan Politeknik Industri kompetensi mahasiswa tersebut di “Starting from the agreement on the development of industrial INFORMASI | INFORMATION
operasional pendidikannya pada Furnitur dan Pengolahan Kayu, bidangnya,” ungkapnya. Tri berharap, estates and vocational education between the Government of
angkatan pertama sejak 1 Oktober 2018. Politeknik Industri Furnitur dan Pengolahan Kayu
antara lain telah menerapkan sistem Politeknik Industri Furnitur dan Indonesia and Singapore on September 7, 2017, the process of Jalan Wanamarta Raya No. 20, Kawasan Industri,
Jumlah mahasiswa angkatan pertama pembelajaran link and match dengan Pengolahan Kayu akan menjadi kampus establishing polytechnics in Kendal began,” said Director of Tambak, Wonorejo, Kendal, Jawa Tengah
tersebut sebanyak 99 orang yang diseleksi industri, yang dibuktikan dengan adanya rujukan dalam pengembangan industri Polytechnic furniture industry and wood processing, Tri Ernawati (0294) 3692732
peran industri mulai dari penerimaan furnitur dan bertaraf internasional.
dari 694 orang pendaftar. Dengan Veronica Ludovica.
mahasiswa baru sampai dengan proses


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

to specifications, and do finishing using spray

“We developed the training because
Yogyakarta also has the potential in developing
the furniture industry, such as in the Bantul
Balai Diklat Industri (BDI) Yogyakarta area,” Tevi said. Also, BDI Yogyakarta has
CETAK SDM KOMPETEN INDUSTRI produced competent welding staff to supply the
needs in the metal industry sector. “So, from all
PLASTIK HINGGA ALAS KAKI the training, we will do a competency test, so
that graduates will get training certificates and
Balai Diklat Industri (BDI) Yogyakarta berkomitmen untuk terus memacu pengembangan competency certificates,” he added.
industri plastik, logam, kerajinan dan alas kaki nasional agar lebih berdaya saing global, Throughout in 2016-2019 period, the number
dengan mencetak sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang andal. Bagaimana perannya? of 3 in1 Education and Training participants
in BDI Yogyakarta continued to increase
I Praktik assembling sepatu significantly. In 2016, the total number of
I Kepala BDI Yogyakarta, Tevi Dwi “Pelatihan tersebut merupakan E Shoe assembling practice class participants reached 1,240 people, then in 2017
Kurniaty menjelaskan, pihaknya fokus pengembangan terbaru dari kami, yang it rose to 3,054 people, in 2018 it touched 5,403
menyelenggarakan diklat berbasis sudah berjalan sejak tahun 2016. Hal ini people, and in 2019 there were up to 7,394 people.
spesialisasi dan kompetensi di keempat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kerja Industrial Training Center (BDI) Yogyakarta: “From these participants, we also accept
sektor industri strategis tersebut dengan
menggunakan pola 3 in 1 (pelatihan,
kompeten yang cukup tinggi di sektor
industri alas kaki, karena sebagai sektor GENERATE COMPETENT HUMAN participants from people with disabilities. “For
the past three years, we have provided 3 in 1
sertifikasi kompetensi, dan penempatan
kerja). “Kurikulum pelatihannya didasarkan
padat karya,” ungkap Tevi. BDI Yogyakarta
telah memasok SDM terampil ke sejumlah RESOURCES FOR PLASTIC training for 353 people with disabilities,” Tevi


said. Interestingly again, BDI Yogyakarta can
pada Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional perusahaan alas kaki di berbagai daerah, print 3 in 1 training participants can be accepted
Indonesia (SKKNI),” tuturnya. seperti Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah dan Jawa to work in several well-known companies in
Misalnya, Diklat 3 in 1 Berbasis
Timur. Yogyakarta Industrial Training Center (BDI) committed to continue to spur Japan as many as 104 people during 2017-2019.
Kompetensi Bagi Operator Mesin Plastik, Berikutnya, guna mendongkrak daya the development of the national plastic, metal, handicraft and footwear
BDI Yogyakarta, which was established in
yang bertujuan meningkatkan kemampuan saing industri mebel dan kerajinan di tanah industries to be more competitive globally, by printing reliable human 1981, continues to take various steps in producing
soft skill dan hard skill bagi tenaga kerja air, BDI Yogyakarta menggelar Diklat 3 in resources (HR). How is the role? competent industrial human resources. These
(operator) di perusahaan plastik, seperti 1 Berbasis Kompetensi Bidang Finishing I Praktik pengolahan plastik strategic efforts include the development of
memahami dasar pengolahan plastik. Furniture. Para peserta ini diharapkan E Plastic proccessing practice class education and training programs, expansion
Diklat ini terdiri dari pelatihan untuk mampu memahami dan menyiapkan E The Head of BDI Yogyakarta, Tevi Dwi participants were also prepared to be able to carry
Kurniaty explained, his party focused on out maintenance of sewing machines at work, of cooperation and building information
pengoperasian mesin looming, mesin pekerjaan finishing, menyiapkan permukaan penyandang disabilitas,” sebut Tevi. Menariknya networks with industry, as well as technological
injection molding, dan mesin jahit karung komponen/produk untuk finishing, organizing specialized and competency-based operate high speed shoe sewing machines and
lagi, BDI Yogyakarta mampu mencetak peserta training in the four strategic industrial sectors assemble and sew shoe components (footwear). transformation in the implementation of
jumbo. menyesuaikan warna finishing sesuai Diklat 3 in 1 dapat diterima kerja di sejumlah education and training.
spesifikasi, serta mengerjakan finishing using a 3 in 1 pattern (training, competency
“Salah satu keunggulan pelatihan kami, perusahaan ternama di Jepang sebanyak 104 certification, and work placement). “The Also, there is a 3 in 1 Training based on
dengan teknik semprot. orang selama tahun 2017-2019. Competence Quality Control of the Footwear “We are also equipped with adequate facilities
yaitu adanya pelatihan soft skill seperti training curriculum is based on the Indonesian and infrastructure to support the training
membangun motivasi, etika, loyalitas, “Pelatihan itu kami kembangkan karena National Work Competency Standards Manufacturing Process, then a 3 in 1 Training
BDI Yogyakarta yang berdiri sejak tahun 1981 Based on Competency in Operation of a Shoe process. For example, we provide a workshop
komunikasi dan kerja sama tim,” kata Tevi. Yogyakarta juga memiliki potensi dalam ini terus melakukan berbagai langkah dalam (SKKNI),” he said. room. And, the most important thing is that
Setelah mengikuti diklat ini, peserta juga pengembangan industri furnitur, seperti di Mold Injection Molding Machine, as well as a 3 in
menghasilkan SDM industri yang kompeten. For example, 3 in 1 Education and Training 1 Training in Competency Based on Operation of we also actively conduct training directly at the
diharapkan mampu mengimplementasikan daerah Bantul,” ujar Tevi. Di samping itu, BDI Upaya strategis itu di antaranya adalah factory, “explained Tevi.
prosedur mutu serta menerapkan tentang Yogyakarta telah mencetak tenaga pengelas based on Competency for Plastic Machine a Footwear Assembling Machine.
pengambangan program diklat, perluasan kerja Operators, which aims to improve the ability of
Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) di yang kompeten untuk memasok kebutuhan sama dan membangun jaringan informasi “The training is the latest development from As for the various achievements that have
perusahaan. di sektor industri logam. “Jadi, dari seluruh soft skills and hard skills for workers (operators) in been recorded by the work unit under the
dengan industri, serta melakukan transfromasi plastic companies, such as understanding the basic us, which has been running since 2016. This is
pelatihan, kami akan lakukan uji kompetensi, teknologi dalam penyelenggaraan diklat. to meet the needs of a high enough competent Ministry of Industry’s Human Resources
Selanjutnya, Diklat 3 in 1 Berbasis sehingga lulusannya bakal mendapat plastic processing. This training consists of training Development Agency (BPSDMI), among
Kompetensi Jahit Upper Alas Kaki. Para for the operation of looming machines, injection workforce in the footwear industry sector,
sertifikat pelatihan dan sertifikat kompetensi,” “Kami juga dilengkapi dengan sarana dan because as a labor-intensive sector,” said Tevi. others in 2018 ranked 3 in the education unit
peserta ini juga disiapkan agar dapat imbuhnya. prasarana yang memadai untuk mendukung moulding machines, and jumbo sack sewing category for public information disclosure
melakukan perawatan mesin jahit di tempat machines. BDI Yogyakarta has supplied skilled human
proses pelatihan. Contohnya kami menyediakan resources to several footwear companies in assessment and the best regional archival
kerja, mengoperasikan mesin jahit sepatu Sepanjang periode 2016-2019, jumlah peserta ruang workshop. Dan, yang terpenting adalah unit..
kecepatan tinggi serta merakit dan menjahit Diklat 3 in1 di BDI Yogyakarta terus meningkat “One of the advantages of our training, various regions, such as West Java, Central Java
kami juga aktif melakukan pelatihan langsung di which is the existence of soft skills training and East Java.
komponen sepatu (alas kaki). Selain itu, signifikan. Pada 2016, total peserta mencapai pabrik,” terang Tevi.
terdapat Diklat 3 in 1 Berbasis Kompetensi 1.240 orang, kemudian tahun 2017 naik menjadi such as building motivation, ethics, loyalty,
communication and teamwork,” Tevi said. Next, to boost the competitiveness of the
Pengendalian Mutu Proses Pembuatan 3.054 orang, tahun 2018 menyentuh angka 5.403 Adapun prestasi yang telah dicatatkan oleh furniture and craft industry in the country, BDI INFORMASI | INFORMATION
Alas Kaki, kemudian Diklat 3 in 1 Berbasis orang, dan di 2019 tembus hingga 7.394 orang. satuan kerja di bawah Badan Pengembangan After attending this training, participants are
also expected to be able to implement quality Yogyakarta held a 3 in 1 Education and Training
Kompetensi Pengoperasian Mesin Cetak Sumber Daya Manusia Industri (BPSDMI) Based on Competency in the Field of Finishing Balai Diklat Industri Yogyakarta
Sol Sepatu Sistem Injeksi, serta Diklat 3 in 1 “Dari para peserta tersebut, kami juga Kementerian Perindustrian ini, antara lain pada procedures and apply about Occupational Health Jl. Gedongkuning No.140B, Rejowinangun, Kec.
menerima peserta dari penyandang disabilitas. and Safety (K3) in the company. Furniture. The participants are expected to be Kotagede, Kota Yogyakarta, DIY
Berbasis Kompetensi Pengoperasian Mesin tahun 2018 meraih peringkat III untuk kategori able to understand and prepare finishing work, (0274) 373912
Assembling Alas Kaki. Sejak tiga tahun terakhir ini, kami telah unit pendidikan penilaian keterbukaan informasi
memberikan Diklat 3 in 1 kepada 353 orang Next, the 3 in 1 Education Training is Based prepare the surface of components or products
publik dan unit kearsipan daerah terbaik. on Upper Footwear Sewing Competence. The for finishing, adjust finishing colours according


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

Academy of Leather Techniology Polytechnic of Yogyakarta:

The Ministry of Industry focuses on spurring the development of the leather, leather,
I Praktik produksi sepatu berbahan kulit rubber and plastic products industry to be more competitive to the international
E Leather shoe production practice class scene because of the potential to increase the value of exports. This will contribute
significantly to strengthening the structure of the national economy.
berkembangnya berbagai teknologi digital sesuai
penerapan era industri 4.0.
pattern making, to the technique of making finished goods
“Kami akan menjadi salah satu pilot project (prototyping), “he said.
untuk penerapan industri 4.0, khususnya sektor
industri alas kaki. Nantinya, di kampus ini akan Then, the TPKP department is ready to produce experts in the
terkoneksi beberapa mesin canggih untuk produksi rubber and plastic processing industry, which includes planning,
Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta: alas kaki, yang dikendalikan dalam sebuah control production and printing processes, problem solving, analysis and
DIDUKUNG TENAGA PENGAJAR room. Kami juga sudah punya beberapa alat digital
terbaru yang mendukung industri 4.0,” jelasnya.
product quality control. “Rubber is one of our superior natural
resources, which needs added value. Meanwhile, plastic is a raw
BERKUALITAS, LULUSANNYA Unit pendidikan vokasi di bawah binaan Badan
material that can be used by many manufacturing sectors, such as the
packaging industry, electronics, automotive, and household appliances,
LARIS TERSERAP KERJA Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Industri
(BPSDMI) Kemenperin ini, bakal menjadi salah
satu satelit pendukung dalam pengembangan
“he said.
Every year, the Yogyakarta ATK Polytechnic graduates an average
Kementerian Perindustrian fokus memacu pengembangan industri Pusat Inovasi Digital Indonesia (PIDI 4.0). Oleh of 350 people per class. “Most of our graduates work at the middle level,
kulit, produk kulit, karet dan plastik agar semakin kompetitif karenanya, kampus ini siap menjalin mitra dengan as the R&D department. But they also understand the technical or
perusahaan terkonologi yang dapat menopang operational aspects of the entire production process, “he added.
hingga kancah internasional karena berpotensi meningkatkan implementasi industri 4.0.
nilai ekspor. Hal ini akan bekontrobusi besar terhadap penguatan Sugiyanto explained, to follow the rapid changes in the leather,
struktur perekonomian nasional. Guna menambah soft skill para mahasiswanya, leather, rubber and plastic industry sectors, the Yogyakarta ATK
Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta kerap mendatangkan Polytechnic continues to complement its supporting facilities and
dosen tamu dari perusahaan. Selain itu aktif infrastructure. Moreover, currently starting the development of
I Guna mewujudkan sasaran tersebut, salah penyamakan kulit. Kemudan, program studi mengundang motivator untuk memberikan various digital technologies according to the application of the
satu langkah strategis yang dijalankan oleh TPPK, yang menspesialisasikan perancangan dan materi etika kerja dan komunikasi yang baik, industrial era 4.0.
Kemenperin adalah menyiapkan sumber pembuatan produk berbahan kulit asli (original hingga cara menjalin kerja sama dengan tim. “We will be one of the pilot projects for the application of industry
daya manusia (SDM) yang sesuai kebutuhan leather). “Kami juga didukung dengan tim pengajar yang 4.0, specifically the footwear industry sector. Later on, this campus will
industrinya. Dalam hal ini, Politeknik ATK berkualitas. Rata-rata mereka bergelar S-2 dan ada E To realize this goal, one of the strategic steps undertaken by the connect several sophisticated machines for footwear production, which
Yogyakarta punya peranan penting sesuai visi dan “Jurusan TPPK ini akan mencetak SDM
yang punya kemampuan inovasi dan enam yang sudah Doktor. Kami pun memfasilitasi Ministry of Industry is to prepare human resources (HR) following the are controlled in a control room. We also have some of the latest digital
misi yang ditanamkan. tenaga pengajar muda untuk mengambil beasiswa needs of the industry. In this case, the Yogyakarta ATK Polytechnic has an tools that support Industry 4.0, “he explained.
kreativitas di bidang produk kulit. Oleh karena
“Kami ingin menjadikan politeknik ini unggul itu, mahasiswanya dibekali mulai dari proses di luar negeri untuk menambah ilmunya. Total essential role following the implanted vision and mission.
The vocational education unit under the auspices of the Ministry of
dalam bidang industri kulit, produk kulit, karet perancangan (design), pembuatan pola (pattern dosen kami saat ini ada 57 orang,” tutur Sugiyanto. Industry’s Industrial Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI) will
“We want to make this polytechnic superior in the global leather,
dan plastik yang berstandar global,” kata Kepala making), sampai pada teknik pembuatan barang Bahkan, beberapa tim pengajar Politeknik ATK leather, rubber and plastic industry,” said Head of the Yogyakarta ATK become one of the supporting satellites in the development of the Indonesian
Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta, Sugiyanto. Ia pun jadi (prototyping),” sebutnya. Yogyakarta memberikan pelatihan kepada para Polytechnic, Sugiyanto. He is also optimistic that his party will be Digital Innovation Center (PIDI 4.0). Therefore, this campus is ready to establish
optimistis, pihaknya mampu menghasilkan pelaku industri kecil menengah (IKM), khususnya able to produce graduates who are competent, ready to work, and can partnerships with connected companies that can sustain the implementation of
lulusan yang kompeten, siap kerja, dan dapat Lalu, jurusan TPKP, siap menelurkan tenaga
ahli di industri pengolahan karet dan plastik, untuk pengembangan usaha alas kaki. Contohnya, be entrepreneurs in the leather, leather, rubber and plastic industry Industry 4.0.
berwirausaha di sektor industri kulit, produk kulit, di wilayah Magetan, dikembangkan sentra IKM sectors.
karet dan plastik. yang meliputi perencanaan, proses produksi dan To increase the soft skills of its students, Yogyakarta ATK Polytechnic
pencetakan, problem solving, analisis dan quality pengolahan kulit kelinci. Produk-produknya cukup often invites guest lecturers from the company. Besides actively encouraging
banyak diminati konsumen domestik hingga “The uptake of our graduates is excellent. For example, at graduation
“Serapan lulusan kami sangat bagus. Misalnya, control produk. “Karet adalah salah satu sumber alone, 75% of them have been hired. And, about 3-6 months after that, motivators to provide work ethics and excellent communication, to how to
saat wisuda saja, sebanyak 75% dari mereka sudah daya alam unggulan kita, yang perlu ditingkatkan mancanegara. collaborate with the team.
almost all of them are absorbed by work, although some of them
diterima kerja. Dan, sekitar 3-6 bulan setelah itu, nilai tambahnya. Sedangkan, plastik merupakan “Selain itu, kami menjalin kerja sama dengan continue their higher education, or some become entrepreneurs, “he
hampir semua terserap kerja, meskipun sebagian bahan baku yang bisa digunakan banyak sektor explained. “We are also supported by a quality teaching team. On average, they have
Kementerian Kumham, yang akan berjalan satu a master’s degree, and there are six who are already doctors. We also facilitate
ada yang melanjutkan pendidikan lebih tinggi lagi manufaktur, seperti industri kemasan, elektronika, tahun. Kami kirimkan dosen untuk memberikan
atau ada yang menjadi wirausaha,” paparnya. otomotif, dan peralatan rumah tangga,” ujarnya. ATK Polytechnic Yogyakarta currently has three study programs, young teaching staff to take scholarships abroad to increase their knowledge. In
pelatihan di Lapas Narkotika Kelas IIA Yogyakarta. total, there are 57 of our lecturers, “said Sugiyanto.
Nantinya, ada enam angkatan, di mana satu namely Leather Processing Technology (TPK), Leather Product
Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta saat ini memiliki Setiap tahun, Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta Processing Technology (TPPK), and Rubber and Plastic Processing
tiga program studi, yaitu Teknologi Pengolahan meluluskan rata-rata 350 orang per angkatan. angkatan terdiri dari 30 peserta,” tandasnya. In fact, several teaching teams at the Yogyakarta ATK Polytechnic provide
Technology (TPKP) with Diploma-III levels. “All study programs have
Kulit (TPK), Teknologi Pengolahan Produk “Kebanyakan lulusan kami ini berkerja di tingkat been accredited B since 2017. This year, we want to improve to the D-IV training to small and medium industry players (IKM), especially for developing
Kulit (TPPK), serta Teknologi Pengolahan Karet middle, seperti bagian R&D. Tetapi mereka juga level, and in 2023 we will hold applied Masters programs,” he said. footwear businesses. For example, in the Magetan region, the SME processing
dan Plastik (TPKP) dengan jenjang Diploma-III. memahami tentang teknis atau operasional INFORMASI | INFORMATION centre for rabbit skin processing was designed. Its products are quite popular
“Semua program studi telah mendapat akreditasi seluruh proses produksi,” imbuhnya. Through the TPK department, it is expected to create reliable HR in with domestic and foreign consumers.
B sejak 2017. Tahun ini, kami ingin meningkatkan Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta the area of the tanning process. Then, the TPPK study program, which
Sugiyanto menjelaskan, dalam upaya mengikuti specializes in the design and manufacture of genuine leather products. “Also, we are cooperating with the Ministry of Kumham, which will run
ke jenjang D-IV dan pada tahun 2023 akan Jalan Prof. Dr. Wirdjono Prodjodikoro, Glugo,
for one year. We send lecturers to provide training in Class IIA Narcotics
menyelenggarakan S-2 terapan,” ungkapnya. perubahan yang cepat di sektor industri kulit, Panggungharjo, Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta
produk kulit, karet dan plastik, Politeknik (0274) 383727 “ TPPK Department will produce human resources who have the Lap Yogyakarta. Later, there will be six forces, where one group consists of
Melalui jurusan TPK, diharapkan dapat ATK Yogyakarta terus melengkapi sarana dan ability of innovation and creativity in the field of leather products. 30 participants, “he said.
menciptakan SDM andal di bidang proses prasarana penunjangnya. Apalagi, saat ini mulai Therefore, students are equipped starting from the design process,


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

SMK-SMTI Yogyakarta: including the preparation of a curriculum that refers to the Indonesian
SIAP TELURKAN National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI) and international
standards. Furthermore, it is equipped with adequate facilities and practice
TENAGA KERJA infrastructure, to provide productive field teachers and use silver experts
from industry.
ANDAL BIDANG “In facing the industrial era 4.0, we made a variety of new breakthroughs
so that this school would still be calculated and recognized by the industry.
INDUSTRI 4.0 The steps, among others, are to provide digital-based practice equipment or
automation, opening up new Mechatronics Engineering expertise since the
2016/2017 school year, “Ening explained.
SMK-SMTI Yogyakarta, menjadi
salah satu sekolah menengah At present, Yogyakarta Vocational High School has three skill programs,
kejuruan yang favorit dan terbaik namely Industrial Chemistry, Chemical Analysis, and Mechatronic
di Kota Gudeg. Hampir seluruh Engineering. “Every new school year, we receive as many as 288 students.
These people passed the selection of more than 1,000 registrants, “Ening
lulusannya langsung diterima said.
kerja di perusahaan industri. Apa
saja keunggulan yang dimilikinya? In the process of Accepting New Students (PSB), two paths are run,
namely the report card achievement path (semester 1-5), interview test
and colour blind test. Other pathways (regular) are through written tests
I Ketika memasuki area bangunan sekolah (Mathematics, Natural Sciences, English), Academic Potential Tests,
vokasi yang berdiri di atas lahan seluas 7.409 interviews, and blind colour tests.
m2 ini, SMK-SMTI Yogyakarta mampu According to him, so far, the department that has become the pre-
menunjukkan sebagai tempat menimba ilmu eminent vocational high school in Yogyakarta is Industrial Chemistry
yang nyaman. Hal ini terlihat mulai dari because it is a core competency. The graduates have been recognized by
kebersihan hingga asrinya lingkungan sekolah. the industry at home and abroad.
Tak heran, unit pendidikan kejuruan I Kegiatan praktik Teknik Mekatronika “However, along with the development of the industrial era 4.0, we
yang dirintis perdana oleh Kementerian E Mechatronic Technique practice class see that Mechatronics Engineering graduates will also be promising
Perindustrian sejak tahun 1947 ini berhasil 2016/2017,” papar Ening. untuk tingkat SMK dan Perguruan Tinggi. in the future. Our students who have not graduated, have already been
diganjar penghargaan dengan kategori Sekolah ordered by several industrial sectors such as automotive companies,
Berwawasan Lingkungan tingkat SMK se-Kota Saat ini, SMK-SMTI Yogyakarta telah “Untuk mendukung penerapan industri Yogyakarta Vocational High School: electronics, and food and beverages, “Ening said.
Yogyakarta pada tahun 2019.
Selain itu, sekolah yang berlokasi strategis
memiliki tiga program keahlian, yaitu
Kimia Industri, Kimia Analisis, dan Teknik
4.0, kami juga mengembangkan teaching
factory berupa proses produksi sirup jahe yang READY TO GENERATE To support this potential, Yogyakarta Vocational High School-
di Jl. Kusumanegara No.3, Semaki, Kecamatan
Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta ini dikenal juga
Mekatronika. “Setiap tahun pelajaran baru,
kami menerima sebanyak 288 siswa. Mereka ini
mengarah ke industri 4.0. Total proses produksi
terkoneksi mulai dari supplier, logistic, factory RELIABLE LABOR IN SMTI provides two teachers who have international certification from
PT. Siemens, Germany. Also, collaborating with PT. Siemens in the
menghasilkan siswa-siswa juara Ujian Nasional
(UN) tingkat SMK. Unit pendidikan vokasi di
yang lulus seleksi dari lebih 1.000 pendaftar,”
sebut Ening.
sampai customer,” imbuhnya. Bahkan, SMK-
SMTI Yogyakarta akan membuat Smart INDUSTRY 4.0 level 1 Siemens Mechatronic Systems Certification Program (SMSCP)
program which is the only one in the world for the vocational level and
Class Room untuk mendukung implementasi the only in Indonesia for the professional and tertiary level.
bawah binaan Badan Pengembangan Sumber Dalam proses Penerimaan Siswa Baru (PSB), industri 4.0 yang dapat digunakan untuk Yogyakarta Vocational High School is one of the
Daya Manusia Industri (BPSDMI) Kemenperin ada dua jalur yang dijalankan, yakni jalur pembelajaran sesuai kebutuhan saat ini,” favorites and best vocational high schools in the “To support the application of Industry 4.0, we are also developing
ini telah meraih Akreditasi Sekolah “A” pada prestasi raport (semester 1-5), tes wawancara dan a teaching factory in the form of ginger syrup production that leads
tes buta warna. Jalur lainnya (regular) adalah
imbuhnya. City of Gudeg. Almost all graduates are immediately
tahun 2018 serta memiliki ISO 9001:2008. to Industry 4.0. The entire production process is connected from the
melalui tes tulis (Matematika, IPA, Bahasa Ening menambahkan, kurikulum yang accepted to work in industrial companies. What are supplier, logistics, factory to the customer, “he added. Yogyakarta
Kepala Sekolah SMK-SMTI Yogyakarta, Inggris), Tes Potensial Akademik, wawancara, digunakan di SMK-SMTI Yogyakarta, the advantages it has? Vocational High School will create a Smart Class Room to support
Rr. Ening Kaekasiwi menjelaskan, pihaknya dan tes buta warna. merupakan perpaduan antara kurikululum the implementation of Industry 4.0 which can be used for learning
bertekad untuk terus menelurkan tenaga kerja nasional (K13), kurikulum internasional, according to current needs, “he added.
yang kompeten sesuai kebutuhan dunia industri Menurutnya, selama ini jurusan yang E When entering the area of the vocational school building which
Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional (SKKNI) stands on an area of 7,409 m2, Yogyakarta Vocational High School can
saat ini, termasuk yang mampu menguasai menjadi unggulan SMK-SMTI Yogyakarta dan kebutuhan industri. “Setiap tahun, Ening added, the curriculum used at Yogyakarta Vocational High
teknologi industri 4.0. “Hingga usia sekolah ini adalah Kimia Industri karena merupakan core show as a comfortable place to study. This can be seen starting from School is a combination of the national curriculum (K13), international
sekolah menggandeng industri untuk cleanliness to cool school environment.
sudah lebih dari 70 tahun, kami telah berhasil competency. Para lulusannya sudah diakui oleh me-review kurikulum dalam kegiatan curriculum, National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI) and
menjadi role model sekolah vokasi industri,” industri di dalam maupun luar negeri. penyelarasan kurikulum,” terangnya. Not surprisingly, the vocational education unit that was pioneered first industry needs. “Every year, the school cooperates with the industry
ungkapnya. “Namun, seiring berkembangnya zaman by the Ministry of Industry since 1947 was successfully rewarded with the to review the curriculum in curriculum alignment activities,” he
Dengan kurikulum tersebut, maka category of Environmentally Friendly Schools at SMK level in Yogyakarta explained.
Sasaran sekolah itu diwujudkan melalui era industri 4.0, kami melihat lulusan siswa yang lulus akan mendapat ijazah dan
berbagai jurus jitu, di antaranya melalui Teknik Mekatronika juga akan menjanjikan City in 2019. With this curriculum, students who graduate will receive a diploma
sertifikat internasional dari VAPRO Belanda
penyusunan kurikulum yang mengacu pada ke depannya. Bahkan, siswa kami yang (untuk program keahlian Kimia Industri Also, the school is strategically located on Jl. Kusumanegara No.3, and an international certificate from VAPRO Netherlands (for the
Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia belum lulus, sudah habis dipesan sejumlah dan Kimia Analisis) serta sertifikat dari PT. Semaki, Umbulharjo District, Yogyakarta City is also known to produce Chemical Industry and Chemical Analysis expertise program) and a
(SKKNI) dan standar internasional. Selanjutnya, sektor industri seperti perusahaan otomotif, Siemens Jerman (untuk Teknik Mekatronika). students of National Examination (UN) level winners at SMK level. The certificate from PT. Siemens Germany (for Mechatronics Engineering).
dilengkapi dengan sarana dan prasarana praktik elektronika, serta makanan dan minuman,” vocational education unit under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry’s
yang memadai, hingga menyediakan guru tutur Ening. Selain itu, ada Sertifikat Kompetensi Also, there is a Competency Certificate from BNSP (National
Industrial Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI) has achieved Professional Certification Board), TOEIC Certificate, and Certificate
bidang produktif dan menggunakan silver dari BNSP (Badan Nasional Sertifikasi the “A” School Accreditation in 2018 and has ISO 9001: 2008.
Guna mendukung potensi tersebut, SMK- Profesi), Sertifikat TOEIC, dan Sertifikat of Ability in English. “To arouse students’ enthusiasm for learning,
expert dari industri. SMTI Yogyakarta menyediakan dua orang Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris. “Dalam The principal of Yogyakarta Vocational School-SMTI, Rr. Ening we are also active in
“Dalam menghadapi era industri 4.0, kami guru yang memiliki sertifikasi internasional upaya membangkitkan semangat siswa Kaekasiwi explained, she was determined to continue to produce a assisting. For example, INFORMASI | INFORMATION
melakukan beragam terobosan baru agar dari PT. Siemens, Jerman. Selain itu, menjalin untuk belajar, kami juga aktif melakukan competent workforce according to the needs of the industrial world today, at the beginning of
sekolah ini tetap diperhitungkan dan diakui kerja sama dengan PT. Siemens dalam pendampingan. Misalnya, setiap awal including those capable of mastering industrial technology 4.0. “Until the each semester, we invite SMK SMTI Yogyakarta
oleh industri. Langkahnya, antara lain adalah program Siemens Mechatronic Systems semester, kami mengundang motivator dan age of this school is more than 70 years, we have managed to become a role motivators and visit the Jl. Kusumanegara No.3, Semaki, Kec.
menyediakan peralatan praktik berbasis digital Certification Program (SMSCP) level 1 yang berkunjung ke industri. Selain itu, kami model for industrial vocational schools,” he said. industry. Also, we have Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, DIY
atau otomatisasi, membuka keahlian baru merupakan satu-satunya di dunia untuk various extracurricular (0274) 513201
memiliki berbagai kegiatan ekstrakulikuler,”
Teknik Mekatronika sejak tahun pelajaran tingkat SMK dan satu-satunya di Indonesia tandasnya. The school’s goals are realized through various effective forms, activities, “he said.


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020


Kementerian Perindustrian terus mendorong peningkatan The Ministry of Industry continues to encourage increased competency
kompetensi sumber daya manusia (SDM) agar mampu in human resources (HR) to be able to create superior and competitive
menciptakan SDM unggul dan berdaya saing. HR. Surabaya Industrial Training and Education Center (BDI Surabaya)
has a focus on producing excellent and competitive human resources in
I Balai Diklat Industri Surabaya (BDI melalui pendaftaran online via website SMP disertai fotokopi ijazah; wajib the garment sector, with 3in1 education and training programs, namely
Surabaya) memiliki fokus untuk mencetak BDI Surabaya dan offline langsung ke mempunyai KTP dan surat keterangan training, certification and work placement.
SDM unggul dan berdaya saing di bidang kantor BDI Surabaya. Pada diklat in-site, catatan kepolisian (SKCK); Surat keterangan
garmen, dengan program pendidikan dan BDI telah menyediakan akomodasi serta sehat dari dokter; Surat keterangan bebas with a maximum of 100 participants
pelatihan 3in1, yaitu pelatihan, sertifikasi konsumsi selama 18 hari selama pelatihan narkoba; Tidak bertindik; dan Tidak being recruited by the industry with
dan penempatan kerja. Berdasarkan dan melaksanakan uji kompetensi bertato. instructors from API and competency
Peraturan Menteri Perindustrian RI sebelum dilepas ke perusahaan industri. testing is still carried out. In 2020, BDI
Nomor 40/M-IND/PER/5/2014 tanggal Workshop yang ada di BDI Surabaya BDI Surabaya juga aktif dalam
melakukan promosi ke sekolah-sekolah di Surabaya held 20 in-site training and 30
26 Mei 2014 BDI mempunyai tugas sudah disesuaikan dengan layout produksi on-site training.
melaksanakan pendidikan dan pelatihan perusahaan industri sebenarnya, yaitu seluruh Indonesia. Ada beberapa daerah
bagi sumber daya manusia industri. berbentuk line-line produksi. Dimana satu di luar Jawa yang sudah bekerjasama This garment training is intended for
Fokus spesialisasi diklat yang ada pada line produksi di workshop BDI Surabaya dengan BDI, misalnya Kabupaten Majene the general public, and to be able to take
BDI Surabaya adalah bidang tekstil atau terdiri dari 16 peserta diklat dengan di Sulawesi Barat yang sudah mengirimkan part in this training the administrative
garmen, elektronika dan telematika. didampingi oleh 1 orang instruktur. 70 orang peserta diklat secara bertahap ke requirements that must be met are men
BDI Surabaya. Selain itu ada dari Tabalong, or women between the ages of 18-35 years;
“Diklat garmen 3in1 yang Kapasitas workshop diklat di BDI Bengkulu, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Minimum education of junior high school
diselenggarakan BDI Surabaya bekerja Surabaya adalah 80 orang untuk tiap Timur, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, accompanied by a photocopy of diploma;
sama dengan Asosiasi Pertekstilan angkatan. “Di tahun 2020 BDI Surabaya Provinsi Kalimantan Timur dan Provinsi must have a KTP and police registration
Indonesia (API) dan perusahaan industri. ditargetkan mencetak 4.600 orang SDM Kalimatan Selatan yang telah bekerjasama. certificate (SKCK); A health certificate from
Kerja sama dengan API dan perusahaan Industri di bidang garmen.” Ujar Mohadi. a doctor; Drug free certificate; No piercing;
industri merupakan kunci penting agar Selain garmen, BDI Surabaya juga
Sedangkan diklat secara on-site, memiliki kerjasama diklat dengan and not tattooed.
BDI dapat menjadi lembaga pelatihan
yang selalu link and match dengan dilakukan di perusahaan industri dengan perusahaan elektronika dan telematika. BDI Surabaya is also active in conducting
industri. BDI Surabaya memfasilitasi peserta yang direkrut oleh industri Untuk diklat bidang elektronika promotions to schools throughout Indonesia.
biaya untuk menyelenggarakan diklat, sebanyak maksimal 100 orang peserta diselenggarakan selama 12 hari dengan There are several regions outside Java that
bentuk kerjasama dari API adalah dalam dengan instruktur dari API dan tetap kapasitas 50 orang per angkatan, sedangkan have collaborated with BDI, for example
hal fasilitasi penyediaan instruktur dan dilakukan uji kompetensi. Tahun 2020, BDI diklat di bidang telematika mempunyai Majene Regency in West Sulawesi which has
uji kompetensi, dan perusahaan industri Surabaya menyelenggarakan diklat in-site kapasitas 25 orang. I Kegiatan pelatihan garmen sent 70 participants in stages to BDI Surabaya.
sebagai penerima lulusan diklat yang sebanyak 20 angkatan dan diklat on-site E Garment training class Also there are from Tabalong, Bengkulu, East
sebanyak 30 angkatan. Saat ini selain instruktur dari API,
siap kerja di industrinya.” Ujar Kepala BDI telah memiliki instruktur yang Nusa Tenggara Province, West Nusa Tenggara
BDI Surabaya Mohadi saat ditemui Tim Diklat garmen ini diperuntukkan sudah melalui pendidikan dasar dari E Based on the Regulation of the Minister The training was also carried out in-site Province, East Kalimantan Province and
Majalah Karya Indonesia (KINA) di Kantor untuk masyarakat umum, dan untuk Kementerian Tenaga Kerja yaitu sebanyak of Industry Number 40/M-IND/PER/5/2014 and on-site, in-site was conducted at BDI South Kalimantan Province who have
BDI Surabaya. dapat mengikuti diklat ini persyaratan 1 orang instruktur garmen dan 2 orang dated May 26, 2014, the industrial Surabaya with participants recruited collaborated.
administratif yang harus dipenuhi yaitu instruktur elektronika. training centre has the task of carrying by BDI through online registration
Diklat ini pun dilakukan secara in-site out education and training for industrial via BDI Surabaya’s website and offline In addition to the garment, BDI Surabaya
dan on-site, in-site dilakukan di BDI laki-laki atau perempuan dengan usia also has education and training partnerships
antara 18-35 tahun; Pendidikan minimal human resources. The focus of training directly to BDI Surabaya’s office. In
Surabaya dengan peserta direkrut oleh BDI specialization in BDI Surabaya is in the the in-site training, BDI has provided with electronics and telematics companies.
fields of Textile or Garment, Electronics accommodation and consumption for 18 For the training fields of electronics held
and Telematics. days during training and conducted a for 12 days with a capacity of 50 people per
competency test before participants are generation, while training in the field of
“3in1 garment training conducted by released to industrial companies. telematics has an ability of 25 people.
BDI Surabaya in collaboration with the
Indonesian Textile Association (API) The workshops layout at BDI Surabaya Currently, in addition to API instructors,
and industrial companies. Collaboration has been adjusted to the actual industrial BDI already has instructors who have
with API and industrial companies is company production, in the form of gone through primary education from
an important key so BDI can become a production lines. One production line the Ministry of Manpower, namely one
training institution that always links and in BDI Surabaya workshop consists of garment instructor and two electronic
match with the industry. BDI Surabaya 16 participants accompanied by one instructors.
facilitates the cost of conducting education instructor.
and training, the form of cooperation from
API is in terms of facilitating the provision The training workshop capacity at BDI
of instructors and competency tests, and Surabaya is 80 people for each generation.
“In 2020 BDI Surabaya is targeted INFORMASI | INFORMATION
industrial companies as recipients of
training graduates who are ready to work to produce 4,600 industrial human
Balai Diklat Industri Surabaya
in their industries.” Said the head of BDI resources in the garment sector.” Said Jl. Gayung Kebonsari Dalam No.12, Gayungan,
Surabaya, Mohadi, when he was met by the Mohadi. Kec. Gayungan, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60235
(031) 8292002
Karya Indonesia Magazine (KINA) Team at Whereas on-site training is
the BDI Surabaya Office. conducted at an industrial company


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

BDI Denpasar Solusi Ekakarsa (BASE STUDIO), Asosiasi Industri Animasi Indonesia
CETAK PELAKU (AINAKI), PT. JITU Kreasi Utama, and PT. Bahtera Media Network.

Also, to produce reliable creative industry human resources, BDI
Denpasar built on an area of 1.2 hectares is equipped with adequate

YANG INOVATIF DAN facilities and infrastructure. For example, there are classrooms, computer
laboratories, creative craft industry design rooms, animation and
KOMPETITIF promotion that have mini theater facilities, sound recording rooms,
motion capture rooms, meeting rooms, and business incubator rooms.
“In addition, there is an LSP room that facilitates the competency test
Industri kreatif di tanah air semakin tumbuh dan of training participants. There are also handycraft showrooms, ceramics,
berkembang sehingga aktivitasnya mampu memberikan fashion, jewelry and fashion workshop buildings, crafts, and libraries, in
kontribusi signfikan bagi perekonomian nasional. Daya addition to supporting facilities, namely a 51-room dormitory with a total
saing sektor ini tidak terlepas peran dari ketersediaan capacity of 106 people, dining room, and sports facilities,” he said.
sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang kompeten. I Praktik motion capture untuk animasi
E Motion capture class for animation Interestingly, the coaches and teachers quality and competence come
from professionals who have the appropriate quality, experience, and
I Kelas animasi
competence in their field because it is brought directly from the industry.
I Melihat pertumbuhan industri kreatif nasional dan potensi dan kompetensi yang sesuai di bidangnya karena didatangkan langsung E Animation class
perkembangannya, salah satu langkah strategis yang dijalankan dari industri. The flagship programs owned by BDI Denpasar include the
Kementerian Perindustrian adalah turut memasok SDM di sektor BDI Denpasar implementation of Training 3 in 1 (training, certification, and job
Adapun program-program unggulan yang dimiliki BDI Denpasar, placement), as well as Tohpati Business Incubator as a one-year creative and
strategis tersebut sesuai dengan kebutuhan dunia kerjanya saat ini.
Adalah Balai Diklat Industri (BDI) Denpasar yang memiliki lingkup antara lain pelaksanaan Diklat 3 in 1 (pelatihan, sertifikasi, dan
penempatan kerja), serta Inkubator Bisnis Tohpati sebagai program PRODUCE THE digital entrepreneur incubation program to print reliable, competitive
entrepreneurs. Furthermore, BIKIN Makerspace, a modern craft workshop
pelayanan nasional dan berbasis kompetensi dengan spesialisasi di
bidang industri kreatif, khususnya animasi, kerajinan dan barang seni. inkubasi wirausaha kreatif dan digital selama satu tahun untuk mencetak
entrepreneur andal yang berdaya saing.
INNOVATIVE AND that houses creative practitioners, especially those engaged in art, design,

and craft to conduct development, experimentation, and production
Kepala BDI Denpasar, Agus Kurniawan mengatakan, untuk dapat independently, but collaboratively.
Selanjutnya, BIKIN Makerspace, yakni bengkel kriya modern yang
melaksanakan tugasnya tersebut, BDI denpasar mempunyai sejumlah
fungsi penting, antara lain pelaksanaan diklat berbasis spesialisasi dan mewadahi para praktisi kreatif khususnya yang bergerak di bidang seni, “At BIKIN Makerspace, makers are free to work and experiment with
desain, dan kriya untuk melakukan pengembangan, eksperimentasi, existing fabrication tools and machines, meet and discuss with fellow
kompetensi sesuai dengan SKKNI, perencanaan diklat bagi SDM industri
yang berbasis spesialisasi dan kompetensi, serta uji kompetensi, sertifikasi, maupun produksi secara mandiri, namun kolaboratif. creative practitioners, or simply sit back and contemplate their work
dan penempatan tenaga kerja. “Di BIKIN Makerspace, para maker bebas berkarya dan bereksperimen development plans, all for free,” he explained.
“Fungsi lainnya, yakni identifikasi kebutuhan kompetensi SDM, dengan alat dan mesin-mesin fabrikasi yang ada, bertemu dan berdiskusi The creative industries in the country are growing and Next, BDI Denpasar held animation film production training with a
kemudian inkubator bisnis, kerja sama dan pengembangan program sesama praktisi kreatif, atau hanya sekedar duduk santai dan berkontemplasi thrive so that their activities can contribute to the national teaching factory approach. The Teaching Factory (TEFA) program is a
diklat, serta evaluasi dan pelaporan kegiatan diklat serta tata usaha,” tentang rencana pengembangan karya, semuanya secara gratis,” paparnya. economy. The competitiveness of this sector is inseparable combination of existing learning, namely Competency Based Training
sebutnya. Berikutnya, BDI Denpasar menyelenggarakan pelatihan produksi from the availability of competent human resources (HR). (CBT) and Production Based Training (PBT).
Pada tahun 2020, Kemenperin menargetkan sebanyak 2.000 pelaku film animasi dengan pendekatan Teaching Factory. Program Teaching “In the sense that a process of expertise or skill (life skill) is designed
industri kreatif bisa tumbuh melalui Diklat 3in1 (pelatihan, sertifikasi dan Factory (TEFA) merupakan perpaduan pembelajaran yang sudah ada, yaitu E Looking at the growth of the national creative industry and its and implemented based on actual working procedures and standards to
penempatan kerja) di BDI Denpasar. Mereka antara lain merupakan hasil Competency Based Training (CBT) dan Production Based Training (PBT). development potential, the Ministry of Industry’s strategic measures produce products that meet the demands of the market or consumers,” he
lulusan pelatihan di bidang animasi, programming, desain grafis, game are to also supply human resources in the strategic sector following explained.
“Dalam pengertiannya bahwa suatu proses keahlian atau keterampilan the needs of the world of work nowadays. Is Balai Diklat Industri (BDI)
dan kerajinan. (life skill) dirancang dan dilaksanakan berdasarkan prosedur dan standar In the future, to develop competent creative industries, BDI
Denpasar which has a national service scope and based competency
Guna mencapai target tersebut, BDI Denpasar melalui Pusat Industri bekerja yang sesungguhnya untuk menghasilkan produk yang sesuai dengan with specialization in the field of creative industries, especially Denpasar will run several programs such as 3 in 1 training in the
Kreatif Bali (Bali Creative Industry Center/BCIC) siap menelurkan SDM tuntutan pasar atau konsumen,” jelasnya. animation, crafts and art goods. field of digital content (animation, gaming, and applications), as well
terampil di sektor industri kreatif, digital center, software, animasi, Ke depannya, dalam upaya pengembangan SDM industri kreatif yang as the implementation of business incubators for the formation of
kerajinan, barang seni, dan wirausaha baru bidang digital creative. “Kami Head of BDI Denpasar, Agus Kurniawan said, to be able to carry out the new star up fields of animation, applications (development of 4.0
kompeten, BDI Denpasar akan menjalankan beberapa program seperti his duties, BDI Denpasar has some important functions, including the
optimistis mampu mencetak para startup di berbagai sektor industri diklat 3 in 1 di bidang konten digital (animasi, game, dan aplikasi), serta industry implementations such as IoT and big data) and crafts. Also, the
kreatif,” ujar Agus. implementation of training based on specialization and competency development of infrastructure related to access to disabilities and became a
pelaksanaan inkubator bisnis untuk pembentukan star up baru bidang following SKKNI, training planning for industrial human resources based
animasi, aplikasi (pengembangan implementasi industri 4.0 seperti IoT showcase for the implementation of PIDI 4.0 satellites.
Bahkan, untuk dapat menyiapkan tenaga kerja industri kreatif on specialty and competency, as well as competency testing, certification,
yang siap pakai dan menciptakan wirausaha mandiri, BDI Denpasar dan big data) dan kerajinan. Selain itu, pengembangan infrastruktur and workforce placement. Regarding the role of BDI Denpasar, Director of Castle Production,
terus menjalin kerja sama dengan beberapa industri animasi seperti terkait akses untuk disabilitas dan menjadi showcase penerapan satelit Bertha N. said, it is pleased to cooperate in the form of animation training
PT. Bamboomedia, PT. Bali Animasi Solusi Ekakarsa (BASE STUDIO), PIDI 4.0. “Other functions, namely the identification of human resources in BDI Denpasar. “The training facilities and infrastructure in BDI
Asosiasi Industri Animasi Indonesia (AINAKI), PT. JITU Kreasi Utama, competency needs, then business incubators, cooperation and development Denpasar are very good, even improved and complete,” he said.
Mengenai peran BDI Denpasar, Direktur Castle Production, Bertha of training programs, as well as evaluation and reporting of training and
dan PT. Bahtera Media Network. Di samping itu, agar dapat menghasilkan N. menyampaikan, pihaknya merasa senang bisa menjalin kerja sama Bertha added that training materials for the entry level are also suitable,
SDM industri kreatif yang andal, BDI Denpasar yang dibangun di atas administrative activities,” he said.
dalam bentuk pelatihan-pelatihan animasi di BDI Denpasar. “Sarana supported also by experienced instructors in the production section. “With
lahan seluas 1,2 hektar ini dilengkapi dengan sarana dan prasarana yang dan prasarana pelatihan di BDI Denpasar sangat baik, bahkan semakin In 2020, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs targets as many as 2,000 creative the training held in BDI Denpasar, we as an animation industry partnering
memadai. Misalnya, tersedia ruang kelas, laboratorium komputer, ruang membaik dan lengkap,” ujarnya. industry players to grow through the 3in1 Training (training, certification with BDI Denpasar, have been quite assisted in the provision of labor in our
desain industri kerajinan kreatif, animasi dan promosi yang memiliki and job placement) in BDI Denpasar. They include graduates training in field,” he added.
fasilitas mini theater, ruang sound recording, ruang motion capture, ruang Bertha menambahkan, materi diklat untuk tingkat pemula juga animation, programming, graphic design, gaming and crafts.
meeting, dan ruang inkubator bisnis. baik, didukung juga dengan instruktur yang berpengalaman di bagian Agung Oka
produksi. “Dengan adanya diklat yang diadakan di BDI Denpasar, kami To achieve this target, BDI Denpasar through Bali Creative Industry Sudarsana as Owner of
“Selain itu tersedia ruang LSP yang memfasilitasi uji kompetensi peserta sebagai industri animasi yang bermitra dengan BDI Denpasar, selama Center (BCIC) is ready to spawn skilled human resources in the creative Timeline Studio also INFORMASI | INFORMATION
diklat. Terdapat pula showroom handycraft, keramik, fesyen, jewelry ini cukup terbantu di dalam penyediaan tenaga kerja di bidang kami,” industries, digital centers, software, animation, crafts, art goods, and new stated, training at BDI
dan gedung workshop fashion, kerajinan, dan perpustakaan, selain itu imbuhnya. entrepreneurs in the field of digital creative. “We are optimistic that we will Denpasar is very useful Balai Diklat Industri Denpasar
dilengkapi fasilitas penunjang, yakni asrama 51 kamar dengan kapasitas be able to print startups in various creative industries,” Agus said. and helps the company, Jl. WR Supratman No.302, Kesiman
total 106 orang, ruang makan, dan sarana olahraga,” ungkapnya. Agung Oka Sudarsana selaku Owner Timeline Studio juga Kertalangu, Kec. Denpasar Tim., Kota
menyatakan, pelatihan di BDI Denpasar sangat berguna dan To prepare a ready-made creative industry workforce and create especially in the field Denpasar, Bali
Menariknya lagi, kualitas dan kompetensi para pelatih dan pengajar membantu perusahaan khususnya di bidang animasi 2D dalam independent entrepreneurs, BDI Denpasar continues to cooperate with of 2D animation in (0361) 465455
berasal dari kalangan profesional yang mempunyai kualitas, pengalaman, memperoleh SDM yang terampil. several animation industries such as PT. Bamboomedia, PT. Bali Animasi obtaining skilled
human resources.


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

I SMK SMTI Pontianak, salah satu sekolah SMK SMTI Pontianak SMK SMTI Pontianak
vokasi dibawah naungan Kemenperin, telah
dipercaya oleh perusahaan di dalam dan luar GURU DAN MURID FACILITATES TEACHERS
negeri guna memenuhi kebutuhan SDM
industri yang kompeten tersebut.
SMK SMTI Pontianak memiliki 3 jurusan,
yaitu jurusan teknik permesinan, kimia
industri, dan analis pengujian laboratorium.
HINGGA KE TIONGKOK The need for competent industrial resources continues
Pendidikan dilaksanakan selama 6 semester Kebutuhan sumber daya industri yang kompeten terus meningkat to increase along with industry demands for the
dengan menerapkan program dual system seiring dengan tuntutan industri terhadap spesialisasi keahlian tenaga specialization of workforce expertise. In addition, having
yang mewajibkan siswa-siswi untuk kerjanya. Selain itu, memiliki sumber daya manusia industri yang competent industrial human resources is also capable of
melakukan magang di industri pada semester kompeten juga mampu mendorong daya saing perusahaan. encouraging company competitiveness.
3 hingga semester 4. Kegiatan magang
industri pun diwajibkan bagi para guru
selama 3 bulan.
“Kegiatan magang industri kami wajibkan
untuk siswa maupun guru supaya sama - I Kegiatan praktikum analisis kimia
sama merasakan kondisi nyata dunia industri E Chemical analysis class
sehingga kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah
dapat lebih match dengan kondisi industri Exchange Program with Changde Vocational and Technical
saat ini,” kata Kepala SMK SMTI Pontianak, College in China. With an exchange system for 3 months,
Sih Parmawati. students and teachers of SMK SMTI Pontianak will go to school
followed by internships in the local industry. to support foreign
Fasilitas pembelajaran yang dimiliki language skills, SMK SMTI Pontianak also adds Mandarin as a
sekolah ini juga tidak perlu diragukan lagi, subject in its curriculum.
bahkan hampir setara dengan peralatan yang
digunakan di industri. Untuk itu, peserta In addition, one of the leading practice facilities owned by this
didik disini tidak canggung ketika terjun school is SIF400. With this automation machine students will
ke industri karena kurikulumnya sudah learn process simulations in industry, from receiving orders,
dibentuk sesuai dengan kondisi di lapangan. selecting raw materials to being products that are ready to be
sent to consumers.
“Itulah yang membuat lulusan kami
100% terserap di industri, banyak juga yang “This automation machine is already based on the Internet of
langsung ditarik bekerja di tempat mereka Things so that it supports students to enter the workforce in the
magang,”ujar Sih. “Lulusan kami juga tidak I Kelas desain produk industry 4.0. All data is integrated and can be monitored via a
hanya tersebar di Indonesia, tetapi juga di luar E Product design class smartphone as well, “said Yogi Erwandi Candra, a teacher in the
negeri, seperti Malaysia dan Qatar,” lanjutnya. Engineering department.
SMK SMTI Pontianak menargetkan In addition, students are also taught rubber processing
untuk memasok SDM Industri ke wilayah E SMK SMTI Pontianak, one of the vocational schools under the technology by using a Rubber Open Mill & Hot Press machine
Asia. Sejak tahun 2017, sekolah ini bekerja auspices of the Ministry of Industry, has been trusted by domestic to learn the downstreaming of rubber products such as shoe
sama dalam bidang Student And Teacher and foreign companies to meet the needs of these competent soles, glass trim, sandals, and others.
Exchange Program dengan Changde industrial human resources.
SMK SMTI Pontianak has a number of vocational practicum
Vocational and Technical College di SMK SMTI Pontianak has 3 majors, namely engineering, facilities which are equipped with modern equipment such
Republik Rakyat Tiongkok. Dengan sistem industrial chemistry; and laboratory testing analysts. as machining workshops, industrial chemistry workshops,
pertukaran selama 3 bulan, para siswa dan Education is carried out for 6 semesters by implementing a dual microbiology laboratories, chemical industry process laboratories,
guru akan bersekolah yang dilanjutkan I Praktik simulasi proses industri dengan mesin otomasi system program that requires students to do internships in chemical instrument laboratories, and chemical engineering
magang di industri setempat. Sebagai E Class of indusrial simulation proccess with otomation machine industry for a year, in semesters three and four. Teachers also operations laboratories.
pendukung keterampilan bahasa asing, required to do industrial internship for 3 month.
SMK SMTI Pontianak juga menambahkan One of the innovations that have been created by SMK SMTI
bahasa Mandarin sebagai mata pelajaran Selain itu, siswa juga diajarkan teknologi diperbaharui, pada tahun 2019 mesin ini “Our industrial internship activities are mandatory for Pontianak is the Mini Tiller machine which has been pioneered since
dalam kurikulumnya. pengolahan karet dengan menggunakan berhasil dipasarkan dan digunakan oleh students and teachers, they have to feel the real conditions of 2014 and is continually being updated, in 2019 it was successfully
mesin Rubber Open Mill & Hot Press untuk para petani di Kalimantan Barat. Mesin the industrial world so that teaching and learning activities in marketed and used by farmers in West Kalimantan. This tiller
Selain itu, fasilitas praktik unggulan mempelajari hilirisasi produk karet seperti penggembur ini diproduksi secara gotong schools can match the current industry conditions,” said Head machine is produced jointly by students and teachers of SMK SMTI
yang dimiliki sekolah ini adalah SIF400. sol sepatu, lis kaca, sandal, dan lain – lain. royong oleh siswa dan guru SMK SMTI of SMK SMTI Pontianak, Sih Parmawati. Pontianak and is currently in the process of applying for patents.
Dengan mesin otomasi ini para siswa akan Pontianak dan saat ini sedang dalam proses
mempelajari simulasi proses di industri, SMK-SMTI Pontianak memiliki There is no doubt about the Learning facilities that are owned To improve the competencies of its graduates, the SMK
pengajuan hak paten. by this school, it even almost equivalent to the equipment used
mulai dari menerima pesanan, pemilihan sejumlah fasilitas praktikum kejuruan SMTI Pontianak works closely with VAPRO International
bahan baku hingga menjadi produk yang yang dilengkapi dengan peralatan Untuk peningkatan kompetensi para in industry. For this reason, students here do not feel awkward Netherlands in the field of curriculum and competency tests
siap dikirim ke konsumen. modern seperti workshop permesinan, lulusannya, SMK SMTI Pontianak bekerja when entering the industry because the curriculum has been that are recognized at the international level. The school also
workshop kimia industri, laboratorium sama dengan VAPRO International Belanda formed in accordance with the conditions in the field. has a Professional Certification Institute and Competency Test
“Mesin otomasi ini sudah berbasis mikrobiologi, laboratorium proses di bidang kurikulum dan uji kompetensi Place (LSP / TUK)
Internet of Things sehingga menunjang “That is what makes our graduates 100% absorbed in the
industri kimia, laboratorium kimia yang diakui di tingkat internasional. Sekolah industry, many who have not graduated have been immediately that allows students
peserta didik untuk memasuki dunia instrumen, serta laboratorium operasi ini juga memiliki Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi to take professional INFORMASI | INFORMATION
kerja di era industri 4.0. Semua data withdrawn to work in their places of internship,” said Sih. “Our
teknik kimia. dan Tempat Uji Kompetensi (LSP/TUK) yang graduates not only spread in Indonesia, but also abroad, such as certification exams
didalamnya terintegrasi dan bisa dipantau memungkinkan para siswa-siswi mengikuti and competency tests SMK-SMTI PONTIANAK
melalui smartphone juga,” ujar Yogi Salah satu inovasi yang diciptakan Malaysia and Qatar,” she continued. Gg. H. Sarah No.31, Akcaya, Kec. Pontianak
ujian sertifikasi profesi dan uji kompetensi di in their respective Sel., Kota Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat 78113
Erwandi Candra, guru di jurusan Teknik SMK SMTI Pontianak adalah Mini Tiller bidangnya masing-masing. SMK SMTI Pontianak is targeting to supply Industrial
atau Mesin Penggembur Tanah yang fields. . (0561) 766427
Permesinan. Human Resources to the Asian region. Since 2017, this school
sudah dirintis sejak tahun 2014 dan terus has been working together in the field of Student and Teacher


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020


Upaya menghasilkan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) unggul terus dilakukan Many efforts to produce superior Human Resources (HR) continue to be carried out by the
Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin). Salah satunya melalui kegiatan Ministry of industry (Kemenperin), one of them is through educational activities at the
pendidikan di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) SMTI Makassar. Vocational High School in Makassar (SMK-SMTI Makassar).

I Sekolah kejuruan yang diresmikan Industri dan Pengawasan Mutu serta telah E The vocational school, which was officially opened on In learning activities at school, students get theoretical lessons for a
kegiatannya pada 11 November 1963 itu telah disertifikasi ISO 9001 : 2008 sejak Tahun 2006 November 11, 1963, has been able to produce graduates who are week and the next week doing practical activities in the laboratory.
mampu menghasilkan lulusan yang siap dan mendapatkan CSR dari PT Aplikanusa ready to work and have professionalism in carrying out their
kerja dan memiliki profesionalitas dalam Lintasarta. duties. As an effort to increase the competence of its graduates SMK-SMTI
menjalankan tugasnya. Makassar held a competency test for 12th grade students before taking
Dengan status sebagai satu-satunya sekolah SMK-SMTI Makassar, as a vocational education work unit under the the national exam.
SMK-SMTI Makassar, sebagai satuan menengah teknologi industri di kawasan Indonesia auspices of the Ministry of Industry, has become one of the pioneers
kerja pendidikan vokasi di bawah naungan Timur, SMK-SMTI Makassar memiliki fasilitas of industrial development in Indonesia. All tools used in the school “With such conditions, many SMTI alumni are directly absorbed
Kementerian Perindustrian telah menjadi salah penunjang pendidikan yang lengkap. Sejumlah laboratory, which stands on 17,050 square meters of land, have been by the industry. Even before graduating, a number of companies have
satu pionir perkembangan industri di Indonesia. laboratorium dengan peralatan standar industri I Kegiatan praktik pengolahan cacao based on IoT and underpinned the industrial revolution 4.0. ordered it,” she explained.
Semua alat yang digunakan di laboratorium tersedia bagi para siswa-siswinya. E Cocoa proccessing practice class In 2009, Makassar Industrial Technology High School received a
sekolah yang berdiri di lahan seluas 17.050 meter There are three majors or expertise taught at the school, namely
Salah satu peralatan unggulan yang dimiliki the department of quality control, industrial chemistry, and the certificate of Accreditation “A” (Very Good) No. 002791 and No. 002790
persegi itu telah berbasis IoT dan menopang for the Department of Industrial Chemistry and Quality Control. Has
revolusi industri 4.0. jurusan teknik mekatronika adalah alat mechatronics engineering department, which was only opened in 2019.
MS-6300 Mecathronics Training System. Alat in been ISO 9001:2008 certified since 2006 and obtained CSR from PT
Ada tiga jurusan atau keahlian yang diajarkan menggunakan sistem produksi modular yang Sukmawati, Head of the Quality Control Department of SMK-SMTI Aplikanusa Lintasarta.
di sekolah itu, yakni jurusan pengawasan mutu, terdiri dari 6 station yang bervariasi. Dengan Makassar, explained that her party had implemented a dual system
in its teaching and learning activities, where students not only studied With the status as the only industrial technology high school in
kimia industri dan jurusan teknik mekatronika menggunakan alat itu, siswa dapat mempelajari the Eastern Indonesia region, SMK-SMTI Makassar has complete
yang baru dibuka tahun 2019. tahapan proses feeding, processing, dan assembling. at school but also undertook industrial work practices in companies in
Indonesia. educational support facilities. A number of laboratories with
Ketua jurusan Pengawasan Mutu SMK-SMTI Ada juga alat YL-335B automatic production industry standard equipment are available for their students.
Makassar Sukmawati, menjelaskan, pihaknya line trainer. Melalui penggunaan alat sistem “With a dual system, graduates have the competence of
professionalism in work, good personality, socio-industry, and One of the leading equipment owned by the mechatronic
telah menerapkan dual system dalam kegiatan produksi berbasis elektropneumatic dan engineering department is the Mechatronics MS-6300 Training
belajar-mengajarnya, dimana siswa-siswi servo motor ini, siswa-siswi mendapatkan tiga entrepreneurial skills,” she explained.
System. This tool uses a modular production system consisting of 6
tidak hanya belajar di sekolah saja tetapi juga kompetensi, yaitu mechanical, di mana siswa According to her, the dual system program can run well, because this various stations. By using these tools, students can learn the process
melakukan kegiatan praktek kerja industri di diajarkan cara merakit alat, electrical, di mana school has signed MoU with a number of industry parties as partners in stages of feeding, processing, and assembling.
perusahaan-perusahaan di Indonesia. siswa bisa memasang wiring kabel dan tubing the development of dual system vocational education development.
serta programs. There is also a YL-335B automatic production line trainer tool.
“Dengan dual system, lulusan memiliki Through the dual system program, students at SMK-SMTI Makassar Through the use of electro-pneumatic and servo motor-based
kompetensi berupa profesionalitas dalam “Siswa juga diajarkan cara memprogram alat I Kegiatan praktik industri logam for three semesters study at school, two semester internships in production system tools, students get three competencies, namely
kerja, kepribadian yang baik, sosio industri dan produksi memakai diagram ladder PLC. Alat- E Metal industry practice class industry and one semester completing the final assignment at school. mechanical, where students are taught how to assemble tools,
kemampuan kewirausahaan,” paparnya. alat berbasis IoT ini berguna untuk menyiapkan electrical, where students can install wiring cables, and tubing and
bekal siswa-siswi SMK-SMTI Makassar dalam then the third competencies are programs.
Menurutnya, program dual system dapat menyongsong perkembangan industri di
berjalan dengan baik karena sekolah ini telah I Kegiatan praktik Teknik Mekatronika “Students are also taught how to program production equipment
Indonesia,” ujar Ketua Jurusan Kimia Industri, E Mechatronic Technique practice class
melakukan MoU dengan sejumlah pihak Saharuddin. using a PLC ladder diagram. These IoT-based tools are useful for
industri sebagai mitra kerjasama pengembangan preparing SMK-SMTI Makassar students in welcoming industrial
pendidikan vokasi dual system. Sekolah ini juga dilengkapi dengan dua pabrik development in Indonesia, “said the Head of the Department of
mini untuk kegiatan pengolahan produksi Industrial Chemistry, Saharuddin.
Melalui program dual system, para siswa-siswi komoditas rumput laut dan dan kakao.
di SMK-SMTI Makassar selama tiga semester The school is also equipped with two mini factories for the
belajar di sekolah, dua semester magang di Selain memiliki guru-guru dengan kualitas processing of seaweed and cocoa commodity production activities.
industri dan satu semester menyelesaikan tugas terbaik yang kompeten dibidangnya, SMK-
akhir di sekolah. SMTI Makassar juga memiliki kegiatan Besides having the best quality teachers who are competent in
penunjang pembelajaran seperti ekstrakurikuler their fields, Vocational High School Makassar also has to learn
Dalam kegiatan belajar di sekolah, para siswa (ekskul), organisasi siswa, komunitas belajar, support activities such as extracurricular activities, student
dan siswi mendapatkan pelajaran teori selama tim olahraga dan perpustakaan sehingga siswa- organizations, learning communities, sports teams, and libraries so
sepekan dan sepekan lagi melakukan kegiatan siswinya dapat belajar secara maksimal. students can learn optimally.
praktek di laboratorium.
Penerimaan siswa-siswi baru dilakukan New student admissions are conducted from January to June.
Sebagai upaya peningkatan kompetensi sekolah ini sejak bulan Januari hingga Juni. Ada There are three admission paths that are opened, namely the
lulusannya, SMK-SMTI Makassar menggelar tiga jalur penerimaan yang dibuka, yakni jalur non-test pathway, which is intended for junior high school
uji kompetensi bagi siswa kelas XII sebelum non tes yang ditujukan bagi siswa-siswi SMP students who excel. Then there is a test track that all prospective
mengikuti ujian nasional. yang berprestasi. Lalu ada jalur tes yang bisa students can follow with a number of requirements.
“Dengan kondisi seperti itu, banyak alumni diikuti semua calon siswa-siswi dengan sejumlah While the third path is the industrial messenger
SMTI yang langsung diserap industri. Bahkan persyaratan. INFORMASI | INFORMATION channel, where prospective students must bring a
sebelum lulus, sejumlah perusahaan sudah Sedangkan yang ketiga adalah jalur utusan letter of recommendation from the agency or company
memesannya,” paparnya. industri, dimana calon siswa-siswi harus SMK-SMTI Makassar that sent it.
Jl. Pajjaiang No.18A, Sudiang Raya, Kec.
Pada Tahun 2009 SMTI Makassar telah membawa surat rekomendasi dari instansi atau Biringkanaya, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi
meraih sertifikat Akreditasi A (Amat Baik) No. perusahaan yang mengutus. Selatan 90242, Indonesia
002791 dan No. 002790 untuk jurusan Kimia +62 411 510283


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020


Increasing the competency of apparatus resources and business actors is now a necessity
KOMPETENSI to face the challenges that come both from within and outside the country.

PELAKU To become a participant in BDI Makassar

training, there are two pathways that prospective
participants can take. The first is through online
registration. “Prospective participants can
register through our website and later will be
Peningkatan kompetensi sumber daya selected,” said Irwan.
aparatur dan pelaku usaha kini menjadi Whereas the second pathway is through
suatu kebutuhan guna menghadapi I Diklat operator mesin pengolahan rumput laut menjadi semi refined carrageenan (SRC) proposals from the Regional Government or related
tantangan yang datang baik dari dalam E Machine operator training class of proccessing seaweed to semi refined carrageenan (SRC) associations and institutions. “Through this path,
negeri maupun luar negeri. the Regional Government and the association
submit the names of potential participants to take
part in the training in certain fields,” he explained.
I Upaya itu telah dilakukan Kementerian peserta untuk mengikuti diklat bidang
Perindustrian (Kemenperin) melalui pelbagai tertentu,” paparnya. More importantly, the age of the prospective
unit yang ada di bawah Kemenperin. Salah participants ranges from 18 years to 35 years, in
satunya adalah Balai Diklat Industri (BDI) Yang lebih penting lagi, usia dari calon accordance with the rules set by the Industrial
Makassar. peserta itu berkisar 18 tahun hingga 35 tahun, Human Resources Development Agency
sesuai dengan aturan yang ditetapkan Badan (BPSDMI) to all BDI in Indonesia.
Unit pelaksana teknis di bidang pendidikan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia
dan pelatihan (Diklat) bagi aparatur industri Industri (BPSDMI) kepada seluruh BDI di If accepted, participants will take part in
I Kegiatan praktik industri industri pengolahan makanan training and education, which ranges from 8 to
dan pelaku industri kecil dan menengah Indonesia.
E Food proccessing industry class 12 days, depending on the selected training. For
(IKM) yang berada di bawah naungan
Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan (Pusdiklat) Jika diterima, para peserta akan mengikuti example, training on coffee and cocoa processing
Kemenperin itu, sangat aktif menjalankan pelatihan dan pendidikan yang waktunya takes eight days. Meanwhile, training for
berkisar antara 8 hingga 12 hari, tergantung E The effort has been carried out by the and training of production experts in various seaweed processing takes 12 days.
fungsinya meningkatkan kompetensi sumber Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) through seaweed-based preparations, food product
daya aparatur dan pelaku usaha di sektor Diklat yang dipilih. Misalnya, Diklat
pengolahan kopi dan kakao memakan waktu various units under the Ministry of Industry, packaging design and business development “We also provide dormitories for participants
industri. 1981 dengan nama Balai Latihan Industri one of them is Makassar Industrial Training workshops. from outside the area,” said Irwan. Each class
8 hari. Sementara untuk Diklat pengolahan
“Kami telah banyak melakukan kegiatan (BLI) Ujung Pandang dengan wilayah kerja rumput laut membutuhkan waktu 12 hari. Center (BDI). consists of 50 participants and in one training
di wilayah Nusa Tenggara, Pulau Sulawesi, “We also conduct a competency-based training there can be three classes.
pendidikan dan pelatihan bagi aparatur dan Technical implementation unit in education for cocoa processing machine operator,” said
pelaku IKM,” ujar Irwan Syakari, Kepala Seksi Maluku dan Irian Jaya. “Kami juga menyediakan asrama bagi peserta
dari luar daerah,” ujar Irwan. and training for industrial apparatus and small Irwan. After attending the training, participants
Penyelenggaraan Diklat BDI Makassar. Sempat berganti nama menjadi Balai Diklat medium industry (IKM) players which is under will get two certificates, namely the attendance
Indag Makassar, namun melalui Peraturan Setiap angkatan terdiri atas 50 peserta the auspices of Ministry of Industry Education BDI Makassar was established based on the certificate and the competency certificate from
Menurutnya, Diklat yang dilakukan BDI Decree of the Minister of Industry Number
Makassar terbagi dua, yakni Diklat bagi Menteri Perindustrian Nomor : 50 / M-IND dan dalam satu kali Diklat bisa terdapat 3 and Training Center (Pusdiklat), is very active the National Professional Certification Board
/ PER / 6 / 2006 tanggal 29 Juni 2006, Balai angkatan. in carrying out its functions in increasing the 674/M/SK/11/1981 dated 30 November 1981 (BNSP). By 2019, 5000 participants had received
aparatur sipil negara dan Diklat bagi dunia under the name Ujung Pandang Industrial
usaha, khususnya pelaku usaha di industri Diklat Indag Makassar kembali berubah Setelah mengikuti Diklat, para peserta akan competency of apparatus and business actors in the certification.
nama menjadi Balai Diklat Industri Regional the industrial sector. Training Center (Balai Latihan Industri-BLI)
kecil dan menengah (IKM). mendapatkan dua sertifikat, yakni sertifikat with working areas in the Nusa Tenggara Participants will be sent a questionnaire by
VII Makassar dengan wilayah kerja meliputi kehadiran dan sertifikat kompetensi dari
Untuk aparatur sipil negara, Diklat yang Pulau Sulawesi, Maluku dan Maluku Utara. “We have carried out many education and region, Sulawesi Island, Maluku and Irian the BDI to find out how they apply the right
disediakan adalah Diklat sistem industri dan Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP). training activities for apparatus and IKM Jaya. knowledge gained from the training and
Diklat pengadaan barang dan jasa. Seiring perkembangan kebutuhan industri, Tahun 2019, sebanyak 5.000 peserta telah players”, said Irwan Syakari, Head of the BDI education provided by BDI Makassar.
BDI Makassar kini tidak hanya memposisikan mendapatkan sertifikasi itu. Makassar training and education section. It was renamed the Makassar Indag
Sementara Diklat yang tersedia bagi pelaku diri sebagai instansi pelatihan bagi aparatur Education and Training Center, but through “That way, we can find out how the impact of
usaha antara lain berupa Diklat operator Para peserta nantinya akan dikirimi kuisoner According to him, the Education and Training Regulation of the Minister of Industry the activities we provide to the participants,” said
dan pelaku usaha di kawasan Indonesia oleh BDI untuk mengetahui bagaimana
mesin pengolahan rumput laut menjadi ATC Timur. Badan ini telah melewati batas regional conducted by BDI Makassar are divided into two, Number: 50/M-IND/PER/6/2006 dated 29 Irwan.
atau semi refined carrageenan (SRC) berbasis mereka mengaplikasikan ilmu yang diperoleh namely the Training for state civil apparatus and June 2006, the Makassar Indag Education
menjadi Balai Dikat sekala nasional dengan dari pelatihan dan pendidikan yang diberikan The results of the training provided by BDI
kompetensi, Diklat ahli produksi aneka kompetensi khusus dalam bidang kakao, the Training for the business world, especially and Training Center again changed its name
BDI Makassar. business actors in small and medium industries. to Makassar Industrial Training Center Makassar to date have been able to give birth and
olahan berbasis coklat. rumput laut, pengolahan ikan dan rumah increase the competitiveness of industry players
kemasan. “Dengan cara itu, kami bisa mengetahui Regional VII with work areas covering
Pelaku usaha juga bisa mengikuti Diklat ahli For the state civil apparatus, the training Sulawesi Island, Maluku and North Maluku. in various regions in Indonesia.
produksi aneka olahan berbasis rumput laut, bagaimana dampak dari kegiatan yang kami provided is Industrial system training and
Untuk bisa menjadi peserta diklat BDI berikan kepada para peserta,” papar Irwan.
Diklat desain kemasan produk pangan dan Makassar, ada dua jalur yang bisa dilakukan Training for the procurement of goods and Along with the development of industrial
workshop pengembangan usaha. calon peserta. Pertama adalah melalui Hasil Diklat yang diberikan BDI Makassar services. needs, nowadays BDI Makassar is not only
positioning itself as a training agency for
“Kami juga menggelar Diklat operator mesin pendaftaran secara online. “Calon peserta hingga saat ini telah mempu melahirkan dan While the education and training available apparatuses and business players in Eastern INFORMASI | INFORMATION
pengolahan kakao berbasis kompetensi,” ujar bisa mendaftar melalui web kami dan nanti meningkatkan daya saing pelaku industri di for business players, including competency-
diseleksi,” ujar Irwan. pelbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Indonesia. This institution has crossed
Irwan. based seaweed machine operator training that regional boundaries to become a national scale BDI Makassar
Sedangkan jalur kedua adalah melalui usulan processes seaweed into ATC or semi-refined training center with special competencies in Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM.17, Pai, Kec.
BDI Makassar berdiri berdasarkan Surat carrageenan (SRC), and training of production
dari Pemerintah Daerah atau asosiasi dan the fields of cocoa, seaweed, fish processing Biringkanaya, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Keputusan Menteri Perindustrian No. 674 experts in various chocolate-based preparations.
lembaga terkait. “Melalui jalur ini, Pemda and packaging. (0411) 556617
/ M / SK / 11 / 1981 tanggal 30 November
dan asosiasi mengajukan nama-nama calon Business players can also join the education


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

Politeknik ATI Makassar

Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin) tengah
fokus menggenjot kinerja sektor manufaktur di
dalam negeri guna menghadapi era industri 4.0 dan
menjadi penopang terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi
nasional ke depannya.
I Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan Kemenperin adalah
menghasilkan sumber daya manusia industri yang kompeten
yang dapat mengelola dan menghasilkan teknologi di sektor
industri manufaktur. I Kegiatan praktik Teknik Mekatronika
Penciptaan sumber daya manusia industri itu dilakukan E Mechatronic Technique practice class The Ministry of Industry is focusing on boosting the performance of the domestic
melalui pendidikan vokasi yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. manufacturing sector in order to face the industrial era 4.0 and be a pillar of national
Salah satunya adalah Politeknik ATI Makassar. economic growth in the future.
Keunggulan yang dimiliki lembaga pendidikan vokasi itu
Politeknik ATI Makassar didirikan sejak tahun 1967 dengan tidak terlepas dari fasilitas yang tersedia. Peralatan mesin yang
nama Akademi Teknologi Industri Makassar dengan Surat E One of the efforts made by the Ministry of Industry is to industrial technology and alumni absorption,” he explained.
dimiliki politeknik ini sudah sangat canggih karena sesuai produce competent industrial human resources who can manage
Keputusan Menteri Perindustrian Dan Perdagangan No. 273/ dengan yang digunakan industri manufaktur pada saat ini baik According to him, with the competence in various skills
SK/M/1967, tanggal 28 April 1967, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan and produce technology in the manufacturing industry sector.
untuk sisi manufaktur, otomasi dan sistem industri. possessed by each student, the majority of Polytechnic of ATI
tenaga kerja perindustrian Kawasan Timur Indonesia. The creation of industrial human resources was carried out Makassar graduates are directly absorbed by the manufacturing
Pelbagai fasilitas berupa laboratorium juga tersedia, mulai through vocational education spread throughout Indonesia. One of industry in the country and abroad.
Politeknik yang berada di bawah naungan Badan dari laboratorium perancang sistem kerja dan ergonomi,
Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Industri (BPSDMI) them is Polytechnic of ATI Makassar
laboratorium elektronika dan kontrol, laboratorium instalasi The advantages of vocational education institutions
Kementerian Perindustrian itu, menyelenggarakan pendidikan dan teknik tenaga listrik, laboratorium kimia dasar, Polytechnic of ATI Makassar was established in 1967 under the are inseparable from the available facilities. The machine
diploma I dan diploma III dengan program studi (Prodi) teknik laboratorium mikrobiologi industri hingga laboratorium kimia name Makassar Industrial Technology Academy with Decree of the tools owned by these polytechnics are already very
manufaktur industri agro, teknik industri agro, otomasi sistem proses. Minister of Industry and Trade No. 273/SK/M/1967 dated April 28, sophisticated because they are in accordance with the use
permesinan dan Prodi teknik kimia mineral. 1967, to meet the needs of industrial workers in Eastern Indonesia. of the manufacturing industry at this time both for the
Bagi mahasiswa yang berprestasi juga tersedia pelbagai manufacturing, automation and industrial systems.
Kurikulum yang digunakan adalah kurikulum berbasis program beasiswa, seperti beasiswa dies natalis, beasiswa The polytechnic under the auspices of the Industrial Human
kompetensi yang mengacu pada Standar Kompetensi Kerja pengurus dan lembaga serta beasiswa lainnya. Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI) of the Ministry of Various facilities in the form of laboratories are also available,
Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI) bidang industri dengan level 5 Industry, holds diploma I and diploma III education programs with ranging from work system design and ergonomics laboratories,
KKNI (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia) setara dengan Soal tenaga pengajar, Politeknik ATI Makassar memiliki study programs in agro industrial manufacturing engineering, electronics and control laboratories, electric power installation
program D3. dosen dalam jumlah yang mencukupi dan kompeten di agro industrial engineering, engineering system automation and and engineering laboratories, basic chemistry laboratories,
bidangnya masing-masing. “Dosen kami banyak yang sudah mineral chemical engineering. industrial microbiology laboratories to process chemistry
Politeknik ini memiliki sejumlah keunggulan. Misalnya bergelar Doktor atau S3,” papar Amrin.
saja pola pembelajarannya yang menggunakan sistem blok. laboratories.
The curriculum used is a competency-based curriculum that
Melalui sistem ini pembelajaran dirancang dan dilaksanakan Dengan pelbagai keunggulan yang dimilikinya itu, refers to the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards Various scholarship programs are also available for outstanding
berdasarkan prosedur, standar dan urutan kerja, sehingga Politeknik ATI Makassar menjadi salah satu perguruan tinggi (SKKNI) in the industrial field with level 5 KKNI (Indonesian students, such as the dies natalis scholarship, management and
diharapkan peserta didik dapat menguasai suatu kompetensi favorit bagi calon mahasiswa di Indonesia setiap tahunnya. National Qualification Framework) equivalent to the D3 program. institutional scholarships, and other scholarships.
tertentu sekaligus memiliki standar perilaku (presisi, akurasi, Tahun 2019 saja, ada sekitar 2.000 pendaftar namun yang
tepat waktu) dan budaya industri (efisien, efektif dan produktif) diterima hanya 300 mahasiswa saja. This polytechnic has a number of advantages. For example, In terms of teaching staff, Polytechnic of ATI Makassar has a
yang dibutuhkan dalam suatu sistem dan proses kerja industri. learning patterns that use a block system. Through this system sufficient and competent number of lecturers in their respective
“Banyak peminat yang mendaftar, namun kami hanya learning is designed and implemented based on procedures, fields. “Many of our lecturers have doctorates or doctoral degrees,”
“Dengan begitu, setiap mahasiswa memiliki kompetensi menerima mahasiswa sesuai dengan peralatan, fasilitas dan standards and work sequences, so that students are expected to be said Amrin.
terhadap sebuah keterampilan yang dipelajarinya,” ujar tenaga pengajar yang ada,” ujar Amrin Rapi. able to master certain competencies while at the same time having
Direktur Politeknik ATI Makassar, Amrin Rapi. industrial behavior standards (precision, accuracy, timely) and With these various advantages, Polytechnic of ATI Makassar
Pendaftaran calon mahasiswa Politeknik ATI Makassar is one of the favorite tertiary institutions for prospective students
Selain itu, lembaga pendidikan vokasi yang berlokasi di Jalan sudah dimulai sejak bulan Februari. Calon mahasiswa dapat industrial culture (efficient, effective and productive) needed in an
industrial system and work process. in Indonesia every year. In 2019 alone, there were around 2,000
Sunu Nomor 220. Tallo, Makassar ini juga memiliki kerjasama menggunakan jalur masuk yang disediakan yakni jalur non registrants but only 300 students were accepted.
dengan banyak industri manufaktur. tulis dan jalur tulis. “That way, every student has the competence of a skill he has
learned,” said the Director of Polytechnic of ATI Makassar, Amrin “There are many applicants who apply, but we only accept
“Kerjasama ini menyangkut soal penerapan teknologi students according to the available equipment, facilities and
industri maupun penyerapan alumni,” paparnya. INFORMASI | INFORMATION Rapi.
teaching staff,” said Amrin Rapi.
Menurutnya, dengan kompetensi terhadap pelbagai In addition, the vocational education institution located at Jalan
Politeknik ATI Makassar
Sunu Number 220. Tallo, Makassar also has cooperation with many The registration of prospective ATI Makassar Polytechnic
keterampilan yang dimiliki setiap mahasiswanya, mayoritas Jalan Sunu nomor 220, Tallo, Makassar, Su- students has started since February. Prospective students can use
alumni Politeknik ATI Makassar langsung diserap oleh lawesi Selatan 90211 manufacturing industries.
(0411) 449609 Fax (0411) 449867 the admission paths provided, namely non-written and written
industri manufaktur di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. “This collaboration is concerned with the application of lines.


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

Makassar Chemical Analysis High School

The need for skilled and professional chemical analysts continues to increase every year as
investment in the domestic industrial sector grows.

E Vocational High School - Makassar

Chemical Analysis High School (SMK-SMAK)
contributes greatly to meeting the needs of
skilled and professional personnel in the field
SMAK Makassar of chemical analysts.
MEMILIKI “Our graduates have been widely spread in

companies within the country and abroad”
said Headmaster of SMK-SMAK Makkasar,

Muhammad Nadar.
The large contribution made is inseparable
I Kegiatan praktikum analysis kimia from the teaching and learning process and
Kebutuhan akan tenaga analis kimia yang terampil E Chemical Analysis class supporting facilities as well as excellence
dan profesional setiap tahun terus meningkat seiring in schools under the Ministry of Industry
dengan makin berkembangnya investasi di sektor mikrobiologi, laboratorium instrumental analisis, laboratorium (Kemenperin)
industri di dalam negeri. analisis terpadu, laboratorium fisika non instrumen, laboratorium
instrumen GC, laboratorium instrumen HPLC dan laboratorium According to Nadar, the learning process
instrumen ICP dan fasilitas lainnya. at the SMK-SMAK Makassar applies theories
I Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan - Sekolah Menengah Analisis and practices based on the Indonesian Supported by competent teaching staff
Kimia (SMK-SMAK) Makassar ikut memberikan kontribusi besar “Kami merupakan sekolah yang memiliki laboratorium batu bara National Work Competency Standards and complete supporting facilities, the
bagi pemenuhan kebutuhan tenaga terampil dan profesional di terbaik di wilayah Indonesia Timur,” kata Nadar. Banyak perusahaan (SKKNI) in the field of chemical analysis. results of school learning activities located
bidang analis kimia. yang bergerak di yang batu bara memilih laboratorium SMK-SMAK in the Panakukkang area of Makassar city
Makassar sebagai tempat pengujian kandungan batu bara yang Education is carried out for 4 years or 8
semesters interspersed with practical work are also very good. This was reflected in the
“Lulusan kami sudah banyak tersebar di perusahaan yang ada di ditambangnya. accreditation scores obtained by the school.
dalam negeri maupun luar negeri,” kata Kepala Sekolah SMK-SMAK activities in the industrial world both in
Makassar Muhammad Nadar. Dengan didukung oleh tenaga pengajar yang kompeten dan fasilitas Sulawesi and outside Sulawesi. “SMK-SMAK Makassar is the school
pendukung yang lengkap, hasil kegiatan belajar siswa-siswi sekolah such as modern and complete laboratories. with the best accreditation value in South
Kontribusi besar yang diberikan itu tidak terlepas dari proses belajar yang terletak di kawasan Panakukkang kota Makassar ini pun sangat “Learning activities in schools use a block
system and a dual system, thus creating For example, the presence of microbiology Sulawesi,” said Nadar.
mengajar dan fasilitas pendukung serta keunggulan di sekolah yang baik. Hal itu tercermin dari nilai akreditasi yang diperoleh sekolah laboratories, instrumental analysis
berada di bawah Kementrian Perindustrian (Kemenperin). Menurut tersebut. links and match,” explained Nadar. By No wonder so many graduates are hunted
using this pattern, school graduates who laboratories, integrated analysis laboratories,
Nadar, proses pembelajaran di SMK-SMAK Makassar menerapkan non-instrument physics laboratories, GC by the business world. ““Our graduates
teori dan praktik berdasarkan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional “SMK- SMAK Makassar merupakan sekolah dengan nilai akreditasi were established in 1964 are no longer are not only spread out in the country,
awkward when entering the working world. instrument laboratories, HPLC instrument
Indonesia (SKKNI) di bidang analisis kimia. terbaik di Sulawesi Selatan,” papar Nadar. laboratories and ICP instrument laboratories but also in companies abroad, such as
Tak heran jika lulusannya banyak diburu dunia usaha. “Lulusan To synergize graduates’ expertise with and other facilities. Australia, South Korea, Japan and others,”
Pendidikan dilaksanakan selama 4 tahun atau 8 semester dengan he explained.
diselingi oleh kegiatan praktek kerja di dunia industri baik yang ada kami tidak hanya tersebar di dalam negeri saja, tetapi juga di the needs of the industrial world, every year
Makassar Vocational High School (SMAK) “We are a school that has the best coal
di wilayah Sulawesi maupun di luar Sulawesi. perusahaan-perusahaan di luar negeri, seperti Australia, Korea laboratories in Eastern Indonesia,” said Nadar. Based on school data with a vision
Selatan, Jepang dan lainnya,” jelasnya. Makassar holds a meeting with industry to become an international vocational
“Kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah menggunakan sistem blok dan circles. “Through this meeting we can get Many coal companies have chosen the SMK-
Berdasarkan data sekolah dengan visi menjadi sekolah SMAK Makassar as a place to test the coal chemical analysis school based on
dual system, sehingga menciptakan link and match,” jelas Nadar. input on the latest developments that occur specialization and competence that
menengah kejuruan analisis kimia bertaraf internasional in the industrial world and what needs to content they are mining.
Dengan menggunakan pola tersebut, lulusan sekolah yang berdiri berbasis spesialisasi dan kompetensi yang menghasilkan lulusan produces green industry-oriented
sejak tahun 1964 tersebut tidak canggung lagi ketika terjun di dunia be done by our students, “said Muhammad professional graduates, it shows that the
profesional berwawasan industri hijau itu menunjukkan bahwa Nadar
kerja. waktu tunggu lulusannya tidak lebih dari tiga bulan. waiting time for graduates is no more than
This school also has other advantages three months.
Untuk mensinergikan keahlian lulusan dengan kebutuhan dunia “95% lulusan kami langsung dapat kerja dan sisanya jadi
industri, setiap tahun SMK-SMAK Makassar menggelar pertemuan by having a Professional Certification “95% of our graduates can immediately
wirausaha atau melanjutkan ke jenjang pendidikan yang lebih Institute and Competency Test Place. Every
dengan kalangan industri. “Lewat pertemuan itu kami bisa tinggi,” ujar Kepala Sekolah SMK-SMAK Makassar Muhammad work and the rest become entrepreneurs or
mendapatkan masukan mengenai perkembangan terbaru yang terjadi student who graduate from this school continue to pursue higher education,” said
Nadar. already has a professional certification and
di dunia industri dan yang perlu dilakukan oleh siswa-siswi kami,” Headmaster of SMK-SMAK Makkasar,
papar Muhammad Nadar. Bagi lulusan SMK-SMAK Makassar yang ingin melanjutkan competency test in their respective fields. Muhammad Nadar.
pendidikan ke perguruan tinggi, khususnya Politeknik AKA ISO 9001: 2008 certification has also been
Sekolah ini juga memiliki keunggulan lainnya dengan memiliki Bogor, akan mendapatkan akselerasi dengan cukup menjalani achieved by the school. For SMK-SMAK Makassar graduates who
Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi dan Tempat Uji Kompetensi (LSP/TUK). kuliah selama dua tahun. want to continue their education to tertiary
Setiap siswa-siswi yang lulus sudah memiliki sertifikasi profesi dan uji In addition, this vocational school institutions, especially the Polytechnic
kompetensi di bidangnya masing-masing. Sertifikasi ISO 9001:2008 Ada dua jalur yang collaborates with VAPRO INTERNATIONAL AKA Bogor, will get acceleration by simply
digunakan SMK- Netherlands in the fields of curriculum, studying for two years.
juga sudah diraih oleh sekolah itu. Selain itu, sekolah kejuruan ini
menjalin kerja sama dengan VAPRO INTERNATIONAL Belanda SMAK Makassar INFORMASI | INFORMATION industrial work practices (internship) and
dalam menjaring international competency tests. There are two pathways used by
di bidang kurikulum, praktek kerja industri (prakerin) dan uji SMK - SMAK Makassar SMK-SMAK Makassar in recruiting
kompetensi internasional. calon siswa-siswinya In teaching and learning
yakni melalui jalur Jl. Urip Sumoharjo, Pampang, Kec. Panakku- prospective students, namely through
Dalam kegiatan belajar-mengajar, SMK-SMAK Makassar kang, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan activities, SMK-SMAK the achievement track and the
prestasi dan jalur tes Makassar is equipped with
dilengkapi dengan sejumlah fasilitas pendukung seperti laboratorium tulis. (0411) 452927 written test track.
yang modern dan lengkap. Misalnya saja keberadaan laboratorium several supporting facilities


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

Politeknik Industri Polytechnic of Metal Industry Morowali,

Logam Morowali
Polytechnic of Metal Industry Morowali further strengthens the role in the delivery of quality human
DI PESISIR resources, competent and professional in the field of metal processing industry. The link and match education
system with the industrial sector and educational scholarships are an attraction for applicants.
MOROWALI bring lecturers from industry practitioners.
Curriculum development is carried out jointly
Politeknik Industri Logam Morowali with industry and considers the Indonesian
kian mengukuhkan peran dalam National Qualification Framework
melahirkan SDM yang berkualitas, (KKNI), the National Higher Education
kompeten dan profesional di Standards (SNPT), the Accreditation Board
bidang industri pengolahan logam. of Engineering & Technology (ABET), and
Sistem pendidikan link and match the direction of the Ministry of Industry’s
Education and Training Center.
dengan sektor industri dan beasiswa I Kegiatan praktik industri logam
pendidikan menjadi daya tarik bagi E Metal industry practice class
Lectures in polytechnics consist of 37% theory
pendaftar. and 63% practice with an education system that is
link and match with the industrial world, adopts
dual system / cooperative 3-2-1 based education
I Pertumbuhan industri pengolahan PILM diantaranya ada pada program Saat ini, program magang dilaksanakan in the form of 3 semesters of basic education
logam yang pesat membutuhkan tenaga studi teknik kimia mineral yang di perusahaan-perusahaan di kawasan expertise on campus, 2 semester internships in
kerja berkualitas. Kondisi inilah yang memiliki laboratorium heat treatment, industri morowali. industry, and 1 semester of further education
membuat Kementerian Perindustrian laboratorium kimia dasar, Laboratorium and final projects. Currently, apprenticeship
menginisiasi pendirian Politeknik Metalografi, kemudia program studi Dalam pengembangan kualitas
akademik, PILM bekerja sama dengan programs are carried out in companies in the
Industri Logam Morowali (PILM) pada teknik perawatan mesin memiliki morowali industrial area.
lahan seluas ± 30 Ha di dalam kawasan laboratorium metrologi, laboratorium berbagai institusi pendidikan baik di
industri morowali yang dihibahkan CNC, pada program studi teknik dalam maupun luar negeri, seperti Xingtai In developing academic quality, PILM
oleh PT. IMIP (PT. Indonesia Morowali listrik dan instalasi ada laboratorium Polytechnic College, Hebei Institute of cooperates with various educational
Mechanical and Electrical Technology, I Kegiatan belajar
Industrial Park). Pembangunan gedung sistem kendali, pneumatik hidrolik, E Learning class institutions both at home and abroad, such as
perkuliahan, laboratorium dan bengkel laboratorium instrumentasi. Terdapat ITB, dan UI. Kedapannya PILM berencana Xingtai Polytechnic College, Hebei Institute
kerja, mulai dilaksanakan sejak tahun juga fasilitas penunjang kegiatan untuk membuka jenjang Diploma-IV of Mechanical and Electrical Technology,
2015. akademik lainnya seperti laboratorium dengan program studi teknologi rekayasa E The rapid growth of the metal with laboratory facilities that apply industry ITB, and UI. In the future, PILM plans to
komputer, bahasa, laboratorium metalurgi, teknologi rekayasa lingkungan processing industry requires quality standards. open a Diploma-IV level with a study program
Pada 31 Agustus 2016, terbit Surat pusat inovasi, perpustakaan, gedung industri, dan teknologi rekayasa labor. This condition made the Ministry in metallurgical engineering technology,
Keputusan Kemenristekdikti No. pembangkitan listrik. of Industry initiate the establishment “Our practicum machines and equipment industrial environmental engineering
auditorium, dan bus kampus. follow the standards used by the industry, so that
303/KPT/I/2016, tentang pendirian of the Polytechnic of Metal Industry technology, and electricity generation
Politeknik Industri Logam Morowali. Selain berkonsep link and match Yusdianto menjelaskan, penerimaan the competencies of our students are expected
mahasiswa baru berbasis online menjadi Morowali (PILM) on a ± 30 Ha land in engineering technology.
PILM berdiri dengan tiga program dengan sektor industri, PILM juga the morowali industrial estate which to meet the HR qualifications needed by the
studi jenjang Diploma-3, yaitu: Teknik memberikan beasiswa pendidikan secara pilihan yang sangat sesuai dengan kondisi industry” he explained. Yusdianto explained, online-based new
pandemi seperti saat ini. Dengan sistem was granted by PT. IMIP (PT. Indonesia
Perawatan Mesin, Teknik Kimia Mineral, penuh serta fasilitas asrama di tahun Morowali Industrial Park). Construction student admission was very suitable choice with
seleksi online, risiko calon mahasiswa At present there are 22 laboratories in the current pandemic conditions. With an online
dan Teknik Listrik dan Instalasi. pertama bagi mahasiswanya of lecture buildings, laboratories and PILM including those in mineral chemical
terpapar Covid-19 dapat dihindari. “Proses selection system, the risk of prospective students
Selanjutnya, pada 18 September 2017 Metode pembelajaran dan kurikulum seleksi online yang dapat diikuti oleh workshops, began in 2015. engineering study programs which have exposed to Covid-19 can be avoided. “The
Menteri Perindustrian bersama Menteri di PILM berbasis pada kebutuhan pendaftar di seluruh indonesia juga On August 31, 2016, the Ministry of heat treatment laboratories, basic chemistry online selection process that can be followed by
Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan industri logam nasional. Proses membuat jangkauan pendaftar menjadi Research, Technology and Higher Education laboratories, metallographic laboratories, then registrants throughout Indonesia also makes the
Tinggi meresmikan Politeknik Industri pengajaran dan kegiatan transfer of lebih luas,” terangnya. Decree No. 303/KPT/I/2016, concerning the machine maintenance engineering study registrant’s reach wider,” he explained.
Logam Morowali yang ditandai dengan knowledge mendatangkan dosen dari establishment of the Polytechnic of Metal programs have metrology laboratories, CNC
penandatanganan prasasti serta praktisi industri. Penyusunan kurikulum Proses seleksi mahasiswa baru berbasis laboratories, in electrical engineering study The selection process consists of file selection,
online terdiri dari seleksi berkas, tes Industry Morowali. PILM stands with
pemberian kuliah perdana. dilakukan bersama dengan industri dan three Diploma-3 study programs, namely: programs and installations there are laboratories tests of academic potential, and interviews.
memperhatikan Kerangka Kualifikasi potensi akademik, serta wawancara. control system, hydraulic pneumatic, “Participants who pass later are expected to be
Yusdianto, STP., M.Si., Plt. Pembantu “Peserta yang lolos nantinya diharapkan Mechanical Maintenance Engineering,
Nasional Indonesia (KKNI), Standar Mineral Chemical Engineering, and Electrical instrumentation laboratory. There are also other truly selected students with qualified academic
Direktur I Bidang Akademik Politeknik nasional Pendidikan Tinggi (SNPT), betul-betul mahasiswa pilihan dengan academic support facilities such as computer qualifications,” said Yusdianto. Thus, PILM
Industri Logam Morowali menjelaskan, kualifikasi akademik yang mumpuni,” and Installation Engineering.
Accreditation Board of Engineering laboratories, languages, innovation center graduates are targeted to really be qualified,
seluruh program studi dilengkapi dengan & Technology (ABET), serta arahan papar Yusdianto. Dengan demikian, Furthermore, on 18 September 2017 the laboratories, libraries, auditorium buildings, and competent, professional and capable of making
fasilitas laboratorium yang menerapkan Pusdiklat Kementerian Perindustrian. lulusan PILM ditargetkan benar-benar Minister of Industry together with the campus buses. a real contribution in the national metal
standar industri. menjadi SDM yang berkualitas, kompeten, Minister of Research, Technology and Higher processing industry.
Perkuliahan di politeknik ini terdiri profesional dan mampu memberikan Education inaugurated the Polytechnic of In addition to the concept of link and match
“Mesin dan peralatan praktikum kita dari 37% teori dan 63% praktik dengan kontribusi nyata di bidang industri with the industrial sector, PILM also provides
mengikuti standar yang digunakan Metal Industry Morowali which was marked
oleh industri, sehingga kompetensi
sistem pendidikan yang bersifat link and pengolahan logam nasional. by the signing of the inscription and the full educational scholarships and boarding INFORMASI | INFORMATION
match dengan dunia industri, menganut [Ibnu Hajar A/Pranata Humas-PILM] inaugural lecture. facilities in the first year for its students
mahasiswa kita diharapkan dapat dual system / cooperative 3-2-1 based The learning methods and curriculum Politeknik Industri Logam Morowali
memenuhi kualifikasi SDM yang education berupa 3 semester pendidikan Yusdianto, STP., M.Sc., Plt. Assistant
at PILM are based on the needs of the Labota, Bahodopi, Morowali, Sulawesi Tengah
dibutuhkan oleh industri” jelasnya. dasar keahlian di kampus, 2 semester Director I for Academic Affairs of the
national metal industry. The teaching 0853-4210-2597
Saat ini terdapat 22 laboratorium di magang di industri, dan 1 semester Polytechnic of Metal Industry Morowali
explained, all study programs were equipped process and transfer of knowledge activities
pendidikan lanjut serta proyek akhir.


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

I Kegiatan praktik industri teknik perawatan mesin

I Sejak tahun 2017, Kementerian E Machinery maintenance technique class Bantaeng Community Academy of Manufacturing
Perindustrian menginisiasi
pembangunan Akademi Komunitas SUPPORT EASTERN
Industri Manufaktur Bantaeng
(AK-Manufaktur Bantaeng). Upaya INDONESIA INDUSTRIAL
ini guna mendukung pengembangan
kawasan industri di wilayah timur
The government is determined to further increase the
“Pemerintah sedang fokus membangun competitiveness of the domestic manufacturing industry. One
kawasan industri di luar Pulau Jawa. Untuk of its strategic steps is to prepare competent human resources
wilayah timur Indonesia, terdapat beberapa (HR) according to the needs of today’s workforce. How to?
kawasan industri terpadu yang terus
diakselerasi pengembangannya seperti
Kawasan Industri Bantaeng, Kawasan Industri e Since 2017, the Ministry of Industry has students accepted was 102 through centralized
Konawe, Kawasan Industri Morowali, dan initiated the construction of the Bantaeng admissions, namely JARVIS (Industrial
Kawasan Industri Halmahera Timur,” kata Manufacturing Industry Community Vocational Acceptance Pathway). One of the
Direktur AK-Manufaktur Bantaeng, Zainal Academy (AK-Manufaktur Bantaeng). added values ​​of AK-Manufaktur Bantaeng
Abidin. This effort is to support the development of students is the existence of a Competency
industrial estates in eastern Indonesia. Certificate from the National Professional
Menurut Zainal, guna mengambil Certification Agency (BNSP) as a certificate
peluang dari tumbuhnya aktivitas industri “The government is focusing on building companion certificate (SKPI) in accordance
manufaktur tersebut, perlu adanya upaya agar industrial estates outside Java Island. For with Permenristekdikti Number 59 of 2018.
masyarakat setempat bisa memanfaatkannya. eastern Indonesia, there are several integrated
Untuk itu, pelaksanaan pendidikan vokasi industrial areas whose development continues “The competency certificate was obtained
industri dilaksanakan dalam rangka to accelerate, such as the Bantaeng Industrial after passing the competency test conducted
memasok kebutuhan dari penyerapan tenaga Estate, the Konawe Industrial Estate, the by the Professional Certification Institute
kerjanya. AK-Manufaktur Bantaeng Morowali Industrial Area, and the East I Kegiatan praktik teknik listrik instalasi (LSP) P-1 AK-Manufacturing Bantaeng which
Halmahera Industrial Zone, “said the Director is currently in the process of formation,”
E Electrical installation technology class
“Saat ini, kami memiliki tiga program studi of AK-Manufacturing Bantaeng, Zainal explained Zainal.


diploma dua, yaitu Teknik Perawatan Mesin, Abidin.
Teknik Listrik dan Instalasi, serta Analisis In fact, in the implementation of education,
Kimia,” ungkapnya. Berdiri di atas lahan According to Zainal, to take advantage of AK-Manufacturing Bantaeng received assistance
seluas 4,9 hektare, AK-Manufaktur Bantaeng the growing activities of the manufacturing from SwissContact through the S4C (Skill for
Pemerintah bertekad untuk semakin meningkatkan industry, efforts are needed so that local people Competitiveness) program for curriculum
telah dilengkapi dengan sarana dan prasarana daya saing industri manufaktur di dalam negeri, dengan
yang memadai. can take advantage of it. For this reason, the development, human resource capacity building,
salah satu langkah strategisnya adalah melalui penyiapan implementation of industrial vocational industrial relations and others.
“Misalnya, laboratorium desain, lab sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang kompeten sesuai education is carried out to supply the needs of
Regarding the teaching staff,
pneumatik, lab instrumen pengukuran, kebutuhan dunia kerja saat ini. Bagaimana caranya? the absorption of its workforce.
lab kontrol, lab elektronika, lab komputer AK-Manufaktur Bantaeng has 18 permanent
dan desain, lab sistem tenaga, lab pengujian “Currently, we have three diploma two lecturers with educational qualifications
Mengenai upaya penyerapan lulusannya, Bahkan, dalam penyelenggaraan study programs, namely Mechanical of 16 people who have Master’s educational
dasar, lab mikrobiologi, lab makanan dan tahun ini AK-Manufaktur Bantaeng pendidikan, AK-Manufaktur Bantaeng
minuman, lab pengujian semen dan bahan Maintenance Engineering, Electrical and qualifications and two people have doctoral
telah menandatangani sejumlah nota mendapat pendampingan dari Installation Engineering, and Chemical I Kegiatan praktik analisis kimia requirements according to their respective
tambang, lab lingkungan, lab pakan ternak kesepahaman dengan berbagai sektor SwissContact melalui program S4C (Skill E Chemical analysis class
dan hasil agro, serta bengkel listrik,” sebutnya. Analysis,” he said. Standing on an area of ​​ fields of study.
industri seperti PT Huadi Nickel-Alloy for Competitiveness) untuk pengembangan 4.9 hectares, AK-Manufaktur Bantaeng
AK-Manufaktur Bantaeng juga memiliki Indonesia, PT Inensunan Mills Indonesia, PT kurikulum, peningkatan kapasitas SDM, is equipped with adequate facilities and “Teaching competence and educational
campus is expected to become a center for qualifications are in accordance with the field
ruang workshop perawatan, manufaktur, Wahyu Pradana Binamulia, PT Sinar Sosro, hubungan industri dan lain-lain. infrastructure. competent workforce providers, especially
dan fabrikasi. Saat ini, daya tampung kampus Kalla Group, dan PT Charoen Pokphand. of science of each study program and coupled
Mengenai tenaga pengajar, “For example, design laboratories, in the manufacturing sector in mechanical with technical trainings that are followed
mencapai 102 orang, terdiri dari Program Selain itu sudah menjalin kerja sama dengan maintenance, electrical engineering, chemical
Forum Human Capital Indonesia. AK-Manufaktur Bantaeng memiliki 18 pneumatic labs, measuring instrument labs, to improve the competence of lecturers,” he
Studi Teknik Perawatan Mesin (34 orang), dosen tetap dengan kualifikasi pendidikan installation, and analysis.
Program Studi Teknik Listrik dan Instalasi control labs, electronics labs, computer and explained.
Pada tahun akademik 2020/2021, jumlah sebanyak 16 orang mempunyai kualifikasi design labs, power systems labs, basic testing “Our learning pattern is through the
(34 orang), serta Program Studi Analisis Kimia mahasiswa AK-Manufaktur Bantaeng pendidikan Magister serta dua orang According to Zainal, the big plan
(34 orang). labs, microbiology labs, food and beverage implementation of a dual system education
yang diterima sebanyak 102 orang melalui memiliki kualifikasi pendidikan Doktor labs, cement and mining materials testing going forward for the development of
with an SKKNI based curriculum, and using a AK-Manufacturing Bantaeng is to increase
“Sampai kini, AK-Manufaktur Bantaeng penerimaan secara terpusat, yaitu JARVIS sesuai dengan bidang ilmu program studi labs, environmental labs, a lab for animal block system learning schedule and industrial
belum memiliki lulusan dan baru akan (Jalur Penerimaaan Vokasi Industri). masing-masing. feed and agro products, as well as an electrical the level of the D-II Program to the D-III
work practices for approximately six to eight Program. Currently, preparations have been
mewisuda lulusannya pada bulan Oktober Salah satu nilai tambah mahasiswa workshop, “he said. months,” he added.
AK-Manufaktur Bantaeng adalah adanya “Kompetensi pengajar dan kualifikasi made, one of which is preparing an academic
tahun 2020,” ujar Zainal. Kampus ini pendidikan sesuai dengan bidang ilmu
diharapkan menjadi pusat penyedia tenaga Sertifkat Kompetensi dari Badan Nasional AK-Manufaktur Bantaeng also has Regarding the efforts to absorb graduates, manuscript from AK-Manufacturing
Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) sebagai surat program studi masing-masing dan ditambah maintenance, manufacturing and fabrication this year AK-Manufaktur Bantaeng Bantaeng to become a Polytechnic and
kerja yang kompeten khususnya sektor dengan pelatihan-pelatihan teknis yang
industri manufaktur di bidang perawatan keterangan pendamping ijazah (SKPI) sesuai workshop rooms. Currently, the campus has signed a number of memoranda of additional teaching staff.
dengan Permenristekdikti Nomor 59 Tahun diikuti untuk meningkatkan kompetensi has a capacity of 102 people, consisting of understanding with various industrial
mesin, teknik listrik dan instalasi serta dosen,” paparnya.
analisis kimia. 2018. the Mechanical Maintenance Engineering sectors such as PT Huadi Nickel-Alloy
Menurut Zainal, rencana besar ke depan Study Program (34 people), the Electrical and Indonesia, PT Inensunan Mills Indonesia, PT
“Pola pembelajaran kami melalui “Sertifikat kompetensi tersebut
untuk pengembangan AK-Manufaktur Installation Engineering Study Program (34 Wahyu Pradana Binamulia, PT Sinar Sosro, INFORMASI | INFORMATION
penyelenggaraan pendidikan dual system diperoleh setelah lulus uji kompetensi yang people), and the Chemical Analysis Study Kalla Group, and PT Charoen Pokphand.
dilaksanakan oleh Lembaga Sertifikasi Bantaeng adalah peningkatan jenjang Program
dengan kurikulum berbasis SKKNI, serta D-II menjadi Program D-III. Saat ini telah Program (34 people). In addition, he has collaborated with the Akademi Komunitas Manufaktur Bantaeng
menggunakan jadwal pembelajaran sistem Profesi (LSP) P-1 AK-Manufaktur Bantaeng Indonesian Human Capital Forum. Nipa-Nipa, Pa’jukukang, Kab. Bantaeng,
yang saat ini dalam proses pembentukan,” dilakukan persiapan, salah satunya adalah “Until now, AK-Manufaktur Bantaeng Sulawesi Selatan 92461
blok dan praktik kerja industri selama kurang penyusunan naskah akademik AK-Manufaktur
lebih enam sampai delapan bulan,” imbuhnya. jelas Zainal. has no graduates and will only graduate In the 2020/2021 academic year, the (0413) 2526980
Bantaeng menjadi Politeknik dan penambahan in October 2020,” said Zainal. This number of AK-Manufacturing Bantaeng
tenaga pengajar.


Karya Indonesia

EDISI 2020

Berkuliah di perguruan tinggi negeri dengan fasilitas dan sistem pengajaran terbaik
di bidangnya, merupakan impian banyak kaum muda. Tak heran jika unit-unit
pendidikan di lingkungan Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin) banyak diserbu

Ilmu yang didapat dari STMI sangat
relevan untuk diterapkan di dunia
industri, mulai dari manajemen hingga
manufaktur di industri.

calon mahasiswa baru yang ingin mendaftar jadi mahasiswa.

E Besarnya minat kaum muda untuk menjadi mahasiswa jurusan teknik kimia bahan nabati pada tahun 2015.
di perguruan tinggi yang berada di bawah pembinaan
Kemenperin itu tak lepas dari sistem pendidikan yang Selain itu, ungkapnya, proses pendidikan di Politeknik ATI
diterapkan serta fasilitas yang dimilikinya. Padang juga didukung dengan sarana pendidikan yang baik,
seperti berbagai laboratorium, teaching factory, sarana olahraga
Seperti yang dilontarkan Raudhy Akmal Fikkar. Pria yang dan sebagainya.
saat ini bekerja di salah satu perusahaan downstream dari
pengolahan minyak CPO sebagai Supervisor Dept. Quality Salah satu kenangan yang sangat berkesan baginya selama
Control ini merupakan alumni dari Politeknik ATI Padang, salah kuliah di politeknik ATI Padang adalah ketika proses rekrutmen
satu perguruan tinggi negeri yang berada di bawah naungan oleh PT Ecogreen Oleochemicals Batam. Pada saat itu, kuliah Rafi
Kemenperin. sudah memasuki semester 4 dan persyaratan utama untuk bisa
ikut rekrutmen dari perusahaan ini adalah rata-rata IP atau IPK
Akmal masuk kuliah di Politeknik ATI Padang tahun 2013 dan minimum 3.
tamat tahun 2016 dengan jurusan kimia analisis (KA).
“Dari banyaknya peserta yang ikut, yang akan diambil pada
Menurutnya, ilmu yang diajari para dosen dalam hal melakukan saat itu hanya dua orang. Dan Alhamdulillah saya salah satunya,”
proses analisa kimia, pengoperasian peralatan instrumen kenangnya.
dan kemampuan manajerial di bidang analis kimia, sangat
membantunya dalam melakukan tugas-tugasnya di tempat Setelah lulus rekrutmen, dia diberi beasiswa untuk dua semester
kerjanya saat ini. terakhir (Semester 5 dan 6) dari perusahaan dengan catatan setelah
tamat kuliah dia wajib bekerja di perusahaan oleochemicals
Selain itu, peralatan laboratorium di Politeknik ATI Padang tersebut.
yang canggih dan selaras dengan industri, juga sangat dibutuhkan
dan teraplikasikan di tempat dia bekerja. Sementara itu bagi Solihin Tio, ilmu yang didapatnya dari
berkuliah di Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Industri (STMI) mampu
“Apa yang ada di ATI Padang telah memacu kreatifitas, mengantarnya ber solo karir melalui sebuah perusahaan yang
pembentukan pola pikir sebagai seorang pemimpin, kemampuan bergerak bidang manufaktur, die stamping, dan pembuatan mesin
bersosial, kemampuan manajemen organisasi dan sebagai ajang khusus.
latihan untuk siap bersaing di dunia industri dalam pola pikir dan
kepemimpinan,” ujarnya. Pria lulusan STMI tahun 2005 itu merasakan besarnya
manfaat yang diperolehnya selama menjadi mahasiswa salah satu
Hal serupa juga diungkapkan alumni Politeknik ATI Padang perguruan tinggi negeri di bawah naungan Kemenperin itu.
lainnya, Rafi Guswandi. Menurut anak pertama dari tiga
bersaudara asal Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan ini, proses menimba Menurutnya, pendidikan manajemen yang diajarkan di
ilmu di kampus Politeknik ATI Padang adalah salah satu STMI antara lain meliputi sistem perencanaan produksi,sistem
pengalaman yang sangat berharga dalam hidupnya. Di sana perencanaan scheduling produksi, sistem marketing, sistem
dia bisa bertemu orang-orang hebat yang berasal dari berbagai manufaktur, sistem lay out pabrik dan sebagainya itu relevan
penjuru daerah di Indonesia. dengan dunia industri.

“Tidak hanya mahasiswanya, dosen-dosennya serta jajaran “Ilmu yang didapat dari STMI sangat relevan untuk diterapkan
tenaga pendidik di sana juga tidak kalah hebatnya. Saya berjumpa di dunia industri, mulai dari manajemen hingga manufaktur di
dosen-dosen hebat yang mempunyai kecerdasan intelektual, industri,” ujar pria kelahiran tahun 1978 yang sempat bekerja di
spiritual dan emosional yang tinggi,” kata pria yang mengambil sebuah perusahaan multinasional hingga tahun 2010.



Studying in a public university
with the best facilities
and teaching system in its
field is the dream of many
young people. No wonder
the educational units within
the Ministry of Industry
(Kemenperin) are often invaded
by new student candidates who
want to register as students.

E The high interest of young people to become students in tertiary
institutions under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry cannot be
separated from the education system that is applied and the facilities it
has. The knowledge gained from STMI is
As said by Raudhy Akmal Fikkar. The man who is currently very relevant to be applied in the
working in a downstream company from CPO oil processing as industrial world, from management to
a Supervisor in quality control department is an alumni of the manufacturing in industry
Polytechnic of ATI Padang, one of the state universities under the
auspices of the Ministry of Industry.
One of the most memorable memories for him while studying at the
Akmal entered the Polytechnic of ATI Padang in 2013 and graduated ATI Padang polytechnic was during the recruitment process by PT
in 2016 majoring in analytical chemistry (KA). Ecogreen Oleochemicals Batam. At that time, Rafi’s college had entered
the 4th semester and the main requirement to be able to join the
According to him, the knowledge taught by lecturers in conducting recruitment from this company was a minimum GPA of 3.
chemical analysis processes, operating instrument equipment and
managerial skills in the field of chemical analysts greatly helped him “From the many participants who participated, only two people
in carrying out his duties in his current workplace. will be taken at that time. And Alhamdulillah I was one of them,” he
In addition, laboratory equipment at the Polytechnic of ATI Padang
which is sophisticated and in line with the industry, is also very much After graduating from recruitment, he was given a scholarship for
needed and applied in the place where he works. the last two semesters (Semesters 5 and 6) from the company provided
that after graduating from college he was obliged to work at the
“Polytechnic of ATI Padang has stimulated creativity, the formation oleochemicals company.
of a mindset as a leader, social skills, organizational management skills
and as a training ground to be ready to compete in the industrial world Meanwhile, for Solihin Tio, the knowledge he got from studying
in mindset and leadership,” he said. at the Industrial Management College (STMI) was able to lead him
to a solo career through a company engaged in manufacturing, die

Another alumni of the Polytechnic of ATI Padang, Rafi Guswandi, stamping, and manufacturing special machines.
also expressed the same thing. According to the first of three children
from Pesisir Selatan Regency, the process of studying at the Polytechnic The man who graduated from STMI in 2005 felt the great benefits
of ATI Padang was one of the most valuable experiences in his life. he got while he was a student at one of the state universities under the

There he could meet great people who came from all over Indonesia. auspices of the Ministry of Industry.
“Not only the students, the lecturers and the teaching staff there are According to him, management education taught at STMI includes
also great. I met great lecturers who have high intellectual, spiritual production planning systems, production scheduling planning
and emotional intelligence, “said the man who majored in chemical systems, marketing systems, manufacturing systems, factory layout
engineering of plant materials in 2015. systems and so on are relevant to the industrial world.
In addition, he said, the educational process at the Polytechnic of “The knowledge gained from STMI is very relevant to be applied
ATI Padang was also supported by good educational facilities, such as in the industrial world, from management to manufacturing
various laboratories, teaching factories, sports facilities and so on. in industry,” said the man born in 1978 who had worked in a
multinational company until 2010.


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