Anda di halaman 1dari 51


RITA Mangga 10 TONI #NAME?

ADI jeruk 20 HasilBuah = Left(tmp, Len(tmp) - 1)
TONI durian 5 End Function
ANTO salak 20
AGUS mangga 10
TONI apple 10
YULY apple 15
TONI Mangga 5
AGUS sawu 10
RITA pokat 20
TONI semangka 5 HasilBuah = Left(tmp, Len(tmp) - 1)
ADI pisang 20 End Function
TONI apple 2

Dim tmp As String

For Each R2 In Range("A2:C14")
If R = R2 Then
tmp = tmp & R2.Offset(0, 1) & "=" & R2.Offset(0, 2) & ","
End If
HasilBuah = Left(tmp, Len(tmp) - 1)
End Function

Column1 Column2 Column3

Ctrl + ; = Mengaktifkan tanggal sesuai dengan yg aktif di komputer
Ctrl +: = Menampilkan waktu langsung yang aktif di komputer
Ctrl +B = Cetak tebal teks/Bold
Ctrl + & = Border, sel luar yang terpilih
Ctrl +_ = Menghapus Border
Ctrl + $ = Memformat Mata uang langsung
Ctrl + # = Format Tanggal Langsung
Ctrl + Shift + P = Kotak dialog Font
Ctrl + I = Memiringkan teks/Italic
Ctrl + ! = Format Angka dua angka desimal
Ctrl + % = Format Persentase secara cepat
Ctrl + 5 = Cetak Coret Tulisan
Ctrl + @ = Format Waktu secara cepat
Ctrl + U =Garis Bawah/underline

Ctrl + Home = Pindah ke awal worksheet
Ctrl + [tombol panah] = Halaman akhir worksheet
Ctrl + PgUp / PgDn = Berikutnya / lembar kerja sebelumnya
F5 = Kembali ke "kotak dialog”
Ctrl + G = Kembali ke "kotak dialog
Ctrl + End = sel terakhir worksheet
Alt + PgUp = Pindah satu layar/worksheet ke kiri
Alt + PgDn = Pindah satu layar/worksheet ke kanan

Shift + F8 = Tambahkan sel non-berdekatan
Ctrl + A = menseleksi Seluruh lembar kerja (Semua)
Ctrl + Spacebar = menseleksi seluruh kolom
Shift + Spacebar = menseleksi seluruh baris
Ctrl + Shift + [tombol panah] = menseleksi sampai sel terakhir
Ctrl + F = Cari dan Ganti
F1 = mencari bantuan/Help
Ctrl + 0 = menyembunyikan kolom yang aktif/terseleksi
Ctrl + 9 = menyembunyukan baris yang terseleksi
Ctrl + K = membuat hyperlink
Ctrl + Shift + Plus (+) = menampilkan Kotak dialog "Insert" dialog
Alt + F8 = Menampilkan kotak dialog Makro
Ctrl + F9 = Meminimize workbook
Ctrl + F11 = Membuat worksheet makro baru
Shift + F11 = Membuat worksheet Baru

Ctrl + N = membuat workbook baru
Ctrl + F6 = Masuk ke Berikutnya workbook
Ctrl + O = membuka workbook/file yang sudah disimpan
Ctrl + V = Paste teks atau objek hasil copy atau cut
Ctrl + P = Cetak naskah
Ctrl + F2 = Print Preview
Ctrl + Y = mengulangi perintah terakhir/ redo
Ctrl + H = mencari dan mengganti teks
Ctrl + F10 = mengembalikan ukuran lembar kerja (ukuran)/ restore
Ctrl + F1 = Menampilkan atau menyembunyikan ribbon
Ctrl + S = Menyimpan lembar kerja
Ctrl + Shift + * = Memilih daerah sekitar sel yang aktif
F7 = Memerikasa ejaan dalam bahasa inggris/spelling and grammar
Ctrl + Esc = "Start" menu
F6 = Mengganti antara worksheet, Ribbon, task pane, dan kontrol Zoom
Ctrl + Z = Undo
Ctrl + Shift + = Menampilkan baris yang tersembunyi
Alt + F11 = Masuk ke Visual Basic Editor

F4 = Mengabsolutkan rumus yang terseleksi
F9 = Menghitung (jika auto-recalculation tidak aktif)
Ctrl + Shift + F3 = Memberi nama sell yang aktif
Ctrl + ` = Menampilkan semua rumus, on / off
Shift + F3 = Menampilkan kotak dialog "Insert Function"
Ctrl + F3= Menampilkan Kotak dialog “Name Manager”
F3= Menampilkan kotak dialog name

Alt + F1 = Membuat grafik berdasarkan data sel yang terseleksi
Alt + F4 = Menutup / keluar dari Excel
Ctrl + W = Menutup workbook yang aktif
Shift + F2 = Memasukan komentar
Shift + F10 = Menghapus komentar
Alt + Spacebar = Mengaktifkan kontrol menu untuk jendela Excel
Ctrl + C = mencopy
Ctrl + T = Menampilkan Kotak dialog “Create Table”
Ctrl + X = Memindahkan isi sel yang dipilih/ terseleksi
Ctrl + Minus (-) = Memunculkan kotak dialog "Delete Cell”
F12 = Save As/ menyimpan file dengan nama beda atau ditempat yang berbeda
F2 = Mengedit sel aktif
F8 = "Memperpanjang" mode, on / off
Ctrl + D = Perataan bawah untuk sel yang terseleksi
Ctrl + R = perataan kanan untuk sel yang terseleksi
Caranya Masuk Pada Sheet Excel Tekan ALT+F11 Klik Insert Pilih Module Nah Kursor Akan mengarhkan Pada Lembar Module V
= Left(tmp, Len(tmp) - 1)

Len(tmp) - 1)

1 2 3

value (CONCATENATE(1;0;0)

A 2
B 1
C 2

an Pada Lembar Module VBE Copas Script yg dari saya tadi. . Setelah itu Masuk Sheet Tulis =HasilBuah(E2) pada cell F2 tapi Datanya harus
cell F2 tapi Datanya harus di isi dulu ya sesuai SS diatas. . .Simpan File dalam Format xlsm atau xlsb...Selesai ...!!



Periode :42430 s.d. 42431 Maksudnya mau saya buat secara otamatis seperti ini --->

01 Maret 2016 Periode : 01 March 2016 S/d 10 March 2016

02 Maret 2016
03 Maret 2016
04 Maret 2016 ="Periode :"&B4&" s.d. "&B5
05 Maret 2016
06 Maret 2016 Periode 01 Maret 2016 s/d 10 Maret 2016
07 Maret 2016
08 Maret 2016
09 Maret 2016
10 Maret 2016
23,000,000.00 dibayar Rp. 23,000,000

The TEXT function converts a numeric value to text and lets you specify the display fo


In this example, Excel displays $23.50.

You can also format numbers by using the commands in the Number group on the

$0.00 per hour

Excel displays $23.50 per hour.


TEXT(value, format_text)

The TEXT function syntax has the following arguments (argument: A value that provides information to an actio
value  Required. A numeric value, a formula that evaluates to a numeric value, or a r
format_text  Required. A numeric format as a text string enclosed in quotation marks
Guidelines for number formats

Display decimal places and significant digits  To format fractions or numbers that

Placeholder Description
0 (zero) Displays insignificant zeros if a number has fewer digits than there are zeros in th
# Follows the same rules as the 0 (zero). However, Excel does not display extra ze
? Follows the same rules as the 0 (zero). However, Excel adds a space for insignific
. (period) Displays the decimal point in a number.
If a number has more digits to the right of the decimal point than there are placeholde

To display As Use this format

1234.59 1234.6 "####.#"
8.9 8.9 "#.000"
0.631 0.6 "0.#"
12 12 "#.0#"
1234.568    1234.57
44.398   44.398 "???.???"
102.65 102.65
2.8     2.8
(with aligned decimals)
5.25 5 1/4 "# ???/???"
5.3 5 3/10
(with aligned fractions)
Display a thousands separator  To display a comma as a thousands separator or to

, (comma) Displays the thousands separator in a number. Excel separates thousands by com

To display As Use this format

12000 12,000 "#,###"
12000 12 "#,"
12200000 12.2 "0.0,,"
Guidelines for date and time formats

Display days, months, and years  To display numbers as date formats (such as da

m Displays the month as a number without a leading zero.

mm Displays the month as a number with a leading zero when appropriate.
mmm Displays the month as an abbreviation (Jan to Dec).
mmmm Displays the month as a full name (January to December).
mmmmm Displays the month as a single letter (J to D).
d Displays the day as a number without a leading zero.
dd Displays the day as a number with a leading zero when appropriate.
ddd Displays the day as an abbreviation (Sun to Sat).
dddd Displays the day as a full name (Sunday to Saturday).
yy Displays the year as a two-digit number.
yyyy Displays the year as a four-digit number.

To display As Use this format

Months 1–12 "m"
Months 01–12 "mm"
Months Jan–Dec "mmm"
Months January– "mmmm"
Months J–D "mmmmm"
Days 1–31 "d"
Days 01–31 "dd"
Days Sun–Sat "ddd"
Days Sunday–S"dddd"
Years 00–99 "yy"
Years 1900–999"yyyy"
Display hours, minutes, and seconds  To display time formats (such as hours, min

h Displays the hour as a number without a leading zero.

[h] Displays elapsed time in hours. If you are working with a formula that returns a tim
hh Displays the hour as a number with a leading zero when appropriate. If the forma
m Displays the minute as a number without a leading zero.
 Note    The m or the mm code must appear immediately after the h or
[m] Displays elapsed time in minutes. If you are working with a formula that returns a
mm Displays the minute as a number with a leading zero when appropriate.
 Note    The m or the mm code must appear immediately after the h or
s Displays the second as a number without a leading zero.
[s] Displays elapsed time in seconds. If you are working with a formula that returns a
ss Displays the second as a number with a leading zero when appropriate. If you wa
AM/PM, am/pm, A/P,Displays the hour based on a 12-hour clock. Excel displays AM, am, A

To display As Use this format

Hours 0–23 "h"
Hours 00–23 "hh"
Minutes 0–59 "m"

Minutes 00–59 "mm"

Seconds 0–59 "s"
Seconds 00–59 "ss"
Time 4:00 AM "h AM/PM"
Time 4:36 PM "h:mm AM/PM"
Time ### "h:mm:ss A/P"
Time 36:03.8 "h:mm:ss.00"
Elapsed time (hours 1:02 "[h]:mm"
Elapsed time (minut 62:16:00 "[mm]:ss"
Elapsed time (secon3735.8 "[ss].00"
Guidelines for currency, percentages, and scientific notation format

Include currency symbols  To precede a number with a dollar sign ($), type the doll

To enter Use this key combination

¢ ALT+0162
£ ALT+0163
¥ ALT+0165
 Note    You must use the numeric keypad; using the ALT key with the number keys in
Display percentages  To display numbers as a percentage of 100 — for example, to
Display scientific notations  To display numbers in scientific (exponential) format, u

E (E-, E+, e-, e+) Displays a number in scientific (exponential) format. Excel displays a number to th
Guidelines for including text and adding spacing

If you include any of the following characters in the format_text argument, they are d

$ Dollar sign
+ Plus sign
( Left parenthesis
: Colon
^ Circumflex accent (caret)
' Apostrophe
{ Left curly bracket
< Less-than sign
= Equal sign
- Minus sign
/ Slash mark
) Right parenthesis
! Exclamation point
& Ampersand
~ Tilde
} Right curly bracket
> Greater-than sign
Space character
The format_text argument cannot contain an asterisk (*).
Using the TEXT function converts a numeric value to formatted text, and the result ca
The example may be easier to understand if you copy it to a blank worksheet.
How do I copy an example?
1. Select the example in this article.
Important  Do not select the row or column headers.

Selecting an example from Help

2. Press CTRL+C.
3. In Excel, create a blank workbook or worksheet.
4. In the worksheet, select cell A1, and press CTRL+V.
Important  For the example to work properly, you must paste it into cell A1 of the worksh
5. To switch between viewing the results and viewing the formulas that return the resu
After you copy the example to a blank worksheet, you can adapt it to suit your needs.

1 SalespersoSales Data
2 Burke 2800 39300.63
3 Dykstra 40%
4 Formula Description Result
5 sold Perio Combines cellBurke sold $2800.00 worth of units.
6 sold 0% of Combines cellDykstra accounted for 40% of the total sales.
7 Date: 1899Displays the vDate: 2007-08-06
8 Date-time: Displays the Date-time: 8/6/2007 3:00 PM
9 0.00E+00 Displays the v3.93E+04
10 TEXT(C2, " Displays the ###

See Also
Text functions (reference)
matis seperti ini ---> Periode : 1 Maret 2016 s.d. 10 Maret 2016

d 10 March 2016
sudah di bayar sebebsar Rp. 10,000,000.00 dipotong ppn
sudah di bayar sebebsar Rp.
10 Maret 2016 dipotong ppn
Monday, [$-421]07 March 2016 terbilang

dibayar Rp. 23,000,000.00

Guidelines for date and time formats

pecify the display formatting by using special format strings. This function is useful in situations where y
Display days, months, and years  To display numbers as date formats (such as da

m Displays the month as a number without a leading zero.

mm Displays the month as a number with a leading zero when appropriate.
ber group on the Home
mmm Displays the month as an abbreviation (Jan to Dec).
mmmm Displays the month as a full name (January to December).
mmmmm Displays the month as a single letter (J to D).
d Displays the day as a number without a leading zero.
dd Displays the day as a number with a leading zero when appropriate.
ddd Displays the day as an abbreviation (Sun to Sat).

dddd Displays the day as a full name (Sunday to Saturday).

yy Displays the year as a two-digit number.
yyyy Displays the year as a four-digit number.
es information to an action, an event, a method, a property, a function, or a procedure.):
umeric value, or a To
display to a cell containing
As a Use
numeric value.
this format
d in quotation marks, for example "m/d/yyyy"
Months 1–12or "#,##0.00".
"m" See the following sections for specific forma
Months 01–12 "mm"
Months Jan–Dec "mmm"
ns or numbers thatMonths
contain decimal points, include"mmmm"
January– the following digit placeholders, decimal points, and
Months J–D "mmmmm"
Days 1–31 "d"
an there are zeros in the
format. For example, if you
type "dd"
es not display extra zeros
Dayswhen the number that youSun–Sat
type has
fewer digits on either side of the decimal than there are
ds a space for insignificant
Days zeros on either side ofSunday–S"dddd"
the decimal point so that decimal points are aligned in the column. For ex
Years 00–99 "yy"
here are placeholders in
Years the format, the number rounds
to as many decimal places as there are placeho
Display hours, minutes, and seconds  To display time formats (such as hours, min

h Displays the hour as a number without a leading zero.

[h] Displays elapsed time in hours. If you are working with a formula that retur
hh Displays the hour as a number with a leading zero when appropriate. If the
m Displays the minute as a number without a leading zero.
 Note    The m or the mm code must appear immediately after the
[m] Displays elapsed time in minutes. If you are working with a formula that ret
mm Displays the minute as a number with a leading zero when appropriate.
 Note    The m or the mm code must appear immediately after the
s Displays the second as a number without a leading zero.
[s] Displays elapsed time in seconds. If you are working with a formula that re
ss Displays the second as a number with a leading zero when appropriate. If
AM/PM, am/pm, A/P, a/p Displays the hour based on a 12-hour clock. Excel displays
ands separator or to scale a number by a multiple of 1,000, include the following separator in the numbe
To display As Use this format
rates thousands by commas
Hours if the format contains0–23
a comma"h"
that is enclosed by number signs (
Hours 00–23 "hh"
Minutes 0–59 "m"
Minutes 00–59 "mm"
Seconds 0–59 "s"
Seconds 00–59 "ss"
Time 4:00 AM "h AM/PM"
Time 4:36 PM "h:mm AM/PM"
ormats (such as days,
Time months, and years),
###use the"h:mm:ss
following codes in the
Time 36:03.8 "h:mm:ss.00"
Elapsed time (hours and mi1:02 "[h]:mm"
appropriate. Elapsed time (minutes and 62:16:00 "[mm]:ss"
Elapsed time (seconds and 3735.8 "[ss].00"
Guidelines for currency, percentages, and scientific notation format

Include currency symbols  To precede a number with a dollar sign ($

To enter Use this key combination

¢ ALT+0162
£ ALT+0163
¥ ALT+0165
 Note    You
must use the numeric keypad; using the ALT key with the number keys in
Display percentages  To display numbers as a percentage of 100 — for example, to
Display scientific notations  To display numbers in scientific (exponential) format, u

E (E-, E+, e-, e+) Displays a number in scientific (exponential) format. Excel displays a numb
Guidelines for including text and adding spacing
If you include any of the following characters in the format_text argument, they are d

$ Dollar sign
+ Plus sign
( Left parenthesis
such as hours, minutes,
: and seconds), use the following
Colon codes in the
^ Circumflex accent (caret)
' Apostrophe
ormula that returns a time
{ in which the number of Left
24, use a number format that resembles
ppropriate. If the format
< contains Less-than sign
= Equal sign
fter the h or hh code or
- immediately before the Minus sign
formula that returns a/ time in which the number ofSlash markexceeds 60, use a number format that resembles
appropriate. ) Right parenthesis
fter the h or hh code or
! immediately before the Exclamation point
& Ampersand
a formula that returns ~a time in which the number Tilde
of seconds exceeds 60, use a number format that resembles
n appropriate. If you want
} to display fractions of a Right
a number format that resembles
s AM, am, A, or a for times
> from midnight until noon
and sign
Space character
The format_text argument cannot contain an asterisk (*).
Using the TEXT function converts a numeric value to formatted text, and the result ca
The example may be easier to understand if you copy it to a blank worksheet.
How do I copy an example?
1. Select the example in this article.
Important  Do not select the row or column headers.

Selecting an example from Help

2. Press CTRL+C.
3. In Excel, create a blank workbook or worksheet.
4. In the worksheet, select cell A1, and press CTRL+V.
Important  For the example to work properly, you must paste it into cell A1 of the worksh
5. To switch between viewing the results and viewing the formulas that return the resu
After you copy the example to a blank worksheet, you can adapt it to suit your needs.
gn ($), type the dollar sign at the beginning of the format_text argument (for example, "$#,##0.00"
1 SalespersoSales Data
2 Burke 2800 39300.625
3 Dykstra 40%
4 Formula Descriptio Result
5 sold Perio Combines ce
Burke sold $2800.00 worth of units.
he number keys in6 the top row of the sold 0%will
keyboard of Combines ce
Dykstra ANSI
not generate accounted for 40% of the total sales.
0 — for example, to7 display .08 as 8% or Date:
2.8 as1899Displays
280% —thincludeDate: 2007-08-06
the percent sign (
ponential) format, 8use the following exponent codesDisplays
in theth Date-time: 8/6/2007 3:00 PM
9 0.00E+00 Displays th 3.93E+04
displays a number to 10 TEXT(C2,
the right of the "E" or "e" that " Displays
corresponds th $39,300.63
to the number of places that the decimal point was moved.

gument, they are displayed exactly as entered.

xt, and the result can no longer be calculated as a number. To format a cell so that its value remains nu


ell A1 of the worksheet.

that return the results, press CTRL+` (grave accent), or on the Formulas tab, in the Formula Auditing
to suit your needs.
0.00 dipotong ppn

eful in situations where you want to display numbers in a more readable format, or you want to combine
ate formats (such as days, months, and years), use the following codes in the format_text

g zero when appropriate.


ero when appropriate.

ats (such as hours, minutes, and seconds), use the following codes in the format_text

king with a formula that returns a time in which the number of hours exceeds 24, use a number format that resembles
zero when appropriate. If the format contains AM or PM, the hour is shown based on the 12-hour clock. Otherwise, the hour

mmediately after the h or hh code or immediately before the ss code; otherwise, Excel displays the month instead of minute
orking with a formula that returns a time in which the number of minutes exceeds 60, use a number format that resembles
g zero when appropriate.
mmediately after the h or hh code or immediately before the ss code; otherwise, Excel displays the month instead of minute
ading zero.
orking with a formula that returns a time in which the number of seconds exceeds 60, use a number format that resembles
ng zero when appropriate. If you want to display fractions of a second, use a number format that resembles
xcel displays AM, am, A, or a for times from midnight until noon and PM, pm, P, or p for times from noon until midnight.
g separator in the number format.

ar sign ($), type the dollar sign at the beginning of the format_text argument (for example,

with the number keys in the top row of the keyboard will not generate ANSI codes.
f 100 — for example, to display .08 as 8% or 2.8 as 280% — include the percent sign (
c (exponential) format, use the following exponent codes in the format_text argument.

ormat. Excel displays a number to the right of the "E" or "e" that corresponds to the number of places that the decimal point
xt argument, they are displayed exactly as entered.

d text, and the result can no longer be calculated as a number. To format a cell so that its value remain

blank worksheet.

nto cell A1 of the worksheet.

mulas that return the results, press CTRL+` (grave accent), or on the Formulas tab, in the
apt it to suit your needs.
ample, "$#,##0.00"). To enter one of the following currency symbols in a number format, press NUM LO

of the total sales.

hat its value remains numeric, right-click the cell, click Format Cells, and then in the Format Cells

n the Formula Auditing group, click the Show Formulas button.

at, or you want to combine numbers with text or symbols. For example, suppose cell A1 contains the nu
format_text argument.
rmat_text argument.

er format that resembles [h]:mm:ss.

hour clock. Otherwise, the hour is shown based on the 24-hour clock.

ys the month instead of minutes.

umber format that resembles [mm]:ss.

ys the month instead of minutes.

number format that resembles [ss].

hat resembles h:mm:ss.00.
es from noon until midnight.

(for example, "$#,##0.00"). To enter one of the following currency symbols in a number format, press N

cent sign (%) in the format_text argument.


f places that the decimal point was moved. For example, if the format_text argument is "0.00E+00", Excel displays the nu
ell so that its value remains numeric, right-click the cell, click Format Cells, and then in the

s tab, in the Formula Auditing group, click the Show Formulas button.

mber format, press NUM LOCK and use the numeric keypad to type the ANSI code for the symbol.
n in the Format Cells dialog box, on the Number tab, set the formatting options you want. For more inf
se cell A1 contains the number 23.5. To format the number as a dollar amount, you can use the followi
n a number format, press NUM LOCK and use the numeric keypad to type the ANSI code for the symbo

00E+00", Excel displays the number 12,200,000 as 1.22E+07. If you change the format_text argument to
nd then in the Format Cells dialog box, on the Number tab, set the formatting options you want. For m

code for the symbol.

ns you want. For more information about using the Format Cells dialog box, click the Help button (
nt, you can use the following formula:
e ANSI code for the symbol.

t argument to "#0.0E+0", Excel displays 12.2E+6.

ng options you want. For more information about using the Format Cells dialog box, click the Help butto
click the Help button (?) in the upper right corner of the dialog box.
og box, click the Help button (?) in the upper right corner of the dialog box.
data mentah dari lapangan
Periode : 01 Maret 2016 s/d 10 Maret 2016

Dump Truck-01
1 01 Maret 2016 Batu Belah Luing Boga 1
Aspal Boga Galing 1
Pasir Kartiasa Boga 1
2 02 Maret 2016 Batu Belah R Panjang Sinam 3
3 03 Maret 2016 Pasir Kartiasa Galing 1
CA 2X3 Boga Galing 4 1
4 04 Maret 2016 LPA Boga Galing 4 1
Pasir Kartiasa Boga 1
5 05 Maret 2016 Batu Belah R Panjang Sinam 2
6 06 Maret 2016 Batu Belah R Panjang Sinam 1
LPA Boga Sinam 2
7 07 Maret 2016 Aspal Boga Galing 1
8 08 Maret 2016 Aspal Boga Galing 1
Pasir Kartiasa Boga 1
9 09 Maret 2016 Aspal Boga Galing 1
10 10 Maret 2016 Batu Kong Koci Sepandan 2

Dump Truck-02
1 01 Maret 2016 Pasir Kartiasa Boga 4
2 02 Maret 2016 Pasir Kartiasa Boga 5
3 03 Maret 2016 Aspal Boga Galing 2
4 04 Maret 2016 Batu Belah Luing Boga 7
LPA Boga Galing 4 1
5 05 Maret 2016 Semen Galing Durian 1
Batu Belah Luing Boga 1
6 06 Maret 2016 Batu Belah R Panjang Sinam 1
Batu Belah Luing Boga 2
LPA Boga Sinam 1
Row Material Boga 57
7 07 Maret 2016 Batu Belah Luing Boga 8
CA 2X3 Boga Pemangkat 1
8 08 Maret 2016 LPA Boga Galing 4 1
CA 2X3 Boga Seburuan 1
Pasir Kartiasa Boga 1
9 09 Maret 2016 Batu Belah Luing Boga 4
10 10 Maret 2016 Batu Kong Koci Sepandan 2

Dump Truck-03
1 01 Maret 2016 Batu Belah Luing Boga 1
Aspal Boga Galing 1
Pasir Kartiasa Boga 1
2 02 Maret 2016 Batu Belah R Panjang Sinam 3
3 03 Maret 2016 Pasir Kartiasa Galing 1
CA 2X3 Boga Galing 4 1
4 04 Maret 2016 LPA Boga Galing 4 1
Pasir Kartiasa Boga 1
5 05 Maret 2016 Batu Belah R Panjang Sinam 2
6 06 Maret 2016 Batu Belah R Panjang Sinam 1
LPA Boga Sinam 2
7 07 Maret 2016 Aspal Boga Galing 1
8 08 Maret 2016 Aspal Boga Galing 1
9 09 Maret 2016 Pasir Kartiasa Boga 1
Aspal Boga Galing 1
LPA Boga Galing 4 1
10 10 Maret 2016 Pasir Kartiasa Boga 1
Batu Belah R Panjang Sinam 3


Yang mau saya cari A. MATERIAL

Jenis Mat. : Batu Belah
5,000.00 5,000.00 Rit ke 1 NO. RIT
30,000.00 30,000.00 Rit ke 2 1 01 Maret 2016 1.00
10,000.00 10,000.00 Rit ke 3 2 02 Maret 2016
21,000.00 63,000.00 3 03 Maret 2016
10,000.00 10,000.00 4 04 Maret 2016
35,000.00 35,000.00 5 05 Maret 2016
35,000.00 35,000.00 6 06 Maret 2016
10,000.00 10,000.00 7 07 Maret 2016
21,000.00 42,000.00 8 08 Maret 2016
21,000.00 21,000.00 9 09 Maret 2016
14,500.00 29,000.00 10 10 Maret 2016
25,000.00 25,000.00 TOTAL 1.00
25,000.00 25,000.00
10,000.00 10,000.00
25,000.00 25,000.00
15,000.00 30,000.00

Jenis Mat. : Pasir
10,000.00 40,000.00 NO. RIT
10,000.00 50,000.00 1 01 Maret 2016
25,000.00 50,000.00 2 02 Maret 2016
5,000.00 35,000.00 3 03 Maret 2016
35,000.00 35,000.00 4 04 Maret 2016
10,000.00 10,000.00 5 05 Maret 2016
5,000.00 5,000.00 6 06 Maret 2016
21,000.00 21,000.00 7 07 Maret 2016
5,000.00 10,000.00 8 08 Maret 2016
14,500.00 14,500.00 9 09 Maret 2016
1,500.00 85,500.00 10 10 Maret 2016
5,000.00 40,000.00 TOTAL -
14,000.00 14,000.00
35,000.00 35,000.00
35,000.00 35,000.00
10,000.00 10,000.00
5,000.00 20,000.00
15,000.00 30,000.00

Jenis Mat. : Batu Belah
5,000.00 5,000.00 NO. RIT
30,000.00 30,000.00 1 01 Maret 2016
10,000.00 10,000.00 2 02 Maret 2016
21,000.00 63,000.00 3 03 Maret 2016
10,000.00 10,000.00 4 04 Maret 2016
35,000.00 35,000.00 5 05 Maret 2016
35,000.00 35,000.00 6 06 Maret 2016
10,000.00 10,000.00 7 07 Maret 2016
21,000.00 42,000.00 8 08 Maret 2016
21,000.00 21,000.00 9 09 Maret 2016
14,500.00 29,000.00 10 10 Maret 2016
25,000.00 25,000.00 TOTAL -
25,000.00 25,000.00
10,000.00 10,000.00
30,000.00 30,000.00
35,000.00 35,000.00
10,000.00 10,000.00
21,000.00 63,000.00


Dari : Luing Jenis Mat. : Batu Belah Dari : R Panjang Jenis Mat. : Aspal
DT-01 DT-01
5,000.00 5,000.00 1 01 Maret 2016 - - - 1
2 02 Maret 2016 2
3 03 Maret 2016 3
4 04 Maret 2016 4
5 05 Maret 2016 2.00 21,000.00 42,000.00 5
6 06 Maret 2016 1.00 21,000.00 21,000.00 6
7 07 Maret 2016 7
8 08 Maret 2016 8
9 09 Maret 2016 9
10 10 Maret 2016 10
5,000.00 TOTAL 3.00 63,000.00 TOTAL

Dari : Kartiasa Jenis Mat. : Batu Belah Dari : Luing Jenis Mat. : Batu Belah
DT-01 DT-01
1 01 Maret 2016 1
2 02 Maret 2016 2
3 03 Maret 2016 3
4 04 Maret 2016 4
5 05 Maret 2016 5
6 06 Maret 2016 6
7 07 Maret 2016 7
8 08 Maret 2016 8
9 09 Maret 2016 9
10 10 Maret 2016 10
Dari : Luing Jenis Mat. : Batu Belah Dari : R Panjang Jenis Mat. : Aspal
DT-01 DT-01
1 01 Maret 2016 1
2 02 Maret 2016 2
3 03 Maret 2016 3
4 04 Maret 2016 4
5 05 Maret 2016 5
6 06 Maret 2016 6
7 07 Maret 2016 7
8 08 Maret 2016 8
9 09 Maret 2016 9
10 10 Maret 2016 10

Jenis Mat. : Aspal Dari : Boga

01 Maret 2016 1.00 30,000.00 30,000.00
02 Maret 2016
03 Maret 2016
04 Maret 2016
05 Maret 2016 -
06 Maret 2016 -
07 Maret 2016 1.00 25,000.00 25,000.00
08 Maret 2016 1.00 25,000.00 25,000.00
09 Maret 2016
10 Maret 2016
TOTAL 3.00 80,000.00

Jenis Mat. : Batu Belah Dari : Boga

01 Maret 2016
02 Maret 2016
03 Maret 2016
04 Maret 2016
05 Maret 2016
06 Maret 2016
07 Maret 2016
08 Maret 2016
09 Maret 2016
10 Maret 2016
Jenis Mat. : Aspal Dari : Boga
01 Maret 2016
02 Maret 2016
03 Maret 2016
04 Maret 2016
05 Maret 2016
06 Maret 2016
07 Maret 2016
08 Maret 2016
09 Maret 2016
10 Maret 2016
no nama Nama depan nama belakang
1 ahmad fuad ahmad fuad fuad
2 theo safe'i theo safe'i
3 imron silahutang imron silahutang
4 syahrini mbalem syahrini mbalem
5 tutik metu tutik metu

01 Desember 2014 05 Desember 2014 Lansir Tanah

02 Desember 2014 10 Desember 2014 Aspal
03 Desember 2014 Pasir
04 Desember 2014 B Belah
05 Desember 2014 B Belah
06 Desember 2014 B Belah
07 Desember 2014 B Belah
08 Desember 2014 B Belah
09 Desember 2014 B Belah
10 Desember 2014 Bronjong
11 Desember 2014 B Belah
12 Desember 2014 Pasir
13 Desember 2014 Pasir
14 Desember 2014 B Kong
15 Desember 2014 Pasir
16 Desember 2014 B Belah
17 Desember 2014 B Belah
18 Desember 2014 Tanah
19 Desember 2014 Pasir
20 Desember 2014 B Belah
21 Desember 2014 Aspal
22 Desember 2014 Pasir
23 Desember 2014 CA 1X2
24 Desember 2014 Bronjong
25 Desember 2014 Buang Tanah
26 Desember 2014 B Belah
27 Desember 2014 B Belah
28 Desember 2014 Aspal
tanah galian
langsir pasir
bawa bronjong
tanah galian
7 5
8 5
9 6
10 7
11 8


Aspal 1
B Belah 2 2 7
batu pecah 3
Batu Bronjong 4
b kong 5
Pasir 6
Bronjong 7
LPB 10
01 Desember 2014 05 Desember 2014
02 Desember 2014 10 Desember 2014
03 Desember 2014
04 Desember 2014
05 Desember 2014
06 Desember 2014
07 Desember 2014
08 Desember 2014
09 Desember 2014
10 Desember 2014
11 Desember 2014
12 Desember 2014
13 Desember 2014
14 Desember 2014
15 Desember 2014
16 Desember 2014
17 Desember 2014
18 Desember 2014
19 Desember 2014
20 Desember 2014
21 Desember 2014
22 Desember 2014
23 Desember 2014
24 Desember 2014
25 Desember 2014
26 Desember 2014
27 Desember 2014
28 Desember 2014

Lansir Tanah Aspal CATATAN :

Aspal B Belah 1. Contoh disamping tersebut saya buat dengan
Pasir batu pecah satu persatu reference nya..
B Belah Batu Bronjong Jadi ketika sample tsb ada kriteria berjumlah
B Belah
B Belah
B Belah 2. Sehingga, dengan jumlah kriteria masih ada 4
B Belah material yang tidak masuk dalam kriteria..
B Belah
Bronjong 3. Ini saya buat untuk mengetahui dengan cepa
B Belah berjumlah lebih dari 25 jenis… jadi supaya m
Pasir AKAN SAYA 4. Mohon bantuan supaya saya tidak buat cond
B Kong 5. Trimakasih para guru dan master IEUG, atas
B Belah
B Belah b kong
Tanah Pasir
Pasir Bronjong
B Belah LPS
Aspal LPA
Pasir LPB
CA 1X2 Klaser
Bronjong Tanah
Buang Tanah Tanah Kong
B Belah CA 1X2
B Belah tanah galian
Aspal batu
Pasir Buang Tanah
Aspal lansir ca 2x3
tanah galian lansir pasir tanah
batu Lansir Batu
langsir pasir Lansir B Belah
tanah Lansir Pasir
bawa bronjong melayani crusher
tanah galian bawa breaker
Lansir Tanah
ersebut saya buat dengan conditional Formating->High Cells Rule-->Equal to..

sb ada kriteria berjumlah 4, maka saya 4 kali membuat conditional formating-->equal to

umlah kriteria masih ada 4, maka akan ketahuan pada kolom MATERIAL, jenis-jenis
masuk dalam kriteria..

mengetahui dengan cepat jenis material yang belum masuk kriteria, yang natinya
ri 25 jenis… jadi supaya menghindari manual condition formating 25 kali buat…

paya saya tidak buat conditional formating berulang-ulang

ru dan master IEUG, atas bantuannya

Anda mungkin juga menyukai