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1. Direct Speech Contoh Perubahan:

Direct speech merupakan cara untuk melaporkan apa yang orang telah katakan atau tulis, berupa Direct Speech Indirect Speech Penjelasan
pernyataan, pertanyaan, atau ucapan lainnya, dengan mengutip persis perkataannya. Statement (pernyataan)
Direct speech dilingkupi quotation marks (” “). Selain itu, attribution (asked, says, said, yelled, shouted, “I like eating out,” Vina said that she liked Quotation marks dihilangkan, pronoun I diganti menjadi she
replied, ordered) sering juga menyertai direct speech. said Vina. eating out. (orang ketiga), dan verb like diubah menjadi past
tense likeddengan asumsi Vina tidak lagi suka makan diluar atau
Reporting Contoh Kalimat Direct Speech penyampai berita sekedar fokus dengan past conversation.
Statement “I like roasted garlic mashed potatoes,” said Wenny. Namun verb bisa tetap like jika penyampai berita yakin pernyataan
(Saya suka kentang tumbuk bawang putih panggang.) tersebut masih valid, misalnya karena disampaikan segera setelah
Imperative “Shut up the window!” she shouted. penyampai berita mendengar perkataan tersebut.
Yes-no question “Did you eat my cake?” he asked. Lihat: Modifikasi verb pada reported speech
Information request It was my uncle who asked, “Where is my smartphone?” Question(pertanyaan)
“Have you He wanted to know Whether/if ditambahkan untuk menyampaikan berita berupa yes-no
finished your whether I had finished question yang telah didengar sebelumnya.
ATURAN: homework?” he my homework.
No Aturan Contoh Kalimat Direct Speech asked.
1 Direct speech berada di dalam quotation marks dan ditemani “I think he’ll angry,” Budi said. Imperative(perintah, instruksi, saran)
oleh attribution (asked, says, said, yelled, shouted, replied, (“Saya pikir dia akan marah,” kata Budi.) “Wake up now!” She told me to wake up at Now (time) menjadi at that time atau then, sedangkan verb
ordered). Attribution dapat berada di sebelum, di tengah-tengah, she shouted. that time. menjadi infinitive pada reporting command.
dan setelah kutipan. Pelajari attribution.
2 Tanda baca: comma (,), full stop (.), exclamation mark (!), Ferdy said, “I’m going to marry her.”
atau question mark (?) dtempatkan sebelum tanda kutip yang (Kata Ferdy, “Saya akan menikahinya.”)
kedua sesuai dengan macamdirect speech-nya.
Pelajari penggunaan quotation Marks bersama punctuation
I. Change the following sentences into the other kind of speech!
3 Setiap pembicara baru dimulai pada paragraph baru. “Have you finished your work?” asked a. “Did they go to surabaya yesterday?”
Tina. b. Dr. Mustofa said “The success people are they who try to be a professional people in a professional
“Sure,” I replied community”
c. “Submitt your assignment next week!” our lecturer said
2. Indirect Speech d. “Behave!”
Indirect speech atau reported speech adalah suatu cara mengungkapkan apa yang orang lain (speaker) telah e. She says to her friend that he has been reading
katakan secara langsung (direct/quoted speech) berupa pernyataan, pertanyaan, atau ucapan lainnya dengan f. He will say, “ The girl wasn’t ugly “
mengubah format pembicaraan tersebut sehingga menjadi lebih jelas, alami, dan efisien bagi pendengarnya. g. Reza said that he was very sleepy
Logikanya, seorang penyampai berita tidak melaporkan persis setiap kata yang diucapkan oleh seseorang. h. He has told you that he is writing
Sebaliknya pada indirect speech, perkataan disampaikan dengan mengubah formatnya agar menjadi lebih i. Mother said to her son, “ study hard “
jelas, alami, dan efisien bagi pendengarnya. j. My friend said to me that he didn’t like football
k. She said, “ I didn’t go to campus
Reporting Contoh Kalimat Direct Speech Contoh Kalimat Reported Speech II. Revise the text below by changing the direct speech into inderect speech
Statement “I’m not hungry now.” He said that he was not hungry at that time. Our beloved Prophet (SAW) always emphasized on fair dealings in business with the customers. He
Imperative “Do not touch my computer!” She told me not to touch her computer. said, “God shows mercy to a person who is kindly when he sells, when he buys and when he makes a claim.”
Yes-no question “Did you eat my cake?” She wanted to know if I’d eaten her cake. Islam encourages an honest trader greatly and offers a high rank on the Day of Judgment. A
Information “Who is the winner?” He asked me who the winner was. businessman will be honored along with the martyrs but the conditions are sincerity, truthfulness, honesty
question etc in dealings. Our Prophet says, “The Truthful and honest merchant is associated with the prophets, the
upright and martyrs.”
3. Mengubah Direct Speech Menjadi Indirect Speech
Secara umum direct speech dapat diubah menjadi indirect speech dengan menghilangkan quotation
marks dan capital letter (huruf awal pada kata di dalam quotation marks yang dihilangkan),
menambahkan kata that/whether/if, menyesuaikan pronoun, verb, dan/atau time reference.

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