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Sekolah : SMPN 2 Darma

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/ Semester : IX / Dua
Materi Pokok : Text Narrative Berbentuk Cerita Rakyat
Skill : Listening dan Speaking
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 Menit ( 2 JP)

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)

3.7 Membandingkan fungsi
3.7.1 Menyebutkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan pada
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
teks naratif dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
kebahasaan beberapa teks
fairytales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks
naratif lisan dan tulis dengan
memberi dan meminta
3.7.2 Menentukan fungsi sosial teks naratif dengan memberi dan
informasi terkait fairytales,
meminta informasi terkait fairytales, pendek dan sederhana,
pendek dan sederhana, sesuai
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
dengan konteks penggunaannya
4.7 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, 4.7.1 Menemukan informasi tersurat dan tersirat dalam teks naratif
struktur teks, dan unsur dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairytales,
kebahasaan teks interaksi pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
transaksional lisan dan tulis 4.7.2 Menjelaskan kembali cerita narrative terkait fairytales pendek
yang melibatkan tindakan dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait keadaan/
tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian
tanpa perlu menyebutkan
pelakunya sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.
(perhatikan unsur kebahasaan
passive voice)

1. Narative text
A. Definition of Narative text
Narrative text is a text that tells a cronological story in the past tense. The Aim of Narrative text is to
entertain and informing the readers and listeners through the amusing story.
B. The Generic Structure of Narrative Text
Narrative text usually has three main parts, those are orientation, complication, and resolution

 Orientation tells about the setting in time and place, and characters
 Complication(s) tells bout problem (s) to be solved by characters
 Resolution describes the solution to the complication (s) and gives an ending to the story
Most of the stories are narratives. A story is usually entertaining, but it is also educating. It means that
there must be a leson or moral value that the writer wants to share to the reader or the listeners. We can
take one example, there is a story under title “The Empty Pot”. The moral; od “The Empty Pot” is that
we have to be honest and responsible for what we have to do.

C. The language Features of Narrative Text

The language features that used in writing narrative text are
 Use simple past tense
 Use action verbs (met, ate, brought,etc.)
 Saying verbs ( said, promised, exclaimed, etc)
 Thinking verbs (thought, felt, understood, etc.)
 Adjectives (pretty, clever, tired, hot, big, wooden, etc.)
 Conjuntions and time connectives (and then, but, after that, next, etc.)
 Adverbs and adverb phrases of place, time, manner (once upon a time, at night, early in the morning,
hurriedly, etc.)

Look the following example !

Tabel 1 The structure of Narrative Text

Structure The Conten Of the Story

Once upon a time in West Java, Indonesia, lived a princess named Dayang
Sumbi. She was beautiful and kind-hearted. Her hobby was weaving
cloth. But sometimes she could be very lazy. One day her weaving tool
fell, but she was too lazy to get it herself. She shouted out, “Can anybody
help me get my tool? If you are a female, I will take you as my sister. If
you are a male, I will marry you!”
Series of event A male creature came, but it was a dog. His name was Tumang. He
happily brought the tool to her. Dayang Sumbi was very surprised, but
she kept her promise. She married the dog. Tumang was actually a man
who had been cursed by a witch to become a dog. But at certain times
Tumang could turn back to be a normal man. Their only son, Sangkuriang,
was soon born, and he grew up to be a handsome and healthy boy. He
always played with his very loyal dog, Tumang. He did not know that he
was actually his father, because Dayang Sumbi hid the secret from him.
Sangkuriang liked to hunt in the woods, of course with Tumang.
Complication One day Dayang Sumbi asked him to bring home a deer’s heart. But,
after hunting for several days, he could not fi nd any deer in the woods.
He did not want to disappoint his mother and was thinking hard how to
bring home a deer’s heart. Suddenly, he had a very bad idea.

Resolution Finally, He killed Tumang! Then, he brought his heart home and gave it to
(optional) Dayang Sumbi.

D. Types of Narrative text

The kinds of narrative texts :
 Fairy Tales
The story about imaginary creature and magic. The story about fairy world.
 Folklores
There are three kinds of folklore. Those are legends,myths,folktale
 Fable
The character of the story is animals.
 Mysteries
The story about mysteries or solving the problem in a story, for example Conan Detctive.
 Science Fiction
The story that has related with spectacular sain and technology that available in the story only.
 Romance
The story about roamantic love.
 Horror Stories
The story about a gost or corelate with something scary.
 Adventure Stories
The story about an advanture.
 Myth
The story about something unreal
2. The Folklores
In this chapter we are going to focus on fairy tales and Folklores only. So lets begin
Lead – in:
Do you believe in magic?
Have you ever read a story with magis in it?
Do you remember the title of the story?
Fairy tale is Narrative text. The story tells about imaginary creature and magic. The example of fairy
tales are, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, etc.
As with most narratives, fairy tales usually consist of three parts:
 Orientation
This part is usually found in the firdt paragrapgh. In this part , the writer introduce the characters and
the setting (time or place) of the story.
 Complication(s)
In this part, the main character faces a complication or crisis.
 Resolution(s)
This part tells how the complicatiion or crisis is resolve. If there is motre than one complication, there
might more than one resolution. (What did the story end?)

Activity 1
Listen to the legend of Sangkuriang!
Activity 2

Look at those picture and rearrange the pictures!

Beauty and the Beast

Structure The Conten Of the Story

One day , an old man named Maurice was travelling past the castle. It was
raining so hard that he decided to enter the castle. When the Beast saw him,
he captured him.

While Belle was staying at the castle, the Beast slowly changed. He was not
mean anymore. Belle began to like him and, in the end, they fell in love with
each other. Right after she declared her love for him, the spell was broken.
The Beast and his servants became human again. Then, the Beast and Belle
got married. They lived happily ever after.

Once,on a rainy dark night, a woman came to his castle. She was old and
ugly. The prince didn’t like her and sent her away. After he spent the woman
away, she turned into a beautiful fairy. She cast a spell over the prince and his
castle. The prince became a beast. He was no longer good looking. He looked
very ugly instead and all his servants turned into furniture.
After some time, Maurice’s daughter, Belle, began to worry about him. She
started to look for him. Finally, she arrived at the castle and she found her
father there. She asked the Beast to let her father go, but he refused. Belle,
then agreed to stay in the castle so that her father could go home.

A long time ago, there was a prince. He was good looking and very rich. He
lived in beautiful castle, together with his staff and servants

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