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Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum.

Kelas X



Unit Kerja
SMK Muhammadiyah 1

Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X


Told : Mengatakan
Envirenmental : Lingkungan
Start(ed) : Mulai
Think : Berpikir/rasa
Verb : Kata kerja
Behave : Bersikap/berperilaku
Bedroom : Tempat tidur
Problem(s) : Masalah
Adult : Dewasa
Argue : Berdebat
Destination : Tujuan
Unlike : Tidak Seperti

Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X


Membanggakan, menjual,
mengkritik, dsb.


- Kosakata dan instilah - Identifikasi (nama
terkait dengan tempat wisata keseluruhan dan bagian)
dan bangunan bersejarah Descriptive - Sifat (ukuran, warna, jumlan,
terkenal. Text bentuk, dsb)
- adverb - Fungsi, manfaat, tindakan,
- ucapan, tekanan, intonasi kebiasaan

Lingkungan sosial dan sekolah

Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X


A. Identitas Modul
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas :X
Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 menit (3x pertemuan)
Judul Modul : Which one os your best getaway?

B. Kompetensi Dasar


3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, 4.4 Teks Deskriptif
dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks deskriptif 4.4.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual
lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta terkait fungsi sosial, struktu teks, dan unsur
informasi terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan kebahasaan teks deskriptif, lisan dan tulis,
bersejarah tekenal, pendek dan sederhana, pendek dan sederhana, terkait tempat wisata
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal.
4.4.2 Menyusun teks dekriptif lisan dan tulis,
pendek dan sederhana, terkait tempat wisata
dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsru kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai

C. Deskripsi Singkat Materi

Ada banyak jenis teks dalam bahasa Inggris, salah satunya descriptive text. Kalian pasti sudah
pernah mendengar tentang descriptive text saat SMP. Di pelajaran bahasa Inggris kelas 10
ini, descriptive text dipelajari kembali dengan lebih terperinci dan tentunya topik teksnya lebih
luas lagi.
Menurut kamus Oxford, descriptive adalah menggambarkan atau mengklasifikasikan dengan
cara yang obyektif dan tidak menghakimi, ditambahkan dari Merriam Webster teks ini
menyajikan pengamatan tentang ciri-ciri seseorang atau sesuatu. Jadi pelajaran teks ini
mengandalkan pancaindra untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu yang sudah kamu amati. Berikut
penjelasan lebih rinci tentang descriptive text.

D. Petunjuk Penggunaan Modul

Modul ini dibagi menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu:
 Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1
 Kegiatan Pembelajaran 2
 Kegiatan Pembelajaran 3

Untuk memudahkan kalian mempelajari modul ini, perhatikanlah hal-hal berikut:

 Bacalah modul ini dengan teliti
 Bacalah referensi lain yang dapat menambah pengetahuan dan wawasan Kalian mengenai
materi tentang teks deksriptif lisan dan tulis.
 Kerjakan setiap latihan sesuai dengan petunjuk yang diberikan
Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X

 Konsultasi dengan guru , teman , dan orang lain yang dapat membantu kalian apabila
menemui kesulitan
 Gunakan kamus bila diperlukan

E. Materi Pembelajaran
Modul ini terbagi menjadi 2 kegiatan pembelajaran dan di dalamnya terdapat uraian materi, contoh
soal, soal latihan dan soal evaluasi.

Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1 : Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran 1 akan dibahas materi mengenai

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif

Kegiatan Pembelajaran 2 : Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran 2 akan diulas kembali materi yang
telah di bahas di kegiatan pembelajaran 1 dan kemudian Kalian
akan berlatih menyusun dialog terkait saran dan tawaran sendiri.

Kegiatan Pembelajaran 3 : Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran 3 akan diulas kembali materi yang
telah di bahas di kegiatan pembelajaran 2 dan kemudian Kalian
akan berlatih menyusun dialog terkait saran dan tawaran sendiri.

Berikut ini adalah uraian singkat materi teks deksriptif.

• Fungsi sosial
Membanggakan, menjual, mengagumi, mengenalkan, mengidentifikasi, mengkritik, dan sebagainya.

• Struktur Teks
 Identifikasi (nama keseluruhan dan bagian)
 Sifat (ukuran, warna, jumlah, bentuk, dsb)
 Fungsi, manfaat, tindakan, kebiasaan.

• Unsur Kebahasaan
 Kata benda yang terkait dengan tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan
atau tanpa a dan the, plural (-s), this, that, those, my, his, dst.
 Kata sifat untuk mendeskripsikan tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah di sekitar
lingkungan peserta didik dengan atau tanpa kata keterangan seperti quite, very, extremely,
 Kata kerja untuk menyatakan keadaan, lokasi, dan kenyataan dalam simple present tense.
 Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi.
 Ejaan dan tanda baca.

• Konteks
Lingkungan sosial dan sekolah

Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X


A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah kegiatan pembelajaran 1 ini, kalian diharapkan untuk:
1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif sesuai
dengan konteksnya
2. Mengidentifikasi berbagai ungkapan yang digunakan dalam teks deskriptif
3. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif sesuai
konteks penggunaannya.

B. Uraian Materi
Pada kegiatan pembelajaran 1 ini kalian akan membaca dan mempelajari ungkapan dan
kosakata terkait dengan tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal sesuai dengan
konteksnya. Ayo kita mulai kegiatan belajar kita dengan memahami ungkapan dan kosakata
sesuai tengan konteksnya.

1. What come to your mind after seeing the picture?

2. Have you ever been there?

Task 1
a) First, you will read silently to understand the description of tourist spots below.
Make sure that you know the meaning of every word and every part of those texts.
b) Second, read out each text (text 1,2, and 3) loudly and meaningfully as if you were
introducing or promoting that place and take a note on your notebook if you find
some words that you do not understand. Then consult the dictionary. If possible,
record your voice. (Read loudly as if you were a tour guide).

Text 1

Komodo island is located between

Sumbawa and Flores, along western Nusa
Tenggara Timur, and is popular for the presence of
giant Monitor Lizards known as Komodo Dragons.
The island is arid, rugged and barren and forms a
part of the Komodo National Park and Marine
Reserve. Aerial views prove that it is inarguably,
among the most beautiful places in Indonesia.
The best time to visit the park is during the dry season, which runs from
April to December.
Besides spotting endangered Komodo dragons, a range of activities can
be enjoyed at the Komodo National Park such as go for kayaking, diving,
trekking or the guided island tours.

Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X

Around Komodo Island can be relatively easy, but to get to Komodo, you
first need to travel to Bali and then to Labuan Bajo by either plane or boat, and
finally to Komodo Island by boat. A couple of local airlines fly from Bali to Labuan
Bajo on Flores Island.

Text 2

The Taj Mahal is a white marble mausoleum

recognised as 'the jewel of Muslim art in India'. It is
regarded as one of the finest examples of Mughal
architecture – an amalgamation of Persian, Turkish
and Indian styles.
The most impressive in the Taj Mahal complex next to the tomb, is the main
gate, which stands majestically in the centre of the southern wall of the forecourt.
The gate is flanked on the north front by double arcade galleries. The garden in front
of the galleries is subdivided into four quarters by two main walkways and each
quarters in turn subdivided by the narrower cross-axial walkways, on the Timurid-
Persian scheme of the walled in garden. The enclosure walls on the east and west
have a pavilion at the centre.
The Taj Mahal is a perfect symmetrical planned building, with an emphasis
of bilateral symmetry along a central axis on which the main features are placed.
The building material used is brick-in-lime mortar veneered with red sandstone and
marble and inlay work of precious/semi precious stones. The mosque and the guest
house in the Taj Mahal complex are built of red sandstone in contrast to the marble
tomb in the centre. Both the buildings have a large platform over the terrace at their
front. Both the mosque and the guest house are the identical structures. They have
an oblong massive prayer hall consist of three vaulted bays arranged in a row with
central dominant portal. The frame of the portal arches and the spandrels are
veneered in white marble. The spandrels are filled with flowery arabesques of stone
intarsia and the arches bordered with rope molding.
The Taj Mahal is located on the right bank of the Yamuna River in a vast
Mughal garden that encompasses nearly 17 hectares, in the Agra District in Uttar
Pradesh. It was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz
Mahal with construction starting in 1632 AD and completed in 1648 AD, with the
mosque, the guest house and the main gateway on the south, the outer courtyard
and its cloisters were added subsequently and completed in 1653 AD. The existence
of several historical and Qur’anic inscriptions in Arabic script have facilitated setting
the chronology of Taj Mahal.

Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X

Text 3

Derawan Island is a favorite place for

exploring marine life. There are many rare animals
such as the green turtle, the scarlet turtle, star fruit
turtle and sea cow. The place is also home to many
rare species of marine plants and coral reef. It is also
a good place for scuba diving, pearl diving, fishing,
swimming and other water sports.
The entire marine conservancy region covers a total area of no less than 1.27
million hectares. It is the perfect tropical qparadise with warm, isolated islands, soft
white sand beaches fringed with waving palm trees, pristine seas that change color
from green to deep blue, and an amazing underwater life of giant turtles, dolphins,
manta rays, dugongs and barracudas, stingless jellyfish and sometimes, whales.
Here, you can find 460 different species of corals, ranking this area second only to
the Raja Ampat Islands in West Papua. The Nature Conservancy and a team of
international experts also found more than 870 species of fish here, ranging from
tiny pygmy seahorses to giant manta rays. So, if you love marine life and water sport,
Darawan island is waiting for you.
It is located just away from the mainland of East Kalimantan in the district of
Berau, the Derawan archipelago comprises 31 islands, most well-known among
these are the islands of Derawan, Maratua, Sangalaki and Kakaban. Here is
Indonesia’s largest nesting site of the rare and endangered giant green turtles and
hawksbill turtles, where one can daily watch turtles lay their eggs in the sand or
swim to sea with the turtles.
The best time to visit this fascinating island is during the months of
September and March, when temperatures are much cooler-in the vicinity of 27°C
with pleasant sea breezes.

Setelah membaca text di atas, apakah kalian menemukan ungkapan, fungsi sosial dan unsur
kebahasaaan yang digunakan dalam teks deskriptif?
Nah, sekarang ayo pahami makna dari ungkapan, fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan dalam
teks deskriptif. Untuk itu coba kerjakan Task 2.

Task 2.
In a group of four, discuss the social functions of each text.

Task: Read text 1, 2 and 3 one more time then analize its structure using this table. Text 1
has been done as an example.

Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X

Text 1
Parts of text Functions of the Parts
1. Identification (name) To identify the place

“Komodo island is located 1) The name

between Sumbawa and Komodo Island
Flores, along western Nusa 2) The location
Tenggara Timur,” Between Sumbawa and Flores
2. Characteristic Describe the place in more detailed information.

1. Paragraph 1 1. Condition
The island is arid, rugged  Arid, rugged, and barren
and barren and forms a  Aerial views.
part of the Komodo
National Park and 2. Visiting time
 The dry season – April to December.
Marine Reserve. Aerial
views prove that it is
inarguably, among the
most beautiful places in

2. Paragraph 2
The best time to visit the
park is during the dry
season, which runs from
April to December.
Function/benefit/activity Describe activity that can be done at the place.

3. Paragraph 3 3. Activity
Besides spotting  Spotting endangered Komodo dragons
endangered Komodo dragons, a  Kayaking
range of activities can be  Diving
enjoyed at the Komodo  Trekking
National Park such as go for
4. Transportation
kayaking, diving, trekking or  Plane
the guided island tours.  Boat
Around Komodo Island
can be relatively easy, but to get
to Komodo, you first need to
travel to Bali and then to
Labuan Bajo by either plane or
boat, and finally to Komodo
Island by boat. A couple of local
airlines fly from Bali to Labuan
Bajo on Flores Island.

Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X

Text 2 or Text 3
Parts of text Functions of the Parts
1. Identification (name) _____________________________________

_________________________________ 1) The name

_______________________________ __________________________
2) The location
2. Characteristic ___________________________________________________________

1. Paragraph 1 1. __________________________
_____________________________  ____________________________
_____________________________  _________________________
2. ______________________________
 _________________________________
2. Paragraph 2
 _________________________________
_____________________________ 3. The Location
___________________________  _______________________________________

3. Paragraph 3 4. Visiting time

_____________________________  _______________________________________
4. Paragraph 4

Function/benefit/activity ____________________________________________________

Paragraph 1 5. Activity
_____________________________  Scuba diving
______________________________________  __________________
6. Activity
 ________________________
 __________________
Paragraph 3

Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X

Practice 1
One member of the group, read the text loudly and meaningfully.

Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House, a world-class performing arts venue and iconic
Australian landmark, defines the Sydney Harbour in the heart of the city. Designed by
Danish architect Jorn Utzon, the structure is a masterpiece of late 20th-century
architecture, despite challenges that plagued the 15- year project before it was formally
opened by Queen Elizabeth II in 1973. Distinguished by soaring halls with a white
ceramic-tiled exterior shaped to evoke the sails of a yacht, this UNESCO World Heritage
Site is a must- see Sydney attraction.
The Sydney Opera House is a
highlight of any city tour or harbor cruise,
and it is well worth an up-close look, too. It’s
best explored as part of a guided tour, either
a guided walking option that hits highlights of
the building's history and architecture or an
in- depth tour that goes backstage to concert
halls, green rooms, and studios usually off-
limits to visitors. Given that this is a functioning performance venue, visitors can also
experience the Opera House by attending a show, whether pairing a theater
performance with dinner as part of an evening package, or dining along the waterfront
before a night of ballet.
Attending a performance at the Opera House is a must for music, dance, and
theater fans. Tickets for tours and events often sell out, so it’s best to book in advance.
Public areas of the complex are wheelchair accessible, and accessible show
seating is available for all performances (seats must be pre-booked, and availability is
Unless visiting on a guided tour, travelers are unable to access the Concert Hall
and Joan Sutherland Theatre foyers or performance spaces. The Opera House complex
contains restaurants, bars, cafes, shops, and outdoor plazas.

Task 2: Answer these questions

1. What is the writer’s recommendation in visiting Sydney Opera House?
2. When reading the text?What might a music lover do?
3. What does the text tell us about?
4. What are the shells on top of the Sydney Oper House based upon?
5. Who was the Sydney Opera House opened by?

Task 3: Read the above text one more time then analize its langguage elemen
using this table.
Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X

1. A sentence in the first paragraph containing important facts about the tourist
spot: (1) the name and (2) the location; the verb in the
1) _________________________________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________________________

2. A sentence or sentences in the first and second paragraph containing all
important facts about the tourist spot: (1) the condition and (2) the visiting time;
the verb in the present tense.

3. A sentence or sentences in the third paragraph containing all important facts
about the subject of the tourist spot: (3) Activity;
- ________________________________________________________

C. Rangkuman
 Fungsi sosial dari teks deskriptif adalah untuk mendeskripsikan, menjelaskan,
menggambarkan atau mengungkapkan seseorang, atau suatu benda dari bentuk,
sifat, jumlah dan lain-lain.
 Struktur teks
• Identifikasi (pendahuluan berupa gambaran umum tentang suatu topik, atau
pengenalan objek atau hal yang dideskripsikan)
• Deskripsi (berisi informasi tentang ciri-ciri khusus yang dimiliki benda, tempat,
atau orang yang di deskripsikan. Misalnya sifat-sifat, tampilan fisik, dan hal lain
yang dituliskan dengan spesifik.
 Unsur kebahasaan
• Noun (menggunakan kata benda yang spesifik, seperty misalnya my cat, my
boyfriend, National Monument, Selain itu, sering juga menggunakan adjective
(kata sifat) untuk memperjelas penggunaan noun (kata benda), seperti a big
house, a smart student, an independence woman)
• Simple present tense (menggunakan kata kerja dasar atau bentuk pertama (V 1)
serta menggunakan kata kerja yang dapat menunjukkan kepemilikan atau
keadaan sebuah objek)
• Adjective (Kata sifat digunakan untuk menjelaskan objek)
• Figurative language (menggunakan bahasa yang figurative atau menggambarkan
sesuatu. Biasanya menggunakan sebuah metafora untuk memberikan ilustrasi
kepada pembaca)

D. Penugasan Mandiri
Baca dan pelajari berbagai contoh teks deskriptif dari berbagai sumber. Perhatikan
ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan dalam berbagai bentuk. Tulis dan cari arti dari
ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut.
E. Penilaian Diri
Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X

Setelah mempelajari materi di atas dan mengerjakan laihan yang diberikan, silahkan
isi jawaban dari pernyataan berikut ini dengan memberi tkalian centang (V) pada
kolom berikut :
No Pernyataan Ya Tidak
1 Saya berdoa sebelum dan sesudah melakukan kegiatan belajar
menggunakan modul ini.
2 Saya belajar menggunakan modul ini secara terjadwal
3 Saya mengerjakan modul ini sendiri tanpa bantuan orang lain
4 Saya sudah memahami fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks deskriptif.
5 Saya dapat menyusun teks deskriptif sederhana tentang benda,
orang atau tempat bersejarah.

Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X


A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah kegiatan pembelajaran 2 ini kalian diharapkan mampu:
1. Memberikan pertanyaan pemantik terkait masalah lingkungan:
1. We have read and viewed some texts about tourist destinations, what do you
think about it?
2. How was your survey news and visitors of a tourist destination during the
pademic of COVID-19?
3. What have you learned about descriptive text?
2. Membawakan teks yang telah dibuat.

B. Uraian Materi
Setelah membaca contoh-contoh teks dan mempelajari materi tentang cara membuat
teks deskriptif di kegiatan pembelajaran 1, dalam kegiatan pembelajaran 2 ini Kalian
akan belajar membuat teks deskriptif sendiri berisi tentang hewan, orang, benda ata
tempat bersejarah. Sebelum membuat teks deskriptif sendiri.

Ayo kita mulai berlatih dengan menbuat teks deskriptif bersama.

Task 1
Choose one tourist destination or a faous hostorical building that you ever visited,
describe it by filling in the following mind mapping


View Activity
___________ ___________

How to go

Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X


C. Latihan Soal
Excercise 1:
Read out these two captions (text 1 and text 2) loudly and meaningfully and take a note
on your notebook if you find some words that you do not understand. Then consult the
Text 1

What a ride: Jakartans enjoy a trial run of the first phase of the Jakarta MRT, which
connects Lebak Bulus in South Jakarta to the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central
Jakarta, on Tuesday. City-owned PT MRT Jakarta is carrying out a free trial of its new
service until March 24, aiming to attract 285,000 passengers. (The Jakarta
Post/Wendra Ajistyatama)

Text 2

In this Sept. 20, 2018 photo, 5th grade teacher Heather Dalton, center, works with
students Julian Ryno, left, and Ma'Kenley Burns, doing math problems on the
Dream Box system at Charles Barnum Elementary School in Groton, Conn. A wide
array of apps, websites and software used in schools borrow elements from video
games to help teachers connect with students living technology-infused lives. —AP
Photo/Michael Melia

Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X

Exercise 2:
Read these two captions (text 1 and text 2) one more time. Then answer the following
questions for each text. Write your answer with a complete answer on your notebook.

1. What is the text about?

2. Who are in the picture?
3. What do they do based on the picture?
4. Where did the picture publish?
5. Why did the writer write this text?

Exercise 3:
Read out text 4 below then answer the questions that follow! Handwrite your complete
answers on your notebook.

Text 3
Tongkonan is the traditional ancestral
house, or Rumah adat of the Torajan people, in
South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Tongkonan have a
distinguishing boat-shaped and oversized
saddleback roof. Like most of Indo's Austronesian-
based traditional architecture tongkonan are built
on piles. The construction of tongkonan is
laborious work and it is usually built with the help
of all family members or friends. In the original
Toraja society, only nobles had the right to build
tongkonan. Commoners live in smaller and less -
decorated homes called ba Tongkonan are customarily built facing north-south. Dominating
the entire structure is the saddleback roof with gables that are dramatically upswept. The
internal space is small in comparison with the overwhelming roof structure that covers it.
Interiors are typically cramped and dark with few windows, however, most of daily life is
lived outside the homes, with interiors simply intended for sleeping, storage, meetings and
occasionally protection.
A large tongkonan can take a crew of ten about three months to build and another
month to carve and paint the outside walls. Bamboo scaffold is erected for the duration of the
construction phase. Traditionally tongue and groove joinery has been used without the need
for nails. A number of components are pre-fabricated with final assembly in-situ. Although
built on a log cabin-style sub-structure, tongkonan are set on large vertical wooden piles with
mortises cut into their ends to grasp the horizontal tie beams. The tops of the piles are
notched for the longitudinal and transverse beams that support the upper structure. The
remainder of the sub-structure is assembled in-situ. The transverse beams are fitted into the
notched piles, and then notched to fit the longitudinal beams. Side panels, which are often
decorated, are then formed on these main horizontal beams. The distinctive curved roof
shape is obtained through a series of vertical hanging spars supporting upwardly angled
beams. A vertical free-standing pole supports that portion of the ridge pole extending beyond
the ridge purlin. Bamboo staves bound with rattan are assembled transversely in layers and
tied longitudinally to the rafters forming the roof. The under roofing is of bamboo culm.
Wooden boards laid over thick hardwood joists form the floors. Nowadays, zinc roofing
sheets and nails are increasingly used.
The tongkonan at Ke'te' Kesu' is reputed to be 500 years old; too old to trace a direct
descendant from the founder to maintain the title that goes with the house. The buildings
themselves, however, are constantly maintained and renewed, thus this age refers to the

Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X

a) What is the text about?
b) Who might be interested in reading this text?
c) What is the purpose of writing each text?
d) What is the benefit of reading this text?
e) What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
f) Mention 5 words from the text that you are not familiar with!

Please compare this text with the text of taj mahal that you learn on the first and
second meeting. Write their similarities and differences in the following grid.
Similarities Differences

D. Penilaian Diri
Setelah mempelajari materi di atas dan mengerjakan laihan yang diberikan, silahkan
isi jawaban dari pernyataan berikut ini dengan memberi tkalian centang (V) pada
kolom berikut :
No Pernyataan Ya Tidak
1 Saya berdoa sebelum dan sesudah melakukan kegiatan belajar
menggunakan modul ini.
2 Saya belajar menggunakan modul ini secara terjadwal
3 Saya mengerjakan modul ini sendiri tanpa bantuan orang lain
4 Saya sudah memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks deskripsi.
5 Saya dapat menyusun teks deskripsi sederhana dengan benar dan
sesuai konteks.

Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X


A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah kegiatan pembelajaran 3 ini kalian diharapkan mampu:
1. Menganalisis makna secara kontekstual fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks lisan berbentuk deskriptif secara kritis, kreatif dan santun terkait
topik lingkungan fisik dan sosial masyarakat dengan tingkat kelancaran dan
ketepatan yang optimal.
2. Menangkap makna secara kontekstual fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebhasaan teks lisan berbentuk deskriptif secara kritis, kreatif dan santun terkait
topik lingkungan fisik dan sosial masyarakat dengan tingkat kelancaran dan
ketepatan yang optimal.

B. Uraian Materi
Setelah membaca contoh-contoh teks dan mempelajari materi tentang cara membuat
teks deskriptif di kegiatan pembelajaran 2, dalam kegiatan pembelajaran 3 ini Kalian
akan belajar membuat teks deskriptif sendiri berisi tentang hewan, orang, benda ata
tempat bersejarah. Setelah itu kalian diminta untuk mempresentasikannya di depan

Listening to the script. Then fill in the blanks.

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) is a culture-based 1________________ area

located in East Jakarta, Indonesia. It has an area of about 2. _______________________ acres
(1.0 km2). The park is a miniature of Indonesian culture, with virtually all
3________________ of daily life in Indonesia's provinces. There are many 4___________________
pavilions with the collections of Indonesian 5________________, clothing, dances and
traditions. Apart from that, there is a lake with a miniature of the 6. ________________ in the
middle of it. Cable cars, museums, Keong Emas Imax cinema, a theater 7________________
the Theater Tanah Airku and other recreational 8_____________ which make TMII one of
the most popular tourist destinations in the city.

Listening Script

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) is a culture based recreational area located in
East Jakarta, Indonesia. It has an area of about 250 acres (1.0 km2). The park is a
miniature of Indonesian culture, with virtually all aspects of daily life in Indonesia's
provinces. There are many separate pavilions with the collections of Indonesian
architecture, clothing, dances and traditions. Apart from that, there is a lake with a
miniature of the archipelago in the middle of it. Cable cars, museums, Keong Emas
Imax cinema, a theater called the Theater Tanah Airku and other recreational
facilities which make TMII one of the most popular tourist destinations in the city.

Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X

Answer the question based on what you’ve been heard.

1. What makes Taman Mini Indonesia Indah attractive?
2. How large is Taman Mini Indonesia Indah?
3. What are the pavilions?
4. What is the purpose of the text?

a) Guru menceritakan satu tempat menarik yang baru dikunjungi. Ini menjadi
contoh bagi siswa untuk melaksanakan aktiftas selanjutnya.
b) Guru meminta siswa untuk bercakap-cakap secara berpasangan tentang tempat-
tempat menarik.
c) Pada saat siswa bercakap-cakap, guru berkeliling untuk memonitor aktiftas
siswa. Jika ada siswa yang kesulitan,guru bisa membantu dengan bertanya atau
memberikan contoh.
d) Siswa yang menceritakan pengalamannya dengan bagus dalam aktivitas
berpasangan selanjutnya diminta untuk menceritakan pengalamannya untuk
seluruh kelas.

(Last month I went to Bali. There are a lot of interesting places there. One of them is Kuta
Beach. What is interesting in Kuta Beach is the sunset. Alright, students. Now it‟s time for
you to talk about interesting places with your friends. Have you visited an interesting
place recently? What makes it interesting? Tell your friends.)

Pair Work
1. Have you ever visited a waterfall or other natural tourists objects?
2. What is interesting or not interesting about the place? Will you recommend that
place to your friends? Why? Take turns describing the places.

Vocabulary Builder
Read the text about Visiting Niagara Falls. After you read it, scan the text quickly to find
the English equivalents for the Indonesian words below. You are given the dashes and
some letters of the English words as the clues. Each dash represents a letter. After you
find the words, compare your answer to your friends’.

Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X

Listen to your teacher reading these words. Repeat after him/her.


Niagara Falls is the collective name for three

waterfalls that cross the international border between
the Canadian province of Ontario and the USA’s state of
New York. They form the southern end of the Niagara
Gorge. From largest to smallest, the three waterfalls are
the Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls and the Bridal
Veil Falls. The Horseshoe Falls lie on the Canadian side
and the American Falls on the American side. They are
separated by Goat Island. The smaller Bridal Veil Falls are
also located on the American side, separated from the
other waterfalls by Luna Island. There are various
attractions that people can enjoy in Niagara Falls, six of
them are described here.
The first to enjoy in Niagara Falls is Cave of the Winds. This attraction helps people get
closer to the falls and go face-to-face with the pounding waters of the Falls. People can get
soaked on the Hurricane Deck where they are just feet from the thundering waters. Waterproof
clothing and sandals are provided. A trip at night when the Falls are illuminated in a rainbow of
color is really amazing.
The second charm is Maid of the Mist Boat Tour. It is a world-famous scenic boat tour
of the American and Canadian Falls for about a half-hour ride. People may access the tour via
the Observation Tower elevator at Prospect Point in the state park. The boat operates mid-May
until late October.

Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X

The next to visit in Niagara Falls is Niagara Adventure Theater. Here tourists may
enjoy the most powerful and involving film experience that brings reality to life on a 45-foot
screen. Audience members are given the priviledge to discover the thundering Falls from a
completely new and exhilarating perspective, and plunge over them. The theater shows hourly
and free multi-language headsets are made available.
Niagara Science Museum is another place to visit. It is a sanctuary for the preservation
and appreciation of old science instruments and philosophical apparatus.
The fifth point of interest is Niagara’s Wax Museum of History. Here, life-size wax
figures portraying dramatic history of Niagara Falls are presented to guests. They can see Fort
Niagara Scene, Indian Village, old store, blacksmith and barber shop scenes and how electricity
is made. Wax figures of Julia Roberts, Princess Diana and many more are displayed here, too.
Finally, people can also enjoy Rainbow Air Helicopter Tours above and around the
American and Canadian Falls. The tours start from downtown, next to the entrance to the
Rainbow Bridge, and open from 9am to dusk when weather permits. The tours operate every
day from second weekend in May until October 31st.
The Niagara Falls are renowned both for their beauty and as a valuable source of
hydroelectric power. Managing the balance between recreational, commercial, and industrial
uses has been a challenge for the stewards of the falls since the 19th century.

(Adapted from: and
C. Latihan Soal

Task 1.
Match paragraphs 2 – 7 above with pictures a – f as follows. Paragraph 4 is done for you
as an example.

Paragraph 2 ________________ Paragraph 3 ________________ Paragraph 4 C

Paragraph 5 ________________ Paragraph 6 ________________ Paragraph 7 ________________

Answer the following questions by referring to the text “Visiting Niagara Falls”

Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X

1. Where is Niagara Falls located?

2. Mention the three waterfalls that form the Niagara Falls.
3. What can people enjoy in the Cave of the Winds?
4. Can people ride on the Maid of the Mist Boat Tour in January?
5. Where can people watch a film of the thundering falls with completely different
6. Can the tourists enjoy the film in their own language?
7. What is kept in Niagara Science Museum?
8. What is shown in Niagara’s Wax Museum of History?
9. Where can people see the story of how electricity was made?
10. Is it possible for people to have Rainbow Air Helicopter Tours at night?
11. If you had an opportunity to visit Niagara Falls, which attraction would you visit
first? Why?
12. Can you find a place of similar beauty to Niagara Falls in your area? Tell your
classmates about the place.

Complete the following sentences using the words in the box. Remember to use the
correct forms.

1. Waves are ______________ against the pier. You can hear the sound very clearly.
2. In the morning, the small town is covered in __________.
3. Explore Cheddar _______________ through photos in the internet. They inspire you to
come and visit.
4. Her shoes got ___________ as she walked through the wet grass.
5. Don’t forget to bring your _____________ jacket. It’s dark outside, it’s likely going to
6. Somerset ______________ help her forget her complicated problems.
7. Christiano Ronaldo came to Bali to campaign for the ______________ of the
8. The street lights go on at ___________. Without the lights, car drivers cannot see the
traffic in front of them.
9. Look at that side. An ________________ sign flashed on and off.
10. This is a region of ______________ beauty. All areas are covered with trees; clean water
flows uninterrupted, and fresh air fills the sky.
11. I remember having an ___________ walk to Mount Bromo two years ago.
12. The Rainbow bridge ___________ Niagara River.
13. On her last vacation, her car swerved and __________ off the cliff.
14. The ______ of the nature reminds him of God’s greatness.
15. Tropical forest in Borneo is the largest wildlife __________ in Indonesia.


Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X

Passive voice atau kalimat pasif digunakan untuk menunjukkan ketertarikan pada
seseorang atau objek yang dikenai tindkan dan bukan seseorang atau objek yang
melakukan tidakan. Kalimat pasif sering digunakan dalam teks formal.

Task 2. Refer back to the text and find at least five sentences written in passive voices.
Change the sentences into active voices.


Task 3. Refer back to the text again and find five sentences written in active voices.
Change the sentences into passive voices.


Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X

Work in pairs. Try to remember one interesting place you’ve visited. Tell your friends
about the place.

Complete the following chart to understand the structure of the descriptive text in the
Reading Comprehension.

At the end of this chapter, ask yourself the following questions to know how effective
your learning process is.

Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X

1. What have you learned from this chapter?

2. Can you do all the exercises here?
3. What is your plan to improve your ability in describing places?


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