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Core Team Perencanaan dan Pengawasan

Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah


Atas Rahmat Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, pelaksanaan PEKERJAAN PENGUJIAN

terlaksana dan atas rahmat-Nya pula kami dapat menyelesaikan laporan ini.
Dalam laporan ini akan disampaikan hasil pengujian struktur dan kesimpulan. Hasil
pekerjaan ini merupakan suatu amanah yang kami jaga dan kami sajikan
berdasarkan data - data pendukung yang kami dapat dari pemberi kerja.

Kami atas nama CV. Sigerindo Konsultan menyampaikan terima kasih atas
kerjasama dan kepercayaan yang diberikan kepada kami untuk melaksanakan
pekerjaan ini. Semoga laporan final ini dapat bermanfaat.

Banjarmasin, September 2021

Hormat kami,
CV. Sigerindo Konsultan

Joni Irawan, ST., MT


BAB 1. PENDAHULUAN ......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Latar Belakang ............................................................................................... 1
1.2 Maksud dan Tujuan ........................................................................................ 1
1.3 Lokasi Kegiatan Pengujian ............................................................................. 1
1.4 Lingkup Kegiatan .......................................................................................... 2
1.5 Waktu Pemeriksaan ...................................................................................... 2
BAB 2. METODOLOGI PELAKSANAAN .................................................................... 3
2.1 Survey Instansional, Koordinasi dan Review Dokumen .................................... 3
2.2 Pemeriksaan Khusus ..................................................................................... 3
2.2.1 Non Destructive Test (NDT) ................................................................... 4 Pengujian Kerapatan Mutu Beton (UPV Test) .................................. 4
BAB 3. DATA HASIL PEMERIKSAAN ....................................................................... 9
3.1 Umum .......................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Hasil Pemeriksaan Pengujian ........................................................................ 10
3.2.1 Hasil Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test (UPV Test) ...................................... 10
BAB 4. KESIMPULAN .......................................................................................... 47
4.1 Kesimpulan .................................................................................................. 47

Gambar 1.1 Lokasi Pengujian (a) Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa (b) Pile Slab
Jembatan Asam Baru ........................................................................................... 1
Gambar 2.1 Metode Pengambilan Pulse Velocity (a) Direct Transmission (b) Semi-
direct Transmission, (c) Indirect/Surface Transmission .......................................... 5
Gambar 2.2 Alat UPV Pundit Versi Digital .............................................................. 6
Gambar 2.3 Pemeriksaan UPV Pundit Test (a) Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa (b)
Pile Slab Asam Baru ............................................................................................. 7
Gambar 2.4 Bagan Alir / Flowchart Pelaksanaan UPV Pundit Test ............................ 8
Gambar 3.1 Layout Struktur (a) Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa (b) Pile Slab
Jembatan Asam Baru ........................................................................................... 9

Tabel 2.1 Kriteria penilaian pengujian dengan gelombang ultrasonik ....................... 5

Tabel 3.1 Perhitungan Direct or Indirect Pulse Velocity Pile Slab Tumbang Nusa .... 10
Tabel 3.2 Perhitungan Direct or Indirect Pulse Velocity Pile Slab Asam Baru........... 26
Tabel 3.3 Nilai Pulse Velocity dan Kriteria Beton Pile Slab Tumbang Nusa .............. 32
Tabel 3.4 Nilai Pulse Velocity dan Kriteria Beton Pile Slab Tumbang Nusa .............. 39
Tabel 3.5 Estimasi Korelasi Pulse Velocity Dengan Mutu Beton Pile Slab Tumbang
Nusa ................................................................................................................. 41
Tabel 3.6 Estimasi Korelasi Pulse Velocity Dengan Mutu Beton Pile Slab Asam Baru 46

1.1 Latar Belakang

Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa terletak di Jalan Ahmad Yani, Kecamatan
Jabirenraya – Kabupaten Pulangpisau, Kalimantan Tengah. Sedangkan Pile Slab
Jembatan Asam Baru terletak di Jalan Jendral Sudirman, Kecamatan Danau
Seluluk – Kabupaten Seruyan, Kalimantan Tengah. Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang
Nusa terbentang di jalan trans Kalimantan poros selatan menghubungkan
Palangkaraya dan Banjarmasin. Sedangkan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru
terbentang dijalan trans Kalimantan Sampit – Pangkalanbun. Pihak owner Ingin
mengetahui kondisi struktur beton pada bangunan Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang
Nusa dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru.
Oleh karena itu, dilakukan pengujian untuk mengetahui kondisi beton
eksisting dengan metode UPV Pundit Test.

1.2 Maksud dan Tujuan

Maksud dan tujuan kegiatan ini adalah sebagai berikut:

a. Mendapatkan informasi kondisi dan mutu material eksisting beton dengan
Non Destructive Test,
b. Memperoleh laporan hasil uji lapangan,
c. Memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan/perkuatan bila diperlukan.

1.3 Lokasi Kegiatan Pengujian

Kegiatan dilakukan pada Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa yang terletak di
Jalan Ahmad Yani, Kecamatan Jabirenraya – Kabupaten Pulangpisau, Kalimantan
Tengah, sedangkan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru yang terletak di Jalan Jendral
Sudirman, Kecamatan Danau Seluluk – Kabupaten Seruyan, Kalimantan Tengah
Sedangkan pengolahan data hasil pengujian dilakukan di Kantor CV. Sigerindo
Konsultan, Banjarbaru.

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 1

Gambar 1.1 Lokasi Pengujian (a) Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa (b)
Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru

1.4 Lingkup Kegiatan

Lingkup kegiatan yang dilakukan pada struktur Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang
Nusa dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru meliputi Pengujian Ultrasonic Pulse
Velocity Test (UPV) untuk mengetahui estimasi kuat tekan, kepadatan dan
homogenitas beton serta rekomendasi perkuatan/perbaikan bila diperlukan.

1.5 Waktu Pemeriksaan

Waktu pemeriksaan untuk Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa dilaksanakan
pada hari Jum’at sampai Sabtu tanggal 27 - 28 Agustus 2021. Sedangkan waktu
pemeriksaan untuk Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru dilaksanakan pada hari Senin
tanggal 30 Agustus 2021.

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 2

Metodologi pelaksanaan pemeriksaan serta pengujian Pile Slab Jembatan

Tumbang Nusa dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru secara umum diuraikan dalam
tahapan sebagai berikut:

2.1 Survey Instansional, Koordinasi dan Review Dokumen

Kegiatan meliputi koordinasi dengan pihak terkait untuk menentukan arah
kegiatan dan proses sinkronisasi rencana kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan
perijinan dan koordinasi wilayah pemeriksaan pada bangunan, review dokumen
dan data eksisting bangunan dari pihak owner.

Dokumen-dokumen teknis struktur yang dimiliki oleh pemilik bangunan

sangat penting untuk dicermati sebelum dilakukan pemeriksaan. Data-data yang
bersumber pada dokumen tersebut harus diverifikasi dengan pemeriksaan
lapangan bila dianggap perlu. Sementara data-data penting yang tidak tersedia
harus dapat diperoleh melalui pemeriksaan lapangan. Dokumen teknis struktur
antara lain:

 Dokumen-dokumen dan gambar-gambar perencanaan

 Dokumen-dokumen dan gambar-gambar pelaksanaan (As-built-drawing)
 Dokumen-dokumen sertifikat bahan dan hasil uji bahan

2.2 Pemeriksaan Khusus

Merupakan pengamatan/pengujian/pengukuran yang dilakukan lebih cermat
dan mendetail yang merupakan tindak lanjut dari pengamatan kerusakan pada
pemeriksaan visual. Pemeriksaan khusus dilakukan untuk memperoleh data yang
lebih akurat dari kerusakan yang terjadi pada elemen bangunan khususnya
elemen struktural.

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 3
2.2.1 Non Destructive Test (NDT) Pengujian Kerapatan Mutu Beton (UPV Test)

a. Umum
Metoda pengujian dilakukan dengan alat PUNDIT dikembangkan berdasarkan
prinsip bahwa kecepatan rambat gelombang yang melalui suatu media padat
bergantung pada sifat-sifat elastik media padat tersebut. Jika digunakan dengan
baik dan benar, alat ini dapat memberikan informasi yang banyak mengenai
kondisi bagian permukaan ataupun bagian dalam beton. Alat ini secara tak
langsung juga dapat memberikan informasi mengenai nilai kuat tekan beton, jika
hubungan antara sifat-sifat elastik suatu benda padat dengan nilai kuat tekannya
Sebuah sinyal getaran longitudinal yang dihasilkan transduser elektroakustik,
yang dibuat dengan cara kontak dengan permukaan beton yang akan diuji. Ketika
sinyal ditransmisikan dari transduser melalui permukaan beton menggunakan
cairan penghubung seperti minyak atau pasta selulosa, beton mengalami berbagai
refleksi pada material-material yang berbeda di dalamnya. Sebuah sistem yang
lengkap dari perkembangan gelombang tegangan, termasuk di dalamnya
gelombang longitudinal dan gelombang geser dan merambat melalui beton.
Gelombang pertama yang ditangkap oleh tranduser penerima yaitu gelombang
longitudinal dan dikonversi menjadi sinyal elektrik oleh transduser kedua.

b. Standar
Pengujian UPV Pundit dilakukan berdasarkan BS 1881 : Part 203: 1986 dan
ASTM C597-16. Didalam standar ini dijelaskan bahwa tranduser penerima
mendeteksi datangnya komponen pulse yang tiba lebih awal. Pengukuran Pulse
Velocity dapat dilakukan dengan 3 metode, antara lain:

 Direct transmission
 Semi-direct transmission
 Indirect/surface transmission

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 4
(a) (b)


Gambar 2.1 Metode Pengambilan Pulse Velocity (a) Direct

Transmission, (b) Semi-direct Transmission, (c) Indirect / Surface

Tabel 2.1 Kriteria penilaian pengujian dengan gelombang ultrasonik

Pulse Velocity (m/s) Concrete conditions

Concrete > 4500 Excellent
Quality 3500 - 4500 Good
3000 – 3500 Medium
< 3000 Doubtful

c. Peralatan
Peralatan UPV Pundit terdiri dari:

 UPV Pundit Lab+ Versi Digital

 Gurinda
 Media kalibrasi
 Ultrasonic gel/Grease
 Meteran
 Sikat Kawat

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 5
Gambar 2.2 Alat UPV Pundit Versi Digital
d. Metode Pelaksanaan
Metode pelaksanaan UPV Pundit dibagi tiga tahap pelaksanaan yaitu:
 Persiapan Lokasi Uji
Tahapan ini adalah persiapan awal untuk menentukan dan mempersiapkan
lokasi titik uji. Penentuan lokasi uji didasarkan dengan kondisi beton
dengan permukaaan yang relatif bagus diantara lainnya. Setelah itu
meratakan permukaan titik uji (flattening) dengan gerinda dan memberi
tanda lokasi uji dengan pilox (marking).
 Persiapan Alat
Tahapan ini adalah menyetel alat UPV Pundit sesuai keperluan kemudian
dikalibrasi sesuai ketentuan pada benda uji kalibrasi (Oles permukaan
benda uji dengan Gel Ultrasonik).
 Pengujian
Sesuai penjelasan singkat standar yang dipakai, terdapat tiga metode
pengambilan pulse velocity. Untuk pengambilan dengan direct transmission
sangat direkomendasikan karena hasil yang paling akurat namun
keterbatasan pengambilannya di lapangan, pada semi-direct hasil yang
diperoleh bisa dibilang sangat akurat, dan yang terakhir adalah
indirect/surface transmission merupakan metode yang paling buruk
hasilnya dibanding metode yang lainnya, namun butuh direduksi agar
hasilnya mendekati nilai pulse velocity direct transmission. Setiap
melakukan pengujian diwajibkan mengoleskan ultrasonik gel pada beton
yang akan diuji.

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 6

Gambar 2.3 Pemeriksaan UPV Pundit Test (a) Pile Slab Jembatan
Tumbang Nusa (b) Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 7
e. Flowchart Pelaksanaan
Berikut adalah bagan alir Pelaksanaan UPV Pundit Test.

Gambar 2.4 Bagan Alir /Flowchart Pelaksanaan UPV Pundit Test

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 8

3.1 Umum
Awal pemeriksaan diperlukan data-data terkait yang akan diuji. Berikut
adalah data inventarisasi sebagai acuan awal gambaran struktur yang akan diuji.
Nama Struktur : Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab
Asam Baru
Tahun Pemeriksaan : Agustus 2021
Struktur Utama : Struktur Beton Bertulang


Gambar 3.1 Layout Struktur (a) Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan
(b) Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 9
3.2 Hasil Pemeriksaan Pengujian
3.2.1 Hasil Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test (UPV Test)
Pemeriksaan dilakukan berdasarkan nilai yang dihasilkan PUNDIT. Hasil
tersebut kemudian diolah dan menghasilkan output seperti gambar di bawah ini.

Concrete Pulse
Velocity Value

Gambar 3.2 Output UPV Testing (Example)

Hasil Indirect pulse velocity perlu diolah agar menghasilkan nilai direct pulse
velocity. Berdasarkan Guidebook on Non-destructive testing of concrete
structures, Ch. based on ASTM C215 Test Method for Fundamental
Transverse, Longitudinal, and Torsional Resonant Frequencies of Concrete
Specimens konversi Indirect factor ke direct factor dengan meningkatkan hasil
velocity sebesar 5% -30%. Dalam kasus kali ini diambil nilai indirect factor
sebesar 10%.
Tabel 3.1 Perhitungan Direct or Indirect Pulse Velocity Pile Slab Jembatan
Tumbang Nusa

Test Location Average

No ID Distance Indirect/Direct Direct
Velocity Velocity
Test Sample Location Type (m) Factor** Velocity
[m/s] [m/s]
1 3900 0.350 1,0 3900
2 3926 0.350 1,0 3926
Section Pile
3 U-1 3944 0.350 1,0 3944 3923
406 Atas
4 3971 0.350 1,0 3971
5 3874 0.350 1,0 3874
6 4020 0.360 1,0 4020
7 3980 0.360 1,0 3980
8 Section Pile 1,0 3848
U-2 3848 0.360 4014
406 Bawah
9 4131 0.360 1,0 4131
10 4089 0.360 1,0 4089
11 U-3 Section Pile 3971 0.350 1,0 3971 3985

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 10
12 407 Atas 3975 0.350 1,0 3975
13 3966 0.350 1,0 3966
14 3984 0.350 1,0 3984
15 4030 0.350 1,0 4030
16 4049 0.350 1,0 4049
17 4007 0.350 1,0 4007
18 Section Pile 1,0 4077
U-4 4077 0.350 4044
407 Bawah
19 4007 0.350 1,0 4007
20 4082 0.350 1,0 4082
21 4035 0.350 1,0 4035
22 3998 0.350 1,0 3998
23 Section Pile 1,0 3957
U-5 3957 0.350 3993
408 Atas
24 3993 0.350 1,0 3993
25 3984 0.350 1,0 3984
26 3803 0.350 1,0 3803
27 3832 0.350 1,0 3832
Section Pile
28 U-6 3823 0.350 1,0 3823 3854
408 Bawah
29 3815 0.350 1,0 3815
30 3998 0.350 1,0 3998
31 4169 0.350 1,0 4169
32 4160 0.350 1,0 4160
Section Pile
33 U-7 4165 0.350 1,0 4165 4142
409 Atas
34 4184 0.350 1,0 4184
35 4030 0.350 1,0 4030
36 4007 0.350 1,0 4007
37 4007 0.350 1,0 4007
Section Pile
38 U-8 4049 0.350 1,0 4049 3995
409 Bawah
39 3993 0.350 1,0 3993
40 3917 0.350 1,0 3917
41 4256 0.350 1,0 4256
42 4174 0.350 1,0 4174
Section Pile
43 U-9 4150 0.350 1,0 4150 4173
410 Atas
44 4194 0.350 1,0 4194
45 4091 0.350 1,0 4091
46 3896 0.350 1,0 3896
47 4016 0.350 1,0 4016
Section Pile
48 U-10 3896 0.350 1,0 3896 3949
410 Bawah
49 4016 0.350 1,0 4016
50 3922 0.350 1,0 3922
51 4112 0.330 1,0 4112
52 Section Pile 4008 0.330 1,0 4008
U-11 4065
53 411 Atas 4097 0.330 1,0 4097
54 4082 0.330 1,0 4082

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 11
55 4027 0.330 1,0 4027
56 4035 0.350 1,0 4035
57 4040 0.350 1,0 4040
Section Pile
58 U-12 4087 0.350 1,0 4087 4010
411 Bawah
59 4016 0.350 1,0 4016
60 3874 0.350 1,0 3874
61 4003 0.330 1,0 4003
62 3960 0.330 1,0 3960
Section Pile
63 U-13 3955 0.330 1,0 3955 3968
412 Atas
64 3979 0.330 1,0 3979
65 3945 0.330 1,0 3945
66 3621 0.330 1,0 3621
67 3570 0.330 1,0 3570
Section Pile
68 U-14 3706 0.330 1,0 3706 3658
412 Bawah
69 3710 0.330 1,0 3710
70 3681 0.330 1,0 3681
71 4012 0.350 1,0 4012
72 3931 0.350 1,0 3931
Section Pile
73 U-15 3953 0.350 1,0 3953 3933
413 Atas
74 3948 0.350 1,0 3948
75 3819 0.350 1,0 3819
76 3786 0.350 1,0 3786
77 3874 0.350 1,0 3874
Section Pile
78 U-16 3971 0.350 1,0 3971 3901
413 Bawah
79 3913 0.350 1,0 3913
80 3962 0.350 1,0 3962
81 3911 0.360 1,0 3911
82 3976 0.360 1,0 3976
Section Pile
83 U-17 3894 0.360 1,0 3894 3930
415 Atas
84 3994 0.360 1,0 3994
85 3873 0.360 1,0 3873
86 3954 0.360 1,0 3954
87 3869 0.360 1,0 3869
88 Section Pile 1,0 4011
U-18 4011 0.360 3897
415 Bawah
89 3725 0.360 1,0 3725
90 3928 0.360 1,0 3928
91 3989 0.360 1,0 3989
92 3836 0.360 1,0 3836
93 Section Pile 1,0 3573
U-19 3573 0.360 3874
416 Atas
94 3941 0.360 1,0 3941
95 4029 0.360 1,0 4029
96 Section Pile 3772 0.360 1,0 3772
U-20 3814
97 416 Bawah 3804 0.360 1,0 3804

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 12
98 3857 0.360 1,0 3857
99 3744 0.360 1,0 3744
100 3894 0.360 1,0 3894
101 4016 0.350 1,0 4016
102 3931 0.350 1,0 3931
Section Pile
103 U-21 3866 0.350 1,0 3866 3957
417 Atas
104 4026 0.350 1,0 4026
105 3944 0.350 1,0 3944
106 3917 0.350 1,0 3917
107 4082 0.350 1,0 4082
Section Pile
108 U-22 3909 0.350 1,0 3909 3845
417 Bawah
109 3734 0.350 1,0 3734
110 3584 0.350 1,0 3584
111 4030 0.350 1,0 4030
112 3917 0.350 1,0 3917
Section Pile
113 U-23 3840 0.350 1,0 3840 3918
418 Atas
114 3953 0.350 1,0 3953
115 3849 0.350 1,0 3849
116 4101 0.350 1,0 4101
117 4072 0.350 1,0 4072
Section Pile
118 U-24 4007 0.350 1,0 4007 4115
418 Bawah
119 4189 0.350 1,0 4189
120 4205 0.350 1,0 4205
121 4174 0.360 1,0 4174
122 4169 0.360 1,0 4169
Section Pile
123 U-25 4094 0.360 1,0 4094 4125
420 Atas
124 4131 0.360 1,0 4131
125 4057 0.360 1,0 4057
126 4199 0.360 1,0 4199
127 4253 0.360 1,0 4253
128 Section Pile 1,0 4141
U-26 4141 0.360 4195
420 Bawah
129 4160 0.360 1,0 4160
130 4223 0.360 1,0 4223
131 4248 0.340 1,0 4248
132 4264 0.340 1,0 4264
133 Section Pile 1,0 4164
U-27 4164 0.340 4224
421 Atas
134 4264 0.340 1,0 4264
135 4180 0.340 1,0 4180
136 4206 0.340 1,0 4206
137 4164 0.340 1,0 4164
138 Section Pile 1,0 4139
U-28 4139 0.340 4094
421 Bawah
139 3730 0.340 1,0 3730
140 4232 0.340 1,0 4232

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 13
141 4106 0.350 1,0 4106
142 4155 0.350 1,0 4155
143 Section Pile 1,0 4044
U-29 4044 0.350 4094
422 Atas
144 4091 0.350 1,0 4091
145 4072 0.350 1,0 4072
146 4016 0.350 1,0 4016
147 3798 0.350 1,0 3798
Section Pile
148 U-30 3726 0.350 1,0 3726 3885
422 Bawah
149 3944 0.350 1,0 3944
150 3940 0.350 1,0 3940
146 4384 0.350 1,0 4384
147 4395 0.350 1,0 4395
Section Pile
148 U-31 4335 0.350 1,0 4335 4364
423 Atas
149 4367 0.350 1,0 4367
150 4340 0.350 1,0 4340
151 4068 0.350 1,0 4068
152 4007 0.350 1,0 4007
Section Pile
153 U-32 4016 0.350 1,0 4016 4053
423 Bawah
154 4145 0.350 1,0 4145
155 4030 0.350 1,0 4030
156 3832 0.350 1,0 3832
157 3998 0.350 1,0 3998
Section Pile
158 U-33 3883 0.350 1,0 3883 3908
425 Atas
159 3857 0.350 1,0 3857
160 3971 0.350 1,0 3971
161 4174 0.350 1,0 4174
162 4096 0.350 1,0 4096
Section Pile
163 U-34 3552 0.350 1,0 3552 3993
425 Bawah
164 4049 0.350 1,0 4049
165 4096 0.350 1,0 4096
166 4393 0.360 1,0 4393
167 4377 0.360 1,0 4377
Section Pile
168 U-35 4399 0.360 1,0 4399 4388
427 Atas
169 4442 0.360 1,0 4442
170 4330 0.360 1,0 4330
171 4453 0.360 1,0 4453
172 4453 0.360 1,0 4453
Section Pile
173 U-36 4011 0.360 1,0 4011 4357
427 Bawah
174 4475 0.360 1,0 4475
175 4393 0.360 1,0 4393
176 4054 0.350 1,0 4054
177 4096 0.350 1,0 4096
Section Pile
178 U-37 4049 0.350 1,0 4049 4012
429 Atas
179 3931 0.350 1,0 3931
180 3931 0.350 1,0 3931
181 U-38 Section Pile 4160 0.350 1,0 4160 4024

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 14
182 429 Bawah 3926 0.350 1,0 3926
183 4054 0.350 1,0 4054
184 4040 0.350 1,0 4040
185 3940 0.350 1,0 3940
186 4411 0.350 1,0 4411
187 4411 0.350 1,0 4411
Section Pile
188 U-39 4378 0.350 1,0 4378 4365
431 Atas
189 4324 0.350 1,0 4324
190 4303 0.350 1,0 4303
191 4389 0.350 1,0 4389
192 4308 0.350 1,0 4308
Section Pile
193 U-40 4240 0.350 1,0 4240 4256
431 Bawah
194 4384 0.350 1,0 4384
195 3957 0.350 1,0 3957
196 4335 0.360 1,0 4335
197 4289 0.360 1,0 4289
Section Pile
198 U-41 4273 0.360 1,0 4273 4311
432 Atas
199 4309 0.360 1,0 4309
200 4351 0.360 1,0 4351
201 3933 0.360 1,0 3933
202 4258 0.360 1,0 4258
Section Pile
203 U-42 3915 0.360 1,0 3915 4144
432 Bawah
204 4253 0.360 1,0 4253
205 4361 0.360 1,0 4361
206 3878 0.350 1,0 3878
207 3766 0.350 1,0 3766
Section Pile
208 U-43 3878 0.350 1,0 3878 3763
437 Atas
209 3485 0.350 1,0 3485
210 3807 0.350 1,0 3807
211 3823 0.350 1,0 3823
212 3730 0.350 1,0 3730
Section Pile
213 U-44 3849 0.350 1,0 3849 3803
437 Bawah
214 3803 0.350 1,0 3803
215 3811 0.350 1,0 3811
216 4225 0.350 1,0 4225
217 4082 0.350 1,0 4082
Section Pile
218 U-45 4135 0.350 1,0 4135 4104
442 Atas
219 4058 0.350 1,0 4058
220 4021 0.350 1,0 4021
221 3848 0.360 1,0 3848
222 3911 0.360 1,0 3911
Section Pile
223 U-46 4025 0.360 1,0 4025 3997
442 Bawah
224 4179 0.360 1,0 4179
225 4020 0.360 1,0 4020
226 4304 0.360 1,0 4304
227 3907 0.360 1,0 3907
Section Pile
228 U-47 4131 0.360 1,0 4131 4154
443 Atas
229 4258 0.360 1,0 4258
230 4169 0.360 1,0 4169
231 U-48 Section Pile 4399 0.360 1,0 4399 4308

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 15
232 443 Bawah 4325 0.360 1,0 4325
233 4309 0.360 1,0 4309
234 4238 0.360 1,0 4238
235 4268 0.360 1,0 4268
236 4103 0.360 1,0 4103
237 4126 0.360 1,0 4126
Section Pile
238 U-49 4136 0.360 1,0 4136 4123
446 Atas
239 4145 0.360 1,0 4145
240 4103 0.360 1,0 4103
241 4048 0.360 1,0 4048
242 3954 0.360 1,0 3954
Section Pile
243 U-50 3570 0.360 1,0 3570 3913
446 Bawah
244 3907 0.360 1,0 3907
245 4084 0.360 1,0 4084
246 4120 0.350 1,0 4120
247 3891 0.350 1,0 3891
248 U-51 - 3891 0.350 1,0 3891 3897
249 3878 0.350 1,0 3878
250 3706 0.350 1,0 3706
251 4287 0.350 1,0 4287
252 4324 0.350 1,0 4324
253 U-52 - 4116 0.350 1,0 4116 4188
254 4205 0.350 1,0 4205
255 4007 0.350 1,0 4007
256 4389 0.350 1,0 4389
257 4205 0.350 1,0 4205
258 U-53 - 4179 0.350 1,0 4179 4190
259 4012 0.350 1,0 4012
260 4165 0.350 1,0 4165
261 4445 0.350 1,0 4445
262 4308 0.350 1,0 4308
263 U-54 - 4220 0.350 1,0 4220 4340
264 4428 0.350 1,0 4428
265 4297 0.350 1,0 4297
266 4094 0.360 1,0 4094
267 4155 0.360 1,0 4155
268 U-55 - 4098 0.360 1,0 4098 4122
269 4141 0.360 1,0 4141
270 4122 0.360 1,0 4122
271 4346 0.360 1,0 4346
272 3945 0.360 1,0 3945
273 U-56 - 4189 0.360 1,0 4189 4257
274 4420 0.360 1,0 4420
275 4383 0.360 1,0 4383
276 4228 0.360 1,0 4228
277 4199 0.360 1,0 4199
278 U-57 - 4066 0.360 1,0 4066 4166
279 4150 0.360 1,0 4150
280 4189 0.360 1,0 4189
281 U-58 - Pile 4448 0.360 1,0 4448 4292

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 16
282 Bawah 4165 0.360 1,0 4165
283 4314 0.360 1,0 4314
284 4223 0.360 1,0 4223
285 4309 0.360 1,0 4309
286 4388 0.360 1,0 4388
287 4304 0.360 1,0 4304
288 U-59 - 4294 0.360 1,0 4294 4317
289 4304 0.360 1,0 4304
290 4294 0.360 1,0 4294
291 4165 0.350 1,0 4165
292 4561 0.350 1,0 4561
293 U-60 - 4329 0.350 1,0 4329 4411
294 4450 0.350 1,0 4450
295 4549 0.350 1,0 4549
296 4282 0.350 1,0 4282
297 4297 0.350 1,0 4297
298 U-61 - 4101 0.350 1,0 4101 4224
299 4215 0.350 1,0 4215
300 4225 0.350 1,0 4225
301 4271 0.350 1,0 4271
302 4210 0.350 1,0 4210
303 U-62 - 4245 0.350 1,0 4245 4242
304 4319 0.350 1,0 4319
305 4165 0.350 1,0 4165
306 4372 0.360 1,0 4372
307 4399 0.360 1,0 4399
308 U-63 - 4253 0.360 1,0 4253 4281
309 4184 0.360 1,0 4184
310 4199 0.360 1,0 4199
311 4431 0.360 1,0 4431
312 4372 0.360 1,0 4372
313 U-64 - 4208 0.360 1,0 4208 4340
314 4377 0.360 1,0 4377
315 4314 0.360 1,0 4314
316 4243 0.360 1,0 4243
317 4145 0.360 1,0 4145
318 U-65 - 4184 0.360 1,0 4184 4168
319 4080 0.360 1,0 4080
320 4189 0.360 1,0 4189
321 4426 0.360 1,0 4426
322 4346 0.360 1,0 4346
323 U-66 - 4459 0.360 1,0 4459 4381
324 4372 0.360 1,0 4372
325 4304 0.360 1,0 4304
326 4220 0.350 1,0 4220
327 4245 0.350 1,0 4245
328 U-67 - 4210 0.350 1,0 4210 4229
329 4271 0.350 1,0 4271
330 4199 0.350 1,0 4199
331 U-68 - Pile 4351 0.350 1,0 4351 4305

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 17
332 Bawah 4282 0.350 1,0 4282
333 4351 0.350 1,0 4351
334 4324 0.350 1,0 4324
335 4215 0.350 1,0 4215
336 4329 0.350 1,0 4329
337 4351 0.350 1,0 4351
338 U-69 - 4303 0.350 1,0 4303 4305
339 4282 0.350 1,0 4282
340 4261 0.350 1,0 4261
341 4329 0.350 1,0 4329
342 4230 0.350 1,0 4230
343 U-70 - 4199 0.350 1,0 4199 4242
344 4276 0.350 1,0 4276
345 4174 0.350 1,0 4174
346 4434 0.350 1,0 4434
347 4367 0.350 1,0 4367
348 U-71 - 4367 0.350 1,0 4367 4348
349 4324 0.350 1,0 4324
350 4250 0.350 1,0 4250
351 4400 0.350 1,0 4400
352 4345 0.350 1,0 4345
353 U-72 - 4362 0.350 1,0 4362 4369
354 4367 0.350 1,0 4367
355 4373 0.350 1,0 4373
356 4400 0.350 1,0 4400
357 4378 0.350 1,0 4378
358 U-73 - 4406 0.350 1,0 4406 4383
359 4384 0.350 1,0 4384
360 4345 0.350 1,0 4345
361 4400 0.350 1,0 4400
362 4044 0.350 1,0 4044
363 U-74 - 4428 0.350 1,0 4428 4347
364 4549 0.350 1,0 4549
365 4313 0.350 1,0 4313
366 4099 0.340 1,0 4099
367 3998 0.340 1,0 3998
368 U-75 - 4129 0.340 1,0 4129 4075
369 4065 0.340 1,0 4065
370 4084 0.340 1,0 4084
371 4114 0.340 1,0 4114
372 3902 0.340 1,0 3902
373 U-76 - 3979 0.340 1,0 3979 3990
374 3942 0.340 1,0 3942
375 4012 0.340 1,0 4012
376 4077 0.350 1,0 4077
377 4035 0.350 1,0 4035
378 U-77 - 4021 0.350 1,0 4021 4031
379 4040 0.350 1,0 4040
380 3984 0.350 1,0 3984
381 U-78 - Pile 4345 0.350 1,0 4345 4241

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 18
382 Bawah 4351 0.350 1,0 4351
383 4230 0.350 1,0 4230
384 4101 0.350 1,0 4101
385 4179 0.350 1,0 4179
386 4245 0.350 1,0 4245
387 4150 0.350 1,0 4150
388 U-79 - 4199 0.350 1,0 4199 4139
389 4091 0.350 1,0 4091
390 4012 0.350 1,0 4012
391 4205 0.350 1,0 4205
392 4035 0.350 1,0 4035
393 U-80 - 3900 0.350 1,0 3900 3985
394 3878 0.350 1,0 3878
395 3909 0.350 1,0 3909
396 4223 0.360 1,0 4223
397 4199 0.360 1,0 4199
398 U-81 - 4089 0.360 1,0 4089 4156
399 4150 0.360 1,0 4150
400 4117 0.360 1,0 4117
401 4426 0.360 1,0 4426
402 4409 0.360 1,0 4409
403 U-82 - 4420 0.360 1,0 4420 4430
404 4442 0.360 1,0 4442
405 4453 0.360 1,0 4453
406 4123 0.330 1,0 4123
407 4022 0.330 1,0 4022
408 U-83 - 3917 0.330 1,0 3917 4010
409 3955 0.330 1,0 3955
410 4032 0.330 1,0 4032
411 3950 0.330 1,0 3950
412 3960 0.330 1,0 3960
413 U-84 - 3913 0.330 1,0 3913 3885
414 3714 0.330 1,0 3714
415 3890 0.330 1,0 3890
416 4012 0.350 1,0 4012
417 3975 0.350 1,0 3975
418 U-85 - 4035 0.350 1,0 4035 3978
419 3935 0.350 1,0 3935
420 3931 0.350 1,0 3931
421 4245 0.350 1,0 4245
422 4194 0.350 1,0 4194
423 U-86 - 4111 0.350 1,0 4111 4208
424 4266 0.350 1,0 4266
425 4225 0.350 1,0 4225
426 3750 0.350 1,0 3750
427 3675 0.350 1,0 3675
428 U-87 - 3656 0.350 1,0 3656 3666
429 3588 0.350 1,0 3588
430 3663 0.350 1,0 3663
431 U-88 - Pile 3074 0.350 1,0 3074 3084

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 19
432 Bawah 3175 0.350 1,0 3175
433 3096 0.350 1,0 3096
434 3019 0.350 1,0 3019
435 3058 0.350 1,0 3058
436 4174 0.350 1,0 4174
437 4140 0.350 1,0 4140
438 U-89 - 4035 0.350 1,0 4035 4062
439 4072 0.350 1,0 4072
440 3887 0.350 1,0 3887
441 4297 0.350 1,0 4297
442 4096 0.350 1,0 4096
443 U-90 - 4340 0.350 1,0 4340 4259
444 4235 0.350 1,0 4235
445 4329 0.350 1,0 4329
446 4007 0.350 1,0 4007
447 4040 0.350 1,0 4040
448 U-91 - 3989 0.350 1,0 3989 4019
449 4003 0.350 1,0 4003
450 4058 0.350 1,0 4058
451 4389 0.350 1,0 4389
452 4189 0.350 1,0 4189
453 U-92 - 4373 0.350 1,0 4373 4308
454 4329 0.350 1,0 4329
455 4261 0.350 1,0 4261
456 4094 0.360 1,0 4094
457 4003 0.360 1,0 4003
458 U-93 - 3972 0.360 1,0 3972 4007
459 3861 0.360 1,0 3861
460 4103 0.360 1,0 4103
461 4203 0.360 1,0 4203
462 4165 0.360 1,0 4165
463 U-94 - 4238 0.360 1,0 4238 4197
464 4189 0.360 1,0 4189
465 4189 0.360 1,0 4189
466 4097 0.330 1,0 4097
467 4017 0.330 1,0 4017
468 U-95 - 3950 0.330 1,0 3950 3964
469 3894 0.330 1,0 3894
470 3862 0.330 1,0 3862
471 4212 0.330 1,0 4212
472 4027 0.330 1,0 4027
473 U-96 - 3894 0.330 1,0 3894 4034
474 4087 0.330 1,0 4087
475 3950 0.330 1,0 3950
476 4075 0.360 1,0 4075
477 4070 0.360 1,0 4070
478 U-97 - 4052 0.360 1,0 4052 4077
479 4094 0.360 1,0 4094
480 4094 0.360 1,0 4094
481 U-98 - Pile 4409 0.360 1,0 4409 4296

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 20
482 Bawah 4213 0.360 1,0 4213
483 4361 0.360 1,0 4361
484 4223 0.360 1,0 4223
485 4273 0.360 1,0 4273
486 4145 0.350 1,0 4145
487 4044 0.350 1,0 4044
488 U-99 - 4169 0.350 1,0 4169 4111
489 4106 0.350 1,0 4106
490 4091 0.350 1,0 4091
491 4030 0.350 1,0 4030
492 4082 0.350 1,0 4082
493 U-100 - 4194 0.350 1,0 4194 4073
494 3984 0.350 1,0 3984
495 4077 0.350 1,0 4077
496 4292 0.350 1,0 4292
497 4091 0.350 1,0 4091
STA Pile
498 U-101 4210 0.350 1,0 4210 4160
2+520 Atas
499 4179 0.350 1,0 4179
500 4026 0.350 1,0 4026
501 4111 0.350 1,0 4111
502 4189 0.350 1,0 4189
STA Pile
503 U-102 4215 0.350 1,0 4215 4182
2+520 Bawah
504 4145 0.350 1,0 4145
505 4250 0.350 1,0 4250
506 4216 0.340 1,0 4216
507 4185 0.340 1,0 4185
STA Pile
508 U-103 4159 0.340 1,0 4159 4156
2+525 Atas
509 4070 0.340 1,0 4070
510 4149 0.340 1,0 4149
511 4221 0.340 1,0 4221
512 4164 0.340 1,0 4164
STA Pile
513 U-104 4211 0.340 1,0 4211 4181
2+525 Bawah
514 4195 0.340 1,0 4195
515 4114 0.340 1,0 4114
516 4276 0.350 1,0 4276
517 4297 0.350 1,0 4297
STA Pile
518 U-105 4220 0.350 1,0 4220 4222
2+540 Atas
519 4184 0.350 1,0 4184
520 4135 0.350 1,0 4135
521 4184 0.350 1,0 4184
522 4205 0.350 1,0 4205
STA Pile
523 U-106 4194 0.350 1,0 4194 4198
2+540 Bawah
524 4250 0.350 1,0 4250
525 4155 0.350 1,0 4155
526 4271 0.350 1,0 4271
527 4329 0.350 1,0 4329
STA Pile
528 U-107 4297 0.350 1,0 4297 4304
2+545 Atas
529 4324 0.350 1,0 4324
530 4297 0.350 1,0 4297
531 U-108 STA Pile 4276 0.350 1,0 4276 4220

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 21
532 2+545 Bawah 4287 0.350 1,0 4287
533 4266 0.350 1,0 4266
534 4235 0.350 1,0 4235
535 4035 0.350 1,0 4035
536 4428 0.350 1,0 4428
537 4434 0.350 1,0 4434
STA Pile
538 U-109 4422 0.350 1,0 4422 4463
2+515 Atas
539 4496 0.350 1,0 4496
540 4537 0.350 1,0 4537
541 4456 0.350 1,0 4456
542 4287 0.350 1,0 4287
STA Pile
543 U-110 4439 0.350 1,0 4439 4433
2+515 Bawah
544 4525 0.350 1,0 4525
545 4456 0.350 1,0 4456
546 4324 0.350 1,0 4324
547 4210 0.350 1,0 4210
STA Pile
548 U-111 4189 0.350 1,0 4189 4219
2+515 Atas
549 4120 0.350 1,0 4120
550 4250 0.350 1,0 4250
551 4135 0.350 1,0 4135
552 4130 0.350 1,0 4130
STA Pile
553 U-112 4220 0.350 1,0 4220 4150
2+515 Bawah
554 4184 0.350 1,0 4184
555 4082 0.350 1,0 4082
556 4120 0.350 1,0 4120
557 4160 0.350 1,0 4160
STA Pile
558 U-113 4179 0.350 1,0 4179 4108
2+520 Atas
559 4072 0.350 1,0 4072
560 4007 0.350 1,0 4007
561 4130 0.350 1,0 4130
562 4179 0.350 1,0 4179
STA Pile
563 U-114 4240 0.350 1,0 4240 4154
2+520 Bawah
564 4145 0.350 1,0 4145
565 4077 0.350 1,0 4077
566 4261 0.350 1,0 4261
567 4215 0.350 1,0 4215
STA Pile
568 U-115 3917 0.350 1,0 3917 4163
2+525 Atas
569 4256 0.350 1,0 4256
570 4165 0.350 1,0 4165
571 4225 0.350 1,0 4225
572 4106 0.350 1,0 4106
STA Pile
573 U-116 4169 0.350 1,0 4169 4180
2+525 Bawah
574 4261 0.350 1,0 4261
575 4140 0.350 1,0 4140
576 4256 0.350 1,0 4256
577 3900 0.350 1,0 3900
STA Pile
578 U-117 4125 0.350 1,0 4125 4131
2+530 Atas
579 4230 0.350 1,0 4230
580 4145 0.350 1,0 4145
581 U-118 STA Pile 4096 0.350 1,0 4096 4154

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 22
582 2+530 Bawah 4210 0.350 1,0 4210
583 4155 0.350 1,0 4155
584 4194 0.350 1,0 4194
585 4116 0.350 1,0 4116
586 4340 0.350 1,0 4340
587 4389 0.350 1,0 4389
STA Pile
588 U-119 4450 0.350 1,0 4450 4356
2+530 Atas
589 4292 0.350 1,0 4292
590 4308 0.350 1,0 4308
591 4378 0.350 1,0 4378
592 4479 0.350 1,0 4479
STA Pile
593 U-120 4058 0.350 1,0 4058 4289
2+530 Bawah
594 4292 0.350 1,0 4292
595 4240 0.350 1,0 4240
596 4490 0.350 1,0 4490
597 4579 0.350 1,0 4579
STA Pile
598 U-121 4543 0.350 1,0 4543 4543
2+535 Atas
599 4573 0.350 1,0 4573
600 4531 0.350 1,0 4531
601 4561 0.350 1,0 4561
602 4531 0.350 1,0 4531
STA Pile
603 U-122 4609 0.350 1,0 4609 4545
2+535 Bawah
604 4462 0.350 1,0 4462
605 4561 0.350 1,0 4561
606 4135 0.350 1,0 4135
607 4189 0.350 1,0 4189
STA Pile
608 U-123 4145 0.350 1,0 4145 4138
2+535 Atas
609 4120 0.350 1,0 4120
610 4101 0.350 1,0 4101
611 4205 0.350 1,0 4205
612 4225 0.350 1,0 4225
STA Pile
613 U-124 4235 0.350 1,0 4235 4226
2+535 Bawah
614 4210 0.350 1,0 4210
615 4256 0.350 1,0 4256
616 4282 0.350 1,0 4282
617 4292 0.350 1,0 4292
STA Pile
618 U-125 4345 0.350 1,0 4345 4275
2+540 Atas
619 4240 0.350 1,0 4240
620 4215 0.350 1,0 4215
621 4389 0.350 1,0 4389
622 4324 0.350 1,0 4324
STA Pile
623 U-126 3931 0.350 1,0 3931 4232
2+540 Bawah
624 4329 0.350 1,0 4329
625 4189 0.350 1,0 4189
626 4417 0.350 1,0 4417
627 4384 0.350 1,0 4384
STA Pile
628 U-127 4485 0.350 1,0 4485 4397
2+545 Atas
629 4324 0.350 1,0 4324
630 4373 0.350 1,0 4373
631 U-128 STA Pile 4422 0.350 1,0 4422 4414

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 23
632 2+545 Bawah 4411 0.350 1,0 4411
633 4428 0.350 1,0 4428
634 4462 0.350 1,0 4462
635 4345 0.350 1,0 4345
636 4165 0.350 1,0 4165
637 4250 0.350 1,0 4250
STA Pile
638 U-129 4068 0.350 1,0 4068 4088
2+550 Atas
639 3980 0.350 1,0 3980
640 3975 0.350 1,0 3975
641 4120 0.350 1,0 4120
642 4096 0.350 1,0 4096
STA Pile
643 U-130 4063 0.350 1,0 4063 4049
2+550 Bawah
644 4049 0.350 1,0 4049
645 3917 0.350 1,0 3917
646 4395 0.350 1,0 4395
647 4345 0.350 1,0 4345
STA Pile
648 U-131 4406 0.350 1,0 4406 4367
2+550 Atas
649 4395 0.350 1,0 4395
650 4292 0.350 1,0 4292
651 4356 0.350 1,0 4356
652 4400 0.350 1,0 4400
STA Pile
653 U-132 4351 0.350 1,0 4351 4372
2+550 Bawah
654 4384 0.350 1,0 4384
655 4367 0.350 1,0 4367
656 4378 0.350 1,0 4378
657 4276 0.350 1,0 4276
STA Pile
658 U-133 4220 0.350 1,0 4220 4265
2+555 Atas
659 4160 0.350 1,0 4160
660 4292 0.350 1,0 4292
661 4356 0.350 1,0 4356
662 4297 0.350 1,0 4297
STA Pile
663 U-134 3726 0.350 1,0 3726 4219
2+555 Bawah
664 4308 0.350 1,0 4308
665 4406 0.350 1,0 4406
666 4356 0.350 1,0 4356
667 4330 0.350 1,0 4330
STA Pile
668 U-135 3726 0.350 1,0 3726 4247
2+555 Atas
669 4419 0.350 1,0 4419
670 4406 0.350 1,0 4406
671 4485 0.350 1,0 4485
672 4519 0.350 1,0 4519
STA Pile
673 U-136 4537 0.350 1,0 4537 4488
2+555 Bawah
674 4428 0.350 1,0 4428
675 4473 0.350 1,0 4473
676 4485 0.350 1,0 4485
677 4519 0.350 1,0 4519
STA Pile
678 U-137 4300 0.350 1,0 4300 4423
2+560 Atas
679 4336 0.350 1,0 4336
680 4473 0.350 1,0 4473
681 U-138 STA Pile 4573 0.350 1,0 4573 4389

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 24
682 2+560 Bawah 4573 0.350 1,0 4573
683 4400 0.350 1,0 4400
684 4096 0.350 1,0 4096
685 4303 0.350 1,0 4303
686 4621 0.350 1,0 4621
687 4558 0.350 1,0 4558
STA Pile
688 U-139 4400 0.350 1,0 4400 4475
2+560 Atas
689 4460 0.350 1,0 4460
690 4338 0.350 1,0 4338
691 4520 0.350 1,0 4520
692 4580 0.350 1,0 4580
STA Pile
693 U-140 4498 0.350 1,0 4498 4475
2+560 Bawah
694 4472 0.350 1,0 4472
695 4306 0.350 1,0 4306
696 4660 0.350 1,0 4660
697 4521 0.350 1,0 4521
STA Pile
698 U-141 4478 0.350 1,0 4478 4486
2+565 Atas
699 4471 0.350 1,0 4471
700 4298 0.350 1,0 4298
701 4520 0.350 1,0 4520
702 4660 0.350 1,0 4660
STA Pile
703 U-142 4500 0.350 1,0 4500 4507
2+565 Bawah
704 4478 0.350 1,0 4478
705 4375 0.350 1,0 4375
706 4541 0.360 1,0 4541
707 4478 0.360 1,0 4478
STA Pile
708 U-143 4320 0.360 1,0 4320 4437
2+565 Atas
709 4478 0.360 1,0 4478
710 4366 0.360 1,0 4366
711 4566 0.360 1,0 4566
712 4321 0.360 1,0 4321
STA Pile
713 U-144 4411 0.360 1,0 4411 4405
2+565 Bawah
714 4420 0.360 1,0 4420
715 4309 0.360 1,0 4309
716 4383 0.360 1,0 4383
717 4253 0.360 1,0 4253
STA Pile
718 U-145 4043 0.360 1,0 4043 4242
2+570 Atas
719 4213 0.360 1,0 4213
720 4319 0.360 1,0 4319
721 4268 0.360 1,0 4268
722 4258 0.360 1,0 4258
STA Pile
723 U-146 4273 0.360 1,0 4273 4242
2+570 Bawah
724 4228 0.360 1,0 4228
725 4184 0.360 1,0 4184
726 4417 0.350 1,0 4417
727 4445 0.350 1,0 4445
STA Pile
728 U-147 4479 0.350 1,0 4479 4410
2+570 Atas
729 4324 0.350 1,0 4324
730 4384 0.350 1,0 4384
731 U-148 STA Pile 4384 0.350 1,0 4384 4333

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 25
732 2+570 Bawah 4445 0.350 1,0 4445
733 4362 0.350 1,0 4362
734 4012 0.350 1,0 4012
735 4462 0.350 1,0 4462
736 4330 0.350 1,0 4330
737 4416 0.350 1,0 4416
STA Pile
738 U-149 4426 0.350 1,0 4426 4356
2+575 Atas
739 4210 0.350 1,0 4210
740 4398 0.350 1,0 4398
741 4300 0.350 1,0 4300
742 4426 0.350 1,0 4426
STA Pile
743 U-150 4388 0.350 1,0 4388 4364
2+575 Bawah
744 4317 0.350 1,0 4317
745 4390 0.350 1,0 4390

Tabel 3.2 Perhitungan Direct or Indirect Pulse Velocity Pile Slab

Jembatan Asam Baru

Test Location Average

No ID Distance Indirect/Direct Direct
Velocity Velocity
Test Sample Location Type (m) Factor** Velocity
[m/s] [m/s]
1 3611 0.310 1,0 3611
2 3525 0.310 1,0 3525
3 U-1 - Balok 3615 0.310 1,0 3615 3514
4 3275 0.310 1,0 3275
5 3545 0.310 1,0 3545
6 3382 0.200 1,1 3720
7 3410 0.200 1,1 3751
8 U-2 - Balok 3518 0.200 1,1 3870 3826
9 3569 0.200 1,1 3926
10 3512 0.200 1,1 3863
11 2931 0.200 1,1 3224
12 2589 0.200 1,1 2848
13 U-3 - Balok 2983 0.200 1,1 3281 3192
14 3015 0.200 1,1 3317
15 2992 0.200 1,1 3291
16 3902 0.310 1,0 3902
17 3854 0.310 1,0 3854
18 U-4 - Balok 3863 0.310 1,0 3863 3803
19 3697 0.310 1,0 3697
20 3697 0.310 1,0 3697
21 U-5 - Balok 3805 0.300 1,0 3805 3693

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 26
22 3600 0.300 1,0 3600
23 3553 0.300 1,0 3553
24 3776 0.300 1,0 3776
25 3729 0.300 1,0 3729
26 3324 0.300 1,0 3324
27 3187 0.300 1,0 3187
28 U-6 - Balok 3183 0.300 1,0 3183 3252
29 3306 0.300 1,0 3306
30 3259 0.300 1,0 3259
31 3284 0.300 1,0 3284
32 3091 0.300 1,0 3091
33 U-7 - Balok 3252 0.300 1,0 3252 3206
34 3173 0.300 1,0 3173
35 3231 0.300 1,0 3231
36 3439 0.300 1,0 3439
37 3321 0.300 1,0 3321
38 U-8 - Balok 3451 0.300 1,0 3451 3413
39 3431 0.300 1,0 3431
40 3423 0.300 1,0 3423
41 3088 0.350 1,0 3088
42 3573 0.350 1,0 3573
43 U-9 - Pile 3085 0.350 1,0 3085 3168
44 3008 0.350 1,0 3008
45 3085 0.350 1,0 3085
46 3675 0.500 1,0 3675
47 3428 0.500 1,0 3428
48 U-10 - Pile 3708 0.500 1,0 3708 3556
49 3445 0.500 1,0 3445
50 3523 0.500 1,0 3523
51 3884 0.500 1,0 3884
52 3750 0.500 1,0 3750
53 U-11 - Pile 3945 0.500 1,0 3945 3779
54 3656 0.500 1,0 3656
55 3659 0.500 1,0 3659
56 3923 0.500 1,0 3923
57 3939 0.500 1,0 3939
58 U-12 - Pile 3923 0.500 1,0 3923 3842
59 3581 0.500 1,0 3581
60 3845 0.500 1,0 3845
61 3786 0.350 1,0 3786
62 3766 0.350 1,0 3766
U-13 - Pile 3748
63 3640 0.350 1,0 3640
64 3778 0.350 1,0 3778

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 27
65 3770 0.350 1,0 3770
66 3887 0.350 1,0 3887
67 3849 0.350 1,0 3849
68 U-14 - Pile 3537 0.350 1,0 3537 3711
69 3656 0.350 1,0 3656
70 3625 0.350 1,0 3625
71 3804 0.360 1,0 3804
72 3950 0.360 1,0 3950
73 U-15 - Pile 3613 0.360 1,0 3613 3819
74 3890 0.360 1,0 3890
75 3840 0.360 1,0 3840
76 3679 0.350 1,0 3679
77 3663 0.350 1,0 3663
78 U-16 - Pile 3671 0.350 1,0 3671 3716
79 3770 0.350 1,0 3770
80 3798 0.350 1,0 3798
81 3393 0.350 1,0 3393
82 3400 0.350 1,0 3400
83 U-17 - Pile 3294 0.350 1,0 3294 3338
84 3322 0.350 1,0 3322
85 3282 0.350 1,0 3282
86 3950 0.360 1,0 3950
87 3915 0.360 1,0 3915
88 U-18 - Pile 3606 0.360 1,0 3606 3799
89 3606 0.360 1,0 3606
90 3920 0.360 1,0 3920
91 4261 0.350 1,0 4261
92 3935 0.350 1,0 3935
93 U-19 - Pile 4007 0.350 1,0 4007 4075
94 4058 0.350 1,0 4058
95 4116 0.350 1,0 4116
96 3950 0.330 1,0 3950
97 3913 0.330 1,0 3913
98 U-20 - Pile 3876 0.330 1,0 3876 3975
99 4047 0.330 1,0 4047
100 4087 0.330 1,0 4087
101 3917 0.350 1,0 3917
102 4035 0.350 1,0 4035
103 U-21 - Pile 3984 0.350 1,0 3984 3954
104 3900 0.350 1,0 3900
105 3935 0.350 1,0 3935
106 3114 0.300 1,0 2980
U-22 - Pile 3053
107 3066 0.300 1,0 2976

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 28
108 3019 0.300 1,0 2865
109 2998 0.300 1,0 2990
110 3067 0.300 1,0 2987
111 3566 0.350 1,0 3566
112 3545 0.350 1,0 3545
113 U-23 - Pile 3534 0.350 1,0 3534 3531
114 3513 0.350 1,0 3513
115 3498 0.350 1,0 3498
116 3926 0.350 1,0 3926
117 3887 0.350 1,0 3887
118 U-24 - Pile 3513 0.350 1,0 3513 3804
119 3794 0.350 1,0 3794
120 3900 0.350 1,0 3900
121 3498 0.350 1,0 3498
122 3364 0.350 1,0 3364
123 U-25 - Pile 3790 0.350 1,0 3790 3588
124 3770 0.350 1,0 3770
125 3516 0.350 1,0 3516
126 3774 0.350 1,0 3774
127 3738 0.350 1,0 3738
128 U-26 - Pile 3786 0.350 1,0 3786 3680
129 3516 0.350 1,0 3516
130 3584 0.350 1,0 3584
131 3552 0.350 1,0 3552
132 3481 0.350 1,0 3481
133 U-27 - Balok 3866 0.350 1,0 3866 3525
134 3523 0.350 1,0 3523
135 3203 0.350 1,0 3203
136 3535 0.290 1,0 3535
137 3430 0.290 1,0 3430
138 U-28 - Pile 3492 0.290 1,0 3492 3598
139 3614 0.290 1,0 3614
140 3920 0.290 1,0 3920
141 3937 0.360 1,0 3937
142 3967 0.360 1,0 3967
143 U-29 - Balok 3812 0.360 1,0 3812 3697
144 3606 0.360 1,0 3606
145 3165 0.360 1,0 3165
146 3582 0.310 1,0 3582
147 3155 0.310 1,0 3155
148 U-30 - Pile 3155 0.310 1,0 3155 3448
149 3513 0.310 1,0 3513
150 3836 0.310 1,0 3836

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 29
146 4094 0.360 1,0 4094
147 3780 0.360 1,0 3780
148 U-31 - Pile 3924 0.360 1,0 3924 3901
149 3760 0.360 1,0 3760
150 3948 0.360 1,0 3948
151 3922 0.350 1,0 3922
152 3887 0.350 1,0 3887
153 U-32 - Pile 3770 0.350 1,0 3770 3872
154 3900 0.350 1,0 3900
155 3883 0.350 1,0 3883
156 3794 0.350 1,0 3794
157 3774 0.350 1,0 3774
158 U-33 - Pile 3671 0.350 1,0 3671 3788
159 3807 0.350 1,0 3807
160 3893 0.350 1,0 3893
161 3933 0.340 1,0 3933
162 3726 0.340 1,0 3726
163 U-34 - Pile 3897 0.340 1,0 3897 3751
164 3608 0.340 1,0 3608
165 3592 0.340 1,0 3592
166 3518 0.340 1,0 3518
167 3592 0.340 1,0 3592
168 U-35 - Balok 3562 0.340 1,0 3562 3588
169 3514 0.340 1,0 3514
170 3753 0.340 1,0 3753
171 3810 0.300 1,0 3810
172 3976 0.300 1,0 3976
173 U-36 - Balok 3582 0.300 1,0 3582 3689
174 3532 0.300 1,0 3532
175 3544 0.300 1,0 3544
176 3613 0.300 1,0 3613
177 3127 0.300 1,0 3127
178 U-37 - Pile 3270 0.300 1,0 3270 3356
179 3127 0.300 1,0 3127
180 3644 0.300 1,0 3644
181 3618 0.350 1,0 3618
182 3644 0.350 1,0 3644
183 U-38 - Pile 3866 0.350 1,0 3866 3716
184 3828 0.350 1,0 3828
185 3625 0.350 1,0 3625
186 3803 0.350 1,0 3803
187 U-39 - Balok 3603 0.350 1,0 3603 3675
188 3667 0.350 1,0 3667

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 30
189 3637 0.350 1,0 3637
190 3666 0.350 1,0 3666
191 3634 0.300 1,0 3634
192 3483 0.300 1,0 3483
193 U-40 - Pile 3499 0.300 1,0 3499 3534
194 3574 0.300 1,0 3574
195 3481 0.300 1,0 3481
196 3718 0.350 1,0 3718
197 3722 0.350 1,0 3722
198 U-41 - Pile 3770 0.350 1,0 3770 3733
199 3675 0.350 1,0 3675
200 3782 0.350 1,0 3782
201 3734 0.350 1,0 3734
202 3754 0.350 1,0 3754
203 U-42 - Balok 3798 0.350 1,0 3798 3775
204 3774 0.350 1,0 3774
205 3816 0.350 1,0 3816
206 3778 0.310 1,0 3778
207 3658 0.310 1,0 3658
208 U-43 - Pile 3863 0.310 1,0 3863 3745
209 3820 0.310 1,0 3820
210 3607 0.310 1,0 3607
211 3603 0.350 1,0 3603
212 3706 0.350 1,0 3706
213 U-44 - Balok 3714 0.350 1,0 3714 3672
214 3633 0.350 1,0 3633
215 3706 0.350 1,0 3706
216 3739 0.300 1,0 3739
217 3511 0.300 1,0 3511
218 U-45 - Balok 3734 0.300 1,0 3734 3634
219 3595 0.300 1,0 3595
220 3591 0.300 1,0 3591
221 3404 0.300 1,0 3404
222 3124 0.300 1,0 3124
223 U-46 - Pile 3475 0.300 1,0 3475 3469
224 3495 0.300 1,0 3495
225 3849 0.300 1,0 3849
226 3861 0.350 1,0 3861
227 3698 0.350 1,0 3698
228 U-47 - Balok 3900 0.350 1,0 3900 3846
229 3866 0.350 1,0 3866
230 3907 0.350 1,0 3907
231 U-48 - Balok 3835 0.310 1,0 3835 3820

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 31
232 3942 0.310 1,0 3942
233 3932 0.310 1,0 3932
234 3751 0.310 1,0 3751
235 3641 0.310 1,0 3641
236 3265 0.310 1,0 3265
237 3586 0.310 1,0 3586
238 U-49 - Balok 3590 0.310 1,0 3590 3593
239 3424 0.310 1,0 3424
240 4102 0.310 1,0 4102
241 3904 0.300 1,0 3904
242 4068 0.300 1,0 4068
243 U-50 - Balok 4199 0.300 1,0 4199 4033
244 4141 0.300 1,0 4141
245 3853 0.300 1,0 3853

Perhitungan tersebut diperlukan guna menentukan nilai estimasi direct

pulse velocity yang akan digunakan untuk mengetahui kriteria dan estimasi
korelasi mutu beton ditinjau dari kerapatan beton. Berikut adalah Hasil pulse
velocity tersebut kemudian diklasifikasikan sesuai kriteria kecepatan terhadap
kualitas beton berdasarkan BS 1881: Part 203: 1986
Concrete Quality Based On Pulse Velocity :
> 4500 m/s , Excellent Concrete Condition
3400 - 4500 m/s , Good Concrete Condition
3000 - 3500 m/s , Medium Concrete Condition
< 3000 m/s , Doubtful Concrete Condition

Berikut adalah hasil perhitungan pulse velocity disertai kriterianya, untuk

selengkapnya dapat dilihat pada lampiran UPV test.

Tabel 3.3 Nilai Pulse Velocity dan Kriteria Beton Pile Slab Tumbang Nusa
No. ID Test Location Average Description
Sample Direct
Location Type Velocity >4500 3500- 3000- <3000
[m/s] m/s 4500 3500 m/s m/s
Excelent m/s Medium doubtfull
1 U-1 Section Pile Atas 3923 - √ - - Good Concrete
406 Grade
2 U-2 Section Pile 4014 - √ - - Good Concrete
406 Bawah Grade

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 32
3 U-3 Section Pile Atas 3985 - √ - - Good Concrete
407 Grade
4 U-4 Section Pile 4044 - √ - - Good Concrete
407 Bawah Grade
5 U-5 Section Pile Atas 3993 - √ - - Good Concrete
408 Grade
6 U-6 Section Pile 3854 - √ - - Good Concrete
408 Bawah Grade
7 U-7 Section Pile Atas 4142 - √ - - Good Concrete
409 Grade
8 U-8 Section Pile 3995 - √ - - Good Concrete
409 Bawah Grade
9 U-9 Section Pile Atas 4173 - √ - - Good Concrete
410 Grade
10 U-10 Section Pile 3949 - √ - - Good Concrete
410 Bawah Grade
11 U-11 Section Pile Atas 4065 - √ - - Good Concrete
411 Grade
12 U-12 Section Pile 4010 - √ - - Good Concrete
411 Bawah Grade
13 U-13 Section Pile Atas 3968 - √ - - Good Concrete
412 Grade
14 U-14 Section Pile 3658 - √ - - Good Concrete
412 Bawah Grade
15 U-15 Section Pile Atas 3933 - √ - - Good Concrete
413 Grade
16 U-16 Section Pile 3901 - √ - - Good Concrete
413 Bawah Grade
17 U-17 Section Pile Atas 3930 - √ - - Good Concrete
415 Grade
18 U-18 Section Pile 3897 - √ - - Good Concrete
415 Bawah Grade
19 U-19 Section Pile Atas 3874 - √ - - Good Concrete
416 Grade
20 U-20 Section Pile 3814 - √ - - Good Concrete
416 Bawah Grade
21 U-21 Section Pile Atas 3957 - √ - - Good Concrete
417 Grade
22 U-22 Section Pile 3845 - √ - - Good Concrete
417 Bawah Grade
23 U-23 Section Pile Atas 3918 - √ - - Good Concrete
418 Grade
24 U-24 Section Pile 4115 - √ - - Good Concrete
418 Bawah Grade
25 U-25 Section Pile Atas 4125 - √ - - Good Concrete
420 Grade
26 U-26 Section Pile 4195 - √ - - Good Concrete
420 Bawah Grade
27 U-27 Section Pile Atas 4224 - √ - - Good Concrete
421 Grade
28 U-28 Section Pile 4094 - √ - - Good Concrete
421 Bawah Grade
29 U-29 Section Pile Atas 4094 - √ - - Good Concrete
422 Grade

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 33
30 U-30 Section Pile 3885 - √ - - Good Concrete
422 Bawah Grade
31 U-31 Section Pile Atas 4364 - √ - - Good Concrete
423 Grade
32 U-32 Section Pile 4053 - √ - - Good Concrete
423 Bawah Grade
33 U-33 Section Pile Atas 3908 - √ - - Good Concrete
425 Grade
34 U-34 Section Pile 3993 - √ - - Good Concrete
425 Bawah Grade
35 U-35 Section Pile Atas 4388 - √ - - Good Concrete
427 Grade
36 U-36 Section Pile 4357 - √ - - Good Concrete
427 Bawah Grade
37 U-37 Section Pile Atas 4012 - √ - - Good Concrete
429 Grade
38 U-38 Section Pile 4024 - √ - - Good Concrete
429 Bawah Grade
39 U-39 Section Pile Atas 4365 - √ - - Good Concrete
431 Grade
40 U-40 Section Pile 4256 - √ - - Good Concrete
431 Bawah Grade
41 U-41 Section Pile Atas 4311 - √ - - Good Concrete
432 Grade
42 U-42 Section Pile 4144 - √ - - Good Concrete
432 Bawah Grade
43 U-43 Section Pile Atas 3763 - √ - - Good Concrete
437 Grade
44 U-44 Section Pile 3803 - √ - - Good Concrete
437 Bawah Grade
45 U-45 Section Pile Atas 4104 - √ - - Good Concrete
442 Grade
46 U-46 Section Pile 3997 - √ - - Good Concrete
442 Bawah Grade
47 U-47 Section Pile Atas 4154 - √ - - Good Concrete
443 Grade
48 U-48 Section Pile 4308 - √ - - Good Concrete
443 Bawah Grade
49 U-49 Section Pile Atas 4123 - √ - - Good Concrete
446 Grade
50 U-50 Section Pile 3913 - √ - - Good Concrete
446 Bawah Grade
51 U-51 - Pile Atas 4388 - √ - - Good Concrete
52 U-52 - Pile 4188 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
53 U-53 - Pile Atas 4190 - √ - - Good Concrete
54 U-54 - Pile 4340 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
55 U-55 - Pile Atas 4122 - √ - - Good Concrete
56 U-56 - Pile 4257 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 34
57 U-57 - Pile Atas 4166 - √ - - Good Concrete
58 U-58 - Pile 4292 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
59 U-59 - Pile Atas 4317 - √ - - Good Concrete
60 U-60 - Pile 4411 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
61 U-61 - Pile Atas 4224 - √ - - Good Concrete
62 U-62 - Pile 4242 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
63 U-63 - Pile Atas 4281 - √ - - Good Concrete
64 U-64 - Pile 4340 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
65 U-65 - Pile Atas 4168 - √ - - Good Concrete
66 U-66 - Pile 4381 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
67 U-67 - Pile Atas 4229 - √ - - Good Concrete
68 U-68 - Pile 4305 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
69 U-69 - Pile Atas 4305 - √ - - Good Concrete
70 U-70 - Pile 4242 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
71 U-71 - Pile Atas 4348 - √ - - Good Concrete
72 U-72 - Pile 4369 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
73 U-73 - Pile Atas 4383 - √ - - Good Concrete
74 U-74 - Pile 4347 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
75 U-75 - Pile Atas 4075 - √ - - Good Concrete
76 U-76 - Pile 3990 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
77 U-77 - Pile Atas 4031 - √ - - Good Concrete
78 U-78 - Pile 4241 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
79 U-79 - Pile Atas 4139 - √ - - Good Concrete
80 U-80 - Pile 3985 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
81 U-81 - Pile Atas 4156 - √ - - Good Concrete
82 U-82 - Pile 4430 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
83 U-83 - Pile Atas 4010 - √ - - Good Concrete

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 35
84 U-84 - Pile 3885 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
85 U-85 - Pile Atas 3978 - √ - - Good Concrete
86 U-86 - Pile 4208 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
87 U-87 - Pile Atas 3666 - √ - - Good Concrete
88 U-88 - Pile 3084 - - √ - Medium
Bawah Concrete
89 U-89 - Pile Atas 4062 - √ - - Good Concrete
90 U-90 - Pile 4259 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
91 U-91 - Pile Atas 4019 - √ - - Good Concrete
92 U-92 - Pile 4308 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
93 U-93 - Pile Atas 4007 - √ - - Good Concrete
94 U-94 - Pile 4197 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
95 U-95 - Pile Atas 3964 - √ - - Good Concrete
96 U-96 - Pile 4034 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
97 U-97 - Pile Atas 4077 - √ - - Good Concrete
98 U-98 - Pile 4296 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
99 U-99 - Pile Atas 4111 - √ - - Good Concrete
100 U-100 - Pile 4073 - √ - - Good Concrete
Bawah Grade
101 U-101 STA Pile Atas 4104 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+520 Grade
102 U-102 STA Pile 4182 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+520 Bawah Grade
103 U-103 STA Pile Atas 4156 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+525 Grade
104 U-104 STA Pile 4181 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+525 Bawah Grade
105 U-105 STA Pile Atas 4222 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+540 Grade
106 U-106 STA Pile 4198 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+540 Bawah Grade
107 U-107 STA Pile Atas 4304 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+545 Grade
108 U-108 STA Pile 4220 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+545 Bawah Grade
109 U-109 STA Pile Atas 4463 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+515 Grade
110 U-110 STA Pile 4433 - √ - - Good Concrete

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 36
2+515 Bawah Grade
111 U-111 STA Pile Atas 4219 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+515 Grade
112 U-112 STA Pile 4150 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+515 Bawah Grade
113 U-113 STA Pile Atas 4108 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+520 Grade
114 U-114 STA Pile 4154 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+520 Bawah Grade
115 U-115 STA Pile Atas 4163 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+525 Grade
116 U-116 STA Pile 4180 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+525 Bawah Grade
117 U-117 STA Pile Atas 4131 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+530 Grade
118 U-118 STA Pile 4154 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+530 Bawah Grade
119 U-119 STA Pile Atas 4356 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+530 Grade
120 U-120 STA Pile 4289 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+530 Bawah Grade
121 U-121 STA Pile Atas 4543 √ - - - Excelent
2+535 Concrete
122 U-122 STA Pile 4545 √ - - - Excelent
2+535 Bawah Concrete
123 U-123 STA Pile Atas 4138 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+535 Grade
124 U-124 STA Pile 4226 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+535 Bawah Grade
125 U-125 STA Pile Atas 4275 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+540 Grade
126 U-126 STA Pile 4232 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+540 Bawah Grade
127 U-127 STA Pile Atas 4397 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+545 Grade
128 U-128 STA Pile 4414 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+545 Bawah Grade
129 U-129 STA Pile Atas 4088 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+550 Grade
130 U-130 STA Pile 4049 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+550 Bawah Grade
131 U-131 STA Pile Atas 4367 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+550 Grade
132 U-132 STA Pile 4372 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+550 Bawah Grade
133 U-133 STA Pile Atas 4265 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+555 Grade
134 U-134 STA Pile 4219 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+555 Bawah Grade
135 U-135 STA Pile Atas 4247 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+555 Grade
136 U-136 STA Pile 4488 - √ - - Good Concrete

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 37
2+555 Bawah Grade
137 U-137 STA Pile Atas 4423 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+560 Grade
138 U-138 STA Pile 4389 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+560 Bawah Grade
139 U-139 STA Pile Atas 4475 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+560 Grade
140 U-140 STA Pile 4475 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+560 Bawah Grade
141 U-141 STA Pile Atas 4486 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+565 Grade
142 U-142 STA Pile 4507 √ - - - Excelent
2+565 Bawah Concrete
143 U-143 STA Pile Atas 4437 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+565 Grade
144 U-144 STA Pile 4405 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+565 Bawah Grade
145 U-145 STA Pile Atas 4242 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+570 Grade
146 U-146 STA Pile 4242 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+570 Bawah Grade
147 U-147 STA Pile Atas 4410 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+570 Grade
148 U-148 STA Pile 4333 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+570 Bawah Grade
149 U-149 STA Pile Atas 4356 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+575 Grade
150 U-150 STA Pile 4364 - √ - - Good Concrete
2+575 Bawah Grade

*Based On BS 1881: Part 203: 1986

Tabel 3.4 Nilai Pulse Velocity dan Kriteria Beton Pile Slab Asam Baru
Number ID Test Location Average Description
Sample Direct
Location Type Velocity >4500 3500- 3000- <3000
[m/s] m/s 4500 3500 m/s
Excelent m/s m/s doubtfull
Good Medium
1 U-1 - Balok 3514 - √ - - Good Concrete
2 U-2 - Balok 3826 - √ - - Good Concrete
3 U-3 - Balok 3192 - - √ - Medium Concrete
4 U-4 - Balok 3803 - √ - - Good Concrete
5 U-5 - Balok 3693 - √ - - Good Concrete
6 U-6 - Balok 3252 - - √ - Medium Concrete

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 38
7 U-7 - Balok 3206 - - √ - Medium Concrete
8 U-8 - Balok 3413 - - √ - Medium Concrete
9 U-9 - Pile 3168 - - √ - Medium Concrete
10 U-10 - Pile 3556 - √ - - Good Concrete
11 U-11 - Pile 3779 - √ - - Good Concrete
12 U-12 - Pile 3842 - √ - - Good Concrete
13 U-13 - Pile 3748 - √ - - Good Concrete
14 U-14 - Pile 3711 - √ - - Good Concrete
15 U-15 - Pile 3819 - √ - - Good Concrete
16 U-16 - Pile 3716 - √ - - Good Concrete
17 U-17 - Pile 3338 - - √ - Medium Concrete
18 U-18 - Pile 3799 - √ - - Good Concrete
19 U-19 - Pile 4075 - √ - - Good Concrete
20 U-20 - Pile 3975 - √ - - Good Concrete
21 U-21 - Pile 3954 - √ - - Good Concrete
22 U-22 - Pile 3053 - - √ - Doubtful
Concrete Grade
23 U-23 - Pile 3531 - √ - - Good Concrete
24 U-24 - Pile 3804 - √ - - Good Concrete
25 U-25 - Pile 3588 - √ - - Good Concrete
26 U-26 - Pile 3680 - √ - - Good Concrete
27 U-27 - Balok 3525 - √ - - Good Concrete
28 U-28 - Pile 3598 - √ - - Good Concrete
29 U-29 - Balok 3697 - √ - - Good Concrete
30 U-30 - Pile 3448 - - √ - Medium Concrete
31 U-31 - Pile 3901 - √ - - Good Concrete
32 U-32 - Pile 3872 - √ - - Good Concrete

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 39
33 U-33 - Pile 3788 - √ - - Good Concrete
34 U-34 - Pile 3751 - √ - - Good Concrete
35 U-35 - Balok 3588 - √ - - Good Concrete
36 U-36 - Balok 3689 - √ - - Good Concrete
37 U-37 - Pile 3356 - - √ - Medium Concrete
38 U-38 - Pile 3716 - √ - - Good Concrete
39 U-39 - Balok 3675 - √ - - Good Concrete
40 U-40 - Pile 3534 - √ - - Good Concrete
41 U-41 - Pile 3733 - √ - - Good Concrete
42 U-42 - Balok 3775 - √ - - Good Concrete
43 U-43 - Pile 3745 - √ - - Good Concrete
44 U-44 - Balok 3672 - √ - - Good Concrete
45 U-45 - Balok 3634 - √ - - Good Concrete
46 U-46 - Pile 3469 - - √ - Medium Concrete
47 U-47 - Balok 3846 - √ - - Good Concrete
48 U-48 - Balok 3820 - √ - - Good Concrete
49 U-49 - Balok 3593 - √ - - Good Concrete
50 U-50 - Balok 4033 - √ - - Good Concrete

*Based On BS 1881: Part 203: 1986

Dari hasil di atas kemudian dikerucutkan tiap elemen struktur sehingga

dapat disimpulkan kriteria dan nilai pulse velocity tiap elemen struktur. Hasil dari
pulse velocity diatas kemudian dikorelasikan terhadap mutu beton sesuai rumus
berdasarkan ASTM C597 - 16 Standard Test Method for Pulse Velocity Through

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 40
E = dynamic modulus of elasticity, µ = dynamic Poisson’s ratio, and ρ =
*According To ASTM C597-16

Berikut adalah hasil tabulasi perhitungan korelasi mutu beton dengan pulse
velocity beton, untuk selengkapnya dapat dilihat pada lampiran UPV Pundit Test.

Tabel 3.5 Estimasi Korelasi Pulse Velocity Dengan Mutu Beton Pile Slab
Jembatan Tumbang Nusa

Element Of Structure Direct

ID Poisson Density Ec fc'
Number Velocity
Sample ratio* (Kg/m3) (Mpa)** Mpa***
Location Type Pulse
1 U-1 Section 406 Pile Atas 3923 0,15 2400 34980,40 55,39
2 U-2 Section 406 Pile Bawah 4014 0,15 2400 36614,78 60,69
3 U-3 Section 407 Pile Atas 3985 0,15 2400 36098,44 58,99
4 U-4 Section 407 Pile Bawah 4044 0,15 2400 37178,89 62,57
5 U-5 Section 408 Pile Atas 3993 0,15 2400 36247,15 59,48
6 U-6 Section 408 Pile Bawah 3854 0,15 2400 33764,22 51,61
7 U-7 Section 409 Pile Atas 4142 0,15 2400 38987,42 68,81
8 U-8 Section 409 Pile Bawah 3995 0,15 2400 36268,93 59,55
9 U-9 Section 410 Pile Atas 4173 0,15 2400 39580,84 70,92
10 U-10 Section 410 Pile Bawah 3949 0,15 2400 35449,20 56,89
11 U-11 Section 411 Pile Atas 4065 0,15 2400 37562,29 63,87
12 U-12 Section 411 Pile Bawah 4010 0,15 2400 36556,41 60,50
13 U-13 Section 412 Pile Atas 3968 0,15 2400 35794,73 58,00
14 U-14 Section 412 Pile Bawah 3658 0,15 2400 30407,49 41,86
15 U-15 Section 413 Pile Atas 3933 0,15 2400 35151,81 55,94
16 U-16 Section 413 Pile Bawah 3901 0,15 2400 34592,71 54,17
17 U-17 Section 415 Pile Atas 3930 0,15 2400 35098,20 55,77
18 U-18 Section 415 Pile Bawah 3897 0,15 2400 34525,36 53,96
19 U-19 Section 416 Pile Atas 3874 0,15 2400 34104,98 52,66
20 U-20 Section 416 Pile Bawah 3814 0,15 2400 33067,02 49,50
21 U-21 Section 417 Pile Atas 3957 0,15 2400 35582,17 57,32
22 U-22 Section 417 Pile Bawah 3845 0,15 2400 33606,72 51,13
23 U-23 Section 418 Pile Atas 3918 0,15 2400 34887,73 55,10
24 U-24 Section 418 Pile Bawah 4115 0,15 2400 38484,48 67,05
25 U-25 Section 420 Pile Atas 4125 0,15 2400 38675,51 67,71
26 U-26 Section 420 Pile Bawah 4195 0,15 2400 40003,09 72,44

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 41
27 U-27 Section 421 Pile Atas 4224 0,15 2400 40554,22 74,45
28 U-28 Section 421 Pile Bawah 4094 0,15 2400 38100,12 65,71
29 U-29 Section 422 Pile Atas 4094 0,15 2400 38088,95 65,68
30 U-30 Section 422 Pile Bawah 3885 0,15 2400 34302,48 53,27
31 U-31 Section 423 Pile Atas 4364 0,15 2400 43290,99 84,84
32 U-32 Section 423 Pile Bawah 4053 0,15 2400 37340,86 63,12
33 U-33 Section 425 Pile Atas 3908 0,15 2400 34716,97 54,56
34 U-34 Section 425 Pile Bawah 3993 0,15 2400 36247,15 59,48
35 U-35 Section 427 Pile Atas 4388 0,15 2400 43768,44 86,72
36 U-36 Section 427 Pile Bawah 4357 0,15 2400 43148,26 84,28
37 U-37 Section 429 Pile Atas 4012 0,15 2400 36589,24 60,61
38 U-38 Section 429 Pile Bawah 4024 0,15 2400 36804,77 61,32
39 U-39 Section 431 Pile Atas 4365 0,15 2400 43314,80 84,93

40 U-40 Section 431 Pile Bawah 4256 0,15 2400 41163,26 76,71
41 U-41 Section 432 Pile Atas 4311 0,15 2400 42249,82 80,81
42 U-42 Section 432 Pile Bawah 4144 0,15 2400 39032,62 68,97
43 U-43 Section 437 Pile Atas 3763 0,15 2400 32181,81 46,88
44 U-44 Section 437 Pile Bawah 3803 0,15 2400 32876,57 48,93
45 U-45 Section 442 Pile Atas 4104 0,15 2400 38286,46 66,36
46 U-46 Section 442 Pile Bawah 3997 0,15 2400 36305,26 59,67
47 U-47 Section 443 Pile Atas 4154 0,15 2400 39217,45 69,62
48 U-48 Section 443 Pile Bawah 4308 0,15 2400 42179,29 80,54
49 U-49 Section 446 Pile Atas 4123 0,15 2400 38630,52 67,56
50 U-50 Section 446 Pile Bawah 3913 0,15 2400 34795,18 54,81
51 U-51 - Pile Atas 4388 0,15 2400 43768,44 86,72
52 U-52 - Pile Bawah 4188 0,15 2400 39862,09 71,93
53 U-53 - Pile Atas 4190 0,15 2400 39903,98 72,08
54 U-54 - Pile Bawah 4340 0,15 2400 42804,32 82,94
55 U-55 - Pile Atas 4122 0,15 2400 38619,28 67,52
56 U-56 - Pile Bawah 4257 0,15 2400 41182,61 76,78
57 U-57 - Pile Atas 4166 0,15 2400 39455,73 70,47
58 U-58 - Pile Bawah 4292 0,15 2400 41866,55 79,35
59 U-59 - Pile Atas 4317 0,15 2400 42355,72 81,21
60 U-60 - Pile Bawah 4411 0,15 2400 44220,43 88,52
61 U-61 - Pile Atas 4224 0,15 2400 40554,22 74,45
62 U-62 - Pile Bawah 4242 0,15 2400 40900,59 75,73
63 U-63 - Pile Atas 4281 0,15 2400 41663,89 78,58
64 U-64 - Pile Bawah 4340 0,15 2400 42820,10 83,00
65 U-65 - Pile Atas 4168 0,15 2400 39489,83 70,60
66 U-66 - Pile Bawah 4381 0,15 2400 43632,89 86,19
67 U-67 - Pile Atas 4229 0,15 2400 40650,28 74,81
68 U-68 - Pile Bawah 4305 0,15 2400 42116,65 80,30

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 42
69 U-69 - Pile Atas 4305 0,15 2400 42128,39 80,34
70 U-70 - Pile Bawah 4242 0,15 2400 40892,87 75,70
71 U-71 - Pile Atas 4348 0,15 2400 42978,10 83,62
72 U-72 - Pile Bawah 4369 0,15 2400 43394,21 85,24
73 U-73 - Pile Atas 4383 0,15 2400 43656,80 86,28
74 U-74 - Pile Bawah 4347 0,15 2400 42946,47 83,49
75 U-75 - Pile Atas 4075 0,15 2400 37743,61 64,49
76 U-76 - Pile Bawah 3990 0,15 2400 36181,82 59,26
77 U-77 - Pile Atas 4031 0,15 2400 36940,26 61,77
78 U-78 - Pile Bawah 4241 0,15 2400 40885,16 75,67
79 U-79 - Pile Atas 4139 0,15 2400 38946,01 68,66
80 U-80 - Pile Bawah 3985 0,15 2400 36102,06 59,00
81 U-81 - Pile Atas 4156 0,15 2400 39251,45 69,75
82 U-82 - Pile Bawah 4430 0,15 2400 44606,24 90,07
83 U-83 - Pile Atas 4010 0,15 2400 36545,48 60,46
84 U-84 - Pile Bawah 3885 0,15 2400 34313,08 53,30
85 U-85 - Pile Atas 3978 0,15 2400 35960,89 58,54
86 U-86 - Pile Bawah 4208 0,15 2400 40251,40 73,34
87 U-87 - Pile Atas 3666 0,15 2400 30553,99 42,26
88 U-88 - Pile Bawah 3084 0,15 2400 21623,68 21,17
89 U-89 - Pile Atas 4062 0,15 2400 37495,79 63,65
90 U-90 - Pile Bawah 4259 0,15 2400 41236,81 76,98
91 U-91 - Pile Atas 4019 0,15 2400 36720,67 61,04
92 U-92 - Pile Bawah 4308 0,15 2400 42187,12 80,57
93 U-93 - Pile Atas 4007 0,15 2400 36487,17 60,27
94 U-94 - Pile Bawah 4197 0,15 2400 40033,61 72,55
95 U-95 - Pile Atas 3964 0,15 2400 35715,40 57,75
96 U-96 - Pile Bawah 4034 0,15 2400 36987,93 61,93
97 U-97 - Pile Atas 4077 0,15 2400 37780,67 64,62
98 U-98 - Pile Bawah 4296 0,15 2400 41944,62 79,64
99 U-99 - Pile Atas 4111 0,15 2400 38413,44 66,80
100 U-100 - Pile Bawah 4073 0,15 2400 37713,98 64,39
101 U-101 STA 2+520 Pile Atas 4104 0,15 2400 38286,46 66,36
102 U-102 STA 2+520 Pile Bawah 4182 0,15 2400 39751,75 71,53
103 U-103 STA 2+525 Pile Atas 4156 0,15 2400 39255,23 69,76
104 U-104 STA 2+525 Pile Bawah 4181 0,15 2400 39732,74 71,47
105 U-105 STA 2+540 Pile Atas 4222 0,15 2400 40523,50 74,34
106 U-106 STA 2+540 Pile Bawah 4198 0,15 2400 40048,87 72,61
107 U-107 STA 2+545 Pile Atas 4304 0,15 2400 42097,08 80,22
108 U-108 STA 2+545 Pile Bawah 4220 0,15 2400 40473,61 74,16
109 U-109 STA 2+515 Pile Atas 4463 0,15 2400 45281,40 92,82
110 U-110 STA 2+515 Pile Bawah 4433 0,15 2400 44658,62 90,28
111 U-111 STA 2+515 Pile Atas 4219 0,15 2400 40450,59 74,07

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 43
112 U-112 STA 2+515 Pile Bawah 4150 0,15 2400 39149,50 69,38
113 U-113 STA 2+520 Pile Atas 4108 0,15 2400 38349,92 66,58
114 U-114 STA 2+520 Pile Bawah 4154 0,15 2400 39225,00 69,65
115 U-115 STA 2+525 Pile Atas 4163 0,15 2400 39387,58 70,23
116 U-116 STA 2+525 Pile Bawah 4180 0,15 2400 39717,54 71,41
117 U-117 STA 2+530 Pile Atas 4131 0,15 2400 38791,86 68,12
118 U-118 STA 2+530 Pile Bawah 4154 0,15 2400 39225,00 69,65
119 U-119 STA 2+530 Pile Atas 4356 0,15 2400 43124,50 84,19
120 U-120 STA 2+530 Pile Bawah 4289 0,15 2400 41819,74 79,17
121 U-121 STA 2+535 Pile Atas 4543 0,15 2400 46915,02 99,64
122 U-122 STA 2+535 Pile Bawah 4545 0,15 2400 46948,07 99,78
123 U-123 STA 2+535 Pile Atas 4138 0,15 2400 38919,67 68,57
124 U-124 STA 2+535 Pile Bawah 4226 0,15 2400 40596,47 74,61
125 U-125 STA 2+540 Pile Atas 4275 0,15 2400 41535,53 78,10
126 U-126 STA 2+540 Pile Bawah 4232 0,15 2400 40715,67 75,05
127 U-127 STA 2+545 Pile Atas 4397 0,15 2400 43936,16 87,39
128 U-128 STA 2+545 Pile Bawah 4414 0,15 2400 44276,59 88,75
129 U-129 STA 2+550 Pile Atas 4088 0,15 2400 37977,38 65,29
130 U-130 STA 2+550 Pile Bawah 4049 0,15 2400 37263,51 62,86
131 U-131 STA 2+550 Pile Atas 4367 0,15 2400 43338,61 85,03
132 U-132 STA 2+550 Pile Bawah 4372 0,15 2400 43437,92 85,42
133 U-133 STA 2+555 Pile Atas 4265 0,15 2400 41349,19 77,40
134 U-134 STA 2+555 Pile Bawah 4219 0,15 2400 40450,59 74,07
135 U-135 STA 2+555 Pile Atas 4247 0,15 2400 41004,78 76,12
136 U-136 STA 2+555 Pile Bawah 4488 0,15 2400 45790,07 94,92
137 U-137 STA 2+560 Pile Atas 4423 0,15 2400 44457,34 89,47
138 U-138 STA 2+560 Pile Bawah 4389 0,15 2400 43784,40 86,78
139 U-139 STA 2+560 Pile Atas 4475 0,15 2400 45525,21 93,82
140 U-140 STA 2+560 Pile Bawah 4475 0,15 2400 45521,14 93,81
141 U-141 STA 2+565 Pile Atas 4486 0,15 2400 45732,96 94,68
142 U-142 STA 2+565 Pile Bawah 4507 0,15 2400 46162,17 96,47
143 U-143 STA 2+565 Pile Atas 4437 0,15 2400 44739,25 90,61
144 U-144 STA 2+565 Pile Bawah 4405 0,15 2400 44112,22 88,09
145 U-145 STA 2+570 Pile Atas 4242 0,15 2400 40904,44 75,74
146 U-146 STA 2+570 Pile Bawah 4242 0,15 2400 40904,44 75,74
147 U-147 STA 2+570 Pile Atas 4410 0,15 2400 44200,38 88,44
148 U-148 STA 2+570 Pile Bawah 4333 0,15 2400 42674,22 82,44
149 U-149 STA 2+575 Pile Atas 4356 0,15 2400 43128,46 84,20
150 U-150 STA 2+575 Pile Bawah 4364 0,15 2400 43290,99 84,84

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 44
Maka diperoleh :
Rata-rata mutu beton pile atas = 71,35 MPa
Rata-rata mutu beton pile bawah = 71,45 MPa
Hasil tersebut telah memenuhi persyaratan minimum kuat tekan beton sebesar 21
MPa berdasarkan SNI-2847-2019.

Tabel 3.6 Estimasi Korelasi Pulse Velocity Dengan Mutu Beton Pile Slab
Jembatan Asam Baru

Element Of Structure Direct

ID Poisson Density Ec
Number Velocity fc' Mpa***
Sample ratio* (Kg/m3) (Mpa)**
Location Type Pulse
1 U-1 - Balok 3514 0,15 2400 28069,92 35,67
2 U-2 - Balok 3826 0,15 2400 33272,29 50,12
3 U-3 - Balok 3192 0,15 2400 23161,59 24,29
4 U-4 - Balok 3803 0,15 2400 32866,20 48,90
5 U-5 - Balok 3693 0,15 2400 30992,22 43,48
6 U-6 - Balok 3252 0,15 2400 24034,54 26,15
7 U-7 - Balok 3206 0,15 2400 23365,20 24,71
8 U-8 - Balok 3413 0,15 2400 26476,51 31,73
9 U-9 - Pile 3168 0,15 2400 22808,87 23,55
10 U-10 - Pile 3556 0,15 2400 28738,42 37,39
11 U-11 - Pile 3779 0,15 2400 32456,08 47,69
12 U-12 - Pile 3842 0,15 2400 33554,30 50,97
13 U-13 - Pile 3748 0,15 2400 31929,15 46,15
14 U-14 - Pile 3711 0,15 2400 31298,48 44,35
15 U-15 - Pile 3819 0,15 2400 33157,25 49,77
16 U-16 - Pile 3716 0,15 2400 31389,64 44,60
17 U-17 - Pile 3338 0,15 2400 25328,70 29,04
18 U-18 - Pile 3799 0,15 2400 32810,91 48,73
19 U-19 - Pile 4075 0,15 2400 37751,02 64,52
20 U-20 - Pile 3975 0,15 2400 35906,66 58,37
21 U-21 - Pile 3954 0,15 2400 35539,02 57,18
22 U-22 - Pile 3053 0,15 2400 21182,87 20,31
23 U-23 - Pile 3531 0,15 2400 28342,15 36,36
24 U-24 - Pile 3804 0,15 2400 32890,40 48,97
25 U-25 - Pile 3588 0,15 2400 29254,74 38,74
26 U-26 - Pile 3680 0,15 2400 30774,39 42,87
27 U-27 - Balok 3525 0,15 2400 28242,71 36,11
28 U-28 - Pile 3598 0,15 2400 29427,87 39,20
29 U-29 - Balok 3697 0,15 2400 31072,85 43,71

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 45
30 U-30 - Pile 3448 0,15 2400 27025,46 33,06
31 U-31 - Pile 3901 0,15 2400 34592,71 54,17
32 U-32 - Pile 3872 0,15 2400 34083,85 52,59
33 U-33 - Pile 3788 0,15 2400 32610,86 48,14
34 U-34 - Pile 3751 0,15 2400 31983,70 46,31
35 U-35 - Balok 3588 0,15 2400 29258,00 38,75
36 U-36 - Balok 3689 0,15 2400 30928,47 43,30
37 U-37 - Pile 3356 0,15 2400 25602,59 29,67
38 U-38 - Pile 3716 0,15 2400 31389,64 44,60
39 U-39 - Balok 3675 0,15 2400 30700,83 42,67

40 U-40 - Pile 3534 0,15 2400 28390,33 36,49

41 U-41 - Pile 3733 0,15 2400 31680,88 45,44
42 U-42 - Balok 3775 0,15 2400 32394,26 47,51
43 U-43 - Pile 3745 0,15 2400 31881,46 46,01
44 U-44 - Balok 3672 0,15 2400 30654,07 42,54
45 U-45 - Balok 3634 0,15 2400 30016,36 40,79
46 U-46 - Pile 3469 0,15 2400 27358,79 33,88
47 U-47 - Balok 3846 0,15 2400 33627,69 51,19
48 U-48 - Balok 3820 0,15 2400 33171,14 49,81
49 U-49 - Balok 3593 0,15 2400 29349,41 38,99
50 U-50 - Balok 4033 0,15 2400 36969,59 61,87

Maka diperoleh :
Rata-rata mutu beton balok = 41,11 MPa
Rata-rata mutu beton pile = 43,30 MPa
Hasil tersebut telah memenuhi persyaratan minimum kuat tekan beton sebesar 21
MPa berdasarkan SNI-2847-2019.

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 46

4.1 Kesimpulan

Berdasarkan hasil pengujian di lapangan struktur eksisting Pile Slab Jembatan

Tumbang Nusa dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru yang telah dilakukan,
diperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut :
a. Rata-rata estimasi mutu beton hasil pengujian UPV Pundit pada Pile Slab
Jembatan Tumbang Nusa untuk pile atas sebesar 71,35 MPa dan untuk pile
bawah sebesar sebesar 71,45 Mpa. Hasil tersebut telah memenuhi
persyaratan minimum kuat tekan beton sebesar 21 MPa untuk mutu beton
struktur khusus berdasarkan SNI-2847-2019. Kecepatan rambat gelombang
pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa diperoleh range
3084 m/s sampai dengan 4545 m/s dengan deskripsi beton Medium
Concrete Grade sampai dengan Excellent Concrete Grade,
b. Rata-rata estimasi mutu beton hasil pengujian UPV Pundit pada Pile Slab
Jembatan Asam Baru untuk balok sebesar 41,11 MPa dan untuk pile sebesar
sebesar 43,30 MPa. Hasil tersebut telah memenuhi persyaratan minimum
kuat tekan beton sebesar 21 MPa untuk mutu beton struktur khusus
berdasarkan SNI-2847-2019. Kecepatan rambat gelombang pengujian UPV
Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru diperoleh range 3053 m/s sampai
dengan 4075 m/s dengan deskripsi beton Medium Concrete Grade sampai
dengan Excellent Concrete Grade.

Laporan Pengujian UPV Pundit Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa Dan Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru 47


Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan

Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai Ulin

Section Section Section Section Section Section Section
406 407 408 409 410 411 412

U1 U7 U9 U11
U2 U8 U10 U12
U3 U13
U4 U14

Section Section Section Section Section Section Section

413 414 415 416 417 418 419

U19 U23
U20 U24
U17 U21
U18 U22

Section Section Section Section Section Section Section

420 421 422 423 424 425 426

U25 U29 U31
U26 U30 U32
Section Section Section Section Section Section Section
427 428 429 430 431 432 433

U37 U41
U38 U42

Section Section Section Section Section Section Section

434 435 436 437 438 439 440


Section Section Section Section Section

441 442 443 444 446

U45 U49
U46 U50
U51 U55
U52 U56


U57 U63
U58 U64


U67 U71
U68 U72
U65 U73
U66 U74
U75 U79 U83
U76 U80 U84

U77 U81
U78 U82

U85 U87 U95

U86 U88 U96
U89 U91 U93
U90 U92 U94

2+515 2+520 2+525 2+530 2+535 2+540 2+545
U109 U115 U117 U125
U110 U116 U118 U126
U101 U123 U107
U102 U124 U108
U111 U103 U119
U112 U104 U120
U113 U121 U105 U127
U114 U122 U106 U128


2+550 2+555 2+560 2+565 2+570 2+575
U131 U133 U143 U147 U149
U132 U134 U144 U148 U150
U129 U135 U137 U141 U145
U130 U136 U138 U142 U146


Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan

Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai Ulin


U4 U8
U1 U5 U7



U12 U13 U16 U17 U20

U11 U14 U15 U18 U19
U9 U10





U32 U40 U39 U38

U24 U26 U28 U29 U31 U34 U35 U41 U45
U23 U27 U25 U30 U33 U42 U43

U36 U37 U44 U46


U49 U50

U43 U48
U46 U47
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :


Project Name : Pengujian Struktur Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa
Project Location : Pulangpisau - Kalimantan Tengah
Testing : Estimation Direct Pulse Velocity

Test Location Average

Indirect/ Direct
ID Velocity Distance Direct
No Test Direct Velocity
Sample Location Type [m/s] (m) Velocity
Factor** [m/s]
1 3900 0.350 1,0 3900
2 3926 0.350 1,0 3926
3 U-1 Section 406 Pile Atas 3944 0.350 1,0 3944 3923
4 3971 0.350 1,0 3971
5 3874 0.350 1,0 3874
6 4020 0.360 1,0 4020
7 3980 0.360 1,0 3980
8 U-2 Section 406 Pile Bawah 3848 0.360 1,0 3848 4014
9 4131 0.360 1,0 4131
10 4089 0.360 1,0 4089
11 3971 0.350 1,0 3971
12 3975 0.350 1,0 3975
13 U-3 Section 407 Pile Atas 3966 0.350 1,0 3966 3985
14 3984 0.350 1,0 3984
15 4030 0.350 1,0 4030
16 4049 0.350 1,0 4049
17 4007 0.350 1,0 4007
18 U-4 Section 407 Pile Bawah 4077 0.350 1,0 4077 4044
19 4007 0.350 1,0 4007
20 4082 0.350 1,0 4082
21 4035 0.350 1,0 4035
22 3998 0.350 1,0 3998
23 U-5 Section 408 Pile Atas 3957 0.350 1,0 3957 3993
24 3993 0.350 1,0 3993
25 3984 0.350 1,0 3984
26 3803 0.350 1,0 3803
27 3832 0.350 1,0 3832
28 U-6 Section 408 Pile Bawah 3823 0.350 1,0 3823 3854
29 3815 0.350 1,0 3815
30 3998 0.350 1,0 3998
31 4169 0.350 1,0 4169
32 4160 0.350 1,0 4160
U-7 Section 409 Pile Atas 4142
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

33 U-7 Section 409 Pile Atas 4165 0.350 1,0 4165 4142
34 4184 0.350 1,0 4184
35 4030 0.350 1,0 4030
36 4007 0.350 1,0 4007
37 4007 0.350 1,0 4007
38 U-8 Section 409 Pile Bawah 4049 0.350 1,0 4049 3995
39 3993 0.350 1,0 3993
40 3917 0.350 1,0 3917
41 4256 0.350 1,0 4256
42 4174 0.350 1,0 4174
43 U-9 Section 410 Pile Atas 4150 0.350 1,0 4150 4173
44 4194 0.350 1,0 4194
45 4091 0.350 1,0 4091
46 3896 0.350 1,0 3896
47 4016 0.350 1,0 4016
48 U-10 Section 410 Pile Bawah 3896 0.350 1,0 3896 3949
49 4016 0.350 1,0 4016
50 3922 0.350 1,0 3922
51 4112 0.330 1,0 4112
52 4008 0.330 1,0 4008
53 U-11 Section 411 Pile Atas 4097 0.330 1,0 4097 4065
54 4082 0.330 1,0 4082
55 4027 0.330 1,0 4027
56 4035 0.350 1,0 4035
57 4040 0.350 1,0 4040
58 U-12 Section 411 Pile Bawah 4087 0.350 1,0 4087 4010
59 4016 0.350 1,0 4016
60 3874 0.350 1,0 3874
61 4003 0.330 1,0 4003
62 3960 0.330 1,0 3960
63 U-13 Section 412 Pile Atas 3955 0.330 1,0 3955 3968
64 3979 0.330 1,0 3979
65 3945 0.330 1,0 3945
66 3621 0.330 1,0 3621
67 3570 0.330 1,0 3570
68 U-14 Section 412 Pile Bawah 3706 0.330 1,0 3706 3658
69 3710 0.330 1,0 3710
70 3681 0.330 1,0 3681
71 4012 0.350 1,0 4012
72 3931 0.350 1,0 3931
U-15 Section 413 Pile Atas 3933
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

73 U-15 Section 413 Pile Atas 3953 0.350 1,0 3953 3933
74 3948 0.350 1,0 3948
75 3819 0.350 1,0 3819
76 3786 0.350 1,0 3786
77 3874 0.350 1,0 3874
78 U-16 Section 413 Pile Bawah 3971 0.350 1,0 3971 3901
79 3913 0.350 1,0 3913
80 3962 0.350 1,0 3962
81 3911 0.360 1,0 3911
82 3976 0.360 1,0 3976
83 U-17 Section 415 Pile Atas 3894 0.360 1,0 3894 3930
84 3994 0.360 1,0 3994
85 3873 0.360 1,0 3873
86 3954 0.360 1,0 3954
87 3869 0.360 1,0 3869
88 U-18 Section 415 Pile Bawah 4011 0.360 1,0 4011 3897
89 3725 0.360 1,0 3725
90 3928 0.360 1,0 3928
91 3989 0.360 1,0 3989
92 3836 0.360 1,0 3836
93 U-19 Section 416 Pile Atas 3573 0.360 1,0 3573 3874
94 3941 0.360 1,0 3941
95 4029 0.360 1,0 4029
96 3772 0.360 1,0 3772
97 3804 0.360 1,0 3804
98 U-20 Section 416 Pile Bawah 3857 0.360 1,0 3857 3814
99 3744 0.360 1,0 3744
100 3894 0.360 1,0 3894
101 4016 0.350 1,0 4016
102 3931 0.350 1,0 3931
103 U-21 Section 417 Pile Atas 3866 0.350 1,0 3866 3957
104 4026 0.350 1,0 4026
105 3944 0.350 1,0 3944
106 3917 0.350 1,0 3917
107 4082 0.350 1,0 4082
108 U-22 Section 417 Pile Bawah 3909 0.350 1,0 3909 3845
109 3734 0.350 1,0 3734
110 3584 0.350 1,0 3584
111 4030 0.350 1,0 4030
112 3917 0.350 1,0 3917
U-23 Section 418 Pile Atas 3918
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

113 U-23 Section 418 Pile Atas 3840 0.350 1,0 3840 3918
114 3953 0.350 1,0 3953
115 3849 0.350 1,0 3849
116 4101 0.350 1,0 4101
117 4072 0.350 1,0 4072
118 U-24 Section 418 Pile Bawah 4007 0.350 1,0 4007 4115
119 4189 0.350 1,0 4189
120 4205 0.350 1,0 4205
121 4174 0.360 1,0 4174
122 4169 0.360 1,0 4169
123 U-25 Section 420 Pile Atas 4094 0.360 1,0 4094 4125
124 4131 0.360 1,0 4131
125 4057 0.360 1,0 4057
126 4199 0.360 1,0 4199
127 4253 0.360 1,0 4253
128 U-26 Section 420 Pile Bawah 4141 0.360 1,0 4141 4195
129 4160 0.360 1,0 4160
130 4223 0.360 1,0 4223
131 4248 0.340 1,0 4248
132 4264 0.340 1,0 4264
133 U-27 Section 421 Pile Atas 4164 0.340 1,0 4164 4224
134 4264 0.340 1,0 4264
135 4180 0.340 1,0 4180
136 4206 0.340 1,0 4206
137 4164 0.340 1,0 4164
138 U-28 Section 421 Pile Bawah 4139 0.340 1,0 4139 4094
139 3730 0.340 1,0 3730
140 4232 0.340 1,0 4232
141 4106 0.350 1,0 4106
142 4155 0.350 1,0 4155
143 U-29 Section 422 Pile Atas 4044 0.350 1,0 4044 4094
144 4091 0.350 1,0 4091
145 4072 0.350 1,0 4072
146 4016 0.350 1,0 4016
147 3798 0.350 1,0 3798
148 U-30 Section 422 Pile Bawah 3726 0.350 1,0 3726 3885
149 3944 0.350 1,0 3944
150 3940 0.350 1,0 3940
146 4384 0.350 1,0 4384
147 4395 0.350 1,0 4395
148 U-31 Section 423 Pile Atas 4335 0.350 1,0 4335 4364
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

U-31 Section 423 Pile Atas 4364

149 4367 0.350 1,0 4367
150 4340 0.350 1,0 4340
151 4068 0.350 1,0 4068
152 4007 0.350 1,0 4007
153 U-32 Section 423 Pile Bawah 4016 0.350 1,0 4016 4053
154 4145 0.350 1,0 4145
155 4030 0.350 1,0 4030
156 3832 0.350 1,0 3832
157 3998 0.350 1,0 3998
158 U-33 Section 425 Pile Atas 3883 0.350 1,0 3883 3908
159 3857 0.350 1,0 3857
160 3971 0.350 1,0 3971
161 4174 0.350 1,0 4174
162 4096 0.350 1,0 4096
163 U-34 Section 425 Pile Bawah 3552 0.350 1,0 3552 3993
164 4049 0.350 1,0 4049
165 4096 0.350 1,0 4096
166 4393 0.360 1,0 4393
167 4377 0.360 1,0 4377
168 U-35 Section 427 Pile Atas 4399 0.360 1,0 4399 4388
169 4442 0.360 1,0 4442
170 4330 0.360 1,0 4330
171 4453 0.360 1,0 4453
172 4453 0.360 1,0 4453
173 U-36 Section 427 Pile Bawah 4011 0.360 1,0 4011 4357
174 4475 0.360 1,0 4475
175 4393 0.360 1,0 4393
176 4054 0.350 1,0 4054
177 4096 0.350 1,0 4096
178 U-37 Section 429 Pile Atas 4049 0.350 1,0 4049 4012
179 3931 0.350 1,0 3931
180 3931 0.350 1,0 3931
181 4160 0.350 1,0 4160
182 3926 0.350 1,0 3926
183 U-38 Section 429 Pile Bawah 4054 0.350 1,0 4054 4024
184 4040 0.350 1,0 4040
185 3940 0.350 1,0 3940
186 4411 0.350 1,0 4411
187 4411 0.350 1,0 4411
188 U-39 Section 431 Pile Atas 4378 0.350 1,0 4378 4365
189 4324 0.350 1,0 4324
190 4303 0.350 1,0 4303
191 4389 0.350 1,0 4389
192 4308 0.350 1,0 4308
193 U-40 Section 431 Pile Bawah 4240 0.350 1,0 4240 4256
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

U-40 Section 431 Pile Bawah 4256

194 4384 0.350 1,0 4384
195 3957 0.350 1,0 3957
196 4335 0.360 1,0 4335
197 4289 0.360 1,0 4289
198 U-41 Section 432 Pile Atas 4273 0.360 1,0 4273 4311
199 4309 0.360 1,0 4309
200 4351 0.360 1,0 4351
201 3933 0.360 1,0 3933
202 4258 0.360 1,0 4258
203 U-42 Section 432 Pile Bawah 3915 0.360 1,0 3915 4144
204 4253 0.360 1,0 4253
205 4361 0.360 1,0 4361
206 3878 0.350 1,0 3878
207 3766 0.350 1,0 3766
208 U-43 Section 437 Pile Atas 3878 0.350 1,0 3878 3763
209 3485 0.350 1,0 3485
210 3807 0.350 1,0 3807
211 3823 0.350 1,0 3823
212 3730 0.350 1,0 3730
213 U-44 Section 437 Pile Bawah 3849 0.350 1,0 3849 3803
214 3803 0.350 1,0 3803
215 3811 0.350 1,0 3811
216 4225 0.350 1,0 4225
217 4082 0.350 1,0 4082
218 U-45 Section 442 Pile Atas 4135 0.350 1,0 4135 4104
219 4058 0.350 1,0 4058
220 4021 0.350 1,0 4021
221 3848 0.360 1,0 3848
222 3911 0.360 1,0 3911
223 U-46 Section 442 Pile Bawah 4025 0.360 1,0 4025 3997
224 4179 0.360 1,0 4179
225 4020 0.360 1,0 4020
226 4304 0.360 1,0 4304
227 3907 0.360 1,0 3907
228 U-47 Section 443 Pile Atas 4131 0.360 1,0 4131 4154
229 4258 0.360 1,0 4258
230 4169 0.360 1,0 4169
231 4399 0.360 1,0 4399
232 4325 0.360 1,0 4325
233 U-48 Section 443 Pile Bawah 4309 0.360 1,0 4309 4308
234 4238 0.360 1,0 4238
235 4268 0.360 1,0 4268
236 4103 0.360 1,0 4103
237 4126 0.360 1,0 4126
238 U-49 Section 446 Pile Atas 4136 0.360 1,0 4136 4123
239 4145 0.360 1,0 4145
240 4103 0.360 1,0 4103
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

241 4048 0.360 1,0 4048

242 3954 0.360 1,0 3954
243 U-50 Section 446 Pile Bawah 3570 0.360 1,0 3570 3913
244 3907 0.360 1,0 3907
245 4084 0.360 1,0 4084
246 4120 0.350 1,0 4120
247 3891 0.350 1,0 3891
248 U-51 - Pile Atas 3891 0.350 1,0 3891 3897
249 3878 0.350 1,0 3878
250 3706 0.350 1,0 3706
251 4287 0.350 1,0 4287
252 4324 0.350 1,0 4324
253 U-52 - Pile Bawah 4116 0.350 1,0 4116 4188
254 4205 0.350 1,0 4205
255 4007 0.350 1,0 4007
256 4389 0.350 1,0 4389
257 4205 0.350 1,0 4205
258 U-53 - Pile Atas 4179 0.350 1,0 4179 4190
259 4012 0.350 1,0 4012
260 4165 0.350 1,0 4165
261 4445 0.350 1,0 4445
262 4308 0.350 1,0 4308
263 U-54 - Pile Bawah 4220 0.350 1,0 4220 4340
264 4428 0.350 1,0 4428
265 4297 0.350 1,0 4297
266 4094 0.360 1,0 4094
267 4155 0.360 1,0 4155
268 U-55 - Pile Atas 4098 0.360 1,0 4098 4122
269 4141 0.360 1,0 4141
270 4122 0.360 1,0 4122
271 4346 0.360 1,0 4346
272 3945 0.360 1,0 3945
273 U-56 - Pile Bawah 4189 0.360 1,0 4189 4257
274 4420 0.360 1,0 4420
275 4383 0.360 1,0 4383
276 4228 0.360 1,0 4228
277 4199 0.360 1,0 4199
278 U-57 - Pile Atas 4066 0.360 1,0 4066 4166
279 4150 0.360 1,0 4150
280 4189 0.360 1,0 4189
281 4448 0.360 1,0 4448
282 4165 0.360 1,0 4165
283 U-58 - Pile Bawah 4314 0.360 1,0 4314 4292
284 4223 0.360 1,0 4223
285 4309 0.360 1,0 4309
286 4388 0.360 1,0 4388
287 4304 0.360 1,0 4304
U-59 - Pile Atas 4317
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

288 U-59 - Pile Atas 4294 0.360 1,0 4294 4317

289 4304 0.360 1,0 4304
290 4294 0.360 1,0 4294
291 4165 0.350 1,0 4165
292 4561 0.350 1,0 4561
293 U-60 - Pile Bawah 4329 0.350 1,0 4329 4411
294 4450 0.350 1,0 4450
295 4549 0.350 1,0 4549
296 4282 0.350 1,0 4282
297 4297 0.350 1,0 4297
298 U-61 - Pile Atas 4101 0.350 1,0 4101 4224
299 4215 0.350 1,0 4215
300 4225 0.350 1,0 4225
301 4271 0.350 1,0 4271
302 4210 0.350 1,0 4210
303 U-62 - Pile Bawah 4245 0.350 1,0 4245 4242
304 4319 0.350 1,0 4319
305 4165 0.350 1,0 4165
306 4372 0.360 1,0 4372
307 4399 0.360 1,0 4399
308 U-63 - Pile Atas 4253 0.360 1,0 4253 4281
309 4184 0.360 1,0 4184
310 4199 0.360 1,0 4199
311 4431 0.360 1,0 4431
312 4372 0.360 1,0 4372
313 U-64 - Pile Bawah 4208 0.360 1,0 4208 4340
314 4377 0.360 1,0 4377
315 4314 0.360 1,0 4314
316 4243 0.360 1,0 4243
317 4145 0.360 1,0 4145
318 U-65 - Pile Atas 4184 0.360 1,0 4184 4168
319 4080 0.360 1,0 4080
320 4189 0.360 1,0 4189
321 4426 0.360 1,0 4426
322 4346 0.360 1,0 4346
323 U-66 - Pile Bawah 4459 0.360 1,0 4459 4381
324 4372 0.360 1,0 4372
325 4304 0.360 1,0 4304
326 4220 0.350 1,0 4220
327 4245 0.350 1,0 4245
328 U-67 - Pile Atas 4210 0.350 1,0 4210 4229
329 4271 0.350 1,0 4271
330 4199 0.350 1,0 4199
331 4351 0.350 1,0 4351
332 4282 0.350 1,0 4282
333 U-68 - Pile Bawah 4351 0.350 1,0 4351 4305
334 4324 0.350 1,0 4324
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :
U-68 - Pile Bawah 4305

335 4215 0.350 1,0 4215

336 4329 0.350 1,0 4329
337 4351 0.350 1,0 4351
338 U-69 - Pile Atas 4303 0.350 1,0 4303 4305
339 4282 0.350 1,0 4282
340 4261 0.350 1,0 4261
341 4329 0.350 1,0 4329
342 4230 0.350 1,0 4230
343 U-70 - Pile Bawah 4199 0.350 1,0 4199 4242
344 4276 0.350 1,0 4276
345 4174 0.350 1,0 4174
346 4434 0.350 1,0 4434
347 4367 0.350 1,0 4367
348 U-71 - Pile Atas 4367 0.350 1,0 4367 4348
349 4324 0.350 1,0 4324
350 4250 0.350 1,0 4250
351 4400 0.350 1,0 4400
352 4345 0.350 1,0 4345
353 U-72 - Pile Bawah 4362 0.350 1,0 4362 4369
354 4367 0.350 1,0 4367
355 4373 0.350 1,0 4373
356 4400 0.350 1,0 4400
357 4378 0.350 1,0 4378
358 U-73 - Pile Atas 4406 0.350 1,0 4406 4383
359 4384 0.350 1,0 4384
360 4345 0.350 1,0 4345
361 4400 0.350 1,0 4400
362 4044 0.350 1,0 4044
363 U-74 - Pile Bawah 4428 0.350 1,0 4428 4347
364 4549 0.350 1,0 4549
365 4313 0.350 1,0 4313
366 4099 0.340 1,0 4099
367 3998 0.340 1,0 3998
368 U-75 - Pile Atas 4129 0.340 1,0 4129 4075
369 4065 0.340 1,0 4065
370 4084 0.340 1,0 4084
371 4114 0.340 1,0 4114
372 3902 0.340 1,0 3902
373 U-76 - Pile Bawah 3979 0.340 1,0 3979 3990
374 3942 0.340 1,0 3942
375 4012 0.340 1,0 4012
376 4077 0.350 1,0 4077
377 4035 0.350 1,0 4035
378 U-77 - Pile Atas 4021 0.350 1,0 4021 4031
379 4040 0.350 1,0 4040
380 3984 0.350 1,0 3984
381 4345 0.350 1,0 4345

U-78 - Pile Bawah 4241

Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

382 4351 0.350 1,0 4351

383 U-78 - Pile Bawah 4230 0.350 1,0 4230 4241
384 4101 0.350 1,0 4101
385 4179 0.350 1,0 4179
386 4245 0.350 1,0 4245
387 4150 0.350 1,0 4150
388 U-79 - Pile Atas 4199 0.350 1,0 4199 4139
389 4091 0.350 1,0 4091
390 4012 0.350 1,0 4012
391 4205 0.350 1,0 4205
392 4035 0.350 1,0 4035
393 U-80 - Pile Bawah 3900 0.350 1,0 3900 3985
394 3878 0.350 1,0 3878
395 3909 0.350 1,0 3909
396 4223 0.360 1,0 4223
397 4199 0.360 1,0 4199
398 U-81 - Pile Atas 4089 0.360 1,0 4089 4156
399 4150 0.360 1,0 4150
400 4117 0.360 1,0 4117
401 4426 0.360 1,0 4426
402 4409 0.360 1,0 4409
403 U-82 - Pile Bawah 4420 0.360 1,0 4420 4430
404 4442 0.360 1,0 4442
405 4453 0.360 1,0 4453
406 4123 0.330 1,0 4123
407 4022 0.330 1,0 4022
408 U-83 - Pile Atas 3917 0.330 1,0 3917 4010
409 3955 0.330 1,0 3955
410 4032 0.330 1,0 4032
411 3950 0.330 1,0 3950
412 3960 0.330 1,0 3960
413 U-84 - Pile Bawah 3913 0.330 1,0 3913 3885
414 3714 0.330 1,0 3714
415 3890 0.330 1,0 3890
416 4012 0.350 1,0 4012
417 3975 0.350 1,0 3975
418 U-85 - Pile Atas 4035 0.350 1,0 4035 3978
419 3935 0.350 1,0 3935
420 3931 0.350 1,0 3931
421 4245 0.350 1,0 4245
422 4194 0.350 1,0 4194
423 U-86 - Pile Bawah 4111 0.350 1,0 4111 4208
424 4266 0.350 1,0 4266
425 4225 0.350 1,0 4225
426 3750 0.350 1,0 3750
427 3675 0.350 1,0 3675
428 U-87 - Pile Atas 3656 0.350 1,0 3656 3666
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

U-87 - Pile Atas 3666

429 3588 0.350 1,0 3588
430 3663 0.350 1,0 3663
431 3074 0.350 1,0 3074
432 3175 0.350 1,0 3175
433 U-88 - Pile Bawah 3096 0.350 1,0 3096 3084
434 3019 0.350 1,0 3019
435 3058 0.350 1,0 3058
436 4174 0.350 1,0 4174
437 4140 0.350 1,0 4140
438 U-89 - Pile Atas 4035 0.350 1,0 4035 4062
439 4072 0.350 1,0 4072
440 3887 0.350 1,0 3887
441 4297 0.350 1,0 4297
442 4096 0.350 1,0 4096
443 U-90 - Pile Bawah 4340 0.350 1,0 4340 4259
444 4235 0.350 1,0 4235
445 4329 0.350 1,0 4329
446 4007 0.350 1,0 4007
447 4040 0.350 1,0 4040
448 U-91 - Pile Atas 3989 0.350 1,0 3989 4019
449 4003 0.350 1,0 4003
450 4058 0.350 1,0 4058
451 4389 0.350 1,0 4389
452 4189 0.350 1,0 4189
453 U-92 - Pile Bawah 4373 0.350 1,0 4373 4308
454 4329 0.350 1,0 4329
455 4261 0.350 1,0 4261
456 4094 0.360 1,0 4094
457 4003 0.360 1,0 4003
458 U-93 - Pile Atas 3972 0.360 1,0 3972 4007
459 3861 0.360 1,0 3861
460 4103 0.360 1,0 4103
461 4203 0.360 1,0 4203
462 4165 0.360 1,0 4165
463 U-94 - Pile Bawah 4238 0.360 1,0 4238 4197
464 4189 0.360 1,0 4189
465 4189 0.360 1,0 4189
466 4097 0.330 1,0 4097
467 4017 0.330 1,0 4017
468 U-95 - Pile Atas 3950 0.330 1,0 3950 3964
469 3894 0.330 1,0 3894
470 3862 0.330 1,0 3862
471 4212 0.330 1,0 4212
472 4027 0.330 1,0 4027
473 U-96 - Pile Bawah 3894 0.330 1,0 3894 4034
474 4087 0.330 1,0 4087
475 3950 0.330 1,0 3950
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

476 4075 0.360 1,0 4075

477 4070 0.360 1,0 4070
478 U-97 - Pile Atas 4052 0.360 1,0 4052 4077
479 4094 0.360 1,0 4094
480 4094 0.360 1,0 4094
481 4409 0.360 1,0 4409
482 4213 0.360 1,0 4213
483 U-98 - Pile Bawah 4361 0.360 1,0 4361 4296
484 4223 0.360 1,0 4223
485 4273 0.360 1,0 4273
486 4145 0.350 1,0 4145
487 4044 0.350 1,0 4044
488 U-99 - Pile Atas 4169 0.350 1,0 4169 4111
489 4106 0.350 1,0 4106
490 4091 0.350 1,0 4091
491 4030 0.350 1,0 4030
492 4082 0.350 1,0 4082
493 U-100 - Pile Bawah 4194 0.350 1,0 4194 4073
494 3984 0.350 1,0 3984
495 4077 0.350 1,0 4077
496 4292 0.350 1,0 4292
497 4091 0.350 1,0 4091
498 U-101 STA 2+520 Pile Atas 4210 0.350 1,0 4210 4160
499 4179 0.350 1,0 4179
500 4026 0.350 1,0 4026
501 4111 0.350 1,0 4111
502 4189 0.350 1,0 4189
503 U-102 STA 2+520 Pile Bawah 4215 0.350 1,0 4215 4182
504 4145 0.350 1,0 4145
505 4250 0.350 1,0 4250
506 4216 0.340 1,0 4216
507 4185 0.340 1,0 4185
508 U-103 STA 2+525 Pile Atas 4159 0.340 1,0 4159 4156
509 4070 0.340 1,0 4070
510 4149 0.340 1,0 4149
511 4221 0.340 1,0 4221
512 4164 0.340 1,0 4164
513 U-104 STA 2+525 Pile Bawah 4211 0.340 1,0 4211 4181
514 4195 0.340 1,0 4195
515 4114 0.340 1,0 4114
516 4276 0.350 1,0 4276
517 4297 0.350 1,0 4297
518 U-105 STA 2+540 Pile Atas 4220 0.350 1,0 4220 4222
519 4184 0.350 1,0 4184
520 4135 0.350 1,0 4135
521 4184 0.350 1,0 4184
522 4205 0.350 1,0 4205
U-106 STA 2+540 Pile Bawah 4198
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

523 U-106 STA 2+540 Pile Bawah 4194 0.350 1,0 4194 4198
524 4250 0.350 1,0 4250
525 4155 0.350 1,0 4155
526 4271 0.350 1,0 4271
527 4329 0.350 1,0 4329
528 U-107 STA 2+545 Pile Atas 4297 0.350 1,0 4297 4304
529 4324 0.350 1,0 4324
530 4297 0.350 1,0 4297
531 4276 0.350 1,0 4276
532 4287 0.350 1,0 4287
533 U-108 STA 2+545 Pile Bawah 4266 0.350 1,0 4266 4220
534 4235 0.350 1,0 4235
535 4035 0.350 1,0 4035
536 4428 0.350 1,0 4428
537 4434 0.350 1,0 4434
538 U-109 STA 2+515 Pile Atas 4422 0.350 1,0 4422 4463
539 4496 0.350 1,0 4496
540 4537 0.350 1,0 4537
541 4456 0.350 1,0 4456
542 4287 0.350 1,0 4287
543 U-110 STA 2+515 Pile Bawah 4439 0.350 1,0 4439 4433
544 4525 0.350 1,0 4525
545 4456 0.350 1,0 4456
546 4324 0.350 1,0 4324
547 4210 0.350 1,0 4210
548 U-111 STA 2+515 Pile Atas 4189 0.350 1,0 4189 4219
549 4120 0.350 1,0 4120
550 4250 0.350 1,0 4250
551 4135 0.350 1,0 4135
552 4130 0.350 1,0 4130
553 U-112 STA 2+515 Pile Bawah 4220 0.350 1,0 4220 4150
554 4184 0.350 1,0 4184
555 4082 0.350 1,0 4082
556 4120 0.350 1,0 4120
557 4160 0.350 1,0 4160
558 U-113 STA 2+520 Pile Atas 4179 0.350 1,0 4179 4108
559 4072 0.350 1,0 4072
560 4007 0.350 1,0 4007
561 4130 0.350 1,0 4130
562 4179 0.350 1,0 4179
563 U-114 STA 2+520 Pile Bawah 4240 0.350 1,0 4240 4154
564 4145 0.350 1,0 4145
565 4077 0.350 1,0 4077
566 4261 0.350 1,0 4261
567 4215 0.350 1,0 4215
568 U-115 STA 2+525 Pile Atas 3917 0.350 1,0 3917 4163
569 4256 0.350 1,0 4256
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :
U-115 STA 2+525 Pile Atas 4163

570 4165 0.350 1,0 4165

571 4225 0.350 1,0 4225
572 4106 0.350 1,0 4106
573 U-116 STA 2+525 Pile Bawah 4169 0.350 1,0 4169 4180
574 4261 0.350 1,0 4261
575 4140 0.350 1,0 4140
576 4256 0.350 1,0 4256
577 3900 0.350 1,0 3900
578 U-117 STA 2+530 Pile Atas 4125 0.350 1,0 4125 4131
579 4230 0.350 1,0 4230
580 4145 0.350 1,0 4145
581 4096 0.350 1,0 4096
582 4210 0.350 1,0 4210
583 U-118 STA 2+530 Pile Bawah 4155 0.350 1,0 4155 4154
584 4194 0.350 1,0 4194
585 4116 0.350 1,0 4116
586 4340 0.350 1,0 4340
587 4389 0.350 1,0 4389
588 U-119 STA 2+530 Pile Atas 4450 0.350 1,0 4450 4356
589 4292 0.350 1,0 4292
590 4308 0.350 1,0 4308
591 4378 0.350 1,0 4378
592 4479 0.350 1,0 4479
593 U-120 STA 2+530 Pile Bawah 4058 0.350 1,0 4058 4289
594 4292 0.350 1,0 4292
595 4240 0.350 1,0 4240
596 4490 0.350 1,0 4490
597 4579 0.350 1,0 4579
598 U-121 STA 2+535 Pile Atas 4543 0.350 1,0 4543 4543
599 4573 0.350 1,0 4573
600 4531 0.350 1,0 4531
601 4561 0.350 1,0 4561
602 4531 0.350 1,0 4531
603 U-122 STA 2+535 Pile Bawah 4609 0.350 1,0 4609 4545
604 4462 0.350 1,0 4462
605 4561 0.350 1,0 4561
606 4135 0.350 1,0 4135
607 4189 0.350 1,0 4189
608 U-123 STA 2+535 Pile Atas 4145 0.350 1,0 4145 4138
609 4120 0.350 1,0 4120
610 4101 0.350 1,0 4101
611 4205 0.350 1,0 4205
612 4225 0.350 1,0 4225
613 U-124 STA 2+535 Pile Bawah 4235 0.350 1,0 4235 4226
614 4210 0.350 1,0 4210
615 4256 0.350 1,0 4256
616 4282 0.350 1,0 4282

U-125 STA 2+540 Pile Atas 4275

Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

617 4292 0.350 1,0 4292

618 U-125 STA 2+540 Pile Atas 4345 0.350 1,0 4345 4275
619 4240 0.350 1,0 4240
620 4215 0.350 1,0 4215
621 4389 0.350 1,0 4389
622 4324 0.350 1,0 4324
623 U-126 STA 2+540 Pile Bawah 3931 0.350 1,0 3931 4232
624 4329 0.350 1,0 4329
625 4189 0.350 1,0 4189
626 4417 0.350 1,0 4417
627 4384 0.350 1,0 4384
628 U-127 STA 2+545 Pile Atas 4485 0.350 1,0 4485 4397
629 4324 0.350 1,0 4324
630 4373 0.350 1,0 4373
631 4422 0.350 1,0 4422
632 4411 0.350 1,0 4411
633 U-128 STA 2+545 Pile Bawah 4428 0.350 1,0 4428 4414
634 4462 0.350 1,0 4462
635 4345 0.350 1,0 4345
636 4165 0.350 1,0 4165
637 4250 0.350 1,0 4250
638 U-129 STA 2+550 Pile Atas 4068 0.350 1,0 4068 4088
639 3980 0.350 1,0 3980
640 3975 0.350 1,0 3975
641 4120 0.350 1,0 4120
642 4096 0.350 1,0 4096
643 U-130 STA 2+550 Pile Bawah 4063 0.350 1,0 4063 4049
644 4049 0.350 1,0 4049
645 3917 0.350 1,0 3917
646 4395 0.350 1,0 4395
647 4345 0.350 1,0 4345
648 U-131 STA 2+550 Pile Atas 4406 0.350 1,0 4406 4367
649 4395 0.350 1,0 4395
650 4292 0.350 1,0 4292
651 4356 0.350 1,0 4356
652 4400 0.350 1,0 4400
653 U-132 STA 2+550 Pile Bawah 4351 0.350 1,0 4351 4372
654 4384 0.350 1,0 4384
655 4367 0.350 1,0 4367
656 4378 0.350 1,0 4378
657 4276 0.350 1,0 4276
658 U-133 STA 2+555 Pile Atas 4220 0.350 1,0 4220 4265
659 4160 0.350 1,0 4160
660 4292 0.350 1,0 4292
661 4356 0.350 1,0 4356
662 4297 0.350 1,0 4297
663 U-134 STA 2+555 Pile Bawah 3726 0.350 1,0 3726 4219
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

U-134 STA 2+555 Pile Bawah 4219

664 4308 0.350 1,0 4308
665 4406 0.350 1,0 4406
666 4356 0.350 1,0 4356
667 4330 0.350 1,0 4330
668 U-135 STA 2+555 Pile Atas 3726 0.350 1,0 3726 4247
669 4419 0.350 1,0 4419
670 4406 0.350 1,0 4406
671 4485 0.350 1,0 4485
672 4519 0.350 1,0 4519
673 U-136 STA 2+555 Pile Bawah 4537 0.350 1,0 4537 4488
674 4428 0.350 1,0 4428
675 4473 0.350 1,0 4473
676 4485 0.350 1,0 4485
677 4519 0.350 1,0 4519
678 U-137 STA 2+560 Pile Atas 4300 0.350 1,0 4300 4423
679 4336 0.350 1,0 4336
680 4473 0.350 1,0 4473
681 4573 0.350 1,0 4573
682 4573 0.350 1,0 4573
683 U-138 STA 2+560 Pile Bawah 4400 0.350 1,0 4400 4389
684 4096 0.350 1,0 4096
685 4303 0.350 1,0 4303
686 4621 0.350 1,0 4621
687 4558 0.350 1,0 4558
688 U-139 STA 2+560 Pile Atas 4400 0.350 1,0 4400 4475
689 4460 0.350 1,0 4460
690 4338 0.350 1,0 4338
691 4520 0.350 1,0 4520
692 4580 0.350 1,0 4580
693 U-140 STA 2+560 Pile Bawah 4498 0.350 1,0 4498 4475
694 4472 0.350 1,0 4472
695 4306 0.350 1,0 4306
696 4660 0.350 1,0 4660
697 4521 0.350 1,0 4521
698 U-141 STA 2+565 Pile Atas 4478 0.350 1,0 4478 4486
699 4471 0.350 1,0 4471
700 4298 0.350 1,0 4298
701 4520 0.350 1,0 4520
702 4660 0.350 1,0 4660
703 U-142 STA 2+565 Pile Bawah 4500 0.350 1,0 4500 4507
704 4478 0.350 1,0 4478
705 4375 0.350 1,0 4375
706 4541 0.360 1,0 4541
707 4478 0.360 1,0 4478
708 U-143 STA 2+565 Pile Atas 4320 0.360 1,0 4320 4437
709 4478 0.360 1,0 4478
710 4366 0.360 1,0 4366
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

711 4566 0.360 1,0 4566

712 4321 0.360 1,0 4321
713 U-144 STA 2+565 Pile Bawah 4411 0.360 1,0 4411 4405
714 4420 0.360 1,0 4420
715 4309 0.360 1,0 4309
716 4383 0.360 1,0 4383
717 4253 0.360 1,0 4253
718 U-145 STA 2+570 Pile Atas 4043 0.360 1,0 4043 4242
719 4213 0.360 1,0 4213
720 4319 0.360 1,0 4319
721 4268 0.360 1,0 4268
722 4258 0.360 1,0 4258
723 U-146 STA 2+570 Pile Bawah 4273 0.360 1,0 4273 4242
724 4228 0.360 1,0 4228
725 4184 0.360 1,0 4184
726 4417 0.350 1,0 4417
727 4445 0.350 1,0 4445
728 U-147 STA 2+570 Pile Atas 4479 0.350 1,0 4479 4410
729 4324 0.350 1,0 4324
730 4384 0.350 1,0 4384
731 4384 0.350 1,0 4384
732 4445 0.350 1,0 4445
733 U-148 STA 2+570 Pile Bawah 4362 0.350 1,0 4362 4333
734 4012 0.350 1,0 4012
735 4462 0.350 1,0 4462
736 4330 0.350 1,0 4330
737 4416 0.350 1,0 4416
738 U-149 STA 2+575 Pile Atas 4426 0.350 1,0 4426 4356
739 4210 0.350 1,0 4210
740 4398 0.350 1,0 4398
741 4300 0.350 1,0 4300
742 4426 0.350 1,0 4426
743 U-150 STA 2+575 Pile Bawah 4388 0.350 1,0 4388 4364
744 4317 0.350 1,0 4317
745 4390 0.350 1,0 4390
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :


Project Name : Pengujian Struktur Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa
Project Location : Pulangpisau - Kalimantan Tengah
Testing : Estimation Direct Pulse Velocity

Test Location Average

ID Direct 3000-
Number >4500 3500- <3000 Description
Sample Velocity 3500
Location Type m/s 4500 m/s m/s
[m/s] m/s
Excelent Good doubtfull
1 U-1 Section 406 Pile Atas 3923 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
2 U-2 Section 406 Pile Bawah 4014 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
3 U-3 Section 407 Pile Atas 3985 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
4 U-4 Section 407 Pile Bawah 4044 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
5 U-5 Section 408 Pile Atas 3993 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
6 U-6 Section 408 Pile Bawah 3854 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
7 U-7 Section 409 Pile Atas 4142 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
8 U-8 Section 409 Pile Bawah 3995 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
9 U-9 Section 410 Pile Atas 4173 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
10 U-10 Section 410 Pile Bawah 3949 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
11 U-11 Section 411 Pile Atas 4065 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
12 U-12 Section 411 Pile Bawah 4010 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
13 U-13 Section 412 Pile Atas 3968 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
14 U-14 Section 412 Pile Bawah 3658 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
15 U-15 Section 413 Pile Atas 3933 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
16 U-16 Section 413 Pile Bawah 3901 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
17 U-17 Section 415 Pile Atas 3930 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
18 U-18 Section 415 Pile Bawah 3897 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
19 U-19 Section 416 Pile Atas 3874 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
20 U-20 Section 416 Pile Bawah 3814 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
21 U-21 Section 417 Pile Atas 3957 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
22 U-22 Section 417 Pile Bawah 3845 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
23 U-23 Section 418 Pile Atas 3918 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
24 U-24 Section 418 Pile Bawah 4115 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
25 U-25 Section 420 Pile Atas 4125 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
26 U-26 Section 420 Pile Bawah 4195 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
27 U-27 Section 421 Pile Atas 4224 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
28 U-28 Section 421 Pile Bawah 4094 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
29 U-29 Section 422 Pile Atas 4094 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
30 U-30 Section 422 Pile Bawah 3885 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
31 U-31 Section 423 Pile Atas 4364 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
32 U-32 Section 423 Pile Bawah 4053 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
33 U-33 Section 425 Pile Atas 3908 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
34 U-34 Section 425 Pile Bawah 3993 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
35 U-35 Section 427 Pile Atas 4388 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
36 U-36 Section 427 Pile Bawah 4357 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
37 U-37 Section 429 Pile Atas 4012 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
38 U-38 Section 429 Pile Bawah 4024 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
Test Location Average
ID Direct 3000-
Number >4500 3500- <3000 Description
Sample Velocity 3500
Location Type m/s 4500 m/s m/s
[m/s] m/s
Excelent Good doubtfull
39 U-39 Section 431 Pile Atas 4365 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
40 U-40 Section 431 Pile Bawah 4256 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
41 U-41 Section 432 Pile Atas 4311 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
42 U-42 Section 432 Pile Bawah 4144 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
43 U-43 Section 437 Pile Atas 3763 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
44 U-44 Section 437 Pile Bawah 3803 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
45 U-45 Section 442 Pile Atas 4104 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
46 U-46 Section 442 Pile Bawah 3997 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
47 U-47 Section 443 Pile Atas 4154 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
48 U-48 Section 443 Pile Bawah 4308 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
49 U-49 Section 446 Pile Atas 4123 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
50 U-50 Section 446 Pile Bawah 3913 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
51 U-51 - Pile Atas 4388 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
52 U-52 - Pile Bawah 4188 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
53 U-53 - Pile Atas 4190 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
54 U-54 - Pile Bawah 4340 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
55 U-55 - Pile Atas 4122 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
56 U-56 - Pile Bawah 4257 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
57 U-57 - Pile Atas 4166 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
58 U-58 - Pile Bawah 4292 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
59 U-59 - Pile Atas 4317 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
60 U-60 - Pile Bawah 4411 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
61 U-61 - Pile Atas 4224 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
62 U-62 - Pile Bawah 4242 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
63 U-63 - Pile Atas 4281 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
64 U-64 - Pile Bawah 4340 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
65 U-65 - Pile Atas 4168 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
66 U-66 - Pile Bawah 4381 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
67 U-67 - Pile Atas 4229 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
68 U-68 - Pile Bawah 4305 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
69 U-69 - Pile Atas 4305 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
70 U-70 - Pile Bawah 4242 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
71 U-71 - Pile Atas 4348 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
72 U-72 - Pile Bawah 4369 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
73 U-73 - Pile Atas 4383 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
74 U-74 - Pile Bawah 4347 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
75 U-75 - Pile Atas 4075 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
76 U-76 - Pile Bawah 3990 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
77 U-77 - Pile Atas 4031 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
78 U-78 - Pile Bawah 4241 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
79 U-79 - Pile Atas 4139 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
80 U-80 - Pile Bawah 3985 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
81 U-81 - Pile Atas 4156 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
82 U-82 - Pile Bawah 4430 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
83 U-83 - Pile Atas 4010 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
84 U-84 - Pile Bawah 3885 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
85 U-85 - Pile Atas 3978 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
Test Location Average
ID Direct 3000-
Number >4500 3500- <3000 Description
Sample Velocity 3500
Location Type m/s 4500 m/s m/s
[m/s] m/s
Excelent Good doubtfull
86 U-86 - Pile Bawah 4208 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
87 U-87 - Pile Atas 3666 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
88 U-88 - Pile Bawah 3084 - - √ - Medium Concrete Grade
89 U-89 - Pile Atas 4062 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
90 U-90 - Pile Bawah 4259 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
91 U-91 - Pile Atas 4019 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
92 U-92 - Pile Bawah 4308 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
93 U-93 - Pile Atas 4007 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
94 U-94 - Pile Bawah 4197 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
95 U-95 - Pile Atas 3964 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
96 U-96 - Pile Bawah 4034 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
97 U-97 - Pile Atas 4077 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
98 U-98 - Pile Bawah 4296 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
99 U-99 - Pile Atas 4111 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
100 U-100 - Pile Bawah 4073 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
101 U-101 STA 2+520 Pile Atas 4104 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
102 U-102 STA 2+520 Pile Bawah 4182 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
103 U-103 STA 2+525 Pile Atas 4156 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
104 U-104 STA 2+525 Pile Bawah 4181 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
105 U-105 STA 2+540 Pile Atas 4222 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
106 U-106 STA 2+540 Pile Bawah 4198 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
107 U-107 STA 2+545 Pile Atas 4304 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
108 U-108 STA 2+545 Pile Bawah 4220 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
109 U-109 STA 2+515 Pile Atas 4463 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
110 U-110 STA 2+515 Pile Bawah 4433 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
111 U-111 STA 2+515 Pile Atas 4219 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
112 U-112 STA 2+515 Pile Bawah 4150 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
113 U-113 STA 2+520 Pile Atas 4108 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
114 U-114 STA 2+520 Pile Bawah 4154 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
115 U-115 STA 2+525 Pile Atas 4163 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
116 U-116 STA 2+525 Pile Bawah 4180 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
117 U-117 STA 2+530 Pile Atas 4131 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
118 U-118 STA 2+530 Pile Bawah 4154 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
119 U-119 STA 2+530 Pile Atas 4356 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
120 U-120 STA 2+530 Pile Bawah 4289 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
121 U-121 STA 2+535 Pile Atas 4543 √ - - - Excelent Concrete Grade
122 U-122 STA 2+535 Pile Bawah 4545 √ - - - Excelent Concrete Grade
123 U-123 STA 2+535 Pile Atas 4138 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
124 U-124 STA 2+535 Pile Bawah 4226 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
125 U-125 STA 2+540 Pile Atas 4275 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
126 U-126 STA 2+540 Pile Bawah 4232 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
127 U-127 STA 2+545 Pile Atas 4397 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
128 U-128 STA 2+545 Pile Bawah 4414 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
129 U-129 STA 2+550 Pile Atas 4088 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
130 U-130 STA 2+550 Pile Bawah 4049 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
131 U-131 STA 2+550 Pile Atas 4367 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
132 U-132 STA 2+550 Pile Bawah 4372 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
Test Location Average
ID Direct 3000-
Number >4500 3500- <3000 Description
Sample Velocity 3500
Location Type m/s 4500 m/s m/s
[m/s] m/s
Excelent Good doubtfull
133 U-133 STA 2+555 Pile Atas 4265 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
134 U-134 STA 2+555 Pile Bawah 4219 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
135 U-135 STA 2+555 Pile Atas 4247 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
136 U-136 STA 2+555 Pile Bawah 4488 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
137 U-137 STA 2+560 Pile Atas 4423 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
138 U-138 STA 2+560 Pile Bawah 4389 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
139 U-139 STA 2+560 Pile Atas 4475 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
140 U-140 STA 2+560 Pile Bawah 4475 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
141 U-141 STA 2+565 Pile Atas 4486 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
142 U-142 STA 2+565 Pile Bawah 4507 √ - - - Excelent Concrete Grade
143 U-143 STA 2+565 Pile Atas 4437 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
144 U-144 STA 2+565 Pile Bawah 4405 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
145 U-145 STA 2+570 Pile Atas 4242 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
146 U-146 STA 2+570 Pile Bawah 4242 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
147 U-147 STA 2+570 Pile Atas 4410 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
148 U-148 STA 2+570 Pile Bawah 4333 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
149 U-149 STA 2+575 Pile Atas 4356 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
150 U-150 STA 2+575 Pile Bawah 4364 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :


Project Name : Pengujian Struktur Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa
Project Location : Pulangpisau - Kalimantan Tengah
Testing : Estimation Direct Pulse Velocity

Element Of Structure Direct

ID Poisson Density
Number Velocity Ec (Mpa)** fc' Mpa***
Sample Location Type ratio* (Kg/m3)
1 U-1 Section 406 Pile Atas 3923 0,15 2400 34980,40 55,39
2 U-2 Section 406 Pile Bawah 4014 0,15 2400 36614,78 60,69
3 U-3 Section 407 Pile Atas 3985 0,15 2400 36098,44 58,99
4 U-4 Section 407 Pile Bawah 4044 0,15 2400 37178,89 62,57
5 U-5 Section 408 Pile Atas 3993 0,15 2400 36247,15 59,48
6 U-6 Section 408 Pile Bawah 3854 0,15 2400 33764,22 51,61
7 U-7 Section 409 Pile Atas 4142 0,15 2400 38987,42 68,81
8 U-8 Section 409 Pile Bawah 3995 0,15 2400 36268,93 59,55
9 U-9 Section 410 Pile Atas 4173 0,15 2400 39580,84 70,92
10 U-10 Section 410 Pile Bawah 3949 0,15 2400 35449,20 56,89
11 U-11 Section 411 Pile Atas 4065 0,15 2400 37562,29 63,87
12 U-12 Section 411 Pile Bawah 4010 0,15 2400 36556,41 60,50
13 U-13 Section 412 Pile Atas 3968 0,15 2400 35794,73 58,00
14 U-14 Section 412 Pile Bawah 3658 0,15 2400 30407,49 41,86
15 U-15 Section 413 Pile Atas 3933 0,15 2400 35151,81 55,94
16 U-16 Section 413 Pile Bawah 3901 0,15 2400 34592,71 54,17
17 U-17 Section 415 Pile Atas 3930 0,15 2400 35098,20 55,77
18 U-18 Section 415 Pile Bawah 3897 0,15 2400 34525,36 53,96
19 U-19 Section 416 Pile Atas 3874 0,15 2400 34104,98 52,66
20 U-20 Section 416 Pile Bawah 3814 0,15 2400 33067,02 49,50
21 U-21 Section 417 Pile Atas 3957 0,15 2400 35582,17 57,32
22 U-22 Section 417 Pile Bawah 3845 0,15 2400 33606,72 51,13
23 U-23 Section 418 Pile Atas 3918 0,15 2400 34887,73 55,10
24 U-24 Section 418 Pile Bawah 4115 0,15 2400 38484,48 67,05
25 U-25 Section 420 Pile Atas 4125 0,15 2400 38675,51 67,71
26 U-26 Section 420 Pile Bawah 4195 0,15 2400 40003,09 72,44
27 U-27 Section 421 Pile Atas 4224 0,15 2400 40554,22 74,45
28 U-28 Section 421 Pile Bawah 4094 0,15 2400 38100,12 65,71
29 U-29 Section 422 Pile Atas 4094 0,15 2400 38088,95 65,68
30 U-30 Section 422 Pile Bawah 3885 0,15 2400 34302,48 53,27
31 U-31 Section 423 Pile Atas 4364 0,15 2400 43290,99 84,84
32 U-32 Section 423 Pile Bawah 4053 0,15 2400 37340,86 63,12
33 U-33 Section 425 Pile Atas 3908 0,15 2400 34716,97 54,56
34 U-34 Section 425 Pile Bawah 3993 0,15 2400 36247,15 59,48
35 U-35 Section 427 Pile Atas 4388 0,15 2400 43768,44 86,72
36 U-36 Section 427 Pile Bawah 4357 0,15 2400 43148,26 84,28
37 U-37 Section 429 Pile Atas 4012 0,15 2400 36589,24 60,61
Project Name : Pengujian Struktur Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa
Project Location : Pulangpisau - Kalimantan Tengah
Testing : Estimation Direct Pulse Velocity

Element Of Structure Direct

ID Poisson Density
Number Velocity Ec (Mpa)** fc' Mpa***
Sample Location Type ratio* (Kg/m3)
38 U-38 Section 429 Pile Bawah 4024 0,15 2400 36804,77 61,32
39 U-39 Section 431 Pile Atas 4365 0,15 2400 43314,80 84,93
40 U-40 Section 431 Pile Bawah 4256 0,15 2400 41163,26 76,71
41 U-41 Section 432 Pile Atas 4311 0,15 2400 42249,82 80,81
42 U-42 Section 432 Pile Bawah 4144 0,15 2400 39032,62 68,97
43 U-43 Section 437 Pile Atas 3763 0,15 2400 32181,81 46,88
44 U-44 Section 437 Pile Bawah 3803 0,15 2400 32876,57 48,93
45 U-45 Section 442 Pile Atas 4104 0,15 2400 38286,46 66,36
46 U-46 Section 442 Pile Bawah 3997 0,15 2400 36305,26 59,67
47 U-47 Section 443 Pile Atas 4154 0,15 2400 39217,45 69,62
48 U-48 Section 443 Pile Bawah 4308 0,15 2400 42179,29 80,54
49 U-49 Section 446 Pile Atas 4123 0,15 2400 38630,52 67,56
50 U-50 Section 446 Pile Bawah 3913 0,15 2400 34795,18 54,81
51 U-51 - Pile Atas 4388 0,15 2400 43768,44 86,72
52 U-52 - Pile Bawah 4188 0,15 2400 39862,09 71,93
53 U-53 - Pile Atas 4190 0,15 2400 39903,98 72,08
54 U-54 - Pile Bawah 4340 0,15 2400 42804,32 82,94
55 U-55 - Pile Atas 4122 0,15 2400 38619,28 67,52
56 U-56 - Pile Bawah 4257 0,15 2400 41182,61 76,78
57 U-57 - Pile Atas 4166 0,15 2400 39455,73 70,47
58 U-58 - Pile Bawah 4292 0,15 2400 41866,55 79,35
59 U-59 - Pile Atas 4317 0,15 2400 42355,72 81,21
60 U-60 - Pile Bawah 4411 0,15 2400 44220,43 88,52
61 U-61 - Pile Atas 4224 0,15 2400 40554,22 74,45
62 U-62 - Pile Bawah 4242 0,15 2400 40900,59 75,73
63 U-63 - Pile Atas 4281 0,15 2400 41663,89 78,58
64 U-64 - Pile Bawah 4340 0,15 2400 42820,10 83,00
65 U-65 - Pile Atas 4168 0,15 2400 39489,83 70,60
66 U-66 - Pile Bawah 4381 0,15 2400 43632,89 86,19
67 U-67 - Pile Atas 4229 0,15 2400 40650,28 74,81
68 U-68 - Pile Bawah 4305 0,15 2400 42116,65 80,30
69 U-69 - Pile Atas 4305 0,15 2400 42128,39 80,34
70 U-70 - Pile Bawah 4242 0,15 2400 40892,87 75,70
71 U-71 - Pile Atas 4348 0,15 2400 42978,10 83,62
72 U-72 - Pile Bawah 4369 0,15 2400 43394,21 85,24
73 U-73 - Pile Atas 4383 0,15 2400 43656,80 86,28
74 U-74 - Pile Bawah 4347 0,15 2400 42946,47 83,49
75 U-75 - Pile Atas 4075 0,15 2400 37743,61 64,49
76 U-76 - Pile Bawah 3990 0,15 2400 36181,82 59,26
77 U-77 - Pile Atas 4031 0,15 2400 36940,26 61,77
78 U-78 - Pile Bawah 4241 0,15 2400 40885,16 75,67
Project Name : Pengujian Struktur Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa
Project Location : Pulangpisau - Kalimantan Tengah
Testing : Estimation Direct Pulse Velocity

Element Of Structure Direct

ID Poisson Density
Number Velocity Ec (Mpa)** fc' Mpa***
Sample Location Type ratio* (Kg/m3)
79 U-79 - Pile Atas 4139 0,15 2400 38946,01 68,66
80 U-80 - Pile Bawah 3985 0,15 2400 36102,06 59,00
81 U-81 - Pile Atas 4156 0,15 2400 39251,45 69,75
82 U-82 - Pile Bawah 4430 0,15 2400 44606,24 90,07
83 U-83 - Pile Atas 4010 0,15 2400 36545,48 60,46
84 U-84 - Pile Bawah 3885 0,15 2400 34313,08 53,30
85 U-85 - Pile Atas 3978 0,15 2400 35960,89 58,54
86 U-86 - Pile Bawah 4208 0,15 2400 40251,40 73,34
87 U-87 - Pile Atas 3666 0,15 2400 30553,99 42,26
88 U-88 - Pile Bawah 3084 0,15 2400 21623,68 21,17
89 U-89 - Pile Atas 4062 0,15 2400 37495,79 63,65
90 U-90 - Pile Bawah 4259 0,15 2400 41236,81 76,98
91 U-91 - Pile Atas 4019 0,15 2400 36720,67 61,04
92 U-92 - Pile Bawah 4308 0,15 2400 42187,12 80,57
93 U-93 - Pile Atas 4007 0,15 2400 36487,17 60,27
94 U-94 - Pile Bawah 4197 0,15 2400 40033,61 72,55
95 U-95 - Pile Atas 3964 0,15 2400 35715,40 57,75
96 U-96 - Pile Bawah 4034 0,15 2400 36987,93 61,93
97 U-97 - Pile Atas 4077 0,15 2400 37780,67 64,62
98 U-98 - Pile Bawah 4296 0,15 2400 41944,62 79,64
99 U-99 - Pile Atas 4111 0,15 2400 38413,44 66,80
100 U-100 - Pile Bawah 4073 0,15 2400 37713,98 64,39
101 U-101 STA 2+520 Pile Atas 4104 0,15 2400 38286,46 66,36
102 U-102 STA 2+520 Pile Bawah 4182 0,15 2400 39751,75 71,53
103 U-103 STA 2+525 Pile Atas 4156 0,15 2400 39255,23 69,76
104 U-104 STA 2+525 Pile Bawah 4181 0,15 2400 39732,74 71,47
105 U-105 STA 2+540 Pile Atas 4222 0,15 2400 40523,50 74,34
106 U-106 STA 2+540 Pile Bawah 4198 0,15 2400 40048,87 72,61
107 U-107 STA 2+545 Pile Atas 4304 0,15 2400 42097,08 80,22
108 U-108 STA 2+545 Pile Bawah 4220 0,15 2400 40473,61 74,16
109 U-109 STA 2+515 Pile Atas 4463 0,15 2400 45281,40 92,82
110 U-110 STA 2+515 Pile Bawah 4433 0,15 2400 44658,62 90,28
111 U-111 STA 2+515 Pile Atas 4219 0,15 2400 40450,59 74,07
112 U-112 STA 2+515 Pile Bawah 4150 0,15 2400 39149,50 69,38
113 U-113 STA 2+520 Pile Atas 4108 0,15 2400 38349,92 66,58
114 U-114 STA 2+520 Pile Bawah 4154 0,15 2400 39225,00 69,65
115 U-115 STA 2+525 Pile Atas 4163 0,15 2400 39387,58 70,23
116 U-116 STA 2+525 Pile Bawah 4180 0,15 2400 39717,54 71,41
117 U-117 STA 2+530 Pile Atas 4131 0,15 2400 38791,86 68,12
118 U-118 STA 2+530 Pile Bawah 4154 0,15 2400 39225,00 69,65
119 U-119 STA 2+530 Pile Atas 4356 0,15 2400 43124,50 84,19
120 U-120 STA 2+530 Pile Bawah 4289 0,15 2400 41819,74 79,17
Project Name : Pengujian Struktur Pile Slab Jembatan Tumbang Nusa
Project Location : Pulangpisau - Kalimantan Tengah
Testing : Estimation Direct Pulse Velocity

Element Of Structure Direct

ID Poisson Density
Number Velocity Ec (Mpa)** fc' Mpa***
Sample Location Type ratio* (Kg/m3)
121 U-121 STA 2+535 Pile Atas 4543 0,15 2400 46915,02 99,64
122 U-122 STA 2+535 Pile Bawah 4545 0,15 2400 46948,07 99,78
123 U-123 STA 2+535 Pile Atas 4138 0,15 2400 38919,67 68,57
124 U-124 STA 2+535 Pile Bawah 4226 0,15 2400 40596,47 74,61
125 U-125 STA 2+540 Pile Atas 4275 0,15 2400 41535,53 78,10
126 U-126 STA 2+540 Pile Bawah 4232 0,15 2400 40715,67 75,05
127 U-127 STA 2+545 Pile Atas 4397 0,15 2400 43936,16 87,39
128 U-128 STA 2+545 Pile Bawah 4414 0,15 2400 44276,59 88,75
129 U-129 STA 2+550 Pile Atas 4088 0,15 2400 37977,38 65,29
130 U-130 STA 2+550 Pile Bawah 4049 0,15 2400 37263,51 62,86
131 U-131 STA 2+550 Pile Atas 4367 0,15 2400 43338,61 85,03
132 U-132 STA 2+550 Pile Bawah 4372 0,15 2400 43437,92 85,42
133 U-133 STA 2+555 Pile Atas 4265 0,15 2400 41349,19 77,40
134 U-134 STA 2+555 Pile Bawah 4219 0,15 2400 40450,59 74,07
135 U-135 STA 2+555 Pile Atas 4247 0,15 2400 41004,78 76,12
136 U-136 STA 2+555 Pile Bawah 4488 0,15 2400 45790,07 94,92
137 U-137 STA 2+560 Pile Atas 4423 0,15 2400 44457,34 89,47
138 U-138 STA 2+560 Pile Bawah 4389 0,15 2400 43784,40 86,78
139 U-139 STA 2+560 Pile Atas 4475 0,15 2400 45525,21 93,82
140 U-140 STA 2+560 Pile Bawah 4475 0,15 2400 45521,14 93,81
141 U-141 STA 2+565 Pile Atas 4486 0,15 2400 45732,96 94,68
142 U-142 STA 2+565 Pile Bawah 4507 0,15 2400 46162,17 96,47
143 U-143 STA 2+565 Pile Atas 4437 0,15 2400 44739,25 90,61
144 U-144 STA 2+565 Pile Bawah 4405 0,15 2400 44112,22 88,09
145 U-145 STA 2+570 Pile Atas 4242 0,15 2400 40904,44 75,74
146 U-146 STA 2+570 Pile Bawah 4242 0,15 2400 40904,44 75,74
147 U-147 STA 2+570 Pile Atas 4410 0,15 2400 44200,38 88,44
148 U-148 STA 2+570 Pile Bawah 4333 0,15 2400 42674,22 82,44
149 U-149 STA 2+575 Pile Atas 4356 0,15 2400 43128,46 84,20
150 U-150 STA 2+575 Pile Bawah 4364 0,15 2400 43290,99 84,84

Rata - Rata fc' (MPa)

Pile Atas 71,35
Pile Bawah 71,45
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :


Project Name : Pengujian Struktur Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru
Project Location : Seruyan - Kalimantan Tengah
Testing : Estimation Direct Pulse Velocity

Test Location Average

Indirect/ Direct
ID Velocity Distance Direct
No Test Direct Velocity
Sample Location Type [m/s] (m) Velocity
Factor** [m/s]
1 3611 0.310 1,0 3611
2 3525 0.310 1,0 3525
3 U-1 - Balok 3615 0.310 1,0 3615 3514
4 3275 0.310 1,0 3275
5 3545 0.310 1,0 3545
6 3382 0.200 1,1 3720
7 3410 0.200 1,1 3751
8 U-2 - Balok 3518 0.200 1,1 3870 3826
9 3569 0.200 1,1 3926
10 3512 0.200 1,1 3863
11 2931 0.200 1,1 3224
12 2589 0.200 1,1 2848
13 U-3 - Balok 2983 0.200 1,1 3281 3192
14 3015 0.200 1,1 3317
15 2992 0.200 1,1 3291
16 3902 0.310 1,0 3902
17 3854 0.310 1,0 3854
18 U-4 - Balok 3863 0.310 1,0 3863 3803
19 3697 0.310 1,0 3697
20 3697 0.310 1,0 3697
21 3805 0.300 1,0 3805
22 3600 0.300 1,0 3600
23 U-5 - Balok 3553 0.300 1,0 3553 3693
24 3776 0.300 1,0 3776
25 3729 0.300 1,0 3729
26 3324 0.300 1,0 3324
27 3187 0.300 1,0 3187
28 U-6 - Balok 3183 0.300 1,0 3183 3252
29 3306 0.300 1,0 3306
30 3259 0.300 1,0 3259
31 3284 0.300 1,0 3284
32 3091 0.300 1,0 3091
U-7 - Balok 3206
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

33 U-7 - Balok 3252 0.300 1,0 3252 3206

34 3173 0.300 1,0 3173
35 3231 0.300 1,0 3231
36 3439 0.300 1,0 3439
37 3321 0.300 1,0 3321
38 U-8 - Balok 3451 0.300 1,0 3451 3413
39 3431 0.300 1,0 3431
40 3423 0.300 1,0 3423
41 3088 0.350 1,0 3088
42 3573 0.350 1,0 3573
43 U-9 - Pile 3085 0.350 1,0 3085 3168
44 3008 0.350 1,0 3008
45 3085 0.350 1,0 3085
46 3675 0.500 1,0 3675
47 3428 0.500 1,0 3428
48 U-10 - Pile 3708 0.500 1,0 3708 3556
49 3445 0.500 1,0 3445
50 3523 0.500 1,0 3523
51 3884 0.500 1,0 3884
52 3750 0.500 1,0 3750
53 U-11 - Pile 3945 0.500 1,0 3945 3779
54 3656 0.500 1,0 3656
55 3659 0.500 1,0 3659
56 3923 0.500 1,0 3923
57 3939 0.500 1,0 3939
58 U-12 - Pile 3923 0.500 1,0 3923 3842
59 3581 0.500 1,0 3581
60 3845 0.500 1,0 3845
61 3786 0.350 1,0 3786
62 3766 0.350 1,0 3766
63 U-13 - Pile 3640 0.350 1,0 3640 3748
64 3778 0.350 1,0 3778
65 3770 0.350 1,0 3770
66 3887 0.350 1,0 3887
67 3849 0.350 1,0 3849
68 U-14 - Pile 3537 0.350 1,0 3537 3711
69 3656 0.350 1,0 3656
70 3625 0.350 1,0 3625
71 3804 0.360 1,0 3804
72 3950 0.360 1,0 3950
U-15 - Pile 3819
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

73 U-15 - Pile 3613 0.360 1,0 3613 3819

74 3890 0.360 1,0 3890
75 3840 0.360 1,0 3840
76 3679 0.350 1,0 3679
77 3663 0.350 1,0 3663
78 U-16 - Pile 3671 0.350 1,0 3671 3716
79 3770 0.350 1,0 3770
80 3798 0.350 1,0 3798
81 3393 0.350 1,0 3393
82 3400 0.350 1,0 3400
83 U-17 - Pile 3294 0.350 1,0 3294 3338
84 3322 0.350 1,0 3322
85 3282 0.350 1,0 3282
86 3950 0.360 1,0 3950
87 3915 0.360 1,0 3915
88 U-18 - Pile 3606 0.360 1,0 3606 3799
89 3606 0.360 1,0 3606
90 3920 0.360 1,0 3920
91 4261 0.350 1,0 4261
92 3935 0.350 1,0 3935
93 U-19 - Pile 4007 0.350 1,0 4007 4075
94 4058 0.350 1,0 4058
95 4116 0.350 1,0 4116
96 3950 0.330 1,0 3950
97 3913 0.330 1,0 3913
98 U-20 - Pile 3876 0.330 1,0 3876 3975
99 4047 0.330 1,0 4047
100 4087 0.330 1,0 4087
101 3917 0.350 1,0 3917
102 4035 0.350 1,0 4035
103 U-21 - Pile 3984 0.350 1,0 3984 3954
104 3900 0.350 1,0 3900
105 3935 0.350 1,0 3935
106 3114 0.300 1,0 3114
107 3066 0.300 1,0 3066
108 U-22 - Pile 3019 0.300 1,0 3019 3053
109 2998 0.300 1,0 2998
110 3067 0.300 1,0 3067
111 3566 0.350 1,0 3566
112 3545 0.350 1,0 3545
U-23 - Pile 3531
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

113 U-23 - Pile 3534 0.350 1,0 3534 3531

114 3513 0.350 1,0 3513
115 3498 0.350 1,0 3498
116 3926 0.350 1,0 3926
117 3887 0.350 1,0 3887
118 U-24 - Pile 3513 0.350 1,0 3513 3804
119 3794 0.350 1,0 3794
120 3900 0.350 1,0 3900
121 3498 0.350 1,0 3498
122 3364 0.350 1,0 3364
123 U-25 - Pile 3790 0.350 1,0 3790 3588
124 3770 0.350 1,0 3770
125 3516 0.350 1,0 3516
126 3774 0.350 1,0 3774
127 3738 0.350 1,0 3738
128 U-26 - Pile 3786 0.350 1,0 3786 3680
129 3516 0.350 1,0 3516
130 3584 0.350 1,0 3584
131 3552 0.350 1,0 3552
132 3481 0.350 1,0 3481
133 U-27 - Balok 3866 0.350 1,0 3866 3525
134 3523 0.350 1,0 3523
135 3203 0.350 1,0 3203
136 3535 0.290 1,0 3535
137 3430 0.290 1,0 3430
138 U-28 - Pile 3492 0.290 1,0 3492 3598
139 3614 0.290 1,0 3614
140 3920 0.290 1,0 3920
141 3937 0.360 1,0 3937
142 3967 0.360 1,0 3967
143 U-29 - Balok 3812 0.360 1,0 3812 3697
144 3606 0.360 1,0 3606
145 3165 0.360 1,0 3165
146 3582 0.310 1,0 3582
147 3155 0.310 1,0 3155
148 U-30 - Pile 3155 0.310 1,0 3155 3448
149 3513 0.310 1,0 3513
150 3836 0.310 1,0 3836
146 4094 0.360 1,0 4094
147 3780 0.360 1,0 3780
148 U-31 - Pile 3924 0.360 1,0 3924 3901
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

U-31 - Pile 3901

149 3760 0.360 1,0 3760
150 3948 0.360 1,0 3948
151 3922 0.350 1,0 3922
152 3887 0.350 1,0 3887
153 U-32 - Pile 3770 0.350 1,0 3770 3872
154 3900 0.350 1,0 3900
155 3883 0.350 1,0 3883
156 3794 0.350 1,0 3794
157 3774 0.350 1,0 3774
158 U-33 - Pile 3671 0.350 1,0 3671 3788
159 3807 0.350 1,0 3807
160 3893 0.350 1,0 3893
161 3933 0.340 1,0 3933
162 3726 0.340 1,0 3726
163 U-34 - Pile 3897 0.340 1,0 3897 3751
164 3608 0.340 1,0 3608
165 3592 0.340 1,0 3592
166 3518 0.340 1,0 3518
167 3592 0.340 1,0 3592
168 U-35 - Balok 3562 0.340 1,0 3562 3588
169 3514 0.340 1,0 3514
170 3753 0.340 1,0 3753
171 3810 0.300 1,0 3810
172 3976 0.300 1,0 3976
173 U-36 - Balok 3582 0.300 1,0 3582 3689
174 3532 0.300 1,0 3532
175 3544 0.300 1,0 3544
176 3613 0.300 1,0 3613
177 3127 0.300 1,0 3127
178 U-37 - Pile 3270 0.300 1,0 3270 3356
179 3127 0.300 1,0 3127
180 3644 0.300 1,0 3644
181 3618 0.350 1,0 3618
182 3644 0.350 1,0 3644
183 U-38 - Pile 3866 0.350 1,0 3866 3716
184 3828 0.350 1,0 3828
185 3625 0.350 1,0 3625
186 3803 0.350 1,0 3803
187 3603 0.350 1,0 3603
188 U-39 - Balok 3667 0.350 1,0 3667 3675
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

U-39 - Balok 3675

189 3637 0.350 1,0 3637
190 3666 0.350 1,0 3666
191 3634 0.300 1,0 3634
192 3483 0.300 1,0 3483
193 U-40 - Pile 3499 0.300 1,0 3499 3534
194 3574 0.300 1,0 3574
195 3481 0.300 1,0 3481
196 3718 0.350 1,0 3718
197 3722 0.350 1,0 3722
198 U-41 - Pile 3770 0.350 1,0 3770 3733
199 3675 0.350 1,0 3675
200 3782 0.350 1,0 3782
201 3734 0.350 1,0 3734
202 3754 0.350 1,0 3754
203 U-42 - Balok 3798 0.350 1,0 3798 3775
204 3774 0.350 1,0 3774
205 3816 0.350 1,0 3816
206 3778 0.310 1,0 3778
207 3658 0.310 1,0 3658
208 U-43 - Pile 3863 0.310 1,0 3863 3745
209 3820 0.310 1,0 3820
210 3607 0.310 1,0 3607
211 3603 0.350 1,0 3603
212 3706 0.350 1,0 3706
213 U-44 - Balok 3714 0.350 1,0 3714 3672
214 3633 0.350 1,0 3633
215 3706 0.350 1,0 3706
216 3739 0.300 1,0 3739
217 3511 0.300 1,0 3511
218 U-45 - Balok 3734 0.300 1,0 3734 3634
219 3595 0.300 1,0 3595
220 3591 0.300 1,0 3591
221 3404 0.300 1,0 3404
222 3124 0.300 1,0 3124
223 U-46 - Pile 3475 0.300 1,0 3475 3469
224 3495 0.300 1,0 3495
225 3849 0.300 1,0 3849
226 3861 0.350 1,0 3861
227 3698 0.350 1,0 3698
228 U-47 - Balok 3900 0.350 1,0 3900 3846
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru
Website :

U-47 - Balok 3846

229 3866 0.350 1,0 3866
230 3907 0.350 1,0 3907
231 3835 0.310 1,0 3835
232 3942 0.310 1,0 3942
233 U-48 - Balok 3932 0.310 1,0 3932 3820
234 3751 0.310 1,0 3751
235 3641 0.310 1,0 3641
236 3265 0.310 1,0 3265
237 3586 0.310 1,0 3586
238 U-49 - Balok 3590 0.310 1,0 3590 3593
239 3424 0.310 1,0 3424
240 4102 0.310 1,0 4102
241 3904 0.300 1,0 3904
242 4068 0.300 1,0 4068
243 U-50 - Balok 4199 0.300 1,0 4199 4033
244 4141 0.300 1,0 4141
245 3853 0.300 1,0 3853
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru


Project Name : Pengujian Struktur Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru
Project Location : Seruyan - Kalimantan Tengah
Testing : Estimation Direct Pulse Velocity

Test Location Average

ID Direct >4500 3500- 3000- <3000
Number Description
Sample Location Type Velocity m/s 4500 m/s 3500 m/s m/s
[m/s] Excelent Good Medium doubtfull
1 U-1 - Balok 3514 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
2 U-2 - Balok 3826 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
3 U-3 - Balok 3192 - - √ - Medium Concrete Grade
4 U-4 - Balok 3803 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
5 U-5 - Balok 3693 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
6 U-6 - Balok 3252 - - √ - Medium Concrete Grade
7 U-7 - Balok 3206 - - √ - Medium Concrete Grade
8 U-8 - Balok 3413 - - √ - Medium Concrete Grade
9 U-9 - Pile 3168 - - √ - Medium Concrete Grade
10 U-10 - Pile 3556 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
11 U-11 - Pile 3779 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
12 U-12 - Pile 3842 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
13 U-13 - Pile 3748 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
14 U-14 - Pile 3711 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
15 U-15 - Pile 3819 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
16 U-16 - Pile 3716 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
17 U-17 - Pile 3338 - - √ - Medium Concrete Grade
18 U-18 - Pile 3799 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
19 U-19 - Pile 4075 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
20 U-20 - Pile 3975 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
21 U-21 - Pile 3954 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
22 U-22 - Pile 3053 - - √ - Medium Concrete Grade
23 U-23 - Pile 3531 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
24 U-24 - Pile 3804 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
25 U-25 - Pile 3588 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
26 U-26 - Pile 3680 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
27 U-27 - Balok 3525 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
28 U-28 - Pile 3598 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
29 U-29 - Balok 3697 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
30 U-30 - Pile 3448 - - √ - Medium Concrete Grade
31 U-31 - Pile 3901 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
32 U-32 - Pile 3872 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
33 U-33 - Pile 3788 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
34 U-34 - Pile 3751 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
35 U-35 - Balok 3588 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
36 U-36 - Balok 3689 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
37 U-37 - Pile 3356 - - √ - Medium Concrete Grade
38 U-38 - Pile 3716 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
39 U-39 - Balok 3675 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
40 U-40 - Pile 3534 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
Test Location Average
ID Direct >4500 3500- 3000- <3000
Number Description
Sample Location Type Velocity m/s 4500 m/s 3500 m/s m/s
[m/s] Excelent Good Medium doubtfull
41 U-41 - Pile 3733 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
42 U-42 - Balok 3775 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
43 U-43 - Pile 3745 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
44 U-44 - Balok 3672 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
45 U-45 - Balok 3634 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
46 U-46 - Pile 3469 - - √ - Medium Concrete Grade
47 U-47 - Balok 3846 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
48 U-48 - Balok 3820 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
49 U-49 - Balok 3593 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
50 U-50 - Balok 4033 - √ - - Good Concrete Grade
Alamat : Komplek Bukit Permata Indah Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1 Sungai
Ulin Banjarbaru


Project Name : Pengujian Struktur Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru
Project Location : Seruyan - Kalimantan Tengah
Testing : Estimation Direct Pulse Velocity

Element Of Structure Direct

ID Poisson Density
Number Velocity Ec (Mpa)** fc' Mpa***
Sample Location Type ratio* (Kg/m3)
1 U-1 - Balok 3514 0,15 2400 28069,92 35,67
2 U-2 - Balok 3826 0,15 2400 33272,29 50,12
3 U-3 - Balok 3192 0,15 2400 23161,59 24,29
4 U-4 - Balok 3803 0,15 2400 32866,20 48,90
5 U-5 - Balok 3693 0,15 2400 30992,22 43,48
6 U-6 - Balok 3252 0,15 2400 24034,54 26,15
7 U-7 - Balok 3206 0,15 2400 23365,20 24,71
8 U-8 - Balok 3413 0,15 2400 26476,51 31,73
9 U-9 - Pile 3168 0,15 2400 22808,87 23,55
10 U-10 - Pile 3556 0,15 2400 28738,42 37,39
11 U-11 - Pile 3779 0,15 2400 32456,08 47,69
12 U-12 - Pile 3842 0,15 2400 33554,30 50,97
13 U-13 - Pile 3748 0,15 2400 31929,15 46,15
14 U-14 - Pile 3711 0,15 2400 31298,48 44,35
15 U-15 - Pile 3819 0,15 2400 33157,25 49,77
16 U-16 - Pile 3716 0,15 2400 31389,64 44,60
17 U-17 - Pile 3338 0,15 2400 25328,70 29,04
18 U-18 - Pile 3799 0,15 2400 32810,91 48,73
19 U-19 - Pile 4075 0,15 2400 37751,02 64,52
20 U-20 - Pile 3975 0,15 2400 35906,66 58,37
21 U-21 - Pile 3954 0,15 2400 35539,02 57,18
22 U-22 - Pile 3053 0,15 2400 21182,87 20,31
23 U-23 - Pile 3531 0,15 2400 28342,15 36,36
24 U-24 - Pile 3804 0,15 2400 32890,40 48,97
25 U-25 - Pile 3588 0,15 2400 29254,74 38,74
26 U-26 - Pile 3680 0,15 2400 30774,39 42,87
27 U-27 - Balok 3525 0,15 2400 28242,71 36,11
28 U-28 - Pile 3598 0,15 2400 29427,87 39,20
29 U-29 - Balok 3697 0,15 2400 31072,85 43,71
30 U-30 - Pile 3448 0,15 2400 27025,46 33,06
31 U-31 - Pile 3901 0,15 2400 34592,71 54,17
32 U-32 - Pile 3872 0,15 2400 34083,85 52,59
33 U-33 - Pile 3788 0,15 2400 32610,86 48,14
34 U-34 - Pile 3751 0,15 2400 31983,70 46,31
35 U-35 - Balok 3588 0,15 2400 29258,00 38,75
36 U-36 - Balok 3689 0,15 2400 30928,47 43,30
37 U-37 - Pile 3356 0,15 2400 25602,59 29,67
Project Name : Pengujian Struktur Pile Slab Jembatan Asam Baru
Project Location : Seruyan - Kalimantan Tengah
Testing : Estimation Direct Pulse Velocity

Element Of Structure Direct

ID Poisson Density
Number Velocity Ec (Mpa)** fc' Mpa***
Sample Location Type ratio* (Kg/m3)
38 U-38 - Pile 3716 0,15 2400 31389,64 44,60
39 U-39 - Balok 3675 0,15 2400 30700,83 42,67
40 U-40 - Pile 3534 0,15 2400 28390,33 36,49
41 U-41 - Pile 3733 0,15 2400 31680,88 45,44
42 U-42 - Balok 3775 0,15 2400 32394,26 47,51
43 U-43 - Pile 3745 0,15 2400 31881,46 46,01
44 U-44 - Balok 3672 0,15 2400 30654,07 42,54
45 U-45 - Balok 3634 0,15 2400 30016,36 40,79
46 U-46 - Pile 3469 0,15 2400 27358,79 33,88
47 U-47 - Balok 3846 0,15 2400 33627,69 51,19
48 U-48 - Balok 3820 0,15 2400 33171,14 49,81
49 U-49 - Balok 3593 0,15 2400 29349,41 38,99
50 U-50 - Balok 4033 0,15 2400 36969,59 61,87

Rata - Rata fc' (MPa)

Balok 41,11
Pile 43,30
Komplek Bukit Permata Indah
Jalan Bukit Barisan Blok FD No 1
Sungai Ulin - Banjarbaru

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