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KIMIA MAGNET (Magneto Chemistry)

Oleh :
Nama : Rizaldi Haga Maulana

NIM : M0319067

Hari/Tgl. Praktikum : Rabu, 4 November 2020

Asisten Pembimbing : Ninna Arifatun Nurul Azizah







KIMIA MAGNET (Magneto Chemistry)

Tujuan dilakukannya percobaan ini adalah untuk menunjukan sifat
momen magnet suatu ion logam dalam berbagai garam.
Medan magnet merupakan suatu medan yang dibentuk dengan
menggerakan muatan listrik (arus listrik) yang menyebabkan munculnya gaya di
muatan listrik yang bergerak lainnya. Medan listrik dan medan maghnet tersebut
merupakan sumber terbentuknya gelombang elektromagnetik. Apabila suatu
senyawa ditempatkan pada medan luar, maka senyawa tersebut akan
menghasilkan medan magnetnya sendiri. Medan magnet akan ditambahkan
apabila senyawa tersebut paramagnetik, jika senyawa tersebut diamagnetik, maka
medan magnet akan terbagi dari medan magnet utama. (Raghasudha dkk., 2013).
Medan magnet bersifat tidak menghalangi dan mampu menembus benda
penghalang seperti genting, tembok bangunan, pepohonan, maupun tubuh
manusia dan akan mengalami penurunan secara linier terhadap jarak dari sumber
paparan. Medan magnet juga memiliki peranan penting dalam bidang kimia dan
industri khususnya dalam mempelajari senyawa kompleks (Sari dkk., 2015).

Semua bahan dipengaruhi oleh medan magnet eksternal, yang mengarah

ke gaya tarik-menarik (feromagnetisme dan paramagnetisme) atau gaya tolak
(diamagnetisme) antara sampel dan magnet, jika ada gradien medan magnet.
Fakta bahwa magnetisme banyak digunakan sebagai sinonim untuk
feromagnetisme dalam pendidikan fisika sebagian besar disebabkan oleh tidak
terlihatnya diamagnetisme dan paramagnetisme dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
(Laumann dan Heusler, 2017). Sifat magnetik suatu material dapat dirancang
melalui pembentukan senyawa kompleks. Senyawa kompleks dapat bersifat
paramagnetik atau diamagnetik. Senyawa kompleks mononuklir umumnya
bersifat paramagnetik dan memiliki momen magnetik yang rendah yaitu 1,7 – 5,9
Bohr Magneton (BM) (Sari dkk., 2015). Single Molecule Magnets (SMMs) telah
dibuktikan sebagai entitas yang sangat cocok untuk penyimpanan dan
pemrosesan informasi, spintroni, atau perangkat cryogenik. Pada dasarnya,
perilaku SMM dicapai dalam molekul yang memiliki anisotropi magnetik aksial
kuat dan penghalang energi tinggi terhadap pembalikan momen magnetik (Jung
dkk., 2017)
Tabel 3.1 Data Hasil Pengamatan
Senyawa Massa Panjang Xg µe(teo Warna Suhu
kompleks (gr) (mm) (c.g.s) ri) (K)
CuSO4.5H2O 0,3194 33 0,062 × 10 -4
1,73 Biru 300
FeSO4.6H2O 0,2965 34 0,379 × 10 -4
4,898 hijau 300
NaCl 0,1870 35 0 0 putih 300
K4Fe(CN)6.3H2O 0,1543 33 0,3888×10 -6
0,83 kuning 300

Percobaan kimia magnet (Magneto Chemistry) ini bertujuan untuk
menunjukkan sifat momen magnet suatu ion logam dalam berbagai garam.
Prinsip percobaan ini yaitu penentuan sifat momen magnet suatu ion logam
dalam berbagai garam dari CuSO4.5H2O, NaCl, FeSO4..6H2O, dan
K4Fe(CN)6.3H2O berdasarkan nilai Xg yang didapat dari Magnetic Susceptibility
Balance, dimana sifat kemagnetan bergantung dari distribusi elektron pada orbital
sub kulit d yang menghasilkan kompleks spin rendah tinggi. Spin tinggi bersifat
paramagnetik dan spin rendah bersifat diamagnetik.
Sifat kemagnetan suatu senyawa dapat ditentukan dengan Magnetic
Suceptibility Balance (MSB) Auto. Mass Susceptibility Balance (MSB) adalah
alat yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi sifat kemagnetan suatu senyawa. MSB
mempunyai daya kemagnetan yang dapat mempengaruhi sifat kemagnetan dari
senyawa tersebut. Prinsip dari MSB yaitu dua pasang magnet yang terletak
berseberangan menyebabkan timbulnya medan magnet. Prinsip dasar berdasarkan
Neraca Guoy adalah Neraca dan magnet. Sampel akan menyebabkan magnet
yang semula diam bergerak yang menyebabkan perubahan massa sampel.
Kalibrasi pada MSB dilakukan untuk menetralkan alat agar berfungsi lebih
akurat dan tidak terpengaruh interferensi dari luar. Sampel yang digunakan pada
percobaan ini CuSO4.5H2O, NaCl, FeSO4..6H2O, dan K4Fe(CN)6.3H2O. Sampel
harus berupa serbuk halus, supaya pada pengukuran dengan MSB tidak terjadi
“overflow” yaitu melebihi batas MSB.
Senyawa kompleks yang memiliki ligan kuat tidak dapat menempatkan
elektron ke orbital yang berenergi tinggi, maka disebut spin rendah dan bersifat
diamagnetik. Sedangkan ligan lemah lebih mudah menempatkan elektron ke
orbital yang berenergi tinggi sehingga disebut spin tinggi dan bersifat
paramagtenik. Sifat momen magnet dilihat dari besarnya momen efektif. Semakin
besar momen efektif suatu senyawa maka semakin besar momen magnetnya dan
semakin banyak elektron yang tidak berpasangan sehingga akan bersifat
paramagnetik. Sifat kemagnetan suatu senyawa dibagi menjadi 3 sesuai dengan
kemampuannya ditarik oleh suatu magnet, yaitu ferromagnetik yang sangat kuat
ditarik magnet, paramagnetik yang mudah ditarik magnet, dan diamagnetik yang
ditolak oleh magnet.
Percobaan pertama adalah pengukuran sifat kemagnetan Cu dalam
CuSO4.5H2O. CuSO4.5H2O merupakan kristal berwarna biru dan digunakan
sebagi parameter karena atom pusat Cu2+ memiliki 1 elektron yang tidak
berpasangan, sehingga akan mudah untuk menentukan momen magnetik dari
senyawa kompleks lain. Cu memiliki nomor atom 29 dan memiliki muatan 2+.
Konfigurasi elektronnya adalah sebagai berikut :

29Cu [Ar] 4s2 3d9


29Cu [Ar] 4s0 3d9

2+ :

Konfigurasi elektron diatas menunjukkan terdapat 1 elektron yang tidak
berpasangan, ini menunjukkan bahwa Cu2+ bersifat paramagnetik. Hal ini juga
menyebabkan CuSO4.5H2O berwarna biru akibat sub kulit d yang tidak terisi
penuh. CuSO4.5H2O merupakan kompleks spin tinggi karena ligan H2O yang
terikat pada atom pusat merupakan ligan lemah, sehingga lebih mudah
menempatkan elektron ke orbital yang berenergi tinggi. Dari perhitungan,
diperoleh hasil momen magnet ( e) 1,998 BM, sedangkan menurut literatur, nilai
momen magnet Cu sebesar 1,73 BM. Diperoleh sensitivitas massa (Xg) sebesar
0,062 × 10-4 cgs, faktor koreksi (XL) sebesar -117,1 x 10-6 dan sensitivitas
magnetik murni (Xa) sebesar 1,5031 x 10-3 cgs. Hal ini sesuai dengan teori yang
menyatakan bahwa e > (1,73 BM) sehingga dapat diketahui bahwa
CuSO4.5H2O bersifat paramagnetik.
Percobaan kedua adalah pengukuran sifat kemagnetan Na dalam NaCl.
NaCl merupakan gram yang berwaarna putih. Na memiliki nomor atom 11 dan
memiliki muatan +1. Konfigurasi elektronnya adalah sebagai berikut :
11Na : [Ne] 3s 3p 4s 3d
,,, 1 0 0 0

11Na : [Ne] 3s 3p 4s 3d
+ 0 0 0 0

Orbital d :

Konfigurasii elektron diatas menunjukkan tidak terdapat elektron pada
orbital 3d atau kosong, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Na+ pada NaCl bersifat
diamagnetik. Pada NaCl ini pembentukannya bukan dari suatu ligan dengan atom
pusat tetapi dari kation dan anion. Berikut adalah reaksi ionisasinya :
NaCl(s)  Na+ + Cl-
Na+ pada orbital d tidak memiliki elektron, sehingga Nal berwarna putih
atau tidak berwarna. Dari perhitungan diperoleh hasil momen magnet ( e) 0 BM,
sedangkan menurut literatur nilai momen magnet Na sebesar 0 BM. Diperoleh
sensitivitas massa (Xg) sebesar 0 cgs, faktor koreksi (XL) sebesar -30,2 x 10-6 dan
sensitivitas magnetik murni (Xa) sebesar 0 cgs. Hal ini sesuai dengan teori yang
menyatakan bahwa e < (1,73 BM) sehingga dapat diketahui bahwa NaCl
bersifat diamagnetik (Wangness, 1986).
Percobaan ketiga adalah pengukuran sifat kemagnetan Fe dalam
FeSO4.6H2O. FeSO4.6H2O merupakan kristal berwarna putih kekuningan. Fe
memiliki nomor atom 26 dan memiliki muatan +2. Konfigurasi elektronnya
adalah sebagai berikut :
26Fe [Ar] 4s2 3d6
2+ :

26Fe [Ar] 4s0 3d6

2+ :

Orbital d :

Konfigurasi elektron diatas menunjukkan terdapat 4 elektron yang tidak
berpasangan, hal ini menunjukkan Fe2+ bersifat paramagnetik. Fe2+ mempunyai
sub kulit d yang tidak terisi penuh sehingga FeSO4 berwarna hijau. Dari
perhitungan diperoleh hasil momen magnet ( e) 4,894 BM, sedangkan menurut
literatur nilai momen magnet Fe sebesar 4,898 BM. Diperoleh sensitivitas massa
(Xg) sebesar 0,379 × 10-4 cgs, faktor koreksi (XL) sebesar (-131,1 x 10-6) dan
sensitivitas magnetik murni (Xa) sebesar 9,9851 x 10-3 cgs.

Percobaan keempat adalah pengukuran sifat kemagnetan Fe dalam

K4Fe(CN)6.3H2O. K4Fe(CN)6.3H2O adalah garam yang berwarna kuning. Fe
memiliki nomor atom 26 dan memiliki muatan +2. Konfigurasi elektronnya
adalah sebagai berikut :

26Fe [Ar] 4s2 3d6


26Fe [Ar] 4s0 3d6

2+ :

Orbital d :

Konfigurasii elektron diatas menunjukkan tidak terdapat elektron pada
orbital 3d atau kosong, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Fe2+ pada K4Fe(CN)6.3H2O
bersifat ferromagnetik. K4Fe(CN)6 terdiri dari 4K+ sebagai kation dan Fe(CN)64-
sebagai anion. Pada Fe(CN)64- orbitalnya terisi penuh sehingga bersifat
diamagnetik. Dari perhitungan diperoleh hasil momen magnet ( e) 4,7601 BM.
Diperoleh sensitivitas massa (Xg) sebesar 0,3888 x 10-6 cgs, faktor koreksi (XL)
sebesar 174,7 x 10-6 dan sensitivitas magnetik murni (Xa) sebesar 3,148 x 10-4 cgs.
Hal ini sesuai dengan teori yang menyatakan bahwa e > (1,73 BM) sehingga
dapat diketahui bahwa MgCl2 bersifat ferromagnetik.
Berdasarkan percoban yang telah dilakukan maka dapat disimpulkan
bahwa sifat momen magnet dari suatu ion logam dapat ditunjukkan dengan
pengukuran sensitivitas massa melalui instrumen Magnetic Susceptinility Balance.
Hasil sifat momen magnet dari kelima garam yang telah diuji yaitu:
Garam µe (BM) Sifat Kemagnetan
CuSO4.5H2O 1,89 Paramagnetik
NaCl 0 Diamagnetik
FeSO4.6H2O 3,73 Paramagnetik
K4Fe(CN)6.3H2O 4,7601 Ferromagnetik

1. Jurnal
2. Perhitungan
Surakarta, 11 November 2020
Asisten Laboratorium Praktikan

Ninna Arifatun Nurul Azizah Rizaldi Haga Maulana


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Sari, R.E.Y.W., Prihandono, T., dan Sudarti. 2015. Aplikasi Medan Magnet
Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) 100µT dan 300µT pada Pertumbuhan
Tanaman Tomat Ranti. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika, 4(2) : 164 – 170.
Swastika, L. N. dan Fahimah M. 2012. Sintesis dan Sifat Magnetik Kompleks Ion
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1(1) : 1 – 5.

1. CuSO4.5H2O
Mr CuSO4.5H2O = 249,5 g/mol
Xg = 0,062 x 10-4 cgs
Xm = Xg x Mr
= 0,062 x 10-4 cgs x 249,5 g/mol
= 1,547 x 10-3 cgs
XL = -117,1 10-6 cgs
Xa = Xm – XL
= 1,547 x 10-3 cgs - (-117,1 10-6 )
= 1,664 x 10-3 cgs

µe = 2,828 R
= 2,828 1,664 10 3  300
= 1,998 BM
n = 1, maka s = 1/2 n = 1/2 (1) = 1/2
μe = 2 s ( s  1)
1 1
=2 (  1) = 1,73 BM
2 2

2. NaCl
Mr NaCl = 58,5 gram/mol
Xg = 0 cgs
Xm = Xg x Mr
= 0 cgs x 59,5 g/mol
= 0 cgs
XL = -90.10-6 cgs
Xa = Xm – XL
= 0 cgs - (-90 . 10-6)
= 0 cgs

µe = 2,828 R
= 2,828 0 300
= 0 BM
n = 0, maka s = 1/2 n = 1/2 . 0 = 0

μe = 2 s ( s  1)
=2 0(0  1) = 0 BM

3. FeSO4.6H2O
Mr = 260 gram/mol
Xg = 0,379 × 10-4 cgs
Xm = Xg x Mr
= 0,379 × 10-4 cgs x 260 g/mol
= 9,854 x 10-3 cgs
XL = -131,1 x 10-6 cgs
Xa = Xm – XL
= 9,854 x 10-3 cgs - (-131,1 x 10-6)
= 9,9851 x 10-3 cgs

µe = 2,828 R
= 2,828 9,9851 10 3  300
= 4,894 BM
n = 4, maka s = 1/2 n = 1/2 (4) = 2
μe = 2 s ( s  1)
=2 2(2  1) = 4,898 BM
4. K4Fe(CN)6.3H2O
Mr = 368,35 gram/mol
Xg = 0,3888 x 10-6 cgs
Xm = Xg x Mr
= 0,3888 x 10-6 cgs x 368,35 g/mol
= 1,4321 x 10-4 cgs
XL = 174,7 x 10-6
Xa = Xm – XL
= 1,4321 x 10-4 cgs – (174,7 x 10-6)
= 3,148 x 10-4
µe = 2,828 R

= 2,828 3,148 x 10−4 300

= 4,7601 BM
n = 4, maka s = 1/2 n = 1/2 (4) = 2
μe = 2 s ( s  1)
=2 2(2  1) = 4,898 BM
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Journal of Chemistry
Volume 2013, Article ID 804042, 6 pages

Research Article
Effect of Cr Substitution on Magnetic Properties
of Mg Nanoferrites Synthesized by Citrate-Gel Auto
Combustion Method

M. Raghasudha,1 D. Ravinder,2 and P. Veerasomaiah3

Department of Chemistry, Jayaprakash Narayan College of Engineering, Mahabubnagar 509001, Andhra Pradesh, India
Department of Physics, Nizam College, Basheerbagh Osmania University, Hyderabad 500001, Andhra Pradesh, India
Department of Chemistry, Osmania University, Hyderabad 500007, Andhra Pradesh, India

Correspondence should be addressed to D. Ravinder;

Received 14 May 2013; Revised 14 September 2013; Accepted 16 September 2013

Academic Editor: Theocharis C. Stamatatos

Copyright © 2013 M. Raghasudha et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

A series of Mg-Cr nanoferrites with the chemical formula MgCr𝑥 Fe2−𝑥 O4 (0.0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 1.0) were synthesized by Citrate-Gel auto
combustion method. The formation of single phase cubic spinel structure of the samples was confirmed by X-ray diffraction
(XRD) analysis. It is observed that with the increase in the paramagnetic Cr content, the particle size of the ferrite compositions
has decreased from 23 nm to 7 nm. Faraday magnetic Susceptibility Balance was used to measure the Magnetic susceptibility of
synthesized samples that confirmed the paramagnetic nature of the ferrites. Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) was used to
measure the Magnetic properties of nanoferrites under investigation at room temperature under the applied magnetic field of
15 kOe. With the increase in Cr3+ concentration, the saturation magnetization has decreased from 11 emu/g to 1.5 emu/g.

1. Introduction results in the synthesis of ultrafine particles at a fairly low

temperature [13–15]. It is reported that the Citrate-gel method
Spinel ferrites have gained much importance in recent years. is a simple process which speeds up the synthesis of complex
As magnetic materials, ferrites cannot be replaced by any materials. It offers a significant saving in time and energy
other magnetic material because they are relatively inexpen- consumption over the traditional methods as it results in
sive, stable and have a wide range of technological applica- the nanoscale particles at a lower sintering temperature for
tions in magnetic recording, transformer cores, sensors and a shorter time period.
magnetic resonance imaging, and so forth [1–3]. Nowadays, For the past few decades, Magnesium ferrite has attracted
these materials are largely synthesized in nanometric scale for the attention of researchers [16, 17] due to its great potential
new and improved properties [4, 5]. It is known that magnetic for a wide range of applications. These include microwave
and electrical properties of ferrite materials are sensitive to devices that are based on unique properties of these materials
their microstructure especially grain size and porosity [6]. such as higher values of saturation magnetization, curie
Grain size depends on the method of preparation, reaction temperature, electrical resistivity, low Dielectric losses, and
conditions, composition of ferrites, sintering temperature, moderate coercive field. The excellent magnetic behavior of
and so forth. A number of physical and chemical techniques this material can be explained by the ordering of the magnetic
have been developed in recent years to prepare nanosized moments of ferric ions and the strong exchange interactions
magnetic materials. The widely used chemical methods are [18].
electro deposition [7], coprecipitation [8], microemulsion In view of immense importance of magnesium ferrites
technique [9], wet chemical method [10] double sintering and the fact that their properties undergo significant changes
technique [11], Citrate-gel method [12], and so forth. Among on substitution with metal cations, it is thought to synthesize
the various routes, Citrate-gel method yields more promising Chromium doped Magnesium ferrites. Hankare et al. have
2 Journal of Chemistry

synthesized Cr substituted Mg ferrites using coprecipitation Table 1: Crystallite size of as synthesized and heat treated
method and their electrical and magnetic properties were MgCr𝑥 Fe2−𝑥 O4 nanoferrites (𝑥 = 0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, and 1.0).
studied [17]. Hashim et al. have synthesized nanoparticles of
Crystallite size of as Crystallite size of heat
Ni0.5 Mg0.5 Fe2−𝑥 Cr𝑥 O4 (0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 1.0) by Citrate-gel auto com- Composition
synthesized samples (nm) treated samples (nm)
bustion method and studied their dielectric and magnetic
MgFe2 O4 29.62 23.46
properties [19]. It is under stood and is a fact that Citrate-
gel auto combustion method results in ferrites with narrow MgCr0.1 Fe1.9 O4 26.00 08.89
particle size. To the authors’ knowledge, little information MgCr0.3 Fe1.7 O4 28.00 09.00
is available on the Mg-Cr nanoferrites synthesized using MgCr0.5 Fe1.5 O4 18.69 07.17
Citrate-Gel method. It is also known that by calcination the MgCr0.7 Fe1.3 O4 17.36 08.13
grain size of the Mg-Cr ferrites exhibit different development MgCr0.9 Fe1.1 O4 16.20 07.64
trend which influences their properties much.
MgCrFeO4 15.30 07.60
Therefore, an attempt has been made to synthesize
MgCr𝑥 Fe2−𝑥 O4 spinel ferrite system by Citrate-gel auto com-
bustion method to obtain nanocrystalline particles and to
study the magnetic properties and the effect of calcination (VSM) at room temperature under the applied magnetic field
on the grain size of the particles. Magnetic properties of of 15 kOe.
the nanosized ferrites play a vital role in making use of
them in different fields. Hard magnetic materials are used in
electric motors, magnetic recording media (e.g., hard drives, 3. Results and Discussions
floppy disks, or magnetic tape), and magnetic separation.
Magnetically soft materials are used in transformer and 3.1. X-Ray Diffraction Studies. X-ray diffraction patterns of
inductor cores, recording heads, microwave devices, and all the samples confirm the formation of a well-defined
magnetic shielding. Available literature on the substituted Mg single-phase cubic spinel structure without any impurity
nanoferrites is scarce. A little information is available on the peak [21]. From the XRD patterns it is clear that the as
magnetic study of Chromium substituted Mg nanoferrites prepared powder is also in single phase with a spinel structure
with low particle size. Therefore, in the present investigation, indicating that the ferrite can be directly formed after the
a maiden attempt has been made to investigate the effect auto combustion of the gel without heat treatment. The broad
peaks in the XRD patterns indicate a fine particle nature of the
of Cr3+ ions on the magnetic properties of Mg nanoferrites
synthesized by Citrate-gel auto combustion method.
The average particle size of the different compositions
of the as synthesized Mg-Cr ferrites and calcined Mg-Cr
2. Experimental Procedure ferrites were calculated from Scherrer formula [22], using the
maximum intensity peak (311), and were shown in Table 1.
2.1. Synthesis. The nanocrystalline ferrites of the chemical From the table it is clear that nanosized Mg-Cr ferrite
composition MgCr𝑥 Fe2−𝑥 O4 (𝑥 = 0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9 powders can be directly synthesized by Citrate-gel auto
and 1.0) were prepared using Citrate-Gel auto combustion combustion method. From the XRD patterns [21] it is clear
method [20]. The following chemicals are used as starting that the positions of the reflection peaks for as-burnt powders
materials for the synthesis. and heat treated powders are almost identical that implies
that the basic structure of the nanoparticles is the same
Magnesium Nitrate (Mg(NO3 )2 6H2 O)
as that of the bulk material. Comparing XRD patterns of
Ferric Nitrate (Fe(NO3 )2 9H2 O), as synthesized and heat treated samples, it was found that
the samples with the same composition differ only in the
Chromium Nitrate (Cr(NO3 )2 9H2 O),
relative intensity. Similar behavior was reported in synthesis
Citric acid (C6 H8 O7 ⋅H2 O) and of MgCuZn ferrites using sol-gel auto combustion method by
Ammonia (NH3 ) (all 99% pure). Qi et al. [22].

The as synthesized powders were subjected to sintering 3.2. Magnetic Susceptibility Using Faradays Balance. The
for four hours in muffle furnace at 500∘ C. degree of magnetization of a material in response to an
applied magnetic field can be indicated by a dimension less
2.2. Characterization. The structural characterization of as proportionality constant known as magnetic susceptibility. A
synthesized and sintered powders were carried out at room substance will produce its own magnetic field when placed
temperature by X-ray diffractometer using CuK𝛼 radiation in an external magnetic field. The field adds to the applied
(𝜆 = 1.5405 Å). The magnetic susceptibility of different field, if the substance is paramagnetic. If the substance is
compositions of Mg-Cr ferrites at room temperature were diamagnetic, this field subtracts from the main field. This
measured using Faraday’s magnetic Balance which showed contribution to the external magnetic field is known as the
the paramagnetic nature of Mg-Cr ferrites. The magnetic magnetic susceptibility of the substance. A very sensitive
properties of synthesized Chromium substituted Mg nano- instrument known as a Faradays magnetic susceptibility
ferrites were studied using Vibrating Sample Magnetometer balance is used to measure magnetic susceptibility of heat
Determining magnetic susceptibilities of everyday materials using
an electronic balance
Daniel Laumann and Stefan Heusler
Institute of Physics Education, University of M€
unster, 48149 M€
unster, Germany
(Received 7 October 2015; accepted 22 January 2017)
The magnetic properties of an object and its interaction with an external magnetic field can be
described through the magnetic (volume) susceptibility vV, which divides nearly all kinds of matter
into diamagnetic, paramagnetic, and ferromagnetic substances. Quantitative measurements of vV
are usually technically sophisticated or require the investigation of substances with high values
of vV to reveal meaningful results. Here, we show that both diamagnetic and paramagnetic
effects in everyday materials can be measured using only an electronic balance and a neodymium
magnet, both of which are within the reach of typical introductory college and high school
physics classrooms. The experimental results match related literature values remarkably well.
C 2017 American Association of Physics Teachers.

I. INTRODUCTION susceptibility indicates that the magnetization is parallel to the

external magnetic field, leading to an attractive force, while a
All materials are influenced by external magnetic fields, negative susceptibility indicates a magnetization that is anti-
leading either to attractive forces (ferromagnetism and para- parallel to the applied field, leading to a repulsive force.
magnetism) or repulsive forces (diamagnetism) between sam- Previous research describes that an experiment using only an
ple and magnet, when a magnetic fields gradient exists. The electronic balance and a neodymium magnet is able to demon-
fact that magnetism is mostly used as a synonym for ferro- strate the diamagnetic properties of bismuth but no other
magnetism in physics education is largely caused by the material.18 In this work, we demonstrate that a simple experi-
invisibility of diamagnetism and paramagnetism in daily life. mental setup can indeed be used to measure both diamagnetic
Nevertheless, the magnetic properties of the elements on the and paramagnetic properties of many materials that occur in
periodic table, in their appearance in nature, show that the the everyday lives of our students, which is important from an
vast majority of substances are associated with diamagnetism educational perspective.19,20
or paramagnetism, and not ferromagnetism (51 paramagnetic, In this article, the results for samples of aluminum (para-
34 diamagnetic, and 3 ferromagnetic under standard condi- magnetic), as well as graphite, glass, salt, and water (all dia-
tions).1 In classrooms, ferromagnetic properties of matter can magnetic) are presented. All of these substances are common
be demonstrated with just about any permanent magnet. in our daily lives, though the experiment is appropriate for
However, the detection of diamagnetic and paramagnetic measuring the magnetic volume susceptibility of other mate-
characteristics is much more demanding because strong mag- rials as well.
netic fields are required. Such fields could not be realized in
classrooms for a long time, restricting the opportunities to II. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND
teach about diamagnetism and paramagnetism. However, in
1983 neodymium magnets were developed,2,3 making it pos- A force between a magnet and a sample indicates a mag-
sible to bring stronger magnetic fields into the classroom. netic response of the sample to an external magnetic field gra-
Moreover, mass production of these magnets has made them dient. Whereas ferromagnetic matter is strongly attracted by a
affordable for about ten years now.4 All told, fascinating dia- magnetic field, the interaction between diamagnetic and para-
magnetic and paramagnetic phenomena can now be investi- magnetic matter with a magnetic field is in general much
gated rather easily.5–10 weaker. Diamagnetism and paramagnetism can be easily dis-
A simple method to demonstrate and measure the magnetic tinguished due to the direction of interaction with a magnetic
properties of diamagnetic or paramagnetic matter makes use field, as shown in Fig. 1. Once a magnetic material (dia-, or
of a strong neodymium magnet and an electronic balance paramagnetic) is placed in an external magnetic field B ~ext , a
with a sensitivity of 0.01 g or better.11 The related experi- magnetization M ~ is induced inside the sample. In general, it is
ments have been intensively studied in chemistry education necessary to consider the magnetic field B ~ inside the material
research, both in a qualitative and quantitative manner. These as a superposition of the external magnetic field B ~ext and the
investigations, however, have focused on paramagnetic sub- ~
internal magnetic field B int of the sample (B ¼ B ~ ~ext þ B
~int ).
stances that have no direct or obvious connection to our daily Since both dia- and paramagnetism are very small effects, it
life, such as copper(I) chloride, potassium ferricyanide, is the case that jB ~ext j, making it reasonable to neglect
~int j  jB
etc.12–14 These experiments can be viewed as low-cost alter- the influence of the internal field B ~int . Thus, the approxima-
natives to the historical experiments of Faraday15 and ~ ~
tion jBj  jB ext j will be used to describe the magnetic field
Gouy,16 or the Evans balance (Johnson-Matthey balance) for strength.
the measurement of magnetic volume susceptibilities.17 In general, the magnetization M ~ in an external magnetic
The (dimensionless) magnetic volume susceptibility repre- field B~ can be described more precisely using the magnetic
sents the most important matter constant describing the volume susceptibility vV. The magnetic volume susceptibil-
response of a material to an external magnetic field. A positive ity vV is generally defined as a tensor of second order. For

327 Am. J. Phys. 85 (5), May 2017 C 2017 American Association of Physics Teachers
V 327
JURNAL SAINS DAN SENI POMITS Vol. 1, No. 1, (2012) 1-5 1

Sintesis dan Sifat Magnetik Kompleks Ion

Logam Cu(II) dengan Ligan 2-Feniletilamin
Lexy Nindia Swastika dan Fahimah Martak
Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Jl. Arief Rahman Hakim, Surabaya 60111

Abstrak—Kompleks tembaga(II) dengan 2-feniletilamin nilai Temperatur Curie Weiss (TCW) senyawa. Temperatur
telah disintesis melalui reaksi antara CuCl2.2H2O dan 2- Curie Weiss pada bahan merupakan indikasi bahwa senyawa
feniletilamin dengan perbandingan mol logam dan mol memiliki interaksi feromagnetik. Interaksi feromagnetik dapat
ligan 1:2 dalam metanol. Senyawa kompleks yang diidentifikasi melalui pengukuran nilai suseptibilitas magnetik
dihasilkan berupa kristal berwarna oranye dengan rumus dengan variasi temperatur. Nilai suseptibilitas magnetik
molekul [Cu(II)-(2-feniletilamin)2(H2O)2]Cl2.2H2O. Rumus senyawa feromagnet meningkat tajam dibawah Temperatur
ini diperoleh dari hasil penentuan kadar Cu = 14,04%, C = Curie Weiss
41,36%, H = 6,60% dan N = 6,06%. Spektra IR Penelitian sebelumnya yaitu senyawa kompleks
menunjukkan serapan khas ikatan logam dengan ligan menggunakan ligan pikolinat (2-piridin karboksilat), memiliki
yaitu vibrasi Cu-N muncul pada serapan 347,19 cm-1 dan rumus molekul [Cu(pic)2].2H2O . Kompleks tersebut bersifat
vibrasi Cu-O pada serapan 300,90 cm-1. Analisis paramagnetik dan terjadi ikatan hidrogen[4]. Oleh karena itu,
DTA/TGA menunjukkan bahwa kompleks mengandung pada penelitian ini dikembangkan senyawa kompleks dengan
dua molekul air hidrat. Senyawa kompleks bersifat menggunakan ligan 2-feniletilamin (C6H5CH2CH2NH2) dan
paramagnetik dengan nilai µeff sebesar 1,97 BM. ion logam tembaga(II). Ion tembaga(II) memiliki satu elektron
Suseptibilitas magnetik senyawa kompleks memiliki yang tidak berpasangan pada orbital d dan diharapkan dapat
interaksi feromagnetik, dengan konstanta Weiss, θ membentuk kompleks spin tinggi. Ligan 2-feniletilamin pada
sebesar +9,72 dan terjadi pada suhu Curie, Tc, 15 K. Gambar 1, memiliki gugus amina dimana terdapat atom
nitrogen dengan pasangan elektron bebas sehingga dapat
Kata Kunci— ion logam tembaga(II), ligan 2-feniletilamin, mengisi orbital kosong ion logam dan terjadi ikatan kovalen
feromagnetik, senyawa kompleks. koordinasi. Gugus amina dapat berikatan hidrogen dengan
molekul air pada senyawa [5]. Ikatan kovalen koordinasi dan
ikatan hidrogen pada senyawa kompleks dapat membentuk
interaksi antar lapisan. Interaksi antar lapisan yang terjadi
I. PENDAHULUAN yaitu antara senyawa kompleks mononuklir dengan senyawa

M aterial magnetik banyak dipelajari dalam beberapa tahun

ini karena bermanfaat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari,
terutama dalam dunia elektronik seperti display, saklar
organik 2-feniletilamin. Dengan demikian, pembentukan
senyawa kompleks [Cu(II)-2-feniletilamin] diharapkan dapat
meningkatkan interaksi sehingga diperoleh sifat feromagnetik.
molekular dan bahan penyimpan data. Pentingnya material
magnetik ini menyebabkan banyak penelitian untuk
merancang material baru dengan sifat yang lebih unggul [1].
Sifat magnetik suatu material dapat dirancang melalui
pembentukan senyawa kompleks. Senyawa kompleks dapat
bersifat diamagnetik atau paramagnetik. Senyawa kompleks
mononuklir umumnya bersifat paramagnetik dan memiliki
momen magnetik yang rendah yaitu 1,7 - 5,9 Bohr Magneton Gambar 1. Struktur ligan 2-feniletilamin
(BM). Sifat paramagnetik suatu senyawa dapat berupa
feromagnetik dan antiferomagnetik [2]. Senyawa yang bersifat
feromagnetik atau antiferomagnetik disebabkan adanya II. METODE PENELITIAN
interaksi antar elektron tidak berpasangan yang terdapat pada A. Sintesis Senyawa Kompleks[Cu(II)-2-feniletilamin]
orbital d dari ion logam penyusun senyawa kompleks. Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan dalam penelitian ini meliputi
Interaksi feromagnetik senyawa kompleks umumnya CuCl2.2H2O, 2-feniletilamin, metanol, asam klorida, kalium
ditunjukkan pada temperatur rendah. klorida, magnesium klorida, besi (III) klorida, dan aqua DM.
Saat ini senyawa kompleks terus dikembangkan untuk Sebelum melakukan sintesis senyawa kompleks [Cu(II)-2-
mendapatkan material bersifat feromagnetik [3]. Salah satu feniletilamin], maka dilakukan penentuan panjang gelombang
upaya yang dilakukan adalah merancang suatu senyawa maksimum dan penentuan rumus senyawa kompleks dengan
kompleks agar terjadi interaksi hidrogen sehingga menaikkan metode variasi kontinu. Hasil tersebut, kemudian disintesis
Analysis of the Magnetic Exchange
Interactions in Yttrium(III) Complexes
Containing Nitronyl Nitroxide Radicals

Julie Jung,†,‡ Marin Puget,¶ Olivier Cador,† Kevin Bernot,∗,¶ Carmen J.

Calzado,∗,§ and Boris Le Guennic∗,†

Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes, UMR 6226 CNRS, Université de Rennes 1, 263
Avenue du Général Leclerc, 35042 Cedex Rennes, France, Max Planck Institut für
Chemische Energiekonversion, Stiftstr. 34-36, D-45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany,
INSA, Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes UMR CNRS 6226, 35708 Rennes,
France, and Departamento de Química Física. Universidad de Sevilla. c/ Prof. García
González, s/n. 41012 Sevilla, Spain



We report a combined theoretical and experimental investigation of the exchange

interactions governing the magnetic behavior of a series of nitronyl-nitroxide (NIT)-

based Y(III) complexes, i.e. Y(hfac)3 (NIT-R)2 with R = PhOPh (1), PhOEt (2) and

PhOMe (3a, 3b). Even if some of these complexes or their Dy(III) parents were already

described in the literature [Zhao et al. Trans. Met. Chem. 2006, 31, 593; Bernot et

To whom correspondence should be addressed

Université de Rennes

Present address: Max Planck Institut für Chemische Energiekonversion

INSA de Rennes
Universidad de Sevilla

al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 5573], their synthesis procedure as well as their

structural and magnetic properties were completely reconsidered. Depending on the

nature of R and of crystallization conditions, Y(hfac)3 (NIT-R)2 units can be organized

as supramolecular dimers, linear or orthogonal chains. Such structural diversity within

the series induces extremely different magnetic behaviors. The observed behaviors

are rationalized by state-of-the-art wave-function-based quantum chemical approaches

(CASSCF/DDCI) that demonstrate the existence of effective intra-molecular interac-

tions between the NIT-R radical ligands of an isolated Y(hfac)3 (NIT-R)2 molecule, but

also between NIT-R moieties belonging to different Y(hfac)3 (NIT-R)2 units. These

results are supported by the use of spin Hamiltonian models going beyond the ba-

sic Bleaney-Bowers formalism to properly fit the experimental magnetic data. Finally,

the microscopic mechanisms behind the evidenced intramolecular exchange interactions

are elucidated through the inspection of the calculated wave-function. In particular,

whereas the role of Y orbitals was already proposed, we herein demonstrate the con-

tribution of the hfac− ancillary ligands in mediating the magnetic interaction between

the NIT radicals.

1. Introduction

Since the early 90’s the magnetic behavior of isolated molecules has caught much atten-
tion. 1 The discovery of molecules that present magnetic bistability of molecular origin 2 made
molecular magnetism emerge as an intense field of research. 3 In particular, Single Molecule
Magnets (SMMs) have been evidenced as particularly suitable entities for information storage
and processing, 4 spintronic, 5–8 or cryogenic 9 devices.
Basically, SMM behavior is achieved in molecules having both a strongly axial magnetic
anisotropy and a high energy barrier to the reversal of their magnetic moment. 10,11 While
the former property guarantees magnetic bistability by making the ground state a doublet
and prevents fast relaxation in this doublet ground state by limiting the mixing between
the two associated sub-states, the latter establishes the temperature window within which
slow relaxation can be observed. Ultimately, the relaxation rate is only determined by the
spin-phonon coupling mechanisms involved in the magnetic relaxation, which are completely
system-dependent since correlated to the vibrations of both the molecule and the lattice.
The optimization of the performance of SMMs, especially the temperature window where
they depict magnetic slow relaxation, can be achieved through different strategies. The first
and simplest one consists in synthesizing poly-nuclear complexes 12 in order to increase the
overall anisotropy of the molecule but the correlation between the anisotropy (D) and the
total spin (S) of the molecule make this strategy hard to achieve 13 provided that the respec-
tive arrangement of the ions is carefully controlled. 14,15 A second approach is to use highly
symmetrical and rigid ligands to carefully engineer ligand field and favor stabilization of
ground-state magnetic moment along a defined axis. 16 This approach is particularly suitable
for SMMs that use highly anisotropic lanthanide ions as spin carriers. 17 A third route is
based on the use of isotopically-pure metal ion derivatives that avoid spontaneous loss of
the magnetic bistability in zero-field. 18,19 Finally, a last strategy relies on the use of radical
ligands that can induce strong magnetic exchange between anisotropic spin carriers. 20,21 One
of the best examples of the latter strategy is given by the N3−
2 radical-bridged terbium(III)


Reza Emelia Yuni Wulan Sari, 2)Trapsilo Prihandono, 2)Sudarti
Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika
Dosen Pendidikan Fisika FKIP Universitas Jember
Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika FKIP Universitas Jember


The exposure of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) magnetic field in the

environment is constantly increasing along with the increase of technology which
utilize the electrical energy equipment in everyday life. The intensity of ELF
magnetic field of 300 μT shows that it can increase the growth rate of Ranti tomato,
with the measurement indicators of the number of leaves, plant mass and length of
the plant. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the ELF magnetic
field intensity of 100 μT and 300 μT against the growth process of Ranti tomato, to
know the effects of long exposure to ELF magnetic field intensity of 100 μT and 300
μT intermittently for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes and 60 minutes toward the
growth of Ranti tomato, and to know at what dose the ELF magnetic fields can
accelerate the growth of Ranti tomato. The sample of this study is Ranti tomato
seeds. There are nine cups of sample groups consisted of 1 cup of control group, 4
cups of experimental group 100 μT and 4 bowls experimental group 300 μT. These
use time variations of intermittent 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes and 60
minutes. The results show that the ELF magnetic field intensity of 300 μT with the
exposure of 60 minutes have a positive effect on growth process of Ranti tomato.
The greater of exposure and the longer of exposure ELF magnetic field make the
greater of magnetic field which is generated to change the movement of α-amylase
enzyme in germination. Therefore, it can be concluded that exposure of ELF
magnetic fields is useful to accelerate the growth of Ranti tomato.

Keywords: non ionizing radiation, extremely low frequency, magnetic field, a process of
growth, Ranti tomato

PENDAHULUAN besar. Medan magnet bersifat tidak

menghalangi dan mampu menembus benda
Seiring berkembangnya zaman, penghalang seperti genting, tembok
paparan medan listrik dan medan magnet bangunan, pepohonan, maupun tubuh
terhadap manusia tidak dapat dihindari manusia dan akan mengalami penurunan
lagi. Bumi yang kita diami adalah suatu secara linier terhadap jarak dari sumber
medan magnet yang sangat besar. Medan paparan (Sudarti, 2010).
magnet adalah daerah di sekitar magnet Paparan medan magnet Extremely
yang masih dipengaruhi oleh magnet. Low Frequency di lingkungan senantiasa
Medan magnet terjadi karena adanya semakin meningkat seiring dengan
kutub-kutub magnet yang memiliki gaya peningkatan teknologi pemanfaatan
tarik-menarik dan tolak menolak yang peralatan berenergi listrik dalam kehidupan


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