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Kuncie X SBM ITB

Mini-MBA Program
Syllabus Batch 5.

Prepared in 2022
02 | Introductions & Expectations

Apa itu Kuncie x SBM ITB Mini MBA

Kuncie x SBM ITB Mini MBA Program adalah kerja sama Kuncie dengan Sekolah Bisnis
dan Manajemen Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM ITB) untuk meningkatkan kompetensi
dalam bidang manajerial dengan lebih singkat, padat, dan terjangkau.

Mini MBA ini fokus pada pengembangan keterampilan bisnis Anda. Ini adalah program
jalur cepat secara daring yang mencakup semua bidang inti manajemen bisnis umum.

Mini MBA adalah cara cepat dan hemat biaya untuk mencapai tujuan karir Anda
berikutnya dan meningkatkan profil pekerjaan Anda. Program ini memadatkan aspek
terpenting dari studi manajemen tradisional menjadi empat kursus daring yang menarik dan
03 | Introductions & Expectations

Apa saja yang akan Anda dapatkan dari

Kuncie x SBM ITB Mini MBA Program?
80 Video pembelajaran menarik tentang berbagai topik seputar leadership, strategy,
customer, dan business performance.

21 sesi pertemuan daring dengan para expert (In Class Learning & Case Study)

Action Learning Project berdurasi 4 minggu

1 sesi Group Mentoring

Assessment untuk menguji pengetahuan dan keahlian Anda

Sertifikat sebagai bukti atas pencapaian Anda dalam Kuncie x SBM ITB Mini MBA Program
Perbandingan Kurikulum

Semester 1 Semester 2 Modules

Economic and Business Landscape Strategic - Strategic Management

Marketing Management

Operations and Supply Chain Strategic - Corporate Entrepreneurship

Financial Management and Policy

Organizational Behavior and Managing Strategic Decision Making and Leadership - High Performance Leadership
People Negotiation
Leadership - Digital Transformation
Financial Report and Control Business Ethics, Law and Sustainability

Customer - Quality Management

Semester 3 Semester 4
Customer - Marketing Management & Customer
Management of Innovation, Strategic Management and Agile Focus
Technology and Entrepreneurship Enterprise
Business Performance - Data Analytics
Research Methodology for Business Final Project

Business Performance - Financial Management

Elective-1, 2, and 3
Perbandingan Kurikulum


Organizational Behavior and Managing People

Business Ethics, Law and Sustainability
Financial Report and Control
Economic and Business Landscape Analysis  Business Performance
Financial Management and Policy
Strategic Decision Making and Negotiation 
Management of Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship Strategy
Strategic Management and Agile Enterprise
Marketing Management 
Operations and Supply Chain Management
Research Methodology for Business ALP
04 | Learning Journey

Self Guided Live In-Class & Case Study Action Learning

Learning Experiential Session Project
Anda akan diberikan Pertemuan online antara Anda akan diberikan Proyek akhir yang dapat
modul dalam bentuk Anda dengan partisipan sebuah studi kasus dikerjakan secara
video yang akan lainnya, dan juga expert, tentang topik terkait dari berkelompok untuk
membahas berbagai yang akan membahas minggu tertentu dimana memecahkan suatu kasus
macam topik dalam video implementasi dan best Anda akan diberikan dengan menerapkan teori
yang singkat namun practice dari teori yang waktu untuk dan juga pendekatan yang
padat. dipelajari pada self guided mengerjakannya. Hasil sudah dipelajari ditambah
learning, serta studi kasus akan dibahas dengan sesi
memberikan pengalaman di sesi online pendampingan oleh para
mendalam melalui mentor yang
metode gamified learning berpengalaman
dan simulasi

Sesi Live In-Class & Pengerjaan studi kasus Pelaksanaan ALP akan
Video dapat diakses Experiential Learning akan dilaksanakan dilakukan secara group
melalui platform Kuncie akan dilaksanakan dengan grup terkait, dan dan sesi mentoring akan
( menggunakan Zoom. sesi live akan dilakukan menggunakan
menggunakan Zoom. Zoom.
19 | Tools To be Used

Ada beberapa Tools yang akan digunakan

dalam proses pembelajaran:

Digunakan sebagai Digunakan sebagai Digunakan sebagai Digunakan untuk

media online video media komunikasi media untuk Anda pengumpulan tugas
conferencing dalam antara Anda dengan mengakses materi video yang dibuat oleh
aktivitas Live-In Class para peserta lain dan self guided learning. peserta.
Learning, Experiential juga panitia dari
Learning, dan Kuncie x SBM ITB
Mentoring. Mini MBA Program.
Instructors &
Mentor yang akan menemani Anda dalam
proses pembelajaran Self Learning.

Yudo Anggoro, Ph.D Dr. Yuanita Handayati

Lecturer of SBM ITB Lecturer of SBM ITB

Leadership - Customer -
High Performance Leadership Quality Management

Widhyawan P., Ph.D. Dr. Eng. Manahan

Independent Consultant, Doctor (Research)
Siallagan, M.T., M.Sc.
in Economics from University of Hawaii,
United States of America Lecturer of SBM ITB

Strategic - Business Performance -

Strategic Management Data Analytics
Mentor yang akan menemani Anda dalam
proses pembelajaran Self Learning.

Yogi Rizkian Bahar, Dr. Subiakto Sukarno


CEO LinkAja Lecturer of SBM ITB

Leadership - Business Performance -

Digital Transformation Financial Management

Yulianto Suharto,
M.B.A., M.Sc., Ph.Dc
Lecturer of SBM ITB

Customer -
Marketing Management &
Customer Focus

Strategy -
Corporate Entrepreneurship


Corporate Entrepreneurship
& Innovation Quality Management Digital Transformation Data Analytics

Strategic Management Marketing Management High Performance

Financial Management
& Customer Focus Leadership

Learning Objective Topic Duration

● Introduction and Definition of Corporate 10 Days Content

Being able to develop and
Entrepreneurship Learning
improve markets, products
Four Entrepreneurship Models and The 10-12 Videos

and services in an innovative
way through an
Entrepreneurship ● The Enabler - Model Corporate 90 minutes
entrepreneurial approach In-Class &
& within the company.

The Advocate and The Producer Experiential
Innovation ● What Corporate Entrepreneurship Model is Learning
Right for Your Company?
90 Minutes
● The Conceptual Business Model
Case Study
● Business Model Canvas Introduction, Create
& Deliver value

10 Days Content
Being able to set long-term ● Introduction to Strategic Management. Learning
goals based on a holistic and ● Strategic Management in Business Creation. 10-12 Videos
comprehensive perspective to ● Sustain Competitive Advantage & Business
Strategic increase the Company's Model. 90 minutes
In-Class &
competitiveness and added Blue Ocean Strategy.

value. ● Corporate Strategy: vertical integration and Experiential
diversification & strategic alignment in mergers
and acquisitions.
90 Minutes
● Business Transformation.
Case Study

Learning Objective Topic Duration

10 Days Content
● Quality Perspective.
Being able to understand Learning
● Quality Assurance System - Six Sigma. 10-12 Videos
the theory and practice of
● Trade-off between quality and price.
quality management
● Variability Process. 90 minutes
Quality aimed at continuous
● Types of Control Chart. In-Class &
improvement and able to
● Variable & Attribute of Control Chart.
use the right tools in Learning
● Capability Process
developing quality
● Creating Control Chart Using Excel. 90 Minutes
management strategies.
● Using minitab for Quality Analysis Case Study

10 Days Content
● Definition of Customer-Centric. Learning
Being able to understand
● Basic Principles of Customer-Centric. 10-12 Videos
Marketing market conditions, identify
● Successful Metric for Customer-Centric
target consumer profiles
Management & and develop appropriate
Approach. 90 minutes
In-Class &
Getting Feedback from Customer.

strategies in marketing Experiential
● Customer Relationship Management Pitfalls. Learning
Focus their products.
● 5 Simple Steps for Building Customer-Centric
Company. 90 Minutes
Case Study

Learning Objective Topic Duration

10 Days Content
● Digitalization trends.
Understanding how to Learning
● Steps into Digital Transformation. 10-12 Videos
direct, lead and evaluate
● Defining Your Business.
the digital transformation 90 minutes
● 4.0 Leadership Role.
Digital process, by utilizing all the
● Leadership Duties in 4.0 Industry Era. In-Class &
resources and added Experiential
Transformation value owned by the
● Rebuilding Your Organization Learning
● Creating Heroes Product.
● Digital Adoption Phase. 90 Minutes
● Risk Leadership in 4.0 Industry Era Case Study

10 Days Content
● Introduction to Leadership Learning
Understanding the basic
● Leadership theory development 10-12 Videos
principles of effectively
High leading people, teams and

Role of leadership in transformation effort
Ethics and leadership 90 minutes

Performance organizations and creating

● Effective Coaching in Leadership
In-Class &
a culture of work
Leadership environment collaborative
● Public Leadership: Leading in Public Sector Learning
● Leadership in a Cross-cultural Context
ones. 90 Minutes
● Growth Mindset Leader
Case Study
Learning Objective Topic Duration

● Introduction Data Analytics for Business. 10 Days Content

Being able to collect, Learning
● Program Language for Data Analytics .
identify and evaluate 10-12 Videos
● Software for Data Analytics.
complex/relevant big
● Data Visualization. 90 minutes
data, break down
Data Analytics Data Analytics for Business.
● In-Class &
issues/problems into Experiential
● Data Analytics for Finance.
smaller parts, extract key Learning
● Data Analytics for Marketing.
information from multiple
● Data Analytics for Operation. 90 Minutes
sources of data sets.
● Data Analytics for HR. Case Study
● Social Network Analysis.

10 Days Content
● Goal of the Firm.
Being able to measure the Learning
● Financial Report & Analysis. 10-12 Videos
financial performance of a
● Dupont Analysis.
company, compile analysis
Financial to perform business
● Debt or Equity. 90 minutes
In-Class &
Time Value of Money & Case Study.

projections and make Experiential
● Financial Planning. Learning
business decisions based
● Working Capital Management.
on financial parameters.
● Capital Budgeting. 90 Minutes
Case Study

Schedule & Timeline
Mini MBA Batch 5.
Class Timeline batch 5:
Note : Jadwal dapat berubah dan
akan dikonfirmasikan
sebelumnya kepada peserta.

On Boarding: 18 Desember 2022

Modules Lecturer Calendar

Strategic - Strategic Management Widhyawan P. ● 13-24 Maret 2023 : Self Learning

● Sabtu, 25 Januari 2023 : In-Class & Experiential Learning
● Minggu, 16 Januari 2023 : Case Study
Strategic - Corporate Entrepreneurship Yulianto Suharto

Customer - Quality Management Yuanita Handayati

● 27 Maret - 7 April 2023 : Self Learning
● Sabtu, 8 April 2023 : In-Class & Experiential Learning
Customer - Marketing Management & Customer ● Minggu, 9 April: Case Study
Yulianto Suharto

Leadership - High Performance Leadership Yudo Anggoro ● 10 - 21 April 2023 : Self Learning
● Sabtu, 22 April 2023 : In-Class & Experiential Learning
● Minggu, 23 April : Case Study
Leadership - Digital Transformation Yogi R. Bahar

Business Performance - Data Analytics Eng. Manahan S.

● 24 April - 5 Mei 2023 : Self Learning
● Sabtu, 6 Mei 2023 : In-Class & Experiential Learning
● Minggu, 7 Mei 2023 : Case Study
Business Performance - Financial Management Subiakto Sukarno

8 Mei 2023 - 4 Juni 2023 : ALP Briefing, Coaching, Submission 17

Frequently Asked
1. What is the Mini MBA and how is it different from an MBA?
An MBA gets you an MBA degree while the Mini MBA equips you with a non-degree certificate of completion. The Mini
MBA allows for greater time flexibility as the learning materials are a condensed version of a full MBA. There are no
degree-requirements to join; however work-experience is highly recommended.

Apa itu Mini MBA dan apa bedanya dengan MBA?

MBA memberi Anda gelar MBA sementara MBA Mini membekali Anda dengan sertifikat penyelesaian non-gelar. Mini
MBA memungkinkan fleksibilitas waktu yang lebih besar karena materi pembelajaran adalah versi ringkas dari MBA
penuh. Tidak ada persyaratan gelar untuk bergabung; namun pengalaman kerja sangat dianjurkan.

2. Will I get a degree after joining the Mini MBA?

You will get a non-degree Certificate of Participation, accredited by SBM ITB.

Apakah saya akan mendapatkan gelar setelah bergabung dengan Mini MBA?
Anda akan mendapatkan Sertifikat Partisipasi non-gelar, yang diakui oleh SBM ITB.
3. What is the course duration? What are the time commitments required?
The total duration is 13 weeks from orientation week to graduation day. Attendance is mandatory on the live in-class
learning days, run bi-weekly every Saturday. If you are unable to attend, please submit a written notice to the class

Apa durasi kursus? Apa komitmen waktu yang dibutuhkan?

Total durasi adalah 13 minggu dari minggu orientasi hingga hari kelulusan. Kehadiran wajib pada hari-hari
pembelajaran langsung daring, dijalankan dua mingguan setiap hari Sabtu. Jika Anda tidak dapat hadir, harap
mengirimkan pemberitahuan tertulis kepada host kelas.
4. How will I access the course?
• All pre-learning modules will be available on the Kuncie Premium website. Only registered students will be able to
access the modules.
• Live in-class learning and coaching will be hosted via Zoom. The link to the Zoom class will be shared ahead of time
via Discord and WhatsApp by your class host.

Bagaimana saya akan mengakses kursus?

• Semua modul pra-pembelajaran akan tersedia di situs web Kuncie Premium. Hanya siswa terdaftar yang dapat
mengakses modul.
• Pembelajaran dan pelatihan langsung akan diselenggarakan melalui Zoom. Tautan ke kelas Zoom akan dibagikan
sebelumnya melalui Discord dan WhatsApp oleh host kelas Anda.
5. What are the certification requirements?
Students are required to attend all classes and complete quizzes and assignments with satisfactory grades to get the
certificate. Students who are paying in installments are also required to complete the payment before getting

Apa saja persyaratan sertifikasi?

Siswa diwajibkan untuk mengikuti semua kelas, menyelesaikan kuis dan tugas dengan nilai yang memuaskan untuk
mendapatkan sertifikat. Siswa yang membayar secara mencicil juga diwajibkan untuk menyelesaikan pembayaran
sebelum mendapatkan sertifikat.

6. How long will I be able to access the modules?

Students will get lifetime access to the modules on Kuncie Premium.

Berapa lama saya dapat mengakses modul?

Video akan tersedia untuk dilihat selamanya di website Kuncie Premium.
(Pengecualian untuk mahasiswa yang mengambil cicilan dan tidak membayar cicilannya sampai selesai)
Learning Journey
7. What happens if I don’t participate in self learning?
Students that do not participate in self learning through will be unable to access the related quiz
and hence unable to obtain the related score for their certificate evaluation.

Apa yang akan terjadi jika Saya tidak mengikuti self-learning?

Siswa yang tidak mengikuti self-learning melalui tidak akan dapat mengakses quiz terkait dan
tidak akan mampu mendapatkan nilai untuk quiz tersebut dalam proses evaluasi untuk sertifikasi.

8. What happens if I don’t participate in a live session?

Students will not obtain a grade for that session’s attendance, that will affect their final evaluation. Valid reasons for not
attending includes illness with a doctor’s note and unfortunate events related to oneself or one’s family. These reasons
should be communicated in advance before a live session to the Program’s coordinator to ensure Students can still
follow along the Program’s flow.

Apa yang akan terjadi jika Saya tidak mengikuti sebuah live session?
Siswa tidak akan mendapatkan nilai untuk kehadiran sesi tersebut, yang akan berdampak terhadap evaluasi akhir
siswa. Alasan yang sah untuk tidak mengikuti sebuah live session adalah sakit dengan surat dokter atau ketika diri
sendiri atau keluarga sedang mengalami musibah. Alasan-alasan tersebut dapat dikomunikasikan ke koordinator
program untuk memastikan siswa tetap dapat mengikuti alur pembelajaran.
Learning Journey
9. How will the coaching session work for the Action Learning Project (ALP)?
Coaching for ALP will be done between a group of students and a facilitator. The time and date will be communicated near the
coaching session, and will be held through Zoom. Agenda of the coaching session is to run through a draft of the ALP that the
students have prepared, and obtain feedback and room for improvements for the ALP draft.

Bagaimana sesi coaching untuk ALP akan bekerja?

Coaching untuk ALP akan dilakukan antara sekelompok Siswa dan seorang fasilitator. Waktu dan tanggal untuk sesi tersebut akan
dikomunikasikan sebelum periode ALP berlangsung, dan akan dilaksanakan melalui Zoom. Agenda dari sesi ini adalah untuk
mendiskusikan draft dari ALP yang sudah disiapkan para Siswa, dan mendapatkan feedback serta perbaikan untuk draft tersebut.

10. What should I do if I have a question regarding a topic in the learning curriculum?
Students may ask curriculum related questions in the WhatsApp Group, and will then be compiled and forwarded to the related
facilitator. Answers will be shared in due time once the facilitator has addressed the question.

For non-academic related questions, Students may ask in the WhatsApp Group or through a private message to the Program’s
Coordinator. Answers will be shared by the Program’s Coordinator as soon as possible.

Apa yang harus Saya lakukan jika saya ada pertanyaan tentang sebuah topik dalam kurikulum pembelajaran?
Siswa dapat menanyakan pertanyaan tentang kurikulum melalui Grup WhatsApp, dan akan dikompilasi dan disampaikan ke
fasilitator terkait. Jawaban akan diberikan ketika fasilitator tersebut sudah memberikan tanggapan terkait.
Any Questions?
Contact Us.
Kuncie Customer Support
Kuncie Customer Support

Prepared in 2022

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