Anda di halaman 1dari 4


1. Kode Modul ajar :
2. Kode ATP Acuan :
3. Nama Penyusun : Tasya Ramadani
Nadifa Almira
4. Jenjang Sekolah : SMA
5. Fase /Kelas : F/XI
6. Domain/Topik : Memberikan pengetahuan tentang cara membuat surat serta cara

Membuat teks sebab akibat

7. Kata Kunci : Letter Writing, Cause and effect

8. Pengetahuan/ Keterampilan Prasyarat : Writing Skill
9. Alokasi waktu (menit) : 2x90 menut (180 menit)
10. Jumlah Pertemuan (JP) : 2x Pertemuan
11. Moda Pembelajaran: - Pembelajaran Tatap Muka

- Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh

12. Metode Pembelajaran : -Contextual Teaching Learning

-Communicative Language Teaching
13. Sarana Prasarana : -LCD Projector -Canva
14. Target Peserta Didik : Siswa Regular yang memiliki keaktifan dalam berdiskusi dan
berwawasan luas dalam belajar.

15. Karakteristik Peserta Didik : Siswa regular yang aktif dalam berdiskusi dan
mengemukakan pendapat, mencetak kepribadian siswa dengan baik dan berfikir kritis dalam
mengemukakan ide tidak pernah pantang menyerah dalam belajar hal baru.


A. Tujuan Pembelajaran

F1. Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks explanation dan
procedure dengan memberi atau meminta informasi terkait dengan konteks penggunaannya

F2. Mengimplementasikan terkait penggunaan ragam kosakata dan tata bahasa secara

tepat dan sesuai saat menulis teks explanation dan procedure

F4. Memahami makna tersirat dan unsur kebahasaan dari sebuah kalimat atau teks pendek

yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari siswa dalam berinteraksi.

B. Pemahaman Bermakna
Explanation is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural, social, scientific and cultural
phenomena. Explanation text is to say ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the forming of the phenomena.

Cause-and-effect describes a relationship between actions or events in which at least one action or event is
a direct result of the others.

C. Pertanyaan Pemantik

1. Pernahkah kalian membuat surat ataupun teks sebab akibat sebelumnya?

2. Topik apakah yang ingin kalian minati jika ingin membuat surat ataupun teks sebab akibat?

D. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan Pertama

1. Opening

a. Greeting and praying.

b. The teacher checks students’ presence to check students’ attendance by calling

name of students one by one.

c. The teacher tells about today’s topic: Letter writing

d. The teacher tells the purpose of today’s material.

e. The teacher gives a clue for students to introduce of what is Letter writing in daily life

2. Main Activity

a. Guru memberikan video/gambar teks yang melibatkan penulisan surat

b. Guru memberikan penjelasan materi kepada siswa dari canva tentang “penulisan surat”
c. Guru memainkan video yang berisikan contoh teks singkat mengenai penulisan surat,
d. Guru bertanya kepada siswa apakah kesimpulan ataupun contoh konteks penulisan surat.
e. Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa untuk membuat surat yang berkaitan dengan
kehidupan sehari hari
f. Siswa mengumpulkan tugas tepat waktu sesuai dengan perintah guru

3. Closing

a. The teacher gives a feedback about today’s material.

b. The teacher makes conclusion of Letter writing

c. The students are requested to learn a lot about today’s material.

d. The teacher tells other material in the next meeting.

e. Closing and praying.

Pertemuan Kedua

1. Opening

a. Greeting and praying.

b. The teacher checks students’ presence to check students’ attendance by calling

name of students one by one.

c. The teacher tells the purpose about today’s lesson: cause and effect

d. The teacher gives a brainstorming for students to review a material about cause and effect

2. Main Activity

a. The teacher gives material about how to make cause and effect

expressing for someone based on the problems and current situations in social

interaction with explanation from Youtube’s video and canva

This link of video is:

b. After watching the video and read canva about the material, the teacher

classifies the students into some groups of presentation. One group consists of

2-3 students.

c. The students should do the activity to practice writing skill with main topic

“The effect of fast food and junk food” in daily life. Group activity in this presentation should make

short cause and effect essay.

d. Every group should present their group activity in the front of class, for other

groups give comment, suggestion or question to assess students’ responsibility

in discussion session.

3. Closing

a. The teacher gives comments in every group of presentation.

b. The teacher gives feedback related today’s material about cause and effect
c. Students are requested to review a material.

d. The teacher gives assessing for students’ in the class.

e. Closing and praying.

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