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Informasi Umum

A. Identitas Sekolah

Satuan Pendidikan SMK Negeri 1 Bondowoso

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester X DKV/Genap
Alokasi Waktu 12 JP
Tahun Pelajaran 2022-2023
Nama Penyusun Elly Florida, S.S.

B. Kompetensi Awal
- Siswa telah memahami fungsi sosial dari Procedure Text
- Siswa telah memahami struktur teks dari Procedure Text
- Siswa telah memahami kata sifat tertentu untuk menggambarkan sesuatu

C. Profil Pelajar Pancasila

- Berakhlak Mulia
- Mandiri
- Bernalar kritis
- Gotong Royong
- Kreatif
- Berkhebhinekaan Global

D. Sarana dan Prasarana

- Laptop/Komputer
- teks

E. Target Peserta Didik

Peserta didik reguler/umum

F. Model Pembelajaran
Scientific Learning dengan Teknik:
- Skimming → to find general information
- Scanning → to find specific information
- Finding antonym and synonym
- Reference
- Inference

Komponen Inti

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
B.2.1 Membaca Procedure Text
B.2.2 Mendapatkan informasi dari Procedure Text
B.2.3 Mencari detil spesifik dan inti dari Procedure Text
B.2.4 Mengevaluasi detil spesifik dan inti dari Procedure Text
B.2.5 Memahami ide pokok Procedure Text
B.2.6 Mengidentifikasi tujuan penulis dari Procedure Text
B.2.7 Melakukan inferensi sederhana dari isi Procedure Text

2. Pemahaman Bermakna
Setelah mempelajari modul ini, peserta didik mengetahui:
1. Informasi dari Procedure Text
2. Detil spesifik dan inti dari Procedure Text
3. Ide pokok dari Procedure Text
4. Tujuan penulis dari Procedure Text

3. Pertanyaan Pemantik
- Did you know a PC?
- Can you describe it?
- How do you operate it?
- What have you done with it?

4. Persiapan Pembelajaran
- Guru menyiapkan bahan ajar sesuai Capaian Pembelajaran.
- Guru menyiapkan materi di PPT.
- Guru menyiapkan kelas menjadi beberapa kelompok.
- Guru menyiapkan teks prosedure untuk materi pelajaran.
- Guru menyusun LKPD.
- Guru menyusun instrument assesmen yang digunakan.

5. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan 1
Kegiatan Awal
1. Peserta didik menjawab salam.
2. Peserta didik memperhatikan saat guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.
3. Peserta didik menjawab leading questions yang ditanyakan oleh guru berdasarkan
gambar yang disajikan.
- Did you know a PC?
- Can you describe it?
- How do you operate it?
- As a student of VCD department, what have you done with it?
4. Peserta didik menyimak tujuan pembelajaran yang disampaikan oleh guru.
5. Peserta didik menyimak pemahaman bermakna pada pertemuan ini yang disampaikan
oleh guru.
6. Peserta didik menyimak penjelasan guru tentang asesmen yang akan didapatkan di akhir
7. Peserta didik menyimak tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang
ada pada teks deskripsi secara umum yang disampaikan oleh guru.
Kegiatan Inti
1. Peserta didik memperhatikan penjelasan guru tentang Manual (Activity 1).
2. Peserta didik membaca teks prosedur tentang mengoperasikan komputer (Activity 2).
3. Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks prosedur yang telah dibaca pada
Activity 2 (Activity 3).

Kegiatan Penutup
1. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses
Well, class, you have done a very good job today. Most of you are active and able to
understand the procedure text presented in the student’s handbook. I hope all of you
involve in the interaction in the next meeting. How do you feel during the lesson? Is
there anyone of you who wants to say something?
2. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, menyimpulkan apa yang dipelajari hari ini.
3. Peserta didik memperhatikan penjelasan guru tentang agenda pertemuan berikutnya.

Pertemuan 2
Kegiatan Awal
1. Peserta didik menjawab salam.
2. Peserta didik memperhatikan saat guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.
3. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, mengulas pembelajaran di pertemuan

Kegiatan Inti
1. Peserta didik memperhatikan penjelasan guru tentang Tips (Activity 1).
2. Peserta didik mengamati video tentang K3LH di labarotorium DKV (Activity 2).
3. Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan video tentang K3LH di labarotorium
DKV yang telah diamati pada Activity 2 (Activity 3).


1. Peserta didik membaca teks K3LH tentang sikap kerja dalam mengoperasikan computer
di laboratorium DKV (Activity 4).
2. Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks K3LH yang telah dibaca pada
Activity 4 (Activity 5).

Kegiatan Penutup
1. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses
Well, class, you have done a very good job today. What have you got in our lesson today?
2. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, menyimpulkan apa yang dipelajari hari ini.
3. Peserta didik memperhatikan penjelasan guru tentang agenda pertemuan.
Pertemuan 3
Kegiatan Awal
1. Peserta didik menjawab salam
2. Peserta didik memperhatikan saat guru mengecek kehadiran siswa

Kegiatan Inti
1. Peserta didik membaca teks K3LH tentang pemanfaatan sisa kertas di jurusan DKV
(Activity 1).
2. Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks K3LH yang telah dibaca pada
Activity 1 (Activity 2).

Kegiatan Penutup
1. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses
Well, class, you have done a very good job today. Most of you are active. How do you
feel during the lesson? Is there any question about our today’s material?
2. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, menyimpulkan apa yang dipelajari hari ini.
3. Peserta didik memperhatikan penjelasan guru tentang agenda pertemuan berikutnya.

Pertemuan 4
Kegiatan Awal
1. Peserta didik menjawab salam
2. Peserta didik memperhatikan saat guru mengecek kehadiran siswa

Kegiatan Inti
1. Peserta didik mengerjakan latihan soal jenis menjodohkan dengan mencocokkan
gambar dan frasa yang tepat (Activity 1).
2. Peserta didik mengerjakan latihan soal jenis menjodohkan dengan mencocokkan
gambar dan kalimat perintah yang tepat (Activity 2).

Pertemuan 5
Kegiatan Awal
1. Peserta didik menjawab salam
2. Peserta didik memperhatikan saat guru mengecek kehadiran siswa

Kegiatan Inti
Peserta didik mengerjakan Tes Formatif

Kegiatan Penutup
1. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses
Well, class, you have done a very good job today. You have done the Formative Test
today and I am going to announce the result as soon as possible. You will have a
remedial and enrichment test on the next meeting.
2. Peserta didik memperhatikan penjelasan guru tentang agenda pertemuan berikutnya.

Pertemuan 6
Kegiatan Awal
1. Peserta didik menjawab salam
2. Peserta didik memperhatikan saat guru mengecek kehadiran siswa
3. Peserta didik mengulas materi pada pertemuan sebelumnya

Kegiatan Inti
Peserta didik mengerjakan Tes Remidial dan Pengayaan

Kegiatan Penutup
1. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses
Well, class, you have done a very good job today. I hope you understand how to
determine the main idea and the supporting ideas in a descriptive text.
2. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, menyimpulkan apa yang dipelajari hari ini.
3. Peserta didik memperhatikan penjelasan guru tentang agenda pertemuan berikutnya.
A. Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik

(Manual And Tips)
Applied in Visual Communication Design
Social Function
to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.

Generic Structure of Procedure Text

1. Goal: showing the purpose
2. Material: telling the needed materials. Not all procedural texts containing material.
3. Steps: describing the steps to achieve the purpose

Language features of Procedure Text

1. Using imperative such as: turn off, plug in, etc.
2. Using temporal conjunctions, such as: First, next, after that, then, last, etc.
3. Using action verbs, such as: adjust, put, operate, etc.
4. Having goal, such as: How to turn on the LCD projector, how to utilize wastepaper, etc.
5. Consisting of steps.
6. Using exclamation mark (!)

Learning Objectives

B.1.1 Reading procedure texts related to Visual Communication Design

B.1.2 Obtaining information from procedure texts related to Visual Communication Design
B.1.3 Finding specific details and the core of procedure texts related to Visual Communication
B.1.4 Evaluating specific details and the core of procedure texts related to Visual Communication
B.1.5 Understanding the main idea, issue, and plot in procedure texts related to Visual
Communication Design
B.1.6 Identifying the purpose of procedure texts related to Visual Communication Design
B.1.7 Conducting simple inference from the content of procedure texts related to Visual
Communication Design

Meaningful Understandings
After learning this handbook, students will understand:
1. Information in procedure texts related to Visual Communication Design
2. Specific details and the core in procedure texts related to Visual Communication Design
3. Main idea, issue, and plot in procedure texts related to Visual Communication Design
4. The writer’s purpose in procedure texts related to Visual Communication Design

Procedure text related to things used in Visual Communication Design

Activity 1
Study the following explanation!


Manual is a book that tells you how to do or operate something, especially one that comes
with a machine, etc. when you buy it. It is very important to learn how to talk about operating things.
When you tell someone how to operate something, you can show the step with: First ..., Next ...,
Then ..., Finally ...
When you give instructions, you use imperative sentences with an exclamation mark.
Imperative sentence is a type of sentence that gives advice or instruction or that expresses a request
or command.
1. Turn on the LCD projector!
2. Clean the lens using a specific camera blower!
3. Do not use the camcorder cassette in a car that is exposed to hot air!
A sentence using the imperative does not need a subject because the subject in the
sentence is already understood. The sentence “Do not put labels on the camcorder cassette!” is the
same with “You do put labels on the camcorder cassette!”. It means the subject is “You” as the
person whom we give the instruction to.

Activity 2
Read the following manuals!

A. How to connect a computer device:

1. Connect the mouse and keyboard cables to the appropriate plugs on the chassis/CPU,
usually the coloured end of the cable, then match the colour!

2. Connect the monitor cable! The monitor cable consists of 2, the power cable and the data
3. Connect other devices if any (printer, speaker, LAN)!

4. Connect the power cable on the chassis/CPU to the stabilizer!

5. Connect the stabilizer cable to the electricity, then turn it on!

. -padang-lain-belalang-beda-negara-beda-

B. How to turn on the computer

1. Turn on the stabilizer!
2. Press the power button on the CPU and wait until the computer finishes booting!

3. When the computer asks for a username and password, enter them! If not, click one of

4. When the desktop appears and the mouse pointer appears as an arrow, the computer is
ready to operate.

C. How to turn off the computer:

1. End all running programs!
2. Click the Windows Logo in the bottom left corner!
3. Click the “Power” button that appears!

4. Then the “Shut down” dialog box appears, then click the “Shut down” button!

5. Wait until the computer completely shuts down!

6. Then, turn off the stabilizer!

Activity 3
Choose the best answer based on the text above!
1. What is the purpose of the text?
a. to describe the steps of operating computer
b. to describe the characteristics of something
c. to announce some information about computer
d. to tell the experience of operating computer
2. What should we do firstly when turning off a computer?
a. We should turn on the computer.
b. We should klick “Shut down”.
c. We should wait for a minute.
d. We should finish all program we are running.
3. The following is NOT TRUE based on the text?
a. There are 2 monitor cables that we connect.
b. We only click a username or password when the computer does not ask them both.
c. The computer is ready to operate when the desktop appears.
d. The printer and speaker must be connected to the CPU
4. Click the “Power” button that appears! (Point C, step 3). The underlined word has the different
meaning with …
a. Comes out
b. vanishes
c. emerges
d. looks

Activity 1
Read and comprehend the following explanation about Tips!

Tip is a small piece of advice about something practical. It is written to give information to
someone or a particular organization what to do or what they should do in dealing with a problem
or situation. In writing tips, it is important to use simple and clear language in order to con vey the
message communicatively. You may also add detail information of the tip to make people
understand more about the tip that we give. Therefore, imperative sentences are frequently used
in writing tips. Imperative sentence is a type of sentence that gives advice or instruction or that
expresses a request or command.
Tips are given to help people solve their problems. In giving tips to other people, you can
also describe them orally. There is no significant difference between written and oral method.

Activity 2
Watch the video attentively!

Video Meeting

Activity 3
And answer the questions given by teacher orally!
1. What happened to the boy?
2. How could the incident happen?
3. As a student of Visual Communication Design, what should you do to avoid the incident?
4. Give an example as your solution to avoid such an incident!
Activity 4
Read the following text meaningfully!

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in Visual Communication Design

OHS (or K3 in Bahasa Indonesia) is the occupational health and safety program and the
environment in a company or in an agency that has a large number of workers . Visual
Communication Design is a major which is closely related to the use of computers. The following is
tips of OHS in operating computers to maintain our health and safety.

Occupational Health and Safety in Operating Computer

Computer is an electronic machine that can store, organize, and find information, do
processes with numbers and other data, and control other machines. It is often used today because
it can do almost everything related to communication and information technology.
When working with computer, there are several things that must be considered so as not
to have a negative impact on both our health and safety. Research that has been done concludes
that computers can cause users to suffer from muscle and bone pain, especially in the shoulders,
wrists, neck, back, lower waist, kidney, red watery eyes, and even visual impairment.
Several things that we can do to avoid negative effects when working with computers are:
1. Adjusting the position of body:
✓ The position of head and neck must be perpendicular to the face facing the computer. Do
not look up or bend down!

✓ A good position of back must be upright, not tilted to the right or left. Do not bend or lean
back too far! Make sure that your seat is comfortable!

✓ The position of shoulder must not be too up or too down. Make sure your shoulder
muscles are not tense!

✓ A good position of arms and elbows showed when you can type and use a mouse
comfortably. Do not put a mouse or a keyboard parallel to your seat! -duduk-yang-benar-saat-didepan-komputer/

✓ The position of legs must be relaxed and are not in contact with the CPU or other electrical
devices. Straighten your legs must occasionally, so that the blood flow smoothly. If their
position is cross-legged, they must often be straightened.
2. Adjusting the position of computer:
a. The position of monitor:

✓ The monitor must be placed in a place which does not reflect another light.
✓ Place the monitor lower than the horizontal line of the eye!
✓ Adjust the monitor light (contrast/brightness) so that it is not too dark and not too
✓ Blink frequently (at least 5 seconds every 10 minutes)! If your eyes feel tired,
massage them slowly and look away to another place.

b. The position of keyboard:

✓ Put the keyboard in a place which is easily accessed, not too far and not too close.
✓ Do not let the position of keyboard make you bend down or look up!

c. The position of mouse:

✓ The same with the keyboard, the position of mouse should not be too far or too
✓ Try to keep the mouse and keyboard aligned!
d. The position of tables and chairs:

✓ Tables and chairs must be in a position that makes you comfortable so as your
muscles are not tensed or tired.
✓ Chairs should be with foam and have a comfortable backrest.
✓ A good table height is 55-75 cm.

Activity 5
Choose the best answer based on the text above!
1. What is the purpose of the text?
a. to entertain the readers
b. to describe how something is achieved
c. to announce some information
d. to tell the experience
2. Why should we apply the OHS in operating computer?
a. To get the purpose of using computer
b. To obtain the best result of working with computer
c. To find the way of working with computer
d. to avoid negative effects due to operating computer
3. The following is NOT TRUE based on the text?
a. The position of arms does not give any impact in typing.
b. We should put our legs away from electricity.
c. Sometimes we need to move the body to relax the muscle.
d. We need to consider what the seat is made of.
4. How do we prevent exhaustion on eyes?
a. by doing exercise
b. by looking outside for a while
c. by reading
d. by wearing glasses
5. Chairs should be with foam and have a comfortable backrest (The position of tables and chairs,
point 2). The italicized word has the same meaning with …
a. hard
b. strict
c. cozy
d. miserable

Activity 1
Read the following text meaningfully!



Paper is an inseparable part of human life that is increasingly advanced and developing. No
wonder the paper industry in Indonesia and around the world is experiencing rapid growth. The
need for paper is increasing as the world's population increases.
The Department of Visual Communication Design is one of the majors that uses paper as a
medium of works, such as drawing. The more use of paper will certainly increase the amount of
wastepaper. If they are not treated properly, they will cause problems that can interfere with the
environmental cleanliness.
The Modern 3R concept (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) has a significant impact on environmental
cleanliness and is an accelerator in reducing the level of environmental pollution related to
The following are some tips for utilizing the wastepaper of VCD students' work:
1. Making it to create a concept or artwork
The blank page behind a wastepaper page can be used to create concept drawings or other

2. Making it to clean the glass

Soak wastepaper in a basin of water and use it as a glass cleaning rag!

3. Making it to cover the base of the shelf or cupboard

You can use used paper as the base of a bookshelf or cupboard. In addition to not damaging the
shelves, your belongings also stay clean.

4. Making it as a dryer
You can use it as a rag for wet furniture. Paper can dry wet surfaces faster than cloth rags.

5. Making it to create home decoration

Use a little of your imagination to make a home decor made of wastepaper! You might be able
to use it as a material for making paper lamps or flowers.
6. Making it to create toys
You can make Origami techniques by using wastepaper, so you can be more creative and
environmentally conscious.

7. Making it to prevent rust

You can use wastepaper to absorb water after washing household items. Compared to cloth,
paper absorbs and dries faster. Some cooking utensils, such as cooking pans, are prone to rust if
not dried properly.

8. Making it to keep vegetables fresh

You can use wastepaper as a wrapper for food, especially green vegetables. Wrap green leafy
vegetables in wastepaper to keep them fresh longer!

Activity 2
Choose the best answer based on the text above!
1. What is the purpose of the text?
a. to entertain the readers about a story
b. to describe something with their characteristics
c. to announce some information
d. to give information what to do in dealing with a problem or situation
2. Why should we apply the 3R concept with wastepaper?
a. to reduce the environmental pollution
b. to utilize the wastepaper
c. to find the way of using wastepaper
d. to support the need for paper
3. The following is NOT TRUE based on the text?
a. Only green vegetables can be wrapped by paper.
b. Wastepaper will cause problems when it is not treated well.
c. Paper absorbs better than cloth.
d. Students of VCD usually use paper for artwork.
4. If they are not treated properly, they will cause problems … (Par. 2, line 3). The bold typed refers
to …
a. problems
b. wastepaper
c. majors
d. works

A. Match the number and the tips of OHS below!

Fill in each box with the correct phrase!


a. straight head
b. relax shoulders
c. straight back
d. soft seat
e. monitor position at head level
f. hand parallel to the forearm
g. the position of the monitor at the distance of the hand to the eye
h. comfortable table layout
i. foot position supported by footrest
B. The followings are the rules we must obey when we are in a computer laboratory.
Match them with the instructions below!
Fill in each box with the correct instructions!

…………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………
a. Do not bring food and drink!
b. Do not bring items that are harmful to the computer, e.g., magnet, metal, etc.!
c. Do not wear sport wear in the computer lab!
d. Do not bring stationery!
e. Be responsible for each computer!
f. Do not play games except those related to lessons!
g. Do not leaving or changing seats without any permission!
h. Turn on and turn off the computer according to the procedure!
i. Wear socks!
j. Keep silent!
A. Choose the best answer!

How to Connect a Wireless Mouse

1. First, plug in your mouse’s receiver to your computer’s USB port! Then, the mouse driver will
automatically be installed to detect the wireless mouse.
2. Second, make sure that your mouse has energy or is charged! To do this, flip the mouse over
and remove the battery compartment cover.
3. Third, turn on your mouse! Usually, the on/off switch is on the back of the mouse.

1. First, plug in your mouse’s receiver to your computer’s USB port! The italicized word has the
similar meaning with …
a. Cable
b. Cover
c. Battery
d. Terminal
2. How can a wireless mouse be detected?
a. By charging the mouse.
b. By plugging in a mouse’s receiver to a computer’s USB port
c. By turning on the mouse
d. By flipping the mouse over
3. The purpose of the text is…
a. To tell the experience of connecting a wireless mouse
b. To entertain the reader about connecting a wireless mouse
c. To describe how to connect a wireless mouse
d. To describe a wireless mouse
4. The best sentence to show the last step of connecting a wireless mouse is done is…
a. 4. Finally, your wireless mouse is ready to use.
b. 4. Finally, you have to wait until the mouse is connected.
c. 4. Finally, the mouse turns on.
d. 4. Finally, the mouse is detected.

B. Fill in the blank with the correct answer!

How to Take Care of a Color Printer

• When we have tasks which require a large number of (5) …, it is recommended not to print
them all at once because it will worsen the condition of the printer and its cartridges.
• Ink is also an important part of printing. Try to (6) … the ink when it runs out!
• (7) … the printer regularly! Try to print several documents, both colored and non-colored,
so that the cartridge can (8) … better!
• If you still need to print, just leave the printer (9) …! Do not just turn it off and turn on the
printer because it actually makes the ink (10) …!
5. a. paper b. printouts c. works d. copies
6. a. refill b. recharge c. remake d. reuse
7. a. clean b. print c. take d. use
8. a. mean b. do c. make d. function
9. a. away b. on c. off d. by
10. a. scatter b. dry c. evaporate d. melt
A. Choose the best answer!

How to Use Computer.

1. Set up your computer! If you set up a new computer, there are a few steps that you will
need before you can use it.
2. Create a user account! If you use a computer for the first time, you will be asked to
create a user account when you turn it on.
3. Get to know the desktop! Desktop is the main work area on your computer and will
often be areas that you visit on your computer.
4. Learn the basic use of the mouse and keyboard! They are the main tools to interact with your
5. Launch a few applications that will be installed! Even if you assemble your own computer, there
will be some applications that will be installed and the equipment can be used without having
to install additional applications on its own.

1. They are the main tools to interact with your computer. (Line 8). The underlined word has the
similar meaning to …
a. computer
b. desktop
c. equipment
d. application
2. The following statement is TRUE based on the text:
a. It is no need to install some applications when assembling a computer.
b. User account is automatically created.
c. Desktop is the main areas that you visit on your computer.
d. A user account is required everytime you turn the computer on.
3. The writer writes the text to …
a. To describe computer
e. To describe the steps of using computer
b. To describe the experience of using computer
c. To describe the characteristics of computer
4. You will be asked to create a user account when you turn it on (Line 4). The bold typed word
refers to …
a. a computer
b. a user
c. an account
d. a user account

B. Fill in the blank with the correct answer!

How to take care of a camcorder
• When setting up the camcorder, make sure that there are no objects that can (5) … the lens!
• When holding the camcorder, make sure that the (6) … is attached to the hand or around
the neck, so that the camcorder will not fall!
• Do not leave the video cassette in the camcorder until it has completely cooled down!
• Do not leave (7) … in the camcorder when they are not in use as they draw energy!
• Do not use the camcorder cassette in a car that is (8) … to hot air!
• Do not put labels on the camcorder cassette!
• Clean the (9) … when it is dirty with a cleaning cassette!
• Clean the lens using a specific camera (10) …!

5. a. close b. open c. cover d. scratch

6. a. strap b. lens c. tape head d. cassette
7. a. strap b. cassette c. batteries d. lens
8. a. exposed b. touched c. make d. function
9. a. strap b. camcorder c. lens d. tape head
10. a. fan b. blower c. evaporator d. brush

✓ Procedure: a way of doing something, especially the usual or correct way
✓ Manual: a book that tells you how to do or operate something, especially one that comes
with a machine, etc. when you buy it
✓ Tip: a small piece of advice about something practical
✓ Operate: to use or control a machine or make it work
✓ Occupational: with a person’s job or profession
✓ Health: the condition of a person’s body or mind
✓ Safety: the state of being safe and protected from danger or harm
➢ Book:
✓ Astuti, Eka Mulya, 2014. Practise Your English Competence untuk SMK/MAK Kelas X.
Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga
✓ Djuhari, Otong Setiawan,2010.1700 Bank Soal Bimbingan Pemantapan Bahasa
Inggris. Bandung: Yrama Widya
✓ Pramesti, Maria Regina Dyah, 2008. English for SMK 1. Jakarta: Pusat
Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
✓ Swan, Michael, 2001. The Good Grammar Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press

➢ Sites:
6. Assesmen
A. Choose the best answer!

How to Connect a Wireless Mouse

1. First, plug in your mouse’s receiver to your computer’s USB port! Then, the mouse driver
will automatically be installed to detect the wireless mouse.
2. Second, make sure that your mouse has energy or is charged! To do this, flip the mouse
over and remove the battery compartment cover.
3. Third, turn on your mouse! Usually, the on/off switch is on the back of the mouse.

1. First, plug in your mouse’s receiver to your computer’s USB port! The italicized word has
the similar meaning with …
e. Cable
f. Cover
g. Battery
h. Terminal
2. How can a wireless mouse be detected?
e. By charging the mouse.
f. By plugging in a mouse’s receiver to a computer’s USB port
g. By turning on the mouse
h. By flipping the mouse over
3. The purpose of the text is…
f. To tell the experience of connecting a wireless mouse
g. To entertain the reader about connecting a wireless mouse
h. To describe how to connect a wireless mouse
i. To describe a wireless mouse
4. The best sentence to show the last step of connecting a wireless mouse is done is…
e. 4. Finally, your wireless mouse is ready to use.
f. 4. Finally, you have to wait until the mouse is connected.
g. 4. Finally, the mouse turns on.
h. 4. Finally, the mouse is detected.

B. Fill in the blank with the correct answer!

How to Take Care of a Color Printer

• When we have tasks which require a large number of (5) …, it is recommended not to
print them all at once because it will worsen the condition of the printer and its
• Ink is also an important part of printing. Try to (6) … the ink when it runs out!
• (7) … the printer regularly! Try to print several documents, both colored and non-
colored, so that the cartridge can (8) … better!
• If you still need to print, just leave the printer (9) …! Do not just turn it off and turn on
the printer because it actually makes the ink (10) …!
5. a. paper b. printouts c. works d. copies
6. a. refill b. recharge c. remake d. reuse
7. a. clean b. print c. take d. use
8. a. mean b. do c. make d. function
9. a. away b. on c. off d. by
10. a. scatter b. dry c. evaporate d. melt
7. Pengayaan Dan Remidial


Choose the best answer!

How to Use Computer.

1. Set up your computer! If you set up a new computer, there are a few steps that you will
need before you can use it.
2. Create a user account! If you use a computer for the first time, you will be asked to
create a user account when you turn it on.
3. Get to know the desktop! Desktop is the main work area on your computer and will
often be areas that you visit on your computer.
4. Learn the basic use of the mouse and keyboard! They are the main tools to interact
with your computer.
5. Launch a few applications that will be installed! Even if you assemble your own computer,
there will be some applications that will be installed and the equipment can be
used without having to install additional applications on its own.

1. They are the main tools to interact with your computer. (Line 8). The underlined word
has the similar meaning to …
a. computer
b. desktop
c. equipment
d. application
2. The following statement is TRUE based on the text:
a. It is no need to install some applications when assembling a computer.
b. User account is automatically created.
c. Desktop is the main areas that you visit on your computer.
d. A user account is required everytime you turn the computer on.
3. The writer writes the text to …
a. To describe computer
b. To describe the steps of using computer
c. To describe the experience of using computer
d. To describe the characteristics of computer
5. You will be asked to create a user account when you turn it on (Line 4). The bold typed
word refers to …
a. a computer
b. a user
c. an account
d. a user account
Fill in the blank with the correct answer!
How to take care of a camcorder

• When setting up the camcorder, make sure that there are no objects that can (1) …
the lens!
• When holding the camcorder, make sure that the (2) … is attached to the hand or
around the neck, so that the camcorder will not fall!
• Do not leave the video cassette in the camcorder until it has completely cooled down!
• Do not leave (3) … in the camcorder when they are not in use as they draw energy!
• Do not use the camcorder cassette in a car that is (4) … to hot air!
• Do not put labels on the camcorder cassette!
• Clean the (5) … when it is dirty with a cleaning cassette!
• Clean the lens using a specific camera (6) …!

1. a. close b. open c. cover d. scratch

2. a. strap b. lens c. tape head d. cassette
3. a. strap b. cassette c. batteries d. lens
4. a. exposed b. touched c. make d. function
5. a. strap b. camcorder c. lens d. tape head
6. a. fan b. blower c. evaporator d. brush
8. Refleksi Peserta Didik Dan Guru

❖ Student’s Reflection

❖ Teacher’s Reflection

B. Bahan Bacaan Guru Dan Peserta Didik

➢ Book:
✓ Astuti, Eka Mulya, 2014. Practise Your English Competence untuk SMK/MAK Kelas X.
Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga
✓ Djuhari, Otong Setiawan,2010.1700 Bank Soal Bimbingan Pemantapan Bahasa
Inggris. Bandung: Yrama Widya
✓ Pramesti, Maria Regina Dyah, 2008. English for SMK 1. Jakarta: Pusat
Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
✓ Swan, Michael, 2001. The Good Grammar Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press

➢ Sites:

C. Glosarium
✓ Procedure: a way of doing something, especially the usual or correct way
✓ Manual: a book that tells you how to do or operate something, especially one that comes
with a machine, etc. when you buy it
✓ Tip: a small piece of advice about something practical
✓ Operate: to use or control a machine or make it work
✓ Occupational: with a person’s job or profession
✓ Health: the condition of a person’s body or mind
✓ Safety: the state of being safe and protected from danger or harm

D. Daftar Pustaka

➢ Book:
✓ Astuti, Eka Mulya, 2014. Practise Your English Competence untuk SMK/MAK Kelas X.
Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga
✓ Djuhari, Otong Setiawan,2010.1700 Bank Soal Bimbingan Pemantapan Bahasa
Inggris. Bandung: Yrama Widya
✓ Pramesti, Maria Regina Dyah, 2008. English for SMK 1. Jakarta: Pusat
Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
✓ Swan, Michael, 2001. The Good Grammar Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press

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