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Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022


Program Keahlian Semua Program Keahlian

Judul Elemen Narrative Text

Deskripsi Meliputi pemahaman peserta didik terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan berbagai macam teks
seperti narasi, deskripsi, prosedur, eksposisi, recount, dan
Capaian Pembelajaran Peserta didik membaca dan merespon berbagai macam teks
seperti narasi, deskripsi, prosedur, eksposisi, recount, dan
report. Peserta didik membaca untuk mempelajari sesuatu
atau untuk mendapatkan informasi. Mereka mencari dan
mengevaluasi detil spesifik dan inti dari berbagai macam
jenis teks.
Kompetensi Awal Peserta didik memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan Narrative text
Kelas X

Alokasi Waktu 360 menit

Jumlah Pertemuan 4

Fase Capaian E

Profil Pelajar Pancasila Beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, dan
berakhlak Mulia, Mandiri, Bernalar Kritis, dan Kreatif
Target Peserta Didik Peserta didik regular / kesulitan belajar / pencapaian tingkat
Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning

Moda Pembelajaran Daring / Kombinasi

Metode Pembelajaran Diskusi, presentasi, demonstrasi, simulasi praktik

Bentuk Penilaian Asesmen Non Kognitif dan Kognitif

Sumbar Pembelajaran Buku Paket, Modul, Internet dan Lainnya

Alat Praktik Pembelajaran -

Media Pembelajaran LCD Projector, PPT, Video Pembelajaran, Internet



a. Peserta didik mampu membaca dan merespon berbagai macam teks seperti
narasi, deskripsi, prosedur, eksposisi, recount, dan report.
b. Membaca untuk mempelajari sesuatu atau untuk mendapatkan informasi.
c. Mencari dan mengevaluasi detil spesifik dan inti dari berbagai macam jenis
d. Mengidentifikasi tujuan penulis dan mengembangkan keterampilannya untuk
melakukan inferensi sederhana dalam memahami informasi tersirat dalam

a. Manusia bergotong royong dan bekerja sama untuk memecahkan masalah dan
mencapai tujuan.
b. Bacaan yang bagus dapat bermanfaat untuk orang lain.
c. Jujur dan mandiri dalam menyelesaikan masalah.

a. Pernahkah kamu mendengar istilah Narrative text?
b. Apa yang kamu bayangkan tentang Narrative text?

Pertemuan 1-2
Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Guru dan Peserta didik
Pendahuluan a. Mengawali pembelajaran dengan berdoa dan 10 menit
memberi salam
(Beriman, bertaqwa kepada Tuhan YME dan
Berakhlak mulia)
b. Mempersiapkan kelas agar lebih kondusif untuk
memulai proses KBM (Laptop, jaringan internet,
aplikasi yang digunakan) (Mandiri)
c. Memantau kehadiran dengan mengabsen
peserta didik lewat zoom meeting/ class room
d. Tanya jawab dengan siswa berkaitan dengan
materi sebelumnya
e. Memotivasi peserta didik untuk lebih fokus dan
semangat dalam mengikuti pembelajaran.
f. Menginformasikan capaian pembelajaran dan
tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai.
g. Menyampaikan cakupan materi secara garis
Inti a. Peserta didik mendapatkan pemaparan 75 menit
secara umum tentang narrative text.
Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Guru dan Peserta didik
b. Peserta didik membaca dan mencermati
contoh narrative text.
c. Tanya jawab guru dan peserta didik:
- Menurut pendapatmu apa yang
dimaksud dengan narrative text?
- Apa fungsi sosial dari narrative text?
- Sebutkan unsur kebahasaan dari
narrative text?
d. Peserta didik secara kolaborasi membaca
teks yang ada dan menentukan fungsi sosial dan
unsur kebahasaan narrative text.
e. Peserta didik secara kolaboratif menemukan
ide/gagasan pokok dari narrative text dengan
menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks yang
f. Peserta didik secara kolaboratif
mempresentasikan hasil kerja.
g. Peserta didik secara mandiri mengerjakan
soal latihan
Penutup a. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi tentang apa 10 menit
yang sudah dipelajari
b. guru memberikan penguatan.
c. Mengarahkan dan mengajak Peserta didik
d. Menutup pertemuan dan memberikan salam

Pertemuan 3-4

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Guru dan Peserta didik
Pendahuluan a. Mengawali pembelajaran dengan berdoa dan 10 menit
memberi salam
(Beriman, bertaqwa kepada Tuhan YME dan
Berakhlak mulia)
b. Mempersiapkan kelas agar lebih kondusif untuk
memulai proses KBM (Laptop, jaringan internet,
aplikasi yang digunakan) (Mandiri)
c. Memantau kehadiran dengan mengabsen
peserta didik lewat zoom meeting/ class room
d. Tanya jawab dengan siswa berkaitan dengan
materi sebelumnya
e. Memotivasi peserta didik untuk lebih fokus dan
semangat dalam mengikuti pembelajaran.
f. Menginformasikan capaian pembelajaran dan
tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai.
g. Menyampaikan cakupan materi secara garis
Inti a. Peserta didik mendengarkan sebuah 75 menit
narrative text.
b. Peserta didik mendengarkan dan mencermati
narrative text.
c. Peserta didik secara mandiri melengkapi
narrative text yang didengar.
d. Peserta didik secara mandiri menjawab
pertanyaan berdasarkan narrative text yang
e. Peserta didik secara mandiri
mempresentasikan hasil pekerjaannya.
f. Peserta didik secara mandiri mengerjakan
soal narrative text.
Penutup a. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi tentang apa 10 menit
yang sudah dipelajari
b. guru memberikan penguatan.
c. Mengarahkan dan mengajak Peserta didik
d. Menutup pertemuan dan memberikan salam

a. Asesmen diagnostik (sebelum pembelajaran)
b. Asesmen formatif (selama pembelajaran)
c. Asesmen sumatif (di akhir pembelajaran)
a. Sikap (profil pelajar pancasila): observasi, penilaian diri, penilaian teman sebaya
b. Perfoma : presentasi
c. Tertulis : Pilihan ganda, esay


a. Pengayaan : Untuk siswa yang mendapat nilai di atas rata-rata
b. Remidial : Untuk siswa yang mendapat nilai di bawah rata-rata


a. Apakah ada kendala selama pembelajaran?
b. Apakah semua peserta didik aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran?
c. Apa saja kesulitan peserta didik dalam kegiatan pembelajaran?
d. Apakah peserta didik dapat mengatasi kesuliatan dalam pembelajaran?
e. Apa level peserta didik dalam mencapai capaian pembelajaran?
f. Apakah peserta didik bisa dianggap tuntas?
g. Apa strategi agar seluruh peserta didik dapat menuntaskan capaian pembelajaran?


1. Apakah ada kendala pada kegiatan pembelajaran?

2. Apakah semua siswa aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran?
3. Apa saja kesulitan siswa yang dapat diidentifikasi pada kegiatan
4. Apakah siswa yang memiliki kesulitan ketika berkegiatan dapat teratasi
dengan baik?
5. Apa level pencapaian rata-rata siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran ini?
6. Apakah seluruh siswa dapat dianggap tuntas dalam pelaksanaan
7. Apa strategi agar seluruh siswa dapat menuntaskan kompetensi?

Sukoharjo, 1 Juli 2022

Waka Kurikulum Guru Mata Pelajaran

Nur Hidayat, S.Sn Agus Wahyudi, SE.,M.Si

Kepala Sekolah

Drs. Suryanto

Pengertian Narrative text
Narrative text adalah jenis text dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk menceritakan
suatu cerita yang memiliki rangkaian peristiwa kronologis yang saling
terhubung. Tujuan dari teks ini adalah untuk menghibur pembaca tentang
suatu kisah atau cerita.
Jenis-Jenis Narrative Text
Narrative memiliki beberapa jenis yang perlu Anda pahami. Berikut
• Fable atau fabel
merupakan cerita yang berkisah mengenai binatang. Contoh, The Ugly
Duckling, The Country of the Mice, A Bear and A Rabbit, The Cat and The
Rat, The Greedy Monkey, A Fox and A Little Bird, The Mouse Deer and
Crocodile dan lain sebagainya
• Myth atau mitos
merupakan cerita mitos / mite yang berkembang pada masyarakat serta
umumnya dianggap sebagai cerita faktual atau benar-benar terjadi.
Contohnya Aji Saka and Dewata Cengkar.
• Legend atau legenda,
adalah cerita yang mengisahkan mengenai bagaimana asal usul suatu
tempat. The Legend of Surabaya, The Legend of Candi Prambanan, Story
of Lake Toba.
• Folktale/ folklore/ cerita rakyat
merupakan cerita yang diturunkan secara turun temurun hingga menjadi
bagian tradisi masyarakat. Contohnya Malin Kundang, Golden eggs.
• Fairy tales atau dongeng
adalah cerita rakyat atau cerita kanak-kanak yang memiliki keajaiban dalam
kisah yang diceritakan oleh penulisnya. Contohnya Timun Mas, Tinker Bell,
• Love story atau cerita cinta / romance
adalah cerita yang mengkisahkan ( umumnya ) perjuangan cinta tokoh
utama atau mengenai kisah cinta tokoh-tokohnya. Contohnya, Romeo and
Juliet, I‟m One of Those Fool Man.
• Personal experience
merupakan narrative text yang berisi mengenai pengalaman pribadi penulis.
• Slice of life
adalah cerita yang berisi mengenai kegiatan atau kisah yang terjadi pada
keseharian penulis atau tokoh imajinatif. Contohnya True friends.
• Horror stories
merupakan salah satu jenis narrative text yang menceritakan kisah-kisah
seram umumnya seperti hantu atau makhluk astral lain.
• Science fiction
adalah cerita yang berkisah mengenai hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan sains.
Ciri-Ciri Narrative Text
Setelah mengetahui pengertian serta jenis-jenis narrative text, Anda perlu
mengetahui ciri-ciri dari narrative text, berikut ciri-cirinya.
• Narrative text menceritakan mengenai kisah yang ada di masa
• Menggunakan noun atau kata benda untuk menggantikan kata
hewan, orang, benda dalam cerita. Contohnya the dwarfs, carriage dan
lain sebagainya.
• Biasanya merupakan cerita-cerita yang sudah banyak diketahui
oleh orang serta berkembang di masyarakat. Contohnya seperti The
Rabbit and The Turtle, Malin Kundang dan lain sebagainya.
• Unsur cerita narrative text terdiri atas setting waktu, tempat,
tema cerita, tokoh, suasana, konflik serta penyelesaian.
• Tersusun dalam sebuah sekuel sederhana atau beberapa
sekuel kompleks.
Unsur Kebahasaan Narrative Text
Narrative text juga memiliki unsur kebahasaan atau language feature yang
terdiri atas 7 unsur sebagai berikut.
• Menggunakan past tense, contohnya dengan menggunakan
verb 3 seperti killed, drunk, won, sent dan lainnya.
• Menggunakan keterangan waktu atau adverb of time, contohnya
when, suddenly, before, until, soon.
• Menggunakan konjungsi waktu atau time conjunction, contohnya
after, as soon as, then.
• Menggunakan karakter spesifik atau specific character,
contohnya Aladin, Rapunzel, Cinderella.
• Kata kerja aksi atau action verbs, contohnya walked, wrote,
bought, talked.
• Menggunakan direct speech atau kalimat langsung yang
menggunakan present tense, contohnya Aladin say, “she is the one”
• Menggunakan saying and thinking verb atau kata kerja yang
menunjukan ujaran, contohnya told, said, thought.

Generic Structure of Narrative Text

Narrative text memiliki tiga unsur utama yang harus ada dalam sebuah
cerita narrative text, berikut penjelasannya.
• Orientation, merupakan paragraf awal yang berisi mengenai
perkenalan tokoh yang terlibat dalam suatu kejadian dalam cerita.
Selain itu orientation berisi tempat kejadian serta waktu cerita.
• Complication, terdiri atas paragraf yang menjelaskan mengenai awal
mula peristiwa atau kejadian. Awal mula peristiwa tersebut menjadi rentetan
alur cerita yang kemudian berlanjut pada konflik, klimaks serta anti klimaks.
• Resolution, merupakan bagian akhir cerita. Sesuai namanya,
pada struktur ketiga dari narrative text ini berisi penyelesaian.
• Coda, perubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh dan pelajaran/ nilai moral
yang bisa dipetik dari cerita. Coda juga bersifat opsional.

Contoh Teks Naratif

The Monkeys and The Cap

Once, a cap seller was passing through a jungle. He was very
tired and needed to rest. Then, he stopped and spread a cloth
under a tree.
He placed his bag full of caps near him and lay down with his
cap on his head. The cap seller had a sound sleep for one hour.
When he got up, the first thing he did was to look into his bag. He
was startled when he found all his caps were not there.
monkeys sitting on the branches of a tree, each of the monkeys
is wearing a cap of on its head.
They had evidently done it to imitate him. He decided to get his
caps back by making a humble request to the monkeys.
In return, the monkeys only made faces of him. When he begun
to make gesture, the monkeys also imitated him.
At last, he found a clever idea. ” Monkeys are a great imitator,”
he thought. So he took off his own cap and threw it down on the
And as he had expected, all the monkeys took off the caps and
threw the caps down on the ground. Quickly, he stood up and
collected the caps, put them back into his bag and went away.

Contoh analisis narrative text

The Bear and Rabbit
Once upon a time, there lived as neighbours, a bear and a rabbit.
The rabbit is a good shot. In contrary, the bear is always clumsy
and could not use the arrow to shoot.
One day, the bear called over the rabbit and asked the rabbit to
take his bow and arrows and came with bear to the other side of
the hill. The rabbit was fearing to arouse the bear‟s anger so he
could not refuse it. He consented and went with the bear and shot
enough buffalo to satisfy the hungry family. Indeed he shot and
killed so many animals that there was lots of meat left after the
bear and his family had loaded themselves and packed all they
could carry home.
The bear was very gluttonous and did not want the rabbit to get
any of the meat. Th e rabbit could not even taste the blood from
the butchering as the bear would throw the blood on earth and dry
it up. The poor rabbit would have to go home hungry after his hard
day‟s work.
The bear was the father of five children. The youngest child was
very kind to the rabbit. He was very hearty eater. The mother bear
always gave him an extra large piece of meat but the youngest
child did not eat it. He would take it outside with him and
pretended to play ball with the meat. He kicked toward the
rabbit‟s house and when he got close to the door he would give
the meat with such a great kick. The meat would fly into the
rabbit‟s house. In this way, the poor rabbit would get his meal
unknown to the papa bear.

1. Orientation:
Once upon a time, there lived a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit is a good shot.
In contrary, the bear is always clumsy and could not use the arrow.
2. Complication:
One day, the bear called over the rabbit and asked the rabbit to take his bow
and arrows. The rabbit was fearing to arouse the bear‟s anger so he could
not refuse it. He went with the bear and shot enough buffalo to satisfy the
hungry family. Indeed he shot and killed so many that there were lots of
meats left after. However the bear did not want the rabbit to get any of the
meat. The rabbit could not even taste the meat. The poor rabbit would have
to go home hungry after his hard day‟s work.
3. Resolution:
The bear was the father of five children. Fortunately, the youngest child was
very kind to the rabbit. He was very hearty eater. The mother bear always
gave him an extra large piece of meat but the youngest child did not eat it.
He would take it outside with him and pretended to play ball with the meat.
He kicked toward the rabbit‟s house. When he got close to the door he
would give the meat with such a great kick. The meat would fly into the
rabbit‟s house. In this way, the poor rabbit would get his meal.

1. Carilah satu contoh narrative text.
2. Salinlah narrative text tersebut dan analisislah (carilah: orientation,
complication, re-orientation).
3. Kerjakan diselembar kertas dan kumpulkan.
Listen to the story about The Legend of Minos, The King of Crete.
While you are listening, complete the blanks with the words you
hear. Then, answer the questions.

The Legend of Minos, The King of

Once upon a time, there live a very (1) ............. king, named the King
of Crete. He had a (2).........which was half bull and half man.
He (3) ............ Daedalus, a (4) ........... from Athens, to build a (5)
order to house the monster. When Daedalus finished his work, he wanted
to leave Crete. But the King would not let him go.
Daedalus (6) ........... through the air by using wings (7) ........... to his body
with wax. He also made wings for his son, Icarus and made him fly
............ himself.
But the son was so glad and (9) ........... that he soon went too high. As he
1. Who was Daedalus?
2. What happened to him?
3. How did Daedalus escape from the King?
4. Who was Icarus? What happened to him?
5. Why did Icarus fall down into the sea?
Use the words in the box to complete the following conversation.
strange fighting monster
killed half bull half man
Greek Athens
Teacher : Look students. What do you thing of the picture?
Student A : It‟s very (1)...........................What is it about?
Teacher : You can see here, a young man is (2)......................against a (3)
................ The picture shows a part of a (4) .......... (5) ................
Student B : What a brave young man! By the way, who is he?
Teacher : Theseus. He was a young (6) .......... of (7) ............. He fought
against the monster.
Student C : Did he? What kind of monster was it?
Teacher : It was called a Minotaur. It was (8) ............. and (9)...............He
lived in Crete, a bautiful island in the Mediterranean. Homer, a great poet,
called the island “A jewel in the wine-dark sea.‟
Student A : What happened to the monster at the end?
Teacher : The prince (10)..............him.
Student A : That sounds interesting. I like reading Greek myths. I can‟t wait
to learn more about the story.
Read the following text and answer the questions about it.
There was once a little fly who thought he was very important. He felt proud of
himself. One sunny morning, he fkeww around looking for someone to talk to. He saw
a bull grazing i a field. He decided to fly down to talk to him.
The little fly flew down and buzzed around the bull‟s head. The bull did not bother
him. He went on chewing grass.
The fly then buzzed right inside the bull‟s ear. The bull continued chewing the grass.
The fly thought, „What a stupid animal!‟
Now, the fly decided to land on one of the bull‟s horns to make the bull notice him. He
waited for the bull to say something, but the bull kept quiet.
The fly then shouted angrily, „Oh, Bull, if you find that I am too heavy for you, let me
know and I‟ll fly away!‟
The bull laughed and said, „Little fly, I don‟t care if you stay or leave. You are so tiny
that your weight does not make any difference to me, so please be quiet and leave
me alone.‟
1. Where and when did the story happen?
2. Who were involved in the story?
3. What problem did the fly have?
4. How did he overcome his problem?
5. Then what happened to the bull?
6. What is the message of the story?
7. What do you call a story that talks about animals which can speak like

1. Masing-masing kelompok mencari contoh teks naratif.
2. Analisis struktur teks tersebut.
3. Diskusikan struktur teks tersebut untuk mengisi tabel.

Kerjakan secara berkelompok yang terdiri dari 4 orang

Nama Kelompok : ............................................
Anggota Kelompok : ………………………………
Kelas : ...............

Part of the





ASPEK Belum Kompeten Cukup Kompeten (6- Kompeten (8-9) Sangat Kompeten
(0-6) 7) (10)
Proses mengisi Peserta didik Peserta didik terlibat Peserta didik Peserta didik
tabel tidak terlibat dalam mengisi tabel terlibat dalam terlibat dalam
berkelompok dalam mengisi namun kurang aktif mengisi tabel menisi tabel
tabel secara aktif tetapi secara aktif dan
menutup diri untuk terbuka untuk
diskusi diskusi
Proses Peserta didik tidak Peserta didik mampu Peserta didik Peserta didik
presentasi mampu mempresentasikan mampu mampu
hasil mempresentasik hasil penyusunan mempresentasika n mempresentasika n
an hasil namun dengan sikap hasil penyusunan hasil penyusunan
penyusunan yang kurang baik dengan sikap yang dengan sikap yang
baik namun tidak baik dan mampu
mampu berdiskusi berdiskusi

Hasil mengisi Peserta didik Peserta didik kurang Peserta didik Peserta didik
tabel tidak mengisi mampu mampu mampu
tabel mengidentifikasi mengidentifikasi mengidentifikasi
permasalahan dan permasalahan permasalahan dan
kurang mampu tetapi tidak mampu mengisi tabel
mengisi tabel mengisi tabel dengan baik
dengan baik dengan baik
atau sebaliknya
- Stories : cerita
- Myths : mitos
- Fables : fabel
- Noun phrase : frasa benda
- Simple past : waktu lampau
- Action verbs : kata kerja aksi
- Saying verbs : kata kerja verbal
- Narrative : naratif
- Orientation : orientasi (pengenalan tokoh, tempat, waktu)
- Complication : konflik
- Resolution : pemecahan masalah/konflik
- Coda : nilai moral dari sebuah cerita

- Kemdikbud, Bahasa Inggris : Buku Siswa SMA/SMK Kelas X. --. Jakarta :
Kemdikbud, 2016.
- Sudarwati, Th. M, dkk. Look Ahead 1. Jakarta : Erlangga, 2006.
- Echol, John M. dan Sadili, Hasan. Kamus Inggris-Indonesia. Jakarta :
Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 3.

A Story from The Farm Yard. Two roosters were fighting fiercely to be the king of the farm yard.
One finally gained advantage and the other surrendered.
The loosing rooster slunk away and hid itself in a quiet corner. The winner flew up to a high wall,
flapped its wings and crowed its victory, as loud as it could.
Suddenly, an eagle came sailing through the air and carried it off, with its talons. The loosing
rooster immediately came out of its corner and ruled the farm yard from then on.

1. From the text we know that ....

A. Only one rooster can rule the roost
B. The roosters are fighting to flap their wings
C. The eagle had watched them all day
D. The farm needs a new king
2. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. An eagle watching the rooster from a distance
B. The loosing rooster came out from its hiding place
C. The eagle took the winning rooster as its prey
D. The winning rooster celebrates its winning proudly
3. What can we learn from the story?
A. There's always a bigger enemy in this life
B. Your friend can be your enemy
C. Always grab an opportunity before you
D. Don't be cocky when we have achieved our goal
Read the following text to answer questions number 4 to 7.

Mouse Deer and Mr. Crocodile

One day, a mouse deer was walking by the river. He was very starving because he hadn't eaten
since morning. It was midday. But he found nothing in the land but dying trees. "Huh....I hate this
branches, I don't like it!"
Across the river, there was green grassland, with young leaves. 'Hmm.. it seems delicious'
imagined the mouse deer, 'but how can I get there? I can't swim, the current is very rapid?'
The mouse deer was figuring out the way how to reach there. Suddenly, he jumped to the air,
'aha.: he then walked to the edge of the river. He didn't see the reflection because the water flowed
very fast. He dipped one of his fore legs into the water. A few moment later, appeared Mr.
Crocodile showing his sharp teeth. He then laughed, "Ha... ha ha, you can't run away from me,
You'll be my tasty lunch!" said the crocodile.
"Of course I can't. You are very strong, Mr. Croc," replied the mouse deer frightened. Then, the
other crocodiles approached moving slowly. They approached the edge of the river.
"But, before you all have a party, I wonder how many your members are there in the river. If I
know your number exactly, I can distribute my meat evenly," said the mouse deer.
" Oh...great, good idea! But we are a large group, I can't count it precisely," Mr. Croc moaned.
"Leave it to me, and I can make it for you!" Now, can you ask the others to line up, from one edge
to the other edge of the river? The mouse deer requested. Then the crocodiles arranged themselves
in line from one edge to the other edge of the river. The mouse deer jumped to the body of one
crocodile to the others while he was counting, 'one, two, three; and so forth up to ten. Then at last
he arrived at grassland, and he thanked to the dumb crocodiles.
4. Why did mouse deer want to go across the river?
A. Because he was very hungry
B. Because he wanted to cheat Mr. Crocodile
C. He wanted to eat some dying trees
D. He was afraid of the current of the river
5. How many crocodiles were there in the story above?
A. Three crocodiles
B. Ten crocodiles
C. Thirteen crocodiles
D. Not mentioned
6. "......But we are a large group, I can't count it precisely," The word „precisely‟ has closest
meaning with ....
A. accurately
B. objectively
C. definitely
D. obviously
7. After reading the text, we may conclude that the mouse deer was ....
A. very greedy animal
B. cunning animal
C. dumb animal
D. frightened animal

Read the following text to answer questions number 8 to 12.


It was bight summer day. The wheat fields had turned golden in the warm sun. Around the wheat
fields, there was a meadow of green grass. In the midst of the meadow and fields, stood a farm
house. A stream of clean water flowed past the house. In one of those shady spots on the bank the
stream, among a cluster of shrubs and plants, a mother duck sat on her eggs to hatch them.
After a few days they shall began to crack and out game five little duckling looked very pretty.
The mother duck was very happy. She stood up to see if the all eggs were hatched. No, there was
one large egg-the sixth one that remained unhatched. It‟s shell was harder. But mother was
determined to bring every one of her brood into this world.
What a shock she got when the last egg finally cracked . The new bird was very ugly and much
bigger than the others. “It cannot my baby” shouted the mother duck “ I wonder of he is a turkey
!”soon, it seemed that nobody like this duckling. They named him ”Ugly Duckling”. The mother
duck never approved of this rude and treatment.
His bad days had suddenly ended. He was not an ugly duckling after all. Now he changes a
beautiful white swan.

8. The topic of the text is……

A. the turkey
B. ugly duckling
C. the bird
D. the swan

9. The situation of the first paragraph as living

A. in the country
B. in the village
C. in the woods
D. in the forest

10. The genre of this text is………

A. recount
B. news item
C. fable
D. procedure

11. In the last story ugly duckling changes to be

A. swan
B. bird
C. goose
D. turkey

12. A mother duck began to crack her eggs in the

A. first paragraph
B. last paragraph
C. the fourth paragraph
D. second paragraph

Read the following text to answer questions number 13 to 17.

Once upon a time, there was an old woman who lived in a very old hut near a forest with her only
daughter. The daughter‟s name is Misna. She is beautiful but she had envious heart.
One day she saw girl of her age passing by her hut. The girl was joining her father hunting. She
dressed in beautiful cloth. His father‟s assistants respected her. Misna could not sleep when she
was remembering this. She was very angry with her condition. She hated her hopeless mother.
In the morning she shouted at her mother. She wanted her mother to buy the most beautiful gown
in the markets for her. Of course her mother could not afford it. Then she cried and cried. She
did not want to eat anything. Her mother was very sad. She decided to sell a piece of land, the
only valuable thing that she had. She bought her beloved daughter a very beautiful dress.
Misna admired herself. She wanted to show everybody that she was a very beautiful girl. She
asked her mother to bring her to another village. Along the way, she smiled to everyone. People
in the village thought that she was a princess. They gave her a high respect and invited her to
have meal in their house. Misna enjoyed this and told everybody that she was princess and
mother was maid. Her mother was very sad but she kept her felling deep in the heart.
On the way home Misna met a handsome prince. He was interested in her and wanted to marry
her. Misna told the prince that her mother had died and father went married to another woman.
She was having a long trip with her loyal maid. Listening to this, her mother was very upset. She
cried loudly Misna was very angry to her and told her to be away from her.
Suddenly there was a heavy rain accompanied with big thunders. Everyone run away to save
themselves. Misna was very afraid. She cried. Her mother wanted to help her but she did not
want to at that time a big thunder hit her to dead.

13. “She is beautiful but she had envious heart.” What is the synonym of the word “envious”?
A. ambiguous
B. jealous
C. fierce
D. festive

14. When did she ask her mother a beautiful dress?

A. After she saw another girl with beautiful dress
B. on the way home she met a handsome prince
C. after her mother sold a piece of her land
D. when a heavy rain and big thunders came

15. How could her mother buy her a beautiful dress?

A. from her saving
B. by asking her relative some money
C. by robbed a bank
D. by selling the only land she had

16. What made her mother cried aloud?

A. she told everyone that she was her maid
B. she told the prince that her mother had died
C. she told the prince that she was her maid
D. she wanted her mother to buy the most beautiful gown

17. What happened at last?

A. Misna got married to a prince
B. Misna was wet in rain
C. A thunder hit Misna to dead
D. She had meal in villagers house

Read the following text to answer questions number 18 to 21.

The Legend of Nyi Roro Kidul

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Kadita. Because of her beauty she was
called Dewi Srengenge. It means the goddes of the sun. Hef father was King Munding Wangi.
Although he had a beautiful daughter, he was unhappy because he always expected to have a son.
The King decided to marry Dewi Mutiara. He had a son from her. Dewi Mutiara wanted her son
to be a king in the future. She asked the King to send his daughter away. The king did not agree.
Dewi Mutiara called a black wizard to curse Kadita. She wanted Kadita‟s beautiful body full of
ulcer. Then Kadita‟s body was full of ulcer, and it smelt bad. The beautiful princess cried.. The
King was sad. No one could cure his daughter‟s illness. The King did not want his daughter to be
a rumor so that he sent his daughter away. The princess did not know where to go. However, she
had a noble heart. She did not have any bad feeling about her step mother. She walked for almost
seven days and seven nights. Then, she came to the South Sea. The ocean was so clean and clear.
She jumped into the water and swam.
Suddenly, there was a miracle. The ocean water cured her illness. She became more beautiful than
before. She also had a power to command the whole South Ocean. She became a fairy called Nyi
Roro Kidul or The Queen of South Ocean.
18. Why did the King send her daughter away?
A. His son wanted to be a king
B. Her daughter‟s body smelt bad
C. She had a power to command the sea
D. He did not want her daughter to be a rumor

19. „Kadita‟s beautiful body full of ulcer. What does the underlined word mean?
A. perfume
B. flower
C. smell
D. sore

20. „The ocean water cured her ilness.‟ What is Indonesian meaning of „cured‟?
A. menjaga
B. menyukai
C. memberikan
D. menyembuhkan

21. What do we learn from the story?

A. A good heart will guide us to get blessing life
B. The south ocean water will cure our illness
C. Be careful, others may trick us in our life
D. To get success we must walk far away

Read the following text to answer questions number 22 to 26.

Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses used to mingle in the affairs of mortals, there
was a small kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in West Java. The King, named Sang Prabu,
was a wise man. He had an only daughter, called Princess Teja Nirmala, who was famous for her
beauty but she was not married. One day Sang Prabu made up his mind to settle the matter by a
show of strength.
After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won the competition.
Unfortunately, the wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell in love with Raden Begawan and used magic
power to render him unconscious and he forgot his wedding. When Sang Prabu was searching,
Raden Begawan saw him and soon realized that he had been enchanted by the wicked fairy. The
fairy could not accept this, so she killed Raden Begawan. When Princess Teja Nirmala heard this,
she was very sad. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan.

22. Which one of the following statements is false about Sang Prabu?
A. Sang Prabu was a father of his only daughter
B. Sang Prabu was a king of a kingdom in West Java
C. Sang Prabu was taken to Kahyangan by a wicked fairy
D. Sang Prabu didn‟t have a son

23. Why did the wicked fairy use her magic to make Raden Begawan unconscious?
A. She didn‟t want Raden Prabu marry the princess
B. She wanted Teja Nirmala to forget about her wedding
C. She didn‟t want the prince of Blambangan marry the princess
D. She didn‟t want the prince of Blambangan feel love with her

24. What do you think will happen if gods or goddesses cannot mingle in the affairs of people
in the earth at that time?
A. Princess Segara will have married with Raden Begawan
B. Sang Prabu will not hold strength competition
C. Teja Nirmala will stay in the Kahyangan
D. Wicked Fairy will not take Raden Begawan‟s life

25. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan. (Paragraph 2) The word her in the sentence
refers to…
A. The wicked fairy
B. Princess Nirmala
C. Prince Teja
D. The prince of Blambangan
26. The similarity between fairy and human according to the text is …
A. The jealousy that they posses
B. The way they don‟t feel a love
C. The strength they have
D. Their life that is immortal

The following text is for questions 27-30

Alpine Flower
High in the mountains lived a prince whose (27).......wish was to journey to the moon, because he
loved its gentle glow. His dream finally came true. When he reached the moon, he (28)......its light
came from the moon king‟s beautiful daughter.
The two young people soon fell in love, but the worlds they came from (29)......just too different
and soon they had to part. As a sign of her great love, the moon king‟s daughter gave the prince
one of the smooth and lovely flowers that (30)......the moon like snow and this was how the first
alpine flower was brought to earth.
27. A. lowest
B. weirdest
C. greatest
D. longest
28. A. discovered
B. decided
C. experienced
D. required
29. A. was
B. were
C. have
D. has
30. A. opened
B. changed
C. covered
D. reduced
Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022


Program Keahlian Semua Program Keahlian

Judul Elemen Descriptive Text

Deskripsi Meliputi pemahaman peserta didik terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan berbagai macam teks
seperti narasi, deskripsi, prosedur, eksposisi, recount, dan
Capaian Pembelajaran Peserta didik membaca dan merespon berbagai macam teks
seperti narasi, deskripsi, prosedur, eksposisi, recount, dan
report. Peserta didik membaca untuk mempelajari sesuatu
atau untuk mendapatkan informasi. Mereka mencari dan
mengevaluasi detil spesifik dan inti dari berbagai macam
jenis teks.
Kompetensi Awal Peserta didik memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan Descriptive text
Kelas X

Alokasi Waktu 360 menit

Jumlah Pertemuan 4

Fase Capaian E

Profil Pelajar Pancasila Beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, dan
berakhlak Mulia, Mandiri, Bernalar Kritis, dan Kreatif
Target Peserta Didik Peserta didik regular / kesulitan belajar / pencapaian tingkat
Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning

Moda Pembelajaran Daring / Kombinasi

Metode Pembelajaran Diskusi, presentasi, demonstrasi, simulasi praktik

Bentuk Penilaian Asesmen Non Kognitif dan Kognitif

Sumbar Pembelajaran Buku Paket, Modul, Internet dan Lainnya

Alat Praktik Pembelajaran -

Media Pembelajaran LCD Projector, PPT, Video Pembelajaran, Internet


e. Peserta didik mampu membaca dan merespon berbagai macam teks seperti
narasi, deskripsi, prosedur, eksposisi, recount, dan report.
f. Membaca untuk mempelajari sesuatu atau untuk mendapatkan informasi.
g. Mencari dan mengevaluasi detil spesifik dan inti dari berbagai macam jenis
h. Mengidentifikasi tujuan penulis dan mengembangkan keterampilannya untuk
melakukan inferensi sederhana dalam memahami informasi tersirat dalam

a. Manusia bergotong royong dan bekerja sama untuk memecahkan masalah dan
mencapai tujuan.
b. Bacaan yang bagus dapat bermanfaat untuk orang lain.
c. Jujur dan mandiri dalam menyelesaikan masalah.


a. Pernahkah kamu mendengar istilah Descriptive text?

b. Apa yang kamu bayangkan tentang Descriptive text?

Pertemuan 5-6
Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Guru dan Peserta didik
Pendahuluan a. Mengawali pembelajaran dengan berdoa dan 10 menit
memberi salam
(Beriman, bertaqwa kepada Tuhan YME dan
Berakhlak mulia)
b. Mempersiapkan kelas agar lebih kondusif untuk
memulai proses KBM (Laptop, jaringan internet,
aplikasi yang digunakan) (Mandiri)
c. Memantau kehadiran dengan mengabsen peserta
didik lewat zoom meeting/ class room
d. Tanya jawab dengan siswa berkaitan dengan materi
e. Memotivasi peserta didik untuk lebih fokus dan
semangat dalam mengikuti pembelajaran.
f. Menginformasikan capaian pembelajaran dan tujuan
pembelajaran yang akan dicapai.
g. Menyampaikan cakupan materi secara garis besar.
Inti a. Peserta didik mendapatkan pemaparan secara 75 menit
umum tentang Descriptive text.
Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Guru dan Peserta didik
b. Peserta didik membaca dan mencermati contoh
Descriptive text.
c. Tanya jawab guru dan peserta didik:
 Menurut pendapatmu apa yang dimaksud
dengan Descriptive text?
 Apa fungsi sosial dari Descriptive text?
 Sebutkan unsur kebahasaan dari Descriptive
d. Peserta didik secara kolaborasi membaca teks
yang ada dan menentukan fungsi sosial dan
unsur kebahasaan Descriptive text.
e. Peserta didik secara kolaboratif menemukan
ide/gagasan pokok dari Descriptive text dengan
menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks yang
f. Peserta didik secara kolaboratif
mempresentasikan hasil kerja.
g. Peserta didik secara mandiri mengerjakan soal
Penutup a. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi tentang apa 10 menit
yang sudah dipelajari
b. guru memberikan penguatan.
c. Mengarahkan dan mengajak Peserta didik
d. Menutup pertemuan dan memberikan salam

Pertemuan 7-8

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Guru dan Peserta didik
Pendahuluan a. Mengawali pembelajaran dengan berdoa dan 10 menit
memberi salam
(Beriman, bertaqwa kepada Tuhan YME dan
Berakhlak mulia)
b. Mempersiapkan kelas agar lebih kondusif untuk
memulai proses KBM (Laptop, jaringan internet,
aplikasi yang digunakan) (Mandiri)
c. Memantau kehadiran dengan mengabsen
peserta didik lewat zoom meeting/ class room
d. Tanya jawab dengan siswa berkaitan dengan
materi sebelumnya
e. Memotivasi peserta didik untuk lebih fokus dan
semangat dalam mengikuti pembelajaran.
f. Menginformasikan capaian pembelajaran dan
tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai.
g. Menyampaikan cakupan materi secara garis
Inti a. Peserta didik menyimak video tentang 75 menit
Descriptive text.
b. Peserta didik mendengarkan dan mencermati
video Descriptive text.
c. Peserta didik secara mandiri mengerjakan soal
berdasarkan video yang disimak.
d. Peserta didik secara mandiri mempresentasikan
hasil pekerjaannya.
e. Peserta didik secara mandiri mengerjakan soal
Descriptive text.
Penutup a. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi tentang apa 10 menit
yang sudah dipelajari
b. guru memberikan penguatan.
c. Mengarahkan dan mengajak Peserta didik
d. Menutup pertemuan dan memberikan salam

a. Asesmen diagnostik (sebelum pembelajaran)
b. Asesmen formatif (selama pembelajaran)
c. Asesmen sumatif (di akhir pembelajaran)

a. Sikap (profil pelajar pancasila): observasi, penilaian diri, penilaian teman sebaya
b. Perfoma : presentasi
c. Tertulis : Pilihan ganda, esay


a. Pengayaan : Untuk siswa yang mendapat nilai di atas rata-rata

b. Remidial : Untuk siswa yang mendapat nilai di bawah rata-rata


a. Apakah ada kendala selama pembelajaran?

b. Apakah semua peserta didik aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran?
c. Apa saja kesulitan peserta didik dalam kegiatan pembelajaran?
d. Apakah peserta didik dapat mengatasi kesuliatan dalam pembelajaran?
e. Apa level peserta didik dalam mencapai capaian pembelajaran?
f. Apakah peserta didik bisa dianggap tuntas?
g. Apa strategi agar seluruh peserta didik dapat menuntaskan capaian pembelajaran?


a. Apakah ada kendala pada kegiatan pembelajaran?

b. Apakah semua siswa aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran?
c. Apa saja kesulitan siswa yang dapat diidentifikasi pada kegiatan pembelajaran?
d. Apakah siswa yang memiliki kesulitan ketika berkegiatan dapat teratasi dengan
e. Apa level pencapaian rata-rata siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran ini?
f. Apakah seluruh siswa dapat dianggap tuntas dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran?
g. Apa strategi agar seluruh siswa dapat menuntaskan kompetensi?

Sukoharjo, 1 Juli 2022

Waka Kurikulum Guru Mata Pelajaran

Nur Hidayat, S.Sn Agus Wahyudi, SE.,M.Si

Kepala Sekolah

Drs. Suryanto

Pengertian Descriptive Text

Pada dasarnya penjelasan descriptive text adalah teks yang bertujuan menjelaskan,
menggambarkan, atau mendeskripsikan sesuatu. Sesuatu ini bentuknya bisa berupa apa saja, baik
itu hewan, benda, lokasi, dan lain sebagainya.
Biasanya descriptive text ditandai dengan penggunaan easy tense dan fokus pada satu objek
secara spesifik. Objek tersebut kemudian dibahas kembali secara lebih detail dalam teks deskriptif
tersebut. Lalu apa bedanya dengan recount text?
Sekilas kamu akan melihat contoh recount text, yang kemudian menceritakan kembali kisah yang
terjadi di masa lampau, dengan penggunaan easy past. Sementara descriptive text
menggambarkan suatu hal secara lebih detail. Descriptive text juga dapat berarti:
1. Text deskriptif memberikan informasi tentang bagaimana sesuatu atau seseorang terlihat, text
ini menggunakan kata-kata untuk menggambarkan sesuatu atau seseorang seperti apa.
2. Text deskriptif juga memberikan fakta-fakta tentang bagaimana Bahasa Indonesia benar-benar
digunakan sesuai dengan aturan serta bagaimana seharusnya text ini digunakan.

Generic Structure Descriptive Text

Tujuan descriptive text adalah menggambarkan, mengungkapkan juga mendeskripsikan suatu
ciri-ciri, baik itu pada benda, hewan, tempat dan lain-lain. Descriptive text juga dibuat tanpa
melakukan riset secara detail sebelumnya, jadi penulis hanya perlu menuliskan cerita
berdasarkan pada apa yang ia lihat dan ia dengarkan.
- Identification
Identification (identifikasi) adalah pendahuluan, berupa gambaran umum tentang suatu topik.
Misalnya pada: My supporter is Duke of Edinburgh. he‟s my acquaintance. Teman baik saya
adalah Duke of Edinburgh. Hawkeye State adalah teman kelas saya.
- Description
Description (deskripsi) adalah berisi ciri-ciri khusus yang dimiliki benda, tempat, atau
bagaimana suatu benda dideskripsikan. Misalnya sifat-sifat, tampilan fisik, dan hal lain yang
kemudian dituliskan dengan spesifik.

Ciri-Ciri Descriptive Text

Ciri-Ciri Descriptive Text sendiri di antaranya:
1. Pada Verb yang digunakan adalah attribute verb, seperti be (am, is, are);
2. Tense yang digunakan adalah easy tense; dan
3. Hanya berfokus pada satu objek saja.
Unsur-Unsur Descriptive Text
1. Noun
Menggunakan kata benda principle spesifik, seperti misalnya my cat, my swain, monument,
Selain itu, sering juga menggunakan adjective (kata sifat) untuk memperjelas penggunaan
noun atau kata benda, seperti a giant house, a sensible student, associate degree independence
2. Simple Tense
Menggunakan kata kerja dasar atau bentuk pertama (verb 1) serta menggunakan kata kerja
principle dapat menunjukkan kepemilikan atau keadaan sebuah objek. Descriptive text
menggunakan easy tense karena descriptive text menceritakan sebuah fakta Iranian language
objek principle dideskripsikan. Misalnya My workplace has twenty two floors, Azka is
pretty, dan lain-lain.
3. Action Verbs
Menggunakan kata kerja principle menunjukkan sebuah kegiatan atau sebuah aktifitas
principle bisa dilihat. Misalnya, sleep, walk, sing, dance, dan lain-lain.
4. Figurative Language
Menggunakan bahasa Indonesia principle figurative atau menggambarkan sesuatu, biasanya
menggunakan sebuah metafora untuk memberikan ilustrasi kepada pembaca. Misalnya: My
love for you is as massive because the ocean. – Cintaku padamu seluas lautan. Her skin is as
white because of the snow – Kulitnya seputih salju.
Contoh Descriptive Text
1. Descriptive Text Tentang Tempat
The bedroom is my favorite room. The wall color is blue, which is my favorite color. it‟s
one snug bed that faces the window. Every morning, the sun shines through my window
and wakes me up.
I put my table for study and do my prep at the corner. Beside that table, there is a
massive wardrobe wherever I place all of my garments.
My father created the wardrobe on behalf of me as my birthday present. On the left
aspect of the table, there‟s a shelf wherever I place all of my favorite books. On the
table, there‟s a lamp, laptop, stationery, and notebook. although my room is tiny and
straightforward, I notice it is terribly cozy.
2. Descriptive Text Tentang Hewan Peliharaan
On my seventeen birthday, my dad gave me a kitten. One thing that I wanted for a long
time ago. I named her Kelly. My dad adopted her from a shelter. Once she received my
house, she was fragile and little as a bottle. But now, she has full-grown to be a white
lovely cat. She chows and exercises well. Her fur grows thick and soft. Kelly may be a
charming cat and we‟ll continuously watch out for her.
3. Descriptive Text tentang Benda
On my previous birthday, my friend gave me a Teddy Bear. The size of the doll is big.
It‟s about 1.6 metres. The color is brown and white. It is very soft and fluffy. I feel really
comfortable when I hug it. My little sister also likes to hug my big Teddy Bears. I love
Teddy Bear because they are so cute.
4. Descriptive Text tentang Orang
Maudy Ayunda is my favorite artist. She is so beautiful and smart. She has made me fall
in love with her since I first saw her on TV. My first time seeing her is when she
promotes a beauty product on a TV‟s advertisement. Since then, she has played in movies
and also become a singer. Her voice is also wonderful. I have liked her song since the
first time I heard it. Maudy is also an actress that cares about her education. I hear now
she is studying somewhere at foreign university. I hope she will make new movies and
songs soon.
5. Descriptive Text tentang Makanan
Fried rice is a typical Indonesian food. Fried rice is a very popular food. The ingredients
for making fried rice are rice, cooking oil, soy sauce, and other seasonings. Everyone
loves fried rice. Fried rice is very good. Initially, fried rice came from China. Fried rice
has been around since 4000 BC.

Find the meaning of the following words
1. Niagara : .............................
2. gorge : .............................
3. veil : .............................
4. bridal : .............................
5. cave : .............................
6. hurricane : .............................
7. illuminated : .............................
8. scenic : .............................
9. boat : .............................
10. exhilarating : .............................
11. plunge over : ...............................
12. sanctuary : ...............................
13. apparatus : ...............................
14. entrance : ...............................
Niagara Falls is the collective name for three waterfalls that cross the international
border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the USA‟s state of New York. They
form the southern end of the Niagara Gorge. From largest to smallest, the three waterfalls are
the Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls. The Horseshoe Falls lie on
the Canadian side and the American Falls on the American side. They are separated by Goat
Island. The smaller Bridal Veil Falls are also located on the American side, separated from the
other waterfalls by Luna Island. There are various attractions that people can enjoy in Niagara
Falls, six of them are described here.
The first to enjoy in Niagara Falls is Cave of the Winds. This attraction helps people get
closer to the falls and go face-to-face with the pounding waters of the Falls. People can get
soaked on the Hurricane Deck where they are just feet from the thundering waters. Waterproof
clothing and sandals are provided. A trip at night when the Falls are illuminated in a rainbow
of color is really amazing.
The second charm is Maid of the Mist Boat Tour. It is a world-famous scenic boat tour of
the American and Canadian Falls for about a half-hour ride. People may access the tour via the
Observation Tower elevator at Prospect Point in the state park. The boat operates mid-May
until late October.
The next to visit in Niagara Falls is Niagara Adventure Theater. Here tourists may enjoy
the most powerful and involving film experience that brings reality to life on a 45 foot screen.
Audience members are given the priviledge to discover the thundering Falls from a completely
new and exhilarating perspective, and plunge over them. The theater shows hourly and free
multi-language headsets are made available.
Niagara Science Museum is another place to visit. It is a sanctuary for the preservation
and appreciation of old science instruments and philosophical apparatus.
The fifth point of interest is Niagara‟s Wax Museum of History. Here, life-size wax figures
portraying dramatic history of Niagara Falls are presented to guests. They can see Fort Niagara
Scene, Indian Village, old store, blacksmith and barber shop scenes and how electricity is
made. Wax figures of Julia Roberts, Princess Diana and many more are displayed here, too.
Finally, people can also enjoy Rainbow Air Helicopter Tours above and around the
American and Canadian Falls. The tours start from downtown, next to the entrance to the
Rainbow Bridge, and open from 9am to dusk when weather permits. The tours operate every
day from second weekend in May until October 31st.
The Niagara Falls are renowned both for their beauty and as a valuable source of
hydroelectric power. Managing the balance between recreational, commercial, and industrial
uses has been a challenge for the stewards of the falls since the 19th century.
Task 1:
Match paragraphs 2-7 above with pictures a-f as follows. Paragraph 4 is done for you as an

a. b. c.

d. e. f.

Paragraph 2 : .... Paragraph 5 : ....

Paragraph 3 : .... Paragraph 6 : ....
Paragraph 4 : c Paragraph 7 : ....
Task 2:
Answer the following questions by referring to the text „Visiting Niagara Falls.‟
1. Where is Niagara Falls located?
2. Mention the three waterfalls that form the Niagara Falls.
3. What can people enjoy in the Cave of the Winds?
4. Can people ride on the Maid of the Mist Boat Tour in January?
5. Where can people watch a film of the thundering falls with completely different background?
6. Can the tourists enjoy the film in their own language?
7. What is kept in Niagara Science Museum?
8. What is shown in Niagara‟s Wax Museum of History?
9. Where can people see the story of how electricity was made?
10. Is it possible for people to have Rainbow Air Helicopter Tours at night?

Complete the following sentences using the words in the box. Remember to use the
correct forms.
cross gorge attractions
pounding soaked waterproof
illuminated charm mist
scenic exhilarating plunge
sanctuary preservation dusk
1. Waves are ....... against the pier. You can
hear the sound very clearly.
2. In the morning, the small town is covered in ...... .
3. Explore Cheddar ......... through photos in the internet. They inspire you to come and
4. Her shoes got .............. as she walked through the wet grass.
5. Don‟t forget to bring your ........ jacket. It‟s dark outside, it‟s likely going to rain.
6. Somerset ......... help her forget her complicated problems.
7. Christiano Ronaldo came to Bali to campaign for the..............of the environment.
8. The street lights go on at......................Without the lights, car drivers cannot see the traffic
in front of them.
9. Look at that side. An...........sign flashed on and off.
10. This is a region of ......... beauty. All areas are covered with trees; clean water flows
uninterrupted, and fresh air fills the sky.
11. I remember having an..............walk to Mount Bromo two years ago.
12. The Rainbow bridge ..... Niagara river.
13. On her last vacation, her car swerved and ........ off the cliff.
14. The ..... of the nature reminds him of God‟s greatness.
15. Tropical forest in Borneo is the largest Indonesia.


1. COMPLEXION : fair, dark

- Wanda has a dark complexion but Yuni has a fair complexion.

- Wanda is dark-skinned but Yuni is fair-skinned.

2. HEIGHT : tall, short, of average height, of medium height

- Tony is tall but Peter is of medium height.

- Fanny is not short but she is of average height.

3. AGE : young, old, elderly, middle age, older than her age, younger than his age

- Panda is 24 years old but he looks older tha

- n his age.
- I‟m 35 and my brother is 30, but I look younger than my brother.
- My aunt, Bunga is an elderly woman.
- My aunt is 40 years old, but she always appears younger.

4. BUILD/FIGURE : small, tiny, diminutive, big, stocky, stout, muscular, straight, bent, skinny,
slim, slender, slight, plump, fat, obese

- The soldier‟ s body is straight and muscular.

- The old woman has a diminutive and bent body.
- The girl is so slim, but the boy is so fat.

5. LOOKS : attractive, beautiful, great/good looking, charming, pretty, cute, cool, sexy, homely,
plain, unattractive, ugly.

- Jessina looks beautiful with her pointed nose.

- Adam is cute and cool young man.
- Mrs. Sandra is a charming person.

Compound adjectives

⦿ For hair:

- brownish-black hair
- pitched-black hair
- grayish-haired
- wavy-hair
- blonde hair

⦿ For eyes:
- bright-eyed
- Cross-eyed
- Far-sighted
- Near-sighted
- Almond-shaped eyes
- One-eyed man
- Pencil-thin eyebrows

⦿ For legs:

- long-legged
- Style-footed
- knock-kneed

⦿ Others:

- bald-headed
- Middle-aged
- Broad-shouldered
- Clean-shaven chin


 Kind/Nice - stingy - naughty - lazy

 Patient - generous - diligent - smart
 Humorous - polite - careless - stupid
 Brave - cruel - helpful - clever
 Responsible - foolish - heroic - mean
 Reliable - aloof - creative

- To ask somebody‟s appearance :
What does he look like?
He is handsome. He has short straight hair.
- To ask somebody‟s personality :
What is he like?
He is generous
He is kindhearted
Cara Menuliskan Urutan Kata Sifat
Adjective atau kata sifat adalah jenis kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan kondisi/sifat dari sebuah
benda (noun). Posisi adjective berada di depan noun (kata benda) yang diterangkannya. Fungsi ini
disebut dengan fungsi attributive.
Contoh penggunaan kata sifat/adjective :
 The car is new - That is a new car.
 The child is clever - That is a clever child.
 The chair is antique - That is an antique chair.
 The table is round - That is a round table.
 The boy is dilligent - That is a dilligent boy.

Dari 5 contoh di atas bisa kita lihat bahwa kata benda (noun) diterangkan oleh satu kata sifat :
clever child, dilligent boy, antique chair.
Tetapi dalam ekspresi sehari-hari kadang-kadang butuh lebih banyak kata sifat yang harus
digunakan untuk menerangkan sebuah kata benda (noun).
Contoh :
I found a good small square brown Javanese wooden box.
Kalimat di atas menggunakan 6 kata sifat untuk menerangkan bendanya yaitu box. Kata sifat yang
digunakan adalah good, small, square, brown, Javanese, wooden. Untuk kalimat seperti ini kita
harus mengetahui urutan kata sifat (order of adjective) ketika menuliskan atau menerangkannya
dalam sebuah percakapan. Cara mengurutkan adjective/kata sifat adalah sebagai berikut :
Urutan 1 : Kuantitas atau jumlahnya (Quantity or number).
Digunakan untuk menyatakan jumlah dari benda yang diterangkan. Untuk menyatakannya bisa
digunakan artcle (a) atau angka yang menunjukkan kuantitas benda tersebut.
Contoh : a, one, two, three dsb.
Urutan 2 : Kualitas atau disebut juga dengan opini/opinion.
Digunakan untuk menyatakan pendapat tentang kondisi suatu benda.
Contoh : bad, good, beautiful, nice, important, easy, clever, kind, polite, gentle dsb.
Urutan 3 : Ukuran/Size.
Untuk menyatakan ukuran dari sebuah benda apakah itu besar, kecil, luas, panjang dsb.
Contoh : giant, large, enormous, little, small, long, short, high, big, dsb.
Urutan 4 : Usia/age.
Digunakan untuk menyatakan usia dari sebuah benda, seberapa tua atau seberapa muda.
Contoh : new, old, young, ancient, antique, dsb.
Urutan 5 : Bentuk/shape.
Untuk menyatakan bentuk dari sebuah benda yang akan diterangkan.
Contoh : round, square, triangle, annular, flat, hexagonal, rectangular dsb.
Urutan 6 : Warna/color.
Menerangkan warna benda yang dimaksud.
Contoh : blue, tellow, red, brown, green, etc.
Urutan 7 : Kebangsaan (asal)/origin.
Untuk menerangkan asal atau kebangsaan.
Contoh : Indonesian, Japanese, French, Arabian, Canadian, Eastern, Greek, Chinese, dsb.
Urutan 8 : Bahan/material.
Untuk menerangkan terbuat dari bahan apakah sebuah benda.
Contoh : gold, wooden, silk, iron, metal, cotton, marble, glass, dsb.
Urutan 9 : Tujuan/purpose.
Untuk menjelaskan sebuah benda biasanya digunakan untuk apa.
Contoh : touring, meeting, sleeping, swimming, traveling. (Touring jacket, meeting room,
sleeping bag, swimming pool, traveling bag).
Untuk dua adjective dengan kategori yang sama bisa dituliskan dengan tanda koma atau kata
hubung. Misalnya : smart, beautiful, and talented gir (kata sifat yang digunakan berada dalam satu
Beberapa contoh lain :
1. There are two happy young families.
2. This is a beautiful small square garden.
3. I want some delicious European food.
4. They are simple, happy, smart young people.
5. They don't like that expensive big round orange bag.

Tabel Adjective Order

Jika tidak ingin memberi penekanan pada suatu adjective, urutan adjective biasanya sebagai

dan Penjelasan dan Contoh Adjective

Kategori opinion menyatakan pendapat tentang suatu kata benda.

 amazing
 awful
 beautiful
 dilligent
 delicious
 easy
 good
 important
 lovely
 nice
 tidy
 unusual
 weird

Kategori size menyatakan seberapa besar atau kecil suatu kata benda.

 big
 enormous
 large
 little
 long
 short
 small

Kategori physical quality mengungkapkan ciri fisik dari suatu kata

3 benda.

 thin
 rough
quality  soft
 untidy

Kategori shape menyatakan bentuk suatu kata benda.

 annular
4  even
 flat
shape  hexagonal
 narrow
 rectangular
 round
 square

Kategori age menyatakan seberapa tua atau muda suatu kata benda.

 ancient
 antique
 elderly
 new
 old
 young
 youthful

Kategori color meliputi warna suatu kata benda benda.

6  black
 black-haired
color  blue
 brownish
 green
 pale
 purple
 reddish
 white

Kategori origin berupa kebangsaan.

 American
 Canadian
 Dutch
 eastern
 French
 Greek
 Indonesian
 Japanese
 Scottish
 Thai
 Turkish

Kategori material menyatakan suatu benda terbuat dari apa.

 cotton
 glass
 gold
8  marble
 metal
material  metallic
 plastic
 silk
 silver
 wood
 wooden
 woolen

Kategori type menyatakan macam suatu kata benda.

 all-purpose
 bread-like
 four-sided
 heavy-duty
 general-purpose
 last-minute
 part-time
 time-saving

Kategori purpose menjelaskan suatu kata benda digunakan untuk

apa. Biasanya menggunakan adjective berupa present participle dan
sering pula noun yang digunakan sebagai adjective.

 dining
 meeting
 running
 sleeping
 sewing
 sports
 swimming
 touring
 travelling

Contoh Kalimat Adjective Order:

No Contoh Kalimat Adjective Order

1 She has beautiful big eyes.

(Dia mempunyai mata besar yang cantik.) opinion – size

2 The large square dining table was decorated with white candles and beautiful
vases of white roses.
(Meja makan persegi berukuran besar tersebut dihias dengan lilin-lilin putih
dan vas-vas cantik bunga mawar putih.) size – shape – purpose

3 What are the best part-time jobs for retiree?

(Apa pekerjaan-pekerjaan paruh waktu terbaik untuk pensiunan?) opinion –

4 My uncle had his old wooden chairs repaired yesterday.

(Kursi-kursi kayu tua paman saya diperbaiki kemarin.) age – material

5 These delicious Italian dishes don’t use tomatoes in any form.

(Makanan-makanan lezat dari Italia ini tidak menggunakan tomat dalam bentuk
apa pun.) opinion – origin
6 They sell large rough diamonds.
(Mereka menjual berlian berukuran besar yang belum diasah.) size – physical

7 She takes a small round white pill with breakfast every day.
(Dia makan sebuah pil kecil putih bundar dengan sarapan setiap hari.) size –
shape – color

8 I need two soft cotton blankets.

(Saya membutuhkan dua selimut katun lembut.) physical quality – material

Dua adjective yang berada pada kategori yang sama di depan noun (disebut coordinate
adjective) biasanya hanya dipisahkan dengan koma. Namun jika ada dua atau
lebih adjective sebelum noun dari kategori yang sama atau ketika kata-kata sifat tesebut
mengarah pada bagian yang berbeda dari kata benda yang sama, coordinate
conjunction “and” dapat digunakan, dimana tidak ada koma sebelum and.
Contoh Kalimat Adjective Order:

No Contoh Kalimat Adjective Order

1 We are looking for nice, affordable restaurants for lunch and dinner.
(Kami sedang mencari restoran-restoran yang bagus tapi terjangkau untuk
makan siang dan makan malam.)

2 This is a simple, important habit.

(Ini merupakan kebiasaan yang sederhana namun penting.)

3 The only item in the room was a black and silver table.
(Barang satu-satunya di dalam ruangan tersebut adalah sebuah meja yang
berwarna hitam dan perak.)

4 I just bought a big black and white bag like this.

(Saya baru membeli tas hitam putih besar seperti ini.)

5 They are smart, talented and communicative workers.

(Mereka adalah karyawan-karyawan yang pintar, berbakat, dan komunikatif.)

1. Masing-masing siswa mencari contoh teks Descriptive.
2. Analisis struktur teks tersebut.
3. Diskusikan struktur teks tersebut untuk mengisi tabel.

Kerjakan secara mandiri

Nama : ............................................
Kelas : ………………………………
No. Absen : ...............

Part of the



ASPEK Belum Kompeten Cukup Kompeten (6- Kompeten (8-9) Sangat Kompeten
(0-6) 7) (10)
Proses mengisi Peserta didik Peserta didik terlibat Peserta didik Peserta didik
tabel tidak terlibat dalam mengisi tabel terlibat dalam terlibat dalam
berkelompok dalam mengisi namun kurang aktif mengisi tabel menisi tabel
tabel secara aktif tetapi secara aktif dan
menutup diri untuk terbuka untuk
diskusi diskusi
Proses Peserta didik tidak Peserta didik mampu Peserta didik Peserta didik
presentasi mampu mempresentasikan mampu mampu
hasil mempresentasik hasil penyusunan mempresentasika n mempresentasika n
an hasil namun dengan sikap hasil penyusunan hasil penyusunan
penyusunan yang kurang baik dengan sikap yang dengan sikap yang
baik namun tidak baik dan mampu
mampu berdiskusi berdiskusi

Hasil mengisi Peserta didik Peserta didik kurang Peserta didik Peserta didik
tabel tidak mengisi mampu mampu mampu
tabel mengidentifikasi mengidentifikasi mengidentifikasi
permasalahan dan permasalahan permasalahan dan
kurang mampu tetapi tidak mampu mengisi tabel
mengisi tabel mengisi tabel dengan baik
dengan baik dengan baik atau
I have a pet. It‟s a dog and that I decided to name it Dolgy. Dolgy may be a Chinese
breed. It‟s little, fluffy, and cute. It‟s got thick black fur. after I cuddle it, the fur feels
soft. Dolgy doesn‟t like bones. Each day it chows soft food like steamed rice, fish, or
bread. Every morning I offer him milk and bread. Dolgy likes to play with my rabbit
when I go to school. Dolgy never chows shoes or barks loudly just like the other pet.
Dolgy is a really sweet and friendly animal.

1. The communicative purpose of this text is…..

A. to explain a specific animal
B. to share associate degree amusing incident with others
C. to give 2 points of reading regarding a problem
D. to tell the readers regarding the sweetness of Dolgy
E. to retell events for the aim of informing and diverting
2. However will Dolgy look like?
A. big, fierce, and cute
B. big, fluffy, and fierce
C. small, fierce, and stink
D. small, fluffy, and cute.
E. small, fluffy, and stink
3. Whom Dolgy plays with once the author goes to school?
A. the writer‟s sister
B. the writer‟s mother
C. the writer‟s cat
D. the writer‟s different dog
E. the writer‟s rabbit
4. What will Dolgy eat each morning?
A. fish and rice
B. bread and milk
C. bone and milk
D. milk and fish
E. rice and bread

Paris is the capital town of France. It‟s conjointly one of the foremost lovely and
celebrated towns in the world. Paris is termed because of the sunshine. Paris has become
a global fashion center. What trendy girls are wearing in Paris are worn by girls
everywhere around the globe.
Paris is additionally celebrated for its world center of education. For example, it‟s the
headquarters of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, the
UN Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.
There area unit different several different celebrated places in Paris, like the celebrated
deposit the Louvre further because of the cathedral of Notre Dame. However, the
foremost celebrated landmark in this town should be the Eiffel Tower.
Paris is once a bunch of individuals called the Parisii. They engineered a little village on
an associate degree island within the middle of the Seine about 2 thousand years ago. This
island is termed Ile American state la Cite. It‟s wherever Notre Dame is set. These days
around eight million individuals sleep in the Paris space.
5. What‟s the communicative purpose of the text?
A. to give 2 points of view regarding Paris
B. to elucidate Paris, the capital town of France
C. to explain Paris
D. to retell Paris, the capital of France
E. to steer the readers to travel to Paris, the capital of France
6. What area unit celebrated places in Paris?
A. urban center Tower and therefore the museum
B. The cathedral of Notre Dame and urban center Tower
C. The museum, Eiffel Tower, and urban center Tower
D. The museum, Eiffel Tower, and therefore the cathedral of Notre Dame
E. urban center Tower and Eiffel Tower
7. What percentage of individuals sleep in Paris?
A. eight million individuals
B. seven million individuals
C. six million individuals
D. five million individuals
E. four million individuals
My faculty is seven kilometers from my house. The fare is just too big-ticket on my
behalf. Once faculty, most of my friends observe African dances, however, I cannot be
part of them as a result of which I have to assist my folks. I need to get water from a well
and babysit my sisters. I have 2 sisters. Sometimes, I do my prep within the evening,
however, at different times I am too tired to try and do it.

8. The text primarily discusses…

A. Jonathan‟s activities within the morning
B. Jonathan‟s daily activities
C. the big-ticket bus fares
D. Cape Town
9. The following statement isn‟t true?
A. Jonathan has 2 sisters.
B. Jonathan lives in South Africa.
C. Jonathan continuously studies within the evening.
D. Jonathan‟s faculty is away from his house.
10. What will Jonathan do once in school?
A. He practices recreation together with his friends.
B. He plays together with his friends.
C. He will do his prep.
D. He helps his folks.
11. Why will Jonathan continuously get through late?
A. He practices recreation together with his friends.
B. He returns home on foot.
C. He babysits his sisters.
D. He walks slowly.

Complete the text to answer questions 12 to 14.

I want to describe my father. He is about forty-five years old. He is about 170 cm (12)…
He has a round face and short, black hair. He has big eyes and a flat nose. My father likes
doing sports, especially (13). . . . His favorite is Tae Kwon Do. He has a red belt. My
father usually helps me when I find (14). .. in doing my homework. He is also nice to my
friends. My father is my idol.

A. short
B. thin
C. fat
D. tall
A. running
B. wrestling
C. martial arts
D. water sports
A. stories
B. bonuses
C. difficulties
D. information

Complete the text to answer questions 15 to 17.

Hello! My name‟s Zahra. I‟m a (15) I work in a laboratory. I wear a white lab coat,
rubber gloves and a hat to cover my (16) . . . Sometimes, I wear goggles to protect my
eyes and a mask too (17)…. my mouth and nose.

A. journalist
B. scientist
C. teacher
D. cook
A. hair
B. eyes
C. face
D. hands
A. stay
B. see
C. open
D. cover
Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022


Program Keahlian Semua Program Keahlian

Judul Elemen Procedure Text

Deskripsi Meliputi pemahaman peserta didik terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan berbagai macam teks
seperti narasi, deskripsi, prosedur, eksposisi, recount, dan
Capaian Pembelajaran Peserta didik membaca dan merespon berbagai macam teks
seperti narasi, deskripsi, prosedur, eksposisi, recount, dan
report. Peserta didik membaca untuk mempelajari sesuatu
atau untuk mendapatkan informasi. Mereka mencari dan
mengevaluasi detil spesifik dan inti dari berbagai macam
jenis teks.
Kompetensi Awal Peserta didik memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan Descriptive text
Kelas X

Alokasi Waktu 360 menit

Jumlah Pertemuan 4

Fase Capaian E

Profil Pelajar Pancasila Beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, dan
berakhlak Mulia, Mandiri, Bernalar Kritis, dan Kreatif
Target Peserta Didik Peserta didik regular / kesulitan belajar / pencapaian tingkat
Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning

Moda Pembelajaran Daring / Kombinasi

Metode Pembelajaran Diskusi, presentasi, demonstrasi, simulasi praktik

Bentuk Penilaian Asesmen Non Kognitif dan Kognitif

Sumbar Pembelajaran Buku Paket, Modul, Internet dan Lainnya

Alat Praktik Pembelajaran -

Media Pembelajaran LCD Projector, PPT, Video Pembelajaran, Internet


a. Peserta didik mampu membaca dan merespon berbagai macam teks seperti
narasi, deskripsi, prosedur, eksposisi, recount, dan report.
b. Membaca untuk mempelajari sesuatu atau untuk mendapatkan informasi.
c. Mencari dan mengevaluasi detil spesifik dan inti dari berbagai macam jenis
d. Mengidentifikasi tujuan penulis dan mengembangkan keterampilannya untuk
melakukan inferensi sederhana dalam memahami informasi tersirat dalam

a. Manusia bergotong royong dan bekerja sama untuk memecahkan masalah
dan mencapai tujuan.
b. Bacaan yang bagus dapat bermanfaat untuk orang lain.
c. Jujur dan mandiri dalam menyelesaikan masalah.


a. Pernahkah kamu mendengar istilah Procedure text?

b. Apa yang kamu bayangkan tentang Procedure text?

Pertemuan 9-10
Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Guru dan Peserta didik
Pendahuluan a. Mengawali pembelajaran dengan berdoa dan 10 menit
memberi salam
(Beriman, bertaqwa kepada Tuhan YME dan
Berakhlak mulia)
b. Mempersiapkan kelas agar lebih kondusif untuk
memulai proses KBM (Laptop, jaringan internet,
aplikasi yang digunakan) (Mandiri)
c. Memantau kehadiran dengan mengabsen
peserta didik lewat zoom meeting/ class room
d. Tanya jawab dengan siswa berkaitan dengan
materi sebelumnya
e. Memotivasi peserta didik untuk lebih fokus dan
semangat dalam mengikuti pembelajaran.
f. Menginformasikan capaian pembelajaran dan
tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai.
Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Guru dan Peserta didik
g. Menyampaikan cakupan materi secara garis
Inti a. Peserta didik mendapatkan pemaparan secara 75 menit
umum tentang Procedure text.
b. Peserta didik membaca dan mencermati contoh
Procedure text.
c. Tanya jawab guru dan peserta didik:
 Menurut pendapatmu apa yang dimaksud
dengan Procedure text?
 Apa fungsi sosial dari Procedure text?
 Sebutkan unsur kebahasaan dari Procedure
d. Peserta didik secara kolaborasi membaca teks
yang ada dan menentukan fungsi sosial dan
unsur kebahasaan Procedure text.
e. Peserta didik secara kolaboratif menemukan
ide/gagasan pokok dari Procedure text dengan
menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks yang
f. Peserta didik secara kolaboratif
mempresentasikan hasil kerja.
g. Peserta didik secara mandiri mengerjakan soal
Penutup a. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi tentang apa 10 menit
yang sudah dipelajari
b. guru memberikan penguatan.
c. Mengarahkan dan mengajak Peserta didik
d. Menutup pertemuan dan memberikan salam

Pertemuan 11-12

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Guru dan Peserta didik
Pendahuluan a. Mengawali pembelajaran dengan berdoa dan 10 menit
memberi salam
(Beriman, bertaqwa kepada Tuhan YME dan
Berakhlak mulia)
b. Mempersiapkan kelas agar lebih kondusif untuk
memulai proses KBM (Laptop, jaringan internet,
aplikasi yang digunakan) (Mandiri)
c. Memantau kehadiran dengan mengabsen
peserta didik lewat zoom meeting/ class room
d. Tanya jawab dengan siswa berkaitan dengan
materi sebelumnya
e. Memotivasi peserta didik untuk lebih fokus dan
semangat dalam mengikuti pembelajaran.
f. Menginformasikan capaian pembelajaran dan
tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai.
g. Menyampaikan cakupan materi secara garis
Inti a. Peserta didik menyimak video tentang Procedure 75 menit
b. Peserta didik mendengarkan dan mencermati
video Procedure text.
c. Peserta didik secara mandiri mengerjakan soal
berdasarkan video yang disimak.
d. Peserta didik secara mandiri mempresentasikan
hasil pekerjaannya.
e. Peserta didik secara mandiri mengerjakan soal
Procedure text.
Penutup a. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi tentang apa 10 menit
yang sudah dipelajari
b. guru memberikan penguatan.
c. Mengarahkan dan mengajak Peserta didik
d. Menutup pertemuan dan memberikan salam
5. A
a. Asesmen diagnostik (sebelum pembelajaran)
b. Asesmen formatif (selama pembelajaran)
c. Asesmen sumatif (di akhir pembelajaran)

a. Sikap (profil pelajar pancasila): observasi, penilaian diri, penilaian teman sebaya
b. Perfoma : presentasi
c. Tertulis : Pilihan ganda, essay


a. Pengayaan : Untuk siswa yang mendapat nilai di atas rata-rata

b. Remidial : Untuk siswa yang mendapat nilai di bawah rata-rata


h. Apakah ada kendala selama pembelajaran?
a. Apakah semua peserta didik aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran?
b. Apa saja kesulitan peserta didik dalam kegiatan pembelajaran?
c. Apakah peserta didik dapat mengatasi kesuliatan dalam pembelajaran?
d. Apa level peserta didik dalam mencapai capaian pembelajaran?
e. Apakah peserta didik bisa dianggap tuntas?
f. Apa strategi agar seluruh peserta didik dapat menuntaskan capaian pembelajaran?


a. Apakah ada kendala pada kegiatan pembelajaran?

b. Apakah semua siswa aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran?
c. Apa saja kesulitan siswa yang dapat diidentifikasi pada kegiatan pembelajaran?
d. Apakah siswa yang memiliki kesulitan ketika berkegiatan dapat teratasi dengan
e. Apa level pencapaian rata-rata siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran ini?
f. Apakah seluruh siswa dapat dianggap tuntas dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran?
g. Apa strategi agar seluruh siswa dapat menuntaskan kompetensi?

Sukoharjo, 1 Juli 2022

Waka Kurikulum Guru Mata Pelajaran

Nur Hidayat, S.Sn Agus Wahyudi, SE.,M.Si

Kepala Sekolah

Drs. Suryanto
Procedure text adalah sebuah jenis teks dalam Bahasa Inggris yang berisi tujuan dan langkah-
langkah untuk membuat atau melakukan sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan tujuan tersebut. Fungsi
dari teks ini adalah untuk menunjukkan bagaimana cara melakukan sesuatu melalui langkah-
langkah yang berurutan sehingga pembaca bisa mencapai tujuannya.
Procedure Text, atau teks prosedur dalam bahasa Indonesia, merupakan teks yang memberikan
kita perintah atau instruksi untuk melakukan sesuatu. Biasanya jenis teks ini diawali dengan
kalimat “How to…”, misalnya “How to make a cup of tea” atau “How to operate the machine”.
Procedure Text banyak terdapat di buku resep masakan dan buku petunjuk (manual book).
Tujuan dari Procedure Text adalah untuk menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu dibuat, dilakukan atau
digunakan melalui langkah-langkah yang berurutan (to show how something is made/used/done
through sequence of steps). Kira-kira, aspek apa saja ya, yang terdapat dalam teks prosedur?
Ciri-ciri Procedure Text
Berikut adalah ciri-ciri Procedure text:
1. Simple Present Tense

Procedure Text harus ditulis dengan menggunakan Simple Present Tense, Squad. Hal ini
dikarenakan dalam Procedure Text terdapat kalimat-kalimat fakta mengenai pembuatan atau
penggunaan sesuatu.
2. Kalimat perintah (Imperative Sentences)

Contohnya adalah add 3 onions and mix it well with the dough. Jangan lupa ya, kalimat
perintah harus diawali dengan kata kerja (verb). Contohnya adalah heat, stir, mix, add, boil,
plug in, dan sebagainya.
3. Kata penghubung (Connectives)

Kata penghubung (connectives) digunakan sebagai penghubung antara satu kegiatan dengan
kegiatan yang lain, contohnya firstly, secondly, then, after that, finally, last, dan sebagainya.
4. Kata keterangan (Adverbs)

Kata keterangan (adverbs) digunakan untuk memberikan keterangan waktu, seperti: in 10

minutes, for 1 hour, during the first half hour. Selain itu, dapat digunakan juga untuk
memberikan keterangan cara (manner), contohnya slowly, thoroughly, well, fast, dan lain-lain

Menggunakan Simple Present Tense.

Menggunakan imperative sentence yang merupakan bentuk kalimat yang biasanya digunakan
untuk memberi perintah. Contohnya don‟t mix, turn on, cut into slices dan lain sebagainya.
Generic Structure of Procedure Text
Procedure text mempunyai generic structure yang berbeda dengan jenis teks lain, yaitu:
a. Aim/goal (tujuan)

Terletak pada judul teks dan digunakan untuk menunjukkan tujuan dari teks tersebut.
Contoh: How to Make Noodle
b. Ingredients/materials

Berisi bahan atau alat yang diperlukan dalam langkah-langkah melakukan prosesnya.
Contoh: The materials to make an omelet are egg, onion, vegetable oil, salt, and pepper.
c. Steps/methods

Berisi cara, metode, atau langkah yang dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan pada teks tersebut.
Contoh: First, wash the tomatoes. Then cut it into slices.
Contoh Procedure Text
How to Make Fluffy Pancake


 5 eggs
 40 gram sugar
 60 gram purpose flour
 2 gram baking powder
 Salt
 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
 Hone

1. First, separate the egg yolk and the white. Then beat the egg white until stiff.
2. In a separated bowl, mix the egg yolks with sugar until the sugar melts.
3. Next, add the flour, baking powder, and salt. Then stir until all the ingredients
4. Slowly pour all the mixture ingredients into one bowl. Then add vanilla extract
and mix it.
5. Then heat a pan over a low-medium heat and coat it with butter. Use a 1/4
cup measure to scoop and drop the batter into the pan so that you get
evenly-sized pancakes.
6. Cook until the first side is golden brown, or until the top surface forms bubbles.
7. Flip and repeat on the other side. Adjust heat accordingly.
8. Finally, serve the pancake while it is still warm with honey. You can add some
fruits like grapes or strawberry to make it more delicious.

Cara Membuat Pancake yang

Fluffy Bahan-bahan:
 5 butir telur
 40 gram gula
 60 gram tepung terigu
 2 gram baking powder
 Garam secukupnya
 1 sendok teh ekstrak vanili
 Madu

1. Pertama, pisahkan kuning telur dan putihnya. Kemudian kocok putih telur
hingga berbusa.
2. Dalam mangkuk terpisah, aduk kuning telur dengan gula sampai gula meleleh.
3. Selanjutnya, tambahkan tepung, baking powder, dan garam. Kemudian aduk
sampai semua bahan tercampur.
Perlahan tuangkan semua bahan campuran ke dalam satu mangkuk. Lalu tambahkan ekstrak vanili d
Kemudian panaskan panci di atas api sedang-rendah dan lapisi dengan mentega. Gunakan ukuran 1
Masak sampai sisi pertama berwarna cokelat keemasan, atau sampai permukaan atas membentuk g
Balik dan ulangi di sisi yang lain. Atur panas yang sesuai.
Akhirnya, sajikan pancake selagi masih hangat dengan madu. Kamu dapat menambahkan beberapa

How to Use a Printer

You need:

 Printer


Step 1

Using a printer even basic printer is extremely easy to do. There are many different
models of printers out there. You have your very basic to your all-in-one printer. The
printer with everything on it works pretty much just like the regular printer you just
have a lot more buttons to push

Step 2

Make sure that your printer is hooked up properly before using it. If this is a brand
new printer then it will go through a check and print out a test page for you. A lot of
different times you can just turn it on, you will hear the ink moving around.
Something might come up on the computer telling you that the printer is on and
working properly.

Step 3

Open the page you want to print. If you are on the Internet and want to print
something from there. All you have to do is go up to file, then down to page set up.
This will give you more printing options to choose from. When you are done setting
up the page you can verify you have the right printer hooked up by clicking on
“Printer” at the bottom. Once everything looks good click on “OK” and now your page
should print out.

Step 4
Open up a “.doc” file if that is where your page is that you need to print. When you
are ready to print go up to “File” and “Print Setup”. Again you can choose how you
want your page to look, and check and make sure the right printer is installed. If
your page is set up the way you like it you can just click on the printer icon on the
tool bar or go to “File” then “Print.”

Step 5

Using a printer a lot over time will start to wear down your ink supply. Some models
of printers let you know when your ink supply is getting low. If you have an older
printer you will just have to go by what the printed page looks like. If it is very worn
and faded then it is time to install a new ink cartridge.

How to Use a Computer

You need:

1. CPU
2. Keyboard
3. Monitor
4. Mouse
5. Printer (Optional)
6. Speakers (Optional)

Here are the steps to operate a computer:

1. Before plug of powering up the computer system, make sure that the power
cable is connected to the back panel of the CPU and is plugged into the
electric socket.
2. Make sure the video cable is already connected to the monitor and the back
panel of CPU correclty.
3. Make sure other devices such as mouse and keyboard have connected to the
back panel of CPU in the right side. Other hardware can also be connected
such as speaker, printer, and so forth.
4. When everything is plugged in securely, then press the power button on the
CPU is usually located on the front panel of the CPU.
5. The computer will display the Windows logo and displays the desktop image
6. Once the desktop image appears then the computer is ready to operate
7. The proper way to shut down or turn off the computer system is by clicking on
the „Start‟ button and choosing the „Turn Off Computer‟ option. This then will
display the options to „Standby‟, „Restart‟, or „Turn Off‟ the CPU. Click „Turn
Off‟ to turning off the computer.
How to Make Slippers from

Jeans Materials and Equipment:

 Pair of old, cast-off jeans

 25cm wadding
 25cm iron-on fusing
 Piece of thin cardboard (not the corrugated type), about 30 x 30 cm
 Two pattern pieces
 Around 60cm ribbon (I‟ve used pink and white gingham)
 Blue thread (choose a shade that matches your denim)
 Scissors
 Straight pins
 Pencil/ tailor‟s chalk
 Needle and thread/ sewing machine


1. Prepare the pattern

2. Cut the other pattern pieces
3. Sew the upper
4. Prepare the sole
5. Sew the upper to the sole
6. Finish the toe
7. Adorn your slippers

How To Be The Best


Do you want to be the best student in your class? Be the envy of all of your friends
in school and earn the respect from teachers and students alike!

In order to be the best student in your school, you must first be optimistic about
everything. In addition, you must be very disciplined and well-behaved. You must
be able to balance everything.

Second, a best student must study hard. This is the primary task of a student. To
study hard and succeed. Remember, if you do not take the initiative, you will
accomplish nothing. Ask questions in class if you do not understand something.

Next, let‟s go over some study habits. When studying for a test, make sure that you
first have all of the proper materials including books, pencils, paper, calculator, etc.
Underline the words that you do not understand. In addition, try highlighting some
of the themes mentioned in the book. Ask your parents for tutoring. Based on some
surveys, students who come in for tutoring tend to do better in class as well as
improve their grades.
give up and make a commitment to work your best. The truth is, it‟s okay to fail, as
long as you pick yourself up and try even harder. A lot of the famous people were
all once failures. Only by persevering did they manage to climb to the top and

Listen to the stepd. Complete the missing words and answer the questions.
Pineapple with Caramel Sauce
First, ...(1) the pineaplle and coat it with sugar.
Next, heat some butter in a frying pan and ...(2) the pineapple for 5 minutes on each side.
Then, add some cream, bring to the ...(3), and ...(4) ... well.
After that, add some apple juice to the pan, and ... (5) until there is very little left.
Finally, pour the suace over the pineapple and serve.
1. What is the main ingredient of the recipe?
2. What is the first step to make Pineapple with Caramel Sauce?
3. How long should we fry the pineapple?
4. What is the mixture of the sauce?
5. What should we do after adding the cream?

Read the text and answer the questions!

How to Make Brownies

• 150gram of butter.
• 150gram of dark chocolate.
• 300 gram of flour
• 4 eggs.
• 600 gram of regular sugar
• 1 tsp vanilla extract

1. Melt the chocolate with the butter.
2. Stir the eggs with the sugar and the vanilla extract.
3. Preheat the oven at low temperature
4. Combine the mixes you made.
5. Add the flour and stir with a wooden spoon.
6. Grease a brownie tin.
7. Add a little flour to cover the tin.
8. Add the brownie dough.
9. Bake for 10-30 minutes.
10. To check the brownies, put a knife in the mix. The knife must be moist!
11. Eat them 15 minutes after you took them out of the oven.
1. How much flour do you need to make brownies?
2. What is the first thing to do when making brownies?
3. What should you do before combining the mixes?
Answer key: preheat the oven at low temperature
4. What should you do after greasing a brownie tin?
5. According to text, how many steps are there to make brownies?
6. According to the text, is it difficult to make brownies?
7. What is the purpose of the text?
8. Eat them 15 minutes after you took them out of the oven.
The underlined word refers to….
9. Grease a brownie tin.
The underlined word could best be replaced by….
10. The knife must be moist.
What is the antonym of
Choose the best answer!
Ladies and Gentlemen, in case of emergency, take the life jacket which is located under your seat.
Put the life jacket over your head and then fasten the jacket tapes around you‟re your waist.
Do not inflate the jacket until you left the aircraft. The jacket will be automatically inflated by
pulling a cord, but if not, you can blow into the chip to inflate it.
A light is attached to the jacket for attracting attention. The life jacket should be removed only in
case of emergency.
The use of TV set, AM and FM radios and radio cassettes recorders, walkman, and any mobile
phones are prohibited on board as they interfere the communication and navigational system.
We wish you an enjoyable flight.
1. Where is the life jacket located?
A. Over the head
B. Around the waist.
C. Outsite the aircraft.
D. In the back of the seat.
E. Under the seat.
2. What can interfere the navigatioanl system
A. Table.
B. The life jacket.
C. Mobile phones
D. The attached light.
E. Tapes around the waist.
Soal Procedure Text 2
A quick and easy cheese cake recipe
Yield : 6 servings
Prep. Time :5 minutes
Cook Time : 40 minutes
Total Time : 45 minutes
16 ounces cream cheese, 2 packages, softened
½ cup sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla
2 large eggs
4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 prepared Graham cracker crust
Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla at medium speed until well-blended. Blend in 2 eggs. Stir in
chocolate chips then pour batter into Graham cracker chust. (you may sprinkle ¼ cup mini semi
sweet chocolate chips on top if you desire).
Bake at 35calcius for 40 minutes, or until certer is almost set. Cool.
For best results refrigerate for 3 hours.
3. How many persons is the cake for?
A. 2
B. 5
C. 6
D. 35
E. 2
4. The goal of the text is to tell about . . . . .
A. how to beat cream cheese
B. how to blend sugar and vanilla
C. how to bake chocolate cheese and cake
D. how make chocolate cheese cake
E. how to make mini sweet chocolate chips
4. The text is called a/an . . . . .
A. explanation
B. description
C. procedure
D. report
E. spoof
Soal Procedure Text 3
How to make a Cheese Omelet
1 egg, 50 g cheese, 1 cup milk, 3 tablespoons cooking oil, a pinch of salt and pepper.
Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese-grater, bowl, and plate.
• Crack the egg into a bowl
• Whisk the egg with a fork until it‟s smooth
• Add milk and whisk well
• Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir
• Heat the oil in frying pan
• Turn the omelet with spatula and cook both sides
• Place on a plate, season with salt and pepper
5. The text above belongs to……
A. narrative
B. Procedure
C. news item
D. Spoof
E. recount
6. The text tells us about……
A. how long to make any kind of food
B. ingredients of making omelet
C. utensils of making omelet
D. methods of making omelet
E. how to eat a cheese omelet
7. The followings are methods of making a cheese omelet, except…..
A. cracking the egg
B. whisking the egg
C. adding milk
D. cheese-grater
E. heating the oil
8. How much cheese do we need to make a cheese omelet?
A. one gram
B. three grams
C. five grams
D. fifteen
E. fifty grams
9. ……is a tool with a flat flexible blade used for mixing and spreading.
A. Pan
B. Fork
C. Spatula
D. Plate
E. Cheese-grater
Soal Procedure Text 4
Recipe for French Toast
You are going to need:
4 pieces of bread
1 spoon of sugar
2 eggs
A quarter of a cup of milk
Before you start to cook, you have to read the recipe.
Now you can get ready. After you read the recipe, put everything on the counter.
When everything is ready, break the eggs, pour a quarter of the milk in the bowl, then add a small
spoon of sugar. Mix the eggs, milk and sugar.
Next, put a piece of bread in the bowl with the eggs, milk and sugar. Turn over the bread.
Now, put some butter in the pan. Turn on the stove. When the pan is hot, take the bread out of the
bowl and put it into the pan. After you cook one side of the bread, cook the other side. After you
finish the first place of the bread, cook the other pieces. Now you have French toast!
10. The type of the text above is called …..
A. Recount
B. Narrative
C. Description
D. Procedure
E. Report
11. The purpose of the text is ……..
A. to describe French toast
B. to explain about French toast
C. to tell the reader how to make French toast
D. to entertain the reader with French toast
E. to persuade the reader to make French toast
12. Who is the text better addressed to?
A. An expert chef
B. A student learning at home
C. A husband left by his wife
D. A mother at home
E. A boy/girl left by his /her mother
13. “Before you start to cook, you have to read the recipe.” The underlined word means …….
A. a set of learning instruction
B. a written statement that one has received money
C. a written statement that one has received something
D. a doctor‟s written order for a particular medicine
E. a set of cooking instruction
14. “You are going to need.” The expression and what it follows belong to …..
A. event
B. steps
C. materials
D. purpose
E. orientation
Soal Procedure Text 5
How to Make Starfruit Punch
• 250 gr yellow starfruit in slices
• 100 ml water 2 spoonful of vanilla
• 8 teaspoonful of lemonade extract Procedure
• Put slices of starfruit and water in the blender. Wait until it‟s soft. Skim it.
• Add syrup, lemonade extract, and soda water. Stir thoroughly.
• Pour it in the glass and put in the ice cubes.
15. What is the text about?
A. How to make starfruit punch
B. The ingredients of starfruit punch
C. How to use blender
D. How to stir thoroughly
E. How to slice starfruit
16.lemonade extract and soda water. Stir thoroughly. The word “stir“ means….
A. to make smooth
B. to boil
C. to cut
D. to make dry
E. to move an object in order to mix it
17. Which of the following procedures is true?
A. Put slices of starfruit in the glass.
B. Put ice cubes in the blender.
C. Skim two spoonful of vanilla.
D. Skim the slices of starfruit and water which have already been softened
E. Wait until the ice cubes are melted.
Soal Procedure Text 6
Burning a CD allows you to take music from one CD and transfer it onto another CD. This
process is possible with any computer that has a CD driver, but it is easier on a computer that can
run two CDs at once. Either way, you can copy all your music from one CD to the next. Here is
how to copy from one CD to another, using one and two CD drivers.
Instructions Burning with two CD Trays
1. Insert the CD from which you want to burn music into your computer‟s CD tray. Insert a
blank CD into your computer‟s second CD tray.
2. Open windows media player and wait for it to recognize the CD.
3. Click the “burn” option at the top of Windows Media Player. Drag the songs you want from the
list of your songs into the area on the right labeled “Burn List”.
4. Choose the blank CD onto which you want to burn your song. This can be done at the top of
the Burn List Menu.
5. Click the “Start Burn” button when you have all the song you want for the CD added to the
Burn List. Wait for your computer to finish the CD, then take both of the CDs out.
17. What is the topic of the text?
A Running two CDs.
B. Opening Media Player.
C. Copying a compact disc.
D. Choosing the blank CD.
E. Inserting the CD into computer.
18. What should we do after click the “burn” option at the top of Windows Media Player?
A. Choose the blank CD onto which you want to burn your song.
B. Open windows media player and wait for it to recognize the CD.
C. Wait for your computer to finish the CD, then take both CDs out.
D. Click the “Start Burn” button when you have all the songs you want from the CD.
E. Drag the songs from the list of Songs
19. “The process of copying CD is possible with any computer…” The word “possible” is closest
in meaning to…
A. Improbable
B. Probable
C. Unlikely
D. Doubtful
E. Suspicious
EM- 4 is a mixture of micro-organisms that gives the benefit for cattle growth and product.
1. Decrease smell pollution
2. Balance mutual micro-organisms
3. Increase quality and quantity of cattle product
How to use:
1. To get satisfying result, dissolve 1cc EM-4 per liter water every day
2. Spray 1 cc EM-4 per liter of water every week on the floor, wall, and manure.
Agent: PT. Songgolangit
Persada, Jakarta
Distributor: Jl Ki Hajar Dewantara 46 Jakarta
Phone: (021) 7894529
23. This text tells us about …
A. organism
B. fermentation
C. cattle product
D. contact address
E. the use of EM-4
24. One of the benefits of the product is …….
A. for growing cattle bacteria
B. for increasing smell pollution
C. for producing cattle manure and organic fermentation bacteria
D. for increasing micro organisms
E. for increasing quality and quantity of cattle product
25. What will you do to get satisfying result?
A. Dissolve 1 cc EM-4 per liter of water every two days.
B. Dissolve 4 cc EM-1 per liter of water every week.
C. Dissolve 1 cc EM4 per liter of water every week.
D. Dissolve 4 cc EM-1 per liter of water per day.
E. Dissolve 1 cc EM-4 per liter of water every day.
Soal Procedure Text 10
1. Sitting on a bike, make sure you know where the bikes are and how to operate them
2. You have to learn to balance the bike. Find a person who can hold your bike behind you and try
to go steady as you pedal it
3. Finally, you have to practice. Once you can balance, pedal, start, and stop, you are bicycle
rider. Congratulation!
4. As you gain experience, raise the seat up so that only your toes can touch the ground while you
are seated.
5. When you are ready, ride alone. But first, lower the seat until you can sit and put both feet
flat on the ground
6. After practicing for a couple minutes, the person can release his or her hands while you try to
keep your balance
26. Arrange these sentences below into a good order
A. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6
B. 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 3
C. 1 – 2 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3
D. 1 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 6 – 4
E. 1 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 3
Soal Procedure Text 11
1. You can make instant noodles with the help of a microwave.
2. Finally, add any items that you want and serve the noodles.
3. First, fill the bowl with two cups of water and the noodle.
4. Microwave it for about three to five minutes.
5. Then, take the noodles out of the microwave and pour the seasonings.
6. After the microwave beeps, wait for three minutes in the closed microwave.
7. Next, stir the noodles until the seasonings dissolve.
27. The best arrangement of the sentences above is:
A. 1-7-5-6-2-4-3
B. 1-3-4-6-5-7-2
C. 1-2-7-3-6-5-4
D. 1-4-7-5-2-6-3
E. 1-4-6-5-2-3-7
Soal Procedure Text 12
(1) Wrap the casualty in a sheet which has been dampened with cold water.
(2) Move the casualty to a cool place, loosen or remove any tight or heavy clothing.
(3) Make sure the sheet stays wet and fan the casualty to keep them cool.
(4) Check the casualty‟s temperature regurarly.
(5) Once it has fallen to a safer level (under 40oC), remove the wet sheet and stop the cooling
28. Rearrange the following sentences into the correct and meaningful procedure!
A. (4)–(5)–(1)–(3)–(2)
B. (4)–(5)–(2)–(3)–(1)
C. (2)–(1)–(4)–(5)–(3)
D. (2)–(1)–(3)–(4)–(5)
E. (2)–(3)–(4)–(1)–(5)
Soal Procedure Text 13
1. Open the lid up and pour it out
2. Make sure the blender clean and working
3. close the lid and hold the cover tightly
4. Put the fruits inside
5. Clean the blender
6. Blend
29. The correct order is…..
A. 2 4 3 6 1 5
B. 3 2 5 6 1 4
C. 2 4 1 6 5 3
D. 3 4 2 5 1 6
E. 1 3 2 4 6 5

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