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Informasi Umum

A. Identitas Sekolah

Satuan Pendidikan SMK Negeri 1 Bondowoso

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester X DKV/Genap
Alokasi Waktu 12 JP
Tahun Pelajaran 2022-2023
Nama Penyusun Elly Florida, S.S.

B. Kompetensi Awal
- Siswa telah memahami fungsi sosial dari Analytical Exposition Text
- Siswa telah memahami struktur teks dari Analytical Exposition Text
- Siswa telah memahami kata penghubung, frasa dan tenses yang digunakan dalam
Analytical Exposition Text

C. Profil Pelajar Pancasila

- Berakhlak Mulia
- Mandiri
- Bernalar kritis
- Gotong Royong
- Kreatif
- Berkhebhinekaan Global

D. Sarana dan Prasarana

- Laptop/Komputer
- Teks
- Modul

E. Target Peserta Didik

Peserta didik reguler/umum

F. Model Pembelajaran
Scientific Learning dengan Teknik:
- Skimming → to find general information
- Scanning → to find specific information
- Finding antonym and synonym
- Reference
- Inference

Komponen Inti

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
B.3.1 Membaca Analytical Exposition Text
B.3.2 Mendapatkan informasi dari Analytical Exposition Text
B.3.3 Mencari detil spesifik dan inti dari Analytical Exposition Text
B.3.4 Mengevaluasi detil spesifik dan inti dari Analytical Exposition e Text
B.3.5 memahami ide pokok, isu-isu atau pengembangan plot dalam Analytical Exposition
B.3.6 Mengidentifikasi tujuan penulis dari Analytical Exposition Text
B.3.7 Melakukan inferensi sederhana dari isi Analytical Exposition Text

2. Pemahaman Bermakna
Setelah mempelajari modul ini, peserta didik mengetahui:
1. Informasi dari Analytical Exposition Text
2. Detil spesifik dan inti dari Analytical Exposition Text
3. Ide pokok, isu-isu atau pengembangan plot dalam Analytical Exposition Text
4. Tujuan penulis dari Analytical Exposition Text

3. Pertanyaan Pemantik
- What do you think about online games?
- Do you think online games are interesting? Why?
- What kind of game do you like most to play? Why?

4. Persiapan Pembelajaran
- Guru menyiapkan bahan ajar sesuai Capaian Pembelajaran.
- Guru menyiapkan materi di PPT.
- Guru menyiapkan kelas menjadi beberapa kelompok.
- Guru menyiapkan teks deskripsi untuk materi pelajaran.
- Guru menyusun LKPD.
- Guru menyusun instrument assesmen yang digunakan.

5. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan 1
Kegiatan Awal
1. Peserta didik menjawab salam.
2. Peserta didik memperhatikan saat guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.
3. Peserta didik menjawab leading questions yang ditanyakan oleh guru berdasarkan
gambar yang disajikan.
- What do you think about online games?
- How many times a day do you play online games?
- What kind of game do you like most to play?
4. Peserta didik menyimak tujuan pembelajaran yang disampaikan oleh guru.
5. Peserta didik menyimak pemahaman bermakna pada pertemuan ini yang
disampaikan oleh guru.
6. Peserta didik menyimak penjelasan guru tentang asesmen yang akan didapatkan di
akhir pembelajaran.
7. Peserta didik menyimak tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
yang ada pada teks eksposisi analitik secara umum yang disampaikan oleh guru.
Kegiatan Inti
1. Peserta didik membaca sebuah teks eksposisi analitik yang disajikan guru pada
bahan buku pegangan yang disusun oleh guru (Activity 1).
2. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, mengerjakan soal pilihan ganda
berdasarkan teks yang sudah dibaca pada Activity 1 (Activity 2).

Kegiatan Penutup
1. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, memberikan umpan balik terhadap
proses pembelajaran:
Well, class, you have done a very good job today. Most of you are active in
reading section and able to answer the questions given in the student’s
handbook. I hope all of you involve in the interaction in the next meeting. How
do you feel during the lesson? Is there anyone of you who wants to say
2. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, menyimpulkan apa yang dipelajari hari ini.
3. Peserta didik memperhatikan penjelasan guru tentang agenda pertemuan

Pertemuan 2
Kegiatan Awal
1. Peserta didik menjawab salam.
2. Peserta didik memperhatikan saat guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.
3. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, mengulas pembelajaran di pertemuan

Kegiatan Inti
1. Peserta didik memperhatikan penjelasan guru tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi analitik (Activity 1).
2. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, mengidentifikasi struktur teks dari teks
eksposisi analitik yang telah dibaca di Meeting 1 (Activity 2).
3. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, menganalisis unsur kebahasaan dari teks
eksposisi analitik yang telah dibaca di Meeting 1 (Activity 3).

Kegiatan Penutup
1. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses
Well, class, you have done a very good job today. Most of you are active. What have
you got in our lesson today?
2. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, menyimpulkan apa yang dipelajari hari ini.
3. Peserta didik memperhatikan penjelasan guru tentang agenda pertemuan
Pertemuan 3
Kegiatan Awal
1. Peserta didik menjawab salam
2. Peserta didik memperhatikan saat guru mengecek kehadiran siswa

Kegiatan Inti
1. Peserta didik melakukan kegiatan memirsa dengan mengidentifikasi tentang
pikiran utama (main idea) dan kalimat topik (topic sentence) pada semua paragraf
pada teks eksposisi analitik pada Meeting 1 (Activity 1).

Kegiatan Penutup
1. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, memberikan umpan balik terhadap
proses pembelajaran:
Well, class, you have done a very good job today. Most of you are active. I hope
all of you involve in the interaction on the next meeting. How do you feel during
the lesson? Is there any question about our today’s material?
2. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, menyimpulkan apa yang dipelajari hari ini.
3. Peserta didik memperhatikan penjelasan guru tentang agenda pertemuan

Pertemuan 4
Kegiatan Awal
1. Peserta didik menjawab salam
2. Peserta didik memperhatikan saat guru mengecek kehadiran siswa

Kegiatan Inti
1. Peserta didik melakukan kegiatan membaca dan menerjemahkan teks eksposisi
analitik berjudul The Negative Effects of Too Much Playing Online Games yang
disajikan guru (Activity 1).
2. Peserta didik mengerjakan soal pilihan ganda berdasarkan teks eksposisi analitik
berjudul The Negative Effects of Too Much Playing Online Games yang telah dibaca
(Activity 2).
3. Peserta didik melakukan kegiatan memirsa dengan mengidentifikasi tentang
pikiran utama (main idea) dan kalimat topik (topic sentence) pada semua paragraf
pada teks eksposisi analitik berjudul The Negative Effects of Too Much Playing
Online Games yang telah dibaca (Activity 3).

Pertemuan 5
Kegiatan Awal
1. Peserta didik menjawab salam
2. Peserta didik memperhatikan saat guru mengecek kehadiran siswa

Kegiatan Inti
Peserta didik mengerjakan Tes Formatif (Ulangan Harian 1)
Kegiatan Penutup
1. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, memberikan umpan balik terhadap
proses pembelajaran:
Well, class, you have done a very good job today. You have done the Formative
Test today and I am going to announce the result as soon as possible. You will
have a remedial and enrichment test on the next meeting.
2. Peserta didik memperhatikan penjelasan guru tentang agenda pertemuan

Pertemuan 6
Kegiatan Awal
1. Peserta didik menjawab salam
2. Peserta didik memperhatikan saat guru mengecek kehadiran siswa
3. Peserta didik mengulas materi pada pertemuan sebelumnya

Kegiatan Inti
Peserta didik mengerjakan Tes Remidial dan Pengayaan

Kegiatan Penutup
1. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, memberikan umpan balik terhadap
proses pembelajaran:
Well, class, you have done a very good job today. I hope you understand how
to determine the main idea and the supporting ideas in a descriptive text.
2. Peserta didik, dengan bimbingan guru, menyimpulkan apa yang dipelajari hari ini.
3. Peserta didik memperhatikan penjelasan guru tentang agenda pertemuan
A. Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik


Learning Objectives
B.3.1 Reading Analytical Exposition Text
B.3.2 Obtaining information from Analytical Exposition Text
B.3.3 Finding specific details and the core of Analytical Exposition Text
B.3.4 Evaluating specific details and the core of Analytical Exposition e Text
B.3.5 Understanding the main idea, issue, and plot in Analytical Exposition Text
B.3.6 Identifying the purpose of descriptive texts related to Analytical Exposition Text
B.3.7 Conducting simple inference from the content of Analytical Exposition Text

Meaningful Understandings
After learning this handbook, students will understand:
5. Information in Analytical Exposition Text
6. Specific details and the core in Analytical Exposition Text
7. Main idea, issue, and plot in Analytical Exposition Text
8. Writer’s purpose in Analytical Exposition Text

Analytical Exposition Text

Time Allocation
12 hours/6 meeting
In language, "Analytical" means to check or test something carefully. And "Exposition" has
a broad meaning of explanation. So, literally, Analytical Exposition is a text that tries to
provide a comprehensive or thorough explanation of an issue by carefully displaying
supporting opinions.
Analytical exposition text is a text that elaborates the writer’s idea about the phenomenon
Analytical Exposition is a kind of argumentative text. It is a text to draw readers to the
writer’s opinion in which his idea is correct.
To make the persuasion stronger, the speaker or writer gives some arguments as the
fundamental reasons why something is the case.
This type of text can be found in scientific books, journals, magazines, newspaper articles,
academic speech or lectures, research report etc. Analytical expositions are popular among
science, academic community and educated people.


Step 1
Write your introduction. The introduction must include your thesis statement as well as a
summary of your topic sentences for each paragraph in the main body. You also want to
capture the reader's interest, making certain that he or she will read your essay all the way

Step 2
Write a paragraph for each of the topic sentences. Expand upon how this topic sentence
supports your thesis and provide any information you wish in support.

Step 3
Write a concluding paragraph for your essay. The conclusion must restate the thesis, restate
each of your arguments in support of the thesis, and generally bring the essay to an effective
close. Make sure to word all of these differently than you did at the beginning and in the body.
Also, make sure to never introduce any new material in the conclusion.

Activity 1
Read the following text meaningfully!

The Negative Impacts of Social Media for Children and Teenagers

Teenagers play social media, via

Social media is an online media in which the users can easily participate, share, and
create the content of blog, social networking, and the virtual world. Blog and social networking
are the form of social media that mostly used by the community around the world.

There are many negative impacts of social media for children and teenagers. First,
children and teenagers become lazy to communicate in real world. Their understanding of the
language is disturbed. If a child is too much communicating in the virtual world, then their
knowledge about the details of communicating in real life, like body language and tone of
voice, will be declined.

Second, social networking sites will make children and teenagers more self -interested.
They are not conscious of the environment around them, because most of their time is spent
on the internet. This can cause children to be less empathetic in the real world.

Third, for children and teenagers, there is no rules of spelling and grammar in social
networking. This will make them more difficult to distinguish between communicating on
social networking sites and the real world. This clearly would affect their writing and speaking
skills at school.

Fourth, the assumption that internet is identical with pornography is not wrong. With
its ability of information dissemination owned by the internet, pornography is rampant. To
anticipate it, the producers of browser complete their program with the ability to choose a
home page that can be accessed. On the internet, there are many images of pornography and
violence that can be the impulse to someone to do criminal acts.

Fifth, social networking site is fertile land for the predators to commit a crime. We will
never know if someone new whom our children just know on the internet, uses the real
identity or not. Fraud is rampant in every field. The internet is not excluded from an impostor’s

Last, credit card is the most used way in the internet world of the internet. The cyber
criminals often commit in this field. By the open system, the criminals are able to detect the
online transaction (using a credit card) and record the code of cards that are used. Then, they
use the data they get for their business of wickedness.

In conclusion, social media has many negative impacts to children and teenagers. They
have to be restricted in using social media due to many negative impacts of it. That is not good
yet for them since they cannot decide which one is good or bad.

Activity 2
Choose the best answer based on the text above!

1. With its ability of information dissemination owned by the internet, pornography is

rampant. (Par. 5, line 2). The bold typed word has the closest meaning with …
a. unbridled
b. out of control
c. ungovernable
d. restrained

2. Fraud is rampant in every field. (Par. 6, line 3). The underlined word has the opposite
meaning with …
a. deceit
b. honesty
c. guile
d. chicane

3. To anticipate it, the producers … (Par. 5, line 3). The italicized word refers to …
a. ability
b. information
c. internet
d. pornography

4. How does the writer suggest children and teenagers to avoid the bad impacts of social
a. They have to be limited in using social media.
b. They have to decide which one is good or bad
c. They have to communicate in real world.
d. They have to be conscious of the environment around them.

5. Why should children and teenagers be restricted in using social media?

a. Because they need to pay more for the internet.
b. Because they cannot decide which one is right or wrong.
c. Because they should make communication with their surroundings.
d. Because they spend their time for nothing.

6. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To tell an experience in using social media.
b. To show how to use social media.
c. To give a description about social media.
d. To convince the readers about the negative impact of social media.

7. The following statement is NOT TRUE based on the text:

a. Images of violence and pornography are available on the internet.
b. The criminals are able to detect the online transaction through our data.
c. Teenagers are hard to differentiate between communicating on social networking
sites and the real world
d. Teenagers learn to determine right or wrong through social media.

8. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?

a. Criminal acts can be triggered by images of violence and pornography.
b. Internet users always use real identity.
c. Social media help students be better in writing and speaking skills.
d. Social media help children communicate better in real world.

9. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

a. Internet has the information dissemination.
b. Internet is identical with pornography.
c. The negative impact of social media is only pornography.
d. Pornography is the assumption of the social media users.

10. The best sentence to end paragraph 6 is …

a. It is important to show our real identity in using the internet.
b. It needs to be honest when we communicate on the internet.
c. The best way is not to heed or confirm any information you get from the information
d. It is good to be a nice person either in social media or real life.

Activity 1
Pay attention to your teacher’s explanation about the social function, the generic
structures, and the language features of Analytical Exposition Text as follows!


1. To persuade the reader or listener that there is something that, certainly needs to
get attention,
2. To analyze a topic and to persuade the reader that this opinion is correct and
supported by arguments.


Thesis - It introduces the topic (what the writer is talking about) and
(The topic which indicates the writer’s position: outlines of the arguments to be
is going to be presented.
discussed) - Therefore, this part should end with the expressions of
reasoning or proving.
- Like other types of text in general, a thesis contains the author's
views on a simple problem. This part is an introduction to the
topic or main idea that will be discussed. The thesis is always in
the first paragraph of Analytical Exposition Text.

Arguments - It lists several reasons, facts, examples or statistics to support

(writer’s ideas to the writer’s position.
support his/her - It consists about point and elaboration point, states the main
thesis) argument.
- It provides the evidence (arguments) to support the thesis
- Each paragraph identifies a particular point.
- The elaboration may be further description, analysis,
justification, giving examples, comparing, and contrasting, etc.
- This part contains of further explanations of the simple
description of the thesis. In this part, the author presents
arguments or opinions that support the author's main idea.
The more arguments that are displayed, the more the reader
will believe that the topic discussed is an important topic. It is
best if this section presents the opinions of experts.
Reiteration - It restates the writer’s position that has been stated in the
(Conclusion/the thesis or makes conclusion based on the arguments.
writer restates - It restates speaker or writer’s position.
his/her idea) - This part is the closing section which is always located at the
end of the paragraph which contains rewriting or
repositioning of the main ideas contained in the first
(1) Using Simple Present tense
To explain something happens in the present time
Pattern: S + V1 (s/es) + O/
S + am/is/are/ + N/adj/adv
Online games bring bad impacts to teenagers.
Learning English is very important for us.

(2) Using mental verbs

It is used to state what the writer or speaker thinks or feels about something:
Example: I believe…, I prefer…, I agree…, I realize…, I feel…, etc.

(3) Using a saying verb to support the author's opinion

Example: People say that…, It is said that …, Research indicates that …, etc.

(4) Using connecting words/internal conjunction to link arguments

Example: additionally, firstly, finally, etc.

(5) Using causal conjunctions to express the cause and effect of the problems reviewed
Example: because, accordingly, for that reason, etc.

(6) Using relational process

It is to show the relationship between and among leaders, workers, followers, and
Example: People are knowing and caring about people.

(7) Using contrastive conjunction to chain contrastive sentences

Example: but, nevertheless

(8) Requiring material processes to state what happens,

Example: has polluted, etc.
(9) Focusing on generic human and non-human participants

❖ Phrases for making conclusion

• One thing is clear, ...
• From the facts above, I personally believe ...
• From the reason listed above, I conclude that ...
• Therefore ...
• My conclusion is that ...
• It can be concluded that ...
• In summary
• Thus, ...
• In brief, ...
• In short, ...
• We can see that ...
• It is clear that ...
Activity 2
Identify the Text Structure of the text in Meeting 1 above!

Text title to identify: The Negative Impacts of Social Media for Children and Teenagers

(The topic which is
going to be discussed)
Arguments 1.
(writer’s ideas to
support his/her thesis)



(The writer restates
his/her idea)

Activity 3
Identify the Language Features of the text above!

(1) Simple Present Tense:

S + V1 (s/es) + O/C
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

S + am/is/are/ + N/adj/adv
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

(2) Mental verbs:

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________ _______________

(3) Saying verb:

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
(4) Connecting words/internal conjunction to link arguments:
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
(5) Causal conjunctions:
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

(6) Relational process:

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

(7) Contrastive conjunction:

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

(8) Material processes:

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

(9) Focusing on generic human and non-human participants:


Activity 1
Now identify the main ideas and details in each paragraph of the text in Meeting 1.

Paragraph Main Idea Details



Activity 1
Read the following text!

The Negative Effects of Too Much Playing Online Games

Online game is a game that is either partially or primarily played through the Internet or
any other computer network available. Online games are ubiquitous on modern gaming
platforms, including PCs and mobile devices. They span many genres, including first-person
shooters, strategy games and massively multiplayer online role-playing games. There are
many negative effects of too much playing the online game s. In this modern era with the
highly sophisticated technologies, people, especially children, extremely like playing the
online games. They can play the game through I-pad, computer, smartphone, and many other
technologies by connecting the game to the internet.
Too much playing online games has negative impacts for the player. The World Health
Organization (WHO) claims that addicted to the game as mental disorder. Based on the 11th
International Classified Disease (ICD) document issued by WHO, this disorder is called Gaming
Disorder. People with gaming disorder will be addicted to play online game and never stop
until they get what they want. Gaming Disorder will made someone put aside their life
necessities. South Korea establishes that if underage children play games at 12 a.m. until 6
a.m., it means that they do an illegal activity. This action is an effort to combat the case of
game addiction. The same with Korea, Japan has started to combat this case by issuing a
warning to players who played online game more than limit.
Long hours playing online games can negatively affect your child's performance in school
if he is preoccupied with video games. He can fail to work at his optimum level because he's
exhausted from a late night of online game playing. If your child devotes more than one or
two hours a day to television or online games, he may have trouble falling asleep, problems
paying attention and lower test scores than other children who do not spend as much time in
front of a television or online game.
Often playing online games will make your eyesight gradually decreased and blurred. It
will get worse for a long time. Therefore, you must avoid direct contact with the dangers of
playing game in order to maintain the condition of your eyes.
There is evidence that too much playing online games also can make someone meet
their death because he neglects his life necessity. When someone enjoys doing something
they may forget to take a rest, sleep, drink, and eat. In 2005, a South Korean man died after
playing an online game Starcraft for 50 hours with only few breaks. The 28 years old collapsed
in an internet cafe after not sleeping and eating properly during the session. Police said that
the man would only pause to go the bathroom. A similar death occurred again in China when
a man spent 3 days straight at an internet cafe without proper sleep and food. Also in 2005, a
Chinese man killed a fellow gamer by stabbing him in the chest because he sold a virtual sword
that man had won in the popular game of Legend of Mir 3. Then in 2005, A Chinese couple left
their 4 months old infant at home alone for 5 hours, while they went to an internet cafe to
play World of Warcraft. When the couple returned the infant was found dead due to
Too much playing online games has many negative impacts to our life. Besides decrease
our mood to study, it is very dangerous to our eyes vision and our health. We should stop too
much playing online games because online games start to make people neglect their life
Activity 2
Choose the best answer based on the text above!

1. They span many genres, including first-person shooters, … (Par. 1, line 3). The bold typed
word has the closest meaning with …
a. avoid
b. reach
c. neglect
d. ignore

2. Long hours playing online games can negatively affect your child's performance in school
if he is preoccupied with video games. (Par. 3, line 2). The underlined word has the
opposite meaning with …
a. busy
b. engrossed
c. avid
d. indifferent

3. Another impact of too much playing online games is the vision reduction. Often playing
online games will make your eyesight gradually decreased and blurred. It will get worse
for a long time. (Par. 4, line 2). The italicized word refers to …
a. game
b. impact
c. eyesight
d. reduction

4. How does the writer suggest on playing online games?

a. People must stop playing any kinds of online game.
b. People should stop too much playing online games.
c. People should fulfil their life necessities.
d. People must get what they want in online games.

5. Why does the government of several countries issue the rules on playing online games?
a. Because they want to fight the bad influence of online games.
b. Because they want to order the time of online games.
c. Because they want to legalize online games for children.
d. Because they want to limit the number of online games players.

6. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To tell an experience in playing online games.
b. To show how to play online games.
c. To entertain the readers with online games.
d. To convince the readers about the negative impact of online games.

7. The following statement is NOT TRUE based on the text:

a. Online games can be played in various devices.
b. Online games bring addiction to the players.
c. Japan warns children to play online games in a specific time.
d. Too much playing online games may cause health problems.
8. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
a. People should limit their time in playing online games.
b. Online games players always suffer the Gaming Disorder.
c. Gaming Disorder may happen to everyone.
d. The addiction of playing games cannot be avoided.

9. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

a. The overview of online games.
b. The effect of playing online games for students.
c. The negative impacts of too much playing online games.
d. Too much playing online games may endanger your life.

10. The best sentence to start paragraph 4 is …

a. People forget their time when playing online games.
b. Another impact of too much playing online games is the vision reduction.
c. Online games players must wear glasses.
d. Online games players should check their health regularly.

Activity 3
Now identify the main ideas and details in each paragraph of the text above!

Paragraph Main Idea Details


I. Read the following text meaningfully!

The Importance of English

I personally think that English is the world’s most important language. Why do I say
Firstly, English is an international language. It is spoken by many people all around the
world, either as a first or second language.
Secondly, English is also the key which opens doors to scientific and technical
knowledge, which is needed for the economic and political development of many countries in
the world.
Thirdly, English is a top requirement of those seeking jobs. Applicant who masters
either active or passive English are more favorable than those who do not.
From the facts above, it is obvious that everybody needs to learn English to greet the
global era.

II. Answer the following questions based on the text above!

1. What is the writer discussing in the text?


2. How does the writer convince the readers to agree with his idea?

3. What does the writer mean by saying “English is an international language”?


4. Why does the writer say that everybody needs to learn English?

III. Identify the Text Structure of the text above!

Text title to identify: The Importance of English

(The topic which is
going to be discussed)
Arguments 1.
(writer’s ideas to
support his/her thesis)

(The writer restates
his/her idea)
IV. Identify the Language Features of the text above!

(1) Simple Present Tense:

S + V1 (s/es) + O/C
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

S + am/is/are/ + N/adj/adv
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

(2) Mental verbs:

1. __________________________________________________ _______________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

(3) Saying verb:

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

(4) Connecting words/internal conjunction to link arguments:

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
(5) Causal conjunctions:
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

(6) Relational process:

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

(7) Contrastive conjunction:

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

(8) Material processes:

1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________

(9) Focusing on generic human and non-human participants:

I. Read the following text meaningfully!

The Importance of Library

Library is important for us. Library is a building in which collections of books,

newspapers, etc. and sometimes films and recorded music are kept for people to read, study
or borrow. In modern era, a library has few visitors because they thought that it is easier to
find information from the internet.

There are several reasons why the library is very important for our lives. Firstly, most
of humanity’s collective knowledge is stored in libraries. Secondly, libraries protect both
ancient and modern books. We can find the books we are looking for easily because the
librarians usually arrange books according to the type of book. Thirdly, the library is one of
historical storages, especially the library of schools and universities that stores students’ files
or archives.

Furthermore, a library makes the reading materials available to everyone. It also

provides us librarians to help us find what we need. In addition, there are many more benefits
of the library.

Finally, a library is the link to the past and the gift to the future.

From the facts above, it can be concluded that a library is important for us, especially
in developing the intelligence of a nation because knowledge can be obtained by reading.

II. Answer the following questions based on the text above!

1. What is the writer discussing in the text?


2. How does the writer convince the readers to agree with his idea?

3. What does the writer mean by saying “the library is one of historical storages”?
4. Why does the writer say that the library is important for us?

III. Make an inference of the text above in one paragraph of five sentences with your own


✓ Analytical: using a logical method of thinking about something in order to understand it,
especially by looking at all the parts separately
✓ Exposition: a full explanation of a theory, plan, etc.
✓ Title: the name of a book, poem, painting, piece of music, etc.
✓ Thesis: a statement or an opinion that is discussed in a logical way and presented with evidence
in order to prove that it is true
✓ Argument: a conversation or discussion in which two or more people disagree, often angrily
✓ Reiteration: the act of repeating something that you have already said, especially to emphasize
✓ Online: the act of repeating something that you have already said, especially to emphasize it
✓ Game: an activity that you do to have fun, often one that has rules and that you can win or lose;
the equipment for a game
✓ Library: a building in which collections of books, newspapers, etc. and sometimes films and
➢ Book:
✓ Astuti, Eka Mulya, 2014. Practise Your English Competence untuk SMK/MAK Kelas X.
Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga
✓ Djuhari, Otong Setiawan,2010.1700 Bank Soal Bimbingan Pemantapan Bahasa
Inggris. Bandung: Yrama Widya
✓ Indriastuti, Anik Muslikah. 2021. SPLASH (Smart Path to Learning English) SMK/MAK
Grade X (Kurikulum Merdeka). Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga
✓ Swan, Michael, 2001. The Good Grammar Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press
✓ Pramesti, Maria Regina Dyah, 2008. English for SMK 1. Jakarta: Pusat
Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
✓ Swan, Michael, 2001. The Good Grammar Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press

➢ Sites:
6. Assesmen
IV. Read the following text meaningfully!

The Importance of English

I personally think that English is the world’s most important language. Why do I say
Firstly, English is an international language. It is spoken by many people all around the
world, either as a first or second language.
Secondly, English is also the key which opens doors to scientific and technical
knowledge, which is needed for the economic and political development of many countries in
the world.
Thirdly, English is a top requirement of those seeking jobs. Applicant who masters
either active or passive English are more favorable than those who do not.
From the facts above, it is obvious that everybody needs to learn English to greet the
global era.

V. Answer the following questions based on the text above!

1. What is the writer discussing in the text?


2. How does the writer convince the readers to agree with his idea?

3. What does the writer mean by saying “English is an international language”?


4. Why does the writer say that everybody needs to learn English?

VI. Identify the Text Structure of the text above!

Text title to identify: The Importance of English

(The topic which is
going to be discussed)
Arguments 1.
(writer’s ideas to
support his/her thesis)

(The writer restates
his/her idea)
IV. Identify the Language Features of the text above!

(1) Simple Present Tense:

S + V1 (s/es) + O/C
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

S + am/is/are/ + N/adj/adv
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

(2) Mental verbs:

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

(3) Saying verb:

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

(4) Connecting words/internal conjunction to link arguments:

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
(5) Causal conjunctions:
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

(6) Relational process:

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

(7) Contrastive conjunction:

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
(8) Material processes:
1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________

(9) Focusing on generic human and non-human participants:

7. Pengayaan Dan Remidial


I. Read the following text meaningfully!

The Importance of Library

Library is important for us. Library is a building in which collections of books,

newspapers, etc. and sometimes films and recorded music are kept for people to read, study
or borrow. In modern era, a library has few visitors because they thought that it is easier to
find information from the internet.

There are several reasons why the library is very important for our lives. Firstly, most
of humanity’s collective knowledge is stored in libraries. Secondly, libraries protect both
ancient and modern books. We can find the books we are looking for easily because the
librarians usually arrange books according to the type of book. Thirdly, the library is one of
historical storages, especially the library of schools and universities that stores students’ files
or archives.

Furthermore, a library makes the reading materials available to everyone. It also

provides us librarians to help us find what we need. In addition, there are many more benefits
of the library.

Finally, a library is the link to the past and the gift to the future.

From the facts above, it can be concluded that a library is important for us, especially
in developing the intelligence of a nation because knowledge can be obtained by reading.

II. Answer the following questions based on the text above!

1. What is the writer discussing in the text?


2. How does the writer convince the readers to agree with his idea?
3. What does the writer mean by saying “the library is one of historical storages”?

4. Why does the writer say that the library is important for us?

III. Make an inference of the text above in one paragraph of five sentences with your own



Make an inference of the following text not more than 2 paragraphs!

The Negative Impacts of Social Media for Children and Teenagers

Social media is an online media in which the users can easily participate, share, and
create the content of blog, social networking, and the virtual world. Blog and social networking
are the form of social media that mostly used by the community around the world.

There are many negative impacts of social media for children and teenagers. First,
children and teenagers become lazy to communicate in real world. Their understanding of the
language is disturbed. If a child is too much communicating in the virtual world, then their
knowledge about the details of communicating in real life, like body language and tone of
voice, will be declined.

Second, social networking sites will make children and teenagers more self -interested.
They are not conscious of the environment around them, because most of their time is spent
on the internet. This can cause children to be less empathetic in the re al world.
Third, for children and teenagers, there is no rules of spelling and grammar in social
networking. This will make them more difficult to distinguish between communicating on
social networking sites and the real world. This clearly would affect their writing and speaking
skills at school.

Fourth, the assumption that internet is identical with pornography is not wrong. With
its ability of information dissemination owned by the internet, pornography is rampant. To
anticipate it, the producers of browser complete their program with the ability to choose a
home page that can be accessed. On the internet, there are many images of pornography and
violence that can be the impulse to someone to do criminal acts.

Fifth, social networking site is fertile land for the predators to commit a crime. We will
never know if someone new whom our children just know on the internet, uses the real
identity or not. Fraud is rampant in every field. The internet is not excluded from an impostor’s

Last, credit card is the most used way in the internet world of the internet. The cyber
criminals often commit in this field. By the open system, the criminals are able to detect the
online transaction (using a credit card) and record the code of cards that are used. Then, they
use the data they get for their business of wickedness.

In conclusion, social media has many negative impacts to children and teenagers. They
have to be restricted in using social media due to many negative impacts of it. That is not good
yet for them since they cannot decide which one is good or bad.
8. Refleksi Peserta Didik Dan Guru

❖ Student’s Reflection

❖ Teacher’s Reflection

B. Bahan Bacaan Guru Dan Peserta Didik

✓ Astuti, Eka Mulya, 2014. Practise Your English Competence untuk SMK/MAK Kelas X.
Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga
✓ Djuhari, Otong Setiawan,2010.1700 Bank Soal Bimbingan Pemantapan Bahasa Inggris.
Bandung: Yrama Widya
✓ Pramesti, Maria Regina Dyah, 2008. English for SMK 1. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan,
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
✓ Swan, Michael, 2001. The Good Grammar Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press


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