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Desi Tamala (1203311133)
Falda Fachriza Virginia Harahap (1203311138)
Rachel Ria Felisiana Sidebang (1203311110)
Tri Kurniasih Pasaribu (1203311108)
Topic of Discussion

01 02
Pengertian Contoh
rencana rencana
pembelajaran pembelajaran
Pengertian Perencana
“perencanaan pembelajaran adalah proses pengambilan
keputusan hasil berpikir secara rasional tentang sasaran dan
tujuan pembelajaran tertentu, yakni perubahan perilaku serta
rangkaian kegiatan yang harus dilaksanakan sebagai upaya
pencapaian tujuan tersebut dengan memanfaatkan segala
potensi dan sumber belajar yang ada.”

—Wina Sanjaya
Dapat disimpulkan bahwa perencanaan dalam
pembelajaran adalah proses awal dalam harus
dilakukan oleh pendidik agar suatu pembelajaran
itu dapat terlaksana dengan teratur dan
tertata. Oleh karena itu pendidik harus mampu
menyesuaikan cara pembelajaran dengan materi
yang akan disampaikan
Tujuan perencanaan pembelajaran adalah menguasai sepenuhnya bahan dan materi ajar, metode
dan penggunaan alat dan perlengkapan pembelajaran, menyampaikan kurikulum atas dasar
bahasan dan mengelola alokasi waktu yang tersedia dan membelajarkan siswa sesuai yang

Perencanaan pembelajaran berfungsi sebagai berikut:

~Memberi guru pemahaman yang lebih jelas tentang tujuan pendidikan sekolah dan hubungannya
dengan pembelajaran yang dilakssiswaan untuk mencapai tujuan itu.
~Membantu guru memperjelas pemikiran tentang sumbangan pembelajarannya terhadap
pencapaian tujuan pendidikan.
~Menambah keyakinan guru atas nilai-nilai pembelajaran yang diberikan dan prosedur yang
~Membantu guru dalam rangka mengenal kebutuhan-kebutuhan siswa, minat-- minat siswa, dan
mendorong motivasi belajar.
~Mengurangi kegiatan yang bersifat trial dan error dalam mengajar dengan adanya organisasi
yang baik dan metoda yang tepat.
~Membantu guru memelihara kegairahan mengajar dan senantiasa memberikan bahan-bahan
yang up to date kepada siswa.
Contoh Rencana
Subject : English
• The teacher gives LKPD to students. (Attached)
Class : 5
• Students are guided by the teacher to carry out discussions in
Date : 16 Feb 2023
working on worksheets.
Time : 12.10 p.m. – 13.50 p.m.
• Students are given questions based on the video in mentioning
Theme/Topic : Parts Of The Body
the body parts that are in the head, body and legs.
• Learners are trained to show and name parts of the body, for
Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able
example the teacher says "hair" the student points to hair, the
teacher points to the part of the nose then the student answers
1. to introduce and practice vocabulary related to the human body.
in English "nose".
2. to practise speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
• Students in groups work on worksheets that have been
distributed regarding parts of the body. (Worksheet attached).
Moral Values : Appreciate our own parts of body
• Students and teachers discuss the information found.
Educational Emphases : Multiple Intelligence – Verbal Intelligence,
• Learners confirm the results of their work.
Musical Intelligence, Kinesthetic Intelligence
• Students present the results of group work in front of the class.
• Students and the teacher play simple games related to body
Previous Knowledge : Pupils have learned about the names of the
body parts.
• Students and teachers evaluate the results of class discussions.
• The teacher gives appreciation to the group with the best
Teaching and Learning Activities :
performance and cooperation.
• The teacher gives questions to students as an evaluation of the
• Students provide a video singing "heads, shoulders, knees and
material that has been studied.
feet" to start the activity.
• The teacher together with the students concludes about the
material they are studying.
• Students together with the teacher identify the video to relate it to
• Students reflect on their difficulties when
the material to be studied.
• do worksheets.
• Students are asked to watch the video again regarding body parts
• The teacher and the students closed the lesson by praying and
and follow the simple instructions contained in the video.
saying closing greetings.
• The teacher divides students into 3 study groups.

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